College K LO DO FoundedI829 I I
I \1111 H ,)(" \I \\ 1'1'11,
ENT the College Newsletter Songbook celebration
he College ha, announced rhe 1996 FcllO\l'>hip,>, "l"he~ arc a'>
• I'rofe.,.,or Brian Bond, Profe"or of \\':11' Srudie,
• I ,ord Swnle~ (:Iinron-l),l\ i" Labour Peer. Ilou'>e of Lord, Oppo~ition Spoke,>man on "l"ran'>port ·I'rofe'>'>or Brian ()alie, FRS. Profe'l'or of:\ larhemarie, • Profe,~or .\drian Eudlc,wn. I,i\er I mmunolog~ anu
I'rofe,~or of
l)ean of rhe Faculr~ of Clinical \lcdicil1l: • I'rofe~'>()r John Gorrou. Profe,~or of
he In~riwre of ,\<.h"lI1ce,'d :\Iu,ieal Swdie,>:H "ing\
Some of the eompmer, rhe concerr 11 ere (from kfr to right. ab()\e): ,\ndrei, I'an
conducred h~ Brad Cohen and Sir I Luri"on Birnl i,rle. 11 a, enrhu~ia~ticall~
receil cd
("CLl, Roberr "eele\ ("CL) and John \\'oolrich, The concert. \\ hich lIa,
ahour ISO conremporary ,ong~ dra\\ n from different part, of rhe 11 orld, repre~entl:d at
Ro,>,> Lorraine ("CL), Si" ina
recentl~ celebrared rhe aequi,irion for ir~ archil e, of rhe SOllg//f)/j/.' of :\Iar~ \\'iegold \\ ith a
concerr in the Great Ilall or,gani,ed Chri,wpher \\'inrle. rhe .\,~i,>wnt l)ireewr, The SOllg/l{jf)!.- eompri~e,>
the large
• I'rofe,~or Simon 110\1 ell. Profe'>'>or of Endoc.:rinl: Ph~ ,iolog~ and Ilcau of rhe Biomedical Science,> Di\'j,ion in rhe School of Life. Ha,>ic \lcuical Ilcalrh Science,>
audience, • :\11' Geralu Ilughe~, Bur'>:u Chri,>wpher \\'inrle \lu,ic l)eparrmeJ1( l/iI1lJ:'islk/A'illg's {f))){l'/1 fll Qlff'I'1I
l-.lizrl/)I'Ih Ilrt//: SI'f' Pfl!!I'
• Sir Brian Pl:ar~e. Collq:?;l: "l"rea,urer and Chairman of I,uca, 1nuu,trie, {,'tJlililllll'rI Oil PIIJ!.!'
I Icad<;hip<; of Academic l' nit:-,
Edinburgh International Science Fe<;ri\ al
he (:ouneil ha\ apprOl cd the 1'011011 ing appoinmlenr\:
Head of School of Education Dr D~ lan .\p \\'iliam !<If three I ear\ from I .\ugU\t 19<)() Head of School of Law Profe~\or lan Kenneu~, for tllO from 1 Augu\t 1946
Head of Division and Department of Nursing Professor .I en ifer \ \'i 1\(1I1-l1a rner. for three le~lr\ from 1 .\ugU\t 1446 Head of Department of War Studies Profes\or Lawrence Freeuman, for three years from 1 August 1946 Head of Department of Music Profcssor Larrl' Drefus. for threc ~ears from 1 August 1996 Head of Department of Pharmacy Profcssor Chris l\larrion for three years from 1 Augusr 1996 Head of Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Professor Kypros ;\,icolaiues. \I ith immediatc cffecr umil .,1 .lu" 1999 Head of Group, Molecular Biology & Biophysics Dr Keith Dudlc~, for threc yelr\ from 1 .\ugU\t 1996 Thc Chairman of the Council. on behalf of thc Council. ha\ apprm cd the folloll'i ng:
Head of Department of English Dr Cli\'c l1ush. for thrcc \'e~H\ from 1 Augu~t 1996 Head of Department of Theology Profcssor (;raham Sranwn. for three ) ear~ from 1 August 14<)6 Profc,sor Richard (;riffith\ 11 ill conrinue a\ Ilcad of the Ikparrmcnr of French for a further {\I 0 ~ear\.
n .\pril. the Cemre for \Iemal Ilcalth Scn ice\ Del c!opmenr org~lI1i\ed a \eminar on T!t" Bio/Ill diml fl/l/l/7J(/{!t III '/111'/11111 illlll'ss' .idIJtld: ur.fflllllioll?~1{ the Edinburl!:h Imernational Science Fc\til al. The el cm lI:h \pon\oreu bl the \ Iemal Ilcalth Foundation. Penumbra. anu the Sconi\h A\\ociation for \ lemal Ilcalth. and lI~h the brain-child of Profc\sor Ilarold Baum, 11 ho ha\ a IOllg-\randing illl oh emenr 11 ith the Fe\tilal. The dilcr\e p~ulel of expert, attracted .1 capaeitl audience anu prOl'ided a renecril·e. respecrful anu frank uebate on a horl~ -eoll{ested area in 11 hieh I iell, tenu to polarise.. \fter an imroducrion b~ Sue Leunaru, Ilcalth Corre,>pondem of Smlllllld 011 SllIIdlly. Profe\\or Robin l\lurr~ll' of the In\tiwte of P\~chiarn described reccm medical adlances in unuerstanuing and rrcating ,>chil.ophrenia. \holl ing h(m eorrclation, betllcen the e\perienee of I oiees and brain acril'iry reI ealcd b~ nell brain imaging techniques 'upporr rhe hyporhe,>is thar hallueinarions mal represem rhe mi,imerpre{ation of one's OInl inner speech. Dr Ann Rogers of rhe Cenrre for Primary Ilealth Care Re~eareh and De\'elopmenr pro\'ided a critical re\'iew of the eoneepr of seh izoph ren ia, its link ro trearmcnr ane! ourcome, and a sociological anail'sis of 11 hI biomcdical approaches continue {() prcdominate. Professor Peter .lenner of King's gal'e an inspiring aecounr of the enormous progress that hau been achiel'ed in understanding the biological ba,>is of Parkinson's di,>ease and its relationship (() el1\'ironmenr~d ,rressors, Rc. earch had prOl'ided the
Fell()\\ <;
promi,e of b(){h drug treatmenr anu pn:lematile mea\ure, (() reuuce Ildnerahilit~. Thi\ 11 ork pn)\ ideu 'I tempLm: for biomcdical lIork in '>chifophrcnia . Profe\\or Rich~lrd Hemall of the ['nil er,itl of Lil erpool gal e a radied critique of the diagnO'>e\ of ,chil.Ophrenia. and \Ir Ron Colcm~ln of the llearing \'oicc, :'\ctll ork made a forceful and per\ua,il e aeeoum of hi\ per,pecril con biomeuical approaches ({) schil.Ophrenia, stre\sing the social comro! functions of diagno\is and ph~,ic~d rreatnH;nr. the sociali\atiol1 of medical ,rafT. the unreali\tie e\pecration, of genctic rescarch and the modc\t imprOl clllems gaincd through currcnr treatmcnr,>, lie callcd for grcater emph~,i\ on under\tanding thc pCNlIlal root\ of p" chologic~1 di.,trcss. such as thc cxpcricncc of childhood \c\ual ahu.,e, thc dCI clopmellt of ,clf-hclp nctll orks. and ,>impll t:i1king to sefl'icc US(;[\ about their e\perience of hallucinations and dclu. ions, .\mong thc points rai,cd in thc di.,cuS\ion lIa, the need for p\ychiatri\t\ to bc bctter pharmacologi,t\, Thc cxtent of common ground among thc \pcakcr, all(m cd for some optimi. m conccrning a realistic cI'aluation of the currcnt ''>t~lte of thc art' and thc directions for futurc rcsearch and intcfl'cntion,
StCI'C On~ cn Scnior Rc,carch Fclloll
Pfle:f I
• Professor Roberr Si mmons, FRS. Professor of Bioph\'sics and Direewr of rhe Randall Instiwte • Prokssor (;raham Sranwn, Professor of Nell Testamem Swdies. The,e Felloll,hip~ 11 ill be conferred at onc of the three Pre,>enration
Ccrcmonics bcing hcld on 29 and.> 1 .lul~
and Z i\ugu'r. 1\lorc dcrail> about the Fellolls will appear in the next edition of
Long erVlce a ard
SIII/} ;,dlfJ IWc'1 ....IJd:al IIllhl' (1JIkJ!./, /lJr l.:; III/rI,II 1 \'('(In
hlJ!lIJ/mrl 11111 {('IIJili/J1I ill.lpri!. Pillllnrl IIIL'
IBII/I: m ..··. ft:{t 11) rir:hl) f)r I'I/(r/Jllillir. f)r.//JhIlSlidill,r:, Pm/I'(loIWi/limll RI),,"/'. Pm/i·,'.wr RllhllrrlSlJmbji. f)r./ohll Hmrl. /)r P{'lt'r .\"/))11/. f)r./lJhll W/~!!.r:/n·~·ollh. f)) f)IIUrl R/JIJiJlS/J)) r.IlIr1r1ft: mi.". ft:/; 11) I~!!.hl) /)r (/'{Im l)ollmJII. IIi.'s .llmjorit ) 'Olll/g. ,1I11'1IIt1 (m/J!.'. /)1 P/ii/ip Whil/idrl. Till' PI;JII ipII!. f)r .lllrl{("iJ!· /JI'I'I/I'\' . . Ilr. \1/i~'rll.llm.,. Pm/t'.I'.wr'!tllIl'I .\"dwlI.. lIr (;lJrrllJlI Nl'l'lId/ rFmll1 m~', k/II/) )~e.hl) .11))' ./fJld\'1I /o"IJ.I'/I'r. IIn' PIIII;I;II IIIJI'n·.. lln ((lrJJld A'hml, .lIr RIJIJl'Il Rf'rlJJllJllrI. f)r 1.II!.'e Horl.gl:ill, .lIiss ,1/11I!;lInl.\'III/II//(1I1
Open Day
h~r do \'Oll do \I hen .UWO \ i,iwr, de'eend on "ing', College'
You m~~ feel ~n ~ppropriare re'pon,e i, ro ,ra~ ~\I ~~! 110\1 e\ er eon,ider rhar \ irruall~ all rhe \ i,imr, arc rro,pecri\ e uni\{;r,ir~ ,rutlenr'
educ~rion '"ld \I h~r rhc) e'pecr from
uni\ <.:r,ir~. could nor ha\ <.: b<.:en reali'<.:d \\ irhour ill\ oh <.:m<.:nr from all :Icldemic dep~rrmenr, ~nd ,urporr ,en i<.:e' piu, ~ brillianr r<.:am of Kin/:(, ,rudenr, \I ho could be idenrified 'porrin!!; blue KCL T-,him.
ro rhe da~. Each \ear rbe number of \ i,iror, ro rh<.: Open 1)'1\ increa,e,. l'nforrunareh \I <.: ,eem n<.:ar e~p~eir~ ~nd an e\'>enri,11 re\ ie\l of rhe e\ <.:nr ~nd hO\l' w rl~n for rhe furure \I ill rake place. Ir i, ine\ irable rhar rhe need, of each
\I ho \I illle~\ c Kin!!;'" h~\ ing g~ined impre\'>ion, \I hich rhe~ \I ill
King'" repurarion tilr being a 'friendh in,rirurioll' \la, cerrainl~
ine\ irabl~ di,cu'>\ \I irh friend,. famil~ and reacher,. The imporrann; of rhe
rdlccred in rhc commenr, madc h\ our \ i,iror,. \\'hihr nor ~II ,rudcnr, h~\ c, ar
School. and indeed e~eh Deparrmenr. \ ary and ro ,:ni,l\ e\ eryone i, a formid~hle ra,k. Commenr, from an~ memb<.:r of ,ralT \I ho \I~, around on 2:1
enrire College communir~ being ,n rheir di'po,~1 cannor be dcnied Thi, \clr', annu,11 Open I)~\, rhe
rhi, earl~ ,r~/!:e, m~de a commirmcnr ro a parricul~r ,ubjecr. Ier alone Il~m)\\ cd t!l)\\ n rh<.:ir ehoie<.: of in,rirurion,. rhe m~jorir~ :He keen [() di,cu\'> cour,<.: derail \\ irh academic, and gain impre'>\ion, from cum;nr ,ru<lenr,.
.\pril. \I herber or nor ~Oll \I ere ~cri\eI~ ill\ oh cd in rhe <.:\t:nr. \I ould heir u, \I irh ,uch :1 re\ i<.:\I. Plca,e do conracr Su,~nne French. Srud<.:nr R<.:eruirmenr C' E ,eh~nge, Office, Corn \I all Ilou'e (c-mail '.french) \\ irh ~()ur \ ie\l ,.
Th<.: Srud<.:nr,· I 'nion'" 'Li\ ing in I ,on don Forum' arrr,lcred ,ome 200 'rLId<.:nr, and rhank, i, due ro ~II member, of KCLSI' \I ho eonrribur<.:d
Su,anne Fren<.:h .'>rudenr R<.:cruirmenr C' E:\changc,
e\ enr \I hich dre\l ,uch cr()\\ t"- \I~' m all appearance, ~ 'ucce\'>, The logi,ric, of dealing \\ irh '0 m~n~
\ i,iror,. mo,r of \\ hom ir 'eemed in tlood, during rh<.: morning. all \I irh difTerenr ,ubjecr inr<.:re,r,. ~rri\ cd
\~ r\·i ng
arri rud<.:' a bou r h igh<.:r
Prospecting for
r Alien Penlerosl uf Ihe Di'i.:isiuII ofl.ife Sril'll(('s r!esrrive:; Ihe lalesl r!e'i.:e/oplllenls ill Ihis film,
Earlier rhis year a conferem:e \\'a~
lartian life Some of rhc mo,r primiri\ e kno\\'n
rich in microbial life and arc a potenrial
rarget for exploration. I ha\'e been in\'c,rigating ,C\ eral a~peer~ of
rhe 'h~ perrhermophile,' gro\\ abm e 70 C, and occur in hor ~Ixing, and ~ubmarinc 'black ,moker,'
held ar rhe Cl BA Foundarion in London on rhe origin~ of life on Earrh
\\'orld\\ ide, :\Iincral depmir, form around mo~r hor ,pring, and microbe~
and rhe pros peers for lifc on :\lar~, The meering \\'as held ar rhe beginning of a
frequenrly become rrapped and pre~ef\'ed \\ irhin rhem, Thermal \\'arer~
u~uall~ a~~ociared
\\'irh much e\'idcncc
rra\ errine formation ()\ er the \'ear~ and, \\ irh t\\O colleague, from the :'\ASA E:\obiology Group, \\'e arc tarring
look at a range of hot 'Ixing perrofabric, to ,ec ho\\ the microbial biofabrie is im[1rimed upon them, 13\' dct~ilcd examination of rhe cry~ralline
ne\\' era of l\ larrian explorarion - ar leasr r\\o l\lars missions arc planned larer rhis year - from Russia and rhc ['nircd Srares, HsucCl:ssfuL derailcd
of \'olcanie acri\'ir~ on lar,. Olympus Ions, \'isible from Earrh \\ irh a good
gcochemi al and geophysical informarion \\'ill be relan:d back ro
releseopc, is rhc Ltr,gcsr \oleano in the Solar S\'srcm ~Ind may ha\'c been acri\ e
Earrh and used ro elcer landing ~ire~ for a planned 'rerurn ~ample mi~,ion' early in rhe 21 'r cenrury,
for billion~ of ycar~. Imagc~ from
lander experimcnb showed that life on
pre\ ious ll1i"ion~ ha\'e rC\'ealcd porenrial sircs for hor ~pring deposir~, An inrriguing \\'hire '~ll1udge' occur, on
\Iars i~ unlikely at pre~enr, bur it may
Apollinari~ Parem
depo,it, are found on !\Iar" and if life e\'er cxi,ted thcre, then the pro~peet~
The Cl BA eonfcrcnce addre ~cd many a~pcer~ of rhe :\ larrian and carl~ Earrh cl1\'ironmenr. Experr~ from a \\ ide range of disciplincs ga\'e rheir opinions on rhe mo~r likely place~ ro ~eareh for early life, 1\lueh prominence \\'as gi\'en [() hydrorhermal ~y~rem~, The early Earrh \\'as cerrainly horrer rhan ir is no\\' and cireuir~ of \ cry hor \\'arer musr ha\'e permeared rhe cru~r.
and rherc
\\'hich ma~ repre,cnr a depo~ir. \Iodelling of rhc \\'arer-rock inreracriom of a \\'armer :\Ltr~ by ['S ,cienrisr, suggc,r rhar lime~[()ne, ma\' ~uch
be presenr in rhe cru~r. On Earrh, rhe. e reacr \\ irh hydrorhermal ,olurion~ [() form deposir~ kno\\'n a~ rra\ errine, Terresrrial rra\'crrinc, arc exrremely
Aeromedical research & teaching asr year COllllllelll reporred on rhc formal associarion signcd bcr\\'ecn King's and rhc RAF School of A\'iariun l\lcdicine (R F SAl\I) Farnborough. Thc link ber\\'een rhe r\\o insrirurions, \\'hich originally
~rarred almo~r
20 Year~ ago for po~rgraduare reaching. i~ no\\' being furrher ~rrcngrhened b\' rc,ean:h ~,,~ociarions, On 22 April. an .\eromedical Re~earch Forum \\a~ held ar rhe Srrand. in order ro gi\ e ~raff from I~\F SA\L King\, KCS\I!) and ['\1 DS a chance ro mcer and ro hear more abour each orhers' re'earch \\'ork. The meering \\'a~ opened b~ rhe Commandanr of RAF SA:\L .\ir Commodore Ton\' J\.'iehobon ~lI1d rhe llead of King's Biomedical Science~ Di\'i,ion, Profes~or Simon Ilo\\ell, \\ ho ~poke of pa~r and furure linh ber\\een rhe insrirurions. Speakers from RAF SA1\I, rhe deparrmenr of Thoracic :\lcdicine of KCS]\lD and rhe Ph~ ,iology group~ of bmh King', and
['1\10S rhen ga\'e
~horr prcscnrarion~
of rheir currenr research. The research me<:ring \\ .IS chaired by Air \'ice\Iar hal Profe~sor John Ernsring, a former Commandanr of RAF SAl\1 and long-~tanding\'i~iring Profe~sor of King'~ and l':\IDS,
t\ reception ro mark th<: inauguration of rhe nc\\ joinr I(ing'~/RAF S.\!\I :\ISc eour,e in .\eromedical R<:~earch follm\(;d the re,earch mceting and thi, \\'a~ ~\t[ended
by the Principal. the Dean of I(CS\ 1D, the Prineip.tl of [':\1 DS and
abour SO gue't,. Furrher deraih of the aeromedical re~eareh
\\ ork can be obrained from Ern,ting; and of the
strucrure, cmploying l11ulri\'ariare it is po~sible [() cla~sir\' rhe f~bries and relar<: rhem to their original biological componenr. The \'iking
h~l\'C e\'o" ed in the e<Hly hisrory of the planet. a, ir did on E.mh, If hor-~pring
of finding microbial fos ib in h\ drothermal depo~it~ are good, and rhe rerurn of <:xtraterresrrial samples i~ eagerlya\\'aited,
('Ilr!{'/:\!(/IIr1illg /l/(lIlff!l rights
ris \\'irh pkasure rhar \\'e announcc rh'l[ {'IIr!el'SlrlJldillg
The book
proceedings of thc Ilart \\'orkshop on the same ,ubject \\'hich \\'a~ held at the I n~tirute of Al" .Inced I.egal in Ju" 199-t It is edircd b~ Conor C;carr~ and Adam Tomkin, and [1ubli,hed b~ :\Ian,ell, Srudie~
'l'ho,e of you \\ ell \ erscd in rhe mod<:rn realirie, of uni\ er~it~ life \\ ill under,rand rhe ,ignific~nee of publication in rhe la~t \\ cek 01':\ larch, In order 1'0 c<:lcbrate this timing a, \\ <:11 a, the conrenr of rh<: book therc \\'as a launch parr\" on 27 :\Iarch in rhe Council Room,
Profe~,or John
:\ISe Aeromedical Re~eareh COlme from Or Srelht Ro\\ land~, borh of the Ph\'siolog\ group,
\\'as published on 27 i~ ba~ed on the
Alan Bralhha\\' School of I,a\\
Centre of European La\v
nglo Saxon attitude
rofessor janc Robef[\ of thc 1':nglIsh Ikpartmcll[ and i)r
Ly nn<: Grund~ of thc R<:st::Irch ('nit in Ilumanities Computing ar<:
c<:l<:br;lting th<: r<:c<:J1[ public;ltion of th<: first compr<:hensil <: the,aurus of Old English, of 11 hich they arc the compikrs, tog<:th<:r
ith Christian
of the llnil usit~ of Glasgoll . .I 7'I/f'.wlIl1lso/0Id l.lIglish. publishcd in the King's \lcdit:1 al StlIdit:s S<:ries,
offers a unique nell rt:sourcc to 'U1dcJ1[s of ,\nglo-Sa\on languagt: and culrure, and ord<:r, for the tIl'O-loIUI11<: 11 ork ha\ <: bet:n r<:c<:il'ed from a'> far afjt:ld a\ japan, !\u\tralia, th<: (l n it<:d Statcs and Finland,
'I'lte ('mIll' of 1~'lImp/'rllll,a'lC'Semillal", COn'>tirutional Reforms in Ct:ntral and
and !Il[ernational Lall', 11)()i' plall' 1)1I.!9 IlI/rl3() .J/auR
Th<: thesauru, contain, somt:
SlljJ/)(}/11,rI IJI' Ihr Bl"ilish ..1((Irlem)', Pirllll"t'rI,fmml/f/ 10 I"if{hl al"e ,I/rld" lllrl/'lIas. IJil1'1101",
50,000 words, arrang<:d according to
{''ellllf' of 1':lImpl'rll/ l.afJ!', Sir {<'nll/I.-lill Rel7l/(///, I.egal.lrli..·iser, {<'ol1,igll Offia'. I'mfessol"
their l1lt:anings, (lnd<:r th<: set:tion for
Reill ,I/MI/noll, Killg's, 11is F,\ldl('((ly, "S \'ereshr!Jr-lill. J/lr~f!,e of the IlIlel7laliollal COIlI1.
fish. for ill\tan<:e, st:holars can find ha<:ring (ht:rring); tmht (mlllt); mtre
IIIIW((', HrI' F:.I('eIlrlll)'. /)(//111' Rosall'lIll~I!l!.ills. Jllrlge o/Ihl' 1/lIel7lflliolllJ! (:01111, Hag/II'
(oyster); kax (salmon) and (11 \I
t:r~ ~
t:ar all final ~ ear medit:al
hospital or clinic in a COUJ1[r) of thcir
tho\e in the second clinical \ ear
,hould be 'tarting to think about and plan their oll'n elccrin:s, Sbehzad Khan wa\ tht: fir,t pri/.<:
own choo,ing in order [() gain
lI'innu thi\ yt:ar lI'itb hi, rcport on
cxperience of di,ea,es and hcalth systt:m, in ()[her t:oull[rie,. i\lany
choo,t: ksst:r dt:1 eloped countries,
spon,ored joill[ly by Glaxo who
panit:ularly tho\c in tht: Tropic\. a~ thi\ alloll s them [() e\plore medical
prt:scJ1[cd him lI'ith a cheque for £200
pracrit:e in an t:1l\"ironmcll[ that I'astl\ difft:rcll[ to our
prodUCt: a repon of tht:ir
n, \\'h<:n tht:y
<:ome haek the\' ar<: e\pt:ctt:d ~tre
and the Remote ,\rt:a
\'ulull[t:cr Corps. I Ii\ pri;:c lI'a,
and Keeler Limitt:d
donated a
'. 'glossed' or
The quality of all thc a, extrt:mt:l~
pn:sentations this I ear
and the
high. The lidt:, gal t: us a brief insight
,>t:lecred to be prt:'>ell[t:d
inw the types of condition~ - both <:11I'ironmcnw! and physical, that tht:
The t:1 t:ning is I t:ry kindly \pon\(Hed b~ Gla)o.o \\'t:llcomc and
Second pri;:e
Keelt:r Limitcd who prm'ide both
II'ho IHJIl £ J SO for hi\ prest:ntation on
and the pri;:es,
\rudeJ1[s faced during tht: time abroad. 11
<:J1[ to Ramc\h Sarma
his e1ccril'e in Atlall[a, Third priz<:
Tht: t:\'cning i\ opcn [() srudell[s from
1I'<:nt to Anita I)t:sai
all year\ [() aw:nd but partit:ularly
t:kctil'e year in Brazil.
t:ommented: 'Although th<: '1'1tf'S(//II7IS
ho sp<:1l[ ht:r
Olr! Fllglish has thc layout of Rogel. thc Old English I'ersion prol'ides a far l1lore important scn ice than a l110dern English on<:, bet:ause beside~ gil ing s\'nonYI11'i and
11 ord-c1u~ter\,
it is realh'
an in~idt:-out dictionary. I r<:comm<:nd tht: lolul11t:s to all lIbraries, \\'<: Oil C jane R{)bt:rt~ ,Ind ht:r colleagues our thanks and congr~l[LJlations for thi\ il1l
Keelcr Diagnostic Set.
at the I-:Iet:til'e elening.
judges for the
'q ut:stionable', Profe'>'ior (;eorgc Ilardin Broll'n. of Sra n ford L' ni\,t:r,it~,
\rudents hal t: to ~pcnd a pt:riod of up [() eight week, ar a
bc\t thrce
h<:tht:r a word is 'rarc'. 'found in
KCSMD elective evening
ht:lk), and also usd"ul guidant:e as to
Research grants for the quarter ended 31 January 1996 he <Yrant~ li~ted bclc)\\ \lere
Philo oph)
ree:i\ cd in the quartcr ended .Ianuar~ ) <.JC)6. Ikwil~ arc
• Dr C Ilocrl. Profc~~or D Papineau . £34.<.J20 (l'ni\ cr it~ of London <J:lcob~cn Tru~t Fund)) .lacob en Fello\\\hip a\l ardcd [0 I)r C Iloerl.
T .,1
not gi\ en of e"ten'>iol1\ [0 e,i~ting gr~lnt'>. of ne\\ grant~ under £5.000. nor of tho~e \\ hich arc confidential. but the amount,> arc included in the [Otal for the derartment or unit concerned.
School of Education • i\lr'.1 .lones. 5. I<.JO Ecu (I':uropc<ln Commi,sion) supplement to the L1NGlI project: OXYi\IORO ' Total grants: 5,190 Ecu
. chool of
• Profewlr R R K Sorabji. £10.000 (c, Le\ enti~) [0 ,upport a re'>careh project entitled .\/If"il'lIl COII/II/I'lIlflIOI.... 0/1. !/"islolIl' • Profe"or R R K Sorabji. £ 146.1 02 (British AcadcJl1\" (1Ium<lnitie, Re'eareh Board)) IIEFCE/IIRB Institutional Fellc)\\ships A\\ard
School of
Cla..,..,ic" • Professor GB \\"ay\\ell, £16.776 (British cadem\" (Ilumanities Re eareh Board» to ~upport a re,earch project entitled lJaidaloJ rllllaOaSI'phflSe 1 Total grants: £16,776
I,if{' Sritl/{'{'s !Jif,'isiol/ (i nclude"
• I)r i\ Tugsa\'al-Bro\\'n. .'i.OOO (International A(()mic Energy Agency) to support a research project entitled
• Profe..sor R R K Sonlbji, £ 12H.6<.J3
Research Centre)
(Briti~h AeadcJl1~ (1Iumanitie~
• Profe,sor I i\ Stainc.., \Ir 1:.1 Ward. £42,195 (Arthriti, and Rhcumatism Council) Contribution to\\arlh the purcha\e of a IIPLC systel11 and automated peptide ~ynthesiscr • Profe~~or I) 0 I htll. 11<.J.933 Eeu (Europcan COl1ll11i"ion) to ,uppOrt a rc~earch project entitled TOlal (0.1'1.1 flllt!
Board}) Briti,h i\eadcmy \\"olfson Re,earch Profcs~or~hip • Professor R i\ I Saimbur\', £5.71 <.J (Le\'erh LJ Ime Trust) Re,carch Fello\\'ship: IIIIII/I'~I' ideas of I'MIif)' Total grants: £327,384
Portugue"c Srudic"
Vf'IIf'{iIS of l,iOll/flSS ill Sekf1f't! I'l'giolls oflhe FllroPf'{//1 /'lIioll
Total grants: £2,338
War Srudic" • Dr B .Iasani. £<.J,732 (Forscbung'l.entrum .lulieh Gi\IBH) sUPJ10rt a research project entitled
Ellhllllrill[[ I. \ I·:A '.1' SII/f'[[lIllfds IIsillg
·Dr B .Iasani. £9.309 (ForschungsLentrul11.1ulich G:\1811) to suPPOrt a research project entitled OIJSI'!V..'llliolls OJ.WIIIl' Gemlll/I I/l/Iklll'
Geodll'llliml alld lI/i/ll'mloK,iml IlIIalysis of
f{/{ililil'J by (i61 ObJel't.'lIlioll salelliles alld
swlill/I'I/I .wlI/pll'sfmll/ Ihl' Irish sm IlIId
1..\ I~. 1 stifeWlllfds • Dr B .lasani. £10.000 (Forschung'l.entrul11 .lulich G~I BH) to support a re,earch projcct entitled Oosl'I,:alioIlJ oflllldl'llrfllel Iydl' 01' ri'i.'il
I':am SMS. IIsillg Ihf .\rd IlIId.\·rtlllllillg r/erlIVII lI/irrOSmpl' IfrhlliqllfJ
• Prufe,>,or .I B Tbornc,. 2<.J0.000 Ecu (Europcan Commission) to ~upport a re,earch project entitled COlln'l1fd al1ioll Oil dl'.If/1i{imlioll IlIId il.\ 17'lf"i.·II//f{' 10 mllll'lI/portl/Y rlli."irOIlIl/I'I/IIJ! prob!rll/s ill Ihe ,l/l'dilt'ITfI/If'tIIl
• Profe~sor .I B Thorne~. HI I. 745 Ent a research projcct cnticlcd .llrdill'ITfIllI'llIl rleS1'I1ijimlioll alld It/lid liSI'.. 111'."1),1/./ 'S (I~uropcan Commi,~i(}n) to ~upport
I I I: pmjl'f1 -Il'phl'lI/f//J! (hll/lllf';'" fllld l'ic'I'I:,
Total grants: £8,350 $8,072 1,101,745 Ecu
e '\""C""l1lent
I 995Nf>: .llIril'lll COlIl/llf'IIlfllOI:l
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Law) £65,417 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Law) 2
School of Life, Ba"ic \kdical e Jlcalth Science'>
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Education) £4,237 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Education) 1
• Dr A Ebringer. £12.653 (Fricnd, of "ing's College (L lSA)) donation to\\arlls re~eareh pro,grallllllc • Profe~sor \. i\losc,. £5.000 (Royal Society) contribution to\\ ards rcsearch c"penses • Profe,sor P.l \\'hitficld. £20,691 (Sir Ilallc~ Ste\\,:m Trust) to support a research project to in\'estigatc Ihl' pham/{{l'f)lof!J' fllld Ihtmpl'lllir tf{if,(({)' of Ihl' Ilf/ldoglll'J o/Alallille
Total grants: £87,840 222,243 Ecu
Hiolll('(liml Sri"fm's fJh:isiol/
opliml alld mdl'I' obsfI,."alioll Jalr/liles
,\natol1l\ e JJul1lan BioJog) Group (~ncludc" Dc\ clopl1lcnral Bio!og) Rc'>carch Centre)
• I)r 8 .Ia~ani. £17.355 (Forschungsl.entrul11 .lulich G\IBII) to ~upport a research projcct entitled
• Dr \1 :\Iadcn (DBRC). £143.33<.J (\\'clleol11e Tru~t) to ~upport a re~earch projcct entitled 'I 'hI' gl'lleli( Jpl'(ijimlilJlI
SpI({'I'-bflSl'd 1'1'11/011' Sl'IIsill[[ 10 IIIOllilor Ihl'
of (,'.\'S t!f"i.'l'lopll/f'IIl: 1If'lfIVllld flllrI IImml
SPI'l'flt! of ~'l'lfPOIIS f~f II/flJS dl'J/mNioll
07'.1'1 phl'llfJl)'pe ill Ihe drc'r/opillK, hilldomill
Total grants: £60,036
• Profe,sor L R Fra~er, £157,363 (\\'cllcollle Trust) to support a re'>carch project elltitlcd ,1/1'I1/(lI/iSII/S of flrlifJlIl~r
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Humanities) £1,301,488 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Humanities) 22
.fnlili,\fIlioll !JfYllllfJlillg pl'plidf'. a TRH17'III!l'd II"ipeplit!e. illlllflll/II/ldirll/ SPl'l'llllfIOZOII
Total grants: £405,449
\IokudJr Biolo!.';\ BiOph\\il (Jrot;p • J)r \ R J)lu/.:\\">ki. Profc..,..,,,r R \1 iIl)Il)oJl">. !i,'S,,'2() (\\'cIlcomc Tru r) [() ">urporr
rc">carch proJCU cnml.:d
Iltltlllolll" f/Jlllrol 0/ //I,,1'1/11t1 III'JI."fJII
Total grants: £87,120 $82,000
Plurm,llolo!.';~ Group • I'rofe ">or (: I' I'agc, £ 17 )J)~ (Purduc Fr.:uerick Comp.ll1\) [() ">upporr ~l n:,,>clreh proj.:ct enrirkd 'In/' mk III IJ/)Il ;SO;;YII/I'S fl/ld 1/11t;1I;101:\ III tlllo:r!:;1" ;11(1(/111/11,,1;011 fllld ".(/It//lll
• I'rofc..,..,or./ \1 I ,inlcwn, £,;':;..:;"() (\\'ellcoIl)c Tru,,>r) ro ">upporr ~I rC">':.lrch proj.:cr cnrirkd S/m;(il" !III'IIt(/lI/.\//IJj;JI /II'/I/oflmlnlioll fllll,itd /Ir flrillr I '/JfI.lIIn-lo 11;1011//1
• I>rofe..,..,or ./ \ 1 I.irrkron, £2.:;,OO() (;roupc Lipha) conrriburion [() ">upporr r.:">.:arch on alcohol ckpcndcncc • I'rofe..,..,or I' (; ./cnncr. :MOO,OOO ('\.ltlonall'arkin">on Foundarlon incJ..,,) w ">llpp"rt rc">carch on Parkin">on' di">ca">c Total grants: £474,502 $400,000
Ph~ i()(lll:rap~ Group • J)r \1 \ Ilurk~. £IS,'..'i(>2 ( 'ourh and \\'c,,>r RC~l(lIul I kJlrh \urhorir\) w upporr :1 rc,,>c.lrLll proj':Ll .:nrirlcd ,\'II \ ,""Imllfll Pit \,S/IItI (/I/(/ (fJlllplt.1 R L /) I'm'.!.mlll/III:
• I'rof<: or (: Gci"> ler. Dr C Can alh/) Illnh. I)r" Da' ic~. £37.600 ('\lIrriciJ Rc~cJrch !-'ounu.Hi"n) [() ">lIprorr J r.:~cardl projecr cnrirku tnl Iflitl 0/ 1/111111< IlfllIl/lI/1I1/1I1 Iltlmjlfl/i 1II1'lIltll;111I 1111
,,1t((11;1;lflIIIJII 0//11111'"1.• ,,,"lIlt lit, lI//Ifllo;d
tlllIJl/l/lt ({lid IlJZII/I;, t '/1111(/1011
Total grants: £158,562
Total grants: £37,600
·YII/xill'.!. .-" .11ir/u:'iklT f)ici.,·i/JII (include.., 'j"hrinlr,lk ,..., r!1'>ri(lJrc)
• I)r J \ kl .:r. £99.9:;" <I kparrm.:nr or I kalrh) rf' ">lIpporr:1 rc">carch proj.:cr entitkd Hili/dill!!: PflI1I1uxlt;/H'/IJI'SI/lI/'.i.i: mlll/llllllil\'
old, I'
• J)r . J \larher. .'\9..)7.'\ ELlt (Europcan (:olllllli",ion) \ulanccd Ea,rcr School in Ibuiopharlllaccllric, Total grants: £59,325 59,375 Ecu
tlt...·t-!Opllll'/II pmgllllJl/llt'
J \ Lllkod-( :Iark ('\1). ~ I ,'.O()O (I kalrh Education \lIrhorir~) ro ">upport .1 pilm ,,>rlld~ .:nrirkd 1)/"L'I'Io/l;m: ;lItI;mllll:' pm/Ill: Itl'lllllt ,'i..;IIJI:'. 1IJ1I1/1I1111;/r 11111:\1.\. P/¥/lI;f/ IIl1l:1n'
Total grants: £117,953
f);'[ iiioll
, 'ore
\gc Concern In..,riwrc of (;cron(()log~
• I)r J E I'rc">wn. ~9.99H (t.;ir -'ult:"> Thorn Ch:lrit:lhk Trll">n to ">upporr re">carch proj.:ct .:ntirled 'In/'
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences) £2,530,668 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences) 48
.\ ~rant of !i,'i 1.22'1 awarded [() Dr Dick">on ..\nawlll\ cllld 1IIIIllan Biolo~~ Group. reported in the qllarr.:r .:ndcd 3\ Ocwbcr \99S, Thi, granr \\a, jointl~ awarded b~ rh.: \IRC to Dr S L Did"on. King', Collegc London and I'rofe..,..,or G L.:ng. l'nil cr,,>ir~ of I~dinhllrgh, The total amount awarded was £176,816.
Ph~..,iolog~ (;rollP (include \'LI\ll"~lr Biolog~ Re..,earch
Irn'IJlYJ.I'/l;lIf1lj/lI;d IlIJd .\ /;;1t';III/'I':' 11-
IIIJ!\'lo;tI pmli';1I 1!'fI1I"'/l011
• J)r J) E \1 J)olman. I)r:--' ./ .\bb()[r. !i I S.L:; 19 (\\'elk:olllc Tru,,>r) w">upporr ~I r.:">.:arch fdl()\\,,>hip enrirkd lOll
• I'rofc~"'or.\ Tink.:r. Dr C Jan i">, !i24.62() (ES!<C) to ">lIppOIT a rc">carch projccr entirlcd /'tl.I/, pn'sl'lIl Itlld
IllIII.lf)()/1I1y Iltl' Il!'fIill mdolltrl;ml (/I/(I ;/.1'
pmjl't'll'flltmd';1I fllr/ "g/' II/f)//I;d;!r
!IIodlll"I;OIl: sllId;l's IJII ;II";lm //11)(11'1., 0/
• I'rof.:~,,>or ,\ Tink.:r. I)r J . \,,>khalll. \1, R Ilancock . .!is,OO() (\!arional Cooncil "f\\'olll.:n ofC;rcar 13rirain) w'lIpporr a r.:">careh projecr cnrirlt:d WOII/l'II fllltI
School of \lcdicinc Dcnri..,u\
pO~'I'11y ;11 old "gl': <.!·;11t ,lfl"f;,,1 nIonll'!' 10
( :ardiac
fld/'llllllllfillfl mitll pm,';s;oll
• I)r P J Richaru">on. £22.S20 (Briri..,h llearr Foundarion) [() ,upporr a r.:">carch projccr enri tlcu ,1/oll'mlflr
11t" lI/ood-II!'fI;1I Otl/T;I'r
• J)r C PI) \\'heckr-./one"> (\'BRC), Profc..,..,or J I) I'ear...<ln (\'13RC), !i126,,',B (Briri,h 1karr FOllnd~l[ion) Inrcrlllnliare Re">earch FellO\\">hip :l\\ardcd W J)r c: P I) \\·hccler-Jon.:, • Profe..,..,or'/I) Pear,,>on (\·BRC). li.)O, 147 <.\rrhriri.., anu Rhcumari..,m Council) ,upporr for rhc chairlllan of rh.: re">earch ">ub-coIl)lllirr.:c • \ I r P C.:,are. Profc..,..,or P \ Ic'\aughwn. HO,036 Ecu (European C:olllllli,">ion ('1'\1 R I'rogralllmc)) w ">upporr a rc..,carch ">wcknr,,>hip cnrirkd
jllfllIlI;lI,!! pmjnl
Child I k.t1rh
SI'IIS01')' Intllsd,/lI;OIl ;11 fltl;II-SI'II.,;I;':/'
Total grants: £32,746
Total grants: £4,000
Total grants: £43,618
(:cnrre for \knul llealrh ~Cf\ ilc.., rk\ elopmcnr
IIIldlllll;SIIIS IJ/!>UX;JII'JIll'lIll'1vi'im,i
• \Ir t.; On~.:((, .!i.E.7-l6 (\lenwl .\frcr Car.:.\ ~ociarion) to ..,upporr a rc..,carch projccr .:nrirlcd ;"~·,,ItIllI;IJII II( lit/'
1II\'I)('f/I'f/;"I/tIJlII;OIl fllld flolml;,,1for
;1I!i'rl;l)I/ ;11 1t"tI/1IIl/lst-!e d;sl'tlsl'. '/Ints o(
fl 17U'JII;flll
Total grants: £22,520
1.I';a'.iltl'pl7,1'1)1//'I)' IIItlllttllt/'lllllt lan'
• I)r J) Ikglcy. 11,000 ECII (I'\'L\S) c"nrriburion w",ard,,> re">earch co">r"> for a Rll..,..,ian ..,cicnriq\, i..,ir (I)r ,\Iya II ru in) Total grants: £424,610 91,036 Ecu
(:linical Biochcmi'>rr\ Total grants: £19,000
mlll;lIl1l'd 1111 fI't~(, .\'
Rl:"earch gram" for rhe quarter ended J I .lanllar~ 1<)96 (,{)J/tiJllfcdjimll page 7
CRC Clinicll Trial" Cl:nrrl:
\ \okud.1f \ Icdicinl:
• \Ir, J 1lough ton, £.E,.E, ('.;1 IS E"ecutin: (:-:ational Cancer I{ '" D Programme» to ,upport a re,earch project entitleu Riflt//{lIIiml IIItldos of
• ()r F Faruneh. £10,000 (King', Ilcalthcarl:l to wpport a re,earch projl:ct entitled (;oll'lltrmpy ti.L11/. Total grants: £10,000
En~ineering • Profe, or C \\' Turner, .".200 Ecu (Socrate, e Youth Technical .\"i,tance Office) contribution toll aru, ,upporting the technical admini,tration of the Socratl:' and Youth for Europe I11 programme, • I)r I () Robert'>on. Dr ,\ ,\ RCla/adl:h, £2~.H6~ (EPSRC) to ,upport a rl:,earch project enritku
n'spOIISi 10 IIrljllf:t/ll1 Itllllf)\ifi'lllltrmpl' ill Itn'lIsf (,(11110'
Total grants: £32,328
I Iaelllaro\ogical \kdicinl: Total grants: £104,011
curolO lrh.\ • I'rofewlr Cl) Binnie, £100.000 (Tru't Fund for Epilcp'i~) to support a rc,earch project entitled Trtll)silf)!"y mgllilit,(, illlpllim/{'1I1 (Fr:/) il/ tlti/r!J7'II Total grants: £100,000
\ kalrh Care of rhe Elder" • Dr Jack,on, 1..'i60 Ecu (European Commi"ion) Contribution to\laru, research e"pen~e~ Total grants: 1,560 Ecu ] IllIllU no Iogy
• Professor D \'ergani £ 1O,z, 797 (Briti,h Diabetic i\''iociation) to ,uppOrt a rl:'icarl:h project enritleu Tlte trill' of 111011'1'111111' lIIilllioy lli'/~'e{'l/ .1/1IC IIlId tllllOllllliWllir Pi'jJlidl's ill Iltl' plllltO[{I'lIesis of IIlIloillll/lIl1ll'dilllteles
!J/"of'{'ssillg O{IIO"r/ dir/n'/rir sll7(('/tIl"l's/or lIIif'm",'(),'{'
e lIIilli)//etn'-'u."fli..'(' illlcgmll'd
. 'lIclcar \lcdicine
Total grants: £40,000
• Dr S i\ \'ela'tin, Profe"or 1\ C 1)~II'ie,. 12S,237 Eeu (European Commi"ion) to ,upport a rl:,earch project entitled CmU"d )//fI)/(I/[I'II(('1I1 U"illt
Ob"rerric" G~ naecology • Profe"or S Call1pbell. £9.H50 (\)(lSCOII I\kdical t\cadcl11~) Rc,earch sruuenrship, Total grants: £28,827
Oral \Iaxillofaeial SlIrger~ • Profes'ior J I,angdon. Dr \ I Partridge, £79,991 (South Thame~ Regional I kalth ,\urhority) to 'upport a re'iearch projl:ct entitled .llokm/or
lelmllllir illlllgillf!: fllld mlll)//llIIif'flliol/s fI.I'SiSI(I)/(Y'
• Prof<.:"or .\ J Rogl:r,. J)r \' ,\ Ilanderek, 'z~5,460 Ecu (European COl11Illi"ion) to ,uppOrt a re,earch project l:ntitlcd .111I11~!!~l!fll)il illlt/7fl1I1I1'f1i(1II IIsillg displl:fioll f'OIllPI'I/,J"{Ilioll fllld
• Prof<.:"or D \'ergani, £3(U,ZH (Chiluren's Li\ l:r [)i'l:a~e Founuation) to ,upport a rcseareh project entitled
gmetit:l'/o/" IIt(' 1II()1I()l'ellll'lll 0/ pllliel/IS ""illt
1':SI{(b/isltlllelll of(Ill il/lIl/lIl1ojJr{'(ipilfllioll
• J)r \. ,\ Ilanderl:k . .100.700 Ecu (European COlllllli"ion) to support a re,earch project l:ntitlcd Film' oplit'
IISSflY ~'illt 1If1lit'i'tyIOt!II"01111' P-I5£1l/)S If)
Total grants: £79,991
slrflilllllollil",illg fll l'!t"i.'III('{1 Il'IlIpemllll"l's
tIIlfilto(!r ill pfllimls U"illt (1I110il/lll1l1l1e
Total grants: £212,314 674,597 Ecu
Itl'pfllilis (,1 I H) t/lld ltl'jJ(llilis C L'ims
Total grants: £12,000
(HCI 'j ill(l't'/ioll Total grants: £133,125
'l'horacic \1cdieine
• Dr D Spina, £10.9~0 (BBSRC) to ,uppOrt a re earch projl:Ct entitled .·111
/l1l'{(SIII't' lit'er /:idlllT lIIirmst)//wl (I.A·,II I)
• Profl:"or B r-.I 1kndry. £ I·Hl,OOO (Bl'P;\ \Il:dical FoumJation Limiteu \'elton Foundation/King\ \kdil:al Rl:sl:arch Tru,t) to 'iUPPOrt a re,carch project enritlcd . I sllIdr of Iltt'
IIdc'(I)w'd ,wlilioll fl'l"ltl/ifjlll's
~larhemaric" • I)r G \1 T \\'am, £103.'z5'z (EPSRC) EPSRC ,\chanced Fl:llo\l,hip Total grants: £103,252
illusliKfllio/l f)f Iltl' mic off(f'olllelrir/(/(101:i SI'//so))'
I/{')'['es tll/d CDl3 ill Itrol/rlti(/I
Ity/H'I7't'Sj)OliS it'i'lIess
Total grants: £10,940
\lcchanical Engineering • Dr L J) Senel irarne. Dr \ I Yianneski" £ 1'z.OOO (EI'SRC) to 'iU ppOrt a re,earch project enri tied .l/ot/1l1t ill/lmltfllmllir pmdl/{,/ dl's~1!1I
/olloU"il/[{ flmll' ,i/rol..e
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Medicine and Dentistry) £1,053,204 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Medicine and Dentistry) 23
• Dr P Banga, £ 112,K27 (British Diabl:tic A"ociation) to ,upport a rl:,earch projl:ct entitled. I 1l00:d 1//11111111
School of Ph\ "ical Science" e Engineering
pmpn'/il',\' oflti[{1t 7(' .I'lIpeITOlldllt'/()IJ fllld
fI(,/ioIlS f)/ t'l/df)lltelill Oil Imtd tdl mkilllll
• Dr I' \1 \\' Bath, £79.771 (:-:1 IS E"ecutil<:(R e I) Programme» to 'iUpport a rl:,earch project l:nritlcd I':m!)' PIHlil'/if)// of rl'ltfll)ililfllioll lIe('(A
of[{IIII/III/it, IIrid d/,('fII!)f),\l'!II.il' 65 Iltlll Im-l:s l'/I:::'YIIII' m'/it'ilY fI/ld l('m'/iz-ill'
• Dr PE Ilarri" £'zUH~ (King\ I kalthcare(Joint Re,earch Committee» to ,upport a re'l:arch projen l:ntitlcd
Total grants: £53,032
Ollmgelles ill IIt.l'mid /tllllf)lIr'
Total grants: £354,382 $156,290
Total grants: £24,899
Pin "ic" • Profe.,-,or E R Pikc, I)r S Sarkar, £131,911 (I·:PSRC) to ,upport a rl:,earch project entitled DYI/(I)/liml slmllgl\, ("()l7dflll'd dl'f'lroll .1')',1'1('111,1'
• Dr i\ T Collins. 1.000 Ecu (INT,\S) contribution t(lII ard, research e"pcn,e, for an all'ard to prol11ote cooperation 11 ith ,cienti,t, frolll the forl11l:r SOl iet llnion
• Dr " Jaurt:gui. Proft:"or J Jl:ffer,on. Ecu (European Commi, ion <'1'\1 R Programmt:)) to Upport.l re,ear<.:h ft:llo\\ ,hip entirlt:d Tilt 91.~~4
slroll!!.l\, (l)/Tl'!{Iltd dulroll pro/J/III1.)1IJ1I/ till nlll1ll(lrrl II/odl! 10 '11/1111111111 dlJ/.f
Total grants: £181,113 92,224 Ecu Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Physical Sciences and Engineering) £1,188,128 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Physical Sciences and Engineering) 22 Grand total amount awarded in the quarter £6,143,142 Grand total number of awards in the quarter (including extensions and supplements) 118
King' Re cJrch Gram Ocwber 19Y7
e Swdcm
he C:ollt:ge di,trIbllte, ,ome of it, re,Ollr<.:e, on J ,tratcgie: and t:ompt:titi\ t: ba i, \ la tht: Re t:arch . trateg~ Fund. "ing', Rt:,t:arch. tlIdcnt hip, <formt:r!\ knO\\n a the Junior Rt: t:arch ~tlIdt:nt.,hip . chcmc) and tht: Rt:,t:arch Equipment Fund. The "ing\ Collt:gt: London, \,>,>ociation ("CL \) Rc,t:arch ~tlIdent,hlp, are fundt:d a, a rC'IJlt of ,Jiumni .,UppOft for tht: "ing\ C:ollt:gt: IAlIldon Alllmni Fund, but art: allocated b\ tht: Re,carch Stratcgy Committcc. Thi, articlt: .gi\ e'> derail, of grant, and ,tlIdent,hip, a\l arded by tht: C:ommittt:e for tht: yt:ar from October 1':196 to October 19':17, Tht: ,tratq!;ic u,e of funding, oftt:n largt:r in .,calt: than can bt: afforded \1 ithin a co,t centrt:\ ,tandard budget. i, de,igncd to enhance the performance of the College in re,earch. The C:ollt:gt: e\pt:ct, rt:'t:arch application, to e\tt:rnal funding bodie" publication, and thc recruitment of rt:,carch ,tlIdcnt, to tlcm from thc al\ ard of the,e grant, and ,ucct:"ful applicant, art: monitored ac<.:ordingly.
hip,> Ocwber 1996 w
\\Jr wJic • ProI' I, J'rt:t:dlllan. £3,·.176.~O for.l prograllllllt: on I :--.. pt:ace opt:ration,
• \I Lllnt:y.
for.l project on
{'lIilal SIIIIt'," 1011 Ill',,: III pr{lilllf'
• Prof ,\ .\,Il\\Orth. on 1nl' rtnil;\"
for a project
'1pm"'l'mlill~ flllr/ rlt:/i'lIr/i/~f!
rrilllill(/I C11"'1',1
• l)r I{ Bb<.:kburn. £22.H76 for the 11111111111 Rilill... III(()lpOrflliIJl/ Projtll
Life.; Science.;.., Life.; Science.., • Dr.\ Bark . .1:.11.214 for thc prO\ i,ion of,1 full-timt: applit:d cm'ironmenwl rt:'t:arch dirt:ctor/liai,on ofTict:r for KES
I ,if<.:
• Dr J St:urlock. Prof D Ilall. Prof J Thornc,. .I: 16.000 for a projeet on Slmll1!ir dl"i,'doplll('l/I 'j({/ /k\ihl/'. Ilj~'-msl d~f!illrl tr'lI/oll' sl'lI...ill~ I{'(fllli'lll/'/or
'-'lgl'lfllioll IIIOllillj/'l·II,!!. f/lld lIIoddlill{!
Geronw!ogy/I Ical(h Science.., Research Strategy Fund Tht: Rt:.,earch Smltl:g\ Fund i, primarily intendt:d [() pay for pcoplc and 'Cfl ict:, and not for cquipment. Thc follc)\\ ing membt:r, of \taff I\'t:rt: a\larded grant, frolll thi, Fund,
.\nnllal College Confirma(jon Sen ice
he ,\nnllal Collt:gt: Confirmation Sefl ict: at \I hit:h tht: Right Rt:\t:rend and Ri,ght Ilonollrablt: Richard (:hartre,. Hi,hop of I,ondon. prt:,idt:d. took plat:t: on \\'edne,da~ ~~ \/ay 1996 in tht: Chapel. Strand Campu,. The 't:fI ice \\'a, foIIO\\(:d b\ a rt:ception in Tutll\. l\'int: "ing', ,tlIdt:nt" \\t:rt: eonfirmt:d on thc day and a ,pt:ciall~ t:ommi"ioned ·!t:on oftht: Trinit~ '. madt: by Pat,y Fo,>tiropoulo" ont: of the vt:ry ft:\\' it:nn paintt:r, in tht: country. \\'a, rt:cei\ t:d by tht: C:ollt:gt:,
School of EdllCHion
• Dr E (; ru ndy. £ U.S30 for a projt:ct on Ilmll!t/nO/fSI'!tljlr!s {/lId/rllllill' n,,,,pl)//sihililil's ill If/II' lIIiddle IlK/': II Ilrilis!t/{'S ("(jlllPlll"iW/f
Pharmac\' • Dr P I lough ton. £.'0.000 Centrc for a project Oil Iliolfllh:ily Il'.aillg O/"(lllIml fJmd/fll...
• Dr f) ,\p \\"ilialll. £~I,11 for a proje<.:t on 'fItl' 1lI(llIfllrl' ,~(. \hilil)'
Grollpilll! Pmrli,l'.1 Oil SIIIr/ml,I" I,/'{/milli! ill .1/{lI!tl'II/{Ilil)·
School of llumani(ic'> CIa..,..,ic.., • ProI' (; \\"ay \I t:11. £S.OOO for thc
• Dr (; Proctor. Dr D Shori. pror D "t:Illt:ny. £~.)A71 for a projt:C[ on '/'It/' mlllllill('(1 roll' 0/ I/{ Ir'l'S IlIId r)'lol.-illl'''' ill nXlllfllill1! 1nl' l'\fJl¥,......ioll 0/ po~rlll('/ir illllllllllogloh/flill Inl'fJlor f/lld .l"l'o¥'lioll I~( ...Ig.\ Ill' .wlh:11I1' 11'1/."
Splll/({ (Irmpoli.l 1'\('({ClllioIlS
Spani..,h • Prof 13 Ift:. £9.607 for tht: SIIOIIII S!tip'i!!'I"/'ds projt:et
• ProI' I) Ilook. £S.OOO for KCL mt:dic\'al,tlldit:,
• Dr S \\'t:'>\t:ly, \h R Churchill. J \Ioncrift:. £20.S2H for c\tahli,hing the Cochrant: Re\ ie\\ Group for dt:prt:,>,>ioll and nt:uro,i,
J-.:ing\ Re ... earch (;rant" e Stu den ["h ip" ({)lllillll{'djiYJIII ,-' P(f(f{'
• I' \Iaro,h.
Ph, ... ical Science... e Engineering/Life Science"
I1I rl IWIf'1 o(ftll/r!(//lIflIl,,1 pmlllll/IS ill IIt, plt.\'siml Sfil'lll'(·s. Iltl' lik ,\lil'lI('(',( flllr!
Chemisrr\' 0/
Sompltfll ,\ I
( Engli.,h)
Ph, "ical Science... e En'gineeringfl ,ire Science ...
The KCLA Research Studentship Fund
BlId-.lc\ . .£ 12A2() ((lr :'\-ra~
The KCL.\ Rc.,carch Studcnt.,hip Fund i., inte.:nded
• J)r P \\'arbllrton. ~~(),3 7H for a proje.:e.:t on Jill/NI/;/r /IIi{'m'U',(/~'I·.fIlln:rftJ/' If'!n'(J/lll1ll1l1il'flliOlls
• Or :\ Roge.:r.,. £<). .'i<)~ for a proje.:ct on .Ipplimliol/S 0./ /IIet/sllrillg rrl(l~e:ellms
Research Equipment Fund The 1'0110\\ ing membe.:r., of ~taff \I ere awarded grant."
King's Research Studentships
The follo\l
three.: .,tudcnt.,
King'., Re.:.,e.:'lrch Studcnt.,hip.,
\le.:re ~I\\arde.:d Kin,~·., C:olle~e London
(formcrh kno\l n a., the.: JlInior
,\"'ociation (KC:I ~,\) Stuuent.,hip.,:
illtcnde.:d to .,lIpport the.: n1O"\
OIIt.,t,ll1d ing gr.ld 1I,lte" to lInde.:rt'l ke.:
( I .'1\1 )
po.,tgradllate.: re.:,.,e.:arch in am di.,cipline or to pr()\ ide a po.,tgradllate .,tude.:nt
.I11Nm SlIdl
( I ,,1\1 )
the.: Re.:.,c.:clrch Str,m:g\ Fund or an~ mhe.:r granting bod\, The.: 1'0110\1 ing 13 .,tude.:nt., \le.:re
Nllllilltl ,III1!1(1/IIII/('r!
((;eogrclpll\ )
a\larde.:d King'., Re.,carch Stllde.:nt.,hip., (the dcpartmcnt 'll1d .,pon.,or ,Irc in
(,'f"i JY' ,Ifr'. \'11II\' (In.,titllte of I.i\ er Studic.,. J)r Homford) l'i(10rifl POl'fH l
(Life Scie.:nce.:.,. Dr Sale.,) ROllfl SI/(/'L'il
(Ed uca tion, Profc~sor Ba 11)
Cla ...sics • Or J) Rathbone. !is.OOO for editio!l'> of docllment., on pap~ rll., (and o~traka and in~cription.,) from (;rae.:co-Roman Eg\pt
Jfl/;iflS I\illg (Ll\\, Profe~.,or \llIllcro,on)
RilflfllYl Gmtlr!
(Ge.:ography, J)r (1" ant)
Geography • ProI' J Thorne~ . .£ 19.622..'i0 for an airbornc digital photographic ~y.,tem
German • Dr D Ye.:andle. £3.311,1.1 for a Pc. la.,er printe.:r. .,canner. for an RSF linked proje.:ct entitled lJillliof{mpltiml
0/ \\'Olft'"1I 'L'fII1
.llilflflf'! 1'101'/:::;
(War Studies. J)r Ilcll.,er)
I '1'llIppillfli .l/rll/i/lloltml (Electronic C' I~lectrictl Engine.:ering) Pflrci:::; Fllmllgltirll/
(\Iath.,) RoII/'ll f)lr,all
(Randall In.,titutc)
Life Science... • J)r (; Sale.,. ~3.<)OI,2S for a \'ide.:o \I
ith infr.l-rcd
lighting for long-term .,tlllh of beha\ iour
pa\ for itcm., of
1\ la [he ITW [ics
camera and recorder
.,lIpport a proje.:ct application m'lde to
Elccrronic et' Elecrrical Engineering
1,IIty /'('I'Iy
Re.:.,e.:arch StudcIlt.,hip ,"cheme) arc
indllcti\ e.:1\ -COli pled pL"ma e.:mi",ion
diffraction ,~r'ltin~
• J)r.\ \Iiche.:m:. ~7().()O() for a proje.:u
(1.'1\1 )
• J)r
on . \pplimlillll IJ fllo/llir./fJ/?(· /IIilmsmpl'
• J)r ,\ Ilill. ~,'i7.2()1 FitI' l1io,(\,IIIItI',(i,(
1.11111 Sflllill
for .In .11Itomate.:d
• ProI' HI Ltlli\lcll. ~.'iO.OOO for .In
PIn "ical Science... Engineering
()'\; \ .,e.:qllcnccr \HI ."77
,IglI il'J:::;ltl (;ogoll'U!'JI.tI
(War Stlldic.,) Cltl'islilltl AIIIIJPtll¥11I
(\Ioleclllar \lcdicinc)
SOll[h Bank fcarures J-.:ing's composer...
part of it., current Hi([\\,i.,tle
Retro.,pecti\'e ~GI.,on, SI'I'/('/ '!'Itl'tllres: lit/' f-IflITiJOII Birt"02'i.itll'
Nl'II'OSj!l'Iliu', the Purcell Room held a
concert on le) ,\pril ar \lhich c\ef\ item on the programme compo~er
1)\ "
from King'." [n addition to
ork., by Sir Ilarri~on (the
llenry Purcell Profe~sor of Composition in the :\lllsic Department), the.: concert featured \lorKs II\' Ie.:cturero, Sih'ina l\lil.,tein and Robert Keele\ and h\ 11\ e po.,tgraduate .,tude.:nt., of compo.,ition, The performero, con.,ort
ere Lontano. a
ith an internatonal
repuurion. The concert \la., \er~ \\'e.:11 attcnded anu\\,a., fa\ oumbl\' re\ ie\l ed in Tltl' 7/l/Il's, prOl iding a clc.:ar indic<lrion of the ~trength'i in e.:ompo.,ition
hich the De.:partment of
\ 11I.,ic ha., de.:\ eloped m cr the la~t fi\ e \ e.:aro, or
Bcncfir.., of caring ..,o~ prorcin ()r I lekn \\ I,Cl11eln. Lt:uurcr In '-utrltlon C ()1t:tt:tIC,. \la, in ~rc.1t tkl11elllU f"lltl\l IIlg hcr It:UUrt.: to tht: Bllltht:mlc.t! OCIt:t\ \let:[ing. I ler n.':'Clrt h heh ,hml n th,1t Ilomcn mel\ bl: abk to a\ oid brt:cl t c.tIlct:r b\ t:.lting (:hlllC'C food. 0\ prmt:in "'l:U in oricntal cooklllt.: colltelin chcmical compound, that .Ippt:elr to mimic thl: .Iuion of thc brcel,t Celnn.:r urug ·I·amo\ifen. <"'ht: II.h illtl:t\lc\lcd Oil thc .\'im (Xr/od: .\'ru.··.'. SiT .\'1..... ·.1 allt! tht: \\orld ~ct\ ICt:. C,)\cragc of her talk 'Ippcarctl In thc nationet! and rl:,gional Ill: \1 'papt:r,. Onc man"" poi..,on
In the news
.\[ thc ,amc conkrcncc. Tom <"'anucr,. I lead of thc I kp'lrtmt:1lt and I'rofe"or 01''- lmitlon .'" I)It:tl:tic,. ga\ c thl: kt:\ nott: kctllrc on bioelcti\ t: compollnd, in food \1 hich \Ia, al,o \1 itk" rcportt:d ellld 1'0 11 m\ cd lip \1 ith 11ltt:t\ iC\I' on tht: .flll/II/l' ) ·flllllt!. I'rtI,!:.l'fllllll/l. (:I.R .\'10.".1 a nd SI irl//l .\'Oi'C·. lit: talh.l:d abollt ri,h., and bt:nt:lit, of natllral foot". anu concllldt:d th'lt food procc"ing m.ldl: foou ,afcr 11\ rl:ntkring to\IC l11atl:rial harmlt:" and that ,o-ctlkd natllral Ilnl)[OCt:"t:u foou cOllld ha\ l: n'I't\ ,idl: effect, on ht:ct!th. Thi, \I ch tah.cn fllrtht:r in a f)llill' 'Idr!!mpll artick in \1 hich harmful ht:alth food, \Ia' dl:batcd. I le l\Ch al,o qllott:d in 'I fecltllrl: abollt nwdt:rn farming tl:chnolo,g\ in 'I'h(' 1·;/'IJI/olI/isl.
Fanra..,rico Thc King', \Iicrogrc" it~ E\pcriment l\Ch fccltlltl.:d on tht: Clobo Ilra/ilian '-t:t\lorh. progral11me FIII/llIslill/. \1 hich ha, an audicncl: Ore)!) million. Tbai, RII"onuno. a Bta/i1i.1I1 doctor dOlllg a I'h() in .\cn"pClcl: I)h~,iolo.g\ undcr thl: 'Upt:t\ i'lon of I'roft:"or John I·.rn,ting. \\.1' intct\ il:\It:d. Sht: 'trt:"t:d thl: iIl\ l:,ti g,ltion, of III nt.: fllnctlon In a grollnd-behcdmicrogrc" it~ "muLltlon no\\ in progrt:". \n articlt: ahout .grCl\ It\ III thl: I'II/III/filll ·!lII/I.1 ,t!,o madl: rt:ferl:ntT to ht:r \1 ork.
I Al\\ income cS' poor dicr I)r \Iichacl '-cl,on. St:nior I,t:cturt:r in ""tritlon. c1uirt:d thl: I.ml Incoml: Projecl Tt:al11 'l:l up 11\ the Ikpanl11t:nl of 11t:C1lth 'h part of the '-lIlntlon'l 'hI,. l·orCl:. Ili, rcporr. 11 hlch 'tlldll:dlht: link, bt:t\\t:l:n 1""
incomc. poor dit:t ellld poor he.llth. tetlkd for a nationall~ co-ordinatcu ,tratcg\ to ht:lp 1",\ income familic,. .tIld \I eh fc.ltlIrcd in man\ of tht: n.ltion,t! uail~ elnd rcgional nC\l 'pelpcr,. Inlticlt" t:, Incluuc tht: e,rabli,hment of lotet! food p.trtnt:r,hip, het\l el:n loc.tI gO\ ernmcllt planning. food rl:tat!l:r,.•tIld tht: commllllitil:' tht:m't:" t:,.•Ind cl nt:t\l ork and d,ltaheht.: of Cflllll11Unit\ food project' ,uch a, cheap food chemt:'. food co0pl:rati\ t:,. cooking c1a"t:' and communit\ caf~,. The tir,t 'tep in thl: dt:\ t:lopmel1t of tht: national" coordinatt.:d '>tratt:g~ took plact: at tht: Ro~ C11 Socit:t~ of \Iedicint: Forum on Food C" Ilt:alth .H .1 mt:cting attt:nded b\ rt:prt:'t:ntclti\ t:' of national anu local Cm crnml:1lt dt:p.lrtmt:I1t" tht: food indu,tr~. communit~ projt:t:t leauer, .tIld aClut:mic,. \ programme of action ha, bt:en t:'tabli,hl:d and \la, ui,eu"l:d b\ ()r "l:hc)fl in an illtet\ ie\1 on Rllllio .'I.i;,·{'.
Educarion di..,cu..,..,cd \ largaret Bro\1 n. I'rofc"or of \Iathl:matie, I':ducation anu Ilead of thc School of Education. took part in a di,eu"ion on II'OIl/III/'S f!1)//,.on the tl:'lching and 'h'l:"mCIlt of ~t:\'cn ~ earold, in the ligbt of the late't OFSTE() rt:port.
Book rc\ le\\' .llidlll('1 {)/lhsho/l. 'I'hl' PI/lilil's
0/ Failh
IIIII! Ihl' PlllililS II(SI1'plilislll. edited by Timoth~ Fullt:r. \la, rt:\ ie\l'l:d hy (;onr"d Ru,.,ell. I'rofes~or of Briti,h Ili,tory and Liheral Dcmocrat peer. in tht: /)lli~1' Tdlgmph. The book \la, \I rinen in 1952 bur pllbli,hed po,thumou,l~ .lIlu. accoruin~ to I'roft:\'>or RlI"cll. ,tano tht: te,t of
timc. although curiou,I~. tht: hi,tor~ " f"r mort: uatt:d than the politic,.
'-.lining in judgcmcnr The role and background of thc countr~', judl!;e, Ila, e\amint:d in an 'lrticle in the 1I/I!Ip('//l!ml. Ci,t:n their pri\ ile~t:d b'lckgrollnd and education. arc tht:~ 'lble [Cl carr\ out their dut~ f"irl~' I)r (:onor (;t:art~. Rt.:adt:r in I.a" . .,aiu the i"ue \I a, onc of hll\\ politic,i1 pO\lt:r \\,,' c\erei.,ed. It doe, not mattl:r hml rt:prt:'t:nwti\ t: jud~t:, arl: if 11 h,1t thc\ do undermine, tht: dt.:mocr~ltic pn,cc\,>. ( III/Iil/I/1'I1 Ill/ f!1Ir,:I' I.! I'el~e
In rhe ne\\'" mlllilllltt! /iYIIII !Jagi' //
.\n article in the )'or!:shin Po.../on the ethie\ of treating coma patienr\ diKus~cd the GI'>e of tho'>e patienr\ in per~i~tenr I egetatil e ~t;lte. The deci,ion to allO\I the 11 ithdrallal of artificial life ~upporr ha'> to be referrcd to court. II-hcrea\ the '>\1 itching ofT of I enrilarors doe~ not. .\ndre\l Grubb. Professor of Ilcalth (:are f ,a\l, \aid that courr inn)" emenr prO\ ided protection for all parties.. \Iso con'>ulting the patienr's relaril'es \\'a,> I'iul became they ,penr more time with the patienr and can ~pot ihome recO\er~ i, raking place.
Staying healrhy People arc lil'ing longer. but if the\ arc enjoy the benefit~ of groll ing older the emphasi~ i, on mainraining good health. Dictar: anrio'\idanr\ arc much in \'ogue. but according to Dr Oke/ie ruoma, enior Re,>e;H<:h Fellow in Pharmaeolog\-. in an article in Chfllli...IIY ill Brilaill, exten il'e reliance on supplemenr~ is not the '111'11 er. to
Lisrening friends A counselling sen'iee for pharmaeist\ running high street chemi,t ,hop, ha~ been set up in respome to the growing pressure the\' arc incn:asingly suffering, The Tillles reported. Thi'> ,tres~ i, due to a drop in income G\lI\ed by nell- bw,iness trend~ and gm ernmenr policy, The 'cheme. called l.islel/ill~ Flil'llds. is actually al'ailable to all pharmaci, t~. not ju,t those highlighted b\ 7'!Je Tilllr.... It 1\;1,> set up b\' \Ir Abn :"athan, Lecturer in PharmaC\ Practice and the Direeror of Legal StlIdie~ at the Ro~al Pharmacological Societ\'.
Rabbirs The BBC 2 programme. . \11 O/J...essioll ~'ilh ... RI/bbi!.i featured Clile Page. Profe\~or of Pharmacolog~.
:\ lulrimedia educarion An article in The EmllfJllli..., examined the gro\l th of textbook, on CD-ROi\ I. ,ugge,ting that multimedia in education i\ better for college 'tlIdenrs than for ,;chool children. I)r :\Iargaret Cox, Senior I,ecturer in Education.
,aid that tht: problem II'a\ that pupil, often get dilt:rtt:d or Ila\bid and tt:acher'> nced to do lot'> of preparation to m;lkt: ~urt: that tht:~ an..: u,t:d dTceri\el~.
(;~Hden curc~
\n article in tht: /),"1- 1"lpn·s.... \1 hich claimt:d that thc g;mkn could hold the kt:~ to 0\ t:rcoming ~ome illne,>,>t:'. quotcd I)r I't:ter Iloughron. St:nior Lectllrt:r in Pharmacogno'>\. lie de,cribt:d hlm planr t:'\tract,> had bt:t:n u,ed to trcat di,t:a,e~ ,inn; prehi~torie time\ and in the hl,t SO ~t:ar, plant compound, hal t: bt:t:n u'>ed to makt: cancer-t:uring drug\.
[J uman rc~ourcc managmcnr .\n Open l'nil t:r\it\ confert:nct: on Iluman Rt:,>ouITe \Ianagemcnr \la, \I rirren up in the maga/ine Pmplt.11(l/wgl'llltlll. Rt:'Glrch on tht: perception of the differt:nce bet\l een per\onnel and human re~ource managemenr. carrit:d out b\ Dr Dal id Granr and \ 1r Cliff 0'>\1 ick of the \ lana,gemt:nr C:enrre. \la~ pre\enrt:d, The Resurrection \Iike Poole, I i'>iting Research FellO\I in Scicnee Education. took parr in a di\cu~,ion on tht: Re,urreerion on n Y\ Chal!:,' 'l'1///" broadcl,t on E.1'>tt:r Sunda\' morning.
.\s old as you feel ,\nrhea Tinkt:r. Profe"or of Social Gerontology. took parr in a di,eu~,ion on 1I'Olllel/·.\' /Iollr about \I hat an elderly person\ 'real' age i~: can \OU judgt: ,omeone pureh b~ chronological age or arc there other criteria?
The Pas"ion e rhe Res u rrecrion The Dcan. Rt:1 Dr Richard Burridgt:, gal'e a ~t:rie,> of ~i'\ talk, for the \Yorkl Scn'ice II'Qr!f, of FI/ilh programme during Lenr on the Pa~~ion ofChri~r. lit: also appeart:d on BBC Z\ '\'~'Sll~~hl \I ith Dal'id jenkin" the former Bi'hop of Durham. on '>ome recenr archaeological finding, in Jerll"liem and the implication, for idea, about tht: Re,urrt:ction, lie abo rook parr in a special programme for Easter Sunday, 7'hl'I';m/l'l' FlliWI/II, \I ith Sir Dal id Fro~r. a'> part of a pant:1 of t:'\pert'> di~cu~,ing tht: Rt:~IJrreetion. Thi\ \Ia\ al,o reI it:\I cd in 'I'hl' ,\'I/I/r/{ly '111111'.1',
Triburc (() Stadlcn Chri,topher \\·inrle. St:nior Lt:ctllrer in \Iu,ic. paid tribute on Radio y,> I/I/.iil' .1111//11:\ [() Pcter Sradlen, \I ho died in Januar~, ,'tadlen \la\ a \'it:nnc,>e piani,>t. nlll'>icolo!!;i\t and t:ritic \I ho !!;al t: tht: lir~t pt:rform'lnce of ont: of tht: Chl'>\ic\ of tht: modcrn piano lireratllre: .\nton \\'t:bern \ \·arialiol/s./iJr Pi(l/{(J. under thc compo,er\ guidance, Ili~ publit:ation of the markt:d cop~ he u,t:d i\ ont: of the landmark~ of modcrn mu,ical pt:rformanct: practicc.
Definirion of cool \1,> Ikthan \lar~halJ. 1,t:t:tul't:r in Education. \I rort: an ,trticle for the 'IIIIII',i I·;r/llmliol/lt! SI/PP/I'IIII'III in \I hich ,ht: t:'\amined local authorit\ mOl e'> and ,chool initiatil C' to ,ubI ert bo\ ,>' notion'> of \I hat kind of achit:1 emeIH i'> ·ul1eool'.
Frcderic Lcighron Tht: Frederic Leighton C'\hibition kd toa number ofinrt:n ie\l'> for\lr'> I,eonet: (hmond. Reader in E ngl i,h, Sht: appt:art:d on Radio 3\ .lllIsir ,1/11//1'1:>': t;likt:d on Iklgian Radio about Lt:ighton and hi'> \lork: and \la,> iIHcn ie\l cd on I.ollr/oll .\'~'slll/l and Hlilish SI/M/ill' .\'{"o!',\'.
e culrure
The tcaching of Briti~h cultural srudie, ro non-Briti~h people was the subjcct of a BBC \\'orld Service programme, SpmJ.-iIlK of 1';lIg/ish. ~ Ir Tony Thorne, Director of thc Engli~h Language Cenrre. \la, inrt:n ie\led and madt: the point that analy,ing languagt: \I-a, ,till the key to unlocking the comple'\itit:, popular culture, lie \la, also quotcd in an arriclt: in the I';'i.:l'llill~SIIII/dllld about the negatil e effect of ne\l tt:chnolog~. partiudarl) the Inrernet on pt:ople',> abilit~ to bt:hal'c inrelligenrly. in .\merica.
Project Vietname e Orphans
'fin")' (,'ollgh:, r/flllght>1" .II/I/({ (fJ.'WII";lIg SIII/ glfl.ISI'S)
;.1' pitlllll'r/ ti:';lh Olhtl" YOIIII/! pf!Jple al/r/lhl' 1/1111.1' fJ.,路!to ml"er/fOI" Ihell/ 1 I ynl/)' ago.
in rhe Ilt:\\'~ recenrly 11 ~l~ Terry Cough of Biol11edical Sciences, \\ ho~e roil: in arranging rhe airlifr of \'iername~e children and in a rccenr opporruniry for rhem ro \ isir rheir birrh counrr\. \\a~ gi\ cn c,rcn~i\ c CO\ crage in rhc /)aill' .Ill/if.
Earlier rhis year 17 of rhe \'(lung
Z1 ~ ear~ ago ar rhc hcighr of rhe brural \'icrnal11 War. 99 ill and maln()uri~hed orphan~
\\ ere air lifrcd
ou[ of rhc counr~ ro rbc ~afcr~ of rhc \re~r. Thc children. eirhcr abandoncd b\ parcnr~ or orpbancd a~ a rc~ulr of rhc fighring. \1 ere bcing carcd for b\ nun~ in orphanage~ in ~e\cral \'iernal11c~e ro\\ n~. Piriful rele\ i~i()n ricrure~ of rhe,e childrcn in~pired a rc.,cuc l11i.,~ion hich Ilas rhe 11 ork of a charir~ called Projccr \'iernal11 Orphan~ ;}nd rhe /)flill' .III/il, \\ hich paid ro charrcr rhe plane ro rake rhcll1 ro frccdol11. 11
people 11 ho \\ere adoprcd by Llmilic., in Brirain 11 ere rakcn back ro rheir counr~
of origin for rhe firsr rime. arranged again by rhc ~anlC
Thi~ \\'a~
group". Thc ~oung people li,ired rhc ~ire, of rhe orphanagc~ \1 here rhc\ spenr parr of rheir earl\ li\ es and some cried ro find relaril e, and fricnd~. [\10
The pn:" arricle., dc~cribt:ll bO\l Terry (jough. Profe.,~or of Foren~ic Scicncc. and Secrera~' of rhe pro, pla\'ed a pi\ oral role in borh rhe original ll1erc~ airlifr and rhe ,ub~cquenr rcrurn I i~ir. I-Ie and his \I'ife al~o adopred rll 0 of rhe rescued children. The charir~ ~rill conrinue~ ro help depri\ ed children under rhe namc Chrisrian Ourrcach.
The London mararhon undJ\ 21 \pril \\.1' .1 !!:Ioriou d.I~. Im, of un Jnd OJrln!!: t<:mp<:r~l£ur<: {() match - nm th<: id<:.d condl£lolh to run a mJrathon in. \\ hllh inud<:lHh I <:,acth \\ h.1£ thr<:<: of the I nllll1 abbatiul., did. ~llong \\ ith thou and of nJl1ner, \\ ho !!:~I£h<:r<:d .It BIJekh<:ath to b<:gin the Ion!!: trek to BllLkJl1ghJm l'~lIJc<:'
Students' nlon ews
I' nlit ~lI1d ()\ <:r-tired. Roh 1lal\. "ick Laing. L<:lgh Tem Jnd e,ecutiH: member Kenl1\ Robert'. ran a gruelling 2llmilc., lin thi, \ear', Rag charitie.,: \Yhil/ Kid., and \\ In:r \id (th<: 1~l[[er of \\ h ich \\ .I., gr<:J th needed b\ th<: four aft<:r th<: lir.,t mile!) Roh. the more e,peri<:nc<:d in the art of marathon running. lini,hed lir't in thr<:c hOIlr' ~lI1d 4,' I11lnll£<:'. 0111<: \\a~ from hi., p<:r.,olul b<:,r. ~e,t in came nur,ing ,tIIdem \nnJ dc Ilalperr. clocking thre<: hour., and ~7 minlltc, for ~t John', Il.lI1dil~lppl:d Childrl:n. Cro.,.,-l:ountr\ runn<:r and .,ahharilal eku Kenn~ Robert.,. \\ l:m ()\ <:r the linl: in four hour, and J() minure,. fo\lOl\ ed 1)\ '.,ilk \\ ho linl.,hl:d In li)ur hour., and :1.) minutl:'. 1.l:lgh . .,utT<:ring from ill health. ran th<: rJce ag~un.,t all odtl-,. Jnd e\ en reached th<: fini.,h linl: in a re"'l<:ctabk four hour., Jnd 4(, mlnll£l:.,. If\"ou mi"ed the chanc<: [() "pon.,or an~ of th<: fi\ <: runner, and \I ould likl: to donatl: mone\ to onl: of the abOle charitil:.,.l:olHJct th<: ['nion \ ia Rob 11.111, on l:,tl:n.,ion 1221l.
I hl: ;lnnll,iI '., I e., confl:rl:IK<: ;1£ BI-IlkpolI1 \\.1'.1 doubk .,uce<:" I'll[ hC I. I : tir tl~. the ,,<:\\ IIlutlon, pohn ,upp"rt<:cl 1)\ hll1g·., \\ a., p.1 'l:d Cl\ cm h<:lllllngh. ;lI1d <:eondl~ hlllg·., 'tUllent Jt:ni Rt:ed \\ .1' \ IIt<:d OlHO thl: l:,t:ul£i\ e both of'., 1 . \ former ml:lllhl:r of thl: <:'l:luti\ <: t<:Jm .It KC I. 1 .Ind curr<:lH ";lbh'l£ieal offic<:r for thl: I{c.,\;. Jl:ni \\ III uk<: oflicl: 111 Juh thi., \t:ar. \., .,he h<:gln, h<:r 111:\\ rok \I ith "l . Ikn EI!!:l:r. fOrll1l:r prl:.,idl:J1[ (If King'., anu '.,;l£ionJI . t:cretar~ for '\;1 <;. \I ill bl: ka\ ing th<: \\orld of.,tudt:nt politic., [() t'lke: up a place: at ll:Jr ~choo\. KC :1.<;1 \\ i.,he., hoth thl:1ll th<: b<:,t of lue:k.
Pia' '>chcmc The: n<:,t pla\'>ehe:me: i., chnlul<:d for 2, -,I \1.1\. If~ou \\<Hild likl: to hook 'I pl.1l'l: lilr \our child. pk~I"l: COlHact 1.e:lgh 'I crr\ on l:,ten.,ion 121l() or 1e~1\ <: .1 111t:'''lg<: \\ ith rCl:q1tion Oil l:,tCI1.,lOn 11, .~. I'LICe, arc lillll£ed and tcnd to hc takcn quickh. ) ou arc aeil i,et! t1H:reforc to hook a., .,0011 'I pO\,ihle.
Sramford Serccr g~ m I'l.ln, for thl: /!,\ m at e.,tamford ~trcct arl: \IL:II untler \\ a\. Thl: I' nion i, currl:ntl~ In nl:/!,miation" \I ith plann<:r" -Illore inli)rm;l£ion Gill he found in thl: 11l:,1 <:clition of (oll/II/ml.
!ngh 111"11' IIllhl 111I11)IIII'.ldll'lI/l
'U.,·ith !'lIddlllgloll
The Department of Electronic
er Electrical Engineering at ITeC'96
he Engineering and Ph\~icd
Science Re ...earch Council (EP<;RCl held rhe IT anu (:ompurer Science Progr~lmme'~ conference ar Leelh
on 17
.lJ1d 1X \pril. Thc conference compri . . ed ~I pro.~ramme of high-Ie\ cl ralk . . ro~erher \\ irh an e,hihrion of currenrl~
funded EP<;RC re ...earch projeu.... In rhe e'hibirion rhe Ikp~llTIllenr
of 1':lcuronie e Elccrricil Engineerin~ di~pla\ed nine projeer.... \\ hieb \la" rhe 1~lrge"r 11IImher ~l ~ingle
of di~pl~I\" h\ far from deparrmenr or uni\ er~ir\. '1'\1 0
of rhe "ing\ ~rand ... included compurer demon ... rrarion" \I h ich added [() rheir prominence. (:hri~ Chri~rououlou and Si\
a~ubram~lIliam Ibmanan
\\ ere
pre~enring 'Oprimal Repre~enrarion~
ofCla\\ Srrucwre . .
(principal il1\ c"rigaror. Profe\\or Tre\ or Cbrk ...on) anu \\ ere reloeared direcrh behind rhe regi~rraroll de~k a~
u·n,vers''''' ..../
rhe\ necded audirional di"pl~l\ ~pace. .\ number of ill[erc~ring con\ er"'trioll~
rook place ~'" a result. Thi ... n: ...earch ~Iho eonrribures [() rhe research of rhe Cell[re for :\cur~i1 :\er\\ork~ ar "ing· . .
College. Profe ......or Ton\' f)a\ ie... pre ...ell[ed hi ... and I)r Chambers \\'()rk on a 'Srud\' of eh~lOrie and pseudochaorie signal~ from d iscrere-rime eleuronie ~) ... rem~ '. Parricular cmphasi ... i... placed upon ()\crflo\\' oscillarion~ in recur i\·e digiral filrer~. Thi . . re ...earch i dircucd
generarion and coding. Orher ~ranlh from rhe Ikparrmell[ \\'ere prm'ided h\ I)r lan Roherr~on H disphl\·... ), Profe......or... Tre\or Ilall and \Iark Sandler. .\ddirionall), rhe EPSRC wok ro rhe e,hihirion rhe marerialu ...ed for rheir reccll[ Ser 46 e"hibir ar Warerloo ~rarioll \\ hieh fearured an()[her of rhe I)eparrmell['s research programme . . funded Il\' rhe Council (.. ee ph(J[ograph). The conference \\as a pre~rigiou ... C\ ell[ aimed ar rhe pre~ell[arion of rhe eurrell[ . . raws of re ...earch in a range of
ke\ reehnolo.~ie... and rhe idenriticarion of imporranr i\\uc ... for
100. . .
.I/,.J itl HOII,!! ) ·ill. Nesmrrh .I.\·j·i.l'/IIIII ill lite f)ejJtlI1/1/m/ ol j':kt/rollit
e Fjet/rim/
j·:lIgilli'crillg. 'U,"i/It lit/' J-.'I'SN(: nlti/lil Oil II'tlli'lif)O s/fI/ifJlI./O" SI'/ 96 'U'·cl'!.. fJ.'.·ltilh illdllrl/'r1 lite J)ejJfIl1JJ1/,III'S '('iYJ'U,"r/l" jJrr~il'f'/.
r()\\ard~ ~Ipplicarion~ in
... ignal proce\\ing anu eommunicarion ..., e ... peciall~ for p~eudorandom ~equenec
rhe fuwre direuion of re ...earch in IT and compurer ...eiellce in rhe l·". "ing·... College gained cOl1\iderahlc \ i... ibilir\ from rhi ... e\ cnt.
Tre\ or Clark . . on Communicarion" Re"earch Croup [)eparrmenr of Elecuical e Elecrronie Engineering
Senior Common Room
ilt /ol/tJ"U:'illg is {/II ({liltd ~', rsioll ollht' Rt'pol1 prC,lWltrllo tilt
/996,\(;,1/ flf Ih,.. Slmllrl SI/Iior Room by Ihl' CI/{/inllll/I oflhl
(.fllIl/llllla, SI,..pht'1I H{/rm"U:',
Inre.:gral to the burge.:oning poru);jrit~ ;lmong colle;lgue, of the.: (Lower) Scnior Common Room i\ the cbullie.:nt and e.:nrrcpreneurial pn;,e.:ncc of our ,tc\\"lrd. Bill~ Clear\, Bill~ and thc Se.:nior Common Room are no\\' \ irtllall~ ,ynonymou\, Among hi, many ,kill,. for e.:,;ample. i, brcad-making. a cr,lft hc fa,hioned and pcrfccte.:d in hi, time.: \\ ith the Shaw Sa\ ile Shipping Line.:, If I pa~ a \pecial tribute [() Bill~, it i, onl~ bccau,e Bill~ i, a \cr~ ,pccial pe.:r,on, \\'hile the Se.:nior Common Room e.:ontinue.:, to be 'e.:ned b\ the like.:, of our lIon Se.:erctar~. :-'Iargare.:t Bro\\'n. and Bill~ Clcar~. ~ou ma\ be ,ure.: that it i, in good hand" It i, ne\ erthele." bim;r\\ ironic that, in the year \\ hcn thc SCR ha\ e,perie.:nced grO\\ ing ,UppOrt for ,ome of the.: ke~ \e.:n ice, \\ e prOl ide.:. \\ care ne.:\ e.:rthc.:le.,., to lo,e a ,ignificanr,onH': might \av crippling - proportion of our ,pace: on any calculation. \\'e arc to be cut back by -Hl pe.:r cenr net. e.:\ en afte.:r the compcnsato~ ,pacc of 21 S\\'B and the lobbv out,ide 20 S\\'B ha, been accounrcd for. I ha\'e written much about thi, gric\'()u, 10.,., cl,e\\ hcrc: {\\ 0 articlc\ in (.'01//1//('111 and a round robin to member, (for \\'hich I \\a, roundl~ taken to ta,k in ,omc ljuarte.:r,). I do not therc.:forc intend ro \I rite a gre.:at deal more about it here. e,;ce.:pt to \a~ that the .\nnual Re.:port of the.: Chairman ne';t \ e.:ar \\ ill record. I imagine. thc concerted effort' of thc Committee to manage the ne.:\\ circum,tance.:\. to nuke.: the po,iti\ c be,t of an apparenrl~ negati\ e.: 'itllarion. and ,e.:t the.: SCR in a nc\\ direction. on a fre\h footing. Truth to tell, the inte.:n'it) \\ ith \\ hich \\ e.: had of late been u,ing the.: ll ppcr Senior Common room had unaccounrabl~ dimini\hed, de,pite the bc,t cndca\'our\ of the hl\\'ver, for \\ hom 1H 5\\'13 had be.:comc the.:ir inhou,e Chamber,. and the.: bnl\'e.:. but ,hort-li\'(;d re.:-e.:,tabli,hme.:nt of full lunch-time.: coffce 'e.:n ice in the l SCR,
G 1
It remain ro be ,een h(m \\ e.: hall cope in thc nc\\ tircum,tance,. Dcmand for eatln' in thc (L()\\ e.:r) , e.:nior Common Room LW \\'(3) at peak time\ ha, on c\ cral occ,t,io!1\ in recenr momh, be.:cn tlo'e.: to thcorctical capacit~, :"01\ that the.: afet\ \ ah e of the l', 'CR ha, bee.:n ,hut off. and gi\ cn that thc rcplacemenr Glp,lcit~ of 21 S\\'13 i ,0 much Ic.,.,. \\ ill \\e.: 'cc colleague, ,impl) unable to find a ,uitablc ,pace at lunch-timc, and con,equcnrl~ retreating in fnl,tr,ltion' It \\ ill no doubt make.: a te.:lling polirical poinr ifrhar be.:come.:' a routine.: occurrence. but \\ ill hardl~ do an~ rhing to inerea,e.: rhe artracri\ ene.:", of thc Common Room to our mcml)(,:r, or the.: aggregate.: \alue the.: in'tirution offe.:r' ro tho,e \\ ho ,upport it b) ,ub,cribing. During rhe ye'lr. a\\ arc of the coming probabilit) of a ,e\cre 10\' of ,pace. \\e.: unde.:rrook (for the.: tir,r time in my recollection) a full. ,y,te.:maric ,un Cl' of me.:mber,hip opinion. \\'hile.: the anah-,is of re.:'pon,e.:, rold u, little that wc did nor alre.:ad~ kno\\ or ,uspecr. take.:n a\ a \\ hole.:. rhe.: re,pomc, ha\'e bee.:n \ e.:r\ \'aluable in helping rhc (;ommirre.:c ro unde.:r\rand \\'hat a,pecr, of the.: Common Room (borh the.: in,titU[ion and ir, ph"ical manifestation) colleague.:s mo,r appreciare and \\ ant [(J ,ee.: de\ doped. and eon.,equenrl~ to plan rarionall~ to gain maximum be.:nc.:fit from the.: nc\\ configuration of our accommodarion, 'I'hc rc,p<>n,C\ ,ho\\ cd. for e,amplc.:. rhat thcre i, ,till a mea,urable and \\ orth\\ hile dcmand for \\ hat I might call rhe e';tracurricular ,ocial compone.:nr. I,e.:.,., clear. hcmc\ cr. from the Sun e.:\ i, \\ hat kind of ,ocial compone.:nt. \\ hat pattcrn of acti\ itic, - hcm man). hOl\ oftcn. \\ hat r~ pc. how price~ - i, thc,e thl~' likel) to arrract mo,r ,upport and ,0 ju,tif\ rhe inpur of organi,;ltional effort \\ hich i, rhe ine\ imble.: coro 11 ,I 1'\ , The.: ,uccc"ful planning and promotion of any funcrion. from a 'imple.: buffe.:r suppe.:r to a full-scalc.: formal dinncr. i, quire labour-inren,i\ e.: and timecon,uming.. \' m~ predece",or. \Iikc Dockrill. ob,en'ed in hi, Report hl,t ~ e.:ar. labour i, bccoming ,carcer and ,career. in dire.:cr proportion [() thc
;Jmount of time.:. it,elf a u\\ indlin~ re,ource. colleaguc arc prepared to dc\ otC to non-co, ential ;lcri\ itie, be.:~ ond \\ ork and a\\ a~ from home.:. Collegialir~ i ,uffering: ;Jnu the.: purpo,e.:, Jnd \ alue of rhe Common Room are.: being unde.:rmincd b~ pn:.,.,ure, \\ hich ,en e onl~ to demon,tf;lrC ho\\ important it i, for ,anir~ and balancc that \\e defend and imprc)\ e.: ci\ ili,ed and ci\ ili,ing ill\[irurion, like the SeR. For rhe rccord. J formally report that rhe ,ub,cribing Common Room mcmber,hip ,rand, ar 2~9. \\'e.: ha\e.: IX Ilonorar~ \ kmber, and IOS Ilonorar: I,ife \Ielllber~. During the \ear. \\e.: \\ ere.: ,;Jddcned ro Ic.:arn of rhe de.:ath, of n\ 0 membe.:r,. Profe.:.,.,or :-'1 C Scrutron (I\iochemi,tr~ ) and f)r H Fatmi (Ele.:crrical Engineering). I conclude m~ .\nnual Report \\ ith \ome thought, and ljuc,tion, for the con,iderarion of member, ari~ing from the.: ne\\ ,ha pe of the Common Roolll. .\' I ha\ c el,e\\ here ob,en cd. rhe COlllmon Roolll i, both a place and an i1l'>ritlltion. It i, quite probable that if the place. rhe.: geographical manife,tarion. alter" then the in'titlltion \\ ill a.. \\ ell. in \\ay... \\ hich are.: nor predictable in adnlllee, The.: me.:mber... hip may change, both in ,i;:e.: .Ind eharacre.:r. Pattern ... of usage may change.:: indeed. ir i, nl\' aim thar to a dcgre.:e.: thc~ shoulu. \re Illu,r make more and be.:rte.:r u,e of our ne\\ ,pace prm iding. of cour...e.:. that greater inre.:n,it~ of U'e.: doe, not interfcre.: \\ ith thc CU,[()lllar~ ,e.:n ice, and purpo~e, of our (:omlllon Room. 110\\ ,hould the ne\\ Coml1lon Room pre.:,cnr it,elf [() the Colle.:ge.: (;()mmunit~ at large' I... the.:re.: am longer a ,mmg ju,tification for retaining in our title the arguabl~ pa[roni ... in~ and mi,leading aujecri\ e 'Senior'? \\'hH u,e. if any. in furure ,Imuld \\e make of the old name 'I-llack\\ ell'. \ eneratcd by ,Ol11e. bur Illeaninglc.,., [() many? The<,e arc ge.:nuine <jlle,rion, about \\'hich the Comlllitte.:c ha\'e collle [() no clear con,en'I". You, the member.... are.: in\ ited to help u,. on your be.:half. come.: [() a con'en,u,. In \hort. reil us \\ h,lt ~ Oll rhink,
Footnote In I iC\l of rhc rcducrion in faciliric~ al'ailahlc [() mcmbcr~, and in rhc lighr of a hroadly fal'ourahlc financial siruarion. rhc" R Commirrcc rccommcndcd to rhc AG:-'I rhar u bscriprion rarc~ for 1990/<)7 ~hou Id bc cur. from £22,00 pCI' annum to £1 .00. )..'on . rrand-ha'>cd mcmhcrs and parr-rimc mcmhcrs of stafT \I ill pal £9.00, insread of £11.00. l·murprisingl~. rhc mcmhcrs I(HCU for rhis alrcrarion in rarcs, which is prohably wirhour prcccdcnt in rhc lasr 50 ycar or so.
Srcphen Harrow
rec~ cling
irh rhc cI:cr increasing focu, on recycling. partlcularh' of papcr, and rhc global conccrm of u,ing I'irgin pulp (rrees).
Sel crll'lidc Rccl'cling ha . in an innol'aril'c mm c. joincd forces wirh a major pulp producing mill. The firsr of ir'> kind anY\I hcrc, rhc mill u,e5 I irruall~ cmission-frec proccsse, ro produce pulp from many gradcs of prcI'ioll'>ly considcrcd '10\1' gradc \I'asrc' into high qualiry paper, wirhour rhc usc of any hlcaching agcnts. Scvcrnsidc havc offered ro scr up a collccrion scn'icc ar rhc Collcgc, provide any number of office size, hcxagon~i1.
cardhoard rccl'cling hins and, if I'olumc' allow, pay rhe College for irs wasrc papcr. A successful . chcmc would also rcducc Collegc cosrs for wasrc compacrion and collcerion as \I cll as demonsrraring a commirmcnr to improl'ing rhe cnl'ironmcnr. In ordcr to e. rablish rhc number of office bim rcquired please ler me knoll' if you wish ro house onc in I'our officc or group of offices and I \I'ill makc rhc ncce 'sary arrangcmenrs for I'OU to hal'c onc. Thc whire bin liners in rh em will bc rcmol'cd by cleaning . raff, when full. to a cenrral collecring poinr and subscqucntly collccrcd by Sevcrnsidc.
Albanian swdenr
rdino Bejlcri i~ a 16 I'car old boy anending high ,ehool in Tirana, Albania. Ilis farhcr i, a
pril'arc uentisr. formerly Chicf Denral Officcr of Albania, I lis morher \lorks for .-\Iiralia. Ardino is fond of book,. music and foorball. Hc ha~ bccn arrenuing English coursc~ in Albania bur would I'Cf\' much likc to pracrice rhc languagc, Is rherc anyonc ar King\ who has a son or uaughrcr ofa similar age I1 ho \I'ould bc intcresrcd in Icrring him stal' wirh rhc family ar an~ rimc bcrwccn 15 Jull' and IS Scprcmbcr? If so plcasc conracr Profcssor Sranlcy C;clbicr in rhe Dcparrmcnt of Ikntal Public Ilcalrh and Communiry Dental Educarion ar rhc Dcnmark Ilill Campus (exr 34H I).
e mcs~cngcr sen'iccs
Golf Societ
hirr~ -rhrcc members and guesr~
rook parr in rhc Socicr\' meering on 29
~ larch. On a brighr day. bur wirh a
keen n()rrhcrl~ \I ind blo\l·ing. cl-crl'one found rhc Blcrchingley Golf Club course a bir differcnr from la,r Scprembcr \I hcn rhc ground \la, hard and dry, a, rhcre was nor rhc samc run on rhe ball and rhc course played cOl15iderahh' longer. Ilo"'ever, everyone h'ld a mosr enjoyablc dav. Prize winncrs werc as follows:
PSS Trophy Ron Parrison (firsr) Dal'id Ball (second) Rogcr Paricnr (rhird)
Longest Drive at the 15th ~Iichacl
Nearest the Pin at the 12th Kim Johnson Afrer a rarhcr lare lunch Caprain Bill 'Iade welcomed Principal rrhur Lueas, other guesrs and omc memhers playing for rhc fir r rimc. Ir was ccrrainly nicc to sce rhc I rincipal and wc rhank him for raking rhe rimc our to come and I'isir us. The pri/.c giving was followed by rhe now tradirional 'Fining 'ession'. To mosr member,' dclighr, fines wcre I'ery rhin
ome difficulrics have arisen wirh
on rhc ground cxcepr for rhe Dcan, Richard Burridge, Pcrhaps rhar's all
mc'scngcrs from couricr companies hcing unablc to
rhar, hould bc said abour ir, rhough.
locarc deparrmcnrs, '>cerions. offices crc. wirhin College prcmises. parricularly ar rhe Srrand Campus. Ir would bc morc pracrical ro ask cou ricr colleer from a central point. ic your
The ncxr mecring of rhe Socicr~ will be ar Sonning Golf Club on \\"ednesday 26 June.
nearcsr Collcge Posr Room. normally siruarcd I'ery close ro rhe main entrancc to your sirc. Ircms to be carried away can safely be lefr in rhe Collcgc Posr Rooln5 unril collecrcd Lw rhc courier company and any reccipr rransmirrcd [(1 rhe dcparrmcnr illl'oh'ed I'ia rhe inrern~lI mail.
I IaZl.a I'd
Bob Rcdmond Campu, SCfl icc~
I',IL:C 17
rt in the Chapel
rri'Og~ of luinring, cnmkd lit/udr! /111 1/((11 I'> ro bt:
nhlhirt:d in rhc (.hapel from 21-2lJ \ IJI 'lI1d e\ ery' lnt: - rht:ologlam ,lnd non-rht:ologIJn, ailke - I' 1111 Ill:d ro comt: ,donI.( ,lnd I ICII, The ,\[[I'>r. l)CO[[ Rm It: i, J former Tht:olog\ ,rudt:nr 11 ho 'lIId icd 'H King', from 1991j9-t Since kal in!!; ht: h'l' dt:1 med him't:lf full-rime ro painrinl.(. The p'linrln!!;" t:,lch ,i'\ foor b~ rllo foo!. ,Ire almo,r builr from a ,oie, of rin\ compo,nion, ro form a compk'\ image. Thc ,qu,He, rhem,c"l:' arc In,pirt:d hy rhc land,capl: and arc held rogerher in .1 !!;comt:mc flt:ld ilkt: parrern ro form an ima!!;t:, \'pl:l'!' of rt:larednc,>,> ,Ire e:-.plort:d, 1k'>lribin!!; hi, influence" rht: arrl'>r "lid rhar rhe\ 'come from man\ difft:renr dirt:crion,: from rhl: Tht:olo!!;lul (jut:,r ro arriculare l11eanin!!;flllly abour J 'Crt:aror', ro rhe Ct:lrie and p'lgan m\ rhological helid ",rt:m, of rhe grt:t:n man; I find ir, ima!!;t: ofrht: t:arrh a, a 'malt:-I iolcnr' ht:ing rhar jlld!!;e, u, from rht: rrt:t: ,omt:rhing rhar lie ignort: ro our Oil n and our homt:\ dl:rrimenr.'
0111' (iSm// Royle's paill/il/gs, m/it/etl Righr Iland,
(:ompurcr clllimarion a"
rraining wol
he CI:"E (Carroon Ima~e, for :"e[\\'()rk Educarion) projt:cr ,rarred on I i\pril. CI:"E i, a
projt:cr funded for onc year under rhe Ekcrronic Librarie, (eLib) programme. j, ba,ed ar King\ Colkgt:, and aim, ro produce rluet: module, of
carroon animarion, for di,>,>t:minarion aero'>'> rhe J \:"ET nerwork, The primary delil ery lehide 11 ill bt: rhe \\'orld \\'ide \\'cb, Tht: purpo't: of rht: animarion, i, ro makc u,e of rhe medium ro conI ey ,omt: of rht: ba~ic principle, of nerwork-rclart:d ropic" The undcrlying moril'arion for rhe projt:cr camc from rht: bclit:f rhar animarion can hold rht: arrt:nrion, can u,e I'i,ual meraphor for
complc'\ concepr" and can illu,rrarc rhe dy namic nOlI of informarion. The dClelopmenr of\\'\\'\\, animarion rechnolo~y i, one of rhe mo,r I olarile in a generally fa,rchanging COl ironmenr. and ,ome parr of rhe projecr efforr 11 ill be del orcd ro an a"e'>'>menr of rhe mo,r appropriare mt:rhod, for eon,rrucring and delil'ering rhe mareri,l!'>. In rht: proee'>'> ,ome of our e.'\perimcnr, 11 ill bc alailablt: on rhc C1:"I': \\'\\'\\' page,; ar rhe rimt: of 11 riring lie hale an anim,Hed logo (11 hieh requirc, ~t:r.,cape 2 ro di,pla\ rhe animarion). The \\'\\'\\' p.lge al,o conrain, informarion abour rht: projccr ir,clf. and can bt: reacht:d from rht: King',
\\'\\'\\' hOI11t: page: 1'011011 rill: link ro " 'arional Projt:er, ba,ed ar Kin!!;',',
France, Blomt:!e\ Compurinl.( Cenrrt: 1nforma[Jon "t:[\ ice,
e Sy ,rt:111
Young Lif Scientist of the Year
or/?:e \lembrillo Ilernandu (Di\ i,ion of Life Science,) ha,
Scienri,t of tht: Year .\\lard \\ hich \\ ill
been ~elected by thc Socict~ for General \Iierobiolog\ a, onc of th.:
be judged in Deccmber 1996. .Iorge \Iembrillo Ilt:rnandt:1. i, a tinal \car Ph D ,tudenr \\ orking under the
candidate \\ ho will compctc for thc Young Life, cienri. t of thc Year .\\1 ard ,pon,ored b~ Promega t'K. At the
,upef\'i,ion of Profes,or Roben " Poole on the extraordinary E. coli globin-like prorein. Profe,~or Poole',
recenr meeting of the the Socict\ at the llni\'ersity of\\'am ick, Jorg.: pre.enred a paper enritled 'The
group i, conducring researt:h on the
Escherichia coli. fb\'ohaemoglobin: links \\'ith oxidati\e ~trcs~·. Ili~ oral presenration was judged [() be the best of any' oral or poster communication ,If the mt:etin/?:- He
been ,Iwarded a
srructurt:. function amnd rq;ulation of ... ~ nrhc~i ... of this protein \\ ith ... upporr from BI3SRC.
Robert " Poolt: Di\'ision of Life Scicnces
pril.e of £200 and ha, auromatit:ally been enrered for the Young Lift:
Science essa competItIon
Courses will be offered in Frt:nch. German. Spani~h and lralian. at up [(J fou r le\'els: begi n nt:r. lowcr inrermediate, higher inrermediate and advanced. The courses will run for four and eight week blocks, from IS.OO [() 21.00. with a [wenr\, minute brt:ak. All t:lasses will take place on the Strand Campus. The fee for the eoursc is at a special'" reduced rate for all (;ollc/!;e ~raff of £60.00 for four weeks or £ I 00 for eight weeks.
In addition. there will also be inrensi\'e busint:ss languagc courses on Tuc~day evening from 18.00 to 21.00. The~e cla~ses havc been 'pecially designed [() meet the increasing professional demand for modern
eS\ay compt:tition that i, opcn to all postgraduate students in ~cit:nee. enginet:ring and technology. The challengt: i~ for the srudt:Jl[ ro write an t:Jl[crraining t:s~a~ in English about their rese,]ft:h in no mort: than HOO words. suitablt: for puhlit:ation in tht: Forum section of the Xfrl!' Sr;f//II~>I. The judgt:s will bt:
The nall1t:s of tht: winners will be published in the 19 October issut: of
of thc British Computcr Sot:iety in 1'lart:h 19%. Ilis whole professional t:areer of 20 years has been spent at King's, initially in the Computing Cenrrc and lattcrl~ in the Deparrmenr of (;omputcr
For further derails and an entry form eonract Dr Paul \\'ymer. at The \\'ellt:Oll1t: Cenrre for 1'ledical Scienct:.
210 Euston Road, London N\\'I 2BE. The e10 ing date for enrries is 17 .I u ne 1996.
language training \\'ithin a bu~iness framework. The teachers all lecwre at the London Business t:hool on the 1'IBA Language pro/?:ramme. French. German, ' panish and Japant:se will be a\'ailable at lower inrerrnedi:He. higher inrermediate and advaneedle\·c\. The co·t of the~e courses for College staff is
£75.00 for four \\'eeks or.£ 125.00 for eight wt:cks. Please contact Sophie Chambets (t:Xt 2890) for rq;isrration detail,.
Foo(ball players
hose sraff and srudt:nts \\'ho ,Ire bast:d on the 1'lanrt:sa
Road si[e and play foothall on Tuesday e\'enings would like to [hank Dr Cowan, Professsor Jenner and Professor ~Iartio[[ for their financial support. Dr Co\\'an, Director of the Drug Control Centre, Proft:ssor .It:nner. Head of Pharmacology and I rofessor 1'larriott. Ilead of Pharmacy: each conrributed £60.00 re help eO\'er the cost of hiring an all \\eatht:r fomball
Or Overill r Richard Overill, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, \\',IS elct:ted a FcIIO\\
conjunction \\ ith thc .\'1"'..:'
Sr;l'lll;sl maga/inc. i\ running a \cience
\ It:dical Seit:ncl:. in
looking for inreresting research ropic .... ...cientifie accuracy, e1arit\· of t:xpression and a lively writing ~tylt:.
I nren ... in: ,>ul11l11cr language cour..,c,> he Language cl: Communication cenrre i~ running inrt:nsi\'e langua/!;t: courses on Thursda~ e\·ening~. srartin/!; from 23 1'lay.
he \\'t:llcome Cenrre for
pitch during tht: winrer Illonrhs. I I' an\'one is interested in playing, Science.
summer or \I'inter, they should contact Richard Calth\'ell on ext 4SHOHH91.
lit: has published somt: 40 research paper,. researt:h re\·it:\\·s and tllrorial articles on compuring-rdated subjects, particularly parallt:1 computing and computational quanrulll chemistrY.
Richard Caldwell Senior Anal\'st Drug Conrrol Cenrre
Profc'>'>or I'C\ in I'cohJl1c
ho,e \\ ho km~\\ Ke\ in Keohane \\ ill h,l\ e enJo~ ed hi cheer~ rre,ence on hi, frequenr \ i,ir.. [() Corn\\ all Ilou e In rhe ra r k \ \ \ e,lr,. Thar he kepr conracr \\irh people \\ I[h \\ hom he la r \\ orked a, a colleague in 1976 i, r~ plC,11 of hi, friendline ..... 'J en of rhe ,ratT ,rill a....ociared \\ irh rhe Kin~', "lhool of Educarion fir,r came ro Chehea under
hi, Ieader'hir. KC' in \\a, Profe"or of Ph~ ,ic, in Chebea College \\ hen he ,a\\ a need for gi\ ing ,cience and marhemarie, educarion a ,raw, ar uni\ er,ir~ Ie\ el \\ hich e,i,ring deparrmenr, of educarion could nor meer. There \\ a, narional ~upporr becau,e of concern rhar the tlO\\ of candidare, for degree ,wdie~ in ,cience and en.E~ineering \\ a, in ,eriou~ and .,tead~ decline a., empha~i,ed h\ rhe Ihinron rerorr in 196H, So. \\ irh rhe rhen Principal of Chehea. \Ialcolm Ga\'in. he con\ inced rhe l' ni\er,ir~ of IAlIldon ro e,rahli,h rhi, country\ fir,r chair in ,cicnce eduearion ar Chcl,ea and rhen. on c1ecrion [() thar chair. mO\'ed ro become direcror of a ne\\ deparrmenr. rhe Cenrre for Science Educarion ar Chel~ea. He then gathered the ,taff and cleared all the formalitie, to enable the Centre to open it, door, to peeE ,wdenr, in I96H. Suprort \\'a, al,o ,ecured from Shell for the countr\'" fir,t chair of mathematic, education, 芦) \\ hieh Geoffrc\' \Iatthe\\', \\"a, appointed in 196 . Kc\ in had alread~ been made director of the :-\uftield Foundation'" ,cience teaching rroject. \\ hich mO\ cd [(J a new ba,e in rhe Chel,ea Deparrmenr. To add [(J the pracrical in\"()h-emenr that rhi, ,ecured. de\c1opmenr of re.,earch led to one of rhe Social Science Re,earch Council'" largest grant, - for rhc project on (,Ol/{'('P/J il/ SemI/rimy ,I!((/hell/((/it.\' (/IIrI
Sr"if/lc(', There i., a direcr line of
de\'elopment from that project to recent \\ork in the Facult~. b) I'hilip Adey and \lichacl Shayer in ,cience and by \Iar/!;aret Brown and Da\ id John,on in mathemaric" When Ke\ in left Chel,ea in 1976 it was a flourishing academic deparrmenr. lie \\ ellt ro be fir,t rector of the ne\\ I~ formed Roehampron
In.,titurc. \\ hcre he had ro \\cld rogerher four erarate college. Tho,e \\ ho e,penenced the ine\ irable rraum,1 of our 0\\ n merger in 19 .- lan onh imagilH: hO\\ difficult a ta k thar \\ a." That he Iefr behind. on hi., retlremcnt afrer t\\ehe ~ear in rhe r0.,t. a tloutl,hing IIhtiwtion . .,peak, \olume. ,. ornul retirement \\ a., no more rhan a n:-direuion ofener~. for in:lcrlon \\a" quite forcign w hi, remperament. \, onc of hi, ,taff ,aid of him :It Chehe:1. \\ orking for Ke\ in \\;1, like bcing tied ro rhe tail of a rocker. Ill'> earl~ career. :1'> a phy,ic., graduate. a, an R.\F Flighr Lieutenanr \\orking in mdar during \Yorld War '1'\\ O. :1'> a ph~ ,ic., re.,earcher on the optics of the e\ e. then in pO,t, a, a lecturer in anarom~ at Bri.,wl. and a, reader in bioph\.,ic., follo\\ed b\ a chair in phy,ic, ar Chel.,ea. had gi\ en him a hroad background of intere,r in the ,eience" So he continued [() ha\e ne\\ idea' about the communiearion of 'cience. both ro ,chooh through a conti n ucd Ieader,h ipin the;\' u ftie Id project' and to a \\ ider profe.... ional and public audience through hi, \\ork a" \ ice-chairman of the board of rhe pllbli.,hillll, firm ofTavlor and Franci,. 1100\c\ er. hi, range of acri\ itie, \\;I'> \\ ider ,till. The II'ho'J II'ho entr~ li,r, 0\ er.10 in,titution, to \\ hieh he made eonrrihution,. "otable amon/!;,t the,e \\'a, his \\ ork a, chair of /!;O\ ernor, of ,e\eral Catholic school'> and a., chair of the \hTrh Trw,t. which ran tr:linin/!; cour,e, for unemployed ~oun/!; reople in depri\路ed re/!;ion, of London. n()(abl~ Bri"ton and Pcckh:lm. Joining the tru,t in 19H6 he had ,uppo[(ed the \\'()rk for the pa,>t ten ~ear.,. helpin/!; ir \\ith a relentle.... oprimism \\ hich could not be blunted b~ ,etback,. to reem er from \'irtual clo,ure \\hen :lcee.... to central fund, \\a, \\ irhdra\\ n. lie led a ,ucce,.,ful .,earch for ne\\ pri\";](e funding /!;i\ ing rhe charit\ a rene\\ cd basi, for 'lIpPO[( \\ hich ha, on Iy recently been accompli,hed. It i, hard to do jll'>tiee here w Ke\ in Kcohane's extraordinary combination of imagination, dri\ e. oprimi,m and care for people. i\hlll) people, like 11l~ ,elf. had come to dcrend Oil hi, liveliness, hi, talent and re,ource in helping other." hi, lack of
ego and pride and his exrraordinary range of personal conracts in all walks and areas, He \\'a a dynamic admini. rraror - a mo\'er and shaker rarher than a \Hirer. A fitting
mighr be drawn from onc of his own joke" abour a ~uirable inseriprion for an academic's tombstone - Gone to anorher meering
Paul Black School of Ed lIcation
and orher mathematical sofrware, showing a degree of enthusiasm which
I\Jariannc's pascoral role \I'irhin rhc
surprisedlcss eompurer oriented
Having spenr several years in a 1\ lathemarics Departmenr 1\ larianne hegan co de\'elop an inrerest in mathemaries as a discipline and was considering reading for a degrec in the subject. To that cnd (encouraged by Alan Pears) she lI'as working rhrough 'CountdO\I"Il rol\larhematics' - rhe recommended texr for srudcnts inrending to read I\Jathematics ar rhe Open L ni\'Crsit)', I\larianne was \'ery able and certainI\' had marhemariC'~1 abiliry, as the following anecdore will show, Afer she had compured the square and the cube of (a+b) from firsr principles Alan suggesred rhar she rrv the fourth power; somewhar rcluctanrlv I\larianne acceded, I Jail' abour rhe seventh power, Alan proposed. That was toO much. and brought an emphatic negarive response, Then Alan showed her rhe firsr few roll'S of Pascal's triangle and in a flash I\larianne had dealr \\'irh his challenge, !\Iarianne was raken in the prime of her life; she still had much to do and so much co gi\'e, !\ larianne recei\'ed the news thar she was suffering from cancer bravelv and philosophically and. alrhough she was nor a religious person. would probablv have subscribed to the words of Solumon:
colleagues wirhin rhe department. Nor a few of us can resrify to spending an hour rrying to discover how [() do somerhing in TEA" or \Yard 6. anI\' to discover rhar a 30 second consulrarion with :'Iarianne would resoke rhe problem. Her efficiency as an administraror wa' well kno\l'n lI'irhin rhe Dcparrmcnt, and indeed throughour rhe College; the Department's repurarion for being efficiently run is surely artriburable in
i\!arianne i\!errs
r \\ as \\ ith a grear sense of sadness rhar members of rhe I\lathemarics
Department and her friends rhroughour rhe College learned of rhe
dearh of I\larianne
lerts on lH I\larch
J996; she was ~5. Ir had become clear during the latter halfof J995 rhar I\larianne was unwell but ir still came as a gre,lr shock to her colleagues when, earlY in 1996, her doctors
diagnosed rhe inoperable cancer which was ro rake her life so soon afrerwards. 1\ larianne 1\ largarerha 1\ Ierrs held Durch narionaliry and \\'as educared ar schools in Zirren and Arnhem. When shc \\'as 16 she met rhe Englishman whom she was to marry rwo years larer. In the long term rhe marriage was nor a success and larred 1\ larianne reverted ro her maiden name. On arriving in England she had a brief spell in rhe personnel department of llnile\'er before spending a number of years as a house\l'ife and in bringing up her daughters Anita and Carol, to whom she was devoted, Subsequently she returned to secrerarial work, holding a varierv of positions in the I nin:rsiry of London until, in 19H8, ~he
mo\'t;d from Scnate House [() rhe posr which she was to hold until rhe rime of her dearh, Senior dministrarive Secretary in rhe Department of I\larhematics at King's College. I\luianne possessed a sharp well ordered mind \\'hieh she applied \\'irh great vigour to rhe runnin:;; of rhe departmenral office and to rhe administrarion of rhe department. She was a whole hearted . upporrer of compurerisation and confidently ser abour learning rhe mysteries of TEA"
no small measure to her skills. Oeeasionallv. when rempred ro remind her abour snmerhing which I knew had ro be done. I would approach wirh a degree of rrepidarion, only to confirm what 1 expected, thar she did indeed have rhe marrer in hand. or rhat ir had alread\' been dealr with, It is rrue thar 1\ larianne did not suffer fools gladl\', and ar rimes could express her displeasure in quire a forccful \I'ay when she was confronted wirh what she regarded as incomperence or impropcr conduct. She had a strong sense of fairness and decency and expected others co conform co the standards \\'hich 'he ser herself. She had a very genuine concern for students or colleagues who were experiencing difficulrie. in rheir li\'es, and rhey would be assured of her symparhetic ear. I\larianne's time in rhe Departmenr lI'as marked by an increase in social activiry. Staffsrudent parries. end of rerm parties and. abO\'e all, rhe Chrisrmas part\' beeamc e\'enrs to which rhe wholc Department looked forward, At Christmas I\larianne and her colleagues in the office. wirh rhe a id of one or r\\'o aeadem ie sra 1'1', \\'ould lav on a magnificent spread in an arrraerively decorared Room 521 so that the departmenr could relax after thc rigours of a hard term. These were mcmorable occasions and rhe Deparrment rcmembers wirh grarirude all that I\larianne did in this area. The lathemaries Department has recently csrablished a prize co be awarded [() a srudent who has made an oursranding contriburion to the life of rhc deparrment; hall' appropriate rhar the prit:e should be named rhe I\Jarianne I\lerts prize. therebY commemoraring
Till/e alld till/lire /wjJjJl'llelh 10 Ihell/
{(I!. For 11/(11/ also I:lI0ill'elh 1101 his lill/e: (IS Ihefishes Ihal {(re lahll ill
I"l.:i/ 111'1. a/lfl
flS Ihe birds Ihal fin' mllght ill Ihe Sllflre: so fire lite SOilS of II/l'I/ slIflred ill fill {'vii lill/e.
rdm il fallelh SIIdrlmly IIjJolllltell/, Sah'e atque \'ale, I\larianne; we mIss \-ml.
Hamish Rac Department of I\Jarhematie
Humaniric.., 30 May Memorial service for Philip Sherrard College Chapel, Strand 17.30 Centre for Hellenic Studies 14 and 15 June Alexandria Two day colloquium Department of Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies Conveners: Professor Judith Herrin, Mrs Charlotte Roueche Council Room, Strand time tbc
21 June The Prince of Homburg. Hans Werner Henze in conversation with Arnold Whittall and Christopher Wintle. The English National Opera are staging this work on 22, 26 and 28 June and 1 and 5 July at 19.30 This colloquium will be followed by a recital at 19.00 Moritz Eggert (piano) Piano music by Hans Werner Henze St David's Room (formerly 6C, opposite the Chapel) Main Building, Strand WC2 Contact Christopher Wintle, Assistant Director, Institute of Advanced Musical Studies 01718732576 21 and 22 June The European impact of the Spanish Civil War Two day conference Centre for Twentieth Century Cultural Studies Council & Committee Room, Strand 10.00 to 17.00 20 June - 4 July Philosophy of architecture Seminar series in collaboration with the LSE 20 June title tbc Richard Senett Room 3B01, Strand Building 17.00 to 19.00 27 June The restoration of architecture and the lamp of memory Anthony Savile Room T206, Tymes Court, LSE,
Portugal Street 17.00 to 19.00 4 July Architecture and tradition Anthony O'Hear Room T206, Tymes Court, LSE, Portugal Street
27 June Derivatives, the legal and regulatory challenge One-day conference organised by the Centre of European Law Great Hall, Strand 9.15 to 17.00 Fee £125.00. Contact Liz Haigh, Centre of European Law, tel/fax 0171-873 2387. Bookings should be made no later than 18 June. Law Society accreditation 5 CPD hours: level S 6 July Community Law in English Courts One-day conference organised by the Centre of European Law Chaired by Sir Thomas Bingham MR Great Hall, Strand 9.00 to 18.00 Fee £100.00. To make a reservation please contact Liz Haigh, Centre of European Law, tel/fax 0171-873 2387. Bookings should be made no later than 14 June. Law Society accreditation 7 CPD hours: level S 16 September Reception: House of Lords Lord Clinton-Davis, a graduate of the School, has kindly agreed to host an early-evening reception for former students and current friends of the School of Law and guests. The terrace of the House of Lords. Tickets: £30.00 single, £50.00 double Prior booking essential. Contact Alan Bradshaw, Assistant Dean, School of Law, tel 0171-873 2324, fax 0171-873 2465, email alan.bradshaw@kcl.ac.uk
Life Sciencc'> ,\ge Concern Geronrology
Jn~(iru(e of
30 May Towards the Millennium; Debate of the Age Age Concern England collaborates with the College in managing the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology. As a result of the collaboration, staff from Age Concern England have been invited to visit the College to present their plans regarding the Millennium Debate of the Age to senior College staff and to invite discussion of them. Sally Greengross, Director General of Age Concern England will introduce the subject and speakers will be: Terri Banks, Director of Studies and Hilary Kates, National Co-ordinator of Development for the Debate. Room MB138, Cornwall House 17.00 Contact Laura Lock, ACIOG, King's College London, Cornwall House, London SEl 8WA Telephone 0171872 3035.
Sackler Ins(iw(c of Pulmonary Pharmacology All seminars from 13.00 to 14.00 in the Seminar Room, Department of Respiratory Medicine, King's College Hospital Medical School, Bessemer Road, London SE5 Contact Professor C Page on 01713463610 or 333 4767 24 May The IgE Network Professor H Gould, Randall Institute
14 June The role of adhesion molecules in eosinophilic inflammation Dr P Hellewell, Department of Applied Pharmacology, NHLI 5 July Apoptosis Professor C Haslett, University of Edinburgh
26 July Vascular permeability in the airway Dr C Persson, University of Lund
so classical physics and mathematics in exploring the dynamics of human and animal minds.
20 September Regulation of airway smooth muscle proliferation Dr S Hirst, St Thomas's Hospital Medical School
20 June Statistical Mechanics Statmech- 72 One-day conference consisting of short contributed talks of about 20 minutes, together with three invited lectures. These will be given by Hans Fogedby (Aarhusl on Interfaces and solitons, Ricardo Lima (Marseille) on Statistics versus dynamics in space-time systems and Bernard Nienhuis (Amsterdam) on Solvable models for entropically stabilised quasicrystals. Room 521, Strand Building 10.3017.30 (Coffee will be available between 10.00 and 10.30) Contact D. A. Lavis, Maths 01718732240/2217; e mail d.lavis@kcl.ac.uk or G. S. Joyce, Physics 0171-873 2168; email g.joyce@kcl.ac.uk or http://www.mth.kcl.ac.uk/statmech. html
1 November Mechanisms of airway hyperresponsiveness Dr P Stark, University of Leiden
School of Iedicine c? Denrisuy 20-21 June Molecular Medicine: the dream, the promise and the reality A two-day symposium comparing the development of molecular techniques in medicine in the USA and UK against the background of changing health systems. Free to KCUKCSMD staff and students. UMDS, Guy's Hospital Campus Contact Rachel Beard, International Programmes Coordinator, international Office, External Relations, UMDS Medical School Office, St Thomas' Hospital Campus, Lambeth Palace Road, London SEl 7EH tel 0171-9289292 ext 3834 fax 0171-922 8254 email r.beard@umds.ac.uk.
School of Ph\, 'ical Science e Enginceri~g 17 June Professor John Taylor is retiring this year and the School of Physical Sciences & Engineering will mark this with a half-day meeting. New Theatre, Strand, 14.00. The lectures will be on some of the topics he has worked on during his career, from physics to neural networks. Speakers: J Polkinghorne, Cambridge, T Clarkson, King's and P Bressloff, Loughborough. At 17.30 Professor Waiter Freeman, Berkeley will deliver a Public Lecture in the New Theatre on the topic: The uses of classical and not
26 June On two-dimensional packing Leah Epstein, Tel-Aviv Department of Computer Science colloquium Room 3D, Main Building, Strand 14.00 If you are coming from outside the College please call 0171-873 2842 or 0171-8732588 for confirmaton of details
Small ad'> For '>ale T\\o-bedroom flat in Ea,t London (E I) clo,e w \\"hitechapel/Stepne~ Green tube. Large kitchen/diner, garden. off-,treet parking. Good order throughout. £59.995. Ica'ehold. Contact R .\ckeman. Ken,ington e,t -l-B4.
Feline fo'>rering Fo ter and permanent home, urgenth needed for cat and kitten'>..-\nimal . .\id and .\dl ice ~orrh London (Regi~tered charity :--Jo. 103(940). Telephone Doreen 0171-607 1723 or Karen 0171-4,500.13
Accommodarion a\ ailablc Room, w let \\ ithin \\arm. recentlY refurhi,hed \\"e~t Indian familY hO'l11e ,iruated in Lee Green. Si/.eabl'e bedroom and ,paciou, lil ing room/dining room. Shared bathroom roilet, kitchen and garden. ' conI enienth situated near ,hop" an t\\O BR ,ration" £400 pcm. Call \Iar\ onOI71-7.Ee'2fl .
Fiar (() Icr Full~-furni"hed
onc-bedroom flat in Ba\<,water/l'addingron. Lil ing room. kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and ,mall ,rore. Bakerloo/Circle. Di,trict and \!ctropolitan lines plus man\ bu, rou te,. £.')00 p,m (negotiable) piu, ga,. elcctricit\, phone bili'>. water rate, (currentl~ £ IX/month) and Council ta, (nO/month) bili'>, Suitable for I'i~iting academic couple, ':\I·ailablc.') Jul~ for three month,/,i, month,/one year 1996/7. Tekphone 0171-3,1 56lH (elenings).
Ilolida) !er Cauaque" CO,ta Bral'l. Spain, Small terraced hou,e on edge of olu fi'hin.g ro\\ n. Three bedroom, hleep, i,), lil ing room, kitchen. terrace. \'iew, of olu roll n. ,ca and P~ renee" £200.00 per \\eek. Telephone 01959 522216.
Accommodarion \\anrcd .\eademic couple from L'S ,eek, fulh furni,hed hou,e or flat for the fall a,1J lI'inter term,. Prefer ea,~ acce"ibilit\ ro central London. Plca,e contact ' .\nne Donchin or Eumund 13\ rne email: adonchin@'iupui,edu c;r '
eb~ rne@iupui.edu. fa,: 317-274-2347 or .'17-2e 3-1 <)6<)
Fiar [() !er 'I'll o-bedroom furni,hed ground floor flat in Regcnc~ terrace. 13a~ ,11 ,ner/ "orting Ilill area (London \\"2). Ouiet re,iuential garden square clo,e [(: \\"hitele~ "s ,hopping centre. Ro\ al Oak. Ba~,\\ater anu Queen \\a\' rube. Large lil ing room (ga coal fire; \\ ith open plan kitchen hI asher/drier). ,paciol!'> bathroom. t\\O double bedroom, (onc \\ ith single bed). gas central heating, loll' energ~ CO,t,. al'ailable from 24 June for ,i, month, or 12 month" £1.000 pcm. Contact Dr Jonathan Scurlock on e'\t 4.,15/2610 Or oI 71-792 20 I, .
01111111 III i., \\ illing to carr~ adl ert"lng at the Euiwr"s de,cretion for good, or ,en ice, that 11 c)lild be of in[(:re,t ro King's ,rafI'. The co,t, are as foll()\I'>:
Full-page adlcrr £:O() £150 (Ialf-page adlcrr Quarrcr-page adl err £7') Small ad, (nor more than 50 \\ord,) arc free ro all taff
Plca,e contact the Pre",> Pu bl ication, Officc on cxt 3202 i,. I ou ha\c any querie, about aU,·erti,in.~ or (,'O//l//ll'/l/ in gencral.
[Iou..,e (() ler Quiet. 'ecluded. t\\ 0 bedroom cortage S\'denham. outh ea,t London, Full~ furni~heu, ga, n:ntral heating. garden and parking, ,uitablc for I'i~iting academic couple, £400 per calendar month plus eleerricit~. g:.t, and phone bills, Council Ta, (currenrl~ £50 per month) and \\ater rate~ (curremh £20 per month), TII'en£, minute train ro Charing Cro s I i,1 London Bridge, ,-\Iaibble Februa~/\Iarch 1996, Comacr Lind,al' Ellio[[ Smith. Conference .\dmini,traror. \'aeation Bureau. 552 King',RoadOI71-3516011 (dal)or 01,1-241 IXU (elening,l. ' (cl ,'20).
[!oliday home [() renr Ilolida~ accommodation in COI1l erred barn on attractile I illage grecn at Ilam'terle~. Co Durham in an area of out,wnding natural beaut~, Onc ,inglc and onc double bedroom piu, bed~e[[ee in lounge. £200.00 per lIeek in june. ./uh and .\ugu,t: £175.00 in ()[her month" For further derail, ring \Ialcolm Gec on 0171-5X4 290() (da\[ime); OIHI-365 230,,) (Clening,) or 013 'H 4XH776 (lleekend,).
(,'ollllJlflll (.rIIIIllUII!
i, the ('ollcgc's rcguLtr
nell ,letter. !"'>ued bl the Pre'" e Pubhcatlon, ()ftice cach month during ,cmc tcr,. \\ e \\ elcome .Iniclcs anu!or phowgraphs (colour or bLlck and \\ hite pnfl(~ please) from ,t11 ~cetion, of the (:ollcgc. JI' po"ihlc contribu[lon, shollld be ,ent in on ,1 3.')" di,k in unfCltmarrt:l1 tc,t. Plca,c note th.1t the ediwr re,cn e, thc nght to cut or amend artiLic, a, ncce"'.lfI ,
dcadlinc~ hsuc lJ7 - 14 June h,ue 9H <"eptcmher
et Publicarions Office
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