King School Yearbook 1995

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Classified fiappy Ads : Have a nice day

YVIE: I’d like 2 give a shout out to...MHfriends -lever, hope u find that pom pom. OA-thankz 4 being a mom. Paco-1 love u babe, keep on smiling. MS- snoh storm 94. JB & TD- make your big sister proud. Bus 74- loved our many adventures. LH- BIC & BIC # 2 pencils. PI.- keep on singing. JP, SL, KJ, SK, TR- Love u gals, keep on eheeing, we got the right stuff. BOYZ II WOMENwe’re fatter than phat, we got our demo. Good luck class o f'95. Thankz mom & Thank u Lord. ALEX :T l 1ANK sT ( 7 a LL m V T aTm ILY™ AND FRIENDS FOR BEING THERE FOR ME. I WOULD ESPECIALLY LIKE TO THANK ALL UNDERCLASSMEN FOR BEING THERE FOR ME TO BOTHER. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THE SENIOR ROOM AND THE SENIOR CLASS TRIP BIT. TO MY CLASSMATES, I GOT LOVE FOR SOME ND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT THE REST CAN GET THE NUTS. SEE YOU WHEN I’M RICH, AND OWN MY RACE HORSES. ANNA: DC,TM,KS,LC,MH=Thanx for the good times! DC=hymershmit,TM=dunk the duchess,KS=your hugs,LC=A’s sign,MH= KS’s screen, OA=Math,DD=Vermont,Class of '95’=my house. BESTOF LUCK TO EVERYBODY,ESPECIALLY ALL THE SHUSHANAS

LOST AND FOUND______________________ Lost-Cub 5’5” last seen in a bright blue shirt overdosing on laxtos pills__________________________ JIM TABER: Football 91-94 27-8. U vul eye L.S.C. Prom 94, The Dungeon-Bud-Mistake. W-C-S Summer 94. A.V. J.S. Bear, Nate, What R U 2 going 2 do? Dip 2gether? B.L. got fired, she’s Ur mom! Turning pt. of my life. I hit the pole. The mouly. All-star game. LAX + Hoots 93. JG is special. Does she know? dropped em! Relationships? Who knows? J.K. Lauren we Luv U. Cancer sux! Lets go fishing A Per. IC. Aftr shox. Sell out. Olin, who knew? Greenland. I feel special, L.S.C. U know how I feel! UCONN Hockey #1. I am out like a trout!

TIM: Grad95’s- Rememberth ‘ aDungeon40 EishinontheReel, Wh at rocks Let’s dipOops AIIStaRVod After Prom Point Vantage Greenpuck-ouzo, BanDiT'94. MIKE: PLMELD=GPGPEIII,MLH,TM, Dynamite„JB,AN,MC.WeMadeit.OD I Play w/Barbies,Theybreak.I)ungeon! VantagePt. Oops!! Splash. I Smell Something Stinky! LEH, Thanks for everything Love ME. Good Luck Class of 95’

MARC: Mom and Dad: you made me who I am. Both of you never let me quit, and I will always go to you first for love and advice. Mitch: we are alike and different in some ways, but through it all we have become great friends. Jon: you are a special person with many gifts, and I know you will keep working hard. Coaches Orio, Orio, Wright, and Black: thanks for showing me the way and always being there for me. To all my teachers: “I know I wouldn’t be where I am if a lot of good people hadn't helped me.” TRACEY: 6-16-77- mom, dad, amy-thanks for supporting me in everything i’ve done, i love you. smell & juju-thanks for being there for hampshire. sue-thanks for being my second sister, your always here with me. dempsey-my beautiful bracelet! edthnks for making me laugh...Hey: YoGi squeak-ummm, no. leara, sometimes i..... anna-wooden necked toothbrushes.....all of us-bewitched (dunk) the duchess, and shushanas. OTEMA: IMG, Ladlt’SaL l.oV er! Mom.Dad Thanx INoId iDn,tAl WAys hO wITbUtiApPr ECIateAHU’VeDun 4mE. Audrey UR2SWeEt EdI;Ll AlwAyZB Th ErE4u. SoNdRA u,VeBinTH ebeSt.W urdz. C aN,no TX-PlanEho WmU Chi che.RisH Our FrieND shlp.RuSwh eRe SHo uLdiBe gIN? l-3-l!THrut Heg Ood&tH EBad W:e, VE stuKi,Thru& owRI uVj uStke. EPs on gRo W.Ing...*2 MIcr EwkT,siVo neMhtT i co Uldn,TA sk4 mor,MilKshakes oNMe! Ms. s Elf 1UV iSt heB esTl; oveYwUF,du pBu TI, mT oleR Anth; at’sa II.pL Um.iS juD Ged. uS&It HUrtB uTI’llALw / ayZ reM emb ertH eGoo Dti; mes.jw na Ac;prE uni On?2eVE/ ryleL seStayreal.luv oTty.

DEMPS: 8-3-76- @#*~ ShaShaNNas, Thanx EoREvEryThing: AM ~ TM ~ LSC ~ KS ~ MH - OAGoInGTONEWHamp SHire? # MY BeauTiful BraCeLet*am ~ vt ~ dd SiMa ~ DTheD ~ NZOuTOfcOnTrOle% HiMe-AS h i M i t @ AB u D D y * H e y i B o o B o o # LuD icR ouS*& StiL L gR oW inG % I’LL WaiTHeRe? (i LoVeyA Ma - Dad - Pars-Joe ~ Tryn - *#/) LARA: 4-29-77- to the Donegal crew, DC, AM,TM,KS,i’llmeetutherea,the agreedupontime? pOOlhOpping, har, oldan, dmaude! VFH- #1, Good luck-i’ll missulink, &utooDD, my2yrcocaptn. OACU @ weding2RS. Son,Draurcraziest.JH-TODD +Margo=TWINS. KT, MH, OA, PRFired Rills97.9? &TTBermuda, JT230altims, ALF, LL, JK, myqties, cant forget uAbV to VTGRandcyon vilAge I MIS everyone a l r c f j ; ^ CHERYL: 1-25-77- Allie- Champions! Po­ tions. Mandes, Lusen. Gotcha! Kibbles n’ bits n’bits? Beach sticka. 100.7 FM! Turn off the t.v.! Maria- Want some nerds? Who has Mr. Green? MercherJ. Ricardo. Brownie cer­ emony. Falling at McD’s. Bermuda. Aspen Ln. is the best! Sara J- U R a gr8 friend! AC is the best! Sarah & Deborah- Hemlocks! W e’ll rent it out some day. Straw contest. Want some salad? Florida! We met Jeff Fox!! TrishLadies Night Out. Bennigans. U R like a sister 2 me. Mom, Dad, Julie & Adam- U R the best! I’ll miss U. I love U all! Thanx 4 all the gr8 times & many more 2 come! MIKE B: 4-9-77- PRESIDENTIAL PHYSICAL FITNESS TEM! I LOVE YOU JESS. SPREAD MUCH LOVE WITH THE BUD- JG, MZ, JT, RS, TS, SW, LD, JS, BL. SMOKIN GEORGE W/RS + JG. SKOAL CHECK-SWGYTT W/O LBTLWGYTT W/O S- SF LLA TI KWF NICE SMOKING SECTION BEAR. STROBELIGHT IN THE GARAGE. I DUNNO. I DIDN’T RAPE K. L. KELLY: Goodbye to Geg (my little severed half) and Goodbye to Tracey and her little teeth and her friend Kent and goodbye sweet bone girl and Dempsey and her kookie eye­ balls and goodbye to big boy and my charming escort from LSR and goodbye to Anna Bannana amd Lara Sara Minera and Butler. May the Great Gods of the North smile upon you with generocity and abundance.

Classk EMILY: BJP/SCP: iv gt th Nach wrpimdrs RF: 4+yRs bohos rL hotchoc cof cafe NYC aNaprx empths indfd Naw rdtrps mint KM: NatL tRNP rabbibrdrs bone art/wrtg/ jrNLs/U/me AB: thNKs 4 2+yRs Love Ma: i rmbr drkrm KMsb: imissugrL M&D: thNkuthNkuthNku MSL: suprspN4evr Oa: fear! beer! MA: VYaCNDios HK & CW: thnks4supprt am: 14yrs! aSan! MD & BR gDLKl,2sibs! dnt let em get u aLivE! CLaSS O ’ 95: so, U WNT yr VegaN brkfst?

l! « i ri is 1 d 1 8 )' r!

KLHT Alumni ae Office 1450 Newfield Avenue Stamford, CT 06905

PAUL: LETZGETTHEHELLOUTTAHERE95BOYZ! grabyourPole...pumpzatsysLOUD!!! DungeonPlace2B4wildcraZparTs mebodDUP4grabsGIRLS...SockR#lGK/AN, JB,AP-NLAXWEBADMOFOS JT, TH, AV. PEACE ON EARTH GOOD WILL TO ALL MEN-GETREAL!canT4git prom fishturnyBtown...AB, BL MHwoof. thankxalluculteachRz. LAM&WILLALWAYZBTHEONEANDONLY FISHINGCLUBPRES. Thetym hath cometh, aNIBe goeth.

DD: 4-13-77- 8yrsKLHT-LC+OA since 6thgr:canublieveit?!DC+AM-VT'94 wasgreat. LC-VFH-werock, thankxcocapt! OA-thesepeople. EKL-England'92yeahlax! JK-Jiffy. MB-hesadork. APEng=women. Support Groups Bob-bonw/MMe. MJFSAlcoholics Anonymous: Greenwich and thankxforabsolevrythng. MD- lastofus, _StamforcL_625J)54^^^_^_i^ ^ _ ^ ^ _ i_ gooutw/hang. G’Luckclasspr95.1’llmissu. J: WZUP! Peace to my buds Jeff, Mark, Mike, RACHAEL: EKL luv of my life. TV es la and Walt. W e’re finally done. Jeff- stay Black; merde. Grnwh. Village, 2 many Johns, the joker, dance on clog dancer, muffins, Coffee, Mark- stay loud; Mike- stay in the doorway; Walt- cut your hair. Thanx to Coaches Orio borders, Annaprox-Gord. Meerra, gram, and Wright and football for teaching me the Chroy PPB + SAC, I really luv yr. dog, hey way. Otema- NA ACP won’t be the same with­ ladies, never panties, Oh jevois, Natick roads trip. 2 many things 2 recall. No out you. Yvie- “gullible” isn’t in the dictio­ nary. Maya- I’m still warmer than you. It’s the longer a rubble of SC. Thanx 2 U I am a pillar. I don’t know what life would be like if sun. Tarsha- no more rides or gummi bears. The Knicks, Dolphins, and Chocolate rule. we hadn’t been 8 gr. brutes. -KM is that a perscription drug? Remembr. Elmo + bones “I’m crazy like the glue.” Outrule (and froggy) Diary’s r our new busin FRUIT FRUIT FRUIT

( PENN: DC, MLH, MRH, JB, TT, MC, TM, [r AN. The Plumfield crew. W e’ve come a long way. JB, pizzabox, the mostactivemammal. AN=portJ, foreign people, the rest is Censored. AP=The craziest Spanish dude ever, can’t stand on hands with beer in belly. LL. I miss you and I will never forget you. JHT,=don’t forget who the real man is. Football '94, Thanx Coach Orio, Coach Blackiston, Coach P. J Orio, and Coach Wright. Hockey 94 Thanx II Coach Rosenthal. CS=I hope someone isas jl niceas me nextyearto give you rides , everywhere. Missy=thanx for being such a U great sister. BVD=You’re really the joint, „ thanx for all the good times, You’ve been a , great friend and girl riend. Mom & Dad,= (| Thanx for everything and for always believing in me.

Lost-Wig Wiggy’s Wig-Ginger Brown-If Seen Dial 325-9640-Ask for Garth WALTER: Thanx for the memories. I’ll miss U all. Special good buy to all my close friends. The Saturday night crew. Grunberg: let’s go Hot Tubing. TM, KS: Kentz the man. See ya in New Hampshire. AB: lov yer boat to bad it sinks, see ya at the truk. Vort: have a double deuce. FL: Go buy it/you can have one 2. Bubba: come over, we'll play darts. TH: afterprom was great, love the beach. J. ChBody- fix my sink. Jenn: I love You/will always love you!

ALEX: Wide ! Gettin Fruity, hurt time, kent you the man. Frankie!!! Bear Ini mean Beear Frank & Bear you guys are chesters. Earth­ worm Brett Jim Wolfboro Mrs. Rogers I luv you. What are you going to do dip together? Mr. Oioyo can I hav my game gear back. My advice to the rest of the world load a lipper. Butler; Blue Dragon,Molliies man Peter KKKrill Padded walls w/Mollie Patties great time great fun. UH HA HA I have to go to Docs. MARIA: Class95wemadeitithinkseniorroom whatajokeSoccer94JGTMKSAMusrunRUsi ck?Bus742much2sayUallknowthestories!Yw snowday?PLitshuldnthaveendedthatwayKtMh carryongirlsUknowhow2!OAUneverknowUR truefriendsuntilUfightlday&makeupthenext &weknowRfriends!physics&biojokeMLHwhats URnameMariaorMarikaigetconfusedgrad95 hereweRartfoyerstudyhall94cryingsessions overstupidthingsHomecoming94DinerIllmiss Uguys2muchdontlosetouchseeU @homecoming95

JEN: believe me sweety I got enough to feed the needywhats cookin good lookin? rulz were made 2 be brokeniluvllmyblondgirls-VIVA LK TER LL HARDONFOOFA i found it! full moonsscoping4hotties roachsandw allyshousehootershirtssay it again lm iss2m ontanaam spickingupboyzhottubbing classtripspatsbuds&suds-AVPFsleepingonscavengerhunt! BIG AL-yo t watop homey! Franky- come out & play! Laura-iluvyou&bro pass the jt red lights screen doors!-LK RS QH VR TER TT MB LL DS LH CS SW MH-iluvuguyz [ORA]94 TIFFANY: Thanx 4 a good X: MH,KT,OA, JG,LC,BG,LL,RD. luv U! MH-member temp towing + lost mufflrs. R we back on X? Hi strobe. MH,KT,OA medwlnds 94. Plmfld Crew-MHJB,MC,MH,TM,AN, PE. FH team we kick ass! KLHT peace. BRETT: Gone fishin’ whats up Doc ya got alot of spirit earthworm A1 EH EH EH Thumblina wally’s girl spot check Does she know I GOT Needs you no like me no more Jimmy. Someones Been Drinking-when the revolu­ tion comes Frank talks like a B— H A1 doesn’t care Butler from the Heart “Im scared” Tractor Boy Toolio IPs chobody Dropped 'em Shaving is fun Kent goes North Gym foyer sp Larja w olfboro Al’s dad LANNIE B Theif O B PA OLA: Fre eat last...DK-Teamocontodoel corazonhoymasquenunca. Y-heychickie! Thnx 4 todo. Que? Kevp smilin babe!r.318str p-club(Ucanlkbtcnttch)Darn!BYSIIW M N N F -E C T .Js,frn ds?C .C .,J.W ,+allM T W m usicis!ife,L ett hem usic play !Fam +FacThanx4allURlove+support.Class-IlvUGuys! Goodluck+Godbless. Love- Aud/Mar/Maid3x/Pay-o-la

KLHT TIMES King & Low- Heywood Thomas School 1450 Newfield Ave. Stamford, CT 06905


Lauren Leslie 1977 1994 -

Me Oh My, is this What it’s Like to be high Oh Me Oh My, For right now I could tell no Lie. Rising, Rapidly Plummeting, Slowly hanging on to Nothing. In my mind I hold my past. Locked away where it will Stay Now in front of me my Future, Enter it I will. Strong I will be For Nothing will ever conquer me. - Lauren Leslie


copyright KLHT TIMES



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Class Trips

The Bonding Experience The class trips proved to be a rewarding break from the stressful start of the new school year. The freshman and sophomore classes went to the Poko Mac-Ready camp. The junior class went to a retreat to Ivoryton, Connecticut. Boston was the destination for the senior class. All the trips proved to be eventful, with each class bringing home pleasant memories from their experiences.

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School Spirit Runs Wild The homecoming weekend began with a enthusiastic pep rally on Friday afternoon. Everyone displayed overwhelming spirit and dedication to the school. The bonfire that evening set the scene for the glory of the next day. The weather on Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. The festivities opened up with the JV Soccer team scoring their first goal of the season and ended with the Varsity Football team destroying New York Military Academy. Athletic talent, sports­ manship, and school spirit were abundant throughout the day.

Performing Arts

Talented Students Display Their Gifts

The Performing Arts season began with a night of talented performances in the one act play "The Skin of Our Teeth" and the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” The spring musical was “West Side Story,” a well-known and well-performed production. As usual, the contributors to the drama and musical departments have done nothing but give their audiences a wonderful program of well-acted plays and extravagant musical numbers.

copyright KLHT TIMES

Prosecution Says Simpson Abused Wife For 17 Years By K E N N E T H B. NOBLE Special to The New Y o rk Tim es

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 11 — In an effort to bolster their arguments for introducing evidence of domestic vi­ olence at trial, prosecutors in the murder case against O. J. Simpson asserted in court documents re­ leased today that he had abused Nicole Brown Simpson for 17 years. “Not only did defendant verbally abuse, physically abuse, degrade and' humiliate Nicole through their relationship, but he stalked and har­ assed her as well,” the prosecutors said in an introduction to the 85 pages of documents, in which at least a dozen of his former wife’s friends and associates describe, in often gruesome detail, more than 50 incidents from the couple’s stormy relationship. Only a few of those incidents were reported to the police, according to the documents, which were filed un­ der seal in December. Mr. Simpson’s lawyers today ar­ gued against ■ the incidents’ being introduced at his double-murder trial, saying that virtually all the accounts of abuse were unsubstanti­ ated. In a motion filed with Judge Lance A. Ito, the defense said, “Any at­ tempt to characterize Nicole Brown Simpson as a ‘battered wife’ based

The Class of 1995 was a unique group of individuals, final year at KLHT.

TIMES 1994-1995

REBELS BEAT BACK A RUSSIAN FORCE Tank-Led Troops Are Pushed Out of Center of Capital

By MICHAEL SPECTER ARGUN, Russia, Jan. 2 — Jubilant Chechen soldiers strolled through the burning center of Grozny today, waving their green separatist flag in triumph after battling Russian troops back to the edge of the city. The fight for the capital is far from over, but less than 24 hours after the Russian Defense Minister, Gen. Payel S. Grachev, announced that his forces controlled the area around Grozny’s presidential palace, the only Russians to be found there werfe dead soldiers and prisoners of war, according to reports from the scene. Many of the Russiari soldiers who survived the continuous assault by thousands of straggly, bearded ahd untrained Chechen rebels were re­ ported to have taken refuge in base­ ments, abandoned buildings and un­ used factories. “Our forces have met stubborn resistance, but they have blockaded the city,” said a Russian Press Cen­ ter statement issued in Moscow to­ day. While Russian warplanes and heli­ copter gunships streaked constantly across the sunny skies over Grozny and surrounding towns today, it was still possible for cars to enter, and no Russian ground troops were in sight Spcclnl lo T h e N e w Y o rk T im e s

who nevertheless were able to come together for their

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the winds long Kahlil Gibran

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I know who I was when I got up this morning.^but I think I must have changed several times since then. - Alice in Wonderland

RACHAEL FINN You can’t be what you were, so you better start being just who you are. - Fugazi



I would rather die having spoken what I think than live and speak what you want me to think. - Socrates

love you all, 1 don’t think it would ave been possible without you. Mom ’hank you for never giving up on me. W and MC. Thanx for being my true” friends, our friendship will last lifetime. MPH, thanx for being my irst and closest friend at KLHT. lest of Luck to you all.

Whatever the mind can conceive uid believe, it can achieve. j Napoleon Hill k

I control my destiny I’m never letting a punk get the best of me. - MC Lyte

There I am in younger days star gazing, painting picture perfect of how my life and not counting the of misdirection, my compass faith in love’s perfection, I missed a million miles of road I should have seen. - Indigo Girls


JIM TABER All or nothing! -Coach Blackiston i#' v-

Right now your me is getting longer as, life is getting shop -Van n i


Finger or fist? -Coach Orio


Missy - Ever since we were little kids I have looked up to you as my big sister. Now that l am older 1 am looking down at you but still looking up to you. I love you and will always be there fOf you.

Dad- I don’t really know where to begin. You have done so much for me, from taking me to a 5 AM hockey practice to hanging out on the boat. You have been the best father any son could ever ask for and I hope that someday I will be able to be half as good a father as you. 1 love you and will always be there for you.


1JpTve plenty of pommon sense, I just choose not to use it. - Calvin

• ••




You don t love me. you just love my doggie style. - Snoop Doggy Dogg Lire moves pretty

jfc fast, if you don ’t stop and look around once inawnne, you miss it. - Ferns Bueller jfr- -


Because yoU Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regularly

It takes 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile, -anonymous



Do what you can. with what you have where you are, m - Theodore RooiAelt



I ain’t got nothing left to say. -Me

It’s my way, or the highway! - Coach Wright

You've been here for twelve years? - Everyone

Mom, Bernie, Portia, Michael, David, jh, and Dad.' H ove you all, and thanks r everything. Sorry if 1 forgot anyorte.



The worst thing you can iU| is listen to everyone but yourself. J I

I don’t meet competition, I f rush it. - Unknown


Fatter than phat

PerspectiveUse It or Lose It. If you turned to this page, you’re forgetting that what is going on around you is not reality. Think about that. -Richard Bach

When you have come to the edge of all the light you know And are about step off into the darkness of the unknown, Faith is knowing that one of two things will hap­ pen: There will be something solid to stand on, Or you will be taught how to fly.

Creating, acting, changing - that is eternal to you

mom. dad, ben - if every word i said couffl make you laugh Fd talk forever

in the long trip of growing, there are stops along the way For thoughts of all the soft things and a lot yesterday. lor a chance to fill our feelings, with comfort and with ease, and then tell the news tomorrow : “You can come now when you please.�

eM AtHeRi

<Lm & rCf: ..the only people for me an nad ones, the ones who are m live, mad to talk, mad to be s| iesirous of everything at the ? :ime, the ones who never ya\ .ay a commonplace thing mm, bum, bum like fabulou low roman candles explodin; spiders across the stars and i middle you see the bluecente aop and everybody

i shout & sigh/ i am a poet/ i write poems i make words cartwheel & somersault down pages outta my mouth come visions distilled like bootleg whiskey/ i am like a radio but i am a channel of my own... i will have poems inchin up the walls of the lincoln tunnel/ i am gonna feed my children poems on rye bread with horseradish/ i am gonna send my mailman off with a poem for his wagon/ give my doctor a poem for his heart/ i am a poet - Ntozake Shange

Make war, not love. It’s safer.




And an easy i And a true on A cold beer... r And anotheri

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I a^natter of chance: it is a it!e'. It is not a thing to be is a thing to be achieved.

Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is to know when he’s really in trouble. -Dennis Fakes

No matter what I become, I will always remain My Lord’s Supreme Infant Child. -Tevin Campbell


We are a nation with no geographic boundaries. Bound together by our beliefs. We are likeminded individuals sharing a common vision; pushing toward a world void of color lines. Janet Jackson R.N .1814

If I want your opinion I’ll give it to you. -Me One minute of reconciliation is worth more than a whole life of friendship. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Mom-1 could never repay you for all you've done; F.S. - stop being a brat. Laughter is the broom that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart


“No Difference'’ Small as a peanut. Big as a giant, We re all the same Size What we turn off the light. Rich as a sultan. Poor as a mile.

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‘Forgotten Language” Once I spoke the langauge of the flowers, Once I understood each word the caterpillar said, Once I smiled in the secret at the gossip of the starlings, And I shared a conversation with the housefly in my bed. And joined the crying of each falling dying flake of snow.. -Shel Silverstein




Those who rock the boat soon drown.

Just Difficult - K.D.

We can’t change the direction of the wind but we can adjust our sails to reach our destination.

LENNOX LIN The moments we share- happiness, sadness, anger, love- will always occupy a corner of our hearts. Hold on to your dream. The rainbow is beauti­ ful after the rain.



To my Dearest Friends And Loving Family A word of Thanks To you, from me! For all the Adventures, The tears, and smiles, And the little bits you’ve added to my sfyle You’ve given me Love And Support by the ton You've taught me to work hard but Live and have Fun. Better friends and Loved ones I could not ask for Your Spirit I will carry With me, forever more. Les Deseo buena salud, buena suerte , y alegria Muchas Gracias a todos Y que Dios los bendiga! Love,

If God is for us, who can be against us? The world against us is less than none.

long, long way But by all means keep moving.

be a tree. If you .can’t be a mgfi-.' .way,just be a trail. F6r it isn’t by size thatyouwinorfail.

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RLES ] I'm not Penn’s Brother. -Me, all o f'94-'95

When caught by the enemy in large force, the best policy is to fight like Hell until you can decide what to do. - USAF Colonel Hubert Zemke 1943

A wise man never tries to conquer fear. - Captain Hugh Mills Commander of Darkhorse I Vietnam '72

The right to keep and bear arms is ultimately the right to be free. Those who cannot remember the past are Now I can fix all those things out there in m ifadawwtwHl-l 1 l*m l* IlH n n l


- General H. Norman Schwarzkopf 1984

Seniors Just Want to Have Fun!


p g .A ^ k .





Senior Favorites:

Movie...Full Metal Jacket Female...Savannah Male...Jordan Catalano Radio Station...Hot 97.1 TV Show...Beevis and Butthead Class and green Class Song...“These are the days” Class Mascot...Pink Panther Class Motto...“Be Kind Rewind”

copyright KLHT TIMES


We the Class of 1995, being of sound mind and body, do estab­ lish this last will and testament and do declare all previous docu­ ments null and void: Mr. Clark - The old computer room mural Mr. Aldredge - Honourary knighthood in the British Empire Mrs. Baker A cooking club with more than two people Mrs. Christensen - the 02 Family Ms. Dubitsky - A serious psychology class Mrs. Forster - A pooper scooper Ms. Haft - New knees Mr. Hudson - A speech that no one laughs at Mrs. Kicelian - A lifetime subscription to Vogue Mrs. Roster - Mute students Mrs. Kweskin - This year’s AP English class Mr. Lamoureux - His own telephone line Mrs. Libonati Midol Mr. Lynch - Beard & mustache antifreeze Mrs. Mishkin - A convent Mr. Morosoff - Maturity pills Mr. Nagle - Tricycles for his children Mrs. Payne - Fuzzy dice for her pink Cadillac Mr. Platt - Blood brothers with Mr. Burns Mrs. Pusack - The white mice from Mrs. Mishkin’s room Ms. Rodriguez - A trip around the world Mr. Rosenthal - A lifetime supply of coffee Mrs. Sia - No names Mrs. Wagner - Fabio Mr. Wallace - Jim Morrison’s ghost Mr. Wilcoxen - A book of good jokes Mr. Edwards - A modeling contract with GQ Mrs. Meyer - Head bands Mr. A. Orio - A long sleeve shirt Mrs. Grant - A throat that works -



copyright KLHT TIMES

Emily - due to bad memories of her senior year, she became a se­ rial killer and was ex­ ecuted for her acts. Mike C. - was termi­ nated by Emily. Dempsey - got in a car crash on the way to New Hampshire. Lara - overdosed on the drug MSA-GRO. Dee Dee - committed suicide after Vanessa Redgrave died from food poisoning from the cupcakes she gave her. Mike B. - contracted a deadly virus from the game “Virtual Sex” and was buried with his computer. Alex B. - was bumped off by the Pelham Mob. Jeff B. - finally took a shower and died from shock. Penn - became a politi­ cian and was assassi­ nated during his cam­ paign speech. Tracey - was in the car with Dempsey.

OBITUARIES Paul - caught Jaws, but was then eaten by him. Jen - expired from hy­ pothermia because of too much skin exposure to the cold. Otema - was killed by one of her mentally ill patients, during her lunch break, doing what she loved best, eating. Anna - accompanied Emily during her esca­ pade of revenge against the senior guys, but for different reasons, and was similarly executed. Maria - her competi­ tiveness finally got the best of her when she was run over by a co­ worker. Mike H. - died in Yan­ kee Stadium afterpitching his world famous “double-wind Bob.” Marika - was lost for­ ever on the Starship Enterprise. Marc H. - died from unfulfilled needs. Yvodney - died from suffocation (last seen hiding in a locker.)

Tim - opened a tiny tool shop and was killed when a nail fell on him. Walter - was killed by Emily when she shoved her fist down his throat. Mark E. - took a vow of silence and died in a monastery. Rachael - while being mugged on the subway, she sacrificed her life for her cello. Jeff K. - opened a sa­ fari club for foreign entertainers and was killed by Destiny. Lennox - committed suicide when he real­ ized he’s not Casanova. Frank - was caught by Emily coming out of Jeff's club, where he had been since gradua­ tion. Brett - the cat caught his tongue and he choked to death on a hair ball. Paola - in a fit of jeal­ ousy, Dave killed her so that nobody else would ever have her.


Angel - died when his luck with his car ran out. Cheryl - died from skin cancer from too much exposure in Florida. Jason - Jim killed him when he eloped with Stephanie. Jim - committed sui­ cide when Lara dumped him for a guy named Victor. Kim - choked on a bone. AlexN . - was strangled by his tennis racquet. Charlie - was elec­ trocuted when he overcharged a lie de­ tector machine with all his stories. Tiffany - committed suicide when her kin­ dergarten class cut off all her hair. Kelly - was crushed under a pile of senior guys. Alex V. - was drowned by Emily in a pool of dip at his Little-Cuz factory.


copyright KLHT TIMES

N&wStaip Enacted for ’95 Focus on Crime .,

By ITic Associated Press

TAround the country, lawmakers have used the beginning of the new year to come down harder on crimi­ nals, particularly young ones. They have also enacted stricter environ­ mental measures and taken some steps to bring down the cost of health oare. > ~ A *look at state laws that tookeffect on Jan. 1 offers a glimpse of., what the nation has on its mind. " “Legislators play to public con­ cerns, and crime was t h e concern through most of 1994,” said Larry S'Obato, a professor of government at the University of Virginia. One of the toughest new crime laws was Georgia’s “two strikes, you’re out” measure, which imposes life without parole for a second vio­ lent offense*‘Voters overwhelmingly.; approved the purtishm’ent on Elec- ’ tiofl Day. - 1r -c ; ; :*;d£-¥7 -qinsNew Jersey; the police are noW;. required to inform towns when dan­ gerous offenders live in them. The.; law Was prompted by the slaying of j 7-year-old. Megan Kanka, allegedly;' by i a cO'rtVlOted pffOrider; llvihg across the street in Hamilton Township^feaburbiOf Trenton.f;ivV ; '■ *■ In iQew Hampshire, killing a judge; or prosecutoV/.hoW brings the deaths penalty. Torturing cats or dogs can seven .years in prison. And; making a right tiirn on i~ed when the' walk signal is on means a traffic ticket. » ;!

Encompassing ages three to eighteen, the underclass truly a special group of people who will succeed.


G. O.P. Starts

Expanding TV Coverage

By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 — What­ ever happens in the new Congres­ sional era of Republican control, citi­ zens will be able to witness more of it. Striving for a new aura of open­ ness, the Republicans have agreed to allow television cameras into most committee meetings and daily press briefings with the House Speaker and the Senate majority leader. Both houses are still weighing whether to allow C-Span to operate its own cam­ eras in the chambers and to allow those cameras free rein. Currently, cameras are operated by Govern­ ment employees, who focus only on the person speaking and feed those shbts to C-Span. Representative Newt Gingrich, who will be the next Speaker, is a fan and master of talk radio. He will make space available, at least on Wednesday, Congress’s opening day, for various talk-radio hosts to broad­ cast from the Capitol. On Thursday, Mr. Gingrich will inaugurate a new on-line system that will give anyone with a computer and modem instant access to the full texts of bills and the Congressional Record. Congress will not charge for this service. The Heritage Foundation, a con­ servative research organization lo­ cated two blocks from the Capitol, is also making its broadcast facilities available to talk-show Hosts from out S pecial lo T h e N e w Y o rk T im e s

men of KLHT are varied in every aspect.They are

First Row(l-r): Dana Siomkos, Julie Katz. Second Row (1-r): Brent Simon, Eileen Case, Andrew Palmer, Justin Frumkes, Brian Munk, Beth Van Dusen, Claire Schwartz, Liz Galligan, Christine Danford, Robeiro Canola. Third Row (1-r): Lindsay Arakelian, Ayaz Nanji. Max Schwab. Doug Fleischman, Jeremy Williams, Gorka Martin, Christopher Tague, Vanessa Richardson, Laura Steinmann. Fourth Row (1-r): Tenisha Ramsay, Jennifer Berberian, Joy Wofsey, Nancy Kern. Lauren Hughes. Randi Shushan, Amy Pappalardo. Fifth Row (1-r): Scott Wolfe, Frank Lagan, Lucas Dolphin, Shereif Fattouh, Grayson Thurman, Lindsay Lake, Jeremy Weinstein, Jamie Wharton. Meredith Horton, Joseph Cessario, KyendraTucker, Kevin Wert, Colin Wallace, Jeffrey Bryson, Gregory Falk. 5X

SOPHOMORES Their Last Year as Underclassmen

Firsl Row (1-r): Dennis Bubbico, Jen Roselle. Takeeya Person, Tarsha Drakeford, Estus Taylor. Second Row (1-r): Billy Dee Greenwood, Micaela Dorf, Anna Christensen, Stephanie Taber. Kharline Jean-Guillaume. Third Row (1-r): Ben Baker, Dee Beppu, Jen Dennis, Jackie Hyun, Soulafreda Valassis, Sarah Lang. Janette Ponticello, Shweta Khar. Jen Klein, Melissa Ginsburg. Fourth Row (1-r): Brad Reidell. Salman Rahim, Victor Sanchez, Aaron Snyder. Lou Calabrese, Laura Kropp, Rachael Sedgwick, Melanie Taussig, Adam Oberhand. Fifth Row (1-r): Adam Platzner, Carl Speare, Jesse Simms, Colin Thom. Rory Donahue. Joe Collins, David Hamm, Peter Karayiannis, Ed Kurtz.

Front Row (1-r): Jon Hoffman, Dan Cooper, William Jones. Garrett Kruger, Alex Villacis, Blake Carr, Courtney Davison, Katherine Case, Sean White. David Armistead. Second Row (1-r): Mark Henderson. Mirja Laroche. Susanna Coates, Jenn Zala. Suzanne Vogt. Michelle Guevara. Third Row (l-r): Joshua Klein. Ed Nigro. Rob Casselman. John Legrand, Philip Schwartz, Devin Wallace, Adam Trott, Graham Burt, Brandi Lawrence, John Muskus, Hastings Read. Megan Koster, Cynthia Perez. Seth Horowitz. Fourth Row (1-r): David Supple, Stewart Oakes, Devere Jones, Maria Palomar, Leigh Gallagher. Kimberly Lake, Katie Donahue, Courtney Shea, Arielle Schwartz, David Alperovich, Christopher Fouracre, Jennifer Larsen, Nicholas Montgomery, Loukas Williams, Eric Dehm.

First Row (1-r): David Lourie, Andrew Vuono, Adam Lametta, Chuck Broadhurst. Whit Breeden, Dan Weisbard, Brad DeTeresi. Second Row (1-r): Ward Anderson, Alyssa Orlow, David Clark, David Sandak. Danny Merritt, Ryan Hughes, Jaime Regnemer, Katherine Lewis, Alissa Baker, Nick Karayiannis. Third Row (1-r): Mrs. Buzanoski, Kate Larsen, Kevin Solomon, Vanessa Palo, Tyler MacGuire, Christian Brown. John Grant, Caitlin Butler, Jeremy Schachner, Lizzie Nichols, Randy Zala, Richard Berberian, Andrew Hyun, Rachel Dorf, Jessica Mead. Mr, Doering, Mr. Wright. Fourth Row (1-r): Alyssa Fischer. Brandi Hunter, Jen Metzler, Liz Egan. Heather Walsh, Katherine Redniss, Scott Van Dusen, Tom Richardson, Ryan Supple, Chris Hayes

First Row (1-r): Reed Knox. David Trencher, Brett Kassel. Nathan Kayes. Matt Wexler. Second Row (1-r): Christina Moller, Philip Kilanowski, Je Bauer. Alicia O'Brien. Tobey Wallace. Jean-Paul Christophe. Seth Feinberg. David Cummings, Anthony Scaffidi. Third Row (1-r): Peter Lovelai Kate Barker, Sami McCormick, Sarah Heitner. Flilary Karls, Sian James, Margaret Brown, Marna Noritz. Ranju Sarkar, Anita Khar, Christoph Byrnes. Frank Lionetti, Sarah Korval, Mrs. Rinaldi. Fourth Row (1-r): Mr. Whittaker, Victoria Read. Mr. Lamm, Tynisha Keitt, Rita Trivedi, Chari Koster, Margaret Coates. Jane Manning. Maude Murphy, Matthew Waidorf, Andrew Reuben. Benjamin Wiegand, Eric Leiser.

SIXTH GRADERS Beginning their Middle School Years

First Row (]-r): Sahmra Stevenson Smith, Tim Pusack. Second Row (l-r): Meredith Buzanoski, David Vuono, Alexandra Caulfield, Katie Thomas, DanaSclafani, Andrea Berberian. Erica Grossman, Chip Curtis. Chris Rand. Third Row (l-r): Alexander Huels. Michele Goodfriend. Jeanette Brooks, Ashley Fischer, Kate Metzler. Liza Barrett, Lauren Neuman, David Gomez, Lisa Kaufman, Nick Ahuja, Steven Kane-Parry. Scott Tooter. Fourth Row (l-r): Gillian Knox. David Clemmens. Kirill Markevich. Prescott Breeden, Sonia Nash. Afrodite Karayiannis, Audrey Adade, Zach Blank, Matt Staves 6S

n '|


Top of the Lower School

First Row (1-r): Evan Paquette. Ri Muttukumaru. Kimberly MacDonald, Katharine Nichols. Nicholas Lazzaro. Amy Cohen. Stephanie Huels, Jack O'Brien. David Sedgwick. Second Row (1-r): Mrs. Riedell. Brittni Brown, Samantha Baker, Oliver Vignola. Adam Tooter, Anne-Marie Leizer. Richard Tarantino.

First Row (1-r): Kyle Caruso, Ann Grant, Zoe Delihas, Lindsay Benjamin. Amanda Kilanowski, Kenneth Ahu ja. Second Row (1-r): Bradley Batusic, Tyler Merritt. Alexandra Rickards, Erika Palo. Alphonse Orio, Mark Spatt, Christopher Szymanczyk. Third Row (1-r): Ms. Tucker.

Next in Line

First Row (1-r): Christopher Pearson, Scott Salvatore, Matthew Burzon. James Christensen, Stephen Pappalardo. Second Row (1-r): Jennifer Neuman, Jessie Wickware, Matthew Feinberg, Christopher Perez, Joseph Grasso. Third Row (1-r): Frank Harrington. Alexandra Bershteyn, Kimberly Christophe. Jacob Murphy, Morgan Petti, Ashley Casselman, Rachel Hapoienu, Michael Sheehan. Fourth Row (1-r): Miss Reilly, Mrs. Ruffels.

First Row (1-r): Andrew Bogan. David Noritz, Scott Wexler. Keane Angle. Second Row (1-r): Amy Lely. Julia Rueben. Claire Wemack, Sarah Matthiessen, Nick Nickitos, Michael Haue. Third Row (1-r): Alexandra Cumming, Jennifer Staves. Elizabeth Bilting, Bryce Kaufman, Wil Cromwell. Tim Wiegand. Fourth Row (1-r): Ms. Jewell. Mrs. Gallucci. Ms. Miller.

Halfway through Lower School First Row (1-r): MaxCuscuna, Nathan Larson, Erica Chargar, Danielle Kosann, Jenna Green, McCarton Ackerman, Paul Ross Sclafani Second Row (1-r): Ben Schultz, Ian Wishingrad, Amy Wolff, Mitchell Lemmo, Karen Alexander, Elizabeth Barker Third Row (1-r): Mrs. Pappalardo

First Row (1-r): John Raffaeli. Alexandra Widas, Stephen Sarnelle, Adam Eisenstein, Anna Tobias, Natasha Schou, Kelly Bogan Second Row (1-r): Caitlin Scully, Daniel Baron, Mark DeSimone, Erica Williams, Leah Edwards, Mr. Riedell

First Row(l-r): Danielle Paquette, Caddy Brooks, Jenny Waxberg, Raui Banerjee, Eliza­ beth Finan, Taylor Simonson Second Row(l-r): Cristopher Frassetto, Christopher Tsang, Tucker Sparkman, Melissa DeSantis, Gustavo Cuellar, Costas Vlahakis Third Row(l-r): Ms. Fuller (substitute) Missing: Mrs. Pillion

Continuing their Lower School Education First Row (1-r): Lauren Cuscuna. Ria Muttukumaru, Matt Manning, Frances Vignola, Hal 1ic Delaney, Lauren Russel. Brian Palo Second Row (1-r): Carla Palomar, David Leboviz, Vanessa Rozier, Rory Heilakka, Carl Horton, Peter Venetos Third Row (1-r): Mr. Gillies

First Row (1-r): Craig Pernick, Anne Gillies, Jessica Goddard, Emily Cohen, Callie Barker, Ashley Hyde. Henry Wald Second Row (1-r): Sarah Smith, Dara Goldstein, Peter Tobiason, David Monaco, Allison Reuben, John Dee Third Row (1-r): Miss O'Keeffe

First Row (1-r): Nicholas Laico, Lauren MacKenzie, Elizabeth Banerjee, Katharine Hauer, Kendall Buie, Stephanie Brodsky, James Sinclair, Gra­ ham Fadden Second Row (1-r): Byron Avery, Nicole White, Alaina Crystal. Peter Kirschenbaum. John Starks, Jerry Upright Third Row (1-r): Mrs. Brown

FIRST GRADERS Here's to the Beginning! First Row (1-r): Delia Petti, Morgan Barker, Andrew Vlahakis, Michelle Brodsky, Kay-Lin Lau, Alexander Gardner Second Row (1-r): Oded Nissim, David Benjamin, Samantha Bosshard, Vincent Freccia, Ryan Sussman, Brooke Neuman, Mrs. Silvia

First Row (1-r): Matthew Hintsa, Victoria Tsang, Alexandra Pereira, Amanda Metviner, Lauren Wachtel, Will Finan, Agam Dua Second Row (1-r): Teddy Meyer, Ricky Kondub, Anna Pusack, Natalie Birinyi, Theresa Milano. Lucio Lionetti Third Row (1-r): Ms. Roth

First Row (1-r): Abigail Effron, Scott Shelton, Charlotte Bareiss, Joshua Rabinowitz, Samantha Grasso. Benjamin Goldrich Second Row (1-r): Lauren Chargar, Alexander Glick, Melissa Ross, Ross Malara, Steven Menking, Krista Shea Third Row (1-r): Mrs.Friedland

First Row (l-r): Luke Delaney, Tyler Martin. Lucas Horan. Elizabeth Packer. Michael Nahan, Courtney Bernat. Caitlin Weins'ock Second Row (l-r): Casey Larkins, Ryan Henderson. Erin Betsch, Stuart Oakford, Lauren Stewart. Lindsay Girden. Ray Orio Third Row (l-r): Mrs. Luders. Miss Nagle

First Row (I-r): Mrs. Luders, Christopher Laico. Emily HotzCooper, Elizabeth Chaplin, Kiersten Wakemar, Jessica Widas, Ben Cohen. Robby Minicucci. Tracy Glazier, Mrs. Betsch Second Row (l-r): Stephen Sheehan, Victoria Shepard, Abby Wolff, Christopher Heilakka, Alexander Dorf, Andrew Baron, Brian Africk

First Row (l-r): Evan Eisenstein, Kevin Krause, Thomas Brown. Amy Glazier. Mallory Thomas, Andrew Dowdie, Anthony Sarnelle, Bradley Dworin Second Row (l-r): Heather Larkin, Laura Kosann. Bryan Sarner, Anna Stevens, Courtney Bruggeman. Mrs. Clark

First Row (1-r): liana Van Eyck, Steven Carey, Alexandra Hoffman, Keil Mueller. John Qua, Ann Bates, Jeffrey Dworin, Emily Smith, GeorgeMichael Santangelo, Keck Angle Second Row (1-r): Mrs. Brough, Oliver Wald, Jason Torey, Bill Vanderheyden. Daniel McGee, Micaela Scully, Mrs. Buscher

Front Row (1-r): Mrs. Arsenault. Meredith Packer, Lily Manganiello, KaylaGlick, Olanna Nissim, Peter Gillies, Sara Hemingway. Matthew Nussbaum, Miss Stratton Second Row (1-r): Alex Vlahkis, Benjamin Leibowitz. Ani Krikorian, Christine Hemriques. Jaclyn Lionetti, Erika Rizzuto

First Row (1-r): Kip Shelton, Abigal Silverstein, Brent Yarnell, Stephanie Pillion, Stephen Goddard Second Row (1-r): Justin Raffaeli, Ashley White, Sam Freccia, Nicky Dorf, Sarah Allgrove, Lexi Effron, Catherine Sparks Third Row (1-r): Alexander Bosshard. Paul Molyneux, Laurance George, Jessica Lockwood, Jack Small, Byron Cordes, Ruth Hubbard Fourth Row (1-r): Mrs.Megrue, Mrs. Wilcoxen

copyright KLHT TIMES



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Clubs at KLHT during 1994-1995 were as active as worked hard and had a lot of fun.


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CINECHARCE Call 212-505-CINE (2463) 'I S»nlor Cltlesn Discount A1 All Times ■ID Requited All Theatres Equipped A m GREENWICH 12th & 7th Ave., 929-3350 t B u llitt O vtr Broadwty (R) 2:00,4:00,6:00,8:00,10:00 > Nell (PG-13) 2:15,4:30,7:00,9:30 ^ a r o n e t 3rd Avt. at 59th st„ 355-1663 i ,a Speechless (PG-13) (DTS) 12:30,3:00,5:30,8:00,10:15 8EEKMAN 65th at 2nd Ave., 737-2622 i|a Legtnda ol The Fall (R) 1:00,4:00,7:00,10:00 6ARNEQIE HALL 7th Ave. & 57th St., 265-2520 Vanya on 42nd Strait (PG) 1:30,4 00,7:00,9:45 , [ Hoop D ru m ! (PG-13) 2:00,5:30,9:00 /CHELSEA 23rd St. Between 7th & 8th Aves., 513-5402 ,> 1 .0 . (PG) 12:45,3:15,5:30,0:00,10:20 {A Little Women (PG) 12:45,3:00,5:30,8:00,10:15 '| .PulpFiction(R) 1:00,4:00,7:00,10:00 I, ANelf(PG-13) 12:15,2:30,5:00, 7:40,10:10 I; A Disclosure (R) 12:00,2:30,6:00,7:30,10:00 i ALegends of T hi Fall (R) 12:00,2:45,5:40,0:15 ★Legends of The Fall R) 12:50,4:00,7:00,9:45 .{ ★S tm t Fighter (PG-13 12:30,3:00, 5:30,7:45,9:50 A Riohle Rich (PG) 12:30,2:45,5:10,7:45,10:10



, CINEMA 3 59th St. at Plaza Hotel, 752-5959 ,j Forreet Gump (PQ-13) 1:30,4:15, 7:00, 9:50 CORONET 3rd Ave. at 59th St„ 355-1663 ‘i a Nell (PG-13) (SR-Dolby Dlgllal)12O0,2:30,500,730,1000 !f IflST A 62ND 62nd Between 1st A York, 513-5408 ,} ARlchle Rich (PG) 12:15, 2:45,5:15, 7:45,10:15 ! Pulp Fiction (R) 1:00,4:00,7:00.10:00 | 8ter Trek Generatlone IPG) 12:30,3:00 ADrop Zone (R) 5:30,8 10,10:15 i Mr*. Parker 4 The Vlcloue Circle (R) ,! . 12:00,2 30.5:00,7:45,10:10 , j A Little Women (PG) 12:00.2:15,4:30,7:10,9:45 ! A Little Women (PQ) 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 8:00,10:10


■MANHATTAN 59lh St., East ol 3rd Ave., 935-6420 AStreet Fighter (PG-13) 1:00,3:15, 5:30,7:45,10:15 1j Junior (PG-13) 1:30,4:00, 7:30,10:00 '(METRO Broadway « 99th St„ 222-1200 ASpeechleee (PG-13) 1:00,3:15,5:30,7:45,10:00 i| AOlecloeure(R) 1:30,4:30,7:15,9:50 ''NATIONAL Broadway 4 44th St., 369 0950 i -, AStreet Fighter (PG-13) (DTS) 12:00,2:30,5:00,7:30,10:00 'j Junior (PG-13) 12:15,2:45,5:15,8:00,10:30 ’’OLYMPIA Broadway & 107th St., 865-8128 i a Dumb end Dumber (PG-13) 1:00,3:10,5:30,7:45,10:00 AStreet Fighter (PG-13) 1:10,3:20,5:40,7:55,10:10 .


'! PARK 4 86TH 86th 4 Lexington Ave., 534-1880 A, A Speechleee (PG-13) (DTS) 12:30,3:00,5:20,8:00,1 (M 5 ^ ] AStreet Fighter (PG-13) (DTS)IOO,3:15,5:35,7:45,10:00 1PLAZA 68th St, East ol Madison Ave., 355-3320 The Shawshank Redemption (R) 1:30,4:15,7:0fl,


'REGENCY Broadway 4 67th St., 724-3700 ANell (PG-13) 12.00,2:30,5:00,7:30,10:00

ever. Established groups as well as new ones all



59TH 9TREET EAST East of Third Ave., 759-4630 The Santa Clause (PG) 2:00,4:30,7:00,9:30


62ND 4 BROADWAY 62nd St. 4 Broadway, 265-7466 Junior (PQ-13) 2:00,4:30,700,9:30

] 34TH STREET 34th St. Near 2nd Ave, 683-0255 1 ASpeechleee (PQ-13) 2:00,4:30,7:00,9.30 ! 23RD STREET 23rd St. 4 8th Ave, 989-0060 I AThe Jungle Book (PG) 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 Q fa r T


r . a n e r e l U n e /D fJ\ O /V) 7-JVT

9:50 X ^

X °

YOUNG LEADERS Making an Impact Student Council: First Row (1-r): Mrs. Mishkin. Marc Hoffman. Seth Horowitz, Paola Lopez. Yvodney Wash­ ington, Randi Shushan, Lauren Hughes, Tenisha Ramsey, Suzanne Vogt. Anna Murphy, Vanessa Richardson Second Row (l-r): Edward Nigro. Bill Jones, Paul Ferraro, Adam Platzner. Brent Simon, M eredith Horton, Jeremy Weinstein. Dee Beppu, Kevin Wert Third Row (l-r): Soulafreda Valassis. Penn Egbert, Josh Klein. Salman Rahim, Colin Thom, Peter Karayiannis. Tif­ fany Tammero, Devere Jones, Lennox Lin United Cultures Club: First Row (l-r): Otema Adade, Meredith Horton, Jen Roselle, Kyendra Tucker Second Row (l-r): Tenisha Ramsey, Lauren Hughes, Yvodney Washington, Paola Lopez Third Row (l-r): Christine Danford, Jason Wright, Maria Sette, Stephanie Taber, Claire Schwartz. David Armistead

AIDS Awareness Student Coalition: First Row (l-r): Seth Horowitz, Otema Adade, Graham Burt Second Row (l-r): Maria Sette. Marika Hoe Third Row (l-r): Laura Steinmann, Kim Mack, Tracey Madigan. Paul Groetzinger. Rachael Finn, Emily Lamed

YOUNG ADULTS Promoting Community Awareness Lambda Delta Pi: First Row (1-r): Maria Sette, Otema Adade, Tenisha Ramsey, Dee Beppu, Jennifer Klein, Janette Ponticello, Kharlene Jean-Guillaume Second Row (1-r): Dempsey Collins, Anna Murphy, Brett Lynas, Jason Wright, Lennox Lin, Andrew Palmer

S.A.D.D.: First Row (1-r): Andrew Palmer, Frank Lagan, Colin Wallace, Jeremy Weinstein, Claire Schwartz, Lauren Hughes, Robeiro C anola, Brent Simon Second Row (1-r): Laura Steinmann, Joy Wofsey, Beth Van Dusen, Ayaz Nanji Third Row (1-r): Mrs. Mishkin, Soulafreda Valassis, Liz Galligan, Sarah Lang, Maria Palomar, Vanessa Richardson, Penn Egbert, Jamie Wharton

Model UN: First Row (1-r): Sean White, David Alperovich, Dee Beppu Second Row (1-r): Chris Tague, Brent Simon, Lennox Lin, Jackie Hyun, Jen Dennis, Adam Platzner Third Row (1-r): Ed Kurtz, Ayaz Nanji, Shereif Fattouh, Kevin Wert, Walter Kruger, Jeremy Weinstein, Mr. Hudson

STUDENT PUBLISHERS Future Journalists Indelible Ink: First Row (1-r): Mrs. Meyer, Kelly Smith, Marika Hoe, Dana Siomkos, Brent Simon, Amy Pappalardo, Dee Beppu. Kim Lake, Courtney Shea Second Row (1-r): Marc Hoffman, Tracey Madigan, Ayaz Nanji. Andrew Palmer, Paul Groetzinger, Emily Larned, Beth Van Dusen, Claire Schwartz. Dempsey Collins

Yearbook: First Row (1-r): Dempsey Collins, Claire Schwartz, Dana Siomkos, Amy Pappalardo, Christine Danford. Lauren Hughes, Dee Beppu Second Row (1-r): Michelle Guevara, Maria Sette, Dee Dee Dorf, Meredith Horton, Megan Koster. Mirja Laroche Third Row (1-r): AnnaMurphy, Robeiro Canola, Paola Lopez, Colin Wallace, Ed Kurtz, Mrs. Kweskin Missing: Cheryl Price, Otema Adade

Chronicle: First Row (1-r): Justin Fruntkes, Brent Simon, Dee Beppu Second Row (1-r): Mr. Hudson, Ayaz Nanji, Jeremy Weinstein, Andrew Palmer, Greg Falk

OUTDOOR FANATICS Students Get Involved with Nature Environmental: First Row (1-r): Kim Mack. Emily Larned. Rachael Finn. Katherine Case, Michelle Guevara

Fishing: First Row (1-r): Jeff Butler. Mike Cervi Second Row (1-r): Kelly Smith, Tim Hughes, Paul Ferraro, Jen Grunberg, Alex Blumenthal, Alex Vandervort Third Row (1-r): Jeff Kuffel, Mike Henry, Frank Fagan

Outdoors: First Row (1-r): Tracey Madigan, Dempsey Collins, Anna Murphy, Tim Hughes, Jeff Bryson

ARTISTS AT WORK Both on Stage and in the Kitchen

H i

Musical Theater Workshop: First Row (1-r): Tenisha Ramsey, Kelly Smith. Mrs. Libonatti. Paola Lopez Second Row (1-r): Jason Wright. Yvodney Washington. Jeremy Weinstein

Band: First Row (1-r): Maggy Brown Second Row (1-r): KateRiedell, Ben Baker, Paul Ferraro, Paul Groelzinger

Cooking: First Row (1-r): Otema Adade Second Row (1-r): Jen Klein. Maria Sette

copyright KLHT TIMES

Stray Gunfire Kills a Tourist In New Orleans NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 2 (AP) — Nobody knows who killed Amy Silberman, probably including the per­ son who did it. But there are plenty of suspects in the death of the Boston tourist killed by a bullet that dropped from the sky and pierced her skull on New Year’s Eve. “Everyone that fired a weapon on Slew Year’s Eve is a suspect,’’ the Superintendent of Police, Richard Pennington, said today. Ms. Silberman, 31, was in the French Quarter’s Jackson Square near the Mississippi River at about 11:40 P.M. on Saturday, awaiting a New Year’s fireworks display, when she suddenly fell down. She was tak­ en unconscious to a hospital, where an X-ray showed the bullet in her head. She died on Sunday morning. Superintendent Pennington ap­ pealed to the public for help in find­ ing anyone who might have fired a gun around the time Ms. Silberman Jyas shot. - Ballistics tests were conducted to­ day in th^ hope of identifying the type of weapon and how far from Ms. Silberman it was fired. “1 Equate shooting in the air on New Year’s Eve the same as shoot­ ing a gun into a crowd or the same as a drive-by shooting,” Superintendent Pennington said. A police spokesman, Lieut. Sam Lradella, declined to speculate about hpw far from Ms. Silberman the bullet had been fired. But he said the

New teachers this year added to an already enthusiastic room, on class trips, or on the field, KLHT teachers


and involved faculty. Whether they were in the classbrought a special touch to everything they did.


Foes watch Gingrich’s every move

By Judi Hasson and Richard Wolf USA TODAY New House Speaker Newt Gingrich is getting the kind of attention usually reserved for an incoming president It’s an intense scrutiny by po­ litical opponents and the media that leaves little margin for er­ ror, as President Clinton found out in his first weeks. Now Gingrich finds himself in the same glare, sometimes stum­ bling, sometimes lashing back. In just the past two weeks Gingrich has reversed field on his $4.5 million book deal, seen a staff appointment blow up in his face and wrangled with the media over the remarks of his mother on a TV news show. He’s also taking a daily pounding for not giving an ac­ counting of just how he’ll pay for balancing the budget and making tax cuts, andLhasbacked away from pieces of his much-criticized welfare re­ form plan. Through it alh Gingrich, has shown thahhe’s pragmatic^, enoughs to clhniv back, before he takes a paliticaE ^W e^arer not goingg to£ get trapped* into doing: something dumb? just scr yon all can7say we’re' consistent;’^ Gingrich sa^TDotft worry about occa-


Mr. Simon

Mrs. Cesare

Mr. Ol io

ADMINISTRATION: First Row (1-r): C. Holland, S. Cesare, B. Smith, B. Simon. Second Row (1-r): A. Olio. A. Soler, K. Peterson. C. Biewen, J. Andrews

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT: First Row (I-r): M.G. Meyer. G. Koster J. Platt. S. Dubitsky, H. Kweskin, E. Christensen

MATH DEPARTMENT: First Row (1-r): E. Baker, A. Sia. S. Clark Second Row (1-r): W. Wallace, R. Morosoff

HISTORY DEPARTMENT: First Row (1-r): M. Aldredge, E. Christensen, C. Mishkin Second Row (1-r): E. Forster, D. Hudson

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT: First Row (1-r): P. Pusack Second Row (1-r): A. Rosenthal,E. Payne, G. Lynch

FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT: First Row (1-r): G. Rodriguez, J. Kicelian Second Row (1-r): R. Lamoureux, K. Wagner

DEVELOPMENT AND ADMISSIONS: First Row (1-r): K. Regan, J. Frattaroli, J. Hawley Second Row (1-r): R. Olio, C. Biewen. A, Soler Third Row (1-r): J. Andrews

ARTS DEPARTMENT: First Row (1-r): M. Libonati, C. Mishkin, BUSINESS: First Row (1-r): A. Carey, K. Mandel E. Forster Second Row (1-r): M. Mattiello, C. Jones, K. Peterson

KITCHEN AND MAINTENANCE: First Row (1-r): Roberta Crocker, Fran Fullann, Mark Malone. Second Row (1-r): John Muskus, Jose Gonzelez, Lois Dudla, Wayne Hartlett, Griff Titus. SECRETARIES: First Row (1-r): R. Orio, D. Wade, G. Miner. Second Row (1-r): C. Jones, S. Wright, I. Kweskin.

MIDDLE SCHOOL FACULTY Preparing Young Minds for High School

Mr. Doering

First Row (1-r): P. Doering, C. Nichols, L. Clippinger, M. Libonati Second Row (1-r): S. Buzanoski. P. Orio, L. Barder, S. Lamm, C. Hermanson, M. Blackiston

First Row (1-r): M. Wright, B. Whittaker, A. Ostrow, S. Poulton, N. Peck, D. Supple, B. Smith, B. Pusack Second Row (1-r): W. Haft. L. Rinaldi

Mrs. Smith

LOWER SCHOOL FACULTY Teaching Lessons to Grow On

First Row (1-r): R. Gallagher, A. Huntoon. A. Ostrow, M. Jewee, M. Pappalardo, K. O'Keefe, S. Riedell.E. Miller, B. Brown. M.J. Silvia Second Row (1-r): T. Murphy, D. Tucker, L. Matthews. M. Reilly. J. Ruffels, R. Roth, G. Riedell.J.Gillies.E. Friedland, K. Pillion

First Row (1-r): K. Nagle. J. Luders, G. Robinson, M. Betsch, S. Clark

Front Row (1-r): S. Poulton, W. Haft, E. Waters Second Row (1-r): M. Blackiston


copyright KLHT TIMES

Pact Reached For Salvaging Hockey Season Agreement Would End 3 !/2-Month Lockout By JOE LAPOINTE On the 103d day of a bitter lockout, the representatives for National Hockey League players and owners said yesterday that they had reached a tentative collective bar­ gaining agreement, • that training camps would probably open by to­ morrow and that a truncated 48game season would probably start late next week. The deal averted the possibility that hockey would become the first ■ major professional sport to lose an entire season because of a labor dis­ pute and left strike-bound baseball as the only sport crippled by labor strife. It also gave hockey a chance to revive the momentum it seemed to have in 1994, when the Rangers won the Stanley Cup for New York, when new television deals were signed with, ambitious networks, when expansion continued to Sun Belt cities and when a wave of arena-building swept across North America. It is expected that a replacement for the normal 84-game schedule will be announced before the end of the week. The owners seemed to make the biggest gains.> Although they didn't get the payroll tax they had sought to





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The Viking Football team was just one of several sue

TIMES 1994-1995

UConn routs Pittsburgh

STORRS — Jennifer Rizzotti scored 22 points last night and No. 2-ranked University of Connecti­ cut women’s basketball team rolled to a 100-67 Big East Conference victory over Pittsburgh.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL The win was the 200th for UConn coach Geno Auriemma, who is 200-81 in nine-plus years with the Eluskies. Connecticut (8-0) used a pair of first-half runs to break the game open. Already ahead 20-12, the Huskies ran off 11 straight points capped by Rizzotti’s layup off a steal. Minutes later, Nykesha Sales finished a 10-0 run with a layup that put Connecticut ahed 47-20. The Huskies led 53-27 at half­ time and by as many as 42 in the second half. Kim Better came off the bench to add 15 points for Con­ necticut while Jamelle Elliott and Kara Wolters had 14 apiece and Sales 11. Leading scorer Rebecca Lobo had just five points but con­ tributed a team-high seven assists to go with eight rebounds. Pittsburgh (7-3) received 15 points from Jenine Joyce and 13 from Latia Howard. J . M a d is o n 7 6 , F a ir fie ld 5 4

cessful KLHT teams during the 1994-1995 seasons.

HARRISONBURG, Va. — James Madison University outscored visiting Fairfield 45-29 in

FOOTBALL Has Another Successful Season

“Achievement can only be made by participation. This year’s team achieved beyond their ability. This was yet another 7-1 season. This year’s success can be measured by the invitation to participate in the Class D New England Championships.” Coach A. Ol io

First Row (1-r): Jim Taber. Jason Wright. Alex Blumenthal. Mike Henry. Brett Lynas. Marc Hoffman, Alex Vandervort, Frank Lagan Second Row: Joe Cessario. Tim Hughes. Jeff Kuffel, Charles En­ gland, Walter Kruger, Mike Cervi, Penn Egbert, Mark Edwards, Kevin Wert Third Row: Doug Jossem, Max Schwab, Estes Taylor, Lou Calabrese, Rory Donahue, Billy Greenwood. Jesse Simms. Colin Thom. John Hoffman Fourth Row: Joe Collins, Peter Karayiannis, Aaron Snyder, David Alperovich, AdamOberhand, Rob­ ert Caselmen, Graham Burt, Marc Henderson, Garret Kruger, Eric Dehm Fifth Row: Shereif Fattouh, Solamen Rahem, Billy Jones, Teddy Nigro. Josh Klein. Ryan Supple. Stuart Oakes, Devin Wallace. David Supple, David Armistead, Devere Jones


Winning Isn V Everything

“The volleyball team has really come a long way since last year. We lost three players and still im­ proved our record from 1-13 to 3-12. The record, however, doesn't reflect all our effort and spirit.” Co-Captain Soulafreda Valassis

First Row (1-r): Jen Berberian Second Row (1-r): Soulafreda Valassis, Jackie Hyun, Coach Sally Poulton Third Row (1-r): Eileen Case. Laura Steinmann. Joy Wofsey Fourth Row (1-r): Maria Palomar. Jen Klein

BOYS’ SOCCER Takes on New Competition

"Willi an incredible season of 8-4, this year’s team has been one of the most successful teams KLHT has seen in a while. The team, under the leadership of Paul Ferraro and Alex Nagler, participated in the WNEPSSA for the first time, as well as the FAA.” Coach Whittaker

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l JV SOCCER: First Row (1-r): Chris Fouracre, Justin Frumkes. Loukas Will­ iams. Greg Falk, Alex Villacis, Ed Kurtz Second Row (1-r): Coach Rosenthal, Ben Baker, Hastings Reed, Dennis Bubbico. Robeiro Canola, Philip Schwartz. John Muskus, Dan Cooper




First Row (1-r): Chris Tague, David Hamm, Seth Horowitz, Paul Ferraro, Alexander Nagler, Brad Riedell, Jeff But­ ler Second Row (1-r): Nick Mont­ gomery. Jeff Bryson, Victor Sanchez, Jeremy Williams, Angel Palomar, Gorka Martin Third row (1-r): Coach Bill Whittaker, Coach Art Nagle

FIELD HOCKEY Has Most Amazing Season Ever: 10-1-1 & Second in the League

"This is the best field hockey team yet! One of the most dedicated, skilled, and enthusiastic teams 1have ever coached." Coach Silvia

First Row (1-r): Lara Corrente, Dee Dee Dorf Second Row (1-r): Kyendra Tucker. Julie Katz. Dana Siomkos, Lauren Hughes. Takeeya Person, Kate Donahue, Leigh Gallagher, Micaela Dorf Third Row (1-r): Stephanie Taber, Laura Kropp. Lindsey Lake, Jenn Dennis. Meredith Horton, Tiffany Tammero. Claire Schwartz, Jen Roselle, Tarsha Drakeford. Coach Mary Jo Silvia

CROSS COUNTRY Comes Close to Being #1 in the League

“With an 1 1-4 season and a second place finish at the FAA Championships, this team should be proud of their accomplishments. Beth Van Dusen finished first at the FAAs and the New England Prep races.” Coach Wilcoxen

First Row (1-r): Dee Beppu, Sean White, Jamie Wharton Second Row (1-r): Courtney Davison. Katherine Case, Brian Munk. Brent Simon, Andrew Palmer. Emily Larned, Beth Van Dusen

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Third Row (1-r): Colin Wallace, DougFIeischman, AyazNanji, Jeremy Weinstein

GIRLS’ SOCCER The Score Didn't Reflect the Effort

“From the spirit of these teammates this season, you would never guess our 0-13 record! Everyone worked hard and hustled during every game. We improved tremendously throughout the season and have a lot to he proud of.” Robin Roth

First Row (1-r): Susanna Coates, Amy Pappalardo, Megan Koster. Courtney Shea, Brandi Lawrence, Kim Lake, Suzanne Vogt. Arielle Schwartz Second Row (1-r): Rachael Finn, Cynthia Perez, Anna Murphy, Dempsey Collins, Tracey Madigan, Jen Grunberg, Rachael Sedgwick. Michelle Guevara, Maria Sette, Coach Robin Roth



The First of Two Seasons

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1he Fall Cheerleading squad was a wonderful squad ot great young ladies, who worked very hard to learn new cheers and a great dance for Homecom­ ing. I am really proud of the spirit and the class they showed throughout the season. -Coach R. Orio

FALL CHEERLEADING: First Row (1-r): Yvodney W ashington. Sarah Lang. Tenisha Ramsay, Paola Lopez, Marika Hoe Second Row (1-r): Janette Ponticello, Shweta Khar Third Row (1-r): Lauren Hughes. Kharline JeanGuillaume

WINTER CHEERI FADING A Completely Different Squad

Another season and again a great group of young ladies. It is so nice to see all types of personalities work together with such enthusiasm and spirit. The new coach. Maura Reilly, has brought a lot of fun and some great new ideas to the squad. - Coach R. Ol io

First Row (1-r): Yvodney Washington, Marika Hoe Second Row (1-r): Kharline Jean-Guillaume, Kim Lake, Anna Christensen. Maria Sette Third Row (1-r): Vanessa Richardson, Kyendra Tucker. Sarah Lang, Janette Ponticello


First Row (l-r): Chuck Broadhurst, Colin Cohane Second Row (l-r): Coach Rosenthal. Ryan Supple, Brian Munk, David Supple, Ryan Hughes, Adam Trott. Garrett Kruger, Jim Taber, Coach Peck Third Row (l-r): Walter Kruger. Alex Nagler, Brett Lynas, Tim Hughes, Penn Egbert, Charlie England


“ S p o rts d o n o t b u ild c h a ra c te r, th e y re v e a l it. ” R .S .

“Each member o f this team has improved physically and mentally as an athlete, and this is why we have grown competitive with the best in the League. This was a learning year and every year we w ill get better."

Coach Haft


FirstRow(l-r): Dee Dee Dorf, Anna Murphy Second Row (1-r): Michelle Guevara, Meredith Horton, Lauren Hughes. Brandi Lawrence Third Row (1-r): Takeeya Person. Tarsha Drakeford. Jen Roselle, Kate Donahue. Coach Haft

JV: First Row (1-r): Stephanie Taber, Dana Siomkos, Jen Grunberg, Amy Pappalardo, Courtney Shea, Coach Blackiston Second Row (I-r): Shwcta Khar. Rachael Sedgwick, Soulafreda Valassis. Katherine Case, Suzanne Vogt, Jen Larsen. Melissa Ginsburg

“This was a rebuilding year l'or a young team made up o f mostly f ill and 10th graders. Players had to learn their roles as well as how to w ork together as a team. The hard work began to pay o ff late in the season as we began playing well and beating some good teams.” Coach Nagle


VARSITY: First Row (L-r) Jason Wright. Kevin Wert Second Row (l-r): Coach P. Orio, David Armistead. Joe Collins. Billy Greenwood, Pe­ ter Karayiannis, Devere Jones Third Row (l-r): Lennox Lin. Lou Calabrese, Jon Hoffman. Mark Edwards, Jeff Kuffel, Coach Nagle

JV: First Row (1-r): Aaron Snyder, Ted Nigro, Sean White, Alex Villacis, Victor Sanchez Second Row (1-r): Stew Oakes, Max Schwab. Colin Thom. Salman Rahim, Ed Kurtz. Coach Wright

WINTER TRACK First Row (1-r): Emily Larned, Nick Montgomery, Devin Wallace Second Row (1-r): Coach Wilcoxen, Jeff Kuffel, Angel Palomar, Maria Palomar, Kevin Wert, Beth Van Dusen, Jeff Bryson


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Beavis and Butt-head


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Artists: Dempsey Collins Otema Adade Lauren Leslie Emily Lamed





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It’s a wide open field out there, so head down and go! go! go! Love, Mom, Dad and assorted four-legged critters!

Hey D-

What s’up? I’ll miss you tons! Just me at home with no one to defend me. Don’t worry, I’ll keep driving M+D insane. Have fun, be careful. “Secure yourself to Heaven. Hold on tight the night has come. Fasten up your earthly burdens. You have just begun.” Love U lots, Me(your real little sister) PS- Cranberry defense and Dorf defense (LAX) Rules!




CONGRATULATIONS RACHAEL Never lose your individuality Let people know who you are You can make a difference It’s a far better world knowing you You’re more than our daughter, You are our friend

We’re very proud of you Love and Happiness, Mom and Dad




For a Very Special Son- Who Has So Enriched Our Lives We Love You & Wish You Every Happiness & Success Love Mom & Dad



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MichaelWe have watched you grow from a shy curly-haired little iM iiii boy int0 a wonderful J H | man. Your ambition


now move from one

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not only success but, more importantly, M * happiness in what­ ever you choose to do. Love always, Mom, Dad & Karin


Class of ‘95 & all my friends: “You’ll never fly as the crow flies, get used to a country mile. When you’re learning to face the path at your pace every choice is worth your while.” -Indigo Girls Good Luck, everybody! Ali: You’re my big sister, I love and look up to you. Micaela: You’re my comic relief. Keep laughing, little sister. Mom & Dad: You’ve done so much for me & I don’t say ‘thank you’ enough for it. I’ll always love you. Love, DeeDee

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Dear Paul, Keep sharing your excitement, humor, and the stars will shine for you. Our Love & Congratulations, Mom, Dad, Claire, and Kara

To Cheryl: Who sees the goodness in all people, the positives in any situation and the hope in everyone’s future With great love and pride. Mom & Dad

To Cheryl: A granddaughter who has taught us as much as we taught her. We’re thrilled that you picked University of MiamiSee you in Florida Grandma & Poppy

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Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. -1 Thessalonians

Dempsey, we have always been proud of you. Love, Dad and Mom



A L L O U R LO V E , M O M , DAD, L A U R E N , R Y A N

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Congratulations to Tracey, and the Class of 1995

First day of school September, 1982

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Dear Penn,(“PennyWenny”) From the moment you were born we so loved and cherished you. Every year of your life has been such a joy for us. We are very proud of the young man you have become, and now a new chapter is about to begin in your life. This is not the end, but rather a marvelous beginning to a won­ derful life. Never forget how much we Love you. Mommy, Daddy & Missy (Lighthouse and Ascot too!)

It ’s so hard

T o Say Good-Bye

To Yesterday

“Parents can only give good advice or p u t them on the righ t paths, bu t the final form ing o f a person ’s character lies in their own hands. ” Anne Frank July 15, 1944 Good luck, Tiffany. W e're so proud of you. Know that wherever you go and whatever you do, you take our love with you. Wes,



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Congratulations to the Class of 1995! Best Wishes in the Future. And to the Class of 1996: Good Luck next year. Thanks to all the students and faculty who made my first year here enjoyable. Robeiro Canola P.


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-ax e

Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of


from The Board of Trustees King & Low-Heywood Thomas School

Looking at this picture, I realize I shouldn’t be sur­ prised about your singing and acting talents. Ha! Don’t forget that Gramma also used to sing in church.

PAOLITAThanks for all the happiness you have brought into our lives since the day you were born. That beautiful smile is one of the wonder­ ful characteristics about you. It reflects the beauty and purity of your soul! We are very I love you. proud of MOMMY

you. Mom, Laura, Alan, Mother, Tio Luis, Tia Sarita, Joshua, and Herbert

Congratulations on your achievements. We wish you the best on this jour­ ney you are about to be­ gin. God bless you, may He always keep you in his care, and help you achieve all your dreams. We love you very much. Mom, Laura, & Alan

To the person they call Bear: With Love it has been fifteen years of learning, of watching, of following. I have looked up to you from day one and the admiration will certainly not stop here. You have grown from your struggles and achieved the most that anyone can. You have accomplished all your goals; from going to a great college and playing the sport you love to having the younger brother that you have always dreamed of. Even though we fight and declare war on each other sometimes, and get Mom and Dad mad, I will always love you and be there when you need me. You are definitely a role model to me, along with Mitchell, and I know that I can depend on you for anything. It was fun sharing IMUS in the morning with you and I will certainly miss sitting with you in the Taurus laughing and sharing the time. You are an inspiration to me and I hope that I can do half the things that you have done. As you move on the next portion of your life remember that I will probably be in Coach O ’s office if you need me. And remember, I love you a lot. With all the love in my heart, Jonathan Todd Hoffman #8

To My “little” brother, We have shared great moments together and whatever you choose to do in life, I will be proud of you. I love you and wish you the best of luck in the future. I am very fortunate to have someone like you to make sure that Jonny does not get into any mischief while I’m away. Thanks. Love, Mitchell

“Home is where we start from ” -T.S. Eliot

“Take it from me it will be easier to Cope If you just don’t give up the Power of Hope” L.L. 94 You all are the Best! Congratulations! The Leslie Family

Dear Otema, We will always treasure the joyful memo r i e s

of you.


you for being the best big sister anyone co u l d ever h a v e . GOOD LUCK


Love Always, A u d r e y & Eddie

Otema, You are your family's pride & ours


What you

have a c c o m p l i s h e d means a lot to us, To

Our Smart




5 will

& what you

acco m p l i s h

in the

It has b e e n r e w a r d i n g to watch future, you grow.

W i t h your talent,

will m e a n a lot

hard to this world.

wo r k & c a r i n g nat u r e

We love

the o r o mise you.

of your future u n f o l d i n g will be Lolita eq u a l l y e x c i t i n g

! Always r e m e m ber

the love and supp o r t of your family is b e h i n d you 100%.


Mom & Dad

Th a n k For

You Your

Otema Gift Of

Love And L a u g h t e r . Love,



& Frank Savage

SPONSORS Congratulations to Yvodney Washington! From Pauline Washington, Lawson Anderston, and Martin Passaro O.D. Congratulations Michael Love Mom, Dad, and Melissa Elizabeth R. Cesare T

1995 Yearbook Staff:

Editor-in-Chief: DeeDee Dorf Assistant: Rob Canola Copy Editor: Cheryl Price Assistants: Dee Beppu and Ed Kurtz Layout Editor: Anna Murphy Assistant: Claire Schwartz Art Editors: Otema Adade and Dempsey Collins Photography Editors: Maria Sette and Tiffany Tammero Assistants: Lauren Hughes, Colin Wallace, and Amy Pappalardo Sales Manager: Paola Lopez Business Manager: Lennox Lin A lot of people have worked extremely hard to make this book; it was an incredible experience. I want to especially thank: Rob Canola for being an awesome assistant editor; Cheryl Price, Dee Beppu, and Ed Kurtz for doing all the typing: Anna Murphy and Claire Schwartz for designing the layouts; Otema Adade and Dempsey Collins for bring­ ing the newspaper theme to life with their art; Justin Frumkes for his talent with the superlatives; Maria Sette, Tiffany Tammero, Lauren Hughes, Colin Wallace, and Amv Pappalardo for taking great pictures; Paola Lopez for being an enthusiastic saleswoman; Lennox Lin for keeping track of all our money; Megan Foster and Mirja Laroche for doing many odd jobs; Meredith Horton, Christine Danford, and Dana Siomkos for writing letters and selling pictures. Of course, there are some adults I want to thank too: Mrs. Miner for connecting us with the proper people; Mrs. Redniss for getting us all the class pictures; Mr. Andrews for all his help with photography; Rich Carpenter (our Josten’s representa­ tive) for his advice and knowledge; Mr. Clark for the ton of help he gave us with the Pagemaker program; and most especially Mrs. Kweskin for being the best advisor possible by always challenging us to make the extra effort. Thank you very much and Enjoy the book. DeeDee Dorf Editor-in-Chief


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