College K LO DO Founded I 829
the College Newsletter r
) Sir ItllI Gtlillsfort!, "i(l'-Prillriptll tllld f)mll of/hl' SdlOol of.l/l'di,illl' e f)m/l,i!ll' ;,c'li/l's:
he College i\ lkliglm:d rhar rhe con,truerion of rhc Garfield \\'csron I':ducarion Cenrre ar Denmark Ilill i., nO\l \lell under \lay; rhe Cell[rc \I'ill replace and augment rhe inadequare, and inappropriare, 80-~ car old KS:--II) cducarional faciliries on rhe .,irc. The proposal wa\ an ill[egral
clement of rhe original King'> rcde\ elopmenr cheme. an :'\ 11 S-Ied programme for rhe dc\ c10pmcnt of rhe Denmark Ilill sire. rhe academic componcnt, of which wcrc apprm cd in principle by rhe then l'FC in 19X9. The projecr \la., a joint endca\our \\ irh rhe King', Ilcalrhcarc Tru.,r, a\ thc prO\ i.,ion of imprO\ cd cducational facilitie, i., of benefit ro rhe Tru,r. in
rI/1is/'.\' illlpn.i.iioll fir/hi' (;{/r(idd
',.'dllm/ioll C/'II//I.
it, rolc a., a prO\'idcr of rraining and continuing profe,~ional de\ elopment for irs .,ralT
The Centre \la., originall~ concei\ cd a., a mean., of 0\ ercomin,g rhe gra\ e ucfieienc~ in reaching aceommodarion \I irhin rhe \Jcdical
School'> aumini\rrarion, :"e\l Llcilirie\ for rhe\e threc component\ \I ill allO\\ rhe School ro con\'err accommodarion else\l here for acadcmic lahoraror~
The Centre will bc ba.,ed around the adjacenr 1 ormanb\' College. prcsenriy ()\med by rhe !lIS: rhe
School, and in parrieular of providing much-needed accommodation for a new inl(lrInarion .,cn ices facilir\'-
building is ((J be de\ cloped on rhrec ,ides, '1110\1 ing for new
combining rhe functioll'> of rhe Library and Compuring C:enrre - and major nC\l Lecrure Theatre. ,\1\0 included in rhe plan i., rhc relocation of rhe
space. \lhich will link (() adjaccnr building, (() complere a clinical \cicncc com plex. In ItNI rhc School. wirh rhe School of I ,Bi\IS. iniri~\(ed a radical
accommodarion [() bc wrapped around rhe e:-.i.,ting comtrucrion,
re\ ie\l of rhe undcrgraduarc medical .!
('Oil/ill/II'd Oil !HIW
I.ecfllrt: .I'he:nrt:. onc of rhe mo,r
curriculum in kecping \I irh rhe (;ener:.I1 \Iedieal Council'., requi[(:menr~ and
ha, (k,igned a
cour\t:. \\ irh \pecific empha,i, on ,mall group reaching and ,elf-direcred learnin~. The ne\\ curriculum \1 ill kad w larger number, of,wdenr, on ,ire rhan hirherro. ari\ing from rhe inregrarion of reaching for medical, denral and 'cien<.:<: swdenrs. King'., h:I' led rhe \la\ in rhe de~ign of rhe ne\\ curriculum and ha, reeei\ed narional
and \I ill enahle rhe liehool and Tru\r ro fultil rheir commimlClH\ [(J I ni\ ersir\
a long-a\l aired opporrunir~ to cO!1<,olidare rhe admini rr:Hi\ e en ice
and :\"1 IS educarion and rrainin~. .\' planning Ius mO\ cd fOr\\ard. rhe en\ elope of space anribured w rhe
in onc locarion and w prm ide an appropriare el1\ ironmenr for e,rernal \ i,iror, including prmpeni\ e ,wdenr,.
\ dedic:ned inren ie\l ,uire has b..:en prm ided in rhe (:enrre - \I hich \I ill
has come ro incorporarc rhe id..:r concepr of informarion \en ices. The ne\l curriculum places he:11 ~ \I
emphasi\ on ,elf-direned learning. \I hich h:IS illlplic:Hion, for infornl:lrion
accolade, for rhi\ \\ork. The propo\ed conrenr and funcrion of rhe ne\\ (:enrre i, ourlined
sen ices and r..:chnolog\ and for 'karning \pace路. Thu\ rhe ne\l Librar~
helo\l . The Ground Floor of rhe building
nm onl~ incorporare\ eon\ enrion:d pro\ ision for swd\ and reference
\\ ill include a common receprion and cloakroom facilir\. rhe fir,r rier of rhe ne\\ Lihraf\. rhe I'o,rgraduare \lcdical Cenrre, a kirchen and dining
marerials, bllr al\o includes acc..:" to compurer renninals and learning ,pace
faeilir~ and rhe ba,emenr of rhe ne\\ .,OO-,ear Lecrure ThccHre.
The new large Lecrure The:lUe 'pa<.:<: i\ urgenrly required for rhe ne\l medical curriculum: ar pre,enr rhere arc onl~ [\\ 0 large rhear[(;, in rhe \lcdieal and Denral School, each of \I hich ,e:H, on'" ]]0. The Thearre \I ill al,o prm ide tirsr-c1a" accommodarion for conferences and meerings. for horh rhe School and Trusr. and also for rhe I'osrgraduare Cenrre. The Thearre \I ill rhen complemenr rh..: [\\ 0 e,i,ring rhe:lUe, in rhe original :"ormanb\ building and lOO.
hich ha\ e a
for grou p projen \I ork. Kirehen and dining hlciliries hale been accol1llllodared \I irhin rhe building. b\ urilising rhe under floor of rhe raked I,enure Thearre. :md rhe ground floor of rhe e,isring (j\ mnasiul1l. Thi\ \I ill prm ide an
Cenrre on rhe main Denmark Ilill ,ire is long 0\ erdue. Th..: Trusr ha, a major and in<.:r..:a'ing commirmelH [(J posrgraduare educarion for all can:gorie\ of :\"1 IS ,ralT, and a ,ucce"ful Cenrre \\ hieh ha, be..:n d..:\ eloped O\路er recenr \ car, ar rhe
DU"I ieh Ilospiral ,ire \I ill b..: rran,ferred rhere. Ir has become e"..:nrial rhar rhe facilir~ ,11OUld Ix: locared on rhe Denmark Ilill ,ir..:, adjaceIH [() rhc academic Ikparrmenr of Gener:i1 Pracrice and I'rimar\ Car..:, ,ince rhere is eonsiderahle 0\ erlap of inreresr\ and prO\ is ion for local General Pracririoners. The ne\l Librar\ is, \I irh rhe
I'er,onnel and
\ccounrs. Thi, prm ideo,
also sel'l'e in p:H:lllel as a ne\l bas..: for rh..: Colkge'., Counselling Sen ice ar Denmark Ilill. .\n addirional floor is al\o [(J he included :H rhis prelimin:lr~ eon,rrunion phase: ir is iIHended rhar rhis floor \I ill hou,e rhe academic Ikparrmenr of (;eneral I'ranice and I'rim:tr\ Care; \I hich ar preselH is ide" ,c:mered around rh..: Denmark Ilill \ire. and alrhough rhere i, \ome remporar\ aceommodarion in rhe shorr\I
rerm -~..:n..:rou,l~ ,upporred b~ rhe Fami" Ilcalrh Sen ices .\urhorir~ (I:IIS.\) and rhe School- rhe ulrimare
ohjecri\ e rhroughour has been w 10l':He rhe Ikp:ml1leIH \I irh rhe Pmrgraduare \lcdical C..:nrre, [() f:lcilirare rhe joinr prO\ i\ion of ,en ice, :lnd \upporr for local General I'ranirioner,.
J nform:Hion Sen ice,. prO\ iding rhe
I~qual" imporranr". rhe Deparrl1lenr nOli pl:l" a ke\ role in medical educarion, as ir includes bmh
:mrani\ e and \ aluahle facilir\. opening onw rhe e,i,ring coulT\ard of rhe building, for rhe ,ralT and \wdenr\ \I ho ill he urili,ing rhe Cenrre. The Fir,r 1:loor of rhe ne\l Cenrre i, large" gi\ en m er w I,ibrar\ and
main book area. offices and an open acc..:ss eompuring ,uire.
of 1.10
Postgraduate Centre The loearion of rhe Po\rgradu:m:
Dean of rhe Faculr~ of Clinical \ Icdicinc. and rhe core ,en ice, of rhe
e'eiring opporwnirie\ offered b~ rhe CClHre. The aecommodarion is four rimes rhar of rhc e'i\ring prO\ i,ion.
Teaching The S..:eond Floor of rhe Cenm; prm ideo, rhe bull,. of rhe reaching accommodarion. includin.~ a muchneed..:d skills I:tboraror\. The ne\l curriculum requires .1 ~r"::HI~ in<.:rea'ed [HO\ i,ion of small reaching room, for wwrials. \..:min:lr, and group \lork. hich is eon,iderabl~ in e'ce" of rhar pr..:s..:nrl~ prm ided \I irhin rhe School. Teaching accommodarion and ind..:ed rhe Libr:lr~ f:ICiliries. \I ill :i1\O be mili,ed h\ nursing and mher healrh care 'WdelH\ from \I irhin King', College. 11 hilsr on clinical aruchmenr ar King', Colleg..: Ilo,piral, rhu\ \I
s..:n ing ro ..:mphasise rh..: mulridiseiplinar~
n:lwre of rhe ne\l CeIHre. The School', .\dmini\rr:Hion \I ill
al,o he locared on rhe ,econd floor. including rhe Ik:ln of School. rhe
rhe ne\l \Iedieal Eduearion Seerion. and rhe \lcdieal Eduearion T..:chnolog\ I 'nir (,upporred h~ a 拢.7.1m gram from Sl1lirhKline Ikecham). Clear!\ rhere is cOl1'>iderahle imporrance in locaring rhe,e de\ elopmenr:t1 and applied research unir, ar rhe hearr of rhe reclChing en\ ironm..:nr.
Funding Support I rel11ain grareful ro mall\ indi\ iduah and organi,arions \I ho ha\ e nude rhe Cenrre a realir~. The College ir\elf has fulfilled ir, commirmenr [(J prm ide a major ponion of rhe fu nd ing. from rhe fund, accruing from rhe sale of rhe Dog Kennelllill Sporr, ground ar Denmark Ilill. IIEFCE in rurn prO\ idt:d e"enrial core fund, for rhe Li hr:tr\ de\ eloplllenr. and rhu, illu,uart:d rhe supporr of rhe funding hod~ for rhe (:":lHr..: a, a \I hole. I1mh rhe I,amherh. Sourh\l ark :Ind
1 Le\l i ham Ilcalrh Commi, ion (L Ll and rhe ourh Thame~ RegIonal Ilcalrh .\lI[hori[\ ha\e nude ~ignificanr conrriburion~ [()
upporr rhe Ikpanmcnr of General I'raCllle and po~r/!rauuare educarion and \\ irholl[ rhe"e \\T \\ould ha\ e been unable [() proceed. Fin~t1I~. a mo~r generou~ donarion from \ Ir (;articld \\·e~[()n. Chairman of ,\,~ociarcd Food, Pie hJ~ enabled u~ [() crC~l[(; rhe Ccotre and in honour of rhar major role, rhe College and Tru~r ha\ c agreed rhar rhc Educarion Ccnrre ~hould bear hi, namc.
~ menrlOned in Janu'l~ \ edirion of (oll/II/ml. The Pre " e PubllLarion, Office ha\ c produced rhc ,econd edirion of rhc /)/InlfJ/T 0/1·..\/l1I1.i. Ir I"r~ all King\ 'Icadcmic \I ho .Ire happ~ [() ,peak [() rhe nH.:di,1 and \1.1 ~cnr [() 0\ cr 1100 journali~r~ \lorking on ne\l~paper . maga/ine~. radio and relc\ i~ion programmc~.
Merger with UMDS The Garlicld \\'c~[()n Educarion Centre fulfils an urgcnr necd [() bring educarional facilirie~ ar Denmark Ilill up [() an appropriare "randard for 110\\ and rhc immcdiare furure. Ir i" al~o a \aluable componenr of rhc propo'ed merger of King\ Collegc I ,ondon and l·:\IDS. Ir i~ anricipared rhar. follo\\ ing rhe Tomlin~on I)fOpo~al~ rhe Biomedical Science" of rhe mcrged in~rirurion \I·ill be locau;d ar I,ondon
\\'har \le \lould like [() do now i, idcnrif\ rho,c people \lorking in rhe mcdi~1 \I ho \I cre once ~[LJdenr" or ~raff ar King\ and ~end a copy ro rhem. \\·c alrcad\ kno\l of ,ome, for c,ample, • .Iamc" \\'ilkin,on - Science Com;~pondenr, B BC Telc\'i~ion :":C\l ~
• .\nne .\,h\l onh - Per~onal Finance (:orrc,p()J1ucnr on 7nl' 7111/I',i
• C:hri~topher Bellam\ - Defence rht: IlIrlipl'lldml
• . ue Carpenrer - fredance journali r and former .\'I"O:'i III 7i'" pre~enrcr • ",\[h~ n Flerr - Columni~r for 7nl OIJ,fnt'/,I'and former Ediror of.lrl'l/ll
maga/ine • Richard Ikn~on - Ediror of 'lne Fllll' maga/ine • .lunarhan :\Iairland - BBC Spon, ( :orre~pondenr Ilo\\cl er, I am ~ure rhere arc quire a number of \I hOI11 \I e are nor a\lare. Could I a,k ~uu try and remember if an~ of your p~l~r ~rudenr~ or eollcaguc" h~l\ e nO\\ l11e)\ cd on ro rhe media world ~lIld ler ml: ha\ c rhcir name~. \ I~ e\.[en~iun i~ ."\073. probabl~
• (;cofT \\'arr~ - prc"cnrer of Radio -I'~ , I1Nlirilll' .\'0;':'
• .\Iichael Barry/Bukhr - onc of BBC 2'" Food /),.illl.- [)fe"enrer" and onc of rhe founder~ ofc:la~~ic F:\I
(;ardner Informarion Ofticer
Bridge. \1 irh rhe major clinical reaching and re~e~lreh eentrc, of rhe new ;,\ledical School ar \\'e,rmin~rer and Denmark Ifill. Thi~ link~ cffecrivel~
\I irh rhe
dccision [() b~l~e rhe Sourh Ea~r Rcgional Neuroscience's Cenrrc at Denmark Hill. building upon rhe collaborarive endea\ our ber\l cen rhe King\ I kalrheare and :\laud~lt.;~ :":1 IS Tru"rs, togerher wirh rhe Imrirurc of l'~ychi~llr\' (now formally a~~oeiared \I irh KCL) and rhe pre~enr King'~ College School of:\ ledieine '-" Dcnri~tr\ . These iniriari\'e" mean rhar ir i~ for rhe College [() enhance and dc\ dop educarional faciliric~ ar c~~cnrial
Dcnmark Ilill. to en"ure nO[ onll rhar ir i~ able to O\'ercome rhe gra\c defieieneie~ in rho~e faeiliric~ for rhe eurrenr requiremenr~ on ~ire, bur al~o ro meer rhe furure demand~ of "upporring high ljualirv. rele\'anr medical. demal and healrh care educarion ar Denmark Ilill.
irc alarm" \I crc ser off for rcal ar King's Collt.;gc Ilall on 6 1\larch [() c\acuare rhe Danehur~r Building. \\'hen council workmcn were clearing undergrowrh and digging holt.;~ for posr~ to supporr ne\l fencing on an e~rare adjoining rhe hall of re~idence. rhe~ uneanhed a bomb. Onl~ \'ard~ from rhe hall. rhc police ordered rhe building to be e\acuared a~ \I ell a, rhe neighbouring hou"e". The bomb rurned OlJ[ [() be an anri-rank minc. ))o\le\ er. ir \la, raken Glre of in a conrrolled
e,plo~ion b~
a bomb di'po~~t1unir. Sourh\l ark Council hou~ing officer~ ha\ e a~ked rhe :\ 1(1) to make a ~\I'eep of rhe area in ca~e rhere arc any more de\ iee~ lurking underground.
he winnl:rs of rhl: .lHrh Annual Cl ra mm y 1\ W~I rd s for Recording~ is~ued in 199.1 wcre annollnced on 2H Februarv 1996 in Lm t\l1gell:~. In rhe Glrcgor~ of Besr CLI~"ical \'ocal Perform~lIlce rhe \I inning entr~ \la~ /'he /<:t-!tIJi"g .li,. - '!'ht' .I/",-i,.. 0; 111'1/1)' 1'",.,..1'11. Syh-ia :\Ie:":air wa~ rhe ~oprano, \I irh Chri"tophcr Ilogwood on rhe harpi~chord and organ, Paul ()'()erre plJ~ ing rheorbo. and King\ I'rofe">or of Performancc Srudie" and I lead of rhe \ f u~ic Dcpanmcnr I ,aurcncc I)re\ ru~, playing cello and \ iola da gamba.
e,ear<:her, from King\ phl\ed a
Jone" Chemi,rr\ Ikparrmenr \\ irh
major rok ar a meering held b\
\\ ellcome Tru,r funding.
rhe Ro\al Soeier\ of Tropical \kdicine
I hgiene on 1-1 Februaf\ ar
.\norhe.:r ,er of finding, reLHed ro ne.:\\ mollu'cicide' \\ hich
0" inhibirors
drugs like.: ,\;1,'1' \\ hich aer of rhe.: \ iral cn/\ me rc\ er,c
rrolmcripra,e. I)iffercnr mode.:, of acrion meanr rhar ir \\a, fe.:a,ible ro
rhe IAHldon heauquarrer, of rhe
e,rracred from.1Il \frican medicinal
rhink of 'cockrails of drug,' \\ hich
Socie[\. The meering. enrirled
planr called \Iille.:rriol. In srudie' ar King', olnd in Eg\ pr rhese ,ul)',rances,
could arrack the 111\' \ irus and ir,
called isolla\ onoid" hOI\ e.: bee.:n sho\\ n ro kill rhe ,nails rhar rransmir bilhaf/.ia
\ ulne.:rable poinrs ,imulraneousk.
.lIrrliril/lIll'lfII/IS (fl/dlhi' (:fl/llml o( Pfl/,/silrs \\ a,
ened b\ I)r I'hil
\\路hirfle.:ld, Di\ i,ion of I ,ife.: Scie.:nce.:,. and arrracred a eon,iderabk audience.:
replicltion capacir\ ar a numbcr of
Anti-malarial drugs
of Fell()\\, of rhe Socier\, rheir glle.:,r,
hehi,ro'omia,i')' rhe eggs of rhe ,nail, and rhe para,irie LIf\Ole rhat ,pn:ad rhe
and \路i,iror,.
disea,e.: from ,nail, to human,. \\'har i,
The.: final ralk \\as PW\ ided b~ Dr Geoffrc\ Kirb\ from rhe IA)lldon
more, rhe i,ollol\ onoid, are.: nor ro'(ic ro
School of I h giene &. Tropical
The l:\'Cning \\ a, opene.:d b\ rill:
I'rl:,idenr of rhe Socicr\, Profe.:s,or
fish so
\!ajor Genl:ral G 0 Co\\an, OBE \\ ho
safeh in rropical \\ arer cour,e, for
rhe.:n hanlkd m l:r ro I'rok>'>or .\rrhur
conrrol purpo,e,.
13<.:11 \\ ho inrroduced rhe ,peolker,. I'rofe'>'>or Bcll \\ a, prc\ iou,h I kad of
coin probolbh be used
I)r \\'hirtleld eon,idered a range of
.\kdicine. Ili, ralk \,," enrirkd '\kdicinal planr, and rhe conrrol of pror%an pOlra,ires \\ ith ponticular re.:fe.:rcnce ro malaria', I)r
rhl: I)l:parrm<:nr of I'lanr Scil:ncl:' ar
e'pcriemenral i'>'>ue, \\ hich underpin rhe ,earch for anri-para,irie agenrs from
King', rhcn Direcror of rhl: Ro~al
planrs and concludl:d that ,uch
\\orld roda\ \\ irh hundreds of million,
Boranical Garden" Kc\\ (19H 1-19HH)
il1\ l:srigation' mighr producl: a range of bendicial outcome.:,. Thl:,e incluul:d
of pl:opk infe.:cted ar
and i, no\\ a \ i'iring profc'>'>or borh ar King\ and rhe l'ni\ l:r,ir\ of Tl:'''''. :\, an inrcrnarional aurhoriry on pin rochcmi,rry and bioacri\ c
our thar malaria \\'a, one of rhc mO'or signitlcanr infecrious diseases in rhl: an~
onc rime and
nO\ el narural or 'l:mi-'>\ nrhetic dru/?:s
one.: million ehildr<:n a year lh'in/?: from rill: di,ease in .\frica alone.
and pe'ticide, ba,ed on indi\ idual bioacri\ e.: moleeull:s found in planrs
medical problem I)r Kirb\ di,cu>'>ed
molecuk, from planr, hc \\'a, \\ cll
and al,o rhe.: ,randardisarion of 'oak,
placcd ro pro\ iue an O\'Cf\'ic\\ of rhl:
simple e.:,rracrs of planrs rhat could be
In rhe conrexr of rhi, major rhe proble.:m' assoeiared \\'irh our a\ailablc anri-malarial drugs many of
porl:nrial role of ,ubsrancc, ucri\ cd
u,ed as ehe:lp adjuncr, ro con\ e.:nrional
\\ hich (l:g quinine, chloroquinl: and
from me.:dicinal anu orhe.:r planr, a,
drugs ollld pe'ticide' in de\ eloping eounrril:, \\ herl: parastie disea,e, are
arremi,inin) arl: alreauy dirl:cth or
mosr pre.:\路oJie.:nr.
,0urCl:' of new drugs.
Human parasitic diseases I)r \\'hirfield ga\'c rhe fim pre.:senrarion enrirkd 'Nm el molluscicides and anrhe Im inric compound, from medicinal planrs'. I k dc'crilx:d rhe \\ay in \\ hich rhe conrrol of human parasirie di,ea,e, caused b\ helminrh, (para,iric \\orm,) could be aided b\ ne\\ anrirhelminries (anri\\ orm drugs) and molluseicides hnailkilling pe.:'rieides u,ed in rhe eonrrol of bilhar/ia) from planrs. I k illusrrared hi, ralk \\ irh e'\ampk, from rhe di'eo\ erie' of his o\\n re,earch group ar Kin/?:\. One \\a, rhe iuenrifiearion of an alkaloid called aranine from a Chine,e me.:dicinal "lanr, F'i.'or/ill. Thi, mokcuk sho\\' promise a, a basis for drugs rhar can kill nemarodes, rhe para,ire, rhar cau,e dise.:ase' 'ouch a, ekphanriasi, and 'ri\er blindne"'. Furrher \\ork on rhe '~nrhe,is of
analogul:' of aranine \\ irh pore.:nrially grearer porenc\ and
specificir\ of acrion i, going on in King', in collaborarion \\ irh I)r Keirh
indirecth dcri\'l:d from planrs. The difflculr~
\\as rhc \\'ideSI)[l:ad
dc\ clopmenr of resisrancc ro rhc
Discovering anti-HIV substances
mainlinc drugs by rhe malaria parasitc.
The second ralk l:nrirled 'Compounds from planr, \I ith anri-I 11 \. acri\ it\ ' \\ as
and planr produet'> that arc
gi\ en
I)r I>eter Iloughron,
I'harmolc\ I)epolrrmenr. I k re\ iewed
lie O\'en ie\\ cd the ran,ge of plants currcnrl~
under ill' e"rigarion a, anri-moILlfi.d agenrs and l:mpha,i,e.:d rhe.: pracrical
the re,rrieted range of drugs ar pre,enr
bene.:firs ro be /?:ained by mi'ing
a\ailable for the m:atme.:nr of paril:nrs
con\ cnrional drug, \\ irh some
\\irh 111\' infe.:crions and .\IDS. In the
rradirional planr l:,rracrs. In ,ome.: ca,e.:,
conre'\t of the.: gn:at ne.:ed for
'ouch mi'rures broughr abour enhanced
auditiona!' effecri\ e drug" planr
compounds con'tirured an importanr
r\\ 0 rherapie,. TIll: mecrin/?: fini,hed \\ irh I)r I)
porenrial source.: of 'ouch
dUl: ro '>\ n<:rg\' ber\\een rhe
che mmh e ra pe u tics.
Barker, lion Sccrcrar\' of rhc Socil:r\
lie descri bed rhe \\a~ in \\ h ieh clue.:s from rradirional pLlIlt medicinal uses (cthopharmacolog\) coulu hclp ro idenrify the pLIIlt'> \\ hich mighr conrain u,efulmolecule', and the.:n summari,ed ,rudies at King', and e.:1,e.:\\ here.: \\ hich hOI\ e.: begun ro di,eO\ e.:r anri-III\' substance.:s. lie empha,i,ed rhe fact rhat rhe.: ne\\ marerial, being di,cO\ ern! ofrcn ha\ c quire differenr mode, of acrion compared \\ irh the.: pre,enrh a\ailabk
rhanking rhe speakers and I'rofcS'oor Bell for \\ har he d<:,cribed a, an e'citing in,ighr inro rhe role of planr compounds a, rhe source of ne\\ drugs for di,ca,c COll[rol.
I'rofcssor \\'hitfie.:ld\ work i~ fearurcd in rhi, \\cck', Xru!'S,'iI'llI;sl, foll()\\ing hi~
article in rhe 1996 King', R1'I)(J11.
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I or the fir"t time the PIl\"il" D\:partm\:nt at J.,.inl(·" pla~\:d ho\t ro th\: In"titut\: of Pin "ic'" annual conl"t:r\:nc\: for "i"th former". P/ir...il... ill Pl/x/>l'I"lin. The confer\:nce. on 2H januan. hegan at King\ Strand (:ampu" and rhen mm \:d to th\: Ro~ al In\tirution and \\~I\ attended h\ "om\: 300 "i"th former" and rh\:ir t\:acher" from a" far afield a\ the hie of :'\Ian and Edinburgh. Ik"pit\: rhe m\:\:ting heing h\:ld on a cold mid-\\ inter SUl1lby. they were literall~ \tanding in the ai\le" to hear lecrured\:mon'tr~ltion, on the Ph\ ,ic" of "port (Dr Brian Dclph from Techniqu\:"r. Cardiff). Dillon, the Book"rore kindl~ donar\:d £ 120 in hook \ OIlcher" and diarie\ \\ hich \\\:re gi\ en a" pri/e, for a qui/. de\'i"ed h~ the I'h~ \ic\ D\:partment. Te,co :'\ ktro. Cm ent Garden. pro\'ided a further £ 1O() \\ hich cm ered the CO\t of refre\hm\:nt\ \\ hieh \\ er\: gi\ en out during rh\: int\:t\ al. Student \ olunreer" \porting brighr red King'\ College T-\hirt\, acted a\ \re\\'~Hd\ and did a \er~ good job repre\enting King'\ and the I'h~\ic\
drian \\'a\hbourne, a . . enior prod ucer from rhe BBC Rad io Science l'nit. contacted the Pre"" e Puhlication ... Office recentl~ looking for ...cience \rorie, for the \'ariou~ ~cience programme, broadca ... r acro"" Radio -l and S, I k i\ currentl\ \\ orking on rhe Radio ,'i \ ,!Iid 'li'.I1 programme. \\'hich i... aimed at th\: intere\ted lay per'on. I k \\ould like ro hear abour r\:.\earch happening at King\ \\ hich h\: Gin include in the programm\:. The criteria for him are that th\: \\ork. which can be on-going. could be explained to th\: non-\peci~di,t. and that the pcr...on who \\ ill h\: talking about it will \ound enthu~i''''tic! \\'e recein; ,imilar requ\: ... t, from Radio-l· ... Sli"lII'f"'Of,.'· and BB(:I'" J am ... ure rhat rh\:r\: ar\: man~ re ...\:areh proj\:([\ undertak\:n TOl!tlllm",,'~' Irodd.
1 Ikpartm\:nt.. \ 1'1'11.,/>/'1111,1' and l(enera I information ahout \:aeh department \\ irhin rh\: School of Pin \ical <';ci\:nee e Engine\:rinl( \1 \:re gi\ \:n ro horh pupih ,md tClcher\. .\\ a re ... ult of the \uece\\ and "momh running of thi\ e\ ent. \\ hich \1 a... aimcd ~It con\ incing \i:\rh form\:t\ rhar th\:\ hould ... rud~ ph\'\ic\ at uni\ er\ir\, the I Jl\rirurc of Ph\ \ic\ ha\ ~I . . ked rhe I'h\\ic, I kparrmenr ro b\:com\: more il1\ oh ed ne.\r \Clr, rarher than jU\t acting a\ ho,t. Thi ... in\'()h \:\ pro\ iding a ~pcaker from rh\: Dcpa rtmc nt. accom moda ti ng more \ i\iror\ and offcring more in thc \uy of di"play\ and \cicntific dcmon"rrarion\. Thi\ high profilc \:\ cnt prO\ idc ... thc Collcgc \\ ith a unique opporrunin in term\ of rccuitl1lent ~lJ1d the promorion of King\ and it i\ hoped thar Physio' ill Pnx/>nlicl'!997 \1 ill he an C\ en biger \tory.
Shirlie Ralma~ .'\dmini'rrari\ e S\:crcr~H~ I)\:partmcnt of Ph\ \ic,
I' in all area, of the College that \\ould bc appropriarc for them. If\ou rhink \(HI are \\orkingon \omcthing that \\ ould make an intcrc\ting irem on am of thc~c programme\. plea~e contact me in the Pre\\ e Puhlieatiom Officc on e:\t 307.;. I \1 ill hc happ\ to di~cu", \our idea~ \1 ith you and gin; \ Oll an\' alll-iec or help ~ ou necd. I can al\o be a\ ailahle \\ hcn recording take\ place if ~ou \\ i,h.
j\lclanie (;ardner I'r\:,\ e Informarion Officer
hc Collq;c'\ annual Open D'I\ on Thur,da~ 2S \pril \\ ill fOUI\ on the trand Campu\. and \\ ill be held from IO.O() until 16.30 \\ ith \ i\iror, arri\ ing from 9..)0 om\ arth. I ,a\r ~ car the Open I)a~ a[[raered appro"imatcl~ 2.S00 \ i\iror". \0 plea\\: be \\ arn\:d rhat the Collegc \\ ill be m crllm\ ing \1 ith porenrial applicanr\ and teaeh\:t\! Th\: main rq~i\rrarion period\ (held in thc Entrane\: 1la 11 our\idc rhc (;rcat Ilall and in rhe entrancc to the Srrand Building) \1 ill he particularly bu\~ from I(l,OO to 10.30 and from 1.l..\O to 1-l.OO. The aim of rhe Opcn I)a~ i\ ro gi\ c \ i\itor" thc opportunit\ to talk ro \raff and \rudcnr\ ahour our cour\c\ ~I\ \1\:11 a, all orhcr ,"'pect\ of lifc at King\. .\11 our a\:adcmic department, \\ ill hc reprc\entcd ,It rhe Open I)~I~. and \ i\iror\ can ~iI\o artcnd ircm\ on a cenrr,d programmc. Thc .\ecommodarion Ofticc. Carcer" Set\ ice, I,anguagc Communicltion Centre. I,ihran and Computing Cenrre are all participaring in the e\ ent. Thc Srudcnr\' l'nion \1 ill hc opcn from 11.15 rh rough until 16..\0, including a 'I,i\ ing in London forum'. dctaih abour club... ~Ind ,ocieric, at King'\ and rou r, of the Srudent\' l'nion f~lcilitie" Talk ... on applying ro uni\er\it~ and '110\\ \\C look afrcr\ou' (\\elfarc and financial alh ice) \\ ill b\: gl\en. \\·c arc arranging for a limit\:d nUl1lbcr of guc,t, to \ i,ir thc School of :'\kdicin\: e Denti"rn in f)cnmark Ilill or ro join a gcneral rour of th\: Ken ... ingron Campu" Ticket\ for the\e \ i"it\ ha\ e nm\ all becn allocated, Ticket\ arc nor required for rhe Open Da\ at the Strand, hO\\ e\ cr \ i\itor, \1 ho ha\ e contacted u\ in alh'anc\: \\ ill Ix: \cnt a programme for rhc da~. If\ou \\ould likc furrherdetail\ plea,e contaer Su ...anne Frcneh in rhc Srudenr Recruitment Exchang\:, Office ar Corn\\all Ilou,e on cxt .\003. \\'\: ha\'c an Open Dayan'i\\erphone \ct\ ice. ,0 do dircct any enquircr" to o171-Hn .~()H
109'., bCLlme rhe focu, of Inrcn,c medlJ JnelHIOn (111 \\'ednc dJ~ (, \IJrch II hen The Lord ChicI' JlI'>(Jce, I.ord T..l\ lor of (;o,fof[h, dclil ered ..I lenure JrrJcking rhe (i()\ernmenr', trimmeil Ju'rice progmmmc.:. 11,lrnlng rhJr 'I wrrenr of ill-prepared Iegi,I..lrion 11'1 undermining public confidence, lie II d' re,ponding [(J \I ichdel II()\\ ard, rhe Ilome Secrerar~, II ho olJrlilled (;m ernmenr propo"lh ar rhe (:on,efl aril e Parr: Conference la,r ~ edL Lord TaIlor', Iecrure, enrirled (;rJIII;IIII;/)' fllld (,'II"II(!,I ;11 Ihr (.nlll;lIlr! l.fl:':" II a, onc in a ,erie, of puhlit Iecrurc, organi,ed bl rhe School of I,a\\. II i, I iell', arc ,hared h~ orlH.:r ,enior judge' II ho h'l\ e dnacked \lichaelllmlard and, '" tlecl.lred 1)\ rhe IHe", ' hal e,er rhe judiciar~ flrmll on a eolli,ion cour,e II irh rhe (;m ernmenr', In hi ,peeeh Lord J u,riceT'I~ lor complained rhar major criminal Iq!;i,larion 11..1, almo'r hecoming an annual el enr, like rhe budger, norinl.!; rhar r!H:re had heen more Criminal .Iu,riee ,\er, in rhe pa,r ,i'\ \ear, rhan in rhe preCt:d ing hO, lie al,o made plain hi, oppo,irion ro rhe Ilome Secrerary'., p"'n, for lon,ger ~enrence,. ing rhar rhe~ would nor \\ork and Ilould lead rapi,r, and mher, [() commir nllmkr" Offender, II ould 'cc no rea,on ro plead guilr\, and rhcre \\a, no Cl idenee rhar a rougher regime Ilould achiel e an~ rhing he\ ond a 'honan/a for pri,on archirect,', lie ,aid rhar rhe rule, of 1..1\\ ,hould nor be ,ubjecr ro arhirrar~ chdnge h~ rhe Pl)\\ er,-rhar-he or [(J rhe I'agarie, of EI,hion, 'Ir i, nor ju,r rhe
I olume of le!!;i,larion rhar he" hecome alarming. II irh each ,ucce"il e Criminal.lu,rice :\cr rreading on rhe la,r onc,' heel'>, Ir i, ..1"0 rhe ha,re II irh II hich each i, prepared,' On .\ Ir Ilo\\ard'., ,enrencing plan" I,ord Ta~ lor li,red four rea'IHl, II h~ he oppo,ed minimum ,enrencc, for pcr,i,renr burglar, and dru.!!; dealer, and lifc rcrm, for rapi,r, Jnd I iolenr criminal'> II ho rc-offend:
'1'111 I,onl ('!J;ff JIISI;tl', I.rJf'd Tllrlot of (,'OJ(Otlh. ,,-"110 dl'li<'I'l1'd II IWIIIIl' III 1\';11((, OlZllll;,'I'rII~)' 1111' Stll')'JI o/I.fl:':', 'ti:·II;tll ""liS 1',l/tll,lied)' nplJf1l'd I,)' 1111' lIIul;lI,
• rhe~ II (Hild fener judge,' di,crerion [(J fir rhe ,enrence w rhc crime, •
Ilould rhl\CII"[ rhe pre,enr of ,cnrence di,coUIH, for guilrl plea" ('Dcfendanr, II ho knOll rhe\' II ill receil e a mandaror~ ,enrencc of lengrh\ impri,onmenr and, e\ en more '0, a mandaror~ life enrence, arc nor likel\ w plead guilr<l ,~,rem
• rhe~ \\ouldlead ro more murdcr" ('I n ,rark rerm" I II ondcr II hcrher a repear rapi,r, faced II irh an aU[(Jmaric life ,enrence, II ill nor rhink ir le" ri,kl w cur hi, 1000,e' h~ killin,g rhe onl~ II irne'>'> [() hi, crime? lie mal rhcn e'cape conI inion alwgerher, If conI ined of horh rape and murder he 'rill ger rhe m,md,Jror\ life ,cnrence,') • rhe~ II ill nor II ork - dereerion dcrer, crimina", nor rhe 'enrence. Onc arca in II hich Lord Ta\ lor did ,UppOf[ rhe Ilome Secrerar\ 11..1, rhe call for rime 'Cried in jail ro be morc c1o,el~ in line II irh rhe ,enrencc impo'ed, ,inec puhlic confidence I\C"
eroded II hen people "Ill offender, going free afrer ,erl'ing onl~ half of rheir ,cnrence,. 'I would rarhcr 'cc a ,enrence of IX monrh, mean rhe he~r parr of I H monrh" rhan a senrencc of r!uee ~ear, me'lnin/-', on" I H monrh, ," ar pre,enL 11 i, II ord, prOl oked ~uch a ,rorm rhar ir ,r'l\ cd in rhe ne\\, for rhc re,r of rhe Ileek, Ir 11,,, rhe lead ,ror\ in all rhe broad,heer" bar rhe f)lI;~)' 'li-!f'!!mph. 'lnl' ,rt"U"s III T"II opened II irh ir and 'lnl' .\';m (F(,'lod: .\'I"U':' had ir ," rheir ,econu irem II irh .Io,hua RO/enberg gil in,g "in,g', an honourable Illenrion, Ir became rhe ,uhjecr of opinion column, and Iener,
w cdiror, for rhe ne'\r fell da~ " and 11'" di,cu'>'>ed on QIII'SI;OIl '1';1111' on BBC I anu,llIyQIIl'SI;OIlSon Rauio ..l, Ir remained a rop nell, ,ror~ unril rhe II eekenu anu 11,,, fearureu on !/{,l'll/:/i/SI "";111 Fms!,
I1lkrgradllatc .Ind po\tgraduatc \tlltknt\ in thc 1)epartl11cll[ of \ \ ar Swd ic\ hal c bccn 11 orkin!.( w!.(cther w prodllcc a journal 11 hich thc~ arc cndcl\ ouring [() l11akc a leading acadcl11ic publication in thcir parTicular ficld of \£lId~. 'orl11all~ it i\ aeadcmic\ \I ho band wgcther to c\rabli\h a nC\l publication but in thi\ ;l1\tanee it i\ thcir \wdell[\. TIll:1 felt that a gap clIrrcll[h- e'\i\[(;d \I ithin thc aeatkmic di\cirlinc of\\'ar S£lIdic\ which nccdcd ro bc rluggcd \0 creatcd the Irar Slur/it,S }Offrl/{(!. It\ purpo\c i\ aho
w prO\ idc an
for \oung rC\l:<1 rclll:r\ (() ha I c thci r Ilork publi\hcd. The journal II'ill pn)\ idc a forlllll for thc di\\cmination and di\cu\\ion of 11 ar-relatcd re\earch, including miliraf\
ral11ellork 1\', thc Eurorean C:OI11 111 i\\ion '\ l11echani\m for funding research II'a\ Ltunchcd at the end of 199-1. Ik[\lccn Srring and SUl11mer 1995, man~ rc\earch rrogramme\ ~pol1\ored b~ the EC: had thcir fir~t dcadlines. Therc \la\ much actil'ity II'ithin 1\.ing\ a\ tkp.lrtmcll[\ put rogcther application\; \omc 12.'i rc\carch rropo\ah Ilcre \ubmittcd be[\1 een ;>.Iareh and Scrtcmber 1995. ,\11 this hard Ilork ha\ rC\llltcd in 2-1 eontract\ acro\\ the C:olkgc and 11 ill generatc incomc of appro'\il11atcl~ £2.7 million for King·\. The School of Life. Ba\ic ;>.ledical Hcalth Scicnce\ lIon ninc contract\ and Ph\\ical Scicncc\ Engincering came a do\c \ccond 11 ith eight contracts. Thc Gcograrh\ Dcpartmcll[. 11 ith \i'\ contract\ ha\ thc highc\t number of contract\ allartkd to a \ingle dcpartmcnt. For half of the \uccc,\ful aprlicant\. it \lill bc thcir fir\t EC
and n;I\.1I hi\tor~. \tratcgil \tudic , intclligcnce, region.1I \Ct lIfit~, tcchnolog~. 11 ar and \ocictl. 11 Cap0l1\ of m.I" dc\trIlnion .Ind tcrrori'm. It ainh [() hal c intcrn.ltional appeal and contribllwr\ 11 ill bc dr'lll n from all 0\ er thc Ilorld. In thc cllrrcnt i\\uc Robcrt \ 1c'\"lmar.l. <;ccrctar~ of ~tatc for Dcfcncc IIndcr Prc\idcnt\ Kenncth .1Ild John'on. 11 ritc, on nuckar dctcrrcnce. Thc .Irtick, \I hich 11 ill appcar 11 ill bc nCII 11 ork. 11 ith original thought and idca,. Thc \ccond cdition ha\ jll\t bccn pllbli\hcd and it i\ hopc that it 11 ill bc maill[aincd 1)\ \lll"cription. It 11 ill bc produccd tll icc a ~ car. If~ClII 1I all[ furthcr in!()[J1ution about thc jOllrnal. pka\c cOll[act Sil110n Bo~ dcn in thc Ikp.lrtmcnt of \\'ar Srudie\ on C'\t 217H.
contran - 11 hich ,0mCII hat di\prol C\ the m\ th that Eurorcan funding i\ jll,t for 'old hanth'! Onc \uch c'\amrlc i\ Dr Shori of the Rayne In\tirute 11 ho i, thc coordinawr of a BIO\I ED project on 'Lung Di,ca\c in C\\tic hbro\i\·. i\prro'(il11arcl~ [\10 third\ of Fral11cllork 1\", £10 billion budgct ha, ~
ct [() bc '1)C1l[ 0\ cr thc nC'\t cOllrle of \0 therc arc \till pkll[\ of
orporrunitic' w arpl~. If\CHI IIOllld like w knOll 11 hcther ~ our re,earch might be ,uitable for El' funding. rlcl\e cOll[acr C;cr.lldinc Barr~, C'\t .).) 19 for a prcliminar~ di\cu\\ion. l'pw-date inforl11ation on El' and othcr funding orrorrunitic\ i\ al\o publi\hed rcguLtrh in Nl'smnlt FO('{ 'S. thc KCL Ell[crpri\c\ nCII\lettcr.
C;eraldinc Barf\ ElIropean \Iarkcting E'(CClltilc KCL Ell[crpri\c\ Ltd
t thc "ocict\ \ lir t \nnual C;cncral \lecting hcld in thc Ril cr\idc Rc\tallrall[ at thc tr.lI1d (:.II11PII\ on TlIe\tLl\ 20 Fcbruar~, Socictl C:aptain Bill ~1.ltk rcrorrcd on a I cr\ \uccc\,flll \ e.lr. \n inall!.(uralmccting had rakcn placc in \Ltrch 199.'i and thc ~ocict~ formcd'l\ a rc'ult. Tcmporar~ officcr\ ckcrcd at that mccting 11 crc: Captain - Bill Slade Trca\lIrcr - I )al id Ball Sccrctar\ - (;crr~ Ilughc\ Thc lir\t aC£llal golf da~ 11<1\ hcld at Pinc Ridgc (jolf Ccntrc, Frimlel, (:ambcrlc~, Surrc~ on \\'cdnc\dal 31 \Lt\. It Ila\ a 1110\t \uccc\\ful and cn.io~able da~,
Thc \ccond golf mccting in 199.'> 11 a\ held at thc Bktchingk~ C;olfClub, Bktchingl~. Surre~ on \Ionda~ -I Septembcr. Thi, 11 a, al\o a 1110\t cnjo\ abk da~ though thcrc 11 crc ,Ol11e I cr\ funn~ bouncc\ duc w thc rathcr dr~ condition of thc cour\e tOII·a[(.I\ thc cnd of la\t ~clr\ long hot ,ummcr. ()al id'\ Trc'l\Urcr\ rcport II'a\ El\ ourable and \0 Sccretary (;crf\ inforl11cd thc mcmber\ that arrangcl11CIl[\ had bccn madc for [\10 mccting\ (\0 far) arrangcd for thi\ ~ car: another I i\it [() Bktchingh in i\larch and a I i\it w thc Sonning (;olfClub ncar Rcading in Junc, 'I'hc ckcrion of officcr\ for 1996 then wok place and. it hal ing bccn dccmcd that thc thrcc incumbcll[\ of thc tCl11ror.\f\ PO\t\ had donc .1 11 ontkrful job. thc\ 11 ere rc-ckcted, thi\ til11c for a full \car. ,\ \mall amollnt of·.\n~ Othcr Bu\inc\\' Ila, follOlI cd b\ a pka\<IlH ,uppcr. and thcn, for \(lInc. b~ a I'i\it ro thc Social Club Ilhcrc the elcning Ilound up ,omc hour\ Lltcr, ,\n~onc intcrc'tcd in joining thc Socict~ 11 ould be I cry 11 c1comc and \hould gct in touch 11 ith Gerr~ Ilughc\ clo the Bur'ar" Office, \1 I lal.ard i\ lanagcr Klng'\ Collegc Ilall
n rhe la\r i\\ue 11 e n:porred re\earch granr\ gaincd in rhc
11 0
ho\c granr\
01\ 1'0110\\'\:
ro \upporr a re~earch rraining fellO\\ \hip enrirled SIIIr/\' o/llIIli//()r/\, In'Ogllilioll o/Ihl' pmll'illlym.·ill/' IIO'['/,/ 1IIIOflll/~W'" ill
illSII/ill r//'/Jflldflll difl/It'lI'S /IId/illls
• I)r ,\
~ I acPher~on.
Profc\\or I)
Cand~. £12.
095 <"ing\ ~kdical ro ,upporr ~l rc,earch \wdenr\hip enrirled 7nl' ro/I' of Rc\earch
\.'arira Bahra and 1LlIll/~1 S\cd. borh rhird \C~lr, on the LLI3, \Ion rhe Clienr Inrcn iCII ing Compcrition for England and \\'ale\ held at the l' ni\ cr,it\ of \\'e~rminster~It the cnd of I~cbruar\. Thi\ cnritled thCIll ro
• I)r \1 R Chri~rie. I)r E Cl llarfield (Felloll), £120,316 (\\'cllcome Tru~r)
I.l-l: I1
\tlItlenr, from rhe School
inrcrnarionalle.e:al competirion ro be held in .\u\rralia from Z,'-,) 1 .\Iarch.
\Il:n: incorn..:crl~ arrribured ro ~kdical ":ducarion/E:\'T. The granr\ rccci\ed b) rhc Dcparrmcnr of \lcdicine 11 ere
of LIII lI'ill be n..:pre\cnring England and \\'a!c\ in an
<juarrcr cnded 3 I Ocrol1l:r 1995. \\\: apolo,gi\e [() rhe I)eparrmenr of \ kdicinc, "CS\I D,
conduct an inren ie\l 11 irh a pl<1\ illg rhe role of c1ienr and rhcll e'l.plain h(m they \\'(lltld procecd per~oll
furrher ill rhe
porherical \iruarioll.
The illren iCII i\ 1'011011 cd immediatc" by a con,ultarioll conducred 11 irhollt rhe dienr in
hich the la\l \tudenr\
can di\cu\\ \I har furrher acrioll mighr rcquire to be raken and in 11 hich rhe adjudicator, can a\k rhe ~[IJdcnr\ quc\rions
rhcir approach.
repre~enr Engl~lnd
and \\'ale~ at the Loui\ ~I I3r(l\\ n Inrernational
They arc funding thcir trip \I irh rhe £50(J lI'inning rhey each recei\'ed
Coun\elling Competition ro be held ar Bond l'ni\ersit\· in Queensland. .rhe competition in\ ol\'c\ the
from rhe Ilr\r comperirion. The Prineipal\ Fund and the School of 1,0111 arc al\o helping rhem our bur thc\'
~imularion of an inirial inren iC\I and con,ultation in 11 hich t\\'O lall \[LJdeJH~. playing the role of \oliciror\. ~Ire
arc \eeking addirional >ponsor\hip. The\ abo 11 on the 199.1-96 School of 1,0111' diem inrcn'ie\\'ing
ith a r) pic~t1 diem mattcr.
illll'slillfl/ '/~/d/ 1'IIl'I'{...'1' illlhl' 111'lio/v,!.,'1' vf ill//IIIIIIIIIIIIJly bVf~.'I'/ dis{'{/s/'
• I)r P ~I \\' Barh. Dr F.I Barh. £50,966 (Sou rh Thame\ Regional Ilealrh :\urhoriry) [() \upporr a research projecr enrirled .S:\'SII'lJlfllir I¥"i.'il .. 0/ blood prl'."sllI"/' /llflllflgl'lllflll ill flmll' ."Imh'
Total grants: £258, 637
Illl IlIllu.:m I1t
i~ 11
irh rhe
rcgrer rhar
ro announce rhe dearh of of rhe I)eparrmenr
~ larianne ~ Ierrs
of :\Iarhemaric~, on ~lond~l~ IH :'\Llrch. \\'e mourn rhe 10\\ of a friend and a colleague.
unique IXlrrnership has been
forged hemeen ~ID and l'I\II)S lIirh rhe llni\"crsiry of rhe \\'e\t Indies. The purpose is [() address rhe crirical healrh problems facing Caribbean people borh in Britain and rhc \\'esr Indies. SrudeJH and ~taff exchange~. curriculuIll de\'elopmeJH and joinr research projecrs arc also planned. 1\ :\ lemorandum of l' ndersranding
\las signed by Sir Cyril Chantler. rhe Principal of l' ~ IDS. Profe. sor Adrian Eddlesron. I)ean of Clinical \Iedieine. "CS\ID, and Sir Alisrer \Iclnryre. \'ice-Chancellor of rhe l'\\'L on 7
Ilillia Ilolland School Per\onnel Officer
he Re\'erend
i\ Iichacl Banner <Theology)
has been appoinred as a member of rhe Royal Commission on En\'ironmenral Pollurion. The Commi"ion illtend\ ro produce a n:porr on rhe erhical ba\i\ of el1\ ironmenral regularion b\ the middle of ne:q year.
Fcbruar\ ar the Ca\e Hill C~lIllPU\ in Bridget<l\\'n. Barbado~ during rhe \ isit ofa l'\II)S/"CL delegarion. Ir is appropriare rhar "C5\ 1D \hould enrer \uch a parrncr,hip as "ing', College Ilo~piral i\ locared in \outh London 11 hich ha~ a Iargc \\'e~r Indian popularion lI'ho ha\'e spccial healrh need~. There is e\'idellcc that ar presenr rhe,e arc nor being adequate'"
r I
mer. Sir Cyril expressed a \\'i~h to ~ce rhe parrner\hip embrace nor only reaching and research. bur rhe deli\'ery of heal rh care. leading ro rhe esrablishmenr of a Centre for Caribbean \Iedicine in London. Professor Eddlesron. closely invoh-ed \I"irh the
ho ha,> been
establishment of rhis parrnership. abo highlighted anorher \'e~' imporranr eil:mcnr: rhe encouragemcnr and rraining of\'oung ,,"esr Indians to becomc doctors. Currenrh-, "CS~ID ha\ eighr fro-Caribbean srudenr~ on rhe medical course. a fair proporrion of rho\e \\'ho apph-, bur an illusrrarion of rhe need to increase rhe Illlmber of applicaJlt\ from rhe Afro-Caribbean communiry. Profes or Eddlesron hope~ rhar rhe presence of appropriate role modeb during rhe exchange programme \I'ill encourage more \"e)llng people from the local communiry ro come into medicine.
(,lllulllbu, for a programme tll bc \lJr!!:Jrct Bn)\\ n. I kau of thc L1lOolof
EuuGltlon 'Inu Profc, or of \IJth<:nl.ltic 1-.uuLJtion. Jnd J membcr of J mJth, .Inu lIcncc con,ulUtlle !!:roup ,ct up to JLh i,<: th<:
\n Jnick in th<: IlIrI'/ltlldlJllC\,unined the: bJrtle: he:r\l e:e:n fJnh Jnu
chool CUrriculum .Ind \"c"m<:nt \uth()rit~. \1,1' quotnl In th<: (,//rlnfirll/. ~hc claim, th'lt ,wdlc, ,hO\I in!!; Briti,h
,e:UI LJrI 'Ill In 'I mul[J-uilwral ocie:rl. Pat \\',11 h. (.e:ntre: of \kuiL,1I 1..1\\ and
LhildrcnlJg b<:hind th",<: in (i<:rIllJJl\ anu othcr countrJe, In m,nhcnutin
teachin!!: rclig,ion me:re:l~ JlHhroplllllglL,lIh llr,I'> a uilwr,1I
II erc tlJ\I eu Jnu the Lltffu<:nL<:' e 'l!!;gerJted. ~hc rep<:,ned thi,
phcnome:nlln \1,1, 'I I cr~ limircu c\e:rci,e: hL:L.lu,e ir Lan not conI C\ a
mC"Jge on (:hanncl -I St'U"路".
re:1I unue:r,unuing of \I hat it me::ln, to
EthiC,. e:\pre"e:d the: I ie:\I rhat
bea be:lielcr. In a Tilllt... artick about thc Briti'h phobia for all thin!!;, mathcmatical .lIld
.\Ir .\ualll'l omkin,. Le:ctLIre:r in the:
thc Ill'>' of cnthu,ia,m bl chilurcn for
thc ,ubjcct. I'rofc"or Hn)\\ n primar~
tcaching i, I cr\ goou initi:1I11
but then childrcn
bc kft to \lork
of La \I. ,pokl' on R.luio -I',
,IIl,iI\,"';1 prllgramme: about the con,tiwrillnal rok of jud,ge:,. I k \lJ' al,o in Ul:l\lanu 1'0110\\ ing the: puhlicarilln of thc ')CO([ Re:porr. lie:
out too much for thcm'ch c,. \\ hcn the\ go to ,econLbr\ ,chool thcre: i, ,11,0 the
\la, inte:f\il:\le:d on Channel-r,
great n1\ th th,n \I e: ,houlu gil e: all
/);'jJ((lr!t", Jnd S''U"',lIIi!!H/On IIBC Z,
,tlIu<:nh a fre:,h ,tart, '0 th<: Glrll ,ee:onua~
I e:ar, ,Ire: pe:rhap, maue: rOll
E \am ,hock,
ork mal the:n come: a, a
Thc .~e:a Elllpre:" di'J,re:r c1aillle:d :1' onc of it, lir,t I ictilll' a colon\ of 3.000 rarl: gre:e:n we:kpool 'tarfi,h. Dr Rolanu
111111fillg ,,'ilH IHI' Pr/lIon ({'Iuio -I a,knl
Em'on. SL:nior I.e:cwn:r in rhe: I)il i,ion Ill' I.if<.: ')cicnce,. \I a,
\I herhl:r "ing .\Ifre:d
intl'f\ ie:\lcd on SkI' St路,,路... about the
a, realh
implicarilln, of thi"
'Great" jint~ ~e:I,on. Profc:"or of :-'lcuie:I'al Ili,ror\, argued rhat he: \lJ'bur on the pl:rhap, unconlention'll grounu, that hl: \I:\', an an\iery-riuuen ,uffen:r from p'linful i1lnl:"
nCI l:rthek" m:lnagnl to per,uauc of pl'opk that hl: \la, J IllJn \I ith J
joint re:,e:arch condul'tl:d
l'harm'lclllog\ Group on th<: pr<:'l:nce: of iron catJh tic for fre:e: rauical reactiol1'> in patient' unde:rgoing c:hemorhcr'lp~ and
Engli,h rukr, h'l\ l: dont:) poliric::1I
thl: implicarilln, for rht.:rapt.:utiL manage:mt.:nt \I a, rhe:
Jbilitil" \I irh kcl'n intl:lkcwal
,ubjt.:ct of.ln euirorial in the 1,(///(1'1.
mi"ion. 'Inu rhat hl: combine:u (J, f<.:\I
intcre,r, Jnu a uetcrminarion to uel ore re Ollfce, to highl:r l'uuc,nion. \\'h~
do dilTert.:nt pcopk age: I i,ibh at
uilTere:nt ratt.:'? Thi, qUt.:,rion .\n Jrricll: in thl' I路.c'l/till!! Slrll/r!((rd on thl' olul:,r Iloman in thl: \lOrlLI. \Iauam
po,t.:d b\ tht.: 1,ii.nJioof /)((i1\' Po...1 to I)r jant.: Pre:,wn llf rht.: \gt.: Cont.:e:rIl
je:annl: Calme:nt \I ho h,I'> ce:kbrarl:u
hl'r lZlq binhdJ\, quorl'd Dr \Ian
kno\l n a,
ofGe:rontolo,!!;~, ~()D.
.\n en/llllt.:
\I hich can hclp to ba~,
Ilipki", Sl'nior Le:cwrl'r in \Illkcular
kt.:ep ,ign, of a!!;eing ar
antio\iuall[ c:ounteracting thl: dTee:t of
and Biophl,ic,. \I ho 'aid thJt a
positil'c changc in a pe:r,on\
mal' hclp achiel l' ,uch IOllgel
free rau ical, \I h ic:h arc
pollu wnt,.
Dr Prl',ton adl i,e:d e:aring fOllU' \I hie:h affect rhe
in a ,imilar \la\ to
SOD. for l'\ampk e:arrot,. ,pinach anu Barr\' I re, I kJd of the School of
cabba!!;e. Sht.: \I ent on ro ,ay that
Ilumanitie, anu Ce:f\'antc:, Profc"or of
,nlllking age:, tht.: ,kin be:c'IlI'l' it
Sp'lni,h. II a, inte:f\ ie:\le:d about
inrrouuce:, a large numbt.:r of fre:t.:
ill(o rhe bod\ and OIl(O rhe
Theolog~ ~[Udell(\,
Brian In ine and
Charlie Gib\on. and rhe Dean. Re\ Dr Richard Burridge. \I ere inren ie\led on Radio -f\ {'.II pro.gramme abour rhe \un e~ and rhe pre\\ cm eragc II hich que\rioned \I herher Bi\hop\ arc in [()uch \I irh rhe real \I orld. Charlie
Dicreric" conrribll[cd
a lighr-
hearred article in rhe O/J..-I'!'::I'" in \I hich he gal e nurrirional opinion on \ome rarher odd di\he" for example, rar rara[()uille. ,rag beerlc kebab and ~I ,urf 'n' rurf of hedgehog and ,nook.
I)r ;\bx Saunder~. Lccrurer in rhe I)eparrmell( of Engli,h. ha\ receil cd an enormous amounr of COl erage ,incc rhe publicarion of hi\
biot-:r~lph\. Fonl
,II((do.\' Fo,.d:.-l DII((I !.i/i', Ir \la\
reI ie\l cd b\' all rhe bruad,heer\, rhe 7,JII!'s Li/I'I'l1/)' SlIpplmll'lJ/ rCI'ie\l cd ir in rheir lead arricle. and ir \la\ menrioned in rhe SlIlId((,l' ·!('I!'~mph·.\· 'Rel'ie\\, of Rel'ie\l's', I)r Saunders \\'as inrervie\\'ed on London ~e\l'~ Radio and rhe book \la, d i,eu~,ed bl A S l3ya[[ and :-'Iichacl Sehmidr on Radio
Y s •\'iril/ \I'm.'!'.>. Exrracrs from hi\ reI ie\l ~ arc li,red bclo\l·. 'Sr\'li~h
n earl~ Janua~. rhc "ing'" Informarion Sen ice <"IS) \\a\ mm cd from ir\ homc of rhc pa\r \ear. a del elopmenr machine called fig.cc.kcl.ac.uk. [() a pcrmanefl[ hOIlle on popl:tr.cl'.kcl.ac.uk. The hard\l'arc \upporrint-: rhe ne\l ,~,rem is a dual-
Gib\on made \pecific reference [() rhe .\rchbi\hop ofCanrerbur~'\ recenr I i,ir [() "in!:(,. \\'hieh \ho\led Cl idence of hi, be in,g in [()uch.
Tom Sanders. I'rofes\or of ~urririon
and ,ophisricared ... :-'Iax eerrainlv righr [() claim
rhar Ford ar h i\ be,r marche\ rhe mo~r eelebrared moderni~r, ... a fa,cinaring ,rory ... a subrle and lucid biographer ... ir is eerrainly rhe be,r biograph\ \0 t~Ir.· (I'erer Wa,hingron. Ff..'fllill,f[ S/((lIda,.d)
'Saunders's exeellcnr Inrroducrion is a rhoughr-pnl\'oking meditarion upon lirerary biography in general and irs parricular appliearion [() Ford.' (Pcrcr Parker, !1I(iI'pl'lldl'lI/)
procc"or SparcSrarion.20 71.2\11' \I irh 1.2, .\1 b R:\:-'I and (l' er YGb of di,k 'pace. and \llOUld prm ide a comfortable homc for K'S fOf\ears [() COIlle, In man~ re\pecrs rhe ne\\' ~en'ice i\ idenrical [() rhe old. 1\ kev t'ac[()r in rhe rran,irion \la, [() complere rhe mOl e \I irhour ~Inl'one noricing: in rhe el·enr. "IS \\'a~ unreachable for under a minure while rhe alia, \I\\'\I·,kcl.'l(',uk \\ ,I, rea\\igned [() rhe ne\l' machine. There arc ,ome differences. hOlI'el'Cr:
of rhc "IS <,~ \rcm. The \\'.\IS \ofr\l arc \\ hich \la, in u\e during rhc pilor pha\e ha\ nOlI becn n;placed \I irh a package called I lan e\r; in addirion ro ir, abilir~ [() deal \I irh a \I ide range of documenr r\ pe\. ir include, a \\'\\'\\' cachc module \I hich i, being u,ed ar mal1l orher ['" \irc'. The local cache ~lcr<, a\ a rel11porar~ ,rorage arca for \\.\\.\\' docul11enr\, ~o rhar \uhsequcnr req ucsrs hI' orher II,cr, can he \Olri\ficd
Iw rhc COpl in rhe local srore. If a requcsrcd documenr is nor al'ailable in rhe Glchc, a requc~r i~ senr [() onc of rhe neighbouring cache, [() which rhe King\ cachc i\ linked. Onh' ifrhc documenr cannor bc rerricI cd from ~I neighbour i, an a[[empr made ro obwin ir from rhe original \\'\\'\\' \ouree. On al'erage, rhe local cache i, suppl\'ing bC\l'een .,0 [() -10 per ccnr of
• :-'Iore dediGHcd di,k space. This was parrh [() all(m u\ [() 'mirror' rhe d,lra
rhe documenr, rcque,rcd by local WWW (0.'cr,cape) users. wirh
di,k,. ie hold a permanenr eopl' which
corresponding sal'ing~ in ner\l ork band\\ idrh: a daily u~age \ul11l11ary
could bc \\1 irched in immcdiareh' ,hould onc ot'rhe original disks fail. \\'e al\o \\'anred ~ome spare di~k capacirv [() prol idc a local \\'\\'\\' cachc.
• t\ minor upgrade [() rhe \\'\\'\\' server sofrware. Aparr from bug fixcs. rhe major chant-:c is rhe sen er's abiliry [() 'lxl\I'n addirional hrrpd (sen'er) proee\\c, in re<,pon\e to cliell( connection requesrs. In effecr, each rime a u<,er connecr\ [() "lS. he/she \lill nor halT [() Ilair if rhe sener is busy - anorher proce\~ \I ill deal \\ irh rhe call immediarel\'. ['p [() 20 h[[pd proce,~e, can run concurrenrh,. • A change in rhe ~earch/rcrriel'al sofr\l arc \upporring free rexr ~earehing
al'ailablc in rhe "ing's \\'W\\' page" Informarion ahour rhe cache. including insrrucrion, on configuring your copy of Nerscape. and rhe u,agc summary. can be found ar rhe [IRL: h[[p://\\'\1'\\'. kc I.ac. u k/eac he/cachc, h rill I The KIS W\Y\\' sefl'er nO\l holtb O\'er 1200 irems. and has 66 formall~ appoinred Informarion I'rOl'idcr~ from arounu rhe College. I I' your dcparrmenr i~ nor vcr rcprc;enrcd. and you II mild like [() join rhc project. ple,1\e l11ail l11e ar f.blol11elc\'@kcl.ac.uk.
Fmnces Blolllelel' COl11puring Ccnrrc Informarion Sef\'ices & Sy<,rem\
rudenr Inion t:lt:Ullln, \\ut:
'I he
:lbbJtlul tlIrned up in full force
ht:ld on tht: -t .1I1d ~ \ brch. J f.lirl~
to the ) 0PPll1g Out (.t:reI1l1ll1\ w nurk
quit:t e\t:IH In COl1lp,tr1 1111 to the
the cOl11pktion of the ,truUllre of rht:
pre\ illlh \ t:.Ir. ') ht: nt:\I I~ t:lt:ut:d
nt:\I \CCOIl1I1lOllJtlOn Budding on
'.Ibb.ltil.d .ll1d t:,elllti\ t: tt:.I11l \I ill t.lkt: llftiLe frlll1l tht: I ~ .Iuh I'I'I!):
r.llnfllrd rret:t. The\ t:nJ<I\ l:ll rhc OLl.1 lOll. pa[[illdarl~ \I hen ( .llllege II1'hrt:d rh.lr rhe~ !l1odt:lkd
I'rt: Ilknr: /)III/ltll/ R",or
111 l1loLk-IIP rool1l', during.1 phorll
\ P \dmllll'tr.ltlon
,t: 'lOll rll proll1ore tht: ne\\ 11.111 of
C '>wdt:nr \fl".lIr,:
.r"/(//i,, Fhom
\ I' l'inJI1t:t:, '>port, C' '>out:tle':
re,idel1ce In .I flltllre aCCOll1nll,d.ItIOn publil.ltllln l
AIIIII\' NO/lo!.,
\'1' l'uhlicHion' C'(:oll1l1lunication': Ifitnt//t NO/lo!.'1)1I (rt:-t: kUl:lI)
\t prc,ent. Rob Ilall and r\\o Illember'
RJl.: Offiler: .1/1111 /)tl~lt'
of I niol1 'ralT :Irc in l'hiLldt:lphia on ,I
(:ht:l,e,1 "'iu: (lnicer: SI"'III (1)1)ll
\\ orld \\ idc '>rudenr (:ol1lcrence.
Iknll1.lrk Ilill C'''Il.:IHlnl.::dt: In'[t[lI[e
\[[cndlng 'elllil1.1r~ .Ind ll1eering \\ irh
Officer: (ntl//o/ft fllllll'.!
'llIdt:IH IInlon, on ,In IIHern.lrlon.d
Ken,il1l.:wn '>ltt: Oftict:r:
'l.dc \\ dl help 111 rhe impkmcllt.lrlon
"IIS(/II/hlllllllltll)l AIIII/t1/t1/r!
01 11t:\I Idc.h being Inrrodllced at
"111l!;', I nllll1.
Officer: Ilid\' Sntl/nom
I'o~tgraduate, 1\1[[-[ll1le
C' \Iature
'>wdenr, Ollict:r: (ntll!rs (,,/lSI)II (reekuedl \\"oll1en', Officer: Rmntl.\lIdnu.路路.' Equal 0ppO[[Ulll[le, (( ;el1ual):
:Ird ~rudt:l1t~ \\ hll h'l\ e nude
JlllIt Tholl/f!.II11I
oln,r:lI1dlnl!; conttlbu[lon
0ppo[[lInlrte, (I nrernational):
I\isnfl/l !JII/wl'.!ntllll
.\11 th"'e 'tandll1g for '-iRe: \I ere
I 1
I路 tld.l\ H \I.lrch '.1\1 rhe I nion ho~tlnl.: tht: (:olollr, I)il1l1er, a Cerel1l11n\ w :111
W ~PO[['
It \\ a~ \I ell 'Itrended. \I nh
tht: l'rinclp:11. Re\d'l il1l I)itchtit:ld :Ind John Il00d,ton, \\ ho 'clllptt.:ll the bu,t of \rchbi,hop Ik'l1lond Tlltll,
joining tht: cntourage of ,tlldt:nr~ in the (;re-at II.dl. The half-term pLI\ ~cheme \la~ a
\1'0 '1\\ arded at the dinner \\ ere-
'lIcce". \I ith IllO~t d:l~ ~ being fulh hooked. \lal1\ thallI..., [l) 1':1t Roe for
\Iember,hip'. John Iloul,wn :Ind thi~
and Ilonor:lr\ I.ife
her tirele" effort~ and cOll1lllitll1ent in
running the pla"chelllc - \le'd be lo,t
tllO'c recogni~ed for their conrributiol1
\I ithl1ut her.
to (:ollq~t: :lIld
/('fllll Inri):iIlX fnl'il" m/I)III:;.
Sahhatit:al tealll \I ere all1OI1l!; the l nion.
\\·c halc eurrenrh- enli,ted the 'en ice, of re,carch COI11P~II1\, '\:01', to carr) our a ,un C) [() 'cc \\ hat 'tlIdent' at Kin,g', feel abour the ,en ice,
hank \ ou [(J all those '>raff and ,rudenr, \1 ho wok rhe time to
producrion of a current King', Colkge London Library ticker. Application ,hould bt: made in per'>on, dirt:crh to the [·niler.,it\· of London Librar\.
pr<}\ ided Iw tbe l' nion and what thc\
complete a COP\ of the Libran'" .,un cv on opening hour,
\Iould like to sce offered. Student' arc randomlY chosen and arc ,ent
carried out during Februan· .. \ report eonraining rccommcndatiollS on thi,
que.,tionnaire, to rheir t<..:rm-time addre\\. The\' arc eneoura/!;ed to fill them in so tbar \\"C can a.,.,e.,., \\'har \\'e
,ubjecr \\ ill be going [() the Lihrar\ Ath'i,or) Committec ne\t <;cme<;ter.
oUl-(ht to be offering to ,tudcnr." and to en,urc that their nced., and n.:quircmenrs arc mer.
(() respond to .,tudenr reque't., for improl ements to the opening hours ()\'er the Easter I'aearion by m~lking some e~ten.,ions in thc t\\ 0 \\ eeks prior
If you \\ i.,h to eonraet the StlIdents'
to the start of cxaminations. Sheets
policies. Both rhc Principal and Professor Barry Ife arc members of rhis
llnion for am' rca'on. please feci frce
derailing the new hour, arc al'ailable in
to do so:
each Librar\' but it may be helpful to list the hour., here. The I,ibrarv (c\eluding KCSI\ID)
Rob Ilall ot 1226 I.ei/!;h Tcm cxt 1.266 ;-.,rick Laing ext 1.2.+5 :\ Iiehelle Robemon C\t 1.2.+K
\Iean\\ hile the Library has been able
\\ ill bc clo,ed \\ hcn rhe Colleg;e itself i., c1o'>ed. from Thurst!<1\ .+ (() Tuesda\' Y.-\pril. From \\'cdnesdav 10 [() Fridav
Thcrt: i, currenrh' no nced ro obtain an) prior doellmt:ntation from thi., Libr~l(\ . .\ ,pecial unil-crsitv-wide eommirret: has been set up to look at the prescnt fllllding probll:ms of the ['nil ersit\ Libr~lry, methods of future funding and the lihrarv's acquisition,
\'il'icn Robertson Strand Campus Librarian
1.2I\pril opening hours arc 0930-1700. From I\londay 15 [() Frida\' 26 April. Chebea (:\Ianresa Road Library). Embankmenr Librar\·. Ilumanities Librarv, Kensington (Queen Elizabeth Librarv) and the Old Librarv I1 ill be open:
\lontLty - Thursda\' Frid~lv
free pinr? Would vou
like to listen to a jazz band' Do all of this in pleasanr leafy 'urroundin/!;s' T~lkc the kids wa childrens' zoo? If the answer is ye<;, then all \·ou h~1\
e [() do is run in rhe Great Briti.,h Brain Race, 11.00 Barrcr,ea Park, 31 I\lareh IYY6, 10k flat eour,e. You'lI al,o be helping eight eharitie' inw the bargain. Enrrv forms arc alailable from \larion P :'\Iurphy ext 3667 or contact thc i"ational Hospital for Ncurolog\ J)el'elopmenr Foundation on 0 I 71-K.29
K7.2'+. Thank vou again to all tho,e \I'ho ,ponsored my fir't I,ondon 1\ larathon la.,t vear. £. 1250 was raised for the National Hospital for eurologv J)el'clopmenr Foundation. 1\ larion 1\1 urphv Safcry Officc
the follO\I'ing
members of sraff who \\'ill bt: running rhe London I\larathon this vear:
fI I
ood luck
Strand LCI'el 5 and the I\lusic Library will be open 09.30-17.00. The Coleridge Library ~n Cornwall Ilouse rerurns to its rerm time opening hours on 1\ londav 22 April and is open Ot./.30-17.00 prior (() thar. The l\'ightingale Institllte of Nursing Libraries rcrain their regular hours
Colin Choll'n - Strand Porters \'incc Chalmers - School Accountanr, Physical Sciences (if' Engineering I\liehacl Clarkt: - Direcror. Centre for I)t:fence Stlldies I\lichael \\'att - Elcctrical Sen'ices Supervisor
throughout scme,ter ~lI1d I'acation, closing when College is closed. KCS:'\)J) \\ill be open !\Ionday - Fridav
It is closed on Good Frida\ and Ea<;rer \Iondav. Please pick up an Opcning Hours shect from vour nearest I,ibrary.
University of London Library access All properly registered ,taff and srudenrs of King's College London an.: no\\ able to regi.,ter for u,e of tht: l'ni\ er,it) I,ibran' at St:nate I louse on
he next confidential waste papcr collection \\'ill be on :'\ londa\' I April 19%. All \I'aste should bc delil'Cred to Room 3'+1. 3rd floor, Strand Building, betll'een 9.30 and 16..,0. If no-onc i, in the room when you arrive plea<;t: go room .,02 round rhe corner. Pleasc do not use any sacks marked Data Dispo<;al. For fllrther information about thi<; to
sen'ice please conraet the College Arehi\·e., on e'\t .2015.
25 March Will the real Digenes Akrites please stand up? Elizabeth Jeffreys, Exeter College, Oxford Room 35B, Strand 17.30 Seminar, Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 27 March Bach's Sources for the Peasant Cantata (BWV 272) Tim Crawford, KCL Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00 Colloquium, Institute of Advanced Musical Studies 27 March Did Sappho and Alcaeus ever meet? Professor Gregory Nagy, Harvard University Great Hall, Strand 18.00 Public Lecture, Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies 1 April Third Cyprus Lecture The Greek book in Cyprus Constantine Constantinides, University of loannina Great Hall, Strand 19.00 Public Lecture with slides, Centre for Hellenic Studies 11 to 13 April Friendship and Friendship networks in the Middle Ages Convenors Dr J McLoughlin, KCL and Dr J Heseltine, University of Oxford Great Hall, Council Room, Committee Room, Strand Please note that there is a charge for this conference; further details from the HRC Office. Conference, Centre for Late Antique & Medieval Studies 22 April The cuckoo and the nightingale: patterns of mimesis and imitation in French songs of the Late Middle Ages Virginia Newes, Eastman School of
Music, Rochester, NY, USA Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00 Colloquium, Institute of Advanced Musical Studies 26 to 27 April Science & God Speakers include: David Berman, University of Dublin; John Brooke, University of Lancaster; Owen Gingerich, Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astro-Physics; Richard Swinburne, University of Oxford; Paul Davies, University of Adelaide; Peter van Inwagen, University of Notre Dame; Thomas Torrance, University of Edinburgh; John Polkinghorne, University of Cambridge; Wolfhart Pannenberg, University of Munich et al. Assembly Hall, Chelsea Campus, Manresa Road, Chelsea There will be a charge for this conference. All enquiries should be made to Tony Dale, Centre for Philosophical Studies, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS Tel 0171-8732585 email a.dale@bay.cc.kcl.ac.uk Centre for Philosophical Studies 26 April Day colloquium on Byzantine Egypt: prospects and projects Institute of Classical Studies, 34-36 Gordon Square 10.30 to 18.30 Day colloquium, Centre for Hellenic Studies 1 May Alpine Virgins: Ambience and genre in Verdi's Luisa Miller Emanuele Senici, Cornell University Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00 Colloquium, Institute of Advanced Musical Studies 2 May The first European Revolution Professor Robert I Moore, University of Newcastle upon Tyne Room 2C, Strand 17.00 Special Lecture, Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies
8 May Stories about the Greek discovery of incommensurability Dr David Fowler, University of Warwick Committee Room, Strand 17.15 Public Lecture, Centre for Philosophical Studies
2-3 May Byzantium & the Modern Greek identity Convenor Dr David Ricks Council Room, Strand Two-day colloquium, Centre for Hellenic Studies
French, German and Japanese at three levels. Please contact Sophie Chambers on ext 2890 e mail: sophie.chambers@kcl.ac.uk for further information and registration details.
All seminars will take place in the Seminar Room, The Randall Institute, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL at 13.00.
for automated prostatectomy S J Harris, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, London 14.30 Towards design science I Esat, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brunei University 15.00 Manipulation of flexible objects E J Neighbour, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's College London 15.30 Tea
15 May o socii durate: Adriaan Willaert and Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle, Bishop of Arras and Minister of Philip 11 Ignace Bossuyt, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00 Colloquium, Institute of Advanced Musical Studies 30 May Memorial service for Philip Sherrard College Chapel, Strand 17.30 Centre for Hellenic Studies
21 to 22 June The European Impact of the Spanish Civil War Council and Committee Room, Strand 10.00 to 17.00 Two-day conference Centre for Twentieth Century Cultural Studies
27 March DNA-dependent protein kinase: roles in transcription site-specific recombination and DNA repair Dr Steve Jackson, Wellcome Trust, Cambridge 17 April Characterisation of the DNA Replication Licensing System in Xenopus Dr Julian Blow, Clare Hall Labs, ICRF 24 April Regulation of transcription by the Retinoblastoma tumour supressor protein Dr Tony Kouzarides, Wellcome, Cambridge 1 May Awaiting title Dr David Gray, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital
I (
23 May Intensive language courses Strand Campus, Thursday evenings, 18.00-21.00 The courses are at four levels starting from beginner. Intensive business language courses Tuesday evenings, 18.00-21.00. The courses are taught by teachers of the MBA Language Training Programme at the London Business School and are offered in
8 May Desmosomes in development and differentiation Dr David Garrod, Biological Sciences, University of Manchester
19 April Mechatronics - an IEEE UK and RI Control Chapter Meeting
Programme: 14.00 The Probot - the design of a robot
16.00 Smart assembly L D Seneviratne, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's College London 16.30 Robotic underwater inspection using compliant contact D Broome, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London For further details contact: James Whidborne or Lakmal Seneviratne, Department of Mechanical Engineering, King's College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS Tel 0171-873 2027/2236 Fax 01718732437 email j.whidborne@kcl.ac.uk email I.seneviratne@kcl.ac.uk Or our WWW page at http://www.mech.kcl.ac.uklDeptweb
T\lo-bcdroom tl.\[ In Ea,r I.ondon
(I:': I) L1o.,e ro \\'hirech'lrd e.,n:rnt:\ Lecrun:r (Briti,h/French nJtionJlir~ 1. LJ\\
\I'\-en-Pro\(:nce FrJnce.
\I'\-t:n-I'ro\ t:nce I, ont: of rht: mo,r JrtrJClI\ e t:irit: In Prll\ enct:. 20km.. from rhe COJ,r, fJmou, for ir, L1'I"iCJI mu,ic fe .. ri\ JI in J uh. E'\changt: for rhe tir.. r or rhe ..econd forrni.ght in Jul~ \\ irh lecrurer li\ ing in ct:nrral London or .. uhurb,. Thc fbt in .\i\ i, in a nt:\\ Jnd
111'> \ C:,lr\ .-\nnual (.ollcgt:
Green rube. LJrge kitchen 'diner,
J)lIlner \\ ill be held on
gJrden.off- rn:t: pJrklng. Good order rhroughout. £')9.99'), It:a,dlOld.
Thur,dJ\ 20 Junc in rhc (;rear IIJII.
C:onrau R \ckc:man. I-\cn,ingron c'\r
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rhe I)innc:r ro
tr,md C:amru . \11 \I
hlch colleague..
J[[t:nd \I
hJ\ t: rc:rircd Jrc rcriring during rht: currt:nr JCJdclllic ~ C:Jr are in\ in:d ,I> guc:,r... Further informJrion on rhc J)innt:r \I ill 1()llcl\\ .. horth. .\Irhough
c:r\ cffort i.. mJclt: ro
from rht: centre of :\i\. It i.. on rhc
en.,urt: all reriring mcmber" of "ralT arc: in\ ircd [() rhe Dinner. int:\ irabh onc:
ground tloor Jnd i.. e\tremel\' quier
or rwo peorle are mi ..sed. If~ou knOll
arrracti\ t: rc .. idt:ncc about 1 kilometre
\Iirh a
Ir i'> a large
one bedroom flar (60m) wirh '>It:eping accommodarion for four peoplt:. For further informarion plea ..e
of anyone \I ho ha ... rerired/\l ill be r<:tiring from rhe College in rhe period I Ocrobc:r J 99S - 30 Seprcm bc:r 1996. I'd bc: grareful ro hear from you
\ Ir ,\rnold E ynon \Iichclt: PaNlIl ..
Re .. ident:e L'.\madour B:1rimt:nr Ikg,,, Roure d'Eguille,>
.\dmini .. rrclti\ e \"i"rant. College Seererar~ .., Office
U090 .\i\-en-Prll\ ence
E \ r ,OO-!
'I'd -12 .20 .t2 -1.2
Ne\\ /,ealand lecrurt:r and \\ould likt:
dc:rail .. of rhc:ir namc Jnd departmcnt.
renr a r\\o/rhree
bedroom tlar or hou'>e from J Augu'>r 1996 ro 30 lay 1997. Plt:a,>e conracr Pa ul Rorh d irecti y: pa ul. rorh@,>tonebo\l'.orag;o.ac.nl. or Pt:rer Oli\'er exr lOSS.
Singlt: room to ler, cenrral Ilaml\\ (/,one S), ro .. hare
irh ont: orher. Ten
minutt:,> from ;\Ietropoliran I,int:/Briri.,h Rail ,>tarion,. Ft:male preferred. £.200 pem including bill .., t:'\ct:pr phone. Conract Sara I-\elh on C'\r 3321.
Spaciou'> ba'>emenr flar in Ba\ .. \lart:r/:"orring Ilill Gare. Circlc/Di .. rricr/Centralline., piu .. man~ bu .. roure ..; /,one I. Self-conrained, o\\'n enrrance, fully-furni.,hed and t:quippt:d. Li\ ing room, kirchcn, barhrool11, bcdroolll (double bed), srudy area, bike .. rore. £6S0 pcm plw, ga'>, electriciry, relephone and council ta:-- bill.,. Tderhone OIHl-S-I6 S.tB (c\'cning.. )