KLHT Yearbook 2001

Page 1

Contents Volume 13 Administration ...6 Faculty ...10 Seniors ...14 Juniors ...60 Sophomores ...64 Freshmen ...68 Clubs ...74 Events ...84 Sports ...94 Middle School ...116 Grade 8 ...120 Grade 7 ...122 Grade 6 ...124 Middle School Sports ...126 Lower School Administra­ tion ...140 Lower School Faculty ...142 Grade 5 ...144 Grade 4 ...152 Grade 3 ...156 Grade 2 ...164 Grade 1 ...170 Kindergarten ...176 Pre-Kindergarten ...182 Beginners ...184 Advertisements ...194


Opening Lines from Barbara Smith Head of School

I dedicate this page to the Senior Class of 2001 in recognition of all that you have accomplished in your journey at King & Low-Heywood Thomas School as you have traveled toward your destination of June 2001. In every journey, there are many segments, each necessary if one is to reach a destination successfully Your experiences in lower, middle, and upper schools have pro­ vided you with the skills and knowledge that will pave the road for the next segment - a successful college experience. As you leave KLHT and aspire to future destinations, I encourage you to consider: "Success is not a place at which one arrives, but rather... the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey." --Alex Noble I wish you well and I thank you for all that you have contributed to our school during your KLHT journey.

Our lives are a journey —and our dreams often lead us to very different places. As unique individuals at KLHT, we are all encouraged to seek destinations that best match our strengths and goals. Our teachers and mentors offer careful guidance and provide opportuni­ ties, but we must ultimately choose our own path. This book celebrates the milestones that helped to define our experience here at KLHT, and, for our seniors, marks the beginning of a journey to destinations yet unknown. Bon voyage!

The Class of 2001 is proud to dedicate this year's kaleidoscope to Senora Rodriguez who has truly recognized our gifts and inspired us to never stop seeking destinations of meaning and genuine happiness.

F aculty IUuminating the Path "Wherever there are beginners and experts, old and young, there is some kind of learning going on, and some sort of teaching. We are all pupils and we are all teachers." -- Gilbert Highet

Upper School Head

Bill Ennist

Dean of Faculty

Helen Kweskin

Academic Dean

Karin Wagner

Business Director

Karen Peterson

School Counselor

Athletic Director

Becky Rabassa

Dick Cerone

College Counseling

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BPS Krista Colthup, Director of College Couseling


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Candace Cushing, Associate Dir. of ÂŤ College Counseling & Registrar

Development Office

Heidi Lochwood, Francine Norman, Gay Larsen, Alison Soler, Justine Hawley

Admissions Office

Kellie Ehlers, Libby Clippinger, Cathie Seton, Terry Hughes (Not pictured)

Business Office

Left to Right: Elda Taylor, Esther Depelteau, Cornelia Jones, Angela Carey, Neal Esposito

Administration Administrative Support

Rosa Pellerito, Assistant to Head

Leslie Bruzik, Receptionist

Maintenance Staff Kitchen Staff

Left to right: Carlos Escalante, John Zatorsky, Hugo Salazar, Wayne Hartlett, JaimeEscalante, John Muskus, Griffith Titus


Francine Normann

Left to right: Vinny laramie, Jenny Loglisci, Carmine Cervellino, Leroy Foster.

Athletic Trainer

Geordie Hackett

Upper School Faculty Math

Eileen McQueen, Eileen Baker, Victoria Khiznichenko,Troy Kozee, William Wallace

Foreign Languages

Elizabeth Herod, Dr. Tom Zoubek, Margherita Farrell, Angela Tortorella, Karin Wagner

The Arts

; Terry Murphy, Constance Nichols, Melody Libonati, Elizabeth "Boo" Forster, Arthur Nichols, Cathy Mishkin 10 Faculty

Upper School Faculty History

Christos Galanopoulos, Cathy Mishkin, Dan Hudson, Scott Sargent


Sandra Bethray, Priscella Pusack, Gary Caputi, Greg Lyndi, Tom Pelton


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Cliff Peters, Tricia Manganello, Helen Kweskin, Eleanor Christensen, Scott Martin, Nancy Bloom, Marnie Sadlowsky, Hans Richter Faculty 11

The Finish Line W hatever tomorrow brings, we'll be there — with open eyes and open arms." - Incubus

My S.S's.- "Didn't make sense not to live for fun."-S.M.

"You never leave someone behind; you take a part of them with you and leave a part of you behind." -Unknown

To Mom and Dad: "I thank you for I being there when times were rough. I don't think I said I love you nearly enough." -ME

"If you are walking on ice, you might as well dance." -Unknown

Jeannette Brooks


'The most important thing about goals is having one," i ■V F. Abert ' ^^ :< u -;-:>' /V■ ~TI> "Only those who risk far can possibly one can go." -T.S. Eliot


Human oul cannot e perma­ nently chained." -W.E.B. Du Bois

David Gomez

Mom and Dad, Thanks for always being behind me and believing in me

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. So p e stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same. -unknown

You have to laugh at yourself sometimes or else you'd cry your eyes out. Ani Difranco

To my friends, Letting go is hard but forgetting ) is Thank you for the me

Lisa Teitelbaum


All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who eo beneath the surface do so at their per spectator and not lifi. thaf nrrors Ivin Albright

You lean on me and I'll lean on you and we'll be OK. -DMB

There are bad times But that's OK; Just look for love in it Don't burn the day away

Hard work pays off. -Coach Black

There are many good people out there, some just need a chance. -Me

Thebnd of one thing is the always the beginning of another. l / i A ., -unknown

Celebrate we will, because life is short b We're climbing two by two. \ -DMB1


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Tim Pusac

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< r ^ J a f j j 0* _ Hat*, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. 4 DMB


a Sea of f e n Tear Drops. Lifeboat, sailing for Love. Sailing ini Hendrix

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: -Nat King

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ril Stevenson-Smith

Fed, ie with God


Mommy & DaddyEven though I drove you crazy sometimes, you have always been there for me and supported me. I love you both more than anything! Love always, Pal

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Everything worth saying has its own particular way, its own inevitable way, of being said. : Frost

The world is round and the place that may seem like the end may also be , the beginning. ^ -Anohymous

Great minds flunk alike, especially when they'tee female. -Anonymous a it “

ing friend is better than a erapist (and reaper too!) -Anonymous


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There is no future, there is no pas Mive this moment as my last. No ' er road, no other way...no day


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If you can't have what you want, it's time to start wanting what you have. -Kathleen F.

The Fool thinks himself to be wise, but the wise mart knows himself to be a fool. -Wilham Shakespeare

GANAS! -Miriam Arango

SALUD! -La Patrulla Salvadora

Deja hasta la ultima gota de sudor en la canch. -Hector Chumpitaz

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Rodney Jean-

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I'm only happy with moments. I think I'm happy until a certain amount of time has gone by, and then I want to do something else. After the moment, I'm just looking for another moment.

I'm just having a little bit of fun. I should be having lots of fun!... Each moment I should be able to say 'I'm having the time of my life right now!' -Calvin and Hobbes

There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. -Calvin and Hobbes

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>ot in the le place in the stars. -Brucjpbpringstein


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The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change, you rearrange me 'til I'm sane. You lock m the door, and throw away the key. There's meone in my head but not me. k Floyd

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After all [God] w^|e this iible] here, and in it, He said He n ld e us| be just like Him. So if we're dumb, tl in God is dumb, and maybe even a little bf ugly on the side. -Frank Zappa

My work is utterly incom and is therefore full of de cance. - Calvin and He

Weirdness starts at home. -Calvin and Hobbes

â–şw And it appeared as if the whole universe was splitting its sides over the hilarious joke that is existence. -Aldous Huxley, The Island

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If you just put your mind together, you can travel to the bottom of the sea. -Jimi Hendrix

Sarah Larsen

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Rare though true love may be, true friendship is rarer still.

Niobe Sandshaw

SKT- Adam- u S * % A -keep causin trouble w/o me T im -W h at can I say - ur the A ll Am erican Boy and the best friend nel could ask for Carin- What to say? (Other than 1 saved ur life and ur kid is getting porn) Kate- 1 hate your dog - r u having fun doing yr book?? how ‘bout d riving Buzz- I ’ m not as think as u... u s.s. Dana- u traitor remember all the good times Szyman- u lanky pice o f trash- I'll still kick u in the nuts Sargent/Herod/Lynch- We need more teachers like u guys- thanks 4 everything OC- The fastest white kid ever- stay cool Nick- we fin ally caught themits about time PH&JH or JH&PH- Dum b and Dumber stay cool Rodney- watch out for deer and green lights Andrew- U M F VGS- I ’ m the best manager u 'll ever have. I'M O U T

M B - K N -M yLeO G rl! !LuG/BabYnutS!oowweeoo!!honkhonk, honk honk!... Yrwesoclose? B V I 4evrin my<3. Okemo A-frame. Comevisit! I ’llM iss ya! KM -Keepm e informed w/ allTheM eNin Ur life!! Umight Marry 1!! Cya on The CapE. T P - I'MbatmAn! T J, Timbo! Joey’sG oN eBileM E.Tw iN ! Luv ya! S T - thanKs 4theMemories! SSS-O w ls& Bunnies willalw ys Bfrnds.nomorecops! Its& As M iC-Key..M O U se 40? M ufassa!luvya!DS-m ssya LO -wnl to liveinspain W/ m e?AH- protection, chicken,antz,iwhales,monkys,you dork!! subwaygrBFryed chicken is HO T! Hi Corner! D N -iLo V e Y O u ! U r#l !F ro -S B ’00thelispoto? Thugette??Yorgo!evryclass!-2nd grade! <3ya! NT-M oo, dontForget urEyes.nxt yr! VVB-thanx 4 an awesome season! BestLuckNxt Yr!Class200l-bestLuck InCollEge!

AK - Mom and Dad- couldn’t have done it w/o U. Pappou GiaGia sas aga’ po. Pete&Nick I couldn’t ask for any better brothers. Y o u guys are the best! Lo ve U! Rodney (Meanie), These past 3 years have been the best w/u. I can’t believe its over. I'm gonna miss you a lot. Love U! Niobe, chica! It’ s all over. F IN A L L Y ! ( U C O N N , here we come!) I love you! M ere-M ikre, Spring Break '00. Thelo poto. I ’ ll miss vball! I Love U! Mike- Watch out 4ur nipples. Have fun in senior year! Sol&Lesan.. .Good luck. Brandie- Bubble. I love U girl! Good L u c k in V -b all! GoGo- I love you! Good L u ck to all of you! 1 Lo ve You!!

DR- To the entire class: I hope college goes well for all of you, and thank you for m aking K in g such a cool place. T o AB- keep in touch no matter what; I am always there for you! T o CR- we had some fun times together (Bison Burger at the diner)! T o P r - It was really cool being your friend. I want to thank my parents for always being there for me, and my brother for being vey supportive during the past year. 1 love you, Harry!

DS- SSS: It’s a bidi, 100, or is it? KD: We are the cigarette smokers, we are the music m a k e rs...C C : Rescuing J F K Jr. o ff the pier, after drinking German b.#. RJB: senior scribbles, like Woah. KGB: Take your lunch clean up and.... AW: A habit is a terrible thing to give up. DG: Quit the Slim Fast. Gomez: T e ll your mom “ H ello.” AH: Best selling author of “ my struggle: Part 2” ST+NS still suffering the harmful effects of killer, but he still K I C K E D . PR: A lw ays remember the woman meets lumber incident. V C : Brian Chacos broke his sholder! MB: I scored a “40” on my S A T s . TR: Real tobacco + fake J A P A N G A S . JM: K F C n o t good for munchies. ST,KM,+NA: get an ash tray in your car!! T o sophomore class: stay afloat. T o all those I forgot... keep on rockin'.

ST-Ali- where to start? Donuts Delight, S Y C , flips,90210!cheerleading, your garage, snow days, pre-pre prom, T H E eye brow, probly not, IC , no hanky panky, fusion, D enise... oh Denise, B B Q , cruel intensions guys (U S C G , A z, Grnwch, Danb.) Woobie- study Buddy, ***shute, Prom(s) rigger, N Y C , Sarah Sarah Larson, Youth Leardership. Nutter- celibration- put me down! Bubble b u tt,N YC , Summer Brooks, A id s W alk. Vic- Cheerleading- watch were you walk! N Y C , your house, Vermont. Nic- roosterbutt, U C O N N - 3:45, is anyone in there? Russian men. Rodney- stay sexy! Andrew- A% *hole. Gomber- my back hurts. KD.DS- IC . Ali/Jen- friends forever, been thought everything. Garrett- you’ve made me so happy! ES,DW,Juan,JL,RH,AV- never stop partying. BW,DS, S B ,M S ,A R ,J F ,E J ,V S ,B D ,S F ,F L ,T S ,M N - g r e a t Jr. year, party forever,thanks! A d am and Elliott- great brothers, had a lot of fun. T W , M F ,P L ,S S - stay out of trouble, have fun. L O , J G - keep cheering, good luck! M om /Dad thanks for everything. Bye!!! L M T- Zoe: my Korean doll. Where ya from china? Korea? kiss from homeless man. sleepovers, bone, dinner w/hacker-ride it, CRAZY convos, old&GREY, kb. Prom, England, hot tub. blue shirt, JC obsessions-we saw our baby! Mandy-Softball, soccer, making eggs, my dog bit you, obsessions, England-Poker, couldn’t flush, shot w/bb gun. Bennigans. take a train. Shareen-ode to BM , owiee, soccer, Softball-moose, getting balls, buggar, LRC-peepee, huh huhs, prom, nigaulicions. England-setting off alarms. Steph-SH, LRC-Linda, Kerline, Joe, Dan, lips, 6th sense, AE guy, Bennigans-I fell, Rootbeer pickle, thongs, England, grinding. A M L-TCBY Guy, Bennigans-where I make a fool of myself, pube, quack quack, rol-rol. SC-England Poker, root”beer”, ur b-day party. AG-CC was fun, ur a good captain, the mystery of the inhaler. CPFrench Class, our guns, ur calculator, 6lh sense, stuffed animals @ FAO Schwartz. ZB youthgroup, soccer, Je mappelle Lisa. KC-my rabbit peed on u, off-roading. KP- ur my life savior, CC was so much fun, couldn’t do it w/out u. To all my friends: thanx for being there and making my yrs at King so much fun and memorable. Luv U all!

CR: Mom and dad, thanks for everything. I love you. To my dearest comrade Piya: its not easy being a Brit., you know? But we have survived four years in this wretched America! Someday we must return to the mother country! To my Grace (Kate M): I love you so much. You are such an important person in my life, and I can't wait to see where out friendship takes us in the future. To Ashley F., I miss, I love you. Niobe (Diva): I'm so happy we have become good friends. I can't wait to see you make it as a star. I still want to be your backup dancer! Ashley B. thanks for hanging out with me. We have had some fun times. To Christian: where's Margy? When will we ever be waif models? I love you and hope we can see eachother soon. To Ryan T: Remember Ms. Sponheim, Mr. Hunter, and who could forget... Mr. N? LiZa: Remember, It all washes out in the bin! Chris M: You go boy! I know you'll be a huge success in whatever you choose to do. You are an amazing artist! Mrs. Murphy: thank you so much for all your support and encourage­ ment. To my original 02 class: I love you all, and I can't wait for our paths to cross again in the future!

A L I-S l-r u happy?let’s play volleyball inside?how bout mariokarts.u know I ’ll beat you,luv ya...JB-sisters!!Good luck next year...VC-St. Lucia,seeds in the toilet,Angelina...ST-aka my mother,girls night at S Y C .W H A T E V .LO .m y guardian angel,I love you...NT-the sis I never had.FL '98 ’0 0 ...Diggs,Boppin,Chilly,Tweety-the orig rollahs.def a night to remember "material girl’’...M y Shortman-my other half.Bonnie & Clyde ’00 “1 want you to want me” ...M.I.K.E-homecoming??...the Matt-need gas?...J thack- “ I need to know” . . Setha4ever my boy.. .Nan-the basement holds all the memeories...Serkan-best prom date ever...Keith-blue glasses, u always make me laugh...Fat Pat- big white m an,W ESSYDE!...Val-chiw aw a small dog.luv ya..jayvone-1'm glad we became close,talk to any deers lately?...DT-do I even hafta say il?will u marry me?” .Herbal-who woulda ever thought?jeep...BI)-m ohawk,CHEESE...RT-W hat's the best part about a gynocologyst?...BC-partner in rhyme, thanx for lookin out(RH ??)...AW -N Y ’00, meet me outside! u will never know. I ’ll never forget u...the shippan crew-l'll meet ya in the upper lot...to anyone I forgot M Y BUST...notin but lu v...P E A C E -B IG A L OUT!! H u m m e r , P e d r o , a n d to th e s e le c t f e w , A d o n i s - S i n c e th e y e a r b o o k s t a f f h a s w o r k e d s o d il i g e n t l y to p r o d u c e t h i s f i n e s q u a r e o f w h i t e p a p e r , 1 f e e l it w o u l d b e o n l y p r o p e r t o t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f i t ( I n t h e w o r s t w a y , o f c o u r s e ) . I 'd lik e to s ta r t b y t h a n k i n g t h e r e a l m e n t o r s in m y life , s u c h a s K i d s in th e H a ll , C a l v i n a n d H o b b e s , A l d o u s H u x l e y , a n d o f c o u r s e , m y s h e e r d i s r e g a r d f o r a n y a n d all c o n s e q u e n c e s to m y a c t i o n s . W i t h th a t b r ie f ly s a id , 1 w o u l d lik e to m o v e o n to th e h u m a n s . T h a n x to J e s u s ( j u s t G e t t i n g O n H i s G o o d S i d e l n C a s e H e ’ s I n C h a r g e O f T h i n g s ) G r o o v e r - O p i u m & O . R . G ’s, w h e r e d o u d r a w t h e l i n e ? T h e c o a t h a n g e r is 4 e v e r p o i s e d 4 e n t r y . T a k e t h a t h o w y o u w i l l (N o P u n O fC o u rs e ) H e in -I hate u, Jo h n . D o d o d o d a h d o d o . R o tisse rie ? S o ,S o S m all. M i s s M a r t i n - T h a t J e s u s g u y c a n r e a l l y k e e p in s h a p e . T h e c r o s s d o e s w o n d e r s f o r h im . S c o o t - R o a d S i d e a u t i s m at 3 a m . G o m e z - M y L a r g e - h e a d e d b e a u ty .V ic - H e r e ’s J o h n n y .U n iq u e lik e n o n e o th e r S a m - j u n g l e f e v e r ? O n c e u g o w h i t e . . P i y a - B e a u t i f u l H i n d u g o d d e s s , s la y t h e m all. N o n e s p a r e d . K y - R e a c h 4 t h e s ta r s n o t th e A n k s K a t e - t h e m o s t articu late seal I'v e e v e r seen. H u e ls - p e a c e lo v in g G e rm a n m y a r s e .D u s tT h r o w in g the p ro v e rb ia l d u n g o f l i f e .C h ip - T h e s p u n k ie s t kid I 'v e e v e r m e t. J u l i o - s h u t up, d ern it. I ’v e h e a r d e n o u g h o f u . T d o g g - f r o m p r e - s c h o o l t o s c r u b d o m . G r a h a m - u a r e m i s s e d & s o a r e y o u r in a te p a in tb a llin g skills. H o w d o th o s e D a iry p r o d u c ts T a s t e ? T o all else , k e e p p o o p f u n k y . W o r s h ip me. S L - V C c o f f e e ta lk s .d is c o u n ts .I w o u l d N e v e r S t o o p T h a t L o w l g u e s s w h a t I j u s t d i d ! t h a n k ty 4 s a v i n g m y l i f e S to p b a n g i n g u r h e a d . T h a n k s 4 k n o c k i n s e n s e in to all o f us.I lu v u J B h a v e w e t r a d e d y e t ? s t o p t a k i n g u r s h irt o f f l s e e a n y little g r e e n m e n la t e l y ? r e e s e s p i e c e s f t h a t w a s a m i s t a k e j t h a n k s 4 e v e r y t h i n g . ! n e v e r w o u ld h a v e g o tt e n th r o u g h w / o u t u-I luv u J E T m y

1 in a m i l l i o n . 2 b u s y f o r m e ? j u s t # 2 ? a g e 2 9 ? s t i l 1

h a v e n t c h a n g e d ! B e l i e v e m e 4 o n c e - I l o v e u t o d e a t h n o m a t t e r w h a t A C m y l i t t l e c h e e r l e a d e r . y is t h e s n a p p le b o ttle on the ta b le " M e lo d y " w a n n a w re s tle ? A li im d o w n ( th a n k s fo r a lw a y s g e ttin m e “ u p ") B U M s t u d y b u d d y d t . c o k e k i c k i n u r a r s e in c l a s s B D I O ' l e t t e r , u c a n s a y t h a t a g a i n . m y t h e r a p i s t . b e h a p p y m y “ s i s " T h a n k s 4 e v e r y t h i n s w e e t i e B W c a n t g o to th e p r o m w /u - l h a v e a b f .d o u b le d a t e s ,m y b o u n c e r (w h e r e s m y N 6 4 ) so m u c h s * * t w /th o s e n o n - s ta m f o r d k id s .u w a n t to chill s o m t i m e “ S e c r e t s ” th a n k s 4 b e i n g t h e r e 4 m e K M ( k j s / s a c 4 e v e r ) l h e 2 " n e r d s ” in h . s . s a y hi to t h e h o t t i e s in c . c . 4 m e . a n d r e w j a c k s o n . n x t t i m e g o in th e h o t t u b A L O N E R T m y a n s w e r still N O ! u w a n n a h a n g o u t ? s p a r k i n g . . . S e r k a n r u f e e l i n g i t ? m y “ __ b u d d y " T r e n c h p l a y t e n n i s A R / D T / D S F r i e n d l i e s ? M N b e t ? K L g o t o s t . t h o m a s I l u v u S o p h s C T .C F .K B .S S .L O .T W . E T C B J R L A S T Y E A R S C R E W E J .J S . K B .S B .M S .T S B K E L T o m y “ s i s t e r s ” T R L . M T V . h o o k u p s . i w o n d e r if th a t y u g o s la v i a g u y g o t to n e w ro c h e l le g irlta lk s s le e p o v e r s the alarm s

still o n ! H i

m y n a m e is...stay c u l e S I S T E R S 4 E V A ( c h e e r s ) ...c h u g ! I L U V U C H I C A S -


■ ’■M O PXPX*V C : T o m y g i r l i e s m e v e r 4 g e t t h e m e m o r i e s . W e s t u c k 2 g e t h e r t h r o u g h it a l l . I l u v u f r o m t h e b o t t o m o f m y S h e a r t I T h a n k u l N u t t e r - t h r o u g h th i c k a n d th in 1 a m a l w a y s t h e r e f o r u, u r a m a z i n g ! B e a r - u r s u c h a G r 8 friend, u h a v e b e c o m e so stro n g !A I-u c a n a lw a y s p u t a sm ile on m y face a n d m a k e m e la ugh! S u m m y - u r so c o o l a n d c a n b r ig h t e n m y d a y ! K M - I a m so g la d u c a m e in to m y life, u a re a n a m a z i n g p e r s o n ! C R y o u c a n a lw a y s m a k e m e feel w o rth itP R -little g o d d e s s , u r so c o o l ! H U M - u b e c a m e so c lo se to m e , I lu v h o w w e b o n d e d ! J H - l a m s o p s y c h e d th a t w e b o n d e d 2 ! L e t ’s g o p h i s h i n ’ ! R T - I c o u l d n o t H a v e a c t e d w / o u t u - u r so fu n n y an d so w o n d e rfu l!S a m m y -S e x !w e can alw ay s h av e fu n D S ,C C -y e a h d arien lu g u y s r aw eso m e! K I)

u w ill a l w a y s m a k e m e l a u g h ! T P - w e s h o u ld ru n f o r th e p r e s id e n c y lu r a n a w e s o m e p e r s o n ! A H - s e e u

a t t h e O s c a r s ! S T , R J B . D G - u a l l k n o w h o w t o p i s s m e o f f - I l u v i t ! F K , M B - t h e f i n g e r ! A W - u l u v it h e r e - u c a n ' t d e n y i t ! I c a n ' t f o r g e t J C , N i r o b e , a n d D R ! A l s o - m y M a d w o m e n : A s h l e y ( y e a h b i !), K N , S B u r o c k !: B u g , S o l , L C , M L , A T , 0 ’C , T R , S p l a t t i p u s , C S , E T , T W , M S , M F , J B , C e r l , D P I lu v u a l H J P - k e e p s m i l i n g - i t m a k e s u s all m e lt! L L - t h e s i s t e r 1 n e v e r h a d - u r a w o n d e r f u l f r i e n d N T , J G , F i g , C T , C B „ J R , C B , I A - c a r r y o n t h e g i r l s ' l e g e n d ! T o all t h e S . Y . M . c h i c a s - t h a n k u ! S c u b - m a y b e I d a y b a b e ! M J ( a f t e r p r o m ) N i e l . s - u r t h e c o o l e s t d u d e 1 k n o w - I ' l l n e v e r f o r g e t u! C B - u r t h e c o o l e s t ! I W - h e e y c a m a n ' T S & K N .- k e e p u p the acting !Y V K -u d a b o m b ! P M G - c u t i e ! u r so m u c h f u n ! M S „ J H - I m iss u A n t I f o r g o t - s o r r y T h a n k u all! H S w o u l d n ’t a b e e n t h e s a m e w / o u t a n y o f u ! S E N I O R S - w e d i d i t ! C o n g r a t s -

, we’re now “FREE F'ALLIN”!

S A S S - First, T h a n x 2 G o d & M y M o m 4 E v e r y th in g . Iam W h o I a m B e c a u s e O f U. B U Z Z - T h i s B u d 's 4 U b a b y G rl. L e t's S p a r k ltO n T h e G o a lL in e O n e E y e O p e n 4 T h e F la s h in g L ig h ts ... S p e a k in g O f F lashing. N e w f i e l d A v e . W e ’v e G o t S c h o o l S p i r i t l B u t W h o ' s G o t T h a t F i l m ? T a c o B . o r B . K ? W a n n a C a ll L o s T r e s A m i g o s ’ N o ? T h e n W h o ’ s G o n n a W o r k T h e C a m e r a ? N o R o o m 4 A ll O u r M e m s X O X O 143 H u m m e r - H o w W a s I t ? M m m - m m G o o d ? T h a n k U Pete 4 B e in g M y P rop 4 .3 .5 y rs F u n n y T im e s .J u n g le F e v e r !- F v e G o n e P r o W h ite K y l e - W h a t c a n I S a y ? It W a s A H e l l O f A R u n . S t a n z a s R F u n B u t T i m e 2 G e t A B i g g e r C a r . W e C a n L a v D o w n W ith T h e J# !,3 2 5 * & T im e2 A irO u t, S h o w e rs.S m o k in g T u n es.In eed T o H a v eA C ig arette!!F llN e v er4 g etU .L e ts M ak e T h is S u m m e r B etterT h an L ast.> Ilu v U . C C ,D S ~ M eet m e @ B radlees But G u y s W e N e v e r N am e d T h e B @ n g .A rt~ T rv N o t2 P #**O n an v th in g @ A fte rP ro m . D o u g las-A ctS traig h tW h e n W eC ro ss T h e B o rd er .co p sG o tU sO n T h e R u n .S to p D ro o lin g O n T h e B l* * * ! C h ee rs2 A n U n m e m e o ra b le S e n io rY rIC B 's .B D 's .J T 's , B L T ’s , 4 D ' s ~ W e h a d 2 M u c h F u n ! ! S o m e O f T h e B e s t F r i e n d s I ' v e E v e r h a d . W h o ’s G o t T h e K e y s 2 T h e B e a m e r ? M u c h L u v . S o ld i tty , L ro c k ~ T h a n x 4 th e S m o k in g L e sso n s.A U T h e G o o d T im e s.U 2 1 ittle .h a v e F u n In th e S e n io rR m . !L iv eltU p !,Jen n a~ N o A * * !~ P o p p i?U trip p in ' !JB ,T P ,.JC ,S T ,R T ~ M u c h L u v .U K n o w . G o m e rth a n k sN in ja B o y ! C o m e C h illW ith U s !V C ~ S * X d riv e !M V ~ I'm N o tM a d N K ~ m y C a p ta in B B -b la c k B o m b s h e ll!C F .K B , M y T w in s C o u r tB ., W h itX O X O .lA -Ja R u le ! C h ile!,S B hugs! A n n ie -S ta y S tro n g !


J B B : R T j _ 7 'b i g o c k ! " G o a w a y ! '8 D r .J u d y + ja g g e r ( th e turk e y ) 9 P e a n u t b u tte r & F lu f f 1 0 th S r.F ie k !S O S .slee p o v ers. s h o w m e U r ..l 1 to u g h y r,K a te < 3 1 2 s a m c o lle g e ? U h a v e a lw a y s b e e n th e re 4 m e .l re a lly d o U luv w /all m y H e a rt.fh o w l o n g i s 4 e v a ) I ’ ll n e v e r 4 g e t u . E v a ! V i x : S p + F R . O I i e . R o b , J a m e s . T R L . M m u c h c a n H a p p e n in 9 m o n t h s . A l i c e + Z e l d a , U w e r e A g o o d k i s s , b u m l s o n T h e F l o o r . U l i s t e n e d to m e C r y A l l L a s t Y r & n e v e r g a v e U p o n M e . I d o n t k n o w w h a t I d h a v e d o n e w / o u. U r n o t S c a r e d t o b e w h o U t r u l y r . K n o w U d e s e r v e t h e b e s t !I ' 11 luv U a l w a y s ! S a r : s o M a n v M e m s . w e c a n B o t h s a y I d e g r a d e w a s A t o u g h Y r . B u t w e m a d e i t . I ' m g l a d w e H a d E a c h o t h e r . W e k n e w W h a t th e o t h e r w a s g o i n g T h r o u g h a t A l l t i m e s . I l u v U ! S t a y s t r o n g & d o n ' t e v e r c h a n g e 4 A g u y . O h . . & c u t u r N a i l s !! (I s h o u l d t a l k ) C h r i s + A s h : I m i s s o u r S . H ’s. U ' d A l w a y s l i g h t e n it u p 4 m e ! I ' l l m i s s u A l i : B . F . to w o r s t e n e m i e s . H o w D i d w e m a n a g e t h a t ? I ' m g l a d w e W e r e a b l e T o B c o m e c o o l i n T h e E n d . U r s o M u c h f u n 2 p a r t y w/ . T R L . s l e e p o v e r w / t h e b o y s & h o w n o n e o f u s w e r e g o i n g t o h o o k u p w / A n y l t h a t n i g h t " I w a s t h e o n l y l w h o s t u c k t o it ! S u m : 1 k n o w w e ' r e n o t B F ' s , b u t U h a v e A l w a y s to l d m e t h a t U ' d a l w a y s b e T h e r e 4 m e . l h o p e U k n o w t h a t I ’ ll d o t h e s a m e 4 m e . 1 h o p e U k n o w th a t I ' U A l w a y s B h e r e 4 u 2 . T R L . d a n c i n g w / t h o s e n a s t y g u y s at c e l e b r 8 0 2 f a m : c u g a r t h o r i u m . S a s s y : S . G " , | Q : U n e v e r c e a s e t o a m a z e m e . U r e a l l y r l in A m i l l i o n T a i ' O O & c o : l u v S h a c k , l i v i n ' o n a p r a y e r . G y r n : M y f a m . I II m i s s U so m u c h n e x ty r.re p re s e n t the D .Y .M . N .w e k e e p a g o o d s e c r e t - B M W - w e h av e bee n th re w so M u c h . T o m u c h .w e r e a l l y T h o u g h t t h a t w e W e r e P e r f e c t 4 e a c h o t h e r . U m e a n t s o M u c h 2 m e . W i l l it e v e r e n d ? ' I ' l l a l w a y s l u v U ' 1431 2 2-92T h i n g 2 :u & lg o t so b u sy w /o u r l i v e s & s p o r ts W e n e v e r got a s c l o se & l w o u ld h av e liked.Iw ill a lw a y sb B e h e r e W a t c h i n O v e r U . E - l o l T h a n k 2 e v e r y 1w h o N e v e r G a v e U p w / m e & m y G y m n a s t i c s U m a d e M e B c o m e T h e b e s t l c o u l d .

AH: MB: Subway girl, may life always be kind to you. Crusade of the Ark Raiders and the Last Temple. See you at the wedding, and no chicken till then. Dorks rule! What’s up? KM: “It was mine to give away.” Honeybean. RO BBIE! BNL! Poetry. Phonephobia. Anti-social. Confrontation. You were always the kindest and the bestest, so thanks for everything. KD: So you’re gonna go home and shove it, eh? Yes I do eat ketchup with my pasta. No I'm not really reading that. It’s like a leather jacket. JV ! PR: You are right about Canadians. Nookie! Maybe I’ll see you at Matt’s one day. AC: I am a rebel! Sorry about the feisty thing. DS: Rotten! Keep the sarcasm. Thesaurus. CC: Play that funky music white boy. VC: See you at the Oscars. DG: You’ll finish Deus Ex someday. Doing sound'? PH: Philosophical debates. Sympathy. Guns and Roses. Catholic girl'.’ RT: Gotta see these stars.

K D :H e llo Fellow K ic k e r s .D S ,C C ,S S S -it ’ s Been agreatcrazy Tim e.cigsS#ingJapangas. sippin C0#!s. Playin da’ Blu es.Bop p in ’ toJazz.Schlopping to Rock. Bum pin’ to the R ap .Sm @ ***n ’ a Bo#! 4 Soul. C B Radio. BM W . messing in the FrontYard.hitting’ on Jesse. Firestone.The Pier& The Chairs, recording, pod and cad.Axel F. Mindware. G ravity “ B ” . Reconstruction. Bradlees Shopping C a rts .R T - Co ugar,S#ing the Japangas w/ Queen B e e JB -T h e A lien , I hope you have agood time @ U V M .A B -S to p playing the stupid computer gam esPR-keep m akin’ the sick& Fun n y jokes D G - in a few years i’ ll win the bet..JC-keep gettin’ those H O T chics.D ont ever do too much work M S -Jv Soccer, Keep up the opposition to K L H T . M B -K ee p d # in g Th o se4 D ’s L T , S L , C R , S T ,L P ,S G ,A W .

VII l o my mom and dad I would nevei Imvc made n ilns far w/o ur undying support and love. I hank u S ( ) much loi everything u have pi veil and saci ificed 4 me I o l)K I love u Him, thanks 4 all the awesome memories u have pi veil me and I’m grateful for the bond that w e ’ve made. CR U are I of my best friends U made my time King fun RT You are such a sweetie. I HA 11 that we didnl spend more lime cause we were loo busy lighting :) I still love u though!, .115 We have been through NO much 2gelher! I care deeply about u and look lorward to hearing about ur future success!, I’R m a culie! Too bad we are so into the net or we might actually have time 4 schoolwoi k ' ( II in the future, V ( ' I cant wail to see u on IV tn Broadway or BOTH! Best ol luck!, OS ur my best friend! I Love u wish you the best ol luck lor the luture. Although ur time <" King was short, we had fun 2gether, BG- I will always remember u. (food luck to Kate N, l ed, Shari, Alice, Mark, Amy, Tucker and all luture grads of KLHT! Thank you to Mr Peters, Dr. Zoubek. Mrs Herod, Mrs.Mishkin, Mr. Lynch, Mrs. Libonati. Mrs. Rabassa and all my teachers for having a great influence on me. 1 appreciate all of you. Love, Ashley.

,|H- A n ode to the people I thought o f (be honored), in order in w hich they came to mind. P H - h ig h liv e coffee. V C -w h e n in doubt, w h ip ’em out. stay just as eccentric. K M - first sight; how bout a revolution. D C - one hit k ill. T P - d on’t believe the hype. J C - you wanna take this one? I ’ R - cra zy little princess, sover­ eignty at its funniest. A B - s im p ly scandalous. S T -g r e a t hours, pay sucks. M B relax, 1 can t be that bad. A H - d on’ t give up. N S - pass it this way. R T - pim p daddy, pim p. P-naptim e. K D -ja m jam , say it loud. D S - is that all you think about? G - never forget you.

T JP r ST -u re my best friend, u have given me so many memories, u have always been there for me and have been able to make my life simple, easy, fun. and happy; and if u ever need anything I will always be there tor u. I would not be the same without u. KM -my princess, u have meant a lot to me from seventh grade on. Thanx for being there for any and everything. U’re a best friend and a good, comforting shoulder to cry on. MB-buzz, my “sister” thanx for just being there to talk too, u’ve been there my whole life as a best friend and I will be there for u. DS-too bad u went to Taft, but Joey u will never be forgotten. Coach B Hard work does pay off. AT-BTCC(philip), stage left, thanx for being a friend and making me laff. KS-u won’t see this but u were the I s'. CP-u showed me a new side of life, thanx for the good times. Fig-my sunglass girl. Co-Viking of the week. Have fun for the next two years. OC-the wiggle in Spanish, thanx for making Spanish fun. C S - Stage left, lanky. CR-too bad u graduated so soon. All players on the Football Team. PH JH TW CK(Ridgefielders). AP-too bad u never got to high school. I would have embarrassed u good luck in high school. D M S-© u r smile. To all the others I should have mentioned 1 am sorry, thanx for what u have done for me. "look for happiness in everything, ur life will be easier and happier.”

P D A T A R A -l LOVE YOU MOM. COSMO & DAD! C O SM O iI Love You Puppy' Thank you for being so fuzzy and sweet, cuddly & loving when I ’m down. You are truly my best friend and brother. M OM & DAD: I Love > >e no, < do Luv, it’s not easy being British and its hard to be humble when you’re 'tank you for having a bit of a cynical side and sharing the sentiment that oui comedy. I can’t believe you bought a pair of $300 Dolce and Gabbana sp ed ,.. ; K i : I here are so many things I ’ve missed out on b/c I didn’t go to GHS with you e rest of the gang. I ’m sorry we lost touch for those few years too, but I’ m overjoyed that w found each other again! PETE: Thank you for being funny as hell, a sensative and sensible young bloke and an all around good person. There aren’t many like you around anymore, and you’re awesoi, Hein: Phish sucks! You're Cool! And that’s your saving grace! KYLIEDWYLSE: Goofball! Yer really sweet & silly! I like you & you’re nice! DUSTIN: I never knew you could draw or anything you’re a great artist and I ’ve appreciated your often dark and ominous sense of humor these past few years.


KM: My Prince-U are a true definition of a best friend, i luv u w/all my heart, andu truelv are MBFF Chris-u r my Will and i 4eva ur Graced luv and in luvw/u, but things were not ment to be. ULoserMiluvya anywaysScott- when i 1st met u, i coulndt stand ya, nowlcant seem to live w/o u. and ill drive you home anytime, i luv yaM ere&Alex-u2know my heart and soul, i will 4eva remeber the great times we sharedVic-IluvU ur a beautiful woman, inside to outSarah-from ac,js,era to the bk,ds,jt, days we'v had greats times, luv yaJB-ur a strong and beautiful person.ST-afterProm, skin dip,2 the present chaos that we have been engulfed n. u still havent slept overllLuv you. Ali-w e'v had great times, an will 4eva cherish themPtR-iluv uLilSis-IluvU. U are the most butiful person, im gonna miss ya.JH&PHalways remember, UR BiggerlDGhave a great time next yrScuba-call if u need a "saferide"hom e.FIG-im glad i drove u home that day,JC is ok, but JUSTIN RULES!PM-hey babe"stinky"ur a QT.you better keep in touch w/me next year, ill miss ya.Iluv yaHughesthanks 4 being there,i luv uC22-Uchanged mylife, ur a friend i know ill never lose, iluv uBKimissed ya this yr.ur to far away!!CCcrew-i cant live w/o U guys.

AW : Mom & Dad-there is not enough room in this book to tell U how grateful i am 4 everything U have given and done 4 me.I luv you.Lisa-Thank you. U are more of a friend than a sister, I love U.Dumbo-U keep it real. New Years,ceaser, freddy-your really not that tough. Threw everything U have been there and so has ur family I may bother Ro but i love her. Im not slippin any more, who would have thought"only 4 years".Monick- AA would be a good idea.mom, dad, grandpa thank you, the cop was a %*$#. Slimer- try to drive forwards instead of backwards and try not to slime anyone.Farmerkeep the club open I'm comin over when your done with the machines.Paulyou are sick, have fun next year.Marta's house, you can see me. Everyone else, i didnt get u i just have no room. Im out like a fat girl in dodge ball.

D avid G- JH - Bushido rules and hit the trees not me. PH- Now don't be bitter. W e’ve had good and bad times. Always try to be funny. J C - MVP por siempre. y nadie telo va a quitar, y quidado con esos mujeres, nunca sabes que estan pensando adamas A licia, lot. MB- W ho’d a thought. W e’d make it here. Its been the best, but theres 31 o f us. K M great laugh. And yrbk will be the best ever. S K T - the most ADD person ever. RodSo ccer next yr, huh? Lets not forget P SX . F ro b ear-L ets not forget the mall run. You still owe me. S S S -I ll always love ya. + we gotta hang. ND- B est frien ds fo r e v e r . Don’t forget that. KD-Now remember the bet, that is if you ever quit. I mean it. AH-Deus Exeventually I ’ ll figure it out. Good luck with the play. S T - Never forget ya. I'll fight pete o ff for you. TP -y es soccer is going first. R J T - The P o la r B e a r got my fingerl P R Someday you'll tell me. Coach- Thanks for everything. AML- Well its been fun. I ’m glad we became friends. Class Of 2001- Thanks for all the good times and Bad times. Its helped make me the person I am. I'll always remember every single one o f you.

JC: Julio y Juana: ustedes me dieron vida, me cuidaron en mi ninez, Me guiaron en mi juventud, para que ahora sea su orgullo. Pero es Y mas los admiro y AMO bastanteSu cacalon. Alberto y Elaine: thanks for always being there. Madrina Monica: Mi segundo mama. Gracia! LF.EF. MC, Ozmil gracias por todo su amor. A la Patrulla Co ustedes siempre la pase bien, por que sera? SALUD C U M PA S!!!! The bro’s I never had and that I never wanted. SM.AC.GA. Tony.FP.CS.CR.JC. Y mis germas MC. Pucheta..Pili.Karin. And the bro’s I always wanted....Juancho y Pipo. (Pisados)pero los quiero mucho. Mamatina: PapaJuan, PapaJulian:Nunca los olvidare, los amo bastante. Mini=Local! Thought 1 forgot about you huh? I didn't!Alicia you captured my heart the first day I saw you. now that I’m with you, I don’t wanna lose you. My life would be hell if you weren't in it. I love you with all my heart I don’t know when the ring will come BUT it will come Trust me! CB Un hombre alquien respeto y agradezco mucho y me ayudo a ser el #3 A Todos los que algun dia cruzaron mi vida, SIEM PRE los recoradare. Y Arriba el P E R U !!!!!!


GNS: “M y world it moves so fast. Today, the past it seems so far away. And life squeezes so tight that I can’t breathe and every time I ’ve tried to be what someone else thought of me. So caught up I was unable to achieve But deep in my heart the answer it was in me. And I ’ve made up m y mind to define my own destiny.” -Lauren H ill

R T - V C U M e & J e s s 3 s o m e !M a d S h o w s ,M a d L a u g h s , W e G o n n a Be F a m o u s S o m e d a y D G M y b o y lla n . m ullie L a g o o n H i g h R o c k A t L e a s t I m N o t 4 H a i t i , H u g g i n ’T r e e s T o o t h b r u s h C l e a n i n ' H o u s e p a r t i e s S h i p p a n s o c i a l i s m R e g g i e , I L u v U m a n , F r i e n d s 4 e v e r S T B e r u i t . L i q , O l d S c h o o l S h i p p a n , C h a s i n ’m e l S o r r y B o u t T h e P a s t S o f t S h e l l C r a b s , I m P r o u d O f U M S M y F a v P M S e r , N o s o t r o s M a s t e r b a m o s , T o u c h T h e R i m . I m i s s U N o u g h E L ’S T t U p T o u c h T h e H y e n a .U r Fav JeW W iffA P u tt.K illA S eaO tter,H erb al U T au g h tM e L o ts.K in g O fT h e Jew sA C T reesB u g g irT O ut, W e a th e rm a n , B eiru t,H erb al, IL u v M a k in g U L a u g h , F IIM issU G irl Z B G e ttin 'H u rt.M c D o n a ld s M unchie s, U P l a y i n ' T r i c k s , H a m p t o n s B i k e s W / N o B r a k e s , I D a y W e ’l l B C o o l , S h o t s . T a k i n ’ P i c s , R a p p i n ’ B a d , S o M u c h I W a n 2 S a y D o g g ,U rM y B o y !F rie n d s4 e v e r& Ilu v U M a n .S L G ig g ly G irl.T ooter.O ld S ch o o lK in g T ru th O rD are S tu a rtN e x T im e lA s k U B e tte rS a y Y e s IJ B G o A w a y !G o o g l,0 2 T illW e D ie ,S h a k e s p e a re C h illin 'ln R o w tn , F luffn' N u tte r,S h a v in 'M y leg s,H av e U E v erS een M eN u d e?Ia lw ay sG iv e U A K issG o o d n ig h t. T hin k lm G o in g 2 C ry T II M issU S o M u ch ,F rien d s4 ev er, Ilu v U C R /A B G o in g 2 T h e G a ra g e S a le ? S o M u c h F u n S o M an y L a u g h sN o w ick ils C o m in gE ricaW antsM eN iceS ailorS hirt.B abybalooga.S orryW e F o u g h t,L u v U G u y sK N W h e nIC om eB ack W e ’r e H o o k i n ' U p U S o B l a z i n ' ! D r i v i n T n D a J e e p V i s i t s 2 M y C a r r e l T h e R i v e r F l o r i d a K L H T S i n g e r s S u c k I D o n ' t W a n t 2 G o , T h i s H u r t s s o M u c h , U r T h e M o s t B e a u t i f u l , D o n ’t M i s s M e 2 M u c h , F U M i s s Y o u G i r l . l l u v U C T M y S i s , T h e Je e p , D a d 's C h e a p .P a c o J e a n s D u k e .IW a n tM y F lashlight, ItW illG e tB e tte rF o rU s V is itM e A tC o lle g e .K e e p M y S t y l e A l i v e A t K i n g R e m e m b e r U ’r e A T r o w , L u v U S o M u c h S S S H o w L o n g I s I t ? U S o F i n e , M o s t F u n G i r l T o B e W i t h , W e A l m o s t H o o k e d U p , U A l w a y s K e p t l t R e a l . U ' r e M y G i r l . I ' I l M i s s u E v e r y l E l s e T - D o g g w i l l m i s s U!

Last Will and Testament Mrs. Baker: Ali Mrs. Bethray: Needs Nathan Kayes back Mrs. Bloom: A quiet A-period Mr. Caputi: Mrs. Payne's over head notes Mr. Cerone: The Fitness Class (a.k.a. the ]V boys' soccer team) Mrs. Christensen: A louder voice Mrs. Colthup: A stress ball Mrs. Cushing: A class that actually meets deadlines Mr. Ennist: Memories of SAT class Mrs. Forster: Anything her heart desires Mr. Galanopoulis: A shorter speech Mrs. Herod: The senior class Mr. Hudson: A mega-phone Mr. Kozee: A Zoot suit Mrs. Kweskin: Ted Billet Dr. Khiznichenko: Scott Mrs. Libonati: A longer A period Mr. Lynch: An eighth leg Mr. Martin: A new car Mrs. McQueen: A white board Mrs. Mishkin: A bigger room Mrs. Murphy: AP students that understand deadlines Mr. Oldac: A new belt Mr. Pelton: A loose collared shirt Mr. Peters: A room made for guitar club (or) anything he desires Mr. Pusack: A gift certificate to Comp. USA Mrs. Pusack: A planaria removing shampoo, (just in case it happens again- (Chip)) Mr. Rai: 14-0 Mr. Richter: A Student ID Ms. Sadlowsky: Ritalin (or) movies for every book Mr. Sargent: A new pair of cleats Mrs. Tortorella: More time Mrs. Wager: AGerman class that doesn't have a Huels in it Mr. Wallace: Aderal or Ritalin, his choice Dr. Zoubek: A bigger head

(Ifie OSituaries of tfie Class of2001 Nick Ahuja: Dies when he hands in his senior photo Ashley Blaine: Takes off reading too far Jeanette Brooks: Like a planaria, her posterior is no longer able

to be controlled by her anterior, and as a result, separates itself and both ends fully regenerate

Mere Buzanoski: Dies when her head explodes from turning a new shade of red too fast Julio Cardenas: Dies in jail after being proven guilty for driving w/o a license as a minor


3 years

Ali Caulfield: Electrocuted by her cell phone Vicki Chamberlain: Finds no gold at the end Chip Curtis: Doesn't die, just goes home Kyle Dwyer: Afflicted with fifty-two different

of the rainbow diseases, twelve of them unknown, and all of

contracted by licking the senior room filth George: Chokes on a chicken bone

Dan David Gomez: Dies when he drops his juggling balls Pete Harmelin: Suffers a mortal flesh wound at the mighty jaws of Piya John Hein: Torn to shreds when he gets his pants caught in the gears of Pete's old bike

on a

cold Ridgefield night

Alex Huels: Canadian Mounties kill him when his tie fails to prove citizenship Rodney Jean-Baptise: J.Knox comes back to avenge that infamous email from 9th grade Afrodite Karayiannis: Kills herself when A1 Houston refuses to sign an autograph Sarah Larsen: Is pecked to death by a duck Kate Metzler: Melted in a tragic accident involving a sharp curve around a steep cliff and


slipshod manufacturing of Firestone tires

Tim Pusack: Is suffocated by pink elephants Piya Rajkumar: Is at last recognized as God and rules over an enslaved Earth for eternity Chris Rand: Dies while rushing to the phone to be the 100th caller Deborah Rubenstein: Thrown out the front windshield when Leah drives into a even deeper ditch

Niobi Sandshaw: She is forced to sing "Feel the Spirit"one last time Nick Sinacori: Mysteriously as he came, he disappeared into the night Dustin Smith: Swallowed by his box speaker Sam Stevenson-Smith: Twists her hair so much that her finger breaks

through and pierces

her scalp

Lisa Teitelbaum: Dies with the junior class Scott Tooter: Gives himself a fatal wound while in a contest with

his brother to see whose

knife was sharper Summer Trott: Polly's words come true, and Summer flosses to death

Ryan Trow: Goes on a diet Andrew Weinberg: Dies from

a broken heart, when Sarah rejects him

1 »s»

U nderclassmen En Route

â– P I

"It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end." -- Ursula LeGuin

Kenneth Ahuja Samantha Baker Brandie Bell Lindsay Benjamin Catherine Brown Alexander Buggy Lesan Chernet Salomon Chernet Amy Cohen Shari Culpepper Soledad Fernandez Katie Frey Alice Gleason Carrie Goldstein Leo Gribelyuk Stephen Hooper Robert Hudson Stephanie Huels Shareen Jelani Nicole Kenaga Adam Korval Wilson Lawrence David Leahy Anne-Marie Leiser Michael Little Zenobia Love John Mayberry II Ri Muttukumaru Katharine Nichols Christopher O'Connell Luke Page Justin Pina Kathryn Priest Theodore Rucci Colin Ryan Mark Spatt Alexander Stock Christopher Szymanczyk Nicole Terenzio Adam Tooter Oliver Vignola Amanda Volper

Juniors: Almost There

Top Left: Wow, Brandie! Are you using Crest Whitening? Bottom Left: Happy days are here again!

Top Right: Tuck those shirts in, gentlemen! Bottom Right: David Leahy — one excited fella!

Underclassmen 59

Italia Almeida Charles Bjernestad Christina Boccuzzi Courtney Brooks Jeremy Buccolo Kaitlin Buggy Courtney Byrnes Katherine Carey Robert Cerone James Christensen Catherine Coates Kathryn Collins William Cromwell Nicholas Doumlele Caitlin Feigenbaum Matthew Feinberg Ashley Fitzpatrick Samuel Flatow Barbara Flitt Ilya Garkavy Jenna Goldschmidt Taylor Grarnps Ashley Gray Benjamin Flittman Anne Ittner Michael Jones Michael Katcher Michael Kunin Peter Legrand Melissa Maitland Courtney Malloy Sarah Matthiessen Natalia Moena Jordana Most Jacob Murphy Christopher Northrup Ashley O'Banner Lauren Onis Stephen Pappalardo Matthew Phillips Daniel Posada Mehul Rana

Sophomores: Around the Bend

Above: Circle of Friends.

Above: The backdoor bandits caught on film.

Above: Six smiling sophomores.

Julia Reuben Stephen Sandak Michael Sheehan Julie Sheetz Kendall Smith Laura Toh Elliott Trott Caitlin Trow Michael Tsinkler Krysten White Timothy Wiegand

Underclassmen 63

Underclassmen 65

Ravi Banerjee Elizabeth Barker Jessica Benamou Stephanie Blackman Christina Brennan Stephen Brooks Anthony Cantanese Tara Carberry Caitlin Casale Max Cuscuna Brian deRegt Melissa DeSantis Leah Edwards Stephen Fixary Christopher Frassetto Lisa Gahagan Paul Gladstone Charles Guevara Christian Haehl Gregory Hamilton Caroline Harmelin Oliver Hulland Whitney Kathner Mitchell Lemmo Jr. Christian Luneburg Peter Magrath Michael Mark Jacqueline Montoya Alan Muntner Kathryn Nolin Anne Norcia Nedgine Paul Kathryn Piloseno Loren Poin Rachel Porter Sherrad Prezzie-Blue John Raffaeli III Cathleen Ryan John Ryder Robert Sadowski Ursula Saunders

Freshmen: A t the Starting Line

Top Left: The Freshman class -- a happy bunch!

Top Right: The Freshmen wine and dine.

Below: Pippi meets Eminem.

Elizabeth Scheffler Benjamin Schultz Caitlin Scully Benjamin Sessa Molly Shaker Natalia Sieira Zachary Sievert Taylor Simonson Tucker Sparkman Andrew Stanton Christopher Tsang Christine Unnold Ryan Victor Costas Vlahakis Erica Williams Imogene Wilson Ian Wishingrad

Underclassmen 67

Underclassmen 69

All School Candids 71

C lubs Places to go, people to meet, and things to do. "It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." - Thomas Jefferson


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| 3


Lambda Delta Pi Ben Hittman, Stephen Hooper, Annie Ittner, Kathryn Collins, Colin Ryan, Oliver Vignola, Amy Cohen, Matt Philips, Catherine Coates, Natalia Moena, Ashley Gray, Sarah Mattheison, Caitlin Trow, Anne-M arie Leiser, Caitlin Feigenhaum, Kaitlin Buggy, Ri Muttukumaru, Mark Spatt, Mike Jones, Katherine Carey, Lind­ say Benjamin, Katie Brown, Mike Cerone, James Christensen, Mrs. Farrell, Julie Ruben, Kristyn White, Lauren Onis, Jenna Goldschmidt, Mike Katcher

AIDS Awareness Student Coalition Katie Frey, Colin Ryan, Zanny Love, Stephen Hooper, Anne-Marie Leiser, Mrs. Baker, Shari Culpepper, Stephanie Huels, Shareen Jelanie, Oliver Vignola, Sam Baker, Lauren Onis, Ali Caulfield, Sarah Larsen, Jeanette Brooks, Victoria Chamberlain

Student Council Elliott Trott, Jeremy Buccolo, Ilya Garkavy, Mehul Rana, Tim Pusack, Tim Wiegand, Sam Stevenson-Smith, Victoria Chamberlain, Ted Rucci, Mrs. Mishkin, Cathleen Ryan, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Peter Harmelin, Scott Tooter, Katie Brown, Sam Baker, Kate Nichols, Ali Caulfield, Chistopher Tsang, Ian Wishingrad, Whitney Kathner, Mike Jones, Lindsay Benjamin, Mere Buzanoski, Cassie Priest (not picitured): Chris O'Connell

v K . k J, Jfc


Environmental Club Steve Sandak, Christopher Frassetto, Zanny Love, Ursula Saunders, Oliver Hulland, Ben Shultz, Jessica Benamou, Ashley O' Banner, Greg Hamilton, Libby Barker, Chrissie Brennan, Mrs. Pusack

Yearbook Anne-M arie Leiser, Cassie Priest, Chris Northrup, David Gomez, Kate Nichols, Mrs. Sadlowsky, Katie Brown, Lindsay Benjamin, Stephen Hooper, Deborah Rubenstein, Sam Stevenson-Smith, Mandy Volper, Amy Cohen, Katherine Carey, Kate Metzler, Mere Buzanoski, Mrs. Tortorella

Debate Mr. Martin, Anne Norcia, Tucker Sparkman, Katie Brown, Leo Gribelyuk, Ri Muttukumaru, Christian Luneberg, Ben Sessa, Alan Muntner, Chris Tsang

Clubs 75

Speak Your Mind Caitlin Trow, Kendall Smith, Shari Culpepper, Courtney Burns, Ashley Gray, Julie Rueben, Taylor Simonson, Jenna Goldschmidt, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Kaitlin Buggy, Whitney Kathner, Italia Almeida, Nicole Terenzio, Jordana Most, Lauren Onis, Jeanette Brooks, Victoria Cham­ berlain, Sarah Larsen, Ali Caulfield, Summer Trott

Math Club Leo Gribelyuk, Adam Tooter, Mark Spatt, Nick Doumlele, Ri Muttukumaru, Sam Flatow, Mrs. Khiznichenko, Christian Luneberg, Max Cuscuna, Christopher Tsang, Mrs. McQueen

The Standard Colin Ryan, Alexander Huels, Adam Tooter, Oliver Vignola, Charles Guevera, Ted Rucci, Mr. Sargent, Paul G ladstone, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Mark Spatt, Katy Nolin, Libby Barker, Nedgine Paul, Julie Sheetz, Steve Sandak, Christopher Tsang, Michael Katcher, Taylor Gramps


1 *

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Key Club Mrs. Hughes, Scott Tooter, Colin Ryan, AnneMarie Leiser, Cassie Priest, Oliver Vignola, Charles Bernestad, Wil Cromwell, Matt Phillips, Katie Brown, Sam Baker, Shari Culpepper, Mark Spatt, Emma Wilson, Caitlin Scully, Sarah Matthiessen, Natalie Moena, Julie Rueben, Lind­ say Benjamin, Stephanie Huels, Jessica Benamou, Melissa DeSantis, Katie Nolan, Molly Shaker, John Rafelli, Taylor Simonson, Cathleen Ryan, Mike Jones, Courtney Bums, Whitney Kathner, Laura Toh, Jackie Montoya, Nicole Terenzio, Nicole Kenaga, Mandy Volper, Lisa Teitelbaum, Shareen Jelani, Jordana Most, Tim Pusack, Adam Tooter, Kendall Smith, Caitlin Trow, Erica Williams, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Jenna Goldschmidt, Nedgine Paul, Melissa Maitland, Carrie Harmelin, Lisa Gahgan, Caddy Brooks, Lauren Onis, Mike Cerone, James Christensen, Mike Sheehan

Indelible Ink Zanny Love, Mr. Peters, Katie Frey, Libby Barker, Taylor Gramps

Drama Club Mike Sheehan, Katy Nolin, Anne Norcia, Rachel Porter, Ted Rucci, Ryan Trow, Peter Harmelin, Tucker Sparkman, Chris Northup, Chris Rand, Chris Szymanczyk, Mrs. Forster, Adam Tooter, Steve Sandak, Ben Sessa, Jessica Benamou, Mike Jones, Mike Cerone, Mark Spatt, Lauren Poin, Whitney Kathner, Mrs. Libonati, Amy Cohen, Taylor Gramps, Jordana Most, Kate Nichols, Victoria Chamberlain, Sam Baker, Lauren Onis, Italia Almeida, Jenna Goldschmidt

Improve Club Left to Right: Zanny Love, Whitney Kathner, Tucker Sparkman, Ted Rucci, Peter Harmelin, Victoria Chamberlain, John Hein

SADD Back Row: Whitney Kathner, Kendall Smith, Caitlin Trow, Ashley Gray, Courtney Byrnes, Christina Boccuzzi, Nicole Terenzio, Julie Reuben, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Lauren Onis Front Row: Summer Trott, Victoria Chamberlain, Jeanette Brooks, Sarah Larsen, Ali Caulfield

Guitar Club Left to Right: Tucker Sparkman, Wilson Lawrence, John Hein, Soledad Fernandez Whitechurch, Kyle Dwyer, Chris Frassetto, Mr. Peters, Ben Schultz, Pete McGrath

Model UN Back Row Left to Right: Mr. Hudson, Adam Korval, Chris O'Connell, Kenny Ahuja, Leo Griebelyuk, Alexander Stock, Ben Hittman, David Leahy, Ben Schultz, Rob Sadowski Front Row: Jordana Most, Julie Sheetz, Courtney Byrnes, Katie Brown, Amy Cohen, Greg Hamilton, Chris Tsang

Writer's Workshop Left to Right: Zanny Love, Alex Hueles, Katie Frey, Sam Baker

Chronicle Ryan Trow, and Mr. Hudson

EVENTS Stop to Smell the Roses Life moves pretty fast. If you don't slow down once in a while, you just might miss it." -Ferris Bueller

Class Trips

Right: Now that we're here, how do we get where? Below: Nice balloons, kids. Be l o w Right: Jordana Most gets


Above: Would you like some water with your hot dog?

Right: Oh the comforts of concrete.

Left: Philly, the city of sisterly love. Left Below: A case of the cooties.

Above: Would you care for a

wedge of cake? Left: Smile, Molly, you made the Class Trips page. Below: Mandy and Kate show

those stomachs.

Hom ecom in Right: KLHT homecoming unites everyone.

Below: True KLHT students at heart gather for their 50th reunion.

Left: This years royalty takes a ride in their coach.

Left:The double dutchess' accept their award gratefully.

Below: Go, vikings, Go!

Above: Lift your sticks up to the sky, KLHT will pass you by.

Left: On your mark, get set, Go!

Right: The middle school and the upper school bond together during the field hockey game.

Right: The 80's are back at KLHT.

Below: C arrie G old stein and Brandy Bell show off their unique Pajamas during Spirit Week.





Below: Friends and captains M ere Buzanoski and N icole Terenzio shake hands during the pep-rally.

Homecoming 2000

On the first homecoming of the new millenium, as a whole our school’s teams were not at their prime. But in our efforts to defend our Viking pride, our football team came through during the intense last seconds of their game to claim victory. Spontaneously, the crowd of fans rose in excitement, and even stormed the field to congratu­ late the victorious players. At the day’s end, our school spirit was overwhelming and the students went on to an evening of dancing and celebration.

Left: Peace, love, and happiness.

Above: Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Fall Drama Right: Pete Harmelin and John Hein are friends and actors. B elow : M ark Spatt and Pete Harmelin discuss business in a Paris cafe.

Below: The three prospectors and the Madwoman of Chaillot share a drink.

Madwoman of Chaillot

This year's fall drama, Irma- Lauren Onis The M adw om an o f Waitress- Taylor Gramps C h a i l l o t , was a huge Deaf-mute- Jenna Goldschmidt

success. Once again, the students at K L H T de­ monstrated their am az­ ing acting talent. Mrs. Libonati, Mrs. M ishkin, and Mrs. Forster pro­ duced another excellent show. The scenery, de­ signed and produced by Mrs. M urphy and her crew of student artists, added a unique visual pleasure for the audi­ ence. Congratulations to all K L H T faculty and students w ho co ntri­ buted to this fabulous show!

Pierre- Loren Poin Juggler- Steve Sandak Sergeant- Tucker Sparkman Dr. Jardin- Chris Rand Sewer Man- John Hein Prospector- Ted Rucci President- Mark Spatt Baron- Pete Harmelin Broker- Chris O' Connell Countess Aurelia- Victoria Chamberlin Constance- Ashley Blaine Gabrielle- Kate Nichols Josephine- Samantha Baker

Models- Courteny Malloy, Italia I Almeida, Whitney Kathner Doorman- Chris Northrup Balloon Girl- Jessica Benamou Therese- Emma Wilson Paulette- Jordana Most Cast: Press Agents- Mike Jones, Mike Flower Girl- Annie Norcia Cerone, Ben Sessa Ragpicker- Ryan Trow Little Man- Amy Cohen Street Singer- Katy Nolin Artist- Rachel Porter

Above: The Madwoman Chaillot saves the day!


Top left: The businessmen and the prospector strike a deal. Left: Mrs. Libonati and Mrs. Forster exchange sm iles of joy after sucesfully finishing their production of Madwoman of Chaillot.

Below: Addapearle, played by Victoria Chamberlin, graces the audience her lovely voice.

Belowijake Ryder gets ready for his munchkin scene. Far R ight: Kate N ichols and Lauren Onis make two adorable munchkins.

Below: M a r k Spatt can't s e e m to stay a w a y from the poppies.

The Wiz Cast A u n t Em-Niobe Dorothy- Krysten W. Toto- Bridget Uncle Henry- Ted R. Tornado- Caitlin F, Taylor

G, Whitney K, Sarah L, Sa­ rah M, Natalia M M u n c h k i n - Will C, Alice G, Kate N, Katy N, Lauren O, Nedgine P, Loren P, Jake R, Ted R, Caitiln T Addapearle- Vicky C. Yellow



Jeanette B, Ali C, Jenna G, Nicole T, Anne-marie L, Summer T Scarecrow- Ryan T Crows- Lesan C, Perter H, Mike J, Mike L, Loren P, Mike S Tinman- Tucker S. Lion- Mark S Kalidahs- Mike C, Whitney K, Pete M, John M, Chris N Lisa T, Ian W

Left: Ti n m a n , Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion pose for a picture.

Kalidah Queen- Jessica B Mystery Kalidah- Geordie H Poppies- Kaitlin B, Carrie G,

Melissa M, Lauren O, Caitlin T,| Mandy V The Mice Squad- Leah E, TayloiJ Sarah L, courtney M, Taylor S, Katie P Gatekeeper- Ted R Emerald City Citzens- Jeanettel Kaitiln B, Ali C, Lean C, Jenna G, Peter H, Nicole T, Anne-Marie L, Mike L, Lauren O, Loren P, Mike S, Summer T, Mandy V T h e Wiz- Chris Rand Evillene- Niobe S Spiders- Leah E, Alice G, Carritj Natalia M, Kate N, Katty N, Nedgine P, Caitlin T Lord H i g h Underling- Loren P| Soldier Messenger- Peter H W i n g e d M o n k e y s - Jessica B, Leah E, Caitiln F, Alice G, Carrie G, Taylor G, Sarah L, Zanny L, Sarah M, Melissa M John M, Courtney M, Ntalia M, Katy N, Chris N, Lauren O, Nedgine P, Katie P, Jake R, Taylor S, Lisa T, Caitlin T, Erica W, Ian W Glinda- Kate Nichols Quadlings- Mike C, Peter H, Mike J, Loren P

A b ov e: T u c k e r S p ar km an ,t he Tinman,puts on an evil smile.

S ports Charting A Course "We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours." --Dag Hammerskjold

Boys' Soccer Below: The V ik in g s rush to take the ball up the f-ia 1

Above: John M ayberry makes another great save. Right: Julio Cardenas flies by the opposition.

Right: U p close and personal with V ik in g Boys' Soccer.


• Back: Coach Rai, Manager Kate Metzler, Wilson Lawrence, John Hein, David Gomez, John Mayberry, Dan Posada, Adam Korval, Manager Victoria Chamberlain, Coach Galanopoulos hi Middle: Pete Harmelin, Steven Sandack, Mike Jones, Pete Magrath, Paul Gladstone, Justin Pina |j Front: Mike Cerone, Julio Cardena, Caddy Brooks, Rob Sadowsky, Christian Luneberg

"We had a really difficult season, but our effort and our will to get better overshadowed all the losses we had this year. We had a lot of young players, so expect good things from them in the years to come." Captains Julio Cardenas and John Hein


Front: Solomon Chernet, Lesan Chernet, Rodney Jean-Baptiste, Timothy Pusack, Michael Little, Christopher O'Connell, Adam Tooter, Alexander Buggy, BJ Hudson Middle: Costas Vlahakis, Ryan Victor, Wil Cromwell, Michael Cather, Elliot Trott, Benjamin Hittman, Luke Page, Kenneth Ahuja, Sheehan Back: Christopher Tsang, Christopher Frassetto, Sherrad Prezzie-Blue, John Raffelli, Michael Mark, Zachary Siever, Andrew Stanton, Ilya Garkavy, Alan Muntner Standing: David Leahy, Charles Bjernestad, George Hackett, Coach Dan Gouin, Coach Dick Cerone, Coach Mark Thomas, Coach Tom Decker, Katie Frey

"This year's football team had great team unity. It was a good season with an exciting Homecom­ ing game. Thanks for a good sea­ son and good luck next year." Cap­ tains Tim Pusack and Mike Little

Below: V ik in g s Field Hockey gets ready to score.

Above: Lin d say Benjamin jabs at the ball.

Right: N edgine Paul, Lisa Gahagan, K atie N o lin , and Cathleen Ryan make time for the half-time hm

Left: Coach Kw eskin prepares the team for the face off.

Left: Courtney Byrnes antici­ pates the pass.

Below: Katherine Carey and Lin d say Benjamin discuss the next play with the Coach.


Back-. Coach Nichols, Barbara Flitt, Caitlin Scully, Courtney Byrnes, Cathleen Ryan, Lisa Gahagan, Mrs. Mishkin. Middle: Sarah Matthiessen, Julie Reuben, Julie Sheetz, Katie Nolin, Katherine Carey, Molly Shaker, Nedgine Paul. Front: Ashley Fitzpatrick, Lindsay Benjamin, Kate Nichols, Carrie Goldstein.

"This year was a building year for field hockey. Although humbled at times, we were able to overcome many obstacles with the help of our coaches and our fighting spirit. We can't wait until next year." Captains Kate Nichols and Lind­ say Benjamin.

Is' Soccer Below: V ik in g s soccer pushes the ball up the field.

Above: Whitney Kathner saves another goal for K L H T . Right: Sam Stevenson-Smith blasts a corner kick! Right: Manager Scott Tooter leads the girls'soccer support.


Back: Coach Deb Cardarelli, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Sahmra Stevenson-Smith, Kathryn Collins, Ashley Gray, Katie Brown, Natalia Moena, Coach Scott Sargent, Manager Scott Tooter Middle: Jordana Most, Courtney Brooks, Ursula Saunders, Tara Carberry, Christine Unnold, Christina Brennan, Kaitlin Buggy Front: Anne Norcia, Leah Edwards, Stephanie Blackman, Whitney Kathner, Ashley O'Banner, Italia Almeida, Nicole Kenaga

"We had a really good end to our season. Losing to RCD 0-2 only proves how good the team will be in the future. Next year, everyone else better watch out, 'cause we'll be back and stronger than ever!" Captains Sam Stevenson-Smith and Nicole Kenaga.

leyBall Below: V ik in g Volleyball gets ready to score


Back: Coach Tran, Brandie Bell, Kendall Smith, Nicole Terenzio Front: Amy Cohen, Afrodite Karayiannis, Meredith Buzanoski, Christina Boccuzzi

"We have really improved our of­ fense and defense this year; we are a much stronger team. Of course, we had a blast! Thanks, teammates, for a great season. Viking Volleyball...good luck next year!" Captains Mere Buzanoski and Nicole Terenzio

_ross Country Below: O n your m ark, get set, G o V ikin gs, Go!

Left: Leo G ribelyuk, always in the lead. Is it lonely at the top?

Left: Tim Wiegand races past an opponent.

Below: Jake M urphy looks ahead to the finish line.


iftllT -Y * Back: Leo Gribelyuk, Tucker Sparkman, Benjamin Schultz, Mitchell Lemmo, Jr. Middle: Ted Rucci, Jake Murphy, Mark Spatt, Christopher Northrup, Alexander Stock, Jacqueline Montoya, Manager Zanny Love Front: Michael Kunin, Peter Legrand, Katie Piloseno, Coach Greg Lynch, Lisa Teitelbaum, Gregory Hamilton, Colin Ryan Not pictured: Caitlin Trow, Alice Gleason, Timothy Wiegand, Matthew Feinberg

"Despite losing our four top run­ ners from last year and having a young team, we managed to fin­ ish 4th in the league and end our season with a winning record. We look forward to a successful sea­ son next year. Why not?" Captains Alice Gleason and Ted Rucci W

Girls' Basketball Below: Kendall looks to hold a Sacred Heart hand.

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Right: "Block my pass and I'll break your fingers," says Courtney "the finger-breaker" Byrnes.


Left: Ashley en route to another basket. Below: The Vikings plot to annihi­ late the opponent.


"Our season was a very successful one. We met many goals that we made as a team and will reach even more in the Back Row: Erica Williams, Caitlan Casale, Ashley Gray, Kendall Smith, Coach Celia, Coach Catfish. next couple of seasons. Even with all Second Row: Jackie Montoya, Natalia Moena, Courtney Byrnes, Ashley O'Banner. the new players this year our team Third Row: Nicole Kenaga, Brandie Bell, Christina Boccuzzi. pulled together and that showed up in our record. Next year our goal is to bring home the FAA title." Boccuzzi and Brandie Bell

Boys' Basketball Below: M ike Little and Justin Pina carry the ball down the court, ready to score.


Above: Tim W iegand searches for an open man.

Right: Sherrad Prezzie-Blue storms by a defender. Far Right: The V ik in g s crash the boards.

Left: M ike Little soars to the hoop!

Left: Solomon Chernet covers the key on defense.

Below: Mike Little fights off a defender.


Back: Row: Coach Braun, M ike Little, Lesan Chernet, Solomon Chernet, Mike Sheehan, Coach Massa Front: Ryan Victor, Sherrad Prezzie-Blue, Steven Sandak, Justin Pina, Charles Guevara

"We had a tough season, but w e'll be ready to come back next year." Captain Mike Little

Cheerleading Below: "G ive me a V... V ik in g s number 1!

Above: The cheerleaders shout out a cheer.

Right: Sum m erTrott leads the V ik in g s in another cheer.

Right: Jenna Goldschm idt-the muscle behind the squad.

Left: The cheerleaders psych up the crowd with some am az­ ing stunts.

Left: Melissa Maitland gets her groove on.

Below: Ready for the half-time dance.


Back: Em ma W ilson, A li Caulfield, Sum m er Trott, Courtney M alloy, Mrs. H u skin s Front: Lauren O nis, Jenna G oldschm idt, Melissa Maitland

"We had a rough start, but in the end we became a fam ily, more than a squad!" Captains Su m m e r T ro tt and A li Caulfield

_xockey Below: The V ik in g s fight for control of the puck.

Above: A V ik in g practices his stick skills. Right: Coach Connant reas­ sures Elliott Trott at a crucial moment during the game. Far Right: Tim e for the Faceoff!


Back: Matt Ivanhoe, Robbie Zeko, Peter Venetos, Jerry Upright, A n d y Stanton, Brian DeRegt, Robert Sadow ski, Coach Scott Conant, Greg Heins, A ndrew Weinberg, Pete Magrath, Benjamin Larsen, John Hein, Coach John Crandall, C ra ig Pernick, Costas Vlahakis Front: Elliott Trott, C h ris Corcoran, C h ip Curtis, Ravi Banerjee, C ad d y Brooks, Mike Marcal

"We had a lot of fun this sea­ son. Everyone liked hockey and we can't wait until we can get more wins. It was great." C a p ta in s C h ip C u r t is and Elliott Trott


'S. w



M iddle S chool On The Way "The journey, not the arrival, matters; the voyage, not the landing." —Paul Theroux

administration A ddle School Head

Suzanne Buzanoski

Administrative Technology

Pat Doering

Administrative Support

Betty. Palazzo

Faculty Eighth Grade Teaching Team Vi’lcame to

- - Middle School I

Back row: David Woodford, Math; Scott Conant, History; Pat Doering, Math; Connie Nichols, Art; Alec Weiner, English. Front row: Cindy Hermanson, English; Marilyn Howell, Math; Paola Grant, Foreign Languages; Denis Hyde, Music; Tung Tran, Science.

Seventh Grade Teaching Team

Left to right: Cindy Hermanson, English; Becky Rabassa, Counselor; Lois Rinaldi, English; David Woodford, Math; Paola Grant, Foreign Language; John Muhlfeld, Science; Jim Cairns, Geography; Livia Barder, Librarian; Denis Hyde, Music.

Sixth Grade Teaching Team

Left to right: Mike Scelsi, Deanna Supple, Rose Weldon, Ted Cobden.

K h a led A llen C ra ig A u strie B yron A v ery E liza b eth B an erjee C a llie B arker S a ra h B en jam in Ja m e s Blum R ob ert B ren n an Ja m a r B urnes E lizab eth B y rn es R ichard C a stella n o A d rian C io n tu t L au ren C u scu n a P atrick d e V issch er K y ra D o u m lele A n n e G illies D ara G o ld stein A u stin G ram p s G reg o ry H eins D ana H ill L au ra H orak M atth ew Iv an h o e P ay to n K eith C ath erin e K iley Lisa K iley P eter K irsch en b au m Paul K raem er B en jam in K riss M ered ith K riss C aitlin M alloy C o u rtn ey M atthew s Ian M onsm a Sam u el M o n tg om ery Ria M u ttu ku m aru A b ig ail N eff C raig P ern ick R oss P isark iew icz R ob ert Priest P hilip Prou t A llison R eu ben L au ren R u ssell C h arles San tos-B u ch Lily Sch ey h in g Su zan n e Sh eetz A n d rew Slater P eter T o biason G erald U p rig h t Pran ces V ig n ola H en ry W ald E d w ard W h ite R ob ert Z eko So n ya Z io lkow ski

A le x a n d er A h ren s M arlo n A lebiosu Lia A llen C h a rlo tte B areiss D avid B en jam in M ich ael B ey m an C lin to n B otw ay H enry B ug gy T eren ce B yrn e C h ristin e C arey K ath ery n C lark Beth C o n n o lly A lissa C o o p erm a n C h risto p h er C orcoran L isa D illin g er Stev i F ein b erg R eg in ald Ferg u so n N a ta lie Flores C h risto p h er Foley B en jam in G o ld rich O liv er G ray D o u g las H am ilton V icto ria Jon es D an ielle K on ig sb ach er A lliso n K ud zy B en jam in L arsen K ay -L in Lau H an n ah Lloyd A sh ley L u n eb u rg E lizabeth M ag rath M ich ael M arcal Jr Stev en M en k in g A m an d a M etv in er T h eresa M ilano C laire M itch ell O ded N issim C h risto p h er N ourse E lizabeth P erelstein K evin Phelan M arg aret Priest R ach el Puklin A n n a P usack M elissa R oss W illiam Sch p ero B en jam in Seid en stein Sco tt Sh elton C o rn ell Siev ert R yan Su ssan G av in S w eitzer G aelle T ribie V ictoria T sang N ich o las U n n old A n d reas V lah ak is C arla W ells Sean W ise

Faith P ierce D ean n a S u p p le B rian A frick V iv ek A laigh D an ie lle A rm ig er C o u rtn ey B a n n ero t C o u rtn ey B an n erot A ly sia B eaty C h ristin a Blum Lisa B occu zzi C o u rtn ey B ru g g em an K ristin C a stella n o K im C lark K im b erly C lark K ev in d eR eg t A n d rew D ow d ie K ara Frisoli Sch u y ler G o ld b erg C h arlo tte G reen C orn elia Flaehl L aurel H an son R yan H en d erson Sco tt H ootm an -N g R ach el Ivan h oe Jon ath an Jo elso n Philip K houry Su n g you Kim M argot Lane Josep h L ieber Jeffrey L ou n sbu ry Eric Lubben A m an d a M arcelle-K leem an A lison M ehan A khil M ehta L eigh M illard R obert M inicucci M allory M onsm a E lizabeth P acker M icheal Pakula A d am P isark iew icz Sh an e P izzu tello Sarah Puklin C h arn ee Purdy H an nah Rabin Sp en cer R obin son V ictoria San tos-B u ch Sh ilp a Sark ar Bryan S arn er T rav is Sch m id t

Middle School Sports

7th & 8th Grade Volleyball Front: Sarah Ross-Benjamin,Callie Barker, Anna Pusack, Victoria Tsang, Ali Hittman, Lisa Kiley. Back: Coach Tung Tran, Caitlin Malloy, Dana Hill, Ria Muttukumaru, Austin Gramps, Claire Mitchell, Danielle Konigsbacher, Carla Wells, Theresa Milano, Courtney Matthews.

5th &6th Grade Volleyball

Front: Abigail Flatow, Elizabeth Mitchell, Leslie Andrianni, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Lisa Boccuzzi, Vicoria Santus-Buch. Back: Coach Debra Cardarelli, Rachel Ivanhoe, Hanna Rabin, Charnee Purdy, Courtney Bruggeman, Alysia Beaty, Asley Alebiosu,S a r a h I Puklin, Kristin Castellano.


5th & 6th Grade Boys' Soccer 7th & 8th Grade Boys' Soccer Front: Greig Santos-Buch, Payton Keith, Adrian Ciontut, Chris Foley, Chris Corcoran, Craig Pernick, Christopher Nourse, Michael Marcal, Jr. Back: Rob Zeko, Matthew Ivanhoe, James Blum, Richard Castellano, Jr., Peter Venetos, Greg Heins, D.J. Benjamin, Ross Pisarkiewicz, Khaled Allen, Coach John Crandall.

Front: John Qua II, Stefan Lyew, Alex Harkin, Kip Shelton, Alexander | Doering, Kevin Griffin Andrew Richardson, Jonathan Joelson, David Kuntzman, Daniel Beyman, Jason Filatov. t Back: Coach Michael Scelsi, Brian Africk, Garrett Sweitzer, Eric Lubben, Vivek Alaigh, Adam Pisarkiewicz, Joey Lieber, Peter Menking, Travis Schmidt, Bryan Sarner, Daniel McGee, Oliver Belmont, Shane Pizzutello, John Palmeri, Alchil Mehta, Coach Ted Cobden.

7th & 8th Grade Girls' Soccer

Front: Hannah Lloyd, Charlotte, Bareiss, Lia Allen, Laura Llorak, Natalie Flores, Libby Perelstein, Gaelle Tribie, Rachel Puklin. Back: Lauren Cuscuna, Sonya Ziolkowski, Catherine Kiley, Lily Scheyhing, Stevi Feinberg, Christine Carey, Liz Magrath, Liz Banerjee, Lisa Dillinger, Alissa Cooperman, Meredith Kniss, Anne Gillies, Beth Connolly, Katie Clark, Coach Jim Cairns.

7th & 8th Grade Boys' Soccer II Front: R.J. Ferguson, Morgan Banker III, Kevin Phelan, Chris Foley, Ben Goldrich, Will Schpero, Douglas Hamilton, Clinton Botway, Alex Ahrens. Back: Scott Shelton, Woody Priest, Henry Wald, Sam Montgomery, Matthew Ivanhoe, Steven Menking, Nicholas Unnold, Greig SantosBuch, Coach Alex Weiner.

5th &6th Grade Girls' Soccer

Front: Coach Geordie Hackett, Kara Frisoli, Sarah Schultz, Conny Haehl, Kimberly Segalis, Catlin Weinstock, Ashley Cannon, Kim C l a r k , Anya Leist, Zoe Mallios. Back: Shaela Greenfield, Elizabeth Beitler, Danielle Armiger, Christina Blum, Courtney Bannerot, Grace Shaker, Margot Lane, Laurel Hanson, Emily Smith, Ruth Hubbard, Monica Wells.

5th & 6th Grade Football

Front: Andrew Dowdie, Ryan Sullivan, Eric Reinemann, Stephen Goddard, Cody Benedetto, Michael Pakula. Middle: Ryan Henderson, Keil Mueller, Jr., Oliver Wald, Robby Minicucci, Jeff Lounsbury, Chris Ahrens, Peter Menking, John HoneyFitzgerald, Justin Raffaeli, Scott Hootman-Ng Back: Jason Torey, Schuyler Goldberg, Matthew Miller, Dylan Warren, Coach Tom Decker, Spencer Robinson, Jimmy Voyages, Philip Khoury, Coach Dan Gouin, Rai Jarvis-Tipton, Stephen Sheehan, Sungyou Kim.

7th & 8th Grade Football Front: Ian Monsrna, Jerry Upright III, Sean Wise, Aaron Buggy, Andrew Vlahakis, Oliver Gray, Patrick de Visscher, Oded Nissim, Ben Seidenstein, Gavin Sweitzer. Middle: Peter Kirschenbaum, Benjamin Kriss, T.C. Byrne, Marlon Alebiosu, bobby Brennan, corey Sievert, Andrew Slater, Michael Beyman, Ben Larsen, Paul Kraemer. back: Coach Tom Decker, Byron Avery, Teddy White, Peter Tobiason, Jamar Burnes, Philip Prout, Ryan Sussan, Craig Austrie, Coach Dan Gouin, Coach Rich Massa.

7th & 8th Grade Field Hockey

Front: Amanda Metuiner, Suzie Sheetz, Lauren Russell, Dara Goldstein, Kay-Lin Lau, Alii Kudzy, Melissa Ross. Back: Coach John Muhlfeld, Vicky Jones, Allie Reuven, Fran Vignola, Liz Byrnes, Abby Neff, Ashley Luneburg, Margie Priest, Coach Karen Celia.


Front: Lisa Allen, Ashely Luneburg, Melissa Russ-Benjamin, Kay-Lin Lau, Amanda Metuiner Front: Elizabeth Packer, Alison Mehan, Mallory Monsma, "Lilly second row: Danielle Kanigsbacher, Liz Magrath, Christine Carey, Char­ Kotlsieper, Kate, Laidlow. lotte Bareiss, Fran Vignola, Abby Neff Back: Coach Karen Celia, Faith Pierce, Leigh, Millard, Virginia Third Row: coach Alex Weiner, Lisa Dillinger,Sony , /iolkowski, Catherine . Khoury, Jessica Lockwood, Micaela Scully, Charlie Gnoon, Shilpa Kiley, Sam Montgomeny, Chris Foley Sarkar.

5th & 6th Grade Field Hockey

lot! 5th & 6th Grade Boys Fitness ront: Brian Africk, Alex Doering, Stephen Lyew, John Qua IV ack: Robby Miniccuri, Adam Pisarkiewicz, Travis Schmidt, Scott ootman-Ng, Mathew Miller, Coach Deb Cardarelli

7th & 8th Grade Fittness ont: Clinton Botway, Ben Goldrich, Laura Norak iddle: Alex Ahrens, Woody Priest, Lauren Cuscuna, Sarah Rossâ– njamin ck: Coach Dick Cerone, James Blum, Ian Monsma, Michael Beyman, laled Allen, D.J. Benjamin, Lily Scheyhing

5th & 6th Grade Hockey Front: Garrett Sweitzer, Leigh, Alison Mehan, Eric Reinemann, Mallory Monsma, Cody Benedetto, Stephen Goddard, Akhil Mehta, Keil Mueller, JrBack: Coach Geordie Hacket, John Honey-Fotzgerald, Oliver Belmont, Shyler, Goldberg, Justin Raffaeli, Jason Torey, Daniel, McGee, Jason Filatov, Kevin de Regt, Oliver Wald, Ryan Sullivan, Peter Reilly

7th & 6th Grade Boys' Basketball Front: Kevin Griffin, Eric Lubhen, Micheala Pakula, Andrew Dowdie Back: Chris Ahrens, Dylan Warren, Spencer Robinson, Philip Khoury, Stephen Sheehan, Bryan Sarner

5th & 6th Grade Boys' Basketball 7th & 8th Grade Boys' Basketball Front: Jonathan Joelson, John Palmeri, Daniel Beyman, Jeff Loundsbury, David Kuntzman Back: Coach Rich Massa, Vivek Alaigh, Jimmy Voyages, Peter Menking, Joey Lieber, Rai Jarvis-Tipton

Front: Teddy White, Bobby Brennan, Payton Keith, Oliver Gray, Byron Aveny Back: Phillip Prout, Jamar Burnes, Peter Tobiason, Craig Austrie, Coach Tom Decker

7th & 8th Grade Boys' Basketball 7th & 8th Grade Boys' Basketball Front: Ben Seidenstein, Douglas Hamilton, Nicholas Unold Back: Marlon Alebiosu, Stephen Menking, Peter Kirschenbaum, Richard Castellano, Jr., Coach Tung Tran

Front: Paul Kraemer, Kevin Phelan, Adrian Ciontut, R.J. Ferguson, Christopher Nourse Back: Ryan Sussan, Aaron Buggy, Andrew Slater, Coach Dan Gauin

5th & 6th Grade Girls' Basketball Front: Caitlin Weinstock, Anya Leist, Elizabeth Beitler, Shaela Greenfield, Emily Smith, Abigail Flatow, Grace Shaker Back: Coach Tom Decker, Ashley Aebiosu, Hannah Rubin, Ruth Hubbard, Faith Pierce, Rachel Ivanhoe, Kinberly Segalis

Front: Vicky Jones, Stevi Feinberg, Natalie Flores, Theresa Milano, Libby Perelstein Back: Beth Connolly, Victoria Tsang, Carla Wells, Claire Mitchell, Anna Pusack, Alissa Cooperman, Coach Bill Pusack

5th & 6th Grade Girls' Basketball

8th Grade Girls' Basketball

Front: Kate Laidlow, Kara Frisoli, Ashley Cannon, Sarah Shultz, Courtney Bannerot Back: Coach Michael Scelsi, Lizzie Mitchell, Alysia Beaty, Laurel Hanson, Charnee Purdy, Monica Wells, Micheala Scully, Kristin Castellano, Victoria Santos-Burch

Front: Dara Goldstein, Susie Sheetz, Lisa Kiley Back: Ria Muttukumaru, Allison Reuben, Courtney Mathews, Callie Barker, Coach Karen Celia

Candids 135

I Candids 137

L ow er S chool On Your M ark s... "Every journey begins with a single step."


Carol Holland Head of Lower School

Jan Homicki Director of Early Childhood

Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students, Science Teacher

Faculty and Staff

Rosemary Gallagher Director of Support Services

Liz Bounty Support Services

Karen Simmons Support Services

Lorie Auletta Art

Carolina Reyna Spanish

Karen Celia Physical Education

Debra Cardarelli Physical Education

Daniel Gouin Physical Education

Tom Decker Physical Education

Leslie Vena, Gracelia Rodriguez, Pat Green Administrative Support

The Lower School would like to dedicate their portion of the yearbook to Mrs. Huntoon in honor of her 23 years of service. She began as a teacher, then became an administrator and finished her time at KLHT as our librarian. When one thinks of the Mona Lisa, one thinks of Ann - But with a dazzling smile. We would like to thank Ann for her guidance, devotion and love of learning. We will miss you.

Judy Gerardi, School Nurse Gerry Lacerenza, Dental Hygenist

Faculty unavailable for photos: Rebecca Palsco, Music; Rich Massa, P.E.; Michael Hanna, Computer; Deborah Mitchell, Art Assistant

Lower School 141

Jamie Mansfield Ashley Cannon Stephen Goddard Shaela Greenfield

Virginia Khoury David Kuntzman Kate Laidlow Jessica Lockwood

Lower School 145

Mrs. Pappalardo's Fifth Grade Class

i-z's Fifth Grade Class Ben Schwartz Cody Benedetto Alexander Doering Abigail Flatow

Kevin Griffin Alexander Harkin John Honey-Fitzgerald Lilly Kottsieper

Ellen Eagleton Jesse Buccolo Daniel Catchpole Mary Connacher

Peter Gillies Vincent Love Jane Makin Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman

Amy Mitchell Aditya Mookerjee Matthew Nussbaum David Rabin

Matias Reyna Tiana Segalas Spenser Sussan Joseph Waters

Helen Santoro Michael Baresich Steven Carey John Chestnut

Noah Fouad Kinsey Greenfield Christopher Hansen Alexandra Kreitman

Annie Lubben Aaron Metviner Matthew Murphy Kristine O'Brein

Will Orenstein Meredith Packer Michael Toy Paul Vanderslice Alex Vlahakis

Lauren Avitabile Frederick Bannerot Mariah Berrios Alexandra Burnett

Caroline Castellano Ross Connacher Sean Frisoli Taylor Kniffin

Glenn Riedell Jonathan Avery Tassos Bareiss Justin Beitler

Julia Bonnell Gordon Bray Alexandra Knights

158 Lower School

Adam Lebovitz Kathryn Marber Matthew Milano Benjamin Millard

No Photo Available

Alexandra Minicucci Sydney Ramsden Lauren Sarner

Lower School 159

Sarah Spaulding Madeline Davidoff Rhiannon Duerden William Green

Kate Hyman Lara Kottsieper Alexander Morgan

rq r r


Jennifer Westphalen Luke de Visscher William Garrity Ashley Gau

Samuel Howard Micaela Kreitman Michael Labine Shane Lau

T>\5-S:0O - O'T

<V30-cV-4 >0 IS-lO-M*

Mi;,. i\aidt s Second Grade Class Karen Raidt Henry Bareiss George Collins

Chole Gardner Katherine Gimpel Abby Leibowitz




164 I lower School

Morgan Lyew Philip Nussbaum Ellie Oakford Max Orenstein

Will Schink Lauren Snow Patrick Sullivan

Lower School 165

Miss Stratton's Second Grade Class

Mrs. Benedetto's First Grade Class Sonia Benedetto Greta Baresich Corey Blattman Braxton Carr

Nicholas Cesare Siena DeFranco Michael DelGenio Christian Dobrowsky

Mrs. Decker's First Grade Class Emily Decker Sophie Cairns Jack Clippinger Nora Flaherty

Wayne Higgins Hiram Holloway Katherine Kuntzman William McEvoy

172 Lower School

Kelsey Luneberg Catherine McAree Lindsay Mcllmurrav Georgina Morgan

>ÂŤ l


Oliver Nicol Abby Stevenson Taylor Voges

Penny Hein Carolyn Gallagher Rachel Cohen Samantha Davidoff

William Hennessy Gerard Hoeltzel Caroline Hubbard Eloise Hyman

176 Lower School

Ann Palm Craig Bray Amber Berrios Abby Cerone

Erik Chiodo Tavia DeFranco Holly Duerden Drew Gibson

Meredith Gillies Wyatt Grant Nicholas Hyman Hanna Ramsden

Hailey Raskovic Daniel Rosenblum James Schink

Editors' Thanks This year the staff became the pure essence and drive of the yearbook. Many individuals went beyond the call of duty in their efforts to help the team. We would like to thank Ms. Stratton and Mrs. Welland for their hard work on the Middle and Lower School sections. Spe­ cial thanks to Katherine Carey for her endless efforts and enthusiam. Thank you to Katie Brown for consistently being on top of things since the summer. Thanks to Amy Cohen and Chris O'Connell for never settling for anything less than perfection.

Year Book Staff A d viso rs Ms. Sadlow sky Mrs. Tortorella E ditor In Chiefs Kate Metzler D avid Gomez Senior Section Mere Buzanoski Pete Harm elin Sam Stevenson-Smith

Underclassmen A m y Cohen Kate Nichols C h ris O 'Connell D ividers Lin d say Benjamin Sports Katie Brown C h ris Northrup

Events M andy Volper Cassie Priest C lu b s Steven Hooper Photography Katherine Carey Anne-M arie Leiser Cassie Priest

To our Adivsors

This year book would not have been possible without the leader­ ship of Ms. Sadlowsky and Mrs. Tortorella. They created a fun and productive environment, and showed support for and confindence in our efforts and ideas. Most importantly, on those long nights after school, they knew when it was time to order the pizza and take a break. Our deepest gratitude, sincerely Kate and David

A ds Celebrating Milestones



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My friends are a very special part of my lite. I’ll never forget all the times we’ve .pent together and the many memories we has Thanks for always being there for me. I With countless laughs anil many fun times, F I'll never forget my years at King. A I'll miss all of you so much.



From childhood through adulthood ......side by side...... Congratulations & Good Luck! Love, Jesse

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow Don't walk behind me I may not lead Walk beside me And just be my friend.

We are very proud of you, Nick Love, Mom A Dad

W e axe p m u d of, yxuix accontpClttfunente,

[faux desixe

ym vc efifext* t v f f e a

ta achieve,

yxmx dtxengih o f I m ind an d chaxaciex. (9ux tim e atuuxup, M om , tDad <C G nna

To Our Dear Julio Ivan Dear Ivan: We still remember your first years, so small and Fragile, that you ran to us in order for us to protect and take care of you. We also remember when for the first time, you dressed yourself with vour school uniform, and your innocent smile and joy when you used to show us your excellent school grades are ebbed in our memory. In vour adolescense, you were always a role model, respectful, friendly, never loosing vour form of making us feel your love and always maintaining you triumphant smile with your good school grades, and vour accomplishments in vour favorite sport, Soccer.



family that loves you, and when you follow this path, v?>u will find

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many ups and downs that vou will be able to avercome and

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And in this opportunity, you are preparing vourself to follow a new path for vour horizon and at the end, it will be the one that

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will give you the greatest satisfaction, to your parents and all your

continue forward and the only thing we ask of you is that you will always remember the example and the counsel of vour teachers, and of your parernts and remember always that "IN THE BATTLE OF LIFE, the strongest man doesn't always win, sooner or later the man who wins is he who believes that he can do it". We thank God for having a son like you. With all of our love, vour parents, Julio, Juana, and your spoiled "MINI ME", and all the familv. Good Luck, Ivan


The Eiman family "Poppy Doc", Daisy, Thomas, Y a n g , J a c / c , Rod, Laura, a n d Caddy Want to thank the entire staff of KLHT for their caring and nurturing of Jeannette Biddle Brooks.


Continue to grow, Jeannette, knowledge, wisdom, a n d g r a c e . W c / o n e y o n always.

Jump for Joy!

Love, Wiffy, Hannah, & Meghan

Ich suchte dich und habe m ich gefunden. Franz Grillparzer

Son, grandson, brother, unde....Friend. For most of your eighteen years you have pursued three passions: Reading, Writing, and Friendships. We are so very proud of your determination and accomplishments and so very grateful for your loving spirit all of which will help you to find your own way on your own terms. And when tire time comes we'll sit right there in the front row and listen to your acceptance speech! Our love and prayers go with you! Mom and Dad Stephanie Ines and Michael, Oliver and Jennifer Harrison and Ainsleigh, Carola, Rainer, and Nikola


Thank you Mom and Dad for the constant support and for all the other things that you have done for me that would be impossible to list here. I am entirely in your debt and am lucky to have you as my parents. I love you both. Thank you to the rest o f my family, whom l love more than anything, for always loving me and filling my heart with joy. I am never happier than when / am with you, and I consider myself lucky’ to be blessed with you as my family. To the friends l have gathered over time, l too express my utmost gratitude and love. Most o f all, I would like to thank someone who has had a greater impact upon my life than anyone else out­ side o f my family has. She has come to mean more to me than I thought was ever possible for anyone, and I wouldn’t change a single second that I have ever spent with her. So to her / say thank you and I love you. All o f you have helped make me the person I am, and (to paraphrase a quote from Fr. Jerome Cummings) I thank you all for knowing me, but loving me anyway. -ALEXANDER BRIAN HUELS

AFROULA, Congratulations + good luck In college + Driving, I will miss giving you rides in the morning + Patera IMON!!!! Love You Very Much Mom & Dad Fro,

FroHead, Congratulations. I wish you all the best. Good Luck whatever you do! Love you, Peter & Maria

Congratulations & Best of Luck in the future. Keep working hard and everything will come. Love, Nick


Alexandra, Spread Your wings and fly! The world is yours. Love, Mom

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Dear Andrew, Life's a journey Not a destination

Always follow your dream's road in life. We are so proud of you! With all our love, Mom + Dad


To the ‘Parents Association: We are gratefulfor ad the supportyou have given throughout ouryears at ‘XPtHT ‘Thanfyou.

The Class of2001

To Our Sarah Bear: You have b ra in s in you r head; you have feet in yo u r (m a n y ) shoes; You can ste e r y o u rse lf any d irectio n you ch o o se . And you w ill su cce e d ...y e s, you w ill, indeed: 1 0 0 % gu a ra n te e d ! To d a y is gon e; to day w a s fun. To m o rro w is a n o th e r one. E ve ry d a y, from here to there, fu n n y th in g s are e v e ry w h e re — D r. Suess (w it h a po log ies)

You ARE the best. We all love you and we're proud of you. Big hugs and sloppy kisses from Mom, Dad, K8, The Benster; Kris, Jam es, Petey, Ells, Ands, Ant, all the Meows and Nick.

T. 218

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SMILES.. a l l ouk lo v e.



College Counseling Congratulates The class of 2001! It was wonderful working with you and good luck in all of your future endeavors! With Love and Warm Wishes, Mrs. Colthup and Ms. Cushing

Congratulations, Scott and The Class of 2001! Love, Lisa, Rob, and Mark Spatt

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