KLHT Yearbook 2000

Page 1

Volume 12 Contents Faculty Time to teach Looking Back Time to rpflert Sen io rs Time to let go Underclassmen Time to move up Ju n io rs So p h o m o res F resh m en

Clubs Time to vet involved E v en ts Special Times S p o rts Ready, set, go Middle School Time in between 8th G rad e 7th G rad e 6th G rad e

Lower School Time to vrow 5th G rad e 4th G rad e 3rd G rad e 2n d G rad e 1st G rad e K in d erg ard en P re-K

Ads Time for the last goodbyes

pg-4 p g - 12 pg. 14 p g .68 pg. 70 pg. 74 pg. 78 pg. 84 pg. 92 pg. 104 Pg-128 p g .132 pg. 136 pg. 140 pg. 148 pg. pg. pg. pg. pg. pg. pg. pg.

152 156 160 164 168 172 176 182


notefor shining stars

Dear Class of 2000, As a small child, upon seeing first star of the evening, you may have recited the nursery rhyme, "Star bright, star light, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Because of your creativity, imagination, and dedication to excellence in all that you have undertaken academically, artistically, and athletically, some of those wishes have become reality. Others may become reality in the near future. On your journey into the twenty-first century, hold fast to those wishes and dreams, for they are the future! Always remember that if you can dream it, you can imagine it, and if you can imagine it, you can achieve it.

I dedicate this page to the Class of 2000, "stars" of the present, and of the future. I wish you a journey filled with stimulating challenge, success and happiness. Barbara H. Smith Head of School

As we move into the year 2000, we should take time to reflect on the events of the past that have molded us as individuals and that have shaped our community as a whole. Throughout our years at KLHT, our teachers have devoted so much of their time to teach us the lessons that are contained in books and how to apply these lessons to our own lives. They have taught us that the sky is the limit—that we should reach for the highest stars to achieve our goals. For the seniors, it is a time to let go of those things that were so much a part of their lives at KLHT. They have had special times during their long journey, which began in the Lower school. After lower school, came the time in between Upper School and Lower School, otherwise known as Middle School. Finally, the journey led them to the Upper School, where at the end of the year, it will be time to move up. Everyone has taken time to get involved in KLHT activities, whether it is performing, playing sports, exerting artistic talent, or being active in clubs. KLHT students have been given time to grow, and their growth will continue as they embark upon the new stages of their lives' journies. The future has much in store for us all, and so here we go. It is our time to shine!

To a wonderful woman who always goes above and beyond the call of duty and who has im­ pacted our school in so many ways. Mrs. For­ ester; For the joy you take in living and your ability to overcome adversity, we dedicate this edition of the yearbook to you with much love.

FACULTY Time to teach

"The foundation of every state is the education of its youth." - Diogenes


Bill Ennist, Head of Upper School

Helen Kweskin, Dean of Faculty

Mark Germano and Krista Colthup, College Counseling 6 Administration

Karen Wagner, Academic Dean

Karen Peterson, Business Manager

Dick Cerone, Director of Athletics

Geordie Hackett, Athletic Trainer

Development Office: Jennifer Boulet, Allison Soler, Gay Larsen, Justine Hawley

Buisness Office: (Front to Back) Gail Epstein, Ester Depelteau, Angela Carey Cornelia Jones, Gay Larsen

Francine Normann, Director of Marketing Administration 7


Admissions Office: Cathie Seton, Andrea Parsons, Terry Hughes, Libby Clippenger

Secretary to Head Master, Glee Miner

Computer Staff: Upper School Secretary, Troy Kozee, Wayne Oldack, Bill Pusack Charlene Petrucci

Kitchen Staff: John Roe, Jenny Loglosci, Carmine Cervellino, Robert Yates 8 Administration

Maintenance Staff: Carlos Escalante, Jose Gonzalez, John Muskas, Wayne Harlett, Jamie Escalante

The Class of 2000 leaves /Irs. Baker: an unlimited supply of sweaters and blazers drs. Bethray: Nathan dr. Cerone: an indestructible gym floor dr. Chevalier: a pair of loose pants drs. Christensen: the ability to raise her voice dr. Colthrup: Spot on Millioniare dr. Ennist: a quiet assembly drs. Feick: Andrew Reuben drs. Forster: a trip around the world dr. Galanopoulos: a soundproof classroom dr. Germano: permanant office hours dr. Hackett: a spot on the boys' soccer team drs. Herod: a better staff dr. Hudson: bermuda shorts VIrs. Khiznichenko: dictionary dr. Kozee: a partner to swing dance with drs. Kweskin: a sex-ed class d rs. Fibonati: leading actors d r. Fynch: a South African spear for threatening students d r. Martin: a neverending debate with Neil Mr. Massa: anger management couse Mrs. McQueen: a dedicated math team Mrs. Mishkin: a room that doesn't break down Mrs. Murphy: economy size altoids Mr. Oldack: indestructible walls Mrs. Payne: two parking places Mr. Pelton: an endless supply of demonstrations Mr. Peters: his first semester 401 English class Ms. Petrucci: a psychology degree Mrs. Pusack: a television that actually works Mr. Pusack: seniors with laptops Mr. Richter: longer shorts Mrs. Rodriguez: a glass eye Ms. Sadlowsky: Ranju to run the yearbook next year Mr. Sargent: another warm-up suit to add to his collection Mrs. Sia: a chicken head Mrs. Schlebusch: Oscar and Meyer Mrs. Smith: a storybook Mrs. Wagner: a podium with no on/off switch Mr. Wallace: jokes that actually make sense Dr. Zoubek: Jurassic Park

Upper School Faculty


Victoria Khiznichenko, William Wallace,Troy Kozee, Eileen Baker, . Eileen McQueen, Anna Sia (not shown)

Foreign Language

William Ennist, Dr. Tom Zoubek, Graciela Rodriguez, Elizabeth Herod, The Arts ^ertranc^Chevalier, Regine Feick, Karin Wagner

Terry Murphy, Constance Nichols, Melody Libonati, Elizabeth "Boo" Forster, 10 Faculty Arthur Nichols, Cathy Mishkin



Christos Galanopoulos, Dan Hudson, Scott Sargent, Elizabeth Herod, S c ie n c e Cathy Mishkin, Elizabeth "Boo" Forster

Tom Pelton, Sandra Bethray, Greg Lynch, Ethel Payne, Priscilla Payne


Marnie Sadlowsky, Helen Kweskin, Scott Martin, Cliff Peters, Eleanor Christensen, Hans Richter

Faculty 11

** Time to Reflect **

Member of the 78' King class graduates. Let's see if Mrs. Baker would approve of these blazers now. Class of 48' poses for a picture. Things got a little too hot to handle at this windmill.

nntiBtM'pft u( BowpW aumajBhHi


Mrs. Kweskin poses for a picture.

Tennis anyone? Mrs. Smith smiles for the camera.

Who wears short shorts? King basketball players once did.

Look at those dresses!! Low-Heywood girls graduate. Mrs. Wagner helping out a Low-Heywood student.

Time to Relfect 13

SENIORS Time to let go

14 Seniors

"Time flies over us, but leaves its shadows behind." - Nathaniel Hawthorne

Seniors 15

a To PC, my besta friendWhen you're feeling lost in the night. When you feel your world just aint right. Call on me I will be waiting j Count on me I will be there. -Monica

Why momma why?





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Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on o hearts.And we are never, ever the same.


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Education is not preparation for life Education is life itself -John Dewey

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I!- Jpense, cuantas pesYl genio asi terrne en el fondo de alma! ustavo Adolfo Becquer

Dp hot be too moral, you may cheat yourself out of much life so. Aim above morality. Be hot simply good; belgfood for something. tHehry David Thoreau

f Two things fill the mind | f |/with ever-increasing awe: f t i f the starry heavens above j i f f and the moral M i *!law within. ? |-Immanuel Kant

:>ve has a hem to her garment that •aches the very dust. It sweeps I e stains from streets-and lanes, rH because it can; it must. ‘.-.Mother Teresa ;

Happiness is singiiig together when ‘day is through, and happiness is Jh o se Whoj>ihg with;y©u. -"You're i^G&od Man, Charlie Brown." u f t



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Mom and Thank ydi you have 1 love you

everyth for me. [ much.'

Ben Wiegand Money isn't everything but it's right up there with oxygen. -PIN

Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused. -Unknown

To be nobody but yourself - in a wor! vhich is doing its best night and day to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human can fight, and never stop fighting. -e.e. cummings

The difference between stupid­ ity and genius is that genius has its limits. -Albert Einstein

Win the last one. -Coach A1

You have to go into the future with the past in


Andrew Reuben

To Mom and Dad: When I look at the task in front of me and give a great sigh, I don't think I can ever do for my children what you have done for me. I love you.

aude M

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made tl ected m

We are all angels in training, all we have to do is

Your friends will know you better incite first

David S On the road of life there are pas: and there are drivers; drivers w: Volkswagen Commercial


Sky's the limit. -Notorious B.l.G

I d rather die doing something I love than to live doin something I hate. -unknown


Two men peer out of the same bars and one sees the mud, one sees the stars, unknown .. : ‘k S 'm t

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Neil Ayaz Slo one in this world is perfect and without flaw, 11 that matters is if two imperfect people are perfect for each other. >ut overcome space, and all we have left is Here. Overcome Time, and all we have left is Now. )on't you think that we might ee each other once or twice? Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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s it not remarkable that people are ever eager to criticize ' umanity for their flaws, ather than what makes them human? he art of flying is to throw one's self at the ground and miss. Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe, and Everything f you pick up a starving dog and make him Tosperous, he will not bite you. hat is the principal difference between a log and a man. Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

or, dear me, why abandon a belief, lerely because it ceases to be true? >ling to it long enough, and not a doubt will turn true again, for so it goes. ’obert Frost, The Black Cottage


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v — ' round and miss. very thing I'J




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Valentina ate!-We Will! For life is short but sweet for ce: Matthews 4 Take her hand and she will lead you through the fire. And give you back hope, and hope that you won't ask too much , -Sarah McLachlan

En mar sin playas onda sonante, en el vacio cometa largo lamento del ronco viento arisia perpetua de algo major, eso soy yo. , -Gustavo Aldolfo Becquer

I * Is it the end?" asked Piglet, looking at Pooh krhis is the end of oneltory, but there will be others *\.A. Milne

â– ante

Do* orlio not. There is no 'try' -Yoda ("The Empire Strikes B a ck "h ^

Wise men talk because they have something to g fcols, because they have to say something.

Mom, Dad, Dani: Thanks for all of your support. I love yen I love you too, Frost.

just a squirrel trying to get a nut."

I n

Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it and conquering it. -Henri Richrer \

* m Perfection is not doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. -Angelique Arnaund

The difference between a clever a a clever man gets out of a situation a wise man never ge(s in one in tin -Chinese proverb

d .-


m i.

It ain't my fault. 1 , -Silkk the Shocker f

You can do this at home, You can be just like me. -Eminem Peace to Mateo. - Notorious BIG ^


Life goes on. -2pac Trench: The Ladies sweat the styles, Like the squirrel's sweat the nuts. - Q-tip

Mom, Dad, Matt, Stevi and Dani, Thanks for everything. I love you. Seth


Trust in the Lord with all your heart anerJ your heart and lean not on vour own und‘ in all ways acknowledge him, and he will paths straight -Proverbs 3:5*j / t '

leaving a part of your self behind.

;ncipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind Marley ) { 1 \ 1 dl|\11 â– 34 *?\\ ^* * i i f f 5 m


Mom and Dad: Thanks for putting up with m< Oh wait, you had no choice! Just kidding. When it comes down to you two, I can't express all the emotions I feel. Aren't you happy I'm speechless for once? Ebony and Ivory together make harmony. , Vicky, our bond will never be broken. I love

Sean and Shane: I'll always look up to you


either side.

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Oh it took me a long time to come to this/ But I have chosen my path/ [ am only for me -Guster

Things do not change; we change -Henry Davidthoreau

I don't mind falling down and scraping up my knees/Scars and stitches always fade and only strengthen me. W Guster i p -, m :

d the best thing you've ev to help me take my life lest e it's only life after all. e Indigo Girls

for me/ ly/

No bird soars too high if he soars with his own - William Blake lope begins in the dark, the ^stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn Anne Lamott *'

Still water runs deep. - Tennessee Wiliams

What lies bel la us and. what lie; >efore us are small matter :ompared to thin us. what aldo Emerson - Rah

Lilian Biro


ou can forget your past p dry your tears I say.

Bulfa^Mbney play!!! (Cilia) I wuy wu my witta ,, j puerto wican judo! Who the best? Tru ’PPPIj| e not! True not!


Simon and Garfunkel

You will never be happy if vou continue to search i for what happiness consists of. You will never j live if you are looking for the meaning of life. -Albert Camus

be; nobody but yoursel:





• i .

eery body else - mean* to fight the hard* attle which any human can fight, and nev OP fighting. , ’1 * * e.e. Cummings M


Let the choices you make today be the choices you can live with tomorrow. -Me

All you need in life is a best friend. -Me

Rear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to ... the dark side.


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of p1' ara 101^ hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin L. Powell

Real education begins with the willingness to learn from mistakes. - Mom and Dad

Facts can be taught; Concepts must be imagined. - Anonymous

Nathan Kayes 'hink of tomorrow, but live in today and reasure it forever. % -Me ;

Why is it that confusion always comes from thought, from thinking one thing but feeling another, from want­ ing to feel something but living the truth. -Me

’Ula! -Fiji



Love completes you.

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Charlie Koster

u o < Hh Z ? > ffi

><elf thatm y jnner ofhen«fen. living :q|j:der to give the l ^ itW to iving...

It was the old Frankie o f yesterday who had been puzzled, but r. Jas­ mine M $ d not wonder anymore. -Carson McCullers

Mom, Dad; and Cals'%hahks^|| everything!

Without risks, life is nothing - a dream empty of dreams , ■'*’ -Isadora Duncan * _

* There is some soul of goodness in things gvil, would men observingly **’*' distill it out. -William Shakespeare

M , l J0' mL Tw J * ,m /It's lovely to know the world can - interfere with the inside of your heai -Frank McCourt

Maybe if we are surrounded in beauty, someday we will become what we see. -Jewel Kilcher If you give freely, there will always be more. -Anne Lamott

At the end of the drama THE TRUTH - which has been overlooked, disre­ garded, scorned, and denied - pre­ vails. And this is how we know the Drama is done. -David Mamet

Holy»Ge<^ ] wanted t -Adam San«4k'i'

ike Smith

P.O.R.E. -Pat Powers

You smell me -Paul Brown

Don't worry about Mike -Mike Smith



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The end is not yet. -Matthew 24:6

The-Woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. -Robert Frost

as interesting as possible.



Eric Schulman God I Love This Stuff! -Myself


History rarely rep -Mark T

hink again: n one direction riverbed -Adrienne Rich


f, but it does r h y m e .

Sen^ew ithoutreligion i , lame;religion w is blind.

, -Albert Einstein


M ies me, bgpKise Any man'sdeath :ore never send to Mankinde; And I the bell toD ^ W lIs for t

p o e a poosppian m a king not lraf Jlro m a s B alw E t

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iy fc# understood backwards -Kierkegaard

t e

Aim so high you will never be bored - Unknown It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit. - Antoine de Ra%rol -


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. We amsiich stfufras dreams are made of, ahd our little life is rounded with a sleep. - William Shakespeare 1just done what I damn well rted to, and I ain't afraid of being alone. Katharine Hepburn


fit for God:


1 was angry with my friend: I was told my wrath, my wrath did e r * I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow. -William Blake i

To my friends, thank you for making me sweeter. To my enemies, thank you for teaching me not to be bitter. You have all made me who I am today -Me

1 don't walk around tryin' to be wlut's ni -KoRn You make me believe that nothing is wrong until you re cryin . You w, ^,-l.imp Bizkit ‘ '***j* * » « » f a . , ^

fegag u r i l ^ l

Thomas McGovern i . fc finally figured out what's wrong with photography. It's a one-eyed man 1 flity can there be in that? ivid Hockney


even more

*et close en I'ang Clan

Yesterday is History Tomorrow- A Mystery Today is a gift that's why it is called The Present -Brian Goodhue, Cape Cod Deli Grf

Did you ever find Jesus... * 1 didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him ( r -Forrest Gump

The only thing I ever lost that I couldn't find was I -ONYX

Never be afraid to look good -Andrew Reuben Much respect to all my dogs who kept it rea -DMX

w, “tydr < „ Dye is Lift


fy lovl isPgofna get ydu

Why not? Coach A1 1 have faith in myself, that's all the faith I need -Me To my family: I love you all so much. Francesca and Giulia: you have brought so much joy to my life. Mom and Dad: you are the best. Mom you are so strong and wonderful. Dad I'm so proud to be your son. Thanks for making me an individual.

Best Smile Nathan & Evonne o >

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Best Body Val & Dave

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Best Dressed Matt & Evonne



Neil Ayaz: Killed by an angry pack of gnomes Kate Barker: Peace, Love, and Happiness actually come to fruition, and she commits suicide after realizing she has nothing left to say Jean Bauer: Killed by Mr. Hudson after finally defeating him in a debate Peter "Gus Gus" Bernacki: Goes deaf after listening to his music too loudly and dies of misery without anyone knowing his real name Becca Bernstein: Becomes a stalker and is killed by security guards while trying to break into Jodie Foster's home Sinan Biro: Dies after Trench hits him off with a shotgun Laura Bull: Accidentally sneezes while lifting 200 lbs weights and is crushed to death Chris Byrnes: During a science experminent with Jon, sets a match causing Jon's head to spontaneously combust, due to all of the gel in his hair. They are both killed immediately Meggie Coates: Marries David Boreanez and has a heart attack out of joy at the altar with a smile on her face the entire time Priscilla Cosme: Kills Brigid to gain the title of Biggest Flirt and is sentenced to life in jail, dying a happy woman Brigid DeMaria: Is killed by Priscilla Seth Feinberg: Gets crushed by Trencher, who falls out of a tree Lauren Finn: Commits suicide after she realizes she wore clashing shirt and socks Jesse Freedman: Killed instantly in a car accident involving himself and Evonne Veronika Frenkel: Hired the gnomes to kill Neil and is found guilty and sentenced to death Jeanne Hoff: Strangled by her weave in her sleep David Hurwich: Kills the administration after he is forced to wear straight legged pants and dies an old man in) Sian James: Finally goes crazy and jumps off a building after smelling too many coffee beans Evonne Jones: Dies from head injuries after getting out of the car to check if Jesse is ok, and in the act, trips andh her head on the bumper Brett Kassel: Shot by an angry father outside the middle school Nathan Kayes: Is exiled from China and then commits suicide after blinding himself with a flash Chris Klein: Gets shot while moving into his new apartment in Harlem Sarah Korval: Breaks her neck while trying to run in her three-inch heels Charlie Koster: Dies of mediocrity Marie Kuromatsu: Dies in prison serving her 3 counts of conspiracy for poisonous Cross-Country baked goods Eric Leiser: He is immortal and people finally believe that he IS the messiah Frank Lionetti: The wall decides to retaliate Thomas McGovern: Last seen photographing a project for National Geographic on the life of mutant gorillas Christina Moller: It was too horrible to talk about Maude Murphy: Dies in an unventilated room while using permanent markers Matt Naidorf: Has a heart attack after realizing that someone scratched his car Mike Smith: Hits his head a little too hard on the backboard after a dunk went wrong David Sohn: Freezes to death after Abercrombie goes out of business David Norse: Kills himself after Jesse's death screaming "Jose!!!! NOOOO!" Andrew Reuben: Shot by a raging feminist after an inapropriate "love tap" Nicole Roselle: Loses her voice permanently and dies from frustration Tom Sandak: Takes a bullet for Britney Spears Ranju Sarkar: Attacked by seniors who are angry about the yearbook Valentina Sarn: After killing Rita, escapes to the Eiffel tower and leans over just a little too far, causing her upp body weight to pull her over the side Eric Schulman: Drowns while swiming in his money bins, ala Scrouge McDuck Jon Thackeray: Alas, too much hair gel was his demise David Trencher: The kickback from the shotgun causes him to fall high from a tree Rita Trivedi: Is murdered by Val when trying to make a point in LSR, but just happens to say it at the 'wrong * Tobey Wallace: Freezes to death alongside Dave protesting the re-opening of Abercombie. Ben Wiegand: Drowns in a puddle on Sinan's floor 62 Seniors

CM- KB: Maybe if we had done our dance! S. feelings. VF: (mommy) Halitosis man, Bathroom man, Whine cellar man. DH: Toast with chocolate. It’s magic! TM: All my friends drive a low rider. You better shop around. 5,10,15 degrees. PB. Hey babes! Come into my office. Pizza man here. NA: Pooky, Little shrunken business ali - man, Tadpole, Baby Gap boy. Love u guys. TINA/Halfy/ Pizza man.

Amt; icFi- lc~ Bbheybabysosexybathtimeyouwillnevergetridofme Tiospitalbuddyyouwill alwaysbemymommyloveulots Cguster4evermid teoE2htAHIatenightconvosyourchauffer4ever msomuchtosayalifetimeofmemoriesscoobydoohot ,eonf■ysgerman boyzpurplecrackdancingmikei lloveyoualways Twjustgettingmythoughtstogeher ;ahair illholdyourhair4ever LSJ,LB,M K ,RS,K B,N K ,EJ,PC ~kittycathavefun~ 'veyouguysnever4get~MEGS

L M &D-Thanks.I love you.Dave-bro&nowfriend.Steve-do 'Ur thing.I’m proud of vou.BD -bad memory, om.loveyaDS-nohuddle.alex=bangin.bracelet.britneyELiesanc! nions,yenching,hospitalcar,blind&bentBK-l’m not Yield IblankoutJT.theaci.: ne, llvgoatcheeseham.whip.dewHarvardBSBikerBumsDWlCK-Phish.dcer.ski CB-GoEasvBones!ESguns.vail.specialsauceCW-truefriendsneverpartEJash ttleStudvBW -watch where you piss.scared@YLC.FLccer.takealap.Stallions4ever!

V S - R eed -perfect fit.be with me 4 ever.luv u.my best friend,soulmatePns&Eve-cripple.glad we gurlz.future famM ik e-thanx 4 being thereCK-boyz: don't changeBen- long talks,flaming sambukaD rew -columbian c... S a if-car. sorry:my boyJT-knee pit.letterM att-frosh.grumpvM argo-True friend.luv uJe s s -StarbucksC hu ck-dmbA li- party girlSumrock.paper.scissorSam -like a sisW/Luvsb,ts,bk,jt,jh.tw,nk,bb,es,sj.mm.lf,vc.ns.jg.lo.kl,mk,co.ag.ds to all I forgot blame it on my head not my heart with love VAL

PC - ‘98/99-Mg (mybloodl43 )Rs(my Brother Pablo) Bl(nubian princess haha)Av(jerk) Bh(spanishpeeps)‘00EJ(somnymemriesl43BFFL) Ds-(<3my bebe) Tw(Wobes I wuv U nuff memorie’s) Ck(thanx4beingthere) Mm(trippedU142 hahaT-ricked!!) JfJhDt(kisses)Sf(thanx 4 ’da beatings)NkBkFl(xox)SjAr (myjewshstallion) Ms(finally)Vs(nuffbeef) ‘01Ds(imissu 143) St(staysweet)’02-Sc(thnxsomuchGffL) LcSc Ml (ubelng2me) Zd‘03-CbMj,-MyBoyZ:TwMfSs(U3BeGood) 2darestI4gotUforAreason<3LP~ImOUT.

?B - Brian, Tom, Jackie- you guys are my second family. Thank you all so much for you know what! Brian, don't sniff ;o much clay and your car looks fine. Aye McGovern! ARR! Keep it under 70 and easy with the handstands. Jackie, more Starbucks and keep drawing angels. I will be here for you all :ill the end. Fattie, Neil, Halfy, Dave, & lil’ sis: Peace out- its Deen great but not over yet. Gus a.k.a. Care Bear loves you ill.

intr-: /!- PB - It’s all over, no more homework not to do, no more ts not to study for, see ya after school. DH - In a world lere pants are in high demand and short supply, there’s you. mutaii: - Thanks for the car paint. CM - I can lift your car! N A >u owe me for the cheeseburgers. RW - I’m not going to rbucks, ok? SHS Crew - My posse, all two and some more you, stop coming to the parking lot, its pathetic. YrBk-1 not ing anymore pictures, I can’t take no more. 90% of this is ne, better appreciate it! What’s that I smell? I smell &$$*!

From RBT:smile and be happy! M IB F : it’s been 13 years, what will I do next year? Learn to check e-mail! Good god!(great present) giant broccoli, stickers, SBC, all the rest, I could never list it! All my friends: you were there for me, too many ways Thanks for the smiles and the patience. D:the little dikari is still here, volume full-blast. M &Friend:that’s what you are; sit back, sort out, keep fighting. I’ll remember

B.- SJ: Friday, I promise, Justin’s fro, did you download 1 HAVE to show you something! I got it on tape! I love u man EL: Are you becoming obsessed? Should I shave? e you happy? SK: Remember when..., we shared an ;ubator. NR: I'm low, level? NK: two fingers, do the fish ow me? TW: BW YF, baths, 5 seconds, yo lady, when are ■going to ... MC: on the count of three... Mwah. MM: fat^illo? :) Your crazy.

EL- NK, dominoes, Starbucks, or fishbowl? BK, this buds for you. DS/JT, duck, goat, the goose will always be best at golf. TS, blind and bent. Bones, my main nerd. BB. too much to say about someone so beautiful. SJ, meet you at Bennigans. When the herbal takes over the world, you'll all get hooked up first. Remember there is complexity in simplicity. Use the force. Look over here, gottem. Do work forever.

Senior Scribbles 63

. ;, j He\ FattieH Love you TonsITW 3aby!I can’t find themMSo happy together! driver.MC-Hospital friend.Oh loverboy! s HOTIDiner eneyone?SJ-SH A BBA ! Doritos! Snoopy- what time is it? Vanilla and chocolate swirlllTM Sorry bout the car, Video Games-pick the Dolphins. DH-Baby Sheep. Wall, Tabogin, nope..still dead. K B - SwordlPBCulver![Hawaiian skirt!M M -Yogurt,YUM BB-SpiceGirlsN RsharkbitesJH-BigMornmaRS-Yearbook!! S K -8 0 ’s queen IBM , P R , L B , M K , Love U All!

M .K .- Cath"l know the feeling sista!"D aly ,R am os/M M S/Sian p h ilo class W herever I am you will bring a sm ile to my faceTo the class o f 2000"T o d ay is your day, y ou 're off to great places, y ou 're off and away. You have the brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer you rself in any direction you choose. Y ou 're on your ow n and you know w hat you know and you 're the guy w ho'll choose w here to g o!"-D r.S

J.E .T . - Mom, Dad: I love you dearly, thank you for everything. Goat: W e’ve been through good times and bad, I’ll never forget you. BK : I’m...guessing. HERBAL GOTTINESS. TS: busting ass in VT ’00, you’re a great friend. BD: You really need to keep close to you the ones you love and be honest w/ them. SL: You mean a lot to me, but try to change! BW : Thanx for always being there when I need someone. CB: Good luck, remember the little people!

BK-theHarvard Crew:DS,EL,TS,NA-no class,gillians,convulsions;CK,AR,JF,FL,DN ,TS-LAX ’00;M eyers class-im not done yet.people’s court;DSnothing beats me,don’t hit the driver;HerbaI-fort lee,ill quit soon;Duck-look at my whip.u guys from around here;TS-is that a yield sign;PC-did u win the bet;CBeasy bones;NK-shoe the walkin talkin.. .,paintballing;SJwe still cookCK-same schools since kindergarten;SS-stay disheveled;TW ,KM ,CF,LB,CG

T.W-MC(white trash),bff,new years,bad driver,eternal FLAME!,+MM(big blue)-5thgrade-bff-we’re weird, sperm?,thong,redcoat,winecoolers,backfield,<3LFshopping,fraps,mommySian-D 1.okbye.mariobro.Ciwwababyblu/pnk,witta billy,kissesEJ-back seat.mobilShmecca-baths. AntooniaSK-mp3chick,damn phoneKB-no more econ!RS-missy noise,MKhypergirlDS-you MY b...,keep singinFL-wanna cookie?BK-smelly car,lost in pound R. CB-car alarmBen-urcoolSoccer+lax team-Good Luck.Keep the memories.I LOVE YOU ALL!________________________ 64 Senior Scribbles

DN - To Jose/Cose/Pose;JF,Dave the TDog;DT,SF,MN,DH,BK,NK,CKlein,Ckoster,FL,AR,TS,E Mike Dog;MS,BW,KB,CB,EJ,SK,Tina,TW,PC and AML thanks for the memories ’ we few, we happy lew, we band of brothersfand sisters); for whoever has shed his blood with me(yes a metaphor) shall be my brother.. Shakespeare’s King Henry V. Go Viking LaxlHey BK.your lock is sitting on my desk at home!

J.H.- Senior peeps 1 love ya! True bonds > Chris K, Nikki. Sian,Lauren, Sheritta &, Juniors keep it real much luv Sara. Mary, Fro &Rodney. Sophomores, Where my dogs at? Sol ditty , L Boogie, Mike L, Sharine, Johnny Maze, Buggy. Luv ya always and forever. Memories of *& *& % A$# from all who know the other side of Jeanne bka Sheika. Mom I love you , you’re more than my mother or a best friend. Year 2G I’ma’ do it again

C .B . -NA stay short. I’ ll call you back one of these days SK M U ST A R D D A M N IT duck Q U A C K ! keep the tsunami strong...never abandon the mousse B K don’t forget me whenuan 40 and ur still taking your midday car trips korean ice thanx 4 becoming a nerd, it was getting lonely, can I touch the hair? herbal don’t ever lose your slacker ways T S send my regards to britnei CAB keep up the good work, make the initials proud LB can I email you an ethics paper? M L C keep my fan club running ramboowe'K been through just about everything K B stay w/ the film & writins CK1 if by now your “project” failed, good look anyway CK! (chuck) if you don’t end up at dartmouth, then the apocolypseistnil) upon us the matt one day I ’ ll whoop you at bond

R .S. “Juice” : kb thanks 4 being such a great friend i love you lots openboat/edog/nanero/ weyl /radar/issues/ghawt shiza vf such good pals love 2 u felicty/email/cats sk luv; babe mongeese/droppedisk/which brien /jb luv ya! Spain cominsky ap spn ILstay sweet my yrbk. helper j p :) cracker 4 u na told u t’was... gus what a good guy sjjafai teeth & study hall cb many good times we’ve had ar will miss u me suchacutie tw &mm 5th gr. jf talented guy 1 respect ab eek tm :) ms/rt/lb/em/dh class’00 hugs 2 uall

Luck & Love & Thanks to Everyone & to KLHT 4 ______ Everything U Will Always Be w/ Me!________ _ C H A R L IE K .- Sorry, Gotta be brief. M L What to say? 1 love you. 9:21 forever Wex From Saved by the Bell to pleasure-fest NM The women, the drink, the boats. Sucks when the launch comes early! Round of Coronas. Watch the Honda! JF I buy f you buy 1! Fridays at Tigen’s MS I’ll never forget JT Jon’s Jura Turkish Delight! BW Dove’s Doves, watch the car, easy in NC MN 007, camping, and proms.. .we’ve had fun TS Phish and snow DT NYC SB DMB, thanks for the parties! FI AR. BK There are ants on the field... I swear Mom and Dad 1 love youDad, when do we go back to BI? Smooth Sailing.


S.B .- Keifer B- Best friends forever. How old was she? ^ Turkey ‘99 Serk- Brothers forever. DT- It’s our year ■: baby! Frosty! Sifer, I want a rematch. Lets spin at Newifield BW- next time use a toilet. Drew - Its never r be too early for that ish. AC-what are you doing l^;: tonight? I should have guessed. CS- Drivers ed! Your GHETTO FABOULOUS. Bronc- remember the wall.

:aln: e®. !M azeii As als cute*

N.K.- E.L. (m.e.n.) machitto, Boston, fox, predator, knock the bus over S.J. pen, pousse, caramel S.K. China, twelve inches B.B. eat out much? M.M.M. in your eyes, bicentennial man, big blue, reservoir, pink, frog, dispos­ able camera, ketchup, amazed, iris, all my everything, never-ending story, moofasha, I Love You! Miss. S fish, coffee, hoe yo beck Mr. L do a little dance! Miss. P Sunshine B.K. P.C. 02 is the way to be

7FF-D T-little bullies,Mr.Green,one more time this summer MN- id bitter, mad weak, Tahoe’s still phater T H E S E T H SB-Tht >m2(i.mad work, you can’t handle the skilz BW -vou can’t handlt hits; liftin’nicness AR-Jew crew FL-Jager, watchout for walls ES- Fore IhcG X M S- Crippleass,A-periods, boys forever AC-hurt 24/7,always jins./ girl ST-mad cool don’t change EJ-I got your back, give me some iliofdad— rubs V S - you’re my girl C K - E..Europe, red skin black hear ,nuE;r;-you used to be down PC- we’re still cool JB-whatever happenec into -Too many memories, love ya forever BA -go to school BT ill on the deew, always be boy Bronc-Go Dollar Dollar billsya’l eryone else blame it on the Yearbook staff

KTJB: i^ita -Boku to December, we’ve seen it all and still are Tiends. Ranju - lit classes, Spain. Kantian Twitch, endless ilackmail material. Kate - keep in touch. Neil - from Stillmeadow to KLHT, I’m glad we were in HS together. Vathanael and Dave - Debate and MUN are in your hands tow. Sra, Dr. Zoubek, Mr. Hudson, Mrs. Baker, Mr. Wallace ■you are all the best. To everyone who didn’t fit - I’ll miss you all.

DT where has the time gone? Siff-we the biggest smallest bullies nervous! Nan lets get twishted snowy! JF-where’s my $30 chuck-NYC NC parties Red-1 hit wonder Branc-who we fightin "m-a-tt” lets bond hasa Nourse-you da man Rueb-funnel 4 don’t be a pus Schulman-SU would've been fun Smith-where da party at Ben-use the necklace wisely AC what time is it 4ever in my heart ST How bout some suga? BD-how bout some finger EJ give me head message? J L 1 love JG can I taste the candy? VS knee pit action CF don’t change, to the rest of ya peace if I forgot you there is a reason for that

SJ- When in doubt say SHABBA11JH in 10 years.Crack Rat [’ll be at your prom theme party.EL pray for us all.NR has a you know what.NK Where’s your caramel?SK W e’re huntin men!BB Seran Wrap-t- a Banana!TW anytime you need me ?or a duet give me a call.LF I’ll raid your dorm for food. For ill the people I liked(the ones who fed me)and those I did not favor I ’m out!D S,BK ,K B,RS,D H .V R is #1.

atbond _____________________________________________________________

liffiioavid Sohn Ilfltii'fK- nothing beats the blob, Natalie is mine, stay cool in NW fliamfemr my boy. EL- where are we??? you know ur the herbal ,.r j|;, iddiness. JT - quack quack, Amy is hot, look at my WHIP! stay v, ol duck, your my boy. TS- good luck w/ Brittany. Bye Bye ^jViiVe, we gotta go back to Harvard together. CB boneeeees! go ; sy!PC- p diddy named me pretty. We were the korean and the , |f: erto rican together. SJ- you were always my girl. SS- pull ’ ijglpurself together, dont be disheveled. CK- my boy, we gotta i [ lrn breakdancin.

»- .ARcreamofcelery.brokenbottle.iluvu , 10thletter2.14.99ubettervisitmenxtyr ACcheese , swizzbeats Sbadmemory.prom BWdove’sdoves iloveyou AWonlylyrleft/KIT DT2min AKeasymikre ■erf®?1 9021()JR,KB,LO,CTsaym ynam eBruceM iller BD uradik 4 ?Mom,Ry,Coll,dadthanx4puttingupw/meiluvuguys Mr.Tmes^Atghtme morethanne 1.i’ll never4getu “how do you leave a0 - past behind when it keeps finding ways to your heart?"

DH - Peace to all those of the class of 2000. Thanks for the four years of memories, people and fun. Cya all on the other side whenever that may come. Love to my friends, DPL and my little scarlet who got me through these years.

EJ- Jill-I luv u &IT1 always b there 4u.Reed-ur like a bro I luv u.LB-ur a perfect friend, never change. PC-besta friends 4ever.Val-glad we made up-future cuz in law.Benl43always(no matter what).CKlthanx 4 listening, blk@<3. M S-never4get what we share(d?), AR-Jewish salami, MN, TW, MM, SF, DT, SJ(buckshots), JH, NR. BB, CG, TS, DS, CB.Nan, ML-my bro, MC, JF, ST, CK..Sorry if I 4got u-4 lines can’t capture 4yrs. Mike&Vicky I’ll miss u -Von Von Senior Scribbles 65

NR - JH u will always be my girl I love u I’m a miss u(booty dance !)SJ we had some ruff times,we made it love u much stay real.LF you still have a big headll’ma miss u.CM NK JF Spanish ohno, we survivedlBB glucose!ES ur not that hot!(kidding).EL God.LC,SC,ML,try to be good Fma miss u.. NA gime fries !Shop(y,TB,MM,MC,SK SS, SJ, RB see ya be good! To those I forgot sorry.R&j u’r next!M,J,Pthanks I love you!

K B - RS IceCreamimJBa 111rain2 PhishDCedogsaga mchammerclaritydo uhearwhallhearbugs praypineapple pi CBH Ethel Ghawk SAIhereNACorp.Prevaricator acnechickenpox,certain fixations...JPErins bed puiitytest marblesCMwild horsesbalcony tom shirt VFIndellnkpicka bugs JBPies!SKa-pick BlackbirdJewel ELDictacate Ewart KBTheBest!! MMCheapabe TWecon SJfieldhockey AB barrelo’shortness,BF5 MSthepit.MUN Good luck to everyu in our class including DH,PB,LB,CB,MC,LF,RT,TM.RT Iwillmissyou

Jesse Freedman- Sorry, I flaked. If you really want to know what 1 think about you, ask me.

S .K .- Ned A.-told you ‘tw as.. ..Kate B.-a-pick!, Becca B . - from the womb! Laura B.- How about Friday night?,

Chris B.-Ketchup.. .you’re too slow damnit, and no, it is NOT bitterness!, Vicky C.- Painted Maypole!, Meggie C. -Never forget “the route”, Lauren F .-8 0 ’s queen!, Sian J .- * ! @ $ ’s not a big deal, Nathan K.-CHINA!, Eric L.Light's on?, Maude M .-T.T., A&C, M OOSE!, Ranju S.Mongeese? I dropped the disk!, Adam-good luck-im always here for ya :P, Good Luck: J.B ., P.“GG”B, , J.P.C., C.C., J.F., V.F., J.H., A-M.L., C.M., K.N., D.N., N.R., E.S., M.S., R.T., T.W. Good luck to all- 1 love ya! VF/CM:men-friends-luvutina-mybf/NA:whatsupevilchild-remembercouchstairs2hrtalks-catsvsdogsiluv&willnever4 getu/KB:fellowfilmmaker&iieditorrepellent-bestlistener/RJ:felicity-cats-email-kbuttmutualRCClust/LB:fudge& carmelappleswannageticecream-luvusweetie/PB:polesunite/ DH:frenchclass/SK: ii-thanx4WR-helenasrule/Mrs.K: thanx4yourhelp/Mme:thanx4rides&accent/ Mr.M:urthebestteacher-iwillmissu/ Mr.G:thanx4college&makingmelaugh. L .B .- S.K.: Stay away from “the tall, blond, gorgeous

type!" KB: “can 1 have your number?” RS: I'll miss you! MC: Don’t hit on them, they’re girls!” EL: 902 Forever & Always BUDDY: I would not be where I am today w/o CH: No! You can’t get some. BF: you have ow to be true to myself CB: Shmuck#l, let hen you can stay out past 10 LL: thanks for there for me VF: Hey You! I am going to

ior Scribbles

ES- 4 years WOW. Dad,+Ma ,Schulmans+Fishers-Love you Thnx so inch. Paul D. (Best Man Forever) { SethF (Vail, WWF, #11, ) Thanx, U the Man j Andrew F (Kawisaki in NM, cars,Yacht!!), Dave T (Yeah Son!)Matii Pam- Love U. U. Steve(Nov. Rain) Spyro M EHS YvesA (MV, Girls) Ryan H. (Go Vkng Hockey, MV )Fronco the flaming BroncoKCos Cob Bandit)Rick —Lo\e U Little man TheMatt:(Gorrrrila,Bond). Trav L. Buck Rif {Mrs./Mr.: Pe, Ci, Mi, Tu, Pe,Ci, Vs, Ba, Ly }N K,A R,VS.JT, SK, NR, MM, JB , TS, CS, BS

BRONC-SF:to the ATM!DT:stop pacin The hallwayTS:te: aways for next yearSB:sorry about the wallAR:new engla lax campPC:stop the pinchin, hit me, no pinchinVCmyon; Truelove A C,SL,JB:Jeanette’s’99ST:be a good daughterMS:go give her a dollarMN:"goggles"JS:seeyaoii the beachBW:none can hangJF,CK:If it’s a bear,I’m goina#&%@itupES:jews not a raceVS: Plumfield ‘94BD math sucksBK: Your no middyEJtripped ya GA/ BRU IN SCREW :SB,A R,JC,CB.M ike+Susie...0.k. I’m reloaded.

M M M :8G r8Yr sM C- beep beep marlon Michael minlmax5 scooby netaid skora mirror doyrayme TWb bthonimfourpartiespopoisthatsp*rm?LF- bday lunch yogurt SK - moose twin towers a&c BB- chocolate nipples PC- spreemyfield crippletripmel42 E J- fire hydrantlsttime4.. .S J- binaca JM - wench boy ZDcamp NK poopie mints resevoir boxers littleredp*ssymoofasha never ending story I LOVE YOU 143 fam,udrclsmn,sccr,sball,Seniors:GooDLucK:)


CK SSCRIBBLES:lstJEANNE143u’rDbestbudigotSHORTYbball+dma]lEVONNEu'rDsweetestrmthere4u4everSCILLAisnotevil. J truenottruenotCaribbeanl mThere4u2VALpinkthing@u'rhousetalkin^r DREWu'rhouselhanx.britny DoIl,ncvcrBafraid2Iookgood S MITHi'mad unkonUI'ool we heard UI'romacrossDslreel TRENCHmakeu rroundsUcantalk2meboutE)lovvS YFErdon’tgetgass^B EuropewasDbombBRIGiknow ilallhutlgoilaplavdumbWHEW! 7"WINS lilt tel u2,keeprhyming. u'rMy li ’ Ibro's.Slick 2gelher i SEC CAourtalkSUMMERaperi()dDOVEpiss’n@nan’sFRANKiknowD^B AURAiiiygirllriendSCHUl.ti'rooniCHUCKhunihlcK ATF.sorrvMU^B <( )l)ol 1season shoiSI AN. \l,lsiud\hall VICKI.Cl AIRE, NICOLE, I ■ riM+JOt tN+PETf a ridgel ieldrepresem il.ANK.NI II JENNA KATRflB MU KS1 1k( m -1 \M Id 1 ■'MRS I'llmel 2MS Kll XVanulvI.eveURrfiB

- il

m ^ >










68 Underclassmen



= ^ = = = 5 = "Nine-tenths of wisdom consists in being wise in time." - Theodore Roosevelt

Underclassmen 69

junior Class Theodore Billett Ashley Blaine Jeannette Brooks Meredith Buzanoski Julio Cardenas Alexandra Caulfield

Victoria Chamberlin Douglas Curtis 111 Nathanael Deraney Kyle Dwyer Daniel George, IV David Gomez

Peter Harmelin John Hein Alexander Huels Rodney Jean-Baptiste Afrodite Karayiannis Sarah Larsen

Kathleen Metzler Timothy Pusack Piya Rajkumar Christopher Rand Leah Reichard Gina Sandshaw

Class of 2001

Juniors 71

Underclassmen 73

Sophomore Class Kenneth Ahuja Samantha Baker Brandie Bell Lindsay Benjamin Catherine Brown Alexander Buggy

Kyle Caruso Lesan Chernet Solomon Chernet Amy Cohen Shari Culpepper Zoe Delihas

Katie Frey Devin Gaines Alice Gleason Carrie Goldstein Ann Grant Leo Gribelyuk

Stephen Hooper Stephanie Huels Shareen Jelani Nicole Kenaga Adam Korval David Leahy

74 Sophomores

Class of 2002 Anne-Marie Leiser Michael Little Zenobia Love Jackson Marlow John Mayberry, II Jordana Most

Ri Muttukumaru Katharine Nichols Christopher O'Connell Luke Page Kathryn Priest Theodore Rucci

Colin Ryan Mark Spatt Alexander Stock Christopher Szymanczyk Nicole Terenzio Adam Tooter

Oliver Vignola Amanda Volper

Sophomores 75

|\W' 76 Underclassmen

Underclassmen 77

reshman Class Italia Almeida Charles Bjernestad Christina Boccuzzi Jeremy Buccolo Kaitlin Buggy Courtney Byrnes

Katherine Carey Robert Cerone James Christensen Kim Christophe Catherine Coates Kathryn Collins

William Cromwell Kristen DCamp Nicholas Doumlele Caitlin Feigenbaum Matthew Feinberg Ashley Fitzpatrick

Barbara Flitt Steven Gelbart Jenna Goldschmidt Taylor Gramps Ashley Gray Michael Hauer

Benjamin Hittman Anne Ittner Michael Jones Michael Katcher Michael Kunin Peter Legrand

Class of 2003 Melissa Maitland Courtney Malloy Sarah Matthiessen Natalia Moena Jake Murphy Christopher Northrup

Lauren Onis Stephen Pappalardo Matthew Phillips Mehul Rana Julia Reuben Stephen Sandak

Michael Sheehan Julie Sheetz Kendall Smith Laura Toh Elliott Trott Caitlin Trow

Mikhael Tsinkler Niels Van der Kloot Rachel Warren Krysten White Timothy Wiegand

Freshmen 79

Underclassmen 81

Upper School 83

84 Clubs

"Nothing was ever achieved without enthusiasm." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Clubs 84


C lu b s Top to bottom: John Hein, Dave Nourse, Adam Korval, Jesse Freedman, Chris Byrnes, Maude Murphy, Alex Huels, Tim Pusack, Mr. Richter, Ashley Blaine, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Christina Bocuzzi, Sam Baker, Lindsay Benjamin, Nicole Terenzio,Niobe Sandshaw, Taylor Gramps, Lauren Onis, Ranju Sarkar, Kate Barker, Mrs. Mishkin, Chris O'Connell, Tom Sandak, David Trencher, Vicki Chamberlain.

Student Council Top to Bottom: Mr. Martin, Neil Ayaz, John Thackeray, Nathaniel Deraney, Ken Ahuja, Chris Byrnes, Ri Muttukumaru, Brett Kassel, Ben Wiegand, Leah Reichard, Katie Brown,Kristen White, Jean Bauer, RitaTrivedi. Absent: Ranju Sarkar.

Top to Bottom: Ben Wiegand, Andrew Reuben, Matt Naidorf, Charlie Koster, Brett Kassel, Meggie Coates, Laura Bull, Sinan Biro, Sarah Korval, Steve Sandak, Alex Buggy, Cassie Priest, Julie Sheetz, Dave Gomez, Lindsay Benjamin, Kate Metzler, Kate Nichols, Jordana Most, Courtney Byrnes, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Krysten White, Ranju Sarkar, Julie Reuben, Kate Barker, Lauren Finn, Ashley Blaine, Ben Hittman, Jake Murphy, Laura Toh, Zoe Delihas, Mike Cerone, Lauren Onis, Mike Jones, Amy Cohen, Italia Almeida, Ms. Sadlowsky.

Yearbook Kb (1nbs

C lu b s Top to bottom: Ted Rucci, Ryan Trow, Devin Gaines, Dave Nourse, Jesse Freedman, Eric Leiser, Mark Spatt, Ashley Blaine, Sarah Korval, Niobe Sandshaw, Kate Nichols, Rita Trivedi, Laura Toh, Alice Gleason, Ranju Sarkar, Natalia Moena, Jean Bauer.

KLHT Singers ■Icjjk

/V *


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Top to bottom: Anne-Marie Leiser, Sarah Korval, Ashley Blaine, Frank Lionetti, Niobe Sandshaw, Mr. Peters, Dave Leahy, Taylor Gramps, Sam Baker, Veronika Frenkel, Christina Moller, Kate Barker.

l i






u w


w *

Indelible Ink Top to bottom: Sarah Korval, Kate Nichols, Brett Kassel, Lindsay Benjamin, Mike Little,Dave Nourse, Anne-Marie Leiser, Rodney JeanBaptiste, Jack Marlow, Adam Korval, Katie Brown, Micheal Flower, David Gomez, Amy Cohen, Ann Grant, Ted Billet, Ryan Trow, Tim Pusack, Cassie Priest, Ted Rucci, David Tren­ cher, Steve Sandak, Vikki Cham berlain, Veronika Frenkel, Chris O'Connell, Ashley Blaine, Stephen Flooper, Mrs.Libonati, Zanny Love, David Leahy, Devin Gaines, Clare Sherry, Jake Murphy, Ranju Sarkar, Christina Boccuzzi, Caitlin Feighenbaum, Colin Ryan, Julie Sheetz, Barbara Flitt, Sam Baker, Ri Mutukumaru, Oliver Vignola, Rita Trivedi, Italia Almeida, Jesse Freed­ man, Taylor Gramps, Laura Tao, Mrs.Forester, Jenna G oldschm idt, Lauren Onis, Chris Szymanczyk, Mike Jones, Scott Tooter, Adam Too ter.

Drama Club Clubs 87

C lu b s Top to bottom: Chris O'Connell, Adam Tooter, Leo Gribelyuk, Mark Spatt.Ri Muttukumaru, Ken Ahuja, Mrs.McQueen, Mrs. Khiznichenko , Nick Ahuja.

Math Club Top to bottom : Anne-M arie Leiser, Lisa Teitelbaum,SolChernet, LesanChernet.Brandie Bell, Mike Little, Matt Naidorf,Cassie Priest,Tim Pusack,Kate Nichols, Frank Lionetti, Shareen Jelani, O liver Vignola,M ark Spatt, Chris Szymanczyk, Scott Tooter, Rodney JeanBaptiste, Alex Buggy, Laura Bull, Sam Baker, Nicole Terenzio, Maude Murphy, Colin Ryan, Ken Ahuja, Chris O'Connell, Adam Tooter, Nicole Kenaga, Jenna Goldschmidt, Christina Boccuzi, Julie Reuben, Meggie Coates, Tim Wiegand, Sarah Larson, Summer Trott, Piya Rajkumar, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Courtney Byrnes, Lindsay Benjamin, Shari Culpepper, Amy Cohen, Carrie Goldstein, Katie Brown, Zoe Delihas, Rachel Warren, Jordana Most, Marie Kuromatsu, Steph Huels, Dan George, John Hein, Ranju Sarkar, John Thackeray, Tobey Wallace,Ann Grant, Lauren Finn, Mike Jones, Cortney Malloy, Alice Gleason, Lauren Onis, Kate Barker,Barbara Flitt, Ali Caufield, Chris Northrup. Top to bottom: Zanny Love, Jack Marlow, Dave Huwich, John Mayberry, Sam Baker, Ken Ahuja, Mrs.Pusack, Adam Korval.

-* ji






llr ly

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Environmental Club


C lu b s Top to Bottom: Victoria Chamberlain, Sarah Larson, Jordan Most, Sarah Korval, Summer Trott, Mrs. Wagner, Ali Caufield, Jeanette Brooks, Julie Reuben, Kim Christophe, Rachel Warren, Courtney Bvrnes, Steph Huels, Lauren Onis, Jenna Goldschmidt, Laura Toh.

Speak Your Mind (SYM) Top to Bottom: Dave Trencher, Chris Klein, Ken Ahuja, Chip Curtis, Sinan Biro,Ben Hittman Devin Gaines, Colin Ryan, Ashley Gray, Lauren Finn, Zoe Delihas, Marie Kuromatsu, Mark Spatt, Amy Cohen, Julie Reuben, Jenna Goldschmidt, Brett Kassel, Shareen Jelani, Anne-Marie Leiser, Katie Brown, Oliver Vignola, Stephen Hooper, Lindsay Benjamin, Mrs. Payne, Ranju Sarkar, Kristen DCamp, David Leahy, Kate Barker, Lauren Onis, Chris O'Connell, Nicole Terenzio, Kyle Caruso, Jack Marlowe, Adam Tooter.

Lambda Delta Pi (LDP) Top to Bottom: Matt Naidorf, Steve Sandak, Matt Feinberg, Chris Byrnes, Charlie Koster, Sarah Korval, Mark Spatt, Veronika Frenkel, Taylor Gramps, Julie Sheetz, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Adam Korval.

Clubs 89

C lu b s Top to bottom: Jesse Freedman, Evonne Jones, Andrew Reuben, Tom Sandak, Frank Lionetti, Ben Wiegand, Priscilla Cosme, Mr. Richter, Dave Nourse, Mkie Little, Sol Chernet, Chris O'Connell.

Lacrosse Top to Bottom: Sian James, Evonne Jones, Priscilla Cosme, Dave Trencher, Lisa Teitelbaum, Seth Feinburg, Shareen Jelani.

Top to Bottom: Dan George, Jesse Freedman, Dave Trencher, Seth Feinburg, Tim Pusack, Eric Leiser, Tom Sandak, Asheley Blaine, Afrodite Karayiannis, Mrs. Mishkin.

Peer Mentoring 90 Clubs

C lu b s Top to botom: Devin Gaines, Jake Murphy, Micheal Hauer, Chris Klein, Clare Sherry, Victoria Chamberlain, Dave Hurwich, Dave Nourse, Chris Rand, Jesse Freedman.

Improv Club Top to bottom: Mike Little, Chris Klein, Ben Wiegand, Frank Lionetti, Eric Leiser, David Tren­ cher, Seth Feinburg, Evonne Jones, Priscilla Cosme, Tom Sandak, Brett Kassel, Stephanie Hules, Ann Grant, Eric Shulman, Michael Cerone, Michael Hauer

Outdoors Club Top to bottom: Katie Brown, Sam Baker, Shari Culpepper, Allie Caufield, Victoria Chamberlain, Sarah Larsen, Jeanette Brooks, Ted Rucci, Zoe Delihas, Shareen Jelani, Stephanie Huels.

AASC Clubs 91

92 Events

I "Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." - Denis Diderot

Events 93

Class Trips ■ ■■■



Once again, they have come to­ gether to journey into the unknownclass trips. Freshman traveled to Salem to visit the witches and survived the winds of hurricane Floyd. The sopho­ mores traveled to Philadelphia and toured The University of Pennsylvania Museumof Natural History.The Junoir class camped out in the woods of Ivorytown, Connecticut. As for the se­ nior class, each member ventured off to visit colleges.

Above: Shari Culpepper prepares for the rain.

94 Class Trips

Right: Adam Tooter, Chris O'Connell and Nicole Kenaga form a true bond.

Bottom: Carrie Goldstein and Zoe Delihas are two of a kind.

Left: Oh, how cute! another bond formed!

Bottom: Where did Tim Wiegand go wrong?

We Survived And we are...

Prouder Stronger Closer ... TOGETHER

Left: What has gotten into Kate Nichols ?

e: Let's play "guess who?"

Class Trips 95

Far Right:: Jesse Freedman pumps up his team before homecoming.

Homecoming 199

KING SPIRIT The last homecoming of the millenium captured the Viking spirit. Team players were poised and ready to play. Cheerleaders were in perfect unison, while the crowds roared. The brisk fall day was filled with memorable moments, both on and off the field.

Above: Jon Thackeray and Tom Sandak proudly display school spirit.

Right: Coach Ri and his wife supporting the teams at homecoming.

Far Right: Viking pride, viking power, you have reached your last hour!

96 Homecoming

Left: Lauren Onis cheering from above the crowd.

Bottom right: Tim Wiegand shaves his head for homecoming.

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Left: The viking team has just begun: Go Vikings, number one!

Above: a moment to remember.

Homecoming 97

Drama A Midsummer Night's Dream Right

Mrs. Murphy prepares Ranju Sarkar for the perfor­ mance as Jesse Freedman looks on.


Kate Nichols captures the essence of a true princess.


The fairies pose for a pic­ ture.

98 Fall Drama


And who could forget the Rustics?


Lights, camera, action and Kate Barker. Bottom Right

Ashley Blaine as Titania, queen of the fairies.

Fall Drama 99

R ig h t : Dave Nourse gives a salute to the crowd as he sings an Opera Aria called "Non piu andrai."

C e n te r Here we can see "THE HALLE­ LUJAH CHORUS" as sang by the upper school chorus and various staff members.

B o tto m Mrs. Mishkin accompanies the chorus on piano, and Miss Schlebusch helps out.

Mrs. Libonati gives a short speech about the holiday season.

100 The Holiday Show

Christina Moller begins to turn a pirouette.

Neil Ayaz adds his part for the readers theatre per­ formance.

Who's that peeking? It,l Eric Shulman, adding an-| tics to the holiday perfor­ mance.


The Holiday Show

Ihe MTW class sings "let it snow", a song of holiday cheer.

A bove: A good view of the entire upper school chorus singing "Cantata #147" by J.S. Bach.

R ig h t: Kate Barker and Christina Moller perform their modern dance called "Wild Horses".

L e ft : Mr. Paach, white tuba and all, gives his happiest wishes to the audi­ ence for the holiday season.

A bove: Readers Theatre looking dreary, while performing a section of "Oh, The Places You'll Go."

The Holiday Show 101

The Music Man Right: Professor Harold Hill (Dave Nourse) tries to woo the Rivery City librarian, Marian Paroo (Vicki Chamberlain). Bottom: Dave Nourse holds in his hand the key to The Music Manthe prized script!

Above: The Shinn Family poses for an Iowan portrait.

102 The Music Man

Right: Zaneeta (JennaGoldschmit) and Tommy (Pete Harmelin) are cute as can be.


Seventy-six trombones...


Left: Winthrop (Steve Sandak) sings "Gary, Indiana" to Mrs. Paroo (Sarah Korval), and Marion (Vicki Chamberlain).

Below: Jesse Freedman as the funloving Marcellus.

Left: Lauren Onis and Steve Sandak play the roles of Amaryl­ lis and Winthrop.

Above: "Goodnight, Ladies" - it's the Quartet: Tucker Sparkman, Eric Leiser, Wil Cromwell, and Mark Spatt. The Music Man 103

104 Sports

"The journey -- not the arrival -- matters." - Montaigne

Sports 105

Football Below: Ben Wiegand looks for an open receiver downfield.

Right: Lesan Chernet sprints past a Hopkins defender.


Above: Mike Little and company tackle the running back. 106 Sports

Above: Andrew Reuben looks for extra yards after a reception.



Left: Wil Cromwell attempts a tackle in the open field.

Below: Eric Schulman tries to es­ cape the defender.

Below: Sinan Biro, the fearless tackle, lines up to do some damage.

PAltt ou5h our record doesn't show it, Viking football had a great season this year. We im­ proved a lot, and 1see major talent'in our under­ classmen. I thought we played hard and put everything we had into each game. I want to thank all the players for an enjoyable season and wish them good luck in the future." Vaptain Ben Wiegand

First Row: Jesse Freedman, Seth Feinberg, Andrew Reuben, Ben Wiegand, Tim Pusack, Sinan Biro, Eric Schulman. Second Row: Lesan Chernet, Solomon Chernet, Mike Little, Rodney Baptiste, Chris Szymanczyk, Adam Tooter. Third Roio: Jake Murphy, Matt Phillips, Wil Cromwell, Mike Catcher, Elliot Trott, Ben Hitman, Mike Sheehan, Fourth Row: Mike Cerone, Tim Wiegand, Mike Jones. Fifth Roiv: Coach Decker, Coach Gowin, Coach Cerone, Coach Thomas, Trainer Hackett.

Sports 107

Field Hockey Below: Kate Barker advances the ball to a teammate.

Right: Sian James smacks the ball downfield.


Above: Julie Reuben blows by a defender. 108 Sports

Above: Nicole Roselle battles with the opponent for the ball.

I think we were really strong team this year, even though we didn't win that many games. We showed a lot of potential for growth, and we have high hopes for next year. Good luck and we will miss you. " Captains Sian James, Evonne Jones and Sarah Korval

First Row: Sox, Ranju Sarkar, Kate Barker, Evonne Jones, Sarah Korval, Sian James, Nicole Roselle, Lauren Finn. Second Row: Carrie Goldstein, Ashley Fitzpatrick, Katherine

Carey, Jenna Goldschmidt, Rachel Warren, Lindsay Benjamin, Barbra Flitt, Alice Gleason. Third Row: Coach Silvia, Samantha Baker, Julie Sheetz, Julie Reuben, Anne Ittner, Sarah Matthiessen, Courtney Byrnes.



Bovs' Soccer Below: Tom Sandak boots the ball downfield.

Right: Jon Thackeray shows off some fancy footwork.

Above: Nathan Kayes defends his goal well. 110 Sports

Above: Julio Cardenas blows by a defender.

Left: Nathan Kayes and Adam Below: Frank Lionetti looks for a Korval show soccer and kung fu teammate downfield. can be one sport.

"We endured a tough season, but in the end we had fun. Good luck to next year's team." Captains Frank Lionetti and Tom Sandak

First Row: Brett Kassel, Jon Thackeray, Frank Lionetti, Tom Sandak, Nathan Kayes, Eric Leiser. Second Row: James Christensen, Peter Harmelin, Niels van der Kloot, Steve Sandak, Julio Cardenas, Stephen Pappalardo, Chistopher Hughey. Third Row: Coach

Galanopoulous, Coach Rye, David Gomez, John Hein, Ted Billet, Jack Marlow, Adam Korval, Managers Katie Frey and Kate Metzler.

Sports 111

Girls' Soccer Right: Caitlin Feigenbaum gets entangled with the opponent.

, ,v

Below: Katie Brown eludes a defender.

Above: Tobey Wallace dribbles in the open field. 112 Sports

Above: Nicole Kenaga battles with the opponent for possesion of the ball.

Left: Maude Murphy high-kicks the ball downfield.

Below: Kim Christophe shows off some sophisticated acrobatics.

Below: Kaitlin Buggy using her head.

'S '

"This year our team was very young, but we came together and ended the season strongly. We were the team that had the longest season and took it the furthest, and each player contributed to this success." Captains Maude Murphy and Tobey Wallace.


First Row: Priscilla Cosme, Tobey Wallace, Maude Murphy, Becca Bernstein, Meggie Coates. Second Row: Italia Almeida, Mandy Volper, Kim Christophe, Lisa Teitelbaum. Third Row: Coach Sargent, Natalia Moena, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Katie Brown, Kathryn

Collins, Sam Stevenson-Smith, Kaitlin Buggy, Coach Kasven.

Sports 113

Volleyball Below: Christina Boccuzzi hits an emphatic bump.

Right: Kristen DeCamp bumps the ball over the net.

Above: Katherine Coates executes a powerful spike. 114 Sports

Above: Christina Boccuzzi sets the ball very, very high.

Left: Brigid DeMaria rises for the Below: M eredith Buzanoski spike. slams a spike.


Below: Kendall Smith crushes a serve.

"We had an awesome season and improved as a team. We adapted well to all the changes, and hope we can play hard and have fun again next year." C aptains M eredith Buzanoski and Nicole Terenzio

First Rozc: Zoe Delihas, Brigid DeMaria, Jeanne Hoff, Amy Cohen, Christina Boccuzzi. Second Row: Coach Tran, Coach Schlebush, Meredith Buzanoski, Afrodite Karayiannis,

Brandie Bell, Nicole Terenzio, Manager Shari Culpepper,

Sports 115

Cross Country Below: Chris "Bones" Byrnes keeps a swift pace.

Above: Colin Ryan exemplifies a classic running style. 116 Sports

Right: Matt Naidorf and Dave Nourse lead the pack toward the finish.

Above: Dave Sohn running in deep concentration.

Chris Klein and David Below: Charlie Koster at the beTrencher look to stay alive in the ginning of the race, race.

Below: Neil Ayaz and company push along during the meet.

Cross Country had a terrific season this fall ’* shanks in part to many returningseniors and a strong crop of new freshmen and sophoniores. KLHT placed third in the FAA's for the 1999 season. " Captains Matt Naidorf and Dave Nourse

First Row: Charlie Koster, Jean Bauer, Matt Naidorf, Dave Nourse, Chirs Klein, Dave Trencher. Second Row: Matt Feinberg, Caitlin Trow, Zannie Love, Ashley Gray, Colin Ryan, Mark Spatt, Marie Kuromatsu. Third Row: Coach Massa Chris Northrup, Chris Byrnes, Dave Hurwich, Mike Smith, Dave Sohn, Neil Ayaz, Michael Kunin.

Sports 117

Girls' Basketball

Above: The squad awaits the tipoff. 118 Sports

Above: Kendall Smith, Brandie Bell and Christina Boccuzzi pose for a pre-game picture.

Our team had a fantastic season. We hope to carry on the winning tradition next year s and make it even farther in the FAA tournement." Captains Christina Boccuzzi and BrandieBell.

First Row: Julie Reuben, Nicole Kenaga, Christina Boccuzzi, Courtney Byrnes, Caitlin Feigenbaum. Second Row: Coach MacDonald, Ashley Gray, Brandie Bell, Katherine

Collins, Kendall Smith.

Sports 119

Boys' Basketball Below: Mike Little looks to keep possession of the ball.

Right: Andrew Reuben skys over a defender to get off the jump shot.


Above: Matt Naidorf elevates to shoot over a Brunswick defender. 120 Sports

Above: Jon Thackeray shoots a baseline jumper

" Overall, it was a tough season. However, I liked the team's undying effort. It has been a pleasure to be part of this team for three years, and I expect a quick turn-a-round in next year's season. Good luck to all returning players. " Captain Andrew Reuben.

First Rote: Andrew Reuben, Jon Thackeray, Sol Chernet, Mike Little, Chris Klein. Back Row: Matt Naidorf, Mike Smith, Rodney Jean-Baptiste, Alex Buggy, Lesan Chernet,

Chris Szymanczyk. (Not pictured- Coach Rich Massa)

Sports 121

Cheerleading: Basketball

Above: Ali Caulfield and Jenna Goldschmidt excite the fans. 122 Sports

Above: The squad poses for a team picture. (Ali Caulfied is the star.)

Competition Cheerleading Below: The teams performs a stunt. Right: Jenna is flying.

This was our first year of competition. We are really proud of the team's hard work and dedi­ cation. In the end, the countless hours of pracI tice paid off. Great job ladies. I Captains Val Sarn and Summer Trott

Below: Julie Sheetz gives her teammate a boost.

First Row: Taylor Gramps, Lauren Onis, Jenna Goldschmidt, Courtney Malloy. Second Row: Caitlin Buggy, Kim Christophe, Ali Caufield, Caitlin Trow. Third Row: Summer

Trott, Sarah Matheson, Sam Stevenson-Smith, Val Sarn.

Sports 123

Cheerleading Below: Vikings are....

Right: ...number one.

Above: The squad exciting the crowd at Homecoming. 124 Sports


Above: Lauren Onis is rising.

Left: The squad performs an awesome stunt.

Below: Ali Caufield, Niobi Sandshaw, and Jenna Goldschmidt perfoming some fancy dance moves.


ft ^



- y lu BEj c.

Below: The team gets the crowd energized at the pep rally

B 3k.r l

"There were many new cheerleaders this year. Our team really improved, and we enjoyed supporting the football team. " Cap­ tains Val Sarn and Summer Trott

First Row: Lauren Onis, Ali Caufield. Second Row: Jenna Goldschmidt, Courtney Malloy, Victoria Chamberlin, Melissa Maitland. Third Row: Coach MacDonald, Summer Trott, Niobi Sandshaw, Val Sarn.

Sports 125

Weightlifting Below: Seth Feinburg on the bench press. Push, Seth, push.

Above: Frank " The Bronco" Lionetti shows off his biceps. 126 Sports

Right: Frank "The Bronco" Lionetti pumps some iron.

Above: Dave Trencher curling some crazy weight.

Action Shots Below: The KLHT Band charges up the crowd.

Above: Nicole Kenega launches the ball. Below:Mr. Smith plays the tuba.


Above: Mandy Volper gives a high kick.

Above: Tobey Wallace boots the ball up the field.

Sports 127

Middle School The time in between


128 Middle School

Middle School 129

Middle School Administration

Suzanne Buzanoski Head of Middle School

Becky Rabassa Guidance Counselor

Pat Doering Associate Head of Middle School 130 Middle School

Betty Pallazzo Administrative Assistant to Middle School Heail

Middle School Facul ixth Grade Teachers

Marina Supple, Mike Scelsi, Deana Supple, Ted Cobden

Seventh Grade Teachers

|ohn Muhlfeld, Jim Cairns, Lois Rinaldi, Claudia Lydon, David Woodford, Celeste Materi, Paola Grant

Specials Teachers

Livia Barder, Antony Paasch, Connie Nichols, John Crandall Middle School 131

G ra d e 8

Ravi Banerjee Elizabeth Barker Jessica Benamou Stephen Brooks Max Cuscuna Michael D'Onofrio

Melissa DeSantis Mark DeSimone Leah Edwards Stephen Fixary Christopher Frassetto Lisa Gahagan

Paul Gladstone Charles Guevara Gregory Hamilton Caroline Harmelin Christopher Hughey Whitney Kathner

Mitchell Lemmo, Jr. Alan Muntner

Kathryn Nolin

132 Middle School

1 k.

Class of 2004

z r.l

1 --■ ■ ■



Christine Pacioretty Rachel Porter John Raffaeli, III Cathleen Ryan Robert Sadowski Benjamin Schultz

Caitlin Scully Molly Shaker Natalia Sieira Zachary Sievert Taylor Simonson Tucker Sparkman

Christopher Tsang Christine Unnold Ryan Victor Costas Vlahakis Erica Williams Ian Wishingrad

Middle School 133

G ra d e 7

Khaled Allen William Avery Elizabeth Banerjee Callie Barker Sarah Benjamin James Blum

Robert Brennan Elizabeth Byrnes Richard Castellano, Jr. Adrian Ciontut Lauren Cuscuna Patrick de Visscher

Kyra Doumlele Anne Gillies Dara Goldstein Stephanie Gramps Gregory Heins Dana Hill

Alexandra Hittman Payton Keith Catherine Kiley Lisa Kiley Peter Kirschenbaum Paul Kraemer

Caitlin Malloy Courtney Matthews Allan Maymin Samuel Montgomery

134 Middle School

Class of 2005

Ria Muttukumaru Abigail Neff Craig Pernick Ross Pisarkiewicz Robert Priest Philip Prout

Allison Reuben Lauren Russell Charles Santos-Buch Lily Scheyhing Suzanne Sheetz Andrew Slater

Julie Snow Peter Tobiason Gerald Upright III Peter Venetos Frances Vignola Henry Wald

Edward White Robert Zeko

Middle School 135

G ra d e 6

Alexander Ahrens Marlon Alebiosu Lia Allen Charlotte Bareiss Morgan Barker, III David Benjamin

Michael Beyman Clinton Botway Henry Buggy Terence Byrne Christine Carey Katheryn Clark

Beth Connolly Christopher Corcoran Lisa Dillinger Stevi Feinberg Reginald Ferguson Sarah Fiore

Natalie Flores Benjamin Goldrich Oliver Gray Douglas Hamilton Victoria Jones Danielle Konigsbacher

Allison Kudzy Kay-Lin Lau Elizabeth Lawrence

136 Middle School

Class of 2006

Hannah Lloyd

Michael Marcal, Jr. Patrick McGowan Steven Menking Amanda Metviner Theresa Milano Claire Mitchell

Oded Nissim Christopher Nourse Elizabeth Perelstein Kevin Phelan Margaret Priest Rachel Puklin

Anna Pusack Melissa Ross William Schpero Benjamin Seidenstein Scott Shelton Cornell Sievert

Ryan Sussan Gavin Sweitzer Gaelle Tribie Victoria Tsang Nicholas Unnold

Andreas Vlahakis Carla Wells

Middle School 137

M i d d l e S c h o o l S p o r ts

Field Hockey Back row: Coach Muhlfeld, Katy Nolin, Christine Pacioretty, Lisa Gahagan, Caitlin Scully, Molly Shaker, Libby Barker Coach Celia. Middle row: Allison Reuben, Frances Vignola, Dara Goldstein, Lauren Cuscuna, Lauren Russell, Cathleer Ryan, Jen Gaffney, Abby Neff. Front row: Allison Kudzy, Vicky Jones, Kay-Lin Lau, Margie Priest, Melissa Ross, Elizabeth Lawrence.

Volleyball Back row: Claire Mitchell, Carla Wells, Jessica Benamou, Rachel Porter, Anna Pusack, Victoria Tsang, Sarah Fiore, Daria Hill, Theresa Milano, Austin Gramps, Ria Muttukumaru, Courtney Matthews, Julie Snow, Danielle Konigsbacher,Coach Jennings. Front row: Caitlin Malloy, Lisa Kiley, Carrie Harmelin, Melissa DeSantis, Sarah Beniamin, Callie Barker,Rachel Puklin.

138 Middle School

Girls' Soccer I Back row: Kyra Doumlele, Whitney Kathner, Liz Byrnes, Ali Hittman, Erica Williams, Leah Edwards, Christine Unnold, Coach Hackett. Front row: Anne Gillies, Liz Banerjee, Suzie Sheetz, Lily Scheyhing, Catherine Kiley.

Girls' Soccer II Back row: Coach Hackett, Beth Connolly, Christine Carey, Stevi Feinberg, Natalie Flores, Gaelle Tribie, Lisa Dillinger. Front row: Libby Perelstein, Charlotte Bareiss, Amanda Metviner, Katie Clark, Lia Allen, Hannah Lloyd.

Middle School 139

M i d d l e S c h o o l S p o r ts

Boys' Soccer I Back row: Coach Crandall, Khaled Allen, Chris Hughey, Greg Hamilton, Ben Schultz, Ian Wishingrad, Richard Castellano, Robert Sadowski, Paul Gladstone, Ryan Victor, Payton Keith, Greg Heins. Front row: Max Cuscuna, Ross Pisarkiewicz, Caddy Brooks, Robert Zeko, Adrian Ciontut, Craig Pernick, Costas Vlahakis, Greig Santos-Buch, Paul Kraemer.

Boys' Soccer II Back row. Scott Shelton, Chris Nourse, Henry Wald, D.J. Benjamin, Allan Maymin, Kevin Phelan, Nick Unnold,Oded Nissim, Clinton Botway, Reginald Ferguson, Sam Montgomery, Coach Cairns. Front row: James Blum, Doug Hamilton, Michael Marcal, Chris Corcoran, Ben Goldrich, Will Schpero, Andrew Vlahakis, Morgan Barker. 140 Middle School

Football I Back row: Coach Decker, Zac Sievert, Charles Guevara, Mitch Lemmo, Peter Tobiason, Philip Prout, Tucker Sparkman, eter Venetos, Coach Gauin. Front row: Andy Stanton, Bobby Brennan, Ravi Banerjee, Mark DeSimone, Patrick De isscher, Chris Tsang, Michael D'Onofrio, Alan Muntner, John Raffaeli, Chris Frassetto.

Football II Back row: Coach Decker, Ryan Sussan, Andrew Slater, Steven Menking, Peter Kirschenbaum, T.C. Byrne, Gerald aright, Byron Avery, Teddy White, Coach Gouin. Front row: Corey Sievert, Gavin Sweitzer, Marlon Alebiosu, Oliver "ay, Patrick McGowan, Ben Seidenstein, Henry Buggy, Woody Priest. Middle School 141

M i d d l e S c h o o l S p o r ts

Boys' Basketball I

Back row: Bobby Brennan, Mark DeSimone, Mitch Lemmo, Ryan Victor, Philip Prout, Charles Guevara, Byron Avery,fi$t Coach Decker. Front row: Chris Frassetto, Greg Hamilton, Chris Tsang, Peter Tobiason, Stephen Fixary, Zac Sievert, Ben it Schultz.

Boys' Basketball II Back row: Peter Kirschenbaum, Teddy White, Andrew Slater, Paul Kraemer, Coach Hackett. Front row: Richard , Castellano, Adrian Ciontut, Oliver Gray, Peyton Keith, Henry Wald. fl


142 Middle School

Boys' Basketball III Back row: Stephen Menking, Corey Sievert, T.C. Byrne, Nick Unnold, D.J. Benjamin. Middle row: Kevin Phelan, Ryan ussan, Marlon Alebiosu, Chris Nourse, Oded Nissim. Front row: Reginald Ferguson, Doug Hamilton, Clinton Botway, /lorgan Barker, Henry Buggy, Ben Goldrich, Coach Tran.

Hockey Back row: Ravi Banerjee, Ian Wishingrad, Costas Vlahakis, Peter Venetos, Chris Hughey, Khaled Allen, Andy Stanton, oach Conant, Christine Pacioretty, Gerald Upright, Paul Gladstone, Greg Heins, Robert Zeko, Coach Crandall. Front >w: Gavin Sweitzer, Michael Marcal, Caddy Brooks, Will Schpero, Chris Corcoran, Patrick McGowan, Patrick de isscher, Andrew Vlahakis, Craig Pernick, Ross Pisarkiewicz. Middle School 143

M i d d l e S c h o o l S p o r ts

Girls' Basketball I Back row: Lisa Gahagan, Liz Byrnes, Leah Edwards, Caitlin Scully, Cathleen Ryan, Taylor Simonson, Coach Celia. Fro row: Whitney Kathner, Erica Williams, Christine Unnold.

Girls' Basketball II


Back row: Jen Gaffney, Courtney Matthews, Suzie Sheetz, Carrie Harmelin, Molly Shaker, Dana Hill, Coach Kasve Front row: Sarah Benjamin, Dara Goldstein, Anne Gillies, Julie Snow, Liz Banerjee.

140 Middle School

Girls' Basketball III Back row: Coach Pusack, Coach Muhlfeld. Middle row: Christine Carey, Beth Connolly, Theresa Milano, Anna Pusack, tevi Feinberg, Carla Wells, Victoria Tsang. Front row: Natalie Flores, Lisa Dillinger, Libby Perelstein, Hannah Lloyd, atie Clark, Gaelle Tribie.

Cheerleading Back row: Catherine Kiley, Allison Reuben, Austin amps, Ria Muttukumaru, Kyra Doumlele, Ali Hittman. Hdle row: Courtney Malloy, Lauren Russell, Lauren iscuna, Caitlin Malloy, Lily Scheyhing, Vicky Jones, Callie rker. Front row: Melissa Maitland, Melissa Ross, Lisa ley/ Margie Priest, Julie Sheetz.

Swimming Front row: Danielle Konigsbacher, Rachel Puklin, Eliza­ beth Lawrence, Lia Allen, Allison Kudzy, Charlotte Bareiss, Kay-Lin Lau. Back row: Abby Neff, Frances Vignola, Mr.Woodford, Sam Montgomery. Middle School 141

146 Middle School

Middle School 147

LOWER SCHOOL Time to grow

148 Lower School

"Pay attention to the young, and make them just as good as possible." - Socrates

Lower School 149

"When I approach a child, he inspires in me two senti­ ments: tenderness for what he is and respect for what he may become." Louis Pasteur

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long I time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you be­ come Real." The Velveteen Rabbit The Lower School students dedicate their portion of the yearbook to Mrs. Holland and Mrs. Megrue. Their dedication, support and generosity toward the students, faculty, staff and parents of the Lower School have brought the KLHT community together as a family. From their beginnings as teachers through their time as leaders, they have given more to us than words could ever express. We thank you for your never-ending gifts and fond memories. We love you and will miss you. 150 Lower School



Suzanne Megrue Director of Early Childhood Division


Carol Holland Head of Lower School

Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students, Science Teacher Lower School Administration 151

Faculty and Staff

The Early Childhood Division Ms. Gail Roberts, Mrs. Mary Ann Desantis, Mrs. Maria Stephanian, Mrs. Julia Rachinsky-Wood, Mr. Craig Bray, Mrs. Penny Hein, Mrs. Ann Palm, Mrs. Melinda Fuller, Mrs. Suzanne Megrue, Mrs. Binky Brough. F r o n t row : Mrs. Denise O'Hara, Mrs. Cindy Rosso, Mrs. Jan Homicki, Miss Dina Pruchansky. B a ck row :

Second Grade First Grade Mrs. Renee Hollander & Ginger McDonald

Fourth Grade Mrs. Mary Jo Silvia, Mrs. Helen Santoro, Mrs. Ellen Eagleton 152 Lower School Faculty and Staff

Mrs. Sonia Benedetto, Miss Danielle Salierno, Mrs. Karen Raidt, Miss Susan Stratton

Third Grade Mrs. Emily Friedland, Mr. Glen Riedell, Mrs. Mary Pappalardo

^ >.

Mrs.Tracey Macdonald, Mrs. Mary Lawrence, Miss Dianna Tucker

Physical Education Department Mr. Tom Decker, Mr. Rich Massa, Mr. Dan Gouin, Miss Karen Celia, Mrs. Debra Cardarelli

Support Services Mrs. Rosemary Gallagher, Miss Liz Bounty, Mrs. Carolina Gahagan

Art Ms. Lori Auletta



Senora Carolina Reyna

Miss Rebecca Palsco

Health Services


Mrs. Judy Gerardi & Mrs. Geraldine Lacerenza

Mrs. Jeanine Haberny, Mrs. Patricia Green, Ms. Ellen Provost

Mr. Micheal Hanna

Librarians Mrs. Ann Huntoon & Miss Caroline Gallagher

Lower School Faculty and Staff 153

Mrs. Lawrence's Fifth Grade Class Mary Lawrence Courtney Bannerot Courtney Bruggeman Kimberly Clark Andrew Dowdie Kara Frisoli

Jonathan Garrity Ryan Henderson Robert Minicucci Spencer Robinson Victoria Santos-Buch Stephen Sheehan

Ryan Sullivan

☆ ☆

☆ ☆






Mrs. Macdonald's Fifth Grade Class Danielle Armiger Samuel Berman Christina Blum Michael Horowitz Sungyou Kim Jeffrey Lounsbury

Eric Lubben Elizabeth Packer Sarah Puklin Hannah Rabin Bryan Sarner Kimberly Segalas

kk kk kk

IYls.Tucker's Class Dianna Tucker Brian Africk Vivek Alaigh Alysia Beaty Courtney Bernat Kristin Castellano

Schuyler Goldberg Scott Hootman-Ng Philip Khoury Margot Lane Katherine McFadden Adam Pisarkiewicz

James Voyages Caitlin Weinstock

Lower School 157

Mrs. Eagleton's Fourth Grade Class Ellen Eagleton Leslie Andriani Oliver Belmont Daniel Beyman Ashley Cannon Alexander Doering

Stephen Goddard Alexander Harkin Lilly Kottsieper Anya Leist Zoe Mallios Peter Menking

Robert Mueller, Jr. John Palmeri Andrew Richardson Monica Wells

Mrs. Santoro's Fourth Grade Class Helen Santoro Ashley Alebiosu Jason Filatov Abigail Flatow Shaela Greenfield Kevin Griffin

David Kuntzman Daniel McGee Justin Raffaeli Peter Reilly Eric Reinemann Sarah Schultz

☆ ☆ ☆

Micaela Scully Emily Smith William Van Der Heyden liana Van Eick

Lower School 159

Mrs. Silvia's Class Mary Jo Silvia Christopher Ahrens Elizabeth Beitler Cody Benedetto Cody Benedetto Ruth Hubbard

Margaret Jessiman Virginia Khoury Jessica Lockwood Mathew Miller Matthew Miller Elizabeth Mitchell

John Qua, IV Kip Shelton Jason Torey Oliver Wald Porter Williams

160 Lower School

Mrs. Friedland's Third Grade Class Emily Friedland Martin Chanes John Chestnut Mary Connacher Christopher Hansen Ann Lubben

Katherine Marcal Matthew Nussbaum Meredith Packer Matias Reyna Michael Santoro Tiana Segalas

Paul Vanderslice Joseph Waters

Mrs. Pappalardo's Third Grade Class Mary Pappalardo Michael Baresich Jesse Buccolo Noah Fouad Peter Gillies Benjamin Leibowitz

Jane Makin Rebecca Marber Amy Mitchell Allison Rand Courtney Stevenson Michael Toy

Wesley Tryhane Scott Zales

Lower School 163

Mr. Riedell's Third Grade Class Glenn Riedell Scott Banerjee Kevin Clark James Gould Kinsey Greenfield Alexandra Kreitman

Nina Lynn Aaron Metviner David Rabin Jemima Roe Robert Smith, III Spenser Sussan

Alexander Vlahakis

164 Lower School

Lower School 165

Mrs. Benedetto's Second Grade Class Ross Connacher Luke de Visscher Rhiannon Duerden Taylor Kniffin Lara Kottsieper Kathryn Marber

Andrew McGee Benjamin Millard James Mitchell Jason Raffaeli Robert Santoro Leah Taben











Mrs. Raidt's Second Grade Class Frederick Bannerot Justin Beitler Ashley Gau Evelyn Harvey Katie Hyman Micaela Kreitman

Michael Labine Peter Lane Adam Lebovitz Matthew Milano Alexandra Minicucci Diana Raskovic

!> W

Peter Reinemann

Lower School 167

Miss Saliemo's Second Grade Class Johnathan Avery Tassos Bareiss Julia Bonnell Gordon Bray Alexandra Burnett Madeline Davidoff

Samuel Howard Alexandra Knights Erin May Collin Sullivan Annick Thompson Jabrille Williams

Michael Zeko

Miss Stratton's Second Grade Class Caroline Castellano Sean Frisoli William Garrity Nathan Hopkins Shane Lau Matthew McNulty

Charles Onis Sydney Ramsden Lauren Sarner Summer Segalas Petula Tournas Jonathan Toy

Richard Walter







Mrs. Hollander's First Grade Class Jacqueline Ahrens Henry Bareiss Max Beyman Nicole Boeckle Julia Harvey Abigail Leibowitz

Elliott Morrill Conor O'Rourke William Qua William Schink Lauren Snow Nicole Stieglitz

Phillip Van Eick Lydia Williams Emily Wilson

Mrs. McDonald's First Grade Class Molly Bnreiss Jonathan Berger Austin Doering Chloe Gardner Katherine Gimpel Brynn Lottner

Philip Nussbaum Elinor Oakford Neil Parekh Ashley Parker Christopher Schoen Jamie Smith

Ashley Snow Patrick Sullivan Dylan Torey Jennifer Wilson

Mrs. Hein's Kindergarten Class Greta Baresich Nicholas Cesare Michael Del genio Michael Filatov Leslie Gould Alizee Haryman

Ann Labine Catherine McAree William McEvoy Paget Millard Lucy Taben Taylor Voges

Lower School 173

Mrs. Homicki's Kindergarten Class Jan Homicki Sophie Cairns Emmanuel EJ Couloucoundis Siena DeFranco Christian Dobrowsky

Wayne Higgins Nicholas Musicco Erica Nicokiris Jacob Roe Matthew Roskoff Abby Stevenson Sophie Von Lintel

William Zeko

Mrs. Rosso's Kindergarten Class Cindv Rosso Faith Ballin John-Philip Clippinger Maya Ferguson Marco Grant Aaron Klipin

Katherine Kuntzman Ashwin Mathur Andrew McAllister Lindsay Mcllmurray Nicholas Shaw Sydney Stern

Mrs. Brough's Pre-K4 Class Claudia DeCapua Tavia DeFranco Holly Duerden Meredith Gillies Wyatt Grant Eloise Hvman

Brian Lucas Taylor Matthews Tyler Moroch Hannah Morrill Jade Morris Hailey Raskovic

Joseph Santoro James Schink Rahul Sinha Maxwell Stern Griffin White

Lower School 177

Mrs. Palm's Pre-K Class James (Travis) Buck Abigail Cerone Erik Chiodo Samantha Davidoff Camille FigluizziBingham

George Harvey Gerard Hoeltzel Nicholas Hyman Taylor Johnson Jiliian Katz Gavin Kreitman

Erik Nergaard Catherine Parker Christopher Pirquet Hanna Ramsden Daniel Rosenblum

178 Lower School


O'Hara & Mrs. Desantis' Beginners Andrew Cerone Briana DeFranco Ann Del Genio Connor Ennist Nicole Habernv Cameron Henley

Emmanuelle Monaco Inae Santiago Samantha Shaw Joshua Silberfein Alexander Streich Kyle Williams

Ryan Woodford Jacquelyn Xu

Lower School 179

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180 Lower School Candida

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"And thereby hangs a tale." - William Shakespeare —

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no friendship cun cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. To all of our REA L friends - its been fun! And to the rest of you... L x We forgot you for a reason. 1%


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Evonne Jones Priscilla Cosme Besta Friends -4- ever! _


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J f£ £

<3Baby Dave 143<3 -Alw avZ(I didn't forget you!'




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Keep the KLHT GOOD T IM E S going...

...for decades to come!

As an alum, you are always a member of the KLHT family, welcome on campus anytime. Keep your mailing information up to date so you don’t miss the fun. To find out more/update your information, contact Director of Alumni Justine Hawley (203.322.2496, extension 354; email alum@klht.org).


Luck to the Class of 2000

from the Alumni Association



To the Faculty: Your dedication to us has made our years at KLHT remarkable and unforgettable. We will never forget you.

-The Class of 2000

To the Class of 2000, The first class of the millennium:

You'll always be a first class class in our book! Congratulations, The KLHT Board of Trustees

Congratulations to all Viking Athletes from the Class of 2000 You make us all proud! GO VIKINGS

The KLHT Booster Club



rHANKS KLH 1987-2000 *• «


&• TH£ CLASS Of 2000 (

Lo v e, F a m il y : M

om m y,

D a d d y , Sea n , S h a n e, G ran n y, J oa n n e B a r n e t t &

F r ie n d s : D r . L o r e l l G u y d o n



Congratulations Sian! We are proud o f you and we love you. We are proud o f your successes, your skills and talent, but most important we are proud of the person you are inside, you are truly a special person. We feel fortunate that God has given you to us on loan and we thank him for you everyday, you are precious to us; your bubbly personality and winning smile, your confidence and high self-esteem are all part o f your charm. You make us proud in all that you do. Keep striving for the best and reach for the stars. Most importantly, keep your trust in God.



Sylv ester W

il s o n

B ecca, W e a le do p/ioud ojj ijoeol enoOtnoad ejfoatd a n d aclueaententd. 'IfauA indomUalde. dfidutd, dedication, a n d cheantd

wiU cavuj, you jjO-lwaAd to a utondeAjjut jjutuAe. Jtooe, M on t & 'ttb a d


Je a n —

From koalas to gerbils, from Aslan to horses, On to history, CTY, math, molecules, Shakespeare, and debate. Throw in mountains to climb, piano to practice, Bach to inspire, and a large slice of American Pie. You have always taken your own road with Sod in your heart. Here's to the wonderful road ahead. All our love Mom and Dad Muy bien, hija!

Funny Things Happened

On the way to the Forum C h a r li e , Y ou h a v e m a d e u s s m il e a t e v e r y s t o p a l o n g th e w a y . C o n g r a tu l a ti o n s f r o m y o u r f o u r f a i th f u l fa n s ! L ove, M o m , D a d , M e g a n , & A le x

To all of our friends: We love you and we'll miss you!


fV o w riy x



The end of the century, we saved the BEST for lastClass of 2000

Thank you for four great years! Best wishesWith love,

Eileen Baker

Wow look, a t you. all, grown!! I ’m, very proud, o f you! Wish, a il the. very best m college,. I know y o u .il d o ju s t fune, S I W going- to- m iss ya,! v cm a,

I t a n o t you r erm ron m en t,

It a not your history'; I t Li ,\ot you r education, o r cibiUty. it a the q u a lity o f y ou r mctwt th a t predicts vour fu tu re

Q ia n r u n a

CcmgraXuLcU u>nj

well, dorxed



jo b


Mom <xruL Vcui

As we wall h the debt ate rose J’rovv from a tiny bud to an open flower only then i an we see how truly beautiful she is. Congratulations Nicole1 4 down ti 4 more to go Love, Mary Nicole,, I t is h a rd , ter believe, th a t thus d a y hat, come, so q u ickly for you,. You, h a v e g ro w n in to a, fine- y o u n g , w om an, a n d , wdid o fine, m the, w o rld th a t aw aits, you,. I can, tru ly say th a t you, have, lived, up to- Your first words as a ch ild , everything, is youry. You, ea rn e d it Y o n deserve it.

Never willing to give up.

Intelligent. Caring. Obnoxious, as most little sisters are. Lengthy and beautiful. Everything a sister should be. Nikki, Don't ever doubt yourself. Good luck, even though I know you will succeed in all your endeavors.

Love, Always. Missy

* U Always, JB



O k .

Nikki, Wish u go o d luck in college. Hope u meet nice friends I ’m really g o in g to m iss u

Nikki. Wish u goo d luck in your new school Hope u like your new teachers a n d friends I a m also go in g to m iss u very m uch

*»*, Richie


¥ V,



much loved by mom, dad, Elena & her whole family and friends always stands up for what she believes in

exudes enthusiasm, energy and empathy for people & animal: noble o f character, beautiful inside and out truly proud o f all y o u r accomplishments


interests in skiing, sailing, flute, dancing, knitting, helping others & p; number out* daughter, cheerleader & captain o f three squads a precious gift from God, who has g reat plans for you

Oh,there are places you shall go! There is fun to be had. I here are things 10 ot een. There are lessons to be learned. There are roads to be travelled There are Hends to be made. There is life to be lived. There's a dream to be fulfilled. We >ray you find them all in your journey. ~ I shall miss these tilings. When it all rolls by Remember when we used to play? Oh, how I wanted to stay there I wanted to play there 1 wanted to scream all the things That I could not sav diere. I am only this far... And only tomorrow Leads your way You gave me love Let me walk with you Maybe I could say Maybe talk with you For here in these moments 1 lean heavily upon Always wondering What is it lies behind those worried eyes I believe its love Hiding there in the shadows and in the darkness Maybe wc will shed a little light and it will shine For all the m ore...


~dave ma thews band Elena

CONGRATULATIONS, SENIORS! We Have Appreciated Your Leadership. “ONLY CONNECT” With Love, Helen Kweskin

Congratulations to the Senior Class! We wish you much luck in the future. -The Alumni Association


The Schulman Family




Congratulations Tobey!

(And the class of 2000)

Our Pride and Joy�

Love, Mom, Dad, Colin, Devin, Missy, Grandma, Baba, Martha, & Uncle Roger




★ M VP^

SethCongratulations! Our first baby is graduating! It has been our absolute joy watching you grow up. What a remarkable son, brother, cousin and friend you are. We are so proud of all you have accomplished, and of the fine young man you've become. We love you. Mom, Dad, Matt, Stevi and Dani

Frank, you were the fa ir haired child smiling and running.

fe :,



The peacemaker

t999 with Granny and Liza

1986 on Block Island

with your presence and 1988 on Block Island — “Surf's upr

a ball by your side.

You were baseball, soccer, comic books, and the color blue. M

Now it’s ideas, literature, soccer, and the gathering 1990 Christmas Day with Granny, Grandpa, Liza and cousins

m sm m m

o f friends andfam ily.

1999Junior Prom night

Still the peacemaker and the color blue. m J 1999 Christmas D ay— Esther takes a break

Congratulations on the fu lfillm e n t o f visions past, 1987 — “/ thought the game was at 9 00

il i 1

may God bless and watch over you as visions Juture 1999 Co-captam and .4ll-State

are sought.



Love, 1991 K L H T “ Where's Waldo?"portrait


198s getting wet waiting for Dad


Mom, D ad an d Liza

1991 unth cousin Rn

1988first degree Orange Belt

imm am01 auoii buiobm o j aui jo suxou


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'*r~'' berms o’ m wrrer. pi mhjit's oia pot. mm cmi& iron triple. non skkncss& wccfibhq, rwnr<m nm ni cniib this m innis Kecnr*



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“ So




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30 little space, tell you Inter All I know is that yattr’re a part of my H f ® n }' ya ' ■111 Bon*t lau h cause 1 don’t want to smell it. okin Is not supposed to be green, get that look' a:i" 1 remember when the hens re that XMXi co or, before they were frozen of course ... sire. - on really pulled me through some tough ti es thanks. Remember, you still have 5years left ’ live, there is too much stuff to do than t.0 ’ worry about the small things. Be someone. Just like those people beiny constantly stopped by their fans at the m i l . Tilt 5-10*15* "eeeeeeEElSE, BOOK!” . Vanilla Tni3r is al'/.ys h e r e . Sorry, no college has easy access windows in case of f a i 1ure to study, be11er luck next time Oultar man is here, buav-chic-f-bu -buaPizza cheese did wonders for y face, th nks. '7Ti¥, w h e r e ’s my U2 CD?



I ’ m. y o u r h o n o ra ry p u b lic s c h o o l s t u d e n t , th a n k s

Ist Sem. History - Funniest and most educational class I ever had the privellge of being a ..art of, keep it ..oin . AKA "The Downward h other, P a m 'ly out of 3, nof to shabby. T o u r ’re going to get that NSX in no ti -e, see you at the dinner table, writer with no button for the number”one''


I Hrm’i v


M a t t ’ s S crib b le s

laughs. Trench boys s h S birth* ^ T S 3^ high Sch° o1 W a" my we’ve had a lot of to crash ingparties and s'umnwre^sTwino, t * ” ™ * ‘^ e , from playgroup to Arizona, to Europe m y rim as L e a s I T Anyt,me you want *° ? et b'g- feel <>« come over and lift the diner- maybe I should „ ^ b ^ ° n my Car! 1 lhmk your Sirl Gretchen is still waiting for you @ for always beinu there e v e n y ° U 0n probat,on Seth-when will you finally recognize “the Matt?” Thanks to go to the car show I'll h W ^ a rw |S° Ur" * hope y ° U lmprove y °ur bowling game. Anytime vou want b o y s Anytime voTneiH ar° Und-DodSc F— ^ e w : from my firs, year in fifth grade we have been 5 or ° me fn° teS- J“S‘ 3Sk i e ' “T° mas klllcd shark” El Conquistidor Uno. whatever seDara,‘e ? a L i t , ^ y° U COme froni' S-T-A-M-F-O-R-D. Em Audi 5000. Smith: rims' Y o u 'r e mv S^ '° ° ul’1‘ e'gblb grade, but stdl boys. I warned you to stop hanging on those LS waitmi! for vo.. , i ° y’ Ut you ^ s,dl ,be llatcr man °P ,,le millennium. Any time you want it. I’ll be mv bov inct L L K ^ mPi,CX Bcn-cvcn though you had to play our Sunday trips to the mall, you’re still f it it, a C °-U , or 1 e notcbes on my stick. Anytime you need a crossword hint just call. Thanks for all the z advice, it s a secret to everyone!” Jesse-no matter what, you’ll always be my boy, anytime you wan o pop tarts an soup just come over. Pat- A.K.A the fleece warrior, the notorious P.A.T, fat Pat, an at the barbarian, from balling @ the i.c. to new year’s parties, you're my boy, anytime you want your killing just call. Remember to always stretch, you’re our last hope! Sinai.- from tennis lesson @ grand slam to parties at your crib, thanks tor always keeping it real. Charlie-I hope you are able to transcend me tocruy ,n c° el?e, I love her face. V al, Brigid, and Evonne (Javonne master), thanks for being such good Iriends. Thanks to all my boys for all the good limes: Malt Corrcnlc+family. Malt 13. Ariel. Jon T. Brett A, Frank A K A ‘ franco da' bronco,’ Schulman. Tobin, CK, Bones. O’ niz, Shorty, Wexler, Meagan, Jackie, Lindsay, Pam. Lexy, The Shappan crew Ali C, Jen H, Summer T, Ali R, The woodway crew: Jen, al. seth, T, Franky and Joey P, Abdule. Ant S, Glen ‘Da Hustler’ Pape and the rest of my Trinity boys and girls, To all the past KLHT hustlers: Jordan, Collins, J-miz (Silkk), Nick, Leigh, Vere’, B ford. Sammy, BDG, park, colin, Jesse ‘pooh.’ All the underclassmen (ci), king still struggling: Rod (rodzilla), little, L, sol. Buggy, Chris s- always be a gorilla, nicole, every Caitlin in the school along w/ the rest of my freshman crew'- Jenna. Julie, Christina, Eliot, Tim. Ashley, ect. Before I go I want to thank my mom for always being there and being cool, and I guess I should thank my sister for putting up w/ me. Thanks to all of you for making High School a lot of fun- PEACE. Matt Naidorf


Ben’s Scribbles

Drew: 19-23 boys 4 life! TDs last home game, thanx for being there, lunch at duchess? gotta ease my mind! T’s at ralscy beach empty houses and wakebaording w/ db. Fight w/ Jen. OC w/ uncle Pete. White shadow. Meter cops suck, ur the funniest kid I know and I love you. J-vonne: My therapist. Wheres that brown dress? Sunrise in cancun, sssh! You’ve been pissed and dissappointed but you stuck w/ me through it all. I couldn’t ask 4 a better friend. 1 love you so much. Sweetie: PERFECT. Biddle, Double dates. Hot tub, M&M’s, candles, Waterbed, Friday nites, Edwin McCain, back at one, Grover, black pants, ugly blue shirt, SAT tutor, trading cds. Think we won the bet w/ katie? You’re a special girl. No one could ask for a better girlfriend. I don’t know what I would have done w/out u. I’m so sorry for everything. You deserve better than me. Ee-lo-lo 4ever. LPC: A Lady Bug. You may not know it. The rose, candy heart, ribbon, family parties, Uconn, Summer’s house, too many tetters. Sorry about everything. Timing was always off. AOM. fs it really ovcr?Trench: the chillest kid I know. Ur the only kid who can hang! They don’t know about the Vengaboys. MaSe. white necklace. Never lose the citron collection. Want some ‘E’xcedrin. Let’s pretend to get hurt and take pictures. Get jacked summer. OC bros. She's a ..... half-amcrican - I bet! Always the last nite. Only we can apreciate the stars. MN: Ur a smart kid, but not as smart as me! Thanx for all the rides. Mall and sergios? How many notches are on that stick? OC - ever been this bombed? Smitty: Downtown sophs chillin on the steps, u cant hang irish style: at trench’s. Lez action in the Sr. room, u stay up there, I’ll slay down.Thack: U’ll always be my boy. We think a lot alike, but ur more moral than me. Thanx for all your help. Debate!? The fake irishman! Dove’s doves in the hot tub. Too many double dates. Chuck: we’re stupid. Milligan?!?! Better than liz! Becca, sr room action. Don’t go in the hot tub. Sorry about the car. Get out of NC!Nan: Party house, the turkish delight! Sorry bout the carpet. U can hang, ti-89. I hooked u up w/ tests. Want a TD? Sure, I got enuff of those! Forest of nan. Luke: My irish brother. The cardi was too much afterprom. Lez action in the sr rm.Reed: late nights at king. Cancun, Canada, you know we can hang.Sar: Thanx for not taking sides, ur a great friend. Need a babysitter? A therapist? Im there 4 u and I’ll always have extra, light it backwards. Want some dip, don’t puke! Double dates. Ride to tennis? don’t go crying on me!TS: Brit fans. Ope and Ant. WOW. Jess: at one time the only irish jew. Initials on the ceiling. Jess fests. SoCo, how many hours? Time to see Amir. O’douls?!?! Well get that ball sometime. Sum: Wanna go to the prom? the coolest girl ever. The only one who can hang. Pole dancing and bjs at ty’s on a Thursday? Snapplc in the limo. B&M’s? lets go to the IC. Friends 4 life.Val: the love doctor. Thanx for being there whenever I needed you. I love the rents, were getting married. Party in the basement. When are we going to go out?BUG: ur too funny. Jelly donuts. Keep packing those lips. Im not bringing u home. Be a leader on the field and have fun. Syff: we’re the only kids that don’t do anything. Viking football 4evcn buried in the ground. You cant get jacked like me. Bronco: we’re the new years eve psychos. The wall and carpel will get us back someday. U almost got all the awards I got, but ur still the better athlete. Not many can hang like us. Bridge: late nites on the phone. Skinny dippin w/jesse. We had one fun week! Don’t follow him too far. Love you. All: shotgun! Cronitas. Wanna go to the IC? Ur parties r phat. Opossum in the garage. ET: the reason the freshman class is cool. Sihng and Lucky: I couldn’t have done it w/o you! Tim: the best bro i could ask for, thanks for all the help. The coolest freshman ever. Ur the only kid I know who might actually be superior to me. Represent next year and keep my style alive player. I love you. RB, SC, LC, ML, AT, CO, CS, MF, SS yall r sonic cool kids, keep it real next year. Thanx to everyone who has helped me these last 4 years, you’ve made it the best time c mv life1 Highschool is all about having fun, not about working. Party now, work later! Ireland is out!

Reed-the year and two months we have spent together have been great. I am so glad you finally found me. Know how much you mean to me, and that you are and always will be my best friend. Perfect fit, lovey, precious boy. You’ll always have my heart. 1 love you. Mom&Dad-Well, what can 1 say? Thanks for putting up with me for the past i 8 years. You two have given me so many opportunities, and so much love. I can never repay you. Just know how much I appreciate the two of you. I love you. Elena-Good luck next year. You get all their attention (ha,ha,ha). I’ll miss you and 1 love you. You need to come visit me next year. We are so much alike (even though I hate to admit it). Stay cool, and don’t take crap too seriously. Luv ya, Prep Shavvnlv- You won’t see this until I show you, but I need to write something to you. > ou know me better than almost anyone so I don’t even need to say all of this, but thanks tor being around when times were rough. Thanks for listening. Thanks for making me smile. I dedicate this song to myself, dorms, Bailey’s lighter,2am.dime piece. 1 luv Evonne, Pass. Ben, Mike, Frank. Chris, Drew, Matt, Charlie, Dave, Tom Frank Sheika Seth, Trench. Ah, Summer, Brett, Jesse, Nan. Vic, K8, Liz. The memories were great!


Congratulations to the Senior Class of 2000. We have loved watching you grow and mature. -The Administration


Andrew, It has been wonderful watching you grow. We are proud of you and your achievements. Love Mom and Dad “I studied the lives of great men and famous women; and I found that the men and women who got to the very top were those who did the jobs they had m hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work.” - Harry S. Truman


: .

•. .. ■ I


Sarah\\ e like the way you will always try new experiences — We are proud ofWhat you have accomplished and know your attitude will help you to go far. Mom & Dad

Dear Andrew. Best wishes for good health, loads o f happiness, enthusiasm and success in whatever you choose in your

life! Above all. continue to be the caring, understanding and sensitive young man you have always been! With unconditional and everlasting love. Grandma Rita

To my friends and family: In the words of Dave Matthews, W here you are that's where I wanna be And through your eyes, all the things I wanna see And in the night, you are my dream You’re everything to me.” ^ And Like Pat Mcgec sang, ,, V "It's all about the passion."

Ci«\e fe T e r - 2000

Playgroup Goes To College

P.RBSa&WlMHD S>4*rQ fH XC & **'

Kvonne\\e wish you much success in all you do.

Best Wishes, The Phillips Oppenheim Croup Not For Profit Search Consultants 521 Fifth Avenue Suite 1802 New Y o rk . N Y 10175 (212)953-1770 fax ( 2 1 2 ) 9 5 3 - 1 7 7 5

Dear Nathan: We are so very proud of the person you have become. Your hard work, integrity, and devotion to your goals will make all your dreams come true. We love you, Mom & Dad


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spmt If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans Keep interested in your own career, however humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let not this blind you to what virtue there is; many persons stnve for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism Be yourself Especially, do not feign affection Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all andity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth Nurture strength of spmt to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings Many fears are bom of fatigue and loneliness Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world Be cheerful Strive to be happy -Desiderata, M Ehrmann

Good Luck, Class of 2000. The Kassels

Marnie Sadlowskv

Special Thanks to a Guiding Light

To our thoughtful

We appreciate all

and energetic Year­

you have done to

book advisor:

help us. Even

The Kaleidoscope staff would like to thank you for your guidance, support, and warmth.

Patience is a virtue, though this was

and you are your first year on

virtuous. the job, your will­ Good luck with the ingness to learn Yearbook in years to along with us made come. the task an enjoy­


able one.

Thanks to an incredible staff for working together to make this book possible. Compiling a yearbook requires a tremendous amount of time, effort, and commitment. Here's hoping that you are as pleased with the final product as we are proud of it. Best wishes from the Kaleidoscope Staff 1999-2000. KLHT Kaleidoscope Staff 1999-2000

Art and Design Senior Section Underclassmen

Sports Clubs/Events Business Photography Technology

Kate Barker Sarah Korval Ben Wiegand Lauren Finn Kate Metzler Meggie Coates Andrew Reuben Jeanne Hoff Ashley Blaine Charlie Koster Matt Naidorf Tom McGovern Nathan Kayes Dave Gomez

\ Note from the Editor: A special thanks to Mrs. Kweskin for her continuing support and assistance; Mr. Aisack and Mr. Kozee for their help and flexibility in the computer room; Mrs. ?tratton for her work on the Lower School Section (and for pancakes); Ms. Jennings or her work on the Middle School Section; Mrs. Petrucci for her help and efficiency; vlrs. Miner for help in the office; The Business Office for all those zip disks; Lauren or her willingness to help and her sense of responsibility; Nathan and Tom for the superb photography, endless photo shoots, and trips to retrieve film; Kate B. for her ireativity and aesthetism; Sarah and Ben for their determination and humor; Charlie and Matt for their no-nonsense attitude; Andrew for his calmness; Jeanne md Ashley for their efforts; Kate M. and Megs for their good teamwork; Dave for lis grace under pressure; and finally, Ms. Sadlowsky, for being a very kind, helpful, md supportive advisor. To KLHT and the wonderful Class of 2000: This is y o u r time O shine! Ranju Sarkar Editor-in-Chief

A: Moller B: Hurwich C: Trencher D: Bauer E: Hoff F: Bernstein G: Thackeray H: Frenkel I: Leiser J: Roselle K: Coates L: James M: Kuromatsu N: Wiegand O: Sarkar P:Reuben Q: Barker R: Lionetti S: Sandak T: DeMaria U: Kassel V: Finn W: Sohn X: Koster Y: Trivedi Z: Schulman AA: Murphy BB: Smith CC: Sam DD: Bernacki EE: Klein


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