1 G'S
College K LO DO Foundedr829 I \I III
')'J. O( 1t1l1lR 1')')(,
ENT the College Newsletter A legillium for the Chapel
Settling in at Stamford Street
'I HI' Itgillilll/l ",'{IS //.Iw/fo/" Ihefil:l'llil//I' ill Ihe CllfIpd 0// \ \'fr!//I'sr!tll' l.1 SIPII'I//hi'/" (11 Ihf
er\\een IS and IH Seprember, SSH ,rudenrs mO\'cd inro rhe ne\l Sramford Sueer Aparrment,. The .\parrmenr, bring rhe roral of King\ srudent n:sicknce, ro seven, wirh O\'er 2.()()() place" The .\parrmcnrs. originally a \\' 11 Smirh,' printing \lork" arc oppo,ire Cornwall Iloll'>e in \\'arerloo. The key' \\'ere formall\' handed 0\ er ro rhe College b~ Paul Smirh of (;1'0\\ ngap on 11 Seprember. The re,idence, arc rhe fir,r King\ ha, been able to offer \I irh cn suirc facilirie" ~I' each ,rudy bcdroom ha., ir, 0\\ n ,h(lII er. \\ a,h ba,in and \YC. Thc .\parrmenr, ha\ c been builr a, <)() ,elf-conrained flar, of four 1'0 nine bedroom,. Each flar ha, ir, 0\\ n kirchen/dining are,1 \\ irh a cooker and micrO\\a\ e and e\'e~' srudenr ha, a refrigeraror in her or hi, room. Srudenr, ha\ e acce" [() a laundererre \\ irhin rhe i\parrlllenr, and orher facilirje, which are included. alrhough nor) er compkre, arc a g\ m (sec rhe Srudenr,' llnion page in rhe la,r edirion of CO//III/i'III), a shop which \I ill include a ,ub posr office,and a raked knure rhearre wirh a ,caring
Opl'lli//gof'lru// Sln:ill', Sce arrick on page 3,
(,'rJIIli//lIl'r! Oil P(lW 3
.lltisl Joh// /10///.1'10// pirlll/"er! fJ.!'ilh his
S{"//IPIIII7'. {I legillilll// Jor Ihl' r:ollf.!(I' r:llflpd
Careers Fair 1996 he General Career, Fair \I ill be held on \ \'ed ne da~ .,0 (kwber from 11.00 ro 16.00 in the Great Ilall. Str:lIld.lt prO\ ide' an opportunity for ~tlIdeJ1(, ro meet and chat about career option,. It i, not a recruitment fair and employer, \\ ill not be expecting ,tudent' ro come prepared for inten路iel\. Some 2S organi"ltion, \\'ill be repre,ented, induding the Inland Relenue, \Ic()onallh', Re'taurant, and \'oluntary Serl ice 01 cr,ea" a, \\ell a, man\" managemcnt. kgal and account:lnc~ firm,. There \I ill al,o bc adl i,cr, (induding "ing', alumni) :l\ailabk for a I'ariet~ of area, including: el1\'ironmental con,ultanc\, human rc,ource~. information technolog\. pharmaccutica" and te kcommu n ica tions. The Art, C":\ledia Fair \I ill bc held on Thur,day -' I Oerobcr from 12.00 to 1-1.30. l':"hibitor, \\ ill include I ~eo Burnett .\d"erti,ing Agency, the London College of Printing Di,tributil e Trade" the ~ational Galler\, Ogiln' e :'Ilather Adl"Crti,ing, the Science ~Iu cum, Thc Stelcn, Company and West llerts College. Adl'ice from "ing's alumni and other~ \\'ill be al'ailable on art~ administration, broadcasting. drama, journali~m, public relation,. publishing. radio eT\' production and I'aluing and auctioneering, and ,eminars in the Council Room \I ill include: journalislI/ al Ih,' :\'e\\
Dr \[a\. Saundcr-, Iaunchc-, Ford \Iaddo\. Ford biograph:
ScieJ1(i~t. C/lrrers
ill I3ro/ldrtlSlillj;.
Dr ,11/1.1 Sflill/ders, I~erlllrer ill Ihe Depfl/ll1ll'1I1 f~r 1~1If(lish, /11 Ihe nn'jJlioll 10 Idrlllfll/' Ihr ("olI/plelioll ofhis /"cf.'o-f.:olllll/r Iliogmphy lif Ford .l/ar!o.\ Ford pII!JIishrr/ by O>.forr! ('lIivenil), Press. '1nl' I"(,{{'plioll ""/IS ""I'll fll/mr!er! fll/r!gllrsl., illr/llr!{'(llhl' 1I0'CfliSl .I S Ilyal/.
Profc-,-,or of \'icrorian Srudic-,
c\\ .\rchbi-,hop of Ca pc 'I()\\n
r, Leonee Ormond became Profe.,.,or of \'ictorian Studie, in the Department of Engli,h on I September.
rchbi~hOP f'.:jongo :-.Jdungam:. the nC\l .\rehbishop of Cape '1'0\1 n, \\'as enthroned at a ,en'icc on 14 September in South .\frica. lit: ,uccecds .\rchbi,hop f)c,mond Tutll: both arc alurnni of the Theolog~ f)cpartment. Thc RCI' Tim Ditch field, Collegc Chaplain. repre,cntcd the Collcg;e at the Scn ice. Shortly afterl\ ard~ the ne\\ .\rchbi,hop I'i,ited Britain and came to "ing"'.:\ lunch, ho,ted b) the Dcan, ReI d f)r Richard Burridge, \\'a, hcld in hi~ honour. Thosc \\ ho attended included 'Cl eral of hi, formcr '/'heolog) Iccturcr,.
('fl/7'rn" ill PII!JIishillf(. Can'n:, ill PII!JIishillf(. ('re/lliE'e 1\ "rilill,!!; /l1Ir! Rdfllrr! 11Ir!lIslries and Careers ill jOllf1lf1li.wl.
Furthcr detail~ and a brochure arc al'ailable from the Career, SCrl ice.
Pron1otion r .\Ian Ebringer. Re:tder in thc Dil i,ion of I.ife Seicnce.,. ha, been promoted to Profe'>'>or of Immunolog\ \I ith effect from 1 September 1996.
Settling in at Stan1ford Street, continued fro III page 1 Lapacit\ of 200. 'Ihe \ acation Bureau. \\ ho arc currentl~ baseu at .-:;2 Kil1!( Roau. \\ ill be mm ing into oftices \I ithin the \partments b~ the \\cek clluing 22 :"0\ ember. Ro\ Cr:H:knell is the Rcsiucnce \ lan<lger for the. \p:\rtmcnt and \ lark Ra\\linson is the .\\\i,t<lnt \lanager. Thcy Gin bc contaercd on t:,\tt:n'>lon, 2960 and 2961.
I'mtl SlIIiM jimll (,'mfC'lIp/lf! nrll/rls 1J'i.'l'r 1nl' ll'\'s of1nl' Slalll(rJrrl Slrl'l'l .Ipm/IIII'IIIS 10
(;I'ny !/lIg!tI'S. Blln-ar. Wiln Inl'lII aI{' Ros
Cmd:/IIll. Residelll"e .II{(1lagl'r o( Iht .I/HI//lIIl'llls, rll/rI.llar!: Rafi"lill.I'fJII, .lssi.I·lrl/II.llallagtr.
The Legilliull1, ji'Olll jJagr I
new lectern or legillium (I,atin for pulpit or lectt:rn), eant:d b~ John Houl\ton, ~culptor and theolog\ graduatt: of King's, \\a, inauguratcd on \\'edncsday 2:; Septt:mbcr in thc Chapel. Entitled rne Fomwlillll I/Ine Solar S\'SII'III, tht: 1cgillium depier, the sun and planct~ forming out of a primal mi~t. It h:1'> bcen can'cd from the basc of a SOO \car-old oak tree, blown down in the 19H7 gak. and \\eighs almo,t:1 ton. " feci that the i\,ue, r:li~cd by Cre:ltion arc fundamcntal to ho\\ people \ ie\\ life and' hope thi\ Legillium \\·ill encourage young people at King'" to ponder the,e crucial que,tioll\ a, I did a, a student'. ,a~, II00il,ton. I,ast \'car, John Houhton pre,ented the Colle.ge \\'ith a large coppcr bu~t of .\rchbishop De,mollu Tutu, \1 hich 11011 \tanu, in Tutu"', thc Student\' ['nion bar.
Women professors - so far so good n 199~-,)5, King'" hau the highest percentage of female profcs,ors of an~ traditional uni\cr,it~, according to information publi,heu rccentl~ . During the '>ummer thc Iligher Edueation Stati,tic\ i\gcncy (11 ESA) relea\ed figurcs on the number of professor, within the unil'ersity ""stem in 199~-95, breaking it down between thc \c'\es. The statistic, al\o ~howed that tht: majority of profe~sorial po,tS are still hcld at olu unil er\itie\. At the same time a book, Be\,Olld 1nl' elms (,{'ilillg, \Ia\ publi~hed b~ the fllllCS H~e:n{'r Frllllillioll SlIpplelll('1I1 \1 ith an introuuction II ritten b\ Ilckna Kenneu~ QC \1 ho i\ Chancellor of Chford Brooke\ l ·ni\er\it~. It denlClIl,trated that thert: i, a significant profe,>sorial genuer gap. Ju,t ,e\'Cn out of Cl er~ 100 profe\\or\ in Britain arc \IOmen, c\en though \Iomen make up a thiru ofacadcmie\. The ['niteu State, has more than uouble thc percentage of female profe\\or, - the comparable figure is 16 out of e\ cry lOO.
The ne\\ uni\ cr\itie\ ha\ e a far higher percentagc of female profe\\ors than the old uni\·er\ities. 11001'e\'er, at tht: time the ligure\ were taken, King's ku the lielu among the old uni\'er\ities \\ ith 16.9 per cent of its profe\\orial \raff being \I·omen. Thc uni\'Crsity \\'ith the highe,t perccntage of fem:lle professor~ \Ias South Bank with 32.6 per cent. \1 hilst at the other cnd of the \eale [T1\IIST hau none. (Thi, ha, changed since thc u:lta \I'a, relea~ed and the\ 110\\' ha\ t: four,) This probably reneers the fact that ['"liST has a high proportion of ,cienct: anu tt:ehnology cour,e, \I hich tend to attract more male ,tudent, and staff. Fe\ler than onc in a hundrcd of the 771 engineering profe'>\or\ in the t' K arc female. The u:lta \howeu that \\omen do better in medicine. where the\ hold 1~ per cent of professorship"~ :1\ \\ ell a'> in \ocial \cience, cconomic~ and politic, (12 per ccnt) and librarianship (29 per cent),
sical Sciences
Engineering Posrer Comperirion
Ilcadships of .\cadcmic l 'n ir<., POIOgiCS [() the 1'011011 ing to hom 11 e ga I'e tbe 11 fOng titks. based on thc information 11 chad rcceil cd:
Professor Colin Bushnell :'Ilathematic, Dr D'lI id Granr \ lanagemenr Professor IIlark Sandler Electronic & Electrical Enginecring Professor :'I Iikc Yicmneskis Dil i.,ion of Engineering
}Ofllllle Co'UC'er oj /he Phys;I:' f)ejJfI/1/11t'J// re{e;,:esf;rs/ prize ;11 /he poster cO/lljJt'I;/;ollfro/ll
t' ni, ersir\' of London Po<.,rgra(.!L;arc Tn,<.,r Srudcnrships for 1997-199H e 199H-1999
Proje,Hor ,1I;h } ';flllllesl;s,
he Poster Competition ha, become an annual Cl ent in the School of Physical Sciences Engineering for po'tgraduate srudenrs enrering their th ird \ car of research, The ai m of the competition is [() encourage srudents w focus their work [() date and w gil'e thcm e 'perienee of public presenrations of their work, The Cl enr is ,1Iso an opponunity for new postgraduates to meet academic sraff and postgraduates across the School and for prescnr undergraduates [() sce something of what is inl'()h'ed in doing research,
The judges werc Professor Roben 11 ill, Head of the School, Professor :'I like Yianneskis. Ilc.:ad of thc Dil'ision of Engineering 'Ind Professor Derek Coleman, Chairman of the School's Research Commince. Thc priLc winners 11 ere:
F;rs/ Pr;z(' .!o,mne Cower (Physics)
Se('l}/lrl Pr;;;;(' Terry [[""ards (Chemistry)
'l'h;rrl Pr;ze Lesle\' Askell (Ph\',ic,) Thanks [(J Or :'Ilike C10de who once again mastermindcd the el'enL
1:;() ~ cars of rhe Deparrmenr of Theology
he [)epanmenr of Theolog\
e Religious Srudies i,
celebrating its ISOth annil ersar\' on <) :\01 ember 11 ith a da\ conference, 'theology e Rd(i!;;OII.l' S/rrrl;('s ;rr /hl' {'rrh'l'/I;IY ((rrrllhl' lI'odrl. The day 11 ill begin 11 ith a choral .,erl in: in the chapel, and among the spe'lkers 11 ill be
Religiolls Srud ies
Profes.,or Sir StCII an Sutherland 11 bom II'{: are pleased w lI'elcome back w King'" .\11 friends of the I)epanmenr arc lI'elcome [() clt[(:nd, Funher parriculars and a booking form can be obtained from LOll inia II,m C\ in Room-lE. Chcsham Building C'\t Z07,).
hc l'nilcr.,it\, has the
ing Trusts from 11 h ich it is able w m,.ke the allard of onc or tll'o-\'ear Postgraduate Srudenrships w graduatcs of the l' n il ersit\ of London, 1'011011
• Ihgott Trust for Public Ilealth Prel'entatil'e lI1cdieine • Campolin Trust for Astronom\, Biology • Ilazel Clifford Trust for flledicine • IIlasom Trust for Latin eGreek • Sanderson \\'ells Trust for Human i" u tri tion • Swpford Brooke Trust for Engli,h Literarure • Triangle Trust for :'Ilcdieinc e Business Administration
Gradu'He., from other unil'cr.,ities ma\' also apply for an all'ard from the I~dmund Dal i, Trust for ,\ledicine, Lall e Engineering, For funher dl:tails and application forms conract the Secretary [() the .\cadcmic Trust Funds Committee, Senatc Ilou,e. ({oom 23-10171-636 31-17, The clo.,ing datc for applications is I Fcbruary 1l)'!7,
ledical Engineering cS Ph) sics Prizes
0 major pri/e\ ha\ e recenth been a\\'arded [() member, of ,raff in the Depanmenr.
:.Iece ih!c \\ hole,
the communit~ a :.I
The In\tiwtion of \Icchanical Engineer\' \ledical En!!;ineering Di\ i ion ha\ awarded it\ 14':1:; Thoma
\ irtual Centre of E cellence
he Centre for Telecommunic.ltion., Re.,earch, hou~ed in the Dil i,ion of Engineering under thc direction of Profe.,\or Hamid .-\gl1\ ami,
'I he In'tiwtion of Ph~ \ic, Engineering in \Iedicine Biolog~ ha., a\\arded it\ 199.'1 \:ightinga!c Pril:e (() 7,hang \Iing. \Iaril~ n Lord, ,\Ian
Stephen Pril.e to Dr .\tan TurnerSmith and colleague\ from Oxford for a
ha., been admitted a\ a Full Academic \!cmber of the \'inual Centre of
Turner-Smith and C:olin Robert\ for a paper on DI"i.'eloplllf'lll of ({ 1I01l-lilll'flr
paper on Roeillgf'll.l'lrreopholfJ-gr{l/lIlIIflrir all({lysi.lfor ({ss('ssillg 1II~f!mlioll oflolal hip
/illile dell/mllllodel of Ihe IIdo'"'-' lilt'£'
repl(/('('/lIfIIIS, (Proceeding of the
Excellence in \Iobile e Per~onal Communicarion" The \'CE i\ an initiatil e of the Depanmenr of Trade and Industr\', and compri~e~ both academic and indu.,trial members, \Iember,hip \\ ill bring about man\' ne\\' re,eareh opporruniries and link,. and further enhance the Centre'~
I nstitution of ,\Iechanical Engineers.
proslhelir sod,' illlfljilre (:'\ !cdical
e Phy~ic,.
17, :;.'1<)-:;(l6).
Zhang :'\Iing \\'a\ formerh a " C "'ong ,cholar and a Ph D .,rudenr in thc Departmenr. \Iarilyn Lord and .\tan Turner-Smith arc both Senior Lecrurer\, The \:ightingale Pri/e, \\ hich i,
e e
the In'tiwtion of Ph~~ic, Engineering in \!cdicine Biolog~ " mO'>t pn;\tigiou' pril:e i\ a\\arded annuall~, It i, awarded for the bc,t ,cienritie paper (() be publi,hed during the pre\ iou, \,ear in the Ill'>tiwtion',
journal .Ill'flimll·:II.e:illrl'lillg Phy.l'ir.l, The pri/,e-winner i, \e!ccred b~ the journal', Ill[ernational Editorial Board, ":ach paper chosen is eOl1'>idcred to be a contrihution to thc t~eld of medical en,gineering and phy.,ies which i., both of major ,ignificance, timeh and
Pan H:
of FlIgill£'nillg ill
.lIedilille ltlf), 16':1-17:;).
The Thoma., Stephen Prize i, ,lwarded annually for the be,t ,cientific paper (() be publi\hed by a young author during the prc\ iou, \ car in an~ \cienrific journal rele\ anr (() the \Iedical Engineering Di\'j\ion\ intere\t\ (not jU\t tho\c publi\hed by the Il1\tirutionl.
already high profile bOth in the l'" and international I\',
To win onc pril:e i\ a eon\iderablc achie\'emenr. To recei\'e two in the ,ame \'Car i., totall~ \\ ithollt precedent in our field,
Profe'>'>or C:olin Robert' Department of \!cdieal Engineering d: Ph~'\ic\
Euroanalysis TX Conference Bologna
n September. I attended the Euroanaly.,i, IX Conference \\'hieh [()ok place in Bologna, Italy,
.\' onc of XOO panieip:.lll[' ,It the Conference. I pre,ented a po\ter on
the subject of Surface :\rea and Pore Strucrure of the E,ki,ehir Sepiolite, Other uni\ er,itie, taking part in the Conference fmm the t'" \\ere I.eice,ter. (;la,go\l. (hford. PI~ mouth and Surre\.
Dr ,\ T Bro\\ n (jeograph) Department
/)1' 8m'U''II '.r j!OSI£'1' (1IIh,' 1·,IIIYHlllfll\'.I'i.l'
(:fllI/in'lIo,ill 8ologllrl,
(;OIIIIIIOIIfJ},'t'tI/l!J ('lIi",:I'J:I'itiI'J
) (/(1 ;/J()O/.: /995- f)() a\t year"', edition is a\'ailablc to the ti rst person who ri ng' Faith \\'akeford in the Principal', Office on e:\t 3-132.
Physics prize
esley Askew and John Ali,ol1, \\ ho belong to the Dielecrrics
Group and are conducting re,earch \\'i th Professor Rohert Hill, hal'C \\'011 the RolI\ Ro\'ee pri/,e for
their po'ter at the Royal Soeiet\ on 27 September.
Shirlie Ram,a~ Phy\ic, I kpartment
Press call
A joint leaving party
cf Publication,
i~ organi~ing a
cou r~e for
half ua\
admini,trator, anu an~ other 'tafT \\ ho arc in the 'front linc' anu ha\ c to
an", er call~ from the media. u~uall~ on bchalf of other PCOI1It:. The cour~e \\ ill take place on Thur,thl\ 21 \om ember from 4.30 to U.OO. Ir \\ ill ueal \\ irh i"ue~ ~uch a~: ho\\ the meuia \'·orh. 110\\ to tkal efficienth \\ irh call, from jOllrnalisr,. hcm to elicir all the informarion \'ou need. ho\\ to handle persistent journali~t~. ere.
If \ ou \\ i,h to atrend. plt:a,e contacr \klanie Garuncr on t:'\r 30?).
\ \'a . . rc col kcrion Johll HlIlYlm .. lssisl(/I11 SnulllI)' (Ie/i) IIl1dJohll Il"onth(/lll. /),)/lIrSlir Sn,,:ifl's SII/!r/'i.·i,wr
he ne'(t confidential \\ a~te collection will be :\Ionda~ 16 l)eCl:mber 1446.. \11 \\ a,re be tlt:li\ered to Room ,)~ I..)rd
floor. Stranu Building ber\\ een 4,30 anu 16,30. I I' no-onc i~ in rhe room I1It:<l\e go to rhe Archi\ e, in Room 302. Please do not use am' sacks marked Data Disposal. For further information conract rhe College Archi\'es on e'(r 2015.
for Iltr ('ltrlsl'lI ({lIl1pIIS. pillllred logl'lltlTlllllteir Im611g plll1),. JOItIl HIIlYlm joilll'd ('ltl'lsea Collegr ill 198} 11.1' Fillllltrr' Of{irer IIl1d sltolll\' 11/il'r Iltr /111'IW'r ""11.1' appoillled 11.1' .lssi.l'I(/I11 SI'IT/'lllll' ""illt rOj)ollsiltililyfor Iltl' C'ltd.'1'11 (.{I/IIPIIS. .Ioltll lI'ontltll/lljoilll'd Iltl' Colll~![1' ill 1977 ""od:ill,!! III .lIlIkol/ll (;11611 Hili/. lie ",'11.1' IIppoilllrd 10 Ih po.,ilioll o{
DO/llI'Slil' Sn,,:ia's SlIpln:isor 1""0 yl'IIH IlIln·. Sl'r Il'Ill r. Itfl.
Audrey Green retires
\\(Hilu likc. through CIIIIIIIII'III. to gi\ e mv mo~r ,incere thank\ to all
m~ frienu\ and collt:ague, for the \\ omkrful and \ er\ u~eful gift~ of the C:ollt:ge cre~teu gla~,\\are \\ hich \\ ill
be u,ed frequentlY anu \\ill reminu me of m~ time ar Chehea and J..:ing·\ but abm e all I am grateful for rhe frienu~hip anu co-operation of all ~tatT I \\a\ ~orry nor to be ablt: to \ i\it inui\ idual\ but \OU can be a"urcd holu ~lil of \ ou in great e\teem anu hope that \\e meet in the future. Thank vou all mO\t ~incereh
. \ IIdn'l' (;rt't'II. 1'1'1:1'1111111'1 O[liarjor lite Cl'lllml (/lId Sl'lrFill(/llrillg ItrI'IIS oflite (:olltge. (/~f!;ltl) ""11.1' prrsl'llll'd ""illt 111t11SI:l'!
1I(/!O'i.''I'I:' II\' .llllIjllril' ) ·Ollll,!!. Diln!or of I'I'I:WlIlIl'I cf
'Ilaillillg. 1IIItrr(iIl{"""r/l pn'sl'lIlllliollllll.h 1SI'/lII'llIltl'r. . I IIdn:\,joilll'llIltl' I'ltysin /)1'/11111/111'111 It{ ()lIl'm 1·.Iizlllll'lh (:olllgl' liS (.'ltid 'I idlll il-lllll ill 19().f. Sltl' ",'11.1 Prti/llOll'd 10 SII/lt'/-IlIll'IIdl'lIl (/Ild/oilll'd Iltl' I't'I:WlIlIl'I /)l'plIlI/ll1'II1 ill 1985.
John \\'ornham !-'<JrnKr I)ome~tic Sen ice\ Supen i\or for C:hcl~cl Campu\
'1\\cl1t\-Fi\c Ye~lf Reunion
Fare" ell to Gerry Hughes
hc CLI
of 1971 cOll\erged
on rhc
runo on
eprt:lllbt:r for J \ t:r~ ... uce..: ... fu( 2.';rh \nni\ ":1'... ::11'\ Reunion.
IllIg.!II'S. CO////f.!' BIIIXIII". l/IId Itis "-"ift I.YIIIII'.l'IIioyilll!l/joJ:/'lllltis I Nin'lIIi'lll plllly
Itl'lrl Oil
i7 Sl'jll/'III/II'I".
(;/,ny IllIglt/'s
'U'·or/.w/ IfJI" Iltl
(:O/II~!!.I'jfJl·I)i."I'1".Ie l )'/'111:1". lit- /11'.![r1l1 I/S
SlIjll'l'i:i.WI" f)f 11t, .llnltl/llim/ l\'orJ:sItOjl ",'illtilllltl' I'ltysit:l· /)/'/>1111/111'111 of (.'ltd.,.i'l/ CO//i'!!}'. '!i-ll \'1'111:,. /I/I/'I" It/' ""1/.1" jJmlllol/'rllo SlIjI/'l"illll'llrll'lll of 1~/1/)I)!'{/llJlj/,s 'U"illtilllltl' ('ltl'lllisll)' IJrjllllll11l'lIl. Ill' "-"1/." I/jI/)/)illll'd. \.I"S;I"IIIIII Sl'I"n'lllI)' I11 (,'It/'/."l'IIlllId.jf)//o",·ill.ff Iltl 1II1'I,!!:rl" ill
/1)8.:;. ItI'vl'mllll' CO//lgl' RII/XI/I".
Thank you [rOn1 Gerry Hughes
h ould li"..: ro rh'ln" ,dl fri..:nd ... 'Ind coll":'lguc ... \I ho arrcndcd and rho ... c \\ 110 ... cnr p..:r~on,dll1c......agc ot
good \I i... hc ... on rhc r..:c..:nr oCG1 ion
organl .....:d ro m,nk m\ r..:t1rcmcnr from
pr()\'idc <In C\ crla... rinl!:
of rhc
club... \I ill undouhrcdh hc rhc ... uurc..: of much cnjo~ mcnr 0\":1' rh..: ~c'lr ... ah..:ad. or ... llOUld m\ ... tandard of pla\
hc In rh..: collceri\'c comfX1n\ 01 0 m,ln\ prc",clH and pa ... r mcmhcr of
amll',Cmenr ro m\ opponcnr....
King· ... and Chcl ...ca (:ollcgc ... \I irh
rhe furur..: ro mecr up on \ uriou ... golf
I hopc to hu\ e rhc
\I hom ( had ... pcnr rhc grc,l(cr parr of
cour... t: ... \I irh Illembt:r, of rht: Golf
.l,ocicr~. of \\ hich ( rt:llluin
I' (;t:rr~
Ikrgman, of rhc
I)i\ i,ion of Engin..:..:rinl!: rcri red on 30 Scprt:m bt:f. l)r
Ikrglllun hud h..:en \\ irh
nllr imprO\..: dram'lticull~. plcnr~ of pcr...onal fru ... rr<lrion \I hile prc)\ iding
\I hich ... 0 man\ contributcd \I ill
Retirement of Or Bergman
p'l ... r rhirr\-rhrc..: \ car.... Thc ...cr of I!: 0 II'
rhc (:ollcgc. (\la ... dcli,ghrcd to h'l\c had rhc opporrunir\ for a I"c\l hour... to
\lorkinl!: IIf<.:. Thc gifr... prc ...cnrcd ro mc, ro
0\ er 120 ::Ilulllni - J rhirLl of rho,e \\ irh \\ hOIll \It: ::Ire in conracr from 197.2 - \I cre rh..:r..:. \\'irh gue r... rhert: \I cre nearh 20() pt:ople ur rht: celchrarion , raking in rour... of rht: Collcgt:. a Principal\ Reccprion and Dinner in rhe Grt:ur Ilall. .\11 l):lrriciparing on rhe da~ \It:re lupp\ ro ...e..: a form..:r Principal. General Sir John (Iackerr GCB FKC. in gooJ form. ('rcpararion, for rht: nexr reunion - for rhc (:L"... of 197.2 - are nlJ\\ under \I a~. I I' ~ OU \\ OlilLllike ro ht: kepr informt:o ahour rhi, reunion pleu,c conracr \Iarrin Thomp,on ar rhe KCL.\ OtTict: (()171-H72 .,053, c-mail alumoff@kcl.ac.uk). The KCL.\ Officc \I Olild al,o hc parriculurl~ inrt:re,rt:d in hOff()\\ ing an\' memorabilia (including dcparrmental phoro" KCI,Sl' maga/in..: ... ) from rhi ... ~ e,lf.
for 22
~ t:ar....
11 i... "''':1'\ ic..:' '" a Iecrurt:r and a ... .\dmi..,.,ion, Turor \\ere much \alucd b\ rhe Ikparrmenr of Electronic cif' Electrical Engineerinl!: \\ hich \\ i... hc, him \\ ell in hi, Dcput~
unt! orher frit:nd ... <lnd colleal!:ut:' on rho'e occa ... ion, \I hen on-going durit:, bri ng nl(; ro I' ing ',.
rofe..,.,or Brian \. Srreet. reccnrh appoinred ro rht: Chair of (,anguagc in Educarion in rhe
School of (·\luGl(ion. i, ro recei\ e rhe Da\ id S Ru.,.,t:11 a\\aro for di ... rinl!:ui,hed rt:,carch in Engli ... h, onc
of rh..: NCTE \ h igh..: ... r a\larch for ,cholarl~
conrriburion, ro rhc
profc~... ion
ar rhe NCTI': annual
cont't:renee in Chicago on ;'>:0\
Sir \Val ter Besant at King's, 1854 rudem life in London ha, :dlla\'been a mi'\rure of the academic and the hedoni,tic and in rhi, rnpect reader, of ('rJ/l/ll/Ill/ ma~ be inrere'ted to hear ofrhe e'\perience, of onc of Kin~', \ icrorian alumni, Sir "';dter Ik,anL \\ ho enrolled for a ~ car a, a ,tIidenr in 1,',::;-1 at the age of 17
before going to Cambridge. Be,ant him,elf 11 a, be,t knOll n a, a hi,torian and phiLlnthropi'L ;lnd hi, Sun e\ of I ,ondon, ,tarted in 11)')-1, r;ln to ,e\ er,d 1"{)lume,. Ili, aurohiograph~, publi,hed in 1')02, contain, ;In illuminating chapter on hi, e'\perience, at King\ durin,!!; rhe 11),::;0" Reflecting on hi, carh da~, a, a ,tlldem, Ik,anr lIa, crirical of rhe 1;lck of am.:nrion paid [() 'tlIdenr, and rhe poor 'randard of lectllring. ';\;o!Jolh clrcd about an~ ofrhc ,ruuem,', he remarked. 'During the 11 hole rime I II;\', there I nel"{:r rcmemher a ,ingle 11 ord of person:d inrere,r or of encouragement.' In rerm, of teaching, he rhought rhar there lI'a, much room for imprOl emenr. 'I cannor ,a\ " he \\fote, 'rhar rhe ,tudent, 11 ere carefull~ looked afrer, or rhar rhe reaching could be called good.' Despire hi, har,h commenrs, parricular!\ :Ibollt ,uperannuared marhemaric, profe,",or,
\I ho hadlo,r all inren:,r in rheir \I ork, ,ome prai,e \\"a, 1<11 i,hed on rhe amiquar: and archaeolo~i'L Profe, or J Bre\\er-'a ,timularing Iectlirer, full of foreihle eloquenn: and of enrhu,ia,m for hi~ \ubject.' l3e,anr al,o added, 'I le could on occa,ion ,hO\\ a rough ,iue of rongue and tcmper', Lecture cour,e, \I ere ,omeri me, ,rarred bu r nor fini,hed, including rh;1[ gi\ en b\' rhe Pri nei pa I on rhe nil1T-lIilll' fJl"i/llipll's o( F(/i/h. In Be,anr\ year ar rhe College, onl~
rhe fir,r four \I ere eo\ ered- rhe remaining rhirt~ ti\e being left ro rhe srudenr to rake on tru,r' i"or \I'as rhe augu,t Council immune ro criricism :lI1d Be,am rhought them '\ er\ n:rrible ... eonsi,ting of ,0 many Crand Inqui,iror". t\ \ear may ha\e heen a ,hort rime in \I hich to judge rhe (:ollege bur if Ik'anr\ \ ie\l' arc ;lI1\rhing [() go b\, \le <::\11 onh' he rhankful rhar there \la, no \'ictorian equi\ alenr of 11 E FeE in,pecrorare' I.ike roda~, life in I,on don c1earh held more imere,t for srudent' rhan ju,t ;mending Ienure, at King',. "'hen rhe ,ilenn: of hi, lodging, in Ilolborn gor roo much ro hear, Be,anr ,talked around rhe Cir\, 'for rhe s:lke of animarion, the c[()\\d" rhe lighrs'. For a shilling he could drop inro 'I c1,ino or ,ir in on a dance in a Soho c1ub-
.\11" 1\"(/111/
'f hi I'n /IllJilt!
remarkin~ on
onc wch \ i,it thar 'I do not knOl\ \I hat the reputarion of the place \la, - no douht it \la, prett\ had,'
Renl;lrkabl~, perhap" rhe,e di,rraction, ,eemed [() make little
impact on rhe ~oung Be"lnr\ academic achie\ emenr, and ar rhe cnd of hi, ~ear he carried off pri/e, in \Iarh" Cla",ic, andDi\ inir~. Some rhing, ha\ e changed for rhe better ,ince "'alrer Be,am 'tlIdied ,It "ing\. The College can nO\l' ju,rifiabl~ take pride in it, commitmenr [() reaching and pa,roral care. Some rhing" on rhe other hand, h:1\ e changed remarkabh linle, ka'l of all the building, and rhe continuing allure of I,ondon. 11011 e\ er, perhap, rhe mo,r remarkable fe;lrure of Ik,am\ accoum i, the ,rrikin~ likene,", he bear, ro the eurrenr Principal. a, home out h~ rhe picture, hell)\\. " rhere ,omerhing rhe Principal i, not relling u, ahour re-incarnati(ln~
Da\ id (jreen Department of (;cograph~ E'\rract' taken from 'Fhl', III/o!tiogmphy of 1\"(/111'1" 111'.1'(//1/, publi,hcd b\ Ilurehin,on and Co, London
The Dean <lr I<lfge
region to difference, in nur,ing or rc,idclltial homc care co,t,. he ,ho\l cd hClII Illany I ear, of care
project reccnrl~. I k \I rore and dclil ered j ,eric, of ,i\ talk, for
could bc afforded before the equit~ \I a u,ed up. The work \I a taken up
BBCI', unda~ morning programme Firslf)?hl \I hich 11 ere broadca,t during .\ugu,r. . cptember and October. The themc \I'a, 'Glimp,e of I k~lIen' and
b~ the TI/r/tly programmc on Radio -Ion 2.2 Oetoher a, part of a di,eu"ion on \I hethcr the Con,efl atilc, \I ould include Iegi,larion on in,urance for n.:,idcnrial care co r, in rhe Queen \ Speech.
the i"ue, he addre"ed ranged from death. bereal eInent and famil~ reunion, to ho'piee,. Extract, from the,e talk, \I ere publi,hed in the C/umn of f-:Jlg/(I/lr/.\'e-a'·spaper. The Dean wa, intefl'iewcd b~ B BC World Sefl ice for ,ix program mc, on FOJlJlr/etJ
Rerurn ((J tradirional merhod" of reachin ,-,u
rl Failh and took part in 1'\1 0 half hour programme, for Premier Chri,tian Radio for London on 'The l'nforgil'able Sin?' and 'Forgilene,,'.
Re'earch undertaken bl' i\largarer Bro\l n, Profe'>\or of 1\ [arhcmatic, Educarion. \la, reportcd in The '/'illles. The finding, ,ho\l cd thar tradirional reaching merhod, arc making a comeb<ICk in primal'\' ,chool'> a, a re,ulr
of rhe (;o'ernmenr\ narional rc,ring regime. Increa,ing number, ,He
The CI'Cnt, in I-.:abul and thc role of the Talcban \I ere the ,ubjeet' of an arricle \I ritten 1)\ La\l renee Freedman. Profe"or of \\'ar Srudie,. for The Times.
In the news
cquit~ b~
Thc Dean. ReI d Dr Richard Burridgc. 11J been iOl oil ed in cl number of
InOamnution and infection of the gum, and the deeper ti"ue, ,upportin.g thc tecth - periodontal di,ea5e - conrinue to attract public inrere,r. Profc"or ~e\l ell .I oh Il'>on of the ReS Dcparrmenr of Dcntal Science, and thc I)epartmenr of Oral i\lcdicine and Pathology. I-.:CSI\ID. prc,clltcd an itcm on thi, ,uhjcct on Radio -h .Ifrr/ir"illl· .\'0<,,'. I k dc,crihcd the con,idcrahle ach'ance, in kno\l Icdge conccrning thc hactcrial cau,e,. including genetic. and imprOl ed diagno,tic method, - Cl en tr~ ing one out on thc pre,cntcr! The role of nCII locall~ -delil crcd alltibiorie prcparation, a, 'Idjunet' to ,urgicli thcrap~ \la, de'cribcd .. \bout ten \car, ago Profc"or .Iohn'on made 'I ,imilar IHe,entation on .lfi'f/iliJlf .rl/or '0 \la, able to c\plain hOIl rc,carch had
rcrurning to regular re'rs. lI'hole-ela", reaching and grouping of children. Profe'>'>or Bro\l n \la, al'>o quored in rhe fJlr/f!Ji'Jlr/ml 1'0110\1 ing a heared meering of Gm ernmenr aeh'i"Jr, \I,ho \I'ere eon,idering rhe furure ,hape of rhe marhcmaric, ,\-Iel'el. She ,aid rhar thc commirtec \I~I'> dil ided on \I herher rhe 'core' of knowlcdgc ncedcd to be increa,ed, Ilo\\'cI'Cr, rhere had bccn unanimir~ on delaying the implemenrarion of a III changes hecau5e ir lI'ould hc wo ru,hed and would lead ro funht:r changes to correcr rhe mi~take, madc rhe flr,r rime, Profe>'>or Brc)\\ n', talk ar rhe
Briri,h I~duearional Research ,\"ociarion (B E R/\) conferencc \1,1'> reporred in rhe Filll('.\' Fr/Jlrrtlil/llftl SlIpp/I'IIIl'1I1 ('l'FS). She ,aid rhar grear care ha, to be rakcn \I irh inrernal compari,o!l'> of pupil'>' performance heeau,e '0 much of rhe dara i, unreliable. Polirical capital \1,1'> being made OlJ[ of leaking and reClcling ill\alid data,
progre'>'>cd m Cl' thc pa't dccade.
Que"rioning rhar rrauirion
Enforced "ale of home"
Rc,earch bl 1)1'.10 Boaler. I.ecrurcr in rhe <;chool of Educarion \I a, rcporred
.\ /Jail\' Ji·It:!!,mph article on hOlI e'lch ~ear abour ·W.()()() elderl\ homeo\l ner, arc forced [() ,ell rheir home, ro pal for
long-rCI'm Cl re high Iigh reu re,eareh carricd our hy Chri, Ilamne[[. Profc'>'>or of Ilum'lIl Geography. Ili, ,rudic, ,ho\l rh~lr thc al cragc cquitl' of cldcrl~ homco\l ncr, i, £X.2.()()(). (:omparing thc differencc, in mcan
in rht: fllr/I'j!I'IIr/('111 and \1'1, rhe 'ubjecr ofa large anicle in rhe paper\ nC\l cducalion ,ecrion. ller finding, ,hollecl rh,)[ pupil, raughr GCSE mad" in 'I rradirional \lal gained poorer (;CSE rc,ulr, and lI'ere le'>'> abk [() u,t: marh' in real life rh~ln pupil, raughr b~ 'pro,grc,>,>ile' merhod,. ('olllillllrr! Oil pr(,!!,(' 1(/
In the ne\\ . .
(l)!!lill/!((! /i"fJI1I
flf!'.!,I f)
Thi, n:,clrch \\a, al,o reporred in rhe hen Dr Boaler pre,enred her finding (() rhe HER \ conference.
\ !canine: of lon . . ciou . . ne . . ..,
n路.s \\
.\n arricle on hum'ln con'Clou,ne', appcar<:d in (;(j m:lgafine recenrl~, Thc \\ork of.lohn 'l'a\lor,l'rofc"orof
Teaching trouble . .
\ larhemaric" on compurer ,imu!arion, of rhe brain \\ hich hc u,e, ro e\plon: rhe nH:anlng of cOll,ciou,nc", \\ a, menrioned,
Orher re,eareh from rhe HER.\ conference and reporrcd in rhe 'l"F,S included rhe \\ ork of Dr Diane RCI\ :lnd :'\ h Sharon (;C\\ in;: of rhe School of Educarion. I)r RC:I~ found rh:)( rougher ,un cillance and rcgularion of \\ har goc, on in c1a"room, i, Incrca,ing 'rrc" among rcach<:r, :Ind dam:lging <:ducarion. Sruth ing ,ralT r<:L)(ion,hip' ,h<: found rhar more inren cnrioni,r (;0\ ernm<:nr poliC\ .Ind nc\\ form, of man:lgeriali,m ar<: . ,hifring rhe cmpha,i, from rh<: p;hroral ro rhc :Icademi<:. and crcaring a PO\\ <:r imhalance hcr\\ cen ,enior managcmcnr and junior ,r:t1T. \ I, CC\\ in!.', re,e:lrch found rhar reachcr,' \\ork \\'a, hcing rccon,rructed ro mccr marker objecti, e,. Thi, \\:" crcaring rc,<:nrmcnr and damaging relarion,hip, bcrwecn ,rudcnr, and ,r:IIT and ber\\ cen rcachcr, rhem'eh c,. Profc',',or Srcphcn BaW, rc,c:lrch ,llO\\cd rhar man\ parenr, reh more on an informarion grapc\ ine rhal~ ortici:1I informarion \\ hen choo,ing a ,<:hool. Thcre \\a, linlc C\ idenc<: rhar parenr, \\erc making rarional marker choice,. he ,aid.
The <;ak..,t painkiller \n arriclc abour paraceramol in '{'/if' 'l"illlts quored Roger William,. I'rofe"or of Ilepa(()log~ and Dircctor of rhe In,rirurc of Li\ er Srudie,. lie ':lid rhar paracctamol \\ a, rhc ,afc,r analge,ic a\aiLlhlc prO\ ided ir '"'' raken in rhe recommendcd do,e. 110\\ C\ cr. hc did rccommcnd rhar hc,1\ \ drinkcr, ,hould a\ oid paraceramol hccau,e of ir, li\ er (()\icir~ .
.\ matter of ta.. . te .\n anicle on ra,re in rhc {lfrl//m/rlm! Oil q uored \ I r Tom Thornc. Dircctor of rhc Engli,h I.angllagc Teachin!!; Ccnrrc. lie c,plained \\ h\ cen:lin ircm, pcople arc plc<l,cd ro ha\ e in rheir home arc reg:mlcd h\ orher, a, rhe heighr of had ra,re. lie a1'>o ,aid rhar rhe Briri,h arc Illuch more ,elf-a\\arc rhan :In~ ofrhe orhcr
I 'agc I()
counrric, and rh:\r \\ e ma\ mock kir'ch or 'bad-ra,rc' hur \\ e celebrarc ir a, \\ ell.
Di..,cu..,..,in<r education ~
Ikrhan \Llr,hall. I,ccrurer in rhe School of I':ducarion, \\'1', a gue',( of \ le h yn IIragg on R:ld io ~.., Slflll Ih/' Wed" lie a,ked her al)(Jur hcr recenr paper in '{'/if' Fff/!if{/( Rl"ciru.'路 on rhc anni\ er,ar\ of rhe Ru,kin 'IKeeh .md rhe fact rhar alrhough educarion ,cem, ro he a pcrcnnial ropic of di,cu"ion, ne\ enhele", \I e do nor debare ir properl~ in rhi, counrr~.
rnternet ~\(.Idict. . .\ que,rion in P{(/l'IIIS magafine a,klng \I herhcr ir \I :1' po"ible 芦) bccome addicrcd ro rhe Inrerncr \\:1' re,ponded [() b~ Dr \Iarg;lrer CO\, Senior I,ec[llrer in Edllc)(ion, \I ho \la, ahle [() ath i,c rhar alrhough addiction i, a ri,k heGlu,c rhe I nrerncr i, '0 eng;lging, mo,r children learn to u,e ir ,en,ihh \I irh ;lppropriare ,upen i,ion and . guidance from parenr, and r<:acher,.
r Ij<;torical figure.., The I\'fI/{ SII'I'I'/ '/'11I1'//(// (Europe) rcporr on e\enr, in rhe \Iiddlc 1'::I'r quored Efraim "'Ir,h, I'rofc"or of \ ledircrranean Srudic,. E\plaining S:lddam Ilu"cin', cffon 芦) ponra~ him'elf ," a modern day 'UlTc"or of 'cbuchJndnef far, he ,aid rhar. 'Ir i, nor rhar rhe \Iiddle I-::\,r\ leadcr, arc ,uddenl~ big hclie\ er, in rhc lIihle or:1\ id re.lder, of hi,tor~ hook,. The oh,e"ion \I irh rhc pa,r i, gearcd r()\\ ard reint(,rcin!!; rhe modern foundarion, of PC)\\ cr'.
r mporuncc of rc . . earch The hlllnder', Lecrure:n rhe ,\nnu:ti (;ongrc" of rhe (:h:lrtered S"eier\ "f I)h~,i"rhcrap~ \la, gi\enl1\ I)i '\C\I ham. I'rofe"or of I'h\ ,jorherap\. .Ind reporrcd in '{'/itn/fly II'/I.,('!l', In ir ,he ,aid rhar etTccrj\ e ph~ ,iorhcr:lp\ " '" n"n~ mou' \I irh C\ idcncc h'l,cd pr:lcrice \I hich can "nl\ be arraincd rhrough re,earch,
\ I ilit~lf\ organi . . atiol1'> I)r Ihian Iloldcn Reid, Scnlor I,cumcr In rhe 1kpcmmcnr of \\ ar Srudlc" di'cu"ed rhc ,rrcngrh, and \ caknc"l:' of miJirar~ org;:lni'arion on 1I11e: Radio ~', ,1/i/1'IWOII Shill. I It: ha, cin,iderahk c\perience on rhi, ,ubjecr ha\ ing nO\l 'pcnr almo,r .1 deCide ." hi, depanmenr', repre,ultari, car rhl: IIriri,h ,\rrm', SralTCollegc;)( (:amhl:rlc~ .
Obituaries Profc"'>or.l F .I [)ipp~ Ph D (\\ale<>L DSc (Wale'>L FRSC 1906-1996
ame, Dipp~ \\a, born in S\\an,ea anu enrereu l'ni\er,ir\ C:ollegl: S\\all'l:a in ) 92路t grauuaring \\ irh
fir,r cia" honour, in C:hl:mi'rr\ in 1()2H. I k rl:mainl:u rhl:rl: for re'l:arch rraining anu obraineu hi, Ph I) in 19.\ I hd"orl: joining Dr I1 H \\'aNlIl',
ul:parrnll:nr elf CaruiffTl:chnical College. Thi, \\a, an unlJ,ueil rechnical collq!;l: llepartnll:nr \I irh a rcsclrch group in plw,ical organic chemi,rry \I hich \\ a, a, aeril (; a, man\ of rhe ,maller L'ni\er,ir\ dep,trrmenrs ofrhl: periou. There Ill: bl:came inrl:re,red in rhe relarion,hip hl:r\\ een ,rrucrure anu rhl: ,rrength~ of organic aciu,. a ropic \\ hieh rl:maill<:d an ahiding inrcrl:,r rhroughour hi, larer Glrel:r. During hi, rime ar Cardiff hi, re,earch produeri\ iry \\a, remarkable anu hi, repuwrion ,oon heeame ,uch rhar he a' il1\ ired ro conrrihure an article on rhe ,rrengrh, of organic acid, ro \I
Cltlll/iml Nri."iI'U!路s. rhe reI il:\\ journal of
acri\ c in re,carch \la, forccd ar rimc' [() hu~ marcrial, from hi, 0\1 n pocker.
.loc .\I,>op. College Poner 1930- J ()96
"'hcn Dipp\ rcrireu cl' a Profc"or in rhe l 'ni\(:r'l[~ of Lonuon in 1972 hi,
a, hou~cd in a \lell-
cquippeu ne\\ huilding. nl:\\
former porrer ar rhe Srr'lnd Campu,.
appoinrmclH' hau !!;rcar" cnlargl:d rhe range of rc,earch inrl:re,r" and r\H) of hi, 0\1 n iniriari\ e,. bcginning a, C:ollegl: uiploma,. hau fl(l\\ercd inro ,ucel:"ful \ ISc cour,e,. Onc of rhese 11
a, inl\nahl\ rical Chcmi,rr\
rl:melineu \I irhin thc Deparrmenr: rhe orher \I,,, a Ilouri'hing :-'ISc in Biochemi~rr\
hich \I elS larer ,ub~umed inro a ne\l "-creelfed I)cparrmenr of Hiochellli'rr\". l'n'Llfpri,inl!;ly, he \\a, nor m:lI\I
plce"l:d tl\ rhar parricular change' l'nucrgrauuarc el ening cour,c~ hau bl:en phel,ed our hur borh \ ISe cour'l:' hau 'rrong parr-rime eomponcnr, 11 hich conrinucu \\ irh rhen longe,rabli,hnl tkparrmenral rreldirion. 13\ am ,ranuard rhi, \la, a norahll: achic\ ellll:nr. ;lumini,rrari\ e" ;\I1d ,cienriticall~.
I k had rhe \ i,ion ro rake full ad"lI1ragl: of rhe change, 11 hich
becaml: po"ibk a, rhe college progrl:"l:u from a Pol~ rechnie. rh rough a periou a~ a College of .\thanceu
rhl: .\ml:rican Chl:mie;l1 Socier~. Thi' \\C" a con,iLlerable ui,rinerion for a \oung m;lI1 from a rechnical college deparrml:nr. I k hl:(;<lml: a Fdlo\\ of rhl: Insrirllfl: ofChl:mi,rr) in 19,\7 anu
Technolog~. ro
\\ as a\l'ardcd rhe I)Sc dq!;rl:l: of rhe lrnill:r,ir~ of\\'ales in 19-Hl.. \r rhar ri me. anu for rhe nl:'\r 1.1 \"l:ar,. he \\ a,
heeome a School of rhe l路ni\l:rsir\. l\r rhe "Ime rime he rl:raineu for 'OIl1l: \l:ar, an acri\e interesr in his O\\'n rcsl:arch fielu, and rl:maineu ,uch an cnrhu,iasr for rhl:sl:
rhl: \ oungl:,r pl:r,on l:\ l:r ro hal e
rhar. \I hl:n leeruring ro final \"Car honour, ,ruuenr, on rhem. he. in rhe 11 ords of a former sruuenr, '\1 a'(cd cloquenrl) a, if on ,rage' - and 0\ erran
ohrained rhar ul.:/!;rl:l:. I k kfr Caruiff in I 'J-B ro go ro \\"i.gan Technical Colkge. mOl ing r\\ 0 ~ clr, latl:r ro rhe
rhe alloreu hour b\ large margin,. lie lI'a~ a ,rrong. bur fair. ;lIld diplomarie 1<:ader \\ ho arrraered grear I()\ airy from
Sourh Ea,r E"n Tl:chniGl1 C:olkge in Dagcnham for a ,imilarl~ brid' ,ra~ hd'orc mm ing in 1947 ro (:bd,ea Polyrl:chnic a, hl:au of rill: (:Ill:mi,rry
mo,r of hi, colleague'. The reorgani,arion of rhe l'ni\"Cr,ir~ of London in rhe 1l.)1'0~ and
Dl:parrml:nr. I k caml: ro a Dl:parrmenr \\ hich had hau a long rradirion of preparing graduarl: anu ulllkrgrauuare ,rudenr, for inrcrnal dq~ree, of rhe L'nil er,ir~ of IAlnt!on. bur \I h ieh hau" nl:l:tku firm anu imaginari\e Ieader,hip ro
he Collcgc \\a, "Iddeneu ro ka rn of rhe dcarh on 12 Scprember of.loe AI<,op, a
.Ioc joineu rhe College from Briri,h Telccom in 19H6 and rerireu in .Ianuar\ "I,r ~ear. lie inirial" lIorked on rhl: Embankmenr COOL!'> Enrranel: "herl: he ,rayed for rhree years before IllO\ ing ro rhe i'\orfolk Building. lie ,penr rhc lasr filc ~ears as a Porrer in rhe :-'Iain Building. lie 11 ill be remember b,' many, nor only in his high" \ isible role as a Porter, our al,o for hi~ numerous gardeninl!; rip, IIhich hl: lI'a, onl~ wo plea,eu [() pa" on ro orher,. I1 i, 0\\ n garden wa, hi, pride and jo\" and a crcuir ro him. Our ,incerc condolence, [() hi, "ik. \ largarer and rhcir r\\ 0 ,on,.
E\ cn'>ong in the Chapel
' A
part of rhe cenrenaf' celebrarions of King', College School. \\'imbleuon (\\ hich \1;1,
based at rhe Srrand unril 100 ycar,
ago), '1 number of joint e\ enr, '!fl: being pLtnned 11 ith the Colkge. The tir~r will be on Frida~ I :-\0\ l:mber \\'hen rhe School\ Chamber Choir ,ing E\"Cnsong in rhe College Chapel. The Sen'ice begins ar IH.OO and all member, ofColkge sraff ellld ,rudenrs are I'cr\" lIelcome ro arrend. Informarion abour rhe orher joinr el l:nr, 11 ill appear in furure edirions of (:OIllIllUII.
rhe reducrion in rhe number of independenr chemi,rr\ deparrmenrs "irhin rhe l'ni\'er,ir~ mcanr rhe c1o,ure of the Chel,ea Chemi,rry Deparrment (in common \\ irh rhose of ,oml: orher College,) <lnd rhe di,per,al of irs <,rafT, ,0n1(; ro l:arlv rerirelllell[ and orher, [() deparrmenr, el~clI"here. In rhe afrl:fIl1arh of ,uch upheell ai, ir i,
mecr rill: ehallengl:' of rhl: pmr-\\ ar periou. I k found ir unlkr,rafTed, ,horr of l:quipmenr. and in rl:,rril"[l:d
eel'" bur quirl: \I rong ro forgl:r rhe achil:I'eml:nt' of men likl: .I;lmc, Dipp\.
aceommodarion \I irh a hl:'I\) tb~ and c\cning reaching load. Funu, \\cre '0 ,horr rhar ,lr lea,r onc ,ralT member
Profc"or 11.1 \ '1\ rrell
1'.lgc I I
KCLS King'" College London gtudent.;' Unio
Thi \'ear's Fresher~ Period ha~ been (\I ithout sounding wo cock\'), an unprcccdenrcd ,ucces" At thi~ poinr, J have re find a piece of \\'ood w wueh co ensure J am nor tempting fate, but it \\'ould seem that \\ e ha\ e the mo,t enrhu~ia'tic Fre~her, King\ ha, ,een in a \\'hile,
Fre..,her"l L.l\ re
Students' Union ews
Strand Fre,her, Fa~ re thi, ~ear \\a, ,plit be(\\een TU(lJ \ and B I of the \bcauam Building, and the Great Hall in the \Iain Building, In wta\. approximate" ~,OOO 'rudenr, arrended \\ ell 0\ er 120 ,rail" Stall holder, came from all \\'alk5 of life (() (oUt their \\,are5: The l' ni\'(,:r~ity of I,ondon l 'nion Road Sho\I, Safe St:'" 'l'ill/£' 0111. \'e,ra Food" the (;'((/l'{lillll, .. \mne~t\' I nrcrnationa\. Royal Shake,peare Company - ~'(HI name it, tile) lIere probabh'there!
Sport~ club.., socicries \\'ith OI'er 7H ,porr, club, and ,ocietic" there i, no ,horragc of choice at KCLSl', 110\1 e\'er. ,ome ,(lJdenr, hale been di,appoinred thi5 \'ear, being unable (() join the club the\'
\Ianred w, nor becau,e it didn't e,i t (in 11 hidl ca,e the\ could found one) but bcclU,e J( 11 a, probably 0\ er,ub,cribed, The (()tal amounr ukcn in ub,cription, la t ~ear \la, £6,000. Thi, year it 11 a, .:, .500 after Fre,her, Fa~ re. and i, 110\1 around the fi\ e figure mark, 0\ er 200 people (lJrned up [() the Sa"a Soeiet~ inducrion lalthough the eoncurrcnr tequila promorion ma\' ha\'e helped ,"ell numbcrs'), \\'ith the a\cragc ,ub,cription being £3, it mean, \I ell ol'er three thou,and ,(lJdenr, are n()\\ parricipating in ~port, or societie, aeti\'itie"
\'creram ~oughr This
enrhu~ia~m has
passed on (() all of the l' nion, not ju,t sporrs and ,oeictie" There arc 11 ell 01 er 100 conrribur(J[, (() No.IR, the ,rudenr nCII"paper. and the ne\l \\'aterfronr Bar and Deli ha, been lIarmh reeei\ cd and i, alllay, 11 ell populated. to 111l:nrion tllO example" King'~ College London Boat Club i5 keen (() ha\ ca \'cteram club in addition to the 'lien', and \\'omen', Club" KCLBC is open (() all and the\ arc looking for anyone ()\'er the age of.B (() join the \'et" Currenr Illember,hip of the club con,i,t, ,olcl~ of undcrgraduate, bllt \'ou could be parr of a \ ibranr nell I'enrure and be in a p05ition [() sho\\' the \'ounger member, of the club hO\l it\ donc! \\'hethcr ~ou ,Ire a studenr, memberof,wtTora lec(lJrer male or female and arc intere'ted, then conracr Charle, GilN)n at KCLSll or E-mail c,gib,on@kcl,ac,uk a,pecr~
(:O/l/rI fIIlrOI!l' rlilnlllll' 10 lit£' jJoia!rr mOll/ jJ!rfl.l£'!,
Parr\ on ..... King\ \tlItknr\ ~eem derermined ro make rhc mo~r of rheir rime ,I[ King·~.
Cornwall House during WWl
~lnd nor onc of rhel11 ha~ cho~cn ro opr our of 11l(:mber~hip of KCLSt·, I don'r
knc)\\ if rhe~ h,1\ e been \I orking hard. bur rhe~ ha\ e certainh been pla~ ing hard. "iglu rime\ in Turu'~ ,1ft: a \\ hirl of\arier\ lInd lIl\la~, full. E\enr~ ha\e ranged from ~ Iichelle Ga~ le ar Fre~her~ Ball. Comed~ ,'\ighr~, C1uh
:"':iglm like Collidc-.\-Scope (\I hich h~l~
recei\t:d ra\ e re\ ie\" in rhe
(;11(//(1;(11/), to gig~ ~uch a~ I lea\ ~ Srerco
\I hich arrracred rhe like~ of '\m:1 (;aILlgher and 1'~lul \Yeller ro Turu\, Forrhcomin,g e\ enr, include Gork~ \ Ah'nci (7 ~Cl\emher) for rhme
inrere'redl ,\11 in
~t11 ir'~
hccn a good ,rarr to rhe
\ear. Thing, bode \I'ell for 1996-97.
1'04 I~r (.'onJ",,'(illffoll.(r ;11 allIllI/ 1916, ""'hm/hr 11/I;!d;lIg ""'(IJ II.Iwl (IS Ihl' A';lIg (;('(II,!!r
\' .1/ili/lll1' ffli.l/J;/(/I (\ \'ellcome In,ri rure Librar\. London 1,
l)unLln ({a,or I're~idcnr.
Thl' cil
/hl' !'o%{ (,onJ""'(lfllf 011.1'1. fooJ:illg 1I0l1h O'CI'!' /he Riu!' Th(l/)(rs
(\\'ellcome In\ritllre Librar\, London),
/'(//il'llll iIJ)(c'tillSiill!!. oil/hI' mo/"fIhl A'ill!!. (;('iJI~1 I .Ifili/tlll' I/os/I;/(// (\\ ellcol11c
I n~rl[llre I ,ihr"r\. I,onL!olll. 1'.Il:C
Re'>earchgrant relTi\ cd during rhe qll.mu ended .11
hc grJnr li rcd helm\ \\erc rccci\l;d oUrlng rhc lju,tncr
cndcd 31 Juh 1496. IkrJIIJrc nor gi\ cn of c,rcn~ion~ w c,i~ring gram~. of nc\\ granr~ undcr £.~.()()(). nor of rho~c \\ hich arc contidcnrial. bur rhc al11oum~ arc includcd in rhc [lira I for
Total grants: £6,930 Ecu
I1 i<.,ror\'
rhc ucparrl11cnr or unir conccrncd. Thc informJrion for rhc,c li,ring, i, ,upplicu b\ KCL EiHcrpri,c, Lrd w
Total grants: £340
\\ hom an\ qucric~ ull r1ll.:ir CUlltCiH ~hould bc uirccrcd.
Total grants: £45
School of Educarion
Total grants: £1,200
• Dr Jllead. £27.97.1 (l'nircd \ledicJI e J)cmal School, of Cu~ .., e Sr
Thol11a,'" IlmpiraJ.,) w ,upporr a re,carch projecr cnrirlcd SII/d\' of
Total grants: £1,480
II/t'dim/ sll/dl'lIl sf'/n1ioll fllld pmgn'ss
\\'ar Srudic<., (i ncllldc<" Ccnm: for Defence Srudie<.,)
• Profe"or P Quinn. £76.006 (EPc.,RC: (L1'-. K)) [0 ,uppon a rc,carch projecr
\ 11I<.,ic
cll[irlcd .\·oll-lilll'flropliml .I'lIlfao· .1'1'11.1'01:' • Dr J R \Ia'on. £113,20H (:"ERC (ROI ' .\)) [0 ,upporr a rc~carch rrojccr
• Dr D \\"ar,on, \Ir B 11 Blakelc\. 2H.HOO Ecu (European Commi"ion (SOCR.\TES) FETICIIE projecrJ
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Education) £61,703 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Education) 3
cll[idcu I'mll'ill l'IIKilll'l'rill/!, of rliO\\gl'llasfs /orl'lIltfllIlNI lIiorl(f!;mrlalioll
0/ \I'll ollif)lir 1IJ1l1j!1)lIl1r1.1
• Dr S Smirh. £7,000 ('-.;arional Po\\cr PLC) [lI ~lIpporr a rc,earch projccr cll[irkd .llIalp'is 0/ flirl)f)ml' rllISI
• I)r C .\Iao. -"S.O()O (Social Scicncc Rc,carch Council (l 'S.\)) c.;SRC\Iac.\rrhur Foundarion Po,rdocwral Fcllo\\ ,hip 'I\,,\[dcu [lI J)r C \Iao
Total grants: £890,355 $85,000
Total grants: £2,075
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Humanities) £1,042,329 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Humanities) 30
School of La\\
School of]] lImanirie<" CIa""ic<.,
of pu bl i,h ing i"uc, of .1/0flt-m 1'01'111' ill
• Profc"or ;\ Crubb. II.HOO Ecu (European Commi"ion) comri burion w funu a mccring on Biomeuical rc,earch and rhe concern, of Paricm,
• Profe,,()[ R \1 Griffirh,. £7.260 L\m Council) cOiHriburion rc)\\ aro, rhc co,r of puhli,hing
9 and I() of .110dl'm
1'01'11), il/ Tralls/fllioll
.\"ociarion' Total grants: 11,800 Ecu
Total grants: £40,186 (;eograph~ • :\1,.\ \Ii/.ara (Fellc)\\), I)r:-o\ Drakc. .13.29'+ Ecu (EuropcJn Commi"ion (T\IR)) w ,upporr a re,e<lrch ,wucnrship cmirlcd ,Ipp/imliollo/ It'll/oIl' sl'IIsill/!,I('{hll%git's 10 /fllld dlgmdfllioll sll/dit's: soil lI/f)isllllt' t'slill/fllioll
II\' 1'I)IIIj!f/ri'OIl
cisi/,/dill!ml'{'(l fllld mdflrll/{'(fSl/ll'IIlI'III.,
Irlmli/imlillll o/l'IIdolltdial f/l/lf)(lIllizl'lls ill .Il'sll'IIlil' IIIPIIS l'I)'IItI'lIIfllo.l'IIs
• Profe"or D 0 Ilall. £H9.117 (Hc,carch Ill'>rirure of Innmari\c Tcchnolo).(\ for rhc Earrh (RITE)) w ~uppon
a rc,earch projccr cmirlcd
e rll''i:dojJlIlI'lIlo/I'II'i.'imllllll'lIlally
ji-il'lldll' Inhllologl'/orlltl' jJrorlllrliollo! ltydIOl!J'1I
• Dr.\ I':bringcr. Dr C: \\·il,on. Profe~~or:\ f\ Srainc'. £ 129.,)')2 L\nhrirj, and ({hIICIl1ari~1ll Council) w
j!llllidl' fllll~I!I'I/.I' ill Ihl'lllllffloirl f111ltrilis
• Profe"or R \1 Criffirh,. £,)2.926 L\m Council) conrriburion w\\ aru, rhc co,r 7iflllS/ffliol/
,uppon a rc,carch projecr ciHitlcd Roll'
Total grants: £55,952
of \Iedical r~a\\
• I)r GC; Frampwn. J)r J \lurph~. Profe.,.,or '\ \ Swine,. £9-i..>'~H (.\nhriri~ anu Rhculllari,m Council) ,upporr a rc,earch projccr cll[irlcd
0/ f) R-I-n'.'lrirll'rI n'.'fioll.,·l's 10 Iross-Il'fII'Ii'i,'l'
Total grants: £1,500
I,ife "cit.:ncc Di\ i<.,ion (includt.:<., \Ioniroring c .\'>'>e'>'>Il1t.:nt ]{e,>e.lI'ch Centrc)
Total grants: £240
"choo\ of Life. ILl ic .\kdical
cl 1e.1Irh
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Law) £55,392 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Law) 3
• Profc"or S B Ro"-:\ lurphy. .£ 1.12•.~,)7 (BBSRC:) ro ,upporr ,1 re,carch projccr cll[jrleu 'Iltl' rlt/'l)logy fllld slmillln' 0/ ",:-Imll gllllm pmllills
Total grants: £753,653 69,160Ecu
Biomcdical SciCI1Ce" Di\ i<.,ion ,\Ilcr,l';~
e .\"rhma Rc'>earch
• Profc~,or I1 J Could £3H..) 1.1 (:",ltional \,rhllla Campaign) w ,upporr a rc,earch projccr cmirlcu '1'111' WIIOll'f!I' 0/ IIIISftll1 1'1'1/, illltr,.\:!i"C·l'r /)(lliI'llIS
Total grants: £38,313
Cellular Pharrnacology Rc,>earch
·Dr P :--I,mh. I)r S \\·iJ.,on (I)BRC),
• I)r C Smith. f)r :" ..... mobi. £7(U~ 1 (\\"ellcome Tru~t) [(J \upporr a re,earch
:--1 :--Iaden (DBRC). Profc",or R Patienr (J)BRC), £ '.1.000 (\\'elleome TrtI ... t)
projcn cnritlcd Ph.l'"i%J!.im/ role of
conrribution w\\'anh the purchase of
ftlphfl-! fldn'1I0t"l'pIOr sllltlypt's fllld
Dr f, :--Iahadc\an (DB RC), Profcssor
\'a<;clllar Biology Re'iearch Centre • Dr c: \\'hceler-Jonc\, I'rofc",or .I l'eaNln. £.'i 7.HH7 (Briti,h llearr Foundation) to 'uppnrt a rcseareh
IOlIp/illg 10 mkillllllllo/li/isfllioll ill
'IlIto...equencing cquipmcnr Total grants: £89,771
\rudcnr,hip enritled RI;r.!:II/(lliol/ of phIISpho/ipfl.,·, ,Il If('/h'flliOIl ill hlllllf/ll
/Oll/[illldillfl/ fllld rilm/flr 1I111.,'dl' ofhlllllflll
108,000 Ecu
Total grants: £58,967
UIS dlInn/s
Total grants: £70,341
:\cuwdegcnerati\'C Di..,ea,;e,> Re<;earch Centre
De\Tlopmental Biolog~ Research Centre
• Profc",or P C; .lenncr, I)r R " B l'e,Hce, £1~6,2.11 (Parkilbon .... l)i~ea ...c
:\ursing c?~Iic.h\"ifcry Di\ ision (includes :\ightingalc Institute)
£2~7,616 (BBSRC)
• I'rofcssor N Holdcr, f)r S \\'il\on, [() supporr a
Suciet\') to ~upport a rcsearch flrojcct en ti tl cd 'l't1'Q'llId... IIlIdeo'lmldill.!!. llit
• Profc"or.l \\'i1son-Barnen, £ 12,000 (Nuffield I'n)\ incialllmpirals Trust)
rc,carch projCCt cnritled !dl'lllifimlioll of
/}(llhoph.l'sio/,~r.!Jm/Itflsis o.!p(l//idoIOIll\'
~UpplcIllCI1t to ,I
IIIn'''; 1I1111(11iOllS ftffl'l/illg Ihl' drz-,doplIIl'IIl
• I'rofe"or P C; .lcnner, £~.'i,H6~ (Chl"o\\'ellcolllc (CJla"o ReI) Ltd.» Re,>earch ... rudenr,hip • I'rofes~or B Ilalli\\cll. Dr () I Aruoma, £ l.'i 1,,')66 (:--1 in ism' of
entitled F~'ftll/(/Iioll of Ihl' ro/I' o/Ih,'
o/Ihl' :::I'/I/'(I/ish 11'1I1m/ III'I'Z.'OIlS .1\,.1'11'11I
• I'rofc,\or \ I :--Liden. f)r I' R Gordon\\'cek" f)r S \\'ilson, f)r G E .lonc\ (i\lu,clc e i\]orilit\" Research Cenrre). f)r \1 Pcckham (:--lu,c1c e :--Iorilit\ Rc,carch Ccntrc), £ 1H.'i.61 H (\\'cllcollle
.\griculrurc. Fi ... herie ... e Food) to ,upporr a re ...e,Ir(;h project enrirlcd Biolllfld,nx of n'{/(/h'/' I/ilrogl'll spt/it's:
rcscarch project
Pod:il/soll's di.\'l'flSI' ,ljH'rifl/i"ll/llt:1'l'
Total grants: £101,552
llealth Sciences Di\'ision .\ge Concern In~titutc of Geron rology
Tru't) conrribution to\Iards thc purcha,c of a confocal ,canning la,er
Ihl'ir 1"0/1' ill gl'lIoloxirily fll/d Ihl' 1(1'1'/ of
micro~cop\" facilit\"
• i\1 ... R llancock, £6.000 (Charities :\id Foundation) contribution for G DS
Total grants: £353,461
piecc in cdition ... of IJillll'llsiollS I!flhl'
:\ellro~cience Research
Total grants: £36,639
for multiple labelling Ouorc,cencc and I)IC applications • Profe"or :" Holdcr. Dr S \\·il ...on, £116,000 (BBSRC (ROP,\» [() ~upporr
a rcsca rch project enri tied, \ lIIo/e,.,,/flr
• I)r:--I r\ \',1" erde, £H.HOO (I~O\'al Society) to supporr a rcsearch project
IIIl'IltflllislII.!or OWllillg IO/)fjgmphim/~1'
\'11/111/1(1/1' SI'l/Ol"
, r uuition
c? Dietetics
Total grants: £3,730
enritlcd Cl'slirfi/ll"I)sis fllld Id/ ni/lll11e ·Dr1\1 A \'ah-crde, £127,199 (Cystic
P h ~HIll ac\'
Total grants: £549,234 $72,331
Fibrosis Trust) to 'iUpport a n.:~earch project en ti tied IJtI('("/i~'1' Id/ ~'Olllllll'
• Dr G 1\larrin, £IS.OOO (Glaxo\\'cllcollldGlaxo R &: D Ltd)) to
mlllro/ ill CV !1II/i/imliollsflll'lhl'
Endocrinology c? Re prod ucti on Resca rch
Plllho/ihy.\'io/II,~'1'of Ihl' disf'((.\'1'
~lIpporr a rescarch srudenrship for 1\ls t\ Rao el1titled F(I("lon' 1t/(l'Ilillg Ih"
on/nw/ IIl'11mllftl I-;nllils illlhl' ~'I'I/I'/I/'((Ie
• I)r S I'cr~aud. £ 116.207 (Briti~h I)iabctic r\~~ociation) to ~upport a rc",c,lfch projen cntirlcd !IISI'llioll((/ 1I1111(1gflll'sis ofpflllor'fllir Itflfl Id/,'
II\' go/{'
• Dr C Coen. £H2.196 (IH3SRC(ROPA) to \upporr a rescarch projcct cnritlcd IlIhi/lilioll ofgl'lIl' n!Jn'SSillll illlh,' ,irmdiflll do";..: 1I110~'e/ flP/iI"OOIIt IlIlh,' 11I0/1'''''/01" /I,,-,is
/i1l/IIIOllflly rdlSOl"Plioll ofdrllgs
• Profe,~or R c: Ilider, Dr G Tilhrook, £6.000 (\\'ellcorl1e Tnl,t) w supporr a rcsearch projecr enritled .\'1I['('/IIIl'/hl/r/,' fOl" flSSl'ssill,f.[ Ihl' t/fimry IIf il"l)ll ("hl'/(llfll:l' o.\'
11'(lp [Wlmx: IIIOIe""/(lI" Iltfllmln-;s(llioll
/ll'hfl['/1I11 r
(llId /om/i.Wlioll ofg/llr'11SI' illdllrill/I' gllle
I)r ,\ S E'I,ron. £~7.03~ (\\"ellcome Tru't) w 'lIpporr a rc . . earch projcct cnritled l-.jfrllS o(
• \Ir c: J Richard,>on (Fe 110\\ ), Dr () Barlo\\, £2.1.27,' (l' nil'Cr'iit\ of
Bm(~l'hllill 011 ill ;..ill'fl 1II0d";,' ofIhl' !J/ood-
Po... tdocwral Fcllo\\ ~hip in Pharrl1ac~
Total grants: £116,207
\Iu,;clc e:\ lotility Re,>earch Centre . • I)r :--ll'cckham, £6,771 (Ro~al Socict~) w ... upporr a rc,carch projcct cnritled F/llo/'('.""I'IIlld/ illlf~l!.illg • Dr S 11 ughcs, 10H-000 Ecu (European Commi",ion) [() ~upport a
• Dr :"
.I .\bbon.
,e// imll ,,',{/['ellgl'/:1"
London) C \\' :--Iaplethorpe
Itmill /1fII"rin-: m/t' ill IIlf1dll/Oliolll!(
enri tlcd .\11 e.I/Ji'll sySI/'1II fOl" S/'r;III'III~' -
/I(lsed pl"l)/I'ill 3D sln"II1/'(' pll'di'li'/II
Total grants: £313,954
• i\li ..... F C Shcppard (Fello\\ l. I'rofc",or C i\ larriot[, £26.330 (l' nil ersit~ of London) C \\.
Thermal Biology Re~carch Centre Total grants: £30,000
:-'Iaplethorpe I'o,tdoewral Fcllo\\ship in I'harlllac~ cnritlcd 'l'ltl' 1III'("ltollislll o(
re,>carch projCct enritled 'rhl' (I/fT-Ie/(lll'd
m/ioll IIf ,'h/odll'\idilll' IIsillg.f!O'U.!' fyIOIlll'I/l'
11I0101" hmldimp. /iflsir
fllld IIIlIkm/fII,ltio/IIKim/ ledllli'llll's
dillim/ sllIdil's
• Dr,\ f)r~kc, £I06,l.J-l7 (EP'>RC) w upporr a re,earch projecr cntitlcd Xflliol/ol Ihirop/irul "petlrosropy Il'searrh IflVO/?/IOI)'
• Dr.' Bloomficld,_17,IOO(Rccki[[ Col man Producr,» [U '>upporr a C.\SE wdent,>hip award entitled ~nd
F.\prnsiol/ of il/lq{rtller! reil l1'JpOI/,ieS il/ slIljilfl-ll//flrhed l:slherichifl mli ails al/d dt''i.;elojJllleII/ of resiSlfll/ce 10 al/limicrobifll flKeIIlS
• Dr S Bloomfield, £ 10.620 (I n,rirLI[C of Food Re'>earch) to ,upporr a CASE '>wdcl1[ship award el1[itled Resislllllre of estherithill roli 1o (1/Ili/llicrovial flgml,i associfll{'(l iI!'ilh stress S/l1'1;j['fll
Total grants: £338,159 A$56,000 Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Life, Basic Medical & Health Sciences) £3,069,873 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Life, Basic Medical & Health Sciences) 76
School of \lcdicinc rknric.;uy
Practice C
Care • Dr P \\'hirc, £zo,szo (Pa\wn Green Group Practice) eonuibU[ion w prm ide rhe nece ,>a~ ad\ icc and '>kill> required to undcrrake rc earch and audir \\ irhin rhe general practice ,e[[ing • Dr P Boown, £70.000 (Lamberh, Sourh\\"ark & Lc\\'i,>ham Ilcalrh Commi sion) [(J '>upporr a rcsearch projeer entirled '1"achiI/K mre r!il/iml
Total grants: £26,620
Denral Biomarerials Total grants: £1,800
Denral Public Ilealth Community Dental Education
• Profe'>sor S Gelbier, .£-l13,Sl.J6 (! ,amberh, SOUdl\\'ark e Le\\ i,ham Ilealrh ,\urhoriry) [() ,upporr rhe academic deparrmem of [)emal Public Ilcalrh eComIllunir\ I)<.:mal Educarion • Profc'>sor S Gelbier, £ 10,000 (Ea,r London eThe Ciry Ilcalrh .\urhorir~) Denwl public healrh re,earch con,ulwnC\ Total grants: £423,596
Denral Sciencec.; Total grants: £750 $88,000
Total grants: £61,600
\Jedical Engineering Ph\e.,ic,>
• Profe '>or \' C Robcrr'>. IS 7,SO(J Eeu (European Commi.,.,ion (Leon~rdo da \'inei Programme) [() '>upporr a re'>eareh projeer cnritled r:llropellll "'t'diml ",dilllioll lellmillg dl"uloplIIl'IIl
Total grants: 157,500 Ecu
sllvjecIs ill Ihe rOI/III//(l/i/y: helpil/!!, GP leathers de'i.:elop Iheirskills
• :,\1,1\1 Scabrook, .£IH,200 (Lamberh, Sourhwark e Le\\ isham llealrh Commission) [(J '>upporr a rescarch projecr entirled GP edllmliol/fll
• Profes'>or S 1\ AmicI, .£HO..'i6-l (\\'elleome Trusr) [() ,uppon a r<.:scarch projecr enritled IIIr.:esliKaliolls ill/o Ihe illjlll{'//(c of l'fI"IIIUIII hyjJOK~\'(,(II'IIIill Oil
j/exibililiesjtllldil/g: Re/llmers aI/Oil
l'f/(iollal r't'l"1'bml glllrose IIjJltI/:e ill
• Professor R Higg" £207,SSH (Sourh Thames Regional Ilcalrh Aurhoriry) [() '>upporr a re'>eareh project emirled The
• Dr A F Jame'>, Profc'>sor B :\ I Ilendry, £1.31>,761 (\\'<.:lIcome Trusr) ,uppon a re'>earch project cnrirlcd
So/(/h Thllllles l/eruC'or/: Id resf{/nh al/d
E/(nls ofmr!olhelill-I Oil l'fpolllrislllioll ill
illlplelllfllla/iol/ prr,rlires il/ prilllary mre
isoltlled mrdillr '['elllrimlorlllyol)'lf,\
• Dr D L Se(l[[. £97..31>1> (Arrhriri'> e Rheumari'>lll Council) '>upporr for rhe (nregrarcd Clinical Anhriris C:cnue • Dr " I Chrisrie, £60,770 !Briri,h Diab<.:rie ,\,sociarion) [(J ,upporr a re,earch projcct enrirled Pflllrrmlir
• Dr J Dale, £60.000 (Lamberh, Sourh\\"ark e Lewi,ham Ilealrh Commi",ion) [Q ,upporr a re'>earch projecr entirled .\ e I~ prilllal)' mre sel'1;ice
Clinical Biochcmic.;uy
Joint l-nit
• " I 0; G Blach<.:, .£ 12,SOO (Lam herh, SoU[h\\ark e Le\\ i,ham Ilcalrh Commiso;ion) Sourh London Educarion and De\'elopmem lInir for Primary Care Total grants: £388,778
lIaematological l\lcdicine • Profe sor C J r-.lufri. £.1 1.\,010 (Eliminarion of Leukaemia Fund) [() '>upporr a re'>carch projecr enrirled The
OjJl'fHioll o( I, \ -2,
° 1)'l7Jsille phosjJhlllfIJe-
like (fI"O(III/~e:{'// ill illslllill-r!epmr!ml dilllleles
Total grants: £448,811
:'\ieuro!ogy • Profe'>'i()[C l3innic, £30,000 (Fund for Epilepo;y) conrriburion w\\'ards rc'><.:arch iow epilep,» Total grants: £30,000
pOlellliol o(IIIIIlalll 1'21 ill /he
Pe.,~ chological ~
illlll/IIIIOlherllPY o( lIIydoir! II'II/:llelllill
Total grants: £113,010
• Dr 'I' Chalder, £-ll.J, 1H2 (\\'ellcollle Tru,r) [() ,upporr a re'>earch projecr cnrirlcd .\ mlldolllis{'(l rOlllmlled Irilll 0/
Ilealth Care of the Elderly
roglliliu,vehllf..'ioll I' Ihcmpy for filllil'IIIS
Total grants: £39,400
",'ilhfll/~e:III' ill gellfml firtll1ire
Immunolog~ • Profc~,or D :\ I I'emcn~, .£ 107,-l.3H (:'\! RC) [() '>u pporr a re,earch projecr enrirled Pos/-IhYlllir Iy/of.'jlle rl'/(IIllllioll of hlllllOll efJS' '1' reil differell/illlioll • Profc",or D :'\1 I'emeny, £ I1 ,HH-l (Joinr Re'>earch Commirred [(J ,upporr a re'>carch srudenr,hip enrirled IIIhilJi/ioll 0/ '1~I'f11 lylo/:ill!Ul'lIe e.\pressioll
• Prof<.:'>'>or H :\Iurray, .£.3-lAI2 (\IRCl [() '>upPO[{ a research project cnrirled I ',JlIIIIII'/rir 1I1I1I1\'sis of IIIOXllf/ir n'SOll(IIIa' illlllxes r~( Ihl' vmills I~( fldolfSI'l'IIIS ""ho iI!'fn' bo,."
• I)r J :-'!ooerieff (FcIIO\\'). I'rofe"or R "Iurra\, £73,100 (Sourh Thamc, Regional Ilcalrh ;\urhoriry) [() '>upporr a research rraining fellowship enritled ,Ill illf..'eS/~e:flli(JII illIII Ihe r[(i(/lr)' o(
ill rill 'I' Idl do",'s I~\' fIIlli-SI'IISI'
fIIllir!epn'sSllIlls fllld ho",' IIIIII/; o/Iheir
oliWJdeo,\ \'11I1r!eolides
IIfI!)fll'flll t'rf{'{1111~f{hl lIe lI//riIJl//llh!f 10 sir!e
Total grants: £130,601
Electronic e Electrical Engineering
re,carch projccr cnrirlcd . ISSfSSlllflll fllld
• Profc'>'>or :\ 1 B S~lIldlcr . .£ 1-I6.6H7 (EPSRC) [(J supporr a rc,eareh projeer
• Dr 11 (Juire, Professor G Thornierofr Psychiam·). .£H-I, 170 (Dcpanlllcm of Hcalrh) [() \uppon a 1II11I/flgl'lIIml 01 risi/or ;;ioll'l/('l' fllld.wiridr
entirled Smlra/Jle alldio rolllpre.uioll ",'ilh
fl.'So(iflll'd ",'ilh SI"i.·fl'/ IIIl'IJltll illlll'ss
"'·fI'i.dl'I....(or .11 PF.C:-I alld olhl'r
• [)r S \\·e\,el\-. Dr .\ S I)a\ id.
H6.::;. I:; 7 (I)epa rrme nr of rhc .\ rill y) (['SA)) [(J ,uppon a rc\earch projecr
• Profc"or T J Ilall. I)r :\1 JII(llme.,. £97.-1-1, (EPSRC (LI:"")) (() ,uppon a
cnrirled . I ('OlIlmlll'd fpidfllliologiml fflld
re,careh projccc cmirlcd Rl'I"oll(il-f/lm/J!1'
rlillilfll SIII(~I' illlO Ihl'rf(l'r-I olgll(( '("'fir
opliml S'U!'ilfhl'slor fll'mSpf/I'f fflld
Il'll'('f)lIIlIIlIlIimliolls .1\'.1'/1'11/.1'
.1'I'I'i:iO'lIIfllI fllld ",'01111'11 o/Ihl'
t 'lIill'd A'illgdolll fll'll/l'd/OIlI'S Total grants: £240,864 $865,157
Public Ilcalth e E p i d e m i 0 I0 gy Total grants: £136,901
• 1\ 1r I) A Fraser, 1\ 1r P C; Tanncr. £·1-.2,390 (EPSRC) [() supporr a research projccc emirlcd Fl'fIsilJilily sllId\, Oil Ihl' IIlI'I"IIIiollir gml'mlioll o( tlerlriml f!o'iJ."l'r
• IJrofessor 1\1 B Sandlcr, Profe~sor A Da\'ies, £ 1-19,1.2-1 (E PS RC) [() support cl rc~carch
projccr cmirlcd 'filllNi/i/l'
digilfllfillfrsll7lflll/'fS of h~e:IJ ordrru;'irh
applimliolls 10 SIHWh mr/illg
• Profc~sor.J :\ lo.,halll. Dr J Pomc (i\nacsrhcric~). Dr:\1 Grcen (,\naesrherics). £ 119.16-1 (\\'ellcome
Total grants: £441,649
Trust) w supporr a research projccr enrirled IlIIpflirl'r! diflphm[(1II ('01I1rt/rli/ily
Toral grams: £3.7.21'1
ill Ihl' illlfllSi'i..'f care IIlIil
:\ la the m a tics
Total grants: £119,164
• Dr R Sololllon, £1.::;-1.790 (EPSRC) EPSRC Ad\'anCt.:d Fellowship Total grants: £165,278
S 1I ruc r\'. h Total grants: £9,000
:\[anagemcnt Cenm.:
:\lcchanical Engineering Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Medicine & Dentistry) £2,935,163 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Medicine & Dentistry) 35
Total grants: £24,177
Physics • Dr J F Boyee, 25,170 Ecu (European Commission (Associarcd Conuacr wirh lTni\'ersiry of Jocnsuu») [0 suppon a research projecr enrirlcd ,lllIlli/l'i.:e/
School of Plwsical Sciences e E ngi necri lig
{/(!ixlllred I'flihulyS rOIl.f/ifll'f.wllllioll flllrI
Chem i~try
Total grants: $49,949 Ecu
• Dr CD Hall. £-18.7-1:; (EPSRC) (() Hlpporr a research srudcm,hip cmirled
.III flppromh 10 1I0f.:1'I. fl/lijirifll iOIl rhmll/ds
• Dr A I Hill, £6.16.2 (Royal Society) eomriburion w\\'ards research expenses. Total grants: £110,796
Computer Sciencc Total grants: £2,700
Total amount awarded in the quarter (School of Physical Sciences & Engineering) £800,689 Total number of awards in the quarter (School of Physical Sciences & Engineering) 20 Grand total amount awarded in the quarter £7,975,149 Grand total number of awards in the quarter (including extensions and supplements) 167
I I lImaniries
C:ollrrallld I nsri(lJrc Frank Davis Memorial Lectures 1996 Classical Art & Its Contexts All lectures take place in the Kenneth Clark Memorial Lecture Theatre at 17.30. Contact the Courtauld Institute, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R ORN Tel 0171-872 0220 29 October The mystery of Gregoria: Map, myth and city in near Eastern mosaics in Late Antiquity Professor Glen Bowersock, Institute for Advanced Study, Pnnceton 5 November Roman emperors and Greek mythology': Reliefs from the Sebasteion at Aphrodisias in Caria Professor R R R Smith, Lmcoln Col/ege, Oxford
12 November Publishing Pompeii: Decontextualisation and the creation of meaning Professor Eleanor Winsor Leach, Indiana University, Bloommgton 19 November Rome in the USA: Brendel's Prolegomena and McCarthy's America Professor Natalle Boymel Kampen, Barnard Col/ege, Columbia UnIVersity 26 November The boy, yes, the boy is beautiful' Or Germame Greer, Newnham Col/ege, Cambndge 3 December The view from Constantinople Inaugural Lecture Professor Robm Cormack, Courtauld Institute 10 December Plato's theory of art in the Republic Professor Myles Burnyeat, AI/ Souls' Col/ege, Oxford
\ \'ar c,ruJ ic ';C m i n.lf'" Contact 0171-8732756 to confirm details. All seminars will take place in the Norfolk Building, Surrey Street, off the Strand, unless otherwise stated. Regional Security in a Global Context Seminars will be held on Wednesdays at 17.15 in Room G01N African Security Programme Seminars are held on alternate Mondays (from 21 October) at 17.00 in Room 332N Mediterranean Studies Programme Seminars are held on alternate Wednesdays (from 16 October) at 18.00 in Room 332N Military History Seminars Seminars are held on alternate Tuesdays at 17.00 (from 8 October) in the International Relations Room at the Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, Malet Street. Religions & War Seminars in association with the Department of Theology & Religious Studies Seminars are held on alternate Thursdays (from 26 September) at 17.00 in Room 332N Maritime History Seminars Seminars are held on alternate Thursdays (from 17 October) at 17.15 in Room G01N Contemporary Research Seminars To familiarise resarch students with the research work of staff members and drawing in eminent outside speakers on topical research subjects. Others are welcome to attend but should check with the organiser first. Dr Elaine Holoboff0171-873 2831. 31 Cold War Programme in Europe special guest lecture Nuclear History in the Cold War, Professor Wolfgang Kneger, UnIVersity of Marburg an der Lahn 17.00, Room 332N
Life, Basic ,\ lcdical Science'>
e Ilcalth
De\ elopmental Biolog~ Research Cenrre Seminar'> All seminars to take place at 13.00 in The Randall Institute, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL 30 October Mesoderm formation and neural patterning in transgenic frog embryos Or Ennco A,aya, Wellcome/CRC 6 November Fibroblast growth factors and spatial patterning of the CNS Or Ivor Mason UMDS, Guy's 27 November Awaiting title Or Anne Mudge, Anatomy Department. UCL 4 December Cell signalling, cell adhesion and pattern formation in Drosophila, the role of the armadillo gene Or John Paul Vmcent, LMB Addenbrookes
\Iuscle e \Iotilit\' Research Centre Seminars' To be held at 13.00 in the Semianr Room, Randall institute, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL 31 October Do muscle heads rotate? New results from simple models of contraction Or Davld SmIth, KCL 7 November Hedgehog gene homologues in control of zebra fish morphogenesis Or Peter Currie, ICRF 14 November Title to be announced Or Loulse Cramer, KCL 21 November The Rho family of GTPases: a link between actin cytoskeleton and signal transduction Or Alan Hall, UCL
28 November Cdc42-, Rac- and Rho-induced changes in the actin cytoskeleton of Bacl, 2F5 macrophages Or Wllllam Alien, KCL
17 February The Research Outputs Database: a powerful tool to evaluate biomedical research Or Grant Lewlson, Pnsm
5 December
Ph,,'>ical Science'> Enginecring
Title to be announced Or Steve Wmder, InstItute of Cell & Molecular BIology, UnIversIty of Edmburgh
12 December Interaction of dystrophin and spectrin with Iipids Professor Waiter Gratzer, KCL
The Randall Institute Seminars To be held in the Lecture Theatre, The Randall Institute, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL at 16.00 Contact number: 0171-4655344 4 November The Ethics of Xenotransplantation Professor lan Kennedy, KCL 18 November The mechanisms that sort mobile membrane proteins in polarised epithelial cells Professor Colm Hopkins, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell BIOlogy
[)eparrmcnt of Computer Science Colloquia Colloquia usually take place on Wednesday afternoons at 14.00 in Room 3D, Main Building, Strand. Contact number: 0171-873 2842 or 0171-8732588 30 October Title to be announced Davld Pym, Queen Mary & Westfleld College 13 November Metrics on terms and clauses Alan Hutchmson, KCL 27 November Data structures for maintaining minimum spanning trees Tomasz Radzlk, KCL
9 December Scrapie and BSE: Interactions between host genes and strains of agent Or Chns Bosrock, Institute of Animal Health, Newbury 16 December How animallectins mediate cellular recognition events Or Kurt Dnckamer, GlycoblOlogy Instttute, UniverSIty of Oxford 20 January The major transitions in evolution Professor John Maynard-Smlth, School of BIologIcal SCIences, Umverslty of Sussex
3 February What sex really means Or Steve Jones, BIOlogy Department. UCL
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