Languages Welcome Learning languages at KGS is great fun! Languages are a life skill and, here in the KGS Languages department we offer a range of opportunities. In First Year, you’ll study two languages (French, Spanish, German or Italian) and there’s even an opportunity to learn some Mandarin. On top of learning the language, you will also learn about the culture, history, music and literature of each country where the languages are spoken. We can’t wait to say hello / bonjour / hola / halo / buongiorno / 你 好 to you in September.
Phenomenal Phrases: Discover what language is spoken in the country you’re visiting. Make a mini phrase book of the key words and expressions you might need. Remember to learn how to ask how to order food and where the loo is!
Holiday plans
Staying at home?
Are you going on holiday this summer? Here are our top tips for language learners abroad:
Staying at home but hungry for more? If you’re not going away but fancy taking your languages to a new level, check out our favourite language websites and apps:
Terrific Tourism: What are the key tourist attractions of your holiday destination? Do some research and collect some ideas of things you could do when you get there! Make a list and discuss with your family and friends! Incredible Investigation: Research the place you are going to! Make a poster about the culture. You could include information about the food, music, literature and history!
Sensational Speaking: Put your phrase book to use and seize every opportunity to chat to local people. Practice makes perfect here. Don’t worry if it feels a bit unnatural at first!
• Conjuguemos – Up your game by diving into vocabulary, grammar, listening activities and games of a range of languages. • Duolingo – learn foreign languages and get that daily streak going! • Linguascope – a beloved centre of games and vocabulary learning.