Course factsheet
Advanced Level Foundation Engineering Pathway The Advanced Level Foundation Engineering pathway is part of our STEM subject offering. It is designed for students who want a rigorously academic pathway to the leading UK universities with very strong reputations for degree courses in subjects such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Computer Engineering.
B Typical elective modules
Typical degrees Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering (Oil and Gas) Automotive Engineering Computer Engineering
Most common subject choice
Potential alternative subject choice
Sample timetable (Based on September start) Monday
2. Physics At the end of this module students will:
Lesson 1
h ave an appreciation of the physical laws which govern the universe have an understanding of principles of Physics ready for further studies of physics in higher education have experience of practical physics in a laboratory environment and conducted their own experiments be able to apply their knowledge and skills at standard equivalent to Physics A-level.
Lesson 3
3. Other module combinations Any combination of modules is possible — other examples for this Pathway are shown above.
Business Studies
h ave a general understanding of maths and mathematical processes be able to reason logically and to generalise have developed mathematical skills and techniques, and be able to use them in increasingly difficult or unstructured problems recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically know how to use mathematics as an effective means of communication be able to read and comprehend mathematical arguments and narrative concerning applications of mathematics be able to use calculating aids effectively and be aware of their limitations.
Art & Design
1. Mathematics At the end of this module students will:
The Advanced Level Foundation comprises three components: core study skills modules; elective subject-focused modules; and academic enhancement activities. Together, they provide a complete learning experience that expertly prepares students for the rigours of university study in the UK.
1. Communication and Study Skills 2. Data Handling and IT
Your total learning experience
Mathematics (Further)
study skills modules A Core
Lesson 2
Tuesday Communication and Study Skills
Wednesday Mathematics Communication
Thursday Communication and Study Skills
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Data Handling
Data Handling
Data Handling
Lesson 6
and Statistics
and Statistics
and Statistics
and Study Skills
Friday Chemistry Communication and Study Skills
Break Communication and Study Skills
Communication and Study Skills Mathematics
Lesson 6L Lesson 7 Lesson 8
Physics Engineer and
Science Show
Lesson 9
Student Council
Lesson 10
Science Club
Debating Society