King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2012

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Leave Your M a rk

Theme Explanation p. 2 Dedication p. 3 M r. M a in s Letter p. 4 M issio n Statement p. 5 All School Departments p. 6 - 7 Lower School p. 8 M id d le School p. 5 0 Upper School p. 9 6 Faculty p. 9 8 Underclassmen p. 104 Clubs p. 124 Sports p. 136 A rts p. 168 Events p. 178 Seniors p. 192 Recognition Pages p. 2 9 0 Yearbook Sta ff p. 3 4 6 Editors' Letter p. 3 4 7 Recognizing Cornelia Jones p. 3 4 8

leave your A s each student from the Class of 2 0 1 2 graduates, he or she leaves behind a significant and unique legacy. Whether a student has been at King since Pre-K or freshman year, each person leaves a lasting impression on our school. Like the signatures on the cover of this book, our legacies are distinct one from the other. Personality, energy, interest, and skill distinguish the w ays our class and future King seniors leave impressions on our athletics, arts, academics, and student life. Everyone makes a difference here at King in the end. So, when current students look back on the Class of 2012, they will remember a medley of different yet cohesive students who leave behind distinctive legacies and unforgettable memories shaping King for the future.



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This teacher's presence is always appreciated.


O n the field and in the classroom, he has encouraged


King students to strive to limits they did not know were


within their grasp. His optimism and sincere words of


kindness have inspired his students to be exemplars,


and he himself is a constant role model. Whether we first met him as our seventh-grade teacher, Class Dean, or College Counselor, he has made a


positive impact in our school and we are incredibly


grateful for his dedication to the King community. The Class of 2 0 1 2 is proud to dedicate this yearbook to

Mr. Newcomb.

WejaA c \ <3c-Uc>c>t Thomas M ain

Eve ry graduating senior class leaves its mark on an institution. Some members of the class, having started at the school 14 years earlier, leave their physical fingerprints on just about every nook and cranny that exists in the school. Some who join us in their sophomore or junior years bring new and interesting perspectives to the Upper School that, in turn, leave a clear impression on their classmates. Some students leave a mark on our fields, some on our stage, some leave a legacy forged through leadership, and all of them leave w ith an academic experience that has changed them and has changed us. A fte r all, to truly be a reflective and thoughtful educational institution, w e must be willing to learn from our students just as they learn from us. O ne of the great things about leaving an institution like this is that you leave a little something of yourself behind, and you w ill forever be a part of that institution. The legacy that the C lass of 2 0 1 2 has left in our classrooms, on our fields, in our hallways, in our art room, and in every other place where learning occurs, w ill integrate w ith the legacy of all preceding classes and serve as a cultural bedrock that informs the experience of those classes to follow. It is our hope that you w ill come back to visit and that you w ill be involved w ith the life of the School as you move through your adult life. N o matter where your choices lead you, C lass of 2 0 1 2 , as with all preceding and future classes, 4

you w ill forever be woven into the fabric of King.

t e v n e v f t "

King is dedicated to preparing its students to thrive in a rapidly changing world. W e provide an excellent, progressive education, grounded in the traditional disciplines of the arts and sciences, committed to the nurturing of individual potential, and designed to promote critical thinking and reasoned reflection. Using rich and innovative methods, our Teachers facilitate each student's fullest academic and personal achievement. W e champion the development of character, self-confidence, and talent through challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership, and service opportunities. King believes that individual accomplishment must go hand in hand with respect for others. O u r culture of respect fosters collaboration as well as independence. W e embrace human and cultural diversity. W e value responsible citizenship. King graduates are well equipped to succeed in college and to pursue lives of ongoing inquiry, learning, accomplishment, personal fulfillment and social responsibility.

W tAM &e, & Ac)yy\}G>*b>\Dvy& M e rrill Shafer, C a rrie Salvatore,


Catherine Lewis, Scott Carson

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A<^<\vyz>e~vv*ejrfr Esteban Manco, Cindy Dill, M ik e Little, Elizabeth Sabia, Kathleen O ’Rourke, Bill Ennist

Bu^noe^ Jerry Rodriguez, Noreen Bogdanski, Dan M assey, Lisa Nero, Kim Leeker, Monica Gbric, Pam Pitasi

iU e, W ej\o I o f <S c \w o \

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Lise Leist & Keenium Brumskill



Alex W einer

A \ *S c\w o\ T)e,^cv^y*yeM^b

•Tom Decker, M a rk M e Andrews, Jason Bouton, I

Dan Gouin, Karen Celia, Amanda Kamaromi


Tec-Vnopla3kY Rob Cadwallader, Bill Waldman, Dave Sheehan

Doug Johnson, John Zatorsky, Kevin Scott, Antonio Perrera, G riff Titus, Michael West, Carlos Escalante

O ra xis Jimenez, Junior Vieux, Jennie Loglisti, Yanerys M endez, Rosa Dibatista, Estward Barrera, Sue Geddes, G ladys Loaiza, Carmen Jimenez, Francisco Sanchez

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Peabody Museum Sound Fair Boston

Jewish Heritage Museum


Colonial Fair

Flapjack breakfast

% Rain Forest Cafe

Greenwich Japanese School

Pre-K Circus Biome Fair

Poetry Tea Early Childhood Carnival

State Fair Pequot Museum

Honk! Ropes Course


Stepping Stones

NY Hall of Science

Invention Convention

Stamford Fire and Rescue Festival of Cultures Second Grade Cafe

Karen Raidt Head of Lower School

Danny Gouin L.S. Athletic Director

Lori Auletta Art

Jen Bruno Library Media Specialist

Emily Decker LS Dir. of Assessment & Instruction

Terry Hess Music

Amanda Komaromi Physical Education

Mark McAndrews Physical Education

Ana Gallegos Spanish

Allyson Noel Head of Dept, of Educational Technology

Jeanine Haberny-Assistant to the Head of Lower School Patricia Green-Administrative Assistant

Robin Ordan LS Counselor

Ann Palm Small Group Instruction

Elizabeth Pavlofsky Science

Linda Young & Rose Dahlman School Nurses

"Honk!" The Fifth Grade Musical

M rs . D eSantis

M s . B ro w n

Tate Anderson

Michael Failla

Connor B ro w n


Sasha Hunt

Michael Lom bardozzi

G enevieve M a nsfie ld

O sg o o d M c C a rth y

Harrison M irkin

M r. Bra y's Kindergarten Class

M r. B ra y

M rs . Albrecht

Braeden Anderson

M a so n Buerstetta

Nicholas Butler

G ra n t D ie tz

G race Eagleton

Devan G rills

Delaney M a rsh

Zachary Munno

Nannette W illiam s


M rs. Rachinsky-WcxxJ's Kindergarten

M rs . Benedetto

Aria na Hagani

Chloe Schlesinger

D ylan C o fsky

Ew an Hamilton

Jonathan Decker

Jaxson Doornick

Bliss Gooding

Beatrice Kelly

Emma O 'C o nno r

James Raidt


M rs .


Emma Patalano

H a rry Weisman

Haley Bembridge

Kami Borden

Chase B ro w n

C lare Liao

Lucas Pia

G o rd o n Prescott

Hunter Fine

Ariella Reynolds


M rs . Laramie

G iovanna Arm etta

Nolan Bryso n

Sydne y DeFilippo

Emmi Freeman

G illia n Frey

Jake G o rd o n

Ellie G oudie

Jack H o ltz

Michael Jemiolo

M a ria n a M c O s k e r

Jamie M unno

Adam Nomani

A rin Shrivastava

Ronald H arve y

Becky Laramie

Roderick O lso n

John Rothfuss

Jonah Sa vitz


M rs. K e rr s Third G rade

Jackson Feinberg

M rs . K e rr

C harlotte Ale xander

C a rte r B ro w n

Rebecca D egter

Lily G ooding

Jack G rills

Sammy Hillenmeyer

O liv ia ludicone

Robert Jacobs

Thomas Kelly

M a rin a M a lin

Ian M a rsh

Johnny O 'H a ra

Emma Riley

O liv ia Toscano

i Vs


rsg - r ir ------’Wp M ,


M rs. Mansfield's Third Grade

M rs . M a nsfie ld

M a y a Becker

W illiam Burke

Jeremy Doornick

Tyle r D ozier

Harrison Feinberg

Adeline Fine

Sarah Kadlick

A lisa Kukharkin

Jason Loeb

N a talie Lombardo

M a rle y M c C a rth y

W a fa Nomani

Ka ty O 'H a ra

Anthony Sampson

C hristopher W a rd

O w e n Pritchard

M rs. Eagleton's Fourth G rade

C aroline M cD e rm o tt

G w y n Rothman

Nicole Schlesinger

Alec Sherman

Kate Tifford

M rs . Santoro

W illiam Lo p e z-W o rtm a n

M a x M u ftic

A llison Tria no

C a rly B a rry

G e o rg ia Decker

Amanda Hall

Jacie Levethan

A b b y Mancusco

Peter M a rsh

D ylan M c M o rro w

Ethan M cO sker

G ra c e O 'C o nno r

Henry Pohle

Patrick Raidt

Luke Roosa

M rs . Henderson

M e a g a n Burston

Luke Buttenw ieser

M a llo ry Ehlers

A le x H o ltz

C a rli Levethan

Jack M c O s k e r

Sarah M o llo y

Luke Nascimento

G raham D e B o w

Louise Dill

Christian Lombardo

Tristin Principato

James Ross

M rs . P iz z i

Kenny Dyson

Henry Lazarus

Elena Teeter

Natasha Aysseh

Caroline Eagleton

JP M e lla

Hannah Berrick

Vickie C ro w e

C hris Della Jacono

Alexandra G o ld

John Kennedy

Alex Knorr

Justin M ucelli

Sam Rabassa

Jacob Savitz

M r. Schw artz's Fifth G rade r

M r. Sc hw a rtz

Isabelle Allee

Nadine Anderson

Emily Cohen

Conor Cooper

Trista n G olden

Daniel Kulaguz

Jordan Kulick

John Mancuso

Annie Michalski

Paul Noujaim

Dean Pigott

Jack Reilly

Sean Spencer

Amelia Whiteley

Ashley Xu


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King's Children Orchestra

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Middle School

Bobby Walker Head of Middle School

Pat Doering Academic Dean

Elizabeth Blanchard English

Brian Coughlan Math

Jen Guevara Counselor

Carol Brown Math

John Faig Math/Technology

Megan Harris History

Jamie Bruno Science

Lee Couch Math

Cheryl Greene Assistant

Paola Grant Foreign Language

Stacy Homicki Performing Arts

Ken Lewis History

Nadia McGoran Foreign Langauge

Debra Sands-Holden History

Lois Rinaldi English

Grace Rodriguez Assistant

Michelle Sibrizzi Science

Deanna Supple English

Garrett Mendez Performing Arts

Luke Scott Performing Arts

Katie Tobin Creative Arts

Tung Tran Science

Neuvi Villaneuva Foreign Langauge




Back row: Coach Doering, Colton Saunders, Jack Koppenheffer, Eddie Lopez-Wortman, Karl Zoubek, SpencerGold, Aaron Schur, Mike McNulty, CJ Principato, Middle Row: Emilio Loretde M ola,Zach Goligoski (Red Team), Coach Guevara, Front row: Henry Amory, Logan Pia, Miles Johnson, Greg Lopatynsky, Jake Spencer, Cole Dorsey

Boys 7/8 Soccer - Red

Back row: Nick Couch, Jack Lineberry, Mike Burke, Jack Cooper, Bram Brakman, Middle row: Alex Fleishman, Dylan Wit, Tee DeBow, Brad Galvin, Coach Smith, Front row: Graham Henderson, Brad Kaptinski, Neil Pere, missing - Miles Johnson (see Blue), Zach Goligoski (see Blue)

Front row: Eva Johnson, Middle row: JayneTully, Regan Wind, Charlotte Orenstein, Jana O'Donnell, Kayla Litchman, Bella Sapio, Natalie Wind, Mackenzie Allen, Back row: Maya Lopatynsky, Zoe Clark, Sabrina Sampson, Kayonne Markes, Paige Deschapelles, Elisabeth Sciolla, Coach Segalas, Coach Komaromi.

Girls 7/8 Soccer - Blue

Front row: Callie Valenti, Nicole Garcia, Megan, Glinka, Jules Savitz, Jenna Della Jacono, Annie Steadfest, Josephine Lewis, Back row: Coach Villaneuva, Adele McGoran, Daniella Edwards , Sydney Gubner, Katie Abbot, Amanda Cohen, Alana Galloway, Coach Kimberly, Coach Amanda

Girls 7/8 Volleyball

Front row: Carmen Gundy, Caroline Benajamin, Rachel Sherman, Tiany Brito, Samantha Gallant, Second row: Samantha Ehlers, Isabelle Thilmany, Suzie Savage, Katie Charcalis, Autumn lafrate, Third row - Shaela Thorne, Maggie Valenti, Molly Eagleton, Rebecca Silberfein, Elena CostiganBynum, Fourth row: Idalis Figueroa, Hayley Truglia, Alexandria Rabassa, Ryan Correa, Back row: Top Row-Coach Celia, Coach Harris, Coach Sibrizzi

Boys 7/8 Football

Front row: Jeremy Toscano, Max Toscano, Alex Schlesinger, Owen Bass, Jack Coughlan, Luke Stone, Matt Nusslein, Carter Borchetta, logon Katz, Middle row: Sammy Houck, Tyler Petrone, James Michalski, Will Nellis, Peter Green, George Peele, John Harrington, Charlie Wheeler, Charlie Dill, Liam Gallaher, Eric Knorr, Back row: Coach McAndrews, Flynn McMorrow, Declan Fine, Alex mella, Dylan McDermid, Jack Book, Jack Quagliarello, John Mudd, Conrad Lindenberg, Marc Saracino, Coach Lewis

Front row: Tyler Holtz, Henry Griffin, Mark Brady, Middle row: Scottie Perlman, Matt Chicoye Joe Benanti, Liam Quigley, Coach Tobin, Top row: Anna Harvey, Daniel Berger, Connor Howe Ed Mastronardi, not pictured: Jonathan Richter

Boys 5/6 Football

Front row: Eli Dozier, Will Tellini, Sean Yu, John Mancuso, JP Mella, Jason Tifford, Josh Lewis, Jacob Savitz, Middle row: Sam Rabassa, Kelly Gouin, Chris Della Jacono, AJ Degrado, D'Aeren Carson, Phil Ayoub, Jack Reilly, Sean Spencer, Alex Knorr, Back row: Coach McAndrews, Thomas Mudd, Tommy Deegan, Ethan marsh, Kenny Dyson, Riley Howe, Reid Gesualdi, Jason Liu, Harry Linnan, Bobby Cribbon, Coach Saracino

Girls 5 /6 Volleyball

Front row: Isabelle Alleee, Carli Levethan, Kelly Conheeney, Amanda Friedman; Julia Salvatore, Natasha Aysseh, Victoria Crowe, Megan Burston, Jordan Kulick, Second row: Elena Teeter, Kendall Abbott, Ariana Loret-de Mola, Riley Jones, Hayley Salvatore, Allison Wheeler, Anne Michalski, Sonali Burns, Third row: Hope Rothfuss, Louise Dill, Anisha Banerjee, Elena Gribelyuk, Sophie Savitz, Stephanie Costabile, Mallory Ehlers, Tristin Principato, Ashley Xu, Back row: Coach Celia

5/6 Cross Country

Front row: Grant Hirsch, Austin Propper, Liam Quigley, Robert Welt, Alex M arshman, Austin Hanley, Back row: Coach Shea, Amelia Mucelli, Hope Roosa, Caroline Eagleton, John Kennedy, Justin Mucelli, Ethan Mark, Coach Guevara

Front row: Nadine Anderson, Hannah Berrick, Lily Gordon, Jaimie Lopez, Allie Gold, Emily Cohen, Middle row: Riley Allen, Sarah Molloy, Rachel Kadlick, Kaela Thomson, Piper Loglisci, Olivia Begg, Back row: Coach Komaromi, Eliza Pohle, Olivia De Chiara, Morgan Riley, Regina Cullen, Abby Price, Maeve Snover, Stella Silver, Colby Lopez-Balboa, Coach Segalas

Boys 5/6 Soccer

Front row: Coach Segovia, Dean Piggott, Daniel Kulaguz, Graham DeBow, Jack McOsker, Henry Lazarus, Tristan Golden, Middle row: Coach Bruno, Christian Lobardo, Connor Cooper, Luke, Buttenweiser, Max Rigby-Hall, Juan Ellis-Ochoa, Rudy Vega, Coach Smith, Top Row: George Catchpole, Cliv Gomez, Luke Nacimento, Matt Dalinka, Alex Holtz, Paul Noujaim

Front row: Owen Bass, Tee DeBow, Luke Stone, Aaron Schur, Second row: Will Nellis, Alex Fleischman, Carter Borchetta, Third row: Cole Dorsey, Jam es Michalski, Greg Lopatynsky, Back row: Coach Tran, Jack Cooper, Henry Griffin, John Mudd

Boys 7/8 Basketball - White

Front row: Max Toscano, Matt McNulty, Xander Amero, Second row: Alex Schlessinger, Bram Brakman, Samuel Houck, Third row: Joe Benanti, Liam Quigley, Brad Kaptinski, Back row: Coach Harris, Logan Pia, Karl Zoubek, Tyler Holtz

Front row: Jack Koppenheffer, Mac McCaffrey, Jack Coughlin, Coach Carson, Middle row: John Harrington, Flynn McMorrow, Charlie Dill, Liam Gallagher, Back row: Dylan McDermid, Jack Quagliarello, Ed Mastronardi, Scott Perlman

Girls 7/8 Basketball

Front row: Idalis Figueroa, Jenna Della Jacono, Natalie Wind, Bella Sapio, Megan Glinka, Sam Gallant, Jayne Tully, Second row: Coach Segalas, Alana Galloway, Alex Rabassa, Maya Lopatynsky, Regan Wind, Rachel Sherman, Carmen Gundy, Adele McGoran, Syndney Gubner, Coach Komaromi, Back row: Shaela Thorne, Ryan Correa, Eva Johnson, Kayonne Markes, Kayla Lichtman, Elisabeth Sciolla, Zoe Clark, JoJo Lewis, Sam Ehlers, Elena Costin-Bynum

7/8 Swimming

Daniel Berger, Anna Harvey, Jana O'Donnell, Rebecca Silberfein, Amanda Cohen, Zachary Goligosky, CJ Principato

7/8 Strength and Conditioning

Front row: Suzie Savage, Isabelle Thilmany, Haley Truglia, Middle row: Jonathan Richter, Emilio Loret-deMola, George Peele, Miles Johnson, Colton Katcher, Back row: Eddie Lopez-Wortman, Mark Brady, Matt Conley,Connor Howe, Matt Chicoye, Coach Gouin

Boys 7/8 Hockey

Front row: Dylan Wit, Charlie Wheeler, Neil Pere, Second row: Coach Smith, Michael Burke, Alex Mella, Jam es Pritchard, Third row: Coach McAndrews, Tyler Petrone, Declan Fine, Jeremy Toscano, Fourth row: David Voigt, Jack Lineberry, Bradley Galvin, Matt Nusslein

Girls 7/8 Yoga

Front row: Lauren Gimpel, Second row: Coach Grant, Paige Deschappelles, Julianna Savitz, Mackenzie Allen, Caroline Benjamin, Third row: Susie Moore, Samantha Houle, Charlotte Orenstein, Tiany Brito, Callie Valenti, Nicole G arcia, Sabrina Sampson, Fourth row: Katie Charcalis, Autumn lafrate, Caroline Seiter, Katie Abbott, Maggie Valenti, Molly Eagleton

Front row: Maeve Snover, Riley Allen, Stephanie Costabile, Ali Wheeler, Back row: Abby Price, Kelly Conheeney, Regina Cullen, Eliza Pohle, Coach Celia

5/6 Girls Basketball - Blue

Front row: Jaim ie Lopez, Piper Loglisci, Jordan Kulick, Amanda Friedman, Louise Dill, Ashley Xu, Second row: Ariana Loret De Mola, Hayley Salvatore, Hope Rothfuss, Stella Silver, Julia Salvatore, Anne Michalski, Elena Gribelyuk, Third row: Isabelle Allee, Anisha Banerjee, Mallory Ehlers, Olivia DeChiara, Sarah Molloy, Fourth row: Coach Komaromi Coach Segalas

5/6 Swimming

Front row: Riley Jones, Daniel Kulaguz, Amelia Whiteley, Elena Teeter, Back row: Emily Cohen, Allie Gold, Nadine Anderson, Lily Gordon, Sonali Burns, Conor Cooper

5/6 Hockey

Front row: Colby Lopez-Balboa, J.P . Mella, George Catchpole, Austin Propper, Ethan Marsh, Kaela Thomson, Back row: Coach Smith, Jason Liu, Alex Marshman, Will Tellini, Devin Gallagher, Sean Yu

5/6 Strength & Conditioning

First row: Olivia Begg, Hannah Berrick, Grant Hirsch, Alexander Holtz, Caroline Eagleton, Tristan Principato, Megan Burston, Victoria Crowe, Second row: Kendall Abbott, Natasha Aysseh, Caroline Strom, Carli Levethan, Juan-Vicente Ellis Ochoa, Robert Welt, Third row: Max Rigby-Hall, Liam Morrill, Morgan Riley, Elijah Dozier, Ethan Mark, Luke Buttenwieser, Matthew Dalinka, Fourth row: Coach Bruno, Hope Rossa, Christian Lombardo, Jam es Ross

5/6 Boys Basketball - Red Team

Front row: D'Aeron Carson, Chris Della Jacono, Philip Ayoub, Jason Tifford, Bobby Cribbin, Back row: Kenny Dyson, Paul Noujiam, Sammy Rabassa, Riley Howe, Kelly Gouin, Coach Harris

Front row: Rudy Vega, Dean Pigott, Graham Debow, Jacob Savitz,Jack McOsker, Back row: Cliv Gomez, Harry Linnan, Jack Reilly, Alex Knorr, Luke Nascimento,Coach Harris

5/6 Boys Basketball - White Team

Front row: Sean Spencer, AJ Delgrado, John Kennedy, Justin Mucelli, Austin Hanley, Henry Lazarus, Back row: Thomas Mudd, Thomas Deegan, John Mancuso, Tristan Golden, Josh Lewis, Coach Harris

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9 /n Flag D edication C eremony




Rocket Launch 2011

The Traveler's Tale: 6/7 Grade Play



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Live at the Apollo



Kendall Abbott Riley Allen Philip Ayoub Anisha Banerjee Olivia Begg

Sonali Burns Daeren Carson George Catchpole Kelly Conheeney Stephanie Costabile

Robert Cribbin Regina Cullen Matthew Dalinka Olivia De Chiara Thomas Deegan

Anthony Degrado Elijah Dozier Juan Vicente Ellis Ochoa

Amanda Friedman Devin Gallagher

Anthony Gesualdi Cliv Gomez Liliana Gordon Kelly Gouin Elena Gribelyuk

Austin Hanley Grant Hirsch Riley Howe Christie Jones Rachel Kadlick

Harrison Linnan Jason Liu Piper Loglisci Jaimie Lopez Colby Lopez-Balboa

Ariana Loret De Mola

Ethan Mark Ethan Marsh Alexander Marshman

William Morrill

Thomas Mudd Glenn Niblo Andrew Pohle Elizabeth Pohle Abigail Price

Henry Propper Maximillian Rigby-Hall

Katherine Riley Hope Roosa Hope Rothfuss

Stephanie Achoa Alexander Amero Henry Amory Owen Bass Caroline Benjamin

Carter Borchetta Bram Brakman Tiany Brito Michael Burke Katie Charcalis

Zoe Clark Elena Costin-Bynum Thomas Debow Cole Dorsey Michael Ecker

Daniella Edwards Samantha Ehlers Declan Fine Samantha Gallant Nicole Garcia

Megan Glinka Spencer Gold Peter Green Sydney Gubner Carmen Gundy

Samuel Houck Autumn lafrate Miles Johnson Colten Katcher Logan Katz

Josephine Lewis Kayla Lichtman Edward Lopez-Wortman Adele McGoran Flynn McMorrow

Matthew McNulty Alexander Mella James Michalski Matthew Nusslein Logan Pia

Charles Principato James Pritchard Jonathan Richter Colton Saunders Suzanne Savage

Alex Schlesinger Aaron Schur Elisabeth Sciolla Caroline Seiter Rachel Sherman

Katherine Abbott Mackenzie Allen Joseph Benanti Daniel Berger John Book

Mark Brady Matthieu Chicoye Amanda Cohen Matthew Conley Jack Cooper

Ryan Correa Nicholas Couch Jack Coughlin Jenna Della Jacono Paige Deschapelles

Charles Dill Molly Eagleton Idalis Figueroa Liam Gallagher Alana Galloway

Bradley Galvin Lauren Gimpel Zachary Goligoski Henry Griffin John Harrington

Anna Harvey Graham Henderson Tyler Holtz Edward Howe Evalise Johnson

Bradford Kaptinski Eric Knorr Jack Koppenheffer Conrad Lindenberg John Lineberry

Gregory Lopatynsky Maya Lopatynsky Emilio Loret de Mola Kayonne Markes Edward Mastronardi

Thomas McCaffery Dylan McDermid Molly McQuilkin Susan Moore John Mudd

William Nellis Jana Odonnell Charlotte Orenstein George Peele Neil Pere

Scott Perlman Tyler Petrone Jack Quagliarello Liam Quigley Alexandria Rabassa

Sabrina Sampson Isabella Sapio Julianna Savitz Alex Schman Rebecca Silberfein

Robert Smithline Anne Standfest Luke Stone Shaela Thorne Haley Truglia

Margaret Valenti David Voigt Charles Wheeler Natalie Wind Regan Wind

Dylan Wit

J 'A

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Leave Your M ark

F ocaaHy

Pirec-ter erf CjouvYbeXor

& l%n^\ruc^\]otn

Becky Rabassa

Anne M oriarty

M ary Beth Lemoine

Bonnie Querze & Leslie Bruzik

Karin Wagner

Nick DeFelice, Drew Schoudel, Kenneth Melmed,

Bill Pusack, Brett Ford, Bill Wallace,

Priscilla Pusack, Zhanna Williams

Jenna Temple, Victoria Khiznichenko, Brynnen Hahn

Ihui Li, Marion Haymann, Claudia Lydon, Ines Thieme, Thomas Zoubek, Gilles Chosson, Francisco G racia, Margherita Farrell

Perfio rvn

C ollege.

Michelle Sotire, Dave Bonner, Peter Newcomb, Candace Cushing



Jackie Martino, M ark Silence, G arrett Mendez, \ / M - U A l . y n * l^ u



Constance Nichols & Ran LaPolla

Stacy Homicki, Amy Darnton

• t*

I -

Alex Weiner, Carolyn Patten, Helen Kweskin, Steve Soden,

G ary Schpero, Peter Newcomb, Elizabeth Oxler, Megan Yelton,

Tricia Manganello, Ted Parker

Catherine Mishkin, Stuart Marsh, Christos Galanopoulos



Leave Your M ark

Fre^Uvnevi Isabel Bareiss Jerem y Benjamin M arie l Berger Henry B ray G rayso n Bubrosky

Killian Bubrosky Cam eron Burns C helsea Byrd A ndrew C arlin Jam es C a rn a valla

Henry Catchpole Thomas C atenacci Joey Chimes Austin Cieszko M cKenzie Clippinger

Jam es Conheeney Tommy Conheeney Stephen Connor Julia C ra w fo rd A lexander C urrie

Zoe Engle Katharina Focke Joshua Ford G re g o ry G alvin Star G a rc ia

Kaitlyn Goodfellow Jenny G o o d g al Tucker G ouin Jacob G ubner Ella Hanover

Class of 2015 Hannah Hicks K ate Hirsch Lauren Hyland Frances Jay Isabelle Lahaussois

Caroline Lazarus Lindsay Levethan James Lewis G ra c e Linnnan Annie Love

O livia Lozier Christopher Massucco M adeline Mauboussin

John M cDerm ott Edw ard M eizels

Conrad M e ra Alyssa M eyers M a tt M olinaro Katherine M orris Bryn M urray

Nolan M urray Richard Nelli Julien Noujaim Christopher Pia Luke Price

Luke Pritchard M ason Propper Keli Reyes Vicky Rigby-Hall Daniel Romanello


Sam antha Rosenthal

C ristobal Ruiz A ndrew Sa va g e O livia Sa vitz Jameson Schw artz

Kendra Scotti M a tth e w Sherw ood

M a rc Skolnick Nicholas Smith Kevin Ssonko

Shannon Sullivan Ethan Thomson Anne Tully Allison W einer M au ra W elt






Robbie Balloch C o b y Becker A lex Benjamin Daniel Berrick Jack Blattm an

G illian Boehringer A lex Britton C harlie C o op er Erin Crutchley Annie Del G enio

Nick D ella Jacono Noelle DePonte Christian Deschapeiles

Christian Dim odica Khandice Dyson

Juan Ellis O choa Jordan Farber John Fiorito Elizabeth Flood Hannah Freund

Hanna G alvin A lexan d ra G arrig u e s

Lucas G iannetti D rew G o ld M olly G oldstein

A lfred G o n za le z A na G ordon Emily G re e n Am elia G riffin Sidney Haase-Puissant

Class of 2014 Desmond Hague Brendan Hanley Eli Hanover M ichael Hart M aisie Heine

Peter Hughes Russell Jaffe G e o rg e Jay Lindsay Jennings O livia Katcher

Katie Keller Cam eron Kelley Emily Klotz Haleigh Levethan Eli Lichtman

M a rc Lupinacci Ryan M ain Ashlyn M arkosky Lauren M artin M atth ew M artin

John M cA llister M egan McClymonds

Jered M clnerney M arco M eily C harlie M ercein

M arisa Nobs Helen Paglia M a x Perkins G e ra rd Pozzi Vincent Promuto

Jam es Q uigley O livia Reyes Joseph Rinaldi Cam pbell Ritchey C aroline Ryan

Lucas Salem Evan Schw artz Sam antha Shaw D avid Sheets Joshua Silbertein

Emma Snover Anthony Spad accini

Kaitlyn Standfest A lex Streich Reilly Sullivan

N icole Tellini Sasha Thilmany Diego Trevino Rachel le Trimarchi Paige Voigt

Austin W aldner Daniel W ard Jack W heeler Paul Whittingham Jackie Xu

Dylan Ziegelbaum

Brian Alebiosu John A rena Angus Bass D evan Bauman G ra c e Billeter

Spencer Blair Alexander Blumberg Chrissie Bonaventura Jackson Bow ser Tatiana Brow n

Paul C am ard a Jack C a re ccia Domonique C arte rStanley

D aniela C atenacci Daniel Chimes

Colin Clephane M atth ew Cloutier Rachel Cohen M ichael C o rre a Anthony Deluca

Roy Ellis O choa Elizabeth Epps Jennifer Faig A ndrew Farber Hannah Foley

Tessa Fox G uilbert Francois Eli G allip oli A lexandra G ottlin M eg an G rapengeter-Rudnick

Class of 2013 A lex Haendler M onica Hanley Conor Harris Justus Houston C a se y HowardJohnson C aroline Hubbard Eloise Hyman Devon Johnson M att Johnson C J Jones

Bo Kane Danielle Karp M a y a Krysicki Russell Lange Tyler LaVecchia

Jack Lazarus Nicholas M a te ra Logan M cCullough Rachel M cDerm ott Celine M cG o ran

Ryan M cN ulty D avid M e ye r O livia M icheli C laud ia M iller Alexander M irza

RJ M o avero Christian M orales Hannah M orrill Colleen M orris Sarah M udd

Zach M ulhern G e o rg ia O renstein G ra n t Pia Tyler Pia Chloe Potter

Rose Rather Rick Ressel A drian Richburg W illiam Rigby-Hall Allison Roberto

Daniel Rosenblum Thomas Rosenfeld Kristen Santer Joey Santoro A ndrew Saw ye r

Jessica Shoenfeld C atharine Sciolla Elie Skolnick Laura Soto Katie Tryhane

Victoria Uva Valerie W einer M arth a Whamond M artin Yep ez

Y € J \ x \d O O ^ -

S ra . Thiem e, Tessa Fox, Fran ces Ja y , Em ily G re e n , Em m a Sn o ver, G e ra rd P o zzi, M m e . H aym ann, M a rth a W ham ond, K ath arin a Focke, A m a n d a S c h w a rtz , K a tie Kuntzm an, Riley Ja y



A m an d a S c h w a rtz , A le x M irz a , Eloise H ym an, N ick C e s a re , M a d e lin e M aub o ussin, O liv ia Lo zie r, Thom as Rosenfeld. Em ily G re e n , G e o rg e Ja y , Sam S h a w , Jo rd a n F a rb e r, C a m p b e ll Ritchey, K e n d ra Sco tti, M c K e n z ie C lip p in g e r, M a isie H eine, A m e lia G riffin , D ylan Z ieg elb au m , K a tie Tryh ane, D a n ie lle K a rp , A lyssa M e y e rs, A n a G o rd o n , A nnie Tully, C a ro lin e La za ru s, M a rie l B e rg e r

Hanna G alvin , A lyssa M eyers, Sam antha Rosenthal, Nicole Tellini, Katie M orris, A li W einer, Taylor Stukes, Kaleen Sullivan, C a se y Howard-Johnson, Halle Fogel

Russell Lange, Logan M cCullough, Tori Smyth, S a ra Alexander, M onica Hanley, C atharine Sciolla, Hannah Foley, Kaitlyn Goodfellow, Annie Tully, M artin Yep ez, Thomas Rosenfeld, G ra n t Pia, Brian Alebiosu, A lex Blumberg, Tyler Pia, G ra c e Billeter

Thomas Rosenfeld, Hudson C o le , A ja Piro, Kaleen Sullivan, Desmond Hague, Peter Hughes, Brendan Hanley, Thomas C aten a cci Paul Dem ascus, Nolan M u rray, Killian Bubrosky, G rayso n Bubroksy, Kevin Ssonko, G re g o ry G a lvin , Richie N elli, C h arlie C o o p er N ick Schipper, Jack B o w ser, A le x Streich C ath arin e Scio lla, Hannah Foley, C o lleen M o rris, Jenny Faig, Rachel M cD erm ott, A li Hughes, C la u d ia M iller, Rose Rather, C a se y Howard-Johnson, Tatiana Brow n, Lindsay M cllm urray, Raven Redd, Lindsay Faig, Joey Rinaldi, D aniellle K arp , D aniela C ate n a cci, RJ M o avero , M a rie l Berger Spencer B lair, Thomas C onheeney, Vicky Rigby-Hall, K atie M o rris, A llie G o ttlin , V alerie W einer, Laura Soto Kaitlyn Standfest, Lauren M artin , M a y a Krysicki, K atie Keller, Emma Snover, M o lly G o ldstein, Hannah Freund, Jackie Xu, N icole Tellini. Kaitlyn G o o d fello w , Khandice Dyson, K endra Scotti, Erica Nicokiris, Tessa Fox, G e o g ia O renstein, C h elsea Byrd, A lyssa M eyers, Annie Tully, Jam es C onheeney, M ich ael C aten a cci



M att Cloutier, G ra c e Billeter, Tyler Pia, Kieran M cQ uilkin, Russell Jaffe, Josh Ford, Luke Price





Russell Jaffe, Lindsay Jennings, Evan Schw artz, C atharine Sciolla C a se y Fioward-Johnson, Thomas Rosenfeld, Domonique Carter-Stanley, Celine M cG o ran

M r. G abnopoulos, Helen Paglia, Am anda Schw artz, C aroline Hubbard, Valerie W einer, Tommy Katuki, Hannah Van Dolsen, Forrest Hanson, Kelsey Luneburg, Bri Fontaine, Rick Ressel, James Q uigley. Ryan M ain, A lex Streich, Peter Hughes, Sasha Thilmany, Thomas Rosenfeld, Sid Haase-Puissant, M a tt Cloutier, Spencer Blair, C o b y Becker, Daniel Chimes, Katie Kuntzman, K atie Tryhane, Kristen Santer, Taylor Stukes, Erica Nicokiris, M ag g ie Joyce

M ich ael H art, Tyler LaVecchia, M s. Li, Luke Price, G ra c e B illeter, Tyler Pia, R.J. M o a ve ro Jam es Lewis Henry B ra y , Sasha Thilmany, Russell Ja fte , Jenny G o o d g a l, Katharina Focke, Paul W hittingham , S tar G a rc ia , G ra c e Linnan, Hannah Foley, Thomas Rosenfeld, Jenny Faig, M a y a Krysicki, C a se y Howard-Johnson

T yle r La V e cch ia , D re w G o ld , W ill R igby-H all, C o lin C le p h a n e


B u iU C

V i

M adeline Mauboussin, M cK enzie Clippinger, C aroline Lazarus, Hiram Hollow ay, A lyssa M eyers, Kaleen Sullivan, Logan M cCullough, Rose Rather, Sam Shaw , Taylor Stukes, A li W einer, Lindsay M clllm urray, G ig i Boehringer, Forrest Hanson, Dan Chimes, Diego Trevino, Danielle Karp, Jack W heeler, A lex Benjamin, A ndrew G o ld , Daniel Berrick, Peter Hughes, Christian Deschapelles, D ave Sheets, Ryan M ain , A lex Streich, Kelsey Luneburg, Rachel Trimarchi, A lexandra G arrigues, M rs. Mishkin, S a ra A lexander, Tori Smyth, Jordan Farber, Emily G reen , Katie Keller, Kaitlyn Standfest, Cam pbell Ritchey, Lauren M artin, Hannah Freund, O livia Reyes

Oufcbcn~^> Club

Jo e N an o & Paul D em ascus

FrevTc-U Club

A lfre d G o n z a le z , Eloise H ym an, Rachel C o h en , Julia C ra w fo rd , A llie G o ttlin , G e ra rd P o zzi C e lin e M c G o ra n , M e g a n G rap e n g e te r-R u d n ick, M a rth a W ham ond, Laura So to

‘Sfa tn d a rd

Nick Schipper, Jackson Bow ser, Tanner A bel,

H3G Var^ii^/

Nolan M u rray, M a rc Skolnick, Thomas Catenacci,

G e ra rd Pozzi, Hudson C o le

Luke Pritchard, M a tt Johnson, John A rena, M a x Perkins,

Thomas Rosenfeld, Spencer Blair, Forrest Hanson, Halle Fogel,

A lex M irza , M a tt M olinero, Jacob G ubner, M onica Hanley,

Helen Paglia, M arisa Nobs

Joey Rinaldi, Jessica Schoenfeld, Jordan Farber


Tyler Pia, G e o rg ia O renstein, M rs. LaPolla, M eg an Grapengeter-Rudnick, Laura Soto, C eline M cG o ra n , V alerie W einer, G ra c e Billeter

M atti

Paige Voigt, M ichael Hart, A lex Benjamin, Eli Hanover, C aroline Ryan, Tommy Katuki, M ich ael Del G enio, M r. Ford, Jered M clnerney Helen Paglia, Kaitlyn Standfest, M a risa Nobs, Jackie Xu, Annie Del G enio , A ndrew G o ld D r. Khiznichenko,

U w C

jjt e ^

u lt u r e s

Tevin Cummings, Hiram Hollow ay, Raven Redd, N igee Page,

Tatiana Brown, Domonique Carter-Stanley, Chelsea Byrd

Lizzy Flood, Zach M ulhern, Kaleen Sullivan, Taylor Stukes,

Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Kevin Ssonko, Paul Whittingham,

Brian Alebiousu, M a tt Reggina, Tanner A bel, Joey Santoro,

Jackson Bow ser, Jenny G o o dgal, Christian M orales

Erica Nicokiris, A ja Piro-lbrahim, Adrian Richburg

G ra c e Linnan, Eloise Hyman, C aroline Ryan, Sarah Reid, M aisie Heine, Jackie Xu, Annie Del G enio

Katharina Focke, M rs. Pusack, Hallie Keller, Kristen Santer, Victoria Uva, Eloise Hyman, Devon Johnson, Colin Clephane

T^wa tn d a Club

M ag g ie M cC a ffe ry , Hannah Van Dolsen, Lindsay M cllm urray, M a y a Krysicki, Sasha Thilmany, M rs. Kweskin, Elie Skolnick, G e o rg ia Orenstein, Kelsey Luneburg, Hannah Foley

S a ra A lexander, Tori Smyth, Tyler Rosenthal, Paul Demascus, C a rte r Anatole, Nick Schipper, Tanner A bel, Lindsay Mcllmurray, Hudson C o le, Kelsey Luneburg, A li Coupe



jr a r y

M rs. Kweskin, M a tt Cloutier, Am elia Arnold, Thomas Rosenfeld

M rs. Patten, A li Roberto, M a tt Cloutier, Tommy Katuki, Hallie Keller, Kristen Santer, Devon Johnson, Thomas Rosenfeld, Am elia Arnold, A lex M irza , Evan Schw artz, S tar G a rc ia

'D e J o a le .

M aisie Heine, K atie Tryhane, C aroline Ryan, Annie Del G enio, Allie G otlin, Lizzie Flood, M r. Galanopoulos, Rachel Cohen, Hannah G alvin , Tommy Katucki, Hannah Foley, M arth a Whamond, M a rc Lupinacci, M att Cloutier, Lucas G iannetti, Katie M orris, Josh Silberfein, Eloise Hyman, Thomas Rosenfeld

Colin Clephane, Victoria Uva, Eloise Hyman, Devon Johnson, Justus Houston, Sarah Reid, Am elia Arnold, Bri Fontaine, Hallie Keller, Annie Lam edica

Roy Ellis O choa, Zach M ulhern, Jack C a re ccia , Rick Ressel. Jackson Bow ser, Sid Haase-Puissant, Sasha Thilmany, M arth a Whamond, RJ M oavero , Colleen M orris, Katie M orris

W putode^ Wampr*c. Club

G rayso n Bubrosky, Danny W ard, Sam Shaw , M arco M eily, Desmond Hague, Kaitlyn Standfest, Cam eron Kelley Erin Crufchley, C harlie Cooper, Ella Hanover, Brendan Hanley, Vicky Rigby-Hall, C aroline Lazarus, Lauren Hyland, Ali Weiner, G ig i Boehringer, N icole Tellini, M arisa Nobs, Hannah Freund, M a tt M olinaro, A na G ordon, Jackie Xu, Lindsay Levethan, Isabel Bareiss, Eli Hanover, A lexandra G arrig ues

Ac^aolewticW c r\ < A

W ill Rigby-Hall, Tommy Katucki, M ichael Del G enio

P r ^ e c - 't ' V o \ t <S w

K * rT

Colleen M orris, C o b y Becker, Spencer Blair, M a tt Cloutier, Tommy Katucki

Paul Whittingham, M ike C o rre a , M a y a Krysicki, Colleen M orris, Kevin Ssonko, M ichael C atenacci, Caroline Ryan, Desmond Hauge, Katharina Focke, Lindsay M clllm urray, Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Forrest Hanson, Erica Nicokiris, C aroline Hubbard, A lex Britton, C a se y Howard-Johnson, Josh Ford, Thomas C atenacci, Daniela C atenacci, Hannah Freund



Tommy Katucki, Kelsey Luneburg, Am elia Arnold, M rs. Pusack, Dr. Zoubek, M r. Pusack


M r. Galanopoulos, Colleen M orris, M ichael Del G enio , Danny W ard C aroline Ryan, Annie Del G enio, Bri Fontaine, Katie M orris, Katharina Focke, Cam eron Burns, D avid Del Prete, M ichael C atenacci

_Is "v * 1 ■1 n

M ii



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V ar<t>\Cs/ Football

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B A C K RO W (left to right): Coach Thom, Coach Sheehan, Coach Sibilio, Brian Alebiousu, Daniel Romanello, Nick Della Jacono, Ryan M ain, Chris Massucco, Desmond Hague, G ilbert Francois, Logan McCullough, Jack C areccia, Charlie M ercein, Richie Nelli, Anthony Spadaccini, Jacob Gubner, Tyler LaVecchia, Coach Gouin, Coach Saracino, Coach Soden M IDDLE ROW : Joey Santoro, David M eyer, JP Lewis, Zach Mulhern, Tanner Abel, Andrew M cAllister, Kevin Peabody, Schneider Jean-Baptiste, Austin Allee, Nick M atera, Justuce Houston, John M cAllister, C J Jones FRONT ROW : Eddie M eizels, Tommy Conheeney, James Conheeney, M att M olinaro, Alex Haendler, Bo Kane, Kevin Ssonko, Tucker Gouin, Tyler Rosenthal, M oarevo, Cris Ruiz

V a n s ? it v

Cross Country

B A C K R O W (left to right): Riley Jay, Hallie Keller, Nigee Page, Forrest Hanson, Joe Nano, Joey Chimes,

Maggie Joyce, Jenny Goodgal F R O N T R O W : Chelsea Byrd, Andrew Savage, Kendra Scotti, Victoria Uva, Daniel Chimes, Matt Johnson, Tess Fahey,

Ryan McNulty, Coby Becker


V a r s ity


B A C K R O W (left to right): Khandice Dyson, C a ro line Hubbard, C h rissie Bonaventura, Keli Reyes, Lindsay M c llm urra y, Lindsey Faig, Ta tia n a B ro w n

F R O N T R O W : Dom onique C a rte r-Sta n le y, Kelsey Luneburg, Raven Redd, Haleigh Levethan

Kelsey Luneburg & Raven Redd


o * r<


r iy

Girls Soccer


BAC K RO W (left to right): Coach Bruno, Katie Tryhane, O livia Reyes, Chloe Potter, A li W einer, Hannah Morrill, G illian Boehringer, M o lly Goldstein, M adeline Mauboussin, Kristen Santer, Coach Newcomb

FRO N T RO W : Jordan Farber, Daniela Catenacci, Danielle Karp, M onica Hanely, Rachel M cDerm ott, Campbell Ritchey


a p

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Daniela Catenacci, Chloe Potter, Rachel McDermott, & Hannah M o rrill

V a r W it v

Boys Soccer

BAC K RO W (left to right): D re w G old, Jamie Schw artz, Michael Del Genio, Eli Lichtman, Charlie Cooper, M a rtin Yepez, W ill M cEvoy, Jack Blattman, Christian Deschapelles, Henry Catchpole

FRO N T RO W : Paul Camarda, Andy Farber, Steve Lewis, Kieran M cQuilkin, Nicholas Hall-Risko, M a tt Cloutier, Dan Rosenblum

w m m l


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V a r ^ it v

Field Hockey

B A C K R O W (left to right): Coach Oxler, Coach Harker, Eloise Hymann, Hanna Galvin, Katie Morris, Shannon Sullivan, Lindsey Jennings, Colleen

Morris, Rachelle Trimarchi, McKenzie Clippinger, Samantha Rosenthal, G race Billeter, Nicole Tellini, Noelle Deponte, G race Linnan, Coach Shea FR O N T R O W : Annie Tully, Helen Paglia, Georgia Orenstein, Kaleen Sullivan, Hannah Van Dolsen, Casey Howard-Johnson, Rose Rather, Katie Keller,

Valerie Weiner




B A C K R O W (left to right): Lindsay Levethan, Isabel Ba re iss, Kaitlyn G o o d fe llo w , Annie Love, Coach M e n d e z

FR O N T RO W : M a rie l Be rg e r, Jenny Faig, A lexandra G o ttlin , Isabelle Lahaussois


Girls Soccer

B A C K R O W (left to right): Coach Amanda, Julia Crawford, Hannah Hicks, Kate Hirsch, Ariana Yepez,

Emma Snover, Vicky Rigby-Hall, Coach Bonnie F R O N T R O W : Alexandra Garrigues, Alyssa Meyers, Caroline Lazarus, Lauren Martin, Jackie Xu,

Olivia Savitz, Ana Gordon, Olivia Lozier


Boys Soccer

BACK RO W (from left to right): Juan Ellis-Ochoa, M arco M eily, M a tt Sherwood, G e o ffre y Allard, W ill Rigby-Hall, Cameron Kelley, Jack Lazarus, Coach Galanopoulos

FRO NT ROW: John Fiorito, Killian Bubrosky, G rayson Bubrosky, Robby Balloch, Conrad M era , James Quigley, Joey Rinaldi

sy r \ EPS W f* ■l ^ ..U-Sg.-



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IP GFA22, KING 37 At King, 5K.. 1, Kenner Clark (GFA) 18:21:2. Ryan McNulty (K) 19:43:3, Danny Ross (GFA) 19:43:4, Daniel Chimes (K) 19:47; 5, Mark Whittaker (GFA) 20:43; 6, Adam Petno (GFA) 21:01:7, Arthur Doelp (GFA) 21:06:8, Hallie Keller (K) 21:10; 9. Oan Paliotta (GFA) 21:41; 10, Kourosh Saghri (GFA) 21:52. Records: GFA 15-0.

KING 4, HOPKINS 2 HOPKINS KING Records: Hopkins 3-1; King 3-1. Goals: K-Michael Deltenio, Will McEvoy, N ck Hall-R'isko 2. Assists: K-Jack Blattman, Will McEzoy. Goalies: K- Kieren McQuilkin (7 saves). Shots: K-22.




GFA 20, KING 43 At King. 5K. 1. Kendra Scotti (K) 22:20; 2, JoAnna Moley (GFA) 23:07; 3, Kate Mohr (GFA) 23:13; 4, Crosble Marine (GFA) 25:00; 5, Shelby Marcus (GFA) 25:26; 6, Liza Rebold (GFA) 25:37; 7, Georgia Grellier (GFA) 26:15:8, Charlotte Forfang (GFA) 26:33; 9, Victoria Uva (K) 26:42; 10, Riley Jay (K) 27:06. Records: GFA 8-11.

KING 3, ST. LUKES O ST. LUKES 111614-0 KING 25 25 25-3 Records: St. Luke's 1-2; King 4-0. Highlights: K-Tatiana Brown had 10 assists, 10 kills and 3 aces. Kelsey Lunburg had 10 assists. _£Lkills and 5 aces. Raven Rede had 9 kills, 10

King wears FAA soccer crown : \ &

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V a r& iis G irls Basketba

BACK ROW {left to right}: Coach Kelly, Adrian Richburg, Tatiana Brown, Kayonne Markes, Ryan Correa, Sarah Mudd, Ali Weiner, Katie M orris, Colleen M orris, Coach Fitz, Coach Segalas, Coach Brown FRONT ROW: Molly Goldstein, Chelsea Byrd, Natalie Wind, Keli Reyes, Idalis Figueroa, Caroline Lazarus, Domonique Carter-Stanley

Dom onique C a rte r-Sta n le y, Tatiana Bro w n , & Colleen M o rris



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BACK ROW (left to right): Coach Dobbs, Raven Redd, Chris Gaynor, Chris Massucco, Guilbert Francois, Desmond Hague, Anthony Spadaccini, Khandice Dyson, Coach Vasaka, Coach Reggina FRONT ROW: Matt Regigna, Mike Correa, Conor Harris, Drew Sawyer, John McAllister, Eddie Meizels, Nick Della Jacono m


v /i k i n q s

v ik in q s

V a r ^ it v Ice Hockey

B A C K R O W [left to right): Coach Gragnano, Stephen Franze, James Carnavalla, M att Johnson, Mason Propper, John McDermott, Elie Skolnick,

Jack Wheeler, Nick Schipper, Kieran McQuilkin, Tyler LaVecchia, Anthony Deluca, John Arena, Troy Lynch, Coach Bruno FR O N T R O W : Luke Pritchard, M arc Skolnick, M ax Perkins, M organ Bingham, Andrew Carlin, Robby Balloch,

Nolan M urray, G regory Galvin

Stephen Fra nze , Nick Schipper, A nthony Deluca & Tro y Lynch

V a r ^ it v


B A C K R O W (left to right): Josh Silberfein, Alex Britton, Chris Pia, Hudson Cole, G rant Pia, Henry Bray, Coach Yelton M ID D LE R O W M arco M eily, Nick Smith, Grayson Bubrosky, Conrad M era, Killian Bubrosky, Jeremy Benjamin FR O N T R O W Alexandra Garrigues, Kaitlyn Standfest, Tessa Fox, Amelia Arnold

a n^ i

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JV Boys Basketball





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B A C K R O W {left to right}: Coach Saracino, Jacob Gubner, Matt Sherwood, Richie Nelli,

Rick Ressel, Julien Noujaim, Eli Lichtman, Coach Coughlan F R O N T R O W : Jack Blattman, Joey Rinaldi, Dave Sheets, Lucas Salem, Matt Molinaro,

Jamie Schwartz, Stephen Connor

I -â– * * ,r! 11

IP 1

O ur T

p w io

Fall 2011

Winter 2011

m gm

Spring 2 0 1 2

V h& ual



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Leave Your M ark

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256, 320 212, 3 2 7 201 255, 34 0 224, 2 9 5 252 kj z — i 241r i 321



196, 301 2 2 8 , 313 215, 3 3 8 248, 334 244, 343 240, 329 222, 332 221, 3 3 3 2 0 9 , 328 204, 296 246, 324 217, 3 2 5 242 2 5 3 , 315 202, 3 0 5 213, 318 225, 3 0 7 238, 3 3 5 210, 3 0 4 2 5 0 , 319 2 0 0 , 311 206, 293 232, 3 4 5 216, 3 0 0 197, 331 2 4 9 , 314

Tanner Abel Sara Alexander Geoffrey Allard Austin Allee Carter Anatole Amelia Arnold Eli Campbell Michael Catenacci Nick Cesare Hudson Cole Ali Coupe Tevin Cummings Michael Del Genio David Del Prete Paul Demascus Nick Durst Tess Fahey Lindsey Faig Halle Fogel Briana Fontaine Stephen Franze Justin Galloway Chris Gaynor Taylor Geiger Nicholas Hall-Risko Forrest Hanson Hiram Holloway Ali Hughes Riley Jay SchneiderJean-Baptiste Maggie Joyce Tommy Katucki Mike Keane

Hallie Keller Katie Kuntzman Annie Lamedica Steve Lewis Kelsey Luneburg Troy Lynch Andrew McAllister Maggie McCaffery Will McEvoy Lindsay Mcllmurray Kieran McQuilkin Tyler Murray Joe Nano Erica Nicokiris Nigee Page Kevin Peabody Mathias Perfumo Evan Perlman Aja Piro-Ibrahim Raven Redd M a tt Reggina Sarah Reid Chris Reilly Tyler Rosenthal Nick Schipper Amanda Schwartz Nick Shaw Tori Smyth Nicky Spyrou Taylor Stukes Kaleen Sullivan Hannah Van Dolsen Charlie van Roden

203, 290 2 0 7 , 3 0 8 -3 0 9 243 233, 3 0 6 227, 337 229, 292 214, 341 239, 299 198, 317 2 2 6 , 312 236, 342 258 254, 298 257, 303 2 35, 323 234, 326 223, 322 211 199 230 218, 3 4 4 231, 2 9 4 220 237 247 194, 2 9 7 2 0 8 , 310 195, 3 3 9 2 4 5 , 316 219, 3 0 2 251, 3 3 6 2 0 5 , 291 259, 330

_eave Your Mark i








"D o n't be fooled by the

M c -V ia

calendar. Th e re a re only as many days in the year


as you make use of." -C harles Richards

"The best is yet to come." -Frank Sinatra


TbwiWiy ^atlAC-Wl "To be yourself in a w o rld that is constantly tryin g to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph W a ld o Emerson

"Be w ho you a re and say w h a t you feel, because those w ho mind don't m atter and those w ho m atter don't mind." -D r. Seuss

"If w h a t you did yeste rda y seems big, you haven't done anything today." -Lou H o ltz

I'd ra th e r try and fa il than never try a t all, tha t's my m otto in life." -Tra vis Pa strana

"W hoever says happiness comes w ith sunshine has never danced in the rain."

"You must love yourself before you love another. 1 B y accepting yourself and fully being w ha t you are, your simple presence can make others happy."

A t lkkcXye&> 2


"To love a t all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart w ill be w rung and possibly broken. If



you w oot j o make sure o f keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not„evena n animal. W ra p it carefully round w ith hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket o r coffin o f your selfishness. B u t in tha t casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it w ill


change. It w ill not be broken; it w ill become unbreakable, im penetrable, irredeem able. To love is to be vulnerable." -C .S Lew is

idallie, killer* "The closer the look one takes a t a w o rd , the g re a te r distance from which it looks back." -Karl Kraus

Thundercats! Ho! -Lion-O



"From now on connect the dots my ow n way.� and Hobbes

"G onna rise up and find my direction magnetically." -Eddie Vedder

â– m 'i



I 4 c \ m i V a t ^ \ T > o\& e^ K



“You can't stay in your corner o f the Forest w a iting fo r others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." -W innie the Pooh

"You can't live on hope alone, but w itho ut it life is not w o rth living." -Harvey M ilk

| "Blame it all on a simple tw ist o f fate." -Bob Dylan

"I believe th a t everything happens fo r a rea scM People change so tha t you can learn to let go, things go w ro n g so-that you appreciate jbem w hen they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to tru st y

one but y o u rse lffto c f sometimes good things fa ll a p a rt so b e tte r ings can fa ll toget her . " -AA—

compromise yourself, you're all you've g o t’:" -Janis* Joplin

W as


"The W o rld Is Yours." -Nqs

"A ll I' m gonna do is just go on and do w hat I feel -Jimi Hendrix

"You know the wisdom is reflected in the know ledge when it's manifested. If not fe d in due time, the mind is anorexic." -Cormega

"W a n tin g to be someone else is a w a ste o f the person you are." -Kurt Cobain "W a ke up like everyday's new to you, dream beautiful and unusual." M os Def

"A t exactly which point do sta rt to rea lize , tha t life without knowledge is death in disguise? -Talib Kwili




'It's hard to be humble, w hen you're as g re a t as I am."

MicX- Pur-cd"

-Muhammad A li

"You look good, you feel good, you feel good, you play good, you play good, they pay good." -Deion Sanders

"I love my freedom .


I love my America." -Jessi Lane Adam s

"I think it w ill be all "The dow nside isn't really injury, fe a r o f injury, o r the

th a t I can make it." -Peyton Hillis

process o f fighting injury. The downside, the ve ry w orst thing in the w o rld , is surgery." -G reg Rusedski

"If I don't prepa re m yself then I can’t talk no trash." -C had Ochocinco

Th e only tru e currency in this bankrupt w o rld is w h a t w e share w ith someone else when w e re uncool."

"I think, today's irony ends up saying: 'H o w to ta lly banal o f you to ask w h a t I really mean."' -D avid Fo ste r W allace

-4 T

"Th e re a re tw o basic rrto tiv a i^ fc ^ Š s # fe c 5 r pnd love W h e n w e a re a fra id , w e pull back fro m life. When a re in love, w e open to all th a t life has to o ffe r wi passion, excitement, and acceptance. W e need to lea to love ourselves firs t, in all o ur g lory and a im perfections. If w e cannot love ourselves, w e cannot fully open to o ur a b ility to love o thers o r our potent to create. Evolution and all hopes fo r a better w< re st in the fearlessness and open-heafted vision c |




people w ho ipmbrace life |

/-John Lenna

"I've w a nte d to feel pleasure to the point o f insanity. It's w anting to know the higher level, tha t godlike level. You w a n t to touch the heavens, you w a n t to feel g lo ry and euphoria, but the trick is it takes w o rk. You can't buy it, you have to earn it." -Anthony Kiedis

'Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you II die today -James Dean

"By your ow n side, learn to live. If some men force you, take no heed.


If some men hate you, have no care.


Sing your song, dream your dream .

' ,-js

Hope your hopes and p ra y your prayers. -Bo Schembechler

"Life is ten percent w h a t happens to you and ninety percent how you respond

Success comes from know ing th a t you did your best to become the best tha t you a re able o f becoming." -John W o o d e n

"It seemed

like a

good-idea a t

the time."

"D o o r do not. 4



Th e re is no try. -Yoda

"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up ; to o much space."

!4ucCc>l e. "A w itty saying proves nothing." -Voltaire

am not young enough to know everything." -O scar W ild e

I w ish, as w e ll as everybody else, to be pe rfe ctly happy; but, like eve rybo dy else, it must be in my o w n w ay." -Jane A usten

I am ready to face any challenges foolish enough to face me.

G o confidently in the direction o f your dreams.


Live the life you have imagined."



The Office

Ualle, Foc{

. 1

"Sta y fa r from tim id, only make moves w hen your heart's in it and live the phrase, the sky's the limit."

H a + t"

-N o to riou s B .I.G .

3 3

t m


"I've fa iled o ve r and o ver and o ve r again in my life. A nd tha t is w hy I succeed. -M ichael Jordan

"W inning takes talent, to rep ea t takes character." -John W o od en know it seems harcT'^mdtimes. b ut re m e m b ^ o ^ T tlW jh Through every d a rlJlljM 'J* th e re s a b d g h f d a TTJfft!! llwtfc S o no m atter how hard stick your chest out, ke

head up

"In life w e do things. Som e w e w ish w e had never done. Som e w e w ish w e could replay a million tim es in our heads. B u t they all make us w ho w e are, and in the end they shape every detail about us. If w e w e re to reverse any o f them w e w ouldn't be the person w e are. So just live, make mistakes, have w onderful memories, but never ever second guess w ho you are, w here you and most im portantly


w here it is you're going." -Sex and the C ity

|WtWtWtWtWtWt«M « H H

l l




"The g re a te st pleasure in life is doing w ha t people say you cannot do." -W a lte r Bagehot

'Lost time is never found again." Ben Franklin

David D el Prerte.

"D o n 't fa ll o ff the track ye t, w ith so many races to go, hold on." -A venged Sevenfold

"Personally, I'm a lw a y s rea dy to learn, although I do not alw ays like being taught." -W insto n Churchill

"I am not everything you thought that I w ould be, but eve ry story I have to ld is p a rt of me." -Yellowcard

B e more concerned w ith your character than w ith your reputation. .

Y o ur character is w h a t you re a lly / a re w hile your rep utation is m erely w h a t others think you are" -John W o o d e n

r '


A lw a y s g ive a G B e ffo rt. •Jeff Tam broni

"Failing to prepa re is preparing to fail." -John W o o d e n

"Be thankful fo r w h a t you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on w h a t you don't have, you w ill never ever have enough."




"You can't a lw a ys w a it fo r the perfect time. Som etim es, you must just dare to do it because life's too short to w o nd e r w hat could have been."

McJlwmAxira i/

"The fu tu re belongs to those w ho believe in the beauty o f the ir dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt


"The tru th is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is." -W inston Churchill

"If w e adm it that life can be ruled by reason, then all possibility o f life is destroyed." -Into the W ild

"Life w ould be so much m ore efficient if there w e re oompa loompas..." -Bre n t Luneburg

"In a w o rld fille d w ith hate, w e must still d a re to hope. In a w o rld fille d w ith anger, w e must still d a re to com fort. In a w o rld fille d w ith despair, w e must still d a re to dream . A nd in a w o rld fille d w ith

is o ur choices that show w h a t w e truly are, far m ore than our abilities." -Albus Dumbledore

d istrust, w e,

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives. W e a re w h a t w e

-Jackie Robinson

rep ea ted ly do. i

Excellence, the re fo re , is not an act but a habit."

-Brian Wilson, Sa n Fransisco Giants

"Check its collar o r something." -Alan

"Tro y, I have a confession. I hit tha t squirrel earlier." -Stephen Fra n ze

"Som e people say it's more o f a marathon than a sprint. W e ll I sp rint marathons." -Ben W e lto n

"W ant me to dim pa-size your meal fo r 2 5 cents m ore? W a nt me to punchisize your face fo r fre e ?" -O ffic e r Rod Fa rva

"M a y b e the tw o d iffe re n t w o rld s w e lived in w e re n ’t,


so d iffe re n t. W e sa w the same sunset.""




-The O u ts id e rs ÂŽ

"Your regrets aren't what you did, but what you didn't do. So I take every opportunity. -Cameron Diaz

"You know w h a t dog fo od tastes like? D o you? It tastes just like it smells,: delicious." -D ave C happelle

O b sta c le s don't have to stop you. If you run into a w a ll, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, o r w o rk around it." -M ichael Jordan

lem ory is a w a y o t holOing onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never w ant to lose. ' -The W onder Years

"Perfection is not attainable, but if we ^

chase perfection,


w e can catch \

1 Jk

T m I W Jr






w he re the path may lead. G o , instead, w he re the re is no path % and leave a tra il." \

-Ralph W a ld o Em erson

vL \ V

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Som e sta y fo r aw hile, leave fo o tp rin ts on our hearts, and w e a re never, e ve r the same." -Flavia W e e d n


'Keep grindin, ffl

your life can

■l ■I


/ ----- ^

change in one year and even when it’s

K -



dark out, the sun is shining som ewhere."


"If a t firs t you don't succeed, try, try again.

Mc-Q juiIWh^

Then quit. There's no use being a damn fool about it." -W .C . Fields

"D on't ask yourself w h a t the w orld needs. A sk yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the w o rld needs is people w ho have come alive.� -How ard Thurman

"The time to relax is when you dont have time for it." â– Sydney J. Harris

"It is m ore fun to ta lk w ith someone w ho doefcrft use long, d iffic u lt w o rd s but ra th e r short, easy w o rd s like â– W to about lunch? -W innie the Pooh

It I had more time w ould have w ritte n a sh o rte r letter."

I m coming slo w but speeding." â– Dave M a tth e w s

| jf

M cXlafferv

Mic-Uael P e l Ge^rwo

"A lthough w e can m anipulate the past and future , w e can only embrace the moment." -Pro fessor Fontaine -







■ v «.

— —


* - ' _ * * “ *■ "You a re the only a rtist th a t is a utho rize d -to *




pdtrit your life. A p o w e rfu l life is only Jived w hen you hand c ra ft your o w n life. So -g o find your o w n ta ilo r, your o w n w ay." -Pro fessor Fontaine

"A seed, w ith all the potential in the w o rld w ill not g ro w , w ill d ry up, if not planted in the rig h t environm ent. I am the w a y I am because I put m yself in the rig h t environm ent th a t a llow s me not to fig u re life out, but to have a b e tte r relationship w ith life." -Pro fessor Fontaine

"People a lw a ys say, .'be yo u rse lf, and, interestingly, o ther people a re vita l to creating a "self". Th e re is no you w ith o u t me and no me w ith o u fy o u ." -Pro fessor Fo nta ine ,

44 f

•• -t


"Com e on o ve r, take your place, show your face to the morning, 'cause one o f these days you'll be born and *

raised, and it takes you on w 4f â– k i Hf i | w ith o u t warning.'' -John M a y e r

"By the tim e I recognize this moment, this moment

've g o t dreams

w ill be gone, but I

to remember."

w ill bend the light

-O tis Redding

pretending, tha t it som ehow lingered on." -John M a y e r


'Being realistic is the common road to mediocrity."


-W ill Smith


one has all the answ ers, and sometimes the best w e can do is jusl apologize, and let th e past be the past. O th e r times, w e need jja

look to the fu tu re and know thg t even w hen w e think w e 've seen it all, life can still surp rise us, and w e can still surp rise ourselves."

"How ever beautiful

"If you obey all the rules,


"The g re a te st b a rrie r

"Play the game fo r

the strategy, you

you miss all the fun."

fa vo rs

to success is the

more than you can

should occasionally

-Katharine Hepburn

the bold."

fe a r o f failure."

a ffo rd to lose.

-Sven Eriksson

O n ly then w ill you

look at the results." -Winston Churchill

learn the game."

4 i

Goa "Hakuna M a ta ta " -Lion King

"You miss 100%

you don't take." -W ayne G re tzk y

Brainstorm ing..." -Enrique Lopez-Balboa


o f the shots

game...ral. â– Johnny Dram a

"Sprung like a beartrap." -Nick D u rst

W e have a fin ite amount o f time. W h e th e r short or rj. '/ * '•

long, it doesn’t m atter. Life is to be lived." ‘

-Randy Pausch

"The te st o f a first-ra te intelligence is the a b ility to hold tw o opposed ideas in the mind a t the same time, and still i o '

"W e cannot change^ the cards w e a re dealt, just how

> should, fo r example, be able to see th a t things a re hopeless and yet be

w e play the hand." -Randy Pausch*«


re td in the a b ility to function. One


determ ined to make them otherwise.' -F. Sc o tt Fitzgerald

"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going aw a y, and going a w a y means forgetting."


-Peter Pan


- c \ e



i v




t n

"Im perfection is beauty; madness is genius; and it is b e tte r to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -M a rily n M o n ro e

;V * K

"I must govern the clock, not be governed by it."


-G o ld a M e ir

"Feet, w h a t do I need you for "B e w a re the a rtist w ho's an intellectual also. The a rtist

w hen I have w ings to fly?" -Frida Kahlo

w ho doesn't fit." -F. S c o tt Fitzg e ra ld

"I w a n t to be all that I am capable of becoming." -Katherine M ansfield

"W here's your will to be weird?" -Jim Morrison

Th e difference betw een a successful person and others is not a lack o f strength, not a lack o f knowledge,


jt d



but ra th e r a lack in w illl." -Vince Lom bardi

r 4 lle e .

“W he n you feed the big dog, it does w ha te ve r you tell him to do.” -Shaquille O 'N e a l

"C onform ity is the jailer o f freedom and the enemy o f grow th." -John F. Kennedy




"I have these amazing lots, "I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing: Through eve ry dark

but I'm just living in an ab guy's world." -Adam from Workaholics

night, there's a b rig ht day a fte r that. S o no m atter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep ya head up...and handle it." -Tupac Shakur

"The tru th is you don't know w h a t is going to happen to m o rro w . Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. -Eminem

"I'm telling you rig h t now , things are going to g e t chippy, but we dont reta lia te , w e do our talking on the scoreboard. -Coach Gouin

"W e w a s young, w e w a s dumb, but w e had heart." -Tupac






g n

y le ,r M urra y


“The firs t day I can rem em ber looking into a mirro and being able to stand w h a t I sa w w as the < I had a g uita r in my

-Bruce Springsteei ,


^ J"

“You can love me o r hate me but I swear i w o n t make me o r break m e "-Lil Wc

“Stu p id risks make life w o rth liv -Homer Sin

“You know , some days even i "lu c k y rocket ship under): Sr won’t -Calvin and

“There is nothing on my horizon except everything.” -D w ig ht Schrute


speaks bui



-Jimi Hendrfo




t ^


t castles in the a ir, your w o rk need not be lost; th a t is w lw e they should be. N o w put the foundations under them." .

-Henry D a vid Thoreau

Lite moves p re tty tast. If you don't stop and look around once in a w hile, you could miss it." -Fe rris Bueller

e all p re tty b iza r-ri. Som e o f us a re just b e tte r a t hiding

â– The B re a k fa st C lub


um ■ - -y,A

* i / ~ . ^^»in TbblJ -fjifiait



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Qe^ M ik t t - f o t o r b c a r L jf e '- D o t f t a n

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f e n A 'I —

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liH e /ia J^33^-M:



PI\ a Yv -HoVmv YH


- E s 5 -y j


B e .< 4 " W a ir


Hallie Keller & Amelia Arnold

M p ^ L i U e - l y “h> ‘S t a y

Lindsay M cllmurray & Nick Durst


s ~ \ r-

Raven Redd & Steven Franze


Superlatives Tori Smyth & Steve Lewis

Q u ie t e s t

Charlie van Roden & Sarah Reid

B i^ e .^ Flirt-

Lindsey Faig & Steve Lewis

B e ^ r t " D n e .^ & e d

Hudson C o le & Halle Fogel

Mc^& \o We. Llexv<?l T > 0 W » n 't W e . M a l i

A ndrew M cAllister & Taylor Stukes

n Nick Shaw & Kelsey Luneburg


M cH&t' 4\U\etic~

‘S U f x x U l W

Troy Lynch & Kaleen Sullivan


G x A p le .

Nigee Page & Erica Nicokiris

M^'t'LiWc-ly \o \x , a

T > a r y c * e jr

A ja Piro & M ike Keane M o ^ ' t ' L i W d y "h> \ x . % n *S e y w

M aggie Joyce & Paul Demascus

Forrest Hanson & Katie Kuntzman


Lindsay Mcllmurray & Austin Allee M ^ ^ L - J U d y *h? B r i ^ U t e v i

M i^ Y n Y ^ a 't r - ic - a l

Y c v ir P




M ichael Catenacci & M ag g ie M c C a ffe ry

G eoffrey Allard & Annie Lamedica

T w e ^ d le , P e ^

Eli Campbell & Nick Durst


T w e e ^ lle . P u v n

Hannah Van Dolsen & Katie Kuntzman

Joe Nano & A ja Piro



- I y ?c >1 ‘S p i r i t '

Tanner Abel & Erica Nicokiris

Lindsay Mcllmurray & Forrest Hanson

Raven Redd & M a tt Reggina

M^6>*i~LiUe.lY \o Ge.'t'Uur*l~

Te^c-Uer-'^ TV*&aw>

Nick Shaw & Kaleen Sullivan

Riley Jay & M ichael Del G enio

Nicholas Hall-Risko & Ali Coupe

M JJfe e W j p Su rvive,

L e ^ ^ i Z L j l ^ l v J b ‘S u r v i v e , c v i a T > e ,^ * e r f e d I ^ k w l


Erica Nicokiris & Kieran McQuilkin

T e ^ c ~ U e r^ >

W <>rU

Tommy Katucki & Kelsey Luneburg

L a x ie ^ t "

Nick Durst & Kaleen Sullivan

c\ XVe-^fec-c^c,

M a g g ie M c C a ffe ry & C a rte r Anatole

Lindsay Mcllmurray & Forrest Hanson

\o Marry "T^cyal

Hudson Cole & Amanda Schw artz

Mott-Outrac\c^\A-€» PB N ia m e , O

Eli Campbell & Bri Fontaine

Mo^ ^ r v t e 1*

M att Reggina & Lindsey Faig

.j~o LooV- at" M c v » S> T>ac4

O V fc


c m

Has anyone seen Tevin & S a ra ? Tess Fahey & Joe Nano

M o & t” M u s i c a l

' Maggie M cC a ffe ry & Stephen Franze

C b v v to

Steve Lewis & Taylor Stukes

Hannah Van Dolsen & M ike Catenacci

Tevin Cummings & Sa ra Alexander

La^dy \o Jpe, Late To Gra&uaTtotsi

Forrest Hanson & Katie Kuntzman

F a

ir f^

G w v tv

Nicholas Hall-Risko & M ag g ie Joyce

Troy Lynch & Ali Coupe

M^*t"LiL€,lY\o F a w v x te *

M ag g ie M c C a ffe ry & Schneider Jean-Bapfiste


The Catenacci Family

The Del Genio Family

Daniela 13, Michael 12 & Thomas 1 5

M ichael 12 & Annie 14

The Jay Family

The Keller Family

G eorge 14, Riley 12 & Frances 1 5

Katie 1 4 8< Hallie 12

The Rosenthal Family

The Schwartz Family

Tyle r 12 & Samantha 1 5

Jamie 1 5 & Amanda 12

The Faig Family

The Hughes Family

Lindsey 12 & Jenny '13

Peter 1 4 & A li 12

The McAllister Family John 1 4 & A nd rew 12

The Shaw Family

The Sullivan Family

Samantha '14 & Nick 12

Reilly 14, Kaleen 12 & Shannon 1 5

Nick C esare

Michael Del G enio

Riley Jay

W ill M c Evo y

Lindsay M cllm urra y

Joe Nano

Erica Nicokiris

SB : Thank you, M s. Bowman. I love

you. LM : r 'm going to miss Martha so

much next year; I treasured all of my time with her, and I’ve never had a closer friend and confidante <3 KL: Okay, well, there's obviously a

lot to say. Did you go to electric zoo? I was gonna go, but it just didn't work out. See you at Ultra. <3 NHR: B u zz on, my fellow 1%, buzz KK-Well, I honestly don't know where to begin. I guess I'll start by saying hullo, and reminding you about that time you got a friend request on facebook from a guy named Lee Blake who w as in a band. There w as a photoshoot of them in the lobby of a M arriott, probably somewhere is Florida. A nyw ay, our friendship started, like most do, through a sports team. JV volleyball, to be exact. Heyy do you go to kina?...yeaaa...but, yes, w e hung out. W e went to California Pizza Kitchen. Since then our friendship has literally been the funniest thing in the universe. D R A G O N S . W e made plans to go places in disguises. W e both w ere fans of items such as bananas in pyjamas", "boot cups". W e listened to the birthday remix. (Neeg) Tildes. SC RO LLS. M ehn I wish I could write a whole separate scribble for scrolls. Scrabbles? Huh idk. N IN JA G L O V E . O r w as it ninja finger? Either w ay, hi. As I write this I'm re-reading the ten bajillion eyechats (aimchats?) that I've saved from our friendship. Here are some direct quotes: "I enjoy sitting outside and viewing lunar eclipses "Wanna come over at like 9 :6 4 ? Does that w ork?' "Good nite little one., that's to tyra" "Netgear is like a sourpatch kid". "SO HAI I'm freaking out because this is actually what w e've been talking about on my couch in the sitting room by the kitchen for all of high school. Z E IG S . Alright, should I start saying the emotional things now ? I feel like a should. Peacelovebreakfast. But first, D A T C A R v ELFLO. C a n I put symbols in this? O r is that contraband? I'm gonna put a symbol in. O k a y. You got me through highschool. I have absolutely no idea what I would have done without you. (probably watched a lot of college humor by myself...hay phantom of the office) In all seriousness, I love you and it's scary to think that w e re leaving each other so soon. I have alw ays trusted you with everything and through all of the ridiculous, crazy, sloppy, hilarious, depressing, bleak, emotional, stressed out days, I've had you. I'm gonna miss you, and I can't w ait to meet your children. Love you alw ays, keenan. ~Kel HVD-So, hi. O ur friendship has been like a constant for me in highschool. When everything w as falling down around me and people w e re crazy ana everything sucked, all I had to do w a sT M you even you weren't online and HEY, it's hann. W e re creepily similar in the things w e like and do. I don't even need to list, but remember that time w e w ere shunned from everyone but instead of sitting around being lame, w e ate cheese and plum cake in my kitchen? Remember when w e hopped a fence? (Sorry I had to put that in here). W e have alw ays been creepily mature with each other. Hai classy picnics. W e' re nerds. PEEN JO R D A N . Remember when w e w ere in The Childrens Center presents...THE W IZ"? This is legit so hard to write because there's so much to say. I wish I could just copy and paste a picture of us sitting in the park in Rowayton eating our cheese and crackers watching Shakespeare, because those nights sum us up so well. I'm gonna miss jetjet, your dogs (aka my best friends), and our commentary on the ridiculous people w e went to high school with. I feel like I should write a whole separate scribble about C a p e Cod. D O N 'T BE THAT KID, HANNAH!" But seriously, I can't imagine highschool without you. W e've been through S O much together. People suck, but somehow w e survived. I'm gonna miss you an insane amount. But trust me, hann, our beautiful bi-racial children (yes, I can't believe that will be in the king yearbook, either) will be friends. I love you, and you have to promise to invite me to your wine and cheese parties, when w e re grown up. HF-Love you, girl! You're gonna have a great time in college, and I wish you all the best! Lets keep in touch! W e v e had a lot of fun in high school, and I hope w e can still be gossipy and make each other crack up for years to come, xoxo LM, KL-1ve gone fo school with you both since middle school, and I can t believe w e re all graduating. III miss you guys! H ave sososo much fun in college (I know you will!) Xoxo Love you, girls!! FH-Youre the BESTEST, Dont ever change. I have a strange inclination that w e will stay friends for a long time, mainly because w e re both such odd people. I love youus, and I know that you're gonna have an incredible time in college! M iss you already 270

on. <3 HF: M y #1 supplier: thank you. With

this scribble, I pay you back. <3 A A : The boy! I m gonna miss getting

that nugget fix with you at Garden. <3 SL: Private first class wafflebot.

Down with pancakes. <3 A C /M C : For the 18 years you've

put up with me, congratulations. Love always. K M : For all the hours you've put up

with my music, and for the 0 hours I've put up with yours, I apologize. You enjoyed every minute. <3 FH: I didn't want to write you a

scribble; I just didn't think I would be able to write the best representation, of you? You know? I'm sure you'll understand. M D : I love you. Stay crazy. A M : Bro, progressive!! M33sh. KK: K, all I want to say is thank you,

for always making me look better. B S: I'm sorry, NYU. <3

i-U C

S & 4

Class of 2012: Congratulations on graduating and best of luck in the next four yearsl

Mom/Dad/Jake/Mitch: Thank you for being by my side through everything I have done, and never doubting me even though you probably should have sometimes. Love you guys! DB: I do not know if I would nave survived these last two years without you, you are my best friend and you bring out the best in me. Thank you for all of your help, advice, and support whenever I need you: I really could not ask for a better friend. W e have gone through so much together and I will miss you sooooooo much! You better come visit me! Besides the fact that my entire family...literally.-.likes you better then me you are an amazing friend and don't forget me when I'm not home next year! TS: C O N G R A T S O N VILLANOVA!!! I knew you could do it! Have the time of your life being a Wildcat! You are one of my best friends and I'll miss you like c ra z z z z y (and Prince of coarse). W e have had so many amazing times and gone through so much and now I can't imagine my life without you as my bestieeee. I love you and your going to do big things at Villanoval! HM/AH/CM: Hannersl! You are my favorite person ever and I love you so much. I hope I find a friend amazing as you are at college. W e never stop laughing when w e are together a n a l can alw ays depend on you if I need advise. Big AL! W e could not be more opposites but you are crazy and never seize to am aze me. CLAU D S! I love you so much! "You forgot to take your headband off ". Bio...remember w e used to watch that TV show about alien hunters, why are w e so w eird? Love you loser KK/LF: Although w e slowly went our separate w ays, you remain one of my best friends. W e alw ays have such a great time together and from what I can remember w e v e had some interesting and unforgettable moments. By the shower still nas blue alLover it and I do not think its coming off anytime soon. Linds! You w ere my first friend at King and you are an amazing person. Your ability to open yourself up to anybody and lend a hand to everybody in need is an amazing trait and don't ever change that. You w ere by my side for quite a few hard moments throughout my three years at King and if you ever need anything you know where to find me! G o o d luck in the next four years! FH: You are probably the most ridiculous person I know and I love it!! 1 am seriously going to miss you like crazy!! I love how you alw ays make meTaugh...even if its laughing at you. G oo d luck in the next fe w years and don't forget about me!!! TG: Taylor where do I even begin! W e have been friends for every year I w as at King and youve never let me down. W e have had so many funny and amazing moments...Jay-Z (and Raven too) w as probably the most unforgettable. G o o d luck in the next fe w years, I know you II do some amazing things with tennis too so dont hold yourself back! I love you and I'll miss you so much!!

Mom and Dad- Thank you for everything these past 18 years. You both have done so much for me and just keep on giving. Mom, you found some w a y to guide me the w a y a responsible parent should while still being my friend. D ad, you are wiser beyond compare and I admire your kind words and actions. I would never be where I am today without you guys. I love you both and I'll miss you so much!! CM - W e have been through it all. And no matter how weird you continue to become, I'll alw ays be proud to call you my best friend. You have honestly made me laugh harder than I ever thought I could. Beached whales, someone watch me talking to my brother ", the big toe, our foot dance, 'do you have a quarter?", cuddling to when you're mad by neyo and being interrupted by M rs. Sudlowsky and hopefully many more to come. I wish you the very best for your senior year and I know w ell be staying in touch love! I w yt to never forget you. TS- By the time junior year came around, w e immediately became boys. You have alw ays been there for me and I know I can count on my kruh. From helping you sort out your issues with boyz to ending the worst days ever by being pooped on by birds at tokeneke, I feel like I never fail to make you laugh. And that's one thing that has made you a very best friend of mine. You are a good influence on me as w e bring out each other's fun sides. I hope you don’t find someone else to replace me next year ...I love you forever tor, stay in touchl SA- O h my god where do I begin with you my friend? You are absolutely crazy and I love it. I can guarantee I won't find someone like you next year.Jove you sars! AS- Friends since seventh grade and not a thing has changed. There are too many memories to even recall...I know I pick on you probably more than anyone else but it's completely out of love. Promise not to change, you are a character and I hope to be seeing a lot of you in the near future! CM , LE, HM, DB, DC, MH, SM, TF- M y favorite junior girls! I feel so lucky to have had you all in the grade below me. I've loved being there for advice and still learning from you guys even as the oldest. I wish you the best of luck for your senior year and you better come visit me at college missies! NS, ND, JN, MK- M y fav senior your car tall or short? Hey all!1 M ike, I hope you find someone who doesn't turn down your hugs as much as I do and shaw if I still haven't repaid your favor by the time you're reading this, you have permission to punish me. Dursty you'll alw ays be my baby boi. Joe, I'm sorry for alw ays ditching you in English but w e had many memorable times this year buddy! AD- M y favorite junior boy xoxo "that girl" PH- Try not to get into too much trouble next year...! think I've broken in mom and dad for you and you've probably learned from my mistakes. Mom's temper should be better without me around...but seriously be good. Even though you annoy me like crazy, you'll alw ays be my baby brother. You know I alw ays have your back. I'll miss you bro, keep in touch. Class of 2012- W e made it!!! College aw aits and I wish all of you the best of lu c L .C O N G R A T S !

4G W

AA: A M E LIA A R N O LD , W H A T A M I G O I N G T O D O W ITHOUT Y O U ? Legitimately, our excursions are the best. Getting lost in sketchy neighborhoods when it's pitch black, forcing me to walk thorugh dark alleys, pigging out on Crumbs, and staying up til 2 having heart to hearts wiht your mom are just the beginning. I am going to miss your LOUD and vibrant energy! Love you! TF: Running in place! "G o make friends". "I can tune you out..." "If aliens would kidnap you now, I'd just tell them I need you for xc every day. O h Tess I'm going to miss your commentary. :) MJ: M ag g ie Joyce! Don't disturb the peace. I am a maverick. A lw ays remember the 3 most important things in the life. Louella can t be tamed! A t 4 :0 3 , drop dead. C ra z y girl, you have been one of my best friends since the fourth grade! I'll never forget what hooligans w e w ere and how much fun w e had along the way! AS: Amandaaa! "You're so pretty! N O you're gorgeous! Everyone is so pretty!" I'll miss seeing your face every morning in Caputi's room and hanging out (aka doing physics at my hosue and eating my mom's food)! I'm going to miss you soo much next year! RC: M y favorite! French toast and Bossypants for all! I'm so glad w e became friends during O ur Town. You g ave me the best senior speech ever, especially for a kid who only had six lines! H ave a phenomenal senior year! MW: M artha, I am going to die without you next year! Seriously, who will I try to work out physics problems with during free periods? O r make elaborate schemes to steal peanut butter cups with? O r make up blatantly obvious codes with? I'm going to miss you so much! DJ: W here do I start? Sketchy gingers, Rumbleroar, pumpkins muffins...You have been such a great friend, and I’m going fo miss our random adventures (and making people uncomfortable) so much! Just please don't go to Pigfarts. i can't visit you there.JT'S O N M A R S. Love you! P.S: sorry about those peanut butter cups... KK: W e did it! I'm so excited w e made if through the emails, failed meetings, and awesome chill sessions. Ah, it w as so great hanging out at our houses and just getting this done. W e bonded so much, and I'll miss you next year! Caputi Cult: I have loved the tw o years I've spent with you guys! I'll never forget early morning brownie binges, color coding our signinsheet. and your ability to make me smile when I'm really stressed out. Hanging out in our lovely room has been so phenomenal, and I'll miss you all! It's a big old goofy world out there, so knock 'em dead! My family: I could not have done it without you guys. You have alw ays been my foundation. Thank you for being so loving and supportive! A girl could not ask for a better (or funnier) family. I'm really going to miss football picks, telling ridiculous stories at dinner, having tyepical Jay-familv adventures in foreign countries, driving to school in the morning, all that jazz. George and Frances: you will make it out of high school alive, I promise! Til miss you tw o goofballs so much! Mom and Dad: you have alw ays loved me no matter what I've done, and I hope I'll make you proud in college! I love „ „ you all! -Queen of Sheba

A C - You're so weird, remember freshman year when w e wou try to steal Amanda's phone in English class, and all the vchaf: when you tried to kill the spider and fell off the chair. Thanks f alw ays being there for me and putting up with me. Have a gre time in college next year, come visit me. Clothes... MJ- JO Y C E ! O r should I say hot b ab e ? Hopefully by this poir w e ’ve gone for our hike. W e've had some good times in the family car, waffles. Just watch out for palm trees, and other ca Don’t drive and double fist cupcakes. Also, don t forget about i the stingrays, I'm sure you have them all on display. I Took forwc to some great voicemails next year. JN- M A T H BUDDY, loved hanging out in the alleys of Sedonc and talking fo every stranger w e passed including the bread people. Sahara East C V what a combination Can't waif to stc the club, its gonna be epic. Also don't ipad and walk, it's dangerous. CA- I feel honored to be the only one to know your sister up t this point. The round hearth, 5 kids stuffed into a closet what c great ski dorm. G o o d luck next year! KK- Z A P PO W ! Remember the time I almost lit Cosi on fire, goc thing you w e re there to stop. Stop ruining the flow of the seats math class. G o o d thing you bought your own because you wer never getting my sweatshirt. Also your dog tried fo kill me. Thanks for all the playdough it's kept me entertained. HVD- Howdy, you’re such a global leader. Although we barely talked for the first tw o years its been fun the last two. Its nice t be back in advisory with you after a tw o year gap. Thanks foi the cup. H ave fun saving the world! AS- Schwartzenager, you're such a fool. Remember PF Chang with the emt's and the Grinch in the middle of the summer. Mai sure you send me selfies next year. TF- Freshman history class sitting in the back making things up or the spot. Then sophomore history with geography, Japan is in Indonesia by the w ay. There are some great memories from the man cave. MM- Your such a great actress they built an entire building foi you. "You guys, lets go make out on a bench". Don't forget youi life vest next year. LM- Freshman year math class w as interesting with Thomsons G aze lle s and you yelling at someone for sitting next fo you. G re e c e w as fun, heart to hearts by the pool and eating tzatzik H ave fun with K rav M a g a you'll be able to beat up some Israe M arines. DD & SD- Thanks for alw ays being there for me even when yoi far a w a y . You tw o have made me the person I am today. I m our morning drives to school even though that w as four years ago. I can't w ait for you tw o to come visit me! Mom & Dad- Thank you for alw ays being there for me and helping me out throughout high school. C all me whenever your* bored next year.

Kieran - Thank you for keeping me sane these past four years, you're the best.

Tori - You are such you-know-what, but I still love you! Chipotle and the Stamford M all will never get old.

Lindsey - Prom 2011! You're awesome, though Kristin may be more so!

Hudson - The fact that w e have the same sense of humor has made me feel significantly less weird during high school, so thanks for that. Hannah - W e re just alw ays on the same page; I don't know if you remember this but it sums pretty much everything up. Lindsay & Kelsey - You guys are the best! Despite our occasional rough times (I apologize for my big mouth), you guys are great. PS I really think Dougie will miss us next year Lindsay! Andrew McAllister - I don't think w ell ever fully understand each other, which I absolutely love. Katie - The only other person I know who fully understands what it means to be a complete mess and yet still remains classy. O ne of a kind. Joe - 1think another hiking trip is in order soon. I also apologize in advance for any more texts sent your w a y regarding our friendship hahahah Sara - You're absolutely crazy and I love you for it, please never change. Maggie - [insert something that only w e would find funny] For both our sakes, I won t actually say something. Nicholas & Steve - You're great men, I'll leave it at that. Halle - Despite my best efforts my fashion sense will never be as good as yours! Nigee - 1know to alw ays look your w a y when there's an SM H-worthy moment. I Shoutout to the Cross Country team: represent and all that. C o b y I hope you carry on the slacker tradition, Daniel I love you, Ryan you're annoying.

Peace, Love, and Seniors 2012

Class of 12: Thanks for making King the experience that it was, best of luck next year! HVD-I cant believe w e v e only been friends for such a short time because it feels like Ive known you forever. W e v e come a long w a y since my chinchilli video & throughout the past fe w years you've become like a sister to me. I'll miss the talks in the jett jett & maybe some of the screaming as well during the not so great nights..hi flat tires. W e ve gone through everything at the same time & you've alw ays been there for me & I know you alw ays will be. Can't w ait til w e live in our pottery barn apartment with boots because I know you'll be an important part of my life forever. W e've had most ridiculous of times together from learning to ski as black swan to sesame chicken & cookie dough to Adele sing a longs. Hope you have a fabulous time in college & I can't wait til w e reach our prime. M y spidey senses will alw ays be there if you need me..just an audio chat aw ay. Love you alw ays & forever xo (side kiss). MM- ~... as much as I'd like to just leave it at that you’d stab me in the neck if that's all I wrote. I feel like I should be writing your house a scribble since its the epitome of our friendship., or maybe JV volleyball? W hatever it is, I love you to death & you're the first person here who really knew me well. I'll miss the dock times with Hendrix & Zeppelin, the goblets, the guest house, our ridiculous concoctions, late nights at the tokeneke club, cloud sheets, fifth class, zach galifinakis & of glove. I expect to have 1 0 0 0 ims (including a copy of your notes) from you everyday next year when I'm offline. You’re so talented & I can't w ait to see you on Broadw ay someday so never stop dreaming. I’ll miss you so much next year (thats to tyra). peacelovebreakfast. psnutmeg pps-remember that poem you w rote? pps- dragons MJ- Friendships from a mutual love of HP & M U N are the best kind of friendsips. Confessions: w e both dl wish this yearbook w as for N C but w e've been here forever so lets embrace it. I know w ell stay close forever since obviously w e ll be living in N C with our fams later in life>3 I'll miss the family car & our lovely 3 5 mph drives & most importantly I'll miss you. You re a smart, caring and amazing person & I'm so happy w e finally became friends. I love you & wish you all the best of luck with everything in life. PD- high five to a great year. Thanks for allowing me into the secret world of Pauly D's websites & extra curricular activities because as much as I want to kill you sometimes I’m really glad I still have you in my life. Can't w ait to see what you do in life. Promise you won't forget about me when you make your billions. C A - Although I'll never forgive you for being so mean to your sister your love of every tv show that I watch sort of makes up for that. You’re such a great guy & I'm so glad I got to know you these past few years. G o o d luck next year! AS- I'm glad w e bonded over "bne" which casually never happened. I'll miss your ridiculous selfie obsession & whenever w e re home from school cookie skillets are a must. FH- I II miss the aw kw ard ghost hugs & the only person who appreciates my classiness while partying & the importance of being fashionably late to school. EN- O ur lack of ambition in golf & M U N will alw ays be great memories. Love you always! TF-I may never see you at school but I'm so glad that prom night brought us together. RJ- I don't think w e would’ve survived this without each other. You're the absolute nicest girl, good luck next year! KL- W e've had some great heart to hearts the past few years. You're an amazing person & I'm so glad I still know you after 11 years. LM- I'll never forget that infamous night at Fuji & how ironically that's the same place that reminds me of us as kids getting dressed up in feather boas to go there. HC- Your extravagance never ceases to make me laugh. SA- I'll never forget all of our ridiculous times but most importantly, I will never forget you. A G - what would a king yearbook be without you...thanks for alw ays having my back when i needed you. W henever I see People's magazine I'll think of you. 2 5 & M V . To the moon and back. Fam bam- "don't suck a lemon, suck sess" I couldn't ask for a more hilarious, caring & loving family. I can’t thank you all enough for the love & support you've given me. Love you all & you’ll never know how much I appreciate all you've done for me.



HC: I don't know what I'm going to do next year without you! I am going to be lonely without all your sw eaters and I guess you'll have to contact M F directly for w ardrobe- but seeing as how you're her 3rd child, she won t mind. No one is ever going to be a more ridiculously absurd and amazing shopping buddy ...lets be honest. But really, I never would have made it without you. You re my favorite little nugget and you better come visit me next year! ILY!

HVD: where do I begin? 5 meal nights.Jhursday night longford dates...volleyball at RB all summer.Jncluding lifeguards...running on the pier...AU RO RA...M ETRO ? There are w a y too many things to name and I don’t even know how to name them all. It all started freshman year in bio, that class was a gem. You re practically my sister and you've been there for me every step of the w ay. It's a mystery how things would have

AS: Manderpants! W here do I even begin? Vc somersaults, nigel and goldie, carpet oreo stains, shark attack, Windsor and the shore, cookie skillets, hpdife, shenanigans at the barn, selfies galore, and many more mems/selfies to come! Thank you for tolerating my rants, teen angst, and matching rugbys these past four years. You know me better than I know myself, and I'm going to miss you so much at school next year. W hy do w e have such ridiculous separation anxiety? You're my best friend in da whole world, and I know whatever happens, wherever w e are, w e will alw ays be there for each other. Love you! Amandalicious and M agtastic forever! TF: TFay! Hopefully when w e reunite on an airplane in 2 0 years I'm not morbidly obese. I should keep up the happy runs. You have been such a great friend to me these past 4 years, and I know w e will stay that w ay! Lovee you! KK: Deuces. Remember those times w e: made Christmas stockings for our math class? backed into palm trees? loved W algreens more than anywhere else? wanted to make a thirdwheel snuggie? went to N C H S ? Jokes on the last one (if only). I loved all my ridiculous times with you! Even though w e only became friends last year, w e got so close so fast, and you are truly one of my best friends. I don't know what I will do without our daily hugs next year, but I know you will do great in college! I love you kgirl! HVQ You and I have really been through so much together. Fetal position on the lax trip (sssss), the most fantastic phone calls, weenie mcgee and pint sized weenie, chatham, snuggfests, the list goes on! I'll miss you so much, but, being the extremely sentimental humans w e are, I know w e will stay just as close as w e are now. Have fun in college girl, I know you will be a fabulous teacher one day! You are one of my best friends and I love you so much! FD: Pauly D! O ur friendship began with a paperclip stingray. Since then w e've gotten so close and had so many great times, I can’t begin to list them all. I know you'll be a successful and wealthy businessman, and I’m sure that you’ll have that island, monkey, and trophy w ife someday. Keep drinking that elixir. I'm gonna miss you so much next year, but I know w e will keep in touch and stay close! You d aa best! VW: Remember: men do continue, snakes can be charmed, whicker is a girl's best friend, JV bball alw ays loses, and you will win an O scar. A lw ays follow M ichael Scott’s philosophy: "Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." Visit me next year, hooligan! I know you will have a fabulous senior year, love you! RJ: I loved all the a w k w ard times w e spent together these past ten years, I can't start to list them all! W here did the time go?! I'll miss you so much and I know you'll do great in college! Love you! AC: Coupay! C ard b o ard O bam a. N eed I say more? Love you! I'll miss ya next year! EN: M y M U N co-prez! I'm so glad w e became closer in highschool, good luck in college, imma miss you! CA: O h hey promdate! So many great times in high school, good luck in college! Mom, Dad, Dennis, Chris, and Mary: Thank you for everything these past 18 years love you1


turned out without our w eekly dates. I love you so much and can t w ait to come and destroy your dorm room next year! P.S Don't let M olly sneak out and eat all the Chinese food out of the garag e again, even though I would spend all night looking for her again!

SL: You've made me laugh more than anyone else in these past three years. Even though I still don't remember who you were freshman year, you've somehow become one of my best friends. I guess it all goes back to soph y e a r.ih a t summer was so many things. C re e p y pool pictures will never get old, thanks to Maria. I learned how to play hangman really well, thanks to you. But this past year has been filled with S O many memories. I'll be so sad not seeing my munchkin everyday next year so you better come visit me. Ily babeh! Btw , you're a terrible driver who is definitely not smooth with his lines....I'll beat you in a quote-off any day

LM/KL: You guys have been some of my best friends since freshman year. Its going to be so sad not having you around to gossip with whenever I need to! And if my leggings ever rip, I'm not sure who ill ask to sew them up in the starbucks bathroom. N o w that I think about it, too many ridiculous things have happened in a starbucks bathroom (Linds), I know you know what I mean. I'm going to miss you tw o so much next year! NHR: I decided that for your birthday ever year I'm going to send you a pair of jortz. Even though you have driven me crazy in the past, I am going to miss all your silly comments next year. You da best! Btw , riding is a sport.

FH/KM/AM: All your witty comments are going to be missed much next year. You guys have made some of the worst times ever the funniest and have helped me through so much. You guys are awesome and w e better keep in touch next year!


T4 M P


4 E P T NKP: You’ve been like a brother to me for the past four years of

Mom- You are my best friend and the only person in the whole world that truly understands me inside and out. I'm so grateful to have you as my mother. Thank you from the depths of my heart for all of your sacrifices, hard work, resilience, optimism, love, and support you've given me throughout my lifetime. I o w e you everything and more. I love you, Mom. KBS- Beans! There are so many things I can say about us, half of which are inappropriate and the other half I simply cannot fit on here. Our memories are countless, and priceless at that! You're my best friend, my sister, my everything. I cannot fathom the idea of being separated from you next year but I know it won't change a thing between us. I love you so so much...DEBBIE! (p.s. love to the rest of my Sullivan fam bam- Billy, Sue, Pat, Rei, & Shan, love you guys!) TNS- There's so much I can say about you and how much I hate that you w ake up early.Jol but on a serious note, you’ve literally been there for me through everything since day 1 at King and I could not have asked for a better confidante, sister, and best friend. I’m so happy w e ’ve had so many classes together since soph, year because you make everything lOx better. You never fail to make me laugh which is the greatest gift in the world. You re such a beautiful person inside and out, T. I love you so much forever and ever. Take care of W iz and don’t forget to buckle him up. MNR- To the most amazing guy I know, thank yo so much for always being there and caring about me, M atty. You re the sweetest best friend and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. There's no doubt that w e re going to stay best friends after w e graduate and there's nothing better than that, in my eyes. I love you<3 RYR- Since the day w e became nextdoor neighbors in 5th grade, to making up dances in your basement, to B O O H A A , and now graduating highschool together- I am so happy w e v e remained close, raveyl! You're my sista and alw ays will be. I love you!! EDN- Ricaaa boo, oh how I w uvvv youuu :) Yo uve alw ays been there to listen to me rant about things that sometimes dont even make sense and for that I cannot htank you enough. You have such and incredibly big heart, there's no doubt in my mind you re going to go so far in life. You know I’m alw ays there for you chica linda. jTe amo mucho! TNL- Boyyy toy baby troyyyy :) You never fail to brighten my day, esp. when I need it most. I'm gonna miss you and your everyday hugs so much next year. :( I wubbb youuuu!

my life and I hope for that to never change. You've seen me through everything and I know that at the end of the day no matter what, you'll alw ays be there for em. Just know that I will alw ays be there for you, no matter what. LMM: I dont eve know where to start with you! You re such a good friend who alw ays has time to listen to me if I need to talk, and someone who I alw ays laugh with. I am so glad that w e've gotten closer over the years! I'm excited to have so many more good times with you. Love ya girl! FAH: You my friend are absolutely hysterical, even when you don't mean to be. For that, I thank you because you have made me laugh many times especially when they are so needed. I can't even count ht eamount of good times and I can t w ait to finish out the year laughing with you! RYR: You are honestly someone I can trust completely and totally. You have been my best friend for so long now and I love you so much. Thank you for alw ays being there for me, no matter what w e've alw ays managed to have good times and I don’t want that to ever change! KMBL: You are someone who I've been friends forever and I'm so glad that I’ve had you as a friend. You are such a great person and w e've had some of the greatest times together. I know that w e will alw ays be there for each other! Love ya chica! TNS: I'm so glad that no matter what w e've alw ays managed to be there for each other. You're so funny and i know that without fail you can alw ays make me smile. Your humor has kept me sane the rest of volleyball season, which I definitely needed. Thanks for being there and know that I am alw ays here. KMP: W e ’ve had some of the best and worst times but w e've had them together. Although you're not in my life as much anymore, I still care about you so much and know that you have given me memories I'll love forever. I know that you will alw ays be part of my life and I just want to say thank you for teaching me so much about myself throughout the past four years. JLF: You have been the most amazing sister throughout the years. No matter what w e say to each other just know that I love you so much and I couldn't ask for a better sister, but that doesn’t mean my closet is open to you... KLF & JDF: O h boy, I know raising me hasn't been an easy task but I know that you guys taught me everything I needed to know. You are fhe most accepting parents and you never stopped being there for me, even when what I said didnt deserve it. I love you both so much and thank you for everything you've ever done for me! Class of 2012: W e finally made it! W e've had quite the adventure but it’s now complete. "Don't cry because it’s over, smile because it happened."'

To all my boys in the graduated class of 2011, seniors 2012, and juniors 2013- there are too many names to write but Y O U KN O W who you are. Thank you guys for making my high school years so much fun and the millions of moments I will NEVER forget. It wouldn't have been the same wiithout you. Love you all!





KK: W e've only been best friends for the past 2 years, but I honestly wouldn't have made it through them without you. W e got so dose so fast and I'm so grateful for that. It seems like w e've experienced a lot of the same parts of growing up and high school at the same time and I've loved having you by my side every step of the w ay. When I look back at high school I know you'll be one of the first thoughts in my mind. I love our self-deprecating comments and humor, our sesame chicken and cookie dough dinners, our creepily similar families/childhoods, our adele sing alongs, marching bands of manhattan, hanging out with deb and david, just being in the jet jet, spidey senses, daily heart to hearts (loll, audio chats, side kisses, and so much more. Also remember that time you w ere a VD sister for a fe w days? O r when w e ate w affles at your kitchen table on a Friday night? O h opps that w as multiple times. You mean so much to and no matter where w e end up next year, I know you'll alw ays be such a special and important part of my life. I love you so much. M M : You are such an amazing person and I'm so sad that I didn't know you when w e w ere little. W e would've gotten along so well! There's no one else who will ever understand our creepy hermit nights, our similar taste in guys, billy collins, our overly emotional personalities, goblets, dock times, shakespearean plays, and of course cheese and wine. You know me so well and have stuck by me through so much and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I can’t wait to come see you in a show someday. O h and remember firefighters are alw ays # 1. I love you. M J: Remember that time w e weren't friends? Hi. Confessions of love. Ssssss. O k this is already getting weird, but then again I feel as though it's an accurate portrayal of our friendship? Disney lax trip with you is an experience I'll never forgei. Laying in a fetal position for a solid 3 hours in a ro w ? Yeah, that happened. But really, you are one of the most down to earth people I know and I'm going to miss you so much next year. I can t wait for our long letter correspondences. You are going to be so successful in life and I cannot w ait to see how far you go. I love you! HF: As different as w e are, w e have alw ays gotten along so well. I feel like w e both have changed and grown up so much since those first few months of freshmen year in maria's jeep when w e both had brown hair (lol) listening to katy perry. You are my Rye buddy and I'm so happy to have you only 5 minutes a w a y . O ur car rides to school, our trips to metro, our auroa and longfords nights, and just hanging out with ollie and charles in your room. I'm gonna miss you so much! I love you! FH: I can alw ays count on you fo make fun of me or laugh at me when I'm having a moment and I love you for that. You’re gonna do so well next year and I can't wait to come visit you out in M alibu or one of your several destination homes one day FD: Paulyyy D. I laugh whenever I think that the first time w e bonded w as in G re e ce over tzaiki. Even though you're what 5 years old now ? I can alw ays count on you for blunt and honest and advice when I need it. Expect some more calls like that next year. Can't w ait to go sailing on your yacht someday! Love you. TF, A S: Tess, You had my back prom night junior year and that's something I’ll alw ays thank you for hahaha. You're such a down fo earth person and I hope you have a great time next year. Amanda, III miss your selfies and hilarious commentary you've consistently been a good friend, hope you have so much fun next year! KL, LM : You girls have been a big part of my high school and I've had so much fun with both of you! G re e ce is something III never forget with you girls and I've loved spending the past few years with you. I wish you both all the best next year and hope to see you guys on breaks <3 Field Hockey girls: FH w as my beginning at King and I'm so glad that I got to finish my senior year with such an awesome season. W e had a team of such great girls, and I can t w ait to come watch a game next year, hopefully on a better field. King Class of 2012 thanks so much! Best of luck to everyone! 2 76

M A D - Well. Your name sparks thoughts of Chelsea, Frank Lampard, Jim Edmonds, The Requiem, the white house, world domination, totalitarianism, etc. Thirteen years did go by pretty quick. Even in kindergarten you w anted to rule the world. From your glory days as the only 5-star general on the playground, to M L B Slugfest 2 0 0 4 , advisory with M s. Tobin, and the last 4 years. I hope you got into a good college. ButJ think w e survived pretty good. In college, make sure you look both w ays oefore opening those peanut butter ritzs. You never know when someone might be allergic. But all and all I'd say our run has been a success, here is to the most outlandish and most enduring friendship in King History! DND- W hat would you not like me to say here? I could probably ruin your entire life right now on this tiny little paragraph in the back of your senior yearbook, but you Know I'm too much of a bro for that. But dude its been an awesome 4 years. Its been fun, seinfeldian, and all that jazz. It was kinda funny. Don't w orry I'm not making this as long as your FB post. Worst day of your fife was that day in Boston, oh how you wish you went to St. Luke's. # not. I still think w e should try and go pro. But for real dude, you're an awesome friend. K W M - You handed me a yu-gi-oh beat down in 3rd grade, well I guess it started a trend. I mean, you w e re that guy playing JV sports in 8th qrade. W oah, he must be like a tri-hall-of-famer or something. I remember every day freshman year w e would count out those priceless -isms in Mr. G 's class. Then there w as the absurdity of sophomore history. Filling in for you (ha- you thought I'd forget), M aking it to the finals junior year as the best tandem in the FA A . How we didn't win the F A A soccer version of the covezina, I will never know. Wish I could have reached the summit with you, but at least you got there. Still part of me really wishes I could have celebrated in uniform instead of a dirty old mets cap. But at least I won one of my own (maybe one more by the time your reading this). That would also mean I won more championships than you. G o d forbid. O h, w e also got to be baseball teammates for a day or tw o (thank god you quit I needed to be better than you at something). Our A IM play-by-play of our beloved rangers were/is so awesome that Sam and Joe are be jealous. Thanks for keeping up with all my antics, but after 4 years it seems worth it, no? It's been so real dude. Not to sound to cliche. You're a class act my man. M R - I am really gonna miss your positive reinforcement out there on the diamond and you reassuring me the M ets will be good...maybe you should go warm up swung. You re a good man M att.

Junior Boys: You guys are crazy, but I still love all of you. Im not going to w rite all the initials because you guys know who you are. You better keep the high school in tip-top shape when w e leave. M W A H ! KK: Model UN I G irls G o lf I Casually stressing out about every class. Thank god you came back to King.You're one of the sweetest people I know & I love you so, so much! MJ: Guess what, girl? W e survived four years of accelerated Spanish courses together! M U N I Strug C ity I Choir, like hey, whats up? No matter where w e end up next year, I know you'll go off to do spectacular things. I LO V E YOU! MR: The DJ Pauly [J to my Snicks. Chem with K.LO I last year's History class., lawls. I'm going to miss that contagious laugh of yours. Love you, M attie! SJB: Best prom date ever. Incredible I Hilarious I Sweetheart I Bear Huasl Million Dollar Smile. Love youlT NP: City Dates I M o vie Nights I Big Sean I I don't think you'll ever understand how grateful I am to have someone like (you in my life. Love you, Nigee! KS: I'm always laughing with you and you know how to bring me down to earfh i when I’m being my usual worrisome self. I m going to miss backing it up to D M X s .Party it Up with you L M A O #embarrassinq. I hope you know how much I love you!!!! I AP: Our heart-to-hearts I Talking to you I about anything. You're a beautiful person inside and out & I hope you know how important our friendship means to me. I have no doubt that w ell still stay close in college. I love you so much<3 RR: I still remember in sixth grade, us dressing up with Nino & Julia Bahaha how the times have changed. M y basement I Rooftop extravaganzas I Long, long summer nights I I can't even describe now much I love you. Stay classssssssy, lar rav<333 TS: Although you despised me in eighth grade, Im glad w e put our differences aside. High school with out you would literally not have been possible. Words cant describe how much I'll miss you- even when you're grabbing my wrists like I m your infant. JESUS CHRIST, C A R O L! I'm in love with t w o __ & they frandssss with each other- tehe ik- just in love with you TGURL.

Mom & Dad: Thank you for all your support, your lessons, and your love. I love you both so much!!! Kelsey: I can truly say you are one of my best friends' Whether w e are rocking out in your car, laughing about things w e totally aren't supposed to Toe Toughing at, or just eating w a y too much junk food you nave alw ays been a great friend. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you next year, out but lI'm m sure w ell e ll bbe e visiting each other allII the time! You're the best and Move IT you! Hudson: I honestly don't know what I would have done without you. I don't think there has ever been a dull moment with you. From our Starbucks runs to our absurd conversations, you have alw ays been there whenever I needed you! I ll miss our bickering, I'll miss your nagging, but most of all I'll miss being 2 0 minutes a w a y from my best friend! I love you, Beb! Halle: Thanks for alw ays being there for me! You've alw ays been there whenever I needed to vent and you've alw ays been a great listener! I'll definitely miss your homemade guac and just your fabulous self in general! Love you and miss you already! Nicholas: Two words - D A B A B A Y Y Y ! I'm going to miss you so much next year! You are so Tunny and can alw ays bring a smile to my face! Kieran, Andrew, Forrest: I don’t know what I'm going to do nexf year without you guys alw ays finding a w a y to make a witty ana absurdly funny remark! Love all three of you! Katie, Maggie M, Hannah: Thanks for all the hysterical memories! G o o d luck next year! Love you all! Steve & Austin: I'm so happy w e became such good friends this year! You two are honestly the funniest guys I've ever met. I hope O scar and Darrell have so much fun in college! Taylor, Raven, Erica: You guys are one word: fabulous! Have a blast next year! Paul: Remember when I thought you said I w as your best friend?! That w as tne best moment of my life. W henever you have tzatziki, think of me! Lindsey: You are truly a memorable person. I literally will never forget you! Volleyball Girls: Thanks for all the laughs! I will truly miss you all next year! Bring home the FA A and W N E P S A A Championships next year for TTran and M artha! My Softball Girls: I love you all so much! Thanks for being the best team a captain could ask for! Kick butt next year! KING Teachers: Thanks for the journey! It has been one amazing ride. CLASS OF 2012: W E DID IT® G O O D LUCK NEXT YEAR!

Stevie Lew- got to put you first kid, been through it since 7 th g ra d e even though I hated you in 6 th g ra d e lo l.yo u T e my b o y though, got c ra z y memories w / you, love you brutha

Leen- w h e re to even start...? well p retty much been through it all, but I wouldn't tra d e an y of the times w e had for anything else in the w o rld & I could go on for literally hours but I’ll stop at love you leenie Ja- ohhh a ja :), you know ho w I feel bout you and I'm sure all of our friends do too sad ly lol all I got is love for you and hope you get everything you d e se rve <3

Troy- b a b y tw o y , hope all my Dr. Phil a d v ic e has helped you haha but you know you're my boy and anytim e you need something I gotchu M y football bros Kevypoo & Schneider, got some real good laughs during lunch & frees together and both of you do your thing next y e a r # KingLow

TGang, Snicks, & Ray- p ro b ab ly the funniest & coolest girls I've met, T G a n g p lease fo rg ive me for dropping the book on your head lol...Snicks, nothing else fo sa y but your Snicks & I'm Pauly D...Ray, secretly my fa vo rite ;) but shhhh


S / O to my youngins that's gunna do it big next ye a r: Drew, JoJo Santi,

Bshock, Big AL Zach, Deluca, & the other A AV 2 of H atian N ation G - M o n e y K IN G L O W 12 W E D O



4N S

M GJ: Nigel, Honeybear, M ara g re t if you will...! honestly don't know what I would have done without you these past 4 years. W e alw ays laughed (and still do) at the stupidest things like Schwoyces, G illy, hearing every camp story in existence at least 3 times, chucking up deuces (we still do that now...hi 1 and feel lost when w e don’t video chat with each other every night -__ - But for cereal magtastic I don’t know where I would be without you you're alw ays the first person I come with a problem. You're honestly my best friend in the whole world and I still don't know what w e re gonna do when w e can't see each other everyday in college but that's what iChats for <3 TMF: T-FAY! Whether we're failing at dodgeball or making fun of some poor innocent person, you’re alw ays a ball of sunshine (well not really but whatever). M rs. Scott's 7th grade class tehe but seriously I love you girl and am gonna miss you S O M U C H so please don't fall off the face of the earth and w e WILL get good at dodgeball! M aybe.... AJC: Nooblet I've technically known you since 2nd grade when your momma w as my teacher (and she still uses our baa lawl) You alw ays make me laugh and even though you are NEVER in school and you NEVER hang out with me (-_-) you're still an amazing person and I love you to death. AGH: Sup overachiever? okay seriously Xandra w e have been through so much! M TW , 8th grade never-ending drama, me hating you in 9th grade (hehe).. but w e've come through it all! I can trust you with any secret that I tell on our Panera lunch dates (I'm seriously gonna miss those) and I'm gonna miss you like crazy! Love you Hughesy1 KEK ana HVD: KGURL and HVDI! I am gonna miss you guys S O much! Bonding over hilarious times at M UN , APUSH and guys are alw ays so funny and fun and I love you both! I know you guys will miss my inordinate amount of selfies, but D O N 'T FRET, there will alw ays be seflies taken. I love you guys and gonna miss you both! PD and CA: Pauly d and canatole! I must say, I give you guys credit for dealing with us all these years...Paul A LW A Y S wanting those dang windows up in the middle of winter because you're hot'...yeah okay ...and Carter's camp stories and how he and his family legit abuse his sister (once again, your poor sister). G onna miss you both like crazy! REJ: Riles! You are alw ays a ball of sunshine ana alw ays put me in a good mood! I'm gonna miss you so much next year so don't fall off the face of the earth! And whenever I am home I WILL be at your house eating your mother s food....But actually 278 though.

Class of 2012: I wish all of you the best of luck in college! Congratulations to everyone! M om and Dad: Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me all these years. I can definitely say you have led me in the right direction. I'll miss you guys a lot while I'm at college! Love you both! FH: W hat a goofball you are. You have made my time at King very entertaining. From our w eekly trips to the mall to our lunch dates at chipotle, you have alw ays been such a good friend. G o o d luck at college and I'll miss you so much. K M : W here to start with w as nice to finally having a class with you this year for the first time since I have been at King. You smarty pants! I hope you have a great time at college! TA E C N D A M : You guys are amazing! You made this year so interesting and there is never a dull moment when I'm with you guys! S A AH: Bestieeess!!!! I can alw ays count on you both to be there for me no matter what. I'm so happy I got to be great friends with both of you over the years and w e will definitely keep in touch throughout college. Love you guys! H M DB: M y little juniors!! I love you both and I will miss you guys while I am at college. I hope you both have a successful senior year and end up at w hatever college you want! Z M : W e have had so many memories together. You mean the world to me and have a permanent, special place in my heart. You are caring, loving, and have a huge heart, and don't ever change that part of you. You have made these past tw o years ones that I will never forget and I thank-you for that. W e have come such a long w a y and I hope you have a great senior year next year. I'll miss you so much! I love you!


AAH: G rrrrr! M y grizzzly bear. I could honestly write this entire thing about you. I tell you everyday how much you mean to me, these last two years of high school have been made that much better because I've been able to spend each and every day with you. "Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset." 020811..A&F bubbz.. schlurppp ;) TNS&EDN Little E and mah jiggga T.. ride or die., sisters forever. We've been together from the beginning and now senior year we're closer than we've ever been. You guys are literally family to me, we fight like sisters and laugh like we're best friends.. #anddasreal. AEP who would have ever thought we'd end up graduating together. I've known you forever and love you to death! KS ..LaRaaaaaav LOVES you., never thought we'd be this close but I'm happy to say we are. I'm gonna miss you so much next year LF you're literally one of the funniest people I know., you've been there through legit everything., love youu girl! We'll have to catch up over robot chicken sometime.. BA&SJB my reach babiesss! We made it..together! (Brian you should be graduating with us -_-) I love you guys and I'm glad to say that from 4th grade to now we've remained close! M Y VOLLEYBALL GIRLS! this year has been my best season ever.. I love each and everyone of you. YEEEAHHH BUDDY! MR&DS .. it started with Dave and Si and then me and you ended up being such good friends., love you matttty! Cuzzzy I'm so glad you came to King, we've had some good laughs. You've made King that much better for me., we laugh together everyday., love you Andy! KING 12

Tanner - M y brother, w e have had a great run so far. You and I have been together since kindergarten man. O v e r this time w e have developed a brotherhood and it has been great to have you there all these years. I'll miss you next year man and good luck. Franze - M y boyy the musician/philosopher it w as great getting to know you over the last two years man. You are honestly one of the only people I know who I can talk to about the deep thought provoking stuff. I don't know how w e did it but w e both made it out alive last year haha. I'll miss you man; have fun next year. Linds - Lindsey, Lindsey, Lindsey... w e have had a very interesting friendship over the last few years. You have become a great friend to me during my time at King. We most certainly have had some good and bad times but I knew you and I w ere alw ays gonna be there in the end when w e needed each other. Hiram - M ah dude Hiram. W e have had some good times over the years man. Like when we were in the square with Phil and...well you know the rest. O v e r the last four years w e have become really close and developed a brotherly friendship. I'll miss you next year man and good luck. Erica - You have been there since freshman year and have shown me over and over again what a great person you are. W e have had some good times and I truly appreciate every single one of them, even the times when 1010“ came around to say hi haha. You still brighten up my day every time I see you, I'll miss that next year. Schnei- M y N O LA brother, yo that trip w as actually one of the most hilarious experiences of my life. Schnei, you are one of the fe w people I can make eye contact with and jusf laugh about nothing with. You have alw ays been there for our casual deep talks. W e have had some good times over the last couple years, I'll miss you next year man. Amac - Just a couple words for you p a l.. ..B A S E D G O D /B A S E D O V E R L O R D / S W A G .. .that and all the other absurd commentary w e have made. Let that boy cook and don't ever stop. I'll miss you next year man and good luck with everything. M aya - Kiddoo, w e have had one really up and down relationship haha. It has been great to get to know you over the couple years. No matter how much I deny it just remember Kocham Cie. Forrest and Joe - Forrest you are one of the funniest people I know, from cross­ country to calc and philosophy. Joe you have helped me all through out this last year and been a great friend. You both have made my experience at King one full of laughs. I'll miss you guys next year and good luck with everything next year. Linds & M ag g ie - I am glad I became eraser with you guys this year. I still remember that night all the w a y up until you guys road out with Pitbull. Three Musketeers... W e run the streets... I'll miss you guys next year and good luck with everything. Kev M att G aynor D rew Brian Alex - M y boys w e have had some fun times. I am glad each of you w ere a part of my experience at king. Each of you have made fFle whole experience better, from M a tt doing some of the funniest stuff in class to Alex as a roommate in N O L A (wild nights). I'll miss you guys, G o o d luck next year to each of you. Steve Schipp Ailee T-Flow - O ne word for you guys, B U M B A A A A . I'll miss you guys. Ray Tay Leen A ja —You guys are really something else, from the times of "yosh/ yow"and “stacks'" up til now. You all made being at king a really fun experience and I'll miss you girls next year. Mikeane Troy Shaw - The 10th Wu-Tbng Clan member w addup tho haha. Troy, I remember when I met you freshmen year man, you still have the same work ethic aha. Keane, the baby is coming soon, w e are going to run things man. I'll miss you guys next year and good luck with everything. XC - Chimes, Ryan, and C o b y, you guys are like my brofhers and you all really made my experience on the team a lot better, I thank you guys for that. I trust you guys take what I have “taught" you and apply it next year. I'll be back to visit and expect for all of you to be putting up crazy times.. .do work. Speaking of, one of you better have gotten mission “K" done.


M =>

C J4

Family: Mom, Dad, Emily, and might as well throw C a se y in as well because our family seems to include our dogs in everything. Emily - w ow , you've accomplished so much over the past few years, but you've also been a great sister, and you're alw ays there for me. M om and Dad, thank you for all that you've done and for alw ays supporting me. Also, good luck next year surviving without me, but don't worry, you can alw ays ask Em to come home if you need someone FD: It's been a great few years - so many fun times at the Demascus house. I can't believe that w e ’ll be off at college next year. G o o d luck and w e all know that you’re going to be a successful businessman one day. MJ: W o w there's a lot I could s a y ... so I'll just list a handful. I've never met anyone as obsessed with Harry Potter, The Office, or 3 0 Rock as you. I think you’ve taken selfies every day, and it's rubbed off on Amanda. The Family C a r is definitely the best car ever! Adult braces. There are so many funny things that make you such a great person to be around. G o o d luck in college, I know that you'll do great and have an amazing time wherever you end up. AS: Topics that you could be discussing. # 1 barn, # 2 barn, & # 3 barn. Also, congratulations for finally making someone cry this year. JK, you are actually one of the nicest people I've ever met and a great friend. H ave fun at college next yearl TF: M y favorite hippie! So many phenomenal/awkward/hysterical moments at the Fahey house. KK: It's a shame that I only met you last year, as you are a great person. You're alw ays able to make everyone around you laugh and have a good time. Also, it had to come u p ... Terracotta Urns. AC, RJ, and HVD: thanks for being amazing friends the past few years. G o o d luck next year wherever you go. JN: O ld Titan teammates. C G : W ow , can't believe that w e've been going to school together for seven years now. W indw ard seems so long ago. VW: Spain w as great! There are so many hysterical things I could bring up. “A re you one of those people who likes going to the dentist? Because if you are, w e can't be friends." O r even b etter... my song. Both are great examples of how dysfunctional our friendship is (and yes, I finally acknowledged you as a friend). It's too bad that I only met you senior year because you're probably the funniest person I've ever met. 279




CR: "W e re back", that’s all there is re ally to say. LM: D A B A B B Y Y Y , Big M a c , tre a t M a rt h a w ell next y e a r. SL: I’v e got a quote for you, "comes and goes, but championships a r e forever". Fran ce w a s sick thankfully w e didn’t get b e at, but definitely more opportunities to com e. KM : It's been you and me since the freshmen y e a r and w e did it dude, w e did it, its been fun big guy. I'm sure you’ll do g re a t

NHR: I don't care what you say...I'm alw ays right, and I alw ays win! I'm going to all of your games next year soo look for me? I know you, and I know you'll make the most out of college and wherever you end up, just don't forget about me when you're doing big things. Especially when you win the lottery... I expect a really nice gift... HC: "There once w as a prince named M cM uff..." Hopefully in college I won't get made fun of for going on the elliptical for an hour? And keep dreaming, Huds. I know one day your shower performances will become a reality. LM: It' s crazy how long it's been, and I can't believe how thoroughly ridiculous w e w ere as kids...I'll miss you and I'll definitely miss teaming up on Huds with you all the time. M a k e sure you come visit me!

HF, SL, AA, AM, KM, LF, FH, KK, HVD, M M : You guys are fab, and high school wouldn't have been the same without you all. Hal, you're the best for putting up with me at Kaskade. Steve, if I don't have your blessing by now...Austin, let's just hope you don't come across 'Kay'' in college. M cAllister, try not to break anyone's head open when you're gone? Kieran, I'll be sad when I won't have anyone to carry me to the boat when I don't feel like walking on barnacles. Linds, you w ere never fat, you aren't fat, and you will never be fat, but I'll miss you and cleaning up fabric paint next year. Forrest, bring back the tempurpedic slippers in college when you go to class! Katie, remember what I said about going to the dark side hahaha. Han, you’ ll alw ays be my ”Y" twin! M aggs, I'll look for you in the headlines. Volleyball: I miss you guys already. Keep the championships coming! 280

things. HC: Don't know w h e re to start

Mom&Dad: I love you both, and I appreciate

Humpry. Its been an e xp e rie n ce an d I m

everything you guys have done for me, thank you. IR: love you Izzy thanks for everything. RES&SMS: I love you little munchkins good luck with the rest of high school, look out for eachother...ond I cant w ait for you to visit me in school next year. PS: love you patty, I missed you this year in school, thank you for teaching me how to have proper 'swag'. AEP: Happy Time! There is no w a y my life would be the same with out you, im so thankful I was able to find a friend like you. M s. Mishkins class is where it all started. You're my sister and my best friend I love you like crazy and I don't know H O W im going to last in college without you. TNS: Freight train! There is w ay too much to say about us to try to fit it in this little spot, but I am so thankful that w e became as close as w e are. You are the one person that I know will alw ays know exactly what to say to make me laugh. W e became like family this year and next year will be so hard without you. KISSES! RMR: shaabaka...since w e w ere 12 we were torturing each other., even though you had to leave last year, it made us so close this year I cant imagine not seeing your face every day, you will visit me ALL the time my little nugget., or else! Love you girl. EN: my little midget im going to miss you S O much next yean We have some funny memories: this summer is going to be one to remember so get your little butt ready. RYR: LaaaRaaav! M a h girl, I don't even know where to start with you but you are alw ays there when I need a laugh., we have really funny times that I probably shouldnt put in here. Im so happy that w e became as good of friends as w e are, you are the best! Love you rayray. MSR: holy Christmas, I fudging love you, your absolutely one of my best friends and my best confidant, w e've had so many laughs, you've been a huge impact on my life these past few years, thank you for everything. Love you brudder. SL&NHR: you two are the funniest boys I know you have absolutely made some memories at King, love you both AH&JS&BA&AD: my junior boys! You guys are the best, love you all!! Goodluck next year seniors! ND&NS&MK&SF: shaw daw g & dirt Y kleane & guys are my boys and ima miss you guys next year w eve had lots of funny moments. TL: M y locker buddy from freshman year., its been a long time since then but im so happy w e have been able to maintain our relationship this long, King would not be the same without you, thank you for everything you've done for me, saying goodbye will be impossible. Alright class of 2012. w e audi 5 0 0 0 !

sure w e ll continue to h a ve a lot more fun times, but don't fo rg et to sprinkled in a couple b raw ls. DANDY: You guys a re aw eso m e. KINGSOCCER: It's been a g re a t past 4 ye a rs, thanks for all the g re a t times, this y e a r w e had a g re a t season and took a nice one right on everyo n e. EL JB AF DR k ee p the le g a cy going next ye a r. MD: H ire me so m eday w hen you run the w o rld ? SL

KM: W e did it. KL: I am b etter than you a t super smash bros an d I'm a b etter singer. Senior y e a r

w ouldn’t

h a ve been the sam e without you. Relax a little though, you a re bound for greatness, and hopefully you'll bring me along for the ride. KL HC LM: W h a t up C C K . KS: Idk my bff Jill? AA: You're a chump, h a ve fun next ye a r. FH: Still going to tickle you. HF: Riding isn't a sport. ND: I e xp e ct you to becom e a fra t star. EC: You a re aw e so m e , k e e p if going.

EDN: I feel like I've actually known you my whole life. Thank you doesn't even begin fo cover how much I appreciate everything you've done for me the past 4 years. You are an amazing friend and an amazing person in general. Ya alw ays laughed at my jokes even if they weren't funny. It s gonna be SO weird not seeing you every single d a y .Jo Lola: get it together...colfege is a whole nother ballpark homie. <3 AEP & KBS: M y caramel macchiato. N O more shake shack or visiting aja at bang bona. Even though me ana Kaleen hated each other before you came aja. I'm glad everything turned out the w a y it did. The sisters I never had but actually wanted (hi morgan). Even when aja w as moddy and telling me to shutup or when Kaleen w as actually tackling me into lockers. RYR: O h my real partner in crime. W e have had our rough (very rough) times but I really do love you like a sister no matter what. You are one of the creepiest but funniest people I know...but let's remember 2 things for college. 1-no business calls in class and 2 -N O PRETZELS IN THE BED. LM M : M y gym/French buddy! I hope you finally learn how to booty pop. :) G onna miss yo so much. LEF: the craziest person i know. No matter what happens you truly are a good friend. Well have to hold off on # lindseyfaigquotes for a while. RM R No more gossiping about TL and KS tehehehe love you so much rosaaa, have an amazing year. 6 0 D O L L L O O O R S S S . SJB: one or the most genuine people I met at King. French would have actually been the worst without you. Thank you for alw ays putting a smile on my face even when I w as in the worst mood ever. I'll miss you so much. MSR O h matttyyy....even though you dropped a book on my head in precalc, I still love ya...gonna miss you and your (not so funny) jokes...aaaaand boom goes the dynamite. NKP: Literally the nicest guy. A lw ays there when I needed to vent, or in pysch when I would hit you for no reason...! hope college is everything you want and more. JS, AH, DS, BAHooooks like you guys are all alone now! Best of luck fo you too. Rei and Shannon: Enjoy high school!! Love you 2012: Congrats to all of you guys!


M J- Don't eat midgets. Find the sorcerers stone. Happy run all the w ay. W ork on your parking skills. Kings of Lion. SA T drama queen. Milliedife. Luke? Am I your Father? I'm happy you no longer hate me, even if I didn't know you really existed. Mehh, I'll miss you.

AS- Yes, the camp kids really think you're my mom. Mini tie-dye shirts? O k I've been at lest 2 C C meetings on time. Rainbow notes are the best. Be artsy! W hy are w e so cool? HVD&KK- shots and set ups, Lehigh boy confessions, black out conversations and aw k w ard situations in general. I'll miss you guys. RJ- I'm happy you expanded your vocabulary. I promise the picture book will come....eventually. If you get abducted by aliens you better be back before xc. Honestly how on earth did w e become friends.

KN- I got your back when the sweatshirt

These past three years at King have been amazing especially because of my family and my friends. To my parents: I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me my whole life. I truly appreciate everything you have done for me throughout my years at King. As for football: man I don’t even know where to start fellas. You guys are my brothers forever man. W e've been through it all together: wins, losses, fun, sad moments. To my fellow captains, Tanner: I’ve gotten to know you over these years at King and when I first visited you ve been one of my best friends ever since. Schneider: W e both came in the same year and w ere the new kids on the block that year. W e've bonded over these past years and you’re my brother. And A -M ac: You're a great kid and a great friend. You guys will never be forgotten and I'm glad to have shared these past three years with you guys. As for my other brothers, Jojo Santi: Dynamic duo in the FA A , Zach, Bo BShock.. my partner in crime but stop cuffin...RJ, Big Al, Donkey, Jack, Guilbert and all others that I forgot to mention. I love you guys. King Football for life. And to my fellow seniors, I've had three great years with you guys and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Matt Regg, you've been my boy for three years now. Love you kid. Raven, Taylor, Aja, Kaleen, Erica, all of you have been my friends through these fhree years and you guys are amazing. Lindsey, I know w e ’ve been through a lot but I just wanted to say that through it all you are still my friend. Nigee, you're my boy and one of my best friends. Gaynor, been in the same advisory with you since day one and you've been one of my good friends ever since. Spad the All American.. Drew Love: my guy... going back to those Oklahoma days when w e used to ball together and then coming to King together w e've been friends ever since. I'm gonna miss you bro. And last but not least, Rachel: I've only known you since junior year, but you've been a great friend to me and you're an amazing person. I'm glad I got to know you over these years. You have all been great friends to me and I love you all.

attacks (or the corset). Rock Band Champs. Yes I really am god, don't let them fool you. W e will open that C a fe when w e are 8 0 . Has a gay man ever call you a beautiful couple? No, I think not. PD- I thought your where Asian. Indonesia is really Japan. Too bad w e never actually got to sit in the front row in M r. G 's class.


AC- Puma. Enough said 281







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D e a r H a llie , We a r e s o p ro u d o f Y O U a n d y o u r c r e a t iv it y , b rig h t sm ile, cjuiclc wit, bind n a tu re , p e r s e v e r a n c e , an d h a rd w orld C o n g r a t u la t io n s on f o u r w o n d e rfu l y e a r s a t K in g . We love y o u a n d w ish y o u much h a p p in e s s an d s u c c e s s in c o lle g e . T h e p a s t 17 y e a r s h a v e b e en am azing! We will m iss y o u !


With much lo ve, Mom, D a d an d K a tie



“Don’t aim for success if you want it, Just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.” - David Frost Congratulations, Hannah, and the King class of 2012! We are proud of our loving, thoughtful, sweet girl. We’ll miss your happy smile. Love XOXO, Mom, Dad, Rachel and Billy

Dear Troy, You made it! Now carry on! Set your goals & follow your heart, your journey is just beginning. Keep your spirit and your wonderful personality right in front of you & your dreams will follow. We will be with you all the way. All of our love, Mom, Dad, Kelley & Tim, Seca, Monte & Jameson

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Tour wholefamily is extremely proud ofyou and all of the bard Woi\and dedication youput into everything that you do. We pray that youfind success and happiness in the nextfour years and beyond. We are always here cheering you on in your eVery endedVor. fgo'Ve, cDad, fhCom, Qeorge J^rances



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"zyfud Wepray...tie/tyou way //Tea life iiw tiy o ftie jÂŁord andwayp/ease bin/ in ft/ery Way;hearingfn/ifin fl>erygood Wo/fy andgrowing in tie fymv/edge ofQ od..." (foiossians t./o


Sarah Evangeline, Congratulations! We are so very proud of you. Go forth with all your heart and best of luck in all that you do. Remember, this is only the beginning and " This above all: to thine own self be true." Hamlet, Shakespeare Love, Rachel, Stitches, and Dad

Carter, We love you and are so proud of you Smile Forever. Mom, Dad and Emily

Thru, the years>...

Y ou turned our world around

W eVe s o p roud o f you m y dear

Cong ratulatlons r e c c !!

Congratulations, ^Amandal ^All our hit>e, <dMom, ‘Dad, Jamie, andJJtepbanie!

How did it get so late so soon? -Dr Seuss

Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else. -Winston Churchill

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. -Mark Twain

dAmanda Vs{icole ^cbtoart^

May you have the hindsight to know where you've been; the foresight to know where you're going; and the insight to know when you're going too far. -Irish Blessing

Some look at things that are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were and ask why not? -George Bernard Shaw

Tell me, what is it you plan to do With your one wild and precious life Mary Oliver Congratulations, Maggie! Can't wait to see what's next. Love, Mom, Dad, and Mac

Congratulations, Maggie! We are so proud of you!! Love, Mom, Dad, Dennis, Chris and Mary

We are so proud of the man you have become. Your drive to excel has allowed you to accomplish so much. We know this is just the beginning of your many successes. Remember to set your sights high, never be afraid of failure, and as BB Frank Sinatra sings lj^ , "Do It Four Way." Love You Always, Dad, Mom, Maria, Daniela & Thomas

ConflratuCations. MJe are so proud o f you f o r a tf your accompCishments a n d for you r preat personality a n d character. ‘Wherever you po, whoever you meet, w h atever you do, w e Cove you fo rever a n d more! Love, Mommy, (Daddy, Manny, Sari, MeCissa, (Marf ViCma, Lnrique, Sfeidy, (Nino Jufia

C o n g ra tu la tio n s, "P o ire st! W hatever road you choose, weVe right behind you, win ot* lose. Love, D a d , TVlom, Laurel, and /SJana

Justin W hatever ro a d you choose in life, know that your family loves and supports you.

ÂŽ9e8**8Âť, rPjtk'4

Stephen: We are all very proud of the man you have become and strive to be.

TA YLO R "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. Ancfyou know w hat you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide w here to go." ~Dr. Seuss





o n g r a tu la tio n s


a tte l

W e a re so proud of all you have accomplished. M a y you catch the stars you're wishing on to bring you a life full of peace, love, laughter and happiness. M a ke the w orld a better place. Love, M om , D ad , D avid , Nanny, Bubby, G ran d p a and Louie.


"Be yourself; everyone else is alread y taken.'" -O scar W ilde

"How did it get so late so soon?" -Dr. Seuss

Wick, Y ou are *viy best frleK d, I ca n 't IrvtaglKe Kdc kavtKg you arouK d Kext year, I wolLl Kvass our ca r rid es PurviplKg fro our kviusIc, aKd our stra n g e aKd our d eep c o n v e r s a tio n , 1 wolll rvilss our stupua flg k ts aKd s te a lin g your swoeacsklrts, Y ou kave beeK frke g r e a te st brotker aKy gtrL c o u ld a sk fo r . We kave gotteK tkrougk so rviuck to g etk er w^klck brougkt us c lo se r , I lo v e you aKd w^lll rvdss you so rviuck! lo v e , Y our best frleK d, goorst eKerviy, SarviaKtka

C ongratulations fo r a ll you r g rea t accom plishm ents! W e are so p ro u d o f you a n d you a d d so much to our lfoes. W e belifoe in you a n d lo o f fo rw a rd to you r new life adventures. f(e e p reaching fo r you r dream s, (fo o d luck\ n ext year. W e loPe you Pery much! dM om , D a d W D eter

TVick, you make us happy and proud every minute of every day. W e love you, yVVom and D a d




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Congratulations, Michael! Love, i Mom, Dad, Ryan, Meaghan,Kristin and Sam

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Congratulations Nicky With much love Mummy, Peter and Iz z y


Congratulations to Will ...and the Class of 2012!! Much Love, Mom, Dad, Marne, grandma and grandpa,Jonathan, JLndrew and Laura, and Your Jiunts and VncCes


15 great years at King!

Congratulations, Chris!

Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart. Love, Mom, Dad, Alex and William

n <e > T ro ts i<

e.a'fete.r l a builoi

I'm not afraid to take a stand. Everybody come take my hand

Well I guess this is growing up

Where do we go, sweet child o'mine.

With a chance to make it good somehow, hey what else can we do now?

Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, There's still time to change the road you're on.

And you may ask yourself, well how did I get here?

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.

Congratulations Eli Campbell

WITH ALL OUR LOVE, Mom - Dad - India - Tony - Erika - Ruby -Jackson Dave - Christine - Lindsey - Nolan - Bridget - Gambi - Debbie

CONGRATULATIONS, MATHIAS! We love you and could not be more proud of what you have accomplished and who you’ve become. Good luck in college and we hope all your dreams and wishes come true. We love you with all o f our hearts, Papito, Mami, Thomas, and Lucia

Dear Nigee, We are so proud of you. Always remember to treat others the way you would like to be treated. Find something to be passionate about and be willing to take risks to achieve your dreams Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad

Nigee Along with that great smile you have great ambition... as long as you continue greeting the world with those two qualities everyday ... the rest will take care of itself. Stay sweet and be true to yourself. Love, Sainz, Kameka and Jayla

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Ob-la-di,Ob-la-da, life goes on.... Hold on tight and enjoy the ride! We love you so much Mom, Dad and Jenny ' ,N ?]£ vU ^

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the one who’ll decide where to go. ~ Dr. Seuss ?i£ I am so proud of you and who you have become! Congratulations! Love you, T ?| N

7| N

Trust yourself Linds... You know more than you think you do... and you can do more than you think you can! Be true to who you are. Life is just beginning for you... embrace it!! Love you bunches... Nana Tina

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AweTitton, *D<ulf &tuviltie, OUie, S M y , cutd Himmy

Dear Kev: Congratulations! The time has gone so fast! Its been a pleasure watching you become a terrific young man. Always work your hardest, strive to be the best, aim high, and don’t forget to have fun on the way. No matter where your journey takes you, remember that we love you and we are extremely proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Bryan

When one door closes, another opens: but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell

It is our choices. ..that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. ~Albus Dumbledore

We are very -proud o f you. Love, Moru, T>ad,Jake and Mitch

"Stay <S 'tro v^, Mic-Wl You Uave, ac-c-owipWLed a lot"uiod w e a re , n^TC-redibly proud of*you. Love, Man% Lfode <S Luc-a*£>


Do not follow w here the path may lead. Go, instead, w here there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Charlie Bear, Chuckles, Chuckie D, You've become such a wonderful young man. You've worked so hard and we couldn't be prouder. Keep smiling and reach for the stars! All our love & congratulations, Mom, Dad & Henry

Congratulations Tommy We are so proud of who you are. xoxoxo M o m and Pad

f m iW


Dave, You went from being the shortest in the family to the tallest. We probably can't tell you what to do anymore! Happily, you never listened anyway. You managed to carve your own successful path. Nice work little bro, but just remember you will always be our LITTLE ■£■ brother! We love you. Good luck in college.


Elizabeth and Chris Dav'd< thank you for the amazing memories. It has truly been a joy watching you grow up over the years. You may be out of the house but you will never be far from our thoughts and hearts. We love you so much. "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."

-a * mm

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(Lincoln) With love and best wishes as you begin the next chapter in your life, Mom and Dad.

To David and the Class of 2012: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." ( Thoreau) Congratulations!

rJp IP

Dear Paul,


You are always successful in all your endeavors, and I will always look up to you. Good luck in college, it's the start to your life and only the beginning of your future. I love you! Stephanie You inspire us with your spirit of adventure, intelligence and kind heart. We know you are ready for the next adventure in your life and we are confident you will be happy and achieve greatness. We are so proud of you! Love Always, Mom & Dad I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. I can't wait to see where the next chapter of your life takes you but I know you will embrace it. Good luck in college. I know you will continue to thrive. Love, Demetri

C o n g r a t u la t io n s , A li ! Y o u r s m ile g iv e s u s f a i t h ... Y o u r la u g h t e r g iv e s u s j o y . . . And your c o u r a g e g iv e s u s hope. W e a re so p ro u d o f you. A lw a y s . Love, M om , Dad, D a v id & B r i a n

D e a r Nicholas,

W e hope you know how much w e love you and how ve ry proud w e a re o f you. A lw a y s keep your dream s, your sense o f humor, your determ ination and your w it w he re ve r you go! W e w ill be w ith you in sp irit and you w ill be in our hearts! Love, M o m , D a d and Pe te r

KALEEN, may there be lucky stars above you, sunshine on your way, many friends to love you, joy in work and play - laughter to outweigh each care, in your heart a song - and gladness waiting everywhere, all your whole life long. M & D

Good luck for the years to come. It won’t be the same without you home and I’ll miss our date nights. Love you - Shannon

We love you Kaleen, way to go. Patrick


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Stay golden Sunshine. I am gunna miss you being 2 doors down. Love you Rei

K e L s e y mm |

W e are so proud and grateful to have you as our daughter and sister.

y o u have grown into a beautiful young woman who faces life with a smile. Continue to smile and dance to the music always.

Love, yvium, D a d , Christian, .Ashley, Kyle and B rent


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you can and yo u ’r e h alfw ay th ere -

Theodore Roosevelt

To the most patient younger brother; kindest older brother and sweetest son on earth! Off to college you go and we will all miss you so! Much Love Always, Mom~Dad~Ashley & Isabelle , Mom~


It is w ith joy in our hearts and immense p rid e th a t w e w atch you take the next step on your journey. W e could not be more proud o f whom you have become. H a ve fa ith in yourself and keep reaching fo r the stars. Love alw ays, M o m , D a d and John

iil lllll i*v- ÂŤS*s

Kieran, You've grown and changed so much (in some ways) We're very proud of you.... Love, Mow, Pad, Colin, Austin ÂŁ Molly



We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished. Love Mom, Dad, Robbie, Brianna and Portia


"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your h e art." Psalm 37:4


We are so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You are truly a blessing to us and you bring happiness to all who know you. Great job, buddy! Love, Mom, Dad, David, Karina, Danielle & Chance






Y e ^ rt> ÂŁ > c > W

Editors-in-Chief: Katie Kuntzman & Riley Jay Seniors:

Amanda Schwartz, Charlie van Roden, Hannah Van Dolsen

Underclassmen: M artha

Whamond, Alex M irza , Katharina Focke,

Frances Jay, Emily G reen, Alyssa M eyers, G e rard Pozzi, Hannah Freund, Tessa Fox

Faculty Advisors: M arion Haymann


& Rachelle Trimarchi

Ines Thieme



M iddle School Advisors: John Faig & Elizabeth Blanchard Lower School Advisors: Sue Laramie









Julia Rachinsky-Wood





1. Definitely start early - you'll be thankful later. 2. Be sure to organize your staff within the first few meetings. 3. Bring your camera with you everywhere, and you'll have no problems with candids! 4. Always ask to get close to games when you're taking sports candids and your pictures will magically become better. 5. Enjoy the process while it lasts and you will have an amazing yearbook!


T V * * io V - vc>u!

Thank you to everyone: Students, Faculty, Parents, and S ta ff who took photos fo r the yearbook. Thanks to your efforts, we w ere able to create a unique book this year. Mme. Haymann & M s. Thieme: we couldn't have done all of this without you! Madame, thank you for keeping us calm throughout the whole process. We needed your levelheadedness & dedication to accomplish all of the work we had to get done. M s, Thieme, thank you for keeping us on top of our deadlines. We wouldn't have gotten everything in on time if it weren't for you.

Riley Jay & Katie Kuntzman

The King community would like to recognize Cornelia Jones's 25 years of service. Thank you, Cornelia! W e wish you the best for what lies ahead.


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