King School Yearbook 1972

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Hemingway once wrote that there are always mystical countries that are a part of ones childhood. These we remember and visit sometimes when we are asleep and dreaming. He pictured them as being as lovely at night as they are when we were chil­ dren. Yet if you ever go back to see them, they are no longer there. I am afraid most of us have forgot­ ten those mystical countiries. Lets return. Welcome. Roy Dietrich Editor-in-Chief

Surprise It’s Herbie

Thanks From The Seniors

To the Class of 1972: On behalf of the Board of Trustees, it is my privilege and pleasure to offer hearty con­ gratulations to the graduating class and to each individual senior. The School is proud of your accomplishments. We wish you the best of luck for continued success and trust that your various experiences at King School will prove to be valuable assets to you in your future pursuits. Robert K. Jackson President of King School

To the Class of 1972: I take great pleasure in offering to the Class of 1972, on behalf of the School, con­ gratulations on their graduation and gratitude for their many contributions to the school throughout the years. The reputation for solid achievement established by this class reached its culmination in a Senior Year of effective and challenging leadership in academics, student government, athletics, dramatics, and service to the community. As a class and as individuals, the graduates of 1972 have every right to take pride in what they have done, and to be con­ fident of what they will do. They know that their efforts have made King School a stronger institution. It is perhaps for their integrity that the members of this class will best be remembered. It is time now for the impact of that integrity to spread beyond this school and community. The task is in good hands. James M. Coyle Headmaster s

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David McB. Sample American History Economics Trinity College, B.A.


Wesley P. Dochtermann Chairman, Columbia University University

Science Department University, B.A. of New Hampshire, M.S. of Connecticut

Mrs. Peter Steele Librarian

Christopher R. Kelly Mathematics Computer Adviser St. Lawrence University, B.S. Georgia Inst, of Technology, M.S

J. Gardiner Dodd Dean of Students Chairman of History Department Princeton University, A.B. Columbia University Wesleyan University, M.A.


Mrs. Bradford Smith Grade 3 Susquehanna University, B.A.

John F. Bliss Business Manager Princeton University, B.A.

Joseph B. Chamberlain Mathematics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, M.E. Cornell University Worcester Polytechnic Institute

David W. Kelly Head of Lower School Grade 5 St. Bonaventure University, A.B., M.A.

Mrs. Mark Halloran Grade 1 Southern Connecticut State College, B.S.

Aaron E. Hess, Jr. English Senior Advisor Princeton University, B.A. Columbia University

Malcolm F. Wilmott Psychology Environmental Science Fairleigh Dickinson, B.A. Breadloaf

David C. Bernabei Spanish, History Kenyon College, B.A.


Evald B. Olson


Head of Upper School Chairman, Mathematics Department Middlebury College, B.S. Columbia University, M.A.

Mrs. Alice Bott Music Bates College, A.B. New York University, B.S.

Paul C. Draper English Audio-Visual Director Yearbook Advisor Trinity College, B.A., M.A.

J. Dudley Clark III Head of Middle School English, Reading Trinity College, B.A. Northeastern University, M.Ed.

Mrs. Raymond Mack Grade 4 Tufts, B.S.

Mrs. Clifford Schonberg Grade 2 University of Connecticut Parsons, B.F.A. University of Bridgeport

Wilbert Gall Physical Education

Robert Burns French, History Hamilton College, B.A. Fairfield University Wesleyan University

Johan M. Andersen, III Chairman, Language Department French, English Columbia University, B.A. University of Rhode Island

John M. Greeley English, Science College of Wooster Chapman College, WCA Florida Atlantic University, B.A.

John Savin Hoffecker Chairman, English Department Cumberland University, L.L.B.

Mrs. John F. Bliss Secretary

Brian L. Denyer French Amherst College, B.A.


Mrs. Charles Fish Latin Middle School Chess Club Adviser Wooster College, A.B. Temple University Columbia University, M.A.

Charles N. Head History Director of Dramatics Bowdoin College, B.A.

Wayne A. Flood Director of Athletics Mathematics Central Connecticut State College, B.S. University of Connecticut

Donald A. Brand Physics Mathematics Antioch College, B.S. University of Wisconsin, M.A.

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Mrs. Nicholas Kochansky

Todd A. Boroson

Art, Mechanical Drawing Pratt Institute, B.F.A.

4th Grade Science King School, H.S.D.

Roger F. Kirkpatrick Spanish, English University of Colorado, B.A.

Miss Titina Liverakos Secretary

Mr. Ewald Konze

Mr. George Henderson

Christopher Conlan Ames

"The sea! The sea! The open sea! The blue, the fresh, the ever free!" —Bryan Procter

Student Council

President 1971-72 Secretary 1970-71 Representative 1968-69 Varsity Basketball

Co-Captain 1970-72 All League 1970-72 Varsity Baseball

1970-72 All League 1972

Descended upon King Varsity Football Varsity Baseball Favorite Pastime

1970 3,4 3,4 Eating

. . . Member of the famed Big 5 . . . Wild Bunch . . . Vice Prez of the Pop Tops . . . "Where's the party, I'm broke" . . . often seen with Bry, Burt, and other assorted "B's"—Math and French not in this category . . . Owns loudest car in the parking lot— " "Hey Bodge, when are ya going to get a new muffler" "Aw I don't know, It sounds cool." . . . constant appetite "mad munchies"—pizza freak . . . headed for Denverdestined to be a Colorado sheepherder . . .

Todd Boroson Soccer Tennis Yearbook Photographer Chronicle Photographer 4th grade Science "Cal Tech"

how come you're so afraid of things that don't make any sense to you? do people pass you up on the street all the time? do cars pass you up on the highway? how come you're so afraid of things that don't make any sense to you? do you water your raisons daily? do you have any raisons? is there anything that does make sense to you? are you afraid of twelve button suits? how come you're so afraid to stop talking?

I have a bone to pick with fate Come here and tell me, girlie, Do you think my mind is maturing late Or simpy rotted early? —Ogden Nash

William Bry

Richard Burt

Burtie; typical Sagittarian. Gets up 4:00 A.M. to fish before school. Exciting weekends with Deleo, Funky, Bodge, Kriete, et al. Number 1 of J.M.C/s BIG FIVE. Fullback..................... oc­ casionally seen crunching head. W ILD BUNCH linebacker. Pulls groin muscle to avoid the sled. "Hey Paul, do the Spanish?..........Well ask Jackson, or Werme, o r ................................" Finds Bernabei enlightening; "a tro c i...............dactylic???........................hmmm." "Is anybody going to Low-Heywood?" the inseparable couple; R.B. & L.T. Diets all week to indulge on weekends yet still manages to lose twenty pounds . . . . tried skiing and enjoyed it so much bought Rosemount boots and separated shoulder. "Is there an offprint due in Biology today?" Comes to school at 11:00 A.M. insisting he's been study­ ing his ducks. "All I've got to do is keep my eye on the ball." Often seen picking rocks in certerfield or on the mound. Number 1 9 ..................good at answering draft questions .....................King's first Conscientious O b jecto r........................"Where there's a will there's a way." "Never say no."

Born: Came to King:

October 16,1954 1967


Football Basketball Baseball Chronicle MIDDLEBURY


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Jon Cave

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived . . . . I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness out of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or, if it were sublime, to know it by experience . . ." Henry David Thoreau

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Be wise, look ahead, use your eyes he said, be straight, think right. but I might die tonight! Cat Stevens

GiG . . . "don't toucha da h a t " ....................................original member of the big five . . . . fights in Senior Room . . . . often seen sleeping in English . . . . holds record for throwing most cheerleaders in showers . . . . GiG and Funky team's official razzers . . . . Foowtboule . . . "hey Mazoni" . . . . Royal Goose ......................... hey Eames, .................... my reed . . . . why not?................. off to Scott's for

John Culbertson

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Tiny Dancer

Blue jean baby. L.A. lady, seamstress for the band. Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man. Ballerina. You must have seen her, dancing in the sand. And now, she's in me, always with me, Tiny Dancer in my hand. Jesus freaks out in the street Handing tickets out for God. Turning back she just laughs. The boulevard is not that bad. Piano man he makes his stand in the auditorium. Looking, on She sings the songs the words she knows the tune she hums But oh how it feels so real lying here with no one near Only you, and you can hear me When I say softly, slowly. Hold me closer Tiny Dancer, count the headlights on the highway. Lay me down in sheets of linen, you had a busy day today. —Elton John


Peter dejonge

Born: August 24, 1954 Entered King: 1965 President of Senior Class Activities: J.V. Basketball-1968-1969 J.V. Football-1968-69 Photography Club—1968-69 Varsity Basketball—1969-72 Varsity Golf—1968-72 Captain Varsity Golf—1971-72 Ambition: Law

Paul Deleo

Delumpy—occasionally seen meandering about the halls. "Do the Spanish, amigo?" Insists he's a golfer!! "Mare"—Old Bohemian is his favorite. Mollica's on weekends with the bunch. Mad-pillow fights in Senior Room with companion Burt. "Burt and I will take you all on!" Nice legs? "Oh, those overly muscular cal­ ves!!" President of Senior Class. "Levine, this is my room, my rug, my couch and my stereo,---now, erase that wall!!"— Who broke the windows? Who put the holes in the wall?" Senior Room renovation, again, and again!!!!— What happened to your ring, Paul?

Roy F. Dietrich Jr.

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Soccer Tennis Yearbook Chronicle Yale


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-A youth's grave comments falling off the tongue too lightly— Donaghy



Scott P. Eames


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Soccer Chess Club & Team Photography Club Escaped Just in Time

John Evans


November 13, 1963

Born: April 14, 1953 Came to King: 1965 Left King: 1969 Returned to King: 1971 Activities: J.V. Soccer—1966-69 J.V. Basketball-1969 Varsity Track—1969 Varsity Soccer—1971 Ambition—Law

George Neil Ferguson


"Then said a rich man, Speak to us of Giving. And he answered: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." —Kahlil Gibran

"Life is not meant to be explained, Life is meant to be experienced."

John Geddes


Born: May 12 Entered King: 1969 Basketball Tennis Newspaper, etc.

Born: April 2, 1954 Came to King: 1962 Activities: J.V. Football J.V. Wrestling J.V. Track Varsity Football Varsity Track Ecology Club Glee Club Chronicle Art Director Literary Magazi ne Yearbook Ambition: Writer

Carey Lloyd Gross Crazy legs . . . Winner of the coveted, all-time "TwinkleToes" Award . . . "Keep those knees up, Carey!" . . . PingPong Champion, 2nd only to old man Farmer . . . Rivals Bobby Fischer in chess . . . Likes to come and watch football parties . . . Poetry . . . Loves to stay up all night long at the eye of his telescope and shiver under the stars . . . at the edge of the Universe . . . "See da Moon!" . . . Astronomy nut . . . "A photography contest?" . . . Noted for his great leadership at the Pound Ridge Reservation . . . "It's just over this hill . . . I think . . . "FHandles Mr. Herbeck's rats with au­ thority . . . Sits in the Lower School art room and dreams of the good old days . . . Plans to break World Record in the 100 yd. dash . . . Dreams . . . Poetry . . . Dreams about the future . . . What will come?-What will come . . .

1968-1969 1968-1969 1968- 1969 1969- 1972 1969- 1972 1970- 1972 (President) 1971- 1972 1970- 1972 19711972 1969-1972 1971-1972 ( FHelper)

Bom Came to King Soccer Baseball Wrestling Golf

Paul M. Hackett

Hey "B ud d y"..............loaded with talent . . pool shark . . . class expert................................... athletic type . . . "you want me to wrestle him!" . . . drives '64 VW crate. Dynamite . . . Might learn to play the piano if Slezak will leave him alone. Still blames accident on Killer.............. Always agrees with Mr. Olson . . "I hear your sister's a good tennis player?. Oh, that's too bad."

"Never give a sucker an even break"

Dec. 6,1954 1967 1 1

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Robert Reginald Hagans Jr.

Yes, let us have peace, but let us have liberty, law, and justice first. —Fredrick Douglas



Cecil Harlee Harris

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Bunkey Hill Productions Yearbook

Steve Hirschberg "What is the moral sense, sir?" "Why, it is the faculty which enables us to dis­ tinguish good from evil!" "Is it valuable?" "Valuable, Heavens! lad, it is the one thing that lifts man above the beasts that perish and makes him heir to immortality!" —Twain

Michael Jacobs Born: 1954 or 1969 (De­ pending on your point of view . . . .) Activities: I don't know ex­ actly what I have done yet. We'll find out. I have no more to say about this.

This space is left to your imagination. Me THE STREAMS OF Earth and Glory trickled visions in men's eyes

Use it.

—M.J. Promiscuous Prometheus Redeemed? -M .J.

I guess you're wondering why I have a formal up there. You're thinking why not a "creative page." Well, it was just one of those trivial matters that never got done because I was playing with the little man around the corner of my typewriter, that's why. They never caught us to­ gether when I was little and it's too late now. Thank God. That's just about the best ex­ planation I have—for me.

Senior Quarterback . . . One of the "Big Five", but you know that! . . . Member in good standing of the "Wild Bunch" . . . Poor Man's Porsche-Baby Blue Super Corvair . . . Pablo . . . first of Lukie's to defect to King . . . California Boy . . . Mr. Sex Appeal . . . "Dandy" Don Juan . . . Blondes do have more fun! . . . Oregon State . . . Uncle Madison . . . Active participant in Senior Room pillow fights . . . Mr. Gall's favorite second baseman . . . Smile . . . "Friend".

Joseph John Krulis

Bom: Sept. 4,1954 Came to King: 1966 J.V. Soccer..........................2 Varsity Soccer............... 3,4 J.V. Track............................ 1 Chess Club.........................1 Phys Ed.................................

Kruler. . Crueler. . Krulis! Follows in footsteps of brother's Wrestling Career. . . this is Chuck? . . . try Joe! Need a right halfback? . . . one pair of jeans, ten sweaters . . . very influencial! White Bomb finally died . . . . replaced by green Pinto? Who's driving over to L-H today? Ad. Math quiz Monday morning . . . right! I don't know where the party is??

and take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind down the foggy ruins of time far past the frozen leaves the haunted frightened trees out to the windy beach far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free silhouetted by the sea circled by the circus sands with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves let me forget about today until tomorrow LaBean . . . "Hey Boes" . . . Often seen hangin' out with *

Dave and Berg . . . "Anybody wanna go to Colorado?" . Krazy K . . . "Berg, ya got any money I can borrow?" . . . Sum­ mers on the Vineyard with Dave and Mike . . . "C'mon Dave" . . . Will you cut it out Levine!!!" . . . Plays dead, gives Fox a heart attack . . . "ARM! ARM!" . . . Loves Laura . . . K.C.H. to R.J.L.—"Have you got a big rock or something?" . . . Gets thrown off Soccer team for blowing bubbles on the bench . Oh, she didn t care anyway." . . . Levine and Hopwood come up with great idea for a "Cool Whip" commercial . . . Takes Berg to Port, . . . Spends rest of weekend cleaning car . "Hey Bob, what's your favorite month?" . . . Dies laughing with dejonge . . . Asked to leave the first day of school in his sophomore year. . . S and P Davis "With Dave, one of the few potential JAGGERS." . . . Lata.

Peter Dutcher Maloney Bunkey Hill (minister of transportation) Soccer, mixed ensemble Dramatics

"Speak English Maloney!" Inventive uses of first three periods Tues. and Thurs. "a typical banality from the rather obtuse mind of Steve Shore? ethnic calummy? Intends to major in calcography.


May 18,1954 Rich, Richie, Rick, Ricky, Dick, Dicky, Mirtyl—call me any­ Born: 1962 thing—has car insured to park in school lot very political- Came: physics whiz—But sir, I don't want to take a science- Activities: “ a finger in every pie" school bank—you gotta be kidding—reputed to be a fantas­ tic pianist—But sir, I don't like math—has four varsity let­ “ Behind four walls of stone the rich ters—real jock—known for conservative wardrobe —How man sleeps. It's time we put the dare you wear those socks—history of art major-usually flame torch to their keep"-Bernie heard asking, “ Where's the party?" and getting no an­ Taupin swer—the reporter need a ride home? Is that a Spiro Ag- “ Burn down The Mission" new watch? Crash

Henry Moore activities soccer art

"To fall back, to live on oneself, to withdraw is sterility Communication with the exterior means fertility" -Picasso

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, and wealthy and wise. The early bird catches the worm. Neither a borrower nor a lender be. Fair is foul and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air. A stitch in time saves nine. Man cannot live by bread alone. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. To thine own self be true. Time flies when your having fun. Life is just a bowl of cherries. To be or not to be, that is the question. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, and don't put all Greeks bearing your eggs in gifts. You judge one basket. a book by its Win one for the color. Money Gipper. Never doesn't grow give a sucker an on trees. Life is even break, whatever you and you can't make it. You cheat an honest can lead a man. A friend horse to water, in need is a but you cannot friend indeed. make him Give an inch drink. The best and they'll take things in life are a mile. All is fair free. You can't in love and war. take it with you. Beware of

Roy Moss

"I do not have chicken legs!" . . . Apple . . . "Hey, Bill, why don't you have another party?" . . . . You're not a man until you hit a telephone pole . . . . Treasurer of the World Famous PopTops . . . . Number Two in the Big 5 . . . CoCapt of the Wild Bunch . . . Love to follow King School Baseball Team Nice guy, Swartz . . .

Steve Shore Track Captain, Student Council, President, Bunkey Hill Productions

Oh, Mister Steve! . . . . Hey, Be Cool . . . . A truly frustrated greaser . . . Maloney, are you sure the devil didn't send you? . . . Let's go over to the neighbors . . . Sig . . . Jackson, put on some Funk . . . Will probably end up pro­ moting bogus Rod Stewart benefits . . . Could organize a trip to the bathroom . . . .

History: Attended King for 3 years Sports: Soccer and Track Organizer of Ecology Club Part-time school photographer

Nicholas J. Sprung

goes by the name of intense or freak; is hated by friends and enemies alike; drives a classic Triumph TR-3; is an av­ erage student; skis, sails, and is one of those fantastic unknown photographers.

John Brewer Swartz Football, 68, 69. Festis, 1970 to end. Born, 1954, Aug, 2. Crazy, 1954, Aug, 2. til death does he part it. Mudlover, Aug, 2/71 on.

Spats . . . Known for his unusual acts of craziness. Studies Mud friday and Saturday nights if he's lucky. Gets great pleasure in doing this. Has parties which he never attends in a way. Can't wait to pass out. President of S.K.A.N. Honorary member of the crash club. Famous for his VW and its injuries received, especially from the mud and of course Ma. Has great slushing ability. Gets occa­ sional light up when Dodd goes by. Once known as C.C. but gave that up to useless in order to study mud. Gets some of his thrills by riding on a motor-cycle. Wants to be an artist? YOW WRONG. Pays attention in english class. Honorary friend of Funky the Freak Chicken. Last wish in life is to lose his blushing ability.

Crazy Scott . . . Hey, how's it going? Sept 12fDeeee! great with a match . . . Shore, Vezinaj I swear jjwGod I'll get even with you . . . So what's the story . . haven't been in an accident yet . . . May 71, I'm readfffor Har­ vard, but is Harvard ready for me?



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G rad e O ne


Front Row: David Murano, Joseph Socci, Warren Brown. Middle Row: Christopher Jackson, Daniel Hochman, Paul Sherrington, and Ian Hall. Third Row: Joseph Mallozzi, Scott Gordon, James Cochran, and Toby Wilmott. Absent: Christopher Weed, Neal Funk.

Front Row: Malcolm Stevenson, Giles Clark, Rickey Merritt. Middle Row: John Ott, Mark Andrews, Scott Flood, and Terry Ryan. Third Row: Douglas Cooper, John Sinclair, Alex Bond, and David Monroe.

G rade Two

Grade Three First Row: Kenneth Corbin, Steven Saldukas, Martin Hair, Christopher Crudon, Middle Row: Benjamin Cesare, Douglas Slezak, Hampton Dais, Bradford Blanchard, and Thomas Van Camp. Third Row: Paul Murano, Mark Pesiri, Nicholas Cooper, Kevin Hall, and Lee Boroson.

First Row: Ricky Hochman, Bruce Clark, Chris Markham, Paul Crispi, Mark Wintrub. Second Row: Michael Ferullo, Norman Grissom, Jon Malkin, Bill Fleckner, Kenny McGraw. Third Row: Glenn Flood, Roger Revel, Ted Kniering, George Roebuck, Donald Cochran. Fourth Row: Gary Briggs, Rich­ ard Ferguson, Russ Gelberg, Michael Meyer.

Front Row: Robert Minor, John Isaacs, Greg Zimmerman. Second Row: Erik Akerblom, Robert Dolberg, Andrew Rowan, Gregory Weeks. Third Row: Thomas Gregory, Frank Mercede, Peter Balch, Keith Gower. Fourth Row: Richard Goldman, Kevin Cunningham, Peter Bonnesen, Frank Piro, Marc Doucette.

Grade Six

Front Row: Edward Cesare, Cordon Cooper, David Eagle, Tom Aylesworth, Peter Kanter, Stephen Doucette, Jon Barovick, and Jonathan Goldmark. Second Row: Stephen Kenny, Mark Nedvin, John Tibbetts, Bruce Sinclair, Paul McKenna, and Bill Peck. Third Row: Dwight Seagren, Stephen Main, Dave Udell, Marc Benningson, Kenny Kauf­ man, and Anthony Gaglio. Fourth Row: Kenny Baye, Richard Shore, Jon Coletti, Doug Van Cessel, Jon Sweet, Jon Eldridge, Bill Squires, Bill Ziegler, Kelly Gardner, Tom Josephs, and Ronny Huebsch. Absent: Mark Johnson and Sandy Kaynor.

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Grade Seven Front Row: Chris Kenyon, David Main, Jeff Dietsheim, David Donahue, Galen Shipley, Steven Brown, Ste­ phen Malloy, and Marshall Walker. Second Row: Chuck Branscomb, Hank Jones, Tom Harrison, Billy Fieber, David Jaffe, Mark Montgelas, Jose Vaamonde, and Todd Ford. Third Row: Tony Truglia, John McNamara, Chris Telia, Bill Kniering, Scott Chandler, Harrison Cookenboo, Doug Bates, Lee Andrews. Fourth Row: Chris Sweet, Andy Barovick, Andy Berman, Peter Gay, Luke Durber, Jamie Clark, Bill Epifanio, Dan Berns, and Mike Chou.

Grade Eight Front Row: Peter Goldstein, Billy Isaacs, Mark Barrett, Joe Sherman, Philip Chou, Scott Brown, Mike Berg, Wayne Feldman, Kent Oswald. Second Row: Darryl Zimmerman, Danny Shapiro, Tom Walsh, Paul Cole, James Goldman, Tommy Kole, W.E. Clark, Pal Flagg. Third Row: Scott Osman, Jon Propp, Mike Huebsch, Dick Ayer, Jim Damon, Jim Becker. Fourth Row: Roger Kirkpatrick, Tony Saldukas, Drew Beason, David Rey­ nolds, Mike Stern, Tom Kaplan, Mike Hotz, Flam Allport, W.B. Clark, Fifth Row: Greg Phelps, Dean Johnson, Larry Hudson, Jeff Heisler, Steel Kenyon, David Liebtag, Tom Markiewicz. Absent: Robert Hitchcock, William Schymik, and James Wilson.


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Grade Nine Front Row: Jonh Panulas, Steve Apicella, Danny Haims, Billie dejonge, Donald Jackson, Roy Boe, Steve Case, Paul LaDow, Robert Savoie, Neil Sullivan. Second Row: Steve Beach, John Arter, Mark Thorne, Tom Albertson, Ken Weissman, Peter Deering, George Powell, Charlie Tennstedt. Third Row: Robert Burns, Rich Hart, Steve Briggs, Mick Tukes, Bill Rogers, Tom Exnicios, Mark Vollmer, John Daum, Nick Moss, Blake Wilkes, Brian L. Denyer. Fourth Row: Jeff Gross, Ed Rauh, Greg Anderson, Chris Sachs, Bryan Nahrwold, Robert Tandet, and Rob Nichols. Fifth Row: Doug McNeil, Rick Borman, Henry Hines, Steve Chananie, John Haine, Jerry Masone, Sal Gaglio. Ab­ sent: Donald DiCostanzo

Grade Ten


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Front Row: Peter Fisher, Jesse Hawkins, Steven Kraemer, Jon Squire, Dudley Olcott, Ken Malloy, Derek Dubin, and Steve Haims. Second Row: Paul C. Draper, David Procter, Bill Main, Nat Wallman, Jeff Goldman, Ken Propp, Peter Schonberg, Andrew Moscow, Robert Phelps, and David Jones. Third Row: James Kanter, John Rutledge, Bryan Bogdan, David Green, Dan Michaud, Steven Weintz, Greg Smith, and James Hoffman. Fourth Row: John Eginton, Greg Siegner, Peter Harrison, B.J. Clay, Don Cole, Bobby Fieber, Alfred Tibbetts, and David Dwelle. Absent: D. Hawthorne, Scott Jealous, and Kip Pearson.

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Front Row: Robert Coletti, Randy Hopkins, Jonathan Schreibfeder, Tom Sobran, Michael Luery, Philippe Gogniat, and Brad Longfield. Second Row: Mark Gildersleeve, Scott Morris, Kevin Meyer, Tom Cohn, Richard Sarner, Brian Anderson, George Reilly, and David McB. Sample. Third Row: Kevin Sledge, Bill Saunders, Paul Savoie, Bob Potenza, Carter Burwell, Buzzy Kanter, Ralph Telia, Robert Gormbley, and Byron Durmmond. Fourth Row: Ben Stein, Greg Flagg, Steve Belport, George Hoffecker, William Kaufmann, Dominick loli, Jody Shapiro, and Marc Weissman, Fifth Row: Brad Perry, Darel Gustafson, Kevin Mahone, and Scott Carlin. Absent: Jack Broudy, David DiConstanzo, Dain Fritz, Tom Miller, Joe Person, and David Telesco.

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s Front Row: Co-Captain Todd Boroson, Peter Maloney, Philippe Gogniat, Henry Moore, Co-Captain John Culbertson, Joseph KruMs, and Carl Oberg. Middle Row: Dan Michaud, John Evans, James Kanter, Rick Dietr­ ich, John Kanter, Dick Sarner, Mike Luery, and Jody Shapiro. Back Row: Coach Clark, Robert Coletti, Peter dejonge, and Jonathan Schreibfeder.

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First Row: Jeff Bodge, Bob Hagans, Bill Bry, Co-Captains Frank Nigro and Scott Eames, Greg Colman, Carey Gross, and Jeff Wright. Second Row: Scott Carlin, Bob Potenza, Dick Burt, Paul Kriete, Kevin Sledge, Bryon Drummond, and Ralph Telia. Third Row: B.J. Clay, Bobby Fieber, David Jones, Jerry Masone, David Green, John Rutledge, and John Eginton. Standing: Coach Sample, Coach Kelly, Greg Flagg, Nick Moss, Paul LaDow, and Coach Flood.

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Front Row: ngelo, Gaye Martin. Back Cindy Jones,

Laurie Jackson, Marian MastraBounty, Ellen Waters, and Susie Row: Laura Kiley, Jodi Saunders, and Debbie Osman.

Treasurer Frank Nigro, Vice-President Bob Levine, President Chris Ames, Secretary Brad Longfield.

\ George Reilly, Kip Pearson, David Jones, Bob Levine, Roy Moss, Paul DeLeo, Chris Ames, Frank Nigro, Brad Longfield, Steve Shore, Kevin Meyer, Steve Chananie, John FJaine, and Robert Tandet.

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Front Row: Co-Captain John Ceddes, Peter Fisher, Peter Schonberg, Andy Moscow, and Co-Captain Chris Ames. Second Row: Kevin Sledge, Dain Fritz, Paul Deleo. Third Row: Manager Brian Anderson, Greg Colnan, Bob Hagins, Don Cole, Jeff Wright, and Coach Wayne Flood.


Front Row: Robert Donaghy, Co-Captain Brad Longfield, Bob Savoie, Billie deJonge,and Paul Hackett. Second Row: Co-Captain Kim Werme, Tom Exnicios, Paul Savoie, Bob Coletti, Mark Hopkins, and Coach Aaron Hess. Third Row: John Eginton, Scott Eames, Greg Anderson, Robert Gormbley, and Joe Person.


V a r s i t •



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Mixed Ensemble (King only)

John Haine Jim Kanter Cary Gross Bill Bry Chris Ames John Evans

Chronicle Roy Moss, Peter Dejonge, Sir John, Jon Cave, Rick Dietrich Missing: Richard Martell, Todd Boroson (taking picture)

Literary Magazine

Captains (?) Roy Moss & Peter Dejonge

Community Service F r o m Left to Right: Carter Burwell, Robert Donaghy, Bill Rogers, Bob Savoie, Brad Longfield, George Reilly, Dick Sarner, Bob Levine, Jon Schreibfeder, Chris Ames, Carey Gross, Mike Luery, Scott Eames, Greg Colman, Scott Morris, John Panulas, and Jody Shapiro.




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Varsity Tennis Kneeling: Andy Moscow, Mike Luery, Sam Boe, Dick Sarner, and Peter Schonberg. Standing: Coach Johan Andersen, Jack Broudy, Scott Morris, Captain Roy Dietrich, Mark Cildersleeve, Tom Cohn, and Manager George Reilly.

Varsity Baseball John Daum, Paul Kriete, Steve Belport, Dorn loli, Scott Eames, Greg Colman, Jeff Gross, David Dwelle, Coach Wilbert Gall, Dick Burt, Chris Ames, and Jeff Bodge.

This is Agent 07395 commencing the dissembling stage

Join the ranks of the working class and help pull down the pluralistic bourgeois com plex—Continue the purges-Read and

Hey, Frankie, what are uniform?

J.V. Soccer

Sitting: Steve Haims and Dudley Olcott. Kneeling: Scott Morris, Bryan Bogdan, Steve Weintz, David Dwelle, Greg Siegner, David Procter, and Mark Gildersleeve. Standing: Peter Harrison, Ben Stein, Tom Sobran, Greg Smith, James Hoffman, Alfred Tibbetts, and Coach Denyer.

First Row: Tom Exnicios, Doug McNiel, Greg Anderson, Robert Phelps, and Rick Borman. Second Row: Mike Tukes, Charlie Tennstedt, Sal Gaglio, David Jones, Mark Hopkins. Third Row: Peter Wilkes, B.J. Clay, Nat Wallman, Chris Sachs, John Rutledge, Coach Gall, and Coach Burns.



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Freshman Soccer

First Row: John Panulas, Bobbie Savoie, Neil Sullivan, Dan Haims, and Stevie Apicella. Second Row: Brian Nahrwold, Bill Rodgers, Billie dejonge, Ken Weissman, Peter Deering, and Stephen Beach. Third Row: Henry Hines, Rob Nichols, John Daum, George Powell, and Coach Johan Andersen.

First row: Mike Chou, Dave Donahue, Dave Jaffe, Michael Berg, Ron Huebsch, and Wayne Feldman, Second Row: Doug Van Gessel, Bruce Sinclair, Steve Malloy, Jon Propp, Joey Sherman, and Peter Gold­ stein. Third Row: Danny Shapiro, Dick Ayer, William Clark, Kent Oswald, Mike Stern, and Philip Chou. Fourth Row: Chris Sweet, Todd Ford, Mark Montgelas, Mike Huebsch, Tom Kaplan, William Clark, and Coach Roger Kirkpatrick.

Middleschool Soccer

J.V. B A S K E T B A L L Kneeling: Clifford Pearson, Tom Cohn, D. Hawthrone, and Dave Dwelle. Standing: Manager Steve Belport, Kevin Mahone, Ben Stein, B.J. Clay, and Coach Brian Denyer.

Kneeling: Danny Haims, Nick Moss, Jerry Masone, Steve Case, and Mark Thorne. Standing: Coach Mike Herbeck, John Daum, Doug McNeil, John Haine, Rob Nichols, and Mike Tukes.


Middle School Football Kneeling: Steele Kenyon, James Damon, Andrew Barovick, Darryl Zimmerman, Lee Andrews, Mark Barrett, Jon Eldridge, Tom Kole, Jameison Hudson, Jim Goldman, Anthony Saldukas. Standing: Mr. Hess, Mike Hotz, Jeff Hiesler, Peter Gay, Tony Vaamonde, William Schymik, Tom Markiewicz, Bill Epifanio, Paluel Flagg, James Clark, Greg Phelps, Scott Osman, Tom Walsh, David Renolds.

Middle School Wrestling

First Row: Bruce Sinclair, Dave Jaffe, Joey Sherman, David Donahue, Stephen Doucette, Mark Barrett, Bill Isaacs, and Philip Chou. Second Row: Jeff Heisler, Greg Anderson, Scott Osman, Tom Hapland, Tom Kole, Hamilton Allport, and Daniel Shapiro. Third Row: Mike Chou, Gordon Cooper, Ken Baye, Sam Main, Mike Hotz, Pete Goldstein, and Dave Udell. Fourth Row: Tom Ziegler, Jon Propp, Jim Goldman, Paluel Flagg, James Damon, and Coach Robert Burns.


Varsity Track?

Varsity Track

Kneeling: Greg Flagg, Kevin Meyer, Bryan Nahrwold, James Kanter, and Mike Tukes. Standing: Coach Mike Herbeck, Jeff Wright, Carey Gross, Kim Werme, Steve Chaname, Scott Carlin, and Coach Dave Bernabe. (Absent: Don Cole)


Varsity Lacrosse First Row: Nat Wallman, Steve Apicella, Neil Sullivan, Philippe Gogniat, Thomas Exnicios, and Jesse Hawkins. Second Row: John Ranter, Robert Gormbley, Ken Malloy, Byron Drummond, David Jones, Dan Michaud, and Bryan Bogdan. Fourth Row: Coach Chris Kelly, Alfred Tibbetts, John Eginton, Ben Stein, Doug McNeil, Jerry Masone, John Rutledge, and Donald DiCostanzo. Absent: Bill Bry

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Kneeling: Jonathan Arter, Steve Haims, and Jon Squire. Standing: Bob Tandet, Paul Deleo, B.J. Clay, Bobby Fieber, Peter Harrison, and Captain John Geddes. 1 14

J.V. Tennis

Kneeling: Mark Thorne, Jeff Goldman, and Clifford Pearson. Standing: Ken Propp, Greg Siegner, Henry Hines, Brian Anderson, and David Green.

Middle School Tennis

Kneeling: Wayne Feldman, Jon Propp, Dave Jaffe, Dave Eagle, and Sandy Kaynor. Standing: Danny Shapiro, Marc Montgelas, Todd Ford, Peter Goldstein, Scott Osman, and Darryl Zimmerman.

Freshman Baseball Sitting: Coach Dave Kelly, Ken Weissman, Steve Case, Nick Moss, Danny Haims, Jeff Cross (Promoted to Varsity), John Daum, and Coach Don Brand. Standing: Blake Wilkes, Paul LaDow, Peter Deering, Rick Bor­ man, and Charlie Tennstedt.

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Kneeling: Paul Cole, Ronny Huebsch, Scott Brown, Steve Kenny, Bill Peck, Ed Cesare, and Dave Udell. Middle Row: Chris Telia, Michael Huebsch, Pete Kanter, Ham Allport, Jim Goldman, Kent Oswald. Standing: Bob Hitchcock, Tony Vaamonde, Jeff Heisler, and Coach Dave Sample.

Middle School Lacrosse

First Row: Scott Elder, Dwight Seagren, Tom Josephs, Steve Doucette, John Eldridge, Ken Baye, Jon Barovick, Bruce Sinclair, Marc Beningson, Tom Ziegler. Second Row: John McManara, David Donahue, Joe Sherman, Steve Malloy, Bill Isaacs, Mark Barrett, Doug Bates, Bill Feber, Scott Chandler, James Clark, Phil Chou. Third Row: David Renolds, William E. Clark, Jim Damon Tom Walsh, Lee Andrews, Steele Kenyon, Jim Wilson, W.B. Clark, Andrew Barovick, Jamey Clark, Peter Cay, Marshall Walker.

Kneeling: Paul McKenna, John Tibbetts, Mark Johnson, Billy Squires, Rick Shore, and Tom Kole. Standing: Mike Stern, Tom Kaplan, Drew Beason, Luke Durber, Dick Ayer, Doug VanGessel, and Coach Roger Kirkpatrick.

George Brooks Richards Memorial Award Gregory Flagg

Biology Prize Todd Boroson

Harvard Prize Paul Savoie

Bausch and Lomb Award Todd Boroson

Vernon A. Dwelle Memorial Latin Prize Robert Savoie

History Prize Richard Martell

Rensselaer Medal Carter Burwell

Mickelson Memorial Award Gregory Colman

Joseph K. Sherman French Prize Philippe Gogniat

Douglas C. Northrup Memorial Prize Jeffrey Wright

English Prize Todd Boroson

Trustees' Award Todd Boroson

William Bartram Memorial Prize Christopher Ames

Faculty Prize Scott Eames

Mathematics Award Todd Boroson

Robert Morse Carpenter Memorial Prize Todd Boroson

Mildred G. Anderson Memorial Prize Paul Deleo

Kenneth J. Cooper Prize Todd Boroson

Spanish Prize Scott Eames

Headmaster's Award Christopher Ames




In The Year 2 0 0 0 admiral Christopher ames died of shock upon losing the presidential election by one vote to steven (sis) shore, former geometry professor and veteran of years of military service. Shore, on learning of his victory, is reported to have said, "i voted twice". carey gross, was last seen running across the pacific. carl oberg is under observation at the mayo clinic where baffled doctors report that he is the first person known to have been suffering continuously from a cold for the past 46 years. rick dietrich went on to soccer fame and scored the winning goal which ended the 17 hour world championship game, it also abruptly ended his career for as he was leaving the arena, he was crushed by 400,000 enthusiastic fans. john geddes, winner of the mister america award twelve times, has retired to his Caribbean re­ treat where he spends his time editing such works as: more jokes for the john & a collection of ethnic humor.

roy moss, who replaced his aging idol, william f. buckley, was conducting his late-night talk show when he was beaten to death on camera by an irate gore vidal who later stated, "i thought only liberals had bleeding hearts." bill bry never reached harvard because during his pre-collegiate celebrations he chugged 24 six packs and burst. jeff wright, winner of the most original hair style and extensive wardrobe awards, is now fashion consultant for brooks brothers. frank nigro, known to millions of kiddies around the world as "uncle frankie", was ruined when it was discovered he was an hawaiian punch addict. paul kriete, who posed for the cosmopolitan centerfold nine times, died of over-exposure. joe krulis is still living at home with his family. jeff bodge never did pass away, he's listening to lee harris." paul deleo has combined busines with pleasure and is now known as the 'golf-father'. bob donaghy made his fortune selling his undeciferable poems as parts of the dead sea scrolls. gig colman, star of stage and screen, was torn apart by his irate fiancees after he had mistakenly made dates with them all for the same night. todd boroson, professor of advanced astropormicrophysiology, died of boredom while waiting for a student to sign up for his class.

peter de jonge died of cranial edema. paul hackett is a member of the comedy team 'buddy & son', whose stand-in group is 'the frogs'. steve hirschberg was decapitated when his afro was mistaken for an unruly cabbage by a myo­ pic gardner. scott vezina is now teaching history of art at low-heywood. mike jacobs and peter maloney have formed a song and dance team called 'carrot-top & muttonchops'. volunteer lee harris was last seen jamming with four Venetians in outer space. jon cave's career as a night-club comedian ended abruptly when he told a joke that was ac­ tually funny. dick burt, the now-famous marine biologist, walked into his laboratory where he was breeding the fasciola hepatica with a chlamydomonas and was never seen again. scott eames went on to movie fame after winning the doris day look-alike contest. kim werme died while defending his wrestling title against an irate polish sausage. john culbertson of the upper sutton place Culbertsons' disappeared when he entered his petty cash vault. scout leader john evans was carried away by a love-struck wolvarine while on an expedition to find the treasure of sierra madre. richard martell's solo concert at madison square garden was ruined when someone unplugged the piano. bob levine was last seen driving away in his humber. henry moore, the most sought after writer of the decade, has recently written a novel entitled how to get more out of college.

john swartz's bug after being painted chartreuse with blue wheels, rebelled and devoured its master. bob hagans is making a fortune doing commercials. neil ferguson suddenly disappeared when in spain he thought he was asking for lunch.

Pete Romaniello is a lab technician in Pitney Bowes’ Copier Products Division of Norwalk, Conn.

What makes a good employer? A good company does. That’s basic. The good company does business fairly, honestly and dependably. It works to stay in the forefront of its field and to give its customers good products, fairly priced. It provides stockholders with a fair return on their investment—and its employees with fair pay, job security, and a chance to grow with the company. When these requirements are met, what then? The good employer knows how heavily the suc­ cess of a business depends on human energy, skills and ideas. Because he values what the individual can give, he will expect the very best from him. And, most times, get it. The good employer knows an employee works best when his job is a satisfying part of his life—

JILL Pitney Bowes An Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer

the vehicle through which he makes his own unique contribution. Toward this end, the good employer will measure and apply the employee’s skills, train and develop him, inform him, help him secure his financial future, give him a voice and a stake in the life of the corporation. All through our history, we at Pitney Bowes have worked hard to be a good company and a good em­ ployer. We rank our obligations to our employees alongside our obligations to customers, stockholders and the public. We were among the first industries to offer equal employment opportunities. We were pioneers in the employee benefits field with our profit sharing and retirement income plans. And we have channels for a free exchange of opinion and information between employees and management that, after many years, are still unmatched in Ameri­ can industry. If our definition of a good employer matches your definition, keep us in mind when you plan your ca­ reer. In the meantime, stop in to talk over oppor­ tunities with our employment staff. Maybe we can help you shape your future—while you help us shape ours.




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O verseas D eliv ery A vaila ble 3 2 7 -2 5 0 0

MALLOZZI CONSTRUCTION COM PANY, Inc. Excavating Contractor Stamford, Conn.


C on gratulations fro m R EN T-A -TO O L C O M P A N Y , IN C.

M ar L e Company U T . 1928

Fine Lighting Fixtures W H O L E S A L E



P O S T R O A D at H A V E M E Y E R L A N E 170-178 S U M M E R S T R E E T S T A M F O R D , C O N N E C T IC U T TEL. 348-2645

Phone: 3 2 7 -0 0 9 0 O L D G R E E N W IC H , C O N N E C T IC U T

BLAIKIE MILLER & HINES, INC. Food Service Management & Consultants 123 High Ridge Road Stamford, Connecticut 06905 Schools—Business Establishments—Nursing Homes—Clubs—Executive Dining Rooms

Best Wishes to Class of 72

Fairlawn Pharmacy Walter J. Hackett

Joseph F. Hackett 1134 E. Main Street Stamford, Conn.

Congratulations! Compliments of

a Friend


Connecticut’s Largest Sporting Goods Store -

Stamford 323-1176

- New Canaan 966-1646

Complete School Outfitters Football - Soccer - Basketball - Baseball —


Wilson - Spalding - Rawling

also Sportswear for Boys — Complete Ski Shop —


THE BOROSONS Compliments of

the DeLeo Brothers Inc. 1 Middlesex Road, Darien CT. KENNY RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Cutting & Binding 253 Loveland Road STAMFORD, CONN. 06905 Phone 329-0606

Congratulations and Best Wishes for Your Future Success Compliments of

The Lower School

Compliments of

a Friend


Compliments of

Books—Cards-Paperbacks Imprinted Stationery—Circular Puzzles

Stamford Superior Drug Company

388 Summer Street Stamford Conn. 324-5729

Compliments of LABORATORIES Stamford, Connecticut A Division of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.

Avco Corporation 1275 King Street Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

EASTMAN MOTORS INC. Pontiac Authorized Sales and Service 655 Washington Boulevard Stamford, Conn. Phone: 348-7557

t Printing t I.B.M. Selectric Composition t Offset - Lithography Joseph F. Roche 2 Powder Horn Road Darien, Conn. 06820 853 - 2635





Phone: 327-2727



Patrons of

' 7 2

Mr. Johan M. Andersen III Mr. and Mrs. Harlan E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ri< hard It. Ayer, |r. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred II. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Robert ( . Bates Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Robert C . Beason M. and Mrs. Joseph Belport Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Benington Miss A. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bliss Mr. and Mrs. William EC Bodge Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. Bogdan Mr. and Mrs. Earle K. Borman, )r. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Branscomb Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Brown Mr and Mrs. Richard |. Bry Mr. Robert Burns Mr. and Mrs. Richard I). Burt Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Carlin Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Case Mr. and Mrs. Ray ( . Cave Mr. and Mrs. Valentine* Cesare Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Chamberlain Mrs. Carol Chou Mr. J. Dudly ( lark III Mr. and Mrs. James M. ( lark Mr. and Mrs. Russle ( lark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Iliomas c ohn Mr and Mrs. Robert E. Coletti, Sr. Mr and Mrs. leslie Cookenboo Mr and Mrs. John ( ooper Mr and Mrs James ( ople Mr and Mrs Davio | ( ulbertson Mr and Mrs. James (. Damon, Jr. Mi and Mrs R W I )aum, Jr. Mi

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Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Donaghy Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Paul. C. Draper Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence O. Eames Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Eginton Mr. and Mrs. William Epifanio Mr. and Mrs. Eric N. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Fieber Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Flood M. and Mrs. Quentin U. Ford Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fritz Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. G. ). Gogniat Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Goldmark Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd J. Gross Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hagans Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hair Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hart Dr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Hirschberg Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hoffecker M. and Mrs. Burton Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph loli Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. David Jealous Mr. and Mrs. Phil Jones Mr. Donald B. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Sanford B. Kaynor Mr. Christopher Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Kriete Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krulis Mr. and Mrs. C. Stuart LaDow

Dr. and Mrs. William Bell Levine Miss Titina Liverakos Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luery Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malloy Mr. and Mrs. J. J. maloney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Markham Mr. and Mrs. Julius M. Markiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Martell Mr. and Mrs. William McGraw Mr. and Mrs. John J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Michaud Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Montgelas Mr. and Mrs. Governeur M. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Osman Mr. and Mrs. Vincent H. Perry Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Pesiri Mr. and Mrs. John C. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reilly Mr. and Mrs. David C. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. A. Saldukas Mr. David McB. Sample Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Savoie Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Schymik Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Sherrington Mr. and Mrs. Sig Shore Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Siegner Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Sledge Mr. and Mrs. Philip Socci Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steele Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stern Mr. Mrs. Humphrey Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Thorne Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Tibbetts Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tukes Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Watrouse Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weintz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weissman Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm F. Wilmott

Chris Ames -1977 Shippan Ave., Stamford 06902 Jeff Bodge - Silvermine Avenue, Norwalk 06850 Todd Boroson -110 White Oak La, Stamford 06905 Bill Bry -146 Four Brooks Road, Westport 06880 Dick Burt -11 Wedgewood Road, Westport 06880 Jon Cave -17 Branch Lane, Stamford 06903 Greg Colman -1521 Newfield Ave., Stamford 06905 John Culbertson - Dew Lane, Darien 06820 Peter dejonge - West Lane, Stamford 06905 Paul DeLeo - 41 Phillips Lane, Darien 06820 Rick Dietrich - 22 Oak Park Ave., Darien 06820 Bob Donaghy - 99 Van Renssalaer Ave., Stamford 06902 Scott Eames - 62 Winesap Rd., Stamford 06903 John Evans -12 Bramble Lane, Riverside 06878 Neil Ferguson - 92 Half Mile Road, Darien 06820 John Geddes - 722 Hollow Tree Ridge Rd., Darien 06820 Carey Gross -197 Cedarwood Rd., Stamford 06903 Paul Hackett - 49 Willowbrook Ave., Stamford 06902 Bob Hagans -19 Dock Rd., S. Norwalk 06854 Lee Harris - 24 Center Rd., Old Greenwich 06870 Steve Hirschberg - 375 Westover Rd., Stamford 06902 Mike Jacobs -11 Hickory Dr., Stamford 06904 Paul Kriete - 59 Mill Stream Rd., Stamford 06903 Joe Krulis - 48 West Hill Rd., Stamford 06902 Bob Levine - 684 Westover Rd., Stamford 06902 Peter Maloney -1579 Shippan Ave., Stamford 06902 Dick Martell - 68 White Oak Lane, Stamford 06905 Henry Moore - 370 Sound Beach Ave., Old Greenwich 06870 Roy Moss -135 West Broad St., Stamford 06902 Frank Nigro -197 Connecticut Ave., Stamford 06902 Carl Oberg - 174 Janes Lane, Stamford 06903 Steve Shore - 521 Rockrimmon Rd., Stamford 06903 Nick Sprung - 54 Alexander Dr., Stamford 06903 John Swartz - 45 Sagamore Rd., Stamford 06902 Scott Vezina -123 Ridge Park Ave., Stamford 06905 Kim Werme -1 Crickel Wood Lane, Norwalk 06851 Jeff Wright - Shady Acres Rd., Darien 06820

(U.S. Naval Academy) (U. of Denver) (Calif. Inst, of Technology) (Harvard) (U. of Miami) (Middlebury) (U. of Conn.) (Union) Princeton (Mary Mount College) (Yale) (Lehigh) (Duke) (Lehigh) (Lehigh) (U. of Penn) (Bucknell) (Notre Dame) (Lake Forest) (Skidmore) (Franklin) (Duke) (Bradley) (Washington U.) (Lehigh) (John Hopkins) (U. of Penn) (Sacred Heart.) (American U.) (Nasson) (Mitchell) (Franklin Pierce) (Lawrence U.) (Lehigh

STAFF Editor-in-Chief..................................................................................................... R'ck Dietrich Managing Editor................................................................................................. Scott Jealous Business Manager.....................................................................................John Culbertson Photography Editor................................................... .......................................................... Steve Hirschberg Assistants Todd Boroson Bill Bry Buzz Kanter Phillip Chou Creative Artist............................................................Carter Benedict Burwell IV, F.F.V. Cover Design.......................................................................................................John Panulas Contributors Dick Burt Dick Martell Carey Gross

well, everything’s got to go sometime!

will the seniors please remain

A DIVISION OF HERfW 4 0 5 L E X IN G T O N A V E , N p \

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