King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2004

Page 1

Contents Volume 16 Administration and Faculty ...6 Seniors ...18 Juniors ...110 Sophomores ...114 Freshmen ...118 Clubs ...122 Sports ...134 Events ...168 Performing Arts ...184 Middle School ...192 Grade 8 ...198 Grade 7...202 Grade 6 ...206 Middle School Sports ...210 Lower School ...220 Lower School Administration and Faculty ...222 Pre-Kindergarten ...226 Kindergarten ...228 First Grade ...234 Second Grade ...240 Third Grade ...244 Fourth Grade ...250 Fifth Grade ...256 Advertisements ...264

Welcome To The KLHT

Survival Handbook of200s j



Top Survival Tips fc Stuch .its



In keeping with i. , survival guide theme of this yGSr_ book, I realize that, in my 20-plus years Headmaster Thomas B. Main in education I have worked with hundreds of students • which may qualify me to provide KLH1 students with some key survival tips for their time here as well as their futures beyond our community.

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SENIORS The Ultimate Survivors

| 'Once one determines that he or she has a mission in life, that is not going to jl t>e accomplished without a great deal of pain, and that the rewards in the end Âťl may not outweigh the pain - if you recognize historically that always happens, I then when it comes, you survive it." -Richard M. Nixon


All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade. -Tolstoy There are too many damn rules in this world. -Dad

Prais'd be the fathomless universe, For life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious, And for love, sweet love -Whitman

For us artists there waits the joyous compromise through art with all that wounded or de­ flected us in daily life; in this way, not to evade destiny, as the ordi­ nary people try to do, but to fulfill it in its true potential - the imagi­ nation. -Durrell

Libby Barker

Eat more dessertTCBY

Yesterday was the day that I was alone, now I'm in the prescence of Almighty God-Third Day §y

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T h a t's the d iffe re n ce betw den me a n d the rest of the w orld ! H ap p in ess is n 't good en o u g h for me! I dem and euphoria! - C alv in

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T h e re 's n e v e r enough tim e to do all the n o th in g you w a n t-C a lv in

Chrissie Brennan


“Live as y o u 'll die tod ay, dream as y o u 'll live fo re v e r" -Jam es Dean

“You love him even thou gh you have never seen him . Though you do not see him , you tru st h im ; and even now you are happy with a g lo rio u s, in ex p ress ib le jo y ." 1 P eter 1

“For a d ream er, n ig h t's the only tim e of d ay " -N ew sies


ine Campbell

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You ve got so much t o say, say what you mean, mean what you're thinking, an4 think anything' Cat Stevens

have love4 the stars too foncjly to be fearful o f the night" Sara Williams "Me vale lo quepiensen, hablen 4e mi, es mTvi4a y yosoy asi~ Mani *

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choice is I choose to <}o, an4 if I'm causing no harm, it shoulcjn't bother you. Your choice is who you choose to be, an4 if you're causin'

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nerore you point your tingers, be sure your hangs are clean, [uqye nuu perore you |uqyc T

no harm, then you're alright with me.' Ben Harper

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"Keep on rockin' in the free world." - Neil Young

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." -Joshua J. Marine





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Little taste of the good life-' W hether right or wrong Makes us want to stay, stay, for awhile '/j -DMB, Stay ,|A

Celebrate we will, cause life is short but sweet for certain -DMB, Two Step

I'm only this far and only tomorrow leads my *Way -DMB, #41

Could I have been anyone other than me? -DMB, Dancing Nancies W e've got to hold on to what we've got 'Cause it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. W e've got each other and that's alot For love - w e'll give it a shot A Jon Boiyjovi, Living on a

In loving memory of Mom and Dad. John 5:28,29 Revelation 21:3,4

"...God is faithful, a will not let you be tempte \ond what you can bear, b ;ong with the temptation h< will als make the way out in order for you to be able to endure it" -ICorinthians 10:13

Thank yc Portia, MaJ Michio, Da> Madison and friends for the love through the good and you all

No more 3x5's

"And if you never stop Jjfhi goodbye you just might||va again" -John Mayer

"Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, And he himself will sustain you. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter."

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-Psalms 55:22

"Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is ers think is possible:" 5,f -Claude T. Bissell

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I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment forever. I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment together/' -Mva


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"Great dancers are not grejat because of their technique, they are gteat because of their passion." -Martha Graham

Emma Wilson

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. -William Shakespeare


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i Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't matter. -Dr. Seuss


Si al comienzo nc eres, Nunca pod^ cuando quisieras -Don Juan

Katy Nolin


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. -Helen Keller


To Dad, Mom, Ricardo and Nicky • Thanks for all the love and s upport.

Loren Poin

f l m o t r ilWent the rainy day' man' 1 jUSt have the best umbrella "-Almost

humanity"Bartleby, the

Mom, Dad, Colin and CarolineThanks for helping me to enjoy life this much. I you guys.

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Robert Sadowski

"M aybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be." -Carrie -Sex and the City i

Access is often achieved bv those who don't know that failure j is inevitable." -Coco Chanel

" La mode se demode, le style jam ais." -Coco Chanel *

Caitlin Scully

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By: Antonio Machado

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Vicky Silvagni



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I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule. -Clerks

W hat does an actor know about politics? -Ronald Reagan

Life's but a walking shadow a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more. - M a c b e t h , W. Shakespeare


I think, therefore I am. -Rene Descartes

Tucker Sp


"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out y#hr door. You step out onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you might be iw ep t off to." - J.R.R. Tolkien

"D on't sit back 0 k W k e e p your hands clean today, Storms are coming, why don't we play? Instead of sitting, dancing in the A i^ o d a y / 4 T^-Mae

ice you meet bone, you never

"I wanna live 'til I die, no more, no less." - Eddie Izzard

just takes a while for your memories to return." -Spirited Away

"I've made it this far now, and I'm not burning out; No matter what you say, I'm not afraid." - Yellowcard "Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the tim e." - Stephen Wright

Chris Tsang

As 1 grow, people try to break me but I still stay strong, 'Cause this life that I live is all my own, Can't nobody take me off this path I travel on -Eve

"The older you g< rules they are going and get you to follow just gotta keep on liv’ L-I-V-I-N!" -Wooderson, "Dazed <£ Confused"


Obstacles are inefficient Follow your intuition Free your inner soul anc break away from tradit -Black Eyed Peas Betw try tht

n two evils, I alwa ne I never tried be ore e West, "Klondike Annie Arouse your will, supremi and great;/ Practice love, give joy and protection;/ v your giving be like space,/ Without discrimi Honor limitation. -Prajnaparam

"You can't treat every situation as a life-and-death matter because you'll die a lot of times. Write that down." -Van Wilder

. You're a Wilder

G.T. Thomassy


s a heaven o il ) few ever find ap'sun youi sq ad'slin you i ml Âť- EfEfn Fogejbe:

All I know is it's a big learning experience, and you've got to try to be a good person and be a beh (person tomorrow. Just be '[ don't kill people doesn't make me a good pers<

Everyone plays the hand the/

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SENIORS Making It Through The Last Year We began our senior year as we did every other year. We became reaquainted with friends, teachers, and underclassmen. But little did we know this year would be different and probably the most memo­ rable of them all! Being in the senior room everyday brought our grade closer together. The senior room is an experience that can't be understood until one becomes a senior and in­ habits the senior room. Let's just say, what goes on in the senior room, stays in the senior room!

Who can forget the flying donuts, the w onderful stench of the room by the end of the day, the sleep­ ing seniors on the dirty couches, and the music blasting as we played a game of poker? The walls were filled with our indi­ vidual styles, and The Wall of Shame reminded us that soon we would be gradu­ ating. Although at times graduation seemed so far away, everyday crept closer to the last - but we'll always keep the memories that we shared together.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Surviving A Typical Day In The Senior Room 1. M ake sure to leave your snack and lunch on the tables, so it doesn't get thrown away. 2. A lw ays w ear shoes while w alk­ ing in the senior room. 3. P ra ctice your s k ills w h en it comes to building chair statues. 4. Watch your seat! 5. Sit in the room strategically when u sin g you r cell phone.

What Helped You To Survive Through Senior Year? A: A: A: " My Friends."

Cathleen Ryan

"Taylor and Ms. Sadlowsky."

Jake Ryder

"Short classes, long weekends, and Jake."

Taylor Simonson 75




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The best of luck surviving your years after high school... ,

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The Lucky Few Who Survived The Senior Council

M o s t L ik e ly T o S u rv iv e A lo n e O n

a D e s e rt Is la n d

N ic e s t E y e s

David D. and Tara C.

Ravi B. and Caitlin S.


N ic e s t S m ile

C la s s C u tie s

Mitch L. and Taylor S.

G.T. and Molly S.

C la s s P e r fo r m in g A r t is t

C la s s V is u a l A r t is t

Tucker S. and Katy N.

Oliver H. and Leah E.

C la s s G o s s ip

Ben S. and Chrissie B.

C la s s C l o w n

Jake R. and Steph B.

C la s s A t h le t e

Ryan V. and Erica W.

C la s s C o u p le

Zac S. and Chrissie B.

C la s s F lir t

Charles G. and Natalia S.

S h o u ld H a v e B e e n A

C o u p le

Mitch L. and Tara C.

T e a c h e r 's P e t

Oliver H. and Katy N.


M o s t L ik e ly T o B e S e e n In T h e

G y m

Ryan V. and Tara C.

Most Likely To Stress Over A Test

Ben S. and Melissa D.

M o s t S c h o o l S p ir ite d

Pete M. and Cathleen R.

Jake R. and Emma W.

M o s t L ik e ly T o Succeed

M o s t O u tg o in g

Ben S. and Nedgine P.

M o s t M is c h ie v o u s 84

M o s t G u llib le

Ravi B. and Lisa G.

Jake R. and Taylor S.

B ig g e s t H a z a r d to P e d e s tria n s

Costas V. and Libby B.

Obituaries The Ones Who Didn't Make It Ravi - slips to his death after someone greases the fire pole Libby - has her face rubbed off Stephanie - crashes Tarek's car on the way back from the IC Chrissie - drowns in a vat of pudding on a reality TV show Caroline - crashes her car into the building of "her" record label Tara - her eyes gain powers like Medusa and she turns to stone after looking in a mirror Sea - dies from hunger while chained to a tree Caitlin C - murdered by Natalia out of jealousy Anthony - crashes a home built plane Julia - commits suicide when rejected from the fashion community Max - dies from asphyxiation from his car fumes David D - dies from a mysterious disease contracted from his grey sweatshirt Melissa - dies at Video Hut Leah - dies when her skin falls off from turpenoid poisoning Chris F - starved to death because he can't tear himself away from the mirror Lisa - doesn't really understand the whole "death" concept I Paul - kills himself when someone tells him that suicide is philosophical ^Charles - murdered by a mob of angry fathers and brothers led by Christian y Cornelio - dies of old age with a basketball in one hand and a lady in the other Greg - his stomach explodes from drinking too much soda Oliver - accidentally inhales while glass blowing Mitch - eaten by campers at his fat camp while "dropping some kids in the pool" Christian - dies in jail after leading a mob of angry men Pete - throws a donut into a fan, then throws himself into a fan [ Mike - dies surgically attached to his cell phone ’ Jackie - dies mad and in tears Alan - dies trying to prove he's bad Katy - is killed by "the boys from the corner" who profess, "If we can't have you, no one can!" Nedgine - is immortal Loren - suffocates in drama John - killed by the Olsen twins' bodyguard Cathleen - dies a happy pirate Jake - becomes a stripper and is killed by an estranged customer Rob - slips while swinging from a rafter urelie - goes out every night, never goes to work, and dies in France 3en Shultz - is too good for everyone and dies in a country he discovered dolly - dies looking for a party at Corey's house en Sessa - chokes on all his gossip aitlin S - eaten alive on her show "The Dolphin Hunter" talia - dies in Spain with her "gamberros" - floats away into oblivion xcky - dies a rich woman after receiving insurance claims for an accident in the KLHT parking lot Taylor - gets a piercing for every activity she picks up and eventually becomes one giant hole Alex - dies in jail for manslaughter after telling Paul that suicide is philosophical Tucker- commits suicide after being rejected from every Broadway casting agent GT- already died with the class of 2003 Chris T - dies from over-eating at the Chinatown ice-cream factory Christine - gets lost in the mall Ryan - eventually dies free and with friends Costas - dies of "the shakes" Erica - takes a fatal volleyball spike to her head Emma - swallowed in a bin of pom-poms Dave W - explodes when his bi-polar moods confuse him




Jackie~To my Mom, Dad, Bro& Mel~&fam thankx4 everything! I love u couldn’t have made it thru this w/o u guys!Mommy,daddy, I love u 2 so nn 0 u ' would never b where 1 am now.Thank U so much. Mel-my sister&best friem ui the world, I love u!Alex-best lil bro anyl could ask4!2my crazy girls!Lisa,Cait.Steplu ; m, Tine- I heart ti girls,u girls kept me laughing thru everything!! love u girls so muchlWe should have kept a camera w/us at all times!There are just way too many inside jokes&lunny things that happen2even list!Oh manlthanks 4all the great memories over the last 4 years. They will last me a lifetime.2 the Seniors~good luck &thank u 4everything! 2my freshies, KAC~gf,GHS~bc I’ma P.I.M.P. HBR-Luvz,VSB~Masta! Luvslave!-Heart u girls b good&have fun! 2all my other friends:Max-thankx 4 everything u kept me sane!, Tay,Georgie~jorge!Calz-I heart u!Greig-late nite calls! Hah word I’m gangsta! Dara-dorra haha,Natalie-te amo ma.gracias para todo!Amanda<3.2 everyl I missed.Much luv! 2my baby boy RAZ~We’ve had our ups&downs,but in the end we made it thru, I’m so happy I meet u.From that L'kiss on the stairs, I knew u were the I, u’ve come into my life &left footprints on my heart, that will 4ever b there, these past 2 years together have been amazing, I cherish them so much&look forward 2 the many more ahead of us. We had so much fun! “Rock the boat” “ Ur love is a I in a million’Tone calls till wee hours of the morning. Summers-on ur boat,I hate the waterlbaseball/softball,birthdays,Fugi dinners. Feb 14, 2002, at the Country club w/ my gimpy leg.We’re crazy, 17, going on 40! Dumpsters in Westport! BananaRep, limited 2,NYC FAO! PromJI love u with all my heart baby 12-28-01J Kishes!;)

Jake~Sis. I leave the School to you. Take care of it, don’t become too petty. Keep true to yourself. You are now the head of the school. C.G. lotr geeks, it was amazing. Good times at tupper w/ Liz Blank. She will be take cara. B.S./C.F. Loved chillin in anthro. Having you make fun of me was great. Hope you both make millions T.S. Finally got to know you after years of ms lib. mtw was always a pleasure. M.S I will miss you above all others. Good luck at uvm. Say high to Jonesy C.S. My only supporter in anthro, I thank you... Save a rainforest, name it Jake. Z.S. Hope that you aren't stricken ill every third day in college... Remember, we don’t have to go to class then. L.B. Moulin Rouge 2? It has been a pleasure. M.B. You are the Sherminator. J.C. Misinterpreted you in the beginning. You are going places. Good Luck. R.V. Hope Tupper didn't leave a permanent impression. Peace. P.G. Good times at Tupper and everything else. You are the only survivor to go twice. Shoulda made your move on Lauren though. P.M. Three top girls u like? The fellowship will ne’er be sundered. N.S. Adios Chica. S.B. Enjoyed luvActlly. Our single date was awsome... K.N. You shall always mine, the evenstar. Do not milk any topic for all its worth. Luvya. J.R. the once and future friend. Don’t give up, smooth water is ahead.. E.W. Kiss the Girl? We will be friends yet again. J.M. Hope Robin&Marion story is framed on your wall. M.L. If you ever get fat again, send me a pic. Next year you’ll have to go for college chicks. K.A„P.V.,A.G. Keep gaming, whatever anybody else says. D.B. NLF is in Vietnam, peace crocodile. Mortv-1 will get you to look stunned with admiration. We will be friends. Ms.Sadlowsky-M.A.R.Nmy other mom, 1 will never forget those torturous times correcting papers. You owe me a trip to the Georgetown S. Ms Murphy my other other mom. Your house shall be my safe haven ever after. Thankyou.

Paul~To whom it may concern: (a list o f mentionables) .1 Ralph, Such Great Heights, jams sessions, the cookie, operation small streams, ‘you guys should be taking notes’, ‘It happened to m e,’ Tiny dancer, the hat... This kid is sick. Kikia... Dip set in the building... That’s what she said... indeed... The Velvets are better then Floyd and yes Asherons’ call does stimulate the econom y... you decide... Foreign C oin.. ..Contributions to the world o f French cinema and German motor vehicle mala­ dies... Clocks over and over again (sorry)..The revolution will not be televised... the "perfect square” . . . the time max and a vacuum hid under the d esk... song to get the ^expletive deleted*... I broke something today..Can I swim underneath the United States o f America? To which 1 replied no, you cannot Don’t forget the MG, kings or 2+2=5 in the garden... It was the play p.s sorry about the drink... Life lessons 1-1000... The Foo Loc er in Detroit was aw esom e.. .Fatty boom batty web page... hot butter jungle fever.. “I would prefer not to” ... Y oshim i... A Subdominant flatted 711' chord... the note change 05 yehaa! Much thanks to: Unrequited and requited love ...the purveyors of our fine dail) cuisine... Andy Worhol and Lou Reed, Transcendentalism (life is like a faucet)... Ely Whitney and the cotton gin, without it I don’t know where we would be... Cowboy Presidents... Zpoppy. Don Carlitos and Tonz... and other silly m onikers.. .Nedgine Paul... a cool well lighted place... The soccer team— who knew losing would be this fun 12:51 ...Taylor for fastidious pragmatism and dedication to things o f great importance k for kindly coercing me into writing something to everyone... : p________________ J


Cait C~To my crazy friends ‘luv ya all’ LISA- party hard but be smart I don’t want to have to bail u out next year (but I will) EM- always be a happy person (bubbly) we had some crazy times, only we know what it’s like to have really curly hair (along with Jackie & Lisa), ur a great friend and u will always be a great friend JAX- U crazy Columbian, have fun in another year o f high school HA! U know we thugs! lol I will miss the soap opera between you and robby (good times) STEPH- too much to write here, we got history, from now on my cousins are o ff limits lol , from creamy to milky, peace! ERICA- (e-dub) V-ball was crazy, what would I have done without you?! You know that we are the best captains! lol I just hope someday we can figure out who Kendal was talking to. LEAH- I know u got my back when people are talking SMACK! You are a true friend and you make me laugh , ur the best LEAH&ERICA- we are the queens of awkward moments, like the Bermuda triangle, things crash and burn when we are together, thanks for giving me some o f the funniest memories. TAY TAY- what is there to say through it all we have been good friends, we can talk about anything, we need to keep in touch and we will because ur the class agent haha p.s. you multi-task like no other. LAUREN&NAT- ur my crazy ghetto underclassman, u know I luv you guys and you always make me laugh, don’t worry you will get out o f King soon enough , I will miss you next year! CORNELIO- i cant keep track o f all your girlfriends! Oh well I know u love me the most, keep in touch. To everyone else who are my friends(you know who you are) thanks for making mv time at King a little more hearable.______




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Chrissie~Bear-”Thanks for your patience, you’re the best listener I’ve ever met, you’re my best triend, best friend with benefits”A.M. Thank you for all the stamp wars, wrestling, food/movies, laughter (my loud laughs), talks, & everything you’ve done for me. I love you to bits. NPNedgenius, my frees would not be the same w/out you! You put up with my insanity, & laugh at my jokes that aren’t funny. I know you’ll miss french and scrabble! CR-that’s just my bomb, weenie.smell me, HK! fun french ciasses/party bush, thanks for the good talks about everything, don’t worry, you will never smell bad or have a bad hair day! CC-we will always eat popsicles & Dominos while watching TLC! good Giga times, adventures, & hair dye problems. BTW, do i smell? TC- More cake fights to come,& our field day. Mast.Machine @ mall, manicures, laps around school, & too much laughing! TS-always some good gossip, stories w/your “business” partner in Brit.Isles. Just wait for the summer...CS- my English partner! thanks for good music, a finished mural, fun art classes, & a person to stalk JYOON with. KN-Hans, Fishie/Moss/good stories, lots of fights, & I know you have lunch meetings, too! GSocc-i got the magic stick! I know you will all miss my noises..holla/pete, good boy talks, bony elbows, AAA, triangles, explosives, eating,bad singing,popsicle sticks. I will miss you all, but I will be back for St.Margarets..just you wait.SB/SM-ain’t no mountain high enough, TLC, adventures, ski trips, singing, eating, cottage cheese/wasabi/food fights, quid tufts/hairbrush hair, eyebrow waxes, & many embarrassing things. You have been the best friends, I love you!

CBC~ CB - thanks for everything babe, you were always there, looking out for me and making me smile and 1 love you for it Tay Tay - geez where do I begin? Cabo, best times o f our lives - Farva! Caddy boys, ty, phi psi, foam parties, piercings, cab rides, happy hour, THE QUEST, Portland remember the rooooooses, firetrucks, 23rd street, white Russians, beemer, I LOVE PORTLAND, St. Marks shopping excur­ sions... you really are my better half, I love you tay, im gonna miss you but you’ll never get rid o f me! CR - glasses club! Abort mission, THE PLAN, harry potter, adam brody fan club (we will seduce), mutie, HEIN!!, Rhode Island, , never fear brooklyns here! RIP hartster, phunsics, July 3rd 2002... the journey began Tones - 1 will miss your aviators, but we will fly again! Keep on rockin in the free world GT - its poly time!!! NS - get to class! ML - my first friend! All I have to say is... you owe me a lot o f candy NP - someday you will be queen o f the world (that’s a fact) have a blast hangin with rory and naked guy the suzenator - you are my favorite person ever DB hey Davis Margs! - you make me smile, good luck next year babe SM, SB, CT - you guys are my breath o f fresh air! Let the good times roll... it aint over yet colin - what can I say, thanks for all the support, you’re a best brother and a best friend M & D couldn’t have done it without you! To everyone else - I’m writing these the night before they’re due, so if I forgot you, you are probably the most special to me.

Caroline Cam pbell 89

Em~ thanx 2 every I that has made my time at king a little bit easier. Li- # 1 curly-haired sis since day l,my party animal,ur a sweetheart, never change,tripping in front of the hot guy w/the muscles. Stef- throughout all the catfights, we made it- together nevertheless.“come over this weekend- ill give a seminar on how to get guys,’’lunch out days,Stamford parties,“cis” junior year, party in fairfteld w/bren & tarek & “the present in the garbage can.” Caitcouldn’t have asked 4 a better friend.thanx 4 always bing the “D-driver.”garret & the hot bball boys, late night (one calls.i dunno where id b if 1 never met u.crackhead- u have no idea how much i love u. J- oh man!cheerleading was mad fun w/u this year,the “drama” w/ur men will never end,remember thatlgood luck wherever u choose 2 go-my #1 Colombian princess. Teena- fabrics 4 ur mom,twins!senior year wouldn’t have been the same w/o u.i love u. Anniecouldn't have asked 4 a better co-captain,thanx 4 everything,good luck next year, Julia- we thought we wouldn’t make it, but we did. We’re still alive and still friends.i love u no matter what goes down. Aurelie- my gorgeous westport girl!stay away from staples,they might lead u 2 annorexia. 1 girl u don’t want 2 mess with.much love. Mitchell- axe,the hula dancer,the cutie necklace,bunny-shaped ring pops.ur 1 guy that def left a dent in my u. Lorenzo- never thought wed make it huh?well we did!weve been 2gether 4 ever so next year will def b an uncomfortable first.thanx for all the years of laughs & letting me cry on u every once and a while. Jake- we’ve had our issues,but 2 tell u the truth,I couldn’t have made it out alive w/o u.thanx jake- continue 2 b ur hysterical self.that’s the way we all love u. Molly- “so there’s this kid named hank.wouldn’t it b cool if his last name were erchif?”there are no words 4 u,except-1 love u. Tay- after prom jr.year,yearbook.crazy girl-never change.thanx 4 so many laughs. G- geegee!cool boy.ur my escape.our secret love affair must come 2 an end.miss u already. Peter- ur so hotlu can work at my Abercrombie chain ne day u want!senior year wouldn’t have been the same w/o u. Cheerleaders- its u against the world.uv changed my outlook on life, kick butt w/o me.goodluck next year.i love u girls. ’04: my years here wouldn’t have been the same w/o any 1 of u.thanx 4 all the incredible mems.good luck!ill miss u w/all my heart.

Step h - CLASS 2004 Thank you for the greatest 4 years 1 could have possibly asked for! Back hallway, tiara girls, lost in Greenwich, looking for the basketball gam e... Vag. Mono logues.... “Milky”, Designated Dan. B.I with Scott, Laundry Room, A&P, Roof Surfing, BIG, Stop licking me!! Photo shoots in my room? 007 lunch trips, Phillie the Crotch Sniffer. Slipping on ice, making breakfast, I'm your dl house-servant. Family-feuding. “Sean Paul”, my princess. Man-snatcher! Hooters. So, you like licking toes? Brenden, sleepover! Exploding slushies at 711. Fishtailing in New Milford. Getting lost in the ghettos otBridgeport with a 4-lb. flashlight. There’s a balloon in my garbage, imagine! House party! LilVic. Random chat room identities - Aaron still calls me! Mex. Ps! “Gremlin”, tardo! Out the w indow .. .Cookie Dough, Ushering in 10th, disappearing acts, Morty and poems. Newt! Crazy Columbian. Too dumb! “Buddha”, my blonde twin. Mr. Oats. Love you to death! We need blls! Daily routines. Sly maneuvering, old school Ja Rule. Running from cops with WK frosh yr. Duchess. Dangerous car trips. Stupid spit games, cutest coupled, dumbest comments. “Goddess”, I'll always call on a delay! Truly one o f the coolest girls I have ever met. Equal playing field. Just promise you will never gel mad. "Frenchie”, feminine guys, annoying chicks, oh the issues. “Midget”, it’s 151, do you know where your daughter is? Coco Nails, partying it up! Interviews on tape, hardcore heart-2-hearts! “Squeaky”, Thank you for starting a fire in my car! Nick! Bob the Builder. ‘Urn, I think your uncle saw me naked?” Molz, pregnant with my kids? Nat, known your awesome self since 7,h grade! Be nice or I’ll hook rou up with G-Unit! “Conan”, gangster. Plans fall through, but youre the greatest. Pool party-need help changing? Throwing crates, fowling for K.LHT. ’’Gollum”, our first date! Uncomfortable silence.. .Love Actually. Best o f times always. “Cod boy”, do we look ;ober? Can we go home? Jr. year. Window dances. Insanity. Rob, Je kocham cie. Npple connection! Ready for a crazy chair ride? Ben, /umm, okay done! Furbies. 4-year advisees. I owe you a piece o f paper yet. Max, sneaking out, car rides, fish tank projects, trip to Aaterbury, Mac. Softball games. 5-0! Charlie, big brother. Mysterious phone calls in English. I missed you! Tara, Lisa, Alan, Paul, Hike, Dave; Holla! KiPa’s, love you girlies! Softball girls: Remember to always be awesome. The best team I could ever possibly ask or. Take it easy on the coaches next year, and catch the darn balls! Spring trip 2002, use your sun block 83! Rhode Island boys Lax (Nick& Jruce). Muddy volleyball matches, breaking curfew. I love you girls so much.

90 I

BSe- ESB-to quote wat u wrote in my soph yrbk (I guess after jr yr u felt diff j/k) : “Well, Ben, another yr has come and gone. I was just reading the yrbk from last year; 1 forgot about the milk carton! Ben like I’ve said before, ur one of my best friends, and that will nvr chnge.” Well, I feel the same way abt u. 4 yrs have come and gone & I hvn’t 4gotten about the mlk carton. It’s been a fun 4 yrs; except 1 feel as though 1 have known you 4ever. 4 years that nvr end actually ended, but I guess they will 1st in us forever. You’ve had an impression on me that is unforgettable. I know a lot has changed and we’ve added new friends, but we’ve stayed true: Eli; Why did the fire engine come to school? Add the L; a day is a life; Last yesterday; libby is a; our movie; libby’s corner; thanks TS -Y-I had to, we’re in such small numbers. NY. Spanish 9-12, ur great, and so outgoing; 100 on ur quiz; Jessica, seductive font, so much more.. ,a.i. friedman, susan, the stories, Spanish classes, your hker shoes, that blue color looks good on you CSR-I was going to put u 1st, but u said order doesn’t matter. So, I decided order does matter and I would put u last, but then I decided that would be mean, so I put u here. Look at that! w/o even any insd jkes I have written you lOOOx more than you wrte me. We began in 11th grade with “to do or not to do” and we’re still going: To cathell or not to cathell? Snort, defrl club; opera shoes? JWY —remember melody? Sing what youre going to sing in the concert CS-art, English, lunch outs DG- the mother I never’s been great; doctor! carrie-Why do u say I’m blind and deaf ASR-advsry, Spanish, sties, jewish, scratches on your legs, Barbara. ABM-wow! Sorry we did not get to know (talk to) ech other untl this yr. It’s been great getting to know u thanks for doing RAGTIME.. .emma. LAP-you know wat they say bout the early brd CG-spanish; dwarfs; outside the window is fishtank, y did u make me smell that hat? VAKJ - deb’s tunic? Caroline? jazz shoes. Y do rehearsals have to be segregated! I never get to see you! KBN-didn’t mrs. Macmbr kill lion? LEyou need to get away; I try to avoid u like the plague OH-I hate u CU-superlative for all superlatives CSR-I put u last cause order does matter

M olly- DW, CL, CN: Dr. Barracks, Wonder Thunder, Sexy Thighs, this is Lavender Beachball. Buddy check. Subway (CL: according to DW, you and I are siblings- Mary+John?), Dominos, Wendy’s, hanging out in my basement, Get There! That’s in the trees. It’s in the sand! .com, LOCKDOWN (especially m iCr you CL), where are we goin with that? What’s the filander, Dave? My best memories from high school are the ones when we’re all together. You all are great S'ifc I love you guys. MD:Mark+Joe stink. I owe you a dinner at my house. Beach o$i® - Club, Video Hut, smoothies, Bull’s Head. Consider getting your license. Thanks for always being there. I love you. CR: Harry Potter sucks. OAR stinks. Old Mr. leu?: Walker. I think we should always be friends. You’re beautiful in every sense of (ft the word. ML: Hey you ex fat piece of garbage. Where would 1 be without you? IMP We need a car revival. CR+ML+MD+MS= hottest vehicle on the road. Summer # ’03 wouldn’t have been the same without you AND ZAC DANCING! Dumb+ Dumber, Fear dot com, INFESTED! Do you like to vatch? Alright whelp, see ya .afe later! I love you, baby! CS: The Who! Thanks for all the help in anthro.We should make a trip to dutchess this summer. Be happy. C lhPaul’s house. Umm. fjif I love you Tine. I’m always here for you, no matter how far away from you I am. AJO: Halla? Ajster, you’re wonderful. So glad you sat down to chat that one day @ snack. Infested with you is classic. Be nice«‘ good to yourself.1’11 never forget you. CS: Maroon5 concert dressed in all maroon. Your BJ credit expired. Keep being funny. I love you. LG: You laugh like Scooby. Class cutie (wink,wink). CF: Halla? Quiet. GT: you’re sexy. JK: My writing class boy. !o»- You’re one of my favorite people ever. PK: Counting Crows/John Mayer ’03! WHOOHOO! I love you!! C,R,K Main: Everyone rift'* should be jealous that I got to babysit you guys for two years! I hope all three of you are always happy. I love you. Caroline: 3. [ if thanks for always helping me! Mom+Dad:Best parents in the world, even though sometimes I make you think you aren’t. I love # you both so much. WS: Behave while I’m gone. You’re so cute! I love you. GS: You might be the hardest one to leave. Take rpof care of everyone while I’m gone. I will always be there for you, no matter what. You are the most wonderful girl I have ever oysl*’*1 known and I’ll always love you. DW: You’ve brought me back to life so many times. Thanks for always making me feel like a better person than I sometimes think I am. You’re the most incredible friend anyone could ask for. I hope I never have to worry about forgetting you. I love you._____________________________________________________________________________ 91

Caitlin S~ "I'm not interested in being hip." Each person gets a quote that just rem inds me of you: Christine: "Well if the sun shines so bright, or on out w ay it's d arkest night, the road we choose is alw ays right."-Zepplin C athleen: "N othing is easy. Though time gets you w orrying my friend, it's o.k. Just take your life easy and stop all that hurrying, be hap p y my w ay ."-Jethro Tull Molly: "Everything positive is nice, I like it. Just the effect it has on people is good, I think."-John Lennon Loren: "Everything m ust end; meanwhile we m ust am use ourselves"-V oltaire Ryan: "A nytim e som ebody needs you, d o n 't let them dow n, although it grieves you, Some day you'll need som eone like they do, looking for w hat you knew "-Zepplin Oliver: "I'm just a sim ple guy, I live from day to day, a ray of sunshine m elts my frown and blows my blues aw ay."-Z epplin


Sea Carendi

Sea- Gracias a mi familia x siempre estar allA por mA en las buenas y en las malas. LQM y estoy muy agradecida de tenerlas a ustedes como parte de mi vida. RIP Charlie. Sylvia,Elysa,Linda, you guys are the greatesta* ! Greenwich Ave, Macarena, my great driving directions, sledding, jaja you guys make me laugh. Leta»™s face it, Linda, ua»™re Latin now too. Libby B, want a pickle? Wexico all the way. Libby P & Erin C you know what you are, ha, plz dona»™t chase me singing songs from Finding Nemo!! Vicky, you crazy Argentinean. ASF crew, Coyoacan, comidas, a»ceSca, you are the pole,a»* nika»l our many conversations are priceless. SMA ppl a»" pancakes on the roof, bubbles, drumming on the roof, our tribe, Hip Hop-Molo HippyHop, hackey sack, GIMP, our nick names, Em & Zi,a»" writing vocab words for Zi, Zi the Indian Guy, going swimming, wea»™re [not] hippies [in denial], RLT a»" dona»™t do anything thata»™s total DTH Katherine, you are my fav frosh [even if you are a jr], bathing suit stealer, SCCreamery, that French movie, ha, wea»™ve had our good timesa* ! crazy Mexicans! To everyone else, you know who you are, you know the moments that we shared, & you know that I love & will miss you all!

Nedgine-Thanks to all those who filled the past four years with unforgettable memories. CB, CR, CC (quand le chat n'est pas la, les souris dansent/thanks for being such a good friend) VS, SCD, LE, LG (l,2,3;wait-what?), NS, CS, EW, KN, MS, MD, PM (scrabble, tests!), GH, CT (crikeys!, Lord of the Rings) and OH. CB - butter popcorn, gallons of water, Cherubin, bomb in my hair, bah!, Horace, scrabble time! You've been a great friend, and I'll never forget your kindness, honesty, and above all, your sense of humor! CR - zero/undefined, bye bye bye, student council meetings, marathon sessions, Friends, highlighters, field hockey, Harry Potter, pivot! I'll never forget the memories we shared in class, clubs, and on the field. Thanks so much for your friendship. Congratulations to the entire Class of 2004 and best of luck in the future!

Zac- chrissie you're my best friend forever (pieces), socks thanks for making me happy, omar keep eating those crickets, tonz (that's all I have to say), charlie good Friday wooo, corey quit buggin, craig MMW, paul quit playing the piano, j ohn quit buggin, everyone else I love you, I love the world peace out

G.T. -SSS LTA is where its at sutta stutta dude I found your reefs, holler one time ET playa grannmas lil tacos tacos JohnJohn nyu playa my boy illin at the casa holla TTer yo we're takin yo car best ride ever hows the weather down there Costa genius u crazy playa my boy Bigpaps WHO Awhoawhoa hey benny guess what gonna miss u good timedizzles Zac attack u craziest Peteym yo snoops bring your green hat JG sometimes u can be real insensitive thanks for writing to mein ur scribbles you the best love u LauraR you too are the best love u hope you had a great year


G ahagan ~ CR: w ait.. .what??1, N F, BC, SC, LC, GS, night #1 & night #2-m y “pin PonK partner anytime!, soooo, tennis theme song: another perfect day, free fallin, “hi mr. ? we really have to g o ...”, “T. drinks”, bros before hoes, tbc, “great minds think alike”, cabbage sux, talking about family, field hockey, tennis, super troopers, top gun, The Posse, stop writing on my calender and my toilet paper!, junior mints, (leg) “it looks like im holding a bag of ice” (c-cash) “u ARC holding a bag o f ice”, Florida ’03, college counseling class (our ONLY class ever together!), Grover @ camp, ticket booth times TS: the yrbk days - ones I will never forget!, ump bump, baskin robbins, jenga, Sdaddy & Mring, SS, boy contest online, “im tired”, drunken phone calls, why did we leave early?!! what were we thinking!??, “slumber” parties, eatin’ cake mix, my obituary is not “getting overheated by the hood of a car!”, we’re pros @ oyeranalyzing, “lisa gets run over by an 18-wheeler truck”, Arizona ‘00 JM: My Slacker Friend - what would I have done without you! ~ los espanoles, the flamenco show (sorrry), our FREE, Spanish class w / The Lux, The Posse (brownie nights), lilo and stitch, “the talks” online w / cath, English class with Squinty - the best class ever! EW: study hall buddy, purple M&M, don’t forget 1 beat you and Brandy in Snood, “did u find what u were looking for?”, “benjamin”, the special drill in middle school, over the years in m ath....x squid, whipped cream, the gnome, wcdgie man CU: My Blonde Friend xo DW: you and your “Freaky Scooby friend” are destined! - #1 singles and those pre-school days, “no I D O N T need to fix the hood of the car!”, best “ping pong” team ever, “don’t yell”, by the way...Roddick is the best! Emma: secret!, curly haired friend, the pee night NS: ive known you forever my short friend.. ya!, invisible |oe, makin’ donuts & that chocolate stuff you make me, morty’s english-“vandalism!” & “toads” CC: sharing good times in writing - thanks for always making me laugh

ML & LP: The Corner

~ math IS fun!, whoa!, calc games, Mitch bowlin 300 (1 still don’t believe you!), the turshenator dropping his marker and kicking it into the hallway, THE stare, looking like a gnome ML: candy candy candy, coloring rimes in lsr PM: hniyyyyyyeeeeee, boston sucks! yankees are better!, we shared good times xo John: my PR friend, whipped cream AM & VJ: freshbread & junior mints, listening to the dutch tape, starbs club (AM) GG meetings w / cookie dough (VJ) filling out the starbs app., “I’m just going to keep my mouth shut!" CV: it’s a little too late but thanks for finding my phone anyways, Congrats on class partier my friend! LE: “benjamin”, FFFFFFFFFF=the great times in geometry! DD: no more throwing pens!, “yes...I AM Irish” —hey at least I don’t stare at walls! NP: the “old” student council meetings, field hockey days - our own little drill - I’ll always remember!, “how many times did I see you today??”, ticket booth times MS: class cutic ;) MD: yummmy yogurt, pre-calc....there’s just no words ;) SB: best lab partner ever! JC: Sssshhhhhhh you’re being recorded! C. Carey: Hi my little sis! Tennis Girls: keep playing tennis! & don’t let liz & katherine bother you too much on the bus ride homes: “cheese cheese cheese” Field Hockey Girls - Good luck next year! I’ll miss you! My Fam: Thanks for everything! 1 couldn’t have gotten through these years without you! Love you xoxo

T aylor ~ Lisa- Superstar-Flashdance, Jenga, my basement, freak, fake phone calls, PMS men, Sdaddy + Mring, waiting at my house why did we leave?, Lg is my girl with DMV men showin the NY love from the CT school, AZ ‘00, bottles + yrbook, lump bump, convincing people to sleep over, BR, “stroke and fiirjyrics+horoscopes, SS, cupcake.Dave-“W hat’s good?U know its always good”,mi casa, bball season, I know im the best. “Patience my dear”,Frees, Snapple, late night visits, lockdown, the RIPP men are clearly #1, xoxo Caroline-Cabo,The Quest, Phi-Psi,Farva,Portland FD, “treasure the ROSESSS”, “Hey, hey hey, hey there”, Masters guys, Dashboard Concert, Tara-PR=Flam ing cockroach, mofo, guys, ’’skinny dippin”, late night swims, parasailing, “kissing isn’t something u forget how to do when ur *, its not like walking”, Cape Cod, im ghost,henna tattoos, hand in hand walks on the beach, Hackley & RCD & Masters kids Paul-philosophi­ cal boy, Garden o f Eden, gr8 music,“dumb hot blondes”, r band w/ mitch Mitchsooo sexy, ur apartment, jamming, car rides w/out the gas pedal, trees, moses, all ur women, Kibbles & T ’s, HU! Cathleen - The Bombitty, “she’s pathetic”, yrbook late nights, lucky charms, stealing money from the AIDS fund, pizza man??, the corruption o f Katylur the coolest pirate Caitlin C-pIatonic friendships dont work prom,the jealousy, vball, ur awesome & r soo funny, Adam and Chris freshman year, the hot cars, devil coach Chris F-jam m ing, The Cooler Kids, Knitting Factory, R dates in Greenwich,Car rides, who doesn’t take cabs?, who drives 2 ur house that late/early Chrissie - history gossip queen, petpeaves,terrrell-hugs not drugs, retarded rabbit Ben- NY buddy, gossip, Span 9-12, questions about my family,Carrie & Jessica, lOOquiz, crazy text messages="Taylor when it snows do u get more business? You are sl**tier then Katy w/ a flat chest Katie HOlin- 2 for 1deal!,history, IM THE GOLF MVP!!,online polls, Thanksgiving day text messages “we r all truly blessed to know such a great si**, “we watched a movie about a whore in history class; i was so surprised - I didn’t know taylor’s life-story was a movie”, the downfall of ur innocence Anthony- we r the best daredevils-im going to die w/ u durin one o f our planned stunts, the men- you know way to much O liver- 1-pod, advice, art, my 3-D lover. Natalia -my short Spanish midget twin, funny times, love always V-ball so many awesome memories, keep up the good work and the legacy Boys Bball - so m any m em ories, d o n ’t forget the w ater, you know im the b est m an ag er ever, good luck! Class of 2004 - C ongrads, good luck, “treasure the m em o ries” , w e w ill meet again later but for now w e alw ays have the su m m e r,!’m a phone call aw ay. C h e e rio .©


Natalia S. Mami- Me faltan palabras para agradecerte todo lo que has hecho por mi. Perdon por todo lo que te he hecho (“Es question de palabras, y no obstante ni tu ni yo jamas, despues de lo pasado, convendremos en quien la culpa esta.j Lastima que el amor un diccionario no tenga donde hallar cuando el orgullo es simplemente orgullo, y cuando es dignidad!”). Sin ti no hubiera podido llegar a ser lo que soy. Aunque con muchas lagrimas, lo conseguimos. Te quiero mucho. Papi- ;Mi loco! Vaite comprando unha escopeta (jejeje).Te quiero mucho... aun soy tu baby y lo sere por siempre. Vicky- Gracias por estar siempre a mi lado, sobre todo cuando mas lo necesitaba. Eres unica loquisima. Espero siempre tenerte a mi lado (Recuerdos: el coche de Phoebe, las noches en casa de Charlie, las noches en casa de Beth, Tony, Andres-los dos, Niko, Melissa, la gasolinera,todo todo todo....) Te quiero y te voy a echar de menos. MD- Krazy lunatic, Ti amo! LG-doughnuts, chocolate, cookies, middle school, invisible joe, the hotel room....ima miss ya, ya krazy baby!CR- WOW! Sooo many things to say, so many dead brain cells... Cant memba. Physics, Bio, dots, Sox (our store), we’re going to the moon. By the way, ill let ya cut my pony tail off some day... ima miss ya, especially in math (k’s math class) Your mom! CC- No babies! LE- Art class, Joe, Sam....jejeje. Keep in touch. EW- Can’t believe its ova! Ima miss ya, and mrs. Mango’s English class...jeje.GTDuckie!!!! Hunt some bunnies in college...tizzy tals.BS- Theater, the car CG- ur house, ur flirting__lol. I’ll miss ya dude.JR- Krazy kid!! Ima miss ya lots...Rob- It’ll always b taco day.CC- English,, Ima bite ya!, midget attack...u lunatic.TS. Buggy, Soledad, crazy lunatic...ima miss ya.JV- Always wit ya, neva round ya... togetha 4eva babe.Dios- solo dos palabras...perdon y gracias. Mrs. B: I remember when you were nice... now that I’m in Colgate, I don’t remember anything!...hehehe.

MD~ MS- Molls you have been such a good friend to me. You have always been there for me and I can’t thank you enough for everything! Thanks for putting up with me and helping me get through all my problems... especially withMark and Joe... All the fun times we had- hanging out at video hut in the summer (haha) Bruce Springsteen concert, driving me pretty much everywhere, prom, smoothies, Starbucks, lunch out, and coming over for Italian dinners. Molls you’re the best, love you! CR- #1 tennis player... you’re my slugger! We go way back...remember when we were obsessed with Jay-Z?! OAR, the naldgene at after prom, knowing about my secret crush on Mitch. All the good times- Bruce Springsteen concert, “hand over the cookies,” “where’s the bug spray?!” summer 03’ with Mitch and Molls... never forget it; you’ve been such a good friend to me, love you! ML- I’ve known you since Kindergarten and you’ve always been such a cutie. You’re the funniest guy I know and you always know how to make me laugh! You’re the best, love you! CU- I will always be your smelly melly! Getting stuck on the mountain in Okemo, Super Troopers, physics with John Mara- just promise me to wear your safety goggles, because we don’t want to end up like Carol! (haha) VS- Vicky you’re so awesome! Good times driving to school in the morning, hitting on the Shell guy just to get camels, video hut, hanging out with Natalia in Springdale, weightlifting, hott guys at capriccios, psycho guy at the red light! You and I will always think firefighters are so hott!!! You’re the best Vick! NS- hanging out with Vicky... haha the three amigos, Beth’s house, capriccios, your Joe, ditching Vick and I to go to Spain...we love you, i;jAyour so much fun! EW- 10 years at King... omg! It’s quite simple actually, look what ya did ya little jerk!, omg is he actually picking that!!!, where did Leah go!!!!, LE- you’re just perfect! Worlds Gym, falling off the swing, fighting her sai»0'blindfolded (haha). LG- my other #1 tennis player! Drawing pictures with Mitch in LSR, dying in math, getting winks from JP! TS- P known you for soo long! Volleyball freshmen year- 1 will always be your silky... prom, lunch out for smoothies. EW- Emma good times Summer 03’ at South Beach in Martha’s Vineyard. GT- good looking, Meloooos! JDe # y 0u’re such a hottie...Italian and a firefighter! Thanks for making me feel so happy, I’ll never forget you. LB, CT, CS- my lifers at King, omg we finally made it! Chris- You have been the best brother to me! Italy, skiing, watching the Giants & Rangers... Thanks for always watching out for me. Always remember we are the true Italians, 1 love you so much!!!_______ 95



Leah-First I want to say thanx to my fam who loves me uncondi Y- ! ^ove u all so much. Thank you Erica aka Edica you have been my bv end 4eva and u r the greatest friend anyone could ask 4 thank u so much all the love and support u have given me ova the yrs. U r like a sis to me and 1 will miss being able to talk 2 u and c u all the time. Stay black stay real (haha) luv u pal.

-I Goodlookinwow, in your heart, preparing 4 a think of all the jokes we shared ova the yrs. There r just too many! O wait I have to mention the highwaters and the boots (pusha)hehehehehe. Melizer u have been my friend 4 so long thanx 4 being so great. U work those flood pants though cuz u be looking good. Don’t forget u my peeps stay real don’t change. Tell chris I don’t like peeps talking to me when I’m on the treadmill lololol. I coulds tease u bout all the NASTY boyz u have like ova the yrs but I won’t cause we know who they r ;) Lisa I hate math. I don’t think there is anything else to say. O and J.P... Nadjine u r awesome! I think the skull would be above his head...Sessa u need to get away! I mean it. Ollieboy hey! Charles urn. U must be one of the most persistent guys I know. But I just want to say thanx 4 not totally shunning me even though 1 have been evil to u since the day we met. Li r a cool kid and we go way back. Stay real no I am not being sarcastic, lol. Nat u r so funny u r the only 1 that I take crap from I don’t know why. 1 can’t wait to get the invitation to u and joe’s wedding hehehe luv ya pal. Caitlin don’t be scurd. No be scared, l lehehe. U r hilarious. Dead arm, dead leg, haha. Don’t mess w/ the best cause the best don’t mess! Peeps just need to stop talking to me !!! Chrissy art and soccer were great deet deet deel deet I am trying to make your sounds there is no way to duplicate them. I wish u the best u r an awesome girl. Alissa i will never forget u lil sis and team DL u r 1 of a kind. Luv ya. Mitch urn HI!!! Scully u r my savior w/ bio n an awesome artist. Omg I have known u since K. I’ll miss u.Beth aka Steamroller u have fun in soccer nxt year I can’t wait to c u at homecoming I know u’ll run em down. Christine I know u r all loud and stuff your not foolin me, tryin to sneak up and make goals, lol. Cathleen where is ...? Thanks 2 all my teachers.



»(l SrC Iff



Ion Dave ~Molls. Norris. Loop - all three of you: LOCKDOWN.

Lavender beach ball, sexy thighs, wonder thunder. Get there, nice par, its in the sand, that’s in the trees. That’s so Braun. Wendy’s + Subway + Dominos + Molls’ house = ideal. What’s the filander? Ill have to ask the committee. Buddy Check. com”. The booth, molls, best of luck at uvm, I know you’ll do Nat awesome. ChrisA2, both of yall are comin to school with me in my suitcases. I’ve had an amazing time with the three of you, ill never forget all the good times, peace and love. Moo - big bright duck. I know I know, baseball cards. How about be “runnin”? shot fake! Hold it down when im gone bro. C - how it.C tall are you? 6’9"? u the man, good luck at Georgetown. “Cmon man” “you will see.” Its been real, captain. Charles - you finally stat graduated thug school, I never thought u could do it, keep it real brother. Tonz - keep jamming, “forget % aboutttt it.” la y - what’s good? Couldn’t ask for a better manager. You and Alex Pall will be happily Dav married someday. Best of luck next year. Lisa - Scooby, im having some problems with the hood of frien my car, could you help me out? Freak! You screwed up destiny, but that’s ok, I couldn’t pick a better wife for Matt. Mrs^ Kweskin, Mr. Portlock, Mr. Schpero. Mrs. Mishkin, Jason - thanks for so much support in such a short time. KLHT - Thanks for two good years, Peace.


CSR: LG: NF, SC, BC, GS, LC. Teq. Tuesday, MN/New Years/FLA '03, Undefeated "Ping Pong" Partners for always. Shrimp. Laugh into your coke. Dude what's mine say?! It looks like I'm holding a bag of ice. You ARE holding a bag of ice. MS: I love you forever. Old Mr. Walker had troubles of his own! Did you enjoy the Counting Crows? Oh wait... CU: Friends since birth, Tim's pink piece of paper. Nice Canadian tuxedo, Denim Dan. Get pumped for the OC! NP: Yeah defense, "Friends Forever", Marathon Classes ahh! CB: Party bush! Does it smell in here or is it just you? KN: Mr. Richter, have you ever been to Arkansas? Hi Never is an awfully long time (enter Coldplay) CS: Word of the day: gallimaufry. The Posse + Brownie nights. PM: What's aero sign? Take a tens two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. Apply liberally! Bout that time, eh chaps?... Right-o. I'll miss fighting with you. VJ: Hat Guy is not real. : ik ' Where's Justin?! Extreme Bowling, bowling, bowling...AM: Raaaagtime! iiev'Cl Starbs club is the best thing ever. It's just that five-minute stress period. Smelly: Where's the bug spray? I think they ate it. CC: Dip your toe in l Silt:':. the Christmakkah pool, there's room for everyone. Never fear, Brooklyn's here! JR: Those pants have no tkeii! trace of Tabasco sauce on them. I can't wait for JBU. Remember I will always be here for you no matter what. <itat»: Love you. LP: Negative ghost-rider, the pattern is full. TBC needs to meet this summer. ML: Hey Molly, it's Jeaik Ertharden. What side is the driver's seat on? TS: Stealing the AIDS fund money? Why isn't the pizza man ratis here! GH: What class do we have now? Let's ask Katy what she has. What time is it? RAGTIME! AR: My bus: grandmother runs faster than that! CNo: Blackout sleepover party 2k3! Thanks for lighting up my life. Keep A’/bioii being awesome. BS: That is a fake lacoste shirt. How do you spell Cathell? OH: Suicide is the only option. itIa: NS: Don't laugh: Fatty Acids. Your mom. GS: I need those hockey stats, stat! CP:"Rack it."HEY COL! intoss VFH: make me proud'



l e a l'


[0[ pul i-youi rc !)P rso^

Tortz- Caroline: "Come fly with me, come fly, come fly away." -Frank Sinatra Julia: see you in a year at my college? Gladstone: good times playing bond at Charlie's. Zac: Z&T Tee's, Bush has no**** Chrissie: take care of Zac. Ashley: meet you half way, thank you for the faith. Vicky and Natalia: party at Charlie's, Friday. You still owe me for lunch Vic. Johnny: 3 o'clock parking lot. I'll destroy you. Taylor: motorcycles, skydiving,

fencing, boxing, rock climbing, we still have to do it. GT: GGGGTTTTT. Portlock: see you at the next station man. Mr. Wallace: best advisor ever. No wonder, you've been doing it for 60 years! Davy: Dave and Tonz Band. Charlie: See you later my friend. Everyone: I'll be seeing you, "somewhere along the line" - Billy Joel, that's the show.



Vicky Silvagny

Tara Carberry

Greg Hamilton

Erica Williams

Ryan Victor




Chris Frassetto

Pete Magrath

Christine Unnold

Charles Guevara

Libby Barker

The Ones Who Deserted The Island






% %



Chris Tsang, Ravi Banerjee, Caitlin Scully, Tucker Sparkman, John Raffaeli, Melissa DeSantis, Mitchell Lemmo, Chris Frassetto, Costas Vlahakis, Ben Schultz, Max Cuscuna

"Brotherhood is the very price and con­ dition of man's sur­ vival." Carlos Pena Romulo





$ 7.25 $ 34.00 $ 80.00 $ 16.00 $ 1.25 $ .75 $ 1.25 $ .60 $ 1.35 $ .50 $ 2.75 $ .25 $ .29



$ 9.00 $ 60.00 $ 80.00 $ 19.00 $ 2.20 $ 1.00 $ 1.25 $ .75 $ 1.75 $ 1.00 $ 3.50 $ .25 $ .37

Senior Class Favorites


u s ic a l

A rtist*

Dave M a tth e w s Band


The Class of 2004

The Memories...

S u rv iv in g

Seniors Surviving Around Town...

Cameron: I don't know w hat I'm gonna do. Sloan: College. Cameron: Yeah, but to do what? Sloan: W hat are you interested in? Cameron: Nothing! Sloan: Me neither! Sloan: W hat do you think Ferris is

gonna do? Cameron: He's gonna be a fry cook on Venus! 106 -Ferris Bueller

"Well, all I'm sayin is I wanna be able to look back and say that I did it the best I could while I was stuck in this place, had as much fun as I could w hen I was stuck in this place, played as hard as I could w hen I was stuck in this place..." -D on - Dazed and Confused

"I'd like to stop thinking about the present, like, right now, as some minor insignificant preamble to something else" \


-C ynthia Dazed and Confused Tips To Survive The Weekends...

1. Leave your homework for Sunday night. 2. Perfect your ping-pong ball skills and card playing. 3. Eat Garden Catering for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 4. Sleep all day, and stay out all night. 107

UNDERCLASSMEN Surviving KLHT With Laughter

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence/' -Eddie Robinson

The Junior Class

Byran Avery Liz Banerjee Callie Barker James Blum Kate Brecht Bobby Brennan Andrew Brown Davis Brown Jamar Burnes Liz Byrnes Adrian Ciontut Lauren Cuscuna

Dana DelGaldo Christopher Del Prete Lucy Demmerle Anna Flatow Caroline George Anne Gillies

Jess Goddard Dara Goldstein Kamau Gordon Austin Gramps Kritank Gupta


Gretchen Hahn Greg Heins Dana Hill Ali Hittman Matthew Ivanhoe Whitney Kathner

Jordan Katz Payton Keith Catherine Kiley Lisa Kiley Paul Kraemer Benny Kriss

Meredith Kriss Caitlin Malloy Courtney Matthews Ian Monsma Sam Montgomery Ryan Murray

Ria Muttukumaru Abby Neff Kate Nickitas Craig Pernick Ross Pisarkiewicz Woody Priest

Phil Prout Allison Reuben Coryn Rosenstock Sarah Ross-Benjamin Lauren Russell Nell Ryder

Greig Santos-Buch Lily Scheyhing Suzie Sheetz Maria Tournas Jerry Upright Peter Venetos

Franny Vignola Henry Wald James Yates Robbie Zeko Sonya Ziolkowski


j u A/io rs Making Our Way To The Top

We began the year with a class trip where we visited colleges and became the closest we have ever been. When we returmed home we realized that we were about to enter the long tun足 nel of the college process: from PSATs to SATs and from college counseling to college visits. Although we were enveloped with our college responsibilites, we were also thinking about other things, such as our first prom, which would be ar足 riving before we knew it, and our freshman buddies. After we chose our buddies, we began to start planning


functions so we could get to know them. Our first idea was a pizza party. We would pay for ourselves and our buddies, which Mr. Caputi reminded us at ev足 ery class meeting for about four months. W hile we planned the pizza party, we also began to plan for se足 nior year. Webegan to think about what we wanted our senior sweater to look like and if we should have fund raisers to raise money for the senior room. After a full year of planning for senior year and thinking about college, we were ready to be seniors.

Step-By-Step Guide In Getting Ready For Senior Year 1: Make an appointment with the college counselor. 2. Study for and get your SATs over with. 3: Go on college visits. 4: Buy stuff for the senior room. 5: Get a senior sweater.

What Helped You To Survive Through Junior Year?

Q l

A: "M y friends." Lisa Kiley

"Having fun on the weekends." -Greg Heins

"Looking forward to the summer." - Woody Priest 113

The Sophomore Clas

i *

Alex Ahrens Marlon Alebiosu Lia Allen Katie Baker Morgan Barker Mary Bethray Michael Beyman Christine Carey Erin Clayton Nate Collins Beth Connolly

Alissa Cooperman Natasha Das Keri DeMar Lisa Dillinger Stevi Feinberg


R.J. Ferguson Natalie Flores Chris Foley Alissa Goddard


Diego Gomez Oliver Gray Douglas Hamilton Vicky Jones Lee Katsky Catherine King

Richard Kondub Kay-Lin Lau Hannah Lloyd Ashley Luneburg Chris Lupica Lizzy Magrath

Adam Meli Steven Menking Amanda Metviner Theresa Milano Chris Nourse A.J. Orlando

Libby Perelstein Margie Priest Anna Pusack Melissa Ross Will Schpero Ben Seidenstein

No Photo Available

Scott Shelton Corey Sievert Nancy Solberg Deepti Sood Gregory Soros

Will Sullivan Ryan Sussan Gaelle Tribie Victoria Tsang Nicholas Unnold

Andrew Vlahakis Corinn Williams


SOPHOMORES Gaining Strength We began the year with an足 other amazing class trip. This year we ventured to Washington D.C., where we got to enjoy many different activities. We saw many of the famous monuments and memorials, and we also got a chance to bond over din足 ner on a cruise ship. Our trip was filled with many exciting experiences, but when it was over, we were ready to return to school with new and strengthened friendships. Before we knew it, it was already time to take our first round of the PSATs. The PSATs gave us a taste

of what junior year would be like. But for the moment, we were focusing on finish足 ing our sophomore year. We were working hard both in school and after school. Our schedules were extremely busy; we were either busy doing homework, practicing sports, going to games, or ju st hanging out with friends. Time flew by and soon the year was nearing an end. We ended the year with finals, and then finally a well-deserved summer break. After a year of hard work, we are ready for jun足 ior year.

4: Hit on an upperclassman so you can go to prom.

5:Take a deep breath and realize that you are no longer in the transition stage!

What Helped You To Survive Through Sophomore Year?

Q l


The Freshman Class

Lisa Boccuzzi Ellie Brennan Courtney Bruggeman Kristin Castellano Malcolm Chappell Kimberly Clark

Kevin deRegt Andrew Dowdie Lauren Fisher Kara Frisoli Schuyler Goldberg Harry Grinnell

Najee Guilford Peter Hall-Risko Laurel Hanson Ryan Henderson Joshua Herritt Scott Hootman-Ng


Rachel Ivanhoe Jonathan Joelson Philip Khoury Ari Klafter Jenna Krinsley Christina Leone

Joseph Lieber Jeffrey Lounsbury Eric Lubben Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman Alison Mehan Leigh Millard Robby Minicucci Annika Moller Mallory Monsma Henry Myers Elizabeth Packer Michael Pakula

Faith Pierce Adam Pisarkiewicz Shane Pizzutello Lia Poin Kevin Portanova Charnee Purdy

Hannah Rabin Spencer Robinson Peter Sanders Victoria Santos-Buch Bryan Sarner William Schmidt

Kimberly Segalas Andrew Serkes Grace Shaker Stephen Sheehan Zachary Stayman Kristen Sun

Rai Tipton Clifford Ulrich Jimmy Voyages Dylan Warren Andy Zaccagnino


FRfcSHMEN Braving the Transition We began our year with the class trip to Block Island. We were able to get closer with old friends and to bond with newcomers. When we came back to school, we were excited to start life in the high school. We found that high school life gave us more opportunities to ex­ plore our interests and to develop into the people we wanted to become. Whether it was clubs, sports, or dram a, we were over­ whelmed with all the ac­ tivities in which we could participate. After a rigorous process of choosing our ac­ tivities, we sat back, relaxed,

and prepared for homecom­ ing. We were excited for our first high school function and even more excited for the pep rally. But little did we know we had an entire week to celebrate school spirit! Perhaps our favorite day was "rank day," when we got to dress in our formal uniforms. This day made us feel satisfied with our fresh­ man experience. Overall, our transition into high school was successful. With fond memories of freshman year, we were ready to con­ tinue our journey to the top.

â– A Step-By-Step Guide In Surving The First Year O f High - School 1: Avoid the stampede in the back hallways. 2: Keep your place in the lunch line. 3: Hangout with your older brother or sister. 4: Join a school club or sport. 5: W ear your blazer on Rank Day.

What Helped You To Survive Through Freshman Year? A: A:


"Supportive teachers and good friends."

Q l

"Sports." - Peter Sanders

- Kimberly Segalas 121


Feeding Your Interests 'The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be { humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but bwithout folly/' -Tim Rohn


AASC Back Row: Stevi Feinberg, Kate Brecht, Vicky Jones, Lucy Demmerle, Ali Hitman, Amanda Metviner, Maria Tournas. Front Row: Kara Frisoli, Hannah Rabin


H; Tsi



Coi Wa.

SADD Back Row: Emma Wilson, Kate Brecht, Lucy Demmerle, Ali Hitman, Maria Tournas, Amanda Metviner, Chris Del Prete. First Row: Taylor Simonson, Stevi Feinberg, Callie Barker.

im m m w

v* ■



■ -/T ■ l- '


Amnesty International Back Row: Sea Carendi, Erin Clayton, Deepti Sood, Ben Schultz, Mr. Galanopoulos. Front Row: Alissa Goddard, Libby Barker, Loren Poin, Lia Poin.

Teen World News Sea Carendi, Meredith Anderson, Ms. Heins.


Alex Hami Allen Gillie

Math Team Back Row: Khaled Allen, Sarah RossBenjamin, Anne Gillies, Greg Hamilton, Steven Menking, Victoria Tsang, Chris Tsang. Front Row: Mrs. Khiznichenko, Oliver Hulland, Kritank Gupta, Davis Brown, Beth Connolly, Theresa Milano, Mr. Wallace.

Student Council W 1B


Back Row: Margie Priest, Corinn Williams, N edgine Paul, Lisa Gahagan, Jamar Burnes, Benny Kriss, Jordan Katz, Marlon Alebiosu, Stephen Sheehan. Second Row: M organ Barker, Coryn Rosenstock, Sarah RossBenjamin, Cathleen Ryan, Taylor Simonson, Katy Nolin, Libby Barker, Greg Hamilton. Front Row: Mrs. Mishkin, Alison Mehan, Kristen Castellano, Dana Hill, M eredith Kriss, Grace Shaker, Lizzy M agrath, Loren Poin.


Gaming Club


Alex Ahrens, Peter Venetos, Douglas ^Hamilton, Michael Beyman, Khaled Allen, Mr. Pusack, Jack Ryder, Anne Gillies. %

Yearbook Back Row: Lucy Demmerle, Kate Brecht, Zac Sievert, Caitlin Casale, Oliver Hulland, Caitlin Scully, Lisa Gahagan, Emma Wilson, Stephanie Blackman, Sea Carendi. Second Row: Catherine Kiley, Dana Hill, Christine Carey, Melissa Ross, Anne Gillies, Chrissie Brennan, Amanda Metviner. Front Row: Grace Shaker, Meredith Kriss, Anna Flatow, Molly Shaker, Cathleen Ryan, Taylor Simonson, Liz Banerjee. 127

Model UN


Back Row: Steven Menking, Michael , Beyman, Tucker Sparkman, Ben Schultz, Alan Muntner, Scott Shelton. Second Row: Gretchen Hahn, Robert ' Sadowski, Chris Frassetto. First Row: y1 Libby Barker, Sea Carendi, Will Schpero, Chris Tsang.

Art Club Back Row: Christine Carey, Courtney Bruggeman, Kimberly Clark. Second Row: Theresa Milano, Beth Connolly, Charnee Purdy. Front Row: Victoria Tsang, Kay-Lin Lau, Hanna Lloyd, Laurel Hanson.

The Standard Back Row: Michael Beyman, Chris Tsang, Ian Monsma. Second Row: Amanda Metviner, Victoria Tsang, Beth Connolly, Liz Byrnes, Anna Pusack, Will Schpero. Front Row: Coryn Rosenstock, Nedgine Paul, Taylor Simonson, Suzie Sheetz

Building With Books Back Row: Ms. Lynch, Mrs. Mishkin. Front Row: Jessica Goddard, Craig Pernick, Nell Ryder


kP J a



Gre Alle

H.O.P.E. ack Row: Benny Kriss, Amanda ^.letviner, Vicky Jones, Ali Hittman, ^fleredith Kriss, Lucy Demmerle, jttjaruen Russell, Stephen Sheehan. Im'ront Row: Andrew Brown, Lisa .j^jahagan, Franny Vignola, Will i^vzhpero, Melissa Ross, Christine arey, Kay-Lin Lau.

Martial Arts Club Kimberly Clark, Christina Blum, James Blum, Lee Katsky

yd Movie Making Club iretchen Hahn, Alissa Goddard, Lia m ÂťA le n


Front! dginef e Sheet

Female A Capella Back Row: Libby Barker, Nedgine Paul, Dara Goldstein, Natalie Flores, Katie Nickitas. Front Row: Anne Gillies, Lisa Dillinger, Catherine King, Beth Connolly.



Drama Club

Back Row: Tucker Sparkman, Sea Carendi. Second Row: Erin Clayton, Laurel Hanson. Front Row: Katie Baker, Libby Barker.

A Cafella Club Back Row: Dr. Zoubek, Scott Shelton, Will Sullivan. Front Row: Chris Nourse, Will Schpero, Andrew Serkes

Creative Writing


Cra Back Row: Chris Nourse, Dana Pis; DelGaldo, Ben Sessa, Libby Barker, Sea Carendi, Coryn Rosenstock. Front Avf Row: Lily Scheyhing, Anna Flatow, Caitlin Malloy, Melissa Ross, Anna Pusack, Alissa Goddard.

SYM Back Row: Charnee Purdy, Caitlin Casale, Laurel Hanson, Kimberly Clark. Front Row: Stephanie Blackman, Taylor Simonson, Emma Wilson, Jackie Montoya.


Science/History/Ethics Libby Perlstein, Lee Katsky, Ashley Se Luneberg, Chris Foley, Mary Bethray, av Alissa Goddard, James Blum.


Notes from Underground Back Row: Philip Prout, Mr. Portlock. Front Row: Libby Barker, Loren Poin.

tin? Music Listening Club 3[)arIraig Pernick, Jerry Upright, Ross ... Asarkiewicz, Peter Venetos, Byron a # v e r Y' G r e 8 H e i n s -

jinaf 1.

United Cultures Club Back Row: Vicky Silvagni, Melissa DeSantis, Nedgine Paul, Sea Carendi, Alissa Cooperman, Sam Mongomery. Front Row: Jordan Katz, Marlon Alebiosu, Corinn Williams.

Gay/Straight Alliance Back row: Hannah Rabin, Charnee Purdy, Laurel Hanson, Rachel Ivanhoe, Courtney Bruggeman, Andrew Serkes, Phil Prout, Sea Carendi, Benny Kriss, Jordan Katz, Sonya Ziolkowski, Katy Nolin, Sam Montgomery. Third Row: Alysia Beaty, Annika Moller, Victoria Santos-Buch, Christina Blum, A l i s s a Cooperman, Deepti Sood, Alissa Goddard, Meredith Kriss, Dana Del Galdo, Anna Flatow, Ali Hittman, Lucy Demmerle, Whitney Kathner. Second Row: Kara Frisoli, Alison Mehan, Kristin Castellano, Kimberly Segalas, Lia Poin, Melissa Ross, Dana Hill, Liz Banerjee, Grace Shaker, Lily Scheyhing, Mike Pakula. Front Row: Kate Brecht, Payton Keith, Jamar Burns, Franny Vignola, Corinn Williams

Photography Club Back Row: Annika Moller, Charnee Purdy, Courtney Bruggeman, Rachel Ivanhoe. Front Row: Kim­ berly Clark, Alysia Beaty, Kara Frisoli









Key Club Back Row: Leah Edwards, Melissa DeSantis, Lisa Gahagan, Laurel Hanson, Benny Kriss, Nedgine Paul, Jamar Burns, Christina Blum, Sam Montgomery. Lront Row: Dana Hill, Amanda Metviner, Cathleen Ryan, Lranny Vignola, Grace Shaker, Corinn Williams, Meredith Kriss.

ivtoofe la i

Indelible Ink Chrissie Brennan



V * --

. iSi;

SPORTS Survival of the Fittest

"It has yet to be proven...that intelligence has any survival value." -Arthur C. Clarke



KLHT shuts out Masters ffg l^ w -H e ^ w o o d Thomas to its Fairchester Athletic Associa-

“ S;

t S S l S S S S ^ S S S ^ Horak were key ccrnbutors for KLHT (1-11-2).


KLHT spikes Greens Farms King & Low-Heywood Thomas 3, Greens Farms Academy1 — Maria Tournas collected 18 service points, two kills and 11 assiv to lead the unbeaten Vikings (14-0) to a 25-16, 20-25, 25-11,25-i in the non-conference match. Caitlin Casale had eight service points and six kills, Erica William, tallied live service points and eight kills, while Lucy Demmerlecon­ tributed eight service points and four kills for the winners.

Christian Heritage 3, King & Low-Heywood Thomas 1 Renata Roney scored twice and Erin Ryan added a goal in theit! minute as Christian Heritage improved to 2-0. Sonya Ziolkowski gave KLHT (0-2) an early lead in the45t ninute.

King & Low-Heywood Thomas 3, Masters 0 — Allison Mehan had two goals and an assist to pace KLHT as it won the Fairchester Athletic Association game to even its record at 1-1. Vicky Jones added a goal and assist for the Vikings, wt


KLHT Paul GladStone (Geo Thomassy) 22:00; S L - Kirk Faosner 27:




k TS?------- 1---------~ ~


GFA ________1________ 1________ !


n e w ,u s w -U -a -i; S 10-5-2.

St. Luke’s 3, KLHT 1 St. Luke’s


Mi"S 83:0° : SL ~

Er,c Ml

Goalie saves: SL - Paddy Dowling 1 3 - k , Steve Menking 9. g Kl Records: KLHT l - i 2, 0-4 FAA.

Fauser leads St. L u k e’s



GFA — Caitlin Gallagher. 23 00: Ga'iag*-: (Lauren Barrett) 66 00. KLHT — Chnssie Brennan (Liz Baneijet 34:00. Goalie saves — GFA, Julie Petropoulos.KLHT, Gretchen Hahn. 7. Records: GFA. 12-3. KLHT. 210.

St. Luke’s 3, King & Low-Heywood Thomas 1 — Kirk Fauser had a goal and an assist to lead the Crusaders. John Mills and Eric Miller each scored a goal while goalie Paddy Dowling had 13 saves for the winners. Paul Gladstone gave KLHT (1-12, 0-4 Fairchester Athletic Asso­ ciation) a 1-0 lead in the 22nd minute alter being sot up by George Thomassy. Steve Menking had nine saves for the Vikings.



10 n Holy Child 9, KLHT 1 KLHT 26, Long Island Lutheran 7 UU__________ 0





KLHT________ 6





KLHT — Nate Collins, 17 pass from Bobby Brennan (kick failed). LIU — Jeff Sallustro, 15 run (Sallustro kick). KLHT — Sherrad Prezzie-Blue, 30 pass from Breenan (run failed). KLHT — Collins, 1 run (Rai Tipton run). KLHT — Prezzie-Blue, 49 pass from Tipton fkick fa ile d .


Williams, Casale lead KLHT

King & Low-Heywood Thomas 3, Holy Child 2 — Erica Williams had 13 kills and six blocks and Caitlin Casale added nine kills and seven blocks as KLHT earned the victory, 25-19, 23-25 22-25,25-13,15-7. Anna Pusack contributed 18 service points and nine assists for KLHT (2-0, 1-0 FAA), while Maria Toumas had 20 assists and 17 service points.


KLHT improves to 3-3 King & Low-Heywood Thomas 27, Long Island Lutheran 7 — Bobbie Brennan threw a pair of touchdown passes and KLHT fin­ ished with 382 total yards to even its record at 3-3. Brennan hooked up on scoring strikes of 17 yards to Nate Collins and 30 yards to Sherrad Prezzie-Blue. Prezzie-Blue also had a 49yard touchdown reception on an option pass from Rai Tipton. Collins scored on a 1-yard run. Brennan completed 7 of 14 passes for 107 yards. The Vikings also rushed for 275 yards on 40 carries. Defensively, Peter Sanders had two sacks and Diego Gomez two interceptions. Jeff Sallustro scored on a 15-yard run for LIU (1-5). 136






Holy Child





HC — Wolff :30; HC — Gray 6:37; H C Wolff 18:28; HC — Wolff 37:47; HC Virtue 40:36; KLHT — Amanda Metvmer (Vicky Jones) 45:23; HC — La Balia 46:37; HC — Buckley 48:43; HC — Thajer 52:56, HC — Dennis 53:38. Goalie saves: KLHT - Cathleen Ryan 26: HC - Ambrosi 1. Records: KLHT 2-7-1.

Holy Child 9, King & Low-Heywood Thomas 1 — Amanda Metviner scored KLHT’s goal on an assist from Vicky Jones. Cath leen Ryan (26 saves) played well in goal for KLHT.



KLHT sweeps SHA 1

KLHT 3, Sacred Heart Academy 0 — King & Low-Heyw# it Thomas improved to 11-0 with a 25-13, 25-10, 25-18 victoryo' Its its crosstown rival in the Fairchester Athletic Association. St! Erica Williams had 11 service points and two aces for KLHT il 0 FAA). Caitlin Casale had seven service points and three kills, Com Anna Pusack (10 service points two aces and one assist) andL 1 Kiley (nine service points) also contributed big games. IS)

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GFA - Caitlin Gallagher, 23:00; Gallagher (Lauren Barrett) 66:00. 3 4 XK }T ~

Chnssie ®rennan (Liz Banerjee)

Goalie saves - GFA, Julie Petropoulos, 4KLHT, Gretchen Hahh, 7. Records: GFA, 12-3; KLHT, 2-10.

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Surviving Touchdowns, Tackles, and Timeouts

The Varsity Football team had a successful season this year, finishing w ith an even tying record. They were supported by the whole school in a great display of school spirit.


"As a program we accomplished a lot this year: our first 500 season in 5 years! Although some games didn't go our way, we laid the groundwork for a stellar season to come. Through hardwork and a little Viking Pride, the seasons to come will be a sure success. Remember, "Rock or Be Rocked." -Ryan Victor, Zac Sievert, Benny Kriss

Us Them Wright Tech 50 0 Hopkins



Rye Country Day





Horace Mann 15


Long Island Lutheran 27



Second Row: Coach Bloom, Coach Decker, Jimmy Voyages, Spencer Robinson, Peter Sanders, Kevin Portanova, Henry Meyers, Rai Tipton, Ben Seidenstein, Nate Collins, Kevin De Regt, Michael Beyman, M, Andy Zaccagnino, Corey Sievert, Stephen Sheehan, Najee Guilford, Malcolm Chappell, Oliver Gray, * Diego Gomez, Dylan Warren, Davis Brown, Andrew Serks, Andrew Brown, Schuyler Goldberg, Jerry Upright, Coach Thomas, Marlon Alebiosu, Coach Gouin First Row: Travis Schmidt, Jordan Katz, Bobby Brennan, Jamar Burnes, Jake Ryder, Captain Zac Sievert, Captain Benny Kriss, Captain Ryan Victor, * Mike Mark, Sherrad Prezzie-Blue, Phil Prout, Byron Avery, Ryan Sussan, Coach Turshen




St. Luke's




Surviving Broken Legs, Ruptured Spleens, and Bruised Ribs

The Varsity Girls Soccer Team lost a num ber of valuable players to injuries this season, some occuring before preseason began. The team im proved as a whole and ended the season with a three game winning streak.

"The team had a lot of fun this season all together, even with a rough year with lots of injuries and losses. The girls stayed in high spirts all season and were able to step up at the end of the season. Great job girls. We are proud of your play this year; we can't wait for next season!" - Suzie Sheetz, Sonya Ziolkowski, Liz Banerjee, and Stevi Feinberg )

Second Row: Coach Portlock, Leah Edwards, Jenna Krinsley, Alissa Cooperman, Hannah Rabin, Captain Liz Banerjee, Captain Sonya Ziolkowski, Captain Suzie Sheetz, Captain Stevi Feinberg, Lizzy Magrath, Christine Carey, Gretchen Hahn, Coach Sargent Front Row: Christine Unnold, Andrea Horak, Grace Shaker, Kara Frisoli, Anne Gillies, Whitney Kathner, Kimberly Segalas, Meredith Kriss, Chrissie Brennan, Beth Connolly

Us T hem St. Lukes 0 8 Christian Heritage 1 3 Masters 2 0 Hopkins 0 7 Convent of the Sacred Heart 0 4 Rye Country Day 0 3 Sacred Heart Academy 4 8 Canterbury 1 6 1 Harvey 5 St. Margaret's 1 5 St. Lukes 0 10 Greens Farms Academy 0 4 Greens Farms Academy 1 2 1 Holy Child 2 Oakwood 2 0 Hamden Hall 3 2


Surviving Penalty Kicks, Corners, and Kickoffs

The Varsity Boys Soccer Team had a shortage of players this season. They had to bring up lots of player to help them and did not have a regular goalie. They managed to win a few games despite the low numbers.


* i**fcr**T*Mv’

" Our season was like a snake, it was long. We all had an awessssssome time; get it? Anyway, our potential was fufilled as far as team unity is concerned, and in a sense, our record reflects that in that we had too good of a time. We're leaving this team reluctantly and wish the next year's team good luck" - Paul Gladstone and G.T. Thomassy

l, t t 9

Second Row: Coach Kremer, C hristian Luneburg, Will Sullivan, Ross Pisarkiewicz, Payton Keith, Captain G.T. Thom assy, C aptain Paul Gladstone, Charlie Guevera, Chris N ourse, Coach Gracia Front: Jeff Lounsbury, Peter Hall-Risko, M organ Barker, Mike Pakula

Us Them Fieldston 0 8 Christian 4 Heritage 3 1 7 Masters Darrow 2 3 Brunswick 0 7 Storm King 1 5 Williams 0 3 Rye Country Day 0 5 1 Masters 7 Greens Farms Academy Loss Harvey 4 3 St. Margaret's McTernan 1 3 St. Luke's 1 3 Hameden Hall 0 5 1 St. Luke's 3

Surviving Hacking, Drives

The Varsity Field Hockey Team had another rebuilding season. Because of its new coach, the team benefited greatly from her new insight and experi­ ence. They worked hard and had a great season.


"The field hockey team had a great season this year. With our new fantastic coach, the team is sure to imporve in years to come. Always remember that you are a team and playing together is the only way to win. We love you guys and we'll miss you! Good luck next year." -Lisa Gahagan and Cathleen Ryan

Second Row: Dara Goldstein, Natasha Das, Vicky Jones, Caroline George, Amanda Metviner, Caitlin Scully, Nedgine Paul, Mallory Monsma, Leigh Millard, Ashley Luneburg, Kristen Sun First Row: Allison Reuben, Franny Vignola, Captain Lisa Gahagan, Captain Cathleen Ryan, Alison lehan, Kay-Lin Lau, Elizabeth Packer

Us Them 0 St. Luke's 3 Masters 3 0 Hamden Hall 0 4 Greenwich Academy 0 10 Harvey 2 0 Convent of the Sacred Heart 0 7 Williams 1 4 St. Luke's 0 3 Fieldston 1 1 Holy Child 1 9 Greens Farms Academy 2 4 Rye Country Day 0 0 Masters 0 0 Greens Farms Academy 0 2



Surviving First Sets, Spikes, and Kills

The Varsity Volleyball team had an extremely good season. They won both the FAA League and Tournament. They nearly had an undefeated record. They played to their best potential all season.


-v W

"We had a great team this year. Everyone contributed to our wins allowing us to have another great season. Keep up the streak! Good Luck Next Year!" -Caitlin Casale and Erica W illiam s

â– p econd Row: Coach Tran, Catherine King, Maria Tournas, Captain Erica Williams, Captain Caitlin BpCasale, Lucy Demmerle, Catherine Kiley fjfro n t Row: Kristin Castellano, Victoria Santos-Buch, Ria M uttukumaru, Dana Hill, Anna Pusack

Us Them St. Luke's 3 0 Holy Child 3 2 Masters 3 0 Greenwich Academy 1 3 Christian Heritage 3 1 Hameden Hall 3 0 Oakwood 1 3 Christian Heritage 3 1 Masters 1 3 Sacred Heart Academy 3 0 Greens Farms Academy 3 0 Hew York School of the Deaf 3 2 Greens Farms Academy 1 3 St. Lukes 0 3 Hopkins 1 3


Surviving Hills, Relocation, and Home Stretches

The Varsity Cross Country Team ran at Waveny Park this season due the contruction at the school. A season highlight was the team 's defeat of its rival, Greens Farms Academy, at Homecoming.


"T his season we ran well and worked hard. As we progressed and our skills im proved, we becam e closer as a team. We wish everyone the best of luck next season." - Tara Carberry, M itchell Lemm o, Chris Frasetto, and Nell Ryder

Second Row: Captain Mitch Lemmo, Ian Monsma, Henry Wald, Tucker Sparkman, Captain Chris 'rassetto, Oliver Hulland, Khaled Allen, Greg Hamilton ’ront Row: Captain Tara Carberry, Captain Nell Ryder, Katy Nolin, Laurel Hanson


The Varsity Cheerleaders made a huge improvement this year thanks to their new coach and dedicated squad. They learned many new tough routines and and added more difficult tumbling to their repertoire.




"The past season has been, by far, the most successful season we've had in over four years. With the arrival of an incredible new and dedicated coach, the squad was able to learn structure and new technicques, which also included much more rigorous stunting. We have worked very hard this season and pulled together an amazing homecoming routine that outshone those of previous years. Girlswe're very proud of you; You worked hard and put up with us. Congratula­ tions" - Emma Wilson and Anna Flatow

|Third Row: Margie Priest, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Lily Scheyhing, Lia Allen, Coach Bendell pecond Row: Lauren Cuscuna, Callie Barker, Kimberly Clark, Jackie Montoya, Caitlin Malloy, Melissa IRoss, Coryn Rosenstock r irs t Row: Captain Emma Wilson, Captain Anna Flatow



j V Fall Sports

Front Row: Zachary Stayman, Harrison Grinnell, Adrian Cointut, Sam Montgomery, Adam Meli, Ari Klafter. Back Row: Adam Pisarkiewicz, Alan Muntner, Rob Sadowsky, Steven Menking, Woody Priest, Dylan Warren, Bryan Sarner, Coach Galanopoulos.


Front Row: Katie Baker, Catherine King, Courtney Bruggeman Back Row: Theresa Milano, Nancy Solberg, Mari Bethray, Lauren Fisher

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Guibunda1 ^ c o m m its VARSITY ICE HOCKEY


Head Coach: Tom Carey Asst: Jeff Nelson

Tue.Nov.25 Fri. Dec. 5

@Rye Country Day 4:00 @Westhill HS 9:40

Mon. Dec 8 Mon. Dec. 15 Thu. Dec. 18 Fri. Jan. 9 Wed. Jan. 21 Mon. Jan. 26 Wed. Jan. 28 Wed. Feb. 4 Fri. Feb. 6

FIELDSTON 4:35 GUNNERY JV 4:35 ©Harvey 4:00 @Irvington (NY) High School 9:30 HORACE GREELEY (NY) HS 4:20 HARVEY 4:00 ST. THOMAS MORE 4:20 IRVINGTON (NY) HS 4:20 @Fieldston 4:00

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lo way at Georgetown I

1 Surviving Jump Shots, Lay-ups, and Fouls

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The Girls Varsity Basketball team did not have high expectations going into the season. However, they worked together and proved themselves and others wrong.



"W e had a great team this year. Everyone contributed to our wins allowing us to have another great season. Keep up the streak! Good Luck Next Year!" -Erica W illiam s, Jackie M ontoya, M issing: Keri DeMar

Record Us Them

;ft to Right 'cond Row: Coach Davis, Alyssa Cooperman, Lucy Demmerle, Erica Williams, Carrie Demar, Liz k/rnes, Coach Thomson Irst Row: Natalie Flores, Kimberly Segalas, Hannah Llyod, Jackie Montoya, Rebecca Davis, Meredith I -iss, Natasha Das

Hameden Hall St. Lukes Greens Farms Academy Rye Country Day Convent of the Heart Greenwich Academy Convent of the Heart Horace Mann St. Margrets Williams Greens Farms Christian Heritage Holy Child

44 31

24 61



34 43 Sacred L W 37 Sacred 33 33 36 44 L 35

36 52 52 56 33 W 48



I ><

Surviving Free Throws, Three Pointers, and Slam Dunks

vJ $


The Boys Varsity Basketball team was very successful this season. The team won most of their games. Despite the hard work they did, the team also made sure to have fun out of every opporuntity they got.


"Practice was super. No one on our team was lazy, ever. We won a bunch of games. It was cool. 'OK, basketball, O K.'"

-Dave Wirth, and Cornelio Guibunda

eft to Right Second Row: Coach Hickman, Josh Herrit, Steven Menking, Corneilo Guibunda, Kamau [Gordon, Nate Collins, Marlon Alebiosu, Amanda Metviner, Taylor Simonson, irst Row, Spencer Robinson, Dave Wirth, Alex Soros, Chris Lupica, Malcom Chapelle, Oliver Gray, ai Tipton

Masters Christian Heritage St. Lukes St. Thomas Masters Rye Country Day Gunnery Christian Heritage Hamden Hall Brunswick Rye Country Day Hopkins St. Lukes Masters

Us Them 69 23 67 63 W 41

64 42 L 62

63 46

41 45

70 63 L

62 71 W

W 61 64 W

L 53 61 L




I * ><


Surviving Penalties, Slap Shots and Cross Checks



The Varsity Hockey Team, joined with Greens Farms Academy this winter, to create a strong team. The team had a bigger schedule this year, and accepted each of those opportunities w ith a competative attitude.


"We had a great season, even though we weren't as successful as last year. We had lots of new talent on the team and we were grateful for Greens Farms Academy's contribution to the team. We will miss the senior next year and we llok forward to another season. "


-Peter Venetos


Us Them Rye Country Day South Kent Fieldston Norwalk HS Harvey Horace Greeley Gunnery Harvey Irvington -eft to Right Third Row: Coach Carey, Will Weeks, Matt Alkaidea, Dan Maholdra, Peter Venetos, Ryan St. Thomas vturray, Coach Nelson, Austyn Cramps Moore


Second Row: Chris Del Prete, Costoas Vlahakis, Colin Osgood, John Raffaeli, Justin Raffaeli, Phil Osgood, ieth Cruice, Peter Kiernen, Caroline Campbell ^•irst Row: Chris Heisman, Cody Reiter

1 7 6 5 6

7 3 5 4 2

2 1 2 8

3 9 3 4




Winter Season Boys Basketball

Front Row: Scott Hootman-Ng, Andy Zaccaganino, Jeff Lounsbury, Andrew Dowdie, Adam Meli, Vivek Aaigh Back Row: Diego Gomez, Peter Sanders, Najee Guilford, Coach Dan Hickman, Jimmy Voyages, Sam Berman, Bryan Sarner




56.0 8













Surviving with the School Community "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Muriel Strode



! < *

Surviving The Adventure This year, the ninth grade journeyed to Block Island, where they enjoyed fun in the sun and the island life. The tenth grade went to our nation's capital, Washington D.C., and visited the great monuments. The eleventh grade trav­ eled to eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island, where they toured various colleges to aid in their upcoming application process. After a fun two days, the eleventh grade returned home for a learning experience called P a t h o f S u c c e s s . The trips were a great experience for students in all three grades. All survived with flying colors.


How to Survive the Class Trips: 1. M ake sure you room w ith som eone you get along with. 2. A lw ays bring your com fortable w alking shoes. 3. Be prepared for an experience you will never forget. 4. D o n 't get left behind. 171


l I < V

Don’t get too scared! Halloween 2003 was a typical celebration. The halls were filled with wonderful, well constructed costumes and there were many laughs had by the school. The en­ tire student body got involved in some way or another, making this day that much better. All those who wore a cos­ tum e looked great!


How to survive Halloween: 1. Wear your costume. 2. Don't forget to say trick or treat. 3. Scare the little children. 4. Win the Halloween contest. 5. Tell spooky stories.


Support your teachers! The Brains vs. Brawn Basketball Game was, as always, a huge success. The event was a combination of fun and com munity service, as every attendee's entrance fee was a can of food. Although the game was close until the end, it was the coaching staff that pulled away w ith the victory. Thanks to all those who played, coached and supported!

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How to Survive Brains vs. Brawn:

1. Bring your canned food. 2. Cheer on your favorite coach or teacher. 3. Always be prepared for a free throw contest! 4. Have both!


i\ s ! < \

Can you last all week? In preperation for Homecoming, the Upper School took part in a week of different, spirited themed days. These days included the traditional Rank Day, Clash Day, and Pajama Day. The newly added choose your own theme day was a hit, in which the themes were celebrities, super­ heroes, TV personalities and come as you aren't. The week was topped off with School Spirit Day, followed by Pep Rally and Homecoming. It was a truly festive week.

How to Survive Spirit Week:

1. Come dressed in the day's theme. 2. Freshman are required to wear blazers ALL day. 3. Always attend the 7:30 am breakfasts. 4. Buy your dance tickets early! 5. Remember, you're not too cool to clash! 177

I < II

In preparation for this year's Homecoming fes­ tivities, the entire school congregated for an afternoon of fun and spirit. All teams were asked to prepare a skit in order to premote their games, and all of them did so fabulously. The Lower School did an excellent job supporting its desig­ nated athletic teams, and the KLHT Singers and band members made the afternoon a success. All those who participated did an excellent job, and everyone was more excited for Homecoming than ever.

How to Survive the Pep Rally: 1. Be sure to come ready to cheer on your favorite team. 2. Always help the Viking reach the top of the spirit ladder. 3. Memorize the school fight song. 4. Don't forget your cheer. 179



Finishing strong

! 2 < v Homecoming 2003 was all we ever dreamed it would be. After a fun pep rally, the JV teams started Homecoming weekend off right, matching up perfectly to their competi­ tors. But, it was the volleyball team that first won, with a superb showing against Greens Farms Academy. Both soccer and field hockey teams put up a great fight, setting high standards for the rest of their seasons. The traveling cross country team picked up a huge victory over rivals GFA with the help of their strong runners. But the largest victory of all was the football team's win over Long Island Lutheran. Overall, Homecoming was a huge success for all athletes, cheerleaders and spectators. Go Vikings!

How to Survive Homecoming:

1. Wear your school colors. 2. Don't be afraid to yell. 3. Support your fellow teammates. 4. Make sure to pick up your "high school special." 5. Most of all, don't forget to cast your Homecoming court vote! 181

PERFORMING ARTS Surviving The Spotlight

"There are no such things as limit to growth, because there are no limits on the human capacity for intelligence, imagination and wonder." -Ronald Reagan


i <

Dinner at Eight is set in 1932, as America is on the brink of the Great Depression. The play takes us into the lives of the Jordan family, their servants, and their ten invited dinner guests. As always, the students did a fantastic job and were actively involved in all aspects of the production, ranging from set construction to lighting design. There were many laughs that made the time go by, many at the Director's expense. Congratulations to all those who participated! D in n e r a t E ig h t

How to Survive the Fall Production:

1. Always make sure you know exactly where the stage ends. 2. Don't let the bright lights blind you. 3. Go to the bathroom before going on stage. 4. Bring lots of food to Sunday rehearsals.


I \

Bringing Cheer to the Year! This year's Holiday Show once again combined different songs from different cultural backrounds. Ms. Martino dazzled us w ith her piano skills as she played for the show. With the addition of many performances by the musical the­ atre students, the show was a hit!

How to Survive the Holiday Show:

1. Be in the holiday spirit. 2. Remember your grade's line in "The 12 Days of Christmas." 3. Don't forget to wear your holiday colors. 4. Remember to buy your favorite teacher a gift! 189

! ( *

Sing It Loud! Based on E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime, this year's spring musical takes place in 1906. The audience was introduced to an array of characters from different backrounds, inlcuding a white family from New Rochelle, a African-American com mu­ nity in Harlam, and an im m igrant father and his daughter. It was a quite a hit!

\Ip w

R a g tim e

Cast List

Rochelle Group

dother :ather iounger Brother ittle Boy Evelyn Nesbit Tenry Ford/Charles S. Whitman

Katy Nolin Jake Ryder Will Sullivan Will Schpero Gretchen Hahn Michael Beyman

IP Morgan Grandfather Willie Conklin Kathleen/Reporter Standford White/White Attorney /Newsboy #1 Harry K Thaw/Newsboy #2 (ury Foreman/Newsboy #3 Reporter Doctor/Admiral Peary/Conductor Policemen/Umpire Judge Firemen

Ben Seidenstein Ben Sessa Davis Brown Cathleen Ryan Chris Foley

New Rochelle Ensemble

Scott Shelton Amanda Metviner Lisa Dillinger Greg Hamilton Stephen Sheehan Phil Khoury Stephen Sheehan, Phil Khoury, Scott Shelton Erin Clayton, Lisa Dillinger, Melissa Ross, Michael Beyman Greg Hamilton, Cathleen Ryan, Ben Seidenstein, Katie Baker, Chris Nourse

Harlem Woman Harlem Ensemble And Dancers Coalhouse Followers:

Nedgine Paul Corinn Williams, Dana Hill, Ashley Alebiosu, Monica Wells, Anya Leist, Safi McMillan, Nedgine Paul Sam Montgomery, R.J. Ferguson, Mr. Portlock

Immigrant Group Tateh Ashkenazy Emma Goldman Little Girl Harry Houdini Houdini's Mother/ Mrs. Whitstien Brigit Welfare Official Baron's Assistant Immigrant Ensemble

Tucker Sparkman Whitney Kathner Kara Frisoli Andrew Serkes Dara Goldstein Erin Clayton Katie Nickitas Lia Poin Lia Poin, Kat King, Lisa Bocuzzi, Courtney Bruggeman, Nell Ryder Elizabeth Packer, Kristen Sun, Amanda Metviner, Chris Foley, Christina Blum, Laurel Hanson, Kim Clark, Ashley Luneberg, Grace Shaker

(Harlem Group Coalhouse Walker Jr. barah Brown liarah's Friend Booker T. Washington Black Attorney/Harlem Man

Jamar Burnes Vicky Jones Dana Hill Sam Montgomery R.J. Ferguson

H ow to Survive the Spring M usical:

1. Bring tons of food for weekend rehearsals 2. Learn to sing loud and proud. 3. Don't be scared to cheer on your friends. 4. Don't forget to thank the crew at the end. 191

M iddle School Surviving the Journey 'We never stop investigating. We are never satisfied that we know enough to get by. Every question we answer leads on to another question. This has become the greatest survival trick of our species." - Desmond Morris


< l


Leading the Way Through The Middle

Middle School Head

Middle School Athletic Director

Suzanne Buzanoski

Karen Celia

Administrative Support

Musical Department

Cheryla Greene

Jennifer Moros, John Propper

Seventh Grade Team

Sixth Grade Team

Lindsay Crapser, Marion Haymann, Deanna Supple, Rose Weldon, Jeff Williams, Jeff Campbell, David Woodford

Cliff Peters, Paola Grant, Lois Rinaldi, David Woodford, John Muhlfeld, Scott Conant

Eighth Grade Team


Michael Scelsi, Tung Tran, Cliff Peters, Katie Tobin, Laura Lescano, Alex Weiner, Pat Doering

Katie Tobin

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Surviving The Great Outdoors The sixth, seventh and eighth grades ventured to various locations at the beginning of the school year. Both the sixth and seventh grades traveled to Nature's Classroom camps throughout New England. The eighth grade took their annual trip to Camp Sloane, where they endured a difficult hike and a challenging high ropes course. Dur­ ing these trips, the students met new friends and strengthened the friendships that already ex­ isted. Students say they can't wait to travel next year!

How to Survive a Middle School Class Trip:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Don't forget your raingear. Obey the rules and don't bring food. Don't get lost on your hike. Always carry your compass. Always make sure your friends are behind you! 197

The Eighth Grade

Christopher Ahrens Ashley Alebiosu Joaquin Avila Cody Benedetto Daniel Beyman Jessica Byrnes Katherine Chan Jackson Cheevers Natalya Chuchinsky Rebecca Davis Alexander Doering Abigail Flatow

Stephen Goddard Shaela Greenfield Kevin Griffin Allegra Grunberg Tatiana Grunberg Zachary Grunberg

John Honey-Fitzgerald Andrea Horak Ruth Hubbard Sean Kensil Virginia Khoury Christian Killeffer


Katharina Kroll David Kuntzman Anya Leist Jessica Lockwood Stefan Lyew Colin McMahon

Safiya McMillan Colin McQuilkin Peter Menking Matthew Miller Keil Mueller Natalie Muniz

Margaret Nolin John Qua Justin Raffaeli Peter Reilly Eric Reinemann Andrew Richardson

Sarah Schultz Micaela Scully Ryan Serkes Kip Shelton Margaret Srednicki Sam Sullivan

Garrett Sweitzer Jason Torey Sabrine Tribie Oliver Wald Monica Wells


The Seventh Grade

Mary Ackerly Scott Banerjee Rebecca Bind Jesse Buccolo Steven Carey Daniel Catchpole John Chestnut Mary Connacher Noah Fouad Peter Gillies Kinsey Greenfield Christopher Hansen

Rachel Hennessey Jacqueline King Madeline Kirk Peter Kutzen Benjamin Leibowitz Peter Leone

Vincent Love Ann Lubben Brent Luneburg Kyle Luneburg Rebecca Marber Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman 202


Aaron Metviner Amy Mitchell Charles Mosher Matthew Murphy Matthew Nussbaum Kristine O'Brien

William Orenstein Meredith Packer Hailey Pizzutello David Rabin Allison Rand Matias Reyna

Madeline Sachs Michael Santoro Tiana Segalas Robert Smith Alexandra Smyth Spenser Sussan

Michael Toy Wesley Tryhane Paul Vanderslice Alexander Vlahakis Kate Wiznitzer Scott Zales


The Sixth Grade

Jonathan Avery Frederick Bannerot Tassos Bareiss Emma Bauman Justin Beitler Julia Bonnell Gordon Bray Carter Brents Alexander Bruch Alexandra Burnett Donald Cafero Caroline Castellano

Ross Connacher Madeline Davidoff Luke de Visscher Dani Feinberg Sean Frisoli Terrance Ganser

Alexa Gitlin Catherine Heath Adrienne Hogan Samuel Howard Kate Hyman Peter Joelson


Taylor Kniffin Alexandra Knights Michael Labine Peter Lane Shane Lau Adam Lebovitz

Elizabeth Lieber Elizabeth Lloyd Henry Longley Elizabeth Lowman Kathryn Marber Mia Martin

Matthew McNulty Austin McQuilkin Matthew Milano Benjamin Millard Alexander Morgan Robert Mosher

Charles Onis Jason Raffaeli Diana Raskovic Silas Redd Peter Reinemann Shelby Robinson

Robert Santoro Aparna Sarkar Lauren Sarner Summer Segalas William Shaker Mollie Siebert

Elizabeth Skae Collin Sullivan Leah Taben Annick Thompson Taylor Thomson Petula Tournas

Jonathan Toy Connor Vos Jabrille Williams Michael Zeko


7/8th Grade Football: Back: Coach Decker, Garrett Sweitzer, Jason Torey, Vincent Love, Colin McMahon, Michael Toy, Noah Fouad, Colin McQuilkin, Christian Killetter, Eric Reinemann, Chris Aherns, Coach Gouin, Peter Reilly, John Honey-Fitzgerald, Coach Kenyan, Justin Raffaeli, Wesly Tryhane. Front: Tripp Smith, Scott Banerjee, Paul Vanderslice, Michael Santoro, Oliver Wald, Aaron Metviner, Peter Leone, Alex Vlahakis, Matthew Nussbaum, Benjamin Lebowitz.

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5/6th Grade Football: Back: Coach Decker, Silas Redd, Kenny Eger, Jonathan Avery, TJ Gasner, Collin Sullivan, Ben Millard, Jabrille Williams, Alex Morgan, Donny Cafero, Coach Kenyan, Steven Sheets. Middle: Jack Mehan, Elenry Longley, Neil Parekh, Jason Raffaeli, Max Beyman, Eric Bannerot, Nick Bass, Patrick Sullivan, Harrison Rappaport, Taylor Thomson. Front: Matt McNulty, Tyler Benedetto, Austin Doering, John Berger, Tre Tipton, Conor O'Rourke, Justin Beitler, Dylan Torey, Sean Frisoli.

7/8th Grade Boys Soccer: Back: Matthew Miller, Zachary Grunberg, Sean Kensil, Sam Sullivan, John Chestnut, Peter Menking, Chris Hansen, Coach Woodford, David Kuntzman, Matias Reyna, John Qua, Joaquin Avila, Jesse Buccolo. Middle: David Rabin, Peter Kutzen, Kevin Griffin, Ryan Serkes, Charlie Mosher, Steven Carey, Alex Doering, Will Orenstein, Daniel Catchpole, Cody Benedetto, Stefan Lyew, Kyle Luneburg. Front: Kip Shelton, DD Beyman, Andrew Richardson, Peter Gillies, Stephen Goddard, Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman, Brent Luneburg, Scott Zales, Matthew Murphy. 210

5/6th Grade Boys Soccer: Back: Luke deVisscher, Sam Howard, Tassos Bareiss, Robby Mosher, Jonathan Toy, Peter Lane, Peter Joelson, Coach Scalise, Jamie Smith. Front: Elliott Morrill, Max Orenstein, Ross Connacher, Will Catchpole, Mat­ thew Milano, Christopher Schoen.

5/6th Grade Boys Soccer: Back: Coach Celia, Connor Vos, Austin McQuilkin, Michael Labine, PJ Reinemann, Adam Lebovitz, CJ Onis, Shane Lau. Front: William Qua, Alex Brush, Philip Nussbaum, Cordon Bray, Michael Zeko, Robert . 5antoro, James Boyle.

7/8th Grade Girls Soccer: Back: loach Wiener, Maddy Sachs, donica Wells, Allison Rand, Ruthie fubbard, Anya Leist, Katharine Coll, Jessica Byrnes, Safi McMillan, -oach Doering. Middle: Mary lonnacher, Kristine O'Brien, Kinsey kCreenfield, Amy Mitchell, Shaela jreenfield, Rebecca Marber, Tiana ’egalas. Front: Rachel Hennessey, arah Schultz, Annie Lubben, Jatalya Chuchinsky, Molly ickerly. it1 0

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5/6th Grade Girls Soccer: Back: Couch Bouton, Anna-Lisa Kroll, Elizabeth Lieber, Caroline Castellano, Maddy Davidoff, Eliza­ beth Skae, Dani Feinberg. Middle: Aparna Sarkar, Carter Brents, Abby Leibowitz, Summer Segalas, Mia Martin. Front: Amanda Meyer, Morgan Lyew, Becky Gold.

5/6th Grade Girls Soccer: Back: Coach Carderelli, Shelby Robinson, Taylor Kniffin, Alexandra Burnett, Catherine Heath, Elizabeth Llyod. Middle: Caroline Maine, Lauren Sarner, Julia Bonell, Katie Marber. Front: Alexa Moinaro, Rachel Stern, Jennifer Wilson.

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7/8th Grade Field Hockey: Back: Coach Tobin, Maggie Nolin, Tatiana Grunberg, Rebecca Davis, Virigina Khoury, Katherine Chan, Coach Carderelli. Front: Allegra Grunberg, Natalie Muniz, Meredith Packer.

5/6th Grade Field Hockey: Back: Elizabeth Lowman, Alexa Kitlin, Diana Raskovic, Katherine Sun, Lauren Sweitzer, Lindsay Stone, Lindsey Sweitzer, Coach Crasper. Front: Emma Bauman, Kate Hyman, Monica Johnson, Nicole Stigletz, Leah Taben, Molly Bareiss.

7/8th Grade Volleyball: Back: Coach Kwon, Hailey Pizzutello, Maggie Srednicki, Jessica Lockwood, Ashley :Alebiosu, Maddy Kirk, Coach Tran. Middle: Jacquie King, Sabrine Tribie, Abby Flatow. Front: Becky Bind, Kate Witznitner.

5/6th Grade Volleyball: Back: Coach hippie, Petula Tournas, Alexandra Knights, Jaqueline Aherns, Brynn mttner, Lydia Williams, Adrienne dogan. Front: Annick Thompson, :mily Wilson, Nicole Boeckle, Katie dimpel, Molli Selvert.







Top Ten Ways to Survive the Lower School 1. Be kind to your classmates. 2. Sit criss-cross applesauce. 3. Play fair on the playground. 4. Use your imagination. 5. Wear sneakers in the gym. 6. Know what day is formal uniform day. 7. Don't be afraid to ask why. 8. Avoid the mud on the playground. 9. Never be absent on chicken nugget day. 10. Know how to share.

Lower School Surviving The Beginning "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail/'


Faculty and Administration

Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students

Mark Bauman Head of Lower School

Rosemary Gallagher Director of Academic Services

0 O

Deb Cardarelli Physical Education

Tom Decker Physical Education

Judy Gerardi School Nurse

No Photo Available

Dan Gouin Physical Education

Michelle McCarten Music

Karen Simmons Academic Sevices

pat Green Administrative Asst

Leslie McNamara Secretary to Head of School

Gerry Lacerenza Dental Hygientist

Carolina Reyna Spanish

Kathleen Lazarus School Nurse

Graciela Rodriguez Receptionist

Susan Laramie Librarian

Allyson Schweig Technology Coordinator

Gabrielle Stevens Counselor 223


Pre-Kindergarten: Mrs. DeSantis Maryann Desantis Gail Albrecht Owen Bass Aliana Beaty Caroline Benjamin

Chace Bullard Aine Collins Peter Green Sydney Gubner Elizabeth Hartong

Colten Katcher James Michalski Addison Muir Rachel Sherman Eddie Wortman



Kindergarten: Mr. Bray Craig Bray Julia Rachinsky-Wood Daniel Berger Rupert Cookson Luke Davidoff

Molly Eagleton Anna Harvey Evalise Johnson Serena Kleeman Kaeleigh Morrill

George Peele Nikolas Zarikos


Kindergarten: Mrs.


Ann Palm Carolyn Gallagher Joseph Benanti Maeve Flaherty John Harrington

Jack Lineberry George McGuirk Molly McQuilkin Charlotte Orenstein Alex Rabassa

Michael Sands Natalie Wind


Grade 1: Mrs. Benedetto i i

Sonia Benedetto Mariel Berger Henry Bray Jizelle Campbell Thomas Conheeney

Briana DeFranco Alexa Granser Jacob Gubner Annie Love Matthew Molinaro

Julien Noujaim Luke Price Mallory Sheibley Luca von Lintel

Grade 1: Mrs. Decker i

Emily Decker Brandon Abate Davis Bruch Corrine Cannavino Henry Catchpole

James Conheeney Daniela DiCapua Grace Edwards Gregory Galvin Tucker Gouin

Frances Jay Alexander Kalvar Lindsay Levethan Emily Nixon Andrew Savage


*v 237

Grade 1: Mrs. Greenberg Katherine Greenberg Jeremy Benjamin McKenzie Clippinger Jason Gallant Hendrik Hartong

Isabelle Lahaussois John McDermott Abigail McGuirk Alyssa Meyers Davis Nixon

William Propper Mahesh Raman Isabel Taben Allison Weiner Maura Welt


Grade 2: Mrs. Eagleton Ellen Eagleton Gillian Boehringer Erin Crutchley Ann del Genio Brendan Hanley

Dennis Joyce Haleigh Levethan John McAllister Kara Schiaparelli Evan Schwartz

Samantha Shaw David Sheets Joshua Silberfein Alexander Streich Ryan Woodford

Jacquelyn Xu

v- -ÂŤ



Grade 2: Mrs. Raidt Mrs. Raidt Jack Blattman Andrew Cerone Stewart Chiodo Jordan Farber

Kolby Forrest Samantha Frisoli Alexandra Garrigues Andrew Gold George Jay

Olivia Katcher Ryan Main Vincent Promuto Forrest Rappaport Pierce Tricarico


Grade 3: Mrs. Avitabile Lauren Avitabile Haley Abate Devan Bauman Andrew Berger Henry Edwards

Meredith Gillies William Hennessy Nicholas Hyman Taylor Johnson Caroline O'Brien

Hailey Raskovic Daniel Rosenblum Joseph Santoro Katrina Vassell

Grade 3: Mr. Riedell Glenn Riedell Angus Bass Tavia DeFranco Claudia DiCapua Andrew Farber

Wyatt Grant Gerard Hoeltzel Caroline Hubbard Eioise Hyman Hannah Morrill

Georgia Orenstein Katie Tryhane Benton Turner Victoria Uva


Grade 3: Mrs. Vasey Colleen Vasey Matthew Bruch Abigail Cerone Erik Chiodo Rachel Cohen

Samantha Davidoff Katherine Kelley Gavin Kreitman Ryan McNulty David Meyer

Jade Morris Sonia Parekh Katherine Sachs Valerie Weiner


Grade 4: M iss Hanson Amy Hanson John Boehringer Lydia Brents John-Philip Clippinger Andrew Gruseke

’ Forrest Hanson Riley Jay Margaret Joyce Ann Labine Andrew McAllister

Joseph Nano MacKenzie Peeler Nicholas Shaw Jamie Smith Sarah Tricarico







Grade 4: Mrs. M ansfield Jaime Mansfield Geoffrey Allard Siena DeFranco Maya Ferguson Hiram Holloway

Katherine Kuntzman Lauren McDermott Kieran McQuilkin Henry Pizzutello Eric Propper

Kruti Raman Jason Sands Morgan Sheibley Lucy Taben William Zeko



Grade 4: Mrs. Santoro Helen Santoro Joshua Blair Corey Blattman Nicholas Cesare Hudson Cole

Michael del Genio Michael Filatov Nora Flaherty Wayne Higgins Kelsey Luneburg

William McEvoy Lindsay Mcllmurray Georgina Morgan Erica Nicokiris Lucas Thompson

Grade 5: Mrs. Henderson Anne Henderson Tyler Benedetto William Catchpole Rebecca Gold Brynn Lottner

Amanda Meyer Elliott Morrill Neil Parekh Harrison Rappaport Christopher Schoen

James Smith Rachel Stern Nicole Stieglitz Lindsey Sweitzer Lydia Williams


11;i| Wm\B j a r ^ l ! |w [-p MMM TEL.WT Mmj3f .| ■ ^TjmL*5* ■ 1*£B f

Grade 5: Mrs. Pappalardo Mary Pappalardo Jacqueline Ahrens Molly Bareiss Max Beyman James Boyle

Austin Doering Monica Johnson Anna-Lisa Kroll Morgan Lyew Jackson Mehan

Alexa Molinaro Philip Nussbaum Steven Sheets Lauren Sweitzer Dylan Torey



Grade 5: Mr. Schwartz Ben Schwartz Nicholas Bass Jonathan Berger Nicole Boeckle Kenneth Eger

Chloe Gardner Katherine Gimpel Claire Kelley Abigail Leibowitz Caroline Main

No Photo


Max Orenstein Conor O'Rourke William Qua Lindsay Stone Patrick Sullivan



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ChriM ie/

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord . . . Plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11

We/ loves yo w a n d / wes’Us ww^vyow, Horn/, V a d /£ r 3 o b b y ( a n d / Q u id /)

ongratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! Y )u r e off and away!


Well done and congratulations! You’ve accomplished so much! It was a lot of hard work, but you never lost your sense of humor. Good Luck in college and keep smiling and making music... Lots of love, —" V 77




■K. 4


At first blush, Libby Barker may look like an innocent ingenue, A damsel in distress, or a high maintenance high-heeled diva. But this true heroine welcomes the chance to break a nail or Break the rules in the pursuit of justice. W hooping____ involves more than an unexpected right hook Libby, you might need to straddle a hog to escape a band of sailors Or Russian Ballet instructors gone wild. The world is indeed a wacky place, But your KLHT education has you fully prepared to ward off a vampire, Outwit a Sasquatch, or protect a child from a ferocious beast. Your heroine's vocabulary of four lettered words may fool a few But no one will forget that you are 100% woman. You can run down Perps while strapped into Ugg boots and Bella Dahl blue jeans. With a body toned by years of ballet, you can stretch and undulate your Way through a field of laser beams. You can, if pressed, give birth While boggie boarding off Surfside and simultaneously being pursued by sharks. But, at the end of the day, you will always by our "Libby Lamb" Action Heroine and Hors d'oeuvre queen! Believe in the possibilities! Love, Mom Dad, Morgan with Checkers and Churchie



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T W S A M lL jO S P E S I E M P IR E Las chicas Mam, Matias, Chevi,J, Li, Los R.yaiA,, Melissa, Natalia K.Lf-fT class 2004

Congratulations, Taylor The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams . Eleanor Roosevelt

Your Ever Loving Mama



Next.... White House Press Secretary

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â– i B k : ' UTbc cballeoge is to be goarself^ Td a world that is trgtDq to make goo like everyone else.


Max Your spirit, maturity and achievements continue to fulfill us as parents. Good luck in all that you pursue. You have made us very proud.

Mom &Dad 275

Cathleen <& Lisa tifuui captaS


Fo rever Irish

iWhe ^ ’s rnyCa^


Style By Carl Sandburg S TY LE - go ahead talking about style. You can tell where a man gets his style just as you can tell where Pavlowa got her legs or T y Cobb his batting eye.



on talking.

Only don't take my style away. It's my face. Maybe no good but anyway, my face. I talk with it, I sing with it, I see, taste and feel with I know why I want to keep it. Kill my style and you break Pavlowa's legs, and you blind T y Cobb's batting eye.

John - Never lose your style. W e love you. Mom, Dad, Justin

& Jason

P o r tla n d !

Remember the Rooooooooses! Caroline s>dd 'fsy-fsy

ilroJiDcf the cooDtry.. dlrouDd the World



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(Buddiesf o r life

Congratulations Lisa! You made it! You w orked hard and never gave up. We are so proud of everything you have accom plished! Love, Mom, Pop, Doug, Chrissy and Tim

To our 6a6y sisterNo matter how rough the waters, you somehow afways stayedaffoat!! Luv, (Doug & Chrissy



To a relationship th at created best friends and true love.

V • - r .; T ft 280

Dave -

We are so proud of you! Face the future with the strength, perseverance and good humor that you have and you will always be successful in life. Good luck to you and the Class of 2004! Love, Mom, Dad, Katherine & Chris

Congratulations Class of 2004! We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

- The KLHT Booster Club 281

you’ve be.e.n. suck & W Kent



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M a y the road rise up to m eet yo u , M ay the wind be alw ays a t y o u r back, M ay the sun shine warm upon y o u r fa ce , /\n d the rains fall s o ft upon y o u r fields...

Best W ishes to the C lass o f 2 0 0 4


King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Parents' Association


Your fate is delivered. Your moment’s at hand. It’s the chance of a lifetime, In a lifetime of chance. And it’s high time you Joined in the dance. Dan Fogelberg

Lighten up while you still can Don’t even try to understand Just find a place to make your stand And take it easy. The Eagles

I wanted to stay. I wanted to play. I wanted to love you. I’m only this far and only Tomorrow leads the way. Dave Matthews

What we do in life Echoes in eternity -Maximus, Gladiator, 2000

You left your hand on my heart, And it will stay there with me, forever. Dave Wirth

David, You certainly have left your hand on our hearts-forever. We are so proud o f you and the person you have become. We revel in your many accomplishments and talents. We look forward to those things you have yet to conquer. And we wish you the best. With all our love and support, always. Mom, Dad, Stephanie, Chris, Kyle

Christine, May Jill of Jour (Dreams Come True Lowe,

Mom, Dad, an d N id(

Y ou ’ve been preparing your whole life to be beautiful, sm art, sophisticated and to achieve a happily ever after ending.

Julia, the glass slipper fits and you will never disappoint. You are a loved winner. Mom and Dad Jen, Joy, Shannon

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N e v e r s t o p fo llo w in g y o u r d r e a m s

C o n g ratu latio n s L o v e , M o m , D a d , L iz a n d S c o t t

^=rTfr : 1


T a ra

What ail amazing four years at KI H I you have had!! You struggled at first and, although it would have been easy to quit, you stuck with it and came through with flying colors! You did it all, from acing your AP exams to conquering algebra and trig and still had time to be MVP o f the girls’ cross-country team and be named FAA All-League third baseman! We know you are ready for your next challenge in life and ^always remember we will always be here for you. We love you dearly.

C ongratulations W e have enjoyed sharing your journey.

Mom , Dad and Harold

With all our love Mum, Rick, Jonathan, Jessica &Eloise

N a ta lia

Q fou are the kind o fdaughter that every parent dreams of... QPe are so very proud o f the young womanyou have become, and o feverything you have accomplished all o ftheseyears. G(Pe know much success is in yourfuture, justfollow your dreams and may all ofthem come true.. GXPe loveyou very very much! C o n g ra tu la tio n s}

You have alw ays to ta lly im m ersed y o u rse lf in w h a te ve r interested you (and still do), and learned from it. You n ever cease to am aze!! We are so very, very proud of you. I Love You, S o n ..... Dad Good Luck, B u d d y......Mom I G et Y our R oom .... Lia M eow ....Ziggy

When Irish eyes are smiling...they’ll steal your heart away Wherever you go our hearts go with you. We love you, Mom and Dad

.a n d U o v c mvssVoUiC\kisses- * r hugs an<

.Caroline l

oud of you. snaking

C ath leen -

Good lock

Thanks toi •Colin in college




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W e lo v e you, M olly 1

If I leave here tomorrow Would you still remember me? For I must be traveling on, now, There’s too many places I haven't seen And if I stayed here with you, now Things just wouldn't be the same Well I'm as free as a bird now, And a bird you can not change. - LynardSkynard

Gharles, Always w as a n d alw ays will b e our free bird. W e w ish you the b e st of luck in c o lleg e a n d all of your future e n d ea v o rs Your fam ily is v e ry p ro u d of you a n d all of your accom plishm ents.

We will always be here for you and remember... AT LAST COUNT, YOU NEED TO SAVE 45 SEATS TO THE OSCARS!

You must be one and a whole for many years. You have so much to enjoy, and to be, and to do Frodo -

TO CflKOlllA,e...<qreat tim es, cjreat Memories!

The Neighborhood...Middlesex, street H-octeey, Night tf-awtes., carps, Cols, T a y jo g Alex, The s c 's . Animals... Cootele, Meg, Hefners, ^rertruy. Sum/^rs...Maturuuc.te, Duia^s Club, Mllbroote, tturorv Mountain, Blac-te Butte... Walter sc-halte, NRRA, Darien and vikings, toe Hockey, <^i£jA, Sfeylar's Dream. Congratulations Caroline, and rem.erw.ber: hteep a strong faith arvd don’t give up on your dreavust we love you, Mom, Dad £j Colin

)★ M VP ★ !

“What would I do?” I said to Pooh, !'If it wasn’t for you,” and Pooh said: “True, It isn’t much for One, but Two Can stick together,” says Pooh, says he. “That’s how it is,” says Pooh.

Love, Gracie

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You Make Us Proud Every Day!! We support your Dreams. Love you, Mom & Dad

J-tappiCy remembering The CittCe girCyou used to be, TroudCy recognizing the young woman you’v e become, you’re warm a n d Coving nature has brought us so much joy!


~ W e


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o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !

C o v e



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h r i s t o p h e r

I love you guys so much! Never forget the good times tog

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Tucker, M ay you always hear the m use and give it song. We are incredibly proud o f you. love, M om & Dad

M ic h a e l G o c o n f i d e n t l y in t h e d i r e c t i o n o f y o u r d r e a m s L iv e t h e life y o u ’v e i m a g i n e d . T h o re a u W e a r e s o p ro u d o f y ou ! W e lo v e y o u v e r y m u c h ! M om & D ad D a v id , S t e p h a n i e , M a rk N a o m i, G e o f f r e y , S a r a a n d b a b y M ic h a e l



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“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail aw ay From the safe harbors. C atch the tradewinds in Your sails. Explore. Dream.” m . Twain

Congratulations Jake... Love, Mom, Dad Kate & Nell

Nedgine, We are very proud of you. From kindergarten to 12th grade, you have been working very hard at school. Congratulations for your achievements. We are blessed by Cod to have such a daughter like you. May God always bless you. We love you very much. Mom & Dad As your older sister I have watched you grow into a talented, loving, and exceptional young woman. I wish you all the luck in the world and pray that you will continue to be your own person. Show the world what you have to offer at all times. Remember, always move forward but don't forget the past. Nicky

Anthony \

C o n g ra tu la tio n s! W e are proud o f yo u r a c h ie v e m e n ts. Y o u h ave our re sp e c t an d ad m iratio n .

Love, M o m & D ad



P E M E M & E p . W H E N







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I do not find the right words to express how thankful I am to have you as my daughter and m y friend You have stood up in very difficult situations in life You have chosen to be logic and not impulsive, Independent and not dependent, You have always helped people in need And have found the best solution for everyone around you You are mature and have a good heart. With your intelligence, determination and your values You will get any place and reach any goal you will set for you in life I am very proud o f you Sea!!! Te adora,


Checkie Ponte de Cabeza! I love you with all my heart. Congratulations-you impress me daily I With your wise words, intelligence, H Spunk and beauty. H T e quiero mucho hermanita Lind^ iJanine


You are rolling brmkwards. At the edge all that has been budding within Will propel you, lifted, into the air. Yield to the forces that move you, Because they are your own. Like a glistening drop of water, It is only while moving through air That you can take your full shape, An entity all to your own, Bounded by boundlessness. Lay into the abyss with closed, trusting eyes. Because when you surrender to the air, you can fly.


I believe in you immensely, Francesca,

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Your sister Stephanie who adores you



To be what w e are, And to becom e what We are capab le of becoming Is the only end in life. ~ Robert Stevenson

Footprints, They tell you where yo u've been, but not where you're going to go.


Dear Christian, W e h ave always been proud of w ho you are an d look forward to the m an you will becom e. As you grow an d fa c e life's challenges, know that your family will always be there for you an d will always love you. Never be afraid to face life h e ad on b e cau se you will never be alone. Love, Mom, Dad, Ashley, Kyle, Brent a n d Kelsey

Imogene "Emma" Wilson


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lo lb e a * . i is , tStewn


2004 Kaleidoscope Staff Editor-in-Chiefs: Lisa Gahagan & Taylor Simonson Assistant Editor: Amanda Metviner Underclass Editor: Katherine Kiley Sports Editor: Liz Banerjee Events Editor: Anna Flatow Clubs Editor: Anne Gillies Photography Editor: Zac Sievert All-Around Assistants: Sea Carendi, Allie Reuben, Melissa Ross, Chris Nourse

Lower School Editor: Mrs. Sue Laramie Middle School Editor: Mr. Jeffrey Campbell

Advisor: Ms. Marnie Sadlowsky Survival Tips for Successfully Creating a Yearbook

1) The account # is 02431, learn it, love it, live it 2) Remember you can use previous years' templates. Make sure all of the tem­ plates are done early in the year, because there are no pictures in September and October, so you have free time. 3) Delegate responsibility, and be tough. People won't do what they are supposed to unless you are very specific in what job they need to get done. Be strong, be clear. 4) There are many secrets to completing a yearbook. You will learn them so don't worry. Also, be careful about who you tell your theme to, don't give it away at the first couple of meetings because half the people who show up will quit after a month. And...the ONTY people who know what the cover design is, are the senior editor and the advisor. 5) In polling your grade on who you want the yearbook to be dedicated to, etc. if your grade is being difficult, don't ask their opinion. You will never get a clear answer, and in the end, the yearbook staff knows what's best anyways. 6) Don't forget to breathe. Yes, you will be working on yearbook after school, on weekends, and during vacations, but the yearbook WILL get done, and it will be great. Just remember, if you don't finish it, there is an entire school coming after you, so call take-out, and enjoy it while it lasts.

T h is year's yearbook is very different than previous years, and with the help of others,;, we were able to bring our vision of a truly unique yearbook to life. We started brainstorming during our junior year and met over the summer to make sure our ideas were clear. Many weekends and vacation days were spent at school. We came to school when it was light outside and left when it was dark, and civilization was just a distant dream. We wanted to make a yearbook that was fun and entertaining by adding pages and changing layouts, even if that meant putting a little extra work into getting it done. In the end, we survived. Ms. Laramie - We would like to thank you for doing a great job on the Lower School section and for always meeting deadlines which is always appreciated. Mr. Campbell, thank you for your help with faculty and middle school pictures. We couldn't have done the Middle School Section without you. Amanda, you started off working on events, and moved on to helping with the Middle School Section and wherever else we needed you. Thanks for always being willing to help, and for showing such a strong interest in the yearbook. Catherine Kiley, you did a great job learning how to manage your section and how to put such a large portion of the yearbook together. You were always working hard to finish what had to be done without us having to remind you of upcoming deadlines, and believe us, that means a lot. Liz, thanks for taking work home with you to do your pages and for always being concerned with finding pictures for the Sports Section. Even with many blurry pictures, you were still able to finish your section. Anna, we can't thank you enough for getting stuff done with a smile on your face. The Events section looks great, and we are sure next year you will do another amazing job. You kept us laughing all the time with your updates of behind the scenes yearbook stories and your opinions of who was really doing what on the yearbook. You understand the computers more than you think, so next year, don't be afraid to look over people's shoulders to make sure they are getting stuff done. Anne Gillies, after many attempts at clubs pictures, the section finally got done. Next year, make sure the photography editor is doing his or her job so that you can do yours. Zac, oh Zac. You ended up pulling through with some great pictures. It was great having a fellow senior working on the yearbook. You understood all that we were going through with the yearbook, college, and school, and you knew that our grade wasn't the most cooperative bunch. You traveled to games to j take pictures, and contributed many great shots to the entire yearbook. Sea, what happened to the blank roles? Who knows, but you helped a lot with taking superlative pitures and always lerking around the senior room, waiting for that perfect shot. You gave us some very funny shots of seniors doing very weird things, and only you and Zac could truly understand what its like to try to take pictures of the Class of 2004. Allie, there would be absolutely no volleyball pages if it were not for your detective skills in trying to find pictures. Use those skills next year, and the yearbook will always have pictures to fill its pages. Melissa Ross & Chris Nourse, you helped Liz with the Sports Section, and we are grateful for you willingness to pitch in. Whether it was finding pictures, or cropping them, without you guys the Sports Section, would have been non-existent. Ms. Sadlowsky, thank you for always being there to show us the way and for doing whatever it takes to help us bring our yearbook to life. We wouldn't have this yearbook if it wasn't for your ; support and dedication. Thanks for being a great advisor. We will miss you next year, and we wish you the best of luck with the yearbook in the future years. Sincerely, Taylor Simonson & Lisa Gahagan Editors-in-Chief


The 2004 KLHT Yearbook would like to honor Mrs. Christensen

Throughout her years at KLHT, Mrs. Christensen has played a great role in the KLHT community She has been a dedicated faculty member of the Upper School since 1990. She has taught many students in her years at KLHT, and each one has been touched by her kindness, diligence, and belief that every student is capable of achieving success. As we say goodbye to Mrs. Christensen this year, we wish her continued success in her future and hope that she will always remain part of the greater KLHT community. Her presence as a teacher at KLHT will surely be missed by all. Mrs. Christensen, thank you for the dedication, friendship, and knowledge you have shared with KLHT for so many years. We will miss your presence everyday, but we will always remember your special belief that ALL of us can learn. With All Our Love, The Class of 2004 & The Entire KLHT Community





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n t get caught not doing your hom ework! -on. how-to guide in your backpack, under your chair at school and anywhere you might encounter the perils o f KLHT. Experts provide illustrated instructions on what you need to know NOW: How to Work As A Team How to Put on A Good Theatrical Performance How to Share Your Cookies with Friends How to Cram For Exams How to Escape Class How to Make the Most o f Recess How to Survive Class Trips handy advertisem ents o f the daily lives o f seniors, the best places around town, and useful excuses.

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