Comment 034 February 1989

Page 1

King's College London newsletter

COLLEGE AGAIN WELCOMES PRINCESS The ollege wa ver> honoured to receive a econd visit in les than two month from HRH The Princess Royal, Chancellor of the niver ity 0 London. On thi occaion, the afternoon of' ednesday 15 February, he visited the Strand campus to inaugurate the new Computing Centre. The Director of the Computing Centre, Or ndrew Byerley, conducted the Chancellor on a guided tour of the Machine Room and the work tation where he wa able to ee at fir t hand 'the e ten ive computlng fa ilities that have recently been lOstalled and meet y tems taff and member of the omputing Centre. I n the tour, which la ted Just over an hour

he aw how the new provisions are able t~ meet the academic computing requirement of the College, both enhancing and developing research and teaching. She watched a number of demonstrations including one of de ktop publishing, ' which is becoming increasingly important to academics, both for the publication of papers and the production of teaching aid. Interactive Video Disc was also demonstrated to the Chancellor, who was informed how the development of optical disc recording offer new opportunitie for toring, transmitting and creating knowledge. Academic application range from vi ual databa e in Archaeology or rt History to the demon tration of urgical technique in medicine. Simulation are a particularly effective u e of the medium one di c, in the Faculty of Law, offer student the chance to play the role of a olicitor faced with an unfolding problem. The tour then moved on to the new laboratorie dedicated to graphical and humanities computing. The graphic laboratory has been et up to enable user to run highly interactive computer graphics oftware. Currently, the area of particular intere t in the College Df M, image processing and are molecular modelling. The harrcellor aw a number of demon trations including: omputer ided Design, Quantum hemistry Topology and Molecular Graphics

in Biolog ,indi atlOg how a revolution in re earch method i taking place through the visualisation of scientific data u ing computer generated graphi s. Computer graphic allow the re earcher to intera t with dynamic, three-dim en ional model in real-time giving novel in ight into the underlying mechanism 0 the model.


Project - the aim of which i to produce an annotated bibliography of work pu blished on the sources of Old English writers, and tex t canning ma hine .

Follo\ ing the tour. the Chan ellor had the opportunity to meet students informally. She wa e corted by the Principal to the Chapel where she listened to part 01 a rehearsal by the King's College Singer The area of humanitie computing is one under the guidance of Mr Ernie Warrell that the College is particulaly keen to deCollege organi t and choirmaster. Fron't velop and the Chancellor viewed a couple there the Royal part} moved to 6C to of demonstration which highlighted ee the Theatre Workshop in rehear al King's expertise in thi area. She wa before proceeding to the oun il Roo:n shown a computerised pro opography (a for tea, where he met several of the S tuWho's Who) of Roman Egypt, entrie dent nion sabbaticals piu repre entative' for individual summari e what is known of over ea , porting and recreational about them (name, date, family, place and group. Before she left, a pre 'en tation of career), and li t reference in ancient rugby hirt for the Royal children wa sources and modern tudie 0 that the made to the hancellor by lison RObu er can find out more about them. She saw the Fontes Anglo-Saxonici Bibliography ertson of the Department of Pharmacy.


TR (, 'on


The new College telephone directory will show the name Ken Bromfield against Strand extension 2 03. I hope that this will be the most u eful public announcement in this my introduction as the newly appointed College Training Officer for non academic staff. To many of you the term 'introduction' may be a misnomer because I have been involved with College training activities for many years as the Superintendent of the Biochemistry Department.

The College i plea ed to announce the following appointments, effe tive from I October 19 ,unle s otherwise tated.

Stephen John Ball, has been promoted fron Reader in Sociology of Education to the Chair of Education (starting date to be fixed). Peter George Jenner. has been appointed to the Chair of Pharmacology. He will join King's from the Institute of Psychiatry, niversity of London as soon a possibleafterJune 19 9.

My new job i to liai e with all College departments and services to identify training needs and then to apply the appropriate training action for present and new mem bers of non teaching staff.


V Kakkar, Profe sor of Surgical Science, has had this title extended to include the lational Heart and Lung Institute in respect of his being Director of the Thrombo is Research I nstitute. As from I J anuary 1989.

The creation of my role is in part a resp路 onse to the twin challenges of competition and change which feature evermore strongly in university life. King's College's relative position in the university league will depend on the highest level of skill and expertise being in place at the right time. The reputation of the College to enable it to attract research funds and the brightest student will rise or fall according to the competence of its staff whether they are involved directly in academic activity or provide other vital services.

David Leonard okes has been promoted from Senior Lecturer in the Department of nglish Language and Literature to Reader in English Literature. New Caterer for Senate House Mr John Ba hford has been appointed atering Manager to Senate House after spending 20 years at the Medical School of King's College, and 2 years at the Institute of Psychiatry. He moved to Senate House on the 1st December where he hopes to develop the catering ervices in particular, the luncheon club held in ' the small refectory.




3 March 1anaging Work and Time 13-17 March First Line Managerial Skills 3-6 April Introductory Course for Admini trators (CVCP) 4-6 April Interviewing Skills II April Selection Skills I: I 13-15 April CUA Conference - Brighton 16-21 April Academic Management Programme 17-19 April Building Course - Sheffield (CVCP) 18 April Handling the Press and Radio Details will be circulated when it arrives at the College. Further news in 'PIu to'.

College Events The College and indeed universities in general have recogni ed that it is becoming increasingly difficult to meet our skill needs by simply dipping into the market place. Our retained staff and our recruits will require varying degrees of training in order to meet the twin challenges.

Fixed Term Contracts

The development and co-ordination of the College training programme will be designed in a collaboration which will involve me, The use of a waiver clause in respect of departments and individual staff. I hope redundancy for members of staff on fixed that the initiative will be two way - hence term contracts, has been reviewed, and following a recommendation to the Finance. my telephone number at the head of this introduction. I intend to be available to Staff and General Purposes Committee, it has been agreed that the use of such a clause staff whenever required to talk about training whether in the context of College should be discontinued for members of staff with five or more years of continuous need or career development. I will be conservice. In this context, continuous service tacting leaders of departments and sections to open the dialogue on training needs and is defined as ' ervice on one or more conprovision. secutive fixed term contracts without a break'. Finally, training news and reports will be a feature in all future editions of Comment. The Personnel Department will monitor


the new arrangements, and apply them as appropriate.


I G OFFICER cademic laff)

Ken Bromfield

25 April Staff Induction The Computer Unit have organised courses on the following topics, to be held during March and April. Micro oft Word Uniras Graphics Introduction to Unix Progr:!mming in Lisp Introduction to Database Programming in ISO Pa cal Full details can be obtained from the Computer Centre.


Many congratulations are due to Professor AG Guest (Laws) who received a CBE in the lew Years Honours List for his work with the Department of Trade and Industry.


uncompromising in their holar hip, old in tens 0 thou and in this oun ryand abroad, He had a een eve for visual eviden' and explained he Conque t [0 televi Ion udien e in ran e a well a England and \\ a ever willing to addre so i tion br n h meeting and 10 al histori al 0 'ietk .

He became leading member of the ILE , hortly after it formatlOn, m . ing parll\;ularly important onlnbution in he area. Profe or, roold of sta ling and urther and higher edu aPro e or lun Hugh ,fado Arnold Jomed ion. tanley also pla:ed a major pan a King' rom the. 'ationa! Physical Laboraa governor 01 numerou educa ional In 0tOr} in 195 -. He .... a appomted a Reader LUtion, econdaI} and pecial hool, m Electri 011 Engineering and later to Pro\, very Hill ollege. ou h Bank Pol) te hfe or m 19_ . Though he gloried in being an 'old-fa hioned nic, and hel ea College. It is in thi I t capacity that he will be well rem m bered hi torian, Allen also reated tradition. He wa an expert m th ield 01 mea ureby many pa t and pre enl member of From 19 9, the annual Battle Conference ~ent and had pUbli hed numerou paper Chelsea and King' College. he organi ed, and the en uing volume he m the Journal of the In titution of Electredited, have pu t nglo-.' orman S tu die on i al Engineer. Within the Depar ment. a new and in ternational footing attracting he \\01 re pon ible for all aspect of tUden1 holars from we tern Europe and merica mta -e, including all interview. and he t nley was appointed as ILE member as well as Britain: an a hievement justly be arne Dean of the Faculty of Engineering recognised when the Fren h Government to the College Coun il in 1965, and becameit vice-chairman from 1972-19 I. He was a m uch re pected and liked colleonferred on him the title of Chevalier de His contributions to the affairs of Chelsea ague and wa a regular supporter of the Sen rOrdre des rts et de Lettres. College were unique. He was particularly ior ommon Room and its functions.. Outinvolved in finance and staffing matters, ide the College. he was an enthusiastic The volumes of Suffolk Charter published and whenever there was a difficult problem flute playing member of an amateur orchunder his general editor hip revealing the to tackle he would be called upon be au e e tra. intimate link between medieval aristocrats it wa known that he would willingly give and the religiou houses they patronised, up his time to re olve the matter. In all are ignificant ontributions to European he did, his courtesy, thoroughnes , and Profes or Arnold retired in 1969. He leave' :IS well as regional history. deep under tanding were apparent. a wIfe and son.

Profe or R Allen Brown R lien Brown Profes or of Medieval Ilistory at King's College London. died on I February 19 9, at the age of 65. A uffolk man, he went up to University College Oxford in 1942. From 1943 to 1946 he erved in Italy and in the Middle East as an officer in the 1st King:s Dragoon Guards. On return to Oxford he completed his BA securing a Bryce Resear h Studentship, and began his doctoral thesis on Angevin royal castles. He became an Assistant Keeper at the Pu blic Record Office in 1951 moving in 1959 to King's College London and 30 very full years of university teaching and research. His life and academic work formed a remarkable unity. He believed passionately in the value of History and especially of Medieval History, in educating (as he put it 'the whole man'. In his view, warfare and religion 0 upied equally important place in a seamle s medieval web. S tudent visiting the Temple Church with him were shown the essential of crusading knighthood. and with him as guide, aw that the Tower of London's till centre \ a the onqueror's chapel. For many years, Alien' Special Subject was among the mo t popular in the London History School, and the required visit to ormandy included Bec as well as Falaise. Allen spread the historical word through many media. He was largely responsible for the medieval section of the definitive Hi (ory of the King' Work. His book on medieval castles, and on the ormans,

To generation of tudents at King's College, lien's grea te t gift has been hi teac.hing. ndergraduates could acquire a ~felong appreciation of medieval civilisation. Many were in pired to pursue postgraduate work: through former tudent hi influence has reached far beyond the University to college and chools.

!though Stanley had been confined to a wheelchair for a number of year, hi mind remained a active as ever, and until hi death, he kept him elf fully informed abou College affairs.

Alien liked to quote the opening words of St B~ne.?ict's Rule: 'Ausculta, fili, praeceptG magIstn. ('Hark en, 0 son, to the master' precepts'.) His students and colleagues at King's will not forget. Auscultavimu et au cultabimu .

When he retired from the Chelsea College Council in 1984 he was made an Honorary Fellow of the College for the outstanding service he had rendered to it. WR

Service of Thanksgiving will be held on Tuesday 14 March at 5.30 pm in the College Chapel.

tanley Mayne

nyone reading the obituarie to Stanley Mayne in the national pres may be excused for believing that his activities ceased in 1961, when he retired as general secretary of the Institution of Profes ional Civil Servants. It was only after his retirement that Stanley was able to develop to the full his lifelong interest in education.



George' friends throughout the College will be interested to know that a memorial fund that i being set up in his name has so far raised over ÂŁ 1500. This is alread) enough to ensure that a significant award an be made annually in his name to an undergraduate studying within the Phy ics Department. It would be helpful to have a slightly larger sum, in order to provide some protection for the award from the inevitable effects of inflation. Thus any of George's friends who feel that they would like to be associated with this fund should send their cheque (payable to King's College London) to Professor W F Sherman, Department of Physics.


cher re pon ible lor hool vi its to London and will include many exhibitor from major visitor areas in the capital.



Home and


The travel trade marketing ea on i upon u , and in late ~ovember the a ation Bureau exhibited at the Belgian Travel Fair. held in Bm el. Together with repre entatlve from Madame Tu saud' , Guinne World of Record and Greenwich ounci!, Richard Longhurst and J hared in the London Touri t Board Stand at thi major tourist exhibition, bringing King ollege facilitie to the attention of everal hundred European travel agents and operator, mindful that in the Conference and holiday world, 1992 is almost tomorrow. The how wa held at the Brus els ExhibItion entre, venue of the Bru sels World Fair and home of the now famous Heisel Football Stadium. There were two enormou exhibition hall, filled with a patchwork of national, regional and individual attractions from nearly every country in the world. We walked a lot - and talked a lot a we were on how from 10.00 am to 7.00pm from Thur day to Saturday to capture a many visitors as possible. The UK section was organi ed by the British Touri A.1thority, and featured London in a choice of operators including orth Sea Ferries, British Airways and the Scotti h Tourist Board - who boasted a tand complete with miniature working model of a whi ky distillery.


--:early all of London's College let their facilitie throughout the year. in luding most polytechni sand te hni al ollege. The London conferen e or group vi itor can choo e to dine at many unusu I venue from a catamaran on the Thames, to the London Toy and Model Museum or the function uites of the Honourable Artillery Company. We just have to per uade them to come to King s !. The College' link with Normanby College have provided a further option which is hoped to be of mutual benefit. Normanby intends to market its range of modern teaching room, which include a fully equipped 150 eat lecture theatre, on an allyear-round basi . Their close proximity to King's College Hall gives an opportunity to offer residential vacation facilities as well as providing a wider teaching space capability for groups booking into King's College Hall. Further details are available from the acation Bureau. Meanwhile, if you need additional accommodation during the Easter Vacation for that extra gue t or even a coach load of relatives arriving unexpectedly - we'll do our best to book their bed and breakfast.

Plea e contact us if you require brochure detail of any King's College facilitie or information on any of the other 53 member of the Briti h Cniver itle commodation on ortium. We now have the 19 9 B holiday and conference publications Telephone 35 I 6011 or Fax 352 7376 . on Re idential day meetings and un tion Richard Longhurst Individual holidays, students & mall residential groups: Elspeth Young Residential large groups & conferences: J oan Fennell Joan Fennell

College and other student travel awards are being advertised throughout the College this term. The College offers three awards (Sargeaunt Ljghtfoot and Lacey) which are open to all students and one (Mary Clarke) which is open to women students only. The niversity offers Summer Vacation award and Dunsheath award for expedition .

In the dignified atmosphere of the UK I section our mock academic regalia compareb neatly with kilts and tartans of our Scottishl neighbours, but once into the body of the hall, there was considerable competition from a whole rainbow of costume. We were in the company of the mUlti-frilled Spanish flamen 0 team. furry blue and white Belgian' murfs' (from the new Stroumpf Theme Park), Texan buckskin and Swis mountain maidens - while compared with the plume and carefully placed equin of the Pari Folie Bergere. we felt lightly over-stated. By 7.00pm each day everything aches of course. from the feet to strangely - num b cheek bone tired from continually smiling at visitors, but already there are re ults, and booking enquirie are coming in from several continental contacts made during the how. 'earer home, during October, Elspeth Young hared the London Tourist Board tand at an exhibition in Manchester for computerised American agents and in earl} February Elspeth and Richard will market at a trade how at the ictoria and Albert M I eum. Thi will be a unique show de igned to attract some 2,000 schooltea-

Richard Longhurst and loan Fennell in their regalia at the Belgian Travel Fair.

ppli ation orms for all these wards are available rom the offi eo th Deputy demi Registrar or from Chel ea and Kensin ton Registry f i es. Clo ing date re:! ~lar h or College awards and 31 ~Iar h or Cmver ity a ard . la lair Pelligre Depul. ca emic Regi trar




The rog tour wa the CIa SI S Department's fourth Greek Play Tour of 'orth merica in eight year and ertainly the most am bitious to date. During Septem ber and early 0 tober 19 . a party of fifteen in luding eleven performers, took quite an elaborate produ tion of ristophanes' mo t complex comedy to a record number of universitie on both coa ts of the A.


The chedule in luded a mixture of full performance and theatre workshops. fter advance performances in London, we opened at Browrr University in Rhode I land and travelled down the Ea t Loa t lO Connecticut ollege, ew London, and Haverford ollege in Penn ylvania. We then went wc t to California. There we had engagement in anta Cruz ( S) in Los ngele ( S and LA), and in the San Francisco area at Stanford University in Berkeley ( B). In all, our hectic four week schedule involved even teen engagements at nine different univer ities and about 16,000 miles of travel. Well over 2 000 people saw us perform, and many more thousands heard about our activities in the variou venues, notably from a TV interview in Los Angele. Both the play and the workshop were recorded on video at Berkeley, and there and elsewhere we were applauded for the imaginativene s of the production, the performers' command of Greek, and the profess ionalism of the whole show. We think we were good adverti ements for our ubject and our ollege. On the financial side, as anticipated, the tour wa more costly than any of it predece sor , while a weakened dollar gave erious cause for concern, given that most of our income was to be in dollars in the form of subventions from host ' everthele s, we univer ities in the USA. succeeded in breaking even. On the other hand, tringent economies kept the costs from exceeding ÂŁ I 1,000; and on the other we were helped enormously by institutional grants and individual donations in the K, which together produced the plendid sum of ÂŁ4,700. To all tho e who supported u in this and in other ways we send our grateful thanks. Or MS Silk Tour Director

The Tour Programme. Frogs in America II

CE TRE OF PHILO OPHIC L T DIES Professor Richard Sorabji ha been appointed Director of the Centre of Hellenic Professor Richard Sorabji has been appointed Director of the Centre for Philosophical studie Professor Richard Sorabji has been appointed Director of the Centre for Philosophical Studies at King's College for the period 1st January 19 9 to 30th September 1992. The groups in the Centre make up one of the largest and most wide ranging philosophical bodies in the country. The aim is to promote advance study and research and to bring together philosophical group within the College and from different colleges in new interdisciplinary and intercollegiate activitie .

10 I T T FOR PREGLI H L G GE CO R E We are looking for an admin{clerical a si tant to work on the College's Pre-Sessional English Language course this summer. I deally the succe ful applicant will have some experience of working with overea students and also possess word processing and book-keeping skills. !though the work is demanding, the contact with the staff and tudents on the course is rewarding and the post would possibly suit a mature student or a postgraduate student. Dates: 26 June - 22 September inclusive. Hours: 9.30 am - 5.00 pm. Salary: generou . For further details apply to Mrs Jennifer Jackson, External Liaison Officer, xternal Relations Department, Strand campus, Telephone extension 2291.


In both ca e you will be asked to give a u ername, which both librarie have very originall de ided hould be LIB R RY and from then on it' JU t like home. Happ LIBERT. Sing! CD ROM I



The comment received so far from readers who are calling up LlBERT S from terminal out ide the library have been favourable. Some difficulty has been experienced due to confusion over the 'username/pa word' prompts - please remember that you are talking to a compu ter which i entirely independent of the College' Xcluster, and which will not recogni e your V X username and pas word. Good ne"" for your typing finger is that a mnemonic has been established for LlBERTA's call number: call lib Should you wi h to contact LIBERTAS from outside the College, the mnemonic is: call kcl.lib Adding on the UK.AC. prefixes makes it possible to contact us anywhere in the (computing) world. This may become more relevant as the circulation (issue/return, etc) part of the automated system i intrOduced at more sites in the Library - no more nasty overdue notice when you come back from your research trip to the Bahamas! Ken ington Library and Coleridge Libraries are now using the new system; it will take a few weeks for all their activitie to transfer, but it is now possible for u ers to check which ltooks they have borrowed recently and the progress of any reservations they have made, by entering the barcode num ber prin ted on the reverse of their library ti keto We hope to begin using the automated circulation system at the Strand during thi session, but as it will be the first such automated system here, lt will be some time before it is fully operational. It is now pos ible to call up the the catalogues of the British Library of Political and Economic Science (LSE) and of Queen Mary College, who also use LIBERT AS systems. The num ber are: BLPES: call 000005132900 QMC: call 000005121011


We now have 3 CD ROM di c for use in the Library on the 1bycu cholarly computer. The Theasaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) disc ha sample, in Greek from the Gree cla ical writers. The Pa kard Humanities Institute (PHI) dis s have a ele tion of Latin clas ical writing; biblical material (in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, rmenian, Coptic, and English); mi cellaneou texts (in English, French, Danish, Sanskrit, Turkish and Arabi~and a selection of Papyru volumes. The discs are demonstration models to how the capabilities of the y tern which can search texts and print out the results. Consequently not all the texts are printed in full. However the sy tern is very u eful to earch for parti ular words or word pattern used by a particular author. Search results can be stored and word processed to produ e a de ired printed format. If you would like to ee a fullli t of material available on the discs, or if you would like a demonstration of the system, please contact Evelyn Comell at the Embankment Library, Strand, or on extension 2312.

strongly evocative of the pirit of the lIeert. en e of immediacy is achieved through live film footage howing Lawrence in action during the Revolt. More poignantly there are cenes from Lawrence ottage, Cloud' Hill, where he ought refuge after the war, arid the motorbike on whi h he wa eventually killed. A more analytical, though les vi ually stun ning, approach to Lawrence can be found in the corre pondence of Basil Liddell Hart held in the entre for Military rchive, fter Lawrence' death in 1935, public intere t in his life escalated considerably. In a harp \~erve from the widespread hero-'.' or hip of Lawren e, ome of the books and article now published went too far the other wa and sometimes degenerated into currilous attacks. Lidllell Hart was instrumental in rallying Lawrence's friend, from Robert Grave to Win ton Churchill, to the defence of Lawrence' character and achievements. In their letters they trive for an under tanding of the chari matic man who enjoyed a unique fellowship with the Arab people whilst representing an Imperial Power: a multi-talented man capable of evolving a guerilla strategy and translating the Ody ey, but above all, one who roused intense personal loyalties in those who met him. As time passes and scholar hip take a more dispas ionate view of Lawrence, thi correspondence is being extensively used in the on going search for the truth.




The ational Protrait Gallery is currently holding an exhibition to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Lawrence of Arabia. Among the items on display are twenty vintage photographs loaned by the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives. These photographs are from the papers of Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart who was both a friend and admirer of Lawrence (see- photo). They include some striking views of Syrian castles, built by the Crusaders and visited by Lawrence whilst he was a postgraduate student at Oxford. There are also photographs of the Arab Revolt 1916-18, in which Lawrence played a key role and portraits of Arab leaders such as Emir Feisal. The Exhibition provides a visual recreation of Lawrence's life and achievements from his early archaeological research at Carchemish, through the First World War and its diplomatic aftermath, to his final quest for anonymity as Aircraftman Shaw. His bejewelled dagger, white apphire ring and Arab robe are displayed in an Arab tent, richly hung with mats and tapestries and

T E Lawrence and Basil Liddell Hart at Southampton.

LECTURES, MEETINGS AND SEMINARS R. L LE T oR Thursda 9 March :\ P T OF ALCOHOL ABL E Pr lte or T J Peter. Pro e or 0 lini al Biochem' try. KC ~lD.

O:\lP o ,R



Tue day 2 . February and ;farch L 'TRODe TIO. TO G.·I 3. 4. ~)

4.30 pm. Main Lecture Theatre. Medi al Shoo!.

Wednesday I and



ThUI day 2 March C MOES 0 MODER 'ISMO BR SlLE1RO (Lecture to be given in Portugue e) Profe sor Maria Helena Ribeiro da Cunha,

Wedne 'day 22 February I TROD CTIO, , TO DOS

niversidade de Sao Paulo. 5.30 pm, Room 1B04, Strand campu . Thur day 9 March SO AS FACES DO ADAM STOR (Lecture to be given in Portuguese). Professor CIeonice Berardinelli, niversidade do Rio de Janeiro. 5.30 pm, Room IB04, Strand campu . Friday 31 March ALL PROP RTYISTHEFT Or M Yates, Department of Geography, King's College London.

. 14,21 (P




Wedne day 1 and arch I TROD CTIO TO DATABASES (PARTS I and 2) Wedne day 15 and 22 March SP S (PARTS 1 and 2) ~ICROSOFT WORD (PARTS I and 2) All 2-5 pm, Strand campu . Detail from dvi ory (Room 23 B) e«t~n ion 2505. Wedne day 22 February and 1 March MICROSOFT WORD (PARTS 1 and 2)

ThUI day 9 March A C ERVES A 0 THE E DOTHEL I L 0 RIVED RELAXA T FACTOR Professor J S Gillespie, Department of Pharmacology, University of Glasgow.

Monday 27 February WH T IS WRONG WITH KILL! G THE ODD P TIE 'T? - THE BMA 0 E THASIA Mr Peter Byrne, Centre of Medical Law and Ethics. Monday 6 March RESO RCE ALLO ATIO A 0 THE HS: OMME IT 0 THE WHIT PAP R Mr Caroline Miles, Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre, Oxford. Lecture 1.05-2.15 pm, Room 3 B20, Strand campu .

Monday 2 February CL S .'02. TART!.'G FROM THE TRADITIONAL lDE OF HRlST1A, ° ITY (or beginning from Philo ophy Second 0 three classes led by Profes ors Ward and HouIden. exploring the difference between their respective discipline. nder the general title 'Discu ion between 1 r e\ Testament and Philo ophy: MaklI1g Connections', Monday 13 March CL S 03. THE PROBLE~ POS 0 BY REL!GIO S ST DIES (or beginning from Religious tudie) oncluding las as above. 5.15 pm, Room 2e. Strand campu .

2-5 pm, Ken ington campu . Detail from Advisory (Room A209) exten ion 261.

6.00 pm, Room 3B20, Strand campus.


Wedne day I March H L; If:' PROBLE\I Or Barr} Go\\er. Lniver it. ot Durh m.

Monday 27 February DVICE ON MI RO- UTRIE T I 'TAKES: A REQUlREME T. A RECOMME DATIO ,OR A ALLOWA CE? FOLATE A 0 VITAMl C Or Cbris Schorah, Department of Chemical Pathology, niversity of Leeds. Monday 13 March BEVERAGES A 0 PL SMA L!PlDS Or Tom Sanders, Department of Food and utritional Sciences, King's College London.


Friday 3 March PSI TEGRI RECEPTORS A 0 DROSOPHILA DEVELOPME T Or M Wilcox, LMB Hills Road, Cambridge. Friday 10 March MOLEC LAR CLONI lG OF THE CYTO SKELETAL PROTEINS OF ADH RERE S J CTIO S Or 0 Critchley, Department of Biochemistry, niversity of Leicester. 1.00 pm, basement lecture theatre, Department of Biophysic .26/29 Drury Lane. Friday 17 March TIBIOTIC-PRODUCI G ORGHOW A ISMS A OlD SUlClDE Professor Cundliffe, Leicester Biocentre, niversity of Leicester.

CE TRE FOR EO Wedne day 22 February VAG EOBJECTS Or Mark Sainsbury, King's College London Wednesday 1 March PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF UNBOU 0 CO STRUCTIONS Professor Goran Sundholm, University of Leiden.

T DIE CAL SEMI ARS Wednesday 22 March DIRECT MA IPUTATION I TERFA ES FOR EO CATIONAL ENVIRONME TS Or Claire O'Malley, Reader at the Inslitute of Education Technology, The Open University.

4.30 pm, Room 3.020, Hud on Building, CES 552 King' Road, Chel ea campu .



Tuesday 28 February GLAUBE 0 MYSTIZISM SI DER DlCHT G UM 1200: PROBLEME El ER A TO OM- WELTICHE POETOLOGIE? Professor Peter Stein, Universitat Salzburg. 6.00 pm, Room G05, Strand Building, Strand campus.



MOLECULAR CHl:.MlSl RY FOR ELECTRO:\ICS Di cus ion meeting organi ed by Or P Day, Professor 0 C Bradley and Professor 0 Bloor.




Wednesday 8 March MESSA PER ROSSI I A DITALIA SACRED MUSIC OF THE 19th CE TUR Professor Pierlujgi Petrobelli, niversity of Rome Wednesday 15 March MEA I GAD INTE TIO I MUSIC Anthony Pryer, Goldsmiths' College. 5.00 pm, Room G01, Faculty of Music, Strand campus.

I STITUTE FOR THE TUDY o TREATME T OF DELINQUE CY Wednesday 1 March THE ST MARY'S CE TRE - WORKI G TOGETHER TO HELP VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT Presented by Or Raine Roberts, Clinical Director of the Centre. Chair: Don Camp bell. 7 pm, National Institute of Social Work, 5-7 Tavistock Place, London WC1. lSTD members admitted free. on-members 拢 1 at the door. Prior booking unnecessary Details from: Martin Farrell, Dir?ctor, lSTD, King's College London, Manresa Road, Chelsea campus. Extension 2500.

BRITISH I STITUTE OF HUMA RIGHTS Tuesday 28 February THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL CHARTER Professor Paul O'Higgins, Professor of Law King's College London. 1.00 pm, New Theatre, Strand campus.

Monday 27 February THE RACE FOR ROOM-TEMPERATUR S UPERCOND UCTIVITY Or S J Rogers, University of Kent. Monday 6 March DEFECTS A D DlFFUSIO Or A B Lidiard, UK AEA, Harwell. Monday 13 March THE USE OF POLARISED LIGHT I E GI EERI G Mr K Sharples, Sharples Stress Engineers. Monday 20 March (not yet known) 2.00- 3.00 pm, Room 2C, Strand campus.

THE ROYAL SOCIETY Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 February MICROBIAL MEMBRA E TRA SPORT SYSTEMS Discussion meeting organised by Sir Hans Kornberg and Or P J F Henderson Tuesday 7 March SELF TOLERANCE: THE KEY TO AUTOIMMUNITY Professor A Basten. The Florey Lecture. 6.00 pm Wednesday 8 March and Thursday 9 March

Thur day 9 March OS: A EW ASPCL STER COMPO ECT OF I ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Sir Jack Lewi . The Bakerian Lecture 4.45 pm Thursday 16 March EW MAG ETIC MATERIALS Or 0 Hadfield. Evening Technology Lecture. 5.30 pm LECTURE FOR THE PUBLIC Monday 6 March GE ETIC FI GERPRI TI G Professor A J Jeffreys This lecture is one in a series of 'Lectures for the Public'. The aim of these lectures is to interest members of the public who are not actively involved in science. Admission is free and tickets are not necessary. 5.30 pm All interested are welcome to attend. There is no charge. Registration is required only for Discussion Meetings. Advance notice of attendance at lectures is not required. Programmes, registration forms and other information on all meetings in the Society's programme are available from the Scientific Meetings Secretary, The Royal Society, 6 CarHon House Terrace, London SW I Y SAG. Telephone 839 SS 61, extension 278/277,




4.30 pm. Room 612. ICS. 31-34 Gordon quare, CIH OPY. MYCE


\ edne day IS March lOOK ATTHE HRO 'OlOGY OF RlY GREEK PHOl\ETI 0 ElOPMEl TS A 11 FERRED FROM TH LI E R B EVLDE C DrJoe 1elena. 3.30 pm. Room 612, ICS. 31-34 Gordon quare, WC I H OPY. L

S ICAL ARCHAEOLOGY 22 February OT! ISM I EAST G R EC FABLE AND FACT irginia Webb Wedne day March ORI TAL INFL E C 0 ETR CA ! ICO OGRAPHY lITHE AR H I PERIOD: F ;-.lEARY SYMBOLISM 01 l 01 0 HOE FROM SATRI M Birgitte Ginge 4.30 pm. Room 612. ICS, 31·34 Gordon quare. WCIH OPY. PROBLEMS I


Wedne day I March P - RSIA GOLD AGAI M J Price 4.30 pm. Room 612.ICS. 31-34 Gordon Square, WCIH OPY. AR Thursday 23 February PROCURATE RS D'ASIE SOUS SEPTIME SEVERE: APROPOS D'U El SCRIP-TIO DE HIERAPOLIS 0 PHRYGIE Profe or S Demougin, Paris. Thur day 2 March Il LLE (SATIO 1 ,0 LIT R CY I. RL Y HELLE ISTIC THRACE Or Zo ia Archibald, London. Thur day 9 March MO S L DIA' S - SITE R I THE ESTER 0 GYPT Or Waiter Cockle.

The Standing Conference on niver ity Entrance together with the sociation of Principals of Sixth Fonn ollege. hold two eminar - the fir t at the IllVersity of London on Wedne day 19 April. and the same seminar will then be held at the Univer ity of Leed on Wedne day 26 April. The aim i to provide a useful opportunity for colleague in univer ities to hear about current development in the chool curricula, and to share with staff in the schools their idea on the implications and consequences. Anyone interested in attending should contact SC E for further details and an order form by IS March. The address is SUE, 29 Tavistock Square, London WC I H 9EZ. Telephone 3 7 9231.



The Higher Education Foundation annual conference i to be held from 17-20 March. at its u uaI venue, St nne s College, University of Oxford. This year's conference is entitled The Value of Higher Education, and will be chaired by Sir J ames Munn. The general proposition underlying this conference is that higher education offers both personal fulfilment and a social contribution. In other words higher education can both do justice to the development of the individual student and provide an economic and a social benefit. Among the themes covered will be: What are the central value of higher educa tion? What challenges do those value face today? What are the link between them and the wider society? I Paper.; will be given by Sir Ron Dearin?,

D.wid George. Sir Roy Shaw. Mr Mike o OST- I Or Featherstone, Or David Watson, Or Ralph


4.30 pm. Room 612. ICS 31-34 Gordon Square. WCIH OPY.

Tue day 7 March OMP TI:-lG THE MEDIEVAL CHARTER Profe or Michael Gervers. Uni ersity of Toronto.

Johnson, Or David Cook, Mr David Barlow: and Mrs Beverley nderson. Details are a ailable from Or John Gay, Secretary, Higher Education Foundation, Culham College In titute, 60 East Saint Helen Street, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 5EB. Telephone 0235 20458. Fee: £133 (resident), £84 (non-resident). There i a £ I 0 reduction for current HEF members.


The 26th year of the International Summer Ses ion at the Univer ity of ppsala in Sweden takes place from 11 June until I ugu t. The programme is the oldest of it kind in Sweden and provide an opportunity for participants to pend from 4 to 10 weeks in Sweden. The aim is to give students a unique opportunity to learn Swedish in a Swedish environment: to teach student about the cultural political and ociallife in Sweden to give tudents the chance to meet 150 student from 30 different countrie . The cour e include Swedish at a variety of levels, po t-war Swedish literature, wed ish history and Scandinavian literature. Although many participants are college students a good percentage of older students attend: teachers, researcher, administrators and people with a Swedish background. nyone intere ted should contact J anGunnar gren, Director, ppsala University, International Summer Session, Box 513,S-751 _0 ppsala Sweden.



The Royal Society is now operating an Information Service on Science and Technology in the USSR. A computerised database has been established using information derived from reports written by British scientists visiting the SS R, supplemented by information extracted from published directories, newspapers, journals and other source. The type of information being stored ranges from names addresses. and telephone number of oviet in titute to recent developments in science and technology in the USSR. nquiries are welcome from any individua or organi ations who are intere ted in collaborating with the SSR in the field of cience and technology. Subjects covered by the Information Service include all the natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, agriculture, non-elini· cal medical research and the scientific research aspects of psychology, archaeology and geography. Full details can be obtained by writing to: Mrs Sharon Campbell, The Royal Society, 6 CarHon House Terrace, London SW I Y SAG. Telephone 8395561, ext 314. Fax 930 2170. Telex 917876 ROYSOC.

After a year 0 phoney negoti tions, it T a tion on examinappe r that the tion has at la t stirred the C CP into a tion. The i e-ehan ellors have now ubmitred to the government detailed bid or more mone to fund t larie . .\Ieanwhile the students h eh d their wee of action again t the government' propo to introduce student loans. Government poli y toward higher education is presumably motivated by the desJIe to ave taxpay er money and to make sure it i spent in the mo t effe tive way pos ible. If we in the university ommunity are going to win the argument for more publi funds to be made availa ble for higher educatiolj, we have to show that the accumulation of cut over the la t decade has been a false economy, which, if continued, will leave univer itie una ble to fulfill their social function. In particular, we have to argue that market force can only be of marginal relevan e to the accountability of universities because we are in the bu iness of laying the basis through our teaching and research, for the long term development of society. Market forces have a too short time horizon. Furthermore, it has become increasingly obvious that arguments are not enough. ction i required to how the depth of feeling, and the different groups within the univr ity community - students, academics, technical and other staff university managers and the CVCP - who all have their different grievances, need to support one another in their various actions. The AUT ha pledged upport to the stUdents, and the tudents have expressed their support for the A T action, even though they are likely to uffer more in the short run than anybody. What about the university managers and the CVCP - where do they stand? Have the vice-chancellors seen a new light after a year of apparent inaction? In a recent letter to the Education Secretary, the Chairman of the CVCP Sir Mark Richrrond, drew attention to the evere problems of recruiting and retaining top quality academics and technicians and also to the fact that ince 1979 alaries had declined by over 20% compared with average earnings. In fact, university em ployees are one of the few groups whose pay buys less in goods and services than it did in 1979 - and this at a time, according to the government, when the economy ha made a major recovery. I n spite of all tha t, the CVCP has a ked the government for funding for a 7% salary increase only - and none at all to restore cu ts in other areas. This seems a very odd way to conduct negotiations - make concession (on our behalf) even before the bargaining begins. That is not the end of the tory. The vice-chancellors want to

make further on es ion to the government" supposed ree mar et p~osoph. by introdu ing bJe t di rent! Is. This means that some a ademi and related t 'ould be p i Oil 'derabl>' more than other domg e sentially the me J b simpl} be ause their subje t h ppen to be in demand in the e onomy t I ;ge. "" t the vi e-chancellor should be arguing (on our behalf) if they trul} are bout a ademi standards and the quality of re ear h in British univer ities is that the salarie an ommand academic a ountants (sa out ide uni er ities repre ent the going rate for pro es ionals at th t level of training and experience, and that is what all academic of equivalent standing should be paid. In saner times, we used to have proper comparability studies to determine what the alary cales of a ademi and technical staff should be. Thi recognises the fact that in most subjects transferability to other professions once a -ademi employees have embarked on their career path. is normally quite limited. I am sure we all know of former students who after a few years are able to command higher salaries than academics, and no doubt are worth it. They are worth it presumably becau e they have accumulated the appropriate experience for their profe sion which is in demand. The type of experience academic accumulate i not nece arily appropiate for other profes ions so that the extent to which academics in particular discipline can 'sell' themselves outside higher education is not a very meaningful mea ure of their value. In short, starving the univer ities of funds is a false economy. It provides no basis

for recruiting and retaining the top thinkers and researchers of the country who either do not consider entering the profession or who drift to others or leave to work in other countries where their worth is valued. It generates disillusionment for those who remain a they increasingly find themselves diverted away from their academic functions towards the time-con uming ta k of scratching around for fund. nder su h conditions, universitie cannot fulfill their role. Student loans are likewise a false economy. The government ha found almost no support for the proposal,not even from the banks. It has been estimated that it would cost an average of £ I 00 per student per year to administer loan repayments. Assuming an average repayment period of 15 year, by 2005 the cost of administering the loans would be around £250 million per year. A recent Swedish Royal Commission on their loan cheme concluded that its admini trative costs were so high that it would have been cheaper simply to have given the students the money. The AUT have always maintained that loans would

place an additional burden on the taxpayer hil t making the tudent or eo f. ,lean· while ome of th most able tu ent will ha e been put off higher edu ation altogether thu greatly reducing the contribution the ould have made to 0 iety.. .s noted by the B.\1 ,its future membe will be drawn from the ran' 0 tho e who an a ord to pay for the pri ilege 0 a mediI edu ation rath r than tho e be t uited by their abilit and enthusia m to benefit rom if. Jerry lone istant Secretary, KCL


W FRO KCL RE E RCH E TERPRI E During J an uary the College received new that the European Commission had awarded two major research grants totalling over £300,000 to the College. Congratulation are due for the awards given under the DRIV programme to Or Tony Warne Department of Geography and Or Andrew Tollyfield, Department of Electrical and Electronic ngineering and, under the Science and Technology for Development pro gramme to Or Anne Wozencraft of the Immunology Section of the Department of' Biophy ics, KCL Re earch nterprises was actively involved in the development and submission of these applications to the C. Ruth Bishop in Kensington (ext. 39 : holds up-to-date information on all community programmes and maintains contacts with key officials in Brussels and Government Departments. Do not hesitate to get in touch to determine whether your research intere ts could command Community support. Ken Grove Director, KCL Re earch Enterprises

( ee article entitled 'EEC study of elderly drivers')


Had I listened more carefully to Captain Shackel in my youth, I would not have as umed that the 'calamita' of Bufo Calamita meant calamitous. Captain Shackel was my Latin master at school. We disagreed about almost everything, the only exception being that we both agreed that I would never master Latin.

He was an interesting character and had retained his army rank becau e he was not only the Latin master, but also the om mander of the school army cadet battalion. He would glare at u through his mall) teel-rimmed gla ses and bark Latin at us as if he was giving command on the parade ground and we, in turn would bark it back at him when reading allowed or declining. If I were to say Bufo Calamita aloud, it

would ound like a military command so perhap it i better left unsaid. I found the letters of Messrs. Gardiner, Walsh and Gaunt (Comment issue 33) very interesting and informative. Their letters, a large photograph of the toad by Lord Snowdon donated by Chris Thurston and a ature Conservancy Council pamphlet entitled The attedack Toad' ent me by my conservationist daughter have tauht me more than I had ever hoped to kno~ about the wee beastie and its name. My knowledge having previously been gleaned from Kenneth Graham's 'Wind in the Willows; I obviously had much to learn. But enough of this dallying. I must return to Brian Gardiner's idyllic grounds of Holly Lodge, sit by the toad-thronged J (wine dark?) rushy, pool and listen to the click of croquet balls on the lawn before my peace is disturbed by the arrival of some carton marked, 'Radioactive', 'Corrosive', 'Toxic', or perhaps only 'Flammable'. Don Mindel. Atkins Receptionist, Kensington.

Pat Harvey Emeritu Profe or Spani h & Spani h American Studie

Steve Whiting Manager. Queen Elizabeth Hall I am most heartened to read the interesting correspondence in your columns on the ase of the atterjack Toad', worthy surely, of the best traditions of 'The Times, The thought of croquet being played on the back lawn of Holly Lodge conjures up some wonderful images in the mind. My own favourite memories are of descending the snow-covered slppes by sledge in the cold winters of the early 60s. However, even from my antipodean viewpoint, I note that Brian Gardiner is slightly awry with his sense of space and time. Had Don Mindel and his desk been transported back to Macaulay's day, he would not have had 'a clear view of the Thames' but would have found him elf facing eastwards on the front gravel carriage way of Thornwood Lodge, much to the annoyance, I suspect, of the then owner, the 4th Earl of Glasgow. In order to get his view of the Thames, Don would have had to swivel through 90 degrees in his chair and teleport himself some 150 feet in a south westerly direction. He would then find himself in the Long Library of Holly Lodge, much admired by Lord Macaulay for the views of the river and beyond. Brian may wish to peruse his copy of 'The History of Queen Elizabeth College' and refresh his memories of these grand buildings demolished in the name of progress over 30 years ago. Best wishes. eviUe Marsh Alumnu Officer



atterjack Toad cont ...

Surely I cannot be the only one of your readers to find the origins of the word natterjack' transparent? On the basis of the now obsolete English word 'atter' in the sense of venom', we have one word for a nasty creepy-crawly: 'attercop', an old name for the spider. ( )atterjack is another formation of the same sort. ('Jack' rather than smallness as Professor Gaunt suggests, denotes masculinity and size!) This problem has arisen because our modern zoologists no longer believe that the toad is a poi onous creature. Any medieval schoolboy could have told you otherwise.

behalf of the College, and I have recently received this reply.

For many years now, Queen Elizabeth Hall has played host to some 250 Syracuse University students for one week in September. The students stay at the Hall, on arrival from the USA, whilst arrangements are made for their year's study in this country. The lives of thirty two of these students were tragically lost in the Lockerbie air disaster as they returned home for the Christmas recess. A letter of condolence was sent to the Syracuse niversity London Centre, on

Roy S ott has asked me to write on hi behalf and thank you for your kind letter of sympathy at the 10 s of our tudents at Lockerbie. It has been such a shock to us all to think that these young people, who so recently were so active and happy on our program, will never ee their homes or parents again. We appreciate that your contact with our program or students has led you to offer us your support. Forgive us for not having written earlier, but you can imagine how busy we have been trying to get the new semgster off to a solid and happy start. Cathune Cape Student Support Service



The ustrian Minister for the Environment, Dr Marilies Flemming, paid a visit at the end of January to the Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre (MARC) at its new offices in Kensington. The Minister was accompanied by Dr Heinz Schreiber, Director General, Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Austrian Am bassador, His Excellency Dr Waiter Magrutsch and the Minister's team of advisors. Also present to cover the meeting were a group of journalists and an Austrian television film crew. The Minister was met by MARC's Director Professor P J Peterson; Dr P Williams of Biospher Sciences welcomed her on behalf of the College. Professor Peterson and MARC staff described the current activities of the Centre, focusing on its role in the nited ations Environment Programme s global networks monitoring pollution in air water and food. MARC is responsible for the assessment of the results generated by these long-standing programmes. The work of the Centre involves examination of pollution monitoring data submitted by over 50 countries worldwide. Particular attention is paid in these evaluations to the health significance of the pollutant levels reported. The U EP networks thus provide a unique global picture of pollution and human health. After MARC's presentation, Dr Flemming described the major environmen tal issues facing her own country and a useful exchange of views took place on the subject of acid rain and forest damage.

KI. 'C



Edu ation retary Kenneth B' 'er has approved a three year re ear h contr et to e the impa t of Information Te hnology - IT - on hildren' achievements. The re ear h ontra t has been placed with King's in a 0 iation with Peat Marwi k 1cLintock.

Dr M Flemming, the Austrian Minister for the Environment (second right), examines a print-out from the MARC environmental database. Ann Wilcocks (seated) is demonstrat· ing the results from Austria of the European Forest Damage Survey. Also in attendance (from left to right) Dr W W"agrutsch, Professor P J Peterson, Dr li Schreiber, Dr G Calice and fan Chivers. Following the e di cussions the Minister was given a demonstration of M R 's compu terized environmental database which included a pre entation of the r~s­ ults from the recent survey, supported by EP, of forest damage in Europe. The Minister wa also shown a poster display of MARC's activities, including its work in developing countries where the Centre runs workshop in environmental monitoring and assessment. Before leaving for the Department of the Environment, Or Flemming was presented with a range of MARC publications.

EEC T DY OF ELDERLY DRIVER The EEC has awarded 272,000 ECU (£ 180 000) for a new research project within it 'DRI E' programme into 'Factors Influencing Eldery People's Driving bilities'. This will be carried out by two teams within King's supervised in the Department of Geography by Or Tony Warnes and in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering by Or ndrew Tollyfield. The researchers will be collaborating with the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology and behavioural scientists at the Traffic Studies Centre, University of Groningen, etherlands. An interesting new cross-disciplinary bridg is being forged by the research, which will investigate elderly people's driving capacities, skills and problems. Special attention



will be given to the age-relationship, with confidence, risk-avoidance, safety and the curtailment of driving, as at night or in busy traffic conditions. A new group has been formed at King s of information, social and behavioural scientists with a special intere t in improving the quality of life of elderly people. One feature of the study will be the formation of panels of drivers in London and Groningen: they will be the subjects for measurements in the laboratory and through personal interviews. Exchanges of staff, research instruments and methodologies between Groningen and London is also planned.

Building on current knowledge the re earch will look at the impact of IT on childrens' achievements, the conditions under which IT is most effective and the extent to whic investment in IT in schools represents value for money educationally. The re earch conclu ion will also help local authorities and chools with the delivery of national policy and the formation of local trategies. Mr Baker aid: 'This project will greatly improve our knowledge of the impact that IT is having a ross the curriculum in schools and will help with the development of our IT in schools strategy'.



Sir Edward Parkes, Vice-Chancellor of the Univer ity of Leeds has been elected as next Chairman of the Committee of ViceChancellors and Principals. Sir Edward who is currently a vice-chairma of the CVCP will take over the Chairmanship from Professor Sir Mark Richmond on June 30 1989. He will be the first person to have been both Chairman of the University Grants Committee (197 -83) and Chairman of the CVCP.

A particular interest of the EEC DRIVE programme is to evaluate the implications and effect of 'road transport' infrastructur innovation " many of which will be develo ped by other projects within the programme The first period of the King's College pro- . ject will set up the laboratory equipment and questionnaire instrument and produce preliminary findings. In consultation with the DRIVE Secretariat, RTI innovations will then be selected for evaluation among elderly drivers. It is also hoped to develop recommendations concerned with driver education and (re)training to promote both safety and mobility. There will be many opportunities for widening and extending this field of research not least because of its European and industry connections.

Sir Edward Parkes, Chairman Designate, CVCP, 1989.

Mr Tom Burgner, a Trea ury nder Secretary and currently Head of the Treasury' Industry. griculture and Employment Group, ha been appointed to the new po t of Secretary of the Committee of iceChancellors and PrincipaLs. He will take up the po ition on pril 10 L9 9. Mr Burgner spent 10 years in industry before joining the Treasury. From 1976-19 C he wa seconded to be Secretary of the ational Economic Development Council returning to the Treasury in 19 0 to head the Public Enterprises Group concerned with policy for the nationalised industries, including privatisation. He took up his presen t position in 19 5. Mr Burgner said: 'Thi is a very exciting time to begin work on behalf of the universities. 1 greatly look forward to the challenge'.

how collaborations develop and change over time: communication: intellectual property arrangement; and the overall benefit accruing to each partner. For full details and an order form please conta t SEPSU Publication Sales Department, 6 CarIton House Terr ce, LO -DON SWIY SAG. Cost: £16.00 (UK addresses) £ 17.00 ( on-UK), inclu ive of postage and packing.


Issue 37 of 'King's Counsel' is now available from local bookshops (price £6) or at a special price for mem bers of the College (£4), from the Laws Faculty or the Porter Lodge at the Strand.

'King's Counsel' was founded in 1936, and is published annually by the Faculty of Laws.

Rehabilitation of the Physically Disabled Adult

cvcp from 10th April 1989. P BLIC TIO S

Policy tud



A new report from SEPSU (Science and Engineering Policy Studies Unit) is now available. Commissioned jointly by the Cabinet Office and the UK-Japan 2000 Group, it is a review of current practice and experience in collaboration between the K and Japan in science and technology. It covers all sectors - industry, universities and polytechnics, Government Departments, learned societies - and analyses information from organizations and individuals concerning their research activities in collaboration with Japanese partner . Subjects covered include: the motives for collaboration: how collaborations are initiated, structured and financed' what is shared or exchanged between partners;


King's Coun el

Contributors to this issue include Richard Harries (formerly Dean of King's) writing about 'Human Rights in Theological Perspective ; Robert Maclennan on 'Parliament ary Representation: What is Wrong with the British Model?'; and Gareth Jones on 'Tracing CLaims in the Modern World'.

Mr Tom Burgner, New Secretary of the

£55, and in paperba kat £ 4.50. For each book posted in the UK, a charge of £1.00 will be added and a charge of £3.00 for each book posted elsewhere. Copies can be obtained from Alison West The Promotion Department, Chapman and Hall, 11 Fetter Lane, LO DO EC4P 4 E. Cheques sllOuld be made payable to Routledge, Chapman and Hall.

Regarded as the standard textbook on Rehabilitation, 'Rehabilitation of the Physically Disabled Adult' was initiated by C J Goodwill, Consultant Physician in Rheumatology and Rehabilitation at King's College Hospital, who also co-edite the book with M A Chamberlain of the niver ity of Leeds.

The 1989 May Ball is to be held at The Savoy on Saturday 6 May. Reception will begin at 7.00 pm. There will be a four course dinner in the Lancaster Ballroom and music will be provided by the Johnny Howard Band who return by popular request. Double tickets are priced at £76.50 and can be obtained from the Principal s Secretary, 5C Main Building, Strand campus. Carriages at 1 am. Black tie requested.



The Queen Elizabeth Commeration Dinner will be held in the Old Refectory, Kensington campus on Tuesday 7 March. A four course dinner will be served with coffee and wine and music will be provided by 'The OriginaL Victoria Jazz Band'. Reception begins at 6.30 pm and dinner at 7.30 pm. Carriages at L2 midnight. Dress: lounge suit. ickets cost £16.50 and are avaiLable from Ms P D'souza, Administration Secretary, Main Building, Kensington,(office next to Reception). Please purchase tickets early to avoid di appointment.

Consisting of over fifty chapters covering the major disabling condition - musculoskeletal problems, sen ory and communication disorders, neurological disorders, cardiac and respiratory disease etc - and care and treatment of patients with these conditions, the book is written by an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses and speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and others concerned with the welfare of handicapped people.

Easter Dance

The book is an achievement to which many King's staff have contributed, along with fellow professionals from around the country.

Friday 7 April, from 6.30 pm in the elson Mandela Hall. Tickets only £2 per head.

Published in 1988, it is 96 pages long and is available in hardback at a cost of

OCIAL CL B EW Annual General Meeting This will be held on Tuesday 21 March at 1 pm in the ew Rooms.

Evening Opening


the Thame ide ampu a realit).


Th n ere due to man} lor th inten e h rd \\ or that had been require to get u路 this tar. In mentionin ome 01 tho people, he thaned Colm innotl and Peter Gilbert lor the complex preparation 01 the ca e made to all the variou government agencie and lone Lang \\-'ooton. the College' urveyor. tor their con tant prole sional advice and detailed work in persuading the GGC and other that the project was viable. Particular thank were due lo the ecretary. In the mid t 01 managing a new admini trative structure lor the merged College. Bill Slade had carried the burden ot the Cornwall House negotiations succe full} through, overcoming not a le\\ hurdles on the Vva}. 11 this Vvork \\a of immen e importance tor \\ ithout it the College' future on Thameide simply would not have come about.

An historic moment: the Principal displays the lease documents Jor Cornwall House, affixed with the College Seal and formally witnessed by the Secretary. Bill Slade. and Professor lanet Bately.

The deed is done - the official College Seal ha been set on the lea e document of Cornwall House - it' ours. Tuesday 14 February was the historic day

The Bar is now open regularly on Tuesday, Wedne day, Thursday, and Friday evenings from 5.30 pm to .00 pm.

which saw the much detailed and delicate negotiation come to fruition. The sealing of the document is the final legal tage in the College' acquisition of the lea e and we can now really get on with making


P.ost must reach Manresa Road (Chelsea) site by Thursday morning to ensure that ~t is delivered to the Hall by Friday morn-

and Electrical I::.ngineenng on ex tension 3562.


For Sale Who' \ ha 19S6,拢45. Please contact War Sludles on extension 2193.

Tournament At a recent Committee meeting, it was agreed that the snooker table should, as planned, in the. 'ew Rooms. However, rebuilding \\ ill take ome time, and il will not be po ible to hold a tournament thi year.

People in the city, Profe or Sutherland said, have their own wa} of describing ucce s and failure. If there i a plan for the future. with effort and resource allocaled to it, and it fails, it' called peculation. if it succeeds, it' called inveslment. There were many, he said, who viewed Cornwall Hou e and the Thameside campu as speculation. Today was proof thallt wa a major inve tment and one that marked a turning point in the history of King's College.

If any post is to reach the Hall urgently. plea e send it via the external postal ystern to the following address' Malcolm Gavin Hall, Beechcroft Road, Tooting Bec, London SW 17 70S.

F Richard on Hall Manager

Andrew Tatham Hon Club Secretary

\1 LL


ccommodation wanted




If you need to send any mail to Malcolm Gavin Hall via the internal post system, please note that there is only one po tal delivery per week to the Hall.

Furnished accommodation (flat or house) is required for a visiting academic from !apan and his wife (no children) for a perIOd of approximately one year from 6 March 1989. Please call the Departmental Secretary in the Department of Electronic

Comment is produced by the Information Office on the Strand campus. Copy date for the next edition is Wednesday 8 March for publication on 20 March.

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