King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2007

Page 1


Index Mission Statement... 2 Thomas Main Introduction... 3 Thome Explanation..^ Dedbation.,.5 Simon House and Administration...6 LOWER SCHOOL.. 1 0 Faculty... 1 2 Pre-K... 14 Kindergarten... 1d F irst Grade... 2 2 Second Grade... 2 6 Third Grade... 3 0 Fourth Grade... 3 4 F ifth Grade..AO MIDDLE SCHOOL.. 3 0 Faculty...32 Sixth Grade...GA Seventh Grade...GO Eighth Grade...GG Middle School Arts... 7 6 Middle School Sports...SO UPPER SCH00L..96 Faculty...9S Freshmen... 1OG Sophomores... 1 1G Juniors... 1 2 4 Seniors... 13 2 Sports...22S Events... 2 7 0 A rts...2S 6 Clubs... 2 9 3 Ads... 3 10

M ission Statement King andLow ldey woodThomas School (KLH'D is an independent, college preparatory school serving s tu d e n ts from Pre-Kindergarten through tw e lfth grade. KLHT is a diverse, vibrant learning com munity dedicated t o educational excellence and th e fu lle s t academic and personal achievement o f our stu d e n ts. We champion th e development o f each individual's ta le n ts , character, and selfconfidence by offering s tu d e n ts challenging intellectual, creative, a th le tic , leadership and service opportunities. KLHTs culture o f respect fo r one's self and fo r o th e rs prom otes independence and collaboration. KLHT graduates are well t o pursue lives o f learning and accomplishment, personal fu lfillm e n t and social responsibility,

Mr. Thomas Main Head of School

Dear Claes o f 2 0 0 7, For many o f you, th e journey at- KLHT s t a r t e d nearly 1 3 years ago. Some o f you entered KLFHT when you were only th re e or four-years-old, when you were s till learning th e le tte r s o f th e alphabet. O the rs o f you e ntered a fe w years la te r during Middle School, when learning pre-algebra and English o fte n to o k a back s e a t t o th e la te s t social or a th le tic a c tiv ity . Finally, o th e rs o f you found yourselves looking f o r som ething more or d iffe r e n t in your Upper School educational journey, and t h a t q u e s t brought you t o KLHT. A s you have progressed th ro u g h th e school, you have n o t chosen identical paths. Each o f you has followed yo u r individual passions, and your experiences re fle c t your own in te re s ts , com m itm ents, and ideals. A s you have m aintained th is s e lf-in te g rity , each o f you has developed and m atured as a d is tin c tiv e and unique young a d u lt, q u ite ready fo r th e challenges and op p o rtu n itie s t h a t lie in f r o n t o f you. A s yo u r tra v e ls a t KLHT come t o an end and you conclude your journey thro ugh a college p re p a ra to ry education, you fin d yourself wonderfully prepared fo r your n e x t journey. A s a school ro o te d in th e value and celebration o f individuals, we have been lucky t o have such a profound group o f unique individuals traveling th ro u g h our in s titu tio n . We have benefited fro m your in te lle ct, enthusiasm, ta le n ts , and your pure excellence, |

and we know t h a t as you tra v e l t o college and beyond, you will continue t o make a difference.

Good luck t o

all o f you,

( Thomas E3, Main Flead o f School

P a ssp o rt Seneca said, "Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind," From the time a etudent arrives a t KLHT t o hie or hor graduation tim e, i t feels ae though ho or oho hae taken a tr ip around th o world, oxporionoing a ohango o f plaoo w ith oaoli now encounter. To docum ent th o param ount aspects o f th o KLHT experience, wo choee the thom o "Passport" ae a meane through which t o As

represent th o highlights o f our KLHT journoy. Tho th o u g h ts associated w ith th o citie s t h a t wo selected aro m oant t o parallol th o memories associated w ith oaoli p a rt o f th o KLHT trip . "It is

not down in any map; tru o places never aro." Herman Melville's worde hold tru o fo r th o KLHT oxporionco and the m o tiva tio n bohind th is thom o ohoioo. Although wo choee concrete citiee to v is it, these citiee aro a representation o f our memories t h a t can only bo illu s tra te d in our minds. This yoarbook is m oant t o bo an avonuo fo r th o physical commomoration o f our high school memories. Rachel Ivanhoe and Lia Poin

D edication

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s A itio n o f A (a ÂŁ z tA o in o jjz to cA isJl& n A y w zA U n .

What- can th e class of 2 0 0 7 say about a teacher whose reputation precedes her? We can say t h a t we walk into her classroom w ith knots in our stom achs and walk out with an expanded vocabulary, We can say th a t we enter w ith nai've pride in our writing and loavo w ith humility as well as w ith moro powerful w ritten expression. We can say th a t to ta l and u tte r a u th o rity has rarely been inspired by ouch pobe and composure. This is a teacher who can tra n s fe r her scholarly demeanor into maternal support whenever a stu d e n t reaches out fo r her help. This is a teacher who, in a sh o rt and quiet speech, can compel th e entire upper school community to gather old sports equipment fo r less fo rtu n a te children. This is a teacher who plays so many roles in th e lives o f her students th a t th e y do not know which to thank her for. Tin's is a teacher whose years o f service to th is school have been both invaluable and unforgettable. We thank her fo r th e innumerable contributions th a t she has made to enrich our lives.

Simon H ouse

A ssistant to Head o f School


Administration Judy Valentine

D ean o f C o m m u n ity A ffairs

Lynn Sullivan

Adm issions Office

Carrie Salvatore?, Catherine S o t on, and Cynthia Lioinicohia

Business Office

Jerry Rodriguez, Cornelia Jones, Kimberly Leeker, Angela Carey, Elda Taylor

A dvancem ent Office Jonathan Wilkinson, Lois Fahey, Tamara Cannon, HoiJi Lockwood, Deborah Doornick, Greg Dilionis

M aintenance

Doug Johnson, Polo Pool nos, Dob Kassery, tC riff Titus, Carlos Escalante, John Zatorsky N ot pictured: Jamie Escalante

Kitchen S taff Hector Posa, Jennie Loglisci, Chris Clark, Posa D iD a ttis ta , M artin Ixpango, V ictor Sanchez

T h e J o u rn e y

B e g in s


Lower School

KIKTLower School

1 4 SO/VewfieW Avenue S tam ford, CT


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Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students

Mark Bauman Head of Lower School / ,

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Lori Auletta Art







Karen Lyons

Karen Raidt



Carolyn Gallagher Library Media Specialist

Luba Dolgopoi; Music,

Patricia Green & Jeanine Haberny Administrative Assistants

Robin Ordan Counselor

Allyson Schweig Head of Educational Technology Deptartment

Carolina Reyna Spanish

n 11

Daniel Gouin Assistant Director Athletics

Mark McAndrews Analia Pizzi Physical Education Physical Education


Lazarus irse

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Mrs-. De Santis Pre~K

"jp Orlando, Florida

drs. MaryAnn DeSantis Mrs. Gail Albrecht William Beriningham Georgia Decker Lauren Garrigues Mary Joyce

Jacie Levethan William Lopez-Wortman Patrick Raidt Gwyneth Rothman Alec Sherman Amber Tapscott


Allison Triano Nicolas Vogel

M rs, HeinV Pre~K

Mrs.Penny Hein Soledad Whitechurch Carly Barry Eric Degter Madison Flamrae Joshua Friday-Cohn

Andrew Hartong Sarah Komperda Kaelin Main Caroline McDermott Dylan McMorrow Katherine Tifford

Orlando, Flo. da

M r\ Brays Kindergarten

Mr. Craig Bray Mrs.Julie RgchinskyWood Wickham Bermingham Louise Dill Alexander Holtz Jordan Kulick

Sargh Molloy Rebecca Morency Jacob Savitz Nicole Schlesinger Colin Welch Amelia Whiteley

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Mrs* PalwV Kindergarten

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Mrs. Ann Palm Kimberly Krause Natasha Aysseh Grady Boruchin Caroline Eagleton Mallory Ehlers

Alexandra Gold Carli Levethan Joshua Lewis Grace McGuirk Anne Michalski Paul Noujaim

Samuel Rabassa Julia Salvatore

Mre*8ened<rHbVfir^grade %


Mrs. Sonia Benedetto ■--Regina Cullen Mitchell Freeland Harris Gardner KeUy Gouin Chris Joyce

Rach'el Kadlick Jack Kalvar Kerry Mitchell William Morrill Abigail Price Henry Propper

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- r!----K" Katherine Riley 11 Lindsay Russell / u Sophia Savitz Kaela Thomson ^"^''k.J^AfsAC.AWA _ Robert Welt


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Mrs--.Laramie's Second Grade y6 Madagar ar

Mrs. Susan Laramie Alexander Amero Adrienne Bullard Mary Charcalis Jack Davis Samantha Ehlers

Peter Green Sydney Gubner Elizabeth Hartong Michael Lisinicchia Edward Lopez-Wortman Flynn McMorrow

Mrs. Marie Rubino Owen Bass Caroline Benjamin Samantha Gallant Colten Katcher Bryan Komperda

Luke Martocchio Andrew Morris Tess Rosenberg Brandon Ross Suzanne Savage Aaron Schur

Mrs. Jamie Mansfield Ms. Vanessa Prion Joseph Benanti Maeve Flaherty Lauren Gimpel John Harrington

Jack Komperda John Lineberry George McGuirk Molly McQuilkin Joshua Parry Alex Rabassa

Claire Ressel Sabrina Sampson Julianna Savitz Rebecca Silberfein Charles Wheeler Regan Wind

M^TrainerVTHrd <3rade ^ A ta d a r to )OWai'ioiina

Ms. Wendy Trainer Seton Beitler Daniel Berger Charles Dill Molly Eagleton Anna Harvey

Brendan Hoffman Tyler Holtz Evalise Johnson Kaeleigh Morrill Charlotte Orenstein George Peele

Julia Ranocchia Jordan Smith Luke Stone Olivia Sullivan Natalie Wind

Mrs* Carlson s Fourth <rade 3

Mrs. Marcy Carlson Austin Cieszko James Conheeney Gregory Galvin Jacob Gubner Frances Jay

Isabelle Lahaussois Abigail McGuirk Nolan Murray Julien Noujaim Luke Price William Propper

Puddle Town 8atil'*Corner (« i e W O o w l e y i '~Collin*will«


James Tooher Allison Weiner Ariana Yepez

Bartfr J>

Mr-s> fcayieton's Fourth Grade

Mrs. Ellen Eagleton Luke Amero Mariel Berger Henry Bray Thomas Conheeney Briana Defranco

Tucker Gouin Alexander Kalvar Lindsay Levethan Anne Love Emily Nixon Mahesh Raman

Andrew Savage Olivia Savitz Ethan Thomson Maura Welt

Oowleyt Corner

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Mrs* SaÂťrforo s Fourth Grade

Mrs. Helen Santoro Isabel Bareiss Jeremy Benjamin Jessica Borker Henry Catchpole Jason Gallant

William Gruseke Hendrik Hartong John McDermott Alyssa Meyers Matthew Molinaro Jake Morris

Davis Nixon Steve Ressel Victoria Rigby-Hall Mallory Sheibley

Hartf d, CTI

Mrs-* Hendersons Fifth ( rade 3


Mrs. Anne Henderson Jack Blattman Gillian Boehringer Erin Crutchley Alexandra Garrigues Ana Gordon

Dennis Joyce John McAllister Schyler Murray David Sheets Diego Trevino Jackson Wheeler

Ryan Woodford Rebecca Wright

Boston, f

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Mrs* leist s FtP+h6ra

Mrs. Lise Leisl Jordan Farber Meredith Freeland Samantha Frisoli Skyler Grunberg Brendan Hanley

Courtney Lisinicchia Ryan Main Campbell Ritchey Charles Shotton Joshua Silberfein Kyle Williams

Maxwell Wright Jacuelyn Xu


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Mr. Benjamin Schwartz Alexander Britton Luke Dardis Ann Del Genio Kolby Forrest George Jay

Olivia Katcher Haleigh Levethan Eli Lichtman Lauren Martin Cameron Newman Gerard Pozzi




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M id d le S c h o o l H i n e r a r y *

1. Maee Traneit - 5 2 Middle School Faculty «»/»«<• v »»»

2. Cairo, Egypt- 5 4 '» * « * * . .

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..^ .H x tlip ra d e

3 .Sefjng, China - 6 0 ^


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5eventl%Grade _

4. Washington, PC - 66Eighth Grade fjljilijj

" 5. Route 6 6 - 7 4 Claee Tripe


6. Broadway - 7 6



Fine & Performing A rte

7 . Football Hall of Fame, Canton, Ohion - SO . '*

F ifth & S ixth Grade Fall Sporte

S.-Soccer Hall of Fame, Oneohta, NY - S 2 t


Seventh & Eighth Grade Fall Sporte

9 .Saeketball Hall of Fame, Springfield, fylA- 3 4 F ifth & S ixth (Trade Fall Sporte^

10. Hookey Hall of Fame, EveletKJvU'-SS , Seventh & Eighth (Trade Fall Sporlfe

1 1. Travel Journal - 3 3 Eighth Grade Memoriee


lohn Faig




T r a n s ith M a p

Gieryla Greene^ Admin. Assistant


Graciela Rodriguez Receptionist

Scott Orson < Senior Athletic Inten

3 *

The M id d le S c h o o l F acu lty \ Sixth Cr<ade

Seventh Grade


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g y p t


Nicolai Aaiicnsen Prian Alebioou Avery Anthony Annuo Paoo

Pevan Pauman Andrew Perrier Spencer Plair Christine fionaventvn

Melanie Porker Alima Cannon Daniel Chime? Christopher Cieozko

Matthew Cloutier Rachel Cohen Alexander Crawfi Jack Pardio

PeFranco Emily Eby Andrew Earber William Floyd



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r a d e

fi cduilbert Francois Meredith tallies Joshua Herman Riley Hoffman

Casey Howard-Johnson

Caroline Hubbard Boise Hyman Nicholas Hyman


Claire Kaptinski Sarah Undenberg Celine MoCroraii Ryan McNulty

Alexander Mirza Kendall Mitchell Hannah Merrill II. . (deorgia Orenstein

onia Parekh Chloe P o tte r Rose Rather Rick Reseel


Maya Moharden William Kitjby-Hall Panic5! KoeemH uiti Kathorino Sadie

Joaoph Santoro K itty Sohur Catharino Sc-iolbi Kovin Soilor

Jordan Shaeha Laura S oto Katio Try liano Ponton Tumor

Hailoy Ullmaii Viotoria Uva Valorio Woinor M artin Yopoz

Alara Yildizlar Jano Zorow itz

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CIA Faet Facte - E^ypt Geographic Coordinates - 27 0 0 N, 3 0 0 0 E Land total: 1,0 0 1,4 5 0 eg km land: 9 9 5 A 5 0 sc\ km gwater: 6 ,0 0 0 eg (cm IQimate ,desert: hot, dry summers w ith J moderate winters terrain \/ast desert plateau interrupted by Nile? Malle\/ and delta

Egypt- has bean always a country of tourism where Europeans used to visit and see its antiquities dating back to th e various eras and civilizations. In th e recreational tourism domain, there are scores of unique to u ris t destinations such as Oharm -el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Oafaga and others. Moreover, Egypt is renowned fo r therapeutical and environmental tourism as well as other kinds such as Safari, conferences and sports. E gypt possesses huge cultural assets derived from th e stock o f th e Egyptain civilizations o f both its ancient and modern history. Tin's is also consolidated by its existing s ta tu s th a t rendered Egypt a radiating centre fo r th e Arab and Islamic culture in all its aspects in literatures, a rt, printing and publishing. -



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h in a

Geoff rey Allard Corey f3lattman Reed 13oehringer 5arahbeth Credit

Lydia brents Nicholas Cesare Jeremy Chang Hudson Cole

5iena Pefranco Michael Pel <3enio Lindsey Faig Maya Ferguson

Nora Flaherty

Claire Hogan Hiram Holloway Riley Jay Pana Johnson



e v e n t h


r a d e Margaret Joyce Andrew Kyriakos Ann Labine

Samantha Levy

3H^n Lundquist Kelsey Luneburg Andrew McAllister Margaret McCaffery

Lauren McDermott William McEvoy Lindsay Mcllmurray Kieran McQuillan

Paget Millard Joseph Nano Erica Nicokiris Nicole O'Neil

Mathias Perfumo Evan Perlman Trey Pizzutello Trip Propper


%% X i t

B e ijin g , C h in a

Kruti Raman Raven Redd Christopher Reilly Joseph Salesky

Nick 5haw Morgan 5heibley Heanor Shotton Jamie 5mith

Victoria 5myth Lucas Thompson Timothy Tully Charlie Van Roden

S e v e n th ^ //

G ra d e

CIA 5aet facte - China:

Oeographb Coordinate#. 3 5 0 0 N, 1 0 5 0 0 E


total: 9 ,5 9 6 ,9 6 0 ec\ km and: 9 , 3 2 6 , 4 1 0 ec\ km vator: 2 7 0 ,5 5 0 ec\ km

llmate: ’■xtrenit?ly divorce?; tropical in south to subarctic in north

terrain nostly mountains, high plateaus, deeerti n weet; plains, dettae, and hills in oast


From the U6 Embassy, j3oijinei, China: China is the oldest uninterrupted major world civilization, with records dating back oxer 3 , 5 0 0 years. Successive dynasties developed a system of bureaucratic control which gave the agrarian-based Chinese an advantage over neighboring nomadic and hill cultures. Chinese civilization was furthe r strengthened by the development of a common w ritte n language t h a t bridged the gaps among the countrys many local languages and dialects. The Peoples Republic of China (PRO was established on October 1, 19 4 0 , with Feijing as its capital city.



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W a sh in g to n , DC. U Henry J3areiss Molly I3areiss Nicholas I3ass Tyler Benedetto

Jonathan Merger Max I3eyman Nicole 13oeckle Katharine Dooth

James 3oyle Isabella Carrillo William Catchpole Austin Doering

Chloe Gardner Katherine Gimpd Use Heine Miranda Hynes

Matthew Johnson Monica Johnson Deondre Jones Kristin Keane

Anna Kirlc Abigail Laibowitz Alexander Uabars Prynn Lottnar

Morgan Lyaw Carolina Main Panial Martin Jackson Mahan

Alaxa Molinaro E lliott Morrill Prian Mullan Jamas Murray

Philip Nussbaum Conor O'Rourka Max Oranstain Nail Parakh

William Oua Christophar Ranocchia Angus Robartson Michaal Schnaidar

Christopher Schoen Thomas Seller Michael Serricchio

Steven Sheets

Elizabeth Smith James Smith Mary Steele Rachel Stem


Nicole Stieglitz Lindsay Stone Cary Sullivan Connor Sullivan

Patrick: Sullivan Katherine Sun Lauren Sweitzer Lindsey Sweitzer

Tre Tipton Julie Tooher Michael Velasco Emily Wilson

E ighth G ra d e

Jennifer Wilson

2IA Fact Facts-USA — Secgraphic Location: 3 3 0 0 N, 9 7 0 0 W

-and total: 9 , 6 3 1 ,4 2 0 eg km ‘and: 9, 16 1, 9 2 3 sg km Water: 4 6 0 , 4 0 7 sg km

tiimate mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and derida, arctic in Alaska, eemiarid in th e great plains vest of the Mississippi River, and arid in th e C re at 3asin of the southwest; low winter temperatures i the northwest are ameliorated occasionally in anuary and February by warm chinook winds from he eastern slopes of th e Rocky Mountains

| Terrain 'a s t central plain, mountains in west, hills and low nountains in east; rugged mountains and broad iver valleys in Alaska; rugged, volcanic topography 1 Hawaii

The: Historical Society of Washington, PC, was founded in 19 3 4 t o preserve, present, and interpret the history of Washington, PC, and its people. Piscover public programs and special events or go through the Research Librarys extensive collection of books, manuscripts, prints, and photos. "It is sometimes called th e C ity of Magnificent Pittances, but i t might with greater propriety be termed the C ity of Magnificent Intentions." -Charles Pickens, 1 3 4 ;

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"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." — Helen Keller

"Good company in a journey makes the



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The journey is tne i ewdi u. - ChinesŠ Proverb


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F ifth & S ix th s

Fall S p o rts Anthony Avery, Chrissie Boneventura, Erin Crutchley, Tavia DeFranco, Emily Eby, Jordan Farber, Meredith Freeland, Sam Frisoli, Alexandra Garrigues, Caroline Flubbard, Casey Howard-Johnson, Olivia Katcher, Haleigh Levethan, Lauren Martin, Maya Richardson, Kate Sachs, Sam Shaw, Kitty Schur, Rebecca Wright, Alara Yildizlar Coach: Analia Pizzi Jane Zorowitz, Rachel Cohen, Valerie Weiner, Laura Soto, Eloise Hyman, Kendall Davis, Katie Tryhane, Victoria Uva, Celine McGoran, Devan Bauman, Anna Gordon, Annie Del Genio, Catharine Sciolla, Courtney Lissinichia, Haleigh Levethan Coach: Megan Harris Assistant Coach: Lynn Sullivan

Sonia Parekh, Hannah Morrill, Chloe Potter, Georgia Orenstien, Jackie Xu, Gigi Boehringer, Meredith Gillies, Rose Rather, Claire Kaptinksi, Kolby Forrest, Alima Cannon, Schyler Murray, Campbell Ritchey, Melanie Borker Coach: Megan Harris Assistant Coach: Lynn Sullivan

C a n to n , O h io


Pro-Football Hall of Fa

Cam Newman, Eli Lichtman, Alex Britton, David Sheets, Diego Trevino, Jack Wheeler, Luke Dardis, Josh Silberfein, Evan Schwartz, Jack Dardis, Martin Yepez, Andy Farber, Benton Turner, Ryan McNulty, Alex Mirza, Josh Herman Coach: Karen Celia

Ei Kyle Williams, Alex Streich, John McAllister, Gerard Pozzi, Ryan Woodford, Jack Blattman, Max Wright, George Jay, Brendan Hanley, Nicolai Aanonsen, Dan Rosenblum, Matt Cloutier, Spencer Blair, Alex Crawford, William RigbyHall, Andrew Berger Coach: Jeff Williams

Brian Alebiuso, Angus Bass, Chris Ciesko, Daniel Chimes, William Floyd, Gilbert Francios, Sklyer Grunberg, Reilly Hoffman, Nick Hyman, Dennis Joyce, Ryan Main, Joey Santoro, Kevin Seiler, Charlie Shotton, Jordan Sasha Coaches: Mike Little, Dan Gouin, Scott Carson

Elliot Morrill, Will Oua, Jen Wilson, Emily Wilson, Conor O'Rourke, Ann Labine Coach: Shaleen Bowman

Corey Blattman, Lydia Brents, Nora Flaherty, Claire Hogan, Dana Johnson, Samantha Levy, Kelsey Luneburg, Lauren McDermott, Lindsay MclIMurray, Kruti Raman, Tori Smyth, Kristin Keane, Abby Leibowitz, Caroline Main, Alexa Molinaro, Mary Steele, Rachel Stern, Nicole Stieglitz, Cary Sullivan, Julie Tooher Coaches: Stephanie Yacenda, Kerry Bowman, Chris Monaco


Nicole Boeckle, Chloe Gardner, Brynn Lottner, Siena DeFranco, Lindsey Faig, Maya Ferguson, Riley Jay, Maggie McCaffery, Paget Millard, Erica Nicokiris, Raven Redd, Morgan Sheibley, Ellie Shotton, Olivia Watkins Coach: Tung Tran, Deanna Supple

Molly Bariess, Katie Booth, Miranda Hynes, Lindsay Stone, Katie Sun, Lauren Sweitzer, Lindsey Sweitzer, Sarahbeth Brecht, Maggie Joyce Coach: Katie Tobin

Henry Bariess, Tyler Benedetto, Jonathan Berger, Reed Boehringer, William Catchpole, Hudson Cole, Michael Del Genio, Matt Johnson, Alex Liebers, Daniel Martin, Andrew McAllister, Will McEvoy, Kieran McQuilkin, Brian Mullen, Max Orenstein, Angus Robertson, Billy Zeko Coaches: Alex Weiner, Pat Doering

Geoff Allard, Nick Cesare, Jeremy Chang, Andrew Gruseke, Forrest Hanson, Andrew Kyriakos, Brian Lundquist, Jack Mehan, Joe Nano, Philip Nussbaum, Matias Perfumo, Evan Perlman, Trip Propper, Joe Salesky, Michael Schneider, Chris Schoen, Nick Shaw, Tim Tully, Charlie Van Roden Coaches: David Woodford, Doering

P a t0'

Nick Bass, Max Beyman, James Boyle, Austin Doering, Bob Gardner, Hiram Holloway, DJ Jones, Jay Murray, Trey Pizzutello, Chris Ranocchia, Chris Reiley, Tommy Seiler, Mikey Serricchio, Steven Sheets, Jamie Smith, Connor Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Tre Tipton, Luke Thompson, Mike Velasco Coaches: Mike Little, Mark McAndrews, Ken Lewis, Scott Carson

Fifth & Sixth W in te r

S p o rts

Devan Bauman, Chrissie Bonventura, Alima Cannon, Emily Eby, Eloise Hyman, Victoria Uva, Alara Yildizlar, Laura Soto, Daniel Chimes Coach: Laurie Housknecht

Gigi Boehringer, Meredith Gillies, Caroline Hubbard, Jackie Xu, Hailey Ullman, Kolby Forrest, Haleigh Levethan, Hannah Morrill, Katie Tryhane, Georgia Orenstein, Alexandra Garrigues, Maya Richardson, Katie Sachs

Schyler Murray, Campbell Ritchey, Annie DelGenio, Courtney Lisiniccia, Samantha Frisoli, Valerie Weiner, Jane Zorowitz, Catherine Sciolla, Rachel Cohen, Jordan Farber, Celine McGoran, Claire Kaptinski Coach: Karen Celia

Ana Gordon, Meredith Freeland, Max Wright, Avery Anthony, Tavia DeFranco, Spenser Blair, Josh Flerman, Casey HowardJohnson, Nick Flyman, Sarah Lindenburg, Kendall Mitchell, Will Rigby-FHall, Kitty Schur, Melanie Borker, Olivia Katcher, Evan Schwartz


Coach: Analia Pizzi

Springfield"" AAA Basket ball Hall of Fame

Brian Alebiosu, Angus Bass, Andrew Berger, Matt Cloutier, Jack Dardis, Andrew Farber, Guilbert Francois, Michael Hoffman, Martin Yepez, Benton Turner, Jordan Sasha, Joe Santoro, Rick Ressel, Alexander Mirza, William Floyd Coach: Mike Little 6



Jack Blattman, Alex Britton, Luke Dardis, Skyler Grunberg, Brandan Hanley, Dennis Joyce, Eli Litchman, Ryan Main, John McAllister, David Sheets, Charlie Shotton, Joshua Silberfein, Alexander Streich, Ryan Woodford Coach: Dan Gouin

Lauren Martin. Cameron Newman, Gerard Pozzi, Samantha Shaw, Diego Trevino, Jackson Wheeler, Kyle Williams, Rebecca Wright, Erin Crutchley, Alexander Crawford, Ryan McNulty, Chloe Potter, Rose Rather, Daniel Rosenblum Coaches: Mark McAndrews, Peter Smith

S e v e n th e

Eighth Grade Winter

^ Ann Labine, Caroline Main, Philip Nussbaum, Lindsay Stone, Monica Johnson, Julie Tooher, Kruti Raman Coach: Laurie Housknecht

Corey Blattman, Molly Bareiss, Nora Flaherty, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Maggie McCaffrey, Dana Johnson, Mary Steele, Brynn Lottner, Claire Hogan, Lindsay Faig, Maggie Joyce Coach: Ken Lewis

Nicole Boeckle, Kelsey Luneburg, Kristen Keane, Tori Smyth, Nicole Stieglitz, Raven Redd, Rachel Stern, Miranda Hynes, Maya Ferguson, Paget Millard, Lydia Brents, Sarabeth Brecht, Lauren McDermott Coach: Shaleen Bowman Jonathan Berger, Max Beyman, Katherine Booth, James Boyle, Will Catchpole, Austin Doering, Anna Kirk, Brynn Lottner, Elliott Morrill, Conor ORourke, Christian Rannachia, Michael Schneider, Tommy Seiler, Katie Sun, Emily Wilson, Jennifer Wilson, Jeremy Chang, Sienna DeFranco, Forrest Hanson, Samantha Levy, Riley Jay, Mathias Perfumo, Evan Perlman, Morgan Sheibly, Ellie Shotton , Charlie Van Roden, Alexa Molinaro, Olivia Watkins Coach: Dan Gouin

I-, F7 < "1 . Will McEvoy, Matt Johnson DJ Jones, Andrew McAllister Trey Pizzutello, Luke Thompson, Max Oreinstein, Mike Serrichio, Steven Sheets, Jamie Smith , Tre Tipton (%. / Coach: Mike Little




Geoffrey Allard, Reed Boehringer, Nick Cesare Michael DelGenio, Andrew Gruseke, Hiram Holloway, Brian Lundquist, Chris Reilly, Nick Shaw, Nick Bass, Chris’ Schoen, Mike Velasco, Tyler Benedetto, Billy Zeko Coach: Tung Tran

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KLHT# Vikings

Robert Gardner, Andrew Kyriakos, Kieran McQuilken, Joseph Nano, Tripp Propper, Joseph Salesky, Jamie Smith Hudson Cole, Erica Nicokiris, MIDrAIRT :?OUTHHO' Henry Bareiss, Chloe Gardner, Abigail Leibowitz, Alexander Liebers, Daniel ’ Martin, Jack Mehan, Brian Mullen, James Murray, Angus Robertson, Cary Sullivan, Guy Sullivan , Patrick Sullivan Lauren Sweitzer, Lindsay Sweitzer, Tim Tully Coaches: Mark McAndrews, Tom Grady, Pete Smith

T ravel Journal I, Nick Boss, loved chillin at Comp SI Advisors olong the way: Mr. Campbell, Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Lewis I, Molly Boriess, loved the Bond trip to Six Flags because it wos fun to go on oil the rides ond leave fun. Advisors oloiag the woy: Ms. Andersoia, Ms. Bowmora, Mr. Tron 1, Tyler Benedetto, loved going on the hike in Conap Sloone becouse I enjoyed hiking ond comping outdoors. Advisors oloiag the woy: Mrs. Weldoia, Ms. Moros, Mr. Weiner l loiaothon Berger, loved going to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in NYC in 7 th grode becouse it was o spectacular show. Advisors oloiag the woy: Mr. Tran [ Mox Beynaon, loved going to NYC becouse NY owias. Advisors oloiag the woy: Mrs. Weldon, Ms. Bowiaaon, Mr. Lewis t Nicole Boeckle, liked the Ellis Islond trip in 7 th grode. Advisors olong the woy: Ms. Andersoia, Ms. Moros, Mr. Tron l Kotie Booth, only went on one trip: Comp Sloone. It wos o good woy to get to know people. Advisors olong the woy: Mr. Lewis l Williom Catchpole, loved going to Conap Sloone becouse it wos fun. I loved the rope course. Advisors olong the woy: Mrs. Weldoia, Mrs. Rinaldi, Ms. Tobin I, Austin Doering, loved going to Montreol with the S th grode French Closs becouse I like Coiaodo ond it naode learning French more fun. Advisors olong the way: Mrs. Andersoia, Mrs. Riiaoldi, Mr. Lewis l Chloe Gardner, loved going to Montreol becouse we hod so much fun at the different museums ond the biodonae ond also the hotel. It wos o great bonding experience becouse it wos such o small group. Advisors olong the way: Mr. Campbell Ms. Moros, Miaae. McGoron l Kotie Cinapel loved going to Montreol with oil nay French classmates ond touring the city with our buddy Robin. Advisors olong the way: Mr. Williams, Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Foig I, llse Heine, really enjoyed the NYC trips becouse I liked the shows ond going to the city with my friends. Advisors olong the way: Mme. Hoyiaaon, Mr. Woodford, Mnae. McGoron [ Miranda Hynes, loved going to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrel in 7th grode in New York Advisors olong the way: Mrs. Weldon, Mr. Woodford, Mr. Weiner

Eighth G rade M em ories

l M atthew Johnson, really enjoyed Camp Sloane In Eighth Grade because we learned how to trust one another and become closer as a grade. Advisors along tlae way: Mine. Hayman, Senora Pleltez, Mine McGoran hi l Deondre Jones, loved going to the Band trip lat year with the 8 th graders because we went to Six Flags and tiad a lot of fun. The bus rides were fun and 1got to know some more of the former Sth graders better. indat. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Mrs. Rinaldi, Mr. Lewis. I Monica Johnson, loved going to Camp Sloane because It was exciting and challenging at times. Advisors along tlie way: Mrs. Trapp, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Tran tei l Kristin Keane, loved going to Natures Classroom In 6 th grade because 1was new at KLHT and it was where 1met new friends and got to go to tJie docl< and night and rock It. Advisors along tJae way: Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Brown, Mr. Tran l Anna Kiris, loved going to Montreal with the French class In Sth grade because we were able to experience going to Canada and I got to Isnow ttae ottier kids taking Frenctx Advisors along the way: Mr. Newcomb, Mme. McGoran 1, Abby Lelbowltz, loved going to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and creating our own roclsets tJaat 0\M: we launched. Also, Montreal and camp Sloane were my tw o favorite trips, t Alex Llebers, enjoyed Montreal with other French students and would gladly do It again. herapefi Advisors along the way: Mr. Falg l Brynn Lottner, loved Camp Sloane because 1made a new friend and started seeing old ones. Friends has" are wtiat you need at KLHT. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Senora Pleltez, Ms. Tobin [ Morgan Lyew, loved going to Camp Sloane because I got to Jiang out with ttie class of 2 0 1 1 fledŽ and watcli Mr. Tran get stuck In a tree. Advisors along tlie way: Mr. Williams, Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Falg l Caroline Main, loved going to Montreal In Eighth Grade and getting coalsed with all of my friends vvlille jet-boating. Advisors along tlie way: Mrs. Weldon, Mrs. Brown, Mme. McGoran. I, Daniel Martin, loved going to Camp Sloane because tlie High Ropes course was so muct'i fun. I also got to know people ttiat I was not friends witt’i before. fltot"1 Advisors along tlie way: Mrs. Brown, Mr. Falg l Jac)< Melian, loved going to Fills Island with the whole seventh grade because we had to take a boat and we got to experience NYC by water. Advisors along tJae way: Mrs. Weldon, Ms. Bowman, Mr. Tran W

Travel Journal LAlexa Molinaro, loved going to Camp Sloane because I got to hang out with my old friends and new friends. I also got to do things to overcome my fear of heights. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Senora Pleitez, Ms. Tobin I, Elliot Morrill, loved going to Camp Sloane. I also liked completing the high ropes course and the rock wall. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Weiner { Brian Mullen, loved Camp Sloane in Sth grade because I got to talk with my friends while 4 0 ft above them, doing the high ropes. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Ms. Moros, Ms. Tobin I, lay Murray, think my favorite trip was Camp Sloane because it was fun Advisors along the way: Mr. Campbell, Ms. Bowman, Mr. Tran t Conor ORourle, loved going to Camp Sloane because of the ropes course and all of my friends. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Anderson, Ms. Bowman, Mr. Lewis 1, Max Orenstein, loved going to Camp Sloane because I enjoy the wilderness and laad fun experiencing it. W e did team challenging games and had to work together. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Weldon, Mrs. Rinaldi, Mi'. Weiner 1, Chris Ranocchia loved going to Camp Sloane because of the high ropes course. Advisors along the way: Mr. Woodford, Ms. Tobin l Phillip Nussbaum, liked going to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in 7th grade. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Weldon, Mr. Woodford, Mr. Weiner I, Will Qua, absolutely relished my trip to Montreal with the French class because it broadened my mind to different cultures and languages while at the same time letting me have a blast. Advisors along the way: Madame Hayman, Seniora Pleitez, Madame McCoran I, Chris Schoen, loved going to Camp Sloane with you all in Eighth grade because I enjoyed having a great time with my friends. I Steve Sheets, loved going to Montreal with the Eighth Grade French class because it made learning French more interesting by being able to talk with fellow classmates. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Senora Pleitez, Mr. Faig. I Rachel Stern, loved the trip our French trip we took to Montreal because we all got to room with out friends and we went jet boating which was one of the funniest things i have ever done. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Ms. Moros, Mi'. Lewis l lamie Smith, loved going to Camp Sloane because it was a fun time to chill with friends and get to know them better. Advisors along the way: Mine. Hayman, Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Lewis I, Mikey Serricchio, loved going to the Broadway play in 7 th grade because it was hilarious and it w# the most fun trip of Middle School. t)() Advisors along the way: Mr. Campbell, Mr. Woodford, Mista T! (Mr. Tran)

E ig h th G r a d e M e m o r ie s

l M^ry Steele, loved living fun during Rex periods .and when we had fun during advisory. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Trapp, Mrs. Brown, Ms. Tobin l Nicole Stieglitz, loved going to Caramore in Sixth Grade. W e made small pouches of herbs tlaat smelled great. W e also learned about the arches and why they were used. I am going to miss the Middle School. Advisors along the way: Mrs. Weldon, Ms. Bowman, Mr. Faig. M I Lindsay Stone, really loved going to Camp Sloane because it was challenging but really fun and a great way to start off a new year. I Cary Sullivan, loved going to Camp Sloane because it was interesting at times and was a challenge. Advisors along the way: Mr. Campbell, Ms. Moros, Mi'. Weiner l Connor Sullivan, liked Camp Sloane when we did the high ropes course. w Advisors along the way: Ms. Tobin l Lauren Sweitzer, loved going to Montreal with my French class in 8 th grade because wewent to OfJi many tourist sites, went shopping and had a great time sleeping over with all the girls in a hotel room. Advisors along the way: Mine. McGoran 1, Micheal Schneider, Loved going to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in the seventh grade because it was hilarious. I Katie Sun, believe my favorite trip was seeing Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. The production was hilarious and the bus ride to and back was amusing. ifflKt Advisors long the way: Madame Hayman, Mrs. Rinaldi, Ms. Tobin tjM t Tre Tipton, loved Camp Sloane the most out of all my field trips because at night when everyone ran was asleep, I would quirt lotion on peoples faces. Advisors along the way: Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Brown, Ms. Tobin Julie Tool vr, loved going to Montreal because it was a great experience and it opened my eyes to a new culture. The best parts were being with all of my friends, let boating was amazing. Advisors along the way: Mr. Campbell, Ms. Moros, Mr. Weiner Michael Velasco, loved going to Camp Sloane with you all in 8 th grade because we hiked up to the [W highest point in Connecticut. yC Advisors along the way: Mi'. Campbell, Ms. Moros, Ms. Tobin Emily Wilson, loved going to Montreal with the Sth grade French class because it was a great way 0 to see another culture. It was especially fun with all my friends. Advisors along the way: Mr. Williams, Mrs. Rinaldi, Mr. Lewis 1, Jen Wilson, loved going to Montreal with all the French students in Sth grade because we experienced new activities, such as jet boating, as well as become closer friends. Advisors along the way: Mr. Campbell, Mr. Newcomb, Mr. Weiner


roade diverged in a yellow wood, And s o rry I could not tra v e l b o th

Tw o

And be one tra v e le r, long I s to o d And looked

down one as fa r as I could

To where I t be nt in th e undergrow th; Then to o k th e o th e r, as ju s t as fa ir. And having perhaps th e b e tte r claim, because i t was grassy and w anted wear; Though as fo r t h a t th e passing th e re Had worn them really ab out th e same, And bo th t h a t morning equally lay In leaves no s te p had tro d d e n black. Oh, I kep t th e f ir s t fo r an o th e r day! Y e t knowing how w ay leads on t o way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be te llin g th is w ith a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two

roade diverged in a wood, and I-

I to o k th e one less tra ve le d by. And t h a t has made all th e difference. -R o b e rt F ro s t, M ountain Interval

"A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles." -Tim Cahill O L joUplEij oj- u th ouianci rniLzi h z a im w ith onz itz b ."

”1haven't a clue as to how my story will end. But that's ail right. When you s e t out on a journey and night co vers the road, you don't conclude the road has vanished. And how else could we e stars'?"




“ Y rhs f o r 8$d<: a rs

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g e a r 's s .j

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’7\11 of life is a journey which paths we take, what we look back on, and what we look forward to is up to us. We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there, and how happy we — when we get there.” -anonymous

"Every day you may make progress. Every sto p may he fru itfu l. Y e t th e re will s tre tc h o u t before you an ever111 V" V, . ■ •• • \ ■”■■■ "• langthaiiiug, avar-^ecaudiug, ever-improving path. You know ^



you will navar g o t t o th a and o f th a journay. I3ut thio, eo fair from discoursing, only adds t o th a jo y and glory o f f ha i -W inston Churchill

V /

Chiesa del Gesuiti

fCaterine i/

a Mosto

■ So,

mOV> M U,'D )JLC iv e s tro 8 x



# - P a la z z o



*s\ Palazzo, St LoredaO .o

Teatro ‘5«y X Rossini 13

.■ W ^ t r x . , Teatro La Fenice

S. MARCO Troves B o n lp S. Trovaso


. Pal. Contarini -o s a n


o a tro W \

Faculty VEN IC E

"The Seat for Education in Europe� | r

( fZ

(tmI 4r... _


Bill Ennist Head of Upper



School ______


Helen Kweskin Dean o f Faculty

Hans Richter Library D irector

~ky Rahassa Head o f Social Work

Leslie Bruzik Bonnie Querze O ff ice S t a f f

Mamie Sadlowsky, Hans Richter, Helen Kweskin, Benjamin Hamm, Libby Page, Erik Mortenson Language D epartm eiat

Karin Wagner, Thomas Zoubek, Marion Haymann, Francisco Gracia, Margherita Farrell, Iraes Thieme H is to ry D epartm en t

Garistos Galanopoulos, Brandon Doble, Cathy Mishkin, Gary Schpero, Stuart Marsh, John Giiavaroli M a th D epartm en t

Bill Pusack, Brynnen Hahn, William Wallace, Victoria Khiznichenko, Gael>4 Morency

Scieiace D epartm en t

Thomas Pelton, Ken Melmed, Priscilla Pusack, Octavio Sotelo, Gary Caputi

T e th n o lo g y D epartm en t

Timothy Sinnott, Bill Waldman, Megan Haddadi, Dave Harvey

College Counseling D epartm ent

Michelle Sotire, Dave Bonner, Candance Cushing

Jackie M art ino, John Fropper, S tacy Hombki, Amy Parntoii

V isual A rts D epartm ent

^-.earning Fram ew ork D irector

Constance Nichols, Terrell Murphy

A th le tic


A oot. A th le tic D ire c to r]

Thomas Decker

C o n d itio n in g C o a c h

Karen Celia

A t hlet ic Trainers Dave Floiinl

Senior A th le tic Intern

Scott Carson

Analla Pizzi and lason Bouton

Freshmen T3ERXIN Entries

Entries MEntradas

V iS H S

Departures Sorties / Saltdas


"Berlin is the newest city I have come across. Even Chicago would look old in comparison.� -Mark Twain

Sonnoll, Julia

Armotromjloecdzo, Sabina

Sray, Gordon Avory, Jonathan

3rente, Carter bannerot, Frederick

'drown, Sriana

Saroioo, Tae&oe

Sauman, Emma Soitlor, duet in SlancharJ, Pana

Fdanctard, Toni


Alexandra Carter- Smith Ponyao

Catenacd, Maru Connaohor, Res?

D ►l DoNapolos, Miohaol

Flocjan, Adrienne

Faulkner, Caroline

Floward, Samuel

Foinborg, Vani

Howard-Johnson, Andrew

Frleoll, Sean

Hyman, Kato


Hr Aji


orroa, Casoy

Gitlin, Aloxa amascus, ptophanlo

Greco, Allison


o Vlsschor, Luko

Hoath, Catherine

olla Jacono, aitlyn

Hoss, Sandon

Joebon, Peter

Murray, Amanda

Joyner, Eric

Nellb, le ss

Labine, Michael

0 nb, C.J.

Lau, Shane

Penny, Christopher

Under, Lauren

Perfume, Thorns

Marren, Timothy

Pierre-Loub, Kevin

McNulty, M atthew

P o tte r, Lillian

McQuilkin, Austin

Purcell, Anna

iffaali, Jaeon

'JJ, SWao inemann, P.J.

Ha, Isabella

Santoro, Kohert

Tournae, FeXu\a

Sarner, Lauren

Toy, Jonathan

Seqalas, Summer

Truglia, Anthony

Shaker, William

Moo, Connor

SUborry, Kendall

Slnnott, 5alin Skae, Elizabeth Staples, M ite boll

Y, ifl

io " 'i V




-E xtra pens and pencils

-Sports equipm ent


-Food from home

-A popped collar

-Starbucks g ift card

-K L H T sw eatshirts

-A blue sheet in case o f emergencies






-Flip tops

-O u te rw e a r

-G um

-Cell phones

-H ats

-S hort skirts

-File-sharing program s

-Food o r drinks upstairs

-leans and collarless shirts

I \i

S0PH 0M 0R E S Entries Entrees E ntriuius /



Obedientia Qiyium LJrbis Felidtas \

Latin for ”The Happy City Where Citizens ©bey” nd rn Inolant


Damascus, Domotri Ellis, Nikkla Floyd, Emily Fouad, Noah

Duccolo, Josso

Frooman, Lovati^

Caroy, St-ovon

(Foorgos, Jamoo

Carnoy, Eoan

(Costal Poan

Connachor, Mary

(Cillios, Fotor


10 if-

Jackson, Joanna

Kutzen, Peter

Jacobs, Jesse

Leone, Veter

Jones, (Pabriela

Levene, TliooJoro

Kang, Pain'd

Levesgue, Nioolo

ray, Taylor

Karp, Lauren

reenfield, Kinsey

King, Jacqueline

H160I1, C h ris to p h e r

Kirk, Madeline



•nnessey, Radiol

K lafter, Sophia

Londcw, Stephanie

Mitchell Amy

Love, Vincent

M o e lie r ,

Luneburg, Srent

Orenstein, William

Luneburg, Pyle

Packer, Meredith


Pizzutello, Hailey P ra tt, Leah Pai id, Allied 1 Panocchia, Tlienia?

Segalag, Tiana van Roden, Henry Shapiro, Carly Vlahakig, Alexander Smith, Tripp Zorowitz, Sydney Scljour, Kjghauna

-yua Matias

Stern, Jennifer

* nche, Madeline

Suggan, Spencer


inderg, Leigh

Tey, Michael

mtoro, Michael

Try hane, Wegley





(p ^

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^.iaancHmepKOBbjfc.‘ f

1’*-c< y' , JI A X U W U U U -

[Csa TwHnbpH

OopyM flo AnbpJ.A ? Oie/ib HHaam

Co6op fl3pH)KCI AVLSUEOf

BoroMaiepn 1 is v ^ tS


P A R K IS t n trie s / t n trees



"There is but one Paris and however hard living may be here, and if it became worse and harder even the French air clears up the brain and does a world of good.� _____Gogh r ~

r* .n .3 x T 7 ~ {



Aboar, Leigh

Ceiici, Pouglao

Alobioou, Aohloy

Chaw, Katherine

Charge, Taylor

Cheevere, Jackeon

Pookor, Prondon

Chuchlnsky, Natalya

P oiiodotto, Cody

Croeelawi, Robort

toym an, Panlol

Poorlng, Alc^xando'

E3ymos, Jeeeica

E ydt, doff

Carborry, Mbhaol

Flatow, Abigail

ao, ZhenZhen oddard, Stephen

Crunberg, Tatiana

Hubbard, Ruthie

(3runberg, Zachary

Johnson, Chiara

Harris, Jack

Kensil, 5ean

Henderson, 5am

Killeffer, Christian

Heus, Kiki Hobbs, Thomas

'eenfield, Shaela

Honcy-Fitzgcrald, John

dffin, Kevin

Horak, Andrea

Kyle, Rory

Meli, Laura

Lebt, Anya

Menking, Peter

Lyew, Stefan

Mueller, Keil

Mann, Katherine

Muniz, Natalie

McMahon, Colin

Murray, Luoyaim

McMillan, Safi Nickitao, JP McQuilkin, Colin McVeigh, Carolyn

Nbenoon, CaroleNolin, Margaret

RAnemann, EHc Shelton, Kip Richardson, Andrew Smith, Hayley

Riddell, Jennifer

Sullivan, Sam Rulilin, Welles Torey, Jason

’ Neil, Courtney

Schultz, Sarah

lua, John

Scully Micaela

eggina, David

Serkes, Ryan


Shanks, Nat

Ii k





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"Without music, life w o ffl be


-Friedrich Nietzsche

come. "Explanations turn to expectations turn to explorations." ** -The Fall Of-T roy "Be the change that you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi "Anyone who lives within their means suffer? from * a lack of imagination." A -Oscar Wilde *


-Svvami Vivekananda* ' .. ( ' -

"It’s been a wild ride I wouldn't change a minute I cant slow down inside ;Qjess that's why I live it

kxt-'-r, .. .rsK • •

■j -


... •


"You remind me of the babe-"" -David Bowie

’Once 1knew a preacher, preached the bible through and through J W ent down to Deep'' Elem, now his preaching days are through." -Grateful Dead

"1 just want to thank everybody! for | uni - yealv. thanks." -Bumblefoot p n s g i a

"If you're olive, you gotta flop your onus' ond legs, you gotto jump oround o lot. You gotto moke o lot of noise, becaiise life is the very opposite of (kM If you're quiet, you're not living. VouVe gotto be noisy, or ot least your thoughts should be noisy ond colorful ond lively." - Mel Broolss "We ore oil in the gutter, but some of us ore looking ot the stars." -Oscor Wilde


"Whot good is sitting olone in your room? Come hear the music ploy. Life is o Cdboret, old chum, Come to the Cdboret." wk -Cdboret "We sholl by morning Inl-ierit the eorth. Oljgfoot's in the I -Sylvio Ploth

Uea 3occuzz\

"It is not necessary to understand things in

H you can't be funny be interesting." - Harold Ross

"I sing because there is no other way to say how I feel."

Love is like the wind. I cant see it. But I can feel it." -A Walk to Remember

"Suppose I said you're saving grace? you want me m I'm not myself? it out like 1am else." -John Mayer


"You shouldn't take life too seriously-you'll never get out alive." -Van Wilder

think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm." -Franklin D. Roosevelt

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." -Yogi Berra

Everyone wants to change, hut change demands desire and discipline before it becomes delightful. There is always the agony of choice before the promise of change. - Larry Lea

Accept everything about yourself —I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end — no apologies, no regrets. - Henry Kissinger

Imperfection is inherited, therefore we all sin, but fighting the war of sin is the greatest war of all because we all die in the end no matter how hard we fight - Tupac

Kara Frboli

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to liarm our country and our people, arid neither do we." -George W. Bush

'To give anything less than your best Is to sacrifice the gift." -Steve Prefontaine

f "I see Blue, he looks glorious!" -Will Farrell

"And if you feel that you cant go on, And your will's sinkin' low, lust believe and you can't go wrong. In the light you will find the road." -Led Zeppelin

'English? W ho needs tint? I'm never going to p ' ? England." "Hard work does not guarantee success, but without it, one^*^ doesn't stand a chance." m

"We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time." -Vince Lombardi •

"I always turn to the sports section first. The records peoples accomplishments; the front page Ins nothing but man's failures." -Earl Warren

'.'There are things known and there are things unknown, an in between are the doors." -lim Morrison j'lf a man does not keep pace With .his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." -Heniy David Thoreau

"In eveiy real man a child is hidden that wants to play." -Friedrich Nietzsche

"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. -Friedrich Nietzsche

"The unexamined life is not worth living. -Socrates

"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." -Aldous Huxley

'Condition to self interest with emotions locked awav If that's what they call normal then I'd rather be insane." -Operation Ivy

ScoTt Hootdnan-Nrj

"So we beat on, boats gainst the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." -F. Scott Fitzgerald "It is a curious fact that people are never so trivial as when they take themselves seriously." -Oscar Wilde

'Getting bored is not allowed." -Kay Thomson


it's afternoon. December is here before it's lune. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?' -Dr. Seuss 'Its a helluva start, being able to recognize wlaat makes you happy." -Lucille Ball "Hope for the best, Expect the worst. Life is a play. We're unrehearsed." -Mel Brooks

"The individual his jftvnvs had to strus lonely often, .arid sometitivsriri:

'Be who y@M ah mind don't nutter -Dr. 8euss

Come rub it 'pan me b wit vou ginvu jellx.

money today." -Friedrich Nietzche (in 1,8 82)

i n the stree

"You Laugh at me because I am different, but 1laugh at you because you are all the same." - Unknown

"The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others." -Hasidic saying

"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." , -Andy Warhol

'Confront your troubles 'cause until you do, you won't be able to move on from

"Friends are people who when you are in need are there for you. They let you lean on them when you're sad. They catch you when you fall. They help you through your hardest times. They listen when you talk. They knock sense into you when you believe something that's not true. A friend is someone you can count on. Someone who you can trust with your life."

Jenna Krinelay i

'Whoever said, 'It's not whether you win M or lose that counts,' probably lost." (P -Martina Navratilova

"Spoils do not build character-they reveal it.11 -)ohn Wooden

W h a t sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity." -George Eliot '.'Vive, esperanza! Quien sabe lo qne se tilaga la tierra!" -Antonio1Machado, Son e Qne Tu Me Llevabas

"Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets yc down do yon wanna know what yonVe gotta do' list keep swimming. Inst keep swimming -Dory, Finding Nen

'Don't walk in front of me, 1may not folio ^ don't walk behind me, 1may not le g p walk beside me, and just be my flier E **r w -Albert Cami

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"Why do you think the old stories tell of men who set out on great journeys to impress the gods? Because trying to impress people just isn't worth effort." -Henry Rollinsest "Even if the rain always wi And forces my eyes shutÂŽ I'll still dream of brighter days." -Cinematic Sunrise "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, The world is a fine place and is worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part."

"Don't take life too seriously, You'll never get out alive." -Bugs Bunny "You better take care of me, Lord; If you don't you're gonna have me on your hands." -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas "Nothing is perfect, But it has to be someday. -Chiodos "They intoxicate themselves with work so they won't see how they really ai e.'^r -Aldous Huxley

"This is a failing institution And I've failed to notice -HeavyHeavyLowLov

"It's making me nervous how even day feels the same. Meet my phantoms, they never seei So they stay." -The Sound of Animals Fighting

"You don't get creative by staying in the same place." - Andy Law

"But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies." -lack Kerouac

'One day you'll look to see h/e gone For tomorrow may rain, So III follow the sun" -The Beatles, 111 Follow the Sun

"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to k waited for; it is a thing to be achieved -William Jennings Bryan

-William Shakespeare, Hamlet

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only at night1' -Edgar Allen Poe, Eleonora "Who are you, said the caterpillar. This was not an encourai conversation Alice replied, rather shyly, I’ll hardly know, Sir, know who 1was when I got up this morningrfeut 1think I times since th e n " -Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland L *—</ «

"Energy and persister conquer all things." -Benjamin Frini

'Speak for yourself. Do yc think td speak for you'; don't even know you language -The Breakfast Qi

"He who knows a the answers Ir not yet ktr asked all t| questions llnknbw


really can change the won

"I wouldn't trade what I got, not for anything." - Sparta

"Do your life justice, it w ont take long."

'lust give me moments, not hours or days. -Bloc Party

'Music is the heart of life, you can't live without it -Moby

"If I w ant to fly, HI find a way to fly. You do w hat you love and forget the rest." -Little Miss Sunshine

"Rivers know this: there Is no hurry. W e shall get there someday." -Winnie the Pooh

-f "So I’ll check the "When we were young, oh man, did we have fun. Always, always." -The Strokes

"We are thecliamplons, my friend." /


weather wherever you are, 'cause 1 anna know If you can see the stars tonight." i -)ohn Mayer

Lb Fom


"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away." -Anonymous

"Tell me the difference between an artist and a human. One of them knows life is a prison, while the otherspends their life trying to be free." -lessica Care Moore

"A friend will bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be sitting right next to you saying, 'Man that was fun!"' -Anonymous

"We're shocking but we're nothing. We're just moments, we're clever but we're clueless. We’re just human, anusing and confusing." -lack Johnson

I don t care about the rules. In fact, if I don't break the rules at least 10 times in every>song then I'm not doing my job properly. - Jeff Beck Jji Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. Jimi Hendrix -

/ told people I was a drummer before I even had a set, I was c mental drummer.

- Keith Mooi

When the power oflov* overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix

"Ain't no chance if you don't take it." -Guy Clark "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"And by and by Christopher Robin came to an end of things, and he was silent, and he sat there, looking out Iover the world, just wishing it wouldn't stop." -Winnie the Pooh

hn a great believer in tuck, md 1find the harder 1work, the more 1have of it" -Thomas Jefferson

"If you kiss me- If we touch- warnings fair! 1 don't care- veiy much." -Cabaret "Art is the ability to create a new universe, beginning with your thoughts." -DRU </3 "In every heart there is a room A sanctuary safe and strong To heal the wounds from lovers past Until a new one comes along." -Billy loel

'You never really know what you got, until it's gone1 -Immortal Techniqu 'People who cease to believe in God or goodness altogether still believe in the devil. I don't know why. No, 1do indeed know why. Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult." -Anne Rice

"Love So many people use your name in vain yM Those who faith in you sometimes go astray y Through all the ups and downs the (oy and hurt For better or worse 1still will choose you first." -Musiq Soulchild "It's close to midnight and / something evil's lurking in the dark.. Under the moonlight you see a >~ sight that almost stops your heart." -Michael lackson "It Can't Rain All the Time." -Brandon Lee (The Crow) d


"People are Stupid." -Terry Goodkind "The haunting: where we fell in love." -I Am Ghost "They say tliat these are not the best of times But they're the only times I've ever known." - Billy loel

"Death Be Not Proud Though some have callec thee mighty and dreadful For Thou art not so." -John Donut

'Seasons Don't Fear the Reaper.1 -Blue Oyster Cull

"A Mpsk, My first Unfeeling Scrap ol I Clothing," -Andrew Lloyd Webber â– '1 (The Phantom of the Opera; <â– / /



! " M l m i l Brute!?' -Shakespeare

'Never, never, never, give up. -Winston Churchill

Whitman -Van Wilder

"As for doing good;; I that is one of the ; professions which is ’ I full. Moreover I have tried it fairly and, strange as it may seem, am satisfied that it does not agree with my constitution." -Henry David Thoreai co pfidepce i in myself; , , 1 have the •—


against m -Ralph Waldo Emerson "That's the difference between me and the rest of the world! Happiness isn't good enough for me! 1demand euphoria!" ||jB j - C alvin,^^ Calvin and Hobbes ▲

"It's my world, you're (list living in it." -Denny Kwon '4 "1 wanted a perfect ending. Now h\ learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best it, without knowing what's going

"Promise me you'll 'hy lever forget me use if I thought you \ would, I’d never leave.’^ -A. A. Milne





"Never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, Large or petty -never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense." -Winston Churchill

"I won't back down, no 1w ont back down. You could stand me out at the gates of hell, but I won't back down" -Tom Petty


"The time to hesitate is through." -The Doors

"We're not in the playground anymore. There are ! new rules. W e have to be mature, but we cant lose ■ the spirit of childlike wonder." -The Office

"I am very interested and fascinated by how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other." -The Perl<s of Being a Wallflower

I "Absolute occurrence is irrelevant. A | thing may happen and be a total lie; i another thing may not happen and be ■ truer than the truth." -The Things They Curried

"You can make the future, but it starts with leaving the past." -Immortal Technique




-<** W'1fe, -


K f I 1

Senior Superlatives 2007 TJest Eyes

eiiff Ulrich and Lia Poin

Most school spirit

T3est Smile


and Victoria Santos-13

Grace Shaker and Steve

Most Likely to be a Country @Iub P

Henry Myers and Hannah RGabin


to Teach at KLHT

Steve Sheehan and Elizabeth Packer


mmI MB

ost Life

Scott Hootman-Ng and Erne

Glass Glown

Grace Shaker and RLob K


''' '

Jeff Lounsbury and Elizabeth Packer

Andrew Serkes and Lisa~Boccuzzi


Most Unique Individual

An Klaiter and Mikaela Zwyer

Most Likelv to Succeed

Joelson and Shamee Purdy

Tetoria Santos-T3 uch

Ari Klafter and Grace Shaker

L ast W ill and T estam ent Mr. Bonne!'- seniors who don't get deferred Mr. Bouton- dean, folded uniforms returned on time Mi's. Bruzik- <3 stationary pen tlia t students don't rip out because they need one for class Mr. Caputi- a self-washing blackboard Mr. Chiavaroti- a soccer jersey Ms. Cushing- a self-help guide on how to survive college Ms. Darnton- play props that don't break during performances Mr. Doble- a ring holder Mr. Decker- more FAA banners Mr. Ennist- a better behaved male student body Sra. Farrell- an Ann Taylor g ift certificate Mi'. Galanopoulos- a copy of The Communist Manifesto Sr. Gracia- windshield wipers and wristwatches Mrs. Haddadi- a l'evival of the yoga club Mi's. Hahn- an FBksliaped KLHT badge Mr. Hamm- a IV basketball team tlia t actually wins Mr. Harvey- students who don't share files Mine. Haymann- more students for Iter AP class Mrs. Khiznichenko- Math Team sweat suits Mrs. Kweskin- a sign reading "Abandon hope all ye who enter here." Mr. Marsh- hockey sticl<s Ms. Martino- the Class of 2 0 0 6 Mr. Melmed- someone lie can actually liate Mrs. Mishkin- a lifetime supply of candy for her room Mrs. Morency- Cliff Ulrich and limmy Voyages Mrs. Moriarty- a class to teach Mr. Mortenson- an arsenal and a thunder dome Mrs. Murphy- a PC year in art for Rachel Mrs. Nichols- a politically coined school Ms. Page- a class tlia t knows how to cite Mr. Pelton- a vacation to Honolulu Mr. Propper- a hug from the Serkes brothers Mr. Pusack- a soundproof classroom Mrs. Pusack- more sea life for her classroom Ms. Querze- students who actually fill out blue sheets Mrs. Rabassa- an easier job Mr. Richter- tape to put over students' mouths Ms. Sadlowsky- a watch Mr. Schpero- french onion soup Mr. Sinnott- an alarm clock Mr. Sotelo- a lifetime supply of bouncy balls Ms. Sot ire- fancy pens Srta. Thieme- a lifetime supply of gummy worms Mrs. Wagner- a new clipboard to keep track of the demerits she gives Mr. Waldman- someone who understands his sense of humor Mr. Wallace- a razor for his scruffy students Dr. Zoubek- a winning lotto ticket

Obituaries Tom Ackerly- tries to ta tto o his heart black and dies Vivek ALaigh- dies w lie n lie ru n s in to a w a ll a fte r his glasses are taken a w a y Sam Berman- dies w it h a sm ile o n his face a fte r su ccessfully c o m p le tin g tlie e ig h th M e l Brooks m a ra th o n in a r o w lisa Boccuzzi- is a cting o u t a m u rd e r scene w h e n her ta le n t tu rn s th e a c tin g in to re a lity Hlie Brennan- fin ally speaks and stra ins her th ro a t so badly tlia t she chokes t o death Courtney Bruggem an- is killed a t a Chinese rap co n ce rt w h e n th e rest o f th e people realize she's n o t A sian Malcolm Giappell- dislocates all o f his lim bs and his to rs o fa lls o ff Kim Clark- is sing in g o n a g la s ^ b o tto m e d b o a e glass slia tters, th e boat sinks Kevin deRegt- is w o rk in g a t an a irp o rt w h e n his pants are m istaken fo r the landing zone Lauren Fisher- dies w lie n her sidekick is taken a w a y Kara Frisoli- gets stu ck in a locker Dan Gleason- an extrem e C onnect F o u r b a ttle spins o u t o f c o n tro l Schuyler Goldberg- tries o u t th e o n ly id e n tity left: a dead m an Harry Green- pogos o u t o f tlie atm osphere Peter Hall-Risko- insu lts th e w r o n g person a t tlie w r o n g tim e losh H erritt- hits his head o n a ceiling Scott H ootm an-N g- g ets his head smashed b y Peter M e n k in g Rachel Ivanhoe- forgets to breathe bnatlian loelson- tu rn s his am p to

1 1. o n ly his lia ir w a s recovered

Robert Kemper- experiences a serious m o m e n t and dies o n th e spot Emily Kerchoff- ingests a bin o f pom -pom s Ari Klafter- dies fro m th ird degree b urn s a fte r someone kn ocks his scalding h o t coffee fro m his th e n n o s a ll o v e r h im lenna Krinsley- takes a hockey puck to th e neck Callie Leone- is trampled b y an e xo tic g ro u p o f anim als t lia t escaped fro m her g y m eff lounsbury- his synagogue retaliates a fte r th e y find o u t th e ir Rabbi L o u n sb u ry isn 't really lew isli! Amanda Marcelle- she just, like, died, y o u k n o w ? Vlarleni Milla- does so m ething besides h o m e w o rk and dies o f shock w h e n she realizes tlia t there is m ore to life .eigh Millaid- fin ally lau g lis a t one o f her o w n w i t t y rem arks and dies fro m d isappointm ent Lobby Minicucri- eaten b y bears M o r y Monsma- her heart is rem oved instead o f her kidney a fte r she v is its C andy M o u n ta in Henry Myers- pops a sliarp collar tlia t c u ts his ju g u la r Andrew OBrien- inlierits the role o f God a lo n g w it h his im m o r ta lity ilizabeth Packer- studies so m u ch t lia t her brain spon tan e o usly com bu sts dike Pakula- develops fa ta lly poor c ircu la tio n a fte r re ceiving e xte n sive deadlocks fro m Sam aith Pierce- threatens Death-sheS s till a live Adam Rsarkiewicz- w hereabouts u n k n o w n June Pizzutello- creates th e Facebook g ro u p "R.LP." and joins u Poin- says "I w a n t to die" fo r th e m agical m illio n th tim e and her w is h is g ran ted ,evin Portanova- his c u rv e ball comes back a t h im lurnee' Purdy- lias a clim actic ending lannali Rabin- dies o f shock a fte r s ta y in g a t a p a rty fo r m o re tlia n 2 0 m in u te s like Ronson- lias a s tra n g e substance o n th e w in dshield o f his car and cashes eter Sanders- killed b y H u g h letoi ia Santos-Buch- is c a u g h t b y th e fashion police and dies o f shock nan Sai ner- becomes the d ru m m e r fo r Spinal T a p .w e a ll k n o w h o w tlia t ends imberly Segalas- dies o f a heart a tta ck w h ile tr y in g t o o u t r u n a cheetah itdiew Serkes- tries to s ta rt a fad: d y in g .n o one catches o n race Shaker- lias been a g h o s t since th e boys o f th e Class o f 2 0 0 5 graduated eve Sheehan- dies o f heartbreak w h e n K L H T becomes St. K in g and L o w -H e y w o o d T h o m a s Lukes School ugh Stangeland- meets someone big g e r tlia n h im isten Sun- marries Yao M in g and is c a s h e d b y her g ia n t children ii Tipton- mistakes some s o rt o f electrical w ir e fo r a pair o f headphones iff Ulrich- misplaces him self 'my Voyages- dies w lie n his pick-up h its his tra ile r 'Ian W airen- gets attacked b y g e o m e tric sliapes in an intense g e o m e try w a r itlm Weinstock- takes a cro che tin g needle to th e eye ''h Zaccagnino- his a tte m p t a t p la yin g lacrosse goes d an g e rou sly w r o n g Kida Z w ye r- d ro w n s in her o w n tears w h e n slie realizes she's em o

4 yeans ago I m rt a girl w iio wouU change rmy life fo re ve r, I s t ill rem em terttefirsttirine] sa w fier, W e wer'e in w eiglrtiraining and -siie w a s wearing a gray KLKT (/things s fiirt, and tire s iio i't s , Siie w a s stretching in 6etween Leslie and Sarah and I couldn't" keep from glancing art her every 1 5 seconds, Sfie wore fc r g la sse s and tra c e s ti-ien, and sfe w as -fiie m o st spectacularthing I had ever seen, ) liked h e rfro m th a t moment fo rw ard . Finally, y e a rs la te r, I w a s introduced"to fe r t ile day a fte r spring treak by Drew 6ecause fe ju stsc happened to be dating her t e s t friend. So we s ta rte d t o g e tto know each o tte r, I hit my f eeling fo r days, which turned t o weeks, which turned t o m o rtis, a t which p in t I couldn't

stand it any longer and confessed my f eelings t o her, I realized s fe had p'otatty known few l f eft considering few l acted wfen I w a s around fer, and l w a s em tarrassed teyond telief. Finally on M ay 5 t i >, a fte r an afternoon on fe r couch watching music videos, sf e "fitted her fe a d to w ard s mine and we had our f ir s t k is s . My fe a r t skippd a te a t. T ie momenttfiatl had teen w aiting for' since £3t h grade had finally come, I w a s completely taken aw ay by t i ia t tre a t! taking k is s, and t o t h is day I feel t h a t w ay a to u t fe r, l love fe r more than anyone else in t ie world and t h a t is never going t o change, lju s t wanted everyoneto know fiow I am fio plessty in love w ith A tty Ftatow , l love you t a t y < S

SH-iV! s o many bangin tm e s , f rom youre bald "to youre a dad -to youre a I e rb t o no*t even, youre Itu rt, S yste m of a Dow n /T e M a rs V o lta slow , St lo o s , J r,

Y e a r C la ss t ip ! y o u r hand w a s on f ire /W a tt w le re am l? !/tl e ice cube s h a tte rin g on R obbys fano, d-blocking Robby on AIM, Bemigansfc

a d v is o ry dinner (Buggy! Ybah 1like "to sh a ve w ifi to u t cream , I like "flic pain), M r* F e lto n running in t ie ra in la s t day o fju n io r year, intensejam sessior t o Tall o f T ro y , A live @Five w ith no pow er and mad c a lls fro m Cunkle, Baham as = m ad fun, one w o rd ! t lu nderrougarf alconbird, bad t ie remote like a

s i totgun, w a te rin g G lory Road/Annapolis like 2 0 tim e s , t ie M r, Hankey in o u r a d v is o ry f o r Halloween, A F! 2> 1 1 co n ce rt fro m a f ew summers a<

t lia t w a s insane, all t ie tim e s in 6and, J F ro p s high n o te s (Jm s o rry , le w does t lia t go again?), ta le n t s le w ( S e tlis t= Banguet, Reptilia, la s t ;Vrft

rehearsing a t yo u r le u s e Jam m ing t o S p a rta , playing your' g u ff a r ( S e tlis t= Man W le Sold t ie W o rld , One Armed S cisso r, and wack version of Cu

Y our' Ri66on), your' im pressions (BRUTAL, ah S c o tt doing som e le m e w o rk I see, kalling all ka h in e t m em bers, s o w h a t kind o f m usk do you listen to?

V1VEKI R 6 !, Y oure dancing m an), RAM a ,k ,a , le rb /f in g e rs/m u scle s/ste ro id sA M a rf in /s ta rv in g child/back pack snack/lm s o rry no money/turkey ball

sa n d w icle s, fun tim e s a t your' le u s e , shaving f o r tle f ir s tiim e , yo u r dad le ttering a t t le ladies, bo n fire s, v a rio u s pool p a rtie s andtro w in g stufl

your' pool, nearly g e ttin g everyone I ir t by ca rs ty in g t o g e t a spoon fo r' m y Ben & J e rry s , you "th ro w in g mad w a te r a t people, your s is te r! ROBBY!

cinim inis and grilled cliecse sa n d w icle s, you flipping o u t f rom g e ttin g d—blocked on A M (] b e a t up m y s is te r ) Cuba (3ooding J r,! Robby comejumpont ta m p o lin e !, yo u r aw esom e s tic k e rfro m t e J r, ye a r c la s s t ip , t e e le v a to r's game ( w lio s th a t in t e m irro r? !), AK! Fabio, keep working o n to

s t r u t , B S !te human bobblelead, APS rid ic u lo u s tm e s in a d v is o ry and band and econ, You couldnt play t e c o w b e llto sa ve your* life, So I know Rory g o t som e tm b a le s , J F ro p s high n o te s , t e ta le n t s le w , th e HUH key on t e cla vin o va (middle D s h a rp on dance pop drum s s e ttin g ), Brian Regan (K id ik is f lagangagan come g e t yo u r goulash/B oy you s u re f ailed t h a t A / te s t/D e le c ta b le !) and G abriel Jglesias (c lo c o la te cake AY DIOS MlOSI/this lio te l is RACST/okl am s o rry ),th e Bennigans dinner! te llin g t e s ta ff i t w a s T u rs le n s b irtid a y (T u rs le n ! I g o t som e e x tra d e s e rt le ft, Vivek you

w a n t som e?),Tunak Tunak + t e dance t o go along w it t it , DG! Daniel M ichad Beyman G leason, no one understands o u r love, w hy dont you take a lap around t e g a la xy in a second, HG, JL, KD, M F, HM! dumb f un tm e s in m a ti/p h y s ic s , high voice b o y s c lio ir, dolpliin sgueaks, c u t back th e to m f oolery »

b u tku s, is le being a h o rs e s p a to o te , m ax g ir t i (HG g o t played), t e disco e ffe c t, M F I w a s so close t o annihilating you w ith your notebook, are wc launching t e ro c k e tto d a y , I heard t e guy f r o m t e Indian bobsled m ovie Sand Runnings is coming in , t ia t Forsche is dumb fa s t, MM & LM! illtimes during Model U .V tip s , f re e s ty lin w it i Menking, e a tn g dinner* w it i s o p h is tic a te d R obby, S c o tt S le lto n s game, M ai I understand t e t tings you

s a y /R o ry K! Keep drumming, I g o t my ow n v e rs io n o f Low Rider', it s called l-R id e r, J B y d t! One w o rd ! M ichad B olton, Hi Id like to use my debit eard,gt tm e s in a d v is o ry and la x, Bennigans o f course, F M ! L e v ttfic u s , CU! W ar-crw a f t is w a ck, SIto u ts t o som e underclassm en! S c o tt B a,k,a, Raya frw

T e Him alayas 2 , 0 a ,k ,a , Hindu Hammer 2 , 0 , W ill O a ,k ,a , G u iro s a ,k ,a , M r, H ig h -A ttitu d e -L a x , Simon a ,k ,a , F e te r Menking 2 (g u it lading snaeks

y o u r s i to rts during la x ), J Buc a ,k ,a , R o w a yto n Sailing (ye s!), iVoah F (J need tw o m inions), S, C arey, M a ta s aka M a te a s, S F risoli, Jolm y Avery, and

W e k Alaigh

K k.V utty/S houtt o t e La x Team, gonna m is s you g u ys (now w lto else can s a y th e y scored on B W ick),T ia n k you t o all my

teaclers trough tte yea

f o r educ a tn g me, M o s t im p o rta n tly , Jw a n t t o th a n k Mom, Dad, and Inder f o r' a lw a y s being t e re fo r me and shaping me in to t e person I amtoday.

Ok I w a n t t o make a s lio u t o u t t o all my peeps - Dylan if Im t e only one w le do esnt end up a t Boulder l w a n tto s a y yo u r a w kw ard b u t when you t ink o f me w l ten you r a t CO and you w ill remember MISSSI/VG YOU - Shane keep u p t e snow boarding and g e t t e g o ld ju s tto spite me also I would consider burning th o s e d istu rb in g purple p a n ts because rt h u rts my b r a in ju s tto th in k a b o u tth e m Jimmy o s w e e t redneck Jimmy, n o t c u ttin g yo u r h a ir goodjob w ith t h a t - Lia sa y i t w ith me SUUOUUCK IT and t tank you fo r buying m e te g re a te s t movie of all tm e - R aclel tra n k you fo r my L a b y rin ti cd i t changed my life b u tty n o tto s te a l all t e c re d it fro m Jon - and Jon o my darling long haired friend please please please c u t you r h a ir o te r w is e 111have t o shave t e w lo le t ting before you leave and t ra t would be bad cause te n I

200 Sam Berman

would know if you have e a rs o r n o t

■torn k Dad; Thank you f o r a lw a y s s u p p o rtin g me in e v e ry .single m ove I m a d e "th ro u g to u "tm y high s c to o l career, you a re "tru ly m y backbone, even if you h a ve n'-f been able "to help me w rth m y to m e w o rk f o r ih e p a s t seven ye a rs, B U T rts w a te r under"the b ridge now and I lo ve you t o t k .Vicky; I g u e ss yo u 're o kT o o , kidding, love you to o , A S - M y b ro T h a —f ro m -a n o "th a -m o "th a w e go W A Y back a ll" tie w a y b a c k "to "tto days o f libby Ifttle , Be daring, pink a nard, oooh la la la livin g "the slice o f life , rrr td u b s ju s t rem em ber "to be sincere, you g o "tta lo "tta liv in -fo do, and money m a k e s "tto w o rld go around w h a t"kin d o f name is ALSERVOV? D id n 't I see you sta n d in g n e x t'to a clow n machine in " th a t m ovie w rth doaguin Phoenix and fAark R u ffa lo th a th a s n '"tc o m e o u t" y e t? W o o o o o o o o o o o o ! K R diane, y e irta , e rz u lie , K ost", o u r galvanic cell, Chicago and"the old people, o ve rsle e p in g ,"tryin g "to sneak m cdonalds in to "the m ovie"thea+re, msvcastte, sooo m any "tilin g s 1c a n t w r ite , d re ssin g up e tc , VYuC— the tr a in , U S M s, ro o m ie s! dom inos,

[PJRIS yay b itte rn e s s and illite ra c y , 1w is h w e g o t clo s e r so o n e r C P; Doing laps, te llin g s to rie s , and good tim e s , M T tg ile s!! K G /lM cI; A lto s ! C a b a re t! C to ir T H p 0 7 !! fVS /M R A JC /A C -O

6 I lo ve you all, I

could fill up an e n tire page w ith s t u f f I w a n tto s a y t o you g u ys, b u tt sugarm unch, w o o !, OVE, ro o m ie s O

6 , look iio w c u te th e penguin is , Blaine, back t o relevance, hand?!, pranks, prom , cream so d a , ru m o rs!,

sketchy s ta rb u c k s guy, I th in k she's asleep in to r basem ent, I m is s you all s o m u ck ID? L&L, sum m er O 6 is th e re really anything else? Playland, s e c re t ops, o u r m any so n g s, to o m u c h to f i t on 1 page, lo ve you/m iss you. C u rta in C all; w o rd s ca n n o t describ e to w much I lo ve you a ll,,,D R t snm , s o much m ore! J m a rts - W HAT a re you gonna do w r t t o v f me n e x t ye a r? And I d o n t mean me and Andrew , I ju s t mean me, Vo, b u t se rio u s ly th a n k you s o m uehf or- s u p p o rtin g me t h is year? w o o o o oo o o , c to ir tr ip O

6 , th e

penguin,Thank you fo r le ttin g me s i t s o much during th e m o u s e tra p ! I know Im fo rg e ttin g s o much, s o t o anyone w to I fo rg o tt lo ve you! S eniors 0 7 - C o n g ra ts -W e did H i L ife 's s h o r t - have d e s s e rtf ir s t .

lis a Boccuz.z.i

Congra’fularfionvS +0 ~the Cta^vS of

2,007 Etfje Brennan ' C8P& EMP5 Lifers' 4 e ve r! Neel FB Oironicles, Buying Phil Pokemon s tu ff in Jersey, ■Pucca!7he8eddiesliveon! 1 2> ye a rs and s tilt going s tro n g , FattHJ'Thou a r t dicey, timorous poltroon! Crappy anime con in Jersey l like kniiiives FeFeFe M ariooloo; *paints stuff red* Marteni w u z Fere! M iki; Silent (Vuns 4 Lyf, ;Vungun, Haus? Xeroxing Michael ' (test6and ever!), 8 e d d ie # 2 ,th e neon 6raidedthing, indirectly psyching you, MB Mak & 5 Jack; M aster Dinkle6erry W o rs te rc h ire (is spawning undertheta6le) Jack; Enrigue deluxe and Susan the'TB W ! Ohm ahgawd!ookathisFACE,the C ivil R evolutionary W a r, BARRELS! Abbybsbbyl Hows your sp ag F e tti? 0M (3 *points a t 6ew6ies*, B a ckstre e t Joy sing alongs on tF ie 6us (Feck yes) Callie; Kazejin kaizoku 6arta! Super French fun Monsieur me manque, e ttu ? ) K atie ; i got* a dollar, a lacy dollar! (3alanopians unite! MPTop; Im nort k ittin g you!the cone Fiat, 6 e t r t over!, e ra ser addictions, (Vo seriously ’ juys, seriously Kchan; Po is not- a communist! iV iz z y ; < 2> <Voonoo6ear! <5o piano class ' andBo6 Marley) K ris tie & M a r; Hey 6 e s tfrie n d wFios not" Marteni! Ksun; Efficiency, , .listen, efficiency! Egyptian paganists, Chinese Fiouse p a rity ,th e KWOM/VAXOR *sFiakes am6ourines*, IrisFr-C atholic Chinese B a ckstre e tB o ys, Jay, Que e s e s to ? CAE E;V 1IS6RACJA! Everyone; < 2> t o you all! J u s t remem6er "there is no spoon.

C ourthey Bruggertnan

'fhe Q b s s of

-------------------------------- V "Tire end is here W oah! F irs t, ] w a n tto thank my lovely fam ily. Daddy, Mom, Katie, K,C,, Kelly, and Taco^rl love you all so much, "Thank you fo r all youve done fo r m e& 'tte eternal love & support. Secondly, I w a n tto thank Miki & W endy=yall are am azing people wfrom I love dearly. Thanks for t ie endhss hours ofjoking around & listening t o all my p'o 61em s, A so , thank you duracifor

alw ays 6eing kind s ta k in g care of me, Youre like my 2 nd m other. To all my friends,,, wow, Sfrisfi W evehad some funny tim e sA E ve rytl ring from lickingto singing t o k issin g to harassing ppt together=you arefreakin awesom e. Boo? I love u 6oo,,,ur my 600, M arieniTIhanks so muchfor

alw ays listening. You are a strong, sm a rt, 6eaudif ul person< 3 , Coco & Chamee; W e gofarfcad

& w eve had some craacy, awesome tim e s, I love you girlsITom ? Life is tough, 6ut youre a great person, Never fo rg e tth a t, 1love u tom tom , Andrew; Y oure ve ry talented & 1love u. Stop picking ur nails! K ara; RdH 3 & Darin dontthink we are good dancers=6ut it s ok, d u st pop & lock, denna;

Good tim e s 6eing 6ums! Sf c u to u ts ; X -tin a , Racfel, Dani, Mikaela, Madi, deni, dackson, iVsrtalie, Qia Kristen, Eliz.a6eth, Annika, Dean, Doug, Ryan, Cody, Qua, dackfxo), Callie, Mallory, A66y, Kip& Scodt,

dof 10, Q iarlie, L isa 8,, L isa D, K a t K, Shane, Dylan, Lala, R ai, Malcolm, Gerardi, lulupoo, R06LY ou all w go fa r in life, Im A LW A Y S fere fo r yall. Never fo rg e t me, Xo, I love you all AB; Idk w hatto say I guess I hope you get w h at you w ant o u t of Iife„,iwmh6p

Kim CJark CLASS O F 0 7 ; every sTep h a s beer fun, you guys are awesome andTHAVKS FORTHE RIDEL, dLO; M Y B O Y, so muchf un, 6ase6all, physics, connect 4 , running t l eta6 le, ski trip s, MR, LORES fpfrr, frank), getting kicked o ut of ta rg e t, w ay to o much otfrer s tu ff, it s always 6ecn exciting frafia A -TYA C; O R R EEEO O O O SSSS,team am erica, pudting down tfiejihad, ligfrtring opposite, .VP, THE LIBERTY BELL!!!,,, S S ; footfcall, ta g -te a m w restling, W HY W ERE YOU HOLDliVG Y O U R BREATH???, physics, 6ase6all t rip s R K ; HOTUPS, oreos, sucft a fe a st entire football field, sk i crashes,thankyou le tte rs Crts in tfre mail i sw ear) HAIVK; stic k -sfrift m astery, carpool, your moms m oves and C h ristian s commentary, g ian ts game and cinnaton TjTo, pfr), falling off c liffs PRR; F0 R G 1IVG I.VTO /VEW "TERRITO RY,,, S G ; greenwicf. ave adventures, GUILLAUME AVD DIKEMBE, mr-s , o x fo rd s slidesfrow, AKH!!!,tfre word game with vannetaaannn, cedlllltle, didnt fie w rite tfre p e tit prince??,,, MP5CS!!!, wfren I w as making my f ir s t computer a ttire age of 1 1 , HG;THE PICKLE PERSO/V, t ie flumping tu rtle sculpture, row ayton pride dH~F; football, baseball THE PIRATES, f lardw are, carpool, keep it going next year dEFF E; my 6oy since a s long a s I can rememberso mucfr ridiculous s tu ff th a t I wont eve s t a r t VTKJIVG FOOTBALL AMD BASEBALL; t l ranks fo r everything and C A R R Y O/VTriE LEGACY AH; a s t e current record—frolder, it s been morefun tlran I e v e r couldVetfrougft andtfrankyov (ps DO:VT BUG O U Tf tafra fra ju ss tt kidding),, EV ER Y B O D Y ; "THAVKYOU !!!!!

CJ Idon+evenkno w h e re to begin „ rfs only been 2. ye a rs fc u tlfe e l like Iv e k n o w n u fo r s o m u chlongew U beentnerefor me tro u g h everything k I love u s o m uchf o rth e rf, U tru ly a re th ie IH tle s is te r I never hrad & h b ia ts re a l, D o n ff eel special, u r st® bad, loud-m outhed, and o b noxiou s! _ol - D ont do anything stu p id n e x t yea r w fth io u t me no m a tte r tio w fcad r f m ay g e t! U beenthrough th e w o rs t p a rt o f th e s to rm k s till standin s tro n g d o n t le t anybody knock u love u KiKi! JH—M y fcoo!Trere realy are no w ord s t o e xp ress fio w much u fcein th e re fo r me has m e a n tto me, U a lw a y s have th e g re a te s t advice k are always afcleto p u t a sm ile on my f ace, U deserve th e w orld, d o n t e ve r f o r g e tttia t, "The la te n ig h t c h a ts k early morning updates mean s o m uchto me u have no idea, I love u s o muchi,keep in touch), f? T -T }ie re is n t enough space in th is yearbook o r enough w o rd s to descri6c eve rything I f eel afcout u, so Im n o t even gonna t r y . J u s t kno th a tth ro u g h ith e ups k downs III always be fe re f o r w h a te v e r, whenever. Ive w atched u g ro w s o much since th e f ir s t day w e m et, and youve grow n t o be someone 1care f o r & love s o m uck no one can o v e rta k e u r place, E verything I have e ve r to ld u, I m eant w rth eve ryth ling in me, ] go t so m uchlovef o r you rem em foerthat, Good luck w ith e ve rything 1love you, C W - A lthough w e may n o tta lk all th e time, 1kno th a t a tth e end o f "the day I can s till co u n t on u t o lis te n , Y ouve fceen nothin t u t real w ith me afcout everything k there a re n tto o many o f th o s e around, so kno t h a t r t m eansthe w o rld , D ont eve r s e ttle f o r le ss th a n u deserve k alw a ys strive fo rth e fc e s t u deserve r t all & m ore»d o n t le t anyonetellu d iffe re n tly , ;V o m a tte rth e distance fcetween us, ull alw a ys be my girl k 111alw ays fee here fo r u. Love u C ay, R < - (Jr a f ool, fc u t I love u s o much! U rth ie s h o u ld e rto c ry on,th e open ea r k helpinghand Ive alw a ys needed, 1love w ho u are, d o n t eve r change k a lw a y s keep in touch). lo v e u, E K - Y ouve fceenth ro u g h i t all girl theres no w ay u r n o t gonna make H" f a r, U r a s tro n g woman k anyone w ho c a n t see t h a t is n t w o rth u rtim e k energy,Thanks f o r everything, u already know th e drill, if u need m e,, yeah = ) love u, PS, HS, S<S 1Ay fcig b ro th e rs . A lw a ys a pain inth e ass, fcut s till a lw a ys th e re f o r m e - Im gonna m is s u clow ns. Especially beating u in e ig h ts = P :Vever change, 18, JE, KD,flfi Elementary school fcuddies k more 6 e s to f tim e s w itfiu loves, I w is h u th e b e s t in eve rything u do, (/B all <3irls I hsrfed not being afcleto play w ith u g u y s th is year, fe v tth e season remained priceless, I love u all unconditionally k th e re s rertbing I wouldnt do fo r u,The s e c re ts w e sh a re d jo k e s w e to ld , and m em ories w e made are o n e s th a t w ill remain w ith me

Lauren Fisher

f orever, I love u g irls keep i t going! C la ss o f O 7 w e made rt! B e s t o f luck in all th a t u do k youll all be m issed < 3

BiVOl+oo m u ch to even s t a r t , I lo ve you g u ys, yo u ve been such a huge p a r t o f m y life , Cupcakes/6read in a • blender, meowing lit t le boy, s to c k in g up on s o much candy, s iz z le like bacon, P re f ontaine, im acutchiu, summer loving, w e a re all b a sica lly d a tin g . D aggle,) KTS; r t all began w ith th e red le o ta rd @Arena,"Think Pink Barbie songs, Spice G irl dance p a rtie s , s ittin g on yo u r ro o f, re a lly good T im e s!

FAT(E); o v e r 1 2

y e a rs o f

good tim e s . Bring o u tth ie Lighrth leads, Ready, s e t, MREH!! C W ; Same old school s tu ff, plus S ta rb u c k s dates.Thumpis?!! KM C; w e go w a y back!, Pop and lock, RJH 3 , m aking b is c u its and s m o o th ie s , FJ 2. K> IM


Coaches, F airy Y e n ta s (SS 2. O O O ), d re s s -u p s , sleep is o v e rra te d ) V S B; b a b ygirt! S um m ertim e m ovie nights, dance p a rty , ve n tin g s e s s io n s , GOD FRAVQ/VE!! Spanish c la s s , and s o much m ore, lo ve !! A M ; w h ite houses, bio cla ss, sum m er night s , d re ssin g up like c e le b ritie s because w e a re cool, fun tim e s !! EB; h ia m ste r noises, goof y name calling, y a y !! EK; dinner d a te s in to w n , beading!, t h ir if t s to r e f un tim e s , deep convos, goodtimesh tiR ; I rem em ber doing hiair w ra p s in 5 t h grade, o th ie rfu n n y th in g s ! <3S; m ovie m a ra th o n s, white ca stle b u rg e rs a re b e s t fro m th e m icro w a ve ') AS; old neighbor w ith y o u r fun f e rT e ts , b illia rd ta lk s , love you dearly! CL; IPS p ro je c t! W a tc h in g R o a d trip w rth i'th e gibbon, playing th o s e c r a z y te n n is gam es, fundraising? S ty ro fo a m gam e!) SP; tra m p o lin e hopping, B re a kf a s t club m ishap, w e re g o in g to E g yp t! D W ; , I guess we are d a tin g ! H<3; prom w a s fun, 1like y o u r tu n e s ! A P ; K aren/Jack, BFF haha! K w eskin A d v is o ry , oh yeah. To everyone else (you know w h o you a re ) o r th o s e I fo rg o t, you h ave been aw esom e. Good luck a fte r high school w rth i w h a te v e r you do. B e s t w is h e s ,

K ara



V /ha'f do you w a n 'f'fo do?vr* 'Jus'fpu'f 6read in a 61ender?? 0

■KingLow? good

$ <($ 4*

Dan <31ea^on 203

Congra'tula'fion^'to 'the Q ^ s s of

2007 Schuyler <3oU6erg

Congra'fula'tion^'to 'the

Q bssof

H arry (3reen

Congra'tula'fion^'to 'the Q b s s of


P e te r Rafl—R is to

>\8M? 1 Z / Z , a h boo boo boo boo, c o n c e rts , s p o rtin g e v e rts , m onies, endless steepovers, rid g e w a y , m a rio s and n ow pi-zL^a fioese, ptane calls, 'te x ts , umich footfcall, t e x t "tw is t, poker, play r t by <y)ear, so lrta re , deal o r no deal, our couch and blanket, 6asket6all, aw ay messages, w a te r cups, 6a6ys"rftlng annie, video chat, studying fo r your econ exam, sp o rtsce n te r, car rides, tw in s , su rve ys, w a r, blackjack, hi ho c tie rry -o , wendys, cra z.y girl, l love you so much-. If you ever need anything, ill be I ere fo r you, Forever and ever, always and all ways> RT, MC, KS, PS, LF, CJ? Cra-z.y e ig fts-. IF? Its nice knowing t i a t i f I ever need someone t o ta lk t o t h a t I can a lw a y s tu m to you. You have always been "there fo r me and fielped me th ro u g h so many s itu a tio n s , I look f onward t o sta yin g in tou ch w rfh you in t i e fu tu re , RT? My boy since like 4 th grade, so many g re a ttim e s , PS? Youre my boy despite all o f your s a rc a s tic rem arks,fantasy fo o tb a ll, CJ? B usrides, DR,HS? Frenchclass, HS? J u s t one more question, Jo sli,


Congra’fula’tion^s*to 'the C la ^ of

S c o tt Hoothnan~iVg Mom and Dad; Y ou 've su p p o rte d e v e ry th in g I've chosen t o do, and h ave never fa ile d "to lielp me th ro u g h life s d ifficu ltie s. i love you m ore "than w o rd s can s a y , and am lucky "to call you m y p a re n ts , M a tttie w ; W e ve had it rough b u t have beaten e v e ry th in g " th a t life h a s th ro w n a t u s . Y ou a re th e t e s t big b ro th ie r, guardian, and f riend a g irl could e v e r h a ve , I lo ve yo u , M ika y, F a ith , andTom ; Y ou g u ys a re such a w e so m e ,ta le n te d , andfunny people. You made a r t g re a t, "W e ow n th is ," don, Ashley, C a t, L isa , S erkes, Jim m y, and C Jiff; Thanksfor all th e good tim e s , L ia ; W e v e n t, laugh, and keep each o tte r sane. Y ou g o t me th ro u g h high s to o l. Y ou're a g re a t c o -e d ito r, an even f e t t e r frie n d , and th e person w fio ll a lw a y s s a y , high school in my mind, Sara; Y o u r unfailing a b ility t o tu m m y fro w n upside dow n m akes me fe e l a s ttio u g h Ive known you m y wlole life. You a re som eone t h a t w e could all team fro m ) I adm ire you s o much), Z a c l£ If I w e re t o look up awesome in th e d ic tio n a ry , r f w ould s a y "S haf onda, Y ou a r e tte t e s t . B e rm s; I'm a lw a y s e x c ite d t o spend tim e w ith you, Y o u re one o f th e fu n n ie s t peopde I know , and a frie n d t h a t I fe e l lucky t o h a ve , Shane; Y ou make me laugh. You a re an ADD p e rs o n 's d re a m (s h m u ffin b u tt1 )a n d a com plete n u t, b u t you m ake i t w o rk , ChameeJ W e ve h a d seven y e a rs o f g iggles, te a r s , fun, and h a rd tim e s , t u t w e made r f o u t a liv e . Y ou a re not my friend, you a re m y s is te r , Im a lw a y s fe re f o r you, and w ill be fo re v e r, I lo ve you, DyR Y ou a lw a y s put a smite on m y fa c e , W le tte r o n a m ountain, a t a c o n ce rt, o rju s tv e g g in g , w e h ave a good tim e . You have been m ore o f a frie n d "th a n 1could h a ve asked fo r , and I lo ve you f o r r f , S fim a n z; W le th e r on o u r many cra zy c ity tr ip s , o r o u r rid icu lo u s n ig h ts in, w e a lw a y s ha ve fu n . W e 'v e been th ro u g h hell and H g h -w a te r, and you've been th e re fo r me e v e ry m in ute . Y o u 're a m a zin g ) you'll a lw a y s be in m y le a r t . C la s s o f O 7 ; Ive learned th in g s fro m you all t h a t I w ill c a rry w ith me fo re v e r. T hanks fo r seven u n fo rg e tta b le y e a rs .

don Joelson

O kay okay okayyyyyy-tny b o y s s s , S S , - re s p e c t a s alw ays-. F o o tb a lU a x chyeaa) i w ill a lw a ys rem em bertf ie back couirh-)

rid e s w rtti u andy and schuyler, I love you kid, s o much fun and ttic r'e w ill fee s o much m ore, K ,D ,-f oo tball, skiing, chillin, girlswc Jc

ttie m a llto g e ttie r hahaaa,, Ik 4 4 ! ,,'rts been mad fun iiom ie, uno tio w w e g e t down in ttie la te fo u rs a ls o - feeentfieir donctferl uounsfcury-l love you r h a ir a lm o s t a s much a s I like you r s ty le a s c a r w hich I w itn e sse d and w ill a lw a ys feel bad about,, I s t kid I kinda knew a t kin g sta m f ord w a ts good! S.G , — JAMROCK e n ry y y n ig irt you know w iie re to f ind Rob and £G and iiow -ft icy b e lttiejung le hahaaaa introduced m e to s o much, s ta rtin g me o ff in French c la s s sopiim ore y e a r,,. A s long a s l livelm down t o backeountry w rtti you,, A -S S -f o o tb a ll, s o much w e can go o ve r',, i w ill a lw a y s re m e m b e rtte back country rides wrli u sheehan and schuyler hahaindian ta n d „re s p c c tf o r doin you r tilin g a lw a ys P J!,-te n n isn o w lax, we bounced b u t bounced

to g e ttle r f un tim e s , KJVl.-1 iia te d you wiion I f ir s t came t o king now youre my boy, ye ss la x ! H.G, la x babyyy iiaiia uno iiow wi do i t up and iio w w e w ill continue t o do i t up. P ,S ,-a n o ttie r S ta m f ord fooy..i like yo u r s a rc a s tic w a y s iiom ie.. I ‘c 4 rW££2'ysum m er chillin babyl love you, ull a lw a y s be my g irl! DJPegg,—u r ttie m an,, do u rtilin g on ttie c o u rt ino ull iiold itd o w n ,„lo ts 2 rem , m anm oreto come, c u iie s s „K ,£ ,, C .W ., M .M „LM .,K ,F ,, H,R,,L,A,,AJvt, FOfTTBAU, O 4 ayy 2 u guys,,J,tf-baller./l.S., C ,K ,-tf ie p 'o f esssa aa, A,S,, S ,B ,-m y f e llo w je w , J A -g b ,,d o in g u rttiin g -k e e p doin i t and keep w orking hard, K ,M ,,F,R ,,P ,R ,,T,H ,^,B ,/?,C ,,M ,P ,- never in t i e audi again iiom ie haha! Y o GrAcE u r my gird, V ic - good call w rtti andy,.tianks f o r a lw a ys being nice 2 k a te Amanda you Z ! S ,G ,~ a lw a ys happy such a cool g irl lo ts Z rem! K ,P,U , E,J.,£.R,~u guys go t sum seasons comin, E.B.—luvu!!, E.K.—lu v u to o !!, Junior CuTtEs! A.H.,S,S,,LM ,, U A,,T,B,,J,R , Anyaaaa---- omg youre my girl I love youwe be chillin 4 e v e r, Lit sum o u ta s c iio o l,,l,g ,/*,s ,,k ,f ,,T)P>—b e s tf riend since kindergarten and alw ays brottierttn-m y boy fo r life down t i e s tre e e e t,,o u riio o d ha iia ,, K,A l,P —my g irl I b v c you baby- SelViOrS O 6 ' tre y —g re a te s ttu to r.., 2 all my te a c lie rs —s o rry if 1gave you som etroubleyou know your happy you ha dm ettiD u g h h a h a a a a a a a a a .,ttia n ksfo ra g re a t education! Josie-your'e my dog! Mom&Dad—I love you guys s o m uchttianks fo r a lw a y s being tte re f o r me, DOUG! - you are t ie g re a te s t b ro tte r and frie n d ,,o n tte real fo r' real on t ie real! I love u s o much m a n.«tf I fo r g o t sum people my badiVTirank

you so m u chfor all t i e g re a th im e s ill never e ve r eve r f o rg e t. W o rk hard play h a rd. I love all you guys we def inrtely got it dew

R06 Kempner

and did r t d irty ,

______ -vowrrsc o l l e g e b a b y y y y y y y y y y y y y ! V ic - M y 6 e s t friend, 1d o n 't know w harf \A do w ith o u t you,from Sharon T a lk s to sharing room s ] love loving, laughing, and living everything with you* 1d o n t know w harf III e ve r do w ith o u t you n e x t year-. Honey-1 love you, and tfie p a s t year has 6een am azing* Only wanna be w ith you* Love you fo re v e r L 2>-.Trio—fro m o u r shippanim alsto King lo w we have th e 6 e s t Tim es, and hopef ully many m ore t o come* 1love you girlies! To t i e O V ladies, I love us, and all o f you! You girlies are tie B est, EMB, MSB, CLW , OHS, & KTS* L a L a - Thanks f o r 6eingtfere a lw a y s To t i e O V 6 o y s ,to n s o f good Tim es, keep on partying* H a rry - youre one o f t f e 6 e s t frie n d s Ive e ve r had,Thanks fo r' everything* R o6 -T h anks fo r The T a lks &hum or* Josh-T hanks fo r le ttin g me annoy you* To m y fa 6 S , keep being fabulous* To all of my cfeerleaders, p a s t, present, and fu tu re , keep on laughing! To my family*


Emily K erchoff

Thanks fo r e ve rytliin g ! Jlove you Andy, M ark, Beth, Mom & Dad* h 2> Em

A ri KJaf'fer

Kim CJ T hanks fo r ' e v e ry th in g , W e a re 'th e 6 ig g e ^ t tu rn s anywhere, a im le s s ly d riv in g around s o w e w ould w a tr fe ga-s. Jack-son Q T h anks f o r e v e ry th in g , rem em 6erT he HP prem iere we w e n t t o ta-sT N ovem ber? I t w a s s o much fu n , (3 irls Soccer? Y ou re th e h e s T te a m e v e r, r f w a s s o much fun playing -soccer Thi.s y e a r, V ik in g s 6a6y, YEAH! Shaeta (3? th a n ks f o r e v e ry th in g , yo u re a g r e a t p e rso n , John Q, Kim C, (Vatalie M , Jack^son C, C o u rtn e y B, PSoYPhen (3, M arleni M , T a tia n a (3, E liz a b e th P, K ris te n S, M ikaela

o u r co m e r

rocks, w e shiould name H I E a rth P, Kevin P, Kip C, Jim m y V , Emily K? 6 e s t c h e m is try c la s s e v e r! Jenna K rinsley R l- lia? RACHEL Y O U R T V DOES/VTW O RK, EVERYTM E Y O U S A W W R O O M IT STOPS! Y O U :VEED TO STAY WHERE S O T riA T I CAV W ATCH M Y M O VIE! r a e te u m m m th a ts because I paused H i haha good "tim es racfie you a lw a y s w e re "tire responsible o n e ,,,th a n k s f o r having m y back, L P -iie y lia? w here a re you going? w ell I’m going "fo P , Siierm an 4 2 . W a lla b y W a y , Sydney, " th a ts w iere fm goin. O h w h a t w a s th a t? P .S M rm a n 4 2 W a lla 6y W a y , Sydney! s m o re s tn flo rid a ... th a ts all i h a v e to s a y , g o lf c a rtju m p in g , c o y o te hunting, s o wha"t" a re you g irls ta lk in g a b o u t ... wayneJ o h ju s tttie u s u a l,,,,, com elio, 2 w o rd s J j’on w o o d hahaha SO THERE I W AS-..-...-, cupcake, bluey, ice cream, and HO TDO S!!!!! see w e re special because w e h ave a d v e n tu re s like d riv in g p a s ttfie saloon in w e stp o rt, tw e e d le dee and tw e e d le dum! m a ve rick and kelly m cgillis, g e t lo w , th e ketchup c a n n o tto u c h t ie frie s and th e g ra v y e a n n o tto u c h ttie m a ste d p o ta to e s ! life s winding ro a d s m ay ta k e u s fa r, b u t if we're a p a rt le t e a c h b rig ft s ta r , rem ind u s ju s th o w lucky w e are, t o be fo re v e r frie n d s . DW + S P - camp o u ts , lakejum ping, s n o w y ste e p o ve rs haha, S.'V0W M 08iU iV(3 AM? SKJTCHJ.'VcS... tiro u g iio u t high s c iio o l you g u ys h a ve a lw a y s k e p t me laughing, V IZ - PriCTO BO O TH... t h a t is a ll I ha ve t o s a y lot. SB-

3 w o rd s to describ e youJ cynical rid d lin g je w hahaha! ok go! w h a t w ould happen if p u z z le s ttire w


up? KP~ VlLLARliVAS! A \ r t y m in d sth in k a like ,—

random m em ories! y e s fa itti i know all " tie w o r d s to c o t 4 0 , „ p fio to b o o th is t t ie c o o le s t invention

fP~ M y mami I am having th e h a rd e s ttim e th in kin g o f w h a tto p u t f o r you because w e h a ve s o m any

ever and w e (you, me, and M Z ) h a ve "fto ro u g M y enjoyed using t (especially on long b u s rid e s t o s to rm king!) and here's t o all Thie "ft lin g s neH tier o f u s could rem em ber b u t t iia t w e had such a funny tim e w ftii! i love you babe!

S ea so n Oeff lo u n sb u ry

Congra’tula’tion^ *tb *the C la ^ of

Amanda M arcelle P rim ero, M am i y Papi, g ra c ia s apoyarm c y darm e la fo rta le z a de s e g u ir continuando* Con el am or gue me han dado, e s to y lis ta para el mundo. M i k a trta —aungue la m ajor, t j c o ra z o n siem pre contener^a s o n ris a de ona nia* Siempre e rc s y .sens mi m cjor am iga* O m a r-T o no c a rg a s el mundo, el mundo e s ta c n tu s m anos* La responsabilidad es grande, p e ro tcn g o f e en t * M am ’r ta - Aungue la d is ta n c ia e s la rg a , m i c o ra z o n e s ta siem pre contigo* T a t a n a - Pookie! M y b e tte r h a lf! Vo one und erstands me b e tte r tia n you-. I love o u r c ra z y jo k c s (w hich no one understands), and Spanish dances* Vo one can e ve r make a b e tte r meal "than w e can! Tu e re s mi m ejor am iga, fo rm ana, y mi alegria* Te guiero mucfio 6afce! K at~S igue fcailando mi nena! Fun tim e s a tte m p tin g t o belly dance and p erfecting yoga p o s tu re s * Sleep is n o t necessary w lcn your having f on! J o fe - You w ill a lw a y s be m y fa v o rite lo se r* Vobody can e v e r make a b e tte r d u e t fo r th e .Mulan so u n d tra c k s and t e fa m o u s cfiicken dance,than you and J* M ikaela-1 am gonna flip a P,S* I ta n k you make a s e x y Eminem! F arth a,k*a my one and only fu z z y ! Boo t o CP tim e ! B u t tra n k s t o t ra t, w e have made g re a t m em ories a fte rs c h o o l* (jogleybea r—it s g r e a tto know someone t i a t understands m y dorky com m ents* You have a fie a r t o f goal and you w ill alw ays be a part of mo Andrew 6 - Thank you fo r helping me become a b e tte r p ro c ra s tn a to r! I k n o w tra t) can a lw a y s co u n t on you* Chamee, o r sfiould I s a y M im i? Vo one can g e t down like you do Oehe) Vo t e preocupcs nena, no im p o rta el lenguaje, siem pre estarem os en c o n ta c to * H iz a b e t r - S e c re ts a re m e a n tto be shared! A ft tough w e a re c o n s ta n tly ar'guing i t d o e sn t s to p u s f rom looking a t t e p o sitive side of t r w orld* K ris te n —You w ill a lw a y s be m y ro o b e a r,tie re is n o tin g else t o sa y* C ourtney B *- Y o u r m o u ti, m y cfricken* G re a t tm e s in c n g lish cla ss and volleyball! Kim berly C Jark- Hey china, perhaps I m ay m is s t ie r ig f t note, b u t I shall never s to p singing! I couldnt pick a b e tte r person to spend endless m u­ on t e pfione t o re c o v e r t e h e a rta ch e s a n d ju s t being silly* Z fe n - z fe n - W iti o u r ph ysics cardboa rd p ro je c t w e can c o n g u e rte w o rld! K a te , Jackson, Lia, Jenna, Callie, and V a ta lic tra n k you f o r m aking lunch and o u r fre e s a p a rty ! T) rank you all f o r m aking t ese p a s t fo u r y e a rs a t me t o rem em ber! fts n o t a goodbye, III see you la te r*

M arleni Mffla

Recuerden, aungue ocurre, no c s una cscusa para no s e g u ir sonriendo

Leigh M illard

Congra'fula'fion^'to 'the C la ^ of

2007 Ro66y Minnicueci AM? Since Day 1 — clearly d ie c o o le d pair in "town, rig frf? ! DG&You am aze me daily, Pre, all 3 2>

Much love-.

KF; H istory fo re v e r, I can only e xp re ss my love*through dance-. Beat6ox w ith noises? IM? W e 6o'fh know e v e ry th in g ) c a n t f i t fere— it s -science— and i t makes me smile-. iVever change-. MF&CM^Tfe score is a lw a y s low ? e xce p t on chairlift's-. TS? W h a ts good? Family; Thank you fo r' everythingGood Luck 0 7 !

And t h a t is w haT she saidM a llo ry M onsm a - ()t)

Henry Myers

CongrarhjtarfiorivS'+o 'the Cla-SvS' of 2007 Andrew O'Brien

KFS! hey feud! Field hockey, a d v is o ry , c la s s e s , p a rtie s , school, complaining, s tre s s in g , plodting, scheming, college, A IM ... T hanks f o r vo lu n te e rin g t o pick me up a t tw o in th e m orning (111g e tth e money, dont you w o rry ). M M ! P a rtie s , a d v is o ry , ESPAVOU, complaining, AIM, s tr e s s , bad m ovies, college, Hair Thanks fo r p u ttin g up w r tli me and m y c ra z in e s s th e s e p a s tfe w y e a rs ' and m y b la ta n t h o n e sty to o . KPDJ! H I m

T urke y! Alice in W onderland, v e n trilo ,T h e W iz a r d o f O z ,’th e b a s e m e n t,th o c a r, g o lf, Kiawahi you've mear

s o m u c h to me in s o m any d iffe re n t w a ys-. W h a t w ill happen w ill happen CM 8 ! ( ju s t re a liz e d t h a t 1vc know

y o u fo ra b o u t 1 4 y e a rs c ra z in e s s . So m any m em ories o u r s ic k n a s ty 2 n d grade reading group... Thank-

f o r a lw a y s being th e re . C P! A n o th e r life r. Am e x c ite d ly a w a itin g th e 1 S th i b irth d a y b ash. IM P ! Model U f reshim an y e a r ju s t popped in to m y mind FP+KC+ vIK + A 0 + M Z + 'lB + J Q + Z Z (5 + K M ?thanks fo r beingthere w h e th e r i t w a s flipping o u t a t S ta n d a rd w r ite r s , g e ttin g th ro u g h p h ysics c la s s , choir, lunch', quality time

th e lo c k e rs /re e p e rio d s M A M + L T M lth e tr iu m v ir a te ! Field hockey w o u ld n t h ave been th e sam e w ith o u t yo

tw o ! C a p ta in s Insano, O b v io u s , and U nd e rp a n ts! K a f! th e s ic k n a s tie s t goalie e v e r!T h a n k s fo r being then

JC ! th e a m o u n t o f tim e s yo u 've m ade m y da y w H ii a com m ent a b o u t so m e th in g is unbeatable choir whrjti -'VM! fie ld hockey, c h o ir, complaining a b o u t life , running buddies. AP Spanish i+C alc! a special n o te t o you guys

because yo u 've lite ra lly m ade m y da y e ve ryd a y f o r th e p a s t t w o y e a rs betw een dolphin squeak, high' boy4 ch o ir, V A s p a z z o u ts , P&3ASUS, D r.s r'a n ts , complaining a b o u t life , and w h a te v e r o th e r insane "thing

__L 1()

ffibziabefh P acker

hiappened t o be going on a t th e tim e . FH O

6 ! th a n k s fo r- m aking t h is an aw esom e season i t s been an

a m a zin g and re w a rd in g experience being p a rt" o f y o u rte a m . L ife rs ! it 's been an aw esom e 1 6 o r so year CLASS O F O T tlh a n k s f o rth o m em ories and c o n g ra tu la tio n s g u y s ! w e 'v e m ade ft!

The Crew O / , you know who you are, everyone who iVe hung o irf w ith in'tTie pavsT*four year s You re my

boys tor life CC^ Jknow you would def inrfely h rf H\„RK, AZX Never again inTfie Audi APT Ba6yju^rf drink Yhi^, Co many memories anditiing^s we done, ] m reallyju^YToo la^tyTo w rrfeTtiem all ouT\ You know whaT weVe done and where weVe 6eenJu^rf know That 111remem6erTtiem fo re ve r. Viking Conner O 6 PFAChamps O V 8a6y, r f s 6een good, M ite Pakula KG Faith d ed ica testh isY oT a co , SFie loves- him ve ry much, Black people can sing. You don't see 61ack people o ff Yune and o ff prtch, Do You!? V JR ShuY Up Stupid!! 8uY,,,M]CK,,,l Love You! Youre Jew ish so f t w o rk s o u t, R l' H ie g ra s s is shiny! Urn RacFie, Do you re a lise youre s to rie s d on t make sense? A R B u t you dont understand,) A lm o st Died! C R Black Power! Complexion Connection! A~>\ Cold hands, You "too. But, 1myour hus6and! How is she you r w ife? CBJTFiou A r t Dicey! Sketchy Cafe d riv e rs in ;Vew Jersey, um cuse S cortty doesnt know? KG Gian Down! CU Can ] call you G iris tin a !? TFiey look fake, 6uYYheyre real so YhaYs o,k, MM; You know you could be candy. J u s t keep reading *sings* I can us Fioldin hands walkin ontfie 6each our "to es in t i e sand,,,SSS TFiey,Are,Huge K R S top flexing! TA; htso,k. I'm poorYoo, :VM; Y o u rf a t su fte is ,,,fa t, I love you guys,,] guess. Be good and don'Y do anything) w o u ldn t! Parental Controls You know youre gonna m iss me, Everyone will!

F arth Pierce

Congra'futa’tiorNS'fo *the Q bssof

Adam P lsarkiew ie -a


Shane P i-z.-z.irfello Rl - W h a t can 1s a y , y o u 're th e te s t,1 d o n 't know )o w 1w ould h ave s u rv iv e d w ith o u t you, I love you w ife y ,,, o u r CDs'* h a te lis t s ) lunch o u t) w h y w o n 't y o u r T V w o rk ? ) w h a t do you g e t w lienyou m ess w ith prep? THE H O R iV £)j'ust suck

HI) s p iff pea soup is s t ill funny) w lie n ) th in k o f J-iigkr srrkioolj HI "ttiink o f you, CP-

Y ourre m y g irl G ra rn e e z.y,,,la u v chuuuu) s ta y fly L ia ,"till I die G iarnee) FAIRFIELD PREP!) se x y nexy) DO;VT ftlTM E ) w e ta ll like tig g irls ') <3)VE ME MYTEW POliVTS) w h a t is death?) I d a re you "to m oooove') la s tn ig lt,

a t :Vtcks house) I ju s t w a n te d "to g ive you a hug, C L - High sch o o l w o u ld n 't h ave teen th e sam e w ith o u t you , F lorid a ) sm orres) g o lf-c a rriju m p in g w ith Jon aka SO DANGEROUS) our- s ta lk e e s ) camping o u t in tfie teepee) to y s su ck) o u r a d v e n tu re s ) hey th e re M r, (3rum py (3 ills , w h a t do w e do whien life g e ts us down? J u s t keep sw im m ing! I lo ve you fo re v e r frie n d , LB—I d o n 't know h o w I w ould m ake itth iro u g h senior year w r it o u t you! LSR) laughing a t illite r a te people) D ave) tr y in g t o see B o ra t) w e h a te th e sam e people, it's g re a t, SB - SUCK llllll f f l 5 Sam whierre w e re you S a tu rd a y night"? Lia I w a s w ith you) hold on fo r one more day) you rem ind me o f t i e ta te ) no Rachiel, I prom ise, shies fiiiiin e e e e , D W -d y l pickle) you 're to o ta ll) thanks fo r d riv in g m y c a r) you rem ind me o f th e ta te ) " th a t's w h a t shie s a id ) I lo ve you, SP-dance magic dance) purple p a n ts ) yo u r g ro u p s) yo u 're "ttie fu n n ie s t, r f 's teen g re a t, BS - s p ir t pea s o u p „ th a t w onttefunny la te r) L ife iio u se is s t ill " tie t e s t ta n d and Ja so n W a d e is h o t, g a n g s ta and m a m a s tta ) singing in your ro o m ) th e red c a r. W o rd I lo ve you m ore th a n life , JC—T h e re 's a f ir s t tim e fo r e v e ry th in g ,„rf's g o in g to ic s o w eir'd n e x t y e a r w ith o u t you, Y o u 're m y b ro th e r and t h a t w o n t change,, RJH -y o u 're ill and you're my t e s t frie n d 1lo ve you. Love rs? M l, PB, PCI, SS, BA, JJ, AM , S/V, FP, CE, KO , AF - Y o u 've tr o u g lr t m e "ftiro u g h life , I love you guys.

lia Poin

HIThis is my "thanks “to all who gort me tare, FAMILY ~Lulu, 0 7 DUDE! no one can“touch“tta do, 6terardi,freshman and raw eggs in“the end“ttay are 6o“th simitar, Meg, youre my sis“te rf rom anodtar mo“tta r, r t works cu-gc r t doesn't, FRIE/VDS ~Ryry were would ] 6e w ith o u t you, Maddy, who care whadtatay “think, Sally one 6ig “thing huh?, KIPPERS! yeah“tha“ts all, Kevin <5, tanor sharing a name w rtfi you, Farthy! Powerdodta people! Kim Kimmy Kim Kimmy Kimmy Kim Kim! Tomas de mas y Abby cu-ge urge like a pre'tgeel, MJSHMASH!!!(wta nonya know!) JPROPS HOLLA!

Big M ak! W o w ,"th ii.s c o ff ee-s kinda h io t,T o o m any em o"tim es d riv in g to ,Vo:Vo w ith Bianca and Veronica, rapping W h ite A m erica, A lw a y s g e ttin g lo s t t o see m ovie-s dike W a te r), O v r French play,The RBVT s ta g e , (S e ttin g locked o u t o f th e m all w ith th e M o n s te r w om an <pro6a 6ty Frou Frou in co g n ito ), T rn riitary Swank p o s te r-. The tw o d a ys r tto o k u s t o w a tc h th a t mo\cie,"The Flig clu fc/li-st, R o a s tin g m arsiim allow s by candlelight" and th e all th o s e fo rc e feedings, e v e ry o th e r weekend, I lo ve you Anne Hathaway! M alt A w k w a rd M ai m om ents! Bu66le st I lo ve o u r ta lk s ! F w , sh e s g ro s s . Y ou know w h a t she did inth e c a fe te ria ? Have fun next" y e a r (use t h a t license t o th e m a x)! D e n t le tth o s e x s pile up on yo u r name (keepBloop in line)! Ill m is s you 6u66s ! U Yvzrz\e\ 1 O p o in ts ! T icks house, u o v e ta p S K E !,T rin ity P aw ling, th e infam ous hockey gam es, th e phone call (you a lm o s t W HAT?!), w h a t w e g o t when w e m essed w fth Prep, W a rt! L e t me g ive you a hug! W h y a re you running a w a y? W h a te v e r f t is , w e s t ill ta ll like th e tig g irls ! ;Vexy lo ve s you! M ake s u re you s ta y fly ( t ill you die)!

O h 1k <3! The only person w h o w a s n t v o te d o u t o f

-tte tra m ! W a tc h o u t fo rth o s e s p lits n e x t ye a r, (you m ay g e t y o u rs e lf in tro u fc le )! Be good, and rule th o s e underclassmen! :V,F,PJ G e t lo w , g e t lo w (no m a tte r- w he re w e a re )! Baking cakes and Jam aican fo o d . Complexion connection! Hugs F arfhum s! :Voo :Voo lo v e s you! M arJT e g u ie ro mucho! M e v a s a haeer mucha fa lta !D iv ie rta te fc a ila n d o c o m o u n a n in a d e la u n iv e rs id a d e tra v ie s a e n e ls o ta n o !R ,l,iits fc e e n 7 y e a rs w ith my fa v o rite cousin! W h e th e r it s a lm o s t s e ttin g y o u r kitchen on fir e (S IM s re —enactm ent, no?),


emergency house pickups, o r ju s t chitling, w e re a lw a y s hiaving fun! Y ou m ake me laugh (chipmunk m ad!), wipe away my te a rs , and c a tc h me when I fa ll. W o rd s c a n t e x p re s s h o w th a n k fu l I am t o h ave a frie n d like you, 1 love you so much and III ;VFh/ER fo r g e t you!

Charoee Purdy

Mom, Dad & Dave — 1T ra n k you fo r 6eing h i e re when t im e s w ere rough, ] don't”"think 1 said I love you nearly enough,"

4- 2 -0 4 Gig - W o r d s ca nt d e s c rib e w h a t weVe 6een "through -y o u are my b e s t friend, Y ou are amazing, -sm art, and 6eautTful) never change fo r anyone - you are perfect. Tie Girls- - KTS, EM8, CLW, VMS-8,GHS, EAK, AMM, KAFt "Be good girls, 6 u t have fun, these are th e t e s t days o f your live s," You g irls have def ined highschool fo r me, I love you all. Tic Boys - PH—R, JL, KD, S<5, SS, RK, R6, AZ, HM, MP, A R You guys are t ie 6 e s t, "(Vo excuses. Play like a champion," LM, SG, SS - "Hold on Yo your memories, m id on t o tlio s e little t!lin g s . These are t ! e days of your lives, and don't" le ttte m p ass you fcy," My tru e lacrosse g irls, you made mesmile and laugh w ien 1needed i t m ost". S ta y close, I love you!

Class-of 2 .0 0 7 ? "T u rn s o u t not* w here you a re 6ir t w ho you're w ith ■that really m a s te rs ,"

Hannah Ra 6in

C o n g r a + u t a 'f io n v S 'f o

~the O^ss of M ike Ronson

Fam ily- tra n k s ' fo r' la y in g w fth me, Leigh—even though 1wilt be o u t fo r awhile dont fo rg e t I w ill make fun o f you if need he, Foot6al! 0 7 - finally heading Lukes tfie y had ftcom ing fo r' a long-time, Hugh—your 6ig .self w ill a lw a ys f tipta61e over ju s t t r y n o tto have f t fee a coacfies one day, Hossua—keep growing one day you wilt ca tch u p to place C rty yao ming dont w o rry , R ai-anne-m y 6 ro th e r, contr-ot yourtem per and) J-iope n o tto m eet up w rth you a t PP one day. Me Hammer- keep your s tro n g fafhh in (3od, S(3 - my 6oy d o n tf o rg e t Archie, sehastina, o r t i e w eatl-ier. S eniors- 4 years has 6een tong enough o u tle , (SADMF)

P e te r S anders

All o f my g irlie ^ BK, BB, KF, (3B, C W , RR, KB, AKA, LM,


K 3 (JAZR D ie 6 o y ^ BB, RK, RG, KD, BG, JL, NAP, PAR, RKA, D6, JR, Volley 6alt b a b e s X LF,JK, BB, (3J, RR, AA, BT, CP>

My ,sofT6all ro o m ie ^ KG, AL> Bpanivsh classy MM, BP, AK, AR, LB> To i f ie elavSvS o f 2. O O

Ltf e \ s m e a irfio



(Bleanor Roo^evehf) Bo live r f up!

Victoria Santo^s—Bu^h


*the Cla<s^ of 214 Bryan S am er

'©mUDa<HEverything f rom being a t every confer and lacrosse game,to watching 2 4 , ^o-st, Prison Break, and Alias TogeT-tr, youtw o have cenTherefor meThrough everything-. Your constant bve and -support has kept me motivated anddriventhroughouttle years, Thank you for /crytrrg you kcavedonefo r me&$J I eoUdn't have asked fo r t e tt e r s is te r s , You gu ys a re my best friends-. V /e h a v e th e fu n n ie s t m em ories ( tfe /iill in hfaly, haunted house,

Vinter rocks!, z e a ckze n t, P abb escob ar -s s e c re t -s ta s h T h a t -sketchy photographer and h is h o r r id p ic tu re he used, e tc ,) arid JHm is s you b o th o much re x t year. Summer, good luck g e ttin g d ressed. W e 6 o th know lia n a is n o t going t o le t you b o rro w anything, lia n a , n o w te a t you can rive you fe tte r v is it me a lo t. M ake s u re you 6ring Lauren w fth you a ls o , im s o glad t e a t w e 're all dose in age and I g o t t o have a ye a r o f high Tool w ith b o th o f you. Flaying soccer and la c ro s s e w a s u n fo rg e tta b le , Jb v e you guys!

lY fi | Think th a t you're abso lu te ly h ila rio u s and w e a lw a y s have s o m uchfun to g e th e r, P a tric k 's m 'boy, pool hopping a t 7 am, s ta m fo rd n a tu re yifer, hung w h at? , ridin d irty , psych w a rd!, bread, t ie Dan s , hey m uff inhiead, i t s me, puddingnose,’ e v e ry o th e r s tu p id Thing t h a t

liana said, ii. i,

urteThe duo, candids, "ye ste rd a y? y e s te rd a y you sa id you'd call S ears," m e d ita tin g w ith B u ddhist w eigh lo s s te a , e tc . Y ou've been m y b e s t friend r s t grade and you a lw a y s w ill be, I b v e you, aurcnJ You are one o f my b e s t frie n d s and I'm really going to m is s you n e x t y e a r, I loved playing soccer and la c ro s s e w ith you. Take care o f Tlana ?xt year. Don't ever fo rg e t how s tu p id you looked w ith braces, how th e soccer bo ys all made f un o f y o u r voice, J e ff, GO.YVOR,The vaccine,T hat ay you g o t an asthm a a tta c k in soccer! W H O ) W ILL A LW A Y S REMEMBER! BECAUSE JT W A S SO FU.VVY! And s o much o th e r s tu ff, Jbveyo u

araJ ou,mczojruDvm

o muchLauren!

I've known you since befo re Sean's birTTi! I b v e you s o m uck You have and a lw a y s w ill be one o f my b e s t frie n d s . 111a lw a y s Think o f you a s

he girl inThe red le o ta rd ,

'eteJ You c a n ju s t a d m rtT h a t you b v e my spike b e lt and my v a n s and m y le a th e rja c k e t and m y cam o s k ir t. If I e ve r w e a r th e m again, lUThink o f eff? WE WEVTOUTFRESRMAV YEAR! KAHAHA! I b v e you, T ia n k s fo r helping me g e tth ro u g h school w ith all o f yo u r am azing hom ew ork help, j-sey; Thanks fo r helping me s t a r t my scrib b le s! And fo r all o f The am azing advice hahah! I b v e you and HI m is s you n e x t y e a r. V is it me w ith iana and Lauren,

«risi W e've known each o th e r f o re v e r and you all define high school f o r me.

W e 've had som e am azing tim e s T h a t HInever fo rg e t and I w ill m iss



I t s been g re a t and good luck w ith w h a te v e r you do.

Kim berly Segalas

Instead o f w ritin g a bunch o f c o ro y jo k e s , I'm w ritin g t o th o s e w h o have affected me t i e m o s t in high sch o o l, M J I lo v e you man and you w ill fo re v e r be innocent no m a tte r w h a t people s a y o r hiow w e ird you g e t, A lexi Laiho, S ynister d a te s , Z a c k y Vengeance, W a y -D Rue, - 6 e s t g u ita r is ts o f a lttim e , hands down. B e s t S c re a m s /W a ils /Y e l!s /S h rie k s /d ro w ts ~ Dani F ifth, H ow ard -Jones, S te v e Julianno, Phi! La6onte, M a ria Brink, M a rilyn M anson, and C orey Taylor, People w ho pound h a rd e s t - Joey Jo rd iso n , J a s k a R aatikainen, G ir is Adler, a n d T ra v is S m fth i,T ie m o s t Soul a w a rd g o e s to M u sig Soulchild, and Im m ortal Technigue is th e 6 e s t ra p pe r o f alt Tim e, O s c a r W ilde, W illia m Shakespeare,Terry doodkind, Anne R ic e ,T o m a s Hardy, W a t W h itm a n , John Donne, - Thank you f o r W r itin g th e 6 e s t s t u f f I’v e e v e r re a d , Stephen S c h w a rtz , Stephen Soundhieim, A ndrew Lloyd W ebber , Johnathan Larson , John Kander/Fredd Fb6, and Alan Tonkin, - Thank you f o r in s tillin g in me m y tr u e passion by com6ining m usic and th e a tr e . W ith o u t a r t , th e re is no s u c h th in g as Life,

Andrew Serkes

lu tfrie n d s h ip is p re c io u s n o t only in th e shade, b u t in th e sunshine o f life ) and th a n k s t o a benevolent rrangement o f th in g s , th e g re a te r p a r t o f life is sunshine- “ dyfamily + zo o ? Thank you f o r m aking me w h o ] am to d a y -1 lo ve you all so much-1 w ould 6e lo s t w r ttio u t youZ lm y b o ifo rly fe -W e s a id w e d d o th is in th e b e g in n in g a n d y o u s ta y e d m y b o y tilltte e n d - 4 ly fe ( 7 4 2>) j-Blie you have k e p t me sane, e x c e p t when you fo r g e t y o u r s e a tb e lt- IVever fo r g e t th e sum m ers- M e encanta wrano only w ith you. F o re ve r and a lw a y s ju ly 2> 2 0 0 5 -p re s e n tW tiis is so s u rre a lw e ha ve fceen th ro u g h m ore th a n t h is scrib b le h a s ro o m f o r b u t you w e re a lw a y s th e re Tine, You are am a zin g Hannah, d o n tk rt anyone te ll you o ttie rw is e -1 envy th e frie n d s you m ake in th e fu tu re an opeto continue t o be one-1 lo ve youy boys' p fir,rk,kd,ps/ig/im ,sg, a

06, m p,ss I lo ve you all-Thank you f o r t t ie good tim e s g u ys-

wjew! I w ill tr u ly m is s seeing y o u r fr o and y o u r b e a u tifu l fa c e e ve ryd a y- I t w ill n o t be th e sam e w r ttio u t you i6y, I love you s o much, D o n t le t anyone m ake fun o f you a t college- W a it f o r me (and p e te ) when you g e t fiom e-

i girlsi vsb,ks,cw,ek,m m LTM! am , + so cce r and la c ro s s e g iris , I co u ld n t h ave done t h is w r ttio u t you all- You ■anso much t o me, never f o r g e ttfie good tim e s g iris Katie, Lindsay, Laura, Kelly, Sean, >41yson, L ily - Y ou g u ys w ill only see t h is once, p robably in lin d sa ys roo m and

01 neVBr again, b u t know t h a t ) lo ve you all w r it i all m y fe a r t- Y ou g u ys a re m y fa m ily , I never laugh a s h a rd a ' w ith you guys- Thinking o f lif e w r ttio u t you n e x t y e a r is to o h a rd - O 7 never smelted a s good a s r t did w r it n guys-1 never knew tr u e f rie nd s u n til I knew you®am; oh boy, all on yo u r ow n! Big man on cam pus, Y o u re a m a zin g w ill- iVever d o u b t y o u rs e lf -1 am a lw a y s a w call aw ay, I love you- Thank you f o r being you '(f): I love you s o much- Thank you

(5 r3 C < ? G c c jk c r - 1^

M ichael— t+ie t e s t t r o t ic r anyone could e ve r ash fo r, you have a lw a y s teen t i e re f o r me lelping me o u t w ith eve ryth th a n k you fo r eve rything I love you, T ie C rew ! JL— my to y since 2 nd grade, K s M a rk e t yeafi w e did r f d irty I saved go you s c o re d tt cm r f w a s tte dream team , s o many m em ories! g e ttin g tanned fro m eve ry s p o rt" in lo w e r set mot, playing

a t liendys, manhunt w ith tig ra y, slm o tin g pool a t t ic liouse, playing paddle te n n is and ta llin a t t ic ie yeah w e know im m good t u t i f w a s s till fun, ad ventu res on t i e ave, a tis , and playing s p o rts a t you r iiouse e tc . e tc ., w e frave gonetirrow lo t and yourem y to y no m a tte r w h a t goes down, i'm gonna m is s you a lo t, w e have had s o many good tim e s andtierc

s till m ore t o come, K D - 1s till d o n t know iio w you do i f and I have known you s in c e tte 6 th grade youre a genius and yoi

don’t do any w o rk, so many m em ories! pool, f o o tta ll, ad ventu res on t i c ave, e tc , PHR- you're my to y lelping me o u f t \y

me in, coming ta c k t o your’ liouse a t f5 in t i e morning tie n hanging o u t o u tsid e , ty t i c w a y you're nice a t soccer, so mar

good tim e s , RK —s o rry s o rry s o rry t u t dude you w ierded me o u t in English sopliom ore yea r n o t gonna lie t u t u know yo

my to y , ta c k c o u n try w itt i sg and a z , f o o tta ll, c a n 't w a ft fo r la x, re s p e e tto yo u r game, you're a lw a y s tt e rr wlen I fcuc

have had many good tim e s keep cm coming, SG - a d ventu res in t i e lexus and on t ie ave, a tis , drivin g t o long island so w

ro ll in tte Audi, you know you can find 7 6 4 -U M 0 @ ttc ta c k co u n try, d e fin is tra rfio n , m ore o f tiio s e tim e s to c o rrc ,fc v l

te s id e s th a t youve teen my to y s in c e tie 4 t h grade im gonna m is s you, yo u r a lw a y s tie rr t o g e t my ta ck I appreciate

Ax? - my Ita lia n tr o tte r , m id -w a y ttro u g h sop io m ore yea r le t t ie f un tegin a t t ic c a s a ,tie tc w ith sg and rk ,f ootfca,

RM— t i e f am ous i ranky m yers c a n 't w a it fo r la x, walking t i ro u g i i t i e w endys d riv e t i irougi i, MP— yeai i yooo id h it rf, t looking fly in t ie S 4 , S pan isiifresiim an year, tand in middle scliool, r f s teen fun, DG— likedammm y o u fa s t,frfv 4 life iia ie

w iia t w ere w e t i inking, HG - can w e use guills?, GS, 7SB, HR, EB, EK, CLW , KS, s tu d y iia rd p a rty hard you know lo w we<

down. MC, RE, HS, P S - ill m is s te a rin up t i e field w ith you to y s . O S - JHF, JT, DR, MC,TH, KM, PR, JE, BB, CK, DB, SS, Ari a A L - i'm gonna m iss playing ta g s o much, AA en racha, L/’.A, SG, L A - it 's all y o u rs to ld i t down n e x t year’. Skinny Tinny and S anto ro you guys are g re a t kids I enjoyed playing f o o tta ll w ith you to y s im gonna m is s r f keep w orking iia rd and s ta r t

running 4 liff n e x t year, K G - i'll m iss t i o s e iiu g s g irlll SR, EJ, K P L - fo u r ye a rs goes t y f a s t, enjoy r f w iile r f la s ts andkec

S te ve Sheehan

w orking hard. F o o tta ll 2 0 0 6

w e e a m e to g e tte ra n d g o ttie jo td o n e 3 - 4 - 0 w h a t m ore do In e e d to sa y.K u fT -i

f am ily, my second liome, you ve ra ise d m e ,tie m em ories w ill s ta y w ith m e fo re ve r, I'll te ta c k .

Congra'tUa'tionvS'to 'the Qa-SvS of

2007 V_________________ / Hugh S tangeianti________

Congra'tuta'tion^'to 'the O a s s of


K ris'te n Sun

Congra'fula'fion^'to 'the Q b s s of

O ff U lrich

Congra'fula'tion^'to 'the C lass' of

Jimmy Voyages

R a c le l is s o coot* S le is (ny f a v o rite p rs o n in s c lio o l* S le h a s a lw a y s been s w e e t, and no one can feea t, her house in U ta h , W AH O O !! 1 !

uia is re a lly sm all* S le h a s a lw a y s been a doll* S le j'u m p s in to m y a rm s w ith all o f le r charm and lo p e s I don le t h e r fa ll* Jim m y is a hick. He h a s a huge ego Sam is t le man* I am a b ig fa n * A lth o u g h lie s a hippie, and w a tc le s m o vie s t h a t a re trip p y , le w ill a lw a y s b p a r t o f th e Clan* Sure, Annika like s t o dance* B urt I know s lie lo v e s o u r p latonic rom ance* H ie c lo s e s t o f f rie nd s m y love will a lw a y s tra n s c e n d t o t lie g irl w lo O nly w e a rs p a n ts* M a llo ry I do adore* Slie h a s never' been a bore* I w ill a lw a y s lo ve t lie g irl w lio m akes me laugh and sm ile, a W l sco rp io n s on t lie flo o r* Shanes fa v o r ite c o lo r is purple* iV o tliin g rh ym e s w ith pur-ple** 1h a te Shane!!! Jon is re a l s m a rt* III die w lien w e a re a p a rt* I s t ill h a v e tfe recording, o f t h a t one e a rly m orning, laughing a t o f th o s e f a r t s * C liff h a s A,D,D* H e tw itc le s in te rm itte n tly * A lth o u g h fie k ills 6a6y s e a ls e a sily, and h is dog sw allow sthiing; in s ta n tly , all lo o s e s w ill die* Jason is su p e r coot. And 1w ould be a fo o l f o r n o t p u ttin g him in th is rhym ing th in g Z a c h p la ysth ie fcass, lirrn

w ith him is never a w a s te * He w e a rs s trip e s w ith s p o ts , w e like him lo ts , 1lo p e lie never g e ts tear-m aced!

Dylan W a rre n

Congra’fula’tionvS'fo 'the Q s s s of

C arflin W ehs-foek (3 S - Y o u ’re m y g u ri f o r lyfe , made t h ia t p ro m is e fre s lim a n ye a r and 1to ld you Id keep it , Run a 4 -m inute mile fo me! W o n ’t e v e r fo r g e t w lien S te v e kicked you in t lie leg* K D - DJ D e e -w re k, O re o s on yo u r couch, yoyoyoyoyo,

lig l rfning o p p s ife , a lw a y s playing gam es w ith o u r la d ie s, g o t sto p p e d a fte r dem olishing c liff o ff th e line,"the re baseball and orange s k a te 6 o a rd le lm e ts * HM—you fceen m y fcoy fro m th e s t a r t o f K in g -L o w , m o s t

d is re s p e c tf ul f reslim en, y o u r m ira cu lo u s incom pletion in p ra c tic e , c ra z .y g e o m e try c la s s ,th e bo a tya rd , I get a

piece! J e ff's sp a re tir e * £(3— fie kid sg , w h a t i t is w h a t i t do, th ia t w a s DUMB funny, th e n ig lrt w ith Steve an, th e cle e se p u ff s , y o u r ro c k e t la u n d e r s lio t s ty le , t h is is th e runfcack s ta rr in g £ < 3 ,tle fcackcountry, Interpol and th e ill fca ss line, s a l rosenfourg, funnel + a liz e , m aking fu n o f th e B uggler M cC iugglers s tr a ig h t Heazed McCSeazed* JL~JeeEEFF! I th re w t h ia t pencil and i f disappeared in y o u r h a ir, Econ c la s s , P o jo k e s ,tle tre e a t y o u r lo u s e , rolling yo u r sp a re t ir e th ro u g h th e parking lo t, R a y 's fly in g double knee a tta c k , H(3- H -6 e e zy,tlir fe a s t in y o u rtru n k a t R o b s lio u s e ,th e le a v e n -s e n t p iz z a a t C o si th ia t I a lm o s t snagged on th e way over, th e t u r t le and th e ro ck, did I cop s ix yo? Y ea I copped s ix yo* S S -W e fc e a t S t* Lukes 2> 4 - 0 never-forget,

yo u r q u a rte rb a c k s k ills a t ca m p ,f a s t e s t man w ith a can, th e cle e se p u ff s , w h y w e re you liolding your breath

P laying ta g w ith AH+Al* R K -w le re t o s t a r t , Leik m o o t f r ip s ,th e ill handshake, BK lounge, w h a t dont you eat w ith o u t l o t s a u c e ,tru e p im pf ake don, a lw a y s la te t o p ra c tic e , I'm a 6 , w e ll EXCUSE ME! yo u r boy cranberry ju ice , th e laugh a t S(j s * PS, RT, MC, HS, JH - a lw a y s playin e ig h ts , g re a t m em ories fro m shin w a rs t o englidi c la s s t o th e s e n io r roo m , s o glad I g o t t o know you gu ys* V S B -Y o u 'v e made m y tif e b e tte r in s o many ways*

w ill a lw a y s re m e m b e rth e g re a ttim e s w e ha ve sh a re d to g e th e r and I am s o happy th ia t youve been p a rt of n

life * T o all m y b o y s -1 a lw a y s g o t y o u r back, no m a tte r- w h a t*T o th e C re w -Y o u 're tle p o p le I w ill never forgt

218Andy x^aecagnino

and you m ade high s c lo o l w o rth w h ile * T o all m y te a m m a te s - it 's been an lio n o r s h a rin g th e f ield o f b a ttle w it you* And th e undercla ssm e n- Im p s s ib le t o lis t you all, f ro m ju n io r t o f reslim en, you know w lio you ca re o f K in g -L o w f o r me and h a ve fun n e x t y e a r.


C/iamee-my b e st partner in crime—Blackman & Robin—I don't" know w h at id do w'rttiout you! W e really dothink Tfie sam e w ay, yeah I know, yours is more in -tie g u tte r w hatever,„getting lo s t drivin around, stealin movie p o ste rs,f ligs! ahh, th e w eird est hotel room experience haha, dance party! So many other hilarious tim e s, 1m gonna m is s tte uh huh yeah yeah ok a n d ju st g o to hell! I love you man! Farth—you are th e 6 e st dude, )m gonna m iss your m eanness-ya you 6e"tfer sta lk me incollege-111make love t o youuu, Kim s to p try in to harm onize! R achel-youVethe m o st entertaining complainer ever, your s to rie s suck! haha, your so f unny-snjuirretness & a !H love m akinfun

of you, Ap/senior a r t —ah good tim e s there, we O W :V th is, M arieni-dance people,

''ommon!! haha i love your p arties, 6eing pissed off w rth you-voIley6all h as 6een t ie b est-yo u 're still t ie sw e e te st person ever ttiougfi! C o u rtn ey-all t ie nuns & liouse business, weve had some insane conversations! ’Ay volleyballers? abby, amy, becky, petula, hailey, levanic— you guys are so muchfun, you're t ie b estteam ! Zhen—lookatchuu! honk if you love zhenzhen,*the cone tilin g h a h a sorry were alw ays makin f un of you! A b b y- a r t & vbatl, good t im e s - Ahh remember calling z. 1C O - so f unny-you alw a ys make me laugh, K a t - you rock my world dude-1 love hangin out wrtti ya,ttie am azing m ixt"apes, K riste n -ah h Spanish-you & your w acky presentations! el cielo k la paz haha, Kim, Callie, lia , H izabeth, Jackson,Tatiana, Join, Cody and everyone e ls e - you're all

amazing and have made my tim e a t King so g re a t, u a st 1y ,to th e f am -M om & Dad you're both -the most supportive and understanding and I couldnt do ft w rttiout you,Thank you fo r everything,

6k D, it s been a chaotic few years, but it s all good inttie end, I love you both.

[ V


p f llp l

Arrivals Arriv^es


Lower School

Middle School

Upper School



S ,s r s ,




im R F . N O I



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r\r y w n w i «

T H r a k o m a k e d o f te s ^ ^ 373 - V ^ y m p o m ^ ', IfO V W H L |£ g J ? Fyll (Chasia)©1 jU _ * |T ^ » o < 0 _ A cham »s T f - ' T J x f & t q k o u K l e i s t a nn - (

. . . . A




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topyrgos ^'-Kcmnratero



" iPactelfeto'-r. ’ pilothel k Papagc iriani as


sacz /flo u s ^ .w. Kavou Vouliagf




tgSlfa 'y/ ■•Ml^


’’Home of the first Olympic Games”

KLHT 5 , 6FA 3 KLHT GFA ■«

King & Low-Heywood Thomas 4, Canterbury 1

berr>' ;rry pairof o fgoals, goals, both bothwith withan anassist assist from from Gordon Bray, - j scored ----------apair pame to improved im nrnved to 7-1-2. as KLHT won the non-conference game i^yLc ana Mike iviiKe Konson Kyle Luneourgn Luneburgh and Ronson ai also scored for the Vi km while s tiile keeper Cohn Colin McQuilkin had nine saves. an A


* KLHT — liana Segalas lluciannne Murray) >:00; Lauren Karp (Julia 8:00; Kim Segalas. 32 Bonnell) 35:00; T. Segalas., 77:00. . . .««■ GFA — Emily Lee. 30:00; Meredith Monroe (Lee) 37:00; Sandra Pons. 74:00. Goalie saves — KLHT. Amanda Murray. 13 GFA, Julie Tetrodoulos Records; KLHT. 5-4

KLHT 7, O a k w o o d Frier 4. 3


Oakwood Friends

. 0 \C ?





— Hummer

”” *



* rSS^


Shaker) 4 7:0 0; KLHT3!!6 KSe®alas <Karpj 51.00; KLHT __ ^ ' mt>er,V 57:00. * 8,p (6n


W > S X^

Goalie Saves: KLHT


Records: KLHT 6 4 .


4 * * £ & * £ * * } & # !& ■

V s>


•V&vK in g & ^ L o ou wv -H u eyw ood Thomas 5, Masters 3 Kim___ berly Segalas had a hat trick and Lauren Karp and Shaela Greenfield also scored as KLHT improved to 1-2 in the Fairchester Atnieuc Athletic Associaton. Amanaa Amanda Murray turned back nine shots in net.





ft T>'% JK>.

„ .



'A .%

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«~vtdP‘eS,..i tot *vV'

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l ’ T A \ > VXVW ^ .:f o. v W * L \0 ^ ?

Ryan '

- * * " Qua -KIHT




KLHT 289, Brunswick 28 KLHT 1 R Rye CD 40: KLHT 15. Cnr,.„ar, HeH,age (a! Christian Heritage 5k) i, 1C Da" Gie3S0f>(KLHT). 16:56; 2 -


\ %V \^ 'by, <• 4l7%

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18.20. 4 _ Relies RuWin (KLHTi 18-21- 5 - Ate, Jamar IB) 18:22: 6 - Jack Seaver ), 18.47. 7 - Chris Beyliss (N). 1 8:5 0; 8 - C h n s Antonacci (B), 18 :5 7 ; 9 _ 6rvan OeAngelo (Bj. 19:05: 10 - Andrew H r S Johnson (KLHT), 19:08. Records: KLHT ■ 15-3


4 % 'o A Kills, three blocks is r

y Victoria Santns r . a



% V %

■ 15 d igs

KLHT boys, girls soccer teams win k in g


L o w





b KLHT 4, St. Luke's 0 ^


’ ~ SdVes^contbi„ed w

GJ*-t ^ediVVVvva&KyV) ^^vG °^ vVc \6^s’C iot■\\V* .^eX -,gLm^'6,eens 33:


° y - „ s w ic k 2 8 R a s t e r s

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pj!ich^ <3v


v io W s l6 ! : Ife k tBV ^


Risko 69th. Goalie saves; KLHi Peter Menking L_

,9r 18:&8; Apton

Colin McQuilkin 3,

Records KLHT 6-1-2.




' 0' ,0^ v ftf

fa V A ^ ASVS'

v 33 Farms

IKLHTJV_ ' ^ 15.31'. 1 °^ m T5' 0 9 q. 6 w"65 R°s! . ^ l Shea tom 15-4® . ..

..n o - 2 . Tommy

3 John Q°® q. 5

16:03: ^ s?5b£




■ 'J. iQmna'k'^' tKllfil 3-2________ 1 Andrew

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ton rushed fL*?^QHeyr ° 0d1^ homas 27’ Hamden H allO tOJchdoS, nn8,Hy f dS ° n, ' 0 a"d had a 7°->^d kick intDrove'to M ^ fi n P' ^ of the second hillf » help th. Kevm w l l ,Vera11 311(1 ,n the Fairchester Athletic Asso he ms d f ^ n L° U!tS returned ^.interception 70 yards for the scorinp ™ ^ards on Slx carries. John Honey-Fitzgera me scoring on a 1-yard auarterhark snf.aLc L r,„6„.„ V rH t ! nni!t0n 3 ' y a r d fiuarterback sneak and Eric Joyner i and he ako vo/V ^m P^ter Sanclers caught four passes for 1 Kevin deRi r f e hlI"f inlercetpion of the year for KLHT (40 vards^Khfni67 yl lds FUShl n§ on 10 carries) and Malcolm rushmpdmm< t vf ° n ^ CaJ!neS) 3180 contnbuted to KLHT's of v r C ; & x°Ve had 3 team-high 12 tackles, four 1 S • on Toiey recovered a fumble for the winr

(1HT4,C$H1 ^ 4 85----------j ----------- 5----------j fm-TOite Smith. fe:lbl KtHT- Slagge Notan iMereoith Packer). 8:42:

King & Low-Heywood Thomas 4, St. Luke’s 0 — Kyle Luneburg scored two goals while Mike Carberry had a goal and an assist to lead the Vikings (6-1-2). Peter Hall-Risko scored a goal, Mike Ronson had an assist, w hile Colin McQuilkin (three saves) and Peter Menking (one save) shared

^ 6° . / ' ^

klht - L e i f i

Miiiard. 22:12; klht — toianj p ^ . ^ v ”

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Rai npton, 10 run (run failed) ------Redd, 13 run k i ^ r ~ Redd, un (Tipton (Tipton runj runj

Sanders 47 pass from John

ev-Fitzgerald (Kick failed) flyleiMcFarlane 39 run (Hams Kick)

; = .»

ki ht ~ KLHT —

- Hams 29 field goal ^

" S




r,run rr-A (Tipton runj

H T ^ ! Tipton 5 run (Silas Redd run)

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_ Cutler 10 run (run failed) _ R0yal 37. pass from Decker (Hams





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Abigail Hunt (brooke ne Callahan), uauanan), 3rd: 3rd KLHT - ' outoo Shaela Greenfield uieenfield (Lucyann Murray) Murray), XT — anren » an. ,<u i - i __ _ e ____ 14th; KLHT — ILauren Karp Kimberly Segalas), 21st; KLHT — Karp (Tiana Segalas), 28th;

<Gcreenf,eld)' 65th- H -

sv ^ ° ^ e

A ^er!vN-



v KLHT ~ T(Julia Bonnell), 31st- H r Mad,sorl Haller, 46th; KLHT - Kimberly L . y t w * ^ S 3'35 <T- Segales), 50th; KLHT — Karp

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•003116saves:K LH T..' Am anda

duaiie saves: k l h i - Amanda Murray Jenna Krmsley 2; H - Allison Hodson 2 Records: KLHT 9-7-1: H 7-2-3


f i S S y W i s -« &


> < L ^ lT r


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tP ^ • 'rV CV»% 03 vt W 9 - "& ^ ,

P.v^ fP> King & Low-Hevwood Thongs 4, Convent of Sacred Heart 1 'G — Maggie Nolan had a pair of goals and Meredith Packer had a goal and two assists as KLHT broke into the win column with a win over t h e CSH junior varsity team. Leigh Millard also scored for KLHT (1-8) while Kat Chan and Nikkia Ellis combined for five saves in goal.

< 3 ? ’S ' F - t l ?

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ip - 'l 9 i

Third Row: Coach Carson, Rob Keinpner, lonatlian Aveiy, leff Eydt, Donyae Carter-Smitli, lininiy Voyages, Hugh Stangeland, Kevin Pierre-Loiris, Schuyler Goldberg, Brenden Becker, lohn Honey-Fitzgerald, Vincent Love, Gnistian Killeffer Second Row: Coach McAndrews, Coach Walker, Peter Reilly, Mike DeNapoles, Mike Santoro, Will Sliaker, Eric Bannerot, lason Raffaeli, IP Nickitas, Sam Sullivan, Peter Sanders, Coach Little, Silas Redd, Coach Decker, Eric loyner First Row: Andy Ziccagnino, Eric Reinemann, Tony Truglia, Kell Mueller, Malcolm Giappell, Kevin deRegt, Coach Gouin, Stephen Sheelun, Rai Tipton, lason Torey, lininiy Georges

Although th is was an up-and-down season, it was one t h a t de finite ly tlim e d th is in to th e closest tea m t h a t we have seen in fo u r years. N o t a single opponent doubted our toughness. Our progress and our u n ity were evident as we knocked o f f S t. Lukes f o r th e f ir s t tim e in 1 0 years in a dominating fashion. Soys - remember t o ta ke care o f th e lit t le thin gs and th e big th in g s will ta ke care o f themseleves. -Stephen Sheehan, Kevin deRegt, and Andy Zaccagnino

Second Row: Emily Kerchoff, Kim Clark, Maddy Kirk First Row: lenny Riddell, Kishaura Solj'oiir

Good won., girls! Doing captain th is year was not easy, but I think we did a nice job as a squad t o support our Vikings, We did a lo t of work fo r Homecoming and our rout me was hot! Thanks fo r making a great e ffo rt th is season, I am really proud o f you girls fo r staying with th e squad and not giving up. Emily, Maddy, Jenny, and luck Kishuana = pump it up! next year! -Kim Clark



Second Row: lohn Qua, less Byrnes, Sean Kensil, Welles Rnhlln, Dan Gleason, Mat Shanks, Peter Gillies, Adrienne Hogan, Coach Sadlowsky First Row: Zach Grnnberg, Matt McNulty, Andrew Howard-lohnson

V"arsity T3oys’ Soccer

Second Row: Coach Chiavaroli, lesse Jacobs, Kyle Luneburg, Brent Luneburg, Andrew Marcdle-Kleeivun, Cordon Bray, Alex Doering, PI Reinemann, Coach Vertncci First Row: Manager Kara Frisoli, Matias Reyna, Henry Myers, Mike Pakula, Adam Pisarkiewicz, Peter Ftall-Risko, left Lounsbury, Peter Menking, Mike Ronson, Rob Crossland, Colin McQuilkin

The t eam'e pe tal i t ial was clear throug hou t th e season tha nks t o our new coach, John Chiavaroli. A t th e beginning o f th e year, we s e t some practical te a m goals. We surpassed our goals through hard work and


established a g re a t sense o f camaraderie on th e team . Finishing 1 1 - 2 - 3 , one o f th e best records ii i KLHT Pays' Soccer h is to ry , we were crowned FAA Co-Chartipioi is. We also played in th e f i r s t round o f th e New England Class C Tournament , This was no ordinary season f e r t i l e P oys' V a rs ity Soccer team , th is was th e season where i t all came to g e th e r, th is was THE PEAPON. This season was unforgettable. -P e te r Hall-Risko and J e ff Lounsbury

Second Row: Coach Newcomb, Kimberly Segalas, Lauren Karp, Kinsey Greenfield, Grace Shaker, Andrea Horak, Tiana Segalas, Leigh Abear, Anya Leist, Shaela Greenfield, Hannah Rabin, Coach Monaco First Row: Jenna Krinsley, Summer Segalas, Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Lucyann Murray, Sarah Schultz, lulia Bonnell, Amanda Murray

Second Row: Coach Robinson, Nikkia ELLis, Rote Hyman, Courtney ONeilL Hayley Smith, Micaela Scully, Mallory Monsina, Caroline Nisenson, Maggie Nolin, Ioanna lackson, Cali Faulkner, Katherine Qian, Coach Tobin First Row: Lauren Linder, Meredith Packer, Natalie Muniz, Elizabeth Packer, Leigh Millard, Kristen Sun, Maria Catenacci, Emma Bauman

Thank you, girls, for a gre a t season. Despite our record, 2 0 0 (3 was undoubtedly a success. Truly, every team member worked hard, improved her game, and made the season fun. Good luck next year! -Leigh Millard, Mallory Monsma, and Elizabeth Facker

Second Row: Tatiana Grunberg, Ruthie Hnbbai'd, Victoria Santos-Bnch, Lauren Fisher, Ashley Alebiosn, Briana Brown, Coach Tran First Row: ELLie Brennan, Gaby tones, lacquie King, Sabrine Tribie


J\TT oys’ Soccer 3

Second Row: Coach Gracia MilUa, W ill G'enstein, Sliane PizzuteLlo, Dylan Warren, Cody Benedetto, lack Harris, Stefan Lyew, Andrew Richardson, Tassos Bareiss, Sliane Lau, Giarlie Mosher First Row: Ross Connacher, lustin Beitler, Luke de Visscher, Conner Vos, C) Onis

Wo will fly on the wings of lovo. -Cooly Benedetto, Ctefan Ly cw, Jack Harris, and An drew Richardson

JNTGirls’ Soccer

Second Row: Maddie Sachs, Molly Ackerly, Gillian Pot-tor, Leigh Candere, Casey Correa, Kristin Keane, Cary Sullivan, Coach Yacenda First Row: Kaitlyn Delia Jacono, Julie Tooher. Isabella Rolla, Carter Srents

Tliis was such a greatseason. We are so proud o f th e girls, showing so much improvement from la st year. We look forward to next year and another amazing season! - Leigh, Maddie and Pani


Second Row: Coach Krause, ZhenZhen Gao, Spenser Snssan, Courtney Bruggeman, MikaeLa Zwyer, Abby FLatow, Levanie Freeman First Row: Becky Bind, Hailey Pizzutello, Amy Mitchell, Marleni Milla, Petula Tournas

The (.IV Volleyball te a m had an amazing season th is year w ith g re a t teamwork and c o n s ta n t e ffo r t, We worked hard t o refine our skills and d e fin ite ly saw th e results. We are so proud o f th e success th is te a m has had. carls, we p u t in our all, and it's g re a t t o see how

f 1. 1 1 1 i ■ 11 i M i l 1 11 i| *,1 7|i \ T T T 1nnT t i r1 -? * ' J

well we could play. We faced many challenges, including losing t w o players, hut we s till pulled i t o ff. It's been so much fun playing w ith you all. Have a g re a t tim e n e xt year, we'll miss you! -Mikaela Zwyer, Marleni Milla, and C ourt ney Bruggeman

4H-H -+H HM -t-H

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« 15

( ’( j i * 1* Sussan 0 ' ( S Soy ‘i 0^ 3 3 ° '° 0 2 ; A, f eo n R a n d 0^ ' Les ^ 19 3-7 47. - 00o v..J^luiflLs-

ift^ S A ^ r S ir J1- 3-5.

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Jones 9 3.3 2 I; M e an eX° Sborne Chnst,,la McC/intock 1 a 0 £ S ° ? ° ° '° °-

< r. anS? o ts ^ ,a 3


J ^ c o u ^ A^ r y Day4s KLHT 47

4 Klrw 0 1 Spencer o,,


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• Records - c, ,"• Sr°iw,

^Qbbs >

L l 9 -1,8.0:



J* 3 fe ■ ? 0 t' , / v?.

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'* 0

encit Ior the win- Dave Reggma added eight


1/1 u t 94. S t o r m

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2; Juslinn Chang 5 1


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n.isean 1 *V0 2.

7 - Ryan Leon 0 0-2°TOTALS: 17 6-V3 4 4 . v 3.p0int. shots:i: Rotkin Hamme-farberry «eteina 2 . Williams


2Records: . KLHT 7-

,r P e r s c o r e d


. V

CH (24)

f Sv >

,-v V

y Points.


j 5i


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KLHT 38, Christian Heritage 24


6o -'b e S .

'* * » « , *

TOtSS. 40 ^ _ Sean Coleman 0 0O STORM KING ( « > Luke sollami 1 W 0; MiKe KotWn 8 2-3 20^ Jetf ucH0 2 3*

lung & & Low-Hcywood Low-Hey wood ii homas nomas 9, Ridgefield junior varsity 1 King —- Colin McQuilken had a hat trick and mm Jesse j ™ c uucmiu Buccolo scored jcuicu two mu r: i.: - improve to 5-2-1. c t 1 goals to help the \Vikings Stephen Swett had a goal and an assist, Demetri Damascus, Vin­ cent Love and Colin Osgood each netted a goal, Andrew Fried had two assists, Oliver Wald and Mitch Staples each had an assist, while goalie Sam Alkaitis stopped nine shops for KLHT. Steve Stritt scored on an assist from Dave Lorusso for Ridgefield’s junior varsity team. — Melissa Cicerchea 2 0-2 5; Sarah Hanson 1 0-0 2; Abby Naeher 1 0-0 2: Abby Lupien 1 0-0 2. Lauren Caporasso 6 1-2 13. TOTALS: 1 1 1-4 24. KLHT (38) — Toni Blanchard 0 OO 0; Dana Blanchard 0 0-0 0: Jillian Potter 1 0-0 2; Amanda Murray 1 0-0 2: Spencer Susan 1 0-0 2. Julia Bonnelli 1 0-0 2: Brians Brown 5 0-0 10: La Pom 1 1-2 3; Jacquie King 1 0-0 2: Allison Rand 5 0-0 10: Casey Correra 2 0-0 5. TOTALS: 18 1-2 38. Halftime: KLHT 24-12: 3-pomt shots: Cicerchea. Correra. Records: CH 0-8- KLHT 7-9.

^% ^

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^ f l S ^ a b n l l e » a m s 06 ^ n(j 3’ „



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MIKe Catberry 4 1 - 2 1« ^

4 ,/ , *^»0, s J> .3 -7 , 7 r A r£%

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I §|

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\ 6°

KLHT defeats Rye

Vikmms fu|lfe7hHeyWT t,cTh0mas 4’Thc HarveySchool 4

left to set an eltrn fv 31C Sam,Su!livan from the net with 52 se, Hobbs scored the tying'goal" “* and 10 SeCOnds later Th theCt h i ' r d S U!nrt cC(?[ed the firsl two goals, Mitchell Staples r Mite i5,W ltn ! It™ St° Pped 20 shots for KLHT. two S s t s l i n n Rred tW0 g°?ls- Jason Edlestein had a goa had M^ave^for*Harvey “ ^ Ug0aJ while


KLHT and St. L u k e’s win

;S A'?,l P

King & Low-Heywood Thomas 94, Storm King 43 — Dave Reg-

r o


d TiT —

gina led five players in double figures with 20 points as the Vikings (7-8) rolled to a decisive win. Josh Herritt scored 18 points, Jabrile Williams 16, Donyae Carter-I, i l Smith 15 and Mike Carberrv 10. c ^ :^ ' ^


10^' 1 03^*■ -


V l v w * * \ . , wesV' 0







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A% V ,.

KLHT 58, W illiam s 44 WILLIAMS (44) — lames Hallberg 0 OO 0: Sagar Pareth 0 CM) 0: Connor McNeil 4 2-4 12; Mike Callahan 2 5 6 11; Jake Lefker 1 0-0 2; Zach Levine 4 0 4 8; Alex Thomas 1 0 0 2; Merrick Smith 2 0 0 4; Jason Wadecki 1 1-1 3; Doug Cheesman 1 0 0 2. TOTALS: 18 8-15 44 KLHT (58) — Mike Carberry 1 1-2 3: Josh Hemt 11 22 24; Dave Regina 7 2-2 17; Andy Zaccagnmo 0 OO 0; Donyae Carter-Smith 0 1-2 1; Jabni Willliams 0 OO 0; Malcolm Chappel 1 01 2; Rob Crossiand 1 OO 2; Jimrny Georges 2 00 4; Greg Blanchard 2 0 0 5. TOTALS 25 09 58. 3point shots: McNeil 2. Callahan 2. Regina, Blanchard; Records: W 2-7. KLHT 30.





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V °' - A ? *

A * 01

Canterbury 41, KLHT 38 Canterbury ( 4 ii — Aiex cammett 1 o-o 2: Kern Waggeleih 2 1-2 5; Kelsey Legler 3 0-0 7: Meg Carlin 1 1-2 3; Clara Fitzpatrick 7 9-10 24. TOTALS: 14 11-14 41. KLHT (38j — Tom Blanchard 0 1-1 1Spencer Sussan 1 0 0 2; Julie Bonnell 4 1-2 11: Sriana Brown 1 1 0-0 22; Allison Rand 0 0-0 0; Casey Carerra 1 0-0 2. TOTALS' 17 2-3 38. Halftime: KLHT 17-15: 3-point shots' Legler, Fitzpatrick, Bonnell 2: Records- C 5-8 KLHT 4-8.


KLHT 42, Williams 36 KLHT (42) — Julia Bonnelli 5 4-6 16; Bnanna Brown 4 6-8 14; Lia Pom 0 2-2 2: Allison Rand 1 1-2 3; Casey Correra 2 CFO 5; Gillian Potter 1 0 0 2; TOTALS 13 13-20 42 WILLIAMS (36) — Elizabeth Evans 1 1 2 3: Caitlin Fearon 3 CFO 9; Molly Hannon 0 2-2 2; Emily Maxwell 1 0-0 2: Abaigeal Calas 2 1-2 5; Marissa Peck 5 0-0 11: Lydia Bebe 1 2-2 4; TOTALS 13 6-8 36. Halftime: Tied, 20-20. 3-pointers: Bonnelli (2); Correra; Fearon (3); Peck, Records: KLHT. 6-9; W, 5-10.

H erritt’s 26 lead K LH T

& -0

KLHT 46, Kingswood Oxford 37 KfNGSWOOD OXFORD (37) - Ainsley Rossitto 1 0 0 2; Rachel Shea 3 1-3 8; Megan Brophy 3 2-5 8; Paige Hanson 5 0-110; Sara lee 2 CFO 4; Amanda Shifreen 2 CFO5 TOTALS' 16 3-8 37. KLHT (46) — Julia Bonnelli 3 1-2 9: Bnana Brown 9 7-10 26: Casey Correra 3 1-2 9; Spencer Sussan 0 0-2 0: Allison Rand 1 0-2 2 TOTALS. 16 9-8 46.

KLHT 42, Williams 36 — Julia Bonnelli scored 16 points and S i ' " 11 Br° Wn added 14 as the Vikin£s (6' 9> won the non-league

Half: KLHT 24-22. 3-pointers: Shea. Shifreen, Bonelli 2, Correra 2, Brown; Records' KLHT 810: KO 510.

*A . A %

Second Row: Ccnch Carson, Coach Little, limmy Georges, Dave Reggina, losh Herritt, Donyae Carter-Smith, Ci'eg Blanchard, Rob Crossland, Coach Braun First Row: labrille Williams, Mike Carberry, Malcolm Chappell, Andy Zaccagnino

Varsity Girls’“Basketball

Second Row: Coach Brown, Amanda Murray, Casey Correa, Gillian Potter, Spenser Sussan, Briana Brown, Coach Bowm an First Row: Toni Blanchard, lulia Bonnell, Lia Poin, lacquie King, Dana Blanchard

Varsity fce Hockey HOME

Second Row: Coach Marsh, )oh Harwood, Demetri Damascus, Stephen Sw ett, H any Green, Peter Reman, Coach Mira, Thomas Hobbs, Oliver Wald, Noah Fouad, Vincent Love, Coach Richter First Row: Lauren Karp, lesse Buccolo, Mitch Staples, Sam Sullivan, Sam Alkaitis, Peter Reilly, Andrew Fried, Scott Baiaerjee, Colin Osgood Tins year's team Jemci it rated tremendous improvment from last year and it really showed in our record, We had key wins against Harvey and Brunswick, as well as several others. Although we had a slightly disappointing end, the season was a huge step in our climb t o th e top. We will he retaining a great core of strong players and we look t o improve even more next year. -Sam Sullivan

â– Basketball Cheerleading

Second Row: Jenny Riddell, Coach W ilson, A m y Mitchell, Gaby Jones First Row: Taylor Barge, Emily Kerchoff, Sabrine Tribie

Thi;? year, we had an awesome season despite our numbers. Even though we liad sucli a small team, we accomplished a great deal o f learning and grew a lot, With a wonderful new coach and a few new faces, we were able t o develop in order t o have a foundation t o improve upon in seasons t o come, With the girls' commitment, there will be nothing but success in the future. Cood luck next year. -Emily Kerchoff and Amv Mitchell

Varsity Squash


Second Row: Sam Berman, W esley Tryhane, W ill Orenstein, Tassos Barreiss, Girls Hansen, Kendall Sidbeny, Taylor Gray, Manager Theo Levene, Coach Hamm First Row: Cody Benedetto,, Mike Zeko, Mike Santoro, Robby Santoro, Luke DeVisscher, Kyle Lnnebnrg

Our team had a blast th is year despite our record. We would say th a t th is year was a success because we achieved o f our team goals se t a t the beginning of th e year: having everyone score a t least once during a game. We are pleased w ith our accomplishments and look forward t o next season, -Mike and Mike Zeko



Spring Sports Preview

~B oys’ L a c r o sse

G irls’ L a c r o sse


B a seb a ll

S oftb all

"B oys’ T en n is

G irls’ T en n is

G olf






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V i SMI ( i


’The T3ig Easy: Home to the biggest carnival in America.”

Class trips .are a time at the beginning of the year when the whole KLHT community tends. This year, freshmen got acclimated to the high school life by traveling to Boston, while sophomores spent time with old and new friends in Philadelphia. Juniors scouted out potential colleges in the New England area, while seniors visited the colleges of their choice. Whether on a bus, in a museum, or on a boat, let's just say that wherever King kids go, fun definitely follows.

Spirit Week


King-Low colors, pajamas* superheroes, and togas - this defines Spirit Week for the KLHT community. This is the week during which the students can come in looking crazier than usual. Spirit Week is special because it includes Rank Day, Clash Day, Theme Day, Pajama Day and, most importantly, Spirit Day. On Spirit Day, the whole school comes together and displays its Viking pride with school colors, team spirit, lively music, and a show-stopping Pep Rally.


Homecoming is the time of the year when students, teachers, alumni, and administration alike gather. Everybody comes together for one weekend to celebrate the school spirit that w e all share. T hroughout the day, students are on the field or on the court, either supporting their fellow students or displaying their athletic abilities. By nightfall, students are breaking it dow n on the dance floor-VKING PRIDE all day!!!

>H 0

â– r

Ghouls, goblins, and witches galore, this must mean that it’s Halloween! In extravagant gear the KLHT students were decked out this year. We kept it scary and chic, prepping all day for trick or treat Even the teachers tried their best in the costume contest Throughout the school day and all through the night, the KLHT community was quite the sight

As w e m ove into the w inter sports season, it's time for the biggest show dow n in KLHT athletic history: Brain vs. Brawn. This year, students, faculty, and parents came out to support the m ost competitive basketball gam e at KLHT, in which the teachers battle against the coaches. It was a close and aggressive game, but the coaches eventually came through and took home another victory. Let's go King-Low!

HOME "i r j HUHP*



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"New York is what Paris w as in the tw enties... the center of the art world. J\nd w e want to be in the center. It’s the greatest place on earth...�

The visual ai ts program is a very important part of the KLHT curriculum but lias previously been overlooked in past yearbooks. Fine art is of great value to the educations of KLHT students, and thus deserves recognition. A wide variety of instruction offers students at all levels of experience and ability the chance to succeed in art classes. Different fields of specific artistic study, such as drawing, painting, and clay, offer each KLHT student the opportunity to learn about wliatever media lie or she lias m ost passion for. The artwork displayed throughout the year is proof of the talent and growth ttiat can come to a student who is immersed in such a highly developed art program.

The Mousetrap

The Mousetrap opens w ith a radio account of a w om an murdered in London. Mollie and Giles Ralston Irave just opened a small guest house and inn w ith property tliat Mollie Iras inherited from her aunt. Guests arriving at the inn are quirky, enthusiastic, mysterious and, in some cases, down-right rude. Many captivating events occur during the guests' stays at the inn_events ranging from sn ow storm s to murder. W ho gets killed? H ow did these characters get killed? W ho killed them? The suspense and mystery keep the audience members on the edges of their seats throughout the show . Congratulations to a talented cast on its fantastic performance!

This year's Holiday Show was a showcase of the diverse musical and theatrical talents that KLHT's performing art students have. The students in the choir and musical theater programs performed several different genres of music that delighted the audience. The musical theater workshop performed enchanting scenes from famous musicals and plays, the choir sang festive songs, and the band's adaptations of holiday tunes left everyone in a cheerful mood!



Toilets!? Public Urination!? Wlaat is this musical about? Urinetown the Musical is an award-winning satirical comedy musical, poking fun at local government, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement, and pettyminded, small-town politics. The story follows Hope Caldwell and Bobby Strong as they discover their love and fight for the rights of all people. The play was a huge success and everyone had lots of fun. Trank you to everyone who contributed. Good luck to the actors and good lob, everyone!


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’’Home to the Universal Forum of Cultures”

RIDS Awareness

Second Row: Mrs. Mishkin, Ashley Alebiosu, Kara Frisoli First Row: MicaeLa Scully, Moggie Nolin, Hayley Smith, Laura Meli, Caroline Nisenson


Kevin Portanova, Colin McQuilkin, Peter Menking, lack Fin ns, Dr. Zoubek, Aridrew Serkes, Eric Reinemann, P) Reinemann, Kip Shelton

Amnesty International

Third Row: Leah Pratt, Faith Pierce, Allison Greco, lackson Cheevers, Tatiana Crunherg, lenna Krinsley Second Row: Ari Klafter, Emily Floyd, Stefan Lyevv, Zhen Zhen Coo, Sydney Zorow itz, Becky Bind First Row: Kishauna Soljour, Natalie Muniz, Katlrerine Clian, lohn Qua, Marleni Milla, Mr. Calanopoulos

T3uilding with Books

Third Row: Allison Greco, Leah Pratt, lason 1 orey, Tatiana Gfunherg, Sean KensiL, lonathan Aveiy, Kara Frisoli Second Row: S te la Greenfic-ld, Aii KDfter, Emily Floyij Rob Kempner, Annie Purcell, Marleni Milla, Slone l an First Row: Faith Fierce, Emily Kerchoff, Lucvann Murray, Sophie Klafter, Sarah Schultz, J.P. Nickitas, Niki Ellis, Mrs. Mishkin

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The b usiness Club

Second Row: W ill Orenstein, Matias Reyna, Peter Kutzen First Row: Demetri Damascus, Peter Leone, K>4e Luneburg, Cattie Leone Faculty Advisor not pictured: Dr. Melmed


Second Row: Spenser Sussan, Adrienne Hogan, Nat SIranks, Tatiana Grunberg, John Qua, Octavio Sotelo First Row: Zach Grunberg, Katherine Chan, Elizabeth Packer, Kristen Sun, Marleni Malta, Daniel Berman, Mrs. Mishkin

Chess Club

Low: BaftS Sinnott, Austin McQuilkin, Dylan arren, limmy Voyages, Sam Berman, Kevin Portanova jR ow : Giff Ulrich, T ony Truglia, Lack Harris, Zach Grunberg, Tassos Bareiss Low: Mr. Sinnott, Ion loelson, Peter Joelson, Andrew Rictaardson

Comic "Book Club

Second Row: lenna "Ms. Maivel" Krinsley, lackson " Iron Man" Gaeevers, Colin "Spider-iMan" McMahon First Row: Kendall "The Enigma" Sidbeny, Andrew "Tlae loker" Richardson, Leigh "lubilee" Abear Facult>/ Advisor not pictured: Mr. Marsh


Creative Writing Club

Kristen Sun, Katherine Qian, lenru K insley, Mr. Mortenson

Crochet Club

Third Row: Allison Greco, Alexandra Burnett, Lauren Karp, Leigh Sanders Second Row: Kaitlyn Delta lacono, Cali Faulkner, Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Summer Segalas, Lucyann Murray First Row: Maria Catenacci, KlikkLa Ellis, Caitlin Weinstock, lulia Bonnetl Faculty Advisor not pictured: Mrs. Murphy

Debate Team


Third Row: Sean Kensil. Tassos Bareiss, Matias Reyna, Peter Menkmg, Zach Grunberg, Adrienne Flogan Second Row: Tali Giuchinsky, Stefan Eyew, Tripp Smith, Sydney Z orow itz, Cl Onis First Row: Sarah Schultz, Annie Purcell, Katherine G un, Courtney Brugge nun, Kristen Sun, Elizabeth Slue, Mr. Galanopoulos 111

Drama Club

Third Row: Micluel Toy, Nicole Levesque Second Row: Kinsey Greenfield, Lisa Boccuzzi, Andrew Serkes, Kara Frisoli, Ryan Serkes First Row: Eric Reinemann, Colin McQuilkin Faculty7 Advisor not pictured: Ms. Martino


Environmental Club

Third Row: Spenser Susan, Zacli Grunberg, Alex Doering, Sean Kensil, Lucyann Murray, Andrea Horak, Eric Reinemann Second Row: Amanda M imay, Kate Hyman, Katherine Gian, Tali Chucldnsldp, SaraJi Schultz, Rory Kyle, John Qua, Thonus Hobbs First Row: Julia Bonnell, Leigli Abear, Slxaela Greenfield, Maggie Nolin, Hayley Smith, ).P. Nickitas. Mrs. Pusack

Manda Five

Kim Claris Jenny Stern, Emma Bauman, Alexa Citlin Faculty Advisor not pictured: Ms. Martino

Film d u b

Cody' Benedetto, Giarlie Mosher, Ms. Page, Todd Martin, J.P. Nikitas

Gay-Straight Alliance

Third Row: John Qua, Jenna Krinsley, Mikada Zvvyer, Kim Clark, Spenser Snssan, Jackson Cheevers, Eric Reinemann Second Row: Katlaerine Qian, Marleni Milla, Kate Hyman, Amanda M imay, Natalie Muniz, Julia Bonnell First Row: Mrs. NicTols, Courtney Bruggeman, Nikkia Ellis, Laura Meli, Kinsey Greenfield, Hayley Sinitl\ Kara Frisoli, Mrs. Rabassa


Third Row: Caroline Nisenson, Julia Rememann, Sean Kensil. Kara Fri: Second Row: Hoyley Sm ith Kinsey Greenfield, Toni Blancliard, Stephanie Damascus, Casey Correa, Lauren Karp First Row: M aggie Nolm, Laura Meti, Dana BLincliard, Isabella Rosa, Caittin Weinstodc, Mrs. Misl<in


Third Row: Courtney Brug g enun. Jackson Qieevers, Rut hie Hubbard, Colin McMahon Second Row: ShaeLi Greenfield, Caroline Nisenson, Ashley Alebiosu, Faith Pierce, Ms. Thieme First Row: Rachel h/anhoe, Lia Poin, Sarah Schultz, Maggie NoLin, Hayley Smith

Third Row: Spenser Sussan, Ruthie Hubbard, Silas Redd, Kevin ftLirc-tonis, Matias Reym, Stephen Slieelian, Brenden Becker, Eric Reinenvinn, Peter Kutzen, Mike Santoro Second Row: Mike Pakula, PI Reinemann, Katlrerinc Gran, Ashley Alebiosu, Kara Frisoli, Sliacla Greenfield, Giroline Nisenson. Tali Giuckinsky, Grace Sinker, John Qua, Catheriiv Heath First Row: Becky Biixi, Nicole Levesque, Kinsey Greenfield, Summer " -galas, Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Kishaum Soljour, Emma Bauman, Maggie Nolin, Stephanie Londono, Sarah Schultz Faculty Advisor not pictured: Ms. Salvatore

Third Row: Mr Oiiavaroli, Adrienne Hogan, Eric Reinemann, Nr Slianks, Kevin Portanova, Colin McQuilkin, Tatiana Grnnberg. tah Qua, Gillian Potter, Cali Faulkner Second Row: Luke de Visscl-ier, Toni Blanchard, Michael 2eko, Coltones. Ross Connaclier, Julia Vos, Robba Santoro, Catlvriiv Hcatlj Amy Mitchell, Dean GeStal. Andrew Riclaardson. Dam Bbnrhini First Row: Julia Bonnell, Amanda Murray, Steplunie Londono, Lauren Sarner, Kilx-lLi Rolla, Emma Riuimn, Carter Brents, M.irL’| Milla, lennv Riddell, Stephanie Damascus, IP. Nickitas

Math Team

Third Row: Kendall Sidberry, Peter Kutzen. Mi Ids Re>ru Peter Menking, Welles Ruhlin, Alexander Vlahakis, Courtney Bruggeman '$$& ”’<»• I Second Row: Will Orenstein, Stefan Lyew, Andrew Howardtohnson, Tripp Smith. Amy Mitchell, Dan Kang, Wesley Tryhane, Ross Connacher First Row: Meredith Packer, Sydney Zorowitz, Amanda Munay, Katlierine Qian, John Qua, ZhenZben Gio, Sliaela Greenfield, Lucyann Murray. Mrs. KhLzniclienko

Model CN Row: Matias Reyna, M olly AckerLy, Peter Kutzen, Aaron Her, Tassos Bareiss, Q nis Hansen, Peter Menking, Vivek lack* Harris, Tlieo Levene, Sean Kensit, Wesley' Tryhane, Tripp Smith 1Row: Spenca- Sussan, M allow Monsma, Daniel Beyrrian, tuneberg, Maddie Sadrs, Simon McNamee, Taylor Cray, ■Buccolo, Noah Found, Ruthie Hubbard, less Byrnes, Hogan, Colin McMalron, Zach Grunberg, Mike Pakula, Alex Doering. Sydney Z o ro w itz w : CJ Onis, Peta- Leone, Kip Shelton, Stefan Lyew, th Packer, Kislrauna Soljour, Annie PurcetL Kristen Sun, Leigh Millard, Elizabeth Packer, Tali Chuchinsky, M r. GalanopoUtos, J.P. Nickitas

The Outdoor (Blub

Fourth Row: Mr. Sinnott, Zach Grunberg, Jack Harris, Nat Shanks Third Row: Dan Gleason, Ioanna Jackson, Todd Martin Second Row: Andrew Howard-Jolmson First Row: M att McNulty'


Running (Blub Third Row: Don Gleason, less Byrnes, Scon Kensil Welles' Ruhlin, R ory Kyle, Jackson Gaeevers, Zach Grunberg Second Row: Alex Doering, Kristen Sun, Andrew Howard-lohnson, Todd VLarlin,

Mallory Monsma,

Adrienne Hogan, Leigh Abear, Ms. Sadlowsky First R ow : Kip Sheton, lohn Qua. Katherine Gian, Isabella Rotla, Rachel Hennessey, Dean Gestal, Leigh Millard, M itt M cN ulty

United Cultures (Blub Third Row: Allison Rand, Jessica Byrnes, Doug Cenci, Sean Kensil, Ruthie Hubbard, Vivek AleigK Tatiara Grunberg, lohn Honev-Fitzgerald, G iristian Killefer, labrille W illianis, Spenser Sussan, Stephanie t ondono, M i s. Rabassa Second Row: Bruna Brow n, A ri Klafter, Ashley Alebiosu, Catlaerine Heath, Silas Redd, Rob Crossland, Colin McMahon, Leigh Sanders, Kara Fiisoli, Nikkia Ellis, Casey Correa, Rachel Hennessey, Kishauna Soljour First Row: Octavio Sotelo, Safi McMillian, Andrea Horak, A m y M itchell Katherine Qian, Marleni Milla, Kristen Sun, Gaby tones, Gaiarah Johnson, Sophie Klafter, IP. Nickitas

The Standard Third R ow : Zach Grunberg, Sean Kensil, Tom Ranocchia, â–Ą Onis, Demetri Damascus, Aaron M etviner, Matias Reyria Second Row: Meredith Packer, Nicole Levesque, Becky Bind, Daniel, Katie Mann, lohn Qua, Sean Kensil, Vivel< Alaigh First Row: Bryan Sarner, Lia Poira, Lisa Roccuzzi, Elizabeth Packer, Katherine Gian, Kristen Sun, Mike Pakula, M r. Richter


Student Council

Third Row: Ashley' Alebiosu, SI uela Greenfield Charnee' Purdy, Stephen Sheehan, Greg Blandiard Mike Santoro, Mike DeNapoles Second Row: Sarah Schultz. Ross Connacher, Andrew Marcelle-Kleemaia, tacquie King, Andrea Horak, Lauren Karp, Grace Stoker, Victoria SantosBuch, Gordon Bray First Row: Adam Pisarkiewicz, Carter Brents, Becky Bind Maria Catenacri, Laura Mdi, Hayley Smith, Leigh Millard John Qua, Mrs. W agner

Podcast Glub

Second Row: tackson (Jaeevers, T atum Grunberg, Rory Kyle, 'Cotin McMahon First Row: Ms. Page, Abby Flatow, Natalie Muniz, Jenna Krinsley, Eric Reinemann, ine G^rt

ik Your Mind

Row: Lauren Flstxr, Cali Faulkner, Alexandra Burnett, Mrs. Rabassa Hannah Rabin, Caitlin W einstock, Kara Frisoli, Chiara lohnson

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Socrates (2afe

Third Row: Tassos Bareiss, tack Harris, Theo Levene, W elles Ruhlin, Dan Gleason, Nat Shanks Second Row: Zach Grunberg, Stefan Lyew, Andrew Richardson, Schuyler Goldberg, Colin McMalion First Row: Art Klafter, Marleni MilLard Saiadon Hess, Kristen Sun, Mr. Galanopoulos

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Cousins at birth, double trouble for life!

Oldest Friends Ever!



|S 9 f. A R y A Y y iS R A E L , 1'LL M IS S y o u A N L OLA c^T R E A T T IM E S TOI ETHER.. y O K A L W A y IM Ak-E ME LALL^H! IL O V E , y A S A L , S O P H

Well Done, Andrew.

Love you!


Congratulations to the Class of 2007 With Best Wishes from the KLHT Board of Trustees

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in your life, you will have been all of these." -George Washington Carver

Congratulations Class of 2007! ?A jlg m







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/WDY If by Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, dont give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

Ifyou can dream- and not make dreams your master; Ifyou can think- and not make thoughts your aim; Ifyou can meet with triumph and disaster treat those two imposters just the same; u can bear to hear the truth you've spoken by knaves to make a trap for fools, h the things you gave your life to broken, op and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings- nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance runYours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And- which is more- you'll be a Man my son!

Andy hard to believe that another chapter in your life has ended so soon. It has a chapter full of many highs and lows, triumphs and adversities, all of you have enjoyed, endured, and conquered with great resolve, never your humility, sense of humor or winning smile. We are all very proud of you have accomplished in four years in academics and athletics, meeting challenge head on with determination and ultimate success. With your compassion and moral fiber, we can't even imagine what you will be to achieve in the future. Moving on to the next chapter will be exciting, ing and a little scary, but we know you have the tools and the wits to the way. So as you travel into this new adventure, remain true to yourself remember about life, horses, words & birds, and always... Be careful, Have to) and Nothing stupid. - Love Mom, Dad & Corey

"Be first in line, raise your hand Remember everything you hear... You know we want the best for you Its why we tell you what to do.

If it feels good and sounds nice Then it's your choice, don't doubt yourself Don't even think twice.

(But) some things you have to learn them all on your own You can't rely on anybody else Or the point of view of a source unknown Pull the hair back from your eyes Let the people see your pretty face You know they like it when you smile So find a reason to smile..." "Sooner or Later" By: Michael Toicher



We re so proud of you, Hannah. All our love, Mom, Dad & David



The Life of Mike Over a thousand Over a thousand Over a thousand Over a thousand

games, smiles, bruises, miles.

Lessons from soccer Are lessons for life, Success comes from Determination, Teamwork, Creativity, and fun. You make us proud, You make us laugh, Now share your talents And you will go far. Love, Mom & Dad

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make our world." (Buddha) "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow The important thing is to not stop questioning." (Albert Einsten 322

Kfraherly 'fapjsln. I $r» so proud of you. you continue to amaze. Impress 5ud surprise me. Ever thoughtful diligent, curious, adventurous and hr*ve... you h$ve the work ethic to vwkti whtft you want. copje shout. Qo for It you! I wilt stwsys he < your highest fsn wherever your sre... wherever l sp)„. J-fu&e Love! pjush “Monj

Dear Kimberly, Thanks for being a great sister and our best friend ! We have so much fun together and it has been a blast playing soccer & lacrosse together. It will not be the same without you We love and wil miss you next year. Love Tiana & Summer

From the day you were born, being your father has brought me incredible happiness. I thank you for being the special person you are. Your spirit and determination to succeed is inspiring to watch. Words not express how proud I am you. I will miss watching the way you rub your eyes in the morning, consulting with your sisters on which clothes to wear, you yelling at Tiana that she has no time to eat breakfast because you will be late to school & watching you tell Summer what to do. I'll miss going into your bedroom stumbling over the clothes on the floor trying to find my sweatshirts you wore because you said I kept the house too cold ! I will miss you in every way possible. When they were passing out first born prizes to parents in1989, I’m so happy I put my hand up because I hit the jackpot when I got you for a daughter. I will always be there for you and the best is still ahead for you. Love and kisses, Daddy 325



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Leigh... V B L zSV y o u h a ve so m u c h to g iv e the wa n d the w o rC d has so HM m u c h to g iv e you. " jft Love f r o m M o m , 'D a d & 'Ben



Time to take the wheell Congratulations and all our love.

Dad, Mom, Ian and Trace

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You have always been a gift. We are so proud of who you are and wish you all good things forever and always. - Love, Mom & Rich

TOM, May your life Continue to be Filled with fun And wonder.



Love, Gammy



My C h o o ch o o You have been th e ligh t o f my life fo r th e p a s t eighteen years, and shall be forever more. 6 e s t o f luck a t college

God has blessed you with a

C o u rtn ey -M a rie, For 1 3 y e a rs y o u ’ve m ad e m e proud,

special talent. Never cease your aggressive pursuit of knowledge and always pray for the wisdom to apply th a t knowledge judiciously!

When you were q u ie t an d when yo u w ere loud! Together we laughed, to g e th e r we cried, You've accom plished so m uch, wha te v e r you trie d ! Soon y o u ’ll go o ff o t a fa ra w a y school,

/ m su re I will c ry a n d babble a n d drool. W h atever yo u do, I know y o u ’ll be g re a t, 3 u t on y o u r fir s t d a y y n o t to be la te . O ver 1 3 y e a rs yo u ve grow n in to one fine lad y O u t to m e yo u ’ll alw ays be m y tin y baby. Love. M om m y

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Rob by, You have accomplished so much during your years at^ KLHT. You should be proud , * veyou so much.

If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. May there always be flamingoes in your heart. Remember whatever path you take, it is the one you choose.

Remember to use your powers for good, not evil! 333l


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'They say that pictures paint a thousandwords ‘But, they can t paint how much we Coveyou! 'Mom, <Dad, Sean and Samantha



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W liat a pleasure it has been to w atch you grow into a young man. It is with eager anticiptation we aw ait your next adventures.




Dad, Mom, Michele, Coco and the rest of the fam ily

Lisa You are “Perfectly Marvelous’’!!! We have received so much pleasure from watching you perform scholastically and dramatically inside and outside of KLHT. Your hard work and determination is an inspiration to us all. Continue to live with your commitment to excellence and you will surely be rewarded. You were truly born for success! We love you and are so very proud of you!!

HAS • '

With Love, Mom, Dad and Nicky XOXOXOXOX

Rachel We are in awe of the person you have become. Your honesty, integrity, compassion, and work ethic make you a wonderful human being; your creativity and sense of humor make you a joy. We love you very much and are so proud!


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Dear Rachel, You have come so far. I could not be more proud o f you! Love, Matthew


I he ye3 rs b3ve m sheq by 3 nq now 3 II of u s q ce 3 m3 jo r shift in oa r lives— you will sa rely continue to grow 3n4 Ie3 rn b a t^ t^ 4 ^ nee. W e w ^ n ty o u to know tb^t whatever the 4 i ^ nee 3 n4 tim e, our love 3 n 4 payers will 3lw3ys be wftb you. Th in ks for being such 3 lovely 4^ogbter3n4 sister.

Continue on y o u r journey to become the fine bum3n being tb^t is wrtbin you. W e 3 re very p rou4 o f you 3 n4 3 II tb3t you b3ve 3 ccompl isbe4 thus f3 r.

Love, M om , 0 3 4 , Mere 4 rtb, C inn 3 m on, 3 n4 Anise

1 5 (fC 4 A 4 ,< lt% £ ? n .

S tty t& u k


Bryan, Congratulations! More than anyone else, you can always make me laugh, even if it is at something stupid like Herbs or snowmounds or artistic creations on the front rug with Chester’s fur. I will miss the sound of your guitar shaking the house. You have progressed a long way from Bill Nye the Science Guy stage. You are the best brother I have. Good luck next year, I'll really miss you, although I’ll come visit and bug you. Love, Lauren

C ongratulations Bryan! W e are so proud of you. W e love and support you and will alw ays be there for you! Love, M om and Dad

HUGHMAN Oh the heights you have reached! We are so proud of you. Hang on to your dreams. Stay strong and resolute. Never let go! We Love You. Mom, Dad, Katharine, Lilly & Benny

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So far it's been a great storyi, We know it will get even bettcl


We can't wait to see the rest of it.


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This could be an opportunity Tulips, BLOC PARTY

"In order to grow you must be open to learn La Cerca, SPARTA

"One word...Two syllables... Demarcation" Dwight Schrute, THE OFFICE


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Kimberly! We all love you and support you on your journey to the stars! Keep smiling Keep reaching. Love, Mom, Dad, Katie, KC & Kell

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We love you, and are so very proud o f you! Wherever you go, our heart? will follow! Mom, Pad & Nicholas



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CONGRATULATIONS ROB! We are so proud of you! Believe in yourself. Go for your dreams The key to success is your happiness. Continue to follow what is in your heart, because we all know what a wonderful one you have! WE LOVE YOU!! MOM. PAP. ANP POU©

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Dear Stephen, For as long as I can remember, we've been si4e-by-si4e. Though I know how much you looked up to me when we were younger, I want to let you know how much I truly a4mire you. You're the most loyal an4 genuine peison I know, an4 I'm so blesse4 that you are my brother an4 my best frien4 I'm so prou4 o fall o fy o u r accomplishments. Congratulations bu44y, an4 goo4 luck!

Love, Michael P.S. I don't care if you're bigger than me. I can still beat you up.

HannahThanks for always being there for me; I couldn’t have asked for a better sister. Congratulations! You've earned it. Have fun at college, I'm going to miss you. I love you, Dave

"It takes great courage to grow up and become who you really are." Congratulations Joshy! I'm so proud of you. Love, Chelsea Thank you for being a great big brother. I will miss crazy 8's, poker and watching you A play basketball. I love you, Luke

Congratulations on reaching another milestone. Many more challenges await and we are confident you will achieve all of your dreams. Remember to not let being good get in the way of being great! We love you, Mom and Dad

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“Persons with any weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits�

Born into a precarious situation

But being of cheerful persuasion


Learned to wear a tie when

Started to win



We Love You So Much! Love, Mom, Dad, Hailey, Trey, & Livi How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June My goodness how the time has flewn How did it get so late so soon? -Dr. SeussIf at first you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you. -Unknown-

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12^ eaxeii c^-f-manxla, <We axe 10 jixoud o f eoexytfuny you i (laue. accomjdliAed. ^Ljou axe. txuly a* wonderful flexion and are wi l l


always. ixipjioxt you no matter wfiai.y you choose to do in the future. < ^With Jlooe, <xAl\om and xJ^ich

"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings." Love, Mom and Rick

\ "No matter where you choose to be, in my heart I'll always see you everywhere.357

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I p lg

Victoria, this collage of pictures represents select moments in time that attempt to capture various highlights of your life. You have found much success through hard work and discipline.You have also faced many challenges with dignity and grace. You have been a model of strength and character which will carry you to great promise in the future. We are very proud of you and hope you will always find happiness in all you do as you reach for the stars. Maintain your fun loving spirit, energy and thirst for life. We love you always and forever! Dad. Betsv. Greia and Chico

D e a r EL mily, W e lo v e y o u d e a rly .

Mom , Dad, Andy 6- M ark.

Work like tjou don’t need the mom love like tjou’ve never been hurt, sing as if no one can hear ijou, and dance like no one’s watching.o

To my Muffin, You are the joy of my life. I'm so proud of you and of everything that you have accomplished. Congratulations on a very successful high school career! My heart is always with you and I know your next endeavor will be even more triumphant than your past. All the best of luck in college; we will miss you! Love, Mommy and Greig

Donr^'No-r^j v\jWeÂť^ 1 become a

s\n^e<" I -w\\\ rewvembgr

Andrew, Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were a baby? It’s hard to believe that time has flown by so quickly...’’fastest speed!” You have grown so much and have come so far these past few years... and the adventure has only just begun! We know that you’ll work hard to get what you want.. .just remember to have fun while you’re reaching for your dreams. We have always been, and always will be, so proud of you. We love you - Mom and Dad

\ Dear Kristie, We are so proud of you!! We wish you all the best at the University. We will miss you very much. Love, Mom and Dad

\ i

"Ohemgee...Emo M and M's! WHAT?!!? NO!!!! Kris, congrats. Have fun in college~!i3 ((H e really needs a girlfriend.))" - Katie<3

Editors Editors-in-chief: Rachel Ivanhoe and Ida Voin (graphics Editor: Courtney Sruggeman Senior Section Editor: Hannah Rabin Events E ditors Ruthio Hubbard and Ashley Alebiosu Vertormance Editor: Faith Eiorco Underclassmen E ditors Taylor Sarge and Carolino Nisenson Faculty Editors: Sliaela Greenfield and Sarah Schultz Clubs Editor: Jackson Chcovors Visual A rts Editor: Radiol Ivanhoo S ports Editor: Lia Poin S ta ff: Hayloy Smith, Maggie Nolin, Colin McMahon, Sophio Klaftor, Courtnoy ONoil Lower School Editor: Mrs. Sue Laramie Middle School Editor: Ms. Jen Moros Advisor: Ms. lues Thieme

Tips for those taking the yearbook journey:

1. Yearbook will consume m o st o f your life. I t will be a fun life if you can accept th is fa c t. 2. Have a good ph oto -editing program already installed on your computer; you will need t o change th e photo resolution more tim e s th a n you can count. 5. Have a graphics editor! You can make fun te m p la te s by yourself, b u t if you w a n t t o go

above and beyond w ith th e cover and th e dividers, th is will be a full tim e job fo r somebody else, " 4. Recruit freshmen; everybody needs t o s t a r t somewhere. They will be helpful in taking pictures now, and when th e y are upperclassmen, th e y will know th e drill.

E. Give your s t a f f early deadlines. T h a t way, if something doesn't go as planned, th e re will be ' tim e t o fix it. 6. S e t a f t e r your senior classmates. T ie senior section is bigger th a n you think and cooperation can never be expected. 7. Take th re e tim e s as many candid pictures as you think you need, and th e n maybe you'll have enough. 5. Tiough we think o f teachers as responsible figures, make sure t h a t you are as s t r ic t about g e ttin g th e d e p a rtm e n t pictures on tim e as th e y are ab ou t g e ttin g your homework. 9 . Make sure t h a t Ms. Tiieme is never w ith o u t candy. 1 0. Try t o plan ahead if your senior th e sis is due and if you are p a rticip a tin g in th e musical w ithin th e same two-week period as th e yearbook deadline.



Letter from the Editors

yearbook, s t a n d s

o u t because

of the new a d d itio n s

t o t h e c o m p o s itio n process. Our

in tro d u c tio n o f a g ra p h ics e d ito r allow ed t h is y e a rb o o ks co ve r and d iv id e rs t o provid e a new a e s th e tic appeal in c o n ju n c tio n w ith o u r th e m e . A n o th e r helpful e s ta b lis h m e n t w a s t h e p o s itio n o f fa c u lty e d ito r. Tin's has n o t been i t s own s e c tio n in t h e p a s t, b u t t h e a m o u n t o f work required w a rra n te d t h e a d d itio n a l p o s itio n . Tine in s t it u t io n o f a visual a r t s s e c tio n acknowledges one o f t h e a s p e c ts o f t h e KLHT curriculum t h a t has fo r m e r ly been unrecognized in t h e yearbook. Also, t h e te m p la te s w ere m ore e x te n s iv e t h is y e a r, w ith unique backgrounds and la y o u ts t h a t l e f t l i t t l e t o no w h ite space. Through th e s e e s ta b lis h m e n ts , t h e th e m e and overall a rra n g e m e n t o f t h e yearbook flourished. F ir s tly , we th a n k y o u


f o r y o u r c r e a t iv it y and d e d ic a tio n t o helping w ith t h e

cre a tio n o f a g ra p h ica lly engaged th e m e . Each t im e y o u show ed us y o u r n e w e s t design, w h e th e r i t be a d r a f t o f t h e co v e r o r a new d ivide r, y o u a lw a y s rende red us speechless. Hannah, th a n k yo u f o r your e n th u s ia s m a b o u t t h e e n t ire se n io r s e c tio n . I t proved t o be a large ta s k b u t w a s c o m p le te d w ith excellence. A special th a n k y o u t o

Ruthie and Ashley f o r

y o u r c o m m itm e n t t o t h e e v e n ts

section. You a t t e n d e d e v e ry e v e n t, c o m p le te d y o u r pages e a rly, and did so w ith sm iles on y o u r faces. R u th ie , y o u r e x t r a help w ith s e c tio n s t h a t y o u w e re n 't assigned t o did n o t go unn oticed. We app re ciated y o u r e f f o r t s m ore th a n y o u know. e ffo r tle s s c o m p le tio n o f t h e

Faith, th a n k

performance s e c tio n .

y o u f o r w h a t appeared t o be an

I t f e l t a s th o u g h y o u r pages would be done in t h e

blink o f an eye; i t w a s helpful t o have one less th in g t o w o rr y a b o u t.

Taylor and Caroline, th a n k


fo r keeping a p o s itiv e a t t i t u d e d e s p ite t h e te d iu m o f y o u r ta s k s . We u n d e rs ta n d t h e dem ands t h a t w ere

placed upon

you, and we a re th a n k fu l f o r y o u r

Shaela f o r y o u r help w ith t h e f a c u lt y # ace. Jackson, y o u im pressed us w ith

of th e

cooperation. Thank yo u


s e c tio n . I t w a s a large re s p o n s ib ility which yo u c o m p le te d w ith y o u r tim e lin e s s and eagerness t o work. Your pages w ere som e

f i r s t subm issions, allow ing us t o m e e t o u r deadlines. Thank y o u t o t h e s t a f f f o r a lw a y s

lending a hand w h e re ve r i t w a s needed. Your a s s is ta n c e proved t o be o f g r e a t value. and

Sarah and

Ms. Moros, th a n k

g ra te fu l f o r y o u r order t o

y o u f o r all o f y o u r w ork w ith t h e low er and m iddle school s e c tio n s . We are

cooperation of t h e

create t h e

Mrs. Laramie

th e m e and y o u r w illingness t o

b e s t ye a rb o o k possible.

w h ate ver q u e s tio n s we had.

Rich and Shelly, we

Ms. Thieme, th a n k

accommodate our w ishes


could a lw a y s c o u n t on yo u t o answ er

y o u f o r a lw a y s u n d e rs ta n d in g our obsessive

a t te n tio n t o d e ta il; y o u r fo c u s is w h a t m ade t h e ye arbo ok so g re a t. There is no one else we would ra th e r spend c o u n tle s s h o u rs w it h a f t e r school. We will never f o r g e t o u r f i t s o f la u g h te r, t h e e xcite m e n t we s h a re d upon each click o f subm ission, o r y o u r c o n s t a n t s u p p o r t and d e d ic a tio n . Working on t h e ye a rb o o k w ould never have been t h e sam e experience w ith o u t you. We wish n e x t year's s t a f f all t h e luck in t h e

world, a nd

we hope t h a t each and e v e ry m em ber o f KLHT can enjoy

th is yearbook. S in ce re ly,


^ o ^ 0' Rachel Ivanhoe and Lia Coin E d ito rs -in -C h ie f,

KaleUoecope 2 0 0 7

© F F i e i AL



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