King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 1996

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KLHT 1996 KALEIDOSCOPE Volume 8 Table of Contents E vents............................................................. 4 C lubs................................................................ 18 S p orts............................................................. 22 Faculty............................................................4 8 U nderclassm en...........................................58 S en iors............................................................ 84 A ds.................................................................... 138

King & Low-Heywood Thomas School 1450 Newfield Avenue Stamford, Connecticut 09605 203-322-3496


SkouCcfaubdacquaintance be forgot, and never 6rougbt to mind? Sboufdaubdacquaintance 6eforgot and days ofauCd bang syne? dor auCdbang syne, my dear, for aubd bang syne, <We’[[ tali a cup o ’ kindness yet, for aubd bang syne. - dpbert (Bums

Elizabeth Rockwell Cesare The Class of 1996 dedicates this Yearbook to Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwell Cesare who has been a part of the KLHT community from 1942-1996. After graduating from Low - Heywood, Mrs. Cesare held numerous teaching and advising positions within the school. In 1971 she was appointed Head Mistress at Low - Heywood. She has been responsible for successfully guiding the school through its three mergers. As Mrs. Cesare's many years with KLHT come to a close, we wish her well and hope that her future pursuits will be just as rewarding.

WHAT'S HAPPENING A ctivities o u tsid e th e classroo m are an e s ­ sen tial part o f life at KLHT. After c la ss trips, tea m s con tin u ed to prac­ tice and preparations b egan for H om ecom ing W eekend. The p ep rally b rou gh t th e sch o o l fight so n g to life, and loud ch o ru ses o f th e "Hey" so n g resou n d ed a cro ss th e gym . D esp ite th e rain, th e bonfire survived and g a m es w ent on. S oon th e so u n d s o f S h ak esp eare w ere w afting up th e stairs from th e auditorium and R enais­ sa n ce w as in th e air. At th e Royal Parade m agi­ cian s, sin gers, acrobats, and fam ous p eo p le w ere on hand to celeb rate th e day at KLHT. The first quarter en d ed and 20 stu d en ts h ead ed for th e Leadership


C onference. Indelible Ink sp o n so red their first Open Mic n ight in Novem ber; original poetry w as shared and so n g s w ere su n g . S tan zas from th e "Hallelu­ jah Chorus" w ere so o n heard for th e Holiday C oncert th at th e w h ole sch o o l particip ated in. S tu d en ts w ere busy volu n teerin g in th e Lower S ch ool, w orking in th e A d m ission s D epartm ent, and preparing p osition papers for Harvard Model United N ations. In th e seco n d s e ­ m ester th ere w ere trips to New York City by th e Spanish D epartm ent and to The T em p est, and th e c a st for South Pacific w as ch o sen . Fifteen stu d en ts seq u estered th em selv es, preparing to defend their clien ts in th e Mock Trial, and oth ers p racticed for th e S h ak espeare

m o n o lo g u e c o n te st. V erm ont attracted m em bers o f our O utdoors clu b for th e b e st sk iin g in years. Q uebec and G reece w ere th e d estin a tio n for m any stu d en ts. S igh t-see­ ing, dining, and go od tim es w ere in sto re for all. The P olynesian at­ m osp h ere b egan to per­ vade th e sch o o l, and by March strain s o f "I'm G onna W ash That Man R ight Out o f My Hair" and "There Is N othing Like a Dame" cou ld b e heard th rou gh ou t th e halls. Spring Fling arrived in April sp o n so red by the S tu d en t G overnm ent, and May b rou gh t flow ers for th e Senior B reakfast and b u s rid es to NYC for visits to th e Frick and M etropoli­ tan M useum s. The Prom w as held in Ju ne and Prize Day and G raduation con ­ clu d ed th e year. -Mrs. Mishkin


ROAD RULES The class trips of this year shared the general sense of finding a kind of group identity with each of the classes. People learned how to cooperate with one another and have a lot of fun doing it. As for the trips themselves, the weather in some cases did its best to dampen the spirits of the students. It was, however, unsuccessful in harming the happy atmosphere that accompanied the trips. The freshmen and sophomores, on their class trip to Camp Poko-Mcready, involved themselves in hiking excursions, canoeing trips, and homestead living, while trying to learn how to work as a team. They learned how to survive in nature. Both groups learned that teamwork is key in order to better function as a class in situations that school might pose. The juniors went to an episcopal camp in the heart of Connecticut. This particular trip had its focus on build­ ing the leadership skills needed to become a reliable senior class. On the trip, people learned new and differ­ ent things about classmates, and in the process, learned how to work as a group. As for the senior class trip to Boston, the general feeling on everyone's mind was "shop till you drop." Students also enjoyed the Boston Science Museum and the exciting movie adventure. The most important thing is that everyone had a wonderful time. 6


W hat is th e fu n n iest th in g you've se e n in sch o o l? "When Whit Breeden fell off his chair onto his #*%?!" -Andrew Hyun

"When Bill Jones and Richard Berberian got into a snowball fight in the cafeteria. Later it resulted into a wrestling match." -John Muskus

"Anna Christiansen slipped in front of the whole cafeteria." -Shweta Khar

"When Jeremy flipped out in class over a spider." -Greg Falk

WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES OF 19 9 5 ? "I liked the gorilla suit because it was the bomb." - Alecia Brissett

"Alex V. had the best costume. It looked so real." - Lisa Cannavino

"I thought Lou's costume was udder nonsense." - Sra. Rodriguez

"The cow was my favorite. Was that Lou?" - Jeremy Schachner


MUSICAL THEATER WORKSHOP: Front Row (L-R): Megan Koster, Tenisha Ramsay Second Row (L-R): Laura Kropp, Estus Taylor, Colin Cohane, Lindsey Lake Third Row (L-R): Mrs. Libonati, Stephanie Taber, Mrs. Mishkin


DRAMA CLUB: Front Row (L-R): Dee Beppu, Dinushka DeSilva, Devin Wallace, Alex Villacis, Mark Henderson, Second Row: Front Row (L-R): Darja Ovodenko, Laura Steinmann, Joy Wofsey, Tenisha Ramsey, Rachael Sedgwick Third Row (L-R): Jeremy Weinstein, Daniel Mastrogiovanni, Edward Kurtz, Whitney Breeden, Andrew Palmer




FIRST ROW(L-R): Lauren Hughes, Brent Simon, Tenisha Ramsey, Megan Roster SECOND ROW(L-R): Jeremy Weinstein, Adam Platzner, Claire Schwartz, Leigh Gallagher, Meredith Horton, Dana Johnson THIRD ROW(L-R): Mr. Lynch, Ed Rurtz, Laura Steinmann, Jen Larsen, Heather Walsh THIRD ROW(L-R): Miss Radziewicz, Peter Rarayiannis, Ratherine Redniss, Brandi Hunter, Lizzie Nichols FIFTH ROW(L-R): Sean White


FIRST ROW(L-R): Tyler MacGuire, David Sandak, Devin Wallace, Andrew Vuono, Ryan Hughes, Alyssa Orlow SECOND ROW(L-R): Richard Berberian, Dan Weisbard, Nick Montgomery, Dave Lourie, Scott Van Dusen, Brandi Hunter THIRD ROW(L-R): Mr. Brooks, Dan Mastrogiovanni, Jeff Bryson, Jeremy Schachner, Charles Broadhurst, Ryan Supple


FIRST ROW(L-R): Laura Steinmann, Joy Wofsey, Jennifer Larsen SECOND ROW(L-R): Dinushka DeSilva, Eileen Case, Chirag Sadana


FIRST ROW(L-R): Sean White, Devin Wallace, Brent Simon, Ted FI Nigro SECOND ROW(L-R): Greg Falk, Ayaz Nanji, Jeremy ri Weinstein, Dan Cooper, Dee Beppu THIRD ROW(L-R): Mr. Ci Hudson

L. D. P.

FIRST ROW(L-R): Brandi Hunter, Rachel Dorf, Jennifer Berberian, Amy Pappalardo, Jen Rlein, Dan Cooper SECOND ROW(L-R): Liz Egan, Anna Christensen, Brent Simon, Chris Tague, Laura Steinmann, Megan Roster, Alissa Baker, Dee Beppu THIRD ROW(L-R): Janette Ponticello, Shweta Rhar, Rharlene Jean-Guillaum e, John Chiavaroli, Dan Mastrogiovanni


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FIRST ROW(L-R): Takeeya Person, Jennifer Rose Siomkos SECOND ROW(L-R): Brian Ford, Lou C Thom, Jon Hoffman, Rory Donahue, Ehson Sha

Dana f|| nese, Colil De


S. A. D. D

FIRST ROW(L-R): Daniel Cooper, Brent Simon. SECOND ROW(L-R): Christine Danford, Claire Schwartz, Beth Van Dusen, Colin Wallace, Jeff Bryson, Greg Falk.



FIRST ROW(L-R): Rob Canola, Christine Danford, Claire Schwartz, Meredith Horton, Dana Siomkos, Laura Kropp, Melissa Ginsburg, Rachel Dorf, Mrs. Kweskin. SECOND ROW(i^R): Chris Tague, Dee Beppu, Jen Berberian, Laura Steinmann, Ed Kurtz. THIRD ROW(L-R): Lauren Hughes, Megan Koster.


FIRST ROW(L-R): Tenisha Ramsey, Claire Schwartz, Lauren Hughes, FIRST ROW(L-R): Claire Schwartz, Jeremy Weinstein, Lauren Hughes. Kyendra Tucker, Randi Shushan, Meredith Horton. SECOND ROW(L- SECOND ROW(L-R): Nick Karayiannis, Sean White, Adam Platzner, Brent Simon, Billy Jones, Ted Nigro, David Sandak. THIRD ROW(L-R): Dee R): Alex Villacis, Kate Donahue, Jen Roselle, Takeeya Person, Beppu, Dan Weisbard, Leigh Gallagher, Courtney Shea, Jen Roselle, Stephanie Taber, Alecia Brissett, Devere Jones, Brandi Lawrence, Michelle Guevara, Tarsha Drakeford. THIRD ROW(L-R): Carl Speare. Alyssa Orlow. FOURTH ROW(L-R): Mrs. Mishkin, Jeremy Williams, Aaron Snyder, Colin Wallace, Jennifer Metzler. FIETH ROW(L-R): Peter Karayiannis, Greg Falk, Meredith Horton, Dana Johnson, Kate Donahue.


r|RST ROW(L-R): Kate Donahue. SECOND ROW(L-R): Jenn )ennis, Mark Henderson, Alex Villacis, David Supple. THIRD tOW(L-R): Jonathan Boisfeuillet, Ted Nigro, Dan lastrogiovanni, Garrett Kruger, Ehson Shafie.

A. A. S. C.

FIRST ROW(L-R): Grayson Thurman. SECOND ROW(L-R): Graham Burt, David Hamm, Rory Donahue, Kim Lake, Leigh Gallagher, Suzanna Coates, Lindsay Arakelian.


SPORTS CORNER Like the cornerstones of any great foundation, the names of K.L.H.T.'s first all­ league and honorable men­ tion athletes are laid across the wall and built upon each year. As with all structures, its strength lies in the com­ position of its material. The K.L.H.T. Athletic Program has been formed by the character and grit of its players. Their efforts have been recognized by oppos­ ing coaches and these stu­ dents were voted to all­ league status. With each passing year the number of names have expanded as have K.L.H.T's success and reputation. However, the qualities of these athletes

are not just based on how many points they scored, but the sacrifices, dedica­ tion, and sportsmanship to their teams. More impor­ tantly, the names on the wall represent their teammates' efforts and success. The concept of the wall was a joint venture and desire by the athletic department and the Viking Booster Club to distinguish the achieve­ ments of K.L.H.T.'s fine student athletes. -A1 Orio


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FIRST ROW(L-R): Lou Calabrese, Peter Karayiannis, Ehson Shafie, Billy-Dee Greenwood, Rory Donahue Jon Hoffman Cessario, Kevin Wert, Garrett Kruger. SECOND ROW(L-R): Estus Taylor, David Supple, Brian Ford, Adam Parker rh u i Broadhurst, Colin Thom, Adam Lametta, Josh Klein, Graham Burt. THR1D ROW(L-R): Aaron Snyder, Sam Seiler irr Rahim, Rob Casselman, Edward Nigro, Chris Haynes, Nick Karayiannis, Eric Dehm, Ed Kurtz. FOURTH ROW(L-Ri ^ Richard Berberian, David Lourie, Jesse Simms, Jon Boisfeuillet, Michael Ludwig, Whit Breeden, Andrew Vuono, Oakes


"When the season started no one thought we'd be that good this year, but it turned out that we had our best season ever." -Kevin Wert

"Through hard work and dedication our team surprised most people by achieving what most thought we wouldn't." -Joe Cessario

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FIRST ROW(L-R): Lauren Hughes, Dana Siomkos. SECOND ROW(L-R): Coach Haft, Dinushka DeSilva, Claire Schwartz, Julie Katz, Meredith P. Horton, Alissa Baker, Robin Fultin. THIRD ROW(L-R): Mary Jo Silvia, Laura Kropp, Tarsha Drakeford, Takeeya Person, J.B. Roselle, Kate Donahue, Stephanie Taber, Jenn Dennis, Michaela Dorf, Lizzie Ni< is.

VOICE OF THE VIKINGS "Some of my greatest high school memories have been on this field. Our team is like a family and, in addition to a successful season, we've had so much fun." -Dana Siomkos



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"This year the field hockey team really pulled together. Mot only on the field but off the field as well we were one family. As a result, we also had one of our best seasons yet. Good luck next year guys! I love you!" -Lauren Hughes


FIRST ROW(L-R): Coach Poulton, Jen Berberian, Maria Falomar, Joy Wofsey. SECOND ROW(L-R): Jennifer Metzler, Laura Steinmann, Soulafreda Valassis, Jen Klein, Qrayson Thurm an.

VOICE OF THE VIKENG "Even though our season wasn't the best we all learned and improved a lot and had a lot of fun doing it." -Laura Steinmann


"Our season has im­ proved since last year. We kept our enthusiasm up and we've grown as a team." -Jen Berberian


~ * fJUNIOR VARSITY VOLLEYBALL FIRST ROW(L-R): Eileen Case, Alecia Brissett, Darja Ovodenko, Vanessa Richardson, Lindsey Arakelian. SECOND ROW(L-R): Coach Foulton, Ali Spiegel, Elizabeth Egan, Melissa Oinsburg, Rachel Dorf, Liz Galligan, Jen Larsen.



in, Ayaz Danji, Colin Wallace, Dan Weisbard, Beth Van Dusen, Coach Wallace, Coach i Dee Beppu, Brent Simon, Brian Munk, James Wharton, Sean White, Justin Williams, Adam na Johnson.


"Cross country had a pretty good season. We remained competi­ tive, worked hard, and had a lot of fun." -Beth Van Dusen

"While our season was not as successful as we would have liked, 1 feel that by the end of the season we had grown a lot as indi­ viduals and as a team." -Brent Simon




FIRST ROW(L-R): Alexis Qallin, Brandi Lawrence, Suzanne Vogt, Michelle Guevara, Rim Lake, Brandi Hunter, Alyssa Fischer. SECOND ROW(L-R): Coach Gurry, Susanna Coates, Courtney Shea, Megan Roster, Ratherine Lewis, Alyssa Orlow, Amy Pappalardo, Coath Roth. THIRD ROW(L-R): Rate Larsen, Ratherine Case, Ratherine Redniss, Jessica Mead, Heather Walsh, Rachael Sedgwick, Ratherine Lewis.





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1KST ROW(I.-R) 1 Sandak, riicK Montgomery, Dan Mastrovioganni, Tyler Mcguire, Ben Baker, Ryan Supple, Chris SECOND KOW(L-R): Coach Nagle, Scott Van Dusen, John Chiavaroli, Jeremy Williams, Jeff Bryson, David Hamm, hez. David Edwards, Coach Whittaker.

VOICE OF THE VIKING "We had a tough season, with a young team. Next year we'll be back with lots more steam." -Victor Sanchez

"We had a difficult season, but next time we'll be stronger than ever." -David Hamm

JUNIOR VARSITY BOYS' SOCCER FIRST ROW(L-R): David Alperovich, Phil Schwartz, Doug Fleischman, Ryan Hughes, Loukas Williams, Chris Horan, Dan Cooper. SECOND ROW(L-R): Mark Henderson, Chris Fouracre, John Legrand, John Muskus, Alex Villacis, Devin Wallace, Josh Roberts. THIRD ROW(L-R): Coach Tsakraklides, Ward Anderson, Devere Jones, Chris Tsirbas, Qreg Falk, Colin Cohane, Brad Riedell, Coach Brooks. 35

VOICE OF THE VIKINGS "During the season,the one thing we had in common kept us together. (WHTC)." -Tenisha Ramsay

"It's a shame it's over now, but next year it can only get better!" -Sarah Lang






Front Row (L-R): Andrew Vuono, Ryan Hughes, Adam Parker, Charles Broadhurst, Adam Trott, Tyler MacGuire Second Row (L-R): Coach Carey, David Supple,Hat Mundy, Philip Schwartz, Ryan Supple, Garrett Kruger, Alexander Carr, Coach Helsen

VOICE OF THE VIKINGS "Hockey had a fun season this year. We may not have had a perfect record, but at least there were some good fights." -Brian Munk

"Roughing?" -Adam Parker



FIRST ROW(L-R): Jennifer Roselle, Takeeya Person, Tarsha Drakeford, Stephanie Taber, Michelle Guevara. SECOND ROW(L-R): Coach Blackiston, Alexis Galliin, Laura Kropp, Meredith Morton, Rachel Dorf, Rachael Sedgwick, Brandi Lawrence, Katie Donahue, Coach Haft.

VOICE OF THE VIKINGS "Team and together are the words that inspired us as we stepped out on the court. Those two words reflected how we played, whether we won or lost. Team & Together!" -Tarsha Drakeford

The success of our basket­ ball team was the way that every single member contributed to our victo­ ries. For so many years we have tried to be in first place but we always came up a little short. Finally, this year we won and accomplished our goal! -Laura Kropp

JV Basketball: Front Row (L-R): Jennifer Klein, Courtney Shea Second Row (L-R): Jane Manning, Shweta Khar, Katherine Redniss, Jessica Mead, Jennifer Larsen, Katherine Case, Alecia Brissett, Maude Murphy



FIRST ROW(L-R): Salman Rahim, Victor Sanchez, Justin Williams, David Edwards, Jonathan Hoffman, Samuel Seiler, Brian Ford. SECOND ROW(L-R): Coach Nagle, Aaron Snyder, Stewart Oakes, Jesse Simms, Billy-Dee Greenwood, Devere Jones, Karayiannis, Ehson Shafie.

VOICE OF THE VIKINGS "Hard work and dedication is what unites us as a team, and that's what we'll remember most from the '95- '96 season.'' -Billy-Dee Greenwood

"We worked really hard this season, and grew both as a team and as individuals." -Peter Karayiannis

JV BASKETBALL: Front Row (L-R): Edward Higro, Eric Dehm, Adam Lametta, josh Klein, Christopher Haynes, David Alperovich Second Row (L-R): Coach Orio, Edward Kurtz, Devin Wallace, Ward Anderson, Christopher Tsirbas, Hick Karayiannis





"Indoor track had a fun season. The competition was tough, but we did well and got a lot of experi­ ence." -Beth Van Dusen

"Considering our size, indoor track had a great year. We've got a young team and we are looking forward to building it in the years to come." -Dick Montgomery

Front Row (L-R): Alyssa Fischer, Rate Larsen, Susanna Coates, Elizabeth Van Dusen, Kimberly Lake, Katherine Lewis Second Row (L-R): Coach Wilcoxen, David Sandak, Scott Van Dusen, John Chiavaroli, Nicholas Montgomery, Robert Casselman


What is o n e show you will skip h om e­ work for? "Friends" -Lexi Gallin

ER" -John Legrand

"Simpson's" -Jen Klein

"The State" -Jeremy Williams

HEAD OF THE CLASS I figured I'd ju st share so m e random th o u g h ts from a typical teach er with you. Let's call th is typical teach er "Johnnie Teacher," or "Mr. Teacher," or m aybe "Jane Teacher," or "Ms. Teacher." To b egin with, you, a s a stu d en t, prob­ ably find it a little odd th at so m any p eo p le w ould c h o o se to return to high sch o o l w ithout actu ­ ally b ein g sen ten ced . Maybe I can explain. I think there are a few rea­ so n s th at w e all have in com m on . First, w e can cu t th e lunchline and n obody sa y s anything. That's big, and perhaps th e m ost com p ellin g rea­

so n for b ecom in g an ed u ­ cator. S econd , w e sp en d our days with p eo p le w ho are actually u sin g their brains (th at w ould be you). Now, w e all know th at you're b ein g forced to u se your brains, but th at d o esn 't really m atter. What m atters is th at b e­ in g surrounded by p eop le w ho are learning is en er­ gizin g, and frequently en tertaining (like w hen you hold your head in both hands and m oan, "Ohh m y head fe els like it's g o in g to explode" . . . teach ers lov e th at). We g e t to share in w hat is probably th e m o st dra­ m atic tim e in your lives (As proof I offer ju st how boring 9 0 2 1 0 g o t w hen th ey left high sch o o l). Think ab ou t th e ch a n g es you've g o n e through and com pare it to th e ch a n g es

your tea ch ers h ave g o n e through. We se e m pretty j m uch th e sam e, d on 't we? i T eaching a lso fo rces us to t co n tin u e learning, and th at's a g o o d th in g . If you k eep busy seek in g u nd erstand ing, you may sta y o u t o f serio u s trou b le. Our d ays are never th e sa m e and never boring. W here e lse, ex­ ce p t m aybe in th e Navy, d o your p rofession al du­ tie s in clu d e sp ecu latin g ab ou t th e len gth o f hem ­ lin es, and settlin g argu­ m en ts ab ou t w ho's the fu n n iest Sim pson? Fi­ nally, w e g e t to work for a really co o l b o ss (Sue, you can never know how much you'll b e m issed ), and w ithin a great faculty of friends. I h o p e th is sh ed s som e ligh t on a truly dark and m ysteriou s q u estion . -Mr. W ilcoxen



Mr. Simon

Mrs. Cesare

Front Row (L-R): A. Soler, C. Biewen, T. Grant, E. Cesare, C. Holland Second Row (L-R): A. Orio, B. Simon, B. Smith, K. Peterson, J. Andrews


Mr. Orio

UPPER SCHOOL FACULTY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FIRST ROW(L-R): M. G. Meyer, H. Kweskin. SECOND ROW(L-R): A. Nagle, G. Roster, E. Christensen. THIRD ROW(L-R): B. Edwards, L. Brooks.

HISTORY DEPARTMENT (L-R): M. Aldredge, B. Edwards, C. Mishkin, E. Forster, D. Hudson, E. Christensen.

MATH DEPARTMENT (L-R): E. Baker, R. Morosoff, W. Wallace, A. Sia.


FACULTY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT: Front Row (L-R): E. Payne, G. Tsakraklides, S. Clark, G. Lynch, P. Pusack

FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEPART­ MENT: Front Row (L-R): K. Wagner Second Row (L-R): R. Lamoureux, G. Rodriguez, J. Kicelian

DEVELOPMENT AND ADMISSIONS: Front Row (L-R): A. Soler, C. Biewen Second Row (L-R): J. Hawley, J, Frattaroli, K. Radziewicz, R. Orio



ARTS DEPARTMENT: Front Row (L-R): C. Wilcoxen, C. Mishkin Second Row (L-R): M. Libonati, E. Forster

BUSINESS: Front Row (L-R): M. Mattielio, C. Jones, A. Carey

KITCHEN AND MAINTENANCE: Front Row (L-R): Edward O' Meara Second Row (L-R): Jose Gonzelez, John Muskus, Qriff Titus, Mark Malone, Wayne Hartlett, Lois Dudla



Mr. Doering

Mrs. Smith

Front Row (L-R): S. Nowicki, W. Pusack Second Row (L-R): L. Wright, N. Peck, D. Supple Third Row: (L-R): M. Libonati, S. Buzanoski, L. Rinaldi

Front Row (L-R): E. Clippinger, C. Lydon, L. Barder, C. Flermanson, E. McQueen, C. Nichols Second Row (L-R): M. Wright, M. Wilmott, P. Orio, P. Doering


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Mrs. Holland

Mrs. Megrue Front Row (L-R): S. Thibault, K. Gallucci, M. Betsch, A. Arsenault Second Row (L-R): M.J. Silvia, E. Miller, S. Riedell, S. Foulton Third Row (L-R): R. Gallagher, J. Ruffels, S. Stratton, J. Gillies, E. Waters, A. Huntoon, E. Friedland, K. O'Keefe,G. Riedell M. Pappalardo, R. Roth, J. Luders, M. Blackiston, W. Haft Third Row (L-R): R. Groom, T. Murphy, D. Tucker, L. Matthews, S. Clark

Front Row (L-R): A. Blackiston, E. Gurry, A. Forehand, K. Nagle, R. Groom

COACHES: First Row (L-R): R. Roth, E. Gurry, M. Silvia, R. Fiarman, L. Wright, S. Poulton, K. O'Keefe, E. Waters Second Row (L-R): W. Haft, M. Blackiston, L. Brooks, G. Tsakraklides, B. Whittaker, P. Doering, G. Lynch, C. Wilcoxen, K. Gallucci Third Row (L-R): M. Wright, A. Orio, S. Clark, W. Wallace, R. Lamoureux, S. Nowicki Fourth Row (L-R): W. Pusack, A. Nagle, P. Orio, B. Edwards, R. Morosoff


PRE- KINDERGARTEN FIRST ROW(L-R): Micaela Kreitman, Molly Bates, Sum m er Segalas, Taylor White, Adriana Rizzuto, Chelsea Starks, Sydney Ramsden SECOND ROW (L-R): Miss Groom, Collin Wilkey, James Mitchell, Andrew McGee, Jason Raffaeli, Mark Henderson, Evelyn Harvey, Christopher Santangelo, Mrs. Arsenault

FIRST ROW(L^R): Alex Vlahakis, Claire Cordua, Peter Gillies, Ben Zucker, John Leskow, Nadav Shier, Tory Small, Ben Leibowitz SECOND ROW(I^R): Courtney Stevenson, Caroline Saltonstall, Tiana Segalas, Sarah Emsley, Alexandra Kreitman, Queenie Chan, Spenser Sussan, Megan Colvin, Vincent Love, Kristen Perry, David Rabin THIRD ROW(L-R): Mrs. Turrentine, Mrs. Fuller

FRONT ROW(L-R): Ben Poyet, Sara Hemingway, Meredith Packer, Kayla Glick, J.P. Gould Matthew Nussbaum, Scott Banerjee, Tripp Smith, Madeleine Kondub SECOND ROW(L-R): Mrs. Brough, Harry fischer, Erika Rizzuto, Charlotte Fadde, Jaclyn Lionetti, Gregory Macintyre, Aaron Metviner, Olanna Nissim, Mrs. Buscher


KINDERGARTEN FIRST ROW(L-R): Jimmy Mulholland, Micaela Scully, Byron Cordes, Sarah Schultz, Lexi Effron, Zoe Mallios, Abby Silverstein, Philip Meyer SECOND ROW(I^R): Matthew Miller, Oliver Wald, Bill Vanderheyden, Justin Raffaeli, Jessica Lockwood, Alexandre Bosshard, Stephen Goddard, Mrs. Nagle

FIRST ROW(l^R): John Palmeri, Ashley White, Daniel McGee, Georgina Kemp, Jeffery Dworin SECOND ROW(L-R): Keck Angle, John Qua, Alex Harkin, liana Van Eick, Kip Shelton, Ann Bates, David Kuntsman, Eric Rienemann, Sarah Allgrove, James Fany THIRD ROW(L^R): Miss Gurry

FIRST ROW(L-R): Keil Mueller, Peter Menking, Jason Filatov, Laurence George, Paul Molyneux SECOND ROW(l^R): Georgina Bushell, Margaret Jessiman, Jessica Dowdle, Steven Carey, Alex Doering, Emily Smith, Lizzie Mitchell, Sam Freccia, Ruth Hubbard, Jason Torey (missing) THIRD ROW(L-R): Mrs. Forehand




CHANNEL 1 FIRST ROW(L-R): Ray Orio, Alex Roster, Laura Kosann, Abigail Wolff, Ben Cohen, Andrew Dowdie, Courtney Bemat, Bryan Samer. SEC­ OND ROW(L-R): Mrs. Silvia, Charnee Purdy, Margot Lane, Andrew Baron, Kelly Staves, Taylor Gulley, Lindsay Girden.

FIRST ROW(l^R): Bradley Dworin, Casey Larkins, Luke Delaney, Stuart Oakford. SECOND ROW(DR): Kristen Castellano, Elizabeth Chaplin, Peter Kilanowski, Caitlin Weinstock, Lucas Moran, Kara Frisoli, Jessica Widas, Michael Lo, Evan Eisenstein, Oriel Nissim, Courtney Bannerot. THIRD ROW(I^R): Ms. Roth.

FIRST ROW(L-R): Anthony Samelle, Robert Minicelli, Emily Hotz-Cooper, Elilzabeth Packer, Anna Stevens, Courtney Bannerot, Kevin Krause, Christopher Heilakka. SECOND ROW(L-R): Mrs. Friedland, Ryan Henderson, Jonathan Garrity, Courtney Bruggeman, Stephen Sheehan, Erin Betsch, Lauren Stewart, Ryan Sullivan


CHANNEL 2 FIRST ROW(L-R): Corey Sievert, Brooke Neuman, Alex Glick, Kay-Lin Lau, Abigail Effron, Douglas Hamilton, Lucio Lionetti. SECOHD ROW(L-R): Miss O'Keefe, Melissa Ross, Scott Shelton, Anna Fusack, Vinnie Freccia, Oded Hissim, Hatalie Birinyi, Steven Menking.

FIRST ROW(L-R): Victoria Tsang, Ben Goldrich, Ben Seldenstein, Lauren Wachtel, Will Finan, Krista Shea, Lauren Charger. SECOHD ROW(L-R): Ryan Sussan, Samantha Bosshard, Justin Lawrence, Claire Mitchell, Theresa Milano, Henry Buggy, David Benjamin. THIRD ROW(L-R): Mrs. Clark.

FIRST ROW(L-R): Morgan Barker, Charlotte Bareiss, Andreas Vlahakis, Samantha Grasso, Christo­ pher Corcoran, Agam Dua, Amanda Metviner. SECOHD ROW(l^R): Frank Verhaegen, Matthew Hintsa, Victoria Jones, Alexandra Pereira, Delia Petti, Michael Marcal, Richard Kondub. THIRD ROW(DR): Miss Stratton.


CHANNEL 3 FIRST ROW(L-R): Christo­ pher Boughrum, James Sinclair, Callie Barker, Hallie Delaney, Anne Gillies, Lauren Cuscuna, Natalie Neumann, Henry Wald, Natasha Schou SECOND ROW(I^R): David Lebovitz, Matthew Manning, Alexandra Hittman, Kathleen Messervey, Carl Horton, Peter Tobiason THIRD ROW(L-R): Mr. Riedell

FIRST ROW(L'R): Allison Reuben, Frances Vignola, Ria Muttukumaru, Elizabeth Banerjee, Emily Cohen, Jessica Goddard, Julie Snow, Dana Hill SECOND ROW(L-R): Richard Castellano, David Monaco, Philip Prout, John Starks Jr., Gerald Upright III, John Dee, James Fadden, Mrs. Betsch

FIRST ROW(L-R): Lauren Russell, Sarah Smith, Ashley Hyde, Katherine Hauer, Craig Pemick, Dara Eddstein, Payton Keith SECOND ROW(L-R): Peter Venetos, Brian Palo, Abigail Neff, Edward White, Nicole White, Peter Kirschenbaum, Rory Heilakka THIRD ROW(L-R): Mrs. Pappalardo


CHANNEL 4 FIRST ROW(L-R): Lauren Gulley, John Raffaeli, Lizz Finan, Caddy Brooks, Amy Wolff, Ben Schultz, Libby Barker. SECOND ROW(L-R): Mrs. Ruffels, Ravi Banerjee, Costas Vlahakis, Ian Wishingrad, Leah Edwards, Payton Turner.

FIRST ROW(L-R): Zack Sieved, Karen Alexander, Melissa DeSantis, Erica Charger, Dannielle Kosann, Mark DeSimone, Christopher Tsang, Allie Widas. SECOND ROW(L-R): Mrs Gallucci, Andrew Jessiman, Stephen Fixary, Danielle Paquette, Tucker Sparkman, Daniel Baron.

FRONT ROW(L-R):Stephen Sarnelle, Laurissa Berk, Gregory Hamilton, Taylor Simonson, Paul Ross Sclafani, Adam Eisenstewin, Nathan Larson. SECOND ROW(L-R): Caitlin Scully, Chris Frassetto, Erica Williams, Miss Miller, Jenny Waxberg, McCarton Ackerman, Mitchell Lemmo Jr.


CHANNEL 5 FRONT ROW(L-R): Rachel Hapoienu, Michael Jones, Taylor Oramps, Matt Feinberg, Stephen Pappalardo, Michael Hauer, Peter Legrand, LiLi Bitting. SECOND ROW(L-R): Ms. Tucker, Michael Sheehan, Chris Perez, Matt Burzon, Jonathan Miller, Nicholas Doumlele, Alexander Bemshteyn

FIRST ROW(L-R): Matthew Phillips, Sarah Matthiessen, Scott Salvatore, Todd Breeden, Nick Nickitas, Amy Lely, Jeremy Buccolo. SECOND ROW(I^R): Jason Rondos, Anne Ittner, Frank Harrington, Jennifer Staves, Mrs. Riedell, Joseph Qrasso, Jacob Murphy, Alexandra Cummings, Patrick Austrian

FIRST ROW(L-R): Agbesi Akpedonu, Kaitlin Buggy, Julie Reuber, James Christensen, Chris Pearson, Scott Wexler, Ben Hittman. SECOND ROW(L-R): Christopher Szampaner, Tim Wiegand, Everett Mason, Kimberly Christophe, Mr. Gillies, Jennifer Neuman, Keane Angle, Chris Northrup


Ch a n n e l 6

FIRST ROW (L-R): Nick Lazzaro, Oliver Vignola, Colin Ryan, David Sedgwick, Brad Batusid, Chris Szymanczyk, Michael Cumy, Greg Haynes. SECOND ROW (L-R): Nick Sissener, Carrie Goldstein, Amy Cohen, Ri Muttemakuri, Ann Grant, Jack O'Brien, Jim Otaka, Amanda Kilonowski, Carol Miltimore, John Mayberry. THIRD ROW(L-R): Stephanie Heuls, Kimberly MacDonald, Evan Paquette, Lindsey Benjamin, Nicole Kenega, Sarah Poyet, Zoe Delihas, Ken Ahuja, Sam Baker, Mark Spatt, Molly Lamdim, Steven Hooper, Riley McCarthy. FOURTH ROW (L-R): Al Orio, Alex Buggy, Adam Tooter, Anne-Marie Leiser, Brandie Bell, Billy Connell, Kyle Carusa, Kate Nichols, Lara Kassell.

0 t*

---------- :


FIRST ROW(L-R): N athaniel Deraney, R obert B enlacquit, C h ris to p h e r Rand, Sahm ra S tevenson-Sm ith, D avid Q om ez, M a tthew Staves, Prescott B reeden SECOND ROW(L-R): Edw ard Brow n. Jea nette B rooks, Dana Sclafani, D ouglas C rutis, Katie Thom as, D avid V uon o. A ndrea B erberiarr, A lexand ra C aulfield, C h ris to p h e r Flynn, Erica G rossm an. THIRD ROW(L-R): Mrs. M clueen, K athleen M etzler, N icholas A huja, Lisa K aufm an, M ichele G o o d frfe n d , Lauren N eum an, J u lio Cardenas, S cott Tooter, E lizabeth Barrett, Ryan Trow , D avid C lem m ens, Ashley Fischer, G illian K nox, S onia Nash, Mrs. R inaldi FOURTH ROW(L-R): M eredith B uzanoski. Keith RingeL T im o th y Pusack, Zachary B lank, Sarah Larsen, K irill B ernshteyn, A fro d lte Karayiannis, A le xa n d e r Huels, A ndrey A dade, Mr. N ow icki.____________________________________________________________________________________________________


FIRST ROW (L-R):M athew W exler, Sinan Biro, P e ter L orelace, B rett K assal, J e s s e F reedm an, C harlie R oster, Eric L eiser. SECOND ROW(L-R): R eed Knox, C hristina Moller. Kevin Schon, Philip K ilonow ski, Alicia O 'Brien, Jo n T hakeray, JP C hristophe, Je a n B auer, A nthony Shiffiddi, C hris B yrnes. THIRD ROW(L'R): M ichael W right, Suzanne Brigouw ski, Rita Trevide, Evonne Jo n e s, Sarah H eitner, K ate R eidell, A nita Khar, M aggie Brown, R anju S arkar, Nicole R oselle, Loni S andak, Toby W allace, David C um m ings, N athan Kayes, David T rencher, Seth Feinberg, Hillary K aris, Alex P o p escu , K im berly H ushey. FOURTH ROW (L-R): A ndrew R euben, David N ourse, Nat Muady, V eronika Freakel, M aude M urphy, M aggie C o ates, M elissa Lyons, S ta r Ju sn e s, K ate B arker, Ju n e Mannin, S arah Karval, Frank L ionetti, M att Naldorf, Ben W eisard, M ichael Sm ith. 72



FIRST ROW(L'R): Kate Larsen, Elizabeth nichols, Heather Walsh, Katherine Redniss, Jennifer Metzler, Rachel Dorf. SECOND ROW(L-R): Alissa Baker, Lexi Qallin, Chirag Sadana, David Sandak, Alyssa Orlow, Dinushka DeSilva, Allison Siegel, Jaime-Lynn Regnemer, Ryan Hughes, Katherine Lewis. THIRD ROW(L-R): Jon Boisfeuillet, John Grant, Chris Haynes, Justin Williams, Nick Karayiannis, Scott Van Dusen, Jeremy Schachner, Whitney Breeden, Christopher Tsirbas Ward Anderson, Dave Lourie, Dan Weisbard. FOURTH ROW(L-R): Richard Berberian, Michael Ludwig, Darja Ovodenko Jessica Mead, Elizabeth Egan, Alyssa Fischer, Brandi Hunter, Dana Johnson, Joshua Jacobsen,



FIRST ROW (L-R): M ic h e lle G u e v a ra , S u z a n n e V o g t, J e n n Z a la, K a th e rin e C ase, J o h n L e g ra n d , C h ris F o u ra c re , D a v id A lp e r o v ic h , D an C o o p e r. SECOITD ROW (L-R): A d a m T r o tt, A le c ia B ris s e tt, L e ig h G a lla g h e r, A rie lle S c h w a rtz , K a te D o n a h u e , M egan K o s te r, K irn L a ke , C o u r tn e y S hea , L u is a E h ric h . TH IR D R O W (D R ): J o s h K le in , S te w a rt O a k e s , D e v e re J o n e s , E h so n S h a fie , J o n H o ffm a n , M a ria P a lo m a r, G a rre tt K ru g e r, D an M a s tro g io v a n n i, B ria n F o rd , S am S e ile r, G ra h a m B u rt, C h ris H o ra n , D ave S u p p le . FOURTH ROW (L-R): T e d H ig ro , S ean W h ite . R ob C a s s e lm a n , E ric D e h m , H ic k M o n tg o m e ry , L o u k a s W illia m s , J o h n C h ia v a rd i, B illy J o n e s , P hil S c h w a rtz , S u s a n n a C o a te s , B ra n d i L a w re n c e , D e v in W a lla c e , A le x V illa c is , M a rk H e n d e rs o n , J e n L a rse n .



FIRST ROW(L-R): Tarsha D rakeford, Takeeya Person, J e n n ife r Roselle, A nna C hristensen, S teph anie Taber, Lisa C annavin* , u n ite r D ennis D ee B eD D U SECOND ROW(L-R): Micaela D orf, S oulafreda Valassis, K harlene Jean-Q uillaum e, Melissa G insberg, S hw eta Khar, Ja n e tte P onticello, Davh na % B e n ja m in Baker, B rad ford Riedell, Sarah Lang, Adam Platzner, Laura K ropp, Rachael S edgwick, Estus Taylor, A dam Parker, E dw ard Kurt? n ROW(L-R): Jose ph C ollins, V ic to r Sanchez, Louis Calabrese, Aaron Snyder, S alm an R ahim , C o lin C ohane, David Edwards, D avid H am m , I; lg . C o lin T h o m , Jesse S im m s, Billy-Dee G re enw oo d, Peter K arayiannis, Carl Speare. 1,1 u e '


THE SENIOR BUNCH Here's a story o f a class

Starting with th e new sen ior room , th e C lass o f 1996 h as had an eventful year! At th e last m inute w e w ere painting the d oors to th e sen ior room blue and g ettin g "new" furniture, like th e m uch loved m a ssa g e chair. W hen it cam e to g eth er it really allow ed our cla ss to bond, esp ecially w hen C oach Orio th reatened to take aw ay th e room if it w as n ot clean by 8 :00 th e n ext m orning. After our c la ss trip to B oston , w e all knew w e w ere in for a stressfu l sen ior year. C ollege d iscu ssio n s could b e heard at all tim es, to th e point w here w e fou gh t (literally) over Mrs. Grant's tim e.

D esp ite th e fact th at th e w hole sch o o l hated u s for th e Candy Cane and Car­ nation problem s, w e sur­ vived th e first sem ester. Things calm ed dow n for a m ore relaxing seco n d half o f th e year. The search for th e p erfect prom lo ca ­ tion w as in full sw ing, and w e w ere all an xiou s to finally reach graduation. Here are a few o f our s e ­ nior room favorites: onion b agels, "wanna buy a duck?", cereal w ars, favor­ ite chairs, ou t to lunch, ta b le dancing, furniture b attles, playing p ool, and th e occasion al b ond ing group talk s. We sen io rs leave you w ith on e th ou gh t: "As a cla ss, our breath stinks!"


W hat w as your fu n niest Senior Room m om en t th is year? "Sitting in the Senior Room and having Jen run in saying, "Laura just hit my car in the parking lot!" Ayaz Manji

"Rob stripping on the table to 'Totally 80's'. And the Richard Simmons Workout." Lindsey Lake

"When Jen and Joy slipped out over the mess on the Senior Room floor." Andrew Palmer



"When Rob and Julie were flinging cereal at each other with spoons and Claire got hit in the head with a cereal box." " Christine Danford



"When you gon: make up your, mind cuTthingj ar^monna chan soH sf: All the white horses ha gone ahead"-

"This is the best day the world has eter seen. Tomorrow will be better." - R. A.Campbell

"I believe this is heaven to no one' else but me and I'll defend it j s rang as 1 c#n be left fiere to linger in silcuce. If I choose to, would

Matthew 6

"About morals, I know only that what is nfSral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what Hemingway

Alexander Weinstein

"Everything's wrong; when a man thinks only of himself." -Thoreau

To the family 1 love so much: Thank

m *E E


E , B . W h it e

tists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." „ Jwras:

, "Everyman dies, not everm an really livg -William f m Braveheart

s tm -t. ;>

To Jeff C., Who knows where I would be without you. We've been best friends for 9 years now. Things only get bigger and better from here. .l ------ 1— 1 Jeremy

Jeremy Williams

Amy Pappalalrcjo rln^gination more importanmhan knowledge." -Albert Einstein

"Time it was, And what aÂťtime it was, It was . s... A time of innocence,, A tim^ of confidences. Long ago . it must be . . I have a photograph. Preserve your memories; They're all that's left you." -Simon & Garfunkel

"I can get up at*tine and be reste car get up dt six^nrtlbe

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen o even touched. They m must be felt with t h e ^ i heart." -Helen Keller

A person as "Kicdness begets kindness" C,'. -Socrates and njy mom

"see the darkest day, while fading away, seize the hardest time, go away, high." -joy


"Faith lies in the ways of sin, chased the charmed but 1 don't want them anymore." -Billy Corgan

"Flo more promise, no more sorrow, no longer will I follow. Can anybody hear me? I just want to be me, and when I can, I will." -Billy Corgan

yourself no one else can do like you." -Billy Corgan

"Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman." Kurt Cobain

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The busy honey bee produces just 1/1 2th of a tablespoon of honey in its lifetime. -Side of my Honey Hut Cheerios Box

^ Ijn s

Mom and DadThank you for every­ thing you have given me. I couldn't have asked for more. [ lovi you more than you* know and more t& |||j have ever said. M

We are born into the world Like a blank canvas And each person that crosses our pat Takes up the brush And makes his mark Upon our surface So is that we develop But we must realize there comes a day That we must take up the brush And finish the work For only we can determine If we are to be Just another painting Or a masterpiece - Upknown

Come to the cliffs They said, we are He pushed theiff. And they flew. - an old


Meredith Horton

"Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you the same

"Destiny is when you're born to do some­ thing, but you don't know what it is." -Forrest Gump


way " -Nikki Giovanni

100% intelligent BLACK child. -A Tribe Called Quest

"Words have the power to wound or to heal, to attract or repei and (i must) think before I Speak, weigh my words, because once spent they can't be retrieved.' -Susan L. Taylor



I want to feel my feet leave the ground take me where the whispe ing breezes can lift me up and spi me around. -Phish

Whatever it may bring, I will live by my own policies. 1 will sleep with a clear conscience, 1 will sleep in peace. - Sinead O'Conner

Vanessa Richardso

Volci mon secret. 11 e; on ne voit bien qu'av L'essentiel est invisible yeux. - Antoine de Sain

es simple: coeur. les ery

Claire Mary Schwartz Live each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit puts the goal in mind. Many beautiful scenes can be observed from each new vantage point. Climb steadily, slowly, enjoy each passing moment; and the view Kfrom the summit will serve as a fitting I climax to the journey. -Joe Porcino


To Mom, Dad and ArielleThe people in one's life are like the pillars on one's porch you see life through. And sometimes they hold you up, and sometimes they lean on you, and sometimes it is enough to know they're standing by. -Merle Shain Thank you so much for your love, sup­ port, and understanding. 1 couldn't have made it without you. 1 love you.

1would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. -Thoreau



Let yourself live in some­ thing that is already yoursyour own wild mind. -Natalie Goldberg

Elizabeth Ann Galligan

"If you have some­ thing to fall back on, you m ight as well fall back." -A n o n y m o u s

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strongest of aces if you look at right." -Garcia & Hunter "A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Tenisha Ramsey

"We ain't what we should be, we ain't what we're gonna be, but al least we ain't what we were." -Designing Women

Thanks, Mom for everything

"Don't let anyone steal your spirit." -Sinbad

"Without struggle, there is no progress." -Frederick Douglass

"Life has to be lived, that's all there is to it." -Eleanor Roosevelt

ned that pie are full of rises, and in the ive matters -flursing '95

"There's more tfian orie answer td these questiogs pointing me in crooked lihes. The less 1 seek my source for some definitive, closer I art^o

jp '* m

Dana Siomkos .



Alex & Andy: I love you more than I can ever imagine loving any "real" sisters.

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Colin Wallace

You belong You belong You belong You belong free. -Tom Petty


among the wildflowers in a boat out at sea with your love on your arm somewhere you'll feel


Lifg is S h & rL Eat; more pAricankes fewer ri’ee


once asked how he felt A man about being the shortest man at a meeting. He Replied, "I feel like a dime among pennies."


Randi Tara Shushan

"Knowledge comes but wisdom lingers. - Tennyson

Id heed

me true, en that smiles its my spirit too lacks hat needs


"To love oneself is the beginning of a life - long romance." -Oscar Wilde

beth Van Dusen

AlexanderThanks for everything that you have done for me. Without you I don't know if I would have achieved all that I have. BT! Don't forget every-

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Kyendr Tucker

"Mama always said: 'Stupid is as stupid does.'" - Forrest Gump

Nature's first gold, Her hardest hue to Her early leaf's a but only so an hour The Then dawn comes down to day. Nothing Gold can stay. -Robert Frost

"Frump" Frumkes

Dave Singer

Chris Tague

come to t.h<?f end of youf rope, tie a Anot and Jiang on." -franklin


that in a n runners- r^j gets the p! in such a ' get the pri

"If you desire ease forsake learning, if you desire learning forsake ease." - Nagarjuna


"You gain strength, courage, i § and confidence by every g jexperience in which you | really stop to took fe^r in the .face . . .You mJBt''d o U^fe thing that y o u t0 |ln o t^ il’'' - Eleanor Roosevelt | §

James "Neumann" U f ll

Adrian David Alexzeus Kornelius..., You are the light in my life. All I do is for you. Siempre te querre, has cambiado mi vida inmensamente, y le doy gracias a Dios por ese cambio tan maravilloso.




SENIOR SCRIBBLES KT-Whassup class of '96!? We”ve all m ade it! M uch luv 2 u in yrs 2 come. Mere: ddn't have made it w/out u. rem em ber NYrsEve '95-'96/R-Kellybassheads/ milkshks wit Otti/ the dread crew d o ot, Dave, Duke, Rams)/get wit A.D./ J&J- TLC's trump play/CORNER /GAB & SN O O P -ifs hot/NO NOT RED/Hey.. .it's funny stuff/com balls at KLHT/SUNSET- sorry noDwick!! Doug: Greenwich rep resent! U will alw ays b 1 o f the girlz. DKNY& Tommy H ilL .. U know what's up! Randi & Tenisha: CORNER! member our trips 4 stogs/i gotta p R a n d i. . . our men, APsexy, Pinky & the Brain, slow down Tenisha. J.K and L .L - U girlz are crazyt stay beautiful). Rob (wherever u r) HOLA BOLA! d on't 4-get g & j,LI iced, crystal, MOET ,Alize/Sunset w / m e,Belly and Lisa, luv ya alw ays. Devere, Jes, Estus, &Billard-U all r UNFORGETTABLE, good luck in yrs 2 come!! Thanx 2 all teachers that wanted the best 4 me. Dana J . - good lu ck wit the P-SQUAD next yr. Class of '95- Otti, Lara, Bewiff, S a n d ra - I'm cumin' too. 2 mi breaddrens- Belly, Blacky, M ere, Mik, O tti, Nik, D, Dezi, Bem ie, San dra, Judy Angie-true friends are hard 2 find!! Thanx 4 being there. Remember all our good times like... latenites in Roodner Court/ Sunset (our Jam adan crew)/ meetin' Method Man/ all our men!! Yo, w e crazy sketols and summer '96 ifs gonna be off da hook!! Nuttin' but niggs and takin' $$$$, that's all. 2 A.D., Caddy, Martin, Big Bubby, and T e a l- 4-ever m y nigs in Norwalk(R-C) I luv U! 2 all m y hoes in Stam fo rd-y a'U ain't sh..! Good thing I got others. It's all good cause this sketol is out 2 college. 2 m y bro, Jeff, I luv U more than U could know. W e'll alw ays B dose. 2 all P-squads- u only hate me cause I'm da bomb & cause ya'll m en w ant me & m y crew (m y head is blow n- w h at!- L.R., B.G.). Last but not least 2 m y fam ily- no wrds could say how much U mean 2 me! Bermuda, I luv U 2 W ell, KLH T it's finally over. Thanx 4 all the drama!!

CW - "D ro p th e to p ." B .M . 3 h o u r to u r, SS M in n o w , Port J e ff, J .W . M ey B u d d y , G re a t p a rty g uys, D a n b u ry m all P irced Ear; S h o u ld I? B.S. C ra b s , A n & JW . Ya C o lle g e n.Y.C., O h Y e s !, Bell to w n ru n B a k re y , A n im a l S h e lte r, E le m e n ta ry S c h o o l

RC-Where can I begin, It has been a long road, but I have finally reached the highway. Thank you so much to those of you that helped be along the way. The following are little things that I have remembered along the way:VR- vivie, what can I say from cristal, v, rush, yacht club, jom as, he doesnt know how to kiss, the fall, + hi CliACHA, cootie whop time- asexualityorgietime= happy times will com e, thanks so much for helping me during my difficulties.KT- hola bola, time for some lycks, sunset, "I am so nice, it's blaz'ln'..JC-JOMAS CafeMWhat do u mean the LICKitRoom at the Limelight...CED17 Rap Queen, LEH thanks for everything...JK-are u supposed to swallow this stuffPI think the world of you, and u really arent a you know what...NK-best of !uck...LLcootywhop is the best and u are the best chacha, look there goes a hottie...CS-u do have sexy undies, avoid a toliet and the floor with a towel draped over your body...RS- there's a hottie out there for you, but he hopeefully wont com e out of cyber world....DSkukla5, what can say u are right about old owl eyes, Saturday tutorial session...G T-thanks so much for being my first true friend at KLHT...BVD-can i have a piece of your cookie...JAW-humptydumpty...KW- ju st relax...JW-neuman, thanks, sorry for my sarcastic life...JW-adjust belt or what Is that..SW-hey dickiel.. LD- i dont toke le refier or whatever I swear, ok maybe... Bye- "Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight." Andy Warhol- "We should live life the way we want to and not the way others want us to live it", "You are not involved in this conversa­ tion", 'Where is my thermos/plllow/flask?" ALL ME

M PH # 3: C lass o f '9 6 -W E 'R E O U T!! it's been. . . . in te re stin g .cla ss trip s-th ew o o d s,B o sto n i,mpoor."Asadass,ourbreathstinks!"RIPBums.M v g irls:T U C K -so m u ch 2 sa y .im p o ssib le w / o y o u . U R ju sta se v ila sm e .-"g o o d stu ff" su n set.d red crew .funnyfatguyz.a"niceface".2herbs.prom niteth eA F T E R p a rty .b b a l-i'lltell TY. you said h i. R j4N D / -sh oesh in e!!O h m yG od !IgottaP !!on lin e q u ee n .try u sin g y o u rb e e p er.-C O R N E R !! T E N IS H A : oooo ch ild !U R ah an d fu l!...W ak e U P! S M O K O S .:D o n 'tstre ss! C L A IR E : D O N 'T W O R R Y ! J.K a tz : S h u tu p ! W H S m em rez. econ . crew -w e 're th e sh -t(D S U RA trad er). C S ,D S ,D B :w e d id it!th a n x 4evr. D anaJ: hang in .K e e p G A P in b u sin e ss!stay sw e e t.K .I.T .M y g u y s: D .F le ish -U R th em a n (g irl) than x4th e n e w cD s.T C Q re m a in s# l.self-se rv e only. E.T .# 1-Fin d a new rid eiit'sb ee n FU N .stay real P L E A S E .D .Jo n e s-d o n 't let fem ales drive U cra z . k eep u r h ead on straig h t. H EY! S cottw .-u ow em elu cn h (O .J.)w h sg irlz:u k n o w w assu p ! m ylov e sE T ,M S -so rry i'm su ch ab **ch .

Can you guess who this faculty memeber is?

n lk: T h e re is n 't m u ch to say sin ce its only b een 2 y ears. A b- th an ks fo r b e in g m y b ff for fo r m y life- w e 'll b e to g eth er forever. JW - till w e g ro w o ld - e v e n K G y ou r still im p ortan t. T a rp -th e tru th you k n o w ...b e st of lu ck to all o f Ffld . A s fo r K L H T I w o n 't forg et y o u —su ch as c la ss trip s :) C S -th an k s for m akin g m e ta k e tw o a d v il JK -try not to fall u n d er cars B V D - "M a y w e alw ay s ra g e "th an k s fo r ev e ry th in g . I'd lik e to m ak e a sh o u t o u t to m y h o m e g irl Lind sey! A lexth an k you fo r tea ch in g m e how to b e a stu d en t, I ow e so m u ch to you. Y ou m ad e m y first y e a r h ere a v e ry h ap p y on e ...all m y lo v e is fo r you . M om and D ad thanks for m a k in g m y su ccess p o ssib le, I love you b oth fo r te a ch in g m e ho to b e a good p erso n ...y o u b o th a re the best! D an - th an k s fo r alw ay s b e liev in g in m e ...y o u a re the b e st sis in the w orld (kin d a w eird ) M P —h o p e fu lly I'll get to S p a in so m ed a y to v isit. G ood luck ev e ry o n e ...


H ola U g u y sN g irls! its b e en 2C O O L th e se 4 y rs@ k L h T jen B b arB u d a !N e v e r4 g e tR m a c d a d d y s!N O b e n T h a m ,ju stK a llie n D e v o n ? & B a ld 'n 'b a ld in g O O p s!D o n 'T rip o n T h e B U M P ! G ra y SU N ! oh ,th e tY m es! Foo d E m p N O G O O D .A llth e m en w elu vd . A n im al W in sto n D a lv in e tc .2 b a d u q u it!ch in K E E food ! L A G 4ev R . G w A t-O o p sh u n tin g (n o o ffe se) eH S en o R A m y P -Ih a v e 2 paak the caa. g in 'n 'ta w in c ? D re w -it's b eeN re a l.2 e v e R y o n e E lse I'llm is sU a ll.h e y d e V e re S ta n D sT ro n g . jen K co n s T IP a tio N e w m a n U R stilL m y B ro-in law ! D o n 't4 g e tm e . S o u la sta y c o o l.A ll the JErem eys,u2.bS,A n,gF,dS,Cw ,bM ,joy,lS,U 2.D U U U H h e y g e o rg e U fro g g ie . V iv a-P arle z v o u s?q u e lq u efo is? G ira d !@ a llm y fre sh so p h n 'ju n io rs-S ta y sa n e h e re !! U 'll m a K e iT .L u v U a ll.L 8 r4 K in g . I'm o n m y w a y 2m ak in '$ $ $ !


jam es "new m an" wharton th an x 2 all m y frie n d s:y o u kn ow w h o u r.e sp e c ia lly b ria n ,m ik e y ,d a v e , and aim e e ..m o m and d ad , th an k you 4 all you v e d o n e 4 m e ...b ra in :y o u tu n k u f,asm a e v y ru les,letz g o b ack 2 tha ro o se v e lt, room # 1541...d ave, hes lik e a tall tom cru ise ..h e y , you cou ld m od el 4 calv in k le in L .n ic e v e lc ro w n 't y o u re dog m issin g a leg? L A N E ith an x 4 p assin g m e...y o g .m on ey .... N IN and Liveltren t an d ed are m y id o l th an x b ren t,a y a z ,ju stin jere m y s d o u g ,g ra y ,a ll tha fre sh m a n w ho w orsh ip m e (im ju st kid d in g, i lu v u all),co u ld n t of m ade it w / o u t you a ll........arm p it w ith e y e a n x ru d y. thanx ali,jam ie , d av e, m ik e y ,b ria n ,je n ,a lliso n , m ost im p o rtan tly , i w an t to th an k all of th e teach ers w ho help ed m e ov er the last 4 y ea rs...ill alw a y s re m e m b e r you :) d ave: the d o cto r is in d the n am e is JA M E S ..luv 2 all of m y frein d s "N E W M A N "

T M R - First, I'd lik e to say g o o d b y e to K LH T. I am so glad to b e out. R S -1 w ill re m e m b e r the first tim e I m et you and the m an y m en that fo llo w ed .Y o u h av e b een a good frien d . W e a re ou tta here. Bye. K T-A s la ck er w orst than m e. I'll rem em b er all the lu n ch ou t days. H av e fun in co lle g e w h ich ev e r o n e it m ay be. M H - T h e g irl w ho can n e v e r b e fou n d . H ave fun at B arnard . ET- A friend I cou ld alw ay s turn to. H ave fun b ein g a sen io r and p lay in g all the g irls (sm ile). BD - K eep the football team ru n n in g. I'll b e b ack to ch e erlead . Be g ood . D J -I'll m iss you tellin g m e th in gs lik e you p e rce iv e it to b e .S tay sw eet. C K -Y o u 'v e b e en m y friend forever. B e tter com e visit m e in colleg e. K eep it real. S tay sen sib le. K W & C T - T h an k s for all the a d v ice. M om - T h an k s for alw ay s su p p o rtin g me. Luv and m iss you all. I'm ou tta h ere. Peace.

verything; JA W -1 / 3 1 / 7 8 . th e illogical lo g ic a l, W H ER Y es m y fathc (W e in s te in , n> h, r u ? Brent, g y n o c lo g ist. ,y s iste rs . Drink F lie sch , and I d ie U N , Tague, Gr d ro p . Sch u m l ■s o ck s M r. Hudsoi A y a z , A d am . n g m e . W hat woulc L o rla , a lw a y s 1 G reg ,D efin ition s 4 1 d o 4 a k lo n d ik e b A P E n g lish w ith K .-le r K w esk in . Enjoyir life, oh y es I am , r u? C o lin d ro p the top. D eep th o u g h ts , A ll rig h ty then- FRUMP! M rs. M e y e r, h e rM a n y ta le n ts , L a n e ------, H ey B U D D Y !! C o n g ra ts to: A .N ., G .F ., B.S.,K .W .,L.S., J. 1 B ry so n J.F .,C ..D .,C .T .,J.F .W ., Newman, L, an d th e re s t o f th e C la s s of '96! T h a n k s to m y te a ch e rs and m entors. L o o k o u t, c a u s e here I come-

P u c a s - J.C ., T .S ., M .Z .-th e year wasn't the

sa m e w ith o u t you . J.K . get over Shaq L.L.y o u 'll fin d lo v e b e fo re you know it S .W .-K e o g h s ,tr ip to Plym outh-pukeing b u d s & su d s S .G .W .B . and everybody else, im p o u n d e d ca rs and visitin g Joe, Chobod' R .S .-y o u 'r e th e tru e d efin itio n o f a friend, C a v e d w e lle rs.A P w e thought you wereoi b o y b u t s o o n fou n d ou t you are just a toy C a n 't ju d g e a b o o k b y its cover Btch.

C .S ., D .S .(Q u e e n B) & L.H .- w hat can I sa] see m s lik e y e ste rd a y w e w ere in middle s ch o o l, I'll m iss you gu ys. T.R. we fight to

m u ch K .C ..H .H .-th a n k s for the memories I

n e v e r fo rg e t you g u ys. T h an k you Mom ai D ad I lo v e you .

BraiN sayz=> NeUmAnn-1541, KD, Baby Dino, AssMar, TUncuFf, MeAls on Wheels, BabES In ToyLAnd, Get THe NUts, OutdOOr Whiz Aimee->To My TherApIst-He SiAd, ShE Siad, You SiAd, ChEEz Whiz, FoRtuNes, BleSs Da KittY. Thank You, Luv ya, miss ya in college. Micaela->BlUEs TraVeLer, D o n 't GeT mAd At A "Terrible Lie", RicTeR's A slv. MayOnNalse, SHaMu At D.D, GeT ComfY at InTerVieW W/ VampIrE. Freinds aRe 4 EvEr, LUv yOu, miSs U iN CollEge. Jeremy->Weinstein as in Eistien, O.K. Buddy, The OnlY CooL Tool. .Ayaz-> The door, the door the door, No Comment, HaPPy 18 BirtHday on Stairs at WHHS. Greg-> SorRy AbOut YoUr Second .... MigHt W aN na...F-k You...On YouR LiGhTs. Brent-> 180 DegRees , DrUnk DrivEr!!! We WiLL FloG yOu. Jeff->No JEff, Not GuN. Justin->Shark. Colon->PizzA F-KinG HuT, I'm GoiNg CadDy, FiVe MinuTes. Laura-> YouR NoT a SLut, YoU JusT WannA BE J.B ,L.A, G.T, A.P, J.W->LuV YoU all Good luck.

---------------— l

L a u ra & Je n n ie , sn ap ..., i.d .h., f.m.g.w.a.c, P la y la n d ... v irg in ity to a fence? Jennie, i o w e you fro m 10/ 31! S om ah s h o w s , Laur c o u ld n 't g e t it o u t and Je n couldn't get it B u m p , red lig h t!! R o llerb lad in g © Cove ai g e ttin g sh e rb e rt. V olley b all, "And all tha lo v e you s tu ff" s u m m e r PA RTYc o ld h a n d s !! M ar- a lw a y z there, i love you (i r.r.)! Liz g. h o w lo n g ? good little cathol g ir ls ? l? T O R / S H S . H A !! Sara/Sailey: Li' m iss, m a k e -u p . T e a t fo re v e r!! the Breeder 1 (O L E . " b a n d " p ra ctic e , love ya! Suelo, ,at ca n i say ? s a ssy , p ix ie sticks, T irn e in a b o ttle! Klutz/ Rachel, ! D m e th e w ired were tape< 'u! b e C A REFU L!! R E D , l fo r tyler m y little drummer g irl, i love 11 c re w , i'll miss yi E ile e n / L e e ii v g ra y so n , linz, gr« b re n t, m un k liz e., andrew, b u tt-h e a d , bo, ^ m ashing P u m p k in s 4ev an !!!!

Grayson: LinZ—F.E. Rules, Animal, W inston, Dalvin, Sweat hog, G -hunting, C h— y Vo(, food, TDH, M ax is a LOSERfand a G — ), It's a LAG thang, G inseng soda, notes in math, "I'd do 'im ," M arlboro man, Mr. Ed, little Jaim e, No Good!, EW W W W , , Condom m ania, W hitkin, Been real Jen B.,D an's a babe! Jen: Driving school, Mrs. Roberts, Yuck. I stillluv EK! Later JW , •£ JK, EK, AN, DS.

KEVIN: BVD-Always remember what you told me on the third day of freshman year.l2\6\92. All of 93? summer'94-offroading in the Omni. Fun at Playland.Fatal Attraction-opposite sides.Barbaque at Scalzi-A- on the Map? A night with the Giants at the Italian Center.Thanks for staying with me the whole year! Waveny. TCBY. 11 \3\95. Christmas'95-watching fesifi;: the Brady Bunch...ll\30\94, " You're the one, the one and only. " W e've been through a lot in the last 4 years but this is only the beginning. I love you more itw&i than you understand. Tague it has been 12 years! Our group has been depleated but I think we're O.K. U Remember we're just two crooked ... on a cosmic journey. Thanks for being a good friend, and for being there. Colorado. Sking.Did he hit her? I hope the next EHi 12 years will be better than the last 12.. I think they sfe will! Hey trust me I see the light! Laura it was fun being you're lightbulb for a few days. Keep Joy from falling off the wagon.Pete have fun at Columbia. Maria see you at Georgetown.Stay away from her Stu.Good luck for the next 2 years. Nancy have fun atConn. College. Everyone, good luck.

>■• '"'a

A M Y 5/17/78 fA re tH ee w EIl m Y b R ig h t sT a r iT w A s a b R ie f b R illia n t m ira cle d iv e . Farm sR d. fo re v e r- jen n ie , kelly, ro b , b o, holly, pam , ja y - y o u 'll n e v e r kn ow how m u ch you gu ys m ean to m e. S u n rise C op s H u m ans D onu ts Pirates F ires D am n C h e ap M onkeys. JB Duh T rick o r T re a t? L in Z h aw ses, to n ic, popgun! G T h e 's such a b ab e LS stu d y h all A P TLC pres A re you tw o g oin g ou t? N ew m an p ants fro m j. crew JA W , A N , G F su m m e r o f '95 the b e st Je ro m e A ve. w ith B ella

T h an x for

the m em ories. I h A ve tO lE av e tO fin d m Y w Ay- w A tch tH e rO ad aN d m E m o rize tH is life tH at p A ss b E fo re m Y eY es.

R.S.-Class of '96: it's been a great 3 years, good luck to you all!!! Thanx mom and dad for making all my dreams come alive. Michele-you're the best sis anyone could ever have. I Luv U so much!! Alicen-You're the best friend anyone could have.My shining Star; 55.1 would like to list all of our memories, but I wouldn't know where to start. I wish you all the luck in the world.Kyendra, Meredith, and Tenisha-never forget all our tripsrCORNER!!! Ruining TR's surprise party, Us and all our guyz, I need a Ci, I gotta P!!!Out to lunch dayeveryday.Goodluck girlz, and keep in touch!! SW9999-going to DD and getting hit. Talking and e-mail on AOL. 4ever talking about everything in SH miss ya, keep in touch!L.K.-never forget the summer of 95, rich and the greeks, Rocky too! Rory, Pete, Billy Dee, Jesse- Good Luck in school next year, and in all you do. Be Good Boyz! Pete-we'll go to a Greek Club one Day. I promise! Rob- you're the best, I'll miss ya, u ‘'ll get together, in the city one day... Best of Luck to the Class of '96!!!!!

L A U R A (1/27/ 78): CLA SS O F ' 9 6 - I T W A S FU N

J.B .:V iD E o sT o re D riv in G h iG H o N C aN d y A ol

SF - FA T B O Y / B U G EY E S

W O o d Y ?P O p tA R t 3 4 b U n iV E rsA L S izE

RO - G E T A JO B / R O B 'S B E S T F R IE N D

J.C .:C u JO y ,jo Y Z B u M p in T h ereo A D

RC - C R Y S T A L

A llT H a tIL o v E Y o u stu F F R u nE s BO O

V R - Y O U 'R E S O S E X Y

IL o v E Y O u G u y S :F M G W A C :I'd D o H Im :

L L - Y O U 'R E S O S E X Y

C okEG o A tsm adO N na: Ad A M "T hE B IG a" (ID H !)


J.c o u L D n 'tg eT iT O u t,L .c o u L D n 'tg eT iT iN :


S n a P Y o u o W e m E A B eE r

DF - T O M M Y B O Y / M A D S H O U T O U T S


DS - 1 S T IL L W A N T T H E P IC T U R E / M E E T M E

T V S h o W O n T V fE E T

AT H A N G O U T S P O T #1

o U R L O o o n G P h O N eta L k s:

ME, DE, M E - JU S T R E M E M B E R I C A N B E A T

lovE Y a


A li C .,

M OM , PO P, L IS A , B O B - T H A N K S A L O T

L .G .,J.F .,G .F .,B .M .,A .N .,A M Y ,B .S .,C .W ., JAW,JFW,CT.JCW.,CC,J.KJ.B.,DS./&eVERyliHaDro LEavEoUT :ThanksYou'veHelpedMeGetOuttaHere!!

FR E E D O M !!!! JW ein ste in > E te rn a l T o o ld o m BS> 180 d e g re e s ....'n u ff sa id . A N > D on Ju a n de M en tal B M > Y o u 're rip p in g m e a secon d . . . A R P> Rap still sucks! N ew m an > H U H ?!?!? PO O KY BEA R BO BBY B B I G EO RGE T C T T JO Y FLO M AN


W H A T ?!?!? Jeff> G et a. . .Y ou g ot a lice n se ?!?!? C W > H ow d o you get there? C T > W hoa. . .h arsh S co p e. . . D F> S trik e T h ree. D S in ger> P rozac. . .it w orks. . . C S , JF > M y fello w refu gees P la tz n er> "G e t ou tta m y s to re !"

D S, C S>

Y ou g o t m y p ictu re, d id n 't you ?

LS, JB , LA,

G T , A P , JW > I lo v e you all. D H > M y lib eral n em esis. LB, G T > M y first w in. C W > W alk it off?

G L > It's FA L K not L Y N C H !

SC >

10pm . . .H E L L O M R S. C L A R K !!!!!!! G ood luck e v ery o n e. . .T h an ks fo r the m em ories! -G JF

W E L L G U y S W e M A D E IT ! L U V Y A a lW A Y S L.s

B ren t S i m o n -= > r

A D A M !! C o L O ra D o S N eA K In G o U T y ill 4:3 0

JA W - H ey budd\

C o k E C o N c e R T sV B a L l G O A T S u n lv ER sal

B u n ji - C irc u m c iz G F a lk - Q is fo r w e d o n 't lik e them much.

S IZ E j.c KE eP D y iN G U R H a lrB ea ch 95 C O N S .P ..J.S JE n N y w IE IM g o IN g O u tw / J erE M Y 2 N IG H T T a m m y E E

L in z B A R B U D A ! b aL D a

N D B a ID In g R U n N In g in T S H irT w /A Loe!

,iy sp a c e! I'uhu

C .T . - S C O P E - n eed I say m ore? M u n k - A 3 h o u r to u r... C.

W . - C a r? I can g e t you a g rea t de

N e w m a n - B ass so d e e p it hurts.

S T O P ly l nG C isFo R C O O k iE 1 L iT t LE K ittlE


A H A H A H G .T R .D J .K IlO v e U gu Y s K E eP ca

K .W ., C ..T ., A .N ., L.H . - 1 2 years later

L L in g M E A m y ) .F 3 ( J W ) B .S B .M a .n g .f D .S -N i


cekn O W iN G Y A ! M O m M y & d ad ILO V E

D rew - T h e list is e v e ry th in g .

Y o u B o T H T h an X IO R e v E R y T H in G R iC h G iv e

S .C . - S in g it!!

A N D R E A a B R eaK A n d re a -K E eP Bein g a L IT T le

Jo y - 1 w a sh e d m y hands.

S iste r. D o n 'T G I veR ich A B R E A K

A .P . - S c o o o u m b a c h : G et ou t o f m y store. D.

B.S., J.W . - I s u re h op e he w ash ed h is hands! J.B . - N o to u ch ee the b ottle A .N .,B .S .,H .B .,R .K . - T h e ears h av e w alls! A . N. - w atch ou t for th ose scary a lp h a b e t letters! J.W . - M iss T h a n g w an ts to ban g! B. S. - #98, #99, # 100! T h e List is fin a lly com p lete! J.W . - W h at up, G -m on ey ! A .P. - S o are you tw o g o in g o u t yet? L.A . - "D id U in te n tio n a lly m ake h er(ch a ra ch ter) sh allo w , o r w h a t? " & sh e is 24-3 6 -2 4 ! J.W ., J.B ., B .S,A .N , - El A m b assad o r h as arrived ! J.W ., B .S.,G .F . - N o m y s te r e o 's g ot m ore bass!! D .S. - h av e you found h e r yet ? D. F.,J.W . - D ressed fo r su ccess. L.W . - T a k e c a re of y o u rself, no o n e e lse w ill for you. E. C. - C -ya 'ro u n d sister, good lu ck & keep vritin g poem s. Even th ou gh e v e ry o n e loves m y sin g in g , " It 's so hard , to say g o o d b y e , to y e ste rd a y "... -= D R E W = -

F. - S o m e tim e s I rh y m e slow ...

D. - D o n 't m a k e m e d ro p a cap in

S. - Y ou p ie ce o f shoe!

T h a n x T o A llM y P a ls ; D .V el;C anY ouG et T h e C a rT o n ig h t? O sw ego,A lp h aE p silon P i,H o w 'd Y o u G e tS u c h A G o o d T a n ? AriS to tle;U M A S S ;P a ck y ,S h # tty ,P riv ateS to ck , M u d b a ll,H e y L et'sG o T o Y o u rH o u se! ZM a n ;M ee tY o u A tS tarb u ck 's,H u n te rM tn ., Jo e L & F le tc h l;B a B o o m !! B eep 'em ! Tim Jo ck o ;P a rty In T h eW o o d s:W h atA reT h o se R e d & B lu e F la sh in g L ig h ts? B.M nk; Port Jeff,IT h in k IS a w A S h a rk !N o n -A lco h o lic N e w M ;H o w 'sT h e S y ste m ? J"P u m a "W ; A w w w w lllrig h ty T h en !G o d F a th e r D F le isch ;L e t'sH itT h e Z e b ra !! JA W ;Show g irls,E x c e lle n t! L u & L au ; L et'sG oO n A F ie ld T rip ! L isC ;H o w 'sP a co , C h ico,& Alonzo? B e th V a n D ; Y o u rN am e Send s C h illsD o w n M y S p in e! S u zV ; RedRum , M o m , D a d , S u s a n , T r u ffle s , and T o o t s i e P u p : I L o v e Y o u !! ! I C o u ld n 't H a v e D o n e It W it h o u t Y o u !!! M o m , D D 'i d ,

E l : B u d d h a h e a d / C h i c k M a g n e t / Y o u r n o t o n l y th e c lie n t y o u r th e p la y e r p r e s id e n t/ V a le n tin e s d a y d a n c e / G o g e t s o m e p h a t R u s s e l l g e a r / P e a c e to W e s / C r u s i n ' in d o w n t o w n G r e e n w i c h / J a m i e S k a t e s ( j u s t k i d d in g ) / L e x u s " G e t D o w n " / F i g h t o n S t . P a t r i c k 's D a y / F i s t o f t h e N o r t h S t a r / " B e f o r e I c o u l d n o t g e t r id o f th e fe m a le s , n o w 1 h a v e m y b o d y g u a r d s " / M e r e d i t h a n d T u c k e r : " Ju s t o n e o f t h e g i r l s " / D K N Y / " I 'M g o i n g to w o r k a t T o m m y H , b u l s t " / C l u b i n '/ G u m in h a ir / C r u s i n ' 8 5 M P H in d o w n t o w n S t a m f o r d / D o u g w i l l d r i v e / Y o u b o t h s t il l o w e m e m o n e y f r o m lu n c h o u t d a y s / I w a n t m y C . D 's b a c k !! / T r i p to N Y C l o o k i n g f o r s h o e s , b o r in g ! le r r v W il l: S k ip s c h o o l fo r G r a e t A d v e n tu re " 9 4 an d " 9 5 " / T i g e r s t y l e / B r i t c h e s / s m o k u p G A p a r t y in L e x / M a ll o r B K l e r r y W e i n : I t 's W e i n s t e i n ! / O n e o f t h e b e s t n i g h t s o f m y li f e , b a r h o p p i n ' N Y C V i l l a g e

B u d d h a C lu b F e b " 9 5 "/

T i c k e t 7 5 M P H b e f o r e s k i tr ip / 3 0 F a n d c o v e r t i b l e to p d o w n , f ir s t d a y / H O T S I S / T h a t s u m m e r s o lo n g a g o , c a u g h t o n v id e o t a p e d r u n k a s h e l l " I w a n n a f k " S te v e !

L e t s p la y s o m e S o c c f o o t a n d p u s h o u r f a c e s in

d o g s h t/ th o s e n ig h ts s h o o tin g o u t c a r w in d o s / I n e v e r g o t y o u h o o k e d !!/ L o t t o t ic k e t s / G o o d l u c k w it h T ic T acks

a Y a Z = > "T h e y say you w ere som ething in th o se fo rm a tiv e years/ hold on to nothing a s fa st as you can/ w ell still pretty good y e a r" (T oR i) B.s. - S m ir V lad Brew , Vote fo r h ain t, 12 y e a rs togeth er! JaW - The c o o le st tool in the w o rld , Jero m e A ve, bus 74, B agel tim e! G -F alk - E lm er, m y favorite c o n se rv a tiv e , 180 m iles in the w rong d ire c tio n , Ju d g e D redd ! Bm unK - three hour tou r, E co n o m ics+ C ru tch fie ld forever! CWO n e d a y y o u 'll find a car!?! D rew P.T ra d e w a rs, d E m e n te d ! N ew M an& D ave- I'll a lw a y s p ictu re you & a N a il's CD! AmyP+ Jen B + JeffB + G ra y T + Lau raS+ Frump+ L in Z - T h a n k s fo r so m e w EiR d study halls! 5 p e o p le & 12 y e ars, O h m y God! E v e ry b o d y e lse I d id n 't FO R G ET , just ran o u t o f ro o m ! "B u t now it's tim e to put this b o o k a w a y " (B illY ) !eybdoog!

-T h a n k s T o m m y H fo r m a k in g u s lo o k s o g o o d -

JU L IE : M om y o u 're m y stre n g th and su p p ort. D ad , w e 'll h av e to m ak e up fo r lost tim e. I luv u b oth! K .K . n v r stop b e in g the free -sp irit 1 luv. B u tle r I sen d m y lu v as alw ay s. L.S.L. M y q tie!,

L IN D S E Y - S a ra h and T ori: i'm on my way. V iv a and T a ll-B : to sp iritu al h ealing and c o ffe e .R S an d K T: alw ay s keep all your m en in lin e. Jo e y : the love o f m y life, the

w ee k e n d s at B o rd ers, w re stlin g w ith T .M ., b ras

m o st c o n s iste n t fre e sp irit around. Lara S

o n h e ad s and m ay b e M ikes w ill m iss her

C : w o rth y o n e s m ay read , m y favorite

m ailb o x ? I luv u u S h ak ara w an n a b e and keep

cu tie. it's a ll a c o n tra d ic tio n , i love you

that sh irt b u tto n e d .L .D .,S .W .,T .S ,J.C ,M .Z ,& R .S .

fore v e r. R S S W LD T S JC M Z: it's been

w e sh ared so m e good tim es togeth er. I'll m iss it!

in te re stin g . I'd like to g iv e a shotou t to my

T e A m o # 33. M .P.H . S av e m e a b u tton . T.E .R . & V .W .R . S a v e m e a p lace in the co n v e n t, m ayb e I'll b rin g Jo h n n ie. N .K . all the B.T. tim e you need.

h o m e g irl N a n cy . C o n n e r: m y b e st friend. Ju le s: a p p ro a c h in g th e s ce n e at 72 degrees F to p o p p ed tire s an d g u id o silk shirts, i'll m iss you m y little sw e e t o n e. K im by:

K .T. n e v e r sto p b e in g fash io n a b ly late! K .D . &

co p e y w ith the co p ste r. stay tru e to

D .S. w e 'll h av e to sh are a n o th e r gu y som etim e.

y o u rs e lf and a lw a y s b e s m a rt and sweet. M om and D a d : i lov. . , m o re th an aU the trees.

G O O D LU C K C L A S S O F 9 6 '! M ak e the m ost of it!

Liz: DWH- 6/10/95; My huBba BuBba TuBba luv-a; We LeaVe 4 aRuBA nxT wEek! ThAnx 4 tHe haPPinEsS, eTc. i'lL aLwAys B tHeRE 4 U. Luv, Roo. JCW-11 yRs., cRzy sHt! MayBe I'lL follOw u 2 coLleGe 2. Be AwaRE, i'M suRe I'lL Turn uP soOneR oR LaTeR! VL +KGPthAnX 4 ThE pAsT 5 yRs. i cOUldN't haVe DonE iT w/oUt u 2. KLHT + ShS... wHaTeveR. I'lL B bAcK 2 gEt U, DavEy!

LEHIeremylloveyouw ithallm yheartand allm ysoul/ n om atterw h ereou rlivestakeu s E len a b ff /co rn y moov ie s/ m o o n in g th e g arb ag em e n / re d sh irt/ T w ist& S h o u t/ ch in esefo o d / y o u n am eit, w e'v e doneit!! V an & C laire fello w sh ip p a n ie slsu m m e r of 8grad e/ firstkisses (a m o n g o th e rth in g s)/ troop in gpastE ric's h o u se / H e y B e rrn aarrd ! isthatapencil in y o u rp o ck e t? V an C alu m e t ru les!! O D C / yellow s/ ch op d ow n trees w ith o u rb a re h an d s/ sn eakin gou t& p layin g tap e s o fu ssle e p in g Claire m en arescu m / g o to g et rid o fth isattractio n / d ru n k w a lk s/ su m m ero fh o tg u y s/ B e n & Je rry 'sV T Lauren oops! D ana sh o rt& sw e etg re ek / 4& 5 / capeco d / florid a/ sp ortsb u d / Beth b on d in g / y kw talks/ b ttrth an th em b oys/ R v an h a ,g in th ere o n ly 3 y sto g o / C T 15y rs/ h o w d id w ed o it?/ rH m issu KW 12yrs& w estilltease/ co w b o y ssu ck / ID "B a rb ieB u d d y "/ m y lil'p o n v / L K go n n am issu / sm okebud/M D & C C L e t'sG o R a n g e rs!/ F ie ld Hockey R u les!!! /T P ,IB ,T D ,L K ,M D & re stK ic k b u tt nxtyr!/A P,M P,L L,T K ,R C ,LD ,TF,D F,K T,LG ,TH ThnxsM rs.K ,M r.B ,M r.L ,M r.A I Love You All! -T T F N th ism essg ew asb ro u g h tto u b y th eletters E& L andthe #4

Beth-To all my btch clq freshman girls DAS,VWR, LEH, CMS I love you guys, thx 4 all the fun times. Cotillions, YLC, NYC (esp.the Urban O.incident) .. Bennigans,ChristmasLauren's house etc. CMSIndependent women together, friendly's tropical drinks, it's a soph gls conspiracy...if they only knew. Thanks for always listening to me... You're handling this beautifully DAS - Summer '94 ... parking adventures w/ Betsy. Hit&Run's Uh, you're at Mobil.You're handling this beautifully LEH-We've come a long way,never forget theB&J days and all the advice. VWR-My male bashing friend. Marcia, Marcia,Marcia why does Marcia get all the socks? Never lose the guys are skum attitude. Penn-N.R. Thx4 for allthe years of friendship and love.Never forget & always stay closetoo much 2 say youwillalways be inmy heart J.V.Soccer.KAW- It will get worse before it gets better.the one. summer '94 PL.Omni adventures Thx for being atrue friend,4telling me what I don't want to hear and for always being there.B.B phone... our secret, the best is yet to come. I love you JF- even the name sends chills. NK- "M ay we always rage. " Finally, it's over. I love you all KIT bye: EBS, JW, JH, RC, JF, NK

DaNa:''Bitchcliq":Cotilions,Xmasparties,Sleepovrs, Ski trip,Ylc,Proms,Clastrps=5yrsITnevrFrget!Ray RaySomanyMems.Solitlespace,Ihavjustlsmlthng2 saydalwyslovedUeventhoughSomethng'sUpw/ us.BVDsumm.94,U,m e,BeTseY+alotOfhits+runs.LH myShortSweetGreek,Vacatns,MVB.ESmayBnottoday... weKeepgoin',don'tFrgtThe01dSchl.VRuh,y'ratMobil bekindtoCS.KDmomentOfsilenceForAlltheFuN, Somone'sAtmyWindow!Idon'tjustLoveU,iLofU!ld Y'rNotMarkyMarkI'mnotInfinityZ,butwehadFuN. telljcIneverLostMycookies.LKUstillOweMEMuch Rides,Pasta'sbetterThanSalad,IwantMyBlowpop! rdY'rtheBro.IneverHad,butWecanStillgetMariedmy littleCarebearlctl'mAlwaystheReAl utl'lladm it thatSmileWILLgetUanythngljhmyPilsburyDOboy, may-Bpete+alWillLeaveUaloneNow!lcGoYanks! HeyBB: Wally W ho?apl2o'clock=OurFav.Custom er. JKwasLaganReallyWorthit?MHthnx4de-stressing M e!pkGreekswear!jsWe'llbringtheRacesTogethr!sw It'sNotW orthThe$!TiNyC*cK*+JGW asn'tTheSameW / outU! >I'llmissU: jc,df,M P,jw ,K T,gk,TR ,ap,C oachO F.H.strokeshmoke!IVsagapo!beITlgetUmypretty '96SeniorsWe'ReOuT! GoOd LuCk!

cA t: K w .lifeL n g b U d s vvlkOn. C lrao d o , vR m n t, the O P E n , jU s t 2 C R K ed m f's on A c O sM Ic JO u m Y .Bs, An ,L h ,K w sR v iv l o fT h e fT T st 12Y rs= FR EED O M .Jvv P m p K n s+ F ro sh 4 ev r. Lh: k in D e R g rd n b u d d y b rk n U P iS so hR d a F te r 15 yR s. Bs: BS, cO O l P o rch LG H T, + n G H ts aT th e G L O B E . LL: U g o t A ll the tLn t. k eE p sM ilN g D s. D n 't w rry , it'S E v rY l eL se. Tr: C rz Y k a L ifrn iA n vvHo b R n G s sm iL E s.U r 2 go o D 4 all o f tH em . Ls. ooH BA B Y ! Gf: G O P sux H R D r thn M . Bltn. An: gO O d lu C k to the S T e a d y sT g u Y I Knvv.Cd. i A m tH e g rE a t co rN h o L io . m y O u tleT for M y fu S tra T io N . KL: a cu tie sm ile in rainD R O P S. LE: g liS S e rln e girl w/ b rg h t I's. sB v: hvin fU n in 5th p rD Std y hLL. M p. jo aQ u in a mi favrita e sp a n o la .E l c a b a llo , neeD i sA y m rE .T o a n y l eLsE g d B y e gd L ck . T h an X to A L L w ho h E lp D aL on g thE w Ay- U k N o w w h O U aR e. L et iT BE.

JF W :L E H -IT llo v eu 4 1 ife ;rilg iv e u th e w o rld ; le ffC -9 y rs.a n d co u n tin g ;a llo u rd b Id ate s; N an tu ck et,Florid a/ 'Skow p ianand Su b Z ew o; "Theyknow !";KungFumov'ies;DinoDroppings; "Jab ad a d a d a d a d a d a ";"M a k eY ou rO w n D ay "; K a ra te ;Ib sta n tisd y ri;T o w e ro fT e rro rW D W ; "W eRikeSm aA m al,EspechySm aPupy";]ustins ss sm o k in ';F ru m p ;D ou g-B K o rth em all?; th n x to T o m m y H ;N a n c -"P u m a ";L u c a s 'b e t? ; T u c k -s tills k e a m in '? ;M r.B rk s'4 0 1 -TF,LD, SW ,R C ;"V id al";M r.B.(thnxforall);M om & D adT h n x 4 A llY o u 'v e D o n e 4 M e ;L o v e 'y a ;Io sh h a n g in th e re :)C ru m b in es-T h n x 4B ein g M v 2ndimlv;TripsWereGr8MH.LL.lKViva.DS.CS,BVD. VicS,|AW;"WhenOnSuroundedGmd,plot.When O n D ead ly G m d ,F ig h t.""C on d ors";F rk y D n cs; "I,I,I,amStillEm peror";"M ortaiKombat!"Greece; R o b C -ca n lH v so m e H iC sld g h m r?

VIVA-spacetoolittle:Clairita-16yrs-phat! toomany mems to put in a scribbles but theyll always be in my heart horash TER*-Cancun/Placid special lady we'll get married +adopt kids, get rid of the boys+love eachother forever Laura-skiTRIP '95 -misa oyio-butterflies-rush-be happy! LittleLauren-camp-PMS-shippanpossesummer Elana-CB+KM @ Portjeff-fantasies! Bethy-sweetness-we can always bash stupid boys-who needs them? howcom Marcia gets all the sox? Lindsev-being silly-deep thoughts in a diner w/ blackcoffee+cigs-sanks! lenGblondgirl-big boobs-trickortreating leffy-hellohi-somah w/KD Liz-stupid boys who ripped your jeans-Norma Eselgroth-40 for greg! Dana-frillybluetuxedos like big! making fun of CS lulie-mom they wont stop looking at my pnis Maria-lets kill Bob!! Bear-cool B-day almost the best-weve had fun-youre great! Rob-voure the best you lush (your not ashamed to say it!) loev-hi sexy-you pnis head IB+LA-francais est la merde!KNT.NK.MH.RS.TR. DF. IW.JF.SW.RS.JD.BS.LC.Awo.KR.JM.-I love you all! Thanks Mrs K, Mr L, Mr W, and all the rest of the best! TurbanTommv-be a good boy! be nice to mom+dad and watch out for the wedgie monster! I love you! Mommv+ Daddy-vou guys be good too ok? dont make too many problem when Im not around+be nice to Tommy ok?

CMS-ToMyBFF's:YLC,skitrip,xmas,prom,VT, NYC, cotillion,delicious noises in the night, shippan VAN: age 2-18: ur thebestfriend a girlcouldhave,infamous notes & lists-how manyguys? udidIT whilehedrove? Billyest? trooping41obsters &thenl pressedGO! SKIfellowmember of NicEAssClub, Sacul&Niloc thankGod 4poolsticksMondayMeetings, u'r@Mobil BVDIndependentWomenTogether tropicaldrinks,friendly's: men suck but you handledit beautifully thx41istening2 mywildstories LEH thx4takingcareof me whenlpassed out, unforgettable nites intheBasement(F&E)HBguys TER-22Tango,your most homophobic friend KLdeal EBS- bbg,goldenJersey fund/ Likemy shirt? ./Newyrs94: thx4 stoppingme! I'm glad u didn’t forget us! LD-thxforbeingsuchagreatbrother LK&jen:don’t 4get: TinYCo ckclub,pictures w/Sambuca DJ-I'll always be your homegirl LC- mynewyears buddy-it couldofbeen great MH-late nite stresses! Bear-I don'twant yoursh*t anyway! Angel-skitrip95 femmefatal, i'm sorry RDProm 95 self-proclaimed king on the beach til dawn JW,JW,DF ,JH,CT, AP,AP,JS,BDG,KT,LL,NK,MP,Mr.A quarters,sexy underware, snr.roomquotes, hotties, shorts & of cource...KE / four years of feeling frisky! Mom,Dad, and AwoThx for puttingupwithme! GoodLuckClassof '96-1 Love You All- ClaireBear


Shyest Amy Pappalardo and Colin Wallace

Most Flirtatious Lauren Hughes and Doug Fleischman

Most Athletic Beth Van Dusen and Kevin Wert

Most Sarcastic Julie Katz and Brent Simon

Best Friends- Lucas Dolphin & Scott Wo Claire Schwartz 8f Vanessa Richardson

Most School Spirit Lauren Hughes and Jeremy Weinstein

Funniest Kyendra Tucker and Justin Frumkes

Class Klutz Lindsay Arakelian and Jeff Bryson

Most Likely to Succeed Jeremy Weinstein and Meredith Morton


Biggest Slackers Scott Wolfe and Kyendra Tucker

Micest Smile Vanessa Richardson and Kevin Wert

Most Likely to Go Insane Rob Canola and Tenisha Ramsay

Most Talkative Dana Siomkos and Justin Frumkes

Worst Drivers Grayson Thurman and Jeremy Weinstein

Most Changed Vanessa Richardson and Brent Simon

Most Artistic/Theatrical Lindsey Lake and David Singer

Best Dressed Kyendra Tucker and Doug Fleischman


THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMF We the senior class leave our faculty... Mr. Clark- A te s t th at can be finished in forty m in u tes. Mr. A ldredge- A c la ss th at can stay fo cu sed . Mrs. Baker- A co ok in g club th at actually m eets. Mrs. C hristensen- A new and im proved "02" fam ily. Ms. D ubitsky- Skirts three in ch es ab ove th e k nee. Ms. Haft- A field hock ey team th at u n d erstan d s her drills th e first tim e sh e tea ch es them . Mrs. Forster- A puppy. Mr. H udson- A slo th le ss cla ss. Mrs. Kicelian- A frown. Mrs. K oster- A library th at is n ot m eant for stu d en t u se. Mrs. Kweskin- Cliff's N otes. Mr. Lam oureux- A fem ale in vestm en t club m em ber. Mrs. Libonati- A ca st w ho can read th e an n ou n cem en ts on th e board. Mr. Lynch- A group o f k ids w ho are actually "presidentally fit". Mrs. Mishkin- A new podium . Mr. M orosoff- The patch. Mr. Nagle- Hairy leg s. Mrs. Payne- Bevis & B utthead. Mrs. Pusack- Updated lab m aterials. Mrs. Rodriguez- An actual forty m inute cla ss. Mrs. Sia- A sub scription to th e National Inquirer. Mrs. Wagner- A lifetim e supply o f candy. Mr. W allace- His ow n late n ight televisio n show . Mr. W ilcoxen- Michael B olton's G reatest Hits. Mr. Edwards- A u nd efeated la cro sse team . Mrs. Meyer- A starring role in "Annie: The Later Years". Mr. A. Orio- Rob Canola as a perm anent uniform folder. Mrs. Grant- More work days. Mr. Brooks- S tu d en ts th at can co m e to cla ss on tim e. Mr. Tsakraklides- An exam review. Mr. Sim on- D ress sh o es. Mrs. Cesare- A trip to D isneyw orld. Mrs. Wade- A lifetim e supply o f pre-stam ped en v elo p es. Mrs. Wright- S tu d en ts that pay to u se th e copy m achine. 134


IN THE YEAR 2010... Ayaz Nanji- D ies trying to sin g le handedly produce tw o literary publications. Andrew Palm er- R ealizes th at a real w om an d o es n ot have 2 4 -3 6 -2 4 d im en sions. Amy Pappalardo- S p eak s. Tenisha Ram sey- Is a baritone. Lindsay Arakelian- Will be th e Food Emporium p oster girl. Jen Berberian- W akes up. Jeff Bryson- Will be a m ad scien tist. Liz Galligan- Lives in G reenw ich w ith Dave in a w hite h ou se with a picket fence, and 2 .5 k id s. Rob Canola- B ecom es a C hippendale tab le dancer. Eileen Case- Still lock ed in th e sen ior room . Joe C essario- Will b e th e con stru ction worker th at all w om en want to build their laundry room . Dana Siom kos- Her ea tin g h abits finally catch up with her. Christine Danford- Is wrinkled and d o esn 't m atch. Lucas Dolphin- Is found w earing tig h t p ants. Greg Falk- Is th e p resid en t o f th e NRA. Claire Schwartz- Still flipping her hair. Doug Fleischm an- R ealizes th at only g ettin g th e SAAB on a Saturday night isn't so bad. Justin Frum kes- Still ask in g q u estio n s th at have already b een answ ered. David Singer- Will have a children's show on television . Meredith Horton- B ecom es a farm er at th e Barnyard. Lauren H ughes- Is still in search for a com p letely uncontroversial prom location . Julie Katz- O verd oses on Mylanta and branflakes. Nancy Kern- C uts off all her kids' runny n o se s. Brent Sim on- O verd oses on R ogain... W oops, he already did that in '96! Lindsey Lake- Still yellin g, 'E Y'' n ot "A-Y"! Brian Munk- Is th e captain o f th e n ext Titanic. Laura Steinm ann- Lives in H ollyw ood as a M adonna im personator. Chris Tague- Last seen a s a starving artist on th e stre ets o f New York. Kyendra Tucker- Will b e w earing som eth in g for th e seco n d tim e. Beth Van D usen- Still running. Kevin Wert- Still ch asin g. Colin W allace- Will run a u sed car d ealership. Randi Shushan- G ets sick o f w orking with crazy p eo p le and runs away with a Greek G od. Jerem y W einstein- Has a funny jo k e o f th e day. Jamie W harton- P eop le will find ou t his real nam e. Grayson Thurman- Will be in a D em olition Derby. Jerem y W illiams- Is Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid XIII. Joy W ofsey- Still ch a sin g after m em bers o f th e Freshm an C lass o f 2 0 1 4 . Scott W olfe- B eco m es an overachiever. Vanessa R ichardson- Finally finds a box big en ou gh to fit all th e "stupid boys" in. 135



w i t I t . l o s e ‘/ > / i



l e e r 's i c o




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*£ §

A cadem ic achievement, varsity athletics, and family values are the personal quali­ ties colleges find most desir­ able. T h ese are the very same qualities that m ak e us so proud of you, D ana. C ongratulations to you and the entire Class of 1996, as you enter the next passage i


o f y o u r jo u r n e y through life.

\ j \

1 i

1 A -


hen you are pretty sure that an Adventure ing to happen, brush the honey off your n< d spruce yourself up as best you can, so as look Ready for Anything.

"It's not easy. Jay.", but w e know you are going to make a special mark in tl world. We love you, Jules. Dad, Mom and Kate

Randi, Congratulations! We all love you and are so proud of you, today and everyday of your life. Always remember to pursue your dreams in life. LOVE ALWAYS, mom, dad, Michele, and The Boys.


MEET... TO KM0 W..„To LOVE,. To PART(P H j) %


G O O D S T U F F ■

* * * & & / / & JfZ Q$8BS3G£.’,£ a e r9 j L**,S3 22t i mr** »

LOVE , \

I om yx


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Best Wishes to the Class of 1996 from the Board of Trustees

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Congratulations on an excellent high school career. You have grown and matured in so many ways. We all wish you great success, happiness and continued achievements in college and beyond. Mom, Dad and Tara Some thoughts to take with you.... "T h e tr u th is th a t a ll o f us a tta in th e g re a t­

" It is n 't s u ffic ie n t ju s t to w a n t

est su cce ss a n d h a p p in e s s p o s s ib le in th is

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lif e w h e n e v e r w e use o u r n a tiv e c a p a c itie s

d o to g e t th e th in g s y o u w a n t."

to t h e ir g re a te s t e x te n t."

y o u 'v e

R ichard Rose Sm iley Blanton

" A ll o u r d re a m s c o m e tru e

i f w e have

th e c o u ra g e to p u rs u e th e m ."

"Y o u c a n n o t a lw a y s c o n t r o l c irc u m s ta n c e s . B u t y o u c a n c o n t r o l y o u r o w n th o u g h ts ."

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C harles E. Popplestone

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With Love - Mom, Dad, Johanna

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Claire dear, I'm really so proud of the young woman you have become. How you are about to em­ bark on a great experience- I'm sure you will achieve your goals. With much love, Grandma Jeanne


“It is a strange feeling to see someone whose life has been bound up so intimately with your own for so many years going out to meet an unknown future which you can do practically nothing about. It makes you feel so utterly helpless. There are, however, two sides to this helplessness. It brings both anxiety and relief. For as long as we are able to influence another’s life, we can’t help wondering whether what we are doing for him is really for his best. But when every opportunity of interfering with his life is cut off at a blow, you cannot help feeling that however anxious you may be about him, his life has now been placed in better and more powerful hands than your own. Ouirgreatest task. . .is to trust these hands.” Dietrich BonhoefFer To Jeremy and the graduating class of 1996, we wish you all the best, Dad, Mom and Joshua Williams

CA M ERA W H O LESALERS & O N E H O U R PH O TO 2770 SUMMER ST. STAMFORD, CT 06905 Store 203-357-0467

AYAZ N A N JI Congratulations on your achieve­ ments. Thank you for being such a wonderful son and making us so happy and proud of you. We wish you the best in the future. Con­ tinue being your own person and follow your dreams! Love, Mum and Dad

Lab 203-358-8080

BRAVO! and a standing ovation fo r Nancy Lynn Kern Wow! Are we Proud o f You Love and Support Always Mom, Dad and Danielle

"You've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally." I Corinthians 9:24

Congratulations, Beth. We love you and are so very proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Scott


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Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost

Lau ra - May all the roads and paths you choose to follow lead to happiness. W e love you! ____________ Mom and Dad


1071 High Ridge Rd. Stamford, CT. 06905 Phone: (203) 322-7654 Fax: (203) 968-9868

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Brian, Believe in yourself and make it happen. 1 am very proud of you, again. Congratula­ tions. Love, Mom

Congratulations on your graduation. You have done a great jo b - You're the best! We love youMom, Dad & Susan


May all of the dreams That you dream come to be Set them free Set them free Set them free May May Let Let Let

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whispers be heard prayers reach the fly fly fly

We love you more than all the trees! Mom, Dad, and Kimby

Dear Jeremy, Congratulations! All your hard work and contagious enthusiasm have paid off. I love you always, Alysa

JeremyCongratulations and good luck! We have had many good times together. I'll miss having you around. Love, Justin & "Figgy" JeremyI am so proud of you. Congratulations. Never stop growing-just don't get any taller! Love, Your big brother, Joshua

"Enthusiasm is the inspiration of everything great"

Jeremy- we are so very proud of you! Never lose your enthusiasm for life, your positive attitude toward people, and above all, a dedication to do your best. You can make a difference. We love you, Mom & Dad

Congratulations Graduates!!

First County Bank* is proud to support KLHT Stamford 160 Atlantic Street 323-3165 117 Prospect Street 348-9770 1042 High Ridge Road 323-3423 1110 Hope Street 322-5542 2950 Summer Street 348-8338 Darien 19 Corbin Drive 655-3944 Greenwich 59 Mason Street 869-4666 New Canaan 86 Elm Street 966-2711 Administrative Offices: 117 Prospect Street 323-3165 Member FDIC

Equal Opportunity Lender

Claire Mary Schwartz Congratulations to you & the Class of 1996

You have been our wonder and our joy. We are so proud of the person you have become: a caring, brave, generous, bright, funny, open, warm, sin­ cere, beautiful young woman. Irreverent yet respectful. Fun to be with. Responsible and mature, but also spontaneous and full of life. True to your family and friends. With tremendous pride, bursting hearts, great confidence and unimaginable satisfaction, we brush away tears of joy, pray for your continuing growth and happiness, and deliver you into adult­ hood. Being your parents has been our great bless­ ing. Love always, Mom and Dad 156

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Warm Wishes to our first and lovely Granddaughter

Grandma Mary and Grandpa Gene

Lindsay... Congratulations!! We wish you a future filled with happiness and success. We love you very much. Love "The Fam" Mom, Dave, Dood

D ear Tenisha, C o n g ratu latio n s! I am so p ro u d of you . G ood lu ck in college. L ove alw ay s, M om m y

The KLHT yearboook would like to thank our patrons: Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Payne Grunberger Jewlers, Inc. John and Rita Falk


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Love, The Yearbook Staff

Congratulations To Colin (and the class o f '96)

We know you will always be

"in the driver's seat."

Love, Mom, Dad, Devin, Tobey, Grandma, Baba, Martha, & Uncle Roger


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CONGRATULATIONS MERE!! You've had a great 18 years and we're very proud of you! Go forth and conquer the world. Love always, Mom, Dad, and C J

Dearest Vanessa -

You've always been FUN LOVING,

You've surrounded yourself with


BRILLIANT FRIENDS and have the love and respect of your brother.

We know the future holds only BIGGER & BETTER things for you. You've made us very proud!

Your Loving Parents

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Congratulations to the Class of 1996

From the Viking Booster Club





19 9 6 Y earbook Staff

Editor-in-Chief - Meredith Morton Layout Ediors- Claire Schwartz Dana Siomkos Asst. Layout Editor - Laura Kropp Copy Editors - Dee Beppu Christine Danford Photography Editor - Lauren Hughes Asst. Photography Editor - Melissa Ginsburg Art Editors - David Singer Chris Tague Business Manager (Sales) Laura Steinmann Business Manager (Finance) Ed Kurtz

As the 1996 Yearbook staff now knows, putting together a yearbook is no easy task. It takes many different groups coming to足 gether to create a final product. To everyone who has helped us out, even in the smallest ways - THANK YOU. Thanks to Mr. Clark for putting up with our infinite number of prob足 lems and for the early Sunday mornings. Thanks to Mr. Andrews and the parents and faculty members who provided us with pic足 tures when we were in a bind. Thanks to Rob Canola for getting us started. Thanks to S co tt Wolfe, V anessa R ichardson, Randi Shushan, and Tenisha R am sey for running our little errands to the photo shop. It really meant a lot. I guess we owe you some gas money, right? To the photographers, Lauren H ughes,

M elissa G insburg, D oug Fleischm an, Jerem y W einstein, G rayson Thurman, Jennifer Berberian, Lindsay Arakelian, Andrew Palm er, C ourtney Shea, Kyendra Tucker, and T enisha R am sey, thank you. And to M egan R oster, thanks for doing

all of the "odd jobs," you were a big help. To the C lass o f 19 96 we give a big thanks for being the "players" in our little pro足 duction. To the people who really put this all together - the S taff - thank you, thank you, thank you! Last, but certainly not least, we d < Re to thank Mrs. K weskin ;ng it all in perspects or us We greatly appreciate all of your help and guidance.

Doug 1



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