The Thomas School 1970

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The Founder I shook your hand once. Y ou were old. I was young. I wondered if you were really wise. I was afraid o f your age. I did not realize that your age was not ugly. Y ou went away before I could know you. Then I forgot; I could not remember anymore. And you knew I was gone. Y ou r wisdom was forgotten and your beauty unknown. I would never understand why you loved me thought we hardly remembered that we had met. But it did not matter. I would not remember anyway.

For everything there is a season; and a time for every matter under the sun.

A time to leave our summer thoughts behind, and a time to start anew; A time of hope for the year yet to come, and a time of regretting lost moments in the year gone by; A time for readjustment, and a time for thoughtful remembrance; A time for the Clod, and a time for the Worm; A time for knowledge, and a time for discovery; A time of endless pattern, and a time of promised change; A time for tradition, and a time for revolution; A time for thought, and a time for action A time to win, and a time to lose; A time for dreams, and a time for reality;

A time of dull sunlight, and a time of bright snow; A time for mellow autumn, and a time for vibrant spring; A time for the sun’s eternal eyes, and a time for the moon’s everchanging face. A time for the crumbling of sandcastles, and a time for rebuilding with stone.

For everything there is a season; and a time for every matter under the sun.



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A time to make believe.


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�A friend is a person with whom I may he sincere. Before him, I may think aloud.� Ralph Waldo Emerson

A time to be together, and a time to be alone




"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light. They that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.�

A time to concentrate.



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A time to create.

A time to have fun.

A time to care.


Do what you like. Blind Faith

I only tried to live in accord with the promptings from myself. Why was that so very difficult? Hermann Hesse

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.. .The wise man looks into space, and does not regard the small as too little, nor the great as too big; for he knows there is no limit to dimensions. Lao-tse

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God bless us all.. . and may nature have fun on us. The Village Voice

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Deivdrops and pattern may I enjoy. with these may it be beautiful in front of me. with these may it be beautiful behind me. All is beautiful again. All is restored in beauty. American Indian

Leap for the stars; at least if you don’t make it you will be on top of the trees. anonymous

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Stanno igiorni juturi innanzi a noi come una fla di candele accese dorate, calde e vivlde. Constantino Cavafis


Nothing in life is to he feared. It is only to he understood. Marie Curie

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Hi de hi Hey de hey Whole darn world Reeling that way Lee Michaels

The most beautiful words are not half so beautiful to me as the life of one ivho follows his philosophy, Christ

There isn’t enough room in here to swing a cat. unknown

If I’m still alone by now It’s by design I only own myself, but all of me is mine. Rod McKuen

The best way out is through. Robert Frost

Eat, Drink, and be Merry.

I always appear to be attacking, yet what I am doing is defending myself all the time. Napoleon

To know when one’s self is interested is the first condition of interesting other people. Marius


If you hear his piping coming from some forest glade Open up your mind and love and never be afraid. W . Millar and G. Millar

I was something that lay under the sun and felt i t . . and 1 did not want to he anything more . . . that is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great. Willa Cather

Uincertitude qui vient des reves.



One day I'll follow the birds disappearing into the rain going in a hurry then gone. Rod McKuen a**


. . . it’s the soul that makes the style the tender firecracker of thought. Allen Ginsberg

For I am my brother’s keeper— be he black or white.

Don’t take life too seriously; you won’t live through it. Oscar Wilde

Just follow the yellow brick road. Frank Bawn iI


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You must not forsake a ship in a tempest because you can not rule and keep down the winds. Francis Hackett

Humanity 1 love you because you are perpetually putting the secret of life in your pants and forgetting it’s there and sitting down on it. e.e. cummings

To Mr. Barnard:

Who has never given less than his utmost, and whom we can never fully repay for what he has given us; we dedicate this book with great affection.

Class Six Campbell, Suzanne Cobb, Catherine Horne, Donna Jennings, Nancy McConnell, Polly McGlade, Margaret Sutton, Melissa Voris, Nina Willcox, Bonnie Ann

Class Seven Brady, Deirdre Chase, Phyllis Clerihue, Mary Cohn, Susan Eiseman, Elizabeth Ewing, Mercedes Fuller, Michele Herz, Jennifer Hill, Deborah Kaliff, Laurette Laundon, Gail Meyer, Debra Nordin, Laura Patrick, Betsy Patrick, Julia Robinson, Maura Saxon, Catherine Williamson, Rona Williams, Beverly

Class Eight Boots, Muffin Aubrey, Catherine Brown, Isabel

Clements, Francine Daniels, Cynthia Elliott, Barbara Gray, Kimberly Hanson, Barbara Holt, Evelyn Hopkins, Elizabeth Irwin, Marion Johnson, Suzanne Knight, Kimberly Knothe, Wendy Lowry, Jane Manning, Kimberly Oppenheimer, Trudy Robinson, Megan Rudomansky, Vicky Segall, Laura Shepard, Eloise Thomas, Dale Winters, Tina Lee, Suzanne

Class Nine Adam, Margo Brundage, Mary Lou Carroll, Laura Chamberlin, Margot Covington, Jan Dwiggins, Anne Emmons, Constance Feinberg, Barbara Ford, Hilarie Foss, Michelle Freiman, Jessica Harrison, Annette Hayes, Karen

Hooper, Carolyn Judge, Joanne Kehaya, Elizabeth Leibolt, Jan Levine, Deborah Madsen, Mette Bo Miller, Nicole Nemeth, Marguerite Noble, Eileen O ’Neill-Butler, Pam Parsons, Amy Reed, Melissa Reynolds, Jane Sheard, Wendy Smiley, Lydia Smith, Amy Suttenfield, Elizabeth Thompson, Ann Truslow, Sara Walworth, Cornelia Watson, Priscilla White, Andrea Widmann, Alison

Class Ten Berkeley, Anne Bowman, Margaret Calene, Margaret Clay, Deborah Cook, Martha Eberstadt, Anne Finch, Perky Fleisher, Deborah Foss, Bjarnina Frank, Carole Gary, Ann

Giebel, Sally Greene, Susan Hopkins, Christina Kay, Marjorie Keefe, Susan Krida, Elizabeth Lamb, Ashley McLoughlin, Cornelia Newman, Lisa Norkin, Constance Patrick, Holly Phillips, Sherman Ramsey, Katherine Rhett, Amy Rowan, Leslie Sahagian, Rebecca Silva, Georgette Sterling, Carol Tunick, Susan Wolper, Meryl

Class Eleven Bracken, Peggy Burgess, Beth Byers, Elizabeth Calene, Elizabeth Diamond, Wendy Eiseman, Susan Fisher, Sally Foss, Janet Foss, Marna Fuller, Marcia Gleason, Deborah Hall, Gwendolyn Hunt, Pam Jewett, Edar

Kaliff, Elizabeth Koehler, Nancy McLean, Lissa McManus, Manry Pinkerton, Sarah Reardon, Gyll Schloss, Ellen Schoff, Sarah Thompson, Susan Tugeau, Jennifer W ebb, Dundeen

Class Twelve Beagley, Sue Brown, Denise Busser, Anna Cabral, Mary Daniels, Leslie Glidden, Dianne Herras, Marilette H ill, Judy Jackson, Sally Judge, Miki Kenney, Pat Kittredge, Tori Lasker, Laura Lenters, Joy McMillan, Shelly Middeleer, Sue Moseley, Chris

O ’Connor, Judy Payne, Anna-Beth Platten, Alison Plaut, Mary Post, Nata Ratliff, Carol Rothman, Nancy Schiller, Donna Smith, Sue Springer, Kathy Squire, Becky Stark, Chris Trehubenko, Vikki W ells, Frances Welsh, Didi Hoban, Phoebe

FACULTY Mr. Arthur I. Harper, Jr., Headmaster Miss Joan C. Angenola, Athletics Mr. Parke S. Barnard, Music Mrs. Charles Buttz, Spanish Mr. David Cherney, Science Mr. Patrick de Beauport, French Mrs. Edward T . Faber, Science Mrs. Otto Froelicher, French Mrs. Richard Hadsell, Latin Mrs. Bradford Hoyt, Office Dr. Edith Lawton, Guidance Mrs. John J. Kennedy, History and English Mr. John J. Kennedy, History, Mathematics and Geography Mrs. Paul B. Kinney, Mathematics Mr. Pranas Lape, Art Mrs. Dennis A. Me Guire, Drama Miss Jane Mickelson, English Mrs. Helen Miller, Librarian Mrs. Robert Mutrux, Assistant to the Headmaster Mrs. Marshall Peck, French Miss Evelyn Persoff, Art Mrs. W . M. Stephenson, Office Mrs. Alfred Powell, Latin Mrs. John Richard, English Mrs. Andrew Rooney, Mathematics Mrs. Rose Seidman, Mathematics Mrs. Cho-lu-Sia, Mathematics Mrs. J. W . Strong, Athletics Mrs. John Towart, History Mrs. Langdon H. Wesley, Office Miss Diana Wesgate, English Mrs. Margaret Whitaker, Office Mrs. Donald V. W oolf, History Mr. Vincent Cuomo, Maintenance

DOLPHIN: Joy Lenters, Editor Sue Middeleer, Lay-out Editor Laura Lasker, Assistant Lay-out Editor Vikki Trehubenko, 12th grade rep. Judith O ’Connor, 12th grade rep. Darcy Jewett, 11th grade rep. Sue Eiseman, 11th grade rep. Gwendy Hall, 11th grade rep. Lisa Calene, 11th grade rep. Meg Bowman, 10th grade rep. Jane Reynolds, 9th grade rep.

HIGH TIDE: Judith O ’Connor, Editor Sue Beagley, Lay-out and Photo Editor Pranas Lape, Faculty Advisor

STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Alison Platten, President Chris Moseley, Vice President Marna Foss, Secretary Ellen Schloss, Treasurer Lisa Newman, 10th grade rep. Hilarie Ford, 9th grade rep.

COURT: Nata Post, Chief Justice Liz Kaliff, Assistant Chief Justice Denise Brown, 12th grade rep. Georgette Silva, 10th grade rep. Sara Trushow, 9th grade rep.


Rebecca Squire, Editor Kimi McLean, Layout Editor Chris Moseley, 12th grade reporter Mary Plaut, 12th grade reporter Libby Byers, 11th grade reporter Nancy Koehler, 11th grade reporter


Marion Irwin, President Belle Hanson, Vice President Laurie Kaliff, Secretary Susan Cohn, Treasurer Margot McGlade, 6th grade rep.


Jane Lowry, Chief Justice Catherine Saxon, Ass’t Chief Justice Megan Robinson, 8th grade rep. Debi Hill, 7th grade rep. Cathy Cobb, 6th grade rep.

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