King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2008

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2005 2006 2007

Lower School Middle School Upper School Point of View





Finder M ission Statement 2 Thomas Main 3 T itle Explanation 4 Dedication 5 Simon House & Administration 6 The Lower School 10 The Middle School 48 The Upper School 96 Upper School Faculty 98 Freshmen 104 Sophomores 112 Juniors 120 Events 128 Sports 144 A rts 188 Clubs 198 S E N IO R S E C T IO N 210 A ds 314 L etter from the Editors 371

M ission Statement K in g & Low -H eyw ood T hom as S ch ool (KLHT) is an in d ep en d en t, colleg e preparatory s ch o o l servin g stu d en ts fro m Pre-K indergarten th ro u g h tw e lfth grade. KLHT is a diverse, vib ra n t lea rn in g co m m u n ity d ed ica ted to ed u ca tion a l excellen ce and th e fu lle s t academ ic and p erson a l ach ievem en t o f o u r stu den ts. W e ch a m p ion the developm en t o f each in v id id u a l's talen ts, character, and se lf-co n fid e n ce by o ffe r in g stu d en ts ch a llen g in g in tellectu al, creative, ath letic, lead ersh ip and service o p p o rtu n itie s. KLHT's cu ltu re o f resp ect fo r o n e s e lf and fo r oth ers p ro m o te s in d ep en d en ce and colla b ora tion . KLHT gradu ates are w ell prepared to p u rsu e liv es o f lea rn in g and a ccom p lish m en t, p erson a l fu lfillm e n t, and s o cia l resp on sib ility .

Thomas M ain Head of School

Dear Class of 2008, How the world has changed rinne many of you began your time at KXiHT, as much as 14 years ago. When you first started here, we barely had a fledgling technology program. •There were no laptops or projectors, no Fixstdass or Smartboards, and the vast majority of research was done laboriously in the library with the use of now antiquated cataloging systems. You graduate into a world many of us could not have imagined 14 years ago. Most of you are far more comfortable with complex technology than my generation was with the telephone at your age. Your ability to connect globally and instantly is impressive. You have moved rapidly through a variety of networking systems: A O L , iChat, MySpace and Facebook. A ll of you manage rnirnminiratinm systems that include phones, cell phones (call and text), flmaii, and rnnimnniHefl- A s you graduate and move on to the next stage, the challenge will not be to find dramatically new ways to communicate; you have already done that. Rather, it will be to understand the incredible influence and the deep need for wisdom that with the massive depth of communication power that you all possess so naturally. Having seen you move through the past four years, I am convinced that you all possess the wisdom, the character, the integrity, and the common sense to manage the challenges of the very rrmipiirafpd world in which you are entering. You have had more practice than X would have expected, as the world of technology has exploded in ways that were not predictable. Within this context of technology and far beyond, all of you will have the opportunity to be ethical leaders at various rimes in the near future. When it is your time, I am confident that each of you will step up and do the right thing, and I am equally confident that your experiences here at K L H T will support your efforts.

From O ur P oin t of V iew A s the world changes, technology adapts, we adapt. We start using new devices in our every day lives in order to be connected to the world around us. Bach day, we log onto FirstClass, Facebook, A IM , and maybe even We are instantly able to be completely in tune with local as well as global events. A s the editors of the 2008 Kaleidoscope, we put a lot of thought into how to represent each facet of the K L H T community. We wanted to capture the technological elements that adequately symbolize the various parts of the Upper School. the art world has been rocked by the innovation of Photoshop and the Senior Class has mastered the MacBook Pro - or have we? We are part of the technologically savvy generation that will nonetheless have to adapt to the fast-pace, changing world that is our reality. Our advice is the following: Stay flexible. Be responsible. Embrace change. Appreciate the privileges that we have grown up with. The world is becoming smaller as we write thia. It's all just a click away.

From our paint of view,


The class of 2008 dedicates our yearbook to a positive, caring, and generous teacher whose constant support has helped shape who we are today. His efforts can be felt throughout the school, whether it is bringing together community members to solve the problems of our future or bringing a smile to each individual face as he greets us in the hall This person affirms and strengthens the K L H T community, inspiring all of us to be better people. The K L H T yearbook of 2008 is honored to dedicate this year's Kaleidoscope to

D r. Kenneth Melmed.

Simon House & A ssista n t to H ead o f S ch ool Judy Valentine

A dvancem ent O ffice Second row'. M adeleine M arecki. Tamara Cannon, Soledad Whitechurch First row'. M ary Vinton, Deborah Doornick, H eidi Lockwood

B u sin ess O ffice E ld a Taylor, Cornelia Jones, Angela Carey. Jerry Podnguez, K im berly Leeker

A dm issions O ffice Second row.' Carrie Salvatore. Scott Carson First row'. H illa ry Hayes, Sara Patton

Administration HAWAII

D ean o f C om m unity A ffa irs Lynn Sullivan

C om m unity A ffa irs In tern Starr Foster

K itchen S ta ff Jennie Loglisci, Chris Clark, M artin Ixpango, Francisco Sanchez, Victor Sanchez, Rosa DiBattista

M aintenance S ta ff Carlos Escalante, Polo Recinos Griff Titus. John Zatorsky. Jamie Escalante Doug Johnson

In tro to Technolgy/Lower School:

Begin the journey on the information highway.*.

Faculty & S taff

Lori Auletta Art

Carolyn Gallagher Librarian

Nancy Giancola Nurse

Jonathan Gillies Dean of Students & Science

Ali Brander Teaching Assistant

Luba Dolgpolsky Music

Dan Gouin Physical Education

Pat Green Admin. Asssitant

Jeanine Habemy Admin. Asssitant

Kathy Lazarus Nurse

Karen Lyons Framework Director

Mark McAndrews Physical Education

Robin Ordan Lower School Counselor

Analia Pizzi Physical Education

Karen Raidt Eramework Director

Carolina Reyna Spanish

Maria Rubino Small Group Teaching Specialist

Allyson Schweig Technology Coordinator

Rosemary Gallagher Learning Specialist

www.Pre-k/Mr s.DeSant is/



| P re-k |

A n d rew B osa k

Sarah K a d lick

J a son L oeb

N a talie L o m b a r d o


Jerem y D o o r n ic k

L ily G o o d in g

O w en P ritch a rd

C a roly n R u ssell




■ 1

▲ ▼


M r. Bray

M rs. R a ch in sk y W ood

S a m a n th a D e C h ia ra

E ric D e g te r

A m a n d a H a ll

M ary Joyce

Sarah K o m p e r d a

K a elin M a in

H en ry P oh le

G w yn eth R o th m a n

A lec S h e rm a n

A m b er Tapscott



. -1&


www.Kindergarten/M rs.Palm /

EJ1 M rs. P a lm

L au ren G a rrig u es


1 1



M is s K ra u se

C arly B arry

W illia m B e r m in g h a m

G e o rg ia D e ck e r

M a d is o n fla m m e

Jacie L eveth an

W illia m L opezW o r tm a n

C a ro lin e M c D e r m o tt

D ylan M cM orrow

www.F ir st grade /M r s.Benede tto/

L om b a rd o


WWW, .Firstgrade/M rs.Decker/

i 0


1 J

• *

M rs. D eck er

Is a b e lle A lice

W ic k h a m B e r m in g h a m

M a llo r y E h lers

J ord a n K u lick

A n n e M ic h a ls k i

C a r o lin e E agleton

Sarah M o llo y

J u stin M u celli

w w w.Grade 2/M r s. Laramie/



George Catchpole

K elly Conheeney

O livia D e Chiara

K elly Gouin



Elena Gribelyuk

WWiiv.G rad e 2 /M rs.M cN u lty/K L H T .o rg

fH LfJ1

M rs. M cN u lty


lanie C o s ta b ile

M itc h e ll F reela n d


A u stin H anley


www.Grade3 /M rs.M a n sf ield/K L H T .org


M rs. M a n s fie ld


A le x a n d e r A m ero

S u za n n e Savage

O w en B ass

C a r o lin e B e n ja m in

A a ro n S ch u r

C a llie V a le n ti

_ f

S a m a n th a Gallant

B ra d en W o r t h in g t o n

A n d rew Y ildizlar

W o r tm a n

www.Grade4 /M rs.E agleton /K L H T .org

B r e n d a n H o ffm a n

Jack K o m p e r d a

J o h n L in e b e rry

S a b rin a S a m p s o n

R e b e cc a S ilb e r fe in

Josh u a P arry

J o rd a n S m ith

Ju lia R a n o c c h ia

L u k e S to n e

C laire Ressel

R eg an W ind

a1fPi ‘l

w w w .G rade4/M rs.Santoro/K LH

M rs. S a n to r o

J o s e p h B e n a n ti

E valise J o h n s o n

M o lly M cQ u ilk in

M o lly E a g le to n

K a eleig h M o r r ill

J u lia n n a S avitz

J o h n H a r r in g to n

Tyler H oltz

C h a rle s W h e e le r

N atalie W ind

C h a r lo tte O r e n s te in

www.Grade 5 /M rs.H en d erson /K L H T .org


w . G rade 5 /M r s . L eis t /K L H T .o r g




Jason Gallant

W illia m G ru sek e

Jacob G u b n er

Is a b e lle L a h a u s s o is

A n n e L ove

A lyssa M eyers

Jake M orris


D av is N ix o n

W illia m P ro p p e r

O liv ia S a vitz

ww w .G ra d e s/M r.S c h w a rtz /K L H T .o rg




Mr. Schwartz

Isabel Bareiss

Jeremy Benjamin

Mariel Berger

Gregory Galvin

Hendrik Hartong

Frances Jay

Emily Nixon

Andrew Savage


Ethan Thomson

James Conheeney


Julia Crawford

Luke Pritchard

Mahesh Raman

James Tooher

Maura Welt





Fifth Grade Memories...

Going to the Bluefiah game in kindergarten.

Making food and serving our family far the Second Grade Cafe.

arming in the talent show.

State reports in fourth grade.

Keep Us Connected Going to the Pequot Museum in the third grade.

Our trip to Hartford and learning about Connecticut in the fourth grade. ^

p tt - fiiaflfl and playing on teams this year,

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Middle School Playlist Track 1 - M iddle School Faculty Track 2


5 0 -5 3

wwwjClasso£2014/klhhorgp. 5

Track 3 - vrwwJClassof2013/klhtorg p. 6 0 -6 5 Track 4 - wwwJ01asso£2012/klhtorg p. 66-71 Track 5 - M iddle School Class Trips p. 7 2 -7 3 Track 6 - Fine & Perform irg Arts p. 7 4 -7 7 Track 7 - M iddle School Sports p. 7 8 -8 7 Track 8 - M iddle School Candids p. 8 8 -8 9 Track 9 ~ 8th Grade Memories p. 9 0 -9 3 Track 10 - M iddle School Closing p. 9 4 -9 5

M iddle School Faculty

Deanna Supple D ean of Students

A le x W einer A sso c. Dean o f F acu lty

J e n n ife r Guevara Counselor

P a t D oering Academ ic D ean

B etsey Glassman Framework D irector

B obby W alker J r . Head of M iddle S ch ool

K aren C e lia A sso c. D ire cto r A th le tic s

J o h n F a ig Technology

C h eryl G reene Adm in. A ssistnace

G raciela Rodriguez


M ichael L ittle S en ior Sports In te rn

6th Grade Megan H arris, K atherine H ale, Laura Lescano, W ill Eiamme, R ose W eldon, K arina P le ite z

7th Grade B ria n Coughlan, N adia M cG oran, L o is R in a ld i, Vanessa P riou , C a ro l Brown, P e te r Newcomb

K a tie T ob in , Tung T ran , K en L ew is, J o h n F a ig , Stephanie P ark, A le x W einer

Fine & Performing Arts

r Foreign Language N adia M cG oran, Laura Lescano, K arina P le ite z

Class of

2014 A le x a n d e r B e n ja m in D a n ie l B e r rick Jack B la ttm a n G illia n B o e h r in g e r A le x a n d e r B r itto n

A lis o n C a rv alh o D o m in ic C o la r o s s i P a trick C o r c o r a n E rin C ru tch le y L u ke D a r d is

A nn D el C e n io N o e lle D e p o n te C h r is tia n D e sc h a p e lle s N o e lle E dw a rds J ord a n F arber

i J oh n F io r it o K o lb y F o rre s t M e re d ith F reelan d S a m a n th a F r is o li A le x a n d ra C a rrig u e s

K a v on G oh a ry A n d re w C o ld A lfre d G o n z a le z A na C o r d o n S k yler C r u n b e r g

B ren d a n H an ley M ic h a e l H a rt M a is ie H e in e G eorge Jay D e n n is Joyce

O liv ia K atch er H a le ig h L evethan E li L ich tm a n C o u rtn e y E is in ic ch ia R yan M a in

L au ren M a rtin Joh n M cA llister D e n is M cln e r n e y R yan M u n r o e S ch yler M u rra y

H e le n F aglia G erard P o z z i V in c e n t P r o m u to Jam es Q u igley O liv ia R eyes

C a m p b ell R itch e y C a ro lin e Ryan Evan S ch w a rtz S a m a n th a Shaw D av id S h eets


C h a rle s S h o tto n J osh u a S ilb e r fe in E m m a S n ov er A le x a n d e r S tre ich N ic o le T e llin i

D ie g o T rev in o M e r e d ith W a lla ce J a ck son W h e e le r P au l W h itt in g h a m Ja cq u elyn X u



N ic o la i A a n o n s c n B ria n A le b io s u Avery A n th o n y A n g u s B ass D eva n B a u m a n

A n d rew B erger S p e n ce r B la ir C h r is t in e B o n a v e n tu ra M e la n ie B o rk e r T a tia n a B row n

A lim a C a n n o n D o m o n iq u e C arterS tan ley D a n ie l C h im e s C h r is t o p h e r C ie s z k o M a tth ew C lo u tie r

R a ch el C o h e n A le x a n d e r C ra w ford Jack D a r d is Tavia D eF ra n co E m ily Eby

J e n n ife r F aig A n d rew F arber G u ilb e r t F r a n c o is M e r e d ith G illie s J osh u a H e r m a n

M ich a e l H o ffm a n C asey H ow a rd -J oh n son C a ro lin e H u b b a rd E loise H ym an N ic h o la s H ym an

M atth ew J o h n so n C laire K a p tin s k i Jam es Kyle Sarah L in d e n b e rg C elin e M cG ora n

Ryan M cN u lty D ev in M cV eigh D avid M eyer A lex a n d er M irz a K en d a ll M itc h e ll

C h r is tia n M o ra le s H a n n a h M o r r ill G eorg ia O re n ste in C h loe P otter R o s e R a th er

F re d e rick R essel M aya R ic h a r d s o n W illia m R igb y-H all D a n ie l R o s e n b lu m K a th erin e Sachs

J osep h S a n to r o C a th a r in e S c io lla J ord a n S h ash a Laura S o to K atie T ryh an e

B e n to n T u rn er H a ile y U llm a n n V ic t o r ia Uva V a lerie W e in e r K a th leen W h itm a n

M a r tin Y epez A lara Y ild iz la r Jane Z o r o w it z

Class at I



C e o ffr e y A llard A u s tin A lice C orey B la ttm a n J oh n B o e h r in g e r S a ra h b eth B rech t

Lydia B re n ts N ic h o la s C esare Jerem y C h an g H u d s o n C ole S ien a D eF ra n co

M ich a e l D el G e n io L in d se y F aig M aya F e r g u s o n N ora F lah erty R o b e r t G ardn er

T aylor G eiger A n drew G ru seh e F o r re s t H a n s o n C laire H o g a n H ir a m H o llo w a y I

R iley Jay D an a J o h n s o n M a rg a ret Joyce A n d rew K y ria k os A n n L ab in e

S a m a n th a Levy K elsey L u n eb u rg A n d rew M cA llister M a rga ret M cC a ffery L au ren M cD e rm o tt

I W illia m M cE voy L in d sa y M cllm u rr a y K iera n M cQ u ilk in Paget M illa rd J osep h N a n o

E rica N ic o k ir is M a th ia s P e rfu m o Evan P erlm a n H en ry P iz z u te llo E ric P rop p er

K ru ti R a m a n R aven R ed d C h r is to p h e r R eilly J osep h Salesky M o rg a n S h eib ley

E lea n or S h o tto n Jam ie S m ith V ic to r ia Sm yth T aylor S tu k es T im o th y T u lly

C h a rles V an R o d e n E ric V r is s is O liv ia W a tk in s W illia m Z e k o


M iddle S ch ool F in e & Performing A r ts

M iddle S ch ool F in e & Performing A r ts

M U D D LE S C H O O L SPO RTS 5/6 Girls Volleyball Maise Heine, Erin Stukes, Noelle Edwards, Meredith Wallace, Olivia Katcher, Mallory Sheibley, Frances Jay, Briana DeFranco, Haleigh Leventhan, Samantha Frisoli, Noelle Deponte, Mariel Berger, Isabelle Lahaussois, Sienna Velasco, Lindsay levethan, Anne Love, and Isabel Bareiss Coaches: Analia Pizzi, & Ali Brander

5/6 Girls Red Soccer Ali W einer, Sam Shaw, Courtney L isin icch ia, Gigi Boehringer, Schyler Murray, Meredith Freeland, Kolby Forrest, Lauren Martin, Alison Carvalho, Olivia Reyes, Emma Snover, Jordan Farber, Annie Del Genio, Jessica Borker and Campbell Ritchey Coaches: Katherine Hale, & Lynn Sullivan

5/6 Girls Blue Soccer Caroline Ryan, Ariana yepez, Alexandra Carrigues, Victoria Rigby-Hall, Helen Paglia, Emily Nixon, Alyssa Meyers, Jackie Xu, Julia Crawford, Nicole Tellini, Olivia Savitz, Maura Welt, Ana Cordon Coaches: Megan Harris & Lynn Sullivan

Diego Trevino, Charlie Shotton, Ryan Monroe, Ryan Main, Jacob Gubner, Jack Wheeler, WilliAm Propper, James Cooheeney, Vinnie Promuto, Ethan Thomson, Dennis Joyce, Tommy Conheeney, Michael Hart, John McAllister, Jason Gallant, Greg Galvin, John Fiorino, Patrick Corcoran, David Sheets, Davis Nixon, Andrew Savage, Luke Price, Nolan Murray, Matthew Molinaro, Jeremy Benjamin Coaches: Dan Gouin, David Bonner, Mark McAndrews

5/6 Boys Red Soccer George Jay, Daniel Berrick, Julien Noujaim, Gerard Pozzi, Luke Dardis, Jake Morris, Will Gruseke, Josh Silberfein, Luke Pritchard, Evan Schwartz, Alfred Gonzalez, Andrew Savage, Austin Gieszko Coaches: Nate & Karen Celia

5/6 Boys Blue Soccer Denis Mclnerney, Andrew Gold, Jack Blattman, Henry Bray, Eli Litchman, Brendan Hanley, Johnny McDermott, Alex Streich, James Quigley, Henk Hartong, Alex Kalvar, Alex Benjamin, Jeremy Benjamin, Luke Amero, Henry Catchpole, Kavon Gohary, Christian Deschapelles, Mahesh Raman Coaches: Nate & Karen Celia

Andrew Kyriakos, Andrew McAllister, Geoffrey Allard, Martin Yepez, Andrew Gruseke, Matthew Cloutier, Jack Dardis, Michael Del Genio, William McEvoy, Reed Boehinger, Andy Farber, Dave Meyer, Daniel Rosenblum, and Jamie Kyle. Coaches: Alex Weiner & Pat Doering

7/8 Boys Soccer Blue Matt Johnson, Hudson Cole, William Rigby-Hall, Joe Salesky, Forrest Hanson, Tim Tully, Josh Herman, Charlie VanRoden, Benton Turner, Alex Mirza, Andrew Berger, Mathias Perfumo, Spencer Blair Coaches: Mike Silva & Pat Doering

7/8 Girls Red Soccer Katie Tryhane, Claire Kaptinski, Corey Blattman, Jamie Smith, Valerie Weiner, Kelsey Luneberg, Chloe Potter, Nora Flaherty, Dana Johnson, Rose Rather, Hannah Morrill, Jane Zorowitz, Meredith Gillies Coaches: Kris Monaco & Brian Coughlan

7/8 Girls Blue Soccer Alima Cannon, Kendall Mitchell, Chrissie Bonaventura, Floise Hyman, Vicky Uva, Celine McCoran, Laura Soto, Devan Bauman, Melanie Borker, Rachel Cohen, and Hailey Ullmann Coaches: Vanessa Priou & Brian Coughlan

7/8 Football Riley Hoffman, Devin Mcveigh, Hiram Holloway, Trey Pizzutello, Rick Ressel, Jordan Shasha, Angus Bass, Nick Hyman, Autsin Allee, Joey Santoro, Bob Gardner, Daniel Chimes, Christopher Cieszko, Tripp Propper, Brian Alebiosu, and Christian Morales Coaches: Mike Little, Ken Lewis & Bobby Walker Jr.

7/8 Girls Volleyball Riley Jay, Tatiana Brown, Taylor Stukes, Lindsey Faig, Maya Richardson, Domonique, Olivia Watkins, Kate Sachs, Maggie McCaffery, Caroline Hubbard, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Kathleen Whitman, Emily Eby, Jenny Faig, Alar a Yildizlar, and Erica Nikokiris Coaches: Deanna Supple, Ali Brander, & Tung Tran

7/8 Cross Country Lauren McDermott, Claire Hogan, Ryan McNulty, Kruti Raman, Anne Labine

Coach: John Faig

7/8 Girls Volleyball Catharine Sciolla, Morgan Sheibley, Casey Howard-Johnson, Samantha Levy, Sarahbeth Brecht, Sarah Lindenberg, Georgia Orenstein, Tavia DeFranco, Avery Anthony, and Maggie Joyce

Dennis Joyce, Eli Litckman, Janies Conkeeney, Dominic Colarossi, Kavon Gokary, Tommy Conkeeney, David Skeets

Coack: Not Skown -- Tom Harris

7/8 Boys Blue Basketball Josk Silkerfein, Skyler Grunkerg, Brendan Hanley, Ckarlie Skotton, Mickael Hart, Davis Nixon, Tucker Gouin, Denis Mclnerney, Makesk Raman, Austin Cieszko, Andrew Savage, Andrew Kalvar, kames looker, James Quigley, Alfred Gonzalez Coack: Daniel Gouin

7/8 Boys Wbite Basketball Henry Bray, Vincent Pomuto, Andrew Gold, Steve Ressel, Ryan Monroe, Julien Noujaim, Jacok Gukner, Luke Dardis, Henry Catckpole, William Gruseke, Alexander Benjamin, Jeremy Benjamin, Matt Molinaro, and Greg Galvin Coack: Dan Comkatti

5/6 Hockey Jack Wkeeler, Jason Gallant, Jokn McDermott, Luke Amero, Etkan Tkomson, Jake Morris, William Propper, Patrick Corcoran, Greg Galvin, Nolan Murray, Gerard Pozzi, Diego Trevino, Luke Pritckard, Annie Love, and Hendrik Hartong Coackes: Mike Silva & Mark McAndrews

5/6 Girls Red Basketball Team Emily Nixon, Gigi Boehringer, Courtney Lisinicchia, Schyler Murray, Caroline Ryan, Kolby Forrest, Annie Del Genio, Jordan Farber, Ali Carvalho, Jessica Borher, Campbell Richey, Lauren Martin, Emma Snover

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Coach: Katherine Hale

5/6 Girls Blue Basketball Team Erin Crutchley, Alexandra Garrigues, Noelle Edwards, Samantha Shaw, Meredith Freeland, Olivia Reyes, Francis Jay, Isabelle Bareiss, Samantha Frisoli, Noelle Deponte, Mariel Berger, Nicole Telline, Brianna DeFranco, Siena Velasco, Alyssa Meyers, Maura Welt, Isabelle Lahaussois Coaches: Ali Brander, Karen Celia

5/6 Fitness Aria na Yepez, Victoria Rigby-Hall, Mallory Sheibley, Maisie Heine, Olivia Katcher, George Jay, Daniel Berrich, Meredith Wallace, Julia Crawford, Lindsay Leventhan, Olivia Savitz, Ana Cordon, Haleigh Levethan, Luke Price, Evan Schwartz

7/8 Girls Red Basketball Corey Blattman, Maya Ferguson, Paget Millard, Raven Redd, Tatiana Brown, Domonique Carter-Stanley, Catharine Sciolla, Jane Zorowitz, Valerie Weiner, Dana Johnson, Nora Flaherty, and Kelsey Luneberg Coaches: Peter Newcomb & Vanessa Priou

7/8 Girls Blue Basketball Claire Hogan, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Katie Tryhane. Laura Soto, Meredith Gillies, Hannah Morrill, Maggie Joyce, Georgia Orenstein Coaches: Ali Brander & Vanessa Priou

7/8 Boys Red Basketball Riley Hoffman, Hiram Holloway, Andrew McAllister, Trey Pizzutello, Michael DelGenio, Joey Santoro, Jordan Shasha, Austin Allee, Brian Alebiosu, Christopher Cieszko, Will McEvoy Coaches: Mike Little & Ken Lewis

7/8 Boys Blue Basketball Billy Zeko, Geoffrey Allard, Martin Yepez, Guilbert Francois, Nick Cesare, David Meyer, Andy Farber, Angus Bass, Jack Dardis, Matthew Cloutier, Andrew Berger, and Evan Perlman

7/8 Hockey Alex Crawford, Matt Johnson, Jamie Smith, Joe Salesky, Andrew Kyriakos, kieran McQuilkin, Forrest Hanson, Hudson Cole, Joe Nano, Tim Tully, Daniel Rosenblum, Rose Rather, Ryan McNulty, Chloe Potter, Erica Nikokiris, Bob Gardner Coaches: Mike Silva, Mark McAndrews &

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7/8 Fitness Eric Vrissis, Celine McGoran, Casy Howard-Johnson, Oliva Watkins, Ellie Shotton, Avery Anthony, Maggie McCaffery, Samantha Levy, Maya Ferguson, Caroline Hubbard, Charlie VanRoden, Kruti Raman, Jenny Faig, Lydia Brents, Alex Mirza, and Josh Herman Coach: Daniel Gouin

7/8 Swimming Devan Bauman, Eloise Hyman, Chrissie Bonaventura, Daniel Chimes, Alima Cannon, Vicky Uva, and Claire Kaptinski Coach:

7/8 Yoga Kendall Mitchell, Emily Eby, Taylor Stukes, Lindsey Faig, Siena DeFranco, Alara Yildizlar, Morgan Sheibley, Kathleen Whitman, Spencer Blair and Rachel Cohen

Podcasts I , A ustin A lle e , really enjoyed Natures Classroom, grub days, and three seasons of M iddle School Sports. Advisors along the way: M r. Faig X , G eoffrey A lla rd , really enjoyed Natures Classroom in 6th & 7th grade, and Camp H i-R ock . Advisors along the way: Mme. Haymann, M r. W oodford, & M r. Weiner X , Corey Blattman, loved the sleepover & the campout at Camp H i-R ock , being undefeated in soccer and basketball, and making new friends and hanging out with all my friends. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M s. M oros, & M r. Lewis I , Reed Boehringer, really enjoyed the Science F a ir, Camp H i-R ock , & the D .C . T rip . Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Tran I , Sarabeth Brecht, really enjoyed sleeping under the stars at Camp H i-R ock , it was one of the scariest nights of my life. Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, M rs. R inaldi, & M s. Tobin I , Lydia Brents, liked Camp H i-R ock , the Rocket Launch, and the French T rip to M ontreal Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M rs. R inaldi, & M s. Park I , N ick Cesare, really enjoyed M s. Tobins advisory, and Camp H i-R ock . Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, M rs. R inaldi, & M s. Tobin I , Jeremy Chang, really enjoyed the Science F a ir because it allowed me to explore the various types of energy. Advisors along the way: M r. Woodford & M r. Tran I , Hudson C ole, loved art class with M s. Tobin, Camp H i-R ock , & the Science F air. Advisors along the way: Mme. Haymann, M s. M oros, & M r. Weiner I , Siena DeFranco, loved the S ix Flags band trip, Camp H i-R ock , and the Washington, D .C . trip. Advisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Tran I , Michael D e l G enio, loved M s. Tobins A dvisory, and hanging out with Mrs. Rinaldi. Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, M r. Newcomb, & M s. Tobin I , Lindsey F aig, loved the Camp H i-R o ck trip because of the great times around the bonfires singing Bohemian Rhapsody. A dvisors along the way: M r. Woodford & M r. Tran I , Maya Ferguson, loved the S ix Flags trip, because it reminds me of the time I got soaked with Dana and it was 60 degrees out. A dvisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M rs. R inaldi, & M r. Tran I , N ora Flaherty, liked Camp H i-R ock , grub days, and each season of M iddle School 90 Sports. A dvisors along the way: Mme. Haymann, M r. Woodford, & M s. Park

Eighth Grade Memories X , B ob Gardner, liked Camp H i-R ock , because it was a great bonding experience, and Washington D .C . because it was an awesome trip. A dvisors along the way: M r. Williams, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Faig I , Taylor G eiger, liked the D .C trip, and meeting E rica and the time we went to the O yster F estiva l Advisors along the way: M r. Tran I , Andrew Gruseke, loved Camp H i-R ock because I was able to get over my fear of heights, and I really enjoyed the 8th grade musical Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M s. Moros, & M r. Weiner I , Forrest Hanson, liked Camp H i-R ock , making new friends, and the being on the hockey team. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M s. M oros, & Ms. Tobin I , Hiram Holloway, really enjoyed going to Natures Classroom, the Caramoor trip, and going to N Y C to see a Broadway Play. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M rs. Brown, & M r. Faig I , C laire Hogan, loved 8th grade basketballgood times, and Camp H i-R ock because of the high ropes course. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Lewis I , R iley J a y , liked the S ix Flags trip, because it was the first time I went on a roller coaster, I also really enjoyed sitting with Ms. Moros, M r. Lewis, & M r. Walker at lunch. Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M s. Bowman, & M r. Lewis I , Dana Johnson, loved 8th grade sports because we were undefeated in soccer & basketball, and Camp H i-R ock for pushing myself further. A dvisors along the way: M rs. Brown, M r. Tran I , Maggie J oy ce, loved 8th grade basketballgood times, and Camp H i-R ock especially the high ropes course. Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, Ms. Bowman, & M r. Weiner I , Andrew Kyriakos, really enjoyed Camp H i-R ock because it was such a great experience, and classes and discussions with M r. Walker. A dvisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M rs. Rinaldi, & M r. Faig I , Ann Labine, really enjoyed Camp H i-R ock because it reminds me of the time I went canoeing with R ile y and I got a terrible sunburn. I also loved my 8th grade advisory with M s. Tobin. A dvisors along the way: M r. Williams, M s. Bowman, & M s. Tobin I , Samantha L evy, really enjoyed coming to K L H T in the 7th grade and making real friends, and going to the Anne Frank exhibit. Advisors along the way: M r. Woodford & M s. Tobin I , Kelsey Luneberg, loved the beach at Camp H i-R ock , being undefeated in 8th grade sports, and the 7th and 8th grade trip to S ix Flags. 91 A dvisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M rs. Rinaldi, & M s. Tobin

Podcasts X , Andrew M cA lliste r, really enjoyed playing lacrosse in 7th grade because we were undefeated. A dvisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M s. Bowman, & M r. Lewis I , Maggie M cC affery loved laughing, talking, and being crazy with my friends, and even those moments when you know you shouldnt laugh, but you cant help i t Advisors along the way: Mme. Haymann, M s. M oros, & M s. Park I , Lauren M cDermott, liked the rocket launch, because it reminds me of how the parachute, which was C laire and my favorite feature, didnt come out! Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Lewis I , W ill M cEvoy, liked the rocket launch, Camp H i-R ock , and the Broadway Play in New Y ork C ity . Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M r. Newcomb, and M r. Lewis I , Lindsay McHmurray, really enjoyed Camp H i-R ock , the Rocket Launch, and the trip to Washington, D .C . Advisors along the way: Mme. Haymann, M rs. Brown, and M s. Park I , Kieran M cQuilkin, really enjoyed Camp H i-R o ck in 8th grade, because we slept outside and because of the hike we went on. Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, M s. Bowman, M r. Lewis I , Paget M illard, loved the Rocket Launch because everyone said the rocket Raven and I made would fail and it ended up flying the highest. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M rs. Brown, & M r. Weiner I , J o e Nano, really enjoyed the D .C . trip, Camp H i-R ock , and the Science Fair. Advisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M rs. Brown, & M s. Tobin I , E rica N icokiris, loved going to N Y C to see The L ion K ing in the 7th grade, because it was such a great show. Advisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Tran I , Evan Perlman, really enjoyed going to Natures Classroom in 6th and 7th grade & Camp H i-R ock in the 8th grade. Advisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M r. Woodford, & M s. Tobin I , Mathias Perfumo, liked Camp H i-R ock , the Rocket Launch, and the Science F air. Advisors along the way: M r. Newcomb, & M r. Tran I , T rey Pizzutello, really enjoyed the Science F a ir, the D .C . trip, and finding out M r. Tran could skateboard. Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, M s. M oros, & M r. Tran I , T rip Propper, really enjoyed the 6th grade room transformation, almost getting a touchdown in football, and the 8th grade Science F air. Advisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M r. Woodford, & M r. Ljewis I , Raven Redd, loved Camp H i-R ock , and sleeping under the stars, as well as being on the 7 /8 undefeated Basketball team! Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M rs. Brown, & M s. Tobin

Eighth Grade Memories 1 / C hris R e illy , really enjoyed Camp H i-R ock , the E llis Island trip, and the 6th grade Egypt Room Transformation. A dvisors along the way: M r. Williams, M rs. R inaldi, & M r. Faig I , K ru ti Raman, loved sitting with M s. Moros & M r. Walker at lunch, and doing each others octopus hair with Samantha. A dvisors along the way: M r. Williams, M s. Moros, & M r. Weiner I , J o e Salesky, really enjoyed M s. Tobins art class, Camp H i-R ock , and the Hockey Team,. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M rs. Brown, & M r. Weiner I , Morgan Sheibley, loved sleeping outside at Camp H i-R ock , when my rockets fin almost hit M r. Lewis, and the high ropes course at H i-R ock because it was so interesting. A dvisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M s. Moros, & M r. Lewis I , E llie Shotton, loved having a great time with my friends throughout my middle school experience. Love you guys! Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M s. Bowman, & M r. Faig I , Jamie Smith, loved going to Camp H i-R ock because I was the first ever K L H T person to do the high ropes course, and hanging out with my B F F s T o ri, Andrew, Kieran, and Baby Austin. Advisors along the way: M rs. Weldon, M s. Moros & M r. Lewis I , T o r i Smyth, really enjoyed M r. Weiner and his grammar song and dance, Camp H i-R ock , and hanging out with my B F F s Jamie, Andrew and Baby Austin. Advisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M r. Newcomb, & M r. Weiner I , Taylor Stukes, really enjoyed meeting new friends and Camp H i-R ock , becasue it reminds me of how I almost tipped over the canoe. Advisors along the way: M r. Faig I , Tim T u lly , liked Cam p-H i-R ock and having an overnight there, our advisory parties and being on the 7th/ 8th grade hockey team. Advisors along the way: M r. Williams, Ms. Bowman, & M r. Weiner I , Charlie V an Roden, loved the French Cooking Contest, the Science F air, & M s. Tobins advisory. A dvisors along the way: M s. Weldon, Mr.Woodford, and M s. Tobin I , O livia Watkins, really enjoyed M s. Bowmans advisory, the overnight trip to Camp H i-R ock , and the 7th grade trip to N Y C . A dvisors along the way: M rs. Trapp, M s. Bowman, & M r. Faig I , E ric V rissis, really enjoyed participating in all of my teachers classes, and I liked how we had the chance to use laptops in school A dvisors along the way: M r. Weiner I , B illy Zeko, loved the Camp-Hi Rock overnight trip in the 8th grade, the 6th grade Room Transformation and Ms. Tobins art classes. A dvisors along the way: M r. Flamme, M rs. Brown, &Mr. Lewis

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Second row: Erik Mortenson, Helen Kweskin, Hans Richter F irst row: Stephanie Kwok, Libby Page, Mamie Sadlowsky

Francisco Gracia, Ine s Thieme, Margherita Farrell, Marion Haymann, Thomas Zoubek

Gary Schpero, Cathy Mishkin, Christos Galanopoulos, Megan Edwards, Stuart Marsh, John Chiavaroli

Second row: B ill Pusack, B ill Wallace F irst row: Abbey Bourdon, Brynnen Hahn, Victoria Khiznichenko

Andrew Schoudel, Zhanna W illiams, Kenneth Melmed, G ary Caputi, P riscilla Pusack

Tim Sinnott, David Sheehan, B ill Waldman, David Harvey

Performance A r t Department Garrett Mendez, Jackie Martino, Stacy Homicki, Amy Damton

Michelle Sotire, Dave Bonner, Candace Cushing

Tom Decker, Dave Fiorini, Karen Celia, Jason Bouton, Analia Pizzi, Dan Gouin

B ill

E n n is t

A ssistant Head of Upper School

K a r in

W agner

Learnina Framework Director


M o r ia r ty

Tlibrarian and Technology

J e n Hurd

O ffic e S ta ff


L e s lie

B ru zik

& B o n n ie

Q uerze

Middle Faculty

Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Events Sports Arts Clubs Seniors


iPod iMovie iPhone iPhoto Nike Shox Photoshop Facebook MacBookPro



§ 0 0 «



S '

° 1

M olly Bareiss

N icholas Bass

T y le r Benedetto

Johnathan B erger

Max Beyman

Katharine Booth

James B oyle

C a li Capalho

James C arlucci

Joseph Carreccia

Valentina Casanova

Austin Doering

Jesse Futterman

Chloe Gardner

Katherine Gimpel

Sarah Gohary

U se Heine

Matthew Johnson

Monica Johnson

Deondre Jones

Samantha Karp

K ristin Keane

M iles Keeney

Jonathan King

Adrienne Lange

Ryan Lasnick

A b iga il Leibowitz

Brynn L ottner

Morgan Lyew

Anna K irk

Caroline Main

D aniel M artin

Jackson Mehan

Amanda Meyer

James Murray

P h ilip Nussbaum

Connor O'Rourke

Max Orenstein

Lucy Parrish

Christian Ranocchia

Michael Serricchio

B illy Smithline

A lexa Molinaro

Maximo Reyes

Angus Robertson

G reta Savickaite

Michael Schneider

Steven Sheets

Jack Sheresky

Lindsay Sherwood

James Smith

Mary S teele

Rachel S tem

N icole S tieg litz

Lindsay Stone

E llio tt M orrill

William Qua

Christopher Schoen

•FTIiaahpth Smith

C ary Sullivan

Connor Sullivan

P atrick Sullivan

M ichael V elasco

Max Wardaki

Taylon Thompson

Emily W ilson

T re T ipton

J u lie Tooher


Jennifer W ilson








Tassos Bareiss

Emma Bauman

Jonathan A very

E ric Bannerot

Dana Blanchard

T on i Blanchard

N icholas Boccuzzi

Briana Brown

Alexandra Burnett

Donyae C arter-Sm ith

M aria Catenacci

R oss Connacher

Stephanie Damascus

K aitlyn D ella Jacono

M ichael D eN apoles

W illiam Duplessie

Bridget Hanley

Catherine Heath


R obert Cumming

D ani , j 4 Feinberg

A lexa G itlin

A llison G reco

J u lia Bonnell

Gordon Bray

Ju stin B eitler

Carter Brents

Caroline Faulkner

A ch ile Hendrickson

Sandon Hess

Adrienne Hogan

Samuel Howard

E ric Joyner

W illiam Keeshan

Michael Labine

Shane Lau

Lauren Linder

Matthew M cN ulty

A ustin McQuiDdn

Amanda Murray

Teresa N ellis

Charles Onis

Christopher Penny

Thomas Perfumo

Kevin P ierre-L ou is

G illia n P otter

Anna P urcell

Jason R a ffa eli

S ila s Redd


R obert Santoro

Lauren Sam er

Summer Segalas

P eter Reinemann

R o lla

Andrew Howard-Johnson

K ate Hyman

P eter Joelson

Timothy Marren

W illiam Shaker

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vB ^l " « V1■ K i I V\


B alin Sinnott


11 \1 1 i 11 BP

Matthew Smyth

\ / 'i T ^ l 1 jflttrP^nrnl 1i s j r

M itch Staples

Morgan Stukes

nn |

Melissa Sullivan

M olly A ckerly

S co tt Banerjee

Rebecca Bind

G reg Blanchard

J esse B uccolo

Steven Carey

Sean Carney

Mary Connacher

Demetri Damascus

Nikkia F ills

Em ily F loyd

Noah Fouad

Levanie Freeman

Jimmy Georges

Dean G estal

P eter G illie s

T aylor G ray

Kinsey Greenfield

Joanna Jackson

Jesse Jacobs

Gabriela Jones

Christopher Hansen

A rlington Hendrickson

Rachel Hennessy


Jacqueline K ing


Madeline K irk

Sophie K la fter

Theodore Levene

N icole Levesque

Stephanie Londono

V incent Love

Brent Luneberg

K yle Luneburg

Andrew M arcelle

Todd M artin

Aaron M etviner

Amy M itchell

Charles Mosher

William Orenstein

Meredith Packer

H ailey Pizzutello

Leah P ra tt

A llison Rand

Thomas Ranocchia

Matias Reyna

Madeline Sachs

Michael Santoro

Tiana Segalas

T ripp Smith

Kishauna S o l jour

Spenser Sussan

M ichael T oy

W esley Tryhane

Henry V an Roden

Alexander Vlahakis

Jennifer Stern


Sydney Zorowitz


Middle Faculty Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Events Sports Arts Clubs Seniors

Smartboard iPod iMovie iPhone iPhoto Nike Shox



2008 used, oo available

C la ss T rip s

N oth in g


bonding lik e a class trip . T h e Freshmen got to know one another on the duck tours o f B oston, the Sophomores went wild at the P h illie s game, and the J u n io rs splashed in to the college process together. Everyone had a great start to the new school year.

" S p ir it

week brought so

many costumes to


classroom. H a ts o ff to the Freshmen fo r settin g the tone fo r

rank day.

C lashing was a big h it with most o f W h ile

the U p p er S ch o o l

the underclassmen sat

under the ligh ts answering tough questions, the Seniors were sittin g on the flo o r in th eir

togas philosophizing on

the merits o f the college application process." -

C ath erin e M ishkin

W h ile everyone struggled to stay awake on pajama day, most students were paydreaming about slaying the G FA


T h e pep

ra lly excited a ll o f the V ik in g s, m otivating many teams to G O , F IG H T , W IN !

Homecoming V ik in g

S p ir it was

in fu ll effect on Homecoming Day. The K L H T athletes spiked, kicked, ran, and scored our way to success. Alumni were welcomed home to a brand new tu rf fie ld where the footb a ll team led their K L H T V ik in g s

to victory.

From the S p ice g irls to tra ffic


everyone came out in his or her best Halloween costume. The


was fierce between M a rie A n toin ette, C ru ella D e V ille and 'C o a ch Gouin." A few o f Olympic A th le te s of 1972 took home the gold, but everyone succeeded in capturing the true halloween s p ir it

Enrichment Days

Laramie Project Day

Environmental D ay

E very Enrichment D ay this year was a chance to learn something new. From Laramie D ay where we honored Matthew Shepard to Darfur D ay when a refugee touched all of our hearts, we grew closer as a community. Thank you to everyone who made these enrichment opportunities a reality.

Nike Shox r\ Photoshop Facebook MacBookPro


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Titles Varsity Volleyball! FAA Champs

Varsity Girls Cross Country. NEPTSA Division 5 Champs

Varsity Boys Soccer. FAA Champs




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f . S ilas Redd' B roke the 1 .0 0 0 -y a rd rushing AnnualPatents’ Dinnsr


m a rk

V a rsity G irls C ross C ountry. F ield ed a fu ll scoring sq u a d fo r the fir s t tim e ever and p la ced 2 n d in F A A

V a rsity B oys S occer' F ir st outright title in the n ea rly 3 0 -y ea r h isto ry o f th e program

Fourth row'. Coach Carson. Jonny A very M a x Wardaki. Arlington H endrickson, A shile Hendrickson. Jim m y Georges Steve Sheets, Coach Little Third row'. Coach M e Andrews, Silas Redd. M ik e DeNapoles, M a x Beyman, E ric Bannerot. D J Jones. Tony Truglm Jamie Smith, M ik ey Serricchio. Coach Gouin, Coach Collin Second row'. Kevin Pierre-Louis, Christian K illeffer. JP N ickitas. E ric Reinemann. John H oney-Fitzgerald Sam Sullivan. Peter R eilly Brenden Becker, Vinny Love First row'. M a x Reyes, E ric Joyner. M ike Santoro. Tre Tipton, Jah rille Williams, Robert Cummings. M ike Velasco

We fought hard w ith a young team and rea lly came together as a fa m ily over the course o f the season. We ended this season and began nextyea r w ith a big 3 5 -0 win over St. Lukes. W ith continued hard w ork and dedication our team has a v ery prom ising future. Silas Redd, Peter R eilly & John H oney-Fitzgerald


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Good work,guys! Being captain this yea r was not ea sy because o f our numbers, but I think we managed to pull it o ffju st the five o f us. This squad has grown as a team

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and as friends. You guys have rea lly made being a captain this yea r enjoyable, and I have so m any memories and inside jokes w ith a ll o fyou . I hope you all continue w ith cheerleading because you a ll are fantastic. Love, M addyK irk

From top to bottom. Adrienne Lange, A lexa M olina ro Morgan Stukes. Brynn Lottner, M addy K irk.

Third row'. Sean Kensil, Adrienne Hogan. N at Shanks. Todd M a rtin W elles kuhlin. O liver Wald. L ibb y Smith. Andrew Howard-Johnson. Peter G illies. John Qua Second row'. Coach Sadlowsky. D Beym an K atie Gimpel. B eck y Bind. M att M cN ulty. Sarah G ohary D aniel M artin. R achel H enessey. Jessica Byrnes, M a ry Connacher. Coach Lingle F irst row'. Dan Kang. Annie P u rcell P h ilip Nussbam . J en n ifer W ilson. E m ily Wilson. R ory K yle. M iles Keeney. W ill Qua

W e m et th is y ea r w ith m a n y successes despite severa l injuries on th e team . E veryon e w orked extrem ely hard to im prove th eir tim es a id technique


culm inating in th e b oys placin g 2 id in th e F A A s and th e g irls w inning N ew E ig la n d s! W ere so proud o f everyon e a id th eir dedication to th e team . W e h ave h g h hopes fo r n ext y ea r! J ess B yrnes, R achel H ennessey. W elles R uhlin John Qua & O liver W ald


Second row. Jesse Jacobs, Christian Ranocchia, M ik e Carberry. Colin McQuilkin, Rob Crossland. A lex Doering M atias Reyna, Gordon B ra y Coach C hiavaroli First row. M att Johnson Shane Lau, Brent Luneburg. Andrew M arcelle-K leem an M icky Boccuzzi. P J Reinemann K y le Luneburg, Peter Leone

We had a greatyear. We started the season with a huge win but then slowed down a little b it However, the team played hard and came back to finish the season with a 1 3 -5 record Thisyears team was a greatgroup ofguys aid we meshed well together. When asked to sum up our season there is really only one thing that comes to m ind! FAA CHAMPS!!! Best of luck nextyear, Rob Crossland and Colin McQuilkin

Second row'. Coach H ale. Amanda M urray. .Lauren Karp. M addie Sachs. Leigh Abear. S haela G reenfield. A nya heist. Andrea Horak K aitlyn D ella - Jacorn. Coach N ew com b F irst row. Isa bella Folia. Sabina Arm strong-Loscalzo. Summer Strains. Tiana Segalas. Lucyann M urray, Sarah S chultz Julie Tooher Sam antha K arp. Julia Bonnell

'Destiny is not a matter o f chance hut a matter o f choice. It is not a thing to he waited for. it is a thing to he achieved.' -

William Jenniigs Bryan

Captains Leigh Abear. Shaela G reenfield & Andrea H orak



Second row-. Coach Robinson K atherine Chan, Courtney O'Neil M aggie Nolin, M icaela Scully, Caroline Nisenson, Hayley Smith, Joanna Jackson, Coach Tobin First row. M o lly Bareiss, N atalie M uniz. Lauren Linder. M eredith Packer. M aria Catenacci. K ate Hyman. Lindsay Stone C ali Faulkner Out sea son w a s fille d w ith a m yria d o f su ccesses, in d iv id u a lly a n d a s a team . W e w ork ed togeth er, an d a s a resu lt, w e w ere a b le to a ccom p lish ou r g oa ls. W e im proved trem en d ou sly and d em on strated s k ill and toughness on th e fie ld . G irls, w e a re so prou d o f y m an d w ou ld lik e to th a n k yo u from th e bottom o f ou r h ea rts. E a ch o f yo u cortrib u ted som eth iig sp ecia l an d un ique to th e team a rd w e w ill m iss yo u a ll n e s t y e a r ! W e w ou ld a lso lik e to th a n k C oach R obinson a id C oach T obin fo r everyth in g th a t th e y d id fo r u s th is sea son . G ood lu ck to V F H 2 0 0 8 ! K a th erin e C han ft C a rolin e N isen son

Second row'. Coach Bakes, G aby Jones, Am y M itchell. Briana Brown. Jacquie King. A sh ley Alebiosu. Coach Tran First row! C asey Correa, Petula Tournas, Sabrine Tribie

The season wasju st phenomenal! A fter surviving the grueling days o f pre-season our team soon became lik e a fam ily. We ended o ff our season b y bringing home the FAA Tournament Just remember, ladies, p la y lik e the score is zero-zero! Love always, A sh ley Alebiosu & Jacquie K iig

JV Boys Soccer

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Second row'. Taylor Thompson. C J Onis. Justin B eitler Tassos B areiss J esse Futterm an Austin M cQ uilkin J a ck H arris Ross C onnacher C ody Benedetto. Stefan Lyew. Coach G racia F irst row'. E lliott M orrill, M a x Orenstein Ryan Lasnick. W ill Shaker. K iernan M cQ uilkin Andew R ichardson Tyler Benedetto J im m y Carlucci.. Connor Vos

W e had a great season. W e im proved in d ivid u a lly and as a team . You gu ys w orked hard and w ere determ ined to do th e b est th at yo u can. W e are v e r y proud o f yo u gu ys! Good lu ck n ext y ea r! Stefan L yew & J a ck H a rris (n ot pictured)

JV Girls Soccer


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F irst row'. Coach Loukaka. C a ry Sullivan , G illian Potter. Lucy P arrish D ani Feinberg. Stephanie Londono K ristin K eane. Greta Savickaite, Coach H ale Second row'. A b b y Leibow itz, Caroline M ain. Amanda M eyer. N icole Stieglitz. C ali Capalbo. R achel Stern

W e did a greatjo b th is season. W e shared our laughs, w e did som e s illy dancing, bu t m ost o f a ll w e grew as a team . I t w as a great season and I ca n t w a it until n ext yea r. W ootW oot! Stephanie Londono


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- 1 iJ f i Second row'. Siena. DeFranco, Paget M illard. M aya Ferguson. H a iley P izzutello. Coach Kim K rause F irst row.' M onica Johnson. Levanie Freeman. Valentina Casanova

W e hsid a p retty good season considering we had a sm all team and m any new players. E verybody im proved throughout the yea r and we a ll had a lot o f fun along the way. Great Job.

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Moments B ria n a B row n h its th e 1 0 0 0 p oin t m a rk a s a sophom ore D a ve Reggina h its th e 1 0 0 0 p oin t m a rk

V a rsity B oys B a sk etb a ll -

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Although our record didrit show it, we had a v ery com petitive and successful season. The team fought in m any battles and won some greatgames throughout the season. The cam aderywas outstanding and everyone created bonds on and o ff the court. As a team, we a ll became great friends, and we a ll know we can re ly on each other. Its sad to leave, but we wish the upcoming team the best o f luck nextyea r. You w ill a ll be missed. Rob Crossland & Dave Reggina


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Second row. Coach Brown. G illian Potter Spenser Sussan. G reta Savickaite. B riana Brown. Coach C atfish F irst row'. A llison Band. Julia Bonnell. Sam Karp. C asey C orrea

Congratulations to all the girls on a great season! Were proud of all ofyou and your hard work and commitment When we first started, we didrit really know what to expect we knew that some of the girls had worked on their game over the summer, but we still had some work to do. We ended the regular season with a solid 12 - 9 record, which put us in a decent standing for the FAA Tairnament. We've had some tough losses and great wins, but through t all, we played as a team and have reallygrown. We love you all and are looking forward to playing with you nextyear. Spencer Sussan Briana Brown & Allison Rand

V a rsity Ice H o ck e y

This was arguably the most successful season that the V arsity H ockey team has had in several yea rs and d efin itely in m y four yea rs. We played a much tougher schedule this yea r, and after a slow start, we had several k ey victories against rivals such as H arvey the K iski School and S t Thomas M ore. These are victories we could not have dreamed o f a few yea rs ago and it shows how far we have come. I t rea lly was a yea r to remember. Good luck to you guys n est season. Sam Sullivan


W in te r C h e e le a d in g

Levanie Freeman. J en n y Riddell Coach Wilson. Taylor Barge M addy K irk

Despite numbers, the season turned out to be a success. With your hard work and dedication. we were able to surpass our goals. Thankyou for m akiig our last season memorable Good luck nextyear! GO VIKINGS! Taylor Barge & Jenny Riddell




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The squash team made tremendous improvements thisyear duringour second season. Many of the members trained over the summer which vastlyimproved the majorityof the players skills. Our efforts, hard work, energy, and enthusiasm all paid off with a 400% increase in our win record. It was once again a blast and I'll miss this extraordinaryteam nextyear. Eric keinemann


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Second row'. Coach Hahn. Bridget H anley. D ana Blanchard.. K ristin Keane. Toni Blanchard.. Lindsey Sherwood. Stephanie Londono. F irst row'. Dana Johnson R achel Stern. J en n ifer Stern

We had a great season! We improved a lot aid learned hew to work together as a team. Even when we barely had enoughgirls to play we played hard and nevergave up. Most importantly, we had a lot of Am! Greatjob,girls! Dana and Toni Blanchard

Second row'. W esley Tryhane. Steve Sheetz, Ross Connacher. Tassos Bareiss, H en ry Van Roden. Kendall Sidberry Sean C arney Jesse Futterman, Coach Coughlan First row'. M ike Zeko. B illy Smithline. Andrew M arcelle-Kleem an, Joe Careccia. Robbie Santoro. M att Johnson. Tim M arren

"Hour about we do another 17. then after that, we can do another one! Sound fair. bqyd?" Mike Zeko & Tassos Bareiss

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Blue & White face paint: $7 Viking T-Shirt: $10 Viking Sweatshirt and Pants: $50





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2008 used, oo available

The Laramie Project proved that theater is not ju st Lor entertainment. This p la y was not on ly a learning experience Lor the student body but Lor the cast as w ell. It proved that hate is not a . Laramie value nor is it a KLHT


value. M atthew Shepards murder motivated people to look beyond their person prejudices and open their eyes to acceptance.

This years Winter Concert was a hit! The K~LHT Band and J azz Bock''


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Ensemble dazzled^ the audience with an array o f classic-hits under the direction o f the new instrumental music ' instructor M r. Mendez The KLHT Choir performed'Siknt Night. Oye and Glory with a special appearance^by the seriior choir members singing, their favorite composition Journey in Peace. , The Music Theater Workshop combined their acting, singing 'knd dancing talents jto bring to life some exciting musical 1 piecesTThis was not a night to missC

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PIPPIN A young man graduates from college and wonders how to find real meaning in h is life. What's an heir to the 9th cen tury H oly Roman Em pire to do? I f you re Pippin, son o f Charlemagne, you decide to dabble in war, sex. and politics before fin a lly finding love. "Pippin was o f the 1


most vibrant shows that KLH T has produced. The audience was wowed b y the costumes, colors and choreography. Good jo b to everyone who was involved

behind the scenes.


~Visual A rts"

Laura Meli

Jack Sheresky

Steve Sheetz and Philip Nussbaum coloring their creature

Courtney O Neil

-'Visual Arts~


# c o



Safari O






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F a c e b o o k 1 T H IS IS K IN G L O W " | [ C

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H o tP h y s ic s


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J o s te n s





G o o gle

W is tc ria L a n e

© J o s te n s Y e a rb o o k A v c n u Global

T H I S IS K I N G L O W !! S ea rc h »


In fo rm a tio n A p p lic a tio n s Q

G ro u p In fo


Name Type D escription

[{3] Photos 2 1 C ro up s ffT] Events f | ) Creenbook Q


TH IS IS KING LOW'! C om m on Interest - A ctivities It began w ith one p ictu re. It has spread to include a ll of the king lo w nation M embers are encouraged to post pictures they w ant adapted for 30 0 n ess o r the ir own creations Enjoy!

C o n ta c t In fo

H onesty Sox

F o r f a n s o f P a ra m o r e

Em ail: W ebsite: Office Street: C ity/T o w n

kin g lo w sparta :fi) sparta sparta Sparta. Greece V iew D iscu ssio n Board

R e c e n t N ew s

If you like Param ore. check out T h e War, called one of the most epic ro ck bands in years. C lic k for free m usic and new album for 4 .9 5 More Ads I Advertise

Join this Croup

jim m y g becam e a spartan kpl becam e xpl s ilas becam e a spartan ja b rille becam e a spartan the football team becam e spartans leonidas becam e a V iking

[ Share j + ] O ffic e rs Noah Fouad Yun5 Durty Leonidas H enry Van Roden The Oracle

P hotos D isplaying 4 o f 23 photos.

Kevin P ie rre-Lo u is XPL Colin M cQuilkin Oiliios


2008 used, oo available



Jam es 'j- b illz ' G eorges (Bridgeport / Stam fo rd. CT)


A Cafellas Ryan Serkes, Dr. Zoubek, Kip Shelton, Angus Robertson, Peter M enking, C olin M cQ uilkin, M ike Velasco, Charlie Mosher, Eric Reinem ann

Chamber Music Tali Chuchinsky, Allie Greco, G illian Potter, Ms. Bourdon

D esign Club Second row: M elissa Sullivan, G illian Potter, Tripp Smith, Leah Pratt F irst row: Mrs. Haymann, Stephanie Dam ascus, Rachel H ennessey

Art Club Mrs. Murphy, Joanna Jackson, Julia Bonnell, N ikkia Ellis, Dean Gestal, Todd M artin, Leigh Abear

Comic Book Club Leigh Abear, Andrew Richardson, C olin McMahon, Jackson Cheevers, Kendall Sidberry, Katie Booth, Katie Sun, Nicole S tieglitz

Crochet Club Second row: Amy M itchell, Gaby Jones, H ailey Pizzutello, Jacquie King, N ikkia Ellis, Alexandra Burnett First row: Sum m er Segalas, Lucyann Murray, M aria Catenacci, Tiana Segalas, Petula Tournas, K aitlyn Della- Jacono, Julia Bonnell, Less N ellis

C anstruct ion Second row: Chris Hansen, Nat Shanks, Spencer Sussan, John Qua, Katherine Chan First row: Chris Schoen, M ax Orenstein, Jimm y Carlucci, Tyler Bennedetto

AIDS Awareness Lauren Linder, M aggie Nolin, Hayley Smith, Caroline N isenson

United Cultures Club T h ird r ow : T aylor B arge, C o lin M cM a h on , K a th erin e C han, B r e n d e n B ecker, R u th ie H u b b a rd , A sh ley A le b io s u , D ave R eg g in a , C h ia ra J o h n so n , D o u g C en ci, K evin C rifÂŁ in S e c o n d row : M rs. R a ba ssa , C asey C orrea , A llis o n R and, N ik k ia E llis, Anya L eist, A m y M itc h e ll, M a d d ie S ach s F irst r ow : C a th e rin e H eath , J a cq u ic K in g, S tep h a n ie E o n d o n o , H ayley S m ith , G aby Jones, S a b rin e T rib ie, K ish a u n a S o ljo u r , M s. K w ok

Gay-Straight Alliance Third row: Chloe Gardner, Maddy Kirk, Jackson Cheevers, Mrs. Rabassa Second row: Mrs. Nichols, Adrienne Lange, Glory Lottner, Alexa M olinaro, L indsay Stone, Nathalie M u n iz F irst row: K ik i Heus, W ill Qua, K atherine Ghan, John Qua

Am nesty International W ill Qua, K atherine Ghan, Allie Greco, Jackson Cheevers, Spencer Sussan, Levanie Freeman, Z hen Zh en Gao, Katie Mann, Natalie M uniz, Sophie Klafter

Environm ental Club F ir s t r o w : M a g g ie N o lin , W ill Q ua, C asey C orrea, A n n ie P u rcell, Julia B o n n e ll, R ory Kyle, Sarah G ohary, Sarah S ch u ltz, JP N ick ita s, L u cyan n M urray, K a th erin e C han, K aitly n D ella- Jacon o, L eig h Abear, A n d rea H ora k , M rs. P u sa ck S econ d row : M ik e D eN ap oles, A d r ie n n e H og a n , T h o m a s H o b b s , S h aela G re e n fie ld , T im M arren , C o lin M cQ u ilk in , A lex D o e rin g , G o r d o n Bray, Jack M eh an , C h lo e G a rd n er

Model United Nations First row: Ryan Lasnick, Max Orenstein, Lindsay Stone, Morgan Lyew, Will Orenstein, Tali Chuchinsky, Stefan Lyew, Taylor Gray, Maddie Sachs Second row: CJ Onis, Connor Vos, Tassos Bareiss, Ruthie Hubbard, Aaron Metviner, DD Beyman, Kyle Luneburg, Theo Levene

Debate Team Second row: Annie Purcell, CJ Onis, Tali Chuchinsky, Sean Kensil, M ax Beyman First row: Johnathan King, Sarah Schultz, M organ Lyew

Socrates Cafe Second Row: Stefan Lyew, Taylor Thompson, M ichael Labine First row: Andrew Richardson, Sandon Hess, Sam Howard, Jack H arris

M ath Team Mr. Wallace, Dan Kang, Dean Cestal, Kendall Sidberry, Isabella Rolla, Taylor Thomson, Amander Meyer, M ax Orenstein, M organ Lyew, Amy M itchell, Katie Sun, ZhenZhen Gao, M eredith Packer, Dr. Khiznichenko, Am anda Murray, Katherine Chan

Kaleidoscope T h ird row : K ev in G r iffin , C a r o lin e N is e n s o n , Gaby Jones, J a ck son C h eevers, R u th ie H u b b a rd , A sh ley A le b io s u , N ik k ia E llis S e co n d row : D o u g C en ci, C a th erin e H eath , C ali F a u lk n er, A lex a n d ra B u rn ett, l e s s N ellis, M s. T h iem e F irst row : Taylor B arge, S a fi M cM illa n , M aria C aten a cci, Jacqu ie K in g

Standard Third row: Matias Reyna, Tom Ranocchia, Demetri Damascus, Aaron Metviner, Greg Blanchard, DD Beyman, Max Beyman, John Qua, CJ Onis Second row: Will Orenstein, Emily Wilson, Will Qua, Jennifer Wilson, Katherine Chan, Nicole Levesque, Michael Schneider, Levanie Freeman, Sean Kensil First row: Katie Mann, Sarah Gohary, Becky Bind, Sydney Zorowitz, Meredith Packer

Creative W riting Club Second row: John Qua, Mr. M ortenson, Adrienne Lange, Will Qua F irst row: N icole Stieglitz, Levanie Freeman, K atherine Chan, Colin M cM ahon

KLHT Tour Guides F i f t h r o w : R u th ie H u b b a r d , C a r o lin e N is e n s o n , M a g g ie N o lin , M ik e D eN ap les, M ic h a e l S a n to r o , M a tia s R eyna, K e v in P ie r r e -L o u is , C o lin M c Q u ilk in , B r e n d e n B eck er, C h r is H a n s e n , E ric Joyner, A llis o n R a n d , A m a n d a M urray, G illia n P o tte r, D e a n G estal, M r. C a r s o n F o u rth ro w : A llis o n G reco, A d r ie n n e H o g a n , N ic o le L evesq u e, P a tr ic k S u lliv a n , A sh ley A le b io s u , S p e n ce r S u s s a n , S h a ela G r e e n fie ld , L a u re n K arp, Anya L eist, S a fi M c M illa n , J a cq u ie K in g , C a th e rin e H e a th , N ik k ia E llis, Joa n n a Ja ck s o n , S te p h a n ie L o n d o n o , T r ip p S m it h T h ir d row : L ev a n ie F r eem a n , J e n n ife r S te rn , C a rte r B r e n ts , E m m a B a u m an . A m a n d a M eyer, J e n n ife r W ils o n , C a li F a u lk n e r, E m ily W ils o n , K atie G im p e l, Abby L e ib o w it z , D an a B la n c h a rd , Tali C h u c h in s k y , A m y M itc h e ll, G aby Jon es, H a ile y P iz z u t e llo S e c o n d r o w : Sarah S c h u ltz , Laura M e li, L e ig h A bear, R a ch e l S te rn , K a itly n D ella -J a con o, M a ria C a tc n a cc i, S u m m e r Sega las, PJ R e in e m a n n , Sa b in a A r m s t r o n g -L o s c a lz o , Tess N e llis, K is h a u n a S o ljo u r , B eck y B in d , Is a b e lla R olla , K a th e r in e C h a n F irst r o w : S c o tt B a n c rjc e , K in s e y G re e n fie ld

Building w ith Books Second row: Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Lauren Karp, Sarah Schultz, Anya Leist, Shaela Greenfield, Emily Floyd, Leah Pratt, Sean Kensil, Taylor Thompson, Tim Marren, Christian Killeffer, Jenny Riddell, Johnny Avery, Annie Purcell First row: Katherine Booth, Katie Sun, JP Nickitas, Sophie Klafter, Tess Nellis, Kaitlyn Della-Jacono, Lucyann Murray, Maria Catenacci, Mrs. Mishkin

HOPE Second row: Christian Killeffer, Hayley Smith, Maggie Nolin, Caroline Nisenson, CJ Onis, Tassos Bareiss, Dean Cestal, Amanda Murray, Thomas Perfumo First row: Stephanie Damascus, Toni Blanchard, Morgan Stukes, Sarah Gohary, Lauren Linder, Courtney O'Neil, Emma Bauman, Lauren Sarner, Kate Hyman, Isabella Rolla, Dana Blanchard

Running Club Second row: Katie Cimpel, Welles Ruhlin, John Qua First row: Will Qua, Emily Wilson, Jennifer Wilson, Peter Gillies, Adrienne Hogan, Nat Shanks, Becky Bind, Todd Martin, Ms. Sadlowsky, Mr. Lingle

Film M aking Club Second row: Katie Mann, Sant Karp, Jennifer W ilson, JP N ickitas, Stephanie Londono F irst row: Jessica Byrnes, Todd M artin

Challenge 20/20 Second row: Isabella Rolla, Am anda Murray, Andrea Horak, N atalie M uniz, Becky B ind First row: Mr. Caputi, Dr. Melmed, Tali Chuchinsky, R uthie Hubbard, Lucyann Murray, Mrs. Pusack, Mr. Schoudel

Book Club Second row: Chloe Gardner, Lucy Parrish, Jennifer W ilson, E m ily W ilson, Ilse Heine, Anna Kirk, Mrs. Hurd, W ill Qua F irst row: M iles Keeney, Alexa M olinaro, blank

Ski and Snowboard Club T op: N o a h F ou a d , Jam ie S m ith , A lexa M olin aro, Nat S h an ks, Jack H a rris, R o s s C o n n a ch er, C h ris Hansen, Jesse B u c c o lo , J on a th a n Toy, Theo tev en e T h ird r o w : M a x O re n ste in , G illia n P otter, Chris Penny, D ea n G estal, D a n ie l M a rtin , H a iley P izzu tello, Joanna Ja ck son , J im m y C a rlu cci, C arter Brents, Andrew H ow a rd -J oh n son , A n d rew R ic h a r d s o n , M r. S ch ou del S e c o n d r o w : M ic h a e l S ch n eid er, A drien n e Hogan, Sydn ey Z o r o w it z , W ill O ren stein , B ren t Luneburg, M rs. H a y m a n n F ir s t r o w : M s. T h iem e, T rip p S m ith , A n n ie Purcell, V in n y Love, M a tt M cN u lty, M ary C on n acher, Tyler B e n n e d e tto , R a ch e l Stern, T od d M artin , Cody B e n n e d e tto , K ev in G r iffin , M s. Sadlowsky

Chess Club Mr. Sinnott, C olin McMahon, Andrew Richardson, Peter Joelson, Thom as Perfumo, Ross Connacher

Elected Offices Student Council Third row: Kendall Sidberry, Robby Santoro, Demetri Damascus, Mike Santoro, Connor Sullivan, Ashley Alebiosu, Andrew HowardJohnson, Dean Cestal, Mike DeNapoles, Will Qua Second row: Shaela Greenfield, Leigh Ahear, Sarah Schultz, Katherine Chan, Maggie Nolin, Kinsey Greenfield, Hayley Smith, Laura Meli, John Qua First row: Jimmy Carlucci, Andrew MarcelleKleeman, Scott Banerjee, Becky Bind, Sarah Gohary, Maria Catenacci, Kaitlyn Della Jacono, Abby Leihowitz, Cary Sullivan

Peer Review Board Second row: Mr. Galanopoulos, Ruthie Hubbard, Jessica Byrnes, Noah Fouad, Tassos Bareiss, Dan Kang First row: Ashley Alebiosu, Toni Blanchard, Rachel Hennessey, Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Morgan Lyew, Alex Doering, Max Orenstein

Disciplinary Board Dr. Zoubek, Mr. Schpero, Katherine Chan, Mrs. Nichols, Nicole Levesque, Becky Bind, Mrs. Pusack



From mp time with Mrs. Forehand to college

Pre~K. Circus

counseling meetings with Mr. Bonner. Alex Doering, Kindergarten Boo Boo H ill and

S occer on the Cement W all

Stephen Goddard. Zip Shelton. Eric Reinemann

9th grade. D ress Code

P r iv itie s and A n tr Defam mation League Day

Micaela Scully, Sarah Schultz, Oliver Wald, Peter Menking, Puthie Hubbard, John Qua and Keil

1st grade L ibrary time

and com fy bean bag

Mueller have shared 13 to 15 memorableyears

ch airs w ith M rs.



2n d Grade! Garden and C afe

3 rd Grade! M inute M ath and K arate

w ith M r. Riedell 4th Grade! Fun Fridays and Our

10th grade! Philadelphia Class

Trip and Chem istry with Dr. M elm ed

6th Grade! M r. Crandall's M ath

1 1th grade! D rivers Licenses

Class. Room Transform ations and

College Counseling and Junior

S ix Flags


7th Grade! Lessons from M r. Foote.

Biology w ith M r. M u h lfeld and

12 th grade! Personal Parking Sfds

G eography w ith M r. Conant

Lunch Out Late Days. LevitatfyU*

First Dissection

sch ool S plice and Graduation! 5th Grade! Boston T rip and Colonial Fair

8th grade! 13 m ile h ike at Camp

Sloane. R ocket Launch and th e DC Trip

Congratulations Class of 2008U L M - B ert and Ernie and Milkshakes, dates, and basically everything. Hilarious adventures. Love you. S G -L M -A H -S S A L - You guys are great, Always fun times. Thanks for everything. O W - You have a lovely singing voice, Hows your mono? BBMy boy, what would you like for breakfast? T C - never a dull momenta, great conversations. M cQuilkin-M S See you in the shippan-ST "~H i i H T T T H T Y A " ,fWhat would you do if this was a gun?' '-D B -S G -S S -S M -D R -R C -R H -A A -K G -L K -S A J T -C C -C M -E R -C a rb s-iT H F G O O D L U C K E V E R Y O N E !!! G V S - Going to miss yall

"T o have friends is good; to be a friend is better." B A you little beast I know your s t ill a young-one but you'll get there someday; M A even though your out of here H I s t ill shout you out, love you both and keep your heads up! R A H aha I wish I could say from the beginning but N O but its been long enough endless fun times with you ilyPoopie my love X hate you so and well be family someday ily . V b a ll girls: AM(el banador), G J(m i amor), P T (Greek dancing), C T K (ily _ S IK E ), C C (Im in your head)<3 L a x G ir ls : the W H O L E T E A M <3 and H R aka my father i l l miss you tons KG Weve been classmates since we were young but Iv e only known you for the past 2years and I know now I have a lifelong friend; Honey- M y king (4yrs) H F L < 3 H S - little flower aka brujula. D C - the sw irl love it , B B i l l come see you in Rowayton soon! <3, C K - K illa h my boy for life , JR - m y baby, S R K in g low boys 10 doggy! K P L king low boys 10 aka #24 the truth, M R-newbie!!, lovin' a ll my boys you know!!! Oh yea and P R come see me on the L A X fie ld , K M - fool wheres mymoney, E R my love, S G - ah coolest kid ever, R C -h e y not for you! J P N , P M , M C the rest of the guys good luck with a ll your ish. Now where my ladies at: S S - family, S M cant have it, TB youll always be my boo even at the end of the road, A L my anme, S G - =] enough said, S S , L A , C N , C J - oh boys!!, V C - newbie, L F - family, M C- come fight me, K S tatas #2, N E < 3 , CH -breaking it downilidk who I le ft out but miss you a ll <3 outside of school: S Y and K M D miss you and T H E conglomerate! peace love and happinesss Im out as always be easy<3Ash.


TN B T o my fam ily: Th a n k you fo r the constant love and support. Thank you for believing in me when I didnt believe in m yself. I l l miss you next year! Andrew: Y o u 're more than a boyfriend youre tru ly my best frie n d . Th an k you for always being there and constantly supporting me as I grow and mature. H I never forget the moments weve shared. L o v e s Y o u ! M y sissys G ab y & C ath e rin e : Thank you both fo r being there fo r me through th ick and th in . Y o u always find a way to make me laugh and smile! Iv e learned through you what a true friend is , thank you fo r everything. A M Y : T h e y say throughout high school you mature and grow & my behavior throughout jun io r year was c le a rly immature. I want to apologue and le t you know th at I consider you to be a great frie n d . B G C : M y girls to life ! I love you a ll thank you fo r making my 3 years a t K in g amazing! JACK J A C K : A h B A M ! Ahhhhhh! C K I L L A : K eep your head up fam! K P L & S R good luck #10 & #8 you're going fa r. C o ng ratulatio ns C la s s of 2008 we fin a lly made it ! D C , K C , R C , C J , S K , A L , L M , N M , D R , J R , MS' R S , N S , S T , N E ,N F , J G , D G , A H , A M K , C M , A R , K S , D F , T T , M S,


B F B Congratulations Class of 2008! J H F - My boy for life, the good old times. C K - W ell get through this together S S - Good times in V T . L et the Brotherhood live on A P . B C - Dream come true. L A - Always there to care and give the best advice R H -G ood times B F for life A A - Always there for me ash:) L M - You little snowboarder you S G , KM , SM


N S - My boy- we lif t together, we board together, we run together, we die together bad boys for life AF-


How many years now „ 9 „

bottles hitting babies, wherever, i

com er, mall, couch, kitchen green goop, driveway haha, water

love you guys-you w ill always be there

-B S -


got you and

you got me from sleeping in cars to dealing with R obitu ssin g irls with their toast -lo v e you man smiley is my boy _ - R S wow dude once again from sleeping in cars, to delivering teddybears, beating trains, X phones A K A

always have your back you know th a t- A G -


great memories


sweeney todd to lo st cars and

exploding stink b o ttle rockets, flaming playdough and fires,

r us and those endless trips to mcdonalds- they never get old man- T M everyday you make me laugh energy I ’ve ever seen LM someone feel happy M T S H - haha C irque de S o le



G r e a t kid great memories

your basement is i l l and your brother was my husband - R S most the eskimo baby a genuinely nice kid - always new how to make have to stop going to burger king man but then again good times

was nuts haha

SXj & A R


fo r life

haha great times guys R C

haha funny kid from soccer to mountain climbing to just a good friend C P great friend never remember ever getting mad at you funny kid man most amazing guitar player ever summit climb to the top = always boys

hardcore J J -


B o a rs

head giggles to crash course

your my boy- ice sledding and trayboarding ya we did i t -

bobsledding with crazy lit t le

crazy g i r l - piano/guitar/boarding great times- gonna miss you

H oJo-

fallin g on ice in ju r ie s


to one

making me jump o ff



37m gonna

JC man

ch airlifts haha , climbing mountains

shredding the gnar to hardcore snowbaord crashes cra zy

lit t le and

tre e

miss you

F irst and Foremost, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S T O T H E C L A S S O F 2008! HL never forget high school, especially senior year and all of the memories. O K , so now I could write inside jokes that I wont remember in 3 years from now O R I could just give shoutouts Guys: K G aka M cLovin, K -S h e lts, D J R ob yung soljuh, O R , N at aka Iggy-Landy- Nateeshie, Sam, O W , M C , D M R , R o r, R S , C K illa and TH G irls: M y best friend Hayley, C ar aka Bugout, and then of course my babies-Maggie, Sabrine, L A , Shaela aka cutie, A H , and Jenny J U N I O R S : H -F L O W , T - M A R T S , K -L O O N Y , J - B U C A N D G -R E G G S T R A I G H T B A L L E R S T o everyone I fo r g o tl s till love you. G R A C I A A D V I S O R Y 04-08 M AXG O O D LUCK!

IC S .- spousal unit! Were getting married, isnt that exciting?! D id I ever thank you for seeing 8 Below with me? Moose, what? Early morning breakfasts, late night study sessions via A X M , Shelton family dinners with mounds of steak, skunk attacks, driving your Audi without your knowledge, you may be a lover but you aint no dancer; 7 yearsof good times, kid. Youre the strongest person X know. Here for you always, love you always. C .O .- wanna go on lunchout? Your death stare is one of a kind. X think I made out with your cousin, oofs. This penne vodka is amazing. Pepperoni? Your driving scares me, but your playlists are fantastic. What should I wear tomorrow? Every time I get dumped, Im coming to your house. A rt outside Celias office. You got style, C .O N eii xoxo. L R - crazypants! Xmas gift swap at your house made for memorable moments and fantastic burnt cookies. Crowd-surfing, mosh pits, and human chains at Bamboozle. Helena! Lets be awkward together. Laughing fits during math class. W ait, you hooked up with Courts cousin too? Can we polka? You rock my socks off girlie, xoxo. MJSI.- S o much to say here its ridiculous. Nolin family car trips, having a thing for your cousin, remember I was your other half once upon a time? Stage crew groupies, Harry potter discussions via phone, south beach dinner, Camp Jewell, I owe my Sox knowledge to you. Remember me in sunny California, and lets pick up where we left off. W JL - Teach me Frisbee? I l l bring the berries. You taught me a lot, cheesy, but true. Thanks for being so good to me when I joined X C , you made all the difference. Always here for you, and always care about you. R E Great times! Trick-or-treating at Genes house, sleepovers, fights over photographs, the D A M N U R N , saving samba, south beach dinner. I l l miss you so much, you really are a great person. PG ills-one of my closest friends this year, thank you for all that you did for me. I s it too late to say sorry for scaring you that time I went for a moonlit stroll? Dont settle. XG Thank you so much for everything youve given me, its made all the difference. You guys are the strongest, most determined kids I know. Keep up the good work, keep running. Im so proud of all of you. PM, SK, M S, T M , S M , D C , N S , R S , K G , J C , OW .

MCAC S h a e la n ow


w here

can t

I t


seem s

C o o k in g


th e



oth er.



th e w it h deal


tou ch .


cra zy






b roth er

lo L

A le x a n d r a D uper

an d

buddy. you la u g h e d


my in to

b r a id s

M y


th a t

V a r s ity h ard .

F .

T !


kn ew





w it h

fr ie n d s


m ad

fu n

cam e




Y ou

fu n

t im e s

m is s


su re


S u m m er-

b e fo r e

C asey-

w on t.

t h is L ik e

B A B Y .

h asn t lo L

a lw a y s K in g



been L ow






H aha

th e P R ,



fu n n y, L M ,



fu n we

A L ,

an d


re g a rd le s s

su ch

a lw a y s

th e re




B a s ic a lly




w hat

so m e th in g


th e r e .



to u c h




sa y.


th e

D ef


know in

bu s, Jam

a I w ill

day I


and you tow I

know that

would be good

u p and stay strong come v is it me.

c o lle g e .


th r e e

we s t il l hated

H aha


S tay

college nan,

P r a c t ic a lly lived fir s t

c o lle g e

th ou gh t


v is it

q u e s t io n s p e o p le

n ever

f a m il y ,

le ts

fu n

lik e that



bra th e

ju s t


b a ck ,

s in c e


b e tte r


dram a

H ave

through mad me baby haha.

fe e l

mad funny and youre


th e

sum m er,




th e

Y ou

w hat

d e s p it e


been w ith

ev en


fr ie n d .

nights. friend and

the funniest

pre -se a so n . M y boy

d oesn t

cam e

ln l but

b e tte r perax.

my b est

W eve jo in t s


le ft,

fir s t a


M y

k illa -

co m e

K in s e y -

m iss


R ob-



lo L

b e tte r

J G ,





dow n

n ic e

k id


B la c k

sc h o o l.

to g e th e r .

cra zy


h ig h

L A ,



t ig h t.





lo L

Y ou




R egg&

at be

p r o b a b ly




m orn in g. M o v i e

p erson


fre s h m a n

f a m il y .


Y oure

to g e th e r.

n ext

s e n io r

h ow

th e

W e


th e

fo r

w it h

h a lo

H o ld



aw kward

me in

b r e a k s !)

r o ck in




w o r k in g


w e re





m uch

w ere

M R .

have mad

S S ,




s n e a k in g


oth er



L ik e

fu n

am ount

you we



tea ch

lik e

y o u .O liv e r -

c h ill

J e ffr is -


fo r

S ta y


W e


t ill

lo v e

fu n n y ,



asked I


w it h



b e tte r

L .

h a lo

years. mad

m is s

fu n

A M ,

D B ,

th e

lik e

h a te d




t h is

Y ou



s e r io u s

w ill


C rew -


K G a



K L ,

A H ,



s is te r ,

G B ,

th e

p la y

W e day.

P .S .

F at



th e


w it h o u t


c o lle g e .


tim e s .

becom e


W e a v is -

lik e


fre s h m a n






h ere


c o u ld n t

th in g

O n lin e

n ew

th rough

ta lk in g



B u c k e n e ll


w as



h ig h





year, my

w it h


fre s h m a n


w ill


fu n


I year

o n ly

im a g in e

to g e th e r.


w it h


th ro u g h o u t

c h il l ed th e



r e a lly


m is s

w ill


s in c e

I ll




to u ch .


tou ch

B een

th e re

can t

th ou gh


sop h om ore

a m a z in g

H ave


D id n t



I t

n ext

la u g h

th e


g u ess

k in g .



in to been




fr ie n d .


me at



Y ou


lo L H o b b s -


w h en ,


B a s k e tb a ll-

B a ll


c o lle g e . good


S occer-

m ake

w h o le

s id e .


fr ie n d y ou re


g o in g

secon d


fir s t



r e a lly

E very


s e n io r




know ,

b e tte r

ba ck





fre s h m a n

fo r

th e





lit tle


G et

th e way

lia n a -


V a r s ity

gu ys.


tou ch

N ever


know n

J ig g a b o tK e il-

g o in g

co n sid e r




Y ou re


w it h o u t w ere

p e o p le



P re -g a m e .


c o lle g e .


w r it e


life in

Sum m er

w ill

fr ie n d s ,

fo r



th e

s h o o t in g

W e a v is


c o u ld th e


lik e

S p ots.


a ll

fu n



fre s h m a n



H ave








n u m b er

Y ou re



to g e th e r,

I t

y esterd a y

S ecret

th an

to g e th e r

s in c e


ju s t

to g e th e r.

tim e s

s tu ff

b e g in ?

im a g in e

lik e

g ir lfr ie n d

M y


P eepsta -

we w ill row . dont sig n

I ll


keep in touch be watching

think ive ever u s any day no*.

S R .

DMC R obK e v in of

my boy

G -

through i t

D ream


a ll

forev er

the most beau tifu l flow ers



p erfection

bloom next

N a t a lie to

co ffe e

0 5 and 08 L a u ra - some take a long

closest S a fi-

o f you behind a wheel A s h -

s t ill scared

thanks fo r never

keeping work a t work

2 1S

thing to

KM C S o the facts are these™ i f


had not been fo r you guys, I


have dried out a thousand years ago™ which reminds me, X should probably remind you o f the great moment we’ve shared W ill and G ra ce w ill happen™ O f philosophy and crazy fille d phone convos, thank you J Q ! the sea monkey w ill fin a lly give me back my money, N M ™ J P C r l t a l y wallpaper w ill sprout from berries is located™ K M ann K nights that say N e ! B u t,

and the french v illa with the L V the ground, where the tree with the - le t's go find a shrubbary fo r the only a fter we finished the N Y T im e s

best seller K a tie Mannerisms and Zhen's sound effects™ W O O O O O T ! Z G a o its not called a kimono and there aren't any crab ovaries in the steam buns™ M e re P years o f fie ld hockey and mathlete-ness!!

Corral-good job ranch hands, ta re n te lla , naming every inanimate object, taco!, Zaquisha, najoo mbwa, ruka, nataka kununua kiko , your not womens fa c u lty , T h e W a ll and a ll of those moments, goo goo gah gah. I t s B ritn e y bot paw!, Susan and En riq u e , blowj, bust th at out, don't t e ll your parents, TJrinetow n, C a b are t, and H a ir , TJrinetown car accident, going to L o rd and T a y lo r more than school, every car ride ever, locking us out of my house, M o zart, Common Th read s 08, destruction and cleaning, theres too much to ever w rite down, S M your children w ill have a place to stay w ith me in I t a ly always, I wouldn't have grown th is much without you, T B , D M H you are purein sp iratio n , L P , A A ., R H , J B , CM cM ahon thanks fo r not k illin g me haha, I T , M K , L F , L M , K M , K H , M S , K im C la rk I don't know what I would do without you, N M , K C , and J Q we sh all never loose touch, no one can replace you, I wouldn't s t ill be here i f I didnt have you. Thank you to a ll of you who made high school great, teachers, frien d s, fam ily, T i l think of you while Im je t setting around the world! 08' is great I w ill never forget you.

NC You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go. -D r. Seuss

B rie B rie : M y G ir l, who has held me down for a long time, you already know your part family now, we gotmad close, closer then either of us ever thought. T h is was real special for me and I hope it was for you too. T ry in to get to U D Jteg g : M y right hand, M y brotha, Youve had my back like Iv e had yours and its always be known, the scuffles and ish were rough but we past that and its a ll family with us. P a rtie s, C ar rides, G etting Money and eating food, we in thereO H H H U i G etting big doing big thangs Safi M y l i l sis, from our firs t conflict with you in my boxers and me hitting you on your leg its been ilL Chappelles Show, K a tt W illiam s to theBoondocks and lastly the Many faces of Safimac. Lo vin I t Doug: Th e W atch: Weve known each other from way back, and we s t ill here. T !M 3 $ !$ H 4 R D , Arm y N avy, B ig Bob, N J is life , but the water is too cold, everything has been crazy, Alw ays scheming, Staying T ru e $ $ $ $ K G : The Kid, S traig h t C la ssic, Th e W ild Moments, O nline Is h , Lunch O ut Carbs: L i l White: My Bo y always crackin on each other, the late nights t i ll 3 making food, planning the craziest ish, the pool games, I got $5 on it , and la stly a ll the classic excuses we used. Say I Wont S ay I Wont V a rs . Soc: I G E T S M Y C H A M P IO N S H IP , Y a ll better get yours, H L be back to see ya in action

A J D To

a ll o f

my frien d s


my en tire

lif e

X ve

known some of

and on ly

recen tly met

some others. N e v e rth e le ss, it s and Im


S occer



been great,

miss you a l l

C ongrats

that dynasty alive.

IR O N M E N L a cro sse

' A


teambest o f



next year


X cant believe Im writing this already, I feel like I still belong in second grade. I guess H I start out with the people without whom I couldnt have survived highschooL Micky, my best friend since 8th grade: I could not have met someone who fits my personality better than you. You take my sarcasm and amazing wit incredibly welL I thank you for sticking it out with me, through our horrible days to our never-ending days, to our happy days to our final highschool days. I love you. Tom, Im not sure where well be by the time this yearbook gets out, but I feel its important to mention you. Youre one of the few humans who know my true personality. Youre my best friend in the world despite anything that has happened and I want you to know that I couldnt forget or stop caring about you even if I tried. R S , my brother, thanks for keeping me alive and out of trouble. Seriously. C B weve been close since we came to K L H T together 9 years ago; I can honestly say Im never going to meet anyone else like you. S H , my brother but not really because that could be weird, I dont where I would be right now without you, literally. I could be in California. T o my favorite freshmen (I shant mention you but you know who you are),I thought I was going to dislike all of you but youve proven me wrong; its a shame Im leaving. Now, Ive got to say it: T H E C O R N E R (M S, S H ,R S , CB, NS, LM' W R , T M , J J , M T , C P , A G , M M , A J , B aS i, D M [my booL T B , J M , R S ). AH of you guys > *0 were lying on the floor when tours came around, left food all over the place not to mention your books and bagŽ' X love you. The comer is my favorite place in K L H T and Im incredibly unhappy to be leaving my legaci' behind. Take care of i t Keep it clean. T H E S E B A G S C A N N O T B E H E R E . Senior art majors, y°c are all amazing. Im going to miss you so much, hearing everyone whine about life, talking to themselves, and being the most amazingly awesome art class for two years in a row. T o everyone else who I may become friends witn before the year is over, hey. Peace K L H T .

O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O T!

H i to everyone in B C Calculus! John and Lucyann, you made the fi ggg so much fun! K atie: it was fun sitting in the comer and spying on Meredith- try to de-stress a bit tho! Meredith: one more year to go with your helpful friend! N o t having you in math class next year will be so sad! Make sure you eat next year! K at: our conversations in M rs. N ichols room during our frees and after school were so fun! Cup noodles! T ry not to put so much on your plate next year. N atalie: A P B io! Maddie: you will just have to take laps around the school with Meredith next year. Levanie: you can survive one more year, hope volleyball goes well for you next year. A nd lastly Dave: I will definitely miss sitting in the car with you everyday!

SA G It is indeed ironic that we spend our school days yearning to graduate and our remaining days waxing nostalgic about our school days. -Isabel Waxman



dont even know where to

begin. Y o u v e


kept the smile on my face. S o o

B F F L s lI! D on t forget were gunna be neighbors, and be A W E S O M E our husbands die, were living SS

soccer moms. A n d

together in a nursing home, okay Thelm a? L o v e , Norma.

1st grade: worst enemies. 2nd: our fir s t

um basically to sum i t

a ll up:

when we get old and wrinkly and

[p.s. you could to ta lly be a comedian]

sleepover and we read the unicorn story. 3rd: crying and grass throwing. 4th:

inseparable best friends. 5th; clarinet. (p.s. do you have a bladder in fection?) 6th: braces, bras, and andrea. 7th: puberty and boys. 8th: dances, teens, and spin the b ottle. 9th; awkwardness. 10th: blockbuster nights. 11th: licenses and lingerie. 12th: college bound and s t ill best friends. M C

car rides, soccer, basketball games, singing, ic e cream, pennys, blockbuster, dance

parties, cooking, O reos and milk, cheese puffs . . . W e do i t X love youll E R

(aka my best friend)

Dream big V in n ie Inemeni! (also, love always ask you what to do. I about rubbish.

wow. T h is is

the fam dinners) K G

dont know what im going

W h o is going to make sure I

restaurants? A n d


were the soundtrack o f my high school.

always wanted, this is a story o f me and my friends.

sometimes I

fe e l as though you were the older sister cause I

t o do next year without being able

dont walk out o f my room

to walk in to your room and talk

wearing disaster? W h o is going to order fo r me at

most im portantly, who is going to be my best friend who never misses a beat? L K

became so close this year. V i s i t

next y r, and ca ll always to keep me updated. Y o u

been a cowboy. Shouldve learned to rope and ride. K eep Your laugh is

like no one else! Y o u

the li fe

contagious. N e v e r stop smiling.

T rea su re

for being such a great friend and never judging. Im

teaching us a ll

how t o liv e goose,

hunts and gracefulness S T

paint and analyze life . F un Y ou better come v isit. L a t e r

friend buddies! J B RH, A A ,


O T,

A B ,



shouldve a ll


Hakuna matata, dig a tunnel Thank you shhh! T h e

so dont think im weird or anything, but I

awkward tu rtle with a squeaky voice. O W

so happy we

cause you manage do i t

gunna miss you. P -s. youre a bad speller. A L

started with the Sugar high club and now ending as married P op ! singers. S A L


made this year so fun! L iM

fir e

my fa v orite monkey: it is speaking to us L e t s

think were such good friends.

you have a great butt! 6every mile a memory. D B , RC,




So first off Id like to thank the awesome people on yearbook that let me take forever to write this because of my laziness I really appreciate it. Anyways, PM pokemons the only reason we are friends haha K S Soo deeeep. R S whats the meaning of this DC We have hats. A A how come you dont IM me everyday anymore? CO sorry but I gotta go my own way haha R C Halo 3 We in there?? Work Crew 07: MC, K S , P G , K P L , M A Goood times. Work Crew 08??? N S 3 words: Call of Duty D B Still waiting on that Anti-Lubu device haha C B Do you remember jolt? TM I love you. D G Hey Dairy Queen Its Dean! And to anyone I forgot Sorry! — But Congratulations to the greatest class ever Class of 08!!

S i . Faust it up my friend, its been a long time running; from P F Changs to guitars on the beach. Z .G . You dont go here anymore mate, but we had some great times. Keep your care outta the water from now on. A H Mechanrawr. Thats clearly all that needs to be said. S K Sandolin play the Mandolin and dont you ever stop. J I The Man, the Myth, the Legend. S K dude your beard screamswell Beard. M L . Best bass player in the band X never had. J -K F I think weve been in every single class together for my 3 years here. I ts been great. The Comer: Where else is there to be? M T . The only one of us who could be caught with a pastel shirt on. Cheers. Hope you enjoyed my guitar. Your changing hair has not my changed my opinion of you, naughty naughty, great success. N .S . X never got to go to Vermont with you, but weve had a good run. Entire Model UN Club: I am Kleisthenes, the father of democracy. Entire Socrates Cafe club: Im not sure who has learned more, me or all of you, but regardless, id love to see you take over next year- keep it up. CJVIcM Super philosopher with the power to form comic book clubs in the blink of an eye. The cave: future meetings of S .C . must meet there in my memory. K .S . Your style and humor and copious amounts of snacks during play practice has been captivating. T IB . Coolest sophomore I know, you have done so much and strived for amazing things. You are one of the most driven and dedicatedpeople I know. R L . Rooming was fun, hope you keep it up. The Theatre (Cast and friends) I ts been great working with you all Hope my moustache doesnt fall off.


Umm so First off Abby, wow its been 4 years of high school together. California (Xt would have been a fun trip for you and me ((special pen))). Mrs. Wilcox and all our freshman classes were insanity. Cody English class with Mrs. Mishkin and Drew and well thats it. Dr. Melmed thanks for being such a great teacher over the years. Abby, Abby, wait oh and Abby, and Toyota Prius and Purple Moose. Carousel/The Party Song. N S breaking out in Biology with Whats My Age Again?

KCH Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows. -Helen Keller

TYH A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that 'individuality1 is the key to success. -Robert Purvis

((V I-


(R H S S Androliver



A L)

summer concerts R F

& KC,

spoons sarbear giszle bagoose ans

S K ) rhinestones, no eyebrows, F R E E E E F R E E E E ( S K O W ) T a liv e r & Seandrea & S e a li ( J H F E R ) turshen math class, turshen dance, m. mmm. muullltiplication (S K )

nat & youknowwhos love affair stop staring at me freak! (S T ) oooh Barbara! the best they

(A A

could be

catas going to want you love you guys!

(S S ) i

(D B ) (R S


(S A -L )

make sure P e t e r



from Hahn

papi! papi! sis

(G V S )

(A B )


(S S )

G reekling, opaaa!

two to v is it, make sure you keep her company and f i l l


thanks fo r

(O R ) G ary and Iv a n s road trip D 1 come back 10 feet taller


the conchords. turn right!!!! you hear that J e n n y ?

get back from C a lifo rn ia

rico poder pasar este verano pasado con ustedes. les amo tanto y ( S L S ) love you tonsyoull go anywhere you want in l i fe much defeat death

(J L O )

cant wait to

take me homccccee meanwhile

late night

(S G )

(P au lis

was being a brat always a cool kid.

& L inuchis) fue tan

siempre me hacen mucha falta!! could ever ask for

we can do anything like we can pretty

take you to prom this year!!! hey, I

(P R )

M r . Crandalls M ath I

(lauris del carmen ivansinho) thank you fo r everything, you guys are more than I

its h ottttt,


gordons cheer fingers are really cool/manly

always being there fo r me, even i f

to B o sto n D id

then you I

AM )

(K G

her in on everything,

told you you werent going to get a .300 batting average

( P J R ) ashhikashhika asshikashika K O W W - f l i g h t

w illiams,

greeniyou saw that too?!?

thanks fo r making these years of high school

T W IN N Y !

video chats and then fa llin g asleep on them ( G B Class, spice g irls

brings the universal health care to

to summer school Im

G u ys I

have a boyfriend

was eeyore in my second grade play!!

have fun next year!

S en iors


RAH A A in

F r ie n d s h ip

th e

m u s ic

su p p ort


w h en

J H F ),

s till

you m any


fa u lt,

fo r

c a lls -


th e

w ere

fille d at

C osi

m uch

w e ll


m id d le R od,


page. b lo n d e

your and

fr ie n d s sch o o l.


th e

fo r



s in c e 5 t h m e?

Y ou


m is s



tim e .

lo t





kn ow a ll

h e a rt.

T h ese

C K , C J ,

W e


I ll

th e m ay

s m il e



S o u th and

gam e,

m is s th e

L A ,





best L M , (8 th

aw ay

th a t



th o u g h

1 4 -1 5







gra d e

g ra d u a tio n


c a ll,

m e m o rie s up



c lo s e

lik e


m e m o r ie s

E x -K in g e r s : son g-

fo r




7 th

g e ts I

a d m it


J R ,

gra d e



th o se


ta k e


m ig h t

A s

m any

y ear in coil#:’


p erson

ap a rt fe e l b ig

an d


w h erever it)




fo r us



each other s!a

ta arhin g

sw e e te st guys I c a p tu re





t h is





me about A

than all cc at


R em em b er liv e s .


o l days, I

th e


gro w n


mistakenly let


J H F -













14 m ost

w h erever

E r ic


on e

Z E R O - r~

co n v o e with L ii ^

th a t th e

im p o s s i b le

P M -



lik e

fo o t

m iddle y hool ctjSb ,"


s in c e

S T A M ,

p r o b a b ly it


m o o re ,

e x e r c is e s lin g s h o t

A ngels, p - ,

you re f h p r ^ C e gg cracker ( c -

C h a r lie

m a ra th o n s , c lu b



oatm eal raisins a ct*

you re c la s s ,


our grad p_-

C h a r lie

th in g s -

m a th

oth er,

g rew



at S T -


c la s s ,

th ou g h

s le e p o v e r

u n iq u e

th a n





n ow -

w it h



this m .

you have s ^ -

(th a t

g ra d e you!

to g e th e r

m a th

C r a n d a lls


w e ll


ta lle r

L ife r s -

w ill J T


th e

w as

gam es

8 th

m a ch in e -


u n til



s im p le


experiam up-

c lcs e

S in ce



Y ou

end so

h ave-

th e


d riv in g


g re w

a p p recia te

cau se


m id d le - s c h o o l baby-girl- fe j



n e e (e

in cid e n t- vhv-

t r u ly

su ch

n a v ig a te m ore.

know y o u ll

fo rg e t

th a t



m uch

are Z ach,

fir s t


th roug h .



w hy I


A lth o u g h

th ese


fr o m


you on

w ill

J B -

s o u ls



m em ories have bees"

w here

M y



stea l of

me up to



d oor,



p a r tie s .

A s h le y

can t

lik e


C r a n d a lls

in t r o d u c e d cra zy


d eserve


you, th a t

c o u ld


fr ie n d

se t up


la u g h t e r

see th a t

S M -

t h is you


k eep


in fa m o u s

p u r e ? -,



p etty

s a id


I ts

th e

r e v e a le d


la p ,

g ir l


q u o ta tio n s -

t e a c h in g

th ou g h

dont of

D B ,



tra p s

b e ca m e me


s lic e s .

in to

C a r o lin e s


(e v e n

ta lle r -


m e ssa g e

B ooby

A s h le y ,

A n d rea

fo r

y ou re

p u n )L 3 a r -

w here



w a it



th a t

th r ille d

E u rop e.

cau se

r e im b u r s e

p a r tn e r

r u n n in g

c h a p e r o n in g

in tr u d in g

fu n I

p e rfe ct


+ Y ou

sen ten ces,

lis t e n



can t

w ow L m

fr o m

w o r ld

on my fa c e

ca tch th e

lu c k y t o

th in g .

o n e -lin e r s


lo v e

th a t

p r o je c t

d in n e r

fu n n y


m any




The b u d d ie s ,

focu ses, L



w ay.

e v e ry th in g


th e

m a kes t h e

tr ip ,

B each

A s h le y s


n ow


p re lu d e



fo r l i f e -

b e a u tifu l


th e

cu tte r th a t

S G -

in c r e d ib ly

th ou g h


(c h a r g e d a p p le

s n e a k -a tta c k s


th a t

M C ,

to h ow

tim e r s -


ow n,

J C -

+ p e n cil

H u bba rd ,


ju s t

fo rd

to g e th e r . in

c o m p le t e ( 1 /2 0 /0 8 ),


la u g h s -

g ir L

th e


m e m o r ie s

h a p p in e s s


k n o w le d g e


gam e,

th e

fa il

th e

(a ll

a ll

sh e

a ll

M r.

m ore-

ga m e s,

h ock ey

lo n g -la s t in g


your oth er

th ro u g h o u t



B -b a ll


I s la n d ,

Y ankee

d o u b t.

y ou re

g o o d -n a tu re d

p e b b le p la y g r o u n d . J R , E R ,

B B -


stre n g th


as any

S O N ,


m is ta k e s

c h ild r e n


gra d e,

in fa m o u s




w hen


6 th

fo rg e t

m o v ie

y ou re

p la n

th e

fin e .

fr ie n d ,

m a ke

th em

Y ou

k a ta

m any

I t

p a r tie s

T A L K c r ie s


best I

of 3,


cra zy

R u tg ers

B e ll

gra d e- you t h in k


at m ost


R E A L ,

a d m ire

su ccess

c la im

w o u ld n t h a v e th e



w h en

me. a ll


c o lo r !!!

th e

A breu life

th e


cra zy


b e fo r e


w it h




W i ld e r ,th e

fr ie n d

lo n g

fo r

Y ea rs

J ill

m in io n

m ock

th e

th an





g ir l

w ill



fo r

s in c e

o n ly





m ore

Ja ck &

fa ir

me th a t

G ene

con vos and

respect you

sa rca sm

S h o u t-o u ts :



C ano

B O Y -


m a rr y

N ew

fir s t


fo r


a lw a y s



a ll,

M V -


life .



o n e -lin e r s it

dow n

th e

kn o w


sa ve

k n o w in g i t s



A s h le y -


c la s s ic

th rough

prog ram ,

w it h

(ca u g h t

-w e

M y


s c ie n c e

rem ark s

w it h

g o in g

A H -

th o u g h

gra d e

w ill



you. T B -

ad va n ce-

ta lk in g


m o u s e -h u n t ,


t im e

fa c e ,

Y et

fo r

in t e r m e d i a t e


w is h

to .

A r is to tle .


S T E A L ,


c la s s ic s


b o d ie s .on

b e h ere


re g re t,

fr ie n d

e s p e c ia lly

M ik e ,

th e +




now -


b it in g

M y

gra p es


S K -



A L -

stra n g e



8 th


tw o

want you

w a ck a



s o m e t h in g

a lw a y s


L ysol


ad v en tu res

m ore-

th a t


w it h

H a llo w e e n

th e


fu n n y



s le e p o v e r s , a



lik e


tim e s

I 111

ju n io r

fittin g

p rep a red

w it h

O th er

p h illip a lw a y s

me c a l l i n g

b r illia n t)

th a t

th e

b e in g


th r o u g h o u t



d w e llin g

th e re

w h en

w o r k in g

in fa m o u s



p la n s

(co u g h

t h in k

m a lfu n c t io n , th a n k s


e x p lo

ba ck

th e


dow n .






w h ile






k ille d


w a rn

lo v e

m ake

la u g h s




in c r e d ib le

s in g le

o r tou ch

w it h

a lw a y s


w o r ld ,

u n fo r g e t t a b le .

c h i l l in


my strav-cer, when you

I ll


never f a #

much since boo-iill we keep in tout

gooooddd-byeeee, gccd-.v-

fo rg e t)

C N A aT W ell, im going to keep this nice, short, and sweet Ashley and Ruthie = great times, Texas (Ruthie, remember Josh?) and in the A T L when we met Dem Franchise Boys! Can always count on you guys for a great laugh. S afi and Taylor, imma miss yall Saf, I bet youll never forget the Greek god (cuz X DEF. wont), and Tay forensics, and last year in Mr. Peltons class, ( remember that day when you an Rory were dancing?). Christian, you my boyy, fa real Imma miss you and ya crazy ways. Jimmy, I leave my throne to yotu sike. j/p , but you be good next year. You know even though I always bother you, your like a little brother. T o the rest of the class of 2008, GOOD L U C K with everything.

ROK | Pm going to miss all you crazy people. These three years were great. See everybody sometime later.


SB5 tin 62?: L-

3:: ils


j. Mom, Dad, & Zach Thanks for always being there tor me. Coachies H E L L O A R E Y O U •“T H E R E !? My coach and best friend. Propeda Fanfolo My girl for life <3 Greenie Always a good p:-'. time, no matter where we were. Beans Sweet chicken legs. Sar Bear Want some blank? Nah, Im comf. Lee Lee Try not to moon cars while changing on the soccer bus. BaGoose You make a great first [ ji'iipression. S G , A H , S S , L A , L M Always interesting, sometimes serious, many times hilarious, always a ast, always a memory. dReggie Down since day one of sophomore year. F L & W A baby boy. Thanks for 2 always making me smile. Love you tons. B-lack E l miss my sweaty palm and pit checks. Poopie Can I n_. ust have one more moon dance with you? H O P K IN S !? K _ i gotta go bake a cake. M S N Try not - - to throw with someone else while youre at school. =] Pizz What up ugly? You got a fattie. Onion? Caroleelee! Enough said. RuRu My second grade bff. Love you! Ashme Your beauty is simply -'"nesmeming. You take my breath away. S T Toucan face. T B Why? Does she bum? Carbs ninjas for rOj(life. Daan My dia-bedis pump. Check it out! S M you are J i l l K G poo crew for life! C C UH " 1)H_J May wives for life. K D J Yummy car rides. The good old one-two. J B I guess you can take ijj over as J Mays wifey. S i B IF F Y . k k k my ubber ubber best friend. Jabby Gones my twinnie. SC Kisses! T S , S S , L K , S A L I ow you say ze lof you! C D M Rest in peace boo. Timmy S .. Love you sooo much kid. Class of 2008 Congrats & Good Luck! ,F



IC - wow, so being in each ot±ers lives forever? X think so. M i piace mi amico migliore. Dont forget me m Lugano, while listening to B rit. Meet you in Milan? X could write for a good page but you already know what I want to say. Ciao Bello. R D U C - I meet you and five hours later a handprint? Typical, rypical you being the older bro I never had. Dont let that get to your head, especially after you save ie from walking into a wall. Right. Youre usually the one that pushed me. But somehow I still love you and even though Im five months older, Im proud to be your lil sister. Black actas. Chappelle for ^'resident. A A A - well helloo there petunia. My chocolate clandestine lover. How far weve come since middle school. Remember the R A M S ? Remember all of the times I drove you home? Theres an endless list of memories and not enough space cm this page. Youre amazing to me and even though E V E R Y O N E already cnows it, Im in love with you. Additionally as you know, I love you. Please be there for me to always take the heat. Yours truly, Succubus. *Poke*. Oh and I wanna be V P to your prez. R A H - We go sack from the classics, to Ruthina, to Saturday nights, you N E V E R cease to amaze me. Oh the places youll go. I l l miss you Rui I would switch teams for a ecnadpal from you but hey, I get it, were just fcls. UPenn doesn;t know who theyre getting, gotta admit shes pretty damn amazing. T N B - My my Inga, hat great clothes you have. Beside being gorgeous youre a riot with no censor and I can appreciate that. Thanks for all the songs, and knowing what good music is, some people dont- Thanks for being politically iware, you know what I mean. Thanks for being my choir roommate, because for four days a year, I cant live without you. Most of all, thanks for being a great friend. I l l miss you bool 3eniorShoutouts_ MW, P R , L A , B B , O B , D C , A D , K G , C J , S K , L M , C O , D R , M S, N S , SS, ST , CN, Children! Kids! Darlings! Have the time of your lives because you deserve it! 9 A D , K G , M U, M S, S S , L S , P S , T T , M V , 10 S A -L , E B , D F , C H , K P L , T M , S R , S S , 11 S C , U U , G J , T M , T S , K S , Love you, See you soon.

Hey everyone! We made i t Can't believe i t Each year just got more crazy. X got some shoutouts. Hey Honors Calc class of 2008- don't forget our secret signs (you have to practice for the high school reunion). We were the best math class ever!!! Senior A rt Majors- Go class! We had the best music mixes. Meredith- you only have one more year to go, you can do it! Next year everyone won't be spying on you in chem. Maddie and Natalie- always made lunch fun and interesting. K at- you are the best top locker peron ever! Loved the mints. S till think it is odd to keep honey in your locker but it is great for tea. John what can I say- you are the best! Jackson- I still remember when you told me the difference between two designers belts by the stitching. You have to work for Coach! ZhenzhenO O O O O W W W W T T T T T !!!!!!! (did I spell it right?) You must never forget tan period free in the comer. Walking on your knees to see if the comer was empty was crazy! Jess- No one has better stories. Lastly, go Westport carpooliU- luckily there were not too many traffic jams and we never got lost in Norwalk and Stamford!!! Great Senior year everyone!!! BYE!!!!

CDM J C , watch where you walk, and dont trip on any paper like you did Sophomore year. A nd you might want to get your kidneys checked. AR, good times! Remember to give Chimmys Changas to the community on poles! Im going to destroy youand you know where! K M , dream team! Good times, good times. E M , Im a kook, k -o-o-k , like a fox! L A , great working with you, nice laugh, J H , Stephen C olbert vs Joh n Stew art- who is the meaning of life ?, J E , give me back my D V D s , I need them for Colins Cottage of you-know-what!, K S , it was cool hanging out with you, it was awesome talking about manga and comics with you, C M , you the man, good times in Spanish, C K , keep on rocking, M C , we gotta put some hot rhymes on a C D man, D R , when you gonna cut my hair dude? A H , it was awesome switchin here with you in middle school, keep that optimistic attitude! S L , playing chess with you has been a blast! J H , talking about W oW , playing chess, and hanging out with you have been so cooL DB, whats good?


Sam Sullivan, its been great, good luck next year. K ip Shelton, Bye, B ye, B ye, Keep in touch H oney-F itz, Keep gettin brolic, baseballs been fun, all the best Shaela G reenfield, Had some great times over the years, best of luck, G o Chelsea! Ryan Serkes, Keep breakin it down Peter Menking, L e v it, seein you jumpin up and down at the hockey games is great, keep that spirit up Gordon B ray, H old down the middle next year captai K Loony, record setting season next year, work hard and take them all the way T aylor Barge, sorry these took so long, but you got em now Boys S occer, Fantastic year guysgo for the threepeat Hockey, 5-4 A~ day long baby, all day long T o the Class of 2008, Rock on guys I know I forgot people but I rushed this and Im sorry, to anyone who feeb le ft out of this, Im gonna miss ya all so keep in touch. P E A C E


oug: at least im not an orange, ill be the freak in the comer, nice swirL thursdays. Stanley and memsahib do peru. laugh at the flowers, panda ryan: roo. less than three, il mio cuore el il tuo per sempre. penguins, my littleblack diary, drool leigk 13 years together, love /ou so muck bert and emie and milkshakes jess; moist. :-) micky: my little goldfish out of water tits: my hubby "you're like a housewife, you just do work" yohanna: thanks for your locker!! court: raul and hank dan: my strawberry gummy bear chiara: my first friend :-) mrs. sadlowsky: thank you so much for everything mrs. murphy and mrs. lichols: thank you for fourgreat years, i truly appreciate how much â– you've taught me. martino, damton, homicki - thank you guys, art majors '08.the comerldht


To all the people who I have ever come into contact with : during my 13 years at K L H T ; thank you. Thank you for taking these years so enjoyable and for giving me memories and iperiences that I will never forget. A lso, from here on in all licknames that have been created for me are null and void. X am open for new ones to be created or for old ones to be : instated. They have been getting a little stale so lets try to -oe more creative this time around ( I mean really, ogre, sloth, me-ater, seriously out of any of those sloth is the only one that is remotely intelligent and that is a stretch at best). Thanks everybody.







P w

NM confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -Henry David Thoreau

LM Its C la s s o f know.

0 8 B F B -re d

bu ll, V T c a r r id e s ,

< 3 you. S M

s till

have t o get

5:30 A M

been a wild ride

dance p a rtie s ,C K -C a p t a in

that mail order bride. J H - F -

sleepovers. A A -

O neiH +you+ m e=I

pistachio D C T B e y - hahahaha



love you. MC-~

bojanglesJD R-thank you fo r sparing my life . S S - b r o fe r li fe , just keep broing and stay away from those crazy germaus, ow worst best friend ever. Y o u suck love you. P R - t a c o b e ll, block island, getting lo6 t, and just straight rhiiiin ^ ^ shack in C olora d o. J u s t P W K -y o u ll

never know how bad you need a hug. M eow.

those shootings in N ew

H aven,

me o f having starbursts in v is it

wait, one day 111 be big enough t o beat a ll you guys up. t o a ll o f you years, i l l never forg et, m miss you!

H ipp ies fo r

physics and h istory

my locker. T S -

life . S S S -

< 3 , A n im a l G i r L

w ill never be

block island, random rowayton nights, lax

our carrides say i t

a ll

A IM E v en


though weve changed and were

spreads across our face, much to

JS G ,


CM ,

many memories to li s t ,


V L ,

M S-



hold down the fo r t


C C F -


a ll finding our own place in friends. ( A L ,

but from the soccer fie ld


AH ,

fo r

through i t



thank you



coaches and the

think you acoi

<3. P J R ,


A M - ainro j

me. a ll and s t i ll


the best





takes us, nothing will ever change t

C ou ld n t have done i t without you guys. Tv

the dance flo o r

three o f my life . I

lov e you guys and how much you have taught me and helped me grow. T hank you. I S a r - you’re mass rad. putting up with me, and

S R -I

miss you next year fishy

the world, we a ll know that when the tears fall or the si-

the lacrosse fie ld ,

three great years, they have been

reigning champ . S K - careful i

trips, H I

well come to each other because no matter where this crazy world

the point where were not a ll s t i l l

Thank you so much fo r

am s t i l l

the same without you. S B -sh ra d ica L

guys two days before DCK,

pn. I

thanks for three i -


the basement, you guys are the ter

can never express in words how can’t

teachers, and o f course my parents who have made

m i-

imagine my life without you. PS' this one crazy ride. Thank you fe

dealing with my schedule, you have made i t a ll worthwhile. G V S ’0 7 - best season of my life, you — taught me so much, I don’t know what T i l do without you. keep smiling!

The important thing is not to stop questioning. -Albert Einstein

Entourage: You both have made these past few years truly amazing. Whether were in dirty Jers at a Dave concert, or just hanging out at the apartment, we always have fun when were together. I know we will be friends forever. Thank you for always being there for me and making my high school experience memorable and worthwhile. U S . aJta. Vinny Chase-We always say that we dont know what we would do without each other, and its so true. Youre my best friend and X love you so much. MIST aJta. E-W hat would X do without you G ail? Thanks for being my best friend Meg, you are truly one of a kind. D D (Turtle, sort of)-You know that you will always be an honorary member tf the Entourage. Thanks for just being you its all about the Beyman household in the end-one two punch. KG-M artino, our talks, you will forever be a member of the class of 08, I love you so much CO -D ear old Katie, I met you at pre-season my sophmore year and from then on our friendship has kept growing. You are a true character! MC-squalor, the destroyer: I appreciate you, you are the best. D R and CTPN-WeVe had some classy times this year, I love you both. AX., SM (TWIN), AA-Thanks for the memories, you all are phenomenal Class of ’09 and 10: M A -Its all about Martino advisory_youre great, and I ’m so happy that we became friends. A M -T he man, the myth, the ! legend. I'm going to miss you so much next year, go get em tiger. J J -K e e p up the good work my friend, a ll X have to say i s bow chica wow wow rooo root around. M C-M ake be proud baby, you are the greatest Much love. O M -S eriou sly , I do not know what I would do without you, or your room this year. Y ou are my saving grace-no really. S o many amadW things happen in our layer, or home, if you w ill Thank you fo r being such an unbelievable , teacher, director, advisor, and friend. Fam: Mom, Amanda, M ike, O liv er, T rid a , Peter, Megan, A sh ley (Ijaura, S yd, and S te v o )-Its been an eventful past few years for all of us, thanks for the ongoing support and love. T o the rest of the C lass of 08-G ood luck, 1* safe, and have fun.


7. C h a s e l cant put in to words how much you have done fo r me these past few years. W eve cried out boys, each other, even, on occasion, school. Y o u

love me even though X

basis, have an insane dog, and am a closed-book. A n d

hibernate on a routine

even though we might be hundreds o f miles

away (but of course that would happen to us), you ll always b on my mind and in my heart. J . ramafYoure with me, Y o u

understand me, altogether were just on the same level. W e

r happenstance but we stayed friends because youre the most real person I

became friends

know and I

admire you

much for th a t Thank you both fo r changing my life , you w ill be my entourage forever™

S L K r2 0

ars from now 111 show our children this, and have to explain the nickname. D a v id RegginaHm glad

le agree the S T

never existed, and while you might make fun o f this, Im happy we got to know each other more this year, you w ill never tru ly understand a ll the things you have done fo r me.

T E h l dont know

who Im

going to walk to

class with from now on, a ll X

know is

that were the

tie person and I love you fo r t h a t D vT B eyrM y baby, even though you w ill always be D D to me, Em really glad we got closer this year. J e s s I know things have changed drastically over these 7 fears but I w ill never forget the day I met you, we have so many memories and you have truly left footprints on my heart K in s fY o u and I both know youll be a senior forever, you have an incredible ability

to make people smile, never doubt th a t CourtRem em ber the days you hated me?

'eve come a long

way since

then and youre

honestly hilarious, love you girL A O I a Y o u

have grown

jp so much since you fir s t freaked me out with your pasta and pepper, but I have never stopped ring about you. #5L-Can we V C h a t in C o lle g e or w ill you be occupied? tT H FiR em ind me, was I our first kish? M S ,

B J3, C JC , R _S ,

M A ,

and to

the C la ss of 2008, you made H igh S ch ool


JW Q Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


•. Rob cross-straight up my brother. I cant explain it better than that. Were from the same hood and do , ;nything the same. From the wild nights at the crib to rappin in the whips youve always been there for me. errari, Im sorry I keep blowing up finish it for me kid your my boy. Pizz-Im glad we started talking in ... lath class sophomore year. From Florida trips to you sleeping on my couch to the morning noodle at donut slight H I always remember the yung joc remix with the bunny rabbit I always hated how youmade . it work for you but I know it was worth i t Our handshake is ilL Good times kid, youre my boy forever. V yley-vJUST L O V E M E! Seriously, Ive found one of the greatest friends of my life in you and I have idea where I would be without you. Lets forget what we looked like sophomore yr k? Weve had the best of is, some a little wild and some just chillen but there always amazing. I know youll be a part of me forever! ' yeezy-the truth. Been down since day 1 and yes thats my line mama. We have seriously been through it all '■ d even though you doubt it sometimes Til alwayslove you. Y oull always be one of my best friends. Never orget thatholla at a playa when you see him in the streets. M aggie-ST. I didnt know if we would ever ally connect but look at us now. Youre one of the realest people I know and im so happy we got to know " ach other. Youve become an amazing friend andI never want to lose you!A video chat from San Diego "uld be much appreciated. Mike carbs-weve been holding it down on the court for about 4 years now and we '> 11 continue to do big things. Crazy times throughout the years kid. Best of luck with everything, youre my S' and youll always be my #1 P G . F L & W A trips holla. Couldnt have done it without you guys: D J B , IN, L A , SM , K S , T B , A A , K M , S G , S T , R K , M N , J C , J Q , CM , J H F , PM , S R , E J , r"L , D C S, J W , A H , J G , MW, A H , T M , M R , J E , K G , GCT, S S , T B , P T , F F , Z Z G (R J1P


CD M ). C L A S S O F


me do

ADR Xd like to thank all the people who made my KXjH T experience a positive one, my teachers; D r. Melmed, M r, S in n ott, M r. Mortenson and everyone else who helped me along the way, my friends; P eter, Ryan, K evin, Cody, C olin, Jack, Stefan, and the rest of my class. Overall, it has been the best 4 years of my life.

JE R Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.Semisonic Hold out your hand cause friends rail be friends right till the end. I ts so easy now, cause you got friends you can trust, Friends will be friends.- Queen T o all my friends; thanks for the memories. X couldnt have done it without you! Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget T o my family; thank you so much for your constant love and support! T o the class of 08: congratulations and good luck!

NW R Wherever you go, go with all your heart. -Confucius

SES L A A L LM A H SG Youre mass rad; gelato in new caiman, U tah ; rascal flatts; X V tattoosnot; A ish a ; want some blank? no Im comf; l/1 8 th of my life ; charmed; do I have chocolate on my face? N o , but Shaela does; but I ju stttt got comfortable; how about that time A ndrea pretended to have a spider in her hand; losing buddy in the backyard; hiding Andreas shoe; (R H S K ) you know I v e been to M arseilles, and I v e met B i l l C osby, and I swam with iolphins; Sken: writing Omorosa. Thank you a ll for being great friends! Including 3 L0 , B , Lamby J r , A A , E R , OW , ST .


Iv e been at king my entire life & X am both ecstatic and petrified to start the next chapter in my life. A bby youre my best friend since 8th grade. W e have shared everything and H I never forget all the amazing times weve had, and the bad that we have helped each other through. I love you so much and X wish you the best of luck next year I know you can do it . A l l right all you other hooligans. N o order. F ie ld hockey, the com er, A r t ( I <3 jess ideas!), S ta t (P J B R E A D ), Pippin. H aylz you w ill always make me laugh, your insane and I love it. C aro, as much as you call me a character you w ill forever be the most memorable one & ologist of course. Maggie I feel like we go back so far, & youre someone who I cant forget if X tried. Joanna Yohanz O nis brothers m , you can make anyone smile & you have such a great attitude towards life. Todd, tittles I dont know what Im going to do without your constant sexual commentary. Laura Im so happy we got closer this year you are such an amazing & beautiful individual I love and respect you. I <3 my only acceptable underclassmen. Take care of the com er! C odfish; Im going to make myself look really weird, where are your oven mitts? T a y T a y I love you for being there and understanding me like no one else did thank you. B alin . Thank you for everything. Im so happy I was able to bring you out of your shell & fin ally be able to help you show the world the amazing person you are. Y ou are always there for me & I couldnt ask for more in any person & I truly appreciate you. I love you so much & I can never forget the memories you have given me.

Abby F latow -I owe you my life. K ip Shelton-I think you were the one wearing the sock. Peter Menking-'People let me tell you 'bout my best friend" Kevin G riffin -B ro for life, hough said. Dean Gestal-You know I always got your back. Balin S in nott-If you don't come home your parents seem to assume you're in my trunk. Welles R u hlin -If you ever get bored you can always visit me and show off your motorcycle. Mike Toy-Future husband? Your mom said it was cool with her. Jon Toy-You know the older brother takes after the younger one. Joanna Jackson-Try to remember me? You know H I never forget you. Rob Crossland-I know you really luv me. Matt McNulty-Keep on being legit, but try to stay out of trouble. Maggie Nolin-YouVe inspired me so many times in so many ways and you probably didn't even know it. Ashley Alebiosu-Queen of K L H T ! Dru, Adam "A C E ", Ben and J a son -I love you guys and X always w ill Y a ll are the best brother anyone could ever ask for. Laura M eli-I don't know where Td be right now if I never knew you. Thank you for always being there for me even though I couldn't always do the same for you. Shoutouts to: S S , S A L , T B , K G , M J , J C , T M , D M , R S , J B , S C , A M , J B , M S, D J B , CM , N F , A M , L S , P G , B H , S T , S G , A A , S S , G J ,C H ,C O , D C , A R , A H

NTS Y ay class of 2008! A bby: Remember the Com er!!! D /J P /W e lle s : G racia advisory 06-08L.and D , your igg. Cody: Y oure a cra2y kid and always will be, but thats why I love you. K evin: Cant forget how we met, C O D . G ood times. C ross Country 06-07: I think the reason X fe ll in love with running is because of the people on the cross country team. Thanks to everyone for making running fun! Todd: Always a good time talking and chilling with you. Joanna: I had a great summer with you, your s till one of the coolest girls I know. Baseball 05-08: Although we didnt win a lo t, it sure was exciting.

KAS C O N G R A TU LA TIO N S C L A SS O F 2008, peter peter sloth sloth

mags aka E these last 4 years would not have been the same without you. you are a sister to me and such a big part of my life, all the tears, fights and laughs will never be replaced, no matter where we end up always know that you will be my best friend, m y goalin nolin, ollypolly, meg, gail, and my nargin. caro aka j-drama i don't know how i w ould survive without you. you know everything about me because you are really my other half, i know that no one will replace you and your lazy eye, tanks tops and your high maintenance daily routines, i love you carrie kiki jj dune mitchells putney nisenson. trio thanks for being the most amazing best friends a girl could ask for. i love you with every bone in my body, david i swear on our friendship that ill love you forever okay? so just love me even though im hasty, i cant even explain how much you mean to me and how much i care about you. you really are my best friend, my favorite oh and youve got great hands, dd china boi, herbziHa, iggsy thanks for being the funniest person i know, my regggggin fÂŽ lyf<3 jp its crazy how close weve become and im so glad, you mean so much to me and id be lost without you and your spastic, random fact knowingways, court and kins youve beer, here for me since day one and our memories are everlasting, thanks for everything! al,aa,ms,sm,ma,er,bb,am,rc,ks,jj,mc,pr high school wouldnt have been the same without you so thanks and love! to the C L A S S O F 08 congrats, good luck and thanks for an unforgettably amazing ride.

OMW '08 whattup. 15 years, its been a long time. D ont know where to start. S G , been here forever too, hit some fresh pow pow, we're skiin next yr. M C , boys since freshman yr, cra2y times, trampoline under your roof, late night pat's in pocho, cant forget all that halo, gonna miss those things. S S , what are we gonna do on boring friday nights now, N H L 08, trips to V T , hockeys been hilarious, no more dangle fests on harvey tho. avoiding .. well you know who, "no B S yo, whats good for tonight?'. P R , S 4 , what else is there to say, scariest times of my life riding to winter lax, shoulda played hockey this yr. T S , chamber of secrets, it can never be opened. L M , glad the cra2y neighbor moved in, T H E B A R N . S Z G , nice bumb haha A H , gittt outttaa heeeaarrr. L A , "keep an eye on them! T i l call you know who!" well always be tight, even if it is uncomfortable. Cross Country, Hockey, Lax, good luck next year, hold it down. Decade and a half later, Im out.

Dorit w o rry about the future,' but know that w orrying is as effectiv e as trying to solve an algebra equation b y chew ing bubblegum. The real troubles in you r life are apt to be things that never crossed your w orried mind,’ th e kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing everyd a y that scares you. Sing. D ont b e reck less w ith other peoples hearts dont put up with people who are reck less w ith yours. Floss. D ont w aste you r tim e on jea lou sy! sometimes you re ahead sometimes you re behind. The ra ce is long, and in the end its on ly w ith yourself. Remember the com plim ents you receive forget the insults, i f you succeed in doing this tell me how. K eep y o u r old love letters, throw a w a y you r old ban k statements. Stretch. D ont feel g u ilty i f you dont know w hat you want to do with you r life. Get p len ty o f calcium . Be kind to you r knees you 11 miss them when th ey re gone. E n joy you r body. Use it ev ery w a y you can. D ont be afraid o f it. or w hat other people th in k o f it it's the greatest instrument you 11 ever own. Dance. Get to know you r parents you 11 never know when th ey 11 be gone for good. Be nice to you r siblings, th ey are the best lin k to you r past and the people most lik e ly to stick w ith you in the future. Understand that friends com e and go. but fo r the precious few you should hold on. W ork hard to bridge th e gaps in geograph y and lifestyle because the older you g et the m ore you need the people you knew when you w ere young. - B az Luhrmann

I K i J

"We loved w ith a love that E verybody needs a change, a chance to ch eck out the new,

was more than love - Edgar Allen Poe

But you re the on ly one to see the changes you take you rself through1 - Stevie Wonder ■—

"Hakuna Matatal - The Lion King

Leigh Abear

Yea though I w alk through the v a lley o f the shadow o f death, I w ill evil! for thou art witl^ m elt^ g^ od andtiffy sta ff th ey com fort me.

iVhen doves cry J

r "

until the end o f time!



To M y Fam ily You11 never know The gift you ve given me.


I ll ca rry it with me. Love Always, A sh ley

Nothings ever promised tomorrow, today - Kanye

What you give aw ay you have forever


"Theres only now Theres only here Give into love Or live in hear. No other path No other way No day hut today â– Kent

Brenden Becker

"Ms absolutely stupid that w e 1ive%rithbut an Ozone L We hlstfe men,-wove got rockets, w eve got saran w rap . m f*—-

i f f '- J b j T . .



■** i

-i Lewis B lack ■t< ~

. •'


.•*? *



*•»£ » '• ..i V


r y


r ~~¥

"Learning how to be still, to rea lly be still and let life happen ~ th&t stillness becom es a radiance1 \ Morgan freem a n

:• ,

‘IM iU gegl-, w Jw yikgm em b’e r not the words o f our enemies, but the, silence o f our friends1 - ipfartin L uthef King Jr. its likb finding a needle in a stack o f needles.

'Anyone who lives within their dm -*


Daniel Beyman


leans suffers from a la ck o f pagination!


Unknown t isht those who greys old hat stop playing, is those w h a stop playing hat grow old1 Unknown ~)ont cry because its ver, Smile because ' happened! Unknown


What's comiri wm w ell meet it when - Rubeus UecfricL.

The on ly thing necessary For the triumph oF evil is For good m a n in rJn n n ih inrf

Edmond Burke Be brave, clench Fists! - The Street "Call and dance, Innocence, ca ll and dance now w hile you may. For this is a prelude, it is on ly a beginning! -C r y the Beloved Country


r . n Jessica

Michael Carberry Be who you are and sa y You feel, because those who m ine? *

jW > V<

w M yw ish for you is that

lont matter, and those who matter

th is'life becomes a ll that

dorit mind. ~ Dr. Seuss

you want it to. your dreams


I 1 »

W y/l '








$ w




P *






, f

staybig..." - Rascal Flatts (SG)

"Oh, please doht take a turn to negative town. - Wedding Crashers "I'm a trackstar runrun )th r J fi liferchasing

"A coward dies a j»


thousand deaths*, a soldier dies but one. - Tupac


I can minole with the

- 50 cent

starsss, a d throw arsss.

"A ll that we are is the result o f what we have thought I f a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follow s him. I f a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follow s him like a shadow that never leaves him1 - Buddha

"A flow er fa lls even though we love it, and a weed grows even though we do not love it - Dogen Z enji "Knock on the s k y and listen to the sound1 - Zen Proverb

"The gods are too fond o f a joke. - Aristotle

Affords are. flowing but like yndjess 't&in into a paper cup, ^ ftief slither while th ey passThey slipacrqss the universe*

A ll we»H:ee Hr seem ^ :■

.-dream w ithih-a'jreim l IF ‘v

r 4*




bariZ) orgdsnd fu tu red w : before us. It eluded us then but that's matter - tomorrow we w ill run faster I~'1r '

r ’ •

fstretch out our arms further... And line morning... So we beat on, boats against the current ■ borne back ceaselessly into the past1 L The Great G atsby b y F. Scott Fitzgerald



"They sa y th ey built the

"A revolution without

train tracks over the Alps

dancing is hardly a

between Vienna and Venice

revolution worth having.

before there was a train


"Betty trust lie, its a lot


harder avoiding people

\ fy,

than facing them. -D a n iel M eade, Ugly Betty

V for Vendetta

that could make the trip. They built it anyway. They knew one day the tram would come. ie Tuscan Sun

find the



"I must govern the clock, not be governed b y it. - Golda M eir

I f music be the food o f love, p la y on. ' - William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


ot consist

n -possessrw nono in deservim th

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks w ill accom plish nothing in like. - Muhammad A li You are never rea lly playing an opponent You are playing yoursell you r own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real jo y

~ Arthur Ashe

Times Is Hardl - Rob DJ Crossland

ake care o f you r pride, no matter whaLA

Nothing is at last sacred hut the integrity o f your own mind.

â– Ralph Waldo Emerson "As he sim plifies his life, the laws o f the universe "It is better to die on your Feet than to live on your knees, - Ernest Hemingway For Whom the B ell Tolls

w ill appear less com plex, and solitude w ill not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness - H enry David Thoreau

you, will change, world itself.1 - Tom DeLonge Those youve pained m ay ca rry that still with them, All the same, th ey w hisper a ll Forgiven. Still your heart says their shadows bring the starlight, And everythingyouve ever been is still there in the dark night. ~ Spring Awakening


h4kr 11% 7 .•




yon J.a


You know' the d ay destroys the night. N ight divides the d ay

You know that it would be untrue.

tried to run, tried to hide,

You know that I would be a liar

break on through to the

I f I was to sa y to you, Girl, we

other side. - Jim M orrison

couldnt get much higher. - Jim M orrison

"I'm tim eless lik e a broken watch And make m oney lik e Fred Astaire. I see that you ve come to ' <


resist me, I 'm a pitbull in time. .




/ The pretense is not what


restricts me, Its the circles inside - Interpol

Inspired people dont tolerate what brings hem down. v

- M r. Galanopoiilos

W hen a door o fji& p in ess closes, another one opens up. But * often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened - Unknown

,AlfifcfeL-' 191^.

Tni what I amM I'm what I got. An I'm sure happy with what I got 1 live to love \ and laugh a lot. I And thats all 1 m

need. Kenney Chem

W e on ly had a few days, and a w hole lot o f memories to make. Oh man, we w ere living, didrit w ade one minute. We talked and drank and danced and said goodbye, we laughed until we cried. - Jason Aldean

"It d a rts at m y toes, makes me crin kle m y nose, W herever it goes I always know That you m ake me smile, Please d a y for a w hile now. J u d take you r time wherever you go.

Shaela Greenfield

- Colbie C aillat

There are places I'll remember A ll m y life though some have changed. Some forever not for better, some have gone and some remain. A ll these places have their moments with lovers frien d s'! still recall. Some are dead and some are

m my

i ne I've loved them a llI - The Beatles


You playgames,

iS lill

555? W H I


Kiki Hens

man# fin est hour, the greater hotels dear, is that moment heart out'in a good cause and field o f battle -■victorious". *•« f f l [' «£ v sv; igi i !* .■iL

To be you rself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

They alw ays sa y time changes things, but you actually have to change them you rself. - Andy Warhol

This above a ll! to thine self be true! - Polonius (L I 1.84)

Mom and Dad! You 11 never know/ What youve done for m e/What your faith in me/ Has done for m y souLYou m&de me hope y .

4 *M l

/or something better (yes you didVAnd made me reach for something more. - M usic ° f M y Heart

E ric H offer

Chiaxa Johnson

ntirder to succeed,your desire for success should be roster than you r fea r o f failuret Bill Crosby

he clock went back from three, to two, to one, d thafs about the time the story begun.

Christian Killeffer

- Nas

And even though the moment passed me b y I can s till turn aw ay. - Goo Goo D olls

'Stay fa r from

{In ly m ake moves w hen y a



History w ill be kind to m for I intend to w rite it! â–

Winston C hurchill

D y n a sty

1Reach for the stars so i f you fa ll kyou land on a cloud. Kanye West

You know, Hobbes, some days even m y lu ck y rocketship â– underpants dont help.' - Calvin

Turns out not w here but who you re with that rea lly matters1 - Dave M atthews Band



iya Leist

Stefan Lyew "Love all. Serve all - The H ard Rock Cafe

“.And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the sm artest o f all." - Socrates

"Live forever or die trying. - John Yossarian

I have a cunning plan. 'Baldrick (Blackadder)

God is not on the side o f the big Cheese Gromit!"

battalions, but on the

~ Wallace, W allace and Gromit

side o f those who shoot best. - Voltaire

Katie Mann -



Tu/es anJ responsibilities', these are the ties that bind us. We do w hat w e do because of w hat w e are. IF we did otherwise, we would not be ourselves. I w ill do w hat I have to do. And I w ill do w hat I must! -D rea m


' ,


' ’


There is no good. "Honesty is the best

There is no evil.

p olicy but In san ity is

There is on ly change.

the best defense

O nly life and death and the

- Anonymous

struggle to survive.


The struggle creates heroes/ "Our deepest Fear is not that we

But there is no valor in necs

are inadequate. Our biggest Fear is that we are pow erful ■beyond measure1 - Nelson M andela

like air


mfutij uovt

Whirt vt-ctM IU-4 hi(W»n on iW

W hat m*dnea* *»*nd* rti» % y y X lotri" on * Ae*p$m * ’V"'xt (h * tr n w o t o f . t l m l tH*

fhui '

should be


denied it

*1 X - C U T IO N Coll*rtln* X

'M '*’•

X J iW io r 'H a

- V For J ,,d *

VerM a


"If we c an. we w ill leave ai letter and this song for you and w ell w rite once a day and put it through the sea to youl - Box Car Racer

I think m dream s we dont hi ve to be so lo ig. I f wen in eax h others drea. ns. we can be together al. the time. - G'a vm Hobbes

Safi McMillan

1 i

athlete ~ W illie Shoemaker


# j

Laura Mali

Dont let those sw ill merchants rew rite you - Almost Famous

"I think the Good Lord is a Yankee'. - M ariano Rivera

I can t believe itt Reading and writing actually paid off!" - Hom er Simpson

Dorlt worry, no matte! w hat you w ill be well off. Youre Steven M enkings brother. - Anonymous

The most incom prehensible thing about the universe is that it is com prehens ible. - A lbert Einstein 'One d ay more. Another d ay another destiny - Les M iserables

Natalie Muniz

"A heart doht forget something lik e that1 "Do not be too moral. You m ay


cheat you rself out o f much o f life.

"Live w ell.

Aim above m orality. Be not sim ply

Laugh often.

goodl be good for something.1

Love much1

- H enry David Thoreau

"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you ll miss a ll that you are travelling fori - Louis Lamour

Ml s *


V .

y \ ft

> j' r



' fiHL®§»5,t'\ jpsfefr MHr ^rSfey. -

I f a man does not keep pace with his cp ^ a n io p s;i perhaps it. is. because he hears a d iffe^ ^ d ru m h k r Let him Step to the music w hich he hears, biowever measured or fa r a w a y " H en ry David Thoreau

* ,

fcf 4 ^ 2


i’ %S ;V 'j; A

The older you get, the more rules th ey are going to try.and get you to follow . You ju st gotta keep on liv id man. L~I~V~t-N 'l - D azed and Confused


7 trust m y soul ^ m y on ly goal is ju st to be. -D E N T

Caroline Nisenson

D ifferences o f habit and language are nothing at a ll if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. - J.K Rowling

Sugar magnolia, blossoms blooming, heads a ll em pty and I dont care..'. - The Grateful Dead

There are those who look at things the w a y th ey are. and ask why... I dream o f things that never were, and ask - Robert

W hen th ey knock you down have to get up. but you have to clear that you w ont be knocked second time. - Carl Yastrzem ski

"M ay your heart alw ays be jo y fu l M a y you r song alw ays be sung. M a y you sta y forever voungl - Bob Dylan


W hat lies behind us and w hat lies before us are tin y m atters com pared to w hat lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson % W k '

"Its not alw ays ea sy and sometimes life can be deceiving I'll tell you one thing, its always "In order to be irreplaceable, one must alw ays be d ifferen t

better when w ere together1 - J ack Johnson

- Coco Chanel


"She would not say o f anyone in the world now that th ey were ...the only

this or were th a t She felt v ery

p eo p le for me

young1 at the same time

a r e th e mad

unspeakably old. She sliced like

on es. th e ones

a knife through everything.1 at

h o a re mad to

the same time was outside

liv e, mad to

looking in. She had a perpetual sense . as she watched the taxi

t a l k m ad to be

cabs, o f being out. out. fa r to sea

sa ved , desirous

and alone1 she always had the

o f ev ery th in g at th e sam e time

feeling that it was vefy. v ery

th e ones who

dangerous to live even one day.

n ev er yaw n or

Not that she thought herself

say a

clever, or much out o f the

com m onplace

ordinary - M rs. Dallow ay b y

th in g , b u t burn

Virginia Woolf

bu rn , bu rn like fa b u lo u s yellow rom an candles

“The opposite o f

ex p lo d in g like

love is not hate

sp id e r s across

its indifference.

th e sta rs and


E lie Wiesel

ev ery b od y goes


- On th e Ttoad b y Jack





i^TI!« X V ^



Droit devant soi on ne peut pas alter bien lorn Le Petit Prince b y Antoine d Saint-Exupe ry

Be who you are and sa y what you feel because those



who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind. - Dr. Seuss

I'm a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for

You have to expect things /ourself before

the stars, and i f I miss a star then I grab a handful o f clouds.

/ou can do hemi

I can accept failure everyone fa ils at something. But I cant accept not trying - M ichael Jordan

"I dorit want to achieve immortality through m y w ork. I want to achieve it through not dying - W oody Allen

You ever read a book that Education is an adm irable thing, but it is

changed you r lift? M e neither.

w ell to remember from time to time that

- Jim Gaffigan

nothing that is worth knowing can be taught t


Oscar Wilde


"Happiness is only real when shared, Christopher McCandles

Peter Reilly

LiLes tough. Get a helmet. - Boy Meets World Mucho ta k e it - Macho L ibre


Get that corn out o f my face! - Nacho Libre

5# Lite

E ric Rewemann


i “The € ^ e t o f happiness is to. fN

V 'm

,r f

• .


'"nhdkti. btffers believdW iey are the f cause.of'it) . V 'f r

" " ; v

•' > '

y j.

Al T&itf National Enquirer '

7 jn e z i c a z i ,



- .•> ’7>••»«





. .

’ : ..

* 1


7 *

stand adversity, but i f you want to test a mans character, give him * l


" f ! »

&, •



Abraham Lincoln (1 8 0 9 - 1865)

'“A ll people w ant is someone to listen.


■ *

Hugh Elliott, Standing Room' Only weblog M a y 8. 2 0 0 3

Andrew Richardson

"The poorest o f all people is not the person without a cent but the person without a dream.'

"Ourgreatest g lory is not in never falling but in rising everytime we fall.

"To handle yourself use your head! to handle others, use your heart.

Jennifer Riddell

You m u d do the hardest th in g to do in life... forgn

you rself! - Aunt M a y


m ,




T W f men and th ey w ill be true id yow l treat them fpeatly, and th ey w.il1 - Ralph Waldo Emerson ■


~ W hen I find m yseif irea lize m y friends aie m, ■-i


"A u th en ticity is a w ord w hose d efin ition we no longer understand .


h StZafefa, m





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jljjg M m:w

Criticism is as inevitable as breathing.

liar, at lea d f ]

m indless people think o f m e."



When once you have tasted flight, you w ill forever w alk the earth with you r eyes turned skyw ard, for there you have been and there you w ill alw ays long to return. nardo DiVinci

Gee Brain, w hat do you want to do tonight? The same thing we do every night, P in ky ~ T ry to take over the world!" - P in ky and the Brain

'Get rich or die trying. â– k more than others nk is safe, e more than others ik is wise Dream i


"e than others think (

rtical. E xp ect more n others think is

million suns, it calls.jn e on and on across the universe - The Beatles

Bushing around seems what's wrong w ith the world. Dorit lose the dreams inside you r head

Hayley Smith

th ey 11 on ly be there til you re dead, dream - Dave M atthew s Band

I'm a g i in luck, fin d the harder I J k work, the How would you lik e a jo b where, ev ery time you make a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people Jefferson

boo?' - Jacques Plante

m tu

â– Tor

"If we played them 10 times th ey might win 9. But not this game. N ot tonight. Tonight we skate with them. Tonight we sta y w ith them and we shut them down I V-. \ because we can. Tonight we are the greatest h ock ey team in the world* - H erb Brooks

Sam Sullivan

Love is alw ays patient and kind1 it is never jealous love is never boastful or

Theres a d ivin ity that shapes

conceited1 it is never rude or selfish/ it

our ends.

does not take offense and is not resentful.

- William Shakespeare

Love takes no pleasure in other peoples sins but delights in the truth/' it is alw ays ready to excuse to trust, to hope, and to endure w hatever comes. Love does not come to an end. - A W alk to Remember

"Live w ell Laugh often. Love much1

Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater g ift is to discover a beautiful heart. - Pussell Crowe A Beautiful M ind

Sabrim Tribie

The readiness is all. - William Shakespeare

Some p& oplm sgaf^m ^heW

puck, I skate to w liqrM he â–

Wayne G retzkey

l he man who can drive himseli further once the effort gets painful is the man who w ill win. - Roger Bannister

B n B B

M ost School S pirit A sh ley A lebiosu & Shaela G reenfield

Shaela G reenfield & John H oneirF itz

M ost M usical

M ost A rtistic

E ric Reinem ann S afi M cM illan &

Leigh A bear & M icaela S cu lly

Tali C huchinsky

T eachers Dream

Teacher's N ightm are

John Qua & K atherine Chan

O liver W ald & C hiara Johnson

M ost Changed A bbyF latow & K evin G riffin

M ost P h ilosoph ical Goddard & Stefan Lyetv

Ruthie H ubbard & A lex D oeriig

M ost L ik ely to b e in th e Senior Room J e ff E yd t & Laura M eli

B est Sm ile

B est Laugh

Leigh A bear & Thomas H obbs

Leigh A bear & DD Beyman

M od L ik ely to b e on Facebook

M od L ik ely to b e on th eir C hiara Johnson & D ave Reggina

Ruthie H ubbard & Jackson Cheevers



I M od L ik ely to b e Stranded on a D esert and Survive Shanks

M od L ik ely to D iscover th e Cure fo r C ancer K atherine Chan & W elles Ruhlin

V M od L ik ely to S tress over a Ted C hridian K illeffer & C ourtney O N eil

T ali C huchinsky & J ess B yrnes


M ike C a rberry & C ourtney O N eil

M ost L ik ely to B reak D ress Code J ess B yrnes & C ourtney O N eil

Loudest Andrew R ichardson & Z henZ hen Gao

Lucyann M u rray & Taylor Barge

M ost S arcastic

M ost D ram atic C aroline N isenson M ik e Carb erry & Anya L eist

M ost L ik ely to Becom e a C ountry Club

Biggest Gossip

P arent

T aylor Barge & Jackson Cheevers


O liver W ald & Brenden B ecker

B est Friends M ale D ave Peggina & Rob Crossland


Sarah S chultz & Shaela G reenfield


Should H ave Been a Couple

Biggest H azard to Pedestrians

Christian K illeffer & H a yley Sm ith

S a fi M cM illan . Sean K en sil &


Sabrine T ribie


M ost L ik ely to b e P resident Puthie H ubbard, Stefan L yev &

M ost T heatrical Laura M eli & Colin M cQ uilkin

A sh ley A lebiosu

J P N ickitas, J a ck H arris & C ody Benneddto

In 2 0 Years. Leigh Abear fin a lly settles down... fo r now Ashley Alebiosu is th e first woman president, Captain o f the US Olym pic L a x Team, UN Ambassador fo r Nigeria, and th e CEO o f Save the Children. Oh y e a h and th e Prim e M inister o f United Arab E m irates

Taylor Barge is starting h er diet... tom orrow Brenden Becker takes over B ell Island, m arries J essica Alba, m oves to LA, w ins th e lo ttery tw ic e, and goes to the moon. Or did hd?

Cody Benedetto becom es a m em ber o f th e cast o f J a ck a ss th e M ovie Daniel Beyman changes h is name to M cLovin Jessica Byrnes ch eck s h erself into a fa c ility fo r h er m ovie addiction Michael Carberry has a life-changing exp erien ce and decides to follow in the footsteps o f the Dalai Lama

Douglas Cenci designs h is own la b el fo r sam urai gear Katherine Chan fin a lly lives h er own forbidden love story... but th ey dorlt die in the end Jackson Cheevers lives in I ta ly and m arries Ita ly s top m ale model Natalya Chuchinsky still running fo r governm ent Robert Crossland fin a lly stops m aking excu ses fo r not doing w ork Alexander Doering b rea k s Shaela out o f ja il Jeff Eydtjo in s the b la ck panthers Abigail Flatow is the new tattoo artist on M iam i I n k ZhenZhen Gao becom es D aves d river Stephen Goddard takes over Red Bull and changes th e slogan to Yo Dude Shaela Greenfield is in ja il fo r breaking hearts Kevin Griffin owns Boston M a rk et Jack Harris opens a co ffee chain called... Socrates C afe Samuel Henderson still on the Vineyard Kristen Heus becom es CEO o f Noggin Thomas Hobbs m akes m illions as a Fruit o f th e Loom model John H oneyFitzgerald is teaching h is son how to g et b rolic fo r K L H T v a rsity sports Andrea Horak m arries K evin a fter a 1 0 y e a r engagement Ruthie Hubbard is using h er "roily b a c k p a ck as a b riefca se Chiara Johnson is still in debt from h er m onster phone b ill Sean Kensil is running T ails campaign Christian Killeffer resides in N orth C a ck a -L a ck ey

RoryKyle is leading tours at Jurassic P a rk Anya Leist is Coach C elia s GcrtcrGirL Stefan Ly&w com es up w ith th e p h ilosoph ical messages in fortune cookies Katherine Mann causes an international incident Colin McMahon takes over fo r M a rv el Comics Safiya McMillan fin a lly goes out on a Saturday night Colin McQuilkin becom es th e n ex t W ayne G retzky/D avid Beckham , and m akes it to broadway - cause h e s ju s t th a t good

Laura Meli is on B roadw ay Peter Menking is in a zoo... because h e is a sloth Keil Mueller is..~. Natalie Muniz is m arried to G erard W ay Lucyann Murray is livin g on a m ountaintop som ewhere JJP. Nickitas becom es D a ves boss Caroline Nisenson has h er own advice column in J - 1 4 Margaret Nolin is still on th e beach in C alifornia Courtney0Neil is still over high school John Qua com bines J. C rew and P alph Lauren into one mega fashion em pire David Peggina fin a lly gets h is sn eaker collection to 1 0 0 0 Peter Reilly sets a w orld record fo r longest video ch a t Eric Reinemann a n n u ally hosts the E ric Reinemann Christm as Spectacular on M T V Andrew Richardson hosts h is own ta lk show Jennifer Riddell rep la ces th e actor w ho does th e voice fo r Lois on "Family Guy' Nathaniel Ruhlin stars in th e rem ake o f Top-Gun Sarah Schultz m oves to B ra zil to replant th e rain forest, accom panied b y J e ff Micaela Scully perm an ently changes h er name to Pogue Ryan Serkes publishes h is little b la c k book Nathaniel Shanks is still T oby Kip Shelton is still rem inding P eter h es a sloth Hayley Smith is th e spokesperson fo r th e South B each Diet Sam Sullivan fin a lly m arries h is tro p h y w ife from G erm any Sabrine Tribie starts h er own drivin g school Oliver Wald still dangles on H a rv ey

M ost lik e ly to g iv e a p op q u iz

M ost lik e ly to g iv e y o u a dem erit

M s. Page & M rs. H ahn

M rs. W agner & M r. R ich ter

M ost lik e ly to b e ch ew in g gum

M ost lik e ly to b e on F acebook

M r. S ch pero & M s. Thiem e

M s. P age & M r. E n n ist

M ost sa rca stic M r. M orten s on & M s. M a rtin o

Most likely to makeyou smile

Best Laugh

Ms. Sadlowsky & Dr. Melmed

M s. Cushing & M r. Richter

M ost lik e ly to b rea k out in

M ost lik e ly to b e confused w ith

S hakespeare

a student

M s. Page & M r. M ortenson

M r. C hiavaroli & M s. Bourdon

M od lik ely to be buried here (stay here forever) M s. M ishkin & M r. Wallace

M ost lik e ly to c a ll fo r com puter h elp

B est d ressed

M r. W aldm an & M rs. K w eskin

M s. Thiem e & M r. C h iavaroli

M ost lik e ly to assign hom ew ork over b rea k

M ost lik e ly to b e in th e fa cu lty room

M r. Galanopoulos & M rs. K w eskin

M r. M ortenson & M s. Page

M ost lik e ly to feed th e fa cu lty M rs. H urd

M ost lik e ly to rev ert to n a tive laigu age

M ost outgoirg

S r. G racia & S rta. Thiem e

M rs. W agner & M r. R ich ter

Most lik e ly to tea ch students life lesson s M rs. R abassa & D r. M elm ed

M ost passion ate about th eir su b ject M r. G alanopoulos & M rs. K h izn ich en k o

M ost sch ool sp irit M rs. M ish k in & M r. P u sack

“ W h ereveryou g o, W h a tev er y o u d o , M a k e a d iffer e n c e .. M ic h a e l”

“L o ts o f life, lo v e a n d la u g h ter a n d luck ” L o v e M om

“ Watching you grow from a young boy to a young man has been one o f the greatest pleasures o f my life. "Time is not m easured by the passing o f years but by what one does, what one feels, and what on e achieves. ” "Nehru " "You have all the time in the w orld to make all you r dreams com e true l w ill always be here to support you and those dreams I am overcom e with pride as I see you take these next steps forw ard in you r life that w ill be filled with great success, passion and adventure You are truly, loved ,...alw ays" Cassandra, you r big sis

I am so very proud o f the patient, thoughtful an d passionate person you are choosing to become. F o llo w your instinct with a cautious eye, lean on your family without losing your balance and be loyal to your dreams. I sm ile when l ca ll you brother" Chris

Congratulations On Your Commencement And Your Prospects For A Boundless Future!

love, Dad


Tatey! Congratulations! "The standards were high and you met them.” (Chinese saying) I'm so proud of all you've done and who you are. As you continue into this next SUPER exciting phase of life, remember: "Every truly great accomplishment is at first impossible." (Fortune cookie) "Whatever you are, be a good one" (Abraham Lincoln) And of course..."Never, never, never give up" (your boy Winston Churchill) I love you so much and am so happy for you-you deserve it. And now my little red-head... "Go forth and set the world on fire!" (St. Ignatius Loyola) Love always, Katherine



MATES: You’ve come a long way, from mowing the lawn without any pants on. You’ve grown up and overcome a lot. I’m proud of you brother. Congratulations!!! Love, Alexander

The/ thCng& w e love/ a b o u t you /

Your W IN N IN G attitude


Your COURAGE in times of adversity

Your Commitment to FAMILY

You/ cure/ m o re than* we/ ever expected/, a n d /


e v e r y th in g /

we/ e v e r dream ed/.


You're A TEAM Player

m ill!

Patience Commitment Persistence Determination /



Congratulations Katie Lots o f Love, Daddy, Mummy, And Brandy


With Love, Mother, Peter Mack, Damon, Alexander, Grandma, Ben, Nicky, Marcus, Emma, Vanessa, Sasa, Jana, Sophie, Vivien, John, Renee, Levi, Mishka, Lucca, B

(go conficCentCy in the direction o f you r dreams, f i v e the fife you have im agined - rforeau

Abby, Our family was not complete until there was you. You are our artist, our poet, our musician... Continue to let your true self shine. We are so very proud of you!!! Love, Mom & Dad




ling *ln




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!Even if you are on the right track, y o u ’CCget run o v er i f you ju st sit there

lk\ - V/iCC Rogers

WKKEBBLWSEk p H B jy < w '

LittCe Sister, SACtRougR I am no Conger Rome to watcR you a n d annoy you on a daiCy Basis, it is cCear tRat you Rave grow n out o f your tem per-tantrum w ays a n d Rave Become a p erson witR wRom I can connect. SABBy, you r graduation marks an im portant step in you r grow ing Rife a n d I am so Riappy a n d p r o u d o f you. dRis certainCy wdC not Be tRe Cast o f you r m any acRievements, But ratRer tRe Beginning o f you r jou rn ey to discover wRo you are. I t may not Be easy a n d you may faCC a fe w times, But aCways know I wiCCBe tRere to ReCp you Back up. CongratuCations!

Love y o u r 'Big Sis, SAnna Dear Abby, You’re going to end up somewhere. I don’t know where. It doesn’t matter. Just bring chips. For the love of God, don’t eat the chips, they’re horrible. They’re salty, fatty and generally bad for you. But these chips aren’t for you. They’re for other people. People love chips. Even if denied, chips are NEVER frowned upon. “Who was Abby again?” “She was the one who brought the Doritos” “Oh yeah, she was pretty cool.” Get used to people having this conversa­ tion whenever your name out-foxes them. And don’t bring those dinky little bags. Those basically say, “I brought chips for me, but you can have a few.” Bring a big Texas-sized bag. And NEVER re­ use the same bag, no matter how many are left. That’s just rude. Sam

L o v e a t first sight

Live your life

colifo S liP p e r s

L o v e , MOM ,CÂ¥*D, iiee>Z

hink outside the box


m E3&Jf » r Jr*

J jJ

i l l :. * \ J J U IJ m


1 • 1

You bring us such joy and laughterWe weren't complete without you! love, Mom and Dad Christopher, Courtney and Liz

J * » 1

KLHT, It has been a wonderful education, both in and out of the classroom-

Thanks for the memories! Christopher, Courtney, Liz and Jessica Byrnes













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I j s d a u g h te r

cot arjotiom lrisa to strike did ok

Ixr m

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Ite is alwayswitk her.

Suck a dauyltter lots l\tr atcoKraf,ry, KKclartcLKctin^daddy I Iter load, k

cktmKS Ixr w om cK



mtsrwyly asa

but as a whole, KM<yt ■-

IviMCK beiKywitd nrltm id

'Victoria S cckmU (20fli Cathay)

Dear Rutbie, You may not realize bow m u d ) it'd a lw a ys m eant to h ave y o u for a daughter. From the time you were a little girl, you have brought no much joy to our family. A s you grew older there has been so much to be proud of...all your accomplishments, y o u r own unique style, well grounded, s a v v y and adventuresome. A role model to Caroline. You are thoughtful and genuine to everyone around you; you have so much to offer to the world! You have so many exciting times ahead-just waiting for you to live them in you r own way with laughter and beauty and g ra ce ...W a tch in g yo u m ature into y o u r stron g, se n s it iv e se lf is one of the most gratifying experiences in m y life. Ruthie, always remember two v e r y important things: you are v e r y special and a beautiful gift to this world and you will always, always be loved. Your happiness is my joy, and your dreams are my hope. W ith pride for all yo u 've been, with joy for all you are. A s k me what pride means and I will show you my daughter! C o n g ra tu la tio n s on this awesome achievem ent and significant milestone. Love Mommy


t w




W / P M f f lW / r /A Y /' /////' /A Y/' /A Y/' /A Y/' ////A'’////// //Y/A //.Y/A ////A ////A Y ///////' /A Y / /.

Stefan, ‘You are a (Bfessingfrom Cjod! 'With wonder ancCawe, w e have w atched you g row into this deepCy thoughtfuf, inteffectuaf, sensitive a n d caring young man! W e are so very proud o f you! ‘M ay your J4dven ture continue; M ay your Life h efiffed with Love, Tun, Laughter e£ Cjrowth; M ay you 6e Tuffiffed, Lfappy and C Productive; M ay you (Reachf o r the Stars;


M ay your (Dreams come True; M ay you J4fways hjiow w e Cove Tou! Mom 0£ (Dad ■//7S .Y //S /// a/./ p . //,//> //.v/t /////A '//.// / ' / ///' //A /////://///. :/ a/ / / : / / ' / / . 7A///. ; / / / / / s //m ?///>. m w /x n v /x m & W Y /A & '//;t* A

Big bro! I cannot believe how fast these 14 years have gone by. Tim e flies w hen you’re having fun (or when ur older sibling is cutting off the blood flow to your brain x_x). I w i miss you s o much w h ie you are at college!! The memories (most of them involving me getting injured t f ) have been great! I cannot believe you are leaving me with these crazy parents of ours!! How do you expec t me to handle them on my own?! I hope you get everything you want and aKvays follow your dream s. Go against the current and always stay you! Don’t do anything too fflegal and stay sane! So take your guitar and large vocabulary off to new places:... meet new people but. aKvays rem em ber you've got your entourage waiting back in the one and only Fairfield county for you to return. You are the best big brother I have! =D Love you aKvays, Moroan <3

v//& w s s m r m n 'z m ’ x m y rm rsm Y / m Y rm & m m m r w /zr m r y//» &

lStefan: May your Explorations continue! May \you find your Path!...May you know your way 5back to those that Love you!! Dad, Mom & Morgan k y /m y /m y /m y /?///// v//*y v//// y//?/ y/s// y//y/ y //rs y /# x yy/y//

• » y/M > y/?///y/ty//// w



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is e n

s o


CONGRATULATIONS CAROLINE AND TH E CLASS O F '08 A ll Oar Love, M om B abcia, D za i D za i Amanda, Oliver, Tricia, Peter, M egan and A sh ley

Congratulations on choosirgyour owi path. I am sure it will briig much happiness and success. It has been i pleasure to watchyou grow from a littlegirl into ayourg woman.

You taught me numerous lessons which I will always keep with me for the rest of my life. Thankyou for being an outstanding role model and for contributing a part ofyourself to me.

Although at times we have been a t each other’s throat, at the end o f the day, when all is said and done, we both know th a t we are brothers and th at we truly love and care fo r each other.

In the last

few years, I have fe lt our relationship has grown stronger. continues to get stronger as time goes on. th at you will do great!!!

I hope it

Good luck in college.

I know

I am very proud to be your brother!!!!

W ith much love, Mike

Good luck D I t is going to feel strange without you next year.

I know

th a t you will do great in college. I really will miss you. Love, Max P .S .

I'm the only child now!!

D ear D, W e are so proud of th e young man you have become. "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven fo r?" All our love. Mom and Dad

'You have many years ahead o f you to create the dreams that we can't even imagine dreaming" -Steven Speilberg "There are those who look at things the way they are and ask w h y... I dream o f things that never were and ask why not'.’" -Bobby Kennedy G o o d L u ck JP ! W E L O V E Y O U !!!

Dad. Mom, Nick, and Katie



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j f

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i Congratulations and our best w ishes for

§ * ■ ■f- «\ tk .

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success at UPenn. JWB

Love Mom, Dad and

'v t


Congratulations to the Class o f 2 0 0 8 . y ____________


* 1

B|m |


a a s a a tta

From Mom, Dad, Will Connor and Cary

Jenny, Thanks for being a great sister. G ood luck in college, and come home to visit Love, Greg


Dear Jenny, W e are so proud o f the kind and thoughtful young woman you are. Wherever you go, w e know that your beautiful smile, your imaginative mind, and your generous heart w ill bring joy to all who know you. Y ou’ve answered all o f our dreams, and even dreams w e didn’t know w e had. Congratulations to you as you graduate! W e love you. M om & Dad

“you shall above all things be glad and young. For if you’re young, whatever life you wear it will become you; and if you are glad Whatever’s living will yourself become.” e.e. cummings

Cody, you are truCy a specialperson w ith so m any wonderfultaCents ~We are so v e ry p r o u d o f the am azing young man you have become. Thank you fo r fillin g our hearts w ith so much joy. ^Yith a ll our love, Mom, Dad, & Tyler

“Vo not go w here the p a th m ay CeacC, go in stead w here there is no _path andCeave a trad." 'Ralph y 'a ld o Rmerson

~S\Cex ^


are soproud of you and admire your strength, humor, determination and kindspirit Mways challenge yourself to open new doors in Cife ~ with change, there is growth. Stay true to yourseCf, Trust your heart & remember to Caugh aCong the way "We Cove you. Mom & Dad

Congratulations on graduating high schooC a n d accomplishing what you d id you’v e earned it. Mow I w id h a ve to d rive to schooCafonefor 3 more years. A t least I won’t have to listen to the same songs every m orning! 'Watching The Office w on’t be as much fu n anym ore without you. I ’m sure college w ill be really fu n a n d I hope it is. Qoodluck. I love you, Austin

Michael You made your mark at KLHT for sure! 1 We watched you grow with determination and perseverance; whether it was on the field, the court or in the classroom, you did it “ your way� ! As you head off to college, follow your dreams and always B remember we love you dearly. Always in our hearts Mom, Dad, Tara and Snowball


You w e r e Dorn our little P rin cess and turned into a young lady, w e couldn’t possibly De m ore proud of the beautiful young w o m an you have becom e. You a re a fo rc e to be reckoned with! We wish fo r you love, laughter and happiness in all the p ath s you choose. Know th a t w e will support you alw ays. i nve, Mom, Dad, & Nicole ! nv I nv

Congratulations Peter! We are so proud of you and we love you. Mom & Dad, Matt, Chris & Duffy

Congratulations to

Maggie Nolin We love you and are very proud of yo u ! Peter, Carol, and Katy


The greatest little sister, granddaughter, cousin, niece, friend. Hugs and kisses from us all!

D ea r A n ya I fs h ard fo r us to b elieve th a t th is is you r sen ior y ea r. W here d id our little g ir lg o ? You w ere born on August 16. 1 9 9 0 a bea u tifu l 1 0 -pound b a b yg irl. N ow you a re an am azing bea u tifu lyoung woman. N ever w ould w e o f ev er im agined w e w ould b e b lessed tw o tim es to h ave such g i'ea t ch ild ren . You and Z ach . F oryou both g iv e u s so m uchjo y . In Fussian Anya m ean in exh au stible.' That fits you p erfectly . You a re a determ ined and focu sed young la d y w ho when sh e sets h er m ind to do som ething does ex a ctly th a t! That is ex a ctly w hat you need to do to m ake it happen fo r you . We h a ve been tru ly am azed and proud to w atch you becom eyou . The ph ase you w ent through th e w onders you shoh'ed us th e w av vou have m atured th e m agic and m ystery you w ill alw ays possess th e p rid e you elicit, th e love th a t endures. Anya w e loved sh aring you r adventures you r tria ls and trium phs th e d eligh ts m you i' dream s and th e m em ories th a t w ill la st forever. One sw eetyoung woman Anya fu ll o fg ra ce has b lessed our lives. M a y you alw ays b e b lessed and m ay a ll vour dream s o f love andgood life b e you rs forever•L ife loves to b e taken b v th e la p el and told ! Tm w ith you kid . L etsgo-M a ya Angelou

W ere w ith you Anya, a t] th e w ay.•

Dear Katherine, These pictures capture great moments, but they pale in comparison to our continual joy and pride as we watch you grow and mature. Congratulations on your making another major milestone! Love, Mommy, Papi, and your little brother Jonathan â–


* 1


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BREN D EN B EC K ER Here’s to great adventures and Fun in the years ahead! We are very proud of you. Keep on smiling! Cheers and Love, Mom, Bob, Mike, Rob, Carolyn, Peter, Tegan, Dan, Kate, Kiera, Grams and Pops Whoo Whoo! You Go Guy!!!! oxoxoxoxo Mom

W h a t lies behind us and w hat lies before us are sm all m atters com pared to w h at lies w ith in us. E m e rso n





''• " 'r e s , 'ff '/ s / jr V ‘ *J. v .»

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W e cue 60- pxaud of, the man you cue (becoming-. £aue, M am t£ tDad (h a tin, Jicenan t£ M a ilg



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The years have gone by so quickly; soon you'll be 18. We hope your life will continue to be even more magical in the future, with your sense of humor shining through. W e are very proud of you and will always have a special place for you in our hearts. Congratulations on your graduation from KLHT. Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations Andrew! You’ve come a long way from Mickey and the skunk... We're proud of you. Love ya lots, Leslie and Ryan (and Charlie)

Congratulations on your High School Graduation We are very proud of you Andrew. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Berk

Congratulations on your high school graduation Andrew. It's an important milestone and you should be very proud. Good luck in all of your future endeavors! Love, Uncle Bobby, Aunt Jenny, Laurissa and Adam i

Dear Andrew, Congratulations! W e are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments and successes while you've been at KLHT! It seems like yesterday that we watched you as a boy in a tuck, fearlessly flying in the air, down Spring Sprung at Mt. Snow... never once slowing down... just going for it all the way! Today, you have matured into a brilliant, affectionate, caring and very funny young man. W e believe these traits will help carry you through life to reach all of your goals and aspirations. We know you will be a success in all your future endeavors and have much confidence that you will attain all that you wish for and more. Much love, joy and happiness now and in the future! Aunt Dana, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Steve Michael, Paul and Isabella





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We love you Jackson. Mom, Dad and Mae

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My wish for you Is that this life becomes All that you want it to I Your dreams stay big Your worries stay small You never need to carry More than you can hold And while you're out there Gettin where you're gettin to Hope you know somebody loves you And wants the same things too Rascal Flatts






W h en m om and dad don’t u n d e rs ta n d ^ sister alw ays will.

Sisters don’t need words. They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks-expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief. Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs- that can undermine any tale your telling. Love you, Britt, L & Sara

C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S JOHN! "It is a very funny thing about life-if you refuse to accept nothing but the best, you very often get it.� W. Somerset Maugham

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll Champions keep playing until they get it right. Billy Jean King

"Not all those who wander are lost." J.R.R.Tolkien The Lord o f the Rings

Courage is being scared to death — but saddling up anyway. John Wayne

Outside o f a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside o f a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So,throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. MarkTwain

The journey is the reward. Chinese Poverb

ALL OUR LOVE, DAD, MOM, WILL AND APOLLO Doctors and scientists said that breaking the fourminute mile was impossible, that one would die in the attempt. Thus, when I got up from the track after collapsing at the finish line, I figured I was dead. Roger Bannister (After becoming the first person to break the four-minute mile, 1952)

When you back off, it's easier to do mistakes. For me, it's better to ski fast. Bode Miller

Ryan, H ard to believe that our little b o y is graduating from high sch ool and headed o f f to college. Time h as gone b y much too q u ick ly.

You h ave overcom e numerous challenges arid have had to deal w ith too m any distractions these past few years~.m ore than m any eth ers could h ave handled. Through it a ll you h ave maintained, and im proved you r grades and h ave been a source o f strength for you r frien ds and fam ily. M ost im portan tly you h ave managed to keep sm iling through it all.

We a re so

proud o f you...m ore than you w ill ever know.

You can ach ieve anything that you choose to do. Just m ake sure th a t you h ave fun w hile you are chasing you r dream s.

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Congratulations! Mom, Dad, Jordan & Jamie

W ith abundant pride and infinite love~. Congratulations!!!!!! Mom, Grandma, Shelia, Marc and Migdalia

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W e are s o o o o o o o proud o f all you have a c h ie v e d ...a n d arouder of the person you nave becom e. Much Love, Mom, Dad and Kinsey. And all your Grandparents Aunts, Uncles and Cousins

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The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty 'pf thejr dreams

l U O l t 's so surreal to me that you are leaving for college; that you w o n 't be around to a n noy w henever I feel the need to; to sing G rease duels on the w a y to school, or just to be my best friend. I am not exactly sure as to h o w I'm g o in g to survive! But I know that you w ill be busy d o in g w h a t you d o best— m aking the p e ople around you happy w ith your smile and your contagious laughter. You are intelligent, beautiful, ca ring, talented, and I am so blessed to call you Big Sis. Love you alw ays, Kins



GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER Good luck Seniors ! The team will miss you

â–¡ear Ja ck , You have grown up ta be an am azing persnn. We Inve gnu s o . M nm and Dad Callie. Henrg and Annie

Natalie, We love you. Good luck and God bless Mom, Dad, Rich and Danielle

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What would you do if I sang out of tune. Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song And I'll try not to sing out of key. I get by with a little help from my friends. -The Beatles



We Are So Proud of Your Success, Follow What’s in Your Heart. We Love You So Much CONGRATULATIONS! Mom & The Family

Colin Marren (


C olin M arren w as an in telligen t, a th letic, and ch arism atic k id th a t influen ced our sm all K LH T com m unity, w hether it w as bein g th ejo k ester in cla ss or p itch in g on th e b a seba ll diam ond. H e had th e a b ility to w a lk in to a room and brighten up th e w hole crow d, even i f it w as exam w eek. H is a b ility to ta lk and rela te to everyb od y m akes it ea sy to understand w h y so m any fe lt th a t h e w as th eir b est frien d . H is sudden death w as tragic and s till w eighs h ea v ily on m any o f our h ea rts. We m iss him fo r a ll th e m em orable m om ents w e shared. W e w ill forev er h old a sp ecia l p la ce fo r C olin in our h ea rts.


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Letter From The Editors Ashley Alebiosu Jackson Cheerers, and Puthie Hubbard First and forem ost, w e would lik e to th a n k M s. Thieme fo r a ll that sh e has done fo r us. Thank you {or all you r guidance and support. We shared so m an y laughs and late afternoon chats w ith you and enjoyed getting to know you as a person as w ell as an advisor. We managed to g et a lot done and have fun a ll at the sam e time. We w ill m iss you so m uch n ext y e a r ju s t talking over a huge bag o f candy. Mr. Sinnott you did so much w ork on the cover and the dividers, taught us how to f i x photo resolution and so m uch more. We had a grea t tim e in y o u r room m any afternoons a fter school! you were so h elp fu l and alw ays w illin g to g ive us advice even when w e didnt ask. We learned grea t life lessons from y o u as a fa th er figure and as an E M T. We tru ly appreciate a ll the time you put in to make our yea rb ook successfu l! Sandon. ohhh Sandon ~ wow w hat would we have done without yod ? Your tech sa v v y sk ills w ere cru cial to our success! You never fa iled to resize a picture or figure something out w hen w e w ere to ta lly confused. We rea lly appreciate a ll the tim e you put in. Taylor the force behind th e sta ff. Without you r determination, a lot o f our efforts would have been in vain. You rea lly know how to bring it together. Your strong announcements at assem blies rea lly got the seniors moving. E ven w hen w e thought there w as no hope left, you helped get things done b y those deadlines. Catharine and Gaby th a n k y o u fo r everything you did! you alw ays agreed to sta y after school and helped w ith w h atever y o u could even beyond you r assigned section. Maggie and Caroline thanks fo r helping w ith senior quotations, senior superlatives, and in 2 0 yea rs. Nikkia thank you for being a trooper and h elping us figure out w ho a ll o f the kids w ere in the m ire o f club pictures. Thank you also to Safi Jacquie, Alexandra. Sabina, Tess, Cali Petula, Doug and Kevin fo r a ll o f your help. Thank y o u John Qua and Colin McQuilkin fo r the use o f you r cam eras - w e got some amazing photos w ith them ! Thank you to the parents w ho helped us get the pictures w e needed and a sp ecia l th an ks to the senior cla ss parents for their patience and support. Of course w e h a ve som e w ords o f wisdom to im part on our future generations o f yea rb ook creators. M ost im portantly h a ve fun w ith it be honest and STAY POSITIVE. W hile creating and submitting the book b e daring w ith th e tem plates, m ake sure you have people to ta ke pictures at ev ery school event, stick to y o u r deadlines, and sh a re the tasks so that th ey w ill get done qu icker. Be creative and try som ething new, sea rch the undiscovered territo ry (th a ts how w e found our best stuff), and m ake sure to alw ays ch eck y o u r quotations (NOT quotes). A lw ays b e prepared to have a q u ick run to Starbucks, go to C olony G rill fo r a source o f energy and have a yea rb ook sleepover - its a great bonding experien ce. Our la st w ords would b e that inspiration com es at random times, so keep you r eyes and mind open and searching. C ant stop the fa te o f 2 0 0 8 !


© Yuri K ochetkov/epa/C orbis







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R E U TE R S /E rik de C astro/Landov

As the w ar in Iraq passes the four-year mark, tours of duty are lengthened and recruitm ent standards are relaxed.

▼ To ease the m ortgage crisis, the U S. Senate passes legislation allowing hom eow ners with delinquent sub-prim e m ortgages to refinance into federally insured loans. ^ C h r is RankyBloom berg New s./Landov

UNDER FORECLOSURE HOME AUCTION! 4 Several cities in the southeastern U.S. are mere m onths away from running out of w ater as drought conditions persist in the region.

Six men are trapped w hen a Utah coal m ine collapses on August 6. Ten days later, the m ine collapses again, killing three rescue workers. After four w eeks the search ends.

► The U.S. Postal Service issues a forever stam p featuring an im age of the Liberty Bell. It will alw ays be valid for first class postage on envelopes weighing one ounce or less.


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Dunng televised debates, D em ocratic and Republican presidential candidates answ er tough questions subm itted by voters via YouTube.

▲ The Nobel Peace Prize is aw arded to form er Vice President Al Gore and the Intergovernm ental Panel on C lim ate C hange, represented by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, for their efforts to call attention to global warm ing.

▼ S chools across the nation are thoroughly disinfected— and som e are even shut d o w n — to quell outbreaks of staph infections, including antibioticresistant strains.

▼ D ozens of tornadoes tear across Tennessee, Arkansas, M ississippi, Kentucky and A labam a on February 5, 2008. killing nearly 60 people.

In late O ctober, G overnor Arnold S chw arzenegger declares a state of em ergency due to w ildfires that bum m ore than half a m illion acres in southern California.

Am erican consum ers lose their confidence in China's m anufacturers when children's toys tainted with lead trigger w idespread recalls. AfV The

A The Nintendo “W ii-nom enon" sweeps the nation

as the gam e console outplays the competition with sales of more than 13 million units.

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© T e d Soqui/Ted S oqui P hotography USA/C orbis

A W riters hit the picket lines and television production is halted for m onths when the W riters Guild of America goes on strike to protest com pensation policies for new media such as iTunes downloads.

AP PhohyDaVitf ZfllubuWBk1

► In Littleton, Colorado, construction is com pleted on the $1.5 million C olum bine M em orial to the 13 victim s of the 1999 shooting at C olum bine High School.

A On August 1, a six-lane I-35W bridge stretching across the Mississippi River in M inneapolis collapses into the river during the height of the afternoon rush hour.



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© Jose Fuste R aga/C orbis

^ People around the world cast m ore than 100 m illion online votes to determ ine the New Seven W onders of the W orld. The winning w onders are announced at a gala in Lisbon. ▼ More than 150 of the w orld's leading music acts perform in concerts staged around the world for Live Earth, a star-studded event to draw attention to the global clim ate crisis.

4 The One Laptop Per Child Foundation launches a lim ited-tim e “Give One, G et One" program to spur donations of XO $100 laptops to children in developing nations.

JEW EL S AM AD /A FP /G eU y Im ages

▼ Labour Party leader Gordon Brown succeeds Tony Blair as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Loon Noal/AFP/GoUy Images

▼ In Decem ber, Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto is assassinated following a political rally in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

The m elting of the Arctic Sea ice spurs an international network of clim ate scientists to conclude that global w arm ing is indisputable, and that human activity has been causing tem peratures to rise since 1950.

Tropical cyclone S idr is the deadliest storm to hit Bangladesh in a decade. It destroys thousands of homes, ruins crops and forces m ore than a million villagers to evacuate.

Getty Images

^ The digital smiley face celebrates its 25th birthday. Its inventor, Carnegie Mellon professor Scott E. Fahlman, first used the icon on an electronic bulletin board in 1982.

â–ź U.S. astronaut P eggy Whitson is the first female commander at the International Space Station.

Getty Images/Dorttng Kirtdersley

Using mice, biologists develop a method to reprogram ordinary skin cells into all-purpose i stem cells. This discovery K is likely to have a I positive impact on f t treatments for a R number of diseases.

Black bears make headlines in Utah, Wyom ing and New Mexico as park rangers and wilderness homeowners report raids on backpacks, tents, trash cans and even kitchens. ŠYuri Kochetkov/epa/Corbis Horowt

Crops are threatened when honeybee colonies in the U.S. and Europe suffer from Colony Collapse Disorder, losing up to 70 percent of their bees due to unknown causes. Getty Images/Science Faction

In a medical experiment, salmonella germs take a ride on the space shuttle. When they return to Earth, the germs are far more lethal than their earthbound counterparts.

-4 An excavation site in Argentina yields the fossilized remains of a previously unknown species of dinosaur, the Futalognkosaurus dukei, measuring more than 105 feet.


Lifestyle rhris Jackson/Getty Images

^ Social networking websites continue to surge in popularity. MySpace and Facebook remain dominant as the sites of choice for young people and inspire a host of innovative imitators. ▼ Concerns about overweight dogs and cats hit the headlines. Veterinarians prescribe a regimen of fewer treats, more walks around the neighborhood and no people food.

4 The healthy growth trend for vitamin waters and other nutrient-boosted consumables continues with the introduction of specialized formulas for immunity, focus and more.


Harrer/Bloomberg News/Landov

▼ User-generated content grows more popular as network television shows, mainstream musical acts and wannabe media stars join amateur home moviemakers on YouTube. One of the most-watched videos of 2007 features a feline pianist.

▼ Concerns over the environment and increasing energy costs create a growing consumer demand for energy-saving, long-lasting compact fluorescent light bulbs.

▼ The Apple iPhone, with its revolutionary touch screen, packs mobile phone, camera, iPod, W eb browser, email and IM capabilities into a sleek, portable package.

PA Photos/Landov

A Higher prices for coffee beans

Nora the Piano Oat™ ©2007 Alexander s Yowl

do not lessen the nation's craving for coffeehouses. Independents and chains alike continue to be popular with younger consumers.

.-m u * Cute and comfy baby doll jumper 1 tops and dresses with button straps start as a summer trend

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and morph into fall fashion layered over close-fitting sweaters and matching tights.


The A-line silhouette comes to outerwear, as swingy trapeze coats become one of the year’s most surprising fashion must-haves.

Fashion takes a look back to the 1980s with the return < of leg warmers, worn as an 1 accessory with short skirts or skinny jeans and fashionable ballet flats or moccasins. Quilted Vera Bradley handbags and totes sweep college campuses, sororities and high school hallways from coast to coast

4 Under Armor athletic apparel is a popular fashion choice for athletes both on and off the field.

► The ubiquitous, slouchy suede Ugg boot is reinvented with cozy knitted uppers that keep toes toasty and add a soft, tweedy, textured look to fall and winter ensembles.

REUTERS/Eric Thayer/Landov


hoodies that are worn alone or layered under jackets and blazers for an edgy, urban look.


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Stephon Marbury inspires a host of celebrities, including Sarah Jessica Parker and Venus Williams, to battle the high-priced fashion industry by creating their own affordable apparel.


The craze for oversized leather bags— in metallic shades of copper, silver and gold— inspires a trend for matching footwear in daytime and nighttime looks.


▼ The music video game Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rook is released with a soundtrack of 71 playable songs. Slash and other real-life guitarists appear as in-game characters.

T The music video game Rock Band is released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Players perform together in virtual bands, using peripherals to hit notes as they scroll onscreen.

NEW WIRELEi I Even after lonelygirll5 is revealed as a fictitious character, her popular storyline continues for a full season as an Internet dramedy series on YouTube and MySpace.

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Adam Berry/Bloomberg News/Landov

▼ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final book in the enormously popular series, is released. Its first U.S. print run is a record-breaking 12 million copies.

▼ After a two-year format war, Toshiba pulls its HD DVD product out of contention, leaving Sony Blu-ray as the sole next-generation successor to DVD. M

A Large-scale multiplayer online gaming gives rise to virtual worlds where players interact via avatars and the computer-generated environment is similar to the real world.

Beading makes a comeback as a way to relax and creatively spend time with friends.

Television | T The second season of

T In the 36th season of CB S's


N B C's Heroes continues the adventures of ordinary people with extraordinary powers and reveals more about the shadowy dealings of ‘T h e Company."

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Bill Records/^

The Price Is Right, host Bob Barker retires and comedian Drew Carey takes over the helm at the world’s second-longestrunning game show.



High School Musical 2 becomes the highest-rated cable broadcast in the nation’s history when 17.2 million U.S. viewers tune in to the Disney Channel for its debut. H rIIlion /"

IO il1./courtesy t v o u

The NBC drama series Friday Night Lights, about a fictional high school football team, is taped documentary-style, without rehearsals, to give it a more authentic feeling. ll <.»»IU•• lio n

The CW/KC Bailoy/Larw


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^ On The CW , Blake Lively portrays socialite teen Serena van der Woodsen in Gossip Girl, a drama series that follows the lives of prep school students from New York's Upper East Side. ► America Ferrera, who plays Betty Suarez on the popular A B C comedy-drama Ugly Betty, is the first Latina to win the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Com edy Series.

A B C 's Dancing with the Stars rules the ratings thanks to popular celebrity participants such as Sabrina Bryan of The Cheetah Girls.

Favorite T V Shows:

▼ A 90-minute episode of The Simpsons takes six years to make. The Simpsons Movie finally makes its big-screen debut and is a major hit.

Movie ▼ Shia LaBeouf portrays a teenager who is plunged into a high-tech battle between good and evil alien robots in Transformers, a live action adaptation of the 1980s cartoon series.

Atonement receives seven Golden Globe nominations, including lead acting nods for Keira Knightley and Jam es McAvoy.

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▼ The Great Debaters, based on the real-life victories of a black debate team in the 1930s, receives eight N A A C P Image Award nominations.

► Disney's National

Treasure: Book of Secrets nets the third-highest box-office total ever for a Christmas weekend release.

© Walt Disney Pidures/courtesy Everett Collection

Disturbia, a surprise hit thriller about a bored teenager under house arrest who thinks his next-door neighbor may be a notorious serial killer, spends three weeks at the top of the box office. Joel and Ethan Coen write and direct No Country for Old Men, a film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's bleak, moody modern western novel. The film receives eight Oscar nominations.

© Universal Pictures/courtesy Everett Collection

' I n I Am Legend, Will Smith is the last man alive in New York, after a man-made virus wipes out most of the world's population and turns the survivors into dangerous mutants.

Starring Zac Efron, Amanda Bynes and newcomer Nikki Blonsky, Hairspray is a zany musical based on the Broadway smash hit.

Best Picture Oscar Nominations


Atonement Juno Michael Clayton No Country for Old Men There Will Be Blood A Matt Damon reprises his role as amnesiac C IA assassin Jason Bourne for The Bourne Ultimatum, the third film in the Bourne trilogy based on Robert Ludlum’s novels.

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©Warner Bros/courtesy Everett Collection

4 After a 19-year hiatus, Harrison Ford returns as Steven Spielberg's adventurous archaeologist in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. iWork LLC

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A Tim Burton directs and Johnny Depp stars as the title character in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, an adaptation of the hit Broadway musical.



▲ Using a combination of live action and animation, Enchanted tells the story of Giselle, a fairy-tale character seeking a "happily ever after” ending in modern-day Manhattan.

▼ Fergie continues to place singles from her triple-platinum solo album, The Dutchess, on the Billboard charts. 0'ivo M Hem'll G olly Imarji

▼ Fall Out B oy headlines the Honda Civic tour, performs at Live Earth concerts and reaches the top of the charts with the release of their album Infinity on High. AF* Photo/.lim Cooper

◄ British singer Am y Winehouse brings back the beehive and I wins five Grammy [ awards for her work | on Back To Black. i

Robert Pitts/Landov AP Photo/Peler Kramer

▼ Canadian pop singer Feist enjoys soaring sales for her third solo album, The Reminder, after the single "1234” is featured in a commercial for the iPod nano.

▼ Newcomer Sean Kingston tops the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and Pop 100 with “Beautiful G irls,” his first single from his self-titled debut album.

Rihanna records her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad, featuring J a y -Z and Ne-Yo. She receives six Grammy nominations.


Malibu singer-songwriter Colbie Caillat rises to stardom from MySpace. Her song “Bubbly” garners more than 31 million plays and her CD goes platinum.

▼ Carrie Underwood releases her double-platinum second album, Carnival Ride, and contributes the Oscar-nominated song “Ever Ever After" to the soundtrack for the movie Enchanted.

▼ Country star Kenny Chesney releases his 13th album, Just

Who I Am: Poets & Pirates. His Flip Flop summer tour is the highest-grossing country tour of 2007.

A After facing off at the M TV Music Awards, rapper rivals Kanye W est and 50 Cent release albums on September 11 and vie for top sales. Kanye’s Graduation is the victor.

A Hip-hop artist T-Pain releases his second album, Epiphany. The album receives four 2008 Grammy nominations and the Vibe 2007 Song of the Year Award.

◄ Soulja Boy reaches the top of the Billboard Hot 100 with the single “Crank That (Soulja Boy)” and his distinctive, loose-limbed dance style becomes a nationwide craze.

IN/ RAIN 4 Radiohead invites listeners and fans to pay whatever they want . for a digital download of their | highly acclaimed seventh album, ■ In Rainbows. A “discbox" edition, ■ with standard CD and vinyl LP, ■ is released in January 2008.

A Punk-pop princess Avril Lavigne releases her third album, The Best Damn Thing, featuring “Girlfriend," her first No.1 single on the Billboard Top 100.

▼ The American League Champion Boston Red Sox defeat the National League Champion Colorado Rockies in a decisive four-game sweep to capture their second World Series title in four years.

Sports ▼ Tiger W oods achieves his record 14th World Golf Championships win at the W GC-Bridgestone Invitational and claims his 60th P G A Tour win at the BMW Championship.

I Norwegian golfer Suzann Pettersen wins five L P G A events including her first major championship in a break out season.


led by Tim Duncan, beat the Cleveland Cavaliers and their young phenom, LeBron James, in a 4-0 sweep to win the 2007 NBA finals.


Rich Ptlllng/MLB Photos via Getty Images

Chris Graythen/Getty Images

▼ The veteran San Antonio Spurs,

T Former Senator George Mitchell releases a list of Major League Baseball players, including seven M VPs and 31 All-Stars, under investigation for illegal use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.

A t X-G am es 13, Ricky Carmichael wins the first MotoX Racing Circuit, Simon Tabron does back-to-back 900s in BM X Vert and Jake Brown survives a 40-foot fall. B D. Garrabrant/NBAE/Getty Images

▲ The LSU Tigers pounce on Ohio State early on their way to a 38-24 victory. LSU is the first two-loss team to compete for and win the B C S National Championship.


AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

▼ California native Jimmie Johnson speeds to victory as the 2007 N A S C A R Nextel C u p Champion, defeating his Hendrick Motorsports teammate Jeff G ordon by 77 points.

▼ Th e Anaheim Ducks claim their first Stanley Cup, beating the Ottawa Senators in five games for the 2007 N H L championship.


▲ Athletes from around the world train for the 2008 Summer Olym pics in Beijing as the city prepares for the arrival of hundreds of competitors and millions of spectators. © Robert Lesieur/Reuters/Corbis

Super Bowl XLII M VP Eli Manning leads the New York Giants on a last-minute scoring drive to upset the heavily favored New England Patriots 17-14, shattering the Patriots’ bid for a perfect 19-0 season.

>4 Belgian Justine Henin defeats Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-1,6-3 to win her second U.S. Open title in New York.

▲ Power hitters Barry Bonds, Frank Thomas, Alex “A-R od" Rodriguez, Craig Biggio and Jim Thome all achieve home run milestones in their Major League Baseball careers.

► Brett Favre of the Green Bay Packers surpasses Dan Marino’s touchdown pass record with number 422.2007 NFL MVP Tom Brady of the New England Patriots sets the single regular-season mark for touchdown passes with 50.

Faces Election ’08 Candidates After Super Tuesday primaries on February 5, 2008, the presidential race heats up among frontrunners Hillary Clinton, Mike Huckabee, John McCain and Barack Obama

Hillary Rodham Clinton

► Entertainment Weekly names J.K . Rowling— author of the seven-volume, 4,100-page Harry Potter series of best-selling children's books— as its Entertainer of the Year.

Mike Huckabee


A Heartthrob Zac Efron, who came to fame with his performance in the first High School Musical, becomes an even bigger teen star with the release of High School Musical 2. ► The Best of Both Worlds tour, starring Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, sells out in every city, prompting ticket lotteries, heartbroken fans and scalping scandals. John McCain

Barack Obama UPI Photo/Sylvain Gaboury/Landov

▼ In January 2008, Academy Award-nominated actor Heath Ledger, 28, is found dead in his Lower Manhattan apartment from an accidental overdose of prescription medication.

B a r r e t t /L a n d o v

▼ At London's Wem bley Stadium, Princes William and Harry host the Concert for Diana to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of their mother, the Princess of Wales.

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A A s Izzie Stevens on A B C 's Grey's Anatomy, Katherine Heigl is a small-screen star. A s Anne Fletcher in the comedy 27 Dresses, she conquers the big screen as well.

A Multi-talented star Queen Latifah becomes the latest spokeswoman for Jenny Craig. Her message isn't about getting skinny, but about losing weight to reduce the risk of T yp e 2 diabetes. S ARND WIEGMANN/Reuters/Corbis

jo ste n s PA Photos/Landov

©2008 Jostens, Inc. 07-0973 (1910)




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.