King's College London (KQC) newsletter
MI ISTER OF STATE TO LAUNCH INSTITUTE AT K I G'S On Monday 27 January the new Age Concern In titute of Gerontology at King' will be formally launched by the visit of Bamey Heyhoe, MY., Minister of State for Health, to peak on government policy for older people.
chara terised by the attered. if enthu laStlc and skilful effort of mdividual in many department, medical school and univer iti .
There is therefore a trong argument for a new initiative m the education of tudent which 1 multi-fa 'ulty ba ed and re pond to the m ights of related profe ions and di cipline King', with its School of Medicine and Dentistry. and department in lile cience, law, nutritlOn, education and geography ofters huge potential tor multi-disciplinary work. Age Concern with social research and evaluation, service practice. training, publishing and advocacy contributes complementary experti e. Area of current research whlch the Instltute hopes to develop in lude the biology of agemg the evaluation of innovatlve care heme, ethical and legal 1 sues concerning the elderly and medical care, demographic and housing tudies, social survey research and nursing care among the elderly.
Dr Camera" Swift speaking at the Introductory Briefing. On Monday 27 January the new Age Concern In titute of Gerontology at King's will be formally launched by the visit of Barney Heyhoe. M.P., Minister of State for Health, to speak on government policy for older people. The collaboration between the College and Age Concern England to e tablish an Institute of Gerontology has been welcomed as an opportunity to build a research and teaching centre of national and international significance. At an rntroductory Briefing held on 16 January at 552 King's Road, where the Institute will be based, the Principal (Professor Sutherland), David Hobman, Director of ge Concern, Jonathan Barker, Head of the Age Concern Research nit, Dr Tony Warnes of the Dept of Geography at King sand Dr Cameron Swift, the new Professor elect of Health Care for the Elderly at the School of Medicine and Dentistry, spoke of the great excitement
felt at the range of activities that will flow from this initiative and of the plans for the future. The Institute aims to foster the understanding of ageing and old age and develop the means of improving the welt being of older people. This will be achieved by the development of research, teaching (particularly award bearing cour es) public lecture and eminars and links with statutory. voluntary and private sector ser vice planners and providers. This century has seen a rapid growth in the elderly population and considera ble changes in its aspirations, demands and needs. However, the level of development of research and teaching concerning the processes of ageing and the situation of the elderly, while excellent in specific areas, such as the biological sciences, has been poorly co-ordinated in Britain. Gerontology in higher education has been
If anyone would like to learn more about the Institute and its plans, please contact Dr Tony Warnes or Mr Jonathan Barker at The Age Concern Institute of Gerontology, Chelsea Campus, 552 King's Road (teI. ext. C3620/3626).
The lecture being given by the Minister of State for Health on 27 January to launch the Institute is part of a series of Public Lectures being held at the College to mark the inauguration of the Institute. Full details of the lectures, which are entitled 'Gerontology: Per pectives Practice and Politics' are given in the Public Lectures section of this newsletter.
See page 3 for news of special appeal
EW DMl ISTRATlVE STRUCT RE A 0 CED The Secretary ha announced certain organisational change in his plan for the ollege Administration. The stru ture is a follow.
ORGA ISATIO The College Administration i to be organi ed into six divisions or departments as follows: Academic Administration: head Mr B Salter, Academic Registrar states Administration: head Mr K Price, Estates Officer Finance Administration: head Mr DO Ball, Finance Officer
effective demonstration of the relevance and usefulnes of the technique. In con equence. Mr Harden, Assistant Secretary (Chel ea ampu) ha accepted an invitation to lead imilar studies within the College. The Standing Committee of the Academic Board and the Finance. Staffing and General Purpo es Committee will shortly be invited to propo e activitie for pilot study. Exploitation of Re earch, Patenting, Copyright and quasi-commercial ventures The College is intending shortly to recruit an officer who will be responsible for promoting the exploitation of the research potential of the College. Meantime, activities of this kind may, for convenience, be divided into three areas namely (i) Conventional Research Grants and
Contracts. These will continue to be administered by the Finance Office and General Administration: head Mr G T Hughes, Senior Assistant Secretary enquiries should be made to that office. Personnel Administration: head Miss M 0 Young, Personnel Officer School of Medicine and Dentistry: head Mr H Musselwhlte, Secretary of School. Of these, all but the General Administration, are already well established and require no further explanation. The latter will embrace the following activities: Campus Vacation Bureau, Catering, Communications, Post, Printing, Residences, Safety Administration, Sports Facilities, Stationery and Transport including the corresponding services which are local to tho Chelsea and Kensington Campuses and which are under the immediate control of the Site Assistant Secretaries. In addition, the Central Secretariat, which supports the office of the College Secretary, is to be strengthened to provide personal a istance to the Principal, to meet the corporate planning needs of the College, and to a sist specifi ally with detailed space planning, as well as continuing to deal with legal affairs and the servicing of the Council and certain College committees.
(ii) Patents and Copyright. Mrs Judy Staight, Assistant Secretary (Kensington Campus) will be available to assist members of staff by providing advice and guidance on patenting and copyrights and as necessary for procuring the Finance Officer's prior authority in circumstances which will lead or are likely to lead to the College being req uired to enter into a contractual commitment.
Subsequent contracts will be administered, as at present, by the Finance Officer. (ill) Speculative quasi-commercial ventures of an unconventional nature. Mr Harden, Assistant Secretary (Chelsea Campus) will be available to assist members of staff by providing advice and guidance in developing proposals of an unconventional commercial or quasi-commercial nature and for procuring the Finance Officer's prior authority in circumstances which may lead to the College being required to enter into a contractual commitment.
Subsequent contracts will be administered, as at present, by the Finance Office. Clearly these arrangements will be subject to change in the light of the appointment referred to above.
PERSONNEL A number of personnel changes follow from the above, principal among them being:
Mr S P Harrow - presently Assistant Personnel Officer, will become an Assistant Secretary within the Central Secretariat with specific respon ibilities for Corporate Planning. In addition, he will undertake related a ignment for the Principal and the Secretary, as required. Mr Harrow will begin to assume the e re pon ibilities forthwith but he will remain within the Personnel Department retaining responsibility for academic staffing matters until such time as appropriate alternative arrangement can be made. Dr C Sinnott -presently engaged in a conulting capacity, will join the Secretariat as Project Consultant (space development) with immediate effect. Mr P Gilbert - presently Assistant Secretary (Co-ordination) will remain in the Secretariat and will take responsibility for legal and general affairs. In addition to ervicing the Council and certain other College committees he will undertake specific assignments for the Principal and Secretary, as required; first among these is the setting up and maintenance of an Alumni Office. He will continue to deal with matters relating to the Data Protection Act 1985. Mrs D Swinton - will continue as Secretary to the College Secretary and Vice-Principal Mrs C Peaks - will continue to serve Mr Tempany in his capacity as Vice-Principal (External Affairs) and the As i tant Secretary (General), Mr Gilbert. Mrs Swinton and Mrs Peaks will be a sisted by a junior secretary yet to be appointed. Further changes in the Secretarial staffing will be necessary as the organisational changes described above take effect.
COMMITTEE SERVICING By Statute, the Secretary of the College i Secretary of the Council and of the Academic Board. He will remain as Secretary of the Standing Committee and of the principal committees of the Council. Executive responsibility for the day-to-day affairs of those committees will, however, be allocated to appropriate Committee Officers as indicated below. Agendas and agenda papers will be prepared by the appropriate committee officer and settled by the Secretary of the College. Activities stemming from decisions of these bodies will be executed similarly.
Efficiency Services The Jana tt Report urges universities to apply scrutiny techniques as a means of evaluating the efficiency of its activities. The study undertaken in the four universities selected for scrutiny by the Jarratt Committee have been widely accepted by the host institution a an
Mr G T Hughes - presently Assistant Secretary (Chelsea Campus) will become Senior Assistant Secretary based at the Strand, as from 3.2.86. Mr J A H Harden - presently Deputy Finance Officer will become As istant Secretary (Chelsea Campus), a from 3.2.86.
COMMITTEE OFFICERS Council - Mr P Gilbert Academic Board - Mr B Salter Standing ommittee - Mr B Salter Planning & Resources Committee - Mr S P Harrow Amenities Committee - Mr G T Hughes
Buildings Committee - ~1r P Gilbert Finan e. St ffing and G neral Purpo e Committee - ~1r D 0 Ball
pre or by the Se retar of the S hool, .h H ~1u elwhlte.
M 0 Young
Secretary (CHELSEA)
G T Hughes
DO Ball
B E Salter
T----'I----,jI Asslstanl Secretary
K Price
H Musselwhite
Catering Officer
General Services
Asslltant Secretary
Assistant secretary
P Hoffman
P Gilbert
S Harrow
J A H Harden
FREDERlCK 11 other ommittee and ub-eommittee will be adminlStered b}' he de ignated Committee Se retary,
The Delegacy of the S~hool ot ~1edi ine and Denu tr) and ommirtee thereol will continue to be adm10i tered a at
Project Consultant (Space Development)
Of -Qlmpu. Hall.
Campus Vacation Bureau TYPIng Pool
Mn 0 SWlnton
Secretary to AUlstaot Secretary IGeneral) and Vice路Principal (External Affairs}
Mrs C Peaks
Dr F Chapman died on De ember 20. 19 -. aged 79 year. Ex epting only a period during the \\ ar \\ hen he wa e onded to the ~in' try of Supply. Fred Chapman hada onrinuou pre en e m King' College until the time of his retirement a a Reader lIt Ph~' I sin 19 2. He obtained hi B.Sc. degree in 1929 and afterwards v.a invited by Profe or later SII) d ard ppleton to jOin ill RadIO Re~earch Group. In this group Fred obtained an 1.S . in 1931 and a Ph.D. in 1935. Fred'sPh.D. The i wa on the ubJect of 'rapid vanations of the Earth' electri field'. The e varia tions are now known to be generated by lightning fla he . He developed this and related research interest in the post war period and hi work, together with that of hi re earch students, \ a well known internationally.
C Smnou
Stationery Printing
Secretary to College secretary and Vice路Principal
t Kmg' College, Fred wa respon ible for the teaching of elecrromagneti m and also played a maJor part in the development of the undergraduate tea\;hing laboratories. To undergraduate and po tgraduates alike he wa a father figure who could be rehed upon for advice on both academic and non-a ademic problem. He will be remembered with affection by alltho e with whom he interacted. David LI. Jones, Physics Department
One thing which I learned from working at Chelsea College was the ense of community which prevailed among the staff. It surfaced in a very practical way when it was needed. I have every reason to su pect that in the merged College we will act together to how Mark that he is not forgotten. He will need many things to enable rum to cope with ill new life. We can help to provide part of hi need. By an wering thi appeal for financial donation, King's taff can demonstrate the x tent of it generosity a well a it willingness to act to help a colleague.
Mark Bailey is a member of the Pharmacy Department technical taff. He joined the Department, then part of Chelsea College, in ovember 1980. As a committed professional technician and a Graduate of the Royal Society of Chemistry he had high expectations in his chosen career. However, all of that ended when it was chillingly confirmed that he had multiple clero is. He has struggled for over two years to carry on working but, a is often the case with thi condition, the st ady 10 of use of muscular control has meant that he mu t finally leave the College. He has already moved to Di s in orfolk to be near hi immediate family. 1 will not have to pell out what it means for anyone to lose the means of earning one's liVing, to have the cloud of the progre ive 10 s of health over hadowing one' future and to be r moved from the comradeship of work place colleague. Mark has to face up to all of this at 2 years of age. When J ai David and I visited him in hospital recently we found Mark in bright form, although the reality of hi predicament was never out of our thought. We were a ble to a sure him that just because he was out of sight from member of our College he wa certainly not out of mind. I believe Mark found thi comforting.
I have already received trong support from the College ad mini tration which i dOing everything it can to ease Mark' burden. A special appeal IS being conducted in ASTMS. the technician' union. The Pharmacology Department has raised money from a social event. So, I gue that the Mark Bailey appeal is on it way. Plea e help to raise the quality of Mark' ever-more fragile life. Send donation to me, addre ed to Ken Bromfield, Mark Bailey Appeal. Cheques should be made payable to King's ollege London (KQ )I have made arrangements to open an account here until the end of February.
Mark Bailey, pictured at the College in 1981
Thank you. Ken Bromfield Biochemistry Department
MYLES TEMPA Y RETIRES AS SECRETARY Servi e of Thanksgiving and a Reception in the Great Hall on Tuesday Decem ber 17 19 5. officially marked the retirement of Myle Tempanya College Secretary. Many member of the College. pa t and pre ent. gathered for the occa lOn. The Principal paid tribute to the unique contribution Myles Tempany has made to the development of King' College, particularly in the challenging climate that ha prevailed ince he has held the po t of Secretary, endorsing a widely-held belief that, with hi departure a Secretary, the College would imply never be the ame again. He presented him with a silver model of "Reggie" (promised, but not yet actually delivered, as Garrards the jewellers had temporarily mislaid the pattern!), a fine briefcase and a cheque. Also displayed was an elegant scroll of tribute that had previou ly been pre ented by Council. Although leaving the po t of Secretary, Myle Tempany will continue to work for and promote King's in his new capacity as Vll:e-Principal (Ex ternal Affairs), and the College will have the benefit of his wisdom and experience for some time to come.
The presentation table featuring in the centre the scroll containing the Council tribute. The scroll was specially prepared and drawn up by Alistair Pettigrew, the Deputy Academic Registrar
Myles Tempany has asked COMME T to express his gratitude and appreciation to the College for all their upport and friendship, present throughout his 37 years of ervice to King's and displayed so admirably on Decem ber 17. This we gladly do and offer all good wi hes for the future to him and to his family.
Myles Tempany with his family at the formal Reception on December 17
TO JUAN AT THE WINTER SOLSTICE There is one story and one story only That will prove worth your telling, Whether as learned bard or gifted child; To it all lines or lesser gauds belong That startle with their shining Such common stories as they stray into. I it of trees you tell, their months and virtue, Of Strange beasts that beset you, Of birds that croak at you the Triple will? Or of the Zodiac and how slow it turns Below the Boreal Crown, Prison of all true kings that ever reigned? Water to water, ark again to &.rk, From woman back to woman: So each new victim treads unfalteringly The never altered circuit of his fate, Bringing twelve peers as witnes es Both to his starry rise an d starry fall. Or i it of the Virgin's silver beauty, All fish below the thighs? She in her left hand bears a leafy quince; When with her right she crooks a finger
How may the King hold back? Royally then he barters life for love. Or of the undying snake from chaos hatched, Whose coils contain the ocean, Into whose chop ~ with naked sword he springs, Then in black water, tangled by the reeds, Battles three days and nights, To be spewed up beside her scalloped shore? Much snow is falling, winds roar hollowly, The owl hoots from the elder, Fear in your heart cries to the loving-cup: Sorrow to sorrow as the sparks fly upward. The log groans and confes es There is one story and one story only. Dwell on her graciousnes , dwell on her smiling, Do not forgetwl:vat flowers The great boar trampled down in ivy time. Her brow was creamy as the long ninth wave, Her sea-blue eyes were wild But nothing promised that is not performed. Robert Graves
December 22 1944
The poe~ Robert Graves, who died last month, wrote this poem for his newborn son and it was privately printed and circulated by him. There is an extensive correspondence between Robert Graves and Sir Basil Liddell Hart in the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, probabl the largest collection of Graves' letter readily available for research.
KING'S COLLEGE A D MICROWAVE E GINEERI G A Two-Day International Workshop on Gyrotrons and Their Operation On 25-26 ovember King's played host for two days to a distinguished gathering of international experts in the field of microwave engineering. The attendance was by invitation only, the participants being drawn from USA, UK, France, Belgium, West Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and Israel. The Workshop was generously supported by the US Office of aval Research London Branch. The guests were welcomed by Prof. C W Turner on behalf of the College and by Dr Paul Roman on behalf of the 0 R; the proceedings were chaired by Prof. P A Lindsay.
ESRC REPE LS BL CKLIST S CTIO S G ST KG'S Following an appeal by King' again tit in lu ion in the re enrly publi hed E onomi and So ial Re earch Coun il 'bla klisr', the ESRC has agreed that 'the ca e made by King's College London for the lifting of penaltie ha been a epted.' The ESRC de ision, whi h named King' as one of the ill titutlOns debarred Irom receiving ESRC rudentships in 1986 and 1987, was refuted by the College on two fundamental points. Dis repan ie in the Council' data were identified which would raise the College above the penalty liB1it. In addition, the ESRC did not take into consideration the recent merger with Chelsea College. n amalgamation of the individual statisti raised further the position of the College. The ESRC has recently further announced that it ha set up an enquiry into the factor affecting periods of submission and completion rates for PhD in the ocial s iences. The enquiry is led by a member of Council, Dr Graham Wmfield, and will be reported to Council in July. In pursuit of thi enquiry, view are invited by 14 February 1986. In particular, comments would be welcome on the nature of PhD in the social Clences, the role of the academic institutions, supervi ion, the problem of students and the role of ESRC in thi matter. Comments should be ent in writing to Dr Paul Winters, ESRC, 160 Great Portland Street, London W I 6BA by 14 February.
hoped the olle tion can be expanded on a large ale and developed illto an international entre for the tudy of an ient s ulpture. To thi end, an appeal ha begun. whi h. it i hoped, will rai e u fi ient tund to pro\'lde a full-time uratorial ·taff and enable the olle tion to expand.
The Appeal wa laun hed on 1':- January 'With an exhibition at Sotheb} 's of Cia sical Antiquities from private collections in Great Bntain. The exhibition ha been organised, in a oClation with Sotheby's by Dr Waywell and Or Picon of the Cia ic Department at King's and offers a rare chance to see many items not usually on public display, including work from Eton, Harrow, Broadland, Chatsworth and Holkam Hall. The exhibition runs until 31 January at Sotheby's, 34-35 ew Bond Street, London WlA 2AA and is open Mondays to Saturday 9.00am - 5.30pm and Sundays 2.30pm - 5.30pm. An illustrated catalogue of the exhibition by Dr Carlos Picon is available on request either from the Cia sic Dept (ext S2343) or from Felicity icholson, Antiquitie Dept, Sotheby's (tel. 493 0 0).
THE ASHMOLE ARCHIVE APPEAL The A 'hmole Archive is a unique collection of over 10,000 photographs and a large quantity of rare negatives of Greek and Roman sculptures. The collection, which is now held by the Classic Dept at King' ,wa acquired by Professor Bernard Ashmole, formerly Director of the British School at Rome, Yates Profe sor of Cia sical Archaeology at London niver ity, Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum, Lincoln Professor of Cia sical Art and Archaeology at Oxford niver ity and Consultant to the late J. Paul Getty on Classical Sculpture.
Despite havillg tudent theatre produ 'tion at King' for over 150 year, the Co tume wardrobe is ver} limited. o. il you have any old lot he 'Whi h you are about to get rid of, why not let Theatre Work hop ta them off your hand '. . 'othing is too bizarre or lOO mundane. e will be gratelu! for any thing but do parti ularly need uniform , hat, uit or an} evening or 'period' wear. Contact Andrew Wood via the Strand ite Union Office, or at home on 622 6737 to arrange for collection.
DIELECTRICS RESEARCH I THE PHYSICS DEPARTME T Dielectrics research is concerned with dedu ing information about matter by examing its electr ical properties u ing micrCM'aves, radio waves or ultra-low frequency wave, Previously at King's, there have been too research groups work ing in this area, one at Kensington headed by Profe sor E H Grant particularly concerned with biological matenal and one at Chel ea led by Professor A K J onscher and Profes or R M Hill, studying semi-conductors and insulator. Later thi year, when the Chelsea group moves to the Strand, the two groups will unite to form one of the strongest research teams in the country working in this subject area. The team will consist of twenty working personnel including, in addition to the above Professorial staff, two Visiting Professors. They arc Prot'. J B Bateman, an ex-student of King's, who has had a distinguished research career at Cambridge, Harvard and the American Office of aval Research, and Profe or Wil on Reddish, who ha recently retired after a long and eminent career with ICI. Research grants obtained recently include nited State Air Force to investigate the interaction of radio waves and microwaves with Deoxyribonucleic Acid (D A). 17,000 from the S Army for the study of the dielectric propertie of em i-insulating Gallium Arsenide, and £3,500 from ICl for the study of pharmaceutical materials.
~ ]33.3 75 trom the The Pantheon at lnce Blundell Hall, Lancashire - om of the photographs in the Ashmole Archive
The collection contains not only photographs of most of the ancient sculptures The Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies in the museums of Europe and orth has recently announced the publication of America, but al 0 many of antiquities in the Centre's May 1984 Inaugural Lectures. private hands, which are hardly known entitled Se Connaitre :Politics and Culture at all. In addition, there is correspondin Canada. A list of contents and order ence between Professor Ashmole and many forms are available fmm the Information of the famous figures from the world of Office. Alternatively, further information classical archaeology this cen tury. can be obtained from John Lennox, Director, Robarts Centre for Canadian The task of cataloguing such a collection StUdies, York University, 4700 Keela Street, is obviously immense. Moreover, it is North York, Ontario, Canada M3J lP3.
BRITISH HEART FOU DATIO GRA T The British Heart Foundation has recently awarded a grant of £60,000 to Professor M J Davies of S t Georgo-'s Hospital Medical School and to Professor G V R Born.for a joint project entitled 'The Structure, Chemical and Biochemical Properties of Athersclerotic Plaques which Determine Fissuring.
Monday 20 January , ... POETRY IS DIFFICULT ... ': THE LIMIT ATJO S OF SEFERIS' MODER POETICS by Yannis Karavidas, Goldsmiths' College and BBC External Services
Monday 27 January THE LITERARY ORIGI ALITY OF THEODOROSPRODROMOS by Roderick Beaton, King's College London (KQC) Monday 3 February DEMOTICISTS'REDEFI ITIO OF THE GREEK LITERARY CANO by Dimitris Tziovas, University of Birmingham Monday 17 February WOMEN'S IDENTITY I RURAL CYPRUS AND THE DOWRYSYSTRM by Maria Roussou, Institute of Education
Ash Wednesday. 12 February Holy Communion with imposition of ashes 8.30am (followed by breakfast in Roman Catholic Mass with imposition of ashes 1.lOpm.
DEPARTMENT OF FOOD A D NUTRITIONAL SCIE CES RESEARCH SEMINARS - FOOD SCIENCE SECTIO Wednesday 29 January PROBLEMS OF HA DLI G FRUITS A D VEGETABLES I THE TROPICS by Dr K Thompson, Tropical Development and Research Institute Wednesday 12 February STRUCTURE, FU CTIO S: THEIR RELATIONSHIP I CO FECTIO ERY by Dr G G Jewell, Cad bury Schweppes, Reading 5.30 pm, Food Science Lecture Theatre, Kensington Campus.
5.00 pm, Burrows Library (entrance via the Old Library of the College). Anyone interested should contact the Department of Byzantine and Modem Greek Studies on ext 2517.
Tea is available from 5.00 pm. Enquiries to: Dr J G Vaughan, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences.
Tuesday 18 February TAX AVOIDANCE: THE ENGLISH AND AMERICA APPROACH by Mr P J Millett, Q.C. (leading counsel for the Crown in Floor v Davies, Ramsay v Cl.'R and Furniss v Dawson)
5.30pm, The New Theatre, Strand Campus THE ADAM LECTURE 1986 Wednesday 19 February GE IUS, TALENT AND FAILURE:THE BRONTE FAMILY by Christopher Fry 5.30pm, The Great Hall, Strand Campus
THE HALLIBURTON LECTURE IN PHYSIOLOGY Tuesday 25 February MECHA ISMS OF DEVELOPME T I THE VISUAL SYSTEM By" Professor C Blakemore, University of Oxford 5.30pm, The
ew Theatre, Strand Campus
Wednesday 29 January EVOLUTIO ARY ETHICS: A PHOENIX ARISE by Professor M Ruse, University of Guelph 2.15 pm, Room IB06, Strand Campus
THE MAXWELL SOCIETY Mond ay 13 January PARADOXES I ELECTROMAG ETISM by Dr H Aspden, Southampton University Monday 20 January ORIGI S OF BIOMOLECULAR HANDED ESS by Professor S Mason FRS, King's College London (KQC) Monday 27 January CAN WE U IFYTHE FORCES OF ATURE? by Professor J G Taylor, King's College London (KQC)
Monday 3 February DIGITAL OPTICS . . by Professor J Midwinter FRS, Umverslty College London Monday 10 February LIQUID RYSTALS -lecture and demonstration by Professor G Luckhurst, Southampton University Monday 17 February A E COU TER WITH HALLEY'S COMET by Professor Tony McDonneil, K.ent University 2.00 - 3.00 pm, Room 2C Main Building, Strand Campus. Friday 21 - Sunday 23 February INFORMATION TECH OLOGY - ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR SOCIETY A discussion weekend at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park.
THE ROYAL SOCIETY 6 CarHon House Terrace LONDON SWIY SAG Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 January TECTO IC SETTI GS OF REGIONAL METAMORPHISM a discussion meeting organised by Professor ER Oxburgh FRS, Dr B W D Yardley and Professor P C England Monday 3 February THE REGULATORY BIOLOGY OF ANTIBODY FORMATIO The FIorey Lecture by Sir Gustav ossall, FRS 6.00 pm Thursday 13 February PICOPLA KTON: 0 BEING SMALL AND ENTIRELY SURROUNDED BY WATER A Review Lecture by Professor G E Fogg, FRS 4.30 pm Monday 17 February CONTI UING EDUCATION FOR INDUSTRY Evening Technology Lecture by Dr J H Horlock, FRS 6.00 pm Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 February E VIRONME TAL EFFECTS OF ORTH SEA OIL A D GAS DEVELOPME TS a discussion meeting organised by Professor JIG Cadogan FRS, Professor R B Clark and Dr J P Hartley All interested are welcome to attend. There is no charge. Registration is required only for Discussion Meetings. Registration forms and other information are available from Miss C A Johnson at The Royal Society, teI 01-8395561 ext's 278/277
ERIC SYMES ABBOTT A fund has been set up to endow an annual lecture or set of lectures in memory of Eric Symes Abbott, former Chaplain and Dean of King' ollege. The subject of the lectures will be spirituality. Anyone who wishes to contribute hould send their contribution to the Dean of the College, from whom Covenant forms and Bankers' Orders forms can be obtained. Cheques should be made payable to King's College London. The first annual lecture will be on Wednesday 4 June at 5.30 pm and will be given by Cardinal Hume.
SENIOR SEMINARS IN THE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY A D RELIGIOUS STUDIES Tuesday 21 January CONSTA TI EA D THE SECTS by Professor S G Hall Tuesday 28 January DEATH A D LIFE I THE WISDOM LITERATURE by Professor R E Clements Tuesday 11 February UTOPIA AT 1800 A.D. by Professor U E Sirnon The Seminar meets at 4.30pm in Room 8C. All mem bers of staff, graduate students and undergraduates with a particular in terest in any of these topics are welcome.
GERO TOLOGY:PERSPECTIVES, PRACTICE AND POLITICS A Series of Ten Lectures to inaugurate in association with Age Concern England, The Institute of Gerontology at King's CoUege London (KQC). Mondays at 5.30pm Admission is by ticket only, available in advance from the Information Office, Strand Campus. Series Tickets £10.00 £7.00 (students) Lecture Tickets
£1.50 each £ 1.00 each (students)
A limited num ber of lecture tickets will be available at the door on the actual day of the lecture, from 5.00pm onwards,price £1.60.
Lent Term Programme Tuesday 28 January THE JESUIT SPIRITUAL EXERCISES Fr Bob Styles SJ, Roman Catholic Chaplain to King's College London (KQC) Tuesday 4 February PRAYERA DTHESTRUGGLEFOR PEACE A D JUSTICE Fr Gerry Hughes, SJ Tuesdayll February PERSO AL RELIGION: A BAPTIST VIEW Reverend Don Black Tuesday 18 February RELIGIO A D THE HOME Rabbi Julia Neuberger All meeting take place in Room 6C at 1.l0pm.
THE CENTRE OF MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS Monday 3 February ETHICAL A D LEGAL ASPECTS OF 'AIDS' by Dr A J Pinching, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Immunologist, St Mary's Hospital Medical School Thursday 13 February ABORTIO A D WARFARE: THE TAKI G OF HUMA LIFE by Dr A J Kenny, Master of Balliol College, Oxford Monday 17 February IN-VITRO FERTILISATIO PRACTICE, PROSPECTS AND PROBLEMS by Mr R M Winston, Consultant and Reader in Fertility StUdies, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith. All lectures take place from 1.05 pm 2.15pm in Room 3B20, Strand Campus
LUNCHTIME CONCERTS AT CHELSEA Monday 20 January PETER BRIDGES Piano Recital BACH - French Suite in C minor BEETHOVE - Sonata Op 31 0 3 in E Flat CHOPI - Preludes Monday 27 January ICHOLAS CAPALDI Piano Recital BACH - Partita 0 I in B flat CHOPI - Waltz in D flat 'Minute Waltz' Waltz in C sharp minor Waltz in E Minor GERSHWI - Three Song Transcriptions MondayIO February MARLA BUJANSKA Piano Recital MOZART - Sonata in A Minor CHOPI - octurne in F Major CHOPI - Fantasia Monday 24 February IRE E KOHLER Piano Recital BEETHOVE - Piano Sonata 021 'Waldstein' TCHEREPNl - Three Concert Studies CHOPI - Scherzo in B Flat Minor All Concerts are held in Lightfoot Hall at 1.20pm. Admission Free.
CAREER SEMINARS The Careers Advisory Service will be mounting careers seminars on interview skills for final year students on January 27 and February 3. Many second year students may benefit from the seminar on career choice which will take place on February 13. Further details are available from the Careers Office.
Monday 27 January GOVERNME T POLICY FOR OLDER PEOPLE The Rt Hon Barney Heyhoe, MP, Minister of State for Health Chair: Miss Ann Spokes, Chairman, Age Concern England With an introduction by Mr David Hobman, Director, Ag. Concern England Monday 3 February TOWARDS EXCELLE CE I MEDICAL CAREOFTHEELDERLY Professor C G Swift, Professor of Health Care of the Elderly, King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry and Dr Malcolm Forsythe, Medical Director, S.E. Thames RHA Chair: Mr Leonard Cotton, Dean, King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry Monday 10 February MYTHS A D REALITIES OF BIOLOGICAL AGEING Mr Richard Adelman, Institute of Gerontology, University of Michigan and Or Alan Bittles, King's College London (KQC) Chair: Professor P F Baker, King's College London (KQC) Monday 17 February MEDICI E AND THE LAW: DE IGRAT 10 OR DIG ITY Dr Roger Higgs and Professor Ian Kennedy King's College London (KQC) and Ms Sally Greengross, Age Concern England Chair: To be announced Monday 24 February SERVICE ISS ES A D GERO TOLOG Professor Olive Stevenson, University of Keele and Mr Jef Smith, Director, Ealing Social Services Chair: Ms Sally Greengross, Age Concern England Monday 3 March AGEI G, FAMILIES AND SOCIOCULTURAL CHA GE Profes or Vern Bengtson, Andrus Geront-
olog Center, niversity of Southern California and Dr Rex Taylor, L:niversity of ,Iasgo Chair: Profes or 1alcolm Johnson, The Open rnver ity Monday 10 March PROSPECTS EDGCATlO.路 A,'D L TER LlFE Profe or Bnan Groombndge, Due tor, Dept of Extra-M ural Studies and M Mary Stott, author of Ageing [or Beginn-
ers Monday 17 March E TS PROSPECTS: LlVI G E VIRO FOR THE 1990s Mr John S McCarthy, MBE, McCarthy & Sons plc and Ms Sheila Peace, Polytechnic of orth London Monday 24 March RESPO DJ G TO THE CHALLE GE OF AGEl G Mr David Hobman, Director, and Mr Jbnathan Barker, Head of ~!\earch Unit, Age Concern England and Dr Tony Warnes, King's College London (KQC) Il lectures take place in the Great Hall except for the lecture on 27 January, which will take place in the ew Theatre, Strand Campus.
The General Secretary of the Union of Student
Appointed by the Council Mr John ~iaddox Sir Frank Cooper Dr P T Saunder Profe or j. M BateLy Profe or CB Cox
The Prin ipal Chairman) The ice-Prin ipal The General Secretary of the Union of Student Deans of Facultie Elected Member Dr P T Saunder Professor M J H Smith Profe or M Ginsburg Dr J A Roberts Mr R C Tennekoon Secretary Co))ege Secretary Committee Officer Academic Registrar In attendance Finance Officer
FACE, STAFF D GE ERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE The Trea urer (Chairman) The Principal The Vice-Principal The Dean of King' Co))ege School of Medicine and Dentistry Appointed by the Council Mr A J W Hill Mr J K Wright Dame Tosephme Barnes Professor H Baum
A regular seminar, open to mem bers of the Academic staff and postgraduates, on religion and literature has been formed. The programme will begin in the summer term of 1986 when 8 seminars will be run in conjunction with the postgraduate seminar of the Department of English, on Thursdays at 5.30 pm. Details will be available from the Dean of the College, and from Hanne Bramness of the English Department.
Co-opted Mr M MeD Tempany
By invitation Profe sor P Ricketts, West field College Mrs M Collins, Westfield Co))ege
The British Society for 18th Century Studies exists to bring together people from all disciplines who are interested in the period. It publishes its own journal and Bulletin, and holds regular conferences conferences. BSECS is a very successful and flourishing so iety: to stay that way, it needs your support. For details of membership and rates of subscription, please write to: Dr Richard Wailer, French Department, Modern Languages Building, Liverpool University, P 0 Box 147, LlVERPOOL, L693BX. And tell your friends about BSECS.
Nominated by the Academic Board Professor M Ginsburg Professor C W Turner Dr C F Thurston Professor R A Wisbey
Secretary Co))ege Secretary Committee Officer Finance Officer In attendance Personnel Officer Academic Registrar
PLANNING AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE The Principal (Chairman) The Vice-Principal The Dean of King's Co))ege School of Medicine and Dentistry
ppointed by the Academic Board Professor P F Baker Profe or P J Bla k Profe sor R Burge Profes or J ' Buxton Dr R G Price Professor S Rinsler By invitatiun Profe or J Chalker, West field College Dr M 1 Penny, Westfield College Secretary College Secretary Committee Officer As istant Secretary (Mr S P Harrow) in attendance
Fmance Officer Academic Registrar Per onnel Officer As istant Secretary (Mr P J Gilbert)
RESEARCH COMMITTEE The Principal ( hairman) Two lay members appointed by the Council Sir George Porter Dr J Edelman ine members appointed by the Academic Board Profes or C B Reese Professor W B Morgan One to be appointed Professor R M Sirnmons Profes or J W Gorrod Dr B E Causton Mr R R M Clogg Profes or J S K Ward Profe or A Lucas Committee Secretary Mr S P Harrow In attendance Academic Registrar Finance Officer
ACADEMIC STAFF COMMITIEE The Principal (Chairman) The Vice-Principal Professor J M Bately Professor P J Black Professor D Brunsden Professor A M Cameron Professor E B Davies Professor S G Ha)) Professor C B Reese Professor C W Turner
Dr R H Bassett Dr H K Holder Profe or M Black Profes or M Ginsburg Committee Secretary Personnel Officer In attendance Se retary Academic Registrar Finance Officer COMPUTER POLICY COMMITIEE Profes or R E Burge Chairman) Appointed by the Academic Board Professor P J Black Professor J Buxton Professor C W Turner Professor R A Wi bey Dr M A Robb Profe or J G Taylor Professor V C Roberts The Chairmen of Site Users Committee Professor R M Hill (Chelsea) Dr R G Price (Kensington) Profes or J A Anderson (KCSMD) Dr J L Martin (Strand) The Controller of Computing Services University of London (Dr H J orton) The Director of Computing Services (Dr A J Byerley) The Librarian (Mr D G Law) The Finance Officer (Mr DO Ball) Committee Secretary Assistant Secretary (Mr P J Gilbert)
One member appointed by the Computer Services Policy Committee to be appointed Committee Secretary to be appointed LIBRARY COMMITIEE Profes or P J Mar hall (Chairman) The Secretary The Librarian The Deputy Librarian The Director of Central Library Services and Goldsmiths' College Faculty Members Dr C A Price Mrs L Ormond Dr S L Howell Mrs L Thomas Dr J A Erdo Professor M L G Redhead Dr J R S Hoult Dr B M Eley Mr J P Bennett Mr MW Poole Mr K R F Andrews Miss E Z Lomnicka Professor C E Gunton 3 members elected by the Academic Board Professor H R V Arnstein Professor L D Freedman Professor E H Grant One representative of the academic-related library staff Ms Ann Lees The General Secretary of the Union of Students
EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY COMMITIEE Chairman appointed by the Academic Board Profes or H J V Tyrrell One member appointed by each Faculty Arts and Music (to be appointed) Education (to be appointed) Laws (to be appointed) Engineering (to be appointed) Basic Medical Sciences (Dr M France) Life Sciences (Dr P Cunningham) Mathematical and Physical Sciences (Dr RC Poller Theology and Religious Studies (to be appointed) Clinical Medicine (to be appointed) Clinical Dentistry (to be appointed) One member appointed by the Library Committee Miss J Hardy One member of the staff of the AudioVisual Aids Services Unit to be appointed
One postgraduate student Mr E Fereday (War Studies) Chairmen of Site Users committees Professor P Sherman (Kensington) Professor P J Black (Chelsea) In attendance Professor P B Wynn, Westfield College Mr B Murphy, West field College
Committee Secretary Deputy Librarian Membership of the following committees will be published in the next issue of COMMENT: Student Affairs and Welfare Committee Amenities Committee Buildings Committee Safety Policy Com mittee Academic Related Staff Committee Secretarial and Related Staff Committee Technical Staff Committee Manual Staff Committee
CATERI G SERVICES The following appointments have recently been approved: Mr P J Hoffman - Catering Officer King' College London (KQC) Mr M 0 John on - Deputy Catering Officer and Site Manager (Chelsea) Mr D R Allen - Site Catering Manager (Strand) Miss C Wilson - Site Catering Manager (Kensington) Mr I Kingman - Functions Manager (Strand
BOOKING AND BILLING PROCEDURES AT THE STRAND CAMPUS The merger, together with the increasing function hospitality and conference work of the Catering Department make it necessary for the booking procedures on the Strand site to be improved. We appreciate that at present our customers do not always know whom they should contact with requests for Catering S~lVices, a problem that the current review of booking and billing procedures should solve. Customers will appreciate that it will take a little while to implement the required changes, but we will keep them fully informed of all changes as they are made. P Hoffman, Catering Officer
THE FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCES With the election of Professor Barry Cox as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences the organisation of the Faculty is now complete and includes the following staff: Prof. H R V Amstein - Dean Prof. C B Cox - Vice-Dean Dr T J B Simons - Sub-Dean Mrs D Carter - Faculty Clerk Miss L Roward and Mrs S Copeland Assistant Faculty Clerks The Faculty Office is located in Room 36B, Strand Campus.
BRITISH EXPERTISE IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Members of academic staff who still wish to participate in the database scheme organised by Longman Cartermill are reminded that there is still time to do so. Completed forms should be returned to the Personnel Officer as soon as possible.
The 19 - Isdom Dental Student ward or the be report of ele tive study ha been won by Ian Van Zyl, a fmal year tudent from King' College School 01 ~1.edicine and DentIStry. Entne from each dental hool m the country were Judged by a panel of four as e ors. lan' report, whi h des ribed his month' VI It to the Department of Oral Surgery and Oral Medi ine at Bristol niver ity, al 0 made a ritic;al appnusal of the undergraduate ourses at Bristol and Kmg's and entailed a pilot research study asse sing a new salivary stimulant that will be reported in the British Dental Journal. The award scheme sponsored by Wisdom has been a great success and will be run again next year.
The Faculty of Clinical Dentistry has been succe sfulln its bid to the UniverSity to establish the new po t of Senior Lecturer in General Dental Practice. In the pa t, undergraduate dental schools have identified their role in preparing students for clinical practice but have not attempted detailed preparation for the WIder responSibilities of general dental practice. There j now growing evidence that the transition to general dental practice hould become part of undergraduate education. In upport of this award the Faculty intends to set up a unit imulating dental practice in which senior students will be en ouraged to work, in conditions closely resem bling general practice and to assume under supervision most of the practice management responsibilHies of the general practitioner. Thl opportunity gIves King's the potential to develop the late t concept in dental undergraduate edu atlOn.
fan Van Zyl receiving his cheque for £700 from one of the Judges, Mr Graham Barnaby, Dental Superintendent of Marks & Spencer, at the Royal Society in London.
ICI ESTABLlSHES UAL LECTURE AT KING S ICI Pharmaceuticals Division ha donated £6,000 to the Department of Pharmacy to e tablish an 'ICl Lecture'. The special 'ICI Lecture in Pharmaceutical Sciences' will be an annual prestige occa ion, held at the College, attracting high calibre speakers. The first is scheduled for October 1986. Professor John Gorrod, peaking of his Department's reputation, said that 'the establishment of this prestige lectureship by this generous donation will continue to ensure our premier place in this field '. Because of the links with ICI Pharmaceutical Division it i propo d that the peakers, after presenting their lecture at King's, will visit the Divi ion and present the lecture to ICI cienti ts a well.
F CILlTIES AT THE BRITISH I STITUTE PARIS The British In tltute in Pari can offer various services to departments in the niver ity.
FaCilities on the Premises A generous donation for a lecture hip from the Cancer Relief Fund, who sponsor A multi-purpose conference/projection the Macmillan nur es m many di tricts, has room which can seat up to 80 people has just been offered to the Department ~O or 35 seater classrooms for smaller of ursing Studies. This five year (and meetings well resourced) post is proposed to further knowledge in cancer and terminal care, and The Director, the Institute Librarian and provide guidance on teaching the e and the Accommodation Secretary are subjects at the practical and theoretical also willing to help with any pecific level. The Department is extremely plea ed problems (not hotel booking) and have and gratified to receive this marvellous many contact ilY various departments support which will be so helpful to students of Paris universities. students and trained staff alike.
guest flatlet is available consisting of bed- itting room, kitchenette, bathroom and wardrobe. The rate for 1985-86 are as follow : per night per week per month
£ 12 (garage + 10%)
55 ( •
£l05( ..
For further information and request for bookings, contact Mademoi elle Ellen Gendron, Institute Britannique de Paris, 11 Rue de<':onstantine - 75007, Paris.
GOODBYE TUBBY THE TUBA Does anyone in the College have a collection of 78 rpm records? The Music Library has a small num ber to give away mainly Clas ical repertoire but so me Georges Brassens, Edith Piaff, etc. If you are interested, please contact the Music Library, Strand Campus, ext 2394, or better still pay us a visit, in the basement of the Music Faculty at 152/153 Strand.
HOW TO APPLY FOR 19 6/87 RESIDE CE Application form hould be ompleted and returned to the AccommodatJOn Office by 19 March 19 6 (last day of Lent term). Application received after that date will be put on a waiting list. Allocations are made during the Ea ter vacation - and the result of applications will be available on the first day of the Summer Term from the Accommodation Office.
The Estates Officer, Keith Price, wishes to inform colleagues that a traffic-flow system will shortly be in operation, allowing vehi les leaving the College to go around the Aldwych or traight along the Strand a well as over Waterloo Bridge, which is the only route possible at present. For the exact'location of the gap effecting this system, see the diagram opposite.
"(" 0-
,is i .
SCHOOL VISIT TO BIOCHEMISTRY In December four fifth-formers from Grey Court School, Ham, Richmond spent one week working as laboratory technicians in the Biochemistry Department, Kensington Campus as part of a work experience programmeorgan~edbythe~school. The students enjoyed themselves and the~ presence did not disrupt the work of the Department! This scheme is likely to be repeated annually. Therefore, if any other Departments feel they could offer such students useful and interesting work experience, Dr Bryan Winchester of the Biochemistry Department would be very pleased to hear from them and to provide further information about the vork experience programme.
WANTED: EXCHANGE OF ACCOMMODATION Australian academic from Melbourne wishes to exchange accommodation from the beginning of February 1986 to midJanuary 1987. The Melbourne house is fully furnished, has 5 bedrooms, lounge, dining and family room, modern kitchen, 2 bathrooms, double carport and a large garden. The house or flat requ~ed in London should have 3 bedrooms, be close to Underground and/or bus route to Institute of Zoology, Regent's Park. For further information, please write to: Dr Alex Lopata C/O Royal Women's Hospital 132 Grattan S.treet Carlton, Victoria 3053 AUSTRALIA Telephone (03) 344 2449
TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Please note the following changes to the Internal Telephone D~ectory: S2327
Mr WC Slade (College Secretary) 2BB Main Building
Professor H J V Tyrrell (VicePrincipal) 18B Main Building
S2327/2634 2298 Mrs Dana Swinton (Secretary to above) 2BA Main Building S2363
Mr M McD Tempany (VicePrincipal - External Affairs) 20BB Main Building
Mrs Christine Peaks (Secretary to above) 20BA Main Building
FILM SOCIETY Monday 27 January THAT'LL BE THE DAY STARDUST Room 3B20 Thursday 30 January HE RY V Monday 3 Iebruary STREETS OF FIRE RUMBLEFISH
EUROPEAN RESEARCH POLICY The Commission of European Communities has re ently issued a booklet on European Research Policy, detailing the major Community Research programmes. A copy of this booklet is available for consultation, in the Information Office, Strand Campus.
Thursday 13 February AND THE SHIP SAILS 0 Monday 17 February YES MI ISTER (Compassionate Society) THE BIG CHILL Thursday 20 February PARIS TEXAS All presentations include supporting programme, and begin in the New Theatre at 6.00 pm unless otherwise stated.
SUSSEX UNIVERSITY SILVER JUBILEE 1986 is the 25 th anniversary of the founding of the University of Sussex and to mark its Silver Jubilee, Sussex is planning a full-scale programme of celebrations, including a inajor Open Day, a Thanksgiving Service in Chichester Cathedral, the installation of the Earl of March as the University's twd Chancellor and nine School of Studies-based reunion dinners for former students. All former students of Sussex University are welcome to attend the jubilee celebrations. Anyone wishing further details of individual events and programme cards should contact Andrew Panting, Information Officer, Sussex House, University of Sussex, Falrner, Brighton, B I 8FA. Tel: (0273) 606755 ext 4215.
MEDIA STUDIES AT MANCHESTER For information on the wide range of postgraduate opportunities in mediarelated topics, write to: Dr Mike Wetherill (Department of French) or Philip Radcliffe (D~ector of Communications) at the University of Manchester MANCHESTER M139PL
rover lty College London is holding a summer va ation ourse in English Phon ti s or foreign rudents and tea.. hers. For funher details. write to: Summer a ation Cour e Department of Phoneti and Ltngu1:>tJ l.,mver It} College London Gower Street LO. '00.' W 1E 6BT
ROY AL SOCIETY 1983 IVERSITY RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS The Council of the Royal Society invites appllcatlOns for 20 appotntment to be supported from the Society's Parliamentary Grant-in-aid and tenable from I October 19 6. All applicants must have a PhD or equivalent re earch experience and mu t be at least 26 but hould not have pa sed their 33rd birthday by I October. Applicant must be Bntlsh Citizens and mu t hold the appointments in department of clence in K univer Itie . People already holding u b tanuve post In UK universities will not normally be con idered.
AppOintments will be for up to five year with the po' ibility of renewal for two ucce Ive penod of up to three and two years. Apply to The Executive Secretary ( MAM), The Royal Society, 6 Carlton Hou e Terrace, London SW I Y 5AG, by 10 February.
will be available for administrator of UK niversities and Polytechnics to enable them to gain experience of administration In institutions of higher education in the SA. Applicants mu t hold a full-time administrative appointment in universities or polytechnics in the UK and have at lea t five years continuous experience in fulltime administration. They should preferably not be more than 50 at the time of their appointment, and hold an administrative post equivalent to that of a university lecturer or a more senior post. They should plan a minimum stay of three months, the major amount of time being spent at one institution of higher education, and have a programme of study or job experience in an American University supported by the executive head of their own University or Polytechnic.
Th~ Prin~ipal. talking to members oj a British Council course on 'The training oj teacher traIners In sCIence education' at a reception in his ojjice on 14 January. Directed by Professor Paul Black and John Ma} oj the Centre for Educational Studies. the course took place at rhe Centre jrom 5 - 17 January.
10 ing date tor receipt of completed application 1 7 1ar h 19 6 - no application forms will be issued after 14 February.
To appl}, wnte to the Fulbnght CommisslOn,6 Porter Street, London W IM 2HR.
CENTRAL RESEARCH FUND Applications are invited from mem bers of the University (other than present undergraduate and those registered for a taught Master's degree) for grant from the central research fund to assist pecific projects of research, uch a the provision of special materials, apparatus and travel costs.
mani of BlOchemistry. Their the e were entitled, re pectlvely. Speetroseopie Studies of Lxcitons Bound to fsaeleetric Defects in Silicon, The Structural Organisatiall oj Xenopus Laevis (;lobin Gene Loci and The Regulation and Metabolic Role of 1 ungal Pyruvate Carbo xylases. The pril.e, which is ÂŁ 1,000 in value, is awarded annually to the Ph D thesis in the field of Molecular Science which hows 'the greatest evidence of originality, promise, experimental and/or theoretical skill and clarity of pre entation. Founded in 1983 by Or J Tadion, the prize commemorates his a soclatlOn with Sir Eric Rideal and King's
pplications are considered each term and results are normally available before the end of the term in which applications are considered. The closing date for applications for the summer term i 23 March. Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Central Re earch Fund Committee, niver ity of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WCIE 7HU.
TADIO -RlDEAL PRIZE This year's Tadion-Rideal Prize has been shared between Peter McLean Colley of the Physics Department, David Greaves of the Biophysics Department and Stephen
COMME T i produced by the King's College London (KQC) Information Office on the Strand Campus. EXT EDITIO : Copy date Friday 7 February for publication in the week of 17 February.