yearb ook
(y ir book) n. an annual book, as one giving data of the preced ing year
(foot bal) n. 1. a field game played with an inflated leather ball by two teams
N e w fie ld
A venu e
(noo feld ave noo) n. the road upon which KLHT is located (see KLHT)
leal wwi
degree 2. the building or buildings occupied by any such school Homecoming (hom kum ing) n. 1. a return home 2. in some colleges, an annual celebration for visiting alumni soccer (sok er) n. a game in which two teams seek to propel the ball into the opposing team's
KLHT [1 9 9 2 ]
ministrative officer in a university, college, or high school Student (stood nt) n. one who attends a school, college, or university musical (m yoo zi kel) n. 1. of, pertaining to, or producing music 2. melo dious 3. devoted to or skilled in music, as to be able to increase the kno-
(ka el ach
n. 1. abbreviation for te) King & Low-Hey\^od Thomas 2. an establishmenJ^^Lprimary and 3. a place secondary ed orts, etc. for academi finition 4. not by ^ ► ------ and etc.
(b a n d ) n. 1. a group of people united for some purpose 2. a group o f musiciansjjjai|j|ig to gether volleyJ ^ il (v a l e n. 1. a by hitti inflated ball ba^ _ fo/ch over a n ^ ^ d th T n e C ^ f c i ^ ^ y l o l ij) n. 1. a school o f higher learnir^ that grants a bachek
of th( the Ui many ot c a lc u lu s n. the combi matics of diffe Aially foUe£e level lic le (M -o n ik e l) n. I M chroncJog'oaf,
ordpf historjC^/ei
s t u d ^ L jjf ^ p ^ p e r at (• fn
n. an ad
p artjfular group of anisms 2. the cientifj^ study of living life processes (va ka shen) a . a period o f time de voted lo w e st or rp ^ x ati^ n ,^ fe s
iT o d ^ 5 ^ » /o r
(kem pyoo :er; n. a device that computes, esp. an elec tronic machine that per forms high-speed calcul-
BY ■ r
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KLHT Kaleidoscope 1992 Volume IV Table o f Contents: Studen t Life
S en iors
C lu b s
[ 1992 ]
(yirbook) n. l . a
school publication that is compiled usually by the graduating class and that serves as a record o f the year's activities (see seniors, K L H T ) 2. not by any standard definition in 1992 King & Low-Heywood Thomas School ] 450 Newfield Avenue Stamford, Connecticut 06905 (203) 322-3413
K L H T Yearbook
Mr. Hudson’s worst night mare.
Kaleidoscope fits no definition! “Not by any standard defini tion." It took us a while, but we finally chose a theme for the 1992 yearbook! We started brainstorming at the end of the 1991 school year, but we thought of so many different ideas, it was really hard to de cide on one. We listed through about seven of them, but we didn’t come up with one that everyone on the staff liked until the first day of the yearbook conference back in June. Alex Caradimitropoulo and Sarah Walters came up with the idea of a dictionary, and Wyndham Lathem thought of the words, even though we all tried to take credit. Everyone on the staff really loved this theme, and so we stayed with it. We think that this year’s theme fits both the senior class and the school as a whole, be cause there is no one “standard definition” that can define us. KLHT has so many individual ized and unique people and groups that it is impossible to find one word to fit it. But, like a dictionary, we are all gathered together at KLHT under one (actually two) roof(s). We hope you enjoy this year’s Kaleidoscope. Everyone who has helped out in its pro duction is very proud of this, and we hope you take the time to look through and read every
page, because each contains the blood, sweat, and tears of many individuals. And if we spelled your name wrong, you can yell at Wyndham!
“They call that art?”
Beth’s making her move.
B H M P m i
To The Class of 1992: You are the first graduating class that has gone through the high school years in the consolidated school o f KLHT. This year morale, achievement and interest in the school have never been higher. There is a direct correlation between these two facts. That correlation comes about because of the contributions you have made during your first three years, and the leadership you have provided this year as seniors. KLHT is firm ly established, and 1 believe the Class of 1992 will always be remembered for getting us over the “consolidation hump" and helping the school position itself to achieve its goal of becoming the premiere form of education in lower Fairfield County. Your willingness to participate in all areas of school life no matter how small the numbers around you, was one contribution. The desire to aim high academically was another. As seniors the initiative to spread school spirit by example was still another. We thank you for your accomplishments of the last four years. We send you o ff knowing that these are just the beginning of what your futures will hold.
With appreciation,
Elizabeth Rockwell Cesar* Head of School H ead’s A ddress
60 U iu 1/1_
The Senior Class of 1992 dedicates this yearbook to Monsieur Gerard Casanova
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The senior class would like to thank Mr. Casanova for supporting us through all four o f our high school years. He has been a faithful advisor, a dedicated coach, and a friend to us all. He followed us into the wilderness on our class trips, and he was always there to celebrate the good times. He has ruled us with a stem hand, and even though we didn’t always enjoy it, he has helped us to become a responsible class. He is an advisor who cannot be categorized by any standard definition. Besides, who could resist such an adorable face?
S enior D edication
student life ent lif)
[1992] (st
n. 1. the activities, events, and gene
happenings o f one who attends a school or univ sity 2. the quality o f enjoyment derived frc participating in such activities
includes events such as Homecoming, class tri] drama performances, social gatherings, etc. not by any standard definition in 1992
Oh no! Not another deten tion!
Dream ing about another conquest, Corey?
The first day o f school is different from year to year; but some things never change. No m atter how tired you m ay be, you have to . . .
Wake up! It’s time for school! "B rrrin g ” goes the dusty alarm clock. It hasn’t been used for three months, and a lazy eye opens to the realization that today is the first day of school. The rested mind thinks of seeing friends again, but dreads being put to use. What to wear is the reigning ques tion; everyone wants to look good today. Upon entering the front door the student faces the colorful murals and doors in the hallways of KLHT. The m urm ur of voices is heard; smiling faces talk of summer events. The bell rings, there is a universal groan, and the hustle and bustle of movement fol lows. The students faced several differences on this first day. T h e u n if o r m h a d b e e n changed, bringing a brighter and more diverse atmosphere.
S tu d e n t Life
The schedule also had a few alterations, with the addition of the “A ” period for fine arts, and a reverse rotation, confusing all. One of the most pleasing changes for our school’s ath letes was the new polyester uniforms. Portia Edwards, who began her tw e lfth year at KLHT, has seen the school evolve a lot through the years. When asked if she is happy w ith the way things have turned out, she said, “Yes, the school has had some very nice changes, and for the last twelve years 1have always looked for ward to the first day of school.” People had different reac tions to being back after sum mer vacation. Warren Greene found it “very, very disconcert ing, and Dan Selig said enthu siastically that “it feels great to be back as a senior!” Emily
Lamed, a new student here at KLHT, said, “It doesn’t really seem like school because it’s not what I’m used to. But, it seems really nice so far.” Thus, the first day back at KLHT, kicking off the 1991-’92 school year, began optimistically, and the energy in the building seemed to be a foreshadowing of good things to come.
The first (and last) day of knee-length skirts.
What are you m ost looking forward to this year?
M arina Supple: “To have fun, and to make new friends.”
mm .... mm
N atalia Vaughan: “Getting into college!”
Evan Kropp: “Clare’s body and Portia’s mind.”
Carolyn Buzanoski: “A good year with lots of friends.”
Already they’re failing cal culus.
S tudent Life
Just admit it, Natalia, you love it!
The purpose o f class trips is to bring students closer together; but sometimes it's too dose for com fort The best part o f the trips is usually . . .
The “bonding” experience? You feel tense as you de scend into the rocky depths. You clutch your flashlight and squint to make out figures in the inky blackness. Then you are forced to wade through frigid water that reaches up to your neck. Finally, you emerge from the eerie depths, your body is cold and wet, but you are filled with a sense of ac complishment. You hug your frie n d s w h o h e lp e d y o u through it, and sigh with relief you have conquered the cave. Caving is one of the many experiences that students have on their class trips. Renee Osorio found that it was a valu able experience because “we learned to trust, support, and
depend on each other." The sixth, seventh, and eighth grades did wildernesstype trips as well. Michelle Guevara tells about the night walk that she went on, “Your eyes had to get used to the dark and then at the end we took a bite out of a wintergreen Lifesaver and it made a spark." The sixth grade boys got a little bit mischievous on their trip to Nature’s Classroom. For Peter Kariannis, the most memorable part of the trip was “raiding the girls.” The juniors and seniors, hav ing gone on camping trips in the past, set o ff for more civi lized sites. The juniors went to Washington D.C. For Claribel
Alonso, Cassandra Patterson, and Alex Scanlan, "Busch Gar dens was the most exciting part of the trip.” For Kate Sadowsky, the most exciting part of the class trip was “look ing under the door fo r Mr. Pusack’s shoes." The seniors went to Boston. They enjoyed not only getting to know each other, but getting to know their faculty advisors. M elissa F e n w ic k says, “ I learned that Mr. Karlan has a beautiful singing voice.” Per haps class trips bring out the crazy side in many of us, but all in all, everyone goes home with memories that will not fade for quite some time.
Yota, we guess you can’t smell that vile food you’re slopping on that plate.
“And what happens if this thing breaks?”
Girls, clean up your room this instant!
What was m ost memorable about your class trip?
Stephanie Taber: “Going down to the beach - at night.’’
Pam Blomberg: “ Busch Gardens!”
Grayson Thurman: “Sleeping outside in a lean-to with 2 4 other people.”
Brian Robinson: “Getting to the top of the mountain.”
Effie, it’s not natural to put your finger in a socket.
S tudent Life
I did what?!’
♦ Gossip at KLH T can be considered good or bad, but one thing's for sure — it's here to stay. The most common question is usually . . .
“She said what??” You can’t escape it. It will hunt you down and clasp its ugly claws around you. If you are not careful it will drag you in the dirt. If you are one of the lucky few who hasn’t faced it yet — watch out! What is this fiend? It’s called gossip. It’s faster than a speeding bullet, but it is here to stay. As Sarah Walters puts it, “1 think there’s too much gossip, but in such a small school gossip is bound to happen, because ev erybody knows everybody re ally well." Gossip is not neces sarily viewed in a negative way. In fact, many people really en joy it. Alex Caradimitropoulo sums up the reason why people gossip when she says, ”1 do enjoy it, and it’s fun. A lot of people enjoy it or they wouldn’t do it. They enjoy spreading it
about other people.” Aryn Lieberman agrees with Alex enthusiastically by saying, “ I love it!” There can be some importance to gossip, which Madison Adams expresses, “1 think that gossip is beneficial to inform everybody of what is going on." However, others have a dif ferent opinion. Peter Greenfield states quite bluntly, “I hate it!” Melissa Fenwick shares this view when she says, “1 think it is really terrible, it damages people’s reputations.” All in all we have to take both sides into consideration. Life is about dealing with people; it is human nature to talk about each other. It is a facet of KLHT’s life, and whether good or bad, it’s here to stay.
“Is he cute?”
What do you think about the gossip in our school?
Jason Cole: “Well, it’s interesting, because I don’t know any of the stuff anyway.”
M argie M iller: “I like gossip because I have gossip to tell. I love gossip! I think that gossip is the highlight of my day.”
Jam ie Rhoden: “I think there’s a lot of it in the school, and I guess there’s no big deal about it, but people like to talk about it.”
Lori Feingias: “I think it’s ridiculous. I’m sick and tired of having rumors spread about m e.”
“I refuse to listen!”
“ You mean you haven’t heard yet?”
Homecoming ’91 was full o f emotion, both happy and sad. But each person there was able to contribute . . .
A small part of the team spirit. 0. ' ' 40-0. The football game score reflected the excitement of the weekend, one of victory. It was Homecoming '91, a time when alumni from over the years return to visit their alma mater, KLHT. In preparation for this event, the seniors spon sored “spirit week." All through the week before, the high school students dressed in vari ous outfits to get their adrena line goin g fo r S a tu rd a y 's matches. Madison Adams said she was “getting really, really psyched and having a lot of rushes about winning because we’re going to kick SHA's butt.” The pep rally was an excel lent kick-off for the games on Saturday. As the coaches in troduced the teams, the whole
S tu d e n t Life
gym became full of school spirit and pep. Every student contributed to the success of the afternoon — the band, the cheerleaders, and the teams. Natalia Vaughan said she was “looking forward to winning all the games” on Saturday. Saturday was a big day for the teams, and tension began to build up in anticipation of the big games. Yasmeen Feinstein said, “I’m so pumped, 1 am shaking,” reflecting the excite ment felt by everybody. The Viking Booster Club contrib uted to the success of the Homecoming by selling various Viking accessories, water bot tles, pins, and clothes. It was fantastic to see all old familiar faces and talk with
■0 n 0
them about their lives after KLHT. Mrs. Helen Kweskin said, “Sometimes it’s hard to con centrate on the games because you end up talking to every body.” The spirit from the weekend did n ’t stop when Homecoming was over, and it can be felt even now.
We’re no Brunswick, but it gets the job done.
What are the m ost im portant aspects o f Homecoming?
Heather Oppel: “I think it’s good because you see your friends from last year and the whole school doing something together. That doesn’t happen that often, and it shows spirit.”
San j i t DeSiiva: “ Spirit and coming out to support all of your teamm ates.”
Ariana Herlinger: “School spirit.”
M rs. Kweskin: “Really all parts are my favorite. I love talking to the kids when they come back, people who have graduated. I like the spirit here, especially this year, the bonfire, and the pep rally.”
J “ O h no! I t ’s the wrong song!”
S tudent Life
“T hat’ll be ten dollars for the brownie.”
One of the rare things at KLHT.
One might think that the tuition bill is the bottom line, but it takes more than ju st that single payment. Wait until they hit you for more . . .
Money, money, money! M oney. T h ere’s ju s t not enough of it, but everybody needs it. All the clubs and activ ities hold fundraisers through out the year, hoping people will have a little cash in their pock ets to give out. The Yearbook, Senior Class, and the Student Council are the major studentrun organizations which need large amounts of money, and each group thinks up inventive ways to raise the capital it re quires. One of the Student Council’s fundraising events is the morn ing breakfast. “Here’s $3.00 for m y bagel,” barked Dan Hud son, Head of the Upper School. The cashier, Cassandra Patterson, took his money with a smile. The breakfast included
S tudent Life
much more than just bagels, and at $3.00 per person, "all you can eat” was a great deal. The Viking Booster Club has also sp o n s o re d several fundraising events. A t one of their dances, Mr. Orio allowed the members of the football team to shave his head in re turn for their 5-3 season. Ac cording to Mr. Orio, “the pro ceeds of the dance are going to go to the Athletic Department, to benefit the students." More o f a s pi r i t - r a i s er t h an a fundraiser, the Booster Club organized the dance well. It is hard to get money from students, but it’s not that they are unwilling to give it. Meg Lamed explains: “1 love sup porting my school, we should
give more often to make all the activities better.” Students are constantly bombarded by re quests for money and their giv ing spirit wears off quickly. As the years go by, we see our school change and grow, but the one thing that remains the same is the plea for funds. However, without these valu able contributions, our school would not have the ability to support the many extra activi ties that we have today.
Famished much?
How do you fee/ about giving m oney to KLHT?
Fred Wouters: “The fundraisers are nice, especially when there’s food.”
Abbie Zuidem a: “I think it’s a good idea to raise money and to get everyone together at the same tim e.”
Dan Mande/ker: “It’s great that we’re getting some money in, and we need it desperately, so I'm glad it’s happening.”
Wyndham Lathem : “Raising money is always tough, so it’s nice to have a special event to get people motivated.”
S tu d e n t Life
W hy do love?
Staying with the tradition o f Shooting Stars, the 1991 Talent Show was more than just song and dance. There was also
A whole lotta talent! The sp o tlig h t shone bright on the stars, and the 1991 Talent Show began. Natalia Vaughan and Dan Selig host ed this great event. The c u r tains opened up, and the firs t s h o o tin g sta r shot across the stage, Carl W ith erspoon. Carl gave a great opening act w ith finesse on stage. He began the show on the rig h t foot, leaving every one in awe. C a rl’s act set a pace for those perform ers to follow , even though he said, “ I fe lt th a t I could have been bette r.” Before going on stage to play w ith his fellow band members, K ristian Davies, of the "M a d H atters” said, “ I feel like, when I go up there I'm going to do w hat I w a n t.” This a ttitu d e o f inde pendence and spunk was ex hibited thro u g h o u t this spec tacular starry evening. Be fore the courageous teach ers went on for their big de b ut, C asandra P atterson said, "I ca n 't w ait to see the
te a ch e rs m a ke fo o ls o f them selves. It’ll be fu n n y .” Katherine T aylor, a sopho m ore at KLHT, decorated and helped put together some o f the costum es worn by the perform ers. When asked w hy she chose this job, she sim p ly said, “ I love it ! ” These students and teachers were all up on the stage perform ing for their love o f the arts. A fte r view ing the show, the audience’s faces were fu ll o f expressions that indi cated how m uch fun they had. For m any it was their firs t tim e, and for others it was routine. Everyone did a te rrific job. Mrs. Harbolt said, "I th in k this is really fun. I always like to see ev eryone p e rfo rm .” This feel ing was shared by m any. A ll in all the audience enjoyed the night, and everyone seemed to be excited for the 1992 shooting stars to fill the stage w ith their talent once again.
M innie and me, “ The m icrophone is over here, N o a h .”
What were yo u r feelings before the show?
Noah Maisel: “ I feel great!”
Bernie Edwards: “ I never thought I’d be back here playing the drums.”
Sam Mann: “ I feel so excited!”
K Mr. Orio: “ I’m excited for the kids performing.”
“ W hy so serious, N a talie ? ”
S tudent Life
“ I m ig h t have to w ork but I d o n ’t have to m o v e .”
We all have to study at some point in the day, so you m ight as well . . .
Sit back - relax! The fa vo rite period o f the day, besides recess and lunch, is study hall. T his pe riod is p o te n tia lly a tim e w here stu d e n ts can get hom ew ork done and tests studied for. However, study halls are not alw ays pro d u c tive. One o f the fringe benefits o f being on the honor roll is freedom . These fortu n a te underclassm en are allowed to roam the hallw ays in hopes o f finding a haven. You can find the students in the library, the honor study hall, the a rt room , or alm ost any quiet corner o f the school. They are often busy ta lkin g , reading, napping, or fra n tic a lly c ra m m in g for a test the next period. The seniors also enjoy this privilege o f com plete freedom during study halls. In the senior room alm ost
◄ S tu d e n t Life
a nything goes. They sleep, eat, w atch television (but only after lunch), or ju st hang out. M any seniors w atch their favorite soaps after lunch, and A ryn Lieberman calls being able to do th a t ‘ ‘Cool beans!” However, study halls are m ore re strictive for those students w ho are not on the honor roll and for all under classm en during “ A ” per iods. These students have to report to study hall and re m ain there w ith a p roctor for the w hole period, unless they are given perm ission to do otherw ise. One benefit of this proctored study hall is th a t students d e finitely get w ork done. S tudy hall is a very help fu l period. No m a tte r if you are w orking hard or ju s t rest ing, i t ’s nice to have some tim e to yourself.
Y o u ’re rig ht, it’s actually norm al to use a chair.
Y o u ’re using that blan ket??
W hat do you do during study halls?
Charlotte Christensen: “ 1 talk to friends mostly, but otherwise, not much.”
John Romano: “ I smash my head against the wall listening to heavy music.”
Jaquita Monroe “ I sit in the library talking with friends.”
Paola Lopez: “ I go to the honors study hall and sing.”
D o n ’t w o rry, Jo h n, you w eren ’t T H A T bad!
It takes time, talent, and patience to put on a musical. For the Bye, Bye Birdie cast, one o f the m ost important things to remember is
The louder the better! T h e a u d it o r iu m w as packed, the lig h ts dim m ed, and the cu rta in opened slow ly. Silence descended upon the audience as the stage cam e alive and the story o f Conrad Birdie unfolded. The annual m usical is per haps one o f the m ost p o p u lar student shows through o u t the year. It involves a tre m e n d o u s a m o u n t o f w ork, and m any students p a rtic ip a te both on stage and behind the scenes. T his year Mrs. L ibona ti chose Bye, B ye B ird ie as the m u si cal. Jeb Dennis gave in v a lu able help by playing the p i ano during the rehearsals. He com m ents, “ It’s been a new experience for me to
play the piano score of a m usical, since I usually play classical m usic, not Broad way selections. I’ve enjoyed it.” Jaquita Monroe worked closely w ith Mrs. Libonati as assistant director; “ I th in k the m usical was excellent and Mrs. Libonati did a w on derful job assembling such a talented group of young a d u lts .” Conrad Birdie was played by J o h n R om ano, w ho spoke b rie fly about his ex perience in the show. “ I’ve really enjoyed perform ing in Bye, Bye B irdie and w orking w ith Mrs. L ib o n a ti.” Along w ith John starred Kate Sadowsky, W yndham
Lathem , and Debbie King. The story o f Conrad’s exper ie n ce s re v o lv e s a ro u n d these four main characters, and each actor or actress ad ded a dim ension to the m u si cal w hich was m ore than ju s t entertaining — it was com edic! “ It’s a fun experience. You get to meet people from different grades,” said Re nee Osorio. The m usical is a good way to get involved, and everyone enjoys w atch ing it, perform ing in it, or w orking backstage. The live ly m usical, Bye, Bye Birdie, was a big success.
What was your favorite p a rt o f the m usical?
Sarah Walters: “ We liked acting out the scenes backstage.”
Debbie King: “ Spanish Rose — of course!”
Peter Greenfield: “ When I didn’t have rehearsal.”
Brett Holster: “ The ending!”
“ Do you know w hat th a t m eans??”
S tudent Life
n dignity, rank, or of the course .; as, senior class, r in office, or whose 1 3 ear
3. An under4. Eng. Uni-
seniors typiued b>* a la.
bearing the name â&#x2013;
sen'1night (sfn' V. or fabric o: pla rse^nor' [Sp-3 to the Ensltsh man. lady, or: sen-sa'tion (sK with sense, fr. referred to im seeing, hearins stimulation ot volves the con past exponent . preseat s! imul c A sense datu s a i l o n of buoj cause; as, the tmirder B rta .).
adj. 1.
indicating the older o f two in a family, school, etc.,
s e titto
sen'net (scrs'et
[ 1 9 9 2 ] (sen yerz)
dignity, or office
2. more advanced in rank,
n. 3. belonging to the final year
o f the course in American colleges, high schools, etc.; as
senior class 4. having the privilege o f a
senior room, inc. a television, stereo, couches, etc. 5. not by any standard definition in 1992 i
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sent ftSim, past <*•past pari, of srv».
ie Begetis
I'outh is the future smMngj at a stranger, vhich is itself. It is n a t # a l for youth o be happy. It seems t f c t it’s very sreath is m ade of happ^jesis. '% § — Victor Hugo
Jut if I am young and right, /h a t does age m atter? m — Sophocles
II men m ake mistakes, j t a good m an yields when he now s his course is wrong.
w ia n k s to all m y friends ih o have been with me (#ese past ten years at K LH T. [ (love you all.
m *i
jJ S T ln to the great wide open r> fw % )n d e r them skies of blue • O u t in the great wide open A rebel w ithout a clue
Life is short. Play hard.
N obody rem inds m e of me. / — J im m y Connors t
'— Reeb
Just tune into w hat this place has got to offer cause we m ay never be here again.
— Van Halen
. .. .<•*«*
Christopher Blanc
Ml my life I’ve dreamt in black and white; last night 1dreamt in color. — Anonymous You are the light of my life, | n 1mean my everything, are, the one 1choose to make my wife, That’s wfajy<J>u wear my ring. — E. Clapton
us is here for a brief sojourn; For what purpose he knows not, Though he sometimes thinks he senses it. A. Einstein
Build a birdhouse in your soul.
San Fermin Pamplona - Espana - Viva Osasuna Pink Floyd • Harry Connick, Jr. • Gloria Estefan - Erasure 1NXS Roxette - Modern English - Elvis - Merengue • Mecano El amor no es ciego • I love art (Mrs. Harbolt) and fashion de sign - Depeche Mode - C12 - Nelson Maybe I'm losing my religion (R.E.M.) - People are still having sex (La Tour) Aikido part of my future - (Guns and Roses) - Louis JA - You Could Be Mine (Firehouse) - Love for a lifetime - That is what everybody wants - “I love to dance" - I’m the weird “Ishtar," but 1 love to be different - Os quiero mucho: mama, papa y Javi and I will never forget som e people . . . my grand mother, etc . . . 1 love to cook - MMS Franky Fresh Bob.
Procura ser feliz, Como puedas,/ A trancas y a barra En contra o d favor Asolas o en rnanad Se feliz en ti| mund Sera el tuycfy el No tendras otro Se en el, feliz, Antes de que lo
Alex Caradimitropoulo
Igguita: easier to j^kjive an enemy than to forgive a friend William Blake
are no perfect people, y perfect intentions. Robin Loud
â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Ferris Bueller's Day Off Magnolias
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man.
Poor is the man
. wasted day is that in have-not laughed. Chamfort
I want to Be forevdr young.
When excellence becomes a tradition there is no end to your greatness, For leadership isjp your blood and you pull yourselrto higher limits.
P o r u n ideal, h triunfa.
Lo importante es estar dispuesto, en cualquier momento, a dejar de ser lo cjue se es, para ser algo mejor.
Erik Davies
Believe in yourself — Jean Claude Van Damme Since when did anyone ever accuse me of being sane ? — Steven Seagal The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves. — Kyle Reese
It is one thinglosay, “I want toW *\ ^ It is another t§ say
[amme to Erik Davies,
m .
Music . . . should be the expression of a composer's complex personality; it should not be arrived at cerebrally, tailor-made to fit certain specifica tions. — RachmanincWF
1 "
Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. — John F. Kennedy
1/ v 1
W Sm M Km hs *.
I’ll be back! — Arnold Schwarzeneggei
Never give up, never slow down, never grow old, never die young. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; James Taylor
Ask and it search. and \
I knock, and t^^jpaw^^^H^.opened to yo For thf.OBe-pib asks dlways receives; tffe'one who searches%Iways finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened . . . Matthew 7
Portia Iishia Edward
: , l went to the desert to find somebody. I found sand i found wind And I found just anybody. But 1 was trying to find somebody So I left.
We are born into the world Like a blank canvas And each person that crosses our path Takes up the brush And makes his mark Upon our surface
I went to the beach to look for somebody, 1saw water 1saw rocks saw everybody s looking for some
So it is that we develop But we must realize t! That we must take And finish the work For only we can del If we are to be Just another palm Or a masterpiece.
orest somebody, trees ass red nobody, king for some
i t need
icbody, dy was nowhere
aim tain
-t r i ln 't
k l' A Sian \c€; you might as well dartre.
o r
Lori Anne Feinglas
C.L — So you can get on with your search and I can get on with mine and maybe someday we will find that it wasn’t really wasted time. — Eagles M+D — What mothers and fathers instinctively do for their babies is usually best. — Ben Spock AX — And the best thing you’ve ever done for me, is to help me take my life less seriously. It's only life after all. — Indigo Girls A.F. and J.M. — ever know that you’re my hero d everything I would like to be?
Olive Schreinei
is the foundation of
H^^Mpifoews we need never be ashamBJef pur tears, for they are ram upon T h S l^ fc in g dust of earthj’ overlying ourrord hearts. —| — Charles Dickens
When I look back on all the crap 1learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at Simon and Garfunkel
You have to go through Hell before you get to Heaven. Steve Miller Band
Victoria sing out in the pouring rain, all these-words I’ve said. That you doubt in disbelief. Are shoved back in your face, By the spite of mankind’s greed. You choose to close your eyes and the rest of the world will bleed. Fishbone
A long, long time ago, In a galaxy far, far away, God said, “Let there be lips!" And there were, And they were good!
The thrillseeker comes from the home, the home where parents are, too busy to trick their children into respect. — Ministry
He was alone. He was unheeded, happy, and near to the wild heart of life. He was young and willful and wild hearted, alone amidst the waste of wild air and brackish waters and the seaharvest of shells and tangle and veiled grey sunlight.
— James Joyce
1, Demetfio Gatos, will tfiefToIloMP Mom and Dad Obrfgado por rri|
i darem e s w i opiÂť|*|pida^e. J M lM
seif!^H B jpR pi)Pj^B pT
Na@ se preocupem que um ^ etl volto. (Amo^ocesffKatia, George, and Pigmeus- Valeu pela paciencia, pelas contas nao pagas, pelas roupasjavadas, pela pentelhacao e ^ por ter saco de me aguentar. But, voces vao sentir minha fateÂŽ
Remember me with smiles and laughter Because that is how I'll remember you. But if you can only remember me with Tears, don't remember me at all. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Michael Landon
flint and iron are naturally than those of the the rose. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; R.W. Emersi
and sings it when
you give of you ruly give.
Warren Keeler Greene
When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there was nothing left to conquer. — Alexander the Great
Alfred, Lord Tennyson 5. Do they say he can Run? L Like the wind! — Chariots of Fire
•:v i i
(not me?) I would rather be ashes than dust! 1would rather my sparks should burn out in a blaze that it should be stifled by dry-rot. 1 would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in a magnificent glow, than asleep and permament as a planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. 1 shall not waste my days trying to prolong them, 1 shall use my time. — Jack London
If you run with the big dogs don't pee like a puppy. Big Dog What a long strange trip it's been. — The De If we couldn’t all laugh, we would all go insane. — Jimmy Buffet 1go to parties sometimes until four, It’s hard to leave, when you can't find the door. — Joe Walsh
Im goin to hell in : but at least I'll enio
SO BE IT! Pump (Jp the Volume
t f i mug:
' llU
e ride
Greg G. Katsaros
And just remember, that together — It takes a nation of millions to hold us back. — Public Enemy
Rob, Adam, Phil, Pete and Todd, we re done. It's all over, and through the years we have become boyz II men.
Yo later
Now the years are rolling by me they are rocking evenly I am older than I once was younger than I’ll be but that’s not unusual no it isn’t strange after changes upon changes we are more or less the same . . . Simon & Qarfunkel
Don't takalife too seriously yoii will neler get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard
Come to the cliffs, he said. They said, we are afraid Come to the cliffs, he said. He pushed them. And they flew. An Old French
We are all alike; we have eyes, ears, arms, legs, and a head. The difference is in the heart. — Gallaudet University Football LockerRoom Wall
Having the courage to do what is right even thouqh I might stand out from ,, , *"»* the crowd. *, — Rob Kligman
Hello, Mr. Dodd.
Don't call me sweetheart, just call me Joe. — Sinead O’Connor
why take the road less travelled b when you can bush whack your own? — My sis
There’s hope in a man that nothing can destroy. A man will endure anything for the dream that he holds dear. — Mission UK.
That's why. darling that someone, so unforgettable, thinks that I am unforgettable too.
I know that it’s time for a change, but when that change comes, will it still feel the. same? HP M
— Wilson Phillips
For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. — William Wordsworth
I know nothing stays the same, but if you're willing to play the game, it's coming around again. — Carly Simon
Aryn Lieberman but smile
ave a good time.
5 a crime that we should age. gile times should pever slip us by. me you never can or shall erase. As friends together watch their childhood fly. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Elton John
Meghan Lynch *<r,
4 Hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me Is there anybody home? Come on down. I hear you’re feeling Well 1can ease your pain, get you on your feet againI have become comfortably numb. , — Pink Good friends we have or good friends we lost In this great future you can forget your past. So dry your tears
Day to day, just letting it ride, you get so far from how you feel inside you can’t let go cause you're afraid to fall But the day may come when you can’t feel at all. — Jerry Garcia Band The compass always points to TERAPPIN. — Grateful Dead Faring thee well now ^Let your life proceed by its own design. Nothing to tell now Let your words be yours. I’m done with mine. — Grateful Dead
I gotta gotta take a trip, gotta take a trip out of this place I gotta gotta get away get away from the human race I don’t know what I'll see don't even know what I’ll find I don’t know what to pack, never been on a trip to the mind, — Suicidal Tendencies
Conan the Bar!
Marjorie J. Miller
Soup DragonS
dl that we seÂŁ or s but a drearri witl in a dream,
He who rows the boat generally doesn't have the time to rock it.
The roots of education are bitter but the fruit is sweet. Aristotle
ieorge-Whatevdr \tards I say, Iwill always love ydu.
iome drink from th'e fountain iyknowledge, others merely
We are what we are by choice Life isn't what you say . . . It's wfia^Jtou do.
| 4L J i
m *
Row, row. row your boat7^I|! Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
L.M ' | < ; P
t ■1
Carrie Stoddard Murphy
tore Pappalasdo I
Well, do you? Punk. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Dirty Harry
tier. John J Dunbar D a n c e s w ith W olves
4 *
ir took the old men's pes of the young m
ou you you u
killed my Mutha. killed my Fotha. killed my people. took my. Fotha's sword, tig â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Conan the Barba
o you hiss at me?
If you’re going to live life, live it as a baby. It cannot solve together » “ignd very few that we can solve ■J*'" *by ourselves. jil , — Lyndori B. Johnson
Carine, you are the sunshine of my life.
If there was no humor in the world,
Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.
Thanks'Mom, Dad, Gabe and Camy for
aET-V tkifiMBMLg
Thanks <0 my menl DougT a Read H. Pauli, Mp. qpnj., Mr. , my parents. *
S g rs l
be strong.
V. Football '88, m ..â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9l
Jackie Striano
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the ddy after tomorrow.* Mark Twain
,1 8 k *
Thank you cioci.
Natalia Vaugha
No Guts - No Glory. Real winners are ordinary people with extraordinary determinations. — Confucius
There are no perfect people; only perfect intentions. — Robin Hood
You have brains in your head You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. ■Dr. Seuss I
Just do it! — Nike
>**\l •m
Fashions fadestyle is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent Two roads diverged into a wood, and I1took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Robert Frost
Success is a journey, not a destination. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Ben Sweetland Thank you, Mom and Dad, you are my motivation. Good luck, Ryan. Yo Later
1K ».
scurrj life mi ttoo fa mnd ol the stroi the true, when the moment
for i n t h e t w i n k l i n d B of arjeye. W the lovefe gone, I the moment dead,* an empty ringing in your head, your heart will know when fate • vkh*. has whispered in your ear... oh never fear, V beloved friend, ■ for in the end it’s worth the price,
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scribbles [1992] (skrib elz)
n. 1. a form o f text written
by a senior at K L H T relating his or her memories o f time spent at that institution (see K L H T )
not by any standard definition in 1992
PHIL-11/4/72-lts over! Thanx Mom+ Dad + N ick + M ich PG-Bermuda Thanx for Julie,partyyrplace,member of TRIO.Jeep from Hell.footballgames foot足 ball All Leaguers. AV-YolWe outa here92 our football team rules I wont forget Boo min system Chocolate! RK #20 I tryed to win while you were gone.Yo,where the Hell are we?Where the Hell is the heat.EMLC-freezing.yo who farted Mcdees.lgotta get outa this place.GK My man A*us.Trio Pack.Bermuda.Crazy mo ped.We were the football team.Wo men beater what up man!/Whose waitingpapklt.ST Scotie!R.L Victry.DC
CRAIG-11/20/72-OKwell-Thanksifl Graduate-LLA ILOVEYOGlikea wife and m a yb e o n e d a yy o u w illb e m in e e h in t w h o a re yo ugoingtoeatw ithnextyear D on'tforgetA LL Whoyourrea Ifriends are. ALLdontlosesightofyourdream s youranamazingperson..Noweveryone el see ve ry onehasbeenagoodfriendand F.Y.B and you peeople iknew Closly youweregood itgave measmile LFwel youllalwayshaveaplaceinmyheart. Only a couple really knew EWttbnt-J.E.W.ThatwasfunByallGoeasyeveryone else All doyalater
BILL-2/10/73-JS + MB-Good luck to足 gether. Thanks 4 everything. Sorry if I drove G crazy. YF Missed G90-91.R + J & BT were great. NAV-I regret last yr, Day sail, Blue Lagoon, Skating, (J were al足 ways there. DG-Dude! The Bd.Bw.By, didn't last, Thanks 4 MC. JM-What a listener! EM Be safge 4 the 3 yrs. SarisJJ,CDs,HC. ML Sinead Oconnor. MF-10/ 0 7 /91 . AFC(DHBB) Let's meet as planned at Grt Woods in '99. SB-CI meant alot. Thanx RYC, CL, & SYC. Love to Em, Bromley, Mom, & Dad. Good Luck to the class of 1992. Parole didn't come soon enough!
PETE-3/24/73-Yo We Outta Here Like Last Year. GK PS RK-AV-lts finally over we've become Boys2Men-Yo TF-TM-SMLW-you're a bunch of airdungers-to the JRS-ST RL JCrew-PB-DC VB PD-esp.KT Best of luck to you-see ya and I wouldn't want to be ya.Parties at Pete's-no ones sleeping tonight-we got to kick this KG you Bunch of Wimps.GK-PS-RK-We rule at anchorman-no one will ever defeat us even the alumnii.Yo fellas we Kicked a s in FBall this year 5 + 3 Baby-Thanks to all coaches-esp.Greer.Trio Rules-sorry everyone I forgot-lll miss you all-Later
WARREN-6/3/73-88-Smal I Man Big World. Mrs. M Hist 101,BK YF PD the love quad, CK Car Trip! 89-Japan,odd KC, MM and spring break Amkle. 90- one crazy summer, Mt Hood/ Eagle Creek, Return of MM, ED JR EM new friends at Home, CBG Born!! Prom Hell, End of MM,ED EM long sept night! 91 Hi CW,lets:Have mony? NO;YOG? NO!,Boston in Bed, love little squirrel/ CK.Time Square 92 CW NO BK. Big Man Small World. Thanks Dad Mom I'm done! PD BS Not Forgotten. CX For Ever! By By 1992 Your Prez!
E R IK -6 /5 /7 3 VAN DAM M E G'NT'IN'R#1 T2-T3? "WAIT, I SHOULD FILM THISL'Goodbye Eram-Take care. Gatos, John, W arren,Mike, Oliver,A dam,NV,AC,LF,EB-WANT AS CREW?PSOHOF BOSTON PS.GK.PG.RK Thanx for the poolbiz.JAMI I'll missyou.RE MEMBER D SOIREE.Febl991 Lion heart, JR&ED at the piano,OP NUCLE足 AR JELLO.CAMPING WG&EM DAVIES&DAVIES PRODUCTIONS SEAGAL At lantic City-JR WarGames- MP(GHD) Post SATrager-DG&EM all THE CHOSEN Thankyou MOM/DAD/KRISTI AN AND CLASS OF 1992.'nuff said. See you at the Movies. GONNAHAVESOMEFUN WITHMYFRUSTRATION.
DINA-6/20/73- I'm outta here,but I'll B back! IB-I'm glad I got 2 know u! CSRemember me next year! Also remember RL, MB&MP! I hope MJP&DLP 4-ever! MM-Keep in touch next year&if u need me I'll always be ur big sis! EC-tennis 9192 we survivedIDon't 4-get 2 look 4 the sign! I'll always be here when u need me! If MJP&DLP get married will u bbsit? I'm leaving now but I'm scared 2 say goodbyelStay CooMTo everyone at KLHT good luck n keep the spirit Alive,I'll miss u allH'll never 4-get the memories or the friends I've made at KLHT!!!!
MEG H A N -7 /2 / 73-LILA-H LOBSTER • G R E E N G R A S S O N D A R K S ID E O F TH E MOON-JSG RANMAHIGHOSIFURGDLSD-GREENBEARS-FRUIT-VEGGIES-NATURAL-AGH JS -K F -M E TIER DMEWIREDBASSHYPEDHS-AL MS-PP-WEEDBEACH-NCC-J-Ruebnercou rt WHIPCREAM-UTOPIA-NODOZ-2:00SONO-Jamacanstore-NYC-Chapstick-MS GTRIP — HOW-SWEET-IT-IS" — BIGH LF How-couId-1-forget-u-remember-E dieB. BLUEST ravler-fore verH i-copsatWeedBeach-90'dasstrip-talking tomyMother.never-
DAN-8/26/73-N.V.AII the great times we had-PandP A.C.Thanks for all your helpR.K-The friend I never knew till the end of the year-N.V. Thanks for being there all the time-Best friends-Don't forget the times we had J.S. Our Private conversa tions A.L.Physics willi H.O.RRRRR B.K. NNNNN E.S. Ithaca N.V. Bad Nov30 C.M.Thanks for the cheering up-To my future-K.G. you know you want me but so does everyone get in line-Gatos Deten tion man
CHARLOTTE-8/27/73-SMHS3yrs-MJw/ JE,RF,VS-FH4ever- 1 2 /31 /88-TheA ve = Fri + S a t-S h o w b o a t w /J M ,E H,EC,LD-TM:Look A t It Harry + Snowdrop-MyParty = Wow-Ann?-BathTub -Dat ing Game:ILost!-AF:Talk-Tennisw/CP-6/ 2/91-8/26/91 :JA-CapeCod7hr-Vega = Rain-SnufflesDied-Bostent Sally w / SC.CS-OK.Lets . . . DoYouHaveMon ey?rHo,DoYou?WG-TN: Left-10/27-1 2 / 16 = NeverAgainll-NewYearsTimesSquare/WG-BethMextYear-MyPumkin RememberlWillAlwaysLoveYouMCouldNotHaveSurvivedW/OutYou!-Class92 Warren + lAreJustFriends-MomAndDad:YourBabyMadelt.WordsCantExpressT heGratitudeLuvYa-Bye!!
GATOS 10/8/73- 4 The Dudes: Bill Bad day yr.BK.MntvI.cute? POPS- DOC THANX BRETT- G STUPID F.FLA in March? LUV G. CD.-MOVIEMAM.take it easy,JAY PARTY,camels,wasted. DAMIN LGV,Detention.Celio- Preto feio saudades.volley CARONA, campos,VALEG por tudo. Luiz- BR04EVER.GGARG CAS.HC.GS.ZOMA.bebidas.secRets senti sua falta, GRILO T ART A.LOIRO PENTA MAGS- BIG ZONAS.CROCKS AMOITE,PaqsBand,BROS,HC,to ligado buraco?TK CARE. ALE- M&M.TRAGA DOS ANGLE, RACHA, GGARG.MINAS, ZONASGTPTi- Oct26, WD.RI. +only, Jan20,92 S’AGAPO.Mtulwkends,ditch, LoveGLots
LISA 10/ 12/73-Thanks Mom&Dad-Lu vya! AaMIKgCmAdCfPEEC44WhosGot T h e M o tts? N iko la yT H a n ksY o u F o rBeingTheMOstSupportiveFriendEverURRea IlySpecialXOXOAADuselNevrfrgtG!TfAmlReallyGiddy?C + SDontGGet Bored? JM D eepT houghtsw /C + J / M F P E :H E L L o !G la z e d D o n u ts M is sG!CFMLCBCM:Never4g etR + J-ltscultureWGHamletwannabeChron.-ltssbeen fun.Bk BowlathoninB ostonGRaGood FriendlB-ThanksFRorTCBYLunches LaughsLGVGESKeepYourCh inGpDPPIsfindmeaMike-BkMbJsJdCnWIEbLf “GdLk A v D g J c C w N u frn d s M rC m rS K M rsPthanksforenduringmeSVSDKEBRB goodJohnPizzaTakeOutLovetoEveroneX OPEJ'mGoingonaDiet
ERAM 11/23/73
MIKE P.-1/7/74-J. D. Why are we get ting kicked outta this house? Class trip m idnight maneuvers,Payne caught me.EMT,SAC,TRFD,FFI. No pure pres sure P.S.Jeet Kune Do w / Bruce Lee. Lets Hayduke someone Veah! E.D.We did it all.Chem Lab Napalm w / Pauli, We are the champions J.R.,Rent some Movies C.N. Dressed For success A.V. Live long and prosper W.L. Great prom with ya B.K. Led Zepplin#! Doors#1 Lets make some Films E.D. I'm the MovieMan. I thank you all Everyones my Friend in this class I hope we meet some day! Really!
CHRIS 11/3 0 /73 -JS S M B Bostn.crw, cheri?lsthsyors?2gthr4vr CK-nomrgifts. (Jlllrn AB-My Bloodm an.gow/Art.k pEL.gdlckw/colge, laterbro MF-SrryabotRos!Thanx4 yorear&bngthere. FrendAIwysGodlckLitlRed! PE-1 stgrd-alwyslikU, useurpotntlbutstyyrself LC-Thanx4Romeo.primemom AC-Thanx4car6bxr s&pool&Faith LF-Whatsup,Thanx4tipwepasditon, grtpres ML-FIbbrtng.cuonflpside,edfnclb,crmblMtHlyke,4ver Thanx 4help&frndshp CF-YBNorml?Bsmartbut safeBoom PeachGrtstthng&timesevr, u = hapnes, 10/29/ 88,2 / 10/89 ,1 2/90,Bostn,LI,clastrps(rock.cabnroom) Niteatlake.aftrnnsmyroom.ILU.IDO!
ROB-2/25/74-lt's finally overP.S. G.K. A.V. P.G. Now on2the big time.G.K.the book is ready2publish!Prom90,91,92all great years A.V.I won in91 we'll see in92Krystan it was funS.T.Doyle was great with you. E.M.L.C. " It's free zing. "P.S.G.K. J.H.G.,Bently What A ti me.The store Sue,Jim,Pablo,Tony what an influence you were I'll never forget you EconClass"W hat's he talking About'Mr.Greer thanks4being there"Have fun Don’t think" "ZEZ" you were right.Marc thanks4showing me the way Dad you've been a huge help.Thanks Mom and Gram See You In The Show,On To Div. 1.
COREY-2/ 17/74-CM, KG(BB), ML,AD, BK- PEEC(Sorry I Missed the Flood and the Motts). CB-FSW-too perfect! Hope I CGb4 the wedding. CM(PD)-poetry, par ties, New Year’s, Prom '91,The Cook the Thief . KG, my BB-the Queen of Innu endo. YF-sorry about the eyebrow com ment. Joy-farewell Nightingale, good luck w / next 3 yrs of HS! TF-tee hee, MOO! :) Melf, true fa n # lT m sorry. Oh, Mr. H -Fall my teachers "Better Late Than Never" CG all 18r! :)
- s.?->
SARAH 3 /7 /7 4 MEL Paw-tDntlosburi to!StB's20yrsB thr TGIO nomor HESTBIRAKE!HO!HO!Mr.D/ALX-Thnx4TET R IS p o o l& m y b b y s h o w r L A R I Q T s tp m k n g lu v - th n z 4 tip C b lik e s ! noGRLCPICKLSIMGGRSkep fathUR jnCNTRL seeyainprntMS.SCI-FI&nomorlegholsWH ATT?**J AQ-dnt frgt:socer,Mrs.H20,gamboy&thestrvngchldrn in t h e w r ld - S H A L O M ! J D ,G V . A B . L T . G R . C K .C N g o o d lu c k / M IKSJCKY-Coloradothrsnothnglikagoodgoose Ramada/P.I.EBgod.kepyorharcombd&strtaKndrgrtnCult**Bevusletsdo smthngsmtime/Cory try2takNiteCorses-youlltakovrtheWrld!*DuDeillmi ssu*BNKS-wutcnlsay-H.I.K.Y myGREKGD.ILU-seeyalater!
MARGIE-3/31/74-lt's over!YEAH!LOB STER BIS Q G E/CoolCats/theNightClub 1 0 / Lila Lu bob/Break fas tClubFrjd a y s /N O T !/W h a te v e r/K a te Prom'91!*@ tfaced/Olivelvy/Blowpops/ TFatPete'sNOT! /Airhead/CheerleadingHacky.Smoky.Jappy, sappy, happy,do pey.flirty/ EDF! @“Check/TonyDINER/ Turtle-BN/ eghanwakeup!/ TallLuvGfarverusmokeMarbles/G randm a/Com ilon/Nerds!/Ftsx/ K.C.21&OV er rule/Kaliope&theBurb/Kate:ThanksforeverythingNever4getG!/ George-Y ouareMyoneandONLYILOV E Y O G !!!T h a n k s M O M IL o v e y o u ! Couldnthavedoneitw /out youtwo111 I'M FREE!!!
A L I4 /2 9 /7 4 -7 y rs @ K L H T ;L a x 4; goal VT'91w/ LAF.BJK.CSM.AEA, + ?!CM-wedidn'tn o i t w a s st ee p ! L A F -w h o c a m e w / u?Luck@JHG-on + offfield! BJK-lrn2makepcorn!lost @Yth lead! theseguyfrnds! AEA wholetripin'92!lsitsatlnorsatAn? 4getguysayrbhind-we r 2gd!pre-prom'91CH + lrlate-always!Comeskiw/me@Midd YMF-6gr.on!Bk frmMorge!Eng4/ 92w/Mac!Lax lives!GR2stressd! MSL2 b d y rk nee! A ir lax !lu ck@ H olyoke! C S M .C o re y .Y M F ,C H -1 2 /3 1 / 91 @CF's!What'sinthebottle?!Rnbowsprinkls! CH-grl Oon-my"Friend"!Thanx KLHT. Love + Luck:A D 3M D 2,LA F YMF.BJK.AEA.CSM.MSL.CF.CH
MIKE B.4/3/74Tm outta here.Thank God, BK-canG say airhead?CF-G'll never cease 2 amaze me.CB&SW did G have 2 call&interrupt us?G guys were the first 2 know.Good Luck.MP-super hero,soulman,thinking fondly of G.DS-good luck.GK-$ Cool WG bifocal man.Shut up.Lanth.CM-come pull me out.WL-learn how 2 dress.Soccer'89- a real psycho.JMS-you're the best;Yes,l am slick; Moonies-lots of fun;See,l told G we wouldn't get caught;l guess we have to thank AC.Not.Middlebury is my safety too.I love G always&forever. Thanx CH.PR.VG&everyone else.C-YA
Jeb-5/3/74-Math 410-Quotient Rulef'x = D.N,-NxD 1/D 2-A STG -Physicsdx = vit+l/2at2-The musical ‘‘Bye Bye Birdie'' should be greatl-E.S.-ASRCLe place la cucina italiana? Si Mi place.‘‘I understood that music was not a combi nation of sounds disposed in this or that order, but an art capable of expressing, by proper means, the most diverse ideas and sentiments."Dmitri Shostakavich. Jaquita-‘‘Twang” "Remember tu to r ing? -Good Luck to all the 1992 senior classIMe l like spending free periods in the Senior Room! I hate Birdie on Tues
JACKIE-5/ 14/74-MV-PDAYP MYCGuidos Ccabinet JMIthinkhe‘sinlovew/her c'mon Guido! Pelican Lady 50yroldbullets Thanx4beingthere.Lu vya MFSPADE LoveLetter AL-QEEM? KC-YOGCJRT! AC-Are ya OK? ML-RVM-SHAMANIGAN! WL-l'llalwaysrememberG MPSOCILMAN I'll miss you Dani (HI I'm..) SW&CB-Gdlk&thanx-Bostonrm-G were the first 2 know MRB-5/15/91 THE BEST "Just Friends’THAHAHA Mrs.Cor pulent "Look@thestiff" in the closet Boston "! think Mijer is coming!" horsie, Brookdale, I love you sooo much thanx 4 everything-4moreyrsBye Bill ADIOSGGME I'M OUTTA HERE
BETH 5 /2 5 /74-Finally!LF-2headedfriend pookeyetc. canuwait4yourbday?Thnx! CM-popcornVt MMR Pachelbel shortstooshort A A-Hm m w h a t w a s th a t PH91revisited 11/91 sring91-thnx PEsingleclub Oitsu-YF-JuanScooter organ insults! JD-Thnx4alwaysbeingthere! DMSorrylmsuchab . . . AD-Vt9192 burning TF notesinphysics JM-throughdriftingstillfriends CW-lreallydidwanttogotoMY WG Thnx4everything Dontloseyourhu mor! MF-noofbub presents AS&LoserGoodluck! AC-Soaps AL-Vail8990 MLC le a r ! W h e r e ? SW- ser vus JCWLMPCBEMKGCMCFLC Thnx4goodtimes M&D&K Thankyou-ILoveU!
A M Y 5 / 3 1 / 74-BKNewFrndOldFrndSngsPh91Revisited 11/91 Hotm enColby W he re sT h e f'kin P ho n e Col92?BK ADLFBurnin Papers. BKMFLFCouldltBSati(a) nCMLFADBKVT915/ 6?StudyN O TG roupsP EEC 44W hosGotTheMotsTakePPIungeADL afinHumanGridLCStrawWrdDotGameDudeLorittaList!LFBKLCZooChipDipGir afeMF WhatComplexWrdDotGamePhascCsADonlyDorfinUSADLFBK HeatherJMMFB K C B S W L F C a llin o n T h e c a rP h o n eMewYrs9192JDDMThanksDudeEMcCIBeatUCmpE ngPizzaw/CWJMNever AgainHighlighterEng92EofEPartyLongMovieMickyMou seLUVUskiinCampMV M om &D adThanx.G oodLucklllM issU GuysLUVU AlwaysThanx ForGoodTi mes.TIMSHEL
PORTIA-6/10/74 I2yrs n now its time to say goodbye! CHRIS Remember M et/12yrs/ril miss ulCLAREPhone calls 4hrs/singing/car rides/Luv (J/KIT!JAQ(JITA (J R going 2 miss me/9yrs/good friend/Cute Cousin!YAZ I wrote u Once/u're in my class?smiling frend/KIT! EF FEI Natural Woman/Bombardment!MEL Lookin Good/Brown n Blond kids/long talks/ WRONG W A Y /I’ll miss (J/KIT!BETH singles club(DT)(J R A GREAT FREND..TR(JE!LISA P A N D A M O N IU M /G la z e d D o n u ts Me 2IMEGGV A R T /ril miss (J!SARAH YRBK/Gor geous/Raps/KIT! WYNDHAM YRBK/Musical/ Bye! JESS-Baby Pwanga!LORI-l flyed?No u fal led!POSSE ADRIEN(NiceBraces) GREG(Cool Dude) ANTHONY(STAY SWEET) GRAM(Hello) MIKE(GQ/Little Bro)Thanx Guys! MOM ILO VEYOCI N THANX! DADTHANX 4evrything! MARK, DAVID. LEAH, BERNIE.RASHON ILuvU Guys! ToAII The Rest-I ll miss (J verymuch AA CF AC CM TF MM KC DG JS KG EK AD IB EM JR EC AV MA SV MP!CLARE Boys like bon es!To Kindergarten Thanx4YourSupport!JCTII MissCI! DP + KP-Congrats!
YAZ-6/5/74 So.what do G think of rain bow sprinkles?The Luv quad.Jemima!Jimini!Fuff face.popcorn comet Dukakis eyebrows! forgive u.ECO family.Dua flame New Years.Chic J aim W-O-M A N!Wiking want some wicorish?LindshPtL!shawlot cafe aulaitmasroesonomees!The whale and the rabbit 4 ever.Removble headlightsscawee music!Schwahnold did I tell u I have a cuz at CoPDr.Fein-wick-stein-goldTosen. Ivan ych brotakk til alle I Norge!Love&thanks2:MDRF CM KJ KH LS LZ AM AK VB SB IM LK CN and everyone else.
LORI 7 / 19/74-AWMBeYourselfNoMat ter What They Throw At YouT rappedGa rdenBlondiesNYCFlubOffHaircutsSum mer9192/6-182Much2Say/BKIDontHa ve2HeadsMegaB — SliceTwistPoo kie8692BF/AmitaChipsDipZooGirafeSA TIN / ADVermont9192BurningPaper/ ILuvGGuys/SWCBEternlDebtWhatsGpNoMoreG arlicThanx4SoMuch/CDMRe m e m b e r4 E v e r 1 2 6 F rie n d S ? IL Y / MLBeachBluesTrav EdieBYourMom Classtrip/MFNoofbub!/ACTakeOffYour MaskYFFeinsisters84 9 2 /JMlWontShutG p!/P ELBT /KC M M Im NotALobster/ EDM LCM ALLCPG W L + JRSASDBP DandEvryO neKeepInTouch/JM AFA MArizonaCancunFOODLuvYou4Ever/ SuzLuv You/M + DLoveAndThanks!
......... —
WINDY-8/10/74 It s all over! 6 years. K to KLHT AC Yrbk con., you & Sarah: Theme! MF abababcc. snarl for me. PE Thanks for everyth ing. You're a true friend. S + C NOT!! New clothes (your turn. Chris). LF- How could you?? Have fun with Winston! LC Still bored? Bio '92oogonia! JS Keep the watch, I've got the ring. CN- Airhead. Mr. Huester, ARTICLES! CM- Rug burns (NOT). Lily! JM- Gossip Queen, sell those fruit BK BOINGG! 7's all the way. DK It's not true, just friends. Musical '92! AG I know, it's okay see Yrbk '91. AS Your turn for some reverance. WW Eagles, took too long. FL Love you so much! Don't ever change! LL, NL. AL I want to know you. HK- Good luck w /out me, Yearbook '92 is the BEST!! Yrbk Staff Check out that cover! Just don't open the book To everyone else- It was great knowing you guys, keep in touch! Remember, it's not an ending, just a new beginning
TORI-8/ 14/74-wELL III prObAblY sEE YAM IAtEr!thAnx tO thOsE nOt wOrth It tO mY IGv MATT + T B "taggin "Em ml JR + KS sg dg mmm jd lb bk gv cc jo + mo c f-fm y III sIs.NIGHTBREED-b there bEEtlEjGIcE bEAr pOps + gGYs lO G +jAcklE jl + Arn( + dOgs)RHPS rGIEs!cm cc m + r-n bEck m + m-m k + s sheera + luv knight + pAls km rm m + b d 60neener!DEATH to CP DB GC DT JP Hi TC EJG + T = LOVE TO ALUBIack sheep were not meant to be understood ! love you black sheep daughter,I love you black sheep son,I love you stranger I love you outcast ACCEPT GS FOR GS-not our appearance!
JENNIFER 8 / 17/74-GOOD LGCK SEN IORS.JM,PE You Are Great Friends.MF, AA No more FBdiagrams. CM, YF, MF, AA, PE, JM THanks For everything. BK, CM, CF Have Faith The Gniverse Has No End. LC, WL The ooogonia! Bio Class. JS-I promise I won't talk to M. anymore. Thanks to all the people that helped me through the year, friends, teachers, and Especially my parents. Without you I would have never made it.
MEG 8 /2 6 /74-mom&dadthanku4being so4giving&understanding.Nomore Tide! Dov ALhrWecme!80mn@40mphCBth ku4lstng2me.rillkuupin20yrs!Gwll bin my wllet4everSW W H ATT?GGeorget te!W rte2m e!KG,CMLCADAACFPEE C44isCO ED. Y F e rth m th rm y WOO M AN.TFm ylvrwhochtsonm e!W illwee vergtoGV?! W htm y bl vdms!MFPEJ MGR2spcl2me!Wrte2me@MH.BKGRv r y b r v in th g lie c g e .M y B E F F !C N m y sstrRC JChua.ELII vu!Bgd!lgnrscty burslf.SprspnMOHOche!MAmyadptdltt Isstr douknw anythng@ S X ?F A V E IL v e u th m o s to u to fth m a llT h k u m rc IL koutwrl d;whnuthnkuhvewonlLLBinthebckalleyw/amrror&acndllevryonedsrv sacho ice!CGinthebkshlf.
— CLARE-9/ 1/7 4 FN MyBestFrnd&TheBestSister.ILuvG4ever.ARC-17Yrs .III M issG !C K 2Y rs-F un& H appinesslLuvG.MV Mat ingSea son. W hite sheet 4 H alloween.Wed’s.EarlySwims-Where'sMyBra?P E 9Y rs.T hanx4A lw aysB eingT here. LG VG -M en L i k e M e a t . A C R( J O K? Bc k S ea t & Pr omNite.Wed’s&BK.ML-MySist erRosita 17YrsGCan'tGetRidOfMeMow!HCOXpressYrself-SoccrSong.We dNites&Mr nings.MF TheFlood.lMeanWowlKIT.DSDrakkar.GR-Prm‘91 -GTho ughtlWasAsleep! Jnnycake-IIIMissG.DG-Need ARide?LF-MyNoseTwin.NH-Lo okGuysIWLyrbk.SD ear lobes. SW TheFlood. JSRunlME-SummerSupprAtSun rise.HIMiss(J.BK-Hips.EL-BustyBell.JM,AC,PE,EBTheOriginals.Mom&D ad-ILuvG.SV.AG .AB .E K.G V.M P.M H .SM .JR .EM .KS.YF.CF.ED.JS.AZ&Everyone -GoodLuck.lllMissYouLots.
rn r \ ■ I t i
,(.j \
CARRIE 10/9/74-CLASS MEETING C H A O S .Y R B K PICS. IN D IN K . VT 91. PROM 9 1 . Peek44.X-M AS W / FRENDS.CAFE nites.midnight swim. BOSTON.New Yrs 91.AP ART nites. driver frm H*LL.PIZZA.cover thoselegs, merestead, Pacha bell rules!! Tea&Moon ey.Fee Fon.GLGV KC.Irish house partlies,nice herb garden, hockey,spaggetti at my houuse. homecoming paint.LAX to Eng! Get PSYCHED!Making money. GIRaldo. GOOD LGCK EVERYONE!!! -from csm u guys rzbest
ARYN11 / 15/74-JW.BFFwoah lb ls lb tannerlLGV!KCNVMMMLJScc'snightc lubL.BisqueBrkfstclubLilaLubobTheBurb + CalliopeHuggyBBscoache$50KA TER + TATERcheerleading7dwarfsfo o ts x .G G b ig D .E d n a ld o n td o th a tMOT!pbs com iq e e m ?P rom 90E H P rom 91 P S w h a le r t h n k s L u v y a BKsprgbk8990SkimenFlorida91 JWCMindihttbCMwindixiso..SntappLaxAGCI a n lV G K R K v id e o a tp G s H o u s e P a missy ouguys!JDv + voice.missuMSDSn o lo w illiJ C R W ro s e r 5 s is s m r 8 9 Mr.Othnks .Mom + Dadthank you for everything III missyoul-TheescenceoflifeeisapairofgreenandwhitestripedsocksSee ya!
M ELISSA 12/ 1 1/74-S W S t.B & C hictm es2remem ,greasyguys,Dwnyndrfr ank?CF,AR,HS-Luvemoriveem,lsitlemnorlme?Dnt4getme.lLGVG!PEGoodfr n d s R h rd 2 fn d .L o n g tlk s ,m u s c a l9 1 92.Thnks4bengatrufmd.ldntknwwht2dO w/ou.LokkinGood!JMWhtelse2saybtbyePseudos.scubadiver-wreflnlydne ! by eSprAPman.C B-grtfrnd. Itsok bout Ro s e .G d id n tk n w .9 b a llx m a s ,c ls trp 9 0.umeanalot2me.Dnt4getit!BK-noobub, sumrfrnd,TFF7 12 + me2go,whre'sm yhse?LF-entr?,Grethraf.CF-FLFJS-goinpea ceSpadeML pdah!CN-dofshhve re li gion? JC-NomreHest. A A-bndingl2grd. Li fescmplex.GV-gdLknx = yr.Dud elLGVG. mlglwngStayGold
1 1 ___ NATALIA-12/14/74-JMS BFFE BobNolan PPJR-CCthumb,ankle tape NudeDude whatswrong ILuvYou NoMatterWhat GLwithMB CN MatingSeason Arms visitaunts? AC HBBlfromHBB2 CSPD TheyRMine NOTIPAS! HCOorHO Bball RKST NOTIEKMSmiss'em? DS Nov30'91 lthaca?False!YouDork ES LuvUBelly DG LuvLongTalks PD CHOP! BK I'MFINE! JM RUOK? JR Friends4ever CW Skiing?C.Hall GR 2Cool ED Me-StarofYourlstMovie YF Lunch? ST Missyou AL.KC.JS.ADCoolCats.MM.ML Farver Wed morns-F nites soccer'89'91 NightClub E B . R K . C F . S W . C B.AV.PS.PG.KS.PE.AZ.SD.andevryone ILuvU + keepintouch Mom + Dad ILuvU
ALEX 1/ 16/75-JMNVJSCNRUOKINV PD-AC NACHWED-BK-CD!S&Cinvitme2t he w e d in g-N A M E th e kid a fte rM E IJA QUIT A-Friends4EVER!VAUGAN-BF4ETLWCS TRKE UScaredme4LIFE IcIdBin aMODELNOT! JACKY-not2yerweddinnite!J + M- UOITALL2MEICLARY-NEVER letm eintheBA C KIH E D ER -G PR lC alwyasTHIRSTYILF- AINYPeopleRLikTH ATIBETHJOKESLEPOT SOAPSIDANI luvyaHOPEUgotherlED- putmeinyermovie !E S U to u tm e a lo t-E B A F F A IR !JC BB!PE8392!MFsum91!DG-E NGAGEDNOT!WLyrbk!GOODLUCKLuvYA!Chici takoklaPosse-littleBro-JLSMM BHS-SDN + AwilgetPIMrK 18yrs!M0MDADANDYD AN AG eorgM K D ILLm isYA N EX TYEAR IRGPAPJKYC + CLASS92H!
(su per let ivs)
surpassing all others, supreme 2. o f very high quality
adj. 1.
n. 3. a superlative
thing or person 4. chosen by the senior class as a whole to distinguish those above all others 5. a tradition at K L H T (see K L H T ) 6. unable to be categorized by any standard definition in 1992
Biggest Ego E r i k D a v i e s & E f f e i B e g e t is
Class Sweethearts
Most Outgoing W a r r e n G r e e n e & N a t a lia
Most School Spirit E r ic S h e r lin g G J a c k ie S tr ia n o
W a rre n G re e n e G K a te C o m is k e y
C h r is B l a n c & S a r a h
W a lte r s
Most Likely to have a Nervous Breakdown W yndham
L a th e m
Typical Senior
Most Sarcastic
Most Sensitive
P e t e G r e e n fie ld G K a t e C o m is k e y
J a q u it a M o n r o e
E r i c S h e r l i n g G C la r e N i c h o l s
D e m e t r i o G a to s & P o r t ia Edwards
M i k e P a p p a l a r d o G M a r g ie Millet
Class Brown-Nosers D a n S e l ig & A r y n L i e b e r m a n
Most Attractive
Most Likely to Teach at KLHT
Most Athletic
Most Likely to Succeed
A d a m V ic t o r & E f f e i B e g e t i s
W a r r e n G r e e n e G K a t ie G il l e s p ie
P h i l S i s s e n e r & L o r i F e in g la s
C h r is B la n c & L is a C h o b o d y
Best Friends ohn R o m a n o & E r a m
M a lin o v it z
Most Musical J e b D e n n is G C la r e N i c h o l s
Most Mischievous E ra m
M a l in o v i t z G J a c k i e S t r i a n o
First to be Divorced P e t e G r e e n fie ld G A r y n L ie b e r m a n
Class Flirts B ill K r a s n o r G A le x C a r a d i m it r o p o u l o
Senior Class Colors - Purple, Black, Denim
Blue, Gray Senior Class M ascot - Oscar the Grouch Senior Class Song - Forever Young Senior Class Motto - “If a man does not
keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears the different drummer. Let him step to the music, however measured or far away.” — Thoreau
Color - Black Movie - The L ittle M erm aid Ice cream - Chocolate Place to Party - Pete’s Actor - Christian Slater Actress - Julia Roberts Pastime - Sleeping Comic Strip - Calvin & Hobbes Teacher - Mr. Van Vechten Class - Art Car - Jeep Expression - MOT! TV Show - 90210 Soap - Ivory Cafeteria Food - Cookies Drink - Coke Day of the Week - Friday Radio Station - Z 100 Pizza - Cheese Gum - Juicy Fruit Cartoon - Bugs Bunny President - The Gippur Male Sex Symbol - Mr. Van Vechten Female Sex Symbol - Cindy Crawford
In the Year 2012
. . . twenty years after leaving KLHT . . . Amy Ayres . . . admits it wasn’t just the Chinese food she wanted from Eram. Effie Begetis . . . opens a new line of cosmetics called N atural Woman. Mike Bellwin . . . gets to talk to another girl. Chris Blanc . . . finally realizes there is life after Sarah. Iciar Bonnemaison . . . stops faking that accent. Alex Caradimitropoulo . . . puts an end to this pseudo business. Lisa Chobody . . . bores herself to death teaching French 900. Kate Comiskey . . . finally gets the lead in a musical. Jennifer Cuellar . . . realizes that Mr. Huester isn’t the stud that he appears to be. Erik Davies . . . gets two thumbs down. Jeb Dennis . . . finally admits that Kalie really was the first person into college. Oliver Densch . . . gets lost somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. Ali Dorf . . . buys the L.L. Bean Company and renames it ‘Ali Bean.’ Exactly. Portia Edwards . . . has a heart attack after finding a strand of hair out of place. Corey Feder . . . is on time. Lori Feinglas . . . doesn’t have an opinion. Yasmeen Feinstein . . . is seen in Arby’s wearing a new mink. Melissa Fenwick . . . lets Alex cut her hair and ends up bald. Kalie Gllespie . . . dates someone her own age. Warren Greene . . . becomes Mr. Burns’ adopted son. Peter Greenfield . . . was last seen entering a brewery — his current whereabouts are unknown. Greg Katsaros . . . same crew, different parking lot. Beth Kessler . . . stars in the movie Legend II: The Return o f Bob Marley. Robbie Kligman . . . finally stops scamming on the same four girls and gets married. Bill Krasnor . . . gets invited somewhere. Meg Larned . . . after growing an afro gets a job on PBS drawing happy little trees. Wyndham Lathem . . . after moving to Topeka, Kansas, takes over Jostens Printing and Publishing so that he can make ALL the yearbooks they print HIS way. Aryn Lieberman . . . stars in the new hit movie, Gold Card: The Power o f the Plastic. Meghan Lynch . . . actually says something too loudly. Eram Malinovitz . . . returns to KLHT to terrorize Erik once again. Craig Malton . . . becomes an official “New Kid." Marjorie Miller . . . marries George and buys a candy cane and turkey gram franchise. Jaquita Monroe . . . actively seeks a cure for her Obnoxious Personality Disorder (OPD). Carrie Murphy . . . stars in the movie Lily: The Return o f Storm in Norman. Clare Nichols . . . becomes the inspiration for the new Ben and Jerry s ice cream flavor, Clare Bear. Mike Pappalardo . . . also known as “Captain Video,” flies over New York delivering videos to needy VCR’s everywhere. Dina Pruchansky . . . blows her nose. John Romano . . . finally realizes that’s not Kate’s natural hair color. Dan Selig . . . realizes that he’s not God’s gift to women; actually he was supposed to be more of a practical joke. Eric Sherling . . . still going . . . and going . . . and going . . . Phil Sissener . . . gives up football and becomes an economics professor. Jackie Striano . . . takes the leash off Mike. Natalia Vaughan . . . loses it. Adam Victor . . . gets down and dirty. Charlotte Wade . . . is still at KLHT - she thinks it’s still 1992. Sarah Walters . . . leaves Chris for her seventh grade flame, Shannon Weight.
Stop making faces and go out already!
No, Charlotte, he’s just getting his books.
Eternal bliss.
“I’ll be back.” Too bad.
Caught in the act!
“Now you will all sit down and do exactly as I say.” Yes, Mike, people actually spent time making a sup plement.
The choice of the German generation. “Sure, Pete, there’s plenty of room.”
“Honestly, Sarah said I could.”
At this point, Aryn, flowers can’t save you.
The Billfrog and his Lily Pad.
Clare’s eating, again.
51; -â&#x20AC;&#x2122;1), adj. Not constituâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; un'con-sU-tu''i-ty j
underclassm en [ 1992]
(un der klas men)
n. 1. members o f the
freshman or sophomore class in a school or col lege
a group o f students considered to be
valued members o f the K L H T community (see KLH T)
ones who are reaching to become
seniors at K L H T (see seniors; K L H T ) 4. not by any standard definition in 1992 a out from a curled or coi
Juniors: F r o n t
R o w : Jay Campbell, Carl Witherspoon, Lance Tammero. Phillip Holzer, Ned Abate, Jason Cole, Justin Levitz, Kristian Davies, Adrien Blanc, Graham Ruffels, Greg V lam is. J osep h Hart, Sean Gallagher. S e c o n d R o w : Madison Adams, Carolyn Scollick, Deborah King, Carolyn Buzanoski, Joanna Vosburgh, Heather Oppel, Jamie Shulman, Kate Sadowsky, Victoria Bush, Pamela Blomberg, Paige Dusault, Kathryn Townsend, Danielle Cort, Claribell Alonso, C arolyn Lam born. M ich elle D'Antuono. Alexandra Scanlan, Cassandra Patterson, Dina Begetis. T h ird R o w : John Dickerson, Daniel Mandelker. Brett Holster, Evan Kropp, Michael Edwards, Rashidi Lewis. Scott Trupchak. M is s in g : Anthony Guevara, Melissa Minoff, William Warrick,
Dina doesn’t go for these girl talks.
“ Mo, there’s no ’e’ in idiot.”
Raise your hand if you’re sure!
“ Get that camera out of my face!"
Sophomores: F r o n t R o w : Kirstie Baker. Doris Poma, Vonick JeanGuilluame, Marina Supple, Renee Osorio, Katie Draper, Michelle Miner, Amy Rinaldi, Charlotte Christensen, Catherine Gomez, Evan Rosenthal. S e c o n d R o w : Juliet Stillman, Melissa Roselle, Candace Buckley, Katherine Taylor, Abbie Zuidema, Gillian Glover, Elena Costa, Karine Danielle, Andrew Brenner. T h ir d R o w : Mequitta Ahuja, Charlie Campbell, Kevin Epps, Sam Mann, Mark Brandon, Brian Goodman, Steven Valassis, Max Miller, Marc Shuster, Brian Robinson, Marcus Loyola, Sanjit DeSilva, M is s in g : Alicia Ellis, Phillip Hyun.
Freshmen: F r o n t R o w : Jeff Butler, Walter Kruger. Jeff Kuffel, Frank Lagan, Paul Ferraro, Tim Hughes, S e c o n d R o w : James Taber, Emily Larned, D eed ee Dorf, Molly Vosburgh, Lauren Leslie, Ariana Herlinger, Dempsey Collins, Alicia Nisberg, David Kovesi, Mark Ed wards. T h ird R o w : Peter Ghiloni, Jamie Turner, Lara Corrente, Otema Adade, Yvodney Washing ton, Jessica Crane, Paola Lopez, Adrian Massie. F o u rth R o w : Mrs, Priscilla Pusack, Peter Bugoni, Penn Egbert, Yota Begetis, Alexander N agler, Marc Hoffm an, A lex Vandervort, Michael Cervi, Jason Wright. Lennox Lin, Mrs. Joyce Kicelian. M is s in g : Sondra Helenese, Issa VanDyk.
“Mrs. Waters, 1 know who took the pictures off the wall.”
Forget the Clearasil, girls?
“Butler, Jeff Butler.”
This is what study halls are for.
Bop ’til you drop.
Eighth Grade 1996 “I’m extremely handsome, and smarter than Lisa.”
At least they think they are.
Eighth Grade:
F ro n t R ow :
Cessario. John Chobody, Kevin DeVogel, Ayaz Nanji, Brent Simon, Wesley Lipner. Richard Oppel, Mike McNulty, Jake Sokol, Colin Wallace S e c o n d R o w : Amy Pappalardo. Christine Danford, Lauren Hughes, Claire Schwartz, Elana Shapiro, Katie Salib, Dana Siomkos, Nikka Jackson-Cooper, Brigida de Melo e Cruz, Margaret Price. Jennifer Berberian. T h ird R o w : Ayanna Lyles, Rick Klosson, Eric Lane, Kristin Sparks, Shereif Fattouh. Kevin Wert. Jason Bailey. Jarun Presley, Toni Hitchcock, Nick Stavrides, V an essa R ichardson, E ytan Shander, Grayson Thurman, Lucas Dolphin, Shyreeta Gee. M is s in g : Becky Ayres. Toni Hud-ico ' ■!! Owens, Christopher 1'agu-.
Fixodent, and forget it. Who says you have to be blonde?
(Jltra-brite spokesman.
Eight guys - top that Alex.
Seventh Grade: F r o n t R o w : Benja min Baker, David Edwards, Jeremy Simon, Michael Karls, Melissa
Ginsburg. Jennifer Dennis, Janette Ponticeilo. S e c o n d R o w : Kara Len, Tarsba Drakeford, Takeeya Person, Micaeta Dorf, Stephanie Taber, Anna Christensen, Gina Cappa,
Jennifer Roselle, Jamie Rhoden, PalmaBlank-Rosenbaum, Amy Rini. T hird Row: Peter Huene, Nicholas deSpoelberch, JohnAnderson, Matt Peter Kafayianros, Colin ..... Rory Donahue, ,!V'.da ValassisJ * â&#x20AC;˘ ; Jnramy
Sixth Grade: Front R o w : Allison W o lff, David Supple. Robert Cassleman, John Ramy, Jennifer Zala, Susanna Coates, Arieile Sch w artz, Brandi Law rence, Courtney Shea. Michelle Guevara. S e c o n d R o w : Carter Sainz, Alexis Suozzi, Frederick Wouters, Alex Villacis. Nicholas Montgomery, J.R. D r a k e fo r d , D evin W a lla c e , Christopher Fouracre. Suzanne Vogt. Brooke Dolara. T h ird R o w : Shain Ancleison. James Klosson. Stewart Oakes, Tracy Schultz, Jon athan Hoffman, John Jetter, William Henneberry, Garrett Kruger, Scott Danser, Jonathan Kenyon, Sara Frankel, Sara Hutton. M is s in g : Lauren Randall
“Hee, hee, they’re taking my picture.”
“Peace, love, and babes.”
Under the sea.
The new chicks on the block.
Fifth Grade 1999 Friends forever!
“Take our picture!”
Fifth Grade: F r o n t R o w : Ryan Hughes, Vanessa Palo, Randy Hunter. Kate Larsen, Jose de Melo e Cruz, Felipe Maradiaga, Randal Zala, Alissa Baker. S e c o n d R o w : Jordana Scanlan. Katherine Redniss, Alyssa Fischer, Susan Amble, Heather Walsh. Karen Ashwood, Alyssa Orlow, Elizabeth Nichols, Edgard Loyola, Nikolai Griffin. T h ird R o w : Jessica Mead, Andrew Vuono, Ch i•ies Broadhurst, Andrew Huene, h. raviannis, Christian . Maisel. Adam O orf, A le x
’ |
.no. David
J-iiistopher Gabriel
Fourth Grade
2000 I
“What’s up doc?”
“You won’t believe how much work I have to do.”
Fourth Grade: F r o n t R o w : Alicia O'Brien, Nathan Kayes, Camille Wil son, Paul Ramy, Nicole Rosell. S e c o n d R o w : Alexis Cook, Jean-Paul Christophe, Eric Brody, Philip Kilanowski, John Stradal, James Fusaro, Samantha McCormick. T h ird R o w : Rita Trivedi, Scott Glicny, Brad W illard, Dawn Drakeford, Andrew Reuben, Hilary Karls. F o u r th R o w : Eric Leiser, Vanessa Scanlon, Seth Epstein, Ranju Sarkar, Edward Bogaert, Anita Khar, Jason Ferrandino, Samantha Bathija. M is s in g : David Cook, Sara Beth Grasso.
Third Grade:
• ij.
Dana S cla fa n i. A n drea B erberian , Jean n ette Brooks, Alexandra Caulfield, Ashley Fischen, David Vuono, Michele Goodfriend. S e c o n d R o w : K atie Srednicki. Adam Kweskin, Lisa Kaufman, Jacqueline Griffin, Kelli Sarkie, Lauren Neuman, Bizabeth Gabriel, Sarah Shattuck. T h ird R o w : Michelle Wagner, Leah Richard Zack Blank, Anthony Pint c Nicholas Ahuja, Joshua Cohen. ■ ' iql im. Daniel ■n Timothy • ; on, Sara
F ro n t R ow :
: ; c inriis. Miss-
Second Grade: F ront Row: Mark Spatt, Justin Meissel, Jack O'Brien, Am y Cohen, C aitlin Randall, Christine Nelson, Kenneth Ahuja, Daniel Glazer, S e c o n d R ow : Nicholas Lazzaro, Katharine Nichols, Jill Ulicny, Samantha Baker, Brittni Brown, Alice May, Lindsay Benja min, Stephanie Edwards, Ben Smith. Third Row: Bradley Batusic, Stephen Ferrandino, A1 Orio, Adam Tooter, Ryan Walsh, Oliver Vignola, Justin Snyder, Richard Tarrantino, Larry Charles, Kyle Caruso. Fourth R ow : Kelsey Anne Ogrodnick, Jennifer Greer, Anne-Marie Leisser.
First Grade: F ro n t Row: Price Fer rara, Stephen Pappalardo, Amy S m ith , A le x is B ih a ri, C laire Womack, Meredith Joyce, Julia Reuben, Taylor Henderson. Second R ow : Jennifer Neuman, Austin McChord. Michael Hauer, James Christensen, Katie Davis. Bryce Kaufman, Amy Lely, Mero Zaric, Lauren Burke. Third Row: Andrew G o lu b , J o e y G r a s s o , S id Santhanam. Noah Chestnut, Frank P eter Hopkinson, •ophe. Jessie ngan Petti, Sarah Ma“ w . C h r i s t o p h e r Lazzaro. M is s in g : Leah. Edwards. Marine:on. '
Kindergarten: F ront Row: Leah Ed wards, Samantha Berzon, Bradley Cesaria, Erica Chargar, John Raffaeli, Costas Vlahakis, Paul Ross Scalfani, Mark Xylas, Danielle Kosann, Zachary Pepin. Second Row: Jenny Hopkinson. Mitchell Lemmo. Christopher Frasetto, Elle Zopounidis, Amy Wolff, Rachel Hapoienu. Katie Morgan, Adam Bantz, Peter Kweskin, Ryan Victor. Third Row: Kytie McCormick, Jenna Green, Max Cuscuna, Adam E is e n s t e in , C a it lin S c u lly , Christopher Tsang, lan Wishingrad, Stephen Samelle, Mark DeSimone, Melissa DeSantis. Missing: Sydnee Feuer, Gustavo Cuellar, Victor Hamer.
Pre-Kindergarten: F ro n t R ow : Heather Wegner, Justin Conner, Samantha Grasso, Krista Shea, Lindsay Littlejohn. S econd Row: Victoria Tsang, Elizabeth Banerjee, Lauren Cuscuna, Heidi O'Toole, Dustin Blank, Katharine Hauer. Third Row: Dara Goldstein. Kevin Zarembski, John Jensen, Nicole White, Karen Alexander, Jerry Up right. F o u rth Row: Mrs. Megrue, Mrs. Brough. M is s in g : Alexander Kulik.
7 th Grade Posse
It’s been a really bad day!
“Who? Us?”
d ercla ssm e n
An artist at work.
“I’m going to pump you up!”
Haven’t we seen you be fore?
Small, dark, and hand some. 8 th
Grade Posers.
U n d e rc la s s m e n
to be young
aro u n d , ower
faculty ability to act or do
[1 9 9 2 ] 2.
(fak ul ti)
n. 1.
power, authority, or
prerogative given or conferred 3. a branch o f learning or instruction in a university 4. the body o f persons to whom are entrusted the government and instruction as o f a university or college 5. also considered coaches, adivsors, etc. (see K L H T ) 6
. not by any standard definition in 1992
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|v a recumbent post
Mrs. Elizabeth Cesare Head o f School
Mr. Daniel Hudson Head o f Upper School
Dr. William Lyon Head o f M iddle School
Mrs. Carol Holland Head o f Lower School
Mrs. Catherine Mishkin Dean o f Students
Mrs. Eileen Baker Mathematics
Ms. Livia Barder Librarian
!rs. Cathie Biewen
Love ya, babe! “Ring!” As everybody rushes to find a seat, the teacher has already begun to ask questions about last night’s reading. You ponder over the answer and sometimes wonder the purpose of the question. But, did you ever stop to question what the teacher might be thinking? Let’s take an English class for example. What do you think this department hopes students will get out of its classes? Mrs. Cook says, “Better readers and writers. To want to think and question, to live passionately, and all that jazz." Mr. Van Vechten says, “Fun!” What do the teachers like most about English class? Mrs. Cook finds it “very great because of the way ideas get created in class by the students. You never really know what to expect.” Mr. Van Vechten just likes “the students.” And Mrs. Kweskin says enthusi astically, “I really enjoy hearing the students’ opinions about the readings, and 1 relish the opportunity to introduce new ways of thinking about an issue.” Mr. Van Vechten, Mrs. Cook, and Mrs. Kweskin have seen many changes. One change is allowing the seniors to take two different electives. This brings “more intellectual stimulus for the teacher and more choice for the student,” says Mrs. Cook. We should all be very thankful for our devoted teachers in the English depart ment.
“ You’re too nice to them!”
“You kids really light up my life!”
The wild and crazy side! Picture this! You've been marooned on a tropical island, stranded without any human companionship. The trees are gently swaying with the warm island breeze and monkeys are swinging from tree to tree. There are absolutely no modern conveniences. What would you do to keep your mind occupied and amused? Mr. Van Vechten said he would "think about all the students that I have helped become better and brighter people for having studied under me." His ego obviously has not suffered for lack of civilization. Mr. Casanova replied, “ I would close m y eyes and use my imagination to create movies for myself," while Mrs. Buzanoski would "forage for nuts and berries while scanning the horizon for rescue.” Mrs. Frankel, the Middle School music teacher, said “I would envision shapes out of the clouds. Then I would use coconuts for instruments and whatever else I could find." Mrs. Clippinger and Mrs. Wagner, stranded on our imaginary island, would play in the sand and sunbathe all day. Being stranded on a desert island is a dream for many people, including some of the faculty. Unfortunately, it is only a dream, but if the chance arose, they certainly wouldn’t be bored! Foreigners always seem to be so short!
Mrs. Eleanor Christensen Student Support Services
Mrs. Sarah Clark Kindergarten
Mrs. Elizabeth Clippinger Science, Grade 6
Mr. Edward Cobden Ethics
Mrs. Maggie Seligman Cook English
Ms. Susan Deal Director of Marketing
Mrs. Gracemarie DelLAngelo Latin
Mr. Patrick Doering Mathematics
Miss Sandra Engel Spanish, French, Math
Ms. Boo Forster Drama
Mrs. Joan Frankel Music
Ms. Mary Jo Freehill Grade 1
Mrs. Emily Friedland Grade 1
Mrs. Virginia Fries Math, Computer
Mrs. Rosemary Gallagher Student Support Services
Mrs. Kathleen Gallucci Grade 4
Mr. Jonathan Gillies Grade 2
Mrs. Tina Grant Director of College Counseling
Mr. Robert Greer P.E
Mrs. Jan Harbolt Upper School Art
Mrs. Cynthia Hermanson Student Support Services
Mr. Peter Huester Sciences
Mrs. Ann Huntoon Librarian
Ms. Cornelia Jones Secretary to Business Manager
Mrs. Virginia Jones Secretary to Lower School
Mrs. Elizabeth Karlan Librarian
Mr. Peter Karlan P.E, History
Mrs. Joyce Kicelian Spanish
Mrs. Helen Kweskin English
Mrs. Irene Kweskin Middle School Secretary
Mr. Steve Lamm Science, English
Mrs. Melody Libonati Music
Mrs. Diane Lieberman Grade 3
Mrs. Mary Ann Mattiello Financial Benefits Secretary
Miss Linda McNally Physical Education
Mrs. Suzanne Megrue Pre-K
Mrs. Glee Miner Secretary to Upper School
Ms. Laura MacDonald English
Mr. Richard Mishkin Instrumental Music
Mr. Arthur Nagle English
The old . . . the new The students are so enthusiastic!" Miss Freehill, one of the new teachers at KLHT this year, said. All the new faculty at KLHT had the same feelings about their students. When these teachers were asked what they liked best about KLHT, there wasn t any ques tion. The friendliness of the students and teachers,” said Mrs. Lieberman, the new third grade teacher. “The students are so enthusiastic," said Miss Freehill, stating an unanimous feeling from all of the teachers. Everyone had rave reviews about how the school year was going. "The kids have so much energy,” said Mrs. Libonati, the Upper School music teacher. “My students are so affectionate and curious,” said Miss Nagle, the new assistant to the kindergar ten. “My students are great, 1really like them," said Mr. Lamm, one of the new Middle School teachers. But apparently, even having great students didn't keep these teachers from having expectations. “I’ll enjoy seeing each child’s musical talent grow and develop,” said Mrs. Frankel, the new Middle School and Lower School music teacher . “I’m looking forward to next year’s athletic seasons,” said Coach Wright, agreeing with Mr. Nagle and Coach Karlan. KLHT’s new teachers were really glad to be here for this year and couldn’t wait to “experience the joy of learning with my students,” as Mrs. Brown, the new second grade teacher, said, in the next year.
“Kate, move your car, it’s blocking the entrance.”
“Phil, you don’t know where that finger’s been!”
Mr. Potato Head.
Activities galore! Contrary to popular belief, the faculty of KLHT have other interests besides teaching. When the faculty was asked what extra-curricular activities they participate in and what interests they have, the response was great. Within their extremely busy schedules they squeeze in time for other things that they enjoy, and they fill their summers with their favorite activities. Some of the faculty enjoy traveling to the far corners of the earth, like Alaska, Greece, Venezuela, South America, and Trini dad. Anna Sia said her family "enjoys traveling in the summer.” Athletic activities are also an important part of the faculty’s agenda. Skiing, volleyball, backpacking, golf, swimming, biking, sailing, and aerobics are some of the sports they share in. Livia Barder is an avid dancer, and she said enthusiastically, “Not only do I love to dance, but I feel part of a strong community dedicated to the preservation of our dance heritage.” The teachers also have hobbies, like doing various arts and crafts. This includes needlework, artwork, quilting, crocheting, and decorating Ukrainian eggs. Peter Huester said his "favorite hobby is singing with a barbershop chorus and quartet.” Sarah Clark works in Greenwich with the Youth Conservation Project in her spare time. Maggie Cook enjoys “researching and writing about the works of Herman Melville,” and she is “currently working on an article about Steinbeck’s East o f Eden." Beth Walker, Cathy Mishkin, and Graciella Rabassa also share a thirst for knowledge, for they are presently taking classes in various colleges. However, one of the teachers' favorite pastimes is relaxing with their families or a good book.
Top left: Meester Heester, our number one fan!
Above: Agua!
R ight: babes.
lii- -
Karlan and his
Mrs. Constance Nichols Middle School Art
Mr. Alphonse Orio A th/etic Director
Mrs. Renee Orio P.E.
Mrs. Mary Pappalardo Grade 3
Mrs. Ethel Payne Science
Mrs. Karen Peterson Business Manager
Mrs. Barbara Podlach English, History
Mrs. Priscilla Pusack Science
Mr. William Pusack Computer, Mathematics
Mrs. Graciella Rabassa Spanish
Mr. Edward Randall Grade 5
Mrs. Lois Rinaldi English
I Mrs. Jane Ruffels Grade 4
Mrs. Anna Sia Mathematics
Mrs. Amy Shapero School Psychologist
Mrs. Barbara Smith Director of Admissions
Mrs. Alison Soler Director of Fund Raising
Ms. Ingeborg Thiel Assistant to Business Manager
Mrs. Carol Tietjen Grade 6, History
Ms. Dianna Tucker Grade 5
Mr. Benjamin Van Vechten English
Mrs. Denise Wade Registrar
Mrs. Karin Wagner French, German
Ms. Louise Wales Lower School Art
Ms. Elizabeth Walker Kindergarten
Mr. William Wallace Mathematics
Mrs. Elaine Waters History
Mrs. Ellen Waters Physical Education
Mr. Malcolm Wilmott Math, Science
Mr. Michael Wright History
Mr. Robert Burns History
Mr. Gerard Casanova French
Mrs. Suzanne Buzanoski Grade 6
Mrs. Bonnie Brown Grade 2
Miss Carrie Nagle Asst. Kindergarten
Mrs. Maria Cianci Food Service
Mr. Bill Sherwood Food Service
Mr. Mike Shumski Food Service
Mrs. Charlotte Shumski Food Service
Mr. Wayne Harriett Maintenance
Mr. Griffith Titus
They’re teachers??
“ Come on, Cody, w e’re gonna get that Carl!”
She grew ears overnight!
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Mr. John Denver!
“That Mr. Hudson thinks he owns the school!”
Last Will and Testament
We, the Senior Class, leave . . . Mrs. Baker . . . an entire class of athletes that leave early . . . every day. Ms. Barder . . stories that are actually interesting. Mrs. Biewen . . a hole puncher, Mr. Burns . . class of girls who wear short skirts. Mr. Casanova . . . 46 round trip tickets to visit us at college. new mailbox courtesy of Mrs. Cesare . . Melissa. Mr. Cobden . . a speech without a prayer. Mrs. Clippinger . . . a volleyball team that can beat Masters. Mrs. Cook . . . a lifetime supply of Riccola cough drops. Mrs. Deal . . Jaquita. Miss Engel . . a tan. Mrs. Forster Booâ&#x20AC;? . . . yet another black dog. Mrs. Gallucci . . a new hill and a team that knows how to run on it properly. Mrs. Grant . . . the ability to get someone into . fake I.D. . the Davies Twins. . Eric Sherling. a new sweater and jacket combinaa membership to The Hair Club For
Last Will and Testament
Mrs. Kweskin . . . no complaints from her Yearbook staff. Mrs. Libonati . . . Wyndham and Debbie — and flowers for Jaquita. Miss McNally . . . downers. Mrs. Miner . . . a surveillance system to check each room every day. Mrs. Mishkin . . . uprooted degenerate poor white trash — oye! Mr. Nagle . . . a new office. Mr. Orio . . . popularity. Mrs. Orio . . . Margie and Kate. Mrs. Payne . . . a new set of notes. Miss Peterson . . . a big guy. Mr. Pusack . . . day care. Mrs. Pusack . . . Jhirm ack bounce-back beautiful hair. Ms. Rabassa . . . a friendly fern for her friend Paco. Mrs. Sia . . . a box of Kate’s little pillows. Mrs. Smith . . . Mrs. Bloom. Mr. Van Vechten . . . a pair of rubbers for safe sex. Mrs. Wade . . . credit for doing Mrs. Grant’s work. Mrs. Wagner . . . a thermal jacket so she won’t freeze in the summer. Mrs. Waters . . . a new hairstyle (the Afro). Mr. Wallace . . . a class that can actually stay awake for a full period. Mr. Wilmott . . . Magic.
clubs â&#x2013;
[ 1 9 9 2 ] (klubs)
n. 1. a heavy
staff o f wood, usually tapering; a cudgel 2. a stick, mallet, or bat used in various games with a ball, as in golf, hockey, etc. 3. an association o f persons for some common object, esp. one jointly supported and meeting periodically 4. various organizations such as drama, Student Council, etc. 5. not by any standard definition in 1992
! c lu i
Read the fine print! C am eras fla sh , a rtis ts d ra w , and e d ito rs rush around the school getting quotes for articles. These talented students are w o rk ing to produce the various student-run publications at KLHT. The school newspa per is called The C hronicle, there is a literary magazine w ith the name Indelible Ink, and o f course there is the yearbook, the Kaleidoscope. Lisa Chobody, one o f the editors o f The Chronicle, is very p ositive about this year’s paper. “ We have a really good group of people; we get along well. We are hoping to produce at least five issues in w hich we w rite all kinds of article s,” Lisa says. A li Dorf, another staff member on The Chronicle, says, “ I like w riting about
the various issues that come up in student life .” One of the editors of Indel ible Ink, Carrie M urphy, shows a lot of enthusiasm for this year’s magazine. She tells us that “ We have been fundraising all year and have made about $500. We are really excited because this year we w ill be able to have the book p ro fe s s io n a lly p rin te d .” We are all very proud of this year’s yearbook, and W yndham Lathem , Editorin-Chief, feels that all o f our w ork has paid off. “ E very one know s that doing the yearbook is a lot o f hard w ork, but this year I th in k it was well w orth it. Everyone feels that w e've done one hell of a jo b .”
Chronicle: F r o n t R o w : Alicia Ellis, Warren Greene (Editor), Lisa Chobody (Editor), Mike Bellwin (Editor), Jason Cole. S e c o n d R o w : Elena Costa, Wyndham Lathem, Bill Krasnor, Carolyn Lamborn, Michelle D'Antuono.
Indelible Ink: F r o n t R o w : Charlotte Christensen. S e c o n d R o w : Debbie King (Editor), Amy Rinaldi, Candace Buckley. T h ird R o w : Kirstie Baker, Carr Murphy (Editor), Emily Larned.
“ W e don’t have enough m o n ey? ”
Yearbook: F r o n t R ow : Jaquita Monroe, Melissa Fenwick, Sarah Walters, S econd R ow : Kalie Gillespie, Alex Caradimitropoulo, Wyndham Lathem (Editor-in-chief), Portia Edwards, Meg Larned, T h ird R o w : Carrie Murphy, Adam Victor, Rob Kligman, Dan Selig, Chris Blanc.
‘‘ Please P L E A S E !”
I t ’s the m ost people at a y e a rb o o k m e e tin g in weeks!
All the world’s a stage! Bravo! We applaud those students who participated in all of the fine arts clubs for their superb perform ances. The A rt Club, M usical The ater Club, Drama Club, and the Band were all very busy this year preparing and per form ing productions that en tertained us all. The A rt Club kept busy by m aking m urals and beau tifu l backdrops for the V ari ety Show and the m usical p ro d u c tio n . Mrs. H arbolt said, “ It has been a creative gro u p .” Greg Vlam is also com m ented, “ A rt Club gives me more opportun ities to fu rth e r m y a rtis tic c re ations.” The Dram a C lub p e r form ed tw o w onderful plays called She Was a Lazy W itch and Mr. Flannery's Ocean. She's a Lazy W itch was di rected by Natalia Vaughan and Clare Nichols, and it was light-hearted and co m i cal. John Romano said, “ I thought Kate's perform ance was am azing.” Afr. Flan n e ry ’s Ocean was a more se rious play. The acto rs’ ac
cents were realistic, and as A nthony Guevera said, “ It was well perform ed. Tw o thum bs u p !” The M usical Theater Club was busy this year w ith the m usical production, the Va riety Show, and the Holiday Program. Mrs. Libonati was the teacher, and her exper ience and talent have defi nitely been an asset to our s c h o o l. K a te S a d o w s k y com m ented, “ I th in k we’re more together as a gro u p .” The Band Club perform ed at games, at the pep rally, and in the Holiday Program. This club consisted of the students from Lower, M id dle, and Upper schools. W yn d h a m L a th e m said, “ The Band this year is small, but fu ll o f spirit. We w ork hard, and we th in k it ’s w orth it.” A ll o f these clubs really gave the student body the o p p o rtu n ity to see their fel low-students perform in a d iffe r e n t c a p a c ity . O u r school is fu ll of talented peo ple, and yet again we ap plaud you.
Musical Theatre Workshop: F ro n t Row Debbie King, Natafia Vaughan, Michelle Miner S e c o n d R o tv: Dan Selig, Mrs Libonati, Eric Sherling, Justin Levitz.
w.ama. c r o n , tro w : junet Stillman, Natalia Vaughan (President). V____ Feinstein. S e c o n d R ow : Sanjit DeSilva, Kristian Davies, Clare Nicho.. Sarah Walters, Bill Krasnor. T h ird R o w : Alex Caradimitropoulo, John Dick erson, Madison Adams, Chris Blanc, Eric Sherling, Dempsey Collins.
— -—
Art Club: F r o n t R o w : Emily Larned, Mequitta Ahuja. S e c o n d R ow : Portia Edwards, Sarah Walters, Melissa Fenwick, Meg Larned. T h ird R ow : Adrien Blanc, Tori Filanosky, Greg Vlamis, John Dickerson, Carrie Murphy (Presi-
Band: F r o n t R ow : Rita Trivedi. S e c o n d R ow : Brandi Lawrence, Grayson Thurmon, Jennifer Berberian. T h ird R ow : Wyndham Lathem (President). Phillip Hyun.
Follow the leader! Lamba Delta Pi, Leader ship C lub, and S tudent Council are three o f the forces of student leadership in the Upper School of KLHT. The m embers o f this club are students who enjoy taking the initiative, organiz ing functions, and helping others. LDP is the service club that allow s students to par ticipate in volunteer w ork. “ I really enjoy teaching Span ish to the Lower School, be cause it ’s very rewarding. It is incredible that sm all c h il dren learn so fa s t,” says Me lissa Fenw ick about her w ork in the Lower School. J a q u ita M o n roe ta lk s a b o u t p e e r m e n to r in g th ro u g h th e L e a d e rsh ip Club, “ I feel that because I did peer m entoring it has
helped me to be able to learn how to cope w ith m y peers and any problem s they m ight have. The conference was great, I w ould definitely encourage students next year to go to the conference and be in the Leadership C lub.” O ne o f th e g re a te s t sources of leadership in the Upper School is Student Council. Chris Blanc, Vice President o f the Council, gives a trib u te to this year’s President, Lori Feinglas “ I th in k we owe a lot to Lori for what she puts into this C ouncil.” The entire school is very th a n k fu l for these three clubs for the tim e and ener gy they spend to make our school a more enjoyable place to be.
Student Council: Front Row Lance Tammero, Adrien Blanc. Natalia Vaughan. Alex Caradimitropoulo, Alicia Ellis. Elena Costa. Amy Ayres Second Row Kev.n Epps. Paul Ferraro. Chris Blanc. Lori Feinglas. Dan Mandelker. Beth Kessler. Cassandrc ^ tu on Third Row: Steven Valassis. Mark Brandon. Warren Greene. Peter Greenfield. Bill Krasnor nthenne Gomez, Molly Vosburgh.
LDP: F r o n t R o w : Evan Kropp, Alex Caradimitropoulo, Lisa Chobody, lia Vaughan. Demetrio Gatos. S e c o n d R o w : Kalie Gillespie, Caroline Scol lick, Debbie King, Wyndham Lathem, Madison Adams.
“ Lisa, call on m e !”
“ I said L an ce.”
Beth K e s s le r (S e c re ta ry ), Dan M an d elke r (T rea su re r), Chris Blanc (V ic e -P re s id e n t), Lori Feinglas (P resid en t).
| ■ i(
Alicia Ellis, Elena Costa, Am y Rinaldi, Michele Miner. Karine Danielle, Katie Draper, Juliet Stillman, Marina Supple, Catharine Gomez. T h i r d R o w : Vonick Jean-Guillaume, Doris Poma, Renee Osorio, Steven Valassis, Sanjit DeSilva. F ro n t R ow :
S econd R ow :
Leadership: F i r s t R o w : Carolyn Buzanoski, Heather Oppel, Ali Dorf, Carrie Murphy. S e c o n d R o w : Kate Sadowsky, Natalia Vaughan, Alex Caradimitropoulo, Alex Scanlan, Cassandra Patterson. T h i r d R o w : Corey Feder, Beth Kessler, Am y Ayres, Justin Levitz, Lori Feinglas, Dan Mandelker.
From one extreme to the other! W hile m ost o f us are still catching our last hour of sleep on M onday, Wednes day, and Friday mornings, several devoted members of the Upper School can be found busily pum ping iron in the weight room. The sev en members o f the Early M orning L iftin g Club get up at 5:45 and lift from 6:15 to about 7:40. These students are all dedicated athletes, liftin g to build up their strength, to im prove their playing, and to help lead K LH T ’s teams to victo ry. The E nvironm ental Club was created in 1988. The members have helped KLHT to become more aware of the problem s existing in our w o rld ’s environm ent. There are now large boxes in al most every classroom, in which students and teachers put used paper. The E n vi ro n m e n ta l C lub e m p tie s
these boxes periodically and takes the contents to be re cycled. The members were very active in planning the Earth Festival w hich took place in A p ril. Jo Vosburgh says, “ The Earth Festival is tryin g to prom ote awareness of the environm ent from our school to the other schools in the area.’’ The newest addition to the extra cu rricu lar activities at KLH T is the Cooking Club. The club members meet once a week in the kitchen at the Residence to try out and share new rec ipes. They also participated in a “ cookie sw ap" before the holidays. Each of these clubs is an im p o r ta n t p a rt o f o u r school. They allow students to try new things and give them the o p p o rtu n ity to p u r sue interests they enjoy.
EMLC: F r o n t R o w : Justin Levitz, Marc Shuster, Boomer Warrick. S e c o n d Rob Kligman, Phil Sissener, Greg Katsaros, Scott Trupchak.
R ow
Cooking Club: Danielle.
Charlotte Christensen, Michelle Miner, Karine Katie Draper, Kirstie Baker, Candace Buckley.
F ro n t R ow :
S e co n d Row :
Environmental: F r o n t R o w : Sean Gallagher, Candace Buckley. S e c o n d Ali Dorf, Sarah Walters, Marina Supple, Renee Osorio, Julliet Still man. T h i r d R o w : Corey Feder, Mark Hoffman, Tori Filanosky, Sanjit DeSilva, John Dickerson, Yasmeen Feinstein (President). R ow :
Model LIN: F r o n t R o w : Ariana Herlinger, Phil Holzer. S e c o n d R o w : Victoria Bush, Pam Blomberg, Carolyn Lamborn. T h i r d R o w : Danielle Cort, Evan Kropp, Lance Tammero.
M.S. Chorus: F r o n t R o w : J.R Drakeford. Sara Frankel, Sara Hutton, Brandi Lawrence, Ariel Schwartz, Alex Vallacis. S e c o n d R o w : Kevin Devogel, Brooke Dolara, Suzanna Coates, Allison Wo lff, Michelle Guevara, Fred Wouters.
M.S. Needle Craft: F r o n t R o w : Am y Rini, Anna Christensen, Stephanie Taber, Tarsha Drakeford. S e c o n d R o w : Jeanette Ponticello, Kristen Sparks, Vanessa Richardson.
M.S. Yearbook: F r o n t R o w : Ronell Owens, Brent Simon, Ayez Nanji, Dana Siomkos. S e c o n d R o w : Colin Wallace, Ayanna Lyles, Shyreeta Gee. M is s in g : Margaret Price.
M.S. Collector's Club: F r o n t R o w : Rory Donahue, Richard O ppel. Jason Bailey, Sherif Fattouh.
Row :
Zzz .. “ How do you do this again?”
An example of how riveting modem education can be.
U r At
conception qi a supreme Doing ieves in one as the crc.itor and loss of faith and a belief only in unbeliever, more negative than t oi i substitute for faith; infidel,
so, impious. — a'tlte-is'ti-cal-ly, adv. S. x t h e i i n g noble, fr. x m e l a nobility, o-Saxort prince or nobleman; esp., the heir ap parent or a prince of the royal family. A-the'Eia (d-the'nd), A-tfae'se (-nS>, ft. [Gr. A t h e n e , Gr. Rclig. One of the greater Olympian deities, pre-eminent as a civic goddess, wise in industries of peace and arts of .war;;— often called P a t i o s o r P a l l a s A t h e n a and by the Romans identified with Minerva, athm iiae'um , ath e-ne'tim (ath'c.nE'Stin.
tcmpic c .insprua erary or scjent where a librar a-ther'manoi! heat-] Not ti — a-ther'ma; a:thirst' <t>tk‘ See e a g e r . ath'lete Uth'Ii tend tor a Pm fit to contend ath-let'ic (2th ics. 2. Befiti of an athlete, chest, and str* Used by athie athletic foot. o( n acqmrec ath-le-t'ics (ati trie games ant or activity in ath'G-dyd (5th n a u t i c s . A jf tube, of vary! heat to it by 1 end. The rar a t home o r at home. ath'ro-cyte (St capable of pid its cytoplasm, a-thwart' (d-t! Across, esp. < hence, in oppo
[h. A t h e n a e u m , fr. Gr.
A t Kt. t ig io u 2,
athletics 1
[ 1 9 9 2 ] (ath let iks)
. athletic exercises; the games and sports o f
athletes 2. skill or activity in athletic exercises
adj. 3. o f or pertaining to athletes 4. befitting an athlete; strong, robust n. 5. the physical activities required by K L H T o f its students (see K L H T ) 6. inc. football, soccer, volleyball, tennis, baseball, etc. 7. not by any standard definition in 1992 0
Tension filled the room as the Varsity Volleyball team attacked their arch rivals, The Masters School. It would take more than just serves to win; the team would have to
Block that spike! The V iking Volleyball be gan its 1991 season w ith a m a jo rity of last year’s team returning, only losing one senior. A lth o u gh only six play on the co u rt at one tim e, their s p irit o f together ness was alw ays backed w ith support. The team ended its sea son w ith a record o f 14-3, p la c in g s e c o n d in th e league. They also took firs t place honors in a six-team double elim ination NYSD tournam ent, defeating Lex ington o f N.Y., Keio o f W hite Plains, GFA, St. L u ke ’s, and
Girls’ Varsity Volleyball: Front
Row: Carolyn Lamborn, Dan
ielle Cort, Pam Blomberg, Dina Begetis (Captain), Victoria Bush, Paula Lopez, Jackie Striano. Second Row: Mrs. Clip pinger, Claribel Alonso, Molly Vosburgh, Tori Filanosky, Jo Vosburgh, Carolyn Buzanoski, Jennifer Cuellar,
NYSD. A nother new addition to this year’s varsity team was Coach C lippinger, ta kin g the place o f Coach Sm ith. Powerful serves, good net w ork, and team u n ity al lowed the V ikings to excel. Danielle C ort fe lt that ‘‘This year's V arsity team was strong. A fte r our first few victories we knew we co u ld n ’t give up. It was our sportsm anship and team w ork that helped us to be com e second in the league.” Next year looks m ore p ro m ising than ever!
A th le tic s
Viking Football team had more than its share o f victories this year. While the other teams were struggling to prepare , the Vikings asked themselves
Are you ready? Yeah! The 1991 V iking football team enjoyed a w onderful season fu ll o f victories. This team was blessed w ith an o u tsta n d in g senior class, along w ith m any e xper ie n c e d u n d e r c la s s m e n . Their sweat and hard work d e fin ite ly paid off. The season began w ith a bang when they defeated Dalton, 8-6. An interception helped secure the victo ry. A 6-0 shutout o f Horace Mann follow ed. A fte r w inning its firs t tw o games, K LH T lost to Hopkins, the reigning league cham pions, 21-2. The Vikings w orked hard but cam e up short against both Hamden Hall and D w ight E n glewood, losing both games by a total o f 14 points. H ungry for their second c o n s e c u tiv e H om ecom ing v ic to ry , the Vikings came o u t ready and beat Rye 40-0.
I |
Varsity Football: Front Row:
John Romano, Phil Sissener, Rob Kligman, Greg Katsaros, Adam Victor, Oliver Densch, Pe ter Greenfield. Second Row: Max Miller, Steven Valassis, Justin Levitz, James Taber, Joe Hart Third Row: Alex Vandervort, Penn Egbert, Jason j t Frank Lagan, Graham nrth Row Mark Bran"man. Evan Lewis, Scott ■ Mr. Kar‘"Coach),
KLHT then went to S t.L u ke ’s and won, 9-6, on the last day o f the season. K LH T's defense was its biggest asset. Seniors John Romano, Peter Greenfield, and Greg Katsaros c o n trolled the line. Rob Kligman, Adam Victor, Justin Levitz, and S cott T rupchak were the defensive backs. The V ikings’ offense was headed by fu llb a ck Sissener and halfbacks Lewis and T rupchak. The passing a t tack was led by quarterback Kligm an, com plem ented by receivers Adam V ictor and Evan Kropp. This year’s team believed that they were capable of a c h ie v in g great heights. That they did by tying 1987's record o f 5-3. Con gratulations to a great team and good luck to next year’s team.
nobody expected much o f the Girls ’ Soccer team , but after the Homecoming game , everyone was saying
“ You’re doing a great job!” “ We w ill, we w ill rock you, . . . " The chants o f the g irls' V arsity Soccer team f ille d th e a ir as th e y m arched onto the field for their H om ecom ing game. They made up their cheer, and some o f them shaved their heads to get psyched, w hich helped lead them to a 6-0 victo ry. “ I d o n ’t th in k there was any possible way that we could have lost the game. It’s not th a t we ju s t felt pum ped, we looked blood th irs ty w ith our shaved heads and o u r p a in te d faces,” says Sarah W alters as she sums up how the team fe lt about their win. Natalia Vaughan had a sim i lar reaction to the te a m ’s spirit. “ It was excellent! We
Girls Varsity Soccer: Front Row: Emily Larned, Michelle Miner. Natalia Vaughan, Heather Oppel, Clare Nichols, Abbie Zuidema, Marina Supple. S e c o n d Row: Madison Adams, Dempsey Collins, Yaz Feinstein, Meg Larned, Sarah Walters, Alex Caradimitropoulo, Effei Begetis, Portia Edwards, Mr. Ca sanova (Coach).
fe lt like winners even before we w on.” Yasmeen Feins te in says, “ I was so pum ped, I was shaking.” Meg Larned, the injured captain, had m ixed feelings about the game. “ It was real ly hard for me to w atch be cause I was on the sidelines. I wanted to go in and play w ith m y team. But, it was e xciting to see the enthusi asm and to see the whole team w orking so well togeth er.” The day was summed up by Portia Edwards who said, “ It was an exciting victo ry, and our sp irit set the tone for the rest of the day.” The Hom ecom ing game was defi nitely the m ost memorable and exhilarating of the sea son.
It takes more than just speed to excel at Cross-Country. The 1991 Varsity team had what it takes to get . . .
Ahead of the rest!
Boys' Varsity Cross Country:
Front Row: Jeb Dennis, Sean Gallagher, Jason Cole, Sanjit DeSilva, Brian Robinson. Sec ond Row: Brian Goodman, John Dickerson, Greg Vlamis, Warren Greene, Corey Feder.
“ R u n n e rs , ta k e y o u r m a rk !” BANG! sounded the gun, breaking the nervous feeling among the runners. This was what started o ff the 3.29 m ile trail to the fin ish line. M any thoughts ran through the runners’ heads as the firs t five m inutes of the race passed. “ Get me out o f here,” Sanjit Desilva said. Greg Vlam is had a feel ing o f revenge. He rem em bered having said he’d “ k ill everybody if he doesn’t com e in firs t.” “ W ill I finish?” was just one o f the concerns o f Brian Robinson. John Dickerson ju s t looked at the other run
ners wondering if he’d be able to beat any o f them. “ W ill I m ake it?” Greg Vla mis contem plated. As tim e went on, the runners’ fatigue grew. A fte r 27 m inutes the worries were gone and the race was over. Brian was tired and hungry. “ Satisfied and relieved,” felt Renee Osorio. " J u s t glad I’m fin ished and it ’s over,” said J u liet Stillm an. This race ended the sea son. A feeling of accom plish m ent filled each runner. As he reflected on the season, Brian Robinson felt it had been rewarding for every one.
$i j
Girls' Varsity Cross Country:
Natalia Vaughan, Katherine Taylor, Juliet
Stillman, Renee Osorio.
A th le tics
The Boys' Soccer team strived for a winning season, but unfortunately they
Just missed it! T h e c o m p e titio n was close, but the num bers ju st d id n ’t add up for the Boys' Varsity Soccer team. The team m ay have given up the score, but it never gave up a game. “ It w asn’t a one sided sea son," says Steve Lam m , the team 's new coach. “ I felt they really w orked hard.” The players put out their best e ffort; u nfortuna tely, it w asn’t enough to win. But this e ffo rt enabled the team to rem ain stru ctured and threatening in a losing situa tion. The te a m ’s captain, Chris Blanc, says, “ Pressure often destroys a g ro u p ’s abil ity to function. Mot this team. If we were losing, we made sure th a t we were a real pain in the neck.” The team had a hard tim e
Boys’ Varsity Soccer: Front Row: Adrien Blanc, Mike Pappa lardo, Adrian Massie, Lance Tammero, Kristian Davies, Brett Holster, Anthony Guevara. Second Row: Mr.Lamm (Coach), Bill Krasnor, Erik Da vies, Alexander Nagler, Mike Edwards, Mike Cervi, Chris Blanc, Mike Bellwin, Marcus Loyola, Demetrio Gatos, Craig Malton.
a d ju s tin g to th e ir new coach, but next year looks better. Coach Lam m now knows his players and is ex cited about a new season. Some of the players play basketball in the w inter, and Lam m has seen the range of his players’ talents. “ W atch ing this basketball team, you can see the intensity in their eyes. I want that on the field next year.” The Boys' V arsity Soccer team has forgotten the feel ing o f a win. However, the team is young. The fresh men hold great potential. The juniors have im proved every year. The coach al ready has plans worked out for the next season. Pride is growing. The desire is there for next year.
It's not if you win or lose, i t ’s how you play the game. For the 1991 Field Hockey team . .
It’s the effort that counts. The girls run down the field, sticks in hands, skirts swishing. W hat sport is this? Field hockey! The season began w ith a good start. The team was sm all, but dedicated. The s e n io rs , B e th K e s s le r, Meghan Lynch, C harlotte Wade, Carrie M urphy, A li Dorf, and Lori Feinglas, led the way as veterans of the team. A li D orf was brand new to the position to goalie, and she did a w onderful job. The juniors, Alex Scanlan,
Varsity Field Hockey: Front Row: Lori Feinglas (Captain). Second Row: Miss McNally (Coach), Vonick Jean-Guillaume, Charlotte Wade, Yota Begetis, Alicia Ellis, Elena Costa, Debbie King. Third Row: Miss Freehill (Coach), Meghan Lynch, Jami Turner, Dee Dee Dorf, Cassandra Patterson, Beth Kessler, Alexandra Scanlan, Carrie Murphy, Ali Dorf, Mrs. Gallucci (Coach).
Cassandra Patterson, and Debbie King, worked very hard. They are sure to be good leaders next year. U nfortunately, the field hockey team d id n ’t enjoy m any victories because of the small size and relative inexperience o f the team. However, due to the excel lent efforts o f the coaches, Miss M cN ally, Miss Freehill, and Mrs. G allucci, the team did a lot o f growing. They look forw ard to next year’s season.
J.V. Volleyball: F r o n t R o i* . Paola Lope D'antuono, Jennifer Cuellar. Jo Vosburg
; a VanDyke.
S e c o n d R ow :
J.V. Boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Soccer F r o n t R o w : Lennox Lin, Kevin Epps, Eric Sherling, Jeff Butler, Charlie Campbell, Jeff Kuffel, Mark Edwards. S e c o n d R o w : Phil Huyn, Walter Kruger, David Kovesi, Timothy Hughes, Marc Shuster, Evan Rosenthal.
J.v. Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Soccer: S e co n d R ow :
F r o n t R o w : Gillian Glover, Jessica Crane, Sondra Helenese. Charlotte Christensen, Kirslie Baker, Amy Rinaldi, Otema Adade, Doris
The Girls’ Varsity Basketball team had their ups and downs this year; but one thing’s fo r sure: they were always trying to . . .
Reach for it! Way back in [November the 1992 KLHT Girls’ Varsity Bas ketball team began practicing. We didn't actually have our first game until after vacation, but our practices were full of hard work. Coach (Bozo) was full of strategies (Pick & Roll, Give & Go, have an attitude, etc.) to utilize our “ potential.” This year’s team had several new additions including seniors , ju niors, and freshmen. We had a lot to learn, but we were helped along by returning members.
Girls’ Basketball: F r o n t R o w : Mr. Karl an (Coach), Alex Caradimitropoulo, Beth Kessler, Madison Adams, Victoria Bush, Cas sandra Patterson. S e c o n d R o w : Jennifer Cuellar, Alex Scanlan, Lori Feinglas, Dina Begetis.
With her second 100 point sea son, Dina Begetis led the way as our top scorer. Our two cap tains, Lori Feinglas and Beth Kessler, helped us along with their sage advice, although coach usually “summed it all up.” Hopefully, we will be even more successful next year with six returning players. The team wishes both Beth and Lori success in college and B eth good lu ck w ith the Ketchup boy!!!
B y the end o f the season, the B oys’ Varsity Basketball team had outperform ed themselves. For them . . .
Practice makes perfect! This year’s Boys’ Basketbal team attained more success than was expected. The imme diate goals were to establish a re la tio n s h ip w ith the new coach, Mr. A rt Nagle, and to rebound from last year’s dismal record. But the team accom plished much more. The team captured the B Division in the FAA and thus received a spot in the A Divi sion tournament, something last year’s team missed. Only five players returned from the previous year: Adrien Blanc, Evan Kropp, Rashidi
Lewis, Scott Trupchak, and Mi chael Edwards. This left seven positions, which were filled by new players. Michael and Scott were chosen by the team to be Co-Captains; due to an ankle injury, Scott was later replaced by Rashidi. The players got to know each other well, and with inten sity, discipline, and hard work, they became a solid team. Only one player is graduating this year, so the team hopes for another rewarding season next year.
Boys’ Basketball: F r o n t R o w : Sam Mann, Marcus Loyola, Adrien Blanc, Anthony Guevara, Scott Trupchak. S e c o n d R o w : Mr. Nagle (Coach), Graham Ruffeis, Michael Ewards, Evan Kropp, Rashidi Lewis. Greg Vlamis, Marc Hoffman.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Although the Varsity Wrestling team was sm all this year; individual victories were common. Each player was able to savor . . .
The taste of victory! All for one, and one for all. The wrestling squad consisted of only six members this year. But what the team lacked in numbers, it made up in heart. For the four months of the season, only those who truly desired to wrestle were in the wrestling room. Even with a big heart the team had d iffic u lty facing teams whom KLHT had annihi lated with a full a squad in recent years. The team could only win personal wins, not m atches. Co-Captain Phil Sissener summed up these feelings with “it was a tough season knowing that we were going to lose all our matches.” Corey Feder added, “it has been a bit of a disappointment since we had so few people." The season, however, did
bring two new faces, Max Miller and Jeff Grumburg, out to try their hand at wrestling. As Max Miller said, “Wrestling is pretty good!” No matter how “frus trating,” as Lance Tammero put it, the season was, we never let that affect our performance. Corey Feder, in the 152 pound weight class, was sec ond at the F.A.A. tournament, and Phil Sissener, in the unlim ited weight class, won that class at the F.A.A. Even with a small team, we had our share of accomplishments. As a whole, the 1991-1992 wrestling season had its re wards and its disappointments. This season everyone in the squad kept his head up, his shoulders off the mat, and his heart.
Cheerleaders are ju s t as im portant as the teams they support A t ju s t about every game you can hear them cheer . . .
Go Vikings! "K-Can’t hear you, L-Little louder, H-That’s better, T-Now you’ve got it, K-L-H-T . . . ” Some of the most faithful Viking fans, present at nearly all of the games, leading cheers, and helping stir up the crowd The Cheerleaders. K LH T ’s cheerleaders en joyed spreading school spirit at games and exercising while at practice. Natalia Vaughan said about cheerleading, “ It’s fun and we’re blondes." Heather Oppel talked about the coach Mrs. Orio. “ She listens to us and our ideas, and she gives us suggestions." Jamie Shulman pointed out the good times that the cheer leaders have. 'Cheerleading is fun and exciting, and it’s a good gossip session." There were several new members of the squad this
year. They had nothing but positive responses to the sea son. Abbie Zuidema said about cheerleading, “Cool beans. Its fun to hang out and exercise.” Yvodney W ashington, who joined the squad in the fall dur ing the football season, said, “It was my first time cheering here and I thought that everybody was nice. 1 enjoyed it, and Mrs. Orio was a lot of fun.” Mrs. Orio summed up the year with some nice words a b o u t th e g irls th a t she coached, “Overall 1 was very p le a se d w ith th e 9 1 /9 2 cheerleading squads. They al ways showed a lot of school sp irit and represented the school with a lot of class. I was very proud of them and will always remember each and ev ery one of them, and the great year they gave me.”
Fall Cheerleading: Heather Oppel, Y v o d e n y W a sh in g to n , K a te Comiskey, Marjorie Miller, Jamie Shulman, Aryn Lieberman, Kate Sadowsky.
It's not just sports!
Ferraro, Sanjit <ovesi. Second Mark Brandon, ht (Coach).
For the first time in a long while*, KLH T has had an Ice Hockey team. Now i t ’s KLH Ts turn to . . .
Hit the ice! As KLHT kicked o ff the 1991-1992 winter sports sea son, the Vikings boasted an upper school ice hockey team. A lo n g w ith coaches Ken Byxbie and Tony Malone, the thirteen skaters who made up the team had a very exciting and eventful season. This year the Vikings only had a junior varsity team. This was primarily due to the fact that the school hasn’t offered an ice hockey program for many years. So, unfortunately, this year’s team was young and inexperienced.
Ice Hockey: F r o n t R o w : Jeff Butler, Walter Kruger, Alex Vandervort, Kevin Epps, Adrian Massie, Marc Shuster. Tim Hughes. S e c o n d R ow : Mr. Malone (Coach), Penn Egbert, Graham Ruffels, Joe Hart, Peter Ghiloni, Alexander Nagler. Jim Taber, Boomer Warrick.
The captains, Adrian Massie and Marc Shuster, helped lead the team through an impres sive season. Next year, prepa rations will be made well in advance so they can organize the best possible hockey pro gram and, hopefu lly, give hockey at KLHT an outstand ing reputation. Even though the team is young, the players have enjoyed the season. They have worked hard and learned a lot. They look forward to hockey in the future at KLHT.
Winter Cheerleading: F r o n t R ow : Abbie Zuidema, Yvodney Washington, Natalia Vaughan, Clare Nichols, Danielle Cort. S e c o n d R o w : Claribel Alonso, Jamie Shulman. T h ird R ow : Heather Oppel.
A th le tic s
Be cool to your school!
Boy*’ Football: Front Row; Dam in Elllg, Brian C John Rommy, David Supple. Robert Cattleman, Ja (Coach), Jarun Presley, Watt Baun, John Hoffman, $ •Sandler, Collin Thom, Peter Karay
rd, Stuart Oakes, Rory Donahue. ague. Second Row: Mr. Greer 1>hn Anderson. Kevin Wert, Joe •••'on (Coach).
®°yS' * ow: Carler Sain!' Joe Cessario. Brent Simon. Second Row: Renal W to v 'd Edward, Nick Montgomery. Nick DeSpoelberch. Ayez NonJI, David Hamm. Third Ro, C ^ y
W ke M c i^ lte
J'” ‘e S° Ckl' ' LUCnS D° ' phln' W" ' ey Llpner' Nlck S' ovrtd" '
Boys’ Soccer II: Front Row: Jonathan Kenyon. Second Row: Devin Wal lace, Garrett Kruger, James Klosson, Frederick Wouters, Chris Fouracre, William Henneberry, Scott Danser, Shain Anderson. Third Row: Kevin Devogel, Peter Huene, Michael Karls, Eric Lane, Mr. Cobden (Coach).
Girls' Soccer: Front Row: Courtney Shay, Allison Wolff, Sarah Hutton, Susan Vogt, Michelle Guevara, Palma BlankRosenbaum, Suzanna Coates, Alexis Swoze. Jennifer Zala. Second Row: Ms. Waters, Amy Pappalardo, Lauren Randall, Tracy Schultz. Soulafreda Valassis. Becky Ayres, Brooke Dolara, Anna Christensen, Melissa Ginsburg, Ariel Schwartz.
Girls' Basketball III: Front Row. Jennifer Dennis, Anna Christiansen, Su sanna Coates, Alexis Suozzi. Second Row. Ms. Waters, Melissa Ginsburg, Tracy Schultz. Lauren Randall, Shweta Khar.
Field Hockey: Front Row: Stephanie Taber, Tarsha Drakeford, Jennifer Dennis, Brandi Lawre Gina Cappa. Jennifer Roselle. Lauren Hughes, Sara Frankel, Janett Pontlcello. Second Row: McNally (Coach), Laura Kropp. Takeeya Person, Jamie Rhoden. Micaela Dorf, Amy Rlnl, Kara Claire Schwartz, Mrs. Rinaldi (Coach). Third Row: Dana Slomkos, Nlkka JacksonCooper, Ayl Lyles, Shyreeta Gee. Elana Shapiro. Katie Sallb. Grayson Thurman
Boys’ Basketball II: Front Row: Peter Karayiannis, Michael McNulty, Colin i Thom, Richard Oppel, David Edwards. Second Row: David Hamm, Rory Donahue, Ayaz Nanji, Colin Wallace.
I l I I
I I Boys’ Basketball III: Front Row: John Jetter, Carter Sainz, Jon Hoffman, Devin Wallace, Stewart Oakes, Mr. Wright (Coach). Second Row: Fred
Wouters, Mark Henderson, English Drakeford, Scott Danser, Chris Fouracre.
Would you look at that!!
$*•t ****♦'♦ *#«■ ................... I , ! * / * * * 1
................. .. ................ & & «t. *
F a ll A th le tic s
It takes spirit, but w e â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got it!
W inter A th le tic s
r u i i c e D r u ic iii Are Men Really So Bad? The Kennedy Boys’ Night Out
i ! n/IRONMENT: dized by Nature & Man
Boris v>
Stormin’ Norman
\ r r - M - i 1 o r , e s p . o r u . , -ser-n, n ; p i . -1 E S ( - 1 Z ) . IL .. J One turned against another or others with a oppose or resist him or them; an antagonist; enemy; foe. — Syn. Sec
Y c i- s o i y
a d versa riu s o ppo n en t.
a o z , a a z e (adz), r I i fT /‘ r i nr/ fr/-»rv» o r .
LAS. a d e s a g „ . . : _____ _
ax, h atch et.]
A cutting to
Ant. Ally.
The Devil; Satan, ad -v e r'sa-tiv e (ad-vur's tlv), a d j . [L. a d v e r s a l i v u s . ' ] Expressing contrariety, oppositiorj j | antithesis; as, an a d v e r s a t i v e conjunction ( b u t ) . — n. An ad j j ye word or proposition. — ad-vcr'sa-tivc—
the A dversary.
ly, adv.
M s a ttK i).
ad -v e rse ' (ad-vfir? past part, of a d x , or in a contrary A tiie opposition j g | as, a d v e r s e ‘ J B k ward the si . » n ess, n. | ' S j n . Adverse to cause interi^MI able, often fatal 1 usual!)' impliesm» ity; counter axlplie contact w ith V l^ l c o u n t e r cicrTent$A fluences o f^eeT om plies an opposition nullifies or neutrali
. j if
fr. L.
See a d v e r t .] 1. Acting against, istic; as, a d v e r s e winds. 2. In hosnpropitious; calam itous; afflictive; d opposite. 4. B o t . Turned toadverse'ly, a d v . — ad-verse'-
counteractive mean so opposed as plies to som ething th a t is unfavorrther person or th in g ; antagonistic id e ith e r h o s tility or m co m p a tib ilfrom opposite d ire ctio n s and in to r ^ A ltin g c o n flic t or tension (as, !rauce w h irlp o o ls; the c o u n t e r in shape ch a ra cte r); counteractive im tw o things or of one tilin g to another th a t the 'e ffe ct o f each o th e r or of the other (as. the c o u n t e r a c t i v e effects of certain drugs; to destroy a bad influence b y a c o u n t e r a c t i v e good influence). — Ant. P ro p itio u s, ad-ver'si-ty (a d -v u r's i.tT ), n . ; p i. - ties (-tTz). A sta te o f being ad versely circum stanced; a c o n d itio n of d e s titu tio n o r a fflic tio n ; — im plying previous w ell-being; also, a stroke of i l l fo rtu n e . — Syn. See MISFORTUNE.
ad-vert' (dd-vurt'),
tu rn (the m in d) to, f. te n tio n ; to refer; a ll
ad-vert'ent (dd.vnr/ (-tens), n. — (a fr L. a d v e rt hence, to wai to a d v e r t is e p rin te d no tic csp. by empb | Purchase or sponsor ad. a d 'v e r-tlz 'e r)
a ve rt
n v e rtir
n A v ^ te
advertisem ents [ 1992]
(ad ver tiz ments)
n. 1. the act or process
o f advertising 2. a public notice that emphasizes
ad-ver'tise-m tlz 'm e n t), n. \ also a d v e r t i e p u b lic p rin t,
desirable qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy
ad'ver-tis'ing p u b lic annou of a com m od parin g and c
or patronize 3. pages in a yearbook expressly
ad-vice' (3d.\
devoted to praising a member or members o f the
p a rt, of v i d e : course of con or no tice giv< !
graduating class 4. not by any standard definition
Syn. Advice, of con du ct, oi ! to make such tended knowp a rt o f the or dom or d c lib th o rity , or n words.
ad-vis'a-ble ( p ru d e n t. — Syn.
in 1992 —
E X P E D IE N T .
— aa vis a rui'i-ty
via'a-ble-ness. n — ad.vis'a.hlv (ldv
a' ivt» -itc-
( - b ll'M I ) ,
ui ri*r-
lield.J . 1. T he nest of a b ird . esp. of a b ird o’f n rt" v " * . v. ... .. • i - * ' ii<; •->|i nlLl
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P h y llis K. S e lig M a il Boxes Etc. 361 P ost Road West, W estport, CT 06880
TEL: (203) 221-0003 Dr. Bruce D ick erson D.O.H.S. Cherry St., New C anaan, 06840
TEL: (203) 966-7770 Lucy K rasnor Threshold M ortgage 59 Wilton Rd., W estport, CT 06880
TEL: (203) 454-0525 S h erw oo d R. S p e lk e A tto rn e y a t L a w 733 S u m m er St., Stam ford, CT 06901
TEL: (203) 359-2044
Sponsors C in d y K in g M a rg e ry B . Irish J o n B lo o m M r.
M rs . F e n w ic k
D r. & M rs . W illo u g h b y L a th e m K ath ry n W a lte rs M r. M ich ael B la n c C h a rle s A n th o n y M o n ro e
To the Seniors: Thank you for CARING about the quality of your leadership. “And the good-bye makes the journey harder still.”
f SarahI am the luckiest man alive. Thanks for the happiness. Love, Chris
With respect and love, Helen Kweskin
C o n g ra tu la tio n s E lv is
\V( ei&>
1 1
■ —
0 0
" Q'v i
Thanks, Mommy! I love you! I’ll miss you so much! Love, Jaquita
and to the Class of 1992
M. Rondano, Inc. General Contractors
Love, Mr. and Mrs. Presley
75 Sawmill Road Stamford, CT 06903
Loutraki, Greece 1979
Plus ca change, plus c â&#x20AC;&#x2122;est la meme chose. Alex, God bless your joie de vivre! 1 Love You, Mom
Loutraki, Greece 1991
Congratulations Sarah Kathryn and the Class of 1992!
Love from Your Family
You bring a special kind of pride, in the kind of person you’ve always been, and in the wonderful man you’ve become. You in spire confidence in the future - not only because of your many talents, but even more because you’re so caring and so dedi cated, and so willing to make a difference. We are so proud of you. Adam. We wish you the best in whatever you do. We love you. Mom, Dad & Ryan Adam has better hair than me. I love you, Adam.
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GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND THE CLASS OF â&#x20AC;&#x2122;92 The Kligman Family
D arlin g C lare — C on gratu lation s! A n d v e ry b est w is h e s to you and the C lass o f ’92
Remember to do what you believe is right and: “Take a little time to ponder - what is in your heart Take a little time to wander - in the silence set apart . . . Take a little time for living - busy though your day may be Take a little time for giving - happiness to som ebody.” from “Take a Little Time” by Patience Strong with all our love Mummy, Daddy, and Fiona
To Yasmeen Being everything to us, Thank you for all the joys. Mom and Dad
Mike Bellwin, C o n g ra tu la tio n s an d G o o d Luck! M o m , Jeri, J a y n e & Lenny G ra n d m a & G ra n d p a T h e N e s t e r s , R id d e rs & J o n e s e s
“ J u st g o for it! "TIP*
It’s not like it’s go in g to last th ro u gh the year. — Corey
F irs t M onth
Thanks, Sweetie, for being so supportive and caring over the years.
Third Year
We are so very proud of you! All our Love Mom and Dad
PeterWe are all so very proud of you Congratulations to you and all your friends in the Class of â&#x20AC;&#x2122;92 Love Mom, Dad, Lauren & Lisa Greenfield
Greg I guess being away from you has brought us closer together. I guess being away from you has made me realize how much I love and m iss you. I guess being away from you has made me see how lucky 1 am to have a brother like you. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll love you forever. Your sister, Liana
You h a ve a lw a y s been such a jo y in our liv e s and are truly our prou dest a cco m p lish m en t. You h a ve truly been the w ind beneath our w in g s, and w e thank you for a dream c o m e true. We w ish you m uch love, h app in ess and m uch su ccess in the future. C on gratu lation s, G reg, to you and the C lass o f â&#x20AC;&#x2122;92 L o v e a lw a y s, M om & Dad
Congratulations to Phil and the Class of â&#x20AC;&#x2122;92 Love A lw ays Mom & Dad Michelle & Nicholas
Practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty.
Aryn Megan Kate Margie LilasFriends are friends forever. Good luck - Always remember CARPE DIEM Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll m iss you! K isses, Love Kate
Congratulations Class of 1992 From The Tailgaters
To Ali Well done! Good luck at Middlebury! Love, Mom, Dad, and the rest of the crew from Mayhem Manor
To Coaches Gallucci and Freehill: Thanks for teaching me to love field hockey, even if it meant a trip to the hospital! To Coach McNally: England Tour ’92! You taught me everything I know about lacrossethanks! And thanks for always being there, to listen to me complain! To Lori, Amy, Beth, Christian, Yaz, and all my other friends: I love you guys- as odd as you may be! “I’ll remember you, when I’ve forgotten all the rest . . . when the roses fade and I’m in the shade, I’ll remember you.’’ To DeeDee and Micaela: I know I w asn’t always the nicest sister, but I really do love you guys! Take care of my horse, my dog, etc . . . To Mom and Dad: Thanks for giving me room to grow into my own person while always being there to help me back up again. I know I don’t say it enough, but I really love you a lot. You taught me right from wrong, and good from bad, and were great parents through it all! GOOD LOCK TO THE CLASS OF 1992! LOVE, ALI
P o rtia I. E d w a r d s W e w is h y o u m u ch s u c c e s s a s y o u continue on life’s journ ey. You h a v e b e e n a w o n d e rfu l d au gh ter, sister, an d cou sin . M u c h love to P ortia an d the c la s s o f “ 9 2 ” . M o m m y , B ernie, M ich ael, R a sh o n , M a rk , D a v id , and L eah .
h a v e
achieved so much. We’re very proud of you. Good luck to you and the Class of ’92. Love Mom & Dad
Take any path you w an t to but one thing you ou gh t to know; D on ’t let oth ers tak e you p la ces you d o n ’t really w ant to go. A k ey thing to rem em b er if you d o n ’t know w h at to do, Y ou ’ v e g o t a right to standing tall Y ou rself b elo n g s to you. — T .F .B G ood Luck * L o v e K im
“I am a part of all that I have met, Yet all experience is an arch wherethro’ Gleams that untravell’d world whose margin fades Forever and forever when 1 move.” Tennyson
May those years you have spent at KLHT sustain you and assist your endeavours throughout life.
Good luck,
The KLHT Board of Trustees
C o n g ra tu la tio n s Am y and the C la s s o f ’9 2
Love, Mom, Dad, and Becky
To Bill C o n g ra tu la tio n s on Y ou r G rad u atio n . O n e m o re s te p to b e c o m in g C ap tain . L o ve, M o m , D a d an d Em ily
“ 1 alw ays knew th a t when I lo o k back on the tim es I had cried I w ould laugh, But I never th o u g h t th a t when I looked back on the tim es I had laughed I w ould c ry .”
V a rs ity Soccer Hom ecom ing ’91 Burger King C ountry Diner
N atalia-“ When you laugh the w orld laughs w ith yo u .” A lex-“ N othing to do but sm ile, sm ile, sm ile .” Clare-“ Be yo u rse lf no m a tte r w hat they say.” I love you guys and I’ll m iss you! — Heather
ALEX You were there for me all the way even when A bby went away. You’ve been w ith me since day 1 and I m ust say, it has been fun! So w e’ve gotten in a fig h t or 2, those little fights have brought us through. But w e’re older now, and there’s lots to remember, But never forget those little m arks. Not the m arks o f pencil or paint, one of those it surely a in ’t! They are the m arks o f love and friendship too, all of those I received fro m you. And though we get older every day, Those m arks shall never fade away! I’m going to miss you when you go away, But rem ember those m arks are here to STAY!!! LOVE, Andy
D e a r A le x , W e â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll b e sid e b y sid e e v e ry s te p o f the w a y . L o ve, G ra n d m a
'HI CftSS Or
Congratulations to
the class of â&#x20AC;&#x2122;92
your little brothers and sisters
W eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll miss you!
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m y little sister is n ’t so little a n y m o re!
» , 'Jr-1 !
you are and a lw a y s w ill be m y best friend!
Yem m y Good lu ck next year, and if you have any prob lem s you know where to find me. Keep yo u r lig h ts out and w indow s open - it DOES help you th in k ! I love you. your super-sapien sister, Meg
Love a lw a y s , F iona
Touch m y tears w ith your lips Touch m y w o rld w ith your fingertips and we can have forever . .
Love, M om - Dad - A nna - Maude - Jacob
True love doesn’t have a happy ending; True love doesn’t have an ending. 1 love you John A lw ays and Forever + 1. Kate
B e lik e a bird, haltin g in his fligh t A w h ile in b ou gh s so light, F ee ls th em g iv e w a y beneath him and y e t sin gs, K n o w in g that he hath w in gs. — H u go
W ynd h am :
There you are, then, up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and not to wait. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; with apologies to Longfellow Love, Mother and Father
M eg: T h is yea r has been tough, but you hung in there right from the start. We are very proud o f you. C on gratu lation s to you and your c la ss m a tes o f 1992. L ove, M om , Dad and Em ily
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“ For the things we have to learn before we can do them we learn by doing them ” ........... A ris to tle “How many roads does a man walk down before you can call him a m a n " ........... B. D ylan “ Remember, hard work, dedication, focus and a respect for others will all contribute to your success in life” . . . M O M & DAD
To the Class of 1992 You made it! (and so did we) Congratulations to all! the Yearbook
G -oi-
Congratulations to the seniors from The Parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Association Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll miss you!
C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S LO RI C A N T W A IT T O SEE W H A T â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NEXT!
General contractors
7 5 S a w m ill r o a d Stam fo r d . CT 069 03
Camera Wholesalers
2770 Summer St. LO VE,
Stamford, CT 06905
D ear Ekie, W e lo v e you v e ry m uch! M o m , Dad, M ik ie and G randm a
In Memoriam Edward Stockton Abate 1975 - 1992
Any manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death diminishes me beacuse I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; John Donne
It’s over. I ca n ’t believe it! W hat started as an idea back at the end of June 1991 has fin a lly com e into reality, and as far as I’m concerned, it's passed even m y expecta tions. There are so m any people to thank, and w ith o u t help fro m them , this fabu lous book w ould not have been possible. To our M iddle School staff, I appreciate all the hard w ork that y o u ’ve put into coordinating our efforts on the Lower Campus. Good luck next year and in all your fu tu re endeavors. My thanks go out to A ryn Lieberm an, M argie M ille r, K a te C o m is k e y , C o re y Feder, A m y Ayres, and B ill K rasnor for fillin g in when ever we needed help. You provided us w ith invaluable service. My thanks also go to Ja ckie S tria n o and M ike B ellw in for being dedicated copy staffers. You put in long hours of w ork, often on weekends, but w ith o u t your help th a t th ird deadline would never have been fin ished. Thanks to A dam V ic to r,
218 Yearbook Thanks
Robbie K ligm an, and A lex C a ra d im itro p o u lo for help ing w ith the book’s layouts. A lthough there m ight not have been som ething for you to do all the tim e, you were always there, w illing to w ork at a m om ent’s notice. 1 thank Ja q u ita Monroe and M elissa Fenw ick for raising the yearbook’s m on ey. Finance is ju st as im por tant as production, and w ith out you, we w o uldn’t have been able to have this book in our hands right now. Thank yous go to Carrie M urphy and Dan Selig for all our wonderful pictures. A lthough you may have been overenthusiastic w ith the num ber o f photos you took, it was that enthusiasm w hich has given us the high est q u a lity o f pictures. C hris Blanc and Portia Edwards, thank you for your long, hard hours in the com puter room w orking on the copy o f this yearbook. Your contributions, both techni cal and creative, have done so m uch for this book. It’s as m uch yours as anyone's. Thanks to Meg Larned for y o u r fa b u lo u s a r tw o r k w hich can be seen through
out this book. Each piece adds a dimension w hich is e x c itin g and e n jo y a b le . Y ou’ve worked hard and un der tig h t deadlines, but it ’s been worth it. K alie G illespie, we may have had o u r disagree ments, but w h a t’s a year book w ith o u t conflict? I’ve enjoyed w orking w ith you, and your layouts have been excellent. You deserve as m uch credit as anyone. My thanks to Sarah W al ters and Clare N ichols for being the best copy editors I've ever seen. Your talents and creative abilities have made the copy in this book excellent; you guys have ex ceeded yourselves, even when yo u ’ve done jobs that weren’t exactly copy-relat ed. M r. Pusack, I’d like to thank you on behalf o f the entire yearbook staff. We took over your com puter room for two-thirds o f the year, but you were able to handle interruptions of your classes by staffers w ith equanim ity. It takes a calm man to deal w ith all that w e’ve p u t you through. Thank you.
And to our yearbook re presentative, Rich Carpen ter. You’ve dealt w ith me for three years now, but in spite of that, yo u ’ve taught me al m ost everything I know about yearbook production. You convinced us to go to the conference in July, and that has made all the differ ence. Thank you, Rich; I’ll miss you next year. And finally, the biggest thanks of all go to our advi sor, M rs. Helen Kweskin. You’ve put up w ith fourteen screaming kids since the end o f last year, dealing not only w ith the yearbook, but w ith a supplem ent and our financial woes. You’ve been w ith me for three years now on the yearbook, and I’ve en joyed alm ost every minute o f it. You’ve been a good censor, Mrs. Kweskin, and we’ve appreciated all you've done for us (even though we m ight not have liked it). Thank you. W ith warmest regards,
W yndham W. Lathem Editor-in-Chief
Kaleidoscope Editors Editor-in-Chief: W yndham Lathem Photography Editor: Carrie M u rp h y Layout Editor: K alie Gillespie Copy Editors: Clare N ichols & Sarah W alters Art Editor: M eg L a m ed Business Managers: Melissa F e n w ick & J a q u ita M onroe
Assistant Photo Editor: Dan Selig Assistant Layout Editors: A le x C aradim itropoulo, Robbie K ligm an, & A d a m V ictor Assistant Copy Editors: Chris B lanc & Portia E dw ards
Advisor: M rs. Helen K w eskin
Abate, Ned 90. 216. 217 Adade, Otema 94, 157 Adams, Madison 6, 12. 14. 90, 132, 134. 148, 158. 159 Ahuja, Kenneth 105 Ahuja, Mequitta 92, 133 Ahuja, Nicholas 104 Alexander, Karen 108 Alonso, Claribel 10, 90, 91, 144, 169 Amble, Susan 102 Anderson, John 98, 170 Anderson. Shain 100, 171 Ashwood, Karen 102 Ayres, Amy 8, 26, 77, 83, 134, 135, 199, 203, 218 Ayres, Becky 96, 171, 203
Bailey, Jason 96, 139, 170 Baker. Alissa 102 Baker, Benjamin 98 Baker. Kirstie 92, 130, 136, 157 Baker, Mrs. Eileen 116, 126 Baker. Samantha 105 Banerjee, Elizabeth 108 Bantz, Adam 107 Barder, Ms. Livia 116, 121, 122. 126 Bathija, Samantha 103 Batusic, Bradley 105 Baun, Matt 98. 170 Begetis, Dina 21, 90, 91, 144, 145, 158, 159, 174, 176 Begetis, Effei 11. 27, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84. 133. 148, 149 Begetis, Yota 10, 94, 95, 154 Bellwin, Jeramy 109 Bellwin, Michael 28, 77, 83, 85, 130, 152, 153, 191, 218 Benjamin, Lindsay 105 Berberian, Andrea 104 Berberian, Jennifer 96, 111, 133 Berzon, Samantha 107 Biewen, Mrs. Cathie 116, 126 Bihari. Alexis 106 Blanc. Adrien 90, 133, 134, 152, 153, 160. 161 Blanc. Christopher 20, 29, 76, 80, 81, 83. 131. 132, 134, 135, 152. 183, 191, 209, 218. 219 Blank, Dustin 108 Blank, Zack 104 BlankRosenbaum, Palma 98, 109, 171 Blomberg, Pamela 11. 90, 137, 144, 145, 174 Bogaert, Edward 103 Bonnemaison, Iciar 14, 30, 74, 83 Brandon. Mark 92, 134, 146, 166, 167 Brenner, Andrew 22, 92 Broadhurst, Charles 102 Brody, Eric 103 Brooks, Jeannette 104 Brough, Mrs. Adrienne 108, 116 Brown, Brittni 105 Brown, Christian 102 Brown, Mrs. Bonnie 121, 124
Buckley, Candace 92, 130, 136, 137, 167 Bugoni, Peter 94, 167 Burke, Lauren 106 Burns. Mr. Robert 124, 126, 163. 174 Bush. Victoria 90, 137, 144, 145, 158 Butler, Jeff 94, 95, 156, 164, 165. 176 Buzanoski, Carolyn 9, 90, 135, 144, 145 Buzanoski, Meredith 104 Buzanoski, Mrs. Suzanne 118, 122, 124
Campbell, Charlie 92, 156 Campbell, Jay 90 Cappa. Gina 98, 172 Caradimitropoulo, Alex 2, 12, 15, 31. 79, 81, 83, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 148, 149, 158, 184, 204, 205, 206. 218, 219 Caruso, Kyle 105 Casanova, Mr. Gerard 5, 16, 118, 124, 148 Cassin, Brian 97, 111, 170 Cassleman, Robert 100, 170 Caulfield, Alexandra 104 Cervi, Michael 94, 152, 166, 167 Cesare, Mrs. Elizabeth 4, 114, 116, 126 Cesaria, Bradley 107 Cessario, Joe 96, 170 Chargar, Erica 107 Charles, Larry 105 Chestnut, Noah 106 Chobody, John 96, 140, 170 Chobody, Lisa 15, 24, 32, 75, 81, 83, 130, 131. 134, 135 Christensen, Anna 98, 138, 171 Christensen, Charlotte 21, 92, 130, 136, 157 Christensen, James 106 Christensen, Mrs. Eleanor 119 Christiansen, Anna 101, 172 Christophe, Jean-Paul 103 Christophe, Kimberly 106 Cianci, Mrs. Maria 124 Clark, Mrs. Sarah 119, 122 Clarke, David 102 Clippinger, Mrs. Elizabeth 118, 119, 126, 144, 174 Clossen, Rick 170 Coates, Susanna 100, 138, 171, 172 Cobden, Mr. Edward 119, 126, 171 Cohen, Amy 8, 105 Cohen, Joshua 104 Cole, Jason 13, 90, 130, 142, 150, 151 Collins. Dempsey 94, 132, 148 Collins. Joe 170 Comiskey, Kate 33, 79, 80, 83, 84, 121, 127, 168. 169, 174, 196, 218 Conner, Justin 108 Cook, Alexis 103 Cook, David 103 Cook, Mrs. Maggie 117, 118, 119, 122, 126 Corrente, Lara 94
Cort, Danielle 90, 137, 144, 145, 169. 174 Costa, Elena 16, 18, 92, 130. 134, 135, 154 Crane, Jessica 94, 157 Cuellar, Gustavo 107 Cuellar, Jennifer 21, 34, 78, 80, 83, 144, 156, 158. 176 Cullen, Caitlin 104 Cuscuna, Lauren 108 Cuscuna, Max 107
Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Antuono, Michelle 90, 130, 156 Danford, Christine 96, 111 Danielle. Karine 92, 135, 136 Danser, Scott 100, 171, 173 Davies, Erik 22, 35, 74, 80, 81, 83, 85. 152, 153 Davies, Kristian 18, 90, 132, 152 Davis, Katie 106 de Melo e Cruz, Brigida 96 de Melo e Cruz, Jose 102 Deal, Miss 119, 126 DellAngelo. Mrs. Gracemarie 119 Demetrio, Gatos 75 Dennis, Jeb 22, 36, 77, 80, 81, 83, 87, 150 Dennis, Jennifer 98, 172 Densch, Oliver 37, 83, 86, 118, 146. 147 DeSantis, Melissa 107 DeSilva, Sanjit 12, 15, 92, 93, 132. 135, 137, 150, 151, 166, 167. 175 DeSimone, Mark 107 deSpoelberch, Nicholas 98, 170 Devogel, Kevin 2, 96, 138, 171 Dickerson, John 90, 132, 133, 137, 150 Doering, Mr. Patrick 119, 170 Dolara, Brooke 100, 138, 171 Dolphin, Lucas 96, 170 Donahue, Rory 98, 139, 170, 173 Dorf, Ali 24, 38. 77, 83, 135, 137. 154, 199 Dorf. Deedee 94, 154, 167, 199 Dorf. Micaela 98, 172, 199 Dorf, Rachel 102 Drakeford, Dawn 103 Drakeford, English 100, 138, 170, 173 Drakeford, Tarsha 98, 109, 110, 138, 172 Draper, Katie 12. 92, 135, 136 Dusault, Paige 90, 166
Eckstut, Martina 104 Edwards, David 98, 170, 173,
200 Edwards, Leah 106, 107, 200 Edwards, Mark 94, 156, 166, 167, 200 Edwards, Michael 90. 152, 153, 161, 200 Edwards, Portia 8, 24, 39, 78, 80, 81, 83. 131, 133, 148, 200, 218, 219 Edwards, Stephanie 105 Egbert, Penn 94, 146, 164, 165
Eisenstein, Adam 107 Ellis, Alicia 16, 92, 130, 134, 135, 142, 154 Ellis, Damin 170 Engel. Miss Sandra 117, 119, 126 Epps, Kevin 92, 134, 156, 164 Epstein, Seth 103 Ewards, Michael 160
Fattouh, Shereif 96, 139, 140, 170 Feder, Corey 8. 40, 76, 83. 135, 137, 142, 150, 151, 162, 163, 176. 218 Feinglas, Lori 13, 41, 78, 81, 83, 86, 134, 135, 154, 158, 159, 198. 199, 203, 215 Feinstein, Yasmeen 2, 14, 42, 78, 83, 132, 137, 148, 149, 190, 199, 218 Fenwick, Melissa 10, 12, 43, 79, 83, 84, 126, 131, 133, 218, 219 Ferrandino, Jason 103 Ferrandino, Stephen 105 Ferrara, Price 106 Ferraro, Paul 94, 134, 166, 167 Feuer, Sydnee 107 Filanosky, Tori 44. 78, 133, 137, 144 Fischen, Ashley 104 Fischer. Alyssa 102 Forster, Mrs. Elizabeth 22, 119. 125 Fouracre, Christopher 100, 110, 171, 173 Frankel, Mrs. Joan 118, 119, 121 Frankel, Sara 100, 138, 172 Frasetto, Christopher 107 Freehill, Miss Mary Jo 119, 121, 154, 199 Friedland, Mrs. Emily 119 Fries, Mrs. Virginia 119 Fusaro, James 103
Gabriel, Christopher 102 Gabriel, Elizabeth 104 Gallagher, Mrs. Rosemary 119 Gallagher, Sean 90, 137, 150, 151 Gallucci, Mrs. Kathleen 119, 126, 154, 155, 199 Gatos, Demetrio 45, 80, 84, 134, 152 Gee, Shyreeta 96, 110. 139. 172 George, Daniel 104 Ghiloni, Peter 94, 164, 165 Gillespie. Kalie 8, 46, 76, 81, 83, 131, 134, 218, 219 Gillies, Mr. Jonathan 119, 122 Ginsburg, Melissa 98, 110, 171, 172 Glazer, Daniel 105 Glover, Gillian 88, 92, 93, 157 Goldstein. Dara 108 Golub, Andrew 106 Gomez, Catherine 22, 92, 134, 135
Goodfriend, Michele 104 Goodman, Brian 92, 150, 151 Grant, Mrs. Tina 119, 126 Grasso, Joey 106 Grasso. Samantha 108 Grasso, Sara Beth 103 Green, Jenna 107 Green, Warren 74, 80 Greene, Warren 8, 47, 74, 80, 81, 83, 85, 130, 134, 150, 151, 162, 163, 176 Greenfield, Peter 12, 23, 48, 74, 80, 81, 83, 86, 134, 146, 147 Greer, Jennifer 105 Greer, Mr. Robert 105, 119, 126, 170 Griffin, Jacqueline 104 Griffin, Nikolai 102 Grunberg, Jeff 162, 163 Guevara, Anthony 90, 152, 153, 160, 177 Guevara, Michelle 10, 100, 101, 138, 139, 171
Hamer, Vanessa 104 Hamer, Victor 88, 107 Hamm, David 98, 99, 170, 173 Hapoienu, Rachel 107 Harbolt, Mrs. Jan 18. 118, 119, 126, 132 Harington, Frank 106 Hart, Joseph 90. 146, 164, 165, 176 Hartlett, Mr. Wayne 124 Hauer, Katharine 108 Hauer, Michael 106 Helenese, Sondra 94, 157 Henderson, Burke 104, 173 Henderson, Taylor 106 Henneberry, William 100, 171 Herlinger, Ariana 15, 94, 137, 166 Hermanson, Mrs. Cynthia 120 Hitchcock, Toni 96 Hoffman, Jonathan 100, 170, 173 Hoffman, Marc 94, 137, 146, 160, 166, 167, 177 Holland. Mrs. Carol 116, 117 Holster, Brett 13, 23. 90. 152, 174 Holzer, Phillip 90. 137 Hopkinson, Jenny 107 Hopkinson, Peter 106 Hudson. Mr. Daniel 16, 114, 116, 125, 126 Huene, Andrew 102 Huene, Peter 98, 171 Huester, Mr. Peter 83, 118, 120, 122. 126 Hughes, Lauren 96, 172 Hughes, Ryan 102 Hughes, Tim 94. 164, 156, 165 Hunter, Randy 102 Huntoon, Mrs. Ann 120 Hutton, Sara 100, 138, 171 Hyun, Phillip 10, 12, 92, 133, 137, 156, 166, 167
Jackson-Cooper, Nikka 96, 110, 172 Jean-Guillaume, Vonick 92, 135, 154 Jensen, John 108 Jetter, John 100, 173 Jones, Mrs. Virginia 120 Jones, Ms. Cornelia 120 Joyce, Meredith 106
Karayiannis. Afrodite 104 Karayiannis, Nicholas 102 Karayiannis, Peter 10, 98, 170, 173 Karlan, Mr. Peter 6, 118, 120, 121, 122, 126, 158, 159, 170 Karlan, Mrs. Elizabeth 120 Karls, Hilary 103 Karls. Michael 98, 171 Katsaros, Greg 49, 76, 83, 86, 136, 146, 147, 194 Kaufman, Bryce 106 Kaufman, Lisa 104 Kayes, Nathan 103 Kenyon, Jonathan 100, 171 Kessler. Beth 2, 8, 50, 77, 83, 128. 134, 135, 151, 154, 155, 158, 174, 199, 201, 215 Khar, Anita 103 Khar, Shweta 98, 172 Kicelian, Mrs. Joyce 94, 120 Kilanowski, Philip 103 King, Debbie 19, 22, 23, 90, 127, 130, 132, 134, 154 Kligman, Rob 51, 76, 83, 131, 136, 146, 147, 188, 218, 219 Klosson, James 100. 171 Klosson, Richard 96, 140 Kosann, Danielle 107 Kovesi, David 94, 156, 166, 167 Krasnor, Bill 52, 74, 81, 83, 87, 130. 132, 134, 152. 204, 218 Kropp, Evan 9, 90, 134, 137, 146, 160, 161 Kropp, Laura 98. 172 Kruger, Garrett 100, 171 Kruger, Walter 94, 156, 164 Kuffel, Jeff 94, 156, 166, 167 Kulik, Alexander 108 Kweskin, Adam 104 Kweskin, Mrs. Helen 14, 15, 117, 120, 127, 130. 183, 218, 219 Kweskin, Mrs. Irene 120 Kweskin, Peter 8. 107 Lagan, Frank 94, 146, 166, 167
Lamborn, Carolyn 90, 91, 130, 137, 144 Lametta. Adam 102 Lamm, Mr. Steve 120, 121, 125, 152
Lane, Eric 96, 171 Lamed, Emily 8, 94, 130, 133, 148 Lamed, Meg 16, 78, 81, 83, 131, 133, 148, 149, 208, 211, 218, 219 Larsen, Kate 102 Lathem, Wyndham 2, 10, 17, 22, 23, 54, 78, 80, 83, 84, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 210, 218, 219 Lawrence, Brandi 100, 133, 138, 172 Lazzaro, Christopher 106 Lazzaro, Nicholas 105 Leiser, Eric 103 Leisser, Anne-Marie 105 Lely, Amy 106 Lemmo, Mitchell 107 Len, Kara 98, 172 Leslie, Lauren 94, 176 Levitz, Justin 90, 132, 135, 136, 146 Lewis. Rashidi 90, 91, 146, 160, 161 Libonati, Mrs. Melody 3, 22, 23, 120, 121, 127, 132 Lieberman, Aryn 12, 15, 20, 55, 79. 81. 83, 87, 168, 169, 174. 196, 218 Lieberman, Mrs. Diane 120, 121 Lightburn, Kara 104 Lin, Lennox 94, 156, 166, 167 Lipner, Wesley 96, 170 Lister, Kira 104 Littlejohn, Lindsay 108 Lopez, Paola 21, 94, 144, 156 Loyola, Edgard 102 Loyola, Marcus 92, 93, 152, 160 Lyles, Ayanna 96, 139, 172 Lynch, Meghan 56, 75, 83, 84, 154, 196 Lyon, Dr. William 116
MacDonald, Ms. Laura 120 Maisel, Noah 19, 102 Malinovitz, Eram 57, 76. 81, 83, 84, 87, 151 Malton, Craig 58, 74. 83, 87, 152 Mandelker, Dan 17, 90, 134, 135 Mann. Sam 19, 21. 92, 93, 160, 166, 167, 177 Maradiaga, Felipe 102 Massie, Adrian 94, 152, 164 Mathiessen, Sarah 106 Mattiello, Mrs. Mary Ann 120 May, Alice 105 McChord, Austin 106 McCormick, Kylie 107 McCormick, Samantha 103 McNally. Miss Linda 15, 118, 120. 127, 154, 172, 199 McNolte, Mike 170 McNulty, Michael 96. 173 Mead, Jessica 102 Megrue, Mrs. Suzanne 108, 120 Meissel, Justin 105 Miller, Marjorie 13, 59, 77, 80, 83, 84, 127, 168. 174, 196, 218 Miller. Max 92, 146, 162. 163 Miner. Michelle 10, 12, 92, 132, 133, 135, 136, 148, 149 Miner, Mrs. Glee 120, 127 Minoff, Melissa 90, 169
Mishkin, Mr. Richard 120 Mishkin, Mrs. Catherine 114, 116, 122, 127 Monroe, Jaquita 22, 60. 76, 80, 81, 83, 126, 131, 205. 214, 218, 219 Montgomery, Nicholas 100, 170 Morgan, Katie 107 Murphy, Carrie 8, 61, 79, 83, 87. 130, 131, 133. 135, 142, 154, 208, 218, 219
Nagle, Miss Carrie 121, 124 Nagle, Mr. Arthur 120, 121, 127, 160, 174, 177 Nagler, Alexander 94, 152, 164, 165 Nanji, Ayaz 96, 111, 139, 170, 173 Nelson, Christine 105 Neuman, Jennifer 106 Neuman, Lauren 104 Nichols. Clare 62, 79. 80, 81, 83, 87, 132, 148, 169, 189. 204, 208, 218, 219 Nichols, Elizabeth 102 Nichols, Katharine 105 Nichols, Mrs. Constance 123 Nisberg, Alicia 94
O ’Brien, Alicia 103 O ’Brien, Jack 105 O ’Toole, Heidi 108 Oakes, Sara 104 Oakes, Stewart 100, 170, 173 Ogrodnick, Kelsey Anne 105 Oppel, Heather 15, 90. 135. 148, 149, 168, 169, 174, 204 Oppel, Richard 96, 139, 173 Orio. Mr. Alphonse 6, 16, 19, 105. 121, 123. 127 Orio, Mrs. Renee 123, 127 Orlow, Alyssa 102 Osorio, Renee 10, 92, 93, 135, 137, 150, 151, 166. 167 Owens, Ronell 96, 97, 139
T f Palo, Vanessa 102 Pappalardo, Amy 96. 171 Pappalardo, Michael 63, 76, 80, 83. 86, 152, 153 Pappalardo, Mrs. Mary 123 Pappalardo. Stephen 106 Patterson, Cassandra 10, 16, 18, 90, 91, 134, 135. 154, 155, 158 Payne, Mrs. Ethel 123. 127 Pepin, Zachary 107 Person, Takeeya 98, 110, 172 Peterson, Mrs. Karen 12. 121, 123, 127 Petti, Morgan 106 Pirri, Anthony 104 Podlach, Mrs. Barbara 123
Polshikov, Alex 102 Portia, Doris 92, 135, 157 Ponticello, Janette 98, 138, 172 Presley, Elvis 183 Presley. Jarun 96, 97, 111, 170 Price, Margaret 96, 139 Pruchansky, Dina 64, 75, 83 Pusack, Mr. William 123, 127, 218 Pusack, Mrs. Priscilla 94, 123, 127 Pusack, Timothy 104
Rabassa. Mrs. Graciella 14, 122, 123, 127 Raffaeli. John 107 Ramy, John 100, 101 Ramy, Paul 103 Randall, Caitlin 105 Randall, Lauren 100, 171, 172 Randall, Mr. Edward 123 Redniss. Katherine 102 Reuben, Andrew 103 Reuben, Julia 106 Rhoden, Jamie 13, 98, 99, 110, 172 Rhoder, Jamie 109 Richard, Leah 104 Richardson, Vanessa 96, 97, 109, 110, 138 Rinaldi, Amy 92, 130, 135. 157 Rinaldi, Mrs. Lois 123, 172 Rini, Amy 98, 138, 172 Robinson, Brian 11, 92, 150, 166, 167 Romano, John 20, 21, 22, 23, 65, 75, 81, 83, 84. 146, 147, 208 Romano, Michael 102 Rommy, John 170 Rosell, Nicole 103 Roselle, Jennifer 98. 99, 110, 172 Roselle, Melissa 92 Roselle. Nicole 110 Rosenthal, Evan 92, 156 Ruffels, Graham 90, 146, 160, 164, 165, 176, 177 Ruffels, Mrs. Jane 123
Sadowsky, Kate 10, 22, 90, 133, 135, 168, 169, 174, 208 Sainz, Carter 100, 170, 173 Salib, Katie 96, 172 Santhanam, Sid 106 Sarkar, Ranju 103 Sarkie. Kelli 104 Sarnelle, Stephen 107 Scalfani, Paul Ross 107 Scanlan. Alexandra 10, 90, 91, 135. 154. 158, 159, 176 Scanlan, Jordana 102 Scanlon, Vanessa 103
Schultz, Tracy 100, 101, 171, 172 Schwartz, Arielle 100, 101, 138, 141, 171 Schwartz, Claire 96, 97, 109, 172 Sclafani, Dana 104 Scollick, Carolyn 90, 134 Sculley, Caitlin 88, 107 Selig, Dan 8. 18, 24. 66, 75, 81. 83, 84, 128, 131. 132, 161, 177, 212, 218, 219 Shander, Eytan 96, 140, 170 Shapero, Mrs. Amy 123 Shapiro, Elana 96, 172 Shattuck, Sarah 104 Shea, Courtney 10, 100, 171 Shea, Krista 108 Sherling, Eric 67, 79, 80, 83, 126, 132, 156, 215 Sherwood, Mr. Bill 124 Shulman. Jamie 12, 90, 133, 168. 169, 174 Shumski, Mr. Mike 124 Shumski, Mrs. Charlotte 124 Shuster, Marc 92, 136, 156, 164, 165 Sia, Mrs. Anna 9. 122, 123, 127 Simon, Brent 96, 139, 170 Simon, Jeremy 98 Siomkos, Dana 96, 97, 139, 172 Sissener, Phil 14, 24, 68, 74, 81, 83, 121, 136, 146, 147, 162, 163, 176 Smith, Amy 106 Smith, Ben 105 Smith, Mrs. Barbara 122, 123, 127, 133 Snyder, Justin 105 Sockle, Jake 170 Sokol, Jake 96 Soler, Mrs. Alison 123 Sparks, Kristin 96, 97, 138 Spatt, Mark 105 Srednicki, Katie 104 Stavrides. Nick 96, 140, 170 Stillman, Juliet 92, 93, 132, 135, 137, 150, 151 Stradal, John 103 Striano. Jackie 69, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 144, 196, 218 Suozzi, Alexis 100, 172 Supple, David 100, 170 Supple, Marina 9, 88, 92. 135, 137, 148 Swoze, Alexis 171
Taber, James 94, 95, 146, 164, 165, 167 Taber, Stephanie 11, 98, 138, 172 Tague, Christopher 96, 170 Tammero, Lance 90, 91, 134, 135, 137, 152, 153, 162 Tarrantino, Richard 105 Taylor, Katherine 18, 88, 92. 151, 175 Thiel, Ms. Ingeborg 123 Thom, Colin 98, 170. 173 Thurman, Grayson 11, 96, 172 Tietjen, Mrs. Carol 123 Titus, Mr. Griffith 125 Tooten, Scott 104 Tooter, Adam 105 Townsend, Kathryn 90
Trivedi, Rita 103, 133 Trupchak, Scott 21, 90, 136, 146, 147, 160, 161 Tsang. Christopher 107 Tsang, Victoria 108, 113 Tucker, Ms. Dianna 123 Turner, Jamie 94, 154, 155
i Cilicny, Jill 105 Ulicny, Scott 103 Upright, Jerry 108
Valassis, Soulafreda 98, 99, 171 Valassis, Steven 14, 92, 93, 134. 135, 146, 166, 167 Van Vechten, Mr. Benjamin 82, 117, 118, 124, 127 Vandervort, Alex 94, 146, 164, 166 VanDyk, Issa 94, 95, 156 Vaughan, Natalia 6, 9, 10, 14, 18, 70, 79. 80, 81, 83. 85, 132, 133. 134. 135. 148, 149, 151, 169, 204 Victor, Adam 71, 75, 81. 83, 86, 131. 146, 147, 175, 186, 218, 219 Victor, Ryan 14, 107, 186 Vignola, Oliver 105 Villacis, Alex 100, 138 Vlahakis, Costas 107 Vlamis, Greg 90, 132, 133, 150, 151, 160 Vogt, Suzanne 10, 100, 171 Vosburgh, Jo 13, 90, 136, 144, 156 Vosburgh, Molly 94, 95, 134, 144, 145 Vuono, Andrew 102 Vuono, David 104
Wade, Charlotte 72, 75, 83, 85, 142, 154, 155. 175 Wade, Mrs. Denise 124, 127 Wagner, Michelle 104 Wagner, Mrs. Karin 118, 124, 127 Wales, Ms. Louise 124 Walker, Ms. Beth 8, 122, 124 Wallace. Colin 96, 138, 139, 173 Wallace, Devin 100, 101, 171, 173 Wallace, Mr. William 118, 124, 127, 138 Walsh, Heather 102 Walsh, Ryan 105 Walters, Sarah 2, 12, 23, 24. 73, 77, 80, 81, 83, 87, 131, 132, 133, 137, 148, 183, 185, 191, 218, 219 Warrick, William 90, 136, 164, 165
Washington, Yvodney 94, 168, 169, 174 Waters, Mrs. Elaine 12, 95, 124, 127 Waters. Mrs. Ellen 124, 125, 171, 172 Wegner, Heather 108 Wert, Kevin 96, 170 White, Nicole 108 Wickware. Jessie 8, 106 Willard. Brad 103 Williams, Ranal 170 Wilmott, Mr. Malcolm 124, 127 Wilson, Camille 103 Wishingrad, Ian 107 Witherspoon, Carl 18, 22, 90, 125 Wolff, Allison 100, 138, 171 Wolff, Amy 107 Womack, Claire 106 Wouters, Frederick 17, 100, 138, 171. 173 Wright, Mr. Jason 94, 95, 121, 124, 146, 166, 173
Zala, Jennifer 100, 101, 171 Zala, Randal 102 Zarembski, Kevin 108 Zaric, Mero 106 Zopounidis, Elle 3, 107 Zuidema, Abbie 17, 88. 92, 148, 169
A utographs
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Ayres, Am y n. 1. an ieeskater ndj. 2. friendly; funny; smart n. 3. a math expert Begetis, liffie adj. 1. hyper; extremely talkative, enthusiastic n. 2. wants to be good at every thing .-5. one who is spoiled (see Daddy) Bellwin, Michael adj. 1. quiet; easy going; occasionally sarcastic n. 2. Jackie's other half (see jackie) Blanc, Chris n. 1. Sarah's boyfriend udj. 2. smart n. 3. one w ho has a weird and sometimes evil sense of humor (see Sarah) Bonnemaison, iciar n. 1. one who speak English good adj. 2. happy; friendly; funny n. 3. wears strange and wild clothes Caradim itropoulo, Alex n. 1. friends with every one 2. one w ho eats from the four basic food groups: cupcakes, cookie dough, sour cream, and baco-bits Chobody, Lisa n. 1. practically fluent in French 2. alway s giggling adj. 3. smart; funny; pleasant Comiskey, Kate n. 1. loves to laugh, sing, flirt, dance, gossip 2. one who has an attitude Cuellar, Jennifer adj. 1. smart; quiet; nice n. 2. one who does not understand w hat Mr. Huester does or why (see Huester, Peter) Davies, Erik n. 1. likes to make and watch movies v. 2. to have a strange attraction to Van Damme (see Van Damme, Jean-Claude) Dennis, Jeb n. 1. a master of the piano v . 2. to keep to one's self n. 3. tennis player with a sharp serve and volley Densch, Oliver adj. 1. German 2. a pushy football play er who left in December Dorf, Ali n. 1. one who rides horses; plays field hockey and la crosse adj. 2. smart; dependable \. 3. to be exactly like one's brother (see Dorf, Matt) Edwards, Portia adj. sweet; artistic, intelligent, funny n. 2. has an unexpected crazy side Eeder, Corey phrase 1. [from the latin "Potius sero quam numquam"| better late than never n. 2. one w ho is never to be underestimated Feinglas, Lori adj. 1. funny; frank n. 2. helps other people 3. possesses bigger and better things Feinstein, Yasmeen (y a *z) n. 1. one w ho is worldly and y oung 2. with a familiar laugh, warm heart, smiling ey es, power kick Fenwick, Melissa n. 1. gymnast 2. listens to Simon and Garfunkel 3. hates fake and poofy people
l ilanosky, Tori n. 1. thrillseeker 2. self-proclaimed outcast 3. pos sesses love of people w ho believe in truth, reality , society Gillespie, Kalie n. 1. tries to act older 2. has an attraction to older men \. 3. to stand up for one's self (even against Peter) Greene, W arren n. 1. fastest runner at KLHT (see KLHT) 2. leader o f the Class of 1992 v. 3. to llirl incessantly Greenfield, Peter adj. 2. large; smart; loud n. 1. a place w here a party can alway s be found Katsaros, Greg adj. 1. capable, athletic n. 2. one who is already earning a living Kessler, Beth adj. 1. friendly ; supportive; helpful; responsible n. 2. one who looks like Bob Marley on a bad hair day (see Marley, Bob) Kligman, Rob n. one who feels that if the basics in life are done well, success will follow as a natural result Krasnor, Bill n. 1. one w ho finds other people's fun 2. one w ho can be helpful and understanding 3. Boo's best friend (see Forster, Elizabeth.) Earned, Meg adj. 1. smart; tal ented; supportive; caring n. 2. alway s either sick or missing a limb « 3. collecter of bowling shoes Lathem, Wyndham adj. 1. bossy ; blunt 2. smart; responsible; dedi cated; loyal n. 3. y earbook fanatic 4. one who can only get along w ith females Eieberman, Aryn n. 1. active sweater-finder 2. one w ho thinks that being a senior is the greatest thing in the world Lynch, Meghan adj. 1. quiet n. 2. wears socks with sandals (see also Lila; Lobster Bisque; scholar) Malton, Craig n. 1. a doer; one who is always doing something 2. believes if something is not done now, chances are it will never be done M iller, M arjorie n. 1. cheer leader 2. stands up for beliefs adj. 3. very ambitious Monroe, Jaquita n. 1. gossip queen adj. 2. loud; obnoxious; sar castic; pushy ; arrogant 3. funny; sensitive; caring 4. enigmatic Murphy, Carrie adj. 1. nice; smart n. 2. one who rears her pants up around her chest 3. sometimes say s a lot without actually say ing any thing (see also Camera) Staff, Yearbook n. a group of individuals who've worked extrahard to produce this "dictionary"
Nichols, Clare adj. 1. consider ate; sensitive; understanding n. 2. can he found singing in the halls 3. has good reflexes (see also Rocky ) Pappalardo, Mike adj. 1. being of good moral character n. 2. alway s willing to help those in need 3. follows everv KLHT rule (NOE) (see KLHT) Pruchansky, Dina adj. 1. spe cial; giving n. 2. one who likes to spend time helping others 3. likes chocolate chip cookies, Easter Bunny Selig, Dan adj. 1. lively; humour ous; easy-going 2. egotistical n. 3. supposedly gets along with every one (see also Megman) Sherling, Eric adj. 1. friendly ; talented; smart 2. rough soccer play er, rougher tennis play er n. 3. loves to sing, act, sing, joke, sing... Sissener, Phil adj. f. large: strong 2. friendly ; helpful; quiet n. 3. captain of practically every team since birth Striano, Jackie adj. 1. loud; obnoxious; sarcastic 2. nice, but in an unrecognizable way n. 3. one who still wants her class ring (see Wyndham) Vaughan, Natalia adj. 1. friendly ; talented; athletic v . 2. to keep one's fingers in one's belly button n. 3. likes to moon Mr. Casanova (see Casanova, Gerard) Victor, Adam adj. 1. fast; smart; record-setter n. 2. one who is alway s well-groomed Wade, Charlotte adj. 1. nice; open n. 2. wants to equal her sister's 1700 on the SAP's 3. not afraid to show some ankle (see also Mortisha) Walters, Sarah adj. 1. friendly ; supportive n. 2. knows how to lly off the handle 3. one who is practi cally married (see Chris) Witherspoon, Carl adj. 1. bossy ; stubborn 2. talented; funny n. 3. one with a twisted sense of humour Casanova, Gerard adj. 1. help ful; supportive n. 2. enthusiastic soccer coach, advisor, and French teacher 3. one who does dis and dal "bon" Karlan, Peter adj. 1. crazy, funny , y oung at heart n. 2. a person to w hom students can relate Sia, Anna n. 1. teacha kowulus y et already still 2. one who finds "little pillows" on the street Hudson, Daniel adj. 1. stern; grumpy; loud 2. caring in a nol-soobvious way n. 3. hates bare feet and hats 4. not only President, but also a client