College K LO DO FoundedI8'J9
ENT the College Newsletter 'Topping out' ceren10n at tamford
'[OPPing-oll[' eeremon~ \lW, held on 14 Februar\ for a ne\l College Ilall of Re~idenee -
th<: StamforJ Str<:et .\partmellt~. \I hieh ar<: \itllat<:d aew\\ the road from
the Corn \I all
Campu\. The
i\ a tradition in the huilding indu~tr~, h<:ld to e<:kbrat<: the
completion of the fram<:\lork of the [Opmo~t \[Orey
of a building. It
i~ al~o
a mea m of th~lnking th<: \lorkforee for a joh
ell don<:.
The C;h~lirman of CWII ngap (the eompan~
r<:\pomihk for managing the
reJc\ elopmelH of the building) \ 1r Ra~ Cor~er. mad<: a \hort \Ix;eeh to mark the t:nu of the fir\t pha\e of th<:
rt:ue\ t:lopmelH of the nOted. much had
~itt:. \~
aehit:\ t:d but there \till remained a good J<:al to do in orJer to halt; the ,\partmt:nt~ ready
for \tlldellt\ in
Septem ber.. \ fter pre~t:llti ng th<: Principal
ith an in~Cfibed ill er tra\,
h<: inl it<:d I'rof<:~~or
la\t remaining \pae<:
to lill in th<:
ith eonCft:t<:.
(:r)/:wr, (.'/fllil1ll(l/1 r)f (.'I'f)"'路II/!.lIfJ. 1I'lr/llOllill/~\' 'IrlfJ" 0111' 11r,.
!'/'lllripll/. ",illr
SIII/I//f)/.,/ SI/H'I .\plll1/1/('//I"
,If,. RIIY
The Principal thank<:J Cro\l ngap for ~I\ unit~,
all th<:ir dTort\ and hard \lork to (hlte
\[Ud\, b<:droolll\ ba\ctl around l)() \elf-
bought complete
and remarked that th<: I:I\t tim<: he
coIHaineu Ilu\ of fil'<: to eight
pod" and an; alre;ldy in plae<:.
\hlll <:lIed c<:ment it I"" in a COIl ~ ard in :\u~tralia!
bedroolll\ (\<:<: pietllrt: on page 4), Each roOIll
The Ibt\ hal ea kiteh<:n/uining ar<:a \I ith a t:(J(lker and lllicr()\I<l1 t:.
Tht: accommodation in the \partm<:llt\
ill eOlllpri\e .')63 \ingle-
.111 \I
ill hal <: it\ ()\I n refrigt:rutor unu
arc en \uite
u\h ba\in and \\路C.
ith \ho\l<:r.
hal <: be<:n
Fil e of the roOIll\ hal <: b<:<:n ('fJlllillllf't/ Oil !I/l(!/'
I'.I":C I
Topping our ceremony t i 111(('(1 jimll ptl![l' I
OS merger
({J 1I
dt:\ignt:ll for
Bridge cl'"
p,;", ;/>,,1 .,;""
of rht: merger. Thi
doe ... nor, of cour~e, mean rh:\( rhe onl~
h\ \rudenr~ \\ irh
On rhe ground floor rht:rt: \\ ill he :1
Thl: tablc in rill: 'rnl:rger' nl:\I ~k[(l:r
he ar Corn\\ all Ilou ... t: :1I1d London
\I irh la~r Illonrh'~ DJIIIIIII'II!
Bridge. Thcre \I ill oh\ iou ... l~ conrinuc
\ho\\ cd rhl:
l:rall ~rutknr figurl:~ ar
be appropriare, del eloping Llciliric~
I,ondon Bridge and Corn\\all Ilou~l:
ar rhe Srrand: and rhc ne\l Educarion
:lfrl:r rhl: merger, \I irh ...oml: ... ubjl:er
Cenrre ar Denmark I Iill. currenrh under cOll~rrucrion, \I ill inclutk uniquc
be useful (() gil'e
lihrary and compurt:r faciliries \\'hich
furrhl:r hrl::tkd()\\ n
of numhers showing sl:pararl:h fill rhl: cOlllponenr~ of
Collt:gt:. a~ \lell a\ for rhe conrinuing
Ilou ...t:, in ordt:r
educarion of ~ef\ ing clinician~ :\(
gil l: a hl:[(er
a \\' 11 Slllirh\ prinring work~, Thc
1'I... r 0\1
\lcdical :lnd dcncal srudt:nrs \lill also obrain ~omt: ba~ic ~cience rcaching
and \\ hit:h \\ ill he reprt:st:nrl:d in
Coril\\allllouse afrer rhl: mergt:r. Thi\
rht: m:tin dinical ~irc\ :\( King\ Colkgt:
and Sr Thollla ... 路 Ilo ... pirai'>.
London Bridgt:
rogt:rher \I irh rhe
parr of rheir inrt:gr:Ht:d cour~l:\ on
COIIIIIII'II! plan~ ((J carr~
in rhe rabk
Tht: nt:\\ sk[(l:r abo descrihl:d rhc
dt:\'elopmt:nr of rhe I':ducarion Ct:nrre
\ lo!t:cular Biolog~
e Corn" all lIou ... c
Physiology I'h\'siorht:ralw KCL pre-dinical l '\IDS prt:-c1inic:i1 l \IDS B, 'c
'Life (5 Health Srimre' progra1IIIIIe
17S 2HH
Biocht:llli ... r~ Ell\'ironmenral Science/ EIl\ ironmenral Ile:1lrh
\ I icrohiolog~ /
(pili.,' Oilliml f)m!f11 fll/t/.I/edifal S!IIt/f'II!S)
2S I
3 173 9S
Gcron (()Iog~
Biological Scienn:s
\\'Ill:n ir i~ cOlllp!t:rl:d in Seprl:lllbl:r. ir rhar ()\ er 2.000 pt:op!t:
IS.1 372
Sl'!l-TOT \1,
prO\'ide~ 0\
er 2000
:lccolllnlOdarion places for ir\ ~rudl:Jl[~: f(l:nsingron, Chelsl:a,
Briri ... h A......ociarion \1cdia Fcll()\\ship ...
e Biophy\ic~
ork in
Ilamp... read. Camber\\'C1I :Ind To()(ing.
Cornwall llousc Srudt:nrs (fres)
old buildin,g (l,;"cl:pr rhe facaue).
Srudenr number... ar Lonuon Bridge
'/3 iOlllerliml' progrflll1l17e
C[()\\ ngap began
\Ia\ 1995 \lirh rhl: demolirion of rill:
othl:r Ilalls :trl: siwared in
creared ar Cornwall (Iou~e and I AlIldon
London Bridge
\It:rt: \Iirror Group
\\ ill h~1\ e \I orkl:d on rhe projecr.
ar Denmark (Iill in:1 furure edirion.
r\\o ne\\' IT faciI irit: ... \\ hich \\ ill be
~l:\I ~paper....
i~ e~rimar(;(1
an arrick
\\ irh mort: dt:rail ahour rhe
hasl:d ar .1.::;Z King's Road, \I ill he
Thl: building, an acre in arl:a. \I'a ...
t:'\i\r in rhe Dil ision of Life Scit:ncl: ...
ar ... rrct:( klel. The King\
Collq.(c \'acarion Bureau, currcnrh
con ... rrucrt:d in 1016 :Lnd originall~ \I:t~
Denmark 11 ill.
acri\'iry and art:a ... of t:,\pt:rri ...e \\ hich
huilding includt: a firnes\ uirc cllld laundt:n:rrc. Thcrt: arc aho plan\ for a
Scil:nce progralllmt:' ar Corn\\:i11 impression of rht: full brt::ldrh of
of 200. Orher facilirie ... \I irhin rht:
ha"'l:d on rhe ground floor of rhe
\I ill he \ iral for medical. tknral and nursing srudenrs in rhe mt:rgt:d
rhe 'I ,ire and I kalrh
rakl:d kcrure rhearre \\ irh a capacir~
areas ... pelr om in full. 1I00I'el l:r. ir ma\
\I ill aho bt: r\\o
for rhe .\parrmt:Jl( Illanagt:r and
IT facilirie~ in rhl: mergt:d Collcge \I ill
di~ahili(\e\. There
Jllstitl/te oj,VI/IJillg FrlU{(/liOIl
1605 -1-06
hi~ scheme, which pLlel:S
praerisi ng ~cieJl(isrs. cngineer\ and rechnologi~r~
(from an~ di ...cipline) wirh prinr or broadcasr Illcdia organisarions for up
r\\o Illonrh\, i~ adminisrerl:d b~ rhl: Brirish t\~~ociarion for rhe ,\dl'anCeml:IH of Sciencl: on bdlalf of COPl'S, rhc Commirrce on rhe Public l' ndcr~randing of Science. Furrher dcrails Illay be obtained from rhl: Prl:'" and Publicarions Office e'\r 3202.
BB RC hiefE ecutive at Ken Ington
Pmji'.I".(IJr Tom !UI/lldl!! (mlln'j pifllmd U:'i/h Or Chri... Thll/x/ol/ (lift) alld Pm!i'....w r ROVI/1 !!id"r (ri!!.h/)
n \\'eune,da~ 7 Fcbru,tf\. Profe"or 'I om Blundcll FRS lIa, rhe guc,r of rhc School or 1,if<.:. Ba,ie \ledieal e llealrh Scicncc,. lie Illcr mcmbcr, from rhc Randall In,rirure and rhc Lit'<.: Sciencc' Di\ i,ion during hi, \ i,ir and g'l\e an e"cellenr lecrun; enridcd nnSRC:
SIil'l/(l' s/m/IKil'S. ji)!t's~f!.h/ Iflld/nltl/o!0K.!' ill/I'r(/I/i')!I.
J'rofe"or Blundell, I'rofe"or of Birkbeek College for almo,r':W \ear'. ha, reeenrl~ been appoinred a, rhe Sir \\'illiam Dunn Prot'<.:"or of Bioehemi,rry ar Cambridge. lie \\'a, Direcwr Ceneral of ,\F RC ( I991-9-l) and i., currenrl~ rhe found ing Ch id E "ecuri \ e of rhe Biorechnolog) anu Biological Sciencc., Re'earch Council (BBSR(;). Ir wa, in rhi., Lmer conre:l.t rhar he \\," iJl\ ired ro rhe College ro pre,enr hi, \ ie\\', on l . I' ,cience .,rraregie" I le i, a ui,cipk of rhe opinion rhar 'rhe l'K ,houlu do .,omerhin~ ["dui 11 irh ir, ,cience' and rhroughour rhe ua~ he placed con,iderable imporrance on mulriui,ciplinar\ n;,earch and 'rhe nerworking of,cience', 1\., a direer re,ulr of rhe,e \ ie\\'" rhe BBSRC ,upporr, b()[h molecular ,cienee (appro"imarely 20% of r(ltal budger) and engineering + IT (approximarel) 10% of rota I buuger). ,\ major problem facing rhe IWSRC i, rhe increa,ing co,r of rhe ba,ie re,earch - he Cr"rallograph~ ar
c,rimared lilr in,rance. rhar ÂŁ,' million nece'''lr) ro equip a prorein ,rrucrural 'tn.lh,i, lab and rhar rhe BBS[{(: can onl~ 'Irford ro ,upporr four or ti\e ,uch cenrre, in rhe l'K. \\'1'
The BBSRC h'h a 'pecial re,pon,ibilir\ for planr, 'cience, '" ir i, rhe onl) re,eareh council likel) ro fund 'uch \\ ork, (I n conrr.l,r .\nimal Science., arc al,o ,upporreu b\ rhe \IRC and rhe \\'cllcome Foundarion.) The Council ,upporr., Bioinrormaric" \ Ilcrobiolog). ,\n imal Biolog~ (including :'--eurobiolog~ and Cogniri\e Biolog) Planr Biolog\ and Ecolog~. The Council ha, .1 range or Re,pomi\e \Iode Commirrce, largel) eorre'ponding ro rhe ropie, ourlined abme \\ hich fund ba,ie re'earch. Forming a marri" \\ irh rhe,e, arc rhree Direeroran:: Commirree,; Chemical /Pharmaccurical. .\griculrural anu Food Science.,. \\ hich ,eleer ,rrarcgic aeri\ iric' for .,pccifc funding (-H) per cenr of rhe budger i, allocared \ ia rhe Direcrorare,). ROJ'.\ a\\ ard, aceounr for 1() per cenr of rhc bud,ger anu rhi, in Blundell', \ ie\\, \\ ill be rhe ceiling for ~uch a\lard.,. Ilo\le\ er, cOll[rary ro ~ome \'ie\\' rceenrly exprc,~ed in rhe ,eienrific pre,." ROI'i\ 'I\\'ard, arc here ro .,tay, Thi., being rhe ca,e ir i, e,~enrial
for ~ oung re,eareh \\'orker' ro gain inuu,rri,i1 fundin,g - becau,e failing ro do '0 \\ ill renuer ir impo"ible for rhem ro .,ucce"full~
for ROP.\ a\\ard,. Subjeer, ro arrracr funuing for Rc,ean:h 'I raining Srudenr Granr, arc pharmaceurical t!rug dc,ign. inregrared biolol(~. m icrobiologicd a,peer, of food .,afer\. dier anu healrh and planr breeding ba'ed on modern bioreeh nology. J'rofe"or Blundell i, in.,i,renr rhar all re,earch ,cicnri'r, ,hould communicarc rheir \\ ork ro rhe general public and rhar rhi, principle \\ ill '0011 bccome a eondirion for all BBSRC gr.lllt holder, and benclieiarie'. There i, a grcar necd ro cncourage public di,cu"ion and a\\ arenes, of rhe erhic, of bioreeholog) - \\e mu,r nor makc rhc ,ame mi,rake a, rhe nuckar ,cienri,r,. likel~
Profe"or Blundell al,o g'l\ e an imporranr me"age ti,r rhe planncr., of rhe nc\\ Corn\\ ,dl Ilou,e anu r,ondon Bridgc compk"e,. namel~. \\ e mu,r encourage \\ omen re,earcher, ro conrinue \\ irh rheir career,. Reali,rie approach ro marernir\ lea\e .Inu child care faeilirie, ,hould be aeeommouared in fllrure plan,. 1r \\ a, a bu", bur prod ucri\ e, da), for all r1w,e concerneu. Profe"or I{obcrr I rider School of Lit'<.:, Ba,ie :-'ledical Scicncc,
e Ilealrh
he Report 1996
he 1996 - fourth - edirion of
publici~e rhe
rhe King's Rr/!orl i~ being
number of further copie~ arc alailable from thi~ Oftice. \\'e hal e :dread\
di~rribured ro ~raff ar
rhe cnd
College: a limited
of Februar~. This \ car 11 e hal e inrrod uccd a nell ~Iigh rly-~malIer-
di~tributed it 11 ideh 11 irhin rhe C()\ ernmcnr. Parliament. Cil il
rhan-A-+ formar. 11 hich 11 ill be ea~ier ro ~rore rhan rhe large formar of prel iou~
Sen ice. pre"" and broadca.,ring media.
ediriom. 11 hile srill sranding our from orher uniler~iries' rcporr~ and prm iding a lil ely, arrracril e and abm c
all readable aceounr of a cross-~ecrion of the College's work. \Yc hope rhat colleagues 11 ill nor onl) tind ir of interesr rhemseh e~ bur \I ill also pa~~ ir on to all ide range of rheir contact., our.,ide "ing\. in order ro help
tan1ford Street
re~earch council~.
funding council. commerce. local
bu~ine~~ and
borough council~. and ro mal1\ people connecred 11 irh rhe ColIl:gl:. I 1\ ould hl: ple:lsed to receil e an) comment~ you 111:1Y han.: on rh i~ l:d irion of rhe
RI'f!(J/l. Chri~rinl:
Kell\ on Jone~ Direcror of Public Rl:l:trion.,
Bo'>nia \ppcal
he ,\cademic Lifelinl: for Bo.,nia is co-ordinaring a fund for thl: rdid' of rill: Ho~nian
acadl:mic cOl11munit). Ir aim~ ro prOl ide book~. l:quipml:nr. fund grant~ for srullenr~. support ~clll:me., for teacher~.
and to l:ontribute to the buildings. This ,upport 11 ill hl:lp thl: unil'er,itil:~ of Sarajl:lo and Tuzla. rl:con~trucrion of
If)ou hal'l: an) journah. book~• .,tationl:r) or equipment (for c'\ample PC or tllac hardwarc with all so!'tl\'are remon.:dl that \'ou no longu USl:. plea,e pack them .,ecurel) inro bo'\c~
Rob Hf/II, Presidml of KC/.Sl·. s/ro~·.\· /ro~' l/re roOIllS ill l/re 1If'iJ" SI(((!!{ord .\'/(('1'1 .lp(J/ll11m/s fl:'ill/oo!.'.. 111 //rr roOIllS /rf/~'l' (/ s/ro'U.'·er. ~'{/Jh bf/sill (/lid 11'(: {'// Sllill',
E po 200n
parr of rhe ">(PO 2000 1\ orld e:-.hibirion to be held in Ilan()\er in til'e year~' rime. ir~
organisers are innting iJl\ enrol's. innonltors. scientisrs and I isuali~ers ro ~ubl11it
ideas for projects rell:I'anr ro rhe l:>.hibirion theme J\lankindarurl: - Tl:chnology. An\' good illea that i~ accepted would be cl:rtified a~ an Expo 2000 International Project
11 1\
irh rhe publicit) adl':lIltage~ of a orld ,rage. ,\ward~ arc purel\'
honorific, bur
ill include gold. sih er
and bronl:l: medal" Furtlll:r information and entr) forms arc al'ailable from the Economics Counsellor ar the Cl:rn1:1Il Embassy. n Belgral e Squ:tre. London S\\'I:-': HP/: rei 0 171-1'12-+ I.~.~ I.
and label the contents on rhe our~ide, For staff and 'lrudents at rhe Cornl\ all I louse site only. rbe collecrion of \ our boxc~ 11
ill be co-ordinared b) Rebecca Baker. :\ leml)l:r~ of ~taff and ~rudl:nt~ from other Campll'eS 1\ ill need ro arrange deliler) ro :'-:XI'FIIE (27 Hritannia Streer. London \\'C I X 9J 1'. contact Paul Bennl:rr. ,\.,.,i,tant Secretary, relephone 0 171-1'137 36.~6). The collecrion of the abOl e item~ 1\ ithin Cornl\all I louse is scheduled for \\'edne~d:l) 6 tll:trch on\\-. Thl: nexr trip ro Bosnia is planned for rhe cnd of tll:m:h. Contacr Rebecca Baker. 'ur,ing Re,earch llnir (e'\[ 320-+) for further inf<lfInarion.
Profc -.;or Pike i ~l\\ aroed [he (imhrit: mt:o:.1I
Engli h for
hL: Engli h Language TL:achmg CentrL: ha, bL:atL:n off ,tiff competition ro \\ in a ten(!L:r to ,uprh ,hort eour,L:, in
I'.fkcri\ e \\'rittcn Communication to the DepartmelH of Trade Indu,tr\. Thi, gm ernment contracr. the first of it kind for the Cenrre. \\ ill con ist of SL:\ era I t\\ o-da~ \\ork,hop,
to ht.: hdd during the coming ~L:ar. starting rhi month. Cour e Ie.lder Etain CasL:~ \\ ill bL: \ i,iring rhe I kpartmenr\ office, to ~ld\ i e middkranking ci\ il SL:rI ants on prohkm, \\ ith grammar and 'tl le, and ro help ,tatT hru,h up on report and ktter \\ riting skill,.
.Is I"PP')//l'rI ill 1nl' Dn"f'/lIlt,r rrlilioll 0/( :omlm:nr, Proji路".ifJr ROI' Pil:t' nm !Jail tlrnlrrlerl 1nl' (;lIlnrir 1/Ilr/tll. O//l' It{ Ihl' lOp 1",'0 pri~t路.f o/Inl' III.aillllt' 0/ Phr.,il'.l". Ilrn' PI7Jjr~",,')r Pilt (IPllln') l//IrlJII)' P///lldll Pi"" (lit' seen tlllht pn"'III(llill//
It/Slll/llllln ",'iln Sir
.Imo/rlll'olji'l/rltllr, Pnfirlt'lIl o/Ihe IIISli'Il't.
ew appointments (5 promotions
hL: 1'0110\\ ing nL:\\ appoinrmenr, and promorion, ha\ L: bL:L:n announcL:d.
,\ppoi nrmcnrs Chairs ThL: 1'0110\\ ing appoilHmL:nt, halT beL:n madL: ro L:,rabli,hL:d chair~. I)r 11()\\ard Go'pel ha, hL:L:n appoilHL:d ro rhL: Chair of :\lanagL:melH from I Seprember IlJ96. lIe join' King'~ from Pembroke CollegL:, (hford. \\'here he i, Rhode, LL:erurL:r in i\lanagement Srudie, (Organisarional Ikha\'iour and Human RL:,ouree l\lanagemenr). Dr ,\Ie"andro Schie'>aro ha, been appoinred [() rhL: Chair of Larin L~lnguagL: and Lirerarure, effeeri\'e from I July 1996. lie joiJl'> the CollegL: from Princeron l'ni\'er,it~ \\ here hL: i,
I)romo[ion s Chairs ThL: follo\\ ing pL: r'>()Il a I chair, ha\ e bL:L:n eonkrrL:d, effL:eti\'L: from I Octobt.:r J lJlJS. Dr I)a\ id Ikighton. Reader in DL:lHal SciL:ncL:,>, ha, het.:n promored [() Profe,sor of Oral :\ I icrobiolog~. Dr TrL:\ or Clark,on, Reader in the l)eparrmelH of EIL:ctronic and Electrical EngineL:ring, h~1'> been promored to I'rofe.,.,or of Intelli,gcnt Communication, System,. I)r Ghulam.l :\lufri, Clinical SL:nior I ,L:cturL:r in I Jaemarologieal i\ledicine,
in Communication
e Stud~
\\ hich arc opL:n to horh srudL:IH' and staff. For further information, please contact thL: Engli,h Language TL:aching (;elHre, e"t 路H)75,
Black\\ ell Room bookings
\\'ing ro the fact that the ColkgL: i, no\\' raking o\er rhL: Black\\L:1I Room and l'pper St:nior Common Room for teaching purpO'C5, it i, regretted rhat after thL: 15 "larch IlJlJ6 it \\'ill no longer he po"i hie for colleaguL:s to book thL:se for C:ommittL:c :\Ieetings or orhL:r function,.
:\ largarct Bm\\ n lion Secretar~ Scnior Common Room e"t 2H67
ha, bL:en promoted ro Profe'>'>or of Ilaemawlogical Oncolog~.
,\"i,tant ProfL:'>'>or of Cla'>'>ie'>.
Dr :\Iark Sandler, Reader in the I)cpartl11L:nt of Electronic and Electrical EnginL:ering. ha, heL:n
promoted to Proees,ing.
Dr John Gardner ha, been appointed as Reader in Legal Philosophy,
effecti\'L: from I SeptL:mber 1996. lie joi n, the College from B nl'>eno~e College, (hford, \\ herL: he i, Fello\\ and Turor in La\\'.
The \\ ork,hop,> arc an L:xten,ion of Etain', cour,es for nati\'e speaker,
Profe~sor of Signal
I)r J\drian Bomford, Senior Lectllrer in the In,>titute of I,i\ er Srudie" ha, been promott.:d to Rea(!L:r in :\lcdicine,
thank,gi\'in g ~erl'iee for the life and \\ork of The Re\L:rend Dr \ 'icwr Par,>ons \\"i 11 be hL:ld
on Thursday 22 FL:bruary at 12.00 at "ing', College Ilo,>pital ChapL:I,
King', College Ilo'riral, London SE5 9RS.
The new Academic Regulation
ome on, ~()ll remember the Red Book. that puce-coloured lIodgc 11 hich ma~queradc~ a~
the ultimatc airport departure loungc book~torc bonk-bu~ter. Impenerrablc. large "Iathe~ of the Red Book arc. nor unlikc the I\mazon rain-fore~t~, ,Cl eral hectare, of 11 hich 11 ere annuall~ ~acrificed by the llnil'er~it\ ro thc rcprinring of the RH Clka Rrf!/tlllliIJIIs/o,. IlIlrrtwl SllIrlm!.,).
\\'ell, there's good nClls and bad nell"S. The good nell' i, that the la,t edition of the ReKllllllirJIIs .If),. IlIlrn/1I1 SIll/kills 11 a, k iIIcd off in Il,I9-1-l,I.'). The bad nCII ~ i~ that thc College i, bu~y re,ulTceting a ~orr of Rcd Book ,dl of our Oil n. \\'h\' thcre'~
Becau~e. come
ncxt academic ~ car (1996-97), in common lI'ith all the larger I,ondon eollcge" King', lI'ill hal c rhc pOll er to allard it, OIl n tir~t dcgrcc~ and taughr \Iasrcr's (plu~ ~ome other qualifie,l(ion~). and 11 e need a rafr of nell hand-crafrcd inhou,c n.:gulation' to gOI ern and ,upporr rhar proec~s. " degrec allardcd by King', Collcgc London h:t~ got to bc (and bc ,een ro be) full~ rhe equal in all respects - admini~tratil'e as lIell a, academic - of thc l lnil'ersity degree which it is replacing. I\(ore than cqual. . Oil', I knoll' that you are rhinking, there's onll' onc thing morc boring than nell aeildemie regulation, and that', an article about nell' academic rcgulation~. \\'rong. Take ir from mc, hclping to draft them i~ pretty c1o,c ro the Church of England'~ reccnt dcfinition of hell: a ,rate of toral non-bcing. But it'~ got to be donc. Ir i, ab~olurel~ e~~cnrial. \\'hat\ more, undcr~randingand Oil ning rhc nell academic regulation~ 11 ill become e~,enrial for el'ery member of the College communit~ who has anything remoteh ro do with the bu~inc" of ~eeing that our studcnrs go through rheir GlrCer, in King" 11 ith the nu"imul1l of proccdural efticienc~ and humaniry :tnd the minimum of procedural impreci~ion and inh umani ty. 1\' from rhe ~rart of ne,t Se"ion, lie 11 ill no longer bc able to fall b'lck upon an air~ rcferencc to ,ome ob,cun.: l 'n iI er,i r~ 111:11.1'1' to ger our~c" e~ (HI( of
,tick~ rcgulator~
,ituation. :"0 more IIcll. lie can'r do an\lhing 'lbout it unril rhc l'niler~i[\ ha~ '~u,pcnded rcg, '. :"0 morc pa""ing the buck to Bloom,hur~. From 23 Scptcmber, it\ nor their prublcm, it\ our problem. So that King\ can 11 ith full confidence in rheir I',didit~ and academic rigour '\\lard it, oll'n degree~ in the ~ummer of 11)l,I7, the 11 hole regula[()[~ edi~ice ha, to be de,igned, construCled and ~ecurely wearher-proof b\ Septcmber 1<)1)6: Gl'lleml a
RI;!!lIllIliolls: Rr'l!"lrtlirJIIs/o" Fil)'! f)11!/t'f'S: (:0111 SI' {'lIil RI;e;lIlllliolls (including
indil'idual regularion, for caeh cour~e unir degree allarded b\ the College); RI'J!JtlflliollsjfJl' 'I (/IIghl .11I1slr,.'5: N.lgllllllioIlSjO,. Ihr CO/lrllllt oj 1':llIlIIi/llllio/ls: Rlgltllllio/ls jr),. Ih . Ippf)illlllll'/l1 rl FXII//li/ll'l)' (including
E:-.ternal Exami ner~): N.1;e;lIllIlio/ls jrl,. J-:.llllllillfllio/l Ilnglllllrilirs: Rr;e:lllllliolls If) Gounl Ihr Rlgllllllio/l.i.
The aGldemic el1\ ironmenr in lI'hich lie all lIork, ~tafTand ~tudenrs alike, i, changing, changing rapidl\'. and our nell regulation~ hal e to be eapablc of coping with rhar. There arc national ehange~ to the lI'a\, that academic ~tandards arc monitored, for e 路'Implc. A, 11 ith your income rax, selfassessmenr with external spor checking is the flal'our of the momenr. Do lI'e hm e thc mechanism~ to meet the challenge of nell qualit\ a~,uranee rourine. ? Locall~, 11 e halT to manage rhe cb'\I1ge repre~ented b~ rhe forthcoming mergcr 11 irh l' \ IDS. That \ going to mean. ar rhe I er~ Iea~r. a prett\ e"rensil e rc-modelling of our School~' ~tructurc. The ~i, 11 ill become the nine and thi~ nlll~t ,urel~ impact in turn upon the College\ in~titutional academic Committee framework. In order to be fully I路,did. thc nell rcgulation, lIill hale to han.: negotiated a number of neces,arY hurdle~: Sranding Commirree. ,\cademic Board and College Council. Thc l'niler~ir~ 11 ill lIanr ro t'lke a look at what wc are prnp(l'ing to do, just to make certain that the quality a'>'>uranee criteria builr into the nell llniler<,ir~ ()rdinance~ arc met. Ikeau,e. for all rhat the nell degree, 11 ill be loeall\'
de~igncd. packaged and labelled, rhe~ arc ,till 'l .nil er,it~ of London' dcgree~ incorporating a pre,rigiom brand image that mu,t nor be compromi,ed if ,ale" p,\[(icularl~ e'port ~ale,. arc not to ,utTer. The main 11 ork to cobble together all thi, papefllork and meet all rhe deadline~ i~ being ~teered rhrough in rhe Centred Regi~tr\路 by a small ream under the direction of the Deputy ,\cademic Regi<,trar. \'irginia \\'ainll right. But the Regisrry ream i~ not labouring enrird~ alone. A 'conraer group' of ~el en e,perienced academic and admin,rratil c colleague, drall n from all rhe Schoul~ receil es and make, detailed commenr' on draft, a~ the~ arc prepared. The Regi~tr~ teal11 then rC-II rite~ and tidies up a, nece\'>ar\' and send~ (he redrafted ~cetion, out for furrher con~ultation 11 ith Schoo"- Departments and College Board,. (Incidenrall\'. thi, ~econd ~tage in the eonsultarion proce\'> i, happening nOli. So if you're an,iou, to make an earl\' input. \OU ma) ju,t be in time.) The fir,t tomh,ome tranche of
draft, i~ due to be e"hibited for Standing Committee appro"al ar a ~pccialmecring on 13 ~Iareh. The final mceting of the Colle/-';e Council this Ses,ion is on 2 .Iuly, so it's easy enough to picture the ,11110Unr of work \\'hich ha, to be done betll'een rhose two date, to make absolutely certain that our nell regulations arc ready for dail~ u~e on 2,~ Seprember. \\'e el'en hal e to make a polic~ deci,ion somell here along the line about rhe colour of the COl er: and 11 hether. like anorher celcbrared conremporary set of in~truetion~ for lil in". it ,hould be in,cribe I in large and friendl~ Icrrer~ 11 irh rhe 11 ords don'r panic. Becau,e, while rhe del'olution of degrce awarding po\\'ers mean, a lot of e,rra lIork, it al'>o unduubtedl~ repre,enr, a great opportunit~ and a ,great challenge: ro pur in place a regularor~ regime of our o\\'n del'i,ing, purpo,e-built for an expanding College on rhe threshold uf a ne\\' eentur~. Srephen Ilarrr)\\ Senior ,\~,i,tanr Rcgisrrar
enior \ P of DuPont ~ Ierck yi It the
ollege r.loe \Iiller.
Pre:'lllenr. Rt:,earl h Jnd I kl elopmenr, of I)uPonr
\krlk. \ i,ired rhe (;ollege on 1 and 2
1 ehru;I~. ,Ind mu rhe: PrincipJI ,lIld ,enJor memher, of rhe Collee;c. Ik \\.1'>
Icr\ unpre'>'>ed \\ irh King'"
p<trricularll rhe (;hcmi,rf\ I kp.lrrmcnr. \\ hcre he Illcr a number of rhe ,ralT ,Ind gal ca Iecrure w,ralT ;Ind ,rudenr, on
IJi,\IfIL'I'l)'. /{I'.Il'l/nlt I/Ild
III/1t1' (,nl/llim/
/),.l1JI .llilll/ gicill!!.lti.' !t'/lIn /11 thrlll/I/ll' .1/1/(ll/lIrI.I/l/rll1I/.\.
Slim-line C01111110n Roa111 i!!; ch,"H~e, arc on rhe \\ ,1\ for
'>\\'1\. pre:1 iou,1I 01"1 Olll Thulllb
rhc <;rr.lnd Ca III piI'> SeniOJ
dilllen,ion,. i, hein,!!, enl;lrged
COllllllon Room. On 1.'1 \!.Ireh.
rhe SCR 1000c, rhe l pper Senior
r\\o-\\'I~ rr'lflill.ln tlOlI 'Ind collce;ial cOlllllleree tlouri,h in horh area,. ,",e\\
in rhe hi,roric I me (in abour 1')70 or 71) ro m:lrrl rhe [\I 0 I ene:rable bodie,. \\ ill ,hed :1 ,:lIr\ rear or [\I o. no doubr. ar rheir pa,>,>ing. \\'e cOlllmend rhen [Cl
Common Room and rhe Illack\\ cll
furni,hing, includ\lle; currain, 'Ind
rhe 'akkeeping of rhc ~ lu,ie
Room :Ind \\ irh rhelll c>0';; of OUI
hlind,. \\ ill be prm ided rhroll,dlOur
I kparrllleJl(.
prC'Cllr aceolllmodarion. On rhe mher
\\ hl:re nl:Ce,>,>arl, 'IIHI 1'1111 redecor'lrion
Srr'lnd (or Thre,her C'Glcnn\ ,I, ir
Illm ing frolll 1.'12/1:l3
hand. \\e arc hein.l!; f!;il en In re[llfll
I'> plannl:d, rhe aim heing w ,eeure"
,hould Illore
mom 21 S\\'H {o\[ onc lime. rhe Srr'lnd
uni/\ inf!; decoraril e rhellle for rhe
C\IHC"", rhl: hope rhar rhe,e lund,ome
(:ommirree Room) \\ hich i, conrif!;lloll'>
enllre ;Irea.
rhe 1,0\\ cr Senior (:on1ll1<ln I{oom
cnhanceml:nr of rh:lr I)ep;lITmenr',
Senior (;ollllllon Room \\ ill a"o rclkcr
\\ irh 20 S\\'H. '<Cl errhele'>'>. rhe de'll ,rillle:lle, rhe SCR :lholll 40'; \\or,e
rhe inrended decor'llil l: inregrir\
The COlllmon Room Commirree h'lI e raken rhe rollll,r I ie\\. hCl\\ e\ cr.
bOIl el cr. \\ irhour :1 hearr\ ,e:nd-otT
rhc\ \\ ill 'en,c rhar rhC\ hal e: alrGlllI
<;ritling our grid. \\e are: bidding
cnrered rhe (;omnlOn Room proper.
farc\\ ell
Toe;c:rher \\ irh rhe lobb~, roOIll' 20/21
champae;ne on Tuc,da~ 12 \larch ar
rh,\[ rhe ne\\ eonligurarion of our ,p,ll'L'
<;\\'H :Ind rhe
cn \\ illco\l'>rirure an
e;ra,ped and Ill,,,illli'ed. Ikr\\een rhe
'Irrraeril e: 'IJire, coherenr in de:,ign and u,e, l:mine:nrll ,ulrahle ItH rhe
r\\o room, i, a ,mall ,erlerl/kirchen.
cu,wm:lf\ and I .1I"'lble purpo,e,
Re-de,i,e;ned and rc-equipped. rhe
,r;lff commou room ,\Ild rhu, an 'I,>,>cr
er\ \\ ill become rhe cenrre of
rhc in,rirurion
operarion, prOl idine; 'I lir,r cia'>'> ,crI ice
w bmh room,: coffee in rhe Illorning: a
undeniahle e\eellenee. \\'e arc nm Icrring rhem go,
rh.lL \\ hen me:mller, enrer rhe lobbl
h'I' adl ,uH;lge, II hich ,hould he
he knOll nl. and
mon), m'l\ conrrihure (() rhe
The lobhl olll,ide: rhe: Lo\\ er
(2() S\\'II) and can he u,ed in r:lndem
olT in rerm, of 'pace.
rhe r\\ 0 room, in
I X,30, Food \\ ill be prOl ided b\ rhe HLlek\\ell (:Iub. mu,ie b~ rhe King', (:ollege Sine;cr,: and rieker, arc ~7,:l0 each (from rhe lion Secre:ran. SCR,
01';1 [Cl
a \\ hole,
e\ren,ion 2,'()7l. [() include a ,e;ood
of huhbll .. \ rhe el1<.1 of rhe Cl cning.
'e\e:rrhele'>'>. for ,Ill rh,\[ \\e: ,Ire:
rhe I er\ lir,r 1'lllI ro ero'>'> rhc rhre,hold
lookine; fOrll:Jrd
ofrhe \Icn', SCR. Ilcnrie:rra \!aria.
a nc\\ Ica,e: of
lighr luncheon Illenu. fcaruring Hill~',
lik for rhe ~rrand ,'>CI( ir \\ould hc
famou, cu,wm-lillcd ,and\\ iche, and
idle w prl:rend rh'lr rill: 10'>'> of rhl: L<;CR and Hlal'k\\elll{oolll i, nm;1
aeeomlllolbrion. For man\' of "'. ir \\ ill
hGI\ I blo\\. 'I'ho,e of II'> \\ ho
be 'I decpl~ mOl'ing llloml:J1( ....
roll,. \\ irh \\ ine, or clnned IKer, :1\
'Iilahlc ar rhe correcr remper:llllre:
'Ind re:a, ofcollr'e:. in rhe afrernoon.
\\ ill be: deeenrll I eilcd 'Ind lll'lde read~ for rhe: hopeful journc\' (() ne\\
remcmher rhe da~, of rhe: former
The rane;e of pe:riodiGII, ;11 ailahlc w
\Icn', ~cnior Common Roolll ([ SCR)
bmh room, i, w be e\p:lnded.
and ,eparare \\ olllcn', '>en ior (:olllmon
Chairm;lin ofrhe <;rr;lnd Senior
Room (Hbck\\clll{oom) ;Ind wok parr
(:ommon Room (:ommirree
The ope:ning be:r\\cen 2() and 21
.'>re:phen IlarrOlI
School of Education ~oc" for \ uluc-addcd publicit,
Education po ter WInner
n an a,~c \I hen cOl11peririon i~ gn)\\ ing and rc~ource, arc d\\ indlin~, 110\\ can e~tabli,hed centre~ of e'cellence
rhem~eh e~ cheapl~
pronlOre and efficienrl~?
Kim(, Science and Technolo~~ I~ducarion l'nir (STEl") ha, ~ome an<,\\ er,. King\ record of c'cellence in ,cience educarion ha, ir, rom, in rhe 'ul'licld Scicnce projecr, and rhc (:cnrre for Scicnce Educarion ;Ir (:hel,cl College. Onh rhree cducarion deparrmenr, in rhe coulHr~ ha\ e I)een /-(i\ en a '.')·raring' in bmh of rhe la,r R \ I':~: I.eelk rhe In,rirure of ":duLtrion ;lI1d Kin~',. STEl', \\ hich con,i,r, of 1.') Iccrurcr, and re~earLiler" i, one of rhe 1;lrge,r 'Ind mo,r prolific in E\I[0pc. O\er 3':;0 ~cience
, \ I/al;ol/allOlllpl'l;I;I'J11 10 r!I'S~f!1I
pOSI' r '1I1;lkr! '11's a .lIal' r;I't!.,' \I.,)t/r!' ,,"(/,' ,,"01/ hI'
13-yftlro!d I\d/l' .1I0rr;s o/(;ahk Ilall SdlOol. SIfl/II/orrl-k-lIo!){', I',.un. TIt'llJIllf!d;I;I)I/
re'lcher, from 'Iround rhe \\orld rrain ar King', a, \\ell '" our P(jCE. \Ia,rer', and PhD ,rudelH', \\ irh increa~in/-( comperirion from orher in~rirurion~ and 'I ,read\ decrc"c in ,rafT, STI~l' ha~ had ro be crctri\e in ir~ markering and publicir~. The lar/-(e,r ,cience cduLtrion conference in Europc rake, place ar rhc be/-(innin~ of each \e'lr. The ,\"oci;trion for Science Ed ucarion'~ ,\nnllal \kering i, ;mcnded b\ up ro 4,000 people during rhrce da\, of kcrurc~, \\ ork,hop, and ~emin;lr~. \\'irh ,uch an audience of reacher" in,pec[()r~ and orher educarionali,r, from Brirain and o\er,ea, ir i, l'''enrial rhar King\ ha, a major rrl"encl:. During rhe L"r rhrec ~l'ar, STEl' h,I'. for link e,rra dTorr. ma,imi,ed ir~ i111 p.ll'r h\: • de~ignaring ralk, h\ ,rafl;" hcing parr ofa Kin/-(\ (:ollege I.ondon
",'as pmlllOII'r! I))' Ihl' Roy(1! SO/";dy 0/ (.'h/lll;sls {/IIr! Ihr SOlllh I.lII/r!OIl ('It'III;slrr '!i-mh'I:\' (.'ellln' ""h;d, ;s !N/Sl'r! al A';lIg's, 'I 'It;.,' poSI''/' allr! Ih{' olhrr f!r;;;r',,";III1;IIf! l'/I/lll'.i ",';11 hI' 01' d;splay (/1 Ihl' S'rtlllr! (.'fl/llpl/,i (/1 Ihl' fl/IIl/ltl! Srlllf!os;1II1I o/Ihr SI.("/(: ,,"h;,h olll.lIarrh.
producin~ and di,rriburing a Ieafler li,ring rhe knure, and gi\ ing deraih of our cour,e,: • maintaining a ,rand in rhl' e,hibirion area. '1'\\ elH~ academic ,raff and 1'0111' rechnical and admini,rrari\e '>raff artl'nded rhe 1l)<j() .\SE meering, King\ ,raff\\cre il1\ohed in pre,enring ,i1mo,r 6 per l'l.;nr of rhe 337
Iecrure" \\ork,hop, and (h er 700 pl'ork arrended rhe ,e"ion, and a furrhcr 1':;0 \\ ere ;tr
rhe Inrernarion.t1 Receprion \\ hich 'TE l 'pon,ored. Onc of the be t Jttended e ,iOlh \\ J gi\ en b~ our ne\\ Profe\\or of Scienc'e Educarion. Ro,.t1ind Dri\ cr. dnd KIng\ \Iork on Cogniri\e .\ccder'Hion continue, [() dra\\ inrere,r from readler, and academic, rhroughout the l K a, \1 ell a, \ i\lror, from rhe re,r of rhe \Iorld. E \ en ,ome of our 'rudent, gor in on rhe Jet 'lI1d Dororh~ ~ampot'l. onc of our full-rime \Ia'rer\ ,rudent' from :".lctlelll i. gel\e a prc,enrarion ar a pre conference ,eminar on Continuou, I'rofe\\ional Ik\ dopmenr. The co,r, of co-ordinating our effort,. ,pon,oring en:nr, and he1\ ing a ,rand i, around £750. Our ,tand i, augmenred b\ the po,rer,. raiJkdoth, and b'lI1ner, prOl ided b~ I~\rernetl Rdarion,. It i, difficulr to calculate rhe benefir, of our cffort,. bur \1 chad man~ reque't, for cour,e information during the meeting and \Ie ha\e alread~ inrefl ie\led and aceepred a part-time \Ia,ter', 'tlIdent \\ ho Glme up ro u, at the 'tand. The effect on ,rafT of being part of a team thar i, regarded h~ other people a, being of top qualit~ can onh be a good rhing. The unified pre,ence al,o e\tended acro\\ the .\tlantic I.l\t \ car. ,\t the Annual :".Ieeting of rhe "arional .\\\ociarion of Re,earch in Science Teelching C".\RST) in San I:ranci,co la't .\pril. a King\ S\ mpo,ium dre\\ in a ne\\' audience of .\ll1uican academic,. :'\lany \Iere ddighted to be able to take a\1 a\ the ~~ mpo,ium proceeding, on a di,k (:".laeinto,h (IIId IB\I!l. Ir mu,r be "lid that there .Ire ,0111e of our colleague, \1 ho fed th,1t marketing our,ehe, in thi, \Ia\ i, not ho\\ thing, ,hould he done hut the deci,ion ro mount a King', ,'erie, i, di,cu\\ed openl~ at STEl' n1<.:eting, and. ,0 far. there ha, been unanimou, ,upporr. ~eedle" ro ,a~. other in,tirution, ha\ e foll()\\ cd our e\ample and at Reading there \Ia, an 'In'titute of Education Serie . and onc from Brunei/Reading. The chelllenge i... nO\I on to come up \\'ith ,oll1ething ne\\ for the 19lJ7 :".lceting in Birmingham. .Iu,tin Dillon School of Education
7\ [EDLL T BibliogrJphic Daraba
J\ ailabk on-line from
1\.C \ID EDLI~I-:. J
d.ltaha'e from rhe "ational Libra!" of \lcdicllle in \\·a ... hington. i a major lirerarure re,ource in the fidd of biomedicine. Ir prm ide reference, to article, from 0\ er ,.700 inrernatlon,t1 journ,t1, of IIltcre t to the health profe\\ion. encol1lpa\\ing 'IHlll: ,e\en million record, ,ince it, inception in I <)()(l. The 1\ hole databa,e ha, been el\ailabk aCfO" the KCS\I D net\l'Ork ,ince .Iul~ IlJlJ5 and ha, been \Ielcomcd \1 irh enthu,ia'm b\ ... taff and ,rudenr, alike. The principal con,idereHion ,It KCS:".I D \\ a, that an ideal net\\ ork ...olution ... hould be ba,ed on clienr/,efl er architecrure \\ hich \Iould take the load off netl\ ork tra flic. It \\ a... imperati\e al,o that it ,upported DOS. \\'indOlI'> and .\pple \Llc.... '0 that dcpartment... could ca,il~ u,e their 01\ n equipment \1 ith little uphea\ al. Siherl'larrer·... ER!. (Electronic Rcference Librar~) option fulfilled the ...c criteria. facilitating communication u,ing TCI'/II' net\\ ork protocol,. and offering free multiple cliellt' and ERI, ,eflcr 'oftllare. The KCS:".ID ,~,tcm al,o utili,e... hard di,k ,rorage for ,ub,talltiall~ quicker proce\\ing pOll er. The d'It'1 i, loaded regularl~ from a month I, CD-RO:".I on[() a SunSP.\IH: ,en er currentl~
locan:d in rhe Computer Ccnrrc Jr KC \11). \r pn:...cnr. Jn~ KC'):".ll) or King\ Ilcalthcare talT or tudent \\ ith acce" to a PC connccted to the I nrcrner. ha thc opportunit~ [() regi,ter \\ ith the Librar~ to u,c thi ... ,en ice. The nece"a!" SI'I RS (Sih erPlarrer Information Rerrie\al) ...oftllare in all three configurarion, (I'CSpir.... \\'inSpir, and :".lacSpir... ) i, 'I\'ailabk for in,rallarion \ ia rhc \\"\\'W (from the KC :S:".II) Ilomepage ll\ing \:er,eape or \ lo,aie): ftp or nopp~ di~k. O\(:r 600 u,er, ha\e been i...... ued \1 ith u...ername ... 'Ind pa,\\lord, ro date. To back up rhe net\lork ,cn ice full rraining and refre ... her eour...e ... are rcgularh held a... part of a \1 ider informarion ... kill ... programme.. \ printed guide ro \IEI)L[:'-:E for \\"indOl\\ ha ,t1,o heen produced ,1\ the \\"inSpir 'ofn\ are.: ha ... undoubrcdl~ prO\ e.:d rhe 11l0,t popular. In a continuall~ de.:\eloping educarional el1\ ironme.:nr it i, importanr rhat rhe.: ,en ice ,hould adapr. and plan ... ro e'(tend the capacity of the ,en e.:r arc unde.:r\\'a~. Pka e dire.:er an~ querie, about the.: KCS:". I I) \ IE I) L1:\' E ... er\iee to (;:Ir: [Iorrock, (g.horroeks@kel.ac.uk). Gar~
Iforroek, KCS:--'fD Lihrary
Baker Tr:.1\ ellin~ I dl(m ship 1996-7
hi' Fc.:IlO\l'>hip \\a ... e'tabli,hed in 19K7 1)\ hi ... famil~ and frie.:mh in mem()f~ of Profc"or Petu Baker ScD. FRS. Ilallihurton Profe"or of Phy,iollJ!':~. Ikad of rhe 1kpartme.:nt of PhI ,iolog~ :Ind Fellcl\\ of King\ Collcge.: I,ondon. The FellOl\\hip \1 ill a"i,t a re.:,earch \1 (Hkcr or re.: ...eareh ... tudenr in the School of I, ife.:. Ba,ie \ 1ed ical e Ikalth Scicncc'. King· ... College. \1 ho i, under.1'::; at the.: time of holding the all ard. to ,pe.:nd a pcriod of up to three month ... in anothe.:r laborator~. prcfe.:rabl~ 0\ e.:r...ea.... The purpo,e of the Fcllml ,hip i, ro prOl ide an opportunit~ for the holder to learn a ne.:\1 me.:thod appropriate ro the.: dc\ elopmcnt of
hi,/he.:r re,e.:arch or ro apply ueh a method to that re'earch. The \ alue of rhc FellOl\\hip \\ ill not he l1lore than £ I.O()O. \1 hich ma~ be u...cd for tr<1\ el. li\ ing e\pen'e.:... and the eo... t of re ...e.:arch at the laboratory to be \·i ... itcd. ,\pplieatioll\ for tnl\el in ll)lJ6 ,hould be made b~ .11 :".Iarch 19lJ6 to Profc ......or P [\ :".Ic:'-:aughton. PIl\,iology Group. There i, no application form. but the.: application ,hould con,i ... t of the curriculum \ irac of the.: applicant and a letter ,tating hll\\ rhe applicant \\'ould u'>e the Fe.:IIO\\\hip to further her/hi, re,earch. I'rofe,~or P ;\Ie~aughron
... iology Group
Jnion ne\vs
hc rhrcc KCLSl' t)~lbb~l[iLlJ-.
\I heckh.lir, or
\I ho arc rhe ,wdcm mcmbcr,
rhc~ ma~
of Collegc Counci I - Rob
Ilall. Leigh TCff\ and ~ ick Lain!.(-
~lf(: p~lrriciparin!.( in
rhc 199h Flora London \ Llrarhon, ThcI hopc ro rai,c
a Im of moncl for rhc r\lo chariric, rhar rhi, \ear', Rag i, 'upporring: Whi//-
Kid/" \I hieh help, di,abled children [() e impn)\ cd mobili[\, inerea,ed indcpendenee and a grcarer qu:t1irl of lif<.: 11\ prm iding rhelll \I irh liglH\I eighl. PO\l cred :Ind ,porr, h~1\
mhcr Illobilirl ,lid
rcquirc .•uHI \\",I[cr \id, \I hich hi!.(hlie,lu, rhc pliglH of rhc r\lo
ch:lriric, ple:"c com~llT Rob Ilall, Prl:,idcm of KCI-Sl ,on ()171-~n(, 71 ;2 C\r 1_2("
billion pcoplc rlur do nm h:1\ c .1 rc.llh :lcce..,.., [() frc,h \I :I[Cr. K( :1.'>1 i,
fundin!.( dCI clopmcll[ in ,I I illagc in
Fcbru.lrl :lI1d I \Ltrch, Thc rc,ulr, \I ill
'\cpal and hopc' [() prm idl: ir \I irh all rhc nCCl:"""~lrl m~l[eri.t1, :lI1d knOll -ho\l [() cn,urc clean :Ind ,af<.: \I:I[l:r i,
clecrion, \I illlK hl:ld on
bc publi,hcd in rhe ne\r edirion of
~II ~Iilable to
ir... inh:i1liram" Thl:1 :lrl: hoping ro gcr ,polhorcd b~ (:olle,gc ,raIT: rOIll:lkc a donarion or
find our morc abour rhc raCl: or rhc
CD-RO 1 networking de elopment n rhe 199:'> Junc i..,..,uc of (:0//////1//1 I (.k,cribed rhc inaugurarion of an on-line ,efl ice prm iding aCCl:..,.., from rhe de..,krop ro bibliogr:lphic and rc,earch daraha,e, ,rorcd on CD-RO\I di,e" O\"cr rhc Ia,r ,i\ mOll[h..,. inirial rechnical problem, hal c been re,oh l:u. and rill: \l:fI iCl: i\ 1l()\I
[() ncr\l orkin/!:, Thc mO\r popular CD-RO\I d~Haba,c i, \IEDLI'\E \lhich comain, cirarion, and .Ib,rr:tn, [() biomcdic~t1 d~l[a .. \n accomp:lnl in!.( .IHick in rhi, i..,..,uc of (:oll/II/ml dc,cribe, rhc ,ucce..,..,ful implemcnurion of :ul()rher on-linc I cr,ion of \1 EDLI'\ E .H KCS\ 1D, Thl: compurer,~,rcm pn)\ iuing rhc K( :S\ID 'Cfl icc i, morc
P:'1ll:r I cr,ion. prm idc' dcraikd performancc dara for rhc I ariml' clecuonic dCI ice" Thi, CD-RO\I di,t: 11:1' rcquc,rcd b~ rhc Dcp:lf[mcm of \kch.Hronic, for U'C in borh rc:tchin/!: .lI1d rc,carch, Ir \I ill al,o. of cour..,c, bc .1 u,cful rt:fercncc I<lr orher ,cicncc and
dt:cidcd [() tl1~lke \II·:DLI'E :I\ailable on rhe CD-RO\I ,Cflcr unril rhc
cnginccrin/!: dcp'lrrmcnr" \lulrill1cdia CD-RO\I di,c" com~lining im~lgc,. ,ollnd :lnd I idco .i' IIcll ,I, rC\flI~t1 and gr'lphical dar~l. offer con,idcrahl<.: porcnrial for relching and rc,c:lrch. l nfof(un:lrcl\. rhc COmpll[Cr communic:nion, infra,wcrurc \I irhin rhc Collegc i, nor \cr ,lIir:lhlc for
KCS\ ID 'Cri icc \I~" gcnerall~ at:cc"ibk rhroughour rhc (:ollegc -
mlllri-l"cr accc"'" [() I1llllrimt:dia inl<lI"111arion, Ilo\ll:lcr. during la,r
rhe '>erl'icc will conrinuc ro bc dCI eloped by \ lark Src\l arc of rhc Compuring Cenrre. \I ho \I ill al,o prol ide d:I\-[()-da~ rechnical backup. .\\ menrionl:d in m\ prcI iou, arricle. a \\'indoll''> PC a[[achcd ro rill: College',> crhefl1l:r nl:r\l ork i, requircd
hopcfulh \I irhin rht: nc\r fe\l monrh" Sincc bmh Icr,ion, of \II~DLI,E arc
'>lImmcr. rhc Compuring Ccmrc in,rallcd in mo,r of ir, public rcrmin:t1
from rhc ,al11C compan~. rhc ,earch ,ofr\l arc i, idcmictl on borh 'y,rt:m, ,0
roOI1l'> PC, :lnd \Iac\ \I irh a[[achcd
in ordcr [() ,earch rhc CD-RO\I
111~ln~ CD-RO\I darab~"c, and .lpplicHioll" \I hich h:1I c nor bccn porrcd ro rhc r~pe of,~,rcm 't:r up.1[ KCS\ 1D, 1r could rhcrcrorc bc ,ome
reliahle and ,rable, Ir i\ rhercrorc appropriare rhar re,pon,ibili[\ for rhi, on-line informarion ,efl icc ,hould p:", from rhe ISS projecr group chargcd \I irh ir\ impkmemarion [() rhc I.ilmlr\, Comequenrly. from 1
Si Illon
Jaehon. ofrhe Librar~. \I ill Ill: raking ol'er ip, m~lnagcmen[..\ number of pl~lnned rcehnical cnhancen1Cm, [()
daraba,c\, La,r Junc. ~Il'CC'" \I a, onl~ po",ibk from rhe Srrand Glmpu, \I hcrc rhe CD-RO\I 'Cfl cr i, locHcd, Succc",ful ne[\\ ork dt;1 clopmcm, \iIKC rhen nO\l allo\l accc..,.., from an~ Collegc ,irl:. and \le currcnrll hal c ,>raITba'l:d ar Kemington. \Ltnre,a Road anu Druf\ Lanc a, \I cll a, rhc Srrand u,ing rhe ~efl icc from rhcir office PC" 1n addirion. ,wucm, hal c acce..,.., I ia public rl:rminal ro(lIn, ar rhc Srrand. Kcmingron and Chd,ea, Thi, i, in marked eonrra,r to rhe fe\l ,randalonl: PC, \I irh CD-RO\I drin:, \I hich \lerc alailabk ro ,wdenr, prior
1'.1 'L' If)
pO\lt:rful rhan rhar u,cd lO ,cr up rhc (:I)-RO\I ,cflt:r ar rhc Srr~lnd. and prm ide, fa,rcr ,carch rinK', Ir \I'a,
rhar no rcuaining \lill bc rcquircd \I hcn changing 0\ t:r. l'nlike \ IE DI.I ~ I,:. rhcrc arc ,>rill
hi.gh pcrformancc CD-RO\I urilt:" Thc,t: can hc ll,cd I er~ cfTccril cl~ 11 irh l1lultimcdia CD-RO\I di,c" Sincc rc,pon,ibilri~ for rhc CDRO\ 1 't:fI icc ha, nOli pa",cd ro Simon J,lck,on. :ln~ cnquiric, rC/!::lrdin/!: ir, opcrarion ,hould bc addrt:..,..,t:d [()
rimc bcforc ir \I ill bc po..,..,ibk to rt:pl~lct: rht: CD-RO\I ,crI cr ,Ir rht:
Simon ar rhc cm~lil addrc.,.." S,.I:1ck,on akcl.ac.uk, 110\1t:1<.:f. I am morc rh:ln happI [() an,\I er :ln~ gencr~i1
Srrand \I irh a morc pOllerful ~,rcm ,imiLlr [() rh.H ar K( :S\ 11), ,\ nm cl CD-RO\ I applicarion ha,
cnqlliric\ concerning rhc rcchnical dt:1 c1opl1lcm of rhi, projccr. 'Ind IOU m~l~ conracr mc ar J. FCI1(\le\ akcl.ac,uk,
rcccnrl~ bcen moumcd on rhc CD-
RO\I 'CrlCr. Thi, i, an on-linc Icr,ion of rhc Rad io Spare, car~tIoguc \I h ich de'>cribc, a \I idc rangc of clecrronit: componcnr,. Thc CD-RO\I cl[~tIogut: di,pl~I~'
bmh rc\wallk,criprion, a, \ldl circuir diagr:tm, and, unlikc rhc
.lack Fcnd ICI Scnior Anal~ ,r COl1lputing Ccmrc
areer Ser Ice
he .\nnual Reporr of King', (:ollege (:.Irecr, Scn ice for rhc aGldcmic ~ car
Law Fair 1996
nnual Report gr'lulI;He" 1I hereahour, on -' I Ikcemhcr 19l)~ hcm cd rhat unemplm menr h3d dropped, \I irh the
11.1' puhli,IH.:d in Deccmher IlJlJ.'i. The
number, cnrering emplO\ menr
folloll ing i, " ,umn1:lr~ of rhe m'lin poinr'>. If~ou lIould likc;1 cop~ of rhe filii reporr. plea'>c conracr rhe Carecr, Scn ice ar rhe Srrand (n.r 2(, J(,. e-m;lil
inere'l,ing and more rh.ln rhe n.nion;t1 ,11 er;lge eonrinuing II irh po,rgrJduate ,[LId\ .
Clrecr, akcl.ac.ukl. The fir,r full ;Ieadcmic \ear in nell high-profile premi,e, ne;lr to rhe (;rear 11:111, Srr;lnd C;lmpu, ,all
Career, Sen ice. frcqucnrl~ 11 irh rhe intenrion of 'rargering' rhe ,rudent, of
iIHen,e "':lge. for e\;lmple ;1 60 per cenr inerca'>e in attendancc :lr C;lreer, ralk,.. \ full programme of Cl enr, 11;1'> or,gani,ed, including ,eminar,. aprirude rc,r" rhe ·milkround'. " Glreer, informarion Ltir and a Iall fair. .\ mm e ro more inirial ,horr di,cu",ion, ('quick querie,') led ro almo'>r a rhree-fold inerea,e in n.:corded inren iell' 11 irh Clrcer, ach i,cr,. Informarion room, ar Srrand ;lI1d Ken,ingron arc arran,gcd 11 irh an empha,i, on ,c1f-hclp \I herel cr
\Li1l\ cmplO\er, I i,ired rhe
thi'> College .. \nother imporwnr ,Ollrce of cOIHacr, in rhc 11 orld of I1 ork i, rhc del c10pmenr of' Kin g\ Con necrion,', an ,t1umni darab;l,e for ,rudenr, iJl\ c,tig;nin,g career,. II"hieh ""1'> funded h\ rhe King', College London .\nnu,t1 hind. \\'c hal c m:ldc ir a priorin to kecp in rouch II irh nell del elopmenr, of rhe u,e of information reehnolog\ in C;lreer, \I ork. ,uch a, on-line I :lGlnC\ d:lrah:l'e'. De'>pire rhe inere;l'>e in ,rudenr
po"ihle. Thc Srrand officc 1\;1, I i,ired b\ :In ;11 erage of 1000 ,rlluenr, ,Ind
numher'>. the IHO'pcct' for 1946 gr'ldu:lre'> ,eem hetter rhan ItH rho'>e in prel iou, "clr'>. Ilml e\ er, gerring 3 joh i, hard Ilork :lnd ,rlldenr, nced to he
gradu,lrc, per Ileek during re:lching period, and .'i.')0 ar orher rinK,. \'ia rhe
Ilell prep'lred to compere in rhe job 1ll3rker.
Carcer'> EduGl[ion Progr:lmme (CEI'). fundcd b~ rhe Deparrmenr of Emplo~ mcIH, GlrCCr, educarion 11;1' iIHrodllccd in lil c dcparrmeIH, ar Kin,g\. In 1l;ll).,)-6 ir h;1'> bccn c.\rcndcd
onrh, of prepararion b~ Career' Sen ice ,wiT clllminated in ,i"\ hour, of
Ill:crie :lctil ir\ ,pi ir m er [\1 0 d'I~' ar rhe King'" (:oll<.:l!;e I.all Fair on 29 :lnd ,)0 .Ianll:lr\. Thc 2.') '>rand, in rhc C;re:lr Ilall II ere lilleu on both cla~, b~ pre,rigiou, ,01 iciror,' firm,. prm ider, of Iq!;al rr'lining. rqHe,enr;nilc'> from rhe General (:ouncil of the Bar :lnd orher leg:ll org:lni'>arion,. The,e I1 ere joincd h~ emplO\er, from our,ide rhe legal profe",ion keen to rceruir 1.;1\1 ,tlIdenr,. .\trcndancc on bmh d3\', Ila, ,lppro"\illl'ltcl~ 6.'iO
,tudenr, 11 hich " ,Iighrh dcm non L"r ~ear', figure. Ilcm Cl er, all of rhc cxhihitor, '>eemed conrenr II irh rhe numher of enquirie, anu onc noted rh:lt ''>rudenr, II crc much morc focu'>cd rhi'> ~e:lr·. ,\, a nCII" iniriatil'e rhi, \e,lr rhe C:lrecr, Sen ice org;lI1i,ed ,emin3r' on la II relared ropic'> [() coincide I1 irh rhe Fair. The majorir~ of ,oliciror'> 3trending rhe Fair werc large comI1H;rei;t1 lirm,. In order to rcdre'>\ rhl.: balancl.:. the ,eminar on rhe .)() \la, cnritled 'Training Contract' our'>idc rhe Big Cir\ Firm,' II irh ,>peakcr, from Kenr Counr~ Council. rhe Croll n Pro,ccurion Sen'iee and a Lcgal .\id Practice. The fcedbaek on rhis ,cminar
Sue Dirmiki, Scnior C:lrcer, ,\dl'i,er
recm er\ in rhe graduare job marker. The ,>n3lhhor ,un e\ of Il)l)~
wa, I er\' pmltll e. On rhe da\ afrer rhe F:lir Rob Ilalron from Edgc & Elli~on informed and enrcrrained a I'er~ largc ,ludicl1ce II ith a ,eminar on 'Apph ing for
\Yin £2,000 for science \\ ritin~
Training Contract". Ir ,eem, appropriare ro leal e thc
to a f,urrher ,>el cn cleparrmenr,. 'I 'here II ere rcnraril c ,ign, of
he fourrh Seicnee in Prinr ,clcnce II flung comperltlon ha, been launched by rhc In,rirure of PIl\",ic,> and rhe :"arional
Ph~ ,ical Laboraror~. Thi,
narional compcririon encouragc, ,eienri,r, ro communicare ro rhc general pllhlic rhe imporrance and c"\circmcnr of ph~ ,ie, and ro highlighr rhe rclclanee anu impacr of ph",ic' in Cl er\cla~ lif..:. Di'>eu",ion'> of rhe culrur;i1 ,Ind
,rudcnr, of 311 :lgc'> \1 ho :Ire nor profc"'ion:ll journ;t1i,r, or ,cicncc \I
riter,. The ror:ll pri/c
!i2.0()O II ill hc :lllardcu ro onc or more
of rhe entr:lnr,. \\"inncr' :11,0 hal e rhe opporrunir\ to 'cc rheir arricle.:, in prinr. Further informarion on rhe '.:PL \\'orld \\'ide \\'ch Ilome P'lge at:
educarional ;I,pecr, of rhc '>uhjecr arc al,o \I e!comc. Thc eomperirion i'> open to
hrtp://II II II .npl.co.uk/npl/,ip%.hrml Enquirie'> and cnrrie, ,houlu be '>enr ro Sue O,horne, N:ltion:lll'h\"sieal I,:lhor:lror\, Qlleen, «o;ld, Teddingron. \Iiddle,c"\ '1'\\'11 01,\\'.
'>cienri,r" ,cienee re~leher, and 'cicnce
The c1o,ing u:lre i, Frida\ -' \Ia\' 1996.
final Ilord ro t\\O of the King\ Ltll '>tlIuenr, II ho attendcd rhe F'lir: 'Cood [() h3\ c King', grauu;lte,> on rhe ,ranch (rho,e II ho did) - the\" II ere hclpful and ga\ e good illu'irrarion, of rhc pattern, of e;lreer'i, oprion,. ere'; ./ r gal e Ille lot, ro chell 0\ er and helped pu,>h me in rhe right direerion·. l)al id \\"ilHer Carecr, .\ch-i,cr
Far-free far Tom SJnUch. I'rofc~~or of "lI{ri[ion .'~ Dic[c[ic appcan:u on 1'1''\ nc\\ '>. [hc \\'orld <';cn iec anu in 'Ill 'H[ide in [he f)ailr .Ilail concernin~ OIe,>[rJ - a nc\\ fJ[ '>ub,>[iw[c \\ hich hJ JU'[ becn gi\cn apprm JI for foou u'>c in [hc l ....... I[ ha,> [he [c'\wrc. tlJ\OlIr Jnu ph,,>icJI appcarJnce of o[her fJ['> bu[ CJnn()[ bc uigc'>[(:u b~ [he bod~ and '>upplie'> no caloric'>. \\'hik [hi,> product: migh[ Jppcar [() be a ,>Iimmcr\ dreJm. he c'\pre eu conn:rn :Ihou[ [he effect: on [he Jb,orb[ion of fa[ ,>oluble \ i[Jmin'>. I[ abo ha, [he unde,irablc effect: of analleakagc' He \\J' aI.,o c,\[cn,i\ c1~ qu()[cd in na[ional and regional nc\\ ~p,lpcr, abou[ repon,> from 'I\:nerife [hac [hc bo'\er~, Frank Bruno anu \,'igcl Bcnn. \\ere raking up [() ISO \ iramin pill, a da\. He poinrcd OlJ( [har rhc ingc'>rion of \ i[amin, on [hi, ,cak coulu cau,c problem, and could inuea,c rhc ri,k of hacmorrh:Ige'>.
In the news
La\\ di..,cu..,..,ion.., \lcmber, of rhc School of I.a\\ h,,, c appcared on Radio -1\ 1,11<'" ill .II/ioll n:ccnrly.. \dam '!'omkin" Lccwrcr in La\\, spoke abour [hc changing role of juu,gc,. lan Kcnl1l:u~, I lead of School and Profe'>'>or of \kdicall.a\\ anu Erhics. di'>cu'>'>cd rhc la\\ in rclarion [() rncarch on human,. llc al,>o appcarcd on .\'rfJ,路slIip:!t/ ralking abour clccri\"C \ cnriIarion.
. 'uclear dererrent .\n ar[iclc in rhc SIIIIr!llr '1i-!,'!!.mpfl c'\amincu rhc changing role of Britain\ nuclear ucrcrrcnL Tradirionall~ aimed ar rhe Sen icr l' nion, ir i, no\\ de,igncd. if nece,,>a~. [() dncr Third \\'orld 'awmic blacklllail'. \Iichacl Clarke, Profc,.,or of Dcfence Swuic,. confirmcu [hi,> a' ing '1'lanncr' talk a lirrle abour rc'>urgenr Ru,>,>ia bur Illo,>rly abour roguc Third \\'orlu ,[a[c,>,
Direct-grant ..,chool.., .\n aniclc in rhe (,'lIarrlillll quc,rioning \\'herhcr rhe direcr-granr ,chemc ,>hould hc rcinrroduccd [() bridgc rhc gap bcrwccn public anu pri\arc .,chools, quO[C~ Srcphcn Ball, I'rofc~sor of I':ducarion. lie argucs agail1'>r rhc rcwrn of rhc dirL:ct:-granr ,>chool bL:liL:\'ing ir \\ould bL: a hack\\ard ,>[L:p. lie poinr,> [() rhL: dramaric ri,c in
CC. E rL:sldr anu rhc ,>ra\ -on ra[c in [hc ~i'\rh form ,>incL: rilL: :IU\ enr of comprcll<:n'>l\c'>. I le argUL: rhar rhe conrinuing c'\i,>rcncL: of rhc pm arc '>L:c[{)r ha, Jri~L:n from 'rhc failurL: of JII gm L:rnmcnr, [() ha\ c J ,>inglc Jnu IIlclu'>t\ e educJrlon '>~ ,rL:m.路
Denri [ for children Chilurcn'" lknral carc of \\ as [he '>ubjL:c[ of J fL:Jwrc in Parm/m,lgJ/ine \\ hieh . rank~ Gclhcr. I'rofe,.,or of Denral Public Ilcalrh. conuibured. I k de,>uibed rhL: ,>iwJ[ion \\ herL: ,omc chiluren can'r tind a uenri,r Jnu end up ha\ ing [(;L:[h e,\uacH:d a[ a lknral hospi[al. lie n()[cd rllJ[ in some pJns of I,ondon on" one in dHeL: children i, ac[Uall~ n:gi,rL:reu \\ i[h a denrisr ,lnd i, making propo,>als [() I,ondon Ilcalrh ,\urhori[ic, for imprm cmenr, in oral heal[h.
Iron c.kticienC\ \lichaL:I :'\el,on, Scnior Lecwrer in [he Ikparrmellt of '\ uuirion e Dicreric,. JppL:Jreu on BBC 2\ FrJor! 11IIr! f)rill/: programmc [Jlking ahour uicr and pm en" ,a\ ing [hac familie,> arL: unlikcl~ w hc abk [() afforu a hcal[h~ UiCL I1 i, re'L:arch on [ecnage girl,> and anaL:mia \\ hich ,ho\\, [hJr onc in ,i'\ is ,uffering from lack of iron \\a,> rcpo[[cd in [he f)aifr ,I/ail and he \\a, inrcnic\\L:u on \'i"t! radio. lie called for funhL:r rL:'>carch becau'L: of C\ iUL:ncc rhar iron dcficienC\ could rL:,ulr in lo\\er IQ~,
lore marhemarical problem.., .\n aniciL: in Till 'f'iIlIl'S rcponed [har, according [() a ne\\ re,earch. Bri[i,h primar~ ,chool childrL:n arL: up [() [\\0 'L:,U, behinu [hL:ir conrinclHal eoulHerparr, in marhemaric" In n;'>pon,e. \Iargarer Bro\\ n, Ileau of rhc School of Educa[ion, ,aiu [har Brirain', ilHcrtlarional ,randing \\a., ofrcn undere,rillla[eu. bur rherc \\ ere clear arL:a'> of \\ caknL:,>,>. e'pccially III arirhmc[ic,
Bioma..,,, beaut\ J)a\ id I'all, I'rofe'>'>or of Biology, \\ ro[C an ar[icle clHiriL:d Thc Ucaur~ of Bioma,>,> for .\'riJ!'SfJ!'n.J; maguinL:.
1""1\ our of the month
Senior Ll:cturer in rhe Deparrlllent of
.\ culwral anah\i\ ofchildn:n'\ w~\
(;eneral I'racticc. and clinical nur\c
p'>\ chological factor'> are \ er\
and cr~lIC\ - from rhc hub hoop w
re,carch fell()\\. Robert Crouch,
PO\l cr rangcr\ -
for obe,ir\ arc comple,. and
underraken on
Radio -f\ T!1fI/'., Ili.l'/(Jly. TOIl\ Thornc,
Thc brother.. . \1.lX\\ cl I
.\gcl . . m
Dirccwr of rhc Engli\h Langua~l:
Da\ id I Ll\ wn. I'rofe,\or of Lall. \\ a\
The ne\\ bill on age di,criminarion
Tl:aching (:cmre, rook part. di\clI\\ing
inrcn ie\\ed on f,Olldoll
rhl: ignificancl: of \uch f'lth and
thl: implication of the acquittal of the
m;lke\ onc \uccl:\\ful ;lIld anmhl:r 11Ot.
\LI'\\\ell brothcr\ for rhe Scriou\ Fraud
lie al\o appearcd on 'l'h. 1/t1'l'l/f)OIl Shift 1'0110\1 ing rhl: ;\nglican (:hurch '\
Office and for thc jlir'
the \ Ia nagt:mt:nt Centre, on ,\'r-,,:路miKht.
\rem in
The que\tion of \I h~ t:hildrcn find
announccmclH on rhe rerhinking of
cum pie" fraud CI\e'. lie \\ ,]\ al,o quotcd in rhe I)flil)' . IIf/if on the ,ame
llel!. lie ralked abour rhe lingui\ric
rhar guidc\ u\cr\ rh rough Oll[-of-hour\ rclephonc con,ulr;lrion\, frceing CI'\ from
call-l)ll[\ lu\ been
launched. 1'1111'1 and (,'uliml Pnli/i/ifl/liI
I'roft:\\or of Science Educarion. \1'1'> hcn, ar a '>cl11inar, ,he urged
rhink ahour \\'hat ,hould hc raught. Shc
Ir could bc u\ed in dru,!!; form to cOIHrol
drt:\1 on rherect:nr" publi\hed finding\
()\ crc;l[ing and help in \\ eighr lu". Dr
ofrhe Children'\ Lcarning in Sci<:ncc
TOIl\' Lced\. Lecwrcr in
~ urririon
Re'>earch Croup.
Dieteric\, poilHed Oil[ thar \\ hill' ir \\ ill
dc\ clopmelH
hich ha, rakcn rhrcc
rhe \cience educarion cOl1ll11unir\ [()
naturalh in rhe bod\, CLI'1. rhc \ubjcct of an ;micle in rhe /)f/ill' .I!"il.
h<:lp \Ollle pcople orher\ \\ ill cUIHinue
\I ;1\
w cat e\ en 'lfter heing gi\ cn drug\ w
of re\carch b\ Dr jerelll\ Dale.
and hard [() under'>rand
,\n apperirc \uppre"anr found
Illaga/inc\ n:poncd on rhi\ ~ear\
in an article in rhe
I kalth\ appetite.. .
'It:kphone con . . ulration . . .\ nC\l (II'-dc\ignl:d compmcr
I路:dl/f,f/iollfll SII/J/Jlrll/f'I//, R(h I)ri\ cr.
importancc of rhe conCl:pr of llell and 110\1 ir i\ u\ed a\ a mcraphor.
di,cu"cd b\ \ 1r Cliff 0'>\\ ick. I lead of
help '>upprc'>\ ;Ippcrirc. 'The rea\O!1\
Obituary \liron Gril1lka 1909-199:;
\uurce\ of informarion, and
ofrhe archi\e b\ l1laking a gcnerou\
general" held capri\ c, ar oncc
iron Grindca, \I 110 \la\ born in Rom;]ni;l, began ediring
c'\;"perarcd and charmed, b~ thc cnrhu,i;l\m of thi\ mo'>t quirk\' of
;lI1nu,li" to ;l\\ard a '>uh,ranrial pri/.e to
. If). \.11 a\ a mll\ic niric in
cdiror, .
mu'>ic ,rudenr,.
Buchan.:\t. lie and hi\
Kinl'(\ \\ hich enClble, u'>
,rudenr of literature and [\10 pri/c\ [()
Thc dcci,ion [() purclHlsc thc
ife. ClroLI.
a \1 hol" original. \1
College an allla/ingh hererogcneou\
unpredicrabk mCln. dt:dicClred w humani,r \'alue, rhat arc ofren
rhe odtb. \IC 11l:gan again. and kq)[
a\\onmcm of book\. paper\. It:ncr\ ;lnd dra\l ing, \\ hich ha\ hccn added to
childhood \\a, 'penr in a police ,wre
hi\ maga/ine goin,g for more rhan tifr\
found rhem,e"'e, in Fr'lncc \I hen \lar broke our in ItJ.N and cro\\ed rhe Channel w I路:ngland. llere. again\r all
~ear\ \I
hile other grander publicario!l\
foundcrcd all around him. Ili\ link\ \lirh King\ bcgan in an indirccr \la\ durin~ rhc
hen he \lorked
Illagal.inc\ archi\ c brou.ghr to rhe
cr rhe ~ ear\ and C\I)Cciall~ ,incc \IC'\ tkath b\r ~()\ ember. \'ane\,a
D'l\ ie'> ha'> been \oning and caraloguing rhc archi\c \incc rhc fir\r ho,e'> arri\ cd ar King'\ and ha, al,o
unt'a hionable nO\\. Ili,
\1 here hc '>ufkred
rhe indignirie,
inflicred on .le\I路~ Lw thc authoritie'> and h~
neighbour,>. bur hc \\a, undererred.
then and
Iw rhe increa\ing
barb'lri'>l1l of rhe \\orld arounu him. lie hau ,ol1lerhing ro ,>ay and per\i,>rcd in
Dcni\ Saurar at rhe In\rirur Franl,'ai\ in
produced rhe fir\r inde'\
herc Saurar. Profc\\or of
Illaga/ine .. \11 rhi\ form\ a \aluable
French ar King'" \la\ Dirccwr. The
re,earch wol rhar ha\ ,t1re;lth been
rcadcr'> nUIl\ European and South
made a\aibble w \eholar\ inrcre,red in
.\m<.:rican \\ riter~ \\
\'ariOLI\ 20rh CeIHUr\ aurhor\ and
largely unkno\\ n in rhis counrry and
irh rhe Frcnch
IkparrllleIH \la\ maimained crrarical'"
n:.~;lrdt:d a,
ing it. bringing to the norit:c of hi\
bur renacioll\l~ to rhe cnd of hi\ life.
topic'>.. \ \uece\\ion of di\rin!!;ui\hed
\1 ho
and '>ucce"i\ e I'rofe\\or\ of Fn.:nch (John Cocking, I'hilip Ou\wn and
\pcakcr, h'l\ cOllle to King\ w ,gi\'C rhe
dcfend. \\'e hope
annual ,\Di\\1 Lecture. all of rh cm
rhe ,eminal articles and t:ditorial'> from
Ill\\clf') contribured [() rhc column\ of
kno\\ n for rhcir bn:adrh of
hi, magal.ine. bur there \\ ill nor he
.\ /), \.1/. pn)\'idcd bibliographical and
untler\randing and their firmh-held
'Innrher :-'1(; nor another rI I). Ll/.
hi,rorictl note" put
in touch
orher pro\llCcti\ e contrihlltor, 'Ind
the \ alues he tried to to
reprinr ~ol1le of
hcl ief in rhc \'al ue of rhe arts and hUlllanirie\.
Char;]crcri\rieall~ \IG
rc,>ponded to rhe Collegc\ acqui\irion
I'roft.:"or :"orl1la Rimier
Re earch grant for the quarter ended 31 October 1996
he gram, h,ted hdlJ\\ lIere reeei, cd In the ljLurrer ended .;1 Ouoher 199'). Ikt,uh ,1ft:
not J!:I\ t:n or J!:r'lm, Ulllkr
nor or
hieh ,Irt: conlidt:mi,t1. hut tht:
a1l10UIH, art: 111Cludnl in tht: t()(,t1 for tht: dcp,lrrlllcm or unit.
\\ar C,cudie (\I1cluue,> Centre for Dt.:fenu: Scuule ) • I'rok",or \ I C.Iarl,e (c ,I )<., l. I'rore or
• Prof..:",or R " I'ook, ,£ 16--L I3r, (B H RC,) tl) 'lIpPO([ ,I 1''': Glrch projelt
I. Freedm,ln. 7.').O,;() I',eu (I-,urope:ln C,ollllllllnit~ (I'll \RI" I kIllOUJl'\
fl"rlfl/ILt "Ins" tlllt!lIf/{'fJ'.!.f 11 ff)l/I!)f)(IIIt/,
I'rogralllllle)) to ,upporr a re'c.lreh
Total grants: £975,498 6,000 Ecu
projecr emitkd '\/flt/i/I llllrl rlm/fif 1It,,;11 /hl III
')chool of Education • \11',.1 .I0Ile'. HA,'I Ecu (I':uropt:an C:olllll1i",ion) I.in!.!;ua projccr:
0\\ Illoron. • \ I1', S Rou\(;, ·B~. J H.') I':cu (1':uropt:'ln Trainin!.!; Foundation (TE\II'I'" I'll \I~E)) [() ,upporr a rc,earch projt:u
1',lImj!f I1
Total grants: £52,260 75,030 Ecu Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Humanities) £362,624 Total number of awards in the
quarter 20
'£I('~ ..',,)()
project elHirled .111
;IICf'SIZ~ttl;f)// ;lIlfJ till'
• Ill' I, 'I' O'lh tilt:, 1)1' S R \lillig:ln Croup). Ill' C \\' C:oen, (\IHC) to 'UpPO[( a r":'t:'lrch
project ..:ntitl<.:d 1-,1IL';mlll//ml((/ fj(','II'fJ,'.!.f'/l( flllt!lhf' fl'llllttl /JII/({ W'II/,ltllol'
School of La\\
• 1)1' \1 \Ia!.!;uirc. \1, CL .lone" .1:2.').200 ( I·:S RC:) (() 'u pporr a re,e:lrch
Bio)//r'dim/ Sri{')/ff:'s Di6l'io)/ .\natom. I Iuman Bi()log~ Group (include., Developmental Bi()lo~~ Re'>earch Centre)
cm i t kd 11I/f'I'-IIII;Cl'I)';/I' /fm'Z!!/1 /tlll!!/lt~I!/' Il?t;II;lIg /II'!"""I'I.-
clltitlcd rh, l/tlL'!lflfl//fldfJ/11II f/I,IIP) fll l(f!ll/lIhlfllfi/; flllt!l/.( I'U/I 1IIIi'(Pf)l/SI,' If}
mlllm//;II'.!. n pmt!lIfl;r))l: 11 IIfJL,d flj!pmm h
Centre of \leuical Ethic'>
'!f/ fl fl1/If/lIIS(11f
• Ih L C \I:1h:ldt:un (DHHCl. ,£ J.)6,20~ (ilH~R<:) to ,upport a
st/lfJfJ/ l'\/)( liUlt/' fJ/f'tllII;f' //I;/IIuilr slllrlml
• Prok",or \ (;ruhh,
Thallle, RegllHlal 1kalth \Ilthorit\) (()
r":'t:'lrch proj":l t entitkd Fhr mlr fJ/
'lIpport a re,earch projt:lt emitkd
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Education) £392,760 Total number of awards in the quarter 4
School of IIumanitie'>
~IO·L')r,2 (~outh
;11 ;I////If't!;tllf'-mdr gmf
f'i.'ttllltl'!f' //If)rlr/( fJ/ tl!l;fS mifllll;//,.,-
tlj!j!mutl fJ///III//;-flN/1t n'smnh j!1'fJ!(,(!.I'
;Ut!lff l;fJlI
Total grants: £104,562
• Dr S L Dick'on. £.') 1.229 (\ II~(;) to ,upport a rc,c:ltch project entitled
,"mm/ IIIf'fhflll;S//IS
Total grants: £7,000
o/gm<."lh !lfin/IOllf'S
n:~II/tl'!;lIg /!l1' ,((,(II'I;f/1I
Total grants: £351,789
Engli'>h • I'rofc"orJ ,\ Roherr,. £ I ~(). 102 (Hriti,h .\cadelll\') [() ,upport a rc,e:lrch projt:ct t:mitkd ,1I;rlrI/f' FlIg/;sh ""fJld ,,'llIrI;f'S
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Law) £111,562 Total number of awards in the quarter 5
Total grants: £146,472
• 1)1' \1 Ining, £1(,.').,)1.') (J\lR<:) to 'lIpport
rC'''::lrch proj..:u emitled Fhf
//IfJ!f'm/tll'lImhtlll;SI// of/t))ll' gUIf'It/I;fJlI ;11
School of Life, Basic \lcuical Health Sciences
Total grants: £536
Lift Sr'ifl/rf.1 Di['isioll
.\lolecular Biology Biophy.. ics Group
III1ISflr: 11I11I-n'.w!L-a/ ,-my t!;j7tm /;011
• I'roft:",or H \1 "illllllon,. 1)1' (; I·: Jont:'. 97Jl22 I,:cu (,': lItopean COlllllli",ion (11<:\1 I'rogralllllld) to
• Ill' 11 1):1\ ie,. ,£ 117.309 (\ IRC) to
• I'rofe"'or C Ilalllnerr, ~3.').r) I 0 [() ,upport 'I re,earch projecr
,upporr a r..:,earch proj..:cr emitled .llItI/rs;s fJ('r /r//lj!hfJfT/f /{'.(/WII,(f'S t!ll/illg
,lllflflr /lilt! ((// I//f//;/;/r:jil/lt!rllllf II'Ittl
rc,..:arch project entitled
IIlI'f hrlll ;..-//1.1'
• I'roft:"'or R \1 Sillllllon" 1)1' 1),\ ,£ Ill. 77 2 (\\'..:lIcollle Tnl,n to
elltitlcd SfJf ;tI/ thtlllgf tlllrl .l'f)t;tI/ ;11 I,ollrlf)/!
rL'fJ/II/;fJlI ,,(n)"...;m/ ;1I/mf'j!;lhd;ttl
Total grants: £36,979
• I'rofe"'or R " Pool<.:, ,£ 1X2,f, 7(, (HHSRC) to 'lIpPO[( a r,,:,clrch projt:u
s/Ofhf/.l/;t II/fltif'! It)('/hl' J!I'IIl'm/;fJlI fJ/{t))n
Humanities Research Centre Total grants: £64,069
~lu~ic Total grants: £558
t:ntitled Reglllal;fJlI fi/n",p;m/f))1'
t)lIt! rli'jJ/(/(f'lI/f'lIl /11' ;W/tll{'rI UlIlsdl' U/f)lol'
//Ieltt!/()/;s//I ;lIlhl'jin'-/iL'illg 1I;lm!!J'/I~/;';II!!.
//(If'/I'I';If//l rl::;f)/fi//(/r/{'I' C'illf'!tl/lrl;;
• 1)1' \ 1 Pcckh:llll, ,£').000 (Ro~ al Soci..:t\) 'lIppl<.:lllt:nt to 1)1' I't:ckhalll',
• I'rofc"'or I) 0 Ilall. 6.000 I-:cu (I:'\T.\Sl
,upport:l r..:,earch proj..:ct
Total grants: £250
fellow,hip to cm er the co,t of re'C:lrch
pmt!II'-/;fill ;11 p!lf)/O/l;f))"tl'-/Ol:-'
c\pen't:" Total grants: £286,087
;lIml!)oltll;lIg pho'!f/sl'lI/hd;r IIllflll-
97,622 Ecu
..:ntitl<.:d I1;OltlhIfO/f~f!;,l' o/hyt!mgm tlll'l,y""'1'
Theologyet'Religious Scudies
'lIpport a rc,..:arch project t:ntitled ' \
Pharmacology Grour J)r \1 J Curti\. £:,)·Li 11 (Rriti\h
Foundation) [() \upport a rc\can:h \wdcll[\hip emided Plflftlll fI(fi':flfillg f11(1f1r (P.I F), plflfdl'!.' ({lid II/YflmIYlifll
• Profc\.,or C \Iarri()[[. £2-1-,73' (C \\' \Iaplcthorpe P()',tdoctoral Fello\\'<,hip\
• I)r L ~icho"'on, I)r J Sali\hur\, £12,09.') (Kin/-(', \kdie:ll Re\l:arh
Tnt\t) to \uppon a rc,carch
of London» Supplement
\uppon Po,tdoc[()ral Fdlo\\ hip~ in
\wdCnt\hip entitled .ISfllrl)' of
i..-dwfll/ill: mlt f~f illdf/!l'IIdmf '1."U:ws
the [)cpartmcnr of Pharmac~
1I/l'l1t(llliSIIIS o/mrrillogml'si.lllsillg 11 srid
plllfl'ltf·d(/!mdmf IIf'fiollS flf p, I F fll di,-if
Total grants: £101,082
'-01"01111/)' '1.'IIJmlllr f()'S[t1/1f fioll
Total grants: £226,637
Phy.,iology Grour (include~ Yascular Biolog) Rc.,carch Cenuc) • I)r (; E ~Iann (\'BRC). £30,-+-1--1(Briti~h
Ilcart FOllndmion) [() ~upport a
fll/1I0l/r II/orld
Total grants: £12,095
mrdifl'- II/Thyfhll/ifl'S, mllfm(fi/(' fllld
Total amount awarded in the quarter Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Life, Basic Medical & Health Sciences) 48
School of ,\Icdicine et' Dentisu)
In',tirutc of Li\ er Srudics/Li\ er llnit Total grants: £11,510
\Icdical Education l 'nit/E T • I)r 1\1 R Christie, I)r E C 1 Ilatficld (Fl:llo\\ ), £ 120,316 (\ \'c1lcollle Trust)
projcn enrided III/pllinl/{'"f IIf
fhe 1,-II/;:illilll'-lIifrir u.\idf s~f!,I/(t!lillg
Child Health
to support a rc,carch training
pllfhfJ."lly ill ·1.'flsmlllndls ill IIIYII'II/ill
• Dr C Buehanan. £2-1-.6HS (joint
fello\\<,hip enritled SIIIr/y oflll/fi!lor/y
• [)r G E \Iann (\'BRC), £97,506
Research Committl:c) [() ~uppon a
Ir'('O,f!,lIifioll offht' pmfl'ill f)'msillf
re.,eareh .,wdem\hip entitled (;mfJ.'.'flt
pltfi.ljJltllfIISI' I. \ -,!; 1I 1If1'1.'d (IIlfOll/lfigl'll ill
lleart Foundation) [() Hlpport a
research projen enritlcd ,lllIdlllflfioll of
fllrfors IIlIrI ill/pllin'rlgmfJ.''f1t
lIifri,- O\if!r fllld mrholl 1I/1I110xidl'
Total grants: £24,685
illSlllill dl'pl'IIr1l'11f rlillhl'fl'S II/e/lifl/S.
• I)r r\ ~lacPhcr,on. Profe\sor D Candy. £12.095 (King\ ~Iedic,li
sigllrtllillf{ pmltfJ.''Il\'s Ill' o\idflfi'i.'l'/)' II/fldiji"d 1-1)1, ill '1.'flJI'It!flrmdufltrlilt! fllld
Dental Sciences
Rl:,carch Tnl\t) [() suPPOrt a re~earch
SlI/fI(}flt IIl/lSdl'rrlls
• Dr \1 Tan'\\oli. I)r ~I Partridge.
• J)r C; E \ Iann (\'13 RC). £80.0()0
illfI'Sfilllt!7~rdlettl'lg)' ill fit!' fll'fiolo,f!,Y of
(Tomm~ " Campai,!!;n)
[(l \uppon a rescarch projen enritled Rlglllflfillll of
£12,0% ( Kin/-(\ \ledical Rc:,c:arch Trust) to ~upport a rc:\earch srudent,hip entitled ,lllll/)'si.l ofrdl ryde
fltl' 1,-lIIgillilll'-lIifrir fI\idl' Jigllflllillg
rltl'djJoillf rOllfml ill POfl'llfit/I()' II/flligllf/llf
PflfltfJ."IIY illltlllllll/I mlfl//l'd lIl)'fllI/ffrial
IIlIrI ill'i.'IISi'1.'I' O/Yt! Ilfjll(llllOll.lldl
JlI/flOflt II/lIsdl'rdls
projcct enritkd .~:)'sfell/llfir rl"i.'il"'<J!' 0/
Total grants: £329,348
Total grants: £12, 095
IJ!oorl presslln' lI/ilI/llgell/mf ill IImfe sfroh
Sun·ill/!. cl:' ,Jlir/v:.'ijfl)' Dir.'isioll • J)r S Cowle\', £-1-8,990 (J)cparnncll[
General Practicc i:!i' Primarv Care .
of Ilealth (Anglia and 0 'ford RIIA))
• Dr P \\'h itl:, £6-1-,82-1- (La III herh
• ()r I1 S I\larklls, Dr S Leelllan
Research studcnt\hip
Southwark and Ll:\\'ishalll llealrh
(I\ledical Engineering and Ph~sics), £30.-+20 (J\ IRC) to suppon a research
enritkd Tltl' role 0/
i/~fl(llllll/lIfOIY hOf>"!'1 rlisetlse
• I)r P ~ I \ \' Bath. I)r F J Bath. £:')0.966 (South Thames Regional J Icalth Authorit\,) to suPPOrt a rcsearch
Total grants: £259,637
• J\ls
Richarlbon, £H.369 (Cancer
COll1mi~\ion) to \UPport a rc:search
Relief I\lacmillan Fund) comrihution
projc:<.:[ entitll:d S("i.'etl't/Sfltll/II illletjllLe
projl:ct l:nri tkd Differettfillfioll 1/ff'O!.'{'{'I/
dl"i.'doplI/l'llf pmjl'l'f
,f!,flJeol/s f/llr/ solirll'lllholi I/sill/!, Doppler
funding a ~Iacmillan
Resl:archl:r/ Practitioner
Total grants: £64,824
Total grants: £59,859
Total grants: £30,420
I Iaemarological \Jcdicinc Hmi/it
,\ge Concern In tirute of Geronrolog) Total grants: £10,863 $2,500
• [)r G J \Iufti. I'rofl:~.,or.\.1 Ikllingham. £62.967 (Ll:ukaemia
e G) naecolog)
Total grants: £81,985
Research Fund) Clinical Training Fello\\'ship,
Total grants: £63,807
Oral ~Jcdicine Patholo,l,~ Total grants: £104,705
\mition et'Dictctic., • Professor TAB Sanders. £ 19,800
I Iealth Carc of the ElderlY
Oral Pathology
(1\leat and Li\'cs[()ck Commi\\ion) [()
• Dr G I C3rpellter, £ 12,000 (Easr
• I)r I) Shori, £26,910 (Rc:scarch
\upport a research project l:mitlcd Imll
Kcnt llealth Authoriry) [() <,uPPOrt a
SfflfllJ, rogllifi'1.'l'.ftl/lI'fiflll ({lid pltysiml
re.,eareh projl:ct cntitkd IlI/pll'lI/fIIlllfiOIl
)ifllI'H ill {'/\ Idoll'SI'!'lIf girk' 11/1
of HSR 9.:;(8) glliddilll's for rOllfillllillg
Total grants: £26,910
illff'll.'I'lIfioll frifll
ml7' ill fit!' ,\'1IS
Total grants: £56,027
Total grants: £12,000
Fund) Junior Srudelltship
Orrhodonric" Total grants: £3,645
<"urger~ • J)r J [) .\/orri,>. tIO.OOO (RO\JI ocict~ ) contribmion tOIl 'IrJ,> rc cclrch c'pen'>e,>. Total grants: £25,000
Thor.llil \kdilinl:
t/Il IIllnl.'o/i X-nil' Illlll'llplrlb/
• J)r \\":" GJrdner. tI7.IOO (\\ellcol1le 'I ru,>t) w uppon J re,>eclfLh projcu emitkd Pm/ollf!.l'f/ 1111 {/.I'llIr 11I1 III br
Total grants: £560,787
{{IIIIJi1I{lloIT mpllfl,f!.mph o/lllrl-Ilrlt// P(Ol ill p{{lilllls ~'ilh rli.\(I/'tI1 IX
rc,>e'lrLh projen cmided
11l1l1ft.t tll/t/fr."s ofposI/nolltljl,I'II//
• J)r.\ (j \Ilchenc. t2h,'.2>2 (BB RC) (() '>uppon J rc,>cJrch proJcu cmHkd Till Irmdi'lllfJlI oj ,wb-f/ 1111/'" Ifll,,!:! ISll.'illf!,
taff ne\yS Profe or Joh n l· ff
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Physical Sciences and Engineering) £1,417,248
Total grants: £345,932 Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Medicine and Dentistry) £1,048,500 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Medicine and Dentistry) 31
<"chool of Pin ..,ic.d <"lil:ncl:.., C Engineering
Total number of awards in the quarter 24 Grand total amount awarded in the quarter £5,780,792 Grand total number of awards in the quarter (including extensions and supplements) 132 Pm!t',\.wrJohll
( hemi.,tr\ • Profe,>,or \ / 0: / lughe'>. !i2 1,396 (BBSRC) w ,uppon a rc'>earch projcct emidcd The flal'ohacll1oglobin (1/,1/ P) ofrsdln-;rhi{{ I'O/i {{1Ir1 ils 17111' ill 1'('.Ij!OIlSt'S Ifl o.\'irl{{li~'t' sln'ss {{Ilrl lliII'llK!'1l
Total grants: £452,486
rofc'>'>or John l'ffofthe Centre of Con,>trucrion I,all and \ huugemcm ha, been appoimeJ chair of the Independem Comll1i"ion of Enqllir~ inw thc problcm of water ,upply in York,hire. The enquiry will take place in I,eell>. ()\ er a p<:riod of t\\ 0 \\ eek, from IH \larch.
Electronic e Electrical Engineerin(l , /-0 • Professor t\ C Dal ie" 2YH,17.1 ECI! (European Training Foundation (TE\IPl'S PIIARE)) w ,uppon a re,earch project cmidcd I<:rlllmlill/l ill
Profewl[ Da\ id I la) wn
Total grants: £137,116 298,175 Ecu
\ Iathenutic . • Profe,>,>or J G TJ~ lor. !it ,Y70 of London) Re,earch '>wdem,hip. Total grants: £12,570 500 Ecu (l'niler,ir~
\lcchanical Engineering Total grants: £9,500
Ph) .,ics • I)r t\ G fll ichettc, J)r C J Buckky, !i163,7·B (EPSRC) (() support a re,carch project emitlcd .\ /{{IIOmlfI/Y SOl/lIIillK .'\-rtl.\' lIIirmS(flpl'
• J)r J F Boycc, £2-t,73H (I RIS Fund)
rofc,>,>or I )'\1 id Ila~ (On of thc Lall School) wgethcr \\ ith a di,tingui,hed panel of speaker, from ,\lI,ualia, Canada and :"C\\ Zealand dcliler<:d paper, at an imernational confercnce in Cambridge on 'Comcl11porar~ Trenlh in Tnl'>t La\\ . on 6 Janllal). / /i, paper \\'a, emitlcJ. The /rrcdllciblc Core Comem of Tru'tee,hip·. On ~h Januar~ he delilered the annual \'i,iwr\ Lecwre at thc Cemre for HlI,illl;" 1,all and Rc,earch of the l 'nil er,ity of Nijmcgcn. Ilis lecwrc \\'a, called, (,{Ill Ihl' /Jlllllt Irllllt' Ihl' ImSI?
S~~lIttl pmo'ssillK ({1Ir1 rirmilsfo)' s~f!.II{{1
Education 18 March Changing school science & technology: visions, conflicts and pitfalls Professor Paul Black OBE, KCL Cornwall House, Waterloo Road, London SEl 8WA 18.00 Contact Trevor Pearce 0171-872 3183
4 & 5 July Markets in education - policy, process and practice Keynote addresses Professor Stephen Ball, KCL, and Professor Peter Scott, Leeds Chilworth Manor Conference Centre, Southampton University Contact Erica Wright, Centre for Research in Education Marketing, School of Education, University of Southampton, Southampton S016 7BJ Tel 01703-592385 fax 01703 594676 (Symposium on markets in compulsory and post-compulsory education)
IIumanitic'> Rc'>cach Centre,> 26 February Tradition and the individual talent: remarks on the poetry of Michalis Ganas Dr David Ricks, KCL Room 35B, Strand 17.30 (Seminar: Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies) 28 February States of Shock: Darmstadt and the older generation David Drew, London Room 6C, Strand 17.00 (Colloquium: Institute of Advanced Musical Studies) 28 February Mathematics & Empiricism Dr Dan Isaacson, Oxford University Committee Room, Strand 17.15 (Public Lecture: Centre for Philosophical Studies) 4 March The beginnings of Biblical illumination
John Lowden, Courtauld Institute Room lB22, Strand 17.30 (Seminar with slides: Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies) 5 March The Isaiah Memoir Reconsidered Professor H G M Williamson, Regius Professor of Hebrew and Student of Christ Church College, Oxford University The chair will be taken by Professor Michael Knibb KCL '
17.30 Chancellor's Hall, Senate House, University of London, WCl (The Ethel M Wood lecture) 6 March Janacek and the Makropulos case Leslie Kearney, University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00 (Colloquium: Institute of Advanced Musical Studies) 6 March Anti-realism in the philosophy of mathematics Dr Adrian Moore, Oxford University Committee Room, Strand 17.15 (Public Lecture: Centre for Philosophical Studies)
7 March Annual Palaeography Lecture Two groups of datable illuminated manuscripts made in Oxford between 1450 and 1464 Or Kathleen Scot, Amherst College, USA Room l1F, Strand 17.30 (Public Lecture: Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies) 9 March American Art in Mid-Century Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand 10.30 to 17.30 Contact Or Shamoon Zamir 01718732551 (Conference: Centre for American Studies) 11 March Was Leo III an iconoclast? John Haldon, Birmingham University
Room 35B, Strand 17.30 (Seminar: Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies) 13 March Does philosophy illuminate science? Professor Lewis Wolpert, UCL, Professor David Papineau, KCL Council Room, Strand 17.15 (Symposium: Centre for Philosophical Studies) 18 March Greece & the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 Thanasis Sifkas, University of Central Lancashire Room 35B, Strand 17.30 (Seminar: Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies) 19 March Multidatabase systems for the support of literary and linguistic research Richard Giordano, Manchester University Committee Room, Strand 18.00 (Seminar: Research Unit in Humanities Computing) 20 March Mathematical Discovery Professor Carlo Cellucci, Rome University Council Room, Strand 17.15 (Public Lecture: Centre for Philosophical Studies) 25 March Will the real Digenes Akrites please stand up? Elizabeth Jeffreys, Exeter College, Oxford Room 35B, Strand 17.30 (Seminar Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies) 27 March Bach's sources for the Peasant Cantata (BWV 212) Tim Crawford, KCL Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00 (Colloquium: Institute of Advanced Musical Studies)
27 March Did Sappho and Alcaeus ever meet? Professor Gregory Nagy, Harvard Great Hall, Strand 18.00 (Public Lecture: Centre for Hellenic Studies)
DepJnmenr of \lu')i<.. <..onccns Contact 0171-873 2029 5 March Fiona Brice, soprano and Andrew Ward, piano St David's Room, Strand 13.05 6 March Heather Hunter and Frances Lane, sopranos; Megan Stuart, piano St David's Room, Strand 13.05 12 March Clare Minting, soprano and Nigel Hitchman, piano Great Hall, Strand 13.05 13 March Rachael Buxton and Megan Stuart, performing music for two pianos St David's Room, Strand 13.05 18 March King's College London Orchestra, to include music by Mozart and Mendelssohn Great Hall, Strand 19.30 20 March Pak Hang Wan, tenor, Christina Story, soprano, Nigel Hitchman, piano, to include music by Ravel and Mendelssohn St Davids Room, Strand 13.05, 20 March Chamber music ensembles from the Department of Music, to include music by Bach, Brahms and Revueltas Great Hall, Strand 17.30 25 March Robert Scholl plays organ music by Messiaen Chapel, Strand 17.30 26 March Ensemble directed by Robert Keeley performs Janacek's Diary of
one who disappeared St David's Room, Strand 13.05 27 March Julia Cheng, piano St David's Room, Strand 13.05 28 March Compositions by first-year students in the Department of Music St David's Room, Strand 13.05 28 March Choir and instrumentalists of the Department of Music: Bach Singet dem Herrn and Mass in g minor BWV 235 Chapel, Strand 18.00 1 April Cindy Ho, piano St David's Room, Strand 13.05 2 April Clare Minting, soprano and Nigel Hitchman, piano Great Hall, Strand 13.05
"inrh Lonuon Fe<;ti\"al of Greek Drama Chloe Productions at the Tristan Bates Theatre, Covent Garden A reconstruction of Euripides' Andromeda Performances Monday 4 & Tuesday 5 March at 19.30 Thursday 7 & Friday 8 March at 19.30 Saturday 9 March at 15.00 & 19.30 Sunday 10 March at 15.00 & 19.30 Monday, 11 & Tuesday 12 March at 19.30 Thursday, 14 & Friday, 15 March at 19.30 Saturday, 16 March at 15.00 & 19.30 Lecture programme All lectures are at 18.00. 9 March Recovering Euripides: The Andromeda and other lost plays Professor Chris Collard, University College of Swansea
10 March The virgin and the sea monster resurrected Russell Shone, Institute of Classical Studies 16 March The Andromeda myth in Greek art Dr Jenny March, UCL
Tickets for performance only: £6.00 (concessions £5.00) Tickets for lecture and performance event (Sat 9, Sun 10 and Sat 16 March at 18.00 and 19.30): £7.00 (concessions £6.00) from the Box Office, Tristan Bates Theatre, The Actors' Centre, lA Tower Street, London WC2H 9NP Tel 0171-240 3940
Lik, Basic :\Icdical Science ...
e I Iealrh
Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Seminars Room 3/8, Cornwall House, Waterloo Road, London SEl 8WA 26 February Parkinson's disease Professor Peter Jenner 14.00 to 15.20 27 February British retirement migration to rural France Dr Keith Hoggart 4 March Cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis Professor J Pearson 14.00 to 15.20
I\.in ~~u .... College School of ~ledicine e Den(I ... rr~ I
9 May Inaugural lecture The men in my life Professor Giorgina Mieli-Vergani 17.00 Main Lecture Theatre, Old Medical School Building, King's College School of Medicine & Dentistry, Bessemer Road, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9PJ Contact Alison Wright 0171-737 4000 ext 4018
PhY'iical Science ... Engineering
Department of Computer Science Colloquia Room 3D, Main Building, Strand 14.00. If you are coming from outside the College please call 0171-8732842 or 0171-8732588 for confirmation of details 13 March Temporal logic for rewrite languages Mark Reynolds, KCL
3 April Modelling the performance of heterogeneous parallel processors, Dr Richard E Overill, KCL
Ser96 18 to 22 March National Week of Science, Engineering & Technology 18 March Changing school science & technology: visions, conflicts and pitfalls Professor Paul Black OBE Room MB222, Cornwall House, Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA, 18.00 Contact Trevor Pearce 0171-872 3183 (Public lecture) 20 March Open day for 16+ students and their teachers Randalllnstitute, 26/29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL, 14.00 to 17.00 Molecules make cells tick Contact Derek Drummie 0171-836 8851 20 March Haemoglobin, the provider of oxygen: sickle cell anaemia & malaria Professor R C Hider, KCL New Lecture Theatre, Strand, 14.00 Contact School of Life, Basic Medical & Health Sciences 01718365454 (Public lecture)
20 March Sounds interesting: a look at bells & bell ringing Dr M T Sprackling New Lecture Theatre, Strand, 15.00 Contact the Department of Physics 0171-8732148 (Public lecture) 20 March An afternoon of popular maths lectures Strand Campus, 14.00 to 17.00 Contact Dr M J Laird 0171-873 2226 (Public lecture) 22 March Radio & Communication dayexhibitions and talks; mechatronics in engineering, exhibitions and hands-on laboratory activities; world of electronics display; illustrated lectures in computing Strand Campus, 10.00 to 16.00 Contact Anne Robinson 0171-873 2696 (Electronics in Action day)
. 'taff di cu group
ion et' fellcl\\ hip
26 February Mr Jim Fox (Estates) and Claire Waddell (Dean's Office) will talk about being a Christian at King's as members of the Estates Department and support staff. 12.30 - 14.00, Committee Room, Strand 26 March You are invited to attend Choral Evensong at 17.30 in the Chapel, followed by refreshments in the Lower Senior Common Room and group discussion led by the Dean, Rev Or Richard Burridge, on Holy Week and Easter finishing around 20.30. 17.30 to 20.30 Chapel/Lower Senior Common Room, Strand Please confirm attendance with Claire Waddell on ext 2333.
';mall ..llls Flat/house- hare "anted Prt:fcrabl~
\.'orrh London, \.'orrhern Lint:. Zont: Onc or '1\, 0 bur an~ rhin~ ,imilar eOl1'>idered. \\'illing [() pa~ up ro £7.).00 per lI"eek exclu,i\e or hill,. I'ka\t: conracr [) ~ I 'I'a~ lor on nr .,00 I.
Cottage in Tuscany Ilolida\ corragt: in Tu\cany [() kr. Supt:rh ,erring. Florence. Sicna. \rt:l./o and rhe Chianri eounrr\ in ea\\ rt:ach. \'er~ reel,onable rare,. For informarion and pho(()graph, phonc 01179247:'37
I louse e change London-\.'ell York. duct: monrh,/\i"\ monrh\/one \'ear 1996/7. \\"t: arc otTering a lar~e hou,e in Ihookl~n.
'ell York. 20 minure\ from dOli nroll n ~Ianharran. int:'d:hange for ~our London hou,e/,rudio. The ground floor ha\ a :'()(hq fr room. :lr pre,enr u~ed 3\ a painrer'\ \wdio. hur could \en e a, :I bedroom/li\ ing room .. \1\0 rllo orher fle"\ihk-u\e room\. piu, a b:lrhroom :lnd a hall. ,\ door ar rhe back opt:n\ onro a rerract:d gardcn 11 irh flo\\"t:r/' egcrablc hed,. There i, a 1,000 \q fr fini,ht:d Cl:llar ha,emenr lI'e U\C for carpt:nrr~ projt:cr, and "rorage. The main floor
ha r\\ 0 IJrgc li\ ing room. onc \\ irh a orking fin:pIJce. a dining 'Ht:J. kirchen. bt:droom. barhroom and t:nrrclncc hedl. The hou,c i\ till: minure, from r\\o d iffert: nr \U h\\:I\ Iint:\. from
I'ro.,peu PMk. Brook" n Bor:lnic Gardem. rhe n1J1I1 librar~ Jnd :I cinemcl. Thert: I'> :I 11 idt: choicc of rc raur:lnr., Jnd ,hop\ nCJrb~. Furrht:r cnquirit:\ ro "clr:lh Edkin.,. 160 l·nderhill.\\t:nue. Brookl~n ~y I 1nH. l·S. \ or phone 71 H-63H 021 ()
\ i\iring aladt:mic couple. £400 pt:r calt:llll.tr n10mh piu., elcerricir\. ga\ and pbone bilk Council '1'<1"\ (currcnrl\ £,)() per monrhl and \\Jrt:r r,nc\ (Lurrenrl~ £20 pcr monrh l. 'I lIt:nr\ Illlllllre\ rrain (() Chacing Lrn" \ 1,1 London Brid~t:..\\ ailclbk Fehrua~/\IJreh
I CJCJ6. (:onuer l.ind\:I~ mirh. (:onference \dmini\rr:lror. \ .lcctrion Burt:elll. 5)2
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Bri((an~ Brirral1\ (Sr :--'Ialo), \paciou\ apanmenr
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clo.,c ro \\"hirech:lpcl/Srcpnc~ Green rube. I,arge kirehen/diner. garden. off.,rreer p:lrking. Cjood ordt:r rhroughour. £59.995, kehehold. (:onracr R .\ekermcln, "t:n.,ingron e\r 44.,4.
irh in 11 ~iIlcd ciry; ~kep\ fOIIf; 200 \ ard\ from rhe heach; \\\ imming; ti\hing. Conrelcr () I ('1-99.) 4 ',) I
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For rent Sourh of France - farmhou,e 11 irh pool (:harming duce-bedroom re.,rored farmhou\t: hleep., .,i"\). 0\\ n large '>\\ imming pool. Comrorr:lbl~ furni\ht:d 11 irh all COI1\ t:nience,. Quier rural locarion 11 irhin rt:'lch of (:e\ enne, mounrain\, .\\ ignon. 'ime., and ,ourh coa'r. Conracr Lil .\ram. Dirt:cr line 0171-9192611 (\\ork), 0171-731 457H (home).
I louc to let Ilou,e ro kr in Srrarford a\ ailable bt:rll een I .\pril and 30 ' 0 \ ember. £510 per c,i1t:ndar monrh. .\ecom modeHion com pri\t:, (\\ 0 double bedroom." onc \ingk bcdroom/.,rud~ loungt:. kireht:n/dint:r. barhroom 11 irll ,he)\\ er and .,econd roiler. Conracr \ lark Ja~ ar "en,ingron on e",r 4543.
\ranted to bll\ or borro,\ Four-II bt:t:1 11Or\e-rrelikr an~ condirion. l' rgt:nr. e\r 42H6
Singing Icsson'> ..\\ailabk in cenrr,i1 London \rudio ar l'ni\er,ir~ College. I,ondon \\·CI. Gi\en b~ profe\\ional \ingt:r. (() all abilirie . ,rafT and .,rudenr".Tel 01 14466H72
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nt:\\ \lcner. i\\ut:d 1)\ rhe Prt:\\ L I'uhliccnion Oftice each monrh durin~ \emt: rl:( . \\ e \\ dcoll1e Jnidt:\ and/or phorograph\ (colour or hlclck .Ind \hne pnnr\ plcJ\el from all \t:erlfln ofrht: ( olk~t:.lfpO\ Ihle UHHnhu!lon\ \hould bt: \t:IH Ir1 on .1 ,.~ di\k 111 unfornurred rc r.
1'it:.1 e nore rlur rhe ediror re\CrI e\ rhe righr ro lur or .1 Illt: nd .uncle\ .1\ nCTt:\ Jr\.
C;opy deadline. 1\\lIe 9) - 1) \larch 1\'lIe
(J(, -
To let Quier, .,t:cluded, rllo hedroom corragt: (cl H20), S~denllalll. Sourh Ea.,r Lndon. Full~ furni.,hed. ga\ ct:nrral hearing, gelrden and parkin,g. Suirable for
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e Publications Office
I' r ~202 Fa 0171-,720214 E-m.1I1 Llh.lpm'ln<!! kd.ac.uk