Comment 072 October 1993

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King's has been celebrating its part a.. a major participant 10 onc of thc mo t ignificant cientific di covcne 0 the twenticth century: thc rclevation of 'the


ecret of life' 10 the tructure of O\."A. 'T hi disco cry, 40 years ago, hcralded thc beglOnlng of modcrn molccular biology and to mar this occasion the Dcpartment of Phy IC hcld a day of celcbratlons on 2 • cptember. A vital contribution to the dl covcry of thc double hcllx cructure of O. 'A (Dcoxynbo e nuclclc aCid) by X-ray diffraction studie wa madc by a team led by Profcsor 'v1auncc ilkins, of

KlOg' ,who was awarded the. 'obel Pnzc for hiS work Thc re earch into the tructure of .' was a JOlOt effort and the Collcge' day of celebration brought together four of the five origlOal member of that tcam. Profe or WilklO , who is till at the College, was JOlOed by Or Alec tokes, Professor Ra mond Gosling and Professor Herbert Wilson. Rosalind Franklin, the other member, died in 1958. Lunch for many di tingui hed guests, including past and present member of Phy ics, began the day's celebration. Afterwards a plaque was unveiled by ir Michael Atiyah, Pre ident of the Royal ociety, to commemorate the people and the work achieved. (You will find it Continued on page 2

Prin ipal ll1e tin 0" ,vi th taff of



Thursday 4 November, 17.00 Main Lecture Theatre, KCSMD A celebratory day at King's College London brought togetherfour ofthelIVe original membe of the King's DNA team. Pictured here with 0 model ufthe D, 'A double helix structure areJrom left to right, Professor Raymond Cosling, Professor IIerbtrt Wilson, Professor Maun'ce Wilkins (who was awardd the obel Pn'u) and Dr Alec Stokes. The plaque, commemorating the occasion, IS mounted on the wall behind them

The Principal will be jOined by Jo Agnew, Development Dtrec or who will speak about the King's College Annual Fund ra~c


Mr Andrew Crubb, Reader In Medical Lot:; and Elhics, appeared 10 The Guardian commenring on ir tephen Brown, Pre ident of the Iligh Court Famil Dlvi ion' , deci Ion to allow a doctor to force a pregnant women to undergo an emergene Caesarean ection again t her will. lie stated that the deCision could only be justified If the Judge believed a pregnant woman' nght to refu e treatment was outv.eighed by societ 's intere tin pre erving the unborn baby's life. It wa quite out of keeping with the polic) of the lav\.

Professor David 11011, Profi:ssor ofBiology, was interviewed on GLR's Dnvelime


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about the Biosphere-2 projcet in Anzona. The four men and four women had ju t emerged from two ear of living In a very large three and a half acre experimental greenhou e which enclosed seven eco y~tems from gra sland to oceans to ralnfore ts. lie dlscu~ ed the relevance of the project to climate change tudlcs and human upport system for the future.

Professor Sluart Campbell, I1ead of Ihe Departmenl ofObslelrics and G)no"cology, was on Radio 4's Today programme outlining how tudie purporting to how how ultrasound scan on unborn babie can effect their size at birth and also could cause babies to be left handed, were defective In their de ign and therefore these findings were probably due to chance. The current cri i in Ilaiti was discus ed by Professor John MacDonald, Professor of Economic and Social Policy, in Ihe Managemenl Cenlre, on Sky /I'ews. lie wa also one of ten expert ch0sen by The Sunda) Express to give their Vlev. to Kenneth larke, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on how the ceonom would uffer ifhe hit the consumers' pockets in the forthcoming budget.

Professor Phil Whitjield, Ilead ofIhe Division ofLife Sciences, LOok part in a BBC World ervice Science Now programme. I le wa interviewed about his book The 'alural 1IisIOf) ofEvolulion which was publi hed in eptember and discussed, among other issues, the eth ical context of 'gene therapy' approaches to human inherited diseases.

Dr RicJzard /JIack, LeClurer in Ihe Deparlm I of Geograplr) , appeared on Radio 4' SCIence .\'0'flU talking about relatlonsh Ip Ix:tv.en forced dl placement and environmental change. The te ting of the drug retrahydrollp tatlO (THL), ""hi hi uppo ed to decrea e the body' ab orption of fat, and could thu be regarded a an aid to IimmlOg, wa announced in Woman magazine, Dr

Calherine Geissler, /lead ofIhe Deparlmenl of.'\'ulrilion and D,elelics, warned readers not to get toO excited just yet: it could decrease the ab orption of the fatsoluble Vitamins 1\, D and E v.hich the bod needs to stay healthy. There was still a long way to go.

I\n article In The Big Issue examined the herbal remedy indu try and the lack of regulation 10 the area. Dr Pellf Iloughlon, l.eclurer In Pharmacy, V\ ho ha tud ied the toXIC effect of remedies, said that just be ause a product I 'natural'doe n't mean it i afc. Purcell's tercentenary celebrations were the ~ubjcct of a programme on the World Service in which Professor Gurlis Price, Ilead ofIhe Departmenl ofMusic, took part.

D. ',\ Anni\ crsar continued from rage 1 on the wall outside the entrance to the College by the post room at the trand.) Thi marked the beginning of a fa einating afternoon when the story of the discover of D:"I\, the events leading up to it and the people involved, wa retold. 11 four members of the team ga e an account of their work and relived their particular experience. The lectures were exhilarating: history tralght from the mouths of those who made it. It wa especially pleasing that there were 0 er 150 schoolchildren in the audlen e who could benefit from this unique experience. The ueee s of the day made it a fitting occasion to mark the achievements of the men and women whose work has impacted on all our live.


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Foundi d 182:'; he Colle e' Iden lC. I nOIA JU t over one year old and in addition to a number of ucees ful College publication that we have had produced on our behal we are very plea ed co see that many of our colleague are now producing their own matcrial In the ncw st Ic. The GUideline have becn wldell< dl tributed but \,\,e tIll have pare cople for those that lAould like their Individual copy or reference. We arc al 0 very encouraged by the number of enqulrics \,\,e have had from colleagues seeking advlCc on the correct way co produce publication and othcr Item that empl0l< hc Collcge logo. \\ e thought thereforc It mIght be helpful co highlight a number of particular I ~ues thac ha e becn raised In re peClLO the correct use of the logo.

The correct size and position for the logo The logo hould olways be placed in the cop right hand corner of all publication. The logo hould be reproduced to the lA idth sholl n above right. depending on the particular ize of the publicatIOn (including posters) and with the following margin around the LOp and right hand Ide of the logo:


Width of logo


A4 40mm Wide IOmm (Pleose nole Iho' 'his IS btgger ,hon 'he sIZe employed bj the stotionery desi whIch IS 25mm) AS


30 mm WIde '6 mm Wide

Logo Colour The 10 0 need to be reproduced In red only on t/u College stolton . For publication and other materral It can be used In ony colour,eg black, lA hlte (rever ed OUt). silver etc. The chOIce i up to the Individual but lAe would recommend that the chOIce of colour matche the re t of the de Ign. For In tance, for I ns and po ter black prtntlng I likely to be more SUitable than red. We would be happy to adVise colleague~ on SUitable colour.

The logo used with other design elements Ihe logo should never be put 111 a box and great care should be takcn as to how It appears With other ymbols. I f you arc co-publi hlng with another organisation please contact the Pre sand Publication Office for adVIce as to how to combine two or more logos.


7.5mm 7.5mm


Exomples 0/ correct positioning 0/ logo in top nghtltond corner 0/ A 4 ond AS publicotions - pleose olrwoys check witlt tlte Guidelines.

The correct version of the logo The logo should alwa be reproduced from proper artwork (ie a bromide or dl k) I hlch our office IS happ co upply to colleague. You hould not try to recreate it your elve on your PCs or Macs. Once again we would like co empha I e that we are happy to provide advice and guidelines on any particular a pect of the corporate visual identit that you need a. i tance with. hristine Jamie on Publication 0 ficer

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from Schoo Department & n e

quarter centur of anagement at Kina's The Managemenl Cenlre has now become a fully-fledged Deparlmenl of Ihe College, allhough il will slill be known as 'The Management Cenlre'. Here Senior LeClurer John Mark reviews Ihe hislory of Management teaching al King's and describes currenl deveJopmenls.


he origin of management teaching at the College can be traced to the decision in 1969 by the Department of Food cience at Queen Elizabeth College to introduce an undergraduate degree course in 'Food cience (with specialisation in Management Studies)' in order to boost their less than buoyant student recruitment. Two staff were recruited - a management specialist (Frank Brown) and an economist (John Mark) - while staff from the Department of ~utrition provided teaehing in psychology and sociology. The success of the new degree prompted Brian Meek, then of the Department of Mathematics and now of the Computing Centre, to suggest the establish ment of the 'Mathematics and Management' degree, and further degree in 'Chemistry with :v1anagement' and 'Physics with Management' were soon added. Two further staff were brought in: Roger trange (the current Head of Department) and Ray Holland, who transferred from Chelsea College. ew developments have continued apace since the merger in 1985, with the Departments of Computer Science, Engineering and French all introducing new 'With :v1anagement' degree courses. The popularity of these courses, however, provided the College with a

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conundrum. Wa the intere tin management education a temporary fad which would soon pas, or was it a longterm trend? A erie of Working Partie , tanding Committee, Peer Reviews and other ad hoc bodies all considered this question, and many people were unconvinced that the popularity of management education would be sustained. Yet applications and tudent number have continued to grow. In 19 9, the first intake of tudentS was welcomed to the ingle Ilonour 'Bu ine Management' degree, and there were over 2,000 application for the 50 places available in the October 1993 intake. :"eedle to say, the ucces ful candidates all ha e excellent A level grades. A further 40 tudent are recruited annually to the 'Mathematics and Management' degree, and 75 studentS to the various 'With Management'degree . Each October thu brings ome 165 new undergraduate students, and we thus have contact with some 500 undergraduate students at any point in time (a sizeable proportion of the total undergraduate population of the College). In addition. a new MSc in International Management has been introduced with effect from October 1993. The cour e builds upon our experience of teaching management to science tudentS, and put particular emphasl on the Issue ral ed by the management of science and technology in an international environment. Throughout this period, staff number have al 0 increa ed, albeit at a lower rate than the growth in student numbers, and today the Management Centre has 11 established academic pOStS. As the staffing level ha increased so too ha the re earch outpUt (too late for the last Re earch As essment Exercise, but in good time for the next!). Two major ESRC-sponsored books have been published this year. The first is an 800-page Review of The Food Induslries, written by John Mark and Roger trange. The stud was

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commi ioned b the Royal tati tical ociet and the E RC, and was pub" hed by Chapman & Hall a volume 2 of the authoritative eries of UK tati tical Reviews which together form a revised ver ion of Professor Mauflce Kendall's seminal work in the early po t-War year. The econd is a -50-page study of Japanese Manufacluring Inveslmenl in Europe: ils Impacl on Ihe UK Economy, by Roger trange, which ha been published as part of the important Routledge eries of tudie in International Busine s. The amount of re earch grant income has also increa ed substantially. Professor John MacDonald holds various grants from Ilealth Authorities, and has just returned from a four-month sabbatical in Canada where he wa in receipt of a $30000 grant to take up the Elia Chair at York 'niversity, Toronto, Ray Holland has grants of£30,000+ from the Everyman Centre and from CCETSW related to learning in organi ation and inter-profes ional competence in social work. David Grant has a grant from the luffield Foundation to look at trades unions and political funds ballots, and is awaiting funding for further work on Japanese employer relations practices in the UK. Jane Raybould has received £15,000 a her hare of a major research project (coordinated by the London Business chool) to analy e the City of London's competitive po ition relative to other international financial centres. Chris torey has been commissioned to coauthor a book on the marketing of financial ervices. Patrick Barber has Intere tS in accounting education. the treatment of intangible assets and the accountants' duty of care to third parties. id Lowe is researching the business activities of Hong Kong firms. Finally, Cliff 0 wick's work is concerned with aspects of organisational behaviour, and hi recent work on age di crimination has attracted national press, television, and radio coverage. David Grant and

Ch f Ch" I are al ooroani in b an IntcrnatlOnal Con erenc on' letaphor in Or aOl'>3[1onal r heol) and Beha lour' to be held at the 'en IO~ n mpu nc. Jul:. 'I h lanJ"em n Cen re h come a Ion" \~a -rom I Orl01O 10 the Department 0 1'00 artcr o a cenLU~ a o. It I both Ironic and extremel ad that the e r ~ hlch herald u I Ocp rtmental ta u be 10 ' granted to the. lana emenl Ccntrc hould al 0 w Hne the final dl appearance of the Depanment of rood _ ience. Indeed It I doubly ironic a the \lanagement Centre I no\~ oceup, In' much 0 the space pre\lou~l. u,ed a Food _ lence laboratorle.,. Bm \\ hat) the uture: 'I he fir t prlom, mu t be [C) develop unhcr thc re~earch ac.uv lue of the De panment. and here \\e would \\elc )me a Collegc InltlaUVc [C) e'tablish a Graduate S hool of <:)oual S lence . ( uch an Inltlatl\e has been aired pcrlodlcall~. but ha nm ~et LUrned 11)[0 an~thlOg tangible) \\c ha\l: alrcad~ ~tarted to e~t.11>11,h common re~earch method, l our e~ \~ Ith the Interdl'> iplln3~ Instltlltc ot \lanagemclll at the L. I· 'I he pc,tellll.ll or the e'>t.1bll'>hment of n(;\v dcgree cour,e ,both undergraduate and po,tgradu3t(;. I (;normou,> blll con'tralncd b slaf rcsource~. On(; ,uch propo~al undcr di~cu,slon I' an \ISc In Public Service., , lanagement. [() bc run In collaboration \\ith the School of l:.dlJC3tlon and the Departm(;nt of . ur~lng Studlc.,. The populamy of management education .,ho\\\ no .,ign o \vanlllg. and wc arc 100klO ' [C) the futlH(; V\ Ith gr(;al oplimi m.




ach year lhc Bml h Council or 'anlze 60 hort .,emlflar programme and ummer choob 10 Britain; many of them run by unlvcr~llY academic for .,enlor academiC and profcs~lOnal people rom around lhe world. 'I he Centre for Edu auonal Sllldles ha., a long traditIOn of contrlbuung to the Bmi.,h Council ,emlnar.,. '1 his year two cour,e were run b King'" a ademies: Inlernaflf.Jnal 1'.nvimnmenlall.LIw: a Framework for Sustainable Development, directed by


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I he p rp) ~ Educ3llona l tare 0 Jf e \\a to Inuoduce partiCipant lO I ue abou de Ignlng educauon I "t\\are an to prov'lde oundatlOn () hoth edu 3tlonal and tcchnlcala peel 0 hc procc . 'r he Idea or the cour'>C aro e "mm many year' expeflencc 0 the l\\ 0 cour e dlrcctors and othcr In CI·..~. In'ludln l1 a lhrec year project \\ Ith colleague at lhc 1n lIlUle fur Pedago "che , 'ature\\ I sen ha tin Klcl. German~. '1 he 25 parllclpants \\cre from \u~traha. Bulgafla, C~ pru ,Czech

un Ion 0' pnmJ.J; hoolchtllren h heen anreed bet een the ()cpartmen u mion at Km 's. f).p rtmen Utfltl JO Para I 010 nd P ,cholog). r- acu Ity 0 1edl ine L nlver It~ 0 - Indonesla. the Partner hip or Chtld Dc\elopmel1l, Impeflal Colle'e and the I ndonc~lan 1ml tr, 0 Hcalth. 'I hi ollaboratl\ e venturc ha been unded by the Bml h Council. the C nited allon De\ elopmcnt Pro"ramme. thc "'orld Ilealth ()rganl~auon, and a number of chantable fe ,woauon Dr \llchael. cl on. I)cpartment 0' utrltlon at King' and I)r \n JrC\~ Ilall. Impenal ollege London ha\e m de recent VISll, to J k:lrta [() promole lhl lin and the \\ ork \\ III lakc about I mon hs. \t the end of the proJeLt, wc '" III h vC a clearer under tandlng 0 the relatl\c Import nee () diet and Inte~tlnal p.lra'lle on the k:arnlng abtlll of '>choolchildren 11\ In' In poor rural ondltJOn.,. 'I h" ha., important I m p1Jca t1Cln 5 in lerm of public heallh mea~ure, [() Improve the health and learnmg abillt) of chool children and In tcrms of human resource potential for Inuone"la a., a \\ hole.

Hepuhltc. I'.a t Jeru~alcm Lg~ plo Greecc. Ku \alt. lacedonla,. lal ) la. \lalta.. Igefla, Phlltppln(;'. Ponugal. mgapore and oUlh.\ f1ca. 'I he~ Included unl\erslty lelllJrer~. pro 'ramming and leaching a,'1 lanb. educauonal computing centre director. • nd edUC:lllOnal ~o t\\:Ire developer,>. \~ a re IIll oflhe high vallle pial cd on the cour e and the 'lualtt) of the programme, four of the KII\\altl participant have suh eqllcl1ll) applied follo\\ PhD programm(;s at the Centre for l:.ducallOnal Sludles. bOlh of the director., have becn Inviled to give key notc addre'>'>e., al a conference on \lalhemalics and Computing Education m ,\then In 'ovembcr, and both hae also been Invited to contrlbule [() a computer-ba cd education nc\v~lelter for the L nlver Il~ of \\ e~tern Cape In • OUlh ,\fflca. :\pan rom being a ,tlmu!atm and enJo)able expeflence. rllnnin' Bflllh Coun iI emmars IS an ideal \\ ay of dl semmaung Informallon aboutthc \\ ork of Kmg's to a world-\\ ide to


Briti h Council Cour c

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Jame Cameron and Phlhppe an rom the Cen re or In erna I ,na En ir tnmenta La", and Dc I In' f Iwn So} e d rec cd b lar;::"aret Cox and DJ l e Centre -or Ed

audience. lhereby aur cling morc o er ca ,LUdel1l. pon'>or. hip and further rc~earch collaborartons. Further dctail about ho\\ to run a British Counctl Semmar Cour (; n be obtained from I he <'emlnar Programme Co-ordmator, \-lr 'I crr)- Iknnelt, I he BritISh CouncIl. 10 Spring Garden. l.ondon. \\'11\ 2B '. 'I cl. 071- 94226. \ 1argarel Cox Centre for Ed ucatlonal Stud le.,

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rofe or Deny, Ihun den of the I)cpartment of Geography ha, recelvcd the D L LIOLOn ward o the Bflu h Geomorphologlcal Re earch Group for oUlstanding contributIOn to international geomorpholog .. lanchlide re earch and curflculum dcvelopmenlln Outdoor Education lie ha al 0 been made an honorar, member of the Polt~h .\.,.,oclatlon of Geomorphologl l'>. I~obert \1I"on. a King'., poslgraduale 'lllde I1lIn Gcography (I 2- 5), ha., become the fir.,l reCipient 0 the Jan de Plaey :\v\ard for an out tanding contrd1ution l() Geomorphological Rc earch 3t International level from a sClentl'>t under 35 year of age. Or :\1I"'on is now a le turer at lhe Lnl\er Ity of Durham.




he College' newe t addition, the ~ightingale In titute. formally came into being on 1 October. de cri bed in the Ylay I ue of Comment, the In titute ha been created from the integration of 0:ormanby College and the. 'ightingale and Guy' College of I Iealth ~ ithin KCL. The ouch Ea t Thames Regional Health Authority ha contracted with the Institute to provide pre- and po t-regi tration nurse and midwifery education, and core contract activity will be in the region of 1,200 full-time equ ivalent tudent and approximately 450 FTEs for continuing education. All students will be registered with KCL. ~ ide range of diploma and degree-level our e \; being offered in collaboration \\ ith the Department of. 'ur ing tudies. The :"ightingale Institute and the Department of:"ur ing tudies will together form a Di ision of ~ ur ing and M idwifery, headed by Profcs or Jenifer WiI on-Barnett, in the chool of Life, Basic Med ical and Ilcalth cience. Profe sor Jill Ylacleod lark, who has been Director of Norman by College inee 1991, has been appointed the fir t Director of the Institute. Professor Macleod Clark qualified as a nurse at Univer ity College Ilospital in 1965 and worked as a nurse and ward sister until 1969 when she entered the London chool of Economic to take a degree in ocial P ychology. After graduating she worked as a researcher and within the niversity of London a a lecturer in nursing tudie, becoming Senior Lecturer in ~ ursing tudie at King'; in 19 6 and Profes or of ~ ur ing in I O. She ha won over ÂŁ1 million funding for research projects in the area of communication between nurses and patients the assessment of communication kills, interaction anal is, health promotion and smoking ce ation, and is the author of several books and re earch papers on research, communication and health promotion in health care. She is committed to facilitating acce; to higher education for all nurses and midwives and describes herself as a 'grass-roots academic'. The In titute will al 0 reflect her commitment to health promotion. 'All health

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profe ional are entering into an era of great challenge and change,' he comment. '. 'ur e and mid\\Jvc of the futurc mu t be ~ell-educated and prepared for a role which empha i e the promotion and malOtcnance of health a. well a the prevention of i11health. They mu t become equal partner 10 the multl-d, iplinary health care team. The new I n,titUte is wellplaced to play a major part in influencing nur ing and midwifery practice through re earch-ba;ed teaching. ' The following people have been appointed as Ilead of. ection within the Institutc: Lealamieson Professional \1idwifery' and Women '; Ilealth StUdies Sue Torkington Social. cicnce applied to Profc ;ional tudlc Lynn Batehup Professional 'tudie (Research and :"ur ing I; ue ) Serena Cooper Profe ional tudies (Inter Personal kills and Ilealth Promotion) Ros Ilerberr Biological Sciencc; applied to Profcs;ional Studics. Ann Tucker ha been appointed as I lead of Profc ional and Academic Affair;.

'I he malO pre-regl tration campusc are at '\:ormanby College and t. Thoma ' Ilopltal, although the In t1tute' act. itle are currently spread over IX Ite, IOcluding Cornwalllfou e and GU)' . Le\vi ham and Farnborough 110 pltals. 'I he College an i able to take internal po t to . 'ormanby College and Cornwall Ilou e, but mail for the other campu e mu t be ent ia the GPO. The main addre ses are The Nightingale Institute, ~ormanby Collcge, King's ollege 110 pital, Denmark Ifill, l,ondon SE 9R. 5t Thomas' Hospital,

Ga,;iot Ilousc, Lambcth Palace Road, London. El 7EP Thl I a marvellou new venture for the ollcge and for thc chool of Life, Basic Ylcdical and Ilealth ciences, and for student of the In titute who will benefit from stUdying in a multidi ciplinary learning environment. Jill Ylacleod Clark and Jcnny \Vii on-l3arnett are encouraging staff from the In titutc to liai;e with their colleagues throughout J udy Staight Project Manager

British Institute of I luman Right) 1\(;\1

The AGM ofthe British Institute oflluman Rights was held at King's on 9 June, and was an opportunity for members of the Institute to meet postgraduate students from Romania and Lithuania aI/ending an intensive human rights cou e organised by 81H R at the Centre for Educational Studies. TIre picture shows M Susan Raring (Chair of Bill R and a Member ofthe College Council -fourth from the left in the middle row) and Dr David Ilams (acting Co-Director ofthe Institute - on the right ofthe middle row) with students and others on the day ofthe AGM.


tud nt Recruitn1ent

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le. wdent Recruitment and I: "<change 0 fice ( R EO) I a ectlon 0 the External Rei tion Department \Ihleh \\ork \11 h hool to promote and mamt.:lln a po Itl\e. ;I\C1Hate and attraLtI\e profile o the College as a highl d,'tln'lJl'>hcd and inno\atl\e m titutlOn. 'I he purpo e ofthl article i to bring our \\ork to your attention and to highlight the m\oh'emen 0 olle 'e ta and he \cnice and a I tance \\c can of-er you, 'I he wor 0 the Office CO\ er~ the recruitment 0 homc and over ea \tIJdent\: John 'ILhola\ head, the home recruitment effort and jt:nnlfcr \nrllng I' III charge 0 0 cr t:J\ reCrlJltmcnt. I n addition. \ cnctla I-r nee ha\ \peclal re pon\lhdlty or the recrultmcnt of non- \ le\el wdclll\. maturc ~LUlknts and swdclll exchan 'C programmc . . under the au pi e\ of the I'.uropean ('ommunlty John and Jennifer arc .l\Sl'tcd hy ~ally I'umrord and \Ie an: all backed up by '>u anne French and Sarah Lcc, Our mJIll a 'tl\ Itics an.: 11 ted below \\ Ith ,ome of the ImplicatlllnS for departmcnt' and an 1I)(IIcatlon of their rele\ ance to ,wIT highli 'hted In Itail..:s.

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Indl't,lduols IIr /nJ/llulwns 'f1I.h:lu me are Ihere, plea<e It-! us knu .'

('n/unl') Itf. 't'll;; Soulh Waits, ,iuSlmlza IS {I,m ' I t.llg, I,;d

B J)e\cloplng and keeplllg under reVle\1 promotional and di,play m terlab or recruitmcn aetl\ltle\ at home and abroad.

Ifur,eos unzte IIles, IJn/l h CounClII)jjice-s

7he ma/r:nal Includes 113 fllIJ/e

and Izbranes, and Olhif''' uCtJli,mal and


banners 'f1I.hleh may be borrowedfrom Ihe

Offla C, \sembllng a ,>et of speCially produced \ I\ual aid and DIll' \fide, for


\lalntalnlng and updatln ' a matllll J lI't

comprchen~l\e o\er~ea~

Ihem IlnKlzllndu


j} 1 /' ,I "


.1 n



nu fl

Ij}:!.l '<,1'1:;


from Ihe Offil'

K, .\dmIJII t<:rll1 varlOu cholar hip \hemc or over cas wdent,> Includll1v KC \\ f,ng. Cy pm and Ilon l1 Kong . holar IlIp and the Cl lIeve Over ea Pc grad la e holar hIp. I )eI, I fin 1/ tlze" <h'J rsmp r. r.. I,M fmm lite SRf,u

\ Organl'lng corporate reprcsentJtlon at hi 'hcr education airs at homc and abroad includmg the EC. rdlJled Sla!! a JIJ/ us zn euunng Ihl", (fUnIs,

emlc 'mmt'


I)f Ih, oeodt'mle ond 0<' dUI/I£'





Ilural (j, Runs of I'lbel, mtl) ;" ord,Yt'djmm. IU.O

l'laclng ad\crtlsemcnt a, appropriatc 111 Journal\ aimed at the overscas market.

I" I he C'1I H\ in 111 ormatlon booklet and leaflet arc a\ atlahle from the "HI.. O; 1'.nlT) tju lijil: /ll)n Jllr /'Ir I !Jesr,e

Kin" Gol/t.;e l.lIndrm

/),,1' rlmenl I nd \£hl)lll \'1

ibm d


1 (,uld" fIr


lur. ,\1


H hIlI KinK' Gradul1lt Do? ~Vlz) Kzng 1.1'l.1n

In l.tmdlln home and o\ersea

\ er'lOn \\ c hope that \tar \1 ill contact U If can a'\I't you and jour depar ment \1 Ith jour ,["dent recrUitment, partlcularl) in thc spcClfic arcas mentioned aho\e, Ilo\\e\cr, thc It t i not cxhau I\e and \IC \\ould like to hcar rom vou with an) recruitment querle or prohlcm you may have: do gl\C u~ a call' \\L

Programme of Major Recruitment Fairs 1993-94 UK: Da!c'

l.ut:. IlIm

f) \lareh J I \1arch 22-23 \Iarch 24 \1arch 2 \Iarch 2< \1Jr h

Camden, London orn\\all . 1ersevside Ilamp~llIre/hle of\\ I 'ht Kent \\'e t Su ~ex

2') \lardl 1,0 \Iarch

Staf ord hire Ea\t Sussex

12-13 April 17 -19 .\prtl 19 \prtl 21-22.\pril

Preston \1anehester Bedford hire :"ottll1gham h,re/Lele

ClJnlznutd on Iht/ol/u 'zng page

page i

outh v..'e t

22 April

E her Richmond Woking wan ea Lincoln hire

3 Ma 4 May

5 May 11 Ma 1 ~ay 14-1- June

21 June 23 June 27-29 June 2 June

London East London . 'orfolk heffield . 'orth York hire

29June 27 June

Dorset Durham

1 July 4 July

Tyne ide Essex

5 July 6 July 7 July 12-13 July 29 ept-I Oct 20 October

Hertford hire Cambridgesh ire uffolk Humberside Birmingham London


Dolt 5路7 :"ov 1993

Counlf) 13angkok,

1 -20:"0

Thailand Istanbul, Turkey


31 Jan-7 Feb 1994 24-27 Feb 1994 4-6 M arch 1994 10-13 March 1994 11-12 March 1994 16-1 March 1994 May

Jakarta, Indone ia I long Kong Taipei, Taiwan Singapore Guangzhou, South China Nico ia, ypru Athens, Thessalon ika, Greece

Jennifer Anning International Liaison Officer OPPRE seminar organised by Or enetia France on the new cience G:" Q Advanced Level will be held on 27 October at 2.30 pm in room 2c trand. Admission tutors and any others interested are welcome to attend. the College.





re ident ElcctoftheLinnean ociety, Profe or 13nan Gardiner of the Di i ion of LIfe ience , repre ented both King's and hi ociety at a recent International ympo ium Darc;;in and lilt Beagle in Chile: Evolulion Toda), a satellite meeting of the IC C ([ nternational Council of cientific lnions) General A sembly, held in antiago 29 eptember to 1 October 1993. Profe or Gardiner, who had initially helped organi e the accompanying exhibition, presented the lnwer ity of Chile with a 3' replica of the Linnean ociety's Darwin portrait. lIe al 0 presided over the first day's proceeding and delivered the opening lecture on behalf of Profe or Richard Darwin Ke nes, FR ,(who was unable to attend) - entitled The VO)oge oflhe Beagle. The importance of Darwin's sojourn in Chile can be gauged by the fact that before he left Iquique on 14 July 1 35 (that is two year before he adopted a transmutationist hypothe~is) he had already sketched a narrative history of the South American continent in which the commencement of life, the extinction of some species and the creation of others were all given a place. Before the cnd of the voyage hc had reached the conclu ion that the doctrinc of the fixity of species would have to be replaced by some form of evolutionary theory, though he had not arrived at any mechanism. he meetlllg and cxhlbltion received financial backing from both Foreign Office and Briti h Council while King' . in a goodwill gesture to the lniversity of Chile, pon ored Profe sor Gardiner. The exhibition together with the Darwin portrait will eventuall) be permanently housed in the :vi useo :'\ ational de I Iistoria "atural, antiago.

The de cnption of the Government's propo al for Icgi lation on wdent lnion a 'perver ely clumsy' (Commenl, ptember 1 9 ) command widespread agreement. I will probabl be leading for the Liberal Democra if the Bill ever reache the I Iou e of Lord. and I have therefore drawn the Department For Education's attention to con iderable difficultie which will face the Parliamentary draftsmen if the Bill is proceedcd \ ith. At the Liberal Democrat Conference in Torquay on Scptember 19, I spoke in favour ofa motion moved by the Pre ident of ljLlj condemning the Government' propo al . Th i was carried overwhelmingly. with one single di sentient. Professor Conrad Russell (Earl Rus ell) Department of I li tory



Use of the University Library for the 1993/4 session Thl se Iln heCollee\4ll1bepa)1O

,0 0 LO he L nl er it, enable



'10 •


Llbra~ 0 'C

uf an



ational Library Week o 'ember 1--


deull are a aJlable rom: Llbraf) Wee

and he Iibraf\ 3 'n,.: I hoplOg 0 p rtlclpa e in he na IOnal campal<7n 10 quote he Llbr f) , a na

needed from the Lnlver~lt} Llbra~ our Inter-L,brar, Loan~ Depar men ma

Llbraf) Wee [i I a celebration of he pI' oul role Iibrane pia. In ocle y LA (J ). . lIon / Li " eel.' , k'll I.) It i, being upported by numerou amous and influential people eg Lord jen 10 . \-lelv 'n I3rags.:. Lord DalOwn. Peter I3roo e. I~o} Il3uer Iey. \Ia nus lagnu on. \ Ictona \\ood.julle \\ alter. \Iargarel Drahhlt: and judl

le able to ge the more cheapl}



w regl ter for the u eo the

C n"ier It Llbrar). All a demlc ~t.a needin" w u e that Iibrar) ma} rc 71 tcr directl} at he C niver it} Llbrar) on production u a current blue Kin .. ~ College Llt)far) ufftic et. It I \\orth remembenng that I only onc I em I


em or . ou mu h

t Jdcnt rom the h, 01 of Ilumanltle mav ala re":l er d,reclh \\ Ith the L n I\er Ity Llbrar} on


Ikn"h.l name Udt" fc\\ oftho~ v\l1O Iibr:l.rle LO be Importan In lhelr live, The IIbraf} at Km' I op'anl mg a number 0 event., 10 help In thc national

I3lddy FI her Con erence Or ani er

'r he



Rld 17 mount London \\CI i-\I:

JClatlon treet

I cl 071-636 7 - 4 FaxOilA 721

'I he I.lhraf);\ ociatlon ay tha hould appeal to a \4lde audience, Includln" .. all hose



mcmtler of the academic eommunlt} Intere cd 10 the applicatIOn of e hnolo)..,7\ 0 the learnlO proccs In the educallon 0 tUden .. It I~ hoped that he uf and stUdents KlOg \\ III conllnue to give their ull '>upport to he Ilbraf) and participate 10 a., man} oflhe cvents organl cd a po.,.,ihle. 1n addition LO the above cent'>. the IIbraf) at King' will be

prodllltlon ofa red Klng'~Collc~e I.ibrar} tlL Cl ace. Jmpanled by a tlro\\n c~"'lOal card for lhe 19"\14 ,>c"'>lon \11 non-academic and .,tudent ~tdf

campal"n. '1 here \\111 he a competition (UI/ on Ilbraf) i.,.,ue., \\lth t\\O main pri/c,> - ~ 150 \4orth of travcl \'oucher~ (donated b\ e, I \ 'I ravel) and a )ear'

membcr., of the ""hooi'> of [·,ducatlon. La\\. LI e, Ba~lc . Icdlcal and Ileallh Sdencc~ and Phy ical clence~ and Englneenng who gcnulOel} need to U\C the Lnlver~lty Llbrar) .,hould reque t a

Jb~crlptlon 0 'lime IJ I ma 'a/IOC. l·.ntry forms \\111 bc available at aliI'> ue de.,k., nearer the time. There \\111 abo

bc an interllbrar. loan~ competition \\ Ith a pnze ofa \\eek', holiday for t\\O In

pink application form from an}

'I cncrife. Thl,

I~eadcr~\ ..\dv"cr.

lhe. ub-I.lbranan (Header ~ervlce~) or the LendlOg

organl cd by the Llbraf) :\ssoel3tlon \\ hlch alms LO find lhe most unu~ual and

Service., Llbranan. On completion the form mu~t be returned to either the Sub-Llhrarlan (Reader erVlce.,) or lhe

peculiar Intcrlibraf)' reCJIICSL Entry form. are available from ~tcvc Pro\\ se. eX12133,

I.endlng .er\ Ice Llbranan If the requc~t I., approved a validation form or

'Tilt and Flex'

community but an e sential part of the academiC communlt). Plea e upport )(Jur Ilbraf)' dunng, 'atlOnal Library \\ eck,

reg"tratlon at the Cnlverslt} Llbraf) \\ ill he prov Ided. I another Iibraf) i Ilkel} to be mort; suiuhle or I the

I he Llbraf) .-\s oclatlon J al 0 running an academiC Llbrarle~ emmar called "1 lit and 1·lex· on \\'edne~da

Ilelen jone ')enlor l.lbrary.- >lSUnt

ovcmber (10.10 - 1 , 0) at The I'erf)'

. ra nd Build 109 Llbraf)

malerlal an be ohwlned on Inter-librar\ loan you \\ ill be adv I. ed of thi~, Ill~

hoped thal thl, proLedure \\ ill

enable the Colic 'e a~ a

V\ hole to get the be t u.,e of the nlvcr It} l.ibrar) for the agreed um paid for thl ~C'> Ion. :\n}one needing urther help should eonuct either the ub-Librarian (Header SerVIces) on cxt 231 or the Lending Service., Llbranan on ext ')70.


a compctltion

mountlOg di pia on each campus, that at the. trand campu to be held in the malO fo"er. rhc e d"play will cover all of thlllg to do \\ Ith librane ,e.g,


ho\\ to get Illvolved In the career, famuu ex-librarian. lhe hi wry of IIbranc • ete.. Libraries are an Important part of any

Llbraf). Lnlver Ity of the :outh Ban, It alms 10 cover libraries' mvolvemcnt \\ ith thc '1 ea hlng and I.earnul' 'I echnolog} Programme (n:lp) and the programme to encourage Flexibillt) In Cour\c Pro\! Ion . .-\~ the Llhraf)' Aoclation cxplalO~. the scmlOar I'> de>lgned to how how and why th IS t) pe of learn 109 actiVity re~lIlls in an enhanccd ~wdcnt experlcnce u Ing lechnology as an Integral feature for the delivery of programme~ of .,wd),· There \\111 be talk on 1 1.'1 P. IlID '. SuperjA '),:1 etc and filII programme



e em oyment po information for staff The Personnel Deparlmenlh e asked Comment 10 publish IheJollowing inJonnalion aboul new policies relaling 10 equal opportunilies and olher employmenl policies Jor College slaf!.


. tIn


Opportunitie a)

The People

The College places a high priority on promoting a fair and equitable working environment for all tudents and staff, where the ole criterion for success is personal merit. Our Eq ual Opportunities Officer is Professor Keith Ewing (ext 2077) from the School of Law. lie i the designated officer for staff and students to approach in confidence over any aspect of eq ual opportunities, eg per onal concern or suggestions regarding policies and procedure. Professor Ewing also attend the College' Equal Opportunitie Forum which is chaired by our \'Iee Principal Profe or Richard Griffiths. The Forum meets each term and its function is to con ider and to comment on initiative to promote equal opportunitie. It member are \1r Deryn ""at on, a senior Lecturer in the hool of Education, the Equal Opportunitie Officer from the local branch trade union and the tudents C nion, the cademic Registrar and member of the Per onnel Department. Profes or Griffiths reports the Forum's discussions to the taffing Policy Committee, whcre i sues pertain to taff, and to the Academi Board, where isues relate to students. 'I hese two bodies oversee the development of policies and initiatives at College IcH:1. page 10

Your Per onnel Officer and taff of the Academic Regi try are re ponsible for implementing policies and initiati... es for taff and student respectively. Whil t the e officer have formal roles in promoting equal opportunities, it i important to empha ise that every member of lhc Collcge needs to play their part to en ure that the allege IS an enjo 'able place to work and \\ here cveryone I treated fairl), \\ ith dignit) and re pect and where per onal development is encouraged.


The Policies

The College ha produced policies de igned to promote Equal Opportunitic : An Equal Opporwnitie Policy: this et, out the College's intention to maintain a fair \\orking CI1Vlron ment for a II staff and students and to set in place the machincry to en,urc that this aim is fulfillcd; •

Code of Practice for, exual and Racial Ilara ,mcnt: gu idelines have been produced which arc aimcd at both taffand studcnts to help anyone who is the victim of hara ment to sce help and su pport.

Guidelines for Rccruitmcnt: guidelines on College procedure have been produced for staff involved in recruitmcnt and selection panch. Polic on AI D, at the Work place: the College sets out its polic on taff with I I IV and :\1 D to ensure greater under tand ing of the e illnes e . It also give information about the proccdure and senior sta f who wlil act to reinforce the College's tance that nn-one with thi illne. ,hou Id feel isolatcd or vlctimi cd.


• •

Promoting Opportunitle for Disablcd People: the Equal Opportunitie Forum i currentl preparing a draft policy on promoting opportunities for di abled people a both tudents and taff. Profe. ,or Griffiths would "clcome an ugge tion regarding the need of dl abled people (c t 2030) In respcct of thi polic .


Equal Opportunities Information

Progress In promoting equa I opporwnitics need to be mea ured. useful 'la) is to prod uce stati tics showing the breakdown of grade and job categories by departmcnt, age, gcnder, disahility, race, nationality and ethnicity. The Per onnel Department' computer a Iready held data on age and gender. The College recently conducted a surve of staff for their ethnicity, enabling a complete profile to be produ cd. 93% oftaffhave completed the urvey que tionnaire, "hich IS a very encouraging total. An Equal Opportunities profile of the College ...\ill be in the next is ue of Cummenl. Wc intend to include Equal Opportunities policies in future, taff and tudcnt IIandbooks. In the meantime, If yOU" i h to receive a copy of the policle, or ou have any questions regarding Equal Opportunitie . plea e do not he itate to contact clthcr myself or your Personnel Officer for staff matter, or Brian Salter, the Academic Registrar, regarding tudent is ues.

The Job Introduction Scheme


i 'bI d


he College' qual Opporwnitie Forum v,;a recentl, a tended b: a Disability Employment Advl!>er <DE ) from the Department of Emplo~ ment' P CT unit (Placing. A se ment and Counsellln Team PACT v,;ere set up In I 2 to offer sendce for people With di b'litle and to help employer develop progre ive policie In emplOying dl abled people. DEA ad ise people wirh di abllirie to obtain emplOyment and Iiai e v,;lth employers regardmg rhelr clientS' abliirie and need. 'r he purpo!>e of rhe vi I v,;a to outline thc forms of a SIStance, both financial and advl ory. that Pt\C"1 can offer the College 0 rhat It can Increase Its nu mber of disabled employees. '\ bne outline of .,ome of the many form of practical help and gUldancc available 0 registered disabled pcople follo\~s.

Adaptations to premises and equipment

• Wor er v..ho are blind or partlall~ igned may be able to receive finanCial a I tance to employ a reader to help hem m heir wor .

Designing and making special equipment PACT can adVise on de Ignln special Item of equipment to help di abled people at work.. '0 charge I made for de I n, labour or material. I yOU v,;1 h to knov. m, re about he ollege's drive to promote opportunltle or dl abled people, or about the adv ice, Information and help available from PA T, plea e contact your Per onnel Officer.

cting as a job referee


otcntlally difficult SituatIOn can arise when omeone agree to act as a referee for omeone else applying for a job. particularly where the first party \\fIll be acting In the capacity of the person's employer.

Fares to work scheme

""hen iVlng reference. It I Important to bear in mind the following point :

Special aids and equipment SpeCial aid or equipment needed b a dlabled per on to obtain or to keep a job are IS ued on free permanent loan to them.

Assessment and work preparation If an employee develops a health problem or di ability which makes It difficult or impos Ible for them to continue In their job. PA T offers help through asse ment or counselling to identify and develop their abilities and aptitudes.

C nder he Rehabilitation of enders Act. once an 0 ence ha become pent. ou hould not refer t the conVlc Ion In he reference.


Personal Reader Service

Grants of up to £6.000 can be given by P·\CT to help WI h the co t of adapting preml es or equipment to enable employers to recruit or retain a disabled person.

:\ grant of up to 75% of the co t of taxi fares. for example, I payable to certain d, abled people whose disability prevent them from using public transport to get to work.

Cnder rhl scheme. employers may offer a disabled person a trial penod In a job. durin v. hich a I rant v,;ould be paid ov,;ard he per on' pa,'

I-you ha e dlfficultlc In iving a re erence or omeone, please contact our Per onnel 0 lcer v,;ho v,;ill be happy to ad I e you.

R t renc



Job ~ pplicant to Kin a Colle •

It I the College' poliey to obtain a satl actory reference from a Job applicant' employer before making them an offer of a post, wherever pOSSible. This will normally be undertaken b the local Personnel Officer as part of the recruitment proces and With whom contact hould be made.

References received from other employer are stnctly confidential and thclr coment mu t not be disclosed to the job applicant or to anyone other than member of the electIOn panel.

If ou need any further informatIOn about references, plea e eontact either myself or your Personnel Officer. \1arjorle Young Director of Personnel and Training

In la w, no-one is entitled to receive a job reference from their employer a a right. If you are not happy with the person's work. or for some other good cause. ou arc perfectl entitled to refuse to give them a reference. If you choo e to act a their referee, your reference need to be very carefully phrased in order not to mislead. It is illegal to give reference that are factually incorrect or malicious. (flnformation containcd in a reference is incompletc or Incorrcct, both the referee and King's College could be held respon ible for criminal negligence in a court of law.

page I I


'I he. c\\ Imcrprcccr' BIble

e ucce ful cxhibltion and efle of lecture at thc College on the ubject 0 the Greek and the Black ea. he take over the Wardenship of Keble. which fir t admitted women students everal year ago and now has over 400 men and women tudents enrolled, in October 1994. The Principal commented: 'Profe or ameron ha brought great di tinction to the College and wc are extremely sorry to lose her. but \1 e are very proud and grati led that she lone of the first women to achieve thiS di~tingui hed po itlon. and we \\1 h her ever)' ucce in her ne\\ role.'

Professor Averi/ Cameron

Profe or \bccuo

Cameron to Kcble rofes or Averil Cameron, Dire tor of the College's Centre for Ilellenic Studics. wdl be one of the fir t two women to take over the head hip of formerly all-male Oxbridge colleges when she becomes Warden of Keble College Oxford next autumn. Professor !\t1arilyn I3utler, Professor of English Literature at Cambridge, will become Rector of Exeter College at the ame time. Profes or Cameron came to King's as an as istant lecturer in Classic in 1965 and ha fI en to become one of the ollege' mo t eminent and di tingui hed members. he became a Profe or of the Cniversity of London in 1 7 ,a Fellow of the I3riti h Academy in 19 1, I lead of the Centre for Ilellenic tudie in 19 9 and Head of the College's flumanities Re earch Centres in 1 92. ller re earch and cholarship i very widely known and re pe ted, and he ha publi hed on topics including women In antiq uity; Chri tiantty in the Roman Empire, and the later Roman Empirc and the \'1editerranen world In late antiquity. he ha been instrumental in developing the College's teaching and re earch in the area of Greek and Byzantine wdies, and in 1991 she organised a highly




t the triennial meeting of the International :\ soclatlOn of Lusitanists In September. whieh wa held this year held in Ilamburg, fielder \'1acedo, Camoens Professor of Portugue. e. wa elected Pre ident of the As ociation for the next three years (1993-1996). The Association which brings together scholars in all fields of Lu ophone stlldie ,will have its next onference in Oxford in 1996.

prOject to write a new Bible commentar) has been launched and \ ill involve \Hiter . 7 Bml h and American. The l\' fnterpm 's Bibk will provide commentary on e ery book of the Prote tant I3lble and tho e additional book that are part of the Roman Catholic l3ible. The Rev Ronald E Clemen • Profe or of Old Testament tudie at King's, will write the commentary on the book of Deuteronomy, scheduled for publication in 199 . The whole proje t i expected to consist of more than 11,000 pages in 12 volume due to be relea ed over a six-year period ending in the year 2000.

I" (acc [)cp. c (cn Ion

rrmem - ne\\


s many of you will already know the Estate Department have mo ed to Cornwall I louse. Their new telephone exten ion are given below: 3347 Jeff \'1cCarthy Pauline I lardy 3347 3350 John Thomas 3349 lan I3lair 3348 Chri tian \10untney David Carraher 3353 3353 Joan Ilarrison Len Ayling 3354 3355 ue Easto

Two long serving members 0/ the Finance Department: Mike Cui/iano and Jean //unt, at their k:aving party. Mike G'uilzano 's /aret&;ell speech caused much merriment. lli:re one ofhIS Jokes IS appreciated by David /Jail and Jean Hunt.

Promotion ~ ne\\' appoIntment<

Pre, ntation celebration

he College ha recently

omes in Ihe fifth)t r ofl/re Col e's pres<nl lion celebr. lions ere held on ber. Tlze Ihlrd ~~II be he on 17 J nu 1994

announced the follo\\'ing promotion and ne'" appointmcn New Chair Or Di , 'ewham, Head of the Department of Physiotherapy. ha been appointed to the Chair of Phy iotherap Promotion to Professor The following have been promoted to Profcssorsh ips:

Dr Abdol-Jlamid Aglrvami to Profe or of Telccommunication Enginccring. Dr Lynn Fraser to Profc sor of Reproductivc I3iolog .

Dr Anne Creenough to Profcs or of TIre I'rincrpal, Lord AII;;nborough nd Co!' e Uralor John .Muir.

Clinical Re piratory Phy iolog).

Dr Frank /libberlto Profc




Dr /ligel /loldeno Profc sor of Developmental I3iology.

Dr David /look to Profc or of \lcdicval pani h


Dr /l'icolo LeFanu to Profc sor of \1 u ical omposition.

Dr Jinty Nelson to Profes or of Mcdicval Ili tor .

Dr Roberl Price to Profc or of Biochcmitry.

Dr Sally Redfern to Professor of 1'\ ursing. Promotion to Reader Thc following havc bccn promotcd


Rcadcr hip:

DrSusan Brain


Rcader in

Dr Jonalhon Socks reo;ives Ihe scroll marking his presenlalion fellofIl)ship from Sir James Spooner. Choimlon ofCollege Council.


DrConorCearty to Rcadcr in Law. Dr Phillip Cordon-Weeks to Readcr In Dcvelopmental, 路curobiology.

Dr Dominic Ralhbone to Reader in Ancicnt 11 i tory.

Dr John Walkeno Rcader in Physic . Dr John Wrigglesworth to Rcadcr in :vIembranc Bioenergetic , Promotion to Senior Lecturer Thc following have been promoted Scnior Lcctureship :


Dr Philip Adey in Education Or David Clarke in French Dr Philip Sabin in War tudics M r I~oger trange in Management :vir Chri topher Wintlc in :vIusic,

Members ofIhe procession preparing 10 enlt:r Ihe hall pa,gc J3

esearch !',C Rc

r h FclIo\\


he Department 0 Geograph, has "'on I third ~ucces ivc EC Human Capital and \10bility award. These hi hI, competitive awards bring po tdoctoral and doctoral researcher from other countrie in Europe for research trainmg at King' for between 12 and 24 month. The award were won by Richard Black and Ton)' Warne . for Integralton nd Lulnff. Inlif) ofml anls 10 soulhern Europ' (ecu 100,000). John Thorne for Land d. d. lion nd Si In,,!) In Medllerron n r, 'om (ecu 200,000) and "elth Iloggart and Lila Leontldou for M'grallon and lourism dro /t)pmenl In ma Inal Mediterranean or, (eeu 302,000). 'r he Department currentl ha five re earch fellow under this programme, With four more to follow later thi academiC ·ear. All award holder come from outhern Europe, and complement two. pan ish Ylinistr of Education postdoctoral researcher m contributing to the College' effort in developing Mediterranean re earch and teachmg,

:\ncicnt Commentator on \ri . . totk


rofe sor Richard orabJi In the Philo ophy Department ha received two new grants for continuing the translation of the AnCient Commentator on ri to tie; the arc for $417,7 3( 27 522) from the atlOnal Endowment for the Humanltle L .\ and £10,000 from the Britl h Academy. The Ancient Commentators repre ent ami ing link in the history of philosophy; between 200 and 600 AD they reinterpreted Ari totle and pa ed him on to the ~iddle ge in a form that happened to be safe for Christianity and that also stimulated important cientific developments, as Galileo acknowledged. Five volumes a year arc being produced with the aid of twO research assi tants in King' , Ylr fan Crystal and Dr Dirk l3altzly. 19 volumes will be out by Christma along with two page 14


permanent a ademic po t m a univcr it) or re!>earch in t1tute m a de 'elopm coun f). \t the Ime 0 application the hould be re Ident in the CK either co pletlO heir research t die, or holdtn a } tdoctoral re earch po ition In a ., un ver I : ' or other appropnate


cxplana of) boo and - ran la or have been i ned up in 1 countne.

.\ (, Bur Jnc

\\ rd


he AcademiC tudy Group i a I - -year old Bntl h chantable foundation which promotes collaboration bctween Bml h cholar and their I racli counterparts. A G I offenng 16 modest, IndiVidual travel bur ane m I ( 3-94 and cholar In any field can appl) to \lr John Lev). .\ G. 25 Lyndale Avenue. London \\'22Q13.

Rc c rch dc\ c10pmem \\ m.l and cllo\\ hip In rollC<ll medicine


his scheme aim to aid young re earch workers from developing countnes who have held a re earch fellowship In a L" univer Ity (or other appropnate in tltutlonJ, to establish an active programme of academic re eareh With,n their home country institution, with the continuity of collaboration and ~upport ofa CK sponsor. The chcme will provide recurrent cost of research for up to three years (£4,000 per annum for research cost~ within thc applicant's home m tltution and an additional £2,000 per annum will be prOVided for research costs withm the LK laboratory) o that award holders ma) return to the L K laboratory for a period of up to three month In each year of the award, The cost of onc return journey between the applicant' home and CK laboratory will be provided for each year of the award, plus a sub Istenee and 'K travel allowance of 00 per calcndar month.Travel expenscs will also be prOVided for an annual VI it (2-4 vveeks) by the C K sponsor to the rele ant home Institution. Applications arc invited from clinical and non-clinical seienti ts active in research areas relevant to tropical medicine. Candidates mu t hold a

In t.t t n ExceptlOnall" application '" ill be con Idered 'rom IndiV idual ..... ho have returned to their home country withtn he I t t"'elve months. 11 applican mu t hold a PhD de ree

be ore an a"'ard ""'111 be made. Further m ormatlon and application form can be obtained from: Gran ectlon (I roplcal), the \\ ellcome 1 ru t, I 3 l~u ton Road, London. '\\'I 2BE. TcI 07 I -611 43 . The clo Ing date for the reLelpt 3 LOmpleted application D<:cember 1 orm I 0 S<.hemc


Rc h (,ram


he ociety ha amalgamated It s heme for the upport of re~ear h, for over cas field re earch 10 marine clence~ and In the hiStory of sCience Into a slOgle grants scheme. Grants or up to £10,000 arc available to academiC worker 10 LK IOstitutions of higher education for research projects in the natural SClence~, IOcludlOg mathematiCs, engineering science, agncultural and medical re eareh, the cicntifie aspects of archaeology, geograph), experimental psychology and the hlHor of scicn e, technology or medicine, 'I he e grants are given to meet the cost of specialized eqUipment, essential consu mable matenals and, for field research at sea, re earch at marine biolo'leallaboratorie or re earch 10 the history of sCience only, travel and subsi tencc costs. 1 he next closlOg date for the receipt of applications IS 15. 'ovember I 3. Full details and application forms may be obtained from the Executive Secretary mef: J~ L), The Royal ociety, Carlton House Terrace, London, WIY 5 G. Tel 071- 3 5561 ext 220, fax (for enqUiries only) 071-930 2170.

heart g.enes expre ed uniquel in the

Re earch Grant

human foetal heart during development. DrPreed), .I09(LOR )roases mu culo- keletal protell1 and R:"

Thi i Comment's third report of

Centre for Defence Studies

re earch grant recci cd b) member of the College. The gran li ted were reeei cd b Finance in the q uan:er

\1r \1 lar e. 120,717 (Jo eph Rowntree Charitable Tru t) 0 uppon: the :"orth- outh Defence and curit)

which ended 31 July I

. DetaiL of

Rc earch and

rainll1g Pro 'ramme.

turnover in cardiac failure and related disorder b, non-Inva ive technique. Or ·orman. 132. ,- (\\'ellcome Tru t) for molecular analy i of inherited ,) ndromc 0 growth hormone

Total grants. 120,717.


Centre for Educational Studies

Total grant. £2

which are confidential, but the amoun

Or \1 Cox. ProfD John on. ~I-,OOO

Dental Sciences

are included in the wtal for the department or unit.

(Department for Education).

grant under £5,000 are not 'iven, nor arc extensions of exi tlng grant or tho e

Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Dr J skham,£24,7 7 (joscph Ro\\ntree Foundation) w support a re,e3rch project entitled 'a prclimll1af) ~LUd: of pensloncrs' cxpenditure·. Dr J.\ kham, £24.93 (Lankelly,llambland . \\'ates Foundation) to upport a re ear h project entitled 'evaluation of open referralcheme for elderly mentally frail pcople'. Prof A TlI1kcr, Dr J !\ kham. Dr F Wright, £10,476 (Anchor Ilousing Tru t) to support rcsear h on

upplement toward, the cost of priming the 'Impact Project' report. Prof Ball. £-0,940 (Cancer Relief \1acmillan J7und). Evaluation ofthc CR\1F :"ursc

de\'elopment of frame\\ ork., for computer-based course\\ arc.

Developmental Biology Research Centre

induction In />cbrafi h: row of activins'. Dr .. Ilolder, Dr Wilson. £1 9.227 (Wcllcome Tru t) to su pport a rcsear h anal.


of mechani m underl) ing

regIOnal pattcrning ofthe embr)onle 'vertebrate forebrain. Total grant .. 4 .5 I.

Biochemistry Total grams.£o9,720.


Dr H K Patient, £1-2,306 (\\'eJlcome

Centre for Philosophical Studies Prof 0 Papineau, £35,000 Waring Foundation). Toward the upport of the Centre for Philo;,ophical • tudie . Dr\IARobb,


£65,Z- (. E RC) to su pport a re earch proje t entitled 'swchastic modelling of transient kinetics in rad iation tracks '. Prof C 13 Reese, £33.092 (Wellcome Tru t) to support a research tudy of the chemical synthe IS and biological propen:ies of D-and 1.- phosphatidylmyo-ino,iwl .4. 5-tripho phatc and relatedcompounds.\lr,J Ila\\ke. r rC I) Ilall, £ 15,000 (Re earch EqUipment Fund) ro provide a molecular graphics \\ ork tatlon for ..\ 11{ re.,earch ,cC' ice,. 'I otal grant , ~17 ,4-5.

Classics Prof G B \\·aywell. £- .000 (E mee Fairbairn Charitable 'I rust). Contribution ro\vard the co t of cxcavation at parta during the ummer period.

Total grants, £7.300.

Total grant. £9.615.

Cancer Research Campaign(CRC)

Clinical Biochemistry

Prof John on, £7 ,446 (\1 RC) to research the Epstein-l3arr viru genomic activit in the oral cavit of normal and

I'rofPetcr .£21.0 2 (EEC)toc\aluau: the health and oClal con,equencc of

IIIV-infe tcdindividual·.

I Olal g.rant,>, £7 ': 71.

Trust) to ,uppon: a study of the commitment to blood cell differentiation: the role and regulation of G:\T:\-_. Electronic & Electrical Engineering

suPPOrt an ab initio tud' of potential energ) ;,urfacc eras ing : development of deClvatlve \1C-SCF. I)r .. Green,

Frontier Science Program Organi/.ation) to upport re. earch on 'me oderm

transplantation receivin chemotherapy \\lth or \\ Ithout total body Irradiation.

Total grant , ~9 ,465.

Ilomes. Prof t\ Tinker. Or J Askham, £ 10,576 (An hor Ilousing Tru,t) for

Dr C >oen. £142,715 (/\FRC) to support a research project entitled 'identification of vertebrate clock gene '. Dr :" I lolder. $60,500 (£40.093 approx) (Iluman

£55.000 (Sir J ules Thorne Charitable Tru,t). Changes in the oral microflora of children undergoll1g bone mano"


Total grants, £82,139. Anatomy & Human Biology Group

Or Ilomer, 2 . 71 (13HF). Growth and metabolism of viridan streprococci isolated from endocarditis. Or Robert ,

Tuwr Programme. \1r J) Squire, Or 11 • hort (Computing Ccntre), £22,352 (:\cadcmic Dcvelopmcnt Rcsearch Equipmcnt Fund,). TCl\\ard, the

the financial circumstance of older people in Anchor Ilou ing-\\ ith-care

'Difficult to let shcltered housing - an ex ploralor).'

.0 6.

alcohol abu e with special refercn c to ethnic variahilit . Dr \1oniz. £93,0 2 (Ilri~tol \1yer ~qlJlbb Pharm) to identify i. olation characterISation of

I)r I D Robert on. Dr A H Aghvami, 5: 102,529 (. E RC) to support a re earch project entitled 'antenna sectori ation and diverSity technique for microwave and millimetre-wave communications'. DrTG Clarkson, 7. 00 Ecu (£6,156 approx)(EE ) to support a re earch project entitled 'neural networks and communicationsystem ". I)r J Everard, 5: 123.579 (SE I~C) ro support research on ultra-Io\\ nOise o,cillarors with low rc id ual flicker noi e. Or I 0 Robert on, l'rofC \\. Turner. £73,64 ( ERC) to . upport re earch on 'novel micro trip nd CP\\' truLtur s for miuowa . CIrcuits emplo) II1g high-TC uperconductor '. Dr R E Reill , Prof Camphcll (KC \11), £-7.300 (Rc earch • trategy Fund) to develop a en ing device to monitor foetal movement. Or \. llandcrck, £ 12,000 (Rc carch EqUipment Fund) to provide photogene rated optical fibre component. for optical en ing and signal proces ing. I otal grant, £35 ,737. English Prof J Roberts, £ 11,750 (Rc earch Strategy Fund) to e tablish a pilot study comparing methodological procedure 111 the cia, lfication of \-liddle English vocabulary. page 15

ublt nm 'nt of a JO n trat l!: ' elo ment o' 'nwl heal h

the e

athematics e


pr .- [ l3 J)




he:Jlth t:r\lce \\ h h \\ III meet the

\\ h p. Pr - E B Oa le , _2,. - (I{ J c ct. Lc erhulme 'f r tl, r Hc'>Carch r c I \\ hip Pr 'PC\\c t,£)rPllo"e ~I 2,2[... 1{ " upp rlre-,.ear,h n n mite dlmcn Ion I al,.;e ra nte~rabte cm tr n~ theom; . Dr \ I{ .>"er. T7 ['..c 'C.1 -/ appro 11:.[' L 0 uppr rl re <:dr :'I' urler anal. I and bro\\nlan m lion on upcrmanlfold \\ I h apphc<llIon In ph\ le and mathematiC '. Dr. 1 0 Freeman " I ( f.. I{ ) to PP,)rt re'>earch on . luanlUm Imcr 'rabllit\ and Infinltedlmelhl<lnal al 'cbra ' Dr \1 D Freeman, I)r I' Ilo\\c. £ . 01. Or \ I{o er~, Pro I' \\ c t I Hc careh I'.qlllpm<:n I md) t) pro Ide computer efl' Ipm<:1ll or the 'I he rellcall'h) les (;roup I l.Il pant, It IS, 2').

mea I1rement '>y te m.

need o'peoplc \llth e\cre and


I otal grant, B3.3\5.

pcr I tent m<:mal heal h problem.

I)r SCOll. 'i) ,.-1 i ( \nIHlll'> Rheumatl>m

German I otal 'ram, £936. Haematology

I lwl g,ra m ,~ ~", 00 Law

COllncd). Core

r.lce : UOOOOO(lLtr In_./la


Brcnt \ 0

Ilea h \

m he de

I p





health '>Cr. KC


Food Science Research Group Or P E , Or R Pnce B hc ml r. . 4, 747 <\\ cIlcomc 'I ru ) to UPP0rl a

PrlOrlt, Care ' Ide h Heal h \ hon. m Idc ntl '. m~ the I


chan c m basemcnt mem rane in

ne d 'or p<: pie" Ith m 'ntal he lth problem 'I~O,O ('onh .ta-- rd hlrellcalth \ hort )tohdp

diabetl nephropathy: amelioration b

achl<: ea c.omprehen

dletal) ne n- tarch pol, acchande


research proJcct cntitled 'molc ular

Geography Or

R I3lac,


(Lnlver It)


rhorne ,

.4 311'.1', C) Contribution to\\ard re>earch ta l co,>(> J)r J I'ltman, I'ruf J f hornc , \: I I, ,4 eRc,>ear h 1',qlJlpment Fund) to pro\ Ide cqu Ipment tor a 'I I)R automatiC



AUlhofll. ) to help Upp0rl the


Bradford) to UppOrl a research proJcct entitled 'll1\oluntar.· settlement and environmental change'. Pro

,H:, 10

c. mmunlty mcntal health scr.lce , i'-,')OO I d-Do\\n lIealth

otl mOl'>lIIr<:

Implem<:nt:lllOn of a local mcntal health >trate",: £~7 ..-1[) ([)acorum t .\Iban Ccmmllnlty I ( • 'I rll t) te prm Ide a c. mprehene. Intcgrated rangc of c.




mcntal h<:alth 'r.ICe~, ,r h ' lid IbmI' hIre

Ilcalth C, mm!'> Ion) to 1e,);n:J mcn

I'nfe \Ie r,>c,






I'rof \Iarlln,


\IHL),!.- \rglnlne nltrl



l Ide

the hlJman loronal) artcl).

Ileechaml. He,>earch. ue!Lnt hip. \Ir \

I'rof Ilendr\. \:27, . -I \rtcl) projCcl.

ba,>i" 0 trlo,>e pho phate I'>omera e defiCiency Dr \Iuftl. £45, 4 e) (I.oR,».

I omkll1 . 'i7 i30 (Ik <:w h Stratq,,: Fund). Contrlbullon o\\ard rc care h


Inve,>tlgatlon of'l- ell recepwr

ravel and cqlllpment co'>t'>. \Ir J f IbJ:lk, '.:.1 ~,027 (\e\lo. \\ ,.

iIllochcml'>t[ J, 'il 1.6\' I~[... RCJ

Total grant." £1 6,032.

ComnbulIon to'\ard~ rc earch tarf CO>b In the Insolvency l{c'>carch l·nll. \lr K

pport J. rc,>e:lfch proJel:l c ntltled ',>ullellHc and InlcraClIol1'> of the rcdox


Olrpham, £7,<.J30 (Rc'>earch Strategy &:

component,> of the benzene

Total grant,>, £3 i.

dloxygcna\c from p,>elldomona,> putida'.

Human Environmental Sciences

I{e,>ean.h I-"Cjulpment "und'>J to examine the reccnt change'> to

Total gram." £26, 00.

/"caland\ :\cCIUCnt Compen'>allon

J)r Lay on, £120,1 3 (\IRC


rearrangement in myco i fu ng,olCJe u.,ing I'CR,


Immunology I'rof:" 1\ Stames, J)r J :'\1urphy. £46.461

Ir J

Ilcnder~ lIl,

IHcscarch Strategy Fund'

I)r J H \la e n, I'rof H Cammack

'>upport:l rc,>c:Jrch project entitlcd 'gcne~ a

'iIO,9S0 0

the fir t t\\ 0 year,> of the H u'>~lan ConsllllJlIonal Court. l)r C (Jcartv, '.:.22,150 ( \IJ,O) lO\\an]., the UppOf[

3,000 (.\rthfllls



Icgumlno arum' I)r \ I' \\ood, £, I· RC,

fac can now cytometer for analy i of

I otal


Management Centre Pro J \lacDonald, 'i 16 7()O ( olJth \\ e,>t

'>uppon a




\ I 11In h h:IIO\\ hip. l>r \ P \\ ood, £1(l,032I 1·.RC)to upportare~earch

Dr J \1 urphy, Dr D .\ Da. les, £20,000

'I ha me

'>upport a research lI1\eSl. h atlon on the

the purchase ofa fac can analytical

care of long- tay genatri patient,> In

as ociated \\ith tagcte,> " I)r J !{


nurslOg homes in the health authority

£:;0,000 I Rc,>earch l...qUlpmcnt I, und)

Total grant,>,


project cnllllcd 'ecophY~lOlogy of


(awarded JOll1tly to I)r I. \lacl)onald,

12 .479.

thlophene-degradlOg ,>od bacteria



Gcorge\ Ilo,>pital .\lec! '>chool, total

fermcntatlon '>y,>tem or u e

\1r J Jcnkin,>, £100,000 (Greatcr

grant, \.50.2 0), Pro J \-lac I)onald,

cnllronmcntal blOtechnolog)

Glago\\o Ilealth Board) to help achieve


George\ Ilo'>pltal 1edlcal

SchoolJ. Ilcalth Care Hc,>earch.

Stratcgy Fund)

Greater Glasgow Ilealth Board \1el1lal

'1 otal grant,>, £23,1)64.





e,>tabltsh a centre of

tlte field of EnVironmental

SCIence, Pro I{ K [look. £26,712

IIlnes Lnlt; £30,000 (Warrrngton & 10


\Cl"I) Ikscarch. tudcntship.

'I owl grant,>, 'iIOH,O 7. page I


Pro \1 J Balln, £26,4k4 (Research

the new ,>ervlce objectives of the

Ilalton Ilcalth Authorities) to a'>Slst


arc! thc purchase of a \llcro\ 30 Ittre

Institute of Health




!Research Equlpmem ,. und) toward



'>ulphurllJmpound>' I>r \ P \\ood. 7, Oil Ec J (Vl.O)4 approx) 0.. [.. C).


collagen epitopc and B cell region I>otypc and Idlotype,>. Pro \ '>tames,


enlltled 'mlCroblal cyeltng

of he Ci.tI Llbertlc,> I{e earch Lnll.

Counctl) towards the purcha'>e ofa

ft:ctll1g alumlllllJm tolerancc

thc ,>od baClerllJm rhll.ObllJm


Re earch




I'rof [{ K l'oole, £12.76 ('-ERe) to


(.\rthflll & Rhcumamm Counctl). tudemshlp. I'rof

I ,wl grant. 'i.223.0'l1

Molecular Medicine Or Farzaneh, ,35 (MRe). Clonmg of mammalian inte tinal fernc redu ta. e. Total grants, 4,35. Music Prof R trohm £10,000 ( cademic De elopment Fund) to upport the e tabli hmcnt of a research training programme for :-'1 Phil/ph 0 candidate in hi torical and theoretical mu icology. Prof C t\ Price, 7,1 7 (Re earch Equipment Fund) to provide computer mu ic work tation for the :-'1 U~IC Department. Total grants £45,587. Nursing Research Unit Or S Redfern, £10,000 (Department of I fealth) to complete a re earch report on individuali~cd patient care. Total grants, £404,07 Nursing Studies Total grant, _2,000. Nutrition & Dietetics Or P \\' Emery,

I) 0,000 (£


approx) (American In titute for Cancer Rc earch) to support a research project entitled 'control of cancer cachexia by suppres~ion of post pradial glycogene~is'. Obstetrics & Gynaecology 'I'otal grant, £2540. Pharmacology Group Prof P Jenner, £10,360 (I RI ) to support a re earch project entitled' tudies of piribedil patches in MPTP treated common marmo~et~'; £9,380 (I RIS) to upport a re. eareh project entitled '~tudics of the action of piribedil in NI PTP treated primates primed to exhibit dyskinesias': £54,747 (Wellcome Trust) to support re eareh on the effect of reduced glutathione level on oxidative tre and the integrit of the nlgro- tnatal pathway. Or llram, £10 ,927 (Briti h f feart FoundatIOn) to support re earch on the modulation of the release and aetivit of a oaetive neuropeptide in the mierova culature. Prof 13 I falliwell, £1 15,311 (Arthritis Rheumatism Council) to ~uPPOrt re earch on the 'mea urement of oxidative damage to biomoleeule In rheumatoid patient on different therapeuti regime '. Total grants. £449,11 . Pharmacy ProfC Marriott, £54,747 (Welleome Tru t) to support a research project entitled 'inve tigation of mu oadhe~ive dclivery ~y~tem for the ga~trointe~tinal

tract': ~5,OOO (Bntl~h Technology Group Limited) LO purcha e drying and oh.-ent dctectlon eqUIpment for qualit) control of laeto e excipient. Prof I~ f (Idcr, £-.7 0 (Oriti h Technology Group Limited). Contribution to\\ard re earch expen e . Prof J Gorrod .•. 13 (Wellcome Tru~t) to upport research on the role of Imme and oxaziridinc a intermediates m the metaboli m of. 'benzylaniline . Or Bloomfield, £15,001 (Department of1 rade & Indu try). 01'1/13 I re earch and development scheme for tandard development of methods for preparing bacterial te t u pen~ion \ ith repeatable and reproducible re istance to antiseptics and disinfectant . 1 oral grants, £ 174. 1 . Philosophy Prof R:-'1 ainsbury. I>r f I Short (Computing Centre), £ 11,065 L\cadcmic Dcvelopment Fund) to develop an Intcractlve programme to a i t in the tcaching of philosophy. Physics Or AT Collins,f'rof E C Lighto\\ler . Prof C Davies, £264,316 C- E RC) to upport a re earch projeet entitled 'cyrogenic cathodolumineseencc imaging and pectroscopy of dcfccts in thin film diamond,i and Igc'. Prof E C Lightowlers, Prof G Davies, £ 135,191 (SE RC) to support a rcsearch project entitled 'Iow temperaturc spectrometer to extend the rangc of photol u mi nescence pectroseopy applied to emieonductors'. Or A T Collins.12,940 Eeu (£9.954 approx) (EEC (Esprit)). Contribution to the high temperature electronic network (I1fTE. '). ProfR E Burge, £179,669 (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) to upport a re c r h project entitled 'fabrication of zone plate for bcamline 22'. Prof R E Burge. 7, 00 Ecu (EEC) to upport reearch on thc reacti e ion etching for the ahrication of x-ra opti al elements. Total grants. 00, 3. Physiology Group Or R:-'1 ilIigan, Dr C D Sale (13 iology 'ection), £3 ,590 (I lame Office) to support re~earch on the physiological and behavioural re pon~e to environmental sound. Dr P Jones, £39,600 (British I iahetic As oeiation) to upport a research tudentship entitled 'protein phosphorylation insulin secretion from pancreatic B-cell : the

u e Cl peptide ub trate Site-directed kinase inhibitor '. Dr D ugden, £13, moyal oClet)). Contnbution tOward re earch con umable co ts. Total grants. 4,07 J. Physiotherapy Group Total grams, £2,000. Randalllnstitute Or R " Patient, Dr ~ Ilolder (Anatomy), £-4,747 (Wellcome Trust) to upport a re earch project entitled 'CA 1'.'\ tran cription factor and erythropoie i in zebra fi h'. Or PC alina, 26-,1 19 (M RC) to support research on the role of cell-cell interaction and Wnt genes in the developing cerebellum. Or 13 J utton, £2', 3C'\uffield Foundation). cienee He'>earch Fellowship. Prof R :-.1 Simmons.100.000 Ecu ( 7 ,125 approx) (EEC) to upport re earch on the unitary force and ~tep Ize in a cell motile y tern. Total grants, £56 ,56-. Spanish & Spanish-American Studies Total grants, £2,702. Vascular Biology Research Unit Prof J Pearson. £74.6 - (I3riti h Ileart Foundation) to uppon a re earch project entitled 'modulation of nitric oxide biosynthe i by polyamine '. Or C \\'heeler-Jones, Prof J Pearson, £95,277 (British Ileart Foundation) to support a re eareh project entitled 'protein pho phorylation and the control of endothelial cell function'. Total grants, £169,962. War Studies Prof L Freedman, Or 13 Ileuser, 624.000 O:Vl ( 265.530 approx)(Volkswagen_ tifwng) to uppOrt a re earch project entitled 'the eeurity problem of postommuni t Europe'.. 1 J Sharp. Prof L Freedman, $200,000 (£133,333 approx) (:-'1acArthur Foundation) to upport a re earch project entitled 'po t- oviet Europe: relation among the former \\'1'0 allie '. Prof L Freedman, $25,000 (£16,616 received) (~10 Ander on Foundation). A re earch study of ~orth :\tlantic relationship in the context of International ecurity; $-0.000 ( 1,427 received) (MacArthur Foundation)to support a re earch project entitled . ecurity tudies in the Commonwealth of Independent tates (former oviet L:nion)'. Total grant, £419,560.

page 17

Byzantine and odern Greek Lecture 15 ovember ~ c~ 36 S:'a""o Ca p~s' 7 00 'S 30



test rlg ;:or :1,.;": e' ae'a s CO 'ac' S za'lra 0, ao 0'" -8732060


Centre for Hellenic Studies Lectures and the Greek Archaelogical Committee UK 1 November eV\ nea re S"a 0 Car' PI.-S, '800 :0' 900 Tne sanc ary 0 D,onvsos on .'axos 0 I S /s or1' P'ofesso r

2500 years 'e's '(



A:re s

30 November Grea' Ha Stra" Ca :) s, • 800 '0 900 G eece a 0 t e resLlrge'" a: ona S n

9 November ew Trea re, S rano Camp s, 8' 0 Sacred musIc In early RenaIssance I aly

Pro essor Rein ard SllO m, Pro'essor Istar cal s l col09


D, 700

Observa Ions on the resplra ory muscles physIOlogy and un P 0 essor John oxham, Pro'essor T orac c ed,clne

30 November ew Thea re, S rand, 17 30

Spec acts and ceremony he aud,10nurJ,n B zan me lile

C"ar o"e C ass cs

ouec"e, 8epar'fY1e to'

Late Antique and Medieval Studies Lecture 18 November Ruorr • 806. S:'an CamP(js, 7 30 '0 '900



Pro essor JC Swansan, Pro essor PhYSical E'ec ron,cs


School of Law Lecture 9 November Room 3820 S rand Campus. 8 30 2000


The Royal CommissIOn on CrmJlnal Justice I Icnael Mansf·eld QC

The 1993 Halliburton Lecture in Physiology 23 November ~ e .ew ~ ea're, S ra d Camp s, 730 In racellular pH, proton channels and calctum regula IOn m snail neurones P'c;essor R C no as, Depa ment P YSIO 09 ' unlvers,w 0; Bris 01


5th King's College Lecture in Pharmaceutical Sciences 1 November He'd a Co -ege rJouse, anresa Road, Chesea, 1730 Discovery and bIOlogical relevance of

In erfaces In electrOnics

1'1 'e I

p s, ' 7 00 '0

t{ 0'

A man IS as old as his ar enes P o'essor Jerem Pearson, Proiessor o Vascular B,o 09



Dr Marry ~ac<son, Un ve's'Y Ar e.5

Inaugural lectures 28 October ew Thea re, S rand Campus, 18 5

22 November aln Lec'ure hea re,


Caring an a lOurnamen s he German eVidence

e Ba i<ans

P'o;essor T Ve'err s, Un lers At ens

22 November :'00"'" 86 S"a 's 30


the L·Argmlne nitriC oXIde pathway Dr S N1oncada, FRS, Director 0 Research, Welicome Research Labora or es U

Centre for Philosophical Studies and the Institute of Classical Studies Lecture 15 November Grea all, S rand Campus, 1800 Master 0 my fa e: a stOIC philosopher m a HanoI pnson Admiral Jim S oc dale, VicePresiden al candida e a las US elec ions A lec ure on how to survive orture and soli ary confinemen hrough he ancien moral philosophy 0 Epic e us

Correction Gresham Lectures Professor Fran Cox's Gresham lectures on 8, 15 and 24 ovember a 7 30 will In ac be held a Wes mins er School, Dean's Yard, Wes mins er, London SW1

8 November Many amps ma e light wor : synchro ron radla IOn research Pro essor P Du e, Ph SICS Depa men, Ing's

15 November, 17.30 Problems m the genes: probmg and prognosIs Common genetic disorders will be described and examples given of ways in which particular genes and gene products contribute to these disorders. Techniques for he idenlifica ion of de ective genes will be discussed.

24 November, 17.30 Replacing defective genes The possibilities 0 replaCing he defec ive genes will be discussed oge her wi h some 0 he problems, bo h prac 'cal and e hical, li ely 0 be encoun ered.

Maxwell Society Lectures Held in Room 2C, Main Building, Strand, 14.00 - 15.00

1 November The coming of age of wind energy Professor Lipman, Ru herford Appleton Laboratory

Regional development problems m Andalucla Or el Salmon, Depa men 0 Geography, UnlverSI y 0 Lu on

15 November

16 November

George Green: iller, a ematlclan and Physicis Pro essor L J Challis, U Ivers y 0 o ingham

Sustammg Cl les? The relatJonshlps be ween employmen , transport and housmg Or Andy Prat , Department of Geography, London School 0 Economics

22 November Modern optiCS: seemg the ligh Or K Powell, Departmen of P ysics, King's

29 November Blowmg m he wmd. he sun '5 effect on come tails Pro essor A Johnstone, ullard Space Science Labora ory

8 November, 17.30 What IS It. and whac can It do? The principles 0 gene IC engineering will be explained in non-speclalis erms and examples 0 what can be done using these echniques will be given.

9 November

23 November Fragmencs of Industry and employment: contract service firms and contemporary res ruccuring Or John Alien, Faculty 0 Social SCiences, The Open University

Byzantine and Modern Greek Research Seminar

ScminJr" Centre for American Studies Research Seminars Held in Room 2C, S rand Campus, 18.15

28 October Pound's Performance Professor Eric Mottram, Department of English, King's

Held In Room B6, Strand Campus, 7.00 to 18.30

8 November HIS ory as fictIOn In R Galenakis's The LI e 0 Ismael Feri Pasha elen Yannaka is, King's

29 November Adventures of an epigraphist in the haunts of Oigenis Akritas Andrew Palmer, King's

11 November Muriel Rukeyser. Willard Gibbs and Amencan SCience Or Richard Bradbury, University of Exeter

25 November American Jazz m he 7920s, 305 and 40s Michael Hvebeniak, ing's College London

Geography Research Seminar 2 November Room 102, odol Building, S rand Campus, 17.00 Redistrtbutlon of che Souch Afocan lands after apartheid Professor David Simon, Department of Geography, Queen Mary Wes field College

London Medical Sociology Group Seminar 10 November Room 4/24, Cornwall House Annexe, 18.00 0 19.00. Admission 50p Children and accidents Juay Green, UMDS, Guy's Hospital

Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Research Seminar 22 November Room 3/8, Cornwall House Annexe, 1540 Lessons rom the field: the use of e hnography in he s udy 0 ageing Dr Paul Rollinson, Southwest Missouri Sta e University

page 19

Management Seminars .... e d ~ e"s

COIIOql i- - - - - - -


Se"" ~a' 00 "g'o~ Ca""p~s, • 7 30,0 • 9 00

Institute of Advanced Musical Studies Colloquia

28 October



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4 November

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18 November The managemen of Bn Ish mdus ry a need 0 assls and Improve Dere I=a,c et: ~,~aDOu Par: spo esma on T raae and naus r

The Randalllnstitute Developmental Biology Seminars P ease prone or' e aa '0 cor' rn 'he me a d oca"on ne serr ar,:e 07 -836885

ce T s se"" ra r 'I a SCuSS: e 'ss 0 on proposa s 0 lne Ro a Co C' fY"I a ~s: ce ,"at aea t i"e gn: to J'" ' r a 'p ea oarga '1g' :ne Igr 0 - 5, ence, Ire r es o· e ae ce, :~e OJ: 0 se ose ore's case a'ld e: e' matte's 'e ea: '0 pre·" a s'ages Pro essor A d'ew AsnNo" ,Sc 00 o' Lav 9'5 uS

9 December process of appeal Pa" c O'Co nor C oe'e ee



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I a pea 5

3 November, 13.30 Intracellular transcnpc localisa Ion m the early Drosophil,a embryo Da Id ,sh-Harowlcz, CRF Developmen al BIOlOgy Unl , Unlversl y 0 Ox ord

Department of Pharmacy seminars He d n ~oo 8, re,res>'n er> 5 are served be ween 6 00 6 5 a'1d he seminars are hela be ween 16 151700

4 November 10 November, 17,00 Bone morphogenettc pro ems and mesodermal mductlon m 'enopus embryos Les Dale, Ana omy Depar men, Unl ers Coege Lo don

17 November, 13.00 Hox gene regulatIOn durmg he process of hmdbram segmen a IOn m he mouse embryo S ephen 10 chev, De elopme a Rill euroolology,

24 November, 17.00 Parternmg n the C 5 he role


mldlme s ructures arysla Placze , Developmen a euroblology, R, I1 H

P450, Scructure func iOn and regula Ion pro G G bson. Scr>oo 81010g ca Sc e'lces, LJ I erSlt of S rrey

11 November Tammg ree-radlcals, he syn he IC chemls m con rol Or ones, Depar me i of Cremls, Ing's Co ege Lonao

18 November Cllmca, managemen 0 b· Thalassaemia Or .J B ~or er, Un e's COl ege osp al ed cal Sc 001

25 November A future m drug dISCO ery or hIgh throughput screenmg? H Styl , Glaxo Group Research


p ge 20

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17 November Decons·ruc ng Pe er Da les's A


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Ha'ydn ,e'y uard musIc and I s per ormanee rae Ice Be''''ar Ha" son, un JerS:f 0' ~a cas'e'

Department of Computer Science Colloquia el n Roo'T 3D, a n B IId,'1g. Strand Ca pus P ease phone on e day 0 con Irm e, e and oca ,on or he seminar, lel 07 -8732842/ 2588

3 November The Insurance aJlacy assessmen and controlo sol ware ns s Darren Dalc er, Departmen of COMputer Sc,enee, Ing's

17 November Examples of methods by Bundy and Walsh for seml-au oma ed heorem pro mg A a 'ute Inson, Depar en 0 Co puter SCience, ng's

O(!1t.:r L


Requiem for All Souls 2 November, 17 ,30 T e se ,ng hiS year s ha 0 Faure, arches ral accompanlmen Please W I e he names 0 any departed rlends, amlly or colleagues you Wish prayers 0 be 0 fered or on he Prayer Board a he en ranee 0 e Chapel, or al erna Ively send de ails 0 the C apla'nc{ 0 Ice

Extravaganza 2 19 November Various performances including recitals, s e ches, comedy, singing by members 0 sa 0 ing's College Hospital, audsley Hospi ai, Be hlem Royal Hospital The Psychia ry Research Trus Ins i u eo Psychiatry, De Crespigny Par, Denmar Hill, London SE5 8AF, 19.45 022.00. Admission 0.50 Contact rs Sandra Refaul on 0717036217

Organ Recitals 8 November, 13.10 David Trendell, College Organist

22 November, 13.10 Or Richard Overill, Departmen 0 Computing Science

Advent Carol Service To be held rom 1 0 3 December a 17.30. These candlelight services are followed by mulled wine. Tic ets are free and available rom the Chaplaincy Office, The Porter's Main Des at the Strand or the Dean's Office from 8 November.

\1cmorial Professor Stott The memorial service for Professor Stott, former head of Engineering will be held at St Margaret's Church, Westmins er Abbey on Monday 8 ovember at 12.00.

ENTER: Information for Students with Disability ENTERing Higher Education A projec has been unded by he European Social Fund - Hortzon Ini la Ne in he Departmen of Social War S udles a Sou hampton U IverSI y 0 develop an in 0 ma ion system which will allow po en lal s uden s wi h disabilities 0 Ind out w a echnology and services are available to assis hem in their academic s udies a he University 0 their chOice. The purpose of he project is to survey all universities in the U to gather data for the information system. A number of individuals at King's will be InVited o respond to a ques lonnaire. The co-ordina ors Intend ha by July 994 i will be possible for s uden s with disabili ies to loo up any universi y at he ime hey are comple ing he UCAS applica Ion and ind ou wha technology and support services are available 0 assls t em in their academic studies. They will here ore be distnbu ing copies 0 he information system to careers advisers and libraries They are also inviting any individual s udents and people with an interest in the provision of technology and services to respond. Copies of a questionnaire can be obtained from Ann Wilkinson, Project Co-ordinator, Centre for Human Service Technology, Department of Social Work Studies, University of Southamp on, Sou hampton S09 5 H. Tel 0703 593536

In orma Ion please contac : Mary Claire Halvorson, D,rec or 0 he Professional raining Programme, Golds i s, University of London, 14 S Dona 's London SE14 6 R. Tel 08 -694 356, or Fax 08 -694 2009.

The Centre for Higher Education Studies at London University provides the following range of workshops and courses: One-day course 11May1994 Developmg high quality teaching and learnmg m departments for heads or deputies of departmen s.

Two-day courses 25-26 November 1993 Teachmg study skills

2-3 December 1993 Developing and managing distance learning courses

9-10 March Problem-based learning

19-20 May 1994 Research supervision

Three-day courses 2-4 February 1994 Improving lecturing

2-4 March 1994 Assessmg students

11-13 May 1994 Small group teaching

Peter Shaw


There will be a memorial sevice for Peter Shaw, who was he College Secre ary from 1952-1977 on Tuesday 23 ovember a 17.30 in the Chapel

Equal Opportunities with the Lid Off 25 November, 9.30-17.30

7-9 September 1994 Course for new lecturers

Senate House, ale Street, WC The symposia is being organised by he Universi y 0 London Pro essional Training Programme a Goldsmi hs' College, University of London, in conjunc ion with organisational cultures and structures in con ex 0 providing equal opportunities and other issues including the role of the TECs. The inclusive fee for at ending the seminar is: ÂŁ 75 00 For urther

Five-day course 12-16 September 1994 Course for experienced lecturers The Cen re also 0 ers a MA in Higher Educa ion and Pro essional Education and a PhD/ Phil programme. For more Informa ion about any of these courses please contact Or Roy Cox or Janet Harding at the Centre for Higher Education Studies, 59 Gordon Square, LondonWC1H 0 T. Tel 071-612 6383/6362

page 21

Briti h Ph rmacoloaiCJI .\ \\ rd

AUTINATFE Conference 30 November In ellec ua prope n e ;tor' place Me 0 at 27 3- 'a" a S'ree:, _0 co C 9..P Cos' s £25 tor 0 I=E ~e""be's a d £:55 0' e be's


Wanted ~as a~

t 0'


ember of the Pharmaeolo . Group '-I.ere er) pleased 0 hear ha


-o~e 0-

35' 7

Tara BanerJl h

08' -888 8336

To let J ous ouse I" Qu e: s eet a-er 00 0 e oearoo . o~e stuo • gooo tc"'en. 'ecep 0 roo • smal garde . good p ana oathrao a ,e Pus dawrsta'rs a et F I tu I",S ea W'

recent I, been a\\.ardcd

onc C J n annual scholar hip prov Ided b the Briti h Pharmacological Deler). 1 hi enerou award i to provide h r '-I.ith ee and a year' su ppon 0 that he can Intercalate a B c In Pharmacolog), before going on to clinical tudie,. .) ara has completed twO preclinical )ear at King's and ha played aver) active role In the College; amon t other

Computing Centre Courses A boo et, User Trammg Programme 993-4 IS a a ,ao'e ro '~e Compu Ing Cen re s ad sory 0 ces e OOl<le de as' e generapurpose courses 0 'ereo 0 he Compu 9 Cen re IS acaae c fear I etan e IS - e de a ed au um er a,so ava ,aore 0 e ao ISOry offices provides he room numbers, da es and ,mes 0 all ne genera purpose co rses 0 'ered dlmng e au umn erm I" add on 0 ta 9 courses, here IS a range 0 selinS ruc Ion courses hese sel ,paced courses are also described In he boo le

3 November G1 Uniras Imerac Ives, pa

20 3

L2 Fortran 77, part 2 of 7 52 Mini ao, part 2 0 2 W2 Word or he Apple ac'n ash, part 1 0 2

things. '>he IS the outgOing preSident of \1 \0 , the. 1cdlcal and Dental • tude nt. "OClct\.

_ I n1ber hip of the Detad of the

facdltle~ availablc

in thc

enlor Common Hoom are sct out In the nc\\ COP) of the t.1ff\1anual. ome

It would bc helpful if ne\\. staffand \\ ho \\ I,h to Join or who prefer to


u'>eful telephone numbcr~ are as follows:

pa) the Sub,cflptlon by che ue would complete the follOWing form and return


it to me with the appropriate

Or \1ike Doekrill, ext 220 I flon Secretory

ub cripllon, £22 for full-time member of taff and £11 for part-time taff and tho~e who are based in any campus

:v1 rs :v1argaret Brown, ext 2 67 lIon Treasurer :v1r Peter Gilbert, cxt 2667 Sociol SecrelOry/lUackfull Rm bookzn s

other than the. trand. 'vlargarct Brown

\1rs Joe l3ell, ext 23 3

10 November

Membership Form

G1 Unlras In erac Ives, par 30 3 L2 Fa ran 77, pa 30 7 2 ord or he Apple ac I" ash, par 20 2 W3 Word or Windows, pa 1 0 2

I Wish

I enclose a cheque for.£ for full-wnc/part-lImc/other campu membership (£22 full-time,.£ 11 full-time/other campus)

17 November


L2 Fortran 77, pa 4 0 7 W3 Word or indows, pa

20 2

24 November 02 E cel for indows, par 1 0 2 L2 Fo ran 77, part 5 0 7 W4: Pagemaker, pa 1 0 3 W5' Advanced Word or Windows To boo a place on the courses please see S rand adVISOry (23AB) ex 2505 or Kenslng on adVISOry (A209) e t

426 page 22


appl) for member,hip of the ScnlOr Common Hoom for the year I


, 'ame

\ofr .1s. rs/Dr!Prof(plea,e deletc a, neccssaf) igned Date

• I agree to my ,ubseriptlon being deducted from my ,alary cheque from 1994. (0 Delete if neces,ary).

Please return to 'v1 rs:v1 'v1 I3rown. H on Secretary, Senior Common Room, Strand Campus


King' inger go to Paris

some of the achievemen of last ear. 'evertheles , I have been auditioning new tudents and as a re ult have appotnted eight to choral scholar hips. \-lember of the choir tudya wide range of ubjects. Y1 u ic i ,of cour e, well-repre enred a IS Theology, but there al 0 ingers reading Cia sics, Law, Ili tory, Language and :-'1edicine.


fter previou ucce ful trip to Italy and to the Lake Di trict, King's College Chapel hoir made its 1993 tour to Paris in the beginning of July. We pent only a few days in the city but our twO 'gigs', a concert in the American Epi copalian Cathedral and High Y1a sat :"otre Dame, filled our time and could not have been bettered. The annual tour i a very u eful time for the chOir; a culmination of the year's work, a time for fun and frolic, a few day of inten i e rehear ai, and an excellent opportun ity for the choir to gel ociallya well a mu icall)'. In this, our trip was no d isa ppoi ntmen t. Y1 uch preparation goes into a music tour, especially one abroad, and provision had to be made for hepherding twenty-five or so disparate soul through the maze that i the Paris Metro, without losing music, organist or Chaplain. David Trendell our director had put many hour into the organisation, liasing with musicians in Paris, and setting up our concerts and Y1ass, 0 that everything ran 5urpri ingly smoothly. inging in the magnificent American Cathedral, the huge edifice built by Street, wa a marvellous experience; our concert comprised a wide variety of sacred music from the early Renais ance to the twentieth century, the high pot being "Y1i5sa Euge 130ne" by the midixteenth century English compo er Christopher Tye, inter persed with motets by William l3yrd, including his sublime ettingof'lnfelix Ego'. Our audience, a mixture of tourists, and French and American resident, wa appreciative, and many of them were to be seen again at High Y1a at, 'otre Dame where we ang "Mis a Bell' Amfitrit' Altera'" by the prolific composer of the flemish chool, Orlandus La u. :"otre Dame i an enormous cathedral with a mas ive acou tic, perfect for thi beautifully

rc onant Renai sance work with its oaring 'cori- pezzati' harmonies. The Cathedral was packcd at this its main Sunday :vla s; even so, from thc quirc behind the 'ave altar, the congregation seemed mall and ver far away. It wa a splendid occasion, an experience to sta with the choir for a long time. This year' tour was for all of us a great ucces and ha given u an enormous boo t; it has al 0 set us up well for the new se sion, and for our work in the coming year. uzy Robin on hoir President 1993

Other Choir ne\\ ichaelma Term i always the busiest of the year for the choir. culminating as it does in the three Ad ent carol ervice (December 1-3). It i also a term that can often see a sub tantial change in personnel. Fortunately, la t ummer there were very few lea er which mean that there is a welcome en e of

I often wonder how widely the activitie of the choir are known by member of the College. We sing twiee each week in the College Chapel - for E ensong on Tue day at 5.30 and at the ollege Eucharist on Wedne days at 1.10 - as well as for many extra services and events both in and out ide of College. Besides the earol services, the highpoint of this term include the setting of the Requiem Mass by Gabriel faurE with string on Tuesday :" ovember 2 and a concert in the Chapel of mu ic which we performed on the Pari tour on Thur day 0.'ovember I at 1 .00. Plans are al 0 underway to make a recording next ummer. Do feel free to come to the e events and in particular to our regular ervice in chapel. David Trendell College Organi t and Lecturer in Mu ic

continuity and the potential to build on

page 23

Ch ncellar at the

ranklin an1pu


an1er n


During her 'Ulsit on /5 October, 7Ize Pnnufs RO')alform IIy opened the!fJl;o newly rtJurbtshed halls ofrmdence. RfJsalmd Franklin Ilall. w/llch has places for 74 students. andCameron JlallfP1:zch rJ;;/II accommodate 45 students. Princess Anne is featured here bemg introduced to studentsfram Rosalmd Frank/in 11011 by Sue James, Serorces Managerfor the Hampstead Campus.


u ten Dannellan ca e COPIC~

of the College' SlatCmentLO thc about th I~ ca,c at the Old Bailcy wcre SCnlLO all I leads of Dcpartmcnt on 'I h ursday 21 October. Furthcr copies arc available from the Prc. s and Publications Officc, ext 3202. pre,>~

page 24




( omment


the Jolle ·c· rc_utar

new le l r. I ucd b) the Pre and I'lblacau n OfIce (ext 20'2) e h mouth cl nn term Imc ContnbutlOn or the ncxt cdltlon hOllld i re cl~cd b) mlrlda. I f1rlay L 0 ember. If po Iblc on • >.-' .\1 c11 c. !\Itcrnat,~ely clllllrilllJ ors ould scnd their copy b. I~·mail (aha Comment). Plea c nOlC thc el!Jtor re cr~c the right to amend It m nc c sa')

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