WHAT WILL I LEARN? This course is designed to encourage pupils to develop an awareness of the nature and significant importance of Design and Technology in a rapidly changing society. Pupils learn to combine practical skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social and environment issues, as well as function and industrial practices, all of which are essential in the technological field. Students will become autonomous problem solvers as individuals and work as members of a team. The qualification equips students to study for an Advanced Level qualification in Design and Technology. This course will foster a love of creative thinking and broaden the understanding of materials' properties and their uses in the manufacturing world.
24 / The GCSE Years 2022-2024
WHICH SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE MUST I HAVE BEFORE EMBARKING ON THIS COURSE? Candidates who are taking courses leading to this qualification have followed the corresponding Key Stage 3 programme of study within the National Curriculum or will have studied the subject in Year 9 at Kingswood. The GCSE curriculum suits students with a good grasp of mathematics, creative thinkers, problem-solvers and those who are good practically. The ability to work independently on coursework and to meet deadlines is essential for success with the non-examined assessment.
HOW IS THE WHOLE COURSE STRUCTURED AND ASSESSED? THERE ARE 2 COMPONENTS. Component 1: Written Paper 2 hours - 100 marks - 50% This is a theory examination which will test the candidates’ understanding of core principles in design and technology as a whole and will also test the specialist knowledge of timber materials. This is