KLHT Yearbook 2005

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Itinerary Mr. Main Introduction...2 Theme Explanation...6 Dedication...7 Lower School...8 Lower School Faculty...12 Pre-Kindergarten...14 Kindergarten... 16 First Grade...22 Second Grade...26 Third Grade...32 Fourth Grade...36 Fifth Grade...42 Middle School...54 Middle School Faculty...56 Sixth Grade...58 Seventh Grade...62 Eighth Grade...66 Middle School Activities...70 Middle School Sports...78 Upper School...86 Upper School Faculty...88 Underclassmen...96 Freshmen...98 Sophomores... 102 Juniors...106 Theater Productions... 120 Events...128 Sports...140 The Senior Class...178 'T h e Pink Page"...254 Ad vertisements...277

Mr. Thomas Main Head of School

In keeping with the "road trip" theme of this yearbook, I would like to take a moment to comment on the variety of adventures that I hope all of you have experienced in the years you spent at KLHT - whether you arrived as a junior or are finishing a 13 or 14-year relationship with the school. First, I hope your journey as a thinking person has been re­ warding. I hope you have been offered myriad opportuni­ ties to reflect on complex ideas, interesting topics, and con­ temporary moral issues that prompted passionate discourse.






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aile you focused on each academic discipline, each class, and each relationship with a teacher, I hope you journeyed to a place that allowed you to appreciate your ability to think as a young adult; to appreciate the responsibility that is at­ tached to your intellect; and to understand that intelligence is only valuable when guided by wisdom and an ethical frame­ work. In addition, I hope that your journey has provided you with friendships that will remain solid for years to come, memo­ ries that will buoy your spirits well into your later years, and accomplishments that will sustain you when you are chal­ lenged by the many complexities of adult life. I hope that your journeys as actors, athletes, artists, and student politi­ cians have developed in you the confidence that you can, and will, be successful even when you must work long and hard to achieve a goal. We have all enjoyed being a part of your adventures at KLHT. We have seen you travel through our school with spirit, with passion, with energy and with a sense of camara­ derie that is impressive. We have watched, guided and sup­ ported you as you have developed into young adults who are more than ready to transition from the end of this journey to the beginning of the next journey. We believe that your travels at KLHT have prepared you to be highly successful in all the journeys that you will face in the future - and we are sure that while you traveled through KLHT, you left enough of yourselves here to make us a much better place.

Mission STe>Temer>t King & Low-Heywood Thomas School (KLHT) is an independent, college prepa足 ratory school serving students from pre足 kindergarten through twelfth grade. KLHT is a diverse, vibrant learning community dedicated to educational excellence and the fullest academic and personal achieve足 ment of our students. We champion the development of each individual's talents, character, and self-confidence by offering students challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership, and service opportuni足 ties. KLHT's culture of respect for one's self and for others promotes independence and collaboration. KLHT graduates are well-prepared to pursue lives of learning and accomplishment, personal fulfillment and social responsibility.

Ro«i>c< Trip/ Aristophanes writes, "Why, I'd like nothing better than to achieve some bold adventure, worthy of our trip." KLHT is a place where we can achieve this "bold adventure." This year, we chose the theme of the yearbook to be "road trip" because our experiences at KLHT are very much like a road trip. Like the start of any long journey— whether we entered KLHT at Pre-K or Freshman year—our beginnings are often shaky. Students venture into unfamiliar territory and experience new challenges. The stops we make along the way help us to improve our characters and teach us life lessons. Like a road trip, KLHT is a place for form­ ing life-long bonds and friendships. At the end of our KLHT journey, we emerge more prepared and knowledgeable than we were when we started. E. L. Doctorow writes, "It's like driv­ ing a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." We may not be able to see quite where we are headed at all times, but with the help of KLHT, we know we will reach our destination.

D e d ic a t io n This teacher has been teaching at KLHT for more than twenty years and has been teaching members of the senior class for his entire high school career. Not only is he a dedi­ cated teacher, but he is also a trusted mentor to many mem­ bers of the senior class. We appreciate the knowledge he has given us, as well as the plethora of wonderful jokes he tells. He is able to bring learning and fun together in the classroom, and we will remember him and miss him in the years to come.

The KLHT Class of 2005 would like to dedicate this year's yearbook to

Mr. William Wallace Hey Mr. Wallace! Why is the math book so sad? Because it has so many problems!!!!!



L o w er S chool Who W*tffs To STop For FooJ? •The universe is full o f Thinqs, p^TienTly We»iTinq for our wiTs To qrow sharper - Eden PhillpoTTs

Mark Bauman Head of Lower School

Rosemary Gallagher Director of Academic Services

Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students


Lori Auletta Art

Dan Gouin Director L.S. Athletics

Liz Bounty Academic Services

Deb Cardarelli P.E.

Carolyn Gallagher Media Specialist

Gabrielle Holder Counselor

Kathleen Lazarus School Nurse

Mark Me Andrews P.E.

No Photo Available

Michelle Me Carten Music

Carolina Reyna Spanish

Judy Gerardi & Gerry Lacerenza School Nurse & Dental Hygienist

Allyson Schweig Technology Coordinator

Karen Simmons Academic Services

Patricia Green & Tammy Freeman Administrative Assistants


Mary Ann Desantis Gail Albrecht Skylar Cohen Elijah Dozier Matthew Gold

Kelly Gouin Elena Gribelyuk Beatrice Johnson Christopher Joyce Jack Kalvar

Matthew Knight Abigail Price Hayley Salvatore Shobhita Sundaram Alexander Zarikos

Mrs. DeS«wTis

K m Je r^ ^ rT e h

Craig Bray Julia Wood Chace Bullard Kavya Dagli Jack Davis

Kristen Ferrara Peter Green Colten Katcher Luke Martocchio Jack-Norman Shapter

Alex Schlesinger Andrew Yildizlar

Mr. bray __ _,

Penny Hein Stacy Homicki Aliana Beaty Caroline Benjamin Dean Cohen

Samantha Gallant Bryan Komperda lan LaCombe James Michalski Andrew Morris

Jonathan Richter Brandon Ross

Rachel Sherman

K ih c le r g ^ r T e r *

Ann Palm Page Ballo Owen Bass Katie Charcalis Samantha Ehlers

Lauren Ferrara Sydney Gubner Elizabeth Hartong Andrew Knight Edward Lopez-Wortman

Ian Peeler Suzanne Savage

Karl Zoubek

Mrs. PcÂťlm

Mrs. benedeTIo Sonia Benedetto Seton Beitler Joseph Benanti Daniel Berger Charles Dill

Molly Eagleton Maeve Flaherty Lauren Gimpel Tyler Holtz Evalise Johnson

Molly McQuilkin Sabrina Sampson Michael Sands Regan Wind Nikolas Zarikos


Mrs. DecKer Emily Decker Lucas Davidoff John Harrington Anna Harvey Jack Komperda

John Lineberry George Mcguirk Kaeleigh Morrill Charlotte Orenstein George Peele

Alexandria Rabassa Rebecca Silberfein

Luke Stone Natalie Wind

G rc*d e 1

Mrs. E ^ le T o n

Ellen Eagleton Mariel Berger Henry Catchpole Thomas Conheeney Briana DeFranco

Emily Nixon Mahesh Raman

Andrew Savage Allison Weiner


Jacob Gubner Isabelle Lahaussois Anne Love John Me Dermott Nolan Murray

Mrs. Laramie Susan Laramie Jeremy Benjamin Henry Bray Jizelle Campbell James Conheeney

Jason Gallant Angela Marini Abigail Mcguirk Alyssa Meyers Jake Morris

Julien Noujaim Luke Price

William Propper Mallory Sheibley

Mrs. RaidT Karen Raidt Gregory Galvin Tucker Gouin Alexa Granser Hendrik Hartong

Frances Jay Alexander Kalvar Lindsay Levethan Matthew Molinaro Davis Nixon

Victoria Rigby-Hall Isabel Taben

James Tooher Maura Welt

Mr. Riedel Glenn Riedell Erin Crutchley Kolby Forrest Alexandra Garrigues Brendan Hanley

Dennis Joyce Olivia Katcher Kara Schiaparelli Evan Schwartz Samantha Shaw

David Sheets Joshua Silberfein

Kyle Williams Ryan Woodford


G rad e 3

Colleen Vasey Jack Blattman Gillian Boehringer Ann Del Genio Jordan Farber

Samantha Frisoli Andrew Gold George Jay Gabriel le Johnson Haleigh Levethan

Ryan Main John Me Allister Charles Shotton Alexander Streich Jacquelyn Xu

Mrs. V«»sey

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Amy Hanson Angus Bass Samantha Davidoff Tavia Defranco Emily Eby

Meredith Gillies Riley Hoffman Caroline Hubbard Ryan McNulty Hannah Morriil

William Rigby-Hall Daniel Rosenblum

Joseph Santoro Alara Yildizlar

Miss Hennson |

rs. Jamie Mansfield Christopher Cieszko Gerard Hoetzel Nicholas Hyman Jean Kremer

Georgia Orenstein Sonia Parekh Hailey Raskovic Katherine Sachs Kevin Seiler

Victoria Uva Valerie Weiner

Martin Yepez


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Helen Santoro Nicolai Aanonsen Devan Bauman Andrew Berger Christine Bonaventura

Rachel Cohen Jack Dardis Andrew Farber Eloise Hyman David Meyer

Katie Tryhane Benton Turner

Katrina Vassell


Mrs. S^rrforo

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Mrs. Avftebile Lauren Avitabile Geoffrey Allard Reed Boehringer Lydia Brents Maya Ferguson

Nora Flaherty Forrest Hanson Hiram Holloway William McEvoy Lindsay Mcllmurray

Kieran McQuilkin Erica Nicokiris Eleanor Shotton Victoria Smyth Olivia Watkins

— Mrs. Henderson Anne Henderson Corey Blattman Nicholas Cesare Hudson Cole Siena DeFranco

Andrew Gruseke Claire Hogan Margaret Joyce Ann Labine Andrew McAllister

Lauren McDermott Mackenzie Peeler Henry Pizzutello Eric Propper Jamie Smith

O r a c le 9

Benjamin Schwartz Joshua Blair Michael Del Genio Riley Jay Katherine Kuntzman

Andrew Kyriakos Kelsey Luneburg Joseph Nano Kruti Raman Christopher Reilly

Jason Sands Nicholas Shaw Morgan Sheibley Lucy Taben Lucas Thompson

Mr. SchvW tz


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Lydia Brents...Lindsay, Kate, Lucy and I did a detective skit in Mrs ii Raidt's class. Olivia Watkins...meeting all of my great friends. Will K McEvoy... going to the Bridgeport Bluefish game in 3rd grade. Kieran 3i McQuilkin... my friends and I had a water war in the cafeteria at the h 4th grade sock hop. Geoffrey Allard...started studying the early colonies in social studies in 4th grade. Ellie Shatton...Maya and I got H our 2nd grade buddy, Angela! Tori Smith...will never forget my 2nd fk grade buddy, Mason. Erica Nicokiris...catching the baseball at the es Bluefish game in Kindergarten. Maya Ferguson..going on a carousel sc ride in second grade with my mom. Lindsay Mcllmurray...really Pr enjoyed being with my friends and making new friends each year, Pe Reed B o eh rin g er...d issectin g a fish in 4th grade. Hiram se: Holloway...going to Sakura, the restaurant, in 1st grade. Nora Gi Flaherty...dissecting the fish. I got to take out the heart and it was all ex grossly fun. Forrest Hanson...in 4th grade when we went to Hartford We saw all the sites and my friends and I had fun. Luke Thompson...the state fair in 4th grade. I got to do Missisippi and a lot of people came i by to visit my report. Josh Blair...when Michael DelGenio was head H of the school for a day. There was a pizza party, extra recess, and no La HOMEWORK! Andrew Kyriakos.. .when the 5th grade had the 9 holiday buddy breakfast with the 2nd grade. Mike DelGenio...doing so the plays in Mr. Riedell's class. Nick Shaw...the 2nd grade cafe. I was k a cook that only made turkey sandwiches. Joe Nano...the 2nd grade Pi cafe. It was funny how we were making sandwiches and that was the ar only thing on the menu. Jason Sands...dissecting fish in the 4th grade, w Chris Reilly...reading the book Witch o f Blackbird Pond. It was a fun Si book to read! Morgan Sheibley...the Irish dancers that came in 4th ai grade. They wore sparkly outfits and long, curly wig Corey w Blatman...when Ms. Salerno danced on her desk in 2nd gra-

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Katie Kuntzman...the 2nd grade cafe because it was incredibly fun and the whole grade did it together. Lucy Taben...the 2nd grade cafe. I was so nervous to be a waitress, but then I was wait­ ing on my family and started having fun! Riley Jay... coming to Kindergarten where I met all of my friends. Kelsey Luneburg...in 3rd grade it was so cold in our classroom, we had to wear our hats, coats, and gloves to keep warm. Maggie Joyce...last year in Ms. Hanson's class we had to jump on our desks because the black water was coming from the sink and running all over the floor. Kruti Raman...dissecting the fish in 4th grade, it was inter­ esting. Andrew McAllister...in second grade, on the last day of school, our class beat the third grade in soccer. Billy Zeko...In Pre-K4,1 played Santa Claus in the Holiday Play. Mac Peeler...liked my state report on Massachusetts. The day we pre­ sented, I think half the people just wanted the cookies. Andrew Gruseke...in 4th grade we got Krispy Kreme donuts and had an extra recess. Trip Propper...I liked doing my state report in 4th grade. It was fun to listen to other people's reports. Lauren McDermott...a chipmunk was trapped in our fourth grade class­ room. Everyone was screaming and laughing hysterically. Claire Hogan...Ann dumped a bowl of croutons on my head. Ann Labine...when I met my best friend Riley. Trey Pizzutello... in 3rd grade my friends and I went head first on the slide and got soaked! Hudson Cole...when Mrs. Henderson asked me to spell keyboard in our spelling bee. I said it so fast and I accidentally put an "e " at the end of it. Nick Cesare...meeting all my friends and the flood in 4th grade. Jamie Smith... my first talent show with Kelsey and Corey. It was so much fun but I was so scared. Siena DeFranco...in 1st grade I did a dance with my sister, Tavia and my friend Maya. The audience started laughing at us because we threw sparkles during the dance, and when we got up and walked off stage our bottoms were covered in rainbow sparkles!

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Fourth & Fifth Grade Band Top Row:W ill M cEvoy, Hiram H ollow ay, Forrest H anson, A ndrew M cA llister, C hris Reilly, Andrew Kyriakos, Eleanor Shotton, M organ Sheibley M iddle Row: H udson Cole, M artin Yepez, Benton Turner, Jack Dardis, M aya Ferguson, Siena D eFranco, Fucy Taben, Kelsey Funeburg, C ory Blattm an, W ill Rigby-H all, Erica N icokiris, Kate K untzm an Bottom Row: Trip Propper, Jean Krem er, Daniel Rosenblum , Joey Santoro, Victoria Uva, Hailey Raskovic, Katie Tryhane, Kate Sachs, V alerie Weiner,





Student Council Tavia D eFranco-Secretary, Kelsey Funeburg-President, M aggie Joyce-Treasurer, Valerie W einer-Vice President

Fourth and Fifth Grade Chorus Top Row: D evan Baum an, Christina Bonaventura, Eloise Hym an, W illiam Rigby-Hall, Miss M cC arten M iddle Row: Riley Jay, M aggie Joyce, Kruti Ram an, H annah M orrill, Valerie W einer Bottom Row: Kelsey Luneburg, N ora Flaherty, M eredith Gillies, Sam m y Davidoff, Sonia Parekh

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M id d l e S chool Where *re we? Who h*s <?m*?p? yotre oFFTo &re<?T Places/ ToJ«»y is your «l«>y/ rour mountain is w««iTing. So..geT on your w*yr -Dr. Seuss. O h T h e P l a c e s y o u ’ l l Do/

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Head of Middle School Suzanne Buzanoski

Learning Specialist Candy Anderson

Admin. Assistant Cheryla Greene

Academic Dean Pat Doering

School Counselor Gabrielle Holder

Technology Ed Villavicencio

Dean of Students Deanna Supple

Athletics Karen Celia

Receptionist Graciela Rodriguez

Sixth Grade Team Jeff Williams, Marion Haymann, Jeff Campbell, Rose Weldon, Natascha Trapp, Deanna Supple

Visual Arts Katie Tobin

Performing Arts Jennifer Moros &John Propper 7th Grade Team From Top: Cliff Peters, Karina Pleitez, Jennifer Moros, Rich Teitell, Lois Rinaldi, David Woodford

8th Grade i earn

Mike Scelsi, Alex Weiner, Katie Tobin, Laurra Lescano, Denny Kwon, Tung Tran

Foriegn Language Marion Haymann, Karina Pleitez, Laura Lescano 57

Jonathan Berger Max Beyman Nicole Boeckle James Boyle Isabella Carrillo William Catchpole

Austin Doering Kenneth Eger Chloe Gardner Katherine Gimpel Rebecca Gold Ilse Heine

Miranda Hynes Matthew Johnson Monica Johnson Deondre Jones Kristin Keane Anna-Lisa Kroll

Andrew Kruger Max Kruger Abigail Leibowitz Brynn Lottner Morgan Lyew Caroline Main

Jackson Mehan Amanda Meyer Alexa Molinaro Elliott Morrill Brian Mullen James Murray

Philip Nussbaum Max Orenstein Conor O'Rourke Neil Parekh William Qua Angus Robertson

Adam Sands Michael Schneider Christopher Schoen Thomas Seiler Michael Serricchio Steven Sheets

James Smith Mary Steele Rachel Stern Nicole Stieglitz Lindsay Stone Cary Sullivan

Connor Sullivan Patrick Sullivan Katherine Sun Lauren Sweitzer Lindsey Sweitzer Tre Tipton

Julie Tooher Dylan Torey Michael Velasco Emily Wilson Jennifer Wilson

"D on't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Camus

"Even with the best maps and instruments, we can never fully chart our journeys." -Gail Pool

Jonathan Avery Frederick Bannerot Tassos Bareiss Emma Bauman

Justin Beitler Julia Bonnell Gordon Bray Carter Brents Alexandra Burnett Donald Cafero

Caroline Castellano Ross Connacher Madeline Davidoff Luke De Visscher Caroline Faulkner Dani Feinberg

Sean Frisoli Terrance Ganser Alexa Gitlin Lea Golde Catherine Heath Sandon Hess

Adrienne Hogan Samuel Howard Kate Hyman Peter Joelson Taylor Kniffin Alexandra Knights

Michael Labine Peter Lane Shane Lau Adam Lebovitz Lauren Linder Elizabeth Lloyd

Kathryn Marber Mia Martin Matthew Mcnulty Austin McQuilkin Matthew Milano Alexander Morgan

Robert Mosher Charles Onis Kevin Pierre-louis Jason Raffaeli Silas Redd Peter Reinemann

Robert Santoro Aparna Sarkar Lauren Sarner Madeline Schley Summer Segalas William Shaker

Mollie Siebert Elizabeth Skae Collin Sullivan Leah Taben Annick Thompson Taylor Thomson

Petula Tournas Jonathan Toy Connor Vos Jabrille Williams Michael Zeko

You may use your key now. I’m sure you know its name? A l i c e : I think its name must be understanding.”

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- A l i c e In W o n d e r l a n d

Daniel Catchpole John Chestnut Mary Connacher Noah Fouad Peter Gillies Kinsey Greenfield

Matthew Gruseke Christopher Hansen Rachel Hennessey Jacqueline King Madeline Kirk Peter Kutzen

Benjamin Leibowitz Peter Leone Vincent Love Ann Lubben Brent Luneburg Kyle Luneburg

Rebecca Marber Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman Simon Mcnamee Aaron Metviner Benjamin Millard Amy Mitchell Charles Mosher Matthew Murphy Matthew Nussbaum William Orenstein Meredith Packer Hailey Pizzutello

Allison Rand Matias Reyna Madeline Sachs Michael Santoro Tiana Segalas Carly Shapiro

Robert Smith Alexandra Smyth Jennifer Stern Spenser Sussan Michael Toy Wesley Tryhane Paul Vanderslice Henry Van Roden Alexander Vlahakis Kate Wiznitzer Scott Zales Sydney Zorowitz

"Can miles truly separate us from friends? If we want to be with someone j we love, aren't we already there?" g -Richard Bach

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'There will be a time when you think everything is finished. That will be the beginning." -Louis L'Amour

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''Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a mil­ lion little things." -Anonymous

Visual £

Performing ArTs







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5 and 6 Girls' Volleyball: Top row: (left to right) Siena De Franco, Jennifer Wilson, Chloe Gardner, Jacqueline Ahrens, Brynn Lottner Middle row: (left to right) Ilse Heine, Maya Ferguson, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Lauren Me Dermott, Abigail Leibowitz, Riley Jay, Victoria Smyth, Coach Deanna Supple Bottom row: (left to right) Olivia Watkins, Erica Nicokiris, Eleanor Shotton, Claire Hogan, Morgan Sheibley

5 and 6 Girls' Field Hockey: Top row: (left to right) Molly Bareiss, Miranda Hynes, Lauren Sweitzer, Lindsay Stone, Lindsey Sweitzer, Katherine Sun, Kruti Raman, Coach Karen Celia Bottom row: (left to right) Morgan Lyew, Margaret Joyce, Monica Johnson, Katherine Kuntzman, Jamie Smith, Lucy Taben

5 and 6 Girls' Soccer: Top row: (left to right) Coach Nicole Kenaga, Ann Labine, Kristin Keane, Cary Sullivan, AnnaLisa Kroll, Isabella Carrillo, Mary Steele, Caroline Main, Jennifer Wilson, Kelsey Luneberg, Coach Deb Cardarelli Bottom row: (left to right) Nora Flaherty, Alexa Molinaro, Nicole Stieglitz, Lydia Brents, Rachel Stern, Amanda Meyer, Rebecca Gold, Corey Blattman, Julie Tooher

5 and 6 Grade Bovs' Soccer: Top row: (left to right) Coach Natasha Neely, William McEvoy, William Qua, Andrew Gruseke, Angus Robertson, Matthew Johnson, Nicholas Cesare, Christo­ pher Schoen Bottom row: (left to right) Joseph Nano, Michael Del Genio, Elliott Morrill, Andrew Kyriakos, Michael Schneider

5 and 6 Grade Boys' Football: Top row: (left to right) Coach Mike Little, Jonathan Berger, Hiram Holloway, Jason Sands, Tre Tipton, Trey Pizzutello Jamie Smith, Adam Sands, Deondre Jones, Kenneth Eger, Steven Sheets, Nicholas Bass, William Catchpole, Patrick Sullivan, Forrest Hanson, Luke Thompson, Max Beyman, Coach Dan Gouin Bottom row: (left to right) Jay Murray, Christopher Reilly, William Zeko, Nicholas Shaw, Brian Mullen, Michael Serricchio, Kieran McQuilken, Michael Velasco, Austin Doering, Dylan Torey, Thomas Seiler, Conor O'Rourke, Max Orenstein, Reed Boehringer, James Boyle

7th/8th Grade Girls' Volleyball: Top row: (left to right) Coach Denny Kwon, Madeline Davidoff, Hailey Pizzutello, Spenser Sussan, Madeline Kirk, Adrienne Hogan Bottom row: (left to right) Alexander Knights, Jacqueline King, Rebecca Bind, Kate Witnitzer, Molly Siebert, Petula Tournas

7th/8th Grade Girls' Field Hockey: Left to right: Emma Bauman, Lauren Linder, Caroline Faulkner, Alexa Gitlin, Madeline Schley, Meredith Packer, Kate Hyman, Leah Taben, Coach Katie Tobin

7 and 8 Boys' Cross-Country : Left to right: Matthew McNulty, Sean Frisoli, Peter Lane, Michael Zeko, Shane Lau, Paul Vanderslice, Aaron Metviner, Peter Gillies, Coach Mark Lingle

7 and 8 Grade Girls' Soccer : Top row: (left to right) Coach Nicole Kenega, Tiana Segalas, Molly Ackerly, Taylor Kniffin, Madeline Sachs, Allison Rand, Amy Mitchell, Elizabeth Skae, Jennifer Stern, Mary Connacher, Kinsey Greenfield, Rebecca Marber, Coach Alex Weiner Bottom row: (left to right) Lauren Sarner, Rachel Hennessey, Annie Lubben, Dani Feinberg, Julia Bonnell, Aparnar Sarkar, Carter Brents, Mia Martin, Summer Segalas, Katie Marber, Caroline Castellano

8th Grade Boys' Soccer: Top row: (left to right) Peter Leone, Alexander Vlahakis, Charles Mosher, Henry van Roden, John Chestnut, Christopher Hansen, Wesley Tryhane, Matias Reyna, Daniel Catchpole, Coach David Woodford Bottom row: (left to right) Jesse Buccolo, Scott Zales, Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman, Matthew Murphy, Kyle Luneberg, Robert Smith, Brent Luneberg

7th Grade Boys' Soccer: Top row: (left to right) Coach Deb Cardarelli, Luke de Visscher, Matthew Gruseke, Tassos Bareiss, Michael Labine, Samuel Howard, Robert Mosher, Peter Joelson, Coach Pat Doering Bottom row: (left to right) Matthew Milano, Connor Vos, Charles Onis, Ross Connacher, Justin Beitler, Adam Lebovitz

7 -/8 - Grade Boys' Football: Top Row: (left to right) Coach Mike Little, Michael Toy, TJ Gassner, Jabrille Williams, Alex Morgan, Colin Sullivan, Ben Millard, Jonathon Toy, Vincent Love, Kevin Pierre-Louis, Ben Leibowitz, Coach McAndrews, Coach Tom Decker Bottom Row: (left to right): Silas Redd, Donny Cafero, Jonathon Avery, Eric Bannerot, Taylor Thompson, Mike Santoro, Jason Raffeli, Robbie Santoro, Will Shaker, Simon McNamee

5th and 6th Aerobics Club Top row: (left to right) Anna-Lisa Kroll, Isabella Carrillo, Lindsay Stone, Chloe Gardiner, Forrest Hanson Middle row: (left to right) Nick Shaw, Molly Bareiss, Ann Labine, Riley Jay, Siena DeFranco, Billy Zeko Bottom row: (left to right) Morgan Lyew, Amanda , Reed Boehringer , Rebecca Golde, Katie Kuntzman, Mac Peeler

5th and 6th Boys Basketball Blue Top row: (left to right) Jonathan Berger, Trey Pizzutello, Max Beymann, Jamie Smith, Tommy Seiler Bottom Row: (left to right) Michael Del Genio, Nick Cesare, Andrew Gruseke, Austin Doering, Mac

5th and 6th Girls Basketball Top row: (left to right) Lauren McDermott, Maya Ferguson, Mary Steele, Brynn Lottiner, Jackie Aherns, Kruti Raman, Kristin Keene Middle row: (left to right) Claire Hogan, Lucy Taben, Torey Smyth, Morgan Sheibley, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Kelsey Luneburg, Elise S, Lydia Brents Bottom row: (left to right) Nicoele Boeckle, Maggie Joyce, Olivia Watkins, Nora Flaherty, Ericka Nicokiris, Alexa Molinero, Rachel Stern

5th and 6th Boys Basketball Red

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Top row: (left to right) Geoffrey Allard, James Boyle, Jason Sands, Will Catchpole , Hudson Cole

Bottom row: (left to right) Elliot Morril, Michael Velasco , Will Qua, Conor O'Rourke, Chris Schoen, Tyler Benedetto

5th and 6th Boys Basketball White Top row: (left to right) Tre Tipton, Hiram Holloway, Adam Sands, Deondre Jones, Luke Thompson, Andrew McAllister Bottom row: (left to right) Josh Blair, Will McEvoy, Max Orenstien, Michael Schneider

5th and 6th Fitness Club Top Row: (left to right) Abby Leibowitz, Emily Wilson, Matthew Johnson, Jennifer Wilson, Neil Parekh, Katie Sun Bottom Row: (left to right): Michael Seiler, Philip Nussbaum, lisa Heine, Max Kruger, Andrew Kruger, Julie Tooher

Top row: (left to right) Jeni Stern, Jacquie King, Hailey Pizzutello, Maddie Sachs, Caroline Castellano, coach Karen Celia, Bottom row: (left to right) Julia Bonnell, Katie Marber, Summer Segalas, Rachel Hennessey

7th and 8th Boys Basketball Blue:

Top Row: (left to right) coach Tung Tran, Peter Joelson, Jonathan Avery, Peter Kutzen, Charlie Mosher, Henry van Roden, Dan Catchpole Bottom Row: (left to right) CJ Onis, Luke de Visscher, Peter Lane, Jason Raffaeli, Mike Zeko

Top row: (left to right) Silas Redd, Wesley Trahane, Chris Hanson, Collin Sullivan, Kevin PierreLouis, Tassoss Bareiss Bottom row: (left to right) Justin Beitler, Robbie Santoro, Jabrille Wiliams, Donny Cafero, Matt Gruseke, Andy Marcelle-Kleeman

7th and 8th Grade Strength and Conditioning Club Top row: (left to right) Alex Vlahakis, Steven Carey, Aaron Metviner, Ben Millard, Jonathan Toy, Will Orenstein, Ben Leibowitz Middle row (left to right): Paul Vanderslice, Kinsey Greenfield, Molly Ackerly, TJ Ganser, Carly Shapiro, Simon McNamee, Eric Bannerot, Shane Lau, Bottom row: (left to right) Lauren Linder, Gordon Bray, Mollie Siebert, Peter Gillies, Ross Connacher, Annie Lubben, Becky Bind


"Wherever we go, whatever we do, self is the sole subject we study and learn" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Success is a journey, not a destination." -Ben Sweetland

Upper School The End oFThe be^innin^ “Ajourney is d person in iTselF, no Two dre dliKe, dnd dll pldns, sdf^udrds, policing, dnd coercion dre FruiTless. We Find ThdT dFTer yedrs o F s T ru ^ le ThdT we do noTTdKe d Trip-, d Trip TdKes U S .”

- John STeinbecK

Upper School Faculty ‘When you h«»ve completed oF your journey, you <?re only he»lfwe»y There.” - T«»pe»nese Proverb


Bill Ennist Head of Upper School

Karin Wagner Assistant Head of Upper School

Helen Kweskin Dean of Faculty

Tom Decker Head of Athletics

Office Staff Leslie Bruzik Bonnie Querze

College Counseling Candace Cushing Krista Colthup Michelle Sotire

Theater Department Amy Darnton John Propper Jackie Martino

Art Department Connie Nichols Terry Murphy

Technology Department Tim Sinnott, Bill Waldman, Megan Haddadi, Marco Lopes

English Department Erik Mortenson, Tara Wilcox, Helen Kweskin, Cathy Mishkin, Scott Vasey, Marnie Sadlowsky, Hans Richter

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Science Department Kenneth Melmed, Saffron Castle, Sandra Bethray, Thomas Pelton, Gary Caputi, Priscilla Pusack

Math Department Cheryl Morency, Jeff Turshen, Victoria Khiznichenko, Bill Pusack, William Wallace

History Department Lindsay Strohmeier, Jonathan Trapp, Cathy Mishkin, Christos Galanopoulos, Scott Sargent, Gary Schpero

Language Department Matthew Van Etten, Ines Thieme, Francisco Gracia, Karin Wagner, Thomas Zoubek

Admissions Cathie Seton, Andrew Hirt, Cynthia Lisinicchia

Development Jonathan Wilkinson, Don Wade, Gregory Bilionis, Lois Fahey, Deborah Doornick, Heidi Lockwood

Business Office Karen Peterson, Kim Leeker, Cornelia Jones, Elda Taylor

Kitchen Staff Jennie Loglisci, Rosa DiBattista, Vinnie Laramie, Jason Bien

Maintenance Staff Polo Recinos, Griff Titus, John Muskus, John Zatorsky, Carlos Escalante, Doug Johnson, Jamie Escalante

Uhelercle>ssmen Are We There yeT? i 1

“Ajourney is besT measured in friends raTher Th«>n miles.” - Tim Cahill

The rreshmer* Cl* “IF e>ll diFFiculTies were Known «>TThe ouTseT o F l o n q journey, most oF us woulc< never sT«?rT OUTe»T«?ll."

-D<i»n R«>Ther

Leigh Abear Christopher Ahrens Ashley Alebiosu Cody Benedetto Daniel Beyman Jessica Byrnes

Michael Carberry Katherine Chan Jackson Cheevers Natalya Chuchinsky Rebecca Davis Alexander Doering

Abigail Flatow Zhen Zhen Gao Stephen Goddard Shaela Greenfield Kevin Griffin Allegra Grunberg

Tatiana Grunberg Zachary Grunberg Andrew Hall Samuel Henderson Kristen Heus John Honey-Fitzgerald




Andrea Horak Ruthie Hubbard Chiara Johnson Sean Kensil Virginia Khoury Christian Killeffer

Elodie Kremer Katharina Krol] David Kuntzman Stefan Lyew Katherine Mann Colin McMahon

Safiya McMillian Colin McQuilken Laura Meli Peter Menking Keil Mueller Natalie Muniz

Jon-Philip Nickitas Margaret Nolin Courtney O'Neil John Qua Peter Reilly Eric Reinemann

Andrew Richardson Wells Ruhlin Jenna Sands Micaela Scully Nathaniel Shanks Kip Shelton

Sarah Shultz Abigail Smith Hayley Smith Sam Sullivan Sabrine Tribie Oliver Wald Monica Wells

rreshna^n C

The Sophomore Cte.>s “Do noT^o where The pe»Th m<?y le«?cl; 50 insTe^d where There is no Pe>Th «?nd le<?ve «»Trail." - Rc»lph We»ldo Emerson

Thomas Ackerly Vivek Alaigh Michael Arronson Alysia Beaty Samuel Berman Christina Blum

Lisa Boccuzzi Ellison Brennan Courtney Bruggeman Malcolm Chappell Kimberly Clark Kevin de Regt

Lauren Fisher Kara Frisoli Daniel Gleason Schuyler Goldberg Harry Green Peter Hall-Risko

Laurel Hanson Joshua Herritt Scott Hootman-Ng Rachel Ivanhoe Jonathan Joelson Robert Kempner

Emily Kerchoff Ari Klafter Genevieve Krinsley Callie Leone Jeffrey Lounsbury Eric Lubben

Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman Marleni Milla Leigh Millard Robert Minicucci Annika Moller Mallory Monsma

Henry Myers Andrew O'Brian Elizabeth Packer Michael Pakula Faith Pierce Adam Pisarkiewicz

Shane Pizzutello Amilia Poin Kevin Portanova Charnee Purdy Hannah Rabin Peter Sanders

Victoria Santos-Buch Bryan Samer Kimberly Segalas Grace Shaker Stephen Sheehan Hugh Stangeland

Zachary Stayman Kristen Sun Rai Tipton Clifford Ulrich James Voyages Dylan Warren

Caitlin Weinstock Andrew Zaccagnino

The Junior Ctass ‘Success is not plcÂťce e>t which one arrives b u t rather the spirit with which one unclert?Kes e > r \ J continues the journey - Alex Noble

Alexander Ahrens Marlon Alebiosu Lia Allen Kathryn Baker Morgan Barker Mary Bethray

Michael Beyman Aaron Buggy Christine Carey Rich Castellano Erin Clayton Nathaniel Collins

Beth Connolly Alissa Cooperman Natasha Das Keri DeMar Lisa Dillinger Stevi Feinberg

Reginald Ferguson Natalie Flores Christopher Foley Alissa Goddard Diego Gomez Oliver Gray

Douglas Hamilton Daniel Hughes Victoria Jones Lee Katsky Catherine King Richard Kondub

) Kay-lin Lau Benjamin Lazarus Hannah Lloyd Ashley Luneburg Christopher Lupica Elizabeth Magrath

Colin Marren Adam Meli Stephen Menking Amanda Metviner Theresa Milano Christopher Nourse

A.J. Orlando Elizabeth Perelstein Margaret Priest Anna Pusack Elise Reinemann Melissa Ross


s i

William Schpero Scott Shelton Cornell Sievert Nancy Solberg Deepti Sood Gregory Soros



William Sullivan Ryan Sussan Gaelle Tribie Victoria Tsang Nicholas Unnold Andreas Vlahakis

Corinn Williams Stephanie Yacenda

Junior Cl<?ss

Club PhoTos Model UN Back Row: Gretchen Hahn, Ali Hittman, Suzie Sheetz, Catherine Kiley, Lisa Kiley, Liz Byrnes, Dana Hill, Dana Del Galdo. Third Row: Mr. Galanopoulos, Laurel Hanson, Sarah RossBenjamin, Ian Monsma, Payton Keith, Steven Menking, Peter Menking, Will Schpero, Vivek Alaigh, Michael Beyman, Meredith Anderson, Zach Stayman, Jessica Byrnes, Vigrinia Khoury. Second Row: Natalie Muniz, Jessica Goddard, Kip Shelton, Allegra Grunberg, Elizabeth Packer, Leigh Millard, Ria Muttukumaru, Libby Perelstein, Mallory Monsma. Front Row: Corinn Williams, Sean Kensil, David Kuntzman, Alex Doering, Zach Grunberg, Eric Lubben, Chris Foley, Michael Pakula, Ruth Hubbard.

Student Council Back Row: Coryn Rosenstock, Kevin deRegt, Ian Monsma, Steven Menking, Marlon Alebiosu, Meredith Anderson. Third Row: Michael Pakula, Grace Shaker, Corinn Williams, Mari Bethray, Nancy Solberg, Natalya Chuchinsky. Second Row: Zach Grunberg, Victoria Santos-Busch, Mrs. Mishkin, Maria Tournas, Alissa Cooperman, Laurel Hanson, Lizzy Magrath, John Qua, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Davis Brown, David Kuntzman. Front Row: Dana Hill, Meredith Kriss, Jessica Goddard, Callie Leone, Ashley Alebiosu.

Kaleidoscope Back Row: Callie Barker, Lisa Kiley, Allison Reuben, Khaled Allen, Christine Carey, Lisa Dillinger, Laurel Hanson. Third Row: Mrs. Sadlowsky, Whitney Kathner, Amanda Metviner, Meredith Kriss, Dana Hill, Victoria Santos-Busch, Dara Goldstein. Second Row: Callie Leone, Liz Banerjee, Ria Muttukumaru, Anne Gillies, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman. Front Row: Anna Flatow, Catherine Kiley.

M^King The riJe more interesting Gay Straight Alliance Back Row: Nancy Solberg, Deepti Sood, Alissa Cooperman, Dana Hill, Dana Del Galdo, Kate Brecht, Ali Hittman, Franny Vignola. Third Row: Jessica Byrnes, Sonya Ziolkowski, Jackson Cheevers, Colin McQuilkin, Sam Montgomery, Jordan Katz, Andrew Brown, Erin Clayton, Meredith Kriss. Second Row: Liz Banerjee, Lily Scheyhing, Melissa Ross, Anna Llatow, Marleni Milla, Alissa Goddard, Katie Baker, Maggie Nolin, Corinn Williams, Libby Perelstein. Lront Row: Whitney Kathner, Safiya McMillan, Natalya Chuchinsky, Anne Gillies, Lizzy Magrath, Michael Pakula, John Qua.

Building With Books Back Row: Natasha Das, Stephanie Yacenda, Amanda Metviner, Shaela Greenfield, Abigail Smith. Second Row: Ruth Hubbard, Keri DeMar, Oliver Gray, Jerry Upright, Ross Pisarkiewicz, Chris Poley, Katharina Kroll. Lront Row: Mrs. Wilcox, Sarah Schultz, Kara Prisoli, Marleni Milla, Jessica Goddard, Liz Banerjee, Lizzy Magrath, Emily Kerchoff, Laurel Hanson.

Math Team Back Row: Mr. Wallace, Khaled Allen, Corey Sievert, Sarah Ross Benjamin, Richard Castellano, Steven Menking, Davis Brown. Lront Row: Lily Scheyhing, Beth Connolly, Theresa Milano, Victoria Tsang, Anne Gillies, Rachel Ivanhoe, Mrs. Khiznichenko.


United Ci


Back Row: Abig Kutn Hubbard, Marl biosu, Keri DeMar, Nate Collins, Oliver Gray. Front Row: Alissa Cooperman, Sean Kensil, Monica Wells, Sabrine Tribie, Ashley Alebiosu.

Female A Capella Back Row: Rebecca Davis, Tatiana Grunberg, Erin Clayton, Lisa Dillinger, Gretchen Hahn. Front Row: Anne Gillies, Natalie Muniz, Elodie Kremer, Haylie Smith, Lisa Bocuzzi, Katie Nickitas.

A Cafellas Andrew O'Brien, Dr. Zoubek, Will Schpero, Will Sullivan, Chris Nourse, Peter Menking, Chris Foley, Eric Reinemann, John Qua, Kip Shelton (lying down)

Ba Vi St

Fr K; M


Qut Amnesty International Ruth Back Row: Nancy Solberg, Erin so, Keri Clayton, Alissa Goddard, Deepti weiGiaSood. Front Row: Mr. Galanopoulos, etman(> John Qua, Christine Carey, Katie abiins' Baker.

AIDS Awareness Student Coalition



The Standard

7 i Back Row: John Qua, Beth Connolly, . Q., Victoria Tsang, Anna Pusack, Stephen Goddard, Ian Monsma. ; .; Front Row: Coryn Rosenstock, Katherine Chan, Allegra Grunberg, Michael Beyman, Fiz Byrnes, Suzie Sheetz, Will Schpero.

Back Row: Deepti Sood, Keri DeMar, Maria Tournas, Amanda Metviner, Ali Hittman, Kate Brecht, Meredith Kriss. Front Row: Alissa Goddard, Jenna Sands, Stephanie Yacenda, Vicky Jones.



Back Row: Vive' ‘gh/ Zach Stayman, RJ Ferguson, Steven Menking, Peter Menking, Henry Wald, Courtney Bruggeman. Front Row: Mr. Galanopoulos, Michael Beyman, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Daniel Beyman, Sarah Ross-Benjamin, Mallory Monsma.

Notes From Underground Back Row: Meredith Anderson, Philip Prout, Khaled Allen, Sarah Ross-Benjamin. Front Row: Jamie Yates, Michael Beyman, Chris Del Prete.

Students Against Destructive Decisions Back Row: Jamie Yates, Greg Soros Front Row: Hannah Lloyd, Alissa Cooperman, Katie Baker, Erin Clayton, Christine Carey, Melissa Ross, Coryn Rosenstock, Kay-Lin Lau.

[\ £acti ev® i-Henij nan. I 5 >M ich;.

Drama Club Back Row: Caroline George, Melissa Ross, Gretchen Hahn, Erin Clayton, Katie Baker. Front Row: Jamie Yates, Laurel Hanson, Christine Carey, Kara Frisoli, Philip Prout.


igainst lees'

Chess Club


Creative Writing Club

Back Row: Melissa Ross, Coryn Rosenstock, Natasha Das, Caroline S,fep George, Caitlin Malloy, Emily m Kerchoff, Zach Grunberg. Front Row: :er,Em Kristen Sun, Beth Connolly, Jenna Krinsley, Meredith Anderson, Anna t C Pusack, Lily Scheyhing, Mr. Vasey.


Back Row : Sam Berman, Cliff Ulrich, Davis Brown, Chris Foley, Dylan Warren, Shane Pizzutello, Steven Menking. Front Row: Zach Grunberg, Vivek Alaigh, Eric Lubben, Jonathan Joelson, Andrew Richardson, Mr. Sinnott.

Socrates C Mr. Galanopou] Grunberg, Jamie gomery, Chris N Hahn.

i’rout, Zach s/Sam Mont­ se, Gretchen







Art Club Back Row: Hannah Lloyd, Kay-Lin Lau, Victoria Tsang, Gaelle Tribie, Leigh Abear, Laura Meli. Front Row: Leigh Millard, Lheresa Milano, Christine Carey, Charnee Purdy, Margie Priest, Beth Connolly.

Yoga Club Back Row: Gretchen Hahn, Kimberly Clark, Beth Connolly, Emily Kerchoff. Front Row: Alissa Cooperman, Melissa Ross, Christine Carey, Hannah Lloyd, Kara Frisoli.


Key Club

m ,i iair,\i. Back Row: Chris Nourse, Kate Brecht, Katie Nickitas, Will Schpero, Chris Lupica, Leigh Abear. Second Row: Mr. Hirt, Lia Allen, Deepti Sood, Katharina Kroll, Ruth Hubbard, Laura Meli, Eric Reinneman. Front Row: Adam Meli, Mike Pakula, Ashley Alebiosu, Corinn Williams, R.J. Ferguson, Lee Katsky.

Gaming Club Back Row: Doug Hamilton, Henry Wald, Andrew Richardson, Anne Gillies. Front Row: Khaled Allen, Peter Venetos, Mr. Pusack.


Exploring Spirituality in the World

Hahi : Back Row: Virginia Khoury, Callie :AliÂŽ Leone, Lia Poin, Annika Moller. Rossi pront Row: Sean Kensil, Margie Priest, Mari Bethray, Natalie Flores, Charnee Purdy, Rachel Ivanhoe.

Habitat For H


Back Row: John Qua, Kat * Kroll, Katie Nickitas, Erin Clayton, K Baker, Mallory Monsma, Annika Moller. Front Row: Sarah Schultz, Shaela Greenfield, Anne Gillies, Natasha Das, Mr. Vasey.

Weather Club Back Row: Ross Pisarkiewicz, Adam Pisarkiewicz, Andrew Vlahakis, Zach Grunberg. Front Row: Mr. Pel ton, Kevin DeRegt, Vivek Alaigh, Corey Sievert, Rick Kondub.

Environmental Club Catherine Kiley, Caroline George, Mallory Monsma, Leigh Millard, Gretchen Flahn.




Science, History and Ethics ' h %

Alissa Goddard, James Blum, Lee Katsky, Mari Bethray, Ashley Luneberg, Libby Perelstein.

Improvisational Club Back Row: Melissa Ross, Annika Moller, Will Sullivan, Lisa Dillinger, Natalie Flores, Catherine King. Front Row: Barry Haplin, Alissa Goddard, Deepti Sood, Nancy Solberg, Lia Allen, Katie Baker, Erin Clayton.


Im i

1 iSjl




Movie Making Club

jgnVi; Alissa Goddard, Deepti Sood, Nancy jjjltfjs Solberg, Lia Allen.

Martial Arts Club Lee Katsky, Christina Blum, James Blum, Libby Perelstein, Cody Benedetto, Zach Grunberg.

T h e ate r P ro d u ctio n s Caution-. Serious Actors Crossing/

•When you’re Traveling, you «?re wh«»T you «>re right There <?ncl Then. People JonT hc»ve your p«?sTTo hole* <?g<?insT you. No yesTereteys on The ro«?c*:’ - William Lee»sT He«?T Moon


fell Piety...

T h is y e a r 's fall d ra m a ta k es p la ce

TheGrass Harpd ea ls

in th e e a rly 2 0 th ce n tu ry in th e d eep so u th .

w ith is s u e s th a t o fte n o c c u r

The Grass

w ith in fa m ilies. N o t o n ly is it a


se n tim e n ta l story, b u t is filled w ith g rea t h u m o r

th a t sh in es th ro u g h th e c h a ra c­ ters. A ll o f th e acto rs b rillia n tly p o rtra y e d th eir ch a ra cte rs to the au d ien ce. A m a z in g sh ow !______




I Cast List Dolly Talbo Collin Talbo Catherine Creek Verena Talbo Dr. Morris Ritz/ Sheriff Judge Charlie Cool Miss Baby Love Dallas Maude Riordan Reverend's Wife Reverend The Barber Baker's Wife

Nancy Solberg Corey Sievert Sarah Ross-Benjamin Erin Clayton Ian Monsma Will Sullivan Alissa Goddard Maggie Nolin Gretchen Hahn Dan Gleason Laurel Hanson Rachel Ivanhoe Melissa Ross Katie Baker Postmaster/ Townsperson Choir Mistress/ Townsperson Robbie Minicucci Safi Macmillan Eddie Stover/ Townsperson Abby Smith Edna/ Townsperson Mrs. Brophy/ Townsperson


This year's holiday show was centered around a group of talented instrumentalists and singers. The entire school came together to form rock and roll bands, jazz ensembles, and musical choirs that performed many pieces for an audience of students, teachers, and parents. Needless to say, the Holiday Show was a successful performace that perfectly displayed the spirit of the season.



I f V * r b *


This year's musical, Hair, depicted the controversial Vietnam Era and the experiences of young hippies who struggled to find meaning during this chaotic time. The stu­ dents mastered difficult music and challenging choreography and had fun at the same time with their funky costumes and psyche­ delic paint. A groovy time was had by all!

Hair Cast List T h e T r ib e

Claude Berger Sheila Hud/Dad Jeannie Chrissy Woof Margaret Mead

O th e r T rib e M e m b e r s

Chris Nourse Payton Keith Laurel Hanson Jamar Burnes Nell Ryder Melissa Ross Sam Montgomery Corey Sievert

O th e r T r ib e M e m b e r s

A School Principal Young Recruit Mom Mom Mom/School Principal Dad Hubert/Dad

Dana Hill Will Sullivan Elizabeth Packer Erin Clayton Gretchen Hahn Chris Foley John Qua

Kim Clark Nancy Solberg Eric Reinemann Lizzy Magrath Katie Baker E n s e m b le

Corinn Williams, Michael Beyman, Scott Shelton Alissa Cooperman, Safi McMillian, Hayley Smith, Courtney O'Neil, Tatiana Grunberg, Whitney Kathner, Lisa Bocuzzi, Kara Frisoli, Kristen Sun, Marleni Milla, A. J. Orlando, Colin McQuilkin, Colin McMahon, Jenna Krinsley, Christina Blum, Emily Kerchoff, Liz Banerjee, Laura Meli, Rachel Ivanhoe, Monica Wells, Jackson Cheevers, Lisa Dillinger, Cliff Ulrich, Anika Moeller, Kip Shelton

Events W orlds L^rgesT Arit Fe>rm--\0 Miles •We live in <? world Th<?T is Full oFbee>uTy, che»rm <?nd adventure. There is no end To The «»dvenTures we c«»n h«?ve iF only we seeK Them wiTh our eyes open.” - Te>We>he>rle>l Nehru

Cr\ The roc*J

Ci«f>ss Trips Everyone has just com e back from sum m er vaca­ tion and the best way to get back in the sw ing of things at school is: class trips. Before the dreaded hom ew ork starts, the students go on a journey that will bring them closer w hile seeing different parts of the N ortheast. This year, the freshm an w ent to Block Island, N ewport, and M ystic. The word on the street is that the students had tons of fun. They had time for movies, shopping, and bonding with each other. The sophom ores trav­ eled to Philadelphia, and the juniors started their college visits along the East Coast. Each grade was accompanied by several teachers w ho got to know the students outside of the classrooom . On these trips, students and teachers get the oppor­ tunity to gain a different views of each other. N ot only are class trips a great chance to catch up with old friends, but they are also an opportu­ nity for all new students to becom e part of the group.


> p irit W e e k

Pep Rally Spirit Week 2004 was a hit! The week started off with Rank Day, in which freshmen graciously wore their blazers all day. The week progressed with spe­ cial theme days, including Pajama Day and Decade Day On Decade Day, each grade was assigned to a different time period in history The seniors rocked the togas, while the underclassman were dressed from the 90's, 80's and 70's respectively. Spirit Week concluded with a fabulous Pep Rally, an opportunity for the entire school community to get together in preparation for Homecom­ ing. Each team came up with fun and unique skits, which served as the perfect conclusion for a fun-filled week.


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Homecoming is the day that parents plan for months and teams highlight on their calendars. Homecoming is a day in which old faces make appearances, and teams enjoy the biggest crowds of the year. Every team plays, ranging from volleyball to football. Fac­ ulty, family, and students from the Lower and Middle School come out to support the varsity teams as they make an attempt at victory. Homecoming is full of exciting moments, whether it be the cross country team sprinting through the finish line, or the cheer­ leaders performing their halftime show at the football game. After a long day supporting the Vikings, every­ one caps off Homecoming with a dance so everyone can get "down and dirty" on the dance floor.

It’s that time of year again when the days are getting shorter and colder. One of the most celebrated holidays of the year is most definately Halloween. Both the faculty and students come dressed to impress. During the infamous costume assembly, the cos­ tumes are judged. Some of the categories include Scariest, Prettiest, and Best Group. This year the costumes were better than ever. There were costumes that ranged from Ghost Busters to Zombies. All students went out of their way to make sure that they had a good costume. Halloween is a great holiday that gives everyone an opportunity7 to try on another identity and a chance to get a diffferent perspective on life at KLHT.

Utkins VS. brawls Brains vs Brawns was a big hit yet again this year. Both teams play and the Brawns team took away the gold.

their best,

From left to right Top row: Coaches Oliver Gray & Nate Collins, Mr. Weiner, Mrs. Santoro, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Bray, Bauman, Mr. Pusack Bottom Row: Mr. Tran, Mr. Gracia, Mr. Williams, Mr. Richter

From left to right Top Row: Mr. McAndrews, Mr. Gouin, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Hickman, Mr. Decker, Mr. Davis, Coaches Kamau Gordon & Keri DeMar Bottom Row: Mr. Little, Mr. Lweis, Ms. Kenaga, Ms. Celia, Mrs. Gouin

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*< ‘We musT ^eT beyond TexTbooKs, g o ouT info The by^ p«»Ths <?nd unTrodden depThs oFThe wilderness «»nd 1#Travel <?nd explore «?ndTell The world The glories oFour iv journey?’ ! - John Hope FranKlin


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Kingswoou 4 f t 22 g Low-Heywood Thomas 0 KLHT commited six. StVre.? , losing a Fairchester Athletic Asso­ ciation game at Kingswoou lord. ^Gj rreAh,'e« Malcom Chappel rushed for 100 yards for KLHT (1-2,1-2), Nate Colhns picked up 95 yards on the ground and Ray Tipton rushed for 85. KLHT trailed trailed 27 27-0 at halftime. A tKot»as°,^ KLHT

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— Ziolkow ski (Grace Shaker); K — Gillies (Christine Carey).

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King & Low-Heywood Thomas 7, Sacred Heart Academy 0 Ai Liz Baneijce scored three goals to lead KLHT to the non-league wm. & Sonya Ziolkowski added two goals for the victorious Vikings ° ^ 7"" „x7 ^lev* Eeinberg and Anne Gillies had the other goals for KLHT. Gi etchen Hahn and Jenna Krinsley combined for four saves tr B p,, up th_e_shutout for KLHT. Danielle Hiravy stopped 22 shots i i s c or pw<A 3 t-.iC U 3 jl th ’ X'J/JP AL r for SHA. _____



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Convent of Sacred Heart 7, King & L o w - , ^ d Thomas 0 Elise Byrnes had a pair of goals and Katie Gojkovich had one save for the shutout as CSH improved to 5-1 in the Fairchester Ath­ letic Association. Kelly Joyce, Meghan McQuinn, Hannah Walker, Maggie Mallo­ ws ir; A 211(1 Hadley Martin also scored for CSH, while Rebecca Davis had /„. -nS * Lot 1 3 saves m goal f°r KLHT (2-4).

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Brett Beatty 2 2 .

, C W'° „ ^ c o u n t ro y ™ oay 19,Cou a^ Lv nty 35 6 ' ee^ ' C C t S W 2 * 'M e t M A , S W

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H a n 't 1. ' ^' MW*K 0 0 ; fS 3 -?^" 1GW-fg. 8 ^ — pj



35 Laur®' "anso

CSH — Elise Byrnes, 27-50- r<?w u~ i, Joyce, 26:15; CSH — Byrnes 2 0 - 0 S '7 sKh y Veghan McQuinn -6'58 r c u u ' 9 12-57 CSH :.CSH — Hannan Walker, i t s ■. . ~ M z g g te Mallory, 7 '2 0 ' CSH _ Hadley Martin, 1:40 " Goalie saves: KLHT - Rebecca Davis 1 3 - c s h Kat,e Gojkovich 1 Records: KLHT 2-4; CSH “

cnacKtGM.r hnistrer. 3°-

l4 . ^ P''rl° Greens Farms Academy 2, King Low-Heywood Thomas 1 — r a ^ r i B ^ -S t. e6^^ i 8-59 n ®, Osgood scorea scored twice to lead Greens Farms past KLHT in a DI Philip rnlllP t-.sgooa ieau urei « e tRf 3 ao - ''N0-a7. 9. j H o prWC L o i y r s n o c t a r A t n l/ s t ir 1 P o n f o r n n o o r < A n t a c f 1 Fairchester Athletic Conference contest. peter After Osgood's second goal gave GFA a 2-0 lead with 30 minutes (B'l B 7-0left to play, Payton Keith scored for KLHT with 12 left to play. Peter l9Racor<'s-.^1'7 Hall-Risko assisted on the KLHT goal. KLHT goalie Steven Menking stopped 19 shots. GFA goalie Alex Brown turned aside six shots. The win left GFA with a 3-2 record. St. Luke's dropped to 1-3-2 (1-3 FAA).


C3' ^



VÂŤ>rsiTy Cross Country Cross Country had a great season this year. It is amazing that with so few runners we accomplished so much. The highlight of our season was definately the second place finish at FAA's, though we had several memorable moments in practice. We would wish you good luck next year, but we know you won't need it. Special thanks to Coach Lingle, whose direction and humor made this season possible, and Ms. Sadlowsky, who s the best fan a team could have. Take the long way home. - Captains Nell Ryder and Ian Monsma


m x



Game Stats Us Them

r 1


r -7

| Left to right, top row: Coach Mamie Sadlowsky, Oliver Wald, Henry Wald, Khaled Allen, Nell I Ryder, Ian Monsma, Dan Gleason, Welles Ruhlin, Morgan Barker, Coach Mark Lingle Bottom Row: Laurel Hanson, Meredith Kriss,

9/22 9/29 10/6 10/9 10/13 10/16 10/18 10/27

0 0 1 3 5 6 6 8

2 5 7 7 8 8 9 9


Sh I




erleÂŤ?clir\g The cheerleading squad worked harder than ever this season. We have gained so much more strength and versitiliy than we ever thought we could. We are going to miss you guys next year, and we hope to come back for Homecoming and see an amazing routine. Don't forget: Cheerleaders kick! - Anna Flatow and Lily Scheyhing




Left to right, top row: Margie Priest, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Lauren Cuscuna, Kim Clark ; Middle row: Callie Barker, Caitlin Malloy, Lia Allen, Katie Baker, Melissa Ross, Coryn Rosenstock Bottom Row: Captains Anna Flatow and Lily Scheyhing

The Varsity Field Hockey team had a great season. We finished with a record of 5-8, a huge improvement from previous seasons. We hope to take this momentum with us into the future and get Viking Field Hockey back on the map. Great Season Ladies! -Captains Vicky Jones and Amanda Metviner


•*** ?•#

w y

Game Stats Us Them Masters 3 St. Lukes 1 G.A. 0 Harvey 3 G.F.A. 0 Convent S.H. 0 Williams 1 G.F.A. 0 Gunnery 1 Holy Child 1 Rye 0 Masters 2 Hamden Hall 1

Left to right, Top Row: Leigh Millard, Marleni Milla, Kay- Lin Lau, Elizabeth Packer, Kristin Sun, Courtney O'Neil, Dara Goldstein, Natalie Muniz


Middle Row: Coach Lindsay Strohmeier, Rebecca Davis, Ashley Luneberg, Caroline George, Mallory Monsma, Jenna Sands, Natasha Das, Micaela Scully, Franny Vignola, Allison Reuben, Katherine Chan. Bottom Row: Captains Vicky Jones and Amanda Metviner

1 2

9 2 8

7 0

4 4 6 6 0 0

*rsiTy . O O T b e tll This season, the football team finished with a 4-4 record. One of the many themes of the team was togetherness. This theme echoed throughout every moment on and off the field. We won as a team and lost as a team. In the words of Coach Gouin, remember, "No one person is bigger than the team." - Captains Byron Avery, Benny Kriss, Jamar Burnes, Bobby Brennan, & Nate Collins (Not Pictured)

Game Stats Us Them Rye Hopkins Kingswood Dalton Horace Mann Long Island Lutheran Fieldston St. Lukes

Left to right, Top row: Coach McAndrews, Aaron Buggy, Maroln Alebiosu, Benny Kriss, Phil Prout, Kyan Sussan, Hugh Strangeland, Jimmy Voyages, Stephen Sheehan, Michael Beyman, Ryan Murray, Kevin Portanova, Coach Gouin Middle Row: Coach Bloom, Coach Higgins, Jordan Katz, Alex Ahrens, Oliver Gray, Jamar Bumes, Nate Collins, Byron Avery, Bobby Brennan, Rai Tipton, Jerry Upright, Andrew Brown, Coach Turshen, Coach Trapp Bottom Row: Henry Myers, Schuylar Goldberg, Peter Sanders, Marlon Chappell, JP Mickitas, Peter Reilly, Diego Gomez, Kevin DeRegt, John Honey-Fitzgerald, Christian Killeffer, Andy Zaccagnino

12 12 0 27 14 28

6 32 37 12 18 6

46 21

0 12

sify G-irls’ Soccer


We had an amazing season. Although it was tough at times, everyone had a great experience this year. The team was the most unified and tight-knit group we've ever seen. Thanks for your energy, dedication, hard work, and sense of humor! Heck yea, girls! Love, Suzie Sheetz and Stevi Feinberg

(M l H j w B h



i H . w *-

T R- <jB




| JJ j ^ i f l i B l v

â– Left to right, Top Row: Sarah Shultz, Kara Frisoli, Kimberly Segalas, Grace Shaker, Stevie Feinberg, Suzie Sheets, Liz Banerjee, Shaela Greenfield , Leigh Abear, Laura Melly, Anne Gillies Middle Row: Coach Meghan Hadadi, Beth Connolly, Christine Carey, Steph Yacenda, Allissa iCooperman, Katarina Kroll, Sonya Ziolkowski, Hannah Rabin, Emily Kerchoff, Lizzie Magrath, .Coach Scott Sargent Bottom Row: Gretchen Hahn, Jenna Krinsley

Game Stats Us Them 0 St. Luke's Christian 4 Heritage Masters 6 1 Hopkins Rye 0 Sacret Heart 7 0 G.F.A. Canterbury 4 Convent of the Sacred Heart 3 Sacret Heart 7 1 St. Luke's 1 Williams 3 Holy Child Hamden Hall 1 Oakwood 7

5 4 0

4 1 0

3 3 0 1 6 2 0 0 0


VcrsiTy boys’ Soccer



"This was a great soccer season. Our progress from last year was not only noticeable from our work ethic but also noticeable from our record in which we doubled our wins from last year. It was an awesome time and we wish the team 'bueno suerte' next year!" -Payton Keith and Chris Nourse


Us Them

Left to right, top row: Coach, Zack Grunberg, Adrian Ciontut, Colin McQuilkin, Rich Castellano, Steven Menking, Payton Keith, Chris Nourse, Ross Pisarkiewicz, Greg Heins, Robbie Zeko, Coach Richter Bottom Row: Sean Kensil, Mike Carberry, Alexander Doering, Adam Pisarkiewicz, David Kuntzman, Sam Sullivan, Chris Foley, Peter Hall-Risko, Jeffrey Lounsbury, Mike Pakula

St. Luke's Christian Heritage Masters Rye Brunswick G.F.A. Williams St. Luke's Masters Canterbury Oakwood St. Margarets McTernan Hamden Hall Harvey

5 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 3 2 1 2 4 2

This season was a great experi­ ence. As the season progressed, we pulled together as a team and we became FAA Tri­ champions! Thank you to our teammates for such a great season. We're going to miss you guys. Good luck next year and remember to bump, set, spike it up! - Captains Lucy Demmerle, Maria Tournas, and Dana Hill

Game Stats Us Them Wooster Holy Child St. Lukes Taft G.A. Masters Hamden Hall G.F.A. Christian Heritage NYSD Sacred Heart Oakwood Hopkins G.A. Top Row, Left to Right: Coach Tung Tran, Catherine King, Maria Tournas, Dana Hill, Lucy Demmerle, Keri DeMar, Coach Martha Bakes Bottom Row: Anna Pusack, Victoria Santos-Buch, Lisa Kiley, Ria Muttukumaru

3 3 3 0 0 1 3 3

0 0 0 3 3 3 0 1

3 3 3 3 0 0

0 0 0 0 3 3

Junior Varsity Volleyball


>A _ 8<


Game Stats Us Them Holy Child 2 0 GA 0 2 Masters 0 2 GFA 2 1 C. Heritage 1 2 Masters 2 1 Scrd Hrt A Okwd. Fr. 2 0 Hamden H. 2 0 JV Tournament Left to right, top row: Ruthie Hubbard, Lauren Fisher, Theresa Milano, Mary Bethray, Tatiana Grunberg Second Row: Zhen Zhen Gao, Courtney Bruggeman, Ashley Alebiosu, Sabrine Tribie

Sports CeWcUs


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ihee sta suiting eoaU “are w ^vying ' " g ffor o r th rtin g goalit position p o s i t i o n . Lr aact s t y e a r ’ s Ff ®.. e S s c o r e r P h i! O s / ^ / a ' n f S *

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H o o s a c S c h o o l ( A lb a n y , N .Y .) p a s t K L H T . S a m S u lliv a n s a v e s ) a n d C o d y R e i t e r ( ) c o m b in e d fo r in g o a l f o r K L H T ( - ). H o o s a c ’s M i k e H i c k e y s t o p p e d


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ian HCr M B ; - ; ; ” --Henllgc pwyK°HT with 30 I * '® Myssa Maehcr a t o p W J ., ,„ r e Rebecca Davis. R

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H o ^ S 0fT^ rr ^ na'S: Ki" S & Low-HeyWood Thomas 74, 17 as No 4 s^d K ( S in S " T m 1^points and Josh Henitt added The victory means that KLHT (11-7 overall) will travello fa title g™ 1 “ sa“ a f Ch00' ’" Fnda/S6 Pm' Se™ f,rals-Thc FAA Ka” ‘ “ -



n e ts






- ” "'sh ® ° Y S B

ios tw

a sk etba ll

KLHT 63, GFA 45 GREENS FARMS ACADEMY (45) — H e n ry C h to cc a 6 3 -4 1 5 : L u k a S o n c in i 5 0 - 0 12 : B e n M o rr is 2 0 -2 4: C h r is K a e s s 0 0 -2 0: Tripp M c D e rm o t t 2 2 -2 6: Jeff T h o m p s o n 1 01 2: Joe W e iO e r 1 0 0 2: R o b W e iu e r 2 O O 4: T O T A L S 1 9 5 - 1 1 4 5 .

W u;,



N a te C o llin s 7 3 -5 1 8 : K a m a u G o rd o n 3

2 -3 8 ; O live r G ray 3 0 - 0 7: M ik e C a r b e r r y 1 0-0


a° ^ f o V a \ c V < >

O\v3o^ V


^ V - V < c.o '4^ ' .aoV-'-

Kamau Gordon f. " (8-4 overall, 4-a ,tvSV . v»X4\% L ^ H e y w o o d J^ 7 ^ halftime but * 't> % a ^ f a - Hamden Hall led 4tK» had a five-pc O


C h ris

L u p ic a


0 -0



Z a c c a g n in o 0 0 0 0: J o s h Herritt 7 2 -2 2 0 :


■ MOI>| ,


Rai T ipto n 0 0 - 2 0: M a r lo n A le b io s u 1 0 2 2:


TO TALS 2 3 7-1 4 6 3 . H a lftim e :

c. H R ls n 4 n ' I , V , t a 9 o 4 $


er 9 12 u 7 S £ (49,

a' sf ° ni hbtck?nd led 73-72 with abou' .oil fought h a c k ers on three strai

« S *5 fg S r"» **-W "

^ i V o 0^ - - 3849^



0' (3S)

far 4 ,9

*shieJ^.,rn '<1'4 O-n ,/tson ,e,,a, ^ebiot,, .n ®-^ !6,0S“l, 0-02 r°Mt.s. 16 0-4 Ralftin\e- riJ


a e h e r 3 Oavfs" , l 2 1 °

3 8 19.

3 - p o m le rs :

r ^ rb e T y ; Lupica: Gray; C ollin s; s: KLH T, 9 - 6 overall. 4-4

V«»rsiTy HocKey We had a rough sea­ son, but we still had fun. I think many of us consider this season to be a success despite our record. -Captains Peter Venetos and Phil Osgood




Game Stats Us Them Westhill 2 12 Fieldston 2 4 Hoosac 0 13 St. Thmas Mre 3 5 Harvey 4 6 Kngswd-Oxfrd 3 8 RCDS 3 8 Fieldston 4 5 4 Harvey 8 Harvey 4 6 Brunswick JV 5 5 Horace Greely 3 6

( Left to right, Top Row: Coach Tom Carey, Phil Osgood, John Harwood, Colin McQuilken, Ryan (Murray, Chris Del Prete, Sam Alkaidis, Coach Jeff Nelson, Manager Austin Gramps (Bottom Row: Harry Green, Andrew Fried, Cody Ryder, Sam Sullivan, Peter Kiernen, Colin Osgood uNot Pictured: Peter Venetos

„ , i / Girls’ b«?sKeTbc?H This season we really managed to come together as a team and have fun. Amazing job, girls!



- Captains Keri DeMar, Mere Kriss, and Liz Byrnes (not pictured)


Monica Wells, Natalie Flores, Abigail Smith, Meredith Kriss, Keri DeMar, Liz Byrnes, Ashley Alebiosu, Allison Rand, Rebecca Davis, Coach

Game Stats Us Them 34 43 St. Luke's 27 G.F.A. 46 47 Hopkins 36 37 Gunnery 23 Convent 53 38 48 46 RCD Christian Heritage 35 49 35 44 Holy Child Kingswood Oxford 34 54 34 41 Masters 42 36 G.A. 44 Holy Child 35 54 34 St. Luke's 43 Holy Child 44 21 37 St. Luke's


b«>sKeTbc>ll Captains Nate Collins Kamau Gordon Oliver Gray

I <A.

â– Left to right, Top Row: Marlon Alebiosu, Nate Collins, Kamau Gordon, Joshua Herritt , Olive BG ray, Coach Braun fc o tto m Row: Coach Bradford, Chris Lupica, Rai Tipton, Mike Carberry, Andy Zaccagnino

Game Stats Us Them Christian Heritage 48 34 44 St. Luke's 58 RCD 69 32 Brunswick 63 74 RCD 63 48 Hamden Hall 72 91 57 Hopkins 51 St. Luke's 73 59 Masters 61 50 47 St. George's 46 Pingree 70 67 Storm King 59 98 84 Hamden Hall 74 Millbrook 74 65 GFA 63 45 74 Hopkins 58 Brunswick 70 83 Salisbury 63 73 FAA Quarter Finals: Hopkins 74 59 82 FAA Semi-Finals 49

be»SKcTbe»ll Cheerle^cling This season was our first and it was a great one. Between the basketball games and the competition, we were extremely successful with cheering, stunt­ ing, and dancing. This was a great bonding experience for all the girls and we left this season with many new friends and great memories. Keep up the good work! - Captains Callie Barker and Lia Allen


m m m

m m ® -

H i



!iLeft to Right, Top Row: Kara Frisoli, Lisa Dillinger, Courtney Matthews, Chiara Johnson, Emily Kerchoff Bottom Row: Ellie Brennan, Callie Barker, Lia Allen, Victoria Santos-Buch, ^'■Margie Priest


J Vboys’ be>sKeTb^ll

Top Row (left to right): Coach Trapp, Sam Henderson, Jimmy Voyages, Peter Menking, Peter Sanders, Robert Kempner, Bryan Sarner Bottom Row: Scott Hootman-Ng, Sam Berman, Adam Meli, Diego Sanchez, Vivek Aleigh

TV Girls’ b«*KeTbc4l

Monica Wells, Sabrine Tribie, Kimberly Segalas, Ruthie Hubbard, Hannah Lloyd, Alissa Copperman, Natalia Chuchinskv Ashley Alebiosu, Lia Poin, Coach Fish *


D c in c e T e«»m

ftoys’ frolF

ftoys’ Tennis

V Âť fl

boys- baseball

boys’ Lacrosse

Sports Cemdiels



S e n io r s Ee»sy Driving Ahe«->d “There «>re m<?ny Trails up The mountain, but in Time They e>ll ree»ch The Top.” - Any* SeTon

We love because it is the only ____ ^venture" - Anonymous "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive our hate, only love can do that -Martin Luther King Jr.

"What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.' - Albert Pine

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress.". -

"Mrs. Mulwray, I damn near lost my nose, and I like it. I like breathing through it." - Jack Nicholson, C h in a to w n



"If you're late for dinner, you don't get a fruit cup." - Nurse Diesel, H ig h A n x ie ty K







Lauren Cuscuna

“You shall pay dearly for that f^rt, I say!" - Geoffrey Chaucer

Jerry U p righ t

B en

Allison Reuben

"You think you know...what's to com what you are; You ha even begun." -joss Whedon, B u ffy t, Vam pire S la y er

"Not all those wtj^j wander are los$'*^ -J.R.R. Tolkien, T h e L o r d o f th e R in g s

Sometimes a ream is better han a thesis." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not every­ thing that counts can be counted." -Albert Einstein

A person should nopR in an 'ism'. He shoulc in himself." i t " ' ^Ferris Bueller, F e r r is B n â– v*


"The sky is clearing and the night has gone out, The sun, he comes, the world is all full of light. Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice but to carfy -Crosby, Stills and Nasjsfc

â– ou>e g< Ben Folds Five

Henry Wald

W m 2M

0) u ■a 0) X H


“ QJ * x,

n3 U <



r fi

"Sometimes the light's all shining on me, Other times I can barely see. Lately it occurs to me, What a long, strange trip it's been..." -Grateful Dead

"I've looked at life from both sides now -T IFrom up and down, and still somehow It's life's illusions I recall II really don't know life at all I- Joni Mitchell ", i • confused just % i 1 1listen to the jmusicplay." \ |-Grateful Dead

It's time I sling the baskets off this overburdened horse, si1 ny toes into the ground, and set a different course." - Phisl

"We could have us a high time living the ood life." irateful tad

rt a k d live

aven on

Mom, Dad, mid Ri ine it without

"Make them hear you." -Lynn Ahrens

"I don't think you have time to waste on someone who does not respond to you with kindness and respect." -Anne Lamott

"La vida es dura. Amarga y pesa." -Ruben Dario

"I know there is rainbow For me to follow To get beyond my sorrow. Thunder precedes the sun) So I'll be alright If I can find that rainbow's end." -Mariah Carey

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." -Thoreau

Dana Morgan

More matter with less art." -H a m le t, VVilTiai Shakespeare

"Got no time for spreading roots; the time has come to be gone. And to our health we drank a thousand times; it's time to ramble on." -Led Zeppelin

"Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun. But Mama, that's where all the fun is.' -Manfred Man's Earth Band

BenYou're my favorite brother by far. Thanks for every­ thing. I love you. -Ali

Ali H ittm an

"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds." -Bob Marley

Mom and DadThank you for everything you've done for me. I love you -Ali

Payton Keith

"Although prepared for Martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed." -Winston Churchill

I si 1 f j

"Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat." -Jean-Paul Sartre

"Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage." -Theodore Roosevelt


We are twice armed iff we fight with faith." -Plato un on the road long >re I dance under the lights." -Muhammad Ali

1 i c a n s a l i s t h a t f m y d i f e i s p r e t t y 1 ) 1 a i n . \"' t lik e w a t c h in g tin ;p u d d le s g a t l i e ^ s A .. / • 3 K


. * *

•v %>»* K





" T l l ^ vr e va i n\ ’t n d d o *u b<■*.t ‘i l l n o o n e s m .i n d t h* a t o v e V t h e 3f i n e s t t h i n g a r o u n d ^ n es T a y lb r

te i

'I am no man, I,am decaying plutonium.' -Kritank and I

'You like me because I'm a scoundrel." - Han Solo

"It's you I like It's not the way you wear your hair It's not your brand new bike But it's you I like It's you...I...like." - Mr. Rogers



As sooni, as yoii re born .JSMr you ;start & vine,

S/iizip H Z IC ^ '1 L C C l



I've never seen a purple cow, I'd never hope to see one, But I can tell you anyhow, Fd rather see than be one." - Ogden Nash

Whitney Kathner

"If you're gonna step step on in if you're gonna finish you got to begin don't you fear what you don't know just let that be your room to grow..." - Ben Harper



cu <u <30 os T3 5 DC cn 0) T3 ' I 03 o C/3 03 > D 3 5 •

O H cC

CD s o £

Woody Priest

■5 x

Paul Kraemer

'I don't think that when I depart, I'll be close to where I start." -Trey Anastasio

ft I


"If you've never stared off into the distance, then your life is a shame." -Counting Crows

A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him." -Ezra Pound


"But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the lifeflie leads?" -Albert Camus

'Whither goest thou, Am shiny car in the ni -Jack KerouaC

' in thy

Man, I m just livin', L-I-V-I wondered how much to know." Zeppelin

-D a z e d a n d C o n fu s e d r <

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cellence is my presence. Notorious B.I.G

It's a little childish and stupich but then again, so is high school." -F erris B u e lle r


'Harry, we're here." -D u m b a n d D u m b e r

Robbie Zeko

Ross Pisarkiewicz

Catherine Kiley

"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -Albert Canus

"When you're traveling in a time machine way far out into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil." - Jack Handy

to tell you: the lines, s better other side." - John Mayer

"Come on, Come on Turn a little faster Come on, Come on The world will follow after Come on, Come on Cause everybody's after love." -Counting Crows

"I feel home when I see the faces that remember my own; I feel home when I'm chillin outside with the people I know; I feel home, and that's just was I feel , to me, is reality and all I need is something real." -O.A.R.

"As we live a life of ease Everyone of us has all we need Sky of blue and sea of green In our yellow submarine" - The Beatles

tell;* tif


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I Love Love,

Lisa Kiley

Liz Byrnes

'It's only after you've lost everything that

That was a great game." -H ook

It was all a dream -Notorious B.I.G.

Khaled Allen (* Whether 'tis better in the mind to suffer [The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And, by opposing, end them." -Hamlet, H a m le t "A life without love! Why, that's terrible!" - Christian, M o u lin R o u g e

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity." - Maximus, G la d ia to r

"I believe that the very purpose of life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one i believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking some­ thing better in life. So, I think the very motion of our life is towards happiness." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama, T h e A r t o f H a p p in e s s

Sarah Ross-Benjamin "Now we could fight 'em with conventional weapons...but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, no, no. No, in this case...I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part." -Otter, A n im a l H o u s e "Void mon secret. II est tres simple: on ne coit bien qu'avec ie coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les -AntioneJ1siM

birds with the prettiest voices__ who sang, the forest would uiet place." Malcolm n u p

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the rrmsir which he hears, however measured or far away." - Henry David Thoreau

'A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep." -C in d erella

"If you go to a club, and somebody steps on your foot, let it slide. Why spend the next 20 years in jail 'cuz someone smuggled your Puma. -Chris Rock

To my family: you all and I appreciate Lat you've done for me.

G-I-V-E-U-P and keep ya H-E-A-D-U-P." -Jaheim

"...It's a new day, spread my wings, I'm doing things my ways. It's a new day..." -Ms. Patti Labelle

"After you've done all you can, you just stand." -Donnie McClurkin


Let everyTnan in mankind's frailty 4 k considÂŁf ms last day; and let nqpgg >tijjie on h^ good fortune until he,n - jPpr^tun ife, at llb laath , a memorfi^tnout

4p-Sojahodes I

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"There's never enough tfrne to do all the nothing you want." Ivin and


"This time I really lost my mind and I don't care." -Green Day

You gotta s^al the time of a life that's passing by." - Third Eye Blind

"People have the right to^fly And will when it gets compromised Their hearts say 'mo^e along Their minds say 'gotcha heart' 'Let's move it along'" - John MayeY

Fashion is a form oÂŁ ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." - Oscar Wilde

"Face the thing that you fear, and you do away with that fear."

James Blum

"Experience: that most brutal of teach­ ers. But you learn, my God, do you learn." _ r S T c>wic

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God has given me this day to use as I vviiir I canagaste.^dTwBBi^||^good. What I do today is very important because I am exchanging a day of my ncr

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ided Hoss _________ [e in, order that 1 shall not j paid for it." -W. Heartsill Wilson

Benny Kriss

If it feels good,do it -Morty


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'I will fee your dixit chick and if, „j C { you'll be my Te^m®see land, iwe4. ' i j can Aalk together dowq in dixieland./7 1 - Dave Ma|th®vs Band < ill

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"Life is like a Masquerade Ball, at the end all the masks come off." - Anonymous

"I'm black and I'm proud." - James Brown

"The lord is my Light and Salvation. Whom shall I fear? The lord is the strength of My Life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalms 27: 1

Ian Monsma "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Thoreau

"All the interests of my rea­ son, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I know? 2. What ought I j to do? 3. What may I hope?" . -Kant M

â– '

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome." -Booker T. Washington

Meredith Anderson

'Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Nobody ever died of laughter." - Max Beerbohm

"Never give in—never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." - Winston Churchill

Davis Brown

'"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?' 'That depends a good deal on where you want to get to/ said the Cat. I don't much care where--' said Alice. 'Then it doesn'f*j|p^r which way you go."' - Lewis Carroll, A n 0 s A dven ­ tu res in W o n d erla n d

"To be yourself in a l world that is constantly' trying to make you som<ething else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Crazy as I may make my w af thin It's for no one but me to say what dir - Dave Matthews Ba


world/ oadSShall turn

"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure." -Unknown To my friends, I wish you all the happiness in the world!

Coryn Rosenstock "The important thing is not to stop questioning." -Albert Einstein My deepest appreciation and thanks to everyone at KLHT who taught me that an education is one of the greatest gifts in the world.




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and Dad, :an express how n for all of your and support. i n cr I

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You're going to find that many of

he truths we cling to depend reatly on our own point of view." Obi-Wan Kenobi


"When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"" - David Brent

“No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good coun­ sel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master." - Hunter S. Thompson

Lucy Demmerle

Dana Del Galdo

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"You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, Well, you just might find You get what you need." - The Rolling Stones

"I do the very best ^know hovy-the veigr bes and I mean to keep Q^dding so/until the end - MfcaJpm Lincoln'

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"Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is the best defense." - Anonymous t

:n heaven all the interest; people are missing." riedrich Nietszche

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jitan k G upta

"Remember that a clear conscience is usually the sign of a weak memory."

"Ad astra per aspera. - Latin proverb

"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave." -The Eagles


"I don't scratch my heacf'unless it itches. I don't dance unless'lÂŤ hear some music. I won't be intimidated That's just the way I am.'T - R e m e m b e r T h e T ita n s V ;

"Worrying is like <7rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere." - Van Wilder

“God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." -1 Corinthians 10:13

Katie Nickitas

Obituaries Liz Banerjee - she dies, but her bumb lives on Lauren Cuscuna - can't think of any more words to randomly shout and dies from the frustration Dara Goldstein - no reason for her to live when orange DOES become the new pink Jerry Upright - the lack of gas in his Hummer causes it to explode enveloping him in a ball of flame Callie Barker - all the dead animals that her cats bring to her room come back and eat her Alii Reuben - zones out off a cliff Pete Venetos - slips into a coma after 40 consecutive hours of playing Halo 2 Anne Gillies - gets an A- and dies on the spot Franny Vignola - killed off in the season finale of her hit show "Fairfield County" Henry Wald - kills himself after the Simpsons go off air Craig Pernick - never wakes up Jess Goddard - nothing left for her to achieve and ends her life Lauren Russel - joins a mass suicide effort when J. Crew closes Ria Muttukumaru - squeezed to death in one of her many hugs Dana Hill - her head explodes from excess knowledge Ali Hitman - attacked by giant spiders Payton Keith - gets hit in the head by a misguided soccer ball Abby Neff - rows off the earth Phil Prout - killed by a robot Suzie Sheetz - dies in Nathaniel's arms Whitney Kathner - becomes fully nocturnal and attempts to join the fruit bats but they reject her and eat her Austin Gramps - wait, doesn't she go to Darien High School? Greg Heins - dies from lack of sleep when his stuffed dino is taken from him Woody Priest - falls off his boat and is eaten by a shark Paul Kraemer - takes a drum stick to the heart when he finds his drum set has been destroyed Robbie Zeko - Jackie... Sam Montgomery - burned to death in a cooking fire Adrian Ciontut - a victim of one of his own horror movies Lily Scheyhing - the ants come and cause her demise Ross Pisarkiewicz - suffocated by his gaseous expulsions from his back end Catherine Kiley- the fish finally get their revenge Lisa Kiley - eaten by a batch of monster muffins ACHIEVE Liz Byrnes - dies at band camp MAXIMUM Khaled Allen - finds the elixir of life and lives forever SPEED Sarah Ross-Benjamin - killed by Jamie in a jedi knight dual Courtney Matthews - shot to death in a shoot out with Remy Bobby Brennan - "You killed Bobby! You illegitimate child!" Caitlin Malloy - falls off her horse and dies James Blum - receievs a fatal kick to the head while practicing for Tae Kwan Do Byron Avery - dies before he is able to save Lucy Benjamin Kriss - kills himself after Ryan finally gains control Meredith Kriss - kills herself when diet coke goes out of business Jamar Burnes - dies of shock when he realizes he has no more to say Matt Ivanhoe - when cars become things of the past he is no longer willing to go on living Ian Monsma - runs into a wall while running away from Nell

Sonya Ziolkowski - murdered by jealous soccer players Meredith Anderson - Khaled shares the elixir of life with her Davis Brown - killed by a blow to the head by a 9-iron on the 18th hole Anna Flatow - says "kill yourself" and then does Coryn Rosenstock - falls from heaven and dies on impact Caroline George - gets food poisoning from a bad box of cereal Jamie Yates - killed by Sarah in a jedi knight dual Nell Ryder - crashes her car while chasing Ian Andrew Brown - turns into a brownie and eats himself Lucy Demmerle - eaten by a gorilla Dana DelGaldo - killed by a mob of Red Sox fans when she is spotted in Boston wearing a NY Yankees shirt Chris Del Prete - whipped to death Kate Brecht - her fabulous wardrobe is stolen and she has no will to live Maria Tournas - dies with her love Paul from VA Jordon Katz - starves to death hiding out in a cave Kamau Gordon - drops dead when he finally enters the Senior Room Kritank Gupta - is taken under Jesus's wing and is never seen again Gretchen Hahn - killed by a dysfunctional stage light Ryan Murray - kills himself when Benny dies Katie Nickitas - people don't die at Greenwich High School

Lifers-. Here For The Long He>ul

Back Row (left to right) : Peter Venetos, Jerry Upright, Henry Wald Front Row: Anne Gillies, Callie Barker, Craig Pernick, Dara Goldstein, Lauren Cuscuna, Liz Banerjee, Alii Reuben Not Pictured: Franny Vignola


Liz Banerjee

Lauren Cuscuna

Dara Goldstein

Jerry Upright

Callie Barker

Allison Reuben

Peter Venetos

Anne Gillies

Franny Vignola

Craig Pemick

Lauren Russell

Ria Muttukumaru

' s\ Ali Hittman

Phil Prout

Payton Keith

Abby Neff

Whitney Kathner

Austin Gramps

Greg Heins

Woody Priest

Paul Kraemer

Robbie Zeko

Sam Montgomery

Adrian Ciontut

Lily Scheyhing

Ross Pisarkiewicz

Catherine Kiley

Lisa Kiley

Liz Byrnes


Khaled Allen

Sarah Ross- Benjamin

Courtney Matthews

Bobby Brennan

Caitlin Malloy

James Blum

Byron Avery

Benny Kriss

Meredith Kriss

Jamar Burnes

Ian Monsma

... Sonya Ziolkowski

Meredith Anderson

Davis Brown

Anna Flatow

Coryn Rosenstock

Caroline George

Jamie Yates

Nell Ryder

Andrew Brown

Lucy Demmerle

Dana Del Galdo

Chris Del Prete

Kate Brecht

Maria Tournas


Gretchan Hahn

Jordan Katz

Kritank Gupta

Ryan Murray

Katie Nickitas


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Most Theatrical

Most Likely to Teach at KLHT

Whitney Kathner and Jamie Yates

Anne Gillies and Henry Wald

Nicest Eyes


L iz B an erjee an d D avis B row n

Allison Reuben and Kritank Gupta

Preppiest 2

-% Kate Brecht and Ross Pisarkiewicz

Nicest Smile Bobby Brennan and Lily Scheyhing

Cutest Couple Chris Del Prete and Callie Barker

Should Have Been a Couple BennY

and RYan Murray


Most School Spirit Benny Kriss and Coryn Rosenstock

Most Athletic Maria Tournas and Byron Avery

Biggest Lounger


Whitney Kathner and Jordan Katz

Katie Nickitas and Jamar Burnes

Most Likely to Stress Over a Test

Class Clown

Liz Byrnes and Chris Del Prete

Nell Ryder and Andrew Brown


Most Artistic

Most Dramatic

Ross Pisarkiewicz and Ria Muttukumaru

Whitney Kathner and Jamar Burnes

Most Mischievous

Class Gossip

Lauren Cuscuna and Jamie Yates

Jamar Burnes and the Girls

Most Changed

Least Changed

Ria Muttukumaru and Ross Pisarkiewicz

Dana Hill and Jerry Upright

Class Cuties

Biggest Hazard to Pedestrians

Coryn Rosenstock and Payton Keith

Nell Ryder and Jerry Upright


Best Car

Sonya Ziolkowski and Bobby Brennan

Gretchen Hahn and Sam Montgomery

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Where To Go fo r \

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LÂŤÂťsT Will c*r\e<Testcwerff Mrs. Bethray - a Scottish dancing club Mr. Bouton - an assortment of different colored hair bands Mrs. Bruzik - seniors who stay in the building Mr. Caputi - a smart board Mrs. Castle - a cooperative physics class Mrs. Colthup - an abolishment of the phrase "safety school" Ms. Cushing - more crazy gadgets for her office Ms. Darnton - someone other than Jesus to sign up for crew Mr. Ennist - "2 things" Mr. Galanopoulos - 10 pipers piping Mr. Gracia - a class that shows up on time Ms. Haddadi - computer oriented soccer players Dr. Khiznichenko - a Math Team jump suit Mrs. Kweskin - a note of apology to Anne Lammott from the senior class Mr. Lopes - a soundproof wall Ms. Martino - a cast that learns their lines on time Dr. Melmed - his own CSI lab Mrs. Mishkin - a flawless prom plan Mrs. Morency - her favorite student, Kamau Mr. Mortenson - a punctual senior class Mrs. Murphy - peace on earth Mrs. Nichols - people who ask before they take the tape Mr. Pelton - a permanent parabola H20 Mr. Propper - a devoted guitar class Mr. Pusack - a chance to cover professional sports Mrs. Pusack - an advisory that bakes her magic cookie bars Mrs. Querze - someone to help her stuff envelopes Mrs. Rabassa - a class that knows that names can really hurt us Mr. Richter - a bust of himself to put with the other Greek heroes Mrs. Sadlowsky - Ian Mr. Schpero - a pumpkin Mr. Sinnott - girls who play chess Ms. Sotire - a frequent smoothie card Ms. Strohmeier - white lip cream Ms. Thieme - a club for her fans Mr. Trapp - a few inches Mr. Turshen - a demerit Mr. Van Etten - a lifetime supply of chocolate Mr. Vasey - a chance to meet the members of Kiss Ms. Wagner - flip flops Mr. Waldman - new printers that function properly Mr. Wallace - glasses with a comb attached Mrs. Wilcox - an endless supply of diapers Dr. Zoubek - all Honors and AP classes

Scribbles Banerjee - SZ -darien movies, boston market, cvs, getting into trouble, skiing in vt w/ ur cousin, soccer and everything else, cap gun duels, playing dress up, pixie stix LM -em t, jan- nov isn't that long, cap gun duels, rowing on the pool table, stay away from the 21 year olds, flirt, follliage WK -dinner parties, paper towels, the blondes, 1 word, de la guarda DMH - physics is phun, half-fast math, big butts, pink pearl EK - BI buddy, hickey Barbie, stay out of trouble Girls Soccer you girls are the amazing, no team can surpass you. LS, MK, RM, AR, SERB, CR, DdG, CK, CCN. Class of 2005- Good Luck! M&D - thanks for always being there. I love you. RB- one day you will have to pick out your own clothes. SB - I will miss the morning car rides, and talking about your 'babes' B, K, & F - you're my best friends, I will miss you, JJ&K - EHB L iz

Dara Goldstein-14 yrs being here & it's over.LC-it's going to be weird not seeing a familiar face. I'll miss u even if we beat each other up.CB-Freaky Friday, .better!haa PK-ur amazing u want to see the bunny? ARdiamond&pearl4ever SS-don't 4get about SL! Towel bra JB-talented just talented.CK&LK-I look like a lil jew! FV-fh buddy.dll miss u AH-Alili RM-my computer. CG-I<3U MT-I will ride the ride alonelday GH-4th grade crush haha. LD-lucy y u make weird noises?CP-there hasn't beenlyr w.out a class w/u MK-ur accepted!NR-get down&bowLB-stop spitting JG -ur always right VJ -winky face ;-)...I can't do this anymore..good luck everyone! - C h r is - You're both my best friend and my boyfriend. I love you more than anything in the world. L is a - Thanks for always being there for me every day of my life. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. We'll be friends forever. C a t- You're so funny. I don't think we have fought once. I love being friends with you. C a r e - Between going to Florida and playing lacrosse we always have so much fun together. You are so fun to hang out with and such a good friend. A d r ia n - Hey, neighbor. I'm really glad we became friends cuz you're such a good one! R ia - You're such a nice person. You have always been so nice to me, which is why I love hanging out with you. A n n a a n d C o r y n - Those 4 cheerleading seasons were so amazing thanks to you girls. You guys are the best. I am going to miss cheering with you more than anything. D a ra a n d A l- OH MAN...it's been a long 13 years. I can t believe it's over. Even though I love you guys...power rangers are better than Barney- the kindergarten fight lives on. L a u r e n - We have been friends for almost forever. Thanks for always being so funny and making me laugh. C h e e r l e a d e r s - 1 am going to miss you so much. You girls are so great and I love each and every one of you. Make sure to keep coach in line next year! Just remembers: "Cheerleaders Kick..." M a r g ie , M e lis s a , K a tie - You guys have been the best bases. Thanks for putting up with the cheerleading hickeys I've given you! I love you all more than anything! C a llie B a rk e r

my baby girl! Summer 04 was insane. The dance parties at Greg's were fun. Drop it like it's hot. Rhode Island was one of the best times of my life. I'll never forget teaching you how to surf in a hurricane and you being blown away by your board. "Mom, I'm sick." I can't thank you enough for always being there and putting up with me. You're the best friend anyone would ever ask for. Never forget your a-game. Trips to Havana and trips to New York. Car rides were always eventful. BRIT! webshots the night of the concert. I panicked and got a chocolate milkshake.G H - you're an awesome kid, you're such a goof and love you to death. We have way too much fun together. Prom was awesome, thanks for always being there for me. Stanwich, Clay, Alyssa and ConioFRANKIE. Thug Life never forget your a-game.SS- My concert buddy. You have been the greatest friends since 4th grade. Trick or treating and painting garbage cans. Always a good time with Suziod. I'll never forget liquid, "uh, I'm with her?!?" Snowflake really did bite me. Can we just have a dance party, I want to dance so bad! Playa total siete. Post corner pizza- lactose intolerant. Orange juice and picnics in darien.GU,RZJK- you guys are my boys. We have some crazy times together. Chillin' in the H duce. I will never forget our insane nights. I love you guys.BM- I'm so glad I met you. I can't imagine my life without you. Summer nights at the beach in Shippan. The cake concert. We have so much fun together, thanks for the awesome times. A-game. Much love.LD,MK,RP,VJ,CG,AR,DG, NR,LB,BK,JB,RM- high school wouldn't have been the same without you guys. WE have some insanely fun times. I love you guys! Congratula­ tions!

F ra n n y V ig n o la -A H -

AB-1 can't even describe it, thanks for everything! See you in Califor­ nia! GH- can we say interpretive dance? KN-1 promise I will be there...maybe...probably not Firehazards- I'll see you all on the slopes, stay in touch CG- you made my day, everyday CR- deep breath! Find your chi! MA- dont worry there is no attendence in college!PK-no, your crazy! ND- my erg time is faster than yours NRRA- good times Mr. Schpero- Caroline and I will see you at the next woodstock Mr. Vasey- Thank you for making my mornings bright and getting me through high school Ms. K- Thank you SO much! Everyone-1 love you and have a very, very happy life!! L au ren R u s s e ll-

you are truly my best friend and confidence. I am going to miss the "darlings", mental health days, late nights, CVS runs, your quickly coined phrases, and millions of laughs. There are not enough ways to thank you for everything you have done or how I love you so much. Next year is just going to be so hard without you. D a d - Thanks for the "Life Lessons" and always keeping the boys in check....I love you. G r a m m a - You have always been more of a friend and mother, and most of all special. You are the base of your family and I hope that one day I will be loved and cherished by all, just as you are. You are one of the very few people that are able to understand me. I love you and you are so important to me. P o p - you are hysterical and thank you for your unique outlook on life, and ability to teach any sport... I love you. L iv + S a r a b e t h - 1 don t know what I am going to do without you two next year, or what you are going to do without any singing around the house! I love you both so much you are hysterical and two of my closest friends. K im my done, there is no one that makes me laugh harder. I love you. G H , R P , R Z , JU, A B - too many good times.... K ate B re c h t- M o m -

Whitney Kathner - Dill - if my tasel's on the left, it's cause of you. I'm just sayin': Passing Spanish, the train, my 3am wake ups, your 3pm wake ups, to be determined code names, morning detention, surviving lh and cc, buggin', fried chick, blackeroni and cheese, rehearsecore 4ever, your mini naacp meetings...but I understand, can I get my badge now? SERB- NO! Ahh! Talking muffin! Dating during softball...should we break the news to Celia? Degrassi, you're the best dancer ever, parls bros and ports 4 am meals, still grounded? Tbd- boo...he hunts?! Smoothes, chicken+fries, sat nt calls, ties, the sweater, moxin tort, jean paul gaultier, pixels, roller coasters, wedding planning, internet games, lunch in the gym, sinatra, lotr, you rhusband hp, middle name, I hear sirens...J-mar-hello lovah, diva! Stealing care, D-block, lsr, the dar, you sing so well even I want you lil- you are The Hub, two shoes, lileths, dropping trow in the bushes, titanic cold, color-coordination, butterfly effecting anna- (piggy) the Seder, freaking cheerleaders, can I get you anything for snack? Blondes - soho, summer @ tsang's, s'mores, campfires, so...no. chef sam- food runs, nyc, qaf, you've been car jacked! Adrian -your last name is ciontut! The mutant muffin movie del working in the senior rm(or not) the gangs- everybody in the yachtclub getting' tips', The Hunt '04, Sahara east, de la guarda, ragtimes(the era's over), 1-word, tsangin' out, the web.. .'05 - the best class I've ever been in Holler @ everyone else. Forever in my debt to my teachers for helping me learn so much outside of the classroom, too. My family- always there, no matter how far apart we are. Mom...love you more than you'll ever know.. .thank you... JBK - you're in my heart. Austin Gramps- EGB my cousin, my friend, and my sanity. We have had some crazy times but you were always watching out for me. Thanks, I love you. LFM - FETUS!! You give it to me straight, even when I don't want to hear it. We've had our times, mostly good. I don't know what I'd do without you, love you hooch. KCDB - baby books?! I've known you too long. We've had our mo­ ments but we've never let them separate us. Love you baby! TRL - it's been intense, but also fun. No matter how bad things have been, you've never let it bring you down. Never give up. CAM - Caiti! Oh, we've had our memorable times, I will never forget them and I will always be your Saucy Aussy, guaran­ teed. Tay- my sister. You have come so far over the past few years and I am so proud of you. Thank you for always listening and being there for me. You're amazing and I love you. Hockey '03-'04 - You guys pushed me and were rough, but you also taught me a lot. Chris, Ryan, Phil, Craig, Pete, and Will, you guys always made it tough but it was a truly a once in a lifetime experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thank you. Seniors '05 - I have known some of you for almost a decade so you can trust me when I say we have had some inter­ esting times. But, it would be an understatement to say that there were some fun ones too. Good luck to all of you wherever you end up next year. It's been fun.

Greg Heins- To those below: thanks for saving me more than I can count. Byron, you are my boy for life, never forget that ever. I love you man. BK and DIRTY all I can say is that night we slept over at BK's (holdin it to the grave) its been awesome. Big Jer everything from skiing to just chillin has been a pleasure you know I got you. Zeko crazy times bro that's all I can say, crazy times. Frankie through all of our ups (and they have been wonderful ups) and downs you have always stayed a true friend, I love you. J KATZ, shoot where do I start? I think I've said this 1000 times but I have the craziest times with you. ILLbo anyone? LD wow everything from freshman year to now has been a total blast, drag, Or behind the train station in Stamford, you name it we've done it. Katharine Mary: Pirates, doodie, woman calling my cell phone, Dave concert everything is perfect when I'm with you. J-Miz though stuff isn't going our way lately you will always be my boy and I'm here if you need it (and Judy is ready to make more sandwiches) Ross haha keep making people laugh. (EXPLODE!) Mere (I wish I could insert a kissy face in here) And to all of those who I haven't put down it's not cause I don't care (because I truly do) there is just so much to say and not enough space to say it. Thank you all for one heck of a ride. Until next time-GH Lily Scheyhing- (day, liz, jay)- TPC = life as is Rehoboth, and even getting sick (you know how we roll) probably gone fully insane in the last 17 years. Basically all of my child hood memories include you, and I am so thankful to still be friends with you. We have the most amazing times together and I hope they continue. I love you girls so much and remember, we will be friends forever. Richard - my love, I shall never ever forget you. Anna - oh annishbannanish! I'm so glad that I have you in my life because you save me from the stress and counteract it with pure happiness. I love you! Dana, Whit, Lisa, Adrian, Ian, Catherine, Liz, Coryn, Callie, Chris, Woody, Kritank, Cait, Jamar, Jkatz, Sarah, Allie, Ria, Pete, Anne - You guys are the best. You've made school not only bearable, but also fun. Our Satur­ days are the best! I'll miss you and love you all especially because we're retardedly perfect. Cheerleaders - I'm going to miss you so much, and I can't wait to see homecoming next year. Good luck loves!

Abby Neff - MOM, DAD, and BRENDAN- thanx for alwys being there for me and for the unconditional love CA SEY- you mean the world to me and "to know that you feel the same as i do is a three-fold utopian dream" LARN- thanx for being there for me since the beginning thankx for being my partner on all overnights hehe Italy anyone? KATIE- da egg and cheese? OK LADY I LOVE U BYE BYE!! lion king 11/2 anyone? thanx for all the good times GRETCH Y- RELAX!!! i love u darling YEA FIRE HAZ­ ARDS — i'll see ya on the slopes!

- You call that a punch, always a good time at the pernicks, mmNoo but I can show you where the hot dog guy is! My boy since 6th grade nothing but laughs. J e r r y U - aww SIR! Rice and Beans, big jer you're my boy, best friends since 6th grade. D a v is B - Dover Fey Blunter, that's all I can say A J - my boy from Greenwich, no more B&E, no more fur coats, party in Las Vegas, watch out for the Greenwich po, Burning tree, no more pictures —nothing but good times. A n d r e w B. such a child. R o b b ie Z - mr. Slobster hah your crazy, good times skate boarding back in the day. K a te B - you are one crazy girl, ello baby I love you like I love my weed wacker F r a n n y V —my art partner and always a friend K a m a u - Las Vegas, good times A d a m - stop trying to be so tough, relax son C o r e y - DAAAAA! G re g H - good times partying, watch out for PO, FEAR THE D! M a tt I keep driving those sick cars! B u g g y - You wanna go punch for punch, is that what you want? J a m a r B . - Bang doddle, D BLOCK, still my boy B y ro n - such a space and a goof, but your still the man P a u l K - come out and play. To all the people that I didn't mention good luck, I love you guys! R o s s P is a r k ie w ic z - C ra ig P.

Liz Byrnes- DD- oh ashlee! Ridiculous memories! Rehoboth '04, that how we roll. I'll be sure to watch out for all those mack trucks...and ditches haha. TPC...Anyway, you've been the greatest friend to me, high school would have been awful w/o you. Thanks for always being there. We date back to Nick B. days. I love you to death! <3 SS- GOOF! PCP is our life. NOAH! Thanks for having almost every class with me in high school., its been super. Memories w/ you and Boo will forever be engrained in my memories haha. You're an awesome friend + I love you! <3 NR - weird voice...enough said. You are a goof + I love you. JB - the last Byrnes @ KLHT! No pressure! Just kidding, you'll do great. Spiffy! Glad we don't fight anymore, you've been an awesome sis and you better come and visit me in college!(note JT doesn't drool!) Love you. M+D - Thanks for always being there for me and putting up w/ my crazy ways. I'm sure I drove you both mad. I love you <3 CB+CB = Helen Keller +bother. Thanks for dealing w/ my late night calls: "how did you study for this test/ write this paperJcrazypants...Love you LS, JG, JK, AH, MK (basketball, ah!), IMThanks for everything! Love you. Courtney Mathews- Lala - wut up dawg? These past 2 years have gone by fast, but not fast

enuff. Lolz...im gonna miss you mi pequena monita! Last year we had so much fun in + out of King...the bowling allye + your little cripple friend...you know he could win a dance contest by just walking on the dance floor! Lolz...and of course you bein a lil dumb one and crossing the street when I told you no to... thaz why you almost got hit! Heh! And of course you cant forget when we saw TCM(Texas Chainsaw Massacre) we wuz scared!!! And you know we cant forget about last years homecoming dance... the bottle caps + madri-gras beads...of course we can't forget about RC...Brentyne + Hovi! That was a great day omg... KiKi + Nelly! I guess its too late for a re-match in Krazi 8's! You no Nelly was peekin! I wish I could say more but.. .you no I did this @ tha last minute and I do need to go home! You are the lil sis that I wanted but never really had until now. Luv you...u heffer! Ha! Muauhz! Sa, Nelson is still missing! Where is that guy? Oh wait... he's at Toquam...olz. To everyone else I didn't mention...im sorry... but I love you all! + tp the class of 2005, good luck! I luv u!

Benny Kriss- Jmizz - Even tho you hated me in 8th grade after a "baby" (HUGE) bear, a lil jim, some random guy's inappropriate video tape, betweenMYCHEEKS, I told you I'd call right after...you are now the best man in my wedding and besides me the blackest brother in my family. PS I swear I was just taking a nap. Dirtay/Sloppy- Al­ most enough said, sweedish fish, you gma's bangin food(and your aunt), Barbasol and a ...in a cup, we should apply to some of the same schools. JKATZ- lalalalalalala, yo did you cop the ilbo yet?, sick freestyles, be good or ill cut your melon, I'll be at the wedding, wait how did you fit through that window? True, peace G-Unit- Showed me the ropes, taught me what I know, darien...?, crazy dancing, CLAY, car in your lawn? See you in mexico. B V - at least 30 to the face (slap), can't even tell luce!, LB, you're a good man. Real Deal, Majic, OBGYN, Moose- Hope I taught you well, Scout D, LB, Keghead, BBQ, Nate in Greenwich?, MOOOSEI, Hold it down kids. Cable Guy and Baby Sheehan- Keep Pimpin', represent. Jay and Dave- just wait til I graduate.. .Coach G- A B C ! Vick- H ello...baby... Don't be jealous because my puppy face and singing voice are amazing, some random guy's bed, you are a better fireman than I am, best MIXES ever, your annie impersonations, giving jamar shows, I know about De La Soul sometimes,in your hot tub? So much "looove" MAK-1 think we made a list back in 9th grade, it had: complicated, "cytokenesis", etc. now we have moved on to country music, the "firehouse", you know me all to well, I don't know what I am going to do without you, best sister in the world, love you.


Mere Kriss- Greg- Thanks for always being there for me; we have had so many good times, love you lots Ryan- you are too funny I am so glad that you came to king I am going to miss you so much; I am definitely coming to visit Stevi - carpool was so much fun we had tons of laughs too and I am going to miss that laugh of yours. I love you Franny, Ali, Lucy - thanks for all the fun times, you are my girls and you guys will definitely be missed; I love you all so much Suzie - susical, we had so much fun in soccer, I am going to miss you so much; thanks for all of the good times Nell - I am so glad that I did cross-country; we are so much fun. Thanks for all the laughs Jordan you are such a funny kid and the best prom date EVER, thanks for being there, I am going to miss you bunches Jamar - you are my second brother I love you so much and you know you can call me anytime; we are definitely visiting each so much; I do not know what I would have done without you Benny - oh my gosh so many laughs; you are the best brother I could have ever asked for, you mean so much to me and I don't know what im going to do without you I love you more than words can describe Liz Byrnes - basketball, why do we continue to play??? Good luck next year! Kate - you are the on crazy girl haha, good luck next year! Liz Ban. - Soccer was so much fun good times thanks for the laughs Jerry - we had fun this year in all the same classes; you are a funny kid. Good luck next year!!! Mom & Dad - thanks for all your love and support, you guys are the beat; I love you so much Dara - you are such a sweet girl, I hope you have four year of fun, good luck Dana H. - you are awesome, there are no other words, good luck next year Maria T. - you are such an awesome person, and 1 hope to see you at a time concerting really soon, lots of love.

Sam Montgomery- Jamar stole my car. So I d-blocked him and then Whit dblocked me.BOB!!! OK! SERBMCarpool w. the Kriss's a Good Times. Moptop. Boing. Partging till 9.Lasertag! Coldstone a Good Times! Nelson is missing. Where is Nelson? In Gergia a Neg Neg. K2 - give it to me now! Adrian - are you driving in the wrong line? You buggin man, your buggin. Dana and Jamar - O Look! A clansman. From the halls of Montezumato the shores of Tripoli.... Badatdatda - Katie. Toquam!! Getting ready rag had no energy. Anyone in Harlem going on the ski trip? Scavenger Hunt - Danas and Kritank(fleeing from Henry). Mr. G's advisory...What can I say? Katie Nickitas- Dad Nicki JP Thank you for all your support and encourage­ ment. I love you all. Mom you will always be my hero, I could have never done this with out you. My girls Fire hazards!Girls nights- pizza fritte!Abdagail Ok lady I love you bye bye! Larnie maybe, probably not. Gretchyhow did you end up back on my couch? Thank you for everything you girls have done for me, I LOVE YOU, more than words can say!stay in touch. Sammy ba det de duh! Big Nate & OBG my body guards, thank you for all the good times I will never ever forget! thank you for keeping me in line, I love you both, be good!...5 yrs later..IM OUT

Jamar Burnes - TO ALL My Friends and Seniors I love and will miss you all!! BK-You're my white brother, best man in my wedding, good times / hard times like D.C, Buffalo, Saturday nights, Annie. WNFU and love u man. M K-Mv other sis, always to set me straight, luv u. Vick-Gosh I just love u so m uch!, bff, good times /hard times, De la Soul!! TK,RM,BA,GH,TU,AB,PK-"Kill da white man", Dirty / Ur My boy, Hip flexor!, Passed out on your bathroom floor, I just luv u man!, C low ny!, God loves u and I do too!. DH,WK-"theatre Hags", The official theater group, supreme divas ,Ragtime. SM-the whip, haircuts, Ragtime. UNDERCLASS­ MEN- Buggv-"Do it"/ cut ur melon, Ur My boy. M A ,N C,OG.RS-Darkness, Reptor, Wayne head, Moose, always my boys!! KD.SF- Little sis / Ghetto Booty, xoxox. NC-Car Freak, BMW. CW-Good Times/Hard Times, will luv u always. RT,MC,PS- Plava/ somebody babies daddy, Attitude boy!, Water boy. PHR,SG,TL,HM,KD,SS,AZ,HR,GS.AP- The Next klht party squad. RH,AA,SM,MW-The new and improved Destiny's child/ Gf's. 1HF- My little, always here for u fickle face! IF I FO RG O T YOU SORRY ! SO LONG KLHT ! " I hear it forever more!!"


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Gretchan Hahn- ~my girls, Abby/Larny/Katie - interpretive dance, girl's nights, no boys allowed, "fire hazards". Jello! Caroline - NJ, NY, "can we get in?" spanihs pop, "I'd like to see the list please. Shopping in thrift shops, wow we ate a lot that night, bunbathing, lost in shippan! "Ebloa is the best virus ever!" Kritank - you're my fav English brown man. Buddy Jesus. Jamie - that kiss was awkward. Let's go for a swim. Shakespeare makes up words. Star Wars. Phil - no matter what happens I will never forget you, thank you. Soccer girls - Bahamas, beep tests and gossip, I love you all so much! I owe you my life. Erin - it sounds like a dying hippo to me. Where? Over there. Fish dish People in the plays and musicals - you know who you are. The stage owns my life My fellow sopranos - one, two Hallelujah! Jason - you know you'll miss my conceitedness. Ms. Martino - I'm not rolling my eyes! Finding Nemo. I'm proud of being a diva. Ms. Darnton - I'll always be a techy at heart Mr. Sargent - thank you for giving me a chance. College Counseling - 1 worship you. Mr. Wagner - 1 leave you my short skirts and demerits Mrs. Bruzik - 1 leave you many blue slips. Mrs. Wilcox - Shhh! Class of '05 - good times had by all. "Ev­ eryone in this school is so WEIRD!" Family - Thankyou for getting me through the rough times and loving me no matter what. I MADE IT!!!!! Dana Hill -SERB: My other half; vball, IPS, surface tension, padres, 21, sand­ wich, SC, the gavel, HMUN window, Cinderella, the notebook, I love you 4 everiWCK: Dinners/Lword, de la guarda, ragtime, Spanish essays, late nights, early mornings, crying all the time, TBD/U, drama! doA28, semi-circles, But what are you saying?CWW: vacations, acclamated, I love you.Rimutt: Rita + Danita! Your b'day parties rocked, vball freshman gossip, butter, SE! squirrel + lightbulb, half-fast math, dance, britney's greatest hitsCGR: 828, mantequilla, LAX, you're the sweetest person ever!Mer: 828, HMUN window, CT, 913L Ban;Big Butts, 8x7=56, Physics is phun, double free, pink pearlOther D: stole my name, and my lazy ways, scavenger hunt, shopping cart, climbing the tree, 2 times, HMUN, beer battered chicken, El Shy; much deepness, moulah beach, Spanish essays, T-mar; this scene has no energy!, divas, sam's sighting, becoming theater hags, snapping in the opening, poker during justice, you ate the biscuit, hitting the coffin.IM; procrastinating, junior year,HMUNSam; Scavenger hung, your sighting, carpool, prom! Volleyball; I want to see more banners, have a little faith, Keri "setter", serving b4 the whistle, bus rides, hitting the other van, you guys rock!Spanish Ladies; Bernarda party, slap circle, en una tempestad, jane LEK. CAK. ASR. grapeade;VSB; B-day buddiesLisaB; you're a great little sisMPR, CLW. KMD.Rh. Aa. Mw. Sm; stay in check, i'll knowHalf-Fast Math; goodtimes! DC '01; orny ibes Ragtimers; sarah's friend, ski trip, white people raise your hands, the era will never run out 2005ers; see you at the reunion!

Ryan Murray- KLHT '0 5 ...BIG BK- it looks like a chicken me nugget, free willy, whippin, firemen boots JMIZZ- Davenport/TOR alum, break足 ing down your own bedroom door, that's bootychatta so cut it out. GUNIT- good times man, barbosol and charmin with BK, rhode island, darien. JKATZ- running to chi-town, coppin the illbo billbo baggins briz. B AV-bk's house and Swedish fish. Nate Collins (aka the real deal), OBG takin off your shirt)m Moosey ("go to college")- good times boys. Sheehan (nice shoes, keep em cleam), KD/ Cable Guy (on the market, stay pimpin) MK- like a bro. Jason and Dave-(help!!! my coccyx is bro足 ken, bring out that latter, thanks guys.) Morty- "If it feels good do it." Pelton- "let's go to the video tape." Football, Hockey, Lax- good luck boys. Good times with all my boys and girls...thanks everyone. Dirty is out. Jordan Katz- Much love to my bovz: B.avery (my boy 4 life/chased by boaconstrictors / shane mcmahon off the titan tron / booting on your足 self in your bed/ bat to the face/ finding the one-year old grizzle/ armdrop game, sneaking out/ dribbling the basketball/ the wrong car/ driving off the road/ me driving your car in rowayton/ Zeko's laugh at buch's/ too many memories man you're my boy), Zeko (they call me big la/ l's/ constant parties/ rowayton nights/ the beach chairs / the bugged out picture/ Requiem For a Dream/ Buch's House/ Enya/ Vicki-Santos Buch don't tell/ Budunk-a-dink-a-doo/ lunch outs/ Jackie buggin/ Tareks house/ 2pac and Biggie song/ Giggalo/I have your back for life son), Bkizz (my first friend/ deep conversations/ Saying bro/ Annie Itner/ I know you'll find true love/ JP's english class/ Tak足 ing turns with the girls at Jmiz's/ much love) Jmiz (yo you'll always be jewish/ I'll cut your belly/Constant jokes son/ your hilarious), Ab Brown, Davis, G-Unit, Kamau, Dirty, CP, Pkrames, Prout, Ross, Big Jer, Marian, Big Nate, OBG, Suss, Orlando, Stevie Shee, Big Hugh, Kdizz, Rai and Male (keepin pimping boys) and of course my boy Black Out Buggy (sick addition to king/ ill-bo-bilbo-baggins-brizz/ juice/ llove) Word to the biddies: Lucey Luce, A-Hit, Liz Byrnes, Dana Del, Mkat, Vjones, Franny Viz, 111 Lil, Callie, C.George, Jgoddard, Dgold, Suzie, Liz, Stevi, Mari, Gracie Grace, Emily, and Rabin. To my family: Yo you've put up with me and been there for me through everything, much love. KMS: Its been three years baby and through everything we're still together. I love you.

Coryn Rosenstock- To my friends— I love you all so much! I am going to miss you terribly! Thank you for all of the great times! To my advi­ sory— It has been so much fun! I am going to miss all of our morning chats...you guys are the best! To my teachers—Thank you so much for everything; your guidance will influence me for the rest of my life J To my cheer girls - The past four years have been amazing! I<3 you all so much! Good luck next year! SERB - Alright, I did this the day it was due, so I definitely forgot some people and this is no particular order: I am sorry, and I love you all! To my Softball Girls: I love you so much! It has been an amazing four years, and you are the best team ever! Do well next season! To all the people in The Grass Harp: You are all so swell. I love you, Buster! Re­ member Cory's Rocket, and I'll come back and see you all next year in the drama. Katherine, Tali, D, Allegra, Tatiana, and Rebecca: You are a fabulous and VERY LOUD class, good luck! Mel: You are an amazing person, and I love you so much! Who is going to pick out my clothes next year? Remember that if everyone else is DB, respect Bobo. Danny Devito, I love your work. Bubble. Good Will Hunting. Jesus, get off the couch. You'll be fine next year, so don't stress so much. I'm only a phone call away! Stop crying! Whit: Talking muffins! Would you still be my friend if...? Doink Doink! I love you, dear, good luck! My other half: you have always been there for me, and I love you to death! We best stay in touch, or I'll hunt you down! (squirrels and lightbulbs!) Oh, and I hope you gave him back the gavel! Coryny: yes, your accent is better than silky's, I will give you that! I knew we'd be best friends since we met in kindergarten, and I was right. You've always been there for me, through it all. I love you! Sonya: It's been a great year! Good luck, I'll miss you! Ria, Alii, Cat, Lisa: you got an add, your scribble is there. Jamie: you are truly a great friend. If it weren't for you, I might have lost my sanity every now and then. Thanks for always amusing me and be­ ing you! Mer: you are a great friend, and I love you so much. Good luck next year, and skate hard! I'll come see some of your competitions! Anna: you've been there through it all, quite literally. I love you! Khaled: You always make me smile, you are such a good person. Sam: You are an awesome friend, and I love you to death! You better come back and cook for me! Cait, Bobby, Aust, Phil, Gretch, Liz, Ian, Anne, Dana Del, Chris DP: You are all awesome people!




Keep smilin' keep shinin’ Knowing you can always count on me for sure That's what friends are for For good times and bad times 1 11 be on your side forever more ^ That's what friends are for ■Dionne Warwick “V3 x i'

To the Class of 2005 med of. But above all this I wish you love. - Dolly Parton

The last 10 years have been awesome Congratulations, we made it!


"Is playing it safe really playing at all?"

"On the road to maturity we'11 be there"

Garrett- you've always been watching over me...

When all eyes are on you, wink.

"Nothing lasts forever, not the mountains nor the sea, but the times we've had together will always be with me."

"You can always tell a real friend; when you've made a f00j Qf yourself, he

My friends and family - Thank you d °csn t like vou v^' for all the good times and everything L^one a permanent job. you've taught me. I love you.

-y\ ustin

"A dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"

"When I'm lost in a world of doubt, you bring me home."

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KLHT'S CLASS OF 2005 ...and best wishes for a great college career to our son, Jordan Katz. Love, Mom, Dad and Brandon

From diapers to diplomas, We've been through it all together. It's been 18 amazing years, And we will cherish the memories forever.

"I have had a most rare v isio n ... fA

M i d s u m m e r N ig h t's D r e u m , A ct IV : S c e n e I )


And her nam e is Cal 1ie.

1 am so proud of you, D. CONGRATULATIONS. “Without music life is a journey through a desert” Love, Carrie

Dara, Your voice will lift you to the stars but keep your feet on the ground, the journey is just beginning. Love, Dad _______ .

Dara, Don’t put a limit on what can be accomplished. 1will always love you. Mom

i< Dear Katy Ditty: Always remember that, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams (Eleanor Roosevelt).� May you never forget to envision your future filled with the faith, hope, and love so as to turn those dreams into your reality. With all our love, Mom , Dad, Nick, J.P., Jenna and Nicki




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You have grown into such an amazing person. We are so proud! You are a wonderful brother and son. Thank you for everything. Blessings! We truly hope all your wishes come true!

PETER "Of all nature's gifts to the human race, what is sweeter to a man than his children?" - Marcus Tillius Cicero We love you, Mom and Dad




Kate Darling, We are so very proud o f you7 And love you so very much! You did it! Love... Mom, Dad, Liv, Sarahbeth, Gramma, Pop o The Bud

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Anne Gillies Dear Anne, You were always interested in learning everything you could about the world, even when you were a baby riding in a backpack. You were pointing and talking about everything, even before you knew the words. You have been honored for your accomplishments, and all of your teachers have enjoyed teaching such a joyful learner. Now you move on to the next stage of lifetime learning, college! We are so proud of all that you have accomplished, and we are proud of your heart, as big as your beautiful eyes. Have fun, be happy, and congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad A nd, in th e end, th e lo v e y o u ta k e is e q u a l to th e lo v e y o u m ake. L e n n o n /M c C a rtn e y

Remember... NYC, CLC, ACS, KLHT England, Africa, the Colorado R iver Friends, family, home The love o f the game The losses th a t were gains The rhythm o f y o u r heart The m usic In y o u r soul The love that surrounds you The endings that are beginnings ...a n d p la y on


“Life Is one big road w ith lo ts o f signs. So when y o u ’re rid in g through the ruts, Don’t com plicate y o u r mind. Flee from hate, m isch ie f and jealousy. Don’t bury y o u r thoughts, p u t vision to reality. Wake up and liv e !’’ B o b M a rio y

CoM 0fafk0afJoM $// We £oi/e y o a /f M om , Dad, Jonny

“ Go confidently in the direction o f yo u r dreams. Live the life you have imagined. Thnrrtan

C a itlin H o p e y o u r s e n io r y e a r w a s e v e r y t h i n g y o u w a n t e d it t o b e. Y o u a r e th e g r e a t e s t s is te r a n d h a v e a l w a y s b e e n th e r e f o r m e . G o o d lu c k in th e f u tu r e ! L o v e A lw a y s a n d F o re v e r C o u rt

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By Kahlil Gibran

Your children are not your children They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you You may give them your love but not your thoughts For they have their own thoughts You may house their bodies but not their souls For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday You are the bows from which your children as living arrows, are sent forth The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite And He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. xowdmc

Sonya, At home On the field As a baby As a teen With your friends With your team At school or in the car As a sister, daughter, grand-daughter You are a dream come true.

Congratulations from all your family,


Love, Mom, Dad, Emily, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle )eff, Aunt Joe, Evan, Lindsay and Amanda


Congratulations to the best sister anyone could ask for! You're the best and I love yo Sonya. your big sister,

Congratulations Austin! “You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.” Tom Brokaw We are so proud of you and the person you’ve become! Love, Dad, Mom and Taylor



Anna Weare so very proud o f you!!! Love, Mom & Dad VO WHAT MAKES YOUR HEART SING

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder You get your fill to eat But always keep that hunger May you never take one single breath fo r granted God forb id love ever leave you empty handed I hope you still feel small When you stand by the ocean Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens Promise me you'll give fa te a fighting chance And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance I hope you dance

Kgpl m

Rnna Hs a big sister, I know you act like you’re too cool to laugh at my jokes, or listen to uihat I’m saying, but I can see you hiding your smile, trying not to laugh... its too irresistible. I still find it meird that you uion’t be here next year, and I’ll miss you. I’ll miss your presence, and your attitude Congratulations, you can get out of the house... Oh, yeah and on your graduation. Rbby


V O U XR. L M O V I N C UP X N D OUT. IT W I L L Be ODD TO C O M E H O M 6 pops. t h e weeKeND x n d x c t u x l l y bp x B L e to use t h l c k k . IN X L L SePJOUSNeSS, y o u ' v e DONe w e L L . COOD L U C K W I T H COLLLCe, X L T H O U C H I DON'T T H IN K Y O U ' L L NeeD TOO M U C H LUCK. -SXM


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Chris, you have accomplished so much, and we are all very proud of you. W e are confident that you will continue to pursue your goals in college with your usual passion and determination.

Congratulations on a job well done! Good

luck to you and the C lass of 2005! W e love you! Mom, Dad, Michael, ELizabeth, and David.


Celebrate mm-

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You're off and away! - Seuss

Jil, ill fell

Lauren Our precious, beautiful girl. Wherever you go our hearts go with you! Love, Mom & Dad W









C o n g ra tu la tio n s to t h e C la s s of 2005!

Maria, We're so p roud of you and all that y o u 'v e accom plished in your memorable y e a rs in school. You’ve achieved so m a n y goals, m astered so many skills a n d w e couldn’t b e m ore proud of the wonderful person you’ve b e c o m e . We love you, Mom, Dad, Harry and Petula





D ana f r o m diapers to dip Coma, you've been the best! CongratuCations! Love, M om & D a d

C o v i^ a t u l a t t O Y W , B o b b y !

“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness� William Arthur Ward

Wes love/you/ and/ weJUs


C O N G R A D U LA TIO N S R O S S ! HOBBES: “Everything familiar has disappeared! The world looks brand-new! “ CALVIN: “A new year...a fresh clean start!” HOBBES: “It’s like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on!” CALVIN: “A day full of possibilities! It's a MAGICAL WORLD, Hobbes, ol’ buddy... ...LET’S GO EXPLORING !”


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Catherine t Good

JLiia. Lock in College

St&if True to Yourselves



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Congratulations! RYAN T od ay is your day. Y o u ’re o f f to G reat P laces! Y o u ’re o f f and aw ay! Y o u have brains in your head. Y o u have feet in your shoes. Y o u can steer y o u rself any direction you choose. Y o u ’re on your own. A n d you know w hat you know. A n d Y O U are the

guy w h o ’ ll decide w here to go.

Dr. Seuss


C ongratulations! love, Mom and Pad Christopher Courtney and Jessica


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We are very proud of you! \ You have grown in so many ways i f _ and still the best is yet to come! \ You’ve worked hard to accomplish your achievements. You have the character & the integrity to become a great leader. Always remember. “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phillipians 4:13 and "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required:" Luke 12:48b. Strive to develop your many gifts & talents. Always be thankful to God and learn from every experience! Then the King will definitely reign supreme! We love you Jamar, and love never fails. Congratulations! Love, Mom & Dad _____ Lakyia, Latoya, & Anastashia

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“Funny, caring, small, girl, brown-eyed, student, reading, cooking, sports, humorous by Caroline 6 / 2 1 / 9 4

CONGRATULATIONS Love from your whole family

Matthew, Congratulations! We’re so proud of you. Love,

Mom, Dad, Rachel, Sasha, Jenna, Lulu

Congratulations! Today is your day. You're o ff to Great Places! You're o ff and away! You have brains in your headYou have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YO l/ are the guy who'll decide where to go, Dr. Seuss

Dear Andrew: We are very proud of you! Remember: “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Joseph Campbell

Keep listening to the music within yourself Congratulations and love, Dad, Mom and Katie


We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails” Bertha Calloway

Congratulations Woody! T V *k

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We are so proud o f you, and we know you wiCCtrim those sails! Love aCivays, 'Mom, Dad, Cussie, and Margie

Your beginnings were questionable, You f?ad us quite concerned.. And before we knew it you became an athlete,


With size, speed and determination,

B$ everyone's analysis beyond expectations. But most of all, in everything you've attempted, Firefighting, football and academics,




You have displayed a commitment to excellence , j Beyond everyone's expectations.

To the world, you are one person, but to us you are the world. We are extrem ely proud of you. CongratulationsI Love, r—” Mom, Dad, Michael and Knicki.


To sayrj you are your Father's daughter is an understatement, But; to tl?e contrary you are the epitome of beautyi, charm, and sass, Although you always question yourself, I You are among the leaders of your class. | MKm L JV But most importantly, and beyond question, / Y our commitment to excellence in everything you do JF m w J Is apparent to all who know you. To t he world you are one person, but to us you are the world. W e are extrem ely proud of you. Congratulations!



Mom, Dad, Michael, and Kyiicki


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We’re really going to miss r/s an</ c a r stereo. Come home to visit often! Z)o« 7 worry - we7/ leave your room alone. Thanks for being the best big bro! Have fun in college We love you lots, \ j'(§))

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CONGRATULATIONS ROBBIE!!! We are so very prou d o f you and a ll your accom plishm ents in academ ics, athletics, community service an d overall em otional maturity. In the blink o f an eye you have grown up an d developed into a confident, caring and wonderful young man.

exciting chapter in your life - w herever tha jou rn ey w ill take you. Rem em ber how much you are loved by your entire fam ily an d we w ill alw ays be there fo r you. Love forever, Mom an d D ad


"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because, someday in your life, you will have been all of these." — George Washington Carver

Congratulations Class of 2005!

1009 Kaleidoscope S1aFF Editor-in-Chiefs: Anna Flatow & Catherine Kiley Assistant Editors: Lisa Kiley & Amanda Metviner Senior Section Editor: Liz Banerjee Underclassmen Editor: Lisa Dillinger Sports Editor: Allison Reuben Events Editor: Meredith Kriss Clubs Editor: Anne Gillies Photography Editor: Rachel Ivanhoe Photographers: Callie Barker, Dara Goldstein, Natasha Das, Victoria Santos-Buch, Christine Carey, & Margie Priest Cover Designer: Khaled Allen Middle School Editors: Jen Moros & Deanna Supple Photographer-in-Chief: Sandon Hess Assistant Photographers: Noah Fouad & Amy Mitchell Layout Editors: Lauren Sweitzer, Lindsey Sweitzer, Amanda Meyer, Rebecca Gold, Spencer Sussan, Maddy Kirk, Miranda Hynes, & Isabella Carrilo Lower School Editor: Mrs. Sue Laramie Advisor: Ms. Marnie Sadlowsky

Advice For Next /e^rs STc»FF or\ Te»Kmg th e ye«?rbooK Trip V K eep c o n s ta n t c o n ta c t with Rich C arp en ter. 1. St<?y l<?te <?t school everyctey. 3. CrcJer Fooc* From th e Diner. A M<?Ke goocl Friends with th e people <?t M oto Photo, K in K o s, <?ncl CVS. 9. Always h<?ve clew lines on y o u r minck b . bring music t o listen t o while y o u worK. 7. T»Ke e>s mi>ny p ictu res i>s possible ^>s e«?rly <?s possible, b. Choose y o u r st<?fF wisely...the m ore th e m errier. \ D o n t g o over th e ye«?rbooK b u d g e t. \0. K E E P T H E T H E M E AND D ED ICA TIO N SEC R ET.

From The EdiTors... This year's yearbook has been quite a success. We stayed late into the night, day after day, and always had a blast. With the theme of roadtrip, we had fun exploring new ideas, and applying them throughout the yearbook. We are proud of everyone who worked on the yearbook and we really ap­ preciate the time and effort they put into it. First we would like to thank Ms. Lisa Kiley for being a HUGE help. Your being there everyday with us really made the difference with getting everything done efficiently and on time. Amanda Metviner: Your work with the Middle School and Lower School section was amazing this year. We don't know what we would have done without you. Liz Banerjee: You had a lot of work to do with the senior sec­ tion, but you did everything on time and did an awesome job! Always re­ member that. A. Reuben: Even though you didn't realize it, you really were a big help. You made constant calls to Peter, and kept us entertained, which means a lot to us. Never forget, "In America there are two classes of travel first class and with children." -Robert Benchely. Mere Kriss: Thank you so much for getting everything done so early in the year. You saved us a lot of time and trouble. Anne Gillies: Your work was flawless, and you were amazing with getting your section done when we asked you to. Photogra­ phers: You really came through this year with your excellent candids, and we were never without any pictures, especially Homecoming. Keep up the good work. Khaled Allen: Your cover design blew us away! You are quite the craftsman. Jen Moros, Deanna Supple, & Sue Laramie: Thank you for the long hours; we know it was tough getting everything done on time, but you did, and we are very grateful. Ms. Sadlowsky: You were there to help, support, and feed us every step of the way, and we couldn't imagine anyone else as our Yearbook Advisor. Rich Carpenter and Shelly Foster: The year­ book would not have been completed without you. You are a huge help with everything and we could always count on you to answer our many ques­ tions. We really appreciate your help and support. To everyone else on the Yearbook Staff, we thank you for your hard work and dedication, and wish you good luck next year! Sincerely,

Anna Flatow & Catherine Kiley Editors-in-Chief Kaleidoscope 2005

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