KLHT Yearbook 1998

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KLHT 1998 Ka l e i d o s c o p e

V o l u m e 10 Ta b l e of Co n t e n t s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and Fa c u l t y ... 6 S e n i o r s ...14 U p per Sc h o o l ... 72 C l u b s ... 88 S p o r t s ...96 St u d e n t A c t i v i t i e s ...118 M i d d l e Sc h o o l ...130 Lo w e r Sc h o o l ...150 A d v e r t i s e m e n t s ...180


K ing & Lo w -He y w o o d Th o m a s Sc h o o l N e w f i e l d A v e n u e St a m f o r d , C o n n e c t i c u t


^ h e theme o f the 1998 K L H T



connections. This years yearbook staff felt that this theme was highly relevant because, over the past two years especially, our school has seen marked growth for the purpose o f a new, coherent whole, while not trampling on our old, distinct culture. T h e Webster’s New Collegiate D ictionary defines connections as ‘ things joined or fastened together usually by some­ thing intervening,” and as a school, we are firmly joined together by an intervening factor, which is our sense o f school unity. W e are all connected, and we all play very important roles in each other’s lives. For example, we now join together as a school once a m onth in the All-School Assemblies to share news and successes. In addition, this year, the increase in Lower and M iddle School participation in H om ecom ing and in the 3 0 ’s and 4 0 ’s celebration has proved the elim ination o f separation between divisions and strengthens our ties.


school is unique in that there are so many different


kinds o f people o f all ages and backgrounds, but we


still have perhaps the strongest sense o f school iden­


tity that can be experienced at any school.


faculty member and student plays an important role


in the lives o f others; we all learn from each other, and


this is encouraged at K LH T. T h e school not only


encourages this interaction with others, but also


fosters the forming and strengthening o f long-lasting


relationships between the many distinct groups who


make up our community. These past two years have posed a challenge to our on,

school and the smoothness o f its connections. We were faced with situations where defending our unity was not necessarily the easiest thing to do. Yet, even with the potential for discontinuity, we have main­ tained our composure and have banded together, keeping our com m itm ent to change, while still hon­ oring our firm foundations upon which we rest. In honor o f this feat, we decided upon connections as the theme for the 1998


In Loving Memory Of Katherine Alexandra Lewis Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance! They awaken us to a new understanding With the passing whisper o f their ivisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, Leave footprints on oxer hearts,


In the poem

It Couldn’t be Done by Edgar A.

Guest, the last verse reads:

“There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure; There are thousands to point out to you, one by one, T he dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit o f a grin, Just take o ff your coat and go to it; Just start to sing as you tackle the thing T hat ‘Cannot be done,’ and you’ll do it.” Hold fast to your goals and aim for the stars as you enter the next phase o f your life. “Great is the art o f beginning, but greater is the art o f ending.” (Longfellow) Good Luck Barbara Hartley-Smith 5

Mr. Hudson

Mr. Simon

Head of the Upper School

Associate Headmaster

Mr. Orio, Mr. Clark, Mrs. Ktueskin Upper School Deans

Mrs. Siano, Ms. Wurtz 8

College Counseling

U pper Sc h o o l Fa c u l t y English F ir s t R ow (L -R ): M r. Tucker, Mrs. Meyer, Ms. Hayes, Mrs. Kweskin Second Row: Mr. Richter, M r. S im o n , M rs. Christensen

History First Row (L-R): Mr. Pak, M rs. M is h k in , M rs. Forster, Mr. Newman Second Row: Mr. Hudson, Mr. Keher

Foreign Language First Row (L-R): Ms. Igoe, M s. R o d rig u ez, M rs. Wagner, Mrs. Kicelian

U p p e r Sc h o o l Fa c u l t y Math First Row (L-R):


von Storch, Mr. Clark, Mr. Wallace

S eco n d R ow:

M rs.

Baker, Mrs. Sia

Science First Row (L-R):


Lynch, Mrs. Payne, Mr. Tsakraklides

S eco n d R ow:

M rs.

Bethray, Mrs. Pusack

The Arts First Row (L-R):


Libonati, Mrs. Murphy

S econ d

R ow:

M rs.

Mishkin, Mrs. Forster



Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n

M s. Peterson Director o f Administrative Services and Business Manager

A D M I SSI ON S M rs. Hughes, M rs. Biewen, Mrs. Colthup

Development M rs. Hawley, M rs. Soler, M s. Vescio

Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n

Bu s i n e s s

Ma r k e t i n g

Mrs. Aronson, Mrs. Jones,

Mr. Andrews

Mrs. M attiello, Mrs. Carey

Se c r e t a r i e s

Se c r e t a r i e s

Mrs. M iner, Mrs. Normann

Mrs. Perrucci, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Haberny, Mrs. Sessler

Ma i n t e n a n c e

Ki t c h e n

Front Row: Jose Gonzalez, Jamie Escalante, Carlos Escalante Back Row: G riff Titus, John

Irma Cardenas, Ricardo Vital

Muskus, Wayne Hartlett_____________________



Strongest L ink

David Supple

Chris Fouracre

Shut up and pla>

L‘r gui^r. rank Zappa

Life's too short so love the one you got cause you might get run over or you might get shot. -Sublime

Lauren Frenkel Happiness lies in your own hands. -Madonna

Enjoy yourself, call the life you live today your own, but only that, the rest belongs to chance. -Euripides

Sm ile and the whole world will smile upon you

Life is like going through a girl's room; a rambling mess as far as you can see. -Laurie Faure, age 12 ill

To my family 1 love you. To my friends you shall never be forgotten. 1 love you all.


Alecia Brissett

It is the mind th 11 makes the body rich. -William Shakespeare

The world makes way for a man who knows where he is going. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

T o mv classmates and frienc “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time v fall. -Confucius Audriene, and Audria' : support and !o\c.

Ted Nigro

Could I have Could I have Could 1 have Could I have Could I have -D M B

been... been... been... been... been...

a parking lot attendant? a millionaire in Bel-Air? lost somewhere in Paris? your little brother? anyone other than me?

GO HARD H OM E! ■( loach Black |

It’s not the si/e of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of'the fight in the dog. -Coach A1

Brian Ford


Mark Henderson The bars are always open and the time is always ight and if God’s good word goes unspoken the music plays all night. -Sublime

Mom, Dad, and Ryan, 1 know it has been rough sometimes but thanks for all o f your love and support.






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ndi A. Lawrence


The more you live the less you die.


Allure. Is it something j you're born with? Some women are lucky that way. There's some­ thing about them ...a way of walking, a way 1 of talking, a way of looking at someone they1 love...that makes them instantly alluring. With others, allure comes little by little...withcon- J fidence, intelligence, experience. A woman's | unique allure is impos­ sible to resist...and like a perfect memory, it lasts forever.

MomThanks for all of the sup­ port. I love you always. Love, Jelly bean . ' §r.

If you let me play: 1 will like myself more. I will have more self-confidence. I will suffer less depression. I will be 60% less likely to get breast cancer. I will be more likely to leave a man who beats me. I will be less likely to get preg­ nant before I want to. I will learn what it means to be strong. If you let me play sports.





Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, every day is war. Me say war. That until there no longer is first class and second class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance than the color of his eye me say war. ** V 24

Arielle Diane Schwartz If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy, and life emits a fragrance like flow ers and sw eet scented herbs, is more ela stic, m ore s ta rry , more immortal, that is your success. All nature is your congratulation, and you h ave cause m om entarily to bless yourself. -Henry David Thoreau

Caterpillar: ...and who are you? Alice:I...I hardly know, sir, just at present— at least I know who I was w hen I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed sev­ eral times since then. -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Quote me as saying I was misquoted.

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Kate Donahue

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Mom and Dad, I love you so much. You mean everything and more tom e, f Rory, you are the most importan t person in my life. I love you with all of my heart.

I love them redheads! -Mathiew Mconigh, Dazed and Confused

This mind, this Body, and this voice cannot be stifled by your deviant

ways. -Fiona Apple

It takes time to pick a place to go. m -The Grateful Dead 4

You wanna be this queen bee, but you can't be. That's why you're mad at me. -Lil'Kim

And now I can't deny, nothing lasts forever, but 1don't wanna leave and see the teardrops in your eyes, I don't wanna live to. see the ^Jay we Say-goodbye. . Âť , , ^

Don'tIgt the bastards get the best of you. -Elaine C. .Horan



Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity o f your own mind. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’m usually right about the things I’m right about. -Judy

Chris Beresford-Hill

T o Mom, Dad, and Timmy: I Love You.

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I know I haven’t changed but I know I ain’t the same. -Jacob Dylan

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You are your own path. - Bradley Nowell

Turns out not where but who you’re with that really matters. -Dave Matthews T o G , M a r k , D evin ,A d am , A lex, John, Kate, and Phildo: “It’s all relative.'’ -Me

Alive with Pleasure. -Newport

■ 33

Alex G. Villacis

Either you’re part o f the STEAMROLLER or part of the p a v -Coach Al’s wall

M om and Dad, I can’t thank you enough for being my guiding light. I love you with all my heart.

T o Jon and Mike, The best brothers in theworld. Hove you guys.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. -Ferris Bueller

lank you to my entire family, ove you for everything.




I think therefore 1

Give your heart when you can -Tonic

D on’t touch me, cause I’m elec­ tric And if you touch me, you’ll get shocked. -Beastie Boys

gpf|^e|ones ...The only,ones for me are the mad ones, ones. the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, m aato^Tsaved desirous of everything at the same time; the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn burn, burt^like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue center light pop and everybody goes, “Avvww!” * *


Nick Montgomery Giving everything to the game, Heaving your heart on the field, and then coming out victorious is a better high than any drug could ever give me

Responsibility is what you do when no one is looking.

You will learn more about me by talking to my friends than you will from anything 1 could tell you.

Rob Casselman Straightedge- The discipline 1 he key to self liberation is abstinence from the destructive escapism o f in­ toxication. I separate from the poi­ son- a mindlessness I’ve always ab­ horred. Usage will only increase the pain- a truth 1 constantly see ignored. The pollutants that kill the body breed apathy within the mind. The sub­ stances that once brought release will always confine. -Earth Crisis

Just do the right thing. A1 O lio

reason. -me

Life is really about a spiritual unfold­ ing that is personal and enchantingan unfolding that no science or phi­ losophy or religion has yet fully clari­ fied. Celestine Prophecy. James Redfield

'ome (all you mischief- hatchers :.e. cummings

in k the T r ix iy is cool. I t he deserves ce-

P^w om anj is a morning andj?ej does what [shg|l


Devere Jones I been had skills... -Notorious B.I.G .

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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain

I’m gonna give you a little ad­ vice. There’s a force in the i universe that makes things hap­ pen, and all you have to do is get j in touch with it. Stop thinking, j let things happen, and be the j


-Chevy Chase in Caddysha.de 1

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today i am leaving in every sense o f the word, but i’m in love with your memory already, everything i’ve seen and heard. and i will go singing as the solitude sets in, in time with the rhythm of everywhere i have been. -Ani DiFranco, \ -*

i |

go now, out o f the nest, it’s time, go now, circus girl without a safety net. here now, don’t cry. you raised your hand . for the assignment, tuck those ribbons under your pelmet and be a good sohdier. * -Tori Amos



Tim e is a train Makes the future the past Leaves you standing in the station Your face pressed up against the gl;

I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turned out I was just really bored. -Wayne Campbell


A world in which time is absolute is a world o f consolation. -A. Lightman There is a certain joy to R. -J. Klosson

Someone taught me that life is series o f moments. When I loo! back at my moments at King 1kno\ that I will smile.

-J. Zala

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I t *' ‘J My greatest joy in life is sharing with others.

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Phil Schwartz Garrett, Ad^m, pe^fn, Marto * Kate, Alex, John, and Chjis- > Thanks for making 5.11 the gpod timtpgQedlaughs,gr&tmemoriest I won’t forget you guvs. m One love to St. Ides for making my social brew. -Tupac

We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old be­ cause we stop playing. -Anonymous

Mom and B ad , Margo and Carolyn: Thanks ; for your love and support. I love you all.

Peace-to a!! the pcopl who liclp keep me vain and down to Barth at King. Justin(J-Mi/,) rep. Norwalk to the fullest kid. take over rhe courts for me next yr. All 0 2 lam: Phill.Alex, T rort, G arrett, Mark, Supple, Kate, we A D D for life!! T o all the cornballs at King l d like to say thanks for helping me better appreciate people with common sense or better yet. a brain (yail know who you arc). T o the sophomore crew: Trencher, Princcton(Harlem W orld!), M . Sm ith, David Sohnlyou bum o f the scumm) , Scaffidi. Chris Klicn (my brother), Naidorf, Rcid.and G iannini.Payotn good luck! T o my ju n ior crew. N ick K. (no more Spanish class for me), Ryan S.( what arc you going to do next year?? anyway your my boy for life and I wish me and you could have hung out more.). Lametta. Rcbbecca P.(where do ya think your going???), Jaim ic R., Dana ] . Ghico, Allissa F( you have the best personality and 1 hope you stay that way) Jordan C .( yours was good, his was better Ha Ha. remember do well next year or I'll shoot you with my G A T ., Ben C (you grew on me kid. you my boy) T o my senior crew: Alex( that Puffy* Concert was off the hook Huh?). Grahm (you a good fclle now what the hell they tell me), G arrett (thirty years from now we still spitt'tn spin balls, at K 8d lockers), Sean W hitcO ’m glad wc bonded in D .C rappin about Biggie and stuff), M ark H , Devinl.Now!!), T ro tt( I’ve Known you for 6 yrs and every year you get cooler), Kate D (m y homecom ming queen), John I,.(how ’s the Acura,alright, how are you?).Phill( shifff), good luck to all my senior crew next yr. it s been real. T o my crew period!: Dave S, You my brother for life and 1 love you, however rerneber: snapplcs and rollercoasters don’t mix, stop beating kids up at other(Paton’s)peoples houses, anc don’t ever put your best friend in a cypher with you and Logan and make him walk out with his head down Ha Ha. B.Ford with your brains and my charm the world is ours,they won’t know what hit’em . h ’l be me an you in the Tauri smackin cm in the A " giving ‘cm freestylcs for free and they’ll never get there Black Moon or classick doo wop tape back Ha. I Love you you bum. Sam S. I can see you at Dclcware Kicking in rhe door wavin the 44 with a tattoo o f the guy you love to draw(Mr. Meteorology) on you chest piayin ball shoocjn at the foul line going yaw yaw yaw yaw*, oh by the way did you ever get me that sandwich from sophmore yr? you my boy peace.John H. john Hoffman from the stands...it’s good, well? Hey easy easy easy. You my boy, good luck next year and never forget YM CA and O ’Connell Basketball. T o all those I forgot to m ention. I didn’t really like you H a Ha.

Sean’s Senior Scribbles. I can’t believe it’s been four years— MK, death on subway: the nature center; BJ & T N , I love you guys; BJ. the girl at the pizza place in Grcenwhich, Jen ’s house: Who did this; Mastro, (see Megan’s comment), 1 remember when you were the sensitive guy, and then the purple boot guy; Alpo, M UN, H U N D II!, No that's not me at the window! Dak: 1 won't tell ii u won't; Alissa, garden, coke, f girl; Katherine & Heather. 1 do not look like Waldo!, 1 knew about u two all along...just kidding; KR, no more hanging from a chandelier; RI.) & LN, I love you guys too; JM , I enjoyed our conversations; W hit, where are you going in that taxi?: NICK!, W ARD!; D W & The Ghost, always heed the Ambiguous Duo; Placz: Why are you talking with those seventh graders? Jen, what happened to Platt?; DS RC, NM , DM, CH , RS, T S , JB , TH A N K YO U. All o f my family, friends, teachers: Thanks. I’ll miss you all...Keep in touch!

David Supple T o all o f those who I have had a memory with - I’ll miss you. Lot o f good rimes to reminisce on. Lot o f years to look back on. W hat rhe hell am I going to do now. Mom & Dad thanks for being such great parents. I'll miss you the most. Ry-bread: your the coolest cat I know, don’t change a bit. M arina: Thanks for takin some o f rhe steam. Kerry Sc Dan: G et ready to do some laundry. Cramps Sc Grandma: I hope I’m as funny as you some day. I love you family. What I’m I going to do without you guys?:Your like brothers to me. I can’t remember much hut In Retrospect D J: where were you freshman year? Aren’t you supposed to know? I H O P. Verc can’t hang, pouring rice on your doorstep? W cD ontL o vcT hcscH ocs. Actually, w epiay tennis. Roaming the streets. Bacardi. Pimp. Carnival SS: I luv that trot. New York field trip turned into a field day. Trying to hold in the laughter. Buggin out. Free cuts. Fretstrip shows. Making me laugh 10 times a day. Ask that girls number. W har’s rhat smell: B F: T h e coolest smarty pants in the world. W ant some .sugar, some crackers? G euin lost in the cemctary. Dave, slow down, we’re gonna die!! Home videos. You feelin this?-HclI Yeah. It’s the glossy lip monster! Are you getting your licence soon: He really look ike a retard. SH : Flunking freshman year. Dave drew it. C S dcBH: Damn we had some good times. JC : All o f a sudden ........ ( O f course 1 knew), Spice girls? Jordan don’t lay down or ... . barf. Fghtin outside your girls houscSU P PD E SE """1 B C : Ha. Ha. Ha . vour funny. D ick. Im personations. C T ,R D .A P ,B D ,L C ,D H ,P C „JC : You guys were missed K D : 5 0 % . well O .K . G B : Me. you and the Midget. G K .A T .P S: King Hockey baby. Scotty-V: Model U N - traumatizing little girls. JH : You don t know how close I came to killing u> Pissin in garbage pales. CF: ch.llm in the mini-van Bro My brain just clicked off. You’re flies down. Ridin high dude ranch. IMaym on the Jungle Inn. Rowavton S « c c r and B a « b .,ll. Growing up with you wa, like having a little, big brorher. B L .D Jr yon rv n.y girls 4evj JK ; I'm no. going ... « y any.hing today. T M : Dud.n how , kylvr Ja m . Meg: Ch i, ken Hoad. AS : Chill w rh 111. Tequilla RCi 6 " grade hollowean. DANA - I love yon. Your rhe aweetes. thing I know and I feel like 1 ve known you for a life time. Coaches O rio . Pete. Black, W right - I am so greatful for getung to know you all. You ve helped make

?,V hhcen aTllT'and a hoot. Ids sad ro think I'm finally leaving after 7 year,, hut its time for rhe SUPP ro

Se n i o r Sc r i b b l e s S e n i o r s Co m p i l i n g Co n n e c t i o n s ***MAK (5/1/80)*** “Amazing how many songs come from a bottle of beer, a few friends, and a lifetime o f fears." LizzicOh, the times we’ve had... Snich! foot massages.immigrants. ’I can’t believe you did that!” w h't’s up? my back hurts.ncnc (ummm... listen),can I flip you?sleeping in the cheese box, ho uses won on talk shows.carpet cleaners, are those keys in your pocket or...,bubular,Indigo Girls.turtles.vcry nice, gyofn.don’t forget your pocket atlas.tinted windows... Bits, I couldn't ask for a better friend. Sean- “Do I make you Crazy?” ugly.The Point of No Recurn,Charley O ’s.how many candies did you take? #24601,waitin’ for rhe flood...wc made it! Nej- Wet shoes,initiation of numbers.over the wall, funny? funny,red ribbon,be still my heart.ironic attraction,”it’s cold outside,” bananas,somebody,moss covered sweater.life is habic.cverybody ought to have a maid,how do you flatten silly putty?Hmmmm.“I don't know!” bagels, “guess who I sat next to on the plane?” 12 O ’clock and 9 O'clock.Wildwood- dessert first,weekend in Oct., those are hideous!” Keg of Moster... Nej-us,numbersandlcttcrs forever. Rachel- we’ve come from the closet! “Marry the Man Today,” oompa-oompa.monopoly&cookics.gummy bear relationships(rhe bun!), so 300 is not 399? Mo- Imissyou! you complete rhe circle. Ted- you killed the dog! sophomore year, bowling,“Jerry&Elainc”...I ofeenwondcr...David- Davey! sludes and pruts, New Year's Eve, you know my psswrd! Chirag- Saturday nights just won’t be the same! Bill- stay out of the bathtub. Josh-Ha! **To a special person: you are still in my heart (your litrle strawberry). Mom. Dad. Charlie, and AlexThank you lor putting up with me... I love you! To all of my teachers: Thank you for guiding me through rhe last 4 years- you have made all the difference in the world! To the Class o f '98: Best of luck in everything thar you do, l will miss you all!

Del Ford-W hete to start? Firsr&4most. my boys- SS. JC , DS, D J, BC , K F. C M , SH .G M . Memories: SS-summer bsb(VT, MissLfaHing into the chair,cheezin, buggin our.“where my dogs £??”,"Jack$#% ’\Happy G ,"l too the pool",corner o f the couch (can’t hang),N AlRB.“H ook it up!"Trip to NY. Couldn’t ask 4 a better friend. JC-stupid, double time,*$%#head,nose, “Your game is wack”,Flipz,buttaz,newspaper j,_ ”, Lou Kang,cereal w/o milk,Puerto Rico,Rinaldo,PGM ,creepin, MAScMI (secret),G O LFC A K TS“I love Ruthic" DS-wcezing,thc porch out back.videos.Friday. Dana,high waters,buggin our,l are a crazy ^ S m o n o to n e siingin, lanky fool,I Love IT !. D Jm ackin.... Mac kin some more,“She’d love it IMH),som eone else who’d love it(D J),basket casc.bonding.haircuts, “crazy, crazy ladies" ,W eston?EGG S0'Peyt s BC- ■‘ & A"head!!!!", bum, the “V”, you hit what?,the shot KF- I f they only knew!>pissy,share?,summer bsb,hurt,hurt niore.ccreal w/o milk,caravan,“return home and who’s in the basement?”, pissy again? C M - beef w/Stamford?.Where's Nat?,buttaz,PGM .“what up w/ those girls? .great times(the ok days, the future).W e’ll always be best friends .Always. SH feclin it,PG M ,new years.the old days,always chillin,snackin.GM - Babano!”,summer bsb, almost chillin, rhe j. Thaox to those from the p a s t -» B.D .G (inspiration), PK(v u leave your honey all alone w/mc?), RD ihcy. Ror), LC(pufTdog), CT(pleasc don’t whistle), JC(.Biggie), JS(poooh). V S(ehillin), SR(grbge can afterbkb games). Viking Football ‘96=Bcst ever.Big "Ness-the best friend around: black lire,ccli,frosty. "1 have Jerry?" .beeps, late night. T h e girls-AS, K D ,LF ,L G .B L ,A B ,B H ,P C .JZ . AS-nuttin but luv.ficvelmouse/rat.K.D-smokin.whcreRdagirLs?.remember 2AM?,the cemetery. LF-don’tlook^m e like thar.creepin.you have a butt?”.LG-study session?."you got in college? .let’s go.. ABAgagon.I luv ya. BL-Skceca! B H -th c call,Z o,I’ll always luv va.D on’t forget, "when I come home from college. RR-I luv s-a.too bad we weren’t togcther(I’m an O O T ). Armistcad- whcreyouC*'?, don't forget that track I caught wreckllDbl B )G k fishing,drinkin,chillin.CB-always the funniest.)K -RO C K iT DouBLe! Upcnn. JTH -sum m er bsh. Mario's again?" RSremember P C ’s house on film ?JW -“I J-M iz!".P C -you’rc the bcst.WhereRthcgirls? RH -"footIoosc“.JZ-how can you chill s. much? Peace to everyone who meant anything ro me.I’m overwhelmed w/love for even-one like “the qu an' from Jerry Maguire. SH O W M E the S$$.

................................................... . JSK 52: To the Batmobile! SS-lounging, ehillin, you know we do it. BFrock it double, English class. DS-70 minute econ, 1 won’t talk, 1 promise! let’s open the window a little bit, huh? AS-see you at T ufts-kL H T 2, Jum bo the elephant, you cropped the pictures sideways?! CS-Roger at New Canaan library, did you get my note?, pick-up for the homeless shelter at 6 AM. LG-early decision, have fun with Mr. Keher? KL-Torie Amos groupie, 1 know you have Hootie posters at home. JTH-Sorrentos, Tommy Mafia, Sbarros, Burt and Matt, W inter Games, Ethics. NK-the knicks. GS&SVD-have fun getting articles. JZrainswctters, sunglasses, disney world, the water fountain of death, give me back my jacket, history class. ES-truce? RC&NM-calc, did you write a program? can you help me with physics? SO-Suzanne, I don’t know what you're talking abut, Michigan, love that Big Ten conference. SC-what happens when you kiss a smurf? KD-wanna go shopping, candy canes and carnations, see Mrs. B. for permission. GB-Spanish class, early decision. GK-Christmas parties, water-dogs. Class of ‘98-always believe in Batman and never underestimate Hootie. If anyone wants a Philly cheesesteak, you know where I’ll beUPenn, baby!!!!!!

Finally high school is over on to i the next step, but first. Sarah: 1 love you bubbles. I’ll ( never forget all our drives and , everything else. 1 You are my best friend! Alecia: stavj away from the police, even if they , are cute! Morn and Dad: thanks « for always believing in me. You 1 have always been my strength. I , love you both. T o KLH T: thanks • for everything. T h at’s all I have to 1

Alex Villacis- PEAcE O U t tO All my pEEps. #23 NIchEIE wE’vE bEF.n 2gEther 4EvEr And nOw \vE grAdUAtE. I dO n't knOw whAr I ’m gOIng 2 dO w lthO U t U. REmEmbEr All thE trips wE hAd tOgEthEr drinking spEclAls And mAklng fUn O f pF.Eps. GIvE It Up tO EcUAdOr, AlbAquErquIE, And SF.xUAl ChOcOlAtEs And pUll my dEdO.G S wE’vE bEEn In thE sAmE grAdE slncE 3rd grAdE And yO U b E E f AlmOst As gOOd As raE. #33 .SKEETER lEmEmbEr yOUr blAck ... sn iff sniff. #13 MArklE MArk kEEp wAtchlng thE slmpsOns, dO n’t gEt 2 mEssEd Up, And rErnEmbEr I’m nO t gAy bU t I cAn lEArn lErs EAt sOm E frlttErs And lEArn. SmOkE DOgg kEEp liking sEx, drLJgs And AlcOhOI. GArgAmEI “l.IkE A rhlnstOnE cOw bOy” “sA sA sA SIA” u S1A tAI tAl”. PhlldO rErnEmbEr whF.n I fArtEd And my cAr smEUEd fOrEvEr O yEAh yOUr slstEr lOOks dOpE. lEgrAnd kEEp ii up At rhE mOvlEs And dO n’t drlvE thE. AcUrA drUnk. jlm bErly I cAn still fEAI yA pEg, O n E dAy yO U 'll gEt the sOphO m OrE O f yOUr drEAms. yOUr nO t fAc yOU mAy bE hAIry bUt I lOvE yOU HkE A brOthEr. sUsAnnA hEEEEE hAw hAw hAw hAw' yO U ArE thE bEst prOm dAtE EvEr, EvEn thOUgh thE sight O fy O U tUrns pEOplE IntO stOnE. cOUrcnEy I’m hAppy rO bE yO Ur first And Only dAtE EvEr tAkE cArE nErdEttE. tO All thE pEO plE I didn't wrlrE tO HkE thE 02 fAmlly pEAcE O U t tAkE cArE. #24 EvErE fOrgEt the rEtArds In O U r gEEk clAss hOpF, yOU kEEp plAylng bA.ll. #10 2 AHAtA’s pEytOn And prlsclIlA yOU bOth smEII fUnnv. Ace "dO yO Ur wOrk.” yOU bEuEr grAdUAtE sO wE cAn drink. 2 thE 02 ElEvEnch grAdE. fAm kEEp it up. dO n’t glvE Up On this stUpId schOOl pEEps. pEAcE O U t, lOvE tO EvEryOne

Chris H ill- Dad, Th ere comes a time in every child'slife when ynj find oui your father is nor the hero once seemed. This has ncv,| happened to me. You showed me what you are. a good, good ms: who cared more about K LH T than anyone else. I am proud to a Beresford-Hill, love ya P.. Mom and Tim my I could never hi'4 made it without either ofyou. T im , you better be good tomynxm while I’m gone. Nikki, I’m not sure how many ways I can say 1lov you. You’re the most wonderful person I have ever met and yoJ have changed m ein all the best ways. I t’s son ice to haveoncpcrvs;| in your life you can share everything with, one day we will live diaewhite house with the white picket fence on the beach. 143.1;® all-relative. Fatemma. she’s got her face so far in a meatball sub. | O .E .? So many 30\s, 4()'s, and who can forget 2 X 1.75 L frocj Josh. G $, Fatemma- buddy system. Want some O.E.? Who lb hell called my name? I called you il your name was Nicole. Don® I cost nuthin. T ell you know who to keep the bed warm. Dcvin| summer all nighters, kickin it until four. Alrigit. One thing kno w ...PO LC A . Mark, Newport pleasure? I bet Paul Ncwnu: sucks a mean D R K . T ak e a right at the end of the street andgl until the fust intersection. Can u say fattemma? Adam, fool, si! | can say is, because o f my scissors and clipper you’re .1 new nun Alex, Lemar. two weeks. Jo h n , 1 27$ in coins, Kate, thaaaaanks Kooks. Lauren, Hi lovely. Kim. W h o’s yo favorite new kid! IT® sun rises on the other side o f my house. Many C l’s huh? Awo, Driveway romances, it takes a lifetime to become a great gu | but just five minutes to unravel. Now your one o f rhy favorite people, funny how you make friends in the strangest (Shawshank). Send me a letter. Courtney, Cold hands means a warm heart. W hat can I say char's not over your head? Show, Phil, T h ere’s a lor o f sausage in this car and you ain’t touching any o f it. Jen n G , you're the best person to talk to, never chinp® N ick, G iovanni’s in 7 minutes? Rob. is that an indiglo? M ocks, you're my favorite. Peace in the middle cast to: Kenny (i. I'|


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Miller, D . Marthews, S. Khoury, Lil Hum mer, C liff R .. M att C . James T . Kate M ., Sam S.. Devcre J., Graham B.. ACE.n.^ T o anyone I forgot, please insert your name here______________ .

• •••••••••••••ft®

Thanks King for 3 years o f high school. Thank you Sra. for being my advisor and friend. Thanks Mr. Clark for your tutelage. Thanks evryonelse for putting up w/ me. Thanks V B Soccer & VB Lax for 3 years o f fun. O n a personal note...A lp, Good Luck wherever you may go, for always will you be a “Rushing Jew el.” Toby, “Yeah, I want Cheezy Poofs!” Chris, we ll meet again at Alpo’s for b ee... er, cheer. Josh, thanx for the years o f star wars, starbucking, and friendship. Dave, I think I’m Eagle, but I forgot ro get golfing M B. Sean, “My eye, My eye! Stupid bird.” Dan and Josh: SEM S. Word to da Solutions Team . 1 S T IL L L O V E M Y SU N ­ SH IN E (you know who you are, 1 wish you the life you deserve and more). Mom & Dad + the fur gang: We made it!!!...I AM, I D O N Q U IO X T E , T H E L O R D O F LA M A N C H A ...

i t

David Alperovich Scribbles Chris Thanx for the help Dr. Judy...Just turn to the side. Spillover... I..OL!!! Where do I aim, or will she aim for me? Lunch out = Bank. Burger King. My House, Fridge, W oods... Economics was the best class I have ever had... Gravity. Notes that tell my life story. Muskus Poopsy Whoopsy..■Late night talks... Flavor o f the week(exception- Sarah). Dunkin Donuts, BARE!!! Les Miserables Mcganip I love you, TALK. Sublime, Clum sy..."H I”. Your parents suck. Billiards., .you finally beat me, now you can walk away with prided let you win). You will always be in my heart... “Can I pull your string???’’ I hate that time, you know string time. 1 hope we never break-up. Dan ITALY...cigars, G in ., .barf. Sarah Keep my notes, they are my liR“Just turn to the side”, B- -ch Bill The night alter snowflake, lol. Ted Superman. Josh Stingy??? Starbucks...Com puter movie, John & Sarah. . . SouthPark-Cartman. Phil Jess., .what more can I say??? Jess YO! When you make sense, your kewl. Lots of fun rimes in Norwalk.. .never forget the group. Steve I hope my advice made sense. You really are a friend, influence!!! I he group = Alpo, Jess, Sreve...always remember the times. Kim Your kewl...well you live next to M egan.. . BR EN T«(blccp, bicep). Don't kill yourself, and always stay close ro Megan. Rob If we were on Mars, and 1 wanted ro login as a administrator, using telnet...how would 1 go about doing ir??? I will never forget our computer class... Nick Remember all the laughs in computer class??? Well forget them ... just incase you fbreot (Donuts. Role).

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Well, its over, love you all, peace. Fuzzy: do u smell something? VC: Oh Yiis! Ziggy: nice sunglasses!/wanna flower? Shaboogin: uh buh buh bye bye bub buh buh bye bye. Shaf-dog: get your car yet? Tsakman: ooooh, make it stop! Lynchmob: getting it on with W W . AS: understudy! SS: I II keep my lights on next time. BF: what up B! RS: god damn!(knec slapper). SVD: women! JC: just blow it in my face/race ya back to practice! Huggies: catch that bird. LF: Nice underwear! KD: nice a$$! GK: bud light I said. JimL: shave much? Pak: Greeting and salutations. C H : race ya to giovannis! BH: yeah baby yeah! Ringle: need a ride? Fargo: nice t**'! Soccer 98: beat wick! Lax 99: win it all! Daktrois: maybe ill get my article in on time. KateL: how’s kate? JesseF: lax baby! JaimeR: can I have my cd back? AV: I like big buts....Sexual chocolates/ remember the bong? Trott: sleep much? Marco: and they’ll have dogs with bees, and when they bark they’ll shoot bees...Dana: what, mack? Stew: MVP? Nourse: gotta get me a pocket nourse. G-Schlong: Gooney Goo Goo!. What C D ’s? RCC: N O ...F * * ’ you/...you know what, lets fight about it. And oh yeah, I almost forgot...there is a certain pleasure in RL

Ancllc s): Kimby: my bcstcst amiga./ny love swcctconsistcmy. nnulwoman.abodidu bumbboly notnbicions. buddy < I'rcshhkc, 'c c c y r 'K f ^ - b c - i i i N .l l i x u i f » m jn n jn tu v F ii i.U ud 1200 ( I u'Uvh brJ nuuK. wp anxiety iti pp.lricnd»(hrjki>. incapis>mu< & tluox. b^iolwhaiuround. bibuvb<«..badn>cdiMii. builBoy' thiruniygomothamc, eo.pcc:of orrdutms toiliat wlikli iselieesv.sci. aKoiln iiuko bikri m . 2 r.olj BIT mnt . Gcmml'an linttli m-, (H JiiiplidlJcf' Kimhyyou as i' tb< >ur yurdidN i.h i'tit)

bit.^tandpj'. bthrrw ars I W lV 'v u r dcform iucv llo'.chini') thctiunlic aJtn»>(iv T .D H . c u itnn«tdcc!Su--d»voul.now h->wninth Ito-.cyou. tv. in ..kb. t<

Yeah, baby. Ten years of KLHT. Too much? O r too little? There’s so many people to saythanks to. Thanks? O h yes. I’m grateful for knowing everyone that I do here. Here’s some highlights: Nick - More roast beef hash, less comp. Graham - Forget the band. Remember walking into NC. Jenn - Rad, baby! V - Keep your laundry sorted. Chris B .H .- Rough what? Kate, Lauren, Garretr, Adam, Mark - Life doesn't have enough study halls. Alex - Aw damn, who was that? Brian and Sam - Now, I say goddamn, them too is funny. Dave S - There’s a fine line between shaving cream and getting your ass beat. Alpo - Try not to end up like that guy in JP. Dan M - You’re a cooler guy than most people would think. S h a f- Stay chillin, aiightf Stew - You’re the ginchiest! Bill - All school and no aol makes jack a dull bov. Ted - Rock on. Courtney - Marriage? Arielle - Such a nice girl. Maybe some day. Leigh - Remember M.J. and my mom on my porch. Mr. T- I am the poolmaster. Mr. O - Someone has made a great mistake, it is losing the heart of the school. Mr. Pak It s been enlightening, truly. Actually, that goes for everyone, my time here has been enlightening. Oh yeah, there is a certain satisfaction to r. 1.

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mutual,hlidayprog. mrycjth efinc.titanic cxecllcniluvrr, nnniu :1 : munu.garrctt goodniic. mystcrysci.theatre JOOOscscwatfy? sparkles, racchorse.ourstump.o.j. gotnopulp.trainswear. mom s coming.you stupidbtoad, sweet patoodic.hottown, harmonizing, fingrnails ^ cakedw/dirt.cheryl vs. whimey,dreydancing, Boog.yourc the best ___ time I ever had. Iloveyou. Leigh tncssypoet.youcannot be censored, Italv.poooani whenyur notstrong.wccwaxandwcewccse, mission impossibic.romco&julictCjody&jociJpizeaswear (rob&james) Ipromisel like jared. you always took such care of me, Leigh.i love you. Michelle mybelle.brickabrak. simonandwho? Bobmarlcybythpool,only2w/senseofhumor. 12;00cmpcnadas, Greasefwe missed newyr’sj, michellc, youarethesanest evcr.lknow aboutba lorn R(always haveylloveyou. BrandiLVT, Britchesdevildog, frozen underwear.l nevetlearn.yurtorru rcdevices,pants, IkillyouRCcurly&shaggyMont.llovcvou. Julie mylove France,okemo,brad trip.yacht club.tobenfoh bloody hellj.new ytat's eves.rcggie white,sparkles in my toothpaste,ah Julie- ahhitc! sc fini. oui? Je t'aitne. BrandiH mybaby-icansobtup atanytime.newyear' helper, burgcrkmgd.m.bringmc.tnykind, Iloveyou,baby. SBVyou belong here wirh us.Iovcyou.Bccca-t used to he thccuielitilcicdhead till you camealong.youeatPOOP-hcchce. Icadcrship9?dancing.ay oh johnny’s chillin..becca.ilovc you cause your a little kid li tnc.PC-iknewwe’dbcfricnds JRorh.afineadditiontothecuiteclub. Jordan-BappyHirthday, ncwyearseve96:telitneUioveme, npariellc, trick,ctc.prom heavcn97,dorothy heroy, dont forgeithatyou'vcalwayxbcen inmyheart. JTH ihadacrushonyoufrom 6thtol0th grade, lieehce Bomiie&clyiie,lakeside dec.johanncsburg. Btiansito-pinch my checks, hn your baby.not your rat.loveyou. jody- T i l come and stay with you nights"!Hemingway) always be lovingyou.-swan, To SS.DS.D J.JK.JI. to Kt).LF.JZ,M K to RC,NM....for the times. GB- find youtsclf a stagc.l ll be there watching. ChrisBH driveways arc fun! (abuse)lOfcet' your mom= faerie.writemcapocm.mylove. Alcxscssia, rhincstonecowboy. MC- my little sister. GK-myrealspccialfricnd. mybigbtothcr. DWooiiedoojitdoo.MHdrunkcnmunk. AT favfcllowshippannec. ***To mom, dad. Claire: the baby is off. thanks to you for everything I have learned, everything l am. and everything 1 want co be. love, aw o" GOOD LUCK T O ALL!!!!’ *

P-S. C. Hill - “sup dog. ‘97-‘98 was a blast. 311 in august, Writing - laughing at the cow. Whoppers at Hamilton. CS / DS - JERK. Rude comments = your fort<S. - A true friend. Weekends are the memories. Downing Brew since freshmen. On my face every Friday night. Hangovers. Parries, Women, Alcohol, plenty when we chilled. Mad props for J.G . Whose next? Devin - What can 1 say? Polka ? How phat was RAGE/WU 97? Chillin’ all summer in w-port was the life. K.G. K.P, FATcmma. Messed up w/Scott Dancer. All niters with the bitties. Yacht Club , damn we had fun. Adam - From being the new kids in 94, to 98, you were a good guy. Supple’s chair, Baking Mobile. Is that my bag? Got gas. Cummins beach. Twice. Legrand - John, we shoulda chilled more often. Phattcst ride at King. You’re a good guy. You got a lot to look forward too. $$ for dunkin’ donuts. Thanks. Mark - Rolling paper? Port Jeff was phat Kate "Heecy dude” the coolest chica around. Lisp? B.E.? V.S.? - too old 4 you. Alex - Fun times. Paint? Gas..stinky. So much 2 say. “No Phil” is that finally dead? Denial? Abdula.Tequila at Rahim s. Ncrmal Force. Lauren - how do those girls in N.J. dance. Put it in your mouth.. 0 2 CREW - Yo. wc gotta get to the store, it’s almost eight. Graham - You work. I clean. Ith baby. You made me laugh. Stay funny. SS You fritz? Strizz. D.J. - Dummies in math class. Makin' you laugh. N. G. R. please. C4 - QUEBEC baby. Whose hockey stuff is that? Where arc my sticks, man? Elf. MIKE My best friend, lots of great times. MOM & DAD. MARK. CAROLYN. FARGO, - T hanks for all your love and support. I couldn’t have gotten here without you.. I love you guys very much. Guys, this is it. I’ve got Four years of good times to remember.. Class of ’98 have fun. parry hard. Good luck in life. 1 wish most of you all the best, but to those select few, you can get left testy. I’m OUT.



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U fa " * Mm MMt

Kll 'you, me, and all our ftiends, what a happy human race." Awomy other half, my support, my love: abondidibomb.bolyabomic ions.Itly.Huddy's class,MrCar. BkeTour.D&cof,Jeninc(onlyUcanSceHer).nasal womn, XmasVaca95,UundtstndCopcy, LcsMis.RENT. OwcnMeany.'bst of whts arnd." CantUbearThcGrassCrying.'.icc.out rap songv.thc nite that was day. the flood/stonn,Tori,faerics on my wall.tuprwr fmds.cvil faery,23!,the ritual- Cl-grecnlcathct-poctry-bed. Was there evr a time when we werent friends? it feels like youve always been here.iluvu. YoTam{bluc).Court. Bort- my piano faery: TILT.pack thm potatoes tire, AOLsccretAgcnts, 10inabcd-whvDoUalwysGet2b TheLitlel? (COPEY!) Heyjup, splashyahoo, when glitter fell from the sky. B K ,T immyThcTtainec.MJ ~ ~ ...................................... .....best makeup.u video.u hvc the alwys appreciate my stories, iluvusomuch! Sus-mv angel sister remember tht there r circles left undone. NvrNvrLnd.skiingur SO slow! credtcards.ToriSarahFiona.TonJihtms.LadyINred, BarbaraWaltcfs.DeadHampsttts.OpnMki.Brders.mv uncle.Star Bks.bascat.vikings. Nevr forget tht winding roads let the faeries in. U take the trouble from my eyes. IluvL! Di- my oldest friend: “u hve all my respect, ill leave it here whn I go." my Colgate sister, u r

more beautiful than u'll cvr no. iluvU. LG- my fellow poet 8c lover of boys: ifecllikcaoapple. OKEMO, I forgot my lacked phl-c,"I hvc this fmd & she luvs easly, like me." il.uvU. Erin- leaves of truth."I have only just met an old old friend, wc’vc been walkin around holdin hands." iluvu. MG- Poco. ILLcommunurations.tcll me the name! holdnietightnevcrneverletmego! Albaccrke. meteo, im not puertorican! AniSong, JoeficJoa. U r the most sane&honcst person i know, maybe 1 day ill teach you to play soccer, iluvu. Bl. (Abu)- my 1 ’ KLHT ftnd.wc was like pcas&catots, DunNotWorry. SaSa. 1 paid good } for this! ur checzy UPN9 shows, iluvubaby! SBV- u should b here w/ us! keep all yer boys in line. Iluvu. BH RENT.honeybear r u still my baby? ill alwys B here 4 U. iluvu. BP Shmecca- you little iacry. AdidasGrl, soccer master, iluvusomuch! KD&l.F- bathrro brcaks.whcrts rhe bag?? crystal snwflks. fk'cm! MIS.SIONS.death to J .yacht club,the barn, copcy.dfip-draggag!,drive like a mufTin, iluvuguyzsomucb!!! MH- studyhall, arguments, lets go play tag. iluvu. AV- 1 Iuv u like a sister. Don’t forget im a grl, U r still touching me! Iluvu. GK- apples&rcd suspenders, my favrte neighbr. CBH- my spccialsuperdupcr friend,U r the bearer of new music, DMB&SC. u condemned me 2 Shawshank!! sunrise on the other side of yer house, chris&kim game, poetry, guitar, UrAstud!, iluvu! Dev- Revin.Rev. just being around u makes me get ADD. iluvu. AT- ugrlswannasmksumwd? Lindseysttawbry shrteke sisters, LI R the Coplfication Queen, music is the speech of angels. Iluvu. Mom&Dad- " The cit is here, somebody leave the light on. just in case 1 like the dancing I can remember where I come from." U r the best! I love u more than all the trees! NM,GB.RC-,TN.JAZ.JRoth,JR,RR.PS.MK.JK.PC,|I.,|C.BF,SS.JH- its been fun! To the class of 1998- WE’RE FINALLY DONE! CONGRATS TO EVERYBODY!

John Legrand A T(A V,CH ,D \V ,G K ,JD ,M H ,M D — These are great times we’re livin' in boys keep it real. I don’t wanna lose ya Atrott— oh god Avillacis— remember seeing Jackie Brown w/ mark? And going to taco bell from Hughes’s house? C H ill— payin for the jacket in quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies...goin to 7-11 for slurpees...you went through a lor this year, I respect you for handling it well. DW allace— watching KIDS (one thing 1 know', blsd); remember when G -$ ripped your shirt in half? Gkruger— your basement is perfect... remem her driving up to the lake and hitting the raccoon...chillin outside on the porch...Don’t Be A Menace...playin pool...Viking Football Jdennis— hello, my lirtle eskimo... what can 1 say? You made me a better person, thank you... there are too many memories to list...watching videos...talking on the phone late...i don’t now why, but remember the Gatsby party?...study halls when I was in 10th grade...you're still never gonna get me to scream...hey baby Mhenderson— remember talking with chris at 4 in the morning? Those were some good nights. Jackie Brown, 007, all those movies... pull up yer damn pants...aw ***t Rhughes— you’re a cool guy to hang out with, thanks tor the pizzas on new years...keep playing golf Bjones— i had a lot of laughs wirh you. see ya online, lol Cfouracre— remember on class trips when you wore a jean jacket with no shirr underneath?? These fouryears have been cool Mdorf—see ya at dunkin donuts baby, bring scarlet Awright— thanks for driving my stupida*s home D jones— rhe ac’s fine, so am I. BF,D S,SS— sec ya later, buster llllto the girls in m y class, I don't know ya too well, but yur cool anyways.



1 l G-.tomy CES (Boogin): 1,2 ohtny g«>Ji> I lu nk s foprlielpinj J K bfFintheeiitircwrlcI.llove you v '" ,Imcr,inexican tuiey.swejre ^ | mcbcihepersonl amtoday 1 1 Irddy. womb. 1‘rnch -Brd.P/./.s,eutcy c >. ,iWho,Hrdygrdym:

• I HI


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i (hotRA's or w/nuwanda 6c '■W plM rbo v.Bemy Mcx i, an Q T w/respect N. mud sliding tree rihe-t? winter S: hor:.csYournanie ism Sus anso please loverm-Acvt- 1. LI have always been an angclatm ytableKLApplcswearlKeep Floacin g& lctsgct"L)"atO ken io twice w/ ® allthefallocstufT&2many boyz (C O PE Y )Salt & Pcpa in N Yl w/ • Naughtybynaturc&remcmbcr^ dunnotworrywcRn 0 t 2 w eak.Dom 4geryourjacket!AWO PizzaswearPunanixinlraly w/thc stallions wcwax 6cwewease ® NewYears 9 7 & 9 8 n o arm p its4 U Q T Rifa espanol&jcudyingw/ • Bri«msico?WcknowlovcCrayola(JR)- Ushould liav bccnhcre ^ b u ta t least thcreis 8th grade, winshicld notes,Apples,31 l.O k em o, Masc got daladies,highway ® flashers.coffee.cthanH is C od . GUYS? • D an’shousc?bleachers,dragqueens inNYC C'rucify&Lcighlabclle ^ liccca- Okem o hugs, Jeff? l'igtails&vve R stayingalive Whcre'syour skis? Bostonex... urn where'sinyhra?Yourenot jet'ky.SCkeep writing w/ coffee ai rheD. keepthat pocmin yourjournalArnelR'-NYC&Sc.il/i w/cold fcetl imo? BH - Oops! .... • now • T o all the brothas in dahou.se => JA -U raughtmetoloveikU mean morethan uthinktom eBF-um...studying?pingpongNock ^ list&lespanol w/therat &chebar.s&peoplcconungoutofthcwoods.isthcreacow|nthecar?Rjfn!l4karacgaldNM-kccpdigging JC thcreyougoswe.tr dorothyheroy (oops) djRcvin-lecsgrow plantsingrown uplandGB® hi!mynam eism ickcy...S30?chiekauhhGK-ohGodmyhcadhurts.doU havcacup? dancepartyDJ-donc stcallthe silvcrwarcAT • Grand Union inV T.RC -(m ym aduuror) 8chgradew/jamesJK-iisalwaysbeeninmyeycsJH//8-thelookCBH -H illend.ile!hc ^nicetomeonweekendsplease.Diagramswerehelpful. MH Venice...Really? I'.S- APEuroorgy? R T & S M - thanx forkceping me going-inxpirationiseverything T o Everyone else that was always there- "Before we end and then begin, we'll drink a toast ® to how its been." - KD (coochiesmcllswear),SS(alwaysstaysohappy),DS(dontsieal frommyd.ul), • J/(\T).M G (bnthroom ?).B I.(lax),C il.(Italy), Dustin(leighlabelle), TG (scary monkey) ^ ,P S , rN .A V .JK ,A S,JL.,M M ,KC .RW .(Thcphoncisringing,ohm ygod) o - - o - -

Jared, pukrm peace.mudsl.dmg. DC.skati.ig.sbaiing.VA'I .concmratn.wc weremtitle.obelpciicbotherthrough higlischool. Iwidi wccouM staythi, way lorcvcr.ADStA.skindrcdspirirs wean madaMere* andthes.mic.Late nights,dying otlaughter.rhosewillnontuy my.ncmoryfpixyou loungingonthebeaeh whilcIllythrouglimyfiIccabineis).Hottwn. rchncnecks, carrion, traditions,harmony, Ddmcdly, plays,I ax, nouggci.YI.C, ligm, rbscs.ttanic. hsbardformetosaygoodbyeto youbccausclknowyouaretruly arareone.KJL: we have had sotnanyinoincnts thatlwouldonlyhavcwantcdtosharewiibyou.Thnksfor inttoducmgmctotbermisic(Tori,Ant,Sarah,Poc) The ‘ glmct'nt»j,i piano. Rent, being seertagentson AOL.rhccopeyncssofitall.weakjokes, Splash/ Yahoo,TILT, lOinabedd nuhelittleonebui younevermake mefcellikeic.SHCtTimcand againyouamaze mewithvour strength,curiosity, andsenseofhunior.Thc timcswc’vchad-t CA, 100BF, EesMis.pttyfts.cIcl.cIs.rrp.grps.lOcomm.Englnd. JstDolt!,ballet, and thclauglu.Wc’ll alwaysbe friends for. andever... BP.iclimcck.pippi.poop .. IFEKU.IKE SHOUTING,when I'rnaroundyou. Fr/rparttcs. earrn. realcottu-mth,sccer.ln. gk'slake, tblcdancing, you'rethebest! RCCiWbattosay?? I'l.anksfor beingtberc forme rhroughalltheyearsar.dlbopewc stay friew forcver.NM:(ktchnmcistr)Yo ..define "renssneeman!' We havea wonderfulfricndship. paula abduljady bugsonkey boardsIGB.Y* arconc funny diide.l’imoglndwe'rcfrionds-mickcy thinkssotoo.DJRevin:(tothctotally funnestboylknow)stories, coffbearu, pllowfts, alrigit, jewel, carrols.and AWKWARD/SPESMFRIENDS, nevergrowupand lcavcmc.GK:(to thecleanestandnicestboyiknow} "you’resotaletucd" tbankslorthemanygoodtimesinand outofthcscniorrooni-someinvolving spu/ dip. AV:(totheotigin.il) youwillalwayshnvcaspesh placeinrnyhcart.lotyouaicbothhilariousandstudly (dangerouscombo).imadc-rhai.MIT.(tothcun sloppiestboylknow) you’rcagooddishwashcrandaralcntedspirter.funny: BH:rou contplcfeiis(oops}.G6eD,I'myrBort, sorrygys. MG: manyyrs, (mrs.G's3rdgrde clssjsccer.shocgamc. BI.:Englnd,LAX, bldon • mycouch, canIgcranamcnforTPM??JH:we started ouirocky(barmit/.vah)hutbyProni'97wehad ouractdcanedup.nijrriagef AT:okcmo, dealergme. snrroom question. CBH:guitar,writing,ppernfis.shwrs.spcshfriends.ToMrs.W.and CoachA-.You gu)im my role modcIs.Thnks lor everything. Toeveryoncelse: JR ,K D 1LI; ,JAZ,JK,JL>PS 1T7'J)ES,BF,SS,DS,DJ,JC,PC,MK,CH,JR, ()J RS.SVD .RII and last bt.tnot least.rhcSnr.Room whrellaughcdandgotmy'ss kickcdmany atinie. “Blackbirdfly...intotheliglHofrhedarkblack nighr."

Hi III III Illll

what happened to hill n dale DW : fourth grade, way to go home on new years, alright cachy.kira.emma,santa claus, keep trying. CH : just chillin, no more sacred heart da rices, watch your pantsits smaller than ya think. M H : try to walk buddy, keep ya panes on. AT: shippan na north Stamford baby, get clothes that fit, hill n dale unreliable, rrip to arny’s cool man. AS: nice new year party, don't miss your seat again at my house. CS: nice ta chill with the boys for once, talk in college remember. JL : about time to chill, talk walk and be straight. KL: known ya a long time, no suspenders and apples for you, no makup please. LG: what up, no ci's for jamie, keep chillin. KD: he straight and be good in college, wheres tha parry at not camping. LF: no jessica, keep cool and party hard. M G : nice to start chillin, no rs. BL: never chillin with the klht crowd, sell out, no faces in simons class. PS: cool, keep them westport h * 0 * S outta devins face. KM: get outta the house and into thereal world ot socializing/partying. K R: cool prom, see ya around, years went by quick and nobody matured, what happened, keep cool and in touch. -G $-

Devin W . (revin) 9 years at K L H T - W O W . T o all da boyz - Who made dm ] time fun, especially the weekends. Never stop parting till dawn. O ne thing WF. K N O W ... B .L S .D . GK: Best buds since 4'h grade. I'll never forger all the parties, camping, fishing, ect...... Lets go make-out with those 2 chicks, bood and wee 7.cr. M H : Marky-matk, don’t call me son. Remember; know when to say when. CH : I think wc should publish that book on "women." Remember, don’t go to sleep until the sun comes up A T: Let s play pool - I’ll kill you. AV: Yo-M o. N o-M o. Row-Mo. No I won’t niakc-out w/ you 4 a dollar, no I won't rnecr you in the janitors closet C F: D on’t burn my shack down, you Piro - remember Kricgcscotr, keep jamming. JL : Carpool buddy. If you change any more, it could be lethal PS: Thanks 4 the houw those 5 days. K+K, Rage, SNL, what a summer. MG;

Thanks, now the whole school is calling me Revin, Rtchelk" KD : Please keep all arms, legs, shiners, and soda cups in die vehicles at all times - camping. LK: Keep wearing Cashmere. Remember Rhea and Squirt. LG: Maybe someday. I will (cadi •j you the great skill o f playing M usical Cars. C S: Rourney: Thanx for being my first special/awkward (whatever) friend, j promise to remember our special handshake. Remember, Sal. morning under the carol in the Library. AS: My oooggieboooggic girl, and an awk. Friend. K L : R IM B O ! - Lets get A D D together and go play hide + seek w/ mark. GB®j Keep Jamming. C H : Keep Running. D J: Dcvcrc, N O W ! BL: Another one o f those people who started Revin. Randy. | JZ : Nice car1! D M : C O O P E R ! Q uit asking me those weird questions. AA: PIFF!! My one and only Piffonv, and the best PifF that a P iff could ever have. B O O F : W hen arc we going to do that raft up. Hughes: Keep throwing panics. New Years!!! I’m still your personal trainer. D J: W hat’s up Skinny, Skinnier, and Skinniest. EE: Elizaboo, maybe someday you'll catch the fish. Trench and Naidorf: Lead the C C team to new wonders next year. Telly: Keep playing I those 13-year-olds. I like S 'X . For the Freshmen: ST/KM/MS/VC/GK/AK/AC: You’re all awesome, have tun. it so more years. T o all those who are in college or don't go to king, you know who you arc. you’re the best. Mom. Dad. C olin and Tobey, I don’t know how you put up w/ me all these years. Thanks for cs'crything, I love you. To the bot Class and Group o f friends. Give me some lovin’, stay in touch, and never forget the memories. Peace 7 *4

...... 9

Silvana: My Dark Angel, 1 can’t tell you what an impact you've made on my life. You complete me. You are my inspiration and my "split apart”. 1 know you will be there, in my heart, in my life, in my thoughts, always. 1 can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. 1 love you always and forever. Mom + Dad: I am who I am because o f you. 1 can never thank you enough for making me the man that 1 am and getting me here. Grandma+Grandpa: I knosv what you did lor Mom and 1 so long ago, and ir means a lot to me. Thank you for helping to make me a good person all through my life. Rob: You and I arc family. You will always be my brother. My door will always be open to you. I remember stcalin signs and mags and summer barbecue. “You goi a shoe horn or somethin” 'There’s a certain pleasure to R.I..' I los'c you like my brother. Nick: wc never got to be as close as wc should have, bur you will always be a brother, you will always be welcome in my home. "Goony GooGoo". 1 love you like nvy brother Seth: I ve missed you. It wasn't the same without you here. I am glad we still chill and you know we got to be "on the air” together. James, Russell, JoeyD. Rick: we had a lot o f good times together and I will never forget walks to the train starion, combos and Jolt, Cardildos, G C and Taco Smells. I wish you all the very best things in life. Leigh: doo, doo, doooooooooo. Never forget the laughs. Shaboogin: Im glad wc got to be better friends. See ya at Cornell. And "hi, Im Mickey" Arielle: Watch out for those birds!! you’ve always been such a nice person. It wont be the same without spins in the hallway. JT H : 12 years I've known you, that's a long time. We’ve had a lot o f laughs, but im sorry about all those times 1 had to beat you up. Supple, Brian, Sammy: I know you are all going to go far in life and you’re definitely some o f the funniest dudes I’ve ever met. Good luck and keep it real. JAZ: Its cool that we finally met this year. Im glad I got to see the world through your eyes. GK, MH. CFI, JL , PS, AV, AT: We may not have hung out together bur you arc all my hoys, I wish you all the besr o f luck in life. KD. LF: Im glad that we could be friends. Keep ic real. KL, SC, BL, MG: Our class wouldn't have been the same without you guys. You all better not change. B J56, T N 72: Honors Chcm and ap history wouldn't have been the same without you. Take care Vcrc: I've known you since elementary school, I rhink we both have come a long way. I wish you the best of luck for all your hopes and dreams. And “My name is Antonio Jones. WasUp my friend ". Mr. O RIO : I've learned a lot about life from you and 1 know that you will always be a great man no matter where you are. JU S T SO EVERYONE KNOWS. 1 TH IN K I I S IMPOSSIBL E T O SAY EVERYTHING IN T H ESE SCRIBBLES. SO IF YOU ARE IM PO RTA N T T O ME TH EN YOU WILL. G E T A LE TTER BEFO RE I GRADUATE.


i ' s head.” ■Susanna") KJI.-kimbyjanc sis copeywithrhccopstcr daysofrlivcs nevctnevciland fumttcrisdeadcochcs 2<ibuckv.indacrackcr bustedyoursouihingmc rklu daddyinhismidcrwcarhcrc.ln my head Toris.irali|onifion.iup»idcdown theconccru cspanol borders Starbucks purple,unvets viking,—putliw* | bfffloating"bridge,''r.iimhe p.irknorth st.imford, favorite

graham hurt’s scribbles:

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.cllpiio.-K Kill gi,.vaim, ,t .-cdn, uddi',Jilddjivi(lim-rr'l',lb»uw*1:e5 i, 1i,W illi!..w .lia .lf ..,nitle»,|-.l,l laugh,ugliLe in»!.iniai-. ,1 »

confrontations misawagner choc.Croissant, vcgcublepoppcrs. itew,jUD rhed getagoing olga circles facriesgoldcngirls tber.it ifitniakcyoubappy. ■ Uwillalway,bcmyangd-,isrcr.Youtouchniy»oul.Ilovey(iuniorethan«Inl| I tiers. ADS-awograndp.i ,bojt ci', daddywars uglyyoutinmn... yoiinwomoim kermiithcfrogjrretrwaitup dinergirb ninth grade mho good-a-gondnes, those liauislcrscboc.lunclitablcbff thcoccansisrers d ns* year, bostonadvcntuics mr.car luttircpsycliologi.M, kendia jcwclofthcflite l choc cjkcsijrbuckiicccrcarmc.uybiscment 90210 stoplookingatmcw*® I (,orry)applcki,vicclciy bustcdhalf-as, fakcredhcad x-maseve diuydanctn|| football candlenight.Uiooktbeencrgyoflriendshipimdwtappcditand jjH gavcit.youarcsospccialtome.CES-courisha-court poopsacnruinevllli /. Ican'rbrcarbcdayo ballctnutcrackcr ci’s diner Sundayswithhotludgc Mclindaprcparcfort.ikoff choc.ChipcOokiclatcatnight .,olfreak riieandsbinc igif bowdamanwholivcsoutofasuitcaicnothaveasuitcai* JH grandpa cjpccodpmatocbip, carrots Iiitally80, Ibi vivala,vrga,n,i,ssaigon druwmcatrianglc stream rbclowcslofibclowt JJbflOObf tdttsclowtl sinibafallittgovctmhinorycIttMjusttfoit tlirrcickisintbclmusc pp,a grrinanclaisgatliccmeadows lax ' hope" "Ict'ikccpittcal" delinquent gioup, am* Uiniyrooo Youllncvcrknowhowmuchiluvumydcai.I HMtigb-lcigh leg, intoxicatcdtdks poet grandpa greentarpets I’bachabelli'canon.lluvunm wccipoct. MLG-one wordiguatcmola. Esponol soccer yourmom shrine buticrball ninewest rhesoundofmiuic. lumvery badlybuincdl Youwillalwayibc myfovoritcguiitcnialamluvu BAI -bran brm cnglandtakemebabyscarymoviethreciomc ninthgiadc disney world tigger baIJmg oldmandricdcranberric, grind,hcrtccth djddyerikasmithgrandpaniiitcndocarpicrtcdnincwcst greenpoop damnshamc. Youorealway, constant. BLH-thc baby incommonchildren ,books pbonecall, bread,virhbuttcr .mylittledarling Alli-ca girl/ct girl rooftop ninjaturtlc, tcabcans immortalbeloved Iloveluey.Imi„uhoncy. anna- thehelhmope fairy Bccca-Igot newcurtainifor thebMcment.iluvu. GK,nW,MH.CBH.AT.)lmybuddie,jrH.RC.NM.GH(ricigbbor)-lilbtolcUi.ncrsjr-,4n Iiit.myoui BE-sorryaboutyourshoe AV- stoplookingatme espsnol ugly y>*» mom siaolba Kccplaughingniypromdate Jf-loweyoumyftienif. To JR.CH.DK, JK.MSW, J/.SBV.JR.KI..I)J.PC..Kf>.SVD.IT, SS.D&.TN Mb kastina.gigi,delaine, kairln.lukl.rcncc rbankyouforcverythirig, SO. | |— youarclikc morbcisto meTltcLadyluRcdToiori andallmygirl* TothcnomadTotbeungel.,: specialones:myangcl-,i,icr.royguaidianangel,andtbcnncwhonevcrknowxTosilverfnyi)iitbrorik I cbuckarforalway,beingtberc]‘othcaiolpfls:l pionciiowTothcboywithtbcrcdlcep.meinotie,.'!mom. I will alwuy, love you: you air fonrvet mcTo meggir. you ate a beautiful sisterand astroiig young wonianTosba-poop stay cool I love you so much BIG-girl]'o dud for all your mtngth I know it wasn't casyTo barbara. I'm glad that you arc licit. Andtorhe watergodsforyouriainandyouroccant, Atheysay “springbringifreshlittlepuddlesthatmakesitallclcar." I will miss you all to muchMMIBYEII!

I tl billyJones —Ok. well, um .Je t me sec here ...where do J start??? It's been a...hmnim . interesting A years, Ok. ok. . it v/as pretty kickJF.DDY72: the excellent adventure is just beginning man.. .Don’t ever sell the Geo (you shouldn't have a problem with that!) I'm gonna kill El Greece down at V8eS for rippm' us off. Watch out for the skunks at the heath! Be sure to show your kids the fat lit’ notebook. “Schawhig!!!... Mele-wah-kay" You'll always be da man! SW : My Westport connection .-You’re what I call my “sensible” friend. Remember, Mr. Platt is gonna get us one of these days .., Can 1 buy your old Audi's? Hey, - ‘■•remember englkh teachers and side-burned history teachers? Man. get . some new shoes!!! Haha. Chrii4a«c: Never forger those study halls! You 'kinds looked like that dude from Dire Straits (j/k). Can 1 drive the 'Nova??? Man! John is bein’ a bitch! Dude, wc gotta chill sometime, lo). Hey, I know you wanted Ms. Dawson. Mmm-Mary LcG’. “am me hardy...(pirate)” Mrs. Sia’s class-oh yeah, it was you and John talking, •not me. Stay cool bro, and I hope you grow an ass. you lanky bastard!... j/ jklol. Johnny l.cgroin: Damn, you are probably the best fr iend I had that ' I never got to chill with...lol. Maybe in college bro! How did it feel to •be the only 2 seniors watchin’ football games? Haha...Hey man, have jjyou had your balls checked lately??? “Whoa!!! This shirr k like a checkerboard!!!” Chris in DC-“Isn't that tipper chaffing you?! Put a shirt _>Jon hippie!!!”. Mmmm...('B-sugarey dough bails! John, you and Chris kget my "stamp" of approval. £ £ : Mr. Satcasm. Thanx for the pics man. . Rob; Can I be in the Exhortation fan club? Alpo: You may have • : grown into them, but you will always have big ears to me. Mastro: Easy on the Ritalin. Stafk: Snake eyes...lol. Lets go chill in front of 1 •MutO Palate. Cooper. Suy with the chess bro...you are destined for greatness! Megan: Easily one of the nicest people 1 know...say hi to iJenforme! Sandak: you have a Napoleon complex. ..haha! Rich: Mr. Hardcore, “The Chance!", promise me you will never wink at anyone ~s else in football practice. Whit: Nice house + good food + good beverages * "good clean entertainment'' = your patties! ’metta: Cheech and Y.;bo%'Caucasian Brothers??? ...haha. Yves; hook me up with the liF chickenheads in your 'hood, lol. Grant: I'm gonna miss arr class jwiih you. mv Mrs. Payne’s science classes: you know who you ate! Man, that was rough! Phew! And a special “adios'’ to my favorite Spanish n. Chicas— Heather n’ Kat: Spanish class will never be the same. Kahn s or CB? Hey, svhen r u gonna take me Xtrcmc bowling?! How’s my 'aw lookin’ guys? hahalia. And yes. I am a good hugger! I’ll never forget Spa400. ■:. ^Anyone else I have missed: D1LLIGAF??? Haha...nah, just kidding! Thanx to all my teachers and all my coaches (#56. Viking Football ‘97; WHY NOT?) ...and, o f course, my wonderful family. loved every minute of it... even when I didn’t. |To the class o f ’9 8... see ya ’round guys, .and to each of you: Have a nice life =)

'roosts Bee|av56iBJ (ter ail. .D1LLIGAF.. I |. keep Kangin io there.

-1 knot you have a gorxd time in college...keep in touch. GB. .peace out. homey IL.Exbrtaiion fRC)... The Soar is good, but the Ibanez kix '?x» . M am cornin’ to your band practice this week'. *Did you read ?? Nah. man. did .Good luck next year, Rob, keep in touch—A-Dogg (#341—Schaefer Br 4cver... 'W c gotta stop by the glass home, so wc can dirow rocks at it — - l e ts go nr... "Wc goio to lift -sausages !!r...puddle.—AAAAGGHHH !!!... T H E R E ’S A CLOWN!!"...Keep it real year. ’Metta. Stay FIRED UP. kid...oh yeah, play football...peace out....STOAKES 1281)...Schaefer Bros. 4 ever... ‘ What is that stuff?; Scha ?? That's budget-.You helped me keep it rcai this year, bro. Good lookin' out...good luck next year, and play football as long as you can...peace...G.KRUGER !# 51)...0-U N E PRIDE " WHAT'S YOUR GA] RULE ??.„Let's go fubin tomorrow at Ouidlewood 'D id you stock the fttd| ??* . Never forget the i-pounder. .Hope you do well at the Audetny L8R bro RedKat 34 :KR; You were better to me than I was it. myselff .1 will m i« you...May 30>h . u must be tough bcin u, good. I promise . v.,i keep in touch. BirdGrl (HW: You rounded out the foursome.. We bad fun this year, g-iod luck next year. CMRFoollLEi Donhci ’ Mirkin 1 Nice mirkiri on your head. .1 know you wanna go to the barn and pet the donkey ..C YA Meg (MK) . Sophomore yrar .hce hcc whatu tnp I am glad wc came out of this thing as close as wc ever were I know you are gonna do well no mattci what, but good luck anyway, and stay m touch. Chri»4Acri Someday you will find yourself in Minnesota, and it will be good...LOL , 'I gotta get to MN* maal ordet profilactics, umm ..ok...6-8 weeks for delivery hcc hec hee...L8R brew, good luck next year. JohnL .. Yo Johnny " Wazzup ?? Math class :» cool NOT Maybe we will be Pitt aiumm. eh :? Good luck next year Johnny L .L8R. .BUZ124 (MB) . leo giri. being a Ico is cool, .who * vour Superman ?! .How'. Larry ?? He's paised out on the couch. .1 will beat you in Super Mario Bros someday . You only have a few more years ro go. .be rough BL?ZZ I hav frith in you. . I will keep in touch. DWS08 (DS). We've been on a rollercoaster this year, bui hopefully we've finishes! at the top No matter svhat happens. I’ll always he there for you, D . keep in touch, i'll miss you mote than anything. L«R WB. NK. You g.ur. !<• the 7 ' Expensive, bat worth it...even better than the real thing...well...good luck boys... The O-Line Crew. .261 (L'il Feta;. 275. 2X3. #55....its 00 you guys next yeac...Kecp VIKING FOOTBALL alive, boys,.-To the Senior Crew... good luck wherever you may find yourselves. To anyone I’ve left out. I'm sorry, and I love you...PEACE O U T !!!...This chapter is over. now...its time to turn tbc pxge...»o)

• n it

Bringin' it to you from the word of GOD. There arc mad headz out there I gotz to show luv to but I’m gonna keep dis jo in t:-)— - short so don’t get on my big stun if I left you out. First of all. shout our to old school peeps...(SR15) Iranian Dream, you’ve been there and seen me go through so much...I’ll be there 41ife (VS) Veector Specctor, (AS54) Snyyyyd...This ytar didn’t feel right without you guys...and now for da crew that helped v . shovel the tilts this year...(RCKQStrS Edge? Not for long. When I’m through with you you’ll be a funkin alky. Can you feel the PEER ~ PRESSURE?!! (NM56)thc lax field is my battle field and your cemetery... hehehe. Finally...you’re gettin braces!! The both o f you mental midgets will never achieve my mcnral giantness...and both of you will :; NEVER beat me at pool (TN72)Banned from Chinese buffet for life.. .guess ~ da waiters didn't like us throwin foot at them. ..that bastard at V&S that . ripped us off all those times, we’ll rob him for all he’s worth (MH13)Portcbester. iz where icz at ..What we would do for just a tew 30 _ _, cases...Poco introduced us, lacrosse made us Buds & Coors & Fleini...(GK51)you,rc the only person I've met char can bang...! got moved •to O-Iine, and wc tore the house down (AV) DOUBLE TROUBLE...DOUBLE T RO U BLE...1 may blow up the world trade — - center, but you steal everything inside it (JTH8) Frizbeez vs. ii‘_- Ragheadz. some on now, you don't stand a chance ' -’

(YA77)Bro(has....Am buahahahaha... eh in g ...c h in g ...th in g (N K 6 I) Lil'


feta...1 wish my future wife can hoot as big as you...mad luv to da deli and ' da fam especially big bro (NateDur) only freshy getting a shout out cause you keep it real (KAOS) thanx for lookin out (Coach & Mrs. Mish) Nuthin I write hetc svill show what u two mean to me..Nothin but luv. (Jose and his crew) They work you guys to hard...take it easy fellas (AL34)You‘re nevah gonna beat me punch for punch... you've been there through everything...there arc a lot - 1 of fake people out there but you keep da tihs teal and that’s why you ain't a bceeatch. ..of course shout out to , M&M.-.lalalalaWala... RELAX!!... yes!, yes!, yes!... I’m GOD and don’t forget it ...If I ever loose touch that means that I’m dead...Keep ynut head HIGH and pray to buddha - he’ll take you places you've never gone before...L8rz fSOS 1) you and you re L 1 crew treat me like I’m part of da fam and I’ll never forget it...when wc shoot pooL.i'm da one shoorin, you’re getting shot.. we ve j been through a lot, good and very bad, but still you’ve always been and always will be my bro. For your birthday I m gonna buy you a pair of baggy jeans before you suffocate in the ones you gotz now. I still think your mom s hot...hehehe...Runnin out of space so • here ate quick shout outz. To Viking football first and foremost, it’s a family and nothin will break dat. Shout out ro da senior , squad (BF28) 6 yean of school together, crazy tihs ain't it (SS7). (DSl 1), ( D J T (GB21). (JL25) And a few ss-ords to the future ~ squad...don't sacrifice integrity and tradition. And a Special shout out to all da peeps that gotz no shame. I hope dat s everybody. ' * but whoever I mizzed get over it. A(e has spoken. ..The End. .

0/13/8=. chick*,flier, fit comicsuips!! ALLYA KNOW-..: S.C. CREW— RAC-.Go Broncos—yougocthe ALTOIDS. Whcrcya goingwiththoscCDs Alldarirae? SABES.SuyoM— nevcrinsctharfastballPOL: Whazupwiidosholcs— you'tehavin a party; I'll geryousomepupu— how was rhe SUPERBOWL:LOCK/ //SANTE: StayawayfromLEXUSwimlows— Kccpon LAUGH IN' DANTE:OLD CROW—often imitated,never duplicated...KriSSY— BIGmi»takc!!!CAS:HOLD M E! ...I don’t know what were gonna do. but we re gonna do it!!!KLHTacw:ltsAboutTimc— WcknowThcREALdcal— BeCarcftilWhaiYouStcpin.CauscltMightBeS.H.LT. 1st,DA nonames.FB'97:GK(Heah. BecrMan), Acc(sandpcrson). JL(shutup). STEW(DAplumbcr) BILLKTED(cutccouplc):::NOW— sammvSUBES: Yo.Who touched Sam's Ass.BFORD: StayAwa/Ftorn Fences .ALL* «5SUPPS: HcalthCentcrForYOU; DaiCHicKwasBOOlTKEEBLERiKickThoscRoids. PLEASE WHIPPED.BDStmclknow VERE:UNChound. Flinin'WiiDal.il'GitlyGirls-ROX.rillxatnToSHtKirsonicdav GRAHAMCRACKERdv«,Wd>xTaLStllL)VTi)aAWNjd.Y4PUU»t’'UNF). YAknow-ROXJKLElN;GetSomeSLEEPBacklnDaDayj-ROX RPDfitCTiFARMERS FOREVERGREEKiDunec.ButlLovcYA— ThanxForDaFood. KBDtYcs.lllMarryYou.BlueSkvMigbtBciMad; . SomcdayYoufitFranky WiliGecYour GhaiiccAWOJvlyljtileMcnraid.W'hcrDidYaPijiEZiEacKDal ep^heoFJepntr ADOGtMrs.RogcfsCan'rTouchYou. YouDaMjn,Wolfcborti'97...B.Collins. YouGotBALLS "PELE.Bl-A CK.W R IGH I. EDWARDS— movin’up.movinON.THANX*'’ ALLt^^pcidatlMissed.WJioCares?!? COACFIR.’an'tTakcThemW'iihUs. Then I akeTIiemDown. W'cDidWhjtWcCouldDo— Lct'sMovcOn. JudyiGoodThingsH.ippcnToGoodl'copIc.JEclicvc 1 hat BurttNoBullS.H.l. I .BeAMan-— Couldn'cHavcDoocItW/OYouGuys.ILovcYoti MAH8:SimcAsYouEvcrWcfe.LS(i!ILookBeuerBEAR:DoYour fhing.StayAwayFromDa YoungOncs;ThcBcstlsYetToCome— BrotbcrsForNow.BtothcreFotLifc; LcadDaWayFotMc... W’cPlayedDal’ipcs FilDcyDied-Ain tThnAllGiand.


’'"I J

KD 9/07/80.... Finally my nightmare has ended!! Mom, Dad, and Rory I love you all so much! Thanks for helping me through all the pain.Rory33: This year wasnft the same without you, no one can every party like you and the BOYS! Laura&Rachael: My gills until the end!malbaromile,vod,josequervo,and other things that shouldmt be mentioned.CT5:1 will see you on our wedding day! LF: You made my senior year! I luvyou! Recess bathroom break.nuggie,boys.boston. We always had eachother and thats what matters..KL: Wherefs the bag? Jim you are my fairy goddess I luv u! Cryst in the barn, all nighter at syc. Donit worry the fairies will bring it to us! AT:My redheaded sidekick. Stamford point after school,its always 4 20 with us. Hope you marry Amy one day!GK:You have been watching out for me

LF 1 2 -5 -7 9 ...T h an k G od, I never chought H S

* was going to end!! M om , D a d ,& Evan: I love > you guys! Thanks for putting up w/ so m uch, I > know it was hard! Evan: You are my bro and I *

love you, family trips/ cory/ car rides to

> school!! K D : my best friend/ we are > premium.../the bag, sessrs in our cars, I W on ft » kick my feet near any com puters, p roject 4 0 , > hotties, car trips, noogie, lunch out, Shippan, > Jeff, Pete, Jam es, lan, Kris, golfer...rhe fun > times definitely have not ceased.U R I? yahhh!! > Jim: clueless, I can drive like a m uffin, I

bathroom breaks, fairyfs will bring it, the bag,

) crystal rain, the barn, sophm ores, m ake up, I » luv ya!! A T:Lets run around in circles, > jimbobson is rhe man, shippan, u redhead, , fkthbtchs .cham pion ridc-r, U RI!! A V Ja v ier, 0 2 times, the present you laid on my leg,our lil , ,

talks!! BFrnice butt, hookups made m y day, U sm artie!! SS: Sing to me, I love ya!! M G : C IN D Y, Funny times were funnylT he Shippan Boys: jam esis house, Stam ford Point.

, Margatittas, H ilandale, U pper , what you arc, D o n it forget me ,

parking lot, S Y C , canlt wait till summer! J T H : my lover, that is cause I will not forget about you G K : big


bear o f love,

your house, stop throw ing things at me, its okay to Want what you can lt have. Gruffix: You are my boys, I love you, O n e day you will be famous!! A nna: G reenw ich H.gh was the best,

, ftosh, the

Bronx Z oo,w e always know how to have fun!!! Even-one E lse il know you love me

t and will miss me! Have fun and party on!

scince we were freshman. Thanks for never judging me! You were always too good for me. DJ:MY H O M EC O M IN G KING!!! JT H 8 : Ilove you and hope rhac one day you will find a big red sky .To the 0 2 (s: W c always had fun! ADD is a gift! W e were better then the curies.DH: 1 made the mistake of falling in love. Sorry it ended so badly!CH:Christocrunch!!!LG:We had good times, but you had to have rory, didnit you?Abby: My little sister. I love you soo much! Sorry, but l have to marry colin.Jorden:Well 1 guess It'll have to remeber you because I have a constant reminder on my forehead.D$,BF,S$:You always know where the parties at! We had some good times with the class of 97, hut we relived a better year.The shippan crew: Always my buddies! M r.Orio: 1 would not be where I am today if it was not for you! T o all the hotties, 1 want you all . 1 o everyone else, Ifm out!!!! Yeah you can be jealous!!!!

. ............................................................................................................ 61

hello everybody, its been a long 3 years but wouldn't trade a second o f it for anything in all the 'orld. so much has happened to me here, and i’m so 'lad i got to know you all. good luck to all o f you, and 5e strong, i’ll miss you all more than you could >ossibly know. goodbye. love+other good stuff, Christopher Horan

(p.s. JPC- "Quoniam')


Chris f Billy Ho: Don’t slob the knob. Dude, wc gotta chill! “Arr me harty, I be sailin’ inta porta t’nite on the S.S. M.L.” C-friggin’-B!!! whooptic-friggin’-doo! "Wow, this shirt looks like a checker board man", spatula drummin’ in die chevy nova. Dude, give me some money to give to mike. Gotta love those liP Chinese dough balls.Teddy: Guitarmz!!! Fender wallpaper, fender screen saver, yeah!!, that chick at CB is kinda hot, what are you chinkin’!? Stevie Ray V. kicks ass, he is god!. CB!! Hey Ted-ward! Mastro: beefcake....BEEFCAKE! I’m gonna be on television. I’m gonna be on television. Don’t let toby give you a hard time. Johnny L: Come on, lemme drive the Ac. Your dog Murphy is gay! Poppin Fresh. Thanks fer tellin’ my mom bout drivin’ school punk! Haha, I’ll never fergit thar special liP ultrasound you told me and BJ about, was the ntusc with the gel hot? Haha!! Lay off the the Chinese dough balls. Study Hall last year kicked ass!! Alpo: jus’ git it on her. Learn a lil1 bit of control!. Maybe she won’t laugh. Economics, spillover. Meg’s fav, logrollin', Friggable. I wonder if Brat will take it like Meg does? Niknud Stunod! It was just a hug dude! Turn to the side. Twizzlers!!! losh: I’m buzzed! Have some coca cola with that citron. Tu es une radasse boudin. Phil: That’s disgusting. Lib’s an elf. Mike’s got A.D.D up the butt. Give back R.A. “Gonna rip ‘cm a new one". Grandma Rose, old fart. The LIGHTS! Goddamn springs. Drinkin’ dads brew. GJBi_nitro-guitar! you ain’t hardcore till you can play two guitars at the same time. Hey. our guitars match. “This amplifer goes up to 11” Nigel, Spinal Tap. Devin: haha, mastro wants to sleep with you! “Yeah I want da cheesy poofs" 1AZ; remember Mr. Lamourcux’s bloody stump impression? KL remember when, Christian threw your scrunchy out the bus window.


What a long, strange, trip it’s been. KTND- Bring home some hardware next year. KTJB- L-D Debaters Unite! KTND- Don’t forget to include me in the socialist takeover! To “She-Ra”Thanks for all the good times. VAFTake care, and always remember Pusack study hall. To all my senior comrades- Good luck in your future endeavors. CLBB, ALG, and RDKDon’t ever change. I Love You All. KTJB- I guess L-D will be a lot more peaceful. MGT- Stop dating for a while, will you? Hurwich- "1 will hold the world hostage for one million dollars.” To all members of Keher AP Euro- We’re free! Ghris 4acre- Oh S—! Economics rest! To all my PASS ’97 friends- I miss you all. Let’s keep in touch. To the one called Intrusion- Don’t worry, Everything will be alright. Thanks for being a good friend. To Sean- WHITE!!! Jesus White! To all that have ever crossed my path- Beware of Tiger. To all- Can you believe it? I finally made it!!!

Michelle Guevara: WhaWhaShegotirgoingon.Tcnyears andrmouc.ThankyoutoAllofmyfTicndsrhai he Ipcdme getchr oUGhmy years here. Toniyb estgo oodfri end #33brANdiLAWR£NCE; do n't letanyone ev crchangeyou.wewi llalw aysbc the QUEENS ofKing, you v'eknownme thro ugh alio fmymi sta kesfd.s.to m.l.-i’rn gonna get himjrem emberto ma kesur eth at thestankskiss yourvarsityle ttcrjluvyou. ToA lexVillaCIS; if that is your real name.mythirdbrot her,Jo,wcv 'cbccncogc thersi nccl'stg radc.SexU ALChoco lates,brin gmc a Spe cial, ALBAqucrque.VIVAECUADOR.did you bccf?.sistcr patrina to mr.simon, what am Igon nado wit hou tvou. Kim LaKe, myfe aryprincess.Joa.simmcrdown, gi veil upfors kiin gt rips, let's kick it.i’llne ver ever let yougo.byth eway i'tsBalom. AriELLESchwARTZ; brie a brac.mymomwi Halways thi nkyourso sweetandin nocent-whatever.dad’shouscpoolparties, seventhgradeclasstrip, 4nonblondes,you'llfi ndyou rlove belie vemc.SusaNNA coATES; wuz up! Co olpickleg irIGiv eitup forguatemala.rhanxfor drivingmehomc al ltho seri.rn.es, tc llmconc of your stories, youc an dobc ttertha nc.t.,you’ll alwaysbc my ladyin red. Br andiHuntER; be havey our selfncxtye sir,take care ofour neighborhood,we black in!,do Intake Youho rnyb aby? PrisciLLaCosme; myBlood. do n’t doany chingth ail woul dn'tdo.i know things about you tha tyou don’teven know, give itup for ourfamilia.wel come to the klht crue.DanAJohnsompretry girl.youbcttcrgetupfornextycarb-ball.chanx for being another true innocent .Alecia Brisset; Florida, #21,reggea,Mcdonalds.ToR.P..D.J.>A.T,.E.S.,C.H.,G.K.,C.S.,M.H.,S.V.,D.W., J.H .,S.S.,G.B.,N.M..M.C.,J.K.,M.M.,K.D.,L.F, THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU GUYS. To all of my coaches who taught me everything l know,thank you for having patience.Mom,Dad,Abuelita.Anthony,Charles,thankyou for being there for me.Good luck to the class of 98’!

[Fender Boy / I’m buzzed / Tu est une radasse boudine. /• English Limey Bastard! / N— Bitch! (Mario Kart Duelso| Death) / Can you copy this for me?]-C.F. [LLLL! (Do 9 you even remember what it means?) / “I don’t like ^ cocaine. I just like the way it smells.” / Dan, I'd do it again (please don’t make me have to), besides, 1 finally go" to drive your car. / Let's just go down to Red Bank. 11 ® don’t know how you two could possible be friends, you ref exactly like each other. (I resent that) / Lunch out, what-ij confusing mess. (Big productions over nothing). /Yeah, he won the Academy Award for that. / I’ll have a Coke. Ditto. Why didn’t you just say Tw o Cokes'? /Maestro. . Mastro. . .MasrerG. . . Danny M. . .)-D.M. [Master!.. ■Master! . . ./ Norwalk sucks, why do you guys keep coming here?]-Alpo & Dan [You’re so stingy! /Alpo, you’re such a dumb/fat ass! /1 want to tell you a story about a boy named “SHHH!” / Metallic.! has no meaning. / Baah, Uhhh! (Goat Boy)]-Alpo IDid you see South Park® last night? No, 1 don't have cable. Oh, yea, well it kicked • ass!]-C.F.. D.M., & Alpo [Kick Ass! / You're tha Devil! /Yuck Fou / 1 tend to exaggerate. A little. / Did you • know that (enter useless info, here)? / I’ll do it later. / 1 have big plans. . . / So, you work at Starbucks, cb. Can ^ I get some free coupons? / What ever happened to the film club? / Excited over nothing. / I found my grandparents old 8mm camera, now I just need film for it. only they stopped making it. / My life is pretty busy* for a guy who never has anything to do.) (1 have this great idea for a movie. . . / its about these zombies. . /in* about a tin foil guy, and he's in jail. . . / its about you. . . / it.s about this guy, and he’s just falling. . I its aboutf . . .] [I just don’t see you making a horror film. / 1 got grounded for talking, but it was cool. ]-D, |You messed 9 up my quotes!! (You are forgiven) / HA!]- M.K. [Vous dites!]-C.H. [You’re going to find that many of the truths wc cling to depend greatly on our own point of vicw.-Obi Wan Kcnobi Return of the Jcdi / Contradiction is life, no matter what is hoped.-Franz Kafka]

‘ <1

SMS-I can'f believe it'» finally over. 5 quality year»* Firw. I'd like to thank everyone at K.LH 1 who's been there for me. Coach AM ’ ^wouldn't have stayed if it wctcn'i for you. and there’s no doubt that l it was worth it. Coach Pete, Blacks. Wright. Edwards, Jones. & U®tBear; the best naff ever! Thanks 4 everything. Now to the fellas. Jjjff, Bti-BS-rootnics.VT.NHffalling into chairJ.MSIChuck & Clim).freestyles4frec,l; ri-'’Ayotank*mo.lala.you been ^C:.ri,eatin'corn,uh,’Jaackaas!,Tauri.funncltimes,Dcbs.u9e some «... ConimonSeni/r, Tribe. />jfc'<»/fipornfingcr,schoooluuunch,hookitup!.I was chillin'... ,IiuvmyPa«s!,NYYpridc.East Mn.on a Sun .trainride w/ : 40‘*.b)caehcrbutm,B&P by da poo'.LRC.Kileni is ihel.pong.survivor»-4 a purpose My brother from another motherDon't 4gct it!Phil-carry on the tradition. Thanks to the Ford’s 4 being my 2’“' fam- Supps-Lost in NY.cab ride,Jon's apt ,If was all I[ftw o rth it!-no doubt!Noodleboy,K.O. at Payton's,Supdece.lost 2 Wick,Rye in a fog.buggin out.Even though U disappeared w/Dana 4 a while, the love is still therc-and will remain. Vere 'I been had skills,ya, va, ya. va. you're bug ski.'keep balltn -you'll get there, tc iiltit ,Uy the “player" U R! JC-Let's turn back the clock. 1985-Shady Ln., . v car on rock!Felbs,Stam.RprsndYasgars.Roscns-Glory days. Then we 1 meat again ! waschillin'...'nufTsaid-save a seat for me next year.Keep L | havin' fun. BC, what school do you go to anyway D Ithead' Get it ’ done!ThcGrads: C T,RD .AP,LC.BDG.JS.PK.-you nude KLHT what k wai.-Viking Footbal-'Best E v er -Clan of98- JTH-NSL.I.-8-Its been a great playin’ ball and cbtllin’-just as long as you stay away from the walls Also, I'd take the Brown Bomber over a Bearner any dayl-GB-'lct's go boys' RC-chicken parms.KD-“skate‘ .party animal.LF * 'frenky .strip tease. KL-wcstovcr, the storm. AB-Agagon,-BMbtightcst smilc-TN-O’ line pride. SO-81 AS-Quecn of the cutics PS'shwitz".sprmz. ES-ShafFDog. AT-kcep loungin'. AV-'Launo's in the house."-JZ-Ziggy- Clan o f '99 AL-YESfYESfYES! RS-l ve never •ten anyone laugh so hard in my lilc'.-YA-GQ J-Miz $5buster, make your presence felt on rhe court BH &D J-2 very special girls -RBSpicoli- DS-RU liappyl'OO- AS.AG.MS,AR.BW,DT,SF, Best of Luck! Payton-phcnomenon-Buck-svhcre mv dogs at? Now to those not ' from KLHT-Gianni- Ride home from Rebels practice '93. the beginning of a lifelong friendship. Summer oP96-thc best one ever (B.S.i “G-zuzu", the twins; did you really go out with both of rhcm?Candice;trips to Danbury. BigJohnStudiy.NcwYcat's ‘95;party at your ■ house, sessions, sessions, fkroore sessions.... times w/Caput,FP,RH.|S,KS,'summer o f '9 6 .Through many circles of friends, we've remained ij... - tight.Don't waste your talents.-BEN-club cleaning,great times-Caput-*It’s ail good,“Aggies.B.S.’96“Cutlass,lOU Bro.-Simblist-"Jonny Corolla-Rich-Barber.don't 4gct TOR.the next Tommy Hil. The city is yours.-Seth-Summer of V?-Brugg-'Tm O.K.! "Sara-Dabid,\ “sari• sar.'-Nicole-Sorry 1 took you 4 granted-Bccky-Visits-Vanessa-couldn't 4ger you-To my cuz Aaron-time for us both to move on.-My Bro's; Jon-thc next KOAM-stick with itl-Michael-Own the next gcnctation-It's yours! I love you guys. Mom & Dad-I couldn’t have done anything svithoui you. Thanks for always being thcrc-l love you. Well. I guess that's the end. Time to go expand my horizons. Peace.

ZigZig- SBV ; oh, life. Baskin Robbins. It does n r matter why we're friends. I’m just gJad we are. N.M:complcx vs. complicated. Necessary solace of undeath metal music while RC sleeps. RC^- Exhrution grooves. Fiasco. First kiss. G B - eighth grade ski trip. ... long time no talk ... seniors, brief stint. Friends. Nick Pu p- special hugs. Fire and water. Low' keypassion. Rosy- captivated by a shared split brain. Alice in Wonderland. Afterschool adventures. Dazed and Confused. Blueberry Buds. That field. Squint. School? Ehson- lovable tor the unconditional happiness. Point and laugh. Mark: alarm clock for camping? SS- couldn't live w/out your ziggyl’s and faces. 4acre: cells are small. Bill I + Ted N. - funny comics, just a general shout out. Ion- president. Sweet smile. Brian - Pisces ELC soft memorable friendship. Cosmic. Darcy-. Lanev - riot year. Emily - following the late night lire trail to the explosive rainbow. Andrew - painting unrestrained freedom bodies. Random moments o f purity' and truth. Ali- kick box. Spors. Painting. Gibberish. Betty - thanks for helping me grow up in the most tangible sense. Randy - there is more than words for you because siblings are a feeling. KR - dangerous. D l- Outkast . C £ - C+J bus co. growing up. Dorthy heroy. KD - snoke. Pyramids pictures. Ihop. laime - Khans, snowboard chicks, riding, laughing ... laughing ... Stew —J always thought you were nice. Tyler - tough break. Lite as a learning exp. Short talks that rack up on the clock. Ryan Supp. Laughing in T M bathroom. Charades Rvler. Horan - after school senior room talks that touch my soul. Keep singing like kermit. Mr. Lynch -All in all an influential guy to be remembered. KLH T look out for opportunity, remain true to spirit, grow. Feel free to add another letter. Do not destrucr. 1 had a wonderful time, thanks.




Ay yo I got a slight problom ... I ekoms deew oot heum give me som O.E G.K sorry ‘bout the boat SoCo yo grab a brew don’t cost nothing D.W the one £ 4C thing I know...BLSD A.T your drive is w tim k short but your nipples are hard A.V ny sports, simpsons, rolling rock C.H alive w/pleaser, you know what 1 heard abot paul neuwman... K.L down syndrom , 02 math, J.L laganga need a ride home? D.J senior girls coop. A.S with your dyed red hair you +CS have to play that game gain, L.G Italy, wemadefunofyorassohard N.M lax bro sincce 6,h grade alabama E.S. Ace dog lax bro #32,history,It’s french. MY 02 BROS + SIS AV, AT, GK, DJ, KD, PS, KL, SS, DS, SO, CH.MRS. C class of 98 my hobies include weer beed and all sorts of ill shiz props to my boys bud, coors, heinie. Olde English 800 in my system som day I’ll see you all living on the island of St. Ides all my peeps keep on puffin’ Peace

h1 *# 10-Good-bye

KLHT. It has been •Fun!!! KR-I worn't forget the police •officers @ McD. Youfve been a good ^friend. Weire outta here kid. DJ-keep §on chasing after your dreams. I love you t babe, don/t forget me my Jamaican•Costa Rican pal. J Hoff-stop been so •conversationist. B Lawrence-keep on •been itoo africani your beautiful donft *forget that. MG-donit forget #22 in #florida. Youfre the best. BF-I will ^remember the first time I met you, and •donit forget lSeveni. SS-My American •Princeoidonagagoni. C. Horan, Alex •V., Sean W-thanks for been a friend. I luv you guys. Iill miss you, Devere, *CF, GK, JL. SO, JR, PS, ES, DS, AT. SW, Zala, A. Baker, CB, De De, RD, J k R, HW, ]M, Alissa A„ Alyssa F„ KB, PC, SJ, EJ, SK, MM, NR, Audrey, •AK: You guys know who you are, good luck in rhe future. Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. •Rodriguez, Mrs. Baker: Thanks for been a mentor. Mom=Dad- Thanks for •your support. Willie you ire the greatest!!! Km outtie. Love and kisses to the

Jclass of 98! KLHT. 111! miss you all.

Stewart 81- To A(e, when evey I was


messing up you were always the first to tell me no matter who was around. I give great respect. To adam, the only man I did not get in to a fight with over summer,well! To ted, shafer brothers always. And remember dc-tackel de­ end. To the original 02 crew, rhe biggest party animals in the school. To kate L, can you ever decide who you want. To ali, I might mess on ocasion but never hold that against me. To i dana, scott,tim,and marry, some day you ‘II actually admit your fellings for one another. To jill n, the only girl that knocked me upside my head. T o the football team, the best four years of my life. Coach black, the brother I never had, you’ll never be forgotten. And to any one that I forgot, mad love.

Se n i o r Su p e r l a t i v e s Co n n e c t i o n

Ch r i s H i l l & C o u r t n e y Sh e a

Best Eyes

Ka t e D o n a h u e & G r a h a m B u r t


K im La k e & N i c k M o n t g o m e r y


Ch r i s H o r a n & S u s a n n a C o a t e s

Most High Strung

a t

i t s


M e g a n Ko s t e r & N i c k M o n t g o m e r y

Most Musical/Theatrical

J e n n Z a l a & Ch r i s H ill

Most Artistic/Creative

A l e x Vi l l a c i s & K im La k e

Most Talkative

J e n n Za l a & A d a m

Tr o t t

Most Laid Back




Best Friends

H i Ad a m


D e v e r e J o n e s &A r i e l l e S c h w a r t z

Tr o t t & La u r e n F r e n k e l

Most Flirtatious


Most School Spirit

La w r e n c e & B r i a n Fo r d

Best Dressed

Gu e v a r a & B r i a n M ost Athletic


Ob i t u a r i e s , C lass






1 9 j 8

Obituaries ... o f the class of 1998 M ark - Disappeared after looking lor Devin barefoot in North Stamford Jon - Dies from an inflated ego Graham - Made fun ol the wrong person Kate - Dies a happy woman in prison after killing her nemesis Josh K - Committed suicide jumping o ff a building as Batman using his SA 1 score report sheets as wings Alecia - Is walking to Grade A and is hit by a Batman imposter yelling something about a 1600 Chris H - Proves everyone wrong and lives forever Arielle —Dies in the line o f duty (psychologist) —killed by her patient Chris Horan after denying his claim to be the Messiah Jenn - Falls o ff a cliff while chasing a butterfly Chris BH - Killed by Leigh while in the back seat o f his parked car with an unidentified female. Courtney - Dies from a brain hemorrhage after being hit by a pillow to the head JoshR - Killed by Ehson for wearing another brightly-colored sweater Ehson - Dies blowing up the world and everyone on it Stew - Dies trying to bench as much he claimed he could Leigh - Dies in jail after her hit and run Kim - Dies mumbling incoherent babble at the Bull’s Head Diner when she’s 70 Kelly - Suffocates in her fruity perfume Brian - Dies rich living in apt. above his parents garage Sam - Dies with a big grin on his face after inheriting all o f Brian’s money Brandi - Dies in a tragic incident involving high heels Dave S - Becomes the pope and is killed by an ex-girlfriend Megan - Dies a slow and torturous death, smiling the whole time JohnL - Killed by Chris Fouracre for interrupting him again Alpo - Shot by Mrs. Sia during Calculus exam Dan M - Commits suicide after Alpo dies Garrett - Killed when a senior room couch comes to life and retaliates Phil - Dies after a long, successful career in the movie industry survived by his wife, Alecia Silverstone Alex - Spontaneously combusts Rob - Dies o f a God complex after buying out Microsoft Bill —Commits suicide when Ted dies Nick —Dies laughing at one o f his own corny jokes Chris F - Dies after falling down a storm drain Coop - Dies after an intense debate Susanna - Commits suicide after the last episode o f 90210 Adam - Falls asleep in the senior room and never wakes up Devere - Shot by Josh Roberts at tip o f NCAA finals Ted —His Geo is run over by Devin in the Boston Marathon Devin - Gets hit by the ambulance (that was sent to help Ted) driven by Garrett Sean - Accidentally crashes his car going 120 mph because he was late Lauren - Suffocates herself in makeup Michelle —Dies trying to fight Michael Jordan for the rights to #23

38 Last W ill A nd T e s t a m e n t We, the class o f 1998, leave to the following:

Mrs. Baker- Gold-plated, inscribed Upper School handbook Mrs. Braunschweig- A copy o f Total Recall Mrs. Christiansen- A trip to England from the ‘02 kids Mr. Clark- Bill Gates Mrs. Hanson- Taylor, Zach, Isaac Mrs. Herod- A quiet computer room Mr. Hudson- A slothless student body Sra. Kicelian - A punctual fourth period class Mrs. Kweskin- A back massage from Mr. Strunk and Mr. White Mrs. Libonati- Patrick Swayze Mr. Lynch- A beaker full o f Mountain Dew Mrs. Meyer- Gerbers Mrs. Mishkin- Alex Mrs. Murphy- Jerry Garcia Mr. Newman- A job at the post office Mrs. Normann- A list o f excuses for the seniors to sign out Mr. Orio- Our love and the best o f luck Mr. Pak- The meaning o f life Mrs. Payne- T he hypothesis o f the deciduous forests Mrs. Pusack- Baking soda for the refrigerator in the lab Mr. Richter- A reunion with his brother Franz Sra. Rodriguez- Dancing lessons Mrs. Sia- A class reserved just for gossip Mrs. Siano-Good relations with college administrators Mrs. Smith- A class trip allowing tank tops and shorts Mr. Tsakraklides-A weather report Mr. Tucker- A bigger English room for his groupies Mr. von Storch- Kate and Lauren Mrs.Wagner- 1000 used plastic bottles with the wrapping peeled off Mr. Wallace- D ecaf Coffee Mr. Woodford- An Armani suit Ms. Wurtz- All o f the senior boys II

Se ni o r

Y e a r ...

W e 'v e




f a r


1he rheme of this year’s senior class has definitely been bonding. We started the year off with our class trip to Washington D.C. which will be an experience we won’t soon forget. As strange as getting to know each other in senior year sounds, it is very truthful. We returned from our class trip to start the tumultuous senior year with little to no idea of what surprises it would bring. Senior year has been different in many ways, but most of the credit can be given to that proverbial dirty of senior room in which we spend our quality time. Whether we are gossiping, eating, straining to listen to music off someone’s headphone ( as stereos are not allowed), dancing or just being seniors, that room is where the majority of the bonding takes place. Although we have a lot more cases of “senioritis” than we’d like to admit, our stressful college searches will prove to be fruitful. 1 hat will not be the only success of our senior class, though. We are comprised of many different types of people and after we have said our good-byes to each other following graduation, we will be able to look back and realize that becoming a coherent unit in our last year here at KLHT has perhaps been our greatest success of all.

J u n i o r C lass Yves Amboise Ward Anderson Alissa Arakel ian Alissa Baker

Carolyn Barragan Richard Berberian Jonathan Boisfeuillet W hit Breeden

Jordan Cohen Ben Collins Dinushka De Silva Rachel D orf

Elizabeth Egan Alyssa Fischer John Grant Chris Haynes

Ryan Hughes Brandi Hunter Josh Jacobson Dana Johnson

Nick Karayiannis Adam Lametta Kate Larsen David Lourie


C lass



Jessica Mead Jennifer Metzler Elizabeth Nichols Rebecca Page

Katherine Redniss Jaime-Lynn Regnemer Chirag Sadana Dave Sandak

Jeremy Schachner Michael Schechter Allison Siegel Ryan Supple

Chris Tsirbas Scott VanDusen Heather Walsh Dan Weisbard

Justin Williams


Ju ni o r Ye a r ... Lo o k i n g Fo r w a r d 1 his year, the Junior class has made many important decisions. The beginning o f the college process, as well as pulling together as a class, were our top priorities. W e decided to do something different this year regarding class shirts. We decided not to have them a all. Instead, we elected a new class sweater. The class trip, although many of us complained about being “in the woods again for the third year in a row, turned out to be relaxing and almost enjoyable. We had much more free time to bond than other classes who went to major cities. It was also by far the shortest trip, returning at one o’clock, giving us plenty o f time to sleep and do our homework before^ school the next day. There was a proposition to change the time of the class trip for next year. Instead of going away for three days at the beginning of the year when many Seniors are swamped with college work, we would have those days off to visit colleges or work with the college counselor. Then, at the end of the year we would take an overnight trip which would come after the AP exams but two weeks before the finals. The overwhelming majority thinks that this is a good idea. The juniors are confident and excited to enter their Senior year.

So p h o m o r e C lass Neil Ayaz Kate Barker Jean Bauer Peter Bernacki

Sinan Biro Laura Bull Christopher Byrnes Jean-Paul Christophe

Margaret Coates Elizabeth Cochran Priscilla Cosme Brigid De Maria

Seth Feinberg Lauren Finn Jesse Freedman Veronika Frenkel

Alex Giannini Jeanne H off David Hurwich Sinan James

Evonne Jones Brett Kassel Nathan Kayes Chris Klein


C lass



Reed Knox Sarah Korval Charlie Koster Eric Leiser

Frank Lionetti Thomas McGovern Christina Moller Maude Murphy

Matthew Naidorf David Nourse Andrew Reuben Nicole Roselle

Thomas Sandak Ranju Sarkar Anthony Scaffidi Eric Schulman

Picture N ot Available

Michael Smith David Sohn Jonathan Thackeray David Trencher

Rita Trivedi Tobey Wallace Benjamin Wiegand


So p h o m o r e Ye a r ...O h ,


Me m o r i e s

1 illed with a combination ofhard work and fun, the Sophomore year has really proved to be a memorable one. The class trip to Amish Country and Philadelphia gave us a chance to get acquainted with new students while furthering our relationships with old friendsit was a wonderful way to kick off' a great year!

1 he interesting aspect about being a Sophomore is that it is often hard to secure a definite identity in school. W hile a Sophomore is not a newcomer to the school, he or she is not quite an upperclassman. It is a very middle stage ofhigh school, but it is possibly the last year of school in which we can be somewhat carefree about the college process. While this is a difficult position for a student to be in, the Class of 2000 managed to showcase individual talents in addition to coming and working together as a cohesive unit. One the primary goals o f the Sophomore class was to allow each student to become more involved within the community. In Novembi we sponsored a clothing drive to benefit those less fortunate than ourselves. This was very successful after each division of the was asked to help contribute to the wealth of kindness by supporting this worthwhile charity. The 1997-98 school year was a successful one for the Sophomores and we look forward to an exciting year as upperclasseman next year! 1



Fr e s h m a n C lass Audrey Adade Nick Ahuja Liza Barrett Brandon Benoit

Picture N ot Available

Kirill Bernshteyn Bobby Bevilacqua Prescott Breeden Jeannette Brooks

Meredith Buzanoski Julio Cardenas Alexandra Caulfield Victoria Chamberlin

Picture N ot Available


h Andrew Cooling Chip Curtis Nathanael Deraney Ashley Fischer

Evan Frenkel Katia Garcon David Gomez Sam Henneberry

Jason Hickey Marielle Horan Robert Hornbuckle Alexander Huels


C lass



Jessica Hulland Rodney Jean-Baptiste Afrodite Karayiannis Gillian Knox

Sarah Larsen Kate Metzler Lauren Neuman Tim Pusack

Piya Rajkumar Christopher Rand Keith Ringel Kelli Sarkie

Margo Schwartz Dana Sclafani Matt Staves Sam Stevenson-Smith

Scott Tooter Summer Trott Ryan Trow


___________________________________________________________ ___ ________________________________________________ _

Fr e s h m a n Ye a r ... Off To a Gr e a t S tart

man class is off to a great start in the Upper School. The class trip to New York City was packed with great things to do and to see and really gave us a good chance to bond with each other and adjust to the beginnings of a new school year. Some of the highlights of this trip included the Hard Rock Cafe, going to Shea Stadium to see a Mets game, and browsing at South Street Seaport. Going to the top of the Empire State Building was almost as exciting as the tour of the NBC studios- a memory that we will never forget. At the end of the trip the new students did not feel like strangers anymore, but like old friends. Our class planned to accomplish many things this year, including setting up raffles, organizing a school wide activity, and community service. We also set up committees at the beginning of the school year to help adjust to our new school life. These committees included the fund-raising committee, the social committee, the education committee, and the community service community. We all worked well together and accomplished a great deal this year. The Freshman class is comfortable with high school life and looks forward to what it can bring to KLHT in the coming years.



L i n k e d to Pa r t i c i p a t i o n

St u d e n t S e r v i c e Student Council F irst R o w (L -R ): Brandon Benoit, Sam Scevenson-Smith, Katia Garcon.Tobey Wallace, Chris Horan, Ranju Sarkar, Katherine Redniss, Thomas Sandak, Ryan Hughes, David Sandak S e c o n d R ow : Jennifer Zala, Tim Pusack, J.P. Christophe, Alex Villacis, Jordan Cohen, Chris Byrnes T h ir d R o w : David Nourse, Mrs.Mishkin, Brian Ford, Jon Hoffman, Danajohnson,

Josh Jacobson, Scott Van Dusen

Key Club First Row (L-R): Piya Rajkumar, Summer Trott, Kelli Sarkie, Ranju Sarkar, Kate Barker, Danajohnson, Mrs. Hughes, Jeanne Hofl, Tobey Wallace, Margo Schwartz, Julio Cardenas, Katia Garcon, Heather Walsh, Katherine Redniss, Rachel Dorf, Jeannette Brooks, Jessica Hulland, Brandon Benoit, Mrs. Colthup, Megan Koster. Second Row: Frank Lionetti, Tim Pusack, Tom Sandak, Alyssa Fischer. Yves Amboise, W hit Breeden, Alexander Huels. Third Row: Meggie Coates, Sarah Korval, Lizzie Nichols, Maude Murphy, Chris Byrnes, Sinan Biro. Fourth Row: Brian Ford, Sam Seiler, Jason Hickey, Andrew Reuben. Fifth Row: Jon Thackeray, Jean-Paul Christophe, Marielle Horan, Liza Barrett, Chirag Sadana, Chris Klein, Scott Tooter, Chris Rand. Sixth Row: Reed Knox, Sam Henneberry, Jill Knox, Chris Klein

LD P F irst R o w (L -R ): Tom Sandak, Jonathan Thackeray, Chirag Sadana, Garrett Kruger, Maude Murphy, Ranju Sarkar, Kate Barker, Josh Jacobson, Scott Van Dusen, Josh Klein, Whit Breeden S e c o n d R ow : S inan Biro, Jeanne Hoff, Dave Lourie, David Trencher, Evonne Jones, Priscilla Cosme, Brett Kassel, Chris Byrnes, Dan Mastrogiovanni, Mrs. Payne

Environmental F irst R o w (L -R ):

Peter Bernacki, David

Lourie S e c o n d R o w . Jean

Bauer, Veronika Frenkel, Dan Cooper, Chirag Sadana, Kate Metzler, Dinushka DeSilva, Mrs. Pusack, Eric Schulman T h ir d R ow : Nathan Kayes, Eric Leiser, Brett Kassel, David Hurwich


St u d e n t Pu b l i c a t i o n s Yearbook Jean Bauer, Ranju Sarkar, Kate Barker, Dana Sclafani, Sam StevensonSmith S e c o n d R ow : Tom McGovern, Rita Trivedi, Kim Lake, Megan Koster, Whit Breeden, Brandi Lawrence, Dana Johnson, Sarah Korval T h ir d R ow : Nathan Kayes, Arielle Schwartz, Brian Ford, Sam Seiler, Alex Giannini, Ben Weigand, Sinan Biro F o u r th R o w : Chris Hill, Josh Klein, Rob Casselman, Ted Nigro, Susanna Coates, An­ drew Reuben, Chirag Sadana F r o n t R o w (L -R ):

Indelible Ink F irst R o w (L -R ):

Arielle Schwartz, Courtney

Shea S eco n d R ow :

Lizzie Nichols, Susanna Coates,

Kate Barker T h ir d R ow : Veronika Frenkel, Mrs. Meyer, Sarah Korval, Jessica Mead, Kim Lake, Rob Casselman, Graham Burt, Leigh Gallagher

Chronicle Chris Byrnes, Jean Bauer, Dana Sclafani, Josh Klein, Alex Giannini S e c o n d R ow : Ted Nigro, Scott Van Dusen, Whit Breeden, Bill Jones T h ir d R ow : David Supple, Sam Seiler, Brian Ford F irst R o w (L -R ):

T h e Standard Dan Mastrogiovanni, Ranju Sarkar, Tom Sandak, Jean Bauer S e c o n d R ow : Garrett Kruger, Chris Hill, Alex Villacis, Nick Montgomery, Rob Casselman, Sean White, Mrs. Meyer F irst R o w (L -R ):


St u d e n t Aw a r e n e s s A A SC Brandi Lawrence, Kim Lake, Susanna Coates, Sarah Larsen, Alexandra Caulfield S ec o n d R ow : Kate Larsen, Peyton Cochran, Alissa Baker, Kelly Roth, Tobey Wallace, Meggie Coates, Jaime Regnemer, Alyssa Fischer, Jennie Metzler, Leigh Gallagher, Rob Casselntan, Jenn Zala T h ir d R ow : Mr. Lynch, Maude Murphy, Ryan Trow, Graham Burt

F ir st R o w (L -R ):

SA D D Jordan Cohen, Susanna Coates, Alex Villacis, Ryan Hughes S e c o n d R ow : Kim Lake, Jaime Regnemer, Alexandra Caulfield T h ir d R ow : Tobey Wallace, Meggie Coates, Jenny Metzler, Alyssa Fischer, Leigh Gallagher, Sarah Larsen, Ryan Trow F o u rth R ow : Kate Larsen, Mr. Lynch, Jenn Zala, Kelly Roth

F irst R o w (L -R ):

ucc Julio Cardenas, Michelle Guevara, Whit Breeden, Kate Donahue, Jaime Regnemer, Dinushka De Silva, Alyssa Fischer S econd R o w : Dana Johnson, Brandi Hunter, Brandi Lawrence, Kelly Roth, Alex Villacis, Ehson Shafie, Devere Jones T h ir d R ow : Robert Hornbuckle, Michael Smith, Brian Ford, David Supple, Sam Seiler, Ryan Supple F irst R o w (L -R ):

Amnesty Alissa Arakelian, Alyssa Fischer, Jaime Regnemer, Jenn Zala, Chris Rand, Ashley Fischer, Mike Schechter S e c o n d R ow : Ryan Hughes, Kelly Roth, Alecia Brissett, Jeremy Schachner, Dinushka De Silva, Whit Breeden, David Lourie, Chirag Sadana F irst R o w (L -R ):

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A rts

the Drama F ro n t R o w (L -R ): Jon

Boisfeuillet, Brett Kassel, David Gomez, KateMetzler, Dinushka DeSilva, !Alex Giannini, Kate Larsen, Tom Sandak S e c o n d R ow : Jesse Freedman, J.P. Christophe, .Charlie Koster, Whit Breeden, Nick Mont­ gomery, Ranju Sarkar, Rachel Dorf, David Trencher 'T h i r d R ow : Mrs. Forster, Brandon Benoit, [Katherine Redniss, Heather Walsh, Lizzie [Nichols, Victoria Chamberlin, Alissa Baker \F o u rth R ow : Rita Trivedi, Prescott Breeden, Jeremy Schachner, Ryan Trow

Club Jenn Zala, Lauren Frenkel Eric Leiser, Lizzie Nichols, Mrs. , Maude Murphy T h ir d R ow : Audrey Adade, Katia Garcon, Bill Jones, John Legrand

F irst R o w (L -R ): S eco n d R ow :

Film Club F irst R o w (L -R ):

Kelly Rorh, Alecia Brissett, Jean

Bauer S e c o n d R ow :

Dr. Beresford-Hill, Josh Roberts,

Eric Leiser

Cooking Club Alecia Brissett, Kelly Roth, Nicole Roselle, Jeannette Brooks S e c o n d R ow : Jordan Cohen, Josh Roberts, Yves Amboise F irst R o w (L -R ):



u d e n t s

S p e a k O ut

Political Union F irst R o w (L -R ): Tom Sandak, Jeremy Schachner, Katia Garcon, Sean White S e c o n d R o w : Nathanael Deraney Dan Weisbard, Chris Horan, John Legrand

Model U .N . Katia Garcon, Ranju Sarkar, Megan Koster S e c o n d R o w : Jean Bauer, Sarah Korval, J.P. Christophe, David Gomez T h i r d R o w : David Supple, Nathanael Deraney, Scott Van Dusen, Whit Breeden, Sean White F irst R o w (L -R ):

Debate Rita Trivedi, Jean Bauer, J.P. Christophe, Neil Ayaz S e c o n d R ow : Mr. Hudson, Sarah Korval, Dan Cooper, Veronika Frenkel F ir st R o w (L -R ):

Book Club F irst R o w (L -R ): Veronika Frenkel, Ranju Sarkar, Ms. Hayes, Jean Bauer S e c o n d R ow : Tom Sandak, J.P. Christophe, Matt Staves, Chris Byrnes T h ir d R ow : Sarah Korval, Kate Barker, Nathanael Deraney


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St u d e n t s O u t d o o r s Fishing Club F ro n t R o w (L -R ): Mark Henderson, Chip Curtis

Garrett Kruger, Phil Schwartz, Chris Hill, Devin Wallace, Jon Boisfeuillet

S e c o n d R ow :

Lacrosse Club F irst R o w (L -R ): Julio Cardenas, Nick Mont­ gomery, Kate Donahue, Mark Henderson, Kruger : Dana Sclafani, Gillian Knox, Dave e, Alex Villacis, Devin Wallace, Jesse Freedman T h ir d R ow : Andrew Reuben, Jeremy Schachner, Frank Lionetti




We were all very proud of our­ selves this year. We finished 6-2, but each game we played our very best, and worked together as a team. We had a lot of fun this year, and we achieved an important goal — giv­ ing Coach A1 his 50th win. That’s what Viking Football is all about.” -Teddy Nigro & Rob Casselman

Front Row (L~R')-• Ehson Shafie, Rob Casselman, Steu’art Oakes, Devere Jones, Jon Hoffman, Garrett Kruger, John tcgrand, Teddy Nigro. Second Row: Chris Haynes, Nick Karayiannis, Graham Hurt, Bill /ones, David Supple. Brian Ford. Yves Amboise. Third Row: Ben Wiegand, Anthony Scaffidi, Jesse Freedman. Adam Lametta, Whit Breeden, Ward Anderson, John Grant. Rich Berberian. Fourth Row: Chris Klein, Andrew Reuben, Reed Knox: Ben Collins, David Nourse, Chris Byrnes. . Biro. Back Row: Keith Ringel, Rob Hornbucklc, Prescott Breeden, Brandon Benoit, Tim Pusack. Rodney Jean-Baptisle, llobby Bevilactjua. Scott Toorer, Mike Smith.






Bo y s '


This year, varsity soccer had a great season. We had some diffi­ cult games, but we managed to pull through and play very well this season. We had a lot of fun.â€? - Nick Montgomery & Ryan Supple

I F irst R o w (L -R ): J o r d a n C ohen, D a v id S a n d a k , J u lio C ardenas, R y a n H ughes, T o m S a n d a k , leanP a u l C hristophe, J o n T hackeray, D a n Cooper. S e c o n d R ow : C oach S c o tt T u cker, F r a n k L ionelti, Phi S c h w a rtz, N ic k M o n tg o m e ry , R yan S u pple, S c o tt V a n D u se n , D a n M a stro g io v a n n i, D a v id Gomez, B r e tt Kassel,


Wh a t




“ JV Soccer was great this year. We won a lot and had a good time. This was one of the best seasons ever.� - Alex Villacis & Adam Trott

F irst R o w (L -R ): C h ip C u rtis, P eter B ern a cki, E ric S c h u lm a n , J e re m y Schachner, M ik e Schecter, E v ttn F renkel, J o n Thackeray. S e c o n d R ow : T h o m a s M c G o v e rn , N i c k A h u ja , M a r k H en d erso n , A le x Vi/lacis, C h ira g S a d a n a , K ir ill B ern sh teyn , M a tt Staves, N a th a n a e l D eraney. C oach H a n s R ichter, A n d r e w C ooling, A le x a n d e r H u els, E ric Leiser, A d a m T ro tt, J u s tin W illia m s, S a m H e n n e b e n y , C hris Fouracre.




r l s



We had an incredible season this year. We played better than ever, and our hard work brought us to the championship.” - Michelle Guevara & Becca Page

“ JV Soccer had a pretty good year. We were proud of ourselves because we played together as a team.” - Kim Lake & Susanna Coates

F irst R o w (L -R ): L iz a B arrett, A rie /le S c h w a rtz, P riscilla C osm e, B r a n d i H u n te r , Rebecca Page, L a u re n N e u m a n , P iya R a jk u m a r, M a rg o S c h w a rtz, Tobey W allace, G illia n K n o x . S e c o n d Row: C oach J e n Vescio, K im L ake, M eggie Coates, Jessica M e a d , M e g a n Koster, A lyssa Fischer, J a m ie R egnem er, H e a th e r W alsh, M ic h e lle G uevara, C o u rtn e y Shea, B r a n d i L aw rence, M a u d e M u rp h y , Sain S teven so n -S rn ith , K a th e r in e Redniss, C oach E rin G urry.


Th e






Ho c k e y

“ This was a rebuilding season, but we had a lot of fun. We came together as a team, andl think we will have a formidable squad next year.� - Alissa Baker & Lizzie Nichols

F irst R o w (L -R ): S o x th e dog, R ita T riv e d i, E v o n n e Jones, D in u s h k a D e S ilv a , AUssa B a ker, L izz ie N ichols, D a n a S c la fa n i, R a n ju S a rk a r, L ucas H o ra n . S e c o n d R ow : C oach M a r y J o S ilv ia , S ia n Jam es, L a u re n F in n . K a te B arker, N ic h o le Roselle, S a ra h K orval, Jessica H o lla n d , P eyto n C ochran, M a rie lle H o ra n , C hris H o r a n , C oach W en d y H a ft.





l l e y b a l l

Va r s i t y

“ We had a rough start this season, but we did a great job coming together as a team. We were able to put it all together as the season progressed, and we made it to the championship. We had a lot of fun.� - Jennie Metzler & Ali Siegel F irst R o w (L -R ): L iz E gan, S a ra h L arsen , A le c ia B rissett, K elly R o th , M e r e B u za n o sk i, A firodite K a ra y ia n n is, A u d re y A d a d e . S e c o n d Roto: C oach K .S . P a k, B r ig id D e M a r ia , K a te L arsen, A l i Siegel, J e n n ie M e tzle r, R a ch el D o rf, J e a n n e H o ff, C oach S a lly P oulton.

A Ch a m p i o n s h i p Se a s o n

J unior

Va r s i t y

\ !'

i “ We had a great season this year. We learned a lot about the game and had a good time playing together. We are all looking forward to next year.� - Kate Metzler, Alyssa Arakelian, & DanaJohnson

j F irst R o w (L -R ): C oach R ebecca F ia r m a n , S u m m e r T ro tt, A sh ley Fischer, A l i C a u lfie ld , K a te M e tzle r. S e c o n d R ow : K a tia G arcon, K e lli S a rk ie , A lyssa A ra k e lia n , D a n a Jo hnson.



Cou nt ry

“ As Captains, we feel as though we had a lot of fun this year. We were very competitive in all our races, and we had a very good season. Oh yeah, and Frosted Cheerios are very good !� - Devin Wallace & Chris Horan

F ro n t R o w (L -R ): C oach J im N e w m a n , D a v i d Trencher, N e il A y a z , D a v i d S o h n , J e a n B auer, Sam B aker, C oach G reg L y n c h B a ck R ow : D a v id H u r w ic h , Josh Jacobson, M a t t N a id o r f, D e v in Wallace, C h ris H o ra n , S e a n W h ite , D a n W eisbard, C hris R a n d


Wh a t

x -c o u n t r y


“We started off slowly at the begin­ ning of the '98 season, but seem to have found a strategy' that works! Our hard work and dedication have made this a great basketball season.” -Brian Ford, Devere Jones, &i Jon Hoffman


From Row (I.-R): Alyssa Fischrr, Ren Wiegand, Robert Hombuckle. Brian Ford. Jordan Cohen. Andrew Reuben, Jon Boisfeuillel Back Row: Coach Blackislon, D eem Jones. Chris Tsirbas, Justin Williams. Yves Amboise, Stewart Oakes. Jon Hoffinan. Kelly Roth. Coach Wright

Re b o u n d i n ' N ' A s t o u n d i n '

Gi r l s '

Ba s k e t b a l l

Va r s i t y

“We’ve got a new team this year but so far we are pulling together and playing very well. As Seniors, we have to say goodbye to a team that has come very far in the past few years. Good luck next year, Girls’ Basketball!” -Brandi Lawrence & Michelle Guevara

Front Row (L-R): Sum Stevtnson-Smith, Jill Knox, Tobry Wallace. Si,in James, Carolyn Barragan Back Row: A lean Brissell, Dana Johnson, Jennie Metzler. Brandi Lawrence. Meggie Comes. Sarah Korval, Maude Murphy, Michelle Guevara. Coach Haft. Coach Paasch


Fl y i n ' H igh

J unior

Va r s i t y

C oach S ilv ia , E v o n n e Jones, B r ig id D c M a ria , P riscilla Cosme, D in u s h k a D e S ilv a , R a n ju S a rk ar, A u d re y A d a d e


I ce

Ho c k e y

Va r s i t y Ho c k e y

F ro n t R o w (L -R ): E v a n F renkel, J a m ie Regnerner, Rebecca Page, C h ip C u rtis, E ric S c h u lm a n B a ck R ow : C oach T ucker, L a u ra B ull, K e ith R ingel, A n d r e w C ooling, D a v i d S u p p le , A d a m Trott, R y a n H ughes, G a r re tt K ruger, R yan S u pple, C oach Jones







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C lass T r i p s ..


A WONDERFUL TRIP FOR ALL C l a s s Tr i p s As usual, to start oft the school year, all four grades of the upper school participated in the tradition o f the annual class trips. Each grade had an experience completely unique to their class, and all came away from the trips with some good laughs and some good memories. The twelfth grade went to Washington D.C. and experienced a whirlwind tour of the major buildings and sights in Washington. The eleventh grade went to the Episcopalian Retreat in Ivorytown, C T . and, contrary to last year’s group, felt it was a really fun and worthwhile trip. For the tenth grade trip, the sophomores traveled to Amish Country, in Lancaster, PA. They enjoyed hanging out in their spare time and shopping, obviously not part o f the Amish life­ style. Last but not least, the ninth grade journeyed to New York City, which they were generally enthusiastic about. All in all, these class trips were successful, colorful experiences which will be relived in student conversations and memories for years to come.

Above: “Are those prunes?!" Right: Severaljuniors try to escapefrom their class trip.


Left: “No Susanna, I will not make out with you for $1.00. ” Below: Freshmen Rob Hornbuckle, Jason Hickey, AlexHuels, and Bobby Bevilacqua are Coming to America.


Ho m e c o m i n g 1997 A Sp e c t a c u l a r E v e n t Ho m e c o m i n g The 1997 Homecoming was a real success. An outstanding number of alumni, parents, students, and faculty turned out on beautiful October 4th for the festivities. Because the SAT’s were also scheduled for that morning, the day began with some added pressures for the seniors, yet it all worked out fine. There was much cause for school pride on Homecoming because, overall, the victories o f the KLH T sports fans were plentiful. Due to a Viking goal scored very early on in the game, the pressure was fierce, but the Varsity Boys Soccer team kept their lead to finish 1-0. Girls Varsity Soccer also emerged triumphant from their game. After being defeated for over ten years by GFA on their own Homecoming field, Varsity Girls Soccer put their heads together and set out to win. The final score was an immensely gratifying 5-0. Unfortu­ nately Boys J V Soccer lost their homecoming game, although they put up a good fight with the final score being a close 3-1. Girls JV Soccer won their game 2-0 to the excitement o f both the team and the cheering on­ lookers. Yet, Girls Field Hockey suffered a loss against the GFA girls. After a tough struggle the final score ended up to be 2-1. The JV Volleyball team was in high spirits when they won their Homecoming Game with the final score being 2-1. But to the chagrin o f both the team and the bystanders, the Varsity Volleyball Homecoming Game was cancelled due to a technical difficulty. The Cross Country Team fared well against GFA, GA, and Brunswick, and although they didn’t win, the whole team put in a lot of effort and had a good time running. After a long day o f hard-earned triumphs over GFA in almost all areas, the Football Team also crushed their opponent South Kent with a 40-12 score. At half-time came the tradition o f crowning the Home­ coming King and Queen. This year’s King, Devere Jones, and Queen, Kate Donahue, then proceeded to ride around the field in the “royal car,” courtesy o f Mr. Lynch. With the participation of the Lower Schoolers in sponsoring teams and the countless parent volunteers, Homecoming 1997 was a truly unified activity encompassing all aspects o f school life.


You Ca n 't Take


W ith You

Th e H i g h l i g h t o f the Da y B r a vo! This year’s fall drama production was You Can’t Take It With You by Moss Hart and George Kaufman. At its center is the eccentric but loving Sycamore family. Penny and Paul Sycamore, played by Katherine Redniss and Chris Horan, both have their idiosyncrasies. The main conflict arises when the Sycamores’ daughter, Alice (Ranju Sarkar), wants to many Tony Kirby (Nick Montgomery), the son of a well-to-do busi­ ness owner. Alice is ashamed of the individual quirks of her family, who contrast with the cool detachment of the Kirbys. In the comedic highlight of the play, the “game scene,” Mrs. Kirby (Heather Walsh), reveals a little too much about Mr. Kirby (Whit Breeden), more than she considers socially acceptable. To provide more comedy, various characters encounter the Sycamores, such as government officials (Prescott Breeden, Ryan Trow, Jason Hickey, Brandon Benoit) who demand income tax from Grandpa, played by Jesse Freedman. Other characters, such as a drunken actress (Victoria Chamberlin) who falls asleep on the Sycamores’ couch, and a Russian grand duchess (Lizzie Nichols) who has been forced to find work as a waitress since the Russian revolution, also provide laughs. Alice finally learns to accept her family for who they are and not be ashamed of them. The play came at the end of a day-long celebration of the 1930’s and ‘40’s. The entire school participated in the produc­ tion of an old-fashioned "Radio Show.” There were group songs, speeches from politicians, soldiers, and movie stars, and dances from the era. Many weeks of preparation went into it, and it was a great success. The school even got Channel 12 coverage for the event!


* •>

Left: Rachel D o rf as Essie Carmichael, the ballerina. Below: Prescott, as an IRS offi­ cial, explains the concept o f in­ come tax to Jesse.

Left: “I love you, Alice Sycamore. ” Below: J.P., modeling as a Roman discus thrower.


Ho l i d a y Show Th e B e g i n n i n g o f Ha l l e l u j a h ! Our holiday program this year was a giant success. Led by the terrific trio: Mrs. Libonati, Mrs. Forster, and Mrs. Mishkin, the students put on a show to rival that o f a professional performance. The show included cultural songs such as “Ain’t Got Lime to D ie,” with Senior Chris Horan singing the solo tenor, and traditional holiday favorites, such as Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” in which both stu­ dents and faculty alike participated in singing the magnificent piece. Weeks before the actual event, the students in the Holiday Program could be sighted busily preparing, and all their hard work definitely paid off. Students presented poems that they had written, spiced up old songs with new twists, and arranged their own dance numbers. The immensely varied program culminated in the Public Speaking Class’s rendition o f “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” starring the talented and coura­ geous Junior Kate “Grinch” Larsen complete with the green face paint. It was a festive evening for all, and the perfect way to begin the holiday season!



Wo n d e r f u l Se a s o n

Left: Ted Nigro rocking the house once again. Belour.Chris Horan “Ain't Got Time to Die!”

Below: Christina Moller and Kate Barker.

Lefi: Chris Fouracre, Graham Burt, and Dan Weisbard in thepremier of the K LH Tjazz band. Below: “Swing low, sweet chariot... ”


Grease ! S p r i n g M u s i c a l B e t t e r Th a n E ver He Go To g e t h e r KLHT’s spring musical this year is the play Grease and it is definitely progressing successfully. With expert direction from Mrs. Libonati (who has much knowl­ edge of this play due to a previous “job”), the rehearsals during A-period and after school are in full swing. Both cast and crew are working hard and enjoying it! Senior Megan Roster and Sophomore Jesse Freedman are the talented students playing the leads of Sandy and Danny, and they are accompanied by a versatile supporting cast ranging from freshmen to seniors. And what a large cast it is! This year’s Chorus for Grease is one of the most extensive yet; there is an immense amount of organization and patience that must go into coordinating practice schedules, which can all be attributed to Mrs. Libonati, Mrs. Mishkin, and Mrs. Forster! We as students are so excited to be putting on this play. Due to the subject matter being so similar to something we can relate to (high school gossip), we can really get into character whether we are Danny Zuko, the “cool” kid stuck between his friends and his love, Patti the chirping cheerleader, or one of the dancing pink ladies. For Seniors, this will be our last production here at KLHT, but it promises to be a good one. There will be so much dancing, singing, grooving, and swinging...

Above: “Yeah baby, Yeah!” Right: Mrs. Forster, Mrs. Mishkin, and Mrs. Libonati, the dream team behind the scene.


Left: Mrs. Nichols busy at work. Below: Doody intimidated by Frenchy.

Below: “We’re for each other, like a wop baba- lu bop, ahh wop bam boom!"

Left: Carolyn and Jesse greasing it up! Below: Nick doing his jive.



EighthGradeTeachersand Specials First row: Connie Nichols, Jan Homicki, Carol Hughes, Eileen McQueen, Cindy Hermanson. Second row: Michael Wright, Patrick Doering, Bill Pusack, Antony Paasch, (missing from photo: Livia Barder, Pete Orio).

Sixth& Seventh Grade Teachers First row: Paola Grant, Eileen McQueen, Lois Rinaldi, Claudia Lydon, Deanna Supple, Marnie Sadlowsky. Second row: Cindy Hermanson, John Mulfeld, Jim Cairns, Brendan Fox, Libby Clippinger. 133

G rade 8

Mrs. Claudia Lydon, Colin Ryan, Michael Curry, Ann Grant, Amy Cohen, Carrie Goldstein, Zoe Delihas, Lindsay Benjamin, Stephanie Huels, Stephen Hooper Kyle Caruso, John Jones, Greg Haynes, Mr. Patrick Doering. S e c o n d R ow : Luke Page, Nick Lazzaro, Mark Cooper, Adam Korval, Kenneth Ahuja, David Leahy. Third Ron Riley Me Carthy, Lara Kassel, Molly Lamdin, Cristina Ackass, Mark Spatt, Anne-Marie Leiser, Christopher Watkins, Adam Tooter. F o u rth R ow : Ryan Walsh, Ryan Particelli, Nicole Terrenzio, Nicole Kenaga, Oliver Vignola, Evan Paquette, Shari Culpepper, Stuart Parr. F ifth R o w : Alex Buggy, AJ Orio, Chris Szymanczyk, BrandieBeU John Mayberry, Samantha Baker, Kate Nichols, Katie Brown. F irst R ow :




G rade 7

Mr. John Mulfield, Lauren Onis, Krysten White, Chris Pearson, Steven Sandak, Nick Nickitas, Todd Breeden, Mike Kunin, James Christensen, Mrs. Lois Rinaldi. S e c o n d R ow : Scott Wexler, Agbesi Akpedonu, Ben Hittman, Mike Hauer, Peter Legrend, Mike Jones. T h ir d R o w : Rachael Hapoienu, Julie Reuben, Rachel Warren* Courtney Byreres, Taylor Gramps, Jeremy Buccolo, Stephen Pappalardo, Matthew Phillips. F o u rth R ow : Chris Noorthrup, Mike Sheehan, Nicholas Doumlele, Katherine Carey, Talia Almeida, Nicholson Lamdin. F irst R ow :


G rade 6

Mr. Brendan Fox, Mrs. Deanna Supple, Gregory Hamilton, Max Cuscuna, James Scaffidi, Caddy Brooks, Costas Vlahakis, Sasha Aronson, Taylor Simonson, Mrs. Marnie Sadlowsky, Mr. Jim Cairns. S ec o n d R ow : Alan Muntner, John Sarkie, John Raffaeli, Ravi Banerjee, Danielle Kosann, McCarton Ackerman, Daniel Curry. Paul Ross Sclafani. T h ir d R ow : Elizabeth Barker, Carrie Harmelin, Zachary Sievert, Ian Wishingrad, Mark DeSimone, Ben Schultz. F o u rth R ow : Daniel Baron, Andrew Stanton, Ryan Victor, Charles Guevara, Leah Edwards, Christine Unnold, Christopher Tsang, Christopher Hughey. F ifth R ow : Cathleen Ryan, Erica Williams, Lauren Gulley, Christine Pacioretty, Melissa DeSantis, Danielle Paquette. S ix th R ow : Matthew Brooks, Charles Wiggins, Mitchell Lemmo, Chris Frassetto, Steven Fixary, Caitlin Scully, Payton Turner, Rachel Porter, Whitney Kathner, Tucker Sparkman. F irst R ow :


Football Eighth Grade First row: Ryan Walsh, Adam Tooter, Oliver Vignola, Mark Spatt, Colin Ryan, Adam Korval, Nick Lazzaro. Second row: Kenny Ahuja, Mark Cooper, Ryan Particelli, A1 Orio, Alex Buggy, Chris Szymanczyk, John Mayberry. Third row: Coach Mike W right, Coach Todd Jones, Coach Bill Pusack, Coach Marc Hoffman, Coach Mike Blackiston.

Seventh Grade First row: Keene Angle, Michael Haver, Matt Phillips, Nick Nickitas, Matt Feinberg, Stephan Sandell, Scott Wexler, Todd Breeden, Mike Sheehan. Second row: Mike Jones, Ben Aittman, Peter Legland, Will Cromwell, John Miller, Frank Harrington, Patrick Austrian, Tim Weigand. Third row: Coach Wright, Coach Pusack, Coach Jones, Coach Hoffman, Coach Blackiston.

Sixth Grade First row: Cornell Sievert, Mark DeSimone, Paul Ross Sclafani, Costas Vlahavis, James Scaffid, Raavi Banerjee, Chris Tsang, McCarton Ackerman. Second row: Stephan Fixary, Chris Frassetlo. Mitchell Lemmo, Charles Wiggins, Matt Brooks, John Raffaeli, Daniel Bacon, Andrew Stanton, Charles Guevara. Third row: Coach Jones, Coach Pusack, Coach W right, Coach Hoffman, Coach Blackiston.


First row: Carrie Harmelin, Danielle Paquette, Taylor Simonson, Cristina Ackass. Second row: Sasha Aronson, Zoe Delihas, Stephanie Huels, Lara Kassel, Shari Culpepper. Third row: Payton Turner, Melissa DeSantis, Rachel Porter, Nicole Terenzio, Amy Cohen, Coach Sally Poulton.

Field Hockey

First row: Lauren Onis, Ann Grant, Rachel Warren, Carrie Goldstein, Rachel Hapoienu, Sarah Matthiessen, Libby Barker. Second row: Coach Wendy Haft, Riley McCarthy, Lindsay Bejamin, Caitlen Scully, Kate Nichols, Anne Ittner, Julie Sheetz, Christine Pacioretty, Katherine Carey, Cathleen Ryan.



c c e r

Boys I

First row: Chris Northrup, Stephen Pappalardo, Nick Lamdin, Chris Perez, Jake Murphy, Stuart Parr, Greg Haynes. Second row: Kyle Caruso, David Leahy, Dan Fox, Evan Paquette, Chris Watkins, Stephen Hooper, Luke Page, Agbesi Akpedonu, Coach Brendan Fox.




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First row: Ian Wishingrad, Max Cuscuna, Greg Hamilton, Caddy Brooks, John Sarkie, Chris Pearson, James Christensen. Second row: Coach Jim Cairns, Ryan Victor, Michael Cunin, Daniel Curry, Nick Doumlele, Chris Hughey, Matt Burzon, Ben Schultz, Joey Grasso, Jeremy Bucculo.

G irls I


Christophe, Julie Reuben, Molly Lamdin. Second row: Brandie Bell, Nicole Kenaga, Jennifer Neuman, Kathryn Collins, Coach Ellen Waters, Kaitlin Buggy, Kendall Smith, Katie Brown, Anne-Marie Lciser.

Girls I I

-irst row: Italia Almeida, Krysten White, Taylor Gramps, Danielle Kosann, Erica Williams, Leah Edwards, Christine Unnold. Second row: Coach John Mulfeld, Whitney Kathner, Julie Reuben, Alexandra Bernshteyn, Catherine Coates, Jennifer Staves, Lauren Gully, Jennifer Neuman.


c k e y

First row: Ravi Banejee, John Raffaeli, Costas Vlahakis, Caddy Brooks, Ian Wishinglad, Matt Buczon. . Second row: Keane Angle, Chris Perez, John Miller, Nick Lamdin, Christine Pacroretty, Chris Hughey, Charlie Wiggins, Coach Fox. ( Not pictured: Coach Jones.)


rst row: Michael Kunin, Rachel Porter, Taylor Simonson, Melissa DeSantis. Second row: Kyle Caruso, loach Poulton, Payron Turner, Zoe Delihas, Stephanie Huels, Chris Watkins. (Not pictured: Shari -ulpepper.)

e r o b i c s


Ba s k e t b a l l Boys I

First row: Al Orio, Ryan Particelli, Luke Page, Kenny Ahuja, Stuart Parr, Gregory Haynes. Second row: Nick Lazzaro, Adam Tooter, John Mayberry, Ryan Walsh, Mark Cooper, Alex Buggy, Adam Korval, Chris Szymanczyk, Coach Blackiston, Mark Spatt, Evan Paquette, Stephan Hooper, John Jones, Oliver Vignola. (Not pictured: Michael Curry, David Leahy, Colin Ryan.)

Boys I I

First row: Scott Wexler, Stephan Sandek, Matt Feinburg, Nick Nickitas, James Christianson, Chris Pearson. Second row: Jake Murphy, Nick Doumelale, Chris Northrup, Ben Hittman, Peter Legrand, Man Phillips, Michael Hauer Stephan Pappalardo, Jeremy Buccolo, Michael Sheehan. Third row: Mike Jones, Tim Wiegand, Patrick Austrian, Danny Fox, Agbessi Akpedonu, Frank Harrington, Coach Hoffman.

Boys I I I


First row: Alan Munter, Chris Tsang, Ben Shultz, Greg Hamilton, Michael Carni, James Scaffidi, John Sackie, Zach Siervert, Max Cuscuna. Second Row: Mark DeSimone, Daniel Baron, Christopher Frasseto. , Tucker Spackman, Mitchell Lemmo, Matt Brooks, Charles Guerverra, Andrew Stanton, Ryan Victor, Coach, Paasch. (Not pictured: Coach Wright)

Girls I

rst row: Nicole Terenzio, Kim Christophe, Italia Almeida, Ashley Young, Riley McCarthy, Ann Grant, irrie Goldstein, Julie Ruben. Second row: Brandie Bell, Lindsay Benjamin, Kaitlen Scully, Anne Ittner, ltherine Collins, Sam Baker, Elizabeth Bitting, Jennifer Staves, Coach Haft.

Girls I I

st row: Nicole Kenaga, Cristina Ackass, Lara Kassel, Courtney Byrnes, Amy Cohen. Second row: Jennifer uman, Katie Brown, Anne Marie Lieser, Coach Pusack, Kendall Smith, Molly Lamdin, Ashley Gray. (Not tured: Kate Nichols.)

Girls I I I

, row: Sarah Matthiessen, Taylor Gramps, Krysten White, Lauren Onis, Rachel Hapoienu. .. nd row: Coach Volpe, Rachel Warren, Catherine Coates, Alexandra Bershteyn, Katherine Hat'.' y. Julie Sheetz. 145

Ba s k e t b a l l

G irls I V

First row : Danielle Paquette, Carrie Harlemon, Sasha Aronson, Danielle Kosann, Leah Edwards, Erica Williams, Second row: Libby Barker, Christine Unnold, Caitlin Scully, Lauren Gully, Whitney Kathner, Coach Orio. (Not pictured: Kathleen Ryan)

Student Co u n c i l

First row: Ian Wishingrad, Costas Vlahakis, Second row: Scott Wexler, Steven Sandak, Mark Spatt, Nick Lazarro, Agbessi Akpedonu. Third row: Rachel Hapoienu, Mrs. Clippinger, Ashley Gray, Riley McCarthy, Charlie Guevara, Ann Grant. (Not picture: Mrs. Sadlowsky)


First row: Scott Wexler, Riley McCarthy, Amy Cohen, Mark Spatt. Second row: Katie Brown Homicki, Ann Grant, Payton Turner.




Lower School Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n

Carol Holland Head o f Lower School


Suzanne Megrue

Jonathan Gillies

Director O f Early Childhood Division

Dean o f Students



School De p a r t m e n t s

Physical Education D epartm ent Ms. H aft, M r. Jon es, M r. Blackiston M s. W aters, M s. Poulton

Health Services M rs. Gerardi, School N urse; M rs. Lacerenza, Dental Hygienist

Fine Arts Department Miss Fiarm an, M iss N eilson, M r. Paasch

Support Services Miss Bounty, M rs. Gahagan, M rs. Gallagher

Specialists Senora Reyna, Spanish; M rs. San to, C om pu ter; Mrs. H u n toon , Librarian; M iss G allagher, Aide





r a d e

Mr. Gillies’ Class Fronr row: Victoria Glerum, Christopher Boughrum, Woody Priest, Lauren Cuscuna, Brian Palo, Patrick deVisscher, Natalie Neuman. Second row: Ashley Hyde, Suzanne Sheetz, Gregory Heins, David Lebovitz, Kathleen Messervey, Frances Vignola, Jennifer Gaffney, Callie Barker.

Miss Shaw’s Class

Front row: Craig Pernick, Robert Zeko, Julie Snow, Lauren Russell, Sarah Smith, Dana Hill, Anne Gillies. Second row: Emily Cohen, Dara Goldstein, Gerald Upright, John Starks, Philip Prout, Abigail Neff, Peter Kirschenbaum, Rachel Page.


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Miss Tucker’s Class


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Front row: Elizabeth Banerjee, Paul Kraemer, Ria Muttukumaru, Alexandra Hittman, Allison Reuben, Payton Keith, Jessica Goddard. Second row: Heather Young, Edward White, Austin Gramps, Andrew Slater, Peter Venetos, Anne Rauscher, James Gallagher, Henry Wald, Miss Shaw.


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Mrs. Eagleton’s Class Front row: Christopher Corcoran, Benjamin Goldrich, Amanda Metviner, Victoria Tsang, Katheryn Clark, Douglas Hamilton, Lauren Wachtel. Second row: Melissa Ross, MatthewHintsa, Michael Beyman, Ryan Sussan, Cornell Sievert, Anna Pusack, Samantha Bosshard, Mrs. Eagleton.

Mrs. Ruffels’ Class Front row: Michael Marcal, Jessica Hollows, Alexandra Periera, Theresa Milano, Rachel Pulkin, David Benjamin, Krista Shea. Second row: Scott Shelton, Claire Mitchell, Natalie Birinyi, Stephen Menking, Alexandra Ludlow, Oded Nissim, William Pickard, Alexander Glick, Mrs. Ruffels.

Mrs. Santoro’s Class Front row: Kay-Lin Lau, Benjamin Seidenstein, Margaret Priest, Elizabeth Perelstein, Charlotte Bareiss, Andrew Vlahakis, Samantha Grasso. Second row: Allison Kudzy, Victoria Jones, Brooke Neuman, Jeffrey Lund, Aaron Buggy, Kevin Phelan, Reginald Ferguson, William Finan, Mrs. Santoro.


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r a d e

Mrs. Friedland’s Class Andrew Dowdie, Courtney Bannerot, Elizabeth Packer, Stuart Oakford, Samuel Berman, Jessica Widas, Michael Nahan S e c o n d R ow : Kimberly Clark, Stephen Sheehan, An­ drew Baron, Margot Lane, Charnee Purdy, Lauren Stewart, Andrew Williams, Mrs. Friedland F irst R o w (L -R ):

Mrs. Pappalardo’s Class F ir st R o w (L -R ): Benjamin Cohen, Laura Kosann, James Hollyday, Lucas Horan, Brian Africk, Courtney Bernat, Emily Hotz-Cooper S e c o n d R ow : Kimberly Segalas, Ryan Sullivan, Ryan Henderson, Lauren Neuhaus, Katherine McFadden, Raymond Orio, Kelly Staves, Clay Heins, Mrs. Pappalardo

Mr. Riedell’s Class Kara Frisoli, Elizabeth Chaplin, Rob­ ert Minicuci, Jeffrey Lounsbury, Bradely Dworin, Caitlin Weinstock, Aaron Hyde S e c o n d R ow : Jocelyn Schreier, Bryan Sarner, Phillip Gallagher, Jonathan Garrity, Courtney Bruggeman, Taylor Gulley, Scott Hootman, Mr. Riedell F irst R o w (L -R ):





e c o n d


Mrs. Clark’s Class Front row: Alexander Doering, Laurance George, Georgina Kemp, Oliver Wald, Robert Mueller, John Palmeri. Second row: Leigha Buongiorno, Byron Cordes, Jessica Lockwood, Ruth Hubbard, Peter Menking, Jason Torey, Sarah Allgrove, Mrs. Clark.

Mrs. Raidt’s Class Front row: Stephen Goddard, Jessica Wachtel, Jessica Dowdle, Eric Reinemann, Alexander Harkin, Rachel Lee, Sarah Schultz. Second row: Juliana Neuman, William Vanderheyden, Micaela Scully, Jason Filatov, Daniel McGee, Justin Raffaeli, Emily Smith, Shaela Greenfield.

Miss Stratton’s Class Front row: John Qua, Daniel Beyman, Zoe Mallios, Kip Shelton, David Kuntzman, liana Van Eick, Elizabeth Mitchell. Second row: Ashley Cannon, Jeffrey Dworin, Alexandre Bosshard, Elizabeth Pickard, Margaret Jessiman, James Fahy, Anya Leist, Paul Molyneux, Miss Stratton.


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Miss Groom’s Class Front row: Meredith Packer, Peter Gillies, Haley Rankin, Tiana Segalas, Joseph Waters, Jackson Tarzia, Kinsey Greenfield. Second row: Martin Chanes, Spenser Sussan, Anna Birinyi, Vincent Love, Jaclyn Lionette, Courtney Stevenson, Andrew Vaughn, Alexander Vlahakis, Miss Groom.

Mrs. Silvia’s Class Front row: Graig Bray, Scott Banerjee, Sara Emsley, Mary Connacher, Kayla Glick, Tripp Smith, James Gould. Second row: Morgan Cordes, Michael Toy, Kevin Clark, Harry Fisher, Erika Rizzuto, Aaron Metviner, Alexandra Kreitman, Rebecca Marber, Mrs. Silvia.

Mrs. Smith’s Class Front row: Scott Zales, Jesse Buccolo, Katherine Marcal, Queenie Chan, Matthew Nussbaum, Sophie Hollows, Elizabeth Random Second row: Benjamin Leibowitz, Megan Colvin, John Chestnut, Benjamin Millard, Allison Rand, Jane Makin, Wesley Tryhane, Christopher Hansen, Mrs. Smith.





i n d e r g a r t e n

Mrs. Forehand s Class Kathryn Marber, Austin Dowdle, Summer Segalas, Michael Zeko, Kate Hyman, Shane Lau S e c o n d R ow : Berenice Alby, Alexandra Minicucci, James Craft, Winchester Hotchkiss, Joy Van dcr Mark, Peter Rumbough, Ross Connacher T h ir d R ow : Mrs. Orio, James Mitchell. Rhiannon Duerden, Charles Onis, Mrs. Forehand F irst R ow :

Miss Gurry’s Class Delancey Litchman, Gordon Bray, Molly Schulman, Lauren Sarner, Matthew Milano, Matthew McNulty S e c o n d R ow : Peter Reinmann, Chelsea Starks, Frederick Bannerot, Alexandra Burnett, Jason Raffaeli, Diana Raskovic T h ir d R ow : Miss Gurry, Julia Bonnell, Kyle Kim-E, Taylor Kniffen, Mrs. Arsenault F irst R ow :


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Mrs. Reynold’s Class Sydney Ramsden, Erin May, Micaela Kreitman, Adrianna Rizzuto, Hayley Wortmann, Nicole Buongiorno S e c o n d R ow : Jabrille Williams, Peter Lane, Michael Labine, Susannah Williamson, Andrew McGee, Tassos Bareiss, Collin Sullivan T h ir d R ow : Mrs. Reynolds, Samuel Howard, William Garrity, Nathan Hopkins, Mrs. Blackiston F ir s t ro w :


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n d e r g a r t e n

Mrs. Brough s Class Taylor White, Abigail Lebovitz, Philip Nussbaum, Joseph Simonson, Wayne Higgins, Philip VanEick S e c o n d R o w : Conor O ’Rourke, Jennifer Wilson, Austin Doering, Grayson Cordes, Jaqueline Garrity, John Clippinger, Lauren Snow T h ir d R ow : Mrs. Brough, Hilary Greeff, Christopher Schoen, Kathryn Fischer, Mrs. Wortmann F irst R o w (L -R ):

Mrs. Turrentine’s Class Joseph Haberny, Katherine Gimpel, William Qua, Jamie Smith, Dylan Torey, Nicola Rizzuto S e c o n d R ow : Neil Parekh, Ashley Snow, Raymond Mastoloni, Emily Wilson, Bray Wilcock, Brynn Lottner T h ir d R ow : Mrs. Fuller, Julia Harvey, Connor Schaney, Ayesha Seksaria, Mrs. Turrentine F irst R o w ‘( L -R ):


e g i n n e r s

Mrs. O’Hara’s Class F irst R ow : William McEvoy, Siena DeFranco, Aaron Klipin, Meghan Fahy, Andrew McAllister, Robert Tseng, William Zeko S e c o n d R ow : Amanda Hollows, Maya Ferguson, Nicholas Shaw, Abby Stevenson, Paget Millard, Ann Labine, Edward Arsenault T h ir d R ow : Mrs. DeSantis, Mrs. O ’Hara

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Aunt Faye, Moo Cow, Oscar the Grouch, The Kopers Two, He-Man, George Brett, Camp Playland,The Dukes of Hazard, Mrs. Levine, Club Med, Batman, Joe Montana, Vail, JFK, Mallomar, Ingemar Stenmark, Mr. Ed, Kutchers, I Bopped With Josh, Otto Von Bismark, Masada, Billus, Andy Stankewitz, UCLA, Hootie and The Blowfish, London, Paris and Rome,The Pope, Henry Wallace, Alaska, The Triton, Lynn, Bud, Poppi and Roger,The Guru, Mr. Hudson, Penn, JSK 52 ... You’re the sum of your parts and our love’s the glue...We’re proud of all your yesterdays and we can’t wait to share and celebrate all your tomorrows...WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!! Congratulations!!! Mom & Dad

Choo-Choo-Boy..... It's hard to believe you're going off to college already! Even though it m ay not seem like it now, we're gonna miss you next year! W e're proud of all your accomplishments and we know you'll succeed in the future. Never forget all of our crazy memories.... from wrestling competitions to the peacock hunter to sleeping in the same bed, w e've had our share of laughs!!! You're the best brother anyone could ever ask for!

We Love You Lots!! Shelly, Mantha, and Mally (The Rachel, Sammy-Boy, Peacock Lover, Jonas The Animal, Sam Sprout, Big Fat M om m a, Piglet, Doodie-Henchman, Mommy's Little Pee-Pee, Ludy, Ivan, Jewel, Poop Face, Samooth, Rachel Bachel, Marshmallow, Mookie, Shell, Pink Panther, Leener, ITairy-Hairy, Um pa Lum pa, Radel, Rabies, Mogli, Satantha, Hossi-Possi, N appy, Zoinker, Boinker, Sam-Sam...)


Today is your day. You're off and away. You have a brain in your head You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself Any direction you chose. And will you succeed? YES! You will, indeed (98 and 3 / 4 percent guaranteed) YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS! You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting So...get on your way! Dr. Seuss

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Congratulations on your high school years! We are proud of your spirit, passion and achievements.

(yet ready world!! Cove, JVtom, Dad and Sean

Mafcote Industries Salutes the VIKINGS

Best Wishes from The Heins Family


A llergy & C linical

Charisse D. Litchman, M.D.

Im m unology A ssociates, P.C. ANTHONY P. REDMOND, M.D.




1500 S U M M E R S T R E E T S T A M F O R D , C O N N E C T IC U T 06905


TELEPHONE (203) 869-2080 (203) 869-1056 FAX


Office Hours By Appointment

Telephone (203) 969-7662 Fax (203) 969-0859

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I To Christopher Lots o f love from Dad, Mom, Timmy, Oms and Beeper and congratulations to the Class o f 1998


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Understanding the level of difficulty it has been to follow in our footsteps, you properly choose a path unique to “ JT #8.” We are proud of who you are and the accomplishments you have made. We love you as a brother and friend. Continue to approach life with enthusiasm and always know that Mitchell, Marc and Jonathan are “United as One.”

Mitchell and Marc


To Devin

(And the class of ’98)

You are a ‘Man of many talents.”

Mom, Dad, Colin, Tobey, Missy, Grandma, Baba, Martha, & Uncle Roger


C ourtney, We love you. We will miss you. We wish you much success. We hope you will be happy. We will clean the litter box. Love, Mom, Dad, Krista(Shnoopy), Jam ey (S tru w el p eter) and Smugglers

From They They That

women’s eyes this doctrine I derive. sparkle still the right Promethean fire; are the books, the arts, the academes, show, contain, and nourish all the world. -Shakespeare

----------------------------------------------- I--------A x io m ’ s and Dad’ s fa v o rite daughter E d it o r - in - C h ie f o f Kaleidoscope ^ J o o d frie n d A l e x ’ s and C h a rlie ’ s big s is te r N ic e

A .c tre s s

ICnows how to get th ing s done! O u ts ta n d in g sense o f d ire c tio n S m ilin g ; sin g in g; Sarah Brown; Sandy T e a c h e r's dream E d u c a te d a t KLHT J^teady to knock ‘ em dead ! ! !

GOIMQRATILIILMTIIQIMIB J & B H ! alwaysb<s@im a gF@ ® ® 8iF@ m © m f We are proud of your academic achievements and all the wonderful things you have accomplished. Continue on the path you have chosen and you will know happiness and success. We know you will make your own special mark on the world which will

Connecticut Realty 1015 Post Road Danen. CT 06820


Bus 203 655-5114 Fax 203 655-2348


Res 203 356-9066 Voicemail 203 352-3243

best Wishes to the Class of 1998 from the Board of .......

Trustees .

______________ I_____________________________________

I------Class of 1998 As your class advisor for 4 years, it has been my pleasure to watch you grow and come together as a class. I foresee only good things for you _ as you continue in life. Congratulations on a job well done! Best wishes for all to come!! With Love, Eileen Baker

3 3 ?

In honor of my son, 1st year at

DIANE E. MARTIN, CPA 37 Glenbrook Road Stamford, CT 06902 Tel 203/327-7151







Fax 203/977-8314 demmartin@aol.com

For Kimby A true free spirit Independent and fu ll o f life Whose smile can be seen Even in the dark Whose energetic and eternal optimism Have earned her lasting friendships The ability to tackle new beginnings With eagerness and adventure "Goodnight Moon " It is time to set you free

Mom, Dad and Lindsey





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Never give up. You can attain anything you strive for. Nothing worth having is ever achieved without a struggle. As you go forward, always remember that you are loved unconditionally. There is nothing you can ever say or do that can diminish our love for you.



With much love and congratulations! Mom, Dad and Philip





To all o f’ my-fYi'ends t faxek you -for 4ko

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You know we’re proud of all you’ve done. It’s every parent’s dream to see a son change and grow the way you have. But what means even more is the person you are and always have been.

love Mom & Jack, Dad & Sharon, Sara & Michael

Arielle Diane Schwartz Congratulations to you and the Class of 1998 Always our baby and our source of wonder. You were blessed from the start with a core of bliss. You are the only person we know referred to with the word “that...� before her name. We are so proud of the person you have become: truly spontaneous, genuinely deep, richly talented, a lover of ideas, good times, beauty, and family traditions. You have grown from your many travels, experiences and challenges, and you are a treasured friend. You are our joy. Love always, Mom and Dad

CZAR Yoursmile,confidenceandenthusiasmforlifeprovides ourdayswithjoyandlove. Youhaveshown uswiththemeaningofwhatlifeisall about. You’veworkedhardtobecomewho youare,andyour effortshaveservedyouwell. Character,strongwill,andtenacityrepresentthe essenceof“JT.” Neverchange. We loveyou. Mom, Dad, Mitchell,andMarc

Dear Jennifer, Congratulations on another milestone

Sean, LUe are uery proud of you. loue, Mom, Dad, Erin, & Colleen

in your life, and always remember,

you w ill get what you expect, so expect a lot! Love, Aunt Joni

Candy Girl. Gypsy dancer (my little green). Shularu. What a ride its been. Love is unconditional. Ma, Pa, Liz, Icky

Dear Arielle, I know that you will go far beyond the myth o f the “Golden Child,” to make a unique path o f your own, and carve a beauti­ ful, successful future. Congratulations on your graduation. Keep Smiling. Love always, Claire

Congratulations to our lovely Arielle. W ith our love, pride, and best wishes, G ran d m a M ary Grandpa Gene.


Dear Arielle, W e are so proud of you. Love, Grandma & M or­ ris

AWO As parents, we could not be more blessed Than to have one so loyal to friendship Strong in her beliefs Exuberant about life And faithful to tradition As such a key role model for our children Your beauty has lit up our world Now you will shine! W ith all our love, Aunt Di, Uncle Tom , Alexis,

Congratulations to the Class o f

Markie M an, and Peter Roses are red Violets are blue Your aunt Di Sure ain’t no Maya Angelou

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Yearbook S ta ff

Congratulations to the Class of 1998

From the Viking Booster Club

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W h at a long trip it’s been, but we’ve made it! T h e 1 9 9 7 -9 8 Yearbook S ta ff worked together as a team to accom plish a goal harder than many assume. T h e project to com pile a m ultifaceted, school wide yearbook takes tim e, dedication, and an overall com m itm en t on the part o f all o f those involved. O u r forem ost interest this year was to create a them e for the yearbook that told the unique story o f K L H T . It was not until the end o l the process that the Yearbook S ta ff really understood the meaning o f connections. W e realized that, through team work, we all play a role in each oth er’s life. W ith this, I would like to thank everyone involved for bringing an individual aspect to the yearbook. Staff- N o t enough space to thank you enough for being the heart o f this book. T h an k s to Chris Hill for the beautiful cover and art ideas and Courtney Shea for som e great text. T o

Rob Casselman for being the technological brain o f this p roject. T h an ks to Jean Bauer, Nathan Kayes, Alex Giannini, and Sam Seiler for your photography and ability to handle many “last m in u te” assignments. T o Lizzie Nichols for helping with text and Sean W hite for always having a clear photo that we could use. T h an k you Chirag Sadana, Ranju Sarkar, and Kate Barker for m any odd jobs. Charlie Koster, thanks for lending us your cam era, it was a big help. Kate Donahue- thank you for being our photography “chauffeu r.” T o Mrs. Normann for your extrem e generosity, I greatly appreciate it. T h an k you to M r. Andrews for your help w ith photography and all emergencies! Special thanks to Mrs. Clark, Miss Stratton, and Mrs.

Homicki for your beautiful work on the Lower and M iddle School sections.

T h a n k you M r. Clark for tolerating us and

allowing us to stay for “just ten m ore m inutes!’ Finally... the biggest thank you to Mrs. Kweskin- your guidance and dedication (even to the m ore frustrating, technologically advanced yearbook) allowed us to achieve our goal. Enjoy! M egan K oster E d ito r-in -C h ie f


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