King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2002

Page 1

Table of Contents Volume 14 Faculty and Staff....6 Seniors....16 Underclass....80 Juniors....82 Sophomores... .86 Freshmen....90 Clubs....94 Sports....102 Events....134 KLHT W.A.L.K.S....136 Spirit Week....138 Flomecoming... .140 Great Expectations....142 Holiday Show....144 The Sound o f Music....146 Middle School....150 Faculty....154 Eigth Grade....156 Seventh Grade....160 Sixth Grade....164 Middle School Sports....168 Lower School....176 Administration.... 178 Faculty....180 Pre-Kindergarten....184 Kindergarten... .188 First Grade....194 Second Grade....200 Third Grade....206 Fourth Grade....212 Fifth Grade....218 Advertisements... .30

King & Low-Heywood Thomas School, 2002

ife brings many pleasures to us every day. If we make the most of those pleasures, they become the building fblocks of wonderful memories. My experiences at KLHT have been like the intriguing creations of a kaleidoscope, pro­ viding me with an endless variety of memories, each a joy and a treasure. As my journey at KLHT comes to an end and I say farewell, I do so knowing that I take with me a treasure chest overflowing with wonderful memories of my experiences of with all of you who have touched my life at KLHT during the last twenty-two years.


Barbara Hartley Smith

hroughout her years at KLHT, Mrs. Smith has assumed a wide variety of roles. She has served in the Admissions Office, as a math and science teacher, as a girls' volleyball coach, as the Dean of the Middle School, as the Head of the Middle and Upper Schools, and for the past four years, as the Headmistress of our school. In 1986, she left our community to explore an opportunity at the International School in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, but she was not gone for long. She rejoined KLHT in 1988 and has been one of our strongest supporters ever since. As we say goodbye to Mrs. Smith this year, we hope that, like before, it will not be for too long. Her presence in our community is invaluable and will certainly be missed. And, although we hate to see her go, we wish her continued success in her future and hope that she will always remain part of the greater KLHT community. As Mrs. Smith has taught us all, there is a Shel Silverstein poem for every occassion:


Som eb ody has to go polish the stars. T h ey 're looking a little bit dull. S om eb ody has to go polish the stars. For the e a g le s and starlings and gulls H ave all b een com p laining th ey're tarnished and worn, They say they want new ones we can not afford. So p lease get your rags And your polishing jars. S om eb ody has to go polish the stars.

We will miss you, but we know that you will be very busy polishing stars. With All Our Love, The Class of 2002 & The entire KLHT community

s Malcolm Miller reminds us, "a building is like a book. Its architecture is the binding, its text is in the jL Jkglass and sculpture." Our educational experience at CLHT is the building of which he speaks, its text the memoies and events that take place inside. This year our school's >uilding and text were interrupted by the events of Septem>er 11th which shook our school, our community, the nation, md the entire world. From this tragedy we have seen that a trong foundation can help us during such difficult times. Vhen the building theme was initially chosen it was to acompany the rennovation of our school, but now the theme akes on a greater meaning in light of global events. It is im~ >ortant to build a strong feeling of community from the very iarly building-block stages of lower school, to the supportive tructure of the middle school, and finally to the nearly com­ pete project of high school. When we are seniors, although >ur building time here is done, we look back and realize that t is our community that gives us the strength to continue nto our futures. Just as a building is only as strong as the naterials from which it is made, a school is only as strong as l11 the people within its walls. The faculty and adminstration ire the bricks and mortar that are necessary for both a strong immunity and a strong building. Our building, the KLHT educational experience, is the combination of all of these elenents, each with a unique characteristic that defines the ichool year. Each individual strives to become a completed milding; yet all together we form one building, one commulity, so strong, that nothing can stand in our way.

On behalf of the Class of 2002, this edition of Kaleidoscope is dedicated to Eileen Baker.

The Class of 2002 is proud to dedicate this yearbook to a woman who has played a wide variety of roles in all of our lives. Many of us knew her first as a parent, then as a won­ derful teacher, and finally, as a caring senior class advisor. We are grateful for her never-ending support of both our class and of the entire KLHT community, and we wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors.

F aculty Bricks and Mortar "N oble life demands a noble architecture for noble uses of noble m en." - Frank Llovd Wright

Head of Upper School Bill Ennist

Academic Dean Karin Wagner

Dean of Faculty Helen Kweskin


Business Director Karen Peterson

Director of Athletics Dick Cerone

Technology Department Bill Pusack, Wayne Oldack, Bill Waldman, Marco Lopes

Development Office Heidi Lockwood, Gay Larsen, Paula Hanson, Justine Hawley, Alison Soler

Admissions Office

Libby Clippinger, Patricia Yvars, Cathie Seton


M ich elle Sotire, Krista Colthup, Candace Cushing

Business Office Cornelia Jones, Angela Carey, Jo-Ann Corsillo, Elda Taylor, Dawn White

Kathleen Cattano, Assitant to Head of School

RosaPellerito, AssitanttoHeadofUpperSchool

Leslie Bruzik, Upper School Secretary

Kitchen Staff


Jaime Escalante, Wayne Hartlet, John Muskus, John Zatorsky, Griff Titus, Carlos Escalante

Guy Langlois, Vinnie Laramie, Jennie Loglisci, Carmine Cervellino

Athletic Trainer

0 Becky Rabassa

Geordie Hackett


Math Fron t: W illiam W allace, Jeff T u rsh en B ack: Victoria Khiznichenko, Eileen McQueen, Eileen Baker

;oreign Languages Front: Yvette Luxenberg, Karin Wagner, Angela Tortorella Back: Pierre Kremer, Dr. Tom Zoubeck


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F ron t: E lisa b eth N ew com b, Cathy Mishkin, Scott Sargent Back: Christos Galanopoulos, Gary Schpero, Cliff Peters

English F ron t: Scott M artin , H elen Kweskin, Tricia M anganello, Marnie Sadlowsky Back: Scott V asey, C liff P eters, Erik Mortenson

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Science Front: Sandra Bethray, Priscilla Pusack Back: Geordie Hackett, Tom Pelton, Greg Lynch, J. Gary Caputi, Scott Martin

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Arts Front: Terry M urphy, Catf Mishkin, Amy Darnton


A teacher constructs eternity; h e can n ever tell w here his in flu en ce sto p s. ”

kinff & low-hevwood thomas school o



2001-2002 Above right: ...and there was great happiness in the art department. Right: Geordie tries to pretend that he’s not enjoying himself.

Above: “Ahh, just the way I like my beard: rough.” Question: Why do you like teaching at KLHT? Mr. Caputi - “The kids, the kids, the kids...and of course the yearbook is great too.” :)

Above Left: Mrs. Bruzik displays her most valuable possession. Above Right: "...and article 52, a KLH T polo, as modeled by Greg Lynch.”

Above: Too good for the plastic utensils, eh? Right:“Ladies and gentlemen...the leader of the KLH T marching band, Mrs. Smith.” Below: And KLHT stops walking.

Above: Mrs. Baker thought she had Solomon’s attention, but of course, he had fallen asleep.


Above: “The server is mine, all mine! Below: M r.W allace always has shadow looming over his shoulder.

S eniors Fully Assembled 'W hen we build, let us think that we build forever." -John Ruskin

IP M*' This shall be my parting word: know what you .want to do - then do it. -Ernestine Schuman-Heink * What is'a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies Aristotle

Strm ngTor excellence motivates you; ' n g foyper^ection is demoralizing Harriet Braiker

To Dad & MomThanks for beiiig my backbone when times got n my actions, and I appreciate that, I love


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Always look before yo -Merlin - The Sword If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane -Jimmy Buffet

Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play. -Oasis

Good friends we have, oh, good friend we've lost along the way. In this gn future, you can't forget your past. So dry your tears, I say. -Bob Marley

So don't worry 'bout a thing, 'cause every littl is gonna be alright... -Bob Marley

Welcome to Paradise -Green Day

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o le on your feet than to live 1 your nees. - miliano Zapata

And I don't want the worlcf to see me/Cause I don't think that the understand/ But when everythi made to be broken/1 just want

/f. ,i _ T, * know who I am. - Goo Goo Dol Don t tell me I m different^ut hold me to the same standards as someone else. ^H l

Kim. Thank you for

always keeping it Wax. I love you.

Mom & Dad -T know I h a . _ caused you a lot of grief, but you have never given up on me and you have always, always believed in me. Thank you for being such good parents, thank you for never letting me down. I love you both. Zoe & Cassie- You have been there for me when no one else has and you know me better than anyone else ever could. Thank you. I shall always be able to stand on my own two feet, ev& soil of the harshest realitv. J

when thev

jrited on /he har<^est

\ Don't talk about it, be about it.

The sun won't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together. - P. Diddy


f m only this far/ And tomorrow leads my way. - DMB

1 don t mind falling down and set . g up my knees/Scars and stiches alwavs fa e and only strengthen me. - Guster

Du er et solskinn som titter inn medd lys og varme i stuen min. Du er en strale som lyser klar. Et life solskinn for mor og

She's got a pretty smile/ It covers up the poison that she hides. - Lifehouse

It's crazy I'm thinking/Just knowing the world is round/ Here I'm dancing on the ground/Am I right side up or upside down?/Is it real or am I dreaming? - DMB Mom - Mange takk for alt du har gjort for meg. Jeg er veldig glad i deg. Dad - Thank you for always supporting me. I love you. Eric - 1 love you and thank you for making me stronger.

Dance for yourself, if some­ one understands, good. If not, then no matter, go right on :>ve! - Lois

Anne-M arie Leiser

Chris Szymanczyk

j'||<|he]l of N t S next door





B Ted Rucci Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that cre­ ated them. - Albert Einstein


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A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her. - David Brinkley


The young do not know enough to be prudent, and there­ fore they attempt tjie impossible, and acheive it, genera­ tion after geheratfon.-Pearl S. Buck

Above all nations is humanity. -Goldwin Smith

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I love deadlines, I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. - Douelas' Adams • i


Those who will not reason are the bigots, those who cannot are fools, and those who dare not are slaves. - Lord Byron

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*ff * *-’***£%* 4 lcek vcth for .saving me, loving^me, helping me in every way. I love you.


Life is a truly awesome thing and should never be taken for granted. While you reside here on this wonderful place called Farth hripfjn o m en ^ n ^ en su re___ w ifrlive a v ^your o u o ife yourself that you will ntetne way you want it to be lived. Forever remember it's your life, live it up. If you're gonna live it up, you're gonna give it up then give it up. If you're gonna walk the earth then walk it proud, and if youre^OTma say the word you gof ImiH - Ren Harner -

let school interfere with education.

you would not be forgotten, ^s soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth r ^ ^ n ^ o r d o things worth - Benjamin Franklin

Learning to sets you-cre Learning t(4 dance gives yoy the greatest J f * freedom mmtl; to express, with your whole self, the person you ;are. - Melissa Hayden 1_ Âť \ -C 4 L Âą A I J L l


& friend:

re ra a jl^ c o m e into o il P R ^ u ick ly go; others ] ' for a while, leaving prints on our hearts and



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There is no terror in a bung, only in the anticipation of il * » - Alfred Hitchcock

- Marge Piercy Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted are the most terrible poverty. - Mother Teresa The universe is full of stories, not of atoms. - Muriel Rukeyser The way I see it, if you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. - Dolly Parton

Information can tell us mrerythirig. It has all the answers. Bbt there are a n ^ e r ? to questions we have not asked, and which doybtlefjS/^on't ev#n arise. - j^an B audri^rd # The only reason to invest market is because th know something o - R. Foster Wyians %j§ *« Work is life, you khow, and with­ out it, there's nothid1^ but fear aid insecurity. ^ - |3hn Lennon Life is lived in common, but not ir community^ | - Michael Harringtoi People change and forget to tell tv

Any mother could per­ form the jobs of several air-traffic__—

loses when one decides not to be something but someone. - Coco Chanel

N. Alexander

To my family and friends: Couldn't have done it without you; Thanks for everything.

He W e're all a little bizzare. Some of us are just better at ^ hiding it. - The Breakfast Club

If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it. Song o f Solomon by Toni Morrison This above all, to thine own self be true. - William Shakespeare




Zanny Love

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Colin Christopher Ryan t what you get and you don't get upset. - Caroline A witty saying proves nothing. -Voltaire Mom, Dad, Cathleen and Caroline -- You are the best family ever. 1 love you all.

To thine own self be true. - Polonius, Hamlet

If you are going through hell, keep going. - Winston Churchill

For yesterday is but a memory And tomorrow is only a vision But today well-lived Ov Makes every yesterday a In memory of happiness And every tomorrow a vision of hope Look well, therefore, to this ] day! - Sanskirt Poem



youths grow tired and

who hope in the

hareen Jelani

renew their strength, ey will soar on wings lik eagles; they will run and not gr w eary;; they will walk and - Isaiah 40:3

Stephen Hoope *i# t

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he only man never to be redeem is the man without passion. i -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

and stir other people to ere -Robert Frost

It's gonna be a glorious day Pull me out of the aircrash Pull me out of the lake I'm your superhero We are standing on the edge. -Radiohead

Crazy to want this, even for awhile, making this up, the reasons for being are easy to pay. you can remember the others, but just kind of run away. -matthew good band Good bye, cuz I w o i ^ be back soon. -Guster

And did they know that they'd need fences so high, 'caifse giving up is a to tals waste of time. 1 stop to#i; breathe in air asTw atch the ground beneath us blend into the sky, I don'ty know where to go. -Dishwalla

â– urself that

rord is bond, one lo e, fm y friends, and mom lank you, and^eare fo |causy everybody im p

Yoi/rehiof’On my y w yt.riprance plus arrogance mals p^wer.„-J.A.

grow into a ^ w m e io a e M g to See things^ecdp; feats^andjsp^feyj

Fm half m< * amazing.#


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A good person does the right thing even when no one is watching.

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the>'become •ey become ac‘ bey become habits, s; they become char-


-ur character; it becomes your Anonymous

We should com ne i rom far, from advc es, and perils, and discoveries every' day, with new experience and character - Thoreau

To those I will miss:’ Farewell green fields and happy groves Where flocks have took delight; Where lambs have nibbled, silent m oves . j§ . The feet of angels bright; Unseen they pour blessing And joy without ceasing f§| ' ■,> ~v)n each bud and blossom And each sleeping bosom - William Blake ft

Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it is worth remembering - Anonymous

es Delihas Chris, Mom and Dad: you for always supporting me; showing me all that I know today. I do appreciate everything you have given me. I love you all so much. **Chris - 1 miss you more and more every day. You are my angel and my heart. I love you.**

Lesan is cool. Lesan is very, very cool.

W hen you're scared to look ahead and it hurts to look back, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.

To Shar & Cas: *See you and me have a better time than most can dream of, better than the best, so we can pull on through, whatever tears at us, whatever holds i|s down, and if nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what's around.* DMB ngel so innocent, fell once from aboye^ PP^ed off her,yloud while reaching for love... And so this is the story of how twilight stars came to When love is discovered and held eternally; Lovers destined to be stars, ir a tale so full of heart; But when it seems this story ends it's then it truly starts. <


To my parents: Who loves ya baby!

\ man's mind tretched by new ideas can never go ack to its original iimensions. Oliver Wendell lolmes, Jr.

Mark Eric Spatt

Apartense vacas que la vida es corta. - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


ivery one dies, but not everyone lives. -Braveheart J




^ ____________ If one advances___ conferienriyl**fHl,l1fWl direction of bis dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. - Henry David Thoreau

t forgive him or but i saw that aad done was, | rely justified... garless hey smashed ImM and creatures retreated back be l J money or their f§ar«essness or v e lit was that kep tber, and let )le clean up the |messltttef|had made... Fitzgerald he UBfccitWjCj/sby

...I'm lost in the confu­ sion and it doesn't seem to matter you really can't believe it and you hope it's getting better.

ine day I'm gonna run out ol

What we do in life echoes in eternity." -Maximus Decimus Meridius, Gladiator

Jlf^ou doia't know, no ▼ n ••t-i _

‘cca Boyd Gleason


Things happen in life that pp, but that's n can t ^op, no re^fn to s M ,o u t the world.

; woman spends a

m It's not the stripes that make you a tigger. It's the stuffing inside that counts. - Eeoyre Don't waste time worrying, but if you must worry, know that worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra problem by chevying bubblegum. #•- Baz SSi

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Teddy" Nothing you confess'could make me love you less! * I'll stand by you... Baby even through your darkes hour! And I'll never desert you! I'll s t a n q f ^ ^ ' ' ' ' '

‘ hank you so much for everything. 1 love you and I will always be there in.- you. :n’’' 1


f Catherine Marie Brown Great men can't be ruled. - Ayn Rand

Only those who risk | going too far can possibly find how far one can go. - T.S. Eliot

B itself,

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is O'Conne

S e p tc m t


Most Athletic Nicole K. and Mike L.

Most School Spirit Wilson L. and Nicole K.

Most Musical/ Theatrical Ted R. and Kate N.

Best Eyes Alice G. and Mike L.

Best Body Brandie B. and Mike L.

Best Dressed Alex S. and Lindsay B.

Most Outgoing Mark S. and Kate N.


Biggest Slacker Soledad F.W . and Luke P.

Best Sense of Humor Stephen H. and Kate N.

Most Flirtatious Carrie G. and Adam T

Best Smile Mandy V. and Justin P

Most Likely to Succeed Mark S. and Katie B

•If >

Loudest Shari C. and Wilson L.

Most Artistic Ann G. and Wilson L.

Most Sarcastic Kate N. and Oliver V.

Most Changed Luke P. and Katie F

Most High-Strung Alice G. and Ted R.

Nicest Legs Ted R. and Anne-Marie L.

Most Dramatic Shari C. and Ted R.

Most Mischievous Soledad F.W . and Ri M.


Most Unique Individual Ted R. and Zanny L.

Lesan C and Cassie P.

Most Likely To Fight Each Other Soledad vs. Shari and BJ vs. Mike

Best Friends Sol and Lesan; Cassie, Zoe, and Shari

Cutest Chris S. and Zoe D.

Ann G. and Justin



Obituaries ...o f t h e c l a s s o f 2 0 0 2

Brandie Bell - d ie s i n t h e s e n i o r ro o m Nicole Kenaga - a s o c c e r b a ll r e t a l i a t e s Anne-Marie Leiser - d ie s w h e n s h e is h i t b y a s w in g in g b a c k d o o r Katie Frey - d ie s in j a i l a f t e r s t a l k i n g M el G ib s o n a n d s e n d i n g h im t h r e a t e n i n g l e t t e r s o u t o f j e a l o u s y Lindsay Benjamin - d ie s lo o k in g f o r h e r e a r r i n g . . . a n d g e t s b u r i e d i n a P r a d a c o f fin Carrie Goldstein - a ll t h e g ig g lin g d a m a g e s i n t e r n a l o r g a n s a n d s h e d ie s David Leahy - d ie s i n d a h o o d w it h i s b o y z w h ile k e e p ’n it g a n g s t a Amy Cohen - s u f f o c a t e s i n a ll o f h e r e x t r a s k i n Shari Culpepper - b lin d e d to d e a t h b y A d a m ’s h e a d l i g h t s o n t h e s id e o f t h e r o a d n e a r L i n d s a y ’s h o u s e Zoe Delihas - d i s t r a u g h t a f t e r B r i d g e t ’s d e a th , s h e d e b a te s s u ic id e u n t i l s h e d ie s o f o ld a g e a n d b e c o m e s a n angel Ted Rucci - a ll m a jo r w o r ld l e a d e r s u n a n i m o u s l y d e c id e to r i d t h e w o r ld o f T e d b e c a u s e h e w o n ’t y ie ld to t h e i r authorit Sol Chernet - t r i p s a n d f a lls o n h i s P e p s i b o ttle Chris Szymanczyk - a f t e r h i s l e a s h b r e a k s , h e w a n d e r s a i m l e s s l y a n d e v e n tu a l ly w i t h e r s a w a y Adam Korval - f a lls o v e r d e a d w h e n h e o p e n s h i s m o u th to s p e a k Nicole Terenzio - g e t s c a u g h t a n d k ille d in t h e c r o s s f i r e b e t w e e n tw o u n i d e n t i f i e d l o v e r s Wilson Lawrence - b e h e a d e d b y h i s o w n b o o m e r a n g Mike Little - h i s l i t t l e e a r s s u d d e n l y g r o w a n d s w a llo w h im w h o le Soledad F. Whitechurch - c o m m its s u ic id e w h e n s h e r e a l i z e s s h e ’s n o t r i g h t a b o u t e v e r y t h i n g Lesan Chernet - a l s o d ie s i n t h e s e n i o r r o o m . . . Cassie Priest - t h i s o n e tim e , a t c r e w , s h e d r o w n s s a v i n g b a b ie s in b u c k e ts w h ile w a it i n g f o r h e r “b lin d ” d a te Alexander Stock - c h o k e s o n o n e o f h i s s a l a d s Zanny Love - c h a i n s h e r s e l f to a d y in g t r e e in t h e r a i n f o r e s t a n d is s t r u c k b y l i g h tn i n g Colin Ryan - b e c o m e s m o r b id ly o b e s e a n d d ie s o f a h e a r t a t t a c k Ann Grant - is c r u s h e d b y t h e d o o r s o f C o n g r e s s Stephen Hooper - k ille r s h a r k s a r e r e l e a s e d in to t h e p o o l d u r i n g a s w im m e e t a n d S te p h e n d o e s n ’t m a k e it Shareen Jelani - is c r u s h e d in t h e m o s h p i t a t a n *N SY N C c o n c e r t Steph Huels - h e r t e e t h c r u m b le f r o m o v e r - b le a c h in g a n d s h e d ie s f r o m s t a r v a t i o n John Mayberry - is s t a l k e d a n d e v e n tu a l ly is m o b b e d to d e a t h b y u n d e r c l a s s f e m a le s Kate Nichols - f a lls o v e r d e a d w h e n s h e c o m e s to t h e s u d d e n r e a l i z a t i o n t h a t s h e i s n ’t t h a t f u n n y Adam Tooter - d ie s s m ilin g w i t h a n O ls e n t w i n o n e a c h a r m Oliver Vignola - f o u n d d e a d b y M rs . M u r p h y in t h e a r t r o o m s t o r a g e c lo s e t Justin Pina - s m ile s a t t h e w r o n g tim e a n d is s h o t Mandy Volper - d o e s n ’t d ie b e c a u s e i t ’s c o n f o r m in g to s o c i e t y Alex Buggy - h i s v o ic e h i t s a n e w lo w a n d h e e x p lo d e s Mark Spatt - d r o p s o u t o f P r i n c e t o n a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y is k ille d b y h is p a r e n t s Luke Page - d ie s in C o lo ra d o , o n t h e s lo p e s , a f t e r a c tu a l ly t r y i n g to a c c o m p lis h s o m e t h i n g Sam Baker - d ie s a c c i d e n t a l l y c a s t i n g a n o ld G a e lic s p e ll o n h e r s e l f s o m e H a llo w e e n Ri Muttukumaru - e a t e n b y t h e S r i L a n k a n m o n s t e r Alice Gleason - is h i t b y a c a r , b u t d ie s t h i s tim e Katie Brown - is a s s a s s i n a t e d d u r i n g h e r f i r s t t e r m in o ffic e Chris O’Connell - j o i n s t h e CIA a n d d ie s t r y i n g to s a v e L eo Leo Gribelyuk - c a p tu r e d a n d k ille d b y t h e KGB B .J. Hudson - d ie s a n d is a m a r t y r to f o u r y e a r - o ld s a ll a r o u n d t h e w o r ld

ast Will &Testamen W e, t h e C la s s o f 2 0 0 2 , h e r e b y le a v e to t h e fo llo w in g :

Mrs. Baker - a n e n d l e s s s u p p ly o f M & M s Mrs. Bethray - a M ole Irs. Bloom - e a r p lu g s 'Mrs. Bruzik - C h r is S z y m a n c z y k Mr. Caputi - a b ig b o o k o f b a d s c ie n c e jo k e s Mr. Cerone - a lo t o f b e e f y f r e s h m e n f o r t h e fo o tb a ll te a m Mrs. Christensen - 03, 04 a n d 05 M s . Colthup • a n o t h e r c h a n c e to b e o n J a y L e n o Ms. Cushing - m o r e c o lle g e p o s t e r s f o r h e r w a lls ' Ms. Darnton - a r e a l l y g o o d s t a g e c r e w Mr. Ennist - a n SAT s t o r y a b o u t A k b a r a n d S h a n iq u a Mr. Galanopolous - t h e J V B o y s ’ S o c c e r t e a m Mr. Hackett - a c l a s s t h a t d o e s n ’t a r g u e w i t h h im 'r . Khiznichenko - Z o o m 6 • Mr. Kremer - s e n i o r s w h o g e t to h is S p a n is h c la s s o n tim e .. Mrs. Kweskin - P r i n c e W illia m Mrs. Libonati - T ed Ms. Luxenberg - h ig h h e e ls Mr. Lynch • S lim F a s t Ms. Manganello - a n A P E n g lis h c l a s s w h e r e A lice is o n tim e Mr. Martin - h i s jo b b a c k Mrs. McQueen - L eo, R i a n d M a r k (G o M a th T e a m !) Mrs. Mishkin - t h e e n t i r e s e n i o r c l a s s e s ’ lo v e :) Mr. Mortenson • a n o b e d ie n t, r e s p e c t f u l B o y s ’ L a c r o s s e t e a m Mrs. Murphy - m o r e a n a to m i c a ll y c o r r e c t g in g e r b r e a d m e n a n d w o m e n Mrs. Newcomb - h e r A P E c o n o m ic s c la s s Mrs. Pellerito - m o r e c a n d y f o r h e r d is h Mr. Pelton (TP) - m o r e p h y s i c s to y s Mr. Peters - m o r e tim e f o r C re w a n d b o a r d in g s c h o o l s t o r i e s Mrs. Pusack - n e w s c ie n c e film s to s h o w h e r s t u d e n t s Mr. Pusack - s t u d e n t s w h o a c tu a l ly to o k c a r e o f t h e i r la p to p s Mrs. Rabassa - a n o ffic e not a t t a c h e d to t h e S e n io r R o o m Ms. Sadlowsky - a g ift c e r t i f i c a t e f o r S ta r b u c k s c o ffe e Mr. Sargent • a lif e tim e s u p p ly o f R a s p b e r r y S n a p p le a n d , o f c o u r s e , D a v id L e a h y Mr. Schpero - h i s o ld s a l a r y Mrs. Tortorella - m o r e l e a t h e r p a n t s to w e a r Mr. Turshen - a s ig n t h a t r e a d s “I ’m not M r. C a p u ti” Mr. Vasey - M o n ic a , R o s s , R a c h e l, J o e y & P h o e b e Mrs. Wagner - c lo th e s t h a t a r e in a n y c o lo r e x c e p t w h ite Mr. Wallace - a p in k e l e p h a n t g u n to m a k e it e a s i e r J )r . Zoubek • t h e l a s t t h r e e l e t t e r s

AKT- To everyone that is important to me: i have too much to say for this little box, so go to the 'ads' section and you will find my scribbles there. Sorry for the inconvenience, but at least i was a cute kid...right? a.

NAK- AO~ IwillNeverForgetYou.LoveAlways!WL~ThereWillAlwaysBeAPlaceFor UinMyHeart RY~W eW entThroughAlotAnd URAGreatFriendINeverWannaLoseU "OOOM AN" "WatchOutForGirlsWithGlass Eyes" JR-lLoveUSoM uch,Idont Really KnowHowWeGotSoClose,ButIDontKnowWhatIWouldDoIfWeDidnt CN~URMySweetie,IloveUSo Much,UhaveAlwaysBeenThere ForMeWhenNoOneElseWas,I will Never Forget That, AndTheFactThatUAlwavsMakeMeSmileM L - ~YourHugsSavedMyLife,IknowI can Always ComeToUForAnything,LoveUSC~My ONE-AND ONLYbrother,You'reThe BestBroAGirlCouldAskFor Thanks For EverythingILoveU N I-M y lostTwin,WeHaveBeen ThroughSoMuch,AndKnowWe WillBeThroughMore-allOur adventrues(NYC)ILoveUGirlToDeath-NIK+NAK 4eva BB-myGirl-BballSeasons, historyClass,AndEnglishhowWouldWeMake ItThroughW /outYourW atch CG~all The guys U HaveHelpedMeThrough-theyAlwaysSeemTo Hurt -andIContinueToLook,lJust loveEm'TooMuch-thanksForEverythin AT~W e've BeenThroughALot-andYou've Never putMeDown,ButAlwaysHelped MeOut Thanks CS-myHusband,EvenThoughUCheatedIt'sOk-we'llStill MakeltThrough AML - I enjoyed Getting CloseTo UThisYearl Hope U See Me AsYour Good FriendCauselKnowURToMeOC NYC-"whereYouAt?" "I'm RightHere"W K~IHaveA buttICan'tBelieve It'sOver, I'm Gonna MissU ,SaveMe ASeat!KN&TR-ThisFromYour FaithfulCaptain -W ow ThatW asForever A g o - Iwill Never ForgetThoseDays! K N -W h at AWeirdo,WhatIsThat!IhaveSoMuchFunWithYouTheBoobs RhardToDraw SE^YouMakeMeLaugh.TheFirstTime WithYou,AndNeverFogetYouCanBalanceBubblesOnYour T ounge!m ,|G <-wow,WhatTosay.IloveYouGirls So Much , thanks ForAllYourHelp!LAX!!BbaIl -girls,You WereLikeMy Famiy,weHadSo ManyGood Times (RV, Christmas party, Lukes, Coach Mac)luvYa 4eva Soccer-youGuysWillBeSoGoodlnYearsToComeJustNeverForGet Who Helped Too Startlt (lol) GoFar,HaveFun,I'llNeverForgetYouGuys BJ-weBetterReach"the goal"And holdOnToAllOurOthers KB~ Aw,IloveHim! WhatEver,WeKnowWhat WeCanDoOWUA! EK-myLittleSis, We'veHadOurMoments,butYou KnowILove YouToDeath.OAnd Don'tWorry,YouWont GetThatCa r E M - "they'reAHAfraid,That'sY" "weShould MakeSigns ToTellThemWe'reSafe" LG!s~manWhat AreYou Guys Gonna Do w /o u t Me, Casue I Really Do Have To Get AJobThisSummer-butThanksForLettingMeChillToPassTime,IWon't Be Their As Much, ButNo Worries Cause I will BeBack NB-'T'dNeverDoIt Again"DE>- just give it a chance.

BKB- (a.k.a. baby good, bubble butt) LC-my baby, 1 luv u w / all my heart, I'll never forget all the crazy things we've done...Philly, the haunted house, study hall, snow days, the "blanket", the crazy fights, the phone calls w / my mom; I'm so happy u came into my life...knowing u for the past 4 yrs have been a blessing...thank u; never forget I'm always your girl & u r n my heart 4ev er...I love u!!! CG-my daughter, my girl, we have been thru so m uch...I'll never forget the laughs & tears w e've shared over the yrs. "let me holla @ u" "yo shorty" "cha-ching" & the countless other jokes we have...m y other half...m y sista... I luv u & will never forget u. NK (Dida)-my sista, my girl...i <3 u, bball practice, Mr. Hudson's history class, the guy troubles...thanx 4 being my backbone when I needed u ... "I gotta go to the bathroom ..." Homecoming weekend, thanx 4 the dress & my dad w / the pics...hahaha!H! 1 luv u !!! LB- I'm gonna miss u...thanx for being there 4 m e...I'll never forget Philly & that guy thinking we were college we will be...luvu. NT-volleyball...the nightm are... "w atch out there r spies n the school". AG (baby devil)-my FBC partner, recruit as many as possible...remember "girl I'm gonna make u sw eat." "take it off" "death row 4 life" "and then bball practice, the great tim es...I luv u! KS (Mohammed)-bball practice, "baby devil said she gonna kill u ...never sir come to baby devil...I luv u "bye". EW-my girl...w e have to break up Kobe and that dirty M exican...volleyball...the nightm are...rem em ber Kobe loves me!!!! LE-my BF... I luv u...all the crazy times we ve shared... "w hat's w / this wrong" "it's his sister"-jellybean man-he needs to cut his hair...I never told u this but u are my inspiration, and I look up to anx 4 being there 4 m e...never judging me only loving me. Sol-u need to clean those draws of yours; acting class...I would never gotten thru it if u weren't there thanx. ML- 9th grade those were the days...thanx for the great times. CC-my girl thanx 4 listening to all my problems & all the good tim es...u r the best...I'm gonna miss u ...I luv u. CC-u r 2 crazy, volleyball &bball practice great fun . I'm gonna miss u & your dad, he's the greatest. ZD (my daughter)-u r the best-Tropical island, TLC, Double Mint Gum, Stars, that person back n middle school (won't say his name), great times we've shared...I luv u. SH -l-800-Abuse, there's always help...u r the best volleyball manager ever. LO- my Roxbury girl...I luv u. AB- my special one, I luv u. Mr. Lynch-'T m super thanx for asking" u r the best teacher ever...I'm gonna miss u. Thanx for believing n me. To anyone who I forgot don't hold it against m e...thanks!!!!


IAB It';. 11 ' > e l‘v L:

It. \ " ,r V ,




V- Class of '02, whoa what a ride! Congrats to everyone. KN. Kage come here I want you! \TEEE, your the man. How's the Pouch. Thanks for all those rides. ARBG, what can I say it, follow the bouncing ball... and your not fat, your HOT. CR, SH (boys) how bout their/ ;hts. CR, watch out for Ed. Your running to fast. How's your friend at Liz Sue? SH, use e power of the steady cam. I think it s eating its own..." AC, my stretchable pal, could ’U not wear the white one! I will come into your art class. WL you abstract fool! I could vays understand you in English. Art class on Thursdays Meow...Thud! CS, Wanna play me war, shoot rubber bands or play GTA III at 3am with Buccalo. The game is not al...don't hit the cop. Da Bears! Ditka is god. NK, thanks for always being there to talk. Go -Is soccer! Good game! LB, I'll have Ralph call your people. RISD bud, Speed Stick, Roger, ie G Spot. MS, 13 freakin years! Ahhhh. AML, I'm in the bushes... DL, see you in ratoga for Dave. 7 /3 0 /0 1 Wow what a show! CP, I'll always be there to play with your nd. Go Crew! Can you tell me one of those crew stories. TR "Stick, STICK!" SB thanks - keeping me in check. ZL where's the water! CG, I hate you! KA, the squishi is 3 dolla. TV we are geniuses. AG. you can open a door better than anyone I know. I did the bicycle awing... SC, LC, I m gonna get ya. KB. way to keep the student council meetings aether. BJ, I can take you in 8's! AT, stop running, what are you thinking, beat the hiv. con+Egg+Cheese=Good Race. ML, turn your music down, I finally got some of that juice, ck it Mr. Ryan. Hi Fig. Thanks everyone. What a great ride. This is not the greatest song the world, this is just a tribute. Thanks mom, dad, Franny. "I forgot what I was gonna

KF- 1 am afraid that most of this will sound like B.S, very mushy, bear with me. So here goes: Mom, thank you for your patience. We have the inevitable Percy stubbornness, it's true, but we use it with a positive twist. You always figure out a way for me to get to have the experiences I need to get where I need to go. Daddy, I am proud of you, thank you for being proud of me. Not many daughters get fathers like you, more ways than one. Leni, never be ashamed of the choices you make, your talents surpass the normal, boring person's reasoning. I love you Zanny! And yes, I love your hair too ]. It's okay Ri, you don't have to sing because I know you'll be a Shakespearean actor someday, no matter how much you deny it. Sam, thanks for the M & M's, I've never known someone with such a perfect balance of silliness and grace. Everyone with me on Indelible Ink: Zanny, Dave, Mr. Peters, it was fun, we made it something great. Evan, what can 1 say? I need pages to express the impact that your presence has had on my life. Long distance is difficult but it was worth it. I don't know what I would have done without you. I love you. I know, I know, "aw w ," I'm used to it. All in all, the relationships we form in our lives shape the value and worth of our memories. With a class as diverse and talented as ours, none of us will ever be the same. I hope we all appreciate that.

B- Congrats class of 2002! Never forget your KLHT m em ories...NDT- thanx 4 everyig, u r such a good friend & I couldn't have gotten thru school w /o u! SpringBreak '01at do gay cows eat?Heeeyy! We've had some pretty good weekends this r...Cosmopolitans, getting lost in Pound Ridge, poker, parties! What r u doing at the ; 2of the road? Fashion victims- orange slips! Scafadeungoole. CLG- what would I do w / ? Thanx 4 always listening! U r my running buddy 4 life. We want Lisa back at work! ' excellent driving skills, u r my art chica, 1 luv u 4eva! BKB- hey babe. Ur my cute lion diva in ur black beetle. NAK- to my favorite model-u r the best baker ever! 5001bs . o? What was Nik doin at the side of the road? I love ur cd mix! KWN- co-everything m your style consultant 4eva. It's a building season!! Aaahhh! Thanx 4 always making laugh! You are the funniest person ever! Merestead, um u don't fart. Rather. Indeed. I ya! MES- we r definitely KLHT-Iifers. U have been a great friend this whole time, no 'ets! U old wom an... barthelona- u r a bizarre Spanish speaker too. Jcc giftmarts, mming at your house, b-ball, bar-b-cues, bar mitzvahs, and Riley. OMV- my RISD and buddy. Can I smell your armpit? Burberry coat- another chirstmas gift! CMB- my twin! at would I do in my classes this year w /o u? MTL- I'll always keep u laughin! Much luv B, LC, SC, AC, SC, SH, WL, CP, CR, CS, AT& underclassmen JR(good times in practice'01), AF, CB(cleavage tanktop), CR (cathhlleeen), AI, SM, â– / JG, CC.


AML- AR#9: I love you always and 4ever. 3's the magic number, my baby, my best friend I hank u for always bein. there for me & never giving up, thru thick and thin, what would I do w ithout you? ur such a dork I I love youbartj =X muah. ur. 9 yr. old. my 10 yr. old. PI anet Pizza, sausage, pepperoni and onions. The beach, the mall, the car, the house. Vick's vapor rub. Puppy. STR. My #1 hockey player. "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Otho stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never quite the same. DP: ur such a great friend. Than> everything, my #1 breaker, my Choate buddy. Don't forget me when u start living the life of the rich and famousol I'll always be here for you no matter where you are, remember that. SH: let's eat out. Bennigans, London bridge,re, piece sundaes even though friendly's closed =( STR and all the little things in between, thanx for always listeningar; being there. No words will ever explain how grateful I am. 4ever friends =)■ LT: 4ever friends, never forget haunted house '01, way too scary. All those damn frisbees. "I'll lean on you and you lean on me and we II be ok." Bennigaiv. thongs, ama-wee, LAND! Pre-calc w /M rs. K. EP: Choate, Cape Cod, those torrington boys...don't remind mebleh1 those virtual cards. NK: the pumpkin, it was HUUGGEE!! Managing boys lax. Ur such a great person, I'm glad we became as close as we did. Don't worry, the right guy is out there. =P AEG: scarred for life. SJ: never forget haun: house '01, the freaky jester that chased me to parking lot, the clown, and Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. AG: physics w /M rs. Bethray...w ords don't even begin to describe that class. EL: big bro, luv ya tons. AT, AC, OV, MS:: 13yrs are finally over. Rink Rats: MM, LM,GA, JE. you guys are awesome. Thanks for encouraging me & pushingrr< to the limit. Class of '02: thanks for the laughs, I'll miss you guys. Everyone Else: Thanks for adding a little memory along the way. KL: will always miss you.


AC —KW N,CR,OV,SH,AG:you guys are the best, jingle ball 2000(scary limo driver-ahh!) and so much more, i don't know what i will do without you guys. M ES:young one,my future husband (ill wear the pants),am y/m ark days,hemorrhagic fever,doubles pinball,pingpong,drive a real sports car,someday you can drive my flying give good advice and great confidence boosters.youre the best friend anyone could ever ask for.i love you more than i will ever tell you. KWNdots to say little space.queen nipolyta/m istress of the boob illusion,the captain,the commercials,casaba melons,psycho parents,stray hair,cups,skim only,my 2nd mother(the one i like).thank you for everything, youve done so much,even when you didnt think I was listening.i wish i couldve been a better and an easily identifiable hair. C R :3 /3 /0 1 + 6 /7 /0 1 ,silly smelly boy,james & stick,rube & lube,i had known jim slightly in high school,no entertaining on the 3rd fir,your scary family,the ghetto,dirty minds go straight to the gutter,naked chess,no teeth,i won(1430!),belly hickies,pink afghan of death,$20 an hour,your clothes,skilled labor vs. farm animals,get your own house,lucy,better 5 of than 5 after,dont tickle the driver.I LOVE YOU more than i ever thought i would,its scary.this hurts too took so long to happen and now i dont want it to end AG:big fat alice,our silly trick,stupid wh...,lsbn,sleep talker,our talks,stop looking at my chest,go eat ice,leg=bunny lips in aliceland, scandalous,no fornication.sorry i hated you.who knew youd end up being one of my bestfriends?you're my advice lady.thanks for everything SH:the woman with the face,my special friend,road butt OV:13 yrs is a long time,honeymoon in florence,natural gel.thanks for being my jungle gym AKT:we were so good together.A&A special,im not mad i just wont talk to you for 3 yrs.ccrows are the best.well get together at marks wedding cause you missed your chance.AG:i am tweedledee youre tweedledumb-get it straight,i will always be taller and better KB:my tennis buddy,its standard procedure to ? a call,were the best doubles team ever, schlebusch!, irish coffee and hot chocolate.thanks for all your help(like freshman history).dont forget me when youre running for first lady AI:annie+mr.grumpy, dissection buddy CP:put it in your bad idea box. NT:aeiou & sometimes w KA:altruist KC:yb 2003 is in your oc for you next yr SH:matchbox20,the big secret,lawn peer and plastic surgery house for thanksgiving. Northrup:you're the cutest kid,we'll get married someday even though you drool when you laugh, don't steel my boyfriend. VVB:you guys make me proud to be a for yr-faa champs To everyone else:its been fun,but 13 years is a long time.

CR -OV,KN,AG,SH,AC-i love you guys and i have so much fun with you.i'll missyouaf SKC next year.OV-oh, hello boys;did you have fun working with ed and mrs.ed?was yourblin date blind?Xcountry,lights,skiing,standing on a street corner in harlem at 12am was fun, everything was fun,I had fun.have fun in college. KN-katharine-your belly.don't worry 1 weight more than you. poop, bangable.just deny everything.not the tragedy of hamlet, bunghole! sssweettlgood God you look sexylsssniffllsilent wave.wanna b...?right here?ok,lets go.alice's parents walking in on you and theTV, you always get caught doing something in appropriate.see you later alligator! AG-do you hate me?I love you SH-road butt. AC-ohh,aiimee. where to start? james, stick and pt.james has weak jets.he takes it inis trunk,maa leegg.the pink afghan of death.dont laugh in stat.lucy.donde estan mis pantalones?naked chess.better 5 of than 5 one muscle, jim, rube, lube, pete, bill babs and your fake sport. I do skilled labor maybe someday you'll beat me in chess,but probably not.i'm better at everything.maryalicia,laurel and big rich.why is it inappropriate?i love being with you.we have fun doing nothing! love you so much.ATdrive stick,lets fight! never work?our bagel friend, i'll lose 35 lbs before you.Hawaiian lucy.try not to lose to soon, we've won everyday so far.TW-we've done stupid 11 stuff, hit golf balls down shippan ave and party with 35 year olds.keep matt under conti £ w /o me and kev.violent tubing.come visit next yearSS-whale gear and bonobos.CTV umm,caitlin,hi.fight me.i'm going to finish last.kirbyand wally.have fun with ge.JR-julesducks.JM-hit it somewhere hard.CP-put in your bad idea box.CR&CR-have fun withoul L me, try not to let mom embarrass you too much. Everyone else, have fun and don't lost


>L- Spot Crew: "Live long, get your party on!" Bug; Above all else, respect, ranks man for everything! "Not just a client, you're the playa President!" Go ut and change the world! Mike Some people just lead naturally, Ur one of lose people. 1 can't even tell you how much 1 respect U. L-Rock: I had a great me man, thank you. Go on and have some success, cuz' 1 know you will. You re the man. Sol; We gotta' change Ur name to SolDub. U and L have good ruls. (Make lotz of money and marry a supermodel) BJ; "Sky's the limit!" I'll 'atch you on Sundays on Fox! U've got strength. Qli; U always made me mgh. I'm indebted to U 4 that. (Remember all the DMB shows? Inside jokes, ■ :c.) Zanny and KF: Thank U for Ur help and friendship. Coach W: Nature's obility GH; The rise of the left-handed Irishmen. Coach Black: I brought you a iece of the tree! D2 No More Stigma.......Vote Democratic....... $@#!....... Farewell KLHT (Don't hange Even if Others Want You to!)


NDT- LB~Fl'01:]eff&Ryan,RYailFromMilwaukee?WhatDoGayCowsEat? How Many Times DidTheyCall?Mac.Grill, ScafidileUtiGoole, WeKnowHowToThrowA Party: Me, U , Ben , SomeCards,Clothes? Nope. <3U2death,Attitude& All. N A K - My Long Lost Twin. Sheepskin Causes Swelling!, Careful W /T he Mustard Packets!, ThelDs, Attached® TheArm,<3 U 4Evr. C B-90210 !FollowTheLeader, Call Me Al, Nelly, "SayHerName," Our"Stories", Parkway Diner, HowDoWeAlwaysEndUpW/TheSameShoes,I<3UBogues! ML~WhereDoIStart?FrootLoops,BringItA112Me,Tell U'r B /f Not 2 B Mad @ Me!, "Even If It Was Part Time", STLD, "O ", It'sSeniorYr.,I Would Have Never SurvivedltW / OutU!4EvrU'rShorty&SmartyArtChick.<3U! A T - DaManIVt.: Grouchy Waitress, Invisible IDs, UBetter Not Drop This Rifle In The Sewer, 12oz. In A Shot, Sleepovers, BTTC ,Counting Crows, AI141, Notes On Rubber Bands, Matzoh Ball Soup, Gingerbread Men,GoodTimes! CS~ FI: Ducking From Pelicans, WatchOut For The "Cactuses"& DisappearingShells, DQ, Me, Ben, U & Lauren All Have The Same Songs,I Feel Like A Marshmallow, The Many Jingle Balls:LFO!!!!, Dressing U Up As BamBam, A Girl, Disneyland,ShoppingW/U Is Torture, ItWasHard Work For Me & Debbie 2 Get You 2 LookSoCute! DP~CrueIIntentions,Lonestar,Thanx4TheDancingLessons,MonkeeSee MonkeeDo, WinnieDaPooh,TmMa-A-Choo,Thanx4Every thing. JG~DanceCaptainsBaby! Don't4get2LookUnderThatTileInAFewYears,GoUs4ThatCastParty,StayCoolGirlie!BB~All OurTalksAboutThem,YaMove.AC~AEIOU&SometimesW,AllTimeGreatestSetters.GoodLuck VikingVB&SB!!BC~TheLoveOfMyLife.7400-4evr.ICantGoADayW/OutMySunshine.U'r AllINeed2GetBy.YouDefGotTheBestOfMe.Don'tKnowWhatrdEverDoW/OutU.Always B My Baby.I< 3 U More Than There R Stars In The SkyTThe 1 & Only Princess is Out!**1

I —zoe —snOWyZoE->mybest friend, ur like my conscience. 2mny mem's! i won't ever 4get them! SSEditors!YESSS!nr. • n'it uplike the best,lik'n 2 fite- i<3u more than NEthing u r always ALWAYS there 4 me thank u for putting up w / all " bulls**t, u truly R 1 of the best peeps i know.831-143 BLASIAN FOREVERMeass —my favblond. we'vefoughtalot&get sick EHi' "ich other,but u-always make melaff.ericshulman&nathankayes-nuff said.u will 4eva be my favorite blond,cassapoop.Pope; iop-monketc.nvrchange143man —so many m em sl43 ali=sexyb***hw/dabigt*tt**s -not as close aswe used 2B but 4 a .le-great mem's, 'i will always <3 u'-by MARIAH carey!! m j'initupw / ted, sex, SPAINHcardgames&cockroachs lissutecL-^myMJpal. europe trips geronemous tito!, not as close as we used 2B but still 143~aml —sexsexsexsex.that stuffs ■j; - 2 discuss.thanxforletting us MJ @ u'r house. SOLE'sparty sorry about me&nick <grin> *mwahkate—hmec'm'n&new ...; ••s'00 - good memories, i will miss u SOMUCH next year, goodluck!SENIORSECTIONEDITORS143EL—we have b/com e ' l close, u'r friendship means so much 2me.been thru ALOT & thru it all we're still tite. so much fun to chill w / - long neconvos,u r my crnicbud! i'd say we've had good x's in da movies(grinch)!! orgy& — talks. OH YEAH!-thanx 4 trusting , iloveu & will miss u SOMUCH.'mike —been thru MAD DRAMA! not as tight as once b4, u will always mean smthng 2 .... in a good w ay)...#l, thanku 4 that, glad we straightened it out.&ol—ukno what i was gonna say 2 u.heheNK-so glad we jC‘ Vt let jr.yr. drama get between us.!iloveu!:NT-u r MAD cool- party'n&stuff-keep it gully girl!lin-seniorparties-good x'st< " issyaljoJhn —@hole!:-D-SPAIN-thanx 4da mem's @ your house-M J'n-talk'n-usuck,not as close as once b4(?)but ■Imissu.ryan-wtf! u RN'T full of urself afterall! nah4realtho, we got mad tight, MADmems,MJ'n(&falln asleep!),talk'n, all , ;urlz (msnkmvldlb) i will ALWAYS have yo' back when u need me! using me for rides!allthetimes@john'shouse,I will 1 ' ly miss u, luvu man don't change for N E ln a ta lia —m ath, i'llm issu-YAH SPAIN ! jenna^skitrip —CHARLIE,;> 'y a.u rm ad co o]-K E E P IT G U L L Y !!g d lu ck n xty r!d an -tak ecareofth atJE T T A , QT! dont crash it again! & w ash it ,. uAST2xaday!:-D goodlucknextyr. a. bug-uni =agood time-gett'n"sodas"->youowemeSOMANYrides!-parties,MJn,dmkn;-/? C rzy 8 's u 'r m ad cool bug, k eep in to u ch . w il& oiirgood luck lpi^S pA iN w ashotm an ! u rd a sh it, julie, i.keepintouch,goodluck nextyear! m ak eitu 'rb est!!lu k e- fun britlit co n v o s!step h -v b all m anagersYA H BA BY! i0l3ti<llucknxtyrpris-thanx 4da x's u were there 4 me, & even when u weren't, so many memories. i<3u mark- stop RUBBING! ... FACE IN IT!!:)cam'ron-pre-cal/jettas...goodlucknxtyr, negro! courtbrooks;psych?!AHH!! want kill her,i knowiknow! ill \.;ya!. adamtootsiwuld it eva happen?TnM sT-iluvuguys!SYM :keep it alive next yr. thanx vix! YEH JORDIE! carrie; hot Ytenance guys! Hehe ill miss u! -n el i have shared a moment w / — its been real. myfroshies;ali,dana,luce-goodluck in ,^Vc ' guyslvball had some greatmems. todaclassof02-good luck! 4 years of hell paid off. if i forgot anyone, & u think that ^ , re im portan t2m e, MY BUST.(no, really!) b u t2 neome else-find u'r name in someone else's scribbles->SH A R IS OUT!

C L G -A K & SH no matter where I am or where u are, both of u will always & 4eva be my best friends. Both of u mean so much to me & u will always be a part of me. BB: 1 will never forget u or our "^sl c. tS. ™omroycanI holla at 0 ." “Se wha hahappend is" "no talking no talking" 1 love u girl, best friends 4 life! U & I havebeen best friends since 7th grade & we will be best friends 4 years to come. MC: you re my a y oy 11 ^anx everything. L.B: Hey running buddy, field hockey buddies 4eva! I luv u so much & lope a your come true. 1 am so grateful to have u as a friend becuz 1 know that I can always confide in ui am tiust u. ,iopeu know that I will always be here 4 u, u are my girl 4eva no doubt. Don't worry babe 1 ay your prince wi I come,&y deserve nothing but the best because u have a heart of gold. NT. I wish we could have been c oser uring our high school years like we were in 8th grade, but I will never forget the fun times that we had & the times when u gavemr great advice. SOL,LROCK & ML : Thanx to u guys & all your advice 1 got through my high school years, u mean so much to me, thanx 4 everything. ZD: Hey sis what up, "M ase be my daddy and ML is yours our mommy (BB) be getting busy" 1 luv u babe mwaaa. SC&CP: Both of u crack me up, we have had some good times, good times. Both of u know how to party (if u know what I mean). Bye guys, I will miss u so much, don t forget about me. WL &QV "I luv u ... I hate u...n ow I luv u." I had so much fun with u guys, u made art class so much fun. Bye guys. AI&AF "U think I'm yxes, with no p...'s & no supporters." Good times in field hockey. Good luck to field hockey players next season, I'll miss u guys & all of our good times 2gether. DG: 1 am leaving u to go through highschool without me. 1 know u will succeed & I know u will go down the right path I luv u D. To everyone: I wish nothin but the best jxiUi for u ... and a great and successful future!



SC -1 guess its about that time. I'd like to say ThanX to my Mom and my Pops for always pushing me to achieve in life, and 4 always being there 4 me.Ahadu, 1 got nothin but luv for u baby, thanx for being there whenever I needed u Lesan, ur 1 crazy cat but 1 luv u man. Ur kinda like my left foot, I don’t know how I’d walk without ya God couldn t have blessed me with better brothers. Big MiK, don't get it twisted baby-boy, you II be my bro for life halla!!!Shouts to: Lrock, Nasty Nabz,Lil-Le, J-Maze aka Ma$e Murda, Don Rucci,(Chris)"O.C" ,BigBug "LineBacka!!",ChrisS aka Sascautch,DaveL akaLTrain,SuperBJ, JustinP aka Official, Toot aka my son Wilson aka BigWill.Lpage aka TurtleHead(when u run) , My sistas Nicole Shareen Brandie,Wats the deal ZoHQue pasa Mrs Thang/m am sita aka Da Dark Winged Duck, que pasa Ms.Shari-Pepper,AshleyG;o)) Italia, Julie Rube,MellisaM. Shouts to all you Foxy ladies of King-Low CHYAAA! Halla at King-Low's Future: Sham de la Sham aka Prezze Blue, Mike.S, RyanV,JohnR,Cam,Benny K MnM,Fig oops I mean Andrew,J-mizzi Phill Prout (D-Line rep.) I appreciate all of the help that King has offered and given methroughout Highschool.ThanX Mrs.Christenson for being the Best Advisor any-1 could ask 4. Thanx Mrs. Mishkin for always being so polite and easy-going.I'm glad that I had the opportunity to have either your class/ homeroom every year. Every one 1 4 got, sorry.

A R BG - KB: I don't hate you! Just watch out for my power cord. I enjoyed making fun of certain particularly round and hairy boy with you. It sucks when all your teachers hate you. AI: I had fun playing field hockey with you even you never got caught for anything! BEAN! Navajo Land was amazing. Your obsession with the opposite sex is a lit disturbing at times, but I love you anyway! Never lose your humor! You can always make me laugh and it makes m e very happy. MS: I love you, Marky, even if you are a big loser and try to rape innocent visitors in the costume room You really are a good friend despite your complete inability to pay people the money you owe them. AML: 1 appreciate your ability to trust me. You should give your trust to more people. They may surprise you. You area great friend and a beautiful person inside and out. You just need to realize it. SH: I will never show up for acolytinc Hah hah hah! And I am not going to Hell. OV: They're just fat! Get over it! I will not follow the bouncing ball. Hu the bouncing ball! CR: Do you hate me? You are so hot and I love you! Thanks for putting up with me. ZD, SWF, SJ, MV, SC, CP: "You and me have a better time than most can dream, have a better time than the best, so can pull1 through, whatever tears at us, whatever holds us down, and if nothing can be done, we'll make the best of what s around." -DMB. I love all you girls so much! You have helped me get through more than you know. MV: You reao amazing person, even if you are a prude. SC: Thanks for sticking with me through everything that we've been throup together. You know you can call me anytime you need someone to talk to. I still think that was Mariah Carey. CF. You knew me when I was still wearing leggings and matching turtlenecks and you still love me! I can't believe you were willing to even talk to me when I came to school! Thank you for being there for me. The Dave concert was amazing! I love you. Don't ever lose your self-confidence. You're a great person and more fun than anyone 1know You are a truly nice and special person. AC: I love you even if you do lick my silverware and make fun of my issues had fun with you this year making fun of your fatness. KN: You're a great friend and a phenomenal person. I 111v glad we got so close this year. I'll miss you! I had so much fun making fun of SATAN with you. You kept me from driving a pencil into my eye during that weekly hour and a half. Being fat is the best. Making fun of monkey-like people is fun. NO MORE POOP! I love you! TR: W e've been through so much together. You've been so many different things to me. But one thing you'll always be is my best friend. You've added more to my life than you wi ever know. You will always have a special place in my heart. And you are a beautiful person inside and out wru’ you believe it or not. Thank you for believing in me.


VN-mlb:honkhonk,skiing,bvis,Spain,boyproblems.carrides.parents,siblings,august2000,alltheproblems,allthe good les,every thingaboutlife -we'vesharedit. Iluvu,UrMyother sister.i'malwayshere,Nvr4getThahjhaveafriendinme rjt .rida.the river and thingsfall ing in the water,jamesmichener.tortiliini being sick.zeckendorfs, Urboat theieep ■honda.justthegirlUwant, notUrhouse y et..., babsandhandfling,golf2001,k]htsingers wasn't so bad with U there, n't everstopmakig me laugh and helping megrow,here will always be a place4U inmvlifelluvusomuchlkmb injiku,the homeland,our bubble project,guls!,model un,Courtney and the closet incident,work workllproject M.math II be the death of me.ill miss u so much in collegedon't4getme.zfd:strawberries, bridgy+ollie.math and josh brought ; 2gether,thedancersontv,looking4mypearl earring, marma nut(freaks),dmx, england,mr fix it.zoeu'vealwaysbeen •reexactiywhenididn't want2bealone,uheIpedmeBthekindoffriend I want 2 be.I luv u.arbg:it will always come down s&x,klht singers&satanllalways poop&don't u 4get it,florida,capecodOl,sunburn, poor tiny alice,fat baby!,tito and foot boobies,our fat donuts,twin day was a bad X perience,butiluvuneway.nvr4getthatur a wonderful lucky ave a friend like u. alc:the Commercials,damn,weWereWeird,puffin,human jungleGym ,u'veSeenMe Half Naked! eHairRemoal Experiment,theScaryHorses.Alice+whatshecomeswith, capecodOl, tacoday,bacon@TheDiner,munch Ls2-gether .manHands, kennyWeWillBeatUinAseinfeld Quiz,jingleball:the good year and TheBadYr, ILuvUamy.u aw IWillalwaysB here,U betterKeepInTouchOrlllHuntUdown. sah:what?woo yeahltheun mentionables, quicheAt . House,howsUrMam?myMixes, UrCarSmellsGood,scootering@OHie'sHouse,we will write thatbook,jingle ball-the n tumor man and the dog baby,scary mcdonalds lady, lunchout maneuver, M!, don'tUBaStrangerNow!sjb:crunchier 3nUsual,theFort,The River,ApplePicking,Being MermaidsInUrPool,Numerous indoor forts+Obstacles,TheOtherHalf DoubIeTrouble,WilsonPhilIips,CapeCod,PeneIop And AlbertReallyMust Get 2gether ,England,SamURsoSpecial e,and ILuvUbecuzOfTheMemories +Fun UgaveMe.u'llAlwaysB InMy <3,plsKeepIn Touch.ollay! FollowTheBoun gBall, Project Ml,Getting Fat2gether,Eng.,scooteringW / Stephen,cockerpoolabradoo dle,puffyDog,U'reAlways are4AgoodTime.ccricolinchristopher,wanna..,let'sFight,alice&herequipmentRUinThePenl5club, hamlet'sAyankees 1 , Hmmmm?pms car,Spain, capecodOl,ILuvU colinDon't4getAbout Me!jr:fieldHockeySucks,u'llNvrWin,lesbos, akThere'sTheNew Coach,taaarrible, Like AnAmerican.cb's BoobsR incredible,weHad neGood"runs",i'UMiss uAlotNextYr, don'tB2weirdWhenIcome Back.try2BgoodAtField Hockey-stop MakingPeople /.kbn:klhtSingers,rides home, scary senior, golf4ev lmt:tp!!physics'sphun,cruncheroonie,weWorkedsoHard,Debbie leArmpitthermometer, allthescienceLabs,LeavingMyLightOn@TheMajestic, ILuvULiserP!nk:artclass,whatA weirdo, ■fixit, Hydroball,PjsJokes,spanishClassWasCoolsomeday UwillFindUrdreamGuy. K.I.T!crp:doUdoCrew?theJoshinc nt,Newyears@sharis, artClass,jcrew4 eva!lab:coevery thingIRather,Indeed,Rere stead,yupl'm A Farter, keepInTouch H'UMiss Uaeg:annIThink OutOfAll My Friendsbiz: noselbunny+HerStrange ChiIdren,iLuvUaLot2 everylelselluvu!

want to thank all my friends. You guys know who you are and you know how much you mean to me.


To the class of 2002: Thanks for all the fun and laughs. I wish every single one of you happiness and luck. B.L.- Hey sis! I really wish I could put in all of our stupid inside jokes but I need a novel for that. For now, except the ones closest to my heart: Gish! (No, Joe, you don't understand...); Wanna play 52 card pick-up? (and other Mom-harassing incidents); No, thanks, man, I don't want you screwing up my life; once, when I was at the mall, this guy fell up the stairs. I miss you!

4S-D : Thank you so much for everything you have done for me, with all of your hard work er the years. I will truly remember all our father-son times we have had together. ; Thank you so much for everything you did and do for me. You are not only a mother, but childhood creator," — which has shaped my life in no way that any other mother can. fou were and are always there as someone to talk to about "what mom and dad did wrong". ianks so much and good luck in school. andJL You are both so alike in actions yet so different in personality. I will always nember all of the hilarious times we have had, like the crazy and hysterical stories, >m the day, that we told to each other. I will miss them all (and you) so very much.



KRP-"Our little group has always been and always will until the end" -Nirvana M yCracheussista- <3 I dulyduadoreya, you have been there for me and those months when you were gone felt like years, we have so many memories, rom diamonds to Tapper. I can not imagine high school with out you! This isn't the end it is only the xginning. Thursday nights, six sense JC, BA, I used to be so scared of you man. You from nam? Jellybellys? How do you tan? Snow ANGELS! Eating OYSTERS, EasterS-DAW G!-SharCulcarrot- we have made it through so much stuff and survived through to the end. Mad mems man, that infamous night, es&nk, swimming with Mandy, so many nights. Passing many notes in class. So much drama, we talked through it all, DERKJE'ITA is the coolest. You girls from china? Jesib was a Jew! True true man. I'll miss yah, but we will still be tight!Flan-the flag, billionaires! OofalMJ VULPA!! SD@ shars, HC'99, winnie the shhhh!! Office space!AM L- hottub with Ali Sha nae tiae thanks for making me laugh m anStephen- my gooniegoogooLisaT- college gal I miss yah! You gals from china!Alice- Darien girl, pickles KateJeeps!Josh!Jcrew!Carrie-heylova!02forevaSOLE- the door, the guitar, the jeans what else man? lov yah!! Scully-my hot little sister, keep it real at SYC, I know that I will always be the best instructor though lol. Colin-, bad idea box, switching cars, driving schoolKatieB- my neighbor !! TP- my 1M , thanks for the good times Sam- ghetto DarienOliver j I hey fun times, never, 1 mean never ever forget !1 do CREW!! Brandie- my 02 pal! Six sixAmy - put it in your bad idea box!ANN-my study pal. The rest of the SENIORS thanks for the good times! Tear, tear, man, I will miss you all tons* You guys are the greatest! M K,NT,M K,BB,JD- my crew girls! Row hard EL- r mybestfriend for 16years, even though you might not see this,I will miss you more then anything! W oody&M argie- Hey thanks for being such great sibling don't do anything I wouldn't do!!! Take care of the jeep '.'/'Kick kick shuffle shuffle, back to the beach with a tune on my lips and my quest in reach." -Dispatch


SH- KN- We've got coffee and yummies down stairs! It's a gem! What? I can't hear you. (Shoves elbow in face). Mrs. Tiggy Winkle, would you like some more tea? The letter b u r n e d into her buxom bosom. Project "M" OV- Cockerpoo, Labradoodle, The Revenge of M+M- The Movie; "Daphne's on the set!" "Get me a mineral water!" KB-"Aces beat kings. N o t in H o lly w o o d ." Money talks. Cut and stab! "Chillingworth- Worth chilling." Alice- Can I come over for some quesadillas? You have to acolyte this Sunday! AG- You are a spasticated toad and a meat-eating bird will eat you. LB- Don't be a psychohosebeast on Sex and the City The other SH- Give me some candy! Sam- Ssssssssssssylver- You are banished from the Dragon's Inn! <Philip> Annie- T.S. Dean! You're a liar and a fraud! Those are some big babies! Can I get anyone a Pepsi? UP!

SJB- to whom it may concern: if something makes you laugh, it waj written for you. The RH:Men in Tights/Princess Bride clan will livi on! - Barenaked leggies, smoking vodka, pole dancing - england/ Scotland trip - double trouble, nutketeers, weird society - surprise parties after gymnastics - camping: 5th grade, 11th grade (boy from baltimore anyone?) - ren faire - great sightseeing while hiking at camp sloane (*L*) - fizzgig loves you! - labyrinth: really good or just weird? - cheezy 80's rock! - VFH '99, '00, '01 - there's a mati­ nee? - BF5's "kate!", wilson phillips - don't we all miss the fort?trances: milano? - fungus and lucky/gladiator girl - I'm such acoj - french x-mas songs - dragon's inn forever - heads for sale - to everyone from my 12 years at klht: thank you! *bb*


MJV-"My taste, which may be the opposite of a tolerant taste, is far, here too, from saying Yes to just anything; it does not like to say Yes at all, it prefers to say NO, and what it likes best is to say nothing at all..." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

ZFD- shar(starryshari):UrMyBestestFriend,We'veBeenThruSoMuch2gether->8,hgr(wannabes,Arma-45min),2x Ben(A.+crusty),Europe(white on black pants...hmm),vball,GWH,GreenwichAve.(BradPitt), Phili(parliament,"It's ASignFromGod!"<cough-hack-cough>),"the bulge,"new years, FON(names),143, AOM,Florida,Boston,Weekend Crew'Ol-'02,jetta,friends,HSish,CPtime,theBeach.. lamAlwaysHere4U.Thanx4AlwaysBeingThere4MeUmeanSo Much2MeAndIAppreciateOurFriendshipSoMuch,MoreThanUKnow, IluvU,BFF&eva-n-Alwayz!Cas(Charlie, CDawg):u'veBcomeLikeASister2Me;IReallyAppreciateEverythingUHave Done4MeOver ThePastFewYrs-U'veMade ALotOfThingsEasier4Me.Don, tEver4getthegoodtimeswe'veshared; GracchusSistaWhoAdoptedMe,DrawerAtUr House,JellyBellys,CliniqueCounter,RobWantsU,SnOwAnGeLs,BenA.,JC (Idulydoadoreya), tuppertuppertupper!," diamonds,scootervs.bridgetAndSoMuchMoreHUKnowIAmSo Lucky 2 HaveUAsABestFriend!(Charlie'sAngels)I'm AlwaysHere4U!lLuvU!,BFF&eva-n-Always!Lesan(siLLyrabbit);"tha spot,"summer '01,Prom '01 (sorrv),L's,venting (football,schooldrama),Piglet,King+Bridg/SpecialPower(pinch), Maritime/Movies,BathroomTimeAka"Lesan's tim e/, Candy/July4'h,RaiseUp(UrCrazyBtw.),P-R,W utNow?!,TheRtheOtheDtheNey,"We'veDef.HadGoodTimes, AndBcomeALotCloserThesePast2yrs,AIicia/JC,Holla@me,Thanx4 beingThere4Me,l'llAlwaysBThere4U. Ilovevou! MTL(LilLey,MySuperior)UMyBoy,I'mSoThankfulThatUBcameMy BestFriend,TalkinOnThePhoneEveryNight Until4ever,KickingUrA**...LetMeStop(IStillKnowUrWeakness),Sweatshirts,"ILuvU,SweetDreams,ILuvU"IOU, w/oMyBroAtHome,UGaveMeSoMuchSecurity.l43.BFF. KWN:l<3UStrawberryMuch!Marmanut,ollie,sushi,mr. fix-it,chai lattes,<tear>, such an imp. friendship all brought 2gether by JB, IHaveSoMuchFunW/U,LostSheep ("WhereTheHellAmI?!"),UHaveBcomeSuchABigPartOfMyLife,UunderstandSoMuchAndItsSoNice2KnowUR There4Me,UMeanSoMuch2me,rmhere4U Always. BFF.BKB:TLC,**/Gemini, doublemint, mommy, glassesICU,Vball, toby/bridg.CLG:MySista,WeTight,Mase/Mike,FF.SJ:Sorry4NethingThatHurtU.Thanx4BeingThere,WhenU Were There. SPFLBob,letters,Mr.,NancyD,he'smine(7"’),Apls,LuvYa. SF:lenny!MV:NybuddySolC:Chickenheadwutup?! AliG:PicklesTR:BADTED!AG:mightymudZALK!!echo/fionaKB:math...calilauren,math . SJB:faerytales,brothers. sweetdreams.LMT:BFF,Thanx4Every thingU'veDone4Me.ILuvUSoMuchAndlMissUALot.<3Ur KoreanDoll — SJB,NK,NT,AC - everyoneElsel LOVE YOU and thank you for always being there 4 me. "Our little group has always been and always will until the end"

— "C-50383 Luv u son ur my blood. When they catch a glimps of the snakes we make all draws go wet knees go knumbs lig that's all I have to say .72784 iwiillalwaysluvu. If KLHT has 60 classrooms weve been in 59.9 times we shared ether are moments I will never 4get. Time has flown by & now I wish we were freshman again .1m going 2 miss u. I , 1 cherish our closenet friendship 4 the rest of my life. U took risks 4 rme,& that was more than enough. I will miss rOUiu-t crazy creol laff of urs. Remember playland, that's where it started,where do we end? / Lillay Hov not BleeKA.we d that luch table dwn 4 4yrs runnig & everyls @ U know they liked the way u licked the ice cream haha u know u ille^’ dat girl dontcha, ill, Willi wicc hon aight! GirlGirlsGirlsGirls.- 9??- lol Mr. Scarface, where do I begin. We left R ,rk on these NEW CANNAN tics & tics. Do u want 2 take the Strain2 D North entrance OrD South entrance. U Iflj^'iber the part we went bosted by a certain Ahole. UstillHaveDdirectionsRight,AightwaitUntilHe C s his #hip. u. zemurda-all of D apples we've c'n, all of D grape juice. Newyears ahhhhh.cigar cigar, hmm whats this smells like $■') >les. Ill nvr 4get that nite. Or the nite when I disguised my voice as dat grl, & told u I was going 2 end it,tell me } hpo da chicks hate on maze, b /c he's killn dem & dey knowit.110383- Yomeidogfrom P.R-yo Son We Gots Da Illist 1-‘u' ivos,weRboth physicsSoW eknowEvrytngdontTellnelab what we know, I luvyaZoeGoodNite,urAtruFriendZoe, . , pe u realize dat ONeJtnonsharie-da grinch that stole xmas was a great flick, how did it end tho? Cant seem 2 >ember.MissedTrafficSawTomHanks,LeftWentHome,aStoryInItself,lol.'member when..nah4getIt,Thanx41istNing2me JyingM yCrA-zX's.M y(Frustration)uSoothedM eW /W ordsOfW isdomButIhad2C4myself& look@m eN O W .ButIm H appy ),noReallyIamRealIy I am.lolRconvo'SrHot,WeCantDenyIt.lword.##%whichWeSpeakSoOpenlyAB.weEducateEach jWlj! er.IIlHollah/Shareen:the realist if ever.KeepHopeAlive,'m ember OnFriendsWhen.NthinLike Philo/Coley-ur Dayls •nnSoon&whenltDoesEverylWillWantAPieceOfWhatDeyCantHave.StayBeutiful. daveL:urlofAkind, ur da friend that jU$$/ays ernes thru when thingsRntGoing2well,URAlways concerned.itGood2 knowThatSomells alwaysCaringAsMuch JRmy boy,illHoIIah-myJewishBrother-Uwere DaT'2introduceUrself2MeThatTakesFatBalls Like DAlsUhave.lolyo . [ P Peace Chris-'memberThrustn2HardCanCauseDaParters . .. id2popOffWhiIeDuking,BEasy.OLLie:TakeItOhhTakeItUhhUhhT.R-TedIsUrLeaderComeCloserCloser.HeyDonkey [Of ^ ;,EverylTedHasAhugeRockARockYah.Ej-wordWhoGotFlippedInDa LockerRoom,endOf ConvoUgh,WereDaCach@ *reDaStash®BjPassThat/J.p-OnDals&2s.JustinPlaysGuitar,memberFrenchiesCrib,hmm.Page-Spitball2urFace.Iwill ■4getDLnchRmChase,ItWasLikeAmovie.thatIshWasHot-PrezzBlue-uNeed2handlelt.B4somlTurnsItOut.ShoutoutAll ingFballPlyrsJfellVickSheehan,hlditdwn.JulieRubes-KeepMyFarmInGoodCndition,ImCountnOnU. Trow-WutHapnd WntFrmHere2here.NahUrStiIlMyGrITho.AshG-Im Comn4U.JonesTrottBuc FigsJordanaTaraFrenchieTaylorMsP&T yaLilCeroneNoMoreDressesRiSriLankanMonster-SamBMayBabiesRprsnt(OC-lofAkindIIl MissUr Craziness)SaDa 'Mandv-likesBritNeSrearsHITMEBABY 1MORETIME?notReallv-lK-LarchmonT represent-------------------------------------------


IVIES ■ — Hey Hey Hey! 13 y e a rs ...w h a t a ride. To the seniors our room smells, som j about all the pens, good luck. Thirteen Year Club: Products o f the school. J-Crew: Missing one. AT: should be down to 35 by now, living in your garage, my phone sa POS, Hawaii, Spain, PR, it’s an A6, OHMYGODWOAH, Delirious, No regrets, P is P. Brisket, my parents love you. LAB: J-C rew .. .thanks for being there, you re my sis. AC Yes 1 know I have permission to hit ya, Amy-Mark day/night/cab service, Democratica. skippin out o f Holidays. Szy: You lanky mf. AK: Journals? KA: sunnymart, never get invited. LG: 70 min with your mom, representing the mother country, how’d you endup in K.LHT Singers? Vodka. CR: I will fight you one o f these days. Naming the rat. KN: Since 2nd grade...maybe one day. NK: You’re a sweetheart that can kick my a**. NT: Jingle Ball, 1 was not staring. TR: One-acts were the best. Vigs: Did you ever think we'd make it? Alice: My god they’re huge! Hit by cars, You’ll never get back the $5.50. 6"*1 Grade Study Hall: You know who you are. Singers: Disney world, Complaining about Mondays forever. The Standard: Make me proud, we’ll come out with one sometime. Model UN: Remember to have fun. Sargent/Doctor - You two are really one person, never stop making fun o f stupid people, whale gear. “Nature abhors a moron.” Mrs. Wagner: You always need advisees. Lynch: XC — Why Not! OC, AML, KB, Mayz, BH, SS, JS, Figs, CT, KNo, SRB. If I forgot you, my bad. ;Adios!


ML: Twins-Sol-dig,Lrock -Yall my boyz 4 life Neva 4get the times.Bj-Holla at

ya boy. when u in the NFL I'll check u son .BabySham-Kill’emnextyear.-BugGood Luck in college kid.Chris+Tooter=Funniest white boyz I know!DaveThanx 4 everything utruly r a good friend.HollabackyouginZoe-BF 4eva. We def. Have 2 keep intouch.Lindsay-Urcrazygirl.NK-Thank u4 all the bakedgoods.Don’t let them boyz get 2 ya.NT-Whatup shortie. Lets get sum MickeyD’s, Or fruit loops!We had funtimesrilneva4get.UAIwaysbemyhomegirl.Ashley-u betta beallamerican. U2 Smitty.Italia-Since you won the bet tell me what u want me to do?Let me know? Keep killin’em out there.Brandiell still should punch you in the face.CarrieStaycool wehadfun.Latoya-heybabygirl,thank you for all ur luv and support through these last2years have been the best in a long time. Don’t forget project blueprintUknow what?... Iluvu.EveryoneelseSorryiflforgot urnameHOLLA!

CS: AT:You’ve been there since the beginning, lots of good times and plenty more to come,Kings Crowns,cruises,checkin the mail, get it? thanks for everything. JR-My greatest discovery to date, John R what up, nobody will stop us, EVA! Getting pulled over for your 6-pack of tea, DPG, just cruisin, you are most definitely my boy for life.OV-DA BEARS Ditka is upon us! LP-there’s only one thing to say, you’re psycho LC-SCML-You guys got me through high school, but don’t think you’re done with me, I’ll get even. NT-Cacti, Pelicans, those little things in the sand, it’s been fun thanks for always being there to talk. DP- finally someone that talks slower then me, we have to go to the city again, lax, anything, I 11 see you in Columbia OC-you are the coolest kid 1know, thanks for the memories. LO-Red lights, my daddy’s big boat, black clothes, our first date, temptation island. What more could a guy I ask for. I love you more than anything, Give me your size and you’ll get your promise, keep smiling, I love you baby.


' MB- AEG: chomage! playstation marathon, debate, the fluctuator, page land, drunk on : oke/air, Friday 13lh, firty-free, unleash the frump, do you remember in 2nd grade...of : ourse you don't!, long phone conversations about stuff neither of us can remember, ranks for making hs so much fun. SPH: so who is the better half of Stan? Schteph, Stuff, tc. do we have an inside joke? protein bars, no milk, all carbs and sugars! KWN: /anjiku!, bubbles, math homework, my life is in shambles!, MUN (closet incident with ourtney, what does he live for?), WHAT?! Did somebody say my name?, I can't hear ou!, ya old bag!, the unmentionables, eat it!, eat the bun!, "katie, plz", "aylefen (11)," roject M! SAH: College!!, money talks, movies with you and kate, les jeux sont faites, ' ut and stab, WHAT?! LOVE IT!, swimmy swim swim, mrs tiggywinkle, "Aces Beat ings, Not in Hollywood!", it's a GEM! SJB: french, camping, leatherman, man with the 'ooden head, les poisson, heads for sale CR: Hi Colin! I know where you live OV: - roject M, go yankees. ALC: failing bio, hot chocolate with miss S., yrbk, tennis, yankees . arade, mrs mcqueen's advisory, oh yay! ZD: math, you were the first person I met!, achabel ARBG: why do you hate me? oh yeah, the power cord... LAB: we were the best vins! MES: late night anthro papers AML: ldp, caml, fluff and chocolate SJ: shareenie! rmember those soccer days? CRP: I know where you live my sort of neighbor Ri: debate \emories, French, piano. KIF: hi katie! ha!, odyssey video. To all: Thanks for the temories and the laughs. Good luck!

AEG- SPH: is there a connection between you being in my car and going the wrong way on a one way?? I think so. IHOP, Eastern Europe (best trip ever!): happy boys & happy girls, thanks for not making fun of me continuously for stupid things done on this trip, oh, wait a minute, you have. The doctors. E for you, D for me (ask me about that one), the Steven king fan club, thank god Im so punctual, and you're so? , is it just me, or do we get lost A LOT when we're together? KN: um m ...out of all my friends, I think...well, you know the rest, against the wind, 18000000 times! 1m a milano. KB: drunk on air and coke, Friday the 13,hI bet you still will not have unwrapped it, crayon science papers, unleash the frump, crash bandicoot, the fluctuator, firty-free, I did NOT give you dog toys!!, no more squawking, "you are worthless", chomage, cheese in a can, FREAK, college stress, your hatred of animals, the shoes in the closet incident. SB: Im such a cod, pancreatic juice, cabbage patch kids are awesome, bare-naked-leggies. AC: tweedle dee and tweedle dumb, which one are you? Oh,and, hate to break it to you, but, well, you're NOT that tall! ZD: o mighty mud- that's the kind of thing that's embaressing forever, ZALK - can you believe that? CR: thank God we're not related SH: you are my eyes in history, if we can't carpool to California, let's carpool to be of k CP: studybuddy! RM: dammit Ri! French class! AML: the flash-1 was scarred for life.

me® ft-


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Shareen Jelani jjP iaofc' ies>




To those guys who are important (you should know who u are): thanks to the few cool people (especially those who weren't afraid to be different), who liked me for my opinions. "You were a fake, don't'll never win" - pete yorn "So leave out the others, baby, say I'm the only one, cut out the uniforms and settle with the sun" - pete yorn


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*1 .

U nderclassmen Nearly Complete "In architecture as in all other operative arts, the end must direct the operation. The end is to build w ell." - Henry Watton

' Never get so busy making a living that Italia Almeida Charles Bjernestad Courtney Brooks Jeremy Buccolo Kaitlin Buggy Alison Bussey Courtney Byrnes Katherine Carey Mike Cerone James Christensen Catherine Coates

The Junior Class

you forget to make a life." - Unknown Kathryn Collins Wil Cromwell Nicholas Doumlele Caitlin Feigenbaum Matthew Feinberg Ashley Fitzpatrick Sam Flatow Barbara Flitt Ilya Garkavy Jenna Goldschmidt Taylor Gramps Ashley Gray Ben Hittman Annie Ittner Mike Jones Mike Katcher Michael Kunin Peter Legrand Melissa Maitland Courtney Malloy John Mara Sarah Matthiessen Jordana Most Jake Murphy Chris Northrup Ashley O'Banner Lauren Onis Matt Phillips Dan Posada Julie Reuben Steve Sandak Michael Sheehan Julie Sheetz Kendall Smith Elliott Trott Caitlin Trow



le Jura

“The juniors are a group of individuals that has really learned to work together as a class, and who care not only about their class, but about the whole school. And, they are a lot of fun.�- Mr. Caputi




ortant thing is the educational experience Ravi Banerjee Libby Barker Jessica Benamou Stephanie Blackman Chrissie Brennan Caroline Campbell Tara Carberry Caitlin Casale Anthony Catanese Julia Cole Max Cuscuna Brian deRegt Melissa DeSantis Leah Edwards Stephen Fixary Chris Frassetto Corey Futera Lisa Gahagan

rhe Sophomore Class

Paul Gladstone Charles Guevara

' itself -- how to survive it.� - Donald Barthelme Christian Haehl Greg Hamilton Oliver Hulland Whitney Kathner Mitch Lemmo Christin Lunerberg Pete Magrath Michael Mark Jackie Montoya Alan Muntner Katy Nolin Nedgine Paul Katie Piloseno Loren Poln Sherrad Prezzie-Blue John Raffaeli Cathleen Ryan John Ryder Robert Sadowski Ursula Saunders Ben Schultz Caitlin Scully Ben Sessa Molly Shaker Natalia Sieira Zac Sievert Taylor Simonson Tucker Sparkman George Thomassy Chris Tsang Christine Unnold Ryan Victor Costos Vlahakis Erica Williams Emma Wilson



arn from yesterday, live for today, and Khaled Allen Meredith Anderson Bryan Avery Liz Banerjee Kaley Barker James Blum Bobby Brennan Andrew Brown Davis Brown Jamar Burnes Elizabeth Byrnes Richard Castellano Adrian Ciontut Lauren Cuscuna Lucy Demmerle Kyra Doumlele Andrew Feigenbaum Anna Flatow

rhe Freshmen Class

Caroline George Anne Gillies

hope for tomorrow.�

- Anonymous Dara Goldstein Austin Gramps Greg Heins Dana Hill Alexandra Hittman Laura Horak Matthew Ivanhoe Payton Keith Catherine Kiley Lisa Kiley Katherine Killeffer Paul Kraemer Jenny Kramer Ben Kriss Meredith Kriss Caitlin Malloy Courtney Matthews Ian Monsma Sam Montgomery Ria Muttukumaru Abby Neff Craig Pernick Ross Pisarkiewicz Woody Priest Phil Prout Alison Reuben Coryn Rosenstock Sarah Ross-Benjamin Lauren Russell Nell Ryder Greg Santos-Bush Lily Scheyhing Suzanne Sheetz Andrew Slater Jerry Upright Peter Venetos Franny Vignola Henry Wald Teddy White James Yates Robbie Zeko Sonia Ziolkowski




C lubs Building Blocks "Architecture is a culture of collaboration." -Ann Griffin

Key Club

Amnesty International


Davis Brown, Jake Murphy, Charles Bjernestadt, Kendall Smith, Samantha Baker, Lindsay Benjamin, Suzie Sheetz, Shareen Jelani, Courtney Byrnes, Brandie Bell, MarkSpatt, Nicole Kenega, Liz Byrnes, Jennifer Kremer, Ali Hittman, Caitlin Scully, Lisa Gahagen, Emma Wilson, Cathleen Ryan, Jackie Montoya, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Caitlin Trow, Lauren Onis, ChrisSzymanczyk, Sam Montgomery, Paul Kramer, Benny Kriss, Andrew Feigenbaum, Lauren Russell, Liz Bannerjee, Ryan Victor, John Raffaeli, Costas Vlahakis, Matt Phillips, James Christensen, Jessica Benamou, Melissa DeSantis, Ali Rueben, Ria Muttukumaru, Catherine Kiley, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Colin Ryan, Craig Purnick, Katie Brown, Adam Tooter, Jordana Most, Taylor Simonson, Mike Cerone, Oliver Vignola, Nedgine Paul, Leah Edwards, Erica Williams, Ann Grant, Andrew Brown, Meredith Kriss, Katherine Killeffer, Laura Horak, Lauren Cuscuna, Lisa Kiley, Dara Goldstein Sonya Ziolkowski, Molly Shaker, Caroline George, Payton Keith, Stephanie Huels, Callie Barker, Courtney Matthews

Writer's Workshop

Sam Baker, Zanny Love, Katie Frey


Kendall Smith, Zanny Love, Michael Kunin, Alan Muntner, Greg H am ilton, I^obert Sadow ski, Ben Shultz, James Christensen, Katy Nolin, John Raffaeli, Alex Buggy, Mi. Galanopolous, Justin Pina, Ryan Victor, Adam Tooter, Chris­ tian Hael, Matt Phillips, Jessica Benamou, Libby Barker, Jake Ryder

Math Club

Ri Muttukumaru, Chris Tsang, Mark Spatt, Leo Gribelyuk,R' Muttukumaru, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Christian Luneberg,k>1 Doumlele, Dr. Khiznichenko, Mrs. McQueen

% Lambda Delta Pi

Art Club

phanie Huels, Jake Murphy, Kendall Smith, Lindsay Benlin, Suzie Sheetz, Mark Spatt, Caitlin Scully, Emma Wilson, kie Montoya, Lisa Gahagan, Cathleen Ryan, Amy Cohen, therine Carey, Davis Brown, Andrew Brown, Andrew 1 genbaum, Ri Muttukumaru, Mike Cerone, Matt Phillips, nes Christensen, Jennifer Kramer, Ali Hittman, Lucy mmerle, Lauren Russell, Ria Muttukumaru, Catherine Kiley, •ah Ross-Banjamin, Meredith Kriss, Taylor Simonson, Katie oseno, Jordana Most, Katy Nolin, Stephen Hooper, Katie iwn, Payton Keith, Laura Horack, Dana Hill, Liz Banerjee, i Hittman, Ms. Tortorella, Anne-Marie Leiser, Natalia Moena

Nedgine Paul, Chrissie Brennan, Khaled Allen, Natalia Sierra, Taylor Simonson, Leah Edwards

les Christensen, Michael Kunin, David Leahy, Chrissie nnan, Sam Baker, Katie Frey, Matt Phillips, Ben Sessa, Libby sicker, John Mara, Jordana Most, Zanny Love

Mrs. Mishkin, Tucker Sparkman, Mark Spatt, Kate Nichols, Jessica Benamou, Wil Cromwell, Katy Nolin, Alice Gleason, Dara Goldstein, Ms. Libonati



Model United Nations

Alan Muntner, Alexander Stock, Robert Sadowski, Mark Spatt, Benjam in Schultz, Chris Frassetto, Brian deRegt, Mr. Galanopoulos, Ri Muttukumaru, Chris Tsang, David Leahy, Loren Poin, Catherine Kiley, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Meredith Anderson, Jordana Most, Kate Nichols, Lauren Cuscuna, Lisa Kiley, Ria Muttukumaru, Katie Brown, Courtney Byrnes, Tucker Sparkman, Adam Tooter, Ted Rucci

Debate Team

Christina Brennan, Ri Muttukumaru, Alan Muntner, David Leahy, Ann Grant, Katy Nolin, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Mr. Mar­ tin, Christian Luneberg, Katie Brown


Stephen Hooper, Anne-Marie Leiser, Ann Grant, Zoe Delihas Sam Baker, Oliver Vignola, Colin Ryan, Katie Frey, Zamj Love, Stephanie Huels, John Mara, Lauren Onis, Shareer Jelani, Katie Brown, Mrs. Baker

Student Council

Tim Wiegand, Kendall Smith, Paul Gladstone, Zoe Delih Stephanie Huels, Ri Muttukumaru, Mark Spatt, Sam Bake Chris Tsang, Mrs. Mishkin, Elliott Trott, Nedgine Paul, CathieÂŽ Ryan, Katie Brown, Mike Jones, Benny Kriss, Meredith Kris Laura Horack, Ted Rucci, Libby Barker, Lauren Onis, Itak Almeida, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Oliver Vignola, Dana Hill, S Ross-Benjamin, Suzie Sheetz, Jeremy Buccolo. Not pich"1 Pete Magrath

rs. Libonati, Stephanie Huels, Ann Grant, Mark Spatt,Jordana ost, Taylor Simonson, Taylor Gramps, Lauren Onis, Alice eason, Steve Sandak, Mike Sheehan, Peyton Keith, John Mara, n Monsma, Lily Scheyhing, Khaled Allen, Ms. Darnton, Mrs. ishkin, Jamie Yates, Katy Nolin, Zanny Love, Chris Northrup, nna Goldschmidt, Caitlin Trow, Sam Baker, Tucker Sparkman, hitney Kathner, Kate Nichols, Katherine Carey, Jeremy iccolo, John Rafaeli, Paul Gladstone, Jake Murphy, Libby irker, Ted Rucci, Austin Gramps



Sargent, Peyton Keith, Chris Tsang, Tucker Sparkman, L lor Gramps, Julie Sheetz, Oliver Vignola, Colin Ryan, Nedgine il, Suzie Sheetz, Libby Barker, Pete Magrath, Amy Cohen, AW; rk Spatt, Ann Grant, Ben Hittman, Ben Sessa, Matt Ivanhoe, im Tooter

jet, ^

oil* '



Rj Muttukumaru, Alan Muntner, Wil Cromwell, Brian deRegt, Khaled Allen, Christian Luneberg, Rob Sadowski, Paul Gladstone

Film Club

Oliver Hulland, Rob Sadowski, Jake Murphy, Alison Bussey, Catherine Coates, Katherine Carey, Wil Cromwell, Zack Sievert, Charles Guevara, Anthony Catanese, Tucker Sparkman, Mike Catcher, Pete Magrath, Stephen Fixary, Jerry Upright, Craig Pernick, Charles Bjernestad, Alan Muntner, Italia Almeida, Krysten White, Jordana Most 99

Speak Your Mind

Jordana Most, Ursula Saunders, Alice Gleason, Zoe Delihas, Shari Culpepper, Sea Carendi-Dobrovolny, Melissa DeSantis, Barbara Flitt, T aylor Simonson, Lauren Onis, Jenna Goldshmidt, Caitlin Trow, Caitlin Feigenbaum

Payton Keith, Mike Sheehan, Caitlin Trow, Jenna Goldschmidt, Caitlin Feigenbaum, Lauren Onis, Steve Sandak, Tim Wiegand, Jake M urphy, A llison Bussey, Liz B anerjee, A ndrew Feigenbaum, Zack Sievert, Ali Hittman, FrancesVignola, Dana Hill, Meredith Kriss, Julie Reuben, Ali Reuben



Katie Brown, Amy Cohen, Stephen Hooper, Alice Gleasoa Cassie Priest, Shari Culpepper, Chris Northrup, Katherine Carey, Lisa Gahagan, Caitlin Scully, Anne-Marie Leiser, Lind­ say Benjamin, Zoe Delihas, Taylor Simonson, Lauren Onis, Zach Sievert, Stephanie Huels

Jake Murphy, Michael Kunin, Zanny Love, Jordana Most

Ski Club

iris Tsang, Pete Magrath, Tucker Sparkman, Wil Cromwell, zie Sheetz, Jake Murphy, Frances Vignola, Chrissie Brennan, sa Kiley, Brian deRegt, Alan Muntner, Matt Ivanhoe, Craig rnick, Jerry Upright, Greg Heins, Byron Avery, Libby Barker, ura Horak, Michael Mark, Liz Banerjee

The Chronicle

Mandy Volper, Shareen Jelani

Sporis Construction "Every m an is the architect of his own fortune." - Appius Claudius


Front row: Will Cromwell, Mike Sheehan, B.J. Hudson, Alex Buggy, Mike Little, Lesan Chernet, Solomon Chernet, Cameron Williams. Ryan Victor Second row: Teddy White, Paul Kraemer, John Raffaeli, Sherrad Prezzie-Blue, Zach Sievert, Mike Mark,Andrew Brown Byron Avery Third row: Andrew Slater, Phil Prout, Jamar Burnes, Davis Brown, Bobby Brennan, Jerry Upright, Benny Kriss, B ack rtf David Leahy. Trainer Jordie Hackett, Coach Cerone, Coach Gouin, Coach Decker

h is year, our success show s that all of our hard work in the off-season really paid ofr We have been able to prove a lot of people wrong. The leadership of this year's senior starters helped the underclassmen contribute to our pro­ gram. We played a great game against Horace Mann; we were down 12-0 in the first quarter, but we came back with a 15-12 victory. That shows the heart, hard work, and dedication of this team. Good luck in the years to come! - Captains Mike Little and Alex Buggy


Above: "I can't get my finger out." Right: No, your other right. 104

L e ft : " C a n 't t o u c h t h i s ."

Left Center: "Who can I hurt coach?"

Below: Mike going for a TD.





H o ra c e M a n n 15


H a rv e y



D a lto n



F ie ld s to n

R y e C o u n try D ay



H o p k in s



S t. L u k e 's



H a m d e n H a ll 2 7




B r u n s w ic k

Left: Eat Dirt!

Above: "Viking Smackdown."


Front row: Lisa Gahagan, Lindsay Benjamin, Kate Nichols, Carrie Goldstein. Second row: Cathleen Ryan, Nedgine Paul, CaitlinScully, Lauren Russell, Katherine Carey. Third row: Julie Sheetz, Courtney Brooks, Ashley Fitzpatrick, Annie Ittner, Sam Baker, Coach Catherine Morris.

his year has been stronger than the past few years have been. We have new coaches, a strong freshman base, and a re­ newed spirit. We played a great game against GFA at their Homecoming, and we beat Masters —one of our best achievements for the season. Even though we could not always get goals in, we managed to play extremely well against top teams. The team can only get better from here. We wish you the best of luck in the future! - Captains Kate Nichols, Lindsay Benjamin, and Julie Reuben



Above: The Juke Move Right: "Girls, its cold out here." 106

L e ft: T h e c r o s s o v e r .

Left: "W e can take them!"

Below: "I'm gonna score, haha!"


US F i e ld s t o n



V la s t e r s



H a m d e n H a ll





:h e S a c r e d H e a r t 1


H a rv e y S c h o o l Convent of

5t. L u k e 's



A /illia m s



H o ly C h ild





Academ y



a t. L u k e ’s



D ay



M a s te rs



S re e n s F a rm s



S re e n s F a rm s A cadem y S re e n w ic h

R ye C o u n try

Academ y

Left: "HIT ME!"

A b ove:T m faster than you are!"


O m rT J m m iO


Front row: Callie Barker,

Lauren Onis Second row: Melissa Maitland, Jenna Goldschmidt Malloy, Coach Jennie Gonzales, Anna Flatow, Coryn Rosenstock

iheerleading had a great season. We gained four new members and we worked hard dur ing preseason teaching cheers, practicing jumps and stunts, and coming together as a squad. By the end of the season we had performed two excellent half time routines, and we went from being just a cheerleading squad to being a tightknit family. I'd like to thank our coach, Jennie, and all the girls on the squad for a memorable and enjoyable season. - Captain Lauren Onis




Above: Ready... Right: "Let's hear it!"

Third row.

Emma Wilson, Courtney

L e ft: " L e t 's g o V ik in g s !

Below: "Break it down, one time"

Left: "Throw your hands up."

Above: "Patty Cake, Patty Cake.


c R O



Front row: Maddie Prager, Alice Gleason, Katie Piloseno, Greg Hamilton, Costas Vlahakis, Caitlin Trow, Ted Rucci, Chris Northru Ben Schultz, Oliver Hulland, Henry Wald, Chris Tsang, Jackie Montoya, Zanny Love. Second row: Colin Ryan, Tucker Sparkma Adam Tooter, Alexander Stock, Jake Murphy, Oliver Vignola, Chris Frassetto, Khaled Allen, Ashley Gray,Mitch Lemmo, MarkSpa Coach Greg Lynch

espite losing some of our top runners from last year, Cross Country finished the season with a winning record. For the first time, we had enough girls to qualify in a race, and they beat Sacred Heart Academy. Our whole team did well at the FAA's; Khaled Allen and Costas Vlahakis I I received Honorable Mention and Caitlin Trow received All League honors. We had fun both on and off the course and we wish you good luck for next year. - Captains Colin Ryan, Alice Gleason, Ted Rucci, and Caitlin Trow


Above: "W e've got muscle, and you don't!" Right: Over your other shoulder, Mark.

L e ft: F e e l in g th e f lo w .

Left "What can I say?"

Below: "I work out."



29 30 23

26 26 32

15 15 50

50 50 50

45 27 34 34

18 28 20 22

15 15

41 50





20 15 23

43 50 34

G re e n s F a rm s A cadem y M a s te rs

Masters C hristian Heritage St. Luke's B runsw ick G reens Farms A cadem y Hamden Hall M illbrook B r u n s w ic k C h r is t ia n H e r it a g e S t . L u k e 's

G reens Farms A cadem y G reens Farms A cadem y Rye C ountry Day St. Luke's

Left: "I'm number one, baby."

Above: "W hy's he going the other way, Jake?"

S t. L u k e ’s

Front row: Brandie Bell, Nicole Terenzio, Zoe Delihas, Amy Cohen Second row: Krysten White, Kendall Smith, Catherine Coa Allison Bussey, Erica Williams, Lucy Demmerle, Taylor Simonson, Coach Tung Tran

arsity Volleyball had a very impressive season. Although we lost twice to GA and NYSD, we remained aggressive within our league, trouncing Masters 2-0 in our second meeting. Our improvement from game to game was remarkable, and by the end of the season we were working together very well. For the sec­ ond year in a row we lost in the semi-finals, but next year Viking Volleyball will certainly be tournament champions. We wish you the best of luck next year and we thank you for an excel­ lent season. - Captins Brandie Bell, Nicole Terenzio &, Amy Cohen


Above: "Together on three." Right: "Go Vikings!" 112

L e ft: " N i c e s e r v e , E r ik a .

P S â– :

Left center: "BAM!"

Below: ACE, baby!

SCORES U S OPP S t . L u k e 's



S a rc re d H eart A cad em y



H o l y C h ild



M a ste rs





fo r th e D e a f G re e n w ic h



A cadem y



A cad em y



S t. L u k e 's S a c re d H e a rt



A cadem y



M a s te rs



H o ly C h ild



fo r th e D e a f



G re e n s F a rm s A cad em y



H o p k in s



(F A A 's)



M a s t e r s ( F A A 's )



G re e n w ic h A cad em y

N e w Y o rk S c h o o l

G ree n s F a rm s

N ew Y o rk S ch o o l

H o ly C h ild

Left: Another awesome Viking serve.

Above: Setting up for the kill.



Front row: Mike Cerone, Steve Sandak, Rob Zeko, Payton Keith, Ian Monsma, Coach Ri Second row: Shareen Jelani, G.T. Thomassj Jake Ryder, Paul Gladstone, Mike Jones, Adam Korval, Katie Frey Third row: Peter Venetos, Justin Pina, Pete Magrath, RobSadowsli Christian Luneburg, John Mayberry


e didn't have a great season last year, but this year we rose to greatness, and nothing felt better than winning at Homecom­ ing. We are so proud of the way that the team came together and it is all because of our great coach, Coach Rai, who stuck with us through the hard times, and believed that we could come together and win. Coming together as a team meant a lot to us because our program has been struggling and we wish our guys the best of luck next year. - Captains John Mayberry and Justin Pina


Above: "You guys can't stop me."


Right: Even Vikings need a break sometimes.


Left: "I'm number one, nobody can contain me."

Left center: "I promise,it was just here."

Below: The show down.



H e rita g e



D a rro w



M a s te rs






B r u n s w ic k



D ay



W illia m s



A cadem y



M a s te rs



H e r ita g e



H a rv e y



C h ris tia n

O akw ood

R y e C o u n try

G re e n s F a rm s

C h r is tia n



S t. L u k e 's



H a m d e n H a ll



S t . L u k e ’s



S to rm

Left: "W ant to dance?"

Above: "Vikings rock!"

K in g


Front row: Caitlin Feigenbaum, Kaitlin Buggy,

Nicole Kenaga, Italia Almeida, Laura Horak, Katie Brown Second row: Stevi Fienberf Liz Banerjee, Jordana Most, Coryn Rosenstock, Coach Kremer Third row: Coach Sargent, Ashley O'Banner, Suzie Sheetz, Anne Gillies Kathryn Collins, Courtney Brooks Bock row: Sonya Ziolkowski, Meredith Kriss, Tara Carberry, Lily Sheyhing, Stephanie Blackmai

ell, let's start with "Jogo Bonito." For those of you who were able to come out to our games, you understand what we're talk­ ing about. For those who were unable to see us play, we're very sorry, because our team had a way of passing, moving, and talking that made our games beautiful. Next year, you will get every­ thing that you deserve if you remember two very important things: 1. Always play your game and 2. Have FUN! - Captains Nicole Kenaga and Catherine Collins


Above: Kaitlin Buggy gets ready to throw it far...very far. Right: Fig is ready to play. 116

L e ft: A n d t h e y 'r e o ff!



M a s te rs



H o p k in s



M a s te rs



M c T e rn a n



S t. L u k e 's









H e r ita g e



H o ly C h ild








W illia m s







S t. M a r g a re ts -

G re e n s F a rm s Academ y

C o n v e n t o f th e S a c re d H e a rt G r e e n s F a rm s A cadem y C h r is t ia n

S a c re d H e a rt A cadem y R y e C o u n try

Left: The players on the bench eagerly await their turn.

Above: Lightning fast.

O akw ood School R y e C o u n try D a y ( F A A ’s )



Front row: Allison Reuben, Cathleen Ryan, Abby Neff. Second row: Barbara Flit, Molly Shaker,

Lauren Cuscuna, Nell Ryder

Third row:

Coach Catherine Morris, Catherine Killeffer, Caroline George, Dara Goldstein, Liz Byrnes.


Front row: Lisa Kiley, Ali Hittman, Sarah Ross-Benjamin. Coach Martha Bakes

11 8

Second row: Dana Hill, Catherine Kiley, Natalia Moena, Courtney Matthews


Front row: Mike Sheehan, Nick Doumlele Ri Muttukumaru, John Mara, Coach Galanopoulos Second row: Maxs Cuscuna, Matt Phillips, Rich Castellano Sam Montgomery, James Blum, Adrian Ciontut Third row: Ross Pisarkiewicz, Greg Heins, Tim Wiegand, Charles Bjernestad, Ravi Banergee, Loren Poin, Craig Pernick Back row: Ben Sessa, Woody Priest, Matt Feinberg, Elliot Trott, Anthony Catanese, Will Cromwell, Michael Katcher, Michael Kunin


Girls ’ Varsity

Front row: Meredith Kriss, Dana Hill, Jackie Montoya, Liz Byrnes Second row: Coach Celia, Melissa Maitland, Nicole Kenaga, Kenda Smith, Erica Williams,Ashley Gray, Brandie Bell, Catherine Coates, Coach Catfish

iis was definately a transitional season. It was hard for our team to gel in the beginning. But as our season progressed we were able to finally able to pull together and make this one of our most memorable seasons ever. If we can stay consistent and continue to have a positive m indset we will have a successful season next year. ~ Captains Brandie Bell, Kendall Smith, and Ashley Gray


L L Above: Where's the ball going? Right: Ashley making shadow puppets, haha! 124

Left: Bounce, you stupid ball!


Below: Pure guts WINS games!



C h r is tia n H



H a m d e n H.



S a c r e d H .A



S t. L u k e s



C o n v e n t S .H . 51


R iv e rs Tourn. 4 9





S t. L u k e s



H o l d C h il d






M a s te rs



W illia m s



S t. M a rg a re t's 4 1




K in g s w o o d A C 4 1


C o n v e n t S .H .55



S a c re d H .A . C h e s ir e A C



G u n n e ry





F A A Tourn GA


>0J-im 7s(/>>aj

Front row: Andrew Brown, Mike Little, Sherrad Prezzie-Blue, Szymanczyk, Tim Wiegand, Cameron Williams, Coach Brown

Second Row:

Coach Henby, Alex Buggy, Lesan Chernet, Chri'

his year was great in many different ways. For the first time in several year our team had a winning record. Our win versus St. Lukes was the big highlight of our season, along with making it to the NEPSAC semifinals. Throughout our four years here we have never been more proud of our team. We battled each game and gave it our full effort. We wish next year's team the best of luck. "Play Hard or Go Home." -Captains Mike Little and Chris Szymanczyk


L L Above:You can't stop me! Right: Mike handles the Brunswick defense with ease.

Left: Look at that BEAUTIFUL form!

Left: Wow, he's strong and tough.

Below: It's all about the footwork!

:â– 1





W illia m s T o u rn . 58 S e m i- in a l62

44 50

'J Y S D



M a s te rs



C h r is t ia n H . 4 8 3FA 55

36 36

3 FA



RCD H a m d e n H.

59 35

64 77

B ru n s w ic k RCD H o p k in s St. L u k e s H a m d e n H a ll

28 39 69 60 42

64 46 56 49 58

B r u n s w ic k M a s te rs

50 52

72 63

s lY S D St. L u k e s H o p k in s s le p s a c D u a rt.

70 55 59

20 64 51



H a rv e y

Left: Leader of the team Mike Little

Above: Justin Pina, a total team player.



Front row: Craig Pernick, Sean Wise, Teddy White, Chris Corcoran, Costas Vlahakis Second Row Taylor Gramps, Sara Matthiessen, Peter Venetos, Ben Larsen, Greg Heins, John Raffaeli, Elliot Trott, Caroline Campbell, Coach Nelson and Coach Carey

'This season was quite eventful. Being a new team - and a small team - we struggled to find success. It was quite a long and tiring season, yet we prevailed against all odds and we won more than one game. We hope that we will even­ tually get to compete on the varsity level. Thank you to all of those who came to our games! -E lliot Trott and Peter Venetos


Right: A Viking player awaits the puck. 128

Left: Focused, Craig waits to rip a goal.

"armlet W I .U M



Left: John fights to protect the puck.

Below: "I'm going to score, haha!"


Left: "Huddle up, team!"


S t. L u k e s






M a s te r s



M a s te rs






S t. L u k e s



F ie ld s to n



Above: " Pass it to me!!"


Brains VS. Brawns

^ iis year KLHT held its first annual Brains vs Brawns basketball game. Student, parents, and other members of the community all came out to support the Brains (faculty) vs the Brawns (athletic departmen Each team was coached by senior on the boys and girls varsity basketball teams. The game was close, but in the end the Brawns won by four points. The game was a ton of fun and was full of school spriit. It was a great start to a new tradition.




E vents Nuts and Bolts "Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or ar­ chitecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself." -Samuel Butler

Willing A ttitu d e Launches KLHT to Service: In September, students from the entire school came togef

to perform service projects fo r three international service organizations. Grades were paired together to crea sock dolls, t-s h irts , books on tape, game mats, and other fun activities. This culminated in an all-schoolf symbolically commiting KLHT to community service.

• • •

In preparation fo r Homecoming the Upper School had a week o f d iffe re ntly themed days, also known as! S pirit Week. The days included Rank Pay, Twin Pay, Pajama Pay, Pecade Pay and School S pirit Pay. AfterJ week of Viking Pride, the entire school was ready fo r the Pep Rally and Homecoming fe stivitie s.

Homecoming 2001 was a success. Each team played with spirit and school pride, and in the end it did not matter whether we won or lost but how we played the game. The day began with the car rally, the first ever in KLHT history. Throughout the day stu­ dents and alumni were reunited at varsity sports games. All over campus the spirit of KLHT was felt. The culmination of the day was a dance where both Mr. Lynch and Tim Wiegand fulfilled their promises of cutting their hair, with varying degrees of suc­ cess. All in all, Homecoming was a day filled with fun and excitment.


14 1

Cast List Pip Ted Rued Estella Libby Barker Miss Havisham Sam Baker Joe Gargery Mark Spatt Herbert Pocket John Mara Biddy Katy Nolin Abel Magwitch Jake Murphy Young Pip Payton Keith Young Estella Lauren Onis Mr. Jaggers Tucker Sparkman Mrs. Joe Kate Nichols Orlick Mike Sheehan Wemmick Khaled Allen Bently Drummle James Yates Compeyson Pete Magrath Camilla Alice Gleason Sarah Pocket Caitlin Trow Mrs. Hubble Jenna Goldschmidt Mr. Hubble Khaled Allen Aged Parent Chris Northrup Young Herbert Ian Monsma Trabb Stephen Sandak Trabb's Boy Lauren Cuscuna Molly Zanny Love Officer Ian Monsma Sergeant Stephen Sandak Soldiers Ian Monsma, Mike Sheehan Jagger's clients Taylor Gramps, Lily Scheyhing Little Pip Charles Onis Londoners, dancers at the ball, and mourners: Alice Gleason, Kate Nichols, Jenna Goldschmidt, Taylor Gramps, Courtney Malloy, Jordana Most, Chris Northrup, Stephen Sandak, Lauren Onis, Caitlin Trow, Katie Piloseno, Taylor Simonson, Lauren Cuscuna, Lucy Demmerle, Austin Gramps, Payton Keith, Ian Monsma, Lily Scheyhing Director Melody Libonati Technical Director and State Manager Amy Darnton Producer Cathy Mishkin Lighting Design Amy Darnton Costume Design Sarah Packer Scene Painting Terry Murphy, Connie Nichols Assistant to the Director Sam Baker Costumes Katherine Carey, Krysten White Lights Colin Ryan, Oliver Vignola, Christian Luneburg, Alan Muntner, Rob Sadowsky Sound Mike Tsinkler, Charles Bjernestad, Ilya Garkavy Props Amy Darnton, Courtney Malloy, Jordana Most Publicity Paula Hanson Box Office Manager Greg Lynch Program W.J. Pusak Make-up Susan Stratton, Boo Forester

or the fall drama this year, the actors at KLHT put on Charles Dickens' classic, Great Excpectations, under the direction of Ms. Libonati. Although the show was extremely complicated technically, the fabulous crews, Alpha and Bravo, under the direction of Ms. Darnton, managed to pull it all together in the end. The set painting was, as usual, spectacular, dipicting a beautiful London background. Special thanks to Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Nichols for creating this beautiful scene. Congratulations to everyone who worked on the show!


he holiday show at KLHT was a huge success. We had a wide variety of acts from many talented performers. The Upper School chorus and band were delightful. Five students graced our senses with beautiful instrumental performances on the piano and violin. Six seniors carried on traditions and read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" and performed "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." The KLHT Acting Class per­ formed "The Polar Express." Introduction to Musical Theater performed "Once Upon a December" and "Frosty the Snowman" complete with Frosty himself. The Musical Theater class brought us back to the 50's and 60's with a fabulous medley of songs from "Smokey Joe's Cafe." The all-new KLHT rockettes stunned us with their interpreta­ tion of "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers." The KLHT Singers displayed their talents with several holiday songs. The stunning London background from G reat E xcp ectatio ns remained, although a snowy touch was added. Special thanks to Mrs. Mishkin, our fabulous accompanist and producer who, as always, continues to inspire and encour­ age us all with her never-ending love, guidance, and support. Congratulations to all the performers and anyone involved for putting on a fantastic show!


veryone at KLHT worked hard to put on this year's musical "The Sound of Music." The sets were breathtaking. The show ran extremely smoothly, thanks to the talented running crew, sound crew, and lights crew. They should be extremely proud of them­ selves. Many members of the faculty went way beyond the call of duty to help along the process of creating this fantastic show. Congratulations to all who participated.


Cast Kate Nichols (Understudy Alice Gleason) Maria Rainer Captain Georg von Trapp Ted Rucci (Understudy Tucker Sparkman) Jenny Kramer (Understudy Anne Gillies) Liesl John Mara Friedrich Katy Nolin Louisa Ben Sessa Kurt Lauren Onis (Understudy Laura Horak) Brigitta Emma Bauman (Understudy Meredith Kriss) Marta Eloise Flyman Gretl Mark Spatt Max Detweiler Krysten White Elsa Schraeder Nedgine Paul The Mother Abbess Alice Gleason (Understudy Suzie Sheetz) Sister Margaretta Caitlin Trow (Understudy Alison Bussey) Sister Berthe Dara Goldstein (Understudy Melissa DeSantis) Sister Sophia Tucker Sparkman (Understudy Jake Ryder) Rolf Taylor Gramps Frau Schmidt Chris Northrup Franz Jamie Yates Herr Zeller Charles Guevara Admiral von Schreiber Jake Ryder Baron Elberfeld Jordana Most Ursula Callie Barker, Libby Barker, Alison Bussey, Lauren Nuns Cuscuna, Melissa DeSantis, Corey Futera, Austin Gramps, Ann Grant, Caroline George, Anne Gillies, Laura Fiorak, Steph Huels, Catherine Kiley, Lisa Kiley, Katherine Killeffer, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Lauren Russell, Cathleen Ryan, Suzie Sheetz Dancers, Nazis, Concert Winners Liz Benerjee, Libby Barker, Tara Carberry, Francesca Carendi-Dobrovolyn, Paul Gladstone, Charles Guevara, Meredith Kriss, Melissa Maitland, Mike Mark, John Raffaeli, Mike Sheehan Pit Singers Amy Darnton, Rosemary Gallagher, Cathy Mishkin, Rebecca Palcso, Marnie Sadlowsky, Angie Tortorella Director and Choreographer Scenic & Lighting Design Producer, Accommpanist Stage Manager Show Accompanist Drums Scenic Painting Costume Design Box Office Manager Music Assistant

Melody Libonati Amy Darnton Cathy Mishkin Alan Muntner Marty Angstreich John Cutrone Terry Murphy, Connie Nichols Sarah Packer Greg Lynch Alice Gleason


The Sound of Music




* A ,


.. *

M iddle School Building Up We shape our buildings: thereafter they shape us." -Sir W inston Churchill

Administration and Faculty Middle School Head Suzanne Buzanoski

Administrative Support Betty Palazzo

Middle School Athletic Director Karen Celia

Foreign Language Paola Grant, Marion Heyman, Lara Lescano

Sixth GradeTeam Deanna Supple, David Woodford, Jennifer Gonzales, Mike Scelsi, Rose Weldon, Livia Barder

■ ’■ Mj

Seventh Grade Team

Eighth Grade Team

JohnMuhlfeld, David Woodford, Lois Rinaldi, Jim Cairne

John Crandall, Pat Doering, Alex Weiner, Scott Conant, David Woodford, Laura Kyropoulos, Tung Tran

Arts Connie Nichols, Jonathan Propper, Jackie Martino




Alex Ahrens Marlon Alebiosu Lia Allen Charlotte Bareiss Morgan Barker, 111 David Benjamin Michael Beyman Clinton Botway Max Brittenham TC Byrne Christine Carey Katie Clark

Nate Collins Beth Connolly Allissa Cooperman Chris Corcoran Lisa Dillinger Stevi Feinberg RJ Ferguson Natalie Flores Christopher Foley Oliver Gray Douglas Hamilton Victoria Jones Danielle Konigsbacher Alii Kudzy Ben Larsen Kay-Lin Lau Hannah Lloyd Ashley Luneburg Lizzy Magrath Michael Marcal, Jr. Steven Menking Amanda Metviner Theresa Milano Claire Mitchell Chris Nourse Libby Perelstein Kevin Phelan Margie Priest Rachel Puklin Anna Pusack Melissa Ross Will Schpero Ben Seidenstein Scott Shelton Corey Sievert Ryan Sussan Gavin Sweitzer Victoria Tsang Nick Unnold Andrew Vlahakis Carla Wells Sean Wise




Vivek Alaigh Danielle Armiger Courtney Bannerot Alysia Beaty Christina Blum Lisa Boccuzzi Courtney Bruggeman Kristin Castellano Kimberly Clark Kevin deReqt Andrew Dowdie Kara Frisoli

Schuyler Goldberg Charlie Green Conny Haehl Laurel Hanson Ryan Henderson Scott Hootman-Ng Rachel Ivanhoe Jonathan Joelson Philip Khoury Margot Lane Joseph Lieber Jeffrey Lounsbury Eric Lubben Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman Alison Mehan Akhil Mehta Leigh Millard Robby Minicucci Mallory Monsma Elizabeth Packer Michael Pakula Faith Pierce Adam Pisarkiewicz Shane Pizzutello Sarah Puklin Charnee Purdy Hannah Rabin Spencer Robinson Victoria Santos-Buch Shilpa Sarkar Bryan Sarner Travis Schmidt Kimberly Segalas Grace Shaker Stephen Sheehan Rai Jarvis Tipton Jimmy Voyages Dylan Warren Caitlin Weinstock




Chris Ahrens Ashley Alebiosu Leslie Andriani Joaquin Avila Elizabeth Beitler Cody Bendetto Daniel Beyman Jessica Byrnes Katherine Chan Rebecca Davis Alex Doering Jason Filatov

Abigail Flatow Stephen Goddard Shaela Greenfield Kevin Griffin John Honey-Fitzgerald Andrea Horak Ruth Hubbard Virginia Khoury Christian Killeffer Katharina Kroll Lilly Kottsieper David Kuntzman Kate Laidlow Anya Leist Jessica Lockwood Stefan Lyew Zoe Mallios Daniel McGee Collin McMahon Safiya McMillan Peter Menking Matthew Miller Lizzie Mitchell Keil Mueller Maggie Nolin John Palmeri John Qua, IV Justin Raffaeli Eric Reinemann Andrew Richardson Sarah Schultz Micaela Scully Kip Shelton Emily Smith Garrett Sweitzer Jason Torey



Middle School Sports 5th & 6th G rade Fo o tb all Back: Matthew Nussbaum, Wesley Tryhane, Oliver Wald, Chris Hanson, Chris Ahrey ns, Max Miller, Eric Reinemann, Coach Tom Decker, Jason Turey, Justin Raffaeli, Christan Killeffer, Coach Dan Gouin, Colin McMahon, Garret Sweitzer, John Honey-Fitzgerald, Vincent Love Front: Tripp Smith, M arty Chanes, Paul Vanderslice, Aaron Metviner, Peter Faschi, Keil Mueller, Scott Banerjee, Peter Reilly, Michael Santoro, Michael Toy, Alex Vlahakis, Ben Leivowitz

7th & 8th G rade Fo otb all Back: Stephen Sheehan, Coach Tom Decker, Andreas Vlahakis, Ben Seidenstein, Marlon ALebiosu, Nick Unnold, Mchael Beyman, TC Byrne, Cory Sievert, Ryan Sussan, Nate Collins, Ben Larsen, Coach Dan Gouin, Jimmy Voyages, Phil Khouny, Kevin Phelan, Ryan Henderson Front: Robby Miniccuci, Jeff Lounsbury, DJ Ben, Schuyler Goldberg, Travis Schmidt, Ray Jaruis-Tipton, Spenser Robinson, Oliver Gray, Bryan Sarner, Kevin deRegt, Gavin Sweitzer, Scott Hootman-Ng

5th & 6th G rade B oys S occer Back: John Qua, Daniel Catchpole, John Chest­ nut, Matthia Regna, John Palm eri, Coach Catherine Morris Center: Joaquin Avila, Andrew Richardson, Steven Carey, Will Orenstein, Alex Doering Front: Kip Shelton, Matthew Murphy, Brent Luneburg, Kvle Luneburg


Middle School Sports 5th & 6th Grade Boys S occer Back: Jesse Buccolo, David Kuntzman, Coach Deb Cararelli, Jason Filatov, Daniel McGee, Kevin Griffin, John Palmeri Center: JP Gould, Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman, Peter Gillies, Nabil Mehta, DD Beyman Front: Stetan Liew, Scott Zales, Aditya Mookerjee

7th & 8th Grade B oys S occer Back: Coach David Woodford, Michael Marcal, Dylan Warren, Will Schpero, Steven Menking, Clinton Botway, Shane Pizzutello, Joey Lieber, Coach Alex Weiner Center; Douglas Hamilton, Akil Mehta, Mor­ gan Barker, Sean Wise, Adam Pisarkiewicz, Vivek Alaigh, RJ Ferguson, Chris Foley Front: Chris Corcoran, Eric Lubben, Andrew Dowdie, Jonathan Joelson, Michael Pakula

7th & 8th Grade Volleyball Back: Coach Jim Cairns, Charlotte Bareiss, Chris­ tine Carey, Alissa, Cooperman, Lisa Dillinger, Lizzie Magrath, Natile Flores, Margot Lane, Rachel Puklin, Beth Connolly, Coach Pat Doering Front: Libby Perelstein, Courtney Bannerot, Kimberly Segala, Christina Blum, Kara Fisoli, Katie Clark, Connie Haehl, Laurel Hanson

7th & 8th G rade Field H o ckey Back: Alii Kudzy, Mallory Monsam, Ashley Luneburg, Coach John Muhlfeld, Amanda Metuiner, Leigh Millard, Coach Karen Celia, Vickey Jones, Elizabeth Packer Front: Kay-Lin Lau, Melissa Ross


Middle School Sports 5th an d 6th G rade V olleyball

Back: Kate Laidlow, Lilly Kottsieper, Cach Karen Celia, Jessica Lockwood, Ashley Alebiousu, Spenser Sussan, Coach Deanna Supple Center: Zoe Malios, Leslie Adriani, Abby Flatow, Lizzie Mitchell, Virginia Khoury Front: Nina Lynn, Alexandra Kreitman

7th an d 8th G rade Volleyball

Back: Rachel Ivanhoe, Danielle Konigsbacher, Charnee Purdy, Courtney Bruggeman, Hannah Rubin, Anna Pusack, Faith Pierce, Coach Deb Cardarelli Center: Kristen Castellano, Victoria Tsang, Alysia Beatty, Therea Milano Front: Lisa Boccuzzi, Victoria SantosBusch

7th and 8th Grade Yoga

Back: Caitlin Weinstock, Kim Clark, Lia Allen Center: Amanda Marcella-Kleeman, Sarah Puklin, Grace Shaker, Danielle Armiger, Alison Mehan Front: Coach Laura Kyropoulos


Middle School Sports 5th & 6th Grade Girls’ Basketball

Back: Kinsey Greenfield, Micaela Scully, Monica Wells, Jessica Lockwood, Kate Laidlow, Lizzie Mitchell, Coach Karen Celia Front: Rebecca Marber, Alexandra Kreitman, Shaela Greenfiels, June Culp, Annie Lubben

7th & 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball





iMJm | V *

Back: Coach Deb Cardarelli, Katherine Chan, Killy Kottsieper, Ashley Alebiosu, Alison Rund, Rebecca Davis, Anya Leist Front: Abby Flatow, Leslie Andriani, Meredith Packer, Tiana Segalas, Mary Connacher

7th & 8th Grade Girls’ Basketball

Back: Kate Marcal, Emily Smith, Ruth Hubbard, Katharina Kroll, Amy Mitchell, Coach Tom Decker Front: Nina Lynn, Elizabeth Veitler, Krisine O'Briwn, Sarah Schultz, An­ drea Horak


Middle School Sports 7th G rade G irls ’ B asketb all

Back: Coach Deb Cardarelli, Grace Shaker, Laurel Hanson, Hannah Rabin, Kimberly Segalas, Alysia Beaty, Kim Clark Front: Kristin Sun, Caitlin Weinstate, Courtney Bannerot, Kristen Castellano, Victoria Santos-Busch

8th G rade G irls ’ B asketball

Back: Coach Karen Celia, Beth Connolly, Anna Pusack, Natalie Flores, Claire Mitchell, Alison Cooperman, Victoria Jones, Stevi Feinberg Front: Libby Perelstein, Carla Wells, Vicky Tsang, Theresa Milano, Katie Clark, Hannah Lloyd

5th & 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball

Back: Daniel Catchpole, Aaron Metviner, Peter menking, coach Dan Gouin, Christian Killeffer, Wesley Tryhane, David Kuntzman Front: Mike Santoro, Peter gillies, Matthew Murphey, John Palmeri


J Pt 1M! i i _ f r j1 1 •r i






Middle School Sports 5th & 6th Grade Boys’ Basketball



■■ ^

Mm ■


Back: Paul Vanderslice, Colin McMahon, Coach Dick Cerone, Chris Hanson, John Qua Front: D.D. Beyman, Will Orenstein, Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman, Brent Luneburg

7th & 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball

Back: Vivek Alaigh, Stephen Sheehan, Kevin Phelun, Jimmy Voyages, Bryan Sarner, Joey Lieber, Kevin deRegt, Coach Tung Tran Front: Adam Pisarkiewicz, Midhael Pakula, Jeff Launsberry, Scott Hootman-Ng, Andrew Dowdie, Jonathan Joelson

7th & 8th Grade Boys’ Basketball

Back: Nate Collins, Ryan Sussan, Steven Meuking, T.C. Byrne, Marlon Alebiosu, Coach Tom Decker Front: Oliver Gray, Spencer Robinson, Rai Jurus-Tipton, Max Brittenham, Chris Nourse, D.J. Benjamin


Middle School Sports 5th & 6th G rade H o ckey

Back: Coach Geordie Hackett, Meil Mueller, Justin Rafaeli, Peter Peilly, Alex Doehring, Cody Benedetto Front: JasonTorey, JesseBuccolo,Tripp Smith, Kyle Luneburg, Noah Fouad, Vincent Love, John Chestnut

5th & 6th G rade H o ckey

Back: Coach Pat Corcoran, Marius Reyna, Chris Aherns, John FioneyFitzgerald, Eric Reinemann, Daniel McGee Front: Scott Banerjee, Nabil Mehta, Alex Vlahakis, Jason Filatov, Scott Zales, J.P. Gould

7th & 8th G rade H ockey

Back: Jason Filatov, Garrett Sweittzer, Corey Sievert, Ben Larsen, Coach Scott Conant, Will Schpero, Daniel McGee, Gavin Sweitzer, Coach John Crandall Middle: Alison Mehan, Mallory Monsma, Sean Wise, Andrew Vlahakis, Justin Rafaeli, Michael Marcal Front: Chris Corcoran


Middle School Sports 7th & 8th G rade S w im m ing

Back: Coach Laurie Searpone, Alii Kudzy, Kay-Lin Lau, Christine Carey, Lia Allen Middle: Leigh Millard, Amanda Metuiner, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Sarah Puklin, Shilpa Sarkar, Chris Foley Front: Lisa Boccuzzi, Charlie Green, Charlotte Bareiss, Margot Lane, Ashley Luneburg, Danielle Armiger, Christina Bloom

5th & 6th G rade Fitness


K lH T

Back: Jacquin Avila, Mat Miller, Vir­ ginia Khoury, Courtney Stevenson, Jes­ sica Bynes, Maggie Nolan, Coach Catharine Morris Middle: Spenser Sussan, Michael Toy, Zoe Mallis, Kevin Griffin, Andrew Richardson, Ben Liebouitz Front: Marty Chanes, Matthew Nussbaum, Michael Baresich, Aditya Mookerjee, Stefan Ayew, Kip Shelton

7th & 8th Grade Fitness

Back: Faith Pierce, Charnee Purdy, Courtney Bruggeman, Coach Dan Gouin, Scott Shelton, Michael Beyman, Nick Unnold Middle: Ryan Henderson, Shane Pizzutello, Dylan Warren, Rachel Puklin, Melissa Ross, Lisa Dillinger, Moigan Barker, Ben Sidsnstein, Dou­ glas Hamilton, Clinton Botway, Schuyler Goldberg, Travis Schmidt Front: Philip Khoury, Rachel Ivanhoe, Alex Aherns, Eric Lubben, Rubby Minicucci, Margie Priest 175

L ower School The Early Stages Whatever m an might build can never express or reflect more than what he was." -Frank Llovd Wright

Lower School


Mark Bauman Head of Lower School


Jan Homicki Director of Early Childhood

Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students


Faculty & Staff

Lower School


Lori Auletta: Art Liz Bounty: Support Services Debra Cardarelli: P.E. Tom Decker: P.E. Emily Friedland: Library Rosemary Gallagher: Support Services

Judy Gerardi: Nurse Dan Gouin: P.E. Gerry Lacerenza: Dental Hygienists Deborah Mitchell: Art Catherine Morris: P.E. Rebecca Palcso: Music

Carolina Reyna: Spanish Allyson Schweig: Computer Karen Simmons: Support Services


1 81

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• nunv


Pre - Kindergarten

Mrs. Brough's Class Binky Brough Melinda Fuller Henry Bray Mitchel Buscemi

Pre - Kindergarten

Mrs. DeSantis' Class

Frances Jay Alex Kalvar Rebecca Klipin


Mr. Bray's Class

Christopher Kondracki Johnny McAllister Matthew Molinaro

Vincent Promuto Samantha Shaw Joshua Silberfein

Mrs. Hein's Class Penny Hein Keri Rivenburg Cashin Brown

Michael Cronin Brendan Hanley Emmanuelle Monaco




Ambika Mookerjee Hayley Stilson Alex Streich

Evan Tesei Kyle Williams Jackie Xu

Mrs. Palm's Class Ami Palm Carolyn Gallagher Jack Cammisa

Drew Cerone Stewart Chiodo Brianna De Franco

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Alexandra Garrigues Emily Green George Jay

Forrest Rappaport Matthew Rollings Ryan Woodford


First Grade

Mrs. Benedetto's Class

Nicholas Hyman Jillian Katz Katie Kelley Jade Morris

Sonia Parekh Daniel Rosenblum Katrina Vassell





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Mrs. Decker's Class

First Grade

Miss Hyde's Class

Andrew Kundin Hannah Morrill Hailey Raskovic Katherine Sachs

J.D Schink Sarah Sprole Katie Tryhane Valerie Weiner


Karen Raidt Greta Baresich Lydia Brents Nick Cesare

Jack Clippinger John Leslie Gould Forrest Hanson Riley Jay



Second Grade

Mrs. Raidt's Class



Second Grade

Miss Salierno's Class


Second Grade

Miss Stratton's Class

Third Grade

Mrs. Avitabile's Class

Abby Leibowitz Morgan Lyew William Qua Ashley Snow

Rachel Stern Nicole Stieglitz Patrick Sullivan Emily Wilson


Third Grade

Mr. RiedelTs Class

.... . J

Mrs. Vasey's Class

Third Grade

Colleen Vasey Jackie Ahrens Jonathan Berger Nicole Boeckle

Katie Gimpel Claire Kelley Brynn Lottner Philip Nussbaum

Ellie Oakford Conor O'Rourke Neil Parekh Harrison Rappaport

Will Schink Lauren Snow Dylan Torey Jennifer Wilson

2 11

Fourth Grade

Miss Hanson's Class

Kate Hyman Shane Lau Katie Marber

Annick Thompson Jonathan Toy Jabrille Williams


Fourth Grade


Mrs. Henderson's Class


Fourth Grade

Mrs. Santoro's Class Helen Santoro Tassos Bareiss Julia Bonnel 1 Gordon Bray

Carter Brents Michaela Kreitman Elisabeth Lloyd Mia Martin

Andrew McGee Benjamin Millard Alexander Morgan Peter Reinemann

Will Shaker Collin Sullivan Petula Tournas Haley Wise


Fourth Grade

Miss Spaulding's Class Sarah Spaulding Jonathan Avery Justin Beitler Ross Connacher

Maddy Davidoff Rhiannon Duerden Dani Feinburg Ashley Gau


Fifth Grade

Mrs. Mansfield's Class

Rebecca Marber Amy Mitchell Will Orenstein Meredith Packer

Mike Santoro Tripp Smith Courtney Stevenson Michael Toy Scott Zales


Mrs. Pappalardo's Class

Fifth Grade

Mary Pappalardo Michael Baresich Jesse Buccolo Noah Fouaci

Chris Hansen Annie Lubben Kyle Luneburg Nina Lynn

Kate Marcal Nabi] Mehta Aditya Mookerjee Matthew Nussbaum

Kristine O'Brien Matias Reyna Tiana Segalas Wesley Tryhane Alex Vlahakis


Fifth Grade

Mr. Schwartz's Class

Vincent Love Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman Aaron Metviner Matthew Murphy

David Rabin Allison Rand Spencer Sussan Paul Vanderslice


I ll





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We Are Very Proud O f You! Love, Mom, Dad, W h itn ey, C hristy, Stephanie, and Rob

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*No matter how much we fight* No matter how much we cry You are my sister My sister til I die. I love you so much You will never know I hope your dreams of success Grows and grows. You have a good heart And a sense of humor too You mean a lot to me *If you really only knew. ... * I love you! Good luck, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.-(that means do everything) Dara(D)

wo*, w


Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact Love Mom

tam e: You are beautiful and exciting, and someday M r Right will find his everything (in you). Love Dad

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AUce/, you/’ve/ grow w and/you/ ve/ ctuxrigrd/, butyowve/ALWAYS b&ew beautufut, Criyido/ a ru t out. We/ love/you/ cvv big/ ceythe/ yhy. Mom/, 'Deed/, Ewvmo/, Vcew cvnd/ 'Ralotgh/.





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T H E C H A L L E N G E IS TO BE Y O U R SE L F IN A W O R L D T H A T IS T R Y IN G TO M A K E Y O U LIK E E V E R Y O N E ELSE ...AND WE KNOW THAT YOU WILL LIVE UP TO THIS CHALLENGE AND MANY OTHERS... You have become a deeply caring, generous, Hard working young woman And we are so very proud of you GO FLY GIRL!


Our love and prayers are with Always! Mom & Dad Ines Sc Michael Oliver & Jennifer Alexander * Harrison * Ainsleigh Carola * Rainer * Nikola

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^joa are af^ofatefy tAe j3£$T! you Aaae (SroagAt years °() j°y to oar fioe$Tf)ay au yoar AreanS cone trae.

C o n g r a t u la t io n s ! We are so )proa<Sl o(j yoa! We (ooe yoa sooo aery macA! W o r n &t f)a $ L


You've always made us proud!



TO A L L A T K .L .H .T












are OUR



---------- —






A dam 's S c rib b le s





Scott- you were always right and now I know it thanks for everything from late night bad news bears to sacrificing your thumb tip for me, you arethe best man, and trust me, no more a-dz jokes (like last time) I swear1 T-thanks for being big bro «2, and sd-a sdarwkcab si Hits ynnut Chris (carl)- HOV milk shots, 5 gallons of water, going home front NC in boxers, baltimote, Wisconsin, iron mike's back pocket, the noise game, phone sleepovers, ail nighters, too much to write, thanks man, and now is a good lime to tell you, am I father El IHH Mark Forty years image how corrupt I' II have you by then nice (cough cough shave), I can't wait til we meet Jose C again good times, great times and if you see sasquash, tell her to stay the f away from my lucks charms’ .Ion-have fun, its your school & don’t worry, the 'o ’ makes it ok And if that doesn't work just add butter hmm (two finger dip into mid air, then licking it) Cheeri-Qf See, see its ok (cruelty dap) OC-thanks for my teen spirit. Sandak- hate everyone, stay in your room and watch the BL Stay cool man Colin-fighting me on Hawaiian Day, in shorts, at the bagel place with our friend, after we just whipped there, does it get any better0 NIK- thanks for being one of the guys and for all my hair products can't want til we get married in our er. er 'special house’ (try not to dirty the ceiling mirrors too much, k°) 1 love you hunny RP- ttiv Italian friend (to put it nicely) you have made my summers fun, and more importantly showed me the Bass Sandwich, thanks bro YAK-1 can still kick you a$$. everything else is irrelevant, except my big cookies thanks for all those Carmie- counting crows, awsomef 1 approve of your marriage don't worry Dexo- thanks for great summers, and being my favorite St*t. ALC- it was all fun before the whole no talking for 6 years thing right R JB - keepin it real am 't easy with all those deers but you did well, good look, you smell me-’ I,ROCK- keep kilim piegons and staying away from gerbei babies and you should be straight Sol- keep praticing and you just might beat nte in madden ML- u'r lucky that I didn't wear my lighting shoes that day, or else Maze-stay out the TRAP, u’ll be fine Coopstay delerious on your hi a/in saddle. I'll see you next time ryan's in town (wink wink) are you cheating on me9 Alice- stay away from the bad stupid people ok° And watch out for cars too* Kate- Calculus9 Yeah no problem it doesn’t hurt that much, yeah, yeah it does who I am kidding AK- AOE-nutT said KA- my sunny market connection, keep it real at Snowday, that was awsome Fig- no relationships, no emotions, that is good stuff Thanks for our great and ’unplanned' talks, don’t turn into Napoleon (and her army ) and then we can live together right? But we'll start off at indoor soccer Dorthy the walls hear everything, and don t crash' i)P-stav drivin the ietta, and speaking your broken english, nights with you were fun. what 1 remember ol them Ted- umm go mets, stay away from hudist managers BH- my rowmantic rowbust pal. keep the row alive next year JG-atleast your family likes me LG- hi lisa1 JG -i love you! See 1 said it CP im watching you punk MK LB LH- eat meat, donuts, and ketchup. Watch out for head patting, guys who’s names start with ’dav’ and plax indoor soccer and you should be ok. Thanks for a fun a-period W orld's ex iles! man-stay smart W orld’s smartest man-stay evil and to you D r, yale taught vou a four letter word, and 1 replaced it with an ' f enjoy it Sara - just don’t pawn me like a wedding ring. I’m cooler, 1 swear! Just ask my friends' oh. wait, nevermind Who needs friends when you haxe this (paddle shift shift) and a playstation 2 oh wait I think I heard the bell L y n ch -1 would ha\e more to say to you if we ever hung out, but since you never ran with the team (while you are steaming about that and reading this. I'm probably taking days off your calendar) Mrs. Mishkinthanks for being mv in school mom To all of you thanks for being great teachers GT-thanks bro. you have no idea VIC, M J. PG, I G. MS. AH, CB. JM , W L. KB, RV , CV. JB . CC. SS, AC. LB, ,LM. MS. IW , f N, JR , I V - stay cool ( P, SC, W P, LB, ZL, LP, - stay away To my shorter funnier familvthanks for always feeding me, even if you then made me sick at the breakfast table To mv taller, scarier family- sorry for influencing vour son. but thanks for everything and putting up with me Thanks iron and deadlv Skiz- thanks for helping me learn from your mistakes Hey fellas-like one shepherd said to the " other peace Lastly, and most importantly Mom and Dad 1 love you so much and thank you for the best o f everything, 1 couldn’t ask for anything more from a family, 1 love you both!

Dear Kate (Katharine, Spoocbie Cakes) How very, very proud we are o f you Once a irttle girl wearing overalls, shoes on the wrong feet and a collander on her head, you are now a lovely young woman about to make her way in the world. We are excited for you.


and sad because we w ill miss you so much But you are ready to go and we must let you Remember, whatever you do, wherever you are, you will always have our love and support Be yourself Pursue your interests Have fun. You can't go wrong Congratulations Sweetie!

Love, M om and Pad



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You are meant to be whatever you dream of becoming -Edmund O ’NealYou are a beautiful girl inside, and out. \Ve love you Love, Mom, Dad, and D.J.

m ii iv i 433m '

May God Bless And Keep You Always ^ May Your Wishes All Come True May You Always Do For Others And Let Others Do for You May You Build A Ladder To The Stars fc And Climb On Ever Rung And May You Stay May You Stay Forever Young | May You Grow Up To Be Righteous May You Grow Up To Be True May You Always Know The Truth And See The Light Surrounding You May You Always Be Courageous Stand Upright And Be Strong And May You Stay May You Stay Forever Young May Your Hands Always Be Busy May Your Feet Always Be Swift May You Have A Strong Foundation When The Winds of Change Do Shift May Your Heart Always Be Joyful May Your Song Always Be Sung A And May You Stay m May You Stay Forever Young â–

May You Stay Colin Ryan May You Stay Forever Young


Love Mom, Dad, Cathleen & Caroline

love/you/ cvnd/1 wiU/ miteA you/a/lot. You/ are/ the/ Jye^t big/ b ro th er ever. I

Congratulation) Mark and the Clatt of 2002 Keep aiming for the stars - they are yours for the taking! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ■a*

While we will always love the boy within you...

We are so proud of the m an you have become!

Love Always, Mom & Dad

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Congratulations Class of 2002! Presenting the KLHT 13-Year Club... Charter Member: Adam Tooter (14 Years)

1 9 8 9 - F ir s t Day of School

Oliver Cohen



V ig n o la

Best of Luck, The Cohen, Leiser, Spatt, Tooter, and Vignola Families

^ B B If

‘You guys mean the w orld to me, I onfy w ish I hived closer to a l l o f y o u , Christm as time is my fa v o r it e holiday onfy because 1 g et to see a ff o f y o u ; ju st a sim pfe c a r d g a m e tor ga m e o f d ictio na ry ) m akes my day that much better. I t 's actually w hat 1 rem em ber a n d (rail f o r the most each y e a r ( w eff that a n d J lu n t J u d y ’s house) but ju st sittin g in a room, with everyone, o r some, lau ghing a n d p fa y in g cards. I can onfy p ra y f o r the y e a r in which I g e t to see y o u a ff more than once. I t s so h a r d to explain in words how m uch y o u a ff mean to me a n d a ft e r the e n d o f each insit I can t wait tiff the n ext y e a r to visit, faugh, play, a n d o f course eat with everyone n ext year. I t s s0 h a r d to exp lain in words, but I hope this has h elp e d a fxttfe, I wish I c o u ld see y o u more, but I g u ess that m akes Christm as that much more s p e c ia l a n d m ea n in g fu l •Mom a n d <D a d although I may not show it a ff the time, I am extrem ely g r a t e f u l f o r ev eryth in g y ou have done f o r m e . .. I love y o u g u y s so much, a n d e v e n though I may not alw ays say i t . .. I enjoy having y ou a ro u n d ... E r i n , ‘You're the best little sister I c o u ld a s k fo r, although som etim es y o u do really g e t on m y nerves, I suppose th a t’s p a rt o f the jo b requirement. O v er the p a st f e w y ea rs I v e really en jo y ed g ettin g closer to you a n d sp en d in g more time with you. S om eh ow y o u n e v e r f a i l to make me laugh w h eth er it be out . i t y o u r stupidity o r y o u ju st being you.

w fi

H ie fa m ily that no one else has

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‘Vacations, dinners, holidays, summers, a n d a ll the f r e e time in betw een, is sp en t w ith s p ec ia l fa m ily members u n -rela ted by blood, but, b o u n d com pletely by frie n d s h ip a n d love. I h ave the p lea su re o f h a m ig m ore p a re n ta l love than anyone c o u ld possibly a s k fo r, because 1 have not 2 but 10 p a ren ts (this n u m b er increasing in the su m m er)Jt n d m ore siblings than anyone c o u ld possibly prod uce, a l l with whom I share so m any memories a n d g o o d times that I w o u ld n ev er w ant to trade in f o r anything. •North Carolina, fldirondack^chairs, Cjrenada. Trips to (Planet (pizza, ice cream runs, early m orning f u n at counties a n d afternoon w ater basketball. I thankjyou a l l f o r the p a re n ta l g u id a n ce a n d love a n d


the k jn d o f love o nly f o u n d in true siblings.

I* Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in pisilence. As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak ' your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too jhave their story. * Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they arc vexations to the spirit. If *you compare yourself with others you may become vain and bitter; for always there will ^be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your -’plans. * Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. * Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. * Take kindly the counsel of years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurturc strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are bora of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. * You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. * Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and j whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. * With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. * -The Desiderata -best wishes to the class of 2 0 0 2 love always, samantha baker


to all mv friends in mv 12 years at KLHT: thank you for everything you have done and been, this has been my second family, and I appreciate each and every one of you so much, to the oldest: don’t forget the bermuda triangle, the nutketeers, and happy farmers, to mv 1 public school friend: we didn’t start the fire, to my closest: may RHMIT/TPB/Labyrinth, the DI & Mys (for Kae, nova emily, and Phillip especially), cam ping trips, pool parties, surprise parties, sweet dreams, hockey boys, bryan, jon, and BNL last forever, to my best friend for 8 of 1 2 : negative seven will always haunt us and Wilson Phillips will always be playing in my mind when I think of you. to m y little sisters: you’re brats — you take after me nicely, to those who understood m e: thank you. to mv family, all of whom have lived through KLHT iust like m e: thank you for all of your love. I c a n ’t tell you how m uch you mean to me. Kirstie - thanks for being such a hard act to follow. Ben - your little brother loves you very, very much. Alissa thanks for being such a close friend. Mom - thanks for the moral support and the mental health days. Dad - thanks for making me tough it out sometimes. THANK YOU ALL *blessed be*

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Strong Family Ties Hilariously Funny Absolutely Creative Feady To Help Easy Going Entertainer Never against her will 1 Shareen, A great human being starts with good roots and foundation; in your name, dose family bond and how to pray.


Remember even when Mom doesn’t listen, God does. As you begin T your journey for greater things in life, ■

i I want you to be Rich:

Genuine friendships are priceless Time is invaluable, Health is wealth Love is treasure and Gratitude gives more in return. Give, Give, Give and Blessings received are never affected byCaring the inflation. Vou are a Wonderful, Human being and ( Will continue to be if you are not afraid to stand


Up for your values and what’s right, even Alone. 4 You’ve got what it takes for a Great Future WAnd help make this world a better place. ■TAKE O F F and F L Y !!! ■Love & \'

D ea r K atie ,

Always rem em b er to: “Pledge allegiance to yourself, Believe in miracles, Leap before you look, H ug the little child in you, Laugh a lot along the way, Dare to make mistakes, S ee things fro m an upside-down point o f view, Live your dreams! �

"There will be none of Beauty's daughters with magic like thee." 1 Thomas Byron Love always, Mom, Dad, and Erik Blaze and Little

Congratula on your hai With love fi

Ann Elizabeth, I'm very proud of you. You get to keep your job as First Daughter. Love, Dad Likewise. Love, Mom

Good Job. Love, Jack


£;/ ▲







I can't believe you're not the cute little baby taking baths in the kitchen sink. Where did the time go. C O N G R A TU L A TIO N S ! Love You Alwavs & Forever Kimberly, Derrick, Adriana, Bria, Taylor-Dayne and Aidan










































There are places I'll remember, all my life though some have changed. Some forever not for better, some have gone and some remain. All these places have their moments, with lovers and friends I still can recall. Some are dead and some are living, in my life I've loved them all. - The Beatles










Mark - Congratulations! W e’re so proud of you!

We love you - Grandma and Popi ▲


















A Congratulations little couswe tenew you. could do It. Love ya Melissa, Marty, s a n d



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Dear Parents, Thank you for all OF YOUR SUPPORT OVERTHE YEARS. We will miss you!! Love, T he Class of 2002

Congratulations to the Class of 2002! What a joy it was to work with all of you. Good luck and best wishes as you achieve your dreams! Love, Mrs. Colthup, Ms. Cushing and Mrs. Sotire


K LH T In the Post-Hudson Era The Ten Most Significant Changes which O ccurred Since the Departure o f Daniel Hudson

1. Students have better h ea rin g (no m o re shouting) 2. Students d o n ’t g et to class on tim e 3. Students a re blind b eca u se they lack the view fro m the R ock 4. A braham L in co ln has b een fo rgo tten 5. A nti-conservative rh eto ric has died down 6. F resh m en no lo n ger sh a k e in th eir boots 7. History students g et “A ”s 8. T he typew riter is extinct 9. A n a rch y rules on M odel U N Trips 10. T he S ch o o l will n ev er be the sam e without M r. H udson aka the (Teddy) B ea r

Dedicated to Mr. Hudson by the Senior Class and Nostalgic Faculty Members

Reach high, for the stars lie hidden in your soul, Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

Congratulations and endless love from Mom, Dad and Dylan

Chris Congratulations & Good Luck Next Year!

“And if the clouds burst, thunder in your ear you shout and no one seems to hear And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes... I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon!” - Pink Floyd

I’ll miss you, cupcake! Love Always, Berkley P.S. - Remember, “When you were young, you shown like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond!” -Pink Floyd




Chris, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams Keep dreaming! I believe in you. Love, Mom





What lies before us and behind us are tiny matters to what lies within us

To be a star you have to shine your own light, W KmW m>i follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness for th a t’s when stars shine the brightest. '/ '■ H Love, ' Dad, Mom, Andy, Rick, Teri, M2 0 $ ^ * * * ^ Lindley, Berkley, Kevin, and Doce Jy if ■ j

Epprgn t H. S

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“ Do w h a t y o u c a n , w ith w h a t y o u h a v e , w h e r e y o u a re.” T h e o d o r e R o o s e v e lt, a fa v o r ite s a y in g

B e s t w is h e s fo r y o u r fu tu r e s u c c e s s , T h e KLHT P a r e n ts ’ A s s o c ia tio n

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2002 Kaleidoscope Staff Editor-in-Chief: Amy Cohen Assistant Editor: Katie Brown Senior Section Editors: Kate Nichols, Shari Culpepper, and Zoe Delihas Underclass Editor: Katherine Carey Art Editor: Lindsay Benjamin Sports Editors: Cassie Priest and Chris Northrup Events Editors: Alice Gleason and Lauren Onis Clubs Editor: Stephen Hooper Photography Editors: Zac Sievert and Taylor Simonson Business Managers: Steph Huels and Sarah Matthiessen All-Around Assitants: Lisa Gahagan and Cathleen Ryan Lower School Editor: Ms. Sue Stratton Middle School Editor: Ms. Rose Weldon Advisors: Ms. Marnie Sadlowsky and Mr. Scott Vasey


he yearbook really is an all year project. We started brainstorming for this year's book in May of last year, and have been working diligently ever since. The book in front of you is the result of the hard work of dozens of people, some of whom even sacrificed a few days of their summer vacation just to make this book even better than it had ever been. In my opinion, we have succeeded; but, of course, I am more than a little bit biased. Thank you to Ms. Stratton, without whom the Lower School section would never have gotten off the ground, and who graciously agreed to join us in Rhode Island last summer. My thanks also go out to Ms. Weldon, who did the entire Middle School section. Katie Brown, what would I have done without you? You are responsible for the layout of the whole Middle School Section and for keeping me sane. Without you, I'm quite sure that I would have exploded into tiny pieces while freaking out about one aspect of the book or another. Thank you so much for every­ thing. My thanks also go out to my fabulous Senior Section Editors - Kate, Shari, and Zoe - who did a great job harassing the senior class in order to meet their deadlines and make me happy. Your pages truly reflect the effort you put into them, and I appreciate all of your long hours spent at the computer screen. I am espe­ cially impressed by the way in which you handled many of the prickly jobs you were assigned. I was lucky to have such diligent workers on my staff. And Kate, you did a beautiful job bringing our vision of the cover to life. Katherine Carey, you are my lifeline; there is no way that this book would be completed if it were not for your help. Not only did you do a beautiful job on the Underclass Section, but you also always asked if there was anything else that needed to get done. You will be fine next year. And don't worry, you will learn as you go along. Did you really think that I knew what I was doing the whole time? My thanks to Lindsay, my wonderful Art Editor, who always had a quote ready when I needed it, and who designed our very cool divider pages. Thank you for picking the pictures this year so that everybody won't blame me for making big pictures of certain people. :) Cassie, thank you for your diligent work on the Sports Section and for always having a picture that we could use, even when it wasn't your job. Northrup, thank you for your creative input and sense of humor, without which we would have had another cookie cutter yearbook. Rhode Island was fun; I'm sorry that you had to room with those scary boys. My thanks to Alice and Lauren for finding time in their busy lives to do their pages. I'm sorry that I nagged you so much, but hey, it's my job. And I would definitely say that all of the time you two spent agonizing over pictures was worth it because your pages look great. Stephen, thank you for your hard work on the Clubs Section and for overcoming the not-always-wonderful club pictures. Thank you, Zac, for taking all of the pictures on my many lists and, more importantly, for taking g o o d pictures. I appreciate your efforts, and I'm sorry that I got frustrated with you. Taylor, I extend many thanks to you for always being willing to go out of your way to take pictures and for always wanting to help out. Steph and Sarah, thank you for handling the financial aspects of this enormous undertaking. 1 know that sometimes you felt like you didn't do too much, but putting money in the bank and contributing to our budget is, in fact, a very big deal. Cathleen and Lisa, you are K a lie d o s c o p e 's future. Thank you for being interested and learning the ropes so that you can help Katherine next year. Your help and willingness to do just about anything made you some of the most integral members of the yearbook staff, and I thank you so much. My thanks also to Mr. Pusack who kept me company while I was doing many of the more tedious parts of my job and who always had the answers to my questions, no matter how random. And last, but certainly not least, a very heartfelt thank you to our two wonderful advisors. Mr Vasey, thank you for wanting to learn and always wanting to help, and I am sorry that I sometimes made that rather difficult. Ms. Sadlowsky, thank you for your guidance and your never ending support. You made me feel like I could actually do this job, even when I was convinced that I couldn't. Sincerely, Amy Coheiyi j




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