King's College London newsletter
Academic Plan finalised The Principal writes: A you will know, the Academic Plan that was approved by the Academic Board at its meeting on 4 December went to Council on 17 December. However, between these two meetings the di quiet that had been evident on the pan of the School of Phy ical Science and Engineering had led to a proposal that the Plan be modified to allow for greater numbers of staff and student in the chool to allow new developments in Information ystems Engineering and Mechatronics.
The modifications proposed had not been sufiIclently thought out to allow details to be put to the Council on 17 December. The Council, therefore, voted on the Plan a approved by the Academic Board; this was carried by a large majority (31 for, 2 against, 3 abstentions). In approving the Plan, however, the Council agreed that 'the Principal should be empowered to discuss with the Head of School of Physical ciences and Engineering the possibility of variation of the Plan in that area provided that any changes were self-financing and would require the approval of the Chairman' (draft Council minute).
In the days immediately following the Council meeting the School of Physical ciences and Engineering formulated a detailed plan which was discussed by the Academic Planning Group at a special meeting on 7 January. After a long and thorough discussion APG concluded unanimously that the modifications proposed should be adopted. The Chairman of CounciJ has since given his
approval. The modifications ha e now been overwherningly endorsed in a po tal ballot of the Academic Board, where there were 67 votes in favour, 1 abstention and 1 vote agal nst.
The modifications involve the creation of a 'Divi ion of athematical Science and Computing' which will comprise not only the Department of Mathematics, the Centre for eural etworks, and the Algorithm Group (as proposed in the original Plan) but also an Associative Computing Section. The establishment of a research activity in this last area will link naturally with other research interests in the School and will al 0 allow the introduction of an innovative singlehonours degree course in Information Systems Engineering; the Associative Computer Group will also support the MSc Course to be led by the Algorithm Group.
The other significant change is that a 'Division of Electronic and Information Engineering' (provisional title) will be created comprising the Communications Group, the Physical 'lectronics Group and the Signal & Information Processing Group (of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering) and a new Robotics and Manufacturing Systems Group (based on work currently in the Department of Mechanical Engineering). The new Division will establish BEng and MSc Courses in Mechatronics, a new and exciting area in the forefront of modern engineering practice. Overall, the changes
involve an additional 25 students within the School of Physical Sciences and Engineering and a further 1 academic staff post. A very important milestone in the confirmation of our Academic Plan was passed when I, together with Arthur Lucas, Bill Slade, David Ball and Brian Salter, met with the Chief Executive of the UFC on 13 January. The meeting had been requested by the UFC who were concerned to learn of our academic and financial plans for the next several years. I am delighted to report that Professor Graeme Davies was unequivocal in his praise of the Plan which he found 'very persuasive'. As expected, we came away from the meeting without any guarantees or promises but with an assurance that the Chief Executive is ympathetic to our difficulties and will make every effon to assist us. This is very encouraging.
It is my intention that in the near future we shall publi h details of the final version of our strategic plan. This will be a most important document which will be invaluable not only for promulgating outside the College our vision of King's up until the end of the century, but also as an internal document which we shall use for monitoring our progress and, if necessary, adapting our Plan to changing circumstances.
The finalisation of our Plan is by no means the end of the process. Indeed as Churchill said of a rather different event, 'This is not
continued on page 2
Academic Plan finalised
Nomination of Fellows The process whereby nominations for College Fellowships are sought has previously been restricted to the Resident Fellows and Fellows serving on the Council and Heads of School and Departments/ Divisions. For the 1992 Fellowships the Principal has a ked for the consultation process to be extended to all members of the College. The Fellowship is the highest honour the College can bestow and it is divided into two categories: Ordinary Fellows and Presentation Fellows. The selection of Ordinary Fellows is governed by the College's Statute 14 which reads as follows: 'Those eligible to be elected as Fellows shall be: (a) The Principal; (b) Members of staff of the College; (c) Persons who have, in the opinion of the Council, served the College in a conspicuous manner; (d) Former students or members of the College who have, in the opinion of the Council, become eminent in academic or public life.' ominations are considered by the Committee of Resident Fellows which
makes its recommendations to the Council. In 1989 the Council of the College decided that the College would also like to honour individuals who, although they have not been staff or students of the College, have achieved eminence in their profession or who have served society at large in a conspicuous way. Such individuals are made Presentation Fellows and have their Fellowships conferred at a Presentation Ceremony. The selection of nominations for Presentation Fellows is the responsibility of a small Working Party comprising the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council and the Principal. Recommendations are submitted to the Council for approval. Anybody wishing to put forward a nomination for either type of Fellowship is invited to obtain a nomination form from the Academic Registrar's Office (Room 58) at the Strand; it might be helpful to discuss suggestions with the Academic Registrar before completing the form. The closing date for the receipt of completed forms is 17 February 1992.
continued from page 1 the end, it is not even the beginning of the end; but it is the end of the beginning'. We have a substantial amount of work now to implement the Plan on which so much effort has been expended. In this respect I am sure that you would wish to join me in thanking Arthur Lucas and members of the APG for their long and hard Labours. The task has been far from easy but two aspects of the planning process have particularly impressed me. Firstly, the dignified and considerate way in which the issues have been debated in both small and large meetings; even when people have been opposed to various proposals, discussions have been open, honest and without rancour. For that I am hugely grateful.
Secondly, the fact that at the end of the day the proposals have been carried so overwhelmingly. The issues we have debated are of such complexity that there cannot be a uniquely correct solution; but the fact that they have been so strongly supported suggests that they provide a foundation on which the College can go forward with certainty.
If it is not too late to do so I wish you all a very happy New Year.
Brian Salter Academic Registrar
College Visitor comes to King's The College, like all universities and most other colleges, has a Visitor who is appointed by the Privy Council. The original function of a Visitor was to safeguard the interests and wishes of the Founders and for this purpose he may carry out a formal visitation of the establishment although this has rarely, if ever, been done in modern times. Of much greater ignificance today is the responsibility of the Visitor to resolve disputes between members of the institution and the institution it elf. In fact the Courts will refuse to hear cases of this kind since they leave this within the jurisdition of the Visitor. I am pleased to say that the College's Visitor has not been called on to adjudicate on disputes of this kind within living memory! The Visitor does of course have many informal contacts with the College which we value.
At its meeting on 19 March 1991 the College Council agreed to recommend to the Privy Council that the ost Reverend and Right Honourable Dr George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury, should be appointed the next College Visitor; this appointment was ratified on 24 July for a period of five years. It is particularly appropriate that Or Carey should be the College's official Visitor as he was educated at King's, graduating as a Bachelor of Divinity in 1962; he also took a MTh in 1965 and a PhD in 1971 as an external student of the University. Dr Carey will pay his first visit to King's as our Visitor on 13 February between 12.15 and 15.15. The main purpose of Dr Carey's informal visit is to meet students and staff of the College and to learn something of our work.
Dr Carey has expressed a wish to address staff and students of the College as part of a short service in the Chapel. This will be held from 13.00 - 13.25 and I would like to extend a warm invitation to College members of all - or no - religious persuasion to come to listen to our Visitor. Following the service, Dr Carey will meet people at an informal buffet lunch in the Great Hall to which representatives of a range of College Departments and activities are being invited. Dr Carey's visit will also include a visit to the Students' Union, to the Department of Theology and to the Language and Communications Centre. The Principal
Equal Opportunities at King's
The Equal Opportunities Forum held it lrSt meetin on 3 October 1991. The roup include the Personnel representatives from the Schools (including KCS D), repre entative rom all the staff unions, a tudent representative, the Personnel Officer and Deputy Personnel Officer, and myself a Vice Principal (Staffing Policy) and as the College's Equal Opportunities Officer.
We di cussed the terms of the College's EO Policy Statement, and looked at ways of dealing with direct or indirect discrimination against ethnic minorities, religious group, women, the disabled and other. ic Beech (who, alas, has left the College, and will be much missed) offered to draft a policy statement on sexual and racial harassment, and we shall con ider it at our next meeting. We were particularly concerned with the ways in which we can monitor the effectivene of the policy. Even the collection of information about numbers and distribution of staff and students from our various ethnic groups - and without information we can do nothing - is likely to prove a sensitive issue. But we hope to learn from the experience of other institutions, and it was very encouraging to see how much good will there was round the table, and how determined the group was to ensure that the policy works.
y aim in etting up the Forum was to make it clear that no 'Officer' can singlehandedly ensure equal opportunities for all the member of the College's community. Everyone of us has to become aware of what needs to be done. The Forum is not (and I hope never will be ) a pressure group for women, or a platform for any political or ideological system. Equal means equal, and I should be very pleased to receive comments or suggestions from anyone in the College that might help the group to evolve an effective monitoring system. orma Rinsler Vice-Principal
A you ma already be aware, the Uni 'ersity will not be holdin any De ree Ceremonies after a 1992, and the re ponsibility for such ceremonie is being de olved to individual School and Institute of the University. As a re ult 0 this mo e and 0 the increa in popularity of our own event, we are planning to hold two Pre entation Ceremonies on Monday 21 eptember 1992 for all those students graduating during the 1991/92 academic year. e will be writing to all tudent during the next few months who are eligible to attend a ceremony, but if anyone would like to know more about them plea e contact the Academic Services Office in the Academic Registrar's Department (Room 34B, Strand Campu ). Liz Auden Oa ies Assistan t Registrar (Academic er ices)
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, igel Holder's articles in the la t tWO issues of Comment supporting the separation of teaching from research in universitie , repre ent one side of a very important debate, but they cannot go unquestioned. The traditional argument about current research informing good teaching, and regular contact \ ith enquiring students focus ing research question, are well enough known not to need rehearsing here. Or I [older believes that he could teach any ubject, but [ suspect it is only his kill and training in research which enables him to do so. The logical conclusion from Or Holder' arguments is that all research should be carried out in eparate research institutes, while students should receive second hand knowledge and skills from lecturers who only read about other people's work. The traditional university, where students learn directly from those who are responsible for the development of their chosen subject, is apparently unnecessary and inappropriate. Most university academic staff entered the profession because they had some interest in, and some flair for research. [f access to research facilities is to be restricted to a fortunate few what will happen to the rest? I doubt whether the best of them will stay around for very long in an institution which treats them a second class citizens. And when new staff are to be recruited what calibre of applicants will be attracted to a badly paid job teaching subjects they know little about to massive groups of disillusioned students? Or Holder asks why core funding for research should ever have been linked to student numbers. The answer i that student numbers were being used as a surrogate for appropriate staff numbers, thereby underlining the principle that academic staff were expected to carry out both teaching and research. This ystem is now being replaced by one which is ba ed almost entirely on self-fulfilling judgements of research performance, and which is designed to ensure that tho e who have previously been starved of re earch funds are permanently prevented from undertaking any research. This is, in fact, simply a device to reduce public expenditure on civil research, and the re ponse of the academic community should surely be to insi t that investment in all aspects of higher education be restored to adequate levels, rather than encouraging the Government to make further cuts by offering to do their dirty work for them. If we believe that students have a right to higher education then surely they have the right to the highest quality of education, which means the right to learn from and interact with people like Or Holder, who are the leaders in their subject. OrP W Emery utrition and Dietetics
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members and many deans and chaplains anxiou Iy waiting outside the Chapel before a service: Ernie would invariably arrive, completely unruffled, with second to spare. This tendency, Canon lee aid, had made Ernie a master of training people not to panic, and an unparalleled teacher of ight reading. He also recalled that Ernie had introduced a choral motet to the Wednesday morning College Euchari t: it became known as the 'three-minute motet' - not because of its duration, but becau e of the amount of time the choir had to practice it!
Farewell to Ernie Friday 13 December,far from being tmlucky, was a 'lJery speczal day at Kmg's, and certamly a sad one m the htSlory of musIC at Kmg's: lL WaS the day that Ernie Warrell, College Organist and Dzrector of the King's College Singers retired. After the last of the 1991 Advent services, some 300 people gathered in the Great Hall for a farewell party, and although there was a sense of regret at losing one of our bestloved colleagues, there is no doubt that it was a joyful occa ion. Many of those who attended were former King's Singer, and there were even one or two who had been in the choir when Ernie joined King's in 1953. The Principal, the Dean, Vice-Principal John Muir and Canon Colin Slee (BD 1970, College Chaplain 1976- 0) all paid tribute to Ernie's many talents and achievements. John Muir said that he would tell us something of the history, while Colin Slee would talk about the legend - for Ernie had certainly made the transition to legend many years ago.
J Iistories and biographies, Mr Muir commented, usually start with a birth, which implies an age. Yet Ernie appears ageless - as a legend should be. Who's Who does, however, record a birth, and the fact that Ernie went to school. We heard that after leaving school Ernie began seeking his fortune in London, not in music but at 'Sharwood's Pickles' where he spent a year as an office boy; that he then became a clerk in a olicitor's office; and that, while still \vorking as a solicitor's clerk, he became an articled pupil with the organist Dr . T Cook at Southwark Cathedral. We also heard that during the War he was recruited into the Special Operations Executive and trained as a sabboteur; that he was eventually posted to southern Siam to take charge of sabbotage activities there; and that after the War he took the plunge and left hi job as a solicitor's clerk to become Assistant Organist at Southwark Cathedral. After seven years at South"..ark Ernie came King's as Lecturer in Music. It was not, paradoxically, until 1980 that he became to
Ernie recei'lJing a 'wken of appreciation' College Organist. Becau~e his appointment was only a part-time one, he also held several po ts outside the College, most notably as Organist and Director of 1\1 usic at Southwark Cathedral; Lecturer in Plainsong to the Royal School of Church Music; Musical Director of the Gregorian Association; and Chief Examiner of 1usic to the rnternational Baccalaureate. King's has, nevertheless, been at the centre of Ernie's life for 38 years. John 1uir thanked him for his 'superlative music', saying that Ernie had taken the English Cathedral tradition, 'shaped it to King's and found ways that few others have found to renew it and keep it full of life'. I le al 0 paid tribute to Ernie's gifts as a 'virtuoso organist and matchless accompanist', and as a 'choir trainer second to none' who had given so many individuals 'the experience of making music at the highest level, and the exhilaration of working with someone of quite unusual gifts and power~ of inspiration'. Under Ernie's direction the King's College Singers have earned an excellent reputation outside the College too. Over the last twO years that reputation has become even more widely known with the Singers' first, highly-acclaimed recording, Carols m Ad'lJent, and with their trip to Rome and Assisi, during which they performed for the Pope at the Vatican. Colin Slee's hilarious anecdotes had the Great Hall in uproar, and revealed an Ernie with a wonderful sen e of humour and fun, and with a definite tendency to 'cut it fine'. Canon lee reflected that over the years Mr Warrell must have kept count le choir
We could not, of course, let Ernie leave King's without giving him a tOken of our appreciation. There were in fact several tOkens: a decanter and some wine glas es; a pair of WellingtOn prints; a pen (with a bottle of ink); champagne, College port and half a case of 'good' wine. There was also a cheque, the exact amount of which was not revealed. John uir did say, however, that when Ernie paid it into his bank account the Deutschmark would wobble! Then the man himself took the stage. When the applause eventually died down he admitted that he was overcome: he knew the party would be special, but it had far exceeded his expectations. Ernie spoke of three aims he had had while at King's, the fulfilment of which had given him particular satisfaction. One of them was to introduce organ and choral scholarships: he first put the idea forward in 1956, and it eventually came to fruition in 1981. This idea led to discussions which brought the Music faculty into being, and so another of Ernie's aims - to raise the profile of music within the College - was fulfilled. He was also determined that his post should become a full-time appointment, and said that he would not lea e until thi a agreed. It wa , and David TrendeJl took over from Ernie at the beginning of term. The evening would not, of course, have been complete without a musical tribute. The former King's Singer, most of whom had never ung together before, gave an outstanding performance after a hasty rehearsal upstairs; and if the present Singers were exhausted after three consecutive Advent services, they certainly did not show it. Emie mentioned something else: he said that it had always been his intention 'to attempt and occasionally achieve moments
of ranscendence'. There m t have been many ch momen so 'er he year, and perhap~ one or [WO In the Grea Hall hat ni 'hL Happily, Ernie is a F 110.... 0 Kin '5, a and now an I fonorary m -mber 0 C Li'e ember o' the Senior Common Room, o there will be ample opportunity or him to come bac and see u . In the meantime, he has sent the message printed below. Caroline Bartholomew Alumnus Office
Lrme's fareu'ell
Letter from Ernie Warrell I
The completion of the task of clearin up thirty-ei ht year of paper work (after a thirteen hour tint which ended at 5.4 hr on 10nda' 13th January) reminded me of that other 13th and the fact that I had not so ar expre cd my thanks in written form, \\ hi h I hope you will kindly allo .... me to do now. As I said on that occasion, words are totally inadequate to expres really deep feeling and can only record the fact that I have been quite overwhelmed by the warmth and .,heer volume of the affection that has been shown. I sit in my study with my back to the is ount Digital ampling Organ keyboard, given me by my friends at King's for my 75th birthday, writing this with my splendid new pen, (I've coveted a Waterman ever since a school teacher said 'there arc only two really good fountain pens, Swan and Water man, and the Waterman i the better'). Looking at the twO prints and wondering how best to display the ma nificelH glassware, when to broach the wine and on what to pend the incredibly generou cheque that you have given me. Of course you have given me so much more than that. The friend hip and suPPOrt of both taff and students down the year has been something that I value immen ely and the contact made in Common Room or corridor have been wonderfully enriching. The Reception on 13th December was a triumph for all who were involved. The planning must have been a vast undertaking and I should like to thank all who had any part in it, in particular, the College Authorities for allowing it to happen; the
Principal, the Dean, Canon Slee and John 1uir for the kind things they said; the Catering Staff, the Porters, Jo ephine Bell and the Chaplain for all that they did; tephen Harrow and the Rev Peter 1cGeary for organi ing the mu i al side of the event; Dr eville arsh, who first had the idea to stage the celebration, and Caroline 13artholomew, who must havc spent weeks searching the records and wa successful in tracing several hundred former Singers, including at least four of the sixteen members of the choir of the ichaelmas Term 1953!
I am so grateful to all who came or sent messages that evening. Many had undertaken long and difficult journeys to be there - the list of addresses includes Lancashire, Sunderland, the Isle of Wight and the West Country - and I am orry that I did not manage to have a word with everyone. However, I will put this pen to good use and write to you all - eventually. (I have till some letters to an wer from the sackful that came after the MBE announcement.) y last words must be for tho e ingers who performed Stanford's Beal! Quorum at the cnd of the evening. Quite a number had not sung with me for more than 3 years but joined happily with the later generations of ingers in producing some moments of sheer magic - and that is what we have been aiming at all along, isn't it?
STAFF NEWS KCLA Dinner 1992 All members 0 ta and their gue tare warmly in ited to attend the KCL (01 stu em ' association) Annual Dinner on Fri ay 2 February. The evening will begin with drinks in the Council Room rom 18.45, and dinner will be served at 19.3 in the Great Hall. Michael Clark, MP for Rochford, a King's chemistry graduatc, Fellow of the College and President of the Association of King's College London Chemists, will be the guest speaker. The proceedings are expected to end around 22. ,but there will be a bar for guest who would like to stay on a little longer. Thank to a generous contribution from the College ho pitality budget we have been able to keep the cost down to ÂŁ 17 per person; thi include pre-dinner drink, a four-course meal, a choice of wine or soft drinks and coffee. Please contact the Alumnus Office for your tickets, Room B 10, Cornwall H ouse, ens 305213053 .
Donation A donation of ÂŁ2000 towards the Principal's Ilardship fund has been madc by a mcmber of staff in the College who wi hes to remain anonymous. I would, however, like to publicly thank the donor for such a gcnerous gesture. The Principal's Hardship Fund has very limited resources and can only be used occa ionally to help students who face severe financial difficulties through no fault of their own. Such a contribution will thereforc be much appreciatcd. Christina Keen, Assistant Academic Registrar
New Year's Honours List
Thank you, and God ble s you all. Your ever, Ernie
Air Vice Marshal Professor John Ernsting, OBE, QHS, FRCP, Visiting Professor in Physiology, was awarded a CB (Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath).
STAFF NEWS Three farewells to King's staff
Parents at King's
Rama Thirunamachandran Rama Thirunamachandran, Research Database Administrator, left King's College at the end of last term to become part of the institutional planning team at Bristol University. We wish him well in his new job.
ic Beech ic Beech, who wa the Assistant Personnel Officer within the School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, left King's at the end of last term to take up a post as lecturer in Human Resource Management at the Polytechnic of orth London. We wish him all the best.
The Students' Union is starting up a Parents at King's Group for staff and students who either have children of school age or younger, or who are interested in childminding. The first meeting will be on Wednesday 29 January in the Committee Room, Strand. All interested parents are very welcome.
Half-Term Playscheme
Friends and colleagues said a fond farewell to Joan Fennel of the Vacation Bureau on 16 December 1991, after 40 years of service in the College. She is pictured here with Gerry Hughes reading a poetical tribute to her.
A close shave in the Social Club The pictures below show Adrian Sparkes from Pharmacy bravely having his head and beard shaved in aid of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association and the ational Children's Home. He raised over ÂŁ500 from sponsors and money collected on the night; and it is still not toO late to send a contribution. There is still a chance to win a bottle of the Macallan single malt Scotch by entering the competition featured in December's edition of Comment, as the closing date has been extended until 17 February. If you can guess the location of three or four of the photos you stand a fair chance of winning.
The 'Hairy Happening' - A drian's old persona
Play schemes
The job done!
Following its great success last year, we will be running the Half-Term Playscheme again this year. The dates are 20-21 February. Cost is ÂŁ5 per day per child (5-11 year olds). Contact Susie Sarry on ext 1236 or 3589 or Erica Brookes on ext 1217.
Interactive Language Learn ing Room The Language and Communication Centre is developing an interactive language learning room in 2B12, Strand Building. The room presently offers computer assisted language learning facilities and satellite TV and video viewing facilities, audio cassette listening facilities, current newspapers and magazines in the language taught by the Centre. The room is open from 09.00 to 17.00 every day during College opening and until 21.30 Mondays to Thursdays in term time; use outside these hours is by arrangement only. Whether you are following a Language Centre course or studying by yourself, the staff of the centre are available to help and advise you with your language learning needs. The facilities are open to all College staff and students, and the Centre technician (Room 2B 10/11) is available to assist users. Please get in touch with the Administrative Office of the Centre, 170 Strand (next to Aldwych tube station) - ext 2890 if you would like to make an appointment to see a member of staff.
Glyn Baker, Social Club Committee
Vanessa Davies Director Language and Communication Centre
STAFF CHANGES IN THE ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S DEPARTMENT Folio, ing the departure on 17 January of Janet Pollock on a year's maternity I.ea.v.e: Sta fin the Acaderruc Registrar's Department will be moving to take ifferent re ponslbJlitles as follo\....s: Kelly Richardson: Kathryn Ironside: Currently secretary to the s istam Currently Administrative Assistant in the caderruc Registrar, Kelly will be moving Loans and Awards 0 fice, Kathryn will be into Room 161313. In addition to her taking on Jands responsibilities, however, existing responsibilities, she will be providall postgraduate enquiries should be made ing clerical and secretarial support to the to either Kim Emberson (ext 2295) or Management Information and Development Martyn Annis (ext 3661). Section. Her exten ion number will remain as 3649. Edel Mahoney: Currently Clerical Assistant in the Loans Academic Services: and Awards Office, Edel will retain her The Acaderruc Services Office will be responsibilities vi -a-vis the Access Fund moving to Room 3413. In addition to its and College-based prize and scholarships, current range of activities it will be responand will stay in Room 3413 with her existing sible for the Access Fund and College-based extension number 2275. prizes and scholarships. All the extension numbers within this area will remain the Alison Greene: same. Currently Clerical Assi tant in the Loans and Awards Office, Alison will retain her For further information please contact Liz re ponsibilities vis-a-vis the 'top-up' loans Auden-Davies ext 2686. scheme and will also provide secretarial suppOrt to the Central Registry. She will move into Room 313 and will keep her Amendments to the existing extension number, 2276.
phone book David Davies: Currently Clerical Assistant in the Loans and Awards Office, David will retain his responsibilities vis-a-vis student grants and will move into Room 313 keeping his extension number 3664. Claire ewman: Currently the secretary in the Central Registry, Claire will be moving into Room 513 to provide secretarial support to the As istant Registrar, Lesley Dinsdale. Her extension number will remain as 3650.
Changes to the alphabetical listing pages Delete Richardson SAC Add ext 4412 to ext 2497 for Or A C Richardson
1embers of the Estates Department and his many friends in College were shocked [0 hear of rhe sudden death on 4 January o Bill Srruth, who first joined King's as a painter more than 27 year ago. Bill was 59. He first came to the College in September 1963 and, after two short breaks in service in the 197 s, worked for King's from April 1979 until his death. He was conscientious in his work, and his contribution to the Departmem 0 er the years was appreciated by all his fellow workers and those for whom he worked. Last summer his work with colleagues Paul Solomons and Eddie Grover in the Council Room was highly complimemed, and anyone cro ing the East Wing bridge JUSt before Christmas will have noticed Bill's keen and cheerful approach to his work. Bill was quietly spoken, and liked to talk about his wife Barbara and his farruly. J le was a member of the Hackney Downs Bowling Club and also played the occasional round of golf. Many of Bill's colleagues and friends from the College joined his farruly and other friends at his funeral at the City of London Cemetery on 16 January. Jim Fox, Site Engineer
The fax number for the School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences needs to be changed to 071-9375690 Mr Denis Allen, Strand Catering Manager ha a new telephone extension 2349 (direct line 071-8732349).
Professor Turner Professor C W Turner, FEng, Siemens Professor of Electrical Engineering at King's, ha been elected Director-Elect of Region 8 of ILEEE (In titute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers). ILEEE is a worldwide organisation of over 300,000 members. Region 8 includes Europe, The Middle East, Africa and the Soviet Republics .
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Bill Smith
Royal Society Fellowship The Councils of the Royal Society and the British Academy invire applications for a fellowship, tenable from 1 October 1992 in a United Kingdom university or polytechnic, for research in the history of science or technology (bur excluding the history of medicine). Please write to Mrs U M A Tokle, The Royal Society, 6 Car!ton House Terrace, London SW1 Y SAG (Fax 071-930 2170), or The Secretary, The British Academy, 20-21 Cornwall Terrace, London NW1 4QP (Fax 071-224 3807) for further details. The closing date is 28 February 1992, and application forms will not be available after 14 February.
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OBITUARIES Professor James Greig The death was announced on 12 December of Professor James Greig, at the age of 88. In his early days Professor Greig obtained wide experience in industry both in Britain and in Canada, and later joined the (then) orthampton Polytechnic in the City of London as Head of Electrical Engineering. The main part of his career was, however, at King's, where he became the William Siemans Professor of Electrical Engineering in 1946. This was at a time when activities of the department were much in need of revival after the war years and he developed the activity of the department in the field of electronics and established a programme of research in electromagnetic measurements related to electrical machines. This work anracted a succession of able research students, and a series of fundamental papers in the subject were published. Professor Greig constantly advocated that the close association of physics and electronic and electrical engineering be recognised, and at a very early stage pressed for the establishment of postgraduate courses to widen and supplement the training of engineering graduates. Through his heavy involvment with comminee work he was brought to the University of London and made many overseas visits representing the University and other bodies. A constant source of help and encouragement to both staff and students alike he earned the gratitude and appreciation of all around him.
Roy Moore The College has received news of the death of Roy Moore CBE who graduated in English at King's, took his MA here and was a Fellow of the College. Roy Moore was headmaster of Mill Hill School for 16 years up to 1967 and, after he retired, spent 15 years teaching English and French literature at the University of California at Berkeley.
Virginia BOltomley, Minisler for Ilealth (cenlre) was gtteSL ofhonour al a dinner held recentlyal LSE to award successful parlicipanls of lhe Child Proleetion Law and Praclice Course lheir diplomas. She is piclured here wilh lhe joint direClors of lhe course, Jane Fortin of King's (left) and Judith Harwin of LSE (right).
Major-General Sir Leslie Tyler Major-General Sir Leslie Tyler, who has died aged 87, was the Prcsidcnt of KCLA from 1970 to 1972, and was elccted an Honorary Fcllow of the College in 1966. He rook a first in Electrical Engincering at King's in 1924 and aftcr complcting an apprenticeship with English Electric he was commissioned in 1927 into thc Royal Army Ordnance Corps. He rose rapidly to major and after transferring to the newly-formed Corps of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers was promoted to colonel in 1943. As Deputy Director of Mechanical Engineering 12 Corps he was rcsponsible for covering the D-Day landings in ormandy. His post-war carcer included promotion ro major-general and postings to the Middle East and Korea, before he became Director of Mechanical Engineering at the War Office. Aftcr his retirement he was the Mediterranean regional directorgeneral for the 1inistry of Public Buildings and Works, based at Malta. According to his obituary in the Dady Telegraph he was a quietly-spoken man, renowned as a good soldier, skilled engincer and a man who led forcefully without bullying.
Microwave Course The Communications Research Group of Electronic Engineering recently held its fifth annual short course on monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) for engineers and managers. MMICs are proving ro be a cost effective and efficient solution to many problems in microwave communication systems in both terrestrial and space applications. The course was co-ordinated by Dr Ian Robertson, with support from ten gucst lecturers from major companies including GEC-Marconi, BT, Philips, Thorn EMI and Texas Instruments, and thirty engineers from nine countries anended. The Communications Research Group would like to thank all those who helped to make the course a success.
THE BAG LADY OUTSIDE KING'S It isn't very much to a k a doorv.路ay for a home Four feet wide by two feet deep, she lived there all alone Her clothe are ragged and dirty, her skin is grey and grimed And the way she sits and rocks herself she must have 10 t her mind. For too many winter of snow, hail and storm Behind her umbrella she has huddled forlorn. here did she come from, why is she there Doe anyone know, does anyone care? hy won't she move, pack up all her things And move somewhere else away from King's o let's block up her doorway, then she's sure to move on o matter where to just as long as she's gone. But oh, the frustration, oh the dismay She's only moved just a few yards away! She's still outside King' offending the eye Of all who see her as they pass her by. So what can we do with this bundle of rags Shovel her up into one of her bags? And then with the top very firmly bound Leave her for dustmen to collect on their rounds? But where is our pity, is charity dead? How can we sleep easy in our comfortable beds? Peace on Earth good will to all men But not to the Bag Lady in her den. And a Happy ew Year the bells will ring But not for the Bag Lady outside King'S. As we sit at our tables, toast each other with wine Will we think of her then, wonder if she's crying For a time that has passed when she once had a home And not just a blanket on a cold bed of stone. And of what does she dream when sleep comes at last Of people who loved her long ago in her past? And she's just one of many, all much maligned A living indictment of these modern times. o should we not say from our pedestals high There but for the G race of God go I? Marjory Doyle, Physical Sciences and Engineering
What do other people think? We will publish a selection of lellers in the next edition of Comment.
Grant for Developmental Biology Research Centre 拢383,00 has been awarded by the SERC to three members of the Biomedical Sciences Division: igel Holder, Malcolm Maden and teve Wilson whose laboratorie are pan of the new Developmental Biology
Research Centre located at Drury Lane. The grant will suppon a programme of experimental work into the interactions between cells responsible for building the brain during development of vertebrates. The grant is for four years initially but differs from standard project grams in that a four year renewal is applied for two years after the grant begins and this therefore gives the potential of long term core suppon for this work.
THE STRAND AND THE HOMELESS For everal centurie the trand ha attracted homeless people and beggers. In the seventeenth century there were opportunities to beachcomb along the banks of the river, to obtain food from Covent Garden 1arket and money from visitors to the many taverns and eating houses located in the area. Although most of those opportunities no longer exist, a poLice head count in September 1991 found that some forty persons were sleeping out on and around the Strand. This is a matter of concern to many who live, conduct business, work or visit the Strand. The Strand Association, of which King's College is a member, actively uppon the local agencies working to relieve homelessness and suppon those lobbying Government to improve treatment facilities for the sick and disturbed homeless, and for changes to the rule for claiming benefit. Of particular concern to many members of the College is the lady who for many years ha made her home on the public footpath adjacent to the College'S main entrance. Her situation has been the subject of discussions between College's officers, Westminster City Council Social Services Depanment and the Thames Reach Housing Association, a charity which cares for the homeless. Thames Reach has considerable knowledge of the lady and has taken a close interest in her for many of the twenty years during which she has lived on the Strand. It emphasized that the lady's chosen lifestyle is to live on the street and despite having means of support he has d clined offers of good quality, self-contained accommodation. Her health and well-being are regularly monitored by the charity's staff who provide her with blankets, clothing and food a necessary. It has been pointed out that the lady is not willing to accept gifts of money and, therefore, members of the College who feel so inclined may wish to make donations direct to Thames Reach which is in need of funds to suppon its work for the homeless. The address is, The Thames Reach Housing Association, 25 Southwark Street, London SE 1 1RQ. G Hughes, College Bursar
9 :,:
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Course Programme: Please note that department will be charged up to ÂŁ2. for the courses listed below unles otherwise indicated. Full co ts will be levied, for both internal and external courses, when enrolled staff fail to attend without reasonable justification. All courses last one day, unless otherwise indicated. Please contact Janine 10rton, ext 276 regarding availability. Friday, 28 February 9.30-16.15 Effective writing Thi course will include discussion, exercise and practical work on: the aims of good writing; the importance of clarity; getting started; some pointS of grammar; organising your writing; finishing touches. It is de igned for clerical CR3 and CR4 and technical staff. There is no charge for KCL staff. 6 February or 19 March How to speak effectively in public Thi workshop will enable participants to develop the skills and confidence to speak with poise and clarity to a group of people whatever the size. This course is being repeated following the high level of demand last year and will greatly benefit anyone who wishes to improve their public speaking technique (no charge for KCL staff). 5 February Presentation skills (Federal) 9.00- J 3.00: Seminar to explain the principles of effective presentation with particular emphasis on structure followed by: J 4.00-17.00: Practical workshop which is optional but participants are strongly advised to attend. Open to all staff who have to make short presentations from time to time. They will be expected to have had ome experience of making occasional, perhaps infrequent, presentations. 6 March: half-day - 10.00-13.00 or 14.0017. Making presentations: the creative use of overhead projectors (Federal) This practical course is intended for all tho e involved in teaching, training and giving instruction, who would like to make more effective use of overhead projectOrs and other visual aids.
Academic and academicallyrelated staff:
Computing Courses for nonacademic staff:
21 February Financial management in academic departments (Federal) The course will enable participants to consider good practice in the management of departmental and faculty budgets; identify and consider ways of dealing with current issues; provide an opportunity for the sharing of ideas, experiences and problems. Intended for senior academic staff with significant financial responsibility.
31 January 9.3 16.15 IBM Word 5. Basics . lAC Word 5. Basics Date t.b.a.) Creating and saving documentS. Editing text (insert, delete, typeover, copying, moving); ormatting (altering size of characters, pages), Spell Check and Thesauru . Designed for those with lmle or no expenence of Microsoft Word on either IB or MAC systems.
27 February Managing Change (Federal) The cour e will enable participants to gain a better understanding of change and its processes; learn the critical steps in planning for change and develop kills to present and ominations implement change trategy. arc invited from heads 0 department and other senior managers.
Secretarial Staff: 10 March The role of the secretat:y (Federal) The course will examine the role of the secretary in the University - how this is changing and how it may be developed to benefit both the individual and the department; discuss practical and efficient mcthods of managing paper and time; help course members to appreciatc their role as communicators. Designed for secretaries CR3 and CR4 with one or tWO years' experience in a university environment. It should be suitable not only for those who are fresh from college, but also for staff who have changed career or are returning to work after a career break. 24-25 March A development course for secretaries (Federal) This two-day course aims to build confidence, develop initiative together with communication and public relations skills. ft will enable participants to appreciate and maximise their role within the University, and to take a broader view of the University'S image and the part they play in forming it. Designed for middle to senior grade secretaries. ;:::
21 February 9.3 -16.15 IBM Word 5. Special Topics Style sheets, tabulation, mail merge and how to create your own filing system, plus many other tip and tricks! Designed for those who have mastered the basics of Word 5.0. Information Technology Workshops Da tes Lb.a. A programme of half-day cour es on EXCEL (intermediate); Lotus 1-2-3 and, following the high demand last year, DOS (Disk Operating System) for Beginners. These excellent workshops are presented by Sukai N'Dure and Andy Perrin of the Admini trative Computing Unit.
Technical staff: Technician Seminars We arc pleased to publish a full programme for the current session. We welcome applications from technical staff for all the half day seminars (no charge to KCL staff). 4 March Pure Water Systems: Service and Maintenance. Les Etheridge, St Mary's HMS Chancellor's Teaching Centre, St Mary's HMS 1 April Presentation Skills:- Introduction to preparing data for public presentation. Tom McCartney, Polytechnic of East London/Ken Bromfield, KCL King's College, Strand
8-9 April Introduction to First Line 1:lintenance of Equipment Tom cCartney and Cyril Coare, Polytechnic of East London Arthur Edwards Building,The Green, Stratford B Two courses are offered on consecutive days. May 13 Care and Maintenance of pH Electrodes King's College, Kensington June 3 Organisation of Teaching Laboratories (wet) Sue Holly-KCL King's College, Kensington July 8 Total Management of Equipmentincluding the use of inventory software and the creation of maintenance records and schedules Imperial College, Gary Strickland,-KCL King's College, Kensington
SITE-LICENSED SOFTWARE FOR SALE AT KING'S The Computing Centre is offering further discount on an extended range of computer software. A ummary i given in the accompanying Table and further details can be obtained from Jean Davey ext 426 oftware function
Price and other information
Graph ploner
PC &
Terminal emulators
PC, £5, manual, £6
Fawn Terminal
Mac, £5, manual on disc
PC (please contact Harold Short for details)
Statistical packages
PC & Mac, £55 including manual
PC, £100 (for two years) plus cost of discs+manuals
Programming languages Fortran
The following classes have been arranged for the Lent Term. The programme will commence in the week beginning Monday 20 January 1992 and the final classes will take place during the week ending 13 March. All classes take place in the Strand Building. Regular attendance is a requirement and a register will be kept to record anendance.
PC, £1 0 (for one year) plus cost of discs + manuals PC Ryan McFarland, £25
PC Salford F771386, £55
PC Prospero, £25 (all 3 prices include manual)
for Ryan McF. Fortran, £35 for MicroSoft Fortran, £65 for Salford Fortran, £65
for Ryan McF. Fortran, £20 for MicroSoft Fortran, £35 for Salford Fortran, £35
Text analysis software
PC, £50 including manual
Bibliography software
PC, £25 including manual
Ken Bromfjeld, Dr Mike Llewellyn, Janine Morton.
English Programmes for Overseas Students
1ac, £35 including manual
NAG Libraries for PC (all manuals direct from NAG)
Postgraduate students: Monday 5.00 - 7.00, Room 330 Tuesday 5.00 - 7.00, Room 33 Wedne day 5.00 - 7.00, Room 330 Thur day 5.00 - 7.00, Room 332 Undergraduate students: Wednesday 2.00 - 4.00, Room G04 B: The e arrangements may be subject to alteration depending upon demand and attendance.
Two bedroom, two storey maisonene with garden in the CamberwelllPeckham area. ear to buses, train 'and tube. Available 1 April 1992, possibly earlier. Please telephone ParkLnson on 071-70 5132 (evenings) or leave a message on the answerphone.
Any enquiries concerning the programme should be addressed to Mrs Jennifer Jackson, External Relations Officer, Cornwall House, ext 3027.
House in Teddington available for rent to share occa ionally with former KCL member of staff now working elsewhere. Easy travel to Waterloo. Terms negotiable. For more information please phone G Donmall on 0332 47181 ext 1601 (day-time) or on 0332 842108 (evenings).
Flat to let
Superior maisonette for rent in London E3 Five minutes walk from the underground, this two bed roomed maisonette with sitting room, kitchen/diner and central heating, TV and telephone is ideal for a family. The rent is £450 per calendar month. Please telephone 0522 529468 for more details.
House for rent, Teddington
KING'S CHAPLAINCY FORUM I This erm ee the launch 0 a new initiati 'e or student, sta f, riends and pa er -by: the Kin ' Chaplainc forum. There are our mee in thi term: on Tuesday lunchtime (from 13.1 to 13.55) in the Council Room.
2 January The PolHlcs of Religion - Church and Hale m England. Frank Field MP is the Labour MP for Birkenhead and Chairman of the Commons Select Committee on Social Security, with a keen intere t in Anglican affairs. 11 February Echoes of God - absence and presence zn the poetry of R S Thomas. Profe sor Richard Griffiths is Head of the French Department at King's, and has recently written on the Welsh prie t-poet for the journal Theology. 25 February Women zn the Way. Sara Maitland is a novelist and broadcaster a well a a writer on current theological concerns. 10 March Ilomosexuality and the Church. Bishop John Yates was Chairman of the 1979 Glouce ter Report on Human Sexuality. He is now Staff Officer to the Archbi hop of Canterbury.
3 ~Iar h The Principal will share a di u~sion on he joys, hopes an rustrations 0 working at King'S. 17 Mar h David Green (Geography) will ive hi personal reflections on London, the city of contrasts.
COLLOQUIA Institute of Advanced Musical tudies Held on Wednesday at 17. in Room G01, Department of usic, 152-3 Strand
12 February Robert Saxton, Guildhal\ School of Music and Drama The composer will discuss his opera Caritas with Arnold Whittall King's College London
Department of Computing Held on Wedne days at 13.15 in Room 3D, Strand Building
4 February
12 February Title to be announced Simon Croft
Thursday, 13 February, 13. 5 Theresa 1organ, viola and Jeremy Thurlow, piano Room GOI, Strand
Thursday 27 February, 13. 5 Ying f1wee Chua and Valarie Koh: mu ic for violin and piano music by Brahms and other composers Great Hall
5 February The traming of opera szngers from 1600 to the present John Rosselli, formerly University of Sussex
5 February Uszng domain knowledge zn reqz{lrements engmeenng David Furber
18 February Peter Lawrence (Geography) has been studying to be a Reader in the Church of England, and will give an introduction to the contribution this ministry can make.
Thursday, 6 Februar 13. 5 . 1embers of the Ro, aJ Colle e of piano trio Room G01, trand
Tuesday 25 February, 17.3 Mu ic for Choir and Chamber Orchestra to include works by Janacek and Gombert Great Hall
There is also a new Staff Discussion Group which meets on alternate Tuesdays to the Forum. This is an informal meeting for any member of staff, starting at 13.1 in the Council Room. Tea and coffee is provided: bring your own lunch.
David Trendell, the new College organist, will talk about his role at King's and the current state of Church music
CONFERENCE Science and Epistemology in the Seventeenth Century Thursday, 20 February 10.00-17.00 A one-day conference held jointly with the Department of History and Philosophy of Science A history of the scientific fact Professor Lorraine Daston, University of Gottingcn The epistemological underpinnings of the mechanical philosophy Professor Desmond Clarke, University College, Cork Machines and the spirits within Dr Alan Gabbey Council Room, Strand
19 February Learnability ofartifiCial neural networks Teresa Ludermir 26 February Functional programming and databases Alexandra Poulovassilis
::" .
PUBLIC LECTURES The Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Annual Lecture Tuesday 18 February, 17.30 The Impaa of ULTRA on the Second World War Professor Sir Harry Hinsley Great Hall, Strand
The British Institute of Human Rights Held in the New Theatre, Strand, all welcome, admission free 18 February 13.00-14.00 The enforcement of international humanitarian law: the international law of armed conflict Ms Franc<oise Hampson, Senior Lecturer in Law, Human Rights Centre, University of Essex 25 February, 13.00-14.00 Article 13 (right to an effective remedy before a national authority) ofthe European convention on human rights and its implications for the United Kingdom Dr Robin Churchill, Senior Lecturer in Law, Cardiff Law School, University of Wales
Centre for Philosophical Studies Thursday 6 February, 14.15 How experiments began: The development of social criteria of experimental facthood in the 17th Century Professor Daniel Garber, University of Chicago Room 10C Strand
The Cook Lectures on Values, Education and Culture A series of lectures given by Lord Quinton and Professor Anthony O'Hear held on Tuesdays in the Council Room, Strand at 17.00.
18 February A Cultural crisis: the de-ualuation ofvalues Lord Quinton
The King's College Imperial Chemical Industries Lecture in Pharmaceutical Sciences
25 February A ;evaluation ofvalues: keeping politics in its place Lord Quinton
Monday 17 February, 18.30 Pharmacological modelling for medicinal chemistry Professor Sir James Black FRS College House, Manresa Road
3 March Education, value and the sense ofawe Professor Anthony 0' Hear 10 March Pursuit of excellence: an educational value Professor Anthony O'Hear
School of Law Public Lectures Thursday, 30 January Family law reform: where will it end? Professor Brenda Hoggett, QC, Law Commissioner Room 2B08, Strand
Issues in Medical Ethics A series of lectures held in conjunction with the King's College London Centre for Medical Law and Ethics. These will take place in Room 1B06 from 13.00-14.00
Thursday 20 February, 18.00 A clear concept ofintention: elusive or illusory? icola Lacey, Fellow of New College, Oxford Room 2B08, Strand
Thursday 27 February, 15.30-17.30 Aas and omissions: doing and not-doing Professor Bernard Williams, Corpus Christi College, Oxford
Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Annual Lecture
Can the principle of double effect justify the selective non-treatment of handicapped babies? Dr Susan Bewley, St George's Hospital, London
10 February Geriatric medicine: some ethical issues associated with its development Professor Margot Jeffreys, Emeritus Professor of Medical Sociology, University of London 17 February Bad mistakes, doctors and the criminal law Dr Alexander McCall Smith, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Edinburgh 24 February Compensation for medical accidents: research in progress Professor Hazel Genn, Head of Department of Law, Queen Mary and Westficld College
One of the last chances to hear from Dr John Hardy before he joins the brain drain to the United States will be on Monday 27 January at 18.00 in the Great Hall at King's College London. John Hardy and his team at St Mary's Hospital have been researching causes of Alzheimer's disease and this is the subject of his lecture. Because of problems of funding he is moving to the University of Florida very shortly. Everyone is welcome to the lecture
Rogate Study Centre Short Courses 21-23 February Winter Trees Joy Gadsby 22-23 February Plant systematics Patricia E J Wiltshire For more information about these course please contact Anne Finlay, Rogate Study Centre, The Red House, Nr Petersfield GUI3 5HN. Tel: 0730821621
SEMINARS Physiolog and ascular Biology emlnars The e a e place in the Ph siology Lec re Theatre at Kensington on Wednesday be ween 16.3 and 17.3
5 February Functional heterogeneity of the protein mase C mulllgene famzly Dr Peter Parker, ICRF 12 February What causes Parkinson's disease? Professor Peter Jenner, King's College London Plea e note that thi seminar will take place in Room 3B01, Strand at 17.00 19 February Recent dC7.Jelopments In nunc OXide research Dr 1arek Radornski, The Wellcome Laboratories 26 February Secretory organelle biogenesis in a neuroendocrine celllme Dr Dan Cutler, MRC Lab for Molecular Cell Biology, London
Dep:lrtment of Mechanic:ll Engineering Centre for He:lt Transfer and Fluid Flow Me:lsurement Research Seminar Wednesday 18 M:lrch, 15.30-16.30 The trailing vortex system behind a rushton turbme blade Professor Richard V Calabrese, U niver ity of Maryland Room 2B 8, Strand Building Geography Research Seminar Series Held on Tuesdays at 17. in Room 102, orfolk Building 4 Febru:lry Use ofcommerCial satellite imagery for mOnitoring military activities Dr Bhupendra Jasani, Department of War Studies 11 February Political geography of exclusionism in Europe Dr Eleonore Kofman, Division of Social Science, Middlesex Polytechnic
1 February Coca, dC7.Jelopmem and the en Ironment in Boli la Dr Colin Sage, Environment Section, e Colle e
Rueben Ramo , Communications Research Group.
5 1ar h Polansallon Couplmg in Highly Birefnngent Opllcal Fibres Usman Ahmed, Ph 'sical Electronics Re earch Group.
25 February H) drologlc an eroSIon dynamu:s of agnculLure terraces In 'epal u Kegang
12 M:lrch Indoor RadiO COmmUnlcallons Rob Haines, Communications Research Group.
Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Seminars Held in Room 3/8, 4th Floor Cornwall House Annexe, from 16. - 17.
19 March Remote Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposillon ofSilicon itride for Integrated Circuits Patrick Dainty, Physical Electronics Re earch Group.
1 February Menopause as a marker ofageing Malcolm Whitehead, The Menopause Clinic, King's College 1-10 pital 11 February The work of the iVIlrslng Research Unit: career patterns of nurses and quality of care ally Redfern, Director of the RU, King's College London
26 M:lrch High PreCISion Band Pass Fillers Using the OTA-C Approach in GaAs MESFET Technology Dr John Taylor, University College.
17 February Project on maXimal length of life A R Thatcher Cambridge Group for the History of Popularion and Social Structure
For more information contact Dr Ian Robemon, ext 2523.
18 February The living will Sally Greengross, Director, Age Concern England
Research Seminars for Centre for eural Networks I-Ield in Room 27C, Strand. Coffee and andwiches will be provided for the seminars which start at 13.00.
Electronic and Electric:ll Engineering Department Rese:lrch emlOars Held on Thursdays, 13. 0 in Room 11 A, Strand
5 February, 14. 0 Computations the Hippocampus might perform Profes or J 0' Keefe, Professor of Cognitive euroscience, Urliversity of London
13 February, GaAs Integrated CirCUits, Dr Fred yers, G EC- 1arconi Materials Technology (Caswell).
12 February, 13.00 Presentallon by the Physics Department Dr J F Boyce
2 February Ultra-Wideband GaAs MMIC PhaseShlfters Stefan Lucyszyn, Communications Reearch Group.
6 February, 13.00 Presentation by Electrical Engineering Department Dr T Clarkson
27 February Multiple Access Protocols for Point-toMltltipoint Radio CommUnications Networks .:.
The Aphrodisias Excavations Fourth International Colloquium Saturday 14 March, Great Hall 10. - 17.3 King's College London is once again playing host to this prestigious event, with this year's theme of Buildings and BenefacÂŁOrs. The excavations, sponsored by ew York University, involve scholars from all over the world and a large number of these international experts will be at King's for the colloquium. The ancient city of Aphrodisias is revealed by current excavations as one of the most impressive archaeological sites in Turkey as well as being a place of great natural beauty. A prosperous city under the Roman Empire, it had a number of outstanding sculptors and produced some of the latest free-standing sculpture from the Roman world. The continuing excavations are making substantial new contributions to the knowledge of the period. Topics under discussion include: the physical setting of Aphrodisias and its analysis using satellites; its conservation; the decoration of the monuments; the current work - and the highlight of the event - a presentation about the newly restored tetrapylon (a monumental building of the second century AD, marking the entrance to the precinct of Aphrodite). The sessions will be extensively illustrated with slides or photographs. Whether for archaeologists, classicists or holiday-maker sto Turkey, the colloquium will prove fascinating. For further information and to register contact The Aphrodjsias Colloquium, Department of Classics, ext 2515.
Student Drama Gala The King's Players is a new drama society being launched this term with a stunning production of Guys & Dolls. It will run from 25 to 29 February, with a Gala performance on Thursday 27th February. All staff, students and friends of King's are encouraged to attend and give their support For more details ring the Students' Union on 071-836 7132.
MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE A major conference on mental health was held under the auspices of King's College at the Great Western Royal HOtel, Paddington on 14 and 15 January. Entitled Community Mental HeaLLh Care - internatIonal perspectives on making it happen, the event was ho ted by the Centre for ental Health Development (which is attached to the Institute of Health at King's) and was attended by over 15 mental health professionals, service users and carers from Europe, Australasia and the USA. A keynote speaker on the first day was Professor Leonard Stein, who has 15 years' experience of running a community mental health service in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Professor Stein stressed the necessity to target limited resources on a vision: to help people with serious mental disabilities live a stable life of relatively decent quality in an environment that allowed their lives to have some meaning. This vision was an outcome, not a service. What mattered was the focus of a service, not its locus - but people could not live meaningful lives in an institution.
health care. The Centre had a twofold mission: to help authorities implement better services by providing long-term consultancy assistance, and to contribute to the development of national policy. Within a year of its inception the Centre was demonstrably realising its objectives and justifying the aspirations of its sponsors the Mental Health Foundation and the Department of Health itself. The Centre's work with a dozen health authorities in five regions was progressing well, the Miruster said, and the key aim of bringing the views and experiences of users to bear at every stage was crucial in the context of the Government's Patients' Charter. Mr Dorrell went on to stress the importance of the conference's international aspect, and aid that however fervently the British might believe in our own ational Health ervice, it would be foolish to think that we could not improve our system by learning from the experience of others.
This theme was taken up by other speakers, notably Or John Hoult, an Australian psychiatrist who has developed community services in New South Wales. He toO stressed the key principle that most of the available resources should be targeted on those most in need. Unfortunately, he said, this does not often happen: it is more comfortable to work with the less seriously ill, at the expense of those with multiple problems. Stephen Dorrell MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary in the Department of Health, was unfortunately not able to be present as he had planned on the second day, having been detained by urgent Government business. He did, however, send his speech and this was read on his behalf. The Minister echoed the main conclusions of the conference: that'virtually everyone' agreed that mental health services should be locally based and community oriented; but that, despite this, progress in achieving such services had been slower than many would like. Mr Dorrell said that the Centre for Mental Health Services Development had a key part to play in encouraging the more efficient use of health authority resources to achieve major improvements in community mental
Comment is the College's regular staff newsletter, issued by the Press and Publications Office (telephone S3202) three times a term, with special editions if required. Contributions are welcomed from any member of staff of the College. These may take the form of, for example, news of events or people, views on College matters, photos, items for sale. Please note, the Editor reserves the right to amend items as necessary. If possible, please send your piece on an Apple Macintosh 3.5" Micro Floppydisk, using Microsoft Word programme or by E-mail under the alias Comment. Contributions for the next edition of Comment should be received by mid-day on 17 February.