Comment 020 January 1987

Page 1

King's College London (KQC) newsletter

UGC ACTIO The niver ity Grant Committee (UGC) con idered the College' propo als or Cornwall Hou e at a meeting on December 11. On De em ber I ,Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer wrote to the ice-ehanellor a follow: The Committee a\ its immediate ta k a being to a k the Government to create the opportunity for the full propo al to be properly conidered. There appear to be two alternative way in which this could be done: a) To dela the deadline for purcha e of the lea e until tbe full propo aJ has been properlye mined. b) To allow King's to purcha e the lea e of Cornwall Hou e, either with money obtained by the aJe of other propertie or with money provided by the GC, in advance of consideration of the full propo al. [ have written to the Secretary of State, drawing his attention to the problem and putting forward these two alternatives.' The Department of the Environment are keen to ee progress in this matter but have indicated that they could be flexible on the deadline, for the lease purcha e, previou ly et at February I 1. There i , however, no doubt of the urgency of the matter and the College now await. a response from the Secretary of State and the GC.



follow academic planning, and our financial planning mu t harmoni e with both. The report submitted to the GC, with the wholehearted upport of the ni erity Court, addre e thi need.





The Report present, in careful and considerable detail. three configurations for rationali ation. Configuration One: Unification of Split Department I t has already been po sible to bring together the Department of Physics, Mathematics, omputing and Biology but no le than even department are still operating on two or more sites; Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Phy iology, Biophy ics, Chemistry, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Education. A scheme which would bring together the operations of each of these department to one or other of the existing sites was examined and costed. Configuration Two: Unification of Cognate Department Iso examined and co ted was a scheme to allow a more sen ible academic group-

ing of related di clpline . The Strand wa a umed the foeu for rt, Physical Scien e and Engineering and con liguration de i ed to unify Pre- lini al ubject Life Sciences and Edu ation. Configuration Three: Unification of the College The propo al here examined the cont iguration now known as the Thame ide Campus': u ing the Strand a in Con fig. Two, retaining Drury Lane and acquiring and developing Cornwall Hou e for Life Sci~ ence , Pre-clinical Department and ducation. 11 other teaching site and bUildings would be dispo ed of and the re ultant revue et again t development and restructu ring co ts.



Configuration One Although the unification of departments is a fundamental necessity, plans based on thi alone would lead to the division ot medical and dental pre-clinical teaching acros London; a more radical remedy along the lines of Config.Two would be continued inside, p.2

hort ummary of the propo als made in the College ubmis ion to the Court and the UG i given below.

BACKGROU D The niversity of London has carried out a radical and far-reaching re tructuring programme, creating a clear pattern of respon ibility for cientific teaching and re earch. The need to concentrate effort and re ource in cience and engineering was a fundamental reason for the merger of King's, QEC and Chelsea and presents to the newly merged College, and to the niver ity, enormous academic potential for growth. To reali e thi potential rationalisation of our buildings and space must

ot a UGC delegation, but the new Schools Liaison Office secretary: see p.6



note from Or Barrie Morgan [ have been appointed a Director of orth mencan Programme in the newly e tabli hed Overseas Student Office to increa e the num ber of merican tudent tudying at King' College and to advise the e student during their time on campus. I am being assisted by Dr Fred rmitage from the Chemistry Department a Senior Advi er, orth American Programme. We are aiming to increa e our enrolment of American undergraduates, most of whom will be in their junior (third) year, from about 80 to about 200. However, this is a much more daunting ta k than it might appear, owing to the academic profile of the College. Mo t American students wish to tudy the humanitie and social cience : we cannot cater for the latter demand while our Arts Facu[ty is relatively sma[1. The bulk of our Junior Year Abroad OYA) students are in three department: Eng[i h, Hi tory and Philosophy. These departments are unable to absorb many more students if they are to integrate them fully with degree student. We are, therefore, looking to expand numbers in science and engineering. Expansion in the e areas will be difficult. There are not the obvious advantage in tudying Comparative Anima[ Physiology in Eng[and that there are in studying Shake peare or British History; science students worry (wrongly) that study abroad will reduce their chance of entering medical chool; science courses are progressive to a far greater degree than humanities and social science course, 0 that a student may have to pick up very specific 'building block' courses during study abroad. 1 am convinced that the only way we are going to expand the lY A pre ence in science departments is to develop close academic contacts with selected American department~. Once members of the academic taff in these departments are aware of our cour e structure and content, and how these courses here may be included in the course of study for an American degree, [ believe an increa e in tudent interest will follow. But to pursue thi 1 need your help. If you have clo e contacts with a co[league in a good American science or engineering department, will you please drop me a line with details. A personal approach from a respected colleague and researcher i far more likely to pay dividend than an approach from me. I would make one other plea for help from all colleagues. Part of my job is to maintain contact with study abroad adviser at the major institution. However, I cannot hope to visit and make personal contact with them all. If you are visiting the nited States and would be prepared to vi it one or two institutions on behalf of the


College will you plea e let me know. Some money i availab[e to 'top up' your travel grants if we request you to travel to place other than those you planned to vi it.

A Working Party set up jointly by the Advi ory Board for Research Council , the Computer Board, and the niver ity Grants Committee recommended among other things that a Cray X-MP /4 computer at a co t of £[3 million should be obtained for advanced re earch exploiting supercomputing techniques not just in cience and engineering but in other academic fields as well. After a period of uncertainty about its export from the USA, the computer was delivered to the Rutherford App[eton Laboratory at hort notice on 3 December 19 6. It is now being commissioned. SERC hoped to start acceptance testing on [2 January 1987. While thi i in progress, selected users will be invited to adapt their programs for the X-MP computer so that both they and SERC can gain operational experience before tarting a full ervice. If all goes well, they hope to launch the ervice on Monday 2 February [987. The scale of funding for the Cray X-MP computer means that this powerful research facility must be brought to bear on the problem for which it is intended. The first step in this process is to provide information on the ervices which it will furnish. SERC have issued a first Cray newsletter through a number of channels. Despite distributing this issue widely, they may inadvertently have mis ed people who ought to be included. If you require a copy or want further information please contact Bart Fossey at: SERC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton DIDCOT Oxon. OXll OQX Te[: A bingdon(0235) 21900

UGC ACTIO HOUSE Continued from p.]

needed to rectify this. The net cost of this scheme would be £8M with an annual recurrent saving of £ 1M. The payback time is estimated at 9 years with a resultant annual deficit of £400K. Configuration Two Unification of pre-clinical departments

could be achieved but it would of necesity be on the ite furthest from KCSMD, al 0 eparating their teaching and research from related disciplines in the Life Science. cademic value for money i not a hie cd. The net co t would be £ 3M with an annual recurrent saving of £ 1M. The payback time exceeds 32 year and bring an annual defi it of £500K. Configuration Three This proposal is the only clear way to reali the niversity's 'five science sites' policy and to reap the full benefits of the federal restru tu ring exercise; undoubtedly the be t academic value for money. et costs of £ I0.5 M are balanced by an annual saving of £2.5K. Payback time i 8 years with an annual surplus of £ 1M.

CONCLUSION The College's belief that the 'Thameside Campus' pre ents the only way forward for academic growth is unequivocally supported by the detailed investigations of this Report. Academically and financially it is far and away the best value for money and the Report proposes that the College be allowed to take the first and now most urgent, steps towards implementation.

FURTHER DETAILS Full copies of the Report are available for con ultation in the Secretary's Office on the Strand, the Secretary' Office at KCSMD, in the offices of the Assistant Secretaries at Kensington and helsea, in the Information Office and in the main Libraries on each site. Staff consulting the full document should bear in mind that, in order to pre ent clear costed options, models of academic activity were used; such-illustrative models cannot attempt to exactly represent reality and will be unavoidably nawed. Actual use of pace may be su bstantially different and will not be determined until full con ultation through the College's normal planning machinery can take place. Colleagues hould also be aware that the document i aimed ultimately at authorities which will eriously doubt an un ubstantiated proposition that physical consolidation is essential to the College's academic prosperity: after all, they will argue, several civic universitie do exce[lent work despite physical disunity. The ca e for con olidation is more powerfully and per uasively made by comparing a range of apparent possibilities and demon trating the costs and benefits which now from them: Configurations One and Two above are neither presented nor accepted by the College a workable options.

THE n initiative by Dean of n and other repre entative of the Fa ulty 0 rt ha led to a propo al or a review of rt provi ion in the ni er ity. The obje tive i to explore mean by which the mver ity' work in the n could be trengthened, tn luding increa ed co-operation at the In titutional and niver ity level. ThIS would pIa e the nj er ity in a tronger po Hion in it dealing with the G and other bodie to protect, and where po ible enhance, teaching and re ear h in the rt. Su bje t to the comments of other niver ity bodie , the study will proceed through review of individual subject area by group of Head of Departments and In titute Directors involved with undergraduate teaching; the findings of the e group will then be con idered by a Committee of Dean of rt or their equivalent a list of member i given below) who will submit a report to the Joint Planning Committee in Spring 19 7. TheJoint Planmng ommittee will wish. to have the views of S.chool (who will have been kept informed of progres by their Deans) and relev.ant niver ity bodie on any propo als arising from the review before making recommendation to the ourt and Senate. Con ultation with the recogni ed trade unions will take place. Of course, some area of tlJdie in the Art have undergone restructuring relatively recently, and the review will need to con ider at an early tage whether any further con ideration of these areas i neces ary.

Goldsmith ' College Or F Harcourt, Dean 0 Art. Queen Mary College Prof CM Kauf mann, Director 0 Courtauld In titute Or I Rae ide, Dean 0 ndergradu te Studle ,School of Oriental and fri an Studies Pro P Ri kett ,Dean of rt, We tfield ollege Prof ' S Rin Ier, Dean of rt. King' College and ice-Dean 0 niver ity Faculty of rt Prof M M WiUcock, Dean of ns, Univer it College London.

On Wednesday 4th February King's College i to ho t a marathon debating tournament: 60 team from all over the niversity will do verbal battle from lOam on into the evening. The final debate take place in the Great Hall at 6.45pm. chaired by the Principal and with Lord Elwyn-J one and the Vice-Chancellor, Lord Flower. as adjudicator. The tournament i one of the final events held to celebrate the 150th nniversary of the niversity and the organi ers are Jeremy Maddock and Steven Rhodes. They are still hort uf judge for the many debate that will take place that day and mem ber of staff are a ked to con tact Jeremy.and Steven. via the Faculty of Theology Office, if they would like to help out by doing ome debate adjudication.

Tom GUb, a omputer on ultant wIth a world reputation visited the college on Tue day 13 January to give two pe ial lecture to computer clen e tudent and t from the Department 0 Computing and the Computer Centre. The invitation to the College 0 curred a the erendipitou byprodu t from [he triennial world congre in Dublin la t September 0 [he International Federation for Information Proce ing, when Tom GUb and Brian Meek of the Computer Centre happened to be scheduled to give successive papers at the same session. In his morning le ture Tom Gilb chose a hi topic'RE L oftware engineering'. pointing out that what i commonly called software engineering bore a irnilar relation hip to real engineering to that which bricklaying had to architecture. In the afternoon he poke on ' oft ware metri s' - the title of his now classic book which es.tabli hed hi reputation, tre Sing the need in oftware de ign and development to et mea urable objectives again t which ucces or failure can be a e ed including co t . Tom Gil:b' lively and timulating tyle wa much appreciated by the audience; and the tudents of CS6LC, who e normal lecture slots were used to make these lectures pas ible, must have welcomed thi change of diet from their normal drab fare! Brian Meek Computer Centre

The niversity wishes to let all it member know what i propo ed, 0 that they may take advantage of the opportunities to comment that will be available both within School and Institute and through the niversity' a ademic committees. Li t of Member Prof S Greenhaum ( niver ity College London) Dean of the mver ity Faculty of n. Chairman Prof J P Barron, Dire tor, In titute of la 'Ical Studle Prof K Bourne, Con en er, Department of International Hi tory, London School of conomic Or P V Brady, Dean of rt, Blrkbeck College Or M Branch, Dire tor. School of Slavom and a t European Studle Rev B Callaghan, Principal. Heythrop College Mr M J Carter, Dean of rl and MUSIC, Royal Holloway and Bedford ew College Or J J Goring and Mr P Cre swell, the present and incoming Dean of School of Humanitie and Performing Art,


LECTURES MEETINGS AND SEMINARS P BLIC LECTURES Tuesday 27 January A Public Lecture in the Faculty of L w THE F T RE OF THE LEG L PROFES 10 The Lord Gifford Q S.30pm, The ew Theatre, Strand campus Tuesday 17 February The Halliburton Lecture in Phy iology POT ASSI M CHA ELS A D TH CO TROL OF SECRETIO Professor 0 H Petersen, University of Liverpool S.30pm, The New Theatre, Strand campus

KING'S EPIC SEMINAR Monday 26 January TilE GREEK HA SO DE G -STE: DIGE ES AKRITES Dr R Beaton, KCL S.OOpm, Room 330, Strand campus

POSTGRADUATE SEMINAR I MODERN GREEK LA GUAGE A D LITERATURE Monday 2 February GREEK WOM WRITERS Christopher Robinson, Christ Church, Oxford Monday 9 February CRETE: THE CE TURIES OF VE ETIA A D TURKISH PRESE CE (with slides) Jennifer Scarce, Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh

Wednesday 4 February DO ,JOT ADJ ST YOUR MI:\D: THE FA LT IS I . REALITY - THE BIOPOLITICS OF M D ESS Profe or S Ro e, The Open University Wednesday 11 February FI ITISM Dr J Mayberry, Univer ity of Bristol Wednesday 18 February STYLES OF ARGUME T I EARLY MODER SCIE CE Dr A Crombie, University of Oxford

Friday 20 February G E PRESSIO. I THE DE ELOP1GB RL Y E DO P R Dr M Krei Rotham ted Experimental Station 1.00pm, Room 22 ,Ken ington campus



2.1Spm, Room IB06, Strand campus

Wednesday 28 January WHOLEMEAL FLO R: SE A 0 AB SE Or T Galliard, Lord Rank Research Centre


Wednesday 11 February ORAL PERCEPTIO A D MASTICATIO Or M R Heath, London Ho pital Dental School

Wednesday 21 January THE ECOLOGY AND FLORA OF ALASKA Dr A Brown, Westminster School, Lo ndon Wednesday 28 January A UTIL S: THE LEGE D OF THE L1VI G FOSSIL Professor M Wells, University of Cambridge Wednesday 18 February ADAPTIVE ASPECTS OF RESOURCE ALLOCATIO - IMPLICATIO S FOR GROWTH, REPRODUCTIO ,STRESS TOLERE CE AND AGEI G Professor P Calow, niversity of Sheffield

5 .30pm, Food Science Lecture Theatre, Kensington campus

SEMI AR IN HUMA ITIES COMPUTING Tuesday 10 February A HITCHHIKER'S G IDE TO STATISTICAL PACKAGES FOR THE H MA ITIES lain Liddell, University of Warwick 6 pm, Room GOS, Strand campu

4.30pm, Lower Ground Lecture Theatre, Kensington campus

(This seminar will be held in 3BI8 at S .lSpm) Monday 16 February HIS A D HERS: THE Q ESTIO OF GE DERI 0 TEMPORARY GREEK POETRY Karen van Dyck St Anthony's College, Oxford S.OOpm, The Burrows Library, Strand campus, unle s otherwise stated

Friday 23 January SI G GE E TRA TSFER TO STUDY THE EXPRESSIO D REPLICATIO OF CA LIFLOWER MOSAIC VIR S Dr R Walden, niversity of Leicester Friday 30 January EXPLOSIVE PARASITE TRA SMISSO I DESERTS Dr R Tin ley, Queen Mary College



Wednesday 28 January ARE COMP TERS PHILOSOPHICALLY I TERESTI G? Dr P Gibbin , University of Bristol



Sir David Smith, FRS, delivering the Queen Elizabeth Lecture 1987 at the Kensington Campus. The lecture, entitled Symbiosis: living together for mutual benefit?, encompassed both the biological definition oj the subject and also its application to institutional mergers.

DEPARTME T OF PALAEOGRAPHY Wedne day 28 January SCRIPTS I THE BARBARI C.600- 00 Dr Patrick McGurk


Friday 20 February S lE EA D R LIGIO Profe or J S K Ward, Professor J PoIkinghorne and other Discussion weekend, Cumberland Lodge Wind or

Wednesday 11 February BOOKS OF HO RS Dr Christopher de Hamel Wednesday 4 February TWELFTH CE. TURY SCRIPTS Prof. lan Short




12 noon Room 2BI I, Strand campus

Monday 2 February DEFE SIVE MEDICI E: MYTH OR REALITY? Mr Arnold Simanowitz, Action for the Victims of Medical Accidents


Monday 9 February 'AIDS' - THE FACTS AND HOW WE SHOULD RESPO 0 Dr Charles Farthing, St Stephen"s Hosp. London

Thursday 5 February o ROMA CE PORTUGUES CONTEMPORA EO - PRACTICAS E MODELOS Maria Alzira Seixo, Universidade Classica De Lisboa

Monday 16 February WOME A D SEXUALITY: THE E 0 OF A ERA Ms Katherine Whitehorn, The Observer

5 .30pm, Room I B23, Strand campus 1.0Spm, Room 3B20, Strand campus



Tuesday 3 February POLICE POWERS AND LIBERTY OF THE PERSON Prof Michael Zander, London School of Economics and Political Science


Tuesday 17 February WAR AND HUMA RIGHTS Prof Lawrence Freedman, KCL

Tuesday 3 February FERNANDO PESSOA: THE POET AND HIS MASKS Or Luis de Sou a Rebelo, KCL

Ipm, The



OBITUARY MR J T COMBRIDGE Mr J T Combridge, a former Registrar at King's and Vice-President of KCLA, died on Decem ber 10 last year. He retired in 1962, and had been recently widowed. The funeral took place on Wednesday 17 December at 3pm in St Peter's Church in St Albans. The College and KCLA were represented by Mr Myles Tempany, the Vice-Principal External Affairs.

TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OR MACHOVER ha been appointed Acting Head of the Department of Hi tory and Philo ophy of Science until Septem ber 1987, following Profe sor Redhead's move to Reading niversity.

ew Theatre, Strand campus Tue day 10 February C P CAVAFY: POET OF TIME REGAl ED Dr Roderick Beaton,KCL



6.lSpm, Room 3B20 Strand campus

Monday 2 February JOBS FOR PHYSICISTS Professor C H L Goodman, STL


Monday 9 February OPTICAL FIBRE SE SORS Professor D E Davies, University College London


2.00pm - 3.00pm, Room 2C, Strand campu

5 .30pm, Senate Hou e Malet Street

TELEPHO E UPDATES Please note the following changes in telephone extensions and rooms:52628 Miss F Shertzer (Departmental secretary) 100 52628 Position vacant (Asst. departmental secretary) 100 S2650 Mr J G Wilkins (Departmental superintendent) 20DB 3797842 Prof G V R Born (direct line) lSEB Department of Pharmacology



The ne Iy formed Schools Lial on Offi e ha appointed a e retary. who will work under the School and College Lia on Officer. Peter Lawrence. This late t addition to the Office (preceding, in fact, her de k, hair and typewriter) i a graduate from the Shakespeare In titute. Stratford upon von and Birmingham, and Ii t a her main pastime mem ber hip of the Dark ges Society. Thi nationwide group i devoted to the re-creation of the late half of the Ninth Century, both through re earch and practical events. Our School Liaison Secretary ha been carrying a pear for the pa t ix year (not to mention word, hield and axe) and is involved in training new recruits to kill, with an eye to histrionic effect and personal safety. Visitors to the School Liaison Office need not fear a latter day Brunnhilde for M Pank leave her. inth Century alter ego safely at home most day ... She i ba ed in Room 223 Strand campu as from 5 1anuary 19 7. Following la t term's liaison eminar on the Strand campu , there will be another opportunity for tho e concerned to hare theu experience and idea. this time at Ken ington. See the reply slip on the back page for return to Peter Lawrence. Plans are in hand to hold a similar event at helsea later.


's CO

tity of Christianit . It eem comforting to refle t that. almo t from the tart. Christians have found the me age of the story impo ible lmply out of practical ne e sity. It original ontext i in (he very earlie t Chris£lan day. when the Kingdom of God wa felt to be Just round the orner, a hope not realized directly. Yet it i impo Ible for u to lock Jesu in his fir t-century bo . Where then doe the story leave u ? We have to recognize our need for 'poverty' before God and our total need for hI grace - but also our need to live out our elf-givrng to God rn every phere of practical life open to u .

There will be plenty of space for tho e who wi h to come. Ticket will be availabk later but tho e who hope to come might like to note the date now.

BEGI [G OF TERM SERMO WED ESDAY 7 JANUARY 1987 'GIVI G UP SELF - AND WEALTH' THE REVD CA 0 J L HOULDE I The Go pel story of the rich man who will not give away all his possessions at le us' bidding baffles us. It threatens us, for It catche u on the raw: infuriate us, for we cannot realistically relieve our guilt on the matter; yet haunt u , for the pomt is 0 bound up with the moral iden-

Ticket co £2.-0 ea h. and 'hould be ordered rom SPA. 'ISH SO IETY Departmenr ot Spam hand Spani h- mencan Studle Strand W 2R _LS



I very much hope you will be able to join me for the two eminars planned this term.

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


They will both be in my office at 5.30pm We end about pm. (Will tho e who were at the last seminar krndly note the hange of date.) Tuesday [0 February ED CATIO . & VOC TIO I '0 CRIME DO P DRE M RO' BY ECA DE Q EIROS Dr Juliet Perkins, Lecturer in Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies. (The book is available in English translation recently reprinted by Swan Books, or Black Swan, as 'The Sin of Father Amaro'.) Tuesday 3 March SOME REFLECTIO S 0 THE RELIGIOUS STYLE I POETRY Prof Raymond Chapman, London School of Economics.


The Dean will be con ecrated Bi hop on Thursday 2 May (Ascen ion Day) at I I am in St Paul' Cathedral.

make your application a oon a po ible. Saturda 14th February ha been re erved in ca e of e ce demand - plea e tate whether thi date IS unable a an I( rnative to your ho en mgh .

KCL SPA ISH SOCIETY PLAY 19 7 Encouraged by the ucces. ot their performanee of a Spanish- merican play 111 19 6, the Spamsh Society will be producing another Spanish-American work: Mario Varga LLo a's 'La Senonta de Tacna·. This will be performed at The . ew Theatre Krng' College on 11th -13 th February.19 7.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.


Leyton tone Parson' Green Wan tead Debden Turnham Green aling Common Mile End pney or ea den Shadwell Oval Rui lip Barking Holborn mer ham Monument Stockwell Ru ell Square Belsize Park Hatton Cross Theydon Boi Ladbroke Grove Mansion House ( ee below) Wille den Green Warren Street Greenford Park Royal or Queen' Park Cockfo ters Seven Sister Shoreditch Manor House Blacklriars Becontree Cannon Street Mordcn

'ott;;: even Si ter is a en ible an wer to no. 22, bu t I 111 tended as the an wer to no. 28, each statIOn appearing only once a an an wcr. lan Fairbourn. Department of Computing

Writren in 19 I, thi play portrays a poor Peruvian family and it problem through the eye of the centenarIan, Mamae, a he recalls her childhood. The script embraces theme such as family, old age, pride, and individual destiny.


The performance will beg1l1 at 7.30pm, and the Society recommends that you

Last Term aw an increase in the amount of litter left lying around the

College particularly on the Strand Campu . Litter bins have been provided in all the main areas of the Strand Campu and all users of the Campus are urged to deposit their litter in them and not on the floor. otice-board are provided for ollege and nion notices and notices may not be posted in other place. otice tuck up on walls doors and window are unsightly and damage paint work. Cleaners have in tructions to remove any notice po ted anywhere other than on official notice board . Member of the ollege, both taff and stUdents, are urged to co-operate in making King's a cleaner, tidier place.

K IGHTHOOD FOR KI G'S MA Antony Victor Driver graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department at King's in 1946. He went on to become a Director of BP Oil Limited, from which he retired in 19 O. In the Queen's Birthday Honours li t, he received a Knighthood for hi contribution to the ational Health Service. He is currently Chairman of the South West Thames Regional Health Authority.

PHARMACOLOGY FITTEST? NOT BY A LONG WAY Concerning the Fittest Department in the College (Comment, December), we note that members of the Pharmacology Department consider themselves to be supreme. Running afficionados may have noticed that in fact the Pharmacology Department must take third place after the Departments of Physiology and Microbiology. Both these departments also had teams in the Sunday Times National Fun Run 1986 and both teams finished in higher placings than either of the Pharmacology teams. The Physiology Department takes first position in the College rankings with tl)eir team the Kensington Campers which finished 224th out of a total of 1772 qualifying teams. This team was led by Georgina Price, and starred John Haslam, Sue Holly, Paul orman (all Physiology), Jim Butler (Biology) Lind ay Elliott and aroline Green (Administration), Fleur Moodie (Microbiology), Ali Nobar (Chemistry) and Gwynn Thomas (co-opted). They achieved a total of 2 Golds 4 Silvers and 4 Bronzes. The Microbiology team, Marian's Miscellaneous Microbes, came in a reasonably close second at 430th. These placings compare with the 597th and 761 st positions for the Pharmacology team.

either can Pharmacology claim the fitness prize on the basis of past years' successes, because the Microbiology Department has also had a team in the ational Fun Run in each of the past three year. I n each year the Microbiology team lla achieved a higher finishing position than the Pharmacology team Having thus et the record traight about the Fun Run (unle s there are further a yet unrecorded team to report) let's look forward to further running events in 19 7. The Sunday Times Fun Run this year will clearly be hotly contested, but what of other event? The London Marathon i to be run thi year on Sunday 10th May, and one of the lecturers in the Microbiology Department, Dr. Paul Markham, is being sponsored for the same charity as that which the Physiology and Microbiology Fun Run team supported, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (S.L.E) or L P S for short, which i a sub-group of Arthritis Care. Lupus is an autoirnmune di ease, once thought to be rare but frequently fatal, now known to be more widespread but also more wide-ranging in its effects and severity. Paul would welcome any offers of spon orship or straight donations for this charity. Money raised will be split equally between research and support for sufferers.

EWS FROM ST DE T SERVICES WE HAVE MOVED Chel ea Campu Student Service have now moved from Lightfoot Hall. The Medical Centre, Student Coun ellor . General Welfare and Career Information now occupy rooms in the Main Building - Manre a Road. Rooms: 52-54, Medical Centre Tel: 35 I 24 ext. 2300 or 35'2016 tudent Coun ellors Room 59, ext. 2394 General Information and Careers; Room 62, ext. 2396 Please note:- If the Student Counsellors are unavailable please tel: 35 I 2488 ext. 2300 for an appointment. Accommodation The Short-life section of the Accommodation office has also moved from Lightfoot Hall to the Registry Huts - Ken ington Campus. Tel: 9375411 ext. 485, 4 0 or 938 4594 (direct line).



WELCOMI G OVERSEAS STUDENTS Following the success of the Principal's Reception for Oversea Students at the start of the session, it has been decided to organise two similar events during the Lent Term.

Strand Office 8365454 ext. 2334/2759 LE T TERM & EASTER VACA no Personal callers Telephone callers

lOam - 12.30pm 1.30pm - 4.30pm 9am - 12.30pm 1.30pm - 5pm

They will take place on:



Per anal callers

and WED ESDAY 4 MARCH at 6pm HAMILTO ROOM 552 KI G'S ROAD CHELSEA CAMPUS It is felt that these two ocial occasions

will help students from oversea to know that the college is concerned for their welfare and will give them the opportunity to talk to mem ber of staff and other students in an informal setting. Please draw the attention of overseas students in your department to these dates. It will be helpful if any members of staff particularly concerned with the welfare of overseas students can come along to either or both events.

lOam - 4.30pm

Telephone callers 9am - 5pm (NB. Only I line will be open 12.30-1.30) Kensington Office 9375411 ext. 485/4 0 9384594 (direct line) ALL YEAR Personal callers Telephone callers

9.30am - I pm 2pm - 4.30pm 9am - I pm 2pm - 5pm

EW STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT Later this month Catherine McCann joins the section as Student Services Information Assistant. Her office will be 5EA Chesham Building via 2nd Floor Macadam but she will also be distributing information and answering queries in the lunch hours Ipm-2pm from the 1st Floor Macadam. Her extension will be 2530. Celia elson (Student Adviser) will move next door to 3E Chesham Building and




Folio Ing the ompletJon In the Chn~t­ ma va ation 01 buildIng or del erred from the ummer 'a -atlOn. the term-time opening hour ot he Integrated tr nd Building Library (entran e on Level I) are now a' lollow .

1 I The General Regulation whIch govern the award 0 he e Re earch Fellow hip have re ently been ir ulated to Head o Depar ment . A lImited number 0 additional copie and the lorm 0 recommendation (i.e. applIcation orm) are available from the cademi Regi trar' Office.


- Frida : 9am - 9pm

ervice end


Saturday: 9.30am • 1pm

( ervice end 12.45 pm LOST STOLE


I guillotine. Plea e return to the Embankment LIbrary if potted, or con tal:! ex ten ion 2312

HOUSE TO LET For all over eas tudent who are having diffIculty with their English, whether It be writing e ay and reports or undertandlng lecture, there will be cIa e at the campu e and time Ii ted below. STR D CAMP S Thursdays 5.30pm 7.30pm Room 9B K SI GTO MP S Wednesday 2.15pm-4.15pm Room 19 tkin Buildings

semi-detached hou e is available to let in Dulwich. The location i very handy especially for Denmark Hill. It ha 3 bedrooms, full entral heating and a garage. It will be available until July 19 7, at a rent of £450 per calendar month. Contact: edric Demaine Dept. of Phy iology, Kensington Campus Tel: ext. 431/467





'holJr hip arc Iimlled num b r 0 avaIlable tor po tgradua e tu d 11: and r' ear h In clen ~e or te<.hnology. tenable from 1st 0 tober 19 ." either in the K 01 in Hong Kong. Candidate hould be normally re ident in Hong Kong. and expecting to graduate with I t la Honour In 19 7. or alread) holding an Honour degree obtained not earlier than 19 -. Imtlally for one year, the l-holarhip Will arry a tipend of £3 500p.a. Further Information and form of application may be obtained from' THE FELLOWSHIP D ISER CROUCHER FO . 'DA no.' 2 BEDFORD SQ RE LO '00.' WC IB 3EG Completed forms hould be returned by the Head of the applicant' Department not later than 3 I t January 198 .

Furnished accommodation is required for an academic vi itor from Japan, (Ehlme nivcrsity), his wife and two children aged 9 and 11. The residence will be needed from October 19 7 to July 19 8. Please addre replies in the first instance to: Or E M Deeley Department of Electronic and £:.Iectrical Engineering



trand campu .


Tue day 27 January 1987

12.30/12.45 - 1.45 in the Council Room, Ken ington campus Sandwiche and coffee available Please return the slip to Peter Lawrence, Room 223 Strand Building as soon as possible so that we have an idea of numbers.






OMME T is produced by the King's College London (KQC) Information Office on the Strand campus. E XT . DIT! O. : Copy date Friday February 6 for publication in the week of February 16.


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