King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2011

Page 1


...... King Mission Statem en t

3 .........Thom as Main 4 ........ Theme Explanation 5 ........ Dedication 6 ........ Simon House & Administration 7 ........All School Departm ents 6 ..........Lower School 4 6 ....... Middle School 9 0 .......Upper School 9 2 .......Upper School Faculty 9 6 ....... Underclassmen 115.......S p o rts 152..... A rts 162......Clubs 172.......Events 1 6 6 ..... Seniors 275 .... In Loving Memory 2 7 6 ...Senior Parent Pages 3 4 2 .... S ta ff & Letter from the Ed ito rs

Mission Statem ent King Low Heywood Thomas (King) is an independent, college preparatory school serving students in Grades Pre K-12. King is a diverse, vibrant learning community dedicated to educational excellence and the fullest academic and personal achievement of our students. We champion the development of each individual’s talents, character, and self-confidence by offering students challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership and service opportunities. King's culture of respect for one’s self and for others promotes independence and collaboration. King graduates are well prepared to pursue lives of learning and accomplishment, perse ' fulfillment and social responsibility.

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Head of School Thomas Main

It is a pleasure for me to have an opportunity for some remarks a t the beginning of this yearbook, appropriately titled “United Colors of King.� One of the more powerful qualities th a t reside in our school community is the strong sense of unity th a t we all feel. This is even more impressive when one thinks of the tremendous range of students th a t attend the school (FreK-Grade 12), the incredible variety of programs available for students, the rich diversity of the student body, and the range of entry points th a t serve to continue the development of our community. A quick review of this data could lead one to assume th a t we must have a rather fragmented community. Not a t all so. In fact, when one thinks of the all-school assembly th a t begins each school year or the Pep Pally th a t traditionally precedes Homecoming Weekend, it becomes clear th a t there is far more th a t unites our community than divides it. This senior class represents a microcosm of our entire school, with students th a t began joining us fifteen years ago and students th a t have joined us every year since. This is a class th a t is diverse in every way yet shares a sense of unity th a t began here a t King and will sta y with them the re st of their lives. It has been our pleasure to have this senior class as leaders of our united community, and we are confident th a t they leave prepared to succeed in and contribute to their next communities.

The United Colors of King When you look through a kaleidoscope, you see a collection of mirrors th a t reflect a multitude of colors, creating numerous, diverse patterns. King is made up of unique individuals who, together, create a wonderful, creative, and vibrant community. Whether in the classroom, on the playing field, on the stage, or even ju s t hanging out on campus, we stand together, united as one school, stronger as a whole than the sum of its parts. Everyone is confident th a t the King community - faculty, staff, and students - will support each other along the journey. King consists of an extraordinary group of caring individuals. This is why we are The United Colore of King!


Pure joy is the only way to describe this teacher. His upbeat attitude never ceases to put a smile on the faces of his students and all those in his presence. What is learned in his course stretches far beyond the numbers on the chalkboard; his lessons are engaging and compelling. Sitting in his classroom, we can tell he truly loves to teach. His jokes, which may be a bit corny a t times, always make us laugh and reflect his optimism and energy. We never leave his classroom empty-handed; we are sure to come away with homework, and more importantly, to leave with life lessons Iearned. He epitomizes the roles of teacher and mentor, and ultimately, he epitomizes friendship. It is with great honor th a t the Class of 2011 dedicates this yearbook to

William Wallace.

A s s is ta n t to the Head of School


Dean of Faculty

Community Affairs

Alex Weiner

Judy Valentine

Lynn Sullivan & Reeniun Brumskill

Adm issions Office

Merrill Shafer, S c o tt Careon, Carrie Salvatore, Catherine Lewis

Advancement Office

Severly Catchpole, Bill Ennist, Elizabeth Sabia, Sara Fludd, Susan Parsons, Mike Little

b u sin ess Office

Jerry Rodriguez, Pam Pitasi, Cornelia Jon Angela Carey, Rim Leeker, Lisa Nero



Doug Johnson, John Zatorsky, Carlos Escalante, Antonio Perrera, G riff Titus, Dob Seyler

Missing: Kevin Scott

Athletics Estward Barrera, Lynn Appleby, Sue Geddes, Carmen Jimenez, Rosa Dibatista, Anilely Jimenez, Oraxis Jimenez, Junior Vieux, Gladys Loaiza, Francisco Sanchez, Jennie Loglisli

Karen Celia, Tom Decker, Mark McAndrews, Jason Bouton, Analia Pizzi, Dan Gouin

Dr. Mark Bauman Head of Lower School

Patricia Green -Administrative Aoo.^tant Jeanine Haberny Assistant to the Head of Lower Scho< |

Lori Auletta Art

Carolyn Gallagher Library Media Specialist

Ana Gallegos Spanish

Terry Hess Music

Robin Ordan Counselor

Analia Pizzi Physical Education

Karen Lyons Dir. of Assesment and Instruction Gr. 2-6


Mark McAndrews Physical Education

Allyson Noel Head of the Dept of Educational Technology

Mr. Bray as Mr. Gouin

Karen Raidt Dir. of Assesment and nstruction Gr. Prek-3

,s^ Unavailable for photo-Dan Gouin-Director of Lower School Athletics, school nurses-Kathy Lazarus & Linda Young


Elisabeth Pavolsky Science

King Sized Tale rt

wmmi . pPp M

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Grace Ejfgleton

Jordyn Guevara

Catherine Harvey

Zachary Munno

Isabella Parry

Ryan Wempen

Delaney Marsh

Nannette Williams

Anders Mortenson

elid e

Arts andj C r a ft s


rs. Hein's Kindergarten

Penny Hein

Gail Albrecht

Emma Patalano

Lucas Pia

Chase Brown

Harry Weisman

Jonathan Decker


Gabriel a DeFelice


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Julie Rachinsky-Wood

Anna Debano

James Raidt


Jenny Bruno

Haley Benrbridge

Kameron Borden

Dylan Cofsky

Jaxon Doornick

James Floto

Beatrice Kelly

Gordon Prescott

Chloe Schlesinger





Mrs. Decker's First

Jamison Munno

Roderick Olson

Cameron O'Reilly

John Rothfuss


Mrs. Laramie's Second Grade __

Olivia Iudicone

Johnny O'Hara

__________ ___________________________________ __________________________________

Robert Jacobs

Thomas Kelly

Alisa Kukharkin

Marley McCarthy

Owen Pritchard

Emma Jane Riley

Edie Roth

Olivia Toscano


Lori McNulty

Samuel Hillenmeyer

Jeremy Doornick

Harrison Feinberg

Lily Gooding

Jack Grills

Angel Jackson

Sarah Kadlick

Jason Loeb

Natalie Lombardo

Mrs. Kerr's


Maximilian Muftic

Patrick Raidt

Gwyneth Rothman


Nicole Schlesinger

Katherine Tifford

Mrs. Mansfield's Thir

Jamie Mansfield

Aaron Epps

Grace O'Connor

Henry Pohle

Lauren Garrigues

Alec Sherman

Alexander Haase-Pissant

Allison Triano

Amanda Hall

Emma Whaley



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rs. Eagleton's Fourt

Matthew Mancuso

James Ross

John-Paul Mella

Elena Teeter

Sarah Molloy

Amelia Whiteley

Luke Nascimento

Ashley Xu

Paul Noujaim


Anne Ozburn

Anne M ichalski

Isabelle Allee

Justin Mucelli

Nadine Anderson

Hannah Berrick

Luke Buttenwieser

Helen Santoro

Alexandra Gold

Natasha Aysseh

Victoria Crowe

Alexander Holtz

Daniel Kulaguz

Tristin Principato

Samuel Rabassa

Joshua Lewis

Jack Reilly



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Jacob Savitz

Julia Salvatore

Sean Spencer

Dean Pigott

Anne Henderson

Philip Ayoub

Hope Rothfuss

Sophia Savtiz

Anisha Banerjee

Maeve Snover

George Catchpole

Rudy Vega

Olivia De Chiara

Sean Yu

Slits. Leist's Fifth Grade

Mrs. Leist

D'Aeren Carson

Kelley Conheeney

Regina Cullen

Elijah Dozier


Juan Vicente Ellis Ochoa

Elena Gribelyuk

Austin Hanley

Grant Hirsch

Christopher Joyce



Piper Loglisci

Ethan Marsh

Elizabeth Pohle

Hayley Salvatore

William Tellini

Maximillian Rigby-Hall

Schwartz's Fifth

Ethan Mark

Katherine Riley

William Morrill

Kaela Thomson

Sebastian Parry

Abigail Price

Jason Tifford

Robert Welt

Henry Propper

Alison Wheeler

P a t Doering Middle School Adademic Dean

Bobby Walker J r . Head of Middle School

Bridget Corcoran Director of A s s nient and In stru ct

Elizabeth Blanchard English

Brian Coughlan Math


firierih n

Jen Guevara Counselor

Carol Brown Math

John Faig Math/Technology

Megan H arris H istory

Jam ie Bruno Science

Cheryl Greene A s s is ta n t

S ta c y Homicki Performing A rts

Lee Couch Math

Paola G rant Foreign Language

Ken Lewis History

Nadia McGoran Foreign Language

Grace Rodriguez A s s is ta n t

Katie Tobin Creative A rts

G a rre tt Mendez Performing A rts

Debra Sands-Holden H istory

Tung Tran Science

Stephanie Park Performing A rts

Michelle Sibrizzi Science

Neuvi Villanueva Foreign Language

Deanna Supple English

Rose V -ion Scien

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7 / 3 F o o tb a ll


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Front Row: T yler Petrone, Mac M cCaffery, Will N ellis, N olan M urray, Luke Pritchard, M att M olinaro, Marc Skolnick, Joe B enanti, Jack C oughlin, Jack Lineberry, G reg L opatynsky, Second Row: Coach Decker, C hris Pia, Jacob Gubner, Ethan T hom son, G reg G alvin, J.P. Lewis, T ucker G ouin, John M udd, Tyler H oltz, H enry G riffin, John Tooher, Mason P ropper, Back Row: Coach Lewis, Jack Q augliarello, Jam es C onheeney, S tephen C onnor, D ylan M cDerm id, Scott P erlm an, T om m y C onheeney, G eorge Peele, Brad G alvin, C onrad L indenberg, C harlie Dill, John H arrington, Coach W alker

7 / 3 V o lleyball

Front Row: Idalis Figueroa, Becca S ilberfein, Anna Harvey, M olly Eagleton, Second Row: Ryan Correa, Alex Rabassa, M aggie Valenti, M aya Lopatynsky, Back Row: Coach H arris, Elbe Wallace, Hailey Truglia, Coach Pusack

Front Row: Lindsay Levethan, Keli yes Isabel Bareiss, Francis Jay, Second Row: Jen Goodgal, Sienna Velasco, A nnie Love, Star Garcia, ^ RowCoach H arris, M ariel Berger, Coach Pusack, abelle Lahaussois (not pictured)

Front Row: D aniel Berger. Josh Parry, M ark Brady, Jam ie Carnavalla, Nick Couch, Neil Pere, Austin Cieszko. A ndrew Savage, Second Row: Coach V illaneuva, M att Chicoye, Emilio Lorat de Mola, Zach G oligoski, M att Conley, Josh Ford, C onrad M era, Alex Fleischm an, C onnor Howe, Coach Guevara.

7 /3 3 o ys

S occer. Red


Front Row: M ahesh Ram an, Brad K aptinski, Jerem y B enjam in, G raham H enderson, R obby Sm ithline, Tucker Leicht, T hom as Catenacci, Second Row: Coach Doering, H enry Catchpole, Luke Amero, H enry Bray, Julien N oujaim , Nick Sm ith, John M cD erm ott, Jam ie Schwartz, Alex Currie, Coach Smith,

7 /3

C ro s s

C o u n try

Joey Chimes, Ali Futter, Luke Price, Coach Faig

Front Row: Susie M oore, A nnie S tandfest, Jenna D ella Jacono, Ju lian n a Savitz, N atalie Wind, Back Row: B onnie R oberts, R egan W ind, Jana O 'D onnel, C harlotte O renstein, M olly M cQ uilkin, K endra Scotti, Julia C raw ford, D avid H ein

7 /3

G ir is S o c c e r : Red



Front Row: A nnie Tully, O livia Savitz, Ladina Baechi, Eva Johnson, Bella Sapio, M ackenzie Allen, Sabrina Sam pson, Back Row: Coach R oberts, Sara W haley, Kate H irsch, V icky R igby-H all, M adeline M au boussin, A riana Yepez, Paige D eschapellas, K ayonne M arkes, O livia S ullivan, Coach C oughlan

7 /3

G ir is

F ie ld H o ck e y

Coach Tobin, Lauren Futter, H annah H u, Katie A bbott, Katie M cN ulty, Coach Lindsay Shea

5 / 6 G ir ls S o c c e r

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Front Row: Lilly G ordon, Riley Allen, Piper Loglisci, Jayne Tully, Kaela Thom son, O livia De Chiara, Second Row: M aeve Snover, S uzanne Savage, A lison W heeler, Rachel Kadlick, M organ Riley, Sophia Savitz, Regina Cullen, Abigail Price, Elizabeth Pohle, Back Row: Coach Lynn Sullivan, A nisha Banerjee, Kayla Lichtm an, Sydney G ubner, Chace B ullard, E lisabeth Sciolla, D aniella Edwards, Callie V alenti, Nicole Garcia, Adele M cGoran, Coach Celia

5 / 6 V olleyball

5 / 6 C r o s s C o u n try

Front Row: G rant Hirsch, R obert Welt, Drew Pohle, Second Row: Coach Allen, Colton Saunders, Cole Dorsey, Jonathan Richter Front Row: S am antha G allant, C aroline Benjam in, Elena G ribelyuk, Second Row: Kelly C onheeney, H ope Rothfuss, Haley Salvatore, S tephanie C onstable, S tephanie Ochoa, Back Row: Coach Pizzi, T iany Brito, Rachel Sherm an, Sam Ehlers, Elena C ostin-B ynum , O livia Wise, Katie C harcalis, Coach Supple

5/6 Football

Front Row: Austin Hanley, Aean YU, Chris Joyce, Eli Dozier, Bobby Cribbin, Max Toscano, Second Row: Jason Tifford, Michael Ecker, William Tellini, Carter Borchetta, D'Aeren Carson, Owen Bass, Jeremy Toscano, James Michalski, Matt Nusslein, Austin Propper, Phil Ayoub, Peter Green, Back Row: Reid Gesualdi, Kelly Gouin, Alex Schllesinger, Brandon Ross, Ethan Mark, Ethan Marsh, Colten Katcher, Declan Fine, Alex Mella, Logan Katz, James Pritchard, Fourth row: Coach Gouin, Coach McAndrews, Coach Saracino

5/6 Soys Soccer

Front Row: Bram Brackman, Sebastian Parry, Juan Ellis-Ochoa, Rudy Vega, Luke Cuticelli, Tee DeBow, Logan Pia, Matt McNulty, CJ Principato, Aaron Schur, Second Row : Coach Bruno, Karl Zoubek, Liam Morrill, Max Rigby-Hall, Eddie Lopez-Wortman, llenry Amory, Miles Johnson, Spencer Gold, Xander Amero, Jake Spencer, Coach Smith



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MU iandi

7 / 0 H o ck e y

First Row: C onrad L indenberg, Tyler Petrone, T ucker Leicht, M arc Skolnick, Thom as Catenacci, Jamie C arnavalla, Luke Am ero. Second Row: Jack Lineberry, M ason Propper, N olan M urray, Lauren Futter, Luke Pritchard. Back Row: Coach M ark M cA ndrew s, John M cD erm ott, G reg G alvin, Bradley G alvin, Coach Pete Smith.

7 /0 5 q u ash

7/0 Yoga

First Row: A ndrew Savage, Zach G oligoski, Nick Couch, G rahm H enderson Back Row: C onrad M era, H enry Bray, Alex Fleishm an, C onor Howe, (Not pictured: Coach Lindsay Shea)

First Row: Instructor Paola G rant, A nnie Standfest, M olly M cQ uilkin, M olly Eagleton and Lindsay Levethan Second Row: Star Garcia, C harlotte O ren stein , Lauren G im pel, Isabel Bareiss Third Row: Kate Hirsch, Sarah W halley, O livi Savitz, M aura Welt, M adeline M auboussi r\j pictured: Ladina Baechli, Frances Jay)


l i b b oys

B a s k e t b a ll

First Row: Jack C ouglin, A ustin C ieszko, M ahesh Raman, Luke Stone, Brad K aptinski, Jerem y Benjam in, John Tooher Second Row: John H arrington, Mac M cCaffrey, H enry Catchpole, C harlie Dill, Josh Parry, Neil Pere, Liam Q uigley, Coach T ung Tran T hird Row: Jacob G ubner, Jam es C onheeney, M att M olinaro, Coach Tom Harris, Tom m y C onheeney, Stephen C onnor, Tyler Holtz Back Row: Ed M astronardi, Scottie Perlm an, Dylan M cDerm id, Jam ie Schw artz, Jack Q uagliarello, Tucker G ouin


G ir ls B a s k e t b a ll

First Row: Anna Harvey, Becca Silberfein Second Row: M aggie V alenti, Josh Ford, Daniel Berger, Joey Chim es, (Not Pictured: Alex Currie, Jana 0"D onnel)

First Row: N atalie W ind, Regan W ind, Keli Reyes, Bella Sapio Second Row: Jenna D ella Jacono, Julianna Savitz, M ackenzie A llen, M aya Lopanski, Susie M oore T hird Row: Alyssa M eyers, Ali W einer, K ayonne M arkes, O livia Sullivan, Eva Jo h nson Fourth Row: Ryan Correa, Idalis Figueroa, Paige D eschapelles Fifth Row: Coaches Brian C oughlan, Carol Brown, and N euvi V illanueva

7/8> F i t n e s s & C o n d itio n in g

First Row: Sabrina Sam pson, K endra Scotti, A nnie Tully, M att Chicoye, Luke Price, Joseph B enanti, M ark Brady, G reg L opatynsky Second Row: Em ilio loret de M ola, M att Conley, H aley T ruglia, Ellie W allace, W ill N ellis, JP Lewis, A nnie Love, Jenny G oodgal T hird Row: Nick Sm ith, C hris Pia, S ienne Velasco, Julia C raw ford, A riana Yepez, H annah H u, A llie Futter, John M u d d , H enry G riffin (Not Pictured: Coach D an G ouin)

5 / 6 G ir ls B a s k e t b a ll

First Row: Olivia Wise, Kayla Lichtman, Jayne Tully, Eliza Pohle, Rachel Kadlick, Stephanie Costabile, Regina Cullen, Riley Allen, Kelly Conheeney, Olivia De Chiara, Adele McGoran, Second Row: Lily Gordon, Abby Price, Ali W heeler, M organ Riley, Callie Valenti, Syndney Gubner, Elena Gribelyuk, Hayley Salvatore, Caroline Benajmin, Nicole Garcia, Isabella Thilmany, H ope Rothfuss, Third Row: Samantha Gallant, Katie Charcalis, Rachel Sherm an, M aeve Snover, Chace Bullard, Samantha Ehlers, Elisabeth Sciolla, Tiany Brito, Suzanne Savage, A nisha Banerjee, Elena Costin-Bynum

5 / 6 B o y s b a s k e tb a ll

First Row: Bobby Cribbins, Philip Ayoub, A aron Schur, O wen Bass, D 'A eren Carson, Tee DeBow, Kelly Gouin, Reed G esualdi, Second Row: Colten Katcher, Rudy Vega, Max Toscano, A ustin Hanley, Jason Tifford, Eli Dozier, Sebastain Parry, Alex Schlesinger, Third Row: James Michalski, Robbie Welt, M att M cNulty, E than M ark, CJ Principato, Carter Borchetta, Xander Amero, Max Rigby-Hall, Fourth Row: Jack N orm an-Shapter, Logan Pia, Cole Dorsey, Logan Katz, Karl Zoubek

First Row: Stephanie Ochoa, Will Tellini, Sean Yu, James Pritchard, Jerem y Toscano, Kaela Thom son Second Row: Declan Fine, Peter Green, A ustin Propper, Ethan M arsh, M att N usslein, Alex Mella

5 / 6 F it n e s s

Second Row: Liam Morril, Juan Ellis Ochoa, M ichael Ecker, Miles Johnson

5 /6 Sq u ash

First Row: Brandon Ross, Luke Cuticelli, Colton Saunders Second Row: Spencer Gold, Jake Spencer, G rant Hirsch, H enry Amory



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Stephanie Achoa A lexander A m ero H enry A m ory O w en Bass Caroline Benjamin

C arter Borchetta Bram Brakm an Tiany Brito A drienne Bullard Katie Charcalis

Elena Costin-Bynum Luke Cuticelli Thom as Debow Cole Dorsey M ichael Ecker

Daniella Edw ards Sam antha Ehlers Declan Fine Sam antha Gallant Nicole Garcia

Spencer Gold Peter Green Sydney G ubner Miles Johnson Colten Katcher

Logan Katz Kayla Lichtman Edw ard LopezW ortm an Adele McGoran Flynn McMorrow

M atthew M cNulty Alexander Mella James Michalski M atthew Nusslein Logan Pia

Charles Principato James Pritchard Jonathan Richter Brandon Ross Colton Saunders

Suzanne Savage Alex Schlesinger A aron Schur Elisabeth Sciolla Rachel Sherman

John Spencer Isabella Thilmany Jeremy Toscano Max Toscano Jayne Tully

K atherine Abbott M ackenzie Allen M ackenzie Allen Joseph Benanti Daniel Berger

Mark Brady M atthieu Chicoye M atthew Conley Ryan Correa Nicholas Couch

Jack Coughlin Jenna Della Jacono Paige Deschapelles Charles Dill Molly Eagleton

Idalis Figueroa Alex Fleischman Alana Galloway Bradley Galvin Lauren Gimpel

Zachary Goligoski Flenry Griffin John H arrington Anna H arvey G raham H enderson

Tyler Holtz Edw ard Howe Evalise Johnson Bradford Kaptinski Tucker Leicht

Conrad Lindenberg John Lineberry Gregory Lopatynsky Maya Lopatynsky Emilio Loret De Mola

Kayonne Markes Edw ard M astronardi Thomas McCaffery Dylan McDermid Molly McQuilkin

Susan Moore John M udd William Nellis Jana O 'donnell Charlotte Orenstein

Joshua Parry George Peele Neil Pere Scott Perlman Tyler Petrone

Jack Q uagliarello Liam Quigley A lexandria Rabassa Sabrina Sampson Isabella Sapio

Julianna Savitz Rebecca Silberfein Robert Smithline Anne Standfest Luke Stone

Olivia Sullivan Haley Truglia M argaret Valenti Eleanor Wallace Charles W heeler

N atalie W ind Regan Wind

Luke Amero Ladina Baechli Isabel Bareiss Jerem y Benjamin M ariel Berger

H enry Bray James Carnavalla H enry Catchpole Thom as Catenacci Joseph Chimes

A ustin Cieszko James Conheeney Thom as Conheeney Stephen Connor Julia Craw ford

A lexander Currie Joshua Ford Alison Futter Lauren Futter Gregory Galvin

Stardajah Garcia Jenny Goodgal Tucker Gouin Jacob G ubner Kate Hirsch

H annah Hu Lauren H yland Frances Jay Isabelle Lahaussois Lindsay Levethan

James Lewis Anne Love Madeline M auboussin John M cDermott Katheryn M cNulty

Conrad Mera Alyssa Meyers M atthew Molinaro Nolan M urray Julien Noujaim

Christopher Pia Luke Price Luke Pritchard William Propper M ahesh Raman

Keli Reyes Victoria Rigby-Hall A ndrew Savage Olivia Savitz Jameson Schwartz

K endra Scotti Marc Skolnick N icholas Smith Ethan Thom son James Tooher

A nne Tully Sienna Velasco Allison W einer M aura Welt Sarah W haley

A riana Yepez

u c v u / o n r



Head of Upper School

Grade Deans

Peter Newcomb, Megan Yelton, Terrell Murphy, Constance Nichols

Mamie Sadlowsky

Libra rian/Media cialist


A s s is ta n ts

Leslie Bruzik & Bonnie Querze

Director of Assessm ent & Instruction

A s s is ta n t Head of Upper School

Karin Wagner



Thomas Zoubek, Kenneth Melmed, Priscilla Pusack, Andrew Schoudel, Zhanna Williams, Mohamed Maftahi

Victoria Khiznichenko, B re tt Ford, Kimberly Lowinger, William Pusack, Brynnen Hahn

Missing: Gary Caputi

Missing: William Wallace


Claudia Lydon, Ihui Li, Margherita Farrell, Thomas Zoubek, Marion Haymann, Ines Thieme, Gilles Chosson, Francisco Gracia Millan

Performing A rts

Visual A rts

Stacy Homicki, Jacqueline Martino, Amy Darnton, G arre tt Mendez

Constance Nichols, Terrell Murphy


Peter Newcomb, Catherine Mishkin, Megan Yelton, S tu a rt Marsh, Elizabeth Oxler, Christos Galanopoulos

Missing: Gary 5 chpero


Erik Mortenson, Alex Merrill, Tricia Manganello, Helen Kweskin, Ted Parker, Carolyn Patten, Alex Weiner

College Counseling

Candace Cushing, Dave Bonner, Michelle Sotire



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th A o ie y < d a â‚Ź > ^ > /v ^ e \A .

Alex B ritto n

Charlie Cooper

Erin Crutchley

Annie Del Genio

Nicky Della Jacono

Noelle DeFonte

Christian Deschapelles

Dan Driscoll

Khandice Dyson

Juan Andres Ellis Ochoa

Jordan Farber

Joseph Fedorko

John Fiorito

Elizabeth Flood

A u stin Form ate

Hannah Freund

S am antha Frisoli

Jason Gallant

Ana Gordon

Meghan McClymonds

Amelia G riffin

Sidney Haase-Puissant

Maisie Heine

Peter Hughes

Katie Keller

Cameron Kelley

Emily Klotz

Kyan Main

Ashlyn Markosky

Jered Mclnerney

Marco Meily

Vincent Promuto

Jam es Quigley

Desmond Hague

Brendan Hanley

Lindsay Jennings

Haleigh Levethan

Eli Lichtman

Emma Snover

A nthony Spadaccini

Sasha Thilmany

Diego Trevino

Jackson Wheeler

Paul W hittingham

C a rty Camp bell

Colin Clephane

Anthony Deluca

John Arena

Angus Bass

Devan Bauman

Chrissie Bonaventura

Jackson Bowser

Lindsay Brandes

Jack Careccia

M atth e w Cloutier

Domonique C a rte r-S ta n le y

Rachel Cohen

G race B illeter

Daniela Catenacci

Michael Correa

Alexander Crawford

G uilbert Francois

Conor Harris

Kevin F utterm an

J u s tu s Houston

M a tt Johnson

CJ Jones

Russell Lange

Tyler LaVecchia

Eli Gallipoli

Casey Howard-Johnson

Nicholas M atera

David Meyer

Hannah M orrill

Colleen Morris

Alexandra G o ttlin

Megan Grapengeter-Rudnick

Alex Haendler

Caroline Hubbard

Eloise Hyman

Devon Johnson

Bo Kane

Danielle Karp

Maya Krysicki

Logan McCullough

Rachel M cD erm ott

Celine McGoran

Claudia Miller

Alexander Mirza

RJ Moavero

Zach Mulhern

Georgia Orenstein

G rant Pia

Daniel Rosenblum

Thomas Rosenfeld

Kristen Santer

Joey Santoro

Andrew Sawyer

Jessica Schoenfeld



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i1 t/ ff

Class of 2012 Tanner Abel

Sara Alexander

G eoffrey Allard

A u stin Allee

C a rte r Anatole

Amelia Arnold

Eli Campbell

Kevin Carey

Michael Catenacci

Nicholas Cesare

Hudson Cole

All Coupe

Paul Damascus

Michael Del Genio

David Del Prete

Nick D u rs t

Tess Fahey

Halle Fogel

Briana Fontaine

Stephen Franze

J u s tin Galloway

Chris Gaynor

flp| If

Tevin Cummings

Schneider J e a n -B a p tis te

Michael Keane

Hallie Keller

Katie Kuntzman

Jason Kwait

Annie Lamedica

Stephen Lewis

Kelsey Luneburg

Maggie McCaffery

William McEvoy

Lindsay M cllmurray

Kieran McQuilkin

Tyler Murray

Joseph Nano

Kevin Peabody

M athias Perfumo

Evan Perlman

Aja Piro-lbrahim

Tyler Rosenthal

Nick Schipper

Taylor Stukes

Kaleen Sullivan

Sarah Reid

Raven Redd

Amanda Schw artz

Nicholas Shaw

Andrew M cAllister

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The Leader of the Pack Every month, Standard sports w riters elect King’s m ost outstanding male athlete and title him “ Male A thlete of the Month.” It is no surprise th a t Mikey Serricchio was unanimously selected. Former quarterback of the squad, Mikey now assumes the role of fullback and middle linebacker on King’s m ost prestigious team, who ju s t la s t year was the best team in the FAA. Despite his naturally athletic ta le n ts and six fo o t one inches, two hundred and tw enty five pound frame, Mikey is a hard working individual. He spends m ost of his time working out and bettering himself fo r football endeavors. As a close friend, it is evident th a t his defining characteristic is his serious a ttitu d e towards football. On game days he ensures he gets enough re st and eats properly so he and his team have the best chance of success. Mikey is a team player; his team m ates look up to him and his coaches put fa ith in him as captain of th e ir team. He is the face of Viking football and will soon be playing a t the collegiate level. He has division one football aspirations and would surely be an asset to any organization. His influences stem from his father, Brian Dawkins of the Denver Broncos, and Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens. Due to his determination and tenacity, Mikey's abilities seem limitless. This season he has recorded eightytwo tackles and averages 13.7 tackles per game according to MaxRreps. When asked about how his team will finish off the year, he stated, “ I think we can finish strong. We work hard in practice and despite some injuries, a lot of kids are stepping up.” Although King football has had a rough s ta r t to the ir season - recording only two wins and four losses - Mikey’s positive a ttitu d e and determination will ensure th a t the team is more successful. Mikey is a team player, a diligent worker, and a role model on the field. Clearly, Mikey is worthy of th is award and the King community congratulates him and wishes him future success.

Fall Sports Awards C ro s s C o u n try

M o s t Valuable Player: Paniei Chimes ’13, Jennifer Wilson ’11

Coaches’ Award: Ryan M cNulty ’13, Victoria Uva ’13

M ost Improved Player: Sasha Thilmany ’14

J V F o o tb a ll

M o st Improved Player: John M cA lliste r ’14 Coaches’ Award: Richard Moavero ’13

J V B o y s’ S o c c e r

M o s t Improved Player: Penis Mclnerney '14 V a r s ity Field H oc k e y

Coaches’ Award: Andrew Gold ’14 M o s t Valuable Player: Casey Howard-Johnson ’13

Coaches’ Award: Colleen M orris ’13

J V G ir ls ’ S o c c e r

M o st Improved Player: Sam antha S h a w ’14 Coaches’ Award: Kristen S a n te r ’13

M ost Improved Player: Valerie Weiner '13 J V Volleyball V a r s ity F o o tb a ll

M o s t Improved Player: Molly Goldstein ’14 M ost Valuable Player: Michael Serricchio ’11

Coaches’ Award: Jennifer Faig ’13

Coaches’ Award: Deondre Jones ’11

P o s t S e a s o n R eco gn itio n:

Football: M ost Improved Player: Nicholas Pella Jacono ’14 FAA All-League: Max Wardaki ’11, Michael Serricchio ’11, Joe S antoro '13 V a r s ity B o y s ’ S o c c e r

FAA Honorable Mention All-League: Deondre Jones ’11 G irls' Soccer.

M ost Valuable Player: Nicholas Hall-Risko '12 FAA Honorable Mention All-League: Cali Capalbo ’11, Sam antha Karp '11, Julie Tooher ’11 Coaches’ Award: M atth e w Johnson ’11

M ost Improved Player: Michael Pel Genio '12

V a r s ity G ir ls ’ S o c c e r

WNEPSSA A ll-S ta r: Julie Tooher ’11, Paniela Catenacci ’13 Soys’ Soccer. FAA All-League: M atthew Johnson ’11, Kieran McQuilkin '12, Nicholas Hall-Risko ’12, Eli Lichtman ’14 FAA Honorable Mention All-League: Michael Pel Genio ’12, Paniei Rosenblum '13

M ost Valuable Player: Julie Tooher 11

WNEPSSA A ll-S ta r: M atthew Johnson ’11, Nicholas Hall-Risko ’12, Kieran McQuilkin ’12 NEPSSA Senior A ll-S ta r: M atthew Johnson ’11

Coaches’ Award: Sam antha Karp ’11 Cross Country. M o s t Improved Player: Hannah M orrill '13

FAA Honorable Mention All-League: Jennifer Wilson ’11, Paniei Chimes ’13 Volleyball:

V a r s ity Volleyball

FAA Honorable Mention All-League: Raven Redd ’12, Kelsey Luneburg ‘12, M ost Valuable Player: Raven Redd '12

Tatiana Brown ’13 F o u r -Y e a r V a r s ity L e t t e r W inn ers:

Coaches’ Award: Tatiana Brown ’13

M o s t Improved Player: Kelsey Luneburg ’12

Cross-Country: Jennifer Wilson ’11, Will Qua ’11 Field Hockey: Lindsay Stone ’11 Football: Peondre Jones ’11, Michael Velasco ’11, Michael Serricchio '11, Steven Sheets ’11, Max Reyes ’11, Max Wardaki '11 G irls’ Soccer: Cali Capalbo ’11, Sam antha Karp ’11, Julie Tooher ’11 Boys’ Soccer: M atthew Johnson ’11

Coach Thom, Jason Bouton, Coach Gouin, Coach Saracino, Coach Little, Tanner Abel, Ryan Main, John Careccia, Andrew McAllister, Kevin Peabody, Anthony Spadaccini, Kevin Carey, Logan McCullough, Conor O'Rourke, Max Wardaki, Gilbert Francois, CJ Jones, Nick Della Jacono, Desmond Hague, Tyler LaVecchia, Steve Sheets, Coach Sabilio, Coach McAndrews Austin Formato, Kyle Jordan, Alex Haendler, Carty Campbell, Zach Mulhern, Joe Fedorko, Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Justice Houston, Nick Matera, David Meyer, DJ Jones, Mike Velasco Sid Haase, Brendan Hanley, Russell Lange, Mike Correa, John McAllister, Joey Santoro, Brian Alebiosu, Mikey Serricchio, Max Reyes, Tyler Rosenthal, Rj Moavero

v i Hi o s s

Max Wardaki, Mikey Serricchio, DJ Jones & Steve Sheets

fl6 Fieldston, won 13-0 ^25 Hamden Hall, lost 14-40 )/2 Westminster, lost 2 5 -5 6 )/9 Hopkins, lost 6 -3 4 )/16 Kingswood-Oxford, won 3 5 -0 V23 Hackley, won 2 9 -2 4 )/3 0 Rye Country Pay, lost 0 -2 7 ’6 Williston Northhampton, lost 28>- 3 & 5 t. Luke's, lost 14-46

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Coach Lingle, Halle Keller, Forrest Hanson, Nigee Page, Will Qua, Jennifer Wilson, Joe Nano, Miles Keeney, Philip Nussbaum, M a tt Johnson, Coach Ford Sasha Thilmany, Daniel Chimes, Ryan McNulty, Maggie Joyce, Victoria Uva, le ss Fahey, Coby Decker, Evan Schwartz, Marco Meily


M m

Joe Nano, Jennifer Wilson & Will Qua

r: 2 3 :5 6 les: 19:05

s Keeney: 2 6 :2 7 e Keller: 19:55 n McNulty: 1 9:06 co Meily: 2 6 : 0 6 Nano: 19:56 p Nussbaum: 31:16 ;e Page: 21:56 Qua: 19:22 jasha Thilmany: 25:14 'ictoria Uva: 2 6 :3 5 lennifer Wilson: 2 2 :2 0

Coach Newcomb, Daniela Catenacci, Katie Tryhane, Caroline Main, Gigi Boehringer, Hannah Morrill, Olivia Reyes, Chloe Potter, Greta Savickaite, Coach Bruno Kendall Hartzell, Danielle Karp, Cali Capalbo, Julie Tooher, Sam Karp, Caroline Scioila, Rachel McDermott

Canterbury, won 2-0 Wooster School, won 2-0 , Hopkins, lost 0 -3 , Holy Child, lost 0-2 Convent o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t , l o s t 1 -5

Macduffie School, won 7-0 Chase Collegiate, won 2-1 Rye Country Day, won 1-0 , Christian Heritage, won 5-0 , St. Luke's, lost 1-3 , Greens Farms Academy, lo s t 0 -6

>, Greenwich Academy, lost 1-5 >, Greens Farms Academy, lo s t 0-2

Masters, lost 1-2 Hamden Hall, lost 0 -4 Harvey School, won 2-1

p aw SBBZ

Coach Mallozzi, Nick Cesare, Christian Deschapelles, Jack Blattman, Eli Litchman, Will McEvoy, Max Orenstein, Tyler Benedetto, Michael DelGenio, Paul Camarda, Coach Guevara, Coach Segovia Daniel Rosenblum, Elliott Morrill, M a tt Johnson, Nieran McQuilkin, Nick Hall-Bisko, Andrew Farber, Stephen Lewis

Nicholas Hall-Risko, Kieran McQuilkin & M a tt Johnson

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Coach Oxler, Nicole Tellini, Helen Paglia, Maya Krysicki, Kaleen Sullivan, Celine McGoran, Paige Voigt, Colleen Morris, Noelle DePonte, Casey Howard-Johnson, Eloise Hyman, Coach Shea Elizabeth Flood, Dylan Ziegelbaum, Georgia Orenstein, Lindsay Stone, Hannah Van Dolsen, Valerie Weiner, Katie Keller, Grace Billeter


Hannah Van Polsen, Lindsay Stone & Casey Howard-Johnson

S ta tistic s 9/15 Hackley, lo st 1-3 9/20 M asters, won 5-0 9/23 S t. Luke's, won 1-0 Cheshire, won 6 - 0 Holy Child, lo st 1-4 S t. Luke's, won 3-2 Greenwich Academy, lost 0 - 6 iverdale Country, lost 0 -2 0 Hamden Hall, lost 0 -3 0 /2 3 Greens Farms, lost 2 -3

10/27 M asters, tie 1-1 10/30 Williams, won 5-0 11/1 Rye Country Pay, lo st 0-2 —11/2 Holy Child, won 4 -0 11/5 Sacred H eart, won 3-2

Coach Bakes , Valentina Casanova, Caroline Hubbard, Tatiana Brown, Raven Redd, Chrissy Bonaventura, Taylor Stukes, Coach Tran Haleigh Levethan, Lindsey Faig, Relsey Luneberg, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Erica Nicokiris

Statistics 9/16, Greenwich Academy, lo s t 0 -3 9/21, Holy Child, lo s t 2-3 9/23, St. Luke's, won 3-2 9/25, Canterbury, won 3-1 9 / 3 0 , C o n v e n t o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t , l o s t 1 -3

10/2, Collegiate, lo s t 2-3 10/6, Hamden Hall, won 3-2 10/12, Masters, lo s t 1-3 10/16, Harvey School, won 3 -0 1 0 /1 9 , C o n ven t o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t , l o s t 1 -3

10/23, Greens Farms Academy, lo st 0 -3 10/26, The T aft School, lo s t 0 -3 1 0 /2 7 , N ew Y o rk S c h o o l f o r t h e D e a f, won 3 - 0

10/25, Masters, lo s t 2-3 10/30, Greens Farms Academy, lo s t 2-3 11/1, St. Luke's, won 3-2 11/5, Hopkins, won 3-2 11/0, Greenwich Academy, won 3-1 11/9, Holy Child, lo s t 0 -3

JV Girls Soccer

Coach Roberts, Kendall Hartzell, Megan Coyne, Katie Tryhane, Allison Weiner, Samantha Shaw, Kristen Santer, Emma Snover, Catharine Sciolla, Coach Hein Alexandra Garrigues, Ana Gordon, Jacquelyn Xu, Alyssa Meyers, Lauren Martin, Jordan Farber, Campbell Ritchey

JV Boys Soccer


Coach Galanopoulos, Geoffrey Allard, Drew Gold, Conor Harris, Charlie Cooper, Will Pigby-Hall, Juan Andres Ellis Ochoa, James Quigley, Cameron Kelley, Coach Gracia John Fiorito, Josh Silberfein, Jered Mclnerney, Peter Hughes, Pobbie Balloch, Max Perkins

JV Volleyball

Coach Mendez, Molly Goldstein, Reilly Sullivan, Hanna Galvin, Briana Fontaine, Khandice Dyson, Sarah Reid, Coach Harris Emily Rlotz, Lindsay Jennings, Alexandra Gottlin, Jenny Faig, Emily Green, Devon Johnson, Hannah Freund




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ON THE RECORD An Interview with King's Sam Karp T o s a y K in g s e n i o r g ir ls b a s k e tb a ll

ST: Which teacher orcoachhai had the most profound effect on your life? SK: 1think my soccercoachMr. Peter Newcomb. He's also m adviser in school. He's not only taught me how to be a leader on the field but be a leader in the classroom. He always supported me on and off the field and has been a huge I inspiration to me.

p l a y e r S a m K a rp , p i c t u r e d a t rig h t, is a b u s y h ig h s c h o o l s tu d e n t/a th le te w o u ld b e a n u n d e r s ta te m e n t. K a r p h a s b e e n a m e m b e r o f th e v a r s ity b a s k e tb a ll, s o c c e r a n d te n n is te a m s e v e r y s e a s o n f o r th e V ik in g s . S h e is a ls o a c tiv e ly in v o lv e d in s c h o o l a n d h a s a 4 .3 G P A o n a w e ig h te d sc a le . K a r p , a 5 - 8 s h o o tin g g u a r d , h a s b e e n a s ta r te r f o r th e g ir ls b a s k e tb a ll te a m f o r th e la s t tw o - p lu s s e a s o n s a n d s o f a r th is y e a r , s h e is a v e r a g in g 1 1 .6

ST:Whoisyourfavoritemusical performer/band? SK: Billy Joel. I'm a huge Billy Joel fan.

p o in ts , th r e e r e b o u n d s a n d tw o s te a ls p e r g a m e f o r th e 7-7 V ik in g s. K a r p r e c e n tly to o k tim e o u t o f h e r v e r y b u s y s c h e d u le to g o "O n th e R e c o r d " w ith T h e S ta m fo r d T im e s s t a f f w r ite r S te v e G eoghegan.

ST: Do you have any pre-game superstitions or routines? SK: I'm a really superstitious person. Before every game I make a layup from both sides of the basket. And I'm always the first person in the rebound line.

The Karp File Parents/Siblings: Arnold and Lisa/Sisters: Danielle (15) and Alexa (11). Sports/Activities: Basketball, soccer and tennis/President of HOPE (community service club), editor of sports section of The Standard student newspaper, Peer Review (student government), Cum Laude (honor society), commendation for national merit. Future Goals: Would be to go to college, figure out her major and play sports while in school. The Stamford Times: What's the best thing about King? SK: The best thing is the community atmosphere. It's a small school and I'm able to be involved in a lot of different things. ST: Wouldyouchangeanything about King? SK: What I would change is I'd have kids get more involved. I'm involved in a lot of activities and it's helped me. It would help them and I'd like other kids to get the same types of experiences. ST: The team is 7-7. Do you feel the team is headed in the right direction?

ST: WhatTV showdoyou watch that you cannot miss? SK: House.

SK: Yes. Even though we were on a losing streak recently, our game has gotten better and we've been able to make our layups and free throws. We're playing together as a team. Our defense and communication has gotten better. We've lost four games in overtime and some by just a few baskets so we're almost there. ST: Do you feel you're playing your best basketball? SK: My shooting hasn't been as good as in the past but over the last couple of games, I've started making shots. ST: What's it been like after a great year last year? SK: It's a transition year and if s a young team. Having a young team and getting girls experience and with a new coach, there's been a transition. Even with changes, we still play strong. It's still been a good season and we still have a lot of games left. ST: What sport do you like best? SK: I don't have a favorite. I love all three. ST: Which sport are you better at? SK: I'm probably best at basketball because I don't play soccer or tennis as much. Basketball comes most naturally to me.

ST: Is it hard playing three sports in high school? SK: At times it gets hard but all the sports are a release to everything that's going on in school. ST: What's it like being the sports editor of the student newspaper? SK: I like the fact that I am able to convey what is happening within King athletics as well as in college and professional sports. The sports section covers a variety of topics, and as editor. I am able to decide what should go into the paper. I like being able to represent athletes at King that are not always recognized for their accomplishments. 1 have been on the paper for three years and really enjoy having an editorial position. ST: What's your favorite sports movie? SK: The Blind Side. ST: What's your best sports memory at King? SK: Probably making varsity soccer my freshman year. Coming into a new school, I didn't know anybody and I think making varsity soccer helped me become adjusted to King and a part of the community.

ST :What'syourperfectbreakfast? S K: It would probably be a bacoi egg and cheese on a roll. ST :Doyouhaveanidealmidnighi snack? SK: Apples and peanut butter, ST: If you could witness ant sporting event in history, what would it be and why? SK: I think I'd like to watch Babe Ruth play in his prime at Yankee Stadium because I'm a big Yankee fan. ST: If you could spend 24 hours in anyone's shoes, who would it be and why? SK: I'd choose Anne Frank. I studied a lot about her. Knowing what she lived through and how it's different from today. She was an interesting person and went through a lot. ST: What word or words best describe you? SK: Determined and loyal. I'ma | determined person in everything Ido j and loyal because I'm loyal to my , teammates and friends.

The Stamford Advocate 01/26/2011

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<3iris Varsity Basketball

S t a t is t ic s 12/1 S t. Luke's, won 2 9 -2 3 12/6 Harvey, won 51-16 12/0 Hotchkiss, lo st 3 9 -4 2 12/9 M asters, won 49-31 12/11 Hackley, lo st 3 3 -5 7 12/13


lost 2 0 -3 2

12/15 Hopkins, lo st 4 4 - 4 6 1/5 Christian Heritage, won 6 1 -5 9 1/11 Hamden Hall, lo s t 3 6 - 4 4 1/13 Chase Collegiate, lo s t 3 7 -4 0 1/19 Holy Child, lost 3 7 -4 3 1/22 Canterbury, won 6 7 -4 0 1/25 RCDS, won 4 0 - 3 9 won 4 3 -3 2 swood-Oxford, won 4 7 -2 4 asters, won 4 5 - 3 6 n t o f th e Sacred Heart, 1-32 Luke's, won 41-29

Boys Varsity Basketball

Coach Reggina, Charlie Enright, Max Wardaki, Guilbert Francois, S c o tt Huley, Chris Gaynor, Nick Pella Jacono, Coach Carson Coach Little, Drew Sawyer, M a tt Reggina, Tre Tipton, Max Reyes, Nick Durst


I ;

S t a t is t ic s 11/29 Christian Heritage, won 6 9 -6 8 12/1 St. Luke's, lost 59-73 12/4 Harvey School, won 6 4 -5 0 12/7 RCDS, lost 4 6 -5 3 1Lenox Academy, won 71-46 I Hackley, won 5 3 -3 8 Z b a s e Collegiate, won 75-49 5 Brunswick, won 72-58 Luke's, lost 5 4-56 ’ School, won 81-21 FA, lost 3 9 -6 8 , Thomas More, won 4 9-29 ! RCDS, won 62-47 MacDufTie School, won 8 2 -2 6 kins, lost 6 6 -6 8 'ick, lost 5 6 -5 8 =A, lost 70-74 Hamden Hall, lost 52-62 Hamden Hall, lost 53-61 Hopkins, lost 7 6 -8 6 Masters, won 5 5-50

Varsity Ice Hockey

Jack Wheeler, Kieran McQuilkin, Elie Skolnick, Troy Lynch, Mike ITeane, Patrick Sullivan, Taylor Thomson M a tt Johnson, Cary Sullivan, Stephen Franze, Robby Balloch, Paul Damascus, Coach Bruno Diego Trevino, Jonathan King, Jack Mehan, Max Perkins, John Arena, Jay Murray, Anthony Deluca


S t a t is t ic s 12/11 Fieldston, won 6 -2 12/15 S t. Luke's, won 6 - 0 1/5 Hamden Hall, lo s t 3 -5 1/14 S t. George's, won 10-4 1/15 Portsm outh Abbey, lost 2 -6 1/19 South Kent School, tie 3 -3 1/24 Harvey School, lost 2 -6 1/26 S t. Luke's, won 1 0-0 2 /3 Brunswick, lo st 2-10 S t. Thomas More, won 7 -4 CDS, won 4 -3 0 Fieldston, won 7-2 2/12 Hamden Hall, lo s t 4 - 6 4 S t. Thomas More, won 3 -2 6 Harvey School, won 6 - 3 South Kent School, lo s t 1-7

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Varsity Squash

Coach Shea, Hudson Cole, Nicky Spyrou, Henry Bray, Coach Yelton Chris Reilly, Hiram Holloway, Josh Silberfein, Mike Hart, Kaitlyn S tandfest

Hudson Cole & Nicky 5pryou

12/1 S t . Luke's, lo s t 0 - 9 12/6 RODS, lo s t 0 - 7 12/6 Brunsw ick, lo s t

0 -7

12/13 G F A , lo s t 0 - 6 1/5 Hackley, lo s t 0 - 6 1/11 G F A , lo s t 0 -7 1/20 S t . Luke's, lo s t 0 - 7 1/29 H opkins, lo s t 0 - 7 2 / 6 Brunsw ick, lo s t 0 - 7 2/10 RODS, lo s t 0 -7 2/16 Hackley, lo s t 0 -7

JV Boys Basketball Blue Team



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Coach Saracino, Anthony Spadaccini, Desmond Hague, Joseph Rinaldi, Adrian Richburg, John McAllister, Lucas Salem, Eli Hanover, David Sheets, Dan Driscoll

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11JV Boys Basketball Gold Team

Emily Klotz, Eli Lichtman, John McAllister, Logan McCullough, Kevin Futterman, Anthony Spadaccini, Coach Merrill Alex 3lumberg, Conor Harris, Alex Haendler, Michael Correa, Paul Camarda

Catharine Sciolla, Chrissy Bonaventura, Lindsay Sherwood, Allie Gottlin, Coach Fitzpatrick Colleen Morris, Valerie Weiner, Katie Tryhane

The Diary of Anna Frank [




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Winter Concert

Once on This Island


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Rwanda Club Mrs. Kweskin, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Kelsey Luneburg, Hannah Van Dolsen, Paige Voigt, Maggie McCaffery, Elie Skolnick, Eli Campbell, Kendall Hartzell, Georgia Orenstein, Valerie Weiner, Maya Krysicki, Colleen Morris, Lindsay Sherwood

B u sin e ss Club Carter Anatole, Austin Allee, Tevin Cummings, Tanner Abel, Nigee Page, Paul Damascus Steve Lewis, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Forrest Hanson, Katie Kuntzman, Kelsey Luneburg, All Coupe

Kaleidoscope Ms. Thieme, Emily Wilson, Jennifer Wilson, Riley Jay, Alex Mirza, Amanda Schwartz, Mrs. Haymann Jacquelyn Xu, Kendall Hartzell, Hannah Freund, Alexa Molinaro, Ana Gordon, Katie Keller

3uild0n Katie Gimpel, Taylor Stukes, Logan McCullough Tyler Benedetto, Kaleen Sullivan, Aja Piro-lbrahim Amanda Meyer, Forrest Hanson Valentina Casanova, CaroWne Sciolla, Samantha Frisoli, Katie Tryhane, Jackson Wheeler, Alex Benjamin


Academic World Q uest Team Jon Berger, Taylor Thomson, Michael Schneider, Tommy Katuki

HOPE Jennifer Wilson, Amanda Schwartz, Emily Wilson, Samantha Karp, Greta Savickaite, Danielle Karp, Julie Tooher

SADUI Tyler Benedetto, Cameron Kelley, Celine McGoran, Charlie Cooper, Lillie Cooper, Tim Marren, Devon Kelley, Emily Wilson, Jennifer Wilson Ana Gordon, Eloise Hyman, Lizzy Flood, Samantha Frisoli, Lindsey Faig, Melanie Tremasani


Suildon Forrest Hanson, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Katie Tryhane, Gigi Boehringer, Christian Deschapelles, Erin Crutchley, Alex Benjamin, Jackson Wheeler, Valentina Casanova, Brian Alebiosu, David Meyer

Student A ctivities Tre Tipton, Reilly Sullivan, Joey Rinaldi, Taylor Stukes, Kaleen Sullivan, Casey Howard-Johnson, Katie Gimpel, Amanda Meyer Devon Kelley, Tyler Benedetto, Aja Piro-lbrahim, Melanie Tremesani, Steve Sheets, Maya Krysicki, Georgia Orenstein, Ana Gordon, Emma Snover, Olivia Reyes, Noelle DeRonte, Katie Keller Hannah Freund, Lizzy Flood, Campbell Ritchy, Jacquelyn Xu, Marisa Nobs, Alexa Molinaro, Haleigh Levethan

Creative Writing Club Mr. Mortenson, Michael Schneider, Katie Sun, Patrick Kennedy, Tommy Katucki, Jesse Futterman, Adrienne Lange

United Cultures Club Desmond Hague, M a tt Reggina, Jack Bowser, Caleb Jones, levin Cummings, Carty Campbell, Brian Alebiosu Katie Tyhane, Aja Piro-lbrahim, Kaleen Sullivan, Max Reyes, DJ Jones, Tanner Abel, Drew Sawyer, Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Nigee Page Marco Meily, Erica Nicokiris, Robby Balloch, Raven Redd, Valentina Casanova, Tre Tipton

Poetry Club Mrs. Patten, Tom Rosenfeld, Briana Fontaine, Hallie Keller, Amelia Arnold, Michael Catenacci

Outdoor Club Daniel Martin, Steve Sheets, Kristin Keane, Max Orenstein, Tyler Benedetto, Jack Mehan, Casey Howard-Johnson, M a tt Johnson, Logan McCullough, Joe Nano, Hannah Van Dolsen, Amanda Meyer, Paul Damascus, John McCallister, Carter Anatole, Forrest Hanson, Jimmy Carlucci Will Qua, Joey Fedorko, Austin Waldner, M a tt Martin

Model United Nations Nick Durst, Jon Berger, Jesse Futterman, Rick Ressei, Tommy Ratucki, Hudson Cole, Max Beyman Jon Ring, Rristen Banter, Victoria Uva, Lindsay Stone, Hannah Van Dolsen, Maggie Joyce, Ratie Runtzman, Amanda Schwartz, Forrest Hanson, Jason Gallant, Coby Becker Michael Schneider, Morgan Lyew, Erica Nicokiris, Ryan Lasnick, Taylor Thomson


Environmental Club

Chess Club Forrest Hanson, Tyler Benedetto, Daniel Martin, Joe Nano, Hudson Cole, Relsey Luneburg, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Halle Fogel, Tyler Murray Nick Hall-Risko


Mike Velasco, Austin Doering, Samantha Rarp, Jennifer Wilson, Ratie Gimpel, Libby Smith, Georgia Orenstein, Laura Soto Will Qua, Emily Wilson

GSA Brians Fontaine, Domonique CarterStanley, Tatiana Brown, Devon Kelley Chris Schoen, Will Qua, Melanie Tremesani, Hallie Keller, Eloise Hyman, Sarah Reid, Devon Johnson

Support the Troops Patrick Kennedy, James Boyle, Nick Schipper, Christian Morales, Jon Berger, Jay Murray, Conor O'Rourke, Angus Robertson, Mike Velasco, Nick Durst, Joe Careccia


Debate Team Mr. Galanopoulos, Michael Schneider, Nick Hall-Risko, Will McEvoy, Hudson Cole, Tommy Katucki, Daniel Chimes, Max Beyman Marc Lupinacci, Jason Gallant, Josh Silberfein, 5pencer Blair, Katie Tryhane, Caroline Ryan, Hanna Galvin Eloise Hyman, Rachel Cohen, Annie Del Genio, Maisie Heine

Elected Officee Student Council Kieran McQuilkin, Jesse Futterman, Max Orenstein, Paul Whittingham, Jason Gallant, Caroline Pyan, Jacquelyn Xu, Paige Voigt Michael Catenacci, Daniela Catenacci, Casey Howard-Johnson, Maya Krysicki, Erica Nicokiris, Mrs. Wagner, Michael Correa

Disciplinary Board Dr. Zoubek, Kelsey Luneburg, Amelia Arnold, Mrs. Pusack, Tommy Katucki, Michael Schneider

Missing: Mr. Schpero

Peer Review Mr. Galanopoulos, Max Orenstein, Greta Savickaite, Morgan Lyew, Samantha Karp, Caroline Pyan, Briana Fontaine M a tt Cloutier, David Del Prete, CaroWne Flubbard, Daniel Ward, Annie Del Genio, Colleen Morris

Class Trips


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■ ' » „ „ w , , « « • ' » I nf or mat i on d "1* " roropvrny.york o p d J(o|/B y foltowrnfl the v)jt«b/-«loov i will use “ s 'g s g g ;7,.,. p£1)Cy roq.cemnnfs or rno King A«01>la£>le Use ,

,.. .„ , in air m i words, expressions. and actions.

S S sssssq

each person is valued and respected

-I w ill have respect for property at all limes. I w ill not steal, deface de'.hav or liner. I will not touch the properly of other people without their permission I will tale pride m the King campus and go out ol my way to veep it a clean and safe place / understand that my academic work, my conduct with others, my attitude towards property, my personal honor, and the honor o f my school communil< are my personal responsibility. I w ill uphold this code by observing II m yself and helping (ho school communily observe II also I w ill not passively participate in any violation. By pledging myself to ihe King Honor Code. I accept my responsibility to do the right thing because I know It Is right. th e King Honor Code is upheld through the shared values o f out com m unity • I w ill have respect fo r academic Integrity. I w ill have respect lor others in a ll my w ords, e x p re ssio n s, and a ctio ns. I w ill have respect for property at alt tim es. understand that should I violate any o f the values shared by Ihe com m unily. ^ ' e w ill be consequences

Honor Code

Names Day

Nikki Giovanni



Career Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day


K IN C Colloquium


>shouldn’t be easy to be amazing, then everything would be. It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning th a t have the g reatest woHBh. When something is-"difficult to

to 1lose." WFm 4 i Des^en

/“Destiny is not a qJaaiCS. It iSJf< thing to be ao

a nee, but a matter ?e waited for, it is a iam Jennings 1 i '


■# UV - *^ .>*■«'»/

«c_. / -


5 F ^

• ,:- - - ^ ..yfrjrF - , J

■ '; * *

sfS l .jy r c ll J t il V ■ v. ‘i Hr 1

'We are all worms. £ u t I do believe I am a glow-worm." Winston Churchill


"If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tail you are?" - T.5. Elliot


- -v ' *

* ** r k ? -4 V rK * ■ V®

"It is good


“to lovf

unknown." Charles Lamb

E llio tt Morrill F S u c c e s s c o n s is t s of

goin g

fro m fa ilu re

t o fa ilu re w ith o u t l o s s o f e n t h u s ia s m .' - W in s to n C h u rch ill

"If one d o e s n o t know t o w hich p o r t o ne is sa ilin g , no wind is fa v o ra b le ." - L u c iu s A n n a e u s S e n e c a

"You h a v e n 't won t h e race** if in winni ra ce y o u I

P a u l E lv s t n

"You m is s 10 0 t h e s h o t s you d o n 't ta k e ."

- W a yn e G re tzk y




p to say . . . ju s t dance -Ellen DeGeneres,

jfe“The best ’and most beautiful things in the worId cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart.” - Helen Keller

“Do one thing you think you * cannot do. Fail a t it. Try again. ;T | Do better the s econd time. The o n ly ^ ^ H f ^ people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it." - Oprah Winfrey

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't m atter and those who m atter don't mind." - Dr. Seu ss

yan Lasnick ■•'■« %? '■' _ _ ________

% Ik



p% i

i2 s ^ 5 ( :r 5 I \

!», '

'• ' .

«3® fiSr „ •■•to.

■. ....JLi(

’— ~


"I will c h o o s e a p a th t h a t ' s c le a r.

Morgan Lyew

I will c h o o s e freew ill." - R u s h


g r a n t m e t h e s e r e n it y t o

a c c e p t t h e t h in g s I


ch an g e; co u rag e to ch an g e th e t h in g s I c a n ; a n d w is d o m t o know t h e d iffe re n c e ." - R e in h o ld N ie b u h r

"I'd like t o be u n d e r th e s e a in a n o c t o p u s 's

g a rd e n

in t h e sh a d e ." - R in g o S t a r r



g u id a n c e , we've been m isled, yo u n g and o s t ile , b u t not stu p id ."


- Slink-102

-g e n ^ r a t ; pp||^


- C h A 'sto fe r


Ingle "The truth never s e t



■ V |< ;


s o I did

it myself.' V > ' ' ■'•

"All I w a n t 's



its x

s o m e e a r t h and

b u t only g ro w t h e t h in g s I

need ," - B r a n d New -

■ : •■>■


- Hayk Williai

Jay Murray


fj t \

"We're a ll c r a z y , so m e o f u s ju s t

WKp yo u a r e 'and sa y

w h a t y o u hte^n b ecause t h o s e whovb lin d don't ^

h id e it b e t t e r

m a t t e r a n d t h o s e who

t h a n o t h e r s ."

m a t t ^ ^ o n ' t min'd."

- O n e T re e Hill






5 eu ss

It 's kind o f fu n t o d o th e

"A p e s s i m i s t s e e s t h e d if f ic u lt y in every o p p o r tu n it y ; a n o p t im is t s e e s t h e o p p o r t u n it y in every d iffic u lty ."


W in s to n C h u r c h ill.

"Failin g t o p re p a re is p rep arin g t o fail." J o h n W ooden

achel S tern

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's enc

"Dream as if you'll live forever; Jive as if you'll die today."

Any rr will sti< believe ta k e s, man U in s ta n reserv< he is ir

Attitude is a little tiling th a t makes a big difference." - Winston Churchill

Caroline “G reat moments are born from great opportunities. - Herb brooks


“A woman should be two things, classy and fabulous.” - Coco Chanel

"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi

"Be yourself. Ever/one else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde 200


"You f a y you |w a n t a u tio n ; well y l know, we

anna e th e — «>rld."

"All m u rd e re rs a r e

- T h |J f e a t le s

thev kill in la ra e m p e rs

ana v o

e so u n d

of ,

jm p e ts ." ^ 'o ltaire


uM* j j M

m ,

Q u is :u s t o d ie t p so s s u sto d e s] • Ju v e n a l "La vid a e s d u ra , a m a rg a , y peea. - R u b en D ario

Jennifer Wilson


W hen s k ie s


'ou'II n e v e r kn o

R ow m u c l j ^ ^ P le a s e d o n 't t a

SLsunspSelW; "A d o p t th e

^Jim m ieJPa

p ace o f n a tu re h e r s e c r e t is

"The p o s itiv e

p a tie n c e ."

W in k e r s e e s

I- R a lp h W a ld o j

g K is ib le , f e e ls

E m e rso n

t h e in ta n g ib le ,


ifn d a c h ie v e s ) j h e im p o s sib le


Yr\er\c 0 a s ir •oul dv 1 tw o o d ie s, A r is t 202

Emily Wilson

"N e v e rU e n d y o u r h e a d . ,

A lw a y s hold it high. jjg jw

”5 jiS |^ v “You have t o le arn t h e r u le s o f

JJL o o k t h e w o r^ s t r a i g h t in t h e eye." - H elen K eller

th e g a m e . A n d t h e n yo u have to play b e t t e r t h a n a n y o n e * l« « .® A lb e r t E i n s t e i n * ^

J e n - Y o u 're m y n u m b er one!

"R em em b er: A lw a y s le t y o u r c o n s c ie n c e be y o u r guide." - P in o cch io

H'\"Je t'a im e ra i to u jo u rs."

’If you don't go after what you want, you'11never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in th;e-same, place." Nora Roberts

"Life is the a rt of drawing without an

eraser." - John Gardner

"Pain throws your heart on the ground. . Love turns the whole thing around. No it won't alf go • the way it should. f3ut I know • the heajfc^Nife is good. " 9 - John Mayer

"Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. - Marcus

)on't listen to th ise what do they /e need each oth to have to hold They'll see in tim know." - Phil Colli

n or to o bL

Wee Heine "There-w ere m en who-tooR_first=-

s t e p s djown

n e w rro a d s

arm ed'

" w it h n o th in g b u t th eir_o ] visi ion/'

-Jy n


I a m a n o p tim is t. It d o e s n o t jseem m u ch u s e being a n y th in g else." - W in s to n Churchill

"Life c a n o n ly be u n d e rs to o d b a c k w a rd s ; b u t it m u s t be lived

fo rw a rd ." '

S o r e n K ie rk e g a a rd

"It is the hopes and dreams we have th a t make us great." - Fortune Cookie

"I don't think there's a punch-line scheduled. Is there?" - Monty Python

Philip Nussbaum

"Love is o ld , love is new, love is a ll, love is yo u." - T h e B e a t le s

Libby Sm ith

"T h ere a r e tw o b a s ic m o tiv a tin g f o r c e s : f e a r a n d love. W hen we a r e a f r a id , we pull b a c k fro m life. W hen we a r e in love, we open t o all t h a t life h a s t o o ffe r w ith p a s s io n , e x c ite m e n t, a n d a c c e p t a n c e . We need t o le a rn t o love o u r s e lv e s f i r s t , in all o u r g lo ry a n d o u r im p e r f e c tio n s . If we c a n n o t love o u rselve: we c a n n o t fu lly ope t o o u r a b ility t o love o th e rs or our p o te n tia l t o c r e a t e . E v o lu tio n a n d all h o p es fo r a b e tte r w orld r e s t in t h e f e a r le s s n e s s and o p e n - h e a r te d v isio n o f p eo p le who e m b ra c e life." - J o h n Len n o n

p m t h r e e words I c a n sum up e veryth in g I've a rn e d a b o u t life: it g o e s on.'! - R o b e r t Frost

Jack Sheresky 'History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." - Winston Churchill


"Three Essentials: Know what you're doing. Love what you're doing. Relieve in what you're doing." - Steve Musseau "If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing th a t you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page." - Mark Houlahan .

"Always remember th a t the future comes one day a t a time." - Pean Acheson

Lindsay Sherwood "The c a t could very well be man's best friend but he would never stoop to admitting it." - Poug Larson

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." • Tommy Lasorda

Everything negative pressure; challenges — are all an opportunity for me to rise. a - Kobe Bryant A

Some people vant it to happei some wish it iwould happen; iothers make it happen. - Michael Jordan




Passionjis passion. It excitement between the spaces, and it doe where it’s direct coins or sports or horses or musjc The saddest pe I’ve ever met in are the ones who don’t, care dee_ about anyShing^C? a t aliT*‘V\| - Nicholas 5park4 .■ ii

"We,domo1|'J remember da\ we remember •

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson



Alexa Molinaro "Every day is a fashion show and the world is your runway.1 - Coco Chanel

"When you love someone and they break your heart, don't give up on love, have faith, restart. J u s t hold on." - JE3

"I want someone to love me for who I am." - Nick Jonas "Live like you're a t the bottom even if you're a t the top." - Jd

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

"Shhh! We're beitig stealth!" - The OC

f iiiii't- - M M J ...




Katie Gimpel

"If fig u re s k a t in g w e a s y , th e y 'd c a ll it hockey."

% m S?

In o rd e r t o be irre p la c e a b le , le m u s t a lw a y s be d if f e r e n t - Coco Chanel

I ain't-no abacus, but you can count on me, lo ve > ^ " - Jamie T

"I wake up everyday it's a daydream Everythin' in my life ain't what it seems I wake up ju s t to go back to sleep I a c t real shallow but I'm in too deep A heavy bassline is ’my kind of silence." - Di^zee Rascal

Julie Tooher t V

Soft spoken with a broken jaw Step outside^bu not to Autumn s sweet we call it fall 'll make it to the mooli if I have to crawl." - Red Hot Chili Peppers

"If you re always thinking about the future, then you kinda forget about the present." - Van Wilder


"Life comes down to a simple choice: get busy living, or get busy dying." - The Shawshank Redemption

"Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain." - Save Matthews Sand




VW-J:r. r ■. :

‘t ■iwfci

've missed more than 9 0 0 0 shots in my career I've lost almost 3 0 0 games. 2 6 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And th a t is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan

Caroline Main

link about it later. Rascal F la tts

Don't you let regret take place of the dreams you have to chase." - Zac Drown Dand

" 'Cause I wonder sometimes about the outcome of a still verdictless life." - John Mayer

% "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow, stj Pont walk behind me, I may not lead. % Walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

Will Qua

"Courage is not the absehoeof fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more; > important than fear." •'?' - Ambrose Red moon -'

’‘iVslSS m V

HKkHBlwlH jH-’

Cali Capalbo ■mg

“How lucky \ am to have something th a t makes saying goodbye so hard.” - Carol Sobieski

“Sometimes you have to e apart from people you love, but th a t doesn’t mean you love em any less, sometimes it even makes you" love them more.” - The Last 6 onf

Patrick Sullivan

"Chazz Michael Michaels is figure skating! Sooml" - Will Ferrell

"And shepards we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, th a t our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti." - Irish prayer

"Cooler than Mick Jagger with the Stones, stop jacking my swagger cause my swagger is my own." - Drake

Deondre Jones

Cary Sullivan

Life's tough, get a helmet." - Doy Meets World

"G reat moments are born on great opportunity.1 - Herb brooks

"Deny it till you die."- Ari Gold

"Fire It up one time." - Jblock

"It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission."

"Don't mind those th a t talk behind your back because you're already in front of them."

Steve Sheets

"The things you own end up owning you." - Henry David Thoreau


"Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it." - Henry David Thoreau

* f *


'm ju s t trying to lay( back in an upright life."

"I loved history because to me, history was like watching a movie." - Quentin Tarantino

Jesse Futterm an

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." - Woody Allen

"I am two with nature." - Woody Allen

"Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" - John Selushi

"I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and th a t we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." - Stephen Hawking

And w<

every d \Ne havt least o should false w accomf least o - Friedt

Jo n a th a n Berger




"Success: To. laugh often'and much, to' win-the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, t(? earn the appreciation of , honest critics ari*d endure the betrayal ! of false friends, to lappreciat&bea'uty, toTind the nest in . ■ ■? # ..t a■ -a Others, to leave th e .world, a bit.better, wnether bya . $ «r

back; feme

" T < > -t

A -redeemed - ' • social condition;. ••■'to know, even one is 'life has breathed easier because-yc^u $ have lived.| This is to have succeeded!" A •_ . ■ •‘ ‘ ► ’A; . <y. r- . ' ~x -*/ - .--Ralph Waldo' Emerson '.■""v/.-'p’. .,'//:*???■ v.

"The important Thing is not.tcb$. bitter over• life's disappointments *JS| Learn to let go of the past;.and L. * recognize th a t every day won't be sunny. And when ypufirrT \ ij\ ‘’yourself lost in the darkness'M fc V of despai r, re memfcer,its-j only in the^blaaJtjj / night th a t you seif f -K jEEr^ ^ H a^ the stars, and . S / f t B r a B . t i io ,

f /

. y /w ,..



... .

” -'Va*


"Wherever you^go,. go wjth ali.yo.ur hearf - Confucius

h'G "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind." - E3ob Marley /

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind, Mohandas K, Gandhi



Patrick ermedy

'You only live o 0 js

James 3oyle

"Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of th a t generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known." - Ronald Reagan

Jo e Careccia "If you're going to play at all, you're out to win. Baseball, board games, playing Jeopardy,. I hate to lose." - Derek Je te r

All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. - Albert Einstein

"But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. - Rocky Balboa

M. Conor O'Rourke

"Just a squirrel chasing a nut."

"Starin' a t tl world through rearview." - 2F

2011 Senior M o s t Changed

Conor O'Rourke & Caroline Main

M o s t A th le tic

B e s t Smile

Cali Capalbo & Jam es Boyle


Tipton & Samantha Karp

B e s t Dressed

Katie Gimpel & Jack Sheresky

Q u ie te s t


M o s t Likely To Be O u t o f Dress Code

Patrick Kennedy & Lindsay Sherwood

Amanda Meyer & Nick Bass

Amanda Meyer & Jack Mehan

M o s t T h e a trica l

254 Alexa Molinaro & Ryan Lasnick

B e s t Eyes

M o s t L ik e ly T o B e O n T h e ir C e ll P h o n e

Valentina Casanova & Will Qua

Austin Doering & Melanie Tremesani

Superlatives M o s t M usical

Use Heine & Jesse Futterman

B e s t H air

B e s t Laugh

Kristin Keane & Nick b a ss

Adrienne Lange & Steve Sheets

M o s t S tu d io u s

been A Couple Katie Gimpel & Patrick Sullivan

Joe Careccia & Jennifer Wilson

Should Have

M o s t A r tis tic Max

Orenstein & Libby Smith

M o s ty Likely t o Discover A Cure For Cancer

Emily Wilson & Michael Schneider

C u te s t Couple

M o s t Likely To Se Fam ous

Cali Capalbo & Mikey Serricchio

Jesse Futterman & Morgan Lyew

C lass C uties

Jack Mehan & Lillie Cooper255

Austin Doering

Philip Nussbaum 256

Katie Gimpel

Conor O'Rourke


Will Qua

Emily Wilson

Chris Shoen

Jennifer Wilson


SENIOR C h r is t in a & N ick M a t e r a

Jo e & Ja ck

Lillie & C h a rlie

C a r e c c ia


N ick & A n g u s S ass

M a is ie & Use

S a m a n th a &

M ike & K ris tin

D an ielle K a rp


H eine

i i


A d rie n n e & R u s s e ll >


R y a n & C a ro lin e

D an iel & L a u re n

M ain

M a rtin


A m a n d a & D avid

E llio t t & H a n n a h

G e o rg ia & M ax

M eyer

M orrill

O r e n s te in

S te v e & D avid

R eilly, P a t r ic k &

J e n n if e r & E m ily

S h e e ts

K alee n S u lliv a n

W ilso n

C a t h a r in e &

J e s s e & Kevin

Devon & C a m e ro n

C a ro lin e S c io lla

F u tte rm a n



C o n g ra tu la tio n s class o f 2011! We did it! Mom and Dad: I could n o t have done th is w ith o u ty o u guys. Thank you fo r all you r s u p p o rt and advice based o ff w h a t you Iearned from doing th is w ith Mike and D. - Jimmy Pat and A ustin— Ummmmmmmm

Mike and D: Thank you fo r all you r advice on how to g e t throug h High school, and fo r making me

-Jimmy, Mikey, Dj, Austin They Want EFX -Jimmy we’ll still sharpie it up whenever

laugh when I was s tre s s e d o u t th e m ost. I s a t down try in g to w rite som ething nice a b o u t all th e g re a t frie n d s I made here a t

-Mrs. Crackleezz aka “The Clay GODDDD”

King: E and JW, JD, SK, M 5, IH, TT all o f th e GC’s Advisory, and I

realized I couldn’t d o it. I couldn’t -Cali and jimmy I’ll miss having condense all th e g re a t tim e s I every single class together next had here and how much I’m going year haha to m iss everyone here o n to one -KING 2010 Men’s Varsity Soccer 14-5-1 so much for us being the w orst team th is year hahaha

page. Laughs, cries, cram m ing fo r A.P.s, all o f th e s t u f f we d id ... I could never imagine going throug h i t all w ith o u ty o u guys. I

would never tra d e anything fo r -Mr. Schoudel, when the world is th e g re a t memories. I’m going to coming to an end I will be a t your m iss you all so much. Thanks fo r door with my student id fo u r g re a t years. -M a tt Johnson, Nick Hall-Pisko, and Andy Farber- going to miss our pre-game routine u better keep doin it cuz it apparently worked haha


-To p re tty much everyone in the seniorclass haha PATATAT, BASSNECCTAPP, & DJ PAULY D concerts


ccc JT 4 year friendship and feels like a lifetime. You are my best friend and cannot be replaced. I can’t even begin to w rite about all our fun times and laughs. I love you so much thanks for always being there! Can’t w ait to v is it you in college next year! KG- SWARRIORS SLASH KRUHS FOR LIFE! F irs t th in g s firs t, I will never fo rg e t the time when you fell o ff th e stone-wall a t Nicky’s. Reace, Love, (fill in th e blank) Im still gonna text you fo r every little thing t h a t happens to me next year. Thank you fo r always being there! Come v is it me in college anytime! Love you! CM- You were my f ir s t friend a t King. Mrs. Kwok’s english class and who can ever forget th e butto n dance? So embarrassing. You’ve always been there fo r me and you’ll always be my favorite TC girl! Love you lo ts CS- CAREBEAR! ME-“Watch Cary we’re gonna be on our own te a m ” MR. RICHER-“Cary, Cali, please ste p aside” Couldn’t w ait to put th a t in my scribbles fo r fo u r years! VC, KS, AM, KK, LS, CS- AMAZING times with all o f you! I am going to miss you all so much next year! Thanks fo r always being there you guys! I know you’ll all do so well in the future. If any o f you ever need anything, ju s t know th a t I will always be here. Can’t w ait to see you during breaks! LOVEEE YOUU ALL!! JC- I am convinced we should have been brother and s is te r because you know exactly how to get under my skin. Gonna miss you next year you’ve been a g re a t friend jim bot/jim im os! MK- Nicki, HSM, weimer, “ I’m not playin games anymore” -Mrs. Pugni, I love you so much and had th e best tim es with you fo r 15 years! TT- MUSK! IM GONNA MISS YA MUSK! You’re th e best brother in law ever! MS- I really don’t know where to begin. So many memories and so many amazing tim es with you. You have made my high school. No m a tte r where life takes us, ju s t know t h a t you will always have^ a special place in my heart. I Love You..10/15/00 Girls Soccer- GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR! I’m gonna miss th e close bond t h a t we all sharedl I can’t w a it to come to pre-eeaeon come home fo r some o f th e games! Love you a\\ and best of > luck once again!

riona: &FF11 lo v e


so much!


my ponies. Our

friendship since we’ve been three has been quite the ride. But we made it till now and I know we'll last. I love you so much! You're the best friend anyone

Dad and Mom-1 really appreciate everything you Have

could ask for.

done fo r me. You’ve always supported me in everything I've

'o W e rc o a s te r

wanted t o do and I’m so grateful fo r th a t. I love you guys. Lauren- Even though you’ve locked me o u t o f your closets,

5 a m m y and Rush family: You're the greatest. I would not have made it through high school w ithout you to keep me $ans. You are the most real person in the world. We’ve made countless memories and always had a friendship that no one else did. I’ll miss our a fte r school naps : ( Rush family. I’m gonna miss going to hull, and morning toad in the holes. Love you all so much

you’re s till my little siste r, and I love you, and good luck next year. Don’t miss me to o much. My Swories, my b e st friends. That's really when we all came so close. We've been through EVERYTHING together, and my high school wouldn’t be th e same w ith o u t you girls. We always

AM. KK#LS, KG. JT, C C , CM, C 5 , C O G , KS,: You guys are awesome. I wouldn’t have made i t through high school without you girls, been through a lo t together, made some great memories. Love you all! R5, G5: you guys are amazing. You’ve helped me get through all of the challenges I faced and are always there whenever I need you. Thanks for everything. Love you! Senior Boys, Kruhe, TL, MK, SMF(smurfl): you guys made •'i ; senior year so much fun. I can't imagine college without all . of you boys. Thanks for a w e e o m e high school years!

iiw? Volleyball!! Coach, martha, he, tm , kl, Im, rr. ts , en. If, ch, cb, tb, dc-s, hi: where to s ta rt. This season was quite the ' interesting one. But we made i t through. You always knew howto pick me up. I'm gonna miss you guys so much! -v _ Good luck next season!!! I’ll be back to visit. Love you all

' • so much!!! 5ff,y,

CDS: Bears, where to s t a r t . .. So many amazing • memories. YOU are awesome. I’m a t a loss o f words to i* ■: explain our friendship. Its like we are always thinking the same thing... we’ve had some great play dates I’ve ••; learned a lot from you over the past few years, and I hope fifjjjJ that continues through college. Loveyoul - : ■ KBS: you crazy child. I love you been through a lot, good . and not so good but loved me through i t all. We h it i t o ff my sophomore year and were inseparable. We’ve made some pretty incredible memories kid. And I’ve evidence to prove It. I’m gonna miss driving you a r o u n d in my c r e e p y truck-van thing. Keep up the good work a t king fo r me. : Loveyoul SS + MDJ: oh man. You guys are seriously life savers. : ■ This year would have been so boring w ithout you guys. Thanks for everything! Love yas both TBT: I’m gonna miss you so much baby twe! College is gonna be so weird without you. You've made king such a good place for me. Thanks for being such a good friend, I ;;;!% lubyoul MO: Risky man... Thanks for always being there! The past -: ■ 4 years have been so crazy! I’m glad you were a p a rt of ■t them:) LM, KL, RR: Girls, I am going to miss you so much next year. You all better be visiting, whether it be in Argentina or a t college, I expect to see you all. I love you girls so muchl You've made such a difference to me th is year. Linds and Kels, I’ll miss our car chats and vent sessions in my broken d o w n truck. Ravi, I'll miss your crazy self so ■ ' niuch, you don’t even know. Who am I gonna spill my life problems onto now? ■, "

have a good laugh when we are together, and when I think back on highschool, i'll remember th e amazing group o f friends I had. From staples (will I g e t in trouble fo r writing

LS Wife, from s t. patrick's day (&delightful te x ts ) to tanning in your bathroom thank you fo r always being there to listen to my venting &always g e ttin g angry a t whatever's making me angry. Name a fish? Pomegranate! xoxo, your th e ra p ist. DK Baby! Thank you fo r always sleeping in my car with me &taking care o f me. I'm soooo cooold. I'm sorry fo r always snoring. It's a good thing we're both awesome a t tennis. Good luck next year bebe. CE F attie! You should probably c u t down from 12 to 11 meals a day bud, making new friends in college won't be easy a t 23S5Slbs. I'll never be able to express how happy I am we discovered a problem we both share, no m a tte r how severe it is. You're th e best husband ever<3 PS i'm sorry fo r h ittin g you with t h a t car th a t one time. JM Oy! My b e stie st best friend ever in th e whole world, ever. I'm sorry you never learned how to read, maybe when I learn to speak american I can teach you. We can also i guess, occasionally hang o u t on th e weekends maaaaaate. WQ Bonjour mon ami! We made th e m o st tra d itio n a l, wonderful, coolest couple ever fo r Prom '0 9 & I'm proud. I love you to the moon & know you'll do fa n ta s tic wherever you are (by th a t I mean in France or England) CS Carooo, I love you a lo t a lo t & I’m glad we both adore basketball., my tin y friend, I’m always here fo r you, good luck next year a t Bucknell. Oh na-na, w hat’s my name? x 3 0 S 9 3 4 AL It’s a good thing we're both n o t clumsy or awkward or silly. You're n o t to o small fo r me to be friends with fo r now Lillayyy. MT Yo, you had b e tte r n o t fo rg e t my italian lesson to you, it'll come in handy when you're making friends some day I promise! SK Your pep ta lk s &our much-toosa rc a s tic conversations made my day countless tim e s th is ye a r& it means th e world to me. You're my favourite :) CC Grazie mille per essere sempre li. Good luck over th e next 3 years bruv&l promise you can v is it me a t school when things g e t to o annoying. SF Awks, romance., we can d ate now; but keep i t DL. Remember n o t to kiss boys til marriage! We have a g re a t sense o f direction & thank you fo r “ B assnectar Night” LF I’m s till waiting fo r Mr. Wallace to figure o u t who you are. DJ Learn my name or I’m never ever talking to you again, Daquisha. RM We're s till n o t friends, you s till insulted me. V a rsity G irls Basketball; you’re all amazing & strange & I’ll miss you all so much, good luck. C ast o f Anne Frank I guess I had fun.. (: CLASS OF 2011 WE MADE ITTTTTT.

t h a t here?) t o eating a t th e Sullivans house, to tengda, t o DAVE, even freshm an year ordering 0 grill cheeses fo r $140, and to ju s t hanging out, I love you all so much, and will hold on t o our memories forever. It's n o t going t o be th e same next year, b u t I know when we all come back to CT, we'll all come to g e th e r like we never left. We will keep adding on to th e Sullivan's basement wall and The Lunch Tomorrow inbox continues!!!!!!!! LS. CC. CS. CS. KK CM. JT. AM. VC. RS. ILL MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH. LS- You’ve been my b e st friend since 7 th grade, and we’ve been through everything together. I HATE t h a t we will be so fa r away from each other, b u t you know ill be in visiting you so much. Our memories are endless and I really don’t know w hat I would do w ith o u t you. CC- I’m so happy we’ve become so close, and I don’t know w hat I’d do w ith o u tyou . Your ma main kruuuuuh. When I think o f cali, I think o f veggies, falling o ff rock walls sophomore year, moon, peace love____ . If you don’t te x t me every single day next year, I’ll be offended. -___ - and whenever we’re home we will come t o each othes houses, mwahahaha tehehehehe Senior SOYS/ Troy, Soys boys boys, you know who you all are, and you keep me entertained everyday. I'll m iss all so much next year. You made my highschool experience amazing, and I'll never fo rg e t about any o f you guys. PS- You’ve been one o f my friends since 2nd grade, and our friendship means a lo t t o me. Thank you fo r always being here fo r me no m a tte r what. NB- Even though you piss me o ff a t tim es, you’re s till one o f my best friends and life would be dull w ith o u t you. The Gimpel fam ily will always love you. JS - I’m so happy we’ve became closer th is year and I can’t w a it to v is it you next year!!!!!!!!!!!! JM - You've always been here fo r me no m a tte r what. I’m lucky to have a friend like you, who lives only 2 seconds away. EW&JW- you guys have been in my life fo r so many years. My skating experience wouldn’t have been th e same w ith o u tyo u and our memories are endless.


KAHH Mom, Juan. Dad , Denise . Haley . Amanda and Johnny thank you so much fo r being my biggest support team and guiding me every step of the way. I love you guys so much. Xooxox ( thank you 5ocks , Snickers, Thumper . and Simba) King and FHS Teachers & Coaches Thank you so much teaching me and helping me become the person I am today. WW- Willy!! It seems like yesterday we were freshman s ittin g on the floor eating lunch. So many good tim es in Maine together. Including the car incident with the snow pole... Every since 6 th grade you have been like a brother to me. Especially in 6 th grade science! Thank you! I miss you so much! thank you so much for being the best guy friend ever. Also thank you fo r being there fo r me through thick and thin. And making me laugh and giving me great advice. JS- Are we really done with high school? I want to thank you for being you. And no m a tte r what you are there for me. You've been like a sister too me since 2nd grade always being there and making me laugh until I’m crying and rolling on the floor. So many good tim es and more to come. 7th grade, Halloween ( with M adds), Vchats, phone dates, CSH, Camp Omni ( David Boulet and the boys and me forcing you to take a r t classes hahaaha), Moshier's Island, our 1 hr fights, and so on. You are not the m ost normal p e r a o n but th a t is why I love you. I’ll always be your best friend even though you going to college so fa r away! 6 u t we will probably be visiting a lo t so th a t doesn’t m atter! I love you hubby. Xxoxoxxoxx MC- Madds. Even though you live in Paris you s till have been a great friend and sister. Thank you fo r being there fo r me and teaching me r a n d o m French words. 6isou! G o o d tim es in CSH ( PETITE Q U A), Halloween ( with J u lia ), S o u th p o rt, the beach ( and a fte r looking like tom atoes and you nursing my feet back to health from those shells in the water) Stew Leonard’s ( SNIFF SNIFF haha) and getting gas a t 1 am or 2 am or whatever i t was. 0 and getting lost in my car of course I’m so excited to see you when come back and live in the US in college! I miss you and I love you! Xoxoxo Bisoul SS- you have tru ly been my sister been a s is te r to me since kindergarten. I love you and your family so much! It all s ta rte d in E a st school when we used to chase the boys and have funny Halloween costumes. Even though we haven’t been in the same school in so long. We still are sisters. Although I wish you didn't go away to boarding school we still had good tim es in Moshier’s island , vchats .dealing wit th a t f a t kid (sorry bout th t) , your house and mine and seeing THE OTHER GUYS! Thank you for always being there for me. I miss you! I wish you the best in college and hope to see you a ton! Love you I xoxox HP & SS-1 miss you guys so much! We were the three musketeers freshmen year and I can’t believe we are now going to college!! G o o d tim es Ice skating ( A LOT Shaina). FHOP, sledding, Moshier's Island, eating lunch on the floor as freshmen, and so on. I hope to see you soon before college! G o o d luck! SM, AM. AP.ZM & AM- it all s ta rte d in 6 th grade and now we are all going to college! I had so much fun wit you guys sleepovers , d a n c e s, Boston, all those boys, Moshier's Island ( AP talking to b ird s ), 6 th grade science class, so on. I miss you guys and good luck and college hope to see you soon. New Canaan YG ( CA, CG, AW, and so on) - thank you so much for help me become the p e r a o n today. Geek Squad , Cognito and Team FI I had so much fun in Baltimore, Puerto Rico and Chicago. I'll miss you guys and m ost definitely visit and be an Alumnil Thank you Thank you! Costa Rica MN, NM, LW, KM, PD. AD, DM ,. G o o d tim es in Las Mesas and a r o u n d Costa Rica Summer 2 0 1 0 .1hope to see you more in the future. Good luck with everything. I miss you guys! King thanks fo r the la st 3 years! G irls Soccer I’ll miss you guys good luck with your seasons to come and thank you Mr. Newcomb for being the best coach I've ever had. Thanks for making my senior season so fun and special! Girls Lax- good tim es in Disney and thank you! Good luck in future seasons. Mrs. Farrell and my advisory good tim es I’ll miss you guys and not seeing you every morning. Thank you to everyone else if I didn’t mention youl CONGRADULATIONS CLASS OF 2011! We did it! Good luck in Collegell

Tre Black Tipton- Don’t know whore to start lol. Since the Boys and Girls club and Reach Prep, you’re one of my oldest friends. You are honestly the FUNNIEST p e r s o n I know lol, I appreciate you so much for all the laughs and the crazy antics of yours. I wish you the best in everything you do, and nothing can break our bond. I CANT TOLERATE NO LIES! Mikey Serricc- Man, I am really glad that I have met you. You are the most genuine, loyal, and all a r o u n d great p e r s o n that not everybody gets the chance to encounter. You are HILARIOUS and can always make the mood better. I mean you have u lazy times lol but even those are funny. Football was great with you for 7 years, and I know wherever you go, they are blessed with a great player, and a great person. I love you man. Matt Regg- Dieselllll lol, I’m glad that I’ve met you man. Pauly D in the flesh lol. Thank you for the laughs that you have given me. Doritos bag at Steve's....classic. Steve Sheets- Thisss nack, we’ve had quite a few journeys since 7th grade, you know what I mean lol. Your house is my s e c o n d home and we’ve had many memories there.. ..and wack Florida.. .but I love you bro even though you are BY FAR, the most scalls p e r s o n I know lol. Daks/Chabs-1 put you two together because ya’II are Burt and Ernie. Ya’II are some funny nacks together and I know that deep d o w n inside, ya’II look at each other as brothers lol. Max “Princeton’s own” Wardaki, you have been our voice of r e a s o n for sometime now lol and I want you to know that I love you. From being in my chem p a r t n e r in 10th grade to captain on the field, it has been great to know you and I wish the best up at Princeton. Max “Chablo” Reyes, you are so funny my man. You are a really great friend and know that I was never a p a r t of what the other nacks said about you lol. I love you and we have some GREAT memories, Denver SDLC lol. I wish you the best bro. HOLLA AT YA GUALLA. J Looch-Man, I love you bro, I’ve breed you into the DBlock man that you are today lol and I know you’ve got my back, and I definitely have yours C o n o r “The Kid”, you are another really great people that I know, you soo funny and give me a laugh every c o n v e r s a t i o n , wish the best. My DOGGY, you know who you are, since 7th grade lol, I love you. Rachel, Banana girl, but I know you’re always there, ily. Visco, you used to be d o w n with us in 6th grade and now senior year, you a good guy bro and good friend. Val, you’re a little girl, but a great one. Matt, since Scofield days hahah, ebony and ivory lol. Lucy, I mean, Lillie...hi bestfriendddd. T-Stukes, Smurf, Schnei Schnei, Ray, Troy, and all my other lil nacks, I love ya’II too. Im done now....KILLUMINATI...Pat that’s for you.

Girls Soccer: Keep working hard, playing with heart, and playing together. Remember it’s all mental! You guys will do great, all the best of luck next year! RMD: Hold d o w n the B-Squad next year, I knowyou will do an awesome job! GB: Gigiiii!!!! Keep your head up and keep working hard. You know I’m always here for you and I’ll always be your mom. Girls Basketball: It’s been an interesting journey, but one always filled with great memories and tons of fun. Keep working hard next year and making yourfoul shots! DMK: No matter what we’re doing, we always seem to have so much fun together. From singing country songs in the car, to watching endless episodes of House, to laughing about nothing, we can always make anything enjoyable. You have become a gorgeous, confident, and amazing p e r s o n , and I’m so p r o u d of you. Who’s going to do my hair and makeup for me next year? I’ll miss you so much, but you’ll update me on everything and come visit me. I love you <5 AMK: Lexi, I have loved watching you grow up into an amazing person. Keep working hard and enjoying every m o m e n t . You have so much going for you and I’ll miss you so much next year. Keep standing at the dinner table, but at least you won’t have to get me toothpicks. I love you <3 ML: It has been a crazy four years together and I am so lucky to have e x p e r i e n c e d them with you. Thank you for always being there for me during my stressed out times, and you know I’ll always be here for you. From history classes, Panama, making our dino cookies, to your phone call and making fondue, we have had some amazing experiences. Tell Whitney I say hi. I don't know what I'm going to do without you next year and I’ll miss you so much. Love you <3 JW: Thank you for always listening and being there for me, and Iwill always be here for you. Even through our hectic schedules, we were able to get through it! Keep sharpening your pencils next year; you know we’ll need a ton! From math experiences, CDO, our two advisories, B r o a d w a y obsession, homework phone calls, and laughing over every thing, we have had some great times. I’ll miss you so much next year! Love you <3 JB: Thank you for always being there for me throughout high school. From basketball and soccer to everything else, you have always helped me and supported me. I can’t thankyou enough. You are one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. B-5quad forever. Love you <3 CC: From basketball to our Yankee loves, I am so happy that I met you. You are an amazing person and we need to have our movie marathon soon! <3 LMC: Physics buddy! Thanks for always listening to me and making me laugh. You know I’m always here if you need anything :] WQ: Here’s your mention! You can always make me laugh, even when I'm insane in Euro. All the best of luck next year, I know you’ll be great! MT: Do you ever have class? Ifeel.. .awkward. Thanks for making senior year fun! CS: Going through basketball and soccer with you has been great! , Thanks for pushing me to go out, even when I’m stressed and doing | work. Keep your head up and you know I’ll always be here for you!:] G5: From our basketball craziness, to senior day memories, to diner breakfasts and bus rides, we’ve had some great times. Any good movies? Best of luck next year, and you know I'll always be here to listen :] EW: Yeah, I’m in your advisory. Best of luck next year!!! Mom and Dad: I could never really thank you fully on this small page. Thank you for all of your love, support, and guidance. Dad, you are always able to make me laugh, and my Yankee love is all due to you. Mom, we are so similar, and you have helped me through so much. Thank you for everything you have done for me! I love youllll Coach, Mr. Caputi: Thank you for all of your support and guidance. You have both helped me so much and have always been there for me. )

Mom- Thank you so much fo r always being there for me. You are an amazing parent and friend, and I cant thank you enough fo r all t h a t you do for me. Even though our personalities are almost identical, we build o ff each o ther and I don’t know what I’m going to do next year

Class of 2011 - It's been a long run! Thank you for 11 interesting years! I hope you all find what you're looking for out there and apply what you've Iearned over the past few years here a t King. I'll miss some of you immensely and regret the fa c t th a t I did not get to know a lot of you better. If any of you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!


without you.

Dad- Thank you fo r always supporting me in ^whatever I wanted to do. I appreciate t h a t you ^always try to get me to t r y new things. Annie and Clare- you guys are th e best sis te rs < anyone could ask for. I’ve always been thankful that we have such a good relationship and can laugh about alm ost anything together. I will miss you two like crazy when I go to college! Alexa- Thank you so much fo r being my best friend for my entire tim e a t King. You introduced me to so many people when I was new in 9 th grade and didn’t know anybody. You always tr y to get me to be less serious and make me laugh everyday. I’ll miss you so much. Raven- You are hilarious. I’m going to miss our daily check-ups, maintenance hours, play rehearsals, Annick and McDonalds discussions, and consulations. You are one o f th e only people th a t I can be my full self around so thank : you so much! S houtout to Yvonne, your uncle’s denim boat cap. Dashiki’s and dookie braids

, 2010?

Rachel- Thank you so much fo r always being there to talk to me about whatever. You are always so nice and I am really jealous t h a t you’re moving to California!! Taylor- Glozell and Wendy in th e Building. Love you!! Cali- Literally, I ca n t believe we are seniors. Thanks for being such a good friend since kindergarden. And YOUR lead role in HIGH ' SCHOOL MUSICAL W/Nicki! Mrs. Pusack- Thank you fo r being such a wonderful teacher and friend fo r all my years a t King. I discovered my passion fo r Biology because of you, and I will miss th e Magic Cookie Bars, Cupcakes, and m ost im portantly, you, next year in college. To the class of 2011, It has been great! Thank you for making high school so much fun!

DWK: Do whatcha do! I’ll miss screaming along to the MR soundtrack to you in the car. Tell Shannon to behave. We’ll tr y to watch it sometime (I’ll do my best to watch It all the way through). You best visit me all the time. “Why you playin’ games?” LMC: Always the one person to see me trip! Good times in the play, advisory.. .and of course, good times with Mr. Royd. Love you and will miss you to pieces! LAS: Long fouryears later! I’ll never forget the fir s t day of freshman year...the best. I’ll continue to throw things a t you when you fall asleep in Spanish class. Maybe one day I’ll babysit for your kids. CE: I’ll miss you, dude! Meh, here’s some cake. MS, JR, & TT: I have to lump you three together, simply because of Spanish class... I’ll miss it. A lot. JR, stop tying my backpack to my chair. Enough paper basketball. Goalies and scoring, according to Don Juan. MS, thank you for being a wonderful editorand making everyone around you feel intellectually inferior. TT...I do love my nickname. RSL: Re good. Call me and annoy me any time.

SMK - What can I say about you? You're my F.o.E. (unless Mr. G has succeeded..hah...) and I do not know how I could have gotten through these past four years without you. You're an amazing person, and I am proud to be friends with someone like you. I know th a t you will find success wherever the road takes you, and I promise th a t I won't make you worry about me too much. Thank you for everything, and I will truly miss you as we go our separate ways. <3 MLT - You're my little IDS and I will always let you SMDWiFTA. MHO - We've come a long way since

second grade; hell, we've come a long way since sophomore year :) Best of luck a t Duke, and I hope you find your Ruby;) RJL - Kindergarten., .oh gosh...What more can I say about you? Oh yeah, buy new shoes. WJQ - geishas, dumplings, and tents. TSS - Sorry for losing your shoes :) Goo Goo Dolls 2007! KMS - GET SOME SLEEP.

KK-my best friend for 7 years now. I don’t know how I would have survived high school with you, from our daily phone calls t h a t lasted around 4 hours each night, t o our endless sleepovers, t o us dressing up in crazy o u tfits , ju s t fo r fun .. .ahh so many memories! You’re definitely th e person I'm going t o miss more th a n anyone, I c a n t imagine high school w ith o u t you. I love youu thank you fo r always being th e re fo r me <3 CM-Ahh over th e p a s t 2 years we’ve g o tte n so close, you’ve become my best friend, and th e one person know I can t r u s t me life with. Even though you hid my roily backpack and clothing in 6 th grade, thank you fo r making me less o f a nerd. You knew more a b o ut me th a n anyone did (especially with certain th in g s haha), and I’m so

AM: Since mo f o and jo, you have been my best friend. Over the past few months you have become so much more to me than I could have ever asked for. I can tell you anything, trust you with my secrets (most of the time) and there is no question that we have a blast together. This fall we pretty much went through everything together at the exact same time, which brought us so much closer and I honestly wouldn’t have been able to get through it without you. I love you so much, I will miss you more than words can say but I’m not too w o r r i e d about our friendship...! know it will last. Love you sliz. CS: First off.. .Caroline squared. We have the type of friendship where we will literally be there for each other at one in the morning (it has happened...) no matter what. I can count on you to make any n o r m a l moment a w k w a r d o r t o make a joke that no one will understand, but I love you for it c a r o . JT: You have been my best friend no matter what for 17 y e a r s . There is not a p e r s o n in the world I would have rather had go through my life with me like you have. The amount of memories we have would take way too long to say on just this page. You are my rock. Love you jjt. CC: When I think of all my memories with you the first thing I think of is freshman year playing jv soccer on that practice field, not taking anything seriously, just dying laughing with you. I think of soccer extreme and the hell we went through together that always made us closer. I love you calpal and will miss you so much next year! KK, KG, LS: Kristin, you always know the answers to my questions and I love you for that. Just kidding haha you are much more than just my wikipedia, you are my mom too, and that is a compliment. Literally I might be dead without you. Katie, we have been friends ever since fourth grade, and I have so many memories with you. I’m so happy were only an hour away next year. Libby, no words can truly describe you. You are entertaining to say the least. I love you three so much and I will miss you all. CS, KS, V C : You love you girls so much and I am going to miss you all! You can always make me laugh at jokes that I definitely should not be referring to in the yearbook. Cary with your cynicism, Kaleen you are hilarious, and Val you are indescribable. Love you three. NS: I don’t even know where to start. I loved winning all of our math bets that you continued to make even though it was clear who the better math student was. You showed me more kinds of music than I ever even knew existed in our yellow and green frees that I looked f o r w a r d t o e v e r y d a y . You taught me how to do nothing, which is truly an underrated skill. You turned me into a Patriots fan. All I know is that I wish we were friends for more of the time that I have known you. That being said, if we had been friends instead of hating each other since fifth grade, we would not have been the same. I know I stole all your mannerisms, but I am not sorry, I like them. Your dumb jokes somehow always made me smile. I will miss you. WQ: Over the course of high school, we have established that we are the same p e r s o n . We have actually had the exact same schedule for four years, so Ithink I may have spent more time with you than anyone else in all of high school. I’m really going to miss that. AP: Thanks for being my best friend that’s a boy. J 5 : I can’t wait to spend the next four years with you! CO, JF: I really do love you guys, you can always make me laugh you are the best. TM: You make me smile (haha). Class of 2011: Its been a blast. MO, AD. PS, TL, ND, JS, DM. AL, HM, DC, CP, SK.

g ra te fu l fo r our th a t. From our 7 hour long s tu d y seshs a t Starbucks la s t year, to our tr ip t o cape cod, t o our


endless phone conversations and lunch ch a ts, I’m going to

bought FRESHIES with our names on them l We’ve been

Devon Kelley- Friendship is like peeing your pants...everyone can see it, but only you can feel It. When I am th e m aster of

through some ups and downs recently, but, you were such

sheeps, and you have perfected your

a huge p a rt o f my high school, and I’m so glad we became friends and we managed boys soccer together! Soo many

passion fo r th e a r t o f ....our hearts will go ooonnnnnn. I lurvyou.

miss you so much! Love you! (PS: you’re a huge sliz) CS-berries and m andersss forever!! I can’t believe we even

fun busrides! I’m gonna miss you soo much next year <3 AD-my best guy friend in th e whole entire world! Even though you hated me freshm an year, we became best friends sophomore year, and I know I can t r u s t you with anything. I loved our tho usa n d s o f ca r rides, and spending practically everyday with you th is summer. Love you forever bestieee

Lillie Cooper-Pooper Scooper. You are a special friend, and a special girl, from a special world. I lurvyou too. Even if I will never en ter a n other car with you...ever. Hosh.

JT-julesss godd we go back far! Even though we became

Mel and Morgan-Colombia and Geisha. We

friends when I used you to g e t back a t Becky Gold, I always knew I’d like you b e tte r th a n her. I’m gonna miss you so much next year, especially your hilarious

will always be th e m inority three, and it is

comments, our MO, FO, and JOE, and all our memories

Caroline Main-I’ve enjoyed spending every

th ro u g h o u t middleschool and highschool. Love you! NB-You entertained my everyday and made me laugh, I really appreciate th a t. Love you p re tty girlll <3 TB-I will win our fig h t, you’re going downnn

hour o f every day with you fo r the last four years. Inevitably we will end up seeing way

MO-well le t me s t a r t by apologizing fo r crushing Ruby, I’m deeply sorry. Thanks fo r being my m ath s tu d y buddy over th e years, I probably would have failed w ith o u t you. Even though it was a lm o st impossible fo r me t o make you smile, I enjoyed trying all th o se tim es, and even though I lo s t a lm o st every single one, I loved making all those pointless bets, mainly cause I loved th e outcom es o f them. I’d say im gonna miss you, b u t I g e t to spend th e next 4 years with youl Yayyl! PS: My love you f o r . .. KK, CM, CS, CS, JT, CC, KG, LS, VC, KS th e 11 girliess!! I love you all and had so much fun with you th ro u g h o u t highschool <3

beautiful mis chicas. Lots and lots of love.

to o much o f each o th er a fte r high school so g e t ready t o g e t sick of me...again. Charlie E nright- CHAAARLIEEE. I will always love feuding with you. For a small child, you’re a lrig h t I guess. Jack Mehan-Devon says we’re tig h t like peas in a fracking pod. I guess so. Stone-W asting our tim e together on High Ridge was fun. You to ld me to write something nice are the best person t o spend enormous amounts of money on nachos and mozzarella sticks with. Adrienne Lange- Langie-Poo. I liked being an American to u r is t with you. We almost passed as a couple. My fault. Jen and Emily-...we’ve known each other for way to o long. 14yearsl You are both amazing and while I am s till b itte r that Emily le ft x-country, I had an incredible tim e running with you, Jen and constantly making fun o f both o f you In Frenchl I will miss you both b u t th in k o f it th is way: no more living with th e mothershipsllll

Congratulations to th e Class o f 20111 We finally did it! To my family- Thank you so much fo r all of your support and love over th e years. No m a tte r where I go in life, you guys will always be th e m ost important people t o me. To th e Nuzzo FamilyThank you fo r the wonderful opportunity t h a t you have given me. You have allowed me t o experience things and meet people t h a t have changed my life and I hope to do th e same in th e future. SKSamanthaaaaaaa! The la s t 4 years would have been so different w ithout you. Thank you fo r always being there fo r me! You’re a tru e friend and I’m going to miss you so much next year. BTW we need to have our movie marathon before the summer ends. Love you! VC- So many g re a t tim es together! I’ll miss our ta lk s in th e mornings but it’s okay because we’ll be fa cilita tin g SDLC next year, right? Good luck in college and know th a t no matter what I’m always here fo r you! <3 RSDenver... th a t's where our friendship grew and as time goes on I hope t h a t i t only ge ts stronger. We still need to get th a t Robeks! Good luck next year and come back to visit! MB- “Well t h a t ’s awkward.” Thanks fo r making m ath class fun. I’ll miss having our awkward moments and having you make fun of me in the hallways. Good luck a t U of R! CS- Carooooo! I’ll miss your positive a ttitu d e during basketball, but a t least we s till have 4 more years together!!!! I can’t wait. Love you! MGI’m going to miss you! Good luck with high school and basketball. Can’t w ait to see you when you come up and visit Caro and me. <3 TB & DCSGood luck with everything guys! I’ll miss you. CM & VW- I’ll miss the amazing bus rides with you guys! & I’ll make sure to pay you guys back fo r th e lovely wake up in Mass. Love you! Mrs. Nichols- Thank you for letting me live in your room fo r th e la s t 3 years and for all your help! I loved getting to know you and spending tim e with you. Coach BrownThankyou so much fo r everything! It’s been a great 6 years playing fo r you. I’ll miss you! GVBkeep working hard and you’ll be unstoppable. & Please sing carols fo r coach next year! Love you all! GVS- Good luck next year! I’ll miss you guys. Mr. Newcomb- It’s been a pleasure having you as a coach and an advisor. Thank you fo r a g re a t four years. I’ll make sure to come back and help tra in the new manager. LC, PK, JW, TM, EL, DK, IH, LS, DK, MM, JT, CC, SF, AM, MR-I’ll miss you guys! <3 GOOD LUCK. CLA5S OF 2011.

Dad & Mom- Simply put, you guys are my everything. You guys have steered me in th e rig h t direction and I will forever appreciate all th e sacrifices you’ve made fo r me. You showed me w hat good parenting is, and I hope I can be half th e parents you guys are. Love you both. CC- Too much t o write. High School would’ve been completely different, and a lo t worse w ith o u t you. I’m so g rateful t h a t I m et you and g o t a chance t o really know you. You’re an amazing person, loving, kind, generous, and caring. Never change, I will always love

CHS/ES- you are th e best s is te rs anyone could ever ask fo r I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. We have been through everything to g e th e r and you tw o will go through so much more, I’ll miss you guys. I’m soo proud o f you. Girlies I love you guys, we’ve been through so much and you guys have always been there fo r me. I know I can always count on you guys fo r to point and laugh when I fall, to be cynical as well as overly optim istic. From my dyslexic to my squared I don’t know w hat I am going to do with o u t you guys next year. “ If you do n 't remember all th e rules we ignored If you don't remember all th e reasons th a t we laughed 'Cause you s t a r t to lose tra c k as tim e goes by If you do n 't remember sneakin' in the side door And if you don't remember skinny dippin' a t th e gorge If you only can remember one thing a t all You have to promise me th a t you'll remember to call “ AM CM CS KK CC JT KS VC LS KG TIM AKA BABYSITTER I <3 YOU MK- BESTFRIENDD JS-11:11 make a wish LMC-ill tra d e you a F rosty fo r a Big Mac.. I love you oh so much. MT-___ you know I love you. MDJ- We’ve been through our fa ir share o f ups and downs but through it all you have and will always be my best friend. Sam antha- I’ve have known you longerthan anybody else in th is school, and you have always been th e same, you always know w hat to say and never fail to be there fo r me. I Love you so much I can’t imagine going to school w ithout you next year. Soccer girls RM/GG B squad <3 HM DC OR CP DK KT MC JF SS I love you girls GOODLUCK next year! Basketball TB DCS CM MG VW CS GS there are no words to describe w hat i t means to be a p a rt of th is team , while we are all very d ifferent people th e moments we have shared are something I will never fo rg e t I Love you girls GOODLUCK next year! Lacrosse I’ll miss our Disney moments and our fa r licks I LOVE YOU girls goodluck next year I 2011 WE DID IT :D

you. 10150&. TT- Since 4 th grade! We’ve been through so much to g e th e r in our lives, I could go on forever. You've been around fo r every high point and low point in my life and you’ve stu ck by me through i t all. From th e Glenbrook Titans to College you’ve been my brother, and always will be. DJ- You made my years a t king a lo t more enjoyable. We’ve had more memories and laughs th a n I can remember. Playing football with you and th e re s t o f th e guys has been an honor and a privilege. I will always have your back and I know you will always have mine. Friends and brothers fo r life. JC.MR.SS.MW.MR.- Prim, Diesel, Big Steve, Dak, and Preong. You guys kept my life very entertaining. Many good tim es with you nacks. I’m glad t o call you guys my friends and I wish you th e best o f luck in everything you do. I’ll miss all you guys. Ml POMBRE ES PREONG King Football CO.SJB.KP.TA.JS.ZM.BA.KJ.MV.CJ.CMC.NDJ - Playing football here th e p a s t 4 years has been unforgettable. It will always be a huge chapter o f my life. Thanks fo r everything. To you guys returning keep working hard and you will return t o th e Promised Land. Coach Gouin- You’ve been like a fa th e r to me. Thanks fo r everything you’ve done fo r me and ta u g h t me. J. Bouton- We’ve had a lo t o f fun, th a nks fo r everything you’ve done fo r me, m ost notably pu tting up with my whining, com plaints, and injuries. You’re th e man To everyone else a t King t h a t ’s helped me out, thank you so much, I tru ly appreciate it. I cannot express my g ra titu d e to King fo r all t h a t it has done fo r me.

LC- Wife, I love you and w ant to duck y o u ... bahaha, thanks fo r being th e b estest, I have no idea w hat I’m going to do next year w ith o u t you showing up a t my house bringing me chocolate, or yelling a t me when I do something stupid. Remember, pomegranates are n o t fish, and T.l. probably isn’t going to marry you... b u t keep your hopes up. A lso ...I wanna go to subway. Subwaysubwaysubway. Subway th e sandwich source. Make sure we go tanning in my bathroom again before we leave fo r college.. .and sto p texting my mom. Love you, foreigner (aka girl from

Mom, Dad, a n d Turner: Thank you so much for always supporting me throughout the years. I want you to know how grateful I am to have you in my life, a n d that everything you d o for me does not go unacknowledged. I love you all so much and don’t know what I’d do without you. AC, ES, T5: You are the sisters I never actually had. I love you more than words could describe. When life gets tough, I know I will always have the Sisterhood, and everything will be alright. KG, K K , AM, CM, JT, CC, CS, VS, CS: I love you girls so much. You have all made my high school experience so much fun and memorable. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys. I hope we continue to be as close after King because you are all amazing individuals and are so special to me. Best of luck to each of you next year. Starting the new chapter of our lives will be exciting, and probably a bit scary, but no matter where we go in life we will always carry a r o u n d the memories and what we’ve Ie a r n e d in high school. I know you all have the ability to succeed at whatever you do in life. I will miss you all so much-love you girls! K G : Six years and I guess I still like you. You are my best friend and I’m so grateful you’re in my life. We’ve been through everything together: from baby faces and braces to young adults, making mistakes and learning life lessons, chasing senior boys to becoming seniors, we have had some interesting years at King. Thanks for being there no matter what, and always having my back. Love ya Gimp. KAK (lawlz) aka kkbears, kaky, keeks and (my p e r s o n a l fav keeker sneakers): You have put up with me and my nonsense for a long time. Thank you for always being such a great friend. I miss art class with you and Cary, and making Ms. Nichols want to wring our necks. I sincerely apologize for making your ears bleed for the past three years. Love ya Keeks. AM: As I write this all I can think of is... TENNIS TRIP 2011!!! Our last trip together and I know already it will be amazing. I can’t say I look forward to death runs and early mornings (I’m such a morning p e r s o n ) , but I can't wait for team bonding and talking until late hours (Mr. Nyou didn’t see that). I’m sure Coach Newcomb is super pumped to having us a r o u n d 2 4 - 7 . . . BALLIN’! Love you shmanders. To the boys: You know who you are. You guys are all so funny and have made these past four years so unforgettable. I won’t ever shake the memories of sasquatch, but I do forgive you of those miserable middle school years. I’mjust happy that I’m finally not taller than the majority of you-it took long enough! I know you will all have so much fun next year at college, and I look forward to visiting and seeing you during breaks. JS: I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished since Windward. It’s been great having you by my side over the past four years, and seeing how far we’ve come. I didn’t want to jinx you at the time but I always knew you’d get into your dream school. You’re such a great person and you deserve the best-l hope you can see that too. AR-You are such a c l o w n , a n d I’m going to miss your silly, dumb jokes next year. They always put a smile on my face. Thanks for having my back when Nick was giving me a hard time. You are not only a great friend but a genuine p e r s o n . G o o d luck next year-l know that no matter where you go people will love you. NB-I guess I tolerate you. Tehe. You are such a pain and you make me so angry sometimes, but you’re still my biffle. Buddies since Bth grade, its been fun growing up together... or not growing up. Don’t forget-“Your eyes sparkle like the moon." Have fun next year at college, but not too much fun-l’ll be praying for your life. Get fratty. To the class of 2011: Best of luck to all of you next year, and the many years to follow. You all have very bright futures ahead of you, and I hope you know it! High schools been fun, but college will be GREAT! Congratulations to all of you, and that you’ve accomplished.

english class who speaks weirdly). JM - Ew, I’ve known you since fo u rth grade, lets sto p being friends already. KiHiidding, b u t in all seriousness, thanks fo r taking care o f me fo r the p a s t billions o f years, I’d probably be dead w ith o u t you... Gracias fo r all those sw e a tsh irts I’ve stolen (I’m keeping them in exchange fo r everything you’ve taken from my dads fridge) and g e t excited fo r the millions o f phone calls you’ll g e t from me asking you d o c to r questions. DK: Villainesses? I think so. I’m so excited fo r our large mansion with a m oat & a llig a to r (+ skeletons?) and villainess dresses. A lso...W hat is th a t? That freaky thing?(Yes, th a t's right, it's the naked mole ra t). Oh, and, “ snnuuuggggglllllleee!!!!!!” WQ: You might wanna sto p talking about poop before college s t a r t s . .. hahah I love you oodles and oodles, thanks fo r taking such p re tty pictures of me all the tim e, and I shall miss our epic lunches. MT: Wifeeeeeeeeeeey. There is no way th a t any fu tu re wedding I have will ever to p ours, I’m sorry fo r not taking care o f our children, Ricki and L ittle Blue better...wooops. Thanks fo r going on my sketch errands with me! Colombia? xoxo HVD: You’d b e tte r come v is it me, pleeease go back to fb so I can stalk you occasionally while I’m gone... Love you lots! AL: None of my Spanish class jokes are appropriate enough to p u t here... EH: ohhh little siste r/d a u g h te r/th in g you....look how fa r you’ve come from being 1/&th o f a person. Good luck with th e boat, make sure you and CM come v is it me in a bonanza bus! FH girls, good luck next year, winning record please! Oh and la s t b u t not least, SF: Please behave...



though w e only s t a r t e d being c l o s e I know you're one person Ican count on.I hope you have fun next year wherever you e n d u p , I know you'll d o amazing there, always remember dssmdwifta. WJQ: I'm gonna miss you sooo much next year, I am going to miss when freshmen would lookat us a n d assume we were a couple until they saw your outfit:). I will definitely try to visit you wherever you end up next year and we'll stay in touch, love you. LMC: Lillie COOP! I would like to start off with some type of smart remark, but Iwon't so i'll get straight to the point. We have had a bunch of funny moments together, especially the times where you make the smallest joke or an insult and I c a n n o t s t o p laughing. I'll miss you! SMK: Even though we just started being friends this year, it has been great getting to know you. I know you will miss Morgan and mein the mornings and during lunch with our hilarious jokes that somewhat make you uncomfortable. I'll miss yelling SAMMM! down the hallways. You'll be amazing next year and I hope we stay in touch! LS: Wifeyy! I'm gonna miss you so much next year. We've had some really funny times along with some weird ones.. I'll miss hearing some of your stories next year, but you can always call me anytime and tell me about them. I’ll miss you. DWK: I think what i'll miss the most is our r a n d o m c o n v e r s a t i o n s . Phyics and Chem were great. I'm gonna miss hiding under the tables and listening to you talk about how much you like potatoes. I know you'll have fun wherever you go, I'll miss you. RS: I'm going to miss you next year! I'll always remember the trip in the beginning of sophomore year when Ifell asleep on you and our trip to Target in the beginning of this year. I'm definitely going to visit you in Cali and will stay in touch :) LEF, RYR, LMM, CHojo: I hope you guys have next year! I’m gonna miss each one of you, but ill be sure to visit and stay in touch! You guys made my times at KING hilarious, love you guys<3 EH,CM: SICK! Coach Celia: KILLA! You've seen my major Falls. Ill miss you next year Mom&Dad: Its been a long four years, but thanks for being there for me when I needed you most. You guys have helped me changea lot and I will never forget it, thank you. E ven

fr ie n d s th is y e a r

Mommy and Daddy: Thank you so much fo r your endless love and support. I am so appreciative of everything th a t you have done fo r me and I am so h o n o r e d to be your daughter! Daddy: I love you with all o f my heart and I c a n n o t imagine not seeing you e v e r y d a y next year. You always know how to make me laugh and smile, and your silly sense o f humor has go t me through life with a positive a ttitu d e and a grin from ear to ear. I love you and I will miss you so much next year! (Don’t forg et t o tu rn o n my light every night!) Mommy: You have guided and supported me to be the best th a t I can be and I c a n n o t thank you enough! I admire your hard work, determination, and confidence! You are my number one fan and I couldn't have survived all of these years without you! Continue to shop a t J. Crew and don’t hesitate to send me an item or two. Keep up the hard work a t Macy’s! I love you so much and I will miss you next year! xoxo

What an amazing experience I’ve had a t King throughout these7 years I’ve been here. It’s been g re a t and I’ll really miss everything about it. To C.O’R.- Thanks forwelcoming me a t King in sixth grade and being my f ir s t friend. C.O’R. N.B.,

| E.M., J.B., R.J.L., A.R.- My f ir s t group o f friends a t King: I’ll never fo rg e t you

| guys. To Big Ric th e Prod- Known you since tee-ball a t Northrop: I’ve had

i nothing but fun with you fo r th e

l majority of my childhood and can’t l thank you enough fo r being such a great guy. D. Jones “The G h o s t” - Bus buddies and friends since 6 th grade. Good times bro. BASS-SQUAD-ALL­ PAY. TBT- My dude rig h t there. Taught me howto be smooth. Good tim es Tre. Btw, “What do you do a t a dance?’’ Chablo-1 mess with you a lot, b u t i t ’s all love man. (You s till have NO sw ag...) Papa Steve- G rea t tim es. A t le a s t I we missed the Homecoming game together...I’ll miss you dude. To E.W.First “Girlfriend.” Thanks fo r my f ir s t kiss! Good times. A.M.- BFF’s though everything we’ve been through since

6th grade. Love ya! J. S m ith- Don’t - even know where to s ta rt. I’ve had th e • time of my life with you bro. Keep in touch. Skimpline- Love chillin’ with you in the Swag-Wag. To Coach GouinLONG LIVE THE TOWEL. MendezThanks for everything, had a b la s t in Jazz/Rock. To M arty- I had no plans of taking choir back in freshman year. B u t look what you created! Only you have access to th a t shy, little freshman version of me. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done fo r me. Can’t Forget You Mrs. Darnton, Thanks So Much! You too Stace.. .<3 To all th e fa u lc ty . at King, You all have shaped me and guided me to g e t to where I am now and for th a t, I thank you immensely. Last but definitely n o t least, Thank you mom and dad. You have done a fantastic job raising me and nothing you have done fo r me goes unnoticed. I love you both.


Mommy & Daddy: I m a d e it! Thanks fo r absolutely everything! I can’t begin to put into words how much you both have helped me over the years. It’s been a long rode but we did it together. I appreciate all the pushing you both did because i t g o t me to where I am today. As I embark o ff to college, I know life is going to change but I will always be your Emster. Let me know which apartm ent you guys are getting near my school (tba)l I love you both unconditionally and will miss you so much next year! JKW: What to even say here? You're one of a kind Jen and its been awesome watching you grow. I love your bubbly personality and the way you always look a fte r me even though I am technically the older s ister by seven whole minutes. I don't know what I am going to do without you next year, it ’s going to be strange but you will do amazing no m atter what you do. And if you try o u t fo r rowing and do bette r than me well then all I will say is I to ld ya so! You’re my rock, Jen and I will miss you so much next year. G o ou t and shine girlie, you can do it! Also if you bring any of my clothes to college please send them to me via FedEx with a complimentary c a n d y bag :) I love you bunches Jen!! AIL: Abs!!! You are w ithout a doubt the m ost amazing best friend I could have ever asked for. We have shared so much together and i t has been quite a ride. You have always been there fo r me and I can’t thank you enough fo r it. I can’t wait to hear about all the c r a z y s tu ff you’re going to do next year.. .let's swap s to rie s !!;) Cause now I am not so boring! (Well a t le ast no t as boring as I was) I love you so much. Oh and a Dartm outh sw eatshirt be tte r be in the m a il;) Xoxo MDC: Meg, what would I do w ithout you? You are amazing! From singing on the ch a irlift t o rocking ou t to Hannah Montana a t your house, it ’s been a w e e o m e l I love your crazy personality and care free a ttitu d e . I'm going t o miss you very much so please call me any chance you get so we can meet up! I love you Meggy, rip i t up girl! CBC Girls: I can’t believe I am only going to be a pa rt o f th is team fo r one year! It has been an amazing experience getting to know all o f you and I wish you th e very best next year! G e t a t me!! Xoxo Killington Ski Buddies: Has it really been th is long? We s ta rte d skiing together when we were about six! The memories we share will la s t a lifetime and I will carry them with me for the re s t o f my life. Best o f luck next year, keeping ripping i t up wherever life takes you! Love you all! MB, JB: You guys are awesome! You’ve helped make high school so much fun and I can’t wait to see what life has in store fo r both of you. MB: Let’s meet up fo r lunch, yes? Xoxo JB: You know the whole car thing is behind us ;) Thanks fo r being an awesome friend to both Jen and me! B e st of luck next year! SMK: Ms. Pencil Girl! I always know who to go to if I need a pencil, even though you and Jen don’t like to share. High school would not have been the same without you and I am going to miss you so much next year! Make sure to stock up on gummy bears before you leave fo r college!! Love you! KLG: Thanks fo r all your late night bbms. They helped me more than you know! From skating to boys we always have something to ta lk about. Best of luck next year a t Syracuse! Xoxo The Advisory: Each and every one of you is amazing! I feel privileged to be a p a rt of such a fun group and I can’t wait to come back and visit! Keep bringing in food and laughing it up! Love you all so much and the best o f luck next year! Make sure to come and v is it me too! You’re soooooo p re tty guys! Mr. Caputi: You have been my advisor for four years, technically i t is three but I was in your room so much freshman year t h a t we will ju s t say four. Your guidance and support has been so helpful and I wouldn’t have survived high school without you. Best of luck with th e new advisees and b o a r d washer next year. Feel free to fly to NCKI EKB: Sassy Kassyll You’re amazing! I love all o f our talks, silly fights, and best o f all weekly shopping trips. I will make sure to visit all the time next year! (And I will bring whip c r e a m with me) I love you little sis! <3 EJB: I don’t even know where to begin. We have shared so many laughs and amazing memories together. You’ve inspired me to do the unthinkable and each and every day has been a new adventure... Including our adventures a t Tilley, which are tru ly one of a kind ;) Never change Ev. S'agapo 11/06/09 Class o f 2011: We did it! Congratulations & Best of luck next year!

EKW: Em--we have been through everything together and I am so h o n o r e d to be your twin sister! I have enjoyed watching you blossom into a gorgeous, confident, and intelligent individual. We have always m a n a g e d to get through the d ifficult tim es with smiles on our faces, and I can always count on you to be my biggest supporter and friend. Even though we fight, I know th a t no m a tte r what comes between us, we will love each other unconditionally! I c a n n o t believe t h a t I will not see you e v e r y d a y next year, but I am confident t h a t you will achieve success and happiness in all o f your e n d e a v o r s! Always be yourself, r e m a in self-confident, and take advantage of all t h a t life has to offer! I love you more than you can imagine! You're the best! (Can you make your bed in college, please?):) MDC: Meggy! I can’t believe we ju s t m et two years ago. I feel like I have known you my whole life! Your positive a ttitu d e and smile are so infectious, and I love being in your company! From all of our skiing adventures to conversations about life, we have always had an amazing time! You are an unbelievable individual and I a d m i r e your hard work and confidence! Remember th a t I will support you in anything you choose to pursue. Never change girlie! Good luck next year and I am always a phone call away! I love you so much! AIL: Abs--you are incredible! I admire your confidence, strength, and outgoing personality! I can always rely on you to be honest and dependable. Even though we are fa r apart, you are always in my heart! Keep me updated on all of your wild adventures and experiences! I wish you all the best in all o f your future e n d e a v o r s. I will always be one half o f your favorite s e t of twins! I love you so muchl xoxo SMK: Sam! What would I do without you? We are like two peas in a pod! I am so thankful to have a friend like you! I have enjoyed getting to know you and I am so glad th a t I was able to experience high school with you! Expect to bring one million pencils to college, which will probably only la s t the fir s t y e a r!:) You are an incredible p e r e o n a n d I am so honored to be your friend. I wish you all the best in the future and don't be afraid to call me whenever you like! I am going to miss you so much! I love you! xoxo CV, NC, CK, BD, JB, ML, KG: My ski girlies! I am going to miss you so much next year! I wish you all the best in all o f your future e n d e a v o r e . You have been incredible friends and I know th a t we will s tay in touch in the years to come. Always stay true to who you are! I love you! DV, BO: Thank you for always being there for me! I have loved getting to know you both. I wish you all the best in the future! Go Killington! WQ: Will--where do I even begin? I can’t believe we have known each other fo r over ten years! I am p r o u d of all t h a t you have accomplished and will accomplish in the future! I always love our c a r - r i d e conversations, your mom’s exquisite dinners, and our long, but rewarding run from your house to Waveny. S tay tru e to yourself and I know th a t you will find success and happinessl Good luck next year! MB, JB: Thank you both fo r many wonderful memories a t King! Max: I will always be an unofficial member o f your advisory! Thanks for everything! Good luck next year! James: I have enjoyed getting to know you and I wish you all the best in the future! Keep watching lo ts o f movies (only the classics, o f course!) th a t I have never seen before and discovering amazing restaurants! Good luck next year! AM, CM, JT, KG: As much as you always make fun o f me and my small handwriting, I have loved every experience together! I wish you all the best in the future! Good luck with everything! Mr. Newcomb and Mr. Caputi: My two advisors! Thank you so much fo r all o f your support and guidance. You have ta u g h t me to be self-confident and persevere through any challenges th a t come my way. I am going to miss you next year, but I will definitely come back and visit! KING Faculty: I can never thank you enough for all of your wonderful instruction and support over the years. You have all helped me grow and succeed not only as a student, but as an individual as well. I tru ly appreciate everything! Class of 2011: 14 years together! It has been an amazing ride and I am so fortunate to know such wonderful people! Good luck and congratulations on all of your accomplishments! We did it!

When I was 8 I remember looking back a t all th e senior pages and wondering, who will I be by then? Now 10 years la te r a t 16 I finally have t h a t answer. Who I am to d a y is all based around th e





people I have surrounded myself with, and I have t o say t h a t all th e people t h a t are a p a rt o f my life have really made an im pact on me. F irs t I’ll s t a r t with my family, M a tt, Danielle, Mom, Dad and AJ, even though you guys and piss me off, I feel like I don’t say I love you enough, so here it is, documented in th e yearbook forever. I love you guys, th a nks fo r p u ttin g up with me fo r 16 years.

Second to all my friends I have acquired from outside o f King- Juli, Jainee Savannah, Skyler, Jamie Sm ith (since 1st grade!!) Ricks and th e boys (MV, MB, KL, JS, YVB, DS, NA, RA, e tc and FC and LS (RIP boys..)) you guys created my J r and S r year, we’ve been through a lo t to g e th e r and I love your Popozaos haha. My girls (KP AR MC JS AM TF KV GO) you’re my (Eskimo) s is te rs fo r life. I can’t even begin to describe w hat you mean t o me th e p a s t tw o years have been th e b e st ever, and then t o th e re s t o f you t h a t have been a p a rt o f my life. I love you guys to , thank you fo r accepting me ju s t th e way I am. Now to my King Low peoplee fo r those of you who have been there from th e s t a r t to th e very end. I love and respect you guys so much and th e re s really t o many people fo r me t o call o u t individually b u t know t h a t you are all special. Miles: best friend since camp in 4 th grade. I can’t even begin to explain th is b u t w ith o u tyo u I d o n 't know w hat I would have done, we have done everything to g e th e r and I love you ju s t so much. Thank you fo r everything (oh and crusty, d ir t t t , Beyonce! Micky D’s haha) Mike: Sorry we never went to prom together, I’m happy were still biffss love you <3 Taylor Michael and th e re s t o f my guys friends., you guys make me smile thanks fo r everything you’ve done. Rachel S S tern. What can I say? Its been a long tim e coming b u t I adore you. You are my siste r, always. Know th a t. Frosh, sophs, ju n io rs th a nks fo r everything (RJ prom was great, jenny I love our ta lk s Eloise and Maya you guys are great...oh and hi Nick..) keep up th e good work and good luck next year. To th o se who have graduated (Jenny, Levanie, Charlie, Rob) you guys m eant a lo t t o me during king and continue t o be an im p o rta n t p a rt o f my life. To th e seniors.. CONGRATS. We made it.























(U ie t& Z ia J 2 jp u i < J2 a n g ÂŁ . "Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Mrs. Lange was a supportive and accepting woman who offered her friendship and respect to everybody she met. Her endless positivity and can-do attitude was an inspiration to all. Mrs. Lange will be remembered and loved by everyone who had the privilege of knowing her.

Mrs. Lange was a loving, thoughtful woman who cared deeply about everyone around her, who tried to make everybody's day brighter, and who truly exemplified courage.

Mrs. Lange left sparkling footprints every time she stepped onto the King campus. Her warm, welcoming, and radiant character will have an everlasting impact on those of us who were lucky enough to have known her.

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Congratulations Taylor! Love,

Ethan & Kaela

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Jack in a box!

We are proud of you!


Love, Mom, Dad & Alison.

Thanks K IN G ! ANGUS! C ongratulations!

and the man you have become You bring us so much joy! We love you! Mum, Dad, Amy a n d L o u i s a x x x x x x

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D aniel W e are so proud o f w ho you are, w h a t you do and how you do It! T h e best is y e t to com e W e Love you M o m , D ad, Todd and Lauren

Adrienne - Congratulations! “Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade ju s t as painting does, or music. I f you are born knowing th e m , fine. If not, learn th e m . Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself." Charles Dickens

All Our Love & Support - Mom, Dad, Trent & Russell You Have A Bright Future Ahead of You!

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enjoy the journe Dearest Max, Words can not explain how proud we all are of you. Now, your little boy days have passed and you have grown up so quickly but in your mom’s heart you will always be my little boy. On this great day I want to send you all our blessings but most of all thank God for the man you are becoming. With that tender smile that can light up a whole room and those eyes just sparkle, I can truly say Max you are AMAZING just the way you are. Always remember to have faith, be strong, be kind, be patient, and be true to yourself, but most of all always have love in all that you do. By doing this you have made your mom and all of us very proud. Always remember that we are here for you now and forever, far or near, and most importantly our love is unconditional. We are proud of you, Congratulations Class of 2011! Mom, Dad, Keli, Margocita, Jeffrey,Uncle Raj, Titi Chris,Krishan, Karina, and Darkie!!!

Dearest Lindsay, Our greatest joy has been watching you blossom from a loving, beautiful little girl into a capable, elegant young woman. You are the epitome of grace, kindness and all things good. Your perseverance has paid off and we are so proud to watch as you soar to new heights in college and beyond! Congratulations! Love forever and ever, Mom, Dad, Jack and Matthew

May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do fo r others And let others do fo r you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young. Bob Dylan “Forever Young�

Congratulations Nick Bass Student, Brother, Son, Friend

“Boyhood is the longest time in life for a boy. The last term of the school-year is made of decades, not of weeks, and living through them is like waiting for the millennium. - Booth Tarkington


There's no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother.” -Astrid Alauda

“You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” -Desmond Tutu “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really arre.” -e.e. cummings


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Libby, Congratubations fo r abboj your great accompbishments as you now embark on exciting new Cife adventures, you embody speciabCove o f famiby, friends, pets and Cife overaCC. We are so very p r o u d o f abb that you have achieved in the cCassroom, riding arena, art studio andmusicaCstages, you bight up a room whenever you wabk in, a n d you have abways been a bright bight in our bives. We know great things are in store fo r you. We bove you very much Woo! Mom & D ad

Dear LiBBy, CongratuCations on graduating! I c a n t BeCieve you’re off to coCCege. you are an amazing younger sister a n d w e’ve Bad some unforgettaBCe experiences togetBer over tBe years. JvBetBer it’s in art, riding, singing, acting, or scBoof it’s Been an inspiration watcBing you grow up. you are a k in d a n d generousperson witB goodwiCCa n d strong cBaracter. N ot onCy are you a Coving sister But you are aCso a great friend, (good Buck next year, I ’CCmiss you! Love, Turner (Turney-June)

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Gongratulations. You have accomplished so much these four years at K ing and we can’t wait to see what comes next. W e are very proud of you. Love you always, Worn and D ad

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Caresy Bear Tough, sm art, beautiful, ath lete, a rtis t, crazy, unpredictable, loyal, loving, self-confidant. Best Girl Ever!! Love you always, Mom

Bearstein - I am counting on seeing you next year at T rin ity - love you! Sam Bearsy, S o rry we missed senior year together! Way to go, congrats on being f irs t twin to graduate. Love, Connor

To the only girl tough enough to hold her own against 3 brothers, dominate a rts and athletics and win the most supportive sibling award! College will be a breeze. I love you and support you no m atter what. Your Big Brother W ill. *■ ' “ - ■ M m ttP

Cary, we are so proud of your e ffo r t and performance at King. Congrats on a t e r r if ic high school career. By the way, you are the best hockey player in the family! Love Dad

Guy Connor Sullivan King 2005-2010 9 Varsity Seasons !!!! i

We love you Connor

'And I asked myself about the present, how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep." -Kurt Vonnegut

Christina, We are proud of the thoughful, wise, and compassionate young w om an you are. It is our pleasure to be part of your voyage, of which you now take the wheel. Love, Your family

K lR W S ilillN I! yve are aCCso p r o u d o f yow l yVe kn ow y o u wiCCcontinue tofiC Cour h earts w ith p ric® , j o y a n d Cove. JoCCow y o u r d rea m s . L o v e aCways, u M o m , £>a^ H y a n , & Sara M ea gh a n


Keep hitting for the stars!

Love Mom, Dad and Jack

C o n g ratu latio n s W ill! W e a re all so proud o f you. W ith your d e te rm in a tio n and p e rs e v e ra n c e , you w ill go far. Go For IT! Love M om , Dad, John and Apollo


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At King, you became a great sudent, performer, and friend. Special thanks to King for the great student part! Congratulations on your success in high school. Love, Mom, Dad, Annie & Clare

Dear Billy, CONGRATULATIONS! We are so proud of you and love you sooooo much. XOXO, Mom, Dad, Andy & Robby

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faith/ and/ Tru yt, alL yoa nerds L yfirteV ad:! AUvayy follow you r dreamy! W e Love'you/ and/ are/ yy- proud/ o f you/! Love/, Mom/, Vad/, Matt, Vanielle, A J,and/Bella.

D ear 'We Cove you an d are so XOX Mom, Dad, Catharine


Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken. -Oscar Wilde

Dearest Emily, WOW! W hat a terrific young woman you have become. We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished -- through your determ ination and excellence, you exceed even your own expectations. Continue to aim high, and always do it with your wonderful smile In a perfect w orld..... we'd have you! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Jennifer, Clover and Whiskers (meow)

"It's kind o f fun to do the impossible". W alt Disney Emily W ilson.Indd 1

12/20/10 3:18:23 PM

Emty W Isonjo d d 2

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Dearest Jennifer, WOW! W hat a wonderful young woman you have become. We could not be any prouder of you and all that you have achieved. Continue to pursue what you do so well -rising to m eet every challenge, but always with the grace, humor and love that is in your heart. You are our sunshine! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Emily, Whiskers and Clover (meow)

When you're curious, you find lots o f interesting things to do". W alt Disney

Jen Wilson, indd 2

12/20/10 3:11:31 PM

O ur 6unchhe o fjoy, you 6ring happiness to everyone you touch. ‘We hove you!!! Mom, <Daf Michete,


•IF y o u c a n t a l k w it h c r o w d s a n d k e e p y o u r v ir t u e , O r w a l k w it h k in g s - NOR l o s e t h e c o m m o n t o u c h , I f n e it h e r f o e s n o r l o v in g f r ie n d s c a n h u r t y o u ; If a l l m e n c o u n t w it h y o u , b u t n o n e t o o m u c h , IF Y O U C A N F IL L T H E U N F O R G IV IN G M IN U T E

W it h s ix t y s e c o n d s ’ w o r t h o f d is t a n c e r u n , Y o u r s is t h e E a r t h a n d e v e r y t h in g t h a t ’ s in it , A N D - W H IC H IS M O R E - Y O U ’ L L B E A M A N , M Y S O N ! -R U D Y A R D K IP L IN G

- 0o y o u r 6est - M ahy yo u r m a r tf - (DeveCop the champion w ith in -Cjod hhess a n d hyep you true to y o u r f a i t h a n d to y o u r dreamsW e Cove you, M om <dCd )a d

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots, the other is wings. It is now time for you to go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live life as you've always imagined. With love and pride from the depths of our hearts, Mom and Dad

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!

js = » v

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself Any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go. Dr. Seuss


My Dearest Little Sister, M o rg a n A sh le y L yew , Even with all the pages of a book I could not fully express how proud I am of you; but 1 only have this one short paragraph. So here is what I want you to do: Take a deep breath right now— you have more than earned it— - and admire the person that you are at this moment in time. Breathe in and hold it: Do not let this moment go— this is your moment. You are a real person with conscious intelligence, moral aspiration, and aesthetic delight. Add to that a large dose of imaginative vision, empathic understanding, and spiritual beauty. In short, sister, are the intersection between intelligence and mind and a true heart emerges an unconquerable soul, world tell you otherwise. Do not tell yourself otherwise. So Sing, Floss, Stretch, Dance, Travel, Smile, Drink Lots of Water, and most importantly; Be Yourself.



MORGAN; You are a Blessing in our Lives!... Shoot for the Stars!... You can achieve whatever you set your mind to!... May all your Dreams come True!... We are so very proud of you!...May your life be filled with Happiness, Love, Laughter, and Growth! LOVE YOUALWA YS & FOREVER! DAD, MOM & STEFAN

K A T IE W e a r e so pro ud o f you w o rd s c a n ' t b eg in to s a y

You 'll always be our source o f pride, no m a tte r where you go

You will always be Daddy's little g ir l and I will miss you so much!!

A s is te r is a fo rever friend. I love you Katie / xxooxxoo

Love bears a ll things, believes a ll things, hopes a ll things, endures a ll things. Love never ends. We are here fo r you whenever you need us. WE LOVE YOU. MOM, DAD & LAUREN GRANDMA, GRANDPA, & NANA


L ife is made up o f many sm all journeys. Please be carefu l & call home often.

N o m a tt e r w h a t w o n d e rs ou r e y e s h a ve se e n , nothing c o m p a re s to th e b e a u ty w e s e e when w e lo ok a t y o u

Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it... Samantha you’ve done it well! All our love, Mom, Dad, Danielle and Aiexa


Congratulations JD! W e are so proud of you and all th a t you have accom plished. Love, M o m , Dad, Laura & Nicole

You've come a long way, Austin, and we couldn't be more proud!

Congratulations! / can’t believe you’re done with your 15 years at King and a re heading off to college. I ’m so proud o f you and everything you’ve accomplished. I love you Aust, Alex

Dear Max, We are so very proud of the young man you have become.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." With much love, Mom and Dad

Max, Although you are bigger than me now, you'll always be my baby brother. Your compassion and drive to make the world a better place makes me boast to anyone who will listen how much better a person my littlest brother is. I'm so proud of the guy you've become and I love you very much. Mike

Max, I'm so proud of you for everything you've accomplished. You've come a long way from my smaller, wild brother to now towering over me. If I could give you one last piece of advice, I would tell you to never forget that life is fun and to enjoy the journey, don't focus on the finish line. Congrats on graduating High School and going to College 'cause you da Man, homie! -D PS: You'll still always be the Colonel to me.

Life is a song... sing it. Life is a game.... play it. Life is a challenge... meet it. Life is a dream... realize it. Life is a sacrifice... offer it. Life is love... enjoy it! -Sai Baha

Tyler, we are so blessed to have you in our lives. We knew from the day you were born how truly special you were. You are such a kind, loving and sensitive young man. Your warmth and your spirit surround us with so much love and joy. We are so extremely proud of you! With all our love always, Mom, Dad & Cody

"Hey there hud..."

Family oV.


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5neakers Yankees

"Holla at your player...



We cannot tell you how much we love you . Mom, Dad, Tracey, Kyle and Colin

Devon Congratulations! W e're very p ro u d o f y o u r a c c o m p lis h m e n t s a t King.

W ith ail o u r love

M o m , D a d , C a m e ro n a n d E m m e lin e


Alwaye reach for th e eta re, Lilmar!

We all love you very much, Conor, Jack, Charlie, Pad and Mum

"Moments that can never happen again and never lost their wonder." -S te p h e n S p e n d o r

Congratulations on starting the next chapter of your life. We are so proud of you! We love you so very much. Mom, Agne, Ian & Grayson

" Do not go where the path may lead; go instead to where there is no path and leave a trail." -R a lp h W a ld o E m e r s o n

We have watched you grow from a boy into a wonderful young man. Always remember th a t wherever your path may lead you, your family will always be here to support you. We love you and are very proud of you!!! With love from your family

ou will do Love, Mom, Dad,

on your ne lots of luck

en, and Candy

Congratulations Max

W e are so proud of all you have accomplished. Love, Mom, Dad and Geena











from your friends and 1 ^ ' A

IV f T T

Kip -Napolean -D Wade- Your Prom Date- Ninja Fudds -George Antrobus Paris Hilton........................ M O M -Kevin 007 (class of 2013) David -Glenna and Carolyn.



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Caroline, We are so proud of you. Shine on! Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan and Kaelin

Mikey/Mike/Serricc/ Capt.#3 / #54 I could write all day and still not explain how much you are loved and adored by your family. Even though I tell you every day, you must never forget that you are my world, my greatest achievment - better yet, you are my everything. Since you were born you have been the pride and joy of your entire family. You are known to all for your quick smile and laugh and for your respectful, loving ways. As a coach for over 30 years, I really can't remember any athlete who worked so hard and was so dedicated to becoming the best athlete, team player and person you can be. This is just not your dad talking but all your coaches and many of your teachers as w ell. I can't believe your years (since 6th grade) are coming to an end. As we both know as well as others, you could not have attended a better school than King Low Heywood. You have been a role model, student/athlete/leader for so many others to follow. The education you have earned is truly one of the best anyone could find. Let's never forget all the good times and hilarious laughter with you, Tre, DJ, Steven and all your great comrades. All the banter and joking around with Coach Gouin and all the nervous questions for Jason Bouton. Who could ever forget the (2) "Story Book" undefeated LAA football championships and the epic Brunswick football victories(2)!! Also, in the 6th grade, explaining to the players "Who's that man who was yelling encouragement from the sidelines?" Don't worry, Coach Lewis, we won't ever forget all the good times and fun with baseball. As I finish these words up, I want to thank everyone who has ever helped, encouraged and guided Mike through his years, I am forever grateful for everything little or small you have done for my son. Also, to all the really great families and people we have met, simply thank you for being part of the great "King family." Now "Big Mike" go follow your dreams with the same tenacious, humble attitude that has brought you so much success to this day. Never, ever forget how much your family loves and adores you. Keep smiling big guy and most of all... you know the "Old Man" will always be here for you no matter what. Thanks Mike, now will you do some chores at home please!!! 341 xoxoxoxo Pops

2011 Yearbook S ta ff Editors-in-Chief: Emily & Jennifer Wilson A s s is t a n t Ed ito rs: Katie Kuntzman & Riley J a y Senior Section: Kendall Hartzell, Katie Gimpel,

Alexa Molinaro, Miles Keeney


Even ts 5ection: Alexa Molinaro, Alex Mirza, Amanda Schw artz S p o rts Section: Kendall Hartzell, Charlie van Roden,

Alex Mirza, Katie Keller U nderclassm en: Hannah Freund, Ana Gordon,

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Jacquelyn Xu, Gerard Pozzi, Charlie van Roden A r t s Section: Alexa Molinaro, Katie Keller Club Section: Katie Kuntzman, Riley Ja y , Amanda Schw artz Cover Designer: Hallie Keller Facu lty A dvisors: Ines Thieme & Marion Haymann

Middle School A dvisors: John Faig & Elizabeth Slanchard Lower School A dvisors: Sue Laramie & Caro\\jn Gallagher

Tipe for Next Year's Editors I

1. S ta y organized and always have an agenda! 2. Keep your camera with you a t all times! 3. Remember th a t everything takes longer than you think! 4. Play around with different template ideas... Re creative! 5. Make sure to delegate jobs within your staff! 6. G et the senior section done early! 7. Organize your need more pictures than you think! <3. Rring snacks to afternoon meetings :) 9. Have FUN!!! 10. Rreathe & relax...everything eventually gets done!


From the Editore... Creating th is ye a r’s yearbook was a b la st! We had a te r rific tim e coming up w ith th e them e, designing te m p la te s , takin g lo ts o f pictu res, and m o s t im p o rta n tly , highlighting th e positive aspects o f th e King com m unity. The in sp ira tio n fo r our them e “ United Colors o f King” came fro m th e beautiful p a tte rn s and designs in a kaleidoscope, th e officia l name o f th e yearbook club. We feel t h a t our com m un ity s triv e s t o inspire and s ta y united. We would like to th a n k everyone fo r th e ir tre m en dou s e ffo rts in p u ttin g to g e th e r th is ye a r’s book. A huge th a n k you m u s t be given to our tw o fabulous fa c u lty advisors - Ms. Thieme and Mrs.

Haymann. You both were in s tru m e n ta l in helping us u n derstan d th e yearbook and co n n e ct w ith our creative sides as we tackle d th is large b u t amazing ta s k . We c a n n o t th a n k you enough, and we are beyond g ra te fu l fo r you r help and guidance th ro u g h o u t th e year! We would also like to express our g ra titu d e to Riley Jay and Katie Kuntzman fo r all o f th e ir e ffo rts th is year. We wish you all the best next year and know t h a t you will cre a te a wonderful yearbook! If you have a qu estion or concern, do n o t h e s ita te to c o n t a c t us! A big th a n k s to Kendall Hartzell fo r ta kin g on th e senior section and helping w ith th e e n tire book. Yearbook S ta ff - you all were extrem ely helpful w ith names, pictures, and so much more. We know t h a t you will pave th e way fo r newcomers in th e years ahead. In a d d itio n , Hallie Keller did a fa n ta s tic jo b on th e cover fo r th is ye a r’s book; we are appreciative o f you r hard work and a r tis tic ta le n ts ! We would also like to th a n k some individuals who were n o t p a rt o f th e yearbook s t a f f who helped us. Thank you to Ms. Hall, Mrs. Yelton, Ms. Donoso, and Mrs. Damascus fo r th e wonderful s p o rts pictures. We could n o t have com pleted th e a th le tic pages w ith o u t you r tim e lin e ss and contributions. Also, a big th a n k you to Mrs. Sun fo r her te r rific help c o n ta c tin g p a re n ts a b o u t parent pages. Finally, we would like to th a n k all o f th e individual s tu d e n ts and fa c u lty members who helped us along th e way - we are extrem ely g ra te fu l fo r you r s u p p o rt and a ssista n ce . We tru ly had a g re a t tim e cre a tin g th is yearbook and we wish next yea r’s s t a f f all th e best!

Love, E m ily & J e n n if e i W ils o n

in -C H ie f

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