King School Yearbook 2019

Page 1

able of Contents Publications Team Dedications Dr. Eshoo’s Letter King Mission Statem ent Cross Divisional Depts.

2-3 4-7 8 9 10-11

U p p e r S chool

L o w e r S chool Staffulty Class of 2032 Class of 2031 Class of 2030 Class of 2029 Class of 2028 Class of 2027 Class of 2026 Events & Programs

14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-25 26-29 30-33 34-39 40-57


Staffulty Class of 2022 Class of 2021 Class of 2020 Academic Programming Clubs Athletics Arts Events Senior Section Ms. Sadlowsky's Letter Recognition Pages

106-111 112-117 118-123 124-129 130-141 142-145 146-195 196-211 212-225 226-341 229 342-418

Signature Pages


M id d le S chool Staffulty Class of 2025 Class of 2024 Class of 2023 Athletics Events 5 Programs Clubs

60-62 63-65 66-68 69-72 73-83 84-103 94-95

Thank you to... D r. E sh oo & M s . S a d lo w s k y - f o r th e ir le tte rs a n d g e n e r a l s u p p o rt. J e ff W o o d - f o r his te c h n ic a l s u p p o rt, a d v ic e , a n d W a ls w o rtn -e x p e rtis e . M r s . L a P o lla - f o r h e r m e tic u lo u s e y e , d e s ig n e x p e rtis e , a n d c r e a tiv e m ind. English D e p a r t m e n t m e m b e rs - f o r th e ir h e lp w ith c o p y e d itin g . M r s . B ru z ik - f o r h e r c o m m u n ity c o n n e c tio n s a n d c o p y e d itin g . M s . O 'R o u r k e - f o r h e r p h o to g r a p h y c o n trib u tio n s . M r . S h o e m a k e r - for his p h o to g r a p h y e x p e rtis e , e q u ip m e n t, a n d s u p p o rt. M s M e s s in g e r & M s . W a r r e n - f o r th e ir jo u rn a lis m a n d g r a p h ic d e s ig n te e xp e rfise . Y e a r b o o k C lu b m e m b e rs - f o r th e ir h e lp w ith b ra in s to rm in g a n d c o n te n t g a th e rin g . A th le tic D e p a r t m e n t - f o r p r o g r a m fe e d b a c k a n d f o r b e in g a lia is o n to c o a c h e s . C o lle g e C o u n s e lin g O f f i c e - f o r th e ir e x p e r tis e a n d c o p y e d itin g . S tu d e n t D e a n s - f o r th e ir s u p p o r t in s tu d e n t c o m m u n ic a tio n .

Them e The theme of the 2019 King School y e a r b o o li^ ^ r a S i^ ^ R : is fittin g ^ | new programming, such as the Innovation Lab, and new leadership under Dr. Eshoo, bring a rediscovery of what it means to be King School. Our hope is to encapsulate the essence of our community beyond its virtues, to examine the lens of the King experience that cannot be seen from an outside perspective, for us, signifies the importance of those moments when we reflect upon who we are and how we might continue to grow.

The 2019 Publications Team consisted of Christina Contadino '20, Hannah Cosgrove '21, Georgia Decker '20, Gigi Skolds '20 and Ally Triano '20. The Yearbook Club was led by Diana Degnan '20. The team was advised by Mrs. Bowe and Dr. Schulman.

Publications Team


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C a th y : In 1999 the seniors dedicated their yearbook to you, "a woman whose endless generosity, eternal kindness, and grace have shaped the KLHT community." The Class of 2010 wrote in its dedication to you that “there isn't a place on the King campus that has not been made better by your tireless and creative contributions." You have been Head of Upper School, Dean of Students, Senior Class Advisor and prom organizer for decades, history teacher, Performing Arts Department member playing the piano for our musicals or manning the box office. No need is too small to get your attention, be it driving the van for a team or substituting for a sick teacher. Yet what colleagues and students will remember you most for is your willingness to be a friend, to listen and to help in any way you can. Thank you for everything you have done for the school. As the 2010 yearbook says, "you are indeed a Star." — Karin Wagner, AP Coordinator 3 am so grateful for Mrs. Mishkin. She has always made me smile when I am stressed and has supported me through any and all of my challenges. I am one of the plethora of high school students whom Mrs. Mishkin has helped, and I believe that she is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Though Mrs. Mishkin's retirement makes me sad, I wish her the best in whatever she does as she ventures beyond King. — Christina Contadino '20

A n era's conning to an end Let us take a moment to reflect On the accomplishments of Cathy Mishkin And just what her retirement affects. Parents Night, Inspirica, Blood Drive, Midnight Run, LSR, The Homeless Project, Senior events were so much fun! May Day Breakfast, Commencement, and we can't forget the Prom, This is only the tip of the iceberg— the list goes on and on! Yes, Cathy, you managed to do it all, Of your praises we'll always sing. Please know you are loved and will be missed By all of us— your family— at King! — Leslie Bruzik, US Assistant

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C a th y is a shining example of what it truly means to give. She gives herself to her students and colleagues as an educator, mentor, and advisor, and to the world through her humanitarian club engagements. Cathy has dedicated her life to her profession at King School as a calling and as creation. She gives her life to the school, and through the school, to the world. — Christos Galanopoulos, History Chair


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I have been fortunate to spend the last eight years soaking in Cathy's guidance and wisdom. I admire her thoughtfulness as a teacher, advisor, service coordinator and human being. Everything she does, from blood drives, Midnight Runs, CANstructions, food drives, meal serving, service trips and so much more, comes directly from her heart. Whether it be for a program, class or an informal effort, Cathy's constant commitment to community service is done with humility and passion. Without her influence, the King Cares Service Program would not be what it is today. I think that many people have always hoped that Cathy's retirement would never arrive as she humbly does so much that we do not even know about! There will be a big void in the school but we are fortunate that such a beautiful and caring person has set a strong foundation for so many years to come. — Jenna Temple, Math Faculty I feel so lucky that I was able to have Mrs. Mishkin as a teacher. Mrs. Mishkin has made so many contributions to the King community both inside and outside of the classroom, especially with her dedication to the King Cares program. I will always remember Mrs. Mishkin for her kind, caring, and bright personality. — Georgia Decker '20 C a th y : your shoes will be hard to fill. For years you have shepherded the senior class through their many activities— including their trip and prom. I remember fondly our years with the seniors on "the boat." We will also miss your constant presence as a force for community involvement— the Midnight Run, the dinners served at the homeless shelter, the many drives for clothes, toiletries and other necessities. You championed the causes of social justice in action and in your classes. Those who remember will also miss you as a force for the arts and music. You have worn many hats during your time here. May you find new ones that are every bit as fulfilling in the future. — Tom Zoubek, Social Sciences Chair

C o n n ie N ichols A A rs . Nichols has been our advisor

and friend for three years. She has the ability to fill even the worst Monday mornings with positivity, joy, and love. We are greeted every day with a huge smile and a warm greeting. Her doors are always open and her caring spirit is undeniable. We have shared a lot of laughs these past few years, from bagel days, to group hugs, to Secret Santa, but we will never forget the incredible woman who made it all possible. We love you, Mrs. Nichols. — Your Advisees, 2019 It is hard to believe the time has come to say goodbye You are one of a kind, and as far as I am concerned, irreplaceable. Thank you for your warmth, your kindness, your generosity, and your distinctive sense of humour. For many years, you were the first person I would see in the morning at school as we teamed up to prepare coffee for everyone. A few words and a few laughs shared at that time made all the difference in the way I would start my day. Thank you for all your support and for being an honest colleague and friend. Remember that the good part about saying goodbye is to look forward to saying "hello" again. Many heartfelt wishes for a happy retirement. — Gilles Chosson, Director of Global Education

O v e r the four years that I have been in clay classes here at King, Mrs. Nichols has always been there to support my creative goals. From the sawdust firings, to the King Talk my class gave last year, to the many ugly experimental glaze combinations I tried out, Mrs. Nichols was always there to help me and my classmates. Not only has Mrs. Nichols taught me everything I know about ceramics but she has made me want to have a lifetime commitment to clay. Mrs. Nichols will leave a legacy of beautiful art and adoring students at King. — Anna Patten '19

D e d ic a tio n C on n ie hired me eight years ago. Since my first day of work, she mentored and supported me in everyway. She encouraged me to be an authentic teacher and she generously promoted new initiatives that I wanted to introduce. Her goal has always been for the Visual Arts Program to be a vital component of every King student's education. The exceptional and strong program that King has is her legacy. — Ran LaPolla, Visual Arts Chair j*

Something's missing in the Art Room The kiln is cool to the touch The ceramic shelf is empty The silence is too much. Another King legend leaves us Connie Nichols, that really stinks! The dishes will be piling up And clay clogging up the sinks!

\A /hen I first came to King, Connie's classroom was next door to mine, and she quickly became my unofficial mentor. She taught me how to write comments, how to As a teacher, you are second to manage my time, and how to maintain my sanity as a none, new teacher. It is now many years later (more than I Your creativity is off the meter! care to count or admit to), and Connie is still a mentor, Your w it 5 humor will be sorely but she also became a friend, and now I consider her missed part of my family. There will be a big hole to fill when Enjoy your retirement, dear she is not here in the fall. We hope she will come by for friend, Conita! an 11 am lunch. — Leslie Bruzik, US Assistant — Jackie Martino, Performing Arts Chair will forever admire your dedication to your profession, craft, colleagues, the school, and most importantly your students. Your passion to foster a student's interest and skills in art has impacted a list of names a mile long. You are a terrific leader who is not afraid to speak up when something needs to be done or said. Thank you for believing in me those years ago on a warm June morning. I would not be the educator I am today without your guidance and support. I wish you all the best moving forward— endless hours of making art and building memories with your family. Cheers! — Katie Tobin, Visual Arts Faculty

D r. Eshoo's L e tte r to th e D ear King community, My inaugural year as Head of King School has been filled with many “firsts" as I have gotten to know this extraordinary school. I experienced my first ringing of the bells in our gym, which was just as loud and just as hot and stuffy as everyone promised. I broke out my new Viking “helmet" beanie for my first Homecoming and cheered on literally hundreds of students on the fields and in the gym surrounded by current families and alumni. I proudly joined students and colleagues in Pajama Day, the most comfortable day of the year, in my onesie. I observed research project presentations by 3rd graders, a geography competition among Middle School students, and a Brexit debate by 12th graders. I've learned about the histories of three distinct schools— King, Low-Heywood, and Thomas— whose mergers over the course of many decades provide the foundation for the school today. And yes, I called my first snow days and experienced my first squall. The first year at a new school has felt, at times, a little bit like drinking from a firehose: there has been so much to learn and understand from the thousands of people I have met and gotten to know over the past few months. "Your te a m o f c o n fid a n ts a n d frie n d s w ill b e th e o nes w h o , u ltim a te ly , w ill h e lp yo u m a k e m e a n in g o f y o u r e x p e rie n c e s a n d b rin g w h a t c o n f e e l lik e a s c a t te r e d r e a lity in to focus."

All of you will have many experiences like this over the course of your lifetime. You might take courses that cover so much information that you cannot find a clear way towards understanding much of it. You will be expected to carry out complex projects that will require you to organize your time and your thinking in ways that will not come naturally to you.

There will be times when you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings with people who seem to challenge even your most basic assumptions. You might feel a little bit like being under water: you can hear but it will be muffled, you can move but only slowly, and you can see but everything looks blurry. This is exactly why the theme of our yearbook— coming into focus— resonates so much with me. All of us are busy with all of the challenges that the world presents to us. And yet, we choose to be at King because we know that excellent education is not just about knowing a lot of things; it is about understanding how to identify problems, how the world works, and why human relationships matter. We take what we learn, and we analyze, synthesize, and create from it. We make meaning from it. We bring it into focus. This is the challenge I took on this year: to learn as much as possible about our beloved school, in all of its complexity, to develop the clearest picture possible of who we have been, who we are, and who we can be. I am grateful to everyone I have met this year— students, parents, colleagues, and alumni— for teaching me what it means to be a Viking. My hope and wish for all of you is not that you simply continue to accept these kinds of challenges, but that you embrace and enjoy them for the transformations that can bring. Always make time to step back and think, notice what is happening around you, and remain curious. Most of all, surround yourself with people whom you can trust to challenge you, to help you translate your experiences and find your place in the world, and to develop meaningful perspective. Your team of confidants and friends will be the ones who, ultimately, will help you make meaning of your experiences and bring what can feel like a scattered reality into focus.

Dr. Karen E. Eshoo

We provide an excellent, progressive education, grounded in the traditional disciplines of the arts and sciences, committed to the nurturing of individual potential, and designed to promote critical thinking and reasoned reflection. Using rich and innovative methods, our Teachers facilitate each student's fullest academic and personal achievement. We champion the development of character, self-confidence, and talent through challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership, and service opportunities. King believes that individual accomplishment must go hand in hand with respect for others. Our culture of respect fosters collaboration as well as independence. We embrace human and cultural diversity. We value responsible citizenship. King graduates are well equipped to succeed in college and to pursue lives of ongoing inquiry, learning, accomplishment, personal fulfillment and social responsibility.

In te g r ity

Understanding and living by our values with authenticity. K indness

Intentional consideration and compassion for others. P e rs e v e ra n c e

Relentlessly pursuing excellence with a focus on growth and improvement.


Treating every person with dignity and civility through honoring ourselves and others in our words and actions.

A s s is ta n t to H e a d

A s s o c ia te H e a d s o f S c h o o l

D e a n o f F a c u lty

Judy Valentine

Kim Leeker, Mamie Sadlowsky

Alex Weiner

A th le tic s D e p a r t m e n t

Marc Saracino, Nina Newman,* Merrill Shafer, Dana Thomas, Catherine Lewis

Eric Joyner, Aii Stoddart, Karen Celia, Artie Waters, Dan Gouin, Tom Decker*, Mark McAndrews, Pat Nielsen, Wendell Maxey, Micah Hauben,* Not Pictured: Emma Jonsson

Business O f f i c e

D e v e lo p m e n t O f f i c e

Pam Pitasi, Susan Price, Denise Magalnick, Kim Leeker,* Lisa Nero, Suzanne Forbes

Max Dixon, Karen Smyth, Cindy Dill, Caitlin Halle, Lauren Fredette*

A d m is s io n s D e p a r t m e n t

C ross D ivisional D e p a rtm e n ts

F a c ilities T e a m

E n v iro n m e n ta l S e rv ic e s T e a m

Randall Lienhardt, Ana Astudillo, Jenni Vitti, Michael Arias, David Sotire, Kevin Scott, John Zatorksy, Dale Baldwin,* Doug Johnson, Carlos Escalante

Frantzi Osirus,* Yesenia Caro, Ewart Brim, Rafaela "Chiqui" Rosa, Mari Carmen Rojas, Sebastien Lopez, Elba Hilario

F o o d S e rv ic e s

Carmen Jimenez, Sue Geddes, Lelio Vieux Jr.,* Gladys Loaizoi, Ana Cordero, Tiffany Farrel, Rafaela Rosa, Rosa Dibatista, Yves Georges, Mendez Yanenrys, Francisco Sanchez, Wesley Douglass, Estwardo Barrera

M a r k e t i n g a n d C o m m u n ic a tio n

Tamra Lichtman,* Lakeya Graves, Kathleen O'Rourke*

In s titu tio n a l T e c h n o lo g y

Jonathan Echavarria, Selina Policar, 3^ waldman * Monica Grbic


Lower School Staffulty

Amy Vorenberg Head of Lower School

Karen Celia Physical Education

Chelsea Church Director of Teaching and Learning

Debbi DePouli Art

Dan Gouin Physical Education Assistant Dir. of Athletics

Paola Grant French

Sisi Guo Mandarin

Susan Laramie Computer Science

Joey Lener Science

Mark McAndrews Physical Education

Robin Ordan Lower School Counselor

Rosalba Santander Spanish

Karen Smith Assistant to Head of Lower School

Ali Stoddart Physical Education

Artie Waters Physical Education

Dawn Bryson & Jennifer Dorta School Nurses

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Tyler Oudsema

Sonali Powell

Daniel Rooney

Isabella Ulloa

Marko Cartiera

Lucas Chernet

Maxwell Esposito

Madison Goichman

Tanya Jain

Sarah Krasnor

Evan Krasnor

Gillian Mendez

Eli Pollock

Ryan Seracino

Romany Shoemaker

Mark Pece

Juan Carlos Bedoya-Ordonez

Sophia Guevara

Carolina Reinhoefer Ribeiro

Adorn Bedu-Addo

Samantha Guevara

Dylan Rybicki

Varsha Bennabattula

Sylas Lovallo

Quinn Stein

Phoebe Coulombe

Casey McAndrews

Mikenna Posta

Mason Stein


Ella Mendez

Erica Mwenda

Neerav Trivedi

G rade 2 Aniya Garcia

Jackson Marcy

Clara Kulig

Rohan Pookkottil

Patrick Sponheimer

Evan Ingrum

Ozzie Weisser


Kate Oudsema

Lucre Berardi

Keith Guevara

Tess Weisman

Caroline Castonguay

Kiran Dohil

Jackson Goichman

Alec Linders

Ava Pufko

Daniel Sandford

Jiya Dohil

Chloe Martin

Evan Minaidis

Shaun Munger

Alivia Posta

Lily Schwartz

Dylan Stein

Eden Weisel

James Gingold

Ollie Mansfield

Anaiya Shah

Chalie Hendrickson

Grace Hillenmeyer

Jimi Kulig

Grayson McEvoy

Samantha Mizhen

Anika Rizvi

Liam Wathen

Shelby Weisel

Samantha Tillman

Gavin Marcy

Jaxon Grayson

Camila Pajares

Mason Hauben

Tyler Phillips

Camila Pajares

Marta Larini


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Kayla Barta

Varun Bennabattula

Sowa Laryea-Adjei

Gillian Lehneis

Jackson Dooley

Hathaway Liparidis

Sophie Fishkin

Bruno Reinhoefer Ribeiro

Gregory Martin

Samantha Spenner

Nikolas Nikeas

Kendra Villard

Amy Powell

Eric Seagren

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Haven Fischer

Kendi Mwenda

Daniel Manos

Connor McAndrews

Max Moschini

Sophia Santomaro

Charlie Schwartz

Lucia Vivanco

Adm inistration

Alex Weiner Head of Middle School

Ben Magidson Dean of Students

Jessie Coulombe Director of Teaching and Learning

Jennifer Guevara Counselor

Alexandra Bosee Counselor


Jenna Adimari English

Carol Brown Math

Lee Couch Math

Brian Coughlan Math

Cindy Erickson Computer Science

Paola Grant Spanish

Cheryla Greene Assistant to Head of Middle School

Stephanie Hoos English

Sharon Johnson Administrative Assistant

Victoria Khiznichenko Math

S ta ffu lty P ortraits

Sue Laramie Computer Science

George Lewis History

Ben Schwartz English

Michelle Sibrizzi Science

Neuvi Villanueva Spanish

Robert Waller History

Ken Lewis History

Lindsay Silbereisen Science

Nadia McGoran French

Katie Tobin Art

Tung Tran Science

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C lass o f 2 0 2 5 S o fia A c o sta A n y a A n d e rso n G r a c e A n d e rso n Taylor Ansel Duncan Baird

Jaime Bautista Ludovica Berardi O w e n Blaine John Brockm ann C o n n o r B ro w n

Logan Bruno So fia C e p e d a Thomas Cline Brian C o n d o n Jaipal Dohil

Jack D u ffy A le x Esposito M a t t h e w G o ld m a n Christian G o n z a le z Felicity G o u d ie

Jayd en G r a y s o n S y d n e y H auben Parker Hayashi Thomas Jennings C o lto n Jones

Isabella K ole n b erg A b ig a il Kuffel D e v o n Lehneis Elena Linders Z a c h a ry Louizos

G e n e v ie v e M a n s fie ld C h a rle s M a t t s o n Liam M c G u i r e Ryan M c K in le y Harrison M irk in

Raphael M o n t e iro Jakari M o r g a n Henry N e r o R yan Pakutka C o n n o r Peck

Jacob Pelham William Pufko C a ro lin e Resnick S o p h ia Roy A le xa n d e r Salib

Ethan S ch a m b e rg A d a m Spie lvogel Austin Stanise C h a rle s Zimmerman

C h a rle s A llard B ra e d e n A n d e rso n O liv ia B a rta Finleigh Benkw itt Tyler Bruno N icholas Butler

Jonathan C o u c h A d ria n D a v ie s M axim ilian Denner G r a n t D ie tz C a y d e n Dim sey G r a c e Eagleton

C a ro lin e Ellis Leighton Ercklentz Henry Feinstein M a r s d e n Fine Forrest Fischer A v a Frascarelli

Le on ard o Frisoli Blaine G e rs o n Lance G o o d n o w M a tth e w G raham Brown Jordyn G u e v a r a C ath e rin e H a rv e y

M o r g a n Hils G r a c e Horn C h arlotte Janney D a rsh Kumar N icholas K u rb an ov Sa m a n th a Leath

Z a c h a ry Lew Anthony Lima M i a Lynn Lily M a n isc a lc o Josephine M a r r a D e la n e y M a r s h

A h m a d M ic k e n s Elliot M ille r Riley M ille r N o a h M iz h e n Leila M ulshine Z a c h a ry M u n n o

William N ard e lla Spencer Neckritz C h a s e Perlman O liv ia Peters N a sir Pettigrew C h a s e Phillips

S a w y e r Phillips S y d n e y Ryan Tatum Ryan K y a ra Scialpi Layla Shah Ignacio Silvani

A le xa nd e r Stuebe William Szym anski N a th a n Trepanier D ivye n Trivedi O w e n Tucker Juan Vicente-Esparrago

M axim ilian W ach ter Ryan W e m p e n Kathryn W e n tw o rth Leina W y a tt

William A n d e rso n Kenneth B a cke s N icole B a rrera M a r k Bennett Leonardo Berardi C harlotte Black

Rupert Black A id a n Bresnahan C h a s e B ro w n Lucas C e p e d a Joseph C o h e n Jonathan D ecker

G r e g o r y Drbul Axel Fine Hunter Fine Simon Fox Tess Fredette John Freeman

Erik Frenes G riffe n G a in e A v a G illespie Julia G ive n te r A b ig a il G lassm e yer Elizabeth G linka

Bliss G o o d in g G ra yso n G o o d m a n Jonathan G r b ic Duke H agen Daniel Hein Paul Ippolito

S o fia Izurieta C o n n o r Karr William Kearns Beatrice Kelly Elizabeth King G o u ri Krishnan

Nii A d o rn Larye a-A d je i C la r e Liao P h o e b e Lightburn Sa m a n th a Lockyer Elijah L o w e C h arlo tte M a c D o n a ld

G a v in M c C u e Brigitte M c G u i r e James M in n ich Robert M o r r is R a y a n N a b ilz a d e h A lm o n d Nickerson

Em m a O 'C o n n o r A le x a n d ra O xen stie rn a K a re e n a Pasumarti Kunaal Pasumarti M a x Pinnock Jam es Raidt

Jackson Rivas D y la n Schmitke Isabelle Schuh S o fia Senecal H annah S h a w Harrison Slotkin

William Sm osky Lauren Stackp ole Kurt Stu e be Lilah Sw eillam M a r i a Francisco V ivan co M o i r a W a th e n

M a r c u s W a tts H a rry W e ism an Isabella W hite Hiro W y a tt John Y ou n g M a c a rt h u r Y ou n g

C h lo e Z a n g a

C lass o f 2 0 2 3 C a n d id s

M id d le S chool C andids,

A th le tics C a n d id s

Blue V o lle y b a ll

Back: Coach Molly Whittaker, Charlotte Janney, Leila Mulshine, Finleigh Benkwitt, Mia Lynn and Coach Carol Brown Front: Maria Francisca Vivanco, Delaney Marsh, Grace Horn and Sofia Senecal

Back: Nicole Barrera, Bliss Gooding, Lilah Sweillam and Isabella White Front: Ava Frascarelli, Catherine Harvey, Tess Fredette and Alexandra Oxenstierna

Back: Coach Emily Price, Kathryn Wentworth, Jordyn Guevara, Elizabeth Glinka, Charlotte MacDonald and Coach Nicole Baratz Middle: Samantha Leath, Grace Eagleton, Emma O'Connor, Isabella Schuh and Riley Miller Front: Lily Maniscalco and Kyara Scialpi

7 / 8 Fall A th le tics C ross C o u n try

Back: Coach Jennifer Guevara, John Young, Almond Nickerson, Jackson Rivas, John Freeman, Max Pinnock, Elijah Lowe, Phoebe Lightburn and Coach Katie Tobin Front: Nathan Trepanier, Daniel Hein and Owen Tucker

F ootball

Back: Coach Mark McAndrews, Noah Mizhen, Harrison Slotkin, Ahmad Mickens, James Raidt, Jonathan Decker, Grayson Goodman, Duke Hagen, Hiro Wyatt, Kenneth Backes, Forrest Fischer and Coach Artie Waters Middle: Lance Goodnow, Chase Brown, Robert Morris, Griffen Gaine, Anthony Lima, Aidan Bresnahan, Joseph Cohen, Leonardo Frisoli, Grant Dietz, Adrian Davies and Matthew Graham Brown Front: Divyen Trivedi, Chase Phillips, Marcus Watts, Jonathan Grbic, Ryan Wempen, William Nardella, William Smosky, Gregory Drbul, Tyler Bruno, Charlie Allard and Maximilian Wachter

Red S o cce r

Back: Leighton Ercklentz, Cayden Dimsey, Rayan Nabilzadeh, Kurt Stuebe, Chase Perlman, Rupert Black and Elliot Miller Front: Ignacio Silvani, Darsh Kumar, Leonardo Berardi, Dylan Schmitke, Jonathan Couch and William Anderson

Blue S occe r

Left to Right: Coach Tom Vorenberg, Lucas Cepeda, Nii Adorn Laryea-Adjei, Juan Vicente-Esparrago, Marsden Fine, Braeden Anderson, Henry Feinstein, Alexander Stuebe and Coach Matt O'Shea

7 / 8 Fall A th le tics G irls' S occer

p u n ip t J S B r'iS ri # ) [ ÂŤ : !I| KING





Back: Coach Brian Coughlan, Clare Liao, Sydney Ryan, Caroline Ellis, Charlotte Black, Leina Wyatt, Abigail Glassmeyer, Tatum Ryan and Coach Ali Stoddard Front: Kareena Pasumarti, Olivia Barta, Gouri Krishnan and Sofia Izurieta

C re w

S tre n g th a n d C o n d itio n in g

Back: Coach Dough Fishkin, Sawyer Phillips, Ava Gillespie, Chloe Zanga, Zachary Lew, Blaine Gerson, Josephine Marra, Macarthur Young and Coach Ken Lewis Front: William Kearns and Spencer Neckritz

Left to Right: Layla Shah, Coach Eric Joyner, James Minnich, Connor Karr, Morgan Hils, Paul Ippolito, Nicholas Butler and Nasir Pettigrew

S w im m in g

Left to Right: Phoebe Lightburn, Spencer Neckritz, Nicholas Butler, Kyara Scialpi and Gouri Krishnan

Red B a ske tb a ll

Back: Hiro Wyatt, Paul Ippolito, Ahmad Mickens, Harrison Slotkin, Axel Fine, Noah Mizhen, Duke Hagen and Nasir Pettigrew Front: James Minnich, Leonardo Frisoli, William Szymanski, William Nardella and William Smosky

Blue B asketball

Back: James Raidt, Jonathan Decker, Chase Perlman and Rayan Nabilzadeh Middle: Leighton Ercklentz, Dylan Schmitke, John Freeman, Jonathan Couch, Rupert Black and Ignacio Silvani Front: Harry Weisman, Leonardo Berardi, William Anderson and Marsden Fine

W h ite B asketball

Back: Adrian Davies, Lance Goodnow, Anthony Lima, Gavin McCue, Joseph Cohen and Chase Brown Middle: Nii Adorn Laryea-Adjei, Chase Phillips, Zachary Lew, Sawyer Phillips and Grant Dietz Front: Owen Tucker, Elliot Miller and Gregory Drbul

Red B a ske tb a ll

Back: Charlotte Black, Leina Wyatt, Samantha Lockyer, Elizabeth King and Isabella White Front: Abigail Glassmeyer, Hannah Shaw, Olivia Peters and Isabella Schuh

Blue B a ske tb a ll

Mulshine and Kathryn Wentworth Middle: Tatum Ryan, Jordyn Guevara and Sydney Ryan Front: Olivia Barta and Samantha Leath

H o cke y

Back: Robert Morris, Griffen Gaine, Ryan Wempen and Henry Feinstein Front: Cayden Dimsey, Jonathan Grbic and Charlie Allard

7 / 8 W in te r A th le tics D a n ce

Back: Ava Frascarelli, Charlotte Janney, Finleigh Benkwitt and Riley Miller Front: Grace Eagleton, Delaney Marsh and Beatrice Kelly

Left to Right: Erik Frenes, Lucas Cepeda, Matthew Graham Brown, Divyen Trivedi, Nicholas Kurbanov and Darsh Kumar

W in te r

Back: Connor Karr, Max Pinnock, Almond Nickerson, Grayson Goodman, Mark Bennett, Kurt Stuebe, Kenneth Backes, Kingsley Muir, Charlotte MacDonald, Hunter Fine, Macarthur Young and Caroline Ellis Middle: Simon Fox, Kunaal Pasumarti, Aidan Bresnahan, Bliss Gooding, Alexandra Oxenstierna, Nicole Barrera, Moira Wathen and Elizabeth Glinka Front: Daniel Hein, Braeden Anderson, Zachary Munno, Josephine Mama, Ava Gillespie, Tess Fredette, Maria Francisca Vivanco and Brigitte McGuire

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Photo Credit: Beatrice Kelly, Chloe Zanga, Nicole Barerra, Hunter Fine and Brigitte McGuire 95

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Ted Parker, Mamie Sadlowsky*

A d m in is tr a tiv e A s s istan ts

Leslie Bruzik, Diane Barrett

C o u n s e lin g


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> p e a k e rs

Becky Rabassa Lexi Bosee

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Megan Yelton,* Cathy Mishkin, Jonathon Coulombe,* Ian Lear-Nickum, Margie Farrell, Patrick O'Neill

Brady Shoemaker, Isabelle Dionisius, Michelle Merriweather

English Department Carolyn Patten,* Adam Boaz, Elizabeth Messinger, Suzanne Gigante, Tricia Manganello Julia Ryan, Daniel Block, Jonathon Coulombe

History Department Rachel Ackley, Lindsey Rossler, Cathy Mishkin, Megan Yelton, Ian Lear-Nickum, George Lewis Laura Bowe, Patrick O'Neill, Christos Galanopoutos*

Mathematics Department Kurt Schleunes, Stacey Karipides, Laura Toniolo, Debbie Ferri, Michelle Merriweather, Sara O'Toole, Jenna Temple, Peter Yu, Alec Lash, Brian Salvesen, Victoria Khiznichenko

Jennifer Segovia, Brian Miller, Jackie Martino* Garrett Mendez, Amy Darnton Ian Taylor, Mark Silence, Margo Caddell

Joe Ryan, Nick DeFelice, Ray Nelson, Dave Bradt, Tom Castonguay* Victoria Schulman, Rebaca Varghese

H e a th e r Parker,

Laura Bowe, Cathy Mishkin, Megan Yelton, Frank Roche, Paul Snyder, Tom Zoubek,* Christos Galanopoulos, Mark Lingle Ian Lear-Nickum, Becky Rabassa

Connie Nichols Ran LaPolla,* Katie Tobin

World Languages Francisco Gracia, Ihui Li, Margie Farrell, Paola Grant, Sisi Guo, Siying Ma, Claudia Lydon* Ivan Ferrero-Ruiz, Tom Zoubek, Stephen Baldwin, Denise Mihailoff, Gilles Chosson

S ta ffu lty C a n d id s

William Abbott Daniel Acosta Emily Alexander Lily Claire Alpert Isaiah Alteus

Giovanna Armetta Dalton Aysseh Catherine Baer Paige Baird Madison Barry

Ashton Benkwitt William Bennett William Bernfeld Madeline Blattman Madeline Bramel

Taylor Bryan Josie Butler Grace Cadman Hannah Carter Sarah Cepeda

Julien Chausse Nick Clark Charlotte Cohen Jeremy Cooke Anabelle Creveling

Charli D'Amelio Ori Divon Adam Donnelly Owen Donovan Daniel Dwyer

Erin Ercklentz Julian Eskandar Ross Falcon Peri Ferguson Emmi Freeman

Jameson Gerson Leena Gerster Jacob Gordon Eleanor Goudie Mike Grbic

Ryan Hammoud Madison Hart Ronald Harvey Hugh Hentschel Nikolas Hils

Jack Holtz Rahill Jaiswal Nick Jiang Dean Kaduboski Prathik Kosanam

Hayden Laramie Alexis Leibowits Carolina Leite Max Levinson Ramon Linders

Olivia McGrath Mariana McOsker Jacob Miller Riley Mohr Kelly Morello

Jamison Munno Arjun Narasimhan Luke Nardella Adam Nomani Charlotte Ozizmir



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Tucker Pedersen Carson Perlman Catelyn Peters Davis Piper William Plummer

Sajan Porter Christopher Raker Karina Rao Henry Rattner Alexander Resnick

Quinn Resnick Nicole Roer Jordan Rogers John Russell Margaret Ruvinsky

Lily Ryan Nicole Salantay Jonah Savitz Norah Shattan Rishi Sura-Collins

Taylor Tapscott Luke Thomas Thomas Vaccari Kenneth Villard Beckett Walters

*«• «*

Faith Walton Fushi Wang Thomas Widdowson

N o t P ic tu re d ::

Roy Knutson Steven Shentu

"One challenge that we faced was getting used to the amount of homework in high school. By persevering and with continuous diligence, the freshmen were able to recognize their strengths and use them to overcome any obstacle that came in their way." — Student Reps Arjun Narasimhan '22 and Ryan Hammoud '22

Freshmen C a n d id s

Charlotte Alexander Abigail Anderson Ethan Anderson Maya Becker Samantha Berman

Anna Boeckman Olivia Boeckman Matthew Borchetta Jacob Boyar Carter Brown

Eli Busch Ava Bussan Nicolas Camacho Hannah Cosgrove Max Crook

Jack Czaja James Oavies Rebecca Oegter Sarah DiModica Andre Dziurzynski

Sydney Essex Harrison Feinberg Jackson Feinberg Tyler Ferdinand Adeline Fine

Sydney Fishkin Eva Fragner Olivia Fragner JC Fredette Paul Funk

Christopher Gaine Mark Garavel Gavriel Genger Julian Gonzalez Lucas Graham Brown

Hannah Greene Quentin Hall Sarah Hammoud Ryan Heaton Samuel Hillenmeyer

Greta Hoffmeister Sadie Houston James Hudson Olivia ludicone Robert Jacobs

Jackson Janney Christine Jansen Sarah Kadlick Thomas Kelly Addison Kline

Nadia Kucher Alisa Kukharkin Jake Lammens Alexander Lim Kate Lockyer

Jason Loeb Sabrina Machado Marina Malin Thomas MandelMantello Meredith Marra

Jason Marsella Ian Marsh Jay Martinez Alexander Millerchip Jacob Mizhen

Sean Mullen Jake Murphy Conor Newman Wafa Nomani Sophie O'Connor

Rachel Oberst Carolina Oxenstierna Nicholas Paris Christopher Patten Alesia Paz

Sophie Pigott Alexandra Ring Elizabeth Rizk Dylan Ross Jenson Ross

Arynn Rybalov Joaquin Silvani Ned Smith Campbell Taylor Zoe Tinnesz

Alexander Wachter Oliver Waters I n n n n h \ A / in + n r lin K

Andrew Athan, William Burke Fritz Conrod, Olivia Grubb, Brian Ortiz

N o t P ic tu re d .-

"The sophomore class has matured this year as individuals, and we overcame obstacles thrown at us. All of the students in our class contribute their own unique interests and talents. Whether it is in the classroom, on the fields, or on stage, we are always striving to be our best selves. We are looking forward to growing as a class in the next two years." — Student Reps Marina Malin '21 and Jake Murphy '21

S o p h o m o re C a n d id s

Harry Amadeo Jack Armstrong Jacquelyn Banford Carly Barry Caleb Benkwitt

Ruby Bienen Clifford Blaze Olivia Borchetta Allison Braver George Chieffi

William Cline Jake Cohen Robert Commaroto Christina Contadino Jack Coughlin

Spencer Creveling Erica Cunningham Dixie D'Amelio Katharine Dardani Mark Davies

Samantha De Chiara Georgia Decker Diana Degnan Eric Degter Samantha Falcon

Charlie Feinstein K.J. Gallagher Lauren Garrigues Eitan Genger Brian Gomez

Charlotte Haight Will Hall-Tipping Christine Hanson Danielle Hazelton Eliza Heaton

Andrew Jennings McKinley Joseph Wyatt Kane Catherine King Thomas King

Jacqueline Klein Davis Knight Madeline Kyle Timothy Landis Avery Lehneis

Cate Leibowits Jacie Levethan Kaden Lints Kaelin Main Abigail Mancuso

Terry McGrath Dylan McMorrow Ethan McOsker Thomas Morris Michelle Mule

Grace O'Connor Max Parrott Sofie Pasztor Taylor Perlman Wesley Petersen

Jessica Price Patrick Raidt Lily Reichenbaum Alex Rogers Gwyneth Rothman



I 3

Jessica Rozen Andrew Scarlata Davis Shattan Olivia Sheridan Alec Sherman

Genevieve Skolds Luke Stanise Amber Tapscott Katherine Tifford Justin Torres-West

Allison Triano Jack Vanneck Kimberly Villard Christopher Weingarten Esme White

"As everyone knows, junior year is a struggle. Our class, however, has been able to persevere through the challenges to come together and be closer." — Student Reps Taylor Perlman '20 and Robert Commaroto '20

"Going to the United Nations was a fun and rewarding experience! I learned so much about the assemblies and international laws as well as the history of the UN." — Emmi Freeman '22


"Through the Global Studies program, I have been able to study one of my favorite subjects in depth and have been given the opportunity to travel around the world from Nicaragua to the Czech Republic. It has even led me to major in International Relations in college, and for that I am very thankful for all the teachers and opportunities that this program has provided." — Dean Pigott 19

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"The King Global Studies Program allows students to delve into global affairs and provides a superb resource for understanding the challenges we all face in an increasingly interconnected world. As a fellow of the Global Citizens Initiative program, I have had the opportunity to develop life-long friendships with likeminded future global leaders from around the world. The GCI summit taught me valuable skills and the Harkness method provided an important framework for analyzing and discussing crucial global issues. The GCI network has and will continue to be an invaluable resource in my global community service initiatives and educational pursuits." — Alexander Kearns ’19

"This summer we traveled to five countries in two weeks. We concluded our educational trip with a conference in Berlin, Germany, where we were given the task of creating a prototype of a new technology which would improve our daily lives. Overall, the experience was not only thought-provoking, but it also opened my eyes to new languages and ways of life to which I had not yet been exposed." — Jordan Kulick 19


"I started taking Chinese because it is unlike anything we learn in school. I can only apply what I am learning in the classroom, but the China trip will allow me to widen my practice. I am excited to apply what I have learned in the last four years into the trip and gain first­ hand experience with Chinese culture." — Cate Leibowits '20

N o rth e rn Ireland "The field study aspect of the class has made the information that much more interesting and fascinating to learn. We are eager to travel to Northern Ireland with Mr. O'Neill and can't wait to get our feet on the ground to be a part of history!" — Olivia Borchetta '20, Jess Price '20, Kaelin Main ’20

"The class has been an excellent way to learn about an important topic in today's global political climate that is often dwarfed and overlooked. It is extremely intriguing and important to learn about the history of Northern Ireland, the Troubles, and what this means for Northern Ireland and the UK today." — JC Fredette'20 "With the current political turmoil surrounding Brexit, it is a great opportunity to connect the past to the present." — Will Burke ’21

C o lo m b ia "The trip was an amazing opportunity to experience a new culture, help those less fortunate, and bond with my peers and teachers." — Thomas King '20 "It was good to go on the trip again because we got to interact with the kids at Nuevo Futuro; no matter if it were playing soccer, dancing, or even playing games with them, it was the best part of the experience."— McKinley Joseph '20

"SDLC is a spectacular opportunity to gain new insight into the world of social justice. There is something so inspiring about being in a room filled with people who are also passionate about further promoting equity and inclusion. It is truly an incredible experience, unique to the conference." — Kim Villard '20

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"I am incredibly proud of my colleagues' commitment to each other and our students; of our students' willingness to share themselves with one another and with students from other schools during the conference; and of King School itself, whose culture both attracts authentic people and then intentionally cultivates that authenticity." — Dr. Karen Eshoo, Head of School

D iv e rs ity a n d Inclusion "Authenticity. That is the most prominent thing that I took away from SDLC. Every single person in my group was authentic: not because they had to be but because they were just being themselves. We were all comfortable to show our inner selves. I was so amazed because I honestly thought that not many people were authentic anymore or that they did not know how to be. This means so much to me because it is something I value in people." — Grady Boruchin '19

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"The AMSR program is just a really great experience for anyone interested in STEM. Participating in research and being able to work on your own scientific project is an incomparable experience. You get to apply all the knowledge you gain in the classroom to impactful and significant real-world goals while at the same time learn from firsthand experience about the tremendous work that goes into finding and creating cancer drugs. There really is nothing like it." — Ashley Xu '19


"I love King Cares and community service at King because it gives students the opportunity to make a real impact in the lives of others. For the past two years I have been working with Mrs. Raidt to plan a 100,000 meal MobilePack at King through the organization Feed My Starving Children. I'm very grateful for King Cares, Mrs. Raidt, and the entire King staff for supporting me in making a real difference in the lives of others as a school community." — Diana Degnan '20

Debate Club

El Foro Hispano

Environmental Sustainability

Captain's Council

Film Club



Gender Sexuality Awareness

Math Teacher Assistants



Socrates Club


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Songwriters Club

Student Council

Sports Business Club

The Standard

Tour Guides/Ambassadors


Young Democrats

Young Republicans



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"Coming from the Middle School Cross Country Team to the Upper School Varsity Team was a big change but the team really made it such an easy transition. They were all so welcoming and inclusive of everyone and made sure we were always giving our best effort while having fun. This season we all ran our hardest and worked as a team to push each other across the finish line every single race. I know all of us can say it was a great season and we can't w ait for next year!" — Jamie Munno '22

"I am so proud of the way our team performed this season because no matter how tough it got, we got through it together. One of my favorite memories was beating our rival, St. Lukes (twice!)." — Riley Hicks '19

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"The Field Hockey team had a great season with our three senior captains setting an awesome example throughout the season. All of our teammates learned what hard work is made of, and even learned a bit about community service. We had several close games and competed tooth and nail against all of our opponents. We will miss Riley, Jess, Anna and Augusta!" — Coach Prince

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"While our record was 4-4 this season, I would consider this one of our best seasons we've had at King. The injuries and illnesses didn't stop this group of young men from competing and getting better daily, which showed during the last two games of the year when we played our best team football ever." — Coach Gouin

"The chemistry and camaraderie of this unit made coming to practice every day a fun place to be. Everyone was hungry and ready to get after each other. Speaking for the seniors, we had a unforgettable senior year!" — Alex Canevari '19

"I think this year was a statement season and we showed what we were capable of. Going through all our games this season, from start to finish, I felt like we were a dangerous team to play against. I cannot wait to captain this talented team with Thomas King next year, with our main focus of winning a championship." — McKinley Joseph '20


"We have accomplished so much this season, from breaking goal scoring records since 2010, to improving our game play. Hope, Haley, and I couldn't be prouder of the team. It took strength and hard work, but nobody showed signs of giving up. We constantly pushed each other to be better with our positive attitudes and encouragement. With the amazing support and dedication of our coaches, we were able to reach our goals. This season is truly one to be remembered, as we have all left a legacy for the team to continue for years to come!" — Marina Mirianthopoulos '19

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This is my last... A Chrissy classic." — Chrissy Nelli 19


“The team showed tremendous growth this season, from start to finish. As their coach and seeing all of this growth game after game, it was probably one of the most rewarding seasons 've had in a long time. It was amazing to see the transformation in real time." — Coach Tran

"Of all the years I have played varsity volleyball, this season was the most special. Not only because it was my senior year, but because the team was incredibly close and we all truly loved each other, and it showed on the court. Thank you to all the girls for making this season so unforgettable and ending my season in tears of jo y ." — Chrissy Nelli 19

"I can't say enough about how much this season and team has meant to me. As a senior, I was excited to see the growth of each and every girl, especially considering we are a young team. It was a joy to come to practice every day and play volleyball with twelve girls that I consider close friends. I am incredibly proud of our team and all that we accomplished this season." — Anne Michalski '19

This team is like a family to me. There is a special connection not only between the members but with the coaches as well. The hard work and dedication of the team is amazing and unlike anything I have ever been a part of." — Olivia ludicone '20

"King Crew had a great Fall season! We came to practice every day prepared to train and learn on the water. Though we are a young team, we proved ourselves at some of the most competitive regattas in the country. Huge shout out to Doug Fishkin for coaching us and putting in countless hours, not only on the water, but behind the scenes preparing our equipment and analyzing video tape." — Alex Knorr '19

"We had a really great year, I'm so proud of all the new kids and how much they have learned in one season. I'm excited to see how the team does in the upcoming seasons" — Sydney Fishkin '20

"This year we came together and were able to become more than a team. It was great seeing everyone become more confident in their skills, and it was nice completing the season with twelve new sisters." — Alonna Christy 1 9

"The basketball season this year was a really fun experience! We became so much closer and better as a team. The new coach gave us confidence in our own abilities, and I wouldn't replace this team for anything." — Diana Degnan '20 "The girls basketball team this year was unlike any other team I have been on before. We knew we had a lot of work to do, and a lot of good competition coming our way, but that did not stop us. We had a great season, and we will miss this team so much." — Erica Cunningham '20

"We gave all our effort every game and went a hundred per cent every night.” — Alex Canevari '19 "I believe our season had ups and downs but it will definitely be a memorable one. I had plenty of fun, even with the losses." — Levaughn Lewis '19

"Our win against Harvey was a turning point and a highlight of our season. We came together as a team, rooting each other on and trying our hardest until the last buzzer. That game set the tone for the rest of our season, making it a very enjoyable experience. I am grateful for the great memories we had this year." — Michael Carnavalla '19

"When we all came together at practice everyone worked hard and eagerly to improve their Squash performance. We won the firs t match in three years for the girls' team and it was wonderful to watch everyone's hard work pay off." — Delaney Harris '19 and Michelle Mule '20

It was so great to have our first season in our new space MSQUASH Accelerator! I cannot wait to return ^ next year to continue practicing and improving with the team!" — Jack Coughlin '20

"Forbes rated Squash the healthiest sport, and we agree. This was a highly successful season; we went to Nationals and made Division B for the first tim e in school history. King Squash is on the rise!" — Davis Shattan '20 and Ari Maki '19

"We have a young team that is hungry to repeat our success from last year and to get back on top." — Alex Canevari '19

"With a fairly young team this year, we are looking to grow and get a few wins along the way. We are hoping to make th is season memorable for our seniors and come out on top. The energy of the team is great and the bonds we have made are strong. Our coaching s ta ff works very hard every day, along with all of the girls on the team." — Erica Cunningham '20

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G o lf "Golf is a sport th at I have been playing since I was four and I am very passionate about it. This year I am varsity captain and it has been a great experience. I get to help all the players on our team, regardless of experience level, get better. We always have a lot of fun at practice listening to music, talking about our days, and working on drills and technique."— Kendall Battles 1 9

This year's golf team is comprised of strong players ranging from Grades 8-11. Both the varsity and JV squads show potential and we have high hopes and ^ expectations for this season." ^ — Conor Newman '21

"I'm looking forward to seeing all the new players contribute to our success, and watching them grow. The bus rides were my greatest memory— singing and listening to music w ith my team m ates on the way to games." — Riley Hicks 1 9

"We enjoyed playing w ith the young guys and developing their skills, as well as improving ours through com petitive practices and drills." — Chris Della Jacono '19


"Even though it's early in the season the girls tennis team has come so fa r— on and off the courts. We're so excited to welcome new freshmen to the team this year! It's a super supportive group of girls and the highlight of our year is playing with them!" — Sam De Chiara '20 St Cat King '20


"I'm very excited about our teams potential this year. Even though we lost five seniors last year, we have a lot of new talent this year. And I think we can compete with all of the really strong teams in the FAA." — Mark Davies '20


"I'm excited for the new track team at King because I can share my favorite sport with my peers." — Dixie D'Amelio '20


"The team was always supportive of one another regardless of the outcomes of practices and games. Our team really grew close quickly and we were able to maintain that energy on and off the field." — Kate Tifford '20 and Lauren Garrigues ’20 "I was extremely proud of the progress the players made this season! They improved their individual skills, and they became better teammates! After a rocky start due to unfamiliarity with each other and a lack of practice time, the boys came to life against the Wooster School...and didn't lose again the rest of the season! The highlight was coming back from a 3-1 halftime deficit to Rye Country Day School and defeating them 4-3!" — Coach Boaz

JV Volleyball

"On and off the court our team became extremely close and we drastically improved throughout the season. We all learned to play well together and I believe the highlight of our season was our homecoming game, where we had an intense game. Overall, our season went well and our team played great!” — Eva Fragner '21

JV Basketball "The team has shown nice dedication all season, especially in their daily effort on their 30foot shots. The group has definitely had fun clowning around during practices, but we've managed to show solid improvement as we prove to be a formidable opponent for any team." — Coach Coulombe

JV G irls Tennis "One of my most memorable moments from last year was winning a match against GA. My doubles partner and I didn't think we were going to win the match because the girls we were playing against were better than us. We were losing at the beginning but then we persevered and won. The best part was when we got off the courts. The support we got from our team members was amazing and everyone was cheering." — Carly Barry '20

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Lewis Baer, F o o t b a ll

Elizabeth Boeckm an, S w im m in g

G r a d y Boruchin, F o o t b a ll

D ic k in s o n C o lle g e

P rin c e to n U n iv e rs ity

M u h le n b e r g C o lle g e

Josh Figueroa, S o c c e r

M a t t G a ra v e l, F o o t b a ll

M a n h a t t a n v ille C o lle g e

P a c e U n iv e rs ity

Jenna M a c r a e , R o w in g

Jack M c O s k e r , L a c r o s s e

P rin c e to n U n iv e rs ity

N a z a r e t h C o lle g e

Brandon C h o w , B a s e b a ll

Chris D ella Jacono, L a c ro s s e

Kenny Dyson, Jr., F o o t b a ll

Trinity C o lle g e

F lo rid a S o u th e rn C o lle g e

B r y a n t U n iv e rs ity

LeVaughn Lewis, F o o t b a ll James Hilton, R o w in g

U n iv e rs ity o f D e l a w a r e

C o lu m b ia U n iv e rs ity

M a r in a M irianthopoulos, S o c c e r

Joey Skarad , B a s e b a ll

Justin Zide. F o o t b a ll

O g le t h o r p e U n iv e rs ity

S a c r e d H e a r t U n iv e rs ity

M a c a l e s t e r C o lle g e

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"With this year being the 20th anniversary of the death of Matthew Sheppard, it was more important than ever to perform this piece. Not only to keep Matthew's name alive but to show people that while this may have happened a long time ago, we are still facing similar issues in current day society. At first, the cast and crew had difficulties grappling with the immensely impactful words and plot of "The Laramie Project," but by the end, we came together and performed this wonderful piece of art." — Jordan Kulick 19

"I have loved participating in the musicals the last four years! I have made such amazing friendships with both my peers and the teachers. I am so grateful to be a part of King's wonderful theater community! M a m m a M i a was the best show I have ever done, and I am so happy to have ended my senior year with this show!" — Caroline Eagleton 19

"I had done the musicals and decided to try choir this year. We get interesting songs, sometimes in another language, and that's fun to do. You always get to meet new people that you may not have otherwise met, and that's always nice." — Kendall Battles 19

C h o ir C o n c e rt



Instrum ental C o n c e rt

Visual A rts "The Arts program at King offers so many opportunities for Visual Arts students to develop new perspectives and techniques. The supportive and calming environment allows students to relax without the stress of other classes."— Meredith Marra '21

Dhasiya Anderson Christine Nelli My theme focuses on the complicated reality of Greece. I am Greek and I find it interesting how Greece has a history of being the center of culture, but today it suffers many economic problems. I use Greek symbols to show this duality.


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My art this year focused on how society impacts and influences our lives. I specifically looked at how our definition of self is formed in reaction to societal pressures. Gender, youth and my own personal experiences were topics that I explored through photography and installations.


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Hope Deschapelles My work attempts to capture the ephemerality of the sky and its overwhelming beauty through experimentation with different media. Clouds are the common thread that bonds us all together; despite how vast and turbulent the world may seem, everyone looks up to see the same sky.

A d va n ce d A rt 3 & 4 Alonna Christy Haley Barros This work is about a futuristic world where restrictions and conformity within the government have gone so far as to turn humans into robots. They symbolize the three evils (speak no evil, hear no evil, and see no evil) giving a voice to those who are finding ways to break the government's control.

I created a series of “ U three clay masks, that show the conflict between human nature l and social media. They comment on how we view ourselves on the -+r inside and how we project our identity Q differently on the outside. U

My theme is social justice. I chose to make a black man out of keys to represent the Black Lives Matter Movement. The keys represent the advantages we are born with: family, socio-economic status, race. When we are young, we are told that these keys will help open the door to a worry-free and successful life, but there are only specific people who have the key to open the metaphorical door. Your status in America is determined by how much money you make. Money is only awarded to people who society deems acceptable. I use money as a way to celebrate people who have traditionally been left out of this country's history.

Delaney Harris I like to draw combinations of different geometric patterns because it allows me to take a break from the stress of school and to reflect on my thoughts. This year I drew on a variety of objects to create an environment that viewers can enter and hopefully feel free from stress.

Jess Steib

My theme consists of storytelling and it focuses on emotions and characters. I create vignettes in which it is not known who the people are or what they are up against but we experience their raw emotions. I have used a variety of media including watercolor paint, photography, and video projections. I use color to represent emotions symbolically.

Annie Michalski

I have always had an interest in architecture It is fascinating to think about who inhabits houses and how the buildings and gardens were designed to reflect the owners' personalities and the culture of the location. This year, I designed a house that I felt uniquely fit my family. The five key rooms within my house are each perfectly designed to represent each member.

In the past couple years, my interest in human expression and emotion has come out in various aspects of my life. There is always a story behind our actions, and it's important to understand each other and our motivations before we resort to judgement. My work focuses on the natural developments and changes in our lives concerning everyday thought, feelings, and attitudes. We can better understand and have empathy for each other once we realize we all share a common humanity.

A d va n ce d A rt 3 & 4 Over the past two years I have written, illustrated, and published a children's book about a flower seed that is blown off of its home and goes on a journey to find a new one. Pictured here are the front and back cover. It was a lot of detailed work, so for my most recent art I am doing a large abstract painting that I did little to no planning for.

i Ashley Xu My theme focuses on the human condition in the context of modernity through the metaphor of an astronaut. The astronaut enters an infinite and largely unknown world with only the protection of "armor" that humans made based on their small knowledge of outer space. We, as humans, also find ourselves entering a world that we often know very little about, with our only protection being the defensive mechanisms we set up within ourselves, especially in an age of rapidly advancing technology.

Amelia Whiteley I want my work to draw attention to, and enhance the idea, that all species coexist symbiotically and rely on each other. These sculptures further stress our need to preserve nature's biodiversity and harmony.

"My experience with King Cares has been amazing and fun. I work a lot with kids and just seeing the look on their faces when they solve a problem or when they are just having fun makes it all worth it." — Maggie Ruvinsky '22

"For the past 3 years, I have been working with the kids at Project Music and find the experience rewarding because of the personal connection that I form with them. They are always excited to play their instruments and joke around, and it's great to be able to share my passion for music with them." — Alec Sherman '20

Ting Talks

"The ovation and overwhelming outpouring of personal stories shared afterward with me in response was astonishing. Clearly, I had touched a motherlode of rich humanitarian intentions eager for mining. The experience further fuels my ongoing commitment to developing opportunities at King to extend understanding among us in even the most vulnerable and conflict-laden areas of our lives." — Elizabeth Messinger, English Faculty


We began this school year by taking part in our time-honored tradition of ringing the bells. This ceremony is one of the few times of the year where our whole school community comes together; we lay out the path for our year, and we reaffirm what it means to be a King student. When people ask me what the best part of our school is, I always respond, "Our community." Our community is the students, teachers, staff, parents, and everyone that helps makes this school the special place it is. But the most important part of our school, the group that really defines who we are, is the student body. As the student body president, I've had the great honor of working with and for the 370 amazing students of the Upper School. Through my four years of being in the Upper School and eleven years at King, my senior year was the best year because of our community. I came into school every day, full of energy, because of the amazing group of students that make up our community. Every one of you has something special that makes you unique. It has been the great honor of my life to get to know you all and try to make your time in high school better. I want you to know that the students in the Upper School are some of the most kind, respectful, and caring people I've ever known. I have faith that our community will only grow stronger as you all move through your years in high school. You all will do fantastic things in your lives that will make an impact on the world. It has been my pleasure and honor to serve as your President. I wish you all a happy summer and I hope you continue the tradition of upholding the values of the King community wherever you go. Sincerely, Luke Buttenwieser '19

S p irit W e e k & Pep Rally "I was super excited to be included in the planning of Homecoming and Pep Rally this year. It's been my favorite King tradition since Lower School!" —Victoria Crowe '19


"We wanted people to be proud to be a part of King, and we wanted the seniors to enjoy their final Pep Rally! Our goal for the Pep Rally this year was to increase the interaction between the three divisions, so we brought many types of blue and gold items to cheer on the teams." — Caroline Eagleton '19 and Riley Hicks '19




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H om ecom ina "I have been going to Homecoming ever since I was in Pre-Kindergarten and continue to go every year, as it has become a tradition. I always look forward to Homecoming. I love spending time with my friends, family, and watching the sports teams play. Homecoming provides a sense of community among all of King’s divisions, which makes it so special. I think what makes Homecoming so exciting is all of the King spirit and I can confidently say that it is my favorite event at King." — Georgia Decker '20

Mike Carnavalla

Nick Carnavalla 248, 347, 348

Augusta DeMartin 254, 368, 369 A

Hope Deschapelles

hen I was first welcomed into the Class of 2019, there were 32 members of the class. When we graduate, we will be the largestever graduating class, with 95 seniors. We have seen our class grow and change as the years went by, but what remained steadfast was our unwavering devotion to friendship. The Class of 2019 is a special group of people; we are mathematicians, actors, athletes, writers, artists, debaters, and so much more. But what we are is a family. We are all unique individuals who bring something special to our grade and larger community. We have all been there for each other through thick and thin through Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School, and we will continue to be there for each other



as we move onto the next chapters of our lives. The memories we have shared together will last forever, and we will forever be bonded by our collective experiences in this class. This has been the best group of people one could ask for to grow up with. I'm honored to be part of this family, and I wish everyone luck in their time after King. Have a great summer. S in c e re ly ,

Lu ke B u t te n w ie s e r 19

Dear Class of 2019, irst, congratulations on all of your wonderful accomplishments as you graduate from King! I am so proud of this class. When I think of your class (with the help of your Yearbook Theme!),


I have a tendency to focus on your exceptional leadership skills and academic strengths; the numbers of you moving into college athletic programs, business, engineering, public policy, theater, music, and of course some of the best liberal arts and sciences programs at an impressive list of colleges and universities in the US and beyond. I also focus on your many successes in areas such as Model UN, the Math Team, Debate, the Stamford Literary Competition; your accomplishments at both the team and individual levels on our courts and fields; your outstanding contributions to the arts; and your commitment to living out the King Virtues, particularly in terms of Kindness. (Being kind is hard, by the way - and you've shown as a class that you care about each other and know how to model that behavior for others.) I also focus on how key you've been in welcoming a new school head even though she entered just as you were leaving - and on how early in the year you committed to a class gift. You are truly a remarkable class.

"You w o n t w h a t's im p o r ta n t to c o m e into focus a n d th e o th e r less im p o rta n t d e ta ils to f a ll a w a y , so th a t y o u c a n b e fu lly p re s e n t a n d re lish th e s e p a r tic u la r b e n c h m a rk m o m e n ts y o u 're so a w a r e

M a m i e S a d lo w s k y H e a d o f U p p e r School

Actually, many of your experiences here at King are likely just now "coming into focus� for you just as you pass a new milestone in your journeys. That is, you are now able to look back with a bit more clarity on the totality of your time at King - whether it's been two years or thirteen and recognize how some pretty key moments contributed to where you are now. When you bring some of those moments into focus, my guess is that you see times of great import (learning to read, getting a part you'd always wanted in a play, getting better at something challenging, finishing a capstone project, learning howto procrastinate a little bit less or relax a little bit more) and even times of great struggle and deep disappointment. My hope is that King has given you so many moments and people and opportunities to focus on when you need reminding of how powerful you are, how much you've learned, how much impact you've had here and how much impact you will continue to have on our world. I hope you also see the support of your teachers, parents, advisors, coaches, college counselors, and even administrators. When your sense of the world, or yourself in it, gets blurry, know that all the adults in your life see you clearly and know your strength and goodness and power.

th a t yo u w ill n e v e r h a v e a g a in ." can always focus on my favorite saying: Sometimes when we get to an important benchmark like graduation, time slows down and we start focusing on "lasts" - the last class, last paper, last project, last Prom, last game, last Homecoming, the last time you'll be together in the PAC at an assembly. You want what's important to come into focus and the other less important details to fall away, so that you can be fully present and relish these particular benchmark moments you're so aware that you will never have again.

D i g d e e p a n d a lw a y s f in d a r e a s o n !

With Respect, / V U ua ^


8. M a m ie B. Sadlowsky 229

To the Class of 2019, Due to the fact that my advisees are all Seniors, I feel a particular connection with your class. Over the years, I have witnessed first hand the closeness, school spirit, hard work ethic, and academic/athletic/artistic talent that exists among you. I truly feel you are leaving King a better place than when you first entered the doors of the Upper School, and your influence and presence will be missed. In closing, I leave you with the words of President Theodore Roosevelt: "It is hard to fail, but it is worse to never have tried to succeed." — Mrs. Yelton, Grade 12 Dean

S enior C a n d id s

"We really loved getting to interact with the students this year, especially the Senior class during spirit week and the stress busters. It was a great way to bring the grade closer together!!" — Student Reps Katie Glinka 19 and Jordan Kulick 19

G r e th e A n d e rs e n

B ‘A

It's fun to be on the edge I think you do your best work when you take chances, when you're not safe, when you're not in the middle of the road, at least for me, anyway." — Danny Devito


T fc y y "You do not have to be fearless, just don't let fear stop you." — Charlie Day

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"I'm always studying and I've been doing it for a long time now." — Danny Devito




D h a siya A n d e rs o n "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” — Saint-Exupery

"Education does for the mind what experience does for the soul." — Casey Neistat





”To travel is to live.” — Hans C. Andersen

"This ain't it.” "— Chief

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"Know this: you can start (Over, each morning." — Tyler Joseph

"There's always money in the banana stand " * — George Bluth Sr,Jr

Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." — G.D. Anderson

"The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That's what poetry does." — Allen Ginsberg

"Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private." — Allen Ginsberg

"Forever is composed of nows." — Emily Dickinson

"I had to put my grade up for adoption because I couldn't raise it — Anonymous

Go around — Junior

"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think, — Winnie the Pooh

"Whatever makes you happy, put it in your world." — Bob Ross

H a le y B a rro s

"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." — Dumbledore

"Goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all in therapy." — Plankton

"Only in darkness] you see the stars.�] in Luther King,

"We cannot solve dur problemswith the same thinking w iused when we created them." [bert Einstein

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"You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." — Winnie the Pooh "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." —J.R.R. Tolkien

"If you don't see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself." — Mindy Killing

E liz a b e th B o e ckm a n "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill

Football is a great deal like life in that it teaches that work, sacrifice, perseverance, competitive drive, selflessness and respect for authority is the price that each and every one of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile." — Vince Lombardi

"And all that is now And all that is gone And all that's to come And everything under the sun is in tune But the sun is eclipsed by the moon." — Pink Floyd

M e a g a n B urston

"Love the life you live. Live the life you love." — Bob Marley

"Everybody will get their chance." — XXXTentacion

"Sometimes we live in no particular way but our own — The Grateful Dead *

Public service is the highest good, and, when done honorably and well, the most rewarding." — Robert F. Wagner

"Stand clear of the closing doors, please."

— NYC Subway

"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.” — Jane Jacobs

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort." Franklin D. Roosevelt

A le x C a n e v c iri "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." — Henry Ford

\Aike Carnavalla "Ummm. No. Wrong. Thanks for playing." —Frank Roche "School starts at 8:30AM." —Nick


"The good ole days weren't always good, ?and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems.” — Billy Joel

"The only time I set the bar low is for limbo.” — Michael Scott

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." — Benjamin Franklin

Take the phone off the hook and disappear for awhile.'1 — Billy Joel

"When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough." — Donald Trump

"A man who doesn't spend time with his family* can never be a real man." — Vito Corleonei

'Trust the process. — Brandon Chow

A lo n n a C h ris ty

arned that people will forget you said, people will forget /ou did, but people will never et how you made them feel." — Maya Angelou

"Okurr!" — Cardi B

"Hi my name is Trey; I have a basketball game tomorrow..." — Vine

"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all" , from "Mulan"

V ic to ria C r o w e

"We're almost there and nowhere near it. All that matters is we're going." — Gilmore Girls

"If you really want something, you don't stop for anyone or anything until you get it." — Blair Waldorf

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opportunity." _ —Anonymous

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Louise Dill *

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Ve all come from the spar, but we are not all of the ( sea. Those of us Who are,. * i we child re rfofjthe tides, must return to it* again and I f t again, until the da| we “ don't come back leavingj | behind only that which touched along -Frosty Hessen Chasifie Ivfaverfc

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." — Austin Kleon

"What a long strange trip it's been. — Grateful Dead

George Dowling "Judgement ist nigh, for Belsnickel ist I." —nwioht Shriite

"Putting her walks Anakin, putting her walks." —Section Ratio

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." — Dumbledore

"And once you f cross over into that world, no matter how strong you are, you have to pay the price.” — Lawrence Taylor

"So outside of my misery, I think I'll find a way of envisioning a better life." — XXXTentacion

Caroline Eagleton

Ava Edwards

Li zzie Essaid

"I’m ready to face any challenge that might be foolish enough to face me." — Dwight Schrute

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about." — RUMI

“Ah, humor. I have it, too." — Dwight Schrute

“Congrats on making it this far; I didn't think you would." — Louise Dill

"It really do be like that." — Natasha Aysseh

J: I

"There may be people who have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do— and I believe that." — Derek Jeter

"How can the sky be the limit when there are footprints on the moon?" — Logic

"You can't be a friendly-neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood." -Spider-Man

Charlotte Freund

"Life's what you make it so let's make it rock." — Hannah Montana

"Sometimes it takes standing still to find who you are." — Lionel Richie

A l exis Garci

"Yes, I know my name is a girl's name." — Alexis Garcia

"What a drag..." — Shikamaru Nara

Sam Gleason

"Work hard in s ile n t^ let success be your noise." — Frank Ocean


"No matter how you get are or w t p f yu^end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place home." — The Office

Live a little, love a lot." — Kenny Chesney

I finessed that." . — Eli Godner

"A leader is one who goes the way, and shows the way." — Anonymous

Skrtt outta here — Eli Godner

"'He once saw an albino polar bear.' "Really? Polar bears are white, how would he know it's an albino?' Goes blank for five seconds. This one was black.'" — Hangover 2

"Trespassing is my forte- so is Espanol. Adios King."

Derek Hass

"Do. Or do not. There is no try." —Yoda

"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth." — Mike Tyson

"I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask where they're going and catch up with them later." — Mitch Hedberg


Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell no one, live happily and tell no one; people ruin beautiful things." — Kahlil Gibran

Watch the sunrise at least once a day.” — Phil Dunphy

Treat yo self." Donna Meagle

James Hilton

"To not dance when you had the health and could hear the music could be the biggest regret of your life." — Anonymous

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"Whatever happens, happens." Spike Spiegel

"A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep." — Tywin Lannister


yuuuy warn;

to rule the world — Tears For Fear

"Goodbye everyone. Today, destiny is our friend. I know it." — Uncle Iroh

Robin Johnson

"Okurr." — Robin

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"Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom." — George S. Patton To give you a reference point, I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose... and a panther." i — Dwight Schrute

"How you do anything is how you do everything." — Anonymous

bmile th a t fil everyb — Anoi

We are all broken, that's how the light gets in." — Anonymous

"At the end of the storm, there's a golden sky, and the sweet silver song of the lark." — Liverpool Football Club

Daniel Kulag

'You'll Never Walk Alorffe." — Liverpool Football Club

“Ironic." — Sheev

"Putting her walks, the peaceful is willing to. Putting her walks." — Section Ratio General

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Jordan Kulick

"And though she be but little, she is fierce." — William Shakespeare

"If you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?" — Jordan singing "Pompeii" in 7th grade

"Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there." — Meryl Streep


"There are no red lights in a car chase!" —Big Hem 6

"All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it." —The Little Prince

"There will always be another wave." — Shaun Tomson

nry Lazarus "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.” — Charles R. Swindol

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style." — Maya Angelou

"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense I had no idea what to do." — Michael Scott

If you can dream it you can do it." —Enzo Ferrari

"I couldn't find the sports car of my dreams so I built it myself." — Ferdinand Porsche

"Your image isn't your character. Character is what you are as a person — Derek Jeter

ittU s v a

"Work harder than everyone else and no one can fault your effort." — LeVaughn Lewis

"If you don't expect to do the impossible, you won't do the possible." — Coach Gouin

"You know what they say, fool me once, strike orre, fool me twice... strike three." — Michael Scott

Me and Jesus are cool. I'm cool with all the gods. Gods recognize gods." — Conor McGregor'

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^ "Dear Slim, I wrote you, ^ i» u t you still ain’t calling." — Eminem

;p "Only God can judge me so I’m gone; Either love me or . leave me alone:" V — Jay-Z

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"So ahead of my time even ’ when I ihyme about-the * : future I be reminiscing." *.




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1 A n n ie M ic h a ls k i "Everybody should believe in something. I believe I'll have another coffee." — Anonymous "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena... who at the best knows the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly." — Theodore Roosevelt

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive/' — Howard Thurman



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not that I'm so smart, it's just thatl.stay with problems, longer.'" — Albert Einstein -

Sam N a d le r

Luke N a scim e n to "If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company" — Jean-Paul Sartre

"Be passionate and bold. Always keep learning." — Satya Nadella

"I want to put a ding in the universe." — Steve Jobs

C h ristin e N e lli

"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see." — Dad

"Good things come to those who wait." — Anonymous

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Paul Noujaim

"My motto is to be stronger than yesterday. If I have to, I'll be stronger than half a day ago, even a minute ago! — Rock Lee

"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." — Mewtwo

"Even the mightiest warriors experience fears. What makes them a true warrior is the courage that they possess to overcome their fears." — Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans

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A n n a P a tte n

My mind is my weapon —Tyrion Lannister

"There is no great genius without some touch of madness." — Aristotle



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hear the tragedy of s The Wise?"

Let it be." —The Beatles

I go a cappella —Eminem

"If you don't behave you will go to another school." — Becky Rabassa

"The name on the front is a heck of a lot more important than the one on the back." — Herb Brooks

"Do you like apples?" — Will Hunting

"1 could do this all day." — Captain America

"Five letters here for everybody out there in Packer-land: R-E-L-A-X. Relax. We're going to be okay." —Aaron Rodgers

“The purpose of life is to contribute in some ways to making things better." —Robert F. Kennedy

Jack Reilly If you’re going through hell, keep going." — Winston Churchill

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." — Mark Twain

A v a R o b in o w itz

James Ross

"Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name: Creed Bratton." — Creed Bratton

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." — John D. Rockefeller

"I ain't tryna go back to war with your morals. You can't kill the vibe; it's immortal.” — Travis Scott

"Opportunities come frequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble." — Warren Buffet A

J a c o b S a v itz "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." —Winston Churchill

"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!" — Dr. Suess

Facts don't care about your feelings." — Ben Shapiro

Sell me this pen.” — Jordan Belfort

"You don't need a license to drive a sandwich." — SpongeBob

"I was only going 47 miles per hour." — Nick Carnavalla

"Immature is a word that boring people use to describe fun people." — Will Ferrell

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“Don't waste any time trying to

"Block out all the negative energy * and just love." — Ariana Grande a

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be like anybody but yourself because the things that make you strange are the things that M p| make you powerful."

Jessica S te ib "The best things in life aren't things." — Laurence J. Peter

"I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shining ain't always gonna be gold." — Kid Cudi

We met for a reason, either you're a blessing or a lesson." — Frank Ocean

H M jfa ib

Wall be safe man. Enjoy yourselves. And remember, everything could always be worse, so smile a little bit." — Tyler the Creator

G e o r g e T a ylo r

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." — Ferris Bueller

Elena T e e te r

You don't rob a bank when your getaway car has a fla t tire."

fll'm not a snob, ■an enthusiast." —Tori Maronian

— D r. M c C o y

“Drop your socks and grab your crocs, we're about to get wet on this ride." — Tony Stark

H a rp e r Thorson


"Smile, and let the world wonder why.'' — Minnie Mouse

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"I have no idea what I am doing, but I know I'm doing it really, really well." — Andy Dwyer

Your mom goes to college." — Kip Dynamite

A le x a "I love that for you. —Kate Bantle

"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things." Creativity takes courage. — Henri Matisse

"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's I just hope I find it along the way. — Michael Scott

just wasn't on the Greece trip -Amelia Whiteley

'You can lose your life in the 'what ifs.'" —Anonymous


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"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." —Henry Ford

"And I knew exactly what to do But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." —Michael Scott

^ "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. —Winston Churchill

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Katie Glinka Henry Lazarus

King Ambassador

Most Likely to Never G ro w Up

Least Changed

Class Clown

Best Eyes

Biggest Hazard to Pedestrians

Most Likely to be at the Gym

Life of the Party

S enior S u p e rla tive s

Sam Rabassa Hope Deschapelle

Ray of Sunshine

Most Changed

Most Likely to be on the Cover of Vogue

Most Likely to be Signed Out James Hilton ^Elizabeth Boeckman

Natasha Aysserr Luke Nascimento

Most Likely to be in the Olympics Alexis Garcia Anna Patten

Grady Norton Tori Maronian

Most Likely to be out of Dress Code

Most Huggable

Paul Noujaim Mallory Ehlers

A cm

F 99

Best Nickname

Talks the Least, Says the Most

Most Artistic

Most Competitive

Alex Canevari Josh Figueroa

D O N 'T



Most Likely to Rule the World

Best to Bring Home to Your Family

Best Hair

Senior Superlatives Henry Meyer Jack McOsker

lasiya Andersom uuke Buttenwieser

Most School Spirit

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Daniel Kulaguz Augustaâ– L DeMartin,

Cam Raker Annie Michalski

Class Genius

Most Likely to Lose Airpods

Worst case of Senioritis

Cutest Couple

The Glinka Family

The Holtz Family

The Nadler Family

The Patten Family

The Pigott Family

The Carnavalla Family

The Eagleton Family

The Garavel Family

The Mancuso Family

The McOsker Family

The Silvani Family

"I remember this class being very kind and considerate. We had a student come into Kindergarten with a broken leg. Everyone helped and looked out for her." — Ann Palm, former LS Faculty

"I have such fond memories of this class! Starting with the Family Flapjack Breakfast to Albuquerque Turkey and the Holiday Performance! What fun we had at the Pep Rally and Book Fair! We learned so much together, especially how to be good friends. I will always remember this class for the smiles that they still bring to my face! "— Craig Bray, former LS Faculty

King Lifers

Mallory Ehlers

Alexander Holtz

Anne Michalski

Paul Noujaim

Ashley Xu

Amelia Whiteley

Senior Scribbles NA - My travel bro. We've been almost everywhere together and I hope that we continue to travel around the world together forever. See you in France, probably. Mon amie pour toujours :) Winter bois - You guys are my best friends and I'll love y'all legit forever. Thanks for the laughs. Say your name *bros, it's me. Mom-1 love you dude. Without you, I probably wouldn't even be graduating. You're truly my best friend in life. I love you. King - Thanks for the best 7 years of my life. Because of you, I grew and became who I am today. You supported me and my family, and I can never thank you more. I'll be back!

AB: Here come the tears!! You are my sister, my other half and my favorite person on this earth. Endless laughs and memories with you that I will cherish for the rest of my life. It's going to be an adjustment being more than one song away from each other but we got this. Don't have too much fun without me, love you. Allison. DH: Where do I even start? Through thick and thin we have been through basically everything together. Just 6 years ago when we would watch sad movies and eat frosting, I never expected us to be where we are now. From Christian, Jay/Alexis and being goth there's no one I would have wanted to my most embarrassing memories with. I love you endlessly D. AV :l did not know what I was missing out on in life until I met you. The most fun person that always knows how to brighten my day. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself being 223 miles away from you. I can't thank you enough for always having my back, love you Alexa. AE: Honestly did not think we were gonna make it to graduation. From trillers to ACK, -rem iniscing- and much more I can't say in here, there’s no one else I would have wanted to go through high school with. I just want to thank you for everything you have done and I can’t wait to see where life takes us. Let's get us some juice head gorillas baybay, xoxo bubba. Family: You guys were always there supporting me no matter how much I doubted myself; you are my rock and I would be lost without you all. Thank you for the constant love and joy you bring to my life. I am not going to know what to do with myself next year, but I'll find a way to manage. Love you all so much.

GL: My bro, my best friend, my rock. You’re epic. Thanks for always sticking with me through everything. No one else I would rather be on the floor laughing with over something ridiculous. I am gonna miss you so much. Good luck next year; I know you will do amazing things! Love you, dude. CT: You have been such a supportive friend and I appreciate absolutely everything you have done for me. Gonna miss blasting Blackbear and screaming at the top of our lungs, luv u! GA: Ur such a goof, but I love it! Thanks for all the laughs and memories. Gonna miss "accidentally" scaring you every day. Good luck in college! Hopefully you won't have to get up for swim at 4am the next day! <3 KB: I can't hear you!!! What did you say? Huh9 Gosh, it's so hard to hear! You are the only one who understands the level of deafness I'm at. Hopefully next year we can both hear what someone says the first time. Ur the best!! Gonna miss our lunchtime laughs. PC: you can be so quiet but any time you ever say something, it ’s amazing!! It's either a roast, a relatable statement, or something super smart. I appreciate it every time. Thanks for helping me with math when I have an assignment due next period. You are an awesome human being: thanks for tolerating me! AC: You are such a beast! You've always been so quiet but you always laugh at my jokes. Keep tearing up the court! CE and HB: You guys have always been around and supportive in the times I needed it. I appreciate everything you have done. You are two incredible friends of mine that I hope to have around forever. You will accomplish so many great things in college!! I love you guys so much and I'll miss you like crazy!!! As you guys were always there for me, I promise to always be there for you :) Teachers: Thank you to all of you who helped me succeed throughout my experience at King. I'll miss you all!

Mom and Dad: Thank you both so much for supporting me throughout high school and always encouraging me to grow and take risks. Thank you for providing me so many opportunities. Love you both.


CT: I'm glad that you've grown from shoving me in the trash can to only giving me a minorly painful punch in the chest from screaming "beep" at you. I'm going to miss your aggressive side Tully :) HD: I'm going to miss hearing everyone mix us up. Four years with the big 3 seems like an eternity. I don't have enough words to explain how much I love you, guess you'll have to see "later on...";) MT: I don’t know who else is going to apologize to a door and make stupid jokes in math class with me next year. TM: I'm going to miss the way you smile from ear to ear even when you're angry. I've never met someone so full of love and happiness and I'm incredibly grateful for that person in my life to be you. VC: You've always been the one with style, and confidence in her voice and I'm going to miss that little boost you always give us. MB: I think how similar we are is what makes us have the most fun together so thank you for always being the one who knows how to have a good time. I'm going to miss your crazy laugh and how your mouth forms a triangle whenever you cough with your mouth closed. JF: You were the one who introduced yourself when I was new, and since then I’ve never let go of you. Thankfully, that led to how close we are now, kill it in college kiddo. LB: I can't express how much I'm going to miss your loud voice and outgoing personality. You make me smile every day, and you make me laugh when nobody else can. Thanks for being my goofball. EB: Who else is going to screw up so much that we can make an "SOS part 1,2,3,4, and 5" collage about it? AW: I'm definitely going to miss how you look like you're in pain when you laugh really hard and how you've managed to completely change me as a person; you make me so happy, Anne.

MM: SIS. Stop leaving your belongings places then proceeding to jump up and gesture violently immediately followed by and a loud exclamation at a quiet time and running away to retrieve said items. Also, you will be roasted, don't come for me sis. GA: SPEAK LOUDER. It's not just MM and myself, the majority of the #sisterSquad can't figure out what you're saying. Also, FIND SOME TIME IN YOUR SCHEDULE TO DO ACTIVITIES THAT DON'T INVOLVE WAKING UP AT 4 A.M. CT: Sis, go to bed a humane hour. I don't want anymore 3 A.M. texts from you. PC: Thank you for translating what GA says, otherwise MM and I would have no idea what's going on. AC: ALONNA!! GL: SIS! Get your life together. Stop stressing so much. CF: You must be simply distraught that you will be without my presence next year. Don't worry you will survive. CE: All I have to say is we no longer have to deal with annoying. Additionally I might see you at school next year.


MSD: Thank you for dealing with me the last 18 years, and I am sorry if I am ever salty to you guys. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you. HB: Sorry for hitting you in the car when you screamed "BEEP!” I am going to miss the only person that understands my weird humor. Thank you for making me the Kip Dynamite poster for Christmas. How bad is it? *old lady voice* HD: I am going to miss making fun of your book smarts and lack of street smarts. Thank you for being able to make me sleep the latest I have ever slept (11am). How bad is it? *old lady voice* EB: Thank you for moving from across the pond. I do not know what I would've done without you in sophomore history and environmental science this year. TM: Chiquitita, I am going to miss fooling around with the props in the Mamma Mia. Hopefully we will continue our gingerbread tradition for years to come. MB: Shmeg, thank you for staying with me since the beginning. I do not know what I will do without the wild child you are. MT: Hopefully one day you will be able to finish a story without hysterically laughing. I am going to miss making you angry when I rub my nose up. VC: Chiquitita, triple trouble would not be the same without you. Also, thank you for having the most designer things I have ever seen in one's closet. AV: I am so thankful that we can tell each other everything. I am going to miss playing James Bond with you during every free. LB: Thank you for dealing with my shenanigans and all the sweatshirts you gave me:). JF: I do not know what I would do without you obsessing over Spiderman. I am going to miss drawing on your neck. TT: Thanks for teaching me how to play video games. AT: Thanks for letting me steal your clothing. JT: Thanks for stealing my clothing without asking.

MSP: Thanks for always having my back. I wouldn't be who I am today without you guys. JT: Thanks for tying my ice skates and making me bagel bites. I might even miss you a bit ;P TA: I can't imagine a world where we aren’t friends. Thanks for always being there to make me laugh. I'm going to miss you so much! B8B: Thanks for all the fun visits and crazy parties. I'll always come do crafts! BSQ: I'll miss your fun socks! I can't wait to come visit you and I hope you’ll come see me ;)



TM: Thanks for being the person I can die laughing about anything with. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you and our cute math selfies. Always remember Riemann and Sergio. Text me if anyone is being so gasolina and we can invite them to fight night. CT: From history to senior year!! Thanks for being there for me and taking the best photos of me in my prime moments. What am I gonna do without a key member of the Brady B u n c h " MT: Thanks for being the only person willing to run a half marathon with me!! I'm gonna miss you so much and what will we do without our 3 hour road trips?! Thanks for air dropping and loving the Meli Melo sandwich as much as me. Also you’ll always be the better date. HB: To the most artsy person I know, thanks for being an amazing friend and laughing with me always. Can't wait to watch you kill it at college and in the ROTC!! MB: Thanks for creating all of my nicknames and always being there for me. I don't know how I would've survived junior year without you. Never forget English the day after prom. .. Gonna miss you and our craziness so much!! VC: Thanks for being the only person willing to get up at 2am and clean with me... Remember to just keep swifitin!! Gonna miss you so much and can't wait to see you become the next Chanel!! HD: Hopeyyy!! Thanks for the endless laughs, especially about you know who and helping me w ith Chem. So excited to see the amazing things you'll do, go kill it at Vandy!! AK: Thanks for being my best friend and making senior year so much more fun. Can't wait for more Frio and Bona Bona! Thanks for making me the happiest and always making me laugh. Becks: Thanks for being there since the beginning and your constant love and support has made me the person I am today. I don't know how I'm gonna survive next year without you guys. Love you all so much.

CF: Thank you for everything you have done and I love you all. HM: I can still remember the first time I met you. MT: I love you and thank you for making these past two years so much fun. JM: Are you quoting The Blind Side9 TS: Offensive chemistry straight out of Mr. D's laboratory..,GN: You will forever be my favorite story teller. TM: Never met a man more eager to capture golden hour. JL: How about when I broke your nose in 6th grade. AK: You will always be my big boy. GD: You will never be forgiven. JV: We're going to Chick-fil-A and there's nothing you can do about it. Wl<: You're going to be great next year on the ice but keep your head up in the alumni game. CF: Best goalie in the FAA. FLP: Lowest attendance record this place has ever seen. TG: We're goin' home boys.


MT-1 don't know how I will survive without you next year. Thank you for being my rock and for the endless memories. I'm going to miss our trips to the greenstore and our late night adventures. Let me know if you find out what linguini berries are!! TM- I'm going to miss you almost as much as I will miss your dogs and your mom's food. Thanks for all the laughs; please stop spilling my coffee. Don't know what I'm going to do without you and your crazy Snapchats. CT-1 might be the only person who can spot the frowny face on your forehead immediately. I'm going to miss making vlogs with you next year. Love you even when you can't take a joke. VC- To my Gucci-wearing friend, I'll miss your iconic one-a-day jokes. We've been friends since the days you used to dye your hair pink. I couldn’t have survived golf and you know who without you. XOXO. HD-1 am going to miss you so much, but most of all I am going to miss eating the apples you bring every morning. Don't end our streak of talking in all caps!!! HB- To the craziest girl I know, I'm going to miss seeing your colorful hair and hearing your insane laugh next year. Who is going to braid my hair next year! I love you endlessly even though you stole my headphones. EB- To the funniest person ever, I can't believe we didn't have any classes together this year!! I'll never stop making up more crazy nicknames for you. Love you lots, keep eating rigatoni! AW- To my best bud who never shows up to school, I will miss you and your pet pig more than anything. Mom, Dad, Rachel and Sean- Thanks for putting up with me over the years. You guys rock. Grandparents-1 love and miss you every day. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend this school. I am forever grateful.

Dr. Gigante, Thank you for your steadfast advisement this year. I would not have been able to do what I have done without your help. You've helped me grow and develop as the President and as a person. Sorry for all of the meetings, emails, Google Docs, walk-and-talks, and fly-by questions. I will remember the advice you have given to me as I move onto the next chapters of my life. Thank you again, we have done amazing work.


It has been an amazing 9 years at King... shout-out to the best teachers and friends a girl could ever ask for. MY OCHOS... you have made high school everything it has been for me. I cannot imagine my life without every single one of you. I have so much to say but here it is in less than 350 words... TM- These 4 years have been a crazy ride. From the first day I met you at Isabelle's house, to LPAC, hockey, and everything inbetween. You have been an amazing friend and I'm so lucky to have you. SHMEG- Thank you for being by my side since day one of 5th grade. You are the life of every party and ily. I hope college is filled with all the nutella and strawberry waffles you dream of:) I'll miss you and our golf Robeks deliveries endlessly! MT- It allll started in freshman FAB! I will miss walking in with you every day and our funny senior leader videos!! You are beautiful inside and out; always remember that xoxo. EB-1 am so freaking proud of you, Princeton. I'm so glad you moved from across the pond :) I don't know what everyone's life would be without you! See you at the next Olympics, I'll be there cheering you on! TULL TULL- the Mamma to my Mia. Love you sm and thank you for each and every memory. Especially Spanish every year since 7th grade! And econ.. enough said hahah. HD-thank you for the unlimited supply of apple slices :) you are incredible and will kill it at Vandy. I'll always be rooting for you!! HB- to the most artistic girl I know, so glad we became friends! Love you and your colorful hair! Aaaaand GB-1 can't even remember life before sophomore year, it still blows my mind we had the exact same schedule. Thank you for everything...keeping me sane, holding all my secrets, and most importantly getting through tan math (rip). Always stay positive and I know you'll do great things P.S. I hate you for making me show you this!!!

HD: From pre-school to now... we made it! Been through it all together and I couldn't have asked for a better person to be with. Don't know what I'll do without my forever sister next year Yop! MB: Thanks for being my wingman these past 4 years. Couldn't have asked for a better summer buddy and now partner in crime. Can't wait for more sleepover rituals and trips to sketchy town. Here's to many more memories and weird fruit pies! HB: My forever math buddy. Thanks for making me laugh the hardest and making the best Photobooth videos with me. Don't know how I'll survive any door injuries or math without you. But don’t worry, I'll still make you chicken. TM: The other half of the dynamic duo! It's amazing having someone with the exact same sense of humor as me. Don't know how I would’ve gotten through these years without you. Can't wait to sing more country with you! CT: Thanks for being the best dance partner! I don't know what I'd do without you making me laugh and being the best co-surgeon! I'm gonna miss you and your tired noises most. VC: The most fashionable girl I know! Thanks for being the best chauffeur and always having my back. Don't know what I'll do without your "one-a-day" jokes! EB: Uno, dos, tres! I'm lucky to have you as my road trip buddy and forever friend. Can't wait to keep laughing with you and maybe even let you airdrop next time. Never stop swifitin! NC: Thanks for making my last years in high school so much better. Don't know what I'd do without you. Glad to call you my best friend, doooood! Siblings: You guys are annoying but I couldn't survive without you. Thanks for being my forever best friends and go-to people. Love you all endlessly. Mom, Dad and Randy: Thanks for being my rocks and supporting me endlessly. I've had so much fun being an only child these past years. I owe everything to you and will miss you more than you know. I love you.

TS: It all started at the tamarack pool: "the chuube!" I'll see you next long red at Cifa. Keep in mind I have that big test on Tuesday and need to go to sleep like right now. I'll never forget the dinners at Peters (paeters) and p.s. ur the darkard to my shrank :) Al<: "sup, swag?" That was the start of a legendary friendship. Don't forget to update me on all the cringey moments in the future. I can’t wait for the day when I'm Donnie and you're Leo. Go Quakers! NC: You're gonna do great things in college. I'll try not to miss you too much. I wouldn't have asked to spend 100% of my life with anyone else. I am such a better person for having you by my side these past 18 years and wouldn't trade a single memory. HM: Do you want to go to war, buh-lak-e? Because we can go to war, I'm for real, I'm for real. Farewell to the heavenly iced tea and remember, once a lobster-back, always a lobster-back. Enjoy the rest of your bball career at Nova and never forget your roots (the frat) JMc: Stop quoting that movie and call me by my given name, Vincenzo Rocara Scuadagialpi Brancaleone MX. Live it up at Naz! JL: 8 years blows by. Thanks for teaching me to love cars; the Scarsdale Concourse must be an annual venture! TM, JS, and LB: Red. Squad, insta: @redfreeforlyfe. TRKGANG: Are you guys from Philly? Lucky guess? FRAT: It's been a glorious four years. RIP Lord, Pat, 0, and Neil. Underwater basket weaving practice starts tmrw @ 2:30am Pacific time. 30 mins early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable. Long live the frat.





Mom & Dad- Thank you so much for supporting me endlessly for the past 18 years! Without your unconditional love I wouldn't be the person I am today. I truly owe everything to the two of you! I'll miss you both so much next year! SS: To my lifelong best friend, thank you for always being there for me and helping me for the past 14 years. I could never eat Phish food and watch Aquamarine with anyone else. Love you long time, sista! MT: Magret!!! From Ian's history class to senior year you always bring out my real laugh. You have no idea how much I'll miss you next year! Thank you for always sticking by my side and always being there! I love you and I couldn't imagine the world without you! EB: London! My favorite Brit! I'll miss you so much next year but go kill it at Princeton. You never cease to make me laugh and make me smile. My partner in crime, never forget to SOS once in a while. Love you so much bekfast! MB: Shmeggggg! Thanks for all the lip gloss and chicken cutlet. Your contagious laugh gets me every time and I'll miss you so much next year! Love you endlessly! Keep killin' it and makin' beats! VC: Thank you for all the fun times and your "one-a-day jokes!1' Keep making turns at 40 mph and being a hazardous driver! Have fun at Marist and become the next Anna Wintour! Love you, girl! CT: My chiquitita! Thank you for being the only one who understands my NFL bad lip reading jokes. Geometry over the summer wouldn't have been the same without you! I love you so much clarrr tull! HD: Thank you for always spreading joy with your infectious smile and amazing hugs! You always know how to brighten up my day! Good luck next year! I love you and I'll miss you! HB: Thank you for being my fellow Patriots fan and for supporting my craziness! I love you crazy girl! Go kill it in college!

Personally- Personally, I had an amazing experience at King even though I was only here for two years. High school was definitely a bumpy ride but I finally made it! Mom and Dad- Thank you for everything you've done for me. You both believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, so I thank you both for that. I love you more than you know. I will miss you the most next year! NV- Big thanks to you for being a great sister. You are more than a sister to me; you are my best friend. I love you so much and can't wait to spend the next two years with you:) KB- Thank you for being my friend since day one of me coming to King. I don't show my gratitude enough so thank you! I honestly don't know what I would have done without you. You were with me from school stress to personal stuff, and anything else I can think of. I love you so much and do not know how I will survive without seeing your face every day next year! RH- Thank you for hanging out with me every single day during the summer. I know everyone got annoyed by it, but I loved it and you so much! I love our inside jokes and our traditional hangouts where we start a new TV show but then ditch it halfway through. Overall, you are a great person and always put a smile on my face. I will miss you so much next year!! CT- We only became close this year, but I could not have been able to get through senior year without you. Playing James Bond made my day ten times better no matter how I was feeling. I hope you know how much you mean to me because you helped me through the stress of college and everything in general. I loved spending frees with you and will miss you so much next year. Love you tons!

Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Aliyah, and Pratt thank you for nurturing and helping me become the young woman I am today. Your care and dedication is what pushed me to day to day. Without your tremendous support, I do not know where I would be. Thank you for putting up with me for the last 18 years. I love you guys and I couldn't do it without my support system. To the sister squad, your support and friendship has meant so much to me throughout my four years here. Without your listening ears and our common stress over school, I would have gone insane. I enjoyed procrastinating with you guys and collecting all of the tea. Thank you Claire Tulloch, Kendall Battles, Grethe Andersen, Greer Lammens, Portia Cummings, and Marina Marianthopolous for being the best friends a girl could ask for. To the Varsity Girls basketball team: Even though I'll never say it again in my life, I love you guys. You guys made the basketball season fun and bearable. I am going to miss standing on the court with Christine, Erica, Diana, Catelyn, Mimi, Olivia, Kate, Zoe, Mariana, Rachel, and Sophie, but I will cherish the time we spent together. Thank you for the memories.

VICTORIA CROWE Victoria, You are an am azing, special, and kind person and we couldn’t be more proud of you. High School is over, and the world is w aiting sweetheart. You worked so hard and earned this very big accomplishment. Remember success is determ ined by who you are, how you treat others, and how you lead your life. We love you and can’t wait for the next chapter. Mom & Dad

You are my SUNSHINE!!! We love you!

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"Proud Parents" Starring Jordan Nicole Kulick

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Michael Carnavalla Congratulations on a job well done! It’s been wonderful to experience your great success in high school. We are excited to see what’s ahead for you and wish you all the best in your next chapter. We are so proud and love you very much! Love, Mom, Dad and Jamie

Nicholas Carnavalla Congratulations on the completion of an amazing journey! We are so proud. Your talents continue to amaze us and we look forward to the next chapter filled with more great accomplishments. We love you very much! Love, Mom, Dad and Jamie




Michael and Nicholas, We’ve watched in amazement as you have gro w n into the yo u n g men you are today and we’re w atching w ith great anticipation to see what you become. W ith both of y o u r talents and determ ination the sky’s the lim it! Y o u r lo vin g grandparents, Am a and Pop & G randm a and Papa


Mike and Nick, Congratulations on graduating, boys! -Jamie

George Leo Dowling Congratulations, George! We are so proud of the wonderful young m an you have become. You have grow n in so many ways since you entered King as a freshman. We can’t wait to see what your future holds. We love you! Mom, Dad, Henry and Mary

Robin We ore so very proud o f oil you hove occom plished so for!! Your drive ond possion will bring you fo m ony new odvenfures


Dear Caroline, We love you more than words can say! You have worked so hard and deserve all of the good things heading your way. Love, Molly and Grace

Dear Caroline, We are so proud of of you and can't wait to see where your next step will take you. Your determination and unbelievable work ethic will launch you to great things. You make us smile every day and we love you with all of our hearts! Love, Mom and Dad You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so....Get on your way! Dr. Seuss

COnGRATULATianS, JAMES! So proud of you and all that you've become! Be who you are! You are singular and marvelous! Follow your dreams! Let your adventures begin!! Love you more than you'll ever know, Mom, Dad and Curtis

Congratulations, Justin! We couldn't be prouder.

Maggie MagA

Weare soproudofpar Weare notacky to haw Micha kindandloving -sister. Thanfafor alwap loaning a*par clothe* &being-the bestreadtrip co-pilot.. Never Mopuniting, taking candidpicture*& making the BESTchocolate chip cookie*. Welovepa no. nomuch. Voor Sibling*, xx


Dvvdteey Doodle*:


Congratulation*to oar Sunshinet Voa did itt Weareping to mi**par comatoseface a*pa walk into the kitchen eachmorning sayingpa areping to be LATEf Weare soproudofallpa haveaccomplished. Pleasenever lose the warmth ofyour *mile or the kindnes*inpar heart. Voa area true "goy". �Oar wishforpa i*thatthi*life become*alt thatpa wantit to bet Voar dream*stay big, par worrie*stay small Never beafraidto takea chance. Thi*i*oar wishforpa."Welovepa morethan life itself. LoveAtway*, MomandRandyxo




Anna... "Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to why we climb."

We are so proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, Christopher, Abby & Nala


Dear Grethe, We are so proud of the young woman that you are. You have stayed true to yourself every step of this journey. You have never shied from a challenge and have striven each day to be your best self. You have pursued your goals with grace, style and compassion. W e can't wait to see where you will go from here! We love you so much! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Brigitte and Eva

GRADY Love, Mom, Pop and Teo

HENRY MEYER "Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey." -Michael Josephson We are so proud of you and love you very much! Mom, Dad, Katie & Toby

We are so proud of who you are and all that you have accomplished. "I am inclined to think that being a success is tied up very closely with being one’s own kind of individual"

Eleanor Roosevelt

work, many achievements and also your big heart. You are on to great things! Don't forget aboitit us :-) Love, Mom, Dad, Brett & Chris and Sidney & Crosby too (woof!)


"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

We love you Annie! Mom, Dad and Jam es

I i


"Life is not measured by the num ber of breaths we take, but by the m om ents that take our breath away" Maya Angelou YOU take our breath away. We love you, MORE, xxx Mumola, Dad and Daniel Puh, puh, PU R Lkeep reading!! xC P

Victoria Rosina Maronian


Congratulations T-Ro,

We are so very proud of you! Be fearless, dream big and do your job. Go get ’em! Love, Mom & Dad

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“Far b e tte r is it to do m ighty things, to w in glorious trium phs, even though checkered by failu re . . . than to rank w ith those poor spirits w ho n eith er enjoy nor suffer much, because th ey live in a gray tw ilig h t th a t knows not v icto ry nor d e fe a t” - Theodore Roosevelt (\n X

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Congratulations Henry! We are so very proud of you. Enjoy the journey ahead! We love you, Mom, Dad, Jack and Caroline

Congratulations Jacob! We are so proud of your academic and personal achievements. You have grown to be a hardworking, intelligent and humorous young man. We wish you much success with all of your future endeavors. Work hard, challenge yourself everyday and never stop believing in yourself. Always know we are here to support and love you every step of the way. You are a wonderful son, friend and sibling. We love you very much. Mom, Dad, Sarah and Olivia

Kristina Thorson "She Believed She C o u ld She


, Did."

R.S. G re y

Congratulations, Harper! We are so proud of you! We Love You. Mom, Dad, Ellie and Lincoln

we are so proud of your accomplishments! We love you and can't wait to see what you will do out in the great big world!

A u g u s ta ,

Lots of love, B o b b y

a n d

Y o u don't kn o w !1

G a m m y

(and also we love you and we're really proud of you!!!)



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snuggler, fairy hut builder, baker t lover, ocean dweller, mountain >er, sunset chaser, dancer, poet, potter, old soul, brightest star jn our sky, the pure embodiment of loyp and joy.

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L E W IS B A E R Congratulations Lewis! You did it!! We're so proud of you and your accomplishments! Continue to make smart choices! We are looking forward to seeing where your journey takes you. Love, Dad, Mom, Alexa, & Tron

n epsa c



Congratulations JD! We are so proud of all you have accomplished! We are your biggest fans! xo,

The Schwartz Family


V t ^ S A iL L B






J p *. KrV-H r f j

Dear Char, You have come a long way baby! We are so proud of you and your many accomplishments We have enjoyed sharing the journey with you, and look forward to many more wonderful times together. Congratulations on your graduation from High School!! Love, Mom, Dad and Hannah



YPU -pill our'he. wiYVt love. av~»d ^ rcrlvK May yp^r you YVie.



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r&K^^YVi "ho maWe. YVu^ worl<?l a

W i l d e r plac-e..

Elizabeth Brooke Essaid Congratulat ions!

We are very proud of you and love you so much, xoxo Mom, Dad, Malcolm and Nicky

Samuel Andrew Nadler You tried new things at King and we are proud of you. Keep making music Sammy and follow your dreams.

ALEX HOLTZ Keep reaching for your dreams! We are so proud of the wonderful young man that you have become! With love, Mom, Dad, Tyler, Jack & Nugget

Josh, we are so proud o f the young man you have become. You are our joy!!! Love you more, Mom, Dad and Harper.

Congratulations John ! #HWPO #GSOAT Love you man.... Dad

Congratulations Ava Travel into your tom orrow w ith ex passion, and the unendin ability to achieve w h atever you can d W e love you - Mom, Dad and Jake

Congratulations Katie! Katie - Your kindness and caring toward others m akes us incredibly proud. You carry yourself with a quiet determination that will take you to great heights! We look forward to cheering on your bright future. With love and admiration, Mom, Dad, Megan and Ellie

Luke B uttenw ieser Always everyone's cheerleader!

We are so proud of you & the legacy you leave at King. Keep spreading your light & energy to make this world a better place.. The Sky's the Limit!

We love you! Mom, Dad & your family


G O HOPE!!! xo, Po and Boogie

Hope Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becom ing. When nothing is certain, everything is possible.

Congratulations! We love you more than you will ever know! Mommy and Daddy

Christine Vassilia Nelli Congratulations to our Superstar! Always shining bright. You am aze us everyday. We are beyond proud of you and wish all your dreams com e true.

Elizabeth Boeckman Congratulations! We are so proud of you. You are an amazing individual who is thoughtful, true to herself, smart, hardworking, a steely competitor and fun. Thank you for letting us be along for the ride. Love, Your Family ^ * i i

avvags remember uiou are braver â– rV

an gou

elieve, sma more ever imagine

ou never cease To amaze us

CHARLES GRADY NORTON Congratulations Grady We are so proud of you!

Wishing you the best of everything! With all our love. Mom, Dad, Katherine, and Alison





Paul Noujaim

th en , is not an act hut a Aristole


Dean Brendan Pigott We are so proud of your many accomplishments, and the smart, strong man you have grown into. As you head off to college, remember that you always have the love and support of your family. With your abundant curiosity, courage, and congeniality, we k now that you will go far. Love, Mom, Dad, & Sophia


CONGRATS AVA! Your future is

Congratulations Tyler!

We are so proud of everything you have accomplished. Love, Mom, Dad, Sara, and Sydney



Congratulations Jack Meizels We are all so proud of you!!

Sta y S a lty

youClairel We love -XO Dad, Mom, Tim, A nne, Jayne, &

M addie


WE ARE SO BEYOND PROUD OF ALL THAT YOU'VE ACCOMPLISHED!! Keep being the strong, independent and adventurous soul that you are and we know you'll have a life changing time in college and beyond :) Love, Your Family

Congratulations on your Graduation 2019!!

Our dearest Annie, Here's to the door of new opportunities that have just opened for you, our daughter. We are so very proud of you! Love, Mommy, Dad, Joey, and Jane.


Lr>vp, D a d

It's All Happening...!

Love you Sweet G ! Mom, Dad, Jake, Bauer & Duke

“Intelligence plus character that is the goal o f true education! -M L K —

We are so proud of the incredible young man you have become. And we love you even more, Mom, Dad, & Alana

Chris Della Jacono "The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand".

Congratulations Chris! We are all so proud of you and all you have accomplished! We can't wait to see what you do at Florida Southern College! Love you, Mom, Dad, Nick, Kaitlyn, Jenna and Cody

Congratulations D an iel!! jbt

We Love You So Much And So Proud Of You.. The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step Lao Tzu YOLLiN ACIK OLSUN... Love Mom, Dad, Melis and Joy





JD GOLDENBERG Congratulations!! We are so incredibly proud of you!! May all your dreams come true... the best is yet to come!! We love you!!

Chris R u b ic h Congratulations C hris! We are incredibly proud of you and the young man you have become. You bring so m uch hum or and joy into our lives every single day.


cannot wait to see

what the future holds for you. You





things. We love you! -Mom, Dad, Jackson and Kate

Emily Barnard People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, hut people will never forget how you made them feel.

- M a y a A ngelou

G O E M I L Y B! W e couldn't he more proud of you! W e love you lots - M om , Dad, Kevin, Kate (and Charlie & C ali)

CONGRATULATIONS PORTIA FAITH CUMMINGS If one has courage, nothing can dim the light which shines from within. - Dr. Maya Angelou "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Portia we are so proud of all your hard work and dedication. You have blossom into such a wonderful young woman. Keep your focus on your goals and you will succeed. Love Mom, Dad, Robert, Tevin and B rianna

^ M a g g ie ,

y<un smile is contagious. ^Jou ate one in a million. 'We ate all so [neud of you and so excited fot you. ongiatulations on yout gtaduation ftom JXing. ou ate teady to take on Ike w-otld. dKeeji smiling!

Maggie Toal Class of 2019

J H a ^ ie ,

'Walckin^ yau guna ka& keen an kanai and a fiiivilege. ^aa aie an amazing daa^klei and iidlet. o) cannal mail la t>ee mkal Hie fataie haldd fai yau. o) knam y,aa mill da ÂŁieal Ikin^d. ffle aie all e^cliemely [iiaud af yau. QfLane Sdlmayb,


P Madison Alexandra Backes to

" T h e f u t u r e b e lo n g s th o s e w h o b e lie v e b ea u ty



th e o f t h e ir d rea m s."

E l e a n o r R o o s e v e lt

W e a r e so p r o u d o f th e


w om an you h av e


Chloe Elizabeth Simonte Congratulations Chloe! We are so proud of you and everything you've accomplished. You've grown into a strong, smart and independent young woman with a wonderful heart. Watching you perform over the years, has been one of the greatest joys of our lives! We love you! Mom, Dad and Victor

Congratulations Jack!


Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. - H e le n K e lle r

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Albert Einstein


We are so proud of your amazing accomplishments and talents! Keep your heart & eyes open to what life unfolds. We look forward to watching what you grab onto! Love Mom & Dad You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis



Congratulations Louise!

You'll always be my favorite lap! Love, Dilly Congrats Lois! You're a King graduate. You've got some great times ahead! love, your big bro.

Wheezie! You're always a wellrounded student & have great determination to do well in your subjects. I’m so proud of the many positive comments from your teachers and seeing your name on High Honors and King Scholar lists. I’ve loved spending hours with you, siting side by side, and drawing. Creating is always fun for you. I have no doubt art will always be a part of you. 1 know you will always do well in your endeavors because of your dedication & determination to achieve great things. You'll always be my "Winner!" Love, Mimi Your grandmother, Titchie, looks down upon you with her biggest smile, for it's you she chose to pass on her special artistic talent. Still better, all Congrats on on your graduation! I can't wait of us Dills are so proud of your "High Honor A's" to see what you do next! Love,Uncle Jon in Advanced Art & other courses. In the process, multiple college choices are available for you to choose to develop your talents. The future is bright! Love Grandpa Charlie & Martinna Louise, you're the greatest granddaughter any grandparents could have. You've gowned up to fast & turned into a such a talented, beautiful lady. You've excelled in School and we're so proud of you. May God bless you and be gracious to you. May you excel in everything you do. With all our love, Grandfather Allen and Grandmother Riti.

Can I have something of yours when you go to college? Like your shoe! Love, Lila

Congratulations, Santi! W e a re so proud of you and all th a t you have a cc o m p lis h e d . K eep d ream in g big! W ith a ll our love, M om , Dad, Joaquin & Ig n acio

home is where the dog is ~kate bantle

are so proud of you bright as the sparkle h4 you so much! love, ml wen #â–

our future res. we lo\ and

Congratulations Joshua! "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney Continue to dream big Joshy. We are so proud of you and love you more than you will every know! Mom, Dad, Jess and Dal

Congratulations to our Superstar on her Graduation! Kendall, We delight in your dramatic talent and creative endeavors. We adore your confidence and can-do attitude. We appreciate your kindness, humor and quiet leadership. Above all, we recognize you for your many achievements We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished and look forward to your bright

We love you! Nana, Papa Ted, Auntie Wendy &Unde Bruce

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TV. <3ue>&*& Kendall w e thank G o d because you are such a blessing. Keep


being you because no one else can. You w ere designed for His purpose, w e are so proud of who you are, and we can t wait to see what happens next!

O u r Dearest Joey, Today is the day you begin the first o f many steps towards your journey o f a future filled with amazing possibilities. So chase your dreams as they are yours to catch. Embrace the opportunities that you are given. A n d in those times when life throws you curve balls, always remember we


always be there for you. W e love you and are so proud o f you! Today, tomorrow and always. Love

Mom, D ad & M ikhaila




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