Comment 030 October 1988

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King's College London newsletter

IClearly on the Move A year of ignificant achievement and improvement. The College ha had to fa e mas ive hange over the pa t three years, but by working together, often in difficult circum tances, those ch nges have been well managed and turned into positive movement forward. Thi wa the Principal' clear me sage as he addressed staff a t the start of thi se ion. He paid tribute to the spirit of common purpo e that had made development and improvement po sible and empha i ed how high the College's reputation now tood. Academic achievement The highest standard of teaching had quite obviou Iy been ustained. Degree result for 1988 showed yet another improvement upon the previous year with the num ber of firsts and upper seconds rising to a remarkable 54.88%. This was a marvellous result and applied right across the College. Profes or Sutherland cited a few examples of excellence to indicate the level of tandard achieved. The English Department had an outstanding year: ou t of 34 candidates 12 gained fir ts and 15 upper econds. History produced 3 first and 24 upper seconds from 3 I candidate . I n Biotechnology there were 3 fir ts and I I upper second from 17 candidate and in Pharmacy 4 firsts and 17 upper seconds from 29 candidates. Out of 24 athematics candidates 8 achieved firsts and 7 upper seconds. cademic achievement is the heart of what we are, our fundamental rai on d'etre, and these re ults are a testament to the continued quality of our teaching and support ervice and to the high quality of our student population. Financial achievement A year ago the financial ituation had looked pretty gloomy. ow the Principal was able to give us ome good news. Although there was no cause for any great euphoria, as indeed there was none in the university system as a whole, he was able to report that the College had turned its financial situation around and at the end

of 7/ 8 had a small urplu . This included adding to the College' A ademic Development Fund and laying aside £250k. for re earch development. urplus wa also predicted for / 9 although the College till ha to make inroad into its umulative deficit of £4.5m. However ther was even some good news attached to this: through excellent financial management the deficit wa not actually costing

the College money. The skill and dedication of the Finan e Offi er and hb staff have played a ital role in helping the College regain a rea onably ound financial footing. significant taff re tructuring ha also contributed enormou Iy to this. 109 taff have taken ome form of voluntary severance. 54 of -the e a ademic, I I academic related and the remainder clerical and technical po ts, bringing u clo e to the planned staff numbers. King' i balan ing it book and this i not ~ome­ thing that all univer ities an clalln. I t would be wrong to sugge t that ·times of plenty' had arrived but we have been On!.


The first MSc in Gerontology 111 the country got off to a good start at Kmg' la t week. Students at the ge oncern Institute of Gerontology, based at 552 King's Road, are dr wn trom a variety of backgrounds, including doctor, social worker, a dentl. t, a nurse and an ergonomist, piu other involved in adult education and voluntary \\ ork. The students are pi tured here with Mr David Hobman, hairman of the Advi ory ouneil of the Age Con ern In titute of Gerontology. If you would like further details about the new MSc cour e, please contact the In titute on Chelsea 3626.

able to plough some re ource back into the academic base in the filling of po ts. total of 25 posts have been advertised and are or will be filled including 7 Chair already under offer with a further 3 in the pipeline: 15 internal prom otions have been made over the past year with others still under consideration. The level of new appointments and promotions is not as high as we might like but we are no longer in a 'freeze' situation; fresh minds and new blood can be brought into the College to boo t academic growth. To ensure the continuation of such growth the Principal stressed that we must pursue vigorously income generation through increasing research earnings and maximising efforts in areas such as overseas recruitment. In these as in other self financing activity the College has been making good progress and it is essential this be sustained and improved. The more income we can generate the stronger we will grow. This change of financial fortune is due in large part to every area of College being prepared to face reality and to face up to some often difficult and unpalatable decisions. Such care and co-operation has made a huge difference to the financial future and must now take us further in consolidating the College's position into the next century. Property development King's has moved another step nearer to the Thameside campus by taking financial responsibility for Cornwall House, to settle the price once and for all, and our first mem ber of staff is expected to move into the annex within the next few weeks Dr Colin Sinott will plant our flag and other staff members are expected to join him in the near future. Meanwhile the lawyers are at work in the final contractual details of the lease and Professor Stott's Working Group has much preplanning work already on its plate. As mentioned in the last Comment, we are awaiting the result of a study of the knockdown and rebuild optlOn on Cornwall Hou e. This will be looking at 3 maj· or elements of concern: whether the necessary planning permission would be granted, whether enough space would reult and whether :J knockdown approach would be possible within the time and money constraints. Real news on this is expected by the beginning of ovem ber. Our concentration on the Thameside campus doe not preclude major refurbi hrnent and improvement on current sites and over past months some £1.5m has been spen t £475 k of tha t on moves at helsea and Kensington including HES and Chemi try. At the Strand £630k has been spent on making ready for the new computing operations and £ 112k on preparing for the new (and desperately needed!) telephone exchange. £ 106k has been used in renovation in Chemistry and some


£500k spent on basic plant repair and replacement. An additional important development is taking place at Half Moon Lane where over £ 1m from private funds is being used to prepare a major new research activity to be led by Sir James Black. Money i being ploughed back into the fabric of the College. It is not producing dazzling and spectacular new building but it is ensuring that academic activity carried out properly in the best environment we can afford. The ational Per pective King's can look with ome satisfaction at overt signs of healthy growth and aca,. demic development but the College must not become complacent or risk reducing its efforts, particularly in areas of national competition. The Principal highlighted the great importance of effective recruitment. ;j,t home and overseas. and urged colleagues to be aware of and make the best possible use of the College's work in schools liaison and overseas liaison. Much was now being achieved in these areas with increa ed programme of activity in areas such as open days, chool visits, overseas visits, access course work and continuing education. Recruitment of high calibre students from all sectors of society was going to become more and more important to the future. In anational situation of increasing change; change in methods of student support and change in overall funding of universities, we will have a lot to watch out for. King's will have a particular interest in the attitude taken to the funding of the University of London by the new University Funding Council (UFC) which comes into being in April 1989, as it is not yet clear whether the current system of a block allocation to the Federal Centre will be the one the UFC opt for. Our interest in the UFC is also individual in

that Professor John Barron, the King's Profe or of Classics has been elected as a mem ber of the FC; the Principal offered the College' congratulation ew al 0 ome from the recent C CP meeting at whi h the Principal was present. He pointed out to staff that contrary to press reports, Vice-ehancellors had not been converted to vouchers and that he expected mu'ch further disu sion on the issue of alternative ways of university funding. An announcement on student loans is expected before the end of the year and this likely to propose a mixed loan/grant system and we must already be giving thought to the consequences for King's. Keep playing the game! In prefacing his remarks Professor Sutherland had reflected on how he actually saw his job and he felt that one of the most important characteristics required was the ability to play poker. Lest staff ran away with the idea that he was gambling away the College fortunes he clarified his remark with a definition given by W C Fields while in ew York. Mr Fields had once attempted to cajole a raw young man fresh from the country into joini~g him for a round of poker. 'Poker, Mr Fields?', replied the young man, isn't that a game of chance?'. ' ot the way I play it!' responded Mr Fields. That sort of poker is the game that ensures you get yourself dealt the good cards and then make absolutely sure they turn into winning hands. Over the past year the corporate purpose and drive of the College has been drawing out some very good cards - King s,despite what outside observers might have predicted a year or more ago, is clearly moving forward. We must cash in on this and make sure we achieve our goals.

Freshers fair welcomes students to the new ses ion.





Mr John Muir took up his appointment a i e-Prin ipal of King's on I S ptember.

ASSIST A T & ICE-PRl CIP ALS Following the appointment of Mr J V Muir as ice-Principal, the Principal ha appointed Profe or M Lucas, Dean of the Fa ulty of Edu ation, as Assistant Prin ipal of the Chelsea arnpus for a period of three years from I October 19 8. DEPARTME T OF HISTORY Profes or P J Marshall is standing down as Head of the Department of History, and will be succeeded by Dr Porter for a period of three years from I October 19

Roderick Beaton .. I . PhD. promote rom Le turer in .10dern Gre . L n ge and Literature to the orae Chair of Modern Greek and Byzantine Hi tory. Language and Literature and appointed a Head 0 the Department of Byzantine nd ~10dern Greek Stu ie . Albinia de la Mare, BA, MA, PhD. FBA, FRHistS newly ppointed to the Chair of Palaeography and a Head of the Department of Palaeography. She pre ently work at the Bodleian Library. Oxford and will take up her appointment in January 19 9. Timothy Peter. BSc, MB ChB, MSc. PhD, FRCP (Lond), FRCP(Edin) FRC Path, DSc, newly appointed to the Chair of Chemical Pathology. He Join King's College S hool of Medicine and Dentistry from the MRC's Clinical Re earch Centre at Harrow. Curti Price, AM, PhD, promoted from Reader in Music to the King Edward Chair of Mu ic and a Head of the Department of usic. PROMOTIO S TO PERSO AL PROFESSORSHIPS

DEP RTME T OF HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY OF SCIE CE Or 0 Gillies took over as Acting Head of Department when Or M Machover stood down, and will retain the post until 30 September 19 9.


The College i very pleased to announce the following appointments which have come into effect recently, unless otherwi e tated.

Barry Halliwell, B . DPhil, OS . from Reader in Biochemistry to Profe or of Biochemi try. Robert Poole, BSc, PhD, DSc, FIBiol, CBiol, from Reader in Microbiology to Profe sor of Microbiology. PROMOTIONS TO READER Miehael Heath, MA, PhD, from Lecturer in the Department of French to Reader in French. Stephan Jefferis, M ,PhD, FGS, CEng, MICE, from Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering to Reader in Geotechnieal Proee e. Gareth Jone , BSc, PhD, from Lecturer in the Department of natomy and Human Biology to Reader in Cell Biology.

Andrew A hworth, LLB, BCL, PhD, newly appointed to the Chair in Criminal Law. He joins King's from Worcester College, Oxford and will take up his appointment in January 19 9. Timothy Peters, BSc, MB ChB, MSc, PhD, FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin), FRC Path, DSc, newly appointed to the Chair of Chemical Pathology. He joins King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry from the MRC's Clinical Research Centre at Harrow.

Chri topher Mor e, BCL, MA, from Lecturer in the Departmen t of Law to Reader in Law. Richard Overy, MA, PhD from Lecturer in the Department of History to Reader in History. Philip Whitfield, BA, PhD, from Lecturer in the Department of Biology to Reader in Para itology. Chri top her (Robin) Morse, BCL, MA, from Lecturer in the Department of Law to Read er in Law.

Mary EWott ha left the College alter twenty-three years of ervic . The Library held a party to celebr te that ervice on September in the Co n il Ro m.

Profe or Brian Lewis Trowell. King Edward Professor and Head 0 the Mu ic Department, left us at the end of September to take up the distinguished Heather Chair in Music at Ox ord niver ity. Dr Curti Price is to su ceed a Head of Department. Our best wishes go to them both. nn Simp on. who has worked in the Personnel Departmen t since 19 I has decided not to return to her position following her Maternity leave. Apparently he prefer the baby to us! A party was held on 12 August in the Committee Room to give her a rou ing send-off.

Jean Bi hop who had served ince 1955 as secretary to a number of department in the College. retired at the end of July. The Faculty of Theology & Religious Studies said farewell to Jean on 6 July in the Blackwell Room. A Jolly good time wa had by all. Profe or Donald ieol retired at the end of last term. Donald had held the Korae Chair of Modern Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature ince 1970. He had also erved the College in a number of administrative capacitie , in particular as Assistant Principal, VicePrincipal, Dean of the Arts Faculty and Chairman of the Senios Common Room Committee. A reception was held on 27 June in the Council Room.

The C CP has asked Professor S tewart Sutherland to head up a new unit re ponible for ensuring that all universitie systematically control teaching quality. The nit's terms of reference will be to obtain and review information on university procedures for monitoring, maintaining and improving academic standards; to report a appropriate to the CVCP and pu blicly, and to offer guidance and advice to the CVCP and to individual institutions. Other mem bers include the Principal of Aberdeen and the Vice-Chancellors of xeler, Hull and East nglia and the Registrar of Manchester. Lay mem bers will also be invited to join. mong the nit's first tasks will be to study the effectivene s of external examiners' reports and review procedures for supervising and examining postgraduates. The Unit is a further stage in the development of the CVCP's quality control programme.




Professor Henry rnstein, Site Supervisor of Biochemistry, Strand, has been elected to Honorary Membership of the Biochemical Society. The Society has an international membership of 6000, of whom only IS are Honorary Members.

T FF Mr Peter Durant has joined the Strand Catering Management Team on a shortterm contract, and will be undertaking the duties of Deputy Catering Manager whilst Diana Zass (nee Roberts) is on maternity leave. Staff and students of the Strand campus will be sad to hear that Harry Edwards died in July. He remained amazingly cheerful during a long serious illness and will be much missed by his colleagues and the many friends he made during his years as the King's College Head Cook. Following Owen Johnson's retirement (reported in last October's Comment) John Bos ino has been appointed as Catering Manager for both Chelsea and Kensington campuses. Dennis Allen remains as Strand Site Catering Manager and Dennis, John and 1 are happy to see any member of College to assist with catering requests, receive comments and suggestions or deal with complaints. Peter Hoffman College Catering Officer

Roger McClure, aged 37, was educated at King Edward 1 School orwich Corpus Christi College, Ca:n bridge, ~nd orpus Christi College, Oxford and is a qualified mem ber of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy. He worked in the ational Audit Office until 19 4, then joined Deloitte Haskins and Sells and be ame a manager in the Management Consultancy Division. While there he carried ou t anum ber of assignments in universities including one of the Jarratt Efficiency Studies, and was seconded to the GC in 1986 and 1987 as the Committee's first Financial Adviser. In 1988 he was appointed Director of Finance to the newly formed Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council. He is married with 4 daughters and lives in Caversham, Berkshire. Both received a warm welcome to Coun:il, as did new College members; Mr

John Muir (Vice-Principal), Professor Frank Cox, Or Mike Laird and Mrs Charlotte Rouche. ew student members welcomed were James Briggs, Tim Hailes, Martina Salter, lan Dawson and Chris Barber. The po ts of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer were due for election for the session 1988/89 and the Council was pleased to re-elect those currently in post; Sir James Spooner, Sir Monty Finniston and Mr PC Macnamara respectively.


Professor Gerald S Graham

27 August 1903 - 5 July 1988

Following the retirement of Bishop Ellison and of Mr Redfern, two new lay members were elected to Council at its meeting on 4 October; Lady Mayhew and Mr Roger McClure. The wife of the Rt Hon. Sir Patrick Mayhew, QC, MP, Attorney General since 19 7, Lady Mayhew took her first degree in History at Cambridge. Thereafter she did Volun tary Service Overseas in frica. Lady Mayhew has been involved in a variety of voluntary organisations, including work with the mentally handicapped, and has been on the governing bodies of several schools. In addition, she is a Director of a family company involved in building. In 1982 she registered at King's to read for a BD degree and gained a 2:1 in 1984. She now teaches at orth London Collegiate School.


Professor Gerald Sandford Graham, who died on 5 July, aged 85, was Rhodes Professor of Imperial History at King's from 1949 to 1970. He produced many distinguished works and trained many students who eventually became university teachers of distinction in their turn. After taking his first degree in his native Canada travelling widely in Britain, Ge~足 many and the US on research grants and scholarships, and a spell of teaching back home, he saw war service as an officer of the Royal Canadian avy Volunteer Reserve in the A tlan tic convoys. In 1946 he began wha t was to be a lifetime's connection with London University, first at Birkbeck College then King's, where he succeeded A P ewton and Vincent Harlow as holder of the Rhodes chair. Shortly after he published Empire of the North A tlantic and in 1967 his magnum opus, Britain and the Indian Ocean, 1810-50.

For all his Canadian loyalties, Graham was deeply attached to Britain, and above all to King's, where his rich humour and generosity made him a cherished colleague. He is survived by his four children and his wife, Mary.

Profe or Philip Ouston ugu t 1923 - 24 June 1988


Philip Ouston, a former student of the College, held the Chair of French Language and Literature from 1975 until his early retirement in 1983. He was an excellent Head of Department, an innovating Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and an outstandingly good teacher. Philip was utterly selfless, devoting himself to the in terests of the Department and the College despite a period of serious illness, and proving a powerful force for development and sensible change in times of stringency. His major contribution was recognised by his nomination as a Fellow of the College in 1983. In the same year, the French Government awarded him the distinction of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Merite for his services to French studies, citing not only his original and stimulating publications but especially his quality as an ami de la France. After retirement, Philip continued to offer teaching for the Faculty s MA cour e in the field of Romanticism, especially in political thought. He cherished his contacts with young minds, and they responded with respect and affection. He was above all a thoroughly good man a loyal friend to his colleagues, and a ' defender of human as well as intellectual values. His kindness and his warm and witty presence will be greatly' missed. A service of Thanksgiving for the life of Philip Ouston will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday I ovember at 5.30pm. All his friends are invited to attend.

HO 0 R FOR LAW PROFESSOR Our congratulations to Professor A R Mellows of the Faculty of Laws for his recent appointment as a Knight of the Order of St John.

DEPART E TAL RE LOCATIO Human Environmental Science has now become part of the Division of Biosphere Science and has relocated at Kensington campus. Would you please note that any communications for staff or students should be sent to Kt:nsington in future and not to Chelsea, Hortensia Road.

II April SO ELECTlO.. De igned or t ft ho are involv d from time to ime In 111 terviev. ing and tal f election. 11 applications hould be addre ed to: Christine Crewe dmini tralion i tant Per onnel) orfolk Building trand ampu ~ I 0 lober HA, -DLI 'G THE: PRESS R 010 To ugge t guidelin s on appropriate public relation trategie, to investigate the role, tru ture and organi ation of the pre and radio, and to pra tise radio interiew skills.

Institute 0 Education 210 tober I 'V STME T PPR ISAL Likely to be of intere t to_ Building and Finance Offi er . 16 0 tober - June TELEPHO,' & RECEPTIO SKILLS Intended for middle-grade leri al staff who spend a substantial part of their time communicating with people on the telephone and face-to-face.

I & '2 I ovember - Spring Imperial College DE ELOPMI:. T 0 RSE FOR SECR TRIES For middle- to enior-grade secretaries in the Federal University. I I ovem ber - March Senate House SPE KI G r PUBLIC Designed to help people improve their techniques of public speaking. 17 & 18 ovember - Summer Imperial College S PERVISIO FOR SECRETARIES Aimed at middle- to enior-grade se retaries with responsibility for supervising one or more junior staff. 21-25 ovem ber 20-14 February 13-17 March Senate House FIRST LI E MA GERIAL SKILLS Intended for alltho e who supervise other taff. 28-29 ovember 23-24 February 15-16 May Danbury Park Management Centre LEADERSHIP & MA AGEME T I A ADEMIC DEPARTME TS Intended for heads of academic departments, those who expect to assume this role in the near future, and others with significan t departmen tal responsibilities. 30 ovember Senate House 10 January Inst. Adv. Legal Studies

De ember Senate Hou e l~fPRO ED RE DJ.'G . ~fEAORY KILL Intended to help parti ipanrs to a quire s'ill for more etfe tive learning, handling and ommuni ation 0 intormation. 9 De ember udio- isual Centre, Senale Hou APPEARJ. 'G O. 'C fER For enior academic and admini trative staff who may be interviewed rom time to time by national or regional television tation . December SOAS TTEI DA 'TS' TR I L G COURSE To provide college attendants and staff performing imi1ar Jobs \\ ith practi al training in ome key elements of their work.


In the year I in'iden e ha again been eXlremely high. There ore premium ha e b en in rea ed. and a from all in uran e daim for all I Augu t 19 n k \\ill be ~ubJe t to 500 ex e (a oppo ed to the previou ÂŁ 100 ex e laft and tudents wearing apparel and per'onal effect will, hov.e er, ontinue tu be in ured as before. That is, the e item within the confine of College buildmg are covered for Fire and Peril (e eluding accidental damage) and thefl involving forcible or violent entry to a room or premises. Money belonging to talf and students is not covered. The los limits are 500 for staff elaims and ~50 for tudent claims, each being ubJect to a ÂŁ I 00 excess.


R D In the light of the experience gained in the last three year and to en ure the maximum flexibility to adapt to the future need of the College. it has been necessary to re-organise the E: tates Department. On I July 19 8 a division of responsibility between new works and maintenance of the existing buildings and ervices came into effect. Mr R Kidd, the Deputy states Officer, i responsible for all new works and Mr W L Clark, Chief Engineering Officer. is responsible for the maintenance of all exisew works ting buildings and services. are defined as those major capital projects normally funded from sources outside the College. The Chief Engineer is assisted by two Site Engineers, Mr J Kersey, who is responible for building trades, mechanical and electrical services to both Kensington and Chelsea campu e and Mr J Fox, who is responsible for the mechani a1 and electrical services in the Strand campus. In addition he is responsible for the plum bing and building trades. Mr Kersey has an office on both the Chelsea and Kensington ites and requests for improvements or minor changes to existing services or any maintenance requirements should be directed to him at the respective site office. Similarly, Mr Fox should be ontacted in connection with maintenance requirements at the Strand campus.

The following Teachers have been elected a Deans of Faculties for the period) October 19 8 to 30 Septem ber 1990: Arts

Professor S Rin ler. BA, PhD (London) [KCL]


Rev Professor S G lIall, BD (Oxf), MA (Oxf) [KCL]


Professor W E Butler, M , PhD (Johns H), JD(Harv) LLD [ CLI


Dr L J Pike, BMus, MA, DPhil (Oxf), FRCO, RCM, [RHB C]


Professor A T Diplock. PhD, DSc, [ MDS]


Professor E R Dobb PhD, DSc, CPhy FlnstP. FIOA [RHBNC]

ngineering Professor S WEaries, PhD, DSc(Eng), CEng, FIMech , AKC [KCL] Economics

Professor I H ish, MA (Edin), PhD [LSE]


Professor H Franci , M (Camb & Leeds), PhD (Leeds), FBPsS IInst due]


King' College is the entre of a project for tran lating a large part of the 15,000 pages of the ancient commentator on ri totle. The project ha been generously funded: this year' grants include $350.000 from it American initiator, ÂŁ 126,000 from the Leverhulme tru t and ÂŁ I 0 000 from the British Academy. So far volumes of translation have been commis ioned involving tran lator in countries, and a succession of re earch assistants has been brought to King's, to help with the work. The first volume appeared in 1987.


Why do the commentaries deserve this attention? First, they are not simply commentaries, valuable though they are in that capacity. Rather they reflect the thought and clas room teaching of the Aristotelian and eoplatonist schools from 50 B to 600 AD. They reflect too the relations between pagans and Christians in the period: pagan contempt or wariness, and from the Christian side emulation, counter-attack, or finally appropriation. They further incorporate fragments from all periods of Ancient Greek Philosophy, starting with the Presocratics whose words were in many cases recovered and re-a sem bled from the quotations in these commen taries. But still more important is the influence which the commentaries exerted each time they were translated. They influenced I lamic Philosophy in the ninth century AD. They made a profound impression on Thomas Aquinas and other Latin writers of the thirteenth century. And GaWeo in the sixteenth century mentions the commentator Philoponus in his early works more often than he mentions Plato. For Philoponus' commentaries incorporate a complete alternative to Aristotelian science devised by himself. The case of Thomas Aquinas is instructive. He reads his Aristotle through the spectacles of the commentators, and consequently found an Aristotle already half-{:hristianised. For the eoplatonist commentators had insisted on the silly, bu t fruitful, proposition that Aristotle agreed with Plato and in so harmonising him with Plato: they unwittingly harmonised him with hristianity. But for that, it would have been far harder for Aristotle to win acceptance in the Christian church, and but for that acceptance, we might not be reading him now. It is standard practice in teaching the history of Western philosophy to jump 1600 years from Aristotle to Aquinas, or even 2000 years to Descartes. It is then impossible to understand how Aquinas could ever have em braced Aristotle in the way he did, or how with Aristotle embraced, GaWeo and Descartes could


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have broken away again to develop an unAristotelian Science. Bringing the commentators back into the story is not only a way of recovering some very interesting philosophy, but also a way of re-writing the history of Western thought. The illustration shows the Christian Boethius consoled by Philosophy as he awaits execution in prison. It had been his ambition to translate Plato and Aristotle into Latin and supply Latin commentaries. But he was executed around 525 or 526 AD at the age of 44 or 45, on a charge whi~h he denied, and with his project unfinished. He had however, translated the logical work of Aristotle and supplied 5 Latin commentaries on them. The commentaries survive - some will now be translated - and they copy exactly the eoplatonist format. He even repeats the eoplatonist claim that the eventual purpose of reading Aristotle's Logic is to start on the road to God, though not the explanation of Aristotle's obscurity, that he intended to frighten away the frivolous.

Boethius' commentaries set the syllabus for logic in the Latin world from the sixth to the twelfth centuries, and his introductions to the commentaries, copied faithfully from the eoplatonist style, influenced the introductions to texts in field as far apart as Rhetoric, Grammar, Literature, Medicine, Law and Theology. Contemporary field to which the commentaries are relevant are Classics, Philosophy, Byzantine Studies, Islamic, Medieval and Renaissance Studie , Theology and Hi tory of Science. The organiser and editor of the translations is Richard Sorabji in the Philosophy Department. He ha edited two explanatory collections of articles to go with the translations, published by the same pu blishers (Duckworth and Cornell niversity Press): Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science, 1987 and The Transformation of Aristotle: the Ancient Commentators, forthcoming, Spring 1989. A bibliography of secondary literature (1700 items to date) will meanwhile be placed in the King's College Library.




KCL Re e..trch Enterpri e e i ts to trengthen re ear h relationships with mdu try, the Re ear h Counctl and the mope n ommlSSlon. A tar a indu try is con erned, Resear h Enterpri e organise pre entation to individu 1 or group of companies to explain the re ear h trengths of the College and to eek upport for ba ic cien e. It is m rea ingl important to how the potential relevance of such work to the future commercial interest of a company and thi i more ea ily achie ed if there i an ongolng relationship. It reate a better under tanding on both ides of the intere t which have to be recogni ed: it I not a contract re earch institute. If you identify area in your own re earch which look a though they could be appropriate to a company or an industry, plea e contact Ken Grove, Director of Re earch Enterpries, to explore the alternative avenue available. The ame applies to idea which have a more immediate potential for commercial exploitation. Patenting and licen ing of intellectual property an bring ub tantial reward to individual academic under the 'ollege Code 0 Practi e for explOIting ideas. K L Re earch Enterpri es maintain good relation with the Patent Office and technology transfer and venture capital organi ations. It should be remembered that lndustry opera te on the ba is of selling its experti e to it u tomer by under tanding what their need are and explaining why they can meet them better than other supplier. It is a competitive world. Companies expect to be treated in the same way by people seeking to provide goods and ervice to them including propo als for pon ored re earch. We, therefore, need to increa e our skills in promoting the excellence of our research and Ken Grove i alway available to assist you in thi proces. om petition for Rc carch Council funding is also increasing. King's receive less than I % of the money going to British niver ities from SERC and we need to improve our success rate. It may be helpfulto note one or two points relevant to successful funding applications. Recent discussions with Re earch Councils and the European Commission emphasise that in structuring a propo al it is im portan t to talk to the relevant staff at the Council or Directorate in advance to ensure that the project is in an area of interest and to get advice on the emphasis that should be given to its constituent parts. It is

al 0 important to seek guidan e on the de irability of ouperation with other in titute or indu ri lor rusation. The Re ear h Coun ils are al 0 moving to ard inter-Coun il re ear h proje t and this in rea es the opportunitie tor in er-db 1plinary prOje t within the College. The ground is hif mg in re ear h unding and it i therefore very important to develop trong line 0 ommuni tion with the funding authoritie . Having made the above points, the Council will stre th t it is the ex ellen e ot the ien e whi h I the prime riterion. Our representation on expert committees could also be strengthened. A ademics should take the opportunity to make their services available for this work when the opportunity arise. build up of contacts is a prerequisite of this. [n addition to Research Coun il funding, the European Commis ion is a substantial re ource of which the CoHege can make more use. The recently agreed Framework Programme detail priority research areas and totals ÂŁ3.5 billion. Full detail can be obtained from Ruth Bishop, ext 394, Kensington. Regular information on EEC r&d funding is given in our 'Bulletin'. If you would like a copy, please a k. It is important that re earch submi sion should fit the intere ts of the Commission. Cooperation with industrial partners and institutions on the Continent can be important. ames of those in British Government departments who can give guidance, or members of the Commis ion in Brussels are held by KCL Research Enterprises, who will make contact for you.

Consultancy can provide an ideal way of building significant research relationships with commercial organisations and official bodies. Contract documents and arrangements which provide professional indemnity are available for mem bers of staff through the Re earch Enterprises office. One final point. It is important when making funding applications that all costs likely to be incurred are anticipated. Guidance notes prepared by Research Enterprises are in the Budget Manual issued by the Finance Office. Copies are available in all departments.

The British Council and European Research The British Council wants to encourage British scientists Hnd engineers, especially young research workers, to meet feHow uropeans. One third of its professional exchanges involves scientists. It ha offices in most European countries and the Council is well placed to help collab-

orative programme to get tarted. Th' is undertaken by S ien e Of icer who provide he fo u for the Coun il' ien-e nd te hnology war' v. ithin Europe. An e ample ot this upport b that the Briti h Coun -i! in Italy ha a -ist d in th development 0 a joint our e on produ tion man gemcnt organised by Imperial ollege, Cral1lield and the tjni\'er it} of , .aple . Thi partner hlp is now upported b} the I:.R .1 S programme, There i lose ooperatlon b t e n the ounl-i! and the Royal So iety over th lII1plementatlon of ex hange programmes \\ ith a tern urope. The Briti h-Spani h Joint Re earch Programme is de igned to upport collaborati e re ear h between Univer ities in both countrie . There are currently 70 projects with 2 0 exchange visits a year. Similar arrangement exist with mo t European countrie . The Briti h Council ha recently published a booklet, Science and Engineering in urope: the role of the Briti h Council'. opIe are held in the Research nterprie ofuce. Ithough much of the a tivity is oncerned with trengthening relationships between institu tions and exchanges, these can be a useful foundation for creating joint research programme which are more likely to gain I:. C upport.

Major Re earch Opportunitie he DTI slogan 'Europe Open for Business 1992' may be brash but its message is one that we in the universities cannot ignore, The single European market is about to exist. EEC companies are increa ingly recognising the advantages of working together in re earch and development; the importance of this kind of collaboration will grow. bout half of the Community' ÂŁ3.5 billion R&D Framework Programme is to be devoted to pre-competitive industryrelated work. The K Government is now empha ising that in its funding of research. particularly where it acts in concert with the Research Councils, it is looking to uropean funding to upplement it own direct pending. The Framework R&D Programme gives priority to two areas which are particularly important for industrial competitiveness; information technology and telecommuni ations. There is also substantial support for biotechnology (bioinformatics enzyme and genetic engineering, in-vitro culture and ri k assessment) and programmes in energy, health, the environment and agriCUlture.


KCL Research Enterprises (Ruth Bishop on Kensington 394) can give advice and upply information on all aspects of Community re earch. The Research Enterprises Bulletin carries details and updates of the uropean Re earch Programme. In addition, direct contact is maintained with a range of individual members of the a ademic taff whose special interests are known. These activities have re ulted in a significant increase in the num ber of su bmissions for research funding from the College in 198 . In structuring and submitting effective grant applications, cooperation with European companies and academic institutions is all important. 1992 will have a progressive influence on the pattern of academic research and university teaching. Those who flourish will be those who anticipate now the opportunities and penalties that the single market will provide. Please think seriously about how your research interests and those of the College can be expanded with European support. Ken Groves Director KCL Research Enterpri e

THE LEVERH The Leverhulme Trust provides scholarships and grants for the purposes of research and education to both institutions and individuals. The Trustees, in awarding grants to institutions for research, place great emphasis on originality and quality. They run for a maximum of five years and are awarded four times a year. Letters of application should be received by the Director at latest by 15 ovem ber, 15 February, 1 May and 15 Septem ber. All correspondence concerning grants to institutions should be addressed to: The Director The Leverhulme Trust 15-19 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1 P Tel 01-8226938 Awards to individuals are made once annually in the spring. Application forms and details are available from: The Secretary Research A wards Advisory Committee The Leverhulme Trust 15-19 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1 P Tel 01-8226952 In the interests of minimising administration costs (and thereby increasing grant funding) the Trust would welcome submission, along with a typed version of the proposal, a diskette containing at least the Project Statement. Details of compatible systems are available from the above address.



The Ameri an Council of Learned So ieties and the Briti hA sociation for American Studies have announced a competition for 19 9路90 American Studies Fellowhips/Fulbright Awards available to scholars of the nited Kingdom for advanced research in the United States. Scholars should be 1) of .no more than 50 years of age, 2) teaching, at degree level in an institution of higher education, abou't the United States, and 3) wish to undertake advanced research in the US on that aspect of American history, culture or civilisation in which they have some specialisation. Other things being equal, preference will be given to applicants of non-professorial rank. Although a doctorate is not a prerequisitefor application, the fellowships are not available for candidates wishing to undertake research for a doctoral disserta tion. The tenure of fellowship will be not less than six months and no more than twelve months. Apply before 1 Decem ber 1988 to: American Studies Program American Council of Learned Societies 228 East 45 th Street ewYork, ewYork 10017 USA The letter should contain: Applicant's name, address, citizenship, age, university and position, a brief description of the propo ed research, and the names positions and exact mailing addresses of three scholars who would be willing to provide letters of recommendation. If the ACLS judges the candidate to be qualified to enter the om petition, formal application forms will immediately be sent to the candidate for completion.

Completed formal application must be received by the ACLS before 1 January 1989.



The Central Research Fund has been institu ted for the purpose of making grants to mem bers of the University (other than present undergraduate students and those registered for a taught Master's degree) engaged on specific projects of research, to assist with the provision of special mater-ials, apparatus and travel costs. Applications 'are considered each term and the next closing date for applications is Thursday, 8 December.Forms of application and

further particulars may be obtained from the Central Research Fund Section Room 21a Senate House, Malet Street, WC I E 7H .Te1636 000,ext3147. The Profes or Dame Lillian Penson Memorial Fund ha been e tabli hed to provide, normally triennially, a grant or grants in aid of travel by recognised cholars of postdo toral tandard. Applicants hould be from the University of London or mem bers of the following universitie with special relation to London: niversity of Dar es Salaam niversity of Ghana University of Ibadan University of Khartoum Makerere University University of airobi University of the West Indies Univer ity of Zimbabe Grants are made in aid of the travel costs incurred by scholars wishing to undertake research in any u bject at any other Commonwealth University, or the niversity of Khartoum, which was formerly in special relation with the University of London. Application forms may be obtained from the Central Research Fund Section, University of London, Senate House, Room 21a, Malet Street, WCl 7 H ,where applications should be lodged no later than Friday, 3 March 1989.


1988-89 The College will be offering courses in English during the Michaelmas and Lent terms which will be open to all Overseas students, undergraduates and postgraduates who consider that their studies would ben~fit from further tuition in ngli h. Classes will be held on the College's three main campuses. The course includes tuition in both written and spoken aspects of the language and lays particular emphasis on academic English, ego study skills, note-taking and writing essays and reports. Cia ses will be held twice a week, for periods of two hours at times mutually agreed between the Course Director Mr Tony Thorne, and the participating students. There is no charge for this tuition to students of King's College. If you have a language problem and would like to attend these classes, you should ring Mrs J ennifer J ackson, Ex temal liaison Officer, on the Strand site (tel 01 836 5454 ext 2685), who will be able to give you full details of the programme for the Michaelmas term.


adem i ian P .\1 a low v!SHed th .'1athemati Department at King' from 29 Jul:r to 6 ugu 1 a ague to the Royal So iet:r and the Department. H gave an entertaimng talk, 'A Stochasti .\1odel of Quantum .\1echani " in whi h the time-evolution of a system is likened to the howing of movie. The pi ture shows Dr Maslow relaxing in Co ent Garden following his talk.

The total sum available for Ses ion 198 9 from the Academic Development Fund will be around £40.000. The aim of the Fund i to stimulate the germination of new idea within King' whi h hold promi e of growth and development. Over the la 1 two years. the und ha been used sele tively to pump-prime both project whi h were re earch-orientated and those which were developmentallybased. The College has recently created an important new competitive research resource called the Research Strategy Fund, for which £250,000 is to be ear-marked. The new resource will complement the Academic Development Fund while greatly ex tending the range and scale of re earch activities which can be supported directly by allege-based funding. The aim of thi Fund is to encourage the achievement of break through, for example, by increaing the level of research from a minor to a major project, or by as isting a national initiative to become an international ucce . For 198 - 9 only. unfiItered applications will be entertained, but from 19 9-90. applications mu t have received Faculty or School-ranked approval before ubmi sion. Even though the deadline of 3 October 198 for submission of applications for both und ha passed, it is still not too late if the e are done quickly. Guidelines for the submission of application and further information about both Fund can be obtained from the Planning Officer, Mr S P Harrow, Secretariat, Strand ext 2 30/2327, who is ecretary to the Research (P & S) Committee: or from Professor R E Burge, Phy ic Department, Strand ext 2154.

The Language and Communi ation Centre situated at the Strand in 2B II i offering a number of cour es in the coming 19 8/ 9 academic year, open to tudent· and staff of King' . A ttendance is limited and will be on a fir"t come, fir t erved ba i. ny department intere ted in a language omponent as a cour e unit (or part thereot) is a ked to get in touch with Dolore Ditner or 1arie-0dile West (ext 2 90): language tUition for pec;ial purpo es an be arranged for any subject taught at King's and can be cheduled to fit in with your department's timetable.



CHI ESE (Putonghua and Mandarin) E GUSH









TEFL Course* (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)

July 89 Daily

9.30-12.30 2.30-5.00

As a foreign language for - undergraduates - postgraduates al all 3 campuses

Man & Wed Tues & Thur Wed (Strand) Man & Wed (Chelsea) Fri (Ken ington)

5.30-7.30 2.00-5.00 5.30-7.30 3.00-5.00


Tues & Thur



Tues & Thur


Post '0' & 'A' level ('i'1 cour e unit)



For pecial purpo es



Beginner [n termedia te







Contact Dr D Rc ler in the German Department


4-29 Sept 19 9 Daily Man - Fri Tue

9.30-12.30 2.00-4.00 1.00-2.00





Tues & Thur


*This course is of particular interest to finalists who wish to work abroad teaching English as a Foreign Language. Courses will be payable by the students them elves.





King' College Prize for School It is hoped to promote the College nd fo ter link with s hools by offering project prize to school Fifth Forms. The Schools and Colleges Liaison Committee has et up a small working party to explore this idea.

Dr Jane Wardle is recruiting subjects (women) who may be interested in participating in one of two studies concerning body image and diet.

The rust University of London Open Day was held at S~n~te Hous;.on, Tu~sday 27 Se~tember .fro,m lOam - 4pm. About 1000 Sixth Formers and teachers vlSlted the King s dis'p~YS and V1~eo. King s had six large display boards covering Laws, Engineering, Life Sciences, ~edlcme & J?enti~try, Mathematical & Physical Sciences and Humanities, and was ~on?Iatulated on ~n e~e-<:atching dIsplay. Laws brought a video~isk legal game which attracted the Prmclpal of the ruvemty, Peter. Holwell, as well as keeping small groups of prospective lawyers engros~ed thro~gh,out the day. The ~Ice Chance,llr~J; , Lord fo1owers visited the exhibitions. Visitors were given a King College folder \V1th the new King s ews', Acco~modation leaflet, and a 'Reggiebag' which was much appreciated in carrying the great deal of literature on offer from over 50 colleges and institutions.

MORE I DUSTRY IN PCFC & UFC Fducation Secretary Kenneth Baker announced last month the the membership of the Polytechnic & Colleges Funding Council and the Universities Funding Council. Both bodies had a greater industrial repre entation, with such figures as Mr Robert Gunn, Chairman of Boots plc, in the PCFC, and Mr Robert Horton, Managing Director of BP joining the FC. Whereas the UFC membership remained su bstantially the same as the UGC and was cut by just four members, that of the PCFC bears little resem blance to the ational Advisory Body which it replaces from 1 April 1989. The present 40-member, 2 tier system has been drastically reduced to a 15 strong, one tier structure. The members of the two bodies are: UFC Lord Chilver, Chairman; Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Chief Executive; Professor John Barron Director of the Institute of Classical St'udies, Univ of London: Sir Peter


Baxendell, Director, Shell Transpor.t & Trading Co, mem ber of the UGC; Professor Gillian Brown, Professor of English, Univ of Cambridge, member of the UGC and of the Economic & Social Research Council; Mrs Rhiannon Chapman, Personnel Director, International Stock Exchange; Professor David Dilks Professor of International History, Univ Leeds; Professor Sir Colin Dollery, Professor of Medicine, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Univ of London member of the UGC; Professor Brian Follett, Professor of Zoology, Univ of Bristol Biological Secretary of the Royal Society' Sir Ken Green, Director, Manchester Polytechnic; Professor Marian Hicks, Science Director, United Biscuits' Mr Robert Horton, Managing Director of the British Petroleum Co and Chairman of BP America; Sir Donald McCallum, Former Director and General Manager, Scottish Group Ferranti plc, former Chairman, Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council mem ber of the UGC; Professor Gareth Roberts, Director of Research, Thorn EMI and Professor of Applied Physics Univ of Oxford; Professor Hamish ~ Professor of Organic Chemistry, niv of Strathclyde.


The fir t study involves one, lhhour long, visit to complete some simple questionnaires and measurements, for which a payment of ÂŁ2.50 is made. The second takes place over four days (at your convenience) and involves keeping records of your hunger levels for the morning followed by a lhhour assessment at which you will be given a free lunch! This information i to match participants with clinical subje ts already tested and is completely confidential. If you or any of your colleagues might be interested in taking part please contact lane Wardle PhD, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Department of Physiology.

PCFC Sir Ron Dearing, Chairman; Mr William Stubbs Chief Executive; Professor Sue Birley, 'Philip & Pauline Harris Professor of ntrepreneurship, Cranfield Institute of Technology~ Mr Alan Brickwood, Assistant Director & Dean of Faculty of Art & Design, Staffordshire Polytechnic; Ms Clare FrankL Partner, Moxley & Frankl, Architects; Mr Robert Gunn, Chairman The Boots Company plc: Mr Ernest Hall, Developer of Dean Clough Centre and Deputy Chairman UK 2000; Professor Fred HollidaY,Vice-ehancellor, Durham University; Dr Peter Knight, Director, Birmingham Polytechnic; Dr Graha Leonard, Bishop of London, Chairman of the General Synod Buard of Education; Mr Martin Richardson, Chairman, Radio Group, Racal Electronics plc; Mr Mike Salmon, Director, Essex Institute of Higher Education; Dr Robert Smith, Director Kingston Polytechnic; Dr David Watson Assistant Director and Dean of ~ular Course, Oxford Polytechnic; Mr Robin Wendt, Chief Executive, Cheshire County Council.

surgerie and ensuring that a varied and comprehen ive entertainment programme is pro ided by the tudent' union on the Strand ampus. SABBATICAL OFFICERS Penny Chalton, Finan e & dmmistration Sabbati 'al lan Daw on, Communi ations Sabbati al Tim HaiIes, Strand Site Sabbati al 1artina Salter, Chel ea Site Sabbati al James Briggs, Ken mgton Site Sabbatical

o '-SABBATICAL OfFICERS Paul Warnes, l:ntertainmems Secretary ailin MacKenzie, External ffairs Officer Alex Grunewald, Sports & Societies Offi er France Pearson, Editor Sharon Bambaji, Elections 0 ficer Claire Brighton, Women's Offi er David S tevens, \ elfare Officer Heather Magrill, Strand Site Officer S te en Hornby, Ken ington Site Officer Dickon le Marchant, Chelsea Site Officer STAFF MEMBERS Ro emary Birch, Senior dmillistrator Roger Bayley, Finance Officer (Vacant), Financial A sistant Dominic MacCartan. Service Officer Ross Sturley, I.:ntertainments Officer Rita Briggs, Shop Manageress oreen Higgins, Shop Assistant (Vacant) Receptionist Eunice Wilkins, Strand Site Secretary (Vacant), Bar Manager, Strand Sean & Alice Conway, Bar Managers, Kensington Oliver MacDonald, Bar Cellarman, Strand

Tim Haile , Strand Site Sabbatical Tim Hailes is currently taking a year 'out from a BA degree in History after completing his second year. Born in Dorchester, Dorset, Tim was educated at Hampton School, Middlesex, and the Grammar School, Bristol - gaining the top grades in all three of his A-level subjects (Engli h, History and Geography). During his first year at King' Tim was elected Site Officer for the Strand, and was also confirmed as a member of the Church of England in the College Chapel. He spent hi first year at College at Halliday Hall, and moved out into Head-Lea ing property during the second year. In the second year he worked for a time at St Martin-in-the-Fields centre for the homeless as a student volunteer. He was al 0 actively involved on the Site Committee as an organiser of the Friday ight 'Disco Frenzy'. Tim's present job entails representation to College committees, defending students' academic rights, running welfare advice

Tim can be found on the 1st noor of the Ma adam Building next to the Students' 'nion Re eption and is a student' union repre entative on the following ommittee: Council, ademi Bo rd, Standing Committee of the ademi Board, menities Committee, Student. tfairs and elfare ommittee, Library Committee, and Strand ite Library sers Committee. General interests and hobbie include sailing (qualified RY Dinghy Instructor), popular and lassical mu ic, and Conserva tive politics. Tim is a m ern ber of the ational Student Executive Committee of the Tory Reform Group (TRG) and is the author of the TRG policy on tudent unions and the S. Penny ChaltoD - Finance & Admini tration Sabbatical Penny Chalton, formerly the Chelsea Site Sabbatical was elected for a second term of office a the Finance and Administration Sabb tical for the 19 - 9 se sion. :::.he was born in Liverpool and was edu ated at Liverpool Girls College, which even· tually became Archbi hop Blanch, where she was elected to the post of Head Girl in her sixth form. She came to Chelsea College in October, 1984 to study Environmental Biology and graduated with second class Honours in Summer 1987.

• Worldwide flights. • Special fares for students and academics. • Tours and short breaks. • Ski holidays. • European trains. • Group bookings.

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Her interests include reading, photography, swimming, cycling, politics, m usic and socialising. Penny is responsible for long-term planning and developments within the Student's olon, the commercaiI outlets such as the bars and shops, the Sports and other Societies, and most importantly the Budget. She is a member of the following College Committees: Planning and Resources Building menities Bars Sub Committee Joint Sports Ground Management Committee



The office is situated on the First Floor, Macadam Building, opposite the Students' Union shop, and is open for business between 10.00am and 5.00pm for academics, staff and students. We can provide you with a complete range of travel services, together with the personal attention you need when planning your next overseas trip.

ULU Travel is a fully bonded BT /IATA travel agent and part of a group of companies which number over 70 office worldwide. This means we can offer you all the services you woud expect from an international travel service - right on your doorstep - along with the back-up of our worldwide resources. Payment is imple: for personal bookings, all the major credit cards are accepted, plus cash, cheques and banker's drafts; if you are travelling on College bu iness, all you have to do is either send in your King's College order form or quote your departmental order number whichever is applica ble) and we will then invoice you once the booking has been made. COMPETlTlO


Please submit your favourite holiday/ travel photography to the shop by 28 ovember, and you may win travel vouchers worth £50! Ala tair Lennox ULU Travel Manager




Edinburgh is to have a new Festival: in celebration of Science. It is to be held annually every Spring from 1989 for a period of ten days, and promises to be every bit as stimulating as Edinburgh's other famous event.


/ o


The new Festival will be international in content and appeal, and will include conferences, seminars, symposia lectures, exhibitions, demonstrator projects, schools and community initiatives and events to link the Arts and Sciences. Each year, key events in the Festival will revolve around a specific theme: next year it will be Communications, followed by Science of Food & Drink for 1990. Events envisaged for 1989 include a laser spectacular, an animatronics exhibition and several international conferences. Much interest has been created and many offers of help, both financial and organisational, have been forthcoming. King's staff too can become involved by offering their ideas, reactions, financial support, knowledge and organisational talentsand simply by spreading the news of this exciting new Science Festival. For further information about the Festival and the programme of events which the organiser will be mounting as a preliminary to the Festival (Countdown 1988), please con tact: Ivan Broussine Edinburgh Science Festival Ltd PO Box 92 Edinburgh EHl IPR Tel 031-2201681 Telex 727143 Fax 031-220 1495

Library will be launching the Friends of the University of London Library at Senate House. The University of London Library occupies a large part of Senate House and is the largest library of the largest university in the UK. It con tains I ~ million volumes and 5,000 current periodicals, as well as manuscripts, incunabula, archives, maps and other non-book material. It has many outstanding special collections, including the Durning-Lawrence Library (16th and 17th Century English Literature with particular emphasis on Bacon and Shakespeare), the Harry Price Library (psychical research) the Sterling Library (first and early editions of English Literature) and the 'Goldsmiths' Library of Early Economic Literature, a collection of international repute.

A brochure listing Diploma and Taught Master's courses which are available to Overseas students has been prepared and copies may be obtained from the Overseas Student Office.

The Library is primarily a research and reference library in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and is currently accessible to all mem bers of the University of London, staff and students.

All suggestions for updating and improving the material presented in the brochure are welcome, and should be sent to Or A S-T Lue, Assistant Principal. Or Luewould also appreciate receiving the names and addresses of key contact persons abroad to whom this and future College publicity material may usefully be sent.

The Friends of the University of London Library are looking for encouragement, practical help and financial support from past and present members of the University, institutions, the book trade and allied organisations, trusts and charities, and members of the public who benefit from the Library's resources and who care for the important part played in Britain and abroad by the central library of the nation's largest university.



ovember the University of London

To celebrate the occasion of the Friends' Launch, Professor J Mordaunt Crook.

of Royal Holloway and Bedford ew College, will be giving an illustrated lecture entitled London University: the Architectural Image. The lecture will be given in the Beveridge Hall of Senate House at 4.00pm on Wednesday, 9 ovember. Everyone is welcome to attend. For further details, please contact: Marigold Cleeve Secretary Working Party to Establish the Friends of the University of London Library, University of London Library, Senate House Malet Street WCIE 7HU

YORKSHIRE TELEVISIO SEMI AR Wedne day 19 October MASS OBSERVATIO A 0'0 EDAY I THE LIFE OF TELEVISIO ' Mass Observation was founded in 1937 to create, through observation by paid reearchers and' diarists, a study of the everyday lives of ordinary people. A number of books and reports were compiled and published during the Second World War. The project has been revived in the 1980s. The seminar is designed to provide background material on the history and research findings of the group. There will be four main presentations. For further details, please contact the Continuing Education Unit at Bradford University, , the address and telephone num ber are above.

While the pro pe to Th me id ampu I:> ed t th trand nd Corn II Hou e mu t be in the thought of many p ople t King' .onl} a fev. will be in a po ition to ppre iate the trenuou el on whi h the College, through the Building Commlltee, is making to adapt and improve it pre ent premi e . This ummer Keith Price. Estate om er, and hi small and overworked staff have und rt en reord programme mu h 0 which will not be vi ible to theasual eye but which is an impre ive ontribution to the life 0 the ollege. The major task has been the move of HES from Honen ia Rd to Kensington, together with the a sociated MARC nil. That obJe live ha b~en a hieved a part ot a general reshulne ot pace at Campden Hill and at the Strand. a result the chemi ts are con entrated on the top noor of the Strand Building; and the new Divisions I and :! of Life Sciences have been able to rationalise their holding at Kensington, in luding some streamlining of teaching laboratories and store. In another erie of move the udJO- i ual nit has consolidated operations at KenUlgton. leaving room at Manre a R d for a Geography map tore, whi h in turn will allow a new computer terminal room to be fitted out at the Strand.

Profe or Sir Mark Richmond (above), Vice hanceHor of Manche ter University and Chairman of the CVCP, launching , niversitie Work for Society' at St Pancra Station on 30 June this year. The brochure i the third in a series. nother new publication, spon ored by the Engineering Council, i an illu trated leanet for chools entitled 'Choo e Scien-

ce', launched on 8 September at the British Association for Young Scientists Reception by Sir Waiter Bodmer, President of the British ssociation and Chairman of the Imperial ancer Research Fund. The pamphlet aim to help foster a ' cience culture' in schools, thereby persuading more pupil to study science at an advanced level and helping to alleviate the national hortage of scientifically literate schoolleaver and graduates.

ER Thi year" Annual Dinner will take place in the Great Hall at the Strand on Friday, 25 ovem ber. The President and Guest of Honour will greet guests in the Council Room from 6.30 onwards. Dinner will be served at 7.00pm. Please contact The Alumnus Office, Strand, ext 2597, if you would like to attend.

nder a grant from the British Council, Dr Bernd CreH (Leipzig) will be visiting the Department of Mathematics from I September to 30 October a an Honorary Research Associate. Also, Mr C Kasparek (Leipzig) will be a short term research student of pure mathematics, supported by the British Council. Mr D Prorok (Wroclaw) and Dr C Quastoff (LeipZig) have recently completed visits to the Department of Mathematics financed by the same source.

t the tart of the summer vacation the li t of projects at the Strand eemed frighteningly long: Refitting of 14D and 31B for Computing ew laboratorie for Mechanicall:.ngineering Adaptation of 5A for the new telephone exchange Refurbishment of lecture rooms 8C & 10 Construction of a new social club Redecoration of the Blackwell Room Construction of a new Post Room Refurbishment of access to A corridor and the Chesham from the Entrance Hall ew entrance to the Library from C corridor ew toilet and bar in the Macadam Building ew service kitch n for the Great Hall Two new offices and refurbi hmen t for Laws Renewal of heating and ventilation in the Strand Building and numerous minor works Thankfully nearly all these demanding projects will be ready for use at the tart of the academic year (or very soon after). There is, of cour e, always more to do but these jobs represent a real step forward. I f you happen to see the results, spare a thought for the efforts of Keith Price and his team - they have been the key to getting the work done on time and at reasonable cost to the College. Profe or Peter Stott


r GR



The Leverhulrne Trust has awarded a grant of £55 500 over 3 years to Dr W D Rathbone of the Department of Classics for research on a prosopography of Roman Egypt. The Centre for Physiotherapy Research has been awarded~46,880 from the Nuffield Provincial Hospital's Trust for a study on Physical Disability and Health. Services: Perceptions, Beliefs and Expenence of Elderly People. The Centre has also been awarded a grant of £ I ,000 on quality of care in physiotherapy by the King's Fund Centre. Research grants totalling £376,000 have recently been awarded to the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering by the SERC, with effect from I October 1988 for the following projects: ForwardScatt~r Distributed Optical-Fibre Sensing Using on-Linear Methods; Trellis-coded 16-ary QAM Transmission Performance through Non-Linear Satellite Channels; Low Noise MMIC Oscillators and Broadband Highly Efficient Amplifiers for MMIC Transceivers; Improved Surface Impedance Methods; Noise Shaping Power Digital-toAnalogue Conversion Using PWM. The Centre for Educational Studies has received a large grant from the Department of Education and Science for research into Open Ended Work in Science in schools. The research supervised by Professor Black, Dr Fair-brother and Dr Watson, will last for three years and will look at the nature organisation, teaching, learning and assess~ent of open-ended work in Science and how the assessment of open-ended work (problem solving) fits in with the National Curriculum proposals in Science.

EW PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP An Electrotherapy Evaluation Group has been set up to undertake and coordinate studies into: a) the efficacy of electrotherapy equipment used by physiotherapists b) the mechanisms involved in any changes which occur in the tissues following the application of electrotherapy c) the safety in use of this equipment. Members of the Group are Dr Cecily Partridge and Dr Jean Davey from King's College, Dr Mary Dyson, Head of the Tissue Repair Group at Guy's Hospital Medical School and Dr Gail ter Haar of the Department of Biophysics at the Institute of Cancer Research.


EW TELEPHO E SYSTEM The College is in the process of installing a new telecommunications system that will serve into the next century. The system, a 'voice over data' installatio~, is a Ferranti Omni S3 unit with the mam switchboard and equipment room located at the Strand. The main SWitchboard, through a slave unit, will also serve the . King's Road site until such time as the SIte is no longer used. Subsequently it will be re-sited at Cornwall House. As well as data transmission, the new system will provide many improvements over our existing aged equipment, such as .the ability to move extension numbers WIth personnel, automatic updating ?f t~e , College directories, 'direct diallmg mward , a faster response to incoming calls and so on. In other words, a modern telecommunications facility using the most up-todate technology that Mercury, as the carrier can provide. Considerable savings will be'made on maintenance and repair costs and dependance on British Telecom will no longer be total. A t the user end there will be little visible change other than a different colour of ndset. However, there will be many new features available. BHP, King's telecommunications consultants, plan to hold short 'user training' sessions to which every member of staff will be invited. These will take place shortly and mem bers of staff will receive an invitation to attend a particular session, which if necessary can be changed by arrangement with BHP. You will appreciate that etting up a training schedule for 1000 people is not easy, so do your best to attend the session booked for you. Each session will last less than half a day. It is expected that the new system will 'go live' towards the end of November.

Bob Redmond General Services Manager



The Adult Training Promotions Unit of the DES has three new PICK UP publications, 'Training on the Move' ,"The PICKUP Papers' and 'Switch On and Update'. These are available for viewing in the Information Office, or free from: John Love Room 2/2 Dept Education & Science Elizabeth House York Road London SE I 7PH Tel 01-934 9072

WHO'D BE A TELEPHO I T? During the working week Monday 22 to Friday 26 August, as a result of the publication of A level examination results, the Strand telephonists handled a total of 21 493 incoming calls. Of these, 15,725 (73%) were answered within 25 seconds, with an average response time of 17 seconds. The single busiest day was the 24 August when 5,030 calls were dealt with. The same figures for a normal week, ego Monday 8 to Friday 12 August, were 13393 calls received of which 10,260 (77%) were answered within 25 seconds, with an average response time of 13 seconds. Both sets of figures were derived from our computerised call logging system. With an increase in 'calls received' of 37.7%, a drop of only 4% in the number of calls answered within 25 seconds is remarkable. Well done girls your efforts are much appreciated. Bob Redmond General Services Manager

ERASMUSPROGRAMME The Erasmus Programme was created by the CEC to stimulate the movement of students and staff between Institutes of Higher Education within the Community. Now in its 2nd year, it has enabled KCL staff to visit other Universities to set up exchange programmes. This year King's has been awarded seven student exchange programmes - two in Laws with Fr~nce, two in Life Sciences with Italy, one m Chemistry with France and two in Electrical Engineering with France. In addition, a postgraduate course in Immunology is approved jointly between K~L Life Sciences and Rotterdam.UmversIty. The first Life Sciences students from Perugia University arrived in mid-July for a period of three months and KCL students will be going to Perugia. For further details, contact Professor Peter Gahan, Kensington Ext 449.

CIDA-GEIGY AWARDS The ClBA-GEIGY Fellowship Trust is . awarding anum ber of Senior FellowshIps for the academic year 1989/90 and at least six CIBA-GEIGY 'ACE' Awards to commence in June 1989 for a two year period. . . . The closing date for applicatlOns IS 1 ovember 1988. Further information about the awards and application forms are obtainable from the Secretary at: 30 Buckingham Gate London SW 1E 6LH Tel 01-8285676


Starting on .fond y October, Ch n I , presenting a erie of ven pr grammes th t e plore the har ter and development of the natural land pe f the British lies and the impa t 01 hum n on the land ape. The photography i superb and ome of the landscape are stunning. Two member 0 the Department of Geography. Profes or D Brunsden and Or R Gardner, h ve acted as a ademic onsultants to the production team, and are 0authors of the accompanying book, Landshapes, published by David and Charle . The programmes are timed for Monday 24 0 tober, 6.00 -7.00pm, and the following six Mondays at 6.30 - 7.00 pm.

Open Day was held on Saturday 14 May, and broadly followed last year' su cessful format. There were three home peakers during the morning se sion: Mr Keith Marshall poke on general dental practi e at King' - the Maurice Wohl GDP Centre, Mr Martin Kelleher then gave a lecture entitled 'Survival Technique " and Or Brian Cau ton poke on added value from today' modern materials. t the end of the morning, Mr Colln Hall Dexter gave the econd annual Leighton Lecture, enlitled 'The Caring PractitionerWhere 1 He Going?' This entertaining and slimulating address maintained the high standard set last year. Following luncheon, the Dean of the Fa uIty of Cllni al Dentistry, Or A T Inglis, gave hi annual review and this wa followed by the Annual General Meeting of the Alum ni Association. Throughout the day a trade tair was held within the Dental School and approximately 200 past graduates and staft attended. In the evening the Alumni ssociation Ball was held at the Waldorf Hotel. This wa once again very well supported and a great suc e s. The date of Open Day 19 9 i still under discussion.

AIL Plea e note that if any mis-directed or vaguely-addressed post for KCL Medieval Studies comes your way by accident, its proper destination is the Department of Spani h and Spanish-American Studies.

new regular pace for nions to pre ent their view and new of their plans and acti\c;tie , The 0 1 UOD 0 both a prole ion Iodation nd a tr d union repre enting all univer icy a ademi taff together with all admllli trative, library, computing, re earch and other staff who are paid on academi related lary sales. It negotiates on beh If 0 all these group of taff on salarie nd pen ion. It repr ents the views of it mem bers in all national is ues which affect their work. ta local level it negotiate with the College over the condition of ervice for all the e groups of staff, and advi e and assists any member who may have a grievan e. T members within King's College contitute a single Local 0 iation - the 2nd largest in London and and bigger than -)4 of the local a 0 ialion in the country. The day-to-day busine is conducted by the officers and committee elected by the local association, and mem bers express their views at regular general meetings. However, many i sues need to be debated more immediately. and it IS hoped that Comment can provide a forum for a wider debate. his column wtll give the current A T position on a vanety of local and nalional issues. Members will no doubt re 'pond through their officers and committee mem bers. II staff may al 0 express their views by writing letter to Comment. Two major national issues at present are the salary award (or lack of it!) and the dismissal of a tenured lecturer at Hull UT ha; University without good cau e. imposed an academic boycott of Hull niversity, At lea t 24 external examiner have resigned. umerous Job applicant have withdrawn from interview or turned down Job offer. Meetings at which Hull University has been represented have been boycotted. There was a national demon tration at Hull on 3 October, and there may be strike action by Hull members later this term. The proceedings at Hull are being watched with great intere t by many other univer ities who have 0 far held back when on the brink of making iml1ar dismissal. If I:::dgar Page is not reinstated there will very soon be dozen of others following him qUlte po ibly including some of us at King' . niver ity academic and related staff are the only professional group who have had no pay increase in 19 8 (the increa e which was paid in March 19 8 was part of a previous settlement which had been due in April 1986). The Committee of ViceChancellors and Principals refuse to make an offer, claiming, as they have done each year since 1981, that they do not have enough money. The facts are:

I) the universities' re un:ent gr nt wa increa ed this year by 3.5%, in line with inOation at that time; 2) the Government also ga 'e n extr I Sm this year for 're tru uring' ie. premature retirements), whi h rele e an equivalent amount that the univeritie had et a ide for thi purpose.

3 the P readi!. agreed to meet more than half the cost of an .1% salary award for universit linical taff. With inOation now running at - .7"'0 how can the C CP e pect to recrull, retain and moti ate it staff with a pay increase of O%? The C CP is now trying to divert our attention by lalking about getting more money from the Government for a pay increa e next year. They hope we will not mind faIJing further behind our comparator again thi year. They hope that we will forget that they have broken the promise they made in the last agreement to make 1000 additional promotions to senior lecturer immediately (King's is as guilty a any other institution in failing to make lts share of additional promotion ). A T feels that the only way to pursue ju tice now i to lake demonstrative mdu tnal action. Members are being bdllotted over withdrawal from the staff appraisal schemes which were agreed as p:lrt of the last alary deal (ye) the onc the VCP has already reneged on). The question is very simple. Do we care about the damage being done to the univer ity sy tem by a major cu t in the real value of ta ff salaries? f'urther informatIOn about AUT can be obtamed from the Honorary Secretary of the Local As ociation, Or P W Emery, 'utrition Department, Kensington campu ex t 41 S. ew mem bers of staff are particularly urged to contact Or Emery With a view to joining the Association. Peter Emery

one-day conference on statistical mechanics, ST TMECH IV. run jointly by the Departments of Mathematic and Phy'ic . took place on 26 May 19 bout 0 vi itors from all over the country attended. The main speaker was Or P Marchetti from Padua, whose visit was supported by the London Mathematical Society. Topics presented included the statistical mechanics of solitons, a model of hard learning and the theory of sim ulated annealing.



ew Theatre, Strand campu


Thur day I December 'RE DI G A PAl TI G Dr R Lethbridge, Fitzwilliam College Oxford Thur day 8 December LE SYMBOLISME DA S L'A~T ET L LITTERAT RE D XI e SIECLE (lecture in Fren h) Mme M Riccardi-Cubitt, Riccardi Institute of Arts 12.00pm, Room 2B23, Strand campus

Tue day 8 ovember PROTEI PHOSPHOR YLATIO A D BIOREGULATIO - A OVERVIEW Professor P Cohen, FRS, University of Dundee S.30pm, New Theatre, Strand campus

BRITISH INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AT A KARA Wedne day 16 ovember THE HISTORY A D ARCHAEOLOGY OF A CIE T LYCIA Professor T R Bryce, University of ew England, ew South Wales

THE MAXWELL SOCIETY LECTURES Monday 17 October ATMOSPHERIC AND SPACE RESEARCH FROM A TARCTICA Dr M Rycroft, British Antarctic Survey Monday 24 October FEMTO~ECO DPH OME A Dr J Ryan, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford Monday 31 October FRACTALS I PHYSICS Dr R C Ball, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge

S.30pm, Great Hall, Strand campus


THE PHILIP OUSTON MEMORIAL LECTURES : LITERATURE AND ART Thur day 20 October HUYSMA SAD THE VISUAL ARTS Professor R Griffiths, Visiting Professor, French Department, KCL Thursday 27 October FROME TI A D THE MASTERS OF PAST TIME orma Rinsler, French Department Thursday 3 ovember BALZAC A DART Dr D Adamson, Goldsmiths' College Thur day 10 ovember COLOUR: CHEVREUL A D BAUDELAIRE Bernard Howells, French Department


Thursday 17 November FLAUBERT AND PAl TI G Dr A Tooke, Somerville College, Oxford Thur day 24 ovember PROUST A D RUSKI Richard Smith French Department


Monday 7 November RAI BOWS, HALOES A D GLORIES Dr C Isenberg, University of Kent Monday 14 November THERMAL IMAGl G Miss A Davis, Royal Signals & Radar Establishment 2.00pm . 3.00pm, Room 2C, Strand campus


Wedne day 16 ovember TH EPISTEMOLOGY OF STOCKMARKET FL CT ATIO S R eryard, Senior Con ultant, J ames Martin A sociate 2.1Spm, Room IB06, Strand campu

DEPART E T OF BIOPHYSICS, CELL A D MO LECU LAR BIOLOGY SEMI ARS Friday 14 October PROTEI E GI EERI G OF A TIBODIES Dr G Winter, LMB, Hills Road Cambridge Friday 21 October THE UCLEAR MATRIX; FACT OR ARTEFACT Dr P Agutter, Department of Biochemistry, apier College, Edinburgh Friday 28 October THECYTOSKELETO ,THE CELL WALL A D PLA T DEVELOPMENT Dr K Roberts, John Inness Institute, orwich Friday 4 ovember REB ILDI G THE CELL UCLEUS: D A REPLICATIO IN VITRO Professor R Laskey, Department of Zoology, Cam bridge Friday 11 November CELL CYCLE CO TROL GENES I YEAST AND THEIR MAMMALIAN HOMOLOGUES Dr Purse, Department of Biochemistry, Oxford I .00pm, Lecture Theatre, Drury Lane


Wednesday 12 October GREEK MATHEMATICS A D MATHEMATICAL I DUCTIO Professor S Unguru, Tel-Aviv University

Monday 17 October WHY AGEI G OCCURS Dr T Kirkwood, ationallnstitute for Medical Research, London

Wednesday 19 October CO VE TIO ALISM I MATHEMAT; ICS: WlTTGE STEI A D POl CARE Dr G Baker, St John's College, Oxford

Monday 31 October ETHICS A D OLD AGE Or D Greaves, Formerly of the Centre for Medical Law and Ethics, KCL

Wednesday 26 October THE AESTHETIC EVALUATIO OF SCIENTIFIC THEORIES J McAllister, Jesus College, Cam bridge

Monday 14 November USES OF MEASUREME TS OF PERCEIVED HEALTH Professor J McEwen, Department of Community Medicine, KCSMD

Wednesday 9 ovember DEFI ITIONS A D THE 'LANGUAGE OF THOUGHT' HYPOTHESIS A Cormack, University of Reading

4.1Spm路 S.30pm, Room 2-109, Clark Building, 552 King's Road, Chelsea cam路 pu




Anyone who would like to attend, please contact Alex Coren, Strand Medical CentreS2613 Venue to be arranged

I STITUTE OF ADVA CED MUSICAL STUDIES COLLOQUIA Wedne day 12 October IMPROVISED COU TERPOl TIN LATEI6TH~E T RYITALY Dr T Carter, Royal Holloway and Bedford ew College Wedne day 19 October TWO PAPERS 0 THE ORIGI S OF POLYPHO IC SO G Dr M Everist, KCL and Dr C Page, Sidney Sussex College, Cam bridge Wedne day 26 October CHA T TRA SMISSIO : TOWARDS A GENERATIVE GRAMMAR OF PLAI SO G Professor A Hughes, University of Toronto S.OOpm, Room GOI, Music Faculty, Strand campus


Thur day 27 October PR YER - I TOUCH WITH THE TR SCE DE T Five lectures about prayer followed by a discussion at the end of the second session The cost is £ I 0, which includes lunch coffee and tea' £2 for the unwaged, which does not include lunch' members and students of King's are welcome to attend the lectures free of charge. If you are interested, please contact: Ms M L Varichon, Faculty Clerk, Theology and Religious Studies by Friday 14 October

10.00am - S.30pm, Great Hall, Strand campu

Wedne day 2 ovember LAGRA GE A conference on Lagrange to mark the 200th anniversary of his Mechanique Analitique. For details about the day's programme, please contact the Department 12.00pm - 1.00pm, Room IB23 and 2.ISpm· S.30pm, Room IB06, Strand campus

Monday 17 October THE ROYAL SOCIETY SOME PROBLEMS FACING THE LIFE SCIE CES I THE 21ST CE TURY A DWHATCA ORCA OTBEDO E Thursday 13 and Friday 14 October ABOUT THEM BIOTECH OLOGY: SPI KS EIGHT YEARS 0 A series of talks and discussions through Joint Meeting with SERC out the afternoon, providing an opportunity to raise problems and issues that Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 October need to be discussed in a somewhat more FRACTALS I THE ATURAL SCIlong term scientific perspective than 'is E CES usually the case. Discussion Meeting organised by Professor M Fleischmann, FRS, Dr D J TildeContact Dr S Lal, Department of Physisley and Dr RC Bat! ology, Kensington campus for further details Tuesday 2S October THE FU DING OF SCIE CE 2.1 Spm - S ASpm, Phy iology Lecture Discussion Meeting organised by ProfesTheatre, Kensington campu sor E R Oxburgh, FRS and Professor L Wolpert, FRS

Monday 31 October MOLEC LAR TAPHO OMY: THE CH MISTRY OF MATURATIO OF ORGA IC MATTER r SEDlME TS The Claude Bernard lecture Professor G Ourisson Tuesday I ovember EARLY H MA DEVElOPM T: WHY DO WE EED RESEARCH? Lecture by Professor L McLaren, FRS Thursday 3 ovember A TO I VA LEEUWE HOEK (16321723) A D A GLO-DUTCH COLlABORATIO The Leeuwenhoek Lecture Professor A R Hall, FBA Monday 7 November COMMEMORATI G SIR JOSEPH BA KS: SYMBIOSIS A D THE CO CEPT OF MUTUAL BE EFIT The Royal Society of Tasmania's Sir Joseph Banks Memorial lecture Sir David Smith, FRS Wedne day 9 and Thur day 10 ovember EVOLUTIO A D EXTI CTIO Joint meeting with the Linnean Society to mark its Bicentenary. Organized by Professor W G Chaloner, FRS and Professor A Hallam Wedne day 16 ovember MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: A TIME OF HOPE The Wellcome Lecture Professor L M Kunkel Programmes, registratIOn forms and other informtion on all meetings in the Society's programmes are available from the Scientific Meetings Secretary, The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW I SAG. Tel 8395561 ext 278/277.

PICKUP CONFERENCE Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 December PICK UP A D THE SOCIAL SCIE CES A major conference for PICKUP officers, continuing education personnel, university management and social scientists to examine the extent of current PICKUP activity in the social sciences and to develop ideas for further activity For further information please contact: Conference Administrator, PICKUP and the Social Sciences, University of Bradford Continuing Education Unit, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 IDP. Tel (0274) 733466 ext 8390/8264


take pia e at King' .

T mar'the Othanniversaryofth'191 rmisti e whi h ended the First Wor! War, the rmlSlI e Festi ai, un er the pre id en y of Sir Yehudi . [enuhin. 0 I, OBE, 15 mounting the first-ever an15l1 ommemoralion of the fallen ot all nallon . ~Iany promising lIve were 10 t 1I1 the war among oldiers and ivilians alike. Th Fe lival's aim 15 to p y tribute to thilt lost generation through the presentation of .... ork by some 01 the artist. ompo ers, .... riter ,poet and playwnghls .... ho died a a re ult of the 1914-1 war and rela ted hostilities.

Tue day 'ovember CHARLES H ~llLTO.· SORLEY Leonee Ormond, Depar ment ot Engli h, KCL APOLLI.· IR . 'orma Rinsler Department I CL

For Sale· Barbican EC2 Very comfortable one-bedroom Oat, _0 minute walk from King' College and 2 mll1ute wa to Ro aJ h e p are om· pany the tr . Spa IOU - and with harming garden view on all ide. irtuaJJy no road no' e I:W year lea e PIe e on tact Dr ndrew, 01-63 966.


5.30pm, The Great Hall. Strand campu Wednesday 9 . ovember THE ~ AR PO TS 1914-191 . WHAT DO WE THL 'K OF THB1 . 'OW? Barry Pa kin , Department of ar Stu ie , KCL

Olympia Electric T} pewriter FOR S LE £30 ono. Interested? Plea e phone SEE LE on extension 2S To Let Spaciou second-Ooor Oat overlooking Bame Common, SW London, 16 minute from Waterloo. 2 large bedrooms, optional boxt bedroom, kitchen/diner, large sitting room, bathroom, all mod ons. vaiJable for rent one year from midSeptember. £520 per month. Would suit vi iting academic family or similar. Write Dr J H Lewi 15 me Road London SW 13 0 E, or call Mr ElIman on 01- 7 5 2 evening.

5.30pm, The Great Hall, Strand campus By choosing ani t as an example of the sa rifice made in every walk of life, the Armi tice Fe tival aims to contribute 10 continumg international reconciliation, in the hope that in future uch a rifi e may be avoided. ir Yehudi invite everyone to Join hun in celebrating the achIevement. of thl hortlived generation. Part of the Fe tival' Celebrations are to

Together with the lectures there will be two display one of the Breton poet, Jean-Pierre Callol:.'h· entenary and one of relevant material from the King' Col· lege Archive. Admission is free to the le tures and di plays and everyone is wel ome to attend. For further details. plea e ontact the Information Office


I Fifty each 01 a 'special' first day cover (

Igned hy Lady ameron) and a '-tandard' Hrsl day cover commemorating Lord Cameron an~ nov. on ale at £3.00 for the' pecial' and £2.00 for the' tandard'. Application should he made to the Principal' Office and an} cheques should be made payable to Kmg' College London. RAF 19


Lord Cameron of Balhousie KT eCB CBE D.'0 DF(


Fl wn In Bulldog T IKt,. X -;, n 8 n8\1 011 "cm O\('r R F K nl \ and R '\F Bi In Hill. fonn r parcnlin unit of lh~ Un!\-cr<;il of ndon r quad,on \\hen commanded by Lord

Pllol' A in Pilot meer K 10 trllllor. "in ommand'r B Orrtc r mma1ldtn,



t h hI lime: 1 hour 35 mlnut



am ran

New Session Supplement Page. 19 to 32 outline ome of the major College office and ervice to introduce these facilitie to new College member and to remmd current taff and tudent. The College Staff Manual contain full information on College facilitie . including a taff list a n d an update to thi will be circulated in the near future. If you have any amendment. please contact Peter Gilbert" A . t t S 't on Strand 2667. ' I an ecre ary

THE AC DEMIC REGI TR R' DEPARTME T The Academic Registrar's Department deals with the administration of academic matters within the College and is divided into two main sections: the Registry, and Student Services. The Department is also represented on the Chelsea and Kensington campuses.

Senior A si tant Registrar: Christina Devereux (Room 8B) Christina Devereux has overall responsibility for matters concerned with Admissions and S tuden t Records. THE U DERGRADUATE OFFICE: Room 3B


A i tant Registrar (Undergraduate Admi ions): Ken Churchill Senior Admissions A sistant: Morris Berg A brief summary of the type of work for Admissions Assistants (Undergraduates): which each of these sections is responsible Steven Sacchetti, Caroline Kirkcaldy, Julia is given below, together with that of the Academic Registrars Office itself. However, Lowe Secretary: David Mortlock if you are unsure as to whom you should address with a particular problem, the The Undergraduate Admissions Office deals Academic Registrar's secretary will be hapwith all undergraduate admissions to the py to help in the first instance or either of College at both degree and non-degree the Registry offices at Chelsea or Kensinglevels. This is done in liaison with UCCA ton, whichever is the most convenient. to whom the College is linked by computer and so the progress of any application to the College or other universities can be Strand Campus determined at any stage. Details of application statistics in particular courses are THE ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S prepared by the Undergraduate AdmisOFFICE: Rooms 4B and SB sions Office on a regular basis. At nondegree level, application forms should be Academic Registrar: Brian Salter obtained from and returned to departPrivate Secretary to the Academic ments in the first instance; su bsequently, Registrar: Deanne Eastwood successful applications are forwarded to Assistant to the Academic Registrar: Liz the Admissions Office in order that a forAuden-Davies mal letter of acceptance by the College can be despatched and the necessary stuThis office deals with all matter of acadedent records created. mic policy, including the servicing of the Academic Board and Standing Committee. The Undergraduate Admissions Office is (Brian Salter is also Honorary Secretary of also initially responsible for determining the old students' association, KCLA.) the fee status of undergraduate students. Copies of the various College, Faculty and THE REGISTRY Departmental prospectuses are also available from this office. Deputy Academic Regi trar: Alastair Pettigrew (Room 27B) Secretary to the Deputy Academic RegisTHE STUDE T RECORDS OFFICE: trar: Liz Mills Room 8B (including Postgraduate Admi ions) Alastair Pettigrew is Head of the Registry Administrative Assistant (Postgraduate section which includes the Admissions, Examinations and Student Records Offices, Records & Admissions): Janet Rodgers and as such is a major part of the Academic Administrative Assistant (Undergraduates:) Registrar's Department. Alastair is responJanet Yolk Undergraduate Record As i tants: Susan sible for determining the final fee status O'Dwyer, Stuart Burley of students and any problems concerning Postgraduate Record A sistant: Pauline AKC certificates or Prizes and Scholarships Lee should be referred to Alastair.

Postgraduate Admission A sistant: Adrienne Chant Secretary: to be appointed The Student Records Office, as its name suggests, keeps a record of all students registered with the College for either degree or non-degree courses. I t is the responsibility of all students to ensure that this office is informed of any inaccuracies contained in their records, particularly their home and term-time addresses and any change in name or status. Enrolment is organised by this office and all problems regarding registration with the College or University shoUld be directed here. At the beginning of each term periods of time are allocated for the collection of grant cheques and the office is in contact with all Local Education Authorities, so if students have problems with their grants, the Records staff will be happy to try and help out. All Postgraduate Admissions are dealt with in this office, and applica tions for Research Council grants are also channelled through here, together with those for special award schemes (eg ORS, SERC. ERC, British Academy, ESRC, ODASS,. etc). Application forms are available on ;t request. In addition all matters relating to student debtors (undergraduate and postgraduate) are dealt with by this office, and statistics are prepared by the Student Records Office and queries regarding these should be directed here. THE EXAM I ATIO S OFFICE: Room 16BB A sistant Registrar (Examination ): Lesley Dinsdale Examinations Assistants: Marc Benjamin, David Davies, Lynne Johnson Secretary: Beth Hemond The Examinations Office of the Department is responsible for the organisation of all examinations within the College which includes the production of examination question papers, the booking of examination rooms, the preparation of examination timetables and the provision of seating plans and stationery within examination rooms 'on the day'. All regi-


stration for examinations is done hrough this offi both for the Art and Theologybased L:niversity examination and the Scien e. ~1edical and Law -based College e aminations. I you have any problem a ociate wi h examinations. plea e con a this olfke s soon a pos ible.

Ken inglOn Campus A coun ellort p y hotherapist Y. ill be available two days a week. Thursday and Fnday. ontact the Counsellors Room, Ground Floor. ~1ain Building, ext K4l9. or Angela Ivor-Jones in the Registry, ext K~4_.

helsea Campu

Chelsea Campus

REGISTRY: 2125/2126 Clark Building. 552 King' Road Regi try A i tant: Cor"l . ewman

The Head-l a ing 'h me whi h ompries priva tely-o,"" ned urni hed propertic managed by College i oper ted from Rm 10 ,~1acadam.

A coun ellor/p ychotherapist will be a ailable on Mondays. Contact the MedIcal Centre Ground Floor. Mam BUIlding, Aame a Road, ext C_300. I FORM TIO

A 0


Ken ington Campu REGISTRY: Ground Floor, Registry Hut Regi try Admini trator: Ken Churchill Registry A i tant: Eva Harte The Campu Registry Office will deal with 3ny type of Regi try enquiry whether it concerns dmi ions, xamination or Student Records. They will either be able to olve the problem at once or can conta 1 the relevant section at the Strand campu . Grant cheques are available at all campuses at prearranged times and registration is al 0 conducted on all campuse . Details are available from either the Campus Registries or the Records Office at the Strand campus.



ccommodation Office Team is:

Accommodation Officer - Feli ity Hopkin, Rm 106, Macadam snt ccommodation Officer (Hall & Head-lea ing) ngela Cole, Rm 108 1acadam A snt c ommodatlon Officer (Shortlife) - Paula Foley, Rm2FB, Che ham Senior ccommodation A nt Maria Scicluna, Rm 105, Macadam Head-lea ing A snt Mary Lowthian, Rm ] 08, Macadam Short-life A nt - Kevin Fallon Rm2FB, Chesham Secretary J oanne Russell, Rm] 05, Macadam Secretary Gillian Sharpe, Rm I F, Chesham


Opening hour for per onal caller IO.OOam - 4.00pm Clo ed on Thur day Hall & General Enquirie -Rml05, Macadam, Strand (Ext 2334/2759) Head-lea ing - Rm 10 ,Macadam, Strand (Ext 2305) Short-life - Rm IF & 2FB. Che ham Strand (EXI 2422/2723) The office i closed for lunch from 12.30pm - 1.30pm until 12 June 1989 when it shall remain open from 10.00am - 4.00pm continuously. In addition, it will be open on Saturdays during September from 11.00am - 12.45pm. Accommodation Office Staff are able to' give information, advice and assistance with accommodation enquiries and problems including those associated with Housing Benefit and Landlord v Tenant disputes.


The Short-life team manage unfurnished flats and houses, usually obtained from Hou ing A so iations and Lo al Authorities and available for periods of ix months and longer while awaiting refurbi hment by the owner.



Stephanie Griffiths, Student dvisor, Room 3 ,Che ham Building ext S2530 o fer advice and information on a varietyof ubJects u h a managing money. how to tudy effectively and manage time grant problems and how to tran fer cours' and withdraw from College. She al 0 provIde information for overseas student including ocial facilities in London. Variou handout on the e and other topic are available from Room 5E . Che ham BUlldmg.




The allege requires all students to register with a local doctor upon arrival in London. This i the only method of guaranteeing medical treatment in the ase 01 an emergency. The allege has a Medi al Officer, Or F Bavetta. He or his partners, Dr Elizabeth Lee and Dr Helen Murphy, will be available as follow Strand Campu The main College Medical Centre is on the 3rdFloor, Macadam Building. Surger ie are held Monday to Friday. ppointments can be made via Sister 0' eill who i in attendance daily from 9.30-5.00. xt S2613/2615.

Counsellors work within Student Services and the Medical Centres on all three campuses. Their aim i to enable students to make the most of the opportunities offered at College by helping them to cope with any problem or difficulties of a peronal or emotional nature which may arise. There are three full-time counsellors: Ann Conlon, Alex Coren and Stephanie Griffiths. Ann and Alex are qualified psychotherapi ts and S tephanie's work cover information and advice as well as counselling. In addition, there are two part-time psychiatri t , Dr Patricia Hughes and Dr Philip Boyd.

The Medi al Centre is located in between the quash courts and the Registry Huts. Surgeries are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Appointments can be made via ngela lvor-Jones in the Regi try Hut ext K242. Sister Harrison will be available following these surgeries until 4.00pr

Strand Campu

Chelsea Campus

There is someone available every day. Contact either the Medical Centre - 3rd floor, Macadam Building, ext S2613/5, or Stephanie Griffiths, Room 5 EA, Chesham Building, ext S2530.

The Medical Centre is on the Ground Floor, Main Building, Mamesa Road. Surgeries are held on Tuesday and Thur day. Walk-in service 9.30-l1.30am. Ext C2300.

Ken inglon Campu

Full details of the College Medical Services can be obtained from Student ervices or the Students Union of any campus. Student living in halls of residence will be given instructiDns on registering with a local doctor by the Hall Warden/Manager.




The Careers Advisory Service offers advice and information on all aspects of what students can do after completing their degree course, helping not only those who are successful but also students who, for whatever reason, fail or seek to change course.

CAREERS '89 A 'Career Fair' will be held in the Great Hall on 1 and 2 ovember, organi ed by the Careers dvi ory Service. Graduate of the ollege who are now e tabli hed in their career are returning on 2 0 em ber to di cu with undergraduates how their careers have progressed. They repre ent both a wide range of careers and also of degree disciplines. Several employers will be in the Great Hall

on I ovem ber when they will di cuss the opponunitie they are offering to graduates in 19 9. Both event commence at II am and clo e at 4 pm. Further detail are available from the Career Office in the Macadam Building (3rd Floor). n exhibition of opportunitie for postgraduate tudy at King's will be held in the Great Hall on 24 ovember from II am to 4 pm.

During the year a series of lunch-time lectures by invited speakers, evening presentations by employers and recruitment visits of employers to campus - 'The Milk Round' - are arranged. The Careers Service has extensive contacts with Personnel and Training Managers in Industry, Commerce and Public Service. A Careers Information Library is maintained on each of the three campuses and Careers Advisers are available for consultation throughout the year. Careers Staff: The College Careers Advisers are Or eil Harris, Mr Bernard Philpot, Mr John icholles and Mrs Wendy English. Careers Information Officers Miss Dorothy Sarson, Miss Angela Ivor-Jones and Mrs Carolyn Shakerchi service the Careers Information Libraries on all three campus sites.

The annual Careers Fair provides King's students with first-hand accounts of specific careers and occupations.


The Schools and Colleges Liaison Office is located in Room2B in the Main Building of the Strand campus. Prospectuses are on display' other publicity material from departments can be offered to visitors if it is sent to the secretary, Ms Wendy Pank. Or Venetia France, the Schools Liaison Officer, is normally available for discussions about schools liaison with any members of King's in Room2B from 10amI pm, and would welcome discussion with colleagues about activities proposed for the coming session. These include: Career Teachers and Adviser Conference: 14 December 1988 10.30-11.00 Registration & coffee 11.00-12.00 New Theatre Chairman Professor Paul Black CES 'Opportunities for Students at King's' The Principal; 'Responding to a World of Change' Professor RillSler, Dean of Arts;

Panel discussion on Admissions, Accommodation and Careers for graduates. Lunch 12.00-1.00 1.00-3.00 Great Hall Faculties Fair Visitors will be invited to informal discussion of degree courses, course content and new academic initiatives with representatives from each department who will be available in a room near the Great Hall.

teachers and parents, and visitors will be welcomed by the Principal, the Dean of KCSMD and Professor Gahan at their respective sites. Publications Lectures for Schools T his booklet was produced in January 19 and consists of departmental lists of lecturers with a short synopsis of their talks available to schools. It has provoked interest from schools and it will be updated at the end of the academic year 1988/89.

King's College Open Day: 25 April 1989 Nearly 2000 prospective students visited the College Kensington and Strand camSchools Calendar puses on the Open Day in 1988. In 1989, This is published in Septem ber for MichaStrand, Kensington and the Medical and elmas and in January for Lent and Summer Dental School will be open for two sesand sent to all UCCA schools and colleges. sions: I 0.30-1.00pm and 2.00-4.30pm. The Michaelmas 1988 edition was slim and There will be visits to departments and a departments are encouraged to make use fair in the Great Hall and Old Refectory with stalls for general enquiries, admissions, of this to publicise open days and public accommodation, careers and Student Union lectures. The copy date for the Lent/ Summer 19 9 issue is the I December 19 activities. Hospitality will be provided for


King's /I.'ews King's \'e\H IS aimed at Sixth Form

dent . their tea hers and areer tea her. T .... 0 IS ue h ve been produ ed in 19 and en to hool. Cople 0 the rrent i ue were given to visitors at the L:niverity ot London Open D y on the _

September, and are Iso vailable 10 admis ions tutor for interviewee. Short arti le (_/300 words), good graphi and photographs, are required to ontin e the ucce ul promotion 0 Kmg's by this pu bli ation. The ne t opy d te is the end of term, I De ember 19

'pac ' for intervie e conslStmg of a red King' College old r. Reggie bag, opy of King s . 'ew nd the new ommodation le flet, is av . able from th Schools Liaison om e at co t pri e. Anyone may p r ha e item in ivid ally.

H PL The Computing Centre provide a ull range of computing and data communication facIlitie and a comprehen i e advisory and upport service. In the last a ademic year there have been major change in the centre's equipment, with the delivery and installation of new Digital VAX mainframe ystem at the Strand and Ken ington, and the opening of new microcomputer laboratories at the Strand. The centre i now in a position to provide for virtually all those who need to use computer in their research and teaching. For tho e few whose needs are 0 demanding that they cannot be ati fied locally, means are provided for sending work to be proce sed at the national computing centre, including the niversity of London omputing Centre L C). In addition the continuing programme of installation of microcomputer based sy tcm offer po ibilities for document production from irnple word processing to de k-top publishing. Facilitie exi t for registered users of our mainframes to end and receive me ages, by electronic mail, not only to and from other local users, but al 0 to and from u er of computers in all Briti h univer ities, and many polytechnics, and tho cat universitie and re earch centres throughout the world. Mainframe Hardware Strand V luster of one VAX 00 and two 700, hanng a common file tore. It is capable of upporting up to 290 irnultaneous interactive u ers. Peripherals include magneti tape drives, graph plotter, a high peed Post cript laser-printer, and a full colour electrostatic plotter. The operating sy tern is VAX/VMS. Ken ington A VAX 8350, capable uf supporting up to 40 sirnultaneou interactive users. Peripherals include a magnetic tape drive, a graph plotter and laser printers (one with Postscript capabilities). The operating ystem is VAX/VMS. KCSMD A MicroVAX 11, operating under VAX/VMS. Mainframe Software Thi includes, at the Strand and Ken ington, most of the major computing languages, and pecialised packages for statistic, numerical computation, graphic, computer algebra, etc. Full details may be obtained from the site advisory offices (see below). At KCSMD, there is a maller range of oftware of particular relevance to the workers there, including SP S- .


The Chaplains are generally involved in all a pects of College life and are availa ble to all mem ber of College, studen ts and tafC to di u any matter of personal concern. So plea e do not hesitate to contact anyone of us if you feel we can be of any assi tance. There is a team of Chaplains working on all the College ites and Christian meeting and ervice take place throughout the College. The College Chaplain, Philip Chester, work full-time on the Strand campu and can be contacted in his office (6B) or via the Dean's Office (7C). The other chapla,in working on the Strand site are: Father Alexander fo tiropoulo Orthodox Rev Kevin Swaine - URC, representing other free hurche Po ition Vacant - Roman Catholic Mr Graham Baldwin - Independent Evangelical The Chaplains of the Kensington campus are: Rev Rill & Rev Gi ela Raines - Anglican francoi e Griffin - Roman Catholic lay chaplain On the Chelsea campus the Chaplains are: Francoi e Griffin - Roman Catholic lay chaplain Mes ages for the Chaplains on the Chelsea or Kensington campuses can be left with the Main Building Reception, Kensington campus.

Mainframe Regi tration In ordcr to u e the mainframe it is first necessary to register and be given an account number and pa sword.. pplications for registration should be made to the Strand reception de k in 23A, or the Kensington advisory office room A209. Microcomputer The Micro ystems Division exists to advise and assist users and potential users of microcomputers in their purchase and application. Reference collections of recommended microcomp.u~~rs and associated oftware are kept at the Strand and Kensington campuses. The DIVISIOn also offers support to members of the College who wish to use computers as teaching aids. For further information, contact Martin Ryall (Computing Centre Kensmgton ext 258). ' The centre also provides access to microcomputers which offer facilities for word processing and other microcomputer applications. The IBM PS/2 room in the new mezza-


COLLEGE E CH RI T The college Eucharist is at I.lOpm on Wednesdays. All are very welcome. The Eucharist is followed by a light lunch in the Dean' office. The choir are pre ent at the Eucharist and the service ends by 1.45pm. Members of College staff take it in turns to preach a (very short) sermon. There is also going to be a Eucharist on Fridays at 9.00 am, followed by breakfast in the Chaplain's office. Choral Evensong will take place on Mondays at 5.30 pm. For full details of the Chapel services, please see the Chapel card.

nine accommodation in A corridor at the Strand contains a network of 9 orkstations linked to a fileserver; the most popular software being Microsoft Word. it will shortly be joined by a laboratory dedicated principally to humanitie computing and a highquality graphic la bora tory.



Terminal Room There are open access terminal room on all sites, which are open to all-comers at the following times Monday to Friday: Strand:

12B (Chesham)







0900-2100 ~.--_,

Although they will be normally connected to one of the College's computers, it is possible for all the terminals in these rooms to be connected to any computer in the country which is attached to the Joint Academic etwork (JANET). Advi ory Service Consultancy services are provided in many specialist areas, including statistics, graphics, numerical analysis, text proce sing, and database management. Appointments with the specialists may be made via the advisory offices. General advisory services are available at all the sites at the following times: Strand Room 23AB (836 5454 ext 2505) 1000-1700 (M ons from 1030, closed 1300-1400 vacations) Kensington Room A209 (9375411 ext 261) 1000-1300, 1400-1700 (Mons from 1130) Chelsea King s Road (35 I 2488 ext 3669) Mon 1400-1700, Thurs 1000-1300 (Termtime only) KCSMD (274 6222 ext 2675) There is no formal advisory service but queries are dealt with as they arise. ewsletter A newsletter is published 9 or 10 times a year. It is sent automatically to all registered users of the VAX systems (except undergraduates), and to anyone else who asks to be included on the mailing list. Anyone wishing to receive a regular copy, should write to Liz Newell (Computing Centre, Strand), giving their name and department. Computing Centre Courses With the start of a new term, and the installation of new computers, the Computing Centre offers an extended range of term-time and vacation courses to help staff and students make best use of the improved facilities. Many of the courses last for only two half-days but provide sound introductions to all the systems and their most widely used applications. Other courses, such as those on programming languages Fortran and Pascal, are longer and more intensive. The Season begins with 'Getting tarted on the VAX ; this is designed as a basic introduction to the system for new users and the only pre-requisite is a registered username on one of the College VAXes. The course lasts for two half-days (2-5 pm) and is repeated several times during the year. The first session at the Strand will be on Tuesday 11 October (part I) and Tuesday 18 October (part 2), the first at Kensington is on Thursday 13 October (part I) and Thursday 20 October (part 2).

._--- __


The Library's stock of over 800,000 volumes is divided between the College campuses according to subject. Broadly speaking, Life Sciences material is housed at Ken ington, Education and ursing Studies at Chelsea (552 King's Road), Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Hi tory and Philosophy of Science at Chelsea (Manresa Road) and the remaining subjects at the Strand. To get a Library ticket members of staff should apply to the library at the campus at which they are based (Strand Le'iel I in the case of Strand staff) with a photograph and, if they are not listed in the calendar or telephone directory, a note of introduction from the Department. Once registered, any mem ber of College may use all sections of the Library. With the exception of journals and reference books, most of the bookstock may be borrowed. Multiple copies of text路 book in heavy demand are kept, and these are norm ally restricted to short loan periods to ensure that as many students as possible have access to them. Every attempt is made to keep the bookstock up-ta-date and relevant to the current needs of teaching and research Within the College. The Acquisitions Department (S trand, ext 2137) are delighted to receive recommendations for additions to stock, and we should be most grateful if academic staff could let us have copies of reading lists well in advance of their distribu tion to students. This year, for the first time, we have installed a computer system covering the entire Library, which will eventually allow users to interrogate the whole catalogue from any terminal in College, and to place instant reservations for any material they wish to see.

Before Christmas there will be VAX courses at the Strand on Fortran 77 and ISO Pascal at Kensington on Statistics and the use of Minitab. At the Strand there will also be mic;o. The Library provides a range of services, computer courses on word processing with Microsoft Word, an introduction to DOS on including self-service photocopiers, onthe IBM PS/2 and an introduction to data bases. line searching of bibliographic data bases, microform readers and reader printers, and Later in the year courses will be available on Uniras graphics, SPSSX statistics, AG records and compact discs with listening routines, spreadsheets, the Unix operating system, advanced Fortran and the 'artificial facilities. Staff and postgraduates in need intelligence' languages Lisp and Prolog. of material not held by the College can make use of the inter-library loan service; A course booklet has been prepared and is available together with enrolment forms from for those who need an item urgently, the the Computing Centre advisory offices at the Strand (room 23AB, 836 5454 ext 2505) Library is often able to arrange access to or Kensington (room A209, 937 5411 ext 261). another library where the item is held.


A erie of inform tion she ts is available in all bran hes 0 the Library. proVIding details 0 he full range of servi oft re There is a well-quali ied staf a ea h bran h to deal wi h enquirie . They .... ill be happy to in tru t ers in the u e 01 the new on-line atalogue v. hen it be omes available and to arrange eminar for intere ted group.

Tue day Wednesd y Thur da} Friday

Opening Hour STRA. 'D C ~IPUS Strand Building Library Phy S ien e , Engineenng, Ba ic ~le­ dlcal S ien es, Language and Literatures ex ept as listed below) ~Ionday - Thur da 0900-2 I00 Friday 0900-1900

The outlying branch at the Biophy i s Department (36 1) i open whenever the Department is open (approx 0900I 00).

Strand Level 5 (Clas ical Languages & Literatures, Modern Greek) Monday - Thursday 0930-1900 Friday 0930-1 30 Old Library (Geography, History, SoclOlogy, Law) 0900-2 I 00 Monday - Thursday Friday 0900-1900 Saturday 0930-1245 Embankment Library (Philo ophy, Theology Fine rts) Monday - Thursday 0930-1900 Friday 0930-1730 French Library (French Language & Literature) 0930-1730 Monday - Thur day Music Library (Book, scores, records, Monday Tuesday Wednesday - Friday

compact di cs) 0930-1730 0930-1900 0930-1730

KE SI GTO r CAMPUS Monday - Thur day 0930-2000 Friday 0930-1900 Some Saturdays in 0930-1300 May and June Christmas and Easter Vacations Summer Vacation

0930-1730 0930-1700

CHELSEA CAMPUS Manresa Road Library Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

0930-1900 0930-1930 0930-1800 0930-1930 0930-1730



Coleridge Library Autumn Term Monalay Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



0900-1700 J 000-2000 1000-1900 1000-2000 1000-1700

Spring . Summer Terms ~Ionday

0900-1 "00 1000-1930 1000- 1900 1000-1930 1000-1~00

a ations ~fonda}-Frid


1000-1300. 1400-1700

There is a small library at the Rogate Field Centre which provides support material for field cour es.



College Archivist: Mi Patricia Methven (Room 302, Strand, ext 2 I 7) Opening Hour: 9.30am - 5.30pm Mon Fri Term Time 9.30am - 4.30pm Mon Fri Vacation Time The College Archives hou e the records of King's College London which are of historical interest and/or continuing administrative value. Stored in secure vaults they are being sy tematically catalogued by taff of the Archives for easy access and retrieval. The records chronicle the sometimes stormy history of the College from its foundations to the present day and together with the archives of Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth Colleges and their predecessor bodies, King's College of Household and Social Science and the SouthWestern and Chelsea Polytechnics, constitute an invaluable source for educational, scien tific an d social historians. Among the most significant records held are the minute book of the governing bodies and major committees of all three Colleges; an un broken eries of letters received by the Principal and Secretary of King s College during the 19th century; 20th century policy files and a substantial series of financial record. The membership of the College, past and present, is reflected in a regularly updated set of student records for the three Colleges from their respective foundations and a useful series of modern personnel files. These are supplemented by the archives of a number of faculties and departments and collections of private and research papers presented or left to the College by members of staff or former students. Much useful printed material is also held, including calendars, prospectuses and College magazines, and an ever-growing collection of prints, engravings and photographs provides a fine pictorial record.

King' College Hospital, governed by the College for the first ,0 years of its life has al 0 left It mar - OD the colle ion, not only in he entral re ord of the College be ore 190 . but al 0 in he orm of a plendid eries of a e note rom I 01937. The a e notes from an a 0 iated institution, the Belgrave Children' Hospital. are aho hou ed 10 the College. s with the hospitals. so two chools, King' College S hool and the trand S hool, were for many year part of the College and the Ar hives include much important material relating to them. very important oUe tion, re ently tran lerred to the r hives from the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, is the archive for the League for Democra y in Greece and its succe sor organi ation, The Friends of Democracy in Greece. Comprising corresponden e, photographs and a wide range of pamphlets, new papers, journals and other printed material, the archive forms an invaluable ource for the history of Greece after World War 11. dvice on the use of the material can al .... ay be obtained from the staff although it is advi able to make an appointment fir t. Conditions of access are et out in the leanet' ote for Readers', obtainable from the reading room. Some cIa ses of record, hiefly tudent and staff files, are closed for an extended period of years to protect the privacy of named individuals. Staff of the Ar hive will always be pleased to be consulted about the disposition of records including photographs and tapes, and will provide guidance about the selection of materials suitable for preservation in the Archives and, where necessary, the disposal of confidential waste paper. As an introduction to these procedures two leanets have been prepared entitled 'How To Deposit Records in the Archives and How To Get Them Back' and 'Faculty and Departmental Checklist'.

THE LIDDELL H RT CE TRE FOR MILIT R RCHI E The Centre for Military Archives serves as a repository for private papers relating to British military history since 1900. Covering British involvement from the Boer War to the Cyprus emergency, the collection ranges from high level strategical planning to the development of tactics and equipment. The Centre is also building up a valuable set of microfilms of American documents relating to defence. The holdings are described in a Consolidated List of Accessions, 1986, and a Supplement, 1988 (available from the Centre at 3.50 and ÂŁ 1.5 0 respectively) and' otes for Readers' outline the conditions of access.

Staff of the Centre also administer the Library Manu cript Collection comprising research material gathered by scholars connected with the College and em bra ing such disparate ubjects as Portuguese literature and German jurisprudence. The collection is of literary, historical and scien tific in terest and is described in ManuscriPts and Private Papers: A Select Guidewhich may be consulted in the reading room.

King's Campus Vacation Bureau

Two subsequent additions are the archives of Adam International Review and Modern Poetry in Translation which together form an important source for the study of European literature and cultural history. Consultation of each of these three collections is by prior appointment in the Archives reading room.


552. Ki ng's Road. Chelsea. London SW100UA Telephone: 01-351 6011 Telex: 8954102 SSS LON G Facsimile: (G2 J 01352 7376

The Map Room, with a stock of over 75,000 maps provides the College with a full cartographic reference service. Some maps are also available for loans and for teaching requirements. Maps are available for most parts of the world and to suit most requirements. Additional resources are also available through cooperative arrangements with other map collections within the Univesity. Advice can also be given on map purchasing and on other map-related enquiries. The College Map Room is located in Room 4BB, Chesham Building, Strand campus (ext 2599). It is normally open during the following hours (although a prior phone call is advisable): Term Time Monday - Friday


Vacation Monday - Friday


CASHIER'S OFFICE Hours of business: Monday 9.45-1.15 Tuesday 9.45-1.15 Wednesday 9.45-1.15 Thursday CLOSED ALL Friday 9.45-1.15

2.15-4.00 2.15-4.00 2.15-4.00 DAY 2.15-4.00

Room H, Eas,t Wing, Strand



The Office is located in the orfolk Building on the Strand campus and provides a range of services and advice to all members of staff. Initial contact may be made as follows:

THE HEART OF LO DO King's College has venues throughout London and can provide eight different locations with an impressive range of facilities for large and small organisations, being particularly able to meet individual requirements for business or holidays_ Each campus is within easy reach of all the major tourist attractions of Central London, including theatres and concert halls. All sites are well served by pu blic transport and some residences have car-parking available. Whether in the Strand, Westminster, Chelsea, Kensington or just south of the River Thames, we believe that the different character of each location and the unique geography of each campus makes them convenient and attractive centres for individual visitors as well as all types of meetings and conferences - all at moderate prices. on-residential meetings and day conferences are possible all year round, with full catering services, if required, and enquiries are welcome. Facilities include seven Halls of Residence - three of which have adjacent teaching and conference amenities. In addition, day meetings and special function locations are available on the Strand and Kensington campuses and at the Hamilton SUite, King's Road, Chelsea. The staff of the Vacation Bureau are happy to assist all College personnel with enquiries for conferences or holidays, and a full colour brochure pack is available on request. The following staff may be contacted with specific enquiries: Joan Fennell . Residential conferences and large group accommodation Elspeth Young - Small residential groups and individual holidays and student accommodation during vacation Richard Longhurst - Day meetings, functions and non-residential bookings including the Hamilton Suite Joan Hirons - Office Manager April Toner - Secretarial Assistant Dawn ewbrook - Reception and Secretarial Assistant The office is open from 9.30am - 5.00pm. Mr G A Cuthbert - ext 2765 (for members of the Academic and Research staff) Miss L Hughes - ext 2288 (for members of the Administrative, Library, Computing, Clerical and Manual staff) Miss C Crewe - ext 2300 (for members of the Technical staff).

ew members of staff are reminded that they are required to contact the appropriate Personnel section on taking up their appointments to provide the administrative details necessary to ensure payment of salaries. Marjorie Young Personnel Officer


C TER['G ERVICE are served trom th' outlet, omplementing rather than competing with 0 her Catering Outlet in the Ma adam Bull ing. Subje t to the availability 0 fmance, further unpro ements to the ~1a adam BulldlJ1g Catering Fa ilitie are planned. I hope it will not be too long before both the GO I Macadam and B2 .1acadam facIlities are refurbished giving the opportunity to 0 fer our customers more comfort, a wider range of dishes and even better value for money.


A warm welcome to all new and returning staff and student. The catering Department hopes you will enJoy using our facilitie which are described in full in the Catering Services leaflet available throughout the College and from the Site Catering Offices. ew Facilitie The ervery area of the Kensington Main Refectory in the tkin Building has been modernised. Customers will now be able to enjoy pcedier service and an increa ed range of products from this outlet. In the Main Building of the Strand campus a new finishing kitchen has been built. This long overdue facility gives the Catering Department the ability to improve and extend the ervices it offers in room such as the Great Hall and Council Room. The Strand Site Catering Manager will now be pleased to quote for Conference Dinners and other catering services in the Great Hall. Customers are however advised that the Great Hall and Council Room are centrally time-tabled rooms subject to booking through the Vacation Bureau or Cen tral Services. As part of the redevelopment of the 2nd Floor, Macadam (Strand) the Bar Food Service has been moved. It remains on the 2nd Floor bu t is nearer the Bar and more acce sible to customers. A wide range of hot and cold snacks and meals

Ken ington Campu The Social Club is situated on the ground floor of the SJA Building and is approached via the South Entrance. Membership is open to all employees of the College as well a postgraduates and the annual subscription is, at present, SOp. The bar is open between 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm and


Customers are reque ted to use the green Order Form for Catering Services for all hospitality/Credit Ca tering requests. These forms were sent to all departments last year and further supplie can be obtained from site atering offices or by telephoning Yvonne Ridout, Strand ext 2359 between 9.30am and I.OOpm. Plea e send completed form to the relevant site Catering Manager giving as much notice as possible. If in doubt as to the ervices we are able to provide, an initial telephone inquiry will be welcomed. Cu tomers are however advised that although Catering Service can be ordered by telephone, 0 CREDIT services will be provided unless written confirmation has been received. Charges: Please fill in either the departmen tal code num ber box, or the personal invoice box on the order form. A PA form of advice will be sent to you giving details of each catering charge made. If it is a departmental charge, no action will be required by customers, and the relevant charge will appear on your prin t-ou t against the code quoted on the order form. Queries concerning actual charges should be addressed to the relevant site catering office.

Peter Hoffman College Catering Officer

of keg bitter', lager. pirits, cold drink , re h orange Juice and of ee. andwi hes and hot pie are avail ble a well a crisp. and nut, etc. The bar h eating for approxima ely ixty people and ha a dartboard. a noo er table and a video ma hme. c\'eral board ame are available b hlIld the bar. The ommlttee 0 a ionall} organises evening ev nt. Over the pa t year there ha\'e been variou disco and live bands. cabaret, a firework di play and a quiz evening. Dart and nooker mat he have been orgamsed and the club operate a nookcr ladder. ,'otice 01 the Club's AG L whi hi held in October, will be mailed to members and po ted in the Social Club bar. Most of the Club's Committee are retiring from office at the end of this year, so if anyone i intere ted in helping to run the Club. we would be mo t pleased to hear from them. Al 0 if anyone ha any views on the type of activitie the Club offer, we would be very pleased to hear them. If you would like to join the Club, please


hns Britnell, on Ken ington 413.

[rand Campus Do you enjoy being sociable? Playing dart. or snooker, crib or cricket? Or do you JU t like to join your colleagues for a relaxing lunchtime drink or chat? If the answer to any of these is yes' or even 'possibly', then 'the Club' is for you. King's College Sports and Social Clu b was forn1ed over thirty years ago. Mem bership is open to all members of the College staff and, in addition to providing the facilities mentioned above, members arrange both the College Outing and the College ew Year Dance on behalf of the College. The Club room are situated in 33 Surrey Street on the Strand campus, arid there is a conces ionary rate of mem bership for tho e working on.other campuses, all of whom are welcome to join the Club and make full use of the facilities when visiting the Strand. The current member hip is ÂŁ2 per annum (ÂŁ I for those not based at the Strand), and this is deducted from the March salary by the Finan e Department.

in the evenings from 5.30 pm to .00 pm as a minimum, with a longer evening opening being at the discretion of the person doing bar duty. During both lunchtime and evening sessions the bar is staffed by volunteer club member, working on a rota, which u ually means a lunchtime duty once a month and/or an evening duty once every six weeks. The bar is well stocked, offering a range

As a special bonus, those joining after I October will not have to pay a penny until March! If you wish to apply for membership of

this thriving Club, please complete the form on the back page and send it to the Treasurer, Brian Oldham, Finance Dept, Strand campus.

THE E 10R COM 10 trand Campus


Ken ington Campu

of in tere t, in addition to a Christmas and a Mid ummer party (held jointly with the Senior Common Room). Member' guests are wel ome at most meetings.

Pre ident: The Principal Chairman: Vacancy Chairman: Dr R K Dixon Secretary: Dr Peter Butterworth Hon Secretary: Mr


M Brown A i tant Secretary: Dr Peter Ellis

Hon Trea urer: Mr S P Harrow

Trea urer: Mrs Judy Staight Hon Social Secretary: Mrs S Gee Member hip of the Strand campu Senior Common Room is open to all member of staff (including those based on the Kensington or Chelsea campuses) in the following categories: academic staff academic related administrative staff clerical staff in grade 3 and above library staff in grade 3 and above technicians in grades 6 7 and certain post-doctoral research staff Members based on the Strand campus pay a subscription of £ 14 per annum: those based elsewhere pay a subscription of £7 per annum. Fully paid-up members of the Kensington Campus Senior Staff As ociation are automatically members of the Strand Campu Senior Common Room. ew members are requested to pay the appropriate fee for the year 1988/89 by cheque in the first instance. Payment may be made by deduction from alary at source from October 1989. if so requested on the application form. Members have the use of three splendid rooms at the southern end of the Main Building overlooking the river. A good selection of daily papers and periodicals is provided. Morning and lunchtime coffee, sandwich lunches and afternoon teas are served. Prices are comparatively low as part of the ervice cost is met from the subscription income. A limited bar service is also available. The Upper and Lower Senior Common Rooms may be booked by members for private functions outside normal hours of use, and the Blackwell Room may be booked at any time by previous arrangement. All such bookings should be made in advance through the Hon Secretary. Social events are arranged from time to time. These include Senior Common Room IDinners, Joint Buffet Supper-parties with the King's College Ladies' Club, Wine Tasting evenings and Wine Auctions. For the 1988/89 Session, SCR functions have been provisionally arranged as follows: Thursday 17

ovember - Dinner

Tuesday 24 January - Burns

ight Dinner'

Tuesday 14 March - Wine Tasting Tuesday 9 May - Dinner Formal notice of these and other events will be sent to members in advance.

The SSA at Kensington exists to provide amenities centred on the Senior Common Room and to promote the interests of its members. Membership of the Association will en title you to use the facilities of the Common Room for tea, coffee and lunch where a wide selection 01 newspapers, periodicals and journals is available for reading. The officers are a little concerned that the buffet facilities could be withdrawn unless greater use is made of them. Staff who have recently transferred to Kensington therefore. or who are in the process of doing so, are urged to join the Association and to make full use of the Common Room. It is customary to hold a party both at Christmas time and at the end of the academic year. The end of session party last term took the form of a very successful barbecue. The subscription to the SSA becomes due at the AGM (which is held in ovember) and the normal method of payment is an annual deduction from salary. The presen t su bsciption is £ 14 per annum and those eligible to join include academic staff. academically related administrative staff, library staff in grade 3 and above, an d post-doctoral research staff. Reciprocal arrangements between the SSA at Kensington and the Strand gives paid-up members of either association the right to use the Common Room facilities on both campuses.

You are invited to a 'Pot-luck' lunch on Wedne day 19 October 19 at 1_.30 pm in the Committee Room, Strand campu (whi h will be followed by the Annual General Meeting). If you would like to attend the lunch and/or join the lub. (the one i not dependent on the other), plea e complete the form on the back page and return it to Mrs Margaret Brown, Department of History and Philo ophy of Religion, Strand campus.



The A VS U has undergone a redistribution of facilitie during the sUmmer vacation. There are now two locations for audiovisual service: Kensington and Strand campuses. Chelsea is to be serviced from either the Strand or Kensington r~m"'''''~depending on the circumstance . The units provide lecture support in terms of both equipment and materials. We also provide support for research publications and presentations. Each unit differs in the range of services undertaken but the work can be accepted at either of them. Services on offer are: Graphics Kensington, and a limited service from the Strand Photography Kensington

Audio Strand

Typeset ting Ken ington Video Kensington and Strand


At all sites there is a pool of audio-visual equipment.

The Club is open to women members and wives of the academic and administrative staff of the College, both past and present. Its aim is to provide opportunities for meeting and keeping in touch with one another, to welcome new members of staff and their spouses in a social setting and to promote the well-being of the College.

Please contact:

Day, evening and lunch meetings are held in an informal atmosphere and costs are kept to a minimum. The annual programme normally includes buffet lunches and suppers held in College followed by illustrated lectures outside meetings to places

Rod Wilkinson, Kensington 438 Ray Flood, Strand 2158 We do not undertake reprography or photocopying, and all enquiries should go to Ray Mason, Strand 2538. All enquiries of a general nature should go to the secretary, Mrs Rosalind Pope on ext 2386, Strand. Bookings can be referred to this office. RN Bugg Manager AVSU


-: _ Kmg' Ro d l d mic Area n . dmlrutration) ~.OO am - 9.00 pm ~lon a} to Th rsua} 1.00 m - ~ 00 pm Frid •

5:2 Km_'s Road I Ingram Coun) :: hour a e s

S FETY OFFICE The ollege a e y 0 fi e I lo\..aled in room 2 . Che ham Buildmg. uand eampus,telephone exten ion S26 - . The otll e i repon ible for adn ing on all a peel of health and alety and tor \..o-ordinating afetya tivitie and arrangement wlthm the College. Any member of College i wel ome 10 eek advice or information or to dis us afety problem

A i tant Safety Officer: Mr John Maynard




to Friday


Chel ea Campu

King' College School of Medicine and Dentistry

Ra}neln tltute .00 am - 6.00 pm


to Friday

tafl wi hing to come into the Ra]ne Institute out Ide these hour. houlJ ign 111 anJ out at the Ra] ne Institute Reception.


P. RI\.J G Strand Campu

FIRST AlDERS Qualified fir t aiders are available in many department throughout the College: a complete list of names, 10 ations and internal telephone num ber will be pu blished honly. If a fir t aider i not immediately available dial the campus internal emergency exten ion. EVACUATIO


When the alarm bell are sounded the buildings must be evacuated without delay. Persons should leave by the nearest exit and not re-enter the building until the bell have been ilenced or permi sion has been granted by the Senior Fire Officer present or Fire Marshal.

In the event of any emergency or action where you require qualified as istance the following num bers should be dialled: the e will give an internal priority extension.



Kensington Campu

Strand Campu riday

Main Building: 6.00 am - I 1.00 pm Atkins Building: 6.00 am - 6.00 pm

9.00 am - 6.00 pm Monday to Friday 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Saturday

These hours apply to term time and vacations. Staff requiring access to the A tkins Building after 6.00 pm must obtain a key from their Departmental Superintendent and sign the book in the Porter's Lodge.

The Macadam Building closes at 5.00 pm daily during vacations.

Chel ea Campu


Staff wishing to come into the building outside these hours are required to sign in at the Porters' Lodge, Strand Main Gate Entrance.


"hool Buildings

.00 am - 9 00 pm .00 m· 1.00 pm

Fife: Dial 2_22 Cardiac arrest: Dial 2333

Report form are available from department or the Safety Office; form hould be completed as oon a possible after the incident and forwarded to the College Safety Office.

Term Time 9.00 am - 9.00 pm Monday to 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Saturday

Ken ington Campu


11 mem bers of the College are required to report accident which result in per onal injury and which occur on College premi e or in onnection with College activitie . Other incident uch a fire. spillages of harmful sub tance . etc. where injury could have re ulted hould al 0 be reported.


ing' College chool of Medi ine and Den1LStr~

Manre a Road' Dial 5-2 King's Road: Dial 7

College Safety Officer: Dr Roger Slade


Irand Campu

Manresa Road 7.00 am· 9.00 pm Monday to Thursday 7.00 am - 7.00 pm Friday

Parking at the trand campus i extremely ltmlleJ. Some pIa e are re erved lur tho e members of the College statt whus.: full time dulles require them 10 be un site throughout the \\orking year and or to have their vehicles available lor ue 111 the perlorman e 01 their duties. A further limlled number are available tor visitor". College vehicles and disabled drivers. Other Stalf parking is on the basi of once a week, Monday to Friday or mem ber of the full time academic staff. Written applications for a permit, issued to eligible mem bers of staff, should be made to Mr R C Redmond, General Service Manager, giving your name, make and regi. tration number of your vehicle. All vehicle should be removed by 9.00 pm unle s arrangement have been made to the contrary with either the General Service Manager or the Main Gate portering sta! l. In very exceptional circumstances a parking pace may be re erved by arrangement with the General Services Manager. Ken ington Campu Parking i by permit only. nyone wishing to obtain a permit should apply to the dministrative Secretary (ext 209). In addition there are 6 vi itor' spaces in the Main B~ilding and 4 visitor's spaces in the tkins Building car park. Reservations for these spaces are not essen tiaI, bu tare advi ed. ontact ext 254 for Main Building car park and ext 295 for tkins Building car park reservations. Chel ea Campu Car parking pace on the various ites are allocated in the following ways:

Manresa Road - 30 pia es for staft, allocated by departments. 552 King's Road - 40 place for taff, allocated on a first come basis. In addition, a limited number of paces may be available for visitors to each of the Chelsea ites by prior arrangement with Mr J Wornham, ext 2322 or the Campus Administrator's Office, ext 3763.

Ken ington Campu

Ken ington Campus

Mr Steve Whiting, Site Service Manager ext 245. Chel ea Campu Mr John Worn ham Domesti & Security Supervisor, ext 2322.

The main switchboard operates between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm. Calls are put through to Queen Elizabeth Hall extension only between 6.00 pm and 10.00 pm on weekdays and from 9.00 am at weekend. Chel ea - Manresa Road


Take care of your per onal property! It is an unfortunate fact that thefts do occur. Purses, briefcases and coats should never be left lying around. The College cannot be responsible for the theft of unattended property and you are advised to insure any personal valuables again t loss or theft. Please remember to LOCK UP when you leave rooms unattended even for a short time. THEFT A D LOSS OF PERSO AL A D COLLEGE PROPERTY A11 theft or loss of property, on all sites, must be recorded on the standard form. These are available as follows: Strand Campus From the Head Porter (2540) or Mr R C Redmond, the General Services Manager, (2331 ). Kensington Campus Ms L Elliot, Deputy Residences Manager, (255) Chelsea Campus Mr John Wornham, Domestic & Security

Supervisor, (2322).

[he completed form should be returned to the site staff from whom they were obtained who will maintain records of all details and if necessary advise on the procedure for reporting thefts to the police

Strand Campu All office and door keys are obtainable from Mr R C Redmond, General Services Manager or his staff located in Room 28, South West Block, ext 2311. Keys will be charged for at cost.

Office keys should be obtained from the relevan t departmen tal technician. POSTAL SERVICES

Chelsea Campus Keys are obtained from Mr J Wornham, Security and Domestic Services Supervisor, ext 2322.

TENANCE Strand Campus All building works and electrical, plumbing and heating repairs are dealt with by the Site Service Engineer Mr J Fox, ext 2608 or 2303. Requests for any work must be ubmitted in writing. All removals of furnishings within the College must be dealt with by the FurnishingsOfficer, ext 2293. Kensington Campus All requests for electrical repairs should be referred to Mr Watts on ext 308 (answering machine), 309 or 455. Mr J Lester, ext 308/309 should be contacted for any other repair requirement. Chelsea Campus All requests for repairs should be referred to the Esta tes Office,S 52 King's Road, ext3716.


Enquiries a bou t lost property should be directed to:

Strand Campus

Mr RC Redmond, General Services Manager or his staff, ext _311 or 2331.

King' College School of Medicine and Denti try The switchboard provides a 24 hour service a t all tim es.

Kensington Campus


Strand Campus

The Manresa Road switchboard i open between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Monday to Friday and then switches to a night service after 5.30 pm, at weekend and during periods of College closure.

The switchboard operates between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm during term time and 9.00 am and 5.30 pm during vacations. The 552 King' Road site telecommunications will be through the Strand switchboard.

GPO POST Strand Campu Letters are collected from the official boxes at 11.00 am, 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm. If brought personally to the Post Room (l9BB Main Building) they should arrive o LATER THA 5.00 pm in term time and 4.45 pm in vacations. If at all possible they should be brought earlier so that Post Room staff are not faced with a last minute rush. Parcels are despatched once a week and should arrive no later than Thursday. Registered and recorded delivery mail should reach the Post Room by 1.00 pm or 3.30 pm. There is also a Post Room box for letters already tamped which is cleared at 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. This is in the lobb between the Strand Building and the Main Building on the Ground Floor. There is also a stamp machine there. Mail which is too large for the box should not be left on top but either posted outside the College or left with the Post Room taff. All post will be sent second class unless otherwise requested. Please do not do so unless it is a bsolu tely necessary. 0 first class mail will be sent out on Fridays as this is not normally delivered until the following Monday when second class mail posted at the same time is distributed.

Kensington Campus Letters are collected at 5.30 pm from the Main Building Entranc~ Hall. Only letters


and mall pa k ge are a epted lor Iranking entrally. L rger par el mu t be de It with by the department on erne .

There is a 0 daily Univer Ity ot London in er- ollegiate m il er\"! e. whi h olle 'rom each main ite.

All mail will be en se ond I 's unle It b ab olutely ne e- ry that It goe' fir t la .

FA F 1( ma hine lor laimile tran m' do uments are available a 10Uow .

Chelsea Campu Letters and par'el are colle ted lrom the Chel ea ite at the follOWing time: • 5:! King's Road - 3.4 - pm and ~1anre a Road at 4.45 pm. 11 mail i ent econd la. ny mall being ent by fir t las, re orded or regitered post must be organi ed by the individual department concerned.

Strand: In the Computer Centre. Room 23A Reception rea. Ken inglon: In the office of the ervice 3. Se retary. ~1ain BUIlding. Tel 93 7 Chelsea: In the Campu Administrator' om e. Room _.30' lark Building. Tel 352 376. TELEX

King' College School of Medicine and Dentistry Po t should reach the Reception De k no later than 4.30 pm. Post will be collected from the Rayne Institute at 4. I 5 pm each day. 11 po t is ent second cia unless otherwise marked.

Strand Telex equipment i in tailed in the Computer Centre, Room 23A Reception rea.


'ame of per on to whom letter is being sent 2 Department


ampu name clearly marked

In the case of post to Chel ea campus, please also include the relevan t site of the department for ease of sorting when the Ictter arrives at Chel ea's po t room. Departure time


Manre a Road 9.10 552 King's Road 9.40 Kensington campus 10.40 552 King' Road 11.00 (to Manresa Rd only)

PM 2.15 2.35 3.25 4.00

ManreaRoad 11.10 Strand/Drury Lanq' 11.40 Strand

KCSMD There is presently no direct delivery between Denmark HiU and the Strand campu . Internal mail now has to be sent via Senate House. As thi lead to delays, it is advisable to post urgent mail with the GPO ervice. I TERCOLLEGIATEMAIL SERVICE


For example, profiles of spe ific people or area of activity, new of event, view on College malters, photo, cartoons, item for ale. puzzle or quia s. Comment IS ent to all taff and opy dates and publication date are included at the end of each edition,

STATIO ERY Strand Campu

Lettcr between each campu should be clearly marked in the following way:

CO/llment i the College' regular 3tatf new letter. issued by the Information 01'fi e three time a term. with pecial edition it required. Contribution are warmly wel omed from any member of College j

The copy date for the next edition i 4 _'overnlcr tor publi ation the week of 14 'overn ber.

The S ta tionery S tore is open during term tinle from 10.00 am - 12.30 pm and from 1.30 pm - 5.00 pm. During vacations the Store clo e half an hour earlier at 4.30 pm. Requests for bulk tationery hould be submitted in advance. Odd item of stationThe College Information Office covers all ery may be collected during normal opengeneral ollege public relations, media ing hour bu t all staff are requested to relations and publication. Staff are avaikeep these requests to a minimum. A lable to advise and assist any member of large range of stationery and sundries are College in the publicity and promotion of available from the contracted upplier aspects of their work at individual or depand any specialised items that you may artmentallevel. need could well be available. A stock list is available from the Store. Please consult The Office is responsible for all a pects of Central Service who will be pleased to the production of major College publicagive advice and help in respect of stationtion , such as prospectuses and annual reery requirements. ports, and is happy to help and advise on any individual publications, such as sepaKen ington Campu rate course leaOets or departmental promotional literature. Anyone wanting to Orders for all items of tationery hould be produce publicity literature for external ubmitted in writing to Claire tkin on. cir ulation i asked to contact the InforAssistant Re idence Manager, ext 255. mation Office as it not only can offer advice and px!>ertise but ha a central coChelsea Campu ordinating role in main:.awing College publication tandards. Comprehensive media 11 stationery is ordered through departdata IS held and regular contact with the ments. press maintained by the Office. Staff are available to organi e press releases, in terviews, promotional launches and meetings ROOM BOOKI GS and are always pleased to receive informaRooms for lectures, seminars etc. other tion from Individuals on press opportunithan departmental rooms should be bookties or new conta ts. Help can be gIven ed with the follOWing: in the organi ation of eminars, lectures, conferences and exhibitions. Strand entral Services ext233 I Kensington Administrative Secretary The Office is located in the East wing of ext 209 the main Strand building, Room C22 170 Chelsea The office of the Campu Strand, ex!. 2 I 79/2796. Do get in touch Administrator ext 209 if you need any publicity services or have news to give.

E IOR CO MO trand Campu


I wi h to apply for full-fee/reduced fee· membership of the Senior Common Room (Strand campus). I understand that the subscription for the session 19 revi ion at the Senior Common Room AGM. I enclose my cheque for the sum of £.

/ 9 is £14.00 for full-fee and £ .00 for reduced-fee membership. subject to

in payment of this year's subscription (payable to King s College Senior Common Roo

I agree that the subscription should be deducted from my salary from 1989 and succeeding years until further notice. • please delete as applica ble. Date





APPOI TME T (Full-time/Part-time)





Please return this form to: Mrs M M Brown. Hon. Secretary Senior Common Room, clo Dept of History & Philosophy of Religion. Strand campus. by 30 ovember 198 .


I wish/do not wish· to attend the lunch on 19 October 198 I wish/do not wish· to apply for membership of King's College London Ladies Club. I enclose a subscription of £2.00 for the session 1988/89 (this fee being applicable only if paid before 19 October 198 ). • delete as applicable. Cheques should be made payable to KI G'S COLLEGE LADIES CLUB. ..




OW /H SBA O'S* DEPT A D CAMPUS (If retired. please state year of retirement)

. ..

PORT A D OCIAL CLUB trand Cam pl!. Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS, sign and send to the Treasurer. Mr Brian Oldham Finance Dept Strand campu . (full name) of


...............................................................................................................................................(Oepartment) at ............................................................................................................................................... campus wish to apply for membersh.ip of the King's College Sports and Social Club. if elected. I agree to the annual sub cription being deducted from my salary each year in March and to abide by the Con titution of the Club. Signed FOR CLUB USE 0 A




lication Received



Added to Chec

Member informed

0 31

路 lOR







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