King School Yearbook 2018

Page 1



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Tom Main's Letter


All-School Departments



Lower School




Upper School


Class o f 2031


Class o f 2030


Faculty Class o f 2021

98 102

Class o f 2029 Class o f 2028

18 20

Class of 2020

108 114

Class o f 2027


Class o f 2026


Class of 2019 Curriculum Clubs

Class o f 2025



128 132

Middle School


Arts Academics

168 182

Faculty Class o f 2024

52 55


196 210

Class o f 2023 Class o f 2022

58 61



Seniors Ms. Sadlowsky's Letter Farewells


213 379

THEME The theme of the 2018 yearbook is “connected.” Within the King community, we are all connected. Whether we are faculty members, a member of the class of 2031, or a member o f the class o f 2018, we are all linked together through King and the memories we have jointly created here. Whether attending the Into the Woods musical, the hockey team’s Teddy Bear Toss, or the King Cares 5K, we all support each other through our accomplishments and our challenges. By beginning this book with PreKindergarten signatures, and ending it with Senior signatures, we strive to connect everyone in between. We hope that as you look through this book, you will find connections between your personal experiences and those of others that are shown on the pages in front of you. We have no doubt that our connections to each other and the King community will continue to thrive beyond the walls of our school.

King Publications Course The Publications course is a minor, full-year class focused on creating the Upper School yearbook. This multifaceted course includes: journalism, photography, and other design elements. Students work to meet deadlines, bridging the gap between King and the working world. As indicated in the surrounding pictures, this course relies heavily on collaboration; students become a team as they work to finish their assigned tasks.

The 2018 Publications Staff consisted of four sophomores (Christina Contadino, Diana Degnan, Cigi Skolds, and Ally Triano) and three seniors (Ellie Garnett, Maeve Snover, and Caroline Strom), and was advised by Mrs. Bowe and Dr. Schulman.

Senior Editors: Caroline Strom '18 Maeve Snover 18 Ellie Garnett 18

"I first met Tom in 1983 when he was hired to teach English and coach football at King School. Co-ordination between LowHeywood Thomas and King was growing and it was easy to identify the strengths of both schools. Tom Main was certainly one o f them. His skills as a successful classroom teacher and the quality of the relationship Tom had with his students and players made him a most valuable, professional educator. When Tom came to me towards the end of the 1989-90 school year and said he had an opportunity to move on and up in his career I was happy for him but not for our schools. At an exit interview I told Tom that I believed he had the potential to be a Head of School one day and if he ever needed a recommendation I would like to support him.

It was an evening in the winter o f 2000 when the phone rang. My husband answered it and said to me, 'You will want to take this one.' I surely did want to take the call because it was Tom telling me he was a candidate for a headship position. I was absolutely thrilled when he said it was at KLH T. I knew a search was on but I did not know the names of any candidates yet. The rest is history and what a remarkable 16 years of accomplishments it has been. During my tenure as Head of the school I often described its stages as 'surviving, arriving, and aspiring.' Now, as an alumna, a parent, and a grandparent I say, with appreciation and gratitude, 'Tom, your outstanding leadership has brought us to the stage o f 'thriving."” -— Sue Cesare '48, P 78, former Faculty and Administration, and Head of School '71-'96

“When I was visiting King for the first time, I stumbled upon Mr. Main and was immediately struck by how kind and down-to-earth the headmaster of the school was. That same man later decided to take a chance on me by admitting me in the middle o f the summer, and my two years at King have completely changed my life for the better. I owe a large part of that to Mr. Main, and while the entire King community will miss his steadfast leadership, I will remember him for his unwavering kindness and friendship." — Max Helman 18 “I first met Tom in the early 80s when we were both 8th grade teachers at King. Tom always had a great rapport with the students and was passionate about teaching English and coaching. From teaching, socializing and taking groups o f students skiing together, I quickly saw how dedicated, motivated, and driven Tom was with everything he did. After pursuing other opportunities, Tom returned to King and brought that same passion and dedication back to our community at a time when it was needed the most. Tom ’s leadership renewed a sense of unity and value as he helped to take our school to the next level. Much of what King has become is because o f Tom ’s hard work and devotion. Because he & I grew up together at King, it seems fitting to be bidding him farewell from this same place. Tom, I wish you all the best on your new journey.” -— Pat Doering, MS Academic Dean

"I grew up on this campus, and I can’t really remember a time not knowing Mr. Main and seeing him at King. My favorite memory is when he coached me in middle school lacrosse. The best part of playing for him was talking and laughing with him on the sideline between drills or quarters. Mr, Main made the game fun, which made me love lacrosse, but he also taught me about trust, respect, and working hard. Good luck, Mr. Main, I wish you well.” — Kelly Gouin 18


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TOM MAIN "I had the pleasure of working with Tom for the ten-year period I served on the Board, four of those as President. As a Trustee, alum, a parent and as the son of a past Head, I can’t say enough about what Tom has done for our school. King progressed so much under Tom ’s leadership that it was in many ways unrecognizable from the school he returned to as Head in 2000. But in all the most important ways it was and is immediately recognizable as the School Tom came to as a coach and English teacher in 1983 and the school I graduated from in 1978. Mr. Main did a masterful job in fostering growth at King while keeping its soul vital and true. Tom describes King perfectly when he speaks of the 'elegant humanity of the place.’ It takes a whole community to achieve what King has done during Tom ’s tenure. But, leadership matters and Tom has provided that in spades.” — Ed Cesare 78, former Trustee of the School, P 12, Board of Trustees President '09-13, Head of School Search Committee Co-Chair I have been at King for 14 years, and I can confidently say that Mr. Main has not failed to smile and greet me or give me a handshake every single day. His legacy at King will be remembered just as I described: happy and friendly and always there with a big smile." — Abby Price 18


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"Although I am sad to see Mr. Main leave King, it seems right that he 'graduates' with the class of 2018. Mr. Main has watched all of us Lifers grow up from little 5 year-olds learning how to spell our own names to accomplished seniors on the way to college. His smile and jokes are always a comfort to see in the hallway after a stressful day and have helped to shape us into the people we are today. Thank you, Mr. Main and good luck!" — Austin Hanley 18 "Tom’s impact on King is truly transformational! Most noteworthy is his exceptional leadership to establish King as a mission-driven school of educational excellence. With a tireless enthusiasm and optimism, he successfully educated two generations of parents about the importance of philanthropic generosity beyond tuition dollars - always in the spirit of providing the best education for our students while furthering our mission. The results are evident in a dramatically transformed campus that serves students’ interests. Tom also provided extraordinary support for the faculty to deliver the mission with excellence and consistency. His uncompromising ambition to create a superb faculty is grounded in virtually limitless PG&D resources - a collective commitment to deepen pedagogical practices, increase our subject knowledge, and improve our understandings of child development and learning. Most importantly, Tom cares deeply about our students’ well being. Whether it’s in the boardroom or on the lacrosse field, his decisions were always made in the best interests of the students. Without question, Tom exceeded expectations in creating a mission-driven school dedicated to prepare its students to “thrive in a rapidly changing world.” This is a legacy that will benefit King students for generations to come!" — Alex Weiner, Dean of Faculty

Dear King Community, It’s a pleasure for me to write this introduction to the 2018 Yearbook. While this book serves as a celebration of the class of 2018, it’s also a record o f our entire school community for the year 2017-18. One o f the things I’ve always appreciated about the King community is how deeply connected we are- students, teachers, parents, alums, trustees, administrators, and friends o f the school. We all combine to form this wonderfully connected school community. Four-year-olds look up to fourth graders, and middle schoolers look up to upper schoolers; programs often cross divisional and grade-level lines. Parents feel at home on campus. Alumni take great pride in returning to their school. One o f the great joys o f working in Pre-K-12 education is that we get to see students as they pass through so many of the milestones that are a part o f growing up, and we often see them years after they graduate. We know their families. All o f this brings me to this class o f 2018: a class connected to our school in so many different ways. Not only are they graduates, many o f them are siblings o f graduates, or children of alumni, or siblings of younger King students. They have connections with teachers throughout the school, and they have worked with students in different divisions. They have contributed, matured, succeeded, and struggled to become the individuals and the class they are today, an important part o f the larger King community. We are incredibly proud o f this group. We know they will be successful in the years to come, and we look forward to staying connected to them as they venture off to college and their lives beyond college. Warmly, Thomas B. Main, Head o f School

King Mission Statement King is dedicated to preparing its students to thrive in a rapidly changing world. We provide an excellent, progressive education, grounded in the traditional disciplines o f the arts and sciences, committed to the nurturing of individual potential, and designed to promote critical thinking and reasoned reflection. Using rich and innovative methods, our Teachers facilitate each student’s fullest academic and personal achievement. We champion the development of character, self-confidence, and talent through challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership, and service opportunities. King believes that individual accomplishment must go hand in hand with respect for others. Our culture of respect fosters collaboration as well as independence. We embrace human and cultural diversity. We value responsible citizenship. King graduates are well equipped to succeed in college and to pursue lives o f ongoing inquiry, learning, accomplishment, personal fulfillment and social responsibility.

Integrity Understanding and living by our values with authenticity.

Kindness Intentional consideration and compassion for others.

Perseverance Relentlessly pursuing excellence with a focus on growth and improvement.

Respect Treating every person with dignity and civility through honoring ourselves and others in our words and actions.

Admission Nina Newman, Merrill Shafer, Marc Saracino, Catherine Lewis, Dana Thomas

Facilities Michael Arias, Kevin Scott, Jenni Vitti, John Zatorsky, Carlos Escalante, Dale Baldwin Randall Lienhardt, David Sotire, Dougjohnson, & Bob Seyler

Associate Heads of School Kim Leeker & Mamie Sadlowsky

Assistant to Head Judy Valentine

Athletics Dan Couin, Mark McAndrews, Patrick Nielsen, Tom Decker, Nicole Baratz, Micah Hauben, Jason Bouton, Artie Waters, Karen Celia, EmmaJonsson

Food Services Gladys Loaiza, Lelio Vieuxjr, Wesley Douglass Evelyn Gomez, Francisco Sanchez, Susan Geddes, Carmen Jimenez Rafaela Rosa, Mendez Yanerys, Rosa Dibatistajeremias Barrera

Dean of Faculty Alex Weiner

Strategic Consultant in Residence David Hursty



Business Office Susan Price, Pam Pitasi, Suzanne Forbes, Denise Magalnick, Kim Leeker, Lisa Nero

Marketing and Communication Lakeya Craves, Tamra Lichtman, Kathleen O'Rourke

Development Lauren Fredette, Caitlin Halle, Karen Smyth, Cindy Dill, Siobhan Lidington

Institutional Technology Selina Policar, Bill Waldman, Monica Crbi



Lower School Faculty & Staff



Ms. Baratz

Mrs. Bryson

Ms. Celia

Mrs. Church

Mrs. Decker

Physical Education


Physical Education

Dir. of Teaching

Media Specialist

and Learning

Mrs. DePouli

Mrs. Dorta

Mr. Couin

Mrs. Grant

Ms. Grimaldi



Dir. of Physical




Mrs. Laramie

Ms. Ma

Mr. McAndrews

Ms. Morris

Mr. Nielsen

Computer Science


Physical Education


Physical Education

Ms. Ordan

Mrs. Santander-



Mrs. Smith Administrative



Mr. Waters Physical Education

Mrs. Raidt Head of the Lower School

The Lower School dedicates its pages to Mrs. Raidt. Thank you for so many years of hard work, love, and dedication to King. You helped make the Lower School a wonderful place to play and learn.

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Mrs. Dauk

Mrs. Stoddart

Poppy Sisko


■■ 1

■ 'tA .


T ® i t l W

Romany Shoemaker

Ryan Saracino

Mark Pece

Gigi Mendez







Mrs Rachinsky Wood

Mrs. McCullough







Oscar Campbell

Phoebe Coulombe

Samantha Guevara

Sophia Guevara

Sylas Lovallo











Mrs. Benedetto












\ V' _ ' \\

Adria Mallette

Ella Mendez

Patrick Sponheimer

Erica Mwenda

Neerav Trivedi










Timothy Drbul


Keith Guevara





Alec Linders

doss of 2027




Charlie Hendrickson

Marta Larini

Mason Dietz

Samantha Mizhen

Ana Failla

Siena Gambino





Jaxon Grayson

Grade 3

Ms. Pambianchi







Ollie Mansfield

Kau2 McGowan

Samantha Tillman


Mason Hauben

Grace Hillenmeyer

Qqss of 2026

Grade 4

Mrs. Eagleton

Lance DiBenedetto





Sowa Laryea-Adjei





Jackson Dooley

Charlie Schwartz

Haven Fischer

Samantha Spenner

Grade 4

Mrs. Santoro







Sophia Santomaro

Rowena Sawyer

Sophie Fishkin

Connor McAndrews





Kayla Ward

Michael Failla

%■ ■ ■ *■■*

Sofia Cepeda

Anya Anderson

Jaime Bautista

Jaipal Dohil

Elena Linders

Ludovica Berardi

Raphael Monteiro

Tv 4

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Brison Bickerton

Rydan Olson

Owen Blaine

Connor Brown

Liam Pufko

Sophie Walther



Qassof 2025

Grade 5

Lila Leibowits

Charlie Mattson

Liam McGuire

Matty Goldman

Jayden Grayson







Devon Lehneis

Gass of 2025


Grade 5







Felicity Coudie

Sydney Hauben


Austin Stanise


Parker Hay as hi

5th Grade Play: The Aristocats

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FACULTY AN D STAFF Administration

Chris Cunningham Head of Middle School

Pat Doering Academic Dean

Jessie Coulombe Director of Teaching and Learning

Jennifer Guevara Guidance Counselor

Alexandra Bosee Guidance Counselor


Keeniun Brumskill History

Lee Couch Math

Cheryla Greene Assistant to Head of Middle School

Stephanie Hoos English

Sharon Johnson Administrative Assistant

Emma Jonsson Life Skills


IhuiLi Mandarin

Nadia McGoran French

Sue Laramie Computer Science

Carolyn Patten English

George Lewis History

Michelle Sibrizzi Science

Ken Lewis History

Lindsay Silbereisen Science


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k in o

Jxil Annual

King C a re s


Charles Allard Braeden Anderson Olivia Barta Finleigh Benkwitt Matteo Bonivento

Tyler Bruno Mason Buerstetta Nicholas Butler Jonathan Couch Adrian Davies

Grant Dietz Cayden Dimsey


Grace Eagleton Caroline Ellis Leighton Ercklentz

Henry Feinstein Marsden Fine Forrest Fischer Ava Frascarelli Leonardo Frisoli

William Cage Lance Goodnow Matthew Graham Brown Jordyn Guevara Catherine Harvey

Morgan Hils Charlotte Janney Darsh Kumar Isabella Lane Samantha Leath

Zachary Lew Anthony Lima Mia Lynn Lily Maniscalco Josephine Marra

Delaney Marsh Ahmad Mickens Noah Mizhen Leila Mulshine Zachary Munno

William Nardella Spencer Neckritz Chase Perlman Chase Phillips Sawyer Phillips

Sydney Ryan Tatum Ryan Kyara Scialpi Ignacio Silvani William Szymanski

Divyen Trivedi Maximilian Wachter Ryan Wempen Kathryn Wentworth Leina Wyatt


William Anderson Kenneth Backes Nicole Barrera Mark Bennett Charlotte Black

Rupert Black Aidan Bresnahan Chase Brown Lucas Cepeda Tess Charney

Jonathan Decker Gregory Drbul Axel Fine Hunter Fine Simon Fox

Tess Fredette John Freeman Erik Frenes Charlotte Gage Griffen Caine

Ava Gillespie Julia Civenter Elizabeth Glinka Bliss Gooding Sofia Izurieta

Connor Karr William Kearns Beatrice Kelly Elizabeth King Gouri Krishnan

Nii Adorn Laryea-Adjei Clare Liao Phoebe Lightburn Samantha Lockyer Charlotte MacDonald

Brigitte McGuire Robert Morris Rayan Nabilzadeh Almond Nickerson Ian Nugent


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Emma O'Connor Alexandra Oxenstierna Kareena Pasumarti Kunaal Pasumarti Max Pinnock


James Raidt Jackson Rivas Dylan Schmitke Isabelle Schuh Hannah Shaw

William Smosky Lauren Stackpole Kurt Stuebe Lilah Sweillam Moira Wathen

Marcus Watts Harry Weisman Isabella White John Young



Birthday fW L

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Daniel Acosta Emily Alexander Isaiah Alteus Eva Andersen Ciovanna Armetta

Dalton Aysseh Catherine Baer Madison Barry Ashton Benkwitt William Bennett

Madeline Blattman Nolan Bryson Josephine Butler Hannah Carter Sarah Cepeda

Jeremy Cooke Charli D'Amelio Adam Donnelly Owen Donovan Daniel Dwyer

Erin Ercklentz Julian Eskandar Ross Falcon Peri Ferguson Emmi Freeman

Gillian Frey Jameson Cerson Leena Cerster Sydney Goldstein Jacob Gordon

Eleanor Coudie Ryan Hammoud Madison Hart Ronald Harvey Hugh Hentschel

Nikolas Hils Jack Holtz Rahill Jaiswal Prathik Kosanam Rebecca Laramie

Alexis Leibowits Carolina Leite Ramon Linders Olivia McGrath Mariana McOsker

Jamison Munno Arjun Narasimhan Luke Nardella Adam Nomani Ellie O'Hare

Roderick Olson Charlotte Ozizmir Tucker Pedersen Carson Perlman Nicole Roer

Jordan Rogers John Russell Lily Ryan Jonah Savitz Norah Shattan



Girls Volleyball Red

Back Row: Coach Celia, Rebecca Laramie, Emily Alexander, Jordan Rogers, and Isabella White Front Row: Caroline Steib, Madeline Blattman, and less Fredette

Back Row: Madison Hart, Taylor Tapscott, Carolina Leite, and Madison Barry Front Row: Lilah Sweillam, Nicole Barrera, Alexandra Oxenstiema, and Julia Giventer

Cross Country

Perry Ferguson, Coach Guevara, Jamison Munno, Charlotte MacDonald, Brigitte McGuire, John Russell, Connor Karr, Almond Nickerson, Alexander Walther, Rahill Jaiswal, John Freeman, William Bennett, Mark Bennett, Coach Tobin, and Phoebe Lightbum


and Chase Brown , w , Front Row: Luke Nardella, Lauren Stackpole, William Smosky, Robert Morris, Jackson Rivas, Marcus Watts, and Gregory Drbul

Coach Luke Auger, Ramon Linders, Adam Donnelly, Martin Ma, William Kearns, and Coach Doug Fishkin Back Row: Elizabeth Glinka, Leena Gerster, Hunter Fine, and Charlotte Gage Middle Row: Coach Nicole Baratz, Tess Chamey, Olivia McGrath, Elizabeth King and Coach Emily Prince Front Row: Isabelle Schuh, Moira Wathen and Emma O'Connor

Girls Soccer

Back Row: Coach Julie Tooher, Josie Butler, Charlotte Black, Emmi Freeman, Lily Ryan, Erin Ercklentz, Mae Towey, Samantha Lockyer, Kareeena Pasumarti, Sofia Izurieta, Clare Liao, and Coach Brian Coughlan Front Row: Gillian Frey, Gouri Krishnan, Hannah Shaw, Charlotte Ozizmir, Sydney Goldstein, Alexis Leibowits, and Sarah Cepeda

Back Row: Coach Neuvi Villanueva, Jeremy Cooke, Julian Eskandar, Daniel Acosta, Carson Perlman, and Rayan Nabilzadeh Front Row: Jake Gordon, Tucker Pedersen, Rupert Black, Ross Falcon, Arjun Narasimhan, William Anderson, and Dylan Schmitke

Back Row: Max Pinnock, Dylan Schmitke, Ian Nugent, Owen Donovan, Beckett Walters, Kurt Stuebe, Rupert Black, Rayan Nabilzadeh, and Coach Matt O'Shea Front Row: Kunaal Pasumarti, Lucas Cepeda, Simon Fox, William Anderson, Harry Weisman, and Nii Adorn Laryea-Adjei


Back Row: Sarah Cepeda, Jamison Munno, Josie Butler, Nicole Barrera, Owen Donovan, and Phoebe Lightburn Front Row: Sofia Izurieta, Gouri Krishnan, Daniel Dwyer, and Ramon Linders



Back Row: Coach McAndrews, Ashton Benkwitt, Nolan Bryson, Ryan Hammoud, Lauren Stackpole, Alexis Leibowits, Ellie O'Hare, Griffen Gaine, Coach Tom Grady, and Ava Gillespie Front Row: Nii Adorn Laryea-Adjei, Beckett Walters, Robert Morris, John Freeman, Charlotte Ozizmir, Mae Towey, and Brigitte McGuire

Boys Basketball White

Back Row: Ion Nugent, Simon Fox, Leonardo Berardi, Almond Nickerson, and William Kearns Front Row: Kenneth Backes, fames Raidt, Harry Weisman, Kurt Stuebe, Gregory Drbul, Rahill Jaiswal, and Mark Bennett

Boys Basketball Blue

Back Row: Alexander Walther, Axel Fine, William Smosky, Rayan Nabilzadeh, and W la m Anderson Front Row: Jake Gordon, Adam Nomani, Prathik Kosanam, Dalton Aysseh, and Julian Eskandar

Boys Basketball Red

Back Row: Roderick Olson and Isaiah Alteus Middle Row: Ronald Harvey, Kenneth Villard, and Daniel Acosta Front Row: Carson Perlman, Jonah Savitz, Marcus Watts, William Bennett, and Jack Holtz

Girls Basketball Blue

Back Row: Coach Becky Lotstein, Lily Ryan, Emily Alexander, Hunter Fine, Isabella White, Charlotte MacDonald, and Beatrice Kelly Front Row: Erin Ercklentz, Caroline Steib, Sydney Goldstein, Moira Wathen, and Kareena Pasumarti

Girls Basketball Red

Back Row: Coach Carol Brown, Charlotte Black, Rebecca Laramie, Leena Gerster, Gillian Frey, and Nicole Roer Front Row: Hannah Shaw, Emmi Freeman, and Elizabeth King

Strength and Conditioning

Hannah Carter, Luke Nardella, Martin Ma, Adam Donnelly, Madison Hart, Madison Barry, Taylor Tapscott, Madeline Blattman, Eva Andersen, and Norah Shattan

^ Row. Br0MX Connor Kan. KunQQ] p ^ a r t y ^ ^ prenes Front Row: Charlotte Gage, Lilah Sweillam, Emma O'Connor, less Chamey, Bliss Gooding, and Alexandra Oxenstiema


Rupert Black, Tucker Pedersen, Lucas Cepeda, Ross Falcon, Coach Sam VanBresslen, Jonathan Decker, Nikolas Hils, and Aidan Bresnahan

6th Grade Boys Basketball 5th Grade Boys Basketball

Back Row: Coach Ire Wilson, Marsden Fine, Noah Mizhen, Jonathan Couch, Chase Phillips, Sawyer Phillips, and Matthew Graham Brown Front Row: Will Szymanski, Will Nardella, Leo Frisoli, Ignacio Silvani, and Mason Buerstetta

Back Row: Coach Patrick Nielsen, Harrison Mirkin, Adam Spielvogel, Ethan Casimir, Rydan Olson, Alex Esposito, and Jack Brockmann Front Row: Matty Goldman, Liam Pufko, and Zach Louizos

5/6 Girls Basketball

Back Row: Assistant Coach Dana Chemet-Johnson, Sydney Hauben, Vivi Mansfield, Tatum Ryan, Bella Lane, Jordyn Guevara, Leina Wyatt, Samantha Leath, and Coach Micah Hauben Front Row: Kate Wentworth, Anya Anderson, Sophie Walther, Taylor Ansel, and Eila Olson

I N l U S U ' t A N Y W I IU U IS A TH REA T TO jtfS C A U C U f IN AN INESC A l’ABI E Nt IWORK r i S j If.l I CAR M EN I O' ''^STINY. \A X*,

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US Administration & Student Support Faculty members at King are talented, committed, knowledgeable, and passionate about their work. Our teachers inspire inquisitive minds and nurture independent thinkers. They understand that in order to be the strongest, most effective educators, they must be lifelong learners, and they know that the two are intimately linked. — King School Head of Upper School Marnie Sadlowsky Associate Head of Upper School Ted Parker

US Assistant Leslie Bruzik Assistant to Head of US Diane Barrett

Counseling Becky Rabassa, Lexi Bosee

College Counseling Jessica Landis, Emily Prince, David Volain, Michelle Sotire

Teaching and Learning Anne Moriarty, Heather Parker

US Deans & Activities Ian Lear-Nickum, Patrick O'Neill,Jonathan Coulombe, Margie Farrell, Cathy Mishkin, Megan Yelton

li fal

Computer Science & Digital Applications Brady Shoemaker, Riddhi Shah, Susan Hemtz, Isabelle Dionisiu

English Carolyn Patten, Suzanne Cigante, Tricia Manganello, Elizabeth Messinger, Julia Ryan, Daniel Block, Adam Boaz

History Laura Bowe, Christos Galanopoulos, Cathy Mishkin, Alex Weiner, Megan Yelton, lan Lear-Nickum, Patrick O'Neill

Mathematics Stacey Karipedes, Peter Yu, Alec Lash, Brian Salvesen, Jenna Temple, Emily Sayles, Victoria Khiznichenko, Kurt Schleunes, Sara O'Toole

Performing Arts Garrett Mendez, Mark Silence, Jackie Martino, Jennifer Segovia, Amy Darnton, Brian Miller

Science Ray Nelson, Dave Brandt, Rebaca Varghese, Tom Castonguay, Victoria Schulman, Joe Ryan, Nick DeFelice

Social Sciences Frank Roche, Heather Parker, Christos Galanopoulos, Megan Yelton, Laura Bowe, Tom Zoubek, Ian Lear-Nickum

Visual Arts Connie Nichols, Katie Toubin, Ran LaPolla

n0 -i a m : World Languages Ivan Ferrero, Tom Zoubek, Fracisco Gracia, Stephen Baldwin, Margie Farrell, Gilles Chosson, Claudia Lydon, Ihui Li, Denise Mihailoff, Siyang Ma

Maya Becker Anna Boeckman Olivia Boeckman Matthew Borchetta Carter Brown

William Burke Elijah Busch Ava Bussan Nicolas Camacho Fritz Conrod

Thomas Copley Hannah Cosgrove Maximillian Crook Jack Czaja Rebecca Degter

Sarah DiModica Harrison Feinberg Jackson Feinberg Tyler Ferdinand Adeline Fine

Jackson Fiscina Sydney Fishkin Eva Fragner Olivia Fragner JC Fredette

Paul Funk Christopher Caine Mark Caravel Julian Gonzalez Lily Gooding

Lucas Graham Brown Hannah Greene Quentin Hall Sarah Hammoud Ryan Heaton

Samuel Hillenmeyer Greta Hoffmeister Sadie Houston James Hudson Olivia ludicone

Robert Jacobs JacksonJanney Christine Jansen Sarah Kadlick Thomas Kelly

Addison Kline Nadia Kucher Alisa Kukharkin Jake Lammens Alex Lim

Kate Lockyer Jason Loeb Marina Malin Thomas MandelMantello Meredith Marra

Jason Marsella Ian Marsh Jay Martinez Alexander Millerchip Jacob Mizhen

Sean Mullen Jake Murphy Conor Newman Wafa Nomani Sophie O'Connor

Rachel Oberst Brian Ortiz Carolina Oxenstierna George Papanicolaou Christopher Patten

Alesia Paz Sophie Pigott Elizabeth Rizk Dylan Ross Jenson Ross

Char Russekoff Arynn Rybalov Joaquin Silvani Ned Smith MaryAlice Smith

Zoe Tinnesz Alex Wachter Oliver Waters Graham Williams Joseph Winterlich Not Pictured: James Davies Campbell Taylor What has been your favorite high school experience?

"Spending free time with my friends." — Ethan Anderson

"Having classes with all my friends." — Matthew Borchetta

FRtSHMAN CANDIDS What is the scariest part o f starting high school?


The Homework


Making Friends


New Environment

Finding your classes

"Get up, dress up, show up, and never give up." — Student Representatives MaryAlice Smith ‘21 and JC Fredette '21 "To the Class of 2021, welcome to the Upper School. The next three years will be filled with challenges. Rise every day to meet them. Feel free to pursue your individual passions, while growing close with your classmates and community." — Patrick O'Neill, Freshmen Class Dean

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What is your favorite snack to eat during flex?

9 Muffins

# Fruit Snacks # Chips/Chex Mix

9 Cookies/Oreos/SnackWells

# Donuts

9 Tater Tots 9 Brownies

# Oatmeal/Cereal # Bacon Egg and Cheese Sandwich

What movie about high school is most realistic?

High School Musical Mean Girls The Breakfast Club John Tucker Must Die Clueless Perks of Being a Wallflower She's the Man The Spectacular Now Pretty in Pink

Ellie Boeschenstein Olivia Borchetta Allie Braver George Chieffi Will Cline

Jake Cohen Robert Commaroto Christina Contadino Jack Coughlin Spencer Creveling

Erica Cunningham Dixie D'Amelio Kess Dardani Mark Davies Samantha De Chiara

Georgia Decker Diana Degnan Eric Degter Samantha Falcon Charlie Feinstein

Beckett Fine Turner Franco KJ Gallagher Lauren Carrigues Eitan Cenger

Zoe Goldberg Brian Gomez Charlotte Haight Will Hall-Tipping Christine Hanson *

DJ Hart Dani Hazelton Eliza Heaton Andrew Jennings McKinley Joseph

Wyatt Kane Cat King Thomas King Jackie Klein Davis Knight

Maddy Kyle Tim Landis Avery Lehneis Cate Leibowits Jacie Levethan

Kaden Lints Kaelin Main Abby Mancuso Peter Marsh Terry McGrath

Dylan McMorrow Ethan McOsker Tommy Morris Michelle Mule Grace O'Connor

Max Parrott Sofie Pasztor Taylor Perlman Wesley Petersen Jess Price

Patrick Raidt Lily Reichenbaum Estee Reiss Alex Rogers Gwyn Rothman

Jess Rozen Annie Salvi Andrew Scarlata Davis Shattan Olivia Sheridan

Alec Sherman Gigi Skolds Luke Stanise Amber Tapscott Kate Tifford

Justin Torres-West Ally Triano Jack Vanneek Kimberly Villard Mathilda von Guttenberg

Blake Waldner Chris Weingarten Mimi White Lucrezia Zichichi Lauren Zide

"Driving to

“Not being an underclassman."

school." — Abby Mancuso

— Estee Reiss


"The Class of 2020 reminds me of the quotation attributed to Napoleon regarding his impressions o f China: 'Let China sleep,' he said, 'for when she wakes she will shake the world.' I would update it to say, “Let the sophomores sleep, for when they wake they will shake the world!"' — Mr. Lear-Nickum, Sophomore Class Dean

Where do you like to shop?


JCrew, Polo Ralph Lauren, Vineyard Vines


Urban Outfitters


Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Free People


Sports Authority, Dick’s Sporting Goods,Nike, Adidas, Yeezy's


Hot Topic, Zumies, Vans

Math English History Science Visual Arts


Computer Science

0 0

Social Sciences Performina Arts

How long can you go without your phone? 1

# 30 minutes to 1 hour # 1 - 3 hours # 3-5 hours # 5+ hours

What color do you wear the most?

# Black # Neutral Colors Bright Colors # Multiple # Colors of your Favorite Sports Team

Kate Bantle Emily Barnard Haley Barros Kendall Battles Hannah Berrick

Elizabeth Boeckman Grady Boruchin Meagan Burston Luke Buttenwieser Alex Canevari

Mike Carnavalla Nick Carnavalla Brandon Chow Alonna Christy Victoria Crowe

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Portia Cummings Chris DellaJacono Augusta DeMartin Hope Deschapelles Louise Dill

George Dowling Kenny Dyson Caroline Eagleton Ava Edwards Mallory Ehlers

Elizabeth Essaid Josh Figueroa Charlotte Freund Matt Caravel Alexis Garcia

Sam Gleason Katie Glinka Eli Godner Julia Goldenberg Delaney Harris

Derek Hassan Riley Hicks James Hilton Blair Holey Alex Holtz

Robin Johnson Alex Kearns John Kennedy Alex Knorr Daniel Kulaguz

Jordan Kulick Greer Lammens Henry Lazarus Josh Lewis LeVaughn Lewis

Jenna Macrae Ari Maki Victoria Maronian Jack McOsker Jack Meizels

Henry Meyer Annie Michalski Marina Mirianthopoulos Sam Nadler Luke Nascimento

Chrissy Nelli Grady Norton Paul Noujaim Josh Palmer Anna Patten

Dean Pigott Sam Rabassa Cameron Raker Jack Reilly Ava Robinowitz

James Ross Jacob Savitz Tyler Shiffman Santiago Silvani Chloe Simonte

Joey Skarad Jess Steib Elena Teeter Harper Thorson Maggie Toal

Claire Tulloch Claire Tully Alexa Vassiliou Amelia Whiteley Annie Widder

Ashley Xu Justin Zide

Describe your grade in one word

Not Pictured: John Mancuso

A team." — Louise McOsker

Nick Perez Chris Rubich George Taylor

What is your favorite Olympic sport to watch?

"The class of 2019 is one o f the most tight-knit classes I have ever seen! The juniors demonstrate their leadership skills to the other grades and take pride in their teamwork, especially when it comes to decorating their hallway during Homecoming week. They are well poised to step up as the Senior class!" — Margie Farrell, Junior Class Dean

9 9 9

Volleyball/Beach Volleyball




Skilng/Snowboarding/FIgure Skating


swimmlng/diving/synchronized swimming

9 9

Tennis/Table Tennis

Soccer Dance/Gymnastlcs

Don't like watching sports

Upper School Curriculum Educational and Curricular Philosophy At King, we believe that our students bring a unique blend of interests, talents, and needs to the educational experience. Faculty design a variety of programs that draw out individuality through the processes of intellectual, physical, creative, emotional, and social inquiry and expression. Our curriculum is comprised of all opportunities that run through our students’ daily experience with the School. All activities and interactions that define this curricular context promote the acquisition of communication skills, the cultivation of intellectual ability, the evolution of individual character, and the attainment of personal growth. The curricular goal of the School is to maximize each student’s development within these four domains.

"I saw how passionate my friends were about this subject. Their constant involvement with the printers inspired me to try it out. Taking the first FAB class to incorporate 3D printing and design has also helped tremendously with the experience and has further expanded my knowledge and love for the subject. It’s not long until I realized that you can truly create anything you can imagine with only a couple clicks on the computer.” — Sofie Pasztor '20

“The reason why I love 3D printing is that every 3D printer is a factory, and imagine what will happen when everyone has access to a factory: the average man will be able to create breakthroughs on his or her own, and society will benefit greatly." — Spencer Creveling '20

) “I love all the different books we get to read and the discussions that follow. My favorite book we've read so far is Persepolis. I enjoyed that it was a graphic memoir. All o f the English classes at King that I have had are discussion based which allows me to speak my mind about what we're reading." — Cigi Skolds '20

"I think the thing about English is that it's so multifaceted. I had the opportunity to take two different English classes this year with two different teachers and syllabi, and the year really taught me how flexible an English class can be. Learning from two different perspectives while reading both fiction and nonfiction gave me insight on language and its effect on different people.1' — Maddy Backes '19

World Lanquaaes

"I love Spanish because it allows me to connect with people, culture, and literature that I otherwise would not be able to." — Michelle Mule '20

"I love French class because I am able to utilize both creative and structural sectors o f my mind. We do activities, presentations, and oral exercise to strengthen our comfort with the language. We talk about countries all over the world who hold French as a native language. We celebrate Mardi Gras! French is awesome." — Eliza Heaton '20

History 9h *i



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"I’ve learned so much from the King history department and want to say thank you to the teachers for being so uniquely passionate about your curriculum and for working to make each class memorable! Thank you Mrs. Bowe, Mr. O ’Neil, Mr. G, and Mr. Lear-Nickum for the best four years!" — Callie DiModica 18

"In the Modern Ireland class, it was interesting to see how the saying that history repeats itself is so prevalent in the Irish conflict and how something



that many people view as purely religious also becomes extremely political." — Emma Schaeffer 18




Social Sciences


"Next year, I will be in AP Comparative Government. I am incredibly excited for this class because it melds my love for government and my love for history. "Philosophy is significant because it serves as the paramount eye-opener; it makes you realize how little you know and laugh at how wonderful that is, since there is so much more to open your mind to .1' — Harriet Winterlich '18

I've been taught about the U.S government, but learning about governments from other parts of the world that operate differently than ours will give me a different perspective on our own government." — Luke Buttenwieser '19


"Whereas many subjects teach you

"Math is an aspect of everyday

information, math teaches you how to think. More important than the problems

life that requires concentration and appears in all facets of life

we solve are the strategies we use and the quantitative analysis, reasoning, and logic skills we develop. These skills are put to the test with challenging problems, including Dr. K's favorite Russian

whether simplistic or complex.

there is always a definite solution and no gray area.

competition-level questions, but what is most rewarding is how our training

By enhancing my knowledge, math readies me for all future

enables us to grow as thinkers." — Max Helman '18


"Why divide sin by tan? Just cos!” — Annika Ozizmir 18

My appreciation and love for math comes from that fact that

— Christina Contadino "20


"I like science because it offers answers and explanations to how the world works, while simultaneously creating new questions with every discovery. It can also generate curiosity and change your perspective on the world around you." — Portia Cummings '19

“Science is something that affects us at every moment of every day. Like an artist who spends hours drawing or a historian who spends hours writing, I could spend hours sitting in front of a microscope, looking at a slide. I remember reading stories about sicknesses and new developments and being absolutely enthralled. I love solving the mystery that sits in front o f me when I am in science class or lab.” — Hannah Berrick '19

Student Clubs Student Council

Student Activities

I uM iil


Drama Club

Sf. ir1|1 1 a


Math Team


Math Teachers' Assistants

Robotics Club

C rosscountry

It's oil about that pace! "The 2017 Cross Country season can best be described as a season


of change. It started with changes in training philosophy and filling the void from the seniors we graduated the year before. Looking at the team we became a team filled with an outstanding sense of balance between young novice athletes looking to begin their careers and senior leadership there to mentor them along l the way. Their hard work I and determination resulted I in a great majority of the I team setting personal bests jI by the end o f the season. II j ?, j

This year’s team has set high standards to build upon next year."

\ 1 — Coach Hart

"Cross Country was a great way to learn how to push yourself both physically and mentally." — AJ DeCrado '18

"I’m sure I can speak for the team as a whole when I say cross country is a family. These are the people that when I see on the sidelines at a race or in the hallway at school, I immediately smile." — Caroline Strom 18


“Whether it is at practice, at a race, or at school, there is always someone from the Cross Country team cheering you on.”— Ariana Loret de Mola '18 “As David Coggins said, 'if you get through the things you hate to do, on the other side is success.'” —-John Kennedy 19 "It has been an amazing experience to be on the Cross Country team for the past 3 years. I wish everyone the best next year!" — Rachel Bissell 18

Varsity Reid Hockey Sideline to the Circle! season is always watching

"One of the highlights o f our

everybody progressively become closer friends on and off the field.

season was definitely the Holy

During my four years on the team, the returning players were always super welcoming to their

our rhythm, and everyone really played as a team. Last

new teammates, and it sets a positive tone for all of the incoming players that makes the team feel more like a family. Even through adjustments in coaches, captains, and players, the bond within the team is


always consistent, which is what makes the field hockey season most enjoyable for me. I'll miss it all so much next year!" — Morgan Riley 18

Child game. We finally found

year, we had a tough loss to them, so it felt great to win 4-0 this year and know that our hard work paid off!" — Riley Hicks 19

"I think we had a great season and bonded a lot as a team this year I" — Callie DiModica 18

"This season we really came together as a team and were really successful, especially with the way we played towards the end o f the season!” — Alexea Papanicolaou 18

*# «

“In my opinion, the best part of the

Varsity Football Hustle, Hit, Never Quit! "The King football team put together

The Varsity Football

another fantastic season, going 9-1. We

team was named the N EPSA C Champions

won our second straight NEPSAC Class C Championship. This year's senior

fo r the second year in

class leaves as the most decorated in

a row. A fter a rough

King history with a 28-8 record, two NEPSAC Championships, and one

first quarter in their

FAA championship. This group of seniors set a standard o f outworking opponents in the weight room, field, and classroom."

championship game, the Vikings rallied fo r a 27-6 victory over Portsmouth Abbey.

— Coach Couin “There is nothing like football. It will be something I will miss every day of my life but never regret. The brotherhood you build with your teammates and coaches is unbreakable. Going out as backto-back New England Champs is one of the greatest feelings I have ever had here at King.”

"This season has without a doubt been one o f the most fun and memorable experiences I have had over my four years here at King. I will miss all o f our coaches and teammates." — Renn Lints 18

“B o y s ,! will always march into battle with you.” — Coach Couin “This was probably the most fun I have had playing football! We won New England's again, and it was one of the best seasons in King history! I love my teammates and will never forget them! Beat Navy!” — Evan Townsend-Henry '18

Varsity Soccer Kicking and Scoring! "I am seeing real development in the

"I think the highlight of the

team tactically and technically, both

season was when we played

in a team sense and individually. In

against Masters for the

our game versus C FA the team

second time. Everyone

displayed fantastic discipline and organization, keeping the score to

played their hearts out,

0-0 until halftime. Our decision­ making when on the ball has

and I saw the passion that each player had for the game, which really moved

markedly improved. The group as a whole has banded together

me. I believe this team has so much potential

and fought extremely hard in every single game. As their coach, I am very proud of their efforts and application."

and can't wait to see how they will do next year." — Rudy Vega '18

— Coach Darren “The boys' soccer team came a long way. After losing crucial


players last year, we proved that we are still a top team in the FAA. I'm so proud of how far we've corr — Luke Nascimento '19 i i i

i "The highlight of the season for me was our Homecoming game this year. We all banded together and connected so well on and off the field to play such an exciting game with 100% effort. It was an amazing day, and I was so proud of everyone." — Stella Silver '18

Volleyball Spiking up the Points! "When pre-season began, I started to play around with several positions King Varsity Volleyball ended the fall with another incredible season, bringing home the 4th

and putting people in new roles. Both Ali and Ava had never played their positions before, but they have great hands, court sense, and experience. It took them half the

straight FAA title and the third consecutive NEPSAC Championship.

season to get comfortable in their

Over the past four seasons, King Volleyball

managed to run and connect our offense. The rest is history and

has maintained an astounding 78-2 record, and the senior class will graduate having never lost a league or home match.

new roles, but, in time, the chemistry started to click, and we

now in the books. We managed to once again go undefeated in FAA conference play and win another FAA championship. We look to three-peat in the New England Tournament.” — Coach Tran

"Our season has been amazing; all of the effort we put into practice showed in the results o f our playoffs. All the players push themselves to their max every time they step onto the court." — Ali Wheeler 18

T h is team has been my family. My sisters and I have fought season after season to put all those banners in the gym. Dedication and passion kept us together.’ — Kelly Conheeney '18 “I have had so much fun playing volleyball for many years. Playing with this team was amazing, and I have learned many things from it. It is always nice to win, but to win with a team like this is something special. This sport has been a huge part of my life, and it will be amazing to leave with 4 FAA and 3 New England tiles. All I can say is thank you to my team and coaches for allowing me to be a part of something this incredible. I know this team will do great things in the future." — Stephanie Costabile '18

Varsity Basketball

"The team's success fed off of the bonds we formed throughout the season. What I mean by that is our skill level only shined through when we all became a family." — Abby Price '18

"The boys' overall record was 7-19, with a League record of 4-10, which was the most league wins in the past 5 years. Highlights incuded 2 regular season wins against Brunswick, with a dramatic come- from-behind win at Brunswick late in the season led by seniors Renn Lints and Evan Townsend-Henry to clinch home court advantage in the first round of the FAA tournament. Junior LeVaughn Lewis was All League FAA and Honorable Mention All New England andjunior Alex Canevari had an Honorable Mention All FAA and an Honorable Mention All New \ \ England." \ \ — Coach Dobbs (boys) "My favorite part about King Basketball is the bond we form as a team and how we really become a family. The season teaches us how to come together and work as a team to achieve a goal." — Alonna Christy 19

“I could not ask for a more fun and entertaining group o f guys to be with all season long. As a team we have accomplished things no other King basketball team has in recent years, and I am so proud of everyone for that. Thank you for a great 4 years o f varsity basketball." — Renn Lints '18

"Olivia Boeckman and Zoe Tinnesz started almost every game and probably felt the most pressure as they were freshman expected to help carry the team. Everyone on our team could have gotten most improved, but especially Zoe and Olivia. They both grew so much as players and people. They are going to be amazing players next year and the years to come." — Coach Prince (girls)

IVorsity Ice Hockey Skating towards an Icy Finish! "The King hockey team had a very successful season. We battled multiple injuries, which left us shorthanded, but the team rose to the challenge, displaying teamwork, sportsmanship, and determination: true championship qualities. The 2017-2018 team created a culture that will act as a foundation for the bright future of the King Hockey program." — Coach Savage "My favorite game this season was the Trinity game. Our teamwork really paid off, and the fans were great! King really came through and showed their passion and spirit!" — Richard Focke 18



"I am proud of King Hockey and the way we compete. Everyone gives one hundred percent and supports each other on and off the ice. We are great teammates and great friends! Being a part o f this team is my favorite memory of King." — Kurt Voges 18 "Playing on the boys' varsity ice hockey team this year has been an incredible experience. As the only girl on the team, I was unsure at first of how the season would go, but it has turned out to be one of the best experiences I have had at King. My coaches and teammates were always so welcoming and encouraging." — Colby Lopez-Balboa 18

(Varsity Squash Squashing the Competition! "The squash season was fun and challenging. Both teams enjoyed a new experience of participating the high school national tournament in Philadelphia. The girls worked hard and gave their best effort in practice and matches. The boys had a lot of young players fill in for the varsity throughout the season and had a successful season i making it to the high l school national | consolation finals." | —Coach McAndrew

"The players each matured and improved a lot through the season, and I am so proud of the progress we have made. I am looking forward to playing in college, and I hope to see everyone from the team pursue Squash outside of King as well." —Gabe Salvi '18

"I have been on the squash team since freshman year, and it has been my favorite part of high school. I am beyond happy to have grown with the team, and I cannot wait to see what they accomplish next year." —Maeve Snover 118


iVarsity Crew Eat Sleep. Row. Repeat "During Winter Crew there were 16 boys and girls training. They logged many miles on the rowing machines, lifted weights, ran miles outdoors and ran hours up and down the US steps all in preparation for the upcoming Spring season. The team also competed in the Connecticut State Indoor Rowing Championships. King had two rowers finish in the top 14 and top 20 in their division." — Coach Fishkin

This is the second year of Spring Crew at King. Last year there were 10 boys and two girls. This year there are 15 boys and 6 girls! For 13 of these King rowers it will be their first season Rowing. We are off to a great start and are looking to do well in the upcoming races which include the Northeast Regional championships in Worcester, MA and the Long Island Championships in Oyster Bay." — Coach Fishkin

While typical sports have always given me an opportunity to break the often monotonous schedule that I live, rowing at its best has a meditative quality to it that demands focus and complete control over your bodies ability to push through pain. Rowing has taught me a lot about how to work with others because it absolutely requires every individual to work in unison with one another". — James Ross 19


"Being the coxswain for boys and girls crew, I love how we are very close as a team and help each other get better. Even though this is my first year doing crew competitively, I have learned so many things from both my coaches and teammates that will help me get better in the upcoming years." — Lizzy Rizk '21

Varsity Baseball Batter Up!

"We have our largest group of players ever, signifying a very healthy

"We have a great group of guys this season

and thriving baseball program. I am

who all love the game and want to be successful together. Working alongside

especially enthusiastic about our

everyone on the team this year, as well as in

varsity team, which is skilled, has an

years past have been one o f my greatest

incredibly high baseball IQ, works hard, but much more importantly is respectful, supportive, and shows class and character at all times. This is truly a special group, and success is knocking at the door of the dugout." — Coach Lewis

memories here at King." — Renn Lints '18

“This season the team did a great job of executing what we did in practice. We all really connected on the field together” — Lewis Baer

Realize that, in any given game, you could still be trying your hardest, playing perfectly, and still lose. The same goes for the other team. No matter what happens, do not brag or get depressed, but instead carry on and prepare for the next confrontation." — Nicholas Shpetner '18

(Varsity Softball J Home Runs, A ll Day

" I cannot really put into words what softball means to me other than 'family'. You take everything wrong and great in your day and let it out on the field. In softball, I count on my team and know that they count equally on me. However, being captain obviously asks for a higher example for the team. I hope that by the end of this season my team can say that I set the best example

"In Florida, we work hard to start off our season, and we also have time to have fun in Disney! When we come back to King, our goal is to win!" — Kelly Conheeney '18

I could and that I created the best cheers I could. I love my spicy jalapenos!" — Riley Jones '18



Varsity Golf


' Hole in One!

“Going into the season, we knew we would face difficulties since we lost a lot of our best players last year. We only had two players returning to Varsity this year: Jackson Rubich and I. Things have taken a turn for the better, and our team is looking strong. The team is a lot younger this year with a lot of new talented players, and they are all going to get better. Overall, the program is in a really good place, and we are looking to do better in the FAA’s this year than we did last year.” — Pierce Norwood 18 "For the 2018 Spring G olf Season, we gained quite a few new players who are eager to learn the game, and we have | a solid group o f returning players who are ready to ! compete after coming back from our spring training trip I to Saddlebrook. The team has great potential for success | in our up coming matches and in the FAA Tournament; I am looking forward to a third exciting season with the girls!" — Ellie Garnett 18

Varsity Lacrosse

Lax to the M ax!

"This season should be one to remember because we are such a close-knit family. This is probably one o f the closest

"This is an impressive group o f girls that have worked hard all season and demonstrated the true merit of teamwork and commitment. We are emboldened by our senior captains, Morgan

any sport. I see nothing but

and Alexea, and love the promise and potential of our younger players. Team work makes the

success coming our way.” — Evan Townsend-Henry '18

dream work!” — Coach Prince

teams I have been a part of in

“I am very excited about leading the tennis team

Varsity Tennis "As captains, Stella and I are super excited about the matches to come. We have a really great group o f girls playing on the Varsity Team and can't wait to see how well they do this year. These girls work so hard and are always so supportive, which is why I love being a part o f the team!" — Katie Glinka 19

this year. We are a young group, but I can see the fire and potential in each of our players. It should be a successful season." — Matt Roer 18

"We have an amazing group of girls and have a blast at practice everyday. I am so excited to see where the season takes us for my last year on this awesome team!" — Stella Silver '18

JV Sports “Th eJV Volleyball team worked together to build a sequence every single play. They gave 110% all the time." — Coach Celia "Our quote for the season was 'Believe in yourself' and with that being said I believe each girl on the team accomplished the goals they set for themselves." — Coach Z

“What makes theJV program so important in my eyes is that young players get the opportunity to showcase their skills and have some fun.” — Coach Couin

"The Boy's JV Soccer team enjoyed a competitive season, notching three wins and a tie! The players worked on skills and tactics all Fall, and were able to display them on the field. We had two players who had never played the sport before; by the midpoint o f the season they had both earned spots in the starting lineup. The boys finished off the season with a 7-0 home victory which epitomized their unselfish style o f play- 7 different players tallied goals!" — Coach Boaz “The dramatic improvement in the development of the JV Girls’ skills makes for a promising season next year.” — Coach Ali

JV Sports


Champions In The Making The Boy's JV RED Basketball Team had a very competitive season- the highlights were a victory at Rye Country Day in a gym packed with their fans, a win over Harvey with only 7 players able to suit up, and a thrilling 3-point win over Hopkins to close the season. I've never had a more satisfying experience coaching basketball. Every player improved his skills. Every player contributed to the team in meaningful ways. Every player worked hard in practice and in competition; I am extremely proud o f them." — Coach Boaz



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as a

College Bound Athletes Congratulations to these students who have achieved the highest level o f success at the high school level and are now taking their sport to the big NCAA stage.

We are

so grateful for their contributions to King athletics, and we will miss their presence on our fields and courts. After a successful recruiting process, we can't wait to see what they do with their student-athlete life at the collegiate level. — Coach Prince, Assistant Director o f College Counseling

Evan Townsend-Henry '18

West Point, Football

Ali Wheeler '18

Kelly Couin ‘18

Middlebury, Volleyball

Mount Saint Mary's, Lacrosse

Colby Lopez-Balboa '18 H obart and William Smith, Ice Hockey

Almost, Maine "The fall play, Almost, Maine was a huge success. This contemporary romantic comedy was as fun to work on in rehearsal as it was to see in performance." — Mark Silence, Performing Arts Faculty

"Almost, Maine was SO much fun!! Though I mostly worked with Nick Fellows for my scene, I got to know other people as well. I can say, at the very least, that Nick and I have become really, really great friends at the end of it, and I also got the opportunity to do the play for my final year. If people are ever looking for an opportunity to make new friends, get on a stage, and create a beautiful production, then the play is for them." — Rileyjones 18


MAINE he Way Life Should Be

"For me, the fall play was an incredible experience and every time I do a play like this, I feel such a deep bond with the people that I do it with." — Lucrezia Zichichi '20


Into the Woods "Into the Woods was one of the most amazing musical experiences that I've had at King. Thank you to the cast, crew, and production team who worked to make this an unforgettable experience!" — Rachel Kadlick '18

“I was originally not going to do the musical due to the work load of a first-semester senior, but after hearing King would be performing my favorite musical, Into the woods, I knew that I had to. The months o f rehearsal paid off with a spectacular show, and I also made so many new friends I would never have met if I didn't do the musical. It was an amazing experience, and I push everyone to at least try it once!” — Austin Hanley 18

It was very rewarding to have the largest orchestra we have ever had play this show. I was very proud of the students and how they managed this challenging score! — Dr. Martino, Performing Arts Faculty

Choir Concert

"Choir is a place where get to see my friends and sing great songs."

"Choir has helped me so much with my

— Quentin Hall '21

singing and my understanding of how the voice works. It is hard to explain in a few sentences how difficult proper singing is. However, I strongly believe that had it not been for the help of Doc. Martino in our choir class, my Musical Theatre auditions would have sounded very different and a lot less confident." — Riley Jones '18

"The winter concert was a great success on all fronts! The students in all o f the groups rose to the occasion and all performed at their best during the co n cert." — Brian Miller, Performing Arts Faculty

"My favorite thing about band is the

Instrumental Concert “Playing in the jazz combo has been a great experience for me because we not only get to choose the songs we play but also develop and curate them according to our preference.” — -James Ross '19 "The band students performed at a very high level and played with great enthusiasm, which could be felt by everyone in attendance. All of the students played wonderfully and demonstrated their passion for playing." — Garrett Mendez, Director of Instrumental Music

"I joined the music program after having played guitar for a few years. As someone who was used to playing alone, it was a gratifying experience to work with other musicians and bond with people with similar interests." —-Jason Liu 18

freedom you have while playing music. The ability to express yourself freely during solo performances really makes band enjoyable." — Caleb Benkwitt '20

“We get a lot o f really good experience in terms o f performances that we would not have access to outside o f the program such as charity events, the Berkeleyjazz competition, and school concerts. That's the most valuable thing to me." — Luke Koppenheffer 18

Visual Arts "The program helped me to see art in a different way. Whereas before, I had seen art as either good or bad, now I see that it's flexible and fluid. If a piece o f art speaks to me in some way, then I know it's 'good.' Whether it's intricate or minimal does not define whether it is good or bad art. King's Visual Arts program takes time and commitment, but you can set your own goals and are responsible for your own work. You realize that this is not just another class but an opportunity." — Ariana Loret de Mola 18


Senior Advanced Art Students

Ariana Loret de Mola My artwork and theme introduce my audience to a hidden part o f me. It visually describes my journey to self acceptance and self love, portraying the struggle and accomplishments to come.

Annika Ozizmir Using optical illusions, I hoped to add depth to my pieces so that, depending on where the viewer stands in the room or how one sees the art, he or she encounters an entirely different meaning. This multi-dimensional effect creates an environment in which each piece offers a unique experience and tests the limits of possibility. 80

Olivia De Chiara This year, I experimented with different designs and media. I focused on creating abstract art works, using shapes and colors.

The Visual Arts Program at the King School stresses the importance of original creative thinking and personal artistic expression. Advanced Art 3/4 is the most advanced art course taught at King, designed for students who have completed all other art major courses. Students create their own art syllabi guided by the teacher. They keep a detailed sketchbook, establish their own deadlines, produce sophisticated artworks that highlight their artistic skills, and conceptually follow a theme that they have developed themselves. — Ran LaPolla, Visual Arts Chair

Olivia Begg My theme is telling the story o f a boy and a robot girl who find each other in an alternate reality, and it is inspired by the album “Worlds� by Porter Robinson.

Henry Smith My theme is centered on the mythological figures of Irish legends. I chose to explore this concept due to my heritage and an interest in the unique myths of Ireland.

Ali Wheeler My theme is a tribute to my childhood memories of being at home. It is my goodbye to my home and family before I go off to college.

Global Education Geography

"The global education program allows us students to get a deeper understanding o f world topics and issues as well learn the global effect o f our actions. The distinction allows students to look into different cultures and take us out o f our bubble. We explore our passions for global affairs and learn ways in which we can positively affect the global community.” — Amelia Whiteley '19

Multiple Perspectives

“The Global Studies distinction allows King students like me to gain a greater appreciation of the increasingly “ I really enjoyed the global studies and global topics classes I have taken the past semesters because they encourage alternative perspectives and allow for thinking outside o f the box. I really like the classroom dynamic where we can learn from other people’s ideas and interpretations.” — Diana Degnan'20

interconnected world in which we live. It offers King students unique opportunities, like the Berlin Conference, and truly differentiates the King experience from that of other schools. We are all grateful for the hard work, commitment, and dedication o f Dr. Chosson, Ms. Bowe, and the many other teachers who contribute to this program.” — Alexander Kearns '19


"The global education program at King has shaped who I am as a person and was the place where I discovered my true passion. Through the program I have experienced many different perspectives, collaborated on solving global issues with students from around the world, and developed essential critical thinking skills. I will take my experiences with Global Studies with me throughout the rest of my life and will continue to explore how we can use rapid globalization to solve the biggest problems facing the international community today.� — Matthew Roer '18



"The food on the Greece trip simultaneously expanded


our palates and cultural boundaries. We were pushed out of our comfort zone with dishes such as goat liver, fried minnows, and infinite amounts of feta cheese, but the meals helped us immerse ourselves in the Greek lifestyle


and were actually quite delicious." — Max Helman 18

"The Greece trip was an amazing experience. During the day, we enjoyed learning about the


history of Greece and going to historical sights like the Palace o f Knossos and the Acropolis, and we enjoyed the sights o f beautiful mountain ranges and beaches. At night, we ate wonderful traditional Greek food and enjoyed time with our


friends. It was a trip none o f us will ever forget." — Harry Walker 18

| i

ij X T h e tour included visits to the archaeological sites of the Acropolis in Athens, the Oracle of Delphi, the Palace of Knossos, and the Olympic stadium; cultural excursions in traditional folk villages in Crete where the students experienced the amazingly sustainable life style of the folk; culinary experiences in several parts of Greece; lessons in traditional Cretan dance; and the wonderful diversity of the physical and cultural environment of Greece." — Christos Galanopoulos, History Chair

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'The Scotland trip was such an amazing opportunity. As a class, we put so much work and effort becoming ablej<ayak£i^r afrchri^ ^ allowed us JufskTllsto the test. The Outer Hebrides of Scotland are beautiful, and I'm so glad I got to be a part of this incredible experience." — Anna Patten 19

j w Il AND “I will never forget the amazing experience o f kayaking around the beautiful Outer Hebrides in Scotland! I enjoyed the class as much as I enjoyed the trip itself, particularly becoming a certified Wilderness First Responder. We challenged ourselves throughout the year to prepare for the trip and work as a team, so it was very rewarding to finally be in Scotland, where all of our skills, especially our kayaking skills, were put to the test. Expeditionary Studies was such a great experience that I was sad when it ended."— Mallory Ehlers 19

The King Expeditionary Studies course was a two semester, two summer, honors-level course. The program culminated in an 11-day trip in mid-June to Scotland. During the course, students studied and participated in numerous labs, activities, and training sessions to develop the knowledge and understanding, physical and mental fitness, leadership, organization, planning, and skills to prepare for the actual student-led, instructorsupervised expedition. Through this unique experience, participants applied their knowledge in oceanography, meteorology, geomorphology, astronomy, navigation, seamanship, wilderness medicine, and outdoor skills.

ITALY, SLOVENIA, & CROATIA From July 6th-16th, 9 upperclassmen embarked on a trip to Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia to attend a conference that tackled significant global issues in relation to the future of food. Students and faculty learned from world-renowned experts, and American and European students worked together to design and present their own solutions to issues o f how what we eat shapes our culture, environment, and economy. The summit empowered students today to start becoming the leaders of tomorrow.

Matthew Roer 18 was accepted to do an internship at the international food summit in Milan, Italy. This internship allowed him to write an article about the summit and introduce one o f the speakers. Reflecting on his experience at the summit, Matt said that "having the opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker in front of two thousand people was a once in a lifetime experience that I will remember forever."

"One memory I had was o f our tour director Eva telling us to use Anthony Bourdain's message about really experiencing the country you travel to and eating something genuine to that country. That resulted in Oona and me having a shocking meal, but it was a wonderful experience."— Hannah Berrick 19

By developing this in itia tiv e jT e ^ ^ aim to further and support the relationship between the King Boys Soccer Team and the Orphaned Starfish Foundation. In the spirit of our virtues and leadership efforts, this project provided the boys with the opportunity to meet and interact with the orphans they have provided for financially through the King Cares 5K. In collaboration with the orphanage in Bogota, Colombia, they designed a week-long educational camp, during which they taught subjects such as English, Math, art, music and computer classes to the boys living in the orphanage.

"Everyone was extremely welcoming and wanted to know all about us. Each day was filled with soccer playing on their basketball court. One day we rented a grass soccer field so they could play soccer for 4 hours! We took part in their dance lessons, a magic show given by Andy Stein and countless meals and conversations as best as we could through our limited Spanish and their limited English." — Ms. Temple, Director o f King Cares

"It was a very fun and enjoyable trip. I was happy that I had the opportunity to be able to help others and was glad to do so with my team. I am looking forward to doing it next year." — McKinleyJoseph '20

“Being able to not only participate in but help organize and facilitate the Diversity and Inclusion Days at King is one o f the best things I have done in my high school career. It gives students who were passionate about the subject a platform to share their views and teach other students about issues regarding diversity in our own community. The experience of working with others that may not have the same background as or have the same views as you is amazing and truly eye-opening, not to mention the open dialogue that Diversity and Inclusion Day allows.” — Liliana Cordon '18

"I think that to create a better society, a deeper understanding and acceptance o f all cultures and walks of life is essential. Diversity Day was meant to foster communication and allow

T! t

students to talk about some tough topics. Working on the panel and with the presenter was an eye-opening experience and allowed me, in addition to other students, an opportunity to explore some deeper issues regarding the NAIS core identifiers which are some but not all ways people can identify themselves." — Luke Buttenwieser '19


Diversity Mission: King recognizes that an informed understanding o f one’s own identity not only contributes to the development o f a healthy, empowered youn g adult, but also enhances the learning experience fo r each and every member o f the community. Keeniun Brumskill, Director of Diversity

"Diversity Day reminds us that our different backgrounds and perspectives strengthen the King community. We celebrate diversity not to classify each other by race, ethnicity, political persuasion, or gender identification but to benefit from these differences to build a community that truly embraces the King virtues of integrity, kindness, perseverance, and respect." — Alex Kearns 19


STEM "STEM at King is growing at an exciting rate. This year, we have added a number o f new clubs and elective courses, like the Girls Advancing in STEM (C A IN S) Club and Advanced Genetics. It's really exciting." — Victoria Schulman, Science Faculty

"Given King's plans to have an Innovation Lab unveiled and operational for the Fall o f 2018, the STEM Club looks forward to unprecedented interest and engagement with the community at large." "King's STEM program is unique because it fosters both interdisciplinary learning and collaboration. Hands-on activities, such as the STEM Club and Robotics Team, enhance the experience by demonstrating real-world applications of the theories learned in our rigorous core courses." — Max Helman '18 192

— Tom Castonguay, Director of STEM

"The purpose o f the STEM Club is to provide an inclusive forum for students and faculty to promote awareness, and appreciation for, STEM disciplines and their myriad applications. STEM Club activities include, but are not limited to, stimulating conversations with field experts, participation in engaging demonstrations and project work, preparation for competitions, and field trips to universities and industrial facilities." — Tom Castonguay, Director of STEM

S T UDE NT SPIRIT CHALLENGE By: Chrissy Nelli, Matt Caravel, Victoria Crowe, Caroline Eagletonjosh Figueroa, Sam Rabassa, Elena Teeter, and Grady Borouchin

"The junior Leadership Seminar class started this school spirit initiative to bring the upper school students and faculty together for a friendly competition! Thank you to all of those who sent pictures for your grade and congratulations to the winners!" — Victoria Crowe 19



"The Young Democrats Club seeks to inspire the next generation of leaders. Through in-depth


discussions on topics such as democracy, politics, and the values of the Democratic Party, we strive to get above the banter o f American politics and see what is really happening. Through the lens of progressivism, we are learning about the problems that face the world, and we are trying to come up with solutions to them. In the spirit of bipartisanship, the Young Democrats Club and the Young Republicans Club came together to discuss the difficult issue o f gun control. We had a productive dialogue and heard the arguments of the other side." — Luke Buttenwieser 19

“The goal o f the Young Republicans Club is to both encourage students to become engaged in politics and current events, as well as help young Republicans develop and strengthen their opinions while in a safe high school setting. So far, our club has debated topics including gun control and immigration with the Young Democrats Club, invited Republican gubernatorial candidates Dave Walker and Mark Boughton to speak, and volunteered for Mr. Walker’s campaign. All discussions have been well composed, members of both clubs have demonstrated their openness to civil discussion, and students have learned to articulate their viewpoints in a thoughtful and engaging manner." — Annie Michalski 19

Kina Cores

"The purpose o f the King Cares After School Service Program is for King Upper School students to have a fun experience while helping develop relationships with the community." — Caroline Strom 18

"King Cares Service in the US has been great this year because more students are taking the initiative to engage the King community in service efforts. Students have noticed the need of people all around the world and want to do something about it." — Jenna Temple, Director of King Cares Service Program

KING Talks

"I think part o f the reason one becomes a teacher is to share what one has learned with others, and in doing so to learn about oneself. It was intensely gratifying to share some o f my experiences with a community

"At King Talks, students and teachers share their experiences and passions. They are a chance for all of us to learn about and from one another." — Suzanne Cigante, Student Council Adviser

that has received me, energized me, and made me feel at home." — Adam Boaz, English Faculty "I think it is important for the students to see a teacher have passions beyond what they know of us in the classroom and that frequently those passions are not simply an extension o f what we teach but fall into other realms-like me playing trumpet." — Thomas Zoubek, Social Sciences Chair

"Playing the piano provides a wonderful opportunity for me to express my emotions. Doing a King Talk with Dr. Zoubek was a great experience to be able to perform for the student body." — Elena Cribelyuk, 18


"I gave my 'Art of the Sublime' King Talk with the hopes of building a bridge that connects my scholarly background with my work teaching adolescents.To give the King Talk felt like a heart attack, but the most rewarding effect was crafting an effective piece of writing that engaged the community on a range o f levels.The larger message I hope students take away is being an intellectual is a fun and dynamic way to engage the world." — Daniel Block, English Faculty




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The Futureofthe Earth Caroline, Matt, Callle, and Emma


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This past fall was one o f our most transitional and traditional ceremonies as we rang in our last school year with Head of School, Tom Main. In the spring, Mr. Main rang out the school year as he graduated from King with his final senior class. The Ringing of the Bells took place on September 7th. Speakers included Head o f School, Tom Main; the three student body presidents, Zachary Louizos, Rebecca Laramie, and Sonali Burns; the three division heads, Karen Raidt, Chris Cunningham, and Marnie Sadlowsky.


Spirit Week & Pep Roily "The Pep Rally brings the whole school together to celebrate the fall teams. The US Band provides music for the crowd. The mascots and the emcees help stir up the enthusiasm o f all in attendance, and each team is introduced. The experience is totally invigorating for all who attend!" — Cathy Mishkin, Student Activities Coordinator

Homecoming "Homecoming is one o f the most exciting times for the school community to celebrate as a big family and for alumni to come back to their alma mater! This year was another grand celebration with alumni, students, faculty, parents, neighbors, and friends joining together to celebrate our school spirit and to reconnect with one another. Highlights included excitingJV athletics on Friday, September 22, as well as an all-alumni reunion and a 50th reunion dinner for the Class of 1967. Saturday, September 23 featured Viking pride in fall athletics as well as student and alumni activities, an alumni tailgate party, food tru and King swag. That evening, the Class of 2012,1997,1982, and 1992 all celebrated milestone reunions. It was a wonderful weekend to be a Viking!!" — Lauren Fredette, Director of Development

Upper School Holidays "What started as a rather formal party for the seniors by the faculty has evolved over the years. We still have a wonderful party that has become dubbed "The Ugly Holiday Sweater" party. Faculty and seniors share good food, good conversation, and the event concludes with a treasured class photo." — Cathy Mishkin, Student Activities Coordinator

On Friday, February 2, 2018, the Groundhog will:


See his shadow! (six more weeks o f winter)


No shadow! (early spring)

The Halloween Assembly included a costume competition for funniest, most creative, best homemade, and scariest costumes. Activities included an apple bobbing contest, a mummy wrapping contest, and a donut on a string contest


Cliv Gomez

Katherine Burke 221,345

Juliana Bettamio 222,342

Kendall Abbott 218,320

Liliana Gordon 272,373

Thomas Deegan

AJ DeGrado 225,321

Callie DiModica 261,377

Juan Vicente Ellis Ochoa 244,352

Kelly Gouin 299,350

AJ Greene 298

Elena Gribelyuk 289

Austin Hanley 271,376

Luke Koppenheffer 250,378

Rachel Kadlick 279,316

Colby Lopez-Balboa 235,347

Larsen Talmadge 223,343

Pierce Norwood 226,319

Ciara O'Donnell

Annika Ozizmir 288,370

Alexea Papanicolaou 267,375

James Scarlata 254

Emma Schaeffer 266

Nick Schpetner

Stella Silver 265,366

Katy Simpson 294,332

Jason Tifford 293,337

Walty Toub 258

Evan TownsendHenry 297

Rudy Vega 277,346

Kurt Voges

Kelly Conheeney 258,326-327

Campbell Connors 296

Stephanie Costabile 234,339

Bobby Cribbin 253

Regina Cullen 231,357

Matt Dalinka 295,329

Ellie Garnett 278,323

Reid Gesualdi 252,349

Daniel Gilbert 224,368


u Nick Fellows

Richard Focke 240

Max Helman 247,338

Grant Hirsch 263,353

Riley Howe 255,356

Sloan Jacoby 230,324

Christopher Joyce 232,348

Harry Linnan 242

Piper Loglisci 219,322

Ariana Loret de Mola 237,315

Lucia Perfumo 1283,330

Thomas Mudd 248,331

Morgan Riley 260,364

Henry Smith 284,333

Maeve Snover 262,335

Lucas Stalman 256,372

Harry Walker 243,365

Kelly Wappler 264,367

Robert Welt 276,328

Matthew Roer 233,361

Bradley Stanton a

Allison Wheeler 229,341

Jackson Rubich 241,355

Gabe Salvi 285,318

Caroline Strom

Jackie Taccone 228,362

Ezra White 290

Harriet Winterlich 273

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Ms. Sadlowsky's Letter to Seniors Dear Class of 2018, When I first began teaching here at King, I was a long-term maternity leave substitute in the Upper School’s English department. I taught ninth grade in room 323, and Helen Kweskin, who was then Head of the English department, taught next door. Our regular department meetings were held in her classroom, and I found myself quite taken with a sign that she’d posted on one of her walls - a small square piece with the words “Only Connect” simply written across a plain background. I knew the words were from E.M . Forster’s Howard’s End, but I remember thinking o f the words not only as they were meant in that context but also in terms of my students in my classes. After all, good teaching requires connecting with your students. But I also was aware of how important connections were to my students. After all, most o f you were much more aware of each other and your connections and disconnections with each other- bad connections, awkward connections, wonderful, suspicious, or admiring connections - than you were o f any one teacher’s concerns about connecting with you, or connecting you to the beauty of a mathematical equation or an author’s use o f metaphor. I also knew that if you, students, were disconnected - disconnected from each other, from your teachers, from those who could support you, hear you, and challenge you in powerful ways during your educational journey here at King - that this disconnection could keep you from learning and flourishing. It is my sincere hope that during your time at King, whether you’ve been here since Pre-Kindergarten or since the beginning of your junior year, that you have found more moments o f meaningful connection than uneasy disconnection. Your yearbook theme is “connected” - and I certainly hope that some of these moments of meaningful connection last even longer than your time at King...that you stay connected. But these words and that hope date me. O f course you will stay connected. Indeed, you stay connected more than I ever could have imagined when I was your age, just ready to head off into my last summer before college adventures began. Your smartphone, watch, or whatever new device will now keep you and us all connected whether we want to stay connected or not. All of this connection, ironically, can make us callous to the needs of real people and keep us from having real relationships. It can also keep us from staying truly connected to the realities of the world around us as news flashes across our screens. And yet our world desperately needs smart, connected people. So let me be more specific with my hopes for you in terms o f this word “connected” and its powerful associations. I hope you stay connected to yourself despite the noise of ongoing connections to others. I hope you maintain connections to those who challenge you, guide you, and have your best interests at heart. I hope you work hard to connect to the complex world around you, armed with the gifts of a wonderful education and a school that will always be here to support you no matter where you go in your lives. Stay connected, Class of 2018. Stay connected. This will take strength and perseverance as well as kindness and respect. But I know you will dig deep and find a reason to do so. Sincerely, Ms. Sadlowsky, Head o f Upper School, Associate Head of School

T o the Class of 2018, a cohesive group with varied talents, wellrounded interests, kindness and a community-service oriented mindset, I dedicate this Ralph Waldo Emerson quotation: 'What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."1 — Megan Yelton, Senior Class Dean

What are you most excited about for living in a dorm?

# Decorating the room # Roommates and Hallmates # Freedom # The once-in a lifetime experience

What advice do you have for the incoming freshmen?

learn how to manage your time well, so you do not fall behind." — Renn Lints '18

"Try as hard as you can, but don't be disappointed if you fail." — Riley Jones 18

"Stay busy, because then you have no time to procrastinate." — Jason Tifford 18

What is your favorite senior stress buster?

Where is your favorite place to go for senior lunch out?

# Uncles Deli


Donut Delight

# Five Guys


Reddi Rooster



# The Diner

Rye Ridge Deli



Be curious, not Walt Whitman No matter what happens in Te, be good to people. Being ood to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind."

I wishthere was a way ta know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” -Andy Bernard, The Office

"Sometimes the things you think would never happen, happen just like that. I've learned to never underestimate the impossible." — -Joe Nichols

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." — Michelangelo


Kendall Abbott

“All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.”

Piper Logjisd

—James Allen “Always laugh when you can; it is a cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence.” — Lord Byron



“The more I see of man, the more I like dogs.” — Madame de Stael

It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine." — Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh

Juliana Bettamio "You miss 100% o f the shots you don't take." — Wayne Gretzky

"Don't judge me by my success; judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again." — Nelson Mandela

"If 'Plan A' doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters."

"Form yourself hourly to freedom conjoined with contentment, simplicity, and modesty.” — Marcus Aurelius

"I decide to achieve public J office so that I can be more ready with help for my friends and relations, for all my fellow-citizens, and then for all mankind." — Seneca The Younger

"Nothing is good except what is morally good." — Marcus Tullius Cicero

"There are two pains in life. There is the pain o f discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you'll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment."

“ I know in my heart that man is good. That what right will always triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and evecy

“Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream." — Hugh Hefner Keep going, rm going the stars and then past Conor McGregor

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Huh huh.” — Regina Cullen

“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing.” — E.B . White, ** Charlotte^ Web


I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me.” — Dwight Schrute

“Huh huh.” Sloan Jacoby

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” — Robert F. Kennedy

Matthew Roer “Kindly remember rule number 6 .” — Benjamin Zander

‘Semper Fidelis.” —US Marine Corps

“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt

"Someday you'll be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." — C.S. Lewis

"Growing old is mandat' but growing up is optional.


— Walt Disne> sib


"Here's to the good times." 2tof, — Florida Georgia Line

Colby Lopez-Bolboa

sticks, and I don’t like them crossing one another. I kind of have them hidden in the corner. I put baby powder on the ends. I think

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it’s essentially a matter of taking care o f what takes care of you." — Wayne Gretzky




"It’s a great day for hockey.” — Bob Johnson

an ram. — Ariana Loret de Mola 'Normality is a paved road; it's somfortable to walk, but no vers grow Vincent V a 1

enow nothin^1 y certainty, bui


sight*of, the stars makes me dream — Vincent Van C

"The only time I set my bar low is for my limbo — Michael Scott

“What is done in love is done well." — Vincent Van Gogh

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‘No, nah you.” — Riley Jones

, , V' * ‘ \ "Don’t think too much. Just do what


makes you happy.” — Anonymous




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“You know how it is. New school, new I | babe pool.” — Viola, She’s the Man r






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"It always seems impossible until it's done," — Nelson Mandela

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"Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Look to tomorrow." — Snoopy

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." — Ferris Bueller

School is practice for the future, and practice makes perfect. But nobody’s perfect, so why practice?” — Billie Joe Armstrong

“Just slow it down enough to enjoy the ride.” -Julian Casablancas

.n.-i t i s not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong

man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. J

e crediUaelongs to the man who is ually in'the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who Strives valiantly; who errs, who

neither know victory nor defeat.�

“Algun dia sera verdad. El progreso penetrara en la llanura y la barbarie retrocedera vencida.Tal vez nosotros no alcanzaremos a verb ; pero sangre nuestra palpitara en la emocion de quien lo vea.” — Don Romulo Gallegos

“It’s not about how hard you can hit; it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." — Rocky Balboa, Rocky

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Confi'a en el tiempo, que suele dar dulces salidas a muchas amargas dificultades.” — Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

‘Summer will end soon enough, and childhood as well.” — George R.R Martin


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Always. Be. Positive — Ben Crawford

“Life is like a friendly Q O D . You struggle at first, but your friends are always there to ^ help you out.” — Anonymous

“Without training, they lacked knowledge. Without knowledge they lacked confidence Without confidence they lacked victory." — -Julius Caesar


"I love deadlines. I like the whoosfring sound they make as they fly by." — Douglas N. Adams

"One of the great things about bobks is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." — George W. Bush

"Just tryna make varsity ball officer." Anonymous

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James Soarlata “The roof is the ceiling.” — Michael Jordan

“Whatever happened to the values o f humanity?” — Black Eyed Peas

“ Living life, feeling free. That's how it's supposed to be. Come join my festivities. Celebrate like I'mma be.” L

The best way to end a losing streak is to win a game Coach K

— Black Eyed Peas


Open each day like a precious gift —Mom

Go fast and take chances! -D ad

"You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself." — Elle Woods

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“Knowing nothing in life but to be legit.” — Eazy-E

Abbv Price “Anywhere, Anytime, Any task. Nothing but Excellence.” — Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit 105

“Knowing nothing in life but to be legit.” — Eazy-E

“Losing feels worse than winning feels good.” — Vin Scully

"Just wait till practice." — @dniceswag!1



“You callin’ me a liar?” — Drake Bell

“Ladies, where are your visible bike shorts?” — Callie DiModica

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Winning isn’t everything,


but it beats anything that a





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comes in second.” — Bear Bryant

Collie DiModioa "Well, I ain't calling you atruther!" — Josh Peck

“I hate disappointing just one person, and I hate disappointing everyone, but I love Burlington coat factory.” — Michael Scott

"If I don't remember, I'll forget." — Morgan Riley

Grant Hirsch "If that’s a veiled criticism about me, I won’t hear it and I won’t respond to it." — I ucille Bluth

Kelly Wappter

T h e best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." — Coco Chanel -

"Boom Boom! Coopy!" — Kelly Wappler

"The roof is not my son, but I will still raise it." — Anonymous

There are big ships and small ship: the best ship of all is friend — Anonyi

There are no exams in

Alexea Papanicolaou “You can always add, but you can’t take away.” | — Dad -^


“You never know when something’s gonna happen that will change everything.” — Silver, 90210

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“I’m so done.” — Alexea Papanicolaou

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higher we are the mpre hur shoul Marcus Tullius


"When someone invents an anti­ social network, then I'll sign up." — Ken Cordon

"Everyone is a genius. But if you I want to go to there

judge a fish by its ability to climb

— Liz Lemon

a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." "Next." Russell Hollywood

— Albert Einstein

"I'm not superstitious... “I'd wish you good luck, but luck is a concept created by the weak to explain their

but I'm a little-stitious.” — Michael Scott

failures." — Ron Swanson "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible." — Audrey Hepburn

T h e quietest people have the loudest minds." — Stephen Hawking

"Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world...risk being seen in all your glory."

- -


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__________ If you have time to look back, move forward!” — Tadatoshi Fujimaki

Robot W elt "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" — Ronald Reagan

"Howxould I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?” — Ferris Bueller

“The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, js likely to find himself in places no one has ever been." — Albert Einstein

"Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb." — Kazuki Nakashima

Football is about joy. I favor every idea that makes the game beautiful. Every good idea has to last." — Ronaldinho

“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” — Bertrand Russell

I think I’m gonna celebrate by adding a little extra salt to my instant noodles tonight!” — Dick Gumshoe

"The greatest prize often lies at the end of the thorniest path." & — Into the Woods

H promise I shall never give up, and that I'll die yelling and laughing, and that until then ITT rush around this world I insist is holy and pull at everyone's lapel and make them confess to me and to all.” *

— Jack Kerouac

♦“But a chair, sunlight, -flowers: these are not to be dismissed. I am alive, I live, I breathe, unfolded, into the sunlight.” Margaret Atwood

"Yes, even when I don’t ‘"believe— there is a place in me_ inaccessible to unbelief,, a patch of wild grace,' a stubborn preserve, impenetrable, pain untouched by the, sleeping body, music that builds its nest in .silence." — Anna Kamienska

“The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion o f separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.” — Guru Pathik

‘It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you draw it from only one place, it grows rigid and stale.” — Uncle Iroh

"Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon Though it's the end o f the world, Don't blame yourself, now And if it's true, I will surround you, and give life to a world That's our own." — Porter Robinson

‘You are more than wh you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.” — Mufasa

Overcome fear, behold wonder." — Richard Bach

There are better things ahead than any we leave behind." — C. S. Lewis

Bradley Stanton "We all come from the sea, but we are not all of the sea. Those of us who are, we children of the tides, must return to it again and again, until the day we don't come back leaving behind only that which was touched along the way." — Frosty Hesson

,ob, and that's a

You strive fot that. — Rob Letterman

■The man who asks a question is a fool1for a minute, the man who does not ask

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\X/:tnout music, life ,/ould be a mistake.” —Friedrich Nietzsche

Elena Gribelyuk “I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have.” — Thomas Jefferson

“I’ve never been content to pass a stone without looking under it. And it is a black disappointment to me that I can never see the far side of the moon.” — East of Eden by John Steinbeck

"I am glad of it: a knavish speech sleeps in a foolish ear."

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Q iv Gomez "I once cried because I had no shoes to play soccer, but one day, I met a man who had no feet.” — Zinedine Zidane

”1say what's cooler than being cool? ... Ice Cold!” — Outkast

P “Pressure is something you ' feel when you don’t know what the hell you’re doing.” — Peyton Manning

If you don’t play to win don’t play at all.’ — Tom Bradv

“It’s 50 cents. Nah, it’s a jy dollar for 2.” * — Mike Mclaughlin

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"Look at those who have talked about you and doubted you. They are your inspirational reason to succeed." —Jon Jones

"Factoring, it ain’t ever going away." —Carol Brown

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant. -Robert Louis


I'm not at the beach; this is a bathtub." — Anonymous

Um you guys look, like, fifteen." — Anonymous “Before you judge me I plead guilty." — Lil Wayne

I literally, like, can't even Kourtney Kardashian

Matt Dalinka “If people don’t hate you, you’re probably not doing very big things.”



“When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead. True story.” — Barney Stinson


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"the best laid plans of price and men

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often go awry." — Robert Burns' "

"The juice is temporary but

th e sauce is forever." —Anonymous



uperlatives Grant Hirsch

Callie DiModica




Evan TownsendHenry


Jason Tifford




Rachel Bissell


BEST D RESSED Juan Vicente Ellis Ochoa

Tommy Deegan

Katherine Burke




Austin Hanley

Sonali Burns


Stella Silver

L IF E O F T H E PARTY ^ Callie DiModica

Reid resualdi


Rachel Kadlick

continued... .CHER'S DREAl r.P&lEgg&BKk -i-_



Caroline Strom




SAYS T H E MOST Richard Focke

Grace Nash


Harriet Winterlich

Luke Koppenheffer


K e lly C on h een ey


B E S T T O BRING H O M E T O M OM & DAD K e n d a ll A b b ott

Abby Price


W a lty Toub

Lucas Stalman


The Scarlatas

“It gives you connections to all the teachers and upper classmen, and it provides a sense of i, familiarity throughout high school.” > -Will Burke '21

The Rubiches

/ “Cabe \ r serves as the \ test subject for 1 me to learn what to do and what / "Being not to do." I f blessed to be here ^ \ -Annie Salvi / during my first period frees when I don't have -Jason Tifford 18

' "Getting \ coffee with Jonah in the mornings." ■Sophia Savitz

/ "T h e \ / car rides with \ James are pretty l fun." -Andrew , \ Scarlata /

"Being able to see George in school and tease him a bit." -Alexea Papanicolaou '18


"I had such fond memories with these 'Lifers'....The Bluefish Came, the Halloween Parade, Math and Phonics, Morning Meetings." Mr. Bray, LS Faculty '05-'06

King Lifers are those students who have attended King School from kindergarten through twelfth grade. We have featured pictures from these students' first few years at King School.

Standing (left to right): Austin Hanley, Regina Cullen, Ali Wheeler, Rachel Kadlick, Elena Gribelyuk, Robert Welt. Sitting (left to right): Morgan Riley, Abby Price, Kelly Conheeney, Stephanie Costabile, Kelly Gouin.


Personally - Personally if you had fun you won and I personally had a blast this year with all you guys. I love you all and can't wait to watch Brads status with you all on breaks. Bye have a beautiful time. RF- Big tough hockey player hope you have a great time at NYU! Please go to the bronx for me every day and check up on the stadium while i'm in canton. Peace reeeechard..... MR, A L D M JR - Yellow. Free. Squad. You know what's up. ALDM keep practicing your skills in the cup game because that was a poor performance this year. 10:35 facetime every day next year. NF- To the meme dictator, though some of your memes are a tad questionable, you're the O C . Have a party with your tea and crumpets in Storrs next year! RJ- You the bomb diggidy, always got a smile on your face and happy to brighten peoples days. Keep up the good work kid. BTW, in college people might think you're weird for proposing to people all the time, just a heads up pal. CS- you're welcs for doing a senior skrib. You are a terrifying driver but a great friend, have fun in the warmth next year. It will be sad when you MOOve to cali next year. Peace and blessins........MR- to the yellow free squad day 1,1hope you get to take endless snapchat stories in college with yo new college friends (though they can’t be as good as the ones you take now). Here’s hope to the Yankees (and your newfound love for them) crush this year and we will be talking everyday at 10:30 HMU! You the bomb diggidy.

ALM Mom and Dad: You both are my everything. I could not have gotten to this point without your support, love and overall faith in me. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't myself. Thank you for encouraging me everyday to give 110/o I love you both more than words can express. Emilio: Thank you for being my go-to always! I love you forever Black Hash-brown! LADIES: Muh ladies! I LO VE YOU SO MUCH! I’m going to miss you both dearly! I am forever grateful for the both of you! PERSONALLY: Personally I wouldn’t have made it through senior year without this fabulous group of people!!! CN, ON, and SS: Thanks for keeping me sane and laughing at all my jokes! I love you! CMJ, RF,JR, MR: Thanks for being the greatest boys out there! XO! Watch out for me when my rank percentage spikes!

CS Personally- Personally, you all keep me afloat. Thanks for all the laughs and smiles. BIG things are coming our way, can t wait to see what amazing things each of you do. Brazy Br8 - HMU! Ladies: CRJ- Thanks for being "the party of one with m e....I’ll miss spending nearly every minute of every day with you...Can’t wait to see what Cali has in store for us B FF:) ‘ insert hand shake here* ALDM- You got one big heart and one big smile___ON- To many more mornings at RM and late night drives to the beach. You will rule the world one day. MH- Pis take the sticker off your car already. Columbia has great things coming your way....don’t change the hair or the attitude. JT- Thanks for hanging around:)

MH DMG: You’ve been the man since day 1 at King, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in hold, from Israel to Wall Street to running away from Mr. Mac! AJD: To capitalism, to freedom, and to many more years of friendship! TFBM : Please remember me when you’ve completed your quest for world domination. You’re gonna do big things, General Muddbone! ACO: We’re the only duo more iconic than Roxy and Poppy. CMS: Thanks for stopping for me during my first cross country practice, and staying by my side ever since :) MJR: Hello? Is my calculator ringing? There’s nobody I’d rather suffer through fat camp and physics with. LK, EM, ES, y Senor: Viva la reconquista y viva los conejos! KS: You’re the man, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You taught me that life is like a friendly Q O D — you struggle at first, but your friends are always there to bail you out...A nd to everyone above,JSR, SSI, KB, PP, SS2, EG ,JS, AK, C C , V K,JL, MS, TM, and everyone else: thank you for making these two years the best of my life. My time here was short, but I cherished every moment of it, and I leave here a changed man.

KC It’s been a long and amazing 13 years at King, and I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood and better friends than the ones I have....AP - you have been way more than just a best friend to me. You’re such an amazing, funny, confident, beautiful person, and I am so lucky to call you my sister. I can’t believe we’re leaving each other, you better not make another best friend!! AH - doesn’t look like well ever get rid of each other. I'm so happy we are spending the next 4 years together at Notre Dame. If I could go to college with absolutely anyone in my life, I couldn’t be happier it’s you. You’re my best friend in the entire world, my twin, and my legit other half. Thank Cod we’re not leaving each other because I honestly don’t think we could. O D - we’re so similar and so different in so many ways and that’s why I absolutely love being best friends. I don’t know who else I would ever fan girl the Kardashian’s with and I’ll probably miss Cosmos the most but I love you so much, I couldn’t imagine high school without you. Last and certainly not least, RL - well, it finally happened XO

OD SD: Enjoy the rest of high school while it lasts! I cant wait for you to visit me next year. Try not to steal too much stuff from my room while I’m gone. Love you psycho! KC: From Mrs. Decker’s 1st grade class to senior year of high school, 12 years flew. I’m gonna miss all our weekend hangouts together but can not wait to make more memories in college, Okurrrr Hope ND is amazing, love you loads.

Melliza: Even though we were twins separated at birth, I’m so happy we were reunited in kindergarten and grew up together. It still amazes me that we are going to spend the next four years together making a total of 17 years stuck together:). We always made plans to go to college together when we were just little embryos and I still can’t believe that it’s actually happening. Can’t wait for the next four years of eating buffalo chicken wraps,singing to Pitch Perfect, and overall just scheming everything. Snnu: Mmm yessa Abby finna takna for being my first friend at King and now being one of my best friends in the world mmm. Back then you were “the tall girl” but now I taller than you mm even though I will always be short and you will always be a boy. You’re the only person I can do the oddest things to and instead of getting weirded out, you just do it back. I’m finna miss you when you’re in Navy saving the world from bad guys but we stay best friends don’t worry mmm takna ion Louba: wu Louba Dolgopolsky Nm hbu. Thank you for answering all my facetime calls when I want to procrastinate for about 5 hours until 2 am and then start my homework. You one of the realest of the reals and also so funny that I laugh my :) off. I don’t know how I’m gonna function without our daily trips to DD and our car rides blasting your bad music. I can’t wait till you marry Brendan and become my sister-in-law we finna have so much fun (or Alec)! Keep them eyebrows sharp when I’m gone. Mom and Dad: Thank you guys for supporting me throughout my entire life. I'm gonna miss most things about home, whether it be cooking pizza together or just laughing, but definitely not the yard work. I’m glad you guys pushed me my entire life to strive for greatness as it gave me the drive to succeed. You guys are my role models. Love you! MD

SS- Thanks for sticking with me through it all! It’s been a long ride. I can’t believe we made it here since 6 th grade pointing at pictures in our history textbook. Going to miss you next year and can’t wait to watch you kill it. See you down south!! KW- Never thought I would meet someone that loves dogs as much as I do. So glad we can share our love for BBW 24/7. Can’t wait till you can prescribe me my medicine. Thanks for teaching me the ropes to one of my new favorite things (w). I’ll be visiting next year!! AP- Even though I annoy you 95% of the time, I know you’ll miss me!! Can’t wait for you to visit me so you can escape the cold weather. Going to miss our 80 minute frees together going to Chopt + Ciovannas. Hope you get to schmoney and eat lots of pasta with ketchup in college! ES- I’m so thankful to the rough days of junior year for bringing us together. Don’t know who else I would complain with and try to survive long school days with. Going to miss you and bartaco next year. SD- Even though you get on my nerves, I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thanks for everything. Mom & Dad-Thanks for helping me get here and for helping me become the person I am today. I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Love you guys.

CMS- Heyo, I don t know what I m going to do without my BECfast buddy next year: ( I’m happy your most recent 180 landed on me. There s no one else I’d want to spend 80% of my life with. Love you loads bud:) AJD - I II miss my Dweeb math buddy next year; I don’t know who else is going to take all my facetimes. The Catholic Church is deprived of a star choir boy, but you still do Dave Loggins justice. I can’t wait to say I knew the US treasures when he sang off key and told corny jokes. You’re going to do great things kid:) Also don’t worry you are only mildly judgy. Ciara O ’Donell- Hey love, Since your first day you’ve been my person. You are always there for me and believe in me unconditionally. You are brilliant, and I’ll always be here to remind you. Tu es la mort de ma vie.Je t aime <3 PSL- Pippy logs, I’m so grateful to have you by my side and I can’t imagine life without you. You are the best alpha spouse/ 5 year-old boy/ Partner in Crime/ Intergalactic brother-sister I could ask for, and I can t wait to adopt 8 kids(baby goats) with you. You’re pretty alright kid. Love you.......Mrs. Patten- Thank you for being my second mother and always believing in me. I can’t tell you how much it means to me:) Ethan Marsh- You are the most genuine, well dressed, and tallest person I have ever meet and I think that should be noted. I know you are going to change the world:) Ariana, Rachel Biss, Greer Lamens ’19 Marina '19, Jaimie Lopez, Mallory Ehlers 19, Katherine Burke, Hannah Berrik, Riley Jones, Larsen, Max Helman, Rudy -To the people I tackle with hugs on a regular basis: Hey, love you:) AP KC : thanks for being my wingman for the past 12 years.. .now we just gotta get through college and then we can finally buy that beach house mansion and live there with our dog. But listen, thank you for being my absolute best friend and sister and supporting me through everything, I know I can trust you with my life so thank you for that, I love you! AH : best friends since kindergarten, let’s not end it in high school. Tough to see the short kid go off to college after growing up together. I’m finna visit you all the time mmmmm but until then tankna bye have a beautiful time sweaty, love u long time! KR : Our willingness to do anything for fun is what made us best friends, so adulthood together should be a sight to see. Crazy memories with you since 5th grade...m y favorites are obviously the spontaneous summer adventures, but I’m going to miss it all. The only thing I’m not down for is Wahlburgers... KW SS- Thank you for being my sister for the past 3 years. You get me. I’ll never forget the amazing times we’ve shared-- from Jonathan the mouse to moving my car from the snow, we always have the best and funniest times. Since Pre-K <3 MD- You’re the most grounded person I know, thank you for always being here for me and knowing how to make me laugh. I’m gonna miss complaining with you next year and talking about our dogs Aboomer Alove Adone Awhenurdone. Can’t wait to visit you in NOLAH! AP-1 love you crazy girl. We have had the best and some of the craziest times, and I don’t know what I’ll do without you next year. Stay Creek!!! PSNever forget getting played together Ahartman. Senioritas- My ladies. I love you all and wish you all the best next year. I’m going to miss each and every one of you so much!! AC- Thankyou for making this year so amazing. It’s safe to say I’m pretty glad you made it to the next round. I’ll never forget July 20, Dirt Candy, freshman year texts, when you slept on the floor in the city, Rhode Island, saving me from the taxi driver, and all of our other crazy memories. I love you so much, and I can’t wait for next year!!! Mom & Dad- You guys are the most supportive parents. I’m going to miss you next year. Don’t get too lonely without me!! Matt & Kevin- Thank you for being the best older brothers I could ask for. I love you, even when you make fun of me and are overprotective. Thank you for showing me the ropes, I love you guys so much! JT JB- Thank you for being such an amazing best friend. Your support throughout the years means so much to me. I cherish our memories and all the crazy moments we’ve had together. Never stop saying dolphin. Love you forever. KA- Kenny, I will never forget Spain and all of our adventures together. From us bungee jumping at midnight to me sprawling out on an airplane row, I can’t think of anyone else I’d go to Spain with. You will always be a part of the chimmy changa and the divine ya ya sisterhood. We will never be able to calm our ya ya’s. AWYou’re the O G since freshman year. We’ve been through ups and downs but that’s what makes our friendship so strong and special. You’re never afraid to be yourself and that’s why we get along so well. We’re crazy together and I’m going miss us so much. CD- All of you are absolutely amazing and I cherish each and every one of your friendships. Thank you all for an amazing 2 years. MB- Thank you for being the best partner in crime a girl can ask for. Our adventures every day after school is what I’ll miss most. You make going to school fun. I couldn’t have done it without you. EA- All I have to say is that we gotta call for backup. NC & MC- We never get deep but you guys are my brothers that I can always count on. You guys mean the world to me and I cherish every moment we have together. We always have so much fun together. There’s never a dull moment with you guys and I thank you for making school bearable. Good luck next year, I know you guys will do amazing things. Love you two. Mom and Dad- Thank you for the endless support, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren't for you guys. Nini-1 really couldn’t do it without you. You’ve made such a positive impact in my life and I appreciate that so much. I love you with all my heart.




CMS: Thank you for truly being therefor everything in my life. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Next four years together;) ALM: You are one of the spiciest humans I know and I hope you never lose sight of the beauty you possessIJRR: You always act like you hate me and I don’t blame you but you're one of the funniest people I know! I know you have a bright future ahead o fyo u .C M J:;) all that needs to be said.lTW: You’re the best cast a bakers wife could have asked for. JLK: Thank you for inspiring my career and my life to be greater and better. Never lose that amazing drive.CQF: You are the best people a like dragon fruit could ever ask for! Thanks for letting me be weird and accepting it. You are friends for lifc.GB: Sometimes I think you forget your worth: you deserve the world! Never forget that. TP: You’re cool.

sc Mom and Dad: I love you both so much. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me. You came to all of my games and have supported me throughout my entire journey. You guys are always there whenever I need you and I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. Coaches/ Teachers: Thank you so much for all the support you have given me. You have been there for my successes, my failures, and you have shaped me into the person I am today and for that I am grateful. SAB: You have been there since day one. You have listened to every problem, rant, and story of my life. We’ve done sports, theater, and swap advisories every year together. There is no one I’d rather have by my side then you. The Scotland Group: From training on the water, to getting our wilderness first responder certifications, to actually going to Scotland, we did it all. Bull chasing, kayaks flying off of trailers, Scottish dancing, sleeping overnight in the school, climbing mountains, going through sheep pastures, and peat farming are just a few things we have experienced. No one can describe the experiences we have had and our group became closer than ever. Thank you all for these adventures. Volleyball Team: I want to say thank you to everyone who was a part of it. From late night practices to winning multiple championships I could not ask for anything more. Never forget: SAB, JBM, MRH, KGA, KL, ED D , SWJ, CSR, R A V JB V , CMP, W, Q B F IJT , KRC, ACM, CJRL, CS, M EE, Thank you all so much for the fun memories we had. I will miss you all!


Senioritas- All of the memories we’ve shared together and separately have been the absolute best. From laughing to crying together, you are all the greatest friends ever. You guys are going to kill it next year and I will miss seeing each of your faces everyday! KW- Thank you for being my best friend and sister. Pre-k to senior year we’ve been through it all and couldn’t have asked for a better person to have by my side. R at the hair salon, digging your car out of the snow, Jonathan the mouse, and napping for hours and hours. Our memories are endless and I can’t wait to make many more! I love you K, thanks for everything. MD- It’s amazing having someone with the exact same sense of humor as me. You are my second brother and someone I can truly rely on. Thanks for being there for me since sixth grade when we couldn’t stop laughing at a picture in our history textbook, which we would still do to this day. You are gonna do amazing things! MS- My adventure bud, buddy family, NYC partner and someone who loves McDonalds just as much as me, I LO VE YOU! You have been such an amazing best friend since 6th grade and I can trust you with absolutely anything. From sailing in the BVI to riding roller coasters to first meeting at Lucky’s, we’ve been through it all. I’m going to miss you so so much! AP- Even though you put ketchup on your pasta, you are the best! Knowing you these past 4 years has been so much fun and I’m so happy to call you a best friend. Hope college is filled with HOOPLA, Chinese food, saltines, shopping, maltipoos and fedal! I will miss you so much and I am already planning your visit down to me! ES

MD: Uganda, cabbage patch, Barney Stinson, carrot, hope no one ever sees our texts.. all love forever. I’m weak, love to hate the same ppl and constant location updates. That wasn’t me that was my pig from exuma! i blinked. CS: one of my first friends and the only one I should've stuck w for the long haul. Thanks for coming to bi when you barely knew me and for always being down to taquella!!! my closet hasn't been as organized since that first day. Love u long time best guest:) xo KB: home away from home, idk what I’d do if I wasn’t at your house, xo thanks for letting me borrow ur concealer... tragic. Rip vine, tbt night, more car rides to come love you so much remember to reduce reuse recycle and follow the green light. See ya at after pork. Keep predicting our future even tho it’s all unclear, more ice cream cones filled with mashed potatoes, ur totally zoom. DJH: Love you buddy hope our calls continue w our shared insights... more excursions on the way. thanks for the inspirational life quotes.Block bound. Soft smiles my friend. KS: too many unforgettable moments thanks for being by my side., boot buddies, woab, scary movie savant, the x elevator, yolo.Jove you sm, tkc goals. FRAT: couldn’t get through my day without you guys. Long live Lord please don’t kill him and vball practice starts tmrw 6 am. 5 min early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable. So much love for you all. xoxo MS

CB: Thank you for being the best friend to grow up with; I can’t imagine life without you by my side. I love you so much and I know you’re gonna kill it at QU!! SS: To the only person I could spend three weeks straight with, I can’t believe we’re gonna be a plane ride away nextyear:( I hope we can meet up at Lucky’s some time, if not we def need a McDonald’s reunion. Don’t get too NYC without me at CofC! Love you to the BVI’s and back AH: ham uhh WU. Even though we didn’t become friends until the end of this year, I’m so happy we became so close. I wish you would tee as much as I do, but it’s ok because you put more time into musically. I cannot wait until you’re a Disney star and my kids get to uncle Austin on TV all the time! Thank you for being quirky as heck and making school survivable. GH: carvel ASAP ES: Even though we fight a lot, you’re the most supportive sister. Thank you for looking out for me even when I don’t ask for i t ;) Love you em

e Strom

we love you

C o n g ra tu la tio n s Caroline! We love you and are g ratefu l to be a part of y o u r w o rld ... alw a y s & forever! M om , Dad & H aley

Ariana Loret de Mola Congratulations Ariana!!! We are so proud of your accomplishments and who you've become.Keep smiling and embrace the journey on your quest to find your passion. We love you! Mom, Dad and Emilio I


filled withjoy! Brava! Love, Mom,Dad&Sarah

Your academ ic achievements have been great due to your strong work ethic and determined curiosity. But it is your innate kindness, sense of humor and humility that will ultimately pave your path of true success and happiness in this world. The places you go and the people you meet will be better for having known you. Believe in your abilities. Learn from your stumbles. Love yourself unconditionally. With much love and pride, Mom, Dad and Annie

Pierce Norwood W fM IIW M

Pierce, Congratulations on a spectacular King experience! We are so proud of all that you have done, and all the effort and commitment you've shown to prepare yourself for your future. We're so excited for you, you mean the world to us! Love, Mom, Dave, and Angelique "There are no great limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder." -Ronald Regan

Kendall Abbott HOfl

Congratulations Kenni! We are so proud of you! May all your dreams come true...the best is yet to come. We love you! Mom and Dad Katie and Keaton


AJ DeGrado Congratulations AJ!! We are extremely proud of you and your accomplishments. Hold on to your positive attitude and perseverance. You are destined to do great things! We love you! Mom,Tata and Gracie

castle! A1â– affiRn ia i

! * a



Weare iffproud andad paYe donet

we can'twaifto ie e w h e takerpa next, ad oar hove Mom, Dad, Jackionand

congratulations we are so proud of you and we can't wait to see what lies ahead we love you mom, dad, Julianna and jonah

Congratulations Kelly What an amazing journey it has been. Mom and Dad's little girl has grown up into a beautiful, strong, smart, independent, self-starting young woman. We are so incredibly proud of the person and the leader you've become. There is nothing you can't accomplish. Enjoy the next step at college. Open every door you can and take full advantage of this next adventure. We love you, Mom and Dad

Kelly, Congratulations!! I remember my fir s t day of 3rd grade and how happy I was that my sister and I were finally going to the same school. From seeing you at recess or in the hallways of the lower school, to watching you grow up and run sports at King, you were always the best anyone could ever ask you to be. I can't wait to see what you can do in college, as I know nothing will ever stop you from doing whatever you want. I love you Kelly, and in the words of Elle Woods, "You did it!" Love, Tommy

Hey Con, You are just going to have to tru st me when I say you are the sm artest, prettiest, toughest, funniest, coolest, nicest and most athletic person I have ever met. You are the All S ta r of the Conheeney Family, which means that I am not worried at all that you are going to do amazing in college. Somehow you have been able to be both my little and big siste r over the past 18 years and you are always there to put a smile on my face when I need you most. One day I hope that I will be able to give you a successful "Kelly Day", but until that happens, ju st know that I love you so much and I cannot wait to see all the amazing things that you are about to accomplish. Love, James

D ear Kelly, I t seems like only y e ste rd a y th a t we held you in our arm s on th e day you were born and watched you grow into a positive, in tellig e n t and caring young woman. You have accom plished so much in high school. W e wish you confidence to fa ce challenges and wisdom to choose your path. T h is is your tim e to s e t new goals, to dream new dream s and to t r y your wings and see what lies beyond. W e love you and are so very proud o f your achievem ents. Love, Grandma Cathy and Grandpa Jo h n C rista d o ro

D ear Kelly, G randparents Day, e x citin g volleyball games, academ ic aw ards and th e g if t to us o f th e game winning s o ftb a ll. These are ju s t some o f th e fun things we rem em ber fro m your yea rs a t King. W e have been so very proud o f you. Keep up th e good work! W e know joy and success are in your fu tu re . Love, Grandma Dot and Grandpa Tom Conheeney

Robert Franklin Welt "Oh the Places You'll Go" Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're Off and Away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. You know what you know. You're the guy who will decide where to go. -Dr. Seuss We are SO PROUD of you Robert! Keep following your dreams! We love you SO much!!! Mom, Dad, Maura & Jasmine


We are beyond proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad & Sophie

To our angels Grace and Oona

Congratulations and much love to you always, love Grandma and Papa

Congratulations Lucia!!! We love you and could not be prouder of what you have accomplished and who you are. We wish you a life of love, health and happiness!!! Just follow your dreams. Love, Papito, Mommy, Thomas, Mathias and Cody

Thomas Mudd

“Alles hateinEnde, nur dieWurst hatzwei” w ith love always, Mum, Dad, Bridget, Sarah & John

Katy Simpson "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." -

Oscar Wilde


We are proud of you and love you very much! Mom, Dad, Will and Grandpa

HENRY SMITH We are so proud oS you! You are an amazing son and brother and w e could not ask for anything more! We can’t w ait to see w hat your future holds! Love Mom, Graham, Sarah, Thomas, Dad and Karen

Abby - Dream big and aim high ! So very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad & Luke


Be Fearless! Be Bold! Be Daring! Be Kind! Be Strong! Be Yourself! Love, Mom, Dad & Emma

‘ Tr

Maeve Snover

Thomas F. Deegan Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad

Your O ptions & O pportunities Are Lim itless! A s you start the next chapter of your journey in life, we wish you joy , adventure, success, love & happiness.

Jason, You are the most amazing, generous, and compassionate child. You are a wonderful brother (most of the time) and a loving son. We love you more than words can express and cannot wait for you to start your next adventure in the fall. Mom, Dad, Kate and Kinga.

Congratulations Max and the Class of 2018 W hat lies behind us and w h a t lies before us are tiny m atters com pared to w h at lies w ith in us. Ralph W aldo Em erson Do not go w h ere the path m ay lead, go instead w h ere th ere is no path and leave a trail. Ralph W aldo Em erson Don't let the noise of o th er's opinions drow n out you ow n inner voice. And m ost im po rtan t, have the courage to fo llo w yo ur h eart and intuition. Ste ve Jo b s It's not w h at happens to you, but how you react to it th at m atters. E p ictetu s M ax, You are a shining star and the best is yet to com e. You w ill accom plish anything to w hich you set yo ur m ind. I am so proud of you, and I w ill alw ays have your back. Love, Dad M ax, It is an honor to be your mom and I am so proud of the person th at you are. Keep sm iling, stay tru e to yo u rse lf and alw ays stay positive! I love you beyond m easure. Love, Mom M ax, Congratulations on yo ur graduation! W e call dibs on your room and Xbox! Love, Peggy and Ben M ax, W oof. Lick. Feed me. Love, Poppy

Stephanie Ann Costabile ^ans^i a la la flan d!

Q Eife id an adnenlate, da fallaw- y a a i dieamd taheieuet Ikey m ay lake ya a .

SFelicilatian& ^acakaete [1

“The future comes one a time"


D e an A ch eso n

W e are going to miss you so much! All of us can't wait to visit you every weekend with Yem m a, Baby, M onkey, Harold and the Boys (Finn too). W e love, love, love you,

Mom and Dad


o proud of you ove you very muc

Juliana Bettamio Dear JU,Words can't describe how proud I am of the woman you are becoming. You are so beautiful inside and out, dedicated, compassionate and loving! Wherever destiny takes you, I wish you the best of luck and will always be here for whatever you need. Love you forever, Isabela Ju, I wish you all the luck! I am going to miss you so much! With love, Manu

Dear Ju, Hard work, determination, persistence, faith, honesty, friendship, enthusiasm, big dreams, passion, gratitude and love have made you overcome your obstacles and achieve your goals. So, as you grow older, continues to enhance these virtues as they will lead you to achieve happiness and success in life. May Cod always bless you and guide you on your decisions and choices moving forward!

Larsen Life is like a cam era...

F om on w hat's important, Capture the good times, Develop from the negatives, A nd if things don't w ork out,

Take another shot. W e love you and are so proud of you!!! M om , D ad, Eliza, and Bella

Olivia De Chiara T h e m ore that you read, the m ore things you will kn o w . T h e m ore that you learn, the m ore p la ces you'll go. -D r. Seuss Co ng ratulatio ns O liv ia and the class of 2 0 1 8 ! W e are S O proud of Y O U ! Lo ve, M o m , D a d , Sam , A aro n and C o sm o too! XX

Katherine Burke D e a r Kit, w e are so proud of you, and yo u r a cco m p lish m en ts. Y o u r p e rsev e ra n ce and d eterm inatio n will help you as you navigate this next exciting ch a p ter of your life. C o n tin u e to be the kind, sensitive and thoughtful person you have alw ays b e e n . W e love you! M o m and D ad

Rudy Alejandro Vega Yo se muy bien los planes que tengo para ti, afirma Dios; planes de bienestar y no de calamidad, a fin de darte un futuro y una esperanza... Je r. 2 9 :1 1

Lo facil ya lo hiciste, lo dificil lo estas haciendo y lo imposible tardara, pero lo lograras.... Felicidades hijo por tus logros alcanzados. Estamos orgullosos de ti. W e love you..!! Mom, Dad and Julia... Su ccess


no a c c id e n t .

It is hard w ork , p e r s e v e r a n c e , learning, studying, s a c r i f i c e and most of all, love o f w h a t y o u a r e d o i n g . - P e le



Colby Lopez-Balboa

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain We are so very proud of you. You are a shinning star with a bright future and we love and adore you. With much love, Mom, Dad, Jake and Taylor


Chris!! We love you, Mom, Dad, Maggie, Dennis & Mary

Continue your own > >







Reid Gesualdi

W ell done. W e love you Kelly. Mom, Dad, Tucker, Kevin and Sunny



Brad, We are so proud of you! We’ve always been awestruck by your incredible passion for life - for your interest in learning and for your ideas and ideals. You have such a huge heart. You bring kindness and enthusiasm everywhere you go.

tfWT il "•

We know you will always be a friend to the world, wanting to ^ help make it a better place and58* wanting to make a positive difference for the people you m

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We can ’t wait to see where your journey takes you next. We hope each step of it is truly extraordinary. We love you with all our hearts,

â– S E

Caracas, Venezuela Juan Vicente, Como en su moment) con ms hermanos ahorase dedoamos elsigutente mensaje: Hoycomienza iasiguente fase de una hesoria deia cuaJ seras auaor, director yproagomsa. Como todo prindpio, te preguntaras: ^D6nde comienzo? Siempre encorsraras ei cammo hadendo usodems valores y detu razon. Dtsfruca cada nuevaaverttura sabiendo querns padres ytus hermanos siempre esaran a i para ayudarte. En la fetxia de Aida en el Pais de las Maravias, hay una frase que qucas sea adecuada para ayudarte en bj viaje. Halandose frente ai Rey.el conejo bianco le pregursa a esse: ‘Digame listed, su Majesad, ^donde debocomenzarT, a to cual ei Rey le contests coo voz muy grave, ‘comienza por el pnnapio, ysigue haste que legues ai Inal... luego, puedes parar,' Teamamos.


Congratulations!! You did it and we couldn't be more proud of you. The best is yet to come!!! Love, Mom, Dad, Kate Stevie & Rocky

&Hian nMauk ^beatehl i&lhan, y<ui aie aui fanaiile middle child, naaigatai davant and aulamalile aficianada. W e at aaeimhelmed ly yam many, accamiilidhmenl and yarn nenet-ending camfia&dian fat alheu>. an y an, 6uxeel lay. yaa f ill aui heath milh lane. SFaienei, •J%l,om, Dad, B liley, £Pelei and l2&ac

Congratulations Jackson! You bring so much laughter and joy to all of us! We are proud of you and so excited for this next chapter! We love you!

Mom, Dad, Chris, Kate and Daisy


Congratulations Riley!

Mom, Dad and Connor

"the winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail" we are so very proud of you grace as you set off onto college and beyond, you have been brave, and resilient and sometimes relentless, you are a remarkable young wom an, with great self knowledge, and awareness. you have never hurried but rather let the unbidden grow up and bloom. we will dearly miss you grace, and love you to the moon, and back again love mom and dad


Oona, We are so very proud of you as you graduate from the Upper School and move on Into the next exciting lourney of your llfe_collegel! For all of your 18 years you have entered life filled with energy, love and passion, art, science, sports, friends, you are not waiting for life to happen, you make It happen. We are very blessed with you, and will miss you dearly. Do well, continue to study hard, talk gently, listen to the stars, and know that we will always love you to the moon, and back again love, mom and dad



/ ik in q s Cross Country

The world is a stage and in life a man plays many parts. The parts you’ve played so far are just your beginning. We are blessed to be your audience and await all your future productions!

Love Mom, Dad, Liam and Keary

atthew Roer S h oot fo r th e m oon. E v e n if you m iss, y ou ’ll lan d am o n g th e s ta rs .


Dear Matt, Congratulations! We are so proud of the amazing man you have become. The best is yet to come. We love you, Mom, Dad, Nicole (and Nala too)

Congratulations. Jackie II

Congratulations Morgan

Life is an adventure, follow your heart, and stay true to yourself. Love, Mom, Dad, & Emma

Harris Geary Walker Peanut butter ... baby bear ...Go H! ... Yeah, Harry

We love, love, love you. Mom and Dad

Stella Kadin Silver * f f


r 17 7 0

W e are all so very proud of your accom plishm ents!! O n to Indiana!!! W e love y o u M om , D ad, Matt and Kevin

Daniel Gilbert W e a re so p ro u d o f w ho you a re !


O Captain! My Captain! Renn, We knew from a very young age that you would be an athlete. You have shown us over the years that it is not just the gift that you were given that made you successful but what you chose to do with that gift. You are the hardest working guy on the field, and always the last one to leave. We are proud of your accomplishments and love who you have become through your hard work, dedication and leadership. You have been fearless under pressure and graceful in defeat. We we all love you and congratulate you on this milestone in your life. The world is yours to conquer, never give up and never settle. When history is written you will be king. Always and forever. We love you, Mom, Dad & Kaden


Annika Catherine Ozizmir Wishing you a lifetime of continued adventures!


Riley! w

Prou" oftheP «


» T ‘ h^ o o , xx Momandn.

Lucas Stalman We love you!! Papa, m am a, Sebastian, M anuela y Luisa L o la , M a ia a n d T ig er

LILY! You’ve climbed your hurdles with grace and become an accomplished young lady. You are passionate, driven and delight us with your respectful and open hearted ways.


Always smile that beautiful smile and follow your dreams! You .are loved -beyond measuref frlomrDad, Ana-and Jake *

Congratulations to you and all your accomplishments. You have come a long way. Continue following your dreams. You are intelligent, caring, loving, hard­ working and polite. These qualities will take you well into the future, along with your exceptional talent and imagination. Continue following your dreams. We love you Olivia! Love, Dad, Mom, Gamal, Jamal, Jude and Jole



Alexea Papanicolaou

Congratulations! W e are incredibly proud of the bright, loving and beautiful young w om an you've becom e. W e know the next chapter in your life will be just as great. A lw ays continue to love, laugh and learn. T he future is yours! All our love,


M om , D ad and George

Austin francis I?anley

From Bridget: You make me so proud to be your older sister every day. I can't wait to see what's in store for you at ND. From Monica: I'm so proud of you and am so excited for you to attend Notre Dame! Know we love you the most! From Brendan: Maizey Lazy & Magurk would be proud. Good luck!

We are proud of you and we love you very much Bridget, Monica, Brendan, Dad and Mama



"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." Ferdinand Foch

We are so proud to see where this ire leads you! You are an inspiration. Lots of Love!

Congratulations Luke! "Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey." We can't wait to see where life takes you! Love, Mom, Dad & Jack






to the Class o f 2018! — Publications class




in k


With appreciation for your contributions to the King community, we wish you success on your next endeavors!

Keeniun Brumskill History Faculty & Director o f Diversity

Susan Heintz Computer Science Chair

Thank you to... Ms. Sadlowsky and Mr. Main for their thoughtful letters to the school. Yearbook Club members for their continued support. Jeff Wood for being an amazing Walsworth representative. English Department faculty for editing every bit of text we brought to them. Simon House members for offering us their resources and archives. Ms. O ’Rourke, Marketing, & Mr. Shoemaker for helping with photography. Mrs. Bruzik & Mrs. Sotire for being the school encyclopedia. Mr. Shoemaker & Ms. Prince for sharing their knowledge in their professions. Mrs. Conheeney & Mrs. Voges for representing the senior class. Mrs. Mishkin & Mr. Coulombe for help with community input & organization. Mr. Decker, Mr. Hauben, & coaches for giving us assistance with sports logistics. Those who contributed quotes and photographs. Mrs. LaPolla for her designer's eye and artistic feedback.

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