King's College London newsletter
A toast to the future/ Mr Bill Slade (College Secretary), The Principal and Dr Colin Sinnott (Thameside campus Project Director) drink to the successful conclusion of the Cornwall House negotiations which took place recently at the offices of the solicitors Herbert Smith. At the meeting, a number of documents were signed and a cheque for the lease of Cornwall House handed over.
summary of the Workine: Partv Report for staff information and comment As part of the planning process for Cornwall House, the Principal asked a small Working Part.y to make proposals to the Planning and Resources Committee and to the Thameside campus Project Committee about the social facilities which might be desirable, and in particular to give some thought to the space implications of what was proposed. The Working Party has now produced a Report, copies of which are available in the Common Rooms on the Strand, Kensington and Chelsea sites and in the Librarie on tho e ite . This article contains a summary of the proposals in the Report and it is hoped that members of staff will be stimulated to make comments aDd to offer suggestions. The Working Party has already consulted as many representatives as pos-
sible both formally and informally, but it is very much aware that, in such an important matter, every member of staff should have the chance to express an opinion. First, some general points. 11 those concerned are convinced that the Thameside campus presents the College with a unique opportunity to provide more generously for the social life of staff and students in King's. The quality of life in a College is vital to its morale, and it is therefore most important that in the planning process social space should not be seen as a reservoir which may be drawn upon for apparently more urgent departmental or Faculty needs. The College can at last foresee the provision of good social facilities for staff and students; the opportunity will not come again and must not be lost. The Strand site is now the centre of King's and no change to that is proposed: however, there should be no difference in the quality of those facilities which are necessary and desirable in Cornwall House. Both sites should have a visibly common identity, and natural traffic between them should be encouraged by
the dispo ition of particular resour es. King's is now a notoriously diffi ult place for the disabled; it is recommended that the archite ts hould make sure that a cess to all parts of the College is easier on both sides of the river and that suitable facilities are provided. Smoking is a question whi h arouses strong feelings; it is proposed that there should be a general policy of discouraging smoking in public pIa es whilst providing clearly identified and eparate smoking areas of a modest size. The College at the moment has a very patchy provision of cloakrooms, toilets, changing rooms, rest rooms, telephones and other services路 it is propo ed that there should be adequate and rational planning for these on both sites and that they hould be able to cope not only with ordinary College needs but with those many occasions on which large numbers of visitors come to King's. The design and quality of social facilities is important; it is recommended that the architects should not only provide them but should make them good to look at and good to use. As a measure of quality control it is suggested that all social facilities should be of such a standard that the Principal would be able to take his most distinguished guests to use them with confidence and without apology. There now follows a summary of the more detailed recommendations in the Report. In some cases - for example, Common Rooms for staff - the arrangements proposed obviously differ from those which exist. 0 criticism at all is implied of those hard-working people who promote and support social life at the moment on all the campuses; the differences have been discussed with some of them and readers are recommended to the full text of the Report in such instances. 1. COMMO
It is recommended that the College should
provide good Common Room facilities for all staff and tudents, and that, for staff, these should not be dependent upon belonging to a subscription club. There are also Common Rooms/Rest Rooms which are both desirable and necessary (eg for College porters, refectory staff, maintenance staff) and these too should be of a good standard. In general staff/
continued on page 8
STAFF NEWS Accounts will be subsequently rendered against the relevant budget codes.
RD Congratulations are due to Profe sor R Wisbey of the Department of German who has been awarded the 'Grand Decoration of Honour for Merit' by the Republic of Austria. The award was made at the Austrian Embassy in London on 22 February. Dr Clive Page of the Pharmacology Group Biomedical Sciences Division was awarded the Sandoz Prize for 1988 at the Decem ber meeting of the British Pharmacological Society. The Prize is awarded for outstanding research by a young pharmacologist (under 35 years) and is, therefore, a particular achievement for Dr Page who received the award just a few weeks after his 30th birthday and reflects well on the department and King s. Richard Owen Plender, Reader in the Faculty of Laws, has been appointed a Queen's Counsel.
The company provide a full range of transport services including mini-cabs, chauffeur driven saloons, minibuses, coaches and motorcycle messengers at very competitive rates eg from the Strand to Heathrow the cost is £ 17.50 and to Gatwick £28.75. For our visitors who require such transport the drivers will accept cash payments. Bob Redmond General Services Manager'
Following J oanne Russell's promotion to Accommodation Assistant, the Accommodation Office will be welcoming Angela Keegan as their new Secretary on 2 May. The Office also welcomed Elizabeth Shelley on 3 April when she took up her part-time appointment as Secretary to Felicity Hopkin and Angela Cole.
A K LA StUdy Day will be held on Wednesday 21 June entitled 'Worship and the Future of Humanity: Renewing the Liturgy'. It will be led by Canon Michael Sadgrove, Precentor and Sub Provost, Coventry Cathedral and the Reverend Gordon Mursell, Lecturer in Spirituality, Salisbury and Wells Theological College~ (Further details from Josephine Bell, the Dean's Secretary on S2333). The AKC lectures are to be held in the College Chapel on Monday mornings between 10 and 11 am. This i for the Mich elma and Lent terms and is due to the proposed refurbishment of the Great Hall.
MI I-CABS / C R HIRE As a result of some recent transport difficulties an account has been set up with the London & City Carriage company for the hire of mini-cabs. This company is prepared to collect from all College sites and drivers will accept docket signatures from authorised passengers. To prevent abuse, bookings should be made through the following: Mr RC Redmond - Strand Campus Mr S Whiting - Kensington Campus Mr J Wornham - Chelsea Campus
The Director of the Computing Centre reviews progress Only two years ago the academic data corn munications network had less than 300 terminals. It now has almost 600 and is growing very rapidly. On the Strand campus, advantage was taken of the rewiring for the new telephone syst· em to install data wiring in parellel and user requests for data lines on this site can now be dealt with rapidly by installing PAD s (Packet Assembler / Disassemblers which inter face between the terminals/micros and the packet switched network) at appropriate distribution points. A comprehensive wiring network is not in place on the other campuses and, typically, it takes longer to respond to a request for a line. The possibility of installing a more comprehensive network at Kensington, where the demand is rising particularly rapidly, is currently under urgent investigation. The academic network con idered as a whole is predominantly based on X25 packet switching apart from a preliminary
Computer Board funded Ethernet, using Board approved 'Coloured Book' protocols (rules to handle data transmission), which has been installed around the staff offices and terminal rooms of the Computing Centre's Strand accommodation. This Ethernet has also been linked to other Ethernets in the Physics and Computing Departments and will in future provide links to other departments with a requirement for high speed communications. This is not the place to discuss the differences between X25 and Ethemet in any detail; it will suffice to note that the higher data transmission speed of an thernet (10 Mega bits per second) is not at present, relevant to the majority of users since most microcomputers and terminals are not capable of transmitting or receiving data faster than 9.6 Kilobits per second. Rem ote sites are linked to the Strand X25 Switch by 48 Kbps British Telecom Kilostream lines.
Aside from the academic expansion, data communications have been taken to entirely new areas. Independent Ethernets have been established on the Strand campus for the Library and Administration, with approximately 45 and 100 terminals respectively. Both use DEC proprietary protocols which are particularly convenient since the respective computer systems are also DEC and they can be used because Computer Board money was not used to fund the installations. The Computer Board approved 'Coloured Book' protocols, mentioned earlier, look rather further forward to the desira ble goal of Open Systems Interconnection. They remain somewhat experimental and in advance of the market. On the other campuses, and at KCSMD, where the requirements of administrative and library staff are not as great, their needs have been met by expanding the local academic X25 network. Despite the use of different technologies and protocol arrangements have been made for full interconnectivity and an appropriately authororised user on any network will not only be able to access other local networks, but also systems on other national and international networks. The College sets great store by its integrated strateg for the development of all its data networks. In the short to medium term it is hoped to offer additional network services. For example, a central Email directory for all College staff will be established on the academic system. Also, other facilities such as Fax, Telex and videotex may be made available depending on demand and availability of funds. In addition, the Centre is examining ways in which the micro/
mainframe barrier an be redu ed 0 that mi ro omputer u ers may move more flexibly between a 10 al and a remote em"ironmenÂŁ. ell. the highWh t does the tutur hol? e t d t transmis ion speeds ot 10.1 bp are urrently ailable on the ampu Ethernet . But. a demand for peed of 100~1bps i ex pe ted to grow r pidl> and requirement or peed of I ,000 ~ibp is already on eivable in onnection with the requirement to trans er information rom, for example, data bases of graphical informatio A Computer Board initiative to 'pump prime' the next step step forward to speeds of 100 Mbps is anticipated in the near future and we aim to respond with a proposaLwhich is now under consideration. The Campus network of ':the future will become as ine capable and important to every member of the College as the telephone network is at present. Indeed, communications technologies are converging and the traditional distinctions between data, video and voice networks are steadily disappearing. Communications networks in the widest sense of the term, increasingly need to be managed as a coherent whole. Andrew Byerley
subject to non-infringement of the manufacturers' waIT nty each item is learly and permanently marked with appropriate identifi ation. A a minimum precaution marking should be arried out with ommerciallyavailable marker pen whose 'invisible' paint is detectable under ultra-violet light) . v. here po ible u e is made of e urit> systems designed pe ifi lly to deter thefts of portable equipment: where digital 10 ks are u ed code numbers are changed frequently and made known to as few persons as possible; keys to rooms are given only to tho e who must have access when the principal key-holder is not available' the names are recorded of all persons i sued with keys to rooms or given details of codes; keys are removed from persons no longer having need of un upervised access and that codes are similarly changed.
Gerry Hughe Bur ar
Appoinbnen M Jane iarlin has been appointed to the po t of istant Catering ~Ianager at the Ken ington mpu. Cu tomer will be plea ed to now that Diana Za lavoglou has returned to the Slrand following her m ternity leave. Diana is now working as Campu Catering Office M anager. Peter Durant remains as Deputy to Dennis AlIen. One of Diana's main duties is to deal with initial enquirie for hospitality and function bookings at the Strand and her extension is 1057.
Catering erVIce At the request of the Finance Department (to accommodate new accounting procedures and the new cash codes) customers are asked to use J I D Order/ Invoice form for internal hospitality catering requests. The green order forms or a covering letter may be u ed in conjunction with the J I D forms if the services requested warrant more space to des ribe than can be entered on the J I D form.
SEC RITY OF MICROCOMPUTER Recently, in two separate incidents, microcomputers and their associated equipment, worth ome ÂŁ50K, have been stolen from the Strand campus. In the first incident there was no evidence of a break-in although the equipment was stolen from locked rooms, one of which had a coded digital lock. In the second, access to rooms had been gained by means of forced entry. It is now evident that King's has joined
other colleges of the University who have become targets of professional thieves who steal microcomputer to order. It is therefore e sential that member of staff who have microcomputers in their offices or have a responsibility for such equipment housed in open acce s areas should take all reasonable precautions to afeguard the property. The following is not an exhaustive list of precautions but to reduce the likelihood of theft and to assist in the identification of stolen property you should ensure that: the erial num ber of each piece of equipment is recorded and safely stored;
A hatchback of expertise! The College's research selectivity exercise papers being sent via a warehouse in Nine Elms to the UGC. The College's own contribution amounted to 38 boxes in total so there is little wonder that a warehouse was required to tempor_ arily store information from all the national universities before it was distributed to the UGC. Pictured left to right: Stephen Harrow (Planning Officer), Jane Townsend (temporary assistant), Harry Musselwhite (Secretary of the Medical School and Deputy Secretary of the College) and Rachel Cottrell (who works with Stephell ill the Secretariat).
Or A Shock Factors affecting elastase activity in model sy tern of relevance to the pathogenesis of pulmonary emphysema
TRAI I G OFFICER COL Information about short course comes into my office from four main sources; the University Training Adviser (UTA), the Southern Universities Regional Admin istrative Training Programme (SURATP), the Conference of University Administrators (CUA) and the King's College Computine Centre. Most courses are targeted at particular professional groups and the training information is relayed to the managers of these groups - Heads of Departments and Sections, Departmental Superintendents etc. Proposals for attendance at courses should be directed to me after due consultation within departments.
Chemistry teachers from schools all over England seen here during their recent visit to King's for a one day conference
CHEMISTRY TEACHERS' CO FERE CE On Tuesday 11 April the Chemistry Department held its first Chemistry Teachers' Conference at the Strand. About 25 Chemistry teachers from as far away as Plymouth and Scarborough attended. They heard 3 talks in the morning session from Professor Michael Green entitled 'University Chemistry', from Dr 10hn Emsley entitled 'Chemists Cannot Write', and a talk by Dr Ray Elliott from ICI Agrochemicals outlining some of the exciting chemistry and career opportunities in the Chemical Industry. After lunch, the teachers visited demonstrations and displays on teaching and research in the department. Dr Mike Robb's hands-on demonstration of computer graphics from our undergraduate course wa parti ularly well received. The feedback from the day was very positive and augurs well for future events.
AD M CELEBR TE On 3 May a concert will be held in the Great Hall at 7.00 pm to celebrate Adam's 80th birthday. The programme will include the premiere of Alfred ieman's ADAM - a Cantata, with David 10hnston (tenor), Alberto Portugheis (piano), and a battery of exotic percussion; and there will be a short piano recital by Alberto Portugheis, and some items performed by Adam's grandchildren and friends. A small exhibition of musical items from the Adam Archive can be seen in the Great Hall from 6.15pm.
If you would like to know more about the Adam Archive contact the French Department.
This column will continue to inform College staff about training activities in diary form. April
27 (eve)
The Tadion-Rideal Prize is awarded each year for the best PhD thesi in Biomolecular Sciences submitted for examination in the previous session.
As in previous years the high standard and diverse scope of the theses submitted made it impossible for the adjudicators to award the prize to one person.
'Extended hours give more drinking time' (Institute of Medical Laboratory Science) Equal opportunities seminar ( TA)
May 3 3 & 10 3
Employment law (SURATP) Microsoft Word (KCL) Introduction to Apple Macintosh (KCL) Coping with stress (UTA) Microsoft Word (KCL) Seminar for registry staff (UTA
They have therefore decided that the prize for 1988 should go equally to the following six candidates, all former students in the Biomolecular Sciences Division of Life Sciences.
Or R S Buckle In vivo and in vitro reconstitution of chromatin
S peaking in pu blic Telephone and reception skills Development course for secretaries Committee servicing Course for manual supervisors
Or I Cenci di Bello The molecular basis of human mannosidosis Or S Khalafpour Serological studies on the role of Gramnegative bacteria in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis Or R A Lake Monoclonal D A-binding antibodies: their immunobiology and significance in lupus disease Or J F McBlane A study of the structure and expressio~ of the functional epsilon immunogloblin gene from a human myeloma cell line
17 & 24 19
Further planned activities are as follows:
The induction course for newly appointed staff has been very heavily subscribed. I intend to repeat it at six monthly intervals. Investigations into the pos ibility of organising a similar course for older hands who would like to know more about the College are being undertaken. Finally, is there anybody out there who still thinks that PLUTO is merely a Disney dog? I await your response on extension S2803. Ken Bromfield Training Officer
Library. Door open at 9.30 am and will tayopen or bu ines until 5 pm. There will be bargain in all ubjec areas so don't mis this opportunity. Further details from Malcolrn Bur h on S 394.
D R-
The all-site catalogue offered by LIBERT S since October was joined in January by the circulation facility at the Kensington and King's Road (Coleridge) sites of the Library. The Manresa Road Library at Chelsea will move to LIBERTAS operation on 17 April. On 8 March the Short Loan Collection in the Old Library went 'live', and it is hoped that further parts of the Strand collections will soon be added to the LlBERT S list.
What this means for user t the sites now using LlBERTAS to issue books, reader may only borrow on production of their barcoded Library ticket. Any item borrowed before 16 January from Kensington, or 25 January from Coleridge Library hould be brought back to the appropriate Library as soon as po ible - although telephone, po tal and e-maiI renewals will till be accepted in emergencies, the Library would appreciate reader co-operation in bringing books in for 'transfer' to the new system. The OPAC terminals in the Kensington and Coleridge libraries now offer users the option of checking what books they have on loan (and when they are due back) and the progress of any reservations they have made. Users who log-on to UBERTAS through the College network do not yet have this facility, as UBERTAS cannot tell which site they are calling from. Most students will find that they can use the automated circulation system with no further ado, but first year students may find that their records must be updated with the correct barcode. Members of staff who were not issued with new Library tickets in 1986, or since, or who have been issued with GE C barcodes by the Univer ity Library, but have not used them at Kensington, are asked to bring a passport-size photograph to the Library so that new cards can be provided.
In response to request from the Fren h Department, the French Library will open on Fridays, beginning 28 April, until the end of the examination period (exact date to be announced), from 9.30 am until 5.30 pm. Saturday opening at Kensington site will follow the pattern of previous years, ie 9.30 am to 1.00 pm, from 6 May until 17 June, except for the Bank Holiday weekend (27 May).
BRITI H LIBR R Y/BIBLIOTHEQ E TIO LE T LOG E o CD-ROM The Library at the Strand is one of the test sites for a pilot compact disc produced by the British Library and the Bibliotheque ationale of France. The idea is to tryout different formats for the records, and for the user interface, ie for the way a user can select and display records of interest. The actual records contained on the disc are a selection of the British Library's history collections and, from the Bibliotheque ationale, some of the items they added to stock during 1986. The great advantage of CD-ROM catalogues such as this is the rapid and flexible search strategies that are possible, like those of an on-line information search, without the need for a member of the Library staff as intermediary to interpret the database's responses. or keep an eye on the costs incurred! The Library would be glad to hear from anyone interested in seeing what the CD-ROM looks like and trying it out. Please contact Margaret Samman, Bibliographic Services Librarian, Strand Building Library. Telephone S2019/0AK user name UDYL027.
The Library is able to accept requests by electronic mail for the renewal of items borrowed from Kensington campus (UDY LOI4) and the Coleridge Library (UDYL 023). The e number can also be used for other enquiries. We hope to be able to extend the renewal facility to other parts of the Library as Libertas is introduced.
There will be a Library bargain路booksale on 4 and 5 May in Room llC of the Old
When requesting renewal by electronic mail, please give your name, your barcode number (on the back of your ticket) and
the barcode number in the book. 10st Ken ington books have a number beginning 30 11 and Coleridge Library bar ode have TELEPE, - printed in blue next to the num ber. e hall coma t you if we need any further information. Boo whi h are seriously overdue annot be renewed and should alw y be brought into the Library.
The alarm bells clamour, the irens of the approaching fire engines wail. A fire has broken out in the Strand Building.and is fast spreading to the Old Building. Much of the College's valuable library holdings are in grave peril of destruction. Decisions have to be made, and made quickly, while the fire is still burning and once it has been extinguished: which books should be saved first because they are irreplaceable? What should be done with odden, dirty, charred volumes? Indeed, where first do you start when confronted with a smoking wreck that was a library? n unlikely occurrence perhap , but it could happen, as other in titutions can testify. However there are measures that can be taken, both to redu e the risk of the above cenario becoming a reality and to minirni e the damage hould it ever take place. That is why a Disaster Control Working Party has recently been convened by the College Archivist, Patricia Methven. Its brief is to investigate how the Library might best be protected against fire, flood and theft and to establish a plan of action in the case of such an eventuality. The first task for the working party is to examine every area of the Library and Archives and adjacent rooms to ensure there is adequate provision of detector systems, to identify threats from for example, burst pipes and overflo~ing sinks and to establish which areas are at particular risk from vandalism and illegal entry. So if over the next few months you see a member of the Library opening windows on a freezing day, peering into the gloomy recesses of the roof or gazing mournfully at the air conditioning pipes it will be because he or she is engaged on this survey. Once it is completed the working party can then proceed with making recommendations as to how the Library can be better protected and drawing up a disaster plan to ensure that, if the worst should happen, swift action can be taken to limit damage and prevent the dis ster also becoming a fiasco. Michael Page A si lant Archivi t
A note from Tim Hailes, President of the KCL Tory Reform Group. King's College Tory Reform Group is delighted to be able to welcome the Home Secretary, Rt Hon Douglas Hurd CBE MP, Patron of the TRG, to addr~ss the' group on 9 May. KCLTRG was only formed last October but it has enjoyed phenomenal success in attracting quality speakers who have included: Hon William Waldegrave, Minister of State Foreign and Commonwealth Office; J effrey Archer, novelist and playwright; Sir Ian Gilmour Bt MP' and icholas Scott MP, Ministe; of State Department of Social Security and Disabled. The visit of the Home Secretary is the highlight of the speaker programme. He will be addressing the group in the ew Theatre from 1.30 pm-2.00 pm; the engagement is to be followed by a Cheese and Wine reception for members and invited guests. The speaker mfteting will be a ticket only event and applications should be made in writing to: Mr J Ormrod, Parliamentary Liaison Officer, King's College Tory Reform Group, clo Faculty of Laws.
Parliamentary Association held a meeting there. Two and a half years later with BSc and University Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics examinations successfully behind them, the two graduates took up the invitation to tea offered in Saskatoon. After tea the two graduates toured Speakers House - a privilege granted to very few. Sarah Powell, who has also distinguished herself by winning the Van den Burgh and Jurgens prize for the best performance on the Dietetics course, and Sarah Passmore are now both working as Dieticians in HS posts. The exchange programme, run by Dr Leeds and Dr Judd at King's and by Professor Eva Lee in Saskatoon, initially ran for two years but is now temporarily suspended while the academic.details of crediting Canadian exam marks to the London BSc record are sorted out and while sufficient funds are raised t; endow the scheme permanently.
1990-92 Applications are invited from final year and postgraduate students for the two year Research Student Monbusho Scholarships for 1990-92. The closing date for applications is 15 July 1989 and shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in mid-Septem ber at the Japan Information Centre. Successful candidates will take up their scholarships at Japanese universities in either April or October 1990 and the award will be tenable until March 1992. Fields of study must be one of those available at the Japanese universities. For full details of fields of study, qualifications and scholarship benefits, please contact the Japan Information Centre (Embassy of Japan), 9 Grosvenor Square, London W1X 9LB or telephone 01 493 603 O.
STUDE TU ION TEWS Dr A R Leeds Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences
The meeting is open to members of the College bu t the Committee reserves the right to refuse application or admission withou t explanation.
The following have been duly elected sabbatical officers of King's College London Studen ts' Union for the 1989-90 session: Admin & Co-ordination: Mark Atkinson Finance & Staffing: Samar Habal Welfare: David Stevens Publications & Communications: Frances Pearson Societies & Services: Mark Wilson The following have been duly elected nonsabbatical officers:
The Tory Reform Group is a pressure group associated with the centre and centre-left of the Conservative Party. Associate membership of KCLTRG is available to mem bers of College staff from the above address.
Strand Site Officer: Chelsea Site Officer: Elections Officer: Publications Editor: Women's Officer: External Affairs Officer: Welfare Officer:
En tertainm ents Officer:
Eleanor Byrne Ruth Castens Damaris Currie Anthony Evans Abi Robins Alex Grunewald Philippa Venables Rowena Lloyd
The following has been elected delegate to the US Women's Conference:
Sarah Powell and Sarah Passmore, both now State Registered Dieticians, recently had tea with the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Bernard Weatherill. The two graduates pioneered the exchange programme whereby students studying for the BSc in utrition spend the second year at the University of Saskatchewan while two Canadian students take their places here in London. While in Saskatoon the two Sarahs met the Speaker and other Members of the House of Commons, including Mr Michael Shersby, a great supporter of the exchange scheme, when the Commonwealth
Martina Salter The following were elected delegates to US Easter Conference: Delegate Leader: Delegates:
Sarah Powell (left) and Sarah Passmore pictured outside the House of Commons before joining the Speaker for tea
Martina Salter David Stevens Sandra Buchanan Samar Habal Thomas Kirchner Eleanor Byrne
Friday 5 May DEVELOPI G THE LAW OF TRUSTS FOR THE 21ST CE TURY David Hayton, Professor of Law
5.30 pm, The carnpu
6.00 pm, The Alien Theatre, Kensington campus
Monday 22 May KORAES, TOY BEE A D THE MODER GREEK HERITAGE Roderick Beaton, Koraes Professor of Modem Greek and Byzantine History, Language and Literature
THE ERIC SYMES ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Monday 15 May o BEl G CREATURES Reverend Professor Rowan Williams, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, University of Oxford 6.00 pm, Westminster Abbey
THE THIRD DEREK MILLER MEMORIAL LECTURE Thursday 27 April PROTEI ENERGETICS: FOOD A ID HUMA EEDS Professor Philip Payne, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 5.30 pm, Alien Theatre, Atkin Building, Kensington campus
DEPARTME T OF MECHA ICAL E GINEERI G Thursday 27 April ALTER ATIVE E GI ES - CURIOSITIES OR COMPETITORS C C F French, President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Visiting Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's 2.30 pm, The New Theatre, Strand campus
5.30 pm, The campu
ew Theatre Strand
ew Theatre, Strand
Tuesday 25 May The celebrated novelist Claude Simon will give a talk (in French) in the ew Theatre at 5.30 pm. Details will be posted nearer the time. This important occasion has been organised in collaboration with the ClIltl\l"rtl ervice of the French Em hassy.
AGE CONCERN INSTITUTE OF GERO TOLOGY Monday 8 May BRAIN IMAGING IN AGEING AND DEME TIA Dr Michael Philpot, Consultant Psychiatrist, Community Team for Mental Health in the Elderly, Hither Green Hospital Monday 22 May OCCUPATIO AL PE SIO S: WHAT SHO LD WE EXPECT OF THEM? Professor Michael Fogarty, Policy Studies Institu te
Monday 15 May AGEI G I AUSTRALIA: SOCIAL POLICY ISSUES Dr Adam Graycar, Commissioner for the Ageing, Government of South Australia 4.15 pm, Room 5106, 552 King's Road, Chelsea campus
Friday 12 May A CO SE SUS STRUCTURE FOR CATIO PUMPS Dr Michael Green, IMR, London Friday 19 May A TlBODlES COMPLEMENT A D CELL RECEPTORS: A MOLECULAR APPROACH Dr Dennis Burton, Department of Biochemistry, University of Sheffield Friday 26 April CONTROL OF EXOCYTOSIS IN ADRENAL CHROMATIN CELLS SIG ALS REGULATI G Dr R D Burgoyne, Department of Physiology, University of Liverpool 1.10 pm Ba ement Lecture Theatre, 26-29 Drury Lane
CE TRE FOR EDUCATIONAL 5TUDIES Wednesday 24 May I TERACTIVE VIDEO I SCIE CE Judith Mashiter, School of Education, ewcastle upon Tyne 4.30 pm, Room 3.020, Hudson Building, 552 King' Road, Chelsea campus
HUMA ITIES COMPUTING Tuesday 16 May PROJECT MA AGEME T A D HUMA lTIES COMPUTI G Dr Charles Harvey, RHB C 6.00 pm, 11 Bedford Square (RHBNC)
4.15 - 5.15 pm, Room 4113, Clark Building, 552 King's Road, Chelsea campus
1.10 pm, Room IB04, Strand campus
ST DE T SER ICES ednesday 3 tay STGDY EXAMI.' TIO.·S SKILLS SE 1L 'ARS FOR Tl;TORS Two eminar . one to be held at the Strand campus and one at en ington campu , both held on the ame d y
ednesday 1 May RISK 1.' SYSTE.1S Darren Oal her
2.00·4.15 pm, Room 6C, Strand campus
1.30 pm. Room G02, Strand campu
3.00 . ~.1 5 pm, Council Room. Ken ing· ton campu
For further details contact Lisa Payne, Student Services, tel S2530
hoped that student friends and parent alike will appreciate a formal occasion that is unique and personal to King's College. All student will be obliged to wear a ademi dre ,an they will be pre ented to Sir lame Spooner, Chairman 0 Council. For tho e wishing to know more about the eremony enquirie should be referred to tbe Pre entation Celebr tion Offi e(extS2109) which is loc te within the Admis ions Office in the Registry.
continued from front page. student needs and tastes differ enough to make it sensible to plan for separate provision. (a) Common Rooms for Staff
3.30 pm, Room 612, Institute of Cia ical Studie
cces to Staff Common Rooms should be decided as far as possible by the need and tastes of the user rather than by title or grades in th salary structures.
Wedne day 10 May CHIOS 1 THE 4TH C . TURY BC icholas Hardwick
At both the Strand and Cornwall House there should be three Staff Common Rooms: (i)
Wedne day 17 May 1 TROD CTIO TO DOS
4.30 pm, Room 612. In titute of Cia ical Studie
Wednesday 24 May ADVA CED DOS
2.00 - 5.00 pm, Strand campu
Royal Festival Hall
Further details from Advisory, Room 23AE teI S2505
Wedne day 17 and 24 May GETTI G STARTED 0 THE VAX COMP TERS (Parts 1 and 2) 2.00 - 5.00 pm. Ken ington campu Further details from Advisory, Room A209, tel K261
Wedne day 10 May STR CTURE OF A PROBLEM SOLVER lan Hutchinson
A u bstantial, well-furnished Staff Common Room with excellent facilities available into the evening in luding offee, tea and a bar (shared with (ll) below). quiet, lounge atmosphere - the kind of place for papers, magazines and peaceful conversation.
(ii) A substantial Common Room well though differently - furnished. A noisier, more relaxed, wine bar/ lounge atmosphere. Catering/bar facilities shared with (i).
Graduation ceremonies are occasions on which students, parents, friends and the University come together to celebrate the completion of years of study. In a federal Univer ity such as London the College is often a remote partner in these celebrations becau e although students more readily identify with their College rather than the niversity, it is the University which is responsible for the organisation of the degree ceremonies. The College ha in recent years upplemented the Albert Hall ceremonies by inviting it students and their guests back to the College for a reception at which their members of the academic taff are also present. This approach is set to change.
In addition there should be at both the Strand and at Cornwall House a number of fairly small staff/student 'Faculty' or 'subject-area' Common Rooms hardily furnished with a sink and coffee facilities The Staff Common Rooms on each ite should be managed by two sub- ommittees, the mem bership of which should be broadly representative without being too cIo ely tied to categories.
For the first time the College is organising a ceremony to honour the leavers and graduates of the 1988-89 session together with three Presentation Fellows. These Fellows are Sir James Black, Rt Hon Peter Brooke MP and Mr Godfrey Bradman. The ceremony will take place at the Royal Festival Hall on Monday II September 1989. Although strictly speaking, thi ceremony does not replace the niversity Presentation Ceremony, it is
A College Social Committee should be set up (with representatives from the above su b-committees) with a view to promoting College-wide ocial activity of all kinds. This Committee should receive the ubsidies at the moment given by the College to the three existing staff social associations (the Strand SCR, the Kensington StaH As ociation and the Strand Social Club). These three associations should be closely involved in setting up
(iii) An Academic and Senior Staff Room. A smaller room and a place for informal meetings/conversations on confidential or sensitive matters.
the new Social Committee. (b) Common Rooms for Student The provision of Common Rooms for students is very much bound up with catering matters and much Common Room provision for students is therefore to be found connected with catering and the bars. In addition to that, there should be at both the Strand and Cornwall House: (i) A large student Common Room with facilities for refreshments and alcohol at certain times of the day. A larger, better planned and furnished version of the present GO 1 on the Strand campus is envisaged (or possibly two smaller Common Rooms of different characters). (ll) A video-lounge. 2.
In principle College catering facilities on both sites should be open to all; needs and tastes should decide the users. (a) Refectories There should be at both the Strand and Cornwall House: (i)
One large or two medium-sized selfservice refectories with a real variety of provision (conventional meals, fast food counter, salad bar, sandwich bar etc) and a well designed, attractive and varied seating area.
(ii) A smaller but still su bstantial dining room with a quieter, more formal atmosphere. There would be discreet self-service and it would be a natural place for the everyday entertaining of visitors - emphasis on quality - probably higher prices. (iii) Two private dining rooms - one for 10 persons, one for 24 - decorated and furnished to a very high standard and with waitress service. These would be bookable with a small, high-quality bar adjacent. (b) Bar
At the Strand there should be a large 'Keller-type' bar路 the main 'function bar. This would be a typical bar facility
(ii) At the Strand there should also be a sub tantial but smaller bar of a different character - quieter and more of a 'lounge bar'. Light bar food should be available. (Ui) At Cornwall House there should be
a good-sized bar which might be planned in association with the recommended Common Room for students a compromise with the 'Keller-bar' concept.
(iv) There should also be a 'lounge bar'/ 'club bar' at Cornwall House (as in (ll) above). (v) On both sites a small, high quality bar should be associated with the private dining rooms. The management of the bars is at the moment one element in discussions between the College and the Students Union. o proposals have been made until the ou tcome of these discussions is clear. Most catering facilities will be under the direction of the Catering Officer; it is recommended that the Amenities Committee exercises strict quality control over the catering service and its standards. 3. MORE GE ERAL SOCIAL FACILITIES (a
Indoor Sports Facilities
The follOWing facilities are proposed: (i)
A large gymnasium at the Strand suitable for netball, basket路ball, badminton, 5-a-side football etc. In addition to the main hall of the gymnasium another floor above or below should serve as a Fitness Room
(ii) A smaller Fitness Centre at Cornwall House with a small games room attached (table tennis etc).
proposals to the Project Committee by the Registrar. (e) Day UT ery The Working Party was unanimously in sympathy with the idea of a Day ursery and the expressed intentions of the College Council. It expressed the view however that available evidence indicated that the College would have to provide a substantial annual su bsidy and it also felt that neither the Strand nor Cornwall Hou se provided a very suitable environment. It therefore recommended that a Day ursery at one of the more accessible Halls of Residence should be investigated. (f) Commercial facilitie It is proposed that at both the Strand and Cornwall House an area should be reserved as a kind of 'shopping precinct'. This would contain commercial retail and service activities for the benefit of students and staff such as a travel shop, the Students' Union shop, a bookshop, a food shop, a launderette/dry-cleaning service etc. Some of these might be managed by the Students' Union, some by the College. 4. THE STUDENTS' U 10
The administrative requirements of the Students' Union on the Thameside campus are to be the su bj ect of direct discussions between the officers of the Union and the Project Committee.
(ill) Two squash courts at the Strand. (iv) A swimming pool at Cornwall House. (b) Other recreational facilities (i) The oresent theatre at the Strand should be completely re-furbished with a review of its technical services. (ll) There should be five well-soundproofed rehearsal/music practice rooms at the Strand, and two at Cornwall House' these should be of varying sizes. (ill) The Nelson Mandela Hall and the Great Hall at the Strand should continue to be the College's main function halls. However the architects should be asked to examine the possibility of substantial improvements to the elson Mandela Hall. (c) Religious observance It is recommended that at the Strand site the College should continue to be served by the main College Chapel.
At Cornwall House there should be a centrally-located Ecumenical Centre specifically designed to cater flexibly for the needs of many different faiths. (d) Student Servi e (including Medical Service) These are to be the subject of separate
In a summary such as this quite a few details, qualifications and explanations have been omitted. The Working Party was also asked to indicate some rough attributions of space to the taclutles proposed. These are contained in the Appendix attached to the full Report and it is to be stressed that the figures there indicate orders of magnitude, not precise specifications. The proposals as outlined look rather bald and difficult to visualize, but the social facilities which the College offers on the Thameside campus will have a lot to do with how well or ill it functions as an academic and social community. The Working Party had to work quickly and make guesses about many unknowns with very little information and few hard facts to guide it. All members of staff are asked to think carefully about these proposals and are invited to make suggest路 ions for their improvement. Please do not hesitate - if in doubt, write! Could you please send any comments, suggestions, criticisms or alternative proposals to the chairman of the Working Party: Mr J V Muir, Vice-Principal, Strand campus. These will then be passed on to the Project Committee which has the responsibility for planning the Thameside campus and for briefing the architects.
. fany leading London oli itors will be visiting King's on 4 ~fay for the 'Soli it路 or ' Career Information Fair' whi his being organised jointly by the Career Advisory Sef\.ice and the Department 0 LVi. There re currently numerou opportuniue for graduate to enter the legal profe ion and they are not limited to graduates in Law. The firm 'representatives will be on hand in the Great Hall from I '2.00 noon to 2.30 pm on the day to answer any question about a career as a soli itor students wish to ask. eH Harri Senior Careers Advisor
LETT R Despite all the things that people say about it, 1 quite like our canteen food. However, I discovered recently that a lot of it is prepared in aluminium ve sels. Since aluminium seems to be associated with a form of dementia, ltzheimer's di ea e, maybe it is not wise to eat too much of it. Could the Catering Department be encouraged to replace all its aluminium cooking pots? Alan Hutchinson Department of Computing
VIEW FROM THE DE K He was a tall thin youth with neatly parted hair, a dark blue suit and well-polished shoes. He was obviously very nervous as he approached the reception desk and offered me his letter of invitation. 'I've an interview with Dr W at 10.30' he said.
'Cretan maize? he repeated, '1 don't really know much about cereals'. I tried to re tify my mistake. '1 hould have said Cretan labyrinth.' I ould ee that bewiderment was beginning to repla e his original nervous ne . 'The Minotaur lived in it.' I added hopefully. ~1IDotaur,' he
said. 'not a Dino aur?'
o not exactly. It was a mythical monster, half-man half-bull.' 'Half-man half-bull,' he repeated ID disbelief. Hopelessly I blundered on. 'Theseus killed it then Ariadne helped him to escape from the labyrinth.' look of total incomprehension crossed his face. He was obviously of the opinion that I wa quite mad. He paused for a long moment then did his best to humour me. 'My Dad had an aunty called Ariadne,' he volunteered brightly. At that moment salvation arrived in the unlikely form of Dr X. Dr X looks like a slightly scaled-down version of Pavarotti, but with, I think, a louder voice. 'Morning Don,' he shouted as he strode in and, as usual, left both sets of swing doors wide open so that all the papers blew off my desk. As we both scrabbled on the floor collecting them, he asked quietly, 'What's he done, lost his Mum?' I put a finger to my lips, and as we straightened up I asked him if he could help me. '1 believe that you are going to the South side, can you help me by taking our visitor with you?'
He put hi arm around the \isitor's narrow houlder~. 'Thi wa}' my lad', he said and a he guided him to the 1iI t. I h rd him a.. 'Did I hear you s > ha yo ha an nt n med Ariadne? ~f} grandmother wa 11 d Ariadne and we hildren named m} grandfather, who w ~ a very large m n. the .finot ur'. 'I uppo e you alled their hou th 1 by rinth', aid the \isitor with n amu"ed smile. The lift doors losed and ut off the re t of their onver ation, but I had the feeling that hi interview would go ar better than 1 had originally suppo ed. Don Mindel tkin Receptioni t, Kensington
TOR L'REVI ITED pologies to all cognoscenti and especially I'orman Silvester of the Physics Department for the transpo ition of Milton' poem 'Pastoral' in the la t edition of Comment. So for all the poetry lover who were a little confu ed by the new ver ion of 'Pastoral' here is the original.
The royal Forest spreads each leafy bough s far as Art and Prin iple allow, There all i Peace, no Flood hall overwhelm or lightning strike to Earth the lofty Elm_ Hinds dare not peek, nor insolently poke Derision at the Grove 'neath love's great Oak Where vestal virgins tend the sacred blaze, In soft wear deck't, asDiane's form arrays. The Willows and the Hazle Copses grow Unfettered by Meander's chartle s flow,
His interview I knew was on the South side second floor of the Atkins building and his letter of invitation gave very clear instructions'on how to get there from main reception. He was at the wrong reception desk and his route to Dr W would now involve him in many changes of direction and several changes of level. Having read his letter, 1 said, as gently as possible, you have really come to the wrong reception desk. It is rather difficult to direct you from here, but if you follow my directions carefully you should get to your interview on time.'
As he was beginning to look apprehensive I felt that 1 should try and put him at his ease. 'This building is rather like the Cretan maze, but you'll soon get to know
you, way ,,"ound wh,n you h'" boon here a short while'.
Cartoon: Stuart Burley 10
While woodmans' axe aviods the wiry sh nd no chips fly before th'impending crash ( '0 knavi h churl dare hack these Trees lest he Risk royal Wrath with dread lese-majestf). Such Paradise beside the sparkling Strand Should gladden all save Satan's rayven band: Alas for those who it h, the mental few, To meddle with fresh Wood and pa tures new, Milton
'Haute couture' King's style. The new season's sweatshirts bein,; modelled by Debbie Bostock and Clare Atkinson, Assistant Residences Managers at Kensington
Dr J ane Wardle wishes to thank all those who volunteered for the last set of studies made by the Department of Physiology and hopes to make the results available in the next couple of months. The Department urgently needs healthy male and female volunteers to help them in their many current studies, examples of which include, sleep disturbances and the 'psychological effects of computer use. All volunteers receive cash payments for their participation. Anyone interested in taking part should contact Dr Wardle at the Department of Physiology for details and a subject screening form.
The University College of Swansea is proposing to establish an Alumni Association and would like to contact as many of its former students as possible. If you were a student at Swansea and are
interested, then please write to: The Administrative Secretary, University College of Swansea Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP giving your name (and previous name if appropriate), address, department and year of graduation/departure from College.
A number of endowment sponsored travel grants are available to citizens of the K for graduate academic study in the USA. The awards are competitive and are made by the Commission in Londo~ in co-operation with the Board of ForeIgn Scholarships in Washington. One grant (the Stephen Selway Award) will be restricted to the broad field of Finance and Accountancy (including economics); the remainder may be addressed to any field.
At the time of application the student must submit evidence of admission to an
Jade (green) Black Pink Mint green Peach
large or extra large large large large medium
£7.99 £7.99 £7.99 £7.99 £7.99
institution of higher learning in the United States for a minimum period of nine months; the student must also give proof of financial support, preferably by scholarship or fellowship awards adequate to cover full tuition fees and maintenance at a satisfactory level in the United States; applications cannot be accepted from students who have already embarked on a course of postgraduate study in the United States nor from those who will begin their ;tudies prior to the beginning of the 89/90 academic year.
TEESHIRTS Cl 00% cotton) chest design, one size only (extra large) white £4.49
For full details and an application form please contact The Fulbright .C~mmission, (fao British Programme AdmInIstrator), 6 Porter Street, London WIM 2HR or telephone 01 4867697. Application forms will be available until 19 May and completed forms including references must be received no later than 4.30 pm on Friday 26 May.
Please drop in to the Residences Office, next to Main Reception at Kensington, to have a browse. Or send a cheque (payable to King's College) to Residences Office, together with your order and extension num ber. Shirts will be dispatched by return.
Students requiring an application form are asked to send an A4 stamped, self addressed envelope carrying 28 p postage.
The shirts are already being snapped up throu~hout the College and will obviously be the garments to be seen in this summer. Just look at how Debbie and Clare are enjoying wearing theirs ...
EW SEASO SWE TSHIRTS D TEESHIRTS ew Season sweatshirts and teeshirts are now available from the Residences Office at Kensington. Telephone K255. The sweatshirts are in two designs: chest design or pocket logo design.
CHEST DESIGN (4 colour print): avy -large or extra large £9.99 White - large or extra large £9.99
POCKET LOGO DESIG Royal Blue large or extra large
Would members of the College staff who might be interested in meeting and playing with like minded addicts get in touch with Martin Hazard, Hall Manager, King's College Hall, Champion Hill SES 8A with a view to arranging an afternoon or day out in the first instance.
Flat available for approximately 3 months within period late May to late September (dates negotiable). Suitable for single person or couple. Furnished, allelectric and centrally heated bedroom/ study/sitting room/kitchen/bathroom. £600 per month (deposit £300). Tel 436 3293 afternoons or evenings. 11
HO SE FLAT S AP A hou e/flat swap is needed by a ollege profe or at Ber eley Univer iry. California. We are looking for an admin/cleri I assistant to work on the College's Pre-Sessional English Language ourse this mmer. Ideally the succe sful appli ant will have some experience of working with overseas tudents and also po e s wordpro essing and book-keeping skills Although the work is demanding, the conta t with staff and students on the ourse is rewarding and the post would possibly suit a mature student or a postgraduate student. Dates: 26 June-22 September inclusive. Hours: 9.30 am-5.00 pm. Salary: generous. For further details apply to Mrs Jennifer J ackson, External Liaison Officer, External Relations Department, Strand campus. Telephone S2291.
E 0 OF E
Tue da ,20 June 1989 The traditional End of Session Dinner will this year be held on Tuesday 20 June ~ the Riverside Restaurant, Macadam Building Strand campus at 7.00pm. Sherry will be served from 6.30pm in the lower Senior Common Room (South West Block)
Profe sor Trevor Pitts wishes to -swap his four bedroome hou e three minutes from the Ber 'eley University ampus. with a three bedroom hous or at least a two bedroom flat in Southern England between July I 19 9 and August 31 1990 for at least the a ademi year. nyone interested should contact 232 Stanford Avenue, Kensington CA 94708 USA. Telphone (415) 5 4 1080. HA YE YOU A ROOM TO LET?
Comment is produced by the Information Office on the Strand campus. Copy date for the next edition is Friday 19 May for publication in the week of 29 May.
If you have then please contact Lindsay Elliot on ext 255, during the day, or, Bill Witlea, ight Security after 10pm at Kensin,gton Reception on 376 1544. Reference readily available.
This is an opportunity for mem bers of the College and their guests to meet in plea ant surrounding and is also the occasion when we say goodbye to tho e members of staff who are retiring and who will be invited with their wives and husbands as guests of the College. The cost of the Dinner is £.17.50 per person including sherry. wine and port.
Those intending to be present at the Dinner are asked to complete the form below and return it, with a cheque made payable to King's College London, to Mr P J Gilbert ssistant Secretary, Room 2B, Main Building, Strand Campus, not later than Friday 2 June. Since seating is limited apolications will be dealt with on a first come first serve basis.
ER TO: Mr P J Gilbert Assistant Secretary Room 2B Main Building Strand campus
I will attend the End of Session Dinner
My guest will be
I enclose a cheque for £
(£ I 7.50 per person)
ame (in capitals)