King's College London newsletter
The Centre for Latin American CulLural Studie , establi hed last year as an initiative of the Department of Spani h and Spani h American SWdies, was publicly inaugurated on 7 December. In the pre encc of some fifty guests, who included their Exccllencies the Venezuelian and Pcruvian Amba sador and the Cuban, Panamanian and Chilean Cultural Attache, the Centre's coordinator, Or William Rowe, outlined its commitment to the development of method for the study of Latin American culture in the broade t sense and stressed the importance of the links which have becn establi hed with academic in titutions in Venezuela and Peru. His Excellency the Venezuelan Ambassador, Sr Francisco Kerdel- Vegas, welcomed the Centre's plan for joint research with the Universidad Sim6n Bolfvar, Caraca , and offered hi support for the programme of tarf exchanges between the two in titution ,due to begin in 1990. Carlo Zavaleta, the Peruvian noveli t and Mini ter for Cultural Affair at the Peruvian Embas y, poke next, emphasizing hi close per onallink with the Centre and his desire to see its work nouri h, and pledging support for its aClivitie . The final speech was given by Or Carlos Pacheco, of the Universidad Sim6n Bolfvar, who i an ex-student of King' College and is directly involved in lhe joint research programme into literature and popular culture. Last year, the Centre held an international conference, launched a series of publication and establi hed a Leaching and research programme in Quechua language
and culture. Thi year its aCllvlue in lude a eries of seminars and workhops on methodologie for culLural studies. Two colloquia, on thc work of Augu to Roa BasLO and on Communication and Culturc in Latin America are planned for early ummer. The initial phase of a database on material for culLural tudie will al 0 be completed this year.
Reggie returns! After months in captivity, at Imperial College. Reggie is pictured here being returned to his rightful owners by students from the City and Guilds Students Union. A ransom ofÂŁ100.00 paid to charity secured his safe release. Welcome home! :;:;
Profe or Paul J Black, Head of the Centre for Educational Studies has been appointed an Honorary Member of the Standing Conference on Schools' Science and Technology. Professor Peter Oickinson, Emeritus Professor of the University of Keele, composer and pianist, has been made an Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Faculty of Music. Or Susan Brain from the Department of Pharmacology has been awarded the British Pharmacological Society Sandoz Prize for 1989 Or Peter Lee from the Department of Computing has been appointed as an Honorary Professor at the Shandong Technical University, China.
The Department of War Studies has been undergoing some room swapping recently and has also appointed a new secretary. For anyone who has been trying, in vain, to contact a member of the War Studie taff, don't worry they are not 10 t but have probably ju t changed room and phone numbers. The following are the correct room numbers and telephone extensions for future reference:
Professor Freedman Wendy Everett Jean Murphy Marina Young DrMendl Professor Bond Dr Dockrill Dr Paskins Dr Sabin Dr Karsh Re earchers Dr Reid Professor Till J Thompson / J Speight M avias
Extension 2025/2750 2193 2200 2026/2178 2749 2112 2201 2199 2202 2325 2857 2338 2300 3628 2054
ITIlE TRAINING COLUMNI KI G'S COLLEGE LO DO ASSOCIATION AN UAL DJ ER Friday 23 February 1990 Members of staff are invited to attend the KCLA Annual Dinner, to take place in the newly refurbished Great Hall at the Strand on Friday, 23 February 1990. The Guest Speaker will be the Right Reverend Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford.
Review of 1989. The King's College Training for non academic staff during 1989 report has been circulated to Heads of Departments and managers. It outlines the main features of training work which involves the identification of training needs; the provision of training opportunities; College involvement in work experience projects; training consultation for individuals; links with other university agencies and training prospects for 1990. The overall picture of my first year is encouraging. I am particularly pleased that staff are not only pursuing training opportunities but are al 0 informing me of their training needs and increasingly are leading training events for their colleagues.
The evening will start with a sherry reception in the Council Room from 6.30 pm onwards. Dinner will be served at 7.00 pm and the proceedings are expected to come to an end at approximately 10.15 pm. The price of ÂŁ22.50 includes sherry, a three-course meal, a choice of wines or soft drinks and coffee. Fish or vegetarian altematives to the meat course can be ordered.
I hope that the review will be seen by all staff and that the issues will provide the basis for discussion.
Please contact Caroline Bartholomew in the Alumnus Office at the Strand (ext S2083) if you would like to attend.
Training Assistant Janine Morton has recently joined the Training Office providing secretarial
Room ID Chesham 2D 4D 3D lOD 6D 9D 7D 8D liD 5D 339 orfolk 340 337 338
support as well as helping to organise and possibly to lead training events. Forthcoming Courses and Seminars Tuesday 16 January Telephone and reception skills Wednesday 17 January Selection and interviewing skills Monday 12 -16 February First line managerial skills Thursday 15-16 February Development course for secretaries (in academic departments) Tuesday 20 February Simple statistics (for administrators) Thursday 1 March Leadership skills (for admini trators) Thursday 15-16 March Developmental course for Secretaries (in academic departments) Details about these courses have been circulated to departments. Seminars for University Technicians King's is responsible for mounting half the Federal seminars for the University of London technicians during the current session. The first course on the care and maintenance of micro-pipettors, organised and led by Gary Strickland of the Biochemistry Department has already taken place.
Participants voted the evenl, which also recei ed exceUenl upport from Anachem LLd ho pro ided three technical instru tor ,a great u c . Gary earn our congratulation for making the rust contribution from King' a inner. The cond eminar in 1arch, to be lead by Reg ebb from the Electronic nit at Ken ington, wiU deal ith inter-unit connection for electronic equipment. Ken Bromfield Training Officer non-academic wIT
Abraham Lue and myself vi ited educational fair in Taiwan and Hong Kong in the first half of ovember; we were joined in Hong Kong by Jennifer Jack on and Stuart Thorne. Taiwan provides students with an excellent undergraduate education, but many of its best students have traditionally travelled overseas, particularly to the United States, for postgraduate training. The governmenl now wishes to increase the number of students studying in Europe, and it is likely the United Kingdom will be a major beneficiary on account of language. The fair in Taipei was organised by the Anglo-Taiwan Education Centre which, in the absence of a local British Council Office, was established earlier thi year with finance from business corporations and a consortia of British universities and polytechnics. The fair was a tremendous success from our point of view. Dr Lue and myself talked almost non-stop for three nine-hour days. A large number of well-qualified students made serious enquiries about graduate opportunities. Three even had name of members of staff with whom they wished to work! Some students had already received the offer of four year cholarships to study for a PhD abroad and were looking for suitable institutions at which to study. Particularly heartening was the fact that the visitors' interests ranged more widely across the academic spectrum than is usual in the Far East. Hong Kong provided something of an anti-climax at least as far as the purpose
I of our
isit was concerned. The Briti h Council e timated the attendance to be onl ju to er 50, ,ignificantly do n on two year . The po ition of our tand did not help. The exhibition was laid out to match the geography of the nited Kingdom, with entry from the lri h Sea. nfortunately, it seemed many of the i itors got bogged do n in the elsh hes. It i difficult to know how to inlerpret the relati ely poor attendance in term of the future. It could be that those who would have normally come for an afternoon out rather than a serious enquirers were divened to a 'Hong Kong Showcase' exhibition upstairs. The pe simistic interpretation is that with the twin shadows of Tiananmen Square and 1997 the people of Hong Kong are increasingly looking elsewhere for their higher education. The educational attraction of Australia and Canada are considerably enhanced by the prospects of permanenl settlement.
To end on a personal note, we penl a delightful evening with ome of our recenl graduate , including two holders of the Hong Kong Scholarships which are targeted at students who would otherwise be unable to afford to come to Britain. One of these, Daisy Lai, had been a tutee of mine. The transformation from the shy, young girl who joined the Geography Department four years ago to the selfpossessed, personable young woman who is now an employee of ArLhur Anderson was a joy to behold. In the present financial circumstances, there is a temptation for us all to view inlernational education as a milch cow. This was a timely reminder of its power to enrich the lives of individuals which I wished my departmental colleagues could have shared.
Barrie S Morgan Director of the International Students Office
SATs FOR KI G'S Teams at the Centre for Educational Studies have won two contracts worth over £4 million to develop Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) for the National Curriculum. The contracts are for
the de elopmenl, triaJljng and piloting of SAT in mathematic and ien e for founeen ear olds. Both contra are for a period of ju t 0 er three years; the mathematic contract is worth £ I, 94, and the science contract i worth £2, 221, 000. In announcing the awards, the Schools Examination and A e ment Council (SEAC) tated that they had received a number of high quality proposals, and that con iderations taken inlo account included fitne for purpose, alue for money, and the need to reflect good clas room practice in schools. The Standard Assessment Ta ks were proposed in the fir t report of the Task Group for A ses ment and Te ting (the TGAT report), chaired by Profe or Paul Black, at that time the Head of the Centre for Educational Studie . The TGAT report recommended that the as es menl within the ational Curriculum hould be by a combination of national external tests and assc ment by teacher. Students' performance hould be reported at the age of 7,11,14 and 16 and regi tered on a tenpoint scale covering all the years of compulsory schooling. These recommendations were accepted by the Government in June 1988, and in March 1989 SEAC invited tenders for the development of the SATs for 14 year olds. The College submitted its proposals as part of the Consortium for Assessment and Testing in Schools (CATS) which wa also awarded contracts to develop SATs in technology and English. The Engli h team i based at the Institute of Education and the technology team is based at Goldsmiths' College. The con ortium therefore includes all the Departments of Education within the University of London. The other partners in the consortium are the London and East Anglian Group for GCSE and Hodder & Stoughton Publishers. The consortium also has a central coordinating team which is led by Dylan Wiliam, a lecturer in mathematics education at the Centre for Educational Studies. The central team provides curricular and administrative support for the four subject teams and brings them together to establish common policy and share progress. The mathematics team is led by Gill :::..:::" :::'.
.- .~ ...:::.. :....
Close, who was previously co-director of the Graded Asse ment in Mathematic (GAIM) project. Jointly funded by the uffield Foundation and ILEA and ba cd at King's, GAIM developed an as es ment framework for secondary schools which provides a wide variety of practical and investigative activities alongside a hierarchy of statements of attainment, as well as giving students the opportunity to participate in self-assessment. The science team is led by Dr Julian Swain, who was previously the team leader of the Graded Assessment in Science Project (GASP), which is also based at King's. Running parallel to the GAlM project, the GASP project was funded by ILEA, and has already been taken up by over 100 chool . It provides an assessment framework appropriate to secondary school students of all attainments, it can be used with any existing science curriculum package and, like GAIM, provides an alternative route to GCSE certification. The work of both GAlM and GASP influenced the design of the ational Curriculum structure and the attainment of targets and programmes of study for mathematics and science. Although the detail and precise nature of SATs have not been finalised, they are likely to comprise both long and short tasks, and will include a balance of written, oral, practical and graphic work. The first reported assessments of 14 year olds using the SATs will be made in the summer of 1993. Prior to this, a pilot exercise will be conducted on a limited scale in 1991, and a full scale unreported assessment in the summer of 1992.
cence?' by Mr Peter Wilson, Director of the London Youth Advi ory Centre; 'Imposition ,surrenders and sacrifices: a therapist's experience of the unacceptable side of success' by Mr Philip Hewitt, Head of the Counselling and Advi ory Service at City University; and 'Being at university - a time for growth or catastrophic change?' by Mrs Isca WiLtenbcrg, visiting teacher at the Tavistock Clinic. It is hoped to publish these papers in the ew Year, making them more widely available. Di cuss ion ranged widely, from contemporary issues in higher education and their likely effect on students, to concern that the pastoral elements of tutoring may be in danger of being overwhelmed by the demands of teaching and fund-raising. Of particular interest were issues concerning the boundaries between personal tutoring and counselling, and it was in this light that the only disappointment of the day became evident. A very low number of King's staff attended which, hopefully, does not reflect the priority members of the College give to under tanding issues concerning student welfare or indeed to their Counselling Service within the College.
Alex Coran Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Student Services
An extremely successful day conference organised by the Counselling Service entitled 'Per onal Development and Academic Success - are they compatible?' was held at the College on Friday 24 ovember 1989. Over seventy academics, counsellors and administrators attended, drawn from all over the country. Three major papers were presented: 'The problem of adoles-
In spite of years of publicity and a whole battery of recent legislation many people are still ignorant of the real dangers of asbestos. Knowing the risks is useless unless you know how to avoid or reduce them.
panels for only a few days, or relatives of asbestos workers who were exposed to the dust from their clothes have died from asbestosi or lung cancer? The College has circulated a summary of the regulations for work with asbe tos? (February 1988) Asbestos can only be removed by licenced contractors? Questions you should be a king yourself are:Am I exposed? If you think you are you should tell your supervisor and your union safety representative. The suspect ubstance will be te ted and you should be told the results. What is the risk to my health? The risk MUST be assessed by the employer BY LAW. The degree of danger will depend upon the physical form of the asbestos, the frequency of exposure, your working practices and whether or not you smoke (if you smoke your risk of lung cancer is 10 times higher than a non smoker who is exposed!) How can I reduce the risk? After your employer has carried out the assessment of the risk (the results of which you are entitled to see) he/she will recommend methods for controlling your exposure. Depending upon the circumstances these may include the removal of the asbestos, sealing or enclosing the hazard, provision of exhaust ventilation, changes in work practice etc. What jf I have already been exposed? If you have ever been exposed to asbestos dust or if you are currently exposed you should inform your GP, your employer and your union. You may be asked to attend regular medical examinations (with no loss of pay) depending upon the degree of exposure. Remember that all types of asbestos are dangerous! There is no safe level of asbestos, if in doubt - ASK!
For instance did you know that: There is no safe level of exposure to asbestos. People who had worked with a bestos
Mike Harrington and Adrian Sparkes MSF Safety Representatives Committee
A from the beginning of January 1990, the Library Resources Co-ordinating Committee has arranged that all permanent member of staff (ie those with a contract for one year or longer) within the University of London will be permitted reference facilities at the libraries of all Schools and Colleges within the University. Borrowing will also be permiLLed, subject to local rules. In most cases you will have to make an initial visit to the library you wish to use, taking a photograph and identification. Borrowing will only be po sible on a subsequent vi it, after your application has been processed. Further details are available from Vivien Fletcher, Lending Services Librarian, ext 52313. The scheme will run for an initial period of one year only, after which it will be reviewed.
on onday 29 January at 6.00 pm in the Council Room at Ken ington Campu and will addre the theme: 'Doing Development: Social, environmental and educational perspectives' The meeting'" ill tart with hon presentation by Peter Clarke (Hi tory and Philosophy of Religion), Tanya BowyerBower (Geography) and John May (Education), followed by ample time for discu ion. All are welcome, especially those who are unable to make the preliminary meeting! Topics agreed for ubsequent meetings are: Perspectives on Health in the Third World; 12 February, Environment and Development; 26 February and Development Planning; 12 March. A final meeting for the term, on Friday 16 March, at lunchtime, will provide a forum for renection on the term's di cus ions and the elaboration of joint research proposal.
A seminar programme for the Spring Term has been organised and meetings will be held fortnightly, at 6.00 pm on Mondays, rotating between campuses. In addition, a Development Studies Directory is being compiled and aims to cover the main research and teaching interests of all taff and postgraduates who are currently working, or maintain an interest in, the Third World. The first meeting of the network will be
The T1200HB, which i based on the Intel 6 processor, i roughlyequi alent in performance to an IB PC-XT with CGA graphic. For the sum of £11 . 5 (inclu ive of VAT) plus a handling charge of £25.00, you may obtain the following:-A T1200 HB Portable PC with 1Mb of RAM, a 20 MB hard di k and a 3.5" nOKb diskene drive. -A nylon, heavy-duty carrying case. -Microsoft Works - an integrated wordprocessing, database, spread heet and communications package. -A full one-year warranty. If you want to know about the offer, or want to place an order, please ring ext 52652. Dr Hushang Balyuzi i tant Director ( cience and Engineering), Computing Centre
For further information and also any entries for the Directory, contact Keith Hoggart in Geography ext 52713.
DEVELOPME TSTUDffiS ETWORK A new initiative, the Development Studies etwork, was formally set up at a meeting on Tuesday 21 December, attended by academic staff from five different departments across all three major sites and various faculties and schools. The etwork aims to foster inter-disciplinary, and inter-departmental co-operation in research projects, drawing together existing expertise in development studies in various parts of the College.
cIo ing date to March. So, if you had been con idering getting one, but thought that you had missed the deadline, it i till po ible to place an order.
COMPUTI G CE TRE The Toshiba 1200HB Portable Computer • a special offer. In the October 1989 i sue of Commenl . details were given of a special offer, which the Combined Higher Education Software Team (CHEST) had negotiated with Toshiba, under which members of higher education in titutions may purchase the T1200HB portable personal computer at a large discount on the recommended retail price of £ 1995.00 + VAT. There has been considerable interest in the offer within King's and to date about 30 of the computers have been ordered on behalf of both departments and individuals (staff and students). Originally, it was intended that the offer would expire at the end of 1989, but there has been such a demand for the computer from universities and polytechnics that Toshiba has now decided to extend the
The landscape of West Sussex and East Hamp hire. Dr Ted Yates, Emeritus Reader in the Geography Department at King's, is tutoring a residential weekend at Rogate from 9 to 11 March 1990. The increasing awareness by people of their natural surroundings has awakened interest in seeking knowledge and understanding of the everyday sights which greet the motorist, tourist or walker. Although we often take our landscape for granted, more and more people are realising that it requires protection just as much as great cathedrals and country houses. Everywhere in Britain the landscape has developed through the action of weather on the rocks, growth of plants and people using the land for agriculture and building. The landscapes of southern England are rich and diverse, renecting varied geology, a long habitation and changing
history. This weekend course will reveal the hills and valleys, villages and vegetation in a way which is sure to fascinate and educate. The cost is ÂŁ61.00 inclusive of accommodation, meals and tuition or ÂŁ38.00 for non-residents. Further information from Anne Finlay at Rogate Study Centre, The Red House, Rogate, Nr Petersfie Id GU31 5HN. Telephone (0730) 80621.
E GLISH LA GUAGE CLASSES FOR OVERSEAS STUDE TS The English Language Programme will continue during the Lent Term and all those students who attended classes last term are welcome to join again this term. Other students who are experiencing difficulties with studying in English may also enrol and should do so by going to one of the classes listed below, preferably to the first class of the term. The tuition is free to all students of King's College but regular attendance is obligatory. The programme will commence in the week beginning Monday 15 January and the final classes will take place during the week ending Friday 16 March. Students should attend twice a week at 5.30 pm or once a week on Wednesday afternoons.
THE EW MSc IN FOOD TECH OLOGYIN DEVELOPI G COUNTRIES In October 1989, the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, with support from the Commission of European Communities, launched a new MSc in Food Technology in Developing Countries which offers a completely new approach to this important area. Most conventional courses tend to concentrate on the science and technology of processing techniques without taking into account the social and economic context in which these are to be applied. In contrast, this new course directs half of the teaching time to social and economic aspects of food technology and includes a project (dissertation) in which the course participants investigate both the scientific/ technical and the socio-economic implications of a chosen food technology, including impact on nutrition. The aim of the course is thu to develop expertise to choose technology and assess or predict consequences of technological change. Modernisation in developing countries has more often than not been seen in terms of transferring technology from the industrial countries. Although in some situations large-scale, capital intensive projects may well be appropriate, in many others they have turned out to be costly mistakes both in terms of finance and food security. Many are working at far below capacity or have even had to be closed down altogether because of inadequate foreign exchange to purchase imported inputs or spare parts. They are therefore not contributing towards the process of economic development
STRAND CAMPUS Monday Room Tuesday Room Wednesday Room Thursday Room Wednesday
27C, Strand Building G05, Strand Building G05, Strand Building G05, Strand Building
5.30-7.30 pm 5.30-7.30 pm 5.30-7.30 pm 5.30 -7.30 pm
Room 28A , Strand Building
2.00 -5.00 pm
KENSINGTON CAMPUS Wednesday Room 19, Atlcins Building Ground Floor CHELSEA CAMPUS Wednesday Room 2308, Clark Building
2.00-5.00 pm
2.00-5.00 pm
Any enquiries concerning this programme or any other English Language for Overseas Students issues should addressed to Mrs Jennifer Jackson, External Liaison Officer, Strand campus ext S2291.
Meanwhile, strategies for developing a network of smaller scale industries based on local resources, which in the case of food processing, could improve food security through extending 'shelf-life' of local food commodities or improve food entitlements through adding value and generating income, have been neglected. The course thus focuses on 'best practice' cases of food technology development based on locally available sources of finance and technology, taking into account transport constraints and the widely dispersed nature of potential raw material supply. It promotes the view that the design and implementation of the most appropriate technology for a given situation requires expertise in both food science/technology and social/economic analysis of food systems including causes of poor nutrition in individuals and communities.
The course is taught by staff who have had considerable work experience in developing countries in the fields of food technology, food policy and marketing, nutrition and social anthropology, and who have already been involved in the teaching of the University of London Diploma in Food Resources related to Community Development which has been offered on the Kensington campus for nearly 25 years (this course will continue to be offered alongside the new Masters' programme as long as there is a demand). It is anticipated that successful candidates would be taking up posts of considerable responsibility in the fields of food technology development and evaluation including: administrators of food security and income generating programmes, small business development schemes and women's programmes; planners or managers in food processing industries,
co-operative, bank or other financial agencies, or non-government organisation ; staff of training institutions for food Lechnologi L , agriculLural extension and community development officer, home economi LS and nutritioni LS; and uni ersiLy-based or other research and development worker in food technology. The new MSc has already attracted a considerable amount of interest inLernationally. However, one of the problem is procuring funding for studenLS LO attend Lhe course. This year, more than threequarLers of the applicanLS who accepted offers of a place were unable to come for thaL reason. At present, attempLS are being made to negotiate independent bursaries from inLernational agencies and non-government organisation to enable worthy candidates to undertake the course. MOSL of the applicanLS inevitably come from poor countries which have limited financial re ources for funding studenLS to sLudy abroad. On the other hand, most inLernational and bilateral aid programmes for training are channelled through developing country's governments and such awards are only available for government employees or those employed in particular aid projects. Moreover, wheLher or not people interesLed in a particular course can gain access to training awards often depends more on whom they know than what they know. A further problem is that the MSc in Food Technology in Developing countries i implicitly critical of previous development strategies which are ultimately the re pon ibility of the govemmenLS, and it is pes ible that in many cases governmenLS have not yet recognised that substantial changes are needed in their approach to development if the livelyhoods of the people for whom they are re pon ible, and their food security, are to be improved significantly, and on a more self-reliant basis. Thus, although a con iderable amount of progress has been made among donor agencies and governmenLS, we still have to win over many of those in developing countries who are responsible for taking decisions on training - and on economic policy generally. That is our challenge.
Jerry Jones Department of Food and ciences
BIOLOGIC L YMPOSIUM The Biology group at the Centre for Educational SLudie held a ymposium in a lecture hall at the Education Centre, Zoological Gardens, Regent's Park on 14 December lasL A series of papers by the College, Zoo and academic from other universities was presented, which di CllS ed the nature of the ancestral group common to Aves and Mammalia. A copy of the programme can be obtained from John A Barker at CES ext S3080. Unfortunately abstracLS of the papers are not yet available.
I LETTERS Dear Colleague, One of the casualties of the fighting in Bucharest has been the Central University Library. ILS gULLed ruins featured prominently in much of the television coverage. While much of what has been destroyed can never be made good, some can and must be replaced if one of Romania's leading academic institutions is to have a library worthy of iLS status. The universities will have a vital part to play in the rebuilding of Romania and it is essential that they have the equipment for the difficult tasks that lie ahead. For this reason a 'Books for Romania' appeal has been launched in this country. A similar appeal is under way in France and no doubt in other countries as well. The primary objective is to assist in rebuilding the once extensive holdings of the Central Univer ity Library. Any duplicate will be di tributed to other academic libraries. Many of us have academic books of one kind or another, duplicate copies or books for which we no longer have any use, that would be very welcome in Romania, where the purchase of foreign language books has for years been seriously restricted by shortages of hard currency. We are therefore appealing for books which appropriately find a place in a university library. They can be in any
language and on any subject, and hould preferably be in hardback and in reasonable condition. The BriLish Council has kindly agreed to help with their tran portation to Romania. Books and periodicals (marked 'Book for Romania') can be sent to me in the ftr t in tance, care of the Department of Modem Greek. I shall then tran port them to the University of Kent where books, donated by individuals, in tituLions or publishers, will be temporarily stored prior to shipment to Romania. If preferred, books can be sent direcLly to 'Books for Romania', clo Professor R J Crampton, Rutherford College, The Univer ity, Kent CTI 7 X. An appeal has also been launched for money to pay for books and periodicals specifically requested by our Romanian colleagues. Cheques should be made payable to 'Books for Romania' and direct payment may be made to the Midland Bank, Whitefriars, 2 Gravel Walk, Canterbury, Kent 2JP, sorting code 40-60-11, account number 41341596.
I very much hope that you will be able LO contribute in kind or in cash to this appeal. The problems that lie ahead for our Romanian colleagues are daunting indeed. This is one pracLical way in which we as academics can express our solidarity and contribute, in a practical way to the rebuilding of the country's academic life.
Richard Clogg Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
1990 The F D Maurice Lectures will be given by Patrick Collinson, formerly a lecturer at King's College, now Regius Profes or of Modem History in the University of Cambridge. The lectures will be held at 5.30 pm in the The New Theatre, Strand campus on Thursday 1, Tuesday 6 and Thursday 8 March 1990. The general theme will be: the idea of a national church in the context of the Reformation and its sequel. ". \~~
LECTURES MEETINGS AND SEMINARS P BLIC LECT RE DEPARTME T OF FRE CH Thur day 25 January HERO AND CO QUEROR: RACINE AND THE MYTH OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT Dr Valerie Wonh, KCL Thur day 1 February LEVI-STRAUSS: ANTHROPOLOGY, STRUCTURALISM AND MYTH Dr Valerie Wonh, KCL Thursday 8 February GI TS AND HEROES: RABELAISIAN MYTH Dr Michael J Heath, KCL Thursday 15 February ROMANTICISM AND MYTH Professor orma Rinsler, KCL Thursday 22 February FLAUBERT: CIVILIZATION AND ORIENT Dr Anne Green, Lecturer in French, KCL All lectures 1.15 pm, Room 6C, Strand campus
MAXWELL LECTURES Monday 22 January LIQUID CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTAL POLYMERS Dr M Warner, Cavendish Laboratory. Cambridge Monday 29 January HOLOGRAPHY - JUST ANOTHER OPTICAL ILLUSIO ? Dr K Hodgkinson, Open University Monday 5 February THE POLAR CAP RADAR PROJECT Professor Tudor B Jones, University of Leicester Monday 12 Febraury OPTICS AND INTELLIGE CE Dr T J Hall, KCL Monday 19 February ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION
Dr R Clarke, BP Exploration 2.00 pm-3.00 pm, Room 2 , trand Building Friday 23-Sunday 25 February CO CATIO I SCIE CE Cumberland Lodge Weekend
DIVISIO OF BIOSPHERE SCIE CES Monday 5 February REGULATIO OF GENE EXPRESSIO IN DEVELOPI G SEEDS Professor Michael Black, KCL 4.00 pm, Lecture Theatre M20, Atkins Building, Kensington campus
CENTRE OF BRITISH CONSTITUflONAL LA W AND HISTORY Friday 2 February DO WE NEED PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION Professor Philip orton, Department of Politics, University of Hull 1.15 pm, The ew Theatre, Strand campus Wednesday 7 February THEORY AND PRACTICE OF JUDICIAL INDEPENDE CE IN BRITAIN Professor Gavin Drewry, Deparunent of Public Administration, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
CENTURY GREEK OVEL Dr Georgia Farinou- alarnatari, Department of odern Greek Literature, Uni er ity of Thes aloniki onday 19 February THE 'AXIO ESTI' OF O. ELYTES: PROBABLE INFLUENCES OF CIT GREEK LITERATURE Dr John Perysinakis, Department of Classic, University of Ioannina 3.15 pm, The Committee Room, trand campus
DEPARTME T OF PORTUGUESE Thursday 15 February POESIA EM MOCAMBIQUE (Lecture to be given in Portuguese) Jose Craveirinha 5.30 pm, Room 1804, Strand campu
CENTRE OF MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS Monday 12 February DEATH IN HUMAN CULTURES Dr Christopher Pallis, Hammersmith Hospital Monday 19 February EMBRYOLOGY: A REVIEW OF THE GOVERNME T'S PROPOSALS Dr John Habgood, Archbishop of York 1.05 pm-2.15 pm, Room 3B20, Strand campus
Thursday 22 February THE NEW COMMONS' SELECT COMMITTEES - SUCCESS OR FAILURE? Paul Silk, Department of the Clerk of the House of Commons 1.15 pm, Room LI01C, Strand campus
Tuesday 6 February DOES THE UK NEED A NEW BILL OF RIG HTS? A CO SER VATIVE VIEW Mr David Willctts, Director of Studies, Centre for Policy Studies
DEPARTMENT OF BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES Monday 22 January MODERN FOLKLORE OF KARPATHOS (DODECANESE) Professor Minas Alexiadis, Department of Folklore, University of Ionnina
Tuesday 20 February WHO GUARDS THE GUARDS? ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE Mr Richard Nonon-Taylor, Author and Journalist from 'The Guardian' 1.15 pm-2.15 pm, The ew Theatre, Strand campus
Monday 5 February NEW ASPECTS OF THE 19TH
THE ROYAL SOCIETY Friday 2 February
THE 1 TERDEPE DE CE OF THE BEHAVIOURAL SClE CES Profes or R A Hinde Thursday 8 February ATURE D NURTURE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF VISIO Professor C BLakemore Tickets are required for thi lecture. Thursday 15 February NEW MICROCRYSTALLINE CATALYSTS Profes or J M Thomas For further information please contact the Scientific Meetings Secretary, The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1 Y SAG. Telephone 01 839 5561 ext 278/277.
SEMI ARS DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES Monday 22 January E GINEERING ENZYMES FOR FOOD TECHNOLOGY Dr Barry Law, Institute of Food Re carch, Shinfield, Reading Monday 5 February BEVERAGES AND PLASMA LIPIDS Dr Tom Sanders, Dept of Food and Nutritional Sciences, KCL Monday 19 February THE GLASS TRANSITlO AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN FOOD SYSTEMS Dr John Blanshard, Dept of Applied Biochemistry and Food Science 4.30 pm, Physiology Lecture Theatre, Kensington campus.
Dr Michael Clarke, Exeter College, Oxford
Thursday 25 January INFORMED CO SENT AND AUTO -
OMY Wedne day 7 February THE ETHICS OF EMBRYO RESEARCH Dr Sophie Botros, Centre of Medical Law and Ethics, KCL Wednesday 14 February TWO PRESUPPOSITIO S OF METAPHYSICS STATED AND QUESTIONED IN THE LIGHT OF QUANTUM MECHANICS Professor Paul Teller, University of Illinois at Chicago (held in conjunction with KCL Centre for Philosophical Studies) Wednesday 21 February DUHEM AND THE ORIGINS OF STATICS Dr iall Martin, Open University All seminars to be held at 2.15 pm in Room 1B06, Strand campus
CENTRE FOR PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES Distinguished Visitors' Programme Monday 22 January THE USEFULNESS OF FINAL ENDS Professor Harry Frankfurt 5.30 pm, Room 2C, Strand campus
Tuesday 23 January RATIONAL GOALS AND BUSINESS Professor Harry Frankfurt 6.00 pm, Room 6C, trand campus
Profes or Harry Frankfurt 2.00 pm, Committee Room, Strand campu Monday 5 February ANIMALS AND EXPERIMENTATIO Professor Daniel Dennell Wednesday 7 February CO SCIOUSNESS I Professor Daniel Dennett 5.30 pm, Room 10C, Strand campus Friday 9 February CONSCIOUSNESS II Professor Daniel Dennell 2.00 pm, Birkbeck College Wednesday 14 February CO CEPTIO S OF MATTER IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT PHYSICS Professor Paul Teller 2.15 pm, Room 1B06, Strand campus Philosophy of City and Architecture Thursday 18 January ECO OMIC AND LEGAL CO STRAINTS ON THE ARCHITECT Mr Michael Edwards Thursday 25 January ETHICS AND COMMUNlTY ARCHITECTURE Professor Gareth Matthews 6.00 pm, Room 6C, Strand campus Philo ophy and Business Tuesday 23 January RATIONAL GOALS AND BUSINESS Professor Harry Frankfurt 6.00 pm, Room 6C, Strand campus Philosophy of city and architecture (a serie of seminars) Thursday 1 February THE IRRELEVANCE OF HISTORY TO ARCHITECTS Anthony O'Hear Thursday 8 February ARCHITECTURE FORMALISM AND THE SENSE OF SELF Mr Anthony Savile Thursday 15 February Sir Denys Lasdun, on his own work Thursday 22 February
CLASSICAL ARCHITECTURE AND TIlE CHRIST FAITH Mr Quinlan Terry All eminar to take place at 6.00 pm, Room 6C.
CE TRE OF MEDICAL LA W AND ETHICS Thur day 25 January CO SENT Speaker to be announced 2.00 pm, The Committee Room, Strand campu
Wednesday 7 February I TRODUCTIO TO SETS Alan Hutchinson Wednesday 14 February (TITLE TO BE OUNCED) Malcolm Bird 1.15 pm, Room G02, Strand campus INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED MUSICAL STUDIES Wednesday 24 January DEBUSSY'S 'LA TERRASSE DES AUDIENCES DU CLAIR DE LUNE': NEW THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Eugene Narmour, University of Pennsylvania
Wednesday 3 I January SPOKE AND UNSPOKE IN BORODIN'S PRINCE IGOR Roland J Wiley, University of Michigan Wednesday 7 February LEO ORE AND FIDELIO: THE FEMALE PRINCIPLE AND TIlE DEMOCRATIC HERO? Wilfred Mellers, London Wednesday 21 February BEYO D BRUGES: CONTROVERSIES ABOUT NETIlERLANDISH MUSIC Reinhard Strohm, KCL 5.00 pm, Room G01, Faculty of Music, Strand campus
RE E 1BER! Strand Staff Keep Fit re urn on Wednesday from 17 January. Inilially we will be concentrating on flattening those post Christmas bulges and relaxation exercises to combat re idual fe tive tress after all that ru hing around, all those mince pie and visiting relatives! Any querie please phone S2624.
CIE CE 90 The Briti h As ociation for the Ad ancement of Science meeting is this year being ho ted by the University College of Swan ea in August The theme for the Science 90 Meeting is 'The Environment' and includes a full week's programme of lectures, debates, demonstralions, exhibitions and a young peoples' programme. For further information please contact Mrs J Lewi , Deputy Conference Officer, University College of Swan ea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP. Telephone (0792) 205678.
NOMI ATJQNS PLEASEl The Royal Society Wellcome Foundation Prize is awarded biennially for original contributions to medical and veterinary sciences published within the previou ten years. The Prize consists of a gold medal and a gift of ÂŁ2500 and the successful nominee is required to deliver a Lecture associated with the award at the Royal Society. ominations for the Prize are now invited. For an application form and a set of the regulalions please apply to: The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SWl Y 5AG. ominations must be received no la~er than Friday 16 February 1990.
LIVERPOOL CLAS OF '65 REU 10 Did you graduate in Chemistry from Liverpool University in 1965? Do you know anyone who did? It is hoped to hold a reunion in 1990 so that the Class of '65 can see what effect onc quarter of a century has had! The Alumni Office at Liverpool University (051 7942243) would be pleased to hear from anyone
intere ted in the reunion a po ible.
n as
CE TRAL RE E RCH F 10 The Central Research Fund ha been instiwted for the purpose of making grants to member of the ni ersity (other than present undergraduate tudent and those registered for a taught Ma ter' degree) engaged on pecific projects of research, to as ist with the provi ion of special materials, apparatu and travel co ts. Applications are considered each tenn and the next clo ing date for appli ation is Friday 23 arch 1990. Forms of applicalion and further particulars may be obtained from the Central Research Fund Section, Senate House, Room 21a, Malet Street, London WCIE 700. Telephone 636 8000 ex t 3147.
ISMALL ADS Wanted. The Language and Communication Centre is trying to get in touch with families willing to take an overseas student as a paying gue l. Please get in touch with Dolorcs Ditner on ext S2800. To Let: Detached villa in Javea on the Costa Blanca (conservation area). Sleeps 4/5. Telephone Pauline Gale, Centre of Construction Law, ext S2446 for further details. Osteopathy is now available at the University of London Union on Malet Street, WCI from a registered Osteopath. For consultations see ULU reception. For further informalion telephone 01 580 9551.
Comment is the College's regular staff newsletter, issued by the Information Office ((ext 2179)) three times a term, with special editions if required. Contributions are warmly welcomed from any members of the College. For example profiles of people or areas of interest, news of events, views on College matters, photos, cartoons, items of ale, puzzles or quizzes. Comment is sent to all stafT and made freely available through the Student Union. Copy dates and and publication dates are published at the end of each issue. The copy date for the next issue is 2 February for publication in the week of the 12 February.