Oct. 89
King's College London newsletter
EE APPOI TS EWPRI CIPAL On Tuesday 10 October Downing Street announced that Her Majesty the Queen was pleased to appoint Profes or J D E Beynon as Principal of King' College London, in succession to Profes or S R Sutherland. Professor Beynon will take up the appointment formally on 1 September 1990, when Professor Sutherland leaves to become Vice-Chancellor of the Univer ityof London. Profes or Beynon is currently Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor at the Univer ity of Surrey, a po t he has held ince 1987, having previously been Pro Vice-Chancellor since 1983. He has been a Profe or of Electrical Engineering at Surrey ince 1979 and was Head of Department betwecn 1979-83. John Beynon was born in 1939. A pupil ofPontywaun Grammar School, Risca, Gwent, he tudied Phy ic at University College, Swansea and then took an MSc in Electronics at Southampton University. In 1962 he joined the then Radio and Space Re earch Station, Slough, as a Scientific Officer. In 1964 he returned to Southampton University as Lecturer in Electronics, being later promoted to Senior Lecturer then to Reader. In 1977 he was appointed to the Chair of Electronics in the Department of Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering at UWIST Cardj[[ before moving to Surrey in 1979. He is married, with twin sons at univer ity and a daughter who has graduated and is currently in Australia. In the months before he officially takes up the Principalship Professor Beynon wiB be getting to know King's through a series of informal visits and discu sion . Further details and a profile of the new Principal will feature in future editions. In the meantime the College extends a warm welcome to Professor Beynon and greatly looks forward to the future.
The Principal, Professor Stewart Sutherland, in his customary annual speech to tafÂŁ, welcomed everyone back after the summer break to what he believed would be a lively year. The underlying theme running through the address was one of creating opportunities and using them to the best advantage - a feature which had been much in evidence in College life over the past year. The Principal talked of how King's has continued to build on
its trengths over the la t five years, creating and developing a wide range of academic opportunities. The figures for the number of academic posts filled over the last year reflect this, with 51 posts being filled: 10 Chairs and 41 Lectureships. Success has occurred, he suggested, because of the College as a whole making sacrifices and withstanding difficulties, thus making it possible for money saved through the use of stringent
policies, to be reinvested. An equilibrium had now been established, a remarkable feat for a restructured College, probably unparalleled anywhere else in the University of London. There had also been a number of internal promotions: 2 titular Chairs, 11 Readerships and 5 Senior Lectureships - another sign of the quality of the College and of staff taking the
continued on page 17 ::::
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Euan 1 Ro ,ME, ChB, DCh, MD, FRCP, has been appointed to the Chair of Community Paediatrics from 4 September 1989. His former post was Consultant Paediatrician in the Child Development Centre of Charing Cros Hospital. Robin Murray, DSc, ME, ChB, MD, MPhil, FRCP, FRCPsych, has been appointed to the Chair of P ychological Medicine, joimly tenable at King's College London and the Institute of PsychiaLry, from 1 October 1989. Keith 0 Ewing, LLB, PhD, has been appointed to the Chair of Public Law. He joins King' from the Univer ity of Cambridge where he was a Lecturer in Laws. orman oah, ME, BS, FRCP, FFCM, has been appointed to the Chair of Community Medicine at King's College School of Medicine and Denti try from 30 October 1989. HejoinsKing's from the Public Health Laboratory Service Communicable Di ease Surveillance Centre where he was Consultant Epidemiologist.
APPOI TME TS AT KE SINGTO Two staff appointments have recently been announced at the Ken ington campu Mr William Col well has been appointed as Campus Services Manager and is re ponsible to the Bursar for custodial and general services, including security, portering, post and telecommunications on the Kensington campus. His office is located on the ground floor of the Main Building adjacent to the reception de k, and he may be contacted on extension K499. Miss Lind ay Elliott has been promoted from Deputy Residence Manager to Residence Manager. The Residence office is on the ground floor of the Main Building, extension K255.
Council for a further se ion.
The Principal, Prof or tewart utherland has been appointed an Honorary Fellow of Corpu Chri ti College Cambridge.
Profe or Harold Ba urn ha been awarded the medal of the University of agoya, School of Medicine for hi significant contribution to their re earch. PROMOTIO
Jill Martin, LLM, promoted from Reader in the Department of Laws to Professor of Law Peter Quinn, DDA B Agr Sci, MSc, PhD, DSc, promoted from Reader in the Department of Bi hemisLry to Professor of BiochemisLry APPOI TME T TO HEAD OF DEPARTME T The following have been appoimed Head of Department for a period of 4 year : Professor A Lucas in the Centre for Educational Studies. Professor M A Knibb in the Department of Theological Studie . PROMOTIO TO READER ancy Abbott, MA, PhD, from Lecturer to Reader in Phy iology. Alan Bittles, MA, PhD, FIBiol from Senior Lecturer to Reader in Human Biology. Donald A GilIies, MA, PhD, from Lecturer to Reader in the History and Philosophy of Science. Lawrence Landau, MA, PhD, from Lecturer to Reader in Applid Mathematics. Janet elson, MA, PhD, from Lecturer to Reader in History. Clive Page, BSc, PhD from Lecturer to Reader in Pharmacology. APPOI TME T TO B-DEA Or P A Byrne Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies Or J F Champ Faculty of Theology and Religiou Studie Or A Gibson Faculty of Life Sciences COU CIL CHAIRMA RE-APPOI TED Sir lames Spooner has been re-appointed a Chairman of the College
The following have been appotnted Heads of Sch I a from 1 Augu t 19 9: School of Humanities Profe or B W He School of Education Professor A Lucas School of Law Professor I M Kennedy School of Life Sciences and Basic Medical Science Professor H Baum School of Mathematical and Phy ical Sciences Profe sor M Green School of Engineering Professor W E Earles
HO 0 RS Profe or Michael A Knibb Head of the Department of Theological Studies, and Professor Richard R K Sorabji from the Department of Philosophy have been elected Fellows of the British Academy. Sir James Black, Profes or of Analytical Pharmacology, has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Medicine from the University of Edinburgh. Profe or Brian Boycott Director of the Medical Research Council Cell Biophysic Unit was awarded an honorary degree from the Open University.
PROFESSOR PIRT HO o RED It is a great pleasure to report that Professor S John Pin, who retired last year as Head of the Departmem of Microbiology, has been elected an honorary member of the Society for General Microbiology. Such honorary membership is open only to very distinguished microbiologists and i limited to a total of 20 world-wide. Professor Pin is distinguished for his
great conuibutions to British mi robiolog , in particular in fermentation ien e and microbe and cell cultivation. Other honorary member of the S iety in lude Dr P D itcheD FRS, Profe or J R Po tgate FRS and Sir icha I Stoker. It i ith great pride that the member of the icrobiaJ Phy iology Research Group in the Bio here Scien e Divi ion make thi announcemenL R K Poole o-ordinator icrobial Phy iology Re earch Group
Mr B W Brett, who had been steward for the phy ic and biophy ics departments from 1946 to 1970 died on 8 Augu t, at the age of 84, after a long illne s. His earlier experience as a representative of the scientific equipment company of Griffin and Gcorge gave him a wide knowledge of the requirements of a research department and this was enormou Iy valuable in the development and subsequent achievements of biophysics at King's. Among his many activities, he ran classes for younger technicians and he will be gratefully remembered for the advice he readily gave to administrative as well as academic staff.
Professor R E Burge Head of Department of Physics
exceptional performan e and to recruit or retain exceptionally scarce or aluable taff. ' In order to secure the release of uch funds, we mu t fITSt atisfy the UFC that our proposals for disuibuting the urn invol ed conform to exi ting machinery and criteria follo ing local con ultation: in our case, with the College branch of the sociation of Uni er ity Teacher . Thi con ultation proce as included at a meeting on 29 September 1989. The propo als are: 1 Funding will be allocated into the following three categorie of staff on the basis of the cost of each group a) Lecturers A & B Senior Lecturers/Reader b) Professors c) Academic Related Staff Awards will be allocated on a discretionary basis recognising need to reward exceptional performances and to recruil/ retain exceptionally scarce and valuable staff. Emphasis will be on discretionary increments and acceleration. Increments may unu ually be awarded singly, but in order to give reasonable reward to staff, awards would normally be equivalent to three increments. Awards will become part of normal salary payment and will count towards superannuable salary. 2 The awards will be effective from 1 October 1989.
3 Heads of S hools/Departments! ection will be in ited to nominate taff for reward on the abo e basi ,folio ing con ultation within the SchooVDepartmentlSection. The awards may be applied to taff upported by external funding, including Research Councils, ubject to the external funding body' ability or wi h to fund the rele ant co t. 4 Recommendation from Heads of Schools/Departments/Section will be con idered by ub-group of the Committee for Academic Staff and the Academic Related Staff CommiLlee. 5 The proposals above assume that the 1989 discretionary award represents a 'one off ituation. To continue it in 1990 and thereafter will depend upon similar future provi ion. Papers are now in preparation for circulation to all Heads of Schools/Departments/ Sections 0 that the process of con ultation on appropriate recommendations can commence. Finally, I should like 10 make it clear that this exercise is entirely separate from the normal Annual Promotion Reviews, which are similarly about to take place. Professor S R utherland Principal
CL ICAL ACADEMIC & ACADEMIC RELATED STAFF SALARIES Members of the Staff in the above categories will be aware that the recent pay award included provision for the funding of discretionary awards to members of the academic and related staff. The relevant paragraph in the 24th Report from Committee A, reads 'subject to the UFC releasing it to each institution, from I October 1989 there will be a further 1% of the salary bill for non-clinical academic and related staff to enable institutions to give further increases to individuals at the discretion of the management locally, to reward
A splash of colour (here in black and white!) provided by Billy Cleary, one of the porters at the Strand site over the summer months. Next stop Chelsea Flower Show!
George's friend will be pleased to know that the memorial fund set up in hi name reached a alue of £3500. Thi amount has now been paid into the College to e labli h a trust fund, the intere t from which will be u ed to uppon the annual award of two fir t-year prize for tudents within the Department of Phy ic .
Rod Witkin on is now the site upervisor for the Strand exlCn ion S2386. Alan Rowland ha taken over from RcxI at Ken ington and hi number is K456. Mr Michelle Bird the graphic arti t at Kensington has left to look after her babies whil t the wonderful Mrs Pope our secretary has also recently left for the Royal College of ursing. Both the e posts are now vacant. The vacancies and the staff movements outlined above may well result in our units being under some 'stress' at the start of term. I apologi e for any inconvenience and assure you that things will get better. Nick Bugg Manager AVSU
RESE RCHSTR TEGY CCESSESS The following have made succes ful bids to the Research Strategy Fund. o. 12 month category I Centre for Hellenic Studies (professor Cameron) 7th - 8th Century Greek Polemic Literature.
4 Research Strategy Research Review/Publications List ew database 13 - 24 month category 1 Centre for Philo ophical tudies (Profe or Sorabji et al) E tabli hment of a Centre 2 Biomedical cience (Profe sor Howell) Provi ion of RA to a ist new Professor of Physiotherapy
Biomedical Sciences 3 (Drs Pedley and Howell) Digital imaging fluorescence microscope. 4 Biomedical ciences (Dr Mann) Internal sabbatical support costs. 5 Medical Engineering and Physics (Mr Roberts) Amputee Rehabilitation: Distance Learning package.
2 Chemi try (Or Malcolme . Lawes) High perfonnance liquid chromatography.
Range III bids 1 Christian Doctrine and History (Or Schwobel, Prof Gunton and Dr Home) SyslCmatic Theology: international conference.
3 Physics (Professor Burge et al) Image Science. 4 Biomolecular Sciences (Ors Cammack and Wrigglesworth) Structure of transition - metal proteins. 5 Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Or Farzaneh) 'Responder trap' for oestrogen-controlled gene. The following have been recommended for suppon from the Academic Development Fund 1989-90 by the Selection Committee. Range I bids 1 Music (Professor Price and Or Everist) Music Processing 2 Biomolecular Division (Professor Gould) D A protein interactions
2 Humanities A number of mall projects. 3 Liver Unit (Or Gove) A contribution to 0 retraining grant.
Range IT bids 1 Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies (Professor Wisbey) 0::::": .••
2 Centre for Medical Law and Ethic (Professor Kennedy and Dr Botro ) Parliamentary/policy forum
2S - 36 month category I Spanish and Spanish American Studies (professor Ife and Or Butt) Computerised corpus of contemporary Spanish.
3 Liver Unit (Or Gove) D A research re-training grant
A research
Inauguration of CLAMS
OUR BUILDING MOVES 0 Professor Stott outlines the achievements of the summer as he prepares to hand over to Professor Earles When the hush of summer fell on the corridors of our many buildings the builders once more moved in. This year and last have probably seen the peak of change until the central campus has been created; the work has cost the College dear but it has been worth it. Major departmental moves are under way. Pharmacology has moved from the Strand and Professor lenner's research unit from Denmark Hill to unite with the Chelsea unit at Manresa Road; Immunology has moved to Kensington and the Electron Microscopy Unit will follow. At the same time work has started on the transfer of biophysics and the MRC muscle research unit from Drury Lane to Kensington. Space vacated is soon filled: at Drury Lane the MRC Cell Biology IRC will take over, on the Strand site the eager beneficiaries of the move of Pharmacology are Computing ( who will now be able to
ommodate lheir lhird cohort of tud nts); Ph)' iolherap} (ju t being e labLJ hed) and lhe Computing Centre (whi h will no be able to create two large tea hing terminal rooms). t lh ame time lh re has been a myriad of maller task completed or put in hand on th Strand: lhe conversion of lhe Briti h Rail hop for lhe Information Of I e; lhe adaptation of lhe Garda cafe and i L 0 mall neighbouring building for English and Hi LOry; lhe creation of a Centre for anagement Studie ; offices for Mechanical Engineering and War SLudie ; and 0 on. In addition lhe facelift of public place i continuing wilh lhe completion of A corridor and lhe major refurbi hment of lhe Great Hall and lhe Council Room. I feel very pleased to have been part of these and olher forward hopes for King' while Chairman of lhe Building Committee. But I know better lhan most lhat Lhe e jobs depend for lheir success on lhe devoLed and skillful work of Keilh Price and his team. I Lake my leave now wilh Lhank LO colleague generally for lheir patience and forebcarance and wilh good wi he for lhe continued academic uccess for which alllhis work provides no more lhan the physieal framework.
kiU and special iU courses for maintenance taff would attra t enough upport for in rvice training enture. In parallel with lhi I ha e made anolher imilar reque t to senior clerical and retarial taff. The 20 response ha e identified ufliclent demand for me to arrange in-house events in recruitment and lection iIJ, effecti e writing, handling lhe public, problem solving, commitLee ervicing, time management, tre management, as ertivene kills, word proce ing and seminar for secretarial taff. I will be re erving places on lhe Federal Training Programme to co er some of lhe e topics. Bolh urvey ugge t lhat lhere is a wide difference in training needs percei ed by managers a di tinct from lhe iew of lhe taff lhey upervise. One prime example of this was hown in regard to tres management. The secretarial taff urvey picked OUL a ubstantial demand for a 'coping with tress course', lhe returns from heads of departments and ections ugge t that Lhi topic is not required at all for nonteaching staff*. I will base my detailed training budget on lhe re ults of lhe surveys. May I lhank everyone who has re ponded.
* I have received a Training Plans Survey
Training eeds urvey Throughout lhe summer I have received encouraging feedback at meetings wilh laboratory superintendents, maintenance supervisors and senior secretarial and clerical staff on training need in all areas and I have also organised two training need surveys. In one I asked all heads of departments and ervice units to detail their staff training plans for the aeademic year 1989 - 90 and have received fourteen replies out of over 50 requests sent out. 12 of Lhese have let me know positively about demand for a range of courses for all categories of non-teaching staff. On lhe basis of lhis survey, only time management, interviewing kills, counselling
return from lhe Biosphere Sciences Division since collating lhe main data. The training needs were presented according to staff category. Clearly detailed djscu ions had Laken place among lhe staff. Consequently, the information is complete and u eful. tafflnduction Programme Twenty five staff attended lhe September course held in the Gavin Room at Chelsea. Participants were introduced to lhe College management structure, how lhe College i funded and where lhe money goes, academic lructure and aim , facilities, staff training opportunitie , safety policy and practice and lhe role and services of lhe Per onnel Department. The course will be repeated near Easter. hope all new staff will be positively encouraged to Lake this opportunity to meet senior College Officers and find out at first hand what lhey do. Seminars for Technical taff
T hnical taff have responded well to lhe reque t to arrange hort ills minar for the ni er it Federal Tr mmg Programme. Three were a epted as part of the programme, half the ni ersity total. Vi u I Pr ntation kill The work hop led by al olm el hman, a training and pre emation development con ultant, dealt mainly with lhe d ign and manufacLure of OHP lid . It a attended b over 0 taff. The content and pre ntatjon were ery impr ive, receiving high core on the a se sment return . Training Programme Four in-hou programme have been arranged during ovembcr
i) A Counselling Approach to People at Work, ovember 7 and . This ha been organised as part of lhe Federal Training Programme. It i designed for manager and supervisors who arc re pon ible for lhe job performance and career development of other and who may be approached for lheir help wilh per onal and work related problem. ii) lIandling Discipline at work, November 15. Staff absenteei m, latene ,alcohol abuse, failure to respond to instruction, verbal or phy ical abuse, pilfering, exual harassment are all examples of problems which the average supervisor has to countenance at some point or olher. The cour e will enable participants to deal wiLh the e problems effectively. iii) Managing Stress, November 29 Stress affects many people during their working lives. The consequences can be catastrophic to lhe individual and family. Everyone should be aware of what stre s i ,it ymptom and how to manage it. All staff are welcome to apply for Lhis course which will be led by Or Guy Claxton. iv) Microsoft word beginners workshop. A beginners workshop will be arranged for a morning of lhe week commencing ovember 20 for the IBM pc users. This is in response to requests from clerical staff in the recent survey. I am in touch with several consultants to cover identified training need. Watch this space!
London niver ity Federal Programme I have circulated the prospectu of training cour e to all Head of Depanments. J hope that time will be found for all stafT to look at this programme in detail with their bo . I am frcquenLly in touch with Judith Taylor, the Federal Training Co-ordinator who re pond con tructively to ideas about fre h topic for the programme.
been circulated. I will include the dale and topic in future editions of Comment. All enquiries about training and career development for non teaching taff hould be directed to me on extension 2803. Ken Bromfield Training Officer non-academic staf
Course list: Date
OCTOBER 16-20 26
Fir tline mangerial skills. Managing work and time
6-10 7-8 16-17 24 24-25
Technician's seminar - cnc Milling Machines First line managerial skills Counselling approach to people at work Supervision for secretaries Effective writing (adminis trators) Employment law update Time management (admin istrators)
DECEMBER 4-8 First line managerial skills 6-7 Workshop for secretaries and their managers Appearing on camera 8 13-14 Rapid reading and memory skills ? Financial management (administrators) J
9 12 trators)
Technician seminar Micropipelte maintenance and Calibration Selection skills Counselling skills (adminis-
FEBRUARY 8 Assertiveness skills 9 Manual staff supervisors course 15-16 Development course for secretaries 20 Simple statistics The programme details beyond February are included in the prospectus which has
U 10
COSSH The COSSH regulations have arrived!! 'What? Who? How? So what? may be your response. If you are an MSF member you are (hopefully!) beginning to understand the What? Who? and How? But if you are thinking, if not actually saying, 'So what?' This article hopes to give you the answer. There are 8 to 20 thousand deaths each year from occupational ill health, many due to dust/fumes. COSSH stands for CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH. It should more accurately stand for the Control of EXPOSURE to Substances Hazardous to Health. Under the new regulations such substances are; All substances listed under the classification, packaging and labelling regulations ie they are irritant, toxic etc All substances listed in EH40, a publication setting exposure limits for many substances. Micro-organisms Any dust - above the 'nuisance dust' limit. Any other substance which creates a 'COMPARABLE' HAZARD. Asbestos, Lead and Radiation Hazards are already covered by separate regulations. So why new regulations for these substances? Dust. This is a collection of fine particles which may be chemical, allergen or even radioactive in origin. Therefore many of the comments to be made about chemicals also apply to dust. Chemicals. Some toxicity testing of chemicals is undertaken by various institutions. This is limited because;
1) it only applies to new ubstances, 2) mainly deals with acute, not long term toxicity 3) does not include mixtures
HOW CA HAZARDO S BTA CE E TER YO R BODY? Inhalation. This is the most common route of entry. A particles enter the mouth and nose some of the larger ones are filtered off in the nose. Others setl1e on the walls of the upper respiratory tract or throat where they can be coughed up or wallowed. The smallest particles can be inhaled down into the lungs where they may cause local damage or are absorbed into the bloodstream. Aero ols, fumes, vapours and gases may cause harm anywhere in the respiratory system and be absorbed into the blood stream. Skin absorption. The thickness of the skin and its covering of grease and sweat prevent some chemicals being absorbed. otable exceptions are solvents and phenols. Any cuts or abrasions of the skin will allow chemicals to enter. Ingestion. This is the most likely when contaminated fmgers are placed in the mouth or used to handle food or cigarettes. HOW DOES YOUR BODY RESPOND TO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES? Irritation of skin, eyes, lungs. This includes bums. Sensitisation. Some substances eg the chemical isocyanates may cause sensitisation of the skin, lungs so that further exposure causes an allergic reaction. The reaction may occur several hours after exposure. Long term effects. A major long term effect Cancer. It is known that in some cases exposure to two carcinogens may considerably enhance the probability of Cancer occuring. For example the risk of Cancer increases many times for persons working with Asbestos if they also smoke. Reproductive disorders. These may include loss of sex drive, infertility and foetal damage. TIMESCALE. The effects of a Hazardous substance may be Acute or Chronic. An acute response to a hazardous substance is an immediate one eg Chlorine gas inhalation irritating
the re piratory tracL A chronic rea tion i mu h 10 er and often cwnulati e. Protecting again t one type of effect may not ontrol the hazards of the other. Some e ample; inyl Chloride. 1L has an a ute effect of dro ine:. Chronic effects at le el lOO 10 to cau an a ute re n may cause li er damage, ne damage and Cancer. Carbon monoxide. Acute effec include headache ,asphyxia and death. Chronic effects due to repeated exposure at low concentrations is associated with hean problem and nerve damage. Much i unknown about many of the chemical you come into contact with, particularly their chronic effects. There i even le known about mixture of chemicals. The HSE ha thi to say about mixture: 'Exposure to addilional ub lance, either simultancou Iy or sequenlially, could give ri e to greater hazards to health.' ow that you know some of the ways in which chemical ,dust etc can affect your health you will think about way to prevent, and if that is impo sible, to limit your exposure to them. This is what the COSSH regulations are designed to do. o longer think 'So what?' but think 'COSSH'!
Marion P Murphy Manufacturing, Science and Finance Health and Safety Officer
lion C
Mathe:matic Project S3 Ca dron, t1rs E (Secretary) 2.320, Clark Building Page 100 Page51 AddunderTE PORARY STAFF S2462 Bo yer-Bo er, is T 453, 4th Fl r orfolk Building S2577 E an , Mr D 54, th Fl r orfolk Building (Also add these name:s to the alphabetical li Ling with the code - AR) Page 52 Add to Hi tory and Philosophy of Science C2369 Logoreci, Mr D (partlime), Departmental Lobby, Manresa Road Page 53 Add to Language and Communication Centre S2800 Dirner, Mrs Dolore (Manager) 2B 11, Strand Building Page 54 Add to Law S2644 Close, Mr D (part-time) Old Watch Hou e Page 79 Add to alphabetical listing S3860 Cawdron, Mrs E DE 2.320, Clark Building Page 82 Add to alphabetical listing C2369 Devitt, Miss P BR Departmental Lobby, Manre:sa Road Page 85 Add to alphabcticallisting S2493/1032 Frascr, Dr L lA 4FA/25D, Main Building
nit 5taight, ir 1
Delete from the alphabeti al list 53 olloth, ir C (Se retary) 2.320, Clark Building
Iterations In ide Front Cover EMERGE CY telephone number at 552 King' Road i now 3333 Back cover Queen Mary College is now on 975 5555 Back cover Library Depo itory is now on (0784) 434560 Page 8 Burley, Mr S should be titled 'Record As i tant' Page 10 & 76 Bloomer, M S should read Blomer, Mr S Pages 22 & 81 Cowan, Dr 1 W is now on K331 Page 33 Project on GCSE Cro s Curricular As es ment Pacchter, M C is now on S3093 Page 35 Halt, Mi Y K hould be litled (Secretary to Prof 1 A S Smith) Page 42 & 85 Fraser, Mr D A is now in room 34AB
LTER TIO /ADDITIO TO THE EW TER L TELEPHO E DIRECTORY To my great satisfaction there are relatively few amendments to be made to the new Internal Telephone Directory, which you all should have by now. I would be most grateful if you could amend your copy as follows:
Additions Page 33 Add to
uffield Secondary
Deletions Page 30 DelelC from Centre for Educa lional Studie S3164 Logoreci, Mr D (Parttime) 2.106, Clark Building Page 33 Delete from uffield Secondary Mathematics Project S3860 olloth, Mrs C (Secretary) 2.320, Clark Building Page 46 Delete from Continuing Educa........ ...::.
Page 46 Continuing Education exts hould be prefixed with S not C Pages 47 & lOO Oldham, Mr B i now on S 2263 and in room 334, 3rd Floor orfolk Building Page 51 Gardner, Dr R A M is in Room 454 Page 51 Lawrence, Mr G R P also available on S2641 "':-"
Page 51 Shaw, Mr J i now on S2243
Page 51 Stcenbcrg, Mi Project
C E J i with DICE
Page 51 Freeman, Miss K E is now on S2243
Page 52 Change Dept Secretary to C2369 Devitt, 1iss P History and Philosophy of Science
Page 69 Amend Cornwall House entry to read THAMESIDE CAMPUS PROJECT (Cornwall Hou e) 9288916 9283214 9288930 928 1395
Sinnott, Dr C (Director) Staight, Mrs J (Assistant Director) Kerrigan, Ms F (Admin Assistant) FAX number
Page 95 Change ext for Logoreci, Mrs D to C2369, Dept code to BR and location to Departmental Lobby, Manresa Road
Page 108 Change code letters for Staight, Mrs J to TS
RC Redmond General ervices Manager
EWS FROM THE COMPUTI GCE TRE Strand Advisory Service. From the start of the Autumn term there have been some changes made to the Computing Centre Advisory service at the Strand. In order to provide a service which more
closely meets the need of our users, the Advisory office (23AB) i now opening an hour later at 11. am, but the overall level of upport has been increased by the introduction of a second adviser who i on duty in the office each day from I 1.30 am to 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm. The additional advi er's role i primarily to improve the support we provide for the users of the Centre's microcomputers in the PS(2, Macintosh and Humanities Computing rooms on the mezzanine Ooor, and of the new imbu PC-386 network in 16A. He/ he, who may be contacted in per on or by telephone on extension S263 I , is able if necessary to leave the office to go to the microcomputer of a user who is experiencing problems. The Computing Centre ewsletter The October issue of the ewsletter wa distributed to all regi tered (non-undergraduate) users of the V AX computers. In addition, further copies were sent to department secretaries with a request that they be sent to those academ ic and academic-related staff who do not normally receive them. If you are not a registered user but you received a copy and would like to continue to do so, you are reminded that there was a slip to return to request that your name be added to the mailing list. If you did not receive a copy, you can pick one up in the advisory offices at the Strand and Kensington, or you can phone the Centre's secretary (ext S2813) and ask for one to be sent to you.
Toshiba Portable Computers - A Special Offer The Combined Higher Education Software Team (CHEST) has negotiated a deal with Toshiba under which their T1200HB portable personal computer may be sold to members of the College at a large discount on the recommended retail price of ÂŁ2395 + V AT. This model, which is based on the Intel 8OC86 proces or, is roughly equivalent to an IBM PC-XT. For the sum of ÂŁ999 + V AT, you may buy the following: A Tl200 HB Portable PC with 1Mb of RAM, a 20 MB hard disk and a 3.5" nOKb diskette drive. A nylon, heavy-duty, carrying case.
Micro oft Works - an integrated wordproce ing, database, spread heet and communication package. A full one-year return for repair warranty. Special offer of thi kind often come with strings attached. In thi case, it is a requirement that orders be placed with the upplier for at lea t five at a time. One order ha already been placed and the machines have been delivered. A further order will be placed as soon as five more are wanted. If you want to know more about the offer, or you want to place an order, please get in touch with Hushang Balyuzi (ext S2652)
Reduced Price Software The principal activity of CHEST is to negotiate deals with software suppliers whereby their products may be made available to the academic community at very favourable rates. One result of this i that there is now an extensive range of products for which there are special educational prices. They are listed in the CHEST Directory which is published annually in printed form; a copy may be consulted in the Computing Centre library in 23A at the Strand or in the Kensington Advisory office (A209, Main Building). However the current edition of the directory is nearly a year old and much of the information is out of date so you may prefer to consult the electronic form of the directory. This is available on the NISS (National Information on Software and Services) bulletin board, to which access is gained by typing CALL ISS on any computer terminal which is connected to the College's data communications network. (If you have difficulties in doing this, please seek assistance from the advisory office.) Once connected to the bulletin board, the CHEST directory may be found in section D3D. CHEST also makes deals whereby, for certain products, the Computing Centre may take out a site licence on behalf of the College. At present the Centre holds licences for the following software for IBM (and compatible) microcomputers: EMU-TEK, a Tektronix 4208/VTlOO terminal emulator; SPSS-PC+, the microcomputer version of the well known statistics package; the AG workstation library; Ingres, a database package. In most cases, the Centre makes a charge for
distributing !he e products. For furlher information a ut!hese deal ,and o!her potential one, please refer to rent i ue of !he Computing Centre' ew leuer or get in tou h with Hushang Bal uzi (ext S2652).
Hu hang Balyuzi cience and Engineering i tant Director Computing Centre
KG'S COLLEGE o P TI G CE TRE CO RSE Computer edge !heir way into more ubjects every year, creating new needs for equipment and teaching in Hebrew as well as Mathematics, in Music and Law, in Biology no less than Physics. The King' College Computing Centre endeavour to meet thi challenge by providing high quality mainframe and microcomputing equipment, piu a range of hort cour es designed to help taff and tudents exploit these facilities. Many of the courses la t for only two half-day but provide sound introductions to all the ystems and their most widely used applications. O!her course, such as !ho e on the programming languages Fortran and Pascal, are longer and more intensive. The new ses ion begins with 'Getting tarled on !he V AX': !his i a basic introduction to the mainframe y tem for new users and the only pre-requisite i a registered username on one of !he College VAXes. The course la ts for two halfdays (usually 2.00-5.00 pm) and is repeated several times during !he year. The first onc at the Strand will be on Tuesdays lO (part 1) and 17 (part 2) October, the fir t at Kensington on Thur days 12 (part 1) and 19 (part 2) October. During the Autumn term, at the Strand there will al 0 be V AX courses on Fortran 77 and on !he tati tics package, SPSSX. For microcomputer users there will be introductions to the Apple Mac and the IBM PS/2, plus courses on Word (wordprocessing), Ingre (a relational database),
Excel (a spread- heet) and ordCruncher (a texwal analy i pa kage). At Ken ington there will be lecture on Stati ti al Con epts, ith practical se ion u ing initab on !he AX, hile Word will be taught on !he imbu mi rocomputer . Later in the year caur will be a ailable on Unira graphic, AG routin ,the nix operating y tem, advanced Fortran, ISO Pascal and the 'artifi iaJ intelligence' language Prolog. A course to tempt non-computer-enthu iasts, 'Every!hing You Wanted to Know about Getting Started in Computing but Were Afraid to Try ..... ', is run from time to time in the vacations. A booklet has been produced by the Computing Centre with details of all !he course ,booking procedures and a timetable for the Autumn term. Copie of the booklet are available from the Computing Centre Advisory Offices at the Strand (room 23AB ext S2505) or Kensington (room A209 Main Building ext K261). Dr Jean Dave Application and nalyst! dvisor Computer Centre
THE COMP TER THEFT Staff will be aware that the College suffered a serie of computer !hefts between Easter and the 19 July 1989, indeed reports of !he thefts have appeared in !he national and computer press and have been broadca ton bo!h local radio and televi ion tations. Further to the Principal's nece sarily brief statement of the I A ugu t 1989 some additional information can now be released which may be of interest. Immediately after the third burglary which occurred on !he 20 April 1989 senior College Officer met with high ranking police officers from !he Bow Street police station to determine a course of action to prevent further !hefts. At thi meeting, under pressure from the College Officers, the police agreed to mount a night time and weekend surveillance operation for one month, during which it wa hoped that the burglars
would be detected and ub quently arr ted. (It i orth noting that thi effort a ouoted for the total monthly overtim r ource for all police operation mounted by !he Bo Street force and the College i ub tantial commo t grateful for !hi mittmenL) Unfortunately no incidents came to light during thi period and !he urveillan e operation came to an end. The College om er , con in ed that !he burglars would return and knowing !hat !he police would not be able to mount a second exercise, began planning an alternative operation. Their worst fear were confirmed when on the 6 May 19 9 the burglar returned and !he fourth theft in the serie wa uffered. The planned, alternative operation was initiated as oon a po sible after thi burglary and night time and weekend urveillan e, by a peciali t profe ional group, began on 12 June 1989. After four week no burglarie had taken place and !hi operation was terminated on the 8 July 1989, in orderlo minimi e costs. Almo t unbelievably the burglar returned on !he 11 July 19 9 and the fif!h !hcft wa uf ered. Thi was a remarkable coincidence but it wa known for certain that the urveillance operation had not been compromised in any way. With thi certain knowledge the urveillance operation wa re-activated and a few day later on the 19 July 1989 two men were secn lcaving the tunnel at Surrey teps carrying four large nylon suitca e. Our agent responded immediately and in the en uing fracas were able to apprehend one of the burglars who wa ubsequently arrested by the police. A a result of police questioning of the arre tee further arrests were made, the lcading to the recovery of a very substantial amount of computing equipment. Information already made public tells that eighteen people were arre ted and over 800 machine recovered from variou location. around !hecounLry. (It is clear from !his and other information that the College initiative was directly re pon ible for uncovering a national, highly organi ed group who had been tealing computer equipment from many environments.) The current position is that is that five of the eighteen arrestee have been charged wi!h a number of thefts, among !hem tho e uffered by the College. It would be easy, but extremely foolish, to believe that uch occurrence will never
concern us in the future. in fact they have already happened again in other establi hments, 0 complacency mu t not prevail. Although it is hoped that it will never be nece sary to carry out further urveillance operation the College Officers recogni the po ibiJity and maintaining a degrec of secrecy will allow for a rapid and effective re pan e to any "copycat" or other burglarie on our premi es. For this reason more detailed information concerning the surveillance operation will not be made public. These events have led to a review of many of the College security arrangements, in order to improve our defences againstcriminals. It is hoped that staff will appreciate the rea ons for changes already made and those yet to come, however inconvenient they may bc, and that co-operation will be total. The bottom line is that the College has a duty to protect its assets and has demonstrated that it is not prepared to sit back and allow any indi vidual to steal those assets but in tead will pursue vigorously those that treat it as a "treasure chest" to plunder at will.
RC Redmond General Services Manager
MOOTI G AWARD FOR KING'S King's Law students have once again proved their excellence - this time by winning the Observer ational Mooting competition, the country's most prestigious mooring event. Third year students Ivan Hare and David Cavender fended off over 40 other law schools to win the Observer Mace at the University of East Anglia on 5 July. In the final they faced Huddersfield Polytechnic with a moot (a discussion by students on a hypothetical legal case heard on appeal) concerning a property law problem. Adjudicating the final was Lord Justice ourse. a Lord Justice of Appeal. who commented after the competition that mooting standards in the competition had increased by leaps and bounds over the years. IL turned out to be double congratulations for the two as they later learned that they had obtained first class degrees
All smiles! Lindsay Ellio/l Hall Manager of Queen Elizabeth flail proudly presents our visitors with King's College designer sweatshirts.
Following a visit to Japan earlier this year, (see Comment 038) Richard Longhurst hosted a visit by a journali t and photographer from Cosmopolitan Japan, which resulted in an article appearing in a large supplement on the joys of holidaying in London. A photograph of Queen Elizabeth Hall was included, and on the first day of publication five enquiries were received by our representative in Tokyo whose telephone number appeared in the text. Brochures for holidaymakers, printed in Japanese, are available from Richard Longhur t, King' campu Vacation Bureau, 552 King's Road. Chelsea.
QUECHUA AT KG'S The Department of Spanish and SpanishAmerican Studies has been awarded a substantial grant by the Leverhulme Foundation towards the development of new technology in the study of the Quechua language and culture. Quechua is the first language of some 13.000,000 people in the Andean region of South America. This will be the first time that this widely-spoken South
------------American Indian language ha been a subject of tudy in the Univer ity of London.
The project will be carried out over a three-year period starting in October 1989. Its purpose will be to de ign and develop courseware for the study of Quechua language in its social and culLural context, and to test the use of these materials both in the classroom and as a tool for independent study. Dr Rosaleen Howard-Malverde, currenLly Re earch Fellow at the Institute of Latin American Studies, will join the Department for the duration of the project and will work with John Butt and William Rowe. Her task will be to compile an archive of audio-visual material to be collected during fieldwork in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, and to develop classroom and self-tuition materials using CALL and interactive video. While she is at King's, Dr HowardMalverde will provide cour es in Quechua to undergraduate students on the BA Hispanic Studies, MA Hispanic Studies and MA Area Studies programmes, and to outside users in related fields such as ethnography and anthropology. The teaching programme will be designed to renect the complexities of spoken
Quechua from both a linguistic and ial point of view. Students will learn to recognize a number of dialect varietie , will be introduced to historical form of the language, and will become familiar with the ocio-cultural contexts of Quechua u age and its intera tion ith Spani h in Andean daily life.
Professor Barry Ire Head of the Department of Spanish and Spani h American Studies.
School of Law Library and Computer Centre Mr Karen Kidd ExtS2301 School of Mathematical & Phy ical Science School of Engineering Mr ic Beech Ext2765 Central Administrative Departments & Central Service Units Miss Audrey Green ExtS2362
mumbled omething in Spani h, which I pre umed to be our room number, and immediately went back to leep in hi chair. For ome unknown rea on we had been given a large r m with three ingle bed . Thi seemed to be of little importance, until later that morning, when I tried to telephone for breakfa t to be brought to our room. It was eight 0' I k and the night receptioni t was till on duty. As he had no Engli h I had to use my 'menu' Spanish, which i all I have. 'Do cafes con leche completo, por favor', I requested, which I hoped meant 'breakfast for two with white coffee.' There was a long silence at the other cnd.
REPAIRS A D MAl TE A CE AT KE SI GTO A D CHEL EA Please note that the following information in the opening of Session Comment should have read as follows: Kensington campus Requests for repairs and maintenance should be referred to: Mr W Lockyear - electrical Mr B Andrews - mechanical services including plumbing Mr R Denne - building services including carpentry All the above staff can be contacted on K309
Correction. The opening of Session Comment information for the Personnel Office should have read as follows: Academic & Related Administrative Library & Computer Staff Mr GeoIT Cuthbert Deputy Personnel Officer ExtS2288 Academic Related Research staff and on-Academic Staff for the schools:School of Life Sciences and Basic Medical Sciences Miss Christine Crewe ExtS2521 School of Humanities School of Education
Chelsea campus All requests for repairs should be referred to Mr J Kersey, Site Engineer, Estates Office, 552 King's Road, exten ion C3002.
Due to the combination of many adverse circumstances we arrived at the small Spanish hotel at four o'clock in the morning. The place looked completely closed, but by peering through the glass door my wife and I could discem a man fast asleep in a chair beneath the pale light of a green-shaded bulb. I thumped on the door for several minutes and eventually, with great reluctance, he let us in. I announced my name and in reply he thrust a key into my hand and
0 do cafes,' he said, 'tre cafe .'
I was puzzled. Why should the two of us want three coffees? , 0 tres,' I insisted, 'dos cafes - not three, two,' I added in English.
He gave a deep sigh and then came a long an unintelligible stream of rapid Spanish in which I thought I heard the word 'enfermcdad' (sickness). He rang off. A short while later a chambermaid arrived with breakfast for two and while we ate it on our balcony we discussed my mad conversation with the receptionist. We came to the conclusion that as we were occupying a triple room, the receptionist had assumed that there was a third member of our party who wa too unwell to eat breakfast. For everal mornings the fru trating 'Dos, tres' conversation was repeated. Although he had no English and I had no Spanish, I evenwally persuaded him to accept the fact that we only wanted breakfast for two, and for a week things went quite smoothly. That is until our daughter arrived unexpectedly. As she was unable to find any accommodation, the hotelier agreed that she could occupy our third bed for the few days that she intended to stay. The next morning I picked up the telephone with great trepidation. 'Tres cafes con leche completo, por favor,' I requested, without much hope.
Cl IL E 째GI TEER 'G CLO There w a ery long ilence while he thought about it. , '0 tre cafe, Senor,' he said with great indignation, 'do cafes'. 'Tre cafe,' r in i ted, 'nott 0 three,' I houled in Engli h in exasperation, 'three!'
ER .
The clo ure of the Depanment of Ci viI Engineering lOO pia e on the 13 J ul y 19 9 on a 'Warm ummers evening. Despite the last minute re- heduling of the 'Final Gathering'. due to the Briti h Rail Strike, many tuden and member of talT, both p t and pre nl, ere till able to altend and made it a u ce ful and enjoyable occasion. Earlier in the day a pre ntation was made to Dr R Dixon, (see photograph below) and also to Hazel Webb to wish them well on their retirement.
He rang off. Later - much later, two breakfasts arri ed. He had beaten me at la t and my daughter had to have breakfast in the dining r m, renowned throughout the Balearic for its low ervice and deaf waiter .
Don Mindel Atkin Receptionist, Ken ington campus
ILETTER r would like to express my deep appreciation to all those who attended my retirement party, sent their good wi hes and contributed towards my retirement present. I have chosen a set of white enamelled garden chairs and table and the balance of the money is to be u ed towards a canopy for my inglenook fireplace.
Dr and Mrs Dixon at the presentation
Although it was not my original plan to tay at King's for so many years and commute uch di tance , I enjoyed working with the Civil Engineers 0 much that I could not bring my elf to leave. They were/are a great collection of people who helped to make a really dynamic department. I would always look forward to getting to work and even returning after holidays. To all my friends and colleagues here at King's please let me wish you well in the future and hope you go from trength to strength. Hazel Webb Former Departmental Secretary for the Department of Civil Engineering
Students and members of staff, past and present, enjoying the evening sunshine and the company of old friends
LECTURES MEETINGS AND SEMINARS ADVA CE OTICE OF MAJOR COLLEGE LECTURES Tuesday 7 ovember 1989 CHELSEA LECTURE KING'S WELCOMES W1SE WOMEN! Baroness of Platt of Writtle 5.30 pm, 552 King's Road Chelsea campus Monday 4 December 1989 COMMEMORATION ORATION Title LO be announced Lecture to be given by Lord Briggs of Lewes 5.30 pm, The ew Theatre
INAUGURAL LECTURES CENTRE FOR PIDLOSOPHICAL STUDIES Monday 16 OCLOber 1989 HOPE Professor Stewart Sutherland, Principal of King's College 5.30 pm, Room 2B08 Strand Building DIVISION OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCES Tuesday 17 October MICROBIAL RESPIRATION FROM KEILIN TO CLONING, AND BACK Professor Robert K Poole, Professor of Microbiology 5.30 pm, The Alien Theatre Kensington campus KING'S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTY Monday 23 October 1989 IT'S A SMALL WORLD Professor David C A Candy, Professor & Head of Department of Child Health. 4.30 pm, Main Lecture Theatre, Medical School DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC Tuesday 31 October 1989 ITALIAN OPERA AND E GLISH CULTURE IN THE LATE 18TH CE TURY Professor Curtis Price, King Edward Professor of Music and Head of Depart-
ment 5.30 pm, The campus
THE REVOLUTION IN MICROSCOPY Professor A Howie, FRS, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge All lectures to be given in Room 2C, Strand Buiding from 2.00 pm-3.00 pm.
ew Theatre, Strand SEMINARS
AGE CO CER INSTIT TE OF GERO TOLOGY Monday 13 ovember 1989 WHY THE SUDDEN INTEREST IN AGEING? Professor Anthea Tinker, Director of Age Concern Institute of Gerontology and Professor of Social Gerontology 5.30 pm, The New Theatre, Strand campus
DEPARTME T OF HISTORY A D PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Wednesday 11 October 1989 LECTURERS ON NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN LO DON IN THE MID18TH CENTURY: ONE ANTECEDENT FOR KING'S COLLEGE Or Alan Morton, Science Museum London Wednesday 18 October 1989 THIRTY YEARS OF BRITISH LOGIC, 1960-1990 Professor Wilfred Hodges, Queen Mary College.
CENTRE FOR SYMBOLISM AND IMAGINATION IN LITERATURE Thursday 26 October 1989 THE SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF SYMBOLS AND CULTURAL IDENTITY Or Jose Gabriel Universidade Nova de Lisboa 5.30 pm, Room 1B06 Strand campus
Wednesday 25 October 1989 RATIONALITY, CO-ORDINATION AND CONVENTION: VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF DAVID LEWIS. Professor Margaret Gilbert, University of Conneticut and Wolfson College, Oxford.
FACULTY OF LAWS Thursday 2 November 1989 WORKING ON THE CROWN OFFICE LIST Rt Hon Lord Justice Mann 5.30 pm, Room 3B20, Strand campus
Wednesday 1 November 1989 HALDANE'S PART IN THE CONTROVERSY OVER OXYGEN SECRETION IN THE LUNGS. Or Steve Sturdy, University of Manchester.
MAXWELL LECTURES Monday 16 October 1989 WHAT IS PHYSICS? Mr M Ebison, Institute of Physics
Wednesday 8 November 1989 A COMPARISON OF THREE STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL THEORY: THE ARISTOTELIAN, CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM. Or Helena Barroco, Universite Calholique de Louvain All seminars held at 2.15 pm in Room IB06, Strand campus
Monday 23 OCLOber 1989 EFFICIENT SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION Or M G Hutchins, Oxford Polytechnic Monday 30 October 1989 STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEUS Or 0 K Butt, Birkbeck College Monday 6 November 1989 THE LIFE AND WORK OF SADI CARNOT Or M T Sprackling, King' College London Monday 13 November 1989
Wednesday 15 November 1989 One day conference: PHILOSOPHY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS Professors Vigier and Hiley 10.00 am-4.00 pm, Room 2B23 Strand campus (arranged in conjunction with the Centre for Philosophical Science for their seminar series Philosophy of Animals and the Environment)
E. 'TRE fOR PHILO OPHIC L T DI Philo ophy and Busine (a minar Thursday 19 October 19 9 I TROD CTIO TO B S ETHICS Profe or Ja k ahoney Thursday 23 October 19 9 DECISIO THEOR Y Profe or Adam onon
Thursday 16 0 ember 19 9 OPTO-ELECTRO C 10D ATIO SPECTROSCOPY Dr J G Swanson King' College London 11 minar held at 1.15 pm路 2.15 pm in Room 11 , trand campu
DEP RTME T OF BIOPH IC Friday 20 October 1989 ARE EXCITOTOX S A CA SE OF MOTOR fEURO DISEASE? Dr Peter unn, King's College London
Thursday 9 ovember 1989 I TER ATIO AL E IROE TAL LAW Dr Philippe Sand
Friday 27 October 1989 RIBOSOMAL R A AS THE TARGET SITE FOR ANTIBIOTICS Dr Mike Cannon, King' College London
Thur day 16 0 ember 19 9 BUSI SS RESPO SIBILITY FOR THEE VIRO E T Profes or Jack Mahoney 11 eminars to be held at 6.00 pm in Room 6C, Strand cam pu
Friday 3 ovembcr 19 9 SI GLE CHAOTIC BE HA VIOUR URO ES D SMALL RVE TWORKS Professor Arun V Holden, CenLIc for nonlinear Studie & Physiology Department, University of Leeds. 1.15 pm Room IB04, trand campus
What Philo ophers Say About (a serie of lecture for the public on Science, Human Rights and Language) Thursday 2 ovember 19 9 SCIE CE Profcs or M Redhead 6.00 pm in Room 6C DEPARTME T OF ELECTRO IC A 0 ELECTRICAL E GINEERI G Th ursday 12 October 1989 ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS OF MUSICAL I STRUMENTS Dr M Sandler, King's College London
Friday IO ovembcr 1989 RESPO SE ELEME TS, FACTORS D MUT TS IN THE CONTROL OF INTERFERO -INDUCIBLE GENE EXPRESSIO Dr lan Kerr, ICRF, 'Lincoln' Inn Fields All seminars are held at 1.15 pm in the Basement Lecture Theatre of the Department of Biophysics, 26/29 Drury Lane unle otherwise stated.
Thur day 26 October 1989 DISTRIBUTED OPTICAL FIBRE SE SORS R Thomas, King' College London
Wedne day 25 October 1989 HOW TO MULTIPLY MATRICES FAST Richard Overill
Thursday 2 ovember 1989 1 TRODUCTIO TO NEURAL ETWORKS D A Frascr, King's College London Thursday 9 ovember 1989 DIGITAL IMPLEMENTATIO OF MQAM MODEMS P Fines, King' College London
Wednesday 1 ovember 1989 SOME ASPECTS OF PROGRAM VERIFICATIO Malcolm Bird
Simon Croft ednesday I ovembcr 19 9 URAL fETWORKS FOR SPEECH RECOG TIO Guy Bunker Colloquia ~i11 begin at 1.15 pm in Room G02. B The above (j t i provi ional please telephone for confirmation. , TIT TE OF 0 A CED 1 I路 C L T DI Wednesday 8 I ovember 1989 BREAKING THE SHACKLES: 0 VERDI FORMS VERDI'S TIME Professor Roger Parker, Comell University Wednesday 15 ovember 19 9 SOME FURTHER THOUGHTS 0 STYLE-MODULATIO I 20TH CENTURY MUSIC. Professor Peter Dickinson, London. Both colloquia begin at 5.00 pm in Room GOI, Strand campus CO RTA LD I TIT TE OF ART SOMERSET HOUSE I AUGURAL LECTURES HO OUR OF FR K DAVIS Tue day 14 ovembcr 1989 TWO FRE CH PORTRAITS I THE ATI0 AL GALLERY, LO DO : THE MARQUISE DE SEIGNELAY D MADAME DE POMPADOUR Neil MacGregor, Dircctor, National Gallery. Tue day 21 ovember 1989 THE GENESIS OF EASEL PAl TI G Professor Hans Belting, University of Munich. 5.30 pm, Courtauld Institute of Art omerset House
COURSES COMP TI G CE TRE HORT CO R E Tuesdays 10 & 17 October 1989 GElTI G STARTED 0 THE VAX (pARTS 1 & 2) Wednesdays 11 & 18 October 1989 GETTING STARTED 0 THE VAX (PARTS 1 & 2) MICROSOFT WORD 0 THE IBM PSI 2 (pARTS 1 & 2) Wednesday 18 October 1989
INTRODUCTIO TO THE APPLE MACINTOSH Wedne day 25 October, 1,8, 15,22,29 ovember & 6 December 19 9 FORTR 77 (pARTS 1 TO 7) Wedne day 25 October 1989 & 1 0vember 1989 MICROSOFT WORD 0 THE APPLE MACINTOSH (PARTS 1 & 2) Wedne day 25 October 1989 I TRODUCTIO TO OOS Wednesday 1 ovember 1989 ADVANCED OOS Wednesdays 8 & 15 ovember 1989 INGRES (pARTS 1 & 2) Wedne day 8 ovember 1989 EXCEL All cour e to be held 2.00 pm 路5.00 pm, Strand campus. Further details from Advisory Room 23AB extension S2505.
STAFF KEEP FIT Keep Fit to Mu ic and Body Conditioning cia ses took place throughout the summer vacation on the Strand campus. Please see picture for evidence! However, no male member of staff joined in. Doe this mean the male taff of the College think they are fit? Could this be a challenge ?!! AJI those who did participate felt the benefits of it. So much SO that they were keen to continue throughout the autumn. Body Conditioning/Fitness Training classes for staff will restart on WEDNESDAYS from 18 October 1989 at 1.00 pm in B2, Main Building Strand campus (next to reprographics). 45 minute class
拢 LOO. Wear comfortable clothing and trainers. Any queries contact extension S2624.
Body Conditioning at the Strand. Where are the men?
Thursday 12& 19 October 1989 GETTING STARTED 0 THE VAX (pARTS 1&2) Fridays 13 & 20 October 1989 GETTING STARTED ON THE VAX (pARTS 1 & 2)
be made initially by the UK participant and the closing date for 1990m is 31 October 1989.
Wednesday 25 October 1989 STATISTICAL CONCEPTS
Fulbright Fellowships for Research Library Staff The Fulbright Commission will offer one award to a UK Research Librarian to spend a minimum of three months at a relevant library in the United States. The aim of the award is to promote the exchange of ideas between library staff in the two countries and to enable partici路 pants to acquire knowledge and experience of library work in a transatlantic setting. Closing date for receipt of completed application forms for 1990/91 is 31 December 1989.
Wednesdays 1 & 8 November 1989 MINITAB (pARTS 1 & 2) All courses to be held 2.00 pm . 5.00 pm Kensington campus. Further details from Advisory, Room 209 extension K261
FULBRIGHT FELLOWSHIP AWARDS 1990/91 Fulbright/British Council Higher Education Link Awards A number of grants will be awarded for approved collaborative projects, including faculty exchange and joint research, between institutions of higher education in the USA and the UK. Applications must
Fulbright Fellowships for Academic Administrators The Fu1bright Commission will offer, in association with the British Council, up to four awards to UK university/polytechnic administrators to enable them to gain professional experience in the United States over 1990/91. Applicants must be supported by their home institutions to spend a minimum of three months at one US institution of Higher Education. The closing date for awards in 1990/91 is 31
January 1990. Further details can be obtained from either the Fulbright Commission 6 Porter Street, London W1 M 2HR, tel 01 4867697 or, where appropriate, the British Council, OEAD, 65 Davies Street, London W1Y 2AA, tel 01 9308466.
KI G'S A D THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC King's and the Royal Academy of Music intend to create a joint Centre for teaching and research in Music, while remaining separate legal entities. The Centre will provide opportunities for research, postgraduate studies and education and training at the highcst level, combining both performance and theoretical aspects of music. A comprehensive degree programme will be created to combine both performance and theoretical studies operating alongside the existing King's College BMus degree.
The picture to the left i of the Language and Communication Centre land at the London Language Sho ,held at the Barbican Centre from 13 - 15 June. Profe sor Barry He and Dr John Butt came to help allend to all kind of queri from teachers, pro pective students, people in industry and ju t plain spies from the educational sector looking at what competitors were doing in the field of courses and of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). There was a teady now of vi itors to the land throughout the three days and we had a very positive feedback from the variou people we poke to: they were impre sed by our stand and our presence at this first international show in London.
Professor Barry lfe and D%res Ditner at the London Language Show at the Barbican Centre.
TO LET Quiet, secluded, 2 bedroom cottage, Sydenham, SE London (cI820), 20 minute train to Charing Cross and Victoria. To let fully furnished. Gas central heating, garden and parking. Suitable for visiting academic couple. £400 per calendar month plus electricity, gas and phone bills. Contact 016998574 (day or evening). Any queries regarding this advert please address to Lindsay ElliotL Residences Manager Queen Elizabeth Hall, Kensington site.
visitor spacious, self-contained fiat in quiet square near King's Road site. Bedroom, living room, hall/dining room, kitchen, bathroom. Easy access to public transport to West End/Strand. Available January-April 1990. £125 per week plus bills. Contact Guy Claxton on 01 872 31500r013524741.
Dolores Ditner Manager of the Language and Communication Centre
VAC A CY RESEARCH OFFICER Centre for Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Measurement, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
A delightful 3 bedroom semi-detached family house in the London NW9 area to lel. Suit Academic visitor to the University. Please ring Andriana Antonion on 014857875 during office hours or 01 205 8322 in the evenings. Further information available from D Vaidya (Computing Depl.) on ext S2725.
Applications are invited for the post of Research Officer in the Centre, which is being established with support from the College. The activities of the Centre involve both long-term fundamental research and short-term contract work. A wide range of experimental facilities are available including laser-Doppler anemometry, liquid crystal thermography, video image processing and refractiveindex matching. The person appointed wiLl be involved in all aspects of the work and will have to liaise closely with industrial sponsors.
Perfect for a Spring Term sabbatical
Candidates should have a degree or
16···· . .
We intend to take a stand again next year and will be pleased to display and promote any degree or hort course ,recent publications, journals and anything that language departments wi h to promote.
equivalent in Mechanical Engineering, Physics or a related discipline. Previous experience with some of the measurement techniques will be an advantage but is not essential as training wiLl be provided. Initial salary will be in the range £11,466 - £12,738 per annum, including London allowance (Research and Analogous Staff Range 18). Applications in the form of a curriculum vitae with the names of two referees should be sent to Dr M Yianneskis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's College London, Strand, by 15 October. Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Or M Yianneskis or Dr M J Tindal (Tel 8365454 ext 52428,2431. Direct line 873 2428).
The Communications Research Group pent the first week of September at the 19th European Microwave Conferen e exhibiting ome of their re earch to the delegates and visitor . The tand was a great ucce .with a great deal of interest being hown by a number of potential research sponsors as well as by past tudents and friends of King's College. Mr G J H Baker Communications and Research Group
Plaza Suite by eil Simon L10yd Bank Amateur and Operatic Society 25,26 & 27 October 1989 New Theatre 7.30 pm A Chorus of Disapproval by Alan Aykboume Stock Exchange Players 8,9 & 10 ovember 1989 cw Thcatre 7.30 pm Robert and Elizabeth. A musical by R Miller & Ron Grainer ational Westminster Bank Players. 22,23,24 & 25 ovember 1989 ew Theatre 7.30 pm
John Pearson discusses the CRG's work with researchers/rom RACAL and Leicester University.
participants from universities and other sectors of higher education. The title of the conference is 'Autonomy in the Universities'. This confercnce is the latest in a number of St catharinc's Conferenccs that have been conccmed with educational issues. The conferencc is taking place at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire which is the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Foundation of St Catharine's, a Christian Educational Trust. Further details are available from the conference organiser: Dr Geoff Williams, St Catherine's Foundation, Cumberland Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor. Telephone (0784) 43231/434893. FAX (0784) 38507
For further information on the above play, please contact Mr John Brand, Theatre Manager on ext S2158/2386. EW TELEPHO E
ST CATHARINE'S CO FERE CE Between Friday 3 November and Sunday 5 November a residential conference is taking place which is hoping to draw
The telephone number for all Medical College Departments, of the Medical College of Saint Bartholomew's Hospital, on the Charterhouse Square site is now: 9826000. Thc telephone number for the Main Administration Offices on the West Smithfield site will remain the same.
ALLCHA GEATTRE T On 25 September Trent Polytechnic changed its name and is now to be known as Nottingham Polytechnic. Changes have also been made to the telephone number which is now (0602) 418418.
continued/rom/ront page. opportunities available to them. Finance The Principal turned his allention to the financial affairs of the College, remarking upon its growing stability and progression. The College had more than broken even, producing a modest surplus over the last two years, a trend set to continue over the current three year plan - another sign of effective policies being used with successful results. King's is still carrying a long-term deficit from the time of the merger but this is gradually being eroded. Buildings Comwall House The lease for Comwall House, perhaps continued overleaf
th bigge t opportunity of all, has en pur h ed and work has begun, with the annex being gutted and refurb' hment beginning hortly, so it ill be ready next ummer when 552 King' Road i acated prior to le. The cash raised from the le will pro ide the funds for the refurb' hment of the re t of Cornwall House and hopefully the Strand campus. We tfield Plan to acquire a large pan of the We tfield campu for student residence are in hand. Initially this provide 550 place for students at Westfield covering the number to be 10 t in the eventual sale of cenain of the College's current residence provision. It was hoped eventually to extend the number of place beyond 550 up to 00 and provide a more imaginative range of services, looking into the po ibilitie of accommodation for postgraduate and overseas students, who may have different need and for vi iting fellow and academics. There were opportunities at Westfield that had to be con idered and eized he said. Sports field A new sport ground at ew Maiden has been purchased together with an extra 12 acres of land. Adjacent to the College' sports field is LSE's, providing an opportunity of pos ibly developing facilities together. Another example the Principal believed, of how an opportunity had been created and must now be used. Strand campus Mention was made of the refurbishment of various areas of the Strand campus and aloof the propo ed plan for the whole of the ite. The Principal stated that if anyone had particular opinions about the proposal • there i till time to expres them.
a number of years ago v, hen the College merged - if they had not, the ite ould not ha e been there to exploit - and nov, there is a po ibility that more of the u d for re earch purbuilding Jil pose. The Pre ntalion Celebration held in September the Principal hailed a a great succe and delightful occa ion. Attended by 750 graduates and 2,000 gue ts it was a grand event which pro oked a good response from parents and friends. The date for next year i Monday 10 September. (See the special supplement in this edition/or a record 0/ the day). The Department of Physiotherapy deserved a special mention a it had been funded entirely from outside source - a mo t remarkable achie ement Profe sor Sutherland declared. He noted al 0 the con olidation that had recently curred on the Strand campus with the installation of the new computer and the telephone y tern and mentioned the achievements of the Vacation Bureau with an annual turnover of ÂŁ 1,500,000 through conferences, lettings etc. which helps in turn to keep student rents down. The College, due to its location in Central London, had a special advantage which it had used well.
Research Rating The Principal turned then to the UFC ratings and extended congratulations to those areas and departments that had done well, in particular, Education, Arts and Music, Theology, Laws and the preclinical departments. Overall, he believed, that the College had moved upward, a good achievement considering that the College had been assessed at a difficult stage in its life, ie during the time of the merger. However, clearly further consideration of research policy in certain areas would be nece sary.
Recent Highlights The Principal outlined some of the past successes. Sir lames Black's Nobel Prize was obviously a great triumph with Sir lames now carrying out world clas research at Half Moon Lane. The opportunity for him to use these laboratories wa created
College Council The Principal reported that working parties had been set up on the instruction of the Council to look into two areas of particular imponance:-
1) A day nursery - this working party
v, as being led by Lady 1ayhe ,a Lay 1ernber of Council. 2) St 1ary-Le-Strand Church - thi building i no redundant to the diocese of London and they had asked if King' would be interested. The orking pany would loo into the po ibility of the College u ing iL
Both working panie ould be happy to accept corn men from members of taff.
Professor Sutherland concluded his addre to staff by discussing the recent evcp annual meeting in Leeds which addre sed the lack of money in the Univer ity y tern aused by Government policy and the need to find fund from elsewhere to survive. There are variou option open to univeritic for rai ing extra finance; a tudent voucher ystem or students paying for their place i ju t one of them. The evcp ha commi ioned a study of the implications of thi type of sy tern and of what real co ts are to educate students and whether they could be applied consistentlyacro s the country. It is only when this study has been made that the CVCP can argue from strength with the Government about the sysLCm of Univer ity funding. The Principal stressed that there are a range of views within the CVCP and that the recent newspaper reports concerning the meeting were not strictly accurate; the cvep had not decided to charge the full co t of fees to students. It is not within their power to do so. (Sec the cvep report below). Profe sor Sutherland ended by looking forward to the opportunities that would be coming up in the following year and to how the College could create and capitalise upon them.
EXPA DI G THE U IVERSITIES A report from the annual meeting of the
CVC? held last month in Leeds. The leaders of the UK's univer ities were
meeting against the background of Government policy - fir t announced in January 1989 and reiterated by the new Secretary of State for Education, Mr John MacGregor in his speech to the ViceChancellor - to double the number of tudents in higher education in the next 25 year . The Universitie wholly support this policy. The Vice-Chancellors' di cussion concentrated mainly on: Studentrecruitrnent Quality control Finance for expansion of teaching
tudent recruitment The Vice-Chancellors di cussed the kind of cour e developments and admis ion arrangements that will be needed to make university education attractive to families who are so far unfamiliar with higher education. Credit transfer such as already operates between the Open University and other universities and between some FE college and their local universities are expected to develop further. Students with B TEC qualifications can expect a warm welcome. Mature students and part-time students will be admitted in increasing numbers.
the need to identify and publicise the full co ts of all university course. The Commillee were also agreed on the need to tudy a range of options as to how these costs would in future be met in the ab ence of adequate Government funding. One possibility which will be explored, in con ultation with the CDP and others, is based on charging full cost fees for all undergraduates, these fees being met in whole or in part by scholarships derived from the continuing Government funding of Higher Education and from other sources. In making this move Vice-Chancellors are aware of the concern that students and parents might feel at such change. ViceChancellors are detennined that a rapidly increasing population of University students be offered a high quality education. Should a change to full cost fees be introduced they would appeal to present and prospective students, parents and employers for help in persuading the Government to provide a generous level of scholarship provision.
Quality control The Committee accepted in principle a proposal from its Academic Standards Group, chaired by the Principal, Profes or Sutherland, that an Academic Audit Unit hould be set up to monitor universities' own quality control mechanisms. The detailed arrangements and costings for the Audit Unit will now be worked out and brought back to the CVCP's Council.
Commenl is the College's regular staff new letter, issued by the Infonnation Office (ext 2179) three times a tenn, with special editions if required. Contributions are warmly welcomed from any members of College. For example, profiles of specific people or areas of activity, news of events, views on College matters, photos, cartoons, items for sale, puzzles or quizzes. Comment is sent to all staff and made freely available through the Student Union. Copy dates and publication dates are included at the end of each edition.
Financing expansion It has now become clear that the Government will not pay for the expansion it de ire at a level which will protect high quality. It has also become clear during this meeting that the universities see the UFC's plans to channel such Government money as there is to universities through a complex bidding system as potentially cumbersome, intrusive and an impediment to efficient management.
The copy date for the next edition is 3 ovember for publieation the week ofl3 ovember.
The CVCP were unanimous in supporting :.,:'