King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2010

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2 ........King Mission Statement o //<ยง 3 ....... Thomas Main . v ^ ^ 4 ....... Theme Explanation 5 ........Dedication 6 ........Simon House & Administration 8.........All School Departments 12.......Lower School 46.......Middle School 100.....Upper School 102.....Upper School Faculty 112.....Freshmen 120.....Sophomores 128.....Juniors 136.....Sports 178.....Events 198.....Arts 210.....Clubs 222.....Seniors 324.....Senior Parent Ads 384.....Staff & Letter from the Editor

W Mission Statement J

KingLow Heywood Thomas (King) is an independent, college preparatory school serving students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. King is a diverse, vibrant learning community dedicated to educational excellence and the fullest academic and personal achievement of our students.

We champion the development of each individual's talents, character, and selfconfidence by offering students challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership and service opportunities. King's culture of respect for one's self and for others promotes independence and collaboration. King graduates are well prepared to pursue lives of learning and accomplishment, personal fulfillment and social responsibility.

ThomasMam Head ofSchool

The theme for this yearbook, Superstars, could well be an appropriate theme for every yearbook. King is a school that is filled with motivated and talented individuals, each of them developing and making contributions in meaningful ways. This year, several of our students have been incredibly successful and highly visible athletes, and we have athletes that are equally as impressive participating in sports that are less televised. This year, we had some wonderfully talented musicians entertain us from the stage, and there are so many gifted musicians that occupy less audible roles in our program. We have incredibly committed students that have led com munity service efforts, and we have students that are involved in substantive service outside of our community. We have elected student leaders that serve with commitment and integrity, and we have quiet leaders that are moral and ethical forces in the student body. What is most evident to me this year more than other years is that every one of our students has the opportunity to be a Superstar, to be highly successful in the ways and forms that are im portant to him or her. Some of these individuals appear regularly on the front page of the newspaper, and some move quietly through the hallways. Each is focused on being his or her best as a student, a thinking person, a com munity citizen, an artist, and an athlete. I feel quite fortunate that this senior class, these 69 Superstars have graced our institution, contributing to the growth, developm ent and success of our school. We are all sure that they will continue to succeed and that we'll be hearing from these Superstars in the future.

Each and every one of us has a special talent. Whether it be in the classroom, on the field, or on the stage, we all have something that makes each of us shine in our own way. Through commitment to excellence and service, King encourages every individual to think of our place in the community and how we can improve it. The faculty and staff inspire us to take risks and challenge us to expand our strengths. Reaching for the stars and beyond is what makes us strive to be the best we can be. That is why we are all King superstars.

To e a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, ir that is when the stars shine brightest."


The Class of 2010 dedicates this yearbook to a teacher whose dedication to the spirit and culture of our school can be felt from the classroom to clubs and activities. There isn't a place on the King campus that hasn't been m ade better for her tireless and creative contributions. Year after year, she can be seen at the Pep Rally, helping to organize singers and athletes. She is on the sidelines on Homecoming Day, making sure everything is arranged just right. She is the advisor to m any clubs that heighten our social awareness and call us to service. For over a decade, she has slept in a cardboard box in the courtyard w ith her Literature of Social Reflection classes. There is no project too big for her to handle and no need too small to get her full attention and care. She truly exemplifies the spirit of our King community. She has been there for us for the past four years, and she will be w ith us right to the end, from Senior Parents' N ight to Splice to Commencement. W ith thanks, appreciation and affection, the Class of 2010 is proud to dedicate this yearbook to

M rs. Cathy Mishkin.

Simon House Assistant to the Head of School Judy Valentine

Dean of Community Affairs Lynn Sullivan

Dean of Faculty Alex Weiner

Administration Business Office Elda Taylor, Pam Pitasi, Kim Leeker, Angela Carey, Cornelia Jones, Jerry Rodriguez

Advancement Office Sara Fludd, Deb Doornick, Bill Ennist, Beverly Catchpole, Mike Little Missing: Tim Sinnott

Admissions Office Scott Carson, Carrie Salvatore, Merrill Shafer, Lee Couch

Technology Bill Waldman, Timothy Sinnott, Dave Sheehan, Rob Cadwallader

Dining Renzo Estrella, Rosa DiBattista, Lynn Appleby, Jennie Loglisci, Lelio Jr. Vieux, Kathy Guzman, Francisco Sanchez, Maria Arrizo, Martin Ixpango

Athletics Tom Decker, Mark MeAndrews, Karen Celia, Analia Pizzi, Jason Bouton, Dan Gouin

Maintenance John Zatorsky, Griff Titus, Carlos Escalante, Kevin Scott, Doug Johnson, Antonio Perrera


Discovering O ur Talents

Lower School..

Mark Bauman Head of Lower School

Meryl Aronin Learning Consultant

Lori Auletta Art

Carolyn Gallagher Library Media Specialist

Rosemary Gallagher Learning Consultant

Ana Galllegos Spanish

Dan Gouin Assistant Athletic Director: Lower School

Terry Hess Music

Kathy Lazarus Nurse

Karen Lyons Dir. of Assessment and Instruction Gr. 2-6

Mark McAndrews Physical Education

Karen Raidt Dir. of Assessment and Instruction Gr. Prek-3

Robin Ordan Couselor

Allyson Schweig Chair of the Dept, of Educational Technology

Elisabeth Pavlofsky Science

Linda Young Nurse

Analia Pizzi Physical Education

Patricia Green and Jeanine Haberny Lower School Administrative Assistants


Haley Bembridge

Kameron Borden

Jonathan Couch

Jonathan Decker

Gabriela Defelice

Jaxson Doornick

William Goater

Bliss Gooding

Ariana Hagani

Emma O'Connor

Lucas Pia

Gordon Prescott

James Raidt

Mary Roth

Harry Weisman


Cogan Lawler

Mariana McOsker

Jonah Savitz

Justin Wu

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Jamison Munno

Rosanna Parry

John Rothfuss



Eleanor Goudie

Ronald Harvey

Jack Holtz

Michael Jemiolo

Rebecca Laramie

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First Grade

Rebecca Degter

Tyler Dozier

Harrison Feinberg

Lily Gooding

Jack Grills

Olivia Iudicone

Robert Jacobs

Marina Malin

Alexandra Pastushan

Dylan Ross

Edith Roth

Anthony Sampson

Graham Schwartz

Tejas Vermani

Christopher Ward L

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First Grade

Sarah Ann Kadlick

Thomas Kelly

Alisa Kukharkin

Jason Loeb

Ian Marsh

Marley McCarthy

Owen Pritchard

Emma Riley

Natalie Lombardo

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Second Grade

Mrs. Laramie

Kaelin Main

Caroline McDermott

Ethan McOsker

Katherine Tifford

Allison Triano

Emma Whaley

Grace O'Connor

Henry Pohle

Second Grade

Mrs. McNulty

Caleb Benkwilt

Georgia Decker

Amanda Hall

Jacie Levethan

Dylan McMorrow

Anisha Menath

Patrick O' Keeffe Raidt

Gwyneth Rothman

Nicole Schlesinger

Alec Sherman

Justin Silver




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Third Grade

Tristan Golden

Carli Levethan

Christian Lombardo

Anne Michalski

Samuel Rabassa

Julia Salvatore

Jacob Savitz

Ashley Xu

Sarah Molloy

John Paul Mella

Third Grade

Hannah Berrick

Graham Dehow

Caroline Eagleton

Mallory Ehlers

Alexander Holtz

Dean Pigott

Jack Reilly

James Ross

Elena Teeter

Amelia Whiteley



Mrs. Eagleton

George Catchpole

Olivia De Chiara

Elena Gribelyuk

Austin Hanley

Christopher Joyce

Rachel Kadlick

Piper Loglisci

William Morrill

Elizabeth Pohle

Henry Propper

Maximillian Rigby-Hall

Sophia Savitz

Kaela Thomson

Jason Tifford

Robert Welt


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Fourth Grade

Kelly Conheeney

Stephanie Costabile

Elijah Dozier

Liliana Gordon

Jack Norman-Shapter

Sebastian Parry

Andrew Pohle

Abigail Price

Katherine Riley

Hayley Salvatore

Regina Simon Cullen

William Tellini

Alison Wheeler

Sean Yu

Fifth Grade

Mrs. Henderson

Owen Bass

Spencer Gold

Sydney Gubner

Edward Lopez-Wortman

Alex Schlesinger

Karl Zoubek

Fifth Grade

Luke Cuticelli

Colten Katcher

Matthew McNulty

James Michalski

Andrew Morris

Logan Pia

Elizabeth Sander

Colton Saunders

Suzanne Savage

Aaron Schur


Elisabeth Sciolla

Isabella Thilmany

Fifth Grade

Alexander Amero

Declan Fine

Peter Green

Kayla Lichtman

Adele McGoran

Flynn McMorrow

Alexander Mella

James Pritchard

Jonathan Richter

Brandon Ross

Rachel Sherman

Carolyn Valenti







King Has Talent







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is ajourney with many different paths TheRoadNot Taken by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood\ A n d sorry 1 could not travel both A n d be one traveler, long I stood A n d looked down one as far as 1 could To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as ju s t as fair, A n d having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there H ad worn them really about the same,

A n d both that m orning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. O h, I kept the f t s t for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted i f I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh Som ewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I~ I took the one less traveled by, A n d that has made all the difference

Bobby Walker, Jr. Head of Middle School

Jennifer Guevara Middle School Counselor

Pat Doering Middle School Academic Dean

Claudia Segneri Middle School Director of Assessment & Instruction

Elizabeth Blanchard English

John Faig Math / Technology

Megan Harris History

Carol Brown Math

Cheryl Greene Assistant to Elead of Middle School

Stacy Homicki Dance

Brian Coughlan Math

Katherine Hale Math

Laura Lescano Spanish

Ken Lewis History

Nadia McGoran French

Stephanie Park Choir / Drama

Gary Parr History

Lois Rinaldi English

Christine Sander Science

Garrett Mendez Band

Karina Pleitez Spanish

Grace Rodriguez Admin Assistant

Michelle Sibrizzi Science

Tung Tran Science

Katie Tobin Art

Deanna Supple English

Rose Weldon Science

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FIRST ROW: Suzanne Savage, Eva Johnson, Jenna Della Jacono, Caroline Benjamin, SECOND ROW: Kayla Lichtman, Charlotte Orenstein, Regan Wind, Natalie Wind, Isabella Sapio, Adele McGoran, Callie Valente, THIRD ROW: Susie Moore, Jana O'Donnell, Molly McQuilkin, Julianna Savitz, Allaa Abdelsaid, Sydney Gubner, Stephanie Achoa, MacKenzie Allen, Coach Mangion, BACK ROW: Sabrina Sampson, Allana Galloway, Ryan Correa, Katie Abbott, Olivia Sullivan, Chace Bullard, Kayonne Markes, Elisabeth Sciolla, Coach Celia

FIRST ROW: Brad Kaptinski, Spencer Gold, Mark Brady, Drew Morris, Jack Coughlin, Logan Pia, Aaron Schur, M att McNulty, SECOND ROW: Matt Chicoye, Karl Zoubek, Jon Richter, Eddie Lopez-W ortman, Tee Debow, Graham Henderson, Nick Pere, Xander Amero, THIRD ROW: Matt Conley, Zach Goligoski, Conner Howe, Luke Curticelli, Daniel Berger, Josh Parry, Colton Saunders, Alex Fleischman, Coach Bruno, Coach Smith, Coach Silva


FRONT ROW: Samantha Gallant, Elizabet Sander, SECOND ROW: Anna Harvey, Kate Charcalis, Haley Truglia, Molly Eagleton, Rebecca Silberfein, THIRD ROW: Coach Supple, Rachel Sherman, Ellie Wallace, Samantha Ehlers, Alexandra Rabassa, Maggie Valenti, Idalis Figueroa, Maya Lopatynsky, Coach Pizzi



FRONT ROW: Luke Stone, Greg Lopatynsky, Luke Pritchard, Alex Schlesinger, Brandon Ross, James Michalaski, Owen Bass, Joseph Benati, Jack Lineberry, SECOND ROW: Emilio Loret de Mola, Peter Green, Conrad Lindenberg, Will Nellis, John Harrington, Jack Wheeler, Flynn McMorrow, Declan Fine, Thomas McCaffery, Liam Quigley, THIRD ROW: Charlie Dill, Scott Perlman, Tyler Holtz, Dylan McDermid, George Peele, Bradley Galvin, Jack Quagliarello, Henry Griffin, Kolten Katcher, Alex Mella, FOURTH ROW: Coach Coughlan, Coach Me Andrews, Coach Gouin

FRONT ROW: Stardejah Garcia, Anne Love, Sienna Velasco, Keli Reyes, MIDDLE ROW: Coach Mendez, Samantha Frisoli, Isabel Bareiss, Mariel Berger, Lindsay Levethan, Jenny Goodgal, Coach Tran, BACK ROW: Hannah Hu, Haleigh Levethan, Amelia Griffin, Francis Jay, Isabelle Lahaussois, Hanna Galvin

FRONT ROW: Katheryn McNulty, Helen Paglia, Dylan Ziegelbaum, Lauren Futter, Nicole Tellini, Paige Voigt, BACK ROW: Maisie Heine, Emily Nixon, Noelle Deponte, Caroline Ryan, Sam Shaw, Coach Guavera, Coach Shay

FRONT ROW: Marc Skolnick, Luke Pritchard, Mathew Molinaro, Nolan Murray, Like Price, Tommy Conheeney, William Propper, SECOND ROW: Stephen Connor, Patrick Corcoran, James Conheeney, Jason Gallant, John Fiorito, John Tooher, David Sheets, THIRD ROW: Brendan Hanley, Tucker Gouin, Davis Nixon, Ethan Thomson, Diego Trevino, Chris Pia, John Campuzano, TOP ROW: Austin Formato, Vincent Promuto, Jack Wheeler, Jason Gubner, Julian Noujaim, George Jay, Ryan Main

FRONT ROW: Annie Tully, Ana Gordon, Kate Hirsch, Campbell Ritchey, Alyssa Meyer, Olivia Savitz, SECOND ROW: Maya Chandra, Lauren Martin, Jordan Farber, Emma Snover, Julia Crawford, Alexandra Garrigues, Sarah Whaley, TOP ROW: Coach Coughlan, Jackie Xu, Ali Weiner, Lauren Hyland, Schyler Murray, Ariana Yepez, Coach Mangion

FRONT ROW: Jeremy Benjamin,Thomas Catenacci, Alex Benjamin, Nick Smith, Mahesh Raman, A nddrew Savage,Austin Cieszko. SECOND ROW: Conrad Mera, Henry Catchpole, James Quigley, Alex Currie, Eli Hanover, Daniel Driscoll, Robbie Balloch, Jake Morris. THIRD ROW: Coach Silva, Daniel Berrick, Eli Lichtman, Alex Streich, Drew Gold, Christian Deschapell, John Mcdermott, Jered Mclnerney, Josh Silberfein.

FRONT ROW: Ali Futter, Annie Del Genio, John Campuzano, Evan Schwartz, Joey Chimes, BACK ROW: Alfred Gonzalez, Meredith Wallace, Charlie Shotton, Dennis Joyce, Gerard Pozzi, Coach Faig

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FRONT ROW: Mattt McNulty, Brad Kaptinski, Logan Pia, Xander Amero, Alex Schlesinger, BACK ROW: Colten Sanders, James Michalski, Peter Green, Josh Parry, Colton Katcher, Tyler Holtz, Coach Gouin

FIRST ROW: Tee DeBow, Spencer Gold, Aaron Schur, Owen Bass, Joe Benanti, SECOND ROW: Connor Howe, Karl Zoubek, Neil Pere, Luke Cuticelli, Brandon Ross, THIRD ROW: Emilio Loret de Mola, Zach Goligoski, Coach Brennan

FIRST ROW: Jenna Dello Jacono, Natalie Wind, SECOND ROW: Sabrina Sampson, Lauren Gimpel, Regan Wind, THIRD ROW: Kayonne Markes, Ryan Carrera, Alex Rabassa, Elizabeth Sciola, Coach Celia

FIRST ROW: Samantha Gallant, Bella Sapio, SECOND ROW: Stephanie Achoa, Mackenzie Allen, Julianna Savitz, Charlotte Orenstein, THIRD ROW: Sydney Gubner, Molly McQuilkin, Alana Galloway, Olivia Sullivan, Coach Mangion

FIRST ROW: Caroline Benjamin, Susie Moore, SECOND ROW: Maya Lopatynsky, Callie Valenti, Kayla Lichtman, Rachel Sherman, THIRD ROW: Chase Bullard, Samantha Ehlers, Katie Abbott, Allaa Abdelsaid, Coach Decker

FIRST ROW: Elbe Wallace, William Nellis, Edward Lopez-Wortman, Hailey Truglia, SECOND ROW: Matt Chicoye, Matt Connolly, Henry Griffin, Coach Pizzi

FIRST ROW: Brendan Hanley, Josh Silberfein, Alex Curry, A ndrew Savage, SECOND ROW: Michael Hart, Gerard Pozzi, Henry Bray, Nick Smith, Coach Faig

FIRST ROW: Olivia Savitz, Keli Reyes, Maura Welt, Annie Tully, SECOND ROW: Ali Weiner, Alyssa Meyers, Sarah Whaley, Merial Berger, THIRD ROW: Madeline Mauboussin, Coach Sabia, Ariana Yepez

FIRST ROW: Kate Hirsch, Ali Carvahlo, Annie Del Genio, Campbell Ritchey, Emily Nixon, SECOND ROW: Lauren Hyland, Emma Snover, Lauren Martin, Jakie Xu, Jordan Farber, Alexandra Garrigues, THIRD ROW: Coach Ciughlin, Gigi Boehringer, Sam Shaw, Schyler Murray, Helen Paglia, Olivia Reyes

FIRST ROW: Eli Hanover, Daniel Dricoll, John Fiorito, Jeremy Benjamin, Alex Benjamin, John Tooher, Steven Connor, SECOND ROW: Drew Gold, Christian DeChapelles, David Sheets, Tommy Conheeney, James Conheeney, Davis Nixon, James Quigley, THIRD ROW: Alex Streich, Austin Formato, Jack Blattman, Alex Britton, Dennis Joyce, Julien Noujaim, Coach Tran, FOURTH ROW: Coach Brennan, Eli Lichtman, Paul W hittingham, Jacob Gubner, Nick Della Jacono, Coach Harris


FIRST ROW: Thomas McCaffery, John Harrington, Greg Lopatynsky, Jack Coughlin, Luke Stone, SECOND ROW: Flynn McMorrow, Scott Perlman, Dylan McDermid, George Peele, Jack Quagliarello, Coach Flarris


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FIRST ROW: Luke Price, Sienna Valesco, Maya Chandra, Mahesh Raman, Austin Cieszko, Henry Catchpole, SECOND ROW: Charlie Cooper, Alfred Gonzalez, Charlie Shotton, Evan Schwartz, Tucker Gouin, Condra Mera, THIRD ROW: Chris Pia, Skyler Grunberg, Ryan Main, Daniel Berrick, George Jay, Coach Gouin


FIRST ROW: Mark Brady, Jonathan Richter, Charles Dill, Daniel Berger, SECOND ROW: Adele McGoran, Suzanne Savage, Isabella Thilmany, Jana O'Donnell, Anna Harvey, Katie Charcalis, Maggie Valenti, Rebecca Silberfein, Eva Johnson, Coach Houseknecht

FIRST ROW: John Campuzano, Patrick Corcoran, SECOND ROW: Nolan Murray, Luke Pritchard, Jake Morris, Thomas Catenacci, Mark Skolnick, Lauren Futter, THIRD ROW: Coach Me Andrews, Ethan Thomson, Diego Trevino, Page Voight, Greg Galvin, Jack Wheeler, Mason Propper, Coach Grady, Coach Silva

FIRST ROW: James Pritchard, Drew Morris, Declan Fine, Graham Henderson, Jack Lineberry, SECOND ROW: Bradley Galvin, Charlie Wheeler, Condard Lindenberg, Alex Mella, Liam Quigley, Alex Fleischman, THIRD ROW: Coach Smith, Coach Silva, Coach McAndrews

FIRST ROW: Julia Crawford, Katie McNulty, Sam Frisoli, Isabel Bareiss, Francesca Cara, H annah Hu, Anne Love. SECOND ROW: Isabelle Lahaussois, Ali Futter, Dylan Ziegelbaum, Nicole Tellini, Lindsay Levethan, Jenny Goodgal, THIRD ROW: Ana Gordon, Frances Jay, Maisie Heine, Caroline Ryan, Amelia Griffin, Star Garcia, Noelle DePonte, Haleigh Levethan


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Katherine Abbott Allaa Abdelsaid Mackenzie Allen Joseph Benanti

Daniel Berger Mark Brady Mattieu Chicoye M atthew Conley

Ryan Correa Nicholas Couch Jack Coughlin Jenna Della Jacono

Charles Dill Molly Eagleton Idalis Figueroa Alex Fleischman

Alana Galloway Bradley Galvin Fauren Gimpel Zachary Goligoski

Henry Griffin John Harrington Anna Harvey Graham Henderson

Tyler Holtz Edward Howe Evalise Johnson Bradford Kaptinski

Conrad Lindenberg John Lineberry Gregory Lopatynsky Maya Lopatynsky

Emillio Loret de Mola Kayonne Markes Thomas McCaffery Dylan McDermid

Molly McQuilkin Susan Moore William Nellis Jana O'Donnell

Charlotte Orenstein Joshua Parry George Peele Neil Pere

Scott Perlman Jack Quagliarello Liam Quigley Alexandria Rabassa

Sabrina Sampson Isabella Sapio Julianna Savitz Rebecca Silberfein

Luke Stone Olivia Sullivan Haley Truglia Margaret Valenti

Eleanor Wallace Charles Wheeler Natalie Wind Regan Wind


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Luke Amero Isabel Bareiss Jeremy Benjamin Mariel Berger

Henry Bray John Cam puzano Henry Catchpole Thomas Catenacci

Maya Chandra Joseph Chimes Austin Cieszko James Conheeney

Thomas Conheeney Stephan Connor Julia Crawford Alexander Currie

Alison Futter Lauren Futter Gregory Galvin Stardajah Garcia

Jenny Goodgal Tucker Gouin Jacob Gubner Kate Hirsch

Hannah Hu Lauren Hyland Frances Jay Isabelle Lahaussois

Lindsay Levethan Anne Love Madeline Mauboussin John McDermott

Katheryn McNulty Conrad Mera Alyssa Meyers Matthew Molinaro

Jake Morris Nolan Murray Davis Nixon Emily Nixon

Julien Noujaim Christopher Pia Luke Price Luke Pritchard

William Propper Mahesh Raman Keli Reyes Victoria Rigby-Hall

Andrew Savage Olivia Savitz Marc Skolnick Nicholas Smith

Ethan Thomson James Tooher Anne Tully Sienna Velasco

Allison Weiner Maura Welt Sarah Whaley Ariana Yepez

Robert Balloch Alexander Benjamin Daniel Berrick Jack Blattman

Gillian Boehringer Alexander Britton Francesca Cara Alison Carvalho

Charles Cooper Patrick Corcoran Erin Crutchley Ann Del Genio

Nicholas Della Jacono Noelle DePonte Christian Deschapelles Daniel Driscoll

Noelle Edwards Jordan Farber John Fiorito Augustino Formato

Samantha Frisoli Jason Gallant Hanna Galvin Alexandra Garrigues

Andrew Gold Alfred Gonzalez Ana Gordon Amelia Griffin

Skyler Grunberg Brendan Hanley Eli Hanover Michael Hart

Maisie Heine George Jay Dennis Joyce Olivia Katcher

Haleigh Levethan Eli Lichtman Ryan Main Lauren Martin

Jered Mclnerney Schyler Murray Helen Paglia Gerard Pozzi

Vincent Promuto James Quigley Olivia Reyes Campbell Ritchey

Caroline Ryan Evan Schwartz Samantha Shaw David Sheets

Charles Shotton Joshua Silberfein Emma Snover Alexander Streich

Nicole Tellini Diego Trevino Paige Voigt M eredith Wallace



Head of UpperSchool Mamie Sadlowsky

A ssistant Head

of UpperSchool Karin Wagner

Leslie Bruzik

Bonnie Querze

Terry Murphy (11) Megan Edwards (9) Peter Newcomb (10) Connie Nichols (12)

Becky Rabassa

Library Media {^Technology Specialist | Jeri Hurd

D irector of A ssessm ent 6CInstruction

Anne Moriarty

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Bill Pusack, Bill Wallace, Brett Ford Victoria Khiznichenko, Brynnen Hahn, Kimberly Lowinger

Stuart Marsh, Cathy Mishkin, Gary Schpero, Christos Galanopoulos, Peter Newcomb, Megan Edwards, John Chiavaroli

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Erik Mortenson, Alex Merrill, Aryn Marsh, Carolyn Patten, Jeri Hurd, Helen Kweskin, Alex Weiner

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Rose Weldon, Gary Caputi, Ken Melmed, Drew Schoudel Priscilla Pusack, Kimberly Lowinger, Zhanna Williams

Francisco Gracia, Christina Tang, Margie Farrell, Gilles Chosson, Paola Grant, Marion Haymann, Thomas Zoubek

VisualA rts Terry Murphy, Connie Nichols, Timothy Sinnott jK i

Stacy Homicki, Garrett Mendez, Jackie Martino, Amy Darnton

Michelle Sotire, Dave Bonner, Candace Cushing



Mr. Pusack & Mrs. Cushing

Mrs. Pusack & Mrs. Williams

Most likely to give a pop quiz Dr. Khiznichenko & Mr. Wallace

Best lau g h Mr. Galanopoulos & Mrs. Cushing

Funniest Mr. Mortenson & Mr. Wallace

Most likely to be chewing gum Mr. Schpero & Mrs Haymann

Most school spirit Mrs. Mishkin & Mr. Pusack

M ost passionate about th e ir subject Mr. Galanopoulos & Mrs. Kweskin

Most like to revert to native language

Most likely to be confused with a student

Mrs. Williams & Sr. Gracia

Mr. Chiavaroli & Mr. Merrill

Best dressed

Most likely to make you smile

Ms. Sadlowsky & Mr. Newcomb

Mr. Caputi & Dr. Melmed

Freshm en

TheRaw Talent

I 14

Grace Bffleter

Spencer Blair

Alexander Blumberg

Chrissie Bonaventura

Jackson Bower

Meghan Coyne

Michael Correa

Alexander Crawford

Anthony Deluca

Jennifer Faig

Andrew Farbei

( .mlbert Francois

Kevin Futterman

Eli Gallipoli

Alexandra Gottlin

Megan Grapengeter-Rudnick

Alex Haendler

Casey Howard-Johnson

Caroline Hubbard

Devon Johnson

Matt Johnson

CJ Jones

Bo Kane

Maya Krysicki

Tyler LaVecchia

Sarah Lindenberg

Nicholas Matera

Logan McCullough

Rachel McDermott

Celine McGoran

Ryan McNulty

David Meyer

Olivia Micheli

Claudia Miller

Alexander Mirza

Christian Morales

Hannah Morrill

Colleen Morris

Zach Mulhern

Carty Myers-Campbell

Georgia Orenstein

Olivia Phillips

Grant Pia

Eloise Hyman

Rick Ressel

William Rigby-Hall

Kristen Santer

Joseph Santoro

Jessica Schoenfeld

Jordan Shasha

Elie Skolnick

Laura Soto

Valerie Weiner

Kathleen Whitman

Chole Potter

Rosie Rather

Daniel Rosenblum

Thomas Rosenfeld

Catherine Sciolla

Victoria Uva

Martin Yepez

Katie Tryhane





Tanner Abel

Geoffrey Allard

Austin Allee

Sara Alexander

Carter Anatole


Amelia Arnold

Eli Campbell

Kevin Carey

Michael Catenacci

Nicholas Cesare

Hudson Cole

Ah Coupe

Tevin Cummings

Paul Damascus

Michael Del Genio

David Del Prete

Nick Durst

Tess Fahey

Lindsey Faig

Maya Ferguson

Halle Fogel

Briana Fontaine

Chris Gaynor

Taylor Geiger

Nicholas Hall-Risko

Forrest Hanson

Hiram Holloway

Alexandra Hughes

Riley Jay

Schneider Jean-Baptiste

Maggie? Joyce


Hallie Keller

Katie Kuntzman

Jason Kwait

Andrew Kyriakos

Ann Labine

Annie Lamedica

Stephen Lewis

Kelsey Luneburg

Lindsay Mcllmurray

Kieran McQuilkin

Paget Millard

Tyler Murray

Joseph Nano

Erica Nicokiris

Nigee Page

Kevin Peabody

Mathias Perfumo

Evan Perlman

Aja Piro-Ibrahim

Trey Pizzutello

Raven Redd

Matt Reggina

Sarah Reid

Nicky Spyrou

Phillip Steinhart

Taylor Strikes

Hannah Van Dolsen

Charlie van Roden

Eric Vrissis

Kaleen Sullivan

Tim Tully

ju n io rs

The Up Coming


Nick Bass

Tyler Benedetto

Jonathan Berger

Max Beyman

Katie Booth

James Boyle

Cali Capalbo

Jimmy Carlucci

Joe Careccia

Valentina Casanova

Lillie Cooper

Austin Doering

Charles Enright

Christopher Freeman

Jesse Futterntan

Katie Gimpel

Kendall Hartzell

Use Heine

Scott Huley

Matt Johnson

DJ Jones

Samantha Karp

Kristin Keane

Miles Keeny

Devon Kelley

Jonathan King

Adrienne Lange

Ryan Lasnick

Caroline Main

Timothy Marren

Daniel Martin

Jack Mehan

Amanda Meyer

Alexa Molinaro

Elliott Morrill

Jay Murray

Philip Nussbaum

Conor O'Rourke

Max Orenstein

Will Qua

Max Reyes

Angus Robertson

Greta Savickaite

Michael Schneider

Christopher Schoen

Caroline Sciolla

Mikey Serricchio

Steven Sheets

Jack Sheresky

Lindsay Sherwood

Libby Smith

Billy Smithline

Rachel Stern

Nicole Stieglitz

Lindsay Stone

Cary Sullivan

Connor Sullivan

Patrick Sullivan

Taylor Thomson

Tre Tipton

Julie Tooher

Mike Velasco

Max Wardaki

Emily Wilson

Jennifer Wilson


Katie Sun


Melanie Tremesani

Sports Makingit to the BigLeagues



GFA19, King 44; Hopkins 20, King 42; r. At CSH, 3.1 miles. 1. Tom Ross (GFA) 17:41; 2, Andrew Howard-Johnson (IQ 17:46; 3, Evan Bleder (GFA) 17:57; 4, Matt Klein (H) 18:05; 5, Charlie Proctor (Gift) 18:28; 6, Tommy Bremas (GFA) 18:44 7. Peter Maturao (GW 18:47;*, Ate* Heytson (H) 1901; 9, James Cumming (H) 19:02; 10, Jeffrey Velez (GW) 19:11.


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1, Natalie Tanner (CSH) 20:19; 2, Lacy Balcebaz Morio (GW) 21:00; 4, Gaby Cooper-Vespa (H) 22:51; 6, Jllilan Potter (K) 22: 59- 7 Farrell (H) 23:11; 9, 23:59:11,



Ononeplay in the third quarter, PierreLouisranoutof , bounds after a 13yardgain— even though there wasn’t a Kingswood-Oxford defenderwithinfive yards ofhim.

GIRLS VOLLEYBALL KINS 3, CANTERBURY 0: Maya Ferguson collected 19 service points, nine aces, eight kills and seven digs as King posted the 25-17, 25-19, 25-21 non-league home win over Canterbury Saturday. Other standouts for King (41) Included Tatiana Brown (nine kills, six service points, two digs). Raven Redd (six blocks, eight digs, two kills) and Kelsey Luneburg (eight assists, five






KING 7, FORMAN 0: Rachel McDermott scored two goals while Call Capalbo added a goal and two assists as King posted the non­ league shutout over Forman. Julie Tooher, Chloe Potter Olivia Reyes and Kristin Keane also tal­ lied while Amanda Murray made two saves for the shutoutfor King (5-2-2). Mackenzie Randall registered 22 saves for Forman (1-4-1). _

™_1 1 -2

HAMDEN HALL.. . . 02-2 HecortteK 3-5-2 Goals: K— Sarah Uhdenberg, Kaleen Sullivan; HH— Sara Hunt­ er, Cammy Griffin. Assists: K— Hannah Van Dolsen, Goalies: K— Eloise Hyman (3 saves); HH— Elizabeth Emanuelson (3) Shots: K - 6 ; H H - 4

service points).


EMY 3: Isabella Rolla scored In the 58th minute off a direct kick to props King to Its Falrchester Athletic Asso­ ciation and Homecoming triumphov GFA Saturday. Call Capalbo scored two

signs with UNH

goals, Summer Segalas .added a goal and an assist while Julie Tooher and Caroline Main each finished with one

^ iT o g a n McCollough and GIRLS SOCCER

Kingswood-Oxford s Tylon


Sarah Whittaker had twogoals, Brltta y


Call Capalbo and Summer Segalas each had a goal and an assist as King post­ ed the non-league home triumph over Chase Collegiate of Waterbury. Julie Tooher also tallied, Chloe Potter added an assist while Amanda Murray made four saves for the shutout for King (7-42). For Chase (8-6-1), Amanda Thlbaulf registered 23 saves.

for King (5-2-2). Amanje Mur­ ray made eight saves for King. For GF^


Walker also tallied while Grace Bomann registered three saves in net.


teara b°°s^s playoff topes

Girts Cross Countrv






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Redd does iTagain in Kingvictory

King scores key win to help playoff hopes KINGS, CHRISTIAN HERITAGE 0: P.J. Relnemann had two goals and one assist while Nicholas Hall-Rlsko col­ lected a goal and two assists as King posted the non-league win. Matt John­ son, Nicky Boccuzzl and Mike Delgenlo also scored while Will McEvoy chipped In two assists for King (6-7). Kieran McOullkln (Iwoaaves) andNIckCeaarefslx saves) combined In net for the shutout for King. Trey Sells registered 12 saves for Christian Heritage (15-2). KING 2 7 , BRUNSWICK 2 0

FIELD HOCKEY KING 8, WILLIAMS 3: Molly Rather had two goals and two assists while Hannah Van Dolsen finished with two goals and one assist as King rolled to the non-league win. Sarah Undenberg, Calle Faulkner, Rose Rather and Kayleen Sullivan also scored, while Eloise Hyman made one save for King (4-5-3). For Wil­ liams, Meggle Carter tallied twice while Alex Ivimey registered 15 saves.

a winner, er had two goals and one assist while Hannah Van Dolsen finished with one goal and two assists as King posted the Falrchester Athletic Association road shutout over Masters. Cali Faulkner and Sarah Undenberg also tallied, Bridget Hanley added an assist while Eloise Hy­ man made four saves for the shutout for


^ C o u n tr y

KING 3, GREENS FARMS ACAD­ EMY 1: Senior Brlana Brown made her firs t game back In the lineup af­ ter receiving medical clearance on her Injury a memorable one as King posted the 25-15, 24-26, 25-23, 2517 non-league road victory over prevlously-unbeaten GFA Saturday. Brlana Brown finished with 12 kills, 20 digs, 12 blocks and eight service points for King (8-5). Other key performers for


rER SV. Summer s e ­ al and as assist while

tributed a goat to lead s Falrchester Athletic ry over Masters (1-2). registered five saves Lindsay Dort scored a Mack made 12 saves


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Everyone worked hard and put their all into this season. We are all brothers and we want to thank you guys for a great football season. -Kevin Pierre-Louis, Silas Redd, Mike DeNapoles & Eric Joyner

Coach Thom, Coach Gouin, CJ Jones, Patrick Kenned y/Conor ORourke, Scott Huley, Steve. Sheets, Max Wardaki, Connor Sullivan, Guilbert Francois, Mike Velasco, DJ Jones, Max Reyes, Mickey Serricchio, Nicholas Matera, Tyler LaVecchia Coach Parr, Coach McAndrews, Zachary Mulhern, Jack Careccia, Thomas Rosenfeld, Christopher Cieszko, Robert Kane, Jordan Shasha, RJ Moavero, Joey Santoro, Brian Alebiosu, Anthony Deluca, Alexander Blumberg, Michael Correa, Tyler Rosenthal Chris Reilly, Logan McCullough, Kevin Peabody, Trey Pizzutello, Andrew McAllister, Tanner Abel, Kevin Carey, Hiram Holloway, Carty Myers-Campbell, Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Eric Vrissis, Alex Haendler, Phil Steinhart, Coaches Bonner, Little, Alebiosu & Carson Tony Truglia, Ashile Hendrickson, Matt Smyth, Donyae Carter-Smith, Mike Denapoles, Eric Bannerot, Silas Redd, Kevin Pierre-Louis, Eric Joyner, Austin Allee

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Cross Country

Forrest Hanson, Ryan McNulty, Phil Nussbaum, Hallie Keller, Rob Santoro, Dana Blanchard, Gillian Potter, Daniel Chimes, Andrew Howard-Johnson, Jennifer Wilson, Adrienne Hogan, Toni Blanchard, Jonathan Toy, Olivia Phillips, Miles Keeny, Annie Purcell, Victoria Uva, Christina Matera, Will Qua


This year was a great one for the team. We have many memories that we will never forget. The Girls winning 2nd in All New England was amazing! Well done, everyone, and good luck to the future runners! -Gillian Potter, Adrienne Hogan, Andrew Ho-Jo & Matt McNulty


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Varsity Volleyball

Melanie Tremesani, Chrissie Bonaventura, Briana Brown, Raven Redd, Tatiana Brown, Coach Tran Lindsay Mcllmurray, Kelsey Luneburg, Petula Tournas, Valentina Casanova, Maya Ferguson

After strong consecutive seasons, our squad was young this year. Everyone stepped up to the challange and did their best to improve and excel. Our semifinal game versus GFA showed our dedication and hard work. Continue the legacy girls! We love you! -Petula Tournas & Briana Brown


Varsity Girls Soccer

Coach Newcomb, Manager Greta Savickaite, Chloe Potter, Cary Sullivan, Samantha Karp, Kristin Keane, Caroline Main, Hannah Morrill, Julie Tooher, Rachel McDermott, Caroline Sciolla, Coach Kat Manager Alexandra Burnett, Daniela Catenacci, Kaitlyn Della Jacono, Isabella Rolla, Amanda Murray, Julia Bonnell, Summer Segalas, Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Cali Capalbo

At the beginning of the year, Coach Newcomb told us all to set goals for the season. One of everybody's main goals was to have fun and we definitely did. Through wins and losses, we could not have asked for a better season. Thank you to everyone for making it so incredible. We'll miss all of you so much next year. -Isabella Rolla, Summer Segalas, Amanda Murray, Julia Bonnell

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Coach Guevara, Kieran McQuilkin, Daniel Rosenblum, Tyler Benedetto, Matt Johnson, PJ Reinemann, Gordon Bray, Nicky Boccuzzi, Max Orenstein, Nick Hall-Risko, Michael Del Genio, Andrew Farber, Nick Cesare, Coach Chiavaroli Matthew Johnson, Will Shaker, Steve Lewis, Will McEvoy, Geoffrey Allard, Shane Lau

This past season was the epitome of ups and downs. As the captains of this team, we cannot begin to say how proud we are of all the players. If we had to describe the season with one word, "emotional" would be it. This team has and always will have the best chemistry. From the captains to the players, we want to say that we love you and keep working your hardest. We wouldn't be who we are if not for the work we all put in. Thanks! -Nicky Boccuzzi, Gordon Bray & PJ Reinemann


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md Hockey

Coach Brandes, Carter Brents, Colleen Morris, Sarah Lindenberg, Casey Howard -Johnson, Celine McGoran, Molly Rather, Cali Faulkner, Kate Hyman, Lindsay Stone, Kaleen Sullivan, Eloise Hyman, Coach Tobin Maria Catenacci, Lauren Sarner, Lindsay Brandes, Bridget Hanley, Rose Rather, Hannah Van Dolsen, Georgia Orenstein, Megan Grapengeter-Rudnick,

This was a truly amazing season! The team's tremendous improvement throughout the season and our winning record were representative of the hard work and dedication of every girl on the team. Each player's dedication and love of the game led our team to success. Congratulations on making this a season that King will never forget; we are so proud of you! Good luck in the years to come and thank you for making this the best season of our field hockey careers! Peace, Love & Field Hockey! -Kate Hyman, Maria Catenacci & Cali Faulkner




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Coach Brander, Sarah Reid, Brianna Fontaine, Allie Gotlin, Taylor Stukes, Lindsey Faig, Caroline Hubbard, Meghan Coyne, Ali Hughes, Coach Mendez Devon Johnson, Katie Kuntzman, Jenny Faig, Sara Alexander, Dominque Carter-Stanley

Coach Hale, Olivia Reyes, Chloe Potter, Cary Sullivan, Hannah Morrill, Gillian Boehringer, Kristen San ter, Rachel McDermott, Coach Mangion Allison Carvalho, Danielle Karp, Caroline Sciolla, Rachel Stern, Katie Tryhane, Val Weiner


Connor Vos, Daniel Martin, Coach Gracia Paul Camarda, Elliott Morrill, David Meyer, Chris Deschapelles, Andrew Kyriakos, Eli Lichtman, Jack Battman






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52O’®„ *^4-2360tals: BO YS IC E HO CKEY KING 3, HOTCHKISS 0 HOTCHKISS......................- .......................... 0 0 0 - 0 Records: K 8-1-1. _ , Goals: K — Mitch Staples (3). Assists: K — Troy Lynch (2), Pat rick Sullivan (2), Connor Sullivan. Goalies: K— Jack Mehan (2t saves). H — Smith (30 saves).

Tfincr team making greatsH^ps

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Coach Brown, manager RJ Moavero, Colleen Morris, Greta Savickaite, Lillie-Marie Cooper, Briana Brown, Casey Correa, Tatiana Brown, Coach Thompson Caroline Sciolla, Julia Bonnell, Samantha Karp, Danielle Karp, Domonique Carter-Stanley

Wow, what a season! From winning championships, to being on TV, this has been one of the best basketball seasons at King, To be on this team with these girls has never brought a boring moment. We have all grown in different ways but most importantly was that we did it together. We are so happy to have been part of a team that was so spunky and played with so much heart. Thanks for a great season, ladies, and keep the dynasty going. Remember GET G'ED UP!!!! -Briana Brown, Julia Bonnell & Casey Correj

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Coach Carson, Charlie Enright, Donyae Carter-Smith, Max Wardaki, Jabrille Williams, Chris Gaynor, Rob Cummings, Coach Little Tevin Cummings, Max Reyes, Tre Tipton, Andrew Preng, Matt Reggina

We came together as a team this season, and I am proud of everyone. We made major strides this year after not winning a league game a year ago. It took everyone to get as far as we have: a 15-7 regular season record, making it to the semi-finals and to the New England tournament. Hopefully, you guys can carry this momentum into next season and win that FAA championship. I am going to miss all of you next year. The King 2009-2010 boys basketball team will always be the Perfect Storm. -Jabrille Williams


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Coach Gragnano, Mitch Staples, Kieran McQuilkin, Connor Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan Troy Lynch, Elie Skolnick, Jack Mehan, Paul Damascus, Matt Johnson Danielle Karp, Cary Sullivan, Jonathan King, John Arena, Jay Murray, Anthony Deluca, Kaleen Sullivan, manager Valentina Casanova, Coach Bruno

I don't know how we do it, but we just do it." -Jamie Bruno M itch Staples, Troy Lynch & Connor S ullivan

Christopher Freeman, Andrew Howard-Johnson, Hudson Cole, Justin Beitler, Paul Keeshan, Will Shaker, Coach Chiavaroli

Thanks for a great season, everyone. Good luck next year! -PJ Reinemann & Justin Beitler



__ \

Eli Campbell, Alex Handler, Tre Pizzutello, Jason Kwait, Michael Correa Carty Myers-Campbell, Scott Huley, Kendall Sidberry, Guilbert Francois, Matt Smyth, Rob Santoro, Carter Anatole Coach Gracia, Kevin Futterman, Evan Pearlman, Joe Careccia, Nick Matera, Coach Merrill

JV Girls Basketball

Coach Mangion, Val Weiner, Catherine Sciolla, Chrissie Bonaventura, Ali Hughes, Linsday Sherwood, managers Shane Lau & Gordon Bray Ali Gottlin, Emma Bauman, Amanda Murray, Isabella Rolla, Maggie Joyce


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Events Pull


theRed C

"We had so much bonding time, and no academic work!" -Caroline Hubbard 13 "The class trip was fun because we had a lot of new students, so we got to get to know each other and relax." -Amanda Schwartz 12 "As Juniors, we are beginning the college search process and the fall trip was a great way to experience this together." -Jennifer Wilson 11

"The Canada trip was a good experience because it forced me to speak French outside of the classroom in a foreign and urban environment." -Will Q u a 'll "Among the students' favorite activities were the visit to St. Anne's Canyon and an authentic French breakfast with croissants and hot chocolate!" -Mrs. Haymann "Quebec is an amazing city full of history that we got to experience first hand." -Alex Mirza 13

"I love everyone during Pep Rally." -PJ Reinemann 10 "It's awesome how the school gives us an opportunity to let us dress differently than we normally do; seeing everyone in costumes is so funny!" -Amanda Meyer 11 "There was a strong turnout for the breakfast and we raised over $300 toward, the construction of a school in Nicaragua through BuildOn. -Mrs. Mishkin ____



"It was my last Homecoming and it was a lot of fun. There was a great sense of community." -Kaitlyn Della Jacono TO "We watched our Vikings dominate on the football field and cheered as they lead our school to victory." -Jennifer Faig 13 You know that King has spirit when six students have the V-I-K-I-N-G-S painted on them." -Alexa Gitlin '

"Jimmy Carlucci was a great pumpkin head!" -Emily Wilson 11 "Mrs. Bruzik definitely had the best faculty costume; she made a great dude!" -Kaleen Sullivan 12 I thought the Ivy League costumes of the senior girls was s m a r t . " -Valentina Casanova 11

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"Carl Wilkens was the only American to remain in Rwanda during the genocide, and he was responsible for saving the lives of over 400 people. His final thought to the students was to 'leave the place you are ii a little better than you found it.'" -Mrs. Kweskin Dale Williams also reflected on how lonely it was to go weeks without talking to anyone: People look through you like you are not there, or they look at you in disgust. The loneliness was worse than being cold or hungry.'" -Mrs. Sullivan "By selling wrist bands and putting money in water jugs, we managed to raise over $1000 after one day of collecting money to help the Haiti relief efforts." -Melissa Sullivan 10


TheSkin ofOurTeeth "The play was a really good chance to get to be with everyone and grow as a cast." -Lauren Linder 10 "Being part of the production was a brilliant experience; it reminded me how much fun theater is." -Lillie Cooper 11 "It was a fun thing to do with a cast with chemistry." -Will Shaker 10

W inter Concert "1 loved playing The Cure's Just Like Heaven because it's more New Wave style of play combined with its synth riffs." -jesse Futterm an ’l l "The duet between Use and Alii dem onstrated great musicianship." -Mr. M endez "I thought that the choir sounded really awesome in I Believe from Spring Awakening; the different style really helped to bring out voices I hadn't heard in people before." -Emma Bauman 10

The Wiz was a very enriching experience being. 1 became very connected to my castmates and we formed a little family." -Maya Ferguson '12 "Anyone can do musical theater and have a good time doing it. It's is about taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. In this show, we've all taken risks and have gained so much self confidence." -Maggie McCaffery '12

"The show was all about finding courage within to be who you are." -Catherine Heath 1 0

Academic Quest Club Jonathan Berger, Tom Katucki, Phil Nussbaum, Adrienne Hogan, Taylor Thomson

Katie Sun, Mrs. Murphy, Katie Booth, Tyler Pia, >ia, iloise Hyman, Ilse Heine, Kate Hyman, Emma Bauman Uinie Lamedica, Riley Jay


Canstruction Chris Schoen, Phil Nussbaum, Nicole Stieglitz, Annie Lamedica, Adrienne Hogan


BuildOn Tess Nellis, Caroline Sciolla, Caroline Main, Katie Gimpel, Amanda Meyer, Danielle Karp, Samantha Karp, Kaleen Sullivan Cali Faulkner, Alexandra Burnett, Julie Tooher, Kristin Keane, Kaitlyn Della Jacono Petula Tournas, Bridget Fianley, Sabina ArmstrongLoscalzo

Literary Magazine Club Katie Sun, Ilse Heine, Halle Fogel, Katie Booth, Mrs. Kweskin

Debate Club Christopher Freeman, Tom Katucki,Max Beyman, Daniel Chimes, Adrienne Hogan, Jonathan Berger, Ryan Lasnick, James Boyle Matt McNulty, Morgan Lyew, Bridget Hanley, Cali Faulkner, Annie Purcell, Lindsay Stone, Rachel Cohen Brianna Fontaine, Spencer Blair, Will McEvoy

Student Activities Club Maria Catenacci, Rachel Cohen, Samantha Karp, Alexa Molinaro, Miles Keeney, Molly Rather, Cali Capalbo, Alexandra Burnett, Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo, Caroline Main, Cary Sullivan, Kaleen Sullivan, Ashile Hendrickson

Project Vote Smart Annie Purcell, ylor Thomson, Jonathan rger, Michael Schneider, Adrienne Hogan I

Gay Straight Alliance Will Qua, Melanie Tremesani, Julia Bonnell, Annie Purcell, Sarah Reid, Hallie Keller, Eloise Hyman, Tyler Pia, Adrienne Hogan, Alexa Molinaro, Ann Labine

Kaleidoscope Kate Hyman, Miles Keeney, Catherine Heath, Jennifer Wilson, Emily Wilson, Charlie van Roden, Lindsey Faig, Molly Rather, Tess Nellis, Ms. Thieme Kendall Hartzell, Katie Kuntzman, Alexa Molinaro, Maria Catenacci

Creative Writing Club Ilse Heine, Katie Booth, Katie Sun, Michael Schneider, Max Orenstein, Patrick Kennedy

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Emma Bauman, Caroline Main, Samantha Karp, Jennifer Wilson, Toni Blanchard, Cary Sullivan, Emily Wilson, Nick Cesare, Thomas Perfumo, Greta Savickaite Lauren Linder, Amanda Meyer, Danielle Karp, Julie Tooher, Cali Capalbo, Kendall Hartzell Isabella Rolla, Amanda Murray

United Cultures Club Tevin Cummings, Matt Reggina, Nigee Page, Hiram Holloway, Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Tre Tipton, Kendall Sidberry, Mike Serricchio, Mrs. Rabassa Stephen Lewis, Taylor Stukes, Tanner Abel, Valentina Casanova, Catherine Heath, Casey Correa, Briana Brown, Greta Savickaite, Max Reyes, Raven Redd, Maya Ferguson, Erica Nicokiris

Spanish Speaking Club Mike Velasco, Billy Smithline, Sr. Gracia, Joe Careccia, Michael Schneider

Comraderie Club Katie Booth, Hallie Keller, Eloise Hyman, Spencer Blair, Jack Mehan, Chris Penny, Katie Sun, Lindsay Stone

Chess Club Mr. Sinnott, Ross Conrtacher, Austin McQuilkin Thomas Perfumo, Peter Joelson, Gordon Bray, Nicky Boccuzzi

Math Team Phil Nussbaum, Miles Keeney, Mr. Wallace, Tom Katucki, Eric Bannerot, James Boyle, Elliott Morrill, Taylor Thomson, Kate Hyman, Dr. Khiznichenko, Max Orenstein, Kendall Sidberry Andy Farber, Mathias Perfumo, Morgan Lyew, A m anda Murray, Isabella Rolla, A m anda Meyer, Michael Schneider, David Meyer

Environmental Club Jabrille Williams, Nicky Spyrou, Jack Mehan, Alexa Gitlin, Robby Santoro, Adrienne Hogan, Austin Doering, Tre Tipton, Tyler Benedetto, DJ Jones, Libby Smith, Daniel Martin, Jennifer Wilson, Will Qua, Caroline Main, Katie Booth, Julie Tooher, Forrest Hanson, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Adrienne Lange, Samantha Karp, Morgan Lyew, Julia Bonnell, Melanie Tremesani, Kendall Hartzell, Matt McNulty, Emily Wilson, Cali Capalbo, Kristin Keane, Cary Sullivan, Valentina Casanova, Mrs. Pusack

Student Council Bridget Hanley, Pam ela Catenacci, Rose Rather, Caroline H ubbard, Tess Nellis, Will Shaker, Alexandra Burnett, Melissa Sullivan Erica Nicokiris, Kieran McQuilkin, Kristin Keane, Samantha Karp, Kelsey Luneburg Michael Catenacci, Maria Catenacci, Sabina ArmstrongLoscalzo, Mrs. Wagner

Peer Review David Del Prete, Michael Catenacci, Sabina ArmstrongLoscalzo, Lauren Sarner, Dana Blanchard, Toni Blanchard, Daniel Chimes, Michael Del Genio, Michael Correa, Greta Savickaite, Morgan Lyew, Will Qua


Disciplinary Board Thomas Perfumo, Melissa Sullivan, Adrienne Hogan, Max Orenstein, Michael Schneider, Maria Catenacci Dr. Zoubek, Mrs. Pusack, Mr. Pusack

Seniors TheMamAttraction

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney

"Perfection is not attainable, but w if we chase perfection^ \we can catch excellence." -Vince Lombardi

Pain is temporary, t may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.' -Lance Armstong

"Madness takes its toll; Please Have exact change readm". I

Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it." -

A Walk to Remember

'/$}% '■1'. :•

When I think back on all the stuff I learned in high school, it's a wonder I can think at all." -Paul Simon

"I eat success for breakfast... with skim milk." -He

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan

"We didn't ose the game; we just ran out of I time." -Vince ardi

"Impossible is Nothing." -Adidas

"I can do everything through hi who gives me strength."


Philippians 2:13

"I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful * % dtehings could

"Happiness depends upon ourselves." -Aristotle

"Walk in t smell flow along th e1 build sane go on fielc find out h things wo stories, sa; magic wo] the univei -Bruce Wi

There is nothing wrong with change, if it's in the right direction." -Winston Churchill

The other guys may be bigger, or have more talent than me, but they will never outwork -Walter Payton

"If you hear the breathing, you're gonna lose the ball." -Coach Chiav

"On the way down I saw you and you saved me from myself, and I won't forget the way you love me." -Ryan Cabrera

"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment J whei^ he has worked his heart out in a * t n goe^cause and lies * exhausted on the field of battle viÂŁtariouÂŁ." -Vince Lombardi

The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds; and that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever." - The Notebook

"Compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright.' l -Mayday V Parade

"Cuz in the end they'll judge me anyways, so whatever." -Kid Cudi Live is for livin -Mungo Jerry

Anything worth doing is worth doing well."



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Freak Your Dream." -Beat Freaks /

/i I *

There are man^ things in life that will capture your eye, but very few will capture your heart. These are the ones to pursue. These are the ones worth keeping."

"Sometimes people put up walls not to keep you out but to see who cares enough to break them down." -Socrates

'When the lights are on, it’s time to perform." -Sebastian Telfair

iÂŁ 2 *


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"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain. But Fie did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way."

"My body could stand the crutches, but my mind couldn't stand the sideline." -Michael Jordan


"Hakuna Matata" - The Lion King

'If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear." Winnie the Pooh

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift." â– -Eleanor Roosevelt

Ross Conmcher

"You can't love too much one part of it.'

"Go broke for what you love."

"You know how to be a good person? Stop talking about it, just live."

"So just keep looking forward and keep your good heart on you and keep doing the best you can do and love who you love the best you can love."

"Who says I can't be free?" "So what, so I've got aslnh^O T^bih it's hiding the quiet superstitions in my head."

'Well I never l i v e ^ ^ dreams of the prom kings and the drama queens. I'd like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve." "Pain throws your heart to the ground. Love turns the whole thing around. No, it w on't all go away, it should. But, I know the heart of life is good." "By the time I recognize this moment, this moment will be gone, but I will bend the light pretending that it somehow lingered on."

"It's been extremely uncomfortable at times to stay open and honest, but I feel like Battle Studies may be proof it was w orth it."

"Listen, it's not how long you go thinking you've been perfect all your life, cause you ain't been. It's all about how you deal with yourself when you learn that you're not. Nobody bats a thousand in a game. Nothing about that has to do w ith the reason w e play. It's not about how long you go w ithout falling, it's how you stop and pick yourself up along the way. When times are going tough for you, that's the time you come on through. You stop the bleeding, get on up and you keep walking through, looking up to the sky saying, 'Keep me where the light is .'"

"If you have to tell someone how bad you w ant it, then you haven't shown them how hard you already work for it." All quotations by John Mayer

"Great moments are born from great opportunities.' -Herb Brooks

"I am Team: United by pride, Driven by passion, Bound by loyalty." -NY Rangers "All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

I'm gonna take my chances Taking a chance I might Find what Fm looking for There’s gotta be something more." -Sugarland

"In a world where you c< be anything, be yourself."

"Well I'm what I am and I'm W what Fm not And Fm sure happy \ with wh$4 I've got I live t6 love and laugh a lot and that's all I need.y -Kenny Chesney


"BeHvho you are and say what you feel because those who mincl don't matter and those who matter don't mind." _ flfl W -Dr.Seus*

"My momma always said life was like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump



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Calm seas make not great sailors."

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A dog cannot make this journey alone But maybe a wolf can." -Balto

El cielo es azul, just don't go telling everyone." -Conor Oberst

Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt." -Kurt Vonnegut

"Listen; there's hell of a good universe 's go." -E.E. Cummings


"From that time on, the world was hers for the reading."


- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

"The truthiness

"I think we can't go around measuring our goodness by what we don't do, by what we deny ourselves, what we resist, and who we exclude. I think we've got to measure goodness by what we embrace, what we create, and who we include." -Pere Henri, Chocolat

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -E.E. Cummings

the party that we hoped for... But while we're here we should dance."

"How tall am I? Honey, with hair, heels and attitude, I'm through this damned roof!" -RuPaul

"The trouble with censors is that they worry if a girl has cleavage. They ought to worry if she hasn't any." -Marilyn Monroe

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe

"You put high heels on and you change." -Manolo Blahnik



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"O him w h o in the love of N atu re holds C om m union w ith her visible form s, she speaks A various lan gu age; for his gayer hours She has a voice of gladness, and a smile And eloquence of b eauty, and she glides Into his darker m usings, w ith a m ild And healing sym p ath y, that steals aw ay Their sharpness, ere he is aw are. W hen though Of the last bitter hou r com e like a blight Over thy spirit, and sad im ages Of the stern agon y, and shroud, and pall, And breathless darkness, and the narray^hou: Make thee to shudder Go f o r ^ u n d e r the open and list To N c^ P e's teachings.

"Ouriif& isfrittere away by detail. Simplify, simplify -Henry David

'ternal re

So live, that w hen thy sum m ons com es to join The innum erable caravan w hich m oves To that m ysterious realm w here each shall take His cham ber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night, Scourged by his dungeon; but, sustain 'd ^n d soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy gi Like one w ho w rap s the drapery of h i ^ A bout him , ahd lies dow n to pleasant -W illiam Cullen Bryant, T h an ato p sis â– VV-r=-


"There is more d d f till dawh, the sun is but a morninaretar." -Henrv David Thoreau

Adrienne Hogan "Life is what happens tp you when you are making other plans." -John Lennon


pDon't fall off | le track yet, | ith so many races to go, hold on." -A7X

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." -JFK

"If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do." -Warren Miller


"No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle." , -Winston Churchill

"What is moral is what you feel good after, and what is immoral is what you feel bad â– after." -Ernest Hemingway "But for now we are young, let us lay in the sun And count every beautiful thing j we can see." Neutral Milk Hotel -

Ron: Spiders... the spiders... they want me to tap-dance. And I don't want to tap-dance! Harry: You tell those spiders, Ron.

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." -Thomas Merton

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


Hello?" -Perry

"Buy the ticket, take the ride." Hunter S. Thompson

Mike Labile

"We're so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are." -Calvin & Hobbes



"Run, rabbit, run. Dig that hole, forget the sun, And when at last the work is done Don't sit down it's time to dig another one." -Pink Floyd

"Know what's weird? Day by day, nothing seems to change. But pretty soon, everything's different." -Calvin & Hobbes â– Nr

"Freedom is some that dies unless it's used." -Hunter S. Thompson

Matt McNulty


"Choose to be optimistic. It feels better." -Dali Lama

goal in life is to be as go! ^a p e r^ p a s my do^a Treads cs I am."


"You think the only p e d jp wh< are people, are the people who look and think But if you w alk ^ W the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew." Pocahontas

"Don' the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. , s Because what the I world needs is ! p eo p le who have i^ c o m e X e ." % ! -Howard Thurman

Amanda ay

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"Some days yo



"I've learned that you can’t treat every situation as a life-anddeath matter because you'll die a lot of times." -Van Wilder

"When you come' ‘ j < to the end of your rope, tie a knot , none on. Jand /a ' *

"YouCannot live on hope alone, but without hope worth living.

•"To li ve is sO"Startling, it leavesTittle timey for v y

anything else. . —-Emily1-7k Dickinson

Charles Onis "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." -Theodore Roosevelt

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." -E.E. Cummings

r'I dream for a living". -Steven Spielberg

"When Chekhov saw the long winter, he saw a winter bleak and dark and bereft of hope. Yet we know that winter is just another step in the cycle of life. But standing here among the people of Punxsutawney and basking in the warmth of their hearths and hearts, I couldn't imagine a better fate than a long and lustrous winter." yPhil Connors, Groundhog Day

"You are who you choose to be." -Hogarth Hughes, The Iron Giant

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"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." -Robert Kennedy "Live the life you love, love the life you live." -Ystrom, J. Sebastian


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"School's out, Memories past, doubt,' -s*Don't ever . Qur friendship Ik will last/ Time oases all things -Sophocles

"We keep* m m * moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things becSuse we're curious and curiosity keeps fi leaÂŁling*tis down new paths." -Walt Disney

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." -Ralph Waldo Emerson Does not this comprehend all, in fact? And what is there left to desire beyond tS* it? A little garden in which to walk, and immensity in which to dream. At one's feet that which can be cultivated and plucked; over head that which one can study and meditate upon: some flowers on earth, and all the stars in the sky." -Victor Hugo

L, but have never

"I met in the street a ire of very poor young man your battle. The world you who was in love. His hat was old, his coat desired can be worn, his cloak was won, it exists, out at the elbows, the it is real, it is water passed through possible, it's his shoes, and the stars yours." through his soul." -Ayn Rand -Victor Hugo

"I haven't a clue as to how my story will end. But that's all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you don't conclude the road has vanished. And how else could we discover the stars?" -Nancy Willard


"DANCE As though no one is watching you, LOVE As though you have never been hurt before, SING As though no one can hear you, LIVE As though heaven is on earth." -Souza

terc With w inteW n^I^rfenough To interrupt life That's why I'm both i.,saint & the sinner

'What we talkin' bout fictioi Or we talkin bout fat You talkin' bout fiction? Hold u{ pardon my back.'r -Jay-Z

Just C} So to map it out You m ust look inside Sure books can guide you 1 But your heart defines you." *


M :




"I want to be remembered asÂŽ the guy who gave his all whenever he was on the field." j f . . -Waite Payton

as this, Earth is turning souls burning in search of higher learninj turning in every directk seeking direction."

this ration, to the ;autiful world, iration, [thanks >r your lation. lommc lade it.' -Jay-Z

ls sure

"Choices and Consequences. -Silas Raynard Redd Sr.

C'mon S on!! -Ed Lova

nevei -Lan

’w mp never roi again." -Ben Franklin




It s not whatyc k att hat mattei s whalt YOUsee -Flâ‚Ź )av

IsabellaRolla "Good decisions come from experience and experience comes from bad decisions."

"All I can hear in the silence that remains are the words I couldn't say." -Rascal Flatts

"I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active." -Brian Tracy "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

"Life is the sum of all your choices." -Albert Camus

behind us" iTc^wftaf lies before

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always*to keep swinging. Whether I was1

Hank Aaron '

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." -Captain Jack Sparrow

"Sometimes I lie awake at night in bed and I ask, 'Is it all worth it?' And then a voice says, 'Who are you talking to?' And another voice says, 'You mean: to whom are you talking?' And I say, 'No wonder I lie awake at night." -Charlie Brown

"Everyone, just.. .pretend to be normal." - Little Miss Sunshine

"I think in art# .people are trying to confirm their Jr 0 own existence. -Jim Morrison

"Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did." -George Carlin

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"I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it." -J. D. Salinger


-^'tfbstacles don't have to^top you t i d v o u run into a wall, don't turn around and give-up. Figure out howl to climb it, go through it, or work around it." -Michael Jord

Worry a little bit every day 1 and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is rong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not o worry. Worry never fixes anything." -Mary Hemingway 'Now either we heal as a team, or we're gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play, till we're finished." -A1 Pacino, A n y G i v e n S u n d a y "I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold. I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good." -Kid Cudi, P u r s u i t o f H a p p i n e s s

I hate quotations 1 -Ralph Emerson . '- .


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"I love it w hen ya call me Big Poppa." -The N otorious B.I.G.

"I make it rain." -Adam "Pacman" Jones

country has a right to concentrate your affections. The nam e of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, m ust always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations." -George W ashington

Farewell Address September 19,1796 ,

"Chil' Please.' -Chad Ochocinco

Melissa Sullivan 'Yes, the past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it. -Rafiki, The Lion King

'All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney

La vida es dura, amarga, y pesa. -Ruben Dario

ife is not about waiting for the torms to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.'

Pecula Tourms

Life is one big road with ots of signs. So when you're riding through he ruts, don't complicate

jealousy. Don't b your thoughts, p your vision to re. Wake up and liv -Bob Marley J

"Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in ity and it will come naturally." -David Frost

- Calvin and T ^ fn h h a c


This is either madness... or brilliance It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide." -

Pirates of the Caribbean

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"Kobe brown hjike's purple gold strings Kobe im the game dunking on the whole teari#- * ►•

heart s an open sore that I hopeheals^soon, I live in a cocoon opposite of Cancun, Where it is never sunny the dark side of the moon." -Kid Cudi

Gordon Bray & Molly Rather

Bridget Hanley & Will Shaker

Best hair Alexandra Burnett & Gordon Bray

Most artistic Kate Hyman & Kevin Pierre-Louis

Most likely to win an Oscar PJ Reinemann & Alexa Gitlin

Most likely to be in the Senior Room Summer Segalas & Mitch Staples

Are they dating? Eric Joyner & Molly Rather

Most likely to be out of dress code Dani Feinberg & Mitch Staples

Most likely to brighten up your day

Most athletic

Melissa Sullivan & Andrew Howard-Johnson

Silas Redd & Briana Brown

Most likely to be heard from down the hall

Most likely to survive on a deserted island

Cali Faulkner & Mike DeNapoles

Amanda Murray & Sandon Hess

Most likely to have their cell phone taken away Ashile Hendrickson & Dani Feinberg

Most school spirit Eric Joyner & Maria Catenacci

Summer Segalas & Mike DeNapoles

Most likely to keep a secret Shane Lau & Tess Nellis

PJ Reinemann & Sabina ArmstrongLoscalzo

Most Likely to host a talk show Lauren Linder & Will Shaker

Most likely to be on Facebook

Most likely to be President

Paul Keeshan & Bridget Hanley

Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo & CJ Onis

CJ Onis, Jabrille Williams, Mike Labine, PJ Reinemann, Ross Connacher, Eric Bannerot Kate Hyman, Matt McNulty, Lauren Sarner, Alexandra Burnett, Gordon Bray, Julia Bonnell, Shane Lau

Dana & Toni Blanchard

Donyae Carter-Smith & Domonique Carter-Stanley

Briana & Tatiana Brown

Michael, Maria & Daniela Catenacci

Stephanie & Paul Damascus

Casey & Andrew Howard-Johnson

Kate & Eloise

Ann & M ike Labine

Thomas & Mathias Perfumo



Chloe & G illian Potter

SMAL Cali: "Aunt Cali" You have become part of my family. At times I think my parents talk about you more than me. Although we fight and scream like no one else, I couldn't ask for a better friend. 1 have always wanted a sister and now I finally have one. Oh! and I promise 1 will work on not being so emotional, except when we have our moments of course. Thank you for being there throughout again you have become a true A-L! Alexandra: Hey mom! You are the kindest and most genuine person I know! Without you none of us would have survived high school. You always look to help everyone around you and I am so lucky to have you as a best friend. Thanks for always being there no matter what. Molly: A blessing in disguise. You came to king and I didn't know what would happen. You changed my life in so many ways. We are perfect for each other! I will always be there for you and 1 know you will always be there for me as well. Although we aren't the most similar of friends, its perfect, we balance each other out and we bring the best out of each other. Summer: Summ Summ! We have had our ups and downs but we have always come out on top. You have taught me so many things! From freshman year making varsity to lacrosse, and more! You are crazy and wild and always make things exciting. With out you my high school would have never been the same. Gordon: M'Lord, I wish I had seen how great you are earlier on. There was always something missing and you filled that. Gordo you gave me everything 1wanted from high school! I don't think that I have ever thought anyone was perfect, but in my eyes gordo you are! I Love You and always remember 3rd times a charm! Pj: "You're so bad!!" I love you Peej! Isabella: You are beautiful, funny, and so down to earth. I could not be any happier to have become so close to you this year we had so many memories and 1 know we will have plenty more. Petula Tess Bridget Maria: These past four years w ouldn't have been the same with out you girls, you have the corky hilarious personalities. You alwaysmade each day unpredictable! Julie Cali:I have never met such an odd couple! Ross: Threesome some day! Balin:I will always love hearing you stories! Seniors: It's been real! Good luck everyone I couldn't have asked for a better class! AM,KDJ,CC,MS,MS,GP,TB,DB,JB,MZ,

Zeko and TonyAlways rem em ber that one great golf trip to the Bahamas. M att and Tony- My car will always have room for you guys until you finally get your licenses, then you can finally drive me. Parents-1 w ant to thank you for always having m y back, and I am glad to know that you have always been there to guide me in the right direction.


MZ-1 cant even think of all the good times we've had. Football, basketball, gaming, the list goes on. You better not slack off on the new music in college either. I'll be counting on you. Can't wait to visit you next year. RC-I love you dude. Remember when we were playing baseball in your back yard and I broke a window and you took the blame for me? F- You're a great friend. Thanks for helping me out all the times I forget my wallet. Hojo- Squash brother...I owe you a pair of boxers. RS Advisory buddy for the last 4 years, friend for the last 12. Go Yanks, Giants, and Huskies. GB- Countless Madden and FIFA games. Never cut the flow. WS- Your house probably has the most memories out of any place on earth. So many summer days of pool basketball, movies, and baseball games. In fact, we've gone to school together for so many years, why don't we just add four more? CF- you drive me insane. I'll miss your yelling. But you're still always there when I need you. BH You are sometimes very strange but your also one of the coolest girls I know. Mom and Dad- Thank you for all your support throughout all these years. Nothing I have done ever would have been possible without you guys. Everyone I forgot I'm sorry...King 2010 is a brotherhood.

First off... to all my soccer boys ILOVEYOUGUYS! Got that gu. Coach Chiavaroli thank you for everything. My Boys: NB, SRL, AP, MJ, TB, MO, DM, KM, MJ. You guys have always been there for me, thank you. PJ: I love you JEB Girls Soccer: Good luck keep working hard and remember heart beats talent [ man, I'm lucky to have a Girls Basketball: We probably had the weirdest and funniest team out there, I love all of you so much and we always had each other's backs on and off the court. Don't stop friend like you. Will Shaker: working hard because I'll be at some games and you better be winning [: Softball: You guys are the best team I could have asked for. Everybody was always MY DUDE! Best times of my there for everyone else and we were all stars :P Florida and taking home the championships with you guys were some of the highlights of my year, I love you guys life. Justin: FIFA+Madden and play hard. CIC: You're the definition of my best friend. No matter what we faced separately we buddies forever. Zeko: Gotta somehow found a way to go through it with the other. Through high school we've both learned so much about ourselves and our friendship and have seen just how far keep it fresh. MJ: Continue to friendship can go. I honestly consider you to be my sister, which makes sense because our moms are pretty much related anyway. I know we'll be far apart in college but I'll be be your best, you've learned coming to your games and I know we’ll find a way to see each other a lot. And no matter __ J _ how far apart we are I'm always here. Ps, I'm so proud to have my best friend be such an all there is to learn, use it to amazing gymnast <3 MLT: We've had so much fun with our Hibachi and Olive Garden dinners, getting your advantage captain, I ourselves out of trouble, and so much other stuff. You're part of my family and even though you're staying home next year I'll be back to visit a lot, I promise. Stay safe love you man. BS, RC, CV, (please?), have fun, and work hard/do well. Don't give up, and know that you have so much potential. I'll write a much longer note in your year book but the bottom line is I AHJ, TP: You guys are the love you biddy <3 AM: Pandas I love our dinners on the turf and hope street pizza tradition, Rascal Flatts best, we make the best and Taylor concerts, and of course getting through those soccer games that we get killed in (i'm still sorry for scorning you during GA). Even though you divorced me freshman movies. The Girls: SS, AB, year I know you will always be my one true love. I'll write something a lot longer in your yearbook [: MR, MTC, BH, TN, EB, GP. I IR: I love you wifeyyyyy hopefully we'll be getting to visit each other a lot in college and

k si

Go gettem boys, love you all!


we’ll make red bulls a priority (and lots of candy too). SK: Samaaantha. You really are like my younger sister in so many ways. Keep working hard in sports and school like I know you will and give the world everything you have to offer because I know you have so much to give. Stay true to yourself and even when I'm in college I'm only a phone call or even a drive away. You better be coming to visit me and hold down the B-squad and basketball team, I know your senior year is going to be amazing. I love you Samantha <3 p.s. this summer we better be having a sleepover. LMC: Lilllaayyy! I love you and your accent and of course your knickers so much. You're hilarious and I hope we keep in touch next year. Be safe and do well I love you. WE: Never forget a&f 4.7.09 <3 BTB: Get it in. You've probably seen me change and grow more than anybody else in this school. From 8th grade when it was very possible that I didn't know how to speak,'til now when Casey has to tell me when not to speak, you've always been there for me and you know I'm always here for you. Even in college when we re not in the same school every day I have your back, and good luck with basketball. I know you have the work ethic, the talent, and the drive to go so far and achieve everything you want to. Stay in touch, I love you Bri. DK: Hi sunshine. Keep working hard you know I'm always here to talk about whatever issue may come up. Work hard in soccer and basketball, every day you get better. CS: CAROOO. Don't let the man keep you know what I mean <3 AA: Ameliannn daughter, you've been like a younger sister to me and I can't wait to see what you'll do in the future. I know this past year has been rough but it’s made you so much stronger and I always have your back. Like I said a long time ago this summer you can always trust me to be there and help you out. Be a star and espache like I know you can be, and never give up on your movie dreams, you have what it takes to make it. Stay in touch daughta. Mrs. Correa: Thank you for everything you have done for me, you really are like my second mother. Whether it’s been concerts, charades, family dinners, Easter and your family’s house, college trips, softball, you've been there for it all. I love you so much and I words can't really describe how thankful I really am for everything you've done for me. I'll be coming home to visit you and Ryan and Mikey and Mr. C, hopefully he still keeps his pimp hand strong. I love you <3 MC and RC: My little brother and sister, I love you guys keep working hard and do well. Mikey I look forward to our wedding, Ryan keep being the funniest, smartest, most witty kid I know. Mom and Dad: I could never really thank you fully on such a small page, but thank you for everything you've done for me. I know how many sacrifices you’ve made for me and I know you will always be there for me. I love you and I know the whole college thing will be hard but I'll be home to visit. Thank you for putting up with me too when I get ridiculous [: I love you. GS, DC-S, TB, MC, MS, MLR, SSS, AB, KK Coach Newcomb, Jason, Coach Brown, Coach Celia, Mr. Caputi, and Mme Haymann, thank you for everything you have done for me and all of the opportunities you have given me. You are the teachers and coaches I know I will remember 30 years from now when I look back at high school and will say made a big difference in my life. Thank you and I hope to keep in touch.

l O V 0 V O U 2 U .V S S O I T l l l C h . A 1 3 i J J m U C f l D O n Q ir i2 \ F lO V , W llO # # EG J t i l l s S O F l^ T ? S S i S u . m i T l 6 r ! . 0

I finally forgive you! Sabina: Third time is the charm; you continue amaze me in every _ _ J way! To Girls JV BBall Greatest season ever. Isabella, are you going to lunch out? Amanda, I'm sorry I couldn't be who you wanted me to be.

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CM B AH: Remember the time I came to your house. SD & MS: I'll miss our laps. AG-It was 3rd place NOT 2nd!AL: I'm really going to miss my favorite junior, hope you still have fun cheering for Frisbee w ithout me. CE- Ugh, chicken. LS-Plant Earth. RM-Rangatang JSRemember those glasses you liked? Found them. KH, LS, KD: Even though that project was neverending, I'm glad I had good company! Love You Guys! AM: Top gun w on't be the same w ithout you! BS: I'm still expecting some incomprehensible phone calls at 11pm next year. MR & MC: Even if we may have fought through the entire preseason, you guys made FH09 fun. TM- Hey study buddy! Get out of the library! Varsity Boys Basketball & CC & CL: Thanks for a great season! And to those I m issed.. .1 did these ia a rush and apologize in avance.

Wow this has been such a crazy year and even crazier four years that I've been here. This school has definitely made a difference in my life. Mom- There's not a scribble in the world that can describe everything that you've done and how much I appreciate you. So I will tell you when I leave. LOVE YOU! TB- Hey little sis, I know we've had some rough times in and we've had a lot of good ones too. I just want to let you know that you need to keep doing it big here in high school and keep it all going. Hold it down Remember the slogan for all the basketball games: "I don't give a . .." But for real keep your head up because you have a lot of things good ahead of you. I love you andl'm ALWAYS and FOREVER here for you. CC- This has been the craziest years. I never thought in a million years that we would end up being the best of friends. The biggest question is "Where would I be without you?" You have always been there for me when I'm being stupid or when something serious has happened. I know that 1 can tell you anything and that it would be kept between me and you. There has been a lot firsts and seconds that have happened and we were right there for each other. When 1 most needed you, you were always right there. AND YOU KNOW THERE HAS BEEN SOME CRAZY STUFF THAT HAS HAPPENED. Well you know that you're always my girl, even if you do go all the way up to Maine. I love you girl. JB- Julez!! We have become great friends from where we started in 8th grade. You will always be my girl and that's for real. To the times that we had on the basketball court. Gosh you're such a spunky girl haha but I made sure that those girls didn't bother you. You can hold your own though. CC and JB-1 know that I bring this up all the time but we have our own little diversity conference between us haha. GS-1 am really happy that we became closer these passed couple of years. Even though we didn't hang out as much outside of school, but we definitely made up for it for all those frees, lunch periods, and any other time we have been in Ms. Nichols' room. I can't thank you enough for being there when I needed you.You are a great friend. KPL Even though we didn't hang out outside of school that much, I knew I could always count on you. You are one of my truest friends and I cherish our friendship. Thanks for being the big brother that I never had, even though you beat me up (or tried to) like every other day lol, but that only made me tougher. We've definitely had some great times and some not so great times together, but after all these years we are still great friends to this day. You know that I have your back on EVERYTHING and you can count on me. I mean that. SR, JW, AH, EJ, CH, Tre Black, RR,- You guys are crazy. You guys are the funniest and I have enjoyed being around each other. AH-please no more jumping on me in the middle of the hall and trying to bite me. JWWe had madf unny times. From playing ball and me still killing you in horse (btw I'm up 3 lol),those classes where we just didn't feel like going, but forced ourselves to go anyway, and everything else in between. CHCrazy 5 years of my life. EJ-You're a funny guy. Especially when you would say some messed up things to people (but they were still mad funny lol).SR- Great times Si, great times. I still remember you mooning me while I was sleep in the middle of Bio classfreshman year, yea remember that haha. Well it has been a real fun 5 years at King with you. You still make me laugh whenever you laugh, actually you make me laugh no matter what. Love you, REAL TALK lol. DCS- Hey adopted sis. I love you girl and I want you and my sister to tear up on the basketball court long after I've graduated, ok. You know I got you, but remember don't act stupid because I will come from school and whoop your tail lol. DCS Although you piss me off,you have this brother-tie to me that won't allow me to be mad at you forever.Which sucks. SH- Hey dude. Thanks for the great talks we have had about varioust opics. I'm going to miss hanging out with you at like 9-10 PM at school when our moms were still doing stuff at school. Don't forget the good food that we got after all the meetings the faculty had lol. I always love my brother R.Crossland.KS-Funny man. Bball team-1 love your girls. Even though I'm writing this before the season is over, I want to say it has been great playing with you guys and that keep our legacy alive. Vball team- its been a great year,good jobs ladies and my co-captain Petula. Thank you to, Coach Gouin, Jay,Analia, Mike Little and all the faculty and administration that have helped me along the way and special thanks and appreciation to Mr. Main, Mr. Carson, Mrs.Nichols, Coach Celia, Ms. Greene, Mr. Pusack, Mrs. Moriarty, Mike Little, Mr.Decker Ms Martino aka Biter. I couldn't have made it through this school without you. God Bless Ian '09. You are forever in my heart. Class of 2010. Congrats and.....We're out...

ACB Mom & Dad: the three peas in a pod. My support system, I love you both more than I could possibly say in words. Don't cry mom. Laura: Havilands since '95. Its like the end of an era, but I don't think my life would be anywhere near the same if it hadn't been for you. the one 1 would trust with my life, I love you forever. Sabina: My trusty friend. The one I call for advice, to cry, to laugh, to share a funny story. I really don't know how I would have gotten through these past four years without you. If ever there's a bad day I know I drive over to lake ave. and the loscalzo clan will be there to cheer me up. As matthew would say, "yaa gorgeous" (poopy head). I love you! Summer: as I'm writing this I can't help but think of tiana saying "what are you guys gonna do when you have to go to college?" Good thing we're only an hour away next year. I feel weird when I haven't seen you for more than 48 hours and your man-like mannerisms are why I love you. Both of your houses have become second and third houses to me. Freshmen to senior year the dynamic duo. I love you! PJ: Rawr. High school would have been a whole lot different without you. Despite your sometimes extremely unhelpful advice, you've always been there for me, and that's pretty much been the only thing that's mattered. Movie nights and parkway are ours. Ismael is #1 we still need to deliver his present. Falafel, lajdf hello? You're the best (or maybe I am...) I love you Cali: as I sit here about to write this, I am sure that everyone is going to say to you, "without fail, you could always make me laugh and cheer me up" which is absolutely true. However I would like to start with how intelligent you are and how your insight has broadened my horizons. Just kidding(sort of) There's never a dull moment with you, you do truly always cheer me up. Dr. Morgan our man. I love youu! Julie: your tombstone 90 years from now will read: Alexandra's secret keeper. You've been my go-to girl since your freshman year. I know I can always go to you without fail to talk and cheer me up and I love you so much for that. Always keeping me updated with the underclassmen gossip for comedy purposes. Starbucks Sundays, vidchats, etc. Keep me updated with your life next year! Love you so much! Molly: my girl Teresa, its been quite a joyride these past two years, how different would king have been without you. While you may be the loud, confrontational one, and I'm usually a bit calmer, we get each other (oh those boys) Your absurd comments keep me laughing always. Love you tons and keep breaking those hearts. Kevin: my brown bear 11/18/05. you defined my high school. Who knows where we'll be when your reading this, but know your strength, care and laughter made us, us. If you're a bird, I'm a bird. I love you. Petula, Tess, Maria & Bridget: can always count on you girls for a good time. High school wouldn't have been the same without you. Love you girls! Silas & Eric my brothers in law, can always go to you for advice and a laugh. Love you! Mike D: my boyy, can always count on your singing to make me smile. Love you! Gordon: 14 years baby. Never a dull moment, at least you're not as sweaty as you used to be. Love you! Mitch: Colgate Class of 2014, we're soulmates I swear. AM.IR.KDJ.CC.JB.CC.CM.WS.MZ.AHJ.JB.BS.RC. & the Rest of 2010: Never a dull moment. Good luck next year!


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Mom, Dad, Thomas & Michael: Thank-you for being my biggest fans. I love you so much!! Daniela: You are the best sister I could have ever asked for; whether we are sitting watching television or doing something totally random we always manage to have good time. I can rely on you with anything. I think you should skip your next three years of high school and come to college with me so I will not have to miss you so much. I LOVE YOU! Petula: I will never forget the first awkward day of biology; you were my first KLHT friend! However, it was from that moment on that I knew we would be friends forever. Whether we were driving around in your car, having summer flings, doing things we were DEFINITELY not supposed to, laughing about the most absurd things, spending way more money then our parents allowed, Vermont, Boston, concerts and soooo much more you have always been a true friend. I will not have to miss you next year since I plan on us constantly visiting each other. You are the best and I love you to death! Bridget: I am already laughing thinking about this, where do I begin? THANK- YOU FOR THE LAFZ AND THE MEMORIEZZZ, especially Arch Street (I do not think I should have said that). Our extremely similar lives still freak me out. You are one of the greatest friends I have ever had, I know no matter what is going on in my life you will never fail to put a smile on my face. I could not have made it through without you. Paul: aka PAULY D aka PARIS aka THE BIGGEST DIVO EVER I love your ghetto ass so much! To be honest half the stuff I am thinking of saying would be just plain inappropriate for here so to sum up thanks for being your no sock wearing, Nantucket loving, fake tan hating, hot prom date, party animal, back brace wearing, cat loving, skinny self! You are totez my bestie. Tess: Thank-you for always listening! You are one of the greatest friends I have! Hopefully one day your positive attitude and perfect relationships will rub off on me. I love you girlfriend! Eric: Maybe one day we will actually get married, what do you say? Thank-you for always being there for me! You are like a brother. I will not have to miss you next year since I plan on packing you in my suitcase. P.J Hopefully by the time you read this we are not still asking each other if we can be friends again. Anyway, thank-you for being my OCD partner in doing the senior room! I will miss your company next year when no one understands! Mike D: GO JETS! Gordon & Will: Thank-you for the freshman year video chats when we were in our prime! I will miss both of you so much next year!! KISSES! Balin, Ho-Jo & Ross: Thank- you for making this year so much fun for me! I will miss you all so much next year. Zeko & Eric: I am so happy we became BETTER friends this year! Mike, I hope you continue to be the divo I love in you and Eric, I hope you continue to be the student I aspire to be. I will miss you both next year! Mitch: <3 Shane & Melissa: Thank- you for continuing to answer my late night aim's about homework/ due dates that I clearly never paid attention to. So thank-you for helping me get into college! Melissa right now my hair smells really good (thought I would voluntarily tell you this time). Cali: Thank-you so much for all laughs! Some of my fondest memories of high school are with you in Vermont! Too bad we are getting a little old to continue to cause chaos in that poor town! Alexandra, Molly, Sabina, Summer: Thank- you for all the memories over the past four years! It's hard to believe how fast it went! Kaitlyn & Casey: How can I not mention the two people that have put up with me the longest? I will never forget our G.C.S. Friday nights, wishing we could drive, and thinking we were the coolest eighth graders around. Did you ever think we would make it this far? Both of your friendships mean the world to me; no matter what I know each of you would have my back! I love you guys! GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR! CLASS OF 2010: CONGRATULATIONS! WE DID IT!!!!

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C IC MHC & RAC - You guys are my heroes. Being able to watch you both grow and excel into truly amazing people has been such a great experience, and I am going to miss you guys more than anything. Keep doing what you're doing, DO YOUR WORK, and be good. And keep up those after-dinner dance sessions, please! Love you so much. KD Wow. I can't believe we are already going off to college. It has been one long and amazing ride together and I am going to miss you so much. You have been one of the best friends I could ask for. Keep doing you at Trinity. You're going to do great things there. Love you. JB If it had been easy, the end would not feel this good. We have been through so much, and I can't believe that I w on't be seeing you everyday next year. We are going to have to meet somewhere in the middle for a few good concerts! You are going to be amazing wherever you go and whatever you do. I am so thankful to have you in my life, and I don't know what I would do without you. Love you. BB What can I say, girl? I have loved really getting to know you over these four years, and we've had so many great (and very tough) times. I know you are going to do some incredible things at St. John's, and I can't wait to come visit you! You're a really great friend, and I am going to miss you so much. Love you. AM & IR You girls are awesome. We have had some seriously unforgettable times (Taylor, Rascal, etc.)! Good luck in college & come visit me!! MR Maximo! Good luck next year. Call me when you need help getting through senior year! I love you so much! KPL, SR, EJ, AH I love you guys. You've made these for years so much fun, and I am going to miss that next year. Good Luck! SAL You're going to do some great things. Good luck, girl. CH Amazing job on the yearbook! I know it was stressful, you're the best! Good Luck next year! CS I absolutely love you. Be an awesome senior next year, please. DK&SK My favs. Good times, huh? Love you. TB&DCS&GS Keep it up. Hard work pays off. MS Cute guys are great. RJM I know you're going to miss me in that back hallway.. .haha Viking Basketball You are all amazing. Keep doin' work, drawin' blood, and having each others' backs. Much love...Viking Softball I wish I could mention you all individually, you all deserve your own page. Keep it up, girlies! So proud of all of you. Keep working hard and running to those rocks Thanks so much to Mom, Dad, Mrs. Bonnell, PG, SS, MC, AL, HS, MN, Coach Celia, Coach Brown, Coach Cat, Coach Newcomb, Mr. Chiavaroli, Senor Gracia, Mrs. Kweskin, Mrs. Rabassa, Dr. Melmed, Ms. Cushing, Mr. Bonner, Mr. Decker, Jason, & Analia for helping me out throughout these four years, I owe you all so much! "It’s never over. You don’t want to be in the position to be down four runs in the ninth inning, but it’s not over until the last out." Derek Jeter

PD: Whenever I need someone to team up with, or make me laugh, I never need to search far. You have always been right by my side in the best and worst of times, and I know you always will. I loved going to school with you for most of my life, and I was happy you could join me for my last two years of high school. Good luck next year! D: You have always watched out for me in school, and continued still this year while we were apart. There is nobody else I could have more fun with at a Rangers game, and nobody I look up to more. Thank you for your support in all my endeavors, and never being afraid to share your opinions on everything. W4L: I can’t believe we will be apart next year, who am 1 going to crazy dance with? Our anti social nights and cookie baking dates will never be replaced by anyone- and band practice will have to continue. Remember when we used to stay up all night playing KFM? All our BFF’s and favorite people will never forget you! DB: Remember frosh year when we were terrified to go to history? TB: surviving math this year would have been impossible without you. I can’t believe we all went to Parkway together and look where we are now. GP: Remember all the times at Disney, with sesame seed overload, and ColdStone? "But I wanted to run!" and "Hey you're in my Spanish class!" Also skipping in the hall singing Tea Partay! CB: I will always remember taking laps around the school and scampering. . .our work out of every morning! SL: I'll miss our romantic star gazing beach dates while eating Ben and Jerryfs ice cream, and especially our many exciting car rides. RS: I will always remember getting kicked out of the library daily and singing Before He Cheats, while trying to get anita to join along. I can't wait for our trip to visit the uncontacted tribes in the Amazon! NHR: I will always beat you in everything especially NHL and pool. You're like ". . .having a best friend that always wants to play." I will miss you so much next year. Mom & Dad: Thank you so much for everything you have done to prepare me for college and your support at skating, I love you.



MVD Its been a long four years, yet at the same time it has flown by. Coming to King was one of the best decisions that I have made in my life and I'm glad I was fortunate enough to come here. I believe that I have changed a lot in the past four years and I w ould like to thank you Mom, Dad, Lou, Chris, Matt and Sammy for helping me through it. Kev, Cody, and Sam thanks for being my boys and sticking with me. Although I love King it was pretty difficult getting through it, so to Jay Raf, KPL, and Tiana thanks for helping me get through school each day. You guys made each day of school a tiny bit easier. Through the tough and easy times I will remember my days at King forever. "Dont take life too seriously, no one makes it out alive." J-E-T-S, JETS! JETS! JETS!

Cl So, you again! I'm not sure where to even start. You have been my best friend since the 2nd grade, so weird! You know more about me than I probably know about myself. You are m\ *-liter half and sister. We have been through it all, the laughs, tears, wins, losses, boy problems, and the list could go on for years. I am not sure how I feel about going to a different school than you next year, but I'm so pumped for when we get to visit each other during the season! I cannot wait to see where life takes us down the road from here. You are absolutely amazing and don't ever change! I love you to the moon and back! DF: Who ever thought that the girl I tried to help get out of the streamers in our first dance recital would become my best friend. We are so much alike it is scary. Between our hourlong conversations, finishing each other's sentences, and just being the same person, you have become like a sister to me and not to mention a part of my family. You were there for me when no one was and without you, I do not know where I would be. I will continue to call you even if it is past your bed time and I know you'll get crabby. You are incredible and I don't know what I would ever do without you. I love you more than life itself. IR & AM. You guys are absolutely amazing! I am so happy that we became so close this year and I can honestly tell you guys anything! You two have truly become two of my best friends and I don't know what 1 would do without both of you. I can't believe you two put up with me like you do (aka my singing). I'm going to miss us harmonizing next year, but I have faith we'll find a way. I have had so many laughs with you two and 1 know there are many more to come. I love you both so much! BH: You are completely out of your mind but I love you for it! You have always been there for me anytime I have needed to complain about our amazing lives (aka our failed diets and boys or lack there of, just kidding, except not really)! I am not sure what high school would have been like if it were not for you. You always know how to make me smile! Don't ever change! Love you oodles and oodles!! BS & RC: You two are incredible people. My life has been absolutely crazy ever since you two walked in it! The worst mistakes make the best memories (Bridget helped me with that) Love you guys to pieces! Ho-Jo: I will forever own you in dots! WS: You're are absolutely crazy and I love you for it! Don't ever change! PK- I will always be better, stronger and skinnier than you!... oh and I'll always have more friends than you! LOVE YA..nawt! MS: Oh Marge! Softball has been so much fun with you. Thank you for all the incredible laughs and memories! Now ''HIT THE ROCKS!" MC & TN: You girls made senior year so much fun! Thanks for all the laughs. Maria: Thanks for the many memories starting from our lovely GCS days! DK: You are amazing just the way you are and don't let anyone ever tell you differently. You have so much going for you and so much left ahead. Enjoy every second of it because you deserve it! I'm always just phone call away! Love you little one! MR I will always be older than you! Thank you for always being there for me, even if we have wanted to kill each other! Love you MR: Mattypoo! Best prom date ever! CH: Oh, hey there.. .how's school? Can't wait for you to come visit Trincoll next year! MS: Oh the GCS days! You are hilarious! Keep facebook stalking! EB: Thanks for always being there for me and all the great times!! Mr. Pusack: Thank you for teaching me how to pursue truth! AA- You are probably the most amazing and unique person I've ever met! You inspire me everyday by not being afraid to be yourself. You are awesome just the way you are, don't ever change! Love you! Softballers: To all the girls that have ever been out on the field with me, and had my back no matter what, thank you (Softball '08 you know who you are). Casey, my batter mate, enough said. CC & JB- El Capitanos! I loved leading our little prodigies together, and thank you for always supporting me out there!! To my girlies- You are all absolutely amazing! Softball will never be the same without you guys! Despite all the trips to the rocks, and long practices that we thought would never end, you guys have made some of my best high school memories. Hold it down out there next year and avoid the rocks as much as possible! I love you all to death!! My soccer girls: Thanks for all the laughs and memories. Coach- thanks for always supporting me no matter what I did. SS & SAL: you were the best stretching, running and singing partners. Keep being the stellar singers I know you are. Coach Celia: I am not really sure that any amount of words can express or thank you enough for all you have done for me. You have been my backbone and without you, who knows where I would be (FAIL). You have been the one person that has always put up with me and believed in me no matter what. Not only have you been an incredible coach but you have let me take up residence in your office. I will never be able to thank you enough! FML! LOVE YOU! To My Family: Words cannot describe how much I love you guys. I know I may not act it all the time, but you guys have helped me through more than you could ever imagine. You are all absolutely crazy and probably the only people that can get me angry and then make me fall over laughing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do without all the craziness next year! Ps. I better have my bed when I come home! To all my other loves, thank you for all the incredible memories! It has been an amazing ride! CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2010! WE MADE IT!!!!

CAF "May sunshine and happiness surround you when you're far from home, and may you grow to be proud dignified and true and do unto others as you'd have done to you. Be courageous and be brave and in my heart you'll always stay Forever Young." CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2010!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Sabina-1 never would have made it through these past four years without you. I'll miss family dinners, canoeing, water basketball, snuggling, clubbing, and getting in fights. Just remember my dog is better than yours. I love you so much and I'll miss you so much next year.... There THAT was a moment. AlexandraI can't think of anywhere I'd rather be than sitting in the front seat of your car. The thought of making my own decisions next year is terrifying, expect a call everyday. I love you lil' shawty, can't wait for the pink bentley. Summ Starr- COME CLOSERRRRRRR, High school would not have been the same without you, Can't wait for the next ornament exchange, love you!! Molly/Theresa/Ne Ne/ Snookie- you're my girl 41yfe, You've kept life interesting it's been real. To the three sloppiest and most beautiful men I've ever encountered in all my years of living. I'm going to miss snuggling with Ross, eating peanut butter with Balin and loving my Aryan pediatrician, I will never agree with your philosophies but I love you and all of your epic fails. Zeko- hopefully you'll finish the lunch you ordered today by the time you read this, I will never go out to dinner with you, keep pumping the guns and drinkin that muscle milk. Just remember that I'll always be there to laugh at you when you fall down. JustinYou're disgusting. Thank god for Quinn tetris 08/09.1 love you and your little nerd tights, your gangsta lean, and your snow skates. Bridget- I'll miss our "talks" out on the docks, quail eggs, and aquarium excursions. Remy and I will miss you next year. Stay fly. Paul- To the biggest diva on the block, you're my favorite lobster that isn't slathered in butter. Keep it classy, I'll see you at Saritas. GordonLove spending the day in your car, getting denied at PoCho, and the communal hot tub in VT. Good Luck next year Morg-o-wave-1 don't know who will come with me everyday to get cupcakes next year, so glad we were able to bond over red velvet this year Pj- you light up my life, so many good timez in the burban, couldn't do econ without you Maria- Boys, Gloves, and VT delinquents... you+me= trouble Mitch- You're surprisingly good, cant wait to see the ponies. TN& WS- most amazing kids ever love you cuties






Kaitlyn Della- where do I even start? We met when we were like 3 or 4 and were the cutest things ever dancing together. You had some serious bangs and 1 had some serious fat thighs in our outrageous costumes. Remember I got caught in the streamers and every person in the audience remembers to this day? Since you came to King in high school we've been best friends ever since. We have soo many amazing memories together since there has never been a dull moment with us. Thanks for being my personal therapist haha and I'll always be yours. Sorry for all the times I called you crying, but in the end we always laugh at it. I may be nuts sometimesfor all the time), but that's just the way I am. I know you love my singing skills and jealous of my awesome sukoku abilities. You'll always be my crazy, over- achiever best friend and I'll always be your psycho best friend! I love you soo much and thank you for everything! Sam Cow- we've never gone to school together, but I had to put you in here. We've been best friends since our pre school days and will always be no matter what! I love you and I could never imagine you not in my life. EJ- thank you for everything we've been through! Even with the fights I still love you so much and I know I'll always be able to go to you for anything. Sorry for traumatizing you with the tampons in middle school, but everything I've done just adds to our memories. We always laugh together and joke, which makes you like my big brother. Be safe in college and I love you. RR and MF- stay out of trouble and drama! Have fun in the rest of high school. CC- WE'RE GOING OUT!!! Hahah great times with you in NY. Be good and never change, your amazing the way you are! Oh and say hi to John for me when you meet him Momthanks for putting up with everything I've put you through. You're the best mom ever and I love you. Daddy- I wish you were here to see me grow up, but I know your watching me and your proud of me. I miss you so much. I love you. Seth, Matt and Stevi- you guys are the best siblings ever and I've grown so much from watching you guys. I love you all. Congrats to the class of 2010! We finally made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all

AAG ’10-1 can’t believe it’s over. I just can’t. I wish I was closer with everyone, and could have gotten to know each of you so much more. We’ve become a family, and I wish we had more time together. But time moves quickly, and we are ready to move forward. Remember each other, me, and this place; I hope to see you soon. 2010, WE OUT! TCK- You know I love you all, and I will never forget any of you. All crazy and destined for something great. I have spent some of the most hilarious moments of my life with each of you, and I would never change that. And remember, BASBH&T.

As I look back on my run at King, I realize that I've come a long way from being the apprehensive, new girl 4 years ago. Now, I'm a confident senior ready to graduate, and I am as happy as ever. My experience here would not have been as wonderful as it was had it not been for a few, special people: Dana and Toni: You know that I consider you both as sisters before anything else. I love all of the memories I share with you, but I have to tell you, we're never seeing a movie in Stamford or baking jelly cookies at your house ever again! I couldn't be luckier to have you in my life. Annie: The bonfires, zipline, and baking sessions have been epic. I'm going to miss seeing you every day, but I'll see you in Wepo in no time. Live it up in Richmond! Adrienne: I just have 1 thing to say to you: Dear historically accurate baby Jesus, we survived the magical creek! This sums it up, I think. Oh, and "You're Welcome America" changed my life forever. Melissa: Hands down, Spanish has been amazing. All of those stories...too many to count! When in doubt, remember: La vida es dura, amarga y pesa. Mom and Dad: Thank you for always believing in, guiding, and encouraging me in everything I do. Thank you, Dad, for instilling in me a love of music, Monty Python, and Mel Brooks. Thank you, Mom, for not only sharing every sale at J.Crew and episode of "The Office" with me, but also for giving all of the advice, moral support, encouragement, understanding, and love I could ever want. Also, a quick shout out to Kate and Jo, my wonderful cousins, whom I thank for always being there and for being the big sisters I never had. I love all of you, and thank you for sticking with me now and always!


MTC: Maria, maria, maria. You have been such a great friend to me and I cannot believe we may be off to the same place next year. From our countless similarities (aka boy problems, weird families, lack of friends) to sneaking off to the "bathroom" aka going to BK, you have been the best friend anyone could ask for (actually that's pretty easy since I can count my friends on my right hand- jk- but not really).You are amazing and I love every little ounce of you, which isn't a lot


CRH Mom & Dad: Thanks for putting up with me all these years! I finally made it...Thank God! I'm going to miss making fun of you guys next year at college <3 Andrew: Love you big bro! You are always there to talk..thanks for always being there. To My Boos: TT: Down since pre-school!!! Always can count on you for a good laugh and make me smile :) I'm going to really miss you next year boo! Loves you DJ: Always had my back when the boys were ganging up on me! I'm going to miss our fun car rides...I know you'll miss Fonsworth! SS: Always doing something crazy and wild! but I still love you and will miss you next year... MS: My Fave! I going to miss you Mikey Love you Daks: My Party Boy! I'm going to miss your funny antics MR: My Young Love! You are too cute... JW: My boy since 6th grade! Love you Jabby BB: I'm going to miss you next year boo! Always can count on you to laugh at everyone else with me...Good Luck with everything! VC: We really got close this year! So many great memories, stories & laughs that we had! I'll miss you gurly EJ: Oh you....what can I say its a love/hate thing we got lol but I will truly miss you lots! To everyone else I will miss you tons! Thanks for the memories: SR, KPL, AH, MD, JR, MR, CC, MF, RR, KS, DCS, MJ To My Sissys: AH: Girl what can I say! I am going to miss you so much next many memories Loves you Bobo! GJ,AM,AR,AA,SM: I would have never made it through high school without you guys! It was a struggle this last year with ALL of you gone but I pulled through lol Ah so many great memories we have together! I know I can count on you girls for truly are like sisters to me! <3 SR: My BFF...down since diapers CLASS OF 2010 WE OUT!!!

P7: I'm starting to think that waking up every morning in the summer at 8 has its perks, we became such close friends this summer and I'm so happy that it happened. You are never afraid to speak your mind and I LOVE you for that.Whenever I listen to the song "I Took the Night" I will always think of you :). I cannot wait to visit you wherever you go next year and partyyy it up Petula and Bridget style!! I love you so much my crazy best friend! TN: So I was thinking to myself- what am I going to do when I get my eyebrows waxed in college and they do a horrible job?! You aren't going to be there to console me for the probably billionth time. I always aspired to be more like you and have your optimistic personality-1 don't know how you do it but keep on being positive every day of your life! You literally mean so much to me and I know for a fact that there were many days when I probably wouldn't had made it through if it weren't for you. I love you so much. KDJ: Oh my good lord have we gone through a rollercoaster. I'm predicting that this time next year we'll probably both be single (sad, but true). You made this year so much fun and I'm so glad I had someone to complain to the entire time. Have a great time at Trinity and work your bootylicious magic for me :). PK: All 1 have to say is Thnxx 4 da m3m()riez... although we may get on each others nerves almost every day, you were a great friend. We acted like an old married couple 98% of the time we were together.I cannot believe your going to kawledge and p@rti!nG iT up 3verYn!t3 you old man. Also, 1 hope you make friends next year! CF: Oh the many memoriez. Your wit and cleverness make me laugh almost every day of my life and I love that and will miss that. Try not to have too much fun next year you bamf! VC: I cannot even begin to describe the many "adventures" we have been on. I will miss your crazy self sooo much next year. And I know wherever I need a good laugh or a reality check I can just go to you. Btw sorry for peeing on your floor... MR: Thank you so much for all of the rides in the morning when I didn't have my license, didn't have a car, got my car taken away etc etc. haha I will always love hanging out with you and making fun of immature boys because you are just so STAMFORD hollaaa. You made my years at KING so much fun and just like my mom said I pray we stay friends through college. You're the best! RC, AHJ, BS: "the worst mistakes make the best memories"- sums up the years right there. You guys have literally changed my life for the better. Thanks for the countless heart-to-hearts, I don't know what I would have done without them. Colony dates always made my day and you three always know how to make me smile. GB, WS: You guys are the best. Whenever I had a bad day, you two always knew how to cheer me up (or just plain make fun of me). I will miss you guys so much in the years to come. We still better get s'mores even in college. JB, MZ: You two win the award for the funniest and goofiest boys in the whole school. Even when we're in college, we should make it a point to play paddle tennis when we're all home (oh and I will still never admit to being a ballhog). Thanks for filling this year with such great times. Love you guys even though you think I'm a crazy goon. CH, DF: let me say how much I loveee you girls!! Making fun of the many English teachers with you two could not be any funnier. Flowy McLongskirt will miss us so much next year. You girls made the days where I could not stand to be in school amazing no matter what. Love ya! Ps. Catherine I'm pretty sure I failed English, aka I'm not sure why I'm writing this scribble seeing as I won't be graduating haha. AB, SAL, SS: You girls have made my entire high school time so much fun! We have made so many fun memories that will last a lifetime. Good luck next year! Dr. K: You are the best advisor anyone could ask for! Thanks for always being available to talk during my three years of me being at KING. I will miss you so much next year! Family: So as mommy would say on a typical dysfunctional Sunday dinner, on a scale from 1 to 10, how much will you miss me next year? Austin- keep up with Karate, you are awesome. Brendan- stop friending the world on facebook, its creepy. Monica- slow down with the boys and focus on school haha (but really high school just gets harder). Mama & Daddy- Thank you for supporting me through this rigorous process, I know it wasn't easy for you but you guys did it. Now you have three more to go! Good luck. I love you all! Class of 2010: WE DID IT! Good Luck to everyone next year!


AJH AH, AM, EJ, KPL, SR, IM, MD, You guys are like my brothers. We had some fun times. The "Duo", Trio, and Shick Quattro, and Fab Five. All of you played a big part in my high school career. DJ, MR, MW,MS,TB, 11th grade: ya'll some funny cruhs, CH,RR,MF,TS,AP,CDS ,KS,VC: It was fun hanging out and talking to all of you AM: My right-hand man IM: My little brother KPL: Funny times kid, "yo kev why you got a naw aww, cuz you didn't, c'mon cuz" EJ: We started off the trio, now we the Duo SR: Flyest Kid I know. **If I forgot you it's not cause I don't love you, I did this at the last minute. I still love you the same if I d id n 't write you in.

spill drank on your computer? when the sun comes up in africa.... you better be running. BLACK PLAGUE OF DEATHHH. irony&mens issues (I saw a woman and I was like: "nonononono! nonononono! NO! NO! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!) i feel like a starving child in africa, but somehow I didn't get any faster, running-related hallucinations (squirrels? cows? horses?) and math related hallucinations... who needs x and y anyway? lets just make a sacrifice to the AP bio gods, but don't get distracted while you procrastinate! 21 days to break an addiction, and remember that getting pregnant slows down your PR. with that said, MAKE PURPLE! welcome to the emotional rollercoaster, please fasten your seatbelt, which may or may not exist. Slipknot and elevator music... SLAYERR! come to the dark side, we have cookies! there wont be any room on this couch when I start coming onto you.... but always remember, whatever you do, just HOLD THE ROPE. AG: math is magical! ...I'm boatless in the middle of creek! whatever you do, keep some paddles handy I've heard the magical math vortexes and AP Bio grim reapers are hard to doggy paddle away from... but you could always pray to the dear lord jesus christ, and by jesus christ I'm refering to blonde, good-looking, lightly bearded or clean shaven jesus christ, not hippie looking jesus or swarthy more middle-eastern looking jesus who’s probably more historically accurate ...and may I remind you that by participating in this prayer you are automatically accepting jesus christ as your absolute savior, no matter what, retroactive as soon as I say amen - 'AMEN!' TT: I love you (more), you are the best thing that ever happened to me :) you are the amazingest/bestest/awesomest... and I WILL win this one. JT: purple drank blood spatters on my lab book!... which was all your fault, great times at prom '09, and thanks for protecting my ass from the sketchiness at MAYHEM!! WQ: Starbucks and dying on the xc hills, your pre-race pep talks were the best! good luck next year (but I'm only saying that to cover the fact that i'm packing you in my suitcase when I leave):) HK: awkward humping starfish! taste the rainbow! (wait, whose rainbow? ohhh I get it now.) you better keep the xc freshman in line next year, I'm counting on you. keep rocking out kiddo, when I visit next year I expect some moshing to be going on at the "other" comer, ps: SLAYERRR!!! DC: spoon? ...curly hair and colorful mittens :D DB: advisory for life! how did we make it through all of high school? I'm not sure, but it was fun., the AP Bio cult, espanol, snow angels and sledding at your house, and some great NYC outings! TB: wow we made it - late nights from AP US... I'll miss you in all of my future history classes! but amid all of the stress was some great fun... (and some bums from homemade cookies on snow days!) MS: i love how you know everything about my life before everyone else does, it cracks me up. thanks for being there (and distracting me from my work) at all times. XC: you guys are the best 07&08 champs, who knew we could do it? the only pace is suicide pace, and today seems like a good day to die... and always remember: lsd>speed.


AJHJ B.S. - thank you for teaching me how to give into peer pressure R.C.- partners for life..., we will never know what happened those nights, but im sure it was fun, the curse that we had kept us on the table... but made us legends F. good luck in azeroth... "There is no way to salvage this!" P.K. - Your smile brightens my day J.B. - always remember a second pair of boxers, you are the squash wizard M.Z. - apfffffff... the list for justin's date = greatest thing i have ever seen in my life D.M. - i got some pennies for you... T.P. - 1 can think logically if i try hard, i just don't want too B. H. - awkward...(but don't worry, because thats what makes you you) C.B. - you came in my house, spilled blue stuff on my rug, traveled to texas in my room, but for some reason i love you anyways. C. F. - No such thing as being in the middle... its all or nothing (usually all) G. B. - macbook, you will forever have my heart A.G. - you dumped me... i can never forgive you, LAWLS G.P. - paarrrtaay girll P.J. - petahhh I.R. - yea... we dated freshman year M.J.- separated at birth... J.N - theres not much else i can say except i love you A.P. - i hope your lips are ok... W.S. - i will never forget our time together in squash, even though half the time you were in the bathroom A.H.J - i have never met a man better looking than you K.D.J.- i will never lose in dots again M.C.- thanks for ditching me in paddle tennis., ps great job with the senior room A.H.-5-1 P.R.- we had some ridiculous nights, keep up the good work M.S. - dont even deny that you loved every second of french class K.L.H.L - Do work.

LS Though w e m ay not have alw ays been bffs (cam p playland often com es to m ind), that doesn't m ean w e h aven 't becom e the closest STTs ever (w e have). I truly don 't know w hat I'm going to do w ithout you next year. I'll see you at you r and P erry ’s w edding. AM M y pandyface. You like country and I don't. I like cats and you like dogs. W e re both aw k-aw k bagaw k. I d on 't care, you 're still one of m y best friends and I'll love you forever. EB W e'v e had our rough patches, as m ost friends do, but I w ant you to know that I love you and I cannot w ait to visit you next year and for you visit m e. Mr. C aputi, Mrs. N ichols, and the rest of m y teachers: Thank you so m uch for giving m e a w onderful high school experience, I truly w ould not have been able to survive w ithout you! M H , DH, EH , N H : TH A N K S FOR BEING M Y FA M ILY! Clearly, I will be seeing you guys throughout m y life forever, w hether I like it or not, but I do appreciate everything you've done for me! I love you! To the rest of m y friends, though I m ay not have m entioned you specifically, you are in m y heart and I will miss you IN CRED IBLY next year. LA W P for life. C ongrats 2010! W e m ade it. :)

PGJ IR - I'm sorry it didn't work out AHJ- It's been a good, even if 70 years ago we would have been the gravest of enemies RC- my tree buddy JB- Let's make some matzah ball soup! CV- Fockie, once a DK always a DK, too lazy to go the extra 55 levels, had to make it 25 eh? AM - May we be togeather in history forever. AG - Leave the ole' hencoop at home eh? TP- Friends now, enemies later- which will get the corperate job first? BS- Hunters are way too OP, my LB got nothing against you.

Si Redd- Goodluck at PSU brody! I know you'll be doing big things, just know that we all believe in you. As I write this, I can't get over the time when I hit that walk-off homerun with A-Rod. Hahaha. You and lyte are the brothers 1 never had. And I'll miss yah like crazy. Make sure you keep shoutin me out(if you know what i mean ahahah) Kev- My Boy Lyte! You've been in it through the thick and thin, even when I'm doing some wild stuff, but that's why I know you're my boy for life, because only you and Si could deal with it. All the advice with girls will be missed. Let's see how much trouble I'll get into in college. You better be shoutin me out toofhit me on the text or something hahahahj Ashile, Damn yo.. .a long couple of years, but we did it! We are out of this joint! Only you know about all the DL stuff hahaha, and 1 love how we scheme together. You'll be my boy for life son. I love you and Goodluck next year. Jabrille, Bangin on dudes! Son please do work next year, wherever that may be at, just put in work..i want to see you in the league. I'll miss you son, you're one of my best friends, and I love you. KBS-1 meant it when I told you that you meant everything to me. I care so much about you, and I hope the rest off high school is amazing for you. I'll miss all the fighting, and messing with each other, but most of all I'll miss all the time we spent together, we never had a bad time together and that's why YOU are Sooo AMAZING! Before I foget....I GOOOOOOOTTT hahaha Maria- My love, my little sister, my best friend, my future wife, I will miss you so much. We had our moments, but just one hug made everything better. I wish the best for you and your family.(1 will be over every break we have lol) You are an amazing girl, and amazing friend, and an amazing person over all. Make good decisions and will you be my girlfriend now? lol I'll miss the car ride from Uconn, even though you hated when I crossed the line we made. I LOVE YOU MARIA! Oooo Damn...The Nuhss, because of all of you, I made it through high school. 1 don't think I would have made it without all the laughing, molesting, wrestling, and ect. MR you're my boy fam! I love you like a little bro, remember live my the code "G.T.L..Gym, Tanning, Laundry" But we all know you don't need the Gym my boy is 235 lbs hahaha..MS aka "Da Gawd" I wish the best for you fam. You are another one who can handle my hyper days hahaha...I HIT A WALK-OFFF! TT, you coming back to King was the highlight of my year. I missed them chocolatey lips hahaha..Nah, I hope you stay bustin in basketball son..That's all you make sure you put in work. Brody. DJ, I love you son! Math class, wrestling, everything son...I'll miss you..SS, what it dooo!! Do work son.. .Be a force out the on the football field.. .I'll miss the butt rubs and everything lol..MY boy DAKI, you put up with a lot of my BS. I only liked messing with you because I loved you the most. You're my boy, and I hope you do big things next year. I wish the best for you and I know you'll make it..Goodluck and I love you son. MR aka CHABLO, the talks we had were some of the most helpful conversations I've ever had. You know pretty much everything about me and I know a lot about you. You are my boy son, I'll miss you! Mike D, yo..WE DID IT SON! College next year won't be the same without you. When I was in the worst moods, you always put a smile on my face. I love you for that son. The best thing about you as a person is that you're so real..Never change that part of you.. 1 love you fam. CRH, Where do I start with you?! Lol..since 8th grade you and I had an on and off relationship with liking each other..(sorry but I'm about to blow up spots) You are the person that didn't put up with my BS and because of that I love and care about you. You are amazing..I wish you the best and I'll miss our amazing hugs! =) DAN DAN! I'll miss you most of all, you knew everything about me, How? Idk hahah but I love you to death and back. You are the one person I can trust, and I care so much about're my little sister, and I hope everything goes great for you!. CC+JB, I love you guys soo much, I understand I had my hyper inappropriate days, but I loved talking to you guys and being around you guys. I hope everything goes well in college..I'll miss you sooo sooo much..The BRO NIGHT BROs! I will miss you guys so much. We shared some of the best laughs and funniest moments. Car rides, Movies, Man Flunt, I'll miss it all! I love you Guys! Last but not least BUB, "BUTTON YOU'RE SHIRT!" hahaha 10/04/08 and we can't forget about 11/24/'s been long relationship that you and I shared..Even if it were bad at times, we always found a way to make it better.. .1 care so much about one will ever know the real you like I know you.. Gosh I even went Fishing with you! Hahaha..All the funny moments we have, all of the endless nights, everything that has ever happened with us will never leave my head..I'll miss all of the nicknames..i'll miss all of the hugs..i'll miss all of the kisses..i'll even miss when you take the lint out of my hair, and dean my face.-i feel so comfortable when I'm with you..I told you tilings that I've never told anyone, because you made me feel like I was safe. It'll be hard saying goodbye...

PWK MTC & BSH: My dearest Mia and Karlita, I don't think a little blurb can come remotely close to describing our complex, diva-licious, cruel, hilarious (to us), obnoxiously annoying (to everyone else), senseless, inappropriate, politically incorrect, and perhaps above all else, IMMATURE, relationship. Did I mention — ^immature**— ? 1 think this is why we three tend to have our own separate table at birthday dinners (eventually having a hell of a better time than everyone else). To put it simply, regardless of our ups and our downs, you guys are my better half. Maria and Bridget, your smarts, inner and outer beauty, and priceless personalities make me feel so blessed to have you guys as two of my best friends. Peace, Love, & Stamford always, and thanx 4 the memoriez. Love, Paris. The Catenaccis: You guys are like my second family. Your hospitality, kindness, warmth, and good humor will never cease to amaze me, and I am so gracious for all the laughs that you have provided over the past few years and the many more to come. WCS: William Charles, stay unique; your sense of humor surpasses anyone else's that I've ever met. AJH-J: Stay devastatingly beautiful, you're good at it. CAF: Thanks for keeping me on my toes and for always putting me in my place the past three years. Luv ya lil $h@wty. BRS & RAC: You guys are hilarious and thanks for all the love. PPT: Gurl, you're SLAMMIN'. Thanks for putting up with me poking fun of your Stamford roots. HJC: 1 hate how much smarter than me you are. Yet, 1 know that it's going to get you very far in life, and 1 expect great things to come from you. Thanks for being there for me. MLS: You're hilarious. Thanks for the laughs. DLF: I love your attitude. Don't ever change. KDJ: You're butch. Other than that, I guess you're a pretty cool person. Thanks for all the math help! VFR & MEP: I know 1 wouldn't be who I am today without you two. I'll love you guys forever. Congrats to the Class of 2010, enjoy the ride, and best of luck for the future!!

"You have the brains in your head. You have the feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in the direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go." Looks like we've finally made it, thank you so much to everyone who has been there for me along the way. IR- you know you're my only friend and I couldn't have survived these past four years without you. I think we owe a big thank you to the habachi guy for making us realize who we really are (if ya know what I mean), baby you're my everything. Friday night Reba parties, chocolate-covered strawberries, neon headbands, snowboarding, frick and freck, "OMG can you eat that much!" (remember that one?). Looks like we've made it to senior year and you still haven't stolen ALL my friends, so now what will I do without you next year? KH and LS- LAWP, sisterhood of the NP, chronicles of namia. Fish, I forgive you for taking my lemons and Kate you can hold my man hands anytime! What would life be without you two? KSno matter what, you'll always mean the world to me. From days on the beach, to sushi dinners, to nights on the turf, thank you for always being there to support me. CV- even though I'm better than you at skiing and fifa, I know you love me. Love you too, Conney. EB-1 still remember our first rf concert together, and since then we've only gotten closer. I'll miss you next year. KDJ- how could I have survived without your b****iness? You're amazing. CC- You tricked me into driving Emma's car all the way to Westport, but I guess you're cool other than th at:]. JB- pizza dinners after soccer games, star-gazing, taylor swift, heartto-hearts, and huge, miserable hugs on the soccer field. What better friend could I ask for? MSPRISS! I love your awkwardness and 1 will always be jealous of your boyfriend. SL- love you hubby <3. SOCCER: best team ever, its been so much fun. Coach, we owe it all to you. SS and SAL- what a great last season, you guys are amazing. SK- my favorite freshman. HM- are you horny? CP- you're my BEST FRIEND. Sorry for tackling you in the hallway, although you did almost get me killed when I drove you home. JV BBALL: whatchya know bout me? We're true bailers for life. TENNIS: wars with the boys tennis teams, jellycovered tampons, A is for..., guys, who has Midol? And to my family, thank you always pushing me to succeed, 1 wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for you. Lueyann, I've always looked up to you so much, thank you for always being there when I needed you. And mom and dad, both of you have always been my inspiration, I love both of you do much. SENIORS 2010, congratulations, you all deserve the best.


A. H-J: I need 120 watts! Can I put together two 60s?

King class of 2010, you have been the best group of people to be around for the last four years! Every one of you has been a part of my life in one way or another and I hope every one of us has an amazing four years wherever we are. Mom and Dad I truly could not have gone through these past 18 years without you. Dad, you always told me to "Buck up"when I complained, and although I'd be upset, I realize now that it made me stronger and the determined person I am today. Mom, you have taught me to be the best person 1 can be, and to never lose myself. You have always been there for me and never given up and I am so lucky to have you both! Kate and Bub, you may be frustrating and times but I love you both more than you know. Petula,where to start? We only became close friends two years ago but it feels like an eternity. We have been through so much together, the good AND the bad, but wehave never given up. I never told you, but you were the one that finally made me feel like everything was going to be okay at King, you were my first true friend and that has never faltered. You are so full of life and you have pushed me to be the same (even when I didn't want to) and I am so lucky for that. You are my best friend and I hope thenever changes. Bridget, you are truly one of the most unique people 1 have ever met. I am so lucky to have become friends with you because you have brought so much laughter into my life. I would not have traded our JV Lax days for anything in the world! Maria, 1 didn't know you too well for a while but I think it was our nights on the lacrosse trip sophomore year that made us friends (think about it). From then on you were always a friend that made me smile and laugh, even when I was down. Will, "Oh Elias I see you there". Gordon and PJ,you guys are the greatest. Gordon I will never forget our great talks and advice giving. PJ, I will never be able to guess what you are thinking but your smile always makes me feel better. Shane (Shaney), you truly a good friend. I w on't forget the times at your house playing with puppy Forrest or the time you and will made me sit through Doom. Sabina, Summer, Alexandra, Cali, and Molly,you each have been a part of my life in a different way. Sabina we've been together since middle school, you've grown into a great girl! Summer, you seem to always have a smile on your face and it brightens my day. Alexandra, Our study halls are the best, you're an amazing study buddy. Cali, you are always the one to make me laugh or giggle no matter the situation and Molly you always keep me smiling, especially in history class! To the rest of the boys, you all are always fun to be around even if you're talking about video games. Thank you King School for being a place where I have meet all these people and have learned so much!

B. S: It's just surprise if you can't say no... R.C: Starcaller Connacher J.B: Lew A1 Cinder F: Sub Par DPS. G.B: One of the few devoted raiders. M.S: _! A.P: W hy is this w ater so hot?


KPL This is the beginning of a new day. I have been given this day to use as I will. I can waste it. . . or use it for good, but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it! When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain and not loss; good and not evil; success, and not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price that I have paid for it. Family: I am nothing without you. Everyone: Thank you. You have made me who I am today. Even if you contributed in a negative or positive way, every little bit counts. Your memories will stay in my heart for ever. Si Redd: Snarghhh lol. Wink: Pinkie dink, mink, sink, winkie wee, winky lol boy for life. Ashile: You would... KLHLB: My king low boys, you already know, we a band of brothers, never forget the hand shake. Bri: I'll love you for life. Val: Imaginaries lol. MD: I'll never forget the time we were freshmen and missed preseason hahaha, been boys ever since. AB: I love you .. .point blank. When I think of high school you will always be the first person that comes to mind. From that first kiss in Cali's playground in 8th grade haha to our goodbye before I left for Boston College, you will always be in my heart. To me you will always be the person that touch was able to reach a part of me that I hid from everyone else. Mwah! 11-18-05

WS- William Shaker! AKA Willy! You are the most hilarious guy I have ever met! You always know how to make me laugh! I will miss you in my math and AP English classes! We always have such a great time! Ps: 1 love that green sweater you wear! Make sure to wear it everyday! Hopefully we will be going to Wake together! Anyways have a amazing time at college! You have a great sense of style! MS- Morgan!Your such a amazing friend with everything! Your always there when 1 need you. You helped with everything! We have so many great jokes such as T-man, golf trip to florida and just laughing at everything. The dinners at abis were always so much fun. Good times... I will always remember the night we went to paranormal activity! SD- Where do I begin! You are eternally my best friend and I will miss you so much next year! We have so much to talk about and we literally start laughing at everything. Especially tilings like "seasame seed overload" and "he tried but was not successful. " I feel like I can tell you anything! The spring golf trips are always fun with the special blankets that we never use. Haha. And having a teacher tell us that drinking toilet water was ok. I am going to miss you so much and I hope you have a great experience at college! Keep in touch! Our trip to Disney as well as just hanging out at home are just amazing and we always have such a great time! I love you and miss you! I cannot wait for my sweet eighteen party that we are planning together! Ps: 1 just remembered the "oh" yes kid! Also do not forget both of the CS's ! MS- Melissa, you are one of my best friends. You are always there when I need you and we have so many great jokes such as " Tea Partayyyy!" and laughing at just about everything. You know how to make me feel better when I am upset and your always there for me. Thanks for being such a great friend! I will miss you so much next year! You are the most hilarious person I have ever met and you know how to turn a frown upside down. You always are happy and smiley and I love having you around to be my friend! I will miss our trips to the city with Steph and trying on the most ugly dresses in the department store. That was so much fun! D and T- Dana and Toni! You two are such amazing people! We have so much fun especially with the tent incident that we do not have to mention. Anyways you both always give such great advice and I was remembering the incident with my dog Maggie. Anyways I will miss you guys so much next year! We really need to hang out more seeing more movies like He is just not that into you! We are waiting for the right guy to come along! We will find him! Miss you already! MZ, MS, EB, TT- Mike, Eric, Matt, and Tony! You four are my official best guy friends. You have been there for me always and its great that we have this friendship. We better all hang out before we leave for school. It has been fun going to Buffalo Wild wings and basically talking about anything. I feel as if I am one of the guys. We laugh at anything and I hope you all have great college experiences next year! Have fun! AH- HOJO!!! My cross country buddy and Co-captain! We have had many great memories on cross country and being the only "normal" people on the team. You always know how to make me laugh and I will miss you a lot next year! You are so funny and I love how my dad and you both play world of war craft. You should definitely have a lan party sometime! I am sure he would love that! Thanks for being so funny and helping me get through high school! MC- Maria! Although we didn't really talk last year, You have helped me through so much this year and I wanted to thank you! We should definitely hang out when we go to vail during spring break. You are such a sweet and funny person and I love how you are always happy! It is so reassuring to have you around! Thanks for being you! EB- Em, you are such a great person! You make me happy all the time and your always there for me! I am glad this year we have developed a friendship and I have a feeling we will definitely talk in college. I am going to need you to help me with my sweet eighteen this year! Miss you already! CP- Chloe! My best friend! My sister! You are the best person ever! You always make me smile and we have so many jokes that would take up this whole page. You make me laugh and are so funny. I am going to miss you so much when I go to college next year. I could not wish for a better sister and everyone should have a sister just as caring as you. I started to get sad when grandma gave us the broken heart charm. One piece was for me and the other for you so you will always be with me no matter where I go! I already miss you and if you need any help with high school let me know! I love you!

AWP Morgan: Grape drank babe, not juice. Zeko: Darien library player. Maria: Your a true character living in a short story. Will shaker: Fine, fine peice of art. Matt smythe: Your on thin ice buddy. Tony: Yo....Hey man... Wait up.... can i be quarterback. Fockie: Meet me on the ice at 3 in the morning to play one on one basketball. Petula: Don’t flirt when driving, it’s very dangerous and you may crash. Donyae: Do that Dallas boggie. Hojo: WHO the hell made that pizza and lockies... they w eren't even good. Fockie go buy me pizza now Catherine: Nicest 60s deskmate you could ask for, god blesski.

AH- slipknot, cavetrolls, running camp (PURPLE DRANK), laughing children, hallucinations, procrastinating, collecting of toothbrushes, xc diet fails (chocolate cake and Starbucks), makinis, the reject button, drug bags, seatbelt-less emotional rollercoasters, pineapple apology cake, 3oh3,slayer mosh pit, mysterious bruises, slushie shots, making PURPLE/ awk corner, breaking the rope and each other's ankles/shins, questioning our sanity (we definitely lost it), beautiful eyes.. .Ps.. .sometimes i think god hates me, but then i realize its my fault ....please help me with my life?? Pps two words...CRACK AG- Advisory and carpooling, calc, all the history and English, bio, and math, we've gone through so much in and out of school... .you are amazing and im so glad that i got to know you .... eat peeps- do stupid things faster and with more energy! epic FAILTACTULAR!!! "a sacrifice to the ap bio gods", the lazy man's smore and bonfires, baking buddies, will ferrell and baby jesus.... our favorite phone numbers: 1-800-FML, 1800 OFF THE CREEK and "Single? Call 1-800-GET-A-MAN." JT- PURPLE DRANK!! Ahaha great times in bio and agony hill, im going to miss xc... we better run/ chill this summer!! TT/ MS- i thoroughly enjoy our philosophical convos during yellow haha im so glad i got to know both of you...taylor thanks in advance for hiring me to work in your "lab" after i drop out of school D&TB- we survived!! after every insane class and stressing out of our minds we finally made it out alive, xc '09 all the way!! ps bonfire 10! DC/ RM /HK - SPOOFEST '09! Cant wait to come back and visit you/ laugh at agony hill and taste the rainbow ps HK AWKWARD STARFISH!!!


MER Class of 2010-congratulations! Thank you to everyone at King who made my years here amazing and everlasting. Mom-Without your constant support I would not have made it through. Thank you for all the late night chats and always standing right by my side. Dad-You never let me give up, no matter what the obstacle was. Never missing one game, you will always be my biggest fan. Janie-My big sis, my role model, my best friend. You are there for me every step of the way. I don't know how I would do it without you. Jonny-You never let me forget where I came from and are always there to help me get through. Rosie-My little rug rat, baby sis & my personal chief. You have made my years at King so special. Can't wait for you to visit me next year! A1 & Hopie- My sisters. Its been 8 years, yet it still feels like yesterday we were running through the halls of RMS! You two are the only people in my life who can complete my sentences. All of our sleepovers, dinner dates and laughs will stay with me forever. Thank you for always loving me for me.xo Sabs-You were there for me from day one and have not left my side since. Whether we were in Palm Beach or driving in the Volvos, our talks and laughs have made every minute that much more special.xo SumSum-My best imitator & of course best dance partner. Coming back to my house after BWW or staying on the phone with me until you heard laughter, you were always there for me. I would be lying if I said you were replaceable. So umm, "You Can't Touch This!"xo AB-Always my voice of reason! Without your motherly guidance, I do not know if I would be graduating in one piece! Thank you for creating coherent thoughts for me when I couldn't.xo Bub10/4/08. Through thick & thin, always my best friend. Always understanding and simply loving the real me was what I will never forget. You took me as I was in my bright pink flats & always knew how to make that smile appear. Our memories will never leave me so I guess I will ask, "Wanna go fishing?"xo Cali-Your jokes and amazing humor got me through it all. Whether we were on the field hockey field or dance floor, you made every memory truly pricelesslxo Mike D-My first phone call when I got into King! Since 6th grade, you were my first crush and best friend!xo Juls & Cali Caps-Our talks & laughs have meant the world. You two better visit me next year! xo P.T, B.H, M.C, T.N, G.B, P.R, W.S, KPL, S.P, M.Z, A.H-Love & Memories. 2010- Never forget the VIKINGS...

WS- Guillermo- From the chubby one to the studmuffin. You've been my boo since the 4th grade. I hope you remember trampo ball...summer days in the pool, our strange human sculptures with shane.. .BARCA bale bale. MOM I WANNA GO HOME ITS TOO HOT....we've done so much together. GBGordonius aka evil man from Dennis the menace. Soccer has been life since freshman year, thank god we did it together, remember the days when we weren't cool- well we had each other. Couldn't have done it without you. Cabooooo. AB-1 don't know when it was we got so close, but its been great having you as a best friend. Chicken Caesar wraps are also my best friend because of you. In my perplexed state at DMB I clearly remember you standing over me freaking out, hopefully you'll always be close by for advice and ready to help me out. U da best. PT- Umm right now we aren't speaking to each other.. .1 think that sums it all up.. .we've had our ups and downs but you'll always have a special place in my heart. SKAES :) King Low soccerkeep it going, ill never forget what it has given me. CF, S A-L, SR, MZ, JB, SL, MR, SS, MC, TN, BS, RC thanks for the memories!!!!!!!!



ITR CONGRATS class of 2010!! I've had an amazing four years at King. Thanks to all my friends who have made every minute of it fun and enjoyable. AM What will 1 do next year without you attached to my hip? You are the reason I've had so much fun, done so well, and survived these last four years. Although at times we bicker like a married couple, I know I'm the only one you love (love you too); friday Reba nights, being your chauffeur, hand signals, awkwardness / anitsocialness in general, future American Idol stars, fatties for life... "What? Sorry I wasn't listening." KDJ my wingman. I guess I kinda like will you be able to survive ALONE next year? EB Wow it's been a great four years, book club, crumbs and bball we've really changed. JB my wifey; UC 1 & 2. CC my basketball idol. CC, KDJ, JB, EB, AM my country girls. Taytay and flatts!! RC Our relationship has been a rollercoaster, from our beach explorations to beating you in chess, we've had a great time. I know you'll have a blast at college and I'll miss you. Priss I can't believe those two awkward fifth graders have become us. College road trip?!? Thanks for some great laughs, JVGBB for life. SL gossip buddies, planning our future, awkward family dinners, you're always there to talk to me. KS So I'll see you in 30 years. I'll meet you on the helipad in central park. CV Stop denying it, you love me. I'll miss you Conney. BS Purple period, heart to hearts, maybe sometime you'll see me out past 12... SAL Our crazy Italian fathers, like straight off the boat. SS Food?!? Good I'm starving. PJ If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together. Girls Soccer thanks so much for an amazing season. Good luck next year. And remember. . .It's the climb. Coach thanks for being a great advisor, coach and mentor over the past four years. You've always supported me and helped me when I've needed you most, keeping me calm and optimistic. AB, SS, SAL, KDJ, AM, JB Soccer Seniors!! HM. JV Girls BBall It's alright, we had some moral victories. Tennis Epic wars against the boys. BALLIN Mom Thanks for doing everything in your power to make me smile. Dad Thanks for supporting me and for teaching me everything from coloring inside the lines to perfecting my essays and grammar, you're always pushing me one step further. Michael There's no denying that we've had a blast growing up together. Thanks for making me laugh and remember..."just smile and wave boys."

Mom/Dad: Thank you sooo much for everything!! You guys really have been there for me 100% every step of the way, I couldn't have asked for anything more! I'm going to miss you guys so much next year, but thank you for pushing me so hard and helping me to become the person that I am. I love you guys! Thanks... AB. I don't know what to say...14 years and I know there are many more to come. I love you more than anything! Too many memories to even say, but you have always been there for me, even when I mess up, I know I can count on you. I don't know when we got so close, but you really became the fourth Segalas to me and my family, and I wouldn't trade that in for anything! Whether it's our trips to Florida,Vermont, Nantucket, the Hamptons, or to visit Kimberly, we've always been together and had some of the best memories (I know I can think of plenty during those couple of trips...late night talks with Molly, pushing you down the mountain, don't really know what to say about Nantucket and I think you know why hahah). I don't know what I am going to do without you next year, especially on the table ;) haha, but fortunately for us 1 will most definitely be visiting you plenty considering we're going to be an hour away from each other!! All I can say is I couldn'task for more from a best watch out for me, you tell me when I'm being stupid, you pretty much organize my life, and I am VERY grateful for it! I'll miss you more than life next year...I LOVE YOU!!!!!! SAL: Through thick and thin.. .we both know we have had plenty of ups and downs, but I think that only proves how strong our friendship is. The fact that we're still best friends and are able to have so much fun together just shows me that we really love each other (as corny as that sounds). I love you and our weird, weird moments together (including somewhat lesbian actions, weird dancing, fake fighting, and many awkward moments). I've only known you since eighth grade, but it feels like we've been friends forever! Thanks to you I have always had someone to play sports with, which has meant a lot to me believe it or not. You are by far my corniest friend and as hard of a time I have given you for that, I have to say I don't know what I would do without it! We have made so many great memories together and I'm happy to say regardless of anything that has happened I know that you'll always bethere for me and that just demonstrates you as a person. I don't know what else to say, but I want you to know that I have so much respect for you as a person! Goood luck next year, not that you'll need it! But I will miss you tons and I LOVE YOU lots!! MR: Oh boy, somuch to say...I don't even know where to start. But it's hard to believe that we have only been friends for a little over a year and a half because with all our memories it feels like we've been friends forever! I don't know what you're going to do next year without your own personal psychiatrist (aka ME), but I know you'll make use of your phone to call me whenever you want to complain about your life, and I'll actually be looking forward to that call. Regardless of how much you say I'm your doctor, you really have been there for me when I'm at my lowest, and it means a lot! I could write down some of our many memories, but I think some are a little too inappropriate to comment on haha, but that just sums up our relationship. I don't know what else to say about you my little emo tend to bring out my emo side though I have to say, which I know is hard to believe. One thing I can say though is I don't know how I would have survived such a sucky senior year without you, sooo thank you for being here! I LOVE YOUU SOO MUCH (even more than your family regardless of what you might think haha)!! CF: So I'm running out of things to say,but one thing that comes to mind when I think of you is well.. .car rides! I have to say some of my favorite memories with you as weird as it is have been in the car (singing, dancing,yelling over what to listen to).. .basically it has all been memorable. I'm happy that we have gotten so much closer over the years, and 1 can't wait to finish out my senior raging with you! I don't know what to say, but I do know that you guys have made my senior year and without you 1 don't think I would have been able to survive! I cannot wait for next year when we come back home and see each other because I know nothing is going to change and we will continue to create some more of the best memories ever! I wish I had more to say, but if I wrote down all of our great memories then I think I would take up the entire yearbook with my scribbles, so I'll stop here. But I LOVE YOU and I can't wait to visit you next year and rage.. .just as long as a car is involved! KS/TS: 1 love you guys more than anything.. .you're not only my sisters, but my best friends! Thank you so much for everything! FT: My only Greek friend haha, I love you and our dancing! SR: I miss you everyday! PR: "No Air" GB: Kid Cudi + a car=LOVE IR/AM:I LOVEE YOU GUYS! I am so glad we got so much closer this year!! Soccer was the best! MD: I love you boo! I promise we'll make you know what happen at some point! BH: English class...all I can say is thank god for you! JT/CC:You guys are still weirder! I love you both, good luck next year and don't's not worth it! Stay close, that's all that matters. TN:don't know what to say, but it's been great getting closer, I love you! WS: Will you marry me? (Sorry Tess..) MS: MITCH! I love you...I'm sorry for being creepy. SF: I love youu brotha from anotha motha! You know me better than most everyone else! Girl's Varsity Soccer: Love you girls lots! Good luck next year, I'll miss you all!! Coach Newcomb: Thank you so much for everything! You've always been there for me...and I can't wait until your wedding!! Girl'sVarsity Lax: Love you girls too of course!!! Good luck with everything!! Coach Richter: Even though you left, you coached me for three years and taught me so much, so thank for everything!

RSS JS and MS: Thanks for always being there for me. I know if I need someone to count on you guys will always have my back. I'll miss you guys both next year. MZ: We have been great friends for years and have had so many memories, through the good (Hanging at Buffalo Wild Wings), the bad (Morency and her haircut), and the weird (8th grade English). JB: Thanks for being a great friend all these years. Wagner's for life! By the way how's squash? KS and MS: It was an honor to be part of the JV BBall Dynasty with you guys! DCS: When are we going to have that rematch? You know I'm ready. Lets Go UCONN! MAS: Me always beating you in history cannot destroy our great friendship. SD: From yellow free in the library with Anita (I still hold the record), to Meteorology class (You can't imagine those kids in 10 years), we have had so many great memories. Thanks for being a great friend! I hope we end up surviving our trip to the uncontacted tribes. GP: I think we need to go on another interesting run. Maybe we can stop in F.Y.E. to finally get what we have been wanting all year and the t-shirt. EB: Thanks for being a great friend for all these years. If you want I can still give you some voice lessons? MS: We made it through those tough science classes together. We should take a trip to Rye Playland to celebrate, but this time lets get directions. Mom and Dad: I would never be where 1am without you both. Thanks for all the support and love you have given me. 1 love you.


H-J: You will always be my spare flashlight. R. C: Every night's been crazy, and you were there for every one of them....just try and imagine college. PJ.R: So many fun nights...we are ridiculous human beings. G.B: Closet players for life...we know what's good. S.AL: You owe me embarrassing stories.... a lot of them. T.P: "Guys guys guys SHUSH!!.... we need to clean up the glass" F: "There is no way to salvage this" J.B: Buy more jeans M.Z: You can't remember? Sounds like my weekend. P.K: I will always clean you...always. I.R: Try and have fun next year. I know it will be hard for you to leave to library... K.D.J: Work on that 9:30 curfew. A.B: I still want your scarf. C.F: You owe me a furniture shopping adventure. B. H: Awkward moments define my life. M.C: Please teach me how to ski. M.S: Abandoner M.D: I’ll always show you love. S. S: We still need to get crepes. K.F.H.F: Enough said.

MAS Donyae- Ay mayne make me a sandwich Prengles- JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! Tony- Lemme be QB Zeko- AWWWWH YAHHHHHHHH Eric- My boiiii To all the babesCall me babygirl

AB- Europe was fun and I'm sure we will be best friends at Colgate, and I didn't eat that glow stick CC-John Mayer isn't actually that awful to listen to IR- It has been a long time since bio, its been fun MD- Did you just say I was funny? CF- You need to stop eating so many cupcakes SA- Best class president ever JB- My 401K is better then yours MS- Making the Shrek angry MC- You are such a guidette SS-I lovee youuu KD-I don't know


MLS KDJ-Without you softball would have been death. Seriously. Thanks for teaching me how to play (literally) and always being there for me! Thank you for all your advice and for always being there. NOW ITS TIME FOR YOU TO RUN TO THE ROCKS. Love you!! MPZ-You will always be one of my closest friends in High School. No matter what. You're an amazing person and I hope we'll stay friends through college. You have helped me through a lot of hard times and for that I will be forever grateful. You better always give me your pin's so I can bbm you just saying "bbm." Rock chalk jay hawks FTW haha. Thanks for all of the amazing memories, and sonnngs . BS- Besides the fact that I've been stuck with you (jk) since 2nd grade, and I envy all of the different colored polos you have, thanks for always “sharing" your garden catering with meee. Have fun at High Poinnnt! MR-Ahhh I love you (and all the salt you put on your foods ). You were always there with amazing advice and always free to get a manicure haha. We better be at Boston together next yeaaar because we will need to shop together and bitch together. CF-We could have easily gained a good 10 lbs. this year because of all the cupcakes we've eaten. I have YET to taste your INFAMOUS red velvets, our Halloween costume will always be the best out there, and shopping online for $600 skirts that we will never get will always be entertaining. LOVE YOU EJ-Thanks for being annoying in English and History. How could I have done without you rubbing my leg or stealing my pens? I'll never be able to read the entire Hamlet book, because part of it you ate. I'll miss you BROTHER. TN-Munckin #4 and Citizen #3! OH wait, I mean CAPTAIN of the munchkins. Even though we have only been friends for a short time, you are easily one of the sweetest people I have ever met. We better be in Boston together! Love you. WCS-You have kept me laughing since day one and have made High School a lot more fun. You're going to do great at Wake and I hope once in a while, you'll come back home so I can TWEET something amazing for you haha. PWK-“I bike 17 miles on ACK" Ohhh PattyPauls and your weird cats who eat their own fur. Thanks for taking me to lunch with you almost everyday this year and being there so we could bitch DUHH. I hope your kids aren't teased with names like Seisel and Eleanor hahah love you. ACK 10v3 fOR3v3rrr. RS-Robbaaaay oh my god, without you I would have died in every science class I've taken here. Seriously. Thank you for all the laughs AND always being there to yell at your faveee English teachers. PT- So Into the Woods would have been hell without you and thank god you want to become a psychologist because your talks have helped me through so much. Through everything, you were there to listen and never judge. "Doing our bio project" was...a night to remember and dancing for The Wiz was HILARIOUS, "you know, you look like Jesus?!" Bio...that should speak for itself... hahaha love youuu. EB-I will always love you and will always be here for you. No matter what. SD-Omg our French project in Morocco AKA Todd's Point, Greenwich CT. You have given me so many laughs and I will always love your creepy Nutcrackers. Love you. GP- Fun memories on the Ave. and at your house hahaha. You're a great friend and you'll do so well in college. Love you. RSS-Seriously, I don't now where to begin. I'm not going to make this sappy and long because you already know all of our memories. Honestly, thank you so much for always being there no matter what. You were the first person I met at this school and clearly we have been friends since then. I will love you forever and just like the sex and the city quote "it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away." Thanks for always being in my heart and a phone call away. TNS-No matter what, I'll always be here for you. Don't steal my clothes next year and then take credit for my fabulous style. Please don't cause too much trouble next year and you are NOT turning my room into an oversized hamster cage. Love you. JM-From running off the stage because I didn't know my lines to being the STARRRR of the show in The Wiz...well not really But we have both grown through these 3 years and I hope your seniors next year don't confess their fears of you HAHAHA. Good luck with your PhD! Softball-IM NOT RUNNiNG ANYMORE! lol I love you girls SO much. Good luckkk! Class of 2010-WERF DONE! I love you all and wish you the best of luck. These years would of meant nothing without you.

MAS, MBS, MAS: I'm so happy to call you my siblings because you all make my day much better. Matt, I'm thankful that our competitive nature subsided and we've become much closer; you are honestly one of the funniest people I have ever met. Mike, you're special; I am glad I can be myself with you, even though we will embarrass our children in the future. Madelyn, I love you so much; you are, no doubt, the best sister anyone could ask for. Keep working on your Willow impressions while I'm gone. Thank you guys for making these past seventeen years so enjoyable; I love you! W4L: I know I won't function knowing you won't be 10 minutes away. Who will be my crazy dancing partner, and whom can I be anti-social with? I know that our BFFS and "favorite people" will always be there! They'll attend all of our concerts (maybe Papa Damascus can back up sing for us) and we can bake cookies afterwards; I promise I won't eat all of them. Whether we're dreaming about Pita Bread or you're teaching me "how to be mean", we always manage a great time. Thank you so much for being an amazing friend! EY: Who would've thought that we would be friends after 7 years (especially after you got punched at the Kelly Clarkson concert)? I hope we go to more G&S shows with Merle and have tennis matches. Remember: do work, respect son, he never did, it's all about the fights. I lav you! AT: I can't believe that we've been friends since the days of Pokdmon. I love you so much (and our Changs-Changs dates) and couldn't have asked for a better friendship. EH: I love your Shakira impressions so much! I value our friendship and couldn't imagine spending time with Mohen or Senor Clarke with anyone else! SL: You made the transition from my "nun life" to here easier. You always make me smile, even if it's our library dates where we do no work. I am so happy that we're friends, and remember: you're more loveable! POCS. WS: You're not funny. I'm really happy that you were one of my first friends at school; whether we're in choir, "studying" at the library, or videochatting with Shane and Mike, you always managed to make me laugh! ALL: Sister in Christ, I'm thrilled that we became so close! I love our old-movie dates and obsession with Grace Kelly. Remember: stay classy! GBP: I'm happy we grew out of the stage of singing "Tea Partay" in the halls. Thanks for being such a good friend; we're keeping in touch! AM: Even though you almost killed me while driving places, I like you. Tennis and basketball are memorable. Remember your tennis groans and the ABCs? I know I'll miss you, but whenever I'll hear "kiss me through the phone" I'll always think of you! IR: I'm happy we got past the family-friend stage, even though I judge your folk music. I couldn't imagine hanging out for an hour because Rosa won't let me out of the house with anyone else! TB: You're such a smart, sweet person, and I couldn't have asked for a better friend. It's hilarious how our mothers are the same person; I guess that means that we better stay in touch! DB: I'll miss our late night phone calls while we "study for history" so much next year. Even though we just started hanging out junior year, I consider you one of my closest friends. I love you! CV: Your feminine ski goggles are great; flowers? Good choice! Purple period and Page's English class were so fun. Even though you don't agree with me, you're smart! JB: Despite the fact that you question my loyalty to the Yankees, I know the players/positions; Georgetown will always be better than Seton Hall. I always knew you would get into Wake, so you better have fun there! AG: Since we figured out Priscillasaures Rex and other "experiments", let's work at Dunder Mifflin! TP: h e y j RS: Domos are great. I'm sorry for picking awkward movies at your house, but I'll always beat you to class! CC: JohnA2. KS: We should pursue a musical career and work with Lupe! Mom and Dad: I love you both so much; thank you for making me the person I am today. Teachers: Thank you all so much. I value everything I learned here! Class of 2010:1 wouldn't change my High School experience for anything; you guys have had a profound impact on my life, and I thank each and every one of you for making my time here incredible! Good luck wherever you end up; I know you guys will all do great things in the future.

ADT 1. To eric- popeye the sailor man, too! too! 2. Matt- can i get some ddeeeeyyyip 3. Andrew PrengNice picture prengles 4. Cj - Why are we talking about this 5. zeko-1 eat one choclate cream pie in the moring, workout, and it turns into muscle!

Tess Nellis-1 can honestly say 1 don't know where I would be today if it weren't for you. Tess, I look up to you, and everyday I am learning something new just from the great advice you give any moment of each and every day. We can both say that when you first came to King we both would have never thought we would become such close friends...we were wrong. We are two girls who are the complete opposites but that's what makes us so close; as they say, opposites attract. You have been there for me through thick and thin, and I will always know that you are just a phone call away. Thank you so much for picking me up on my worst days and being there with me on my best. I wish you the best of luck at Boston University; I know that this is not the end of our friendship, it is only the beginning Maria Catenacci- My favorite Italian/Republican in the world. I have experienced everything in high school with you and I would never take that back, I enjoyed every minute of it. Summer '09, what more is there to say? It says a lot when two girls become so close that they can call themselves sisters, we basically lived at each other's houses. There has never been a dull moment with you; you are always making me laugh and putting a smile on my face. Let us not even get to your mom because she can have me on the floor laughing for hours just by telling one joke. We are always starting trouble, from starting conversation with people on the ski lifts, spending all of our money at lunch, eating my mom's chicken soup and of course your moms AMAZING CHICKEN, to getting yelled at for coming home at two in the morning. I do not know what I would do without you. Thank you so much for making high school so memorable. There is no doubt that we will stay extremely close no matter where we end up, love you! Bridget Hanley- We must have been crazy spending our summer taking Pre-calc. But I wouldn't take it back, not even for a second, for that summer really sparked the start of our friendship. The best part about you is how you are always about having fun, and everyone needs somebody like that in his or her life... I am glad that someone is you. Because of you, I now know it is okay to jam out listening to music in my car, room, or even during a video on facebook. You have taught me that it's always okay to have a little fun. Thank you so much for every thing; you really have been such a great friend, I'll miss you so much next year, best of luck! Family- Thank you so much for putting up with "Panic Petula." I would have never been able to get through high school without your support and motivation. No matter where I end up, each and every one of you will always be in my thoughts and deep in my heart.. ."there's no place like home." Anastasia, Rachel, Nikki- Best friends since day one. You three have made me who I am today. Our memories will never be forgotten. I can't wait to open our memory box at our college graduations, I love you three so much! DP- Baby Beluga MS- One word, BIO!!!!!! I'm so glad we have finally been able to become close. Experiencing Into the Woods with you was amazing, I loved every minute of it! I hope that we don't panic as much in college as we did about Bio love you! AB and SS- My two friends that have been here with me since my first year at King! I can't believe it's been so long and that it's all coming to an end From going to Sushi 25 every Friday night, putting ribbons in our hair, having sleepovers, and non stop dancing, you guys have made King awesome since second grade. Thanks so much for the memories, they will never be forgotten, love you guys! SL, CF, MR- Even though I met all three of you at different times, I'm really glad I did. Cali, I'm pretty sure we were the biggest losers sitting in the back of Mr. Peter's class trying every lip blam made. Sabina, not going to lie, I thought you were the coolest person coming from England. And last but not least, Molly, thank god for you, another Stamford girl! You guys have been such great friends that I will never forget. You showed me a great time in high school, love you all! Coach Tran & Martha- You guys have been coaching me for years now and I just wanted to thank you. You have both taught me not only the game of volleyball but the importance of leadership and sportsmanship. This year was a difficult transition from the previous years but with your support and motivation, it made things a lot easier. I can honestly say I will miss preseason next year! I'll miss you guys, thanks once again. Martino & Homicki- You two have been like mother figures to me. I am so happy I tried out for Into the Woods because if I didn't I would have never gotten the chance to get to know you guys. You give the best advice and are always willing to listen. I'm going to miss coming in to see you guys during yellow and blue periods! Martino- You're not intimidating, you are just amazing at what you do. Peej-1 don't know where to start. You have honestly been an inspiration (as cheesy as that sounds). If it were not for you I would have never discovered a part of me that I love. Because of you, I tried out for Into the Woods, and found out that I love music and theatre. Even though the past few years have been a roller coaster, I am glad we were in it together and that we never actually gave up. No matter what happens or where we end up, I know I can look back on my high school years and think of you. Class of 2010- "I hope your dreams take you to the comers of your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, and to the most special places your heart has ever known."


MPZ Mom and Dad- How could i be anywhere without you guys. I love you two forever. You have been the best parents and really helped to mold me into who i really am. You two are the most important figures in my life and always will be. I promise to work hard in college and enjoy myself in life. Eric- By far the most mature out of all my friends. It will lead you to a sucessful future. I really don’t know how to describe our relationship but your my best friend. You always have a one up on me and im fine with that. But i got a one up also....but a minor one....the chiefs beat the steelers this comment. We’ve been through many times together. A memory i have of you and me was when we went to the city with prangles, tony and I, what a crazy night. Don’t get carried away with that 3:1 girl to guy ratio, develop a nice tan and think of some clever sailing pick up lines for me. I love you man. Tony- Tony, Tony, Tony, where do i begin. You are the funniest out of all my friends, and i mean that. 1can’t imagine what my high school life would have been like without you. Through all the heartbreaking madden games and the consecutive seasons where the Chiefs suck, you were there for me. By far you are the biggest Packers fan i know and always will be. It’s like you were bred in Lambeau Field. The one thing you need to change is the way you say "egg, bacon, and cheese," It’s " BACON EGG AND CHEESE" Keep sprouting hair on your biceps cause eventually and ice age will occur and you will so warm for it, You will have the best time. I love you man. Matt- You are the most unselfish friend i have ever had. One time in math class i asked for a pencil and you gave me the one you were using and you went around class lasking people for a pencil you could use. NONE of my friends would do that. Im so happy i have you as a friend. I hope you go to a southern school so we can develop some nice southern accents and see some good football games together. Your humor is redonculous and people are gunna see how unselfish you really are. I love you man. Justin- You are the epitome of a friend. You have been such a friend to me, i don’t know what im going to do without you. From Eric Mannors, "IS THIS THE DAGGER" to a Rock Chalk Championship. I’ve watched some of the best games of my life with you. I want to watch TCU win a national championship with you. Once you get to Wake your gunna be in for a new beginning. First you need to grow some facial hair. BRING MY DATING TIPS and keep it. Memory i have of you was in tecmo, overtime i blocked your game winning field goal and ran it back to clinch the win of my life. Don’t forget about me cause im not forgetting about you ever. I love you man. Rob- What a great friend. You were one of the most shy friend i have. But that was during your first two years. In Junior and Senior year you have been such an important person in my life. True wing man, is what you are. I loved coming over and watching sports games. And plus ur parents cook an amazing meal. You are gunna have an awesome time in college cause people are really gunna see you for who you are. I consider you as a best friend. I love you man. Will and Shane- You guys come in a package. I consider you guys as the funniest couple in our grade. Shane, you introdced me to kickboxing which got me interested in fitness and i love you for that. You have a great family and will be so successful in life. In general were a great friend to myself and others. Will, baby, B, and all the names we called eachother, You are awesome. I think it was you who shaped me into the person i have become. The "twilight" music video we made will be stuck on repeat in my mind. Have a great time in college guys!!! I love you men. Prangles- Howdy. When i heard there was a new kid from Texas in our grade i was in shock. I was pumped because i knew i could ask you what it was like cause im going to school somewhere there. We’ve had amazing times. Coming all the way from TEXAS to a little school in Stamford was tough i bet. You made plenty of friends and i hope we both go somewhere in Texas. Don’t forget that memory of us going into the city with Tony and Eric, best time of the year for me. Hook em’ Homed Frogs!! I love you man. Andrew Howard Johnson, Balin, Ross- Last year i didn't think i would be writing a scribble on you guys. But you have been awesome and im so glad to have you as friends during my last year here. But you guys especially have made my last year at KING the best one. And HOJO how could i ever think getting water samples would be so intense. Out of all my friends i believe YOU three will have the best time ever. I love you men Gordon- My best looking friend, with the freshest lettuce i have been able to touch. Your soccer abilities are like watching Megan Fox stroll around in a leopord bikini on a brisk summer day. Your hair moves like a saturated wave on the soccer field, blinding and drowning the opponents team. I've really developed a relationship with you that has helped me get through Junior and Senior year. I loved watching you "deal" with Justin in the senior room. I want you as a friend for life. I love you man. PJ- You have the best attitude out of all my friends. You love life. I will always remember that greek video we made. I needed a new pair of underwear when i saw that seen where you cut my hand off in slowmo. Your gunna have a blast wherever you go to school. I love you man. For the Ladies:

Morgan- Even though we have been through some rough patches i still consider you as one of my best friends. You are very put together and suffisticated. You will be fine in college and in life. I've witnessed some very stressful times with you but its those times that shaped you into who you are. Keep in touch!! Gillian- Another great friend!! Your so nice and caring when it comes to friendship. Your gunna have a rockin’ time in college experiencing thrills i believe most of my friends won't. You sometimes would be the only girl that hung out with the three amigos and that takes power. Your gunna have a great life and meet a Johnny Depp of some sorry. Live life to the fullest. Keep in touch! Bridget- Oh boy. You are nuts. Your also, the funniest, most beautiful(awwwww i know), and nicest of my girl friends. I really have developed a good friendship with you this year. Eventhough you don't take compliments well, you will eventually learn. Whenever i hear a K$sha song or hear Ice Cream Paint Job, i think of you hahah. Your a really great person and please stay the same throughout college and in life, because its your optimism that will get you far! Keep in touch! Adios Maria- My FAVORITE guidette. Jesus you are funny. I believe you to be the most demanding person in our grade hahah, which is a good thing. You will never let anyone boss you around. The boys will be all over you and you will get that one with Mark Sanchez like facial hair, don't worry. Keep being who you are and people are going to abselotely love you in college and after. Keep in touch! Cali- Blondie. You are one of the funniest and coolest girls i've met. Your also my kickboxing buddy too. You just let eveything out and wailon the bag like no other. I believe you can beat anyone up in our grade. You are gunna be successful, i promise you. One memory i have of you was when i slipped on ice on night after playing paddle. You came out and just started laughing at me, and instead of helping me up you went back to tell Gordon, shane and will i busted my butt on the ice. Your a great friend, and keep in touch!













"The art of the sailor is to leave nothing to chance." Annie Van De Wiele

Eric, Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of all you've done and who you've become. As the next chapter in your life begins, continue to leave nothing to chance and success will follow. We love you! Mom and Dad

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny m atters compared to what lies within u s."

- Emerson

D e a r M itc fie C f yVeCC done!. I a m v e r y p r o u d o f you, I Cove y o u a n d w is h y o u s u c c e s s in aC C your e n d e a v o u r s . M o o s fii

CongratuCations Mitcfieff! I ’m so jr r o u d o f you! w ith Cove fr o m your favorite sister lAdegra

MitcheCC, “I f you can imagine it, you can achieve it I f you can dream it, you can become it” lVe are very _proudof you. CongratuCations, 'With much Cove M om a n d V a d

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all your, Gran

W e are so proud o f you. Continue on you r journey to become the fine man that is within you. O ur hearts and love w ill follow you wherever life m ay take you,

a |

Congratulations, Gordo!

Love always and forever,


Mom, Dad, Stew art and H enry


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ANDREW in life, as in sknr e most important

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TESS We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. Remember we are always with you. Mom. Dad. Kate and Will "Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become/ Jawaharial Nehru

Kev, always our

M)e/ re/ p ro u d ' o f w h a ty o u /v e / a c c o m p U ih e d /o n /a n d / o ff th e/fields! W e/ c d r e c u ly

m it e ' y o u /.

Love/: VaddCotiy, Kath, Coach/, Derek, Tuck, Marcfucy, HeUy, MarUcjuc/ayu^Molcolm/

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we are all so proud of you!

love, dad,

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Congratulations Lauren! We are so proud o f you. We love and support you and will always be there for you! Love, Mom, Dad and Bryan

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■*jj£^ou're frying to achieve, there wiCC he roadhCochj &myhody has had them. (But o6stacCes don't have to stop you. I f y qgyaCC, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to cti * w r worh^ around i t . " - — MichaeC Jordan ‘With Covefrom yourfamiCy.

n into

My l i t t l e baby summer Starr is graduating. Your soccer and lacrosse scoring explosiveness has only been exceeded by how fast the time has gone. After you broke your femur, I worried about how you would cope and wondered i f you would be able to keep up with Kimberly and Tiana. You handled that with fierce determination and a smile that forever lig h ts up everyone around you. Diving on the basketball court was my f i r s t hint to stop worrying! I t has been a special treat to watch you develop. I loved watching your every game. You are a l o y a l , loving sist er and an incredible daughter. I w ill miss tending to your every food nee and collecting all your water bottles. I w i l l miss you too! I love you and am excited for your future and honored t be your dad.

Summ er S ta rr, so proud are we... fu ll of m em ories o f your growing voice - "hold my ham!" "my two

K fS


grownups" "serial k ille r? well, I don't have to w orry, I don't even like cereal" Lascia thanks you f o r her name.

You are a

champ in the fa c e o f d iffic u lty - your fem ur a t 4, then collarb on e m id-soccer season ... but you handle th a t s t u f f w ith grace. Always amazing me, you tru ly are a starr. Sam uel S t a r r can be proud o f the fig h te r you are. I


w ait


come see you play a t Skidm ore.


will miss you and yo u r frie n d s a t home and so will Plum



summers! hahaha) :) muah, Love you madly , yo u r favorite, mom and

s is te rs


Romeo, Lascia and Lee Lee

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s Austin! P o ssib ilities Dream W ith



Bigl Love

Mom & Dad C olin, K ie ra n & M o lly

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P R tw : ooL geB s l e good Life es ewspered By lo fwd guided by fewowledge P _ "B.ertrawd ■Ru.sseLL^v


A lexandra is very ca rin g an d everyone in

lex an d ra uses h e r co nfidence to help th o se aro u n d h e r in all th e areas of o u r ^ classro o m — Miss Gurry


Alexandra: Your intelligence, curiosity and lovely caring personality were apparent from when you were a tiny tot.

A lexandra is a b rig h t, ch eerfu l, self confid e n t little girl. ' y '

Mrs. Turreyytiwey j

Grade 7

Your teachers have said it best over the years...

You have only become better and better as you have matured into the wonderful young woman you are today.

She is diligent,;'/ th o ro u g h an d always m o tiv ated to do h e r best. Mine. Haym ann

We are so proud of you and we look forward to watching you take on the challenges and thrills of all that lies ahead, with the same enthusiasm and joy that you have brought to your first eighteen years.

Grade 3

You have a great future ahead of you and we shall take great pleasure in seeing it unfold for you.

I am o ften am azed a t h er selfcontrol, p atien ce, k in d -sp irit and c o n sta n t respectful behavior. Miss Palcso

Mummy and Daddy with lots of love. A

The w ork A lexandra does is a te stim o n y to h er ca rin g n a tu re and h er g en u in e desire to help o th ers. . • Mme. Hayrnann

» ' '

A lexandra strives for excellence. She possesses lead ersh ip ability. She is a stu d e n t w ho is resp ected an d looked u p to by h er classm ates.

Mrs. Pappalardo

She’s a n a tu ra l lead er ^ w ho enjoys le arn in g and m akes things m ore fun for others!

Miss Salierno



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Kate Hyman Wall


is going to Skidmore! 17 hours ago




James Hyman Kate,

Like the color purple, macaroni and cheese; Ruby red slippers and a bunch of trees.

Information Siblings: Eloise Madeline Hyman Nick Hyman Parents: Elissa Garber- Hyman James Hyman Birthday: July 10, 1992 Current City: Stamford, CT

Your Photos - Profile Pictures

We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. We are looking forward to all the great things to come! Love, Mom and Dad

Eloise Madeline Hyman Kate, I will miss you next year! I hope you enjoy college. Don’t forget us little people here in Stamford :)

Nick Hyman Kate, I missed you in boarding school this year. Have fun in college! Love, Nick Little Cat and Kitty We will miss yew! Especially around feeding time... Mrowww!!!! :(

I never let school interfere w ith m y education. -M ark Twain


Congratulations Cali & the Class of 2010. YOU DID GOOD! Love, the Faulkner family â– H i

1f 11« I




JPr■ ™ •« ik' f*'


Dearest Michael, Congratulations sweetie! We are so proud of you! Through your wonderful work ethic, dedication, motivation and perseverance, you have achieved excellence and a sense of accomplishment in every aspect of your life thus far. As you approach the next chapter in your lifelong journey, may you live well, laugh often and love much. You deserve the best that life has to offer and we know you will be extremely successful in whatever you do. Be true to yourself and always remember your family loves you very much. Go for it! All our love forever, Momma, Dad and your Bros

“\)ou are the onCyperson aCive who has soCe custody of your Cife... your entire Cife... Not just the Cife o f your mind, hut the Cife of your heart. Not just your hank account, hut your SO uC .



in n a Q u in d le n

JK.CCi, your curious m ind and kind heart are what make you who you are. Let them guide you on your journey a n d they wiCChead you weCC. 'We are so very p ro u d of you! Love, Mom, Dad, Matt & Casey

D earest Julia, We Love You Forever ~ Love, Mom & dad

Ccuyey... B eyo n d / a l t tKe/ wOny a/nd/ tHe/ tropKOey...yo-w h a ve/ d o n e / Vt a ll/ w ith / yu oK i n t e g r i t y . We/ c o u td / n o t h a v e a^bed/ cv b e t t e r rote/ rnoxLet f o r M th e y a/nd/ Kya/n. We/ lo v e /y o u / m ore/ tK a /n y o w w ill/ eA/er Tonovu. XA

/i. c _

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I love/ yo u / yo wvwcK, Ot w o n t be tKe/ ya/wve/ K ere w i tK o u t you/. I hope/ y o w do- w elt On oottefye/, b u t le ty fa o e / ..yo u /re/ a/

I a/vvv fyo-Onc^ to- wvOyy y o u yomuch/. 1 love/ y o w m ore/ tK a /n arytK O n cy On tKe/ w orld/, yo u / a re/ tKe/ b e y t “yOytopKer”e v e r . Love/, 'Rya/n

"Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made ju st like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. " Vince Lombardi

Eric - Seems responsibilih stay true t lead_your fo

Wnly yesterday...all along you maintain termination, and self motivation. Alway! urself and your dreams. Wherever your | will always be here to support you. Coni so proud of you...Love Mommy and Bryi

The only person who makes no mistakes is the person who does nothing. We have always admired your willingness to try new things, without worrying about success or failure. You have a great mind, a kind heart, an independent spirit and a commitment to excel in everything you try. It has been a joy to watch you grow and we know you will go interesting places in your life. We love you always, Mom, Dad, Michael and Noel


PS Don't forget to call home occasionally and answer your texts.

Leaders must be tough enough to fight, tender enough to cry, human enough to make mistakes, Fhumble enough to admit them, strong enough to • ^absorb the pain, and resilient enough to bounce jack and keep on moving. •Jesse Jackson

M ichael, You have alw ays been a leader. W ithout being boastful or egotistical, you take the task at hand and m otivate the team as a w hole. You never expect the credit and w hen you do get acknow ledged you are genu inely surprised and grate­ ful. These are the attributes of a true leader. W e are so proud o f all you have accom plished so far and know that there lies a great deal m ore ahead. Follow your dreams! Love M om , D ad, Louis, C hristopher and M atthew

ROBBY "Twentyyears from now, you will be more disappointed by the thingsyou dldn't do than by the onesyou did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds Inyour sails.


Y ou know how w e say, Smile and the w hole w orld will smile w ith you. Rob, the w hole w orld smiles because of you. D ream big, Baby!

-Mark Twain

W e love you, M om , D ad, Mike, Joey, and Bear

Explore. Dream.

Rob, As I always say, you and Mike are small boys, you need to start lifting and get big like me. Rob, you have always been there for me when I needed you. You're always on my side, I'm gonna miss that. I love you. Your brother, -Joey

Rob, You're the most loyal and considerate person I've ever met. Thanks for being the peacekeeper in the family. You had a good run in high school, but I know that being the person you are, you'll do even better in college. Even though you don't need it, good luck with everything in your future. -Mike P.S. You might be taller than me, but just remember that you'll always be my little brother.

ro u d o

May God bless you and be your beacon of light! We love you... Mom, Dad, Greg, Toni and Katie

"There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up." One Tree Hill

Toni, We are so proud of a profoundly kind and wonderful person, you will leave your mark wherever you go. May God bless you along your journey. Love, Mom, Dad, Greg, Dana and Katie *9

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Phil 4:13

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" - Walt Disney


O u r w ish f o r y o u is t h a t life b e c o m e s a ll t h a t y o u w a n t it to b e , y o u r d r e a m s s t a y b ig , a n d y o u r w o r r ie s s t a y s m a ll, a n d y o u n e v e r n e e d to c a r r y m o r e th a n y o u c a n h o ld a n d w h ile y o u 'r e o u t t h e r e g e t t in g w h e r e y o u 'r e g e t t in g to , w e h o p e you k n o w s o m e o n e lo v e s y o u a n d w a n ts t h e s a m e th in g s t o o . T h is is o u r w ish


W ith L o v e , M om , D ad , ic k y , J e n n a & C h ris

C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S J A S O N ! LOVE M OM, T A T ,J O H N ,§ J U S T I N

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tyou have, made ue eo firmed. *lt kae &em a joy mztcAuty you cfium. (?mtim e daUfy ouJuti (fM love and yood luck iu college. A w e c d m u fe ,

'Pufiito, *Wximi, TKatkiae aud Aucia

M ay you always have Enough happiness to keep you sweet; Enough trials to keep you strong; Enough success to keep you eager; Enough faith to give you courage; And enough determ ination to make each day a good day. Congratulations Molly! Love, Dad, Mom, Jane, Jonny & Rose


* *

My dear Lauren, I am so proud o f who you have become and who you will become. Dream youi dreams The best is

D o n ’t co m p ro m ise y o u r s e lf, it ’s a l l y o u pot. a n ts

Steph, A Daughter is the happy memories of the past, The joyful moments of the present. And the hope and promise of the future. You have given us all of this and more! We are so proud of all you have accomplished! Good luck at Lehigh! Love. Kisses & Hugs, Mom & Dad


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Catherine, Believe in Song Believe in Dance Believe in Culture Believe that no matter who you are or where you’re from- everyone is unique

Believe in time Believe in forever Believe in YOU Believe that as long as you believe in yourself- anything is possible Love, Mom, Dad & Andrew

Love, Mom, Dad and Taylor


You are a precious gift. I f x is our love fo r you, then X —> Jm-

Mom, Dad, Lucyann, Furry, Bo & Cooper



W e L o v e Y o u ! W e w ill m iss y o u ! B e s t W ish es!

ZsaSe//a iO £ A*?£ SO P S’O O S O T Y O U


Y ou are. a tr u e j o y t o o u r Zami/y A/euays s ta y a s y o u are. l O O L O S S Y O U V S U Y M t/ C W

Mo/yj) 2>ad and M'icJia&/

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What a ride! Can't wait for the next journey.

Oh, the places you'll go!

I f you can believe k, you can see it. I f you can see it, you can do it, -SpaceJam

All our love, Dad, Mom, Elizabeth, Seton and Lilly too

Jabn fli We could not have prayed for a more wonderful and gifted son and brother. We are so proud of you and the amazing young man that you have become. Continue to soar, J. The world is yours! Love You! Mom, Dad, and Erica

Donyae I have watched you grow from a boy to a young man, and your way has not been easy. Your path has been tough and at times life seemed unfair, but you have realized w hat is important. You let God lead and you followed, and you are finding success with everything you touch, and I know you will continue to be successful. God is not through w ith you yet, and w hen He is, you will come through as pure gold. It is all part of God's perfect plan. Love you a bunch , Ma

"This is my son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." Matt.3:17

MARIA Parents do not realize when their daughter i. a child, how fleeting the moments truly are And in a blink of an ey a little girl who did piourettes in the kitchen, is now dancin her way through her own life. What a jo y it was ther now, and will always b to have you for a daughter. - Anonymous -

Maria, I f you are true to yourself, your values, and your family you w always find success. We are so proud of the path you have created for yourself. We love you! Love, Mom, Dad, Michael, Daniela, and Thomas

Toourprecious littlegirl whowas blessedwithmanytalents, jDlos TeBendlga!

Wehaveenjoyed watchingyou succeedinballet, musicrecitals&ÂŁsports, Fromthedayyouwereborn, youhavebeenouradorable n >n munequita .


We aresoproudofyou andwill always bethereforyou. YourfutureIsInyourhands,giveItyour best. Weloveyou verymuch, Mama andDad I hope you have agreat time In college and make lots o f friends. I'll miss you so Best big sister ever!

much, In fact, everyone will

Have fun In college.

miss you. Life will not be as

W e will miss you!

fun, like peanut butter






Austin Got any grapes?

I hopeyou have agood college experience. Best o f Luck :J Brendan


"There are no shortcuts to any place w orth going."


Congratulations, Classof1010I

W e have tru ly enjoyed teaching you and wish you the best on yo u r journey ahead. Please come back and visit! ~Your Faculty

2010 Yearbook Staff Editor-in-Chief: Catherine Heath Assistant Editors: Jennifer & Emily Wilson Senior Section: Molly Rather, Maria Catenacci, Tess Nellis, Gordon Bray Events Section: Alexa Molinaro, Alex Mirza Sports Section: Kendall Hartzell, Alexa Molinaro, Charlie van Roden Underclassmen: Katie Gimpel, Katie Kuntzman Arts Section: Kate Hyman, Riley Jay, Lindsay Faig Faculty Section: Miles Keeney, Alexa Molinaro Club Section: Kendall Hartzell, Katie Kuntzman Graphic Editor: Sandon Hess Cover Designer: Sandon Hess Faculty Advisor: Ines Thieme Middle School Editors: John Faig & Elizabeth Blanchard Lower School Editors: Sue Laramie & Carolyn Gallagher

Tips for Next Years Editors 1. Take lots & lots of pictures! 2. Make sure the staff members meet their deadlines 3. Always charge your camera - you never know when you might need it! 4. You will need Mr. Sinnott's room... be on good terms! 5. Go to lots of sports games... and actually take pictures! 6. Get ahead of the game, last minute work is never fun 7. Get the senior section done as early as possible 8. Stay organized 9. Don't stress...relax! Everything gets done 10. Have fun!

From the Editor... T h is y e a r b o o k w o u ld n o t b e w h e re it is to d a y w ith o u t

I w o u ld

th e h e lp o f th e w o n d e r fu l staff. firs t lik e to th a n k

Ms. Thieme fo r all th e tim e sh e h a s p u t in th is y e a r

to m a k e th is y e a r b o o k p o s s ib le . W h e th e r w e w e re ta lk in g fa ce to fa ce o r o v e r m a n y e m a ils , y o u w e r e e x tr e m e ly h e lp fu l th r o u g h o u t th e w h o le p ro ce ss. T h e p a s t tw o y e a r s th a t I h a v e b e e n e d ito r h a v e b e e n g re a t w ith y o u a n d I w ill m is s y o u lo ts n e x t y ea r!

Em ily & Jen: T h a n k y o u

g u y s fo r a lw a y s s te p p in g in to ta k e c o n tro l w h e n I

n e e d e d h e lp , y o u tw o w e r e a g re a t a s s e t th is y ear! G o o d lu c k n e x t y e a r w ith y e a r b o o k ! I k n o w y o u g u y s w ill d o a g re a t jo b o n it.

M r. Sinnott: T h a n k y o u

so m u c h fo r y o u r ro o m . T h e re w o u ld b e a lo t o f

e m p ty p a g e s if it w e r e n 't fo r y o u r s c a n n e r a n d y o u r e n jo y a b le c o m p a n y h e lp e d m a k e d th e p r o c e s s g o m u c h q u ick e r.

Sandon: T h a n k s fo r e v e r y th in g ! Y o u r w o rk o n th e d iv id e rs, re s o lu tio n fix e s o n p ic tu r e s a n d a d s w a s a B IG h e lp . A n d h o w c o u ld I fo rg e t th e co v e r! Y o u d id a n a m a z in g jo b o n it. N e x t y e a r, th e y e a r b o o k w ill tru ly m iss y o u .

M olly, Maria, Tess & Gordon: T h a n k s so m u c h all y o u r w o rk o n th e se n io r s e c tio n . It w a s a h u g e h e lp a n d to o k a h u g e lo a d o ff m y b a ck . G o o d lu c k w ith e v e r y th in g n e x t y ear!

Senior Parents: T h a n k y o u

fo r m e e tin g all th e d e a d lin e s as q u ic k ly as y o u

c o u ld a n d s e n d in g in e x tra p ic tu re s w h e n n e e d e d .

Alex, Katie G, Charlie, Kendall, M iles, Lindsay: Y o u

all w e re g re a t th is y e a r

w ith ta k in g p ic tu r e s a t e v e n ts an d h e lp in g to fin ish th e little th in g s th a t n e e d e d to b e d o n e.

Alexa, Riley, Katie K, Kate: Y o u fo u r tru ly s te p p e d

u p an d a lw a y s w e re

w illin g to g o th a t e x tra m ile if I n e e d e d y o u to. I re a lly a p p re c ia te d it!

Mr. Faig, Mrs. Blanchard, Mrs. Laramie, Ms. Gallagher:

I ju s t w a n te d to sa y

th a t y o u a ll d id a s u p e rb jo b o n th e lo w e r a n d m id d le sc h o o l se ctio n s.

Congratulations Class of 2010!

Catherine Heath






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MOW The United States draws closer to providing health care for all with the passage of reform bills in both the House and the Senate. Larry Oow ning/Reuters/Landov

ReutersfTim .Cocks/Landoy-t,

I President Obama orders an increase in troops in Afghanistan with a goal of starting to withdraw forces from the country in July 2011.

Haiti's earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 - is declared by the United Nations as the worst disaster it has ever | confronted. Aid pours in from the United States and around the world.

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A University of Utah study finds that texting while driving can be up to six times more dangerous than talking on a phone while driving.

Price per gallon of gas in 2000: $1.26 2009: $2.73

Movie ticket price in 2000: $5.39 2009: $7.35

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Ml Hermany/Feulers/Landov

Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy is elected the first president of the European Council (EU) under the Treaty of Lisbon.


The H1N1 virus appears to affect teens more than typical flu viruses. Hand sanitizer is a commonplace sight in classrooms and other public spaces

Justin Sullivan/Getty Im ages


WELCOME TO f o r t hood^

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Justin Sullivan/Getty Im ages

America honors the lives of 13 innocent victims ^ � of a tragic shooting spree at Fort Hood, Texas, in November,

Unemployment rate in 2000: 4% 2009:10% OBEL

U.S. population in 2000: 281 million 2009: 305 million

In efforts to make General Motors more economically viable, the company discontinues the Saturn brand and announces plans to phase out its Pontiac division.

Facebook users 2000: 0 2009: 350 million



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The number of first-time visitors to food shelves surges, as families cope with the economic recession. Food banks report that demand is up 30 percent on average.

The Armed Forces Network broadcasts five NBA games to U.S. troops on Christmas Day. The NBA gives the AFN broadcast rights for free.

Consumers have more alternative fuel options as the number of biodiesel stations continues to grow across the United States.



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During October, Breast Cancer Awareness



w Month, pink products are everywhere: from printers to power tools, snowboards to golf balls, blow dryers to water bottles.

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i f Students protest the University of ” w California's 32 percent tuition increase. Average tuition is up 4.4 percent for private four-year colleges and up 6.5 percent for public four-year colleges.

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Teens are setting an example for their parents, with 56 percent of teens volunteering to support a charitable cause.

WAYS TO SAVE ENERGY i. a 3. a 5.

G. 7. a. a. <o.

Turn off the lights when no one’s in the room, Carry a reusable tote bag when you go shopping. Bike or walk instead of driving, Get a reusable metal water bottle. Unplug and shut down electronic devices when not in use. Buy music online instead of purchasing CDs. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposables, Replace standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, In winter, turn down the heat and wear more layers. In summer, set your air conditioner thermostat to 72° or higher.

At the Rose Bowl in Pasadena,


w the top-ranked Alabama Crimson Tide defeats the second-ranked Texas Longhorns to finish the Bowl Championship Series.


Sidney Crosby becomes the youngest captain to hoist the Stanley Cup as he leads the Pittsburgh Penguins to their third championship and first since 1992.

I Mancie Battaglia/Sports lllustrated/Ggttv Im ages

Team USA heads to Vancouver, British Columbia, for the Winter Olympics. More than 200 athletes represent the United States at the XXI Olympic Winter Games.

The New Orleans Saints beat the Indianapolis Colts 31-17 to win Super Bowl XLIV, their first championship title.

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Brett Favre retires from retirement ^ to lead the Minnesota Vikings. At 40, Favre continues to rewrite the record books, including the mostconsecutive regular-season games.

At the 12th IAAF World Championships in Berlin, Jamaican sprinter and three-time Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt beats his own 100-meter and 200-meter world records.

Shaun White leads a talented roster for the 2010 Olympic Snowboarding Team that also includes fellow gold medalists Kelly Clark, Hannah Teter and Seth Wescott.

Cam eron S pencei/C etly ln r a n g r

Minnesota Twins Joe Mauer becames only the second catcher in 33 years to win the American League Most Valuable Player Award, finishing first in a near-unanimous vote.

GAMES/EVENTS OF THE DECADE 2008 Wimbledon final: Rafael Nadal vs. Roger Federer

Super Bowl XLIII: Steelers 27, Cardinals 23

World Series 2001, Game 7: Diam ondbacks 3, Y an kees 2

2007 Fiesta Bowl: Boise State 43, O klahom a 42

2006 Rose Bowl: T exas 41, U S C 38

2008 Olympics: 100-meter men's butterfly, Michael Phelps

2009 Big East tournament: Syracuse 127, U C onn 117 (6 O T)

Super Bowl XLII: Giants 17, Patriots 14

2002 NBA West finals, Game 7: Lakers 112, Kings 106 (O T)

2005 UEFA Champions League final: Liverpool beats A C Milan

After the release of their fifth studio album, the Black Eyed Peas launch The E.N.D. World Tour, with stops in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand and Thailand.


Mary Mary's album Praiseworthy reaches No.1 on Billboard's Christian & Gospel Album Charts, No. 2 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Chart and No. 7 on the BillboardTop 200.

Paramore takes home the title of Favorite Rock Band at the M TV’s People’s Choice Awards. Lead singer Hayley Williams kept in touch by Tweeting with fans throughout the awards program.


4 ■ Taylor Swift has an amazing year with four CMA Awards and the Grammy for Best Album of the Year.

Glee geeks go wild! volume 1 of the Glee soundtrack features 17 songs from the hit Fox show about a struggling high school alee club. ^ “eRulq

Michael Jackson, the legendary King of Pop, ^ j dies unexpectedly at the age of 50, just weeks before ^ his This Is It world tour is to begin.

Alicia Keys guest stars on JayZ's album, The Blueprint 3, Their joint effort, “Empire State of Mind,” is one of the most successful songs of the year.

Beyonce broke the record for a female artist at the Grammys with six awards, including Song of the Year and Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Kevin M azu/W irelm ag e



Fearless, Taylor Swift I D ream ed a Dream, Susan Boyle N um ber Ones, Michael Jackson The Fame, Lady GaGa M y Christmas, Andrea Bocelli lad v

Hannah Montana: The M ovie Soundtrack,

Hannah Montana The E.N.D., Black Eyed Peas Relapse, Eminem The B lueprint 3, Jay-Z O nly B y the Night, Kings of Leon

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Tina Fey’s 30 Rock re primetime I and wins fi

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i Darren Staples/Reuters/Landov

A new generation discovers the Fab Four. The Beatles: Rock Band is a smash hit among teens, parents and even grandparents! New Fox hit TV show Glee takes home the Golden Globe for Best Musical or Comedy Television Series over such veteran shows as

The Office, 30 Rock Entourage.




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Sesame Street, the legendary PBS children's show, celebrates 40 years of ABCs and 123s with the likes of Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and Big Bird.

After just seven months, Conan O ’Brien receives $45 million to surrender his position as host of The Tonight Show after NBC decides to return Jay Leno to his previous time slot.

litchell Haaseth/Š N B C /courtesy Everett Collection

1. Wii Fit Wii Play Pokemon Platinum Version *1. Mario Kart Wii 5 Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360) 2. 3. .

Killzone 2 Call of Duty: World at War 8. Resident Evil 5 (PS3) 9 Halo Wars lO. Street Fighter IV G. 7. .


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r ■ /* After two weeks of limited sold-out shows, 1 million moviegoers submit online requests that cause the nationwide release of Paranormal Activity.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince raked in the biggest midnight earnings of all time, grossing $22.2 million at the box office.


r.k wins Sandra Bullock ■„ VS the Golden Globe for 'x Best Actress in a Motion Picture-D ram a for her performance in The Blind Side, based on the true story of Baltimore Ravens football player Michael Oher.


In just 41 days, James Cameron's Avatar overtakes Titanic to become the highest-grossing movie ever worldwide at $1.859 billion.

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This Is It, a film about the late Michael Jackson's tour rehearsals, becomes the world's highest-grossing concert movie and documentary.



@ Sony Pictures Enlertai

new moon

Are you Team Jacob or 'Team Edward”? 'Twihards” around the world swoon over the supernatural love triangle in The Twilight

Saga: New Moon.

TOP 10 BOX OFFICE HIT MOVIES 2009 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

H ow the Grinch Stole Christmas Cast A w ay Mission: impossible II Gladiator What Women Want The Perfect Storm M eet the Parents X-Men Scary Movie What Lies Beneath

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Avatar Transformers: Revenge o f the Fallen Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince The Twilight Saga: N ew Moon Up The Hangover Star Trek The B lind Side Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel Monsters 1/s. Aliens





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The Blanket That Has Sleev

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Snuggie, the blanket with sleeves, is a runaway hit. The company introduces versions for kids and pets and features designer styles in a fashion show.

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Graphic tees, worn alone or paired with zip-front hoodies, are a comfortable way to make a style statement, promote your favorite band and express your individuality.

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M arlin Keene/PA Photos/Landov^

Quinceaneras, the Latin American culture’s coming-of-age celebration on a girl’s 15th birthday, are becoming larger and more elaborate like Sweet 16 parties.

£ 2 More than half w (55 percent) of Americans ages 12-17 use social networking websites.


Now you can carry a whole library in a device the size of a hardcover. Consumers crave readers like Amazon’s Kindle and the Sony Reader.

Tim Ireland/PA Photos/Landov

In January 2010, teen employment rates hit a record low of 26.2 percent due to a lack of entry-level jobs available at the minimum wage.

Pass the potatoes, please. Busy families are cutting back on expensive take-out meais and making time to sit down together for healthier, home-cooked family dinners.

T his 16-page W orld Beat section

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