Comment 067 February 1993

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Colleg LO DO Founded I 829

the College Newsletter t

he CVCP has recently is ued a Code of Recommended Practice for oversea tudents tudying for higher degree in the nited Kingdom. The Code encourage institutions to examine their own arrangements and to a ses whether they need to expand or revi e them in a local code of practice. M uch of the ode refers to practice prior to a tudent's admi ion. niver ities are trongly advised to establi ha tudent' English language competence before arrival in the 'K. When a tudent is admitted without a sati factory knowledge of Engli h, free language tuition hould be provided. Considerable emphasis is placed throughout on the provi ion of information to students and, where relevant, ponsors. This should include: notification of the length, co t and method of assessment of the cour e; decisions to regi ter a student for a

preparatory course which increase the length of the total regi tration; detailed and accurate information about a tudent's right of acces to laboratorie , equipment and library facilitie . Once the student i enrolled in an institution, much of the responsibility for good practice lies with the academic supervisor. upervi ors need to be particularly sen itive to the need of overseas students, on which guidance should be offered by the institution, and should promote their integration into the student community. ix-monthly progress reports should be prepared, and a report hould be made to a student's

pon oring authority at lea t annually, with the tudent uitably informed. In the e reports, the upervisor should be reali tic in the asse ment of the time likely to be required by the student to complete the course. If problems arise, the in titution hould have a clear procedure for a tudent' transfer to a different cour e or institution. he Acting Principal will shortly institute discussions with a view to introducing a King's code of practice for the next academic year. Copies of the report entitled The Managemmt 0/ flig/ur Degrees Undertaken by Overseas Students are available from the School Offices.

A bel/erdeal/or (){)IT"Seas students? There are currently 276 overseas postgraduale students at King's and 523 undergraduates (thest figures do not include EC students).


I.ynn fraser, Reader In Developmental Biology, appeared In The Obseroer' front page tory reporting the claims of the recently e tabli hed London ender Clinic which tate It I able to determine the ex of a child for couple . There ha been deep scepticism about the effectivene of the technlq ue employed b the linlc to separate male and female-determining perm to cn ure ex clection. Or Fraser cndorsed this view saying 'there i no evidence that uch a technique could eparate them in any effective way.'



The Bennell Street Estate, before and after the work ofthe DICE ProjectJeatured recently in The Times (See opposite page for details)

John Langdon, Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, KCSMD, took part in Radio 4's Today programme following the disappearance of a Securicor van dri er with over 1 million. Profes or Langdon explained how a per on could alter their appearancc to avoid recognition (and In this ca e, capture) by having facial urgery. For example, the jaw line can be altered or the shape of the nose changed. John flead, Senior Lecturer in Education, was on one of the seric of three programmes entitled Culture Closh on BBC 2. It examined the old dichotomy between science and the arts and Dr Head poke about the factors which determine why peoplc choo e science a opposed to arts ubjects. The interview also explored how this choice affects society and the fact that science tends to be a male-dominated subject. Alon athan, Boots Lecturer/Practitioner in the Department ofPharmacy, poke on a BBC Radio Lancashire programme in the run up to the publication ofa leaflet to be distributed by P and pharmaci called Mixing Medicine. I le

talked about the problems cau ed by the interaction between prescribed medicine and mediCines bought over the counter.

Jil/ Mackod Clork, Professor of 'u ing, wa featured in The Times when the British ~edical ociation' surve revealed that women are ignoring the danger of moking during pregnancy. In their own study for the Health EducatIOn uthorit, Profes or ~acleod Clark and Karen Jone drew a profile of women mo t likely to ignore antismoking advice, ie those with either no partner or an un upportive one, who are unemployed and poorly educated, have friends who smoke and whose pregnancy was unplanned. They also fou nd that many of thosc who do give up start again soon after their baby is born. John .Speight, ResearcJz Fellow, Centre for Defence Studies, wa interviewed on CI,R News following the publication of the All-Party Common Defence Committee Report into the Army. Col peight explained that the Committee felt that the previous Defence Secretary, Tom King, had gone too far in his Report on the armed forces, Optionsfor Change. It had advocated reductions in the ire of the Army and, ome felt that if it wa implemented, the Army wou Id be greatly over-stretched. He thought that criticism by this Committee was inevitable even though Malcolm Rifkind, the current Secretary of State for Defence, had already made a partial climb down on this issue just a few days before the Committee published its Report. John Martin, Professor ofCardiO'Uasculor Science, KCSMD, appeared on the B BCl 's Six O'Clock /\ews after hi work on heart di ea e wa published. lIe fou nd that the over-prod uction of nitric oxide gas in the heart muscle might be a cau e of the di ease of dilated cardiomyopathy. This is when the heart becomes grossly enlarged and leads to heart failure. It affects thou ands of people in Britain and is a common rea on for heart tran plant. The Plrysics Department's exhibition in the Great Ilall to promote their ubject to chool children ( ee page 6) received some lively airplay on GLR.



other crime, Ro 109 11 ter umula'ed a er than I could c1earc,.era I I Ida

The 'I Hnc of 22 Janua aporTc L I Profmor All« Cokmon, kad of Ilri' DICI', fDt' Improv I ConI lied Expmmmls) ProJUl, IS rTi IIy ~/ing ffPitlr Ma I" city councrlhrs and In~ city rtgm"alion txfJms 10 discuss rwltal can be done 10 reduce crime on Irousing eSlaltS. AI tire md ofIosI )tor I ~ ear-old Jolrn Bmjamtn Slanley ~as shOI al close range In a laKeaway slrop in Moss SIde, ~lrere lire baCK alleys and cul-de-sacs allOfJ1J dfllg gong 10 of/hod tlreir goods and extl qUICkly ,\'0fJ1J plo are underw;ay 10 deslroy lire ral flInr and reploce tIrem WIIIr It!rraced Irou,es r::-~11r gardms Tire Irope IS Ilral tlllr new urban !o)oul could rui. t Io~kssness In Ir" book Ctopia on 'I nal, publlSlrwln /9 '5, ProfmorColemon poslulotts a link be/Wem lire plrysicol desi ofmodmt Irouslng eslales and vandalism, clrild cnme, graf!i". lill" andgm"al squalor and delinqumcy Site of/e lite evidmce oflite seven Itousing motes wltlclr are currmtly being improved along lite lines site Iras suggeslt!d 10 SIrOllV Ilral lire ef/uls ofdektenous dtSign con be reversed. Tltefirsl DIC[~ sclteme Iras jusl bem compkted on lite Rogers ESlale in TOf!JJI!r Ilamkls, easl London Two [1YJt-Slorey blocks conlaining 120 flols now look like ntfIl) developmenls, yel tlltSe maltS ~ere idmlified by DICE,from among Iltousands ofeSlates, os among lire fIl)Orsl in Rrilain. The £4 million solulion Iras been 10 reduce lite anonymity oflite Itomes All 20 groundfloor flols Irove bem . m IIrClr OfJ1Jn mlrances andgard. . A ntfIl) lift, ,jtlr a gloss fronlltos been inslalled and lite blocks Iltemselves 1r0'Ut bem sub-d. Ided. rwucrng access 10 only /Wo or Iltree d_IIlngs. We inviled ProfessorCokman lolell Comment mon aboul DICE andlr"fIl)Ork on 0 Manclresler I!SlOte. Three year ago the tenants of the Bennett treet E tate were 10 uch despair that they felt the only solution wa a mass exodu , leaving all their Modern Movement buildings to be demoli hed, There had been three murder incidents and a great deal of

In I the DICE te m, \4hlch lIed, con ulted the re ident~ about heir problems and proposed a de ignImprovement olution \4hi h in plied them with new hope. 'I he could '>ee the force of the proposcd change. and out of a 100% tenant vote, 9 % voted 10 favour. 'I hc communlt. Ie.lder no longer felt over\4hclmingl oppre d, a the funding brought h DICE trengthened their hand, and he\' have \~orked vel) closely \\Ith me and m) team, a alo have the city archlte ts, surveyors, hOUSing manager and other staff. The vanou stages of de Ign had to be ve([ed c1oscly, after which there was a five month delay \4hde '1Khael Ileseltine considered the heme and finally gave hi~ approval, although proposed work on the ite where drugpushlOg took place was cxcluded and thiS was a big disappOintment. The project went out to tender for contractor's bids and work began on site 10 late 1991. Complction I~ cxpected in mid-I993. Onc of the conditions which makes the DICE ehemcs a controllcd experiment is the provIso that the same tenants hould be kept In occupancy before, during and after the con tructlOn work. To minlmi c the duration of living on a budding Site, the work was ~eheduled for an earl beginning and completion at one end of the e tate, followed b treatment of ~ucce slve section toward the mher cnd. '1 his approach has paid dividcnds. For example, [ wa~ recently asked to speak o a lady who objected to what needed to be done at the edge of her garden, and after she heard the explanation he replied, 'Well, I'm not convinced, but I've seen what you've done at the other cnd, 0 I'll goalong With you'. It may be difficult for people to envisage the changes, but seeing is believing. . 'ow another Manchester estate wants DICE to prepare a scheme there.

\\ h

man oda) [>ICI~ ha Identlfi d o 10dern fovcmcnt ar hlte mak It dl - ,eu or parent 0 e ereise natural ontrol o\er their children, or to hand on cl.II d tradition 10 an effc t1\;e \4a,. Parental inOuence I much more ere tlve 10 hou ehold. that have their 0" n eparate terntory With front door Ieadtn~ Into cn 10 cd front garden and ba doo" IcadlOg IOto enclosed b ck garden. ew-bulld hou e can achieve thl', and 0 can eXI ting hou es With the hclp ot l>ICI,-t. pc rearrangements. ,\ thlld pproa h "to convert ~round·noor lat or maISCJl1e[[e~ tnto quasl-house~ \\ Ith Imilar lea tu re so that they have no Internal conta t with the block above. [ p talr dwellings are then divided IOto sub-blocks" Ith on Iy four to six dwelllOgs aces Ible from any given enerancc, On the Ben nett treet I: state there \4ere formerly 19 IOterconneetln)?: entrances givtng unre tncted access to % d\\'ellings. 'I hiS resulted 10 a completely anony mous character for the area, where criminals could wander unidentified; but now there IS a better community spirit among the smaller number ofhou eholds 10 each subblock. At grou nd level the plethora of alleyway ha been replaced by a parse network of through road. The alleys have been scaled by extending house gardens acro thcm, or by converting them into ide paths wlthlO the curtilage of semi-detached homes. Because there arc fewer ways to filter through the estate, there i a bigger public presence on each road, which I added to by people tending the new garden. There IS a much safer atmosphere and both cnme and the fear of cnme have dlmtnl hed. Drug pu hcr arc also baulked as their escapewa s have been blocked.

Profes or Allcc Coleman Department of Geography

rafe sor RE Surge has been eleeted a Life Member of Clare Ilall, University of Cambridge, whieh include associated academic benefits, particularly with re pect to research. Following hi leave in the Michaelma term, 1992 (when he wa~ appointed Visiting Fellow at Clare flail) three joint re earch project between King' Phy ic Department and the Cavendi h Laboratory, Cambridge are now either in place or under di cussion. All these projects relate to aspects of re earch into X-ray microscopy and the associated fabrication of the mallest regular man-made structure worldwide.

ome staff will already be aware that f larry M usselwh ite i moving to a base at the Strand as Deputy College Secretary (Medicine and Dentistry) with a College-wide responsibility for the promotion of medicine, dentistry and health-related studie . As a consequence Jennifer I3riggs has been appointed as Head of Secretariat of the hool of Medicine and 0 ntistry, and will manage the chool' administration locally on behalfofthe Dean of the hool. Jenniferwill be circulating a detailed statement in due cour e etting out the trueture of her admini tration and the re pon ibilitie of individual officers.

The Principal's Office ha recclved a note from Ann Worlock (Lord Edmund Davie 'daughter) thanking everyone at King' for their kind messages of ympathy, following the death of her father

nthea Tinker, Profe or of SOCial Gerontology, has been appointed a a \1ini terlal adviser on a new group which aim to make the mo t of the talent. of older workers and to encourage cmployer to abandon age di nmination 10 all their personnel policie , including recruitment and training. The fir t meeting of the d i ory Group wa chaired by Employment Mini ter Patrick McLoughlin.



r Alan Bittles, Reader in the Department of Anatomy and f I uman Biology, recently took part in the American As ociation for the dvancement of ience Meeting held in 130 ton. The AAA meeting i one of the mo t pre tigiou gathering of the scientific community in America and it i fairly unusual for Briti h academICS to be Invited to organi e and present the se si on . The meeting attracts great pre S attention with over 500 reporters covering the event. Or l3ittle's paper was entitled De'erminants and Consequences 0111uman Inbreeding: A Global Perspective. Marriages between close relati es are generally rare in 'orth America and We tern Europe, yet in :'-Jorth and subaharan Africa, We t, Central and much of South Asia, consanguineou marriages are contracted by 20-55% of the popu lation. During the la t 40 years inhabitant of these region have begun to migrate to more developed countrie and the prevalence of con anguineou marriage and biological effects of human inbreeding have become topic of increa ing intere t to health professionals. Dr Philip Adey, .. enior Lecturer in the Department of Education, also attended the /\..c, meeting and lead a workshop on hire earch on the promotion of thinking skills in cience.

he Centre for the .. tud of onfllct at thc L' nlvcrlty of lil ter i compJling a Regl ter of current and recent (po t 19 ) re earch on all a peets of life, work and ociety In 'orthern Ireland (nolju t connected With conflIct). They would like to hear from taffand postgraduate student~ who are doing or have recently complcted relevant re earch. Please send dctail , including the name of the re earcher, the title of the research, the date of completion and contact detail to Ciaran 0 Maolain, Information Officer, Lniversity of Clster, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, 13'1'52 1 A, ~orthcrn Ireland; or telephone for a que tionnaire to 0265 44141 cxtn 416 or 4666.

Billy Cleary looking very dapper at his leaving party. Billy joined 'he Portering Staffsix yeors ago, brightening up 'he lives 01011 those who got to know him at 'he Strand, with his dueiful disposition, kind words and ballroom dancing. It's not goodbye though as he is going to work in the Senior Common Room covering Cathy lIealy's matermty leave.


r .J

LGO. 'L PE and COIl E ha..e voted natlonall,. b. a lar e majont). to merge IOtO one uOlon called L: I 0 rhl ~i11 have I. million member and ~dl be the lar e t union in BmaJO. 路\t ' ng' thi mean that our clerical-related. manual and health taff will be united 10 the same unIOn from I Jul' 1 KCL .. \LGO welcome our I PI', and 01 { E colleague and loo forward to working together in L:. '1.0 ' J CannlOg " LGO Branch Secretary Libra!). \1anresa Road

or men and women. \re )'OU feeling your age? (Iave you 10 t that youthful outline' \re you feeling the tre of everyday life? I he answer to these problem IS to join the Staff Keep Fit In Room B2 (next to Reprographic), trand Campus on Wed ne day at 12.15. A 45-mlO ute class costs 1.50. We cater for all levels of fime s. (Please wear comfortable clothing and trainers).

From leflta right: Jane Fortln (KCf,), Lord Justtee Butler-Sfoss, Arthur Benham (a graduate receiving his certificate) and Judith /larlIDin (LSE)



ord Ju lice Butler-. 10 w gue t of honour at a dlOner at KlOg' ollege London on 2 February held for tuden who participated 10 the 19 1- I 92 diploma course 10 Child ProteCtion. A ter the diploma award ceremon Lord Ju tlce Butler- 10 gave a thoughtful peech 10 which he di cu sed various a peets of child protection work and the limitation of the la~ in thi area. The dinner wa held to mark the award of the Child Protection Diplomas given jointl by KlOg' College London and the London hool of Economic, The course is an unu ual one in that it is multl-dlsclpllOary, offenng only a limited number of place to experienced practitioner from SIX profeSSional group In the child protection field these comprise oheltor, police officer, magi trates, ocial worker, guardian ad litem and officers from the Official Solicitor's Department. The primary aim ofthe cour e i to examine the inter-relationship between child care law and practice in the light of current research literature on chdd exual and physical abuse.

am extremel pleased to be able to report that the Diruto of Expnts ha no~ been publl hed and re ec well the breath of ubJects and expenence available throughout 109' It ha been wldel dl tnbuted to the media. rom. 'er;;s at Y; to FarmIng Today. from Cosmopo/il n to Computer ""eekry, and about 00 other! If you kno~ of any other Journalists! new papers/magazlOe /programme which you think hould recei e a copy, gl e me a ring and if it hasn't already been sent, it will be. A a re ult of producing the Directory we hope to achieve greater media coverage for King' and raise the profile of the College, which hopefully will have the beneficial knock-on effect of increa 109 tudent application, gran etc. Wc wdl be producing a set of baSIC gUidelines 10 the near future to help when dealing With the media which will be available to all tho e who want them. We al 0 plan to arrange ome talks by people experienced in thi area to which everyone will be IOvited. In the meantime, if you have any querie regarding any a pectofthe pre s, please don't he itate to contact me. imilarly, if you need advice or help promoting a research projcct or event to the press, get in touch. \1any thanks again to all those who took part and who e brains I picked and advice I ought during its compilation; I am mo t grateful. nfortunately we cannot send a copy to everyone, but if you would like to see the Dirutory, we have sent copies to Heads of Department and hool dministrative Officer. \1e1anie Gardner Pres and Information Officer

Stop Press..Stop Press..Stop Press Ju t to let you know, since the Directory was mailed a couple of weeks ago, we have been inundated by the press with requests for extra copies. So be prepared for calls!


Dear Editor Thank you for publi hmg the date of the teaching pattern over the next fe~ year , m the last i sue of Comment lowever, 1 find the contmued u e of 'seme ter' Irritating and confu 109. Semester refers to a IX month penod (OED). It I nor an appropnate description for any of the proposed 12, 12 and 6 weeks teach mg/examl natIOn periods especially when the published timetable en vi age three consecutive 'semester' between September and mid-June. I note that l·CI. is continu 109 to refer to 'terms', Ila 109 agreed the dare with LCL, could we not ha've accepted the correct nome nclature'


Dr Stuart \1illigan Biomedical Sciences DIVIsion

A reply from the Acling Pn'nllpal: I agree that the terminology IS important. however, the College has for many year had a mix of 'semester' and 'term' dates. To use 'term' for what used to be called 'semetcr' would cause a sense of onfusion in the transitional period.

Dear Editor The College policy towards smoking (Comment 0 (6) reminds me of a previous debate upon the ubJect at one of the con tltuent colleges of KCL. ....t a meeting of the Senate ('\cademic Board) at Chelsea College 10 the early 1970 I mO'ved that we hould ban smokmg at our meetmgs. About SIX members (lOcluding thc prevIOus Prmcipal) smoked small cigars to the di comfort of the other fifty members. The dcbatc spanned over several meetmgs until finally I produccd my coup de grace - passive smokmg by a non-smoker double the carbon monoxide level in the blood (a paper In the BMJ), the battle was won - the Committee voted to ban smokmg at Its meetings. As a corollary, I expected this

decl Inn to filter down through all the ub-committees, but thl did not happen on an) nn ~ hich I ser'ved. inee then 1 have read that cyanide, which denve from tobacco moke, when eombmed with 'vltamm 812 (cobalamm) form c anocobalamin. If this I not converted back to cobalamin, anti ltamm propertie may remain which can lead to damage to the nerve . Derek Evered Emeritus Reader m Biochemistry Chelsea College

Kelley Rlclzardson fomll'rf) ofthe Registry writes Dear I· riends, Further to my lengthy speech. I just wanted to thank everybody for your wi hes of good luck at my leaving party and also for your overwhelming genero it). Thank you to everyone who came to the party, 1 hope you enjoyed it (guaranteed if you tried the punch!) and I'll see you at the next one. All the best.




nl t r n \1onday 8 February 1993, Tim Yeo, Parliamentary L nder Sccretary of tate for Ilealth, poke at a major seminar organised Joimly by Kmg's Collegc London Centre for \1ental Ilealth Services Developmem and the Edinburgh International cience Festi al. 'I he eminar, which took place at the Royal. ociet in London, was entitled Meeting Ihe needs - service solutions In mental health sen.,ices. 1t challenged those responsible for providing mental health care to re pond to the needs of people With mental health problem. The nature of those need were spelt out earlier In the day by the Centre for \1ental Ilealth Services Development, which reported it initial view after spending a ycar and a half in the field with health and local authorities. Following the \1 mister's contribution,

other speaker included Fiona alidcott, Pre Ident Elect of the Ro al College of P ych iatri ts, It bury Di tnct General \1anager Alan Fender and \1artm Eede, Director of the. 'ational chizophrenia Fellow hip. 'I ony Day Centre for \,1ental Ilealth • ervlce Developmem


undred of potential physic studems flooded IOto the Great Ilall recently to attend a Joint Institute of Physics/King's Department of Phy ic Exhibition. With over 30 different exhibit and stand there wa plenty for them to see and do - many of the demon trations were designed to be 'hand on' 0 the children could conduct the experiments themselves and di cover the result at fir t hand. Exhibitors were from King' and several other universitie. ome of the King's projects on display were those of second year Phy ics tudents who were explaining their own research work to the visitors. A particular attraction was the demonstration, given by Dr Cyril Isenbergofthe Univer ityofKent, of surface tension and viscosity using bubble. lie wa attempting to produce the world's biggest bubble that afternoon and he certainly did manage some e tremely large ones, as well as different haped one and one which people could tand inside - all with the aid of half a car tyre, a hoop and plenty of fairy liqUid! nother popular exhibit was the experimental bassoon which i thc re earch projeet of Dr Edgar Brown in Phy ic . lie has developed an electronically operated bassoon which it i hoped will improve the tone of the traditional in trument and make it more reliable to play. Credit should go to tho e involved in organl ing the event, ~r Seweryn Chomet for co-ordinating the exhihition, and the Phy ics technicians who did all the behind-the cenes work.



n the ame day that the national pre s carried details of the depre sed job pro pect for graduates in 1993, seven King's graduate (five men and two women) who graduated in 1992 and were still looking for employment, attended a one-day work hop on FJleclive Job Searclz organi ed by the College Careers ervice. Their range of po ible intere t.! covered international law, environmental protection, the Police Force, public affairs, computing and ports related career; ome of the attendees were till undecided. lJ ing a number of short practical exercises, their skill and understanding of the following were te ted and extended: selection interview skill ; aptitude tests; writing a C ; completing an application form; job information source; elf-knowledge; career planning Those attending were asked to evaluate the course: five rated it as 6 out

of a pos ible 7 and two rated it a S. The fir t of these work hop was held in the week following the Graduation Ceremony in eptember la t year and others are scheduled for next term once Finals are complete. Any King's graduates interested in forthcoming workshops should contact the areers rvice and are entitled to usc the facilities we offer at any time. Colin Bailey and Le le Martin Careers Advi ers



hi year's Law Information Fair was held over two days because the level of intere t was so high. Almo t one thousand students attended the r-air organised by the Career Advisory Service in collaboration with the Law School, held in the Great Ilall on 8 and 9 February. Amongst the 41 exhibitors there were many firms of solicitors and the College

of Law, the Crown Prosecution Service, the European taffing Unit of the Cabinet Office, the Government Legal Service, Lawyer in Local Government and the Inns of Court and General Council ofthe Bar. The student attending included law students, and some from other di cipline seeking information about entering the legal profe ion. We asked tudents for their comments which were on the whole very favourable: 'It was a lot le crammed than last year, because it wa held over two days'; 'publicity was good, eg booklet in pigeon holes' (Law Student); 'meeting lawyer from variou firms i the mo t important part'; 'very useful, good selection of firms'; 'need more firms outside London'; 'I would have liked talks on olicitors' interview and application '; 'could have been geared to help non-law people more'; 'friendly helpful people'. The visiting exhibitor were pleased with the venue, the admini tration and the quantity and quality of students and generally felt that this year's event had been improved by being held over two days.

Centre for Medical law and Ethics A ee"v'es oor'" • 304 'ror'" • 3 00. t 00 S'ra'lO Camp 5 Aa ss or tree, 0 a~e e 1 March ::lro'essor Jo Fin Co ege 0 ordl The alue 0 human Ii e and he nghl odea h

The Maxwell Society Lectures All lee ures WI a e place m Room 2C ( am BUilding), S ra d rom 400- 500 1 March Or T J Ha ( Ing's) OptiCS In he Cityl Learn 0 explol order. chaos. compe I IOn and regulatIOn 8 March Or Clar e (UnlverSI y 0 Birmingham) The nse, fall and nse (?) of nuclear physIcs In the UK 1S March Or CameIta Gabnel ( Ing's) O,electnc spectroscopy

The British Institute of Human Rights 2 March ew Theatre, S rand Campus, rom 3 00-14 00 All welcome, admission tree Pe er Du fy (Barns er, Visl Ing Fellow o

he Unlversl y 0 London, Edl or 0 e European Human Rights Reports)

Refugee Issues assessing the record of the European Convention on Human Rlgh s

8 March The Grea Hall, 730 he Paul Slegha Memorial Lee ure (sponsored by Granada TelevIsion) H,s Honour Judge S ephen TUmlm, HM Chief Inspee or 0 Pnsons or England & Wales The State of the Pnsons


Department of Chemistry Lee'Ures a' . 6 30 r ~oor" • BOO, S'rana Ca""p s 2 March ~e


::lro'essor 0

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Department of Byzantine & Modem Greek Studies Lee ure a~ , 7 30 In 'ne Coune I Roo , S rana Ca 0 s 16 March Pe er B,en (Frede le Sessions Beebe '35 Professor 10 he Art of Wrl ,ng, Oa mou h COl ege, uSA) The re-emergence 0 Gree prose IC Ion In the 19th and 20th cen unes

Department of War Studies Annua Lee ure a 7 5 n Room 2B08, S and Campus John Gaddis (Harmswo h Pro essor o American his ory, Ox ord Unlversl y) Cold war history and the post-Cold War world

Physiological Society G L Brown Lee ure 993 a 7 30 In Room 3B20, Strand Campus Or Jonalhan Ashmore (Oepartmen of PhYSiology, University of Bns 01) The cellular machinery of heanng

Centre for Philosophical Studies Lee ure Room 229, S rand Campus, 500 3 March Professor John Hie Jews. Chnstlans, Muslims· do we all worship the same God?

Centre for late Antique & Medieval Studies ursday, Room 28A, 1730, S rand Campus 11 March Professor Ma ye De Jong (Utreeh ) Writing and power In the Early Middle Ages. the case of the Heavenly Letters

mm r Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Research Seminars Held on Thursdays a 13 00-14 00, Room 1 A. ain Building, Sand 4 March Chris ine Thomas (British Aerospace Defence, Dynamics) oORIS - An Integrated Approach to System Design 18 March Dr Roger Fairwood (Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Surrey) A framework for generic visual recognition of 3-0 objects 25 March To be announced

Biomedical Sciences Division Physiology and Vascular Biology Seminars Held on Wednesdays at 16.30-17.30 in the Physiology Lecture Theatre, Kensington Campus 3 March Professor Norman Staines (Immunology Group, King's) Taming autoimmunttv 10 March Dr Di Newham (Physiotherapy Group, King's) Voluntary activation of human skeletal muscle 17 March Dr Bob Wallis (CIBA Horsham) Hirudin, from leach to man 24 March Dr S ewart Sage (Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge) Endotheltal cell signalling: electrophysiological studies on intact vessels

Humanities Computing Seminar Committee Room 18.00 16 March Professor Barry Ife (King's) The Corpus of Contemporary Spantsh project

History and Philosophy of Science Seminars Held on Thursdays a 14.15 in Room 1B22, S rand Campus 4 March Pro essor Anas aSlos Brenner (Universl e de oulouse, Le irail) ScientifiC development accordmg to Duhem's later philosophy

The Randall Institute Developmental Biology Seminars All Seminars start promp Iya 17.00 unless 0 herwlse sated 3 March Dr Gill ay (Ches er Bea ty Researc Labora ories) Gene expressIOn in haematopoietic progenttor cells

11 March Professor David Papineau (King's) ConscIOusness and the antipathetic fallacy

10 March Dr Jon Clar e (Ana omy and Cell Biology, U DS) Segmental organisation and cell lineage restrictions in the chick embryo hindbrain

18 March Dr David Gooding (University of Bath) Simulating real experiments

The Randall Seminars The Randall Institute, 26-29 Drury Lane WC2 All seminars start promp Iya 17.00, unless otherwise stated. Drinks a terwards in the Re ectory. 1 March Professor Jean Thomas (Department o Biochemis ry, Cambridge University) Chromatin structure and gene activation 8 March Dr John Scholes (The Randall Institute, King's) Leukocytes in the nervous system 15 March Dr Michael Robertson (MRC Centre or Protein Engineering, Cambridge) Phage dIsplay and E coli expression of the high affinity IgE receptor-subunit ectodomain

Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Seminar 15.40-17.00, Room 3/8 Cornwall House Annexe 9 March Professor Michael Bury (Royal Holloway & Bedford ew College) A study of elderly people aged 90 and over: findings and methodology

17 March Dr Alastair Reith (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, London) Receptor tyrosine kinase signalling and the regulation of mouse development 24 March Professor Peter Andrews (University of Sheffield) Retinoic acid and differentiation in EC cells

Byzantine and Modern Greek Seminars Mondays, Room B6, 17.30 1 March Dr Ruth Webb (King's) Language in the late Byzantine educational system 8 March Christopher Robinson (Oxford) Place in the early poetry of Ritsos 15 March Professor Ihor Sevcenko (Harvard) Byzantine and the west in the tenth century

Institute of Advanced Musical Studies ednesda s a I 7 00 In Roe GO Depa e' 0, s c, 52-3 S ra d Admssron 'ree. W 0 cke 3 March (14.30-16.30) SP F e Annlversa Co posers' For m r) reduced b ICO a Lel:anu (K ng's)

10 March lan e p (ormer Manches e )


Un, ers ty 0

B,ze 's Djamdeh

11 March a ryn a ne " u e a d PIP R orda ,ooce m s c ay Po e c and 0 e Is 16 March A ge a Seo -Sm ,sop ano and LI dsey Rev- ,clan e mus c B en, Bus a d R R Benne ,Schumann, Poulenc and o egge 18 March Jane uppen and C.ara LI ,'u e and piano 0 nclude musIc by a ,nu

Recitals 3 March Phllip Rlordan, oboe and Phillp Bonser, c arrne

The Cen re for Medical Law and E h,cs rn conJunc Ion WI h he LawMedicine Center, Case Western Reserve University School 0 Law will be holdrng a conference a Ing's College London on 18-19 March The conference entitled JustIce and Health Care will commence a 13 00 on 18 March and conclude on 18 00 on 19 March Admission IS by rnvl atlon only For more Information please con ac Andrew Grubb on 071-873 2382

8 March Jane Tuppen, lute and Elizabeth Dyes,oboe


The College Euchans sermons to be held dunng the Len Term 1993 on Wednesdays at 13.10 Congrega lonal lunch available after he service All are welcome 3 March Canon Stephen Platten (Archbishop of Canterbury's Ecumenical Secretary) FaIth In doubt

Departmen of MUSIC, 13 05 (please nng 071-873 2029 to check on venues either Grea Hall or G01) Admission IS free

Concerts 1 March Philip Bonser, clarinet and John Page, horn musIc by Lu oslaws I and Hrndeml h 4 March Valane Koh and Chau Yee Lo musIc for one and wo pianos 9 March, Great Hall, 19.30 King's College Orchestra musIc by Sibellus, Fran<;aix and Ravel

10 March Ciaran Crilly, vlolrn and Chau Yee Lo, piano 17 March Y,ng Hwee Chua, violin and athryn Hannen , flute

10 March Canon Anthony Harvey (Canon Theologian of Wes mrnster Abbey) FaIth In the BIble 10 March The Revd Philip Chester (King's College Chaplarn) Title to be announced Please note that copies of the sermons from the last hree years are free and available from the Chaplaincy

2 March Gltmpses 0 Paradise

be a rng abo IS Jo n a ener I e ano wor as a co poser 0 sac ed sca'30 eCape 'S De 0110 ed by a seq ence 0 readngs and us c (b a ener) or Len a so a ng place n e C ape A recep ,on In e Comml ee Room Will be 'eld a e ards and s a' and 'r'ends w shlng 0 a end s ould con ac he Chaplaincy on ex 2373. John Ta e er s a world amous composer, who graduated rom he Ro a Academy 0 us'c and fes gained public acclaim a the performance by he London Sin onle a of hiS drama IC can a a The Whale In 965 Over he years the con empla Ive Side of hiS na ure has lead him In spltltual directions and hiS commtment to he RUSSian Orthodox Church IS now eVident In all hiS wor n 1992 John Tavener was commissioned 10 wnte works for several major UK musIc fes Ivals Including Chel enham, Ches er and the Aldeburgh More recently he has received commiSSions from the Aus ralian Chamber Orches ra and he MusIcians Benevolent Fund. He was also he subJec of a recent BBC documen ary by Geoffrey Haydon, entitled Gltmpses of ParadIse and screened for the irst time on teleVISion In ovember 1992


. e rn, r


uring the Ea ter Vacation, 22 March - 23 pril 1993, the Library will open as follows:

rnp un

oom 140 in the Old Library now offer a range of computer based facilitie to Library user. There are eight Macinto h LCII micro, and two PCs, pIu pecialised equipment for LEXI on-line earching, for the u e ofCD-ROMs and for the Careers Centre Prospect service. The facilities are available from 9.00 until 20.30 on Mondays to Thur day. 9.00 until 18.30 on Fridays and 9.30 until 17.00 on aturday during termtime. Library taff are u ually available to give advice during the day, Monday to Friday. The facilities offered are: MACS: Word 5, Macinto h Ra ics PCs: Word for Windows 2, Excel 4.0 CD-ROM : CETEDOC Library of Chri tian Latin Texts, Modern Language Association Inrernational Bibliography, Thomas Aquina ,Opera Omnia Two printers are available for use with the MACs, an Imagewriter (for which no charge i made) and a La erwriter, which charges Sp per sheet, and is operated by a Library Flexicard (photocopy card). sers may book the MAC and the CD workstation in advance, by contacting the Enquiry Point in the Old Library (ext 2424, direct line 071-873 2424). Members of the School of Law may book a MAC for a maximum of two hours a day, up to one week in advance, other u ers may book 24 hr in advance. Anyone may book the CD workstation, again for a maximum of two hours a day, again up to one week in advance. Di k for use with the MAC and the PC are available in the Library, or may be purcha ed from the Computing Centre.

IOn opem n hou

Strand Campus trand Building Library Mon - Fri 9.30 Old Library Man - Fri 9.30 Embankment Library Man - Fri 9.30 trand Level 5 Man - Fri 9.30 u ic Library Man - Fri 9.30 Coleridge Library \!Ion - Fri 9.30 22 and 23 March 9.30 -

17.417.45 16.30 16.30 16.30 17.00 except 19.00

Kensington Campus Man - Fri

9.30 - 17.30

Monreso Rd \!Ion - Fri

Searching for a flat/house to rent re pon ible merican academic couple eek a flat or hou e to rent in London for a 13-month period from July 1 3 through to July 1994, the exact date are negotiable. Preference is for two or three bedrooms, with a separate li ing room and a full equipped kitchen; with a large refrigerator, clothe washer and dryer. Two bathrooms are preferred but one is acceptable; there mu t be a hower/bath combination. Central heating is preferred, but our main concem is that the place i warm in the winter. The preferred location is orth or West London; within a fairly easy walk to shopping and the tube or train. We are prepared to keep an automobile if there is easy parking. My wife i an experienced gardener, so we would be delighted to take care of a garden or plants. The rent i negotiable. First contact: John Porter, tel 071-873 21 2 or 0 1 692 4169

9.30 - 17.00

Randall Institute

Tonbridge. Kent

open when Institute i open

40 minutes to Charing Cro three bedroom end of terrace house to let in quiet road, close to station, Park and High Street. Central heating, nice outh-facing garden. Ideal for commuter and family. £420 pcm. Please call ext 1187 or tel 0732-365 041.

All part ofthe Library will be closed from 15.45 on April 7 until 9.30 on 14 pril. The Library does not open on Saturdays during vacation.

Guest Rooms

Garden flat in Hampstead One bedroom; two eparate double beds, two WC . Completely furni hed including all kitchen appliances and security sy tern. Available February, for about four months at £200 per week or eight month at £175. Tel 071-4354593 all hour.

Available for staff and vi iting academics in two self-contained flats at the Hamp tead campus for the special price of £ I0.50 per guest, per night. There are direct bus route to the Strand and Kensington Campu cs and easy aece to the Jubilee, orthern and Metropolitan lines. The flats are readily aece sible by car with parking for gue ts To book, or for further information, please contact Campus Service on 071-435 3564.

Cottage wanted Cottage sought for four weeks from approximately 22 March, suitable for one or two persons in Oxfordshire or Wiltshire. Please contact Ingrid Persaud on ext 2203.

P cl

he last I l:e of Commml mentioned the new Equal Opportunltle Policy, the policy on xuaJ and Raciall-iaras ment and the Policy on AID at the Work place. he new', '0 moking' policy and the policy on Jcohol and Drug buse at Work were also mentioned. In tead of printing the policies m Commml, we've decided It would be more effective to clrcu late copie of them to each member of staff. Thi will be done hortly. In the meantime, if you ha e any quenes relating to the new pollcie , please contact the Personnel Officer for our hool or area.

have been a ed to write a paper for the College mmittee about internal communication in the College. I would be glad to hear from an member of taff who has view not on I about Commml and the hool new letter, but about an other way 10 which communication does (or doe nod) take place in King' . Please give me a ring as oon as po ible on ext 3202 or drop me a qUick note (you can fax to 071- 72 0214 or e-mail to the nu mber given on the back of Commm/). Chris Kenyon Jone Director of Public Relation

\1arjone Young Director of Per onnel and Training


nyone requiring custom-made laboratory glas ware or the repair of such items please note that at Manresa Road we have a fullyequipped work hop staffed by Fred Duell who has over 40 year experience and expertise. Charges are ÂŁ30 per hour plus materials. Please contact u for all your glassblowing needs and advice or as istance on laboratory gla sware: Fred Duell, ext 4740 or Doug Grant, ext 4843.

ou will have seen from the in ertion that un Life Unit Service Ltd have arranged a seminar in the ouncil Room on Thursday 1J March 1993 at 18.00. Whilst the College doe not in any way sponsor this event or wish to associate itself with personal financial planning, the seminar could be useful for members of staff who are con idering seeking profes ional advice about their per onal financial affairs or planning for retirement. DO Ball Deputy College Secretary (Planning & Re ources)

ritish Telecom ha announced that on 16 April 1995 all K geographic area code will have a J inserted after the initial O. For example, the Dundee code changes from 0382 to 01382; the London codes change from 071 to 0171 and 081 to 0181; and so on. Bristol, Leeds, Leicester, . ottingham and heffield will each receive entirely new code to help meet

the rapid growth m demand for telecom service 10 these Cl tie . Their local numbers v,JlI al 0 be extended b ' the addition of an extra dIgit a the tart of the eXI ting number. . t the same time, all mternatlonal diallmgcode ""ill change from the 010 prefi to 00. Thi will bring the C 10 to line With the re t of Europe, as reqUired b the E . Anyone ordenng enough tatlonery to take them beyond April 19 5 please take note.



new leaflet - Inlroducing King's i being di tributed thi week to those who are the initial contact poin for Commml. The new leaflet ha been produced by the Pre and Publication Office in re pon e to reque t from academic and nonacademiC colleague to provide a brief introduction to the College for those who know little about it. Departmen may wi h to send copies to, for 10 tance, potential research funder in mdu try or commerce; those inVited to lecture at the ollege; short11 ted applicant for posts; overseas contacts; and people participating in short courses at King's. The leaflet Why King's, available from the Student Recruitment Office, is more uitable for sending to those offered undergraduate places at the College. Further copie of Inlroducing King's are available free from the Pres and Publication Office, ext 3202.

nD ur annual open day for tudents, parents, teacher and careers advisers will be held at the trand and King'S College School of Medicine and Denti try on Friday 23 April 1993, between 10.3013.00 and 14.00-16.30. Further detail are available from usanne French in the tudent Recruitment & Exchanges Office at Cornwall House, ext 3003. Please note that vi its to KCSMD are by ticket only.

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