2021 Key Stage 3 Curriculum Booklet

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CONTENTS Introduction


Kingswood KS3 Curriculum




Computer Science


Design & Technology






English as an Additional Language










Modern Foreign Languages



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Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education Physical Education and Games


Religion, Philosophy and Ethics




INTRODUCTION This booklet is designed to provide you with detailed information about our Key Stage 3 curriculum at Kingswood. ‘Key Stage 3’ (Years 7 – 9) is a pivotal stage in any pupil’s education. It is during these years that teachers aim to teach foundational knowledge in their respective disciplines so that pupils can later build upon this strong base towards GCSE and A Level success. Moreover, the first years of a senior school education are when pupils develop the skills and thinking dispositions that will serve them well further up the school. It is also in these years that young people begin to discover for themselves which subjects they love, we hope giving rise to great curiosity and authentic interest.

The lack of external examinations at Key Stage 3 often means that teachers can approach their subjects in a deep and exploratory way, without needing to worry about the pressure of an examination schedule. We run an internal programme of regular testing, and also a summer assessment at the end of each year so that we can track pupil progress and intervene accordingly. There is ample opportunity for pupils to learn ‘threshold’ concepts in each subject, and engage creatively with some of the bigger questions that underpin the disciplinary knowledge that will be required for more advanced study later. For these reasons, we are proud to offer a rigorous and creative curriculum at Kingswood that is rich in knowledge and ambitious in scope.

A BROAD CURRICULUM It is our belief that the provision of a broad curriculum is a moral imperative for all young people. It is our desire to see Kingswood pupils acquire a great body of culturally important knowledge, so that they are shaped by their learning to be well-rounded and empowered adults. We do not build our curriculum only to maximise test results, but also to foster a broad and balanced education for every child. Our aim, therefore, is to give pupils a grounding in as many subjects and disciplines as possible in Years 7, 8 and 9, so that their knowledge is holistic, and that they all have opportunities to discover their strengths and passions.

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We want pupils to make connections across the curriculum, so that they can learn to appreciate the unique qualities and challenges that each discipline holds. Moreover, this kind of broad exposure means that pupils are better informed when they come to make curriculum choices in Year 9 and Year 10.

A CURRICULUM OVERVIEW The curriculum at Kingswood is unashamedly ‘traditional’; we believe in the importance of subjects and disciplines, and seek therefore to ensure that pupils in the younger years learn from the same subject experts that teach our Sixth Form classes. We follow an enhanced National Curriculum in terms of subject content, although not in terms of timetable allocations. You will notice that we have a strong commitment to the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages, which is, sadly, becoming increasingly rare in UK schools. It is our view that learning languages is hugely beneficial to pupils, both educationally and culturally. With this in mind, pupils begin by studying two out of three languages on offer: German, French and Spanish. (Pupils may choose one and they will be allocated one other.) In Year 8, pupils will also be given the opportunity to study Latin or Mandarin.

We are committed to the delivery of History and Geography as separate humanities; Religion, Philosophy and Ethics has a central place in the School’s curriculum. We are also proud of our commitment to more ‘Practical-Creative’ subjects, where we achieve very high standards in Art, Drama, Design Technology and Music from Year 7 through to GCSE, A Level and university entrance. Pupils are given every opportunity to study these subjects throughout the Lower School, and into Year 9. Our approach to Computer Science is detailed and thoroughly modern. Pupils will be guided through a programme which helps them develop computational thinking skills, whilst also fostering the confidence and knowledge to use various software packages. They will learn to create software solutions using both block and text-based programming languages. In Year 9, all our pupils take a computing qualification which requires everyone to demonstrate their coding and problem-solving capabilities. The notes above are only some of the highlights of our curriculum offer: you will find detailed information on each department in the rest of this guide. Each of the curriculum statements has been written by a Head of Department and so will seek to explain and champion that department’s particular approach and philosophy. They give you a broad outline of all the topics covered and the skills learnt over the first three years. Furthermore, as you read you will likely glean a little about the variety of teaching approaches used in each department, and the methods of assessment we use to keep track of pupils’ progress through their time at Kingswood.

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THE TUTOR GROUP In all three year groups, class sizes are around twenty pupils, but pupils will also be allocated to a tutor group. Whether a boarder or day pupil, pupils in Years 7 and 8 will be based in Westwood, where Mr Pentreath is Head of Lower School and Mrs Curtis is the Assistant Head of Lower School. Mr Duke is the Head of Boarding in Westwood and he is also assisted by Mrs Curtis. A large team of tutors is attached to Westwood as well as specially chosen Year 12 Westwood prefects. Pupils are allocated to a tutor, who normally has responsibility for between ten and twelve pupils. He or she will meet their tutees every morning. If a pupil needs to talk about work with someone other than a subject teacher or their parents, then they should go to their tutor. He or she will monitor academic progress throughout the year, discuss Interim and Full reports with their tutees, and help each pupil to set targets for future improvement. He or she will also help their tutees to manage their time productively. Year 9 pupils are allocated to Houses in the Senior School, where the same priority is given to the tutorial system, in which the tutor plays an equally important role.

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CLASS GROUPS Class groups in Years 7-9 are generally mixed-ability, with the exception of Mathematics and Modern Languages, where we tend to place pupils in ability ‘streams’. The nature of the streaming depends on the subject and the year group. We do not subscribe to a rigid setting structure, but rather adopt a more flexible approach depending on the ability profile and needs of the cohort. In every case, we seek to make ‘streaming’ decisions based on what is best for the learning of the individuals in a given year group, rather than based on what we have always done before.

FIREFLY AND MICROSOFT TEAMS Pupils are given access to their own profiles on two online platforms, Firefly and Microsoft Teams. Both platforms are excellent aids for pupil organisation, as well as containing a wealth of resources and useful links by departments to support pupil learning. Both Firefly and Microsoft Teams are available as apps, as well as through an internet browser.


to better target their efforts towards those subjects where their talents and interests lie, in preparation for when they make their GCSE options choices before the start of Year 10.

GLOBAL GOALS Global Goals is a new course designed by Kingswood for Year 9 students. It is a project-based subject in which students collaborate with peers to design solutions to some of the world’s most significant problems, referencing the ‘Global Goals’ initiative (www.globalgoals.org). This subject offers students the opportunity to exercise entrepreneurial and creative skills to design and present solutions to meet critical social and environmental challenges, such as: ending world poverty; achieving gender equality; and promoting peace, justice and strong institutions. As part of the course, students will design, promote and present creative solutions through various artefacts, including essays, speeches, programmes or art. They will be required to plan processes and deliver outcomes to real-world audiences, such as peers, teachers, parents and outside experts.

All of our teachers want pupils to enjoy their subjects, whilst making excellent progress. They will have high expectations and will encourage pupils to meet and extend their academic potential. This means that pupils should not only establish effective working habits in school, but also should take responsibility for completing all of the prep set to the best of their ability. Boarders, or weekly boarders, will likely want to involve their parents in their work, and so should share their Firefly login.

This course seeks to give students opportunities to develop their critical and creative powers. As part of the course, students will also receive instruction on ‘research skills’, ‘creativity’ and ‘teamwork’, amongst other things. They will explore and reflect on their developing intellectual and social capacities. Our goal is to give our Year 9s the chance to build their independence and exercise their knowledge and creative faculties to create work that feels meaningful and relevant to their lives and the world around them.


Global Goals has been designed based on other project-based qualifications and is ideal preparation for the EPQ in Sixth Form.

Most pupils will continue with Year 7 subjects into Year 8. Some, however, may only pursue one modern language in Year 8, if we feel that a pupil needs extra academic support. Those who only study one modern language in Year 8 will usually be enrolled on the Study Support programme. Our main curriculum offering expects the study of two languages, and so any decision about only pursuing one language in Year 8 will happen on a case-by-case basis and in discussion with Mr Davies (Deputy Head Academic). In Year 9 we introduce an element of choice into the curriculum which allows all pupils the ability to begin to shape their academic programme. English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, one European Modern Foreign Language (either French, Spanish or German), Computer Science, History, Geography, RPE, PSHCE, PE and Games all remain as compulsory subjects, part of the core curriculum. In addition, however, prospective Year 9 pupils are invited to choose 4 subjects from the following: a second European Modern Foreign Language, Art, DT, Music, Drama, Latin or Mandarin. This is to allow pupils to begin

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KINGSWOOD KS3 CURRICULUM Subjects are taught in 55 minute periods across a two week timetable. The diagrams below show the structure of the curriculum in each year group as well as the number of taught periods in a fortnight. Those subjects where students can choose options are highlighted.


























































































MFL 2*



























(57 PERIODS) 

Pick 4 of the listed optional subjects.


You can only choose languages which you are currently studying in Year 8.

** You should only choose Latin or Mandarin if you are currently studying either of those subjects in Year 8.

Pupils will begin courses in the three separate sciences in Year 9.

GETTING STARTED You will need to bring a well-equipped, named pencil case to all your lessons. It should contain: • Pens

• Ruler

• Pencils

• Coloured pencils

• Pencil sharpener

• Rubber

It will also be helpful to have glue and scissors. For mathematics you will need a long ruler, a pair of compasses, a protractor and a scientific calculator; the Mathematics department recommends the Casio fx-83GT X Plus. All of these items can be purchased at the School Shop. Items purchased may be paid for with cash or placed on the school bill.

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? During Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) you will have the opportunity to develop your creativity and imagination through a range of activities. These help you to build on, and improve, your practical and critical skills and extend your knowledge and experience of materials, processes and practices, including ICT (for example, drawing, painting, collage, print making, digital media, sculpture). You will engage confidently with art, craft and design in the contemporary world and from different times and cultures. You will learn to work on your own, and collaborate with others, on projects in two and three dimensions and on different scales.

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This year is a confidence building period for helping all students from many different backgrounds to start on the same footing. The first term is structured as a transition stage from junior to senior school in which you will go through a range of different activities. During the year you will be engaged in termly projects in which all basic drawing skills are taught and strengthened. You will have a chance to work in 2D and 3D and learn to have confidence and knowledge with handling a variety of media.

YEAR 8 (DEVELOPMENT YEAR) An exciting year where you will have time to push boundaries and experiment with a wider range of media. You will have the chance to express yourself and work in group situations to produce large-scale work. Colour theory, perspective, repeat pattern and basic printing are some of the areas you might investigate. Discussion will take place during the Spring Term as to whether you will be taking Art on as one of your subject choices in Year 9.

YEAR 9 – (STRENGTHENING AND PREPARATION YEAR) A vital year preparing you for the challenges of GCSE Art in Years 10 and 11. Each term you will engage in a different project that will help you to develop your visual recording skills from a primary stimulus and employ visual elements such as line, tone, colour, form, compositional organisation, structure and scale. You will also learn to develop a personal sketchbook showing your thoughts, research, and ideas; • understanding of contexts in Art, craft and design by integrating into your own practical work the knowledge and understanding of visual language gained from analysis and evaluation of artists’ work, images, objects and artefacts and their contexts, including some first-hand experience of original work, and from personal research from books and the internet; • practical skills by developing and exploring ideas using a wide range of media, processes and resources in two and three dimensions including, where appropriate, ICT; • realisation skills by creating and presenting a personal response (final piece/conclusion).

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? You will develop an independent way of working and thinking and be fully prepared to start your Art GCSE

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? During Year 7 you will be introduced to a range of programming concepts and software. In Years 8 and 9 you will build on your knowledge to develop increasingly advanced applications and solutions to problems. The skills you develop will enable the most efficient use of programming and professional presentation of your work. In all years, we regularly work with other departments to reinforce the use of Computer Science and software skills as a tool to aid the development and presentation of your work across the curriculum.

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In Computer Science, we are keen to equip pupils for life in a world where they will increasingly need computational thinking skills. In Years 7 and 8 pupils are introduced to the concept of writing algorithms using decomposition and abstraction. They develop a logical approach to problem solving and gain exposure to a wide range of software. By the end of Year 9 they have developed sufficient skills to solve a range of complex computational problems. The course covers both practical and theoretical understanding and is intended to give students the opportunity to develop the Computer Science skills laid out in the National Curriculum. In addition to computational thinking skills, by the end of Key Stage 3 pupils have gained an understanding and practical use of software skills which are relevant to their everyday learning experiences as well as laying solid foundations for future Computer Science courses at higher levels. They will also understand how computers use algorithms to solve problems and will have developed a core understanding of key programming concepts using a text based language.

TOPICS COVERED INCLUDE: • Under the hood of a computer – learn how to ‘think’ like a computer, and understand how computers process data • Project based learning – creating solutions to a variety of problems including a self-driving vehicle, environmental protection systems and remote communication whilst working as part of a team in a number of different roles. • Internet of Things – create a physical device using a micro:bit which acts as a web enabled micro controller. • Micro:maths – writing a program to solve a number of mathematical challenges. • Sensors – creating a device to operate autonomously through a range of sensor based inputs. • Sequence, selection and iteration – learning about the fundamentals of text based languages whilst creating solutions to a range of global goals. • Crash detector – generate a sensor to automatically alert people when there has been an impact above a certain speed.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? • The ability to develop algorithms to solve problems. • An understanding of how computers use binary data. • The ability to select the appropriate tool(s) for any task undertaken. • The confidence to use software independently and efficiently.

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‘Design & Technology is about making things that people want and that work well. Creating these things is hugely exciting.’ Sir James Dyson, Chairman, Dyson Ltd.

WHAT WILL I LEARN & WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? At each level in the first three years, the emphasis is on enjoyment and learning through experiencing a wide range of practical skills and techniques related to design and the manufactured world that is all around us. All the projects that are undertaken will consist of key elements taught at exam level.

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SAFETY All pupils are introduced to the proper safe working practices at every stage of their work and will be issued with the appropriate personal protective equipment (and given appropriate instructions) whenever necessary.

YEARS 7 & 8 In the first two years pupils will have 3 hours of lessons per fortnight of Design Technology. They will learn workshop skills using a wide variety of tools and equipment – including some power tools and computer aided design software. Alongside this they will begin to design aspects of their own projects and learn about the design process. The work is mostly practical with some drawing and writing. As their confidence and ability increase, they will have more say over how their design projects look and work. Each pupil will be expected to research aspects for their projects for themselves. Projects will involve the use of wood, metal and plastics using a wide range of manufacturing techniques, including the use of

CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacture) and 3D printing. Included in the programme is a module of graphics to ensure that all are able to successfully produce drawings that can convey exciting and innovative ideas.

YEAR 9 Pupils in Year 9 are invited to consider Design Technology as an option. During the Year 9 course the students will cover a range of activities to build the necessary foundation for GCSE: the course endeavours to build designers who are willing to challenge and push creativity in their concepts and develop confidence in experimentation and innovation. In opting for Design & Technology they will experience project work that will give them the ability to maximise their potential at GCSE. The course is design based and will provide them with many of the fundamental graphic, designing and making skills that they will need. It will focus on creativity and build on themes from a commercial and industrial perspective. The projects will be exciting and challenging and introduce an enhanced understanding of workshop skills from Years 7 & 8. The projects will cover the use of woods, metals, and plastics as well as ICT and CAD/3D printing. They will also undertake a larger creative based project where they have far more autonomy in the design process and will build key folio and problem solving skills important for GCSE.

Work in this year will be far more focused on the design process and all practical projects will be pushing the pupils’ design and workshop ability to produce accurate and exciting products to take home. DT allows you to apply a great range of the knowledge and skills learnt in the workshop and other subjects, such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English, ICT and Art. It is a great subject for pupils wanting to go on to creative industries, engineering, architecture, Product Design, Industrial Design and many more. The planning and time management skills learnt though Design Technology are transferable into a wide range of potential career paths.

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? Drama is ‘serious fun’. Learning about Drama is not just about learning to act – it will equip you for life. It is about developing ‘soft’ skills such as learning to work effectively as part of a team and developing invaluable speaking and listening skills that can also be used in other subjects. Pupils will develop their communication skills. creativity, imagination, emotional maturity, resilience and self-esteem. Through developing an awareness of Drama as an art form, pupils will encounter different cultures and develop an ability to analyse dramatic texts.

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Pupils will be taught three periods of Drama a fortnight. During this year they will develop the skills and techniques that they will continue to use throughout their disciplined study of Drama and beyond. They will study various practical techniques including the use of tableaux, thoughts aloud, improvisation, soundscape and mime. They will explore the importance of body language and vocal and facial expressions to create and sustain atmosphere, as well as characters, on stage. They explore various stages of Theatre History – including Greek, Victorian Melodrama and the Elizabethan era.

YEAR 8 Pupils will be taught three periods of Drama a fortnight. Pupils will build on the work started in Year 7 as they will look at various stimuli such as poems and stories that can be developed into pieces of drama.

They will also look in more detail at how to use the voice effectively when creating and performing a variety of characters of differing status. In the spring term they experiment with masks and puppetry whilst In the final term we will study a scripted play so that pupils can apply what they have learnt confidently and imaginatively.

YEAR 9 Pupils who opt to take Drama have three lessons per fortnight. Their curriculum builds on what they have learnt in earlier years and helps to prepare them for potentially undertaking the GCSE course. Pupils explore Physical Theatre, Verbatim and Devising techniques as well as comic stage fighting routines through the study of Commedia dell’arte. They also look at Naturalism, explore a GCSE set text and learn how to write about live theatre.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? As well as the development of specific drama skills, including interpreting scripts, creating, developing and performing theatre, we believe Drama teaches a wide variety of essential transferable life skills – communication, confidence, creativity and cooperation, to name but a small few. All of the skills developed over the three years of Key Stage 3 can be used and developed further by those wishing to study Drama at GCSE. In addition to the above, all pupils in Years 7-9 will be offered the opportunity to participate in the Lower School production that is usually performed in the Summer term. Previous productions have included: ‘Arabian Nights’, ‘Twelfth Night’, ‘Rapunzel’, ‘Grimm Tales’, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, ‘The Tempest’, ‘A Winter’s Tale’ and ‘Rats Tales’ and Bugsy Malone’ Theatre visits and workshops for the younger years may also be organised by the department from time to time. There are also weekly Drama clubs for all year groups.

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The English Department at Kingswood School believes in helping students to develop into lifelong readers, writers and thinkers. You will become an independent, imaginative student who is increasingly confident and accurate in your written expression. We wholeheartedly believe in instilling in you a passion for our subject, encouraging you to become a lifelong literary explorer who takes delight in reading, writing and thinking. You will be encouraged to think both creatively and critically, and your development in these areas will be structured and supported.


At Key Stage 3, our curriculum has been designed to approach, explore and enjoy different aspects of English, with the ultimate goal to develop our students as intelligent and creative readers and writers. We support and guide independence and hope to prompt our students into adopting a sophisticated and creative mind-set as they embark upon their literary journey. The Kingswood English department is comprised of staff who are passionate about their subject and hope to instil a lifelong love of language and literature.

WHAT WILL I LEARN? At Key Stage 3, you will study a wide range of texts from different historical periods and consider how to respond to them. These texts encompass fiction, non-fiction, drama and poetry through which we hope to introduce our students to a multitude of literary voices, perspectives and contexts in order to deepen our awareness of writers’ voices. Additionally, you will develop your creative writing skills by producing different types of texts. These

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include (but are not limited to) articles, narratives, letters, descriptions and speeches. Spelling, punctuation and grammar activities are embedded across our English lessons to ensure that our budding writers are as technically accurate as possible as we hope that our students leave Kingswood with the ability to express themselves in a confident and careful manner. Specifically: In Year 7, you will start your English adventure with the study of poetry, before moving onto some of the most important and fascinating texts of all time: Beowulf, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Canterbury Tales. In the summer term, we will focus more on non-fiction writing by exploring print journalism. In Year 8, we have designed the topics to build upon the skills that you acquired in Year 7. We start with nature writing, using a range of fiction and non-fiction texts as inspiration. We then learn about the romantic period and encounter famous romantic poems from Wordsworth, Landon and Blake. In the run-up to Christmas, we explore A Christmas Carol, a 19th Century, Charles Dickens classic. In the spring we re-visit Shakespeare in the spring term with a thorough study of Macbeth. In the summer term, we study William Sutcliffe’s thought-provoking novel The Wall. We end the year by learning the art of rhetoric and using this knowledge to analyse some historically significant speeches before writing and delivering our own powerful speech. Year 9 begins with a detailed exploration of John Steinbeck’s modern American classic: Of Mice and Men. We then move onto War Poetry, exploring the different attitudes towards war as well as the soldiers’ perspectives from the trenches and battlefields. In the Spring we have our Shakespeare term, you will study either a tragedy (Romeo and Juliet) or a comedy (Much Ado About Nothing). In the summer we carry out a

genre study of dystopian fiction, with classic authors such as Orwell, Huxley and Atwood; and the more modern phase of dystopia with ‘The Hunger Games’ and ‘Uglies’ among them. Later in the summer term, we will gently introduce you to GCSE Literature by studying the opening to Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche’s beautiful coming of age novel Purple Hibiscus. At the end of Year 9, you will feel confident in the reading and writing skills that you will need as we embark upon GCSE English Literature and Language. Having been exposed to such a breadth of literature over time, you will be secure in your knowledge of the subject so far and excited and well-equipped to move into your further study in Year 10.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? By the end of Year 9, you will have mastered many of the skills needed not only for the GCSE English and GCSE English Literature courses, but for many other subjects that you will be studying. These will include the ability to write with confidence for a variety of purposes and audiences, and the ability to participate in group work in a purposeful and independent way.

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? You will build on your knowledge of English by: • reading books, graded readers and graded magazines in your spare time; • using games and activities that develop your academic vocabulary; • doing exercises to improve your grammar; • talking about things you do in and out of school to build up your confidence in using and speaking English; • taking part in other language-based activities to help you learn more about Britain and the British way of life. You will be in small groups with pupils from your own year. If you need help with understanding the English and vocabulary of your other subjects, your EAL teacher is there to help you.

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The EAL Centre is located in the heart of the English department. It is equipped with a wide variety of reference, reading and audio-visual materials designed to help all pupils in the school for whom English is not their mother tongue to improve their language skills and competence so that they can derive the maximum benefit from an education delivered in English. For many pupils from overseas it is appropriate that they should receive extra support and tuition in English rather than take up a modern European language. English as an Additional Language is therefore taught in those periods on the timetable when the other pupils in the year group are learning another modern language.

YEAR 7 You will spend a few weeks getting used to talking and reading in English. You will be given a great deal of help with new words but you will have to use English all the time. The main focus of this year will be to develop your overall English language ability and be working between level A2 and B1 of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. You will do a number of reading activities about interesting subjects which will focus on developing overall

comprehension, teaching you correct grammar usage, as well as helping you to increase your reading sub-skills. Reading activities will contain pre-reading discussion activities to develop your confidence in speaking in your regular classes. You will also be reading graded readers outside of the classroom between pre-intermediate and intermediate level depending on your prior knowledge of English. You will also do a number of vocabulary games and exercises to help you learn key academic vocabulary. You will practise your writing by producing a weekly diary about a number of different subjects, such as boarding school life and the environment. Your teacher will give you feedback on your writing and will help you correct any errors.

YEAR 8 You will continue to use reading and vocabulary exercises to develop your English, but at a higher level than in Year 7. The vocabulary exercises and games in Year 8 will use academic vocabulary to show you how words are formed in English which will help you with your grammar. You will be working at level B1 of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and will read graded readers at this level outside of the classroom. You will continue to write your diary and you will be encouraged to be more stringent in your use of correct grammar, particularly tenses, as well as use a greater range of vocabulary in your writing. You will also have EAL tutorials in which your teacher will help you with any language problems you are having in your mainstream school subjects.

YEAR 9 You will be working between level B1 and B2 of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and will read graded readers at this level outside of the classroom. You will continue to do reading and vocabulary exercises at this level and will be introduced to more sophisticated reading skills, such as predicting and inferring the meaning of new vocabulary from context. You will continue to write your diary and will have the language ability to express your own ideas and opinions. In your mainstream subjects you will be expected to produce more extensive pieces of written work as well as classroom projects. EAL tutorials will help you to succeed in this work by giving you language support at the conception stage of the work, as well as providing you with language feedback before you submit your work to your subject teacher.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? At the end of your first three years at Kingswood, you should have a good enough command of English and the way we do things at school in Britain to start on your GCSE courses with confidence, as you will have had the opportunity to develop all your language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking.

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At Key Stage 3, we take pupils on a journey across a range of some of the most fascinating and diverse places on Earth, exploring key geographical ideas and concepts. Geographers are interested in the interaction between people and natural environments. The course in Years 7-9 aims to explore a range of contemporary examples of this. Over the three year course, pupils will learn about a range of natural and human environments in different parts of the world. They will study the processes that create major landforms or affect natural systems. They will develop their understanding of how these both affect and are affected by human activity. Finally, we hope that they will develop an awe and wonder about the world they live in and a greater awareness of the diversity of places which exist on Earth, as well as their role and place within these.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? The Key Stage 3 curriculum has been re-developed in response to the changing demands and skills required for GCSE and A Level Geography. Some skills are specific to geographers, for example interpreting Ordnance Survey maps, the use of Geographic Information Systems, interpreting satellite and remotely sensed imagery, as well as the ability to plan, carry out, analyse and evaluate pieces of fieldwork on a range of scales. Other skills are transferable and work towards the wider goal of developing pupils who are independent, resilient and creative problem solvers. These skills are developed through independent and group projects, as well as fieldwork activities. Numeracy skills are developed when interpreting data and information to help explore individual topics, and graphical skills are integrated into all units of study.

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• To the Ends of the Earth – what can we Geographers learn from the Arctic and Antarctica, the last true wildernesses on Earth? • Map skills – how to read, interpret and understand Ordnance Survey maps • Independent Geographical Information Systems (GIS) mapping project – students will apply their map skills to collect data and create maps of the school site • World Heritage Sites –what are they and why are they important to us? • Fieldwork trip to Blaenavon and Big Pit • Life in the Oceans – what makes our oceans important and what key issues are affecting them today

YEAR 8 • Coastal landforms and issues – what is happening at the coast and why should we be interested? • Fieldwork trip to Swanage • Glaciated landscapes of the Alps – how have the mighty Alps been formed, what landforms have they created and what issues have arisen from human activities in this environment? • Africa – an exploration of the opportunities and challenges in the most diverse, misrepresented and misunderstood continent on Earth • The Middle East – a place study of the physical and human Geography of this hugely significant region of the world

YEAR 9 • World Development – what do we mean by development, how do we measure it, and how can the development gap be closed? • China – an overview of some of the biggest geographical, economic and demographic opportunities and challenges faced by China in the 21st century • The Restless Earth – an overview of the causes, impacts and management of earthquakes and volcanoes • Weather hazards – what are tropical storms and how can we reduce the negative impacts of these?




WHAT WILL I LEARN? At the heart of the History curriculum at Kingswood is a study of the development of British History from the Norman Conquest to the Second World War. This is complemented by investigations into aspects of European and World History from contrasting periods.

• Medieval Realms: Britain, 1066-1500 • Pupils in Year 7 also take part in a field trip to Chepstow and Caerphilly Castles as an introduction to a project on medieval castles that they will research and write.

THE YEAR 8 COURSE • The Tudors and Stuarts • The Industrial Revolution • The Struggle for the Vote in Nineteenth Century Britain • Pupils in Year 8 also take part in a field trip to the Clifton Suspension Bridge and the SS Great Britain as an introduction to a project on Brunel that they will research and write.

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WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? As well as contributing to the improvement of independent learning skills, the study of History also fosters the development of a number of other skills: • CHRONOLOGY Pupils will gain an understanding of the order in which the events of the past occurred. • KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Pupils will learn about the key events and personalities of the past and develop an understanding of the causes, consequences and significance of what happened in British and World History. • HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION Pupils will gain an appreciation of how events and personalities in the past can be viewed in different ways. • HISTORICAL ENQUIRY Pupils will learn how to use critically a range of source material, considering issues such as the reliability and usefulness of evidence.

THE YEAR 9 COURSE • The First World War • International Relations, 1919-1939 • The Second World War

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• ORGANISATION AND COMMUNICATION Pupils will learn how to organise and express their ideas, both orally and on paper.




Latin is a popular option in Year 8 and has been greatly enjoyed by pupils of different talents and abilities.

There are some popular misconceptions about studying Latin in this modern age. Pupils sometimes say: “It’s dead, isn’t it?” (Yes, like Mozart and Shakespeare.) “It’s hard, isn’t it?” (Some have found it so.) “It doesn’t lead to anything, does it?” (The following explanation should put the lie to that.) Modern teaching methods of Latin are far removed from the old image. The Cambridge Latin Course teaches primarily reading skills which are very different from, and much easier to acquire than, writing skills. In Book 1 the stories are set in the context of a 1st century A.D. Pompeian family, immediately prior to the eruption of Vesuvius. During the first months the pupils learn about subjects and objects, three tenses of the verb and the use of prepositions and pronouns. But equally important is the work done on the background material. Here we deal with family life, the Pompeian house, the working day for rich and poor, slaves and freedmen, gladiatorial shows, the baths (the Romans were a scrupulously clean lot!), Roman attitudes to foreigners, and finally the eruption of Vesuvius. We aim to complete Book 1 in Year 8.

After Pompeii the course moves on to Roman Britain where we encounter irregular verbs, participles and infinitives, as well as Roman high-handedness and British rebellion. The next stop is the turbulent city of Alexandria with its uneasy racial mix, and we examine the amazingly advanced medical treatments of the best doctors, comparing them with the horrifying ones of the worst. All the while great attention is paid to vocabulary and grammatical detail because, despite all the fun elements of the course, disciplined learning is still essential.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? The reasons for studying Latin are cultural and linguistic. A vast amount of European culture, both literary and artistic, is based upon a knowledge of the Classical world, and the benefits conveyed by even a small amount of Latin to the study of most European languages (not least English) are immense. But, in addition to all the spin-offs, the great joy is the subject itself. The literature - serious, moving, and often hilarious, deals with the constants of humanity and is among the greatest of all time. The inherent interest and value of the background material, and the relatively light linguistic demands of the first year of Latin, means that even those who decide not to continue with the subject after Year 8 should have found much to benefit them.

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? As is the case at Key Stage 2, the content is broken down into certain broad areas of study: number, algebra, measurement, geometry (i.e. shape and space), and data handling (i.e. probability and statistics).


Mathematics is a subject which recognises the order and sense in life, and puts that order into a framework. It is a universal language, which can represent the material facts from other disciplines in an abstract way. At Kingswood, we aim to help the pupils to notice the patterns in numbers and natural “facts”, to consider and analyse them, and to understand them. From this understanding, we hope that they will learn to appreciate and enjoy the universality of the subject, its power and precision in communication, and the possibilities it presents for prediction. We also hope they gain sufficient understanding and proficiency in calculation to be able to make sense of the numbers involved in everyday life, both with and without the aid of a calculator. Upon arriving at Kingswood, students will find the focus of their Mathematics education is to ‘Master’ each concept they are presented with. We believe that every student, regardless of prior attainment, should be given the opportunity to be the best mathematician they can be, with teaching focused on achieving such development. In line with the focus of GCSE and A Level Mathematics, students will develop

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three key areas in Key Stage 3: Procedural fluency, Mathematical reasoning and Problem solving. In Year 7, pupils will be taught in mixed ability classes, with a specific class for those who need additional support with the curriculum and as well as a class for students who have previously attained highly in Mathematics. We all follow the same syllabus for all groups with the focus being on deepening understanding of the fundamental principles of Mathematics. Pupils are assessed regularly throughout Year 7 and every has the chance to access all the content in the curriculum. As pupils move through the years, we assess their progress and attainment. By Year 10 we move to a linear setting arrangement, to prepare students for the examinations at a level appropriate to them. Extra-curricular activities include opportunities for gifted mathematicians, such as lunch time clubs to stretch and challenge, team events enabling students to represent the School, code cracking activities, and national Mathematics competitions. We also provide weekly lunch time ‘clinics’ for Key Stage 3 pupils to visit the department and discuss their prep tasks with staff and A Level students.

COURSE OUTLINE This course provides the pupils with a thorough grounding of the subject matter that underpins the lower order techniques found in the IGCSE course. As pupils make the transition through Year 7 into Year 8 and, subsequently, Year 9, this material is covered in a style more suited to preparation for the IGCSE qualification. Topics covered at Key Stage 3 range from how and why place value rules apply to the solving of simultaneous equations and applications to real life problems. The need for clear explanations and rigorous working are essential to Mathematical success and are embedded within the assessment framework used by teachers.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? The curriculum is designed to secure and build upon prior knowledge, as well as deepen understanding and a pupil’s ability to reason and problem solve from their strong mathematical foundation. Students will be able to take a problem they have never seen before and apply mathematical techniques to a find a solution (if one exists) but also be able to justify the decisions they made throughout the process, relating their efforts to what they have previously learned. We would see a successful Kingswood mathematician as being both fluent in procedure and the ability to effectively explain and describe the Mathematics they have used. As Mathematics is a cumulative subject, the skills acquired during Key Stage 3 will form the backbone of work for IGCSE and even A Level. An effective grasp of Mathematics is vital to the study of many other subjects, particularly the sciences. All pupils should be prepared for lesson and the minimum requirement for equipment on any given day is: Pen, pencil, ruler, protractor and compass. All of these items are available at the school shop. By the time they move into Year 8, we require all students to have a scientific calculator available for every lesson.

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curriculum by allowing you to explore the life-style and culture of countries in which these languages are spoken. It can give you the experience of entering a foreign environment and existing within it. Coping for a while in a different language, whether in the classroom or in a foreign country, will be an enjoyable, rewarding and intellectually challenging experience. If you are able to communicate competently in French, German or Spanish this will enhance your ability to travel, make a wide circle of friends and gain a job in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive world. You will need to be prepared for a world where greater skills in modern foreign languages will be very much in demand.


WHAT WILL A LANGUAGE TEACH ME? Studying French, German and Spanish, amongst other languages, will teach you to attend to the meaning of words and sentences, to recognise differences in concepts and usage, and develop an awareness of the nature of language. It will enhance your ability to interact with others and you will learn to appreciate other people’s roots, concerns and cultures. You will also learn to appreciate your own culture. Learning a language will allow you to respect others more and promote greater tolerance. The developments in computer technology mean that the world is becoming ‘a smaller place’ and you can have instant access to French, German and Spanish culture, as well as to native French, German and Spanish speakers.

WHY SHOULD I STUDY FRENCH, GERMAN AND SPANISH? The experience of learning and using French, German and Spanish makes a unique contribution to the

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In Year 7 you may choose one language from French, German or Spanish and you will be allocated your second modern foreign language. There are significant structural differences between French, German and Spanish and this gives real breadth to the language learning experience. You follow a very accessible and practical series of textbooks in the two languages you study which come with an impressive online blending learning package, which allows staff to monitor your progress. You will be able to do listening and reading comprehension exercises, in addition to grammar consolidation for prep. We have a digital language laboratory, which allows you to engage in listening tasks, often linked to the courses studied, at your own speed, and record yourself speaking in the foreign language. This means that you will have personalised feedback on pronunciation from your teachers, as well as offering more opportunities for independent learning. We also use music, DVD and the Internet, including subscriptions to a number of excellent websites which can be used in class and at home. The Pearson course books we use across Years 7-9 have excellent online resources to support all four skills and the grammar. Staff can analyse pupil progression in great detail and use this information to inform future teaching. Pupils who currently use this material have responded very favourably.

WILL THERE BE OPPORTUNITIES TO TRAVEL? Yes, but the circumstances of the past year have meant we have not been able to travel abroad as usual. However, our intention is to continue with trips to Germany, Spain and France in Year 8 and Year 9 on a biennial basis. Traditionally we have visited Paris, Seville and the Rhineland, but these are subject to change. The trips are designed to give pupils a taste of the culture and language before hopefully participating in an exchange in Year 10 and above to Germany and/or France and/or Spain.

HOW ARE CLASSES ORGANISED? Some setting of French, German and Spanish takes place at Key Stage 3, where the timetable allows. Progress in class and end of year examinations in Years 7 to 9 are used to establish ability sets.

WHAT WILL I STUDY? YEAR 7: You will learn to make yourself understood through studying some of the following topics, depending on the language: personal descriptions, family, leisure activities (including holidays) and school. In terms of tenses, the focus is on the present tense. We currently also run a Linguistics & Culture course in Year 7 which pupils attend once every two weeks. This course allows pupils to learn about linguistic and cultural intricacies of different cultures and is a great supplement to their language learning as it gives them a greater appreciation of world cultures. Amongst the topics studied are: how we communicate, sign language, baby sounds, Caribbean carnivals and learning how languages change over time. YEAR 8: You will refine your language skills and explore different tenses through studying some of the following topics depending on the language: family, where you live, holidays, film, reading and TV habits, health and daily routine. Throughout this course you will gain a wider appreciation of the French, German and Spanish speaking worlds. You will also learn skills to state advantages and disadvantages, as well as phrases to persuade another person to accept your point of view. YEAR 9: Your competence in French, German and Spanish will increase and you will learn to use more complex grammar and have at least four tenses in your repertoire. You will also become more familiar with elements of the GCSE in terms of translation skills and gain exposure to abridged literary texts.

Depending on the language studied, topics might include: celebrities; role models; music and film tastes; future jobs and ambitions; reflecting on your childhood; discussing global issues, rights (children’s and human) and responsibilities; social media; healthy living; celebrations; environmental issues and social concerns. (Where a topic is mentioned more than once, the coverage incorporates consolidation and extension work.)

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? Within the focus on listening, reading, speaking and writing, you will also acquire many transferable skills. The predominant language in the classroom will be the target language which will encourage you over time to respond in this language. You will learn to become more creative and spontaneous in the foreign language being studied and your ability to mimic sound (phonics) will be a real focus of your language learning. You will be encouraged to respond to visual stimuli and role-play situations involving practical situations, which will require you to develop conversations, cope with unfamiliar language and unexpected responses. You will learn to deduce meaning from an audio or written text and develop analytical strategies to access more complex, authentic and adapted texts by skim reading and looking carefully at key words and questions. Such texts might include letters, poems, songs and stories. Your ability to tease out the key facts from authentic audio extracts will make you a better and more intuitive listener. You will learn to transcribe words and short sentences with increasing accuracy. Learning the art of questioning is a key feature of foreign language learning. You will improve your personal and social skills by communicating, co-operating and contributing in class as well as considering the views of others. The art of translation into English and the foreign language is also a key feature, which encourages accuracy, linguistic sensitivity and analytical skills. Finally, effective foreign language learning equips pupils with a skill which is crucial to future careers. Competence in foreign languages will be of huge importance in a rapidly changing and increasingly competitive world.

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Whilst the main aim of the Language Faculty is to provide you with the opportunity to learn a language, if you are a native speaker of French, German or Spanish you will be able to sit the GCSE early under the supervision of and with the agreement of the Language Faculty.

Pupils who are novices will be given the chance to learn some foundational Mandarin in Year 7. This will take the form of a series of taster sessions. In addition, all Year 7 pupils will be given some taster lessons in the latter part of the summer term in Mandarin during their main curriculum language classes. This will give them a sense of whether the subject could be a good choice for them.

While an A Level in the language might be linguistically possible for you, the topics discussed might be too demanding to pursue without formal teaching. If you are a native or nearly-native speaker, we would encourage you to study other European languages on offer. The Faculty can also offer activities to enhance your knowledge of the language of which you are a native, or near native, speaker. There may be scope for a (near) native speaker to have a privately arranged weekly conversation class with a language assistant. We employ first rate Foreign Language Assistants. In 2021-22 we will have French, German and Spanish assistants in school.

IS IT POSSIBLE TO TAKE A MODERN LANGUAGE GCSE EARLY AS A NON-NATIVE SPEAKER? The Modern Language Faculty is wary of you taking GCSE early simply for the sake of being fast-tracked. The benefit of fast-tracking must be that you will gain a 9. The decision to accelerate a whole group is dependent on an identifiable cohort making exceptional progress in Year 8.


Mandarin will then be available for pupils to choose as an option in Year 8, as an alternative to Latin. In order to choose Mandarin, pupils will have either shown an early interest in Mandarin through attendance at the Mandarin activity, or will have demonstrated a particular aptitude for languages. Those choosing Mandarin will need to commit to an additional, weekly lesson outside the main timetable.

WHAT IF I AM ALREADY PROFICIENT OR FLUENT IN MANDARIN? Some pupils will join Kingswood with a good level of proficiency and fluency in Mandarin due to having studied the language at an earlier age. Pupils who are already proficient or fluent in Mandarin will be able to continue their study of the language, and pursue appropriate qualifications, in small groups or one-to-one lessons with our Mandarin specialist. This arrangement will be organised on a case-by-case basis, dependent on the level of the pupil’s Mandarin and qualification ambitions. Some pupils may wish to study Mandarin in this way outside of normal lessons (and continue to study two other European languages), or they may be able to have Mandarin tutorials in place of a timetabled language lesson, if deemed appropriate in discussion with the Deputy Head Academic.



Mandarin is a new subject available in the Kingswood curriculum. Studying Mandarin is becoming a more popular option in British Schools, due in part to the rise of China as one of the world’s leading economic powers, along with an increasing interest in the rich traditions and heritage of the Chinese people. Like studying any language, learning Mandarin enables pupils to develop their communication skills as well as their cultural awareness and knowledge.

As with the other Modern Foreign Languages, pupils who take Mandarin will learn to speak and write confidently on a variety of topics, such as: family, school, hobbies, health and holidays. They will also learn to talk and write about Chinese society and culture.

In some ways, Mandarin could be a more challenging option compared to the European languages we offer, partly due to the Chinese written character system as well as the tonal nature of the spoken language and the lack of cognates. Pupils who choose to study Mandarin will certainly find it a stimulating option and quite different from the languages they may have experienced before coming to Kingswood.

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WHERE WILL THIS LEAD? The aim is to enable pupils who begin Mandarin in Year 8 to be able to sit a GCSE / IGCSE qualification in Year 11 or Year 12. This means that the first mainstream cohort of pupils sitting a Mandarin GCSE / IGCSE exam is likely to be in 2023. Pupils who have advanced prior knowledge may be able to take a qualification earlier.



WHAT WILL I LEARN? You will learn the following skills: • how to perform music using a wide array of different instruments, including percussion, keyboards and computers; • play a range of solo and group pieces with increasing fluency, expression and control; • sing in unison and parts, developing technique and musical expression; • practise, rehearse and perform with awareness of different parts and roles; • improvise, explore and develop musical ideas from a wide variety of classical and modern styles and their performers; • analyse, evaluate and compare pieces of music; • communicate ideas and feelings about music using musical vocabulary; • listen with a critical ear to a wide range of music; • identify contextual influences that affect the way music is created, performed and heard. Music is a compulsory subject in Years 7 and 8, and is a popular option for Year 9 pupils. During these years, the aim is to give our pupils such musical experiences as to enable them to participate successfully when performing, composing, listening, and appraising. Pupils will also develop the necessary skills to use IT applications such as GarageBand, Logic and Sibelius to help them compose and create formal musical scores of their work.

YEAR 7 In Year 7, pupils will develop their skills through a wide range of topics, all focused on the Elements of Music. They will perform, compose, listen and appraise throughout the year in order to broaden their musical understanding. Topics include: Pitch – pupils will learn to accurately sing and play melodies and understand basic scale systems, the relationship between melody and harmony, and the difference between major and minor. Rhythm – pupils will understand the concept of bars and metre, and play increasingly complex rhythms using mnemonics to aid their understanding. Instruments of the Orchestra – pupils will explore the unique timbres found in the orchestra from both student and staff-led demonstrations, and film clips of professional orchestral musicians, to develop their aural recognition of the orchestral sounds. West African Drumming – pupils will discover the fantastic rhythms of West African traditional music and have the chance to learn how to play the djembe using authentic performance techniques. Performance Project – pupils will work on a class ensemble singing project, focussing on accurate and engaging performance. This project is also a great opportunity for pupils to share their own instrumental and singing work through informal performances in class.

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YEAR 8 In Year 8, pupils will continue to develop the skills they have acquired in Year 7, again exploring an array of different genres and performers of music. Topics include: Eco-Rap – pupils will explore the ecological issues facing our planet and learn to develop their unique expressive voices through composing and performing their own Eco-Rap. Fanfares – pupils will learn about the importance of Fanfares and also explore music for Remembrance, leading to composition of a brass Fanfare. Reggae – pupils will develop their performance skills, learning to play the distinctive Jamaican rhythms of Reggae and demonstrate their recognition of the stylistic features of this popular genre. Musical Theatre – pupils will develop their aural awareness and understanding of voice and texture, whilst exploring the eclectic genre of Musical Theatre. Samba – pupils will explore the sights and sounds of the carnival and form their own Samba Bateria.

The Blues – pupils will stretch their performance skills, exploring improvisation whilst developing their contextual knowledge of The Blues.


Pop & Rock Music – pupils will explore the way in which popular music culture has shaped the last century of music, and expand their knowledge of Music Technology.

In Year 9, Music becomes an option that pupils may choose to study. The curriculum continues to explore a variety of genres and topics, all whilst developing a deeper understanding of the Elements of Music. Topics include: Film Music – pupils will explore the unique relationship between music and the moving image, developing their own creative interpretations through composition. 20th Century Art Music – pupils will be exposed to the often challenging sounds of 20th Century composers who pushed the boundaries of what ‘music’ really means. Pupils will also confidently compose in a modernist style using graphic scores.

Harmony & Tonality – pupils will develop their understanding of extended chords, different tonalities, and explore the minor mode through a composition project.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? All of these activities will use a wide range of musical styles from Western Art Music to all forms of popular music and music from around the world. This will help to broaden your musical, cultural and emotional outlook. Lessons in Years 7, 8 and 9 sit alongside our extensive co-curricular music programme and all pupils are encouraged to learn instruments and be involved in ensemble music making. At Kingswood, we regard music as a skillbased subject where pupils are encouraged to develop self-discipline, creativity, problem-solving skills, critical awareness and an ability to cope with nerves. These are all very important life skills, which music can play a vital role in nurturing and developing. And it’s fun!

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? There is one lesson of PSHCE every week in each of Years 7, 8 and 9. PSHCE is about: • how individuals develop personally, how we grow up physically, and how our emotions change through adolescence • preparing you to make informed choices when faced with difficult situations as you move through life • managing your relationships with other people, your families, and friends • matters relating to being physically and emotionally healthy • what it means to be a good citizen, and the government and politics of Britain.

YEAR 7 Near the beginning of the year you will experience the Year 7 Challenge Day, when you will be placed in teams and set a number of exciting challenges. This will help you to get to know other pupils, and develop your communication and problem-solving skills when working as part of a team. In lessons, we will cover subjects such as: settling into school routines and rules; what to do if you have a problem; coping with prep.; being organised; bullying and cyberbullying; developing relationships during puberty; staying safe online; learning to be responsible with money; thinking about future careers; healthy lifestyles and body image; charitable work; and preparing for examinations.

Some of the topics we cover are: well-being; practising assertive communication; forming positive relationships; dealing with difficult or unhealthy relationships; self-esteem; laws surrounding drugs and alcohol; making informed decisions; citizenship; reflection on both academic and personal progress through Year 8; and target-setting for Year 9. Towards the end of the year you will become a ‘Young Entrepreneur’ for the day and rise to the challenge of designing a new product, whilst hearing from inspirational business people throughout the day.

YEAR 9 We will cover a range of topics, including: study and revision skills; healthy eating and eating disorders; how to handle peer pressure; drugs and alcohol awareness; inclusive relationships and sex education; making good choices; how to look after your own mental health or what to do if worried about somebody else’s mental health; and the judicial system and the British Government. Alongside the lesson content, there may be external speakers on topics such as: drugs and alcohol, relationships, body image, and from charities such as The Teenage Cancer Trust.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? • You will develop the ability to understand and express your opinions in a safe environment. • You will learn factual, impartial information on important matters, such as e-safety, relationships and citizenship. • You will increase your strengths in communication and working with other people. • You will develop your skills in planning, research and presenting during your project work. PSHCE will have a positive effect on your academic performance, your social development and your well-being, and help give you more self-confidence in all aspects of school life.

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WHAT WILL I LEARN? Physical Education contributes to the overall education of young people by helping them to lead full and valuable lives through engaging in purposeful physical activity. At Kingswood the physical education programme aims to help our pupils to: • develop physical competence and help promote physical development; • understand and value the benefits of participation in physical activity while at school and throughout life; • develop an appreciation of skilful and creative performances across a range of activities; • develop the personal qualities of commitment, fairness and enthusiasm.

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In the first three years we follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 3. During this stage all pupils will have one period of Physical Education and a double period of Games each week. They will experience at least four areas of activity in any one year. These areas include: Movement literacy, Athletic development, Dance and Creative movement, Games for Understanding, Gymnastics, Outdoor activities and Orienteering. Swimming is included in the programme as part of the Athletic development in every year at this stage. Yoga has recently been added to the Year 9 programme as a way of developing the Mindfulness content of the Whole School curriculum. Throughout this stage, pupils will be involved in the planning and evaluation of sessions as well as taking part. The basic elements of the PE curriculum are: YEAR 7 Movement literacy, Educational Gymnastics, Swimming, Outdoor activities, Games for Understanding YEAR 8 Movement literacy, Olympic Gymnastics, Swimming, Dance and Creative movement, Outdoor activities, Minor Games YEAR 9 Movement literacy, Basketball, Swimming, Yoga, Outdoor activities

In all of these activities, the requirements needed to lead a healthy and active lifestyle are emphasised, and provide a useful introduction to those who wish to develop their practical and theoretical knowledge by choosing to take a GCSE in Physical Education in Years 10 and 11. The Games programme in Years 7, 8 and 9 has an emphasis on team sports. Working together in order to achieve success is a fundamental requirement in many areas of life and our Games programme hopes to prepare our pupils for this. In addition, we hope to teach students how to win and how to lose graciously; some will also experience the demands of leadership, and all that a more responsible role requires. On a practical note, we hope to fulfil the talents of all our students whether that is representing the School at ‘B’ team level, or going on to gain international recognition. The main Games played in Years 7, 8, and 9 are: BOYS

Rugby, Hockey, Cross Country, Tennis, Athletics, Cricket, Swimming.


Hockey, Netball, Cross Country, Tennis, Athletics, Rounders, Cricket, Swimming.

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? Over the course of the three years, students should develop many of the skills which underpin the successful performance of these sports. Strength, speed, stamina, balance, and co-ordination should all be enhanced, and many students will establish the basics required to enjoy a long and successful career in a variety of sports. In addition, students will learn the importance of teamwork, good communication, winning and losing with equal respect for the opposition and, for some, the leadership skills required to bring the best out of each team member.

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“Thinking Critically, Cultivating Empathy, Respecting Diversity.”

As a Christian school within the Methodist tradition, RPE is recognised as a thought-provoking and engaging subject which is studied by all our pupils from Year 7 to Year 9. The RPE department has an exciting opportunity to give its young people the chance to explore and respond to the rich diversity that the spiritual, the religious, and the non-religious life offers. The department will never impose or inculcate any particular worldview; rather, at all times, we seek to elicit a spirit of respect, open-mindedness and enquiry from all of our students, as we aspire to remain a thought-provoking and engaging subject that everyone can enjoy.


“Educating the Heart and Mind through Reason, Truth and Love.” Throughout Years 7-9, students explore a range of Religious, Philosophical and Ethical topics that include: Religious: The Phenomenon of Religion (Origins, Purpose, Facets of Faith); Christianity (& Humanism) Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Philosophical: The Existence / Non-Existence of God and Philosophy, Evil & Suffering. Ethical: Moral Theories and their Application (Conscience, Kantian Ethics, Utilitarianism and Religious Ethics) and Human Relationships (Marriage and alternative approaches, Sex, Sexuality, Gender Identity and Non-Human Life).

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? The programme in Years 7-9 is designed to foster many thinking and learning skills that focus on: self-reflection and evaluation; critical analysis; creative thinking and expression; effective participation; problem solving; organisation; presentational skills; and collaboration. RPE is delivered by a team of dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. The department appreciates the vital role that belief and spirituality plays in a pluralistic and multi-faith world; we invite our students to be part of this realisation and negotiate an informed path that is defined by integrity, reason and a lasting respect for all people, at all times, and in all places.

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YEARS 7 & 8 At Kingswood pupils follow a course based on the AQA KS3 Syllabus that develops the 10 Big Ideas. The aim of this course is to allow the pupils to understand how they can apply their current knowledge to new or unfamiliar concepts. This spiral approach to the material allows these ideas to be revisited at a higher level each year so that learning is reviewed, consolidated and mastered throughout the course. In Years 7 and 8, Science is taught in mixedability classes. Pupils are taught by the same teacher for each year of the course. Learning is regularly reviewed by quizzes, homework and practical tasks and there are assessments after each three topics as well as an end of year examination.

WHAT WILL I LEARN? Pupils will cover the following topics that develop the Big Ideas throughout Years 7 and 8. The teaching is arranged to allow for an even spread of Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics throughout each year.





Contact forces




Energy transfer



Waves Matter

Particle model

Separating mixtures


Acids and alkalis

Metals Cells

Organisms Genes


Plant reproduction

Human reproduction

Pupils take part in cross-curricular projects and there are also opportunities to engage with science outside of the classroom, including a trip to Aerospace Bristol in Year 8. Students can choose to work towards a CREST Award by joining the weekly Science Club activity.

YEAR 9 Pupils in Year 9 start the Edexcel IGCSE course in Science. Pupils study the three separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and take the related papers for the IGCSE examinations at the end of Year 11. This course is timetabled for nine lessons a fortnight, three for each science subject, taught by a specialist teacher.

Periodic table


Types of reaction

Earth Ecosystem




The Universe


Digestion Respiration Evolution

WHAT SKILLS WILL I DEVELOP? By studying science, pupils will enquire, analyse, problem-solve, collaborate and communicate effectively. Science investigative skills are developed through plenty of practical work, where pupils will become familiar with a range of laboratory equipment and experimental skills and plan investigations for themselves. Pupils will also learn how to carry out effective research, how to interpret data and how to justify their ideas with scientific evidence. The skills acquired at Key Stage 3 will provide a secure foundation for the IGCSE Science course.

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Lansdown Road, Bath BA1 5RG T. 01225 734210 | E. admissions@kingswood.bath.sch.uk


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