Kc o g 11
Founded I
the College d
/U Acting Pn'ncipal dis sus lIu conupl ofCredit Accumulation and Transfer in tlte context of King's activities.
Before the d u t has settled on 'semesterisation' within the univer icy, let alone within the Univer icy ystem, we have to come to term with Credit ccumulation and Transfer cheme (CAT) and the related concepts of pecific and general credit, credit points, and transcript detail. uni ersities around the country are rapidly revising their degree tructure . Many are in the proce of 'modularising' their degree; other ha e recent! fini hed that proce . London and its Colleges have had a modular degree tructure for many year - 'coursc units' - and now almost all of our degree run on that system Yet the full implications of that change are only now being gra ped by the Univer ityof London - the Vice Chancellor i putting a paper to its committees this term. I le will propose, among other thing, that all units taught for the degree awarded by the niversicy of London be as igned a value depending upon their contribution
to the number of poin needed for the degree. The poin will be compatible with the redit ccumulation and Tran fer heme (C T ) that I beginning to operate nationally. There will be 360 poin required for a tandard undergraduate degree now taken over three year. normal one year programme would then compri e 120 points, and 1 course unit for a 9 unit degree would earn 40 points, and for a 12 unit degree, 30. choolOffice will
receive co pie of the ice hancellor' report to the C OIver it) Committee when it I publl hed. 1 here i little else that the College must do to It course unit degrees other than to bnng the nomenclature and regulatIon IOto llOe with the new structure. Ilowe er, we sltould regularly recon Ider the degree tructure that we currently have, and now i the opportunity to do o. I et out over some issue that we
continued on page 2 Dr Roger PoIient, co-founder of lite Deue/opmenlol Biology &searr:lt Cmm, describing lite ffJJOrk of IlteCmm 10 lite Pd Royal (SÂŤfull reportofllteClumallor'suisJts 10 tile Rondoll Institzmond KCSMDonpoge 13)
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hould address as a College, and ( ask that all members of the College con ider them, and discuss them with the member of the Academic Board 0 that when the debate this paper December, the will know your vie . The Board will not make decision of sub tance then, but the views and advice of the College community will inform any firm propo als made in 1993.
Prohkration of de rcc mle and ructure uf dc rcc . ur c t present we have 104 first degree titles that contain the names of more than one subject area, 35 of the form 'X with Y, eg, 'Phy ic with French', and 69 of the form 'X ondY', eg, 'Mathematic and Management'. There are 86 degree title that are in single subject areas, eg 'Philo ophy'. There are many problem that ari e from this proliferation, some real and ome apparent. There i no doubt that we attract attention by a wide range of titles. i itors to the last two presentation ceremonies have asked me how we could afford to teach uch small groups of students. It is easy to explain that most of the individual cia ses are much larger than number taking each combination would sugge t, but the suspicion of gross inefficiency obviously lingers in some cases. Opinions differ about the advantage in the CCA market of proliferated titles: some claim it illustrates the possibility of combination of su bjects to uit individual needs; others maintain that it suggests rigidity after entry. There i little e idence to test either claim.
n Iternati 'e
onsider an alternative. e omit any specific listing of with courses, replacing it with a general comment that we encourage students to take units worth up to, say, 30 or 40 points from another discipline. For example, students could take a unit designed to give proficiency in reading or writing another language, or a unit designed to aid science students to communicate scientific ideas to nonscientists, or an introductory unit in any discipline that has no specific prerequisites, or ... Would such a
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statement influence recruitment? It would not affect the information provided to the emplo er: the transcript we now pro ide give much more information about the content of the degree than the title could e er con e If we did make that change, academic is ue would arise. How would the principle affect regulation for degree ? How much control would we need over the choice? hould we rtquirt students to take at lea t 30 or 40 points from a discipline other than their major? Should we require a non-major to be in a contrasting area, a compJemtntory area or in what are sometime called transferobk skills, (such as fluency in information technology, or in communicating to multiple audience )? How would we decide about the categorisation of contrasting and complementary topics? (fwe did introduce ome required non-major units, how hould we treat the deliberately multi-di ciplinary courses, uch a the mutually planned ':'v1athematics and Management' degree we now have, or the new programmes in 'European tudies', 'Mediterranean tudies' or' nited tate and Latin American Studie ' now being introduced through the School of Humanities. How will tudents then meet the requirement for professional registration, in Pharmacy for example? The questions for debate are: I. Should we abandon descriptive
naming of degree, allowing the transcript to convey the content of degrees only identified a BA, BSc, BEng, LLB, MBB , BOS, BPharm? 2. hould we advertise onl the majors we offer and the pre-approved combinations of and courses, and 'X Studies' being developed in Humanitie? 3. Should we a) require, b) encourage, c) discourage, or d) prohibit some study in single honours degree programmes of topics outside the area of the major discipline?
new degree tructure that require the accumulation of 3 0 points will require explicit pecification of ru le of dtptlr progrtssion and coMrtna. Extreme po ition will illu trate the i ue. . . 0 one would expect to earn a degree by accumulating 360 points from topics all taught at introductory level. On the other hand, a tudent who had accumulated 360 points by taking 120 ['first level '] units in year one, 120 ['second level'l in year tWO, all of which have year one units as prerequisites, followed by J 20 ['third level'] in year three for which the year two units were prerequi ites would expect to qualify for the degree. The latter expectation pre-suppose that prerequi ite truly represented knowledge, kills or intellectual maturation necessary for the ucce ful study of the more advanced' unit. In many case, however, the setting of prerequi ite cannot be so preci e. In ome area there i a true sequence of nece sary knowledge without which the student cannot attempt the econd unit. In others, a unit normally taught in econd year as a timetable convenience docs not in truth require any of the preceding units. Some service units, for example in statistics for biologist, could be taught succe sfully in first year. They are often taught in second year so that the skills acquired could be used in a final year project. Should we count uch service units as 'second level' units? Probably not; 0 degree regulation are unlikely to pecify '120 points at each of levels one two and three'. More likely we will find a requirement that the degree programme contains units in at least one stqutna of, say J20 points linked by prerequisite requirements, and, sa , 60 or 0 at level three, with no more than 140 at level 1. ervice or contrasting units de ignated as level I may be studied in the second or third year of a course. The que tions we need to address include: 4. What are the criteria for designating prerequisites, co-requisites and excluded combination?
5. What i the minimum number of le el 3 points required for graduation? What i the maximum number of level 1 poln permined?
. What are the criteria that mu t be met for the tran ferred credIt to be u ~d to meet prerequisite requirements?
12. hould we allow studen to eran fer an credit at level three? hould we allow le el-three tran fer if it is to counted toward a major sequence?
t\ related question i :
6. What i the minImum stquma that we will allow? For example, would a sequence of 40 units at each of le el one to three be ufficienl, or would there also need to be at least 0 uni at each of level one and two linked by pre- and co-requisite relationship? Must there be at least one major sequence (120 units linked by prerequisite relations) ondat least one minor sequence of, say, 0 units linked by pre- and co-requisite relation hips? 7. What i the 'smallest' course we will count for credit? 15 points, 10 points?
Transfer of credit
n ome case, mainly but not exclusively in the humanities, students could learn the subject matter equally well at first, econd or third year level. The distinguishing characteristic is the degree of ophistication required or expected in the handling of sources, interpretation of texts, or in synthesi of di parate material. Staff can easily handle such cases within an institution, where they know the relative expectations. The difficulty will come in handling an application for credit transfer where a student requests credit for a unit with apparently the ame content as one we offer, but where the level of study is different. I suspect that we will accept the unit as meeting the level requirement, but not count it if the student takes another unit covering equivalent content from our own sequences. We should not allow two units in Reformation Drama to count towards the degree if the texts studied in each are the same. We will almost certainly give more importance to the decision concerning whether the credit being transferred meets the requirements for the sequence rules that define the degree, or whether we will restrict the student to using it to make up the number of points needed for the degree. The relevant question is:
. Do we wi h to allow transfer of up to 240 poin to a degree that we ultimately recommend for award? (This is equivalent to the current maximum permitted by the university of London.) In practice, the prerequisite rules we apply may dictate the decision. It is conceivable that the development of credit transfer within the whole of the enlarged university sector ma encourage students to take the first part of their course in an in titution with lower entry scores, and then attempt to tran fer to one with a higher reputation to complete the final year, from which they would graduate. Would the large number of institutions within the London area make thi ea y to do logistically? Would we want to give our imprimatur to students for whom we only taught one third of the degree? Would we be happy ifstudents transferred all of a major sequence, and only completed fir t and second level units with us? Would we wish to be elective in responding to a request to transfer credit? If so, what criteria should we apply? (I believe that the major effect wi 11 not be one of mass transfer. It is more likely in London that a student will take a unit for credit in one institution and then ask for credit within the institution within which they take the bulk oftheircourse . If this happen outside the niversity of London system, as well it might, there will be additional administrative problems concerning payment of grant and fee. I do not consider these here; they are admini trators' problem in implementing academic policy.) The discussion questions arc:
13. What qualit criteria do we apply to a tu dent wi hing to eran fer credit? Are the criteria the same for the transfer of credit to meet prerequisite requiremen as for general transfer?
The nature of an Honours de C1 ree f credit is transferred from one in titution to another which awards the degree, then problems of degree classification arise. It has been proposed within the University that degree classification will be eliminated by the use of transcripts, which will show the points value of assessable units and the result obtained. form of the American Grade Point Average system is likely to arise.
10.00 we wish to accept the London minimum of 120 points taken at a London college to qualify for one of King's degree programmes? If not, what minimum should we require?
11. Should we allow students to complete a major sequence by credit transferred?
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an Kmnetiy, Pro/mor 0/ MediuJl Low and EtIr . a reponed In Till TimlS after a con ultant was found guilty of attempting to murder a terminall ill patient b adminIstering a lethal injection of pota ium chloride. Profe or Kenned said 'The law ha to protect the citi7..C:nry from the worst case scenario. ometime doctor need educating that it i perfeetly permis ible to make a patient comfortable, even if it bring about their early death.' Commenting on the ituation in the Netherlands where active euthanasia i permitted, he aid the ame arrangements would not work in Britain. 'We need to keep the law as a threat over those who go too far.'
Midtatl 'e!son, Leclurer in ulrilion and DieUlU:s wa called a an expert witnes in the court ca e between a manufacturer of vitamin pill and hrop hire aunty ouncil Trading tandard Department. Dr. 'el on' evidence wa exten i el reported and he appeared on the BBC 'ine O'Clock ews tating that 'between 3% and 10% of children could be deficient in minerals, and may benefit from taking mineral upplemen ,but that did not nece sarily mean that their intelligence would increa e.'
Sltphen Ball, Proftssor 0/ Educalion took part in Radio 4' File on Four programme
appear Ion
which examined the government's plan to produce a league table of ccondary schools and to use examination re ults a indicators of ucce or failure. Profes or Ball poke about the role of parental choice. Drawing upon ongoing research on market force in education he commented on the untoward effects of 'raw score' league table for children with specialleaming need. He al 0 noted the importance of go ernment control of market information in a system which appears to reflect parental preference in a neutral way.
Camelia Cabnel, Visiling Ltclurer in Plrysics poke to The Daily Telegraph about the potential health hazards of mobile phones and the large re earch project that is being undertaken to look at the effects on the body of expo ure to emissions from mobile phone. Or
abflel aid 'It' very likel that we will find the e eml Ion are harmle .'
Crubb, Reader in Meduol ~
appeared widel in the national pre and on The llmf11) Young Programme on Radio 2 explaining the Li ing Will, which wa launched in conjunction with the errence Higgin Tru t. Thi is de igned for people with HI or AID and allow them to make arrangement for their future health care before they become too ill to do o.
Chris Mam'oll, Pro/essoro/ Pharmaceulics, appeared on a Walchdog Special on nBC I in a programme inve tigating health produ ts a ailable without pre cription from pharmacie and health hop. lIe talked about the re ults of tes that he carned out on calcium tablets which women take In the belief that the will be protected from osteoporo i . lIe explained that the vast majority do not li e up to their claim. and that mo t women would be better off drinking a pint of milk a da .
lames COfW, Research Officer. Cenlre/or Defmce Sludies commenting in the Financial Times on the Geneva Conference's draft con titutional plan for the former Yugoslav republic, aid'lf such mono-ethnic communitie , originally established through force, are accepted at the Geneva peace conference, what will dissuade the ethnic Albanian from the Serbcontrolled province of Kosovo, or any o her minority from setting up their own ethnicall pure tate through the diklat of either precedent or force? Or Gow was al 0 the con ultant on Central ele i ion's Cook Report Special on ethnic clean ing.
(,uide Up'! re ou may remember back in June we ran a piece in Commenl about our plans to produce a Directory 0/ Experls - the guide listing King's experts for use by journalists who want comment or informed opinion on a partieular ubject. We al 0 wrote to all academie inviting them to be included
in thl new publication. The re ponse w ovef\\-helming - we recel\;ed over o replie . ian than all tho who toO the time complete heIr orm . There I a good representation 0 all our ubjects acro the . school so he Dtrec ory wIll re ea well the multi· dl clplmal! na ure of the Colle e. The hard wor no... begin All the orm have been carefull read, orced and edited and are currentl bem typeset, and when the proof come In they wIll be ho... n to a repre entatlve of each school to ensure continuing accurac . A de igner ha helped u to present the informatIOn in a friendly and conci e wa hich journali t will be able to refer to quickly and easil . The main taSk now i the compilation of a comprehen ive mailing li t. The DIrectory will be sent far and wide to all areas of the media· radiO, televl IOn, newspaper, magazine, Journal etc. I lowever, I am ure that de plte my be t efforts the mailing la t could be Improved upon, 0 if you have any ugge tion , or there I a particular journali t or magazine you think it hould be sent to, please do not he Itate to let me know (ext 3073). I will al 0 end co pie of the Directory to each department. I would like to take thi opportunity to tep up our monitoring of the coverage King's receives in the media. If you are going to appear on radio or television, please let me know. Iso, if you are quoted in a magazine or paper, I would appreciate receiving a copy of the cutting. We often receive call in the Office from journali ts or member of the public after an appearance in the medIa by a member of taff and it mean we can be more helpful if we are aware of what they are referring to. e our new 'In the. 'ews' column on page 4. ~elanie Gardner Pres and Information Officer
e f 'ou were at the trand between .1onda 2. ovember and Thursday 5 . 'ovember ·ou probabl ' noticed that areers Wee w being held in the Great Ilall Organised by the Career d i ory rvlce, It w a sene of Career InformatIOn FaIr, With a different theme for every da : arts and media for da 1, general for day 2, finance for da 3 and IT, engineering and life seience for day 4. The arts and media fair wa a new introduction thi ear, designed to broaden the range of career represented during the week. Wh do we run Career Information Fair ? A the name ugge t , these fair are not pnmanl Intended as recruitment even . The are Intended to act as a forum to enable students to gather accurate information and to que tion at fir t hand those direct!. working in, or in 01 ed With, a wide range of indu trie , profe IOns and course. In other word they are a form of career education. Did the Fairs meet thc need of tudents? Career rvice taff counted a total of2270 tudents attending the Fairs over the four days, a follows: Day 1: Arts & Media, 3 0 Day 2: General, 610 Day 3: Finance, 550 Day 4: IT, Englneenng and Life ience ,730 Although the even were widely publicised, attendance wa lightly lower than In 1 I, except for Da 4. Thi drop In attendance appear to be a national phenomenon, according to exhibitors present at our Fair, and was interpreted as being a renection of a feeling of de pair among t tudents, as they contemplate another difficult ear for graduate recruitment. Thl i a pity, because it i precisely at uch time that there i an increased need for tudents to understand the labour market better and to prepare a reali tic job-seeking trategy. Few organisations have cut graduate recruitment altogether, and many report a worrying drop in application.
We as cd den or their comment' and here are some; It was a u eful mean of finding out what Ind of Job are a ailable.' 'It broadened m . horizon.' 'I tal ed to people ""ho ""ere u Ing an arts degree in a pra ical wa,.' and on the down ide... 'only u eful for tudents who don't kno what the outsIde world i all about.'· ome firms were too focu ed on vacancIes and not on the general pro i Ion of information.' VI mn exhibitor were pleased with the venue and the admmistratlon. ome voiced di~appolntment with the lowerthan-u ual attendance on the . inance Da '" perhap finance career are 10 Ing their appeal? veralorganisatlon had gone to ome trouble to send King' graduate: thl probably helped tudents to identify better With ueh people and their tran mon to the world of work. One comment from an exhibitor wa : • tudents mu t re earch and market what they have to offer.' We hope that events like areer V,eek will serve to remind tudents of the many opportunities open to them after they graduate.
Dr ue Dlrmiki nlor areer .\dvi er
Student discussing teac!zing as a career wit;' a TA C representative.
p ge:;
n 1988, a QED programme broadcast by the BBC suggested that giving a multivitamin and mineral supplement to chool children would cau e a dramatic improvement in their IQ. The programme wa ba cd on an article publi hed in the Lancet howing that a grou p of apparently normal and healthy el h adolescents who had received a supplement dail for for eight months had a significant increase in non-verbal IQ compared with a placebo group. The potential ignificance ofthi finding - that children on an average British diet were o deficient in micronutrients as to impair their mental function-stirred up a controversy that has raged for over four year. The first response from the cientific community was one of incredulity. Thcre was no evidence to suggest that undernutrition was widespread amongst British children, and the Lance! report came in for heavy criticism. In true cientific spirit, however, the hypothe was retested in a number of centres, and the fir t of these tudie to be completed was carried out in the Department of utrition and Dietetics at King's. This showed ab olutely no effect of a supplement on children' IQ, nor was there any evidence of undernutrition of the type described in the Lance! report. A second tud carried out in Dundee, an exact replication of the original Wel h study, also concluded that supplements were ineffective in raising IQ. While scientists swapped claim and counter claim, another angle to the story was developing. Shropshire Trading Standards prosecuted Larkhall atural Health Ltd, manufacturers of a multivitamin and mineral supplement called Tandem IQ Pock, for a false trades
description. The packaging depicted a bo and girl looking at book and the implication was that the upplements would be likel to impro e children' IQ. The case reached the courts this September, and re 01 ed around the que tion of the 'wide pread and general effeetivene 'of the upplement. Evidence was presented b both ides regarding the proportion of children in the CK who might benefit from taking the supplement. The prosecution witnes es included Or Michael 'elson from the Department of 'utrition and Dietetics at King's, (see 'In the News' page 4) Or Steve Blinkhorn, a psychologist and Managing Director of a psychometric research firm in St Albans and Or John Todman, a p ychologi tat the Univer ity of Dundee who had carried out the large t of the replication tudie . Theye timated that between 3% and 10% of children in the K might benefit, but the evidence of an effect even in thi mall minority was inconclu ive. In contrast, defence witnesses put the estimate at at least 25% (and at one point a high as 60%). In the end, the evidence in fa our of the supplement' effectivene was deemed insufficient, and the prosecution was succe sful. Following the conviction, several member of the nutrition department appeared on national television and radio, and a lively exchange of letters on the issue appeared in the Independen! and Guardian. In a totally different phere of activity, in ovember, The Family Budget nit launched its 'modest-but-adequate' and low-cost hou ehold budgets. The work was supported over the la t two years by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a charitable trust supporting research into ocial policy and hou ing with particular reference to low income households and pen ioners. For the fir t time in over 50 years the Family Budget 'nit has developed households budget methodology which has lain dormant in the UK since the work of Seebohm Rowntree and Beveridge, whose work in 1936 and 1942 provided the foundation for the basis for the calcu lation of social security payments. The Department of utrition at Ken ington has been involved in developing the food component of the budget. The Food Working Party of the Family Budget
nit was led b Or Michael • 'el on, and emplo ed two ~ graduate of the department. he launch wa held two da s before the Chancellor' utumn tatement and attracted wide pread publicity in the pre and on tele i ion and radio. Food i the largest ingle component of the budgets (except for hou ing co ts in owner-occupier households). In low income household e pecially, food i the item mo t likely to suffer when money i tight. The consequence of thi i a poorer diet and ultimately poorer health. The new budget tandards will provide benchmarks against which the adequacy of benefits and income can now be asses ed; ammunition for those pre sure group who aim to improve the living tandard of the poore t sections of the community; and a scientific basi for determining the nece sitie of life in Briti h hou hold at a level which will enable them to participate fully in ociety. Charlotte Town end Department of Nutrition
paign 20
lan by King's College, its hool of \1edicine and Denti try, and the Ho pital are well advanced to develop together a Joint Education Centre as a ubstantial extension and refurbishment of the existing :"ormanby College (an. 'H facility) on the Camberwell site. This will provide a new Centre for King's College hich, together with King's College Ho pital, has a major national role in the education and training of doctors, dentists, midwive , nur es, physiotherapi ts, radiographers and other. The interaction of different groups of health care professionals in training and their teachers in one location is seen a a valuable feature of the project. The creation of the new Joint Education Centre will certainly ensure that King's remains in the forefront of medical advance and will establish an innovative
modelofCni ersityand.·H collaboration which can be applied throughout the United Kingdom.
c I·c ture he College offer educational programmes for its health care professionals across a number of site . The education of clinical medical and dental tudents is primarily undertaken on the Camberwell site and the development is therefore of crucial ignificance to King's College School of \1edicine and Dentistry. The Centre will add a most important resource to the existing educational provision of both King's College and the Hospital. For example, the Centre will assist in the development ofthe teaching of medicine in the setting of General Practice, which is already being pioneered at King's; the education of nurses under the innovative Project
King's College London and King's College Hospital joint education centre
2000 s stern, whereb the demands on them to fulfil ard duties are secondary to educational achie emen on four ear degree programmes, which combine a wide range of practical experience with considerable emphasis on academIC udies. By extending and enhancing an exi ting .. H educational facility rather than ha ing to fund a complete 'new build', it will be po sible to incorporate up-to-date facilities and audio-visual aids together with a comprehensive library to meet the need of the ite in a costeffective manner. Areas and facilities will be dedicated to postgrad uate and contin uing ed ucation in order to extend links into the community by liaison with local General Practices. Provision of adequate areas for major conferences and events will attract national and international audience. There will be ongoing emphasis on training those who will, in turn, be undertaking or supervising the training of others. Research and development in key areas of patient care such as Accident and Emergency treatment and the care of diabetic patients will be fostered. The welfare of students and staff will be catered for by the provision of recreation areas, catering facilities and a creche.
1 he
he overall cost of the Centre is £9.1 million. The Higher Education Funding Council for England is committed to funding the establishment of a new Library and certain other educational facilities for the Centre. Further funds in support of the project will be made available from the sale of land. The King's Appeal is pledged to raise £2.1 million for the project and, to date £450,000 has already been raised. For more information, please contact the King's Appeal, King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, telephone 071-9788894.
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t C\
trltm m
Dr Mid/oel Robb ha become Profe or of Chemi try
pr m () n he College has announced the following new appointments and promotion ,effecti e from 1 October unless otherwise tated.
Appointment to Established Chairs Professor Ceroid Dworkin has been appointed to the newly established Herbert mith Chair of European Law, and will also be the Director of the Centre for European Law. He will join King's in January from Queen Mary and We tfield College where he i currentl the Herchel mith Professor of Intellectual Property Law.
Mr John Longdon of King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry ha been appointed to the Chair of Oral and Maxillofacial urgery and as Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial urgery. Dr Alison While has been appointed to the newly established Chair of Community ursing, effective from 1 'ovember 1992. She was previou Iya enior lecturer in the Department of ursing Studies.
Personal Chairs
Dr Diego Vergoni ha become Profe sor of Immunology
Readerships The following have had the title of Reader conferred upon them:
Dr Nicl Creen ha become Reader in Chemistry Mr Andrt'lfP Crubb ha become Reader in Medical Law Dr Emily Crundy has become Reader in Gerontology Dr Efroim Ko h has become Reader in War Studie Dr Molcolm Moden ha become Reader in Experimental Embryology Dr CiO'Uonni Monn ha become Reader in Physiology
Dr Mark Sondler has become Reader in Digital Signal Proce sing
Mr Kypros Nicoloides has become Professor of Fetal Medicine Dr RicJzord Overy has become Professor of History Dr John Price has become Professor of Paediatric Respirology, effective from 1 July 1992
Mathematics and Computer Science On the recommendation of the Academic Board the College Council ha agreed that the proposed Department of Mathematical Science be replaced by two separate departments: Mathematics and Computer ience.
Closure of Rogate The College heard with regret in Jul that the Finance Committee considered that the closure of the Rogate Field tudies Centre, in Petersfield, Hams was ine itable, given that fewer people from the College were using its facilitie . The clo ure is expected to take place in the ummer of 1993.
fro 111 rtlnent
Mr John Wooiford ha become Reader in English
,co raph I ep rtmcn
MrC(Robin) Morse has become Profes or of Law
College Reorgani anon
Dr Andrt'lfl) Pressley ha become a Reader in Mathematics
The following have had per onal professorships conferred upon them:
Dr Cordon Davies has become Profe or ofPhy ics
Gordon quare. Liz Dawe has left her po t as careers information officer and . 'ick Halfhead ha been appointed a her replacement. li on H utchin and Janet Culle continue a careers information officer. The Career rvice continues to operate from two ite, namel trand (3rd Floor Macadam Building) and Ken ington (Careers Hut).
at Kin
• rcef
r ue Dirmiki has taken over from Or :\'eil Harris as senior careers adviser in charge of the Careers dvisory Service. :\'eil is now in charge of the service at niversity College and is Deputy Director of the niver ity of London Careers Advi ory ervice. Other new arrivals as careers advisers are Colin Bailey (three days a week), Derek Mortimer (two days a week) and Lesley Martin, who is replacing Mary Baldwin while ary is on maternity leave. John icholles has left King's to join the Central Career ervice at 50
r Linda :\'ewson from the Geography Department has been awarded the Carl 0 ward for Distinguished Scholar hip at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in the C Mr Travis Ma on, a student in the Department of Geography, ha been awarded the Best Dissertation ward 1992 by the British Geomorphological Research Group in competition with dissertation submitted by 32 univer ities. The referees comments were 'research of the highest quality, beautifully presented..... of publishable standard', 'the best dissertation I have ever seen'.
Polish Honour for Bill Morgan 1n recognition 0 hi research on the eograph . of Poli h agriculture and hi contribution to Pol h-Bnti h academic relation, Pro cs r BI1I :viorgan of he Department 0 Geograph has been presented with the diploma 0 honorary life membership by the Polt h ( ocietas Geograph IcaJ Geograph lca Polon ica).
Research Opportunities in Southern Europe The Department of Geography at King' ha been awarded up to ix Fellow hip under the Human Capital and :viobility programme of the European Commi sion. The award will enable po tdoctoral and doctoral researchers from 'le s favoured' regIOn in outhern Europe to work either on "1editerranean land degradation and in tability, or on the integration and ulnerability of migran to southern Europe. he first programme concentrates on the application of field monitoring, hydrological modelling and remote sen ing to spatial forecasting of catastrophic erosion and mas movement caused by extreme climatic events. he second focuse on new migration into southern Europe, with particular regard to retirement migration from northern Europe, a ylum eeker from the Third World, the problems of migrants in housing markets and women migrants in the job market. Further detail can be obtained from Liz Traynor, Department of Geography, trand campus.
he chool of Phy ical iences and Engineering held their first ever Prize-giving Ceremony on 22 October in the Great Ilall. It was well attended by tudents, staff, family and friends who all came together to acknowledge the 'fruits of their labour', as Profe or Roy Pike, the Head of School, put it. Over 35 prize were awarded across the hool, including two lelf Medal. The Guest of Honour wa Profes or Trevor lones of the Wellcome Foundation and a former Chel ea
College udent and current member of College CouncIl. He ga ea hort peech in which he praised the dedication, hard wor and exceptional abili which had clearl. been demon trated b} the tuden . He tre sed the Importance of the contribution 0 ph' lcal lence to the world and mused to whether the :viaxwells and Whea ones of the future were among t the nu mber recei ing their prize that da . Present in the audience was :vir :viichael. 'elkon, the author of many well-known phy ics textbooks. He is an alu rnn u of the College and donor of the :"elkon prize, which was awarded for the first time thi year to the tudent who gained the be t honours degree in Physics. Kamlcsh Pand a of the Department of Computing, one of the lelf :viedalli ,ga e the Ote of than to Profes or Tre or lone.
\o1A tudent to the Department and then wor ed for TIre Su Te 'OfJ. After hI death at the age of2 hi faml1 ,with Telegraph, endowed pnze to hi name. The first pnze were awarded b lohn O'Dw 'er-Ru 11, imon' ather, at a ber. The prize for the recep Ion to be performance in the first ear of our new BA course was awarded to William teed , and for the be t performance in the. 1 course to H ugh Fisher.
wo of King' tudents received award in the Lord :via or's OOth nni er ry Tru L Fiona Dodd (2nd year Law student) received her prize for the be t Write-up of her project A Trans Afw Journey at the Lord :viayor' reception on 5, 路ovember. Rebecca hite' (\01 B zantine tudie tudent) award wa for her project -An exploralion in Greece in preparation for her PhD (Oxford) on t Gregory ofPalamas.
Miriom CIIong of/he Departmenl of MedlaniuJl Enginemng and JelfMedal!: I, pictured 01 W Sc1Iool ofPltysiuJl Scimas and Engineering Priu-giuing Cermlo1Tj wi/h lurparmls
former King's Reader and her sister have eome as near to immortality as may be possible by literally having their names recorded among the tar. The nited tate Geological urvey has chosen to name a crater on the planet Venus (where all feature are named after women) after idnie \o1anton and her sister Irene \o1anton who died in 1979 and 19 re pectively. idnie wa a Reader in Zoology at King' for 11 year , and considered to be the world' greatest expert on the cia sification of anthropod while Irene wa Profe or of Botany at Leed Cniversity.
or the first time in its 30 years of exi tence, the Department of War tudie ha its own prize to award. The prizes, for the be t performance in each year of the BA course and the be t final result of the BA and MA degrees, are in the name of Simon O'Dwyer-Ru sell who was an
thank Letter from Christina Keen Dear Colleagues, I wanted to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to everyone who came to my leaving party and contributed towards a present - I was overwhelmed by the generosity and I will now be able to buy a pianol I was of course sad to say goodbye to all my friends but I'm sure I'll keep in close touchl
Letter from Norma Rinsler I should like to thank everyone who helped to give me the most splendid farewell on my retirement, and hope that I may be forgiven for not writing individual letters of thanks to all of you in turn. It was good to see so many old friends at the party, and to have so many messages of good wishes from those who could not be there. I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the gifts: I shall cherish the fruit bowl engraved with the College's crest, and the amazing 'card' with all your signatures. The cheque will allow us to replace an ancient and rather unreliable turntable, so that we can listen to our precious vinyl discs without wincing. Thank you, all of you, for all your kindness, and for thirty years of your very enjoyable company. I shall try to avoid haunting the corridors, but shall be in College from time to time in connection with the publication of Modem Poetry in Translation, and hope to meet many of you in passing. My very best wishes for your - and the College's future.
Letter from Liz Auden -Cavies Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am being very lazy in using Comment to pass on my great thanks for all your warm wishes and the lovely vase, flowers and cheque which you contributed towards when I left the College in October. Alas, the flowers have now withered, my hangover after the 16 October has subsided and I am about to put the cheque to good use in the purchase of an 'overlocker' machine. To those of
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you not familiar with what this is, hard luckl Suffice to say I shall think of you all as I neaten seams, sew elastic, roll hems etc, etc with it. Once again, thanks and be t wishes to everyonel
Liz Auden-Davies picture at Iter leaving in tile Social Club (wltere else!) on /6 October. Liz joined the College Of)er /2 years ago as Secretary to tlte Assistant Registrar (bel/er known now as tlte Academic Registrar). Site rose tIIrouglt tile ranks and became Assistant Registrar (Academic Services) with responsibilities including the organisation oftlte Presentation Ceremonies, servicing Standing Commillee and administm'ng tlte ERASMUS sdteme. Liz was a very popular member oftlte College community and will be sorely missed. We wislt Iter luck witlt Iter dressmaking business. Melanie Gardner
On 5 November tlte College Iteld a party to say farewell to Professor Norma Rimier, wlto retired as Vice-Principal ofKing's in October. Professor Rinsler Itad been VicePrincipal since 1987, but titis was only tlte latest ofmany important roles site Itad Iteld in tlte College sincejoining tlte staff in /962. These included: Dean ofthe College Faculty ofArts, Cltairman oftlte Staff Policy Commillee and Cltairman oftlte Equal Opportunities Croup. Site was a member of a number ofSenate Commillees and a member oftlte Estates Policy Commillee and oftlte Universities Funding Council. Professor Janet Bately, deputisingfor tlte Acting Principal wlto was called aflilJ to WltiteJzall, tltanked Prof Rimierfor Iter service to tlte College and wislted Iter a Itappy and active retirement.
Letter from Ray Hunt Dear Friends and Colleagues, I wish to convey my thanks to all who contributed to my presentation on the occasion of my retirement. Those who attended will know I received a 'King's' decanter which is receiving regular use. There was also a surprise gift, (a piece of concrete from the old Ci il Engineering Labs) beautifully mounted courtesy of the Mechanical Engineering Department technicians. It will be a lasting momento of happy times with the 'Civil's'. This now has a central place on our fire surround. There was also a cheque presented and this has been used to purchase some photographic equipment and patio furniture, the latter has had very little use so far due to the continual bad weather we have had since my retirement. My thanks to Mike Harrington for arranging an unforgettable occasion and Professor Stanley Earles for making the presentations to my wife (an enormous
flower arrangement) and myself. [was honoured and overjoyed by the presence of so many. With renewed thanks and very be t wishes for the future.
A letter from David H Davies formerly in the Registry This letter is to say thank you to all those of my colleagues who gave so generously to both my retirement presents and leaving party last July. My new radio is working well and I now also have a small collection of compact discs.
Basil Crowley Basil joined the portering staff of Chelsea College in 1979 and pent all his time in lodge duties in College HousefLightfoot Hall, where he was held in high esteem by the staff and students, especially those who resided in the hall of residence. Basil was a very valued member of staff as well as being a great friend, he was always extremely conscientious in his duty and no job was too big or too small for him. His cheery disposition and friendly attitude to everyone was exceptional and will be sadly missed. We wish him a well and long, happy and healthy retirement in Worthing.
01 delegation from the Ministry of Education in Turkey paid a visit to the Centre for Educational Studies on Wednesday 21 October 1992. Headed by His Excellency Mr Koksal Toptan, Minister of ational Education, the delegation included the Director of International Relations and the UnderSecretary responsible for teacher training, and was accompanied by Mr Colin Perchard, Director ofthe Turkish Office of the British Council. Professor Margaret Brown, Head of the School of Education, welcomed the delegation on behalf of the College and presented the Minister with a Dartington glass bowl engraved with the College crest. The delegation had specifically asked to talk about curriculum development and the use of computers in education. Professor Black, who has unique experience in curriculum development, as joint director of one of
the first Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Projects and currently as Vice chairman of the :'-iational Curriculum Council talked to the Mini ter about curriculum development. The Minister took a lively interest in how curriculum development is organised in England and Wales and expressed surprise that the Department for Education does not elect the school text books. The close links between curriculum development and asse sment procedures were explained by Professor Margaret Brown and Gill Close who have been involved in the development of assessment programmes. Gill Close is currently directing a team at CES producing national assessment materials in mathematics for children at Key stage 3 (aged 14). Or Margaret Cox described a range of work done at CES in educational computing and illustrated the ways in which CES has worked in countries overseas to help set up local computing education programmes. Dieter Pevsner, the Manager of the Nuffield-Chelsea Curriculum Trust (which was set up to continue the work of the uffield Foundation projects) explained the work of the N-CCT. The Minister stressed how useful he had found the visit and hoped that it would be the start of further collaboration.
John Worn ham
Basilpictured here with a chain for his oJfice keys to 'help him remember'
(clockwise from bottom left) Jale Anagnan, Bn'tish Council interpreter; Professor Margaret Brown, Head ofSclzool ofEducation; Professor Paul Block, Professor ofScience Education; John May, Director International Education Unit; Gill Close, Director ofthe Key Stage 3 SATs Mathematics Team; Margaret Cox, Senior Lecturer in Educational Computing; Dieter Pevsner, Manager ofthe NuJfield Che/sea Curriculum Trust; His Excellency Mr Kt/ksal Toptan, Turkish Minister ofEducation; Olkii Bilgen, Deputy Under Secretory; MeJrmet Giindiiz, Deputy Under Secretary.
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he Humanitle Research Cen e \\. launc ed a m on 7 ober m the Great Hall by r Anthonv ' enn, ' Pre Ident of the Bn I h Acadell1) Gue a the recep Ion heard ir Anthony tal 0 the mportance of the humanitie to the nation and the current tate of funding, Profe or te\\.art utherland, \'iceChancellor of the 'nlver ity of London, al 0 welcomed the advent of the new Centre. The creation of the Centre marks the emergence of a new approach in upport for arcs research and It I particularly apt that it hould be e tabll hed at 109's one of the count!)' major centres of academiC excellence 10 thi field. In the last CFC Research electivity Exercise the hool of Ilumanltle achie ed an outstanding performance (comtng second onl to Oxford and Cambridge), and It attracted orne 1.5m in research
Proftssor Barry 1ft. Ilead ofIhe Sclzool of Ilumanilits. inlrodudng Sir Anlhon] Kmrry, Pmidml ofIhe Brilish Academy, 10 gums al Ihe Humanilits RÂŁsearclz Cmlre Iounclz. Also pictured is Professor Avnil CamtrOn and Professor SItf1Mrl SUllzerlond. 10 her righl.
tncome in I 1-92. While much humaOltle research conttnue to be carried out by lone scholar. the e tabli hment of the new Centre demon trate the recognition that in Sign ificant areas of arcs as well as science. research is tntcrdisciplinary and inter-departmental. and that the interests of academics often cluster in the gaps betwcen traditional disciplines. This i already evident in the great variety of re earch currently in hand in the School of Humanitie : ranging from land management in. 'epal to the reconstruction of eighteenth-century
opera house ; from excavation at phrodl i and pana to the langua e and cu ture 0 the HI h Ande ,and from on Iexlcograph . to the hi 0 n 10o he Gul War. A number 0 interd'sciplinary research centre have already emerged in the hool, provldin a focu for Jomt re..earch \\.or berneen scholar 0 di erent leld but with common intere cs. The new over-arch 109 Centre will bnng together the wor of these centre and other. Headed b Profe or venl Cameron, Profes or of Late Antique and Byzantine tUdies. the research centre which will comprise the Ilumanitie Re earch Centre are: dvanced V1u lcal tudie; Bu ine s Ethic; HelleOlc tudie; Late ntlque and \1edle al tudie; PhIlosophical tudle; mencan tudie and T\\.entleth-Century Cultural tudle.
esearch work betng carried out in the Phy ics Department on the optical propertie of diamond featured prominently at a CK/ Japan cience and Technology Event held at thc Royal ociety on October 1992. Or Allan Collins. Director of Diamond Research. was invited by the Cabinct Office to mount two displays illu tratlng the collaborative work betwecn King's College and the :'\ational In titute of Research in Inorganic \1aterial (:'\IRIM) in T ukuba Science City. Japan. The oltd tate Phy ics Group at King' ollege ha a long history of tud 109 the electronic and optical propertlC of diamond . In 19 links were formed with the research workcr at. 'IRI.1 who pioneered the techOlque for the growth of diamond thin film b chemical vapour depo ition ( D). These layer promise to have a number of Important indu trial apphcatlon (for example thermal management in the semiconductor indu try. hard optical coatings. machine tool) and studie ofC D diamond have represented one of the fastest growing areas of materials research in the la t decade. he quality of the diamond films can be investigated by variou optical technique and members of the
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Japanese team have worked at King' with Or Collin to establi h criteria b which the material can be asse sed. The. 'IRI~ group i al 0 able to produce ingle cry tal of diamond b high-pre ure nthe i . The second di play at the Royal ocie described work in progre sat ing' College on 'heavy diamonds' - diamond grown at . 'IRI~ from carbon-I3, the heavy i otope of carbon. The atom in heavy diamond vibrate at a lower frequency, and preci e measurements of the changes in frequency have led to a much better understanding of thc phy ics underlying some ofthe optical pro perties. The links with Japan have been maintained by a series of vi its; Or Collin spent a month at '1 RI\1 in 1990 as a Foreign Speciali t, with a Fellowship from the Japane e cience and Technology genc (ST ), and more recently imon Law on, who obtained hi PhD working on diamond at King's, has joined the :'\IRIYi group on a two-year Royal ociety/ Fellow hip.
Ir er
ford' I·
using a tran lation programme that he has devised. o far he has completed the hand cop ing of manuscrip for a new volume of ei ' mu ic which i expected to be pub" hed in 1994. Cnfortunatel • he will not be making much mone from hi work - there are only 20 or 30 profe ionaJ lute player in Britain!
_ <.: \
H.e c r h (7 m
he Centre for Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Mea urement has been awarded £137,1 3 from Ford Motor ompany to re earch the flow proces e in internal combustion engine inlet port and manifolds. The research will involve both predictions of the flows u ing Computational Fluid Dynamics method and experimen u ing laser anemomeuy and image proce ing.
ute music written in the eighteenth century which was damaged by water during the econd World War has been recrcated on computer in the College by Tim Crawford, a lute player for 20 year and re earcher in music. Lute music is written in a different way from conventional music: the tave with six lines instead of five, u e letters in tead of notes, and is called 'tablature. Tim Crawford is producing two version of he damaged music, which was composed by Silvius Leopold Weis ,a virtuo 0 lute player at the Dresden Court and a friend of Johann ba tian Bach. One type i a faithful reproduction of the faded page the other is in conventional notation for mu icians who cannot play the lute. The music is copied out by hand and entered into an Apple Mac in conventional notation, the programme, iglzfingale, providing a stave onto which the notes are placed. ighfingale also has a facility for playing the mu ic, 0 it is possible to 'proof-listen' as well as to 'proof-read'. Tim then convert the conventional notation into tablature
The Chance/lor meeting Ms Liana ZOifOpolous from the Department 0/ Community Dentisfry. With them is Dr AIex Inglis, Dean o/the Faculty o/Clinical Dentisfry. In the background is fhe puppet show which is used to explain the importance 0/ dental care to children.
lIt he College recei ed two i its withm five da' from the Prmce Ro aI, hancellor of the Cni er i of London. On F rida 9 October he opened the Dental hool Exten ion at KC YiD and the Day urgery Centre of King College Ho pital, and on Tue day 13 she opened the Randall In titute at Drury Lane.
Dl:ntal . choo] ('" ·ten ion he visit began with an opening ceremony at which the Prince s Royal gavc her u pport to the research being carried out at the Dental chool and highl praised the work being undertaken. During the tour of the Extension the Chancellor met taff and viewed a number of new laboratorie and office, eeing at fir t hand the work of the hool. In the Department of Communit Dentistry he was hown two projects: a travelling puppet how which i u ed to educate young children about the importance of looking after their teeth, and a project funded by the charity Cri is on the dental care of the homele s. From there the Princess Royal was taken to one of the eminar rooms on the first floor which will be used for teaching medical tudents through the u e of interactive video. Students can watch and communicate with a urgeon
page 1
performin an operation 10 one of the theatre on the floor belov. ia a televl Ion screen tin ed to a mera dIrectly above the operation ite. Thi no onl} give a far clearer viev. 0 the procedure. but also enable a larger number 0 tuden to v.a h than I po Ible V.I hin the theatre. Pr edlOg to the ground oor of the \rthur LevlO BuildlOg, the Pnnce Royal formally opened the Da urger)' entre, v.hlch ha been built at a co t of . mIllion through a generou donation to the King' Appeal b)' the Charle Wolfson Charitable Tru t. The Centre, which is the large t of Its kmd In Europe, will perform upward of 10,000 operation a year and ignificant!y reduce waiting lists. It compri four operating theatre and 36 bed and allow patien to have theIr operation earned out within a fnendl . envIronment b staff trained in the pnnciple of da urgery, and to return home on the same da . The type of operation which will be performed IOclude dental urgery, ear, nose and throat surgery, gynaecological and general surgery. Dunng the tour the Princes Royal was hown a trolley/bed which has been pecifically designed for the Centre. It combine the functions of bed, trolle and operating table, thu eliminating the need for the transfer of the unconscious
patient. he was also hov.n one of the operating theatre whIch had been prepared read for an operation and wa givcn a demon tration 0 laparoscoplc procedure.
he Pnnce Ro)al returned to thc Collegc on the followlOg 1 ue da to open the Randall In titute based 10 Drul)' Lane. The building I named after the first Profe or of Blophy ic at King' ,John Randall, and it was particu larly appropriate that hI daughter-in-law and grandson were able to attend the occasion. The In mute I home to the Developmental BIOlogy Re earch Centre (DB RC) recent! e tabli hed within KlOg' : a ne 'Aedlcal Research Council (:-vi RC) :-viu le and Cell :-viotility Cnil, and a number of other research groups who e work In olve molecular and cell biology. The DBRC comprise ten laboratone and over 50 re earchers and I under the direction of Dr. 'Igel Holder. Research i focused on the mechani m controlling vertebrate development, particularly the development of the nervous system, the blood system and muscle and perm cells.
Pions Jor tlu nlfP) men'or signogeJortlte Rondoll Institute
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The hancellor v.a ho.... n round several 0 the la oratone and di pla,ed an e traordinary amount 0 intere t 10 and nowledoe ofthc wor bcin und en in thl area. he met a number 0 ta and v.a hown everal of the proJcc goin OlL The tour then .... ent 0 he ~1 RC laboratorie v.here research i conducted on ho.... mu le v.or at a molecular level, how cell uch as fibrobla mo e around and how cell maintam their hape. 109' has a long connection With the :-vi RC dating bac to J
Facelift for the Institute The Randallln titute al 0 u ed the occasIOn of the Chancellor' vi it to redecorate and re- ign their reception area and the exterior of the bUIlding. .ow pa er -b 10 Drul)' Lane will not fail to notl e the mart, clean frontage of the In mute with the College' new logo boldl di played on each wlOdow, Thi work was completed b Pentagram a part of the development of the ollege' VI ualldentity.
he College has establi hed a Private Limited Company, KCL Enterpri e Ltd. The Company is effectively managed by a Board of Directors consisting of all Heads of Schools, the College Sccretary, thc Acting Principal and Vice-Principal. The ice-Principal, Professor Richard Griffiths, i Chairman of the Board and :v1r David Ball is the Compan ' Finance Director. lthough the Company and its management tructure is in place, it will not be i ibly operational until ome time in the :"ew Year. Thi is primarily because key appointments, uch as the anaging Director and chool Industrial Liaison Officer, have yet to be appointed. The Company has been e tabli hed e entially for three reasons: First and foremost, to undertake the promotion of indu trial collaboration. This aspect of the Company' activities is concentrated in two basic inter-
11 11 1'1'
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related areas; the arrangements for ownership and exploitation of intellectual property generated in the course of Collaborative Research Agreements, and handling the public relation and marketing of the College's intellectual expertise in the commercial market place. The marketing aspect of industrial collaboration were identified by the DTI as a primary need ifuniversitie were to improve their re earch base, increase con ultancy income and enhance benefit from their profes ional and intellectual property. ubmis ion to the DTI for support in establishing an Indu trial Liaison nit was successful, and a grant of ÂŁ100,000 has been secured. The award, which effectively commenced 1 August 1992 i spread over three year and is designed to meet approximately 40% of the estimated co ts of the Unit. Secondly, following in the wake of the Hanham Committee Report as to costing of research activity, and the CVCP Recommendations and Guidance as to the management of ponsored niversity Research, there is a need to adopt a more co-ordinated and profe sional approach to research contract negotiation and related matters. This ituation is brought more sharpl IOto focu b the fir t mo es to place Research Council pon ored research activity on to a more commercially orientated basi . The Company approach is therefore perceived to be the be t way to coordinate good management practice as to research contract negotiations, and in particular, en ure proper interaction with pricing and intellectual property exploitation matters. All re earch contract negotiations, irrespective of source or sponsor, will therefore be routed through the Company management machinery. In this respect the Company will have a
finance team con i ting of:v1r Mervyn :v1aharaj and a Contracts Officer, to as I t 10 contract negotiation, including pricing, and all contract will require the formal appro al of the Finance Director. Imo t as aide i ue, but equall important, research contractees through the Compan will enjoy appropriate profe ionallOdemnity and product liability in urance cover. Thirdly, the Company i seen to be the mo t obvious and appropriate way to mitigate or e en avoid potential taxation liability both within the contract re earch activity and the College's trad ing activities. The Inland Revenue is showing an increasing intere t in activities undertaken by universities which it deem to be not within the primary objectives of the Cni ersity. Contract research, elling of vacation pace mounting hort courses for external bodie and bar operation ,are example of the acti itie which fall into th i net. t present there ha been a â&#x20AC;˘ tayof execution' but potentially, the tax liability could be significant if the Inland Revenue are not per uaded away from thi particular line of inve tigation. A ompany, although subject to corporation tax, i able to recover uch tax by covenanting back profits to activitie , with exempt charitable tatu . The ompany arrangement is also potentially a major source of benefit in VAT rccovery processes. At the pre ent time, the College being in the exempt AT category, cannot recover VAT incurred on supply. There are, however, major benefits to be gained by placing building contract and other contract arrangements through a Company tructure, and active con ideration i 10 progre as to how best this aspect of reco ery may be implemented. Finally, it i planned to mount wider di cu ion forum at hoollevel, where hopefully relevant details can be discu sed, including appropriate financial and management procedure. David Ball Deputy College Secretary (Planning and Resources)
Publt Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies public lecture in Portuguese goo B06 S:ra d a: 17 30 3 December p,otessor C eo ce Be a'a ne ( n e s dade Fede a do RIO de .la e ro) DOls Poecas Engen e,ros varo de Campos e Joao Cabral de elo eCo
The Maxwell Society Lectures To be eld In Room 2C, aln Building S rand rom 1400 01500 30 November Dr LAD ssado ( Ing's Co ege ondon) Brea down scatlstlcs. fractals and trees
7 December Professor R ddoc (I pe a Co ,ege Lo don) Early scages of VIsual paccem recogmcion coarse fIItenng of the reclnallmage reduces computaClonal reqUirements
mm r Physiology Research Seminars On Wednesdays in the PhYSiology Lecture Theatre from 16 30 0 1730 2 December Dr Colin Dolphin (Queen Mary & Wes ield College) Flavin-contalnlng monooxygenases' molecular biology and the relacionship to trimethylamlnuna. the fish odour syndrome 9 December Dr Jo Beauc a p (Chafing Cross & es mlns er edlca Sc (01) Conditionally Immortalised myogenic cel/llnes路 n VIVO and In VI ro studies
Developmental Biology Seminar At 17.00 in he Lec ure Thea re. Randall Institute. Drury Lane 9 December Dr Ma hew Guille (DB RC King's College London)
pa cl
GA As and g,oblns In early Xenopus de elOpmen Randall Seminar at Drury Lane n' e _eCL,,'e ~t'ea:'e t'e Ra ca nS' ".J"e. D'u -ane 7 December D' goon ne ( ::RC I s:" :e,
M: 17 00
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Pharmacy Department Seminar A 1600 n Roo 19. anresa Road 3 December Pro essor C Green IschaemiC and reperfuslon injury dunng che preservaClon of organs for transplanCallon
Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Seminars To be e d In Room 3/8. Cornwa o se rom 15 40 0 17 00 30 November I e urp (London Sc 001 0 EconomiCS) Elderly people and household change In the 19805 a comparative perspecClve 1 December Dr M Marshall (formerly Medical Officer at the North London Hospice Home Care Service) Livmg WIth dymg from cancer
Age Concern Institute of Gerontology One-day Conferences To be eld a Can erbury Ha , Ca wngh Gardens. Lo don Cl 9EE 10 December Elder Abuse new fmdings and policy gUidelines This con erence IS aimed a profeSSionals and policy makers working In SOCial services. heal and housing authorities and in he priva e and voluntary sectors. Recent research on the extent and Inds of abuse will be discussed as well as an In ernational comparison
Pa lcipan s will be encouraged 0 s are he experiences 0 wor n heir a eas
16 December 1992 Assessing older people's needs research and practIce How can e needs 0 older popula ions be assessed] How do older people's needs change over ime? How can needs assessmen be used to plan services? These ques ions will be discussed with reference to the results of three major longitudinal studies.
I.. n er lnmt:nt Music Department Concerts A 1305, Grea Ha I, ad Issron IS ee 1 December C au Yee Lo a d Vale 'e 0, music for piano
2 December T e Emperor Quarte musIc by Mozart, Debussy and Shostakovlch 3 December Cia ran Crilly and John Page, music for violin and hom
8 December Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Study Days 1 December, 10.00 017.00 and ollow up discussion on 8 December, 1000 0 11.40. These wo parallel s udy days are being organised or he Sc in Geron ology s uden s, bu other members 0 the College are welcome 0 a end by prior arrangemen. Please con ac Dr Emily Grundy, eXl 3038 or Lyne e Yor , ex 3036 or more in ormation Dr Claire Jarvis (a historical demographer and Research Fellow in the Institute) Old age in historical perspective Dr Rahman Najlerahim (Lecturer in Gerontology in the Institute) Cognitive psychology and neuroscience in gerontology
Department of Computer Science Colloquia Room 3D, ain Building, S rand, 13.30 2 December Clive Galley A single-function coarsest partitIOn PRAM algorithm
Music for String Quartet by King's Composer Majors
10 December Candice Wood and Jessica Sum ers, music for violin and soprano
Advent Carol Service 2 - 4 December a 17.30 in he Chapel Free ickets for thiS year's Advent Carol services are now available. The theme of this year's services is 'From darkness to light', and we hope that you will come with family and friends to listen to the fine music. The service lasts for about an hour and a half, and mulled wine and mince pies will be available after the service. Christmas Carol Service 10 December a 17.30 in the Chapel We hope ha his will be a College a ily occaSion, and children are pa icularly welcome. T is service is more in ormal han e Adven service, . h radi ional, fa iliar Chris as carols. T e service las s abou 45 minu es, and re resh en s will be available a tervvards. I you would like 0 read a one of he services please get in ouch. We need abou 25 readers 0 cover he four services, good voice projec ion is necessary as we don't use microphones. Please contact the Chaplaincy for more information or to reserve tickets.
Romeo and Juliet Sadle 's ells is 0 ering a hmi ed ber 0 £28.50 a d £23 stalls IC e s a 0 or e price 0 one or e Lo don Ci y Balle pe orma ce 0 Ro eo and J lie on ednesday 9 Dece ber a 19.30 Ben S e enson, A is ic Direc or 0 e Hous on Balle, as choreographed a balle which received ou sanding cri ical acclaim when first performed in London las Christmas. The ballet is set to Prokofiev's score which has been rearranged especially for the London City Ballet's orchestra. Please call 071-278 8916 to book by credit card Tickets will be allocated on a Irs -come-firs served basis.
Traspunte Theatre The Depa me of Spanis and Spanish American S udies presen s: Tres sombreros de copa a 1930's surrealls comedy by iguel ihura, on 9 - 11 December in the New Thea re S rand. Ticke s are £3.50. For more information please call 0718732069.
The King's Table Chelsea Campus - Christmas Lunch The annual Chelsea Campus Staff Christmas lunch will be held in the Main Refectory, Manresa Road, on Tuesday 22 December from 12.00. The raditional Christmas 'carvery' lunch is offered a a special price of £6.45 per head inclusive of VAT and a recep ion drin . Book early to avoid disapooin men, using e orms already circula ed, or elephone he Ca ering Departmen a C elsea on ex 4907/4908.
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Obituaries Marie Ambrose \1ane Ambrose, the denti ~ joumali t and campaigner for women' right has died. aged 75. \fter the _'orth London Collegiate hool, he trained at Cniverslry College Hospital and became a dental surgeon in the communiC). From 1974-79 she taught at Kmg's and was President of the. fetropolitan branch of the Bmi h Dental A ociation m 1977-7 . When he was 5 she gained an orthodontics diploma at Rome's Eastman Institute. he will be remembered for her ardent campaigning on behalfofwomen' equality within the dental profes ion. After the British Dental AssociatIOn refused to endorse a BDA's women's group she went on to found an independent body, Women in Denti try. he was a member of the "ational UnIOn of Journalists, the Fawcett ociety and the 300 Group for women In politics. [n 1983 she stood for local government in Hamp tead. he also wrote mu ic criticism regularly for her local newspaper, the Ham and fligh
John Freeman It is with great regret that I have to report that John Freeman, Senior Lecturer in Law (Emeritus), passed away on Sunday 18 October 1992. Those of you who knew John will be aware that he was devoted to the work of the School and the College, and he will be greatly missed by his friends and colleagues.
Professor CGJ Morse I lead of the Law School
Professor Richard Purchon Former colleagues and students of Dick Purchon will be saddened to hear that he died in October. He became the first and only Professor of Zoology at Chel ea College in the 1960s following IQ year as Raffles Professor of Zoology in Singapore and a short spell in Ghana. He was a distinguished marine biologist with a fondness for molluscs. As an authority on bivalves in particular, he is perhaps best known amongst zoologists for h is book Th~ Biology ofMollusca. Curiously Dick's first contacts with
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London were m 1940-45 when as a POW he taught and examined formal biology c1asse with material arranged through the Red Cro and CC Hentschel at Chelsea Polytechnic on behalf of the C nJ er icy. To London DIck Purchon brought a welcome tropical dimension to malacology and marme tudle. I [e was a dedicated teacher believing in profe orial contact WIth students from ear one. All who knew him will recall a gentleman and a scholar. A1way upportive of his po tgraduate and younger colleague. he bore departmental administration with fortitude and contributed much time and energy to Presidency of the ;vi alacological ociety (1969-71 ), Chairmanship of the Cniversiry's Board of tudy In Zoology, and Zoological Secretaryship of the Linnean ociety (1970-73). Presiding over a department which initiated the fir t CK graduate traming programme in Applied I Iydrobiology, he foresaw the scope for further developmcnts of ecological activities at Chelsea, some of which since amalgamation, have contributed to the strong environmental theme in the Divi ion of Life Science. Dick retired in 1981, but remained active publishing as recently as 1990 from his home in Otford, Kent. Roland Bailey Or J A Tyrrell We record with sadness the death on 13 September 1992, at the age of 60, of John Alfred Tyrrell, BSc, PhD, AKC, Emeritus Reader in Pure Mathematics. John Tyrrell had origmally been an undergraduate and a re earch student in the Department of ;vIathematics and, after a short spell as a schoolteacher, was appointed assistant lecturer in the Department in 1958 and became a lecturer in 1960. The title of reader wa conferred on him in 1970. II is pecial field of study was algebraic geometry, and his long stay in the department coincided with a happy co-operation with Professor Semple, whose results included a joint monograph and a number of joint papers. As a professional mathematician, John was first-rate. As well as being a leading scholar in geometry, with a fine collection of books and papers, he had a
broad knowledge of pure mathematics, which he was alwa' ready to put at hi colleague 'di posal. John Tyrrell was a qUintessential College man. He seldom missed a College occa ion, and was on friendl term with everyone. He had been Pre Ident of the local branch of the In, and secreta!) of KC LA. lie organised the London Geometry minar, was a secretal)' of the London ;vIathematical ocleC) , and ran the intercollegiate;vl e In \fathematlcs. lie was probably the mo t popular lecturer [he ;vIathematics Department has ever had; indeed, students would ask to enrol for 'any course taught by Or Tyrrell'.
Bishop Gerald Ellison I he Rt Revd Gerald Elllson, formerly Bishop of London, died on 15 October, aged 82. Gerald Elli on' a ociation with the University of London began in 1953 when as Bishop ofWillesden he became Chairman of Westfield College Board of Governors, a po ition he continued to hold until 1967 while Bishop of Chester. In 1973, on transferring to London, he became exofficio Vice-Chairman - in effect Chairman - of the Old Council of King's College which was responsible for the Theological Department, at that time a separate School of the niversity. On the granting in 1980 of a new Charter which reunited the Theological and non-Theological parts of the College, he became Vice-Chairman of the :"ew Council, a position which he held until J988. Even after he retired as Bishop of London in 1981 and went to live in the delightful Dorset village of Cerne Abbas he continued to be a regular attender at Council meetings, apart from the year he spent as Vicar General of Bermuda sorting out the problems of that far Oung corner of the Anglican Communion. Sometimes seen as a natural conservative - he was said to have been the last Bishop to wear gaiter - Gerald Ellison was as early as 1966 firmly in su pport of the ordination of women to the priesthood and two of the suffragan bishops he appointed were convinced socialists.
Peter Gilbert
In1anltl raff Dear Editor, I am writi ng at the req uest of the hool of Humanities Admini trative taffCommittee, which repre ents over 30 members of secretarial and administrative staff throughout the chool, to take issue with the Director of Public Relations' remarks in Is ue 63 about the often late arrival of Comment. Departmental secretaries were particularly incensed by the inference that they normally distribute Comment in a less than efficient manner, and that if they were to distribute it 'as quickly as they can' in future, he problem of outof-date publicity would be olved. On the day upon which our secretarie received issue 63 from the Pre and Publications Office, at least half a dozen published events had alread taken place; clearly, the 'internal factors' mentioned by Chri tine Ken on lone in her article had already created the delay before the secretarie had a chance to distribute their copies. Obviously an individual secretary may have problems once in a while which prevent a speedy distribution of circular items in her/his own department. However, much offence was taken at the apparent assumption, however
unintentional, of a general laziness or inefficiency amongst a particularly hardworking and under-respected group of staff. I hope that the record will be put straight. Your sincerely, Christine au nders
hri tine Ken 'on Jone pond:
I'm sorry the Humanitie Administrative taffCommittee hould have taken offence at my remark. I am not sure why they hould have inferred that I was accusing them of any lazines e pecially since they evidentl know that they distribute Comment very fast! The 'internal factor' I mentioned as the cause for the delay of Comment could be all sorts of thing ,and we are grateful for all the help departmental secretarie give in getting Comment out fast. We have to plead guilty to there being a few events mentioned in the last edition that were on the same day that the copies arrived at the College: this was due to problems with the four-colour printing in that ed ition, and doe not usually occur.
he Chairman of Germany's largest bank, Herr Hilmar Kopper of Deutsehe Bank, gave the Gilbart lecture at King' on October 27. The annual lecture i ho ted b King's and the Chartered In tiwte of Bankers and pon ored by . 'ational Westminster Bank. Thi year's lecture was entitled 'German banks: what role do they really play?' and the event was chaired by Lord Alexander, Chairman of National Westminster. Addre sing a prestigious 250-strong audience in the Great Hall, including the Chairmen of three of the national clearing banks, Herr Kopper warned that the single European market will increase competition between the bank in Europe. He also responded to what he called the recent 'war of word 'about the German banks' role in the UK's departure from the European exchange rate mechanism. On the events of 'Black edne day', he gave it as hi opinion that 'The Bundesbank ... neither wishes to be a bank that rules Europe, nor does it regard itself a the pilot responsible for the pound's tail pin', He regretted the 'bitter aftertaste' given to the goal of European integration by the UK's departure from the exchange rate mechan ism of the EMS and stressed that, in the long term, he could not imagine European integration without the nited Kingdom. 'For me, Europe without the political culture of the British parliamentary system, the British way of life and the London financial centre would be a torso,' he said. The lecture was very well-received and was covered by The Independent and The Times. It was followed by a reception for all the audience and then by a dinner for lP, which enabled King' to further develop its relationship with many important people in the banking and financial world.
pa e 1
Tlu Jlaffoftlu Vocation Bureau ae;;atflng tlu opening oftlu B UAC S/roe;; /reld at Kensington Toe;;n Hall on 27 October
ron110 a 10
he designer of the College' new corporate visual identity, Pentagram, are al 0 involved with other academic ventures clo e to the Thames. One of their partner i. Theo Crosby, on the board of the International Shakespeare Association Conference, and they have been involved in making drawing • based on the exca ations at the Globe Theatre m Bank ide - showing how the theatre might ha e looked in hakespeare' day. They have also hosted several eminar on the deSign of the Elizabethan theatre.
Comment I the lie e re ul r IT new letter, i ued by the I're and Publication Office (ext 202 three time a term. Contribution or the next edition ~hould be received by mid-day f· rid ~ 4 December, if pos~ible on a 35" Mac di . Please note the editor re rYe the right to amend items a nece
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