2012 ThinkFest programme

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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.� Albert Einstein

2012 Think!Fest Venue: All lectures take place in the Blue Theatre in the Eden Grove Complex, unless otherwise stated. Duration: 1 hour, unless otherwise stated Debates may extend to 1 hour 30 minutes Tickets for all events: R20, unless otherwise stated. Think!Fest Programme Convenor: Anthea Garman

2012 Think!Fest programme 29 June 10:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00

Jason Potgieter: Puppetry as Alchemy (15) Blue Theatre Grahamstown Voices: Naledi Nomalanga Mkhize (13) Nun’s Chapel Ferial Haffajee: Free Thinking Lecture (2) Blue Theatre Ahmed Kathrada: ANC Centenary – Bannings and Jailings (11) Blue Theatre Gael Beckett: What is Therapeutic about Therapy? (19) Blue Theatre

30 June 10:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00

Angus Douglas / Tim Sandham: Bosman’s Patriots (14) Blue Theatre Grahamstown Voices: Alan Weyer and Brian Mullins (13) Nun’s Chapel Ahmed Kathrada: Kathy, The Man Behind the Public Figure (14) Observatory Museum Barney Pityana: ANC Centenary – Silences and Gaps (11) Blue Theatre Mannie Manim / Janice Honeyman: The Oubaas and the Booitjie (10) Red Theatre Jack van Poll: My Life with the Jazz Greats (15) DSG Auditorium Bernedette Muthien: Ova (20) Nun’s Chapel Brett Bailey and Anton Krueger: Behind the Exhibits (13) Blue Theatre Cheryl Carolus: ANC Centenary – The Mass Struggle (11) Blue Theatre FILM: AFDA Retrospective: The Early Years (22) Seminar Room 1

1 July

12:00 14:00 16:30 20:00

Frene Ginwala: ANC Centenary – The Exile Years (12) Blue Theatre Grahamstown Voices: Ashwell Adriaan (13) Nun’s Chapel Yun Zhong: Under BRICS: What will a New Relationship between the Pearl River Delta and Africa be? (4) Blue Theatre Tim Sandham: A Bosman Companion (20) Nun’s Chapel PANEL: Evolution in Black and White (3) Blue Theatre Fiona Forde: The ANCYL and the Future of the ANC (12) Blue Theatre FILM: AFDA Retrospective: The Oscar Nominees (22) Seminar Room 1

10:00 10:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 17:30 18:00 18:00

Frank Chicane: ANC Centenary – The ANC in Power (12) Blue Theatre Grahamstown Voices: Julia Wells (13) Nun’s Chapel Fiona Forde: An Inconvenient Youth (21) Nun’s Chapel Brenda Schmahmann: The Art of George Pemba (10) Blue Theatre PANEL: The End Of Model C Schools As We Know Them? (5) Blue Theatre StringCaesar: Screening and Discussion (22) Blue Theatre FILM: AFDA Retrospective: The Big Award-winners (22) Seminar Room 1 FILM: The Uprising at Hangberg (9) Red Theatre

10:00 10:00 12:00

2 July

3 July 09:30 11:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 16:00 16:30 17:30 18:00 18:00

Bailey Snyman/Andre Carl vd Merwe: Writing and Staging Moffie (14) Blue Theatre Marcia Blumberg: Reworking Strindberg: Staging Yael Farber’s Mies Julie (14) Blue Theatre Frank Chicane: Eight Days in September (22) Nun’s Chapel PANEL: Cultural Boycotts – Are They Effective? (2) Blue Theatre PANEL: It Starts with a Story (4) Red Theatre FILM: AFDA Retrospective: Old Favourites (22) Seminar Room 1 PANEL: Arts Writing / Writing Arts (5) Blue Theatre Performance / Debate: Subject To Citizen (15) Red Theatre The Polis Series: Arena (12) Nun’s Chapel FILM: White Wedding (9) Blue Theatre

4 July 10:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:30 17:30 18:00 20:00

Stephen Townsend: The Ship of Theseus and Heritage Today (17) Blue Theatre Len Rosenberg: A City Within a City (17) Blue Theatre Pieter-Dirk Uys: Never too Naked (19) Red Theatre Chris Thurman: At Large: Reviewing the Arts in SA (21) Nun’s Chapel Robert Brusse: Mariannhill: A Chain Broken (17) Blue Theatre Lawson Naidoo: From Subject to Citizen: Let the People Govern (7) Red Theatre Franco Frescura: Architecture, Space and Culture (17) Blue Theatre PANEL: Culture and the Built Environment (17) Red Theatre Zackie Achmat: Being and Belonging (7) Blue Theatre The Polis Series: Cell (12) Nun’s Chapel FILM: AFDA Retrospective: The Early Years (22) Seminar Room 1

5 July 09:30 11:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 12:00 16:00 18:00 18:00 20:00

Steven Friedman: Speaking Power’s Truth (7) Blue Theatre PANEL: Mediated Citizenship in South Africa (8) Blue Theatre Janet Suzman: Cleopatra Re-visited (19) Red Theatre Brent Meersman: Reports Before Daybreak (21) Nun’s Chapel Steve Robins: The Limits to Liberation (7) Blue Theatre FILM: Dear Mandela (9) Seminar Room 1 PANEL: Activism and Agency (8) Blue Theatre The Polis Series: Spring (12) Nun’s Chapel FILM: Jerusalema (9) Blue Theatre FILM: AFDA Retrospective: The Oscar Nominees (22) Seminar Room 1

6 July 10:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 16:00 16:00 18:00 18:00 18:00

Katie du Toit Barnard: Fracking in the Karoo (16) Blue Theatre George Scola: Stroke Survivor (19) Blue Theatre Riaan Manser: Around Iceland on Inspiration and other adventures (21) Nun’s Chapel Julia Wells: The Return of Maskhanda, Exploring the Legend (21) Red Theatre Tracey Derrick: One in Nine (18) Blue Theatre Xolela Mangcu: Free Thinking Lecture (2) Blue Theatre Landmark Foundation: Out of Silence – Leopard Trapping (16) Red Theatre FILM: AFDA Retrospective: The Big Award-winners (22) Seminar Room 1 Chris Mann / Janet Suzman: Home From Home (15) Blue Theatre The Polis Series: Border (12) Nun’s Chapel FILM: Cry the Beloved Country (9) Red Theatre

7 July 10:00 12:00 12:00 17:30 18:00 18:00 18:00

George Scola: Beit Bridge to Cape Point (18) Blue Theatre Riaan Manser: Around Iceland on Inspiration (18) Blue Theatre Rosemary Smith: Swimming with Cobras (21) Nun’s Chapel Forever Wild Foundation: Rhino Poaching – Themba’s Story (16) Blue Theatre The Polis Series: Market (12) Nun’s Chapel FILM: AFDA Retrospective: Old Favourites (22) Seminar Room 1 FILM: Skin (9) Red Theatre

8 July 10:00 12:00 14:00

FILM: U-Carmen Ekhayelitsha (9) Seminar Room 1 PANEL: Making Your Way in the Arts World (17) Blue Theatre Filming the Future – The Neons Documentary (18) Blue Theatre

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Think!Fest 2012

Free thinkers/big debates


BIG DEBATES Cultural Boycotts – Are They Effective?

Ferial Haffajee Friday 29 July 12:00


Tuesday 3 July 14:00

erial Haffajee is the Editor in Chief of the City Press newspaper. She was the first woman editor of the Mail & Guardian (from 2004 to 2009) and has served as chairperson of the South African National Editor’s Forum. Haffajee sits on the boards of the International Women’s Media Foundation, the World Editors Forum, the International Press Institute and the Inter Press Service. In this talk Haffajee will pick a hot issue and cast her investigative eye upon it to give a lecture that is bound to be controversial but, at the same time balanced, intelligent and well-researched. The subject of this talk will be announced closer to the Festival – giving Haffajee the opportunity to select an issue that is uppermost in people’s mind at the time of the Festival.


n light of recent events in Israel, the arts community, the government and the global community, need to critically examine the use of cultural boycotts as a means to a political end. Activists, artists and academics converge to examine cultural boycotts and their effectiveness – taking the cultural boycott against South Africa during the apartheid regime as a reference point. This discussion will be chaired by Think!Fest convenor and Associate Professor in the Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies, Anthea Garman. J. Brooks Spector spent three decades as an American diplomat specialising in

Xolela Mangcu Friday 6 July 16:00


nown for his outspoken and fearless statements in public, academic, columnist, author, instigator, and all-round provocateur, Xolela Mangcu will tell us what is on his mind right now and should be spoken out loud in our public sphere. Xolela Mangcu is a guest lecturer at the Democracy and Diversity Institute at the University of Cape Town. He is a columnist for Business Day and the Sunday Independent. Mangcu holds a DPhil from Cornell University in the US and he is a fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and the Rockefeller Foundation. Before moving to UCT he directed the Platform for Public Deliberation at Wits University and before that was the Executive Director for the Human Sciences Research Council programme on Social Cohesion and Identity Research. His most recent book Becoming Worthy Ancestors (edited with Carolyn Hamilton) urges South Africans to engage with the meanings of identity and citizenship and to understand the value of archives and memories.

Craig Morris

Robert Blumenschine

Andrea Leenen

Greg Melvill-Smith

Big debates

J. Brooks Spector

Think!Fest 2012

Iain ‘Ewok’ Robinson

international cultural and educational exchanges. He is currently Associate Editor of the online publication, The Daily Maverick. In 1992 he led negotiations for the return of American cultural and educational exchanges with the emerging non-racial, new South Africa, culminating in the month-long visit by the Dance Theatre of Harlem to South Africa. Iain ‘Ewok’ Robinson is an actor and hip hop-flavoured, spoken-word artist. He is a signatory to the South African Artists Against Apartheid declaration and, in 2011, cancelled his performances at the Hilton Arts Festival as he felt that he could not participate in an “event that enjoys the support and patronage

Evolution in Black and White Presented by the Palaeontological Scientific Trust (PAST)

Sunday 1 July 14:00


frica is the birthplace of humankind, the continent on which the ancestors of all people originated, and the place which preserves a fossil record of the origins of humans and other life forms which is unmatched in its richness and time depth. Is it not ironic then that the continent has been home to some of the most divisive and cruel political processes in contemporary history? This womb of humankind has spawned some of our most torturous behaviours, from colonialism through apartheid and into contemporary dictatorships. This womb as a symbol of life now represents death,

Mike van Graan

of the Israeli Government in any form”. Mike van Graan is the Executive Director of the African Arts Institute (AFAI) that develops leadership for the African creative sector and helps build regional markets for African artists and their works. After the 1994 elections, he was appointed a special adviser to the minister responsible for arts and culture where he played an influential role in shaping post-apartheid cultural policies. Robert van Niekerk is Professor of Social Policy at Rhodes University and Director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research. He has a keen interest in social policy in destruction and decomposition. What can the origin sciences say about these sociological and political travesties? What are your concerns about the subject of evolution and our common human origins in Africa? Andrea Leenen is Chief Executive Officer at PAST. She holds an Honours degree in Archaeology and Anthropology and a MSc. degree in Palaeontology from the University of the Witwatersrand. Greg Melvill-Smith has worked in the performing arts for 27 years on stage and in film and television. Together with PAST, he initiated, and has run, The Walking Tall Educational Theatre Project, which has been seen across Africa and in Europe. Robert Blumenschine holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of California, and is a Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University. He has co-led palaeoanthropological research at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania for over two decades. Rob joined

Robert van Niekerk

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Salim Vally

post-apartheid South Africa – particularly policies aimed at overcoming inequality and developing the social rights of citizenship and the “good society”. Salim Vally is the Director of the Centre for Education Rights and Transformation and Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg. He serves on the boards of various professional organisations and NGOs, and is active in various social movements and solidarity organisations. He is passionate in his endeavour to liberate the discourse of rights from the protective clutches of juridical experts where it often ineffectively resides. PAST as its Chief Educational and Scientific Strategist in 2009. Craig Morris is one of South Africa’s foremost Physical Theatre exponents. Craig has been involved in numerous artistic projects involving paleontological fields. He has worked with PAST for the last four years as Director on their Walking Tall Educational Theatre Project. Greg Melvill-Smith and Craig Morris conceptualised, and perform in, ReVerse, a Festival Arena production on the origins of Humankind, which can be seen at The Hangar from 28 June to 2 July – see page 29 of the Programme. PAST is a public benefit organisation that, since 1994, has been dedicated to the protection, preservation and promotion of Africa’s ancient cultural and natural heritage for the benefit of Africans and humankind in its entirety. For more information on PAST, please visit www.past.org.za

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Think!Fest 2012

big debates

It Starts With a Story The Power of Reading for Enjoyment Tuesday 3 July 14:00 Red Theatre


al’ibali (‘Here’s the story’ in isiXhosa) is a national Reading for Enjoyment initiative, launched in June. It aims to promote and support a love of storytelling and reading among South African children and the people they interact with in their homes and communities. Initiated by the Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA) and Avusa Media, the initiative builds on PRAESA’s experiences with early biliteracy and Avusa’s commitment to getting appropriate storybooks to children across South Africa. In a panel discussion co-hosted by PRAESA, the Comprehensive Literacy Outreach Programme and The Herald, issues relating to literature, literacy and

languages, and the interrelationship needed to inspire children to want to read and write, will be raised Carole Bloch is the director of PRAESA and has a PhD in early literacy in African settings. She has conducted research into young children’s literacy and biliteracy learning in multilingual African settings, facilitated training for teachers and teacher trainers, and facilitated the publication of several books for children of all ages in various languages. Bloch is a founder and trustee of the Little Hands Trust, which promotes and supports the development of children’s literature in Africa.

Margie Orford is Executive Vice-President of South African PEN. She is an award-winning journalist and internationallyacclaimed writer; her novels have been translated into nine languages. She is the author of several children’s, academic, text- and nonfiction books, including books on climate change, rural development in South Africa, and a history of the Black Sash. She is the patron of Rape Crisis and of the children’s book charity, the Little Hands Trust. Brett Adkins is Features, Arts and Books editor for The Herald in Port Elizabeth. In addition to his work in journalism, he has also written eight children’s plays which have been staged in a number of venues in Port Elizabeth as well as at the

Carole Bloch

Margie Orford

Brett Adkins

Elinor Sisulu

National Arts Festival in Grahamstown and at the Edinburgh Festival.

Book, the Director of Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition Board and a Board member of Grahamstown National Arts Festival. She is also a Trustee of the Southern Africa Trust.

Elinor Sisulu is the Chair of Book Development Foundation, Centre for the

Under BRICS: What will a New Relationship between the Pearl River Delta and Africa be? Professor Yun Zhong presented by the Rhodes Business School Sunday 1 July 12:00


rofessor Zhong is associate professor of economics from Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. She is currently Deputy Director of Urban & Regional Economy Study Centre, affiliated to the Institute of Hong Kong, Macao & Special-Economic-Zones Economy Research. In her early years of studies, she got a BA degree in Economic Geography & Urban and Regional Planning (1998), a MA degree in Regional Development and Tourism Planning (2001) and finally a PhD in Urban Geography (2004), all from Sun Yat-sen University,

Guangzhou, before she joined Jinan University. Prof Zhong’s major research interests are regional economics, region cooperation, services industry and regional development, and urban geography. She has published a book, Central city of region and Development of producer services (The Commercial Press, 2007) and published over 40 academic papers on SCI and Chinese Journals. She has chaired or participated in more than 20 research projects, including 3 at national level, 4 at provincial level and over 10 other latitudinal research projects.

Big debates

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The End of Model C Schools As We Know Them? Presented by the Legal Resources Centre Monday 2 July 14:00


odel C schools in South Africa are public schools which find themselves under enormous pressure over the number of children applying to be admitted, the number of children that the Government would like them to accommodate, and various judgments and regulations that are impacting on their autonomy. In the Eastern Cape it is common for the Department of Education to attempt to override the decisions of the School Governing Boards and force the admission of a learner despite school capacity. The Legal Resources Centre take recent cases and government regulations as their starting point in this investigative discussion on the state of education in South Africa. Jonathan Godden is a former Superintendent General of the Eastern Cape Department of Education. He is now working as an education consultant in the Eastern Cape.

Percy Mabandu

Sean O’Toole

Anthea Buys

Chris Thurman

Arts Writing/Writing Arts Tuesday 3 July 16:30

Eusebius McKaiser is a political analyst and associate at the Wits Centre for Ethics. He writes widely in the local and international press on political and ethical debates, including a weekly online column for the New York Times. David Sewry is Professor of Information Systems and Dean of the Faculty of Commerce at Rhodes University. As a parent, he has served on a number of school governing bodies.


n his recent book, At Large: Reviewing the Arts in South Africa, Chris Thurman suggests that despite, or perhaps because of, anxieties across the ‘arts industry’ about reviewing practices, recent years have seen the rejuvenation in South Africa of a “meta-critical conversation”. This stems from vexed questions about the role of arts critics in mediating the encounter between arts producers and arts consumers. Thurman will chair a panel of arts writers and practitioners to address these questions. Chris Thurman is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English Literature at Wits University, an author and freelance arts writer. Sean O’Toole is Co-Editor of CityScapes, an arts columnist and essayist, and, in 2012, Visiting Arts Editor for Cue. Percy Mabandu is a features writer for City Press, as well as an artist and musician. Anthea Buys is a writer and independent arts curator.

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Think!Fest 2012


BEING AND BELONGING IN SOUTH AFRICA If being a citizen in a democracy entails more than just voting every five years then how active and engaged are South Africans as citizens? What real say do they have in the shaping of their democracy? And what role does the media play in enabling them (and especially those previously disenfranchised) to be active partners in deepening democracy? The Rhodes University School of Journalism and Media Studies research project into citizenship and media (funded by the Mellon Foundation) hosts a series of talks and panel discussions in which these questions are opened up and debated by a range of experts in both media and activism.

Zackie Achmat – Being and Belonging Wednesday 4 July 17:30


he idea of “Being and Belonging” goes to the heart of citizenship, especially in this time of inequality, crisis, injustice, anger and authoritarianism. I want to discuss why I view the world as my homeland, South Africa my home. Discordant voices and dreams build and rebuild our imaginary homeland and homes. Citizenship is the critical voice used against oppression and injustice locally and globally. “Being” is my daily personal and political struggle to be ethical, while engaging in the right to pursue happiness and freedom. “Belonging” for me is the construction of a community in South Africa and everywhere that transcends identities, even as individuals confront inequalities such as race, class, gender, nationality, religion and language. Being and belonging are also indispensable to my understanding of friendship and equality. I want to discuss how knowledge of ourselves and our societies allow us to use the concepts “being and belonging” to rebuild our world/s. Zackie Achmat is most widely known as founder and a chairperson of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and for his work on the behalf of people living with HIV and AIDS in South Africa. Achmat has since been instrumental in founding the Social Justice Coalition (SJC) and Equal Education and as a member of Open Shuhada Street, he works directly with Palestinians and Israelis resisting the Occupation through grassroots and non-violent methods. Achmat received the inaugural Desmond Tutu Leadership Award in 2001, the Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights in 2003, and the Nelson Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights in 2003. In 2004, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Speaking Power’s Truth Lecture by Steven Friedman Thursday 5 July 09:30


outh African media constantly claim to be ‘speaking truth to power’. This expresses a self-image which sees the media as selfless campaigners for the powerless against the power of the state. Friedman will argue that the media speak for a private power which is every bit as unaccountable and overweening as the public power it opposes. And so, in our

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media, the really powerless, the majority of citizens, remain without a voice. Steven Friedman is Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy at Rhodes University and the University of Johannesburg. He is a political scientist who has specialised in the study of democracy. He is the author of Building Tomorrow Today, a study of the South African trade union movement, and the editor of The Long Journey and The Small Miracle (with Doreen Atkinson) on the South African transition.

Lawson Naidoo

The Limits to Liberation

From Subject to Citizen: Let the People Govern

Lecture by Steve Robins

Wednesday 4 July 15:00 Red Theatre


o the extent that poverty, inequality and unemployment are rampant and the gap between the rich and poor has widened, it is clear that the constitution’s vision of an equitable society, characterised by human dignity, fairness and justice, has not been realised. Transformation is the cardinal mandate of our Constitution. Central to it is the realisation of an inclusive economy through restorative justice that enables redress of the systematic race and gender based inequalities of the past. Our Constitution envisages a participatory democracy in which citizens play an active role in the reconceptualization, reconstruction and development of their country. This will require liberating South Africa’s people from being ‘subjects’ of state rule, dependent on the government largesse for their development, to becoming active ‘citizens’ and partners in governance. This lecture will draw upon the Report published by CASAC in May entitled: “From Subject to Citizen: Let the People Govern”. Lawson Naidoo is the Executive Secretary of the Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution (CASAC), an NGO that promotes the notion of progressive constitutionalism.

Thursday 5 July 14:00


teve Robins is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Stellenbosch. He has published on a wide range of topics including the politics of land, “development” and identity in Zimbabwe and South Africa; the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC); urban studies and most recently on citizenship and governance. His books include From Revolution to Rights in South Africa: Social Movements and Popular Politics and Limits to Liberation after Apartheid: Citizenship, Governance and Culture.

Being and Belonging An Interactive Exhibition 28 June to 12 July


his multi-media installation uses video, sound, photography, cartoons, social media and words to engage the theme “Being & Belonging: mediated citizenship in South Africa”. It includes the work of South African photographers Roelof van Wyk and Sophie Smith, work from students of the School of Journalism and Media Studies, newspaper clippings and the visitors’ own comments. Audiences are encouraged to watch, listen, read, and respond to the range of work which gets them to see, hear, feel and think about citizenship in South Africa. Audiences can visit the voting booths, tweet, sms and use social media to respond to the media messages. This exhibition is part of the Mellon Humanities Focus Area; Media and Citizenship: between Marginalisation and Participation.

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Think!Fest 2012


Mediated Citizenship in South Africa A Panel Discussion Thursday 5 July 11:00


ow do journalists see their role in facilitating democratic participation, how do they cover issues relating to social inclusion and political decision-making? How could they think differently about citizenship? Panellists include Steven Friedman, David Holwerk (chair), Xolela Mangcu and Bongi Bozo.

David Holwerk is the Charles F. Kettering Foundation Director of Communications and a resident scholar. Holwerk worked for more than 30 years as a journalist at newspapers in Kentucky, Minnesota and California. He has managed staffs that have won numerous national awards, including two Pulitzer Prizes.

Bongi Bozo is the co-ordinator for the Eastern Cape Communication Forum (ECCF) which works with independent community media to strengthen citizen participation in the democratic processes of the country. She holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS) in Industrial Sociology and Organisational Psychology and a Postgraduate Diploma in Media Management (PDMM) from Rhodes University.

Xolela Mangcu is a guest lecturer at the Democracy and Diversity Institute at the University of Cape Town. He is a columnist for Business Day and the Sunday Independent. Mangcu holds a DPhil from Cornell University in the US and he is a fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and the Rockefeller Foundation.

David Holwerk

Bongi Bozo

Xolela Mangcu

Activism and Agency A Panel Discussion Thursday 5 July 16:00


his panel examines citizenship in South Africa from the point of view of activists and social movements. It will also look at how the media covers popular struggles and how social movements use media to mobilise and organise. Panellists include Steve Robins, Richard Pithouse (chair), Niren Tolsi, Harry Boyte and South African activists from the Unemployed Peoples’ Movement and Thembani Ngongoma from Abahlali baseMjondolo.

Richard Pithouse teaches in the Department of Politics and International Relations at Rhodes University. His research focuses on popular struggles and the theoretical challenges of rethinking an emancipatory politics.

Niren Tolsi is a senior journalist with the Mail & Guardian. His main areas of interest include social justice, state violence and citizen protest, the constitution and the constitutional court, and the stories on the periphery of mainstream society. Tolsi has been published in GQ, Marie Claire and Blu magazines, amongst others, and has appeared as an analyst on BBC news and the UK-based Guardian newspaper’s podcasts.

Harry Boyte is director of the Centre for Democracy Citizenship at Augsburg College, and Senior Fellow at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. He is also National Co-ordinator of the American Commonwealth Partnership, a coalition launched in the White House in January dedicated to “building democracy colleges for the 21st century”.


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Being & Belonging – Films and Discussion The Uprising of Hangberg Monday 2 July 18:00 Red Theatre A documentary on the human rights violations in Hangberg, Cape Town created by filmmaker and artist Aryan Kaganof, Dylan Valley, the award winning director of Afrikaaps, and community representative Greg Louw.

White Wedding – Directed by Jann Turner (2009) Tuesday 3 July 18:00 Blue Theatre

Jerusalema – Directed by Ralph Ziman (2008) Thursday 5 July 18:00 Blue Theatre Presented by Richard Pithouse – Politics Department, Rhodes University The story of a self-made Sowetan entrepreneur climbing the Hillbrow criminal underworld ladder one rung at a time. Pithouse’s Research Projects include Race, Space, Popular Politics and the Making of Durban and Frantz Fanon Fifty Years Later.

Presented by Dr Kirk Helliker – Head of Department: Sociology, Rhodes University A high-spirited modern day road comedy about love, commitment, intimacy, friendship, and the unbelievable obstacles that can get in the way of a fairy-tale ending.

Skin – Directed by Anthony Fabian (2008) Saturday 7 July 18:00 Red Theatre Presented by Dr Joy Owen – Department of Anthropology, Rhodes University Ten year-old Sandra is examined by state officials, reclassified as ‘Coloured’, and expelled from her school. The story becomes an international scandal and media pressure forces the law to change, so that Sandra becomes officially ‘White’ again. Owen’s teaching topics include kinship, politics and economics, race and ethnicity, the DRC as a case study (first year), Power and Wealth (second year), Fieldwork, Dominance and Resistance: Love, Sex and Money (third year), Transnational Identities/Ethnographies, Genocide, Postcolonial Identities (Honours level).

Helliker’s teaching topics include Contemporary Social Theory, State and Society, Labour Markets, Theories of Emancipation, Zimbabwean Studies, and Latin American Studies. His research interests are Agrarian and land reform, civil society and social movements, and the politics of emancipation.

U-Carmen eKhayelitsha – Directed by Mark DornfordMay (2005) Sunday 8 July 10:00 Seminar Room 1

Dear Mandela Thursday 5 July 12:00 Seminar Room 1 Presented by Richard Pithouse – Politics Department, Rhodes University. When their shantytowns are threatened with mass eviction, three ‘young lions’ rise from the shacks and take their government to the highest court in the land, putting the promises of democracy to the test.

(2000). He has also previously published on Phaswane Mpe’s novel Welcome to Our Hillbrow (2001).

Cry the Beloved Country – Directed by Darrell Roodt (1995) Friday 6 July 18:00 Red Theatre Presented by Minesh Daas – English Department, Rhodes University Alan Paton’s classic on film. Dass has recently completed a Master’s dissertation which was a historiographic reading of Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Story

Presented by Dr Lee Watkins – Department of Music and Musicology, Rhodes University Based on Georges Bizet’s 19th-century opera and filmed on location in a modern South African township setting. Watkins studied Ethnomusicology at the Universities of Kwazulu Natal and Hong Kong. He has taught Ethnomusicology, Popular Musics of the World, and American Music at institutions in South Africa and Hong Kong. His research interests vary from music and performance studies, migration studies, the colonial enterprise, to music and social development. Currently he is Senior Lecturer in Ethnomusicology at Rhodes University.

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Think!Fest 2012


MILESTONES The Art of George Pemba: Content and Reception Brenda Schmahmann Monday 2 July 12:00


012 marks the centenary of the birth of South African painter, George Milwa Mnyaluza Pemba, in Korsten Village, Port Elizabeth. Educated at a mission school, Pemba qualified as a teacher at the Lovedale Teacher Training College in Alice in 1934. Providing insights about the lives of black South Africans over a six-decade period, his works are also informed by his critical engagement with a range of aesthetic ideas. But, while recognised in a post-apartheid context and awarded, posthumously, the Order of Ikhamanga in Gold, Pemba was marginalised during apartheid not only as a result of apartheid policies but also by an art world that viewed his works as parochial and insignificant. This illustrated lecture will provide an overview of this pioneering artist’s works, exploring factors that underpinned their content as well as shifts in their reception.

Brenda Schmahmann is Professor of Art History and Visual Culture at Rhodes University. An academic who has published extensively in South Africa as well as abroad, she recently completed the manuscript for her fifth book (on transforming visual culture at South African universities) as well as guest co-edited a special issue of the journal African Arts.

The Oubaas and the Booitjie Athol Fugard at 80 Saturday 30 June 12:00 Red Theatre


annie Manim and Janice Honeyman pay tribute to Athol Fugard in his 80th year. As producer, director and lighting designer, Mannie and Janice give insight into Fugard as both a playwright and a man, in an informal talk on working with him, and, at the same time referencing his new play, The Blue Iris.

Mannie Manim co-founded The Market Theatre, which he ran for 17 years. He has been the MD of PACT Drama, director of the Performing Arts Administration at Wits and of the Baxter Theatre Centre, and he was Executive Director of The Fugard Theatre in its inception year. Since 1976 he

An exhibition of Pemba’s early work will be on display in the Cory Library, Eden Grove building.

has lit every first production of a Fugard play in South Africa and produced most of them. His accolades include being made Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government (1990), The Arts and Culture Trust Lifetime Achievement Award, and The National Order of Ikhamanga, Silver (2011). Janice Honeyman has had a prolific and highly Mannie Manim successful career as a director for stage, opera, pantomime and musicals, as well as a playwright and actress. Janice has directed a number of Fugard’s plays including Hello and Goodbye with Antony Sher and Estelle Kohler for the Royal Shakespeare Company, Exits and Entrances and the world première of Booitjie and the Oubaas, which was praised by audiences and media alike. She has been the deserving winner of Janice Honeyman numerous awards and accolades.


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The Anc Centenary Lecture Series The National Arts Festival reflects on the past 100 years of the African National Congress with a series of illuminating talks that will reflect on different periods of the party’s history. Speakers have been asked to recount specific moments in this history from a personal perspective.

Ahmed Kathrada Bannings and Jailings Friday 29 June 14:00


hmed Mohamed Kathrada was born on 21st August 1929 in SchweizerReneke. His childhood friends were white and black, but when he reached schoolgoing age, the race laws prevented him from being admitted to the white or black schools, and he was sent to school in Johannesburg. This was his first personal experience of apartheid. In 1946, at the age of 17, he took part in a passive resistance campaign against a law that discriminated specifically against the Indian community. In 1954 he was placed under severe restrictions by the security police, which made it illegal for him to take part in political activities. He was arrested several times for disregarding these restrictions. In 1960, after the Sharpeville massacre, the ANC and the PAC were declared illegal and, at the end of 1961, the ANC switched to an armed struggle. This led to the well-known Rivonia Trial, at the end of which Nelson Mandela and seven others (including Kathrada) were sentenced to life imprisonment. Altogether Kathrada was in prison for over 26 years, 18 of which were on Robben Island. The exhibition, Kathy: the Man Behind the Public Figure is at the Observatory Museum - open daily from 09:00 to 17:00

Barney Pityana The Silences and Gaps Saturday 30 June 12:00


ne of founding members of the South African Students’ Organisation, and an important figure in the Black Consciousness Movement with Steve Biko, Barney Pityana is an exponent of Black theology. A lawyer and theologian, he was a member of the African National Congress Youth League and Chair of the South African Human Rights Commission in 1995. He served on the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights at the Organisation of African Unity in 1997. He was Principal and Vice Chancellor of the University of South Africa for ten years before becoming Rector at the College of Transfiguration in Grahamstown. Throughout his life, Nyameko Barney Pityana has remained focused on the fight for human rights and the battle against racism. Through his endeavours and example he has embodied an unshakeable commitment to build a free, non-racial and just society and world.

Cheryl Carolus The Mass Struggle Saturday 30 June 16:00


heryl Carolus is Executive Chair of Peotona Group Holdings. She is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of SAA and serves as a non-executive director on a number of boards. Carolus had dedicated a large part of her life to the struggle for freedom and in public service. She has held senior leadership positions in the ANC under Nelson Mandela and has served as South Africa’s High Commissioner to Britain. As the CEO of SA Tourism she was central to the positioning of tourism as one of the top five economic sectors. In addition to her work at Peotona, Carolus is also involved in various civil society organisations such as Soul City Health Institute, International Crisis Group and WWF SA and WWF International.

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Think!Fest 2012

tHE ANC CENTENARY/Grahamstown’s Bicentennial

Frene Ginwala The Exile Years Sunday 1 July 10:00


ournalist, politician and former speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa 1994-2004, Dr Frene Ginwala spent almost 30 years in exile. She was instrumental in assisting Oliver Thambo, Nelson Mandela, Andrew Mlangeni, Raymond Mhlaba and Wilton Mkwayi, to exit and return to the country clandestinely. She worked in Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique and the United Kingdom as an ANC official and as a journalist and broadcaster in East Africa and Europe. On her return to South Africa in 1991 she ran the ANC Women’s League and established the National Women’s Coalition and was also appointed as member of the secretariat in the ANC president’s office. She is on numerous boards and committees and has been widely published.

Fiona Forde The ANC Youth League and the Future of The African National Congress

Grahamstown’s Bicentennial A Time To Reflect And Imagine Polis: An Arena for the Examination of a South African Town The Nun’s Chapel Tuesday 3 to Saturday 7 July Daily at 18:00 Tickets: R40

Sunday 1 July 16:30


iona Forde is an author, writer and political risk analyst for a healthy and growing base of clients who have a vested interest in South Africa. She has covered South African politics acutely for a number of years, mainly for the Independent Newspapers group. She has also lent her name to a string of investigations into corruption amongst the political elite and has worked with leading investigative teams in exposing political scandal. In 2011 she published the best-selling political book, An Inconvenient Youth, Julius Malema and the ‘new’ ANC.

Frank Chikane The ANC in Power Monday 2 July 10:00


he author of Eight Days in September, Frank Chikane was Secretary of Cabinet and Director-General of the Presidency in 2008 and, in that capacity, was responsible for managing the transition from Mbeki to Kgalema Motlanthe and then on to Jacob Zuma. He thus had a front row seat to the party in power. Frank Chikane is a Pastor of the Apostolic Faith Mission of SA (AFM) in Naledi, Soweto, the President of AFM International, and offers an advisory service to companies that do business on the African continent. He is the Visiting Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Public and Development Management at the University of the Witwatersrand and serves on a number of boards, including Kagiso Trust, Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, Amarick Mining Resources and Suntrace Africa.


he team that brought Topos: 10 Performances / 10 Spaces to the Arts Lounge at the 2011 National Arts Festival, this year interrogates the contested past and present of Grahamstown in its 200th year with five different performance presentations. Under the roof of the Nun’s Chapel, POLIS uses performance to challenge the presumptions we carry from our un-common history. The result is a fresh, if turbulent, perspective on Grahamstown and the forces shaping civic experience. For full details of all performances / discussions, please see page 113 of the Festival Programme. Produced by Athina Vahla, Ford Evanson, Mark Wilby and Anton Krueger Collaborating Artists/Academics: Trudy Meehan (Psychology), Richard Pithouse (Politics), Roddy Fox (Geography), Anna Christensen (Journalism and Media Studies), Andrew Buckland and Alex Sutherland (Drama), Juan Munoz (Music).

Grahamstown’s Bicentennial/talking arts

Grahamstown Voices at The Nun’s Chapel Naledi Nomalanga Mkhize – Where the ghost of Biko does not haunt

Ashwell Adriaan – the History of Rugby in Grahamstown

Friday 29 June 10:00

shwell Adriaan looks back at the history of black rugby in Grahamstown and its contribution to the liberation struggle, how different it is now and the purpose of the ethos of nonracialism in sport before liberation. He looks at how young people were influenced to give the struggle support through playing non-racial sport instead of multi-racial sport. Ashwell was General Secretary of South Eastern District Rugby Union (1987-1991), has curated Cell Stories at Robben Island, the Apartheid Museum and Hector Pieterson (exhibitions).


lass mobility and the decline of Black education in Grahamstown – thoughts for the present and hopes for the future. Nomalanga Mkhize is a Phd candidate with the University of Cape Town, a community education worker with Save Our Schools and Community and the History expert presenter of SABC’s series Shoreline.

Alan Weyer and Brian Mullins aka the infamous Boet ’n Swaer Saturday 30 June 10:00

Sunday 1 July 10:00


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Talking arts Behind the Exhibits Brett Bailey with Anton Krueger Saturday 30 June 12:00

Dr Julia Wells – ‘Conspiracies! 300 Years of Reflecting and Imagining Grahamstown’ Monday 2 July 10:00



s a pair who have been farming in the Lower Albany district for many years, Boet ’n Swaer have spent a lot of time leaning on their sneezewood fence discussing the comings and goings and shenanigans of the inhabitants of the area. Listen to their unique take on the history of the Grahamstown.

ory Booker, the black Mayor of Newark, New Jersey described his ascent to power and success as a black person as part of a ‘Conspiracy of Love’ by many generations of people of all colours who did all they could to make their world an equitable place. So I would like to pick up on some stories of a few people from Grahamstown’s past who had positive visions of what could be, but then also play with a visioning exercise for another hundred years into the future. Dr Wells is speaking as the Coordinator of the 200 Years Project for the Makana Municipality.


rett Bailey’s EXHIBIT series of ‘human installations’ is confronting Europeans – and now South Africans – with a hidden history of racism that has played out on the stages of slavery, ethnography, human zoos and imperialism. In this conversation with writer, filmmaker and theatre critic Anton Krueger, Bailey teases out the issues he has explored, gives insight into the often-difficult process of creating the pieces, and discusses responses to the works. For details on the production Exhibit A, please refer to page 106 of the Festival Programme.

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talking arts

Writing and Staging Moffie

Bosman’s Patriots:

Bailey Snyman and Andre Carl van der Merwe

A Scoundrel’s View

Tuesday 3 July 09:30

Saturday 30 June 10:00


uthor of Moffie, Andre Carl van der Merwe was raised and schooled in Stellenbosch. After two years of national service with the SADF, he studied Fine Art in Cape Town. During his third year he started a clothing company which he ran for 15 years. Today he concentrates on writing and architectural conceptualization. Bailey Snyman is the 2012 Standard Bank Young Artist for Dance and choreographed the Festival dance piece Moffie, bringing Van der Merwe’s novel to life on stage. A graduate from Rhodes University’s Drama Department, he and Nicola Haskins co-founded the Matchbox Theatre Collective and have produced numerous works, including the 2011 Standard Bank Gold Ovation Award-winner, Anatomy of the Weather. In this conversation author and choreographer discuss both the book and the production, giving insight into personal and creative processes. For details on the production Moffie, please refer to page 19 of the Festival Progreamme.

Reworking Strindberg: Staging Yael Farber’s Mies Julie Marcia Blumberg Tuesday 3 July 11:00


trindberg’s Miss Julie is a modern classic that broke new ground in the theatre of the late nineteenth century. Yael Farber reworks the play and moves it from Sweden to a postapartheid kitchen in the Eastern Cape Karoo. How does Farber’s thoughtprovoking new creation relate to her body of work? What are the ramifications when three characters, John, a black farm labourer, Mies Julie, the daughter of the farm owner, and Christine who has raised them both, are locked in an explosive struggle that involves personal and political issues in a posttraumatic society? Marcia Blumberg is an Associate Professor at York University in Toronto. She has delivered many international conference papers and has published widely on contemporary theatre, especially South African theatre. For details on the production, Mies Julie, please refer to page 35 of the Festival Programme.

Bailey Snyman Angus Douglas and Tim Sandham

H Andre Carl van der Merwe

Ahmed Kathrada

Personal Tour of the Exhibition Kathy, The Man Behind the Public Figure Saturday 30 June 11:00 Observatory Museum Tickets: R30


athy, the man behind the public figure is a tribute to a remarkable hero of the South African freedom struggle, who started his lifelong commitment at the tender age of 12. The exhibition portrays the person Kathy, his sense of humour, his love of food, his many, many friends and comrades, his meticulous notes and his incredible memory. It is the story of Kathy beneath the public veneer of a struggle icon; a personal insight into the veteran leader. Join Ahmed Kathrada for a personal tour of through the exhibition – book early – limited places available. For full details on the exhibition, please refer to page 98 of the Festival Programme.

erman Charles Bosman wrote about Alan Paton, Jan Smuts, Andre Huguenet, Jan Hofmeyr and other iconic South Africans. He also covered some infamous figures, like Daisy de Melker, South Africa’s first serial killer. Through interviews and portraits of people like this, we gain a glimpse into Bosman’s attitudes towards politics and race – subjects he covers obliquely in his writing. Tim Sandham and Angus Douglas pay tribute to some great South Africans of years gone by and discuss the unique and prescient literary perspective of Herman Charles Bosman.

Angus Douglas is a television writer, director, playwright and actor. He was in charge of theatre at his alma mater Michaelhouse; directed and played in numerous productions for Capab, Napac and at the National Arts Festival, before becoming a fulltime TV writer/director and part-time playwright. Tim Sandham is a teacher, librarian, playwright, and television writer. He taught and worked in the RAU library before becoming a full-time TV writer and part-time playwright. Douglas and Sandham perform in Platteland Patriots at the Masonic Hall between 28 June and 1 July – see page 202 of the Festival Programme for details.

talking arts

Think!Fest 2012

Puppetry as Alchemy: Handspring Puppet Company and the Art of Transformation Friday 29 June 10:00


ason Potgieter takes participants on a visual tour through the work of Handspring Puppet Company. Referencing three productions (Warhorse, Woyzeck on the Highveld, and I Love you When You’re Breathing), the talk will explore the significance of transformation as both

concept and practice within the art of puppetry. Jason Potgieter is a writer, actor and puppet theatre practitioner with the Handspring Puppet Company in Cape Town, South Africa. He has worked as a puppeteer on a number of productions including

Subject to Citizen

Jack van Poll

Tuesday 3 July 17:30 Red Theatre Tickets: R50 Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes


DSG Auditorium

utch/Belgian pianist Jack van Poll has spent well over half a century as a professional musician, watching the genre of jazz evolving and being a central part of that development. He has worked with jazz greats like Ben Webster, Don Byas, Dizzy

Home from Home

Tickets: R50

Gillespie, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Johnny Griffin, Clark Terry, Red Mitchell and Ed Thigpen and has performed and recorded around the world. He presents a solo performance combined with fascinating anecdotes about those relationships and other stories.

his show is based on Chris Mann’s latest book, Home from Home, which explores the spirituality bound up in ordinary experiences of life. Featuring Janet Suzman, who was honoured in the Queen’s 2011 birthday list for her services to the stage,

and has recently directed a production of Cleopatra in the UK and starred at the Baxter in a play by Lara Foot. She brings an edge and emotional intensity to Chris Mann’s poetry that has enthralled audiences in Durban, Oxford and Cape Town. Their latest collaboration is no exception. With large-scale artwork by Julia Skeen and live music, the performance will be followed by a discussion on the work led by Janet Suzman and Chris Mann.

Chris Mann

Janet Suzman

Presented by Spiritfest Friday 6 July 18:00


Woyzeck on the Highveld, The Return of Ulysses and Ouroboros (with Janni Younge). Most recently has directed I Love You When You’re Breathing(featured at this year’s NAF) He has also manipulated for acclaimed satirical puppetry series ZA News and is the curator of Iqonga at the Out The Box Festival of Puppetry and Visual Theatre. Jason teaches puppetry skills and facilitates object workshops around the world. A lover of the avocado and most things green, Jason wants most of all to be a ninja when he grows up. For details of the Handspring Puppet Company’s production I Love You when You’re Breathing, please see page 40 of the Festival Programme.

My Life with the Jazz Greats Saturday 30 June 12:00

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riter and director, Nicholas Ellenbogen, performer, Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi, and co-conspirator, Lawson Naidoo, interrogate the notion of citizenship in South Africa. Part performance, part discussion, they hope to ignite debate on the value of the Constitution and the concept and meaning of being a South African citizen, using the 2013 elections as a focal reference point. Lawson Naidoo will be on hand to instigate debate immediately after the performance. The full production of Subject to Citizen, directed by Ellenbogen and featuring Mkhwanazi, can be seen at Dicks Theatre between 29 June and 6 July – see page 178 of the Festival Programme for details.

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environmental thinking

environmental thinking Out of Silence

Rhino Poaching

Leopards and the Trapping Truth

Themba’s Story Saturday 6 July 17:30

Friday 6 July 16:00 Red Theatre


ur lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King, Jr. The last of the great predators still holds on in our mountain wildernesses, but for how long? Each year thousands of animals die in gin traps and organised predator extermination programmes. The effects on our biodiversity are huge. Join us for this talk with new leopard footage from Landmark Foundation’s trail cameras and data from 23 GPS collared cats. Kate Muller runs Landmark Foundation’s education program. She will be presenting information from the project’s advocacy campaign and wildlife friendly farming initiative. Landmark has been rescuing leopards since 2004 and has an on-going rescue and research programme which is identifying the landscape corridors needed for the leopard’s genetic survival. For details of the exhibition, please see page 99 of the Festival Programme.


he poaching of three rhinos in the Eastern Cape game reserve, Kariega, in February this year, made international headlines. Dr Will Fowlds, a wildlife vet from Grahamstown, together with a team of medical experts, treated the two surviving rhinos, and thousands of people followed the story of the rhinos’ tenacious battle for survival through FaceBook, the Grahamstown Parents Network newsletters, and YouTube. Thandi, one of these rhinos, astounded her doctors with her sheer will to live; but Themba succumbed to his wounds 24 days after the attack. Veterinary surgeons, Will Fowlds and Johan Joubert and a representative from the Forever Wild Foundation examine the ever-increasing number of rhino poaching incidents in South Africa. Footage of Dr Ian Player’s recent speech on the issue, together with video from the Kariega incident shot by Grahamstown videographer, Paul Mills, will be screened during the debate. All proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Forever Wild Foundation.

Fracking in The Karoo Katie du Toit Barnard Friday 6 July 10:00


atie du Toit Barnard’s installation exhibition, Karoo 2052, has evolved out of the artist’s deep concern and passion for this widely-ignored part of our country, and her hope is that the exhibition and intimate installation may raise a degree of awareness of the threat faced by the Karoo and its inhabitants. Being from a small Karoo town, the issue of hydraulic fracturing is close to her heart and this talk will address some of the concerns her community has on the future of the Karoo should fracking be allowed to take place. The exhibition can be seen at the Baptist Church Hall in Bathurst Street. Please see page 99 of the Festival Programme for exhibition details.

redefining architecture/young & hungry

Think!Fest 2012

Young & Hungry

Redefining architecture culture and the build environment


ince the 1960s the built environment has been subjected to a process of re-evaluation by a number of academics including sociologists, historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, economists and, of course, architects. As a result, many have begun to question the conventional wisdom of past art and architectural historians who have interpreted architecture according to strict structuralist and stylistic principles. New interpretations have emerged which recognise that the buildings of a people embody, through their spaces, the spiritual and cosmological values of their builders. This series of talks is presented by a group of architects and experts in the field of heritage conservation, whose vision of our natural built environment, extends beyond the conventions of the past and view it in terms of its symbolic value to our national identity.

The Ship of Theseus and Heritage Today The Changing Nature of Heritage Identification Dr Stephen Townsend School of Architecture, University of Cape Town Wednesday 4 July 10:00

A City Within a City Vestigial Memories of Colonial and Apartheid Durban Len Rosenberg Durban University of Technology Wednesday 4 July 12:00

Mariannhill: A Chain Broken Social Change and Material Challenges to Our Heritage Robert Brusse Conservation Architect, Durban Wednesday 4 July 14:00

Architecture, Space and Culture Franco Frescura University of KwaZulu-Natal Wednesday 4 July 16:00

Culture and the Built Environment Panel Discussion

Red Theatre Wednesday 4 July 17:30 Chaired by Franco Frescura, this discussion will feature Stephen Townsend, Len Rosenberg, Robert Brusse and Omar Badsha, photographer and director of SAHistoryOnline.

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Making Your Way in the Arts World Sunday 8 July 12:00


panel discussion, chaired by Festival CEO, Tony Lankester, will feature Festival artists who describe their experiences on the road from wannabes to professionals in the arts industry sector. These talks are aimed at anyone wanting to pursue a career in the arts sector and are guaranteed to be entertaining as well as informative. Musician Shannon Hope, comedians Rob van Vuuren and Siv Ngesi, actor/directors James Cairns and Tara Notcutt, and filmmaker/ comedian Jacobus van Heerden will regale you with some anecdotes from their personal journeys and give you loads of useful advice on what to avoid, what is a must, and who the best people to help you are. Expect a lively discussion as these young, successful artists share the secrets of their success (and some of the moments that they’d really rather forget!)

Shannon Hope

Rob van Vuuren

Siv Ngesi

James Cairns

Tara Notcutt

Jacobus van Heerden

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young & Hungry/Facing life

Beit Bridge to Cape Point George Scola Saturday 7 July 10:00


facing life

eorge Scola, who had a stroke at 37 and recovered, walked from Beit Bridge to Cape Point to raise stroke awareness, to promote the Stroke Survivor’s Foundation, and to motivate fellow stroke survivors to believe that there is life after having a stroke. The walk began on the 15th of August 2010 and he arrived at Cape Point on the 26th of February 2011 – he walked a total of 2473kms. In this talk, Scola tells us of his journey – the people he met, the places he went, and the challenges he faced. This inspiring journey is testament to Scola’s life philosophy – perseverance and determination, acknowledgement of your limitations, and patience with yourself and others, will ensure a successful and fulfilling life journey.

Around Iceland on Inspiration Riaan Manser Saturday 7 July 12:00


ver the past nine years, Riaan Manser has re-written the definition of tenacity and become the epitome of courage and determination. Riaan rose to prominence when he became the first person to cycle the perimeter of Africa. For over two years, alone and unaided, he pedalled a staggering 37,000 km through 34 countries, some of which rank as the most dangerous countries on Earth. In July 2009, Riaan set another world first when he became the first person to circumnavigate Madagascar, the world’s fourth largest island, by kayak – also alone and unaided. March 2011 saw Riaan begin his next challenge. This time he took on mystical Iceland and her arctic waters with a partner, Dan Skinstad, who has mild cerebral palsy. “Around Iceland on Inspiration” saw the two paddle 2300km to circumnavigate Iceland in a double sea kayak over a five month period. On 5th September 2011, after 147 paddling days, blistered and aching, they arrived back at their starting point, their circumnavigation complete. In this talk Riaan, recounts the challenges, the frustrations, the inspiration and the triumph of his latest journey.

Filming the Future The Neons Documentary Sunday 8 July 14:00 Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes


screening of the film, The Neon’s Documentary, will be followed by a presentation by film-makers, Jacobus van Heerden and Liam Magner, on the film industry in South Africa. The Neon’s Documentary is a behind the scenes look at theatrical duo, The Neon Anthems’ attempt at creating a sell-out show for the National Arts Festival. They write, they rehearse, they enlist a black actor, and they hit Grahamstown running! But will they run out of steam? A daring, honest, gritty and moving film. Please see page 242 of the Festival Programme for details on this film and the full schedule of screenings.

One in Nine – Tracey Derrick Friday 6 July 14:00


reast cancer affects one woman in nine during their lifetime in South Africa. This talk provides a personal glimpse into the journey of a breast cancer survivor who used her art, photography, to document her illness, and in so doing, her art evolved into a healing process. “I am the ninth woman and became the active subject of my own investigation by turning my camera onto myself. I sought out and photographed eight other breast cancer survivors as well, whose portraits together with my own symbolically represent one in nine.” – Tracey Derrick. A full-time portrait and documentary photographer since 1992, Tracey’s projects are concerned with social and community issues. She has conducted photography workshops and participated extensively in exhibitions both locally and internationally. Her work has also been included in Blink, a book showcasing 100 contemporary photographers worldwide. For full details of the exhibition, please see page 98 of the Festival Programme.

facing life/Arts lounge

Mmmhhm, Mmmhhm! (Silence) What is Therapeutic About Therapy? Gael Beckett Friday 29 June 16:00


sychotherapy, at once art and science, subject to rigorous confidentiality rules and hence only observable in the doing, is open to misperception. It has always stirred controversy and aroused powerful emotions. Once psychotherapy was perceived for the severely troubled; now it is better understood as the foundation for effective post-modern living. Once taken as a luxury for the rich, it becomes increasingly recognised as crucial to enabling education, reducing crime and redirecting resources. What is psychotherapy, how effective is it and how does it work? Gael Beckett, clinical psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist, brings her experience from community settings, private practice and student teaching. In speaking on matters of the heart, for if it does not touch heart, how can we call it therapy?, she will draw on poetry, literary prose, art, and current neurobiological research to argue that a society that embraces psychotherapy strengthens its fabric.

Stroke Survivor George Scola Friday 6 July 12:00


s a slightly overweight, stressed business owner, I was not by any stretch of the imagination considered to be in ‘peak physical condition’, I was a light smoker, I was not a drinker, I did not have high cholesterol or blood pressure, but I was a passionate motorbike adventurer – doing a 400km ride almost every weekend and this was part and parcel of my busy lifestyle – the last thing I expected almost four weeks after I turned 37 was to have a stroke, brought on by high affinity haemoglobin.” George Scola talks from personal experience about surviving a stroke – from the moment of the stroke to rehabilitation, re-learning the ability to walk, talk and lead a relatively normal life, to personal relationships and the lack of support for stroke survivors. Scola co-founded the Stroke Survivors Foundation, together with Charlene Murray in 2008, to increase stroke awareness and provide a support network for stroke victims.

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the arts lounge The Arts Lounge Venue: 17a Somerset Street Daily from 13:00


he Arts Lounge is run by the Visual and Performing Arts of Africa research team at Rhodes University. Set in a historic cottage on Somerset Street, it provides an intimate space for art chats, contemporary performances, screenings, dialogues, art creations, poetry and interventions. Drinks and snacks are available at the Lounge. Entrance is free. The 2012 Arts Lounge programme features conversations with Cedric Nunn, Randolph Hartzenberg, Mikhael Subotzky, Doung Anwar Jahangeer, Usha Seejarim, Athi-Patra Ruga, and Siyabulela Mdoda; a Bollywood Film Festival; poetry and performances by Winslow Schalkwyck, Glen Arendse, Genna Gardini, Janet Botes, Jessica Foli and Nkule Mabaso; film screenings; art dialogues, and more. Pick up the free Arts Lounge brochure or view www.researchafrica-arts.com for full details of the programme, biographies on all participants plus additional events, changes, cancellations or updates.

The Dalro Lectures Presented by Wordfest Red Theatre

The Dramatic and Literary Rights Organisation of South Africa takes pleasure in sponsoring these two lectures.

Pieter-Dirk Uys: Never too Naked Wednesday 4 July 12:00 We are all familiar with the razor-sharp lines of Evita Bezuidenhout and associates. In case you suspected that they were written by a master craftsman of the language why don’t you listen to Pieter-Dirk Uys launch the autobiography of Bambi Kellerman? Never too Naked will have you laughing and nodding your head in admiration at Uys’ craft all at the same time.

Cleopatra Re-visited – Dame Janet Suzman Thursday 5 July 12:00 Janet Suzman, who was made a Dame in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List in 2011 for her services to drama, will tell the inside story of her acclaimed Anthony and Cleopatra staged in Britain earlier this year. Suzman appears courtesy of the Shakespeare Society of Southern Africa.

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conversations with authors

conversations with authors A series of informal conversations with authors of recently published books. Held in the intimacy of the Nun’s Chapel, these events provide audiences with the opportunity to talk one-on-one with some of South Africa’s finest authors. Books will be on sale at these events and authors will sign your copy on request.

Bernedette Muthien on Ova Saturday 30 June 12:00

Bernedette Muthien is a South African activist, scholar and poet, and Director of Engender, an NGO providing research and capacity building for communities in the intersectional areas of genders and sexualities, human rights, justice and peace. She began writing poetry as a schoolgirl during the 1980’s, when she also started reading poems at political mass meetings and other public spaces. To date her poems have been translated into Spanish, Portuguese and Italian and have been published in the Americas, Europe and Africa. On 30 June Bernedette celebrates the Grahamstown launch of ‘ova’. Each poem in this collection touches on unique themes and speaks to various aspects of our daily lives as Africans, women and as human beings. Her poetry is incisive, elegant and unpredictable. The poems contained in ‘ova’ ooze with love, compassion, and an inherent understanding of our nation’s past, present and future.

Frank Chikane

Bernedette Muthien

Fiona Forde

Tim Sandham on A Bosman Companion: From Abjaterskop to Zwingli Sunday 1 July 12:00

Herman Charles Bosman is one of South Africa’s best-known authors and story-tellers, and his creation Oom Schalk Lourens, an old Boer farmer, is undoubtedly one of the best-loved characters in South African literature. This very handy reference work on all aspects of Bosman’s life and work consists of short, informative, alphabetically arranged entries. Sandham is a teacher, librarian, playwright, and television writer and, with With Angus Douglas he wrote and performed three plays relate directly to Herman Charles Bosman: Oom Schalk Strikes Back; The Great Bosman Quiz, And Bosman & Mynhardt: A Tribute (With Johann Mynhardt). Angus Douglas will host this conversation.

Julia Wells

Tim Sandham

Chris Thurman

Riaan Manser

Rosemary Smith

Brent Meersman

conversations with authors

Fiona Forde: An Inconvenient Youth: Julius Malema and the ‘new’ ANC Monday 2 July 12:00 An Inconvenient Youth traces Malema’s life, from his early, povertystricken years in Limpopo, to his joining the student structures of the ANC in the early 1990s, and his rapid rise through the party’s ranks to become the president of the ANC Youth League in 2008. Forde analyses the sources of Malema’s wealth, exploring his seamless approach to business through politics. She situates Malema within the ANC’s history and shows in unprecedented detail how he has perfected the practices that characterise a new ‘struggle’ in which individuals extend their personal wealth and political power at the expense of the people. Fiona has covered South African politics acutely for a number of years, mainly for the Independent Newspapers group. She has also lent her name to a string of investigations into corruption amongst the political elite.

Frank Chikane: Eight Days in September Tuesday 3 July 12:00 Eight Days in September refers to the eight-day period in September 2008 when Thabo Mbeki was removed from office as the President of South Africa. At the time, Frank Chikane was Secretary of Cabinet and Head (Director-General) of the Presidency and in that capacity he was responsible for managing the transition from Mbeki to Kgalema Motlanthe and then on to Jacob Zuma. He thus had a front row seat to the unfolding drama and was one of very few insiders to be party to the transition in such a unique way.

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an accurate understanding of the 10 years prior to that moment? The government was on the one hand already dismantling apartheid and abandoning its racial theories, while on the other hand it was increasingly autocratic and intolerant. It was the decade of the garrison state. Brent Meersman’s latest book, Reports Before Daybreak chronicles the generation of South Africans who came of age during that period. It straddles both fiction and non-fiction. Meersman writes for the Mail & Guardian. Brooks Spector will lead this conversation.

Riaan Manser: Around Africa on my Bicycle, Around Madagascar on my Kayak, Around Iceland on Inspiration Friday 6 July 12:00 In 2006 Riaan Manser became the first person to cycle around Africa. Over two years, alone and unaided, he pedalled 37,000km through 34 countries, some of which are war-zones. Riaan was voted Adventurer of the Year and his Around Africa on my Bicycle, is a bestseller. In 2009, alone and unaided, Riaan paddled 5 000km in eleven months to become the first person to circumnavigate Madagascar by kayak. Riaan was again voted Adventurer of the Year and his second book received acclaim. Riaan recently completed another odyssey. Battling Arctic elements with partner, Dan Skinstad, who has mild cerebral palsy, the two paddled 2300km in five months in a double kayak to circumnavigate Iceland.

Julia Wells: The Return of Maskhanda, Exploring the Legend Friday 6 July 12:00 (Red Theatre)

Chris Thurman: At Large: Reviewing the Arts in South Africa Wednesday 4 July 12:00 As a ‘critic at large’, Chris Thurman has engaged with the work of theatre practitioners, musicians, dancers, visual artists and writers from across the South African arts spectrum. In this collection of journalistic essays, reviews and interviews produced over the course of five years, he not only explores the role of the arts – and the challenges facing artists – in a country still completing its transition to democracy, but also asks provocative questions about a range of social and political issues. Informed by an awareness of South Africa’s complex cultural history/histories, At Large offers a series of snapshots of the arts in the country during the early years of the 21st century, providing insight into the production and reception of both ‘local’ and ‘global’ artistic phenomena.

Brent Meersman on Reports Before Daybreak Thursday 5 July 12:00 The release of Nelson Mandela in 1990 was a watershed moment for millions of South Africans. At the end of the country’s darkest decade, it brought some prospect of hope and a future. Do we have

Prof Julia Wells from Rhodes University History Department will be joined by descendants of Makhanda to explain how this fresh research sheds new light on the personality and character of the man who led the massive Xhosa attack against the British military headquarters in Grahamstown in 1819. Old myths are laid to rest and a new, more nuanced and comprehensive image of the man emerges. His life and times exemplify the complex and multi-cultural world of the old Zuurveld area before the arrival of English settlers in 1820.

Rosemary Smith: Swimming with Cobras Saturday 7 July 12:00 Swimming with Cobras is a memoir of a white woman’s life in the Eastern Cape at the time of the anti-apartheid struggle. Coming from a sheltered childhood in post-war England and a training in social work, she is drawn steadily into the lives of people struggling to survive the apartheid regime, and in due course into the larger political struggle in the region as well. Her role as an activist in the Black Sash is the central thread in the story. Through involvement she overcomes her sense of alienation in a strange land, she shapes her identity and ultimately finds her home. Her story bears witness to the role played by many whites in what is often seen to have been solely a black struggle. Tim Huisamen will be on hand to lead the converstaion.

THInk!fest film String Caesar Blue Theatre Monday 2 July 17:30 Duration: 2hrs

Age restriction PG Tickets: R40


creening of the film String Caesar, followed by a discussion and Q&A with Alice Krige, Warren Adler, Nobuhle Ketelo, Thumeka Kumahlo, Vaneshran Arumugam and Peter John Christians. The panel will be augmented by members of the Correctional Services Department and the Legal Resources Centre. String Caesar looks at the changing of laws and the formation of states during unknown and unexamined adolescence and the rise to power of the man who would become the emperor Julius Caesar. A timeless story of a young man’s struggle to survive by becoming a power broker, a manipulator and then a dictator – the genesis of a powerful man, with roots in politics, violence, and gang warfare told across the millennia from ancient Rome to modern day prisons by a group of great actors – be they professional or inmates – String Caesar is filmed entirely within prison walls.

The Afda Retrospective 1994 – 2011: Re-Inventing our local cinema voice


his is a four-package collection of the best of AFDA films 1994 – 2011, documenting and tracking our new democracy over the last 15 years. Although many of these films of received critical acclaim worldwide, more importantly they have contributed to the emergence of a unique cultural voice (post 1994) and have been key to developing local South African talent like Norman Naake, Dean Blumberg, Martha Sibanyoui, Mandla Ndimande, Robert Malpage, Danie Bester, CA van Aswegen, and Diaan Lanrenson. Each film will be introduced by an AFDA lecturer, who will field questions at the end of the screenings.

The Early Years Home Sweet Home – Director: Norman Maake Triompheer – Director: JH Beetge Under the Rainbow – Director: Dean Blumberg Amabukwe We Strike – Director: Marthinus Lamprecht Black Sushi – Director: Dean Blumberg Lififent Lesedi Bafelong – Director: Norman Maake Seminar Room 1 30 June 18:00; 4 July 20:00 Total Duration: 90 minutes Tickets: R25

The Oscar Nominees Sandiswe – Director: Grant Angus Our Ship – Director: Darren Campbell Windpomp – Director: Etienne Fourie In Return – Director: Mark Strydom Seminar Room 1 1 July 20:00; 5 July 20:00 Total Duration: 88 minutes Tickets: R25

The Big Award Winners Bolombo – Director: Zwelezi Antuli Ongeriewe – Director: Robin Kleinveld In a Time of Love – Director: Mark Strydom Elaleni – Director: Tristan Holmes

Alice Krige

Seminar Room 1 2 July 18:00; 6 July 16:00 Total Duration: 84 minutes Tickets: R25

Old Favourites Escudo – Director: Wolfgang Muller Wamkilikelele – Director: Doret Vuncic Electricity – Director: Nicolas Manneke Anders – Director: Wenner Coetzee Cake – Director: Phillipa Caddon Seminar Room 1 3 July 16:00; 7 July 18:00 Total Duration: 96 minutes Tickets: R25

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