King's College London (KQC) newsletter
ONE ACADEMIC YEAR ... A D COU TING The Principal asse es our position a the long vacation approache . Launching the merged College in Augu t of last year was the culmination of hard and detailed preparation, enabling us to set off on a new path that marked a turning point in our hi torie . With one academic se ion now to our credit, we are treading that path with confidence.
THE UGC LETTERS Tho e looking at our UGC research rating will see a snap hot of a moving College: a picture taken at one particular time without the full perspective of past or future, and moreover a picture taken right at the start of a major academic rationali ation. Our re pon e must consider the full picture. The UGC are certainly not infallible, as the Chairman has himself stated, but their evaluation is not to be ignored. Those Departments to attract star rating a 'outstanding' are to be warmly congratulated:
it is a vindication of our eminence in the arts and humanities. That our science, with notable exceptions, attracted an 'average' assessment should not disturb us unduly. Con olidation of cience wa , after all, a prime reason for our merger. Science departments have had to expend much time and energy on the proce e of that merger' time and energy which ha had an academic cost. I believe the UGC have taken note of this and they, like us, will look for a strengthening of science research activity in the future. We must now take a realistic look at our research groupings to
see if the e are the appropriate ize and shape to attract support and to en ure that our balance between teaching and resear h is the right one. The exact implication of the UG letters will, of course, not be clear until the Court of the Univer ity announces it allocations to individual School: an announcement expected on July 2. Only on receipt of this detailed information can proper financial planning take place. (a fullli t of the UGC research rating for King' is included in this edition.)
THE UGC VISIT AND CORNWALL HOUSE Prior to the vi it of the UG to the University on June 11, King's had already rec-
Professor Henry Copeland, President of Wooster College, Ohio, congratulating Professor Sutherland on his award of an Honorary L.H.D. The Principal was awarded the honorary degree at fi{ooster College in May this year.
eived written confirmation from the ViceChancellor that he felt it right and proper for us to energetically pursue the acquisition of the lea e of CornwaJl House. It was most encouraging to see this upport clearly demon trated in the introductions given to thi meeting by Lord Flowers and also by the Principal of the University. There is currently much talk of 'stars' in relation to the UGC research ratings: I am pleased to say that King' , and its need and aspirations for a Thame ide campus, received , tar' billing a the main request presented to the UGC on June 11. The UGC were left in no doubt of the urgency which, in our view, attache itself to the acquisition of the Cornwall House lease. Having had government backing reaffirmed, in highly constructive meetings with both Sir George Young and Chri top her Patten, we need to act quickly to ensure that this unique opportunity is not lost. Although the UGC cannot commit themselves in visits such as these, I formed a most trong impre sion that the e arguments did not fall on deaf ears. The Univer ity will have to signal formal support to the UGC for this move and I would hope that such a tatement might be forthcoming at the July 2 Court meeting. There are no promises and no guarantees, but one can feel cautiously optimistic that we are about to turn a most important corner and may be able to take the vital step forward we seek. Several other matters of great ignificance to us have been under discussion for most of this academic year, notable amongst them being Westfield College. WESTFIELD As you will know, we have been talking to Westfield College over past months in a variety of committees at a variety of levels. These discussions have been most detailed and considered, and culminated in a draft declaration of intent being put to both College Councils. This draft was accepted by our Council on March 25. It was considered by West field Council on May 21 and was rejected. The Westfield Council does not accept that our proposals are consonant with the intentions of the University and have asked the Principal, Professor Varey, to look into other possibilitie~ for the future of Westfield College. With great regret, we must therefore assume that discussions with Westfield have suffered a severe, although not necessarily mortal, blow. We believe that the declaration of intent we supported provided a real possibility for a mutually profitable future, and I only hope that We tfield staff fully realise what precisely was being proposed. We cannot, however, let Westfiel<.l's reluctance to continue discus ion prejudice or impede our own future. We must proceed with negotiations for a Thameside campus, discounting Westfield's involvement. That the two issues should be completely disentangled is a stance fully supported by the Vice'(:hancellor. The door is not, however, clo ed should West field wish to rejoin
negotiations with us. Such negotiation would, however, have to fit into whatever stage our future planning had reached: proposals on the table now may be proposal which cannot be repeated. When we ome together for the new sesion I hope that I will have more to tell you, not only about Cornwall House, but also about progre s in other major debate notably involving the future development of Civil and Mechanical Engineering and of Pharmacy and ur ing Studies (the latter i sue is to be di cus ed at the next University JPC meeting on June 19). Despite many deliberations neither issue is yet clearly resolved. What i clear is that we must retain our strength of purpo e and continue to walk the new paths open to us with assurance and appropriate peed. I would like to wish you all a profitable and enjoyable long vacation and look forward with you to uccessfully meeting the challenges of the new session.
THE UGC RESEARCH RATI GS The original UGC letter omitted several King's departments. Clarification has been received from the UGC as to their assessment of these departments and the list below is now complete. Outstanding Classics German History Music Philosophy Portuguese Spanish Theology Better than average Anatomy and Human Biology Byzantine and Modern yreek Studies Centre for Educational Studies English Food and utritional Sciences History and Philosophy of Science Microbiology ursing Studies Palaeography Physiology War Studies About average Biochemistry Biophysics, Cell and Molecular Biology Chemistry Clinical Medicine Electronic and Electrical Engineering French Geography Human Environmental Science Law Mathematics Pharmacology Pharmacy Physics Below average Biology
linical Den tistry Civil Engineering Computing Mechanical ngineering
TS FOR 19 6/ 7 The Department of Education and S ience has recently announced details of student grants for 19 6/ 7. Taking account of the general 2% in rease and the additional £36 for those tudent studying away from home - payable because of changes in entitlement to social security benefit announced by the DHSS the main rates of grant will be: Undergraduate Elsewhere London -------£2,246 £1,901 (£1,830) (£2,165)
£1,510 (£1,480)
Postgraduate £2,756 £3,366 (£2,665) (£3,265)
£2,000 (£ 1,960)
Figure in brackets are the 1985/86 equivalents. There is additional help for those undergraduate eligible to receive the older tudents' allowance and who are more likely to be affected by the withdrawal of unemployment benefit in the short vacations' in addition to the 2% increa e, this allowance will be raised by £40 at each age band Arrangements are also being made to ensure that students with dependents will be able to receive allowances for those dependents for all 52 weeks of the year.
INTRODUCTORY WEEKEND AT CUMBERLAND LODGE Every year a residential IntroductoLy Weekend for new undergraduate students is held at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park. This year it is from September 27th - 29th. The programme is a mixture of formal lectures, informal groups and free time spent in very pleasant surroundings. Because of num bers it is only pos ible to invite 60 new students - a large majority of the e are from the Arts and Science Facultie . Overseas students are particularly welcome. If you know of any overeas students who would benefit from the weekend, please end their names and addresses to Susan Kirkby, Student Services Assistant, 108 Macadam Building. This could be done before 'A' level results if students have an unconditional place, or in late August if results are awaited. Thank you. Cella elson Student Advisor
From the Dean of Life Science. Prof
ELOPTRE or H.R . . Am tein.
.\ the end 01 the first e Ion for the ne~ King' College approa he , It eem appropriate to pre cnt a general account of the a lJ\ Hie of the Faculty of Life 'lence~ for t\\.o rea on ; it I the large t Faculty in the College \\.lth I :!9 rudent and _21 a 'ademi ~taff and It department have been more profoundJ a fected by the merger than any other La t ugu t the new Faculty of LlIe "ien e \\.a~ e tabli hed by reorganising the biologkal sCience department ot the mergmg College after a penod 0 preliminary planning extending 0 er more than a year. FolloWIng a policy deCISIOn to create department having, where po ible. more than a minimum staff of about 10. ome smaller group were amalgamated. Thu ,Human BIOlogy \ a merged with Anatomy. and Immunology with Bioph IC. the latter being renamed Biophy ic , Cell and Molecular Biology. Botany and Zoology were al 0 corn bined in a new Department of Biology. Currently, therefore, the Faculty compri es the following II department· Anatomy and Human Biology~Bio chemi try·. Biology, Biophy ic. ell and Molecular Biology. Food and utritional Science ., Human 'nvironmental Clence, MicrobIOlogy. ur ing Studie •. Pharma ology·, Pharmacy·. and Phy iology·. Tho e departments Indicated by an asten k are grouped together al 0 In the Faculty of Ba IC Medical clences WhICh I part of the King's College chool of Medicine and DenlJ try. Thi unu ual feature of acuity organi ation reflects the pectal relation hip between ome 01 the re earch and teaching activJlle of the Faculty of Life Scjence~ and the medical and dental departments. nother unu ual a pe t of the Faculty i the exceptional degree of collaboration of many department. not only in re earch but aloin undergtaduate teachmg. QUIte apart from the obviou benefit derived from thl mutual support. for example in teaching joint cour e , there ha . in additIOn. e olved a common ba is for many degree programmes which allow students to tran fer in the econd or even the thud year to other course as particular indIvidual interests emerge. Thus, the acuity strongly believe in flexibility and has found ways of implementing a flexible approach In teaching without weakening the departmental tructure that provides a home base for both students and staff. On the re earch ide thi willingne to work together acro departmental boundarie has found expre sion In the eUing up of pecial Intere t Groups. There are now 9 of them in I Ageing, Biotechnology, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Immunology. Molecular BIOlogy, euroscience, Plant Biochemi try and Plant Sciences and they cover unportant aspects of modern biological science which are belIeved to be growth points. In this way, we confidently expect to attract increa ed funding of research and to encourage ne\\. developments. Indeed, ari ing from a propo a1 of the Special Interest Group in Genetlcs, the Faculty asked th(;' College to establish a new hair in Genetics and it i expected that, follOWing niversity approval. this Chair will be adverti ed in the near future. Special lnteret Groups thu have an important part to play in focu ing research activitie , in encouraging collaboration and in stimulating new development. One of the ways in which these objectives are being achieved is by organi ing Special Lecture of the ame high stand, rd as former niver ity Lecture and to date two very u ce sfullecrures have been held, 'Protein Structure and Computer Graphic in Drug De ign', given by Profes or T Blundell, RS, of Birkbeck ollege and 'Gene Activation in Development by Cell Interactions', given by Professor John Gurdon, FR ,of Cambridge nlver ity. Other new developm nt which deserve special mention here include re earch In the eJlular and Molecular Biology of AgeIng, which omplement the work of the In titute of Gerontology and Biotechnology. In each of the e areas, the Faculty of Life Science will be able to make a di tinctive contribution and the e are but a few example which illustrate ho\\. advantage has been taken of the opportunitie created by the merger.
or Pharma y i till unde ided. The Inne WiJliam , orkmg Party ha deliberated the future of Biologi al cience in the Umverity and 1£ report till awaited but is bd.Je\ed to be favourable to the Fa ulty. The clen e and l:.ngmeering Re earch oun il Biologi al cien e Committee vc Hed department m the Fa ulty on :!4 th April 19 6. and eem to h been impre ed by the way in which department were able to cope with the merger and ontinue active research. Finally, the GC is ued its a e ment of the quality of re earch In vanou subject and cost centre and whil t it i clear that tar have eluded us, a high proportion of department were rated as abo e average with none belo\\. Thu, there is a olid foundation on whIch to ba e new developments. Certainly, there are no excu es for complacency, but at the same time there arc good rea on for optim ism, provided tha t the difficultie due to di per al on many ite di tant from each other can be overcome by relocating alJ departments in of!1wall House and that the College re ists any further encroachment by the nlver ity as regard tudent targets. With good undergraduate tudents and re earch whi h receive strong up port from grant awardIng bodie and indu try, the Faculty I an important College a et Imaginative dcci ion by the ollege, the niver ity and the niver Ity Grants Committee are now required if it i to reaJi e it full poten tial.
I Lord Jellicoe, Chairman 01 the College
one of thiS, however, would have happened but for the enthusia tic and con tructive collaboration of many people who have worked together much bctter than at one time ecmed likely. Thu , the Life cien'c Executive Committee and its Working Group de erve much credit for resolving many differences of opinion which are unaVOIdable when departmcnt from three different in titutions are brought together In a hort space of time. Special thanks also go to the SUb-Dean, Dr T J B Simons, for the great efforts he ha devoted to building up the Faculty organisation and looking after many of its activities. La t, bu t by no means least, I hould like to mention the work of the Faculty Office staff, Dr Trudi Darby in the early day and more recently Mrs Dily Carter, who served a 'aculty Clerks, as well as the a sistant staff, onia opeland and Linda Howard, withollt whom much of what has been achieved would have been impo ible.
I During th
year t here have been anum ber of vi itations, inve tigation and reports which have a direct bearing on the future development of the Faculty. The Hartley Working Party recommended that ursing Studies should remain in King' College but the future
ouneil, has announced that he wishe to step down from this role. He will chair hi last meeting on Tuesday I July thi year. Lord J ellicoe has been Chairm an of the King's College Council for eleven year and has contributed immen e time and effort to College matters. At a time when hi own commitments were growmg rather than diminishing he has increasingly lent wisdom and tability to merger di cu slons and has been an invaluable focal force in harmonising the business of the ncw ouncil. A Reception and Dinner will be held in his honour in July, detail of which will be reported in the new ession. ouncil has elected as his ucce or Su J ames Spooner. ir J ame will chair his first meeting on Septem ber 30th and a profile of him will feature in the October cdition of Comment.
Several King' people feature in this year's Birthday Honours, notably Lord Jellicoe who rcceives the KB . Emeritus Professor Jack Hayward, Director of the ursing Education Research Unit i awarded the CBE and the OBE is awarded to Miron Grindea, Editor of the Adam International
Review the archive and library of which has recently been acquired by the College. A distinguished past member of taff, Profe sor Michael Howard, Profe sor and Head of War Studie from 1963 - 6 ,now Regiu Profe or of Modern History at Oxford, recei e' a knighthood.
The College i required by the Reporting of fnjurilt . Di ea e and Dangerou Occurrence Regulation 19 5 (commonly known as RfDDOR) to report to the Health and Safety xecutive certain specified type of dangerou occurrences and all accidents which result in more than three day of ab ence from work. Members of the allege are required to report any accident which they uffer on College premise or on College busines by completing one of the accident report forms which are available in departmental offices. If the person directly involved i unable to complete the form, another member of the department hould do so on their behalf. The completed form must be sent to the Personnel Office (for the Strand Campus) or the Campus Administrator (for Kensington and Chelsea Campuses). Members of staff are reminded that they must inform the Personnel Office (Strand Campus) of any sick leave over three day. This is particularly important in the ca e of staff who are away as a result of an accident at work, since the Personnel Depart路 ment has' the responsibility for informing the Health and Safety Executive. Heads of Department and Campus Safety Officers will automatically be ent copies of any accident forms received and the forms will be carefully collated to determine whether there are any accident trends which require remedial action.
CONDITIO S AITACHING TO THE COLLEGE'S LIABILITIES INSURA CE POLICIES A recent accident resulting in injury to a member of staff has given rise to correspondence from the department concerned which might be construed as an admission of liability on the part of the College. This leads to a belief that colleagues may not be awarc of the following tandard condition which attaches to the liability insurance policies held by the College: " 0 admis ion, offer, promi e, payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the 1nsured withou t the written con ent of the Company which shall be entitled if it so desires to take over and conduct in the name of the Insured the de-
fence or ettlement of any claim or to proecute in the name of the Insured for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damage or otherwi e and hall have full di retion in the conduct of any proceeding and in the ettiement of any claim and the Insured shall give all uch mformation and a si tan e as the Company may require .., It i therefore important that, ill the event of an accident which may result in a claim against the e policie , no correspondence with potential claimants is entered into which might be construed a an admission of liability on the part of the College except with the prior written approval of either the Secretary or the Finance Officer.
SCHOOLS LIAISON Following consideration of a report from the Working Party chaired by John Muir (As istant Principal) the Academic Board has recommended that a School Liaison Unit be created. It is proposed to fill two part-time posts in Schools Liaison by halftime secondments from within the College. These secondments would be for three years in the first instance. Any member of staff who wishe to express an interest in these posts should notify the Principal as soon as possible and by 15 th July at the latest. Anyone giving such preliminary indication of interest will be given the opportunity to apply for secondment to Schools Liaison. Further questions may be taken up with Mr Muir or with the Principal.
STAFF NEWS F .D. MAURICE CHAIR APPOINTED The Reverend John Mahoney, SJ, MA, DD , has been appointed to the Frederick Denison Maurice Chair of Moral and Social Theology. Since 1966 Professor Mahoney has taught Moral and Pastoral Theology at Heythrop College and was Principal of that College from 1976 - 81. In 1984 Professor Mahoney was elected first President of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain. He serves on various committees within the Roman Catholic Church, the British Council of Churches and the Board of Social Responsibility of the Church of England. He has also been a member of the Board of Advisors of the Centre of Medical Law and Ethics at the College since 1978. He writes, lectures and broadcasts regularly on moral and pastoral issues. Professor Mahoney will take up his appointment from October 1st 1986.
BOB EARLL RETIRES Bob arll, Chief Technician in the Department of Civil Engineering, will be retiring on 31 July 19 6 after 25 year at King's College. Bob' career goe back to when he left chool at the age of 14 and joined Siemens Brother (now El). Following a seven year apprenticeship he qualified a a tool and instrument maker but shortly afterwards, in 1943, he wa called up and saw service in France, Germany, Egypt and Palestine. His regiment wa the Middlesex attached to the 51st Highland Divi ion. In 1947 he returned to industry. Joining King's in 1961 under Professor Ra and Chief Technician Alf Blake, Bob became Chief Technician himself in 1978. Throughout hi time at College he has given valuable advice and assi tance to countless student and academic staff, making many an unacknowledged but vital contribution to a piece of re earch or a teaching project. His technical and administrative skills will be badly missed. He ha joined in with many of the activities of the Social Club and indeed was a member of the Committee for 3 years during the period 1962 - 64. Bob has been happily married for 43 years and has a son and daughter and four grandchildren. With them he can look forward to a very happy retirement. He takes with him the very be t wishes of his friends and colleagues in the Department of Civil Engineering and the College. His retirement party will be on Thursday 31st July 1986 at 12.45pm in the Council Room.
Profe sor E R Pike, FRS has recently been appointed to the Clerk Maxwell Chair of Theoretical Physics.
Prior to his appointment at King's Profes or Pike was Chief Scientific Officer at the Ministry of Defence Royal Signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern and he will continue his association with the RSRE by being seconded to them on a part-time basis. Professor Pike's research interests in quantum optics and laser applications have led to his current work on inverse problems - the determination of cause from effect in physical phenomena. Since the modern theory of quantum electrodynamics uses the 'Maxwell field' for its description of free radiation quanta, it is fitting that much of Professor Pike's work is in the study and use of electromagnetic radiation.
WHO'S THAT? In case anyone's confu ed by the sudden appearance of a Catherine Goff among the staff of the Information Office - worry no more. It is only Catherine Davies in disgUISe - she got married last month!
The second edition of the Consolidated List of A ccessions includes entrie for over 250 individuals who held senior office in one of the three armed ervices this century. These include such leading figures as FM Viscount Allenby, FM Viscount Alanbrooke, General Lord I may, Sir Maurice Dean, General Sir Hugh Stockwell as well as Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart. The coverage of the papers is wide, ranging from gas warfare to post colonial policing, from emergency flood relief to test flying and tank de ign and strategy, from the SOE and beginnings of the SAS to the foundation and early work of ATO, from fighting in Palestine and orth Africa to the Artic, and from casualties in Gallipoli and on the Somme to the prevention and cure of Malaria in S.E. sia. Important photographic collections reflect the development of photographic reconnaissance, the conditions under which the British Military Mission to South Russia worked in 1919, the nature of the shonlived regime of Bela Kun in Budapest, the social life of the British Raj, and the experimental and operational use of mini submarines. Each entry includes brief biographical notes in so far as they are relevant to the papers held in the Centre. The list is supplemented by brief notes on miscellaneous collections, notes on microfilms held, notes for intending readers and a list of abbreviations used. The Consolidated List of A ccessions is available from the College Archivist, Strand campus, price ÂŁ3.50 plus 50p UK postage.
Pictured here is J oseph May, relaxing outside the main entrance hall lodge, from where he directs portering activities on the Strand campus. Joseph was recently appointed Head Porter following the retirement of Bob Warmisham.
LIBRARY Library facilities will be available in the long vacation as follows:
Strand campus Some Libraries open 0930 - 1630, others open only half-day. For full details apply to the Librarian's secretary (836 5454 ext 2139/2140) or to any issue desk.
PROFESSOR R. M. ANDERSON A former member of the Department of Zoology at King's has been awarded an FRS. Professor R.M. Anderson is now at Imperial College, in the Department of Pure and Applied Biology.
Kensington campus 0930 - 1700. Rearrangement of bookstock may cause disturbance to readers.
The Food Science Division at Kensington has been awarded an Academic Interchange Scheme for 1987 with Dr G M Rios of Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc at Montpellier.
Chelsea campus 0930 - 1700. King's Road and Pulton Place libraries closed for lunch 1300-1400.
PROFESSOR G. BURNSTOCK, FAA Professor Geoffrey Burnstock, FAA, who is the Head of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology, and Convener of the Centre for Neuroscience at UCL, has been awarded an FRS. Professor Burnstock did his BSc at King's, graduating in 1953, and subsequently studied for a PhD jointly at King's and UCL.
DI Rios will be spending a short time in Food Science early in 1987.
KCSMD 0900 - 1900.
J P.
A pe lal Clcn e and mathematIcs our or tudcnts from Japan is to be organised at King's. The course. whi h will be alled the Intermediate CerUIicate in SClcnce and Mathematics ha been designed to meet the needs of three ategorie of students. The first category is those who want to enter the Briti h higher education system. On IS May the University of London Committee on University Entrance Requirements agreed that students who uccessfully complete the Intermediate Certificate in Science and Mathematics course and pass the examination will be considered to have met the University's minimum requirements for acceptance onto first degree course in relevant areas. Although student who complete the course succe fully will be free to apply to any of the Colleges in the Univer ity of London (and in practice to other niversities in the K), we expect that a number will want to do their fir t degree at King' . The second category of students is those who are working for a degree in a J apanese University but who want to take a year out and study in a British University. The expectation is that those students will gain credit for their work and these will contribu te to the award of a student's degree. In other wortls this course will function as a junior year abroad. The third group who will be interested in the course is those who will use the first term as preparation for entry to a UK higher degree programme. The I ntermediate Certificate programme will run from April to March. This time scale is to fit in with the Japanese academic year which runs from April to February. Students who are entering higher degree program mes i:J the UK in October will be able to follow the first term of the course. About half the student's time will be spent on improving their English. The rest of the time will be pUt between mathematics chemistry, physics and history and philosophy of science. A t a later stage options in biological sciences and computer science may be added. The course is being organised by the Centre for Educational Studies in collaboration with the Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Hi tory and Philosophy of Science Departments. The request to organise the course came from the Japan Arts and Culture Association who contacted the College through the School of Oriental and African Studies. The Academic Director for the course is Professor Paul Black, Head of the Centre
for Edu ational Srudie and the dminlStrativc Director i ~1r John ~1ay. Head of the I nternational Education rea in CES. J ohn ~1a} rec-ently pent a he tic 15 days investigating the way lence and mathematic are taught in Japan. The entry examination for the ourse will be held in â&#x20AC;˘ .ovember of this year and we expe tour first group of 30 students in pril next year. Further detail of the cour e can be obtained from Profes or Black or Mr May at the Centre for Educational Studies.
T C TH RI E'S CO FERE CE T C MBERL D LODGE A conference entitled Influences on Higher Education: Teaching, Re earch alUi Society \\-ill be held at Cumberland Lodge from 31 Odober - 1 . ovember 19 6. The Chairman \\-ill be Profe sor te an Su therland and the speaker "" ill indud.: ~1r Shirley Williams. Dr Ed\\lII Kar Su Deny ~ ilkin on nd the Rev Richard Harne . o t for the weekend is .ÂŁ 90.00. f unlter information can be obtained lrom law Ly nch, Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Wind or, Berks SL4 1HP. Tel 07 4 313 16.
WORLD E AT MARC Tne Monitoring and As essment Rr earch Centre at Chelsea celebrated World nvironment Day on Thunday 5th June with a reception and display of work currently in progre s. The reception also co-mcided with the launch of 'Biological Monitoring of Environmental Contaminant - Plant - the econd major report in the MARC series on techniques that estimate envuonmental contamination and record the effects of pollutant. Welcoming the guest, the Vice-Principal, Profe or Tyrrdl, who is also Chairman of the MARC Management Policy Committee, spoke ul the important role MARC had played In raising the consciousness of the public towards the environment.
Left: Professor Tyrrell speaking at the reception, with Dr M.D. Gwynne, Director of the Global Environment Monitoring System (GEMSjUNEP), looking on. Below: A n exhibit showing the utilisation of antlers in environmental monitoring.
THE MICROCOMPUTER IN TEACHI G SCHOOL SCIE CE A D MATHEMATICS This was th e title of the course run for two weeks in April by the Educational Computing Unit at the Centre for ducational Studies in conjunction with the British Council. The course attracted 30 participants from a number of countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, India, Kenya, Holland, Mexico, orway, Pakistan, Singapore, the Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Venezuela. The participants were professors, teacher trainers, advisers, teacher, pu blishers and school administrators. Their interests and experiences were obviously very different, but everyone agreed that they had gained a lot from sharing their experiences with each other. The course was directed by Dr Margaret Cox.. and covered the use of Corn pu ter Assisted Learning (CAL), the contribution of the introduction of CAL into the curriculum, software evaluation and the trends in the development of both software and technology. The course wa organised into seminars, lectures and workshops. Several reception were held for the course mem bers and demonstrations were given by Acorn compu ters and Research Machines (the leading educational hardware developers in the K). The participants were al 0 able to
Participants in the British Council course.
visit two schools to observe computers being used by pupils and teachers in the classroom.
1t was generally agreed that the course had been a succes and had provided a stimulating and useful contribution to the course members' work.
A unique study of the 1982 Falklands conflict from both the British and Argentinian viewpoints is to be undertaken by the Department of War Studies. The project which is being funded by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, will bring an Argentinian scholar, Miss Virginia Gamba, to England to work with Professor Freedman, Head of the Department of War Studies.
Angie Donoghue Educational Computing Unit
E GINEERING FACULTY SUPPORTS 'INDUSTRY YEAR' Exhibition and Seminar to be held on 15th July in the Great Hall To mark Industry Year the Faculty of Engineering is mounting an exhibition and seminar for schools, which will take place on Tuesday IS July. There will be two identical half-day es ions, 10.00am - 12.00 noon and 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The session will be aimed at staff and pupils from the third form upwards, and will involve a series of short talks, with opportunities for questions. This will take place in the lecture theatre, and will be followed by a visit to the exhibition which will include static displays and working models, and is intended to provide an indication of the variety and scope of the work of the professional engineer.
Miss Gamba was educated at ewcastle and Aberystwyth Universities and is currently Director of the Strategic Studies Institute in Buenos Aires. She will be coming over to Britain later this year.
COLLEGE CALENDAR A D COLLEGE ITER AL TELEPHO E DIRECTORY The Information Office is now in the process of updating the above publications and will be requesting information directly from Heads of Academic and Administrative Departments. If you know of any alterations that need to be included, please let your Head of Department or whoever has responsibility for making the return to the Information Office, know as oon as possible.
P BUC LECTURE LIST - MICHAELMAS TERM 19 6 The Information Offi e will be ompiling a Public Le rure list [Q advertise all Public Le ture taking pia e throughout the ollege during next term. ould all departments planning publi lel-tures plea e end the detail to Catherine Goff, i tant Information Officer, Strand <.ampu . Detail mu t be received by Friday 5th September [Q en ure in lusion.
POLITICS A D THE ACADEMY: Arnold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair by Richard Clogg
he reported on atrocitie committed b\' Greek troops and. on his return. he wr~te the Western Question in Greece and TurkeJ. (London 19~ _). in whl h he repeated his charges and emphal cd that the Greek position m sia ~inor wa fundamentally untenable. The boo' appeared in the ummer of 1922. JU 1 lev. months before the ata Hophl' deleat of the Gre k arm le at the hand ot the Turkish nationalist, a defeat hich culminated in the de truction of the largely Greek lry of Smyrna.
One of the more obscure episodes in the College' history is the involuntary re ignation in 1924, from the newly established Koraes Chair of Modem Greek and Byzantme History, Language and Literature, of the young Arnold Toynbee - ubequently to becane perhaps the be t known British historian of the twentieth century. Richard Clogg of the Department of Byzantine and Modem Greek Studie has just publi hed a detailed anatomy of the circumstance of the foundation of the chair and of its tormy early history. A study which highlight the interplay of international and academic politics. Dunng the period of the First World War, King's, under the acgis of Principal Ronald Burrows. became a leading centre for the tudy of R u ia and Ea tern Europe and was the princlpal centre for such tu die in the university untilthc 1930s when the hool of lavonic and East European Studie broke away from the College to hecome a Senate In litution. Burrow' Pnn<-lpal hip al 0 aw the e tabli hment of the Cervante' hair of Spani h, the Camoen Chair of Portugue e and the Rhode Profe or hip of Imperial Hi tory. Burrows, a clas iei t by training. wa both a committed philhellene and a devoted admirer of the reel-.. Prime Mini ter, L1eftherio Venizelos. He had a particular intere t 1n the promotion of Byzantine and Modern Greek tudie and hi energetlC fund-raising among the Greek community in Britain, together with a subvention from the Greel-.. government, led to the e tablishment of the Korae Chair in 1919. The first incumbent of the Chalr wa Arnold Toynbee, who was appointed at the early age of 29 Soon after his appointment Toynbee wa granted leave of absence to cover the Greek-Turki h war in Asia Minor for the Manche ter Guardian. fn his despatches
archlves. in To} nbee' ov,;n per onal paper and tho e of a number of other involved in the dl pute. It 1 a r mar abl} detaikd re on tru IOn 01 the whole allau. Politics and the Academy: mold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair is rubb hed b}- Frank Ca in a o.:1a拢ion with the Centre ot ontemporary Greek Studle H rdba<. tople pn ed 拢 1000 are a\allable from the e retar};. Department 01 BYlantine and \10dern Greek tudIC. trand campu Cheque hould be made out to the Centre of Contemporaf}i Greek tudk The pro 'ced will be devoted to the purcha e 01 boo' lor the Burrov. Library in memory of all the prota g>nist~ in the controvrr y who, however bitter their dlllerence at the time, were deeply committed to the promotion of Byzantine and Modern Greek studies.
The Athlone Pre was the official publi hmg house for the niver ity until I 97l} and it pre erve a trong relation hip with the nivefSlty through the body of an <-ad\;mic Advl ory Board eompoed 01 enior members of the Umversity
RICHARD CLOGG Toynbee's writings and his growing ym路 pathy for the Turkish nationali t cause enraged the donor and the Greek government, which withdrew its sub idy for the teaching of modern Greek. The donor, who were grouped together in a Subscriber Committee, chalIed by the former Greek Mini ter in London. put tIOng pre sure on the College and niver ity authoritie for Toynbee' removal. Toynbee, although enjoying the full upport of I:.rnest Barker, Burrows' succe sor as Principal. III 0 came under fire from an inOuential group in the King' prafe oriate. The ensuing furore. which was played out both in the College and the niversity. and which eventually reached the pre s, resulted in Toynbee' resignation in 1924 at the end of the five year term to which he had initially been appointed. Be ides raising important i ues concerning the perennial problem of academic Ireedom, the Toynbee ca e al 0 strikes a somewhat topical note. It highlight some of the danger inherent in the reliance of universities on ou tide funding, a reliance that ha been on the increa e as their financial position has worsened in recent years. Richard Clogg's study is based on a wealth of material that survive in the College
thlone continue to welcome manu cript from member of the mver Ity. e pecially first bool-..s from younger academlcs. nder certam Clrc.um tances, lund arc available in upport of pUblication. ubmi ion hould be ent to the Managing Director, Mr Brian SOIltha.m, 44 Bedford Row, London WC I R 4L'r .
Dear Editor, One of the more agreeable occasion in the yearly round over the years ha been thc end-of-se sion dinner at which one could ay good-bye to departing colleague. It wa. a happy way of di covering a little more about those colleague. and 01 cour路e. a reminder that the Long acation would soon be with us. . ot any morc' I ow only the elite are allowed to attend. and mere lel-turer are excluded. What happened? DId ome 01 us eat our pea with a knife? Or wa thl the la t (lf Sir Keith's cut? t lea. tit would have been nice to k now how and why decisions of this kind are reached. our si ncerely, Richard 'oggins, Sub-Dean, Faculty of Theology and Rcligiou tudie.
Comment has been asked to reassure Richard COgglllS, and an)' who may share his feelings, that there was absolutely no intention of introducing elitism into what,
indeed, is a traditionally relaxed and happy occasion. With the dinner this year being open, not only to past Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea staff. but also for the first time to the School ofMedicine and Dentistry, a far greater number of leavers and, of course, current staff. were likely to attend than in previous years: numbers might therefore have to be limited. As it happened a restricted initial circulation notifying people of the dinner did not lead to oversubscription and a second notice was circulated encouraging all to attend. !t is to be regretted that not all staff were aware of both these notices. Dear Comment What has happened to the Committee for Training Academic Staff (CTAS)? I know that few new staff have been appointed but that does not mean that the existing ones cannot benefit from CTAS activities. s a tarter I have two po itive sugge tions to make: 1) A short day course on student counselling run by the College psychotherapist. Perhaps June or early in the new academic year would be most appropriate. 2) The foundation of a small library for taff training purposes to include book, articles, etc, relevant to teaching and education with particular relevance to university level activities. I would be happy to donate the few books I have to start off the collection.
The items may be seen in the Bungalow at Manresa Road, Chel ea campu , by arrangement with the ursery staff (ext C2397). Any offer hould be em to lastair Pettigrew, Depu ty cademic Regi trar, Strand campus, by I July 19 6. Buyer to collect after 3 I July.
For further details and application forms contact The Secretary The Ciba-Geigy Fellowship Trust, 30 Buckingham Gate. London WIE 6LH. Tel: 01 2 5676. The clo ing date for application I t ovember 19 6.
There will be a collection of confidential wa te paper in Room 14B, next to the Great Hall, Strand campu , on Thursday 28 August 1986. Material to be disposed of should be bagged and seÂŤurely tied and brought or sent to Room 14B between 1l.00am - 12.30pm. The ollege Archivist (Strand, Ext 2187) will also be pleased to make alternative arrangement for the collection and temporary housing of material in advance of this date.
DEVELOPI G COU TRY FELLOWSHIP SCHEME Food Science will be welcoming Dr Olusola Omueti from the University of !fe, igeria for 12 months from October 19 6. Dr Omueti ha been awarded a Royal Society Developing Country Fellowship for further studies in this country.
Your sincerely
David Green Geography Department
Parking will be limited at the Strand from 28 th July for about ten days as the Quadrangle is being resurfaced during that time.
A REQUEST FROM THE SWITCHBOARD Would anyone intending to be away from College during the Summer Vacation kindly inform the Switchboard in advance. This will ensure that they can deal with incoming calls much more quickly and efficien tly.
FOR SALE Because of the closure of the present College ursery a number of items which it is not practical to store until the ursery re-opens are offered for sale to the highe t bidder. Proceeds of the sale will go to the ursery funds. Tumble Drier Upright Freezer (approx 4ft taU) Chest Freezer (approx 3 x 2Y2 x 3ft) Fridge Gas Cooker Liquidiser
The award are for ÂŁ 10 000 per annum pIu travelling e penses.
RESEARCH GRANTS CIBA-GEIGY CO TlNENTAL EUROPEA FELLOWSHIP AWARDS Application are invited for awards by the ClBA-GEIGY Fellowship Trust for the academic year 19 7-88. The Fellowships will be awarded to tart from an agreed date during the academic year 1987/88. The e will be available to lecturers, senior lecturer or readers who hold, and will return to, permanent teaching positions in the UK or Republic of Ireland universitie , polytechnics or comparable teaching institutions, who wish to undertake research at an agreed continental European university or technological university. These post hould have been held for a period of at least five years in the field of chemistry, biochemistry, chemical technology, chemical engineering and biology, particularly in its relation to chemistry.
Applications are invited from member of the niversity (other than present undergraduate tudent and those registered for a taught Master's degree) for grant from the Central Research Fund to assist specific project of research, such as the provision of pecial material, apparatus and travel costs. Applications are con idered each term and result are normally available before the end of the term in which application are con idered. The closing date for application are as follows: Autumn Term - 8 September 1986 - 8 December 1 6 Spring Term Summer Term - 23 March 1987 Full details have been circulated to all Heads of Departments within the College by the Academic Registrar's Department. Form of application and further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Central Research Fund, University of London, Senate House.
JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS Thc J apanes Government is offering thirteen Research Scholarships for 198789 to British nationals to carry out researc projects in the postgraduate schools of Japanese universities. Applications forms and full details are available from the Japlm Information Centre, 9 Grosvenor Square, London W 1X 9LB. The closing date for applications is 3 I t July 1986 and short-listed candidates will be interviewed at the Centre at the end of September 1986. Successful applicants travel to Japan in April 19 7. to take up Scholafo ships tenable for two years, or in October 19 7 to take up Scholarships tenable for one and a half years. Succe sfu] candidates who do not have a good knowledge of the Japanese language will attend an intensive language course for the first six months of the duration of the Scholarship.
KING'S COLLEGE GOES TO FRA CE - AGAIN! The more perceptive element of our readership may have noticed last month's deliberate mistake. The College outing is
t ta -e pia e on Wednesday 31 July. and not I July. hi h \ a the last date for application A a re ult. the 10 ing date ha been put back a week to July. 0 eep tho e appli tion omLng in! Comment .... ould like to apologi e for the inevitable onfu ton eau ed. we hope nobody ha been deterred from making the trip.
E DME T TO COLLEGE REG L no S:MAY19 6 I hall be grateful if you could note the following errata: Page ,Regulation 6.6 Under Faculty of Life Sciences the reference should be + (not ++) against: Food and utritional Sciences ursing Studies Pharmacy Page IS, Regulation 13.1 In line 3 after 'subject to approval by" add "the Academic Board and". P J Gilbert s istant Secretary
SHORT-LIFE HO SI G The College Accommodation Offi e run a short-life hou ing heme, whi h make an alternative ource 0 ac ommodation open to King' tudent. In order to e pand its ervi e, the A commodation Offi e need to acquire more property. If any mem ber of ollege notice any empty propertie over the 'ummer period, the~ would help the work of the Shortlife hou ing 0 ficer b notifying them of addre es, so that they an negotiate licen ing arrangement with owner. Plea e contact Brynda Gale, Short-life Office 1st Ooor Lightfoot Hall, Manre a Road, London SW3 6LX (Tel. 351 _4 ext. 2220) with any information.
Professor lan Kennedy, Director of the entre for Medical Law and Ethics, has been awarded the Baron C ver Hayden de Lancey Medico-Legal Prize, awarded annually by the Royal Society of Medicine, and worth £ 1,000. The prize recogni elan Kennedy's contribution a 'the Fellow having done the most in the previou session to promote link between medicine and the law'.
Thi i the last edition of COMME T for the e ion. The next edition will be a 'S tarting the Session' issue which exIsts to provide general information on services available within the College to new and current members of staff. The copy date for this issue is I September, for publication in the week of 15 September. The next full edition of COMME T will appear at the opening of the new term. Copy date is 22 September, for publication in the week of 6 October. We would like to wish all members of the College a good ummer, and a pleasant long vacation.
STOP PRESS ••••••••.••• STOP PRESS ••...•••••...• STOP PRESS ••••..•• STOP PRESS •.•••.•.••• There are still some tickets available for the KCLA Summer Event on Tuesday July 29. The new President of the Association, Professor Arthur Bell, is hosting a supper aL the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Sherry will be served in the Temperate House followed by a buffet in the PAVILIO RESTAURA T. Tickets are £7.50 each. Directions and further details will be sent with the tickets. The event is open to all staff members and tickets can be obtained from Peter Gilbert (Strand extension 2667).