Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 1976

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"Women are now collectively in process toward a new understanding of who we will be in the future, who we have been in the past. This period in the collective process is not unlike a page from a diary: a moment possessed of its own truth. Our new freedom to become workers is exhilarating.�


1976 Low-Heywood Thomas Stamford, Connecticut

Carolyn’s Day is Here!

This is International W om en’s Year. The senior class of '76 watches you take a stand fo r women and has a g reat deal of respect fo r you as a person. We take pride in having you as a model of to d a y 's woman. You are a cool lady and a dynam ite person! With all our love, Class of ‘76

Life — so they say Is but a game and they let it slip away Love — like the autumn sun Should be dying but it’s only just begun Like the twilight in the road up ahead They don't see just where we’re goin’ And all the secrets in the universe Whisper in our ears and all the years will come and go And take us up always up We may never pass this way again We may never pass this way again We may never pass this way again Dreams — so they say Are for the fools and they let them drift away Peace —- like the silent dove Should be flyin' but it's only just begun Like Columbus in the olden days We must gather all our courage Sail our ships out on the open sea Cast away our fears and all the years will come and go And take us up — always up We may never pass this way again We may never pass this way again We may never pass this way again


The leaves are falling all around, it’s time I was on my way. Thanks to you, I’m much obliged for such a pleasant stay. And now, it’s time for me to go; the autumn moon lights my way.

Many times I’ve lied and many times I've listened. Many times I've wondered how much there is to know. Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings. I live for my dreams and a pocketful of gold.

The road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with weary feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then ? I cannot say.

Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.



tarry-eyed an' laughing as I recall when we were caught Trapped by no track of hours for they hanged suspended As we listened one last time an’ we watched with one last look Spellbound an’ swallowed 'til the tolling ended Tolling for the aching ones whose wounds cannot be nursed For the countless confused, accused, misused, strung-out ones an’ worse An’ for every hung-up person in the whole wide universe An' we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing.

if i love you (thickness means worlds inhabited by roamingly stern bright faeries if you love me) distance is mind carefully luminous with innumerable gnomes of complete dream if we love each (shyly) other, what clouds do or silently flowers resembles beauty less than our breathing






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In the rose garden of changeless splendor, a flower hath begun to bloom . . .

HEIDI HANTSCHO Live life as it is, not as it should be.

Dear friend, I p^ay you well! into the inner silence I carry your name, your fS|ed. In that secret inner place I see you, vibrant and alive, V radiant in the glowing light. |l feel the warmth of love that is a cloak of protection wrapping you about with safety wherever you may be. There, in that center of stillness,^, I speak your name a n d L U ^ ^ " 1 the «»|hoes of_a£pp»rf?^^ (g j^T sfa y you well! Dear who is not my'friend?


A Message for YOU Reach for that diamond star. Our future’s not too far. And if you need me, I’ll be there. I’m someone who always cares. About me, about you, About what we do. Today or tomorrow, We’ve had our sorrow, And before time’s gone, And morning's dawn, I’ll sing this song for you. Janelle

i have tak^n much like a child with eyes of who has held out his hands to receive the gifts of o j | P you have given m u c h ^ P taking care i should not want holding out your hands to catch me as i fell, what can i give to yotr***




Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, Silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sa With all memory and fate driven deep beneath Let me forget about today until tomorrow.



CAROL CHESWICK Why do some people think it's funny to talk about worms while you're eating spaghetti. Snoopy

I can’t think of anything more stupid than standing out in a pasture while it’s raining. S

This is not primarily the place where we have to be, it is the place where we are. This is not our prison but our home. It is the road we must walk and the walking of it is called life. Because we will walk it only once, then how important it is that we should walk it with some purpose that we can call our own.



If you don’t like what you're doing, you can always pick up your needle and move to another groove. '

CATHIE HAIMS The time has finally come, for me to pack my bags and walk away — from this day.


To those I love most — One and one don’t make two, One and one make one.


CHARACTERISTICS Ginger Aron “ Squeaky" . . . Cucumbers . . . college weekends . . . E.C.M.U.N.C. . .. convertible . . . spazz driver . . . Hey-Day . . . Whooping and Sugarbush . . . tennis . .. cum laude . . . Tinytoes. Rachael Ashley Ugly I . .. T.T. ... “ drag” ... “ dymanite" ... “ really” ... “ oh no" ... “ Lets make an outrageous pumpkin” . . . “ out of control” . . . you ATE it? ... “ Wherethefugawie” . .. “ Bring on the dancing boys” . .. “ I have buddha eyes” . .. “ whoa . . . yes . . . aahhaa” . . . brown eyes . .. “ this is just paper.” Mandy Boe mee-meep Capri . . . Keith . . . watercolor, pen and ink ... Dunkin’ Doughnuts and Macdonalds . . . “ come to the beach” . . . Jackson Brown — an autographed hand . . . Manfred . . . Tree trunks and raffle tickets . . . Vic's. Beth Boroson “ I’m not short, you're tall” . . . “ really” . . . “ you know” . .. “ oh God” . . . seen groucho lately? . .. where are you at 10:30 P.M. on Thursdays? . . . Fizzy physics ... “ are there any parties around?” . . . And now for something completely different . . . it’s snowing. Janelle Bradford Patron of the saints — Matthew, Paul and John . .. will be reincarnated as H.C. ... “ Janelle, how do you get all those boyfriends?” . . . destined to make beautiful music with someone ... “ I miss my brother” . . . “ Where’s John? I love John.” Beth Bradley Bethie . . . speed reading . . . every morning . . . sunlamp . . . “ Fat is where it’s at." ... a new exercise, a new diet . . . “ What’s your problem?” . . . Santa Claus . . . Snoopy . . . Basketball . .. Virginia ... summer . . . U turns. Jodi Brown Jodo . . . Fats . . . stork . . . R.A. ... crash diets . . . Fuzzy boots . . . rumor has it . .. Heineken’s D ark---hanging out at the Heritage .. . vega and stang . .. vegetable award . . . longest hair in town .. . Tab and gum . . . “ aardvark” . Carol Cheswick The yellow bug . . . munch out! . . . Those nights ... On the wagon . . .Bridgeport . . . BLAAAH!! . . . soccer games . . . silver . . . Northfield . . . maniacal driver . . . moody .. .New Years ’73. little straw pouch! . . . biking ... On a diet — huh? . . . Attendance taker . . . Ches. Jan Ellegard Physics . . . over the wall and thru the woods to Carlsen’s class we go ... labs — Yech . . . gullible . . . squeaky shoes . . . great minds think alike . . . why are you doing your homework now instead of last nite? worry — worry — worry . . . Roy and Jan are you twins? . . . Breakfast and lunch 2nd and 3rd and 4th . . . disorderly carrel.

Inga Erickson “ O tto” ... “ Get me out of here" ... those fantastic retreats ... Does anybody have a piece of gum .... Micci-D-Donalds Laura Freeman White corvette . . . Daddy’s girl . . . fingernails . . . cheering . . . varsity letter . . . likes those whimps . . . eats two bites ... not so shy, very innocent . .. crazy writing ... Advice from Brown Amy Germain Wings . . . Germ . . . No T . . . “ oh no” . . P-town . . . Kermit . . . “ For sure” . . . “ Bring on the dancing boys” . .. “ Really” . . . “ outrageous” ... “ Dymanite” ... “ That's bogus” ... RU12 ... “ Did you sign us in” . .. wherethefugawie . . . bummer ... “ Whoa . .. yes ... aahhaa” ... get a smile on your face Cathie Haims Cat . .. Bahamma Momma ... weekends in Palm Beach ... surfing attempts ... Chevette-ta-tet ... 120 down L. R. R. ... “ God was I crusin’ ” ... jo-jockette .. . official member of the Heritage herd ... Grows Vs” every 2 years ... limited vocabulary Heidi Hantscho “ Wanna go have a Kool?” ... “ Oh my gawd” ... Mama Santa Claus ... The Fonz .. . You are wierd! ... Dinosaurs are extinct ... “ A sale at D.Q.?” ... 1,2,3, o'clock rock .. Ham and cheese on a hard roll. Donna Horne Missippi mud stompers . . . member of SFC and WFC . . . Foster explosions . . . “ Oh Lord ... I can t take this any longer” ... “ Alright” ... Herbie Hancock .. . some ones got the giggles ... Rituals ... Ripped . . . Hey, Ugly . . . What’s up? ... Berlin . . . ILBBIWNLHK . . . Horney Cynthia Kahan Better button up! . .. Takes it easy on her feet . .. Sleeping beauty and her slippers . .. Vicki darlink ... keeps a large supply of extras ... excedrin, a large bottle of relief ... ice skating . .. my stomach aches” . . . Pooh . . . Joann ... summers away. Elisabeth Kilner Plant freak ... sheep dog ... sangria and salora . .. English pubs ... Hebla en espanol, por favor .. Hours at the hospital ... probable Jewish convert .. . Dartmouth. Barb Koch 'O.K. K.O. . . . Basic Bagels . . . you bring the o.j. and I’ll bring the . . . Jive talkin’ . . . Raf . . . red licorice kola nut ... J.P. knows everything now ... typing with what's his name. Rosemary Layman Hairy tongue ... hairy teeth ... braces . . . Girl Scout . . . Wyoming ... a letter from J. B. ... loves to argue for the sake of arguing ... “ I wish I had curly hair.” Debi Lionetti Hockey, Hockey!! Horses, horses!! ... someone should invent horse hockey ... R. G. of the N.Y.

Rangers . . . Led Zeppelin . . . Going to Bridgeport again? .. . Red sky hawk. Michelle Liptak “ M itch” . . . keep your distance, I roll on hills . . . writing to kell . . . mysterious . . . aw-naw . . . chimpo . . . ten inch nails . . . these are the “ Days of Our Lives” . . . You blew it, buckwheat! ... “ my little schatzie” . Renna Martin You’re standing funny . . . rah, rah . . . squeaky voice, laughs a lot .. . vegetarian . . . always late to scoop you up . . . Mom's wagon . . . Cape Cod . . . Northfield . . . Scuby, Dooby, Drewby, JWFW, APHG . . . Beachboys . . . TTH . .. “ Please don’t put the grades on the board” .. . California, here I come. Linda McKee Take me back to France . . . J.S.R.R. . . . memories of the metro men .. . hand gestures .. . “ Beer doesn’t thirst your quench” . . . watering the chairs . . . Tommy craze . .. over the wall, across no (wo)man's land . . . “ She's such a cold person” .. . Getting hoarse cheering . . . How queer . Diane Mills The girl who’s always talking about college and future men .. . always sick of something ... the weekend Nova . . . and the new pair of shoes ... an all right sister . . . Remember H.R., W.C.? Micci McDowell Senior president ... earth shoes .. . basketball Jones .. . Summer ’75 . .. Elton John glasses . . F.F.U.D.C. . . . “ I’ll stop smoking after this pack” . .. Senior Room . . . “ Here! Watch the attendance book, I’ll be right back” ... “ Listen for me on the radio” ... “ I can't believe that Spanish test’ . longs to win Ann Herrick Award. Karen Olsen “ I believe you” . . . “ sure” ... “ Let's go get some Foster’s bingo . . . “ yea” . .. “ we've gotta cancel this night” .. . we’re cruizin . . . GTO . . . “ this bites” ... did you sign us out? ... choupy Liz Osman Joke #1, #2 “ Can I buy a pack?” ... “ trouble with this” ... “ I was up ’til 4:30 this morning” ... Vanda, Vanda . . . “ do you think, tonight?” ... Ed and Rick . .. pumpkin . . . orange gum . . . cute socks. Tory Pierce Hey, Tor, WOW!! . . . music ... “ I could never get into the art world” . .. “ you always get all the good boyfriends” ... I love Eric, I’ll always love him ... I love Danny . .. “ Where could I go to college? . . . maybe I’ll go to England . . . Gentle Giant ... I guess I’m just a freak . . . that’s cool. Diana Plotkin “ Old sport” . . . Hey . .. “ we can eat lunch, Mr. Carlsen’s not here” . .. “ Guess what kind of sandwich I’ve got?” . . . Espanol . . . London 1975 . . . eyeball wiggler ... the Yale-Harvard game .. . mas vak?!! “ I wonder where my kleenex went?” . .. after lunch and recess we take our usual seat, Diana’s always on the right. Joann Saphier My nail broke . . . Mark! . . . Long Island fantasies ... oh, the weekend . .. smooth .. . Cleopatra from

Connecticut ... the mangled calendar .. . watering French chairs ... frustrated mischief-maker ... being queer with Cindy ... passion for purple. Liz Schwartz bubala . .. 3T ... “ really?” ... “ Confucious say” .. . guave jelly . . . Richard’s eyes .... “ Let’s give a dinner party” . . . “ Wanna go to Brocks?” ... popcorn and pretzels . . . honorary Fonz Follower . . “ did you sign us in?” Muff Shantz Itty-Bitty . . . Teeny-Weeny . . . Lambchop . .. careful driver . . . rollamatic .. . King Coupon . . . don’t talk through your nose ... “ This is death” ... Kris and the Cape ... laughies ... Mexico ... clean-up women ... bandanas. Carol Sherwood The carol cuddler with the sweet smile .. . memories of France and foreign intrigue . . . Monty Python ... left handed wizard ... imported French feet ... owns the largest piece of turquoise at L-H T. Page Smith Fatty, Silly, Fritzi . .. cookie monster . . . Bermuda, Cocoa Beach . . . Bjorn Borg . . . Eddie Ferguson . .. CSN&Y ... lasagna ... strange faces ... big bisepts ... Flanging out at the Heritage ... grounded again . . . slumber parties . . . good driver . . . tortoise shell hairbands. Penny Tolson License! . . .“ Pen” . . . New Year’s Eve .. . Those same nights .. . England . . . huh? .. . Mr. Wilmot ... Buddy . . . Wyoming . . . The stable . . . roller skates . . . walking T.V. guide . . . out to lunch. Julie Vos soaring and skiing in Sugarbush . . . Middlebury . . . Gotta go to Charles . .. “ You look as tired as I feel” . . . “ Oh — I miss Sam” . Kirsti Wastrom Fruitcake . .. Loppy . . .Wellfleet . . . Julie .. . Squeeky . . . Finland . .. “ Whats going on this weekend" Diets . .. ECMUNC . . . Molly . . . Cornell .. . Blooms . . . Diet-Rite . . . Jaws Wastrom. Melissa White Sweet Melissa . .. Who? Jimmy . .. Baltimore . . . Blue Mazola . .. spit laugh . . . Flocus Pocus .. . Cape cod w. minerva . . . WNEW-FM Mesa . . . “ Smoking — I quit” . .. magic shows .. . crooked smile . .. sailing . . . Public Health . . . Dylan. Alison Yates “ Chimp” . . . tennis . . . quiet with frequent witty remarks . . . diamonds and assorted jewels .. . giggles . .. Virginia Wade purple socks ... “ Iknow” ... “ uh — huh” ... “ Who?” ... “ Larry” ... “ No com ment” ... Famous blusher.

... in our minds we hold a vision of the world we’ll build where the dreams of every person have a chance to be fulfilled

M arjorie Weidig Head of Middle School; H istory


Elizabeth Cesare Headmistress; Ethics

Vivian H arrington Head of Upper School; Spanish


Helen Kweskin English; Com m unications

Gilbert Gledhill Music; C om m unications



I f Elizabeth Forster D ram atics; C om m unications

Joanne Eastman A rt History; English; C om m unications

Carolyn Powell Latin; H istory

Diane Spillios English

Priscilla Swanson Science

Janet Lanman C oordinator; Senior Internship Program

Mary Hoffman M athem atics

Elaine Waters H istory

Karen C routham el Art; M athem atics

Susan Ault Middle School Reading John C routham el Ethics

Ju dith Holding Ethics

Mary Mesics Science; M athem atics

Belle Devendorf A rt

Karen Peterson Physical Education


Peg Hoffman A dm inistrative Assistant to the Head of Upper School

M arjory Cady English; C om m unications

Dobrila M atkovich French

Maurine Lee A dm inistrative Assistant to the Headmistress

Ann Hermann M athem atics; C om m unications

Patricia Carder A dm inistrative Assistant to the Head of Middle School

Nancy Bloom Sixth Grade; Middle School Librarian

Silvana Sonnino Science

Germaine Barbarite French

Anna Sia M athem atics

Ann H errick H istory of Language; Latin

Carolyn B rotherton History; English

Malla Krein Spanish

Jane Repp P ublicity

Jerem y Reiskind M athem atics

P atricia Hopkins English Mae DePalma Financial Secretary



-yi , C $1. Beverly Allen Physical Education

Keith H orner Business Manager; D irector of Development

M argaret Weeks Librarian Anne Grote 4 th and 5th Grades; H istory

Joseph Guglielmo

M argaret Woodhall

Carol Telesco


Speak gently; it is better far To rule by love than fear. Speak gently; let no harsh words mar The good we might do here.


Alison Apicella

Lorie Boots

Lisa Briedbord

M artha Brown

Geri-Lee Davidson

Nicole Eschelbacher

Barbara Ferguson

Dale Ferguson

Mimi Foss

Emee Gaither


Brenda H arrington

Helen Haskell

1 i

I Saint Irick

Kiki Johnson


Sharon Konspore

Muff LeBlanc

Susan Lamb

Anna M atteo

Lucy Oldrin

Julie Ostrow

Lettie Palmer

M indy Pfifer

Anne Phillips

Linda Roehl

Jill Russo

Nancy Shinabarger

Ellen Sklar

Nancy Sainburg

Cindy Siegner

Caryn Vicinus



Sitting: H ortence Forrest, Kim Peters, Lisa Gray, Kelly Ames, Louisa Kormendi, Heidi Knechtle. First Row Standing: Mary Kilbourn, Karen Olsson, Alix Boots. Second Row: Joanne Mercede, Michele Browning, Kathy Clarke, Greta Mesics, Lisa Skaggs. Third Row: Mary Jane Santagata, Terry Berman, Clare Powell, Jennifer Knowlton, Melinda Macauley, Amanda Rawson. Last Row: Laura

Moynahan, Lisa W astrom, Susan Depew, Caryn Collamore, Judy Perkins, Bonnie Hirschberg, Susan Keen, Merle Washington, Tanyah Vanterpool.



Bottom: Clare Macdonald. Sitting: Mary Collier, Michelle Bryant, Lucia Penn, Stacy Miller, Pam Oswald, Lisa Coyle. Ellen Wosnica, Susan Payne. Standing: Jerem y Boe, Mary-Lou Mann, Julie Bowen, Lisa Whitelaw, Joy Gaylinn, Lynn Lauterbach, Tricia Kennedy,

Diane Mahoney, Cheryl Boots, Elizabeth Bennett, Elizabeth Wenzel, Jamie Osman, Gail Hubbard, Lisa Ward, Helen Clamp, DesNeiges Terrien, Margaret McCormick, Melissa Clark, Allison Hart.

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Sitting: Jill Leonard. Valerie Sm ith. Pam McKee, Tracy Futterm an, Wendy Gordon, Jill Semel, Hilary Silberman, Susan M attioli, Liz Valentine, Susan Gray, Hilary Straat. Standing: Carolyn Zezima, Conny Walters, Linda VonTress, Anne Griffiths, Lorna Nicholls,

M ary Dodd, Jane Mesics, Lisa Dowd, Sarah Flannery, Debbie Leylegian, Linda Trent, Sharon Hannibal, Pam Kilbourn, Susan Perkins, Kyle Bognar, Hillary Isaacs, Jeanmarie Fioretti, Jody Sargent, Katheryn Allen. Rear: Sandy Eldridge


Sitting: Nanette C olotti, Trisha Moynahan, Portia Berrey, Mary Kate Valentine, Felicity Green, Susan Goldmark, Standing Bottom: Randall Ashley, Sharon Giglio, Karen Lauterbach, Susan Meyer. Top: Deisha Jetter, Cassandra Burns, Diane Skidmore. Tina Repp",

Susanna Schavoir, Katherine Trautlein, Elyse Safir, Cathy Ditesheim, Laurie Lasnick, Lisa Diaz, Lisa Mallozzi, Ellen Fields. Jessica Ferdinand, Bonny Stevenson.

Front Row: Libby Baker, Tracy Kahn, Liz Glotzer, Kathy Bentley. Middle Row: Jennifer Lund, Kathy Kirmayer, Gina Silvestri, Kathy

Pickard. Last Row: M argaret Schwartz, Marianna Knauth, Linda Whitelaw, Linnea Mancini.


Ground: Cynthia Nanarello, Victoria Wenzel, Clelia Biamonti, Jennifer Hunter, Melissa Buckles,, Tree: Mariana Cimikoski, Susan Lehnert, Pam Taylor, Patricia Waco.


Sitting: Cindy Siegner, vice-president of junior class, Liza Cowan, president of junior class, Helen Clamp, vice-president of freshm an class, Lynn Lauterbach, president of freshman class, Standing: Micci McDowell, president of senior class, Jennifer Knowlton, president of sophom ore class, Julie Vos, president of upper-school, Cindy Kahan, vice-president of senior class, Saint Irick, vice-president of upper-school.

Standing: Geri-Lee Davidson (editor), Nicole Eschelbacher, Lise Grimaldi, Allison Apicella, Tree: Emee Gaither, Dale Ferguson.


Sitting (Left To Right): Kathy Groulx, Mindy Pfifer (editor), Julie Vos, Cynthia Kahan. Back Row (Left To Right): Gen-Lee Davidson, Lise Grim aldi, Nancy Sainburg. Missing: Anna Mateo, Larraine Mancim, Greta Mesics and Elizabeth Wenzel

Sitting (Left To Right): Cynthia Kahan, Joann Saphier, Alison Yates, Liz Osman (business manager), Amy Germain, Rachael Ashley (e d ito r), Ginger Aron, Donna Horne. Standing: Tori Pierce and Jodi Brown.

Front Row: Melissa Clark, Margaret McCormick. Second Row (Left To Right): Saint Irick, Liza Cowan, Alison Apicella, Lettie Palmer, Jil Russo. Back Row (Left To Right): Laura Freeman, Carol Cheswick, Penny Tolson, Mrs. Eastman, Sue Keen, Mindy Pfifer, Caryn Vicinus.

Sitting (Left To Right): Jill Russo, Donna Horne, Margaret Me Cormick, Melissa Clark. Standing (Left To Right): Stacy Miller, M indy Pfifer, Alison Hart, Mary LeBlanc,. Lise Grimaldi, Michelle Bryant.

Sitting: Elizabeth Bennett, Elizabeth Wenzel, Elizabeth Osman (president), Hillary Issacs, Kneeling: Susan Gray, Susan S tra tt, Carol Sherwood, Geri-lee Davidson (vice-president), Michele Browning, Lynn Lauterbach Standing: Jan Ellegard, M indy Pfifer, Ellen Woznica, Kelly Ames, Lisa Gray, Susan Depew, Clare Macdonald, Lisa Whitelaw

Lise Grim aldi, Liza Cowan, Liz Schwartz (President), Julie Ostrow, Barbara Koch.

First Row: Micci McDowell, Carol Sherwood, Beth Boroson, Saint Irick, Nicole Eschelbacher, Mary LeBlanc, Christina Scocim ara, Bonnie Herschberg, Sue Keen. Second Row: Karen Olssen, Barbie Ferguson, Kathie Groulx, Laura Freeman, C indy Siegner, Nancy Sainberg, Mary Jane Santagata, Kelly Ames

Bottom: Diane Mills, Laura Moynahan, Tori Pierce (president), Joy Gaylinn. Top: Michelle Liptak, Alison Yates, Ellen Sklar, Donna Horne, Amanda Rawson, Maggie McCormick.


Jill Russo, Tori Pierce, Alison Apicella, Ana Castillo, Barbara Ferguson, Kathy Groulx, Liisa Wastrom, Laura Moynahan.


Bottom: Cheryl Boots, Emee Gaither, Alison Apicella, Sandy Irick. Top: Renna Martin (co-captain), Cathie Haims (co-captain), Linda McKee, Julie Ostrow, Laura Freeman.



Kneeling: Rosemary Layman, Merle Washington, Kim Peters. Standing: Sarah Flannery, Jody Sargent, Jill Russo, Caryn Vicinus, Bonnie Hirschberg, Diana Plotkin, Susan Keen, Elisabeth Kilner (president).

Kneeling: Anne Phillips, Linda McKee, Rosemary Layman, Elisabeth Kilner, Carol Sherwood, Standing- Diana Plotkin Boroson, Lisa Skaggs, Liz Osman, Michelle Liptak, Alison Yates, Jan Ellegard (president).



First Row: Lettie Palmer, Donna Horne (president), Rosemary Layman, Joy Gaylinn,. Second Row: Mary LeBlanc, Sharon Konspore, Anna Castillo, Lise Grimaldi, Lisa Breidbord, Jill Russo. Third Row: Amanda Rawson, Carol Cheswick, Beth Bradley, Barbara Koch.

THE PYE CLUB PROTECT YOUR ENVIRONMENT Pye began as a group of students at Thomas School who were upset over the fact that a certain person was filling in a nearby tidal marsh which the students had used as an outside laboratory for their biological studies. Knowing the value of such an area, and how few marshes there are left, they began to write letters to Hartford asking them for a bill which would protect such areas. After long hours, days, and weeks of work, their bill, 695, was passed a few days before Congress adjourned for two years. Since this time, the girls have designed a button, distributed over 50,000 pamphlets and formed themselves into an organization devoted to saving our country from pollution, famine and over-population. PYE Club Aims: The PYE Club is a non-profit club dedicated to: a) informing the public of the serious biological situation we are in. b) communicating with politicians on these matters. c) trying to convince educated, successful people that they cannot neglect their government, but must talk with politicians about the important issues of these times. d) trying to reach youth on these matters, to show them that they must think and work in terms of the future if they are to have a quality environment in which to live. The Serious Biological Problems that Concern Members: a)

over-population. From two billion people in 1930, we are almost four billion now, and will probably be eight billion by 2000AD. b) the coming food crisis which is already present in many countries and is predicted to become much worse because of the population growth. c) the multiple pollution problems and the destructive effects they are having on our ESSENTIAL biological environment. d) the careless handling of our natural resources which are being treated as if they are inexhaustible; ex. loss of tidal marshes, with their essential links to the food chain, for housing lots and jet ports, ex. serious pollution of the ocean and inland waters, which are sources of oxygen as well as food.

PYE was founded in 1968 by Mrs. Joy Lee, a biology teacher at Thomas School. The following excerpts are from her philosophy; a)

PYE is about education . . . the students were teaching what they had been taught, and the students were the people who didn’t know why the marshes were important.” b) “ PYE is about political responsibility . . . once people under­ stood, we asked them to personally express their opinion to their representatives.” c) “ PYE is about respect ... we knew people would have different feelings on this issue. But we did go out to sell them on the need to protect their environment.” d) “ PYE is about freedom and truth . . . freedom to try to convince others that this is an important issue and truth as the best we could determine it.”

Blue = clean air, clean water Green = open space, plant life, natural resources Yellow = sunlight All these are essential to life.


Top: Tricia Kennedy, Heidi Knechtle, Lucia Penn, Amanda Rawson, Dianne Mahoney Bottom: Dale Ferguson, Beth Gladstein, Beth Bradley, Jennifer Knowlton.


Bottom: Anne Phillips, Dianne Mahoney, Clare Powell, fop: Susan Payne, Barbara Koch, B eth Boroson, Bonnie Hirschberg.


Top: Laura Freeman, Carol Sherwood, Lisa Coyle, Mary Jane Santagata. Bottom: Cheryl Boots, Elizabeth Bennett, Lorena Boots, Pam Oswald.


Bottom: Liisa Wastrom, Mary Kilbourn. Middle: Lisa Coyle, Dianne Mahoney, Allison Hart. Top: Tricia Kennedy, Kelly Ames, Jennifer Knowlton, Lisa Ward.


Bottom: Page Smith, Donna Horne, Dale Ferguson, Cathie Haims. Middle: Pam Oswald, Susan Keen, Mimi Foss, Helen Haskell Top: Sharon Konspore, Heidi Knechtle, Lucia Penn, Christina Scocimara.


DATELINE 1984 IT'S A BRAVE NEW WORLD — WOMEN DEFY THE LIMITS AND NOW FOR A CLOSER LOOK AT THE CLASS OF 1976 Breaking new frontiers is Amy Germain who has just become the second woman commercial pilot. She managed to keep close to those “ wings.” Rachael Ashley has reportedly been named the succeeding editor to Viva. As for our athletes, Alison Yates is an up and coming tennis pro; she has been touring all the circuits. Jodi Brown tied with Karen Olson in the downhill races at the winter Olympics this year. Jodi lost time at the beginning of the race when she misplaced her can of tab. Page Smith has just received the Most Valuable Player of The Year award from Miss Softball America. However, she could not pick up her trophy as she was trying to break the international cooky-eating record. Earlier this year Debora Lionetti became the first woman center for the Rangers hockey team; her life long ambition was fufilled. As for Beth Bradley, past L.H.T. jock, better things have come her way. Beth was presented with the cup for the Most All Round Woman in Sports last month. On the art scene, Donna Horna has recently opened a ceramics studio in the heart of Greenwich Village and Tori Pierce maintains her own calligraphy studio in SoHo. Carol Cheswick has become a New York Times art critic. Last week's topic was an in-depth study on the esthetic principles of the Seagram’s building. “ It's fru-fru.” Janelle Bradford has just invented the first MG that has a guitar-playing horn. The back seat is great for making beautiful music — oh no! there is no back seat. Liz Osman has moved onto bigger and better things. She now directs the Faith Tabernacle Choir, nevertheless, she keeps close ties to home. And, of course, who but Diane Mills could receive the title of the First Groupie of the Year from the Academy of Music. Liz Schwartz finally got her name up in lights. She currently stars in “ This is Your Life — L.H.T. Revisited.” Support an alumna; Hey-Day gives rave reviews. New records have been set by several of the alumnae. Cathy Haims has made the Guiness Book of World Records for the darkest perennial tan. Ripley’s Believe It or Not reports

that Penny Tolson is the first woman to ride bare-back between the U.S.A. and Mother England. A recent flash from U.P.I. informed us that Muff Shantz came in last in the Reverse Grand Prix. Diana Plotkin has just signed a contract with the Moscow Circus. Her talent for wiggling her eyes has thrilled and astounded thousands of people. Michelle Liptak was voted Breck’s number one “ girl with the hair” for this year. Jan Ellegard has reached the furthest limb; she now presides as the president of the Horticulture Society of America. Mandy Boe is heading a sleep research laboratory in an attempt to draw conclusions between art output and rest. Mandy is in need of test cases; get in touch with her before 9:00PM. Beth Boroson has not yet surfaced from her last marine research project. She is somewhere in the Pacific searching for Monty Pythons — strange animals! Linda Mckee has taken charge of the student tours to France. Mme. Mckee suggests other methods of travel besides the metro. Julie Vos has almost run out of things to be president of; she is now running for top banana of the U.S.A.. Kirsti Wastrom is woman of the hour in Washington. Economics payed off well. As head of the Consumer Action Committee Kirsti’s issue is the banning of diet cola. Ginger Aron is still squeaking away in the courtrooms of Washington. Laura Freeman has made a career of finding suitable wives for particular bachelor. Rosemary Layman has been slightly detained in her career goals; she is still arguing her last point. Elisabeth Kilner has just transferred from her position as head of the Candystripers at the hospital to the headistress’ post at L.H.T.. Heidi Hantscho is senoir secretary to Micci McDowell who is campaigning for office. Renna Martin has graduated to Youth Advisor of H.E.L.P. and in a recent interview she said, “ Yeah, I tell it like it is.” Cynthia Kahan has just published her first book entitled "The Adventures of a Sensuous Woman.” Pick up a copy at your local newsstand. Joann Saphier is happily married to Mark and has just won the Mom of the Year award. The governor of our Nutmeg State has just appointed Melissa White to the post of Director of Public Health in Fairfield County. Inga Erickson has just been transferred to Mt. Sinai and is presently acting as God’s right-hand person. Carol Sherwood is undergoing psychoanalysis to discover her “ real self.” Lastly, no one has heard from Barbara Koch who received the key to Rippowam in her senoir year. If anyone has continued to borrow Barb’s fur coat and knows of her whereabouts please inform us. Looking back with great pride, it can be clearly seen that the class of 1976 were truly women in action.


"A re you kidding?"

"C 'e s t rid icu le !"

"W eird, really w e ird "


Congratulations To The-Glass Of 7 6 From

Best Wishes Joann and Class of ’76






188 A T L A N T IC AVENUE G a r d e n C i t y P a r k , N . Y. 1 1 0 4 0 895-3475 (516)

Congratulations To The Class Of '76 Notice is Hereby Given That Liz Will Be Unavailable For Babysitting As Of September 1976.




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C ongratulations and best wishes to the Class of 1 97 6


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Love and Happiness to ’76 W endy Holding and friends

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Congratulations To Penny and the class of 1976

“ And a woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.’’ Kipling

Congratulations to the Class of ’76

Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Osman

T h r e e cheeks -for t-he S^pev


hcooa ih e


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cheetah’s nine

Congratulations to Donna

from Mom and Dad

Congratulations and best wishes to the class of


Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Aron and Billy

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WITH THE CO M PLIM ENTS of your friendly



INTERIOR DESIGN 859 Post Road Darien, Ct. 06820

(w here m oney talks)

Best Wishes to The Class of 76.


Good Luck to the Class of ’76 Love,

The Glee Club

THANKS FOR THE COOKIES! Love from the Juniors

U Ji'shes C Io lss

& O o d


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s u n s h in e



Good Luck to the Class of ’76

PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Ames Mr. & Mrs. S.F. Apicella The Bead Trader Mr. & Mrs. L.R. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. William W. Bentley Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Biamonti Mr. & Mrs. David N. Bloom Dr. & Mrs. Elihu Boroson Brambruts 5 and 10 Mr. & Mrs. L. Breidbord Jackie Brown Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cady Mr. & Mrs. A.E. Collier The Cottage Bake Shop Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Clamp Mr. & Mrs. Martin Clarke Mr. & Mrs. John L. Crouthame Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Davidson Decor By Sylvia Design Studio Mr. & Mrs. Donald Dowd Fair-View Camara Shop Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fields Mrs. Mirriam Forrest Mr. & Mrs. Martin Foss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Freeman A Friend Mrs. Fuller Mr. & Mrs. George M. Gaither Mr. & Mrs. Frank Green Dr. & Mrs. E.A. Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hannibal Turn of River Hardware Mr. & Mrs. Mario Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Westry G. Horne Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guglielmo Mr. & Mrs. B.W. Johnson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. Koch Mrs. Lou Konspore Mr. & Mrs. John Kormendi Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kweskin Mr. & Mrs. Julius Lasnick Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Lee Mrs. Angela Lionetti Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Liptak Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Lund Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Macauley Mr. & Mrs. Philip Mahoney Mario The Baker Sara McRae Mr. Robert M. Olsson Karen Olsson Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Osman Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Ostrow The Party Place Paul’s Home Decorating Mr. & Mrs. Peter Payne Mr. & Mrs. Franklin E. Penn Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. George T. Pfifer Mr. & Mrs. John D. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Plotkin Ridge Park Books Dr. & Mrs. P.W. Santagata Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sainburg Mr. & Mrs. Eriberto R. Scocimara Mr. & Mrs. William Sklar Mr. & Mrs. James K. Silberman Mr. & Mrs. Samuel T. Skidmore Sportsmasters Mr. & Mrs. Donald Traultein Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Waters Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Weeks

SPONSORS Abels Mt. Kisco, N.Y. Mr. & Mrs William W. Bentley Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Bognar Dr. & Mrs. Louis Browning Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Castillo Mr. & Mrs. William Eldrige Mr. & Mrs. Ray T. Ellegard Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ferguson The Fire Place Shop 869 Boston Post Road Darien, Ct. Dr. & Mrs. Peter Goldmark Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hantscho Mr. & Mrs. Adriane Israel Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Kilner Mr. & Mrs. M. Paul LeBlanc Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Leonard Mr. & Mrs. W. F. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Gordon N. McKee, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Mattioli Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nanarello Mr. & Mrs. John Oldrin Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rickenback Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sargent Scalzi Paint Stores Stamford, Greenwhich, Norwalk Mr. & Mrs. Chester Smith Dr. & Mrs. Joe W. Trent Vies Liquors Mr. & Mrs. Alan Whitelaw Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Woznica

CREDITS Stevie Wonder Maria Bashkirtsteff Thomas Hood Kathy Ramsden G.C.S. Baha’u’laha Marshall Tucker Band Mark Twain Snoopy Lucy Led Zeppelin JRR Tolkien Mary Jane Moffat George Washington Langford Robert Buchanan Mary Artemisia Lathbury

PHOTOGRAPHERS Cindy Kahan Ginger Aron Rachael Ashley Beth Boroson Michelle Liptak Nicole Eschelbacher


A special recognition goes to Kip Alpert for all the time and care he gave to us.


Since this is International Womens Year, the Halo Board believes it is fitting to expose who they see to be the most wanted of many males in the LowHeywood Thomas society. We now bring to you Halo’s Man of The Year — The “ Fonz”

And to our own private sex symbol, we We'll miss you Joe.









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