Thomas School Yearbook 1973

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Mrs. Towart, We thought you were teaching us to take notes and to say “ yes,” not “ yeh,” but all the while you were teaching us so many other things. We cannot begin to thank you. Affectionately, The Class of 1973

When I was a girl — oh Lord, she's not going to start that again! — yearbooks didn’t seem to be half as much fun as they are today. It’s a bit late to have my picture taken sitting dewy-eyed and barefooted, nibbling grass under a willow tree, but at least I can pick some favorite lines to put under my picture and to send to each of you with my deep affection. ‘‘Come and play with me," proposed the little Prince. “ I cannot play with you," the fox said. "I am not tamed." "I have friends to discover and a great many things to understand,” said the little Prince. "What does that mean — ’tame?” “ It is an act too often neglected,” said the fox. "It means to establish ties. If you tame me then we shall need each other. To me you will be unique in all the world. And that is my secret. A very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. Men have forgotten this truth, but you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” Antoine de St. Exupery

Mrs. Kinney — Dean of Students

Sra. Buttz — Spanish

Mrs. Stephenson — Secretary

Mrs. Wesley — Secretary

Mr. Vaz — Comparative Religions

Dr. Lawton — College Consultant

Mrs. Johnson — English

Mrs. Farwell — Secretary

Mr. & Mrs. Cuomo — Maintenance

Mrs. Strong — P.E.

Mrs. Powell — Latin

Mme. Groner — French

Mr. Barnard — Music

Mme. Aik — French

Mrs. Talkington - English

Mrs. Mleczko — P.E.

Mrs. Rooney — Mathematics

Mrs. Burchenal — Science

Mrs. Sia — Mathematics

Mrs. Gillman — Secretary

Mrs. Miller — Library

Brooke Gurley, Kate Fulton, Judy Page, Joy Gaylinn, Pam Oswald.

Lisa Richardson, Holly Sherwood, Ricki Temko, Francesca Day, Martha Vogel, Tracy Beaudreau, Tracy Lazaroff, Monica Bayly, Beverly Au, Susan Morrill, Brigitte Tyson, Karen Olsson, Harriet Rogers, Laura Lander, Sara Dickey.

Kathy Mercer, Julie Eagle, Melissa Manning, Liz McNamara, Ann Gurley, Hope Eiseman, Ann Sass, Liz Swackhamer, Susan Giordano, Tracy Goodnow, Tracy Gilman, Dana Hirschberg, Avery Rimer, Lydia Perry, Beth Saxon, Dini Abbett.



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Nancy Jennings, Randy Sosnowitz, Judy Watts, Susan Moran, Dana Schmidt, Cathy Carlson, Pam Sherwood, Anne Frazier, Donna Horne, Lisa Laurie, Gail Stradford, Butty Truslow, Nina Voris, Ellen Maher, Cathy Cobb, Mary Brown, Nancy Devine, Martha Russell. Absent: Leslie Cowan, Tere"Beaudreau, Susan Campbell, Wendy Wedell.

Shelley Fuller, Sandy Bridge, Nancy Josem, Catherine Saxon, Kathy Vetter, Laurie Kaliff, Gay Pritz, Mary Coletti, Irene Jaffe, Robin McCullough, Buffy Eiseman, Ann Callahan, Sue Cohn, Page Casey, Amanda Tuttle, Debby Gilman, Beverly Williams, Jenny Laurie, Shelby Jacob, Gail Laundon, Debe Meyer, Loraine Simpson, Betsy-Groves.


Peggy Gibbs, Betsy Trefrey, Pam Dwiggins.

Evelyn Holt, Jane Lowry, Libby Hopkins

Felicia Moreland, Susan Martin, Leslie Greist

“ Rabbit’s clever,” said Pooh thoughtfully. “ Yes," said Piglet, “ Rabbit’s clever.” "And he has Brain.” There was a long silence. “ I suppose,” said Pooh, "that that’s why he never understands anything.” A. A. Milne




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Melissa Manning, Liz Swackhamer, Tracy Gilman, Dini Abbett, Liz McNamara, Julie Eagle, Riki Temko, Tracy Goodnow, Holly Sherwood, Martha Vogel, Susan Giordano, Tracy Beaudreau, Pam Oswald, Beth Saxon,Karen Olsson, Francesca Day.


Muffin Boots Kim Manning Felicia Moreland Anne Callahan Leslie Greist

Advisor — Mrs. Talkington


Editor — Amy Smith Ass’t. Editor — Lucy Stout Literary Editor — Jessica Freiman Cover — Carolyn Hooper Divider Pages — Nina Bollard Laura Carroll Layout — Laura Carroll Cary Dixon Carolyn Hooper Amy Smith Photography — Jessica Freiman Lisa Kehaya Niki Miller Amy Smith Business — Nina Bollard Jodi Crilly Kim Gray Lucy Stout Advisor — Miss Morgan

Time is tapping on my forehead, Hanging from my mirror, Rattling the teacups, And I wonder, How long can I delay? Paul Simon


President — SaraTruslow Vice President — Lydia Smiley Chief Justice — Amy Smith Ass’t. Chief Justice — Libby Hopkins Secretary — Sue Lee Treasurer — Evelyn Holt

Class Presidents 12th — Laura Carroll 11th — Laura Segall 10th — Loraine Simpson 9th — Martha Russell

President — Liz Swackhamer Vice President — Liz McNamara

Secretary — Tracy Goodnow Treasurer — Hope Eiseman Advisor — Mr. Kennedy

King Kennedy


Servant Swackhamer

CHINESE L. Louise Shepard Catherine Saxon Jane Lowry Mrs. Sia Absent: Felicia Moreland

SEWING Tracy Lazaroff Martha Vogel Tracy Beaudreau Francesca Day Mrs. Rooney

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Kate Fulton Sharon Fenster Niki Miller Cary Dixon Mrs. Landers Absent: Joy Gaylinn, Judy Page, Erica Temko.

President — Ann Thompson Vice President — Kim Bechert Secretaries — Carolyn Hooper Gay Pritz Treasurer — Andrea White Bulletin Editor — Jane Lowry Button Chairman — Libby Hopkins Advisor — Mr. Griff



Mr. Barnard

Marguerite Nemeth, Shelley Fuller, Lydia Smiley, Kim Gray, Cindy Clements, Chris Hausburg, Gail Laundon, Buffy Eiseman, Betsy Groves, Betsy Trefrey, Catherine Saxon, Amy Smith, Sue Lee, Kim Bechert, Lucinda Billings, Lisa Kehaya, Jessica Freiman, Sue Cohn, Pam Dwiggins, Tressa Crook, Evelyn Holt, Jane Lowry, Gay Pritz, Pam Sherwood, Vicki Rudomanski, Wendy Wedell, Peggy Gibbs, Sara Truslow, Muffin Boots, Nancy Jennings, Lisa Laurie, Lucy Stout, Laura Carroll, Laura Segall, Debe Meyer, Anne Callahan, Jodi Crilly, Libby Hopkins, Karen Hayes, Beverly Williams.

President — Laura Carroll Vice President — Evelyn Holt Librarian — Catherine Saxon


Cathy Cobb Gay Pritz Nancy Jennings Lydia Perry Mary Brown Laura Carroll Sue Cohn Kim Bechert Catherine Saxon

Amy Smith Kim Gray Buffy Eiseman Cary Dixon Carolyn Hooper Lucinda Billings Shelley Fuller Laurie Kaliff

Co-Captains — Kim Bechert Laura Carroll

Let’s go, go, go, go, go! Let’s fight, fight, fight, fight, fight! Let’s win, win, win, win, win! Let’s go, let's fight, let’s win!

Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas

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Greenwich Sacred Heart Wilton Ladies Bedford Rippowam Greens Farms Academy Low Heywood Rye Country Day

2 1 1 1 0 3


Co-Captains — Cary Dixon Sue Lee


Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas

v.s. v.s. v.s. v.s. v.s. v.s.

New Canaan Country Day Bedford-Rippowam Whitby School Greenwich Country Day Greenwich Country Day Greens Farms Academy

15-12; 15-13 15- 2; 18-16 7 -15; 15- 3; 15- 2 3 -15; 15- 7; 12-15 10-15; 15-11; 15-11 15- 4 ; 3 -15; 15- 6

Libby Hopkins Sue Lee Carolyn Hooper Lucinda Billings Cary Dixon Catherine Saxon Betsy Groves

Tressa Crook Laura Carroll Vicki Rudomanski Lauri Kaliff Kim Gray Cathy Cobb Lisa Laurie

Nobody ever said it would be easy


CHRISTMAS PLAY Director — Mrs. Robison Prophet — Andrea White Shepherds — Carolyn Hooper Sara Truslow Niki Miller Wisemen — Karen Hayes Nina Bollard Cary Dixon Lantern Bearer — Pam Oswald Joseph — Amy Bronson Mary — Ann Thompson

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The Lion Walks

The Lion walks wet and hungry His wet mane hangs with the weight of the water His eyes blink for sight in the torrential jungle His legs strive for strength against the gales In the rain the lion walks wet and hungry All the creatures hide in their holes The wind tells them — hide! They hide from the glare and the power. The lion walks wet and hungry He walks looking for a night meal He walks in the wind in the jungle He walks through the torrent and the gale In the rain The lion walks wet and hungry Jessica Freiman


Creation and a violent collision of nothingness occurred creating barren earth and a blazing sun and one small weed was conceived from the barren surface it stretched and created the first noise the noise of growth and small droplets of moisture hung from the leaves nourishing the first inhabitant of earth and the water droplets fell running together to form small rivulets which quickened momentum and created long winding bodies of water pausing here and there to become lakes and ponds and the water transformed barren land to rich soil which in turn mothered large growth small creatures appeared surviving on plants and water these multiplied and grew to become species interacting for existence noise became songs and the different lands created winds by shifting climates all was ready for great change

men sprung from animals to live with animals on natural earth and men died, too, yet all was carried on now came the skies bearing clouds as children of the day stars for night companions for when men died and another’s tears turned fresh water to salt his spirit rose shining forever a star Carolyn Hooper

My father’s heart is beating the impala runs free My father’s eyes still see while her eyes perceive My father’s hands can feel the soil beneath My father's ears can follow her thundering hooves My father’s nose can trace the destined path My father’s legs can’t pace this frantic race My father’s hands are trembling her limbs collapse My father’s eyes cloud over she tumbles in the grass My father’s ears are deaf the impala heaves My father’s soul is faint the impala is dying .. . Vixen Nina Bollard The red fur tumbles through the green, tickling grass. The rounded chubby backs glisten together in the frolic. Noses rubbing, suddenly they stop! They respond to their vixen mother. Glossy fur: tensed, slung low she ripples and creeps to the helpless ones. The leaves crackle a few feet away with the sound of footsteps. Noses rubbing, suddenly they stop! They respond to their vixen mother. The springing vixen freezes: Fur falls in a red heap. Marguerite Nemeth

Far in the distance away from the near, There lived in a cabin a dark captain. Sailed for half his century he came to his ships end. Now the captain rests in his watery fog. Mutiny plagued his mighty crew his ship capsized And the captain listens for the wind cries whistle. Offshore came the stranger to visit the captain. The captain heard the whistle Now the mighty captain rests near his ship. Lydia Smiley


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fish is sometimes Wr sometimes fish is  is is fish sometimes a rotten but rotten sometimes fish cats don’t necessarily sometimes care one need one treed sometimes cats need not not not not necessarily need not know no know of cars need one not devouring rotten fish fish not needing to know from garbage

Becky Shulman

The Morning Jogger or “Was That You I Saw Running Around The Field This Morning?"

I’m still not quite sure how I got into it, but I am sure it will be weeks before I hear the end of it. I parked my car in front of the bus, near the hockey field. There was the usual mess of trying to get four kids out of a VW in spite of long, tangling seat belts, narrow doors and seats which will not go forward. Well, we got about halfway through the routine, at which point I was out but trying to disentangle my pocketbook from the seat belt, Dana was out on the other side and Martha was trying to get the seat to lean forward so she could get out. Just then Catherine and Cathy came out of the gloom (it was cloudy and my eyes were half-open — I was not awake yet — hence, gloom). They were half-running towards the field, giggling wildly and breaking into fresh laughter at every other step. When they got a little closer, Catherine stammered between giggles, “ Hey, Karen, come run a lap with us!” “WHAT?” Running a lap for gym class is the last thing anybody wants to do: we go to ridiculously devious extremes to avoid jogging once around the hockey field. Catherine and Cathy stopped (running, not giggling) and said, "We’re running a lap around the hockey field. Come run it with us.” At this point exact recollection stops, but I remember thinking, as I caught a case of their giggles, “ What the heck!” I dropped my pocketbook in the grass by the car and off we went around the field, giggling all the way. I think we cut the corners, as we always do when we run for Mrs. Strong, but Catherine said, “ Outside the goal cages, girls!” and outside we went. I ran the whole way saying, “ I still don’t know why I'm doing this.” I didn’t start to think clearly until the end of the lap, when we turned towards the driveway again. I noticed that my feet were wet and cold. Then I noticed that Lucy, who had just parked in front of my car, was looking at us all with a puzzled eye. I began to wonder what effects a moment of abandon might have on the rest of the day. The first effects observed, as I hauled my books out of the car, were that I was wide awake and my feet would probably stay cold until recess. Next was another strange look from Lucy, encountered a few moments later in Rock Ledge. "What were you doing out there, Karen? Running a lap?” At first I tried to explain that Catherine and Cathy said ‘come run a lap with us’, so I did. However, this only brought me more puzzled looks from Lucy, the ladies in the office (when I tried to explain why I was a moment late to check-in — another repercussion!) and from several others who asked. By recess I had given up explaining, and when Dana asked why I had run around the field, I pleaded temporary insanity. The last I heard, at least two people thought I was in the habit of running a lap every morning! Maybe I should live up to the reputation. Anyone for a turn around the field tomorrow morning?

BLACK PANTHER Huge silky body black as ebony night He stalks Green, shiny eyes hidden black nose He stalks He hunches his body senses danger he is in the presence of his Hunter He stalks He sees the hunter with his shiny green eyes he spots the rifle he smells his blood his mouth goes dry He stalks The hunter faces the panther The Panther leaps. The Gun sounds The bullet hits. The panther trembles falls dead. His spirit stalks Lydia Smiley

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Albino (an elegy to a dead parakeet) What was that white flash erupting in staccato chirps spreading stubbing wings only to hit bars. Why does he try so hard to escape? Overcast dreams lead me into snowbanks. Melting crystals cry into puddles. Dirt and bugs float under the surface Past the crystal reflections Of overcast dreams. Cary Dixon

How do you escape coughing . . . spittin? Give him a shot of whiskey Impact seeds and sandy fly One drunken parakeet feet on pole head split on sand Still White Still White Andrea White

The sky lowers over the day, wind blows moods around like leaves. Sheaths of rain pour down with evil feelings. We run to the warm lights and sought after rugs. People, unknown, break the charm for mere testing. People watching for themselves and nothing else. Just as the storm breaks the trees for itself. Fifty years old, we fight back. Reminders of past glory appear for defense. We all compare our present with our past. The indifferent wind blows on, nev­ er stopping to heal the wounds and the light rain to build a new defense. Lucy Stout

eagle sun shine life to earth warm my skin and suckle the world bring us energy bring us mirth eagle cloud rain good spirits to earth feed the grains that will nourish us bring us water bring us mirth eagle night darken the tired old earth soar over the land in restful flight bring us sleep bring us mirth Carolyn Hooper

Shadows Oh angle of my soul how dost thou seek me? I am but a walking shadow, an image upon the face of God. And will thy words be weighed when they descent is ended? The judgment rests upon thy soul and upon thy ka. Whether I go to where sparkling jewels and gleaming bodies lie — my righteousness proclaimed — or to where ache and penury are a paradise to what is waiting behind the gate of sin, All is thy fate, thy moira ^ and within the bounds of thy fate I have the freedom of shadows freedom to refuse thy moira until the last syllable of thy time is judge. Jody Crilly


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Time it was, And what a time it was, It was . . . A time of innocence, A time of confidences. Long ago . . . it must be . . . I have a photograph. Preserve your memories; They’re all that's left you. Paul Simon

MRS. POWELL With special thanks to Mrs. Powell for helping us through our last year at Thomas. The Class of 1973

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“ Salve M agistra” . . . 8:25 applications? save the Coliseum “ You’re late!" . . . “ Girls . . . girls please



Shugie . . . "From far east country I have come” new kid huh-huh! . . .

“ Be slow in chusing a frie n d , slower in changing’’. Benjamin Franklin


then came Bronson . OneWayT Dudley, Boris and Natasha . .

Count all the bees in the hive, Chase all the clouds from the sky, Back to the days of Christopher Robin, Back to the ways of Christopher Robin, Back to the ways of Pooh. Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina

"Eddie, BABIEEEE!!" . . Fire Island out of state . . . muscles . . Shake's brother . . . Charlie . . . flex . . . Jockette Club . . . "Too much lemon jucie Lucy" . . . traveler .. . Hotel Street . . -


For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. Kahlil Gibran The Prophet



Fun, fun, fun 'till her daddy takes the M.G. away . . Mem­ ber of the Eternal Bicycle Race . . . wino . . . totaled . . . Hawaii . . Hotel Street . . . traveler .. .

“ It’s gonna be a long time cornin’ It’s gonna be a long time gone But you know the darkest hour, It’s always just before the dawn." David Crosby

CARY DIXON Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky With one hand waving free Silhouetted by the sea Circled by the circus sands With all memory and fate Driven deep beneath the waves Let me forget about today until tomorrow. Bob Dylan

Pinto . . . Care . . . island lover . . . Larry . . . Bambam . . clay buttons . . . pot queen . . Jockette Club . .


How many deaths will it take ’till they know that too many people have died. Peter, Paul and Mary

“ Complain, complain, complain!” . . Lake Forest . “ I can't come on Friday.” . . . Bloomingdales . . . John . . . out the window . . . McGovern forever . . .

Sometimes it did get lonely but it taught me how to cry and laughter came too easy for life to pass me by. Gordon Lightfoot

KAREN HAYES “ O h, don’t the days seem lank and long When all goes right and nothing goes wrong? And isn’t life extremely flat With nothing whatever to grumble at?” W.S. Gilbert

Green beret . . historian "Was Macbeth really evil?" class genius . . . Jim . . "That's neat!


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Get it on, little Toyota . . . hair Ray . .. "you shit" . . . leads . . , Jockette Club . . . "Far out!” . . .


“ When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “ what’s the first thing you say to yourself?" “ ‘What's for breakfast?’,” said Pooh. “ What do you say, Piglet?” “ I say, ‘I wonder what's going to happen exciting to-day?’," said Piglet. Pooh nodded thoughtfully. “ It's the same thing," he said. A. A. Milne

. . . alone on a hill the man with the foolish grin is keep­ ing perfectly still. But nobody wants to know him, they can see that he’s just a fool and he never gives an an­ swer. But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head see the world spinning ’round. John Lennon and Paul McCartney

Bach, Beethoven, Kehaya . . . celestial dreams . hot rod Simca . . . David . . . Lady in red .. . "Huh?”

Keep you doped with religion, sex an T.V. And you think you’re so clever and classless and free But you’re still f .......peasants as far as I can see. John Lennon

NIKI MILLER St. Louis . . . Chris . . . "Shit, man!” . . member of the Eternal Bicy­ cle Race . . . Martha's Vineyard . . . class pessimist . . . rat’s nest . . . home for a smoke . . .


Look at me, my friend; study my face and read in it what you want to know and what I cannot recite. Look at me, my beloved . . Look at me, my brother.

Ronald . . first to go warm-ups before Glee Club "Oh, Mr. Barnard late again . .. heel toe, heel, heel toe


We constantly try to escape from the darkness outside and within. by dreaming of systems so perfect that no one will need to be good. I grow into knowing I don’t know In order to know that I’m growing at all.

Shoes . . . South of the border . . . Absent again ‘‘Would you tie my shoes for me?” .. . “ Oh please” .. Where is Becky? . . .


“ It takes the dark to see the light.”

“ Lyeeeeedia!” .. . Head Angel . . . man killer . . John's . .. “ Is it real?” . . . Agfa . . . “ Robbed any good banks lately?”


Big Boss .. . “ You Guys!” .. . Virgin Amy? . . . Speed Racer .. . Chief .. . White sox and pigtails .. . Smitty . . Jockette Club . . . sneezy . . .

“ Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.”

Times when a day of brightest sunshine seem like the darkest night. Times when no matter what I do just don't turn out right. I get lonesome and when I do I turn to you. Rod McKuen

LUCY STOUT “ I don’t understand, Mrs. Sia.” Member of the Eternal Bicycle Race . . Grencit . shakes, rattles and rolls . . . Jason . . . "Too much lemon juice, Laura” . . Playdoh . . . "That’s really neat!”

To grow is to change, and to have changed often is to have grown much. John Henry Newman

ANN THOMPSON Ingrid "Mary had a baby pixie wanna piece of PYE? . . one shin guard? . . . Tweedledee . .

“ Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with,” the Mock Turtle replied, “ and the different branches of Arithmetic — Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision.” Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland


Shake, rattle and roll “ dandy" . . . mucus .

. quack . . Maple Leaf Rag wilt . . . Tweedledum . .

Fast ’n’ Bulbous. Got me! Captain Beefheart


Animus meus in Caelo est

Dr.? . . . Peugeot . . . Dr. Culpepper . . . Virgin Sara! . . . member of the Eternal Bicycle Race . . . “ Medically speaking Saint Peter . Woozle . . .

If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I’ll never grow up. from Peter Pan






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r^A©et>, t t d e } , o tn f^ A e t^ . Prophet . . . “ Hey, you guys, guess what?” . . . PAN­ IC!!! . . . Puddy . . . droops . . . bongo board champ . . .


Karen Hayes

Biggest Jock

Laura Carroll

Loudest Easily Upset Most Likely to Succeed

Marguerite Nemeth Jodi Crilly Sara Truslow

Little Princess

Cary Dixon


Lucy Stout

Most Apathetic

Niki Miller


Lisa Kehaya

Best StoryTeller

Andrea White


Nina Bollard

Most Absent

Becky Shulman

Fastest Peddler

Ann Thompson

Quietest Most Efficient Jolliest

Amy Bronson Amy Smith Lydia Smiley

Biggest Lush

Carolyn Hooper

Most Argumentive

Jessica Freiman

Class Clown

Mandy Tolies


The Class of 7 3 wishes to thank these patrons for helping to support the yearbook

GOLD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bechert Mr. and Mrs. James Clements Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Earle Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Fulton Mrs. Elsie Kehaya Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smiley Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Z. Smith SILVER Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll Miss Michele Fuller Mr. Edwin R. Griff Mr. and Mrs. Ferris M. Stout Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strong The Photography Center Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson

GRIEB’S Darien Pharmacy Inc. Dan M. Reback, B.S. Reg. Pharms Wolf Levine, B.S. Fellows American College Apothecaries


Darien, Conn.

1021 Post Road Immediate Delivery Phone 655-9736




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A n g io n e A g e n c ie s

N o r w a lk E le c tr ic C o .

W . R. A u s t i n C h e v r o l e t C o .

N o r w a lk L u g g a g e C o .

B a r to li E le c tr ic C o .

N o r w a lk M a ttr e s s C o .

D o u g la s A . B o r a A g e n c y , In c .

T h e P a ra m o u n t C o rp .

B r ig g s T i r e C o ., I n c .

P ic Y a r n s , I n c .

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S te r lin g F u r n it u r e C o .

J o h n M . G lo v e r A g e n c y , In c .

S t o ll's D r u g S to r e

G r e c c o , J a m e s J.

S t u a r t 's S h o e s

H a tc h & B a ile y C o .

" T h e O th e r E n d ” R e s ta u ra n t

J a c o b y 's , I n c .

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K a p la n M u s ic a l S t r in g C o .

T o b i ’ s M e n ' s & B o y 's A p p a r e l

K a tz C o rp .

V a l e n t i 's R e s t a u r a n t

K id d y to w n , In c .

V a lle r ie ’s T r a n s p o r t a t io n S e r v ic e



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Harris, Mrs. J. Struven, 40 Highland Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Kinney, Mrs. Paul B., 10 Pondfield Lane, Darien 06820

FACULTY Aik, Mrs. Alfred L., 6 Pennoyer Street, Rowayton 06853 Barnard, Parke S., 216 Davenport Avenue, New Haven Burchenal, Mrs. Joseph H., Juniper Road, Noroton 06820 Buttz, Mrs. Charles, 5 Middlesex Road, Darien 06820 Griff, Edwin R., 54 Prouty Lane, Worcester, Massachusetts 01602 Groner, Mrs. Edward, 47 Crooked Trail, Rowayton 06853 Johnson, Mrs. David, 102 Knickerbocker Avenue, Stamford 06907 Kennedy, John Jay, III, 42 Highland Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Miller, Mrs. Helen, 98 Five Mile River Road, Darien 06820 Mleczko, Mrs. Stanley, 144 Signal Hill Road, Wilton 06897 Morgan, Miss Wendy, 40 Highland Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Powell, Mrs. Alfred, 232 New Canaan Road, Wilton 06897 Rooney, Mrs. Andrew, 254 Rowayton 06853 Seidman, Mrs. Rose Sher, 13 Vincent Place, Rowayton 06853 Sia, Mrs. Co-lu, 86 Dunn Avenue, Stamford 06903 Sternberg, Mrs. David E., 187 Town House Road, Hamden Strong, Mrs. J. W., 24 William Street, Norwalk 06851 Talkington, Mrs. Lester, 53 Hickory Hill Road, Tappan, N. Y. 10983 Towart, Mrs. John, R.F.D. # 1 , Sport Hill Road, Redding Ridge 06876 Vaz, Anthony, 278 East State Street, Westport 06880

STAFF Gillman, Mrs. Harry A., 118 Goodwives River Road, Darien 06820 Hoyt, Mrs. Bradford, 960 Silvermine Rod, New Canaan 06840 Stephenson, Mrs. Wm. M., Candlewood Lane, R.F.D. # 2 , W. Norwalk 06850 Wesley, Mrs. Langdon H., Devil’s Garden Road, S. Norwalk Whitaker, Mrs. Margaret, 62 Maple Avenue, Glenbrook 06906

CLASS SIX Fulton, Kate — 340 Banks North Road, Fairfield 06430 Gaylinn, Joy — 35 Maher Drive, Norwalk 06850 Gurley, Brooke — 208 Willow Street, Southport 06490 Oswald, Pamela — 66 Highland Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Page, Judith — 29 Ryan Avenue, Norwalk 06854

CLASS SEVEN Au, Beverly — 372 Greens Farms Road, Westport 06880 Bayly, Monica — 20 Ledge Road, Rowayton 06853 Beaudreau, Tracy — 17 Covewood Drive, Rowayton 06853 Day, Francesca — Box 941, Darien 06820 Dickey, Sara — 19 Sammis Street, Rowayton 06853 Lander, Laura — 22 Drum Road, Rowayton 06853 Lazaroff, Tracy — 14 Yarmouth Road, Rowayton 06853 Morrill, Susan — 35 Driftway Lane, Darien 06820 Olsson, Karen — 51 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Richardson, Lisa — 29 Chestnut Hill Lane, Stamford 06903 Rodgers, Harriet — 76 Five Mile River Road, Darien 06820 Sherwood, Holly — 242 Old Long Ridge Road, Stamford 06903 Temko, Erica — 1 Scherer Court, Westport 06880 Tyson, Brigitte — 6 Starlight Drive, Norwalk 06851 Vogel, Martha — 1138 Pequot Avenue, Southport 06490

CLASS EIGHT Abbett, Virginia — 9 Pembroke Road, Darien 06820 Eagle, Julie — Prince’s Pine Road, Norwalk 06850 Eiseman, Hope — Rabbit Lane, Darien 06820 Fenster, Sharon — 1 Tarone Drive, Norwalk 06851 Gilman, Tracy — 43 Highland Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Giordano, Susan — 18 Covewood Drive, Rowayton 06853 Goodnow, Tracy — 4 Cross Road, Darien 06820 Gurley, Ann — 208 Willow Street, Southport 06490 Hirshberg, Dana — 1 Surf Road, Westport 06880 Longley, Anne — 393 Oenoke Ridge Road New Canaan 06840 McNamara, Elizabeth — 32 Marlborough Road, Norwalk 06851 Mercer, Katherine — 2 Pilgrim Road, Darien 06820 Perry, Lydia — 172 Ponus Avenue, Norwalk 06850 Rimer, Avery — 150 Millstone Road, Wilton 06897 Saxon, Elizabeth — 241 Old Hickory Road, Fairfield 06430 Swackhamer, Elizabeth — 26 Burchard Lane, Rowayton 06853 Winkler, Susan — 3 Petticoat Lane, Darien 06820

FRESHMEN Beaudreau, Tere — 17 Covewood Drive, Rowayton 06853 Brown, Mary — Valley Road, Wilson Point, S. Norwalk 06853 Campbell, Suzanne — 14 Sammis Street, Rowayton 06853 Carlson, Catherine — 70 Mohawk Trail, Stamford 06903 Cobb, Catherine — 20 Juniper Road, Darien 06820 Devine, Nancy — 145 Millstone Road, Wilton 06897 Frazier, Anne — 53 Toilsome Avenue, Norwalk 06851 Horne, Donna — 14 Starlight Drive, Norwalk 06851 Jennings, Nancy — 19 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Laurie, Lisa — 5 Captain’s Walk, Rowayton 06853 Maher, Ellen — 350 Flax Hill Road, S. Norwalk 06854 Moran, Susan — 47 Weston Road, Westport 06880 Russell, Martha — 75 Olmstead Hill Road, Wilton 06897 Sherwood, Pamela — 242 Old Long Ridge Road, Stamford 06903 Sosnowitz, Randy — 39 Sawmill Road, Stamford 06903 Stradford, Gail — 13 Couch Street, S. Norwalk 06854 Truslow, Elizabeth — 294 Chestnut Hill Road, Wilton 06897 Voris, Nina — 258 West Norwalk Road, Darien 06820 Watts, Judith — 159 Big Oak Road, Stamford 06903 Wedell, Wendy — 94 Witch Lane, Rowayton 06853

SOPHOMORES Bridge, Sandra — 297 Rockrimmon Road, Stamford 06903 Callahan, Ann — 23 Harbor Road, Darien 06820 Casey, Page — 9 Whaling Road, Darien 06820 Cohn, Sue — 259 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Coletti, Mary Beth — 620 Hollow Tree Ridge Road, Darien 06820 Elizabeth, Eiseman — Rabbit Lane, Darien 06820 Fuller, Michele — 4 Oriole Drive, Norwalk 06851 Gilman, Deborah — 43 Highland Avenue, Rowayton 06853 Groves, Elizabeth — 177 West Norwalk Road, Darien 06820 Jacob, Shelby — 26 Old Farm Road, Darien 06820 Jaffe, Irene — 167 East Rocks Rod, Norwalk 06851 Josem, Nancy — Sasqua Pond Road, Norwalk 06855 Kaliff, Laurette — 1163 Unquowa Road, Fairfield 96430 Laundon, Gail - Fiddler’s Green, Butler’s Island, Darien 06820 Laurie, Jennifer — 5 Captain’s Walk, Rowayton 06853 McCullough, Robin - 57 Crooked Trail, Rowayton 06853 Meyer, Debra — 70 Clapboard Hill Road, Green’s Farms 06436 Pritz, Gayaura — 29 Avenue E., S. Norwalk 06854 Saxon, Catherine — 241 Old Hickory Road, Fairfield 06430 Simpson, Loraine — 401 Highland Aveue, S. Norwalk 06854 Tuttle, Amanda — Mayfair Lane, Greenwich 06830 Vetter, Kathleen — 162 East Rocks Road, Norwalk 06851 Williams, Beverly — 78 Woodwoard Avenue, S. Norwalk 06854

JUNIORS Bechert, Kimberly — 330 Hycliff Terrace, Stamford 06902 Billings, Lucinda — 91 Witch Lane, Rowayton 06853 Boots, Muffin — 16 Sunswyck Road, Darien 06820 Browne, Charlotte — 190 Fifth Street, Stamford 06903 Clements, Francine — 87 Ridge Acres Road, Darien 06820 Crook, Tressa — 3401 Oakenshaw Place, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 Dwiggins, Pamela — 6 Bittersweet Trail, Rowayton 06853 Gibbs, Peggy — Wilson Point, S. Norwalk 06854 Gray, Kimberly — 32 West Road, New Canaan 06840 Greist, Leslie — 177 Ocean Drive West, Stamford 06902 Hausberg, Christina — 6 Redwood Road, Norwalk 06851 Holt, Evelyn — 16 Side Hill Road, Westport 06880 Hopkins, Elizabeth — 6 Pilgrim Road, Darien 06820 Knight, Kimberly — 30 Country Club Road, Darien 06820 Lee, Suzanne — 1246 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan 06840 Lowry, Jane — 223 Canoe Hill Road, New Canaan 06840 Manning, Kimberly — 31 Little Fox Lane, Wilton 06897 Martin, Susan — 15 Nearwater Road, Rowayton 06853 Moreland, Felicia — 96 Wilson Avenue, Rowayton 96853 Rudomanski, Vicki — Buttery Road, Norwalk 06850 Segall, Laura — 51 Hope Street, Stamford 06906 Shepard, L. Louise — 489 Haviland Road, Stamford 06903 Trefrey, Elizabeth — 42 Nearwater Road, Rowayton 06853

SENIORS Bollard, Nina — 2428 Long Ridge Road, Stamford 06903 Bronson, Amy — 507 Westover Road, Stamford 06902 Carroll, Laura — 424 Rowayton Avenue, S. Norwalk 06854 Crilly, Jo Ann — 261 Sawmill Road, Stamford 06903 Dixon, Cary — Tinywood Road, Darien 06820 Freiman, Jessica — 184 Brookdale Road, Stamford 06903 Hayes, Karen — 22 Laurel Lane, Wilton 06897 Hooper, Carolyn — 95 Pembroke Road, Darien 06820 Kehaya, Lisa — P.O. Box 927, Wrightsville, Beach, N.C. 28480 Miller, Nicola — 98 Five Mile River Road, Darien 06820 Nemeth, Marguerite — 437 West Hill Road, Stamford 06902 Shulman, Rebecca — 64 Round Hill Drive, Stamford 06903 Smiley, Lydia — 32 Rockland Road, S. Norwalk 06854 Smith, Amy — Harpswell Road, Brunswick, Maine Stout, Lucia — 3 Barnfield Road, Rowayton 06853 Thompson, Ann — 385 Flax Hill Road, S. Norwalk 06854 Tolies, Amanda — 91 Bickford Lane, New Canaan 06840 Truslow, Sara — 294 Chestnut Hill Road, Wilton 06897 White, Andrea — 175 Roseville Road, Westport 06880

CREDITS PHOTOGRAPHY Andre Laferriere Steven Thomas Lisa Kehaya Wendy Morgan Amy Smith With thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Mrs. Rooney

ART Nina Bollard Laura Carroll Catherine Saxon

I used to get mad at my schoi The teacher that taught mew You’re holding me down, turr Filling me up with your rules I admit it’s getting better A little better all the time.


John Lennon & Paul McCartney


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