The Low-Heywood School 1985

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"The future is nor some place we y Agoing ro, bur one we are‘creating. The* paths .Qre nor ro be found, bur mdtlp, oncfrhe activity of making them changes both rhe( maker and rhe destination." John Schaar Let's head for rhe stairs Elizabeth Cesare

To our friends the Cooks,

For believing in us We believe in you.

Thanks. Love Alw ays, The Class of '85

We're jammin' , . . Hope you fcejommin' roo

Lilia 5

Laura Christen Dahna

If you have builr casrles in fhe dji your work need nor be lost; . rhor is where rhey should be. Now pur foundarions under rhe*i Thoreou

If laughter were money How rich we would be

Originality doesn't consist in say# what no one has ever said befor !:bur saying exactly what you rhir yourself, i

Don't follow where the- Path

jWhor you own is your own kingdom V hor you do is your own glory Whor you love is your own power W ia r you live is your flffcn sro n j^ In your head is rise answer Ler ir guide you along Ler your hedr be rhe anchor And rhe bear of your own song

We do nor remember days We remember momenrs. Cesare Pavese

1 will dor follow where the parh may lead Our I will go'whÂŁj;ef*rhere .is no parh,

And I will leave a trail JVUjriel Srrade


else con be you; nor can >&u be olive for anybody else, e.e cummings

;now swtins *•ndWHBfct


Once in o while from our of nowhere When you don't expect it, and you're Somebody will come and lift you higMs And your burdens will be shared. Paul Simon









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H p irs x ill wirhin yourself no■ ig P is e ^ in make you cnonge ■ to see you're really only very

>ws on wirhin you and

j$ jr'''

Lisa Goldri

Frances Huggerr "Ler your disoppoinrmenrs pass And ler rhe laughrer fill your gloss

"To ger rhe full value of a joy you musr have somebody ro divide ir wirh "

Jeffrey "Down by rhe sea I found your hidden Treasure Jusr you and me We overdosed on pleasure "

Elizabeth Hurdpon



Ir's a Chonce of a uferime and a liferim e of Chonce A Ir’s High Time You Joined In I Dan Fogelburg

Catherine Kaiser

Where ore you going now my love? Where will you be Tomorrow? Will you bring me happiness? Will you bring me sorrow? Are rhe quesrions of a rhousond dreams Whor you do and whar you see? Lover, can you rails ro me?

Life is like cMaalloon v ^g|| Pur.roo much in ir U i L . v ^ ei P u g ^ r r le m and | ger; oflMha ground â–¼

Pur-just the rigbfeam^nr M Q yOLr'Ccll stay high forever

berh ann kimbler

5fer Ighr, star bright, Firsf star hsee tonight, .Star Tight, star bright, Make everything all right Madonna

Every ow e f r Q*while I see her smile, Turns my day around A friend of a friend, A friend rill the, end i . •Christopher Cross


xPhorox,by Terry uelmars!


There is a rood, no simple highwoy berweeh rhe dov, and rhe d a rko rnig hr, And go, no one me, fo lio w iTho r porh is for your sfeps alone. The Dead

Thanks, Morn. 1 love you.

I headed down rhis one w somewhere down rhe roa Another morning wairs for each anorher mysrery

I 4


Ashley Lueders

Christine Merdinolu

i s warer n so ir lives on rhe surface. People are rhe same way, we live on rhe surface, hiding because we are ofroic Where would we be wirhour our mask?


Climb oboord 5er rhe sail,, Check rhe-supf Pull up rhe one

w ave^goodbW coir hi ih e b re e and sail ou" k


Hold on ro your DREAMS. TRIUMPH

Too many Thands on my rime Too many feelingsToo ngpny things on my mind When I leave I don'r know, Whor I'm hoping ro find / When I leave I don’r know Whor I'm leaving behind .V ^ Neil Pea'rr

?od is rhe pnswen )e you Qtopg "ie°rr fee "hd anchor sear of you/- own song

Your days are shorr here rhis is rhe lasr of your springs, Agd now, in rhe sereniry and quier of rhis lovely place,

rouch rhe deprhs of rrurh, feel rhe hem You will.go away wirh old friends DgrV'i forger when ypu leave why ydu came

Senora, When you wear our blazer, we hope rhar you will Think of us dancing in rhe hall, working on Junior Parry, and generally having a good rime. Thank you for everyrhing,- wirhour you we couldn'r have made ir! We'll always love you, The Class of 1985

Candids - ■

. >■


O reason nor rhe need!

" I rhink w e 're in Trouble, bur ju sr keep smiling."

"D o n'r shoor!"

LAURA: Spring Break '84 w / CK-bonfire nighrs. AGYG rehearsals w/SD, BK-Luigis, w / mushrooms G onions? Falling over srone walls and off benches!!! My ink srear . . . I can'r srop laughing, rhe driver soys . . . giggle, giggle . . . micro j . . . 1/5/85 THROB-PI?, SD, MK. Hunan Parries . . . Prom '83. Ice skaring w / HR, SD, CK Friendlies . . . "Whar's rhar you soy? You soy you're fine B.S.! Gorra be mellow! "who me?" U-Conn roodrrip-Scorry C. Those Andre nighrs! Farming in CT!? The Arborerum, quiet talks w/ BK, CK. Never-never land. "Attitude adjustments!" Lirrle "lyria " in junior hall. "Extra onions, extra, exrra hot". I gor my license (finally). Thar Washington nighr w/IK. Much love ro Mom and Dad, Debbie and Adam and all my friends: PR, SD, BK, CK, SM, SC, ST. Thanks for always being there.


LYNN: Hi Hun!-Oneida-will miss you guys-Love ya PW, KL, EH, MR, RF, PC, JD, and Moon, "w e bad and we know ir", we do ir with style Sue D., By lirrle dudes TL, EC, LW. "Firm and fast in friendship plighted'', Thanks ro Berh K. for being my berrer half; neon yellow, robbirs and more rabbirs, I'll always love GMO, Good luck ro next years S.C., "Oris my man", lace gloves, temporary nails, Burger King cravings, spazzzzzzzz, miss you Plessa, many thanks ro Senora R "m om ", and a friend Mrs. Mishkin.


BETH B: M.K.H P M P.V.W.B.i A.B. 7 yrs. M.U.N.NY 84 Yale 85 . . Suburban Airplane Farming-M. P. Skuperman . . Sailing on hammock I'll always love you M.K. "Hurry we don't hove much rime! Summer 83 Ken Srrohs Dice. Bob from Boston Jock in rhe bean stalk N. Country fair. D.j Bob B-ball camp hamburgers or Orbakers. Yole M.U.N. 83-A.L. rhe pleasure duo . . "how do we rwo Canodian guysger ro know you rwo American girls?" . . MT. Snow lunch w/Sreve and Gerald . . Crown Plaza. S.D B.A. in B's B.R., NY M.U.N. Crusry, Belize pleaze, J.S. H.B. soiling. Bathroom ar B.P.'s grad, parry oh no its Canaan, catamaran, Tom Collins ar Papa Joes, Chris R. Tom L. Bob F. My My irs a big one . . laser H P rhanx for saving me ar M.W parryl-P.O.D.A. S.D. our dinner, summers ar sodus boy, hir rhe sailboat, TOP SECRET!-E.S.-wash hands after W.T. GI-H.R. DELL Sabaru on mailbox! L.G. Washingron-Thank you Mom Dad . . Good Luck Smearh . . . I Love You









ABBY: Ibbe . . . Ybba . . . Mr. Pusock and rhe 'dirty' books . . . . Kcty I in Wash. D.C. to see Liz . .. "Going on a man hunr" . . . Class rrips . . . Cepe Cod-beliy dancing. Gerring losr . . Boston .. Washington . . Walkie-ralkies . . Marrhas Vineyard . . weeks when Vicky and Tracy came ro visit .. Vicky-rainbow soil . . . Fudge . . . Tracy-Roo . . . spending rhe nighr in lifeguards lofr . . . . chasing lifeguards . . Tracy-apple pic S.D. . . . memories with Liz Monica . . Monicas parry .. teasing Senora "Spanish stink and English great . . writing notes wirh Vicky Tracy . . Farher daughter dinners . . senior auction . . Vermont wirh Tracy . . Washington '83 "follow yellow umbrella" . . Eguana .. adventures wirh Vicky . . Rick, Chris, Rachel, andAbagail . . Junior prom . . saying good-bye .. best friends . . . Belgium . . Rainbow . . memories wirh Julie . . "Senior yeor"!!!-Groduarion!!! "I'm free!!!"




KATY: Remember these L.S.: Always tripping, always talking, always laughing . . . Oh sh --! . . . Xavier Dupont, we'll write our own! . . . SMU will live! . . . Let's rake a cruise! . . . You're moving back?!?!B.S., L.S. is coming back! . . . Hey B.K., Is my mourh orange! . . . Riro's . . . mmm chocolate . . . S.D., Thanks for being there when I needed ro talk . . . Let's skip math . . . I don’t want ro be here! . . . God I hare her . . . D.T., T.T.: KILL MASTERS! NUKE LUKES! LEAGUE CHAMPS! . . . K.B. don'r forger Chicago and "whar's rhe name of that song?" . . . If he doesn't write me today, I'll never talk to him again .. • Forever Hedding and S.D., D.D., M.W., B.F., and everyone else in N.H. . . . Love to Mom, Dad, Lorr, Jeff, Cinda, Heshe and Tiff . . . Love ro all my friends: L.S., K.B., B.K., V.W., A.B., K.M., and S.D. I’ll miss you all!

SUE: Soiling! CD's-srronded! Whip ir good-Eve, Iris, Heidi-Buzzzz. HR-carpering on rhe rongue. "I'm ooing ro rhe prom w/Roberr Redford" Inserr foot in mourhl Iris he's off limits! LIR runes G cool music. I love^Ben! Missy- I M ICE BOX MAN Could be worse . . . bur rhe window /5open” S&G runes, hockey comp, P&D&rhe gong. Nighrs w/Poulo&Kelly. Mo. w/HR± Flo. w/PM, MK,AL NY w/BB, CM, HR: DC w/CM, PM, AL, & Dudley. EK-supporr PFUT! Hucks 6 Luigis w/Dude, Beon, & Paulo. CK & LBneverneverlond! BB-Crusry, Peru 6 PARTIES! Pommy-M&M or Posr, Jimmeyness, Axelrods scarf, "They're all rhe some size", funness 6 wonderful rhings! PR&LB-microj! 1/5/85"FGTH-To Christine from Sue" Throb! chez moi: MK, LB, PR, CM, PM, KM. HP-1 love U2! Thonx! KD-Morh! Ho, hp! Luv yo Mark! Summers-Thurs. nighrs or Tonens. Nahanr kids, good runes! Nighrs w/Mike, Sroce & PJ. B&M&movies. PRThanks, MC-rhanks TO ALL MY FRIENDS- LOVE YA!H

NAOMI: I hove so much homework-1 con'r handle rhis! I think I'm having o nervous breakdown! Always love K.B.: La vie esr un gareau d'Eskimigue, prenons une tranche; Bio '81- roo much erher!! The Drosopphilas are Dead! Wair, whars rhar on rhe onions?!; Chem '82-INTENSE! . . . Cape Cod /Alrighr, Tracy, so I looked like Perer Pan! Whar, lices? . . Lisa, ger rhar stuff away from me! . . . No nukes! . . . Oh, madame, je suis si si foriguee! . . I'm bumming . . . . Ibby, PLANTS?! . . . I think we're abour due for a snow day . . . Ir's either a woosy or a duck, L. B.! . . . Awesomeness!! . . . Tracy, "Whar say, Ler's be buddies?" . . . Always remember A.B. V.W. T.T. K. B..........Love ro Sasha, Sarcodina, Euglena, oh yeah, and Mom and Dad.

LISA: SMIEHS-AGT-Wild n' crazy! "I don't know var I'm talking abour" WHS-Leisure Boys-Lk n' weez. Snowfall. Robs-Love ya-"l saw a deer” B-rwins. Parry-N.O.-Spaz! Champagne in rhe hamper, Rickmmm. Ann Taylor-gd. rimes. LRS Buas- e's, PR-Z Fing's and wig! Wknd in rhe ciry-crime stoppers! PeopleArr. D.L. curie! Tom- I go ro Berkely. Roses. BKBBBR-LA? Salr-Tequila-Lemon-Warer! Oh no rhe bed" Thanx J.T. J.R.! K.A.-New Years "I will walk" Aerobics-Chinese food. Breakin Equadorians-Heidi"l wanr ir"-weirdos in rhe alcove. Farming. H.P.-"Okby" IWNVFUMEL. "Na-omi" Sara-lers go ro grandma'sl-shop? Big Chill-Narcicism! Eve-only 30<t! Troc-cookies b-friends, pier's in snow w/H.P.-l'll miss ya. Jimmies wirh D.L. Rob, T.J. Dancing, H.H. or Benrleys, Europe 83, nurs wirh Ash ar Ogdens, losr w/A.B. N.G., Perry w/Paul, lunch Bums, S-Club in ir., Sr. P's Day 83, Cool Rood rrip-M.U.N. trip. Go nurs, Parry, me? College?? Ur-oh, Good Luck Ad. I'll miss you! Thanx Mom and Dad!

VANESSA: I had a hunch! GQ, Wesrporr Police Srarion "lra"-Fifi, Mushroom Head, Twice a day!, unibrow, nice face! "Revenge of rhe nerds" Bongs Sruck on my face, you have some blank in your blank! The Prom, Holiday Inn, Lonceford (JR), cigarerres every five minures, Iris's stall, pickles, grapes, cucumbers, banana yogurr, whipped cream, and ice! Charlise's wirh Tom and Jeff, rhe rar, Srew Leonards red spare ribs for Jeff, "srew rouched me!" Balloons ar McDonalds, Lirrle Purple Book, Ho-Yens Alpo, "W e mode some Hors d'ouvres for you! "Happy Trails" "I like pretzels and Orrer Pops! Why can'r I ger just one blank?" maroon Tux! The Dead, Joe Maximillion, "Looking good Iris?" Pip S., Looking for my house for four hours ro bring me flowers, climbing our Tom's window, Miranda, The Ramones, Zachary, Shane, and Jasmine, I love you Iris- Thanks for all rhe good memories, I.K. A.W. E.K. Remember rhe good rimes! Oops!

ELIZABETH H.: To my buddies: M.R. A.L. I.K. L.B. P.W. L.G. H.P. V.H. B.B. D.T. M.K., Thanks for all rhe good rimes. Ash . . . I need some advice! . . why ore your eyes crossing? . . You're spl. P.K.l.T. M-liss and rhe zoo! LIR college? Where is Melvin our Savior?? My furure phoro porrner I.M.Y. Iris you spaz! Are you sure you don'r like math? Is Suzerre rhere? Always be be you. Lynn and Peesly. Will Jenny come back? Helen whar color am I? . . rhe peer and singing "Jusr whar you feel roday" Moon and Ash jamming! Ash I've never skinney dipped before! H.C.W. and J.D.R. forever rhere. (bright eyes) Well guys I'll miss you. See ya LHT class of '85.

CATHY: 140 EK, MT, IK, LD, MK, JO'C, LT, 5D, PR. Mother Woodway fun wirh Melissa and Tim. Spring break 84: Summer CSN-V A. wirh The Dead. Andre days. PPLC Nighr Clinic. Ir's Parry Time. The "Moose" is loose. Washington 'Whar's shaking'. Ir's Casual B.F.D. The window. AJ's summer 84. Graduation rime TGIF Mead Park.

IRIS: Buckweighr Lives! O-ray, Love your Granada (Bar-Mobile), scarier B's w/e.k. and B.I., Washingron83, Par-r, Violanr Femmes, Ir's berrern than . . . . e.k. has P.E. Wip-Hirs, Buzzz, rhe pleasure dome. Space, DA?? Dreadlock-Rosra, Punk Rock, Don'r stop!!!! Burrs wirh A.W.E.K.V.H.A.L.-Grear rimes wirh Burnro, Eliza. J.T.M., Nessy & Jeff, Helen, Aumn. Moror cycling w/A.W ., Sue-I wanr him, I lusr. Oh baby! Skinny-dipping, Hey! Take ir Easy-Wider, where be rhe shades H.P.-fun ar rhe beach, incognito, hor balls, liven ir up S.L. & C.M.-carbH! Why can'r I ger . .?? Don'r ear ir! Happy Trails-Reemarkabell . .. Sray-cool, Don'r change Buddies-Love Ya, Kay-bye!

DETH K: "Where's rhe beach?!" ee w/Les. Find rhe map, we're lost again! Pink apples falling from silver rrees in rhe French countryside. AGYG rehearsals, falling from benches, falling over stone walls, Risky Business, ere. w/LB. "Does rhar look like a red barn? oh well, lost again". Hockey games, basketball games, and rhe afterward festivities w/CK. English ar King and Eng. papers w/CK, DP & JT. "Les, we don'r need a map ro ger from rhe car, ro rhe movie rhearre, really!" U.N. packing parry and machines w/CM & PM. "I would like a well-done Fribble!� Never forger Frank always coming ro my rescue no marrer how early ir was! Thanks and love ro: Mom, Dad, Carolyn, LB, CK, LM, KK & NH (Lil sis's), E.G., KM,DP, JT, M.M., CM, PM, LB, KD, DT, SD, KB, JR, Mama, Papa, Frank, Ana, Pilar and rhe L-HT & King classes of 1985. You were always there when I needed you, I'll never forger you guys!!

ELIZABETH K.: Scarier Bees . . . I.K. has P.E. . . . Realiry is a rh ie f............ Je ne va pas aujourd'hui ... Lose your mind and come ro your senses. He who longs ro look, looks long rime. He who looks too long, longed ro look longer. The longer you look . . rhe longer you look . . . whipirs . . . B's wirh Burnro and eye . . . I'm going on rour!!

MELISSA K.: B.B hurry we don'r have much rime . . look road . . Oh my god we gonna die N.C.F. Sreve who? Spaz, sailing, D.S. and Bob, runa, summer of '83, B-camp, Srrohs, Ken, Dan rhe man, wings, let's ger desserr! Love ya. D.T. Shall We? yes lers! ha ha Sqwak Music -- theory, weason you wascal wabbir, Cars '84 . . Summer Nighrs w/R.K.B.H. M.A. D.V. C.K. food fights . . prom 84 w/R.K. H R. D.V., Bassoon! B-ball Dorr could be worse, could be raining . . bombs in '82 Ice box man . . Bur . . . run wirh mucus. Fun w/calculus! Ck-wwc whar a summer? 7 yrs.-Tve gor a right ro be strange . . B-ball w/E.M you spaz! Lors of love ro B.B. D.T. S.D. C.K. P R. E.S. and rhe class of '85 M.K. J.K. forever Thanks Mom and Dad, good luck sis'-sray cool.

BARDIE: Congrods ro rhe doss of '85, especially ro my good friends: A.W.D.T.H P I K T T T V V H V W "All rhe people hie" "UrrUrrmerloenneeeorry . . . googoopeex. "Ir'sm u ssy" "Ir's microsmal!" "Mylirrle Barbie doll" "Pinhead" "Subaru, rhere is no substitute" Eagle sx-4, Audio Quorrro-rhe ultimate machine" Floridas: TRACY! bog over head ear worms . . . who does your hair-Einsrein? Vermont! Ann from England. Mass: Shrooms, Buffoniswish! puorro Rico, New Hamp: Honey Lone Farm-Helen Shiela Sara Lisa (Boston) . . . STAMFORD: High Ridge Rd. Hot Rods! BK's, country Dinner, Country House T.D's, "Tom Trent. Tom Trent!" PARTY . . . “sick guppy" stripper, moneyS ! . . . Willie Snoopy in 3d, & along with Cory & X. I will, miss you oil, & I will never forger my friends: M.J.D.J.J. M.M.L.M. W.B W.A C M G.J.D.B B.M R.S.W T.T. . . . and my two other moms: Mrs. P & Mrs. Y. (Barbaragrace) and with lots of love ro Kevin and rhe 4h3s club, and my family Melissa, Rick, Bob and my loving Mom And Dad. I love you.

ASHLEY: H.P.-never forger you!! Mexico? Good rimes at rhe beach! WLIR "relax don't do it" murerop. B.B.- "How do we two Canadian guys get ro know you two American girls-eh?" Mr. Snow . . rhe pleasure duo. L.H.-you, moon & I on rhe beach, and jamming. You need advice? New Years Eve at Tono's w/lisa-G. Homeward bound-MUN '85-roses. Thanx P.C. Shipan, leisure boys, kingsmen '85 Boston? Great rimes w/Rus, L.H., M.K. & D.F. Concerts w/D.F. U2?? Europe '85 Is it over yet? Grad. '85!! Thanx D.F. couldn't have gotten by w/our you. Thanks Mom & Dad. Good Luck Mart!

CHRISTINE: Grin & Ignore It! 12/29/84 pain; Callahans. Farming-Old Bird Crew-Sneaking our. DIETS . . Linvilles Weekend resort Ho Ho trips . . . infatuation . . Rich . . M-Zone . . 21ost lu-lus! J.B. Whars Thar Noise in rhe Closer? UTAH, Billy, Paula & Puruvian. Carol & Punch! Block Island . . a Night in rhe Dunes w/Friends; “I'm so paranoid "Homecoming Blizzard . . late nights at Huckleberries; Pooz 6 Do-Co; llv. D.P.! Criminals and immature rimes w/Sara . . . sewing machine; Model U N. . rosfs . . 1210 . . We Get Our Kicks . . . .; J.D.T.M. & S.L. Left to deal w/the moose LE*The Wall* Oh biff ^FRIENDS Dudley & 1st Love; Margie-Macka Sploff; TEA-Snowed in-candles; Relax . . "What is Budah" J.T. D.P. K.C. F.R. 4rh period Country Diner; U.N. Babs in rhe both rub ; Arthur-I love you all & I won't forger anyone! Thanks for all rhe fantastic rimes. . . . rhere are more ro come, so ger psyched ro parry ar college!!!

PAULA: 6 yrs! w/friends & family: Hockey capr w/SD; rem. rhe idol-old friends; Hey Shmucks! Hucks & Luigis on fri. w/CM, HR, SD: Wash. w/CM, SD, AL, & Dudley!; Eve-Lacrosse "reach me"; Model UN's Sporrs "I need exercise!"; phoros & more photos!: Sugorbush w/HR & New Years EVE @ S's; Homecoming @ CM's & Hobarr weekend w/CM, AM, Mrs. M. Collge trips w/Mom & SGG runes, & CK exp. w/Dad I love you! Spring break: Urah '84 w/Srine, Billy, Lilly, Cindy, & rhe Peruvian! Idaho buddies @ rhe airporr. Fla '82, '83 w/Sue "I'm nor sun burnr", Arby's icecream, nachoes w/J&D. Summer rime: RPC!- Rock Lobsters MB, KH, MK . . . Action Park, rhe pilings, rhe point, sailing? ere, ere . . . Linville resorr w/Srine & Keedo, Parries & JB's boor,- Hawaii '83, Europe '84 w/fam. Hockey camp w/SD, P,D, & rhe gang . . . Cars & S&G runes. Where's Nohanr? w/HR&SD-" flick your bic-dancing in rhe srreer!" rem. capr jack prarr island, BJ runesGcanoeing Sue? Never forger rhe besr of rimes w/all you guys! Live it up Fiona-I Love you!

HELEN: '85 over? 92.7 . . So much ro say. A.L.-W.W. fluid, ger some . . Mexico? .. “I had a dream" Murerop. B.L. past & furure. L.G. “I don't know whar I'm ralking abour “P.I.T.A.H.R. . nice talks. . cranky people! S.D . . sudon . . hop sink . . CD's. I.K.-lf I'm wierd! . . ralk ro me. T.T. . . mouse! smile. E.S. we borh hare . . I don'r ploy foorsie. P.M. colors & more. E.K.-rhanx. E.H.-"whar color are you?" .. raid. A.C. & M.W. . sray close, kay-bye. J.T. . l-s-nighr. X. Boston, Shipan, Leisure boys, kingsmen '85. "doke". X-mas spirit all year. The unspeakable things. Dancing ere. rhe peer. "Ler's go for rhe rest" I ger gone. Fly a kite?!! I just don'r beam down. Questions, questions. "Watching you" . . don' cry . . roo senrimenral, roo romoric, irs been real . . 9 yrs. M,D, & G, and ro friends ”l love you" Keep rhe good, ger rid of rhe bod, and change for rhe berrer.Ya-know!

HEIDI: S.D.C.M.D.D., U.N-84 Columbia, Jill-roses. I.K. ler's WIP ir. 12/30/84 C.M. pain and J.T. N.Y.E.TONO'S. H P "rake a Midol." C D 's 0 D.K's. U N,-85 1210 OPEC-1214-Dreakin Equadorians, A.R.-The village . . . someday will borh find HIM . . Girls jusr wanr ro have fun-U.N. 84 old MacDonalds Farm Mike-Chaka Khan, DWEB. Whar a spaz . . YAZ and rhe chicken. 1sr posirion second position. Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum . . . Homeward Bound Dude . . Pooz . . . L.G. I wanr ir! . . . The alcove, H.P.Canweralk . . . C.M. B B -Brake . . . 5.D.-Safety Dance . . . Nahanr, C M.-Totally Narley s x ! w/Avocado dip. A.R.-ships, life guards, grab a parch of sand. J.A.-squeek -— ! R.K.-Srreakin! The blue bug. J.K, Srephanie-I'll miss you! M T. R.B. F.R J O.-Economic Buddien DOKE . . . To rhe sporr shop. Farming . . . P.M.-rheTbar, Sugarbush . . . canwe helpyouw/your groceries . . . NY-NY.

MELISSA R.: RED! Anyone seen Liddy? Marthas Vineyard. "Gorra ride" Teddy, onion soup. Sier is a four lerrer word! French. I love my mommy and daddy! Cheeks . . I can'r skare! Tell me about ir? I'm nor warching T.V.! Meliss library . . whar library? No problem! Stress pressures . . Nor me!! BEARS, BEARS, BEARS!!!

PAM: Hee-Hee . . . M&M w/S.D. My ingsrear & my cheeks hurr-L.B. I rhink, I rhoughr, I'm nor sure, I don'r know . . . L.R.S. w /D .T., M.R., 6 ar B.C.-on rhe roof . . . E.S. & C.M. in Sean's car . . . I luv ya Mark! . . . J.A., A.D., P.S. . . . Mel's parry . . . Playland w/E.S., D.G., A.D., & Soriri . . . Axelrod 6 his Jamaican scarf . . . They're all rhe same size . . . L.G.-2 fingers and wiggle . . . Micro J . . . Elevator acrion in D.C. w /E.K., S.D., M.P. & I.K. . . . The driver says . . . Leaving L.R.C. w /P.M .'s sneak & M.K.’s swears . . . 1/5/85 rhrob . . . New Year's Eve in V T w/E.S. & pors & pans . . . me, Mark, and dad's pipe . . . Burrerbeanl-Springfield MA- where are we & where's rhe Big E? . . . Mary's - E.S. 1st rime & my birrhday . . . raxi from Ed's . . . Vegarable soup & sails w / E.S., M.G., E G. & A.D.......... Smurfs . . . Driving rhe Caddie ar 16 . . . UConn w / L.B. & R.F. . . . Memorizing phoros w / H.P.

v EVE: Dudes we made ir!! P.R. lore or nighr w/smurfs, early ro rise . . . srranded ar LRS & lee's/you were green, I was 15 . . Bring K.B. along-8 yrs! Thanx for supporr- you're a slob, bur I love you-LRS. . Buddies (P.R. D.T. L.G. I.K.) . . ok guys whip ir -whip ir good . . . Buzzzz 4rh whose car today C.M. I have a snickers or a coke or intense convos wirh Sue-Nice foor or carper? In mourh? Heres rhe door knob - duck Lisa, do you have 30b -Mr. P. Thank you B-ball no chicken legs, I need ro wash my handsl-Biff and still sailing -Asp w / no poles! Gossiping & Phoro, no I'll srop tomorrow -when are you going to see my house? H.B.-Tap on shoulder H&J Boodas forever-AR Just call our my name/David Surprise!! Love ya and rhanx Dave, Mom, Dad, Serh, & Faye . . Miss everybody-keep in touch.

TRACY: There's nothing wrong wirh raising some hell, ronighr we're gonna raise ir-K. Loggins . . . Let rhe good rimes roll. To rhe old H P., B.L., V.W ., J.H. A.W. E.N. & ro rhe new T.j.w. 11/30/84 . . P.F. J.S. B.S. J.l . . . I love everyone of you . . . Skiing in VT. w /B.L., A.W., V.W.-lirrle Johns and Moose lips .. concerts wirh rhe best: Yes, Van Hallen, ZZ Top, and Rush-J.H.- " I know rhar dude” "H e y Mare" Good rimes w /T.W . . . . I love T.A .'s "ICE TR A Y " - Panda Bear Hor Rod? Guarrers-"Oh m y sweet perunias” GR & LM you rwo are a trip and a half-"Bur my dreams rhey are'nr as empty as my conscience seems ro be-The Who-one in a million- "Th e re 's kids in rhe rood!" "Kill Lukes and Masters" "I'm young I'm wild I'm free! Thonx Mom, Dad, Todd, I love you!

DAWN: I NEED college!! Summers ond summers escopodes, Springfield '84, born people (ho), you lirrle burrerbean you!- Shall we? Yes, ler's. . . indoubirably! HA-HA!, all J's ore A.H.'s, weoson you wascally wobbir, run wirh mucus, Bur. . .(dor,dor,dor), Fun wirh calculus, Kill Mosrers ond Lukes, we ore rhe knighrs who soy ni Coach Lombardo, Long Ridge Club, ar rhe beach?. Sqwouk!, squeeky pig and Bradley, C.- Ir was your faulr!!- P.R., E.S., M.K.,C.M.,S.D.,P.M.,B.B.,T.T., L.B.,C.K.,G.R.,S.C., AND every­ body- Thanks for everrhing! I'll miss you all-Thanks especially ro Pop-pop, Mom, and Krisren-I Love You.

ANN: Thanks ro LHT and whar you've done for me. Ir's been a long, bur grear rhree years. Thanks ro B.L. T.T. URRSS!! V.H. and everybody else! England rules rhe besr! U.S. nexr! Vikings are #1. Love ro J.P. always!! Cheers and success for all in rhe furure. This Bud's for you!!, and oozo! Vermonr and rhe bunk bed are rhe besr wirh B.L. and T.T. Ha! Ha! Bunny slope! Ouch my knee!! Limey o.k! Nails, orange hair! Counrry House! 5:00 a.m. on Fridays and Sarurdays-rhe grearesr Psych for Florida! Puerro Rico-beach bum! Barhroom burs six of rhem. Sarurdays Grear rimes wir Gardinia and perchoury! Summer '83 Arnie's Place-Galaga rakes over rhe world, so does Jungle King!! Mickey D's in '83, egg McNuggers. Passion pills! Mororcycling on privare properry! Busred! Rabbirs Live! Beach parries wirh B.L. T.T.H.P.LB in barhroom under rrial by URRSS in D.C! (joke) Good Luck ro all rhe 85's!!!!

PLESSA: P easly! or is ir, E.T. FINGERS? you rell me T.E .T.. . .NO b s-ing any more. Lynn we made ir!!!!.. .K-K remember New years eve? How can we forger. Love rhar Bersy of yours. .Sail on Jennys . . .A.W. -you're one crazy dude!!! Is rhe innocence really gone. I.K. 6 K.E.L........ Me?. . . why rush rhings?. . . hurry up. . . college here I come!!! The hard rimes are over 0 1 . B. . . . Lonely nighrs ar home-bur no more! Ger rhe hll our!. . . righr k-k? Remember Bosron?. . Jusr one more year ro go K.E.L.. . . hope you can make ir! ........... Luv ro rhe brorhers: A.W.R.F., & F.R., M.T.. Good Luck Guys. . .and and ro rhe resr . . . .never forger: Babs & Trac, Meliss & Lidd, Lynn, class of "85, and of coarse Kwaj. . . love ro rhe underclassmen. . . I'm free!!! O.K. now irs rime ro panic. Thanx ro rhe family-BYE-

VICKY Field hockey (dirr ball), G.A. '85; Doriros, Sprire w/srraw, French Fries; B-ball, Tennis, Bob. Never forger L.S., K.D., K.B., T.T. A.B. M.D. M.C., The 4's; B-day Gorilla: Skiing '82, '84; cluching onro a MT., The wiz, cookie receprion, and rhe masked boorie man. Training room . . . Tapping . . . Pine cones . . . whar a mess. "Derails, minor derails” "Jusr leave me alone!” "Ir's finally here” Mom Dad, Toby. .1 love you.




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ELIZABETH ROCKWELL CESARE Heodmisrress Human nature may be less than perfect bur ir is worth our devotion, affection and sacrifice.



LIVIA BARDER Librarian The universe is an open bools ro anyone who will raise rhe rime and efforr and become open and selfless enough ro read ir



NANCY BLOOM Admissions Director

SUE BRUNNER Fifrh Grade Teacher




WANDA CARMAN Receprionisr

TRACEY CAESAR Science, Marh, Physical Education "Blessed Be rhe Meek" . . .

MAGGIE SELIGMAN COOK English "Ir is berrer ro know some of rhe quesrions rhan all of rhe answers," Jomes Thurber

ROBERT COOK English ''Everything in Nature is lyrical in its ideal essence, tragic in its fore, and comic in its existence. Deing, then, is rhe dazzle each of us makes as we thread rhe dance of those three rhythms of our lives." Georges Sanroyana

C 3K A C .t/V \A I\lt U l LLA I i U l L U Larin, English "the old order changerh, yielding place ro new, and God fulfills him in many ways, lest one good should corrupr rhe w orld." Tenny; The Id ylls o f rhe King


KATHY DEVINNE Physical Educarion Your ouriook on life is bound ro be brighter from behind a smile.

JANE EGBERT Director of Development



LINDA ETTIE Geography, History, French "Th e love you liberate in your work is the only love you keep." Maurice D Prendergasr


ELIZABETH C. FORSTER Drama, Humanities "To thine own self be true."


i SEAN GALLOP English, Computer


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CAROL HOLLAND Head of Middle School, English "Dreams are rhe rouchsrones of our characters,”

HANS HOPF Business Manager

PAUL J. L. HUGHES Hisrory ' 'Virtue is irs own reward.

VIRGINIA JONES Middle School Secretary

MARGARET KINNEY Head of rhe Upper School

HELEN KWESKIN Head of English Deparrmenr "Had we bur world enough and rime . . . " Andrew Marvell

MAURINE LEE Secrerary ro Headmisrress



CATHERINE MISHKIN Dean of Srudenrs, Head of Music Deparrmenr "I musr do rhese rhings in order ro communicare: Become aware of you (discover you), moke you aware of me (uncover myself), be ready ro change during our conversarion, and be willing ro reveal my changes ro you.� Hugh Prarher


SARAH MORLE Fifrh Grade Assisranr Teacher

CONSTANCE NICHOLS Middle School Arr "Learning ro draw is really a marrer of learning ro see- ro see correcrlyond rhar means a good deal more rhan merely looking wirh rhe eye.1' Kimon Nicolaides

ANN OSTROW Musical Thearer


KAREN PETERSON Physical Educarion V


i PRISCILLA PUSACK Science "And ler rodoy embrace rhe pasr wirh remembrance and rhe furure wirh longing." The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran

W. J. PUSACK Compurer, Dasherball Always rake your besr shor.

AMY REYELT English, Middle School Cooch

JANE RUFFELS Fourth Grade Teacher


BARBARA SMITH Math, Science Mathematics is the alphabet with which the universe is written Galileo


DENISE WADE Upper School Secretary

ELAINE WATERS History Department Chairman "Th e perversion of the mind is only possible when those who should be heard in its defense are silent,� Archibald MacLeish



MIGUEL ROBLES Head of Mainrenance

NILO FASHE Mainrenance Sraff

PEDRO ZAPATA Mainrenance Sroff


In The Year Laura Bahna finally grew ro five feet. Lynn Blackwell is starring in Prince's new film Acid Rain. Beth Browne married Henri Lehr and shot Brooke Shields for wearing rhe same dress. Abby Burns starred her own Dear Abby column in Belgium. Katy Decoster has been hired by rhe government ro hold a rag sale ro pay off rhe national debr. Sue Doherty is living in Palm Beach running a home for w ayw ard English reachers. Naomi Echental was rhe first person ro solve a marhemarical recursion. Lisa Goldring is a housewife w irh ten children living happily on an Iowa farm. Vanessa Huggett married rhe lead singer of Twisred Sister and finally showed her true colors. Liddy Hurdman was elected President of rhe United Stares and forgot ro go ro rhe inaugurarion. Cathy Kaiser was rhe only survivor of rhe plane crash in rhe Arlanric Ocean thanks ro her big, red, rubber purse. Iris Kaufman opened an Incredible Edible srore and developed a long lasting lorion. Beth Kimbler became a yearbook representative and opened an orphanage. Elizabeth King starred a PFUT community patterned afrer Walden Two. Missy Kirmayer made it Jamaica. Again.

2000 .


Barbie Leonhardt w enr ro college and gor a job anyway. Ashley Lueders rook rhe Nesrea Plunge. Christine Merdinolu become a nun afrer rhe 1985 musical. Paula Muir sropped ploying w irh her hair, sropped inrerrupring herself, sropped Talking wirh her hands, and Turned permanenrly red. Helen Pring became rhe 8rh WONDER of rhe world. Heidi Rash unforrunarely losr her job as rhe srand-in for Minnie Mouse because her voice changed. Melissa Reed was elecred Vice-Presidenr of rhe Unired Srares and DIDN'T forger! Pam Rondano opened up a house cleaning service. Eve Stabinsky enrered Pam's room. Hasn'r been seen since. Tracy Tanck became rhe new Ulrra Drire girl. Dawn Tofil became a hippy and lives on a mounrain in Canada. Ann Walker sropped smoking a year ago and srill smells of smoke. Plessa William s became rhe new Chiquira Banana girl and pur a ring Through her nose. Vicky W ilm ott finally cur her hair.

To our lirrle sisters — the class of 1987, We couldn'r hove asked for o berrer class. As you climb rhe staircase of life . . don't trip! Good Luck Love, your big sisters


FRO NT RO W : Alison Rosow, Danielle ^©fr, Heorher Boy, Rebekah Rabinowirz Pometo Bbombwg, Wirney Earle, Deborah King SECOND ROW: Corherine Dilorio, Karina Fausmg, Karheryn Tc send, Jordana Shipman, Liana Karsaros, Dina jeris, Alexandra Scanlon, ' ■•"■irney Earle.

FR O N T RO W : Lofi Feinglos. Liia Morgan! i Carle ^

^ if t ^ iy a e r tindsoy Gregory Connoj KiOOjh

RO W : Joquiro Monroe. Rebecca MirchelH iene Qegeni. Shcu»rion W p g b v y g ^ rR g ^ ^ O ste fn _ gero, Deborprt Trocds(S^4nor ^

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THIRD ftOw «jy, Susan He Jyce Malikiary ter* Mary tie '

7rh Grade

FR O N T R O W : Jenny Ruddy, Amanda Mori',, Allison Feinglas,

Lauren Seigenfeld, Jessica DiSalle. Lora Phillips, Cynthia J a d sso n ^ ^ ^ ^

Druce Fallon, A m y Harris, Donielle Taranrino. Laura Arnold,

Megon Campbell. TH IR D R O W : Christina Townsend, Sara ley. Jennifer Runyan, Darbara Casey, Fio n a M u ir Dn'oorc

Jessica Kuh, Constance Huffine, Deena Shaffer, Allison Denac SECOND R O W : Lindsay Young, Elyse Gross, Debra Levinson. Jennie Dubltslsy, Kimberly Kelly, Nancy Kaye. Lisa Seminoff.

Miller, Verinica Hanzel, Cora Ooyle, Andrea UrcTjoli Susanne Pausing, Danielle Stillman Laura Voipe

8rh Grade




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FRONT ROW: Am y Chambers, Carherine Andrews, Jeon Dliss, Remi Pasrore, Jennifer McDermorr, Anna Wilson, Te rry Kenne­ dy, Meredirh Rosenberg, Morlena Faxon, Ina Dorr, Tracy Mar­ koff, Gillion Lerner, Priscilla Prenrice, Jennifer Russell. SECOND ROW: Jennifer Diewen, Jane Welchman, Stephanie Tubcro, Jamie Alexander, Andrew Zuckerman, Kerry Galliver, Jessica Zara, Tam lyn Freund, Susan Urban, Jolie Cook, Am y Spangler,

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Michelle Fenron, Julie Willimor, Rebeeco Ruffels, Melissa CoteUa, Lisa Silver. THIRD ROW: Pamela Sparckman, Laura Kirmayer, Jennifer Downes, Cynrhia King, Chrisrine Frydenborg, Amy Wruble, Elizabeth Lairman, Kimberlee Drody, Priya Mirchorf dani, Pamela GcHerzki, Jane Oliver, Rosello Dlanding, Karen Peris, Maria Mahin, Anno Louise Johnson, Caro Leigh GJtespte, Jennifer Sorrow.


-h Elise Golliven, L O U ^ U m d h o k l RO W : CSrSlyn nbler, Karen Miller, Ana Rabossa. Kathleen Knox, Michele a g a nfo n io ^ rnily Cook, Nicole Hochman, Chrisrine Jordan, * fv e rirt’le h fiife r Knapp, Sarah Crawford, Lori Kuffel, Emily

t o o it o ie


TO birsky, Am y Dunn, A m o n d rR S tfP B e d d o e , L io n Speck, Laurie Cizek, Tina Jose/Elizaberh Lyle, Cristina Vaamonde, Lee HermonsSh, Susan Cascio, Lisa Wilson, Jessica Liner, Tracey Lewis, ABSENT Marilyn Orrmeier. Am y Longe, Chrisrine Lefko.


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FRONT ROW: Jennifer Knapp, Tina Jose, Sara Leppo, Lee Hermanson, SECOND ROW: Melissa Kirmayer, Heidi Bash, Parricia Flanagan, Lamberh Hochwald, Sarah Wendr, Marlena Faxon THIRD ROW: Naomi Echenral, Ashley Lueders, Lynn Blackwell, Meredirh Bosenberg FOURTH ROW: Tanya Davis, Helen Pring, Tra­ cey Siegel, Susan Doherry, Vicroria Wilmorr. ABSENT: Paula Muir, Berh Kimbler

Upper School Srudenr Council

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Executive Board

SARA LEPPO Upper School Vice Presidenr

PAULA MUIR Upper School Treasurer



Upper School Secrerary

Upper School Presidenr

: R O N T R O W : lisa Goldring, Tracey Siegel, Jessica Daenzer SECOND R O W : Priscilla Prenrice, Lilian Speck, Katie Everirr, Amanda Rowe-Deddoe, Hillary rollerre, Jane W orks, Patricia Moss TH IR D R O W : Karhy Weeghman, Molly Hanson, Stephome Burner, Marianne Srein, Hearher Trojan, Jennifer Smirh, Cara

-eigh Gillespie FO U R TH R O W : Laura Macdonald, Ellzaberh King, Eve Srabinsky, Chrisrme Merdinolu, Andreo Zuckerman, Jamie Alexander, Rosella

Standing A BSENT. Helen Pring.


Arr Club

FR O N T R O W : Larioyn Payne, Gabrielle Gourrau, Melissa Kirmayer, Lee Hermanson, Ed Shanaphy, Laura Kirm ayer SECOND R O W : Mrs Smirh, Mr McNeur, Law Diddle, David Mirchell, Lori Kuffel

Middle And Lo w e r School Bonds

Rebecco Mirchell, Fobien Zeigler, Ali­ son Jackson, Karina Fausing, Karhryn Townsend, Lori Feinglas, Lindsay Gregory, Corey Feder, Adrien Blanc, Cara Cologero, Jaquira Monroe, Tra­ cey Gainor, Jordana Shipman, Rebels ah Rabinowirz. Fiona Nichols, Susanne Fausing, Consrance Huffine, Maureen Srack, Mom ca Thompson, Lora Phillips, Allison Benac, Alyce Malikian, Susan Hell man, Amy Harris, Vicki Lepourre, Whirney Pagliaro, Mary Biewen, Cara Prichard, Holly Lange, Megan Doyle, Maria Daley, Avi Mazumdar


. .

FRO N T RO W : Michele Fenron, Kwqjolein Lirrle, Jolie Cook. SECOND R O W : Marianne Srein, Julie Willimorr, Sarah Dubirsky TH IR D R O W : Terri Kennedy, Karherme Weeghman, Plessa Williams, Jomie Alaxander, Andrea Zuckerman, Jessica Zero, Lillian Speck, Lori Levinson, A m y Spangler.

FRONT ROW: Lisa Silver, Nora Srurges, Naomi Echenral, Susan Wade, Lamberh Hochwald SECOND ROW: Paula Cassell

Drama Club

FRONT ROW: Melissa Reed, Eliza­ beth Hurdman, Lynn Blackwell, Iris Kaufman, Vanessa Huggerr, Carhy Kaiser SECOND ROW: Christine Merdinolu, Kathleen Knox, Plessa Wil­ liams, Victoria Wilmorr, Abby Burns, Jennifer Sorrow, Anna Louise John­ son, Marianne Stein ABSENT: Laura Bahno, Ashley Lueders, Helen Pring.


FRO N T RO W : Valerie Smirh, Tanya Davis, Dina DiMarrmi, Julie Villim orr, Jean Dliss, Remi Pasrore, Pamela Galerzki, Kwojolein Lirrle. SECOND RO W : Samanrha Shedlin, Leslie McDermorr, Mellissa Colella, Jane Oliver, Chrisrine Frydenborg, Cynrhia King, Jennifer Diewen, Tamlyn Freund

News Council

FRONT ROW: Karen Miller, Ana Rabassa, llene Locke, Parri Flanagan, Lamberh Hochwald, Cynrhia King SECOND ROW: Wendy Richardson, Nora Srurges, Helen Pring, Elizabeth King, Susan Wade, Lisa Silver ADSENT. Susan Doherry.


* , v i'i* •

O N T RO W : Kory Decosrer, Abby Burns, Paula Muir, Melissa Peed, Ashley Lueders, Dawn Tofil, Berh Browne, Amanda Rowe-Beddoe SECOND ROW : arher Trojan, Hearher Browne, Eve Srobinsky, Jessica Daenzer, Christine Merdinolu, Tracy Tonck TH IR D RO W : Sara Leppo, Iris Kaufman, Elizabeth King, jra Dahna A BSEN T: Berh Kimbler.

j.T.O.P. Club

FRONT ROW: Lisa Silver, Laura Dahna, Chrisrine Merdinolu, Carhy Kaiser, Iris Kaufman. SECOND ROW: Melissa Colella, Naomi Echenral, Helen Pring, Abby Burns, Vanessa Huggerr, Elizabeth King, Tina Vaamonde.




dribbles berter o ff court than on!

FIRST ROW: Suson Doherry, Victoria WilmotT, Poulo Muir, SECOND ROW: llene Locke, Lee Hermanson, Jessica Doenzer, Ana Rabossa, Dana Carpenter. THIRD ROW: Zandra Sherrington, W endy Richardson, Gobrielle Gaurrau, Melissa Kirmayer, Derh Drowne, Helen Pring, Jane W orks. Co-capÂťains: Susan Doherry and Paula Muir.

I ,.Varsity Field Hockey

Season 4-4-2

Junior Vorsiry Field Hockey

Season 2-5

FIRST ROW- Susan Wade Hearher Trojan, A m y Dunn, Cynrhia King, SECOND ROW: Laurie Cizek, Amanda Powe-Deddoe, Emily Cook, Leslie Dudnick, Jennifer Downes, Jennifer McDermorr, Jean Dliss, THIRD ROW: Michele Marcanronio, Elizaberh Lyle, Lori Kuffel, Polly Linden, Srephanie Tulacro, Lauren Wallender. Co-captains: Hearher Trojan and Am y Dunn.

FRONT ROW: Korherine Decosrer, Tracy Tanck, Dawn Tofil, Tina Jose. SECOND ROW: Valerie Smirh, Carolyn Kimbler, Tracy Markoff, Susan Cascio, Jennifer Smirh, Lariayn Payne. THIRD ROW: Nancy Dloom, Dina DiMarrini, Tanya Davis, Leslie McDermorr, Virginia Row ley, Susan Wamsley, Jennifer Sorrow, Darbara Smirh. Co-captains: Tracy Tanck and Dawn Tofil

Varsity Volleyball

Season 9-0

FRONT ROW: Berh Drowne, Melissa Kirm ayer. SECOND ROW: Emily Hanson, Dawn Tofil. THIRD ROW: Viaoria W ilmorr, Lariayn Payne, Polly Linden FOURTH ROW: Eve Srabinsky, Heather Drowne, Dana Carpenter. Co<aprains: Derh Drowne, Melissa Kirmayer. ABSENT: Paula Muir.

Varsity Basketball

Junior Varsity Basketball r*




FRONT ROW: Karen Miller, Lori Kuffel, Carolyn Kimbler, Ginny Row ley, Hearher Trojan, Jennifer Russell SECOND ROW: Rebecca Ruffels, Kory Andrews, Srephonie Tulocro, Jennifer McDermorr, Jennifer Downes, Jeanie Dliss, Jennifer Sorrow. Co-Copfoins: Ano Robosso, Heorher Trojan. ABSENT: Ano Robosso

FRONT ROW: Fiona Muir, Loro Phillips, Jenny Ruddy, Liso Seminoff. SECOND ROW: Sophie Tournos, Louren Seigenfeld, Connie Huffine, Louro Arnold, Lindsay Young, Kim Kelly, Sarah Lucey, Laura Duccieri. THIRD ROW: Alex Leedy, Deirdre Sullivan, K e rry Clark, Sophie Doworer, Brooke Feder, Jessica Spelke, Pilor Rabassa Caro Prichard.

Middle School Field Hockey

Middle School Basketball

FRONT ROW: Lana Duccieri, Pilar Rabassa, K e rry Clark, Nicole Ross, Leo Lyrrle, Kaye Kennedy SECOND ROW: Arlene Grovereoux, Sarah Lucey, Faye Srabinsky Fiona Muir, Maria Remling, Sophie Dowarer, Cora Prichard, Kristin Fruend, Mr. Gallop


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Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Powell Mr. and Mrs. Morio Sonnino Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jacobson Mrs. Marlory A. Cady Mr, and Mrs. David Dloom The Sia Family Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee Pili, Ana, and Frank Mr and Mrs. Lloyd A. Holland


Two kinds of time I a m b e c o m in g a w a re o f tw o k in d s o f tim e : a r b it r a r y tim e a nd in na te tim e . A r b i t r a r y tim e is r ig id a nd in fle x ib le , w h ile in n a te tim e is flu id and a d a p tib le , a c c o m m o d a tin g its e lf to the n e c e s sity o f th e m o m e n t. In n a te tim e is th e m e a s u re o f tim e w ith in w h ic h th e re is tim e fo r e v e r y th in g — a k in d n e s s , a p o e m , a w o r d o f p ra is e . In n a te tim e ta k e s as lo n g as it ta k e s . A r b i t r a r y tim e is n e v e r e n o u g h , o r too s o o n , o r to o la te , a n d u s u a lly e n d s u p b e in g th e w r o n g tim e n o m a tte r h o w h a r d y o u t r y to m a k e it rig h t. In n a te tim e lis te n s to the h e a rtb e a t o f each m o m e n t, feels o u t w h ic h w a y th e w in d is b lo w in g , tu n e s in to n o w . W h ic h is w h y I d o n ’ t p la n to o m u c h a n y m o r e , w h y I t r y to k e e p th in g s e a s y a n d c o m fo r ta b le , w ith ro o m to g r o w , to c h a n g e , to a d a p t. L e t ’ s be o p e n a n d ju s t le t th in g s flo w . W h y t r y to p u sh th e riv e r?

Alex Noble


Acquainrance I would have, bur when'r depends Nor on rhe number, bur rhe choice of friends. -Cowley

Congratulations! W ell m iss You!

Life! We've been long rogerher, Through pleasanr and Through cloudy wearher, 'Tis hard To parr when friends are dear, Perhaps will c o st q sigh, a rear. Wirh Love, Polly and Dana

To all my friends: SD,CM,HR,ES,PR MK,BB,DT, ALL MY YOUNGER BUDDIES, and ere.,ere.,ere . . . Don'r do anyrhing I wouldn'r do! I'll miss you, Love, Paula

Good Luck And Besr Wishes To Ann And The Class Of 85 Brian And Yvonne Walker



Tha nks To All Tho se W ho Helped And Supported Us.

The Halo Staff, Berh, Kory, Dawn, Paula, And Ashley

#10 Forry Bouriques 2299 Summer Sr. STAMFORD, CONN. 06905 (203) 327-0024 Over 300 prs. of 14k earrings in srock. Single earrings available Jewelry repairs done on premises.

Congrarularions ro rhe PARENTS of rhe dass Of 1985.

Ir's been a grear 4 years ar L-HT. We finally made ir ro graduation (rogerher). You're rhe besr friend I could have. You helped me a lor through rhe years. I Love You, EVE

Heidi, good luck nexr year! I'll sure miss you! Love your lirrle sister, Knapper

Whor starred our many years ago and will lost forever . . . our friendship. I love you, Paulo

Congratulations To Tracy And the Class O f '8 5

Be sr O f Luck Love, Mom, Dad, And Todd


I'll M iss You!



Congratulations and good luck in the future to Ashley and the class of '85. From the Lueders

Alw ays Be More Than You Are.



Sunrise, sunser, sunrise, sunset, Sw iftly fly the days Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers, Blossoming even os w e gaze. We love you, Naomi Mom and Dad Good Luck Goss of



"Bur once rhe realization is accepted that, even between rhe closest human beings, infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they suceed in loving rhe distance between them which makes it possible for each to see rhe other whole and againsr rhe wide sky!" -Anne Morrow Lindbergh We love you Heidi, Mom, David, Nana, Puss, and Cinnamin



Down, Congratulations on your graduation. Your now storting a new adventure in your life . . . .

Jusr don't forger oil the fun w e hod together, and don't change much.

Love You, Kris

P R 6 C IO U S f in d s "Me and my friends, we had a dream once, life was going ro be a grear adventure, and we were going ro be rhe heroes.'' I hope your lives will always be filled wirh adventure. Love you oil, Heidi

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Congratulations and best w ishes to Helen and the class of '85 The Pring Family

Dorrerr Dooksrore

* o rm a \ > w e a i




34 8 -7 0 8 3



Congratulations ro Liddy and the class of 1985! Mom, Charlie, Tom

& Andy

Congratulations, Best Wishes, And High Hopes For A Bright And Joyous Future. The L-HT Parents' Association

Derh, I love you and I'll miss you when you leave. You're a good friend and o grear slsrer. Love ya, Heorher

ongrarularions To The Class Of 1985 From The Gaurraus

Dear Laura, Ir has been a rewarding experience w a rd in g your progress through Low -Heyw ood Thomas. Your enthusiastic approach to life has continued through the years, not dimmed by an inevitable maturity. You leave prepared. We w ish you e ve ry success and much happiness your college career. W ith all of our love, Mom and Dad Debbie and Adam

Congratulations to the class of 1985

LisoAlwoys o comforr and a joy. May life bring you rhe love rhar you deserve Desr wishes ro rhe class of '85 Mom, Adam Grams and Gramps

PaulaIr all began wirh a penguin our rhe window . . . norhing bur rrouble ever since: Capr. Jock Prarr Island, Windsor, Vr., "Welcome ro Nahanr. You're under arresr,'' W.P.D., "Idol of rhe day," "Purring Green dosed, "Neil Young concerr, Phil Collins's D-day, "W e'll jusr drive by ro see whar's going on," and a hundred orhers. We'll never srop having fun! Love always, Sue

Congrarularions ro Pam and rhe class of '85. Complimenrs of

M. Rondano, Inc.






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Congraruhrions To Berh And The Class Of 1985. We Hove "Faith" In You.

The Kimblers Susy, Lo rry And Carolyn







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Congrarularions and Besr Wishes ro rhe class of '85 We are very proud of you, Eve Love, Mom, Dod, Serh, and Faye

To my unusual bur lovable friends:

along wirh Legs, Brownie, Bahna, Evey, ere., ere., rhe enrire class of '85, and m y lirrle sis, Amy. Good Luck and Lors of Lovel Sue

To Abby And Th e Class O f '8 5



Congrarularions and Good Luck ro Melissa and rhe Class of 1985 You're now rhe caprain of your own ship!

Love, Teddy, Canrerbury, Perci, Puck Nana, Gen, and Dally plus Mom, Dad, Chris and Cinda

Our love and besr wishes

To Susan

and rhe class of 1985

Dad, Mom, Dill, Dob Jack, Deb, and Sean

Longrarularions Derh

Turn Around

Where ore you going? My lirrle one Where are you going? My baby my own Turn around and you're rwo Turn around and you're four Turn around and you're a young girl going our rhe door

We love you Mom b Dad


Love, Pom &â– Down

Congrarularions ro rhe Class of 1985 wirh besr wishes rhe Lairman Family Lynn, Sandy and Liz

Congrarularions Class of '85 and BARDIE Keep up rhe good work! Bob Rick Melissa



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M.K Dag your face -Love L.K

From rhe #1 volleyball reamGood luck ro Kory, Tracy, and Down Thanks for rhe good memories.

Special Thanks ro Eve for always being rhere. Our memories of yesrerday Will lasr a life rime We'll rake rhe besr Forger rhe resr And someday we'll find These ore rhe besr of rimes. How could we forger . . . . Sorriri . . . . whor do you rhink This is, o born? . . . . LACPOSSECome on llene . . . . John Cougar . . . . I burned my bongsl The occidenr in my forher s c a r ____our firsr p a rry _____ Humphl (rey D o g a rr)-------- climbing rrees over p o n d s-------skinny dipping . . . . In rhe coarroom wirh P IT. and A.G . . . . Deep Dark Discussions abour

Whor o long road ir's been. I couldn'r have made ir wirhour you! " I ger by wirh a lirrle help from my friends� I love you and I'll never forger you, Pom

To Plessa, To someone we love Congrarularions and good luck in rhe future Love Always, Aunr Josie and Kwajalein

CONGRATULATIONS CHRISTINE, Sue, Paula, Lisa, Heidi, and Iris I'll miss you Love Jessica



Everybody needs love and adventure, Everybody needs rwo or three friends . . . These are rhe things rhar dreoms ore mode of.

Thanks ro B.B., D.T. R.K., B.H., M.A., S.D., P.M., and rhe doss of '85 Love you, Missy


"Th e re is always one momenr in childhood when rhe door opens and lers rhe future in.'' Congratulations Vanessa and rhe class of 1985. -Mom, Dad, Charlene, Harold, Richard, and Diane

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All rhe besr ro rhe class of 1985 - Dob and Moggie Cook

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s for you


Congratulations Plessa! From rhe Family, Mom j Dad, Chris & Celeste



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Thanks Mom and Dadfor everything. I couldn'r have done ir wirhour you. I love you, Missy


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Congratulati ons Oneida



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U rsa

S i l war RUBY M BLACKW ELL. GRI (203) 324 0247



Congratulations Barbie And Class Of '85

You Are Our Sunshine! MOM AND DAD

Congratulations ro Melissa Reed and rhe Class of 1985. Compliments of: The Ox Ridge Hunt Club, Inc., Darien, CT.

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Hob Sro ff Editor: Berh Kimbler Business Manager: Kary Decosrer A rr/La yo u r Editor: Dawn Tofil Copy Editor: Ashley Lueders Photography Editor: Paulo Muir Faculty Advisor: Helen Kw eskin Photography Staff: Eve Stabinsky Sue Doherty Pam Rondano Helen Pring M issy Kirm ayer Liso Goldring Vicky W ilm ott

Special rhanks ro Jane Egbert for her advice as well as her help wirh rhe photography


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