The Low-Heywood School 1980

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To You

Diane Catalani 1961-1979

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House At Pooh Corner Loggins and Messina Christopher Robin and I walked along Under branches lit up by the moon. Posing our questions to Owl and Eyorc As our days disappeared all too soon. But I’ve wandered much further today then I should. And I can't seem to find my way back to the wood. So help me if you can. I’ve got to get back to the house at Pooh Corner by one, You'd be surprised there's so much to be done. Count all the bees in the hive, chase all the clouds from the sky. Back to the days of Christopher Robin and Pooh. Winnie the Pooh doesn’t know what to do. He’s got a honey jar stuck on his nose. He came to me asking help and advice. And from here no one knows where to go. So I sent him to ask of the owl, if he’s there. How to loosen a jar from the nose of a bear. So help me if you can I’ve got to get back to the house at Pooh Corner by one, You'd be surprised there’s so much to be done. Count all the bees in the hive, chase all the clouds from the sky. Back to the days of Christopher Robin, back to the ways of Pooh.

Listen to my bluebird laugh she can tell you wh> Buffalo Springfield

Paranoia strikes deep For what it's worth.

Barbara Anderson

Tricia Andrews


Brenda Baugh “There’s more to the picture Than meets the eye . . . ” Neil Young

Patti Boccuzzi

“ If I leave here tomorrow Would you remember me For I must be traveling on now ’cause there’s too many places I’ve got to see” Free Bird

“ You can't always get what you want" Rolling Stones

Diane Catalani


Jeanmarie Fioretti Think in terms of bridges burned Think of seasons that must end See the rivers rise and fall They will rise and fall again Everything must have an end Like an ocean to a shore Like a river to a stream Like a river to a stream It’s the famous final scene . . . . . . Now it’s finally time to leave Yes, it’s finally time to leave Take it calmly and serene It’s the famous final scene . . . Now you move toward the door Here it comes the hardest part Try the handle of the road Feeling different feeling strange This can never be arranged As the light fades from the screen From the famous final scene . . . Bob Seger

Cynthia Foster

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You may speak of love and tenderness and passion, but real ecstasy is discovering that you haven't lost your car keys after all. Blackie Sherrod


Andrea Kahn

Pam Kilbourn

Theresa Markle "Spaeey”

Sometimes the lights are shining on me. Other times I can barely see . . . Lately it occurs to me, What a long, strange trip it's been. Grateful Dead


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ii mil ■— There’s so many dreams I’ve yet Carole King. The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time . . . The secret of love is opening up your heart. It’s o.k. to feel afraid but don’t let that stand in your way. J.T.


For yesterday is already a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of Happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. The Sanskrit

Any road is yours to run, my friend Any road is yours to run Follow the sun, catch the sun Any road is yours to run. Alan O'Day

Deirdre Quinn

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Lucinda Reed

If I leave here tomorrow Will you still remember me, 1 must be travelin’ on now, ’Cause there’s too many places I gotta see Lynard Skynard


“And I will go on shining Shining like brand new. I’ll never look behind me, My troubles will be few.” “Goodbye Stranger”

Karin Schreiner

Hilary Straat

Soon I’ll be working, once I start I’ll not stop. I’ll earn money to dance to the music in my soul. A melody always changing its beat. Sunny days I'll sit out and draw impressions passing by. I’ll turn my pencil to writing when the rains blow. Together with myself I’ll show someone what I feel.

Straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14

Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. Longfellow t

Charlotte Van Anden

BARBARA ANDERSON: “ Babs”; So what I DON’T CARE!; Terrible Situation; B.M., B.G., B E., E.P., J.W., D.K., S.N., T.W., V.S., S.H.,; “ Reunited”; Fly Girls: Lil’ Sis’-Dolly & Ne Ne; ’79 Texas-Lemesha and spirit; cool out-summer ’77; V.S., T.M., L.A., L.G.H.; Thanks-M.A., J.A., R.A. LAUREN ANDERSON: “ Memories”, “God Bless America”; M.B.&L.; Anderson Pow­ er; Love to laugh; N.EE country girl lover; “ Holy Water”; Beatlemania; Born a flowerchild ’61; Sweden-Summer of ’79; PARTY wNina & Penny; Saturday Night Live wMr. Bill. MARIA ANDERSON: __, __ &Rock&Roll; I just ran away.; It’s just another TE­ QUILA sunrise; P.B.&C.V.A.&M.A.&CRAIG3; K.S.rah rah; SALT LAKE CITY; What a long, strange trip it’s been . . . ; “A maid needs a man”; Bummer Bummer; CRRRAAIIIGGG!. TRICIA ANDREWS: Riding; Friday absences; jewelry; B and S; Hockey; “God, I don’t want to be here.”; Tab; Palm Beach; Ethel Walker’s; Party; Lunch with Karin. BRENDA BAUGH: Brenda Livingston Seagull; “ President of the United States of Love”; It’s a rough life, Hil!; 5-ST . . . ohhh bummer.; wine on the rocks . . . always on the beach; Scorpio is INTENSEI-Neil Young, Melissa and Me; Oh no . . . feebs; Everybody I love you (CSNY); Me & Linda, editors of the Grooveline; SPACE . . .; Forever English. PATTI BOCCUZZI: Munchkin; CRAIG; 3279; b379, 101979-*Surprise, Surprise!; Molsen; #68; W.Y.W.H.; Cape ’78, Go for a burro, John!; My nails, Peettie, no!; C.K. Jeans, V-ball, Swim AAU; Hey Paul-J.D., FREAKOUT, JACKSON; SHATTERED! L,B,V,C&J,L,D; Mrs. Waters a fox is . .; WHS, 51978-w.M.; LATER LHT . . . . DIANE CATALANI: Lorrai . . . aine; Never forget M.G., L.T., B.B., R.B., R.I., S.D.,; Hey, Kar, “Quick! Reverse!”; many trips to Michigan; weeknight concerts. JEAN DORNHEIM: Friday Night Live; The Cars; Molsen; Go Navy; Road Trip; Basketball; The In-laws; The Stacymobile; Annapolis, BMW; The Grateful Dead; I LOVE MY MIND. JEANM ARIE FIORETTI: Junior prom, 1979; “the res”; Charlie . . .; unforgettable ski trips; Rossignol ST Comps; Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow . . .; Asti Cinzano Spumante; Vail, Colo.; The Marshall Tucker Band; “ooh, Disgusting!!!”; J.R., J.C., J.A., J.L., E.F., J.L., T.R., B.E., M B., S.P.!!!. SARAH FLANNERY: funny laugh, Glee Club Pres.; neck collar, home for one month; Would someone please carry my books.; “ Fiddler on the Roof’; even does homework on Saturday nights; always asking questions; is always talking; Loves Robert Frost.

CYNTHIA FOSTER: DOUGLAS; Long Live Woodie Hockey; Halo Editor; ski wP.D.D. “80”; Sugarbrook H.C.; 188 Mountain Wood Rd.; 7-16-77; Ho-Jo’s; Winky; Blue-Cord Sacks; The Long and Winding Rd. takes me to- D.O. 5/14/85/ K.M.. JULIE GANS: “Vicious” and Mickey Mouse; weekend trips; Follow the country!; the prm that was only after; Turtle; Desert sun and The Nothing Family; the endless diet; the 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th, & the 22nd; Let’s go to Cuba!; good friends. SUSAN GRAY: Take me back to France . . .; Winky; “ I have to go to the Loo”; “ Help I’m locked in a cat cage.” ; Take me to Never Never land; “Sig”; “ Do you know where my daughter is?”; “ I saw some crazy scenes before I came to.”; S.D. in France in the moonlight “Wake up little Susie”; Susie-Q. MELISSA GREEN: Deep and Spacey, right B.B.?; “Sweet Melissa”; OUTWARDBOUND; Brenda! Neil Young’s a Scorpio; I should’ve known; Woodies; T.M., Jossie; “ Rock me on the water” Jackson Browne; He’s got to have intense eyes!; “A Rose is a Rose is a Rose”; Me and Bonnie Raitt are taking our time; “What is Hip?”; “Gotta put on my traveling shoes!” SHARON HANNIBAL: Hey Sharona, Crip; Hockey, Coke and R.; “ Let’s nominate Pam K.” ; Mercedes 2.S2. Sports; “can’t stop laughing”; Bony Monie Barbs; “ Poor V.”; V.S.P . . . G.R., V.S., gobble; Runaway; Summer of ’79; Always and Forever . . . . ANDREA KAHN: Senior Class Pres.; Todd-2/14/78; 6-3-139; Stratton ’78; Europe ’78’79; Independent Weekends; clothes, clothes, and more clothes; Andrea . . . uhh . . . Foster; Good Times with P.M, S.G., T.L., L.T., C.F., P.B.; Late nights on phone with P.M.; Bang-Bang-toot-toot; Angie Babes. PAM KILBOURN: D a n a ........; G.A. ’79; O.W.L.; Ski C.D.D.; 1178; Darien Golf Range; Spam; wine; T.C.; “ It must have been the roses.”; W.S.; Jr.; mole-woman; Rory’s; Field Hockey. THERESA MARKLE: “Spacey”; Harvard, M.H., B.S., R.Z., A.T., T.T.; N.H.S.; Party Hardy; Cardinal Puff; Julie, Barb, Lauren, Val; Grateful Dead; Hey Man!; The Beach; little sis A.C.; Thank God it’s over! SUSAN MATTIOLI: Yellow Omni 024; racing down High Ridge; Rainbows; Bumblebee; OY! THE PRESSURE; “The Dead”; French 300 .. . AGAIN!; Europe ’79; Riunite rose’; Guiele. PAM MCKEE: Where did the summer go?; Quarters Games at Dan’s house; “seagull” laugh; Great Adventure with K.W., B.M., & D.R.; Varsity field Hockey-Sugarbrook; Late nights on the phone with A.K.; Caffeine O.D.; Party in 9th grade; “ Pammy”; Good Times with K.W., B.M., D.R., C.F., L.T.&A.K.; Keith . . . . DEIRDRE QUINN: Skiing in Vermont; New York City; my little room; Bloomingdales; phone, phone, phone; Dunkin Hines; Air Head; Charlie Daniels Band; blue jeans & high heels. LUCINDA REED: SUMMER!; beach ..TAN; It’s Freezing in here!; “weeble”; no gym, gotta ride; Edgar Town; Chemistry?; “spare me”; milk’n cookies time; “ I guess ya had to be there.”

PAULA SAMARDICH: “Good girls don’t Daytona Beach ’79 M.O.C/F.F.; K.S.rah rah; It’s SUN bleached!; *WEEKENDS*; Good-bye stranger-M.J., M.S., K.D., & N.D.; Pat, J.D. & Freak out JACKSON!; Rip still# l, R.C., M.E., T.P., & B.J.; “ F.O.A.D.”; . . . But I have to go to work. KARIN SCHREINER: “dreaming is free”; SNOWBLIND; “ Beer here” Laur; “All­ niters” ; “ Let’s do some living after we die”; California Bound; Virginia Beach; memories of C.A.; Bill; “if the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you”; Hey, Di-Baby!-cruisin’ with a case; Thanks Mom & Dad (plural). HILARY SILBERMAN: Jackson Hole; to my house; Brenda, its a lough rife!; “Theres a dog in the bed.”; K.S. rah rah; ALASKA; “ I wanna live, I wanna give” Neil Young; Gymnastics; It’s not a face, videotape-THANKS; “Stop children, whats that sound” Buffalo Springfield. VALERIE SMITH: Smitty, “Val”-yum; S.P., S.C.-Barb, Sharon; summer of ’78; D.S., K.P., (M.S.)2, V.P., V.M., S.J., J.E., J.W.; Fired up! Can’t stop; “ I’m rollin’” ; HCMB’sD, OH NO!; JOURNALISM ; Courtesy Drugs; Class of ’80; I’m Free! Thanx L-H-T. HILARY STRAAT; Symphony; Dancing; filling the empty book; late night rehearsals; autumn girl; natural high; Driving through rushes of colored leaves; I’d like to go crazy and see the world inside out; N.Y., N.Y.; fashion fits; Hey Dee, lets get a pizza; English accent. LORRAINE TARTAGLIA: Di-ane; Good Times wC.C., D.C., S.G., M.A., B.B., P.B., A.K., P.K., A.K., H.S.; I.C.wSue Gray and white wine; I’m hungry!; weeknight concerts; Drinks, Drinks, all those Drinks; “Tch” ; campsites; “The laugh has got to go! ’’Trips to Michigan. LINDA TRENT: Linda Lee; Silent Hysterical Laughter; Eternally Linda; Guided tour of the queers; incurable slob; CSNY; 5-St . . . ohhh . . bummer . . .; Anti-feeb meeting at recess; Time Warps; Me & Brenda, editors of the Grooveline; Long Hair; carry on. CHARLOTTE VAN ANDEN: Hey Kid; Shorty; Hey cutie!; Killington; C.V.A., P.B., M.A., & (CRAIG)3; cheerleading-K.S.rah rah; J.D., BOO, P.S.; Mark; gymnastics, skiing, hockey, basketball, and softball; I got the car; Homecoming; Jeanmarie-another one; I’d rather be sailing. TRIS YALE: “ Nimbus” ; Sea Fever; “ P.P.L.”; “Let’s go riding!”; “Who threw up on my car!”; ’’talk me into it”; (J.T.)2; Cat Stevens-by the pool; C.P.Y.C.; “Sweet Home”; “I’m really psyched!!!

Leaders Of The Pack You will know she is a senior if: She is wearing a forest green blazer. She is jump-roping in studyhall. She has got dark circles under her eyes. She is heading for King. She is playing a guitar.. Her hands smell of formaldehyde. She is silently reciting math theorems. She is suffering from writer’s cramp. She is running to class. She has food in her mouth. She is bordering on insanity.

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"Back to the days of Christopher Robin and Pooh." Loggins and Messina

"Oh! There is such a lot to do and such a lot to be." A.A. Milne

“ I'll start my diet tomorrow.”

mti Nancy Bloom Sixth Grade Teacher, M.S. Librarian

Marjory Cady Communications

Robert Cook History, English

Simmy Denhardt Alumnae Secretary

Karen Crouthamel Art, Mathematics

Gracemarie DeilAnp Latin

Belle Devendorf Art

Mae DePalma Financial Secretary

David Eberhardt History, Mathematics Ann Egan Kitchen Staff

Barbara Fidelibus Kitchen Staff

Elizabeth Forster Dramatics, Communications

History Susan Gallo Art, Art History

Ann Hermann Mathematics, Communications Carol Holland Fourth & Fifth Grade Teacher, English

Gloria Holmes English, Study Skills Mary Hoffmann Mathematics

Malla Krein Spanish

Robert Hunt Science

Hans Hopf Business Manager

Peggy Kinney Head of Upper School

Stuart McCabe Custodian

John McNeur Music, Mathematics

Cathy Mishkin Dean of Students


Claire Nauen Secretary to the H eadm istress

Regina Nolan English, Ethics, P.E.

Karen Peterson Physical Education, Ethics

Rollie Powell Head of Middle School, Latin

Silvana Sonnino Science

Denise Wade Secretary to Upper School

Elaine Waters History


Peg Weeks Librarian

Lillian Wilker Reading Consultant

“There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.

This is certainly a different interpretation of D.H. Lawrence.

“Yahoo! Only five seniors late today.” “Oh dear, advanced placement biology next period.”


“Your daughter wants to go to Yale?”

“Truckin’ got my chips cashed in.”

“Oh goody, Streetcar Named Desire tonight with the seniors.”

“You’ll have to ask Mrs. DePalma.”



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FIRST ROW: Lori Levinson, Sarah Cohen, Kimberle Chambers, Francesca McCafferty, Carol ■ Ik Shular, Cynthia King, Lee Hcrmanson, Tamara Sharp, SECOND ROW: Jennifer Flabel, Jennifer

Siciliano, Helen Snyder, Emily Hanson, Melissa Colclla, Jennifer Downes. Nina Heller, ABSENT: Pamela Haythe

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Mi FIRST ROW: Naomi Echcntal. Tamara Richman, Lisa Goldring, Laura Bahna, Catherine Kaiser, Helen Pring, Michelle Pergament, Seung-Yeun Rha. SECOND ROW'; Pamela Rondan Dawn Tofil, Tracey Robinson. THIRD ROW: Keysha Bailey, Paula Muir, Ashley Lueders,

Barbara Leonhardt, Bcih Browne, Melissa Kirmayer, Megan Clark, Karen Slote, Elizabeth Schucht, Abby Burns, Georgia Stark. ABSENT: Justine Montgomery, Victoria Wilmott.

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FIRST ROW: Pamela Taylor, plizabeth' fenick,n ------------- "Pulley, Karen Van T ««* iDusen, v u 9 6 i i , . Mia oSchipapi, c m p d i i i ^ Anna v iir m 1 J ’ r Jennifer Pesko, Victoria Fairchild, Clelia Biamonti. SECOND ROW- Erik* Erika Ma»WhA Hantscho, -ftw, Dapii Caplan, Faura'Swan, _.___ , Stephanie Bowling, Cynthia'Sperry, Carol Pursley' Can'll n, Tina Aronson, I i l l Fahmy. I ToUrvn, T U I D r S - n A M 'r . U .-JL . K M 1, . . * , _ Munte, Katherine Ostrow, Jill THII RO^W: Martha McKee, Amy Harris, Luda iv im

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•»i FIRST ROW: Desi Livingston. Julie Owen. Wendy Cohn, Elizabeth Emerich Lisa Ostrwer Jaynee Berkman Caroline W a t e r , Kathleen Kearns, -Karina- Pergamem, Juliet Rogers, Sandra' Oreiner. Regina Licker, Dcbot'ah Barrass, Katherine Alcorn. Kimberly Mitchell. SECOND ROW-

Susan Wilson. \ iileric BoflinjL Acfricnrn: Weiss. Santha Cassell


’ Felicia, Irwin,. Donna K<

ly> Lamm. Elizabeth Baker. Gillian armen.

Eleventh Grade

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FIRST ROW: Susan Caporizzo, Sara Thompson, Katherine Bowater, Lisa K a rm en,'krii� Lohrman, Polly Wainger. SECOND ROW: Sharon Horowitz, Anna Jansen, Stacey Kohler, Sharon Giglio, Polly Davis, Linn Irwin, Elisc Paisley-Robbins. THIRD RQW: Leila Sceger, Adrienne Sayer, Karin Kuffel, Gitte Christiansen, Wendy Wilson, Cassandra Burns, Pamela

Niver, Suki Schavoir, firra' Repp. Sijsan Goldmark. FOURTH ROW: Kirsten Olsen, i Lauterbach, Mary Van Hare, Marianne Vanech, Elyse Safir. Catherine Ditesheim, Eli Mehak, Kathryn Trolle, Elisabeth Stein, Laurie Lasnick. ABSENT: Jessica Ferdinand

^ n iS T KQW^3?aron ^co-captaift^pjamda McKee, — Polly Davis, Sharon Giglio, Wendy Wilson. SECOND ROW: Kirsten Olsen, Abbe Karmen, Laura Irwin, Elizabeth Richrnan. % THIRD fftTW: Cynthia Foster (eo-captain), Lisa -Karmen. ABj ^ SENT: Pamela Kilbo ;• Marianne Vangcb, Tficia Andrews*,r^rvnnQ V n n O p h s c n .

FIRST ROW: Katherine Bowater, Charlotte Van Andeh-, Kj^s Lohrman, Caroline Bowater Hayne. SECiQN-D ROW: Mariana Cimikowski, Donna KellC L*nn Irwin, Linda Trent.-TH ROW: Tina Repp (Co-Captain), Debbuih fta^rass, Elizabeth "Baker. FO U RTH ^R^V : Ellen W a o o n fr

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FIRST ROW: Wendy Wilson, Kirsten Olsen, Sharon Giglio, Elyse Safir, Sara Thompson. SECOND ROW: Jenny Freeman, Sophie Main, Lisa Karmen. Pam McKee (co-captain), Patti Bocuzzi. ABSENT: Sharon Hannibal (co-captain).


FIRST ROW: Sue Lehnert, Susan Mattioli (co-captain), Deborah Zuckert, Kathi Kirmeyer, Sharon Zezima, Regina Licker. SECOND ROW: Laura Moore, Wendy Lamm, Beth Stein (co-captain), Tricia Hussey, Karin Schreiner, Tris Yale.



FIRST ROW: Caroline Bowater, Sue Caporizzo, Charlotte Van Anden, Mariana Cimikoski, Deborah Barrass Lee Hayne SECOND ROW: Dolly Jones. Desi Livingston, Mary Van Hare, Val Smith, Lorraine Tartaglia (co-captain) Abbe Karmen (co-captain), Marianne Vanech, Mr. Hunt. ’

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Eighth Grade Basketball Seventh Grade Basketball

FIRST ROW: Katie Ostrow, Charity Kelly, Ann Lydecker, Nancy Dunn (co-captain), Anna Resnick (co-captain), Tori Fairchild, Mia Schipani, Monica Heston-Cook. SECOND ROW: Mr. Pusack, Carin Munte, Amy Harris, Cathy Zezima. Cyndy Sperry, Laura Swan, Janeane Bernstein, Jill Fahmy, Martha McKee, Tina Aronson (manager).

FIRST ROW: Barbara Leonhardt, Paula Muir, Keysha Bailey, Dawn Tofil, Pam Rondano. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Aarts, Liz Schucht, Abby Burns, Meg Clark, Beth Browne (co-captain), Melissa Kirmeyer (co-captain), Vicki Wilmott.


FIRST ROW: Beth Emerich, Julie Owen, Hilary Silberman. SECOND ROW: Paula Samardich, Paige Thomas, Jaynee Berkman, Charlotte Van Anden. THIRD ROW: NeNe Roberts, Lorraine Tartaglia. FOURTH ROW: Maria Anderson (Captain).


FIRST ROW: Jaynee Berkman, Maria Anderson, Charlotte Van Anden (President), Kris Lohrman, Deborah Zuckert, Liz Glotzer, Tracy Kahn, Ann Weeghman, Amy Cooper, Beth Mehok. SECOND ROW: Wendy Cohn, Lisa Ostrover, Margi Schwartz, Lee Hayne, Mariana Cimikoski, Cynthia Foster, Julie Gans, Andrea Kahn, Hilary Silberman, Pamela Kilbourn, Linda Trent, Deborah Sellon, Gina Silvestri, Laura Irwin. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Bloom (advisor), Deirdre Quinn, Jean Dornheim, Jeanmarie Fioretti, Cathy Ditesheim, Elyse Safir, Theresa Markle, Lauren Anderson, Pam McKee, Donna Kelly, Carl Schoenwald.

FIRST ROW: Karina Pergament, Elysa DeMartini, Susan Lehnert, Susan Gray. SECOND ROW: Deirdre Quinn, Mrs. Devendorf (advisor), Sandra Greiner, Diane Catalani, Sharon Hannibal, Lauren Anderson (Presi­ dent). THIRD ROW: Jessica Ferdinand, Tina Repp, Theresa Markle.


FIRST ROW: Sharon Horowitz, Elyse Safir (Editor), Cathy Ditesheim. SECOND ROW: Susan Goldmark, Marianne Vanech, Laurie Lasnick.




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ROW: Susan Gray, Laurie Farina, Sharon Horowitz, Hilary Straat (President), Nicole LePoutre, Melissa SECOND ROW: Karin Kuffel, Valerie Bolling, Susan Wilson, Lisa Peterson, Margi Schwartz. THIRD Deirdre Quinn, Santha Cassell, Kathi Kirmayer, Kim Mitchell, Sophie Main, Liz Glotzer. FOURTH Rachel Goldberg, Cathy Ditesheim, Elyse Safir.

FIRST ROW: Mrs. Mishkin (advisor), Sam, Sarah Flannery (President), Elise Paisley-Robbins, Sara Thompson. SECOND ROW- Karen Lauterbach, Laura Moore, Ann Weeghman, Amy Cooper, Patricia Hussey, Marianne Vanech, Cathy Cooper, Susan Goldmark. THIRD ROW: Liz Glotzer, Kathi Kirmayer, Paula Jacobson.

FIRST ROW: Nicole LePoutre, Cathy Ditesheim, Karin Kuffel, Elyse Safir. SECOND ROW: Melissa Tharp, Ava Sallis, Libby Baker, Suzanne Flexer, Wendy Lamm, Sophie Main, Liz Glotzer. THIRD ROW: Kate Van Anden, Constance Boots, Jennifer Freeman, Maia Lueders, Margi Schwartz.


FIRST ROW: Desi Livingston, Felicia Whitfield, Wendy Wilson. SECOND ROW: Gillian McLennon, NeNe Roberts, Susan Mattioli. THIRD ROW: Tina Repp, Dolly Jones, Suki Schavoir. ABSENT: Val Smith (Presi­ dent).


Band members: Kimberle Chambers, John Kim, Helen Snyder, Sarah Cohen, Stephen Handley, Nina Heller, Lee Hermanson, Jennifer Siciliano, Glen Welling, Jennifer Downes, Frank Peck, Carol Shular, Andrew Lav, Gordon McClellan, Gordon Wagoner, Jonathan Bloom, Alexander Becker, David Harvey, Geoffry Lane.


FIRST ROW: Lorraine Tartaglia, Jeanmane F.oretti (President), Sharon' Horowitz. SECOINDr O . Cha Van Anden, Lisa Peterson, Liz Glotzer, Elise Paisley-Robbins, Susan Goldmark. THIRD ROW. Mr. Cook, Kim Mitchell, Sophie Main, Abbe Karmen, Regina Licker. FOURTH ROW: Susan Lehnert, Karina Pergament, Cathy Ditesheim, Elyse Safir, Polly Waingner.


FIRST ROW: Sharon Horowitz, Val Smith. SECOND ROW: Sue Gray.


FIRST ROW: Cynthia Foster (editor), Pam McKee, Linda Trent. SECOND ROW: Brenda Baugh, Pam Kilbourn, Jean Dornheim, Helen Kweskin (advisor).

Jungle Highlights The Jungle inhabitants began their safari long before the first day of school. The student council President, Jeanmarie Fioretti, had begun to prepare the school handbook. The club presidents were submitting their goals for the up and coming year. In the middle of August, clad in jock shorts and cleats, seven brave Low-Heywood Thomas hockey players, and a trembling Mrs. Aarts, descended upon Sugarbrook Hockey Camp. For five days the girls ran, dodged, flicked, and scooped in the hot sun. Mrs. Aarts supplied them with the equipment needed to get through the week (pizza, chocolate, and a lot of Ben-Gay). They learned everything from penalty strokes to “ Lenny fake-outs.” The “woodies” returned to L.H.T. much improved in their hockey skills and ready to win. September eleventh was the big day. The seniors, dressed in green and light blue, settled themselves in their new room. Settling in with them was Winnie-the-Pooh, a very large yearbook kit, and a broken television. Our Jungle was teeming with new faces and fresh suntans. The textbooks and assignment sheets began flowing into the students’ hands. The day ended with a fabulous field day. The faculty and students ran relays and competed in the many games. The activities ended with a brilliant performance by Mrs. Cesare in the hoola hoop. The Fall consisted of English term papers, S.A.T.’s, college applications, and “so much homework!” The seniors grappled with their sanity as the work piled on. Everybody was learning something. The Jungle was buzzing with new sights and sounds. The lower schoolers were adjusting to that “Hanold fit.” The middle schoolers were getting a taste of either French or Latin. The upper schoolers were learning about everything from Calculus to King. Halloween brought the spooks and goblins out from under the foliage. The costumes were splendid, and the teachers did a wonderful job at portraying the “tee-shirt mania.” Football at King was better than ususal. The cheerleaders and spirited spectators led the boys on to victory. Unfortunately, the Homecoming game was lost. The defeat put a damper on very few L.H.T. hearts. The dance was a success; the band played a sequence of Beatle songs that got everyone to participate. The Low-Heywood lovelies joined the King School tribes for a picnic on the King field. The hamburgers and conversations shared were certainly a step towards further coordination. Late in October, the varsity hockey team, Mrs. Hermann, and three dozen Dunkin Munchkins traveled to the Stuyvesant School Girl Playday. The team was brilliant. The girls really opened up the field and ended the day victoriously. Miss Nolan led the junior varsity in a successful season. The middle school faced some tough competition, but they played hard and enthusiastically. The season ended with a varsity and junior varsity competition, a banquet, and a lasagna dinner. The one-act plays were put on in late November. The student directors had their casts wellprepared, and the night was a success. Thanksgiving vacation came very quickly, but the relaxation was limited. Exams began the following Tuesday, and there was a lot of studying to be done. Students mixed turkey and trigonometry, potatoes and Poe. A last minute cram took place on Monday night, “Oy, the

pressure.” The natives survived and began a carefree, homework free week-end. The new trimester began with tryouts for Fiddler on the Roof. College applications were painstakingly filled out, and the studying continued. As December progressed, the entire school began to prepare for the holidays. The Jungle was filled with holiday greetings, and “visions of sugarplums danced in our heads.” The middle school gave their sparkling performance of A Christmas Carol. The sophomore class led the final festivities with a party. They presented a gift of money for the foster child, and gave an ice-cream cake to their “big sisters.” The school spirit was high; the natives left for a two-week vacation. School resumed in January. A death of a friend brought everyone closer together in mutual grief. Mrs. Cesare, the glee club, and a few close friends performed a beautiful and a moving memorial service. The cold winter was brightened with a school dance. The ski trips commenced their journeys to the mountains. The middle school was off to Brodie Mountain for the day, and the upper school traveled to Sugarbush Mountain during the February vacation. The Jungle was buzzing with love as February fourteenth drew near. The father-daughter dinners were a success. The middle schoolers claimed “their hearts belonged to Daddy,” while the upper schoolers discoed the night away with the “kings of their hearts.” Both fathers and daughters had a good time. The volleyball teams had good seasons despite the tough competition. The basketball teams were stupendous. The upper schoolers had a winning season, while the middle schoolers demon­ strated their increasing abilities. Junior Party was a big surprise. It brought many memories back to the seniors. The glee club and the drama club presented Fiddler on the Roof. The dinner and the play posed a strong competition for Broadway. The third trimester began and the weather began to turn. Skiing and Florida were on everyone’s mind. The Jungle inhabitants returned in April, well-rested and covered with “native tans.” The spring teams were chosen. The tennis team and the softball teams had super turnouts. The Spring fever was catching. The Jungle foliage began to bloom. The windows of “our bungalow” ushered in the warm, sweet air. Studies became harder and harder to concentrate on. May was approaching and the Spring play was rehearsed. The outdoor stage was alive with budding actors and actresses. The fields and neighboring tennis courts were buzzing with activity. College decisions had been sent; the seniors were secure for the following year. Ad­ vanced Placement exams drew near. The pressures and the papers were building up. Achieve­ ment Tests, S.A.T.’s, final exams, and then . . . . It was over! The class of 1980 spent their last days wandering through the Jungle. They reminisced about the many good times. There were so many giggles, so much learned, and so little time left. Then it was June eleventh; the “leaders of the pack” were ascending the graduation steps. The beauty of the white gowns and the sweetness of the roses permeated through the wilds of our Jungle. For a moment the activities and bustling halted. The leaders were leaving. The Jungle, which had sheltered them and let them grow, was preparing for another year and another class. They would leave the Jungle, but the Jungle would never leave them. It had been bred into them. The fun, the laughter, the sharing, and the caring would never leave.

Field Day



Senior — Sixth Grade Tea

Picnic With King

Two all-beef patties, special sauce “Smile”

“ No Mr. Burns, 1 won’t take your picture for an A on the History test.




SP-1R-IT!! (And please win the game)

“You want me to help sell re­ freshments?”

Alumni Hockey Game


Act Plays Presented by the Low-Hey Wood Thomas and King drama clubs

Mr. Flannery's Ocean Impromptu The Original

Christmas Party

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Congratulations and Best Wishes to Pam and the Class of 1980




Best Wishes To The Class Of 1980


Congratulations To The Class Of 1980


To Jeanmarie With Love, PEACH FACE

Our Love To Jeanmarie And To The Beautiful Class Of ’80


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Congratulations To The Class Of 1980


Congratulations And Future Success To Linda And The Class Of ’80


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With Our Best Wishes To Andrea And The Class Of 1980.


Good Luck to the Class of 1980




Love To Diane And The Class Of 1980

From LAUREN (Class Of 1997) And THE CATALANI FAMILY Love And Best Wishes

To The Class Of 1980 A Life Of Growth And Happiness

And To Our “Sweetest Gift,” Our Love . . .

Across the sea to SkyeGood Luck Cynthia

Congratulations And Best Wishes To Lucinda And Her Classmates In The Class Of 1980


Congratulations To The Class Of 1980. Good Luck In All Your Future Endeavors. THE MATTIOLI FAMILY We’re Head Over Heels For The Class Of 80 THE SILBERMANS JIM, AUDREY, PAM, TRACEY


Best Wishes To The Editor, Staff And Class Of 1980. Love Always DAD

Merry X-mas Sully


Compliments Of


1034 Long Ridge Rd. Stamford, Connecticut 322-3838 Groceries, Meats, Produce, Frozen Foods

Congratulations To The Class Of 1980 MR. AND MRS. BOCCUZZI

Our Best To The Class Of 1980

And Love To Paula






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Compliments Of


designers and creators of distinctive printing since 1907



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81\Commerce Road Stamford, Connecticut, 06902 203-327-3800

Congratulations To The Class Of 1980

And The Best Of Luck

Congratulations To The Class Of ’80 MR. AND MRS. ANDREWS

zoo newman travel inc. 111 high ridge road •Stamford, ct 06905 (203] 327-1781 •(212] 893-4455

Congratulations To The Class Of 1980 Now You Are One Of Us



Good Luck Melissa “

Carry On Regardless


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Good Luck To The Class Of 1980


Best Wishes For The Future

Don’t Forget To Keep In Touch And Good Luck Sam, Cathy And Richard Mishkin

With Love To Jean And Best Wishes To The Class Of 1980



Congratulations To The Class Of 1980 MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH KILBOURN

................ . ...

Compliments Of

BarbaraTogether we stand United we fall Our loving child Love, Mom, Big Rick, John & Mesh, Jessie & Friends

From Dana and Jason

Congratulations to the Class of 1980

The SchreinerEngels Congratulations “Class of 1980�

Best Wishes to the class of 1980

S¥£FINN With love to the seniors


Q uality Typography from Helen, Ed, and Abigail Kweskin



Congratulations to the senior class Love, the Hey-Day

Marion Gans Communication 51 Caprice Dr. Stamford, Ct. 06902 (203) 323-9895 323-9959


“In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Yearbook Staff sleeps tonight.”


Peter, Linda, Torie, and P.T. Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Farina Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freeman

Mr. and Mrs. Wendell B. Alcorn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Biamonti Mr. and Mrs. Erik Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Ditesheim Arolyn Francis A Friend Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Glotzer Mrs. Peter C. Goldmark Dindy and Flank Harris Mr. and Mrs. Barney L. Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Alexander B. Hussey Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fasnick Mr. and Mrs. Gordon N. McKee Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Mehok Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ostrow Tracey Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stein Mr. and Mrs. William S. Yale

Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Giglio Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Flannibal Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Ftanson Just Books inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard L. Kearns Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly Mr. Ronald Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Lamm Mrs. Jeanette P. Licker Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Main Mr. and Mrs. Cloyde McLennon Mr. and Mrs. Mel A. Miles Ann Morrell Family Mr. and Mrs. Hans Munte Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Musor Karen Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rathblott Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rickenback


Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Schavoir Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schipani Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Slote

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Aronson

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Sonnino

Mr. and Mrs. James Barbarite

Diantha P. Sperry

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barrass

Judith N. Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Baugh

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Tharp

Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Boots

Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Trolle

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bowater

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tully

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Vanech

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Burns

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Dusen

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Caporizzo

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Van Hare, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Celaya

Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Von Oehsen

Dr. and Mrs. William Cimikoski

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wainger

Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Weeghman

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cooper

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cuttitta

Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Wilmott

Editor In Chief . . . . Cynthia Foster Layout Editor ........... Linda Trent Business Manager . Pamela McKee Copy Editor ........Pamela Kilbourn Photography Editor . Jean Dornheim Art Editors ............. Brenda Baugh Lauren Anderson Jungle Applause For . . . . Mrs. Kweskin for her patience, brilliance, and above all her compassion. Susan Gray for her assistance in the artwork. Mrs. Susan Hanson for her beautiful photography. Laurie Lasnick for her negatives. Seung-Yeun Rha for her middle school candids. Kipp Alpert for his talent and speed.

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