King's Herald - Spring 2003

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MARCH 2003

STACEY ALLASTER Canadian tennis takes centre court Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall takes shape

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A SENSE OF EXCITEMENT The Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall will be ready for the “double cohort”

An ’84 grad, Anne Marie Peirce is King’s new alumni and foundation director

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Stacey Allaster ’85 combines love and drive to make tennis a great Canadian sporting spectacle

King’s student Pascal Murphy finds King’s a perfect match for his interests in social justice and peace

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The College’s new Master of Social Work program has now been approved

A Q&A with John and Mary Snyder about the growing need for bursaries and scholarships

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A profile of The Most Reverend Ronald Peter Fabbro, C.S.B., the new Bishop of London

From the Principal’s Desk Foundation Happenings Branching Out Milestones In Memoriam

page 10

page 5 page 18 page 19 page 21 page 21

King’s College Alumni Association London, Ontario, Canada We welcome your letters, suggestions or comments about the Association and the College. Please contact the King’s College Alumni Office:

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ANNE MARIE PEIRCE King’s grad, Anne Marie (Desjardins) Peirce ’84 is delighted to be its new alumni director Working for one’s alma mater is something that most professional fundraisers would consider an honour. That’s how Anne Marie Peirce, the new Executive Director of King’s College Foundation and Director of Alumni Affairs, feels. One of the first things she did was to call a few of her old King’s friends. “They were just as thrilled as I was,” she says. Peirce grew up in Toronto, where she attended a relatively small high school. She chose King’s as her university because it was a small campus with all the benefits of a large one. “King’s was everything that I hoped it would be,” she says. “The residence life was great, and I met some people who became lifelong friends. And it offered excellence in teaching.” It was also at King’s that she met her husband Tom. During her time studying history, Peirce wasn’t sure where her career would take her, but honed her writing and communication skills and soaked up as much knowledge as she could. It wasn’t until after graduation that she became aware of the wonderful opportunities in fund development. She began her fundraising career at Toronto East General Hospital Foundation on 1989, and then joined the Kitchener Waterloo Hospital Foundation (now the Grand River Hospital Foundation). After play-


ing an important role in the F o u n d a t i o n ’s successful capital campaign, as well as major giving and planned giving programs, Peirce joined the University of Waterloo as Senior Development Officer, Major Individual Giving, to work on yet another capital campaign. In 1998 she earned her Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) certification, the occupation’s professional credential. Peirce loves working in the academic environment, where she believes the need is crucial. “It makes me happy to know that every day I’m making a difference to my organization and the lives of students.” Now that the King’s capital campaign is complete, Peirce sees a lot of opportunity for tremendous growth in other fundraising and alumni programs. Peirce is looking forward to meeting with alumni and renewing old friendships. “I would love alumni to give me a call, or drop me a line,” she says. “I want to hear how they feel about our alumni programming, and how it could work better for them.” Peirce is also looking forward to being part of the London community again, albeit in a different way than when she was a student. Because she relies so much on volun-

teers in her work, she understands the importance of volunteering herself. In Kitchener she was president of the Joseph Schneider Haus Museum Board, a living history museum dedicated to the early settlement of the Pennsylvania Dutch Mennonites. She has also been involved with numerous community agencies, as well as the United Way. Peirce feels it’s an advantage being a King’s grad when it comes to tapping into the enthusiasm of other grads. “I have a really, really strong affinity to King’s. As an alumni director and also a development professional, I feel that it’s easier to speak of King’s and its wonderful attributes when I’ve experienced them directly. “ Although there have been many changes since her student days, Peirce says that King’s has much the same campus spirit and sense of community. “Students are as involved as they ever were,” she says, “and the people are a delight to work with. The moment I got here it felt like home to me.” ▲

from the


esk By Dr. Gerald Killan


The long awaited “double cohort” is finally upon us. The first class of four-year Ontario high school students who entered Grade 9 in September 1999 will be graduating this year, at the same time as the last class of the fiveyear students. King’s has received 4191 applications from potential first-year students for September 2003, an increase of 52.7% over last year. First choice applications alone are up 51% from 539 to 869 students. Last September (2002), with the arrival of the fast-trackers (five-year students who finished high school in four years), King’s admitted 613 Ontario high school graduates, some 114 more than the previous year. In September 2003 we plan to admit an additional 130 students for a projected total of 745 new Ontario high school graduates. When community college transfers and international students are added to the enrollment mix, our 2003 first year class will be 915 students strong. Our total enrollment, incidentally, will be approximately 2,650 full-time equivalent students. King’s has been planning for the “double cohort” since 1999. Our strategic plan, Vision, Values and Learning, calls for us to manage expansion in a way that enhances both academic programming and classroom, office and communal space; balances accessibility with a commitment to improving the academic quality of the student body; and maintains the core values of King’s as a Catholic university college. How are we doing in terms of managing growth? As it happens our academic programming and faculty development are right on target. The number of full-time faculty has grown from 61 in 2001 to 67 in 2003. We intend to hire three additional tenure-stream faculty in 2004 and two more in 2005. This will allow us to maintain a steady state student-faculty ratio in the classrooms. The number of course sections has grown impressively from 218 in 2000-01 to 241 in 2002-03. Next year we will offer as many as

260 course offerings. Such growth reflects the dramatic developments in our academic programming. Over the past several years King’s has introduced its own four-year stream of Administrative and Commercial Studies (Global Commercial Enterprise), both a general and four-year honors program in Childhood and Family Relations, a Peace and Social Justice Studies program, and an Honors BA in Catholic Studies. This September will see the inauguration of a part-time Masters of Social Work program and a four-year cross-disciplinary, core-curriculum program in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE).

Enrollment expansion will not result in the erosion of academic standards. On the contrary, the minimum admission average has been rising gradually from 73% in 2000-01, to 75% in 2001-02, to 76% in 2002-03. Next year the “double cohort” will drive entrance requirements up again where they will probably remain for the foreseeable future. The improved academic quality of student population at King’s has created a better classroom experience for both faculty and students alike. Thanks to the King’s College Foundation’s successful capital campaign, Building Faith, Building Futures, the money has been raised to construct a new academic building, the Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall. Construction is underway and on schedule for completion by July 2003. “Bessie” Labatt Hall will provide six classrooms each between 60 and 95 seats in size, a third computer classroom, a dozen faculty offices, and an administrative centre for the School of Social Work. There will also be a large much-anticipated multi-purpose area for community gatherings (Orientation, Convocation, Feast of Christ the King), special lectures and events, and most importantly, Sunday Mass. Elsewhere in the College, academic space has been developed in the Cardinal Carter Library with the addition of the Peter Mitchell news-

paper lounge, three more group study rooms, two audio-visual study rooms, a study room for the visually impaired, and a barrier free study room. Student services are also gearing up for the double cohort. The younger students require more support in general in areas like study skills instruction, career and psychological counseling, and special needs services. Campus ministry will also be provided with expanded office space and a student drop-in centre in the Wemple building. Plans are also afoot to redesign the chapel. We are adjusting ways of doing things when faced with younger first-year students. For example, for the first time, Orientation was officially “dry” this year. All in all, then, King’s is in good shape as it embraces the “double cohort.” A growing student population has provided opportunities to improve our College in a variety of ways. We have seized those opportunities and are now much the better for it. King’s is changing. Please take the first opportunity available to visit the College and witness these changes first hand. ▲


CENTRE COURT ision and hard work help Stacey Allaster ’85 deliver an ace for Canadian tennis When Stacey Allaster was a teenager in Welland, she used to beg her mother to let her take the car to the National Tennis Centre in Toronto to watch the Canadian Open. Gazing at her heroes like Bjorn Borg and Chris Evert, she dreamed of one day standing at centre court with the eyes of the world upon her.

were unable to hit the ball back to her. But when she was awarded a summer membership and free lessons at age 12, her talent for the game turned into a passion. By the time she enrolled at King’s College, she was an accomplished player. As part of the Western team, she won a doubles championship and an OWIAA title.

Her dream came true last August, although not exactly in the way she had hoped. Rather than receiving a trophy, she found herself presenting one, to Men’s Champion Guillermo Canas. “I couldn’t make it onto that centre court as a player so the only way I could do it was through administration,” says Allaster, who is the Toronto Tournament Director and Vice President Marketing of Tennis Canada.

“We’re not so much in the tennis business as we are in the entertainment business. We’re still a world class tennis event, but we offer so much more than tennis.”

When Allaster first started tennis lessons at age six, she told her mother she thought they were “boring” because her playmates


At King’s, Allaster loved the warm atmosphere and friendly environment. “For me it was the best of both worlds,” she says. “I really enjoyed the classes at King’s. They were much smaller, with much more one-on-one attention from the professors than at main campus.”

After graduating from King’s in 1985, she took some postgraduate studies to give her more background in marketing and communications, and then joined the Ontario Tennis Association. It was here that she discovered her flair for sports marketing. In 1991 she joined Tennis Canada, and in 1995 she was appointed VP in Sales and Marketing. Last year Allaster was named Tournament Director for Toronto, which hosted the men’s Tennis Masters Canada. Each year the men’s event and the women’s Rogers AT&T Cup alternate between Toronto and Montreal. The Canadian Open championships have always attracted a sizeable audience, but Allaster’s goal from the beginning was to reach out beyond core tennis fans. “We’re not so much in the tennis business as we are in the entertainment business,” she says. “We’re still a world class tennis event, but we

offer so much more than tennis.” Allaster attracts singers and performers, offers autograph sessions, and makes sure that customers have a wide range of shopping, eating, and entertainment options. Over the past few years, Allaster has tripled sponsorship revenues and increased attendance by 50 percent. While completing her Executive MBA with the Richard Ivey School of Business, she landed a six-year sponsorship agreement with AT&T Canada and Rogers AT&T Wireless for the women’s tournament. She also played an important international role in restructuring the men’s Tennis Masters Series. Allaster understands that the way to build the international profile of the Canadian tournaments is to draw the premier players. As Tournament Director for the 2002 Men’s Championship in Toronto, she assembled perhaps the best field ever, including Wimbledon winners Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, and Lleyton Hewitt. The key to attracting the world’s best, she says, is to treat them so well that they want to come back. “We take good care of them and really let them experience the city and the restaurants. We’ve great relationships with the hotels to do what we need to do to make them feel that much more special.” As Tournament Director, Allaster understands that her role is to provide the athletes with the environment they need to perform at their maximum, which means giving them

Stacey Allaster meets with Tennis Canada staff.

as much private space as she can. Still, as a tennis fan, she loves the contact with the world’s best. “When I talk to Pete Sampras, I can’t help thinking ‘I’m talking to the greatest tennis player in the world,’” she says. “There’s no doubt about it, it’s a thrill.” Although Allaster is working hard to secure a title sponsor for the men’s event, she believes that sports events will depend less and less on one big name and more on diversification of revenues. “The sports business model of the future will not depend on sports sponsorships as the number one priority,” she says. “Smaller sponsorships, naming rights, ticket sales, and corporate boxes and suites will provide a better balance in the diversification of our revenue streams, so we

won’t be so vulnerable.” Allaster is excited by the new National Tennis Centre to be built in Toronto. A $45 million project, the stadium is expected to be ready by the summer of 2004 in time for the men’s Tennis Masters. Allaster’s marketing and sales team has already sold $6 million worth of boxes and $4 to $5 million in naming rights. Allaster is also doing her best to change the image of the game, bringing it into the 21st century. In the summer of 2000, she agreed that Toronto be the first Tennis Masters Tournament of the Tour to adopt the controversial “New Balls Please” market(continued on page 8)

Planning meeting meeting for for the the new new National National Planning Tennis Centre Centre with with architects architects and and staff. staff. Tennis


(continued from page 7)

ing campaign. The idea was to promote the rising young stars of the game like Gustavo Kuerten, Marat Safin, and Roger Federer. “It was perhaps a bit avant garde for our sport, and a little irreverent,” says Allaster. “Still, it was done in a professional manner and it was catchy.”

“When I talk to Pete Sampras, I can’t help thinking I’m talking with the best tennis player in the world. There’s no doubt about it - it’s a thrill.” Tennis Canada has also led the move to purple courts – rather than the traditional green – as a new way of branding the Masters series. When Allaster heard a tenyear old girl tell her mother that the courts looked “cool” it was exactly what she wanted to hear. Tennis offers wonderful role models for kids, she says. “It’s a clean sport – there’s no violence or drugs. It’s really a pleasure for me to market such champions.” Although Allaster would love to see a Canadian star take the tennis world by storm, her ultimate goal is to see more kids and adults just playing the game. “Tennis is about fun, and

friendship,” she says. “It’s one of those sports that’s very affordable. You can play it when you’re five, and you can play it when you’re 80. It’s truly a sport of a lifetime.” With the success of Tennis Canada and its two elite tournaments, Allaster has developed a reputation as someone who gets things done. Her tenacity has earned her the knickname “bulldog,” a description she isn’t keen on but is able to laugh about. “Maybe it’s because I’m small and I never give up,” she says. “I’ll fight for what I believe in.” Last year Allaster was honoured as the Female Sports Executive of the Year, as part of the first annual Women of Sports Awards. In support of her nomination, Brian Williams of CBC Television Sports said, “Stacey Allaster

brings truly unique strengths to world class tennis events in this country. The players all say that the events at the National Tennis Centre in Toronto are the best run and organized anywhere in the world.” Allaster is grateful to King’s for providing a supportive environment that helped open her mind and give her the confidence to do exactly what she wanted. “I have my dream job,” she says. “Every day I get to do something that I enjoy, and know that what I’m doing is ultimately for another Stacey Allaster, whether it be a player or somebody who goes into administration. Tennis has given me everything, so I want to give back every day.” ▲

atch the best women tennis players in the world, and meet Stacey Allaster ’85 at Alumni Night at Rogers AT&T Cup women’s tennis. The event begins at 7:00 on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at the National Tennis Centre, York University, Toronto. Cost is $46 per person and includes free parking, access to the Alumni Patio and a free souvenir magazine. To order your tickets please call (519) 4333491 or 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4552. To guarantee your seat in the King’s College section, please order your tickets by June 2, 2003. Past champions include Amelie Mauresmo in ’02 and Serena Williams in ’01.

Travel The King’s Way Drive with pride as the owner of a special King’s College license plate, offered through a partnership with Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation. Proceeds will benefit student aid at King’s. Regular series plates with the King’s College graphic cost $52.10. A personalized plate costs $185.85. Contact the Alumni Office at 519-433-3491 ext. 4502 to purchase King’s College licence plates. King’s College graphic plates can also be ordered at all License issuing offices, ServiceOntario Kiosks, or by calling the Ministry at

1-800-AUTO-PL8 (1-800-288-6758)




he part-time Master of Social Work Program breaks new ground for the College It’s official – at last. King’s College has a new Master of Social Work Program, beginning this September. “When we got permission to start advertising, the phone didn’t stop ringing for three days,” says Dr. Ken Gordon, Director, School of Social Work. “There’s been a pent up demand for a long time.” For the past 20 years pressure has been building in the London community for a Master of Social Work degree. With the trend among social service agencies toward hiring MSW graduates, local BSW-qualified social workers were at a disadvantage. With jobs and families, many found it impossible to move to another centre to complete an advanced degree. In 1988, a King’s proposal for a graduate social work program made it all the way to the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, but a government funding freeze brought it to a halt. The proposal was resubmitted in 1992, but again it was dropped when university funding continued to decline.

Dr. Ken Gordon, Director, School of Social Work

approach, which combines a focus on advanced practice theory with grounding in administration and re-search. Most of the courses are prescribed, but students do have the choice of a practicum (field practice) and elective.

When Ken Gordon became Director five years ago, he decided to take a new tack. He felt that a part-time rather than a full-time graduate program had a number of distinct advantages. It could be implemented incrementally, building resources over the first few years of operation so the program could pay for itself right away. The part-time approach also fit very well with the needs of the community. Many social workers with family responsibilities wanted to upgrade their qualifications without leaving their jobs.

Gordon is looking forward to new synergies between the graduate and undergraduate programs, and also with the community. “I can see the School becoming more of a focus for research, with impacts on undergraduates who want to become involved in research projects,” says Gordon. Some faculty members are already showing an interest in doing more research with community agencies in London and beyond. Gordon also sees opportunities to create stronger links with community agencies that have tended to hire MSW’s from other centres.

The new MSW program will begin in September 2003 and run for nine semesters over a period of three years. Unique to the program is its “advanced generalist”

For King’s College, the approval by the MSW program by the University of Western Ontario is an important milestone: this is the first Faculty of Graduate Studies program

ever to be offered by an affiliate college. “This is bound to have an impact on King’s reputation in the wider academic community, and also result in more cross-fertilization between the disciplines here,” says Gordon. “I’ve already heard from faculty in other disciplines who would be interested in the opportunity to work with our students on their research or act as graduate advisors.” Although it’s been a long wait, Gordon sees the final approval by Western’s Senate as a beginning rather than an ending. Still, he’s looking forward to having a big party in September. “I find this very exciting because we’ve reached a goal that we’ve been striving toward for such a long time.” For more information about King’s Master of Social Work program contact Dr. Rick Csiernik, the Graduate Program Coordinator, or Admissions Coordinator, Bette-Jane Genttner, at 433-3491 ext. 4328. ▲


LEARNING ishop Ronald Fabbro is committed to the mission of King’s College

Bishop Ronald Ronald Peter Peter Fabbro Fabbro C.S.B. C.S.B. at at the the cornerstone cornerstone Bishop dedication of of Elizabeth Elizabeth A. A. “Bessie” “Bessie” Labatt Labatt Hall. Hall. dedication

Next to his faith, the defining principle in the life of the Most Reverend Ronald Peter Fabbro, C.S.B., has been his love of education. In his new role as Bishop of London, he’s looking forward to building on the special relationship between King’s College and the Diocese. “I’m impressed with King’s,” he says, “and I’m excited about working to strengthen its mission.” Bishop Fabbro grew up in a close-knit neighbourhood of Sudbury with parents who put a strong emphasis on education. He attended St. Charles College, a Catholic High School run by the Basilian Fathers, where he became fascinated by the study of mathematics. An excellent student, Bishop Fabbro received a scholarship to Queens, where he pursued his interest in mathematics and physics. But when he began his doctorate at the University of Toronto, he began to ask broader questions about life. It was at that point that he started thinking about combin-


ing teaching with the priesthood. Upon completing his Masters, Bishop Fabbro lived in a Basilian community in Sault St. Marie and taught at its Catholic high school, St. Mary’s College. At the end of that year, he entered the Basilian novitiate in Rochester, New York. After taking his vows, he began the Master of Divinity program at the University of St. Michael’s College in Toronto, and lived in a seminary that included a number of religious communities from North America. St. Michael’s College is a shining example of the educational mission of the Basilian Fathers (also known as the Congregation of St. Basil). The School was founded in the mid1800s by Basilian priests from France, where the Congregation originated, to provide education for poor Irish immigrants. A hundred years later St. Michael’s expanded the role and influence of Catholic education when it federated with the University of Toronto. Similar models were established in

Windsor, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and Alberta. At the same time Basilian high schools began to blossom in Canada and the United States. After graduating from St. Michael’s with a Master of Divinity, Bishop Fabbro spent a year doing pastoral work, and then went to Rome to complete his Doctorate in Sacred Theology. With relatives in Italy, it was a return to his physical, as well as spiritual, roots. “Rome is a beautiful city once you get used to the noise and traffic,” he says. “Just walking about you might come across a little church with a beautiful Carravagio tucked away in a corner. If it was in North America, it would be a national shrine.” When Father Fabbro returned, he taught moral theology at St. Joseph’s College at the University of Alberta, an experience he found very rewarding. “Because students approached me outside of class to talk about their lives, I started to learn what it meant to be pastorally involved in their lives,” he says.

“I enjoyed the balance between the teaching and the pastoral work, and saw both as important parts of my vocation as a priest.” After three years at St. Joseph’s, Bishop Fabbro returned as a professor to St. Michael’s in Toronto, where he became very involved in the Basilian community. In 1997 he was elected as General Superior of the Congregation of St. Basil, requiring him to forgo his teaching in order to travel and provide spiritual leadership to the Congregation. In early 2002 Bishop Fabbro received a surprise phone call from the Nuncio, the Pope’s representative in Canada. The Pope wanted to appoint him the Bishop of the Diocese of London. “I was given a day to decide,” he says, “although I wasn’t left much room to say no.” Bishop Fabbro took up his new duties after World Youth Day, and was ordained on August 15. In the fall he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from the University of St. Michael’s College. Bishop Fabbro is enjoying the challenges of his new role as Bishop of London. “My first step has been to get to know the priests and the parishes,” he says, “and to get a sense from our people what their hopes and concerns are for the Diocese.” His immediate goal is to work on a pastoral plan to set some priorities for the future. Although he misses the hands-on teaching of university students, Bishop Fabbro is looking forward to learning more about the life of the church. He is particularly interested in his new relationship with King’s College. “Principal Killan and the King’s Board have reached out to show their desire to work closely with the Diocese to strengthen the mission of the College,” he says.

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Bishop Fabbro is a strong believer of the importance of the Catholic intellectual tradition. “Anybody who’s involved in the work place today is faced with questions of what difference our faith makes in our daily lives and the world in which we live. These are practical questions, but they’re questions that involve us in talking about our faith and the intellectual questions our society faces. Education in the faith is vital, and so King’s College has a vital role to play in the mission of our Diocese.” ▲


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EXCITEMENT he new Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall begins to take shape Thanks to generosity, vision, and the spirit of working together, the Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall will soon be a reality. As the edifice grows, week by week, so does the sense of excitement. Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall will be ready to open in September for the first wave of the double cohort. The Hall will enable the College to grow from 2000 to 2400 students, and help the Ontario university system absorb the massive influx of students expected over the next 20 years. It will also allow the College to achieve this growth while maintaining its tradition of small class sizes. The new building will be part of a quadrangle, situated near the Cardinal Carter library and Dante Lenardon Hall, and across the road from the Wemple Building. It will contain three state-of-the-art classrooms, the largest to hold up to 95 students. The Hall will also provide office and meeting


space, a computer food concession.




and a place of worship. The room can be subdivided into three classrooms for about 70 students each. When fully opened it will be used for large gatherings and liturgical events, holding more than 400 people. This special facility will establish King’s as the primary faith centre for the Catholic constituency of Western.

The planning for the new academic centre began in February 2000 with the announcement of a $1.93 grant from Ontario’s SuperBuild Fund. This left a further $3.8 million for the College to raise in its Building Faith, Cornerstone Dedication Building Futures campaign. left to right: Arthur Thanks to major gifts from the Labatt, Sonia Labatt Labatt family, King’s students, and Gerry Killan. and the City of London, this goal has been achieved. The centerpiece for the new Hall will be a The naming of the new acalarge multi-purpose room, to be used as a combined classroom

Arthur Labatt at the Cornerstone Blessing.

Left Leftto toright: right:Arthur ArthurLabatt; Labatt; Brigid BrigidBuckingham, Buckingham, KCSC KCSCpresident; president; Peter Petervan vander derWesten, Westen,Chair, Chair, King’s King’sCollege CollegeBoard Boardof ofDirectors. Directors.

demic centre in memory of Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt recognizes the generous contribution of $1 million from Arthur Labatt, his sister Mary Lamb, and his late brother Jack. Their mother “Bessie” was a woman who devoted her life to her family, her faith, and community service. “Her religious values, her inclusiveness, and her desire to help people go hand in hand with the values that are held by the College,” said Arthur. “We’re very proud to be honoring Mother at this great institution.“ Because the Hall is for students, it’s fitting that King’s students are a major contributor. On their behalf, the King’s Students’ Council has pledged $825,000 in support. Council President Brigid Buckingham says that the gift will give King’s students a real sense of pride and ownership in the Hall. “We look to the College for guidance, and they look to us for support,”

she said. “It’s a good feeling to make this kind of commitment, because it shows we really care about the King’s community and the academic environment we work in.” Principal Gerry Killan spoke of the significance of the new building to the academic enterprise, campus culture and liturgical life of King’s College. He also drew attention to the building’s architecture as a unifying force. “The cross to adorn the building will become a defining symbol of our College – a powerful, visual reminder of our Catholic mission.” ▲ Dianne Cunningham, M.P.P. Minister of Training Colleges & Universities

On November 22, the King’s community, with dignitaries from the province and the city, came together at an official ceremony to bless the cornerstone for the new Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall. The blessing was performed by his Excellency Bishop Ronald Fabbro, who in his remarks said that the Diocese of London is “…aware of what a treasure we have in King’s College.”

Russ Monteith, Deputy Mayor of London



ascal Murphy helps other King’s students explore issues of social justice and peace When the challenges of confronting injustice seem overwhelming, Pascal Murphy thinks of a quote by Margaret Mead that hangs on his wall: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” A third year student, Murphy decided to choose King’s when he was offered the Social Justice Scholarship. His decision has led to a unique collaboration with the School, resulting in an exciting new Justice and Peace academic program and the revival of the Social Justice Club. He recently became the 2002 recipient of the Joe Barth Award for Justice and Peace. Murphy’s interest in justice and peace issues began as a high school student in Stratford, Ontario, when he went on a poverty awareness experience in the Dominican Republic. This was followed by a similar but broader experience in Ghana, West Africa, with One World Global Education. Living in a mud hut and working alongside the locals,


Murphy gained a perspective and understanding of global solidarity. He came home with new eyes and many questions about the meaning and purpose of his own life.

Pascal Murphy at a protest against the School of the Americas in Columbus, Georgia November 2002. He is carrying crosses on his back naming victims.

After high school Murphy worked for a L’Arche community and the Children’s Aid Society, and participated in a conference on Canadian unity. However, after a few years, he felt the need to examine his experiences in a broader academic context. “I wanted to better understand and challenge the structures of injustice – to go to a deeper level.” At King’s Murphy found a perfect environment to ask questions and seek answers. “I absolutely love the College,” he says. “I love that it’s small, and that I’ve been able to get really involved. There have been a number of

profs who have been incredibly encouraging and supportive.” To help Murphy take courses that matched his interests, Dean of Students Mary Carol Watters suggested that he build his own program through the Scholar’s Elective, an option for top students. Working with his advisor Bernie Hammond, he combed through Western’s syllabus and identified a list of 20 credits that brought together both local and global concerns with a central theme of social justice, devel-

opment, and peace. His program has now become the model for the formal academic program in Social Justice and Peace, with about 90 students enrolled in its first year. In his first year at King’s Murphy felt that students should have a vehicle to raise awareness of social justice issues and participate in the wider community. After talking up the idea among Student Council members and setting up a booth at orientation, he has now revived the King’s Social Justice Club. In February, King’s students took part in the Club’s first major event, an inner city walk in Toronto. “It gave us a view of the city that students seldom see,” says Murphy. “The walk was facilitated by people who lived on the street, and worked in the sex and drug trade. After the walk, we talked to them about their experiences.” Murphy was also recently involved in a

protest against the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas (SOA). The School, located at Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia, is the U.S. Army’s principal training facility for Latin American military personnel. Over the years graduates of the School have been linked to many human rights violations, including torture and murder, in Central and South America.

Crosses containing victims’ names line a fence at the protest at the School of the Americas.

PUT YOURSELF IN A BETTER FRAME OF MIND Early Bird Special Hardwood: $60.00 Polished Gold: $52.00 Plus GST and PST Delivery cost will apply (Canadian deliveries only)

Display your degree in a beautiful frame, custom-made for King’s College graduates with a gold embossed King’s symbol. The Alumni Association will now be offering a hardwood frame ($70) as well as a polished gold frame ($62). Pre-order your degree frame by May 1, 2003 to qualify for the Early Bird Special. CONTACT JANET TOOHEY AT (519) 433-3491 or 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4502.

Murphy was one of a group of 45 Canadians who joined about 10,000 protesters for a day of non-violent resistance. In a solemn funeral procession, the protesters placed thousands of crosses on the fence of the military base, each one representing the name of a person who had been killed by SOA graduates. American war veterans placed their military colours on the fence, and one actually pinned his Purple Heart. “By the end of the day the fence was so full of crosses you couldn’t even see through it,” says Murphy. The experience reinforced in Murphy the power of non-violent protest, in the tradition of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. “There was something so powerful about people joining together in solidarity,” he says. “The amount of love was absolutely incredible.” Murphy believes in leading by example, but also in being considerate of others who don’t share the same beliefs. He sees his role as encouraging people to become interested in issues of social justice and helping them develop arguments and create ways to bring about social change. “My approach is to live life the best way I can,” he says. “When people ask me why I’m doing what I’m doing, that’s my opportunity to encourage them to work with me, or at least tell them about the issues I struggle and grapple with.” ▲

CORRECTION NOTICE Many of you will have received a letter from our affinity partner, MBNA Canada Bank, in relation to a credit card offer. This letter was issued to some alumni on behalf of University of King’s College in Halifax instead of King’s College in error. You will be receiving a correction and apology from MBNA with further details in the upcoming weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


HAND tudent scholarships and bursaries ease the high cost of education Few people are more aware of the financial pressures on students than the professors who teach and mentor them. To help, more and more King’s faculty members are creating endowed scholarships and bursaries. John and Mary Snyder recently decided to create an endowed scholarship because of their commitment to education and the future of King’s students. This scholarship is awarded annually to a third or fourth year King’s student who has achieved the highest academic average in his or her philosophy courses. Dr. Snyder, King’s second-longest serving faculty member, is well known to alumni. His wife Mary is a librarian at St. Theresa elementary school. The Herald talked with them about their student life and the financial pressures facing today’s students. Here are a few excerpts from this conversation.

How has the rising cost of education affected student life? John: Over the past 10 to 15 years we have noticed, along with other universities, a trend toward fewer student events taking place on the campus. There are a number of reasons for this. First, many students are now working at jobs anywhere from 20 to 40 hours a week. Second, because education has become so expensive, more students are staying at home. And third, because more students are working or staying at home, student life is more confined to the residences, which for the most part are for those in first year. Mary: When I went to the University of Toronto. I lived in residence throughout the whole of my university career. As a result we


Dr. John Snyder and Mary Snyder

got to know each other very well. Some of us worked, but no more than 12 hours a week, and even then it was usually on campus. Things were a lot cheaper – tuition was only $300. I didn’t have a lot of money, but I always had shelter and food, and the library was next door. Everything we needed was right there.

than that have trouble finding enough time to devote to their studies. I have some students with jobs who are able to make school a priority and work hard at it. But they’re not able to do the other kinds of things that make student life so rich - like playing hockey or basketball, or going to dances and joining clubs.

Rising tuition is one thing – have costs gone up in other ways?

What other changes have affected student life?

Mary: I remember my father’s last gesture at the end of each summer when I got on the train to go back to university was to present me with a nice box of pens and pencils. I wrote all my essays in long hand with those pens and pencils. A student who had her own typewriter – that was a big deal! Today a computer is just a basic part of a student’s everyday tools.

Mary: Students today have more freedom. When I went to university my residence was very much like my home. I had to be back by a certain hour, and I had to eat at certain times. Today I think students have more choices, and therefore more opportunities a gift on the one hand and a responsibility on the other.

Can you have a job and still get the most out of university? John: I don’t think a 10 to 15 hour per week job is too bad. But students working more

Are students getting the education they need? John: The education today is basically very good. We have a lot of new young professors who are bright and enthusiastic, and are

teaching our students very well. Students face a tough world, but it’s a world where university graduates have significant advantages.

How can alumni help? John: It’s important that alumni continue to make contributions to the College. There is a connection between alumni support and academic success. I did my undergraduate degree at the University of Notre Dame. At the time it wasn’t a wealthy school. Over the years it has created a huge endowment through its alumni, and the school is now

ranked academically among the top 20. This endowment has allowed the university to make substantial contributions to student bursaries and scholarships. Here at King’s, contributions for student bursaries and scholarships can make a real difference. King’s accepts gifts of any size toward its general endowment and also offers the opportunity to create a named endowed scholarship. All you need to endow a named scholarship is $10,000 or more. The principal amount of the endowment is carefully invested to provide a stream of

income forever. A portion of this income (usually about 5 percent of the total) is the amount paid each year to a student as a bursary or scholarship. To set up an endowment, or for more information, simply contact Anne Marie Peirce at 519433-3491 or 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4501. Thanks to all King’s faculty members and staff who have endowed scholarships and bursaries. Through their help, many students are receiving crucial financial support. ▲

Message from the President of the





Greetings from King’s College - your alma mater! As you browse through this latest edition of The Herald, I’m sure you’ll be delighted with the many exciting developments taking place at the College and across our alumni network. As your new Alumni President, I am delighted to recap some of the highlights of our recent activities. During the past few years, your Alumni Board has worked hard to implement an Association Constitution, which provides us with the necessary framework to truly plan for the future. As a result, Board members are forging ahead with the strategic development of several active committees, including Communications, Homecoming, Alumni Services, Chapter Activities and a Mentor Program. Maureen Spencer Golovchenko ’77, We also proudly launched the Alumni Award of Distinction, as a means of recognizPresident ing the various community contributions made by our King’s graduates. To date, we have celebrated the comprehensive accomplishments of Jack Petch ’60 of Toronto, John Callaghan ‘67 of London and Gary Comerford ‘73 of Oakville and look forward to acknowledging the work of many more fellow Alumni in the coming years.

Your Association has also expanded King’s Homecoming activities to include a Reunion Dinner on the Friday evening of each Homecoming Weekend. This has proven to be a wonderful backdrop for rekindling old friendships, reminiscing about the ‘good old days’ and a great place to present the annual Alumni Award of Distinction. In addition, excitement on campus continues to build toward the September launch of the beautiful new Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall at King’s. The innovative Centre will be situated adjacent to both the modern Cardinal Carter Library and the historic Dante Lenardon Hall. This enhanced educational space will soon be home to a myriad of stimulating classes, lectures and social activities designed to keep generations of King’s students healthy and happy. The King’s College Alumni Association warmly invites you to visit your alma mater sometime this year, perhaps at Homecoming. We’re certain you’ll enjoy the experience and be very proud of the growth we have witnessed in recent times. We also welcome any suggestions you may have in the coming months. Thanks for being part of a great institution! Sincerely,



olovchenko ’77 – President


appenings ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

oundation usic Reigns 2003

ing’s Golf Classic 2003

MAY 8, 2003

SEPTEMBER 23, 2003

An Intimate Evening with Holly Cole, accompanied by Orchestra London and conducted by Timothy Vernon, will be held on Thursday, May 8, 2003 at the Hilton Hotel in London. Tickets are $125 per person. To order tickets or to reserve your table of six please call Orchestra London at (519) 679-8778. For more details visit

The eighth annual golf tournament will be held on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 at Forest City National Golf Club in London. Cost is $180 per golfer and includes barbecue lunch, buffet dinner, golf carts, use of the driving range and prizes. Texas scramble format. The fun gets underway at 1:00 pm with a shotgun start. For more information or to register, contact Debbie Seed at (519) 433-3491 or 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4500. See you on the greens!

nnual Fund Results The King’s College Foundation Annual Fund was a terrific success last fall. Our alumni, friends and parents generously donated almost $60,000 to help fund scholarships and bursaries for students, enhancements to the Cardinal Carter Library, and to other priority needs set by the College. We extend our sincere thanks to all of you who supported this year’s appeal. Your gift will have a tremendous impact on the quality of student life at King’s.


$20,450 Parents

Annual Fund Callers Fall 2002, left to right: Michelle Doiron, Terri Chiarello and Kate Pygiel.


270 Parents

$36,877 Alumni

TOTAL $59,952

675 Alumni

20 Friends of King’s



$2,625 Friends of King’s

CONVOCATION On October 25, 2002 105 King’s students received their degrees. Congratulations to all new graduates and welcome to the King’s College Alumni Association. We look forward to staying in touch with you.

Annual Fund Callers Fall 2002, left to right: Holly Irving, Ashleigh Schuett, Marissa Minor and Serena Filler.

Teresa Gerhold ’02, who graduated on October 25, 2002, officially cuts the graduation cake in the Students’ Lounge.



Get together with King’s alumni and build your ties with the College. Please join us for the following events.

“TAKING TIME – A BUSY PERSON’S RETREAT” For King’s College Alumni and Friends, April 25-27, 2003 at Medaille Retreat House, London. Teresa Bryant, Campus Minister and Director of Pastoral Leadership Studies, and Dr. James Schmeiser of the King’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies will facilitate this retreat that explores the ways in which our bodies, minds and spirits relate to the powerful and mysterious force called time. Through silence, ritual, reflection and dialogue, participants will encounter practices and perspectives which sustain and nurture a more fluid and integrated relationship with time. Cost is $150 per person. For more information contact Teresa Bryant at (519) 433-3491 ext. 4450 or email tlbryant

OTTAWA ORGANIZES BRANCH EVENTS The Ottawa Branch of the Alumni Association had a reception in October. Dr. Gerry Killan, Principal of King’s College, gave an update on the changes at King’s. We were happy to see many new faces in the group. Slowly, our numbers are increasing and the grad years represented are broadening. The discussions during the October reception were encouraging. As a result, Bill McCloskey ’65, Paul McKenzie ’90, Margaret Fuller ’75 and Geoff Hutton ’66 have commenced to organize a series of events that, it is hoped, will attract more Ottawa Alumni. While not fully defined, opportunities to attend local sporting events, cultural occasions, etc are being considered. It is intended to present a modest program at a reception to be held on Wednesday, May 23 from 4:30 - 7:00 P.M. at the Army Ottawa Officers Mess, 149 Somerset Ave. (near Elgin St.). All King’s Alumni in the Ottawa area are invited to participate in the reception and give feed-back on the proposed activities for the rest of 2003. We look forward to seeing you!

VINELAND ESTATES WINERY TOUR – JUNE 2003 Join us for lunch, a winery tour and wine tasting at Vineland Estates Winery on Friday, June 13, 2003. Special guest Dr. Dante Lenardon will give an address on Tuscan culture, and John Howard ’71 will lead a tour of his renowned winery. The cost is just $75.00 per person. We are offering transportation from London, but seating is limited, so call early to reserve your spot! Contact Janet Toohey at (519) 433-3491 or 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4552 to purchase tickets and for further information. The event is sponsored by John Howard ’71 and Aboutown Transportation.

ALUMNI NIGHT AT ROGERS AT&T CUP WOMEN’S TENNIS Thursday, August 14, 2003 at the National Tennis Centre, York University, Toronto at 7:00 p.m. Past champions include Amelie Mauresmo in ’02 and Serena Williams in ’01. Cost is $46 per person and includes access to the Alumni Patio and a free souvenir magazine. Free parking. To order your tickets please call (519) 433-3491 or 1 800-265-4406 ext. 4552. To guarantee your seat in the King’s College section, please order your tickets by June 2, 2003.

HOMECOMING 2003 King’s College welcomed home over 100 alumni at the Reunion Dinner and Bash on September 20, 2002. You can mark your calendar for this year’s Homecoming on Friday, September 19, 2003. We hope you will come home to King’s! You won’t want to miss the grand opening of King’s newest building, Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall.

Left to right: Leo Dubois ’61, Jim Fish ’61, Robin Creeden ’62 and Walter Cherwaty ’62.

Gary Comerford ’73, 2002 Recipient of the Alumni Award of Distinction.



ward of

The King’s College Alumni Award of Distinction is a celebration of talent, achievement, commitment and community. If you know an alumnus/a who has made an outstanding contribution to his/her community, please take this opportunity to nominate him/her for the Alumni Award of Distinction.

nominee has shown an effective commitment to service within his/her community or the King’s College community. Achievement in Field: The nominee is recognized by peers as having reached a high level of accomplishment/expertise in his/her field. Other Outstanding Characteristics: Please state how the nominee has been recognized by peers for volunteer activity. Include any special awards received.

ast Recipients 2000: John (Jack) Petch, Q.C. ‘60 2001: John J. Callaghan, ’67 2002: Gary Comerford, ’73

ligibility To be eligible, the nominee must: • Be a graduate of King’s College, London, Ontario • Consent to the nomination • Be available to attend the presentation of the award at Homecoming 2003 • In the case of a posthumous award, a member of the deceased’s family must be available to accept the award

riteria Contribution to the Community: The

Role Model: Describe how the nominee has demonstrated his/her ability to be a role model in various ways.

omination Process The nomination form must be completed and signed by one nominator. Using the criteria described above indicate why this candidate merits recognition as a King’s College Alumni of Distinction (maximum of 2 8.5x11 pages). Please attach resume or equivalent (outline of the nominee’s background, education, training, organizational and community involvement, achievements). Only

istinction completed nomination forms will be considered. All nomination forms will be treated in confidence. Nominees from previous years are eligible for re-nomination; however previous award recipients are not eligible. An alumnus/a may be nominated posthumously. Current King’s Alumni Relations Staff and members of the King’s College Alumni Board of Directors are not eligible to be nominated.

election Process A subcommittee of the King’s College Alumni Association Board of Directors will review nominations. All nominees will be informed of the committee’s decision by August 31, 2003. The decision of the committee will be final.

losing Date for Nominations Completed forms with accompanying material must be received at King’s College Alumni Office, c/o Janet Toohey, 266 Epworth Avenue, London, Ontario N6A 2M3 by no later than Friday, June 20, 2003. ▲

NOMINATION FORM Nominee Name: Address: City/Province: Telephone: Business (

Postal Code: )

Fax: (


Residence: (


e-mail: Company Name (if applicable): I consent to my nomination for the King’s College Alumni Award of Distinction and agree that the information contained in this nomination form is accurate. Date:

Nominee’s Signature:

Nominator Name: Address: City/Province: Telephone: Business ( e-mail:


Postal Code: )

Fax: (


Residence: (


facilitating anger management groups with adults and youth, working with women in abusive relationships, and with individuals dealing with a variety of issues.

ilestones COLIN KELLY BA '67 and his wife Lorraine have moved to Singapore. Colin is Director, Asia Pacific, for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

LISA MCSHARRY BSW '78 attended graduate school at Columbia University in New York City, and received an MS from the School of Social Work and Business in 1996. Lisa currently works as Director of Human Resources at Travelers in Hartford, CT (and continues to use the skills she gained at King's College)! MARJORIE MACISAAC (NEE MCDONELL) '87 resigned her post at Telus Mobility and currently enjoys time at home in Toronto with her two daughters Annie, three, and Charlotte, one.

BARRY and SHANNON HEFFERNAN (NEE OGDEN) BSW' 89 are thrilled to announce the birth of their second son William Braiden. Will was born May 31, 2002 in their home in London.

LISA (NEE WALTERS) ’91 and her husband Rob Caissie are pleased to announce the birth of their first child. Isabelle was born February 12, 2002.

Jakob Bester

LORRAINE MINTEN (NEE SCOTT) '97 and Martin have two boys, Martin Willem, three years, and Nathanael Joseph, one year. They are working in pig farming in the Watford area. Lorraine is also involved as an active volunteer in their local parish. Past president of the Alumni Association, SALLY VANDESOMPEL ’97 has been promoted to Senior Executive Director in addition to her duties as the Executive Director at Central Park Lodges, London.

JENNIFER TURTON BSW '01, was award-

2002 was a busy year for King's grad NICOLE SCHIENER MANARY HBA '00. She graduated from Western with a Masters of Education Counseling Psychology, moved back to her hometown, became employed as a therapist, and got married all in the month of June. Nicole uses the social action influence of King's with her graduate school training to help reduce violence through co-

ed the University of Toronto Fellowship Award and the Bertha Rosenstadt Masters Thesis Research Award to complete her Master of Social Work degree and her Master's thesis research at the University of Toronto in 2001-2002. Jennifer is now a registered social worker practicing in the Schizophrenia and Continuing Care Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.

Nicole Schiener Manary ’00 and her husband Ian Manary.


emoriam The King’s College Alumni Office and Alumni Association extends its condolences to the families and friends of the following individuals:

Isabelle Caissie

FATHER JOSEPH P. FINN, one of the clerical advisors to Bishop Cody in 1954 regarding the physical nature and scholastic status of the proposed Christ the King College, and later a faculty member, passed away in 1999.

After completing a clerkship at the Ontario Court of Appeal, HEATHER MACKAY HBA '94 was called to the Ontario Bar in October 2002. She is now practicing at the Ministry of the Attorney General in Toronto.

ELEANOR PLACQUET ’78 of Smiths Falls, Ontario.

ZELIA (NEE FURTADO) ’97 and Steve

ELEANOR DONNELLY, a special friend and supporter of the King’s library passed away in October 2002.

Bester are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first son, Jakob William Bester, born June 5, 2002.

SISTER ROSE THERESA O’CONNOR passed away on August 11, 2002. Sister Rose Theresa was a librarian at King’s College for 18 years and she enjoyed assisting students with research papers and assignments. Generations of King’s alumni will remember Sister Rose Theresa’s wit and her ready smile.

CATHIE MCKEGNEY BSW ’95 of London, passed away on March 10, 2003.



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