King School Yearbook 1983

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Published by the students of King School Stamford, Connecticut

Table of Contents Seniors Faculty Lower School Middle School Upper School Activities Athletics Financial Supporters

TO THE CLASS OF 1983: We have truly enjoyed working with your class, and with you individually, as you have progressed through King School. As you faced each new challenge and responsibility, you met each one with resolve, good humor, and success. You have extended your friendship and respect to older and younger students alike, and to the faculty. Many of you have worked with enthusiasm, purpose, and skill in major extracurricular activities. Athletics have been important to you, and you have contributed to the success of many teams with spirit, good sportsmanship, and leadership. Academic achievement has always been your first priority. You have worked to excel, but you have also genuinely enjoyed learning. For all these reasons, students in other classes and the faculty as a whole have held you in high regard as a class. Perhaps most important, you have a strong sense of identity as the Class of 1983. You have shown an appreciation for each other’s abilities and accomplishments, and you have developed a generosity of spirit toward each other personally. Some of you have been remarkably versatile and involved in many aspects of school life. Others have made their mark primarily in one area. All are part of the whole. 1 believe many of your friendships will be lasting, as will our esteem for your class. We wish the best for you in the years to come.


It has been said that the most important ideal intrinsic to a small, private school is the relationship that a student can establish with the faculty. Mr. Bohdan Hlibtschuk has, throughout our years at King, fostered a relationship with the class of 1983 that will always make us remember him as our mentor. In the classroom, Mr. Hlibtschuk has a unique style of teaching that combines fun with academics. Out of the classroom, he has an easy-going way about him that makes him easy to relate to. He has the ability to relate to us on a level that we understand as we prepare to take our place in the modern world. In many years we will look back upon our high school years and remember this man. He has always believed in what we wanted and has shown us what our potential is to achieve. The Class of 1983 would like to thank Mr. Hlibtschuk for all he has done and that is why we have dedicated our year­ book to him.



Oo:,; >.


Mr. Wallace holds a certain place in the minds of the Class of 1983. Some of us remember him as a towering figure of a man when we were in middle school. But as we got older and bigger we realized that he was not. In fact, he has always remained the same in physical stature and in spirit. Mr. William Wallace has always been concerned with the efforts of our class. He has tried to see that we, as students, learn who we are and what our role in life should be. All of us have had him for at least one class. Although he has only taught us in math, his teaching has reached far beyond the classroom. He has tried to install in us a feeling of maturity and, above all, self-confidence. We shall never forget his comical efforts in the classroom and we shall never forget his “lessons" to us. For these reasons and many more the Class of 1983 has earned a special friend in Mr. William Wallace and that is why we would like to give him a special thanks.

Quiz at LHT ..,

Where do they go together?

I really don’t know . . . fake punt? Senior room and bowling alley

Go Dave . . . Reddy Rooster

What's for lunch, Dave?

Oh, guys .. .

Only four hours late!

“Real deep”

“Even deeper”

Typical King student

Hey, don’t you owe me money?



I shaved my legs Coach

King pride

Ground control to Maj. Mike

Soccer at its best

Class squirrel

Varsity Sign Club

Pig out!

10- 2-82

Give it up!

I Quit!


Seniors at their best

Dan, not a King student


Here we are Mr. Konzie

Going mobile (Kalahans)

Dining out at King

Get off my back, Becker

In the Year 2000 . . . Jeff Becker — is in charge of loans at Chase Manhatten Bank. Cloyd Bender — now owns Macy’s and is the worlds undisputed fashion leader. Franco Carbone — returned for his 5th year as headmaster of Low-Heywood Thomas. Peter Cole — was convicted by the U.S. Supreme Court for attempting to gain a monopoly on the world’s Snicker market. Andrew DeSilver — has achieved his dream of owning, managing, and starting on the '99 championship New York Mets. U.S. President John Dondero has held one dance with Bulgaria (for which he hired the Nepal Philarmonic, the cheapest band he could find), a U.N. trip to the Pennsylvania Dutch Country, and he has finally gotten the soda machine in the White House filled. Dave Esty — is a windsurfing instructor and narcotics agent in Malibu Beach. As the first King School Alumnus to travel in space, Steve Graveraux has just broken the Soviet space endurance record of 3 years, 61 days. There are, as of now, no plans to bring him down. Andy Gray — is a male model for a nationwide boxer-shorts manufacturer. George Harvey — gets sand kicked in his face at the beach by a 90 lb. weakling. Rob Hess — has achieved nationwide acclaim for his innovative and colorful concert, special effects. Dan Hochman — is now a millionnaire, thanks to having invented a new automated mail sorting machine. After being deported to South Africa, and that country’s refusal to accept him, Rob Horowitz now lives in Mexico, commuting to his job in El Paso in the wee hours of the morning. Pat Jones — now has a line of cheap, synthetic golf clothes and equipment named after him. Dave Knechtle — is now the administrator at Harvard University. Mike Markhoff— has produced a record on Nantuket Records called Ode to Neil Young . This record has caused the biggest riot involving young girls since Beatlemania and Menudo. Doug McDermott — has made a fortune installing beer taps in putting greens. | Arthur Merdinolu — was swallowed by a whale during the America’s Cup. [Chris Noe — now holds the all time record for round trips to and from Union College. [Lee Pesky — sells used Volvos in Sun Valley, Idaho. •John Piper — left in the middle of the year and his whereabouts are unknown, Greg Pring — has replaced Cathy Rigby as the spokesperson for Proctor and Gamble products, ffj Dave Pritchard — patented one of his gadgets and made a bundle. T-U Tom Pritchard — got a new car. ,fl| Don Schucht — is the president of Toyota and an active member of the American Communist Party. JP aul Sherrington — is president of Alcoholics Anonymous. *|jA ustin Stewart — has revolutionized the art of landscaping. IfToby W ilmott__left his locker open while at sea and came back to find that someone left him 100 dollars.

“form is content” “in the soul while memory prevails the solid power of understanding fails.” Ashes and Dianods Undying thanks to James Joyce, Abbie Hoffman, and the entire population of Bellona.

Cloyd M. Bender III

Man alone; born of stone; Will stamp the dust of tiro His hands strike the flame of his soul Ties a rope to a tree and hangs the Universe UntjJ the wind of laughter blows cold

John W. Dondero And we’re finally on our own . . .

Those who condemn life, have i never truly tried. i

David C. Esty

Stephen J. Gravereaux



George P. Harvey â–



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wm\ vm

cloud burst?' thunder in your ear u -shout and no one seems to hear ; in st^pts^ilaying different tunes u on the dark side of the moon.’

m i



Andrew There was an old And she had a wooden k And every damned morn She laid another ej She was the best damned chickt On the whole damned farm And another drin Wouldn't do any harn



Am erican Folksor

Hockman I want to live I want to give I've been a miner for a heart of gold!- | It's these expressions I never give " w That keep me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old. f

Money so they sayIs the root of all evil today. Roger Waters


[ ftS r

Michael S. Markhoff V. Soccer — 1981, 1982 (#10); JV MVP 1980; A.L., A.S. 1982; V. Lacrosse — 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983 (#15); Co-Captain “I’ve taken my fun where I’ve found it”

— Rudyard Kipling

“When angry, count four; when very angry, swear.” — Mark Twain

“You can get it if you really want, but you must try, try and try, you’ll succeed at last.” — “Under the boardwalk . . . ”

Douglas Charles McDermott

“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life or whether that station shall be held by anyone else . . . ” — Charles Dickens

“ If you can’t be with the one you love — then don’t love???? — CSNY and (McD) i


I “ . . . prepare there’s gonna be a party tonight . . . one more Saturday night” — Bob Weir


Arthur Merdinolu Time it was and what a time it was It was a time of innocence A time of confidence Long ago it must be I have a photograph Preserve your memories They’re all that’s left you. Paul Simon Thanks Carol

Gregory Stuart Pring

All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.

— Cecil Frances Alexander 1818-1895

“Many cats are the sure death of a mouse.” — Last words of Kaspar Flauser

David H. Pritchard

“Our possibilities are limited only by our dreams.” — 9

“I don’t mind an honest days work as long as someone else does it.” — Dadsworth “Everyman is a pleasure machine.” — Francis Edgeworth

“ . . . Down by the Sea”


Thomas E. Pritchard




They say that these are the best of times But they’re the only times I’ve ever known. So before we end and then begin We'll drink a toast to how it’s been A few more hours to be complete A few more times that I can sing I’ve loved these days. — Billy Joel


Austin E. Stewart II V. Soccer 1981, 1982 V. Hockey 1980, 1981, 1982 V. Lacrosse 1980, 1981, 1982

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. — Mark Twain

ging out ->i ilHn't

Ah, ah, ah!!!

Mmmmm, good!


J. GARDINER DODD Princeton, A.B.; Wesleyan, M.A.L.S. Headmaster

J. GARY CAPUTI H. ALFRED ALLENBY Lafayette, B.A.; New York University, Yale, A.B., M.DIV. MS. Head of Upper School; College Dean of Upper School Discipline; Chair­ Counselor man, Science Dept.

JOHN B. HOUGHTON Franklin and Marshall, B.A. Director of Admissions; English; His­ tory

JUDITH S. BECKER Penn State, B.A.; Georgetown, M.A.

GREGORY T. GROTE University of North Carolina, A.B.; Uni­ versity of Washington, M.A. Assistant to the Headmaster; Latin

« f Mi

CHARLES S.M. QUIGLEY RONALD W. MONROE ANN R. HUNTOON King’s College, University of London ' Smith, B.A.; Western Connecticut Bates, B.A. Head of Middle School; English; Assis­ Business Manager State, M.S. tant to Director of Admissions Head of Lower School; Grade 4; Assis­ tant to Director of Admissions



ROBERT BURNS Hamilton, A.B.; Wesleyan, M.A.L.S. History; Student Council Advisor; Admissions Com­ mittee

Colby, B.A. English



Tufts, B.S. Mathematics; Science; A.P. Coordinator; Energy Con­ servation Coordinator; Audio-Visual Coordinator

GERARD PASCAL CASANOVA University of Rouen, B.A., M.A.; University of Paris, D.E.A. French; Latin

DAVID T. COOPER Durham University (England), B.Ed. Physical Education; History

JOEL E. CHACE Colgate, B.A.; Syracuse, M.A. Chairman, English Department

ROBERT A. CURRIE, JR Davidson College, B.A. French; Assistant College Counselor



Patrick J. Doering Boston College, B.S. Grade 6 Mathematics and Science

Steven J. Douglass Bowling Green, B.A. Physical Education; History

Cynthia H. Hermanson Beaver College, B.S. Grade 5

Bohdan J. Hlibtschuk University of Illinois, B.A.; University of Wisconsin, M.A., PhD. Spanish

DANIEL C. HUDSON Wesleyan, B.A.; U. of Wisconsin, M.A.; U. of Maine, M.Ed. Chairman, History Dept.; Yearbook Adv.; Model U.N. Adv., Head of Advisor System

ELIZABETH KARLAN University of Wisconsin, B.A. Assistant Librarian

DAVID C. JONES S.U.N.Y. (Purchase), B.A. Mathematics

JOYCE G. KICELIAN Barnard, B.A.; Columbia, M.A. Chairwoman, Foreign Language Department





JOHN C. MCNEUR University of Bridgeport, B.A. Instrumental Music

JANE M. PARKER Westfield State College, B.S. Grade two

GINA M. RUGANI Northeastern, B.S. Grade one

ANDREW W. ROSE Charter Oak College, B.S. Science

JAMES C. RUTHERFORD University of Maine, B.S. Mathematics

JEAN STEELE University of Connecticut Librarian

SUSAN S. STACEY Pratt Institute, B.F.A.; Northwestern, M.S. Art; Chronicle Advisor; Journalism

ALEXANDER W. STEVENS Kenyon, B.A. Grade 6 English and Reading

Un to ,


ALLEN T. TEFFT Central Connecticut State, B.S. Director of Athletics; History

WILLIAM L. WALLACE University of Bridgeport, B.S.; University of Colorado, M.A.; Central Connecticut State, M.A. Chairman, Mathematics Department

GEOFFREY S. WAITE Westminster College, B. Music; Syracuse, M. Music Music

MALCOLM F. WILMOTT Fairleigh Dickinson, B.A. Coordinator of Special Programs; Science; NEASC Evaluation Coordinator

IRENE KWESKIN School Secretary

INGEBORG THIEL Bookkeeper and Business Secretary

PATRICIA B. GLASHAN Headmaster’s Secretary

ANN D. ROCHE (MRS. JOSEPH F.) Administrative Sec Assistant


EWALD KONZE Director of Maintenance

GRIFFITH TITUS Maintenance Staff

WAYNE T. HARTLETT Maintenance Staff

GEORGE HENDERSON Maintenance Staff

Lower School





Grade One

Yanna Sofronas, Joanna Kornfeld, Mary Stack, Peter Goldstein, Mary Kung, Steven Valassis, Miss Rugani, Diana Jose, Greg Burns, Ema Austin, Austin Taylor, Johan Anderson

Grade Two

Front Row: Ned Abate, David Kennedy, Pamela Blomberg, Alison Rosow, Heather Bay, Luisa Johns, Alex Weimen Debbie King, Whitney Smith, Adrien Blanc Back Row: Michael Edwards, Rachel Daenzer, Liana Katsaros, Miss Parker, Paul Ruecker, Jonathan Colella

Grade Three

Front Row: Chris Blanc, Jeremy Saxton, Paul Salib, Alexandra Woodyer, Portia Edwards, Effei Begetis, Carolyn Buzonoski, Chipp Winston, Jed Selkowitz Back Row: Ira Cobb, Miss Armstrong, John Ruddy, Jeremy Goocey, Gregory Katsaros, Cary Tamura, David Taylor, Mario Suarez, Brian DiMattia, Corey Feder

Grade Four

Bernard Edwards, Austin Wallender, John Salib, Peder Takseraas, Duncan Prichard, Mrs. Huntoon, Michael Johns, Barclay Tuck, Jason Kalmanson, Christopher Webb, Nicholas Boots


Grade Five

First Row: Derek Wilkins, Mauro Mastrapasqua, Michael Wainick, David Rear, Remo Tartaglia, Adam Bahna David Goodwin, Andrew Sia, Andrew Smith, Ari Schwartz Second Row: Bernie Topper, Roger Templin, Andrew Gautrau, Alex Cook, Timothy McManus, Richard Leaton Luke McNeur, Derek Davis, Nicholas Szechenyi

â– OP

Grade Six

Back Row: Mr. Stevens, Marc D’Acunto, Jamey Peters, Doug Thom, Elias Sofronas, David Roberts, Daniel Leppo, Read Hubbard, George Stack, John Ostrow, Anthony Saxton, Mr. Doering. Middle Row: Kent Kilbourn, Avi Mazumdar, Jeff Zeichner, Ricky Burton, Chris Mellet, Greg Pacter, David Wert, Tom Kelly, David Tobin, Mark Danon, Neil Bahnemann. Front Row: Adam Selkowitz, David Riker, Chris Potvin, Matt Daenzer, Arthur Smith, John Epstein, Nick Fuglestad, Aaron Rathblott, Kevin Seplowitz.

Grade Seven

Back Row: Mr. Cooper, William Plagianakos, Matt Dorf, David Harvey, Jon Spekle, Sean Long, Greg Casden, Wenton Camporin, Thomas Ferrara, Stephen Theobald, David Mitchel, Mr. Douglas Third Row: Brian Sheareo, Thomas Huffine, James Saville, Michael Kavjian, Frank Peck, John Melican, Rohn McNulty, John Kim, Erik Timmerman, William Flamme, Graham Phillips, Niran D'Souza, David Zebroski, Savaas Kelisidas. Second Row: Grinnel Morris, Jimmy Boyrer, David Licker, Jeff Carlson, Teddy Grann, Marc Kligman, Matt Donahue, Joseph Carter, Kaveesh Hiranandani. Front Row: George Robbins, Andrew Lev, Alfred Hekal, Michael Ross, Chas. Abate, Douglas Cohen, Phillip Seigenfeld, Peter Williamson, Richard Littledale, Alex Doyle.

Grade Eight


buck kovv: Mr. Kuthcrtord, Christopher Beldotti, Matthew Lawlor, Daniel Bcvill, Cristos Kantzas, Gabriel Etienne, Alex Gadd, John Hatchl, Christopher Yates, Craig Fontenot, Alex Hoguet Middle Row. Scott Patten, Joseph Cooper, Paul Calabrese, James Ekedahl, John McManus, Timothy Singel, Ray­ mond DiGiorgio, Justin Cohanc, Faisal Nasution, James Weed, Jonathan Bloom, Thomas Carter, Robert Koehn, Jeff Marvin, Mr. Rose Front Row: Adam Kornfeld, Ian Coville, Craig Wert, Seth Kaplan, Geoffrey Fane, Jeffrey Scalise Karl Ziegler Alexander Becker, Forrest Bartley, Jon Rothenberg, Edward Shanaphy, James Keeshan, John Kung



Upper School

Grade Nine \)


m 'Mr

SrfHj IV





Back Row: Jonathan Reiser, Lanny Smith, Brett Tulacro, Adam Dubitsky, Drew Ohlmeyer, Carter Joffee, Constan­ tine Tournas, Sotirios Dushas, Paul Schauder, David Garfinkel Middle Row: Mrs. Kicelian, Joseph McKee, David Parker, Bruce Fergfuson, Joseph Cole, Ramsey Hoguet, Alexis Rocherolle, Jonathan Oakley, Eric Levine, Don Saturday, Adam Bergstein, Pieter Linden Front Row: Gregg Weinberg, Robert Melican, Anders Johncke, Jon Aronson, Eric Simon, Greg Pesky, Lance Lohnes, James Rogers



Grade Ten

Back Row: Steve Muggeo, Eric Vikstrom, John Munera, Tony D’Acunto, Ricky Fulcher, Joe DeViro, Anthony Williams, Mitch Goldberg, Paul Cassel, Siamak Hersini Middle Row: Mr. Chace, Johne Singel, Mark Roche, Bruce Price, Frank Rabassa, Kevin Carpenter, Robert Barron, Kenny Hill, Bruno Ivanoff, Eric Greene, Mr. Jones First Row: Michael Goodstein, Mike Tarala, John Vlamis, Frank Weimer, Chris McCarty, Dan Horowitz, David Lucey, Bruce Pennypacker

“Nobody messes with Moon!”

Grade Eleven



Back Row: Bob McCauley, Brian Malkin, Eric Hess, Neil Garfinkel, Chris Gatrau, Peter Karukas, Chris Carson, Michael Nendick, Bill Andrea Middle Row: Mr. Benjamin, Seth Bergstein, Ed Santandrea, Bill Dunn, Marc Linden, David McDermott, David Frankel, Sal Fiordelisi, Dave Kaplan, Adam Berkman, Mr. Hudson, Front Row: Michael Canino, Phil Magalnick, Jim Rollberg, Chris Cole, Sean Mitchell, Howard Kapiloff, Russell Knisel, Jeffrey Schneider, Rich Semsel


In The Year 2000

. . .

Mr. Allenby — now does the speaking for the Federal Express commercials. Mrs. Becker — is now head football coach at Penn State University. Mr. Benjamin — suffered from a severe case of mononucleosis and is now a 150 lb. weakling. Mr. Burns — is now head of the KGB at King School. Mr. Caputi — is now Chairman of the Board of Trustees at King. Mr. Carlson — was recommissioned to the Navy and died at sea on the submarine “Tooter”. Mr. Casanova went bankrupt after publishing his first book on American Colloquialisms and their pronunciation. Mr. Chace — achieved unsurpassed accolades after discovering that the author of Beowulf was a direct ancestor of his. Mr. Cooper — finally became head soccer coach and emphasizes conditioning. Mr. Currie — now teaches Swahelia at King with his Jimbe (Jombo Jimbe). Mr. Dodd — shocked the world by really getting back to someone. Mr. Doering was committed after going on one too many ski trips with the little brats. Mr. Douglass — is head coach for the Portland Beavers in the new, successful USFL. Mr. Grote — grew 5 inches and is now starting guard for the Knicks. Mr.Hlibtschuk waged a verbal war with Fidel Castro, won, and has now converted Cuba from facist communism to musical altruism. Mr. Houghton — rumor has it that he has turned the Saturday test dates tours into initiations for underground society at King. Mr. Hudson — was last seen going to Yale on a Model U.N. trip. He is having that big caucus in the sky. Mr. Jones — has started a movement to have King renamed to the Jones School and intends on making dance class mandatory 5 times a week. Mrs. Kicelian — has left King to pursue a career as a Flaminco dancer in Spain. Mr. Monroe — accidentally shot an alligator while hunting in Maine. Mr. Rose — his written his, 101 OCCUPATIONS FOR THE AVERAGE MAN. Mr. Rutherford won the New \o rk Marathon at the age of 65. George Henderson was right behind him. Mr. Tefft — is . . . Mr. Wallace — has invented unbreakable chalk. Mr. Wilmott — won the Indy 500 in a jeep that climbed Mt. Washington.


Man on the move.

What’s the plan, Mugsy?


Hi Doug


Givin’ them the eye.




Back Row: George Harvey (Assistant Photographer), Arthur Merdinolu (Photography Editor), Mr. Hudson (Faculty Advisor); Front Row: Dan Hochman (Activities Editor), Paul Sherrington (Editor-inChief), Jeff Becker (Sports Editor), Mike Markhoff (Assistant Editor), Austin Stewart (Faculty Editor). Missing: Doug McDermott (Business Manager).

The Chronicle

Miss Stacey (Faculty Advisor), Dan Hochman (Editor-in-Chief), Austin Stewart (Susmess Manager), Paul Sherrington (Circulation Manager), Peter Cole (Photography Editor) Markhoff (News Editor), Andy Gray (Assistant Editor), Jeff Becker (Sports Editor), Sean Mitchell (Copy Editor). Missing: Aaron Deutchman (Feature/Associate Editor).

Model United Nations

Back Row: Mr. Hudson, Dave Esty, Greg Pring, Andy Gray, Doug McDermott, Rob Hess, Joe Devivo, Lee Pesky, Dave McDermott. Middle Row: Chris Gautrau, Adam Dibitsky, Austin Stewart, Chris McCarty, Steve Gravereaux, Eric Hess, Rob Horowitz, Dave Kaplan, Mitch Goldenberg. Front Row: Michael Nendick, Sean Mitchell, Dan Hochman, Jeff Becker, Jeff Schneider, Bill Andrea, Jim Rollberg.

Student Council

Back Row: Mr. Burns, Chris Carson, Peter Karukas, Don Schucht. Fourth Row: Lee Pesky, Sean Mitchell, Mike Markhoff. Third Row: Paul Schauder, Dave Kaplan (Secretary), Greg Pesky. Second Row: David Garfinkel, John Dondero (President), Jeff Becker (Vice President). Front Row: Dave Pinover, Dave McDermott (Treasurer), Dan Florowitz.

Dave Esty’s Ski Club

Back Row: Steve Gravereaux, Bill Andrea, Dave Esty, Tom Pritchard. Middle Row: John Piper, Rob Hess, Doug McDermott, Dan Hochman, Paul Sherrington, Dave McDermott. Front Row: Lee Pesky, Rob Horowitz, Mike Markhoff, Sal Fiordelisi, Jeff Becker, Dave Pinover.

Debate Club

Michael Nendick, Seth Bergstein, Mr. Hudson, Neil Garfinkel, Adam Berkman.

Drama Club

Bill Andrea, Doug McDermott, Andy Gray, Greg Pring, Franco Carbone, Paul Cassel, Rob Horowitz.

Oh, my girdle is killing me.


Good Job.

Fall Athletics

Varsity Soccer

Back Row: Mr. Cooper, Doug McDermott, Marc Linden, Mindy Fox, Neil Garfinkel, David Pritchard, Lee Pesky, Chris Noe, Rob Hess. Front Row: Howie Kapiloff, David Garfinkel, Mike Markhoff, Sean Mitchell, Paul Sherrington (captain), Jeff Becker, Rob Horowitz, Austin Stewart, Dave Lucey, Mr. Tefft. The 1982 Varsity Soccer Team got off to a very shaky start, but pulled itself together to finish second in the league with a record of 5-3-1 and 6-7-2 overall. This assured the squad a birth in the F.A.A. Tournament. After the first five games of the season, the team was 0-4-1, but it then began a four game winning streak. Its first win, over St. Lukes, came on a twenty yard shot in overtime by Howie Kapiloff. Next, the team routed Wright Tech by a score ot 4-0. Harvey and Hamden Hall were its next victims, both of which King beat 3-1. Unfortunately, the streak was soon broken by a loss of 1-0 to the United Nations International school, which has been undefeated in their league for the past two years. Again, King lost by a score of 5-2 to first place Brunswick at Brunswick’s Homecoming. The team, although it dominated play in King s Homecoming game, only tied Greens Farms Academy 0-0. Because it had already beaten rival Rye Country Day 3-2, the tie assured King a birth in the tournament. In a non-league game, King earned some hometown pride by beating Stamford Catholic 2-1. Finally, King lost its first round playoff game against an undefeated St. Basil’s by a score of 1-0 in overtime. Of the team’s 22 goals, Mindy Fox had seven to lead the team. Howie Kapiloff had five and David Garfinkel was close behind with four, while Paul Sherrington had three goals. The strong defense of seniors Doug McDermott, Dave Pritchard, Chris Noe, and Mike Markhoff allowed an average of just 1.8 goals per game. To back up the defense, Marc Linden made 113 saves in 15 games. At the end of the season, four King players made all-league. One King player, Mindy Fox, received an honorable mention. These all-league players were defensemen Mike Markhoff and Doug McDermott (both seniors) and mid(ielders Dave Lucey and Howie Kapiloff. The strong defense, along with the other starting seniors, Jeff Becker, Paul Sherrington, and Austin Stewart, will be greatly missed next year. The future of the team now lies with the aforemen­ tioned underclassmen, including Neil Garfinkel and Sean Mitchell. It has been a great season due to the constant support of coaches Tefft and Cooper.

Varsity Football

Back Row: Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Douglass, Seth Bergstein, Anthony Williams, David McDermott, Chris Gautrau, George Harvey, Sal Fiordelisi, Dave Esty, Chris Carson, Don Schucht, John Dondero, Ed Santandrea, Jeff Schneider^ Dave Frankel, Bill Andrea, Mr. Jones. Middle Row: Tom Dunn, Frank Rabassa, Rob Barron, Kevin Carpenter, Mitch Goldenberg, Dave Pinover, Joe Devivo, Ricky Fulcher, Adam Berkman. Front Row: Constantine Tournas, Donald Saturday, Brett Tulacro, Sotiri Dushas, Adam Bergstein. As early as August, members of the 1982 King Varsity football team could be seen practicing in the hope of a successful season. However, much to the dismay of the coaches, this hope never materialized. Led by tri-captains Dave Esty, Sal Fiordelisi, and Scott Carson, the Vikings came out poised and confident for their first game with perennial powerhouse Fieldston. Unfortunately for King, the offense was stymied throughout the game and the defense was ripped for 44 points. The next game, against Brunswick, also a league contender, was just as disappointing. The defense played better and Dave Frankel prevented a shutout by recovering a Brunswick fumble in the end zone. Seconds later, Frankel caught a pass for a two-point conversion to make the final score 30-8. The team’s next encounter was against Wooster. The offense finally became untracked in this game as Scott Carson hit Joe Devivo on a 17-yard scoring strike. Wooster, however, proved to be too strong for King as they recorded a 16-6 win. During this game King lost the services of Carson and George Harvey due to injuries. Unfortunately, the remainder of the season showed equal despair with losses to Harvey, Dalton, Hamden Hall, and Rye. Despite the losses, some bright spots were revealed during the season. Running back Anthony Williams showed continual improvement as he broke away for a 50-yard touchdown run against Hamden Hall. Dave Esty and Chris Gautrau each caught touchdown passes, while Sal Fiordelisi and Dave McDermott played strong defense. Sal’s efforts earned him All-League recognition, while Dave Frankel received an honorable mention. Despite the winless season, the returning players expect a fine season next year.

Junior Varsity Soccer

Back Row: Michael Canino (Mngr.), Dan Horowitz, John Singel, Siamak Hersini, Bill Andrea, Richard Fulcher, Tony D’Acunto, John Vlamis, Mark Roche, Mr. Caputi. Middle Row: Mike Tarala, Eric Green, Chris Cole, Bob Macauley (captain), Russel Knisel (captain), Jim Rollberg, Frank Weimer, Mike Nendick. Front Row: Chris McCarty, Greg Weinberg, Greg Pesky, Paul Schauder, Dave Parker.

Ninth Grade Soccer


Back Row: Drew Ohlmeyer, Adam Dubitsky, Carter Joffe, Eric Levine, Joe Cole, Bruce Ferguson, Alexis Rocherolle, Ramsey Hoguet. Front Row: James Rogers, Bob Melican, Anders Johncke (captain), Lance Lohnes (captain), Peter Linden, Ricky Simon. Missing Jon Aronson.

Varsity Cross Country

Back Row: Mr. Burns, Paul Cassell, Eric Vikstrom, Franco Carbone, Steve Gravereaux, Greg Pring, Peter Cole. Front Row: Bruce Price, Pennypacker, Kenny Hill, Dave Kaplan, Stephen Muggeo. This fall the Varsity X-Country Team received a larger turnout of prospective runners than had been expected. A grueling 12-minute test soon separated the men from the boys. The team, coached by Mr. Robert Burns, himself a veteran of many marathons and running coach at King for 5 years, had high hopes of a very successful season and a possible league title. The leader of the running pack is Kenny Hill, a sophomore. Hill not only holds the home course record for King runners, but also has broken the course record at Rye. Hill, along with Rich Semsel, Paul Cassell, and Eric Vikstrom, make up the top four runners of the team. Semsel, the number two runner for the school, has improved greatly since last year, placing second for King in almost every race. However, this is by no means the entire team. The X-Country team had a difficult start, losing close matches to Greens Farms, Wright Tech, and Hackley, even though Hill placed first in all three races. King won its next race over a strong Harvey team At the St. Mary’s Invitational Meet, where more than seven teams competed, Hill came in third in the Varsity race, while Peter Cole was the first King runner to place in the J.V. race^ By far, the most important meet of the season was the F.A.A. Championship Run. This event in which 9 teams competed, was held at St. Lukes. Hill came in third place out of 62 runners at the meet to make AllLeague for the second year in a row. , f- c x. The Varsity runners finished the season with a league record of 1-6 and an overall record of 2-8. The season was by no means disappointing however, for each runner greatly improved his running ski s and course times. Next year, Mr. Burns plans to begin team training over the summer vacation in preparation for the upcoming season. The graduating runners would like to wish Kenny Hill and the rest of the team the best of luck next year.

Middle School Football

Back Row: Mr. Monroe, Chris Mellett, Greg Pacter, Mark D’Acunto, Kaveesh Hiranandani, Jim Ekedahl, Ray DiGiorgio, Paul Calabrese, Tom Ferrara, Danny Leppo, David Tobin, Doug Thom, Aaron Rathblott. Middle Row: Mark Danon, Kingston Fallon, Alex Gadd, Justin Cohane, Tom Carter, Greg Casden, Jay Keeshan, Faisal Nasution, Mike Ross, James Weed, Anthony Fiberatore, Mr. Stevens. Front Row: Billy Plagianakos, David Harvey, John Hatchl, Matt Daenzer, Craig Fontenot, Dan Bevill, Elias Sofronas, Read Hubbard, Nicky Fuglestad.

Middle School Soccer I

Back Row: Chris Kantzas, Matt Fawlor, Alex Hoguet, Gabe Etienne, Chris Beldotti, John McManus, John Spelke, Scott Patten, Mr. Cooper. Front Row: Mike Kabjian, Karl Ziegler, Adam Kornfeld, Charles Abate, Phil Seigenfeld, Edward Shanaphy, Jeff Marvin, Ian Coville, Phil Joffe, Alex Becker

Middle School Soccer II

Back Row: Nirain D’Souza, Joe Cooper, Graham Phillips, Jon Bloom, Matt Dorf, David Zebroski, Chris Yates, Sean Long, Mr. Rutherford, Mark Kligman. Front Row: Wenton Camporin, Matt Donahue, Joe Carter, John Rothenberg, John Melican, Peter Williamson, Tom Douglas Huffine, Robert Koehn, Seth Kaplan.

Middle School Soccer III

Back Row: Mr. Docring, Douglas Fetchin. Jeffrey Timothy fmgel, Fo rest Banky Savvas Kelesidis Brian Shearer. Middle Row: Stephen Theobald. Grmnell Morris, Jaime Seville Craig Wert. Andy Lev, Erik Timmerman, David Mitchell, George Robbing Front Row: Frank Peck, John Kung, Alex Doyle, Geoff Lane, Jeff Carlson, Richard Littledale, David Licker, John Rung.

Winter Athletics



It's Show Time!

Varsity Hockey

Back Row: Mr. Douglass, Phil Anderson, Austin Stewart, Frank Rabassa, Kevin Carpenter, Seth Bergstein, David Pritchard, Andy Gray, Dave Pinover, Jeff Becker, Chris Cole, Mr. Rutherford. Front Row: Brett Tulacro, Adam Bergstein, Paul Schauder, Arthur Merdinolu, Greg Pesky, Janie Rogers, Ramsey Hoguet, Chris McCarty.

Varsity Basketball

Back Row: Mr. Tefft, Rob Hess, Neil Garfinkel, Chris Gautrau, Jon Dondero, Ricky Fulcher, Tom Pritchard, Doug McDermott, Pat Jones, Sal Fiordelisi. Front Row: Pete Karukas, Chris Carson.

The 1983 Varsity Basketball team has most definitely had its share of ups and downs this year. Finishing with approximately a .550 season, King had expected to fare much better. Injuries plagued the team throughout the entire season. At any given game, there was at least one player injured. The team lost three games by one point. Although the team managed some fine wins, it was unable to secure a spot in the F.A.A. Tournament. Decisive wins came over Harvey twice. In the beginning of the season, King pulled out a great victory to defeat Brunswick by one point for the first time in years. During the next week, King lost to a surprisingly talented Greens Farms team by a margin of two points. King again pulled off an exciting victory against St. Lukes. As the second half of the season began, King lost to Brunswick, Rye, and Wright Tech. Against Hamden Hall at home, King lost by one point on a very disputable motion call. King lost away at St. Lukes by one point.

This year’s team was young, with six of the top eight players being juniors or sophomores. Co-captains Karukas and Carson will both return next year, as will teammates Sal Fiordelisi, Dave Frankel, Chris Gautrau, and Neil Garfinkel. The team will say goodbye to seniors Doug McDermott, Pat Jones, Tom Pritchard, Bob Hess, Dave Knechtle, and John Dondero. Their leadership was greatly appreciated and will be missed next year. The team would like to thank Coach Tefft and Gillian Parker, our manager.

Varsity Bowling Team

Lee Pesky, Dan Hochman, Jeff Becker, Austin Stewart, Tom Pritchard, Pat Jones, Mike Markhoff, Paul Sherrington, Rob Horowitz Rob Hess George Harvey. Missing: Rest of senior class.

This amazing assemblage of personage acquired an undefeated record during this season. This is amazing consider­ ing the frigid conditions under which they were required to play. We would like to thank everyone who made this season possible. This includes our sponsor, Charles DeLorean, and the kind individual who donated the bowling ball (our sponsor was unable to provide the team with a bowling ball at the time because of his financial status at the time). — A Team Member —

Varsity Weightlifting

J.V. Basketball

Jim Rollberg, Mike Tarala, Sean Mitchel, David Lucey, Frank Weimer, Dave Kaplan, Tom Dunn, Jeff Schneider, Russ Kneisel, Adam Berkman, Mr. Curey.



Freshman Basketball



Back Row: Alexis Rocherolle, Jon Aronson, Constantine Tournas, Don Saturday, Drew Ohlmeyer, Mr. Wallace. Front Row: John Vlamis, Bob Melican, Lance Lohnes, Ricky Simon.

Middle School Hockey

Back Row: Avi Mazumbar, Chris Potvin, Ian Coville (Mngr.), Adam Kornfeld, Mike Ross, Phil Seigenfeld, Jeff Marvin, Jon Rothenberg, Jeff Carslon, Arron Rathblott, Gregg Casden, Mr. Rutherford. Front Row: Kevin Seplowitz, Jim Ekedahl, Alex Hoguet, Alex Becker, Justin Cohane, Dan Bevill, Matt Dorf, Craig Fontenot, Nick Fugelstad, Kent Kilbourn. Missing: Karl Ziegler.


Middle School Basketball I Back Row: Chris Beldotte, Scott Patten, John Melican, Tim Singel, Ray DiGiorgio, Marc Kligman. Front Row: Mr. Monroe, Jon Spelke, John Hatchl, Alex Gadd, Gabe Etienne, Chris Kantzas, Matt Lawlor. Missing: Ed Shanaphy, John McManus.

Middle School Basketball II

Back Row: David Harvey, Nirain D’Souza, Rohn MacNulty, Faisal Nasution, Forrest Bartley, Sauvas Kelesidis, James Weed, Mr. Chace. Front Row: Alex Doyle, Paul Calabrese, Steve Theobald, Craig Hess, Charles Abate, James Boyrer.



Sixth Grade Basketball —

Back Row: Tony Saxton, Chris Mellett, Read Hubbard, Elias Sofronas, Doug Thom, David Tobin, Mark Danon, Mr. Stevens. Front Row: Jeff Blomberg, Ricky Burton, Tom Kelly, Ian Griffin, Dave Roberts. Missing: Jamie Peters.

Middle School Wrestling

Back Row: Doug Fetchin, Jon Bloom, Dave Riker, Kingston Fallon, Mike Kapijan, Dave Zebrowski, Tom Carter, William Flamme, Graham Phillips, Tony Lebitor, Joe Cooper, Mr. Doering. Front Row: Jeff Zeigner, George Stack, Grinnel Morris, Joe Carter, John Epstien, Arthur Smith, Matt Danzer, Matt Donahue, Niel Boniman, Tedd Grann.

Make it work at Pitney Bowes Whether you’re considering a career now— or after further education—think of us. We're thinking of you. And congratulations, graduate.

An Equal Opportunity Em ployer



Major Contributors Mrs. Arthur J. Nendick Dr. and Mrs. Harold J. Sherrington Stephen M. Stewart

Benefactors Margaret Gunning Cole Mr. and Mrs. Mario DeVivo Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dunn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gislason: Geoff Courtney Arnold Kapiloff Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Knisel Mr. and Mrs. Morton Marvin Richard W. Pacter Mr. and Mrs. James Pennypacker G. Howard Robbins Mr. and Mrs. John B. Singel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Vikstrom Lynn L. Webb Patrick and Joy Williamson V. Yates Roche Family —




Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Chuzas Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. King Patricia C. Koehn Kornfeld Family Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Philips Betty Ann Potvin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pritchard Paul Schauder Sharon and Ed Seigenfeld Betsy and Arthur Selkowitz Karen M. Theobald

Patrons Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carlson

Jay W. Cooper The Coville Family Graham and Feli Downs Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Epstein Bruce A. Hubbard G.W. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macauley The Mastrapasqua Family P. Munera Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ostrow Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pacter Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Patten Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley Smith The Stack Family Mr. and Mrs. Jon K. Takseraas Parents of C.T. Tamura

Congratulations to the Class of 1983

From the Edward’s Family

Best Wishes to the Class of ’83

From Mr. & Mrs. Jim Becker

Good Luck to Steve From the rest of the


Congratulations to

Arthur From his family

Congratulations and Good Luck to Greg and the rest of the class of 1983

The Pring Family

Congratulations to the Class of ’83 From the

Markhoff Family *

.......... ---------------------*

Good Luck to the Class of ’83 From

The Pesky’s

v v

Congratulations to the Class of 1983 SANDWICHES


ALLEN’S HOUSE OF COLD CUTS Jewelry by Jose' Grant, Inc. RALPH S. BRYANT Vice President, Sales 848 High R id g e R oad , Stam ford, C o n n e cticu t 06905, (203) 322-2759





Congratulations from the

Springdale Florist Best Wishes to the Class of ’83 From

Magic Touch Cleaners

28 Camp Avenue (at Hoyt Street) Darien, Cl, 06820

Good Luck to the Class of 1983 From

Bob’s Sports Stamford New Canaan


Compliments of

Mr. Donut World’s best coffee and donuts Open 24 hours

Good Luck Class of ’83 Compliments of

High Ridge Chevron

Compliments from

Palmer’s Supermarket

Hope Street Springdale to the King Class of 1983

Congratulations from

The Springdale Stationary 1072 Hope Street Stamford, Ct. 06907 322-7500

Best Wishes to the Class of 1983 from

Fugazy Travel Newfield Green Shopping Center

Bruce Auto Parts 62 C a m p A v enue S p rin g d a le , C o n n . 06907 322 -1 664



Phone: 655-0066


p ic tu r e ^dramincj.


1049 Post Rd. D arien, Conn. 06820 Ofi T npke. Exit 11

Congratulations to David and the Class of ’83 from

Mr. & Mrs. David Pritchard


C u sto m

a n d

S to ck

F r a m in g



“Loyalty to the Ethics of Pharmacy”

The Hoyt Street Pharmacy Joseph M. Epstein B.S., M.S., R.Ph

Frank G. Scalise B.S., R.Ph

Best Wishes to the Class of ’83 from


STAM FO RD, C O N N E C T IC U T 06905

Congratulations from

Thru Hope TheStreetGarage

(203) 327-2311

N. Donald Edwards Co.


1767 S U M M E R S T R E E T









Best Wishes to Chris and the class of ’83 From

the Noe's

Congratulations to the Class of 1983 From the Stewart Family

Congratulations to the Class of 1983 From the McDermott Family

to i !0 t

Congratulations to the Class of 1983 From the Smith Family. Âť

Congratulations to Andy and his Friends in the Class of 1983 from Mom, Pop, Susy, Lisa, Cocoo, and Puffy

SAM M UGGEO ADVERTISING INC. 6 3 H e d g e B rook L a n e • Sta m fo rd , C o n n e c t ic u t 0 6 9 0 3 • T e le p h o n e 2 0 3 - 3 2 9 - 8 9 9 2

1 understand this, don’t you?

The rear view.

I will leave this up to your IMAGINATION

You’re son could look like this.



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