King School Yearbook 1982

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Lower Schg

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TO THE CLASS OF 1982: You have been an exceptionally good class throughout your years at King School. Because you have felt that about yourselves, and because you have known the faculty's high regard for you, you have developed a sense of pride and unity. You have respected and supported each other, and you have been imaginative and constructive leaders in the classroom, in extra-curricular activities, and in athletics. In all three areas of school life, your impact has been felt not only because of your abilities but also because of your enthusiasm. Every class at King has diversity. Yours has something more. Each member of the Class of 1982 is a versatile person and a person of good will. These qualities have contributed to your cohesiveness and to your pride and pleasure in each other’s achievements. Walter Lippmann wrote: "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in other men the conviction and the will to carry on.” Your class leaves just this legacy to all of us — students and the faculty — at King School. It has been gratifying and fun to work with you. We will remember the quality of your leadership and the quality of your character as a class. Your enthusiasm for King has been and will always be reciprocated. We will miss each one of you. Good luck in all your endeavors! Sincerely, J. Gardiner Dodd Headmaster

The class of '82 has established close relationships with many members of the faculty. Within this group, one person has had a particularly strong influence upon our | class. Miss Kimberly Cloutier has been an inspiration to us in all areas of our experience at King, both in and out of | the classroom. Whether she was urging the administration to adopt one of our proposals, cooking dinner for her rowdy English students, or enduring countless wise remarks during class meetings, Miss Cloutier has worked tirelessly for us and has been a great friend, advisor, and confidante. j Miss Cloutier, in the three years that we have known you, our relationship has grown far beyond that of a teacher i to a class; we have developed a friendship that will endure long after we graduate from King. We cannot thank you enough for your warmth and dedication to our class. Our lives have been enriched by our friendship with you, Miss Cloutier. You are and will remain very special to all of us, and we take great pleasure in dedicating our yearbook to you. — The Class of '82

In the minds of each member of the Class of '82, Mr. Bill Wallace deserves special reconition. Though most of us have only had him for one or two classes, Mr. Wallace has been a special part of our years at King. He has always shown genuine concern for our class in all our endeavors, and he has always been willing to help us in any way he could. We were attracted to his good nature, his desire to see us learn and grow, and his sense of humor. Though we could never forget his dynamic performqnces in the classroom, Mr. Wallace will always be remembered for what he truly is, a friend. Thank you, Mr. Wallace, for all you've done. — The Class of '82

Class of 1982

In the Year 2000 Larry Andrea — Known to have been in a serious car accident where he lost the use of both hands and now has a speech impediment. Peter Bennett — is a blissful sheep herder in Australia . . . Baaaa. Steve Bloom — received his honorary degree from LHT. Todd Boe — is free-lance. Jon Cohen — is President of the Phillipe Browning fan club and is groovy. Steve Ditri — is a bald speech therapist in Chicago . . . toothfully. Bill Dunn — is still asleep in Economics. Dave Elkowitz — replaced Marlin Perkins as host of T.V.'s Wild Kingdom. Bob Gildersleeve — "Boggie Bob” is a DJ for WROT. Matt Goodchild — see Joe White. Line Hallowell — is suffering from anorexia nervosa. Dan Hitchcock — majored in Biology at Lafayette and is now teaching at King School and has grown a beard. Mitch Kaplan — is a diamond dealer on West 67th St. Brett Lister — runs a bagel nosh in North Stamford. Tony Mastrolillo — is just rolling through life. Greg Moscatello — quit his thirty-second job in eighteen years. Tono Ogden — flipped out, seriously. Marty Reiser — was used as a laboratory ray in a pituitary experiment and is now center for the New York Knicks. Fred Schauder — has finally gotten the two most important things in his life. Malcolm Stevenson — is still riding shotgun for many bahs. Kevin Sutter — finally has a hair style. Fitz Timbol — Play by Play comentator for N.Y. Giants. Tim Tully — is chairman of the Board of Anheuser-Busch and is a leading civil rights activist. Steve Valenti — married Paula and now has 23 rather large Italian children. Daren Voss — Got arrested for driving under the influence of tunnel-vision. Joe White — is a fudge packer in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

If I gave you everything that owned and asked for nothing in return would you do the same as I would for you? Or take me for a ride and strip me of everything, including my pride But spirit is something that no one destroys. tm Steve Winwood

i've seen all good people tur heads each day so satisfied, I' i way. YES

is ours and say: Ahphow spirited is W ef'w ouy^ in^ iff &ea|Hthe green urnj

V. V. V. V.

Football — .1978-H081 Basketball — 1979 Baseball — 1980-1981 Lacrqsse " > < 197v9


g you can dream — and not make * dreams your master, . . . If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, . . ---- Rudyard Kipling

Go Johnny Go! Go Johnny Goode! — C ck Berry

David Elkowitz man's best friend

Matthew Goodchild

Football Wrestling Baseball We're not here to make friends

a / /

Smile Though Your Heart Is Breaking

Mitchell Kaplan

Invictus Out of the night that covers me Black as the pit from pole to pole I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud under the bludgenings of chance my head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. It matters not how straight the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley

Mastrolillo, Anthony M.

Drama; Fiddler Mad Women High Ground The Boy Friend — You can't take it with you. Photography Editor Yearbook Life is not a dream and is too short not to fool around. Good Luck Class '82

Greg "Radical Moscatello "

THE PLAGUE C.O.C. . . . Vocals, sound effects HARRY C. . . . MIJ Stun Guitar GREEZER . . . MIK 3 string bass J. WADD . . . Drums and other sounds Thanks to the many die-hard fans and lyricists/� You'll see . . . all of you!

The night — T.T. K.S. — I.Y.^v.G.D.Y.B.G.D.Y.B. Bye! — Sorry about your car BUI — Pen&lty! S.y.w.g.c.a?to.6th. peri­ od — MOO-MOO Hey Look Pal — Fair enough — RAT — I.C.P.T.I.D.H.A.U.W. — Thanks Pete f ‘ In Quintessance *1

Martin G. J. Reiser

Malcolm Stevenson

The The The The The But

race is run moon is Red end begins to show truth is out lies are old you don't want to know — Black Sabbath

Many, What's the Dope Esty whats up The trip

Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his gtasp. Or what's a heaven fo i^ — Robert Browning

Who's to say? . . . Boheamoth . . . Pop tree . . . Refreshments on the job . . . I only got one thing to say . . . 8 1 . . . PRJ# 1 IMH . . . Memorial day 9/81 . . . Whattaya doin'? . . . Whattaya talkin' about? . . . Guido, guess what? . . . Oh no not again! . . . Quarterback? . . . Where's Paula? . . . Hidabun . . . Scalentachi . . . 35 in one day! . . . All City Academic Prep. T.E. 1980 & 1981 . . . The layered look . . . Hey Est VVT — VVT . . . You're weird . . . Backstage with Sabbath . . . Yea we surf . . . C.C., A.B., P.J., The Band, and everybody else — Thanks.

Steven A. Valenti


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Peppers lonely Hearts^Club

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Faculty and Administra­ tion No not Tonylt!

Toot, toot

J. Gardiner Dodd Headmaster, Chairman, History Department

Paul C. Draper Assistant Headmaster; Director of Admissions; Chairman, English Department

H. Alfred Allenby Head of Upper School; College Counselor; History

Gregory T. Grote Head of Middle School; Latin

J. Gary Caputi Chairman, Science Department; Dean of Discipline



1 Judith S. Becker Director of Development

Joyce G. Kicelian Chairwoman, Foreign Language Department; Spanish

Daniel C. Hudson History; Yearbook Advisor; Model U.N. Advisor; Head of Advisor System


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Kimberly P. Cloutier English; Audio-Visual Director; Drama Advisor; Parents' Bulletin

Robert Burns History; Student Council Advisor

Frederick J. Ruf English

Gerard P. Casanova French; Latin

Ann R. Huntoon Head of Lower School; Grade 4

William L. Wallace Chairman, Mathematics Department

Allen T. Tefft Athletic Director

Susan S. Stacy Art; Chronicle Advisor

Raymond A. Pace French, Geography

Bohdan J. Hlibtschuck Spanish

Robert A. Currie French

Ronald W. Monroe Grade six English and Reading

Jean Steel Librarian

Cynthia K. Hermanson Grade 5

Miss Armstrong Grade Three

Bernice Kweskin School Secretary

James C. Rutherford Mathematics

Jody A. Coyle Grade Two

Gina M. Rugani Grade One

Patrick J. Doering Grade 6 Mathematics and Science

Ann D. Roche Administrative Assistant

Malcolm F. Wilmott Science, Coordinator of Special Programs

D a v id T. C o o p e r Physical Education, History

D a v id C. J o n e s Mathematics

S t e v e n D o u g la s s Physical Education, History

J o h n H o u g h to n English

S t e p h e n B. P r e n t ic e Science

G e o rg e H e n d e rs o n Maintenance Staff

E w a ld K o n z e Director of Maintenance

G riffo rd T itu s Maintenance Staff

W a y n e T. H a r tle tt Maintenance Staff

Grade One

Bottom row, left to right; Rachel Daenzer, Pamela Blomberg, Whitney Smith, Liana Katsaros, Alison Rosow Top row, left to right; Adrien Blanc, Paul Ruecker, David Kennedy, Jon Colella, Ned Abate, Michael Edwards Teacher: Miss Rugani

Bottom row, left to right; Jeremy Saxton, Chris Blanc, Brian DiMattia, Ira Cobb, Mario Suarez, Gregory Katsaros, Jeremy Goocey, David Taylor. Top row; Corey Feder, John Ruddy, Alexandra Woodyer, Portia Edwards, Chipp Winston, Paul Salib. Teacher: Miss Coyle



tirade Three

Bottom row, left to right; Jessica Ginsburg, Duncan Prichard, Jason Kalmanson, Peder Takseraas, Erika Jacobson Top row, left to right; John Salib, Barclay Tuck, Austin Wallender, David Caldon, Bernard Edwards. Teacher: Miss Armstrong

Bottom row, left to right; Derek Wilkins, Roger Templin, Andrew Sia, Bernie Topper, Ari Schwarz, Mauro Mastrapasqua. Top row; David Goodwin, Andrew Gautrau, Timothy McManus, Alex Cook, Michael Wainick, Nicholas Szechenyi, Richard Leaton, David Haslam. Teacher: Mrs. Huntoon

Bottom row, left to right; Jeffrey Blomberg, Thomas Kelly, Aaron Rathblott, Daniel Leppo, Gregory Pacter, Neil Bahnemann, David Roberts, Jason Weissman, Second Row: Todd Watson, Richard Burton, T.J. Takseraas, Matthew Daenzer, John Ostrow, Anthony Pegg, Antony Saxton, Chandler Ray, Jeffrey Zeichner, Teacher: Mrs. Hermanson

First row, left to right; Jim Boyrer, Todd Ahrens, Glenn Welling, Andrew Lev, Toby Cassell, Kaveesh Hiranandani, Ted Grann, Alex Doyle, George Robbins, Wenton Camporin, Greg Lasden, Second row, Joe Carter, Jeff Carlson, Chas Abate, Peter Williamson, John Kim, David Licker, Richard Littledale, Anthony Liberator, Alfred Hekal, T.D. Huffine, King Fallon, Mike Ross, Gordy Wagner, Jason Duell. Third row, Mr. Doering, Matt Donahue, Frank Peck, Chris Bednar, Phil Siegenfeld, David Zebroski, Dan Morton, David Harvey, John McNulty, John Melican, Brian Shearer, Savaas Kelesidis, William Famne, Steve Theobald, Grinnell Morris, Graham Phillips, Jonathan Spelke, Mr. Monroe

First row, left to right; Robert Fauteux, Alex Becker, Adam Kornfeld, Stefano Moscato, David Jackson, John Kung, James Weed, Tom Carter, Karl Ziegler, Jeff Marvin. Second row; Gary Frischman, Forrest Bartley, Geoff Lane, John McManus, Jim Ekedahl, Jon Rothenberg, Ray DiGiorgio, Greg Lampke, Seth Kaplan, Faisal Nasutian, Criag Fontenot, Ian Coville. Third row; Mr. Houghton, Chris Kantzas, Alex Hoguet, Joe Cooper, Chris Yates, Jon Bloom, Gabe Etienne, Alex Gadd, Chip Weinstein, Matt Lawlor, Jimmy Carter, Justin Cohane, Scott Patten, Ron Morse, Chris Beldotti, Mr. Pace.

First row, left to right; Chris Sharp, Sean Barry, Mark Fleston-Cook, Greg Pesky, Andrew Goldberg, Lance lohnes, Thomas Cook, Robert Melican, Pieter Linden. Second row, David Herz, Anders Johncke, Joseph Cole, Jesse Tenney, Colm Browne, Donald Saturday, Brain Johanson, Adam Bergstein, Tony Goldberg. Third row; Mr. Curry's elbow, David Phillips, Eric Levine, Craig Malkin, James O'Brain, Carter Joffe, Brett Tularco, Constantine Journas, David Garfinkel, David Parker, Jamon Franklin, James Brown, Joseph McKee, Jonathan Keiser, Lawrence Smith, Mr. Rutherford.

Borrom row, left to right; David Lucy, Kevin Carpenter, Mike Tarala, Chris McCarty, Dan Horowitz, John Ulamis, Bruce Pennypacker, Phil Anderson. Second row; Steve Muggeo, Bruce Price, David Pinover, Anthony Williams, Robert Barron, Bruce Raquet, Jeff Goldblum, Frank Weimer, Paul Cassell. Third row; Mr. Casonova, Tony D'Acunto, Adam Dubitsky, Ken Hill, Erik Vikstom, Karl Johanson, Frank Rabassa, Joe Devivo, T.R. Lazo, John Munera, Mitch Goldenberg, Al Donahue, Mrs. Kicelian.

Grade Ten


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Bottom row, left to right; Russell Knisel, Jim Rollberg, Daniel Brest, Phillip Magalnick, Chris Cole, Chris Brown, Sean Mitchell, Geoff Schneider, Howie Kapiloff, Thomas Tarala Second row, James Pigg, Michael Canino, Michael Nendick, Thomas Dunn, Eric Hess, Adam Berkman, Seth Bergstein, Ed Santandrea, David Kaplan, Aaron Deutchman, Sal Fiordelisi, David Rebhun, Third row, Mr. Ruf, Brian Malkin, David Ball, Robert Macauley, Richard Fulcher, Richard Semsel, William Andrea, Peter Karukas, Chris Carson, Christopher Gautrau, Marc Linden, David Frankel, Neil Garfinkel, Mr. Wallace.

Grade Eleven

• la ss si 1983 First Row, left to right: Cloyd Bender, Jeff Becker, Rob Horowitz, Austin Stewart, Dave Muller, Andy DeSilver, Franco Carbone, David Knechtle. Second Row: Dan Hochman, Peter Cole, Chris Noe, Steve Gravereaux, Art Merdinolu, Lee Pesky, Mike Markhoff, Tom Pickard, Paul Sherring­ ton, Pat Jones. Third Row: Mr. Hilibtschuk, Doug McDermott, Andy Gray, Dave Pritchard, George Harvey, Tom Pritchard, Bob Hess, Don Schucht, John Dondero, Greg Pring, Toby W ilmott, Mr. Hudson.

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Miss Stacey — Faculty Advisor Jonathan Cohen — Editor-in-Chief Dan Hochman — Assistant Editor Aaron Deutchman — Feature Editor Doug McDermott — Sports Editor Peter Bennett — Copy Editor Larry Andrea — News Editor Dan Hitchcock — Business Manager Malcolm Stevenson & Bob Gildersleeve — Circulation Managers

Drama Club

Paul Cassell, Steve Bloom, Tony Mastrolillo, Cloyd Bender. Missing: Franco Carbone, Dave McDermott, Doug McDermott

Student Council P r e s id e n t

— L a rry A n d re a

V ic e P r e s id e n t

— S t e v e V a le n ti

S e c re ta ry

— M a lc o lm S t e v e n s o n

T re a su re r

— D o u g M c D e r m o tt

S e n io r R e p s : M a r t y R e is e r K e v in S u t t e r Tim T u lly J u n io r R e p s : J e ff B ecker G e o r g e H a rv e y M ik e M a r k h o f f S o p h o m o re R ep s: D a v e K a p la n P e te K a ru k a s D a v e M c D e r m o tt F re s h m a n R e p s : J e f f G o ld b lu m S te v e M uggeo D a v e P in o v e r

Model United Nations Club

Bottom row, left to right; Michael Nendick, Neil Garfinkel, Dave Frankel, Sal Fiordelisi, Chris Gautrau, Peter Bennett. Middle row; Adam Berkman, Eric Hess, Russ Knisel, Jeff Becker, Bill Andrea, Tom Tarala, Sean Mitchell. Top row; Dave McDermott, Paul Cassell, Dan Hochman, Doug McDermott, Mike Markhoff, Lee Pesky, Robert Hess, Tom Pickard, Greg Pring, Mr. Hudson.


E d ito r-in -C h ie f:

K e v in S u t t e r

A s s i s t a n t E d ito r:

P a u l S h e r r in g t o n

P h o to g r a p h y E d ito r:

T o n y M a s tr o lillo

F a c u lty A d v is o r :

M r. H u d so n

. . . Photos by Tony Mastrolillo

Fall Athletics

First row, left to right; Tom Dunn, Anthony Williams, Joe Dubitsky, Frank Rabassa, Mitch Goldenberg, David Pinover. Second row; Ricky Salinger, David Frankel, Scottie Carson, Salva­ tore Fiordelisi, Adam Berkman, Seth Bergstein, Ed Santandrea, Jeff Schneider. Third row; Coach Jones, Steve Ditri, Tono Ogden, Bill Andrea, Steve Valenti, David Esty, George Harvey, Todd Boe, Tim Tully, Bill Dunn, Line Hallowell, Malcolm Stevenberg, Greg Moscatello, Head Coach Douglass. For two people to come to King and coach the Varsity Football team for the first time, and to do the job that they did, is quite commendable; and they deserve a lot of credit for it. Steven Douglass and David Jones had a tremendous challenge this year, the 1981 Vikings. Although they did not succeed at producing a winning team, they did build character; both in the players as individuals and as a cohesive team. The season got off on a slow start. The team did not score in the first two games, losing to Brunswick 020 and tying Wooster 0-0. Our offense scored twice against Hamden Hall, but only to lose 12-32. Finally, after three games, we not only scored but won as well. We beat the Deaf 12-6, on a score by Steve Ditri and a beautiful 45 yard run by Mr. "winners never quit and quitters never w in,” Greg Moscatello. Our next game was Fieldstone, 6-38, followed by Dalton, 6-32, and Rye, 10-14. In probably the most exciting Homecoming game ever, King lost a heartbreaker in the final seconds. However, more wins were still to come in our next two games. King beat St. Lukes for the first time in eleven years by a score of 6-0. Ditri, who was voted best offensive player for 1981, scored on a run around right end in the first half. With some good blocks, he scored again from the ten yard line in the second half. However, it was our outstanding defense that contributed the most to our victory. The defense, led by Mal­ colm Stevenson, Sal Fiordelisi, and Steve Valenti, dominated St. Lukes' offense for the whole game. Interceptions by Sal, Tim Tully, and Ditri were key plays. Next came Harvey. Ditri was again outstanding, and he scored twice on runs of sixty yards and eight yards to lead the Vikings to a 12-6 win. Thus, after nine games, our final record was 3-5-1. This year, there were several All-League selections. All-Leaguers were Malcolm Stevenson, guard; Steve Valenti, tight end; and Dave Esty, punter. We also had three honorable mentions: Steve Ditri, halfback; Todd Boe, defensive end; and Lincoln Hallowell, center. Congratulations to all these people, and good luck next year to the 1982 squad.

Front row, left to right: Arthur Merdinolu, Howie Kapiloff, Daren Voss, Bill Wilson, (co-captain) Fred Schauder, (co-captain) Kevin Sutter, Doug McDermott, Dave Pritchard, Mark Linden. Top row: Coach Tefft, Larry Andrea, Mindy Fox, Austin Stewart, Jeff Becker, Chris Brown, Paul Sherrington, Mike Markoff, Jon Cohen, Chris Noe, Coach Cooper. This season, Varsity Soccer has made a complete turn around from past seasons. The team finished second in the league w ith a record of 9-3 (10-4-1 overall). The season started out w ith a well played game against St. Basils, a team which had been unbeaten for the past tw o seasons. Although the final score of the game was 0 -0 , the team played well and showed potential for a good season. Next came the team's first real test, Brunswick. King's Varsity Soccer had not beaten Brunswick since 1976. We were down 1-0 near the end of the first half. But. on a pass from Fred Schauder, Kevin Sutter, the team's leading scorer, put one in the net to tie the game. Then in the second half, Bill Wilson scored, and the team held on to defeat Brunswick 2-1. Varsity Soccer traveled up to Greens Farms Academy for its third game. After the first half the score was 0 -0 . Then in the second half, Bill Wilson, Mindy Fox, and Jon Cohen scored to give up a 3 -0 victory. Then after tw o relatively easy games, a 6 -0 win over N.Y.S.D. and a 3-1 win over Flackley, the team went up against W right Tech, a team which was hav­ ing a good season up to that point. Both Coach Tefft and Coach Cooper told the team that we needed to play an aggressive first half to beat this team. The team responded w ith three goals in the first half and a 3-1 victory. Then after a 6 -0 victory over St. Lukes, the squad faced Flarvey. If they won this they would meet Rye, the other unbeaten team in the league, later on that week. The Vikings used the Flarvey game as a warm-up for the "b ig gam e," the team passed well and showed real poise knocking down Flarvey 5-0 . Paul Sherrington scored twice and Daren Voss, Kevin Sutter, and Chris Brown each tallied a goal in the game. On a cold, grey Friday afternoon, Rye came to tow n. There was a tremendous crowd out at the field awaiting the start of the game. Unfortunately, after a sluggish first half Rye was ahead 3-1. The final outcome was not much better 4-1, the only King goal coming from Kevin Sutter. Flamden Flail paid the price for this loss to Rye. King beat them 7-1, all seven goals coming from different players. This game saw Jeff Becker score his first goal of the season. Then the team had to play Brunswick again, but this time on their home field. That whole day it had been raining so the field was in terrible con­ dition. At half time, as a result of a late Bill Wilson goal, the score was 1-1. But in the second half Brunswick scored tw ice to defeat us 3-1. The next foe was Greens Farms. On a successful penalty kick by Fred Schauder, midway through the second half, the team defeated Greens Farms, 1- 0 . So again the stage was set for a King-Rye confrontation. The team had it sights on a victory in this game and a possible league championship. The game was scoreless w ith about ten minutes left in the first half. However, as a result of a defensive letdown, Rye had a 2 -0 lead at halftime. No matter how much pressure the team put on the Rye defense and goalie, no one could score, and Rye came away w ith a 4 -0 victory. This score was not exemplary of the way the team played. The final game of the season ended in a 4-1 victory over Hamden Hall. This final victory gave the team the sole possession of second place in the league and a place in the Fairchester League Tournament. Our first opponent was Trinity of New York. After dominating the first half, we were behind 1-0 and the dream of playing in the finals was lost. Trinity

scored three more times and won 4 -0 . Kevin Sutter, one of the team 's captains, led the team in scoring w ith thirteen goals and in total points w ith sixteen. Fred Schauder, the other team captain, led the team in assists w ith seven. Darven Voss had several key assists, Bill Wilson had several clutch goals, and Jon Cohen played tremendous defense for the team this year. All three of these players, along w ith Sutter and Schauder, will be a great loss, as they will be off to college next year. However, there will be several returning starters for next year's team. Juniors Doug McDermott, Mike Markhoff, David Pritchard, Arthur Merdinolou, and Paul Sherrington and sophomores Howie Kapiloff, Mark Linden, and Mindy Fox will be returning for next season. Also returning will be Jeff Becker, Chris Noe, Austin Stewart, and Chris Brown, and the team hopes to have another successful season.

Junior Varsity Soccer

Bottom row, left to right; Danny Brest, Dave Lucy, Sean Mitchell, Chris Cole, Jim Rollberg, Russ Knisel. Top row; Chris McCarty, Dave McDermott, Andy Gray, Robert Horowitz, Bob Macauley, Michael Nendick, Lee Pesky, Robert Hess, Neil Garfinkel, David Ball, David Knechtle, Dan Hochman, Coach Caputi.

Freshman Soccer

Front row, left to right; Paul Cassell, Rich Semsel, Marty Reiser (Captain), Tom Tarala, Peter Karukas, Second row; Pat Jones, Peter Cole, Donald Schucht, Greg Pring, Kenny Hill. Back Row; Stave Gravereaux, Georgina Stark, Dave Elkowitz, Brett Lister, Steve Bloom, Matt Goodchild, Coach Burns.

This year's Varsity Cross Country team had its most successful season ever. The team had a .5 0 0 season in both the league and overall. The overall record was 6-6, while the harriers finished 4 -4 in the league. This was the first year ever that the team escaped a losing season. The season probably would have been even better if the harriers had not been plagued with injuries. Captain Marty Reiser was only able to run in three races all year because of stress fractures. This left a major hole to be filled. Other runners like Dave Elkowitz, Steve Gravereaux, M att Goodchild, and Rich Semsel were out for part of the season. Each runner was very im portant to the success of the team. In only one race all year did the harriers have a full squad, and there they showed just how good a team they were. The harriers strode past St. Lukes 23-3 8 . If the team had not had so many injuries this year they probably would have had a winning season. This year also had a lot of bright spots. Kenny Hill, a freshman, took over for Marty Reiser as number one runner, and finished the year by mak­ ing All-League. He also broke Reiser's course record by more than ten seconds. Peter Karukas and Steve Bloom both improved tremendously, and filled in the gaps that injuries left. In the face of adversity, the harriers showed strength and unity. The prospects that they will be even more successful next season looks very good. The entire team would like to thank Coach Burns for doing a fantastic job this year, w ithout whom the season could easily have been a di­ saster.

Middle School Soccer

First row, left to right; Jesse Tenney, Mark Heston-Cook, Chris Sharp, Adam Kornfeld, Eric Levine, Jeff Marvin, Tom Cooke, Andy Goldberg, Pieter Linden. Second row; Anders Johncke, Bob Mehcan, Brian Johanson, Greg Pesky, Co-captain, David Garfinkel co-captain, Craig Merkin, Chris Beldotti, Ramsay Hoguet. Third row; Mr. Rutherford, Ivan Shaw, Alex Becker, Chris Kantzas, Alex Hoguet, David Parker, David Phillips, Tony Goldberg, Matt Lawlor, David Herz.

Seventh Grade Soccer

First row, left to right; Wenton Camporin, George Robbins, Tony Liberatore, Toby Cassell, Joe Carter, David Licker, Alex Doyle, Greg Casden, Alfred Hekal. Second row; Dan Morton, Steve Theobald, Savvas Kelesidis, Brian Shearer, Grinnel Morris, John Melican, Graham Phillips, Jason Duell, King Fallon, Keveesh Fliranandani, Mr. Doering.

Sixth Grade Soccer

First row; John Kim, Matt Donahue, Jim Boyrer, Mike Ross (co-capt.), Glenn Welling (co-capt.), Peter Williamson, Chas Abate, Ted Grann, Jeff Carlson. Second row; Rohn MacNulty, Todd Ahrens, John Spelke, T.D. Huffine, John Zebroski, David Flarvey, Phil Seigenfeld, William Flamme, Mr. Houghton. Missing: Andy Lev

Regarded as the league's doormat for many years, the King's Hockey program can now see a light at the end of the tunnel. This sudden progress is due to the new coach, Steve Douglass. Coach Douglass, himself an excellent player, is no foreigner to coaching hockey either. By stressing teamwork and playing to their fullest, he has molded the team into a respectable unit. One problem that faced the team was its lack of depth. Although the team had tw o strong pairs of defense and a good first line, the second and third lines are not able to compete with the league powerhouses, such as Rye and Brunswick. The defense was led by Assistant Captain Schauder. Fred, usually paired with a tough freshman, Dave Pinover, was a team leader and a definite goal scorer. The offense was led by first line of Captain Jon Cohen, Jeff Becker, and Assistant Captain, Todd Boe. Jon, returning to the team after one year's absence, was a real scrapper and led the team in goals and assists. Jeff, leader of last years "checking line", had improved his skills and was a Varsity starter. Todd, along with Fred Schauder, was a four-year starter and was a good all-around player. Compsing the second and third lines were Frank Rabassa, Andy Gray, Austin Stewart, Chris Cole, Chris McCarty, Phil Anderson, Kevin Carpenter, and Jeff Goldblum. In goal was Arthur Merdinolu, who, although sometimes "shell shocked� , did an excellent job. The future for King Hockey is no longer "on thin ice". Coach Douglass has done a fine job, and the prospects for the program in the next couple of years look great.


Left to right; Steve Ditri, Scot Carson, Greg Moscatello, John Dondero, Bob Gildersleeve, Tim Tully, Steve Valenti, Robert Hess, Peter Karukas, Pat Jones, Coach Tefft.

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Left to right; Russ Knisel, Sal Fiordelisi, Adam Berkman, David Knechtle, Ricky Fulcher, Tom Pritchard, Mr. Prentice (Coach), Doug McDermott, Chris Gautrau, Dave Frankel, Mark Linden, Sean Mitchell, Mr. Frankel.

Bottom row, left to right; Bruce Price, Dave Lucy, Mike Tarala, Bruce Raquet, Dan Horowitz, Frank Weimer, Mark Roche, Eric Green. Second row; Coach Wallace, Eric Vikstrom, Joe Devivo, Robert Barron, Karl Johanson, T.R. Lazo.

Middle School Wrestling

Bottom row, left to right; Ted Grann, Jay Keeshan, Wenton Camporin, Anthony Liberator, Joe Carter, Ian Coville, Matt Donahue, Graham Phillips, Jon Bloom, Kingston Fallon. Top row: Mr. Doering (Coach), John McNulty, David Zebrosky, Faisal Nasution, Jon Keiser, David Garfinkel, Tony Goldberg, Tom Carter, William Flamme, George Robbins, Mr. Eginton.

Middle School Hockey

Bottom row; Toby Cassell, Ramsay Hoquet, Mike Ross, Adam Kornfeld, Greg Pesky, Sean Barry, Mark Heston-Cook, Tom Cooke Jeff Marvin, Todd Ahreus, Phil Seigenfeld. Second row; Jim Ekedahl, Adam Berkstein, Craig Fontenot, Jon Rothenberg, Paul Schauder, Greg Lampke, Alex Becker, Gordy Wagner. Third row; Jeff Carlson, Chip Weinstein, Alex Hoguet, Brett Tulcaro, Lanny Smith, Carter Joffe, Joe Cooper, Eric Lavine. Back row; Coaches: Mr. Houghton, Mr. Douglass, Mr. Rutherford.

Bottom row; Ricky Simon, Colm Browne, Robert Melican, Lance Lohnes, Andy Goldberg, Craig Merkin, Don Saturday. Top row; Mr. Monroe, Ron Morse, Chris Beldotti, Jamon Franklin, Constantine Tournas, Jim O'Brian, Jon Aronson, Gabe Etienne.

Bottom row, left to right; Seth Kaplan, Ray DiGiorgio, Geoff Lane, Stefano Moscato, Justin Cohane, David Jackson, John McManus. Second row; Mr. Hudson (Coach), Jesse Tenney, Forrest Bartley, Chris Yeats, Chris Kantzas, Matt Lawler, Scott Patten, Jay Brown.

Bottom row; Sauvas Kelisidis, Chaz Abate, Jim Boyrer, Peter Williamson, Alex Doyle, Frank Peck, David Harvey. Top row; Dan Morton, Chris Bednar, Kaveesh Hiranandani, Grinnell Morris, T. D. Huffine, Jon Spelke, Greg Casden, Steve Theobald. Coach: Mr. Cooper


T h e V e r y R e v e r e n d C a n o n S t a n l e y F. H e m s le y F e b ru a ry 4 , 1 9 0 8 — F e b ru a ry 8 , 1 9 8 2 For more than 40 years, Canon Hemsley was chaplin at King School's Commencement. Until his retirement from St. John's Episcopal Church in 1974, where he had served as rector for 32 years, he was often at the School, giving a weekly reading from the Bible, or just offering quiet and respected presence. Born in England, he came to this country as a boy, entered Yale University, and earned his undergraduate and divinity degrees there. In 1932, he became rector of St. John's. During his years in Stamford, he served many community organizations. He was a commissioner of the Stamford Housing Authority, chaplin of the police and fire departments, and a trustee of King School. He also provided a youth shelter at the parish rectory for many years. In 1972, Yale awarded him an honorary doctor of divinity degree, and this past December he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination. Even after his retirement, Canon Hemsley came down to King from Bethel, Connecticut every year for Commencement. We will miss this thoughtful, cordial, gentle man who cared so much about King School and took a genuine interest in generations of students here.

MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Gautrau Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Gursky Alphonse and Judith Noe Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ogden Linda and Richard Pacter Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Pesky T. William Pigg Fred and Paul Schauder Stephen M. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Cohen

BENEFACTORS Mr. The The Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

and Mrs. James M. Dunn, Jr. Escape Inc. Horowitz Family and Mrs. Arnold Kapiloff and Mrs. Russell H. Knisel and Mrs. Robert Lampke and Mrs. Richard P. Lawlor and Mrs. Morton E. Marvin and Mrs. Gianni Moscato and


Paule Munera Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Nendick Mr. and Mrs. David Gaar Pritchard Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Sherrington Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. John Vikstrom Patrick and Joy Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Cy Zeichner Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Roche

SPONSORS Birgitta and Dick Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chuzas Corporate Resource Management, Inc. Mary Alice and Peter Daenzer Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Doyle Valerie E. Dubitsky Gisela I. Duell Mr. and Mrs. H. Elkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jacobson Spyridon Kantzas Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Melican T. B. Nasution Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Reiser Mr. and Mrs. James Sutter Dr. and Mrs. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Neil Woodyer

PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. James R. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Alun H. Jones Geoffrey W. Kennedy Kornfeld Family Peter and Mireille Lister Ann E. Lohnes Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. MacNulty The Mastrapasqua Family

Mrs. Jeanette C. Morse Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pennypacker Robert M. Phillips Harriet and Fred Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Theobald "To H.B., It's my turn to say, Love, Mrs. Q .W ." Joseph M.C. Kung Laszlo Szechenyi








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