KColl g
FoundedI 29
ENT the College
ewsletter Kin ' / 0 bill lodged
Sir Hamsoll
Bi~istle ill
rehM{'Jtt! ~'i/h soprano Ch,is/ine Whittlese)'
ew work by ir Harrison Bimvi~de were given their world premierc on 21 :'\ovembcr at a concert in the Great Hall ro celebrate the composcr\ inauguration as Henry Purccll Profe or of ompo ition at King's. The concert marked the 299th anniver ary of Pureell' death and brought rogether Engli~h music of three centurie ago and the mo~t recenr work of Britain' leading composer. Sir Harri on' ncwopera The Serolld ,llrs Kong received it highly-acclaimed premiere at Glyndebourne la t monrh. One of the new piece, With Let/er
alld C/ork -part of a ~erie~ of four settings of poem by Paul Celan. which were conducted by Sir Harrison -wa ~ung by Christine \\'hittle ey, the inrernationally renowned American ~oprano. he was acc mpanied in other Birtwi de works by London Wind, and by oboi~t Gareth H ube and piani t Robert Keeley who al~o performed tWO new ver ion of Birm'i dc's All /n/el77Jp/ed F.lld/ess .l/e/ody for oboe and piano. The first half of the concert featured Phanra m, a group of inrernational chamber music pecialist lead by Laurence Dreyfus (al 0 a profe or at King's) playing Purcell's Fama ia 1-3 and 6-11.
he Councils of King' and the l nited ~Iedical and Dental Schools of Guy's and. t Thomas' Ilospirals (L'~1 OS) have agreed on the comenr of a Parliamenraf) Bill which is [() be lodged this monrh. Oncc enacted, the legislation would enable the constitutional merger of the two instiwtions ro go ahead at a future date still ro be agreed. Public con ultation about the parrern of health are provi ion in London is going on at pre enr, and a deci ion by the ecretary of tatc for Health (Virginia Borromley) is expectcd in ~Iarch or pril 199 , Assuming that her deci ion meets thc requiremenr of King's and l'~ID about the u e of parr of the Guy's Hospital ite for academic purpo e , that the Bill i enacted by July 1995, and that sufficienr funding i available for the merged ollegc, the constitutional merger could go ahcad on I ugu t 1995. Once the twO in titutions have eommirred them elves ro a merger, derailed architectural studies could be commi sioned ro adapt buildings for the new college.
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Prufrock fetche a high price 1. 760 i~n'r qlme rhe amoum rhar clglH luck~ people lIon in rhe fir~r "anonal Lonen. bU[ nCI cnhele~~ I[ I~ a ~mall forwne w Chri~[()pher Hogg, Chri~rophcr (/'ft). a ;rudcm 111 rhe [)cpanmcm of Engli~h. made an arna;.ing di~c()\ e~ while bro\I'~ing 111 a Bournemourh ~econd-hand bookshop. lie ;[lImbled auos; a fir;r edirion of T S Elior\ Pmjrod: alld Other Olm'rt'tlliolls in rhe bono m of a box of remaindered book. He boughr ir for £ 1.50 and approached Chrisric's speciali~r~ who informed him rhar ir I\'a~ one of onl~ 500 copie~. I r wcm under rhe hammer on I );ol'ember and ea~ily exceeded irs re~ef\'e price of.£ 1,000, being boughr b~ a my~re~' F:ngli~h buyer. Chri;ropher plans ro u e rhe money ro help finanec hi ;wdics and ro ;cr up a magazine in which poer~, ani r~ and wrircrs of rhc L' nil'er iry of London can publi h rheir work.
Christopher HoggfJ!'ith his first editioll oj T S Eliot's Prufrock and Orher Ob en'arion fJ!'hich jNched £1. 76l) ill a recent .It/le at Christies
Physical Sciences & Engineering prize-giving hc School of Phy~ical Sciences and Engineering hcld ie~ annual prize-gil ing ceremony on 20 Oerober. Thc gucse speaker lVa; Denis Filer, Direcror Gencral of rhe Engineering ouncil. omc 60 prizewinncrs rogcrher wieh ehcir familie~ and fricnd and membcr; of ;raff ancnded rhe el'ell[ which was followed b~ a reccpeion. Pil.wrcd (righl) after rhc prizegil ing, are the Physics Dcpanmem prize-winner rogerher wirh members of sraff and rhe rhen Acring I-I cad of rhe Deparrmem, Or Alan Collins.
Poster Competition The Po rer Compctieion ha become an annual cvem in rhe School for po~rgraduare swdems emering rhcir rhird year of rcscarch. Thc aim of rhe comperirion is [Q encourage swdcms as rh cl' cmer rheir final year of swdy ro focu; rheir work ro dare ehu~ aiding clarifi aeion of the work srill ro be done [() ~ucce sfully complere and submir rheir rhese wirhin three year, and also [() gil'e rhem experience of public
Page 2
presemaeion of their work. The judgc of rhe comperirion were Professor Roberr Hill, Head of rhe chool, Profe or Colin Bu hnell and Or \Iike Yianne ki . The winners, who received cash prize generously donared by rhe ~arional Grid were: FIR'> J PRIZE - SII \1.:1 \ KII \'-.
H\'l':-iC JOO KI\I
Following rhe comperirion rhcre wa a receprion for all posrgraduare swdems and sraff of rhe School.
Ho I
to find ut more ab ut the l1o\v ne bI d tud nt
King' [here arc m'ln~ rudem \\ I[h dl JbJli£le \\ ho Jre nor re<.:el\ ing Jn~ or all 0 [he e,\UJ funt! provided for [hem b\ [he Deparrment for EducJ£lon, D . e[L. \l3n~ of [he di ablcd rudent~ \\ ho JpproJeh [he \Yelfare Jnd InformaTion Offi<.:er do 0 becau e [he~ arc e'\periencing dlfficulrie~ of a financial or rudy kilh narure. \[0\[ had nm been aware [hac chere \\ as an~ prm i\ion for assi [ance co [hem. addicional co help prO\ ided co all scudent\. Th i\ i~ especiall~ [he case for \cudents who arc lacer a e\\ed a\ dy lexic. cho\e who ha\'e de\e1oped di abilicie~ in la[cr life, and [ho c who avoided being ca[cgomed a\ di\ablcd \\ hen applying £0 l'C,\S or cheir LEA in rhe belief char ic mighc have an ad\er\e effecr upon cheir applicacion. I [omc srudent\, c~pecially undcrgraduace~, who are regi cered or regi\cerablc a di\abled may bc eligible for che Disabled Srudent~ 1\lIowancc (DSi\). s a disabled rudent rhey may al\o be eligible co claim Income SUppOf( and Housing Benefic. Scudent Services I nformacion , heec. o. 9 Disabled S/lIdm/s, available from che Welfare and I nformacion Officer and che ~Iedical Centres, give~ fuller informarion on rheir righc . The 0 i intended co cover che exrra cosr incurred \\ hile scudying, as a resulr of a disabilicy. [r is made up of chree parrs: rhe special equipment allowance ( 560 for che entire course). che non-medical helper allowance (£4,730 maximum per annum), and che excra cosr allowance ( 1,1 - per annum). The figure above arc for [he
Jl:ademie \eJr I<}9 The peelal eqlllpment a 110\\ anc.:e intended co pa~ tCH iTem 01 equipment [he rudent ma~ need co be ablc (() partll:ipJce on a cour,>e at a Ie\ eI equal co chac of ocher cudem. Thi allowance can bc u\ed at an~ rime durin~ che cour,>e. The non-medical helper allowance is intended to enable a ~cudent co hire helper . nOte-caker~ and ign language interprerers, erc. Paymencs are usually made in cermly in calment,>. The eXTra coscs allowancc i for exua on-going coscs thac occur chrougholl( the College year. This clement is generally used for the purchase of small irem~ of equipment, eg, hand-held magnifier, but ma~ be used for consumablcs as well. Di\abled scudencs \\ho have higher uavelling e,"penses for their cour e becau~e of cheir disability can claim chese exua coscs back from cheir LE I f any of your scudent\ arc uncercain of their rights or wish co apply for che OS ,ecc, please refer rhem ro che Welfare I;};; [nformacion Officer or KCL Welfare Advi er. All help given is in scricc confidcncc. I am also gachering scaciscics on di abled ~(Udencs ac Kings, wirh an eye to developing fuller crvi e\ for chem. j 0 one will be named in any raci cic collecced. Plea e, cherefore, suggest chat chey contacc me even if rhey arc geccing all of the benefir po iblc and don 'c feci chac need my help. Celia L ockburn Room 2C, ' trand 0171-
Ion tatement
he Pre and Publicacions office ha produced an 4 sheec bearing che ;ollege\ Mis ion cacement sec ouc in che College's corporace scyle. Copies, \ hich can be phococopied for use ar scaff induccion, uaining days,
etc, arc available to members of caff/deparcmcncs free of charge. [fyou would like co order a bacch, please contacc Diana Harman, Publieacions ssiscant, ext 3071.
t r Baker y
11 \ hip 19 4
he Fellow hip\\a c cabli hed in 19 7 by hi family and friend in memo~ of Profc or Pecer Baker, . cO FR " Halliburcon Profe~sor of Phy iology. Head of chc Deparrmenc of Phy iolog~ and Fellow of King' College London. The Fellowship \\ ill Cl si t a research \\ orker or research cudenc in che College' 'chool of Life, Ba ic \Iedical @ I [ealch . ciences. who is under 35 ac che cimc of holding rhe award, co spend a period of up co chree months in anothcr laboraco~. The purpo~e of the Fellowship is (0 provide an opporrunicy for rhe holder w learn a ne\\ method appropriace co che development of h i\/her re earch or to apply such a mcchod co chac re earch. The valuc of che Fellowship will be noc more chan £ 1,000, which may be u cd for travel, living expense and che co c of re earch at che laboracory (() be visited. pplicacions for travel in 1995 hould be made by 31 January 1995 co Profes or P 1c aughcon. Phy~iology roup. There is no applicacion form, buc che applicacion should consi\c of a curriculum vicae and a leccer cacing how chc applicanc would u e che F ellow~hip (() furcher his/her resear h. Professor P \Ic aughcon
r ~Iargoc Kogue, enior Leccurer in Biochemi cry uncil 19 3, died on 9 ugu L Or Koguc was appoinced as lecrurer in Biochemiscry in 1966, promored CO senior Iccwrer and cook early recirement in 19 3. She continued her a ociation wich che College as an Honorary Research Associacc until 1988. A full obiwary will appear in che nexc edicion of Comme,,/.
Page 3
Career Fair 1994 - ''good quality and ell-focused undergraduates" G
e tudent re idence ?
Propo~al ha been made to the College which mJY re ult in the prO\ i~ion of J nc\\ rc~i(kn<:c for King', ~tLIdenr in tamford '-)trect. \\'Jtcrloo (oppO\ite Cornwall Hou~c). The College i~ ~upporting an application for planning permi"ion by a de\ clopcr who \I i.,hc~ to dc\'elop 1.27 StJmford Sueet. J building currently 0\\ ned by the \Iirror Group. intO ~wdcnr accommodation of a high quality. Thc ~chemc \\ ould enable thc Collcge\\ ithout laying Out any capit.t1 - to replace ~omc of the accommodation which would be disp()~ed of in the e\ cnt of the .,ale of KemingtOn Jnd Chelsea campu~es.
(ker 9()l) /lIdm! at/mded /he Fillallrt', 17: Sriellre et' F.lIgilleerillg F flir 011 1(7 ,\'tn.'t'1l1lJer
hi~ year'~
Career Fair \\a~ rared a ~ucce~s by ~wdenr~ and pmenrial employer~足 cven rhough ir coincided widl rhe Ilumanities Reading Week and a Swdems' Union demonsumion again~t granr cut~, Approximately 550 swdem~ a[[ended the combined General and Am (f ~lcdia Fairs on Tue~day 'J j 0\ ember. I n addition, more than 100 attended eminar on media-related work, At the Finance, IT, Science & Engineering Fair on the following day, o\'er 900 swdem crowded around the exhibitors' stand ' The 3 exhibitor a[[ending the two day~ includcd Es~o. the Inland Re\enue, ~Iount...iew Theatre. chool, Logica. Proctcr e Gamble and mo~t of the 'Big ix' accounrancy firm~, :--Iost of the employer, some of whom had been able to send King' graduate a~
their representati\ cs, wcre pleased with the \'enue and the quanrity and quality of the people they saw. Onc employer eommemed on the "good quality and well-focu cd undergraduates." Some swdenr~ commenred that comparatively few ,>cience and engineering companies chose to a[[end, de pite O\'er 300 iO\'itation~ having been cnr out. On the other hand, many swdems ob\'iously found it a u eful opportunity to talk to people who arc aewally doing the jobs they arc eomidering for their fuwres. The pro\'i ional date~ for ne, t year's fair arc 1 -.2 :"0\ ember. Plea c could you let the Career~ Departmenr know if thi~ coincide~ with other funcrions already planned. Da\'id Winter Careers Ad\'i~er
Comment copy date lea~e nore thar the copy deadline for rhe la~t i~~ue of Comment thi" term i~ Friday 'J
P Page 4
December. Please en ure that you ha\'e senr in your article., and e\'enrs n tice., by thi., date,
hy not use nistaff?
ni~taff -
the Employmcllt Bureau establi hed by KCLSl' to meet the casual labour requirements of King\ College whilst al~() providing additional income for students who wi~h to supplement their dimini~hing grant, ha~ now been in operation for over 12 momhs. l ni~taff keeps a register which includes detail~ of qualifications, work experience, preference and availability. O\'er 150 students have already been employed by the. tuden ' l' nion and \'arious College departments, to undertake a variety of \\'ork including cleaning, eaterin?/bar. library, reception/switchboard and typing. :--Iany tudents ha\'e experience and skill~ that can be matched to your specific job requirements, so the next time you need temporary taff due to sickness, holidays. lunch-time or meeting cover or JUSt that one-off job that need~ doing; in tead of phoning an out~ide agency try phoning l ni~taff. It\ cheaper and your departlllent and King\ ~wdcms will benefit! Eunice Wilkin~ Ext 3:'i6'J or 0171- 36713.2,
Kin u ' Pre idem eleued ,-l' 'ouncil
re Idem 01 Kmg' College . rudcm . l mon Gha an K.Hian. ha been c1cncd 3 rhe London repre cmame for rhe .arirJOal Council of rhe l ' . Kan3n bear off IX orhu !:andidare ar rhe RegIOnal Con eren!:c of rhe . . on rhe 16 'o\ember including rho e from 'CL, L. E and Q~l\\'. Thi i~ rhe fourrh wn ecum e ,"ear rhar rhe Pre~idenr of King' ha~ been c1eued ro repre~enr rhe London area.
Pre idem \ i '>tlIdem\ union
re~idcn.r of rhe. 'arionall'nion of rudems, Jim \Iurph~, spoke in rhe \\'a[(.:rfronr bar on rhe I :\"0\ ember prior ro rhe 'arional Demonstrarion of9 '()\ember. Hi \peech ar King\ \\a~ parr of an exren\i\ e narional rour of llriri h t'ni\er irie\. The evening wa~ complered by a free pre-demo part) in Kensingron.
P Students' Union news
RO R photographer \\ ins Guardian award hilip Ashworrh, phorographer for rhe Srudems' t' n ion magazine Roar wa., awarded a Guardian Impaer Award for his phorograph ar rhe Guardian!, t T media award held on 22 Ocrober.
Singing in the rain
rer rhe violence of rhe amiCriminal Jusrice Bill and rhe nri-PolI Ta~ marches rhere were fear rhar rhe. arional rudenr demon rrarion earlier in. ovember would dereriorare rhe ame \\'a). Yer rhe day was relarively rrouble free and well arrended by srudenrs from all o\'er rhe counrry, The pres conference held in rhe Warerfrom bar preceding rhe narional demonstrarion again r rudenr hardship on 9 November was a fairly well arrended briefing. The rumour ar rhe bar was seen as an au picious precede m for rhe following day's march. COffe pondenr from The Guardian and rhe BB arrended
alon,g Ide Journali r rom \ ariou rudem publi arion , The\ came (() hear Jlm \Iurph\" 'l' Pre Idem. King' Pre Idem Gha an Kanan. Conrad (Ear\) Ru clL Pro e or 0 Brl[) h Hi [Clf\ ar King' and rhe Liberal Democrar' poke.,man ror 0<.131 ecunr) I~ ue , ~peak on rhe ubjecr of e calaring rudenr pm ert'. Ke~ ro all rhree peeche \\ a rhe incongruence of declining rudenr Income, In particular gram, and rhe ri ing 11\ ing co r incurred by rude m . . pecial empha i wa placed on rhe role uf rem rise in rhi scenario, wirh Jim ~Iurphy sraring rhar rwo rhirds of an average srudenr'~ in ome wa~ .,penr on accommodarion a a re ulr of rhe renr increa e~ of approJ\imarel~ 5.5% acco.,., rhe counrry, He claimed rhar ar rhe end of rheir srudie~, rhe a\'erage ~rudenr \1 as ÂŁ2, -00 in debt. Gha san Karian added rhar tra\'c1 cosr al 0 place a burden on ~rudcnr alread\ under financial pre~ ure. He ugg~~red rhar rhe eontriburion rhar ~rudems already make ro ~ociery and rheir porenrial ro gi\ c \Va undervalued, demon~rrared in eur~ ro rheir granrs. Profe ~or Ru~ ell percei\ed rhe same de\'aluarion of a l niver iry degree and inrroduced rhe spectre of srudenr working ourside college ro ub ide rheir rudies. The march from Barrersea Park ro Hyde Park was arrended by an esrimared 25,000 rudenr from across rhe country, which included 500 from King' . Holding up rhe traffic in rhe cenrre of London in rhe middle of rhe day, rhe march broughr parrs of rhe city ro a srand rill. Jim :Xlurphy de cri bed ir a "\'ery succe sful de pire rhe poor wearher eondirions and porring fixrures, which inevirably drew a smaller crowd." The rally in Hyde Park ar rhe cnd of rhe 1\ larch was addre sed b ' a varieey of peakers including Earl Rus ell and lan Keen rhe Labour 1\IP.
Page .'i
Maximising career prospects Sue Dirmikis, Senior Careers Adviser, was interviewed for a feature in the Independent on how students apply for jobs, and the practical advice and help that is available to them in the form of specialist classes which cover interview techniques, role-playing and producing effective applications and CVs. She also appeared on Woman's Hourto outline new initiatives in the University of London's Career Service.
In the news
The air we breathe Greg Archer, a specialist on air pollution from the Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre (MARC) of the Division of Life Sciences, was interviewed on Sky News in the light of the All Party Commons Select Committee Report on transport in London, and the Royal Commission on the Environment Report about the health effects of pollution from motor vehicles. Assessing Canetti Professor Jeremy Adler, Head of the Department of German, was interviewed by Austrian Radio and the BBC World Service on the death of Nobel Laureate, Elias Canetti. He commented on Canetti's life and works, which included the novel Auto da fe and the highly individual anthropological study, Crowds and Power. Gauging ageing An article in the Sunday Telegraph examined the increase in the number of people living over the age of 75 and the subsequent costs that arise from this, which some regard as a burden and could result in the elderly having the right to medical treatment withdrawn. Dr Emily Grundy, Reader in Gerontology in the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology, argued against this saying that there has been research which shows a marked decrease in serious disabilities in the elderly in the past 15 years and called for a
I agc 6
change in society's attitude to the elderly. Power balance in Bosnia Dr James Gow, Lecturer in the Department of War Studies, wrote an article on Bosnia for the Wall Street Journal describing the significance of the recent shift in the balance of power resulting from the Bosnian Army's attack on the Bosnian Serbs near Bihac. In coordinated action with Croat forces, they gained at least 50 per cent more territory. Hungry for change The reporting of the NUS march against grant cuts and student poverty inthe Independent and many regional papers, quoted Professor Conrad Russell, Professor of British History and Liberal Democrat peer. He said in a conference before the march that he believed student poverty was underestimated and thought 10 per cent of his students went hungry at some point through lack of money. Claiming improvements The inequities of the medical compensation system were the subject of an article in the Wolverhampton Express & Star. Many victims have long legal battles in order to obtain any money. Andrew Grubb, Professor of Health Care Law, agreed that delays were inevitable because of the time it takes to assess the damage, but believes the current system is improving as there are now law firms which specialise in these sorts of claims, whereas in the past patients were often represented by inexperienced lawyers. Policy review Professor Paul Black, Professor of Science Education, was quoted in the Independent following the publication of a book entitled Educational Policy and its Consequences written by Sally Tomlinson and published by the IPPR/Rivers Gram Press, in which he contributed a chapter. He took a
leading role in designing the na ional curriculum tests for 7, 11, and 14-year olds and is no calling for hem to be stopped as they are 'short, sharp, nasty and cheap.' He suggested that he original purpose of the tests has been distorted and that there should be a complete moratorium for four years so that the balance between teacher assessment and formal testing can be restored. Congratulations Dr Conor Gearty, Reader in Law and Director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit, won the 1994 British Environment and Media Award (BEMA) for the best radio programme about the environment this year. It was awarded for his Winning Rights series (See Comment September 1994). The BEMAs were organised by Media Natura, the media communications charity. Are you in the news? Please keep letting us know if you have been interviewed on the radio, appeared on television or quoted in the press. Either ring the Press and Publications Office on ext 3073 or drop us a line at Cornwall House.
Link with the Globe Centre he Globc Ccntre i~ a new communiry based project pro'> iding ef\'ices [0 pcople with H 1\' and AJ 0 in East London and the it)'. It ha recemly taned [0 coma t collegc and univer ities around r,ondon [0 develop Honger links. The Globe is keen [() send represematives [Q anend fresher., fair.,. or [0 other wdent and sraff groups. The organisers of the Centre are holding an open meeting on I December 1994 at 10.00. The meeting will include a [Our of the Globe Ccntre building and coffee. All academic and administrati\'e raff arc \\'eleome to anend. Please contact Keith Rudkin at The Globe Centre, 159 ~rile End Rd, London El 4AQ Telephone: 0171-791 2855 Fax: 0171-780955 I
ur In
uccessful graduatc., from the BS (Hon ) Community 'ursing (RII\' 'D.') course arc picwred outside orn\\all Hou e t\nne'\e follo\\ ing the annual rc.,carch project presentation day on 26 October.
Rc ult thi., year werc particular" encouragmg. \\ ith three Out of the 15 .,wdems achle\ ing fir.,t cia 5 honour., and nearly all j!;raduates .,ecunng immediate employmem in their area of choice.
Law tudent WIn a ard wo King\ law stlldems, Rukhsana Ali and aa Turkson. were among the ten winner!> of the 1994 Leonard amer Legal Education Foundation award. The award!> are gi\en cach year [0 wdem who will ha\'e much [0 contribute [Q the legal profe sion, but who annat obtain financial !>upport from othcr ource . Candidates must e.,tabli h not only financial need but abo a good academic re ord and the potential to become a ue essful and pra tical solicitor or barri ter. Over "0 univer itie and ollcges were asked [Q nominate tWO law wdem each, and from the 100 or so application recei\ed 25 were chosen
for imerview, King's law swdem, )a.,on Pitter, was succe",ful in 1993, the fir.,t year in which the awards were offered, and this year both King' nominecs impressed in imef\'iew and won awards. :\Is li. who wa Pre idem of the Law, chooll'ndcrgraduatc Swdem ocict)' in 1993 - 94 is currently working her way [Oward a career at the bar, whilst ~Is Turkson has chosen to practise la\\ a a olicitor. The Law chool and the 'ollegc wish thcm great ucces." Or Peter Oli\er Deputy sociatc Head Welfare, 1993 - 94
Did ou know ... he .ollege's Pres and Publication Office provides a frce profe.,sional design and print-buying service to all College
academic and non-academic department. For detail comact )anita lamp (3074) or Diana Harman (3071).
Electronic information • serVIces 8;
rfin g the Imernet i\ a phm\e which i\ taning (Q appear almo~t daily in ources a diverse as the G'lIorrlioll and Radio 5. The 1)(0\ i ion of electronic information senice i\ increa in~ly imponanr in the acadcmic, commercial and homc enrenainmcnr \\orld~. To provide a ncw focu on the \ubjecr at King'S, the Information . 'en'ices y~rem~ direcrorate ha~ established a \\'orking group ro coordinate a number of electronic information en'iees projects. cO\'ering the \\ hole Collegc, afld includin~ electronic documenr dcli\ery, the networking of CD-RO~ds, and thc King's Information en·iee. Information abour the project will be reponed in COllllllellt (and in more derail in the Compuring Cenue I ewslerrer). Below is an ourline of Phase Z of the King' Information Service project; on page 9 is a piece by I\like Robb on electronic acce~~ w Chemistry journals.
King's Information Service (KIS) Phase 2 of the pilor project has now becn launched, in\'olving new computing hardware and software This will make acce w information simpler as wcll a more sophi ticated, and will also makc thc preparation of informarion ea ier, and it presematlon much morc flexiblc. For example. searching by a key word or phrase will be po sible, and graphical informarion such a map. diagrams, phorographs and logos can bc included - in colour. In addition. links can be et up between item of information, acti\'ated by a mou e click. Acccss ro cxrcrnal information resource and systems, through a '\'irwal Library Gatcway', i also very much easier. Phase I of rhe project has bcen running for somc time, and conraim a significam amounr of useful information. Brian \leek follo\\s this anicle with a piece about recem changes. The ne\\ Pha\e .z soft\\are is Page
based on rhe World \Yide \Yeb , for \\'hich documcnrs arc marked up in HT\IL (HyperText \Iark-up Language). In order (Q benefit fully from the new presemarion oprions. reader will need an erherner conneerion w rhe College nerwork, and a 'brow er' programme, such as . erscapc \Iosaic running on a local personal COol purer. Ilowe\·cr. user who ha\'e only a P D connecrion will srill be able w acce;s rhe ncw KL . using rhe Lynx program on a College mainframe COol purer. The early rage of Pha e 2 ha\'e imolved serring up and re ring the new sysrem. In rhe nexr srage rhe currem Informarion Pro\'iders (l Ps) wjll be hown rhe new software, and will be given rhe chance w carry our experimems wirh it. Auwmared processes arc being creared which will cnable in~ rmarion in rhe old sysrem w be uansfcrred auwmarieally w the new, TP will be able w srarr wirh this dara, and also w try our new approaches and rypes of information, Work is also going on wirh rools w auwmare as far as possible rhe process of convening ordinary word-proccssed file inw HT\IL documems. s soon as a rea onable number of IPs have had rhe chance w explore thc new ysrem, access to it \\ ill be made 'public', r rhar rage. the old and new ;ysrem will operare in parallel for a hort while, before rhe old ysrem is 'frozen'. and rhen finally clo cd down. The rarger for going public wirh rhe new ysrem is rhe cnd of rhc autllmn semesrer. There are ;ome departmenr whi h ha\'e creared, or would like to creare,\\'orld Wide Web page on local computers. The;e depanmenr \\ ill have rhe choicc of mO\'ing rheir pages on ro rhe main College 'informarion sen'er', or of embedding link in the ollege sen'er. which will cnablc readers to jump from rhe College sysrem to the local deparrmental sysrem.
The ne\\ ysrem will rerain ir 'pilor' raw for rhe re~r of rhe currem academic year. Howe\'er, Phase 3 of rhe projecr will begin during rhe spring ;emester. This will ill\'oh e rhe specificarion of a full-scale King' Information Sen'ice, wirh the goal of rhe systcm being ser up during nexr ummer vacation. ready for a formal launch at rhc srarr of rhe 1995-96 academic ses Ion. Harold , horr
What's new on KIS? This is rhc firsr of a seric of re pons drawing artention to new irem rhar ha\'e recently appeard on KT . L'ntil the ne\\' Pha e 2 \'ersion of thc ysrem becomes publicly available, references are to the current Phase I sysrem. If KIS is complerely new to you, it is a public informarion en'ice, acce sible to anyone wirh a nerwork connecrion cg, you tclner to info.kcl.ae.uk, or from a College PAD simply CALL I Fa. TO rcgisrered account or password is needed (although with rclnet ou should rype 'info' as rhc usernamc)and you don'r necd an instrucrion manual to use it: ir i a very simple ysrem ba cd on menu and rext. KI is a pilor sen ice, so rhere are man~ gap where informarion oughr to be. In rhe , chool of Life. Ba ic \Iedical et Healrh cience all depanment and groups now ha\'e ar Ieasr basic minimal enrrie howing posral add res , rclephone and fax number, so rhar people at leasr know who to contacr \\ here for more informarion. The same is true for much of rhe \ ledical c!: Dental, chool. , ome depanments of cour;e have more, a norable ncw example being a very cOll1prehen i\'e entry on The ge Concern Tnstiwre of Gcrontology. Anorher recent arri\'al i from Radiology, now using KI as irs 'electronic shop window' to publicise its posrgraduare cour~es in '.[cdical
l'lcra <lund, and by the tIme you read thi there hould be a izeablc em~' frum Pharmac~, e\ eral deparrmem nO\\ otkr 11 t of uf", and hemi U\' ne\\ em~ al 0 prc \ Ide brie deuil ut their re earth imere~t , a ,..:ood lir t tep in arrrauin o tuwre po [l.!;radu;He wdem , \I;Hhematit hould nO[ be far behind, though nm on ho\\ at the time of \\ ritin~. \\\ay from the academic depanmem enme . the Re earch Opporrunim: . 'oticeboard ha~ conunued ro be kept up-ro-date, and the. 'wdems' l' nion ha~ started on its menu. :\ nouble re em addiuon [() the Libra~ em~ i~ information, under Databa e ,on the OCL ' Fir~tSearth daraba~e collecrion. The umma~ rail timcrable for uni\er i~ Cl tics ha\ e been reorganl~ed ro CO\'er many of the ne\\ uni\l:r~lties \\ hilc ~till reducing thc length of the menu. \ recem cxperimem ha~ been [() add '>omc cro~~-channcl '>en ice plea'>e !et u~ kncm if the~e arc found u~eful.
With the cxplosivc Wo\\ th of thc Imernct, \\hich ha received '>uch prominence recently in pres and T\', the importance of KIS as an 'electronic ~hop window' for thc Collegc is increa~ing all the time. Howe\er, it is up [() departmems and sectiom ro pUt in the information rile) wam ro make available, and ro maintain it afrerwards, because usually they arc the only ones who know what ought to b<: th<:r<:. The KIS support team can always been called on for ad\ ice, bur cannot take re ponsibility for the information it elf. '0, if you don't appear in the shop windo\\, it'., up [() you [() do something abollt it! Comments on KIS can be left u~ing the CO:-'I:-'IE\.'T, facility in the main menu. To diStu~~ any a~pect of the project, (Oman your local" IS team member, or Franees Blomeley (2 17), ,\nn Lee~ (21 0>, \Iargarer Samman (2019), Brian :-'Ie<:k (2002) or I larold Short (2739),
e"r computln laborat h mi t 7'11i'i f/re ; f ill a 'n~ .J ((nldes on f/r f.la fronil" In onlll/f/Oll Sn'i./Cr Prop'(/' mrrl'J/(/' bnll;: mrnt'd Ollf 111 f/re ('olll1!.e, part of a jOint proJcct \\ Ith the and the Computer Centre, a ne\\ compuung laboraro~ ha been eqUIpped In the :heml t~ departmem , The lab I built around a computc Intensi\"e sener (an I B~ I R:OOOO/'WO with a peak peed that is q of a Cray Y-~rp at 250 million computation per second> and X-\\indo\\ di,>play ~ration (PCs wlrh 24-bit high resolutiun culuur vraphlc ). Thl projeCt is Intended [() pro\ ide on-line acces to bOth n:'(t and ligures in the last I0 year~ of ,\11 \merican Chemical Society Journal~ and to wppOrt a ne\\ mitlatl\e m teachll1g modelling method~ to chemistry undergraduate~. The project \\ hlch pro\ide~ acce ~ to ,\c. journal~ is being carried out in collaboration with rh<: Department of C mputer, ciencc at l'n1\ersity College, The journah arc held on an optical di~k 'jukebox' at l'C. The u er of the ~ystem can perform simple 'keyword' searche~ on the full text of all raper~ puhlishcd o\cr certain ycar~. Ilel he i then pre~cntcd with a li~t of tides, ny individual article can be rctrie\'ed to the screen in less than a minute and brow cd u~ing only simple 'mouse aeti\'ated' commands. In return
fur Jcee [() thl en"i e the Chemi t~ department \\ J1lcar~ um an e\ aJuatlf)n of the en ice. \cu:~ to the cnice i pu Ible from an~ X-\\ IOdo\\ dl pia. tation and additional terminal Jrc belOg prc)\'lded in laborarone and staff office In the department for thi purpo e. \Cle s to thi facility \\ III be offered to other Intere tcd department 10 the College, The ~econd pruject IS dc~igned to bring modular modelling techniques, that arc no\\ bemg used in uni\ersities and indust~路 as part of the de ign of nc\\ chemical compounds, inw the programme of undergraduate teaching, \Iolccular modelling rcquires 'number crunching' po\\er Jnd good graphlc~ and i~ onl~ po~~ible on modcrn fa~t compute en"cr~. In the ligun; \\e sho\\ the graphical output the re ults from onc excrclse that i~ carned OUt a~ part of the practical class in Organic Chemi~t~. the t\\ 0 molccules differ in that onc is 'head to tail' and the other i5 'rail [0 head' and the objecti\'e of the exercise i~ to predict which produCt \\ ill actually b<: formed when the chemical reaction is carried out in the laboratOry. The electron density that results during the formation of new bond~ i plcmcd on rop of the gcometric ~tructure and i~ used as an aid to rationalize thc observed chemiMry, like Robb
BrJan :'-.lcek
BOlldillg e1ertroll densifY ill fhe 'elldo' alld 'e:o:o 'forms of Diel.r-Alder adduct. The image was capturedfrolllthe X-urilldo~' display srrem alld prillted 011 35-111111 mirrofillll.
Page 9
ho doe
hat in Eternal Relation
r rhe PflnCII)JI'~ ~ug,gc~rion. plJnning w arf) a ~erie~ of Jnitlc on'\\ ho doe~ \\ har' in rhe ~e" ice area~ of rhe College. ba~cd on J li r of/tlllrl;ol1s. rarher rhan on a liq of pOSIS. 0 rhar ir i~ po ible [Q cc ar a glancc \\ ho w con[Ju abour a paniculJr area of \\ork. \\'e have srarred. for ob\ iou rea\on~. wirh rhe E"rernal Relarion\ Deparrmem. The E.:-.[ernal Relarion~ Depanmem is ba\ed ;][ Cornwall Hou,e. I r work \\ irh rhe Schools of rhe College w promore and mJimain a po\iri\ e. accurarc and anracri\ e profile of King'~ ro J range of e"rernal and imernal audience~. The Depanmem i\ headed b~ Dr Barrie \Iorgan. Dirccwr of E"rernal Relarion~. and consi rs of duce ~ecrions.
COflllllflll i~
The Development
ompri ing rhe Developmem Office and rhe King'~ College London Assoeiarion (KCL ) Office. rhe De\'elopmem l Tnir i headed by Jo gncw, De\ clop me m Direewr. The Office i respon~ible for increa\ing rhe ollege\ ineomc from pri\'are ~ourees; ir manages rhe College's Annual Fund and is rhe eomacr poim for rhe De\'elopmem Fund, The Office encourages Icgacie~ and earrie~ our re earch inw poremial major donor~, The K L Office, headed b~ KCL Officer Or John \lcLoughlin, i building a supporrive consriwency of alumOl and fflend~, The Office mainrain rhe KCLA dacabase ofalumni and produces rhe magazine 11/ TOt/rh, I r provides darabase uppon for reunions and branche of KCLA. organi~e~ rhe 25year reunion and recail a elecr range of King's merehandi~e.
and Publication
he Press and Publicarions Offiec i headed by Chrisrine Kenyon Jones, Director of Public Relarions. The Office promore~ rhe College rh rough rhe media and acr~ a\ rhe focus for all rhe Collcge·...
Page 10
relarion; \\ irh rhc media: ir ad\ i e~ and rrain\ College ~raff in media relarion , circularc~ regular prc~~ curring~ and publi~hes rhe IJ;I"('(lo'1' of F..\Pl'rts. [r i re pomiblc for rhe crcarion and producrion of College publicarion~ and publieif)' marerial including rhe Prospecru~e~, rhe annual Rl'port and Whots 01/ 01 f.:II/f[:" rhe o\crsighr and de\elopmem of rhe College's corporare \ i~ual idemif'), and rhe promorion of imernal communicarions which de\ clop a ~en~c of communif')' among scaff. including rhc publicarion of {;OfllllJl'IIl,
'tudent Recruitment and Exchange
he Srudem Recruirmem and Exchanges Office i~ headed by Richard Claas. Direcror of Swdcnr Recruirmenr. [rs role i [0 promore a clear and con isrem profilc of rhe College, b()[h ar home and o\ersea , rhar will appeal w prospeeri\e ~rudem of high academic poremial. The Offiec runs rhe College Open Day and rhe Carecrs Teacher~ and Ad\'iscr~ Conference: admini~rers applicarions and enrolmem for rhe Junior Year broad programme~ for merican swdems, oversee~ scholarship applicarion\ from o\'er\eas ~rudem\, produces The .\'l"iJ.'·s (King's magazine for \i"rh-form \rudenr ) and represems rhe College ar recruirmem fairs and e"hibirions. in rhe LTK and O\'er ea , rhroughour rhe year.
- Z of External Relations c . a~pecrs of rhe work of rhe Deparrmem arc li red in alphaberical order belo\\' (some may appear [Q be repeared because more rhan one rerm is used for ome f)'pe\ of work). r\ coma r name and number i~ gi\'en beside each key rerm.
eel'S I'ROGR.\ \1\11''> - see rR..\OITIO' \1. 1':"'1 RY ALL \I~I -see KCLA A' 'l \1. Fl ' I ) - Jo Agne\\. exr 3007 C\\lPl' rot'R'> - Susanne French. exr 3003
C \Rll· R H .. \(
er \0\1
(0.... 1 ~.R~.'( I, -, u~annc
French, e:l.r
3003 CLI \RI'(, P~.RIOJ) 1'1 BLICII\ - \ Iclanic Gardner, e"r 3073 ('rilllll- Xl - Diana Ilarman. exr ,071; Janira lamp. cxr :07-1 CORI'OR.\ 11" \) I \1. IDE:"'II)) - Janira Clamp, e"rn '07-1 Cm R ~. \J)H.R II,>I'-:G - all cour e ad\cnising should be placed rh rough Scorr Edgar. rhe agcncy rerained for ~raff recruirmenr ad",;rrising by rhe l'ni\crsiry of London. Ring 0171-831 ,29HI and ask for :'\Iike Jeffrie~. For ad\ ice abour differenr aspecr~ of cour~e ad\eni ing ~ee ~wdem recruirmenr (home); over~eas rudenr reeruirl11em: publicarion\ (re de~ign issues); or pre~~ relarions. CR) '> r\L (engra\ed \\ irh College arms) - Ken Hurwn, exr 3053 DI,,>IG:'\ of publiearions, brochures, publiciry and recruirmenr marerial ere - Janira 'lamp exr 307-1 01, \ 101.01'\11':'\'1' - Jo Agne\\". De\'elopmenr Direewr, exr '007; Caroline Banholomew. De\'elopmenr Officer. cxr 3006; and ;\lieola Carrwrighr. De\c1opmenr Office t\s~isranr. exr 3005 DII<I-.(;'/OI<)' OF F:sPf.I<t;\· (dircc[()r for journalisr, lisring cxpenise of College ~raff) - ~lclanie Gardner. exr 3073 DO'XIIO'c;, including legacies and cO\'enanrs - Caroline Banholomew, exr
3006 ERA ~IL' PROGR\\I\IE - Jennifer Anning. exr 3027 EXIIIBITI( . I \ I FRI \I c., (producrion)Diana Harman. exr 3071 EXIIIBITIO'\l \1 \TERIALS (cenually supplied for reeruirmenr fairs erc)Susanne French. exr 3003 E\"I'I-.RT OPlXIO.I' (Ieaflcr giving advice on dealing wirh journalisrs - \Ielanie Gardner. exr '073 Ex I ER:--.\L REL\ 110' - Or Barrie \[organ. Direeror of Exrernal Relations and Head of Depanmenr, e"r 3002; and Chrisrine Peaks.. ecrerary. cxr
300-1 FOl·'l).\'IIO.... COL RSl·, (in a sociarion wirh Cambridge Turors) for o\er cas srudems - Jennifer Anning, exr 3027 Fl OR\l1 (,.{'eDI·,\ELOI'\I~, I
GILH \R I LU n R~, - Chri~rine leak" exr '004 110\1~ RECRl rf\l~.' I (imernal e\em, ar King',) -, 'u an ne French, exr 3003 HO\I~ RECRI IT\IE' I (exrernal e\'em ) - . ally Pumford. exr 3044 I I~ R \rlO AL \1 \ILl (, U I - . 'arah
drink,) - Kcn Hu[[on, exr 3053 \!L'<,IC ROO\I \\1 DO\\ {DI"PL \ \ <,Oiana Harman. e\r '071 Xl-.Ir~ (magazine for ixrh form ~[lIdenr) - Richard laa, exr 0-0:
" I ~.R' \'1'10, \L \1 \RKE I (informarion) - Jennifer Anning. exr 3027
u anne French. exr 003 . '0 -IR\DII 10 \1 FOR\I O~ I' rR\ (including .\cce :> proaramme )Richard Claas. exr 30-0 OPE, DA\ (KI,C;' "D l',!\ F.RSIII 01' Lo,oo ) - u~anne Fren h,
" I ER' \'1'10" \L RI:CRL rI \lE' r (exhibirion and fair) -. ally Pumford.
0\ ER..'>E.\S QL
1'0 KI"G' - Jennifer
Is 1'0((/1 (magazine for alumni and orher K Lr\ member) - Or John i\IcLoughlin, exr 3052 J l''lIOR YUR BROAD (programme~ for l S wdem - Jennifer Anning, exr 30Z7; 'arah Blackney. exr 3009 KCL (KI'\1G'S COLLEGE LO"DO' 1\"<'0<.1 \TIO') - Or John ~/cLoughlin. KCLA Officer. exm 3052; and Ken Hurwn, KCLA ~ i ram, e 'r 3053 K",c;'s COLLEGE Lo. DO'l OE\,ELOP\IE'T TRl', r - Jo Agnew.
O\'ER EA~ STI'DE, r RECRLIT~IE"T颅 Jennifer nning exr 3009, ally Pumford exr 3044 PRESS REL.\TIO S - ~"lclanie Gardner,
Blackney. exr 3009
exr3007 ~I.\ILI'G. TO Cl' SCHOOLS,\; D COLLEGES (January and eprember)Su anne French, exr 3003 J'dEDI.\ RELATIO. S - i\lelanie Gardner,
exr3073 i\IERCIIA: nlSE (King's crysral and
exr3003 \U~ I(;ATIO'
~OR E"I R\ nning, exr '027
exr3073 PROPECI LSES - (producrion ofsupplies hould be ordered from rhe Regim~') Janira lamp, exr '07~ PL'llUCXno S - (producrion of. including eour,e brochure, posrer erc) Janira lamp, exr 3074 PL'BUC REL.\TIO:'-)S - Chri rine Kenyon Jone , Oirecror of Public Relarions. exr 3072; i\lelanie Gardner, Pre and 1nformarion Officer, exr 3073; Janira Clamp, Publicarion Officer, ex[ 307.+; Frances Chapman, Press and Publicarion i ram, exr 3202, and Oiana Harman, A~sisram Publicarions
ew surgery times for Kensington & Chelsea campuses rom 2.+ Ocrober, rhe docrors' urgery hour will changc ar borh Ken ingron and Ch cl ea Campuses. l' nforrunarely, Or Tsang will nor be coming over ro King's from rhe CO\'em Garden urgery for rhe fore eeable furure bur we wcl ome Or Jackie Wal h who will be raking over her po L Or Tang will rill be a\'ailable ar ovem Garden Surgery. 0171-3797209. The new rime will be:
Kensington Campus ~ londay - Or \ alsh 10.30 ro 12.30 Tue day - Or Ba\'ena 12.15 [() 13.15 Wednesday - Or Wal h 9,00 w 11.00 Thursday- Or Bavena 12.15 ro 13.15 Friday - Or Wal h 10.30 w 12.30
Chelsea Campus i\/onday - Or \\'alsh 9.00 ro )0.00 Wednesday - Or \Val h 11.30 [Q 12.30 Friday - Or Walsh 9.00 w )0.00 Physiotherapy starts at the Strand From 19 Ocrober, Phy iorherapisr ara Lumley will be running urgerie ar rhe rrand :-'Iedical Cenue on Wedne day afrernoons for a rrial period. nforrunarely ar pre em rhi service is only available w pa[iems regi rered wirh Or Bavena and hi panner and require referral from one ofrhe College GPs bur we hope ir will prove successful.
Offi er, exr 3071 Till- RI-PORI (annual magazine-srylc reporr on rhe College' work)Chri~rine Kenyon Jone . exr 3072 R~x"o
, CIIOL\RSIIIP. I-OR 0\ ~_R E.\S n DF T - ally Pumford, exr O+t ,'OCRATE.' PRO(;RA.\I\IE - Jennifer nning, exr '027 Tt DF.:-:路I EXCI I '"'GE. - Jennifer
Anning. exr '027 'Tl 01:,1 \l\RKETI-':C; \.'D HCRl IT\II路ST (including ehool and college Iiai on) - Richard Claa , Oirccwr of, wdem Recruirmem, exr 3050; Jennifer Anning, Imernarional Liai on Officer, exr 3027; Sally Pumford. Recruirmem Liai on Officer, exr '044; 'u 'anne French, Home Recruirmem A ~i ram, e 'r 3003. arah Blackney, Imernarional Liai on Assi ram, exr '009, . TI'DE-':T RECRLlJT~IE. 'I' PlIIlUC.\TIO S (home: urtllres for Srhools and Colleges; ,l/a!lIre tlldflltS' Gllide; tlldfllt ArrollJlIJodatioll: II'hirh roul'Ses you alii slud)' at King's; Why King's?) - usanne French. e "r '003 TL'DE. T RECRL'IT~IE:-JT PUIlLlCATIO:-JS (imernarional: Living ill London; Programmes for stud\' abroad students) arah Blackney, exr 3009
Launch success
he Insi[Ure of Epilepwlogy, in which King' i a major partner, wa formally and very ucces full launched wirh a receprion ar rhe House of ommon on 14 I 0\ ember and an inaugural iemifi meering in [he Grear Hall ar rhe uand on 1- , o\'ember. The ecrerary of rare for Healrh, i\lr Virginia Bonomley, addre sed rhe Hou e of ommon reception. A full reporr and pierure of [he rwo evem will appear in rhe December edirion of ommenr.
Page 1I
Richard Jaa - Director of. rod ne Re runmene
Staff news
r Richard Cla3 joined (he Dep3rtmcnt of Ex(crn31 Re13non 3 Dlrctwr of wdem RCtrul(ment on 1 (,\ ember. Hc tome (0 King' \\ i(h almo ( (cn ~ e3r . cxpcncntc In marketing. 11\ e 0 \\ hllh h3\e been pent In edutanon. .\fn:r (akln~ a B\ In pani h a( Birmingh3m l' nI\Cl'>I~. Rllhard gained an \1.\ In .\rea wdie (Lann -\merita) from Kin~' College In 19 "\\ hile \\ orking for (he London TouflS( Board durin~ (he day and a a Iangua~e wwr a( night. Af(er wmple(ing hi \wdies. Richard (ook on re ponsibJ1i~ for marketing London in the l·K. (he L·.'.-\. and. ourh E3 (Asia, producing fairs and e",hibition for commercial partners. Follo\\1ng a brief spell In commercial \enue management, \\ hen he ran pre s and product launches for (he likes of T. 'B. (hc B13 _ and \pplc Computers, RKhard movcd inw education in 19 9 by Joining The Languagc Clinic, a \peciah\( rraining compan~. The Langu3ge Clinic providcd hor( intensi\c English COllrSl;S for financial managcrs and quickly buil( up a clientele of top companies from Europe, Korea and Japan. Richard\ las( position before coming (() King' was a( Richmond College, an indepcndent American
01 71 - 72 3050.
Or like Tindal
Or i\lichacl IIolwill
would like (() say how ~ra(eful I am wall (ho e who helped (0 make my re(iremcnt par~' uch a memorable and happy occasion. Delia and I vcry much appreciate (he gifts wc rccei\'ed and (hank everyone for (heir good \\ ishe .
r ~die.hacl Holwill of (he Physlc Department has been appointed \'i iting Profe sor in (he Department of Anawmy and Srrllcrural Biolo~ at the Albert Einstein College of .\Iedicine in 'e\\ York. Thi pres(igiou appointment follows several years of collaborati\ e rc,carch bemeen Dr Ilolwill and Profcssor Peter a(lr at Eins(ein inro (he molecular mechanisms re~po05ible for biological cell mm'emenr.
Or :'.Iike Tindal Department of :'.Iechanical Engineering
Or Parrick Chabal r Parrick Chabal, I lead of (hc Departmcnt of Portuguese and Brazilian Srudies and Reader in (he Hiswry and Poli(ics of Africa, has been promo(cd (() a per onal Chair in Lusophone frican Swdies.
Page 12
uni\ ersi(y, where he wa\ Direcwr of \lJrkenng Communication . "A( Rithmond. I wa veT) forruna(e w work \\I(h academic colleagues on busine\ plans (() launch ne\\ degree in En~ineering. Communications and Art HiswT). I( \\ as a rcla(ion hip (ha( I ~rearly enjoyed and onc \\ hich r hope (() continue a( King's." Ri hard's prime (ask in (he coming month IS w re\ IC\\ King' current recruitment srra(egics and produce a ne~ strategIc plan for marketing (he College, a task that will imoh"e tOnslllrarion with academic and adminisrra(ive departments. lIe i, keen w discu,\ (he plan widely \\ i(h colleague, and can be eontac(ed on
Profesor Gordon Oavies rofe sor Cordon Da\'ies has becn appointed Head of (he DeparrmeIH of Phy ics. He rook up (hc pO~( on J • ovcmber.
Thank you!
School of Life, Ba IC ne Health Science exten Ion rer a number of recem per onnel (hangc~ c~poO\ibilirie;and relephone exren ion ar rhe 'chool of Life. Ba ic \ledical and Healrh 'cicnce~ arc a follo\ls (J1lea~e nore rhar an ansl\'erphone operare~ in mosr ccrion; ar busy rime~):
School Industrial Liaison Officer Dr jer<::m) \Ia on Room 266:\' :\rkln~ Building e,r -t-t211-t3-
Kensington Offices Fax numberOl71-937 5690 rroft:s~or Roberr Ifider, Head of School - Room EII/2 exr -tM6 Or Perer \\'illiam~. Dean, - Room E 1-1/3 exr -t365 \Iis Reena Pare). P.\ ro Head of 'chool. Room EH/3 exr-t6-t
Personnel Office \I~ Chri~rine Cre\\'e. cho I Per~onncl Offi er, Room 107 exr -t200
hi is jusr a very shorr nore w say "rhank you" ro all our friend~ who reeemly conrribured ro gifr for our \I edding on 22 Ocwber. Wc were very rouched by your generosiry and good wi~he~.
Thanks again. Liz and Brian Old ham (!!)
lrene Halliday wrire ro rhank .ollege ~raff for rhe beauriful noral rribure and expre ion of ymparhy ~em on rhe occaion of [rene'~ funeral. Ir is deepl) appreciared ar rhi; ~ad rime. J kno\\' Jrene enjoyed \\'orking for rhe College and made many friend~ rhere and \\'a looking forward [() returning ro \\'ork. \\'hich regrerrably \\'as nor ro be.
edical telephone
Management Accounts \Ir Linda Peka. ehool \lanagemem ccounram, Room 10-t exr -t6-t9
Academic Services \ 1r~ Oily; Carrer, Academic Service; Officer, Room 105 exr -t 196
Musical Theory Archi e inaugurated n 12 0 wber, rhe In rirure of Advanced \Iu;ical Studie~ (KCL) held a well-arrended parry in College [() celebrare rhe inaugurarion of ir rheory archil'e and rhe firsr of irs publicarions: Han; Keller's F.sso)'s 011 JIIISic, edired by rhe ;~isram Direcror. Chrisropher \rimle, for ambridge niversiry Pres~. Kellcr (1919-1985)\\'a adominamand colourful figure in London musical life
for abour -to
and poke ar rhe conference, held ar "ing'; in 1982. Copie of all "ellds 'wordless musical analyses' were placed in rhe Jnsriture duce years ago by his widow, rhe arrisr [ilein Cosman. Pictured (be/o",:) arc Professor Karl ~Iiller (formerly of l1CL) and l\lr Chri ropher \\'inde. s isram Direeror, fir~r JllIsic 11IIO/\'sis
(I \1 )
C \\' Hallidav (brorher)
Page 13
~lr Audre~
Udre\' dearh on 1 (kmber runned rhe member of rhe rh~ ic Depanmem. We had celebrared her r year ot dl £Ingui hed ecreranal en ice [() rhe Depanmt:m and rh<: Colle,ge a he rerired on'O eprember. Our ~\ mparhy goe our [() her hu band Ron and rhe famil~. \udrc~' fir r grandchild \\ a e pcned \1 I[hln day of ht:r dearh. Her hop<:, for a long and happ\ rememem were adl~ da hed. .\udrey \Ia a ,ecreraf) ofrhe old .,chool skilled \\ I[h rht: f)pell rirer rarher rhan Ilirh rhe word prOl.:e, or, loyal and hard working and wrall\ reliable. She fir.,r worked ar Impenal College, rran,fernng [() Queen Elil.aberh College in 1969. She mon:d [() rhe £rand In 19 4 \1 hen rhe rllo Physic Deparrmem, merged. Indeed she \1 as part of rhe adl ance guard a, rhe £ran,fer {(Jok ,om<: momh,. She srart<:d her work by prcn idlng secrerarial ,en ic<:s [() a wide range of academic ,raff, bur rhe propOf[lon of her rime occupicd by Profcssor Burge\ work increa cd progresSlI ely until Audrey worked wirh him on a full rime basis. For some ren years she looked afrer rhe reeruirment and rhe welfare of posrgraduau: srudents from many parrs of rhe world and many II ill recall rhe lirrle kindnesses she I ould do for rhem. There arc many who will remember udreya a congenial and conscientious colleague; rhere arc a few of us who will know rhar udrey's omerimes rem approach was a eO\'er for rhe kindhearted and munch friend benearh.
Professor R E Burge Whear £one Profes or of Phy ic
Or \\'illiam Robert Boon FRS, Fello\\ n 2 0 rober, Or William Robert Boon FRS, of The Gables, . id Road, Sidmourh, Devon EXIO Q. Or Boon King' chemisrry graduare and fellow is urvived by his wife Berry (nee Oury) who i al 0 a graduare of King\.
Pag<: 14
Oouula 'harle Harr d. FRPHarm or E J hcllard \1 rire : Th<: pa ing 0 Dougla HarreK! \1 ill he mourned by hundred of pharmac( I 'gl r II ho rudled ar rhe Chcl <:a chool 01 Pharmacy, 1\ here he \1 a a memb<:r of raff be£\1 een 19;-t and 1CJT. Inde<:d hI dearh mark rhe end of an a., oLlarion II irh C.hcl ea (nlnl King' I (.ollege \1 hich la red 7(, year. fie fir.,r eO£ered rhe building in \Ianresa Road In \Ia~ 191 a a pupil of loam: school II hen rhe junior seuion of rhar ,chool wa hrlUsed ar rhe 'ourh Wesrern poly rechnic insrirure.. \ year larer, II hen rh<: chool mo\ cd to I[ 0\1 n prenlle,>. Dougla mm'ed wl[h I£, only w rerum 10 year, larer w srudy bomny ar Chclsea Poly rechni<.:. a ir \1 as rhen knml n. This Ila, [() enable him [() proLeed ro a pharma<.:curical career, ha\ing regi,rcrcd a., an apprentice \1 irh hi., farher ar 207 'ell Kin!!;, Road. Acrually h<: [()ok rhe iO£ermediare BSc examlOanon and IleO£ on W obralO hi, B,Sc degree in chemisr!) and b()[any in 1933. Thc following year he paS'>ed rhe pharmaceurieal chemisr qualify ing examinarion and was gi\'en a remporary parr-rime reaching appoinrmenr ar rhe Chelsea chool of Pharmacy. In 1936 he was appoinred a, a permancO£ mcm ber of sraff as an a sis(anr lecwrcr in all ubjecrs. In 19·HJ, Douglas wa made rc ponsible for reaching pharmacogn y and in 1943, when F RC Bareson rc i!!;ned, he rook over rhe reaching of forensic pharmacy. He continued w rea h rhese subjccrs unril he rerired in 1975. Jn 1960, when Profes or rnold Beekerr became head of rhe deparrmenr, Douglas became entirely re ponslble for admissions and rook ol'er mo r of rhe admini rrarion duries. . rudeO£, kncw rhar he would always give rhem good advice borh abour rheir work and personal problems so rhar when rhe ruwrial ysrem was inrroduccd in 1971 he became senior ruwr in pharmacy. During his early day, when responsible for pharmacogn y, he esrablished a fine mareria medica museum which was frequenrly used b,
in crudc drug~. whcn the Pharmaceutical ~ociet~ \ collection \\'a~ hou~ed at Bradford. He wa an cxaminer in pharmacogn y for the . ocic~ and for thc l' ni\ cr~ity of London for man~ \ear and he also became a l'ni\cr ity of London examiner in thc la\\ and practicc of pharmacy. I lis inecrcst in ~tudcne~ and hi~ loyalty to the Departmene and the Collegc kne\\ no bound . :"or did his loyalry [(J the Pharmaceutical Society. l' neil recently he rarel) mi ~ed a public meeting organiscd by the Society and he \\ a~ a long~canding member of the \\'estern Pharmacists a~soeiation (the Societv'5 \\'cSt :\ letropoliran branch). being a member of its committee. But to deal only \\ ith hi~ pharmaccutical carecr gi\e~ link: indication of his real character. Onl~ tho~e who attended the Chelsea Pharmacy Pholies at the end of the autumn term can appreciate hi~ acting abilitie . He \\'a a regular member of the college orchestra - chiefly playing the double bas - and in the days before 19'7 he gave regular lunch hour recitals on the college organ. l'neil comparati\'ely recenely he was organist at the Church ofSt i\lary k: Strand. Douglas I larrod\ interest in botany was nor only an aeadcmic onc, for there arc very few planes in British flora he could nor identify in the field. I le \ as a member of the medicinal plane se tion of the Ineernational Pharmaceutical Fedcration and from 1961 uneil long after he retired it was a plea~ure and in piration to a company him on onc of the ection's mcdicinal plane excur ion, equipped with camcras, plastic hags, floras erc. Photography was another of hi speciali t hobbie and he had a comprehensi\'e collcction of colour slide of Briti hand coneineneal planes. :\ lany of his friend' will mis hi photographic calendar thi year. He was a great collector. I le had a \\'onderful collection of beautiful drug jars and 16th and 17th ceneuf) herhah. He aho had an extensive collection of British and Commonwealth scamps \\ hilc his collection of match box rops was probably unrivalled by any orher amateur collector. I became a close friend of Douglas Ilarwd the day I joined the Chehea peoplc
Collcge sraff in. 'eptemhcr 19:7 and \\ e had remained \e~ close c\ er ince. But e\ e~ onc \\ ho \\ as on the taff \\ ith him rccognisl:d him as a man of great intcllectual ahilit~ and \\ ith a gcnerous \\ arm-hcartcd nature. We shall all mi him very much.
can Da\cy. Lectlln.:r in Immunology,1t ,hel ca College from 1972 and pplications f nalyst/Ad\ isor in the Computing Centre from 19 6 until 1994, died on 8 October after facing her la t illness with charactcristic courage. Jean graduated with a degrce in 1\licrobiology from Bristol llnivcrsity in 1959 and she obtained a Ph D, on the role of antibodi<:s in cellular phenomena, from London L niversity in 1970. Between 1959 and 1972 she held various bacteriolo/!;. and immunology appointment~ at the Long Ashton Research tation, the London Ho pital 1\ ledical College, the Rheumatic Diseases l'nit at Edinburgh. and the Wellcome research laboratories at Beckenham. Having joined the Immunology department in 1972. in addition to teaching 13 e and ~I cour cs and upcf\'ising Ph D student, she was at \'ariou times Examinations Officer, Timetable Officer. Career Officer and Radiation afery Officer. 'he also sCf\'cd on the College's BSc Examination Board and the College Committee for Handicapped Student . [n 1986, her gro\\ ing interest in computing and it~ applicatiom in tcaching and re earch led her to make a mid-career move to join the Computing Centre. Sub equenrly, from h<:r base at Kensingron. ~he
playcd a \'C~路 full part in the work of the Centrc, both In supporting the basic sef\ ices: ad\ i o~. courses, documcntation. etc, and in pro\'iding spcciali r ~UpP()rt to life cience departments. Tc)\\ards the end of her career. Jean had been largely re~ponsible for the onerou task of looking after the Centre's ~()f(\\ are di tribution ef\ ices. These had grown con iderably with the ad\ ent of CH E T site licences. and lanerl~ the :\ Iiero oft. elect ~chcme. Jean recognised the importance of thi' rather unglamorous activity and t<lckled hcr work with enthusiasm, dealing with querics of all ~orrs and tactfully sorting out problems. Sadly, her hcalth began to deteriorate in 1991 and in 1992 he mo\cd to part-time working, finally retiring early on ill health grounds in July 1994. Throughout thi period, \\ hile she was often far from well, Jean impre sed all her colleague with her determination to maintain her contribution to the work of the Centre. Hcr integri~', tenaci~' of spirit, kindness ancl friendship will be greatly missed. \ e extend our sympathy to her family. Andrew Byerley Computing Centre
Lt. Col. R T Hewitt, OBE n 1 October 1994. Ri hard Thornton Hewitr, OBE. aged 77, of The White House, Iffley, Oxford. Fello\\' of King'. and one- time member of Special Operations Executive, Assi tant Registrary Cambridge L'niversiry, . eeretary of the Oxford Lni\'er Iry ~Iedical . chool. Executive Director of thc Royal Soeie~' of l\ledicine and \'ice President of the Royal ocietyof :\/edicine Foundation of. ew York.
Leonor Zimman eonor Zimman who wa research a si tant on the Corpus of Contemporary Spanish and taught in the pan ish Department died on 22 October after a long illness. The funcral took place on 260ctobcr.
Page 15
nterprl e - the fir t") ear
he fir [ full ~ear' operation of KCL Emerpn e 10 upport ot [he College' re earch acm iue ha een a number of uu.c e a \l.llcolm 101. \l.lnaging Dlrecwr. H:ported w [he Board of Dlrecwr on 70\ ember. 'e\l re\earch gram\ and conuau\ a[ £2, mtlhon \I ere up b~ £6 milllCJO on [he pre\ 10U\ academic year. European l' nlOn C()nrr:!C[ inerea~ed by O'er 70<:f, On [he recommendation of KCL Emerpri e [he College ha Imroduced new poll ie\ for [he pricing of re\earch and [he di~[ribU[ion of indirect 0\[ recol ene\, ~lore mone~ i being rewrned [(), hool weneourage [aff [() \eck higher \'alue a\\ :!rd\. During [he las[ year £3 million of indlreer co\rs \I ere reco\ ered on rhe abO\'e grams and conuaC[\. up from £1.7 millIOn in 1992/3, \Ialcolm Sims commemed i[ i\ no\\ Importam [har rhe College rake\ full ad\amage of a number of funding mi[ia[i\ e\ \I hich are starring up dUring 1994/5, In parrieular rhe ne\l Re\earch Councih \[ruewre and peer re\ ie\\ \)\[em is almos[ in place. whilsr rhe European l 'nion Framework 1\'
Re earch and De\ e10pmem Programme \I tll be calling ilr propo al m"er [he ne'\r re\\ momh , \n increa ing number of fundmg ource nm\ require linkage \\ irh indu [~ or commerce. \\hich 1\ onc <Irea \I here KCI F-.merpn e, can prm ide a \1 lance. The company ha\ re ponded [() appro:\.ima[c1~ 120 reque [\ for \UPPOrt from member of academic staff 10 1993H. Topic ranged from idemifying funding ouree\. parem and eopyrlghr ad\ice. conrrae[ negonanon. and marketing inrellecwal proper~'. During rhe year I ne\1 parem applicarion\ \1 ere filed on imcmion\ ranging from a compurerised Japane e learning sy\[em w chemical e:\.uacr\ of plams \\hich arc acme agalns[ HI\', :\ddi[ionall~ elen licence\ were \igned or agreed in principle and should pro\ ide an income \ueam in fuwre years w be shared bem een [he imentors and [he College. Idemif~ ing paremable imemion~ and computer sofrware \1 i[h commercial value is a key ae[i\ i[y of KCL Emerprises, Dr Sims \ue\\ed J
[hat premawfl: di cif' urc or publl(:auon of Idea un 10\ alidare or c\ crely rc rriC[ a parem. and a e\1 commerllal opporwnine ha\e been 10 [a a re\ulr. Filing a parcnt applltJ[lun rake le than a momh. c\ en a 1I[[le a\ a fe\\ da~ tn an emergenC\. 0 dcla~ before publtcauon can be mtnlmal. He ad\ 1 e\ any academiC \I ho ha an idea or a di\co\'e~ \\ hich may ha\ e commercial \alue [() comact him for an mitial di eussion [() de[crmine \\ herher pa[cntin/1; i\ an option, In addition [() offering po[enrial commcrcial re\\ ard through li en\ing. a pa[em filing can be helpful in ~ecuring indu [fial re car h fundin~. During 1994/5 K L Enterprises aims (() broaden its acm I[ie, \\ )(hin King's [() help a larger number of rhc academiC community rhrough marching their needs and skilh [() [he con\iderable opponuniries for funding. 'e\enhclc\\ a good foundarion ha\ already bcen laid, and in conclu\ion \lalcolm Sims \I as plea~ed [() repon [hat [he company achicved a mall profit of £45.000.
Recent work by the Estate Department
is of[en difficul[ for staff ro appreeia[e all of [he work carried our by [he E rates Deparrmcm. parricularly over [he summer va a[ions. The College is hou cd on many sire and [he room and corridors u ed b~ individual are small in number rela[ive w [he wral. [[ is nor therefore surpri ing [hat much of [he work done each year in maimenance, redecorarion and re-suucwring is \een by only a few member of [he College. Over [he past year nearly £4 million has been pem on capital funded \I orks with [he main expendiwre being as follows:
• The econd phase of [he library expansion; rhe Strand library now has a new enuanee on [he 1st floor and addi[ional reader paces and book helving. The Embankmenr library has been extended inw rooms 26. \VB and
34 \\'B • The Deparrmem of Philo~ophy rehou ed in 3' -35 Surrey Suee[, [he Department of German moved [() C floor in [he Easr Wing and pan of [he School of Law housed in rhe Ground Floor [rand • The comple[ion ofrhe refurbi hmenr of B corridor • The Deparrmenr of Phy\io[herapy [fan ferred from Denmark Hill [Q Ken ingwn • Refurbi hmenr of CB l 's a[ Kensingwn. Denmark Hill and Suand • Refurbi hmem of ~wdenr accommodarion a[ Hampsread • Bringing inw u~e part of [he Is[ floor Cornwall Hou e • Ex[ernal redecorarions and repair,
spem on minor, bur imporranr i[em~ of al[era[ions. improvements and decorations. In addition w [he capital funded wurk\ expendiwre ha been incurred on maimenance and repair. Planning, obraining render and o\'er~eeing all of [hi~ work i a major operation for which we hould [hank our E [a[es Depanmem. Over [he years r have been helped in planning mu h of rhe resrrucwring and rehousing by Project Group.. and 1 [hank all members for [heir advice and parien e, panieularly when problem\ have arisen cau ..ing delays in progre~~. Dr Dylan \\'iliam has now taken over as 'hairman of [he Esta[es projecr and Space \Ianagemenr ubCommiuec and r wi,h him well in a difficul[ bur wor[hwhile task.
These arc [he major items, amounting w abour 70% of the expenditure. The remainder has been
Professor.' \\ E Earle
Countdo n to [Jff at the Commi ~ion working on the Fourrh Framcwork Programme arc undcr e\ ere polnieal pre ~ure from Comml"loner Rubcrri [() publi h eall~ for ,Ill the programmc on 1.- J)cn:mbcr J994. Ruberri \\ ill hand 0\ er re~pomlbili~ for re~carch [Q Edith Crc~~on, the incoming Commi~ ioner on 7 J.lnuaf) 1995 and clearly \\ am~ the \\ holc programme w be fully opcrational by dut darc. Bear in mind th;l[ ~e\cral of thc \\ ork-programmt:~ ha\e yt:t [() be fully appro\'ed, that all of thc \\ orkprogramme~ will ha\'e ro be rramlated from Engli~h inro tht: orher official \!cmbt:r State language~ and ~omc idea of rhe ~cale of work to be accompli~hed can be im'lgint:d! ="0\\ ir is rimt: ro rhink ~eriou~ly abour panncr~, [() read draft \\ork-pIJn~ and [Q come [() ~ce me \\ ith propo\'lloudines. ,\ numbcr of people ha\ e expressed an imere~t in r\cri\'ir) 2 of F\\' 1\', Cooperation with Third Coumries which has a budget of 540 \1 EeL' (-£410\1) rhi\ acri\'iry ha~ allocated 43% of it\ rest:arch budget ro Ct:n[[al & Ea~tern Europc with a funher 43% going [Q de\'eloping counuit:s. The remaining 14% i~ uscd for link~ wirh indusrriali~t:d non-ELT coumric~, such as thc currelH ECJapan fellowship scheme. For the 15 December call, wc rhink that funds \\'ill be committcd \0 that ~ome of these cou mries can parrieipate under the main research programmes as an additional partner. One example would be of a C7ech partncr being included on an Em ironmemal propo\al. Howe\'cr, a\ thi~ i\ still a litde uneerrain, it "ould be unwi\c to smn preparing a propo. al
rame ork I \\ hereby the kcy player may bc from a ccmral and eastern European coumf)·. \[0 to the budget for de\c1oping eounUle \\ ill be fOClhed on two theme" hcahh and nawral re\ourcc~. There i ome di\cu~~ion of t:ncouraging coumric~ [() prioriri\e onc of the [\\0 tht:me . ,\n e'\ample mighr bt: rhe Sahel rcgion in Africa focusing on uc\enification rather than health
Pt:oplc with a particular inrcre\t in Latin .\mt:rican counuit:\ ,hould rake n()[e ofa nt:\\ \cheme cJlled .\LF,\. Thi, i, es~emially a [[aining programme in duce pha,es; inrerin,>tiwtional coopt:ration net\\ork, imoh ing at lca'It fi\ e counrries and !i\'e iO'>riwtion~ (duec of \\ hich mu,t be in the El'). the \econd pha\e i, for po'>tgraduate t:'\changes and the final phase focu~cs on undcrgraduare e"changes, Priority subject area, will be social and economic \cienees. [[aining for cngineer\ and ccr[Jin ficlds of mcdicine. Thc technical office for the programme is now being ,er up anu the first call for applications is expected at the end of I on:mber. Please contact wither mc or Sara Kell)' (cxr 3321) for funher uetails of rh is programme. Finally KCL Enterpri,es is curremly organising a eminar on rhc Biotechnology programme and the ,\grieulwre and Fi~herie, Programme to be held on 1\ londa , 12 December 1994 at Kensington. Further detail anu registration form can be obtained from either Sara (3321) or me. Geraldine Barry (eJ.t 3319) European \[arketing Executive KCL Enterprises Ltd
alk of Hope exceeds it target he L'ni\'er i[~ of Li\erpool \\'alk of Hope team ( ee Commellt 81) !ini~hcd their 600 milc walk on 22. ovember. John Collin and Ray Pullen (\\alker,) and Dave Hopkin, and Gordon \Iorris (support) presented a token cheque for £2~,OOO - double the
Home home
original target - to Fiona Castle, widow of Roy Casde who ga\'e hi name to the ause for Hope Appeal. The appeal, which has already raiscd almost £2.5 million, aim to establish rhe world'> firsr international cenrre for re earch inw lung cancer.
he Chairman of Abbey , ational, Lord Tugenuhar (abof..'e) spoke [Q a prcstigiou, Briri\h financial audiencc in thc Great Hall on 19 OctOber about a new realism in pri\'ate hou ing. "Hou,es are being bought for their inrrin\ic worth as dwellings, not for inve~rmcnt, nor [Q hedge against inflation:' he ,aid. Lord Tu/?;endhat wa giving the Gilbarr Lecture: an instiwtion dating back to J 872, hosted by Kin/?;'s and tht: Chanered I n~titute of Banker, and currcntly ~ponsored by :'-Iational \\'e'tmin,rer Bank. In his lecwrc, entitled Persol/al bfll/kil/K - mstoll/er mre flI/d shfll"f'holrler'iJflIl/e, Lord Tugendhat considered how bank\ anu other prO\'iders of financial serviccs should be rc ponuing [() social anu economic developments such as an agein/?; population, thc growth of demanu for pri\'ate pro\'i\ion in retirement, the rcduction in number, of fir t time borrowers and thc shift [Q"ard more fle"ible working panern . He discu"ed the need for lender [0 adapt their prouuers to the requirement of a more flexible work force, for whom a linear eareer for life was gi\ ing way [Q a pattern in which periods of full time \\'ork might be interspersed \\ ith part-time or od hoc arrangcments. We ha\'e a full copy of Lord Tugendhat' ,peech, which wa reported in The Times and the Fil/al/cial Times, if any COII/mel/t reader,> would like [Q ee it. Or Barrie \Iorgan Hcau of E"ternal Rclatiom
Page 17
. lhool of Humanirie Deparrmenr of \Iu il
5 December Music by Bach, Martin and Widor Suzanne Kyle, flute; accompanist to be announced. Room 6C 13.05 (Please ring 071-873 2029 to check details beforehand)
30 November Sry-related genes, Sox-1 and Sox2, in early neural development Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, IMR 13.00
5 December King's College Orchestra: works by Schubert, Cherubini and Weber Department of Music Concert Great Hall 19.30 (Please ring 071-873 2029 to check on details beforehand) 6 December Music by Brahms, Dvorak and Faun] Mary Wong, violin; Stavria Kostoni, cello; Tien Yang and Meei Yung Goh, piano Room 6C 13.05. (Please ring 071-8732029 to check details beforehand)
8 December Music by Beethoven and Ravel Sarah Nicolls, piano Great Hall 13.05 (please ring 071-8732029 to check details beforehand) 12 December Music by Schumann and Dutilleux Ann Warner, flute; Rachel Buxton, piano Room 6C 13.05 (Please ring 071-873 2029 to check details beforehand) 14 December The notmotiv in Richard Strauss's Ruhe, meine Seele! and the Last Orchestral Songs: issues of compositional genesis and structure Timothy L Jackson, Connecticut College Institute of Advanced Musical Studies Colloquium Room 6C 17 .00 to 18.30 Lunchtime recital cancelled Rosalind Arden's piano recital planned for 8 December at 13.05 in Room 6C, has been cancelled.
Page IH
emtnJr ar Dru"
RanJal1 emlnu ar Dru0 LIne 5 December Molecular genetics and Psychiatry: The beginning of the end? Dr Steve A Whatley, Institute of Psychiatry, London 17.00
Departmenr of Porrugue.,e Bra/.ilian. ruJie Public Lecrurc
1 December Peace & war in Angola and Mozambique Professor David Birmingham, University of Kent at Canterbury. Room 2808 Strand Building 17.30
King's College London Re<.,carch Centre for American Srudies 1 December Nineteenth-century American science fictions and utopias Professor Eric Mottram, Emeritus Professor of American Literature, Seminar Room 27C 17.00 to 18.30
Re earch l'nir in Humanirie. Computing Seminar 1 December The proposed arts and humanities data service Panel discussion including Lou Burnard, University of Oxford and Harold Short, King's College London. Plus a tribute to Professor Roy Wisbey Committee Room 18.00
Centre for Late ntique & ~1edie\'al Studies Day Colloquium '
3 December Parents and Children in Medieval Societies Speakers: Marie Denley, Patricia Skinner, Sebastian Sutcliffe, Jenny Swanson, Beth Williamson Room 2C 10.30. For further details, please write to Professor J Nelson, Department of History, King's College London
Byzantine CS Modern Greek tudie Seminar 5 December Some seventeenth-century travellers in Greece Michael Angold, University of Edinburgh Centre for Hellenic Studies. Room 35B 17.00
Commission for Maritime History Seminar Room G01, Norfolk Building 17.15 All those interested will be welcome but it would be helpful if those intending to come would give their names to the Secretary, David M Williams, Department of Economic and Social History, Leicester University, LEl 7RH Tel 0116-2522582
Inaugural lecture 15 December Is the idea more important than the experiment? Professor John F Martin, British Heart Foundation, King's College School of Medicine & Dentistry Main Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Building, Bessemer Rd, SE5 9PJ 17.00
The Maxwell Society
12 December In search of the Byzantine courtier: Leo Choirosphaktes and Constantine Manasses Paul Magdalino, University of St Andrews. Centre for Hellenic Studies. Room 35B 17.00
5 December Looking at surfaces with photoelectrons. Or A W Potts, King's College Room 2B08, Main Building, 14.00 to 15.00
Department of Computer Science Colloquium
12 December KCL Enterprises EU funding seminar (Life Sciences) Ground Floor Lecture Theatre, Atkins Building
7 December Lazy types and strictness analysis Chris Hankin, Imperial College Room 3D Main Building 14.00. (Please ring 071-873 2842/2588 for confirmation)
niversity Centre for Late ntique &' Medieval Studies public lecture 8 December The loss of the library of Christ Church, Canterbury Mr Christopher de Hamel, London Room 2C 17.30
Change of date Please note that the next Zeneca lecture entitled Histamine Receptor Subtypes: Chemical, Pharmacological and Therapuetic Aspects to be given by Professor W Schunak will be held on Monday 27 February at 18.00 (tea at 17.30) and not on 20 February as advertised earlier.
15 December The archaeology of medieval shipping Gillian Hutchinson, National Maritime Museum. International
Page 19
d\~erti In
Classified The COTJli h Land cape
House to let Quiet, eeludcd, tWO bedroom cottage (c 1820), Sydenham, ,outh Ca5t London. Fully-furni hed, gch, garden and parking. 'uitable for visiting academi couple. £400 per calendar momh plus electricity, ga , phone bill, Council Tax (currently £57 per momh) and water rates (curremly £10 per momh). 20 minutes by train to Charing .. ros and \'ictOria. Available now. omact Lind ay Ellion, mith, Conference dmini traror, Yacation Bureau. 552 King' Rd ampu on 071 351 6011 (day) or 071 2662066 (evenings).
Singing le
Professional inger with con iderable performing and teaching experience offers private tlIition to all abilities. Available at niver icy College London. ontaet Coombe, AL f\1, after 19.00. Telephone: 0171- 4466 72 Page 20
olnIII n/
r nt
Hodder and 'tOu hwn the publa~her~ of Tht .lIokin/!, of fht F.nglish LOlldscopr series have recently di onunucd the erie parrly owing ro the dcath of it originatOr, Professor \\' G Hoskin . Profe~sor \\' G \' Balchin, Fellow of King's College (Geography, taff 194- - 4) ha raken O\'er the remaining rock of hi comribution on the Comi h Londsrope which he i making a\ailable [Q friend , colleagues and tho e imcrc~ted in thi parr of thc coum~ for a reduced price of 5 PO~t free, The ConllSh 1.LlIldsrope in the .lIuklllg of fhi' F.1lf!.li h Londsropt \eric\, 234 pagcs, 63 photOgraph , 19 map~, nCl'l available direct from the author at 10 Lo\\ Wood Ri,e, IIklcy, York\hin:, LS298AZ.
\'lIla in . 'erja - beautiful panish coa tal to\\ n, Ieep IX. 'wnning mountatn VIews. :\ \ allable to rem for cheap \\ imer and ummer let . Telephone: 073-1 67292.
For ale Exclu il e, hand-craftcd eaTTlng (for pierced or non-picrced car) 10 ?;Ia , ceramic, wood, coconut and many other materials. 'peclal de i?;ns also made [Q order In silver and semipreciou stones. Ideal Chri tma ?;ifts. Phone Flora on ext 3343 for my home numbcr.
Computer and printer for ale A BB computer, a dot matrix primer and a Juki primer for sale. 11 in good condition. Offers invited. Please ring exrn 2343.
For ale Rotastack ystem for a ham ter omprising four rooms with three up tair sleeping compartments, one room has a fined wheel and anOther i 'open air' - all connected b) inrerchan?;eable tubing. I 0 one ham ter ball. £70 Boosey & Hawke e1arinet with box, music stand and mu ic books. £220 White £10
de k with four drawers.
Plea eca1l0181-46870
after 17.00.
()mmem I \I illang to Lar~ ad\em 109 at the Editor' dl creuon for good or e~icc\ that \Iould be ofimere t [Q King' staff. 1 he co t are a follow:
Full page advert: £250 Half page advert: £125 Quarter page advert: £62,50 Small ads (not more than 50 words) are free to all staff. Please comact the Press and Publications office on ext 3202 if you have any qucrie about ad\ erri~ing or COl1ll1ltllf in general.
College Chri tma card
ing's Chri tmas cards arc no\\ on sale throughout the College. The cards depict the Colle?;e logo in red and ween with the message 'Season's Greetings'. Thcy can be purchascd at 40 pence each from the Rc eption Desks in the .\Iain Buildingon the trand, Cornwall Hou e and Chelsea I\lanre a Road, from Philomena D' ouza in the entral ervices Office on the Kensingron Campus and from the Offi e of the Head of ecretariat at K ..S\ID.
Co IlllJlflll Comment is the College's regular newsletter, issued by the Press and Publications Office (ext 3202, fax 0171-872 0212) each month during term time. Contributions for the next edition should be received by Friday 9 December (if possible on a 3.5" disk). Please note that the editor reserves the right to cut or amend articles as necessary.