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xvii. activities program

Activities Program There are over 30 club activities from which US students may choose that provide them with opportunities for leadership, collaboration, and personal development not typically found in their academic courses. Many of our clubs have long associations with the School, while others reflect the interests of students who choose to form a new club. Meeting times are scheduled during morning break or lunch on a rotating basis, and students generally are able to participate in more than one activity in the rotation period of the schedule. The following clubs and activities are offered, divided into five distinct categories: •• Community Service and Humanitarian Causes •• Leadership •• Student Publications •• Educational Enrichment •• Personal Interests COMMUNITY SERVICE AND HUMANITARIAN CAUSES Amnesty International

The purpose of this student organization is to raise the level of awareness within the school community of human rights and of how these rights are infringed upon in today’s global socio-political arena. The club communicates regularly with representatives of Amnesty International and receives information on violations of human rights. Club members share knowledge of such violations and write letters of appeal. Presently the club is actively engaged in the Amnesty Regional Action Network and a special focus case. Build on

The purpose of this student organization is to enhance education and empower youth in the United States to make a positive difference in their communities while helping people of developing countries increase their self-reliance through education. Build On achieves its mission thanks to a team of many dedicated student and adult volunteers, project coordinators, teachers, and Build On staff who commit themselves to learning about others and themselves through cultural educa-

2011-2012 Upper School Program Guide

tion, community service activities, and sponsorship events. Students are required to participate in community service activities every month. This club is open to students in all grades. Canstruction

The purpose of this student organization is to combine the spirit of a design/building competition with a unique way to help feed the hungry. Competing teams, led by architects and engineers, showcase their talents by designing giant sculptures made entirely of canned foods. At the close of the exhibitions, all of the food used in the structures is donated to local food banks for distribution to pantries, shelters, soup kitchens, elderly and day care centers. This club is open to all grades, and is a great way to combine a love of architecture, math, and design with community service. Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA)

The purpose of this student organization is to promote understanding and acceptance, combat homophobia, and raise awareness of the difficulties and issues affecting LGBT people. These are parts of an overall goal to create an inclusive and safe environment in our school. The club sponsors events and fundraisers during the year. Environmental Club

The purpose of this student organization is to inform and educate the school community about the environment, with heavy emphasis on global warming, and to take action to help the local and global environment. The club seeks to have an activist orientation. Helping Other People Excel (HOPE)

The purpose of this student organization is to participate in community service opportunities within and beyond our community. HOPE completes service projects in which members participate and encourage non-members to come in order to experience the benefits of helping others. To receive credit for partipating in the club, students must attend at least three of the monthly projects during the year, and bring at least one non-member to a community service opportunity.


xvii. activities program

rwanda club

The purpose of this student organization is to provide its members with an opportunity for community service abroad by forging an alliance with one or two needy orphanages in Rwanda. Members seek to derive greater knowledge of a small country in central Africa and, at the same time, through their actions and activities, acquire the tools and skills necessary for effective service to their communities (local, national, and global) when they take their place in the adult world. support the troops

The purpose of this student organization is to support U.S. troops serving overseas. Specifically, members of the club engage in letter-writing and supply drive campaigns and are currently in contact with a specific battalion. United Cultures Club

The purpose of this student organization is to promote understanding and tolerance among all members of the King community. Programs that raise awareness and encourage discussion about issues of diversity are the focus of this group. LEADERSHIP King Ambassadors

The purpose of this student organization is varied. First and foremost, members are responsible for marketing the School authentically to the greater community. Members give tours of the Upper School during available free periods to prospective students and parents who are interested in learning more about the School. They are also hosts to prospective students who visit for a day as part of the application process. Members are also important volunteers during Open Houses, serving as student-panelists and tour guides, in addition to assisting the Admission Office in its efforts during the year. In the spring, members serve as hosts for accepted candidates who are offered an opportunity to spend a day at King before they decide to enroll.

Milestone has a four-prong approach: •• develop age-appropriate ownership and leadership in the dialogue about diversity •• facilitate community building •• create “safe spaces” for conversations •• build positive racial identities

Meetings are designed to foster relationships between students of color across all three divisions and to inform program administrators of various needs in our programming, curriculum, and communitybuilding structures. Discussion groups typically occur on Fridays, after school hours. Mentors meet with their mentees throughout the school day, at mutually agreeable times. Peer Review

The purpose of this student organization is to provide a forum in which students in disciplinary difficulty have their cases heard by a board of their peers. Participants on the review board listen to the facts of each case, deliberate with the assistance of a faculty facilitator, and determine an appropriate peer response to the infraction in question. Three students from each class are elected by their peers at the beginning of the year to serve with the Student Council President on this important student leadership board. Student ActiVIties Club (SAC)

The purpose of this student organization is to partner with members of the Student Council to organize social events at King. The club seeks to provide opportunities for student socialization around events such as movie nights, talent shows, game nights, bowling, and dances. Student Council

The purpose of this student organization is to represent the interests and activities of the student body and to create a liaison with Faculty and Administration. The Council seeks to promote a positive school culture and school spirit through a variety of initiatives and offers important leadership opportunities.


The purpose of Milestone is to provide a forum for discussion for MS and US students who self-identify as students of color and to train US students to mentor MS and LS students throughout the school year. 2011-2012 Upper School Program Guide


xvii. activities program

Student publications Calliope Creative Writing club

The purpose of this student organization is to create an environment in which students have the freedom and support to write and present their own poetry, short stories, vignettes, and even chapters of developing novels to their peers each week. After receiving constructive criticism from club members, students are encouraged to rewrite and then submit their work to the club’s publication, “Calliope,” that is published once per year. This club ultimately aims to tap into and expand the School’s literary community. Kaleidoscope

The purpose of this all-school student publication is to provide an annual record of the people and events which comprise the King experience. Students participate in all aspects of the production of the yearbook, including deciding upon and developing a theme, coordinating the taking and placement of photographs, laying out pages, and participating in the proofing and editing process. “Kaleidoscope” is distributed at the end of each academic year. The Standard

A capella Female Singing Group

The purpose of this student organization is to provide an opportunity for young women to sing a capella. The club is student-run in the sense that students choose the songs and rounds to work on. Styles range from classic to contemporary. This club is open to any young woman interested in this type of singing experience. Art Club

The purpose of this student organization is to bring the benefits of the art abilities of students to others, primarily through frequent visits to local nursing homes to teach various crafts projects to residents. Book Club

The purpose of this student organization is to encourage students to build an interest in reading different genres and types of books, then holding in-depth conversations about them. Conversaciones fuera del aula

The purpose of this student organization is to improve students’ oral skills in Spanish with topics not related to academics, in a more informal setting.

The purpose of this student publication is to provide a quarterly journal of fact and opinion – providing the student body with an outlet of expression while simultaneously maintaining the formal and factual standards of a typical student newspaper. “The Standard” also provides a valuable opportunity for students to learn about newspaper production, organizational management, and leadership.

Debate Club


Drama Club

A cafellas

The purpose of this student organization is to provide an opportunity for young men to sing a capella and arrange pieces for the group. The group rehearses three times per rotation. The group performs numbers throughout the academic year at assemblies or for other school functions.

2011-2012 Upper School Program Guide

The purpose of this student organization is to promote poise and confidence in public speaking; to develop capacity for logical construction and presentation of arguments; and to foster the skill of ad hoc rebuttal. The club participates regularly in debate tournaments in the area, held by the Connecticut Association of Schools.

The purpose of this student organization is to promote interest in and awareness of our shows and in the greater theater world. Students are involved in offering service to the LS and MS productions, and participate in community service opportunities. Fundraising for specific theatre needs, creating a newsletter for current and past students in the Theater Arts, and visiting a theater production are included within the club’s objectives.


xvii. activities program

investment club

The purpose of this student organization is to help students obtain a better understanding of the real world economy and our financial system, particualrly in terms of the stock market and how it works. The club includes a real-life investment portfolio as well as simulated online Internet investment activities. la table francaise

The purpose of this student organization is to improve students’ oral skills in French with topics not related to academics, in a more informal setting. Math Team

The purpose of this student organization is to foster an interest in mathematics outside of the classroom, and to provide those students who enjoy mathematics with an opportunity to represent our school in competitions with other public and private schools in Fairfield County. The team participates in the Fairfield County Math League.


The purpose of this student organization is to introduce students to the art of cooking, teaching basic skills/techniques, and quick, healthful recipes that members can cook on their own or for their families. Students may take field trips to local restaurants to talk with professional chefs and visit local cooking schools. Students will help with preparing a community cookbook. Cultural Cuisines

The purpose of this student organization is to help students learn about other cultures and their native cuisines. The club samples food from different global regions once per month. Crocheting Club

The purpose of this student organization is to crochet and to teach others how to crochet. Members of this club donate some of their creations to charity.

Model United Nations

The purpose of this student organization is to promote student understanding of international issues and relations; to promote understanding of the role and procedures of the United Nations; to foster public speaking and negotiating skills; to enable motivated students to experience contact and to measure themselves in interaction with able and motivated college preparatory students from around the nation and the world. The club traditionally participates in the Harvard and University of Pennsylvannia Model UN conferences, held annually in Boston and Philadelphia, respectively. Project Vote Smart

The purpose of this student organization is to provide information about candidates for election in a nonpartisan way, under the mission that democracy, by its nature, works only in an educated public. Socrates Café

The purpose of this student organization is to provide a venue for philosophical thought within the school community. The club encourages uniqueness, increases critical thinking skills, and thrives on questions. Discussion forums are based on the actual implementation of “Socrates Café,” by Phillips. 2011-2012 Upper School Program Guide

Design Club

The purpose of this student organization is to provide students with an opportunity to learn about different types of design (interior, fashion, architectural, landscape) by working on projects throughout the year. Students collaborate during meetings and discuss designs. An aim of the club is to have the opportunity to decorate a space in the School, applying what has been learned to a hands-on experience. Film Making Club

The purpose of this student organization is to provide members with the tools and skills necessary to create and produce their own short movies. Golf Club

The purpose of this student organization is to allow members of the School community to play golf and improve their games within a safe and fun environment. King Step Team

The pupose of this student organization is to expose students to the dance form referred to as “step.” The group performs at Pep Rallies and Half-Times for the King basketball teams.


xvii. activities program

Outdoor Club

The purpose of this student organization is to provide students with the opportunity to practice collaborating, problem solving, and appreciating a wide range of perspectives in settings outside of the School. Students arrange a variety of group activities, including hiking, biking, and snowshoeing excursions. Running Club

The purpose of this student organization is to encourage participation in local 5K and 10K races and to support fitness runners by holding after-school group training/running sessions. The club is meant to support low-key fitness running at the club level. Both serious and beginner runners are encouraged to participate. Ski and Snowboard Club

The purpose of this student organization is to provide students with an opportunity to go skiing and snowboarding with friends and classmates in a safe environment at a reasonable cost. The club organizes its day trips through Ski Market, which provides bus transportation and a lift ticket for the day for one price. One overnight trip is planned, with the goal of exposing beginners to either boarding or skiing. Trips are to easy-to-reach resorts in Massachusetts and Vermont. Ultimate Frisbee Club

The purpose of this student organization is to give students an opportunity to experience the increasing collegic club sport of Ultimate Fisbee. Students play Ultimate Frisbee during breaks during the day and in organized tournaments under the guidance of Faculty.

2011-2012 Upper School Program Guide


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