KLHT Yearbook 1999

Page 1


Administration "Directors"... 8 Faculty "Agents" ...9 Staff "Stage Crew" ...12 Seniors "In the Spotlight" ...14 Juniors "About to Take Center Stage" ...72 Sophomores "Up and Coming" ...76 Freshmen "Waiting in the Wings" ...80 Clubs "Character Sketch" ...86 Sports "Intermission" ...94 Specials "Dress Rehearsal" ...116 Middle School "Supporting Cast" ...128 Grade 8...132 Grade 7 ...134 Grade 6 ...136 Lower School "Introducing"...148 Grade 5 ...152 Grade 4 ...156 Grade 3 ...160 Grade 2 ...164 Grade 1 ...168 Kindergarten ...172 Pre-Kindergarten 4 ...176 Pre-Kindergarten 3 ...179 Advertisements "Brought to you by..." ...182


Overture All the world's a stage , And all the men and women merely players. - William Shakespeare

In life we all have important roles to play, and school provides a stage for the main event. The teachers are our agents. They guide us and direct us, making sure that we are well-prepared for the perfor­ mances that await us. As students, we are the actors, and our parents are the audience. They sit back and watch how we build character and evolve into shining stars. As kindergarteners, and throughout Lower School, we are first introduced to scenes, unable to comprehend what it means to act our age. In Middle School we move on to be­ come a supporting cast, taking part in roles that will eventually lead to an opportunity in Upper School to start as understudies. We are con­ stantly practicing and auditioning for the big roles that lie ahead. We progress as freshmen waiting in the wings into up and coming sopho­ mores. Then, before you know it, a year of individual attention follows, readying us as juniors to take center stage. As the curtain rises we end up as seniors in the spotlight. Somewhere in the midst of all that, we need a few breaks or intermissions and maybe a little coaching to reinforce any skills that were lost along the way. When it comes time for curtain call we will walk across the stage with pride, because it is then we all will know that we have successfully per­ formed the final act at King & Low-Heywood Thomas School, but just the first act in the many stages of our lives.

On behalf of the class of 1999, the yearbook is dedicated to Mrs. Cathy Mishkin

The class of 1999 is proud to dedicate the Kaleidoscope to a woman whose endless generosity, eternal kindness, and grace have shaped the KLHT community in such a priceless way that no one could ever compare. Mere words cannot suffice for our gratitude towards her, and so this dedication stands as a symbol for all that we wish to say to her. Mrs. Mishkin, thank you for everything. The Class of 1999

Opening Lines from Barbara Smith Head of School Inherent in the mission statement of King & Low-Heywood Thomas is the desire for every student who attends our school to be successful. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines success as "favorable termination of a venture." How one attains that success is as important as the success that one achieves. Ralph Waldo Emerson's description of success adds magnitude to success that should be experienced by everyone. What is success? To laugh often and much To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; That is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Upper School "Directors"

Head of Upper School Daniel Hudson

Dean of Faculty Helen Kweskin

Academic Dean Karin Wagner

Director of Athletics Dick Cerone

Registrar Wendy Wurtz

College Counselor Suzanne Siano

Admissions Office (1 - r): Cathie Seton, Andrea Parsons, Terry Hughes, Krista Colthup Business Manager Karen Peterson

Administrative "Directors"

Development Office (1 - r): Gloria Veeder, Francine Normann, Justine Hawley, Joyce Cartossa, John McManus


Upper School"Agents"

Eileen Baker, Wayne Oldack, Anna Sia, William Pusack, Eileen McQueen, William Wallace, K.S. Pak


Scott Tucker, Hans Richter, Mary Gayle Meyer, Carole Braunschweig, Helen Kweskin, Eleanor Christensen


History Vm z*




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Cathy Mishkin, ]im Newman, Elizabeth "Boo" Forster, Alan Ginet, Elizabeth Messinger, Dan Hudson

The Arts

Melody Libonati, Terry Murphy, Elizabeth "Boo" Forster, Cathy Mishkin

Foreign Language


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Nancy Hanson, Elizabeth Messinger, Elizabeth Herod, Karin Wagner, Graciela Rodriguez, Joyce Kicelian

Administrative"Directors" (continued)

Business Office (1 - r): Gail Epstein, Angela Carey, Cornelia Jones

Upper School Secretaries (1 - r): Glee Miner, Charlene Petrucci

Stage "Crew"

Kitchen Staff (1 - r): John Roe, Carmine Cervellino, Jenny Loglosci, Grace Ambrose, Margaret Fletcher, Robert Yates (missing)

Maintenance Staff (1 - r): Carlos Escalante, John Muskus, Jose Gonzalez, Wayne Hartlett, Jaime Escalante, Griff Titus (missing)

Faculty Quiz Using the pictures, answer the questions below to help you better understand the cast and crew of KLHT.

1. Identify the speaker: "I told you to get iced A-Period!" (Hint: New Athletic Trainer) a. Dan Hudson b. Jo Leiva c. Chris Suplina d. Greg Lynch

2. Who won the Grammy on October 24,1998 for best instrumental? a. Jim Newman b. Bill Pusack c. Barbara Smith d. Jo Leiva

3. Overheard: "Walk this way Igor." a. Greg Lynch b. Dan Hudson c. Dick Cerone

d Mike Wright

4. Identify the speaker: "Let me guess - Your Jacket's in your locker!!?" a. Mike Wright b. Dan Hudson c. Dick Cerone d. Jo Leiva

5. Who's known as "Cowboy of the Ethernet?" a. Mike Wright b. Chris Suplina c. Greg Lynch

7. b

d. Bill Pusack

6. Identify the speaker: "Put me in coach, I'm ready!" a. Mike Wright b. Dan Hudson c. Greg Lynch d. Jo Leiva

7. Who won the title of best new male model in September 1998? a. Bill Pusack b. Chris Suplina c. Jim Newman d.Greg Lynch

8. "Where are the other eleven roses?" a. Wright & Suplina b. Newman & Lynch

2. c

5. d

6. a

c. Smith & Cerone

3. a

Seniors In


S potlight

How do you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart? -Jonathan Larson

II faut bien que je supporte deux ou trois chenilles si je veux connaitre les papillons. -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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"How'd 1 let you slip away when I am longing ; so to hold you. Now I'd die for one more day 'cause there's something I should have told you..." i â– * : Is* ' r , -Jonathan Larson 1 love you, and 1 ^ ill miss you forever. & isife I*

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me up before I go.


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Jon Boisfeuillet

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hard to stop.

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can t win

There are no unlockable doors, unwinnable wars, unrightable wrongs or unsingable songs, unbeatable odds, believable gods, impossible dreams, or invisible seams, uncriminal crimes, unrhymable rhymes, identical twins or forgivable sins, incurable ills, unachievable goals, or unsaveable souls... Do you know what I mean? -Ozzy Osbourne

The story of life is quick Than the ik of an eye The story e j s jqeu( and Goodbye, L \ we r again. “Ji'


]Alyssa Fischer 17 seconds of compassion * 17 seconds of peace 117 seconds to remember ^love is the energy^behind i which all that is created 17 seconds to remember fall that is good ,i 17 seconds to forget all ryour hurt and pain [17 seconds of faith D 7 seconds of trust you lagain 17 seconds of radiance 17 seconds to send a prayer up 17 seconds is really need

Take the time to think...^ It is the source of pow er.Jfe Take the tim“ p la # . It is the secret of perpetual youth. Take the time to read... It is the fountain of wisdom. Take the time to pray... It is the greatest power on earth. Take the time to love and be loved... It is a Godgiven privilege. Take the time to be friendly... It is the road to happiness. Take the time to laugh... It is the music of the soul. Take the tin ^ fg give... It is too shorka;da\ to be selfish. the time to work... “ J of success, to do charity... /on.

Mom, Ashley, Michael, Dad Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for me. You all medn the world to me! I love youydl with all of my heart!

In siiy forgive a . who is afraid of the d irk ; the real tragedy is when we are afraid of the light. Plato

To: Mv mom the realist my true sister-girlfriend and my dad the idealist forever my running partner - thank you both for the love, confidence, and support that gets me through the day. I love you both; I'll always be your baby.

. .

N ever apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth. -Benjamin Disraeli


The brain is wilder than the sky; * ^ For put them side by side. The one the other will contain with eas^ and you beside.,. 'Em ily Dickinsg



Sure, God created man before w oman...but, then, you always make a rough draft before the ’ final masterpiece. ■■. wn m



*• — »■Only are wi perfectly equipped for lSvm g lonfioll


Tyler MacGuire I never fell for Vietnam W e've got the wall in D.C. To remind us all that You can't trust freedom When it's not in your hands -Guns and Roses

Mom and Dad: Thanks for everything; you've always been there for me I couldn't have asked for better parents.

You can't always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes you might just find you get what you need. -The Rolling Stones

Summer is when things happen, winter is when you ride. -Randy Zala

Is all that we see but a dream within a dream -Edgar Allan Poe

I always thought looking back that my tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back that my laughter would make me cry.

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er Caulderwood Metzl r Twenty years from now, you'll be more upset by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain

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Jessica Leigh Mead Que le vent qui gemit, le roseau qui soupire, Que les parfums legers de ton air embaume, jjCe qu'on entend, Ton voit ou Ton respire, tout dise: "Ils ont aime!" -Alphonse de Lamartine.

Hli/piness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyfljrd your grasp, but w l^ h , dll sit down quietly," flight upon you. ' -Nathaniel Hadvthorne

Today is gone. Today wasv|un. * Tomorrow is another one. Everyday, from here to there, funny things are j W . -Dr. Seuss

p r .Am**"** y r. To my friends and family who I love dearly: .| P P Your influences on my life have helped me mature from a vulnerable catdipillar, to a delicate cocoon, and finally into the butterfly that I am today. As I wait before taking flight, spreading my colorful wings just a little more each day, I remember the little lessons that all of you have taught me. As I look up and out towards my fateful journey, I ask myself if I am ready."Yes," I tell myself, and then, for the first time, I fu lly spread my wings and gracefully fly. J ; * J

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Can't Nobody Hold me Down -Puff Daddy and Mase

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Chirag Sadana The future belongs to those who believe in the vision of their dreams. -Eleanor Roosevelt

TO MY FAMILY: Thank you for everything; I love you dearly. "I knew I would look back on my tears and laugh, but I never thought I would lookback on my laughter and cry."

TO ALL MY FRIENDS: 1 love you; You will remain "blurred in my memory, perhaps because our understanding of each other had reached that sweet depth where two people communicate more often in silence than in words." -Truman Capote 1

flm m r

1 got this guitar and I learned how to make it talk. i -Springsteen

You might need somethin' to hold on to, when all the answers they don't amount to much. Somebody that you can just talk to, and a little of that human touch. -Springsteen

Show a little faith there's magic in the night. -Springsteen

th ere 's no island left for islanders like -b illy 'jo e f P •Thoreau

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Jaurie'and * fho world ‘ always aiii


rsen Mom & Dad: Thank you so much for e; have done for me. I love you so much. Sarah & Ben: D on't fight. I'll miss you so much. I love you both.

Mickey: You will never be forgotten. I love you; you have taught me so much. Thank you. ’ Katherine: I'll love you forever. You will always be in my thoughts. Mike: Thank you for all that you have given me. You mean so much to me.

What is m t f fS u don't have fun? A Tribe called ^fCWsf %** »vf . •'->* ‘Ti ' \ ■jj*:". (, And these are the last words I have to say, It's always hard to say goodbye. A, ! -Billy Joel



The impossible is often the untried. *Jim Goodman

100% of the shots you don't take, don't go in. W -#99

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Katherine Anne" I To all my friends, * I love you guys; you make me the person I am: "and if you call, I will answer and if you fall, Tu pick you up and if you court this disaster, I'll point you home." -Bare Naked Ladies

And my angel, she said unto m e,"Today is the d<: for you to rise. Take my hand...You're gonna rise. -Jimi Hendrix


To my family, all of you, I would be no where without each and e v e r o n e of you. You have each taught me something about , life. No one could ask for a better, more •confusing, or more loving family<I love \ .y j V W 'k /if' ffyh'L J •% ■ A ;•/ \ ■ i? ■ _! . L f

y -: 1To Heather, my best friend: > See you and me have a better time than most can dream. Have it better than the best, so can pull through whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down. And if nothing can be done, w e'll m ake the best of what's around. -D avl Matthews Band I love you, ;Ui iHeath. jLccii.il


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A veces quisiera ser mas vieja ^ , porque la juyentud lleva en si, la imperiosa, la im placable necesidad de relacionarlo todo al am iy. -Elena Poniatowska

•3t<, I get by with a little help from my friends. -The Beatles



anding in the sunlight laughing, hiding behind a rainbow's wall. Slipping and sliding, all along the water fall. With you, my brown eyed girl. Van Morrison

is what happens when you're busy making other plans. John Lennon

Mom, Dad, and Ryan: Thanks for all of your love and support. I love you; you are the best!

The future is no place to place your better days. -Dave Mattlw

In the end it's not where you are but who you're with that really matters.

Your arms wrap me in a warm They hold me together And fix me when I'm broken They are the softest hands Possessed with the touch of an angel That God sent down to protect m e -me And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever And I don't want to go home right now. -Goo Goo Dolls If I leave near tomorrow Would you still remember me For I must be travelling on now For there are too many places I've got to see -Lynyrd Skynyrd


Dana Johnson

A ma Alex, Othel todo eW mjm p °y °. , -Negra A



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. here is neither Jew nor Greek, V there lis neither slave nor free, \ there is neither male nor female; for we are all one in Christ Jesus. v t { -Galatians 3:28

\ V: x4 .

Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing at all. The person who risks nothing, has nothing, and is nothing. They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, feel, grow, love, live. Chained by their 1 attitudes, they are slaves. They have i -forfeited their freedom. Only a 1 person who risks is free.

I think my only real fear is falling out of grace with God. -Lauryn Hill A, ^

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Whit Breed e l -Homer Simpson

Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional. -Warren Miller

Life does not change. People change. Life will stay the same way if you want it t -Chad

Life is ours. W e live it our way. -Metallica

Football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors. -Frank Gifford

Held to our authority! Goon motto/Ward Anderson

Don't let what other think decide who yo -Dennis Rod;

Chris Haynes

NK: First of all to thank God and my Reli­ gion. Mom and Dad, thanks for all the op­ portunities and second chances you guys have given me. Grandma and Grandpa, thanks for all the support and guidance. Pete, thanks for always leading me and show­ ing me the right way-good luck with football in the next level. Fro, don't be stupid-always listen to Pete and I: if you need help with anything, just tell us. To the senior classgood luck in the future. House/ Couch. Lil Kim, Top-Dawg, Chico, Hey Greek, Fischerstop touching my butt. D.J, Goons, Mrs. Mishkin, Mrs. Sia, Mrs. Brown, V. S, L-Dog, #34, D- Rock, A.S, A.O, Black, Edwards, P. O, M. W. 97' football, Supp, Tyler, B. C., J. C, J. M, I. V-98. T- Dog, Jimmy, Shorty, B. W. Sra. Igoe, Sra. Rodriguez,Sra. Herod, A. A, I Boofed Her, B- Ford,Sammy, J.T. Mr. Hudson, T. Pelton, D-Rock- red on the seat (spanish) S. V, S. V, Everyone I forgot. Cow- lick, goon #66, Rakim, N.Y.K- J-S, Captain Rich #75, seventh grade football, Coach Massa, Biggie- Tu- Pac, The Expedition, Tug-Boat, Mr. Nagle. Mrs. C, Mr. P, D. W, J. J, Out-C, M. P, K. S, T. R, E. L. Chucky. Good luck to every one!

JBfBoof): High School was a lot of fun. I made some really good friends. K8, NK, and AF really helped me out when my father died. Iwillalways remember the handofGod with Yves in computer. The times I went fishing with DS and GL was also a lot of fun. 1 had a lot of fun working with SB on the lobster boat. Sinan, remember when Joe laughed at me when I got stung by ajellyfish. The hard work did pay off. I made a ton of cash. AHssa: I had the best times with you. Remember computer class, andthe fireworks at Gary’s house and my birthday? I really love you.

RLD: LIS & MAK: My 2 best friends forever /I love you with all my heart LS: my souImate/24+44/lefthandedbitches/cook­ ing/ stuckinkeychain/feet/fallingoffstool/ bettemidlerhair/cupcakes/goats/february/ economy/ voucompleteme/MK: guys &dolls /incoherentbabble/corruption/inthecloset/ goldfishincar/$2.19bread/ gummybears/ electrolysis/ caramelapples/caprese/ swimminginlightening/my true jew friend TotheSpiceGirls:KR: lOyearsandcounting/ somuchtosay/wewere8/from dolls&walls/ to late nites inthe kithen&pickles/toboys/ who'dathought it wouldeverend/love you LN: hit theballbaby/mezzosoprano/ bitchinhonda/stopeject/fork/racheler/Ihave seen the light/every class since 9th grade/IloveyouHW:bodybuter/attackedwithbear/hamsters/buffolowings/ pachanga/karioke/copsatmy house /youareal way sthere4methankyou/ iloveyouIS:you'llalwavsbeinmvheartlLM:campplavland/SNL/thatnite atmyhouse/aigus/skipole/loveyaJLCM: volleyball/ drivingbehind heather/ lotsofloveCS&DS:theguys/itsbeenfun/idon'thateyou/i'U missyou MB: little sis/luvyaRS: VPmr.kirby/fulltothebrim/havefunextyearSJCmy double/ I'llmissyou/BDiDeeBeppu just hit my car / AB.KN.BH.good luck next year Mrcjt lln'/pymland than kvon Madame:thanksforSgreatvears/i'll miss you Mrs. Kweskin: You have taught me more than anyone with your knowledge and love/you inspireme wantto learn and be the kind ofperson youare/ thankyou for everHhingM2ffl|EEadHhanl^oufomTiakin^newhoIam/Tlovevou/Ont<^Xufts!^

"Who's Who


AA-Boof -Hey Stud]y,"what the hell is RUGBURN?" NO DECENCY* Beanbags o' fun! huhhuh-Extend! Marry me! 1luv U! DESNUDA! Masta! U've lost your arms! BONO! i'll dream U my daydreams w/ strawberries& cream* look 4 your face in clouds-XX! Alydda-Rent &salads! ME? a Chickapee? Yeah Lanky! CHICO! spongeworthylyep yep yep uh huh! JGWE ARE THE SERVANTS OF SATAN! Rooch-sushi-guru! Danarchy-get back here & pleasure me! SCHECTERFEST! Brandymy Aerosmith obsession?-U KNOW NOTHING! SHAC-1 dub thee truckworthy! DH-when BACKFAT was all the RAGE! honey bunches of DEATH! Peez!&Carrots 4ever! utopiaNN'slOvary apreciation day! All those 2 burn in firey furnaces of blackest hell-weknow whoUR! OZZIFY til the day U dielEiEiEi! Jimbo-U Rfinally out o' the clos..i mean, Sra's room! Danaburger w/cheeze! Lizzie-if I could type my noise, I would. Nick, lapdance? GOONS! Tyler-ISSUES! K8-Forks n' chickenheads! & I'll miss U Ali-bear & Rosy, J.Bean, Hugs,Gomez, Liza,Chris,Rodney,Meg-E, Ms.Pet, SRA, Ben(owen!)& Sarah, Moo, Dave, Linz, Smokey& Ruca Knickersd don't do that- YES YOU DO! & 2 theVault jj(whisper)cry me a river 7/16/98-LedZep&Gallegher! URMF sorry if 14-got NE1-DREAM ON(bout'aerosmith) uuumm& stuff

ESN6 /25/81 :MK:thanx for being my bestfriend.a& e,guitarpaprikash. footmassages.my snugglebunny.my sh m eg ,Ilo vey ou .staysw eet.R D : where'smybag?who will I do math with now? I HAVE seenthelightIWill Smith says hi! jet'aime.KR:oaktablebuddy.can w edoyetanotherdem onstration? HW:gimme some sugah!try not to end up in NY this time.good luck in all ...gina you retard! JCM: artclass, CapeCod ,newcanaanite.thanksforFeIicity &phish food&thevortex. RS:fellowlink! shnichols has the shniffles.stay cool.DS:I'll write for your college paper,k?bonne chance!CS:god's gift to physics&philosophy.it's ok, you're still groovy.You'll marry someone almost as cool as Jewel.SVD:hang onto your signed copy of P&P.KWN:Mi hermana.nose.It's a...kates!Take care of things while I'm at college&stay outta my roomll love you;more than I've told you.Ma&Pa:thank you for everything,for good times&good genes.My teachers:thanx for being an incredible influence on me.surtout Mme for being my advisor 3 yrs running.watch which shirts you wear.thanx to mrs K for putting up with me&for everything you've given me;I wouldn't have knownIcouldwritew/outyou,andthanxfordonuts,Woolf,Fitzgerald, &Joyce.Thanx to KLHT.Not too bad a place.peace&good karma to all.

ILh\—\\ \\ - \cars at Kl HT, time sure passes ISLOW!!! To oil my peeps: Josh AKA #2, Hill In' Dale and EMT class..wasn't sophomore [yeargreat.Junior year.. .I'm 251 swear .Tower land warehouse. Rikaloff etc. And of course... the unique summer, it was all just in jest. Medic 5, code I, Peace out bro. SchecAKA #1- Sorry I kicked your ass in 511’ grade, it was only in jest. Oh u Didn't Know ...Its been a fun 3 years, from the red stain on my bedroom carpet to Schechter Fest 98'and the Z. Happy 4:20 peace. RB- Still boyz since 8,h grade. The parties at "Club Barbarian", the pool, Mr. Bagel, SFWlllSchool Sux...The Canadian odyssey. Boomerang. Keep it real. ED- buddy, special K, #3, Awesome times, chillin to Ben, Borders Parking lot. See ya soon.-Whit-the craziest dude ive ever met..stay cool.TY- My table doesn't need dusting! Chico- Careful of those chicken heads.Pia-Paisano, brotha man, Signs?turkey huntin?, 30 of bush?Rosy-Late night talks on the porch..lemons.You are a girl unlike any other. Ill miss you. G.Lynch-thanks for being there. After graduation, coaches. Remember to look me up next year. Michel le-you are what I've been missing for the past 3 years. You've made this year better for me than I could have ever imagined. Its so wonderful having one person to share so much with, I love you... Mom, Dad, and Dave, Thanks to you I have made it this far, I will really miss you next year, love ya.. Due to lack of room.. Peace out to:Class of '99, JLR,BP,AF, NK, SVD, Ali, House,WA,JC,

Corporal lacobson: And s( n I said, "I must get out of these dry clothes and slip inot a wet martini"-c impsons/Whit; Pop Goes The Weasel; Betty; yup, that s right, Betty; Heading 1-10 and falling fast!; oops, my fault; Die Walkcire; Uncle Lane; Grease '96; Hello Sara!; Goodbye Al!; Capt'n Jack, Twisted Metal; Fisher's Southfield Village Midnight Run; OEMS40s; perks; SunBake '97; Tango $$$ and you don't; Cut the W H AT???;M essierll/G retzkey99, FlojoCTassman; Where's My Jeep?; Oooh, Fisherrrr...; Liz? Dan?; Go Whalers!!!; Killer The Dog; And rea Wants Me, oh yes she does; N-64, whoops, sorry; Bio-Bathtub, T h is is M r. W eis b a rd ; NEUtilities; That was quite h u m e r u s ; Page 'n Plant, Metallica, each and every time!; G'n'F'n'R Forever!; Dan's Perfect Funeral, Whit'sThird Nipple; Mike's Hospital Bills; Richard...Oooh Berbarian!;Moltose Vive; H8; Did I say Killer the Dog?; Doe...Ray...Egon; Quake; The Pelvis; I hope this book doesn't end up in some dentist's office; Abercrombie/Bitch - Die Whit Die; No, wait, that's German for "The Whit, The"; My three droogs; Summer '98 (What Summer '98?); Whit's Sing Along and The Breeden Shuffle; Apocalypse Now; mmmmm... Chocolate, half price; mmmmm... Forbidden Donut, mmmmm... Purple! KCC3498 OUT The Greatest Trick The Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing The World That He Didn't Exist

^AJ^sSjIazz^BandH ^^ndssed^ouH eeJH ree^U m vrite^oinuianieJiere^^^^^

BC:Letmestartoffwithmvbovs:lC-mvbest friendontheweekend,60milecircles,hot dog fajitasjordy dropped a 40!stop lookin in the mirror,whysurpopsyellinatme.SS-how long haveIknownu?elementryschool,hs,+now college,(knockonwood)didufart?that pizza in delaw.didn't sit right at3am.watch those50ftdropsBF-ROBERTOyo,is it cold out? letscheck.eatad@*&!whoownsurb-ballcourt w herethehellisK raig?w arnpeople a b o u t th o s e d r o p s a t y a l e .S u p p e a t a d @ & * ,s u p p d e e z .D - r o c k I c a n d r in k 6 in a n h o u r ,n o p r o blem.Ietstalkaboutsummobb-deepish. K cod's,membervvhenIdropped22onyou?Whathappened?NKfatboy,xondre,i'm gonnastealurgirl,noi'mnotgreek.Leroy-sowhenisthedateforu+Danas wed ding,can I be the best man,how bout fishes.u bout it bout it.d-12,g-tech..no,what happened thatday inthegym when i ran u?RB-Thanks 4 blocking. PM-my brother, my bestfriend,too many memories to write about now.AM-hit em mafia style,leave emwitli thewatch+thechain.midnightcrimesprees.JP-Dogs41ife.Tittiehead-go shootapigwithbow+arrow.Nowmygirls:NF-mysister,Iluvu,anything u need I'll be there no matter what timeorday.BODUSLwhatsthatmeanagain.Whos dirty?SVgooddecision,ew nicewatch,can I get a min.to breath,am I still #4 or have I moved up.Whosthebestrapper.JZAFJRBPBHSTDJ- thecoolestgirlsat king, finally but tnot least tomy family,mom,dad,c-nice,I luv uguvs+I appreciate ual ways being in my corner no matter what was happenin'.I owe everything2uguys.Ilovu.I want to

|C: B.C- want the nose ring? I miss dhead, orange hair J.B- my boy for life, PGM forever, want a milkshake N.P FINALLY,u were right, AL+NP, makin u laugh Jill- where would I be without u, BOINK, u got me, A brat ? burger king song, NSYNC, Heathcliff, "Help?" TY Trippin? CHILL, Michigan, thanks for lis­ tening, what up GFA, cut your hair Shaq fu - the road we have traveled together, u have always been there, i love ya, getting caught, Mach 3 it, u can't hang, I will see u for years to come so never say goodbye Hughes- Will? kickin it hardcore, new years '99, literacy, K.R - yearbook 9899, u , me, and one other, SKETCF1Y R.B. - STUMPY, always make me laugh, varsity b-ball? Trench, Reuben, Naidorf - Keep the Jew Crew alive Scotty girls are a handful, Scott and Jordan show Supple - Michigan, who can't hang? lightweight don't drop the soap Bran - my girl, late night guy problems, I am always here u are a handful but that is why I will always love u Summer - a great listener, I love ya, good luck next year Stace - my #1 sis, my baby ,take care of yourself or I will, i love u more then words can say. Tomy college boys, I will see u soon, just not soon enough. SHAKE - Thanks for the hook up. To anyone I missed, deal with it, u will get over it Andrew - The #1 person in my life, the times we shared are nothing to what awaits us in our future, 1love u. E.P.C - ????

JS: FRANK: idunnohowtostartandldunno where to end, but Iknowyou know man...and that's what's so great about it LIZ: 'dere ain't 'nuff room to say how good a friend ya been WHIT: Bud, you=absolute value of man, we gonna own 'Cuse RICH: Whats that smell? oh, its-LAURA: Another time, another place...maybe it would'a been different BEACHCREW&LIFEGAURDS:' Beamer'parties on the beach-best time of my life CAST: Steph-my Joey, Janet-Damn! my car!, Suzy-backseat princess, Tav-sorry i puked on ya, Liz K-Ferarri's & Goldberg, JosylB~tone, Mike-Testosterone Man!, Justin-my long lost bro, Antoine-so... where's C.racie?AND CREW: Brett:24, homeless, happiest man alive. BriamGroupies are gooood! Craig: I'm surprised you've lived this long. Mike H:thanks man, thanks >MEAD&FRIENDS: I'll always wanna be there, you were the happiest part of my life>LIONETTI'S: I was lucky enough to grow up w/ 2 farm's >JONAH: Always good to me, even when ya shouldn't a' been >T.&GANG:When i think family, i think you >MOM&POP: I'll never forgive you for this place—GREG L&YA-YA MISHKIN: Teachers, freinds, & role models; but more importantly, the only mentors i ever had—K1A, DALE, MICKEY, SMOKEY: Couldn't have made it without you, you'll be with me always. I'm outta here! —JWS

IF: start was some­ thing good but some good things must end...! never wanted 2 hold u back I just wanted 2 hold on but my chance is gone."You'veBeen the biggest part of my Life & I'll never forget all the memories That We'veHad.YourMy 1True love, tickle Fights, bond, paddlecourts,ITl never for­ get the 1st time IsawU,the Hamptons, Waveny,tokenekee, subway, egg head, UnclesBE&CSN:ShutupUFag! Hows It Hangin,hotchocolate,friendlys break fasts, its all fun & games Till someoneLoosesA Leg, Ital ian Center Lunches, MGDbaby, The3rd cont roller, headc oa ch , 13.5in. AS: MyGhetto Superstar, I'll alwaysbethere4U, PhatrimsW/madtints,showwhat..black,Drivin'2the ghetto.JamaicanMeCrazy,"yo I made aGToday",NC blue," That Boy WasHungLikeAHorse"lunchout/Cigbreaks,loveYou.! DS: yourthe Bestfriend I've everhad,Ucan alwaysMake MeSmiIe,I'llmiss youBH: Thanks 4 beingThereWhen no oneWas,you are truly aSpecialPerson & don't letAnyone tell you otherwise,say hi to Zoe,slippers saysHi FL: PhysicsIsPhun,goodluckrilmissu,watchout4thesophomore girls, 64oz. Don'tdrinktomuch.Henndog:youDumbHICK! DA, J&JS, JG, SL, JR,GT:Thanks4theGoodTimesI'Ilmissyouguys DW&JJ:i'llmissyouboth,OwwMyEYE!: My Darien buddy, miss you lots next year, bye.VS:Thanks4everything.ML CO:hey ItWas Worthlt DontYaThink. DJ,RP,WA,JC,KR,HW,RH,MS,PJ,CS & anyone IForgot Thanks I'll missUall Mom&Dad:thanks4£uttingU£W/meH3jjnjss_yoi^both.

^ianke^r^JJiiuiishai£damomenU^o\^^ieseiRY^earsjtTbeei^^ol4y -^u^

KR:HEAIH,UcompletemeBESTFRENDS4EVER pervo, naughtygrl, khans, boys, jello, truthor dare,Heather'sMoist,LynnieBinnie,car dancing,DeerDance,PACHANGA, espan, BeautifulGirls,shall,so much 2 say 2UluvU w/all my heart BOO, longest friend,! Oyrs, kissing walls, dolls,pickles,KitchenTable, be in my wedding? Thanku, Luvu. TN thanx 4 helping me be me, may30, someday-guitar, look up lESS.giiTtalk.OwMiNe.Kickmyleg REAL high,Backstreet! LickMyCu-Haha, lil'Butter- fly,luvU BUZsmoothies.lilTwin. Buzz&Woody, #7 BNL, Luvu LN demonstration, verynice, SpiceGirls,Dr.Evil,LuvU DSunderblanket, balls,thanx4caring,BSKING,Itrust(JsomuchCSmelodramatic sob,physics,rolldown ur sleeves, 1 do care very much TM dirtyblond.BNL. DancingFace,UR the best, luvU SWIello.pachanga, audipower, luvU IJJspan 4 ever,salsa,nice ass, besthugger ICvrbk, NEVER, respect always, sketchy MSckickenst.UCONN WB maninhole. mushmode, lilteddv.luwa WA goonette. luvU TS prettvhair. lilBro, luvu, getout of my car IF be a magician, back massages, coffeetalks, comfort, thankU, luvU sweets Mark bigbbro. dirty couch,143 4 ever TP kiss, Mogli, staysweet ARspan, goodluck RHsis 4 ever luv u BHLE goodluck A B goodluck KM lilsis DWS Funny HaHal ALWAYSwin. B D MMPCsball4everluvu.everylelseILuvu&GOODLUCK. Senora. I luv u & am Grateful 4 all Kwes. Mess. Haft thank u 4 teachin'me about life Dad&Nance listen to the mustn'ts, luvu, Dad, thanku 4 all,Help Me Get 2 PoohCorner Byl,

hlw#17:VVedidit! whatta strange,crazvtrip it's been.wb-prettvbird!Z!wardie-hey! why hellotherelrb-berryblu.vod.bruismelov ingly.zelda.ck-dmb.boof-gonefishin._csdazedn'confused/everwonder? timeshare. dancedev.arabgirl50/50gaycavesunset gowitdaflow-it'sallbs. saucy-melo sobcase. conf.=stateograce-bloodyFool!luvbatman. ds-jaccuzzi.daroot. bootn'rallv. bjalldaway. dmb-tkyavverymh.wunbet-ha.b+r.udearnomatta.sher.booya.offroad.fat-hitsac. dievung. iess-buttrflygrl/knockongrass/ studybud. madwomnrdbug.wendys?choc.lallmyluv.cc-luvualways.im-felictiv. ccod.cgumibrs.luvva.rach-khans4ever-chickiewater.imdeaf-blowears.girlsnite. quarters.iluvlucy.chaneldr.cookiefarted.hot-openwindow! foot massage? houndinihamfromhell.chiquetabug.swimnak.cheezbalz.luvva.kat-wemade itgrllw/eachothertoleanon-halfdabattlemygrl.sunshine-ualways make me smile.nobettaBfmundo.petparty.runaway-desertisland. jf=hot. ass man! xbowl. shrubbery, chbuff. batmobile-d+s. shall, chchang.beatmk. yelllikehell. ggrlswonnahavfun.getjiggiwitit. tataoos.sohotwant totouch dahiney.bugs.jtaylor. brutebabe.allmiamor.luvbutthead.fraggle-lizardiironbeads.dragons. hurdvgurdyman.luvu.flamer.ingrls.waldo-ppilo. changa.pad. grbr.ndug.frkm. fallw.luvu.billv-chfun.salsa!.3am.tbwillybesthugs.chico-cnhd!d: whenwe gonnachiil?ohdenzeltsbflames!mm-sbbud.gluck!le:bgfsh rh:qt.svd: gowstyg mnbh:glovesistaar:espms:seIlout!ji:org.ic:tgtmhd.Mark:koolapt.shots.bIackout

hrvmFam ih^luvUajlls^nuchM giQjUM akeM eW hoIan^luvu^initindereKlom e^

an k o u tco u ch ^ a ch e^ th a n x ^ ev er^ th in g S ^ ^ ea ce o u th n issi^ u v sh o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


dancingqueen/thanx 4 holding the door gentlemen! TyTy, Oh W ellRetard! Thanx for everything; you're still a dork+Iloveu. AF, you're my special Star. KL dear; lets switch bfriends at the river.Yeves I can still beat u up. BC, I moved u2#3,sorry, how could I've listened in class w/outu? JC, you're crappy at b-ball, some how we alwayshave fun. DD u da coolest chica + confidence behind my story. DT,you R my boy,spreadyour love. For where art thou dancing?Ali; Greece baby Brooks'class DM'shouse. Chiragwish! Lukey, stop following me. JM,you'll get the stage; 9,hgradesciEurope groupy (kal'sfit) CB. Dj, you're sopretty; JM,7 know the realu, hehheeh. LN funkyshnig, don't let anyone push your talent around. Fatboy RyS, luv ya but u have little beady eyes! DW, you'll b my boy no matter what. GirlsVSoccerkicksbutt. DN, how do I love thee? insong, inact, being dumb;you'reawesome,bfamous + lwill.SV,unastymorminw/your bellbottoms+drabroom, singing in the car, you'll find h e r at college. HW, 1 admire -Hookup to you. AB,you're capable of everything; e x p lo r in g E u r o p e . JG; sandbox at Brookdale. MyLove 2 so many others JF R H BH K R WB L E our whole class,family; Iwish you the stars!

REP: |B^gemT^TguiT^myTav^n

+IS.AberStrikeMC-rent-a-datel knowwho. n..nk!(sory)Gren prom dres-No!PC-Gd luk next yr w/soc.Garbage hoi inphysMy pony Prissy.Blithe-UrbanLegends+shopin At Mall.JC-J.RooWhyualwayswipe ur nose (span clas)BC-stmfrd hi sciPen throwin in spanBH-prom date, hahaFunco land Quar­ ters at McD's drive through"the sky's blu"Eng.clsllgd.Scr.Iax.rastabuttRosvdetentionTM-milk bet.Mail boxin(JP+) Walk downRzs rd midle night.Introuble w/your folks(oops).Boarding.Mrs.Mish's rmlvUKR- thanks4massage! Blamie(K.L)bstfriends4evr.Dresinwierd.kingdance,N.C. moviesClrin'out roms! Riding.wdnchrlftonmtn.Hawaii.Flattirelav.tm.dm.rs. etc> DRAMA. Jacob, haha.Studay nights-my rom w/lincense+candlesLE-AC's house>oh my god!Phy.class.DM-roof,rz'shad fun.JM-Lego candy.N.C. brat. Jerks/art. SVDA b er.h at.M rs.D aw sn sclsL u sh !S iIen T reatm en tH o w rth o se muscles?!lgd.els.tripIW-maglicvdeliciousKM-analyze people at ry's.Bakin wana-be gingerbredman bowler+hs plaidcat.GrlsScr-GoodLuckNxtYr. DM.. R.Z..I.Z..A.V..R.S. + rest-u were fun.Kim-we foundit on side of rd!KL-diarn scr field.sharingarb age.entgotmovies.hockey.slepo vers.ftov errs, jimnypk.vodkagros.bstfriends. PM-IHadZiniFroomBookaAli-adidasRpPnvfigrgme. I'm above the law. surfinUSA. CS.AS.LG.LF.KD+sr.clss. had fun. SCPerv.on newyrs. "Cant rent here" DiS-TOR.Jackon tngeRave! Makin Candles, B r a id in H a ir H jO v e y a ^ F J C L J R H ^ L J L ^ ^ ^ j^ v e r ^ o n e e ls e H ^ v ^ o u Y o o !

CS: U ever dance wi th the devil in the pale moonlite? Heath: My future wife.Acquaint- ance.Batman! Dazed &Confused. Talkin till 4 am. Sunrises &Promises! Stupid fights. HIT ME! Do it! 50-50? Sunday night movies. Gay cards.Cute buttonnose. Dancin in the streets. Drop bys. Long walks & talks. Sin gin on da fone.Playd with Heath till my fingers bled. Look into my eyes. I love,respect,admire,and envy youidoes thatsound gay?). Buz: Angel.Dirty Mere The Super Slut: Sleeping together! Bohemian Rhap­ sody! HopeFloats. Are you naked? Parking lot guy. Thedinerlady.BiteMe!Curves.Two personali­ ties. I own you, but im your bitch. Respect. Goals. Sandak: The BC wont ever understand. Don't worry it'll rain, u deserve it more than anyone. Thanx4 alwaysbein there. YouembodyLOYALTY.The tour? With or without baggage? BJ.Tacobell.GettoBooty.Dazed&confused. Crashin g-nites. Pool.Ed'sParty.TotalTrust & Loyalty. Do u have faith? I am not a bad driver. Philosophy class kicked ass. Loser denial?Kat: Genderless. Random moments. Weird dreams. Truth or Dare? Lapdance!Jessica:Chocolat wont ever taste the same. Horrormovies. Long talks in the car. Damn answerinm achine.The beach.Drunkenconfessions.Sweatersaroundthewaist. Lesbian Vortex. Rachzilla: Be nice! "Ill call you back."Uhatemecauseuwantme.Lizzie: Inde­ pendent study Art. Random talks. Your mom'sstories.Niceshoes: Um...Flaming homosexual? Nick,Ken,Gaurav:"Ueat2much that'swhyyoubig." Thesummerswill last 4 ver. Look at u. Pool. Videogames. Movies.Rochester.Trampoline.Bball.Theoath.Ethics.Damn firewont start.JetsSuck!Sanchez:Thanxfobeingthebestsister.Pak:U dam an!Thanx for always listening.Iamnotweak!Thanxforshowingmethetruth,and thedifferencebetweenrightandgood. je n n ie :L e sb ia n V o rte x .S V D :C h o rn icle.C h em istry .P ayn eR ich : W an nab et.T ed d y :F‘ *U CLOW N !Bjones:Aoltalks.SJW : AkwardSubject. Whit:She'Urealizewhenits21ate. T w eet:BJConcert.Tennis.Stayaw ayfrom her.M K :SaturdayN ites.Chico:Chick' Head Yvcs.Boof.Shack,Ward,DW, DJ, DD,J), DS,NK,D,KM,JVsoc/ten,Everylelse:Its been fun!

^?T7E^om^^ou^fie*ca^)e^TK^aTnt will be in my memory forever. Don't leave junior out. When you get arrested I will bail you out. jolly holly, thanks for everything. CH-Jean The Machine!!! WA-Mr. DWI..I love the Miester. YA: Ou est la vache?? ici.Tci. CS: Finally baggage free!! I don't get how you liked that Ghetto booty. Don't worry the rain will come. You are my best friend.I know there is a lot that you put up with and I respect you for it.You have an inner strength which is equal to nobody. I know you will succeed.Good luck. To the BC:what would you have done without me. LN: You have to go down on it. Boof: It is 27 inches. LE/KR:I never have known what to say so why should this be any different..just remember I know what you are thinking. CT:Mr. Chickenhead MB:Whit says I am not aloud to talk to you..but you are the best. JM: so many guys so many rejections. #72:1feel your pain. RD: You don't like men. KR:SJW: I have learned so much from you and have an enormous amount of respect. Look me up when I am commissioner. To my future wife: I hope you are beautiful and rich so 1will never have to work. MK:I don't think I will ever understand your ways. Thanks for the good times. BW:You taught me so much not only about soccer but about life. Carley; you are a strange girl. HW: You are a good friend. I have more, faith, trust, respect for you than anyone else 1 have ever known.

" * *• * ■ l u i i n u i l l u l l l U l U U U V X J i m u U M C T

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tingupw/mebut,itain'toveryet!2my Huge F a mi l y my l i l c o z H e a t h e r , I L U V U!2myPEOPLEZ any 1WhoIShared amoment W / evenThoughSomeOfUsHaveGrown Apart,u'veRemainedlnMy Life. MuchLuv2U allD'JaDanadaneGhETtoBOoTyNotgoin2D C2CLil'JohnsonBackin3yrsPD@MSG97 Lauryn99'LiZABOOMADtints,Driveme2 theghetto.Plasticcouch,Story-tellinlluvu RoSaliTaMemoriesMadewUwon'tB4gotten Y A dead M on ?Jfb estlisten er,P rom , Balletlessons?JmizstayBlazin'C70Yves 44 lbs. brother&sister?Arinisteadmadluv4ubaby MAXtrubffK8yrs?sempe-rfidelisBLDANCINGpartnerCt2 Europe JZmy angel NuganushkaIwanaBAble2CtheWorldTliruurEyez IluvuJH KeepYa HeadUp FINDURBIGMANPRJamaicanPrincecharming lLuvUw/allMyHeart HAGED UPJLRGreece,France,Spain, AlienBG,BF,DS, VS, SJ,JF,JH,SFU showedMe How Idon'tWant2Btreated!It'sbeenreal-BPScruffy, CampFriendz,Alisnuda,JC lhad ushookhuh?RunBillyRunBDHELLAphat,BH,MLOopS!SCTickle**chie,LC, Plymkr,ATmyJewND,JS,Chico,DS,AVBONE,hearts&thoughtstheyfadeDW anytime,WBcelebration,RAZ"Pat-iience"MM212l JJgreen eyez&GreeceALAD awgzrboutitnot8'sAnyoneIForgot,sorry!Stillluvu!Teachers(UknowwhoUr) who' vebeenmyMentors@King,thankU!Mr.Ed wards,CoachAl,LynchDawgImissu!KatherineLewis-u taughtmenever2take anything in life4grantedtomorrowisn'tguaranteed-iluvualwayz.NoGood-byes,somedaywe'llmeetagain! ir~KGIassoftt<P I’parppt WB:Class of '99-What a long strange trip its been.Rich-Somanymemories,so littlespace. Fromsavingmylifeonthemountain, Sheety Plungerlnfomercials,NBAlive,Mama Sia.Ha ns, Florid awaterbombs, wild bus rides,+allrcrazyschemes,itwasagreat5years.Best tagteamever.Josh-lwillalwaysremember memoriesofNam5impsonquote;,+Bondmarathons. Thanx4alwaysmakingmesmileDanHere's2goodparties,good women, Bob+ Junior,Nintendo, Wrestling, David+Goliath video,+alwaysbeing a funny dude.Good luck atGW.Scott-Greatsnowboardtrips +of courseModelUN.Urawesomebuddy. JordanI wishlhadknownulonger.l can't tellu how much fun 1 had with u+Junior+our trip2theZ.Thanks4everything.Junior+I will miss u very much.Dave-Little Dave.There'ssomuchicanwritaboutourgreattimesbutldon' know where2begin. We hadsome great parties though! U are going2go so far in this world,u are simply thebest.l love uraan. Nick-Knicks/Bulls game,schooling u inbasketball.l'U never forget u.Jeremy-We had some great times manICrazy women,parties,+8lh grade ski trip.I hope we have4more years of great memories at Syracuse.KateSquishylStillmeadowschoolchasing kids!Kat-Mush mode.Strike3!Man in the hole!I loveu babe.2 my goons-Yield 2 ourauthority!Hey!Whats the matter with u?Mamma Mia.Oh no YvesIWard + Haynes I will never forget our crazy nights with Junior+the Z.Jean the machine HouselU guys are amazing.We will always be goons!Bill+Ted-I love you guys.Hugs-Jess Peters [Great poetry.Great Parties. ACB #2 -Class of '99: it's been real, nine years been too long, remember: "don't give up, you've got a reason to live...can't forget, we only get what we give." DD: Bunchy-it's been real, real world: we survive, they don't; thanks for being there (you mathematical mind, you!) p.s. field hockey rocks (espe­ cially when cute foreign men play it!) JLR: World Traveler CO.-Swiss feminine prod­ ucts! (thetruthhurts (©) AF: Six Flags For­ ever - next roller coaster's all minefcalled LIFE) p.s. it sounds better with an "I" © DJ: No more physics booty in my face (or demons in my stomach either!) - keep well Yearbook kid (Semi-formal @ Italian Center-SPOILed©) JM:Thanks for AASCing, be sure to SAIL by in the next millenium BH, KL: Thanks for AASCing too, best wishes LSN: since 5,h + still strong-art future (possibly stand-up comedy too, Merestead will miss you-too cold for little Ed?) RD: since 4"’ +still strong-voice for future Nadine: graduating June 9, 1999 (even with one more year!) KAL: class of'99 in my heart+soul MR+BG: forever my friends (CT wants you more!) Sam: keep up great work, best little sister, booger Kiki*, Ben:don't make the footsteps too hard to follow, best wishes, “Irish not well endowed ©^. Mom+Dad: The Princess + the Pea is off...thanks to you, best parents in the WORLD!

K8:Classof'99wefinalh adeitiush: Highponytails,boys,K. k House,diner, walkout,302b,camphell,02alltheway, Orio,k8&liz,aolkoas,ri i ingw/ the homies, trashcans,Ed&Colin, Proms,thanku4all! Mike:spider@2am,trashcans,outfit,summer camp,rumors,trainstations,thestairway, phonecon versa tionstrying'tilI2am, weigh trm, e-mail, Wes thill prom Norm, weekends, 143,thankusomuchLu Lu: Wanna Fly?Hugo,drivingiluvuAdam: Win ter,boyfriends,hookup,Dan, I'mgonna kill him Nick:143,BS,beachs,ur neck!Liz&K8:I luvugirls,B-ville,Sean,JamesK.Bandnights BrigiNYrs,getting caught(fi rehouse), Liz&K8-k8'ssand which,SADD$Stu:yes, someday Iwill pick ]JJ:Icehockey,pp'shouse,sneakout,Tmgoing2killhim,"horses G.S.(I’): tongue ring,lluvu,&that'salllhave2say Brand i:thanku,JK&alltheimmature people, 143,stayclose,"ahh,Imgoin2killhim,"SA,coffee babys,ridingA.A:doesur grinch have protection?A-DaypranksSarah: JK,sr.rm. CB,1'11 always bhere 4u,143!Rosy:Chinatn,Boston,hospital, C.K1,hotel,rolling Ashley: Big&Little Spikes,ULC,143,456,123Whit:stilI meadow,metero logy,lunchoutahh!Rich:lluvurpiercings,thanku4all!Ali: Dariencrew, 143, darci, NYC, make over,Me-u-liz-Tom,liz&k8,guysVal:halloween,horses,plastic pumpkin, out­ fit, $waysVicky&Jess:Thanx4ULCbathrmtalkJess:143,coffeebabys,Beck, Nick, tyIer,SADD$&guys,horseThanku2alltheteachers4helpingmethroughoutmy CH: Whit Thanks for letting me crash at your house almost every weekend. Wild parties at your house, especially when there was miester braii. Lunchout=4:20 in the Explorer, Junior, trailer trash, Bulls Head variety before football games, Jolly Holly, Swanky's, My Giant, rye playland. Ward School won't be the same without you. Playing football, weed street, your k drivingtair on Intervail), "Whatsa matta with you, huh", "1 love you Christmas tree", the Z, trashed at parties, curling freshmanfyeah Symancyk) you always hooked me up(Bud © buds) Stop making fun of my mom! tight Yves ahh my knee, Sluuut-now your on to better things, 1002 on your SAT's, the midget movie, remember Coach A. Nick going easy in football practices since freshman year. We used to hang out more until you got to cool for us. O-line pride, you +Ben + lanky Leroy should stop bugging me in English class. Chico you area funny guy, we should hangout more out of school. House I was just kidding about what I said. Lights were fun, next time I'll be there. Yeah FF .Iordan Lunchout, Heathcliffe, the Bronx. RichYeah Magwi, Dave Miester Braii Big Country + DG keep the tradition alive, goons forever. Thank you to all my friends and classmates for making my high school experience memorable.


beautifulAfricanQueen,muchluv always +4 everFishy :"We were strangers starting out onajourney"Nuda-"Masteruvelostur armsbut...""Withorwithoutu"best kissof mylifeAlissaB-urthebestfieldhockey player I've ever known+a goodfriendMrs B-If u ever needanother daughter-here I am!Alibeautiful!B-Iluvmyb!um..Imean Brandi WEIRDO-uareamazing.T-Go knowsur my saviorThanx4allthetalks +beingbest guardianangelMM-I ammakinguasaint 1 praymyheart isasgoodasursMK-Thanku 4 believing inmewhen Ithoughtl was nothing MrW-Istilldon'tlikemathbutl'mgladlhadadedicated teacher likeu2helpme pull throughLanky-ullgetFishy...someday!MW-MarrymeMS-Goddessofcollege counselingMP-uareawesome!SKUTTLE!2SMALL! OHCHICO! J-mysailingstar SnraK-uveebeenw/mesince9thgrade+uveneverleftmysidelluvuw/ allmyheartBOOF-MyFishingKing.E-Bunchypan ties?..NOT ME!CHOCO Drivesafe.KB-just the2of us Coach S-The best coach in the world I luv Soxs+1'11 luvu4ever.COOCHSarah-#l GoalieLynchio-CHEM-IS-TRYMA-1 of the reasons Ilikehistorysomuehiscauseutaughtit2 me NEW MAN-1of the coolest+dedicated teachl know Mr.M-uwillalwaysbpraised+loved in myeyesMr.N-u werethe sparkthatstartedtheflame4myluvof lit.JO-"Follow your heart"the best advice IevergotThanku4always listening.Mom+Dad-thanku 4 believing in me+letting me dreamAIYA-My respect+luv 4 uisendlessBENNlE-Therecanbmiracles when u believe... I BELIEVE AMACHIE-Thank u Iwon't disappoint u LEWIS4EVER!

SVD#9: To Everyone: Thanks for great times, and memories. Good Luck! 613 ! TM: Gonga, Hawk, " More King Fishers?", Triceps, and that machine we hate. Just wait until she gets her braces off... RH: One more inch and we would have had an undefeated season, Brunswick Game! ...,JC: Best dressed, oh I forgot. Want to see my Stat HW? You and TM still coming to Church? WWJD. Whats up with those Soccer drills? Gotta love the attitude. RB: Goal! KLHT Teamsters. Study Halls, crazy games, throwing pieces of signs, wanna Kick the bottle? CT: Chicken Heads. Sweet Valley High. Pudding going all over yourself then being hit by signs. BH: Back Hallway, can't resist. I'm like a reach, keep reaching....BK: Stop laughing and I'll treat you to a small coffee. WB: Your crazy. Snowboard trips to VT, You're the man, always having fun JJ: Always one pt behind, Did your voice just crack, It's all about Trees and Forests, remember that. DJ: A wonderful friend, Prom,Sia Math, Is that from Abercrombie? Always acting so Ghetto Fabulous JM: Don't we have a yearbook meeting now? KL: When is the next SADD meeting? JM: I'm still working on that hat LN: Sorry about that Calculator KR: and MS: You two definitely need to get your minds out of the gutter! You're corrupting me. JR: Like my English comments? CS: Stay away from the SINCOSTAN fraternities. DS: "Instruction" book, and a plate warmer for tweetle dumb. DW: It's Log! It's Log!

The Bulldog #75: Many thanks to the NSC (DW,MS,JJ,EK). Summer of 98 was the best. Firepits,&f'king up.DW Canadian Odys­ sey? Wherewecrashingthisweekend ? Tenniscamp.beer&bitches.Tobadlm straight edge,sorta.WWFMS-Need aride? Wanna playsomevideogames? Rayna? JJ Robocop.My house in 10thgrade started yourNAMvisions.WB-toomany memories. Mooning,Porno&Pizzainfomercials, Florida,AOL,NACHOCHEESE! Gwar, Bik­ ing, little kids. BH-needanythingpeirced? Ms.Dawson's class was the best. RH-Tac Bell and beer. KL-trampoline, wanna watch a movie?JC-returning cans to Dougy White KR-senior room study halls were the best.CS-you Bunfag.DS-Im taller than u.JS-gamebov&Hard-Core.Ryechicks rthebest.Chico-lemmetellusomethingaboutcancer.SVD-Teamsters, studyhall games,flowerystories,religionwars.HW-we never finished Clockwork Orange. JW-Icanbeatuatbasketball.VC-Ifuwere2yearsolder...KLHTFOOT BALL-Thisyear,seniorpridewaso-line pride.We had morefun than anyotherteamever.Whocares about 0and7. Feta, captain,7 years together on the same side of the line. Delifood is the best.House-im going to break all ur windows. Ward &Haynes-u goons share one semi retarded brain.BC- I pur­ posely didnt block for u.To the rest of KLHT what more can I say. 7 yrs of my life spent wasting time here.To anyone I forgot, write me a letter explaining y Ishouldhaveincludeduorucanfilintheblanks___(your name),rememberthetime

RH: Twelve years of klht now no more. Mrs.Miskin+Mr.tucker thanks for dealing with all my crap and all the other teachers 1 had a klht. Now a list of people who have done something stupid or cool that I remem­ ber. ty- try boxing, don't worry my dad is a dr. red wine you make me feel so good. Sup. Have fun incollege, opps high school. CLASS OF 98'cool kids-JL,AV,MH,CBH, GK,ES, DW,AT!.B.H.-twelve years kid,everyone better then the next-EAD. J.M- there is a first for everything, after prom!! K.M.-prom98, party more, blue sucks, rangers R #1, "just swimming" sure, still a cool kid. Sum.Thave fun next year- no friends, on the rocks, it is for oil? J.C.- see you in 5 to 10 years, P.S, jusr chillen. B.C- take your medicine!! H.W. K.R.-kool kids. J.B-J.H.Eroupe twice- night clubs, cool girls. A.F.-twillzer fights, 02 power, party hard in college. K8-B.D.- long New years night, it all good N.K.- Greek Power- math class, hooking it up at the deli! Boff- you just don't lead them as much!! Roger dodger, keep killing. JG3- my pigeon, just joken. M.D.- Let's go Rangers! S.VD.Its my first time, Guiness, party more! Goons= Zebra Club. LoLo- always in our memories. MIF- cool kids. Don't be upset if you are not in here, my memory sucks- or you do, If I forgot you name please fill it in the blank.____ Peace outsee you in the future.


adeal.#4tictacs,indirecto,guestroom, weight room wwf,suck it, a Chinese friend, a shot oftahilla, imgoingthrougha tunnel, wrappers, 1 need to get 1—d!, missing the fan.RB can I get a ride, playing video games,hospital visit, having too much fun, Zelda, a missedgiantsgame,can u smell what the rock is cookin.JC,Nccs, sameclasses alwaysjongdiscussions, noego,roomofsmoke,sexaddiction? latenight conversations, never a dull mo­ ment, doing ur homework, you've been / mealltheway,thanks.TMMach3,thanks4thecu t.DD2short,not2small.KL,Promnightblanket, phoneconversations,Liz&Kate,nightfromhell, uhavealwaysbeenagood friend thanku. AF,Bahamas,kissup,nightsfilledw/talksofJulia,7yearsinTibet, kamikaze'sJulie,needingplay, Waterloo, mysunshine.KM,GreenwichAve., headingawayfromtheCOAST,theotherthing,havingfunin Spanish, insult wars,rememberlhaveneverbeenwrong.DS,closure,afight duringaYankee game,pool, 3whoIeyrs. that'salongtime,floor time,a designed situation!JH: chillen,interesting conversations,SL u know ulove me!Always picking up the phone! EK sloppy 3rds,2things we have in common,practice those games, "I feel dirty!" "THANKU! SVDbottle ball,dirty boy, never shut ting up about sex during study hall.CK chicken #$*#(*'', jester. JW Ncaa football, 12 yr old kendra, "Suck it" chillen, meteorology, is it 98 degrees or only a measly 94!Gettin lucky in football,espanol.Afbahamas,I would have written u it is because I have no

r LM~So many shared memories at KLHT. such little space2provide them all. Here r ust a few that willalways make me laugh.JM:bestfriend/Ourgirls nights = movies+ phishfood/ going2 look in ur candy drawer/CapeCod/u+ur family havedoneso much 4me. Lov ya 4 ever! KR+HW: uhave provided mewith true, caringsupport/ Wemake the perfect woman -breasts, butt,+ legs/Uncontollable laughing fits/ New Year'sEve -I hope we share many more! LN: SNL watcher/Geenauretard/This t.p. is interesting! RD:if a quiz isa quizicle,what is a test/Maybe if ubend it back...oops/I'll never 4get r funnytimes!CS+DS:2bovs of the group/Don't think that I don't under­ stand ur telepathy/ Horror movie companion/Most inhalers r meant 4 1's mouth, not l'seyes(haha)/Iwishu bothcontinued success! SW:howdoweget2Hope StreetPizza/Brownies/Mayuhavelonglasting happiness at B.C.! MFdoveshack? 1/14/99 Quick wear this ring/u=unforgettable times/loafu4ever!DI:should I sayLauryn/Theserthe daysofrlives/Enjoyable rides in mvBeetle! BH:12 years girl/ "Let metell uabout afriend of mine"/No I'm older/Bestwishesat I,ynchburg!SVD: U rawesomeattakingtests, but I am better in doinglabs(haha)/ Bestoflucknextvr! IR.KL.AS+AB:4 simplewords that hold unforgettable memories-Greece, Italy, France.+Spain!Mme Wagner: i will never 4 get ur kindness,songs, + pirnirs!2 the entire class of 1999: everyl of u holds a significant place in my remembrance of KLHT.May we all conquer our dreams in the future!






TCM: Thanks mom and dad for all of your love and devotion that U have constantly shown me. I will miss the both of U when 1go away in the fall, however I will find a 4 way to cope.Thanks Kyle,Dirk,Dana, Kate,Comrie,Jock+Kat for making my life hectic and fun.To my Teachers+College Counselors: Thank U for your dedication and support through the past 4 years. W/ o U I wouldn't be going to college.To my school friends: It has been a pleasure v? knowing each and every one of U.To my N.C. Girls J.M.+L.N.: I'm going to miss not being able to drive down the street and visit whenever I want.To J.M: How about some choc. Gummies and Turkey on a wedge?To K.R,R.D.,andH.W: Who am I going to hang out with now?To Ryan: I will miss U and your sarcastic ways. U better keep in touchITo D.J.: Call and visit me, remember U.R a part of the family. We expect to see U.To A. F: Thank U for all of those mid-night runs we took. They will never be forgotten.To B.P: thank U for all of the times U made me laugh.To J. King: Thank U for being the greatest sailing partener and friend.To The Stockwell Brothers: Many thanks for the great times and trips to the C.C. playhouse.To D.D: My Sri Lankan, I'm going to miss U.To S. Long: I love U+ we R going to have a blast this summer.To K.M. C.C. Crew: summer is not so far away.To Mere:keepuptheV.ball.To coaches: Thanks! Pak,Clipp,Mac,Celia,Newman, Poulton+Jo.___________________________________________________


I TM:Pvops2daclassof99.FATBOYmissedilthis I yr,2,pwwtding,Mlpartyedallday every day 10 cent refund,Notre Dame??chillen on the beach in FL, excusemewhilellightmy spliff. L'.JamaicathenRyler'swhathappened2da ag enda.goodlucknextyrJLRsomanygoodmem oriesohwell!"doing it well"B-boys, cyprss hill ragewuAssualt.Stratton+summertime riding, thanx4alluveeverdone4meIluvu.SVD king fishers@ganga.SorryabouturgirlJCalways talkinsh*t. u ain't a brawler.Ml thanx for makinmedoallthedriving. Bittersweet memorie "Ty qui tbeingstu pid" " why " "because"ugetthewaitressesdigitsatponderossa?QuitrippinKL Imissu. uhadsuchanimpactonsomanypeopleslivesthanx4puttingupw/mePRFIalways aparty.98newyears=roughnight.Udown2brwal2on5.. .still wontubing?Redwine neverasfineda2ndtimeBHlatenitephonecalls,nol thinks that wer tight but url ofmybestfriendsthanx4every thing. Md weekend that never happened. Theloftatleast I gotup.UVMpartyiedhard.AnnualtequilasunriseinSharon thissumma. Rewe'vehadrup+downs&alotof good times. Var. socceruvelostthat lovinfeeling...goodlucknextyrEvangrrrrrZdragracin/bumpininthevolvo BW Irel&represent!DWdustinthekitchentable/lemondrops+adipbadidea,makin SAT'sfun.MSmach3yalush"foIlowtheambulance!"DMlTlneverforgetchillen atWallackspt.Bonekeeppartyinincollege&nevergetridofdajeep ST whatamess tocleanupBKkeeplaughingwhileulift.shoutoutsRB.KL.AF.BC.DJ. Jmetz.JM. JjlHj/hicoHummeru^

HramJ.-Lvm#.): lonKra[sJtlTT



made it!Rch4 the *'s! L i t t l e L n k n O il bon voy­ age nig#*! M.Lareey/C.C,. & I still look good in my scarf/crusty feet/yllwbone/norwhack exertions. TPM/BF's/Thanx4alwBingthere/ Thanx4 trusting/udidil! illmssuPC/epfltzis/l p e e p / lh t that over sizd klr! milla/ub*ch/pssu ant ber/sccr.KL,SC,CS,AS/imssuBiggie/El nines A.A/ unonothing.D.D/jstcallme Ditty/ Holy mac bethHE.J.u did what were/SJR/B.D/ u used 2 2 bcool,whathappd2 u? Liarsnvrhave fun, constantfear of getting caught. MS/im bi/thx 4 not j udging/bsmart/ur a wonerful person Seaf/ bondedat sums/goodlucknxt yr/ paper wasphat/DT/t.dawg. blazin butt.J.H/coffeebabies/JC/ben hr muc/luv u muc SVD/u want me/Backhallway adventures/I'm ur reach!/thanx 4 dancing w/ meCT/Mrchickenhead&hisbucketoftrolls/MN/rescuededu.JF&DN2 reasons4going2 MTWtalented peep use it/ M.L/put ure shoe back on#l WYMM/Grapes, massages, HppyNwYr, nonstop fun. I've said it once I'll say it again u truly are #1 LP/ ill bet ure *ss/nvr change/AF/VA here we come!/K8/LSR/uve grown so much/ill miss u HW/glovesister/Rich/BRA/what do u wt me 2do BC/thanx 4theride/ms. ed/cool kid/LE/LI never let anl keep u down/beaut. person and heart/JM/12 yrs. & wre out!/13 *'s/frkout/im stll older/bad ’ssboots/waiter drk/ill mis u/RH/we mad it! 12 yrs/EAD! RB/rastabtt/nvr pants me/funcoland/ quarters/ i luv all of u my friends no who they r. Much luck to all ofu!!AB/older guys Mike S I you are one in a million, im lucky 2have crossed your path. MM,TW,LC,SC,AR,BW,AB,niobe,grlssoccrepresent,mr.n,mrs. m,mrs.meyer,wendy


mm AF : First of all, I want to thank my mom, 1W: Most importantly, mom, missy, and Leo dad, Ashley, Michael and my grandpar­ 1love you all and appreciate all of the things ents on both sides, for all their support and that u have done 4 me. I hope I have made love. I love you all and can not thank you u proud of me. Mom, 1know you're happy. I'm finally leaving the house. A.F. I'm sorry enough for all that you have done for me. 4 all the annoying things that I always did 2 Justin-I love you with all of my heart and cherish your friendship more than, you u. 1love u and I hope u never 4get me. Don't think, you know. I wish you only the best 4get to make me a milk shake and we'll chill with sugar ddy. D.J. blazin girl. U were da and hope we stay in touch. Chris-nothing, girl I liked at dis school. When we had Mr. but oranges! Thank you for all that you Hudson you were da the only thing that kept have done for me. You are one of my best me from falling asleep. Even though u played friends and I love you. Butler- A.K.A my me, I still love u. Chico: 2 pay , gumby, don bro. You are like a sister and my best friend juan , whats up? I hope u get out this piece and don't b a 30yr old Sr. I'll never in one. To our life time of memories and a future filled with fun. I love you! 4get u, especially cause u gave me that scar at Rich's casa. I know we'll do that Johnny- my big brother, I love you! K8- to a decade of memories that 1 will again at Rich's , I'll make u remember me 2(big scar). Sugar ddy, Me u & fish remember forever. D.D, my Srilunkan friend, Chico- What up! Nick- the most have 2 chill. U have 2 drive maybe. Next time I sleep over, I'm going 2 kill blazing eyes ever, Mr. and Mrs. Boot, Dana: knockers, juice and agua, Shout chucky. Thanks 4 letting me stay over that time(Kendra) Y.A. y is your dome out to: Tyler, Jamie, Jennie, Nathan, Mike-get jiggy with it! Jordan, Ben, Ryan, so big. Justbuggin. Its been fun chillin with u. Especially at YLC. Mad run. Johnny G, Brandi-Lynchburg!, Liza and Chris my Little Sis. &Bro. I love you TRUE. Before we bounce 4 college, teach me how 2 be a player like u. M.S. I all and wish you all good luck! hope u get better in ncaa 99.1got tired of killen u every time. When u learn how 2 play come talk 2 me. I'll just beat u again. I love the guest room. Thanks 4 letting me join da club of 1000. Class 99 much love.

YRA: 1 like to first to thank God 4 everything that he has given me. Moms-how can I begin to thank u 4 all that u have done 4 me, & continue to do 4 me? Ketsya- thanx 4 being my sister & my guardian angel! Dad-, je ] t'aime.Al Orio- wish u were here!Pat- my boy 4 ever.DaveS- ou est..?'Becca P- marry j me!!.The goons my brothers, Ward- the Zman, Haynes- yeah lick!!, Whit- Shut the fug upRich-hu, hu, puwakHSenior class wish u guys all the luck! Coop,Solo,Lasanne and the rest of the freshman crew c yah!.J- Miz- when u make it to the NBA don't 4get me! Dana J1 luv u! Fisher- I'll always keep a special place 4 u in my heart. Ali S.- u still wanna work out? Ben C- me u Haiti? c u there! Bridge- thanx 4being there I luv u! Laura B- Are we ever gonna go driving! CK-peace out! Rodney- the brother 1 never I had thanx 4 keepin it real! Hey Jess h-, u still luv me? Hey JB(GB) -c u on ESPN sometime. Jill,Reed- my family I luv u guys & thank u 4 everything Boot- the hand of god watches all! Like to thank all the coaches!. Ms.Wurtzthanx 4 everything!YeahLynch!Maude- bye cutie!Tucks- thanx 4 beleiveing in me! Mr. Neuman-good lookin out!Mrs. Mishkin-thank u mom! .Mrs. Bertrucci -thanx 4 caring..DanW- where was Michelle yesterday? Nick K- yeah fetta! Hey Brett- u still lonely?! If I 4got your name in here my bad!

CT: Mami you are the most important per­ son in the world to me.We have been through everything togethr and it has made us stronger Sophia-best sister ever, I'llmiss u both. Dad-1 hope to understand u some­ day. To anybody else that has ever crossed paths witme PEACE. Now to the kingheadz: SENIORS:lustin:Stephon Urkel(the smooth onejstay thugged/pimped out,don't forget yo boy when you make the NBA-Imean CBA-1 really mean WNBA AA:slepovr at my placenxtime Fish:blazin,dump puffy and getwitTopp Dog- Nick:Greek MAFIA, GOONS-Cowlick(get haircut; give me the rock)Ward(drivesafe)Whit,YA, Brandi: Chickenheadz, Dan:ADD FOR LIFE,Rich:fight wit cancer, naked chickenhead dancin on table - Rosy:MrsS say nomo chicken noize COUCH:(MsHouse is BLAZIN;jusl playin poultry you know u my boy) Vsoccer-SVD(Vermont,snuffeddead in the mouth at GFA),E>aveS, Ty,JC(sambuca)Didi, HW, KL, AS ,The Hat,and muchluv to all other srs. lunior squad-Shorty:mv brotha,staytru,keep in touch,BKfbasehead,end of the world is near), MikeSmith, Sian, God,TB,etc. All my sophs and freshmen you know who you are. For the record im 19, not 27. F*ckall haters love to all chickenheadz! WESSSYYYDDDDEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

DUT#3-I st I would like to thank God and my farn for their all their love and support. 2 my bros Lil sis is catching up.ONE . JM&JLM-my pretty girls stay pretty sweet and a 4ever friend: CapeCod, Shania, meow,meow, Greta KIT. JW what can 1say bud-E we survived#3 is da BEST and may I forever be "jellybean" DD shorty, bball don't be afraid to follow your heart. "How deep is your love?"AF agua knockers juice BH aka Toni attitude yes, stink no! crusty feet, 2am, lowry, mw taylor classy but sassy alwayz lilTauryn ASGreece,22 liljohnson Dciswhati want pdaddv @msgl eyed man keep on dancin shortiaga SVD may we always be side by side YA its all about the WHAT? JH-a big boy will come.AA cheeseburger butt keep on studying LC I lied it was u all along.SC-tickle what?Rosco is your brother not mine. Study hard make me proud all 3 of you. ML heartbreaker keepsmilin.BB my baby ur beautiful Maud-eur2cute(jake) ms haft thanx 4 the talks, laughs and tears both on and off the court.. JoJo your smile sobrightyourwordssodeep—cya"you"NK,AK, RB,CS, AA,RP,LE, TM, KM,NR,JR,AB (whipcreambooty) girlsb-ball 2 my princes Adam and Christopher mad luvfrom your princess KIT. BC (westover)bgood. To those who have left BIGGUP!! Banana my girl since kindi much luv baby Ms P. I will never 4getu ur the best! Mr.T u are an inspiration and you shed some light on a path I never knew existed. 2 senoras, muchas gracias por todo. Mrs.Mish-thanx 4 yur emergency cookie stash. 2 Coaches: Haft, Al, Black, Celia, Mac, Pak, Klip THANKS!! 2 all of my teachers and everyone who I have come in contact with over the past four years thanks for the memories & 2 thoselhaveforogt D o n 't T a k e i t P e r s o n a l ... C l a s s o f 99 G o d b le s s a m t o n e h w . _______________________________________________

VVA:YEAH MRS HAYNES YEAH ALFREC WHIT: BLAH! YIELD TO MY AUTHORm WHATA MEAN SUCK IT! WHAT'S TH MATTER WITH U UH! Thanx for making m look like a All-American in Football Practic< hope u finally get some at Syracuse, where' Junior. Dave: YEAH MEISTER BRAU How Whit's bed, one for the good guys, EAVES That's a nice binder u got! EH! SAGG MAGGY! WE GOTTA CHILL THIS SUV MER AND HOOK ME UP WITH THOS i CHIKEN HEADS! YEAH ANNA! SLL CHICO where them chicken heads where th smoke it's 420. MAGWAI thanx for Big Kahoonas, BIG COUNTRY: Y, INBRED HICK, JUST PLAYIN THANX FOR HOOKIN ME UP AT YOU PARTY, where's VICTORIA! TO MY BROTHERS: JOHNO u rule thanx fc : taking me on all those road trips and helping me find those PINK ELEPHANTS ! BOOB Thanx for takin me to the frat parties u gotta treat me to those freshma i honnies, Greek I guess this year u were to cool to hang out with the goons, I' I see yah this summer at your deli to pick up some COBRA! YEAH SYMSAN1C ! YEAH JACKYFROMTHE BACKY! HEATHER: thanx for making Meteorolog tolerable u are the most blazin Weather Girl, Katherine: u rule, I'm still tryin ; to convince Heather to get in on this goon sandwich, see yeah this summer I' I be taking u and Heather for a ride to the Z! TO MY GOONS AND FRIENDS SE ’ AT HOME COMING NEXT YEAR! YEAH DORK! SEE YEAH THERE!

And theWinners are...

BEST SMILE Scott VanDusen, Jessica Mead

BIGGEST FLIRT Yves Amboise, Brandi Hunter

CLASS CLOWNS Whit Breeden, Dinushka De Silva

MOST SARCASTIC Ryan Hughes, Rachel Dorf

MOST ATHLETIC Ryan Hughes, Becca Page

BIGGEST BRUTES Katherine Redniss, and the Goons

MOST CHANGED Scott VanDusen, Rosy Hurlock

BIGGEST MOOCH Mike Schechter, Liz Egan

BEST DRESSED Scott VanDusen, Dana Johnson

MARRIED FIRST Alissa Arakelian, Jon Boisfeuillet

MOSTARTISTC John Grant, Lizzie Nichols

MOST OUTGOING Richard Berberian, Katherine Redniss

MOST MUSICAL Whit Breeden, Rachel Dorf

MOST MISCHIEVOUS Richard Berberian, Rosy Hurlock

BEST FRIENDS Katherine Redniss, Heather Walsh

BIGGEST SLACKERS Chris Tsirbas, Liz Egan

BEST EYES Alyssa Fischer, Josh Jacobson

NICEST LEGS Dave Sandak, Brandi Hunter

TheLast Will and Testament o â– & Class of 1999 Mrs. Kweskin: a date with Peter Elbow Mr. Hudson: a hallway without laptops Mrs. Sia: 10 more reasons why Andrew is wonderful Mrs. Mishkin: our yearbook Mrs. Rodriguez: an all black wardrobe Mrs. Herod: a world without IBMs Mrs. Baker: a blazer....on Mr. Wallace: a calculator with bigger buttons Mrs. Payne: a paint job for her caddy Mrs. Christensen: a class that hands in their papers on time Mr. Newman: an appearance in a Where's Waldo Book Mr. Conant: the Stanley Cup Mrs. Smith: a smaller musical instrument Mrs. Petrucci: a diamond ring for many gracious attendance allowances Mr. Pak: a glance at reality Mr. Pelton: a blue nosed gopher Mr. Lynch: starving marvin in a beaker Mrs. Wagner: a world without men Mrs. Feick: an attentive language class Ms. Wurtz: airline tickets to South Africa Mrs. Siano: a senior who gets into college Mrs. Meyer: a class full of goons Mr. Tucker: sticky buns Mrs. Pusack: Mrs. Payne's projector Ms. Schlebusch: apple pie Mrs. Messinger: a chance to write her own history book Mr. Cerone: more van parking spots Mr. Massa: steroids Mrs. Bethray: a model class that behaves Mrs. Braunschweig: bologna Mrs. Kicelian: an AP class she actually likes Mrs. Libonati: red and yellow leather Mrs. McQueen: a winning math team Mr. Richter: a pair of hairy legs Mrs. Miner: a secretary Mr. Pusack: a waterproof office Mrs. Murphy: a V.W. bus Ms. "Jo" Levia: 50 push-ups and a Hopkins warm up Mrs. Forster: Gomez

How the Cast o f1999 Met Their Demise Yves Amboise's head explodes. Ward Anderson is trampled by Zebras. Alissa Arakelian killed by Boof in hunting accident. Alissa Baker dies in freak cooking accident. Richard Berberian unsuccessfully dies trying to pierce his brain. Jonathan"Boof" Boisfeuillet commits suicide after killing Alissa. Whit Breeden dies during full moon. Jordan Cohen dies alone and single. Ben Collins overdoses on hair dye. Dinushka De Silva commits suicide after divorcing Denzel. Rachel Dorf trips and breaks her neck on stage. Liz Egan commits suicide when her parents refuse to pay her credit card bills. Alyssa Fischer assassinated by her boyfriend's mother. John Grant: the house collapses!!! Chris Haynes dies of shock when he sees his SATs. Ryan Hughes dies of some sort of “poisoning." Brandi Hunter dies when her hair falls out. Roseann Hurlock dies a rich millionaire. Josh Jacobson died...in Nam. Dana Johnson commits suicide after finding out that Lauryn Hill is a fraud Nick Karayiannis killed in a Greek mafia related incident. Kate Larsen decapitates herself putting on her collar. Tyler MacGuire killed by Jaime when he is 5 minutes late for dinner Jessica Mead stung by poisonous butterflies. Jennie Metzler commits suicide when she leaves New Canaan and sees the real world. Lizzie Nichols suffers fatal paper cut writing her third best seller Rebecca Page chokes on her Lucky Charms Katherine Redniss suffocates in the Geo. Jaime-Lynn Regnemer dies of an overreaction. Chirag Sadana falls off his magic carpet. David Sandak dies on a carnival ride where he lied about his height. Jeremy Schachner killed by Frank. Michael Schechter breaks nose one too many times Allison Siegel dies dancing when disco ball falls on her head. Christopher Tsirbas dies of old age two days after graduating from high school Scott Van Dusen is crucified. Heather Walsh suffers a severe shot to the head by Katherine Dan Weisbard disappears in cloud of smoke. Justin Williams starves to death in future NBA lockout.

m f.

Underclassmen U nderstudies


Juniors: Act XI N eil A yaz

Kate B arker

Jean Bauer

Peter B ernacki

Rebecca B ernstein

Sinan Biro

Laura Bull

C h risto p her Byrnes

M argaret C oates

P riscilla C osm e

Brigid De M aria

Seth Feinberg

Lauren Finn

Jesse Freed m an

V eronika Frenkel

Jean n e H off

D avid H urw ich

Sian Jam es

E vonne Jo nes

Brett K assel

N athan K ayes

C h risto p h er K lein

Sarah K orval

C h arles K oster

M arie K u ro m atsu

Eric L eiser

Frank Lionetti

T hom as M cG overn

C h ristina M oller

M aud e M urphy

About to Take Center Stage What's the 11th grade "scene?" "Anything goes!" -Sarah Korval "Trying to get A's with as little effort as possible. -Seth Feinberg "W e all look forward to being Seniors." -Charlie Koster

A bove: N eed I say m ore? Right: I'm too sexy for m y shirt.

M atthew N aid o rf

D avid N ourse

A nd rew Reuben

Ranju Sarkar

V alentina Sarn

E ric Sch ulm an

David T ren ch er

Rita T riv ed i

Tobey W allace

A yesha Rokadia

N icole Roselle

M ichael Sm ith

D avid Sohn

Benjam in W iegand

Thom as Sandak

Jonathan Thackeray

Sophomores: Act X A ud rey A dad e

N icholas A huja

Rodney B aptiste

E lizabeth B arrett

A shley Blaine

Jean ette Brooks

M eredith Buzanoski

Ju lio C ard enas

A lexand ra C au lfield

V ictoria C h am berlin

D ouglas C u rtis III

N athanael Deraney

Kyle D w yer

D aniel G eorge

David G om ez

Peter H arm elin

M arielle H oran

A lex Huels

Jessica H ulland

A frodite K arayian nis

W illiam K raw czyk

Sarah Larsen

K athleen M etzler

A driana Papaleo

T im o th y Pusack

Piya R ajk u m ar

C h risto p h er Rand

H aala Rokadia

G ina S an d sh aw

M argo Schw artz

Up and Coming 1

How do 10th graders "Act?" "Our tenth grade wants to have fun but at the same time we get our work done." -Marielle Horan "I would like to say that, as a class, we are physically the best looking class in the high school, especially Ryan Trow." -Ryan Trow "W e act like we own the place." -Piya Rajkumar "I think that we have a very energetic class." -Jeanette Brooks

Above: Larry, M o and C u rly

Right: The black tank top club

Sco tt T o o ter

S u m m er T rott

Ryan Trow

Freshmen: Act IX Ken A huja

Sam antha B aker

B rand ie Bell

Josh ua B en jam in

Lindsay B enjam in

C ath erin e Brown

K yle C aruso

P atrick C asey

Lesan C h ern et

So lo m on C h ern et

A m y C oh en

M ark Cooper

Shari C ulp ep per

Zoe D elihas

K atie Frey

C arrie G old stein

A nn Grant

Soledad Fernandez W hitechurch

"c r"7

A it

Stephen H ooper

Step hanie H uels

Shareen Jelani

N icole K enaga

M olly L am d in

D avid Leahy

A nne-M arie Leiser

M ichael Little

Z enobia Love

John M ayberry 11

Jord an a M ost


Waiting in the Wings k __________________________________________________________________________________ _

Do you feel like understudies? "Some people I look up to. Some of the Upperclassmen are very important to me." -Carrie Goldstein "I look up to the Upper­ classmen because I will be one soon and I know that the Freshmen will look up to me. -Cassie Priest


"I don't think there is much difference between any of the grades." -Evan Paquette

Above: Life is like a box o f chocolates...

Right: Five fabulous Frosh!

K atharine N ichols

C h risto p h er O 'C o n n ell

Luke Page

Evan Paquette

K athryn Priest

M ark S p att

C h risto p h er Szym anczy k

N icole Terenzio

A dam lo o t e r

O liv er V ignola

Theod ore Rucci

"Character Development" CLUBS

S tu d en t Council (B a ck to F ro n t): Liza B a r r e t, B re tt K assel, B ran d i H u n ter, K atherine Redniss, Sa足 rah K orv al, Josh Ben足 ja m in , C h ris Byrnes, D ave N ourse, Scott van D u sen , D av e Sandak, D av e T re n c h e r, Evan P aquette, Lindsay Ben足 ja m in , D an a Scalfani, M olly Lam d en, Ranju S a r k a r , T im Pusack, Dave Sohn, Kate Barker, Jessica H ulland.

Tom Sandak Vice-President of Student Council "Student Council is an important part of our school because it gives the students a chance to truly voice their concerns. We meet about once a week, and try to work together to make the school the best it can be."

Lamda Delta Pi (B ack to Front): Audrey A d a d e , K a te Barker, JeanneHoff,Chris Byrnes, Jon Thackeray, D av id L eah y , N icole K e n a g a , M ark Spatt, K atie Brow n, Josh Ben足 jam in, Sinan Biro, Nicole T e re n z io , Sam Baker, Ann G rant, Brett Kassel, R an ju S a rk a r, Alyssa B a k e r , M a r i e Kurom atsu,DavidTrencher, Sian Jam es, Tobey W allace, Lauren Finn

Ranju Sarkar President of LDP "LDP stands for Lamda Delta Pi, and we are the community service club at KLHT. Some students help out in different areas of the school community while others help the community at large. By helping people in need through events like the Birthday Club, we help brighten other's lives through our time."




i 1

B o o k Club (Back to Front): Sarah Korval,Veronika Frenkel, N eil Ayaz, Kate B a r k e r , C h risto p h e r B y r n e s , Je a n Bauer, Ranju Sarkar

In d elib le In k (B a ck to F ro n t): S am B a k e r , J e a n n e H o ff, M arielle H oran, Sarah Korval,Christina M o lle r, K a te B a rk e r, V e r o n ik a F r e n k e l, D avid H u rw ich , N eil A yaz, A nn M arie Leiser

Th e Standard (Back to Front): C harlie K o ster, S arah K o rv al, C h r is t o p h e r B y r n e s , Jo n a th a n T h a c k e r a y , Jean Bauer, Ri M uttukum aru,R anju Sarkar, Tom Sand ak N o t p r e s e n t: Sandak

Alissa Baker President of AASC "AASC is a club based on knowledge and compassion. AASC stands for Aids Awareness Student Coali­ tion. We spread awareness not only here in our school but also in the outside community. This year we have enjoyed working with the AIDS hospice Bread and Roses."

D ave

Jean Bauer President of Debate Club

D ebate Club (B a ck to F ro n t): R ita T riv e d i,D a v id L ea h y , Sarah K orval, C h risto ­ pher Byrnes, Jo n ath an T hackeray , Jean Bauer, Ri M uttukum aru, Ranju Sarkar, N eil A yaz

"Debate is like verbal chess. As a club we stress research as well as the ability to respond to any argument that one may come across. That is what makes debate so interesting; it is a balance between being prepared and being flexible."


Jesse Freedman President of Improv Club "I started Improv CLub this year and it has really been a lot of fun. You see, it gives us the chance to have this kind of creative outlet and I think that it encourages interest in theater and just plain thinking on your feet."

Sarah Korval and Victoria Chamberlain Co-Presidents of SYM "Through SYM we try to encourage young women to speak their minds and be unafraid to voice their opinions. Sometimes we have open meetings where anyone is able to come and talk about the chosen topic."

i 1 I I p | I § I |


K ey C I u b ( A I p h a b e t i c a 1j y ): K en Ahuja,YvesAmboise,Sam Baker,Kate Barker, Liza Barrett, BrandieBell, Josh& Lindsay Benjamin,Becca B e r n s t e i n , J e a n n e t t e Brooks,KatieBrow n,Laura Bull,Mere Buzanoski,ChrisByrnes,Ali C au field ,L esan & Solom on C hern et, M e g g ie C o a te s ,A m y C o h e n ,S h a ri CoIpepper,ZoeDelihas,RachelDorf,Alyssa Fischer,DanGeorge,Carrie Goldstein, A n n G r a n t , P e t e r H a r m e 1i n , M . Ho r a n , S t e p h a n i e Hu e l s , Br andi Hunter,Rodney Jean-Baptiste,Dana J o h n s o n , E v o n n e j o n e s , Ni c o l e Kenaga,Chris Klein, Sarah Korval, Dave Leahy, Anne-Marie Leiser,FrankLionetti, MikeLittle,MaudeMurphy,Matt Naidorf, K a te & L iz z ie N ic h o ls ,B e c c a P a g e , CassiePriest,TimPusack, P i y a R a j k u m a r , Chri s Rand,KatherineRedniss,Andrew Reuben, Ayesha Rokadia, Haala Rokadia, Co l i nRy a n, To mS a n d a k , Ra n j u Sarkar,MargoSchwartz,Dave Sohn, Mark Spatt,Chris Symanzyck,Nicole Terenzio, JcnThackerayAdamS^a^cx^SummaTrottSaitt

VanDusen,TobeyWallace,Heather Walsh

Im prov Club (Left to Right): Christopher Klein, Jesse Freed­ man, Jeremy Schachner, Peter Harmelin, Evan Paquette

SYM S p eak Your Mind

L %


(Back to Front): Haala Rokadia, Victoria Cham­ berlain, Sarah Larsen, Ali Caufield, Ranju Sarkar, Sarah Korval, Kate Barker, Veronika Frenkel, Jessica Hulland, Sum­ mer Trott, Christina Moller, Jean ette Brooks, Margo Schw artz, Maude Murphy, Tobey Wallace, Lauren Finn, Sian James, Audrey Adade


/ Jig*-

Jug ^


T h e Chronicle (Left to Right): Joshua Jacobson, Scott Van Dusen, Chirag Sadana, Dana Sclafani, Mr. Hudson

UCC U n ited Club

C u ltu res

(Back to Front): Brandi Hunter, Ryan Hughes, Rodney Jean-Baptiste, Chris Haynes, Yves Amboise, Ward Anderson, Dan Weisbard, Whit Breeden, Evonne Jones, Sian Jam es, Jeanne H off, Audrey Adade, Brandie Bell, Ben Collins, David Trencher, Benjam in Wiegand, Ali Siegel, Priscilla Cosme, Shareen Jelani, Carrie Goldstein, Seth Feinberg

Scott Van Dusen Co-Editor of The Chronicle "Chirag and I have enjoyed being co-editors of the newspa­ per this year. It's a good lesson in responsibility and time management and we feel that we have helped make an important contribution to KLHT."

Mark Spatt Member of the Model United Nations Club "As a freshman, this was my first year attending both the Harvard and Penn Model United Nations Confer­ ences. I en­ joyed them alot and learned the skills of debate. I also met a lot of nice people from schools across the nation."


Outdoors Club

Lacrosse Club "W e are members of this club because we love the sport of la­ crosse. There's definitely a real thrill to this game; it's been called the fastest sport on two feet. We go to games together and we all enjoy playing it ourselves."

Josh Jacobson President of Outdoors Club "The outdoors is the unifying factor that brings us all together as a club. We like to be outside and have fun just enjoying all the cool stuff nature has to offer people everywhere. I have really enjoyed my tenure as president."

(Back to Front): Frank Lionetti, Ben Wiegand, Yves Amboise, Chris Haynes, Whit Breeden, Ward Anderson, Ben Collins, Seth Feinberg, Ryan Hughes, Dave Trencher, Dan Weisbard, Josh Jacobson, Chris Klein.

A A SC (Back to Front): Alyssa | Arkaelian, Jessica Mead, Josh 9 Benjamin, Dinushka DeSilva, -M Alyssa Fischer, Sarah Larsen, 1 Jeannette Brooks, Jess Hulland, || Vicki Cham berlain, Alissa 9 Baker, Stephanie Huels, Sam M Baker, Zoe Delihas

SADD (Back to Front): Alyssa Arakelian, Dinushka DeSilva, Alyssa Fischer, Jessica Hulland, Alissa Baker, Kate Larsen, Jeannette Brooks, Vicki Cham­ berlain, Ali Caulfield

Y earbook (Back to Front): Nathan Kayes, Andrew Reuben, Ben Weigand, Sinan Biro, Jessica Mead, Lizzie Nichols, Dana Johnson, Rachel Dorf, Heather W alsh, Jean Bauer, Ranju Sarkar, Kate Barker, Alissa Baker.

Dana Johnson Editor of Yearbook "Yearbook has been a lot of work, but it has definitely been worth the intense effort we all put into it. I think that it has been a lot like playing on a team because we have all had to do our part so that the final result turned out to be a job well-done. I hope that everyone enjoys the final result."

Amnesty Int'l (Left to Right): Rich Berberian, Mike Schechter, Chris Haynes, Ben Collins, Yves Amboise, Kate Larsen, Ward Anderson, ,Whit Breeden, Alyssa Arakelian, Alyssa Fischer, Chirag Sadana


Drama Club (Back to Front): Mark Spatt, Dave Trencher, Charlie Koster, & Ashley Blaine, Evan Paquette, Jeremy Schachner, Liz Nichols, Ted Rucci, Rachel Dorf, Whit Breeden, Katherine Redniss, Dave Nourse, Yves Amboise, Chirag Sadana, Jesse Freedman, Ali Caufield, Ann Grant, Sam Baker, Amy Cohen, Ranju ^ Sarkar, Kate Nichols, Val Sarn

| i |


Dave Sandak Editor of The Standard "I think that working as Editor has been worthwhile and I feel that it is important for the students to have the benefit of a quarterly journal that is based on both fact and student opinion."


Football Below: Ben Wiegand drops back to pass with great protection from the line.




Front row:: Whit Breeden, Ward Anderson, Chris Haynes, Nick Karayiannis, Rich Berberian, Yves Amboise, Ben Collins, John Grant. Second row:: Josh Benjamin, Kyle Dwyer, Tim Pusack, Ben Wiegand, Sinan Biro, Jesse Freedman, Seth Feinberg. Third row:: Mark Cooper, Scott Tooter, Chris Szymanczyk, Will Krawczyk, Chris O'Connell, Dan George, John Mayberry, Adam Tooter. Fourth Row:: Solomon Chernet, Lesan Chernet, Manager David Leahy, Coach Anderson, Coach Cerone, Coach W right, Mike Little, Mark Spatt.

"It was a tough season. We were young and inexperienced. We worked hard and never gave up. Good luck to Viking football in the future years" Captains Nick Karayiannis and Richard Berberian

Girls Soccer Below: Brandi Hunter and teammates keep possession of the ball.

Left: Jaime Regnemer shows off some fancy footwork.

Below: Maude Murphy prepares to throw the ball in bounds.

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Front row: Coach Gurry, Nicole Kenaga, Tobey Wallacxe, Margo Schwartz, Rebecca Page, Meggie Coates, Priscilla Cosme, ShareenJelani,Jordana M ost,SoledadFernandez-W hitechurch, Liza Barrett, Coach Wurtz. Second row: Becca Bernstein, Sam Stevenson-Smith, Molly Lamdin, Maude Murphy, Jessica Mead, Katie Brown, Ayesha Rokadia. Absent: Heather Walsh and Brandi Hunter.

"This year has been another victorious sea­ son. Our hard work and determination re­ ally paid off. We both really ejoyed playing and wish girls' soccer much luck in the fu­ ture." Captains Rebecca Page and Brandi Hunter

Below: Brett Kassel, Tom Sandak and Jon Thackeray courageously give their bodies to stop the ball.

Above: Jordan Cohen centers the rock Right: Frank Lionetti forcefully strikes the cor­ ner kick.

Front row: Luke Page, Julio Cardenas, Tom Sandak, Michael Schechter, Evan Paquette, Nathan Kayes, Peter Harmelin. Second row: Coach Tucker, Scott Van Dusen, Tyler MacGuire, Frank Lionetti, Chris Tsirbas, Jon Thackeray, Brett Kassel, Jordan Cohen, Dave Sandak, Coach Massa.

"As a team we came together and played as a unit. Our record did not reflect our ability and in our eyes the season was a success." Captains Jordan Cohen, Scott Van Dusen, and Tyler MacGuire.

Field Hocke Below: Kate Barker smacks the ball downfield.




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Above: Sarah Korval makes an awesome kick save. Right: Nikki Roselle battles with an opponent for the ball.


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Front row: Coach Newman, Cassie Priest, Rita Trivedi, Lizzie Nichols, Alissa Baker, Dinushka De Silva, Kate Barker, Ranju Sarkar, Coach Silvia. Second row: Jessica Hulland, Sian James, Lauren Finn, Dana Sclafani, Nicole Roselle, Evonne Jones, Lindsay Benjamen. Katharine Nichols, Carrie Goldstein, Sarah Korval.

"Last year was a transition year and that was proved by our great im provem ent and achievement of making it to the playoffs this year. To Chocolate, Bighead, Cooch, Bionic Negro, Pooh Bear, Field Hockey, Nerd, Ranju, and Rita-Go crazy in your last year, we leave it in your hands...There will only be one Bunchy!" Love Always, Alissa, Dinushka, and Lizzie

_ Jount Below: Chris Byrnes and David Trencher push themselves to stay in the race.

Front row: Coach Lynch, Neil Ayaz, Teddy Rucci, Kyle Caruso, David Sohn, Dave Nourse, Sam Baker, Amy Cohen, Marie Kuromatsu, Coach Newman Second row: Chris Rand, Zanny Love, Chris Byrnes, Matt Naidorf, David Trencher, Chris Klein, David Hurwich, Mike Smith, Andrew Reuben, Charlie Koster, Ann-Marie Leiser.

"New runners striving for success as well as the improvements I see in last year's veter­ ans make Cross-Country's atmosphere one of effort, pride, and friendship." Captains Matt Naidorf and David Nourse.

Below: Kate Metzler delivers a bump to keep the point alive.

Front row: Afrodite Karayiannis, Brigid De Maria. Second row: Nicole Terenzio, Zoe Delihas, Allie Siegel, Meredith Buzanoski, Kate Metzler. Third row: Brandie Bell, Audrey Adade, Jeanne Hoff, Jenny Metzler, Rachel Dorf, Haala Rokadia, Coach Pak. Dana Johnson(absent).

"Although it was a difficult season in terms of the overall record, there were many great individual performances during all of our games. On behalf of our team, I would like to thank our coaches: Mr. Pak, and Mrs. Clippinger for their enthusiasm and dedica­ tion." Captain Jenny Metzler

Bovs' Basketball Below: Mike Smith shoots a free throw.

Front row: Chris Klein, Andrew Reuben, Jon Thackeray, Mike Little, David Trencher .Second row: Mike Smith, Rodney Baptiste, Justin Williams, Matt Naidorf, Jordan Cohen, Ben Wiegand, Yves Amboise, Chris Haynes, Nick Karayiannis.

"Our season had a number of ups and downs. We worked hard and it paid off in the end. Good luck to the team next year." Captains Mike Smith and Justin Williams.

Girls' Basketball Below: The girls' team poses for a pre-game picture as they stretch.

Front row: Amy Cohen, Jenny Metzler, Dinushka DeSilva, Dana Johnson, Nicole Kenega, Coach CellaSecond row: Nicole Roselle. Katie Brown, Molly Lamdin, Meggie Coates, Sarah Korval, Ayesha Rokadia, Evonne Jones, Brandie Bell, Haala Rokadia

"Overall it was a tough year. Our record was not great, but I liked our team's undying effort. Good luck to everybody next year." Captain Dana Johnson.

Below: The squad cheers together at Homecom­ ing.

Left: Ali Caufield gets the crowd energized.

Front row: Niobe Sandshaw, Summer Trott, Coach MacDonald, Ali Caufield, Val Sarn, Victoria "W e were the first squad in two years, and I Chamberlain, Marielle Horan. feel we had a very sucessful season for be­ ginners. The season was a lot of fun, and our coach, Mrs. Mac, taught us a great deal about the sport. We tried our best to support the football team during a rough season" -Val Sarn

Hocke Below: Eric Schulman: What more do you have to say?

Below: I've fallen and I can't get up.

Aerobics Below: Brandi Hunter and teammates look to keep possesion of the ball.

Below: Brandi Hunter and teammates look to keep possesion of the ball.

Specials E ncore !

Here are four of our freshmen beauties: Nicole, Nicole, Molly, and Lindsey just chillin' out on the dock of South Street Seaport. Leader of the senior rat pack.

The junior class attempts to lift David Sohn, which proves to be a hard task, needing team w ork, since he is so big and all.

Jennie and Ali on their way back and forth betw een the college counseling offices, working hard, with little sleep.


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Everyone is feeling kind of queasy on the whale watch: Mr. Hudson in the back, holding his mouth shut, Alex, keeping his mouth sealed as well, Kate, who seems a little bored after the throwing up trauma, and Tim, deciding the best way to get through the boat ride is to sleep.

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Some sophomore chicas pose for the camera on their trip to Boston, waiting to get on the boat for whale watching.

This year the Upper School Class Trips were filled with fun and excitement. The fresh­ men enjoyed the sights and sounds of New York City, while the sophomores found fun in enchanting Boston. The juniors took time to work to­ gether and build friendships in Ivoryton. Meanwhile, the seniors stayed back at home taking time to prepare for col­ lege. Overall, the UpperSchool class trips meant a rewarding combination of work and some serious play!

Right: Sugar and spice and every­ thing nice...M aude Murphy and Kate Barker take time out from the festivities to offer sweet smiles to the camera. Below: Homecoming Prince Tim Pusackand Homecoming Princess Kate Metzler lookin' good together at the Student Council's first-ever Homecoming Dance.

Above: The new Cheerleading squad is filled with energy - Go, Fight, Win!

Right: Volleyball player Jeanne Hoff wearing the school colors.

Far right: Whit Breeden and Dave Sandak psyche up the crowd at the pep rally.

L eft: H om eco m in g K ing and Queen Yves Amboise and Brandi Hunter struttin'their stuff on the football field.

Left: Freshman Shari Colpepper cheers on the good 'ol Vikings. Below: Priscilla Cosme becomes one with the ball.

HOMECOMING 1998 This year school spirit was in full swing with the excitement and fun surrounding Homecoming '98! Varsity athletes participated in some riveting events while par­ ents, faculty, peers, and alums cheered on the home team. A nice time for students old and new to enjoy the calm autumn day filled with Viking fever, Homecoming proved to be a unifying and re­ warding event. GO VIKINGS!!!

Senior Jaim e Regnem er getting jiggy with it!

THE CRUCIBLE KLHT's version of Arthur Miller's classic play The Crucible was performed with much gusto on the ominous day of Friday, November 13th. Under the direction of Mrs. Forster and Mrs. Libonati, the play proved to be an outstanding success. The costumes by Mrs.Packer helped evoke a sense of authenticity, and placed the audience in the fateful year of 1692. A story portraying the rampant terror and paranoia of the Salem witch trials, The Crucible is filled with scenes of intense drama. The entire cast and crew did a great job in bringing this production to fruition. Great job, Drama Club!

Right: What enthusiasm from the choral group! (considering Mrs. Libonati's practices...) Below : Ju n io r D av eN o u rse m akes su re the au d ien ce know s w h o 's kin g tonight.

H oliday S how 1998 This year's holiday show proved to be the epitome of holiday spirit. Whether singing religious hymns or performing Dr. Seuss, the enthusiasm shone through. Also touching was a tribute to Mr. Lynch before his departure for South Africa. Overall, it was a great evening filled with love and joy that encompassed not only both the faculty and students but also alumni, friends, and family. Way to get the holiday season in gear!

That's it Dave, try to hit that note!

Above: The cast remem­ bers what it's like to be five years old for You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. Far right: Jesse Freedman practices the part of Tevye with energy and dedica­ tion.

Right: N iobeSandshawand Evan P a q u ette sin g in g about their book report as the characters of Linus and Marcy.


1 Above:

A chorus line! ! Bottom: Sian Jam es sm ilin' after l helping to paint the astounding i set of Fiddler on the Roof.

Below: Lizzie Nichols and Ryan Trow dance the night away in preparation for the big wedding scene in Fiddler on the Roof. Shall we dance?

die Schcx x S upporting C ast

v ddle School "Directors" Middle School

Suzanne Buzanoski

Associate Head of Middle School

Pat Doering


Middle School "Agents" Specialists

Eighth Grade Teachers

Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Crandall, Ms. Barder, Mr. Paasch (absent)

Seventh Grade Teachers

Mr. Woodford, Mr. Muhlfeld, Mrs. Hermanson, Mrs. Rinaldi, Mrs. Clippinger, Mrs. Lydon, Mrs. Grant

Mr. Doering, Mr. Wright, Mr. Woodford, Mr. Andersen, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Lydon, Mrs. Hermanson, Ms. Sadlowsky

Mr. Cairns, Mrs. Newman, Mr. Fox, Mrs. Supple (absent), Mrs. Lydon (absent), Mrs. Grant (absent)

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Front row: Mrs. Lydon, Sarah Matthiessen, Lauren Onis, Jam es Christensen, Todd Breeden, Rachel Hapoienu, Krysten White, Nick Nickitas, Stephen Sandak, Casey Klein, Mike Cerone, Italia Almeida, Courtney Byrnes, Mr. Doering. Second row: Kristen DCamp, Matt Phillips, Michael Kunin, Matt Feinberg, Jay Andersen, Michael Katcher, Taylor Gramps, Peter LeGrand, Michael Jones, Laura Toh. Third row: Katherine Carey, Nick Doumlele, Nick Lamdin, Chris Northrup, Melissa Maitland, Lili Bitting, Stephen Pappalardo, Jeremy Buccolo. Fourth row: Michael Sheehan, Jake Murphy, Jonathan Miller, Ashley Young, Rachel Warren, Julie Reuben, Ben Hittman. Back row: Dan Fox, Anne Ittner, Alexandra Bernshteyn, Kathryn Collins, Kendall Smith, Catherine Coates, Tim Wiegand, Ashley Gray, Kim Christophe, Julie Sheetz, Kaitlin Buggy, Jennifer Staves, Michael Hauer, Wil Cromwell.

From the wilds of Camp Sloane and the Appalachian Trail to the rigors of IPS, the year brought many adventures for the eighth grade. As the Middle School's leaders, the eighth grade sought to embody the mis­ sion of the school by sponsoring food drives, raising money for breast cancer research, and providing plenty of social oportunities.

Front row: Costas Vlahakis, Michael D'Onofrio, Sasha Aronson, Carrie Harmelin, Taylor Simonson, Natalia Sieira, Caddy Brooks. Second row: Ravi Banerjee, Greg Hamilton, Ross Sclafani, Max Cuscuna. Third row: Mrs. Rinaldi, Christine Pacioretty, Cathleen Ryan, Alan Muntner, Melissa DeSantis, Holly Andersen, Mr. Muhlfeld. Fourth row: Christine Unnold, Ben Schultz, John Raffaeli, Chris Tsang, Chris Hughey, Ian W ishingrad. Fifth row: Whitney Kathner, Lisa Gahagan, Leah Edwards, Zack Sievert, Mark DeSimone. Sixth row: Erica W illiams, Jessica Benamou, Stephen Fixary, Andy Stanton, Ryan Victor, Paul Gladstone, Chris Frassetto, Danielle Paquette. Back row: Caitlin Scully, Mitch Lemmo, Charlie Wiggins, Charles Guevara, Tucker Sparkman, Dan Baron.

From Camp Mason to the ath­ letic fields, the year brought many opportunities to strengthen friendships and broaden horizons. Visits to Ellis Island and the Green­ wich Japanese School allowed seventh graders to apply their knowledge of different cul­ tures and geography to expe­ riences outside of the class­ room.

Front row: Payton Keith, Paul Kraemer, Ross Pisarkiewcz, Robert Zeko, Patrick deVisscher, Greig Santos-Buch, Adrian Ciontut, Craig Pernick, Henry Wald. Second row: Sam Montgomery, Woody Priest, Teddy White, Jerry Upright, Chris Boughrum, Kaled Allen, Callie Barker, Sarah Smith, Julie Snow, Lily Scheyhing, Dana Hill, Lauren Russell, Jessica Goddard, Tory Glerum, Natalie Neumann, Liz Banerjee, Lauren Cuscuna, Anne Gillies. Third row: Mrs. Supple, Mr. Fox, Peter Kirschenbaum, Suzie Sheetz, Francis Vignola, Andres Fernandez, Mrs. Newman, Mr. Cairns. Fourth row: Allison Reuben, Kyra Doumlele, Catherine Kiley, Rita Muttukumaru, Greg Heins, Lisa Kiley. Fifth row: Dara Goldstein, Jennifer Gaffney, Rachael Page, James Gallagher, John Starks. Back row: Andrew Slater, David Lebovitz, Philip Prout, Peter Tobiason, Peter Venetos, Courtney Matthews, Abigail Neff, Liz Byrnes, Austin Gramps, Allie Hittman.

The sixth grade began the year at Nature's Classroom. Other trips related to the "Seven Aspectes of Culture," in­ cluded the Institute for Na­ tive American Studies, the Chinese and Egyptian exhibi­ tions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, luch at Pig Heaven, the "Prince of Egypt" and the archeological dig.

Middle School Football I Front row: John Raffaeli, Todd Breeden, Stephen Sandak, Mike Cerone, Casey Klein, Jay Andersen, Matt Feinberg. Second row: Peter LeGrand, Ben Hittman, Michael Hauer, Charles Guevara, Michael Jones, Zach Sievert, Matt Phillips, Nick Nickitas. Third row: Wil Cromwell, Tim Wiegand, Mitch Lemmo, Dan Baron, Jonathan Miller, Andrew Stanton, Stephen Fixary. Back row: Coach Suplina, Coach Andersen, Coach McManus.

Middle School Football II Front row: Teddy White, Woody Priest, James Gallagher, Chris Boughrum, Ross Sclafani, Patrick deVisscher. Second row: Peter Kirschenbaum, Ravi Banerjee, Chris Tsang, Alan Muntner, John Starks, Jerry Upright. Third row: Peter Venetos, Peter Tobiason, Tucker Sparkman, Chris Frassetto, Andrew Slater, Mark DeSimone. Back row: Coach McManus, Coach Andersen, Coach Suplina.

Middle School Field Hockey First row: Cathleen Ryan, Francis Vignola, Natalie Neumann, Lauren Russell, Lauren Onis, Tory Glerum, Lauren Cuscuna, Abby Neff, Dara Goldstein, Jennifer Gaffney. Second row: Courtney Byrnes, Holly Andersen, Natalia Sieira, Rachel Warren, Lili Bitting, Ashley Young, Katherine Carey, Julie Reuben, Sarah Matthiessen, Rachel Hapoienu. Back row: Coach Muhlfeld, Lisa Gahagan, Jennifer Staves, Julie Sheetz, Anne Ittner, Caitlin Scully, Christine Pacioretty, Coach Waters.

Middle School Volleyball Front row: Kristen DCamp, Dana Hill, Julie Snow, Courtney Matthews, Austin Gramps, Italia Almeida. Second row: Krysten White, Jessica Benamou, Melissa DeSantis, Taylor Simonson, Danielle Paquette, Catherine Coates. Back row: Coach Buttinger, Laura Toh, Rachel Porter, Sasha Aronson, Alexandra Bernshteyn.

Front row; Kathryn Collins, Leah Edwards, Kaitlin Buggy, Erica Williams. Back row: Coach Sella, Ashley Gray, Kendall Smith, Christine Unnold, Kim Christophe, Whitney Kathner.

Front row: Allison Reuben, Sarah Smith, Liz Banerjee, Anne Gillies. Second row: Coach Sella, Kyra Doumlele, Suzie Sheetz, Lily Scheyhing, Lisa Kiley, Rachael Page, Catherine Kiley. Back row: Whitney Kathner, Liz Byrnes, Leah Edwards, Erica Williams, Christine Unnold.

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Middle School Boys Soccer I Front row: Caddy Brooks, Ian W ishingrad, Costas Vlahakis, Chris Hughey, James Christensen, Chris Northrup, Michael Katcher, Max Cuscuna. Back row: Coach Crandall, Ryan Victor, Stephen Pappalardo, Dan Fox, Jeremy Buccolo, Nick Lamdin, Michael Sheehan, Nick Doumlele.

Front row: Robert Zeko, David Lebovitz, Paul Kraemer, Khalid Allen, Craig Pernick, Greig Santos-Buch, Adrian Ciantut, Greg Heins, Henry Spaulding, Andres Fernandez. Back row: Sam Montgomery, Michael D'Onofrio, Michael Kunin, Paul Gladstone, Ben Schultz, Payton Keith, Ross Pisarkiewicz, Greg Hamilton, Coach Cairns.

Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Front row: Callie Barker, Dara Goldstein, Rita Muttukumaru, Dana Hill, Julie Snow, Suzie Sheetz. Second row: Coach Newman, Allison Reuben, Kyra Doumlele, Jen Gaffney, Courtney Matthews, Liz Byrnes, Lisa Kiley.

Front row: Danielle Pacquette, Cathleen Ryan, Erica W illiams, Sasha Aronson, Christine Unnold, Holly Andersen. Bnck row: Coach Leiva, Jessica Benamou, Leah Edwards, Caitlin Scully, Whitney Kathner, Rachel Porter, Lisa Gahagan.

Eighth Grade Girls Basketball Front row: Katherine Carey, Courtney Byrnes, Kim Christophe, Melissa Maitiand, Lauren Onis, Krysten White, Italia Almeida. Second row: Jennifer Staves, Kendall Smith, Ashley Young, Alexandra Bernshteyn, Sarah Matthiessen, Julie Reuben, Catherine Coates, Coach Sela.

Middle School Ice Hockey Front row: Costas Vlahakis, Liz Banerjee, Sarah Smith, Chris Boughrum, Ravi Banerjee, Robert Zeko, Caddy Brooks, Craig Pernick, Greg SantosBuch, Jerry Upright. Back row: Coach Crandall, Chris Hughey, Andy Stanton, Christine Pacioretty, Paul Gladstone, Peter Venetos, Charlie Wiggins, Jay Andersen, John Raffaeli, Ian W ishingrad, Greg Heins, Coach Andersen.

Front row: Stephen Pappalardo, Nick Doumlele, Matt Phillips, Michael Sheehan, Jam es Gallagher. Back row: Todd Breeden, Wil Cromwell, Tin Wiegand, James Christensen, Chris Northrup, Coach Massa.

Front row: Peter Kirschenbaum, Teddy White, Payton Keith, Adrian Ciontut, Kaled Allen, Chris Tsang. Second rozv: St. Patrick de Visscher, Henry Wald. Third row: Ryan Victor, Peter Tobiason, Mitch Lemmo, Mark DeSimone, Charles Sievert, Andrew Slater. Back row: Coach Paasch, Coach Fox.

n Fixary Greg Hamilton, l1ra g^n c;chnltz Zack

Lower School


I ntroducing

Lower School "Directors" Head of Lower School

Director of Early Childhood Division

Carol Holland

Dean of Students, Science Teacher

Suzanne Megrue

Jonathan G illies


Lower School "Agents Support Services Miss Bounty, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Gahagan,

Specialists Mrs. Gallagher, Ms. Fiarman Mr. Hanna, Ms. Reyna, Ms. Nielsen,, Mrs. Huntoon

Physical Education Department Mrs. Buttinger, Mr. Suplina, Ms. Celia, Mr. Massa, Ms. Waters

Health Services M rs. G e ra rd i, S ch o o l N u rse; M rs. Lacerenza, Dental Hygienist

Fifth Grade History is alive and well in our fifth grade! While visiting VanCortland Manor this past year, we became "settlers." We even did some blacksmithing. For our Colonial Fair, we dressed up in period costumes and gave presentations. In May, we spent time in Boston. We stood at the Boston massa­ cre site, helped replicate the Boston Tea Party by throwing tea into the sea, and visited historic Plymouth.



Front row: Mrs. Lawrence, Scott Shelton, Kevin Phelan, Gavin Sweitzer, Oliver Gray, Oded Nissim, Melissa Ross, Alexandra Pereira, Carla Wells. Back row: Amanda Metviner, Douglas Hamilton, Charlotte Bareiss, Morgan Barker, Elizabeth Perelstein, Ben Goldrich, R J Ferguson, Kay-Lin Lau.

Front row: Christopher Corcoran, Katheryn Clark, Samantha Bosshard, Christopher Nourse, Allison Kudzy, Benjamin Seidenstein Samantha Grasso. Back row: Mrs. Macdonald, Theresa Milano, Victoria Jones, Michael Beyman, Steven Menking, Marlon Alebiosu, Claire Mitchell Jeffery Lund, Clinton Botway.

Ms. Tucker's Class

Front row: Jessica Hollows, D. J. Benjamin, Margie Priest, Christine Carey, Rachel Puklin, Michael Marcel, Lauren Wachtel, Andrew Vlahakis. Back row: Ms. Tucker, Beth Connolly, Will Schpero, Anna Pusack, Ryan Sussin, Corey Sievert, Victoria Tsang, Aaron Buggy, Liz Lawrence.

Fourth Grade The fourth grade began the year with field trips to the Stam­ ford Nature Center and the IMAX Theater in Norwalk. We studied animals in science and dissected fish. We caught a jewel thief in Social Studies during our Where In The World unit. We snacked on yummy treats every Friday! We learned much this year and had tons of fun in the process.

Front row: Andrew Dowdie, Courtney Bonnerot, Kimberly Segalas, Clay Heins, Sung you Kim, Robert Minicucci, Caitlin Weinstock. Back row: Mrs. Eagleton, Michal Armiger, Vivek Alaigh, Jonathan Garrity, Hannah Rabin, Philip Khoury, Charnee Purdy, Courtney Bruggeman, Lucas Horan.

Front row: Kara Frisoli, Ryan Sullivan, Jocelyn Shreirier, Jeffery Loursbury, Samuel Berman, Bryan Sarner, Elizabeth Packer. Back row Mrs Santoro Schuyler Goldberg, Sarah Puklin, Katherine Mcfadden, Lauren Neuhaus, Michael Ramsey, Stuart Oakford, Margot Lane, Scott Hootman-Ng

Front row: Nicholas Saltus, Graham Gallagher, Michael Horowitz, Victoria Santos-Buch, Emily Hotz-Cooper, Courtney Bernat, Erica Eber. Back row: Mrs. Silvia, Stephen Sheehan, Brian Africk, Kelly Staves, Andrew Baron, Zachary Anderson, Ryan Henderson, Kimberly Clark, Adam Pisarkiewicz.

Third Grade What a great year we had ! We made gingerbread houses with our Kindergarten buddies, shared our famous people reports with the lower school at an assembly, went on trips and saw plays. This year we also proudly took on the responsibility of raising and lowering the flag daily. The Healthy Food Festival we held was not only a culinary delight for the eyes, but a savory treat for our taste buds.

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ront roiv: Rachel Lee, Jessica Wachtel, Juliana Neumann, Eric Reinemann, David Kuntzman, liana VanEick, Stephen Goddard. Bnckrow: Elizabeth litchell Oliver Wald, Micaela Scully, Matthew Miller, Peter Menking, Jessica Lockwood, Aaron Ramsey, Jason Filatov, Mrs. Friedland.

Front row: Sarah Schultz, Emily Smith, Leigha Buogorno, Laurance George, Zoe Mallios, Alex Doering, Kip Shelton.

, row: Monica Wells, Byron Cordes, Margaret Jessiman, Virginia Khoury, Jason Torey, Daniel McGee, Justin Raffaeli, William Vanderheyden, Mrs Pappalardo

Front roiv: Kevin Griffin, Daniel Beyman, Anya Leist, Ashley Cannon, Robert Muller, Shaela Greenfield, John Palmeri. Back row: Elizabeth Beitler, Oliver Belmont, Ashley Alebiosu, Ruth Hubbard, Christopher Aherns, Alexander Harkin, John Qua.

Second Grade ntr Second Grade Cafe kept us busy. Not only did we prepare and sell the food, but we waited on our friends and family as well. We worked equally hard on our garden. At the Peabody Museum we saw some of the dinosaurs we had studied. We ended the year by visiting New York City. Math challenged us with tangrams, geometry, minute math, and fractions. In Social Studies, we traveled from east to west and wrote reports on various countries.


Front row: Jam es Gould, Martin Chanes, Benjamin Leibowitz, Katherine Marcal, William Bunce, Kinsey Greenfield, Scott Banerjee. Back row: Mrs. Raidt, Michael Toy, Sophie Hollows, Morgan Cordes, Andrew Vaughn, Spenser Sussan, Joseph Waters.

Front row: Nina Lynn, Alex Vlahakis, Wesley Tryhane, Alexandra Kreitman, Tiana Segalas, Mike Santoro, Tripp Smith. Back row Ms Stratton, Courtney Stevenson, John Chestnut, Vincent Love, Christopher Hansen, Jane Makin, Jaclyn Lionetti.

Front row: M atthew Nussbaum, Elizabeth Randon, Rebecca Marber, Mary Connacher, David Rabin, Peter Gillies, Meredith Packer. Back row: Miss Zoccoli, K. C. Clark, Aaron Metviner, Allison Rand, Sean Andersen, Jesse Buccolo. (Not pictured: Scott Zales)

Second Grade Our Second Grade Cafe kept us busy. Not only did we prepare and sell the food, but we waited on our friends and family as well. We worked equally hard on our garden. At the Peabody Museum we saw some of the dinosaurs we had studied. We ended the year by visiting New York City. Math challenged us with tangrams, geometry, minute math, and fractions. In Social Studies, we traveled from east to west and wrote reports on various countries.


Front row: Jam es Gould, Martin Chanes, Benjamin Leibowitz, Katherine Marcal, William Bunce, Kinsey Greenfield, Scott Banerjee. Back row: Mrs Raidt, Michael Toy, Sophie Hollows, Morgan Cordes, Andrew Vaughn, Spenser Sussan, Joseph Waters.

Front row: Nina Lynn, Alex Vlahakis, Wesley Tryhane, Alexandra Kreitman, Tiana Segalas, Mike Santoro, Tripp Smith. Back row: Ms. Stratton, Courtney Stevenson, John Chestnut, Vincent Love, Christopher Hansen, Jane Makin, Jaclyn Lionetti.

Front roiv: Matthew Nussbaum, Elizabeth Randon, Rebecca Marber, Mary Connacher, David Rabin, Peter Gillies, Meredith Packer. Back row: Miss Zoccoli, K. C. Clark, Aaron Metviner, Allison Rand, Sean Andersen, Jesse Buccolo. (Not pictured: Scott Zales)

First Grade Our Heritage Luncheon this year was yummy! We munched around the world. We listened to legends of the Eastern Woodland Native Americans as we sat around the fire of our wigwam. Insects were everywhere when we visited the New Canaan Nature Center. At the Bronx Zoo, it was strictly lions, tigers, and bears; oh, my!


Front roiv: Matthew McNulty, Gordon Bray, Brooke Singman, Erin May, Xander Cannon, Summer Segalas, Matthew Milano. Buck row: Ms. Gurry, Katie Marber, Alexandra Barnett, Sean Frisoli, Andrew McGee, Michael Labine, Jabrille W illiams, P ] Reinemann, Diana Raskovic, Michael Zeko.

Front row: Shane Lau, Lauren Sarner, Ross Connacher, Jam es Mitchell, Micaela Kreitman, Julia Bunnell, Nicole Buongiorno. Back row: Mrs. Hollander, Sam Howard, Joy VanderMark, Adam Lebovitz, Jonathan Toy, Ben Millard, Alex Minicucci, Peter Lane, Nathan Hopkins, Taylor Kniffin.






Front row: Leah Taben, CJ Onis, Adriana Rizzuto, Gemma Tong, Justin Beilter, Robby Santoro, Jason Raffaeli. Back row: Mrs. McDonald, Luke de Visscher, Blake Garrity, Chelsea Starks, Evelyn Harvey, Eric Bannerot, Collin Sullivan, Rhiannon Duerden, Tassos Bareiss, Sydney Ramsden.

Kindergarten Kindergarten loved being in the thick of things this year. We observed worms under a microscope and saw how junk is recycled at the Garbage Museum. Dressing as Pilgrims, we feasted on Thanksgiving food. We learned about holidays around the world by traveling to different countries with our "passports." Our third grade buddies read us stories and helped us with fun projects.

Front row: Nicole Stieglitz, Henry Bareiss, Nellie Esserman, Conor O'Rourke, Julia Harvey, Austin Doering, Brady Lamneck. Back row: Miss Nicolaus, Dylan Torey, Grayson Cordes, Elinor Oakford, Jennifer Wilson, Mrs. Homicki. (Not pictured: Lauren Snow)

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Front row: Nicola Rizzuto, Molly Bareiss, Katie Gimpel, Abby Leibowitz, Jam ie Smith, Philip VanEick, Elliott Morrill. Back row: Mrs Reynolds Neil Pareck, Will Schink, Andrew Clark, Jonathan Clark, Taylor White, Miss Mooney.

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Front row: Philip Nussbaum, Christopher Schoen, Alexander Steinlechner, Emily Wilson, William Qua, Nicole Boeckle. Back row: Mrs. Palm, Connor Schaney, Jacqueline Ahrens, Ashley Parker, Brynn Lottner, Mrs. Rosso. (Not pictured: Ashley Snow)

ne, Siena DeFranco, Nicholas Shaw, Taylor Voges, John Leslie Gould. Couloucoundis, Alizee Haryman, John Clippinger, Lindsay Mcllmurra\

Mrs. Brough, Stern, Miss

ront row: Chris Dobrowsky,M arco Grant, Michael DelGenio, Jack Neuhaus, Cullon Crombie, Will McEvoy, Lucy Taben. Back row: Mrs. Fuller, daya Ferguson, Caroline Leonard, Abby Stevenson, Sophie Cairns, Paget Millard, Wayne Higgins, Aaron Klipin, Mrs. Hein.






Front row: Rahul Sinha, Wyatt Grant. Middle row: Elizabeth Haydon, Tavia DeFranco, Abigail Cerone, Hannah Morrill, Jade Morris, George Harrey, Gerard Hoeltzel, Jam es Schink. Back row: Mrs. DeSantis, Mr. Bray.

Front row: Holly Duerden, Claudia Di Capua, Christopher Pirquet, Samantha Davidoff. Middle row: Griffin White, Brian Lucas, Hanna Ramsden, Taylor Johnson, Joshua Steinlechner, Tyler Moroch, Taylor Matthews. Back row: Ms. Roberts, Mrs. O'Hara.

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There is nothing permanent Except change. -Heraclitus He who knows him self Is enlightened. -Lao-Izu A little progress is freedom From fear. -Bhaguad Gita The world is its own magic. -Shunrya-Suzuki

^ '^ ^ g C o n g r a tu lfttio n s , we are so proud Of you, Jordan. L OV Gr






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“.... how I learned that in each of us there bums a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out. That as long as it exists within us we cannot be destroyed.” -Courtenay Jennie we love you and are very proud of you, you’ll always be our‘special’ Jennie. ^ 0) V Love, Mom & Dad, Kyle, Dirk, Dana & Kate <yS


Dear Dan, You’re the best! We’re very proud of you and we love you. On to bigger and better things. And that’s the bottom line... cuz Stone Cold said so! Love, Mom, Dad, Dave and Sammy

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To Heather, We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. As you look to the future, reach for the highest stars and never give up. We will always be there for you. Our Love, Mom, Dad and Ryan

Rich, Congratulations, You're the Best! Love, Mom, Dad, Jennie, and Andrea

K8 McGreat-y

We’re Behind You All The Way!



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J ^ a c h e l , our blessing,

We are in awe of the extraordinary, intuitive, intelligent and caring, young woman you are. So many talents, so much to give. May all joys and wonders of life be upon you as you graduate. Fly now. We are honored to be your parents,

Mom and Dad


For you Jessica Leigh, “i see children as kites. You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground. You run with them until you’re both breathless.. .they crash.. .they hit the rooftop.. .you patch and comfort, adjust and teach. You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they’ll fly. Finally they are airborne: they need more string and you keep letting it out. But with each twist of the ball of twine, there is a sadness that goes with you. The kite becomes more distant, and you know it won’t be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bind you together and soar as it is meant to soar, free and alone. Only then do you know that you did your job.” Erma Bombeck

Thank you for all of your loving kindness, honesty, loyalty, compassion, faith, perseverance, and love. We love you forever, yes, forever and a day! From the love in our hearts to your own,

Thank You, Dad, for making me who I am today I love you!

Dearest Jessiea Leigh, “Meaning is not something you stumble across, like the answer to a riddle or the prize in a treasure hunt Meaning is some­ thing you build into your life. You build it out of your own past, out o f your affections and loyalties, out o f the experience of humankind as it is passed on to you, out of your own talent and understanding, out of the things you believe in, out o f the things and people you love, out o f the values for which you are willing to sacrifice some­ thing The ingredients are there You are the only one who can put them together into that unique pattern that will be your life Let it be a life that has dignity and meaning for you If it does, then the particular balance o f success or failure is of less account " Special to the Bee

Je vous on fais tous maintenant et toujours! I love you, Granddaddy




r -la c e


i want to play too!

OH RYAN!!! *

I’ve waited my whoie life for this

Congratulations, A is for Attitude that always uplifts. L is for Laughter a most precious gift. Y is for Yelling that shakes the rafters. S is for Spirit which endures ever after. S is for your Sweet Sensational Smiles. A is for Always Loving You Alyssa, I love you with all my heart and wish the best o f luck and happiness to you in your future. You are truly a beautiful person, both inside and out. Thank you for everything. Much love, Ashley Your love, joy, wisdom and laughter shine like sunshine from above. Your positive attitude and great insight are a wonderful delight. Spread your wings and take flight. Spread your love, joy, wisdom and laughter. For you are a gift to all of us, as well as the world. With great love and with great appreciation for your life. WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS, MOM, MICHAEL, ASHLEY, GRANDMA & GRANDPA

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Lizzie - Congratulations! We admire your bat'd work and genuine love o f learning. You make us very proud- What a wonderful daughter, sister, artist, scholar and friend you are! It has been a delight watching you grow. We almost remembered something else....but it's gone now. We love you. Mom, Dad. 3nd Kate




hey biz—don’t forget that i’m your only sister, call me every so often, because mom and dad will drive me crazy all by myself! remember, if you put a mouse in your pants, that’s a little weird, but if you build a gym in your pants for you mouse to work out on, that’s just down right peculiar* don’t forget to be an old cat lady!! all my love is yours, good luck in college, i’ll miss you more than anything Love and a nose—kates ................. .........* ..........

Dana Unique You are definitely unique and your name suits who you are. You have been special to us from the first day we laid eyes on you. Y o u ’ve always been the sunshine o f our hearts and the apple o f our eyes and that’s why we could never imagine our world without you in it. Y ou are not only a daughter, a sister, but also a special friend to each o f us W e celebrate your unique style, your accomplishments, your honesty, and for always accepting people for who they are. all wish you continued success as you go forth to the next phase o f your life and always remember to keep your eyes upon Jesus and follow your dreams Love Always, M om, Dad, Alex, Aaron & Othello


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“The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear, the Lord is the strength o f my life.” (Psalm 2 7 )

Dear Mommy and Daddy,

Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child.

Eighteen years deserves much thanks and with all the love and support that you’ve given me 1 am confident for the Listen to the DON'TS challenges that await me, knowing that you’ll always be there. Listen to the SHOULDN'TS There are no words that can express the extent of my love for The IMPOSSIBLES, the WONTS you and for all of the life lessons that you’ve taught me. So, what you’ve given me, in the words of Shel Listen to the NEVER HAVES read at bedtime on a warm summer’s evening: Then listen close to me— With all my love, Anything can happen, child, XOXO...

ANYTHING can be.

Mom and Dad, We thank you for the twelve years of great education you gave each of us. Thank you for helping us grow and be able to reach our potential. We can't say thanks enough for driving us to hockey at 5:30 in the morning, watching all of our games and being at all of our special moments in our lives. Nobody could ask for better parents. Love, Tim, Lauren, and Ryan

For My Fam ily: T hanks for all the su p p o rt and love. And thanks for alw ays being there, through a ll the good and the bad. -


I love you dearly.


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To Jaime:


Though the weather be foul Oh you will go Though your enemies prowl Oh you will go Though the Hakken-Kraks how And, will you be succeed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 3/4% guaranteed)


Love, Auntie Deb and Uncle Tom

To the Class of '99 Do great things, Be happy, And remember KLHT.

The Parents Association C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s a nd B e s t o f Luck To the C l a s s o f 1999! From the Viking B o o s t e r Club

Congratulations Jessica!


I love you sweetheart! Love Mommy


Dear Lula, Congratulations... You're Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous... Love You Lu... Nice Going Squid... Meow Meow...Art Arf Love, "The Fam" Moo, Dave, Snerch, Smoky +Ruca, We Love You




We travel through life on daydream© JM I o destinations faraw ay... experiences unknown.., imaginations untapped.. Follow where your mind takes you, ^ f'or once there, anything is possible. And every journey is an inspiration to the soul ^ k to make the dream real. UP Kn O iA Jtl A I love all of you and I’m going to m iss you!!! 'b ran d i

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To the Class of 1999, the last class of the millenium... You'll always be a first class class in our book! Congratulations and best wishes, the KLHT Board of Trustees*

including three particularly special, extra-proud Trustee/ senior parents


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We would like to express our deep gratitude to

Helen Kweskin

...for exemplifying excellence in teaching and administrating (not to mention advising the Yearbook). You have given us so much with your compassion, caring, and intelligence. You are a true inspiration. “Sownynge in moral vertu was [her] speche,/And gladly wolde [s]he leme and gladly teche.� --Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales

1998 -99 Yearbook Staff Editor-In-Chief.............................................................. Dana Johnson Technology Editor............................ ............................. Chirag Sadana Art and Design Editor........................... «*♦-**'■**•**»♦•♦**•*••***«*■♦«Lizzie Nichols Jordan Cohen Katherine Redniss Copy Editors.............. Senior Section Editors.................................................... Jessica Mead Heather Walsh Underclass Section Editor........................ ....................Rachel Dorf Sports Andrew Reuben Ben Wiegand Clubs and Events Editor..............................................Ranju Sarkar Photographers.............................................................. Alissa Baker Kate Barker Jean Bauer Nathan Kayes Tom McGovern Dana Sclafani

The act of producing a yearbook was a very arduous, but rewarding, task that required extreme amounts of dedication and time. It could not have been completed without the support and organization of a wonderful staff. It took the coming together of many talents, many people and many positions. Thanks to all of those whose contributions were both big and small. I would like to give a special thanks to Ms. Stratton, Mrs. Homicki, Mrs. Sadlowski and Mrs. Newman for their work on the Lower and Middle School sections. Thanks to Ms. Petrucci and her federal express and to Charlie Koster and Liz Egan for their never ending errands to the photo shop. Nathan Kayes, thanks for taking new and improved photos, with your new camera. Alissa Baker, thanks for doing your job and always willing to accept more. Mrs. Messinger, thank you for your willingness to help and assistance through the beginning of the summer until now. Last, but not least, a very big thank you to Mrs. Kweskin for your continued guidance and support in advising the yearbook...Job well done!! Dana Johnson Editor-In-Chief


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