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P. 55 - 'Facebook' from Flickr by Book Catalog. Licensed under CC BY 2.0. P. 57 - 'Isaac's 1pm check-in on WebEX, Liam' from Flickr by Alpha. Licensed under - CC BY-NC 2.0. P. 58 - Image from UNESCO, 'startling digital divides in distance learning emerge', accessed 16 May 2021 https://en.unesco.org/ news/startling-digital-divides-distance-learning-emerge. Licensed as All Rights Reserved but is available for personal, non-commerical use.



Towards a Crisis-Proof Schengen Area: Post-Covid and Beyond

by Joao bessa Pereira, Virginia izzo, Claudia Quinn and ela rautner

P. 4 - 'European Flag' from Flickr by Rock Cohen. Licensed under - CC BY-SA 2.0. P. 6 - 'Members of the Schengen Information System (SIS) from Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under - CC-BY-SA-4.0.

1 Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community, 25 March 1957, Article 3. 2 "Schengen Agreement" Schengen Visa Info, Updated November 25 2020, (2020), accessed 13 December 2020, https://www. schengenvisainfo.com/schengen-agreement/. 3 Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on a Union Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders (Schengen Borders Code), March 23, 2016, Article 25. 4 European Commission, Notifications of temporary reintroduction of border control. 5 Schengen Visa Info, 'Schengen Area in the brink of suspension: what could be the consequences' (2020). 6 Schengen Visa Info News, '21/26 Schengen countries have already closed borders while EC still mulls Schengen suspen sion idea' (2020). 7 Hanne Beirens, Susan Fratzke and Lena Kains, 'When Emergency Measures become the norm: post-coronavirus pros pects for the Schengen zone' Migration Policy Institute (2020). 8 Sofia Vasilopoulou and Liina Talving, 'Opportunity or threat? How Europeans view freedom of movement' LSE Blog, (2018). 9 Darren Neville, 'Cost of Non-Schengen: The Impact of Border Controls within Schengen on the Single Market' Director ate-General for Internal Policies; European Parliamentary Research Service (2016), 9. 10 European Parliament, 'Schengen: what issues affect the border-free zone?' (2020). 11 Schengen Borders Code, (2016), Article 25. 12 Ibid. 13 Europol, 'Europol in brief', (2019), 14. 14 European Commission, 'Notifications of temporary reintroduction of border control' 15 Sevgi Cilingir, '“Europe Without Borders” and the Future of European Integration: Internal Border Controls in the Schengen Area' in Yilmaz Bayar (ed.),Handbook of Research on Social and Economic Development in the European Union, (Turkey, 2019), 463-467. 16 Europol, Partners and Agreements, accessed 13 December 2020, https://www.europol.europa.eu/partners-agreements 17 Europol, Governance and Accountability, accessed 13 December 2020, https://www.europol.europa.eu/about-europol/gov ernance-accountability 18 UK Government, 'Police and Crime Commissioners: progress to date' (2014). 19 Ibid, 3. 20 Schengen Borders Code, (2016), Articles 22, 23, 24. 21 Schengen Borders Code, (2016), Article 27; it reads “Procedure for the temporary reintroduction of border control at inter nal borders under Article 25”. 22 Unprecedented meaning a threat the Member State has never experienced before, as it has been Covid-19. 23 Schengen Borders Code, (2016), Article 2(21). 24 "What Happens when Countries Break EU Environmental Law?" ClientEarth, accessed 27 November 2020, https://www. clientearth.org/latest/latest-updates/stories/what-happens-when-countries-break-eu-environmental-law/.

Freedom in Europe: Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

by natalia Vasnier, noe amelynCk, léo sgambato, Catherine burke, Jonas deCker and mirJam seiler

P. 8 - Image from Unsplash by Külli Kittus. Licensed under the Unsplash License. P. 10 - 'About Ten Thousand People Attended A Rally in Dublin in Memory of Savita Halappanavar' from Flickr by William Murphy. Licensed under - CC BY-SA 2.0.

2 Natalie Picken, 'Sexuality Education across the European Union: An Overview', Publications Office of the European Union, (2021), 6. 3 Ibid, 7. 4 Dunja Mijatovic, ‘Comprehensive Sexuality Education Protects Children and Helps Build a Safer, Inclusive Society’, Commis sioner for Human Rights (2020). 5 ‘European Contraception Atlas 2020 EPF’, accessed 9 March 2021, https://www.epfweb.org/european-contraception-atlas. 6 Ludovica Anedda, Lucy Arora, Luca Favero, Nathalie Meurens, Sophie Morel, and Martha Schofield, ‘Sexual and reproductive health rights and the implication of conscientious objection’, Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs (2018). 7 Francesca Minerva, ‘Conscientious objection in Italy’, Journal of Medical Ethics (2014), 170. 8 ‘Europe’s Abortion Laws: A Comparative Overview’, Centre for Reproductive Rights, accessed 1 March 2021, https://repro ductiverights.org/european-abortion-law-comparative-overview-0/. 9 Pauline Cullen and Elzbieta Korolczuk, ‘Challenging abortion stigma: framing abortion in Ireland and Poland’, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 37 (2019), 6. 10 Anedda et al., 'Sexual and reproductive health rights and the implication of conscientious objection', 51. 11 'Europe Abortion Access Project', Universitat de Barcelona (2021), accessed 15th March 2021, https://europeabortionac cessproject.org/. 12 Helga Gibbons, Mathilde Chanfreau, Irene Donadio, Eef Wuyts, Lena Luyckfasseel, Caroline Hickson, Anna Michalowicz, et al. The IPPf EN Partner Survey: Abortion Legislation and Its Implementation in Europe and Central Asia, Interna tional Planned Parenthood Federation (Brussels, 2020), 12. 13 World Health Organisation, 'Safe Abortion: Technical and Policy Guidance for Health Systems', (2012), 36, 78. 14 European Parliament, 'Planned Medical Treatment Abroad', accessed 15th of March 2021, 2021, https://europa.eu/youreu rope/citizens/health/planned-healthcare/index_en.htm. 15 Gibbons et al., 'The IPPF EN Partner Survey', 16. 16 Anedda et al., 'Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and the Implication of Conscientious Objection', 8. 17 Marianne Cense, Milleke de Neef, and Wilco Visscher, 'Culture, Religion and Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights Knowledge file' Rutgers (2018) 12. 18 Anedda, 'Sexual and reproductive health rights and the implication of conscientious objection', 9. 19 Anna Carnegie and Rachel Roth, 'From the Grassroots to the Oireachtas: Abortion Law Reform in the Republic of Ireland', Health and Human Rights, 21 (2019), 109-120. 20 Ibid. 21 Pierre-André Michaud, Annemieke Visser, Johanna Vervoort, Paul Kocken, Sijmen Reijneveld, Mitch Blair, Denise Alexan der, Michael Rigby, Martin Weber, and Danielle Jansen, ‘Do European Union Countries Adequately Address the Healthcare Needs of The Adolescents in the Area of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights?’ Archives of Disease in Childhood, 105, (2020), 40–46. 22 Swedish National Agency for Education, 'Sex Education: Gender equality, sexuality and human relationships in the Swedish Curricula', (2014). 23 Marcin Orzechowski, Marianne Nowak, Katarzyna Bielińska, Anna Chowaniec, Robert Doričić, Mojca Ramšak, Paweł Łuków, Amir Muzur, Zvonka Zupanič-Slavec and Florian Steger, 'Social diversity and access to healthcare in Europe: how does Euro pean Union’s legislation prevent from discrimination in healthcare' BMC Public Health, 20, (2020). 24 Ibid 25 'Sex Education: Gender equality, sexuality and human relationships in the Swedish Curricula'. 26 'About Us', Global Doctors For Choice, accessed 20 March 2021, https://globaldoctorsforchoice.org. 27 'Glossary of Summaries', European Union, accessed 21 March 2021, https://europa.eu/!UU39wR 28 'Summaries of EU Legislation: Rules on Crossing EU Borders' European Union, accessed 21 March 2021, https://europa. eu/!RW38Ww. 29 European Commission, 'Consultation: Transformation Health and Care in the Digital Single Market' European Union (2018), 15. 30 'International Partnerships' European Union, accessed 21 March 2021, https://ec.europa.eu/international-partnerships/ our-impact_en; 'Parliamentary Questions' European Union (2008), accessed 21st March 2021, https://www.europarl.euro pa.eu/sides/getAllAnswers.do?reference=E-2008-0700&language=EN.


The International Community's Response to China's Human Rights Abuses in Xinjiang

by niCola hoPe and Anonymous

P. 12 - 'Z-9 Light Attack Helicopters' from Flickr by rhk111. Image in the public domain. P. 13 - 'Uighur Protest' from Flickr by Malcolm Brown. Licensed under - CC BY-SA 2.0. P. 14 - Image from Unsplash by Kuzzat. Licensed under the Unsplash License.

accessed 2 December 2020, bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-5051106. 2 Ibid. 3 ICIJ, 'Read the China Cables Documents', China Cables, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, 24 No vember 2019, accessed 14 November 2020, https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6558510-China-Cables-Telegram-En glish.html. 4 Ibid. 5 Nathan Ruser, 'Explaining Xinjiang’s detention system', The Xinjiang Data Project, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, last modified September 2020, accessed 14 November 2020, https://xjdp.aspi.org.au/explainers/exploring-xinjiangs-deten tion-facilities/. 6 HE Ms Sally Mansfield Permanent Representative of Australia et al, “Joint statement to the High Commissioner for Hu man Rights,” Letter 8 July 2019, accessed 14 November 2020, https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/supporting_resourc es/190708_joint_statement_xinjiang.pdf. 7 Ibid. 8 James Griffiths, 'US blacklists 28 Chinese organizations and companies over Xinjiang camps, CNN Business, 8 October 2019, accessed 14 November 2020 https://edition.cnn.com/2019/10/08/business/us-china-xinjiang-black-list-intl-hnk/index. html. 9 Sheen Chestnut Greitens, Myunghee Lee and Emric Yazici, 'Understanding China’s "Preventative Repression" in Xinjiang', Brookings, March 4 2020, accessed 14 November 2020 https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/03/04/under standing-chinas-preventive-repression-in-xinjiang/. 10 Greitens et. al, 'Understanding China’s "Preventative Repression"'. 11 Ibid. 12 Murray Tanner, 'China’s Response to Terrorism' U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (2016). 13 Nick Cumming-Bruce, 'More than 35 Countries Defend China over mass detention of Uighur Muslims in UN Letter', The Independent, 13 July 2019, accessed 14 November 2020, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-mass-deten tions-uighur-muslims-un-letter-human-rights-a9003281.html. 14 'Russian Federation' Amnesty International, accessed 2 December 2020, https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/europe-andcentral-asia/russian-federation/; 'G20; Hold Saudi Arabia Accountable for Abuses', Human Rights Watch, accessed 2 December 2020, https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/11/09/g20-hold-saudi-arabia-accountable-abuses; 'Rohingya', Human Rights Watch, accessed 2 December 2020, https://www.hrw.org/tag/rohingya. 15 Rhea Mahbubani, 'Pakistani Leader Imran Khan Admitted he Refuses to Criticises China’s Treatment of its Uighur mi nority because they "helped us when we were at rock bottom"' Business Insider, 22 January 2020, accessed 2 December 2020 https://www.businessinsider.com/imran-khan-pakistan-wont-criticize-china-on-uighurs-2020-1?r=US&IR=T; Matt Schiavenza, 'Why Aren’t More Countries Confronting China over Xinjiang?' ChinaFile, 14 January 2020, accessed 14 November 2020, https://www.chinafile.com/reporting-opinion/viewpoint/why-arent-more-countries-confronting-chi na-over-xinjiang. 16 Ibid. 17 'A Surveillance State Unlike Any the World Has Ever Seen' SPIEGEL, accessed 4 December 2020, https://www.spiegel.de/ consent-a-?targetUrl=https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/china-s-xinjiang-province-a-surveillance-state-unlike-anythe-world-has-ever-seen-a-1220174.html&ref=https://www.google.com/. 18 UN General Assembly, Prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, 9 December 1948, A/RES/260, accessed 4 December 2020, https://www.refworld.org/docid/3b00f0873.html. 19 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 'China: 83 major brands implicated in report on forced labour of ethnic minorities from Xinjiang assigned to factories across provinces; includes company reponses' Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, 1 March 2020, accessed 4 Decem ber 2020 https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/china-83-major-brands-implicated-in-report-on-forced-la bour-of-ethnic-minorities-from-xinjiang-assigned-to-factories-across-provinces-includes-company-responses/. 22 '83 Companies Linked to Uighur Forced Labor' Save Uighur, 10 March 2020, accessed 15 November 2020, accessed 2 Decem ber 2020 www.saveuighur.org/83-companies-linked-to-uighur-forced-labor/. 23 Ibid. 24 'US Blacklists 11 Firms over China’s Treatment of Uighurs' Al Jazeera, accessed 15 November 2020, www.aljazeera.com/econo my/2020/7/20/us-blacklists-11-firms-over-chinas-treatment-of-uighurs. 25 'The US Global Magnitsky Act', Human Rights Watch, 28 October 2020, accessed 4 December 2020, https://www.hrw.org/ news/2017/09/13/us-global-magnitsky-act. 26 'Responsibility to Protect', Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, accessed 2 December 2020, https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/about-responsibility-to-protect.shtml; Alex J. 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Blue Doves in Flight: Towards a New Model of Peacekeeping Communications

by Justine Fung and matthew ader

P. 19 - 'UN Peacekeepers Receive Medals' from Flickr by United Nations Photo. Licensed under - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. P. 20 - 'Contingent of Nepalese Peacekeepers Arrives in Juba from Haiti' from Flickr by United Nations Photo. Licensed under - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

1 Paul Williams, ‘Strategic Communications for Peace Operations’, International Peacekeeping, 26, (2019), 383-407. 2 Sebastiaan Rietjens and Chiara Ruffa, ‘Understanding Coherence in UN Peacekeeping: A Conceptual Framework’, Interna tional Peacekeeping, 26, (2019). 3 UN Information Centre, United Nations, accessed 13 February 2021, https://unic.un.org/aroundworld/unics/en/part nerships/communicationGroup/index.asp. 4 'Bangladesh: Three decades of service and sacrifice in UN Peacekeeping', (2018), United Nations Peacekeeping, accessed 13 February 2021 https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/bangladesh-three-decades-of-service-and-sacrifice-un-peacekeeping. 5 Katia Papagianni, ‘Mediation, Political Engagement, Peacebuilding’, Global Governance, 16, (2010). 6 UN Operations, United Nations, accessed 13 February 2021, https://www.unops.org/about/our-story/mission-vision-pur pose#:~:text=Our%20mission%20is%20to%20help,achieve%20peace%20and%20sustainable%20development. 7 Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), ‘United Nations Infantry Battalion Manual Vol 1’, United Nations, (2012), 48, accessed 13 February 2021, https://peacekeeping.un.org/sites/default/files/peacekeeping/en/UNIBAM.Vol.I.pdf.

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A Suggestion for Social Housing Policy in England

by oliVer bruFal

P. 23 - 'Sunset over St Paul's Cathedral and City of London' from Flickr by JackPeasePhotography. Licensed under - CC BY 2.0 P. 24 - 'Council House bridge removal' from Flickr by Coventry City Council. Licensed under - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

1 Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, ‘Social Housing Lettings: April 2018 to March 2019, England’, Housing Statistical Release (London, 2020), 1, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/at tachment_data/file/861471/Social_Housing_Lettings_in_England_April_2018_to_March_2019.pdf. 2 Torsten Bell, ‘In the coronavirus jobs wipeout, the young and low earners suffer most’, The Guardian (London, 2020), https:// www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/05/covid-19-jobs-wipeout-young-low-earners-hardest-hit; Richard Blundell, Robert Joyce, Monica Costa Dias and Xiaowei Xu, ‘Covid-19: the impacts of the pandemic on inequality’, The Institute for Fiscal Studies (London, 2020), https://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/14879. 3 Alex Schwartz, ‘The credit crunch and subsidized low-income housing: the UK and US experience compared’, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 26, 3 (2011), 371. 4 Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, ‘Social Housing Lettings' 3. 5 Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, ‘Table 600: numbers of households on local authorities’ housing waiting lists, by district, England, from 1997’, Statistical data set: Live tables on rents, lettings and tenancies, https://www.gov. uk/government/statistical-data-sets/live-tables-on-rents-lettings-and-tenancies. 6 Joe Beswick, Duncan McCann and Hanna Wheatley, ‘Building the Social Homes we need’, New Economics Foundation, 13,

http://www.nationwidefoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Building-the-social-homes-we-need_191120_150504. pdf ; M. Stephens, ‘Tackling housing market volatility in the UK’, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, https://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/ default/files/jrf/migrated/files/housing-markets-volatility-full.pdf. 7 OECD, ‘Social Housing: A key part of past and future housing policy’, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Policy Briefs (Paris, 2020), 19. 8 Ibid, 20. 9 Housing Ombudsman Service, ‘Business Plan 2020-21’, 2, https://www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk/wp-content/up loads/2020/11/Housing-Ombudsman-business-plan-2020-21.pdf. 10 Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, ‘The Charter for Social Housing Residents: Social Housing White Paper’, Section 1, 6. 11 Ibid, Section 67, 40. 12 Ibid, Section 98, 49.


Access to Green Finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the United Kingdom

by rebeCCa Flowers and irina tabaCaru

P. 26 - 'Crop farmer showing money in green summer field in countryside' from Pexels by Karolina Grabowska. Licensed under the Pexels License. P. 28 - 'Bank of England' from Flickr by Diamond Geezer. Licensed under - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

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1 'The economic damages of 3°C warming for SIDS and LDCs', Climate Analytics (2019). 2 UNFCCC, Decision 1/CP.21, Adoption of the Paris Agreement, UN Doc FCCC/CP/2015/10/Add.1 (2015). 3 E. Boyd, R.A. James, R.G. Jones, H.R. Young, F. Otto, 'A typology of loss and damage perspectives', Nat. Clim, Change 7, (2017), 723–729. 4 CAN, 'Climate Action Network Submission on the Scope of the Technical Paper Exploring Sources of Support for Loss and Damage and Modalities for Accessing Support' (2018), accessed 10 April 21, https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/ CAN%20Loss%20and%20Damage%20Submission_%20022018.pdf. 5 Calculated using data from: Our World in Data, 'Who Has Contributed the Most to Global CO2 emissions?' (2019); and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 'LDCs at a Glance' (2021) accessed 15 April 21 https://ourworldindata. org/ contributed-most-global-co2, https://www.un.org/development/desa/dpad/least-developed-country-catego ry/ldcs-at-a-glance.html. 6 R. Mechler et al., 'Science for Loss and Damage. Findings and Propositions' (2019), in R. Mechler, L. Bouwer, T. Schinko, S. Surminski, J. Linnerooth-Bayer (eds), Loss and Damage from Climate Change. Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance (2019), 3-37. 7 OECD Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development, 'Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2020' (2020). 8 William Worley, 'Breaking: UK cuts aid budget to 0.5% of GNI', Devex (2020). 9 UNFCCC, 'Decision 2/CP.19, Warsaw International Mechanism for loss and damage associated with climate change impacts', UN Doc FCCC/CP/2013/10/Add (2018). 10 UNFCCC, 'Decision 1/CP.21, Adoption of the Paris Agreement, UN Doc FCCC/CP/2015/10/Add.1' (2015). 11 M.J. Mace and R. Verheyen, 'Loss, Damage and Responsibility after COP21: All Options Open for the Paris Agreement', REI CEL, 25 (2), (2016). 12 UNFCCC, 'Decision 1/CP.21. 59 Decision 1/CP.21, para. 51, Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage Associ ated with Climate Change Impacts', UN Doc. FCCC/2015/10/Add.1, 29 (2016). 13 T. Hirsch, 'Study: Climate Finance for Addressing Loss and Damage', Brot für die Welt (2019). 14 R. Mechler et al., 'Science for Loss and Damage. Findings and Propositions' in R. Mechler, L. Bouwer, T. Schinko, S. Surmins ki, J. Linnerooth-Bayer (eds), 'Loss and Damage from Climate Change. Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance', (2019), 3-37. 15 S. Huq, 'Making polluters pay for loss and damage', Daily Star (2019). 16 S. Griffith-Jones, A., Persaud, 'Financial Transaction Taxes ‒ a Report Produced for the Committee on Economic and Mone tary Affairs' (2012). 17 J.A. Richards and K. Boom, 'Big Oil, Coal and Gas Producers Paying for their Climate Damage', Climate Justice Programme (CJP) and Heinrich Böll Foundation, Ecology 39 (2014). 18 T. Hirsch, 'Study: Climate Finance for Addressing Loss and Damage', Brot für die Welt (2019). 19 J.E. Aldy and R.N. Stavins 'The Promise and Problems of Pricing Carbon: Theory and Experience', The Journal of Environment & Development 21 2, (2012), 152-180. 20 UNEP, 'The Emissions Gap Report 2018', United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi (2018). 21 R. Mechler, 'Finance for Loss and Damage: Towards a Principled Approach?', Powerpoint presentation at ACT Alliance, Brot für die Welt, German Institute for Development workshop on 25 June 2019, Bonn (2019). 22 Climate Vulnerable Forum, “About”, (2021), accessed April 2021, https://thecvf.org/about/. 23 T. Hirsch, 'A Resource Guide to Climate Finance', ACT Alliance and Brot für die Welt (2018). 24 Global Environmental Facility, 'Least Developed Countries Fund - LDCF', (2021), accessed April 2021, https://www.thegef. org/topics/least-developed-countries-fund-ldcf. 25 T. Hirsch, 'Study: Climate Finance for Addressing Loss and Damage', Brot für die Welt (2019). 26 T. Laing, M. Sato, M. Grubb, C. Comberti, 'Assessing the effectiveness of the EU Emissions Trading System', Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, Working Paper 126; Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Envi ronment Working Paper 106 (2013). 27 UNEP, 'The Emissions Gap Report 2018', United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi (2018). 28 R. Mechler et al., 'Science for Loss and Damage. Findings and Propositions' (2019) in R. Mechler, L. Bouwer, T. Schinko, S. Surminski, J. Linnerooth-Bayer (eds) 'Loss and Damage from Climate Change. Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance' (2019) 3-37. 28. A. Durand, V. Hoffmeister, J.T. Roberts, J. Gewirtzman, S. Natson, R. Weikmans, and S. Huq,'Financing options for loss and damage: A review and roadmap (Initial Provisional Draft)' Climate and Development Lab (CDL), Brown University International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) (2016).

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COVID-19 and the Education Crisis: Using the 'A-Level Fiasco' as a Catalyst for Regulatory Reform

by udit mahalingam and miChael head

P. 38 - 'A Level results day 2012' from Flickr by City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College. Licensed under - CC BY 2.0.

1 Alex Hern, 'Ofqual's A-Level Algorithm: Why Did It Fail To Make The Grade?' The Guardian (2020), https://www.theguard ian.com/education/2020/aug/21/ofqual-exams-algorithm-why-did-it-fail-make-grade-a-levels. 2 Ibid. 3 Camilla Turner, 'A-Level Algorithm Predicts Inaccurate Grades At Least A Third Of The Time, Exam Regulator’s Analysis Re veals' The Telegraph (2020), https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/08/16/a-level-algorithm-predicts-inaccurate-gradesleast-third-time/; Ofqual, 'Awarding GCSE, AS, A level, advanced extension awards and extended project qualifications in summer 2020: interim report', (2020), 76-82. 4 Richard Adams and Heather Stewart, 'Williamson Told About Flaws In A-Level Model Two Weeks Before Results' The Guard ian, (2020) https://www.theguardian.com/education/2020/sep/01/williamson-told-about-flaws-in-a-level-model-two-weeksbefore-results.

5 Michael Goodier, 'Top A-Level Grades Soar at Private Schools as Sixth Form Colleges Lose Out' NewStatesman (2020) https:// www.newstatesman.com/politics/education/2020/08/top-level-grades-soar-private-schools-sixth-form-colleges-lose-out. 6 Catherine Lough, 'Ofqual Knew GCSE and A-Level Results Were 'Unreliable'' Tes.com (2020), https://www.tes.com/news/ ofqual-knew-gcse-and-level-results-were-unreliable. 7 Ofqual, 'Ofqual’s Governance Framework' GOV.UK, (1 April 2010, last revised Nov 2019) https://assets.publishing.service.gov. uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/864633/Ofqual_Governance_Framework_Nov_2019.pdf. 8 Ibid. 9 Ofqual, 'Extraordinary Regulatory Framework: General Qualifications, COVID-19 Conditions and Requirements', GOV.UK ) (11 June 2020, last revised Oct 2020), https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attach ment_data/file/930810/6704_-_Extraordinary_regulatory_framework_-_General_Qualifications_COVID-19_Conditions_ and_Requirements.pdf. 10 Jessica Elgot, 'Senior Tory MP calls for abolition of Ofqual over exam grades crisis' The Guardian (2020), https://www.google. co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/politics/2020/aug/18/senior-tory-mp-robert-halfon-calls-for-abolition-of-ofqual-over-ex am-grades-crisis. 11 Ofqual, 'Ofqual Handbook: General Conditions of Recognition', GOV.UK. (12 October 2017 last revised 11 November 2020), https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ofqual-handbook. 12 Ofqual, 'Ofqual Handbook: General Conditions of Regulation: Section A: Governance' GOV.UK. (12 October 2017 last re vised 11 November 2020) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ofqual-handbook/section-a-governance. 13 Ibid. 14 Ibid.

Addressing the educational needs of refugee youth in the face of COVID-19

by lameez siddiQui

P. 41 - 'Syrian refugee children in a Lebanese school classroom' from Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under - CC-BY-SA-2.0. P. 42 - 'Turkey: Assisting Refugees in Need' from Flickr by EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid. Licensed under CC BY-NCND 2.0.

1 A. Scleicher, 'The Impact of COVID-19 on Education Insights from Education at a Glance 2020' OECD (2020). 2 Ibid. 3 Refugee Action, 'What are the real facts about refugees?' (2020), https://www.refugee-action.org.uk/about/facts-about-refu gees/#:~:text=in%20the%20UK%3F-,No.,of%20the%20UK's%20total%20population. 4 S. Weale, 'Refugee children face long delays accessing education in the UK' The Guardian (2018) 5 Mind 'How is coronavirus affecting the mental health of students?' (2020), https://www.mind.org.uk/information-sup port/coronavirus/student-mental-health-during-coronavirus/#:~:text=Mind's%20coronavirus%20survey%20results%20re vealed,health%20declined%20during%20the%20lockdown. 6 Refugee Action, 'Insights into EU citizens and EUSS, Access to vaccinations and learning in lockdown' Bulletin 08, (2021) https://www.ragp.org.uk/blog/bulletin8. 7 Refugee Support Network 'COVID-19 crisis: emerging impact on young refugees’ education and wellbeing in the UK' Policy Brief, (2020). 8 C. Heeke, N. Stammel, M. Heinrich and C. Knaevelsrud, 'Conflict-related trauma and bereavement: exploring differential symptom profiles of prolonged grief and posttraumatic stress disorder' BMC Psychiatry (2017). 9 UNHCR, 'Supporting continued access to education during COVID-19: Emerging Promising Practices' Issue 2, (2020). 10 UNESCO (n.d.) 'Refugee children are five times more likely to be out of school than others' https://en.unesco.org/news/refu gee-children-are-five-times-more-likely-be-out-school-others]


What Policies Should High-Income Countries Implement to Combat the Impact of Covid-19 on Population Mental Health

by gursharan khera, kunzang selden, Coralie gauVin-bélair, eleanor PaCe

P. 44 - 'Checking Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the fight against Ebola' from Flickr by DFID - UK Department for Interna tional Development. Licensed under - CC BY 2.0. P. 46 - 'Mental Health' from Flickr by Kevin Simmons. Licensed under - CC BY 2.0.

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3 Samantha K Brooks, Rebecca K Webster, Louise E Smith, Lisa Woodland, Simon Wessely, Neil Greenberg, and Gideon James Rubin, 'The Psychological Impact of Quarantine and How to Reduce It: Rapid Review of the Evidence' The Lancet, 395 (2020), 912–20. 4 Brett Marroquín,Vera Vine and Reed Morgan, 'Mental Health During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Effects Of Stay-At-Home Policies, Social Distancing Behavior, And Social Resources' Psychiatry Research 293, (2020) 5 Brooks et. al. 'The Psychological Impact of Quarantine'. 6 Jianyin Qiu, Bin Shen, Min Zhao, Zhen Wang, Bin Xie, Yifeng Xu, 'A nationwide survey of pscyhological distress among Chi nese people in the COVID-19 epidemic: implications and policy recommendations' BMJ, (2020). 7 Brooks et. al. 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Kinicki, 'Psychological and physical well-be ing during unemployment: a meta-analytic study' Journal of Applied Psychology 1, 90 (2005), 53-76. 32 David Blutstein, Sliha Kozan and Alice Connors-Kellgren, 'Unemployment and underemployment: A narrative analysis about loss' Journal of Vocational Behavior 82, 3 (2013), 256-265. 33 Matthew L., Goldman, Benjamin G. Druss, Marcela Horvitz-Lennon, Grayson S. Norquist, Kristin Kroeger Ptakowski, Amy Brinkley, Miranda Greiner et al. 'Mental Health Policy in the Era of COVID-19' Psychiatric Services (2020) 34 Ibid. 35 Australian Government Department of Health, 'COVID-19 National Health Plan – Supporting the mental health of Australians through the Coronavirus pandemic' Australian Government Department of Health (2020), accessed December 10, 2020. https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/covid-19-national-health-plan-supporting-the-mental-healthof-ausralians-through-the-coronavirus-pandemic.

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Why do the health inequalities in ethnic minority populations still exist?

by siobhan mCshane, ruPali laV, nadia dohadwala, enya khan, benJamin zuCkerman and Pedra rabiee

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Bridging the Economic Gap through Digital Literacy

by megan low and medina rahma Putri

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